#bucky x Sarah
sleepynegress · 2 months
"How's Sarah. She ask about me?"
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tllgrrl · 2 months
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The Ship is CONFIRMED.
A scene they didn’t have time for in the Final Cut, but it was written, shot, and edited.
We Were Right.
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fleurdelouvemonth · 8 months
Announcement: 3rd Annual Fleur de Louve Month
Welcome back for another month-long celebration of Sarah Wilson and Bucky Barnes!
This year we decided to bring it back to the original format of providing prompts all month to encourage the greatest amount of participation.
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Each week has a collection of prompts to choose from. You don’t have to do the prompt on the day it is listed, they are just there for guidance through each week’s themes.
Remember: the point of this month is to have fun and put more Sarah/Bucky into the world, so as long as you’re doing that, you’re doing it right!
Please reach out to the mods with any questions. We're so excited to see what this fandom comes up with this year.
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Edit we forgot (I'm so sorry! 😨): You should be able to find it on AO3 here, or type in the name "FleurdeLouve_SarahBucky_Month_2023" when typing the collection you wish to submit to
Edit: Reminder ✨️: Not everything HAS to be fanfiction. Be as creative as you want! Here are a few ideas: fan art,manips, comics, 3D rendering, moodboards, aesthetics, snapshots of Sims you make as the characters, A.I. "art" renders (especially for others who can't draw but still want to try something 😅)
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jennrypan · 3 months
Now let's switch over to Marvel!!
In regards to Sam's sister. LET BUCKY MENTION HER OR EVEN SAM!!
Let Bucky fondling talk about Sarah (no not Steve's fucking mother since you ninnies kept mentioning that nonsense.)
Let Bucky have some flavor in his damn palette. Let Bucky openly flirt with WOC, specifically Black women. Let him think about Sarah!!
(Let us have this one 😶 and I swear to GOD please don't let him be shipped with Yelena, cuz first..boring ass ship. Like Bruce x Natasha, and second. Isn't she asexual?? Or aromatic?? I forgot. Just..don't put them together just cuz their in close proximity to each other.)
Just. LORD. Let Bucky have an open crush on Sarah, and maybe a throw away line cuz he literally spent a LOT of time with Sam and his family. Please let the shows actually be relevant.
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neottia-orchids · 3 months
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@fleurdelouve your wish is my command. <3
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fleurdelouve · 1 year
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violetmuses · 1 year
Hot Take 🔥
If Bucky and Sarah aren't OFFICIALLY viewed as a couple by the time Cap 4 is released, I'm leaving the theater. 🎟
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palettesofrenaissance · 4 months
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𝐀 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐅𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 by Em_Jaye (@idontgettechnology)
“What if you had someone else to help you run the boat?” he asks finally.
Sam laughs and looks at him sideways. “What? Like you?”
Bucky shrugs like it just occurred to him. Maybe it did. But it feels good. It feels like the kind of decision that’s just his. Not shiny around the edges, letting him know it was grown in someone else’s mind before being dropped into his. “Why not?”
“Why not?” Sam repeats. “Because you don’t know shit about fishing.”
“Well, from the sounds of it, neither do you.”
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬: Slow Burn, Family Feels, Domestic Bliss, Fluff, Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬: 12
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gghalcyon · 8 months
Bucky met Sarah's warm gaze, noticing the way her eyes crinkled at the corners as she smiled at him, and he found himself drawing closer to her, wanting badly to capture her lips in his in a gentle kiss. 
Title: The Sweetest Risk | Bucky Barnes x Sarah Wilson | Rating: General | Words: Part 1/1 (1053 Words) | Prompt: SarahBucky Fleur De Louve Month 2023 - Week 1, Day 2 Prompt: “Sweet Potato Pie” | Synopsis: Bucky Barnes shoots his shot and asks Sarah Wilson on a date.
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Bucky smiled as he carefully balanced two white boxes with two pies from Sarah's favorite bakery downtown in one hand and a paper bag with an armful of flowers in the other. He stepped up to her porch two at a time and knocked on her door. When she opened it, Sarah smiled widely when she saw the pies and flowers and hugged Bucky.
He had decided to bring something special for Sarah when she had invited him over for dinner with her brother Sam and her boys. He had remembered Sam mentioning that sweet potato pie was Sarah's favorite, so he had gone downtown to her favorite bakery and picked up two. He also couldn't resist buying her a bouquet of flowers, hoping it'd show her his intention to get to know her better.
As Sarah invited him inside, Bucky couldn't help but notice how the dim light of her living room made her eyes sparkle. He had always felt a connection to her, and he cherished how welcoming she was to him.
Dinner was a lively affair, with Sarah's two kids, AJ and Cass, eagerly relating stories of their school day and Sarah's laughter easily filling the room. Bucky smiled, noticing how comfortable and at ease everyone seemed in her presence. As they ate, conversation flowed effortlessly among them--talking about books they had read, the latest movies, politics, and even the quirky neighbor down the street.
Amidst all this, Bucky found himself stealing glances at Sarah from time to time. He couldn't help but be drawn to her vibrant spirit and easy warmth surrounding their dinner table. Whenever his gaze met hers, she smiled knowingly back at him, and he felt a pleasant shiver run down his spine each time they locked eyes.
After dinner, Sam challenged his nephews to a race of their new toy trucks in the living room. The kids cheered and squealed in delight as their little vehicles zoomed around on the carpet.
Bucky smiled as he watched the kids laughing and racing their little toy trucks around the living room. They were so carefree and happy in that moment, making him feel happy for them.
He and Sarah soon went about cleaning up the dinner they had shared. Sarah had prepared a delicious meal, and Bucky noticed how peaceful and comfortable the kitchen was compared to the chaos in the other room. As they worked together, they kept up a steady conversation about movies, books, and other topics easily.
Bucky couldn't help but steal glances at Sarah as they worked. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun, revealing her soft neckline, and she had ditched her sweater in the kitchen's warmth. He was struck by how casually beautiful she was--he noticed how her eyes lit up when she talked about something she was passionate about or how her lips slightly curved upwards into an easy smile when she laughed at one of his jokes.
Bucky and Sarah continued to clean together comfortably. As Bucky reached for a plate, Sarah's hand accidentally brushed against his metal arm. He instinctively tensed, expecting her to recoil from the reminder of his dark past.
But instead, she simply smiled softly and gave him an understanding look. Sarah didn't flinch away. Instead, her fingers lingered, openly grazing along the smooth metal plates. She touched his arm as if it were the most normal thing in the world. Just like she had accepted every part of him since they first met, seeing him for who he was now, not who he used to be.
At that moment, Bucky felt a warmth in his chest that he hadn't felt in a long time. He met Sarah's warm gaze, noticing the way her eyes crinkled at the corners as she smiled at him, and he found himself drawing closer to her, wanting badly to capture her lips in his in a gentle kiss. She inched forward to meet his, but Sam's voice in the other room distracted them and she pulled away.
From the living room, Sam's voice rang out. "Cass, no throwing the trucks!" Then softer, to himself, "Definitely gotta talk to Bucky about flirting with my sister..."
Bucky ducked his head sheepishly, but Sarah just grinned and playfully bumped his shoulder. "Don't worry about him," she whispered. As she slid her hand down Bucky's metal arm, he shivered pleasantly.
"It's nice getting to spend time with you tonight," she said softly. "Joining us for dinner meant a lot for the boys."
"Just the boys?" Bucky couldn't help but shoot his shot, feeling a connection grow between them.
Sarah smiled beautifully at him. "It meant a lot to me too. I figured you'd already know that."
Bucky swallowed, his heart pounding in his chest as he nervously looked into Sarah's eyes. He wanted to make the most of this moment, to express the feelings he had been harboring for her since they had first met.
"Maybe next time you'll let me cook for you, just us two," he blurted out, instantly regretting how cheesy it sounded.
Sarah tilted her head and gave him a small grin. "Yeah?"
The corners of Bucky's mouth lifted into a timid smile as Sarah waited patiently for his response. He nodded slowly, feeling bolder than before. He stepped closer and caught her hand, gently running his thumb over her knuckles. "Go on a date with me, Sarah?"
Sarah blushed and looked up at him through thick lashes, her eyes bright and her smile as beautiful as ever. "Yes. I'd really like that, Bucky."
Bucky couldn't help but smile widely and gave her hand a gentle squeeze, feeling a warmth in his chest that he hadn't felt in a long time. This amazing woman was going to give him a shot.
The two of them stayed like that for what felt like an eternity before Sam's voice interrupted them from the living room. "You two almost done in there?" they heard Sam call out.
Bucky and Sarah shared knowing glances and chuckled to themselves. Sarah called back to Sam jokingly, "Almost," before returning to Bucky.
Yeah, he was definitely in trouble here with Sam for asking Sarah out on a date. But one look at her glowing smile made him think some risks are worth taking.
Read More Stories @ Fanfiction Master List or G.G. Halcyon's AO3
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samwpmarleau · 5 months
fic: clippers
aka 1,500 words of me continuing to not accept bucky’s tfatws hair
Dr. Raynor had recommended it, though Bucky suspects she wasn’t the only person involved. These days, there’s a whole pack of people with say-so over his life, getting their jollies by hanging freedom over his head. She said it might help with people’s perception of him if he looked less like he did as an assassin. If he looked more like the young war hero who fought Nazis.
(Saving the universe counts for nothing, does it? he’d wanted to say but didn’t.)
It had irked him, the suggestion. Perhaps because it wasn’t really a suggestion. Raynor had thought he was resisting just to be contrary. He hadn’t had an issue with dressing like a twenty-first century civilian, after all, nor concealing his metal arm beneath jackets and gloves, so what’s the problem, James?
(That’s different, he’d wanted to say but didn’t. That’s so I don’t frighten anyone. So I don’t get stared at and invite questions people don’t want the answers to.)
All right, maybe part of him was just being contrary, because he’s already at his wits’ fucking end with how many conditions and surrendering of liberties this goddamn pardon has. But as he stands at the mirror, sharpened scissors in hand, it is not contrariness that makes him hesitate.
Nor is it the unfamiliarity of cutting his own hair, for he’s done that many times before, both before the war and since. He’s even got a picture to reference of some duck-lipped model showing off what Bucky can only describe as Generic Modern Man Haircut. He’d be Just Some Guy walking down the street with it, which is exactly what the government wants.
So, he does it both because he must and because any reason he can think of to not do it sounds pathetic, and although it’s not the fresh sort of cut he’d get from a proper barber, it’s serviceable. A few strategic passes of gel to disguise any unevenness and he’d be good to go.
(He’d tried that once, in Romania, having a professional touch up the ends, had even managed to tamp down his discomfort through the shampooing and smalltalk. The minute the man brandished the scissors and approached Bucky’s head with them, however, it was all he could do to not take those scissors and stab the man in the carotid out of pure reflex. He’d made it to the alleyway outside before expelling the street mici he’d had only an hour earlier, overcome by how easy the murder would have been. How natural. How he could have eliminated the entire shop of innocents before anyone knew what hit them. Erase the security tape, if there was one, and slip back into the ghost he was for seventy years. He’d returned in the dead of night to leave an envelope with a note of apology and a wad of lei and, needless to say, from then on the only blades that touched his hair were his own.)
He doesn’t recognize the man staring back at him in the mirror, once all is said and done. Which is a bit ludicrous; it’s a haircut, not plastic surgery, and for most of his conscious life he’d had short hair. This shouldn’t be any different. Yet, still he stands there in the bathroom with scissors in his hand and a sink full of brunette strands, for far longer than is reasonable.
He sucks it up, eventually, adjusts to the new length — or lack thereof. In fairness, some of it is easier. Showers are shorter, his hair tie budget is nonexistent, the drain clogs with less frequency, and he doesn’t look quite so much like a drowned rat when it rains.
Dr. Raynor is pleased when he shows up. She says it suits him, that it makes him look normal, that folks will have a harder time recognizing him as the Winter Soldier.
(They already don’t recognize me, he wants to say but doesn’t. I could be standing in front of a newscast about myself and no one would notice. I spent the better part of a century in the shadows — you think I don’t know how to hide?)
“James,” she says in that self-righteous way she does so well, “this is progress.”
She must be right, for she’s got that fancy, framed degree up on her wall that says she’s right, and there’s the goddamn pardon thing that means he cannot step one foot over the line no matter how ridiculous that line is. He utters a thank-you to her, white-knuckles his way through the session, and continues trying to cobble together a life.
Sam brings it up one day, after Walker, the Flag Smashers, and Bucky’s tentative integration into the Wilsons’ orbit. “Meant to say, looks good, man.”
It’s an innocuous statement, really. Well, it should be. Sam regards him a little too long, a little too probingly, for Bucky to believe that it is, in fact, innocuous. Sam’s gauging his reaction is what he’s doing, so Bucky denies a reaction that permits any gauging at all. The slight frown that appears between Sam’s brows tells him he succeeded.
Sam keeps up the ruse nonetheless, following it up with a playful insult as to Bucky’s cutting skills. He texts him the address of someone who is, allegedly, the best barber in Louisiana, tells him he made an appointment for tomorrow afternoon. Bucky goes. It’s not like he’s got anything better to do these days.
He’s the only white guy in the place, which elicits both stares from the other patrons and a hearty laugh from the barber resetting his station. “Sergeant Barnes?”
“How’d you guess?” Bucky deadpans, earning himself another laugh.
He’s gotten better at controlling his fears, his impulses, so the barber’s array of scissors and razors does not send him straight into the alleyway like it did years ago. The soul food from around the corner stays firmly in his stomach. The barber himself — Marcus — is jovial, considerate, and does his best to counter the uneasiness Bucky knows must be rolling off him in waves. Some good-natured shit-talking to cap things off.
Despite it all, when Marcus asks, “Just maintenance, sarge? Or you lookin’ for something new?” Bucky pauses.
And pauses some more, prompting Marcus to ask again, “Mr. Barnes?”
“Sorry,” Bucky says, realizing he’s a few more seconds of silence away from making Marcus genuinely concerned. “I just, uh …”
“I got a few suggestions, if you need,” Marcus offers. “Bit of fade on the sides, or —”
“No,” Bucky blurts out.
Marcus holds his hands up. “All right, no fade then.”
“That’s not — I didn’t mean —” Bucky takes a deep breath through his nose, exhales through his mouth. “I’m not trying to be rude, it’s …”
Bucky looks in the mirror again. Takes in the same face he’s seen for the past seven months, ever since Dr. Raynor gave him the suggestion-that-wasn’t-a-suggestion. He trusts in Marcus’s talents, that even Sam would find it worthy of a compliment.
(He can’t say he’d turn down a compliment from Sarah either, flirting ban be damned. It’d be Sam’s own fault, anyway.)
“I’m growing it out,” Bucky declares, as much to himself as to Marcus.
“Okay, cool. I can see it.” Then Marcus adds, almost pleads, “I gotta at least clean it up. No disrespect, but did you use a hacksaw?”
Bucky lets his mind drift as Marcus’s twang launches into another story. Half an hour later, he comes away with a list of must-watches and must-eats, plus a full pamphlet on how to not fuck up Marcus’s handiwork. After a generous tip and firm handshake, Bucky emerges from the shop feeling … not strange, exactly, but something.
The unspoken change, once it’s noticed in the months afterwards, garners him a variety of responses from the Wilson clan. When Bucky’s birthday rolls around, Sam and the giggling boys go in on a smorgasbord of scrunchies and clips that Bucky’s fairly certain were designed for a six-year-old girl. More seriously, a tin of pomade that Bucky knows is damn expensive.
For Sarah’s part, several hours later, the pain-pleasure of her knotting her fingers in his hair as she gasps out his name like a prayer is, he thinks, a resounding endorsement.
(Dr. Raynor would — possibly literally — smack him in the face with disappointment if she saw. Walker’d taken care of that, though, of her say-so having any bearing on his choices. Not that Bucky plans on sending the man a thank-you note or anything.)
As it nears his shoulders, Bucky supposes it does make him resemble the Winter Soldier. More than the bright-eyed draftee who gave his life for god and country, anyway, or the subject of the post-Snap government’s rebranding campaign.
Except, in his reflection he also sees the fugitive who’d been coaxed by his elderly neighbor into Sunday dinners of enough sarmale and mămăligă and papanași to give even his metabolism a run for its money. The man who’d been gifted new life, goats, and an affectionate nickname by Wakandans who never once looked at him with fear. The reluctant soldier who stood side-by-side with a talking raccoon and Asgardian god against an alien onslaught.
And maybe it’s silly to put so much stock in something as simple as hair. Maybe Bucky’s value system is in worse shape than his ability to tell fact from fiction when he wakes from a dream (a memory?).
But when he stares into the mirror with the Louisiana heat sticking hair and clothes alike to his skin, a house full of scampering feet, bickering, and hot breakfast just outside the door, it is not the Winter Soldier or James Barnes The Upstanding Member of Society that he sees. He sees himself. Just himself.
“You good, Buck?” Sarah asks when he comes downstairs, worry in her eyes. “You were in there awhile.”
“Yeah,” he wants to say — and does, because he can, because it’s the truth. A smile creeps onto his face. “I’m good.”
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tllgrrl · 3 months
Happy Birthday, Old Man by @tllgrrl aka Nefertiri Jones
Summary: Bucky celebrates his 100 and somethingth (“Who’s countin’?”) birthday with his family, and an old friend makes an appearance.
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For @buckybarnesevents Bucky’s Birthday Bash: Bake A Cake Edition
Base - #6 Post-Endgame /Post-TFATWS
Filling - Trope/Quotes: #1 There was only one bed. (Kinda…)
Frosting - Characters: #11 Sarah Wilson (and Cass, AJ, and Alpine)
Toppings: Colours: Blue (mentioned)
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He slowly opened his eyes and Sarah’s shoulder was the first thing he saw.
Smooth. Dark. Highlighted by pale blue moonlight through the skylight.
He didn’t want to move, but he carefully extracted himself from the bed, grabbed his robe from the chair, made his way out of the room, quietly closing the door behind him, and headed down the stairs.
He drank a glass of water, then stepped out onto the deck that overlooked the lake.
It was chilly enough to where he wrapped Sarah’s shawl she’d left outside around himself before stretching out on one of the deck chairs, and leaning back to look up into the starry night sky.
The light fragrance of her—and his—favourite body lotion enveloped him.
So many stars. Different constellations are visible in Upstate New York than in Southern Louisiana…than in Wakanda…than in…than…in…
“So…seems like you got some of that Life that Tony was talkin’ about, too, huh? I’m really happy for you, Buck.”
“Mmmm. Wha—?” Bucky opened his eyes, looked over to his left, and there was an elderly man—tall, with white hair—standing at the railing, looking out over the still waters.
It looks like, but it can’t possibly be…
“Happy Birthday, Old Man.”
“Thanks, pal. What—?”
Just as the man turns to face him—
Sarah shifts a little.
“You okay, Old Man?” She reaches back and gently rakes her fingers through his hair.
Bucky opens his eyes. He’s in bed. Sarah’s shoulder is the first thing he sees.
Smooth. Dark. Highlighted by pale blue moonlight through the skylight.
“Nothin’.” He kisses that shoulder, gently rubs his cheek on her. “Just a dream, nandi.”
“A good dream?” She whispers, but he can hear the smile in her voice.
He closes his eyes and buries his face in her hair, inhaling her and pulling her closer, wrapping his arm around her.
“Yeah. Not as good as this, though.”
Behind him is Cass. Cass’s heels are at his back and his head is pointed toward the foot of the bed.
AJ is curled up at Sarah’s feet.
The plan was to take the boys to their room and tuck them in after Storytime, but everyone had all fallen asleep in the King-sized bed because it was cold outside, and the vacation cabin had a fireplace in the master bedroom, so they were all cozy.
A purr is coming from somewhere above his and Sarah’s heads, and Alpine’s paws find his head and begin gently kneading his scalp.
“Hey, up there,” he whispers, “settle down, you.”
Outside, it’s wee hours dark, but the moon is almost full. Along with the soft glow of the nightlight by the door, Bucky can make out the details in the room, and of the blanket covering them.
It’s different shades of blue, woven from fibers dyed with indigo.
Woven into the blanket there are symbols, words, prayers that offer blessings and protection.
There is a similar spread on Sarah’s bed back home in Delacroix. The boys have their special Border Tribe blankets as well. This particular super-sized blanket travels with the family when they go on vacations and road trips.
It is soft, yet substantial thanks to the Vibranium that’s woven into the cloth making it practically impervious to a whole list of threats.
And most importantly, it keeps his family comfortable and warm.
Before he goes back to sleep, Bucky looks over to the nightstand and sees the framed photograph they’d given to him earlier.
A photo of Sarah, Cass, AJ, and him.
It had been beautiful at the dock on that special day. They were all smiles, dressed to the nines, and Sarah was holding a little bouquet of flowers.
The card next to the photo was handmade by the two boys and read:
Happy Birthday, Dad!! We Love You!!
Happy Birthday, mthandi! Sarah wrote under the boys’ names, and had drawn a heart.
“Happy Birthday, Old Man,” he heard the familiar voice as it faded away.
Yeah, Bucky thought as he drifted back to sleep, smiling.
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Also posted HERE on AO3 (members only) .
For @buckybarnesevents Bucky Barnes Birthday events.
Thanks for reading!
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fleurdelouvemonth · 6 months
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And thus, we bring to an official close the third Fleur De Louve Month 2023! Thank you so much to all the authors and artists and creators who took part in or read or reblogged all the amazing content that was created! This list will represent our final master list.
But wait! I hear you ask: what do we do with all the love we have left behind?
Fear not! Any additional works or recs related to this month can still be submitted and we will be happy to reblog it and update the master list to include them.
The admins thoroughly enjoyed interacting with everyone and appreciate you all for helping this ship grow! Please stay tuned for what comes next and, always, keep creating for the good ship Fleur De Louve!
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𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑲 𝑶𝑵𝑬: 𝑭𝒐𝒐𝒅 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒔
Week One Masterlist
𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑲 𝑻𝑾𝑶: 𝑫𝒊𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒆 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒔
Week Two Masterlist
Week Three Masterlist
𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑲 𝑭𝑶𝑼𝑹: 𝑺𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒔
Week Four Masterlist
𝑾𝑬𝑬𝑲 𝑭𝑰𝑽𝑬: 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔 𝑷𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒕𝒔
Week Five Masterlist
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Thank you again for all of the amazing content you created to make this event possible! 
Feel free to bookmark this post and come back to enjoy Fleur De Louve month again and again in the new year.
(Divider credits go to @firefly-graphics)
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sarifinasnightmare · 7 months
The Whoopsie
Rating: For Everyone
Pairing: Sarah/Bucky
Summary: Bucky is recovering from a whoopsie. The Wilsons behave accordingly.
Prompt: Found Family
Author's Note: It's a day late, but I hope that's okay. 😁
“Sam, what did I tell you??”
“Sarah, this wasn’t my fault!”
“Like hell this isn’t your fault! You’re the one who took him from our family dinner table to investigate that factory just because your Falcon senses were tingling!”
“Falcon senses?” *snort* “Ow, that actually hurt.”
��Don’t move too much James. My poor guy.”
“James?? When did he become James??”
“Yes, recently! You might as well know; Sam. James and I are official.”
“Aha! I knew you moving down and having dinner at the house wasn’t just you being protective! What did I tell you about dating my sister??”
“I am grown, Sam! He is also grown! If we want to date each other then there’s nothing you can do to stop us!”
“I got a Vibranium shield and a Wakandan suit that has allowed me to do a shitload of things and that could include cutting a geriatric super soldier into tiny pieces when he least expects it!”
“I’m kind of already hurting soo…..”
“Samuel Thomas Wilson don’t you dare raise my man’s blood pressure! I want him alive!”
“Listen Sarah Eunice Wilson, he was my friend first, so I get to decide whether he lives long enough to be dating my little sister!!”
“Are you guys fighting over me?”
“Shut up, man, don’t make it weird.”
“I’m not some Southern belle that needs to be protected from gentleman callers! I am a woman and I have needs!”
“Gah! I don’t want to know about that!”
“Then stay out my business and let me take care of my man! And stop hauling him out on your crazy adventures. That’s what Joaquin is for!”
“Joaquin is still green, and I know Bucky could handle himself. It’s not my fault he caught the grenade and threw it too late.”
“Baby, a grenade?? Are you trying to break my heart?”
“No, babe, I swear I tried to move fast…”
“James if anything had happened-”
“Shhh, it won’t. I’ll be good, I’ll be so good for you.”
“Are you two really going to make me sit here and watch you kiss each other??”
“There’s the door. No one’s stopping you.”
“I ain’t leaving my partner while he’s recovering. I stayed for Steve, and I’ll stay for Bucky.”
“Thanks, man.”
“You’re welcome. I’m still kicking your ass though.”
“No, you’re not. Once James is allowed to leave, he’s coming home where I’m going to make sure he gets all the TLC he needs.”
“Aw babe, you don’t have to.”
“Hush and be spoiled, James.”
“Yes Ma’am.”
“Hey, how come I never got any TLC when I get hurt?”
“When was the last time you got hurt?”
“I got some cuts and bruises here!”
“Nothing some painkillers and Merthiolate can’t fix.”
“Nope! Get that shit away from my cuts!”
“Like to see you handle it!”
“Look at these hands. Does it look like I can’t handle a nick or two?”
“Yeah, yeah. Not like I don’t have my own. You gave me a few when we were kids.”
“That’s what you get for picking on me.”
*snort* “Ow…you need to stop making me laugh.”
“You hungry, baby?”
“I don’t think I can handle anything heavy right now.”
“Sam go ask if they have any soup.”
“Fine, you want anything?”
“No, just want my man home.”
“Home with you sounds good right now.”
“Ya’ll behave. I’ll be right back.”
“He’s protective of you.”
“He’s protective of you too.”
“We’re both soldiers. We don’t leave our own behind.”
“It’s more than that, James. You’re important to us Wilsons and we protect our kin.”
“I’m family?”
“Damn right.”
“I like that. I like that a whole lot.”
“Good, now rest and let that super soldier shit do its thing so we can get you home faster.”
“You got it….Eunice.”
“Boy don’t start with me.”
*snort* “Ow, your middle name is Eunice.”
“I didn’t ask to be named after a great aunt. Now shut up before I get on your name Buchanan.”
The End
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Bucky: Hey, you know what?
Sam: What?
Bucky: I think your sister kinda likes me.
Sam: If you touch her, I'll kill you.
Bucky: Ha! You'll try...
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fleurdelouve · 1 year
If you had the option to choose what SarahBucky fic gets made into a show or film, which would it be? You get 5 choices. If you want to, rank them but provide reasons why they have that number
Here's the catch: for all five that you chose, you can only pick ONE (1) of your own, if you chose to add one of your own fic works to the list
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fandom-friday · 5 months
One of my faveorite fan fics is “Black and Tan” by @btwxsixesandsevens
It’s a fic for the Sarah Wilson/Bucky Barnes fandom and evey time I read it, it makes me smile.
It’s an exploration of the nicknames they call each other, Their feelings when they hear it and are saying it and even the difference times they have said it. Including sometimes funny. Sometimes serious.
It’s fluff but at the same time it’s deep.
I love other fan fics by this writer but this was the first one I thought about. I will put my other one’s in next time.
HEY HOWDY WELCOME! Also, this was short but SO SWEET and beautifully written. It's less than 1000 words, but there is so much history and richness and character context, and it is just SO SOFT. I love how we get both perspectives, and it honestly blows my mind how short this is and how MUCH is in it. It is BEAUTIFUL and thank you so much for sending it in!
Participate in Fandom Friday to show your favorite creators from this week some love! :)
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