#buckybarnesplumwhore’s drabbles
widowsofchaos · 4 years
Can I request “147. “I’m not sure how many coffees it takes to be happy, but so far, it’s not twelve” from the prompts list??❤️
❝ Never Enough Coffee
summary: black coffee is vital for one grumpy unstable 100 year old man.
pairing: Bucky Barnes x black!reader
Cait, I love you so much. It’s not even funny! Thanks for requesting, you’re the damn best. Icon? Indeed. I did this with Bucky, cause we just a bunch hoes for that beautiful dork. <3
Fluff, grumpy Bucky, Sam, and Bucky banter, and a smidge of implied smut. I apologize that this isn’t that good, or have poetic wordplay that I’m practicing, I just haven’t written anything in over two years, so be gentle with me! Lmfao, I hope y’all like this! Pls request more!
Requested from this prompt list.
Do Not Repost My Works!
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It’s a crime.
A crime against humanity — not even Captain fucking America going against the Accords, against 117 fucking countries can touch the immense severity of this.
It’s bright and sunny, 8 o’clock in the morning to be exact, and Bucky Barnes – the Sargent of the Howling Compandos, Brooklyn’s forgotten 40s’ Casanova, the Winter Soldier, the fist of HYDRA, a ghost story, one of the best assassins in world history, right next to Romanoff, respectfully — is up and out of bed.
And he’s ready to have heads roll.
The compound’s windows are wide open and the sun is mockingly baring it’s warm ass into his groggy eyes. His nose is scrunched up in annoyance, sitting in the compound’s kitchen, as he begrudgingly sips his coffee — black like his soul.
“Good morning, old man.” A sing-song tone pierces through the air, disrupting any peace and quiet Bucky clings for.
Of fucking course.
“Fuck off, tweety.” Bucky’s lowly growled as he sipped his beverage. A sneaky chuckle filtered behind him, “Tsk, is someone a little grumpy?” Sam’s babified tone causes Bucky to clench his metal hand into a fist, the metal softly rearing.
Samuel Wilson, a former United States Air Force pararescue airman. Use to work at the Veterans Affairs department to assist soldiers for rehabilitation services, and much more. Has been an helping aid for Bucky during his rehabilitation back at Wankanda.
A man of honor.
But as of today, Sam is in the same damn boat as Bucky. Grumpy, exhausted, and infuriated. Not an soldier, not the Falcon, just Samuel Wilson. A man who yearns for his bed. So fuck honor right now, he’s wants to push buttons. A bilious man on a mission.
Waking up early for a long meeting among the Avengers, and then training new S.H.I.E.L.D recruits. Long strenuous hours of combat, practice at the gun range — oh God, he’s not ready.
He was a inch away from ripping Steve’s head off earlier at 6 in the morning, to go for their run. Almost flipping Steve off, and tell him to ‘go fuck himself in his perfectly sculpted patriotic ass’. He didn’t though. Rogers didn’t deserve that.
Barnes on the other hand?
If Sam has to be miserable on this damn boat with Bucky, best believe he’s gonna make him suffer along with him. Barnes and Wilson are kindred spirits when it comes to terms of bickering. A love-hate yin-yang, can’t live with each other, and can’t live without each other.
All for one, bitch. Wrestle with Barnes off the boat—figuratively.
If only.
Gripping the mug tighter in his flesh hand — just a little more tighter and Bucky could crack the cup into multiple little pieces.
But he won’t let his frustration get the best of him, no matter how much Sam gets a hard-on for pissing the WWII veteran off.
It’s a NASA mug you bought for him, a constant reminder that lets him know how you pay attention to his personal interests, and he cherishes everything you buy him.
Just being in your presence is the only gift he ever truly wants.
A whirring noise infiltrated through the air, and entering the kitchen. A gust of air whipped against Bucky’s dome, a flash of red and grey wizzing by.
The ungraceful flight caused Bucky’s long chestnut tresses to be ruffled in different directions, and even get his ends in his eyes; earning a belly laugh from Sam, and a programmed chirp from the infuriating metallic bird.
Redwing. The trusty companion of Sam. His empathic link, his side-kick — a pain in the ass. Might as well be Sam’s child. Jesus — it is.
“I swear Wilson, one of these days, I’m gonna get Alphine to destroy that thing. Don’t be surprised to find it dead with claws marks, and chewed wires.” Bucky’s steel gaze that bored into Sam’s soul, spoke volumes of distain.
“You will do no such thing! You keep your furry menace away from my child!” Sam roared, extending a threatening finger at Bucky, his brown face turning a shade of slight burgundy as his face flushed with rage.
Sweetly petting Redwing on it’s head, whispering assurances that no act on it’s life will occur.
“Then tell your kid to stop baderging me in the morning!”
“It’s not his fault, you’re a grumpy old man!”
“Shut up!”
“At least, my son is just playing around! What about Alphine?! She’s an attention-seeking hog, and always fucking with everybody. But the moment you or y/n walk through the door, she’s a little angel! Her grimy little paws behind her back! Your kid is indeed a menace!” Sam’s sneered as he protectively held Redwing against his chest.
“You take that back! She’s a good girl!” Bucky’s stood up from his chair, ready to fight. His Alphine? An angel! His sweet little princess!
Another heinous crime in Bucky’s books: don’t ever insult Alphine.
Sam and Bucky kept bickering back and forth, voices rising higher and higher. Tempers flying. Releasing their frustrations onto each other, insults hitting each other like bullets, but yet not a slight crack in their shield of friendship.
“Would you two stop it?” A sweet melodic voice rang through the two aggressive voices that dominated the area. Bucky’s head swiftly turned to see you standing at the kitchen entryway in all your glory.
Even with messy bed hair of your curls straying in different directions, in Bucky’s eyes the curls was voile and woven by baby cherubs. His mind going hay-wire with the mantra of mineminemine when he see his red Henley that was hanging over your shoulder, perky breasts bounce effortlessly against the fabric, and weary eyes — you glowed as if you had an halo.
As if diamonds and pearls were glimmering underneath your pores — illuminating a shimmering bronze complexion.
“Good morning, doll.” A genuine smile curled on Bucky’s dreary mug, hightlighting. Dashing and wrapping his biceps around your waist, softly kissing you, instinctively you ensnared your forearms around his neck, clinging onto him like a life-line. A small whimper erupted in the back of his throat.
This is what he needs. To stay in today, and crawl in bed with you, and be as one. Craft a makeshift of the walls of a womb, limbs entangled, inhaling breaths, lulled by synchronized heartbeats.
“Good morning, doll.” Sam mocking Bucky’s endearment in a lower octave, a poor imitation,garning a low snarl from Bucky.
“Stop it you two. It’s too early for this shit.” You sighed, eyes closed, as you basked in Bucky’s natural sweet musky and mint scent. Rubbing your nose in his broad chest.
Both of you tuning out Sam slamming the refrigerator door as he scoured for ingredients, and clanging his pan on the stove to prepare his breakfast.
Bucky grumbled incoherent colorful hexes as he gingerly placed chaste kisses against your hairline. Sniffing your hair, needing to scent you like a wolf to gather his bearings.
You giggled at the breathy pecks, refusing to let you go, such a possessive teddy bear he is.
“Jesus, he can’t function without you.” Sam chided, as he cracked eggs into the sizzling pan, wordlessly Bucky buried his face into your curls, to prevent giving Sam a good old fashion tongue-lashing.
“Sam, knock it off. Just because you’re angry, doesn’t mean you have to bother Bucky.” A grin stretched on Bucky’s bearded jaw. His best girl always defending him.
“Nah, he’s insulted Redwing. Made my boy feel bad, remember I can feel everything he feels. And right now? He ain’t feeling all to happy.”
Chest puffed, demonstrating an angry father protecting his metallic pup, “Barnes needs to apologize!”
Softly tugged at the long hair at the nape of Bucky’s neck, Bucky whines from being detached from your hair, sternly gazing into his blue-grey pools, “Baby, what did you say?”
Guilt floods him, he didn’t mean it, he’s just — angry! “I said I would get Alphine to hurt Redwing—”
“Threats of claws and wire chewing!”
Bucky winced, “But he said Alphine was an attention hog! That’s she a menace! Our little one isn’t that!” Bucky whined. You had to stifle a laugh, oh for sure, Sam is right on the money.
Alphine is a spoiled brat, but it’s still wrong. She’s a good girl when she wants to be.
“First Bucky apologize to Redwing, and Sam—” your eyes shift to look beyond Bucky’s broad shoulder, to see Sam rolling his eyes, “Apologize to Bucky.”
Both men grumble like over-grown toddlers, “Fine.” Bucky yields, “Alright.” Sam caves in. Bucky reluctantly turns his body to face Sam, “I’m sorry Sam and Redwing. I didn’t mean what I said. Redwing isn’t bad.” Bucky looked to the metal bird, genuinely apologetic.
“I’m sorry too. Alphine isn’t a menace.” Sam mumbled, resuming to petting Redwing. “Okay, good. Now that we’re back to friends, let’s have some breakfast.” You faux cheery tone set a serene atmosphere.
Redwing flew and circled around you, chirping a hello. You blew a kiss to the empathic companion, as it took it’s rightful place back on Sam’s shoulder.
Bucky resumed back to his seat, to mull over his coffee, and Sam back to continue to prepare his omelette, wordlessly.
You smirked as you snaked your way to hug Bucky from behind. A chaste kiss on his temple, a shiver crawling down his spine.
Your nimble fingers found refugee in Bucky’s long waves, massaging his scalp by the pads of your tips.
His lashes fluttered closed, savoring your touch. “Yes, doll. Just like that.” His head hung backwards, his chiseled face facing you.
You placed a lingering kiss on his forehead, as you didn’t relent your soothing kneading. A broken moan escaped Bucky, not caring that his grunt was near close to the spectrum of pornographic.
Sam nearly vomited over his sizzling eggs, “Ew, both of you knock it off.”
“Oh shut it, Foghorn.” You muttered, plump lips inches away against Bucky’s forehead. Painting silver-toned kisses on his smooth skin, Bucky snorted.
“Son, I say – I say, ah he’s about as sharp as a bowling ball.” Bucky’s sardonic jeering guised under a over-extragerated southern accent making you both burst into fits of laughter. A pissing on the iconic cartoonish rooster. He open his eyes, as you two laughed, Bucky just adores your cute giggles. How your nose scrunches upward.
“Oh ha, ha, ha. You both are assholes.” Sam grunted, as he thrusted his spatula in the pan to fold his omelette.
“We made a funny son and you’re not laughin’ ”, you participated in the wisecracking, in an nasally southern belle accent, quoting the famous rooster.
“Knock it off.” Sam murmured, his eyes lowered, throwing daggers at the cackling couple. The chuckles died down, “Alright, alright, we’re sorry, Sam.” You fluttered your eyes at Sam, “You know I adore Falcons.” You delicately plant your chin on Bucky’s dome, as he repositions his head.
“I prefer Hawks.” Bucky’s kvetch crawls under Sam’s skin, “Hey!” He shouted, “Enough!” You chuckled, stoping anymore childish fights.
“I need more coffee to handle him.” Bucky spoke as he gulped down the rest of his caffeine’s beverage. You took the mug from him, “I’ll get you more, baby.” Twisting your head to his side-profile, you meshed your lips on his.
Bucky has a small goofy grin, “Thank you, doll.”
Sam finally finished with his breakfast preparations, sat at the island far away from Bucky, you quickly replaced his silver-ware with a plastic fork and knife.
No stabbing at this early hour.
One incident of an injured bird, and wolf was enough.
“I have a rising suspension that this isn’t your first cup this morning” you peered over your shoulder, to see Bucky just hazily staring at you, chin leaning on the heel of his palm.
He hummed in response, “Not even close, doll.”
“I can tell, you’re a little grumpy today. Although, I don’t want you strung out on caffeine just so you won’t rip someone’s head off.” The steam of black coffee wafts in the air, as it poured and slushed in the coffee maker.
Bucky fussed, “You know I’m not a particularly happy fella, doll.”
“Well, I just want my man to be happy.” The coffee-maker dinged, signaling the coffee was finished. Quickly taking the pot out to pour the hot steaming blackness into the cup, and making your way to Bucky.
“And if it means, making you a shit-ton of coffee, just to get you to crack a smile, so be it.” A toothy smile winked at Bucky, your shiny oval-arlyic nails scratched behind Bucky’s ear — his sweet spot.
It took all his strength and restraint in his body not to take you right there in the kitchen,
“I’m not sure how many coffees it takes to be happy, but so far, it’s not twelve.” Bucky lifted the cup to his pink lips, his eyebrows wiggled at you jokingly. Sam choked on his chewed eggs, drinking water to wash down the food that traveled down the wrong pipe.
“Jesus, Buck —” cough. “Twelve?!” Sam was patting down his lips with his napkin, “I would crawling up the walls by now like a crackhead.”
You snorted, bent over, lowering your lips to Bucky’s ear, salutary and husky, “I wish you had me crawling up the walls, babe.” It was now Bucky’s turn to choke, narrowing his eyes to you, “Don’t start something you can’t finish, doll.”
“I’m not doing anything.” Your hands innocently in surrounder, defensely, “I’m behaving.” Your coy smirk said differently.
A debauched moan grumbled in Bucky’s thoart, “You know what — fuck work today, I’m gonna have you front, side-ways, and the back. All damn day. Now that put a fucking smile on my face.” Bucky stood up from his seat, his intimating stature hovering over you.
Sam’s arms flew in the air in defeat, bile rising in his throat to the mental picture of two of his closest friends having cotious.
“We eat here.” He whispered under his breath, very aware of Bucky being able to hear him crystal clear.
You shuddered, “Really ... ? How about we start to have sex right here, right now?” You sunk your nails against his chest, trailing down his torso. Bouncing on the tips of your toes, to kitty lick the tip of Bucky’s nose.
“NO! Why do you two get off torturing me?! Go fuck in your room, you heathens!” Sam roared, picking up his empty plate to clean in his sink, Redwing chirped in agreement.
“Twah, poor baby.” You lean over, after jokingly leering at the birdman, stepping forward to Bucky. Tilting your head up to him, his natural body heart buzzing over you, pressing your lips to his, meeting you half-way.
“C’mon angel, let’s get back to bed.” Bucky mumbled against your lips, softsoftsoft, so this is what love feels like. As if his soul had a million suns radiating in his cavity, circling around his heart like fiery orbs. Happiness stretching like the milky way, interstellar clouds of dust decorating in his hues, grey-blue of spiral galaxies of adoration beam right back at you.
To be touched — to be loved.
Bucky linked his calloused fingers in yours, you loved the contrast your bodily textures. Bucky was soft buried underneath hardened shields of battles and trauma. You love to trace his scars – the scarrings of an old soul.
Bucky and yourself practically skipped out of the kitchen, with not so much of a goodbye to Sam.
No offense taken, he knows he’ll see the two soulmates later. A little frustrated that he’ll be training recruits solo today, but what can he do? Love cannot be stopped.
Sam snickered, happy that those two are happy and care-free. “Look at those lovebirds, Redwing. Ah, our favorite type of birds.”
tags: just tagging my favorite writers and mutuals who inspire me and had the pleasure of talking to:
@darkficsyouneveraskedfor @helahades @cake-writes @nacho-bucky @cherrypickertheory @sinner-as-saint @imanuglywombat @bugsbucky @romantic-barnes @speechlessxx @honeybucks @cherienymphe @venusbarnes @wkemeup @simsadventures @invisibleanonymousmonsters @ozarkthedog @sebbybarness @avintagekiss24 @wiensrsoldier @all1e23 @xetoilerouge @et-lesailes @spacesnail3000 @moonbeambucky @buckyskorpion @buckysknifecollection @buckys-darling @sapphirescrolls @bitsandbobsandstuff @extremelyblackandwhite @scrumptious-delusion @until-we-fall-in-love @fafulous @rogueobservation @your-persephone-writes @sophiria @cpn-hydra @browngirlmagic @jobean12-blog @carolmaximoffs @caws5749 @marvelcapsicle @star-spangled-beard-burn @missmonsters2 @xbuchananbarnes @captain-kelli @fvckingavengers @suz-123 @redgillan (there’s much more I wanted to add but I couldn’t fit more in, lol!)
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years
fic compilation - tony stark x reader
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Alright, y’all. I’m doing this for my own organization but I thought it would come in handy for you too. If you have a specific kink or character you’d like to see me compile a list of every fic I can find about them, please let me know and I’ll eventually get around to it. For now, here are some fics featuring tony stark as the main character, which I’ll keep updating every monday, per my posting schedule.
Check out my other fic compilations
Last updated: 17.05.2021 - new additions are in bold
Billion Dollar Man, by @angelicthor - featuring sugar daddy!Tony, non-superhero AU, and smut
Hopesick, by @astxrwar - featuring soulmate AU, sex scenes and mental health conditions.
Press Coverage/Less Coverage, by @astxrwar - featuring suggestive dialogue, Justin Hammer and some swearing.
Poor Little Rich Boy, by @buckybarnesplumwhore - featuring yandere behavior, violence and gore. 
I Love You, by @buckyssoldat - featuring death, injuries, and sadness
Baby Boy, by @canumoveurseatup-no - featuring smut, sub!Tony, and pegging
Teddy Bear, by @canumoveurseatup-no​ - featuring dd/lg dynamics, fluff, and age regression
The Art of Intimacy, by @canumoveurseatup-no - featuring smut, crying during sex and body worship.
Little Girls Like You, by @canumoveurseatup-no - featuring smut, daddy kink, and degradation
Luxury of Loving You, by @canumoveurseatup-no - featuring college!au, angst, black!reader.
“Protocol” My Ass!!!, by @canumoveurseatup-no - featuring angst, racial profiling, and slurs.
The Favourite, by @dreamslikeaheartbeat - featuring dark!Tony, allusions to noncon, and stalking.
Keeping Secrets, by @fandomsandxfiles-writes - featuring fluff, secret relationships and make-outs
I’m your ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb, by @geekygee01 - featuring striptease, grumpy!Tony and horny!reader.
My Little Girl, by @gotnofucks - featuring dark!Tony, royal AU and noncon
Wide Awake, by @imhereforbvcky - featuring ex!Tony, swearing and shenanigans.
Come to Daddy, by @ironlady1993 - featuring dark!Tony, noncon and blackmail.
Daddy’s Love, by @ironlady1993 - featuring dark!Tony, stepdad!Tony and noncon.
Daddy’s Pet, by @ironlady1993 - featuring dark!Tony, pet names and displeased!Tony
Daddy’s Trap, by @ironlady1993 - featuring sugar daddy!Tony, dark!Tony and noncon.
Dark Soulmates, by @ironlady1993 - featuring soulmates AU, noncon and kidnapping.
Golden Cage, by @ironlady1993 - featuring dark!Tony, noncon and kidnapping.
Like a Good Girl, by @ironlady1993 - featuring dark!Tony, dark!Steve and abuse of authority.
Mine to fuck, by @ironlady1993 - featuring smut, noncon and use of titles.
The Big Three, by @ironlady1993 - featuring dark!Thor, dark!Steve and dark!Tony 
The Devil Inside, by @ironlady1993 - featuring dark!Steve, dark!Tony and noncon
The Hunt, by @ironlady1993 - featuring dark!Tony, A/B/O dynamics and Royal AU.
Trapped in a Foreign World, by @ironlady1993 - featuring Superior!Tony, Hydra!Steve Rogers and noncon.
Trapped in the Tower, by @ironlady1993 - featuring dark!Tony, sex slave!reader and noncon.
P.S. I love you, by @ladyeliot - featuring character death, fluff and sadness.
Help From a Friend, by @marvelsbanner​ - featuring suggestive language, innuendos, and dr!reader
blurb, by @marvelsswansong - featuring fake dating, mean high school friends and protective!Tony
changerooms, by @milaonthemoon - featuring age gap, smut and a knowing Natasha
Aftercare, by @mostly-marvel-musings - featuring aftercare (duh), smut and overstimulation.
First time, by @mostly-marvel-musings - featuring smut, love confessions and reassurance.
I married a sex addict, by @mostly-marvel-musings - featuring wedding night, smut and drabbles.
Make up, by @mostly-marvel-musings - featuring smut, jealous!reader and ex-lovers sex.
Mirror, by @mostly-marvel-musings - featuring mirror sex, horny!Tony, and a kind of exhibitionism kink.
Personal Problem, by @mostly-marvel-musings - featuring silent treatment, and smut, and workplace sexual endeavors.
Setting a score, by @mostly-marvel-musings - featuring smut, jealous!Reader and kind of dom!Reader too.
Skeaky, by @mostly-marvel-musings - featuring insatiable!Tony, smut and quickies.
Stubborn, by @mostly-marvel-musings - featuring fights, smut, and angry sex.
We Were on a Break, by @mostly-marvel-musings - featuring angst, fluff and swearing
Iron, by @navybrat817 - featuring kidnapping, threats of non-con, and dark!Tony
So proud of you, by @sherrybaby14 - featuring poly!relationship, Steve and threesomes.
Secret, by @sinner-as-saint - featuring Steve Rogers, age gap and threesomes.
Pocketful of Posies, by @strawberrysoup - featuring A/B/O dynamics, noncon and all of the avengers.
Clumsy, by @wadedickpool - featuring clumsy!Reader, sex pollen and therefore, SMUT
Sunshine, by @bigballofstress - featuring songfic, angst, and loving!Tony
Footsteps, by @canumoveurseatup-no - featuring angst, fluff, and mentions of medication
Ready, by @canumoveurseatup-no​ - featuring angst, trigger warnings, and depression
Everything’s not fine, by @lfzyfx - featuring angst, fights and post-infinity war.
Never Again, by @lfzyfx - featuring angst, Thanos and character death.
The Protection Pact, by @steves-on-a-plane - featuring protective!Tony, dangerous missions, and sibling rivalry.
If you know of a fic that features Tony Stark x Reader and that isn’t here, please feel free to send it my way! And if any of the links here becomes broken, please let me know.
If you’re one of the writers featured here and you want to change the little summary I wrote, just send me a DM with the three characteristics you’d like to be acknowledged in the listed fic!
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bugsbucky · 4 years
Bucky’s Baby In Your Belly
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Prompt: DDs: Bucky crying happy tears when he feels his unborn baby moving around in reader’s belly for the first time.
Warnings: None. Just so much fluff :)
Word count: 493
Authors Notes: this is for the @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ extended drunk Drabbles and writing for dad!bucky is my absolute favourite thing in the world ❤️ he would be an amazing papa!
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Since the day you found out you were pregnant with your first baby, Bucky has become increasingly more clingier than usual. Not that his clingy behaviour ever bothered you because it didn’t. You found it quite endearing. He was protective over the two of you; making sure you were comfortable wherever you were sat, making sure you wouldn’t roll over awkwardly in bed to risk harming yourself and your unborn baby. Bucky quickly adapted to the role of a husband and a soon to be a dad.
Bucky was so excited to become a dad that the nursery was painted the same weekend you told him you were pregnant. And after your first scan, a drawer full of baby grows and socks.
“I love you so much.” He whispered in your ear, peppering loving kisses down your neck while spooning you. His hand caressing your little bump. 
“We love you too.” You smiled resting your hand atop of his. You heard him take a sharp breath. At first, you thought it was from your endearing words, he knew how much you loved him and you knew how much he loved you.
It wasn’t until you felt his dog tags and chest shake against your back did you turn to look over your shoulder and noticed he was sobbing. Tears running down his cheeks, leaving a wet trail behind them. “What’s wrong baby?” You lifted your hand and rested it on his bearded cheek. He inhaled some deep breaths and sniffled, burying his face back into the comfort of your neck, breathing in your familiar scent he loved so much.
“She’s... moving.” Bucky sighed, more tears filling up in his eyes. The last time you ever saw him this emotional was your wedding day. “I can feel her moving against my hand baby.” Another sob broke out, encouraging your own tears to well up in your eyes. His hand moved around your belly. “God, it’s so beautiful. She’s moving.” His tears fell against your hot skin.
“It is beautiful. I think she just loves her daddy’s hands. I don’t blame her because I do too.” To emphasise, you interlocked your fingers with his and squeezed. “I can’t wait for her little fingers to grasp your beard and hair either.” you chuckled, your fingers stroking his beard.
“Doll.” Bucky’s voice cracked as he cried so many happy tears just imagining his baby girl laying on his chest and pulling his hair. 
He was so happy because he never once thought this day would ever come. That the day would come where he would have an opportunity not only to have the most beautiful wife in the world, but an opportunity to have a child, a family. Bucky has been waiting for this day ever since your first scan.
And now that he has felt your unborn baby girl move around inside you. The chances of him keeping his hands off your belly were slim to none.
[Taglist Open]: @jobean12-blog @marvelgirl7 @godofplumsandthunder @hawksmagnolia @deanthedemon @jamesbarnesappreciationclub @emilylyoness @littleredstarfish @buckys-henley @sarge-barnes-sir @this-kitten-is-smitten @buckybarnesplumwhore @kitkatd7 @crushedbyhyperbole​
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sunflowersteves · 4 years
cap-n-stuff’s marvel fic rec ~ 1
↳ so here’s my very long overdue fic rec! The bucky list is hella long and I’m not even half way done so there will be another one! In the second one, I’m going to add peggy/nat/wanda/more erik & more steve :) also pls pls pls if any of you have Sam Wilson fics I will gladly read it and put it on here! Sam is really lacking fanfics :( anyway, a big big thanks to all of the writers!! y’all are amazing and wonderful and I love all of you with my whole heart.
✧: complete series
❀: uncomplete series
❥: oneshot 
✰: headcanon/drabble
Bucky Barnes
❀ Strictly Sugar by @kittykatlow, Dark!Bucky x Reader
✰ Boxer!Bucky HC by @wienerbarnes, Boxer AU!Bucky Barnes x Professional Trainer!Reader
❥ A Great Big Wide World by @buck-gnasty, Bucky Barnes x Blind!Reader
❥ Wish You Were Here by @world-of-aus, Biker AU!Bucky Barnes x Reader
✧The Assassins by @cherrypickertheory, Bucky Barnes x X-23!Reader 
❥ What It Takes by @cherienymphe, Mafia AU!Bucky Barnes x Reader
❥ Mine by @cherrypickertheory, Jealous!Bucky Barnes x Reader
❥ Attention by @kitkatd7, Bucky Barnes x Reader 
❥ Guardian by @wienerbarnes, Demon AU!Bucky Barnes x Reader
✧ Was It A Mistake by @angstysebfan, [part I], [part II], [part III], [part IV], [part V] ~ Bucky Barnes x Natasha, Bucky Barnes x Reader
❥ I Hate You by @sokkasangel, Bucky Barnes x Reader
❥ Benefits by @cherrypickertheory, Friends w/ Benefits!Bucky Barnes x Reader
✧ Heart to a Gunfight by @lailannajacobs, Modern AU!Bucky Barnes x Reader
❥ The Soldier’s Weakness by @jadeylovesmarvelmainxo, Bucky Barnes x Reader
❥ Mirror by @cherrypickertheory, Bucky Barnes x Reader
❀ Kool Aid by @buckybarnesplumwhore, WinterWitch x Black!Reader
✰ No Regrets by @kitkatd7, Bucky Barnes x Reader
❥ A Bad Day Made Better by @buckybarney, Daddy!Bucky Barnes x Reader
✧ My Roomates Boyfriend by @angstysebfan, Modern AU!Bucky Barnes x Reader
❥ A Queen And Her Knight by @buckybarnesplumwhore, Knight!Bucky x Queen Reader (black reader)
✧ Pulling Away by @rogerslovesstark, [part I] [part II], Cheating!Bucky Barnes x Reader 
❥ Life Before You by @world-of-aus, Bucky Barnes x Reader
✧ Life Is Sweet As Dessert With You In It by @hailmary-yramliah, Mobster AU!Chubby!Bucky Barnes x Baker!Reader
✰ Thighs by @cherrypickertheory, Thigh Riding!Bucky Barnes x Reader
❥ Not About Angels by @lailannajacobs, Bucky Barnes x Reader
❥ Steady Love by @buckybarney, Bucky Barnes x Reader
❥ What Do I Do by @buckys-broody-muffin, Bucky Barnes x Reader
❀ Family Matters by @world-of-aus. Mobster AU!Bucky Barnes x Reader
❥ Under the Sheets by @vanderlustwords, Bucky Barnes x Reader
❀ Crush by @cherrypickertheory, Soft!Bucky x Reader
❀ The Wolf of Wall Street by @hailmary-yramliah, Stockbroker!Bucky Barnes x Reader
❥ Mr. & Mrs. Barnes by @cherrypickertheory, Mr and Mrs. Smith AU, Bucky Barnes x Reader
❥ Code Name: Last Resort by @fandomsandxfiles-writes, Bucky Barnes x Reader
✧ StarkHub.com by @hailmary-yramliah, Pornstar!Bucky Barnes x Reader
❥ Like Your Eyes by @bugsbucky, Bucky Barnes x Reader
✰ Come Up The Years by @kittykatlow, Bucky Barnes x Reader
❥ Missed You, Missed Home by @buckybarney, Soft!Bucky Barnes x Reader
❀ Solace by @tuiccim, [part I], [part II], [part III], [part IV], [part V], [part VI], [part VII], [part VIII], [part IX] ~ Bucky Barnes x Reader
✧ Always The Friend by @angstysebfan, [part I], [part II] ~ Bucky Barnes x Reader
❥ Spooky and Mrs. Barnes by @fandomsandxfiles-writes, 1940s!Bucky Barnes x Reader
❥ James And The Siren by @helahades, Prewar!Bucky Barnes x Black/WOC!Siren
❥ Silence by @bugsbucky, Bucky Barnes x Reader
Steve Rogers
✰ Reunited by @stargazingfangirl18, Steve Rogers x Reader
❥ A Day In The Snow by @kitkatd7, Steve Rogers x Reader
✧ After You by @vanderlustwords, [part I], [part II] ~ Steve Rogers x Reader
❥ Long Wait Time by @tuiccim, Steve Rogers x Reader
❥ Can’t Give You Love by @helahades, Steve Rogers x Black!Fem!Reader
❥ Circles by @lailannajacobs, Steve Rogers x Reader
❥ The List by @cass4nova, Steve Rogers x Reader
✰ On Steve Shaving Your Head by @helahades, Steve Rogers x Black!Fem!Reader
✧ Betrayed by @rogerslovesstark, [part I], [part II] ~ Steve Rogers x Reader, Steve Rogers x Sharon Carter
❥ Bad Girl, Good Boy by @hailmary-yramliah, Steve Rogers x Reader
❥ Love Will Remember by @burninmatches, Steve Rogers x Reader
Erik Killmonger
❥ SugarBabe by @dreamingofmilk, CEO AU!Erik Killmonger x Reader
✰ Imagine Erik Killmonger Promising You That You’ll Be Queen One Day by @sweatergirlsposts, Erik Killmonger x Reader
❥ Cheers, To Me by @tgigoldie, Erik Killmonger x Black!Reader
Stucky x Reader
Vacation by @cherrypickertheory, Stucky x Reader
❥ Strip Poker Turns Into Something Else by @hailmary-yramliah, Stucky x Reader
❥ Toxic by @burninmatches, Stucky x Reader
Sam Wilson x Reader
❀ Office Affairs by @dumbchickwrites, CEO! AU!Sam Wilson x Reader
❥ Desert Days by @cass4nova, Sam Wilson x Reader
❥ Fireman Sam by @buckysknifecollection, Firefighter AU!Sam Wilson x Reader
❥ We Are Friends by @supraveng, Sam Wilson x Reader 
❀ Blue Shade by @the-wintershade, Sam Wilson x Reader
❥ Perfect by @kittykatlow, Sam Wilson x Reader
✰ Nervous by @dreamwritesimagines, Sam Wilson x Reader
✧ Coming Back to Life by @luke-o-lophus, [part I], [part II] ~ Sam Wilson x Indian/Desi Reader Friendship
❥ Browned Butter by @sapphirescrolls, Sam Wilson x Black!Reader
✰ Take Care by @lilbabycee, Sam Wilson x Reader
❥ Reporting For Booty by @littlesliceofmarvel, Sam Wilson x Reader
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ozarkthedog · 4 years
oh please “feeling up ur partner with cold hands when they’re wearing a big, comfy sweater” calls for Ransom🥺
 Thank you for sending this prompt! 💙 This was fun af to write. FLUFFY RANSOM FTW.
160 words. I can’t write drabbles to save my life. Tags under the cut!
From this prompt list
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“Jesus- Woman! What the hell!” Ransom yelled in surprise as your frigid hands snuck under his thick white sweater. You plastered your icy palms over his ribcage feeling his heart race from the initial jolt.
“What?! I’m freezing and you won’t cuddly me!” You pout, removing your hands and turning away from him.
Ransom sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. He hated how dramatic you could be. Still, he gathers you in his arms.
“Here. Put your hands here.” He slots them in between his toasty jean clad thighs.
You melt into his warmth, his big arms covering your shaking shoulders. “You know what would really heat me up?” You quip, looking up at him under your lashes.
Ransom smirks, knowing just the thing that would do the trick. “What’s that Pumpkin?”
“You bringing me a cup of coffee.” You quip before shoving your still freezing hands under his sweater eliciting a high-pitched yelp from the large man.  
Permanent: @jeremyrennermakesmesmile @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @stargazingfangirl18 @putinovertime @ifuckedchrisevans @bcriss11 @maynay43 @xoxabs88xox @widowsbarnes @harrysthiccthighss @denisemarieangelina @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @waywardodysseys @bval-1 @ballyhoobarnes @turtoix @badreputationlove @mrsbarneswillseeyounow @just-bran @nickysurfer28 @evansweaters @keiva1000 @charmisticdisappointment @efferuse @buckybarnesplumwhore @chuckbass-love @hurricanerin @cevansrogers @you-taste-so-sweet @notyourtypicalrose @xoxloaveasre @lickmymelaninn @void-hoechlin @poeticbookwormcat @coffeebooksandfandom @tenaciousperfectionunknown @wonderlandfandomkingdom @Lady-pswrld @dummiesshort @honeychicanawrites @hevans-angel @cockyboysandsugarism @saiyanprincessswanie @bronzechild @nerdypinupcrystal @jack-skellingtons-stuff @cevans-fics @mariaenchanted @poisonkills @asteriodluvr @mkaybluewhy @kelbabyblue @Bubblegabs20 @ilovemarvel-andcats @oneoftheprettynerds @coconutqueen21 @muralskins @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @speechlessxx @simply-heaven @Horneyandtiredbeedeepbop @gigievansss @hermayone @earthworthies @farleighg @foxyjwls007 @buckysbaby32 @comebackandhauntme21 @inmoix @thisiskindahotkindamusic @la-cey @luckybucky18
Ransom Drysdale: @peakyrogers @patzammit @raveviolet @onetwo3000 @kylorenxbarnes @donutloverxo @okaymarveldc @captainrogersbucky @misplacedorphan @Tantricevans @bluemusickid @chezdricks @gamagun46 @itsstacybitch-blog @stxvercgersslut
If you are bold, I can’t tag you!
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harryspet · 4 years
𝓽𝓲𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓸𝓷 ... 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓯𝓲𝓬𝓼
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𝓽𝓲𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓸𝓷 ... 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝓻𝓴 𝓯𝓲𝓬𝓼 
This December, for the holidays and to celebrate my followers, I’m giving readers a chance to request drabbles/one-shots but I’m also hoping some writers want to share the Holiday joy too! I have a list of dark prompts as well as holiday prompts so feel free to mix and match them however you like!
𝓇𝓊𝓁𝑒𝓈 & 𝑔𝓊𝒾𝒹𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑒𝓈 
You don’t have to follow me but it would be greatly appreciated!!
Please be courteous and only send one request especially if you’re using anon.
When sending a request, tell me the character(s) + 1-3 dialogue prompts (have fun combining them) + au idea (optional)
I prefer to write for (aged up) Peter Parker, Bucky Barnes or Steve Rogers. If you’d like to include MJ, Natasha, Thor, Loki, Wanda or Sam please combine them with those three. Threesomes and foursomes welcome ^^
Make these unique! If you just want pure angst, smut, or fluff then choose your prompts accordingly. I’m hoping people enjoy mixing the holiday prompts with the dark ones (though its not required) so please read through them all. There are a lot of good ones!!
Most of these will probably end up being around 300-700 words.
I write dark fics which means there may be mentions of violence, abuse, noncon/dubcon and just angst overall. If you have limits, please let me know.
I may reject your request if I feel it’s too similar to what I’ve already written or if you ignore the rules. I may also close requests if I get too many.
𝓘𝓯 𝔂𝓸𝓾'𝓻𝓮 𝓪 𝔀𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓻 and you’d like to write a drabble/one-shot using my lists then please let me know! I’ll be sure to give it a reblog and add it to my #fic recs if you tag me @harryspet​ and #tistheseasonfordarkfics. There’s no due date, just participate if you’re interested! :)
Don’t choose prompts with strikethroughs.
𝓻𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓼 𝓪𝓻𝓮: CLOSED
𝒹𝒶𝓇𝓀 𝓅𝓇𝑜𝓂𝓅𝓉𝓈
“I wish I’d never met you.”
“Did you just stick your tongue out at me?”
“I’m done. We’re done.”
“Why are you fighting me?”
“I’ve never…they kept me untouched. For you”
“Did you just bite me?!”
“If I’m dead then how come you can see me?”
“It’s cute that you think you can defy me.”
“Duct tape. I need it for... taping something.”
“Why don’t you smile anymore?”
“Fuck you.”
“Your soul is mine.”
 “Looks like you need to be trained.“
“It’s not...not going to hurt, is it?”
“I don’t ... I don’t remember my name.”
“Did you see the way they looked at you?”
“How dare you challenge me.”
“I’ll let you go when I’m finished with you.”
“Hand Daddy his belt and take your shirt off.”
“I don’t like when they touch you.”
“Are you getting sore, all cooped up in that cage all day?”
“Shhh. It’s all right. I’ll be gentle.”
“Daddy wants to hear you sing a song. Sit on my lap and make Daddy happy.”
“Shit, are you crying? I didn’t mean to hit that hard!”
“You can’t take people as property!”
“I feel like you’re taking advantage of me.”
“So … uh.. who is that person … they keep texting you?”
“Fuck, I love you like this, all rounded with our child…”
“You wouldn’t want him/her/them finding out about this, would you?”
“You haven’t earned it. What are you going to do for me?”
“Stop crying.”
“You’re not in trouble, sweetheart.”
“I’ve been looking for you all night, and you are in desperate need of my help.”
“And the hunter becomes the hunted.”
“They hurt you and I’m going to hurt them back.”
“Never steal anything from someone you can’t outrun, kid.”
“Hands off, alpha. Never learn any self-control?”
“Can i stay at your place tonight? I don’t feel safe here.”  
“I really think you need to see a doctor.”
“Everything that happened is your fault.”
“You...you were never supposed to find out.”
 “Well, hello beautiful!”
“You want to what? That’s embarrassing!”
“You look a little lost, omega.”
“We need to talk...about the pregnancy.”
“Oh, did someone get lonely?”
𝒽𝑜𝓁𝒾𝒹𝒶𝓎 𝓅𝓇𝑜𝓂𝓅𝓉𝓈
 "Excuse me—where is my Christmas kiss?"
"I made you some hot cocoa."
''I just want you for my own.''
"You didn't have to get me anything."
“I don't remember the last time I truly enjoyed Christmas."
"Go on, open it."
"Did you spike the eggnog?"
"I can't believe you did that to Santa..."
“You're my best Christmas present this year.”
“How many Christmas lights does one person need?”
 “Shut up! Santa is real.”
“I hate winter.” 
“Aren’t you just Santa’s Little Helper?”
“Son of a nutcracker!”
"You didn’t bring date to the party, did you? Because I need someone to kiss at midnight."
 “No you don’t understand, I need a picture with Santa!”
“I can’t reach the top of the tree to put the star on.”
 “Oh the weather outside is frightful.”
“This is our first Christmas together and I want it to be special.”
“Don’t you dare buy me that.”
“Tell me what you want for Christmas.”
“Fuck it let’s just get drunk.”
 “We can build a snowman.”
“What no, that’s not daddy, that’s Santa”
“Maybe if I kiss you, you’ll feel warmer.” 
 “I can not believe the car broke down in the middle of nowhere 3 hours before it’s officially Christmas.”
“...I think we’re snowed in...”
“I hate work Christmas parties.”
“What do you mean you’re working on Christmas?!”
 “I refuse to have a baby on Christmas.”
“Call me an elf one more time!”
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”
 “I’m freezing, you’re warm. Hug me.”
“I don’t even have a family to celebrate with, so what’s the point?“
“Forbid Christmas? No one can forbid Christmas.”
“We can add a special ornament to the collection each year. This year's is for our future baby.”
“I’m not going to kiss you under the mistletoe.”
“Remind me why I can’t kill the carolers?”
“No one should be alone on Christmas!”
 “So you’re going to dress up as Santa.”
“You burnt the holiday cookies!”
“Wanna go skating in Central Park?”
“How can you possibly look good with snow in your hair?”
“If you throw that snowball you’re declaring war”
“You didn’t really think I’d let you spend Christmas alone, did you?”
This list is a compilation of a bunch of starters I found on tumblr so you may recognize quotes from movies and songs! I reblogged a lot of the original posts on my side blog @parkerspet​.
𝒶𝓊 & 𝓈𝑒𝓉𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒾𝒹𝑒𝒶𝓈 (optional)
Arranged marriage au - Angel/demon au - Assassin au - Apocalypse au - Android au - Amnesia au - Babysitter au - Bodyguard au - Bookstore au - Baker au - Band au - Bounty hunter au - Brothel au - Camp Counselor au - Camping au - College au - Criminal au - Caregiver/Little au - Doctor au - Domestic au - Enemies au - Ex au - Forbidden Love au - Fugitive au - Gang au - Hero/Villian au - Immortal au - Kidnapped au - Mafia au - Maid au - Marriage au - Neighbor au - A/B/O au - Porn Star au - Prostitute au - Royalty au - Serial Killer au - Stalker au - Stripper au - Tattoo Shop au - Werewolf au - Yandere au
tagging all the fics #tistheseasonfordarkfics and #harryspetrequests !
𝓼𝓮𝓷𝓭 𝓶𝓮 𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮 𝓹𝓻𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓽𝓼
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tagging some authors :) @cherienymphe @andybarberslxt @mypoisonedvine @nsfwsebbie @darkficsyouneveraskedfor @mcudarklibrary​ @opheliadawnwalker3 @autumnrose40 @marvelmaree @thecutestlittlebunbunfairy @buckysbunny @buckybarnesplumwhore @honeyloverogers @mariessecretfantasies @mrwinterr @yanderepeterparker @raisincookieswrites​
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navybrat817 · 4 years
Another Drabble for my lovely @mypoisonedvine​. @stargazingfangirl18​​ @angrythingstarlight​​ @buckybarnesplumwhore​​ @evnscvll​​ @nekoannie-chan​​ @newyorkgoddess​​ @feliciahardyn​​ @grav3dollie-666​ @diaamondis​ @thedarkplume​ @lux-ravenwolf​ @clingykoalawrangler​
100 words exactly. August Walker x Reader
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"You know, my bed is much more comfortable...and warm," August said, watching you rub your arms through your cage.
"I'll stay here. Thanks."
"Your team was compromised. As far as the world knows, you're dead. You're mine now. Just accept it."
"No thanks," you smiled, turning away as he let out a growl of anger. 
"I can fuck you right here until you pass out and drag you to my bed. Or you can ask nicely and I'll carry you to my bed. Your choice."
"I'll take my chances," you said, your smile fading when he unlocked the cage.
408 notes · View notes
notyetneedcoffee · 4 years
Old Fashion Christmas
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Just a little drabble full of fluff
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader
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Steve loves the idea of a traditional Christmas, so he was excited to help pick out a tree and decorate the house for your first Christmas together. However, when you went shopping for decorations, he was quick to drag you out of the aisle when you picked out twenty-dollar ornaments. “Nope. No way. I have a better idea.”
Instead, to your utter bewilderment, you leave the store with flour, salt, paint and ribbon. The whole way home he refused to discuss his plan. You let it lie, though, finding the smirk on his face irresistible. 
To your complete surprise, when you get home he mixes up this simple dough and rolls it flat. While you sit on the counter, sipping hot chocolate, Steve cuts out stars, circles, and bells. After he slips them in the oven, he nestled between your knees to pull you close and kiss you. “You’ll love this, I promise.”
And again, he was right. 
A few hours later, the two of you sat and the kitchen table laughing. Christmas music played. You both enjoyed a glass of red wine while you painted the hard dough ornaments with paints of reds, greens and golds. His painting was detailed and beautiful. You cringed a little at your attempts, but he kissed your neck and laughed. “I love them.”
Once everything was on the tree you had to admit, you liked the tree way more than any amount of fancy ornaments could ever make it. Leaning into his side and wrapping your arms around his waist, you nuzzled his chest. “You’re right. This is perfect.”
His lips pressed against your forehead as he squeezed you tight. “Sure is, sweetheart. Merry Christmas.”
ALL - @animegirlgeeky​ / @aquariuslavenderhoney​ / @meongkitty​ / @momc95​ / @morrighanwytch / @night-cereus​ / @peter-pan-hoe​ / @saiyanprincessswanie​
STEVE -  @acf2510​ / @asiaaisa77​ / @babygurl8840​ / @badassbaker​ / @bangtan-serendipity​ / @beautifullungs​ / @buchanansebba​ / @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ / @buckybarnesplumwhore​ / @c-emma098 / @cashewsaremyfavourite​ / @castiels-majestic-wings​ / @coffeebooksandfandom​ / @daughterofthenight117​ / @donutloverxo​ / @dsakita​ / @geeksareunique​ / @girlmadeofivory​ / @imma-new-soul​ / @itsag / @jennmurawski13 / @jesseswartzwelder​ / @kalesrebellion​ / @kiki5283​ / @lbouvet​ / @lovely-lollipops-blog​ / @mcubabydotcom / @messenough / @michelehansel​ / @milea​ / @mindtravelsx / @morganhoran1671 / @my-favorite-fics-and-imagines​ / @night-cereus​ / @notyourtypicalrose​ / @patzammit​ / @peter-pan-hoe​ / @rainbowkisses31​ / @readermia​ / @rynabarnesrogers-reading​ / @sammghgecko / @scarlettsoldier​ / @sebbysstangirl​ / @sexyvixen7​ / @sllooney​ / @smokeandnailz​ / @team-iron-wannabe-man​ / @tenaciousperfectionunknown​ / @thegetawaywriter​ / @theneuropsychwriter​ / @the-omni-princess​ / @the-reading-octopus​ / @thorfanficwriter​ / @unadulteratedwizardlove​ / @unsaltedalmonds​ / @vanillabunn21​ / @vxidnik​ / @what-is-your-plan-today / @wildmoonflower​ / @wwe-fanfiction-queen​ 
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et-lesailes · 4 years
the bodyguard | pt. 1
series masterlist
pairing: dark!curtis everett x reader
word count: 800
chapter summary: curtis decides he’s had enough of your bratty attitude.
themes: smut (in next part), manipulation, degradation
taglist: @tanyam93, @bval-1, @wonderwinchester, @patzammit, @rohaintahquil, @deidrashouseofpain, @sammyslonglostshoe, @jadedhillon, @bohemian-barbie, @whysparker,  @sebabestianstan101, @lille-kattunge, @teller258316, @peach-acid, @allsortsofinterests, @xoxabs88xox, @heyiamthatbitch, @cptn-sgrogers, @heyyouwiththeassbutt, @bangtan-serendipity, @troublermalik, @beardburnsupersoldiers, @bookish-shristi, @kind-sober-fullydressed,  @gingerninjaprincess16, @straightforwardly,  @denisemarieangelina,  @frencchfries, @xlanawriter, @littlemoistcarrot, @pottxrwolff, @arianatheangelworld, @southerngracela, @nsfwsebbie, @rororo06, @savemesteeb, @raveviolet, @hurricanerinwrites, @captainamerica-is-bae, @shaddixlife, @tessa-bl, @marvelouspottering, @pppsssyyyccchhhiiiccc, @thegetawaywriter, @dwights-new-plague, @rynabarnesrogers, @fckdeusername​,  @doloreschanal, @ssworldofsw, @la-cey, @buckybarnesplumwhore, @hevans-angel​, @chuckbass-love​, @stardust-galaxies​, @smyfmj​
notes: these parts are shorter than actual one-shot length and more drabble sized, but i wrote this a little while ago and thought some of you curtis fans would like it! graphic creds go to the talented @allthefandomstogether​, thank you so much!
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“Curtis! Curtis! Where’s my lunch, I’m starving over here!”
Curtis grits his teeth and clenches his fists, calling back with blatant annoyance, “How the fuck am I supposed to know? Do I look like the chef to you? Just sit down and wait for it like a normal person.” 
The doors to your private cart suddenly slide open as you step out, glaring at him with fiery eyes. “Is that any way to talk to Wilford’s granddaughter, Curtis?” The tail sectioner simply rolls his eyes, turning away from you and staring intently at the door to the next cart, hoping for his own sanity that the delivery person will be here soon with your food. Hell, he’d just go get it himself to get some peace and quiet for once, but that’s not listed in his job description. 
When Mason came to the tail section demanding someone act as a bodyguard for Wilford’s rather rebellious and feisty granddaughter, Curtis immediately volunteered. He figured it would be the perfect chance to eavesdrop and obtain information, maybe even start the revolution from the front section itself. How hard could babysitting be?
Now, he knows better. It’s been roughly one week since he’s started working for Wilford and he’s exhausted. You certainly keep him on his toes with your incessant commands, your love for partying, and your tendency to attempt to sneak away from his watchful eyes. Wilford has made it clear he wants his only grandchild to be fit to run the train one day, and so Curtis is in charge of making sure you start acting more like a strategic leader and less like a wild delinquent. 
“Go get it.” You suddenly command, and Curtis blinks. “No. I’m not your slave, I’m just supposed to keep an eye on you because you insist on acting like a child.” He retorts, narrowing his blue eyes as he returns his gaze to you. “Now stop being an entitled little bitch and go back to your cart. You know that Wilford doesn’t want you out of your quarters at night, not since you got yourself hammered and almost broke a damn window.” 
You scoff, looking at him in shock- but quite honestly, you’re not as offended as you’re letting on. You love pushing Curtis’ buttons. You love when he reprimands you, when he puts you in your place (or at least tries to). No one you know has the audacity to talk to you the way he does, and for some reason, that only makes it even more attractive. You wonder what it will take for him to finally snap.
“Fine. I’ll just go check myself.” You start to push past him to walk towards the gate, but his hand immediately reaches out to grab your arm. Hard. “You’re not going anywhere,” he growls, a more dangerous look in his crystal hues. “Your goddamn food is coming, stop being such a brat.”
“Ow! Let go of me! I want it now.” You snap, but you’re doing it on purpose. You can see it in his eyes. He’s sick and tired of your attitude, and you feel a little hotter just thinking about what he’s going to do about it. Curtis rolls his eyes, shoving you back towards the gate of your own cart. “Get back in there. Now!”
You look at him for a few moments before suddenly shaking your head. “Yeah, right. You don’t give me orders.” You move to walk past him again, about to giggle to yourself- but when he suddenly grabs you and jerks you back with a strength nearly knocking you off your feet entirely, you can only gasp instead. “Do you really want to piss me off?” His voice sounds furious, and his crystal hues are darker from anger. You widen your eyes staring up at him, suddenly a little more nervous now- but of course, your stubbornness doesn’t let you give in so easily. “You’re hurting me, Curtis, let go!”
“No. Fuck that,” he growls, suddenly scooping you up and slinging you over his shoulder. “I’m going to have to find another way to get it through your fucking head that I’m in charge here!” You squeal as he carries you back to your private cart, his hand reaching out to slam the button that closes the doors. “Curtis! Curtis, wh-what are you… put me down, Curtis, what are you doing?!” 
“Teaching you a goddamn lesson, because apparently no one else on this train will,” he hisses, practically throwing you onto the bed and making you cry out in surprise. He starts stripping, taking off the nice clothes Wilford’s gotten him as a reward for volunteering to work for him. “By the time I’m done with you, you’re never going to talk back to me again.” 
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canumoveurseatup-no · 4 years
colors pt.1
summary: a series of describing colors without using its name.
word count: 747 (mini drabble/ poem type beat)
pairings: bucky x black!reader
warnings: cheating, alluding to domestic abuse, baby angst, small mention of drug
A/N: i know this was not in the list but i started writing and i was on a roll. so enjoy!
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It’s the color of a searing kiss to shut you up during an argument. 
You and Bucky were so different but loved the idea of being together. You loved the thought of each other. You were passionate about your relationship but you were just another warm body to him.
You argued night after night, sometimes about the most trivial things like not being able to hear each other on the phone to the important things like not respecting boundaries. 
It’s the way you bite your lip in anger to keep your tears at bay. It’s the screaming matches, the spit flying from your mouths, trying not to trip over your words.
You hate fighting. The bass in his voice was terrifying.
“Why aren’t you listening to me?,” you held your hands up, begging for him to actually hear you. But Bucky lived in his own world.
“What is there to listen to?!,” 
The color of fear washing over your face. You’re doing anything to make him listen but he refuses.
So he kisses you in hopes you’ll forget, and you do. For the moment anyway.
It’s the warmth of teeth clashing, tongues tangled, heated moans in the dark as your heart swells. He was so good at “apologizing”. Sex was his apology. It wasn’t healthy. 
It’s the color of you holding on tight in hopes it will get better.
But it doesn’t.
It’s the color of another argument ensuing, tears falling on the floor, wet eyelashes and sore eyes.
It’s “I love you! I hate you! I need you!,” adding tears to top it off.
He built you palaces out of his words. Constructing them so beautifully, knowing what you wanted to hear to tie you up in a knot.
It’s a big flag that waves before your eyes that you choose to ignore.
Maybe if you ignored it enough, it’d go away. Bucky was a good man and you believed in giving chances. People can change. 
But Bucky doesn’t.
The lies started to flow in more. You made any logical reason to push it out of your mind any chance you got. Bucky couldn’t hurt you, Bucky wouldn’t hurt you.
It’s the thought where you’d rather put your hand on a burning stove top than be hurt by him. 
But he was hurting you, he was. You just refused to ignore it. You wanted your happy ending. He was your happy ending, right? 
It’s a film covering your sight and clouding your judgment as you scream and break things in a fit. The arguments began to happen more frequently. 
It’s the feeling of your raw throat as you shouted above each other. It’s the warmth of his hand meeting your cheek and a gasp so loud it pulls the sound from the room. Your ears are ringing and you two are still.
It’s “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to! Don’t leave!,” his puppy dog eyes reeled you in and made you feel guilty. You loved him and he loved you. He told you any chance he could, but it was only after wounding you with his words or... now his hands.
It’s the pang in the pit of your stomach when you come back from work and see the petals scattered on the floor. He peppered your skin with kisses, massaged knots from your muscles, you two fornicated all night until you believed things were back to normal. As normal as things can get with you two.
It’s his words “I apologize, I’ll be better,” without meaning a damn thing. 
It’s gaslighting you. You run circles around your mind, trying to figure out what you did.
It’s your eyes when you get high to forget, to try and forgive. But forgiving him was getting heard as goggles that skewed your vision were beginning to become less foggy. 
It’s the ache in your chest when you see him grab another woman’s waist... after he said he was “out with the boys”
It’s missing his touch after not experiencing it for months... but finding an empty condom wrapper that’s not yours.
It’s the water beating down on your and burning your skin as you hide in the shower to cry. When you finally pull yourself together, you tell yourself you deserve better.
You deserve your happy ending. But it’s not with him.
It’s the liberation that burns within you like fresh hot embers on a summer night as you wipe your hands clean and finally say,
“I’m done,”
this was something random i literally wrote down at work today. Hope it was a little nice, even if it’s super short.
Likes, Reblogs and Comments are always appreciated!!
ags- @blackreaders-assemble @mbaku-babygirl @vozit @yournonlocalpoc @babybubastis @mokacoconut @spideys-wife @crawlingnightmares @warmchick @here-for-your-bullshit @chonisberonica @valynsia @veryhellshdia @xye-weirdo @disaster-rose @purplledumplings @hisxblackxqueen​ @freddiedijon​ @persephones24​ @dumbchick​  @pastelastronomy24​  @baphomet-wears-gucci​ @buckybarnesplumwhore​ @snazzyjazzy6​ @valkryienymph​ @mariahthelioness29​ @taylortheeshowpony​  @micki-smiles​ @valentinevirgo​ @retroxvailles​ @tonyssuit​ @buckyandsebastian​ 
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bugsbucky · 4 years
Special Birthday Girl
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Prompt: DDs: it’s your birthday and unfortunately, you and Sebastian/Bucky had a fight a few days ago and still aren’t talking. There’s a delivery of a large bouquet of flowers from your partner but the note attached makes you anxious he’s hinting for a breakup. How do you make up when you learn the note was just worded incorrectly?
Warnings: Angst, lots of tension, fluff, happy ending!
Word Count: 1,466 (Yikes!)
Authors Notes: This is for @the-ss-horniest-book-club​​ Extended Drunk Drabbles! A really really big thank you to my tumblrmama @hawksmagnolia​​​ for your help with this prompt! Couldn’t have finished it without you!! 
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Happy birthday sweetheart!!! Hope you have a great day!
Many kisses Y/N! Have a fantastic day!
Happy Birthday!!!
Happy birthday, you beautiful human!
The birthday messages kept pouring in from your friends and family. Everyone close to you had wished you a happy birthday, everyone except Bucky.
The atmosphere in your tiny single bedroom apartment was uncomfortably thick. Even his Avenger friends picked up on the tension as soon as they had walked into the space.
The two of you had had a pretty heated fight a week ago about his continued grumpiness. Bucky was tired, you understood that since he’s been working so much, but his short patience with you was making you crazy. It seemed he bit your head off every time you opened your mouth. You were officially done with his surly mood so you chose to put him in his place, warning him that if he didn’t stop talking to you like that then he shouldn’t bother talking to you at all.
Since that day, he has chosen the latter and hasn’t spoken to you since. Whenever you and Bucky have fought in the past, one of you would usually break the silence after an hour. You kept expecting him to try and fix things, like apologise for his hostile remarks but nothing. You feared this was the end of your relationship, that this was his way of breaking up without saying it.
It was like two strangers under the same roof. You still shared the same bed, but at different times. You cooked and ate your own meals separately and spent most of the day in a different room away from each other.
 But today was your birthday and while you were really happy to receive such beautiful messages from those who loved you, the memory of your angry outburst and his silence sat heavily on top of your shoulders. Just knowing that you and Bucky weren’t okay was making it difficult to enjoy your day.
A sudden knock echoes throughout the apartment startles you and your head jerks to the door in the hopes to hear Bucky striding to answer it. When you hear nothing after a couple of heartbeats another loud knock comes. You huff in frustration and stomp towards the door. You hadn’t heard Bucky leave the apartment and knew he was here somewhere. He had come in very early this morning and you assumed he’d crashed on the couch. You’d been hiding in the bedroom, hoping the door would muffle any tears. 
Would it really be such an inconvenience for him to answer the damn door?
You yank the door open with more force than you intended to use and your eyebrows shot up into your hairline. A delivery man in brown uniform stood in front of you holding a beautifully wrapped large bouquet of flowers in one hand and a clipboard in the other.
“Good afternoon ma’am! Are you Miss Y/L/N?”
You nodded. “Um yes, that’s me.”
“Great. I’ve got a delivery for you from Mr. James Buchanan Barnes.” Hearing his full name caused butterflies to erupt in your stomach.
“Oh.” You blew out a surprised breath. He’d bought you flowers for your birthday? Your excitement died a bit and you swallowed a knot in your throat realizing he could have ordered them well before your fight.
The man clears his throat and you blink at him. It’s then you realize that he’s holding the flowers out for you to take them. You take them gracefully as possible, quickly scribbling your name down on the piece of paper and nudging the door closed with your foot.
 Setting the flowers down on the side in the kitchen, you go on a hunt for a big enough vase to fit the bunch. As you’re about to turn away, you see a note wedged between the petals from your peripheral vision.
Plucking the note between your fingers, your eyes scanning over the words printed on the back of it.
My love, I’m wishing you the happiest of birthdays. May the light guide your loneliness in your future adventures.
Yours, Bucky
What the absolute fuck did that mean? Your eyebrows furrow as you re-read it over and over and it still does not make any sense in your mind. Was he seriously hinting of a breakup with you? On your birthday of all days?!
Tossing the card on the kitchen counter, you take a step back and rub your temples. Tears were pooling in your eyes with the fear of what it meant.
“Y/N? What’s wrong?” Bucky asked from behind you. The first three words he has spoken since your fight and his voice sounds almost foreign to you now. “Did you not like my flowers?” His voice was deep and raspy, as though he just woken up from his nap. You sensed some guilt there too.
“They are nice.” You breathed, keeping your eyes closed as your heart raced. This was truly the shittiest of birthdays you’ve ever had.
“Y/N.” You could feel his body heat in front of you, his footsteps were silent thanks to his experience as an assassin. His large hands wrapped around your wrists and pulled them away from your face. Tears slid down your cheeks and you averted your gaze everywhere but on him.
“Are you breaking up with me?” The words rolled off your tongue before you could swallow them down. Might as well give the shitty day a high five and get it over with.
For a moment, Bucky looks stunned. It’s quickly replaced with confusion as his brows knit together. “Of course not! We’re adults here, I know we can and will fix it. It was just a stupid little fig-”
“Then why word the note the way you did? What the fuck does it even mean? You make it sound like I’m going into my future alone without you. And today of all days, Bucky! It’s my fucking birthday and I can’t believe you’d do this!” 
The crease between his eyebrows deepens and now he’s more confused by what you meant. “What note are you talking about, doll?”
You refrain from rolling your eyes, the leftover anger from your fight and frustration of the week of silent treatment coming to the surface. You stepped around his large frame and almost punched the card into his chest.
He read over the note and you took mental notes of his expressions. Confusion that was replaced by anger. His nostrils flared as he ripped the card up and threw the pieces on the floor.
“I didn’t write that. That’s not even close to what I told the girl to write.” He scoffed and ran his fingers through his hair.
“What do you mean?”
“The girl at the flower shop has this weird crush on me. I told her what I wanted the writing to say and that was not it and clearly she fucked it up deliberately.”
You looked at each other and soon it became a staring contest. A small smile fighting its way to your lips and you shift under his intense gaze.
“Y/N.” He whispered, stepping closer. “I promise baby, I’m not breaking up with you. I wouldn’t even dream of it. I know we haven’t talked this past week and believe me, it killed me. I had to keep fighting the urge to curl into you at night and wrap you in my arms. I’m so sorry for my moods and I promise I’ll get my shit together. And believe me, that girl who sabotaged that note will not get away with it.”
This time a smile did find its way to your lips. Instinctively, you wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your face into his chest. He planted a kiss on top of your head and held you close, as though he was afraid you’d turn to dust.
“I love you. So fucking much.” He sighed. His breath fanning against your hair as he spoke.
“I love you too.” You craned your neck upwards and smiled. He kissed the tip of your nose and darted his tongue out to lick his dry lips.
“I’ve missed you.” You whispered. Your chin resting against this broad chest. A goofy grin appears on his face and you already know the next words that will leave his lips.
“Not as much as I’ve missed you. I have a lot of making up to do. But since I didn’t give you your special birthday gift this morning, how about I give it to you now?” 
“You better make sure it’s extra special.”
“Extra special for my special girl, coming right up.” He scooped you up into his arms and carried you straight into the bedroom.
Taglist: @jobean12-blog​ @marvelgirl7​ @godofplumsandthunder​ @hawksmagnolia​ @deanthedemon​ @eurynome827​ @emilylyoness​ @buckybarnesplumwhore​ @sarge-barnes-sir​ @crushedbyhyperbole​ @this-kitten-is-smitten​ @kitkatd7​​ @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​ @littleredstarfish​​ @buckys-henley​​ @tuiccim​​ @mystoragehatesme​​ @starspangledseb​​ @bambamwolf87​​ @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog
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ozarkthedog · 4 years
If ur still takin prompt request what abt Chris and carving pumpkins?😊🎃
THIS WAS SO CUTE. Thank you for sending this prompt! 💙
176 words. I can’t write drabbles to save my life. Tags under the cut!
From this prompt list
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“Don’t peek!”
 Chris sighs and goes back to carving his pumpkin. “I think you’re getting a bit too into this, Babe.”
 He carved a perfectly normal jack o lantern face while you were still going at it. About 2 hours in and you were almost done.
 You were gifted with the art of carving a pumpkin and you knew the time spent would be well worth Chris’s reaction
 Once finished, you and Chris grabbed some candles and headed for the front porch. 
 Chris set up his pumpkin, the triangle face glowing brightly in the night as you put the final touches on yours before lighting the candle inside and taking a step back.
“What!? Are you kidding me?!”
 You beamed upon hearing his excited praise. 
 You’d carved a portrait of Dodger into the pumpkin. His adorable pumpkin face smiled back at you and Chris as the candle light flickered in the wind.
 “Oh, Babe, I love it! Come here, Bubba!”
 Dodger prances over and under Chris’s awaiting arm. “Look! It’s you!”
 Dodger seemed less than amused.
Permanent: @jeremyrennermakesmesmile @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @stargazingfangirl18 @putinovertime @ifuckedchrisevans @bcriss11 @maynay43 @xoxabs88xox @widowsbarnes @harrysthiccthighss @denisemarieangelina @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @waywardodysseys @bval-1 @ballyhoobarnes @turtoix @badreputationlove @mrsbarneswillseeyounow @just-bran @nickysurfer28 @evansweaters @keiva1000 @charmisticdisappointment @efferuse @buckybarnesplumwhore @chuckbass-love @hurricanerin @cevansrogers @you-taste-so-sweet @notyourtypicalrose @xoxloaveasre @lickmymelaninn @poeticbookwormcat @coffeebooksandfandom @tenaciousperfectionunknown @wonderlandfandomkingdom @Lady-pswrld @dummiesshort @honeychicanawrites @hevans-angel @cockyboysandsugarism @saiyanprincessswanie @bronzechild @nerdypinupcrystal @jack-skellingtons-stuff @cevans-fics @mariaenchanted @poisonkills @asteriodluvr @mkaybluewhy @kelbabyblue @Bubblegabs20 @ilovemarvel-andcats @oneoftheprettynerds @coconutqueen21 @muralskins @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @speechlessxx @simply-heaven @Horneyandtiredbeedeepbop @gigievansss @hermayone @earthworthies @farleighg @foxyjwls007 @buckysbaby32 @comebackandhauntme21 @inmoix @thisiskindahotkindamusic @la-cey @luckybucky18 @bwbatta @the-soulofthedevil @cdaddyevans
Chris Evans: @eater-of-hopes-and-dreams @peakyrogers @patzammit @raveviolet @onetwo3000 @kylorenxbarnes @donutloverxo @okaymarveldc @rhadigen @captainrogersbucky @corebore123 @arseofrivia @Tantricevans @kelbabyblue @bluemusickid @chezdricks @gamagun46 @itsstacybitch-blog @chris_evanslover @stxvercgersslut 
If you are bold, I cannot tag you!
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that-damn-girl · 5 years
Masterlist of Alisha’s PRIDE Challenge #1
These are the entries to my PRIDE Challenge.
~~~  NON-DARK Fics  ~~~
Red by @firefly-in-darkness​ 
Dumbass Drabble by @official-and-unstable-satan​
Practical Joke by @imanuglywombat
Can We Just Talk by @nervousperfect​
The Artist (Ongoing) by @honeyhan-123​
Secret love  by @nekoannie-chan​
Nice Try by @shakespeareanqueer
~~~DARK Fics~~~
Ill Wind by @buckybarnesplumwhore
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widowsofchaos · 4 years
Wait - I’m You, and You’re Me?
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Congrats to @happygowriting​ on earning 100 followers, and to many more to come! A celebration is in order, so let’s all participate in this 100 word drabble challenge!
Prompt: Body Swap
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x black!reader
Warning: Implied smut
A/N: this was hard as hell doing only 100 words! I’m so use to writing in details, so this was totally a challenge for me! I hope you like this crack I wrote!
do not repost my works!
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“What the hell?!” Tony’s screeching, as Bruce confusingly stares. A lab mishap, you and your husband's subconscious were misplaced in each other.
Using Bucky’s hand, you palm his cock. “It feels different using your hand this time.” You snorted, amazed you can feel his dick hardening.
Bucky groped your breasts with your palms, “Fuck, baby. Your tits are sensitive.” Bucky’s chuckled in your voice, “I love it.”
Explore each other’s bodies through the other’s senses? A new kink has entered the building.
“Take your time fixing the machine!” Bucky and you shouted, leaving a disgusted Tony, and a blushing Bruce.
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holylulusworld · 4 years
The curve of his back
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Summary: You and your alpha spend time together.
Pairing: Alpha!Steve Rogers x Omega!Reader
Warnings: just floof, domestic Steve, A/B/O dynamics, nesting, cuddling & snuggling, pregnancy
Just a fluffy drabble.
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You love the curve of Steve’s back, love how your body fits perfectly into it. When you wrap your arms around his waist and rest your head against his back you feel his warmth surround you.
“Doll, you need to let go to. I have some papers to check on,” Steve smirks when you cling to him, rubbing your cheek into his shirt to catch his scent. “Y/N, you need to,” arguing with a pregnant omega is a lost cause so Steve lets you cuddle him until you purr low in your throat, pressing your body one last time close to your alpha.
“’m tired. I am going to bed, alpha,” your round your alpha, still not letting go of him. It is a bit difficult to handle but you duck under his arm to press your front against his, snuggling into his chest to feel his warmth now. “Do not stay up late, Stevie.”
Steve pecks your hair, running his hands gently down your back, causing you to let low whines escape your lips. “I want you to go to your nest and rest a bit, doll. I’ll be there in a minute, okay.”
Sleepily looking up at Steve you nod, smiling when he dips his head to steal a kiss from your lips, and another, until you must push against his chest, reminding him that he wanted to work.
“I’ll be waiting for you, alpha,” grabbing your favorite blanket you slowly walk toward your bedroom.
Steve admires you are wearing his soft flannel, one of the last things fitting your growing body. A smirk appears on his lips when his eyes land on your fuzzy socks.
Your scent still lingers on his body and the alpha cannot help himself and rushes after you to pick you up, carefully cradling you in his arms.
A big smile on your face you nuzzle into his chest, letting Steve carry you toward your nest to lie you on the bed. “Just a minute, doll. I’ll text Tony that I’ll give him the papers tomorrow.”
You nod eagerly, looking up at your tall alpha who reflects your smile. “A minute,” you snuggle into Steve’s pillow, inhaling his earthy scent deeply while he calls Tony instead of sending him a message.
“I need a few days off,” Steve can hear the smirk in Tony’s voice when the other alpha tells him to take care of you and the pups inside your belly. “Thanks, Tony. I owe you.”
Steve returns exactly one minute later to kick his shoes off and drop his clothes. He is crawling slowly onto your bed, carefully slipping under the covers to let you move close to his warm body.
“What did Tony say, Stevie?” you snuggle into Steve’s chest, letting him run his hands all over your back. “Alpha?”
“Tony said I can have two weeks off to take care of my omega and our pups,” Steve chuckles when you purr against him, wrapping your arms tightly around your alpha. “A nine-month pregnant omega shouldn’t be alone.”
“You’ll stay?” smiling you look up at you alpha, who moves one large hand to your huge belly, gently rubbing it. “Do you want to help me fix the nest tomorrow? We could add the shirt you wore yesterday,” excitedly you start babbling about pups, nesting, and anything in between.
You barely recognize the way Steve looks at you or the adoration in his eyes. All you can see is the man you love, your alpha is right here, next to you, listening to your nonsense.
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All works Tags
Marvel Tags
Steve Rogers/Chris Evans Tags
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bugsbucky · 4 years
All In Good Fun
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Prompt: “Hey Bucky! There’s an erectile dysfunction advert here. Thought you could give them a call.” “I can get it up just fine doll. It’s your face that kills the mood.” “Touché.” “... we’re still having sex tonight, right?”
Warnings: Light teasing, fun banter, mentions of Bucky’s past.
Word Count: 754
Authors Notes: This is written for @the-ss-horniest-book-club​​ Extended Drabbles. I actually ended up rewriting this three times and this was the one I was happiest with! Hope you like it :)
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The team sat comfortably on the couches in the common room, making the most of the day off and just relaxing in each other’s company. Bucky and Steve were gossiping like two old ladies in the kitchen while you rested your head against Nat’s shoulder as she talked animatedly with Sam and Wanda on the opposite couch. You had just celebrated your 3rd anniversary with Bucky a week ago, 3 years going strong and you were the happiest human alive.
You fell in love with Bucky literally just days after he arrived at the compound from Wakanda with his shaggy brown hair that was pinned half up and half down and piercing blue eyes. Not to mention that fuzzy beard look he was growing on his face that you loved so much.
It wasn’t just his good looks that captivated you from the moment you saw him, it was his personality. Steve had filled everyone in on everything that happened, even Tony listened to what he was saying. Bucky had endured so much in such a long time, most of his life.
He wasn’t given the opportunity to live his life as a man, to get married, to have children and provide for his family. To grow old and die an old man with limbs still intact. That was all taken away from him the moment he fell off that train and scientists took him to their lab where they proceeded to rip him apart.
Despite everything that happened, Bucky was one of the sweetest and down to earth guys anyone could ever have the pleasure of meeting. He had a heart of pristine gold, a friend who would do anything for anyone and was happy to tackle any challenge thrown his way.
His soft demeanour made your relationship so soft and fun. It was rare for you two to argue or fight, and even if that happened, lots of make-up sex was always on the cards later that night. Bucky couldn’t stand the silent treatment because he hated not being able to talk to you or hold you in his big arms. He would avoid conflict where possible, which was what made you love him so much more.
He was your sweetheart and you loved him to death. You simply couldn’t imagine your life without him by your side.
Of course, the two of you were well known to the team for your light banter. Neither of you took it seriously and you knew he loved having a partner who was so free around the place.
You were silently watching the TV while your friends engaged in conversations about their plans for the weekend. Occasionally, you would side glance towards the kitchen, Steve and Bucky laughing as they drank some juice. Big black letters across the screen grabbed your attention and you giggled quietly to yourself.
“Hey Bucky!” you called out, his attention immediately drawn away from Steve as soon as he heard your voice, “There’s an erectile dysfunction advert here. Thought you could give them a call.” you giggled cheekily, cocking an eyebrow up.
Sam held his stomach as he hunched over in his seat, gasping for air. “I’m surprised you stuck with his old shrivelled up old man balls for so long.” Sam quipped, pulling a laugh from your lips which was quickly extinguished when Bucky sauntered into the now very quiet common room with his arms folded across his broad chest and his legs spread apart. His eyes shifting from Sam’s to yours.
“I can get it up just fine, doll. It’s your face that kills the mood.” laughter surrounds you as you feign offence. Folding your own arms across your chest, you stood up in front of him, craning your neck up because of the height difference which he always found slightly amusing.
“Touché.” you retorted, fighting the grin that desperately wanted to be seen. By your poker face expression, Bucky became a little anxious, he wondered if you knew he was just kidding or not. You always had the opposite effect on him.
Bucky dips his head to your ear, his lips grazing your earlobe as he spoke, “We’re still having sex tonight, right?” he whispered, glancing over your shoulder and looking at the prying eyes to see where this banter would go.  
You pull back, a broad grin on your face as you lean up on your tippy toes and peck his lips. His beard scratches your chin and you hold back a moan. “Of course baby.”
Taglist: @jobean12-blog​​ @marvelgirl7​​ @godofplumsandthunder​​ @hawksmagnolia​​ @deanthedemon​​ @buckybarnesplumwhore​​ @buckys-henley​​ @crushedbyhyperbole​​ @sarge-barnes-sir​​ @eurynome827​​ @emilylyoness​​ @this-kitten-is-smitten​​ @kitkatd7​​ @jamesbarnesappreciationclub​​ @littleredstarfish​​ @tuiccim​​ @mystoragehatesme​​ @starspangledseb​​ @bambamwolf87​​ @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog​​ @buckbuckybucko​​ @lokilvrr
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