sunnysideprincess · 1 year
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September is here, have a stuckony squid-mer-octo sandwich. Stevie boy, whatchu doing there, huh?
A/n: How do you keep track of all those wiggly thingies? You don't. You just let them take over and watch the mayhem unfold. Also kinda wish I used a diff brush for the line art here asgdhdjsgsks
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Poll(Please Vote!) + A List of Fandoms I’m Interested in Working With
So I made a poll on the subject of me adding more fandoms to this blog. I’d really appreciate it if ya’ll would vote so I can see what you think; I plan on keeping an eye on it the next few days and making a decision by the end of the week.
You can access the poll here: http://www.strawpoll.me/12770093
So, I’m also going to mention a few fandoms below of fandoms I’m interested in working with. LET’S SEE IF I CAN REMEMBER ALL OF THEM AGAIN
The list:
Mystic Messenger
Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus/Trials of Apollo/etc - iffyThe Shadowhunter Chronicles - iffy
Voltron - I just started this series, so these might not come out until later
The Vampire Diaries
Marvel/DC (I already have loads of stuff for these and I currently write a series of poly BuckyTonySteve stories on my Wattpad XD)
Hetalia, Black Butler/ maybe some other anime
These are just a few that off the top of my head I think/know I can portray well. Like I said, none of these are finalized (except for Mystic Messenger and Marvel/DC, probably) and won’t be until the poll speaks. Also, if you guys have any fandoms you’re interested in, please please please, suggest them. I’m always interested in new fandoms and the content on this blog is all about you guys and what you want to see (with some small limits <D), so go for it, babes!
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hackedmotionsensors · 8 years
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one day I’ll work on stuff I’m supposed to.
Also I don’t feel like finishing this all the way haha
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miss-ingno · 10 years
Oooooh. What about the three of them trying to figure out how to sleep in the same bed? Like, who wants to be closest to the door? Who wants JARVIS to play some sort of light background noise? Is Steve maybe the only early riser of the three?
It’s maybe 3, 4 am in the morning when Tony falls into bed. He lands face-down halfway across Steve’s naked chest and his legs are propped up on Bucky’s butt and lower legs. The Winter Soldier grunts unhappily, shifting around, letting his metal arm flop over Tony’s waist, before returning to sleep.
Cap blinks his eyes open, raises a brow at him that Tony is definitely not seeing, Christ, Rogers, his fingers tangling in Tony’s oil-streaked hair. With a sigh he can finally close his eyes, cheek nuzzled on Steve’s pecs and held safely by Bucky’s metal arm. He doesn’t even bother getting under the sheets, then he’s out like a light.
Steve wakes up with the first rays of sun, which JARVIS lifts the blinds for just enough for them to hit Steve’s face. He frees himself of the tangled knot of limbs that Tony and Bucky have become during the night and grabs his running clothes before sneaky out quietly. Bucky always waves at him lazily, but then snuggles closer to Tony and goes back to sleep.
Bucky wakes up next, because he doesn’t go to bed at unholy hours like certain other people, yes Stark I’m looking at you, but by then Steve is back from his run, showered and probably already on his way to SHIELD. Depending on how early he’s concious, Bucky spends his mornings in two different ways: a) holding Tony close and confirming his physical health or b) waking Tony with lazy morning kisses or a blowjob, which usually leads to amazing morning sex.
He leaves Tony in bed after some more post-coital bliss, going about his own day. Tony goes back to sleep until he either has to go to a meeting Pepper would kill him if he missed it or his mind gets too loud not to write down all the ideas and try some out. Sometimes, Steve and Bucky manage to drag him to family dinner or a dinner date. Most of those times they end up falling asleep together.
Bucky prefers to be closest to the door in case of an attack, but so does Steve. It took them some negotiations but now Bucky sleeps on the door side of the bed while Steve takes up the window position (because if it shatters it’s easier to get his shield up to protect them while Bucky has an easier time to tackle an attacker who creeps in from the door. In that case Steve can back him up with his metal frisbee.)
Tony got relegated to middle position without much protest, because hey! surrounded by hot people, that is awesome, right? He prefers to sleep on his stomach as that blocks out the light from the arc reactor. Except when the pressure on his chest is too much, or the days where he feels like suffocating, then he sleeps on his side, wedged protectively between the other two.
If Tony’s working late, Steve and Bucky like to hit the excersice room after dinner together to work out until they’re exhausted enough to sleep. It’s not always enough, but it helps, and the rough, sweaty sex does too. It usually turns into sweet love making during the second round and they fall asleep in each others arm. (They wake up an hour or so later, take a shower, change the sheets and put on sweatpants or boxer shorts because now that they can choose a place to sleep they’d rather have it comfortable.)
Somehow, Steve and Tony never have sex in bed at night if it isn’t date night. That’s okay though, neither of them is particularly fixated on a time or place or surface.
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anagramrmx · 10 years
You know what tumblr needs? An ask blog for StarkBucks/B(e)ST/SteveBuckyTony (idk if we have a solid grasp of the OT3 name yet). Is this a thing yet? Does someone want to make it a thing? Does someone want to go halvsies/thirdsies with me on the thing? I feel like it should be a thing
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sunnysideprincess · 1 year
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Asgardian mead, a sleeping genius and two drunk super soldiers.
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sunnysideprincess · 1 year
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You gotta love the drama
also tony's head looks like an onion in this and I'm sorry for that and steve is hard to draw adhjfhkdbd
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sunnysideprincess · 2 years
*demonic screeching*
Youngvenger: What the hell is that?
Natasha: That's Steve. Tony got hurt again—
*distant crashing and roar*
Natasha: And that's Bucky.
Youngvenger: ...
Natasha: They're protective.
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sunnysideprincess · 2 years
“Patchwork of Colors”
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Tony gets a tattoo. It's not artistic in any sense. Just a simple red and gold thread woven around two flowers. One blue daffodil, with green and yellow flecks. The other blue rose, with grey edged petals. But it was his idea. Stemmed from the long buried secret that he has loved flowers for far longer than he loved machines. All because of his mother, whose habit of spending all her time wandering in the gardens, playing hide and seek with her son or just teaching him to weave a tapestry of colors with petals had become some of Tony's best memories. So he gets those flowers tattooed over his heart, right where the scars from the reactor, the shield and the metal fingers digging deep mar his skin. It could be symbolic. Or irony. Or whatever. But for him, it's just an idea. Like Iron Man, Peter Parker, therapy or eating blueberries first thing in the morning for the rest of his life.
He gets a tattoo and waits for them in their shared suite. The mission would be gruelling, taxing in a way all things from their past are. A raid to sniff out the rotten leftovers of Hydra is never easy on either of them. For some reason, they are adamant in keeping him from joining them on those. Tony used to think it was because they wanted to be privy to that bit of shared past. Till Nat told him about her need to keep Bruce away from all things Red room, yet share it with Clint. Not because she doesn't want Bruce intruding. But because they would both rather keep that bit of unpleasantness away from him. It bothered him at first, the flaw in her, their logic. Neither Bruce nor Tony are delicate in a way that they need to be protected. Hell, Tony himself has a bone to pick with Hydra for what they did to his mother. Then one day, he found the kid having a panic attack and it struck him, all of a sudden. It's not that the kid hasn't seen a shit load of things in his life. He's seen more death and destruction than two soldiers from World War two have and is strong enough to shoulder the weight of the world. And yet, that time when Tony wrapped him in a tight embrace, whispering soothing nonsense to drown out the noise, he wanted nothing but to keep him there. Safe and sound. Away from every bit of evil out there.
He understands now.
The door opens and he stirs from the strange limbo between sleep and restlessness. He blinks as he spots the two haggered looking soldiers drag their body through the motions, offers them a smile and a wave when they go shower. He waits for the bickering to start before stretching and heading towards the cupboard. He takes their shirt. One flimsy grey thing the two soldiers take turns wearing just to bathe it in their scent. So that when they leave, Tony could wear it and keep them close. It's strange putting it on when they're right here, bickering about hot water privileges.
By the time the water finally turns off, he's flushed pink and uncertain enough to begin fidgeting. Should he keep these buttons open? Wear pants? Makeup? Do or say something that attracts their attention? Or just let them figure it out in their own time?
He picks on the fraying edges of the sleeves when the doors open. Keeps his eyes on the kettle shaped stain on the carpet and prays for the kiss of red on his cheeks to disappear. It doesn't happen and instead, the sight of him sitting at the edge of their bed, wearing the shirt and a blush that's part mortification and nerves catches the attention of the sniper.
"Doll, everything alright?"
Tony looks up and smiles. His knuckles strain white in their grip over the hem of his shirt.
"Why are you wearing the shirt," Steve asks, ignoring the way he tries to deflect their hands and cupping his jaw. "We're here now."
Bucky keeps his gaze trained over his face, eyes just as sharp as the day he got down to his knees in front of Tony, begging for a chance at redemption. "You hiding something, sweet thing," he questions and runs the collar of their shirt in between his vibranium strengthened fingers. Tony shivers and fidgets, suddenly unsure. But their blues are similar yet different, brighter yet darker under dim luminescence of cove lights in the ceiling.
He smiles when he tells Friday to switch up the brightness so they can see exactly what he's hiding under the thin fraying cover of their shirt.
Bucky's breath hitches once. Then he's pouncing onto him like the starving man he often is.
After, after they make it to the third act. After they are satiated and blissed out on the bed. After the two soldiers have him trapped, happy and excited in the middle, he asks them.
"You like it?"
"We love it," Steve says, kissing his cheek, his nose, his lips and his ears. His hand is spread over his chest, right below the new patchwork of colors marking his skin.
"We do." Bucky nips at the good spot over his wrist. The one that has his heart racing in a way that's embarrassing for a man his age. And looks up at him through his lashes, tracing his lips over the thread that binds the daffodil and rose.
"We love you," they both whisper and wrap him in an embrace that speaks volumes in the wake of his stunned silence.
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miss-ingno · 10 years
I can't decide if I want to ask for Call Me or Drink Me or Wed Me. I can tell you that you'll be Skye Favorite Person of the Day is you give me one of them or some combination of them with Stuckony ;]
I… completely forgot about that meme, oops. :D But okay, have some Stark Spangled Soldier:
Leave a “Call Me” in my ask, and I will write a drabble about one character asking for another, a “Drink Me” in my ask, and I will write a drabble about characters drinking, alone or with each other, a “Wed Me” in my ask, and I’ll write a drabble about a character under the subject of wedlock.
Tony was staring into the golden liquid, languidly swishing in circles, before he emptied the glass. This time he left it empty, pushed to the side for DUM-E to collect later, while he curled up on his workshop couch. Most of the lights were shut down, the only sound the echoes of his breaths and the occasional whir from his ‘bots. JARVIS was thankfully silent as Tony drowned his sorrows in alcohol.
Today had started so well and now. Now he’s sitting here, well into a bottle of expensive scotch, alone.
All at once he couldn’t take the silence anymore, needed to talk to someone, but he’d already lied to Pep earlier that everything was fine (and she was probably onto him because he rarely declined to use a video call) and Rhodey wasn’t back from his mission yet (JARVIS had put a countdown into the bottom corner of the last lit holoscreen for him, 48:06:16 it said, slowly ticking down). But he needed… needed…
"JARVIS, call…" he hesitated, shaking his head. That only made him dizzier and he let his forehead thunk against his knees. "…call. Just call…" His words trailed off into mumbled nonsense when he realized the ‘calling now’ tone was sounding through the ‘shop already. Tony tried not to think about it, about anything.
"What the fuck, Stark?" Barnes voice rang in his ears, loud against the previous quiet. He shivered, but drew himself upright enough so he could talk.
"Hey, hey Buckybear, lovely honey Bucky bear-" Tony paused for a moment to listen, to identify that familiar background noise. "Are you in a bar? Without me? I’m hurt, sugarpie. Hurt."
"…are you drunk?" Barnes sounded so incredulous, Tony couldn’t help but laugh sharply, desperately. It’s not a happy sound. There’s a hushed ‘It’s Stark’ and some more words Tony pretended he didn’t hear. He didn’t want to think about it. He wasn’t thinking about it. He redraped the fluffy comforter around him fussily.
"No, I’m not. Well, maybe. A bit. But no." Tony slumped into himself, suddenly drained of all energy. "No," he mumbled, tears stinging behind firmly closed eyelids. "No. He said, ‘no’."
There was no answer, but the background noise levels sunk, Barnes probably stepped out. Or into the bathroom or hall or something, Tony couldn’t find the energy to care. He imagined the ‘No.’ hanging in the air, still echoing through the (mostly) silent workshop. No. No. Nonononono-
"Goddammit Stark, answer me!" And now he’d made Barnes angry too, what a fucked up mess. Tony fumbled for the tumbler, only finding air where he was sure he’d put the glass. He frowned, turning to the bottle instead. Not there either. Nothing was where it was supposed to be. He wasn’t supposed to be here, he was supposed to be with Bucky and-
There was a pause in the frantic rumble, what had Barnes been talking about? Tony wasn’t sure, but he needed to concentrate. Concentrate.
"Stark, you know this is Bucky, not Steve, right?" Barnes sounded weird over the phone, maybe he could fix that? He tapped the holoscreen and made a note for later. Fix voice relays. The countdown was still ticking.
"No," Tony repeated wearily, "Steve-" The breath caught in his throat, the words gathering there like a stone, weighing heavily in his stomach. Stevestevesteve. No. Nononononono.
"Stark, where are you? No, you know what, forget it-" There was a sound, a rustling sound and then- "JARVIS, where’s Tony?"
"Sir is currently on the workshop couch, Seargent."
"Risk assessment, JAR-"
"Steve," Tony interrupted him, wrapping his arms around his legs, "Steve, Bucky. No. He said no. I-" He swallowed, fighting down a sob, "I messed up. Steve said no, Bucky."
This time, the silence took longer, as if Barnes was stunned. Tony couldn’t figure out why he would be, it should have been obvious. They trusted him too much. Trusted in him. Or so he thought, but Steve- Tony hiccuped. The silence was stretching too long, but he might not be tracking time well right now. He’d had most of that bottle, after all.
47:32:59. The numbers blinked at him from the screen, couting down.
"What are you talking about, Tony?" Barnes sounded weary, cautious. He should be. "What did Steve say no t- Jesus Christ, you didn’t. Tell me you didn’t, Stark, we had an agreement." Tony stayed silent. He’d messed up, now he had to weather the storm. He longed for the rest of the scotch.
"It just…" he trailed off, staring at the ceiling. Trying to remember where he’d hidden all the cameras and loudspeakers and sensors. "It just happened. One second we were laughing, and then he turned around, and he smiled at me and-" A sob finally broke through, shaking Tony. "It seemed like the perfect moment. I- I don’t know."
Barnes waited patiently for him to collect himself. God, he didn’t deserve either of them, did he? It was pure stupidity to think Steve would say yes, of course he hadn’t, Tony’d really messed up there, hadn’t he?
"Shh, baby. Shh. I’ll be over in twenty, ok? Just stay there, don’t move. JARVIS, make sure Tony stays put. I’m getting Steve, and we’re coming over there."
"No!" Tony jolted upright, blanket tangling around his hips and legs. "Don’t. Not Steve, please, I can’t…"
"Hey, Tony. Shhh. It’s okay. It’s gonna be okay. We’re going to clear this up, okay? Steve’s been upset all evening too, I was wondering what you two had a row about this time. Jesus Christ, you should have called me immediately. We had a plan, Stark."
It startled a laugh out of Tony, interrupted by hiccups and sniffles, but genuine. They’d been planning for months how to propose their threeway marriage to him. They’d checked out the laws and politics, a couple bribes (Tony) and threats (Bucky) later, they were about ready to spring the surprise.
"I really fucked that up, didn’t I?" His voice sounded self-depreciating even to his own ears.
"No, baby. No. We can fix this. I’ll grab Steve and we’ll be over as soon as we can."
"God, I really hate that word," Tony muttered, shivering in the cold. He grabbed the blanket and wrapped himself into it again. "Hurry?" he asked plaintively, burried into his blanket burrito as well as he could.
"Yeah," Bucky agreed, background noise more immediate again. "Yeah, just hold on, okay? We’ll be there before you can say ‘cryostasis’."
Tony laughed, shakily, lying back down on the couch. For a moment neither said anything, then he could barely hear the hushed tones of Barnes and Rogers talking. The pub music and background chatter died away, and it felt like someone was gripping his throat and strangling him. He panted heavily, irratically.
"Stay on the phone?" he asked, his voice breaking. "Please?"
Barnes paused for a moment, then sighed. “You know I can’t, babe, I gotta drive. Here, I’ll hand you over to Steve.”
There were muffled protests caught in the phone’s mic, some shuffling noises and a hissed ‘Dammit, Bucky’ before things calmed down again. The silence stretched, until Tony couldn’t bear it anymore.
"Yeah," Cap replied, sounding worried, "yeah, I’m here. You alright, Tony?"
"I guess." He had to close his eyes again, taking a deep breath. "Sorry."
"Hey. Hey, listen, Shellhead. No matter what happens, I love you. Okay?" Steve sounded so honest, so urgent. Tony felt warmth in his chest, felt like he could breathe again.
"Yeah. Love you, too. And Barnes, in case you hadn’t noticed."
"Yeah." They fell into silence, but this was a comfortable one, listening to Steve’s steady breathing, knowing they were on their way back to him. That he hadn’t messed everything up, it was still fixable, that he hadn’t lost them. He smiled.
47:16:10 until his makeshift family was home together again.
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miss-ingno · 10 years
skydiver-tomyo, amemait & veteratorianvillainy
thinking about ot3verse soulbond au I came across this story and was wondering if any of you've read it yet?
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miss-ingno · 10 years
Ame told me to come leave this here "Okay, no but this is awful, bc Bucky/Tony/Steve is my new ot3 & I keep accidentally seeing it everywhere & now I’m thinking about soulbond aus & what happens with triads & all sorts of stuff that I shouldn’t be thinking about BC THIS ISN’T EVEN MY AU" only now I've had even more time to think about & more time to realize that Bucky also had some sort of serum so also pheromones plus for him. Be real fun if he & Steve clicked immediately wouldn't it? Poor Tony
Oh God yes, poor Tony.
Imagine in a world where usually only two people bond. Steve used to be bonded to Bucky so of course he wouldn’t think he’d bond anyone else again, of course he doesn’t realize that’s why Tony’s acting so strange towards him. And it’s a shock to find out he’s bonded to Tony because Bucky just turned out alive and he can’t feel their bond anymore. He can feel neither bond and Steve just. Just doesn’t know. What to do.
And Tony doesn’t know about the bond to Barnes, feels unworthy already so when he finds out that Steve, that his soulmate has a second, stronger, working bond - let’s ignore the little details where right now even that is broken, because surely somehow even that is his fault - finds out that his bonded is  bonded to someone else. Someone important to them.
Tony isn’t enough to balance out Steve. Tony is too broken to hold Steve’s bond, too fucked up to be his soulmate, the Fates made sure to revive Steve’s former bonded too. And then Barnes turns up, asking for a place to stay, trying to forget about the torture, to relearn his past and Tony is burning with jealousy but how can he deny Steve this when he suddenly looks so happy. SO DAMN HAPPY.
But it also helps because while Barnes got a version of the Serum, he’s also very much a broken soul. His bond with Cap doesn’t reinstate itself over night, because it was one of the first things Hydra made sure to break. And they’re not sure whether what Tony feels of Barnes is an echo of Steve, because Tony is just sensitive to his bonded, or if he’s bonding with Barnes, too.
And Bucky is just so confused, doesn’t really remember except that he KNOWS some of these people, he knows Rogers, he knows Romanova and even Stark is familiar somehow. He observes and listens and realizes what drama is going on, and now Steve is concentrating on him, trying to get his memories back, to help him that he’s inadvertendly not taking enough care of his bonded and Bucky can’t let that stand.
Turns out Stark is the easiest of them to get along because he understands. He’s not the only one who’s been unmade, sure, and Natalia knows better what it’s like to switch sides, but Tony gets the feeling of just wanting what’s right for STEVE.
And they bond over that and no one is sure if they’re building a triangle bond or if they’re just both connected to Steve except when Bucky starts feeling Tony in his heart (because Bucky can be exposed to him more often, longer since he himself isn’t giving off such a cascade of pheromones like Steve is)
And it helps Tony when he’s there during the Steve cuddle sessions, the pheromones divided between their two metabolism and maybe Tony is still a bit jealous how fast Steve is feeling Bucky’s bond again and still can’t really feel Tony’s but Bucky is there for Tony and they’re two broken souls bonded to perfection.
And maybe it’s not perfect but they’re working it out.
They will.
They have to.
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miss-ingno · 10 years
stevebuckytony mutants au
(For the purely stony part, click here)
Everything seemed to change when Bucky entered the picture. Bucky who was Steve’s childhood friend. Bucky who knew Steve better than anyone else. Bucky who monopolized Steve’s time. Bucky who made Steve laugh like… like that. Bucky who Steve was totally crushing on.
Tony wanted to hate him. He really really wanted to. He even got a good headstart on it because the other teen was snarky as fuck and Tony was a master of cheesy retorts. But Steve asked to take a look at the metal monstrosity that Bucky called his left arm and…
And somewhere along the way he came to like Bucky. Maybe even like like. And it threw him for a spin, because the only other person he liked like that was- was Steve. Steve who was definitely in puppy love with Bucky. Who seemed to feel the same about Steve.
Bucky and Steve were perfect for each other, and Tony always fucked everything up, and he shouldn’t, couldn’t do that to Steve and Bucky. Or even Steve or Bucky.
(Bucky however saw how much Tony was pining after Steve, saw the lingering looks and the longing, saw how Steve relaxed around Tony, saw the fond exasperation and heard the softening of his commander-voice when Steve ordered Tony to sleep or eat. Bucky saw how fucking much in love those two were and dared not interfere.)
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miss-ingno · 11 years
stevetonybucky hospital au
Tony had steady hands and a quick wit, and a canny ability to stay calm under high pressure. Really, he did his best work if the stakes were high. It made him a really good surgeon.
Bucky was a handicapped war veteran, but he volunteered as a nurse anyway, and his talking sessions with other amputees helped them come to terms with their new prothesis.
Steve, as head physician, shouldn’t be sleeping with either of them, or worse, with both. At the same time.
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miss-ingno · 11 years
stevetonybucky pokemon au
Steve sighed, using vinewhip to curl vines around his friends, keeping them apart. “No more arguing,” he declared.
Tony glared down at him, huffing smoke out of his nose but being careful not to burn Steve’s vines. It only happened once, an accident that he was careful not to replicate.
Bucky had no such qualms to spit a bubble of water at him, knowing it wouldn’t hurt him much. Brat.
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miss-ingno · 11 years
stevetonybucky avatar au
Tony was, if nothing else, curious - a good thing, since he was also a scientist, one of the foremost engineering minds working on the Avatar project.
It was to no one surprise when he misused military funds to build himself a body, but then, no one had expected any less from a billionaire playboy.
When he met the Na’Vi warriors Ste’ev and Buckiri, he thought he was going to die (and boy, did Bucky want to kill him, but Steve argued with him and Tony got to live), but that was only the beginning of their trouble.
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