#super soldier rivalry
sunnysideprincess · 1 year
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You gotta love the drama
also tony's head looks like an onion in this and I'm sorry for that and steve is hard to draw adhjfhkdbd
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wowa-bublord · 5 months
ohhh so when Sephiroth has a fire theme and a love/hate homoerotic rivalry with a light-haired super soldier that was traumatically experimented on by Hojo its FINE but when I, genesis rhapsodos-
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iamnmbr3 · 3 months
'why do you ship drarry, malfoy bullied him'
malfoy should have been redeemed and they are absolutely OBSESSED with each other. It might as well be romantic
And ppl seem pretty sensible. If a bit too horny
I have thoughts on this. Because the thing is, no one should feel like they need a reason to dislike a ship or to not engage with it. They can have a reason. But it's also just fine to...not vibe with something. That's ok too. There's content and ships that make me super uncomfortable or that just plain dislike. Sometimes for clear specific reasons and sometimes just...because. Sometimes to the point that I hate even scrolling past it on ao3. And that's all ok. What's not ok is harassing other people over or it dictating what other people like or engage with. Wish more people remembered that. It would make fandom so much nicer if people could all do that.
And yeah. I feel like Draco's story needed more closure. I mean, canonically he does get a redemption arc - he changes his views and becomes a better person - but JKR somehow both wrote that and also doesn't acknowledge the implications. Also, after being such a central character and being literally the reason Harry wins his duel against Voldemort it feels weird for him to not at least have a final conversation with Draco where he gives his wand back etc. (And then they fall in love and get married epilogue whom?!)
Also I am more than on board with super dark highly toxic enemies to lovers ships. They aren't for everyone but I like them. To me personally though, drarry doesn't really fall into that category, at least as it is presented in canon. What Harry and Draco have to me feels like a rivalry - a very intense, very hostile one (I mean they do literally end up as soldiers on opposite sides of a war), but a rivalry nonetheless. And there is obviously a grey area between bullying and rivalry. My point is not to dismiss all the ways Harry and Draco have hurt each other. But merely to point out that to me the dynamic feels very different than shipping Snape and Sirius for example, or Draco and Ron for that matter, where it feels like there's more of a clear past bully & victim dynamic. This is not a reason to ship or not to ship any of these ships. To each their own. It's merely a commentary on how I tend to view drarry.
As to the last point. I don't think people can really be "too horny." Sex and sexual desire are just as valid to explore or depict in fiction/art and just as valid a reason to create fiction/art as any other reason. Generally speaking I find that the best and most creative and diverse fandom environments that lead to the greatest quality and diversity of content are the ones where people who want to be 'horny on main TM' in their creative endeavors can be without fear of any type of negative repercussion. That's not to say everyone has to create, enjoy or even engage with that type of content. But its presence is usually a sign of a healthy fandom ecosystem.
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Sword gays showdown preliminaries
For Kazuma Asogi:
ok so he’s not CANONICALLY queer but it’s ace attorney. so… he does, however, canonically have a katana! a sword so integral to the plot it gives me shivers just thinking about it. the sword also has a name, it’s karuma (translates roughly to karma) and it gets passed onto the main character, ryunosuke naruhodo (who he calls partner), after kazuma (spoiler alert) dies in case 1-2. except (SUPER spoiler alert!) he isn’t dead! he comes back in case 2-3 and would you look at that he has ANOTHER SWORD, a more european sword (cause he ended up in england after his amnesia brain said he REALLY had to go to england). once he gets his memories back, ryunosuke gives karuma back to him and proceeds to use it to destroy the wax figure of his dead presumed serial killer dad (long story), and now he has, you guessed it, TWO SWORDS! for the next two cases he wears both swords at his sides, and also he broke the tip off of karuma attempting to murder someone (he didn’t actually murder anyone but still) and then turns out karuma’s hilt has the REAL serial killer’s will in it. very VERY important sword. in the end, kazuma gives karuma back to ryunosuke which is really symbolic but that’s besides the point, and they cross swords and it’s a whole big thing. 10/10 gay sword guy.
For Raiden:
Man catches knives with his heels and uses a sword to cut through robots 20 times his size
He's such a tragic character! Raised to be a super soldier from birth and is constantly being exploited by the government. As for the lgbt part him and his rival in the latest game he's in have so much tension it's unreal (gay). I headcanon him as trans too because he has a feminine figure, his voice gets more masculine as the series goes on (testosterone) and his entire body gets replaced with cybernetics (trans allegory...)
For Claudine Saijou:
Fights with a longsword! Should be number 1 for this line alone: “For heroes, there are trials. For saints, there are temptations. For me, there is you”, said to def not her girl crush but rival btw (stream Revue of Soul) Vote for my disaster theatre kid its what she deserves!
Her gay levels are off the charts. She has a homoerotic rivalry with another classmate (Maya Tendo/Tendou Maya) that is integral to her character, as she was always first until she met Maya. She’s also half-French, but that’ll be important later. When she’s looking at pictures of Maya stretching (to study her form of course) and another character asks her what she’s looking at, she panics, blushes, and says none of your business. Her and Maya have a heartfelt conversation while stretching with Claudine’s face pressed into Maya’s chest (between her stomach and breasts). Some art from a magazine has Maya pushing Claudine into a deep stretch, but it looks like something a lot different (Claudine blushing doesn’t help. Also I realized that there’s a lot of gay stuff related to stretching with these two).
During a two on two duel (I know it’s not a duel), they fight together. Not only that, but at one point they hold hands and take a pose typical of romantic partners in dancing. For no reason. They just pause and do it to show off. They aren’t even fighting. Anyways, when they lose, Claudine starts crying, not because she lost, but because Maya lost. So, of course, Maya starts speaking to her in French, with one of the things she says being “You’re cute even when you cry, my Claudine.” All of this is stuff that’s happened in the series (except the magazine thing).
Now for the gay stuff in the movie. Their duel with each other is so dense with sapphic undertones they can hardly be called undertones. For starters, the song that accompanies this revue is called “A Beautiful Person, or Perhaps it is.” While this title is incomplete, the director states that he wanted the watcher to fill it in and this removed the end of the original title. That title is “A Beautiful Person, or Perhaps it is a Love Song.” The duel is framed as a fight between a hero (Maya) and a devil (Claudine). Maya is in an outfit reminiscent of Renaissance Italy and Claudine is in a suit. Thus, Maya signs a contract giving her soul over to Claudine, as is the case with marriage. With her own blood, in the shape of Position Zero (an important symbol in the show), which happens to look like a T, for Tendou. After a few minutes of fighting, Maya disappears and monologues, appearing in a white dress. This means that Maya has signed her soul over to Claudine, and they are now both wearing a white dress and suit. Not beating the gay marriage allegations. Maya finished her monologue with “For heroes, there are trials. For saints, there are temptations. For me, there is a devil.” They continue to fight, Maya proclaiming herself emotionless and empty. Maya then cuts the medallion from Claudine’s chest (they wear medallions and you lose the duel if it gets cut off).
Claudine falls. Maya attempts to claim victory by stabbing her sword into Position Zero, which is then covered by steel doors. Claudine sits up and reveals she has another medallion in her mouth, which she does by sticking out her tongue in a uhhhh. Anyways, after a bit of back and forth, Claudine tells Maya that she’s full of arrogance and pride and envy and longing. She then says that “No matter how many times I die, I will revive! Tendou Maya! To beat you, my rival, into submission!” She then makes her stage entrance, taking Maya’s usual entrance speech and mocking it. She also says “I fill myself with exploding passion, now, and bash it into your heart!” After some talking, Maya makes her stage entrance, taking Claudine’s usual entrance speech and mocking it. Up until now, they have been playing characters, but still letting their own emotions shine through. Now, they are entirely themselves.
They begin to fight again, running downs white aisle before clashing swords, with Maya saying “Such an ugly, emotion drenched appearance-“ and is cut off by Claudine, who says “Show me more, Tendou Maya! Right now, you’re the cutest you’ve ever been!” To which Maya responds “I’m always cute!”  The song starts up again (duels are accompanied by songs), with Maya singing “With a grin of deception I’ll tear this piece of cloth.” Deception in Japanese is mayakashi, a reference to Maya’s name. Maya then sings “I want to show you my feelings becoming dyed in black.” Black is Kuro in Japanese. Claudine, in Katakana, is Kurodine, with her nickname being Kuro, so that line could also be interpreted “I want to show you my feelings becoming dyed in you.” Claudine then sings “Only me, always, forever,” before they sing in unison “You only need to look at me,” as they lock blades. Some fighting happens and they’re falling through the sky, holding onto each others clothes and Claudine says “Only I can make you lay everything bare!” To which Maya responds “I’ll expose my everything, on the stage!” Claudine shoots back with “There’s a partner you can expose everything to, on the stage!” At this point, there’s a short time with independent vocals for Maya and Claudine in addition to their talking. Maya has been singing “If I’m on the stage, if I’m in front of you,” for the last two lines of dialogue. Claudine sings “Be it ugly or beautiful,” as Maya sings “I will expose, anything and everything, all of me, all of me.” As this happens, Maya is saying “We love the stage,” which is continued by Claudine saying “And we can’t part from the stage!” Maya calls them both “Pathetic clowns!” To which Claudine corrects “No, rivals!” Maya says “If you’re there, I have to strive higher!” Claudine says “You make me even more beautiful! Maya!” Maya then yells “Claudine!” Claudine yells “For heroes, there are trials!” Maya continues “For saints, there are temptations!” Then, as one, their swords crossed, faces inches from each other, yell “For me, there is you!” Over top of this, their voices sing a line in unison: “Forever and ever, I’d like to cross swords with you.”
Claudine’s sword stabs through the contract, through the Position Zero in blood, which may be Maya’s family name, and Maya says as an aside “Saijou Claudine… You are beautiful.” Claudine cuts the medallion from Maya’s chest, finally beating her rival.
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vivika-ka · 22 days
There are some aspects of MHA that I find enjoyable and that possess great potential, especially when it comes to the apathy and entitlement of society being part of what fuels systemic discrimination and corruption.
However, I wish the author knew how to balance these major issues with the main characters’ goals and purpose.
I won’t be able to explain it in depth since I’m rushing to write this, but as I watched episode 19 (S2 EP 6), it’s kind of crazy that we get Shouto’s backstory and a major reveal that his father, the number 2 hero (an extremely influential and powerful figure in their society), is an abuser.
Yet Izuku doesn’t demonstrate the slightest bit of disillusionment to the fact that the hero culture he has been obsessed with since he was a baby is nothing but a sham that shields a man like Endeavor.
His response is to declare he wants to be like All Might, and essentially reignites his rivalry with Shouto. The scene is meant to be interpreted as inspiring and iconic. But I just find it a bit delusional…? If that makes sense.
Shouto: My father has committed a number of illegal acts and essentially manipulated my mother into having me. He project his failures on me and molded me into some child soldier to achieve his dreams. My mother hated and feared my father to the point of throwing boiling water at my face because I resemble my father.
Izuku: That’s scary, but since All Might isn’t like your father, I still want to be a hero.
Shouto’s lack of disillusionment is also bewildering to me. You mean to tell me he grew up with a father like Endeavor and never questioned the validity of what it means to be a hero in their society?
I don’t know. I’m reluctant to keep watching. I feel like everything I’ve heard and seen about MHA has been super fanon oriented, because so far the canon story hasn’t been as good lol.
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sabrielmoose · 8 months
Why hasn’t anyone done a COD x Marvel crossover??!
Everything is the same (BUT NO MW3), the 141 and military is exactly the same. Idk which timeframe it would be set in Marvel. (Definitely before civil war because I want a full team of Avengers.)
The 141 have more leeway and operates internationally since they don’t really belong to a specific government. (I mean they’re SAS but their CO is Laswell). So maybe a bit of rivalry between Specgru and Shield.
[This AU will not be very superhero friendly though.]
No character bashing, (or well, not that much), but I will probably project a lot of my opinion about superheroes and their flawed black and white views/ morals on there. I hate superhero logic.
Veterans like 141 would have completely different morals or views to heroes which are darker and more gray And the older soldiers don’t really like heroes, especially since they understand the darker side of the world and having to always clean up messes and die in secret while the ‘supers’ get revered.
ANYWAY, 141 x Avengers team up and maybe argue and dislike each other and a healthy dose of outside perspectives into the stuff 141 have to do and them. (Because I love outside povs).
#heroes duties
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Possibly unpopular opinion (Or perhaps not idk): I love what they have done with Zuko and Ozai's relationship in the live action Netflix Avatar show.
In the cartoon we never get the ~vibes~ that Zuko has a complicated relationship with his father, only that it is abusive and one-sided in the sense only Zuko craves Ozai's approval, while Ozai straight up hates him, wants him dead or has no problem with him dying (Why doesn't he kill him if he has Azula? We don't know, plot has to happen, he sent Zuko to find the avatar in order to get rid of him, probably, or actually canon idk or remember), clearly prefers Azula to him as successor, etc, etc, etc (+ later the comics literally overkilled this trend "she was born lucky while..." omg stfu). Zuko is basically the perfect character to prove the fire nation is not all evil (Oh look, they hate him too, he is inherently their victim too from the very beginning).
So when Zuko switches sides in the cartoon, what I see as an adult rewatching is someone giving up on luxory, physical safety and... that is pretty much it. Sure it is a big deal to give up on those things to do what is right (Few would) and still awesome that he did the right thing in the end, but if you really think about it, he is not giving up that much, he is not giving up anything truly valuable to him. Respect? Honor? Sure he is said to have received it back after Azula "killed" Aang, but we never truly see it. For all intents and purposes his sister has that and wayyy more of it. His father's love and acceptance? Never had it, so he didn't truly "loose it" when he spoke up for those soldiers, got the scar and was banished, it is not really shown to have suddenly popped into existence when he was said to have killed the avatar. He literally had nothing in the fire nation, literally nothing. This could only make "doing the right thing" a lot easier for him, and for the adult audience (At least for me), his arc is just him realizing what is almost irritatingly obvious for us: That no one in the fire nation truly loves and respects him so might as well switch sides (Basically if we weren't also shown that Zuko is compassionate and does care about the horrible things the fire nation is doing, Ember Island Players would have gotten a bit of truth in it).
Now, in the live action, where do I even start? It has been so good so far when it comes to Ozai and Zuko. That man, if he hated Zuko in a cartoonishly evil way almost from birth, he sure doesn't show it. Don't get me wrong, he is just as abusive (Creepily so in many scenes, made me feel so protective of Zuko and Azula), but he is also shown to "care" about Zuko as in having some hope left that he can mold him into another powerful genocidal mini me. Is Azula winning by far? Ofc, she is still the prodigy, I am sure I am going to see flashbacks of favoritism later on. But Ozai doesn't yet seem to favor her in a way that makes Zuko's craving for his approval (Or even Ozai's hope in him as heir) hopeless. It seems, from his scenes with Azula, that Ozai foments the rivalry and competition between the two siblings not only because he personally thinks Azula is the best (Which he also might in this version), but also as a way of control through fear (Especially for prodigy Azula), and to make them (Especially comparatively weaker Zuko) "better", something this version of Ozai appears to think is possible EVEN when he banishes Zuko. Now, he might have done this "to get rid of him" as in the original, but in the live action he seems super open to and genuinely believe the idea that the exile could make Zuko stronger and better, not to mention worthy of the throne if he succeeds. Ozai treats Zuko like the heir despite favoring Azula is all I am saying. Zuko's actions are therefore almost impossible, yes, but not hopeless or even naive. And if this trend of Ozai's respect and "love" (Super on quotes) being achievable continues, Zuko's eventual turn to the good side will be much more powerful. He will have to give up much more after spending a summer with his abusive parent love bombing him for "killing" the avatar. Zuko's choice will be solely based on his findings about the horrors the fire nation has committed and not wanting to be the cause of more suffering even though he could have it all. Even though it was his fate to be his father's "mini me"-> Something terrifyingly likely and not so quickly discarded by the narrative itself as it was in the animated series.
I think the best part about this subtle change in the father-son dynamic (If it was the intention of the writers, I am aware it could have been unintended) is that the scar tm was a direct result of Zuko's compassion for those soldiers and not just the excuse Ozai used to banish him or "final straw" because he preferred Azula sooo much more, as it is pretty much implied later on in the animated series and comics by focusing so much on how much of a perfect victim Zuko was pretty much from birth. The addition of the 41st surviving because of Zuko was also pretty nice, and so is Zuko's relationship with them, he will need fire nation allies when he gets to the throne and this is a good start, something the animated series never touched upon much.
I am on episode 6 btw so my opinion might change. I will edit this post if that is the case. BUT my thoughts on these first scenes doesn't change, they are good imho
EDIT (And spoilers): I just watched Zhao’s revelation where he tells Zuko that Ozai would never let him return and he just wanted to use him to motivate Azula. It does change things and invalidates most of what I said, but taking out just this one scene, as I said, the Ozai-Zuko dynamic is great in this show, and also, Zhao is obviously not the most reliable source, because he was allied to Azula and obviously wanted to hurt Zuko, as he was losing the fight with him. There is also the fact that Azula wasn't watching Ozai and Zuko when Ozai told his son that he was being banished and that it was in part so he could get stronger etc, that was all for Zuko and had little way of serving as motivation for Azula (Unlike the scenes where Ozai praises Zuko in front of her, those could have totally been him bullshitting his daughter to motivate her to work even harder). So all in all this scene doesn't ruin the overall impression I had of the Ozai-Zuko father-son dynamic in the life action show. In fact, it could be taken to confirm one of my impressions which was that Ozai likes pitying his children against each other to push them harder.
EDIT 2: Ozai's reaction to Zuko's possible death is further proof imo that his “test” was very much real (even if almost impossible) and everything I said earlier still stands. He wouldn't mind that much if he died, it would just prove his “weakness”, and he is very pleased with Azula, but he didn't look happy or even indifferent when he learned the news.
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tf2-bhs · 1 month
fun facts about the most important characters for the AU
Scout: Every teacher knows him as _____'s little brother. No exceptions. Is always treated with suspicion whenever they discover his surname.
Soldier: He and Demo always try and summon a ghost whenever they have a sleepover. He's trying to convince Merasmus to come along for one of them, as he believes with his super cool wizard powers they'll finally make contact with the undead.
Pyro: They write almost everything in a glitter gel pen
Demo: He gardens extremely well, and reads poetry. (He’s especially fond of Robert Burns’ work, and has a tendency to burst into recitals whenever he’s drank a little too much)
Engie: Has not been seen since 25/7/XX
Heavy: His bedroom used to belong to a young girl, so he's got model weapons next to a mural of My Little Pony characters. He can name all of them.
Medic: He has somehow tamed all of the seagulls at school. He is the seagull man.
Spy: Doxxes people online for fun, or to get back at them for arguing with him online (keyboard warrior), and he once doxxed Sniper without knowing.
Sniper: He streams on 'Itch'. He’s weirdly popular, but he doesn’t show his face or have a microphone. It’s just five hours straight of someone getting perfect headshots (Until he's backstabbed by a certain someone.) He also looks almost identical to the Assassin in BB2, who he mains. The only difference is that the Assassin has much longer hair
Miss Pauling: Colour-codes her notes and organises them extensively instead of revising her subjects.
Administrator: Shows up every 4 years at Christmas time and gives lavish and not at all personalised gifts to her grand nieces and nephews, before vanishing into the night.
Saxton Hale: Used to be the PE teacher while his dad worked as headteacher. He was GODLY to have on your team.
Bidwell: He paints in his free time, and posts his art online
Charles Darling: Head of the posh boarding school at the area. There’s been an intense rivalry between the Darlings and the Hales for quite some time.
Zhanna: Has a massive collection of plushies
Grey Mann: like 95, and has an 18-year-old daughter somehow. And is also still working???
Olivia Mann: Homeschooled for most of her life, but went to Darling Boarding School as a semi boarder for year 11.
Merasmus: Rarely wears eyeliner but always manages to get the perfect wing whenever they apply it.
Scout's mother: She gets almost everything from Facebook marketplace, charity shops, and Vinted. Furniture, clothes, appliances, everything. Also a massive temu victim.
Chevy (C!Heavy): Ooh he's mysterious - mickey
Beatrice (C!Pyro): Her old school ws set on fire. Despite almost everyone knowing that it was Beatrice, it could never be triased back to her.
Greg (C!Demo) and Greg (C!Scout): They are in all of the same classes and also share a last name (Smith), so it gets confusing at times.
Ross (C!Soldier): Does cadets with Soldier, and plans to go straight into it after secondary school
Virgil (C!Sniper): Like Mundee, he will and can headshot you 10 times in a row on Band Bastille 2.
Fred (C!Engineer): Before the summer he was mainly just good friends with Virgil, who was a part of the 'Classic' friend group before he fully joined at the start of year 11
Matt (C!Spy): No one knows why he doesn't go to Darling Boarding School, as his parents are quite posh.
Steven (C!Medic): Was one of the nicest students in school before he left, no one really knows why he hung out with Chevy or any of that gang in fact.
if you want anyone else, just comment them. ill reply, probably
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moodymisty · 3 months
I like to imagine Big E just watching all of this go down.
Watching his sons try to steal each others lovers just so they can feel a modicum of humanness and what it feels like to be romantically loved by another.
His legion of perfected super soldiers off to the side, awkward and unsure of how to proceed. Except in the case were the two legions in this debacle already previously have a rivalry with one another (ex. Thousand Sons and Space Wolves). Then in that case they just start fighting each other, verbally or physically.
You’re still technically both their mother so they end up arguing who’s your favourite. It’s not actually about which one of them is your favourite, it’s about their legion and their primarch being then the other legion and the other primarch
Emps is so fucking disappointed, but also just, can't give a shit. He has so much else to worry about than his little pinocchios brawling over a single woman, it's just a headache. As long as they still get shit done then whatever.
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This. I need this as a fic. A strong woman who drives König unintentionally crazy for her by just telling him, “Good shot, König.” IMAGINE IF THE GERMAN ROLLED OF HER TONGUE SO WELL. The man is drooling for her. Yeah, she’s still a woman. Soft and sweet but she still kills people. Regularly. She has scars from missions, she’s a good shot and she’s PAYING ATTENTION TO HIM.
My mind is turning to yandere x yandere scenarios
Ahaha this au scenario plagues me as well. She's a mystery lady!
Imagine them going to the shooting range together and having a playful contest on who's the better shot, then proceeding to have the most heated round of sex after König arrives at her booth to correct her stance, trying to show her how it's done... (as if she was a rookie lol.)
Getting very physical, making clear just how crazy he is about her, and they can't take their clothes off because it's a semi-public place, and it would be super unprofessional and wrong to have sex on a range... but the tension simply reaches a boiling point and König ends up taking her on the firing platform or smth while there's guns lying all around 🙄
If she was the type of girl who's both a carefree sunshine and a confident, capable soldier, I imagine they would eventually clash with König. Both would drive each other mad. If she refused to play the part of submissive woman, the flirting would turn into petty rivalry, playful sex would turn into hatefucking, and König would go insane from lust and frustration.
This soldier lady would perhaps start to despise herself for wanting to be with a crazy guy like him, she would try to get rid of König (easier said than done) – and fail over and over again after finding herself admiring this guy's lunacy on the battlefield yet again... craving his animalistic sex drive in bed, then slipping another compliment in his ear because she wants him to seek her out after a mission and make her moan how good he is with both his guns (König would dissolve in a second)... and all this after she just told him to leave her alone (haha good luck with that again.)
And yes why not yandere x yandere outcomes as well... Holy shit *melts*
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I was thinking about Duergar after listening to Critical Role S1. I don’t care too much for the blatantly evil brush they used but I still want them to be antagonistic. Reading the Explore D&D article on them I took that and looked for inspiration. I thought a blend of the paranoid police state of Stalinist Russia with the political intrigue and back stabbing of imperial Rome. Vast underground cities of brutalist architecture. A culture of conformity, order and a nihilistic outlook. Atheist philosophy cults of the forge or other practical oriented ideologies. Power by any means is a virtue in this society so mages and warlocks are also prevalent. Holidays and celebrations are scheduled well choreographed events. Individuality is scorned. Even hair styles and clothing are limited and enforced by literal fashion police. Gulags are kept well stocked with routine purges of dissidents and a thriving slave trade. All this keeps their cities nearly impenetrable but also undercuts their expansion. Trade with the outside does exist but it’s extremely bureaucratic. They make FANTASTIC concrete.
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Footnotes on Foes: Duergar
The problem with the grey dwarves is that they're a little too close to their surface world counterparts compared to the other underdark Wario fantasy races. There's a literal night and day difference between elves and drow , humans and grimlocks, and to a lesser extent gnomes and svirfneblin, but if you looked at surface dwarves (traditionalist, work in metal and stone, warriror culture) there's really nothing all that different about the Duergar other than a grabbag of magic powers and the Duergar being SUPER assholes all the time, while surface dwarves are only assholes some of the time.
I’ve tried a few different versions of the duergar in my writing including mercenary legions of migratory exiles hunting through the underdark looking to conquer territory, and willing collaborators and footsoldiers for illithid colonies, but I think this ask specifically gave me something cool to work with: A focus on Psionics is what ahould seperate the duergar from regular dwarves, with the totalitarian state described above ramped up to its fantasy world extreme by the fact that the secret police can read your mind, and if they can’t find evidence of thoughtcrime they can use mindfuckery to put it there.  The social conformity is seen as a way of detecting rebellious thoughts as if they were social contagion.
This also gives the grey dwarves a distinct aesthetic that is separate from vanilla dwarves: Crystals, be they shaped into weapons or architecture or floating about the heads of psionic casters, which goes to supplement their already textual psychic powers. As an added means of differentiating them, talk about how duergar metalwork is shit, soldiers wearing slave-foundry pig iron while their commanders wield elegantly carved sceptres of nightmare infused rock.
Also, just to have a bit of fun, have the duergar low-key anxious about the existence of the sky, to the point where many of them believe it's a myth made up to scare them as children.
Despite the draconian control they keep over their own populace, the rigors of living in a realm of ever shifting stone require the Duergar to utilize numerous means to secure the territories around their grim cities: Fortress outposts built to control passage in and out of their cavernous realms, psionicly propelled vessels of iron plate that prowl great tunnels like levitating battleships, treaties and client-state contracts with rival and subjugated creatures set up as buffers. Travelling through underdark controlled by duergar is a different sort of dangerous then normal travel in the below.
Escaping from prison before she could be lobotomized, a powerful psion has made it to the surface world with a gang of fellow thought-criminals, working as mercenaries using their unusual skills and eventually forming a rivalry with the party.
The earth writhes. A series of violent quakes cause damage in several cities across the kingdom, setting off numerous small disasters and the appearance of subterranean monsters that'll keep the party and the powers that be busy for weeks. When the cause is eventually determined, it's discovered that in a hunger for more pisonically charged crystals, a duergar warlord has awoken a primordial which now thrashes against its restraints and shakes the world as its pained excavation continues.
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mmani-e · 4 days
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Drew up the antagonists of the UDG Equivalent of my little talentswap series, which I have settled on a title for:
Demix 1 and 1/2: INTERREGNUM.
Or just INTERREGNUM or INT for short.
As in my prior post about them, every single one of them is a former ult, save for Sayako - who serves as the replacement for Haiji, who is based off of the Nanokumas in V3. They're all burnout losers who never got to fulfill their potential, and adopted working for a totalitarian regime to preserve their fragile feelings and find meaning.
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Hantaro = Monotaro, forgetful super-soldier general. First one to fight, first one to go. Takes Masaru's role.
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Seinosuke = Monosuke, greedy accountant in charge of finances of Taka's empire. Lives lavishly after skimming off the top. He replaces Jataro.
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Stephanie = Monophanie, chef with huge dreams and huger insecurities. Shoehorned into managing lots of things none of the guys know or care to do. Replaces Kotoko.
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Touma = Monokid, disgraced musician and relentless bully. In charge of media and propaganda in the despair-built empire. Replaces Nagisa.
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Adamu = Monodam, physically incapable genius, disgraced and disallowed from academia due to his desperation and ego. Pretends to be Kiyotaka's loyal head of research, believed in the cause more than anyone at some point… now that Taka is dead, he sees the folly in his work and seeks to perfect what he started. Replaces Monaca.
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Sayako = Nanokumas, Adamu's estranged and vengeful little sister. Wants more than anything to bring her brother down as a continuation of their twisted sibling rivalry. Just as psychopathic as the rest of them, and fields her own little resistance comprised of manipulated child-rebels. Replaces Haiji.
A full, lined and colored set will come soon. Hope you enjoy.
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elpis-simps · 8 months
Okay I just found out something. So we all know Captain Marvel. (BTW this post is for marvel fans) and her movie. I've watched that movie multiple times. Love it, I think it's written fairly well, great CGI, funny script, good lore and story, love how everything ties in, overall its a really good movie; and captain marvel is one of my favourite superheroes, and one of the most badass.
WHY THE F*CK do people think she's a "bad movie and bad superhero" like it's one of the really good B.E movies! (Before Endgame)
**I'm using B.E as Befoee Endgame because A.E (after endgame) is arguably the worse marvel era. Don't get me wrong, it has some great stuff in A.E, but B.E is just better overall.
Anyways, back to what I was saying. I think k Brie Larson was a great actress and did really well portraying the character Captain Marvel. Not to mention captain marvel was one of the overpowered superheroes in the B.E era, before they started making everyone OP to defeat big CGI villains and to make their movies more action packed to get more views and stuff. She had good plotline, good powers, cool backstory, funny, and genuinely one of my favourite female superheroes.
I would love to see her as the new face of the MCU, A.E. considering they killed off what was generally considered the "face" of the MCU, Iron Man and Captain America, they haven't put much focus on one or two specific people to be aforementioned face.
Captain marvel hasn't been killed off, she has amazing potential, and she's personally one of my favourite 'Big Badass Backup To Fight Big Strong Villain" in those "No hope left" moments.
I don't understand the hate on her. May e its because she was, along with Natasha Romanff, one of the first female superheroes on-screen in the MCU. Sexism is a big thing in movies and stuff, but I have some reasons why I think she and another person- who I will mention later- should be the next 'Face of the MCU'.
1: the previous 'face' duo was Iron man and Captain America. So it sta ds to reason, along with what marvel has been doing to be more racially and gender inclusive, that we should have 2 female superheroes.
Yes I know the whole 'really overexaggerated feminist film superhero plotline new budget annoying superhero to earn more money and get higher ratings' thing is annoying; but hear me out.
Point 2: I have a few options, but to continue off of point 1; I feel like a good combo would be The Scarlet Witch and Captain Marvel. (Wanda Maximoff and Carol Danvers)
They are both powerful, badass, good storyline, great actors behind them heroes/characters. They could make for a good duo to contrast from the B.E duo of men.
Point 3: yes u know that Wanda is 'dead' BUT before the rocks fell on her, you could clearly see a flash of RED MAGIC in the rocks. After the entire Dr Strange MoM (multiverse of madness) plotline was 'Scarlet Witch has grown in power she's following us into DUFFERENT DIMENSIONS and was prophesied since the DAWN OF TIME, and has unlocked much more of her powers, I HIGHLY doubt some normal old rocks would kill her.
It's just unlikely considering how obscure some of marvels foreshadowing has been, we know that they foreshadow films that come out like 3 years later.
Point 4: moving away from Captain Marvel and Wanda, how about a new duo.
Bucky Barnes and Yelena Belova. Its similar to the old duo of Captain America (man out of time, from 1940, soldier) and Iron Man (normal human, with special training/ gear that is one of the only things that makes them super.)
This duo would be interesting, especially as we've seen both bucky AND yelena on an official marvel movie poster together.
I personally love both characters;and it pays homage to the golden age of marvel B.E.
Bucky is homage to Captain America (obviously) and Yelena is homage to both Iron Man AND Natasha Romanoff.
And it could allow for more opportunity of the old age to come shining back through the new age, in the form of two humans, who have a rivalry,
(I think it would be interesting to have bucky and yelena to have a mild rivalry at least, considering we chose them due to there similarities with the old duo, cap and stark)
Who are also enhanced in ways that gives them an advantage in fighting, and it could give a lot of opportunity to save marvel. And bucky is a fan favourite character, so considering marvels reputation going down now their movies are getting worse COMPARED TO B.E, I think this could be a great way to bring the nostalgia of the old movies back.
So my original rant was about captain marvel being hated. Sorry for making you read all this, and if you have read everything here, I thank you immensely for giving me the time and chance.
I really miss the B.E era, and hate how they kill off all the OG great characters for new, sh*ttier superheros like Kamala Khan.
So here is just some ideas in my passionate rant which I would love to see. I love Wanda and Captain marvel, but personally I think I would prefer the Winter Soldier and White Widow duo because it would need less fancy magic CGI, and give the film(s) they appear in a more B.E and better quality feel then just a bunch of CGI that takes away from the quality of the movie and storyline, and the lack of CGI ( I mean the bright magic flashy stuff they constantly use in A.E, not the general cgi they more often use in B.E)
Would give the film(s) a better, more enostalgic, more authentic, emotional, just overall better film quality and plotline.
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mathclassd00dles-blog · 8 months
Hi can you tell me more of your Rise Alopex whst relationship she has with each of the turtles
Omg yes!
My original plan was to make a rise comic series that had Alopex as one of the main story branches. I have been busy with work and haven't had much time to work on it lately but things are starting to slow down so I might have time to go back to it soon.
Much like the other iterations of Alopex, she was created on purpose, but this time she was created by John Bishop as some kind of animal super soldier for the EPF(she's not the first one he’s created either) and she was raised in the EPF by her ’handler’(think like a K-9 handler in the military or police force, someone who raises, trains, and ’handles’ the animal is usually considered a handler) he is currently unnamed for the time being.
⬇️More under the cut⬇️
Her first time in New York was just before the invasion, John Bishop ordered that she(along with some other EPF mutants) were needed in the base in New York so she was flown in from the California base. She was there during the invasion and for a short while after before she was flown back home although she found it a little suspicious how Bishop seemingly knew about the invasion beforehand. Koya and Takeshi(tiger claw) are also mutants in the EPF.
Almost a year later she is requested to come back to NYC for a mission. She was raised on the belief that she was a soldier to protect the earth and all its residents from aliens. This is also when she meets turtles up close for the first time.
Her relationship with the turtles starts off a bit rocky because she is technically working for ’the other side’. To the Hamato clan she's a villain and to her, they are a thorn in her side every time she sees them while on a mission. She generally tries to avoid them as much as possible rather than engage.
The first turtle she meets is Donnie and oh my stars do they start out hating each other guts. It was a fight at first sight for those two. A pull of a tail and a bite to the arm, chaos ensued. The animosity does cool down a little between those two(eventually) and their quarrels fall into some kind of rhythmic rivalry. They throw punches and insults at each other. The first time Leo sees how they interact he calls them an old married couple and they both get offended by this statement (she doesn't meet the other turtles till months later).
She won't get to meet Mikey or Leo for a good long while, at least not while she is still working for the EPF under John Bishop. There’s a lot of character development that has to happen inbetween before she really meets the rest of the brithers a bit more personally.
The first time she meets Raph is when she falls into hidden city and accidentally bumps into him. It's only a quick interaction but she looks at him and thinks he's a dinosaur because he is just MASSIVE. but that is the only interaction that happens between those two for the time being. They don't introduce themselves or anything at this moment they won't even see each other again till she is out of the EPF.
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The first time Leo meets Alopex, she is critically injured and ends up getting help from the team medic(Leo).
Mikey would probably meet her after she gets some medical attention and he would realize that she is the one who was annoying his purple-clad genius brother Donnie lately but she was always left unnamed during his rants. Mikey secretly ships it thinking that his brother stepped into an enemies-to-lovers trope. Which in all honesty is true. But those two don't get there for a long time.
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But I think for the most part they would all get along. She and Donnie will also get along too... eventually… their bickering arguments are always a good show, remember to bring popcorn.
Alopex hates Bishop's guts, she always has since she was a kit. She was mutated at a very young age by Bishop because his research showed that the younger the subject is at the time of mutation the more control they have over it and the better they can train certain habits of their species in or out.
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She has trauma regarding certain punishments while growing up, one of which is the muzzle. To Bishop, the muzzle punishment has shown to be the most effective towards her. (it's not a normal one either, she can't take it off herself)
She's about 17 years old present day, 16 during the invasion. She's technically a red fox but since she has melanism her fur is mostly black with a few white areas, on her chest and stomach, each paw, tail, mouth, and dots for eyebrows and bright yellow eyes.
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She doesn't have powers since her mutagen is not from an oozesquito but from a research institute called TCRI, or at least that's what she's been told.
She loves pumpkin bread, pumpkin muffins, and just about any kind of pumpkin-flavored treat, however, she's also a fan of fried chicken. Favorite color is green.
She also loves motorcycles and has a good understanding of how machines and engines work because of it. (this is something that Alopex and Donnie could possibly bond over)
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She hates heights(specifically when flying, planes, jets, helicopters, all of it), the muzzle, John Bishop, and Takeshi(mutual hate, more story on him later if interested), and tomatoes.
(my art style changes multiple times throughout this post, some sketches are from months ago and some are more recent)
Please let me know if you have any more questions about this au!
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msweebyness · 2 months
Some DC/Marvel AU Headcanons
Have some headcanons for the hero and villain kids from these universes! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Chloe is incredibly proud of the fact that her family is Markovian royalty and reminds people of that fact any chance she gets. It profoundly gets on the other villains’ nerves, and they make that known to her. Sabrina still humors her girlfriend by calling her “Princess”. The others have still picked up some Markovian phrases from Chloe though, particularly expletives.
Colussus: *steps on a lamp post that jabs his foot* MOTHER OF GOAT!
Even alien planets aren’t devoid of racism, and Evie has witnessed this throughout her life on M’arzz. While Evie herself, like her mother, is Ga’Runn, the ethnic majority, her father is A’ashenn, and one of her brothers was born such as well. The scorn they received from her mother’s wealthy family and the Ga’Runn population at large was brutal and at times violent, and it left a deep effect on Evie. It was part of the reason she was so hesitant to reveal her true Martian self first to Brecken and then to her fellow heroes, though all accepted her with open arms. (Her telepathy is the main means of communication between the heroes)
Reshma’s Scarab is a part of her consciousness, and that’s not necessarily something she’s happy about. While it’s certainly helpful in battle, it also wakes up and chooses violence every day, with its solution to most problems being “PLASMA CANNON”. Needless to say, this kinda annoys Reshma. Her friends are aware that whenever she seems to be talking to herself, she’s actually arguing with Scarab. …it does have pretty good taste with clothes though.
Reshma: No, it would not have been ‘preferable’ to vaporize them all when they were gathered as a group! Will you please just chill the fuck out?!
Jean and Ondine, as the chief magic users of the heroes and villains respectively, have a fierce rivalry whenever any battle crops up. Neither is willing to let the other show them up, and it can get to the point that Austin T and Kim have to intervene before things can get too crazy or destructive.
Petra will admit that becoming the hero Karma and wielding the power of fate is pretty cool, but the Helmet of Fate does come with a downside, and his name is Nabu. He does nothing but talk down to her and treat her like an ignorant child and they really wish they could just tell him to put a cork in it, almighty lord of order or not.
Being the resident extraterrestrials of the group, Marc, Evie, Mindy and Ismael have a close bond, helping each other out with Earther stuff and just taking the time to talk about how much they miss Tamaran, M’arzz and Thanagar respectively, and also comforting Ismael who never got to experience living on his home planet. They also geek out about cool Earth stuff together.
Missy and Gia have always had a strong friendship and friendly rivalry when it comes to their archery skills and work quite well as a team. They have frequent competitions and are evenly matched in wins and losses. Their friendship is so strong that when they’re older they found a private security company with Rochelle and Zoé. (Anyone who gets this reference, I love you.)
Zoé picked up Dick’s habit of messing with the English language by removing prefixes from words to make new ones. That is all.
Rouge: I am traught, whelmed and feeling the aster! Let’s do this!
Missy has an…entertaining dynamic with her Symbiote, named Rancor. They’re kind of a snarky little shit and frequently get on her nerves with their comments, but the two care for each other nonetheless. Missy protects Rancor from those who wish to exploit them, and they would do anything to keep their host safe. Their friendship has its ups and downs, but is nevertheless strong.
Ivan, as you might suspect, is chronologically a bit older than he looks. The experiment to turn him into a super soldier was conducted several decades before the present day, and he was subsequently frozen in cryostasis until being reawakened in the 21st century. During that time, his parents passed away and his sister lived to old age before doing the same just three years before he was thawed out. He misses them terribly and has a lot of bad days where he’s overwhelmed by the new and unfamiliar world around him. Thankfully, his girlfriend and friends are there to support him. (He also got to meet his sister’s daughter and her two kids, and she told him how much her mother would talk about him, how she would have loved her uncle.)
Adrien and Ondine were childhood best friends who grew up in Asgard together, and she’s always had his back no matter what. If Marc messed with him too much, she would be the first to kick the chaos God’s ass, and Marc respects and fears her for that. Adrien also helped Kim out with winning her over and asking her out.
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs! Hope you liked these!
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kitty-mactabbysh · 1 year
I've got a Halo AU for Ghoap too and even though I have everything ready I wanna write fanfic of it and this is where my brain goes
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But some things:
• Ghost is a Spartan, of course. Wish I remembered the number but I think it was 114.
• And the 141 is part of an ODST platoon who solves human problems. They're not on the war against the Covenant or in the search for the Halos, they deal with local druglords, terrorists, the gritty stuff.
• But they were falling behind a little, so the UNSC slapped this Spartan II booty on them and said "you better goddamn fix this".
• ODST guys were hostile to Ghost on his first day because he is a Spartan (and there is some one-sided rivalry going on here), but Soap stepped up to defend him like the pookie that he is (Ghost really didn't care about the harassment though but if someone tried to clap him he'd give them refunds).
• So now we have this squad of ODSTs who works closely with a Spartan because Soap said "Captain please" and Price already knew Ghost, worked together with him in the past, and Gaz thought it'd be cool to have one on the team.
• That's basically it. I'm not sure if I should talk about Graves.
• But anyway he was a Marine Commander whose squad got yeeted by Shepherd as some sort of damage control and they couldn't let the bitch die because he had too many important things he never shared (he's shady here, too) with even his higher-ups so they decided to resurrect him as an AI in order to harvest said intel and ended up keeping him around. He's the Captain and Smart AI of the Rook Shrouded in Shadow, a Charon-class light frigate which serves as a base for this ODST platoon and some.
• He hates Shepherd and whenever they have to work together comms is a bicker-fest and Ghost not only wanted to, but actually did turn comms off once, went AWOL, found and fought an entire Covenant squad who was doing some illegal trade with a human crime syndicate, and they had no idea where to find him for a hot hour.
• Soap panicked a little but Gaz knew he'd be fine. How could a 7ft tall super soldier not be? Your crush is showing, MacTavish...
Basically the whole thing hope you're having a good day and remember: Halo Infinite is not that bad.
Cheers ♡
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