#buddy you're a boy make a big noise playing in the streets gonna be a big man someday
mother-rhoyne · 9 months
Pretending to be a knight and then showing up on the tourney field to the sound of We Will Rock You? I've never watched A Knight's Tale but I've definitely read it before
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cuprohastes · 6 months
The chant.
The Varshan Invaders had this thing: Unity.
They dropped Anjax, which was mostly just thirty farms raising the local safe-to-eat animals nicknamed Argnu.
The farmers had all read the briefing packets: If it's the Xss, the Dormavir, the Jince... run. Run n' hide. They'll eat you, literally eat you and that won't do you any good.
The Twon-hai, Gir and Tsush, they're slavers, they'll give up if you stand up to them. Expect up to 68% losses. Still better than what they'll do to you.
The Vershan, the On-dotir, the uHown or the Kelth... Jsut surrender, don't annoy them the Terran Colonial force wills how up and sort it, and there's a chance you can jsut persuade them to be chill and mark you down as Not For Conquering.
So anyway. The Varshan. They'll only take over if they think that the population are disUnified. It's their holy mission to reduce entropy via unity or something. They're pretty chill about it - Nobody gets sacrificed to the dark god, or put in the Castigation Pit - but it's a huge pain in the ass when you really need to be shipping Argnu Beef and not e.g. nonconsensually being inducted into an alien religion.
So they dragged everyone into one area and did their Unity Chant to show that they all were unified.
Then they sent thier guy out and planted a flag.
The next part is they grab some rando and tell them to "Show their Unity". This works well usually because you pick anyone form even a fairly smoothly integrated society and put them on the spot, they'll panic.
Which was why Jacinta Omura, 45, admin, completely bewildered, was dragged out in front of everyone she knew.
So she looks at the aliens who are all looking smug having done thier weird Haka, looks back at the crowd of farmers, and shippers and what-not... And it's her time to shine.
She strieks a pose, head down, one arm up, wide stance.
Everyone in the front row behind her are like OK Jace has flipped her burger here.
But then she starts to sing... Well chant. Not well, not nearly loud enough...
"Buddy, you're a boy," she says, voice breaking. She swallows and adds "make a big noise... Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday."
Now her voice is getting a little more confident.
About this time the crowd behind her has started to pick up on what she's doing, and there's a ripple of people starting to back her up: The rows behind them catching on.
"You got mud on your face, you're a big disgrace - Kicking your can all over the place, singin'..."
She lifts both arms like she's conducting, and behind her there's the entire colony: clap-clap stomp, Clap-clap stomp, shaking the ground, singing, as one:
"We will, we will rock you! We will, we will rock you"
Well the Vershan were kind of impressed, because hey that ticks the box, and also, style points there. So they loaded up on Argnu meat at a good price so show no hard feelings and went off on their holy crusade to annoy everyone.
And that's how Freddie Mercury saved Anjax.
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what-if-i-just-did · 1 year
(This is a random 'humans are the weird ones' story I wrote based off a tumblr post I saw on pinterest by @emmathechocolate)
Loki was bored. They had been told to load the docks, but all the stronger, taller, more muscular aliens didn’t want them in their way. Shuffling from foot to foot, they got an idea.
Stamp-Stamp-Clap. Stamp-Stamp-Clap. Stamp-Stamp-Clap. Stamp-Stamp-Clap.
They noticed some of the other humans realizing what they were doing. Halsey quickly put down the box she’d been carrying (of course she’d been allowed to help), Amethyst started clapping along even with the notepad she had in her hands. Only three humans had yet to notice. 
Once Halsey had her hands free, and started Stamp-Stamp-Clap-ing along, did the two humans next to her, Earth and her brother Luc, who’d been talking, notice. 
They immediately fell into beat. At this point, the non-humans were starting to notice too, and get confused or slightly scared looks on their faces. The last human, Stevano, noticed because his Reikna’thor buddy Halu’at was staring at Earth and Luc. Stevano joined in as well, feeling stupid for being the last. “Human Stevano, what are you-” Beeped Halu’at’s translation device. It was being ignored.
Now that everyone was Stamp-Stamp-Clap-ing, Loki took a step forward next time they stamped. Then, everyone did. They were all slowly Stamp-Stamp-Clap-ing towards eachother, leaving the baffled aliens behind them. 
Then, once they deemed everyone was close enough, Loki started singing.
“Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise, Playing in the street, Gonna be a big man someday
You got mud on your face, You big disgrace, Kicking your can all over the place, singing”
All the other humans joined in for the “WE WILL, WE WILL, ROCK YOU” 
Amethyst spoke up, “Come on boys! Yeah,-”
Then Luc started singing. He wasn’t as good as Loki, but that wasn’t the point.
“Buddy, you're a young man, hard man, Shouting in the street, Gonna take on the world someday, You got blood on your face, You big disgrace, Waving your banner all over the place”
“WE WILL, WE WILL, ROCK YOU!” Everyone accentuated their stamps. Amethyst sang again. “Sing it out!” “WE WILL, WE WILL ROCK YOU!” Everyone frantically sung.
For the last part, Stevano and Earth both started singing, which caused a little giggle from them, but nobody stopped Stamp-Stamp-Clap-ing. “Buddy, you're an old man, poor man
Pleading with your eyes, Gonna make you some peace someday, You got mud on your face
Big disgrace, Somebody better put you back into your place” 
Everyone promptly stopped Stamp-Stamp-Clap-ing. Everyone bursted down in giggles, looking at Loki, who was wearing quite the smug grin on their face. 
The aliens decided to add another chapter to the human guide later, and just get on with work for once. At least this new.. human oddness hadn’t been harmful?
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cool-brooklyn-us · 1 year
SoftCruella&FemRock Reader
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Cruella had been pondering with fashion ideas since taking over the new named Hell Hall but she kept running up a blank which in return frustrated her as she threw her work onto the floor as she let out a sigh in frustration as Jasper walks in.
"What do you want know Jasper"
Jasper was taking aback at how Cruella new it was him before he even said anything
"Well I was thinking there's a rock open mic night happing at the park later maybe it will get your mind off of everything since you have been stressed"
Cruella turned looking at him before waving him off to leave not saying a word as Jasper leaves the flyer for her once he was gone of course she picks it up taking a look at it maybe getting out could be some fun.
Later that night.......
Cruella attended the so called open rock concert everyone she had listened to so far were absolutely dreadful in her opinion she was about to leave but a Y/H/C woman walked on the stage dressed in black jeans , black T-Shirt, black converse shoes and a black leather jacket as she spoke into the mic.
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"Hi everyone my name is Y/N and tonight I'm gonna sing a song I wrote I hope you like it"
Suddenly Y/N started to stop her feet then clap making a beat almost then the crowed started to copy her as she smiled then began to sing even cruella found herself joining in.
"Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise ,Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday You got mud on your face, you big disgrace ,Kicking your can all over the place, singin"
Cruella found her self smiling at this woman getting lost in her voice
"We will, we will rock you ,We will, we will rock you"
The woman slipped on a guitar as she took the mic off and began doing a jump stomp as she sang
"Buddy, you're a young man, hard man ,Shouting in the street, gonna take on the world someday You got blood on your face, you big disgrace Waving your banner all over the place"
The woman sang into the mic before pointing it at the crowed as she brought her hand to her ear as the crowed sang along.
"We will, we will rock you, sing it!"
"We will, we will rock you"
The woman smiled and so did Cruella as there eyes locked as the woman sent a wink to cruella
"Buddy, you're an old man, poor man ,Pleading with your eyes, gonna make you some peace someday ,You got mud on your face, big disgrace ,Somebody better put you back into your place"
The crowed and the woman sang along to the chorus as the woman began playing an electric guitar.
"We will, we will rock you, sing it , We will, we will rock you, everybody ,We will, we will rock you, hmm"
"We will, we will rock you"
The woman finished giving a bow as the crowed cheered loud as she then walked off the stage making her way to cruella.
"Hi I'm Y/N Redfield"
Y/N held out her hand for cruella to shake but cruella smiled a gentle smile before wrapping her arm around Y/N's as they begin to walk.
"So Darling how about you take me for coffee so we can then get fully...."
Cruella looks back as Y/N's Ass smirking before look at Y/N again.
"Acquainted with each other shall we"
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sakughost · 10 months
Muggle Studies. Free period.
Seamus Finnigan hit his desk twice then clapped once, the noise echoing throughout the classroom. He did this thrice in a steady rhythm. Hermione rolled her eyes. Harry, Susan Bones and Katie Bell chimed in.
Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise
Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday
You got mud on your face, you big disgrace
Kicking your can all over the place, singin'
Susan, Katie, Seamus:
We will, we will rock you
We will, we will rock you
By this time more than half of the class is already into it.
Buddy, you're a young man, hard man
Shouting in the street, gonna take on the world someday
You got blood on your face, you big disgrace
Waving your banner all over the place
Katie, Susan, Harry and the others including the portraits' ghosts:
We will, we will rock you, (Harry: sing it, c'mon Hermione!)
We will, we will rock you
Hermione slams her book on her desk loudly. Everyone fell quiet. But she then proceeds to hastily stand on her chair.
Buddy, you're an old man, poor man
Pleading with your eyes, gonna make you some peace someday
You got mud on your face, big disgrace
Somebody better put you back into your plaaaace
Draco eyes filled with unabashed heat.
Everybody shouts:
We will, we will rock you, (Harry: sing it)
We will, we will rock you, (Seamus: everybody)
We will, we will rock -
The door slams open. Professor Snape walks in and everyone fell quiet. He scanned the room and his eyes fell on Hermione standing on her chair. He contemplates for bit then decides to ignore it. He closed the door with a loud thud
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Danny Nattrass as Galileo Figaro Appreciation post [22/??]
Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday You got mud on your face, you big disgrace Kicking your can all over the place, singin' We will, we will rock you
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"Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise playing in the street! Gonna be a big man someday! You got mud on your face, you big disgrace! Kicking your can all over the place! Sing it!"
He sing.
Saph: ~WE WILL, WE WILL ROCK YOU!~" hehe your singing queens huh~?
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askrockandfriends · 2 years
{{I know Surfin' Bird can be kind of annoying to some people, so to change up the pace a bit... here's Raisuke to sing a different song.}}
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"Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise playing in the street. Gonna be a big man someday! You got mud on your face, you big disgrace! Kicking your can all over the place!"
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"We will, we will rock you!"
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my-chaos-radio · 18 days
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Release: October 7, 1977
Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise
Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday
You got mud on your face, you big disgrace
Kicking your can all over the place, singin'
We will, we will rock you
We will, we will rock you
Buddy, you're a young man, hard man
Shouting in the street, gonna take on the world someday
You got blood on your face, you big disgrace
Waving your banner all over the place
We will, we will rock you (sing it out)
We will, we will rock you
Buddy, you're an old man, poor man
Pleading with your eyes, gonna make you some peace someday
You got mud on your face, big disgrace
Somebody better put you back into your place
Songwriter: Brian Harold May
We will, we will rock you, sing it
We will, we will rock you, everybody
We will, we will rock you, hmm
We will, we will rock you
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neavecurnowmedia · 4 months
we will rock you by Queen
Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday You got mud on your face, you big disgrace Kicking your can all over the place, singin'
We will, we will rock you We will, we will rock you
Buddy, you're a young man, hard man Shouting in the street, gonna take on the world someday You got blood on your face, you big disgrace Waving your banner all over the place
We will, we will rock you, sing it We will, we will rock you
Buddy, you're an old man, poor man Pleading with your eyes, gonna make you some peace someday You got mud on your face, big disgrace Somebody better put you back into your place
We will, we will rock you, sing it We will, we will rock you, everybody We will, we will rock you, hmm We will, we will rock you Alright
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sicklestorms2ndhit · 10 months
Someone sleeping: Honk Honk shoo
Honk Honk Shoo
Me: *whispering* buddy you're a boy, make a big noise, playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday
you've got mud on your face-
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livsgovan69 · 1 year
Professor May: P.2
Notes:  This is about a young 20  year old  girl named Bianca Evans and her secret relationship with her varry hot science and music teacher. Brian May, (he's deciding to put his doctorate to sum use) . This will take place over the course of a 4 part series. 
Timeline: 2023 
Warnings: Nothing for this chapter. 
I walk through the halls to my lunch spot. When I get there my friends are already there. (Diana/Di, Indy, and Lennon/Leno.) 
“Finally, took you long enough. Did he ring you out?” Diana asks. 
“Did who ring you out?” askes Indy. 
“Professor May, and no he didn't.” I answer sitting beside Lennon. 
“Then what took so long?” Di asks  
“He was just asking about how I was and how I’ve been late and slaking. You know he’s soft on me.” I say as I take out food from my bag. 
—------------------------------------40 minute time jump—------------------------------------------------- 
Me, Di, Indy and Lenno walk into our 3rd period class. Music. My favorite class. 
“Ah, Miss Evans, nice and early.” He says with a smile. I bow. 
“Thank you sir, I do try.” I say with a giggle. The three of us go and take a seat at the front.
“Hay are you three good to go first today?” Professor May asks us, looking up from his computer. 
“Yes sir.” Indy says as she tunes her guitar. Seeing her do so makes me realize something.  
“Shit I forgot my guitar!” I shout, leap up and sprint out of the room and down the hall and to my locker. 
“Yes, I feel as though that would be important for your performance.” Brian chuckles as he contenus on his computer. Thankfully my locker isn't too far from the class. I reach it and quickly unlock it. I wrench it open and pull out my electric guitar, then slam it shut and lock it. I sprint back down the hall to the classroom. 
“Ok, I'm back, I got it.” I say as I heave and huff holding up my guitar on one hand. 
“With 5 minutes to spare Miss. Evans.” he says not looking up from his computer. I giggle and sit back down in a huff. We had an anxiety ridden 20 minute wait for our presentation. 
“All right, now that we are all here we can begin. So before we start our presentations, let's go over the assignment over again. So the task was to work in groups of 3 or 4 and work together on a 5 minute set as if you are in a band. Now I thought because you have been so good lately I have a special treat for all of you. Come on in boys.” he says to the door. We all look confused, then Roger Tayler, Halyn May and Roxanne Mercury walk into the room. We now all look at each other flabbergasted, most of us recognising the rock legends that just walked in and others not knowing what the fuck is going on. 
“So as a special treat we will be doing a demo to show all you kids how it's done.” Professor May says. The 4 of them walk onto the risers and get into place. Professor May goes to his desk and pulls out a guitar case and pulls out the red special. We all gouck at its magnificence. 
“Alright ladies and gentleman, I don’t know if you know who I am but I guess we should start with a song I like to call We Will Rock You. Let's hit it.” Roxanne says. She stomped her feet to the beat. Stomp, stomp, clap, stomp, stomp, clap, stomp, stomp, clap.  Soon all 4 of them join in. 
Stomp, stomp, clap, stomp, stomp, clap, stomp, stomp, clap.
“ Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise 
Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday 
You got mud on your face, you big disgrace 
Kicking your can all over the place, singin' 
We will, we will rock you 
We will, we will rock you 
Buddy, you're a young man, hard man 
Shouting in the street, gonna take on the world someday 
You got blood on your face, you big disgrace 
Waving your banner all over the place     
We will, we will rock you, sing it! 
We will, we will rock you 
Buddy, you're an old man, poor man 
Pleading with your eyes, gonna make you some peace someday 
You got mud on your face, big disgrace 
Somebody better put you back into your place” 
Brian begins to stum his guitar lightly
“We will, we will rock you, sing it 
We will, we will rock you, everybody 
We will, we will rock you, hmm 
We will, we will rock you
Alright” At that last word Professor May rocks out on his guitar and Roger begins to hit his bace. Once his guitar solo was over they instantly went into the next song. 
“Let's go! 
Steve walks warily down the street 
With the brim pulled way down low 
Ain't no sound but the sound of his feet 
Machine guns ready to go Are you ready? 
Hey Are you ready for this? 
Are you hanging on the edge of your seat? 
Out of the doorway the bullets rip 
To the sound of the beat, 
yeah Another one bites the dust 
Another one bites the dust 
And another one gone, and another one gone 
Another one bites the dust (yeah) 
Hey, I'm gonna get you too 
Another one bites the dust 
How do you think I'm going to get along 
Without you, when you're gone? 
You took me for everything that 
I had And kicked me out on my own 
Are you happy, are you satisfied? 
How long can you stand the heat? 
Out of the doorway the bullets rip 
To the sound of the beat, look out 
Another one bites the dust 
Another one bites the dust 
And another one gone, and another one gone 
Another one bites the dust 
Hey, I'm gonna get you too 
Another one bites the dust Hey! 
Oh, take it Bite the dust Bite the dust, hey 
Hey Another one bites the dust 
Another one bites the dust, ow! 
Another one bites the dust, hey, hey 
Another one bites the dust, hey 
Ooh, shout! 
There are plenty of ways that you can hurt a man 
And bring him to the ground 
You can beat him, you can cheat him, you can treat him bad 
And leave him when he's down, yeah 
But I'm ready, yes I'm ready for you 
I'm standing on my own two feet 
Out of the doorway the bullets rip 
Repeating to the sound of the beat, oh yeah 
Another one bites the dust 
Another one bites the dust 
And another one gone, and another one gone 
Another one bites the dust, yeah 
Hey, I'm gonna get you too 
Another one bites the dust 
Shoot out 
Alright” One the last couple notes hit the end and the class is silent. Then they erupt in claps and cheers. The 4 of them go to the edge of the stage and take a bow. 
“Thank you, thank you.” Professor May says as a silence falls over the class once again. The other three take seats near Brian's desk.     
“Now this might be a tough act to follow but let's have a first group up.  Girls, you can start to set up and let me know when you're ready.” he says to the three of us. We get up from our seats and walk over to the risers. We get into position and go. 
“Well thank you Professor, that will be a tough act to follow, but here we go I guess. This is for you Professor May.” I say as I give him a wink. I see Roger whisper something to Brian, only for Brian to blush and elbow Roger hard in the ribs, Roger chuckles. He then whispers something back and they go back and forth. 
(What they are saying)  
“I see how you look at her.” Roger says. Brian blushies then elbows him.
“I don’t know what you're talking about.” he hissis back.  
“The front girl, she's cute. I didn't think you would go for such a young girl. I can see you really like her.” Roger says, looking at his trousers.  Brian realizes it and instantly covers it with his clipboard.
“Let's hit it.” I say   
“Oh, everything I do I do for you” we began to play
“Oh yeah
We touch and you're afraid of me and
We burn and now I'm at your feet
High speed, but you know you're in safe hands
In the dark we make a brighter light
From one spark to the horizon wide
We trust and together we tame the land, yeah
You'd be forgiven if you think you're dreaming
But we're working night and day to make a dream come true, yeah
Everything I do is driven by you
Oh, come on babe
Oh well it's tough to make a journey through
The right stuff is dead ahead of you and me
And you know we've still got time
Hold on tight to the driving wheel
This ride is really out of line
Raw deal, but there's no other that's worth a dime
You know I love you but you drive me crazy
Because you're saying all the things I want to say to you
You say
Everything I do is driven by you
Everything we do
Everything we do
Everything we do
Everything we do
Everything we do is driven by you
Inner children lost their way
Now they know the price you pay
I'm holding on to life with you
Because life without you just won't do
Driven by you
You know I'm never going to know who's dreaming
But we're working night and day to make a dream come true, yeah
Everything I do is driven by you
Everything we do
Everything we do
Everything we do
Everything we do
Everything we do
Everything we do
Everything we do
Everything we do
Everything we do is driven by
Driven by
Driven by you
Oh, everything I do I do for you” Just like the other group, as soon as the notes ended we began our next set. 
“Oh, come on, come on, come on, come on 
Didn't I make you feel like you were the only man? 
Yeah And didn't I give you nearly everything that a woman possibly can? 
Honey, you know I did 
And each time I tell myself that I, well I think I've had enough 
But I'm gonna show you, baby, that a woman can be tough 
I want you to come on, come on, come on, come on and take it 
Take another little piece of my heart now, baby (whoa, break it) 
Break another little bit of my heart now, darling, yeah, yeah, yeah (whoa, have a) 
Have another little piece of my heart now, baby 
You know you got it if it makes you feel good 
Oh, yes indeed 
You're out on the streets looking good 
And baby, deep down in your heart, I guess you know that it ain't right 
Never, never, never, never, never, never hear me when I cry at night 
Babe, and I cry all the time 
But each time I tell myself that I, well I can't stand the pain 
But when you hold me in your arms, I'll sing it once again 
I said come on, come on, come on, come on and take it 
Take another little piece of my heart now, baby 
Break another little bit of my heart now, darling, yeah 
Have another little piece of my heart now, baby 
Well, you know you got it, child, if it makes you feel good 
I need you to come on, come on, come on, come on and take it 
Take another little piece of my heart now, baby (whoa, break it) 
Break another little bit of my heart, now darling, yeah, c'mon now (whoa, have a) 
Have another little piece of my heart now, baby 
You know you got it, whoa Take it Take another little piece of my heart now, baby (whoa, break it) 
Break another little bit of my heart, now darling, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah (whoa, have a) 
Have another little piece of my heart now, baby, hey 
You know you got it, child, if it makes you feel good” we finish the set and I look up, me and Professor May’s eyes meet. My face blushes. We all go to the front of the stage and bow. The class erupts in applause. Roger, Roxanna and Haylon look very impressed. 
“That was good girls, that was really really good.” Sir says. 
“Good, are you deaf Brian, that was extraordinary. That was really extraordinary.” Roger says to us. 
“Thank you Sir.” I say back. I'm not going to, Roger Tayler is fucking cute and the fact that him and my long time crush have just complemented  me was unreal. 
“Alright you guys can take a seat and we can have our next set of brave souls come up and take the spotlight. Wait Bianca, you missed your last presentation. Would you be ok with doing it now?” Brian says looking over at me. I think about it for a second. 
“Ya. Let's do it. But I don't have my guitar. Can I run and grab it?” I say, He nods. I run and grab it and run back. Then I go back onto the risers. 
“So, Bianca will now be performing her acoustic performance. When you're ready Bianca.” He says with a smile. I cleared my throat then.
“Hello I’m Bianca Evans and I’m going to be singing Rich Girl, by Hall and Otes.” I say before I begin. I strum my guitar. 
“You're a rich girl, and you've gone too far
'Cause you know it don't matter anyway
You can rely on the old man's money
You can rely on the old man's money
It's a bitch girl but it's gone too far” Brian raises his eyebrow at my boldness to not cut out the swear word. 
“'Cause you know it don't matter anyway
Say money, but it won't get you too far
Get you too far
And don't you know, don't you know
That it's wrong to take what is given you
So far gone, on your own
You could get along if you try to be strong
But you'll never be strong 'cause
You're a rich girl, and you've gone too far
'Cause you know it don't matter anyway
You can rely on the old man's money
You can rely on the old man's money
It's a bitch girl and it's gone too far
'Cause you know it don't matter anyway
Say money, but it won't get you too far
Get you too far
High and dry, out of the rain
It's so easy to hurt others when you can't feel pain
And don't you know that a love can't grow
'Cause there's too much to give, 'cause you'd rather live
For the thrill of it all, oh
You're a rich girl, and you've gone too far
'Cause you know it don't matter anyway
You can rely on the old man's money
You can rely on the old man's money
It's a bitch girl and it's gone too far
'Cause you know it don't matter anyway
Say money, but it won't get you too far
Say money, but it won't get you too far
Say money, but it won't get you too far
Get you too far
And you say
You can rely on the old man's money
You can rely on the old man's money
You're a rich girl, a rich girl
Oh, you're a rich, rich girl yeah
Say money, but it won't get you too far, oh” I strum the last notes and stop. The room erupts in applause 
“Thank you Miss. Evans, that was excellent.” Professor May says. 
“Thank you Sir.” I say as I blush and I sit down beside my professor. I was on such a high that the rest of the class was a blur. 
“Alright, we got through most of our groups today, the rest of them will be tomorrow. You guys have about 5 minutes left so pack up your things and get ready for your next class.” he says looking at his watch. I walk through the crowd of kids to his desk. 
“Sir, would it be ok if I go early so I can put this back.” I ask softley giving my best flirting eyes. He raises an eyebrow at me as he looks at my guitars.  
“OK but if I get a call  that you're fooling around somewhere with someone, you will be in big trouble Missie.” he says giving me a sirius. 
“Yes sir.” I say with a wink and a smile. I walk out and to my locker.            
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mochiiwrites · 3 years
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🍁✨Autumn Troupe Headcanons!✨🍁
Hooray for more uncensored swearing! Sorry, this took so long! It’s hard to think of things for the Autumn Troupe since I don’t know them super well!
🍁🧡Banri Settsu🧡🍁
Whenever it's time for practice, Banri begins by smacking the back of Juza's head! (Not super hard, but enough for it to piss him off)
Diluc main, that is all. Before he got Diluc he was an Amber main, and somehow was good. Still uses her every once in a while!
Slightly intimidated by languages sometimes, I dunno how to explain it, so hopefully the dialogue does!
“Banri, come here for a second.”
“Hell no, I’m in the middle of a match right now.”
“Sit your ass down and wait, Chikage! I’m busy!”
"Halika dito! Huwag kang humintay na papatayin kita at iwanan kitang dumugo sa lansangan! Inumin ng mga aso ang iyong dugo at kukunin ng mga uwak ang iyong laman. Gusto mo yan?!" ("Come here! Don't wait for me to kill you and leave you bleeding in the street! Dogs will drink your blood and crows will take your flesh. Do you want that ?!" ) I'm unsure of the translation, since the filipino was from Irumaaaaa_saaaaamaaaaa's comment on my Ao3! I just put it into google translate
“Damn! Fine, fine, I’m comin! Chill out!”
His older sister gave him a leopard plushie when he was a kid, which is why he’s fucking obsessed with animal prints!
Plays drums and almost broke the coffee table because he “jammed too hard” on it!
Constantly messing up Taichi’s hair, or he’s drumming to songs on his head.
*boom boom bap boom boom bap*
“Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise, playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday! You got mud on your face, you big disgrace! Kicking your can all over the place, singin'-”
“We will, we will rock you!”
“Haha! Hell yeah!”
🍁💜Juza Hyodo💜🍁
Likes carrying Muku or Kumon on his shoulders! Sometimes they still parade around!
“Are you sure about this, Ju-chan?”
“Yeah, you’re real light, y’know.”
“What the hell are you doing, Hyodo? Practice is soon.”
Chews on things a lot when he’s nervous! He always has gum or a lollipop to avoid chewing on his shirt, his nails and other inedible things!
Uses shorter Mankai members as an armrest, but only the ones who are okay with it! He’s polite like that.
On nights where he just can’t sleep, he’ll go on walks or drive around on his motorcycle!
Terrible with eye contact and looking like he’s paying attention. Sakyo has to snap his fingers at him to make sure he’s listening!
Y’know the awkward sibling hug from Gravity Falls, he and Kumon have done that...a lot. It’s not actually awkward though, they just liked the show!
“Awkward sibling hug?”
“...Awkward sibling hug.”
“...pat, pat.”
“Hyodos, what the hell?”
🍁💖Taichi Nanao💖🍁
Cried twice when he got his piercings, the first time was because he was very, very afraid, the second time was because he was so happy that he looked good with them!
Has Heelys! One time, he tried to 'heely' into the rehearsal room, but he immediately fell over!
Plays the ukulele! He wanted to play guitar because he saw someone serenading their partner with it at school! He borrowed Masumi's guitar but bar chords suck and his hands are kinda small, so he settled for the uke!
"Aghhh! How do you play that! That hurts my fingies!"
"I have bigger hands and more experience."
"But you're only like an inch taller than me!"
"Height doesn’t really have anything to do with this."
Has a Tiktok! He doesn't post often, it's more for looking at memes or sick outfits. (He does the dances though! He's pretty good at them but they're all in his drafts since he's not super confident in them!)
Y’know how kids crawl up the stairs really fast. He does that. Constantly. Kazunari joins in, sometimes. It pisses Sakyo off a lot, but he gave up on trying to get them to stop.
"Taicchan, what are you doing?"
"Kazu-kun! I got the zoomies!"
"Nice! Can I join ya?"
"For sure!"
*Rapid thumping up the stairs*
"Aren't you gonna stop them, Sakyo?"
"...If I had that ability, they would've stopped a long time ago. Those idiots don't listen."
He LOVES Sk8 The Infinity! Langa's his favourite character! He's also probably a Reki kinnie!
🍁💙Omi Fushimi💙🍁
(It's blue like his regular shirt and Tumblr doesn't have any other colours ;-;)
Despite being tone-deaf, he hums a lot when he cooks! No one seems to mind it!
Enjoys scrapbooking! He kind of prefers scrapbooks to albums, since scrapbooks have a more homemade vibe, you know?
Gives the best hugs, and tends to hold hands with the younger members when they cross the street!
Regularly has this conversation!
“Banri, have you eaten?”
“I dunno Omi, have YOU eaten?”
“...I have. But that's not what I’m concerned about.”
“...I had a granola bar like, an hour ago.”
“...I’m making you something.”
When he first joined the company, he took notes on what everyone liked and didn't like to eat, plus if they had allergies! He still has it, he just doesn't need to use it anymore!
I feel like something like this has happened once!
“Ah, Omi! Can you help me grab something?”
“Oh, sure. What do you need, Sakuya?”
“Homare asked me to get some of that tea, but I can’t rea-”
*lifts Sakuya like Simba*
“Ah! Omi, haha! What are you doing?”
“Sorry, I couldn’t help it! Do you want me to stop?”
“Oh, no, it’s fine! It’s kinda fun actually.”
🍁💛Sakyo Furuichi💛🍁
Absolutely blind without his glasses, like it’s really bad. He walked into a doorframe without his glasses. Thankfully, no one noticed (he thinks).
He has a bit of bubble-wrap in his a pocket all the time and sometimes he uses it as a threat! (Hopefully that made sense...)
“Settsu, move over.”
“I literally can’t! Your fat ass is taking too much space!”
“Just scoot your lazy ass over.”
“I can’t I already-”
“...Alright, I get it! I’ll shut up! Jeez, how is that so threatening...”
Definitely told Azami that Santa wasn’t real when he was like 6.
Sakoda got him a mug that said #1 Dad but he crossed it out and replaced ‘Dad’ with ‘Aniki’! Sakyo still drinks out of it, sometimes!
Azami also made him a friendship bracelet when he was a lot younger. Sakyo doesn’t wear it (because it doesn’t fit him anymore) but he still has it! He likes rubbing the beads between his fingers.
Good at trivia! Like, really good. He somewhat enjoys Trivia Murder Party. (I just watched a play through and skipped to a random question, I have no idea if it’s actually hard lol.)
“Which body of water connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean?”
“Wh- How are we supposed to know that?!”
*Sakyo answers ‘The Strait of Gibraltar’ and is the only one who answers correctly*
“Fuck, my thumb slipped.”
“That shouldn’t be allowed. Sakyo’s shitty and old, he shouldn’t be able to know and remember things.”
“Oi, brat. I’m not that old. You’re not the one who got the answer right.”
“You’re not the one who literally never learned this!”
🍁❤️Azami Izumida❤️🍁
Has smacked too many cans/cups out of Itaru and Tsuzuru’s hands!
“Drink actual water. And jeez, go take a nap or something. Your skin is even worse than I thought it could get. Aren’t you supposed to be the responsible one in the Spring Troupe?”
“Ah... I guess, you are right. Thanks for looking out for me.”
“W-well! W-we can’t have you on stage looking like a raisin! S-so!”
Often criticizes Izumi’s eyeliner and ends up just doing it for her. N-not that he minds or anything!
Played Love Nikki at some point, I do not take that much criticism.
Because I think the troupe/play themes are canon, he definitely helped with Shake the Shape and wrote some of RESPAWN!
Always has extra hair ties on him, even though most of the others don’t really need them. Most of the time, the hair ties end up being used for...other purposes.
“Azami, I swear to whatever god is listening, if you fire that elasti-”
“...You shitty brat-”
“Oh shi-”
Part of the ‘wears nail polish’ squad! He hates stickers. (Most of the time they somehow fall off) His go-to is an alternating pattern of black and red.
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leogichidaa · 3 years
Can you do a Queens song title for every Hogwarts year Regulus has gone through
I'd be delighted to. Here we go:
Year 1: Princes of the Universe
I am immortal I have inside me the blood of kings I have no rival No man can be my equal
We're feeling good, we're feeling cocky, we're gonna make this school our bitch, we're ready to go.
Year 2: We Will Rock You
Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday You got mud on your face, you big disgrace Kicking your can all over the place
Alright, maybe we're not so cocky, maybe we've been humbled a bit, we're re-assessing.
Year 3: We Are The Champions
No time for losers 'Cause we are the champions of the World
Quidditch is going well and we're back to cocky!
Year 4: Another One Bites the Dust
How do you think I'm going to get along Without you when you're gone? Sirius runs away, another one bites the dust.
Year 5: Under Pressure
Pressure pushing down on me Pressing down on you, no man ask for
It's hard being the heir.
Year 6: Don't Stop Me Now
And the world I'll turn it inside out, yeah I'm floating around in ecstasy So, don't stop me now
I will join Voldemort if I damn well please! Bout to change the world!
Year 7: I'm Going Slightly Mad
I'm knitting with only one needle Unraveling fast, it's true
Yeah, guys, this Voldemort thing didn't go as planned.
Bonus for romance:
Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy
Dining at the Ritz we'll meet at nine precisely I will pay the bill, you taste the wine Driving back in style in my saloon will do quite nicely Just take me back to yours that will be fine
If ever there was a Regulus Black in love song lmfao
Also, I'm going to give you something you didn't ask for lol. Years ago I was working on this 7 part series detailing the events of Regulus' Hogwarts career and the title of each year was a Shakespeare quote. This series was pretty dark and even in the early years the titles are heavy, but anyway:
1. The Devils are Here (The Tempest)
2. In Shallows and in Miseries (Julius Ceasar)
3. Fair Cruelty (Twelfth Night)
4. Serpent's Tooth (King Lear)
5. Heavy is the Head (King Henry IV)
6. The Name of Action (Hamlet)
7. A Sea of Troubles (Hamlet)
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warthymcwarth · 4 years
The Purgatury Hall Squad having a sleepover at the house of lamentation.
Simeon and luke bake and cook stuff while MC hangs with Solomon and the brothers in the living room.
MC: Ok but Solomon you gotta know this song! Its legendary! Here I'll give you the beat!
MC: *sits on the floor, knocking on the gound and clapping to beat of We Will Rock You*
Solomon: *knows instantly what to do, excitedly joins in"
Both: "Buddy, you're a boy, make a big noise
Playing in the street, gonna be a big man someday
You got mud on your face, you big disgrace
Kicking your can all over the place.."
Satan: *also knows because he loves Rock music* "We will, we will ROCK YOU!"
Levi, Mammon and Asmo: *realize they know the song after the refrain hit, also join in*
Belphie and Beel: *don't know the song, join in either way its easy enough and looks fun*
MC: "Come on Lucifer, don't be a buzz kill, we all know you want to join!!"
Lucifer: *sighs with a smile* All right, I guess you have a point MC" *joins in*
All demons, Solomon and MC: Sitting in a circle, clapping and singing to Queen.
Luke: *walks in the room, drops plates* HEY! What kind of evil ritual are you performing there!? Even you MC?! I thought you were good!
Simeon: *giggles" Calm down Luke. It's just a song from a human band. Its very legendary. And very fun!*also joins*
Luke: Bu-bu- SIMEON NO!!
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