#we will we will rock you across the face with this stone we found at the bottom of a disputed river
mother-rhoyne · 9 months
Pretending to be a knight and then showing up on the tourney field to the sound of We Will Rock You? I've never watched A Knight's Tale but I've definitely read it before
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matan4il · 4 months
Today's the day when we celebrate Jerusalem, our eternal capital, the symbol of Jewish existence no matter where around the world we may live.
Two things I'm thinking of today.
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First, I once heard an Ethiopian man recount the story of his family's journey to Israel. Specifically, how hard it was, starting their way by foot across a country torn by civil war back then, with antisemitic thugs lurking about. The man's dad was apprehensive, maybe they shouldn't go on this journey? But the mom was certain. "If I am going to die, I want to die facing Jerusalem." She did pass away before getting to Israel, but thanks to her determination, her son gets to live here. I can't even think of that woman without tearing up and feeling so grateful that I'm privileged to be a part of the same people as her.
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Second, this day when I was at the Jerusalem Light Festival, waiting to go into the Cave of King Tzidkiyahu (from which it is believed the stones for the Temple and the Temple Mount Walls were carved). But the amount of people inside is limited for safety reasons, so there was a line to get in. As I stood there, waiting for my turn, I looked up at the upper part of the Jerusalem mountain rock (the cave's opening is found in its base), and saw a pigeon perched inside a naturally formed cleft in the rock. And immediately the words from the Bible, from the Song of Songs, sprang into my mind: "יונתי בחגוי הסלע" (yonati be'chagvei ha'sela, "my dove is in the clefts of the rock") and it suddenly occurred to me that it's very possible the man who first wrote down this sentence, and then wrote it down for posterity, who it's believed was a Jewish king ruling from Jerusalem, was standing right where I was, or somewhere nearby, looking at a sight just like I was. And the fact that I had his words in our language to describe the same kind of natural scene in the city that's holy and historical to us both, despite thousands of years between us, it struck me that THAT is what an indigenous experience, enabled by a land back movement, is all about. That's what Zionism has gives us back. I was and forever will be so grateful for that moment.
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So to Jerusalem, most beautiful of cities, the beating heart of the world to me as a Jew, may we always celebrate what you were always meant to represent - our identity, as well as the peaceful existence of all humankind (as it's believed your name comes from the Hebrew words for "city of peace," ירושלים - עיר שלום).
For this occasion, here's an incomplete list of some of my fave songs about or mentioning Jerusalem that I know.
"And if you're gonna bring salvation, and if you're gonna bring peace, then bring it today."
"Jerusalem, Jerusalem, city of my dreams..."
Jerusalem - Matisyahu ('coz apparently I'm not allowed to celebrate Jerusalem with more than 10 embedded vids, thanks Tumblr)
Sissu et Yerushalayim (Rejoice in Jerusalem)
Love you, my city. So blessed I get to live my life in you. I'm remembering that today more than ever.
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hunkpossession0 · 1 month
**Found this personal trainer on Insta, I chatted a lil bit with him, and now I got his body. Poor him.**
It all started with a late-night scroll through Instagram. You know how it goes—one minute you’re just browsing, and the next, you’re sucked into the world of fitness models and personal trainers, each more jacked than the last. That’s when I found *him*.
This guy was perfection in human form. Towering height, muscles that looked like they were chiseled from stone, and a face that screamed confidence. The guy even rocked a thick, perfectly groomed mustache that somehow made him look even more masculine. His profile was full of workout tips, nutrition advice, and those motivational posts that usually make me roll my eyes. But something about him had me hooked.
“Man, if I had that body,” I muttered to myself, almost jokingly. But then the thought took hold. *What if*?
I shot him a DM, asking for some beginner tips—playing the part of the clueless newbie. To my surprise, he replied almost instantly, eager to help. We went back and forth for a bit, him giving advice and me pretending to be interested, while I worked on something far more… *ambitious*.
As we chatted, I tapped into an ability I’d been perfecting—a way to connect with someone on a deeper level. To reach out and *take* what was theirs. He had no idea that while he was busy explaining how to start on squats and deadlifts, I was making a connection that would change everything.
And then, with one final push, I felt it—the shift.
Suddenly, I wasn’t lounging on my bed anymore. I was standing in a gym, holding his phone in his hand, feeling the weight of his massive arms, the strength in his legs. I flexed one arm, watching as the muscles bulged, hard and defined, beneath the skin. My heart pounded with excitement and something else… an overwhelming sense of power.
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I took a deep breath, my chest expanding with muscles that weren’t mine just a moment ago. I was in *his* body now, and damn, did it feel good. The thick mustache above my lip twitched as I grinned at my reflection in the mirror, marveling at how it suited this face, this body. I ran a hand over it, feeling the rough bristles that added an extra layer of ruggedness to this perfect form.
“Holy shit,” I whispered, my voice deep and resonant. *His* voice. My voice now.
My phone buzzed in my pocket—*his* pocket, I reminded myself—and I pulled it out to see a flood of missed notifications. But those could wait. The first thing I did was block my old account. Whoever was stuck in my former body wouldn’t be getting any help from me. They’d just have to deal with the shock of being… *me* now.
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Meanwhile, across town, I could only imagine the horror and confusion on my former face as the realization hit. That once-comfortable body now felt alien, weak in comparison to what I had now. But I couldn’t waste time worrying about him—this was about me, about *living* in this body, and I intended to enjoy every second of it.
I turned back to the mirror, running my hands over my chest and abs, flexing just to watch the muscles ripple under the skin. God, I looked good. My new body felt hot, practically humming with energy, with a need I’d never felt before. The gym suddenly seemed smaller, like it couldn’t contain everything I was feeling.
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An idea popped into my head, and I pulled out his phone again, quickly downloading Grindr. It didn’t take long to set up a profile—one of his shirtless pics as the main image, of course. The matches started rolling in almost immediately, the phone buzzing nonstop.
I couldn’t help but smirk at the screen. I shot a message to a couple of nearby guys, already knowing where this night was headed. The gym could wait—there were other ways to test out this body, and I was eager to explore *all* of them.
Back in that old, weak body, the poor guy was probably still staring at his reflection in disbelief, trying to figure out what had happened. But that was his problem now. I had bigger, better things to do—starting with enjoying every inch of this perfect new body. The thick mustache tickled my upper lip as I grinned wider, anticipation flooding my veins.
This was going to be fun.
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minaturefics · 5 months
Of the Earth
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Request: Could I request a fic faramir x reader where she has stumbled into ithilien and he comes across her? he's all angry at first because it's dangerous, but it ends well :) (they don't have to know each other either)
A/N: This one has more ranger!Faramir which was fun to write. Boromir lives because I say so lol Hope you all enjoy it!
Faramir x Reader
Fem reader
No content warnings
4.1k words
You inhaled the cool evening air, breathing in the scent of fir and cedar. You followed the worn path, now dotted with primroses and overgrown with fragrant herbs of thyme and sage, and swept your eyes over the trees and shrubs. Where was the entrance to Henneth Annûn? Idhron mentioned that it would be along the side of the mountain. The dying light of the sun filtered in through the trees and the forest was bathed in a dreamy glow. Ithilien truly was such a beautiful land, even now, still sullied with the lingering darkness of the orcs.
Something rustled behind you and your hand flew to your short sword. Your eyes darted around, breath hitched in your chest. Were there orcs about this evening? Most of them had been driven away, especially after the destruction of the Ring, but there was always the risk of stray orcs around. The forest settled, still and silent, but you kept your steps light and quiet as you continued on. 
You neared the rock face and raised a hand to the rough surface. Idhron had said that the entrance looked little more than a crack, just wide enough for a man, and that what differentiated it from other cracks was the feeling of the stone. He had said that it would be cool and damp, and that there would be a change in the air, a subtle rushing in of the breeze. You continued past a few fissures until you felt exactly what he described. With a final glance behind you, you slipped into the stone. 
You felt along the wall of the crevice, eyes adjusting to the dim, careful not to stumble on any errant stones or steps. There was a faint glow on the wall ahead, orange and warm, and you frowned. Torches? A fire? But Henneth Annûn was supposed to be empty. You drew your sword and rounded the corner. 
“Do not move if you value your life,” a voice said, low and stern. 
You froze and blinked at the hooded figures in front of you. Their weapons were drawn. Your eyes darted to the white tree on the leather breastplates of the men and you relaxed a fraction. 
“Peace,” you said, lowering your sword. “I come from Minas Tirith.”
“We were not informed of any other parties dispatched to Ithilien. And you do not look like a messenger.”
“I come on behalf of Ioreth, of the Houses of Healing.” You sheathed your sword and offered the pommel, where the crest of the white tree was embossed, to the man. “Would the Enemy carry a sword from The White City? I think not.”
The figure threw his hood back and you flinched. Captain Faramir. 
Prince Faramir. 
“My lord,” you murmured, stunned, and he gestured for his company to lower their weapons.
His grey eyes were cold and stern, his lips set in a displeased line. “What are you doing here? Do you not know that there are still dangers lurking in Ithilien?”
“I am well aware. But I have come on a matter of urgency — I am in search of a plant, a herb, that they require. I have been searching for the last two days.”
“And you would dare venture out alone?” He frowned. “Why were we not informed of such an errand? My men and I could have found the plant for you.”
“By the time Ioreth realised what plant she required, your men had already departed. And it is not as though we, in the Houses of Healing, are told where the rangers go.” 
His brow cleared a little but his jaw was still tense. 
“As for leaving the city alone — there were no others we could spare to come with me. Our little band of foragers are not as well staffed as the rangers and guards,” you muttered, a hint of bitterness lacing your tone. “I was not going to let some woman die simply because I had no companion on this quest.”
“I cannot decide if you are brave or foolish,” he muttered and nodded to dismiss his men. They took one final glance at you then wandered off further into the cavern. “How did you find this place?”
“Idhron told me. It was getting dark, so I thought such a shelter would be a good place to camp for the night.”
He sighed and shook his head. “Come, my men were just about to sit and eat before we were alerted to your intrusion. Join us, and we can talk.”
He led you to one of the caverns where a few worn tables and chairs were scattered about. Some of the Rangers ate at the tables, but most were seated on some woven mats on the floor. Braisers lit and warmed the space and the distant hush of the waterfall echoed above the chatter. Faramir handed you a bowl of stew and a piece of bread and sat with you at one of the empty tables. 
“How do you know Idhron?” he asked.
“He is a friend of the family. They did not wish for me to join the rangers as they thought it would be too dangerous but I did not wish to be designated to a life of weaving or scribing. He had suggested foraging for the Houses of Healing as a sort of compromise. It allows me to be in the wilds, but the work is far less perilous than that of a ranger.”
He hummed. “He is a wise man.”
You nodded and went back to your stew. How strange it was to be seated at a table with Faramir. Prince Faramir, you reminded yourself. You tucked your dirt stained fingernails under your palm and tried not to slurp while you ate. You glanced up, eyes trailing over his wavy hair, to his proud brow, down to his lips and short beard. He truly was handsome up close; it was no wonder the Houses of Healing were all a flutter with gossip after he had stayed there. His eyes met yours and you nearly choked on your stew. 
You cleared your throat and let your eyes fall to the table.
“Tell me about this plant,” he said.
“I do not know what its proper name is but we call it Dawn Root. It is leafy and unassuming and the only way to find it is to listen for it.”
“To listen?”
“Yes, it… it chimes. It is easiest heard at dawn, hence its name.”
“How curious. I have never heard of such a thing,” he murmured. “Will you be searching for it tomorrow morning?” 
You nodded, and he said, “I would like to accompany you, if you are amenable to that.” His gaze had softened, the firelight melting the steel in them. “It is not because I think you are incapable. I simply wish to see this strange plant.”
Your stomach lurched and you gave him a hesitant nod.
”I must confess to some curiosity about how a practised forager goes about it. We are taught some basics, enough to keep us alive, but I’m certain there’s still much more to learn. Even after the sun has risen, perhaps we can still forage, if you do not mind sparing some time to show me.”
Your eyes  dropped to your half-eaten stew. Faramir wished to learn from you? “What would you wish to know about?”
“Mushrooms,” he murmured, a slight smile in his voice. “We’re taught mostly to avoid them unless we are absolutely certain they are not poisonous, and even then, most of us are wary. I am fond of morels, but I know they have a deadly counterpart.”
You shrugged. “They are easy to differentiate. In fact, it is the season for them now. We might find some while we are looking tomorrow.”
“I suppose, then, I can trust you to pick some?”
Your eyes rose to meet his. They were unguarded now, so different to how he looked before, and a gentle smile was on his face. He looked like the sort of man you would cross paths with in the market or in the library. Just an ordinary man, eager for mushrooms. 
 “And then you’ll cook them for us?” You asked with a chuckle and he nodded. “I did not think there would come a day where I would see Prince Faramir standing over a campfire, cooking.”
The moment the words left your mouth you snapped your jaw shut. What were you thinking? Teasing him like that? 
You opened your mouth to apologise but his eyes crinkled with amusement and a breathy laugh escaped from him. “Do you know how to cook?”
“Only well enough to survive.”
He grinned. “Ah, then perhaps this is something I can teach you in return.”
Faramir held the torch aloft and swept his eyes across the trees and shrubs. It was so dim, the sun still yet to break the horizon, that he could scarcely see beyond the torch’s little sphere of light. Every morning for the past week, he had set out with you to search for this plant. You walked beside him, steps so silent he wondered who had taught you to stalk and creep through the land, your eyes fixed on the darkness, focused yet distant. 
The light illuminated your profile, highlighting it in a soft orange. He followed the line of light down from the line of your forehead to the swell of your lips. You had shown up at the cave with your hair mussed and your skin shiny with sweat, and yet, in that moment, you seemed to him more beautiful than the courtly ladies of Gondor. 
Ever since his appointment as Prince of Ithilien, it seemed like there was no end to the subtle romantic overtures from the nobles.
There was no need for an advantageous match, both Boromir and Aragorn assured him, but even if there was, he could not betray himself to pick someone based on some arbitrary checklist of what would make a good partner. It wrenched his heart each time he spoke with the ladies — they were lovely and polite, intelligent and funny, but they were all lacking a certain something he could not name.
It seemed, to him, with each passing day, that he was destined to be a bachelor like his brother, though unlike Boromir, it would not be of his choosing.
When his brother had offered to temporarily take over the post of Steward while Faramir cleared and reestablished Ithilien, Faramir had marshalled his men and left the city within the week. It would be good to get away from the empty rooms and halls, away from the hollowness that echoed the loneliness within him.
Some part of him missed the warm and dry library, the scent of books and paper, but there was peace to be had in the wild too, in the quiet of the caverns, the stillness of the morning. And even now, in the silent understanding between two people united in the quest for something.
He squinted out into the dark and sighed. “We can hardly see in such low light. Perhaps we set out too early this morning.”
“You are not using the right sense, my lord,” you said, a sly smile growing on your face. “As I said, it chimes.”
“I cannot hear anything.”
“Perhaps if your steps were not so loud…” You flashed him a smile and he chuckled, a strange warm feeling growing in his chest. How long had it been since someone, anyone, aside from his company and his brother, dared to joke with him?
“My steps are hardly making a sound. You move like a cat; it is unnatural.”
“What is unnatural is seeing you out here.” You laughed. “I thought that —” Your smile vanished and you glanced away. “Forgive me, sometimes I forget myself, especially away from the city. I did not mean any offence.”
“I am not offended.” He smiled. “I would like to hear what you were about to say.”
You eyed him, hesitant, then looked away and spoke your words to the woods instead. “I… I thought that you would prefer to be in the city. I am well aware that you were, are, a good captain and ranger, but your love of literature and lore is just as fabled. I did not think you would return to your former roles now that we are in a time of peace.”
“Such a sentiment certainly isn’t unfounded,” he mused. “But sometimes even I, too, find the city a little stifling. It is nice to simply exist as oneself, unobserved by people.”
“I shall do my best to keep my eyes to myself then.” You laughed and he relished the sound before you pursed your lips and forced yourself to stop. “Um, what about your men?”
“We have travelled a long and weary road together. We see each other as friends.”
You opened your mouth then closed it with a snap, forging forward, and his chest tightened. He had thought that all the nightly conversations at dinner would have put you at ease with him but alas. He wished you would speak freely, like you did late at night when your tongue was loosened with fatigue. 
He adored the way you would speak of your little adventures out of the city, eyes aglow with a fond smile on your lips. How you had one too many mishaps with a collapsing tent, how one of your companions taught you the shapes of the stars, how there was no greater thrill than discovering some strange new herb.
And just last night, you had leaned close to him while he fried the morels. The cavern was loud with chatter, but he had deliberately kept his voice low and gestured for you to move closer when you said you could not hear him. He could smell you, musk and moss and lemon from the homemade bar of soap you said you brought. You were so real, so alive. And when an errant strand of hair fell over your forehead, his fingers twitched to tuck it behind your ear.
If he were to do such a thing, would you welcome it? Or would the height of his station prevent you from entertaining such a notion? It vexed him, the way you would speak to him as an equal, a friend, then suddenly pull back, withdrawing to formalities. Perhaps he should make it clear to you that there was no need for such things.
“I was thinking…” he began.
“Hush,” you whispered. “I hear it.”
He stilled, straining his ears, and there, just faintly to his right, was a clear tinkle. You followed the sound, pausing every other step to listen, and he trailed after you. The first of the sun’s rays spilled through the trees, casting the forest, and you, in a hazy glow. His eyes lingered on the lines and curves of your body, marvelling at your grace.
You let out a triumphant cry and knelt a few paces in front of him. Just as you had said, the plant, leafy and unassuming, was chiming softly. You gently dug it out and cradled it in the palm of your hand. Its roots were a deep crimson and remained undamaged. You grinned at him, so open and so genuine that his heart ached with some unknown feeling.
“I must head for the city at once,” you said, tucking the plant into a canvas bag.
“You do not have a horse, correct?”
“A horse? Valar, where would I get a horse? They have been in short supply since the war, and Rohan are yet to send more over. And should the city even have some, the guards and messengers would take precedence over the foragers.”
“I did not realise your company was so ill-equipped.” A strange discomfort settled in his stomach. “It is no matter. We have some horses, please, take one.”
You blinked at him, astonished. “Where do you keep them?”
“There is another tunnel in the rock face not far from the cave entrance. It is large enough for horses to pass through and widens onto a grassy plateau. Come, let us make haste.”
You nodded and the both of you hurried back to Henneth Annûn. While you gathered your things, he untied and retrieved a horse for you. When would he see you again? He supposed he could always visit the Houses of Healing and ask for you, but perhaps you would not appreciate that. You still seemed a little ill at ease with him and, despite his own stirring feelings towards you, he would not wish to discomfit you further. With a sigh, he led the horse out to meet you. 
Saddled and ready, you gave him a lingering look, then turned and galloped away. 
You handed Ioreth the most recent bunch of gathered herbs, trying to ignore the curious glances the other women gave you. Ever since you arrived in the city three weeks ago on Faramir’s horse, the Citadel and the Houses of Healing have been abuzz with rumours. It did not help that a couple of days after your return, a messenger had arrived at the Houses of Healing with a letter for you with the bright blue wax seal of Ithilien stark on the envelope. Your foraging company knew better than to ask, but it seemed everyone else was not above gossip. 
Iotheth gave the whispering women a stern look, thanked you for your herbs, and handed you another list of plants required. 
You grumbled to yourself. Faramir’s horse! You did not know it was his, but perhaps you should have noticed the round medallion on the bridle which bore the newly created crest of Ithilien. Still, in the quiet of the night, you wondered why he had chosen that particular horse for you. Perhaps it was the most agreeable one they had, or maybe it was the most well rested, or he thought that sending you on his horse would be the most efficient way for you to reach the city without anyone stopping you.
Or perhaps… perhaps he simply wished to send you on his horse.
No, no. What a foolish thought. Evenings spent in conversation and mornings spent foraging and letters sent with the supply carts and messengers was hardly a basis for anything more than friendship.
Still, the letters had been unusually intimate. There were the usual inquiries about the patients and medicinal herbs, how the outpost in Henneth Annûn was coming along, whether the resource changes he and Boromir agreed on were helping your company of foragers, but there were also little personal comments and questions. 
Other women here in the city might beg to differ, but I think the Rangers’ uniform is far more attractive than the guards’.
You’ve never used a bow? They can be quite handy, especially when hunting dinner. Perhaps when I am back in the city I can teach you. 
Thank you for the pressed primrose you sent, they remind me quite fondly of my time in Ithilien.  Do you have a favourite flower? 
We’ve had another delicious morel dinner. I must confess that the sight of them makes me think of you.
It would amuse you to know I overheard some ladies mourning your absence from the city. Though, I begrudgingly admit that I share their sentiment. 
The lily perfume Ioreth made for you sounds lovely. I imagine it must smell wonderful on you. 
No, I do not write to you out of a sense of obligation. I look forward to your letters; you bring me more joy than you can ever know.
And each time he had signed his letter as ‘Faramir’. Not ‘Captain Faramir’ or ‘Prince Faramir’, but just… Faramir. 
Your heart fluttered when you thought of that, but you squashed the feeling as soon as it arose. He was a prince, for Valar’s sake. And you were just… just…
Ioreth’s voice broke through your thoughts. “Girl,” she said, amusement in her eyes. “You have a visitor.”
“Who in Arda would come see me here?” you groused, pocketing her plant list. “All my friends are out —”
Faramir stood in the archway, his cheeks red from the wind and his cape hem muddied.
“Not all your friends, I hope,” he said, an unsure smile on his face.
“Fara — My lord,” you muttered, bowing your head a little. 
His brows drew together. “Please, I am certain we are past such formalities.” You cast a nervous glance around the room and his frown deepened. “Shall we speak elsewhere? There is something I wish to discuss with you.”
You nodded and led him to one of the secluded gardens outside. “I did not know you were returning to the city,” you said. 
“I had thought of sending a letter but I thought what I wished to discuss would be best done in person.”
“That sounds serious,” you murmured. “Not ill tidings, I hope?”
You paused by one of the shrubs, rubbing a waxy leaf between your fingers, avoiding his eyes. What could be so important he would make the trip back from Ithilien? 
“I hope you will forgive me for being selfish,” he said. “Coming to the Houses of Healing and seeking you out. I am not oblivious to the… the rumours circulating around the city.”
You took a hesitant look at him. “So why did you come?”
“I wished to see your face when you give your reply.” He swallowed and clasped his fidgety hands behind his back. “I have read your letters again and again, trying to find some sort of hint or clue in them, and in your last letter… You said I brought you joy.”
You stared at him, the sound of your heart loud in your ears. The words had slipped from you before you realised, but you had left them in, a cautious declaration of how you felt, hoping that he would take it as a friend being overly sentimental.
“I must know,” he said. “Is there… Is there a chance you might return my feelings?”
“Your feelings?” you stuttered, scarcely believing what he was saying. 
“Yes,” he said slowly. “You are a most singular person to me and there has been no other who has captured my heart so.” 
He paused and looked at you, hopeful and apprehensive all at once. You gaped at him. 
Singular… Captured his heart…  All this time, he felt the same?
“Ah,” he said, voice flat, eyes shuttering. “I suppose your silence is enough of an answer.” He took a step back. “Forgive me, I —”
“Wait, no, please.”
He stilled but his face remained impassive.
“I am simply in disbelief,” you said in a rush. “I did not think… I dare not hope…” A strangled laugh burst from you. “Of course, of course I share your feelings.”
A smile spread slowly across his face and he offered his hand, palm up, to you. You reached out, but the sight of your hands, rough and dirt stained, stopped you.
“Why do you hesitate?” he murmured.
“Faramir, you are a prince. And I am not of equal standing or birth.”
“I do not care for such things. You are kind and brave, and smart and good-humoured.” He offered his hand once more and you tentatively curled your fingers around his. “And you are beautiful.”
He tugged on your hand and you stepped closer. Slowly, slowly, he brought his forehead to yours. You sucked in a deep breath, inhaling his scent of leather and musk, relishing his nearness after so many weeks. He nudged your temple with his nose and pressed a kiss to your temple.
He hummed, low and satisfied. “The perfume really does smell wonderful on you. I suppose I must smell a bit ripe in comparison. Though, in my defence, it was a swift ride, and I was far too eager to see you.”
“I think you would benefit from a bath, yes.” You chuckled and drew back. “But Faramir, what about the court?”
“Tongues will always wag, my love,” he said, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “But we shall face them together. And besides, you have already shown your service and care for the people. What more could Gondor ask of you as my partner?”
“I suppose I cannot argue with that.” You grinned. “But maybe, we could proceed slowly? I do not think I would fare well if I were immediately tossed into society.”
“Of course. And it shall give me time to court you, properly. I will be returning from Ithilien soon, and then I assure you, there will be flowers and walks and picnics.”
“And mushrooms?”
He laughed and kissed your cheek. “Yes, and mushrooms.”
A/N: Lowkey feel like the pacing was a bit off. I originally planned for it to be longer, but my brain decided to be shitty lmao so I had to pare it back. I hope the flow is still okay.
Nirnroot was inspiration for the Dawn Root, lmk if anyone picked up on that lol
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kamig4mes · 5 months
heyy, could you please write headcanons for how shigaraki would react/feel with a gn s/o who gives him small things that remind them of him? like, they see a red rock and give it to him bc its the color of his eyes, that kind of stuff
hey hey honey, of course! It's the first request from mha that I make here, although I must admit that I didn't expect it to be from shigaraki! ksdjdjsj 🤭 anywaay, I came up w/ a couple of things for this boy, I hope you enjoy it
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#pov: Shigaraki would react/feel with a gn s/o who gives him small things that remind them of him.
★ warnings: realistic hc, fluff, established relationship, affection, couple love, league of villains
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Realistically, you don't even know how you managed to get this guy to end up being your boyfriend. I mean, your mental dictionary is so broad and far-fetched but the words "love" "consideration" "passion" seem not to be included in it but here they are both! Celebrating even the smallest things you do for him.
Sometimes the gifts with the most emotional meaning are found when you least expect it.
They were walking hand in hand through some deep neighborhood of the city with a path to the forest when something suddenly made you brake sharply and scream.
"Oh my- STOP!!"
Shigaraki flinched when he heard you, alerting all his senses. You got rid of his grip to step back on the way to take something in your hands.
When you came back to his side he looked at you surprised, almost angry.
"Here, take it honey" your arms outstretched towards him with that smile adorning your face, he was looking at you like you were crazy "it's for you"
"If it's a fcking spider I swear to yo-"
"Who do you take me for? C'mon, just hold out your hands" he reluctantly does as you ask, rolling his eyes when you smiled in victory.
At first Shigaraki stiffened when he felt the light weight on his bare palms, moments later he relaxes when he sees that it was a small stone. But not a current.
"A red stone?"
"Yea', a little weird, isn't it? But.. It reminds me of the color of your eyes.." you confessed, feeling your cheeks (and his) burn red hot.
Shigaraki froze instead. The poor man didn't expect to hear you say that, and he never expects it! He's not at all familiar with this type of treatment and sensations that you generate for him, and despite having been dating for a couple of months, this type of affection is still unexpected for him.
Deep down, his heart warmed up like a torch, sending his brain the signal to shout out all the tenderness that you generated in him with that simple gesture. But he couldn't, he felt blocked and too shy to answer correctly.
Since your boyfriend was silent for what seemed like a whole minute, you rushed to bring his attention back.
"We must get back soon before dark, don't you think? We don't want to get lost" you laughed, awkward kissing his cheek quickly. You didn't need him to respond to your acts of love, you understood his heart perfectly. But, sometimes, you wished he would express his emotions more with you.
"And I'm so sorry for yelling earlier"
"Uh-mh, it's okay.." Shigaraki sighed, before linking his hands again and kissing the top of your head "let's go back home"
You learned to identify your eccentric boyfriend's tastes and understand his peculiar manias, but you suspected that you still had a lot to discover about his twisted inner world.
It was just another day of the year when, while cleaning inside the drawers of Shigaraki's bedside table, you came across a somewhat small and neglected notebook with his name engraved on the lid.
You decided to take a look at it, surprising yourself with the amount of sketches that were embodied inside. And you couldn't help but melt with tenderness when you saw that a large part of the drawings that filled that notebook were you portrayed. You rushed to leave it where you found it and get on with the cleaning. It seemed strange to you that that book was out of place but thanks to that cluelessness, you discovered that Shigaraki liked to draw.
From that moment on, every instrument/drawing material you saw reminded you of him. And without realizing it, you ended up buying an impeccable set of graphite pencils for him.
When Shigaraki returned home in the afternoon, a box with a note greeted him in the living room. He looked everywhere in your search, in vain. The white-hair then approached the table to inspect the gift.
"This reminds me of you, and I think it may serve you. All yours"
As he guessed, the calligraphy was yours. Upon unveiling its contents, the thousands of drawings inside his notebook whipped his mind, clearly remembering every moment he made them, especially those where you were: sitting in the living room, in bed asleep, with your back on the balcony, etc. Just thinking about it, his corners rose in a smile that, if you were looking at him, you would be disarmed of love.
"God.. So adorable..."
He may never ask you how you found out about his hobby, but that didn't interest him. Because the best piece of art he can have is you. It will always be you.
Luckily, you have in mind his love for sweet foods. It became essential for you to buy breakfast cereal, specifically the sweetest flavor that existed on the market because it seemed to be the only one that met the necessary sugar levels for him. It's the first thing you look for when you come back from shopping.
"Tomura, honey, I'm home!" you screamed once you entered his warm abode. Soon you heard how a few footsteps crawled down the stairs to receive you next to a kiss.
"You're back soon" Shigaraki took the bags from you and carried them to the kitchen, poring over their contents. When he didn't see it anywhere, he questioned you, "Did you buy it?"
"Of course, it was already running out"
Shigaraki examined your facial features to make sure you weren't lying.
"The one with the double honey-? "
"The one with the double honey and sprinkles, baby, here it is" and you waved the long-awaited colorful box.
Shigaraki blinked with a hidden surprise when you finished his sentence. He loved that you remembered the details about him, he loved feeling special and listened to. Especially if it was you.
The white-hair nodded before turning around to leave the kitchen and go back to his business, hiding from you that goofy smile that was starting to outline on his face.
Whenever you pass by a video game store, the impulse to buy a game from their range of tastes ends up taking over you in some way or another.
"What are you getting me now, puppy?" he mumbled a barely audible giggle as he took the rectangular gift and tore the wrapper "Is this another one of your jok- Oh.."
His eyes widened as he observed the package in his hands. That limited edition Mario Kart game that came out a couple of weeks ago had him so surprised.
"Damn, y/n.."
With his role as a villain, he had moved away from his gamer side quite a lot. But he made sure that no one touched his glorious shelf full of his best and favorite video games. And you were there to stock that dusty shelf, to remind him that that side of him isn't quite dead.
"Do you like it? Although it's not such an important thing"
"Isn't it such an important thing?!" Shigaraki raised his voice offended.
You shrugged your shoulder, feigning indifference even though his beautiful surprised little eyes had you internally screaming "I thought it was missing from your collection"
Shigaraki looked again the video game, his heart turning completely upside down, not believing that you could give him something so difficult to get in the first weeks of release, but you would do anything for him.
He subtracted the space between you, catching you by surprise when he pulled you by hugging you tightly.
"Thanks u, babe.."
As long as it comes from you no matter what you gave him, even if he doesn't show it to you verbally, he appreciates all your gestures.
You smile softly, stroking her hair "don't thank me, honey"
That's the way he was, shy, inexperienced, spontaneous and shy just like a little boy. But little by little that child was growing up, opening up to the affection that you offer him and experiencing the rules of love with you by his side because thanks to you the words "love" "consideration" "passion" were added to his mental dictionary with a clear and real definition, thus finding ways to show you all that love that he also has to give you.
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©2024 / ENJOY ♡ — I was as realistic as possible, I like hc's to be like that. If you liked it, don't forget to repost it so that it reaches more little people. Thank y, I love them!
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rogueshadow1124 · 5 months
Platonic¡Jason Todd x Batsis!Reader, slight platonic¡Dick Grayson x Batsis!Reader
Summary: Over a year ago to this day Jason died, his younger sister found him at the scene but was too late to be able to stop his death- she ended up blaming herself and vowed to visit his grave...
Word count: roughly 1805
Warning: mature language, mentions weapons/some violence.
The youngest Wayne, strolled through the graveyard that was set a light by the neutral tones that seeped out of the lampposts nearby. Y/N made this a weekly occurrence, she couldnt seem to push away the thought of her older brother not being here anymore, she couldnt come to terms with the fact that he was indeed gone.
She came to a stop at the grave she visited everytime she had a chance to. Jason Todd, a loving brother and son forever in our hearts and never to be forgotten, 1990-2012. Y/N had always admired her older brothers but more so Jason as they were the closest and had a similar persona, when she found out he died a year ago to this day she completely broke and nobody knew for sure if she could be fixed.
"Its been a year Jay, a whole goddamn fucking year." The girl dropped to her knees, reaching towards the ga stone to set a hand upon it. "I'm hurting Jaybird, everything hurts so much and I dont know how to stop the pain. I dont even think its curable, I'm broken, I've become a unrecognizable person." Her head dropped, tears seeped out of her eyes and dripped down the curve of her cheek, trailing down her neck. "Dick said I needed to speak to someone, maybe a therapist but I refused. Bruce- he's given up. Alfred's trying to keep us together but it's not working. We need you- I need you."
A buzzing echoed through the air as her phone started to vibrate in her pocket, she let out a heavy breath while reaching down to grasp it and see that Dick was calling. Her thumb swiped across the screen to accept the call before pulling it up to her ear.
"Y/N/N where are you?" His voice rumbled through the other end of the device, he sounded panicked yet calm at the same time.
"Dont worry Dick I'm not gonna do anything stupid okay I'm just doing a usual weekly round, I need space, I need you all to stop treating like I'm still a child and let me mourn in my own damn way. I can handle myself, maybe it doesnt seem like it but I'm still here arent I?" She let out a sob at the end, her hands shaking as she let out a laboured breath this time, closing her eyes in an attempt to calm herself.
"Y/N can you come back home, theres something really important we need to discuss..."
"What part of 'I need to be alone' dont you understand Richard?" She heard her brother sigh on before the sound of a few things being knocked over and then Bruce scolding someone in a hushed tone. "I'm going now."
"No, wait. Y/N!" She ended the call, placing her phone back in her pocket. Her head tilted back up to look at the grave infront of her, her thoughts ran wild in her head as she tried to figure what she could possibly say next. In reality she was speaking to nobody, there was nothing but silence but she felt a huge amount of relief lift from her when she 'spoke' to Jason.
Her eyes then narrowed in frustration, hands coming up to tug at her hair while more tears blurred her vision and suffocated the soft surface of her face. Small, audiable cries passed her lips in distress and sadness, her body shaking from her crying and the slight chill of the cool midnight air that flew within the atmosphere.
Y/N hated the feeling of loneliness. With Jason being gone that's exactly how she felt, sure she had her other brother but Jason was the one she confided in, he was her protector. He reassured her, he was her shoulder to cry on, he was her rock and without her rock she had nothing to go back to, to lean on when she needed comfort-
She pushed herself up to stand on her feet, looking down at the gravestone before spinning on her heel and speeding down the narrow paths. Her hands came up to pull the hood of her jacket over her head, trailing down to slip into her pockets that were the only source of heat to radiate through her hands to stop them from becoming numb on this cold night.
The cars whizzed passed on the Gotham roads, horns blaring and tires screeching as they sped by.
Y/N only ever came out at night, it was a time where she could set free from her mind- not fully but it was relieving while it lasted. She hated the silence that surrounded her daily, though she all but loved it at the same time. When it was silent she would drown in her own thoughts however if someone broke the silence they would ask the same questions and suggest what could help her.
A hand shout out from her left, hauling her into an alleyway. She yelped at the sudden force, her back cracked slightly when she was slammed into the brick wall behind her making a groan slip from her lips. Her deep blue orbs, that now seemed to be duller than ever peered up at the attacker- dressed in fully back and had a light grey mask covering their face.
"Y/N Wayne." Came a male voice, sounding quite sinister.
"Who's asking." She replied dryly, leaning back into the wall as the male tightens his grip on her shoulders.
"My boss. Your father seems to have upset him and he doesnt take things like that lightly sweetheart." The man pulled a gun from his back pocket, bringing it up to hover over her face, the cool metal sliding it up to the bridge of her nose to rest against her forehead.
"Do it. Kill me." Her words never faltered which surprised the man, her hand raised to grasp the gun and pull it further towards her head, eyes crossing as she peered up at the gun.
"Oh, who would have thought. The Y/N Wayne begging for death." The man teased, tilting his head to the side as dark eyes pierced her own through the holes in the mask.
"I've got nothing left to loose. I'm miserable. Do it, just pull the trigger. Do it!" She pushed forwards as the mans finger went to pull at the trigger, eyes screwing shut as a rush of anticipation ran through her veins as she waited for the quick way out of life. It never came.
Her eyes peeled open to see another person, a metallic looking red helmet hid his whole head, a brown leather jacket along with a black shirt and dark, tight fitted jeans and a pair of matted jet black combat boots. The new comer held the attacker up by his throat as he rithed under his grip, hands clutching onto the gloved hands that wrapped around his neck.
"You're so dead." The red masked vigilante grumbled out in anger, his hands tightened around the other males neck making breathing a hard task to do before the attacker slowly grew limp in his arms and was dropped to the ground.
"Who the hell are you?!" The girl whispered shouted, looking him up and down. Her eyes trailed to the man on the floor who lay unconscious- maybe, possibly dead. She fell back against the wall, hands by her side as she threw her head back and sighed.
"What do you think you were doing Y/N?!"
"How the fuck do you know my name?" She stood back to her full height eyeing the vigilante with a puffy red eyes from when she had been crying not so long ago. She watched as a gloved hand moved up and hooked under the metal helmet, tugging at it so it revealed a face. A very familiar one at that. "No. Please. Oh- no."
"Y/N/N I know this seems weird right now okay, let me explain." Jason spoke, holding his hands out to her as she shook her head repeatedly and whispered a bunch of 'No's' and 'this isn't real'.
"Your dead, yo-your supposed to be dead. I-I saw your body, I didnt make it in time." She sobbed out loudly, looking directly at the 'replica' of her older brother. Her brows furrowed and her lip wobbled as she continued to cry uncontrollably. "A year ago today, we found you dead!"
"I-I was resurrected months ago Y/N, I'm here. I'm real. I promise." Jason stepped forwards slowly, pulling the broken girl into his embrace. The sound of a motorcycle revving sounded in the background making the no longer dead Jason look over his shoulder to see Dick in his nightwing costume.
"Did you find her, please tell me you found her." Dicks voice echoed within the alley, breathing out a breath of relief when jason moved his form to reveal the crying girl. "Oh thank god."
A slap suddenly came to fill the secondary of silence along with a Yelp. One of Jason's hands flung up to cup his burning cheek while his eyes met with Y/N's fiery gaze, her hands set on her hips as she continued to sniffle, tears still venturing down her cheeks.
"Y-your telling me you've been alive for months?!"
"W-well yeah, I-" he tried to respond but was near to immediately cut off by his younger sister raising her hand and waving it around.
"I-I'm miserable. Broken even, for a whole fucking year I was and your telling me you have been alive for a few months. I saw your body Jason, I was the first to find you and I completely broke when I knew I could have done something to prevent your 'death'." Her voice became softer as she relived the memory, images flashed through her mind as she recalled what she had seen when she found him dead.
"Y/N I've told you millions of times it wasnt your fault. Nobody could have stopped it from happening." Dick stepped to stand beside Jason so both of them were infront of her, a small smile etched onto his lips when she rammed into him, wrapping her arms around his waist and buried her head in his chest.
"But what if I could have prevented it Dick?"
"Theres no way you could have sweetheart." Jason stated, running a hand through her messy locks that splayed upon her head wildly.
"I love you Jaybird, so much. I missed you." She turned around and attatched herself to Jason, jumped in his arms which made him laugh as he caught her and she wrapped around him like a koala bear.
"I missed you too, little bird."
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anemonelovesfiction · 3 months
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Colors of Pandora 2: Orange
Tonowari x Fem! Human Reader x Ronal
Emotion: Confusion
Warnings ⚠️: none, SAFE FOR WORK
Based on this specific prompt I found too cute to pass up and figured I should give credit to @luxthestrange for having popped up on my feed at the perfect time
Tagging @xylianasblog because she deserves credit for having created this event and to see others participating in it
Translation Station
Tsahik: Healer: Shaman: Interpreter of the will of Eywa
Tawtute: Sky Person (human)
Marui: Home
olo’eyktan: Male clan leader
Word count: 1.5k
I felt the smoothness of the rock I currently held in my hand and smiled slightly at myself as I ran my thumb across it. It was always a rare find to find the perfect rocks on the beaches of Awa’Atlu, but finding them always placed a smile on my face - whenever they were perfect- and this one happened to be a beautiful milky white. I had already mentally assigned this rock to the tsahik of the clan as it reminded me of her movements, always smooth and elegant, never choppy, she was the definition of sophistication and this rock was a beautiful reminder of that.
This wasn’t the first time I had decided to hand her a rock, no, this was about the fourth time I’d have the pleasure of being able to give her one but a single thought always ran through my mind as I exhaled silently, looking at the world through my mask. Do they even keep the rocks I give them?
I had recently found an obsidian stone a couple of weeks back that had reminded me of Tonowari. The rugged obsidian had its plentitude of sharp edges that reminded me of the spear he used to hunt fish in the shallow waters, they also reminded me of his rough exterior, someone who was tough. But the places where the sun would shine and bounce off the rock reminded me of how gentle he could be. He had no need being nice to me- a tawtute- on his island, yet he was never rough or disgusted when addressing me, always opting for a gentle voice and kind words, offering me a smile here and there.
Just as every other time before, the tawtute handed me a rock from wherever she must have found it, without a word, and walked away before I could say anything. I furrowed my brow bone as I look down in my hand and see a beautiful and smooth milky white stone, I had no idea why she felt the need to give me this stone, but its beauty had captured my interest in it, it was rare to find such a light colored stone. We usually had stones the color of our tan sands popping up every once in a while, a slight contrast to the white and pink sea shells we often find along the way, but never a stone like this.
I look back up to see if the tawtute had reappeared to offer an explanation but as always, she was not anywhere I expected her to be, I gently slide my hand into my side satchel and place the smooth stone inside, keeping it safe until I can go home and add it to my collection. I would have to consult this tawtute’s behavior with Neytiri’s mate and see what the symbolism behind these little gestures mean.
But until I could gather enough time to consult my husband on speaking with the four-fingered Na’Vi, I must head toward my healing hut and prepare drinks, salves, and pastes in order to heal my people.
“You seem upset, has Lo’ak done something to-“ Jake began as he addresses Tonowari’s facial expression.
“No,” Tonowari is quick to answer, not wanting him to falsely believe that his son was up to no good, in fact it was the opposite, he has been behaving a lot better recently, after the initial rough start with Ao’nung the two had grown closer than ever before.
“We must as you about Y/n.” Ronal speaks as she walks into her and her husbands shared marui after Neytiri had stepped in. It was now time for the cobalt blue pair to look amongst themselves with confusion before they switched their glances over toward the Olo’eyktan and Tsahik of the metkayina.
“Whats going on?” Jake raises a brow as he stares between the two, from his back he can feel Neytiri’s tensed hand being placed around his arm. He couldn’t even begin to fathom what it was that she could have done to have warranted a meeting between these two, but he knew Y/n was a good person.
“Well, she has taken a liking into giving us- gifts- if you will,” Tonowari begins as he showcases the rocks and one seashell he had been given by the human, having decided to keep the trinkets she had gifted him just in case they were meant for something further down the line.
“She has also given me similar gifts,” Ronal mentions as she too showcases the four beautiful and rare stones that the human had given her throughout the past few weeks.
“We just happen to not understand if this is a custom practiced by the tawtute.” Tonowari carries on where his wife had left off.
“Is this the way tawtute court one another?” Ronal asks with slight fear in her voice, not wanting to reject the precious stones she had been given, but also unsure of what the act itself meant. She was the more bad-tempered one between herself and her husband but that didn’t mean that she would purposely want to harm someones feelings.
Jake takes a second to look between their hands before sharing a glance with his wife, his own hand coming up to slap his forehead as he begins to laugh, his laughter filling up the marui they were currently in, Neytiri’s own light laughter following her husbands as the two take in the situation before them. They weren’t trying to be rude, no, quite the opposite, but when being met with the confusion of the two before them, it was hard not to find solace in laughter.
“No,” Jake finally speaks after having calmed down from his outburst.
“No,” He repeats once more before gaining his composure.
“She did this back with the Omatikaya as well, she has a sensitive heart and is usually very shy. I take it when she has given you her little gifts she doesn’t say much, right?” Jake asks and watches as the couple before him nod their head’s.
“But what does it mean?” Tonowari is quick to ask as he places his trinkets back in the shared box he and Ronal kept their precious things, they had grown to find comfort in those items after a rough day, often comparing the stones and seashell to the others they would find along the beach for their own crafts.
“She only does that to people she feels safe around, she gives you those gifts as a thank you for making her feel protected, you two must have done or said something to her to make her feel that way.” Jake finally explains and the couple are quick to look at one another, eyes sparkling upon hearing the revelation.
“I’m sure if you felt like giving her something in return she’d probably speak to you,” Jake smiles and it sparks an idea between the two of them.
“Not that you have to, of course,” He offers.
I had been walking alongside the beach once more as I squatted near the sands, sifting it through my fingers in order to find a pink shell for Tuk. She had specifically taken me out of the comfort of Jake and Neytiri’s marui in order to help her find such a shell to add it to the necklace she was making for Kiri.
I had found several pink shells but a majority of them had been broken, I still offered them to observe before she would shake her head and explain that it wasn’t calling out to her. I wasn’t upset at the slightest as I would often spend hours out here looking for the best rocks to give Ronal and Tonowari, so I happily trailed back toward my area to continue searching for a shell that spoke to Tuktirey.
“Y/n?” I hear my name being called and look up to see the Olo’eyktan and Tsahik standing before me, I choose at that moment to stand immediately and straighten my back, this was different than speaking to Mo’at as I actually had to show them respect.
“Yes?” I asked nervously since I had no idea why the both of them had been here.
No words are spoken between the two as Ronal holds out her hand toward me, grasping a rather beautiful feather and offering it to me. My eyes marvel at the beautiful colors of the feather and wonder what creature it must have come from, I quickly look up at the pair who only nod their head in synch, signaling for me to take it.
I nervously reach my hand out, my pointer finger extending itself as I run it along one of the softest things I had ever felt, my smile growing as I grasp it gently, seeing Ronal unwrap her fingers from it.
“If you would like, we can braid it into your hair so you do not lose it,” Tonowari offers and my eyes go back toward the pair, a smile breaking past my features as I stare at them excitedly, nodding my head to silently agree with his suggestion.
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Two Halves of the Same Whole
Legolas x gn!elf!reader
Requested (Kinda): @legolastaint
Summary: “Ughhhh i NEED someone to write a legolas x reader fic where you just get to be feral little guys together. Please!!! I want running through the woods barefoot together, i want playing pretend!! I want catching bugs and frogs and the like and marvelling at their beauty!!! I want playing in a creek and catching fish and crawdads and shiny rocks!!! I want playing and making things out of all of our little found object collections!!! I want hanging out outside in the rain or during a thunderstorm!!! And i dont want it to be platonic!! I want this to be love!!!!!!!! I want this to be our affection for each other!!!!!!!”
Author’s Note: I hope I captured the vibe you wanted! As a feral little gremlin that grew up in the country, I’ve also wanted more fics like this :) It is a little short, but if you like it I can and will write more <3
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The cold water of the creek was a direly needed refreshment. You had stripped off your boots, rolled up your pant legs, and were now wading in the shallow water. A splash from a few feet upstream told you that Legolas had decided to join you.
"Meleth nin, are you sure our friend won't mind us being late?"
"No, he will understand," you hummed. "Especially if we find a gift to bring him." The pair of you were on your way to visit a new friend, Willard, that resided in his own small corner of the Greenwood.
That is, you were on your way until you could no longer ignore the call of the creeks cooling waters. You intended to depart for Willard's home earlier, before the heat peaked for the day, but Legolas had been very particular when selecting wildflowers. He insisted the finishing touch for today's picnic be a marvelous bouquet that Willard could admire during the time before your next visit. After showing you the final product, you agreed with his vision, but now you needed a break from walking in the heavy heat of the afternoon.
"And what sort of gift would he like most," Legolas questioned.
"I think we will know when we find it." You scanned the creek bed for a glimmer of any long lost trinkets to gift your friend. The only thing to catch your eye was a school of small, shimmering fish coming to say hello in the water surrounding your legs. You softly laughed as they tickled and brushed against you.
"Do we have something that the little fish may enjoy," You called out to Legolas and gestured to your new acquaintances. A gentle smile, touched with affection at your care for even the smallest of creatures, spread across his face.
"I shall look, meleth nin." He returned to where he'd left the picnic basket on the shore, looking for something suitable to give the fish among what you packed. Legolas settled on some apples slices that he could further dice to a smaller size.
While bringing the bits of apple to you, something peeking out from the creeks sandy bottom caught his attention. He bent down and scooped it from the sand, gently swishing it around in the water to clean it off. The little treasure was a stone, more of a gem really, no bigger than a large coin, yet Legolas knew that this was it.
Legolas approached you, a grin plastered across his face as he presented the stone to you - its colorful and translucent surface resembling stained glass, smoothed and polished from the water. You let out a gasp, throwing your arms around him and nearly sending both of you tumbling into the water.
"It's perfect," you brushed a few stray strands of his hair away and pressed a kiss to his temple. "I know Willard will absolutely adore it."
You were walking side-by-side with Legolas, your hands intertwined while his free hand carried the picnic basket and yours carried the precious stone. The two of you were now approaching the large willow tree that marked Willard's dwelling.
You halted once you reached the tree, rapping the trunk with your knuckles a couple times, "Willard, we're here!" You shot a glance towards Legolas who had lowered and started to unpack the picnic basket. Kneeling down to a small gap where the tree's roots met the ground, you peaked inside, "Willard?" Your voice was met with a soft thud as Willard, the large toad that lived beneath the willow tree, hopped out of his abode to greet you.
"There he is," Legolas chimed in. "Perhaps we left him waiting too long and he laid down for his afternoon nap," he commented as he set plates and food down for the three of you.
"Maybe," You sighed, drawing your eyebrows together. "But I think our lateness will be forgiven once he sees his gift. Here," you placed the shiny stone several inches in front of Willard, who immediately hopped over to inspect it further.
"I think he loves it already, meleth nin," Legolas observed while passing you a flask of water to fill your cup with.
"I agree, I think you certainly have an eye for treasure, Legolas," a satisfied grace spread across your features.
He leaned in and pressed a kiss to your lips, "I think I most certainly do."
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For mad scientist siri and hippie remus: Sirius having a depressive episode bc his work hasn't had much progrssed in such a long time and remus making him go outside in nature and them just having walking and talking abt everything and nothing, racing eachother along the river and colecting rocks and flowers
I'm finally feeling motivated enough to go through these prompts!!
Materpost here :)
"Sirius?" Remus forces himself to sit up out of bed, glancing around for his fiancé.
They're used to finding Sirius writing in a notebook on the bathroom floor, or tracing with his fingers on the kitchen table at an ungodly hour. He's even found Sirius asleep somewhere he isn't supposed to be, curled up with notes still clutched in his hand and an open pen drawing lines across his arm. Their eyes flick to the digital clock on his nightstand.
5:18am. Makes sense. It's practically light outside.
Slowly, he slips out of bed, shoving a cardigan and a pair of slippers on. Time to hunt for Sirius.
He makes sure to check all of the usual spots. There's no whiteboard pen on the bathroom tiles, nothing out on the front patio, and the kitchen is empty.
Remus frowns, confused. His bike's still parked, so he hasn't left the house.
It's only when they head down to check the back garden, walking down the hall, that they find him. Over the sound of his quiet footsteps, he catches some breathing coming from the living room.
With a nod to himself, he turns and steps into the darkened room.
The only light is peeking through a crack in the curtains, illuminating Sirius. He's on the floor, directly in front of the sofa. His knees are up, arms limp on the floor. For a second, Remus thinks he's asleep. It's only when they move closer that they realise Sirius is awake, staring into space.
"Hey, Sirius. You okay?"
"Love?" He moves to sit beside Sirius, waiting patiently. Sirius'll talk when he's ready.
Turns out, it doesn't take long.
"I'm fine."
The words are hollow, empty. Remus knows Sirius well enough to know that something has happened. Something that's done more than just ruin his night. He's more withdrawn than Remus has seen him at home in a while.
He'd bet his entire life that it's work related.
"Okay," Remus says with a nod. Then, the moment the idea hits, they stand up and extend a hand to Sirius. "Let's go."
For a moment Sirius just looks at his hand, confusion cutting ever so slightly through his apathy.
"A walk. Come on."
"Oh, I'm good-"
"Nope. You're coming with me." Remus shakes their head. He knows Sirius is going to say yes. He always does. He's terrible at saying no to Remus.
Eventually, Sirius reaches out and grabs Remus' hand, letting himself be helped up.
He doesn't say a word, just following Remus out of the bungalow and down the street. Their hands stay linked, as Remus leads him carefully through a few winding side streets, then over a fence.
"Remus, where are we going?" Sirius asks, dutifully climbing over the fence. Remus glances over to the small trail they've gotten to, gesturing vaguely around.
He watches Sirius carefully, catching just a hint of amusement in his eyes.
With that, the two of them start walking over to the stream. As they pass a few trees, Remus sees Sirius reach out and trace his fingers across the bark.
"I wonder what type of tree that is," Remus muses. They're sure Sirius is going to catch on, notice that it's an obviously baited statement.
"It's actually easier to figure out than you think," Sirius answers. He can't stop himself, and Remus knows that. He loves listening to Sirius' insanely random and well informed monologuing, usually about a strangely obscure topic.
As Sirius explains, Remus occasionally asking a question or two to keep it going, they reach the stream. Remus squeezes Sirius' hand once, before grabbing a stone and watching it skip across the water. A small smile finally finds its way onto Sirius' face.
"Isn't this place how you found our house?" Sirius asks. Remus nods, beaming at Sirius. "You stung by nettles, and wanted to find some, er..."
"Dock leaves," they supply. "Then our place was just... on the way back. It just-"
"Felt right."
A silence settles over both of them, watching the water. Remus can feel the anticipation in Sirius. He's building up to saying something, and Remus is going to wait it out.
"I'm at a dead end. With the project," Sirius says finally. When Remus turns their head, Sirius is still looking out at the waves. "It's like... every route I take just doesn't work." His brow furrows first, followed by his entire face crumbling. Finally, he turns and drops his face onto Remus' shoulder. "I've hit a wall, Remus. It's not even fun to research, right now. Nothing's working," he mumbles, muffled.
Remus doesn't hesitate in wrapping his arms around Sirius. Of course it's about his research. For a moment, Remus just holds Sirius through it, letting him panic for a second. He needs it.
"You can't think about all of this every minute of every day, okay?" Remus starts, gently brushing his fingers up and down Sirius' back. "You won't get anywhere if you don't slow down, love. If you take some time to yourself, you don't know what you'll unlock."
"But what if it just slows everything down?" Sirius asks, lifting his head and watching Remus carefully.
"It won't. Trust me," they say earnestly.
Eventually, finally, Sirius nods once.
"Yeah?" Remus asks, hopeful.
"Mhm," Sirius cracks a real smile, leaning in and pressing his lips to Remus'. "I think I see some forget-me-nots over there, anyway. I would be a shit fiancé if I didn't at least bring some back home, eh?"
They know Sirius still has a long way to go with this project, and they both know it won't be easy on him, but this is something.
Besides, wedding planning is the perfect way to take a break from work, right?
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devil-in-hiding · 2 months
The gang taking a trip to the beach post rumbling, a day of just bonding and spending time with each other with all the ambassador things happening.
Jean, Levi and Annie watching the others race across the sand, Armin occasionally running up to show Annie a shell he found, and Jean can’t help the sour feeling of jealousy in his stomach before he lets his eyes roam.
Connie and Pieck are trying their best to get Gabi to at least t r y getting in the water, splashing at her as she squeals from the shore as Falco sneaks up behind her
there’s a blonde missing.
Jean raises a brow, scanning the sand before he finally catches sight of Reiner a ways down, on his hands and knees, digging through the sand.
“Annie, what the hell is he doing?” Jean asks, confused and she glances over.
“Probably looking for rocks. He did that all the time when we were kids.”
20 minutes pass and Jean is on his own, Connie having literally dragged Levi to the shore so he could sit in the sand, but from the small castle Jean can see forming besides his former Captain, he knows he’s happy to be there.
A victory yell catches his attention, and he looks over just in time to see Reiner running towards him, kicking up sand.
He’s obviously sunburnt, covered in sand and his hair is sticking up at crazy angles, but Jean forgets all of that when the blonde drops to his knees beside him, holding up a rock to Jean’s face.
“Reiner? What the hell are you-“
“I found a rock that matches your eyes! Look!” Reiner gushes, pushing the rock into Jean’s hand, who has turned to stone, heart slamming in his chest.
“My.. my eyes?”
“Yeah! I found some over there but they didn’t have little green and gold flecks like this one does, and it looks almost like melted chocolate in the right light!”
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faithst · 4 months
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ᡣ𐭩 •。୨ৎ ˚ SYNOPSIS; caught in the relentless pursuit of her academic and career goals, yn’s social life takes a backseat, prompting concern from her best friend who advocates ‘living while you’re young’. she receives a text, finding herself wrapped in the new dating program that had been spreading like wildfire in campus. the more she indulges in these new connections, she begins to question her priorities.
wc 0.9k
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05 primary colour
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You were unsure of what to expect—anxious about this being your first date ever and also the fact that it was at the beach. You always had an uneasy feeling about the ocean after you nearly drowned when you were five, and ever since, you never liked beaches. But today, you had to kill two birds with one stone.
The night before, you couldn’t shut your eyes without being washed over with worry. Yes, you could've asked Taerae to pick another spot, but there was also the guilt of changing it last minute, so you didn’t. You tossed and turned the whole night, eventually flopping face-down onto the pillow, groaning. The night went by quicker than expected; it was about time for you to head out and meet Taerae for the first time. You didn’t know much about him, other than the fact he could sing—just knew you were in for a real treat.
The sun was already high in the sky as you made your way to the meeting point, the heat making the sand almost unbearable to walk on. You clutched your bag tightly, the nervousness creeping back with each step closer to the ocean. The salty breeze and the sound of waves crashing against the shore didn't provide the comfort it usually did for most people; instead, it heightened your anxiety.
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Spotting Taerae was easy—he stood out with his bright, cheerful demeanor and bright red shirt, waving his guitar enthusiastically in the air as soon as he saw you. His smile was infectious, dimple visibly showing, and you couldn’t help but feel a small sense of relief.
"Hey!" he called out, walking up to you. "So glad you made it! I was a bit worried about you."
You forced a smile, trying to hide your nerves. "Are we not gonna talk about the guitar?" He smiled sheepishly. “I just thought you would’ve seen me better.”
You found his excuse amusing and somehow relieving. The worried expressions left your face as you broke into a few laughs. “I think I’ll enjoy today more than I thought.”
Taerae’s eyes sparkled with excitement. "Great! I have a whole day planned out. I know the beach can be overwhelming, but I promise it'll be fun."
He led you along the shoreline, pointing out different things as you walked. The beach was bustling with activity—children building sandcastles, surfers riding the waves, and couples strolling hand in hand. Taerae seemed to know the perfect spots, guiding you to a quieter area where you could sit on some rocks and watch the waves without feeling overwhelmed.
The moment was serene, you felt yourself loosen up as the both of you sat in silence. You dipped your feet into the water, feeling the waves gently crash against them. Taerae felt a sense of accomplishment from that, subtly smiling.
As the day went on, Taerae’s warm and genuine personality began to put you at ease. He told stories that made you laugh, sang a few songs that showcased his talent, and even convinced you to sit close to the waters. His presence was reassuring, and slowly, the fear that had gripped you since childhood began to loosen its hold. The two of you strolled along the shoreline, talking about everything and nothing, and Taerae's easygoing nature made you feel more comfortable than you had expected.
You found yourself getting lost in conversation, forgetting the anxiety that had plagued you. “Hey, come here.” He spoke up, signaling you to walk towards him. You hesitantly walked across the sinking sand, squinting your eyes as the rays of sunshine laid onto your face. “You don’t like the water, right? So, let’s enjoy the sand.”
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, a question mark hovering above your head as he chuckled at your reaction. He squatted, grabbing a nearby stick. “Look,” he said, before drawing a whimsical creature in the sand. “What do you think?” He tilted his head back up to you.
There was something about the way the sun shone across his skin, melting into one another as if it favored him dearly. His eyes were squinted slightly due to it.
“It looks funny,” you replied, grinning at his reaction. He frowned, with a slight pout—the image of him lathered your heart with warmth. “Here, why don’t you try?” He lent out his hand towards you.
You placed yours on top of his as he guided you down to his level, capturing a brief glimpse of the stars in his eyes. Though the sun was still high in the sky, his eyes were brighter than it’d ever be.
You and Taerae spent the day drawing in the sand, sparking out laughs every once in a while as he judged your whimsical art. Taerae had managed to make you feel safe and happy, turning what you thought would be a dreadful experience into a cherished memory.
As you both walked back along the beach, the cool evening air setting in, Taerae turned to you, his smile softer now. "Thank you for trusting me today. I know it wasn't easy for you."
You smiled back, feeling a warmth spread through you that was different from the sun’s heat. "Thank you for making it so easy."
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mertronus · 6 months
Tricks and Stones
Read it on AO3 or keep reading below
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Hermione stood at the opening of the tent and stretched. She had been inside reading all morning and needed to move around a bit. She was feeling stagnant and restless.
She smiled at Harry who was lost in thought, and considered sitting beside him to check in but noticed the locket dangling around his neck.
No, she thought, better to leave him be for now.
So instead she set off to see where Ron had gone. They were situated on some rocks near the edge of a lake. Hermione hoped that they could procure a couple of fish later for dinner.
A flash of red hair near the lake's edge caught her attention and she quickly navigated down the slippery rocks to get to Ron's side. It had been a rough few days with Ron, filled with rows and grumbling. She missed her Ron.
Maybe since he's not wearing the locket, we can have a good moment.
Hermione reached Ron's side just as he swung his arm back and whipped a stone into the quiet surface of the water. It skipped four times before it sank into the water. She smiled at the memories the scene garnered.
“Wow,” Hermione said. “Good one.”
Ron looked over at her and gave her his signature lopsided grin. That grin always seemed to send butterflies swirling around her belly.
“Thanks,” he said, his voice a bit gruff. Hermione figured he hadn’t used it in a while.
He picked up another flat stone and sent it into the lake—it skipped the water three times. Hermione pulled her eyes away from him and faced the water, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. Yes, stepping out of the tent was a wonderful idea.
“Y’alright?” Ron asked.
Hermione nodded then opened her eyes to look back at Ron. “Yeah. I just…I got tired of reading.” She ignored his exaggerated look of surprise but the corner of her lip twitched as she fought a smile and continued. “I just needed to get up and move.”
Ron looked her up and down, an unreadable expression on his face. “Yeah…I get that.” He stooped, found another stone, swung his arm back, and let it fly across the water. This one skipped the water five times before it disappeared.
“You’re really good at that,” Hermione mused. She eyed a flat stone a few inches in front of her feet and her fingers twitched.
“Want to learn?”
“I—” Hermione stopped herself and a new thought formed in her mind. She smiled and nodded. “Sure. Show me how.”
Ron stooped and grabbed the very stone Hermione had been eyeing. “The trick is to find a nice flat one.” He held up the stone so Hermione could see and she stifled her smile. “Not too flat, mind, but definitely not round. And smooth too.” He took her hand and placed the stone in hers, his fingers lingering for a moment. Hermione looked up and her eyes caught on his, which were bright blue in the afternoon sun.
“Alright,” she forced herself to say.
“Um…” Ron broke eye contact and scanned the ground, finding a stone of his own. “Now…you don’t want to just throw it into the water, you want to flick it so it will bounce across the surface.” Ron demonstrated and they watched his stone hit the water one, two, three times.
“Alright, then,” Hermione said. She rolled her shoulders back, took a similar stance to Ron, and flung her stone into the water. It went straight in with a neat kerplunk.
Ron chuckled. “Needs some work.”
Hermione huffed. She reached down for a new stone. “This one flat enough?”
Ron surveyed it and then looked around their feet. “Here,” he bent and picked up a new stone. “Try this one better.”
Once in her fingers, Hermione swung her arm back in a fair imitation of Ron and threw the stone right into the water. She stomped her foot and pouted, feeling like a petulant child. Ron simply laughed and shook his head.
“Look, try this,” he grabbed a new rock and stood beside her. “When you find your rock, get kind of low and tilted.” She imitated his stance and tried not to feel silly. “Good. And when you throw, don’t just throw it like you’re tossing a quaffle. Toss is sort of sideways and flick your wrist a bit. Swish and flick.”
Hermione stood straight up and scowled at him. “Oh, haha, very funny.”
Ron laughed. “Sorry, couldn’t help it. But no, it’s true, it’s all in the flick of the wrist.”
“Alright,” Hermione toyed with the stone in her hand as she once again copied Ron’s stance. “Like this?” She pulled her arm back and attempted to flick her wrist, but the stone simply dropped into the water.
Ron laughed. “No,” he said shaking his head. He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. “Um…” He glanced around. “Let’s try this.” He picked up a new stone and got behind Hermione. He put one hand on her waist and the other hand on hers after he’d handed her the new rock. Hermione had to fight not to close her eyes at the feeling of his warm fingers on her, burning through the fabric of her shirt. Her heart was racing and with his chest against her back, she wondered if he couldn’t feel it. She took a steadying breath, but it didn’t help. His scent was wrapping around her like the very best drug. All she had to do was close her eyes and lean back into him, lean back into the high-
His warm breath on her ear made her jump slightly.
“Yeah,” she squeaked. “Yeah, I’m fine.” She almost turned to face him but she realized that if she did, they would be mere millimeters apart. She wondered for just a moment if he would—
No. No, of course not.
“Alright now bring your arm back but keep it low,” Ron instructed, moving his arm with hers. She tried so hard not to focus on the low, grumbly timber of his voice—and the way it made her body feel. “And when you throw, put most of the movement into the wrist.”
They tried like that a few times with no results. When Ron released her, she fought the urge to shudder from the sudden chill. She missed his warmth.
When she tried on her own, without the distraction of her personal Ronald Weasley blanket, the stone skipped once and then sunk.
“Yes!” Ron cheered. “There you go! I knew you could do it!”
Hermione grinned at his praise.
“Let’s go for two, yeah?”
“Maybe three?” Hermione offered.
Ron shook his head with a laugh. “Don’t push your luck.”
After a few more tries, Hermione’s stone skipped across the water twice and they both erupted in cheers. Ron wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off her feet in a hug, swinging her around once in celebration.
When he placed her down, she looked up at him wide-eyed. He cleared his throat and took a step back. “Knew you had it in you,” he smiled. She smiled back. After a moment, both of their smiles faded in the awkward silence.
Ron glanced at his watch and then back to the tent. “I uh…I should probably go and relieve Harry,” he mumbled. Hermione nodded and sighed as he turned to walk away. Relieving Harry from watch also meant relieving Harry of the locket. She knew her short glimpse of the Ron she knew and loved was gone for the day.
It was fun while it lasted, she thought as he disappeared over the rocks. Hermione turned back to the water and lost herself in thought for a moment. She glanced back to be sure Ron had cleared the rocks and was out of sight. Then, she picked up a flat pebble, toyed with it in her hand for a moment, and swung her arm back sending it flying across the water with a perfect flick.
It skipped the surface of the water five times and then sank. Hermione smiled, thoughts of skipping stones with her dad now intermingled with the fresh thoughts of Ron.
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firelordsfirelady · 2 months
XXII. Trail of Smoke
Author: @firelordsfirelady
Imagine: When Y/N—a princess of one of the Water Tribes—is told she’s leaving her tribe, she never expects that she’s to be betrothed to the Fire Lord’s son, nor was she prepared to be exiled the very day she arrived at the Fire Nation. With her life in the hands of her new fiancée, how will life change for the princess? 
Pairing: Zuko x F!Reader
Trigger warnings: arranged marriage, feelings of fear, banishment, mentions of burns/abuse, frustration, violence, betrayal, language, drowning
Word Count: 1675
Destined to be Yin and Yang 
I own no rights to Avatar the Last Airbender or any of the characters/story.  
Author’s Notes
The characters as all aged up so Zuko’s banishment happens when he’s 16 
Keep in mind I am bringing a unique world with inspiration from ATLA in their characters, some of the events that happen, bending, etc. Not many things may align or occur with what happened in the show. It’s intended that way, so I hope you enjoy it regardless.
See Y/N’s inspiration here. 
Destined to be Yin and Yang Soundtrack (YouTube)
Hours later we are full-steam ahead as I stand on the upper deck next to Zuko and Iroh as Zuko points a telescope to the sky. Iroh looked at Zuko with angry eyes, and I quietly stood off to the side as the tension grew between the two Firebenders.
“Sailing into Fire Nation Waters?” Iroh asked as he stood a little ways behind the younger Firebender that was looking through the telescope. The older man was obviously furious as he clenched his fists as he spoke his next words. “Of all the foolish things you’ve done in your nineteen years, this is the most foolish.”
“I have no choice, Uncle.” Zuko said as he slightly adjusted the telescope as he peered into the thick mass of clouds ahead of us. “We are chasing the Avatar.”
“Have you completely forgotten that you are banished by the Fire Lord?” Iroh’s words began calmly, but he almost growled as he finished his question. His voice was full of sadness as he asked his next question, “What if you are caught?”
My heart seized in my chest as the gravity of the older firebender’s words registered in my brain. I looked at the side profile of the prince--his constant reminder of the banishment drew my attention.
“I’m chasing the Avatar.” I felt my lips slip into a frown as Zuko spoke then looked back at his concerned uncle. “My father will understand.”
Are you sure about that? I remembered the story of how Zuko got the scar on his left eye, and why he is ceaseless in his mission to capture the Avatar. If a man was willing to do that to his son, then who knows what he would do if he captured him now?
“You’re giving him too much credit, Nephew.” Iroh’s arms were crossed across his chest as he scoffed at the Prince’s words. “The man I know to be my brother is not the understanding type.”
My heart broke slightly for the Prince as he said nothing and turned his attention back to the telescope. He made a slight adjustment to the telescope before his face squinted to focus on something in the telescope.
“There,” Zuko said as he pointed towards the sky. The hair in Zuko’s ponytail whipped violently in the wind as he turned to yell, “Helmsman, full steam ahead!”
I looked up to the sky and found the underbelly of a sky bison quickly coming into view as the ship’s speed quickly increased. My heart raced in my chest as I heard the shifting of the lower deck and a giant catapult lifted up from below deck. I glanced over the edge in slight shock at the technology of the Fire Nation, and my heart clenched in my chest. My eyebrows knit themselves together as I realized Zuko and Iroh had left to join the soldiers down below on the deck.
An awful smell wafted up from the catapult below, and I had to plug my nose to avoid the sickening smell. Zuko threw a fire blast at the giant ball of stone, and the sulfuric smelling substance caught fire.
“On my mark,” Zuko yelled. “Fire!” With a swipe of a sword, the giant flaming rock sphere was launched into the sky on a collision course with the flying animal. I watched as the giant animal easily evaded the flying ball of fire before I had my attention drawn to the wall of moving Fire Nation warships, and I felt the color drain from my face as I realized we were heading towards a blockade. I quickly rushed down the stairs to join Zuko and Iroh on the main deck as we rapidly closed the distance between our ship and the blockade. I joined them on deck as they moved up to watch what the Avatar did in response to the blockade. I quickly threw my hair up into a bun as I joined them to watch the sky bison quickly head towards the blockade, and I felt my heart drop to my stomach.
“He’s not turning around, so neither are we.”
“Please, Zuko,” There was worry evident in Iroh’s words as he drew the attention of the banished prince. “If they capture you, I cannot do anything. Do not follow the Avatar.” Iroh’s words were a plead at the younger Firebender. I could see the determined look in Zuko’s eyes and I felt my heart seize in my chest as I knew what was about to leave the Prince’s lips. I gently lifted my eyes to the sky and asked for the spirits to guide us as Zuko apologizes to his uncle and ordered the helmsman to run the blockade.
I felt a sinking feeling overwhelm me as I looked out toward the blockade and a line of flames erupted from the ships’ decks. My worried eyes looked over at Iroh, whose eyes reflected mine, but we turned our attention ahead of us. The organ in my chest picked up its pace as a wall of fires spheres flew into the sky at the flying creature and began to rain down in the water around us.
My eyes widened as I felt hands pulling me as I watched a large wave crash over the railing of the ship before it came rushing towards me. I suddenly found myself struggling to breath in cold dark waters as a forceful pressure kept my head under the water. Bright bursts of light lit up the dark water slightly as my limbs splashed about in the water. The need to take a breath overtook the forceful hold on the air in my lungs as I took a deep breath of the liquid around me.
Shaking of the ground underneath me and the pressure of the body covering me brought be back to reality as I heard one of the crew members yell, “Prince Zuko, the engines are damaged!” The pressure of the body covering me left before the same voice continued to yell in my direction. “We need to stop and make repairs!”
“Do not stop this ship.” Zuko growled out from beside me, and I turned to find him standing slightly to the side of me as he focused on the blockade ahead of us as another round of flaming spheres fired into the clouds above us.
I felt my heart clench as a small figure began to freefall towards the sea below as the giant flying bison made a beeline to catch whoever was falling. I felt my hand reach out to clench Zuko’s forearm as I watched as the bison skipped on the surface of the ocean as the figure safely landed in the saddle ontop of the bison. The blockade was relentless as they let another round of fireballs at the creature flying above the water. My eyes widen in surprise as one of the fireballs on a collision course with the bison erupted into a ring of debri around the creature before the creature flew past the blockade and into Fire Nation waters. I tightened my grip on Zuko’s arm as we continued our speed towards the blockade as well. The two ships we rapidly approached were rapidly approaching each other from opposite directions. Smoke trailed in the sky behind our ship as Zuko ordered us full speed ahead despite the impending collision looming in front of us.
Both of the Fire Nation ships in the blockade stopped as our ship passed through. Zuko and I looked up to find Commander Zhao looking at us. I stared back at the Commander audaciously as he narrowed his eyes when he met my gaze. None of the ships made a move to follow us as we continued on our course after the Avatar, and I looked towards the man whose arm I still slightly gripped as he stared at the fading blockade.
We were in Fire Nation territory now, so why didn’t Zhao arrest Zuko? A cold shiver ran through my body as a worse thought ran through my head as I let the Firebender go. 
The sun was almost setting a few hours later as I leaned against the steel railing of the upper deck as I watched the dark trail of smoke in the air behind the boat as we cruised in the waters towards the Fire Temple. My stomach twisted as the Prince next to me tightened his grip on the railing.
“Why didn’t Commander Zhao arrest me?” Zuko angrily asks as he looks out to the vast sea ahead of us. I gently placed my hand over Zuko’s that tightly gripped the rail next to me.
“He wants to follow you.” I softly spoke as I watched the trail of smoke growing behind us. “How good would the commander look if he brought the Fire Lord both the Avatar and his son?” My words were bitter as I lightly squeezed Zuko’s hand before crossing my arms across my chest.
“If Zhao wants to follow our trail, then that’s exactly what we’ll let him do.” I watched as Zuko stalked away from the railing of the ship with clenched fists. Iroh and I shared looks of concern as we both followed behind the prince.
The ship changed course a few minutes later as I changed into a Fire Nation dress. Zuko found me shortly later to inform me that he had a grand idea to hide the ship and the crew at a small earth village nearby and use a fisher boat as cover while the crew repairs the engines.
Hours later, we passed by Avatar Roku’s temple as lava burned what little remained of the building. My heart felt heavy as Zuko let out a heavy sigh before he ordered the ship to turn around and head back to the Fire Nation ship. I placed my hand on his shoulder as he faced away from me.
“We will get him, Zuko.” I whispered as I gently squeezed his shoulder then lightly kissed his cheek before I walked away.
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aheckinmess · 5 months
Weak Spot (Dad Sukuna)
(Part 1 of Cursed, Not Cute.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Dad Sukuna, OC Child, Mildly Out of Character?, I Mean I Tried, I Really Tried to Keep Him in Character, Given the Circumstances, But Just in Case, Sukuna's Daughter, And Yes She Has His Sass
Word Count: 1,021 words
Summary: After Ryomen Sukuna has complete control of Japan as the King of Curses, he has a child that he's determined to train into a vessel of villainy, just like him. Things don't exactly go according to plan.
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Chapter 1: Weak Spot
Sukuna should have seen it coming the second the damned woman told him she was with child. A night of passion and lust had resulted in a child of his own. One that he knew would be hellbent on destruction, just like him.
“I will raise you to be stronger even than me.” Flames reflected in his red eyes as he glared over the crumbled city below. He rocked her in his arms to the cadence of screaming victims below. “You cannot be weak if you’re going to inherit my legacy.”
A little girl with pink and brown hair looked up at him, babbling and cooing with a radiant smile. A smile reflecting paternal affection, dependence, and unyielding trust.
These were emotions he’d always thought he’d easily dismiss when the child was born. But truth be told? She wrapped him around her finger a little more with every passing day.
“We will rule this world together, you and I.” He promised.
The moment he felt such buzzing warmth for her, he should have killed her. Hell, he should have killed Asuka as soon as she’d said she was pregnant. Killed two birds with one stone.
But now, looking into his daughter’s eyes, his resolve crumbled. Her dark, pleading eyes squeezed a part of his soul that should have been dead long ago. He grit his teeth, raising his hand again to slice off her head. She’s just another obstacle in my reign of terror and misery! She has to go!
So what stopped him?
Those eyes. Those wide, loving eyes. Eyes that still stared at him with trust and adoration even as he held her life in the balance. A respect for her father that stood unshakeable even in the face of death.
“Are you going to kill me, Father?” Her lip quivered, though he’d long since taught her to be brave and keep her head high during her final moments.
Sukuna, for once, found himself speechless. With a roar, he threw his hands down before pacing across the balcony. Four sets of knuckles gripped the railing until they turned white, flattening metal with his great strength. This damn child. This. Damn. Child!
“I apologize, Father.” Her soft voice floated over to him. “I never intended for my weakness to cause you dishonor.”
“Silence.” Sukuna’s throat tightened in his fury.
The sound of crackling flames drowned out the silence between them as she listened obediently. Perhaps that’s why I’m so remiss to end her life. She's strong. Strong and obedient. Sukuna’s eyes met the gaze of a frantic woman clutching her child to her chest on the street as a curse cornered both of them. He flicked his wrist and the woman and her child dropped in a bloody mass without a second thought.
“I raised you to carry on my legacy,” He growled, slamming his fist down against the damaged metal and turning to her. For once, his brows wrinkled with pain, something he hadn’t felt in years. “Yet you stand before me, unwilling to follow the path of destruction I’ve set. Do you think I would just support your path of good fortune to others?!”
Her second set of hands always gave her away. While the bottom pair stayed by her side, she hid the top pair behind her back, fidgeting as her eyes glistened.
“No, sir.” She whispered.
“Do you expect me to accept such weakness from my own flesh and blood?!”
“No, sir.”
“Then what do you expect, Besu?!” He snapped, digging his nails into her cheeks as his frustration mounted.
“I don’t know.” She admitted.
Blood marred the sides of her face as he tried one more time to use his great strength to bring her a swift end. But he could only watch the blood drip from her chin before he pulled his hand back.
“Well, I don’t know either!” He huffed, raking two hands through his hair as the other two rested on his hips. With a heavy sigh, he responded as softly as the Curse King had ever dared. “I know what I should do.”
She didn’t say anything, and neither of them needed to. Sukuna knew she was a brilliant child. She was his offspring, after all. So she knew he should kill her, as opposed to giving her a gentle ending. They both knew he lacked gentleness with everyone.
Everyone but her. Why her?! I killed Asuka as soon as Besu no longer needed her milk. So why? Why, why, why?!
“I love you.”
Those words. Those damned words! Only she had ever uttered them. He’d never found a need for them from anyone else.
He whipped his hand around and bruised her cheek with the flat of his palm. She barely flinched and kept her back straight.
She knew not to say such things. She knew. Words had power. Those three little words already drove him to his knees as he rubbed a thumb over the growing welt, healing it in seconds.
“Love is weak.” He hissed, looking directly into her eyes. “I’ve told you that time and time again, Besu. You know that love is weak and…and…” He paused, waiting for the anger to pummel relentlessly into her before he broke. “And…and dammit, I love you too!” He clutched her against his chest. “I love you and I hate it!”
For those few moments he could only hold her and wish she were a newborn again, reveling in the fallen world with him. He wished she were not this sweet and precious 7-year-old holding his heart in the palm of her hands as she told him she didn’t want to be evil. He wished he did not feel this overwhelming urge to protect her until his dying breath. He wished he did not enjoy the relief that flooded him knowing she still breathed against his chest, trusting him with every inhale and exhale.
No. He wished he did not have a daughter at all. Because for the first time in history, Ryomen Sukuna had a weak spot.
And he knew it wouldn’t take long for the world to notice.
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Continue Reading -> Ch. 2
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idalenn · 18 days
Day 4 - Reticent
Worqor Zormor - Lillian and Alisaie switch up the plan to harry the Second Promise. (7.0)
Major characters: Warrior of Light, Thancred, Urianger
Full text below the cut
Quick as a lie, Lillian’s hand snapped away from her forehead and a golden cord yanked Alisaie whole into her grip.
“We’re changing the plan,” Lillian growled, twisting the younger girl around to get at the leather tube slung across her back. “Alisaie, you and Krile stay with Wuk Lamat, and I’ll head off the others at the pass instead.”
“What’s come over you,” the girl cried. “So. Suddenly?” Wrenching with all force in her Elezen frame, she tried to free herself to no avail. Lillian’s arms were muscle woven with steel.
“Thancred got the best of us. Heard all we – quit moving – intended. They’ll expect your harassment up ahead.” Her deft fingers slid around the tube’s hooks, undoing them one after another. So much easier without gloves, she thought. In short order the map was flapping in her hand. “But not mine.” Krile nodded, clarity writ plain on her face.
“The Echo. We’ll leave this to you, then.” She knocked their Hrothgar claimant across one hand with the dripping end of her brush. “Worqor Zormor awaits us, Third Promise. Our friend will rejoin us once she’s finished.”
Confusion reigned over Wuk Lamat’s own expression. “Does anyone care to enlighten me on this?”
“It must needs be later, I’m afraid. Just run for now. I’ll do my best to inform you of the basics on the way.”
“So it goes.” Wuk Lamat’s shoulders slipped with a heavy sigh. Beyond a protesting Alisaie, Lillian hurriedly crumpled the map into a long green pocket of her cape. “I bring you into my circle for help and you look to escape me at the first chance. Sometimes I think you just can’t toler-AH–” Wind took the rest of her words, loose earth and shards of rock showering the remaining party as Lillian raced off with its power at her back, yalms melting away with each stride.
 Up the path she went dodging around fallen stone outcroppings and growths of blue and violet crystal, the image of the Second Promise’s ascension on a column of air with Thancred and Urianger in tow still burned into her eyes. Not one soul in that damned town malms below had mentioned that was a possibility. Or perhaps her attention had fallen off at the wrong time in conversation and missed its passing mention in one of many grand tales she had been forced into hearing, some unexplainable act that had allowed the defeat of a rampaging beast like Valigarmanda. That was the irritating part about scholars like Koana; legends always held a grain of truth, and those learned as he always knew how to exploit those grains. Like as not down in the valley there existed some Sharlayan device he’d built capable of calling tempests to aid him.
Irritated, she slammed her staff into the mountain face and flooded it with aether. Juts of jagged, black stone ground out, dislodging flora that had lain root in the rock and birds that had found roost in the plants. Once extended enough for use, she bound up the cantilevered platforms, staff readied, its tip alight with pearlescent aether. One bird arrowed towards the Miqo’te, squawking complaint till light and petrichor found their mark, the smell of roast windkin filling Lillian’s mouth with water and nearly sending her feathered cap flying into the abyss. She almost shed a tear as the bird tumbled limp trailing feathers through the clouds.
After the last step, Lillian found herself on a mountain ledge flanked by a low rise of boulders and flowered moss. She drew out the time weathered map and flattened it on the ground, tsking at a tear she made in her haste to abscond. Wuk Lamat had been correct, but why waste time and confirm to the child claimant what she already knew? She was haughty, naïve, self-absorbed, and above all, a fool who believed Lillian’s actions took her well-being into consideration.
Were you not similar once, and did you not learn better? The voice of logic nagged. Quiet. Never so much as she, Lillian thought back, smoothing the spot Thancred pointed out to the Second Promise; a wide pass dotted with the ruins of ancient walls
“Alisaie plans to harry us here. She’s a quick-footed little pest, but we’ve battled alongside long enough for me to know exactly where her faults lie, and I’ve been itching for the opportunity to knock her down a peg or four. I’ll have her in bed without supper and you your victory before the Third Promise realizes she’s been made.”
We’ll see if you can manage the same against me, she thought, stuffing the map back down, wind licking at her heels as she ran. Beastkin poked their soft, red noses from their dens as she passed and retreated just as quickly. Excitement made her ears unable to stay still. They beat a dangerous leather heartbeat against their coverings sewn into her cap. Her thoughts were smothered, but so were the land’s whispers.
The ruins were a short jaunt away. There, the ground was soft and pocketed with fist-width craters filled with tepid water. Vegetation grew verdant from the civilization’s desiccated corpse to cover the bones in green embrace.
There it was. Along the path to the mountain’s summit, a towering stone barrier stood solemn. Dutiful. For a Miqo’te clad in forest colors: easily concealed behind. Some great hand had torn a hole through its skin and left a passage from ruin to path providing the perfect redoubt from which to utilize a White Mage’s magic against unwary passersby. Lillian sprinted across the sodden field, her mind bursting with all the possibilities to slow down her opponents.
As she reached the hole, a white blur faded into the open space.
A reticent blur of white absent of sound, of tension, of presence and definition. The pressure of existence swelled gradually with each fifth of moment. Her brain fired desperately on every available detail.
Bulk; clothing; the jangling of canisters; his interwoven bandolier; plant musk hiding his scent.
Who could claim the greater surprise? Not he, who knew of a coming. Not her, who knew of an arriving.
But if anything, he didn’t appear surprised at all. In fact, he was even –
A strong, hardened jaw stared back at her, yellow teeth glinting from a light growing –
From below?
A tickle started in her brain. Understanding came before the knowing.
Water flew into her hand from the puddle below before growing outward in a blue, glass-thin sheen in the path of the gunblade’s edge, hardening into a shield faster than the blooming muzzle flash. The explosion sent her flying back in a trail of dust and smoke. Powder smell filled her nose. Her ears rang with a cannon blast. Wind gathered thick around in a shroud of green aether to carry her from danger, willing herself to land upright on stable ground.
But as she did, a sigil circled with arcane letters expanded across the stone.
Rolling in the air, her hand wreathed in blinding green tore across the space as a wave of wind struck her full in the side mere ilms from the sigil, lifting the Warrior of Light to send her tumbling bodily across the ground and out of the way of harm as the sigil vanished in a thunderclap of dust and heat. Coughing up more dust caught in her throat, she turned blazing yellow eyes to the cloud of soot obscuring her would-be assailants.
“Bastards… the both of you.” She rose on shaking legs. Shards of broken stone had ripped tears in the cloth of her garb. Blood sheathed from a deep, muddy cut on her arm, but nothing else felt broken.
“Come now, we’re all friends here, and what’s a scuffle between friends.”
Thancred sauntered out from the debris, a shite-eating grin ballooning across his handsome features. Following suit with a light chuckle was Urianger, his astrometer spinning at the ready with cards prepped for reading.
“Our comrade believeth her hand superior to thine own.”
“Count yourself lucky that Alisaie hadn’t been the one around that corner.” Lillian spat a globule of saliva laced with red. “You might have killed her.”
“And I would have been eternally guilty for the act, make no mistake.” Somehow Thancred’s smile grew wider. “But, thankfully, no luck was necessary. You came around just as I had planned.”
“Planned? Ha!” Lillian tossed back her head to laugh. The movement made her wince. “Unless one of you can divine the future, my being here is all luck. And where has the Second Promise gone?”
“Ahead,” Thancred said.
“Thou would beggar of us an explanation?”
“Please. I’m all ears – hold…” She held up a finger hazy with radiant white and plunged the digit into her ringing ear. As the aether healed the damage from Thancred’s attack, the plants around her feet withered into brown husks and crumbled to join the dirt. “Apologies – Now I’m all ears.”
“Your Echo.” Thancred wore the face of a child swimming in an ocean of unwrapped candies. At Lillian’s widened eyes, he continued. “A most useful tool in our adventures, being allowed to witness past events as they occurred. But only as they occurred.”
“Of strength in sight does it boast, yet Master Thancred, awash in inspiration and long accustomed, privy to thine Echo’s potency, hath discovered the flaw in its making.” He held a hand to his lips and laughed lightly. Lightly and restrained. “Deceived we were, as means to deceive you.”
Lillian shook her head. “Somehow I believe this is just some trick to keep me here.”
“Oh, you were tricked, all right. Now your turn comes – what did the Echo show?”
“And why would I tell you?”
“You saw us discussing plans with Koana; plans to ambush Alisaie; plans in which I spoke of knocking her down a peg or four? You witness events exactly as they occur, so once we witnessed you succumb to the Echo’s effects…” Thancred placed a hand to his forehead.
“Into the fold were the Second Promise and I giveth allowance, and a trap thus lain for our dearest friend.”
Thancred’s fingers drummed along the gunblade’s handle. “Do pass on my thanks to Alisaie. Had it not been for her plot on Ultima Thule confirming you’ve density common with archon loaf, this endeavor may not have been as fruitful as hoped.”
The skin under Lillian’s left eye began to quiver. White aether burst at her wounded arm as the dirt crumbled into fine powder under her boots. “I hope you realize what you’ve earned.” Her words came out as a low hiss, the corners of her mouth twitched ever so slightly upward.
“A prize, I wager! And a prize Urianger and I have wished so long to taste.”
“Indeed. We bringeth all our might to bear, that we may witness might worthy of song and notoriety, what bringeth even eikons to heel.”
With a malicious cacophony, like to an endless sea of keening glass, from Lillian’s back spread opalescent wings of aether aflame, size and ferocity swelling until she was rendered a silhouette before their crescendo. Sensation of needles prickled against the Scions’ skin, and the myriad wounds below notice across her flesh steamed forth white clouds until hale and closed.
“Try not to choke on it.”
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
Guitar!Steve 1
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“You already had me, you know.” Sweetheart reached out and grabbed Eddie's hand, turning it over in his own. "I can't believe I get to touch you now, instead of the other way around."
It took Eddie a moment to find his voice. "W-well believe it, gorgeous."
And damn if it didn't look like he was preening under Eddie's praise. Okay, he had to come up with a plan. Strategize. Figure out what's what. And do so with a clear head. Eddie pulled Sweetheart along back to the bedroom and shut the door.
He sat Sweetheart down on the bed and tossed the blanket over his lap to keep him decent.
"Alright, so I made a wish on this rock", Eddie took it out of his pocket again. "And you came to be."
Sweetheart nodded.
"This is some INCrediBLE magic. Like you have no idea how much this is blowing my mind", Eddie said as he paced about in front of the bed. "But also, the laws of the universe dictate that something like this can't be permanent. Not unless we do something to seal it. If...if that's what you want."
"If I stay human, there's more that I can do...but if I'm not your guitar then..."
"Hey, hey, what's wrong?", Eddie asked when he saw how heartbroken the other was.
"You won't be able to hold me like you used to."
"No", Eddie said as he sat down on the bed next to him. "But I can hold you the way I'd hold another human." He put an arm around the man's shoulders.
Their faces were so much closer and Eddie found it frighteningly easy to get lose in those dark brown eyes or get distracted by every mole, or even appreciating the slope of his eyebrows. Jesus, did wishing stones just have male models on reserve?
"I'll miss the way your hands played me." He grabbed Eddie's hand again, then rubbed it on his face and neck. “I love your fingers. They always know how to touch me just right.”
Eddie didn’t know how many times his brain could melt before it was literal goop, but this guy seemed intent on doing so.
“You can’t just-just say things like that.”
He smiled, like he knew just what he was doing to Eddie. "Show me?"
"Show me how humans touch. You've made a lot of music with me. I think I know what you want."
Everything about this man was a dream come true. And Eddie just couldn't help himself.
"I think you know exactly what I want."
Eddie kissed him hesitant at first just in case he was reading this wrong but his sweet Sweetheart kissed back eagerly. And as strange as it sounded, Eddie did know right where to touch him.
His hands dug into his hair, soft tresses that he could touch forever. His Sweetheart let out a soft moan as his scalp was massaged. Something deep and warm that reminded Eddie of how he sounded during a warm up.
Eddie kissed down his neck, feeling the vibrations with every sound he let out. It hit him then that he was about to fuck his guitar. He was really about to fuck his guitar.
The breathy sigh knocked Eddie from his thoughts. No, right now Sweetheart was more than just an instrument. His wish had turned him into something greater.
Eddie obeyed his request, his lips trailing across his collarbone. Eddie pushed him down onto the bed and got on top of him. The blanket fell away from his lap and Eddie got a real sense of the difference between them. Him, fully clothed while his Sweetheart was completely bare. It made him feel...made him feel...
"Eddie", his Sweetheart moaned as he grabbed him by the collar and pulled him in for another bruising kiss. His hips started to rut up towards his.
Eddie broke the kiss and let out a gasp, his head falling onto Sweetheart's shoulder. "Fuck."
"Hurts", his baby whimpered.
Eddie opened his eyes long enough to realize that his poor baby was grinding against his jeans.
"'Course it hurts, Sweetheart. Let's fix that." Eddie sat up to open his pants, letting out a sigh and then immediately biting back a groan when he saw the other's face.
Eddie had hooked up before but never had someone looked so...enraptured with him.
"Keep touching me", Sweetheart whined.
"So high maintenance, baby." Eddie pushed his briefs down just enough to free his cock. He knew that about his baby already though. He always took longer than necessary to warm up or restring him. "I think I've spoiled you."
And by the stars, he gave the most heart-stopping pout. Eddie tossed out any bravado or hesitation. He pressed their bodies fully together and kissed him like he was the air he needed. Eddie pushed his hips down and they both moaned into each other's mouths at the friction.
"Eddie, Eddie..."
His Sweetheart was a natural, undulating his body, giving back what he got, trying to cross the finish line. He reached up into Eddie's hair, his other hand going under Eddie's shirt to claw at his back.
"I finally get to touch you", he whispered, sounding almost reverent.
And if that didn't do something to Eddie's ego. He already felt like a god whenever he was deep in the zone. Here this beautiful angel was, looking at him with such desire. Eddie wanted to give him everything he asked for. Starting with his first orgasm.
Eddie could feel both hands getting tighter, both in his hair and on his back. His baby was almost over the edge. Sweetheart wrapped his legs around Eddie's waist, clamping down hard as he came. His moan was so loud and pornographic, Eddie would've thought he was faking if he was a normal guy.
Being squeezed in more than one way, it didn't take Eddie long to follow, sweat beading up between them and he was sure it was running down his back.
Sweetheart's hands were on Eddie's face now, giving him soft but weak kisses like he just couldn't get enough. Eddie was tempted to do the same and spend the night doing so. But tomorrow they had to get answers.
"Let's get some sleep now, darlin'. Me and my beautiful lips will be here in the morning."
"Promise?", Sweetheart asked through a yawn.
Part 3
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