#building allies
angermgnt · 6 months
No, the best answer to anger is understanding!
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The problem w anger, is that instinctively your 20,000 node decision tree has realized there is an inequality happening and you cant do anything about it.
In order to over come the upset feeling, you have to sit w the anger until the tree reveals what made you upset, and document it.
Once you understand why you became angry, you have defused the anger, and can then start the process of addressing the various points that caused the anger.
The more you understand the points in the 20,000 node decision tree, the more that will slowly be exposed. So, prepare to have a conversation w people about the points you have uncovered, and see what additional points are uncovered.
So, while people see that you,re being silent, they are mis understanding how the process of resolving anger works.
You arent being silent, you just arent showing them what you are building ..
Because, what you are most likely getting angry at is .. bad behavior from someone in a position of power .. and wo allies, documentation, witnesses, support, and ways to confront the inequality .. you are just a single person saying ..
Wo ways to confront the inequality .. you are just a single person saying .. What can I do?!?! ...
What can i do? .. You can do a lot when you raise awareness.
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Just a reminder that it's a perfectly valid option to send a nice message or give a nice phonecall for a business or person supporting the LGBTQIA+ community, in whatever fashion.
I was at a place and they had a sign basically inviting people to use the restroom that was most comfortable for their identity. I decided that they needed to hear about it, because the people who would be mad about it are usually VERY LOUD and VERY ANGRY about it. Especially because it was a place you usually take children to.
So I explained that while I am cis, I have dear friends who are not, and I care about their comfort. And more than that, I'm trying to teach my daughter to have respect and kindness for others and celebrate people's differences, and that is a good example. I made SURE to mention that I was happy to spend my money there and would be proud to come back and spend more.
The message I got back was so nice -- they explained that it's not often visitors reach out to share positive feedback with them.
Allow me to highlight --
It's not often visitors reach out to share positive feedback with them.
Like I said, the people who are against this stuff have no problems being very vocal with their hatred. Take the two minutes to share your positive feedback and give them something tangible they can take to their bosses or boards or whatever to prove that representation and inclusivity is important and valuable.
Plus, you can give that one person on the other end of your message something to smile about, knowing there's someone who cared enough to reach out and show support.
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fishthefishy0x0 · 4 months
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me and a buddy build the fella in our AMkisser minecraft server
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ghostbsuter · 11 months
The house of Nightingale & Constantine ( P. 3 )
> previous
.・゜-: ✧ :-
"Why are you avoiding me." Green eyes, sharp and unflinching, locked on Danny.
Startled, he turns to the younger boy, Damian? Bruce's only blood kid, he reminds himself.
"I'm not avoiding you." He denies, shaking his head, eyes trailing off.
But Damian knows, he learned and memorised the movements, signs, and behaviour of human kind.
"Do not lie to me, Nightingale."
The use of the name triggers something, and both Damian and Danny jump back, startled and cautious.
"What's the meaning of this!" The boy demanded, snatching his sword from the hilt.
The other raised his hands, pleading. "Look Damian– put the sword down and let me explain, please?"
They stood in tense silence, the sword pushed down reluctant and swiftly tugged back in.
Danny sighs in relief.
"You're more than aware of your parentage, yes?"
A nod, if not slightly confused. "Wayne?"
"No, al Ghul."
He keeps his facial expression and body language closed, obviously trained, and tilts his head to the Ghost. Listening, assessing.
Danny swallows as the air takes on sparks, dangerously close to one another.
If only Dick was in the mansion, maybe he'd cut the air with a knife followed by laughter and help him escape.
"The al Ghul line is in a delicate balance that can be toppled any time," he explains. "it's an old house, new compared to the houses of ancient, but powerful."
"You're saying," Damian drawls, carefully placing the words to form the sentence. "that the line of Al Ghul is... magic." He is studying the older, eyes narrowed and focused.
He knew such accusation would be called ridiculous by the younger. It would definitely earn him a few attempted kills.
"Not all dark houses are magic, just magic adjusted. The reason al Ghul is where it is today is that the founder, your grandfather, is still alive."
"You're aware such claims would have your head."
A wince.
"Fine." Damian scoffs. "We will go back to that after, tell me of the name triggering then."
"Names have power, but family names are more powerful, especially those of dark houses. If another dark house calls—"
"It registers as a warning and summoning." He finished, unfazed at the owlish blinks received.
"You were taught."
"I was, you're right, the al Ghuls are not magic. I haven't taken it seriously back then, I now see the error of my actions." The boy simply states, arms crossed.
"Calling another house of dark by name and immediately pulling a weapon is a declaration of challenge." Dannt adds after a moment of quiet. "I would rather not fight and make an enemy here."
"Not an enemy, but neither an ally?" Is quickly thrown back.
The Nightingale shrugs. "I'm not fond of your grandfather," he admits. "but it's known that every generation changes the house, I would not mind being the ally of the al Ghuls, if it meant you did the contract."
"Being an ally to my name only and to the al Ghul if asked." Green eyes, borderline neon, it reminds Danny of the zone. "Bold."
A grin cracks through, and Danny gestures to the door. "We can discuss the terms during snack time, if you wish, al Ghul."
A spark and Damian scowls harder. "Stop that." He says. "Let's do so, Father would be quite pleased knowing I've made more allies."
As he stomps to out, Danny follows with a jump in his steps, very pleased.
Nightingale 1, Constantine 0!
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constarlations · 10 months
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Pokémon Timeskip Series: Champion Dawn 🌸❄️
Known as Sinnoh’s Ice Queen, Dawn is best known for her intimidating yet caring nature. She’s fierce and calculating, never leaving any room for error especially when it comes to battling. On her off days you can find her in the contest hall, a hobby she picked up from her mother, or in the Battle Frontier/Pokémon Lab to catch up with her best friends. It is said she was recently engaged to a certain johto boy (Ethan. It’s Ethan.) however they will not publicly revealed their plans for the wedding as of yet
Made a timeskip adult champion Dawn design a while back! It’s still my favorite of my timeskip series hehehe I hope you enjoy!
Twitter link
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constellationclarke · 1 month
Hadestown today for Grace and Dónal's final performances was actually insane. The energy was electric, every single performer on stage gave it their fucking all as though it was also their last performance too, right off the bat everyone was already emotional, the crowd was wild and cheering insanely loud at the very beginning, all the emotional moments were 10x more tender. Dónal's last If It's True was actually fucking crazy it was a showstopper to the point that when it ended not only did everyone applaud like usual but everyone stood up for a grand standing ovation. (Also I was sat next to his parents!! When everyone came out on stage at the beginning his mum stood up and waved and clapped for him, I was so emotional!) During Promises when Eurydice says "You finished it" about Orpheus finally completing his song the whole theatre erupted into cheers and applause (that never happens in that moment). When Grace has her big note at the end of Wait for Me (Reprise) the cheering and applause was so loud. The audience was just electric like never before, the cheering and applause for every single song had such a different and more intense feel to it than any other day. When Orpheus turns around and loses Eurydice the whole theatre held its breath and you could hear a pin drop when Hermes starts singing the finale. Melanie started it so so quietly and solemnly and tragically and it was so beautiful. Everyone on stage was crying when they came to take their bows and Madeline got a moment of appreciation since she's taking over as Eurydice. Dónal and Grace had extended applause moments. Everyone was a sobbing mess during We Raise Our Cups, both audience and cast alike AND!! The rest of the cast (swings and understudies) came out during the song to raise their cups as well!! And then Melanie asked everyone to be seated again and called all the tech team out to stage too, taught us a call and response she'd like us to keep in mind from a storytelling tradition back in Trinidad and Tobago (sorry I can't remember it rn I was too much of an emotional wreck!!) And then she gave Grace and Dónal respectively a beautiful heart felt genuine lovely speech and goodbye, there was not a dry eye in the whole place. She asked everyone on stage to create a path and then sent Grace and Dónal off with a rhyme and the call and response she taught us, and they walked off the way Orpheus and Eurydice would have walked out of hell together if he hadn't turned around!!!!!, and they stopped at the top just before the exit to wave bye to everyone and honestly there's probably loads I'm missing out on but I cried too damn much to be able to have the mental capacity to even formulate thoughts so if anyone else was there today and has anything to add please do so!!!! 😭 it was an insane time and I'm so so glad I got to be there and experience it, it was pure magic. I got this vid of the bows and you can see how emotional everyone was but had to cut it off as We Raise Our Cups started because my hands were shaking so much (I have a full vid of the song from months ago tho if anyone wants to see it just search on my blog)
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Story Idea:
22 year old Gotham University student Danny finds a Damien clone whose near death and saves his life, offering to let the kid stay with him in his crappy apartment. The clone accepts, thinking Danny seems like a tolerable chump to bide his time with as he builds his strength for another fight with his progenitor for his rightful place as heir to Batman. Danny absolutely 100% knows the kid’s a clone and that taps right into his childhood trauma, making him want to protect him all the more. (Up to you if Dani is alive but in my version she’s not). Over time, Clone!Damien becomes begrudgingly fond of his new caretaker, especially after Danny starts taking him on Doctor Who style adventures through time/space and the tamer parts of the GZ (there are none) as part of his efforts to build up the kid’s confidence (outside his overcompensating ego) and help him learn to grow into his own person.
Danny and Clone!Damien are the downstairs neighbors to none other than Jason Peters (aka Jason Todd). They both clock him as Red Hood pretty quickly, but it takes much longer for them to connect him to the Waynes, so he’s kinda just their marginally more normal neighbor who happens to be a crime lord and who, for some reason, tends to check up on them a lot. (Originally this was because RH thought Danny might be an upcoming villain, then because he didn’t understand how Danny was alive, and then Clone!Damien moved in and he started checking to make sure that he didn’t murder Danny in his sleep). Luckily, Jason is a fantastic cook, so they are both grateful (to varying degrees) for his nosiness. (Is this a Dead on Main situation, are they just good friends? Who’s to say? You. Or me. But probably you.)
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ygamiraito · 3 months
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harlan in turtlenecks make me melt
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nyaskitten · 3 months
"Erm if you remove (thing that makes a scene/character cool/exciting/interesting) then that (scene/character) is actually no longer (cool/exciting/interesting)
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arc-hus · 8 months
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Mary Hill Overlook, Goldendale, USA - Allied Works Architecture
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yeetlegay · 2 years
BL men are starting to get fucked onscreen like they actually know what it feels like and that says nothing but good things about where we’re going as a society
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stimeria · 6 months
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🐰 ally kabam stimboard ... ♡
credits: x x x | x o x | x x x
pro.ship please do not interact!
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drawfee-quot3s · 8 months
Julia Lepetit, 2023: "I like trans character"
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alienpupy · 19 days
so i'm a trans guy whos taking sports classes in college. and just from observation. Cis boys in mixed gender sports are so fucking misogynistic.
I'm far along enough in my transition now that i pass almost all the time and the fucking whiplash from how guys in group sports treat me now vs last year alone (when i didnt pass as often) is really horrible. Like obviously I had already noticed how male teammates treated me as a girl but now that they see me as a guy (an obviously queer guy, but still) its like. Oh you guys can actually see your other teammates you just actively ignore the girls on purpose. Jesus christ.
There's a few really short girls in my class this semester, and one in particular i kinda made friends with during the first week. We were in the same team and I made a point to pass her the ball whenever I could, because at the start no one else would. And guess what! She's fast and has a good eye, and with that team we won like 3/4 of the matches we played. The others even started passing her the ball too once they realised she was a decent player.
In today's class the teacher changed the teams, I'm no longer with her, instead shes in a team with the two tallest and most athletic cis boys of the group, and a few other 5' nothing girls. And they're the worst fucking team in the class because the two guys only pass the ball between themselves, and since the girls can fucking tell they're being ignored, they put in like half the effort they would otherwise.
And I'm just reminded of that year of sports class in high school where the boys in my class were so aggressively shitty the teacher had to separate sports into girls and guys teams for the rest of the year. Not because the girls were inately any worse than the guys, but because the girls could fucking tell the guys were actively excluding them from games they were supposed to all play in, so they stopped trying. Because fucking obviously.
I'm honestly convinced that women's sports are only separate because cis men don't feel like they have to play fair against women. Thats a learned behavior. Women have been told their whole lives that men are stronger and they shouldnt even try, so they don't feel like they can. That's a learned behavior. The idea that women shouldn't compete with men but instead be relegated to a secondary, less important category is inherently misogynistic. The problem is in how society treats women, and how it teaches boys to see girls, and how it teaches girls to see themselves.
If you make this post about trans people in sports I'll kill you
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virtue-boy · 8 months
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Went on a transandrophobia truther blog and instantly saw this ..
1) love the slight of hand where he says "being trans" instead of actually identifying any positionality or god forbid mentioning WOMANHOOD as a type of positionality in his post which allows him to call trans women men and completely disregard the experience of the closested trans WOMAN. Telling that your argument hinges on "after transitioning to a man I am exactly the same as a woman undercover as a man"
2) just say you're not on T and you don't know anyone who is. Like as someone who's passed as male on an off for my whole life and now fully passes as male all the time thanks to T I low key snorted reading this... Liiike let's be for real here passing as a man (and doubly so if u are binary and have the pronouns to match) and passing gives you privilege out the fucking wazoo and I literally think about it every time I leave the house, meet new people, take blue collar jobs, interact w people on public transit, walk around at night, go to gay clubs, bond w male overseers, look for roommates, etc. This is obviously extremely racialized as much as it is gendered, but there is literally not a single "privilege" I had as a girl (that was assumed to be a guy 50-70% of the time) that I lost as a guy.
3) Also how do trans men "inherently defy patriarchal manhood" I literally know a trans guy who went to jail for domestic violence against a woman like trans men are incredibly capable of accessing and enacting patriarchy and thinking ourselves justified in accessing patriarchal homosociality. Like we are literally becoming men and we don't just magically exit the patriarchal society because we aren't the men at the top of the make food chain.... a la R.W. Connel. Being trans men means we lose some for being trans but we win some because we are men. Like gay men are frequently denied their masculinity but it would be dodo brained to act like gay men have no male homosociality they can access or that no gay man has ever accessed male homosociality. Like if u believe that you actually don't know any gay history Attttt Alllllll 😭 like genuinely. We also earn more money per dollar than women in our same gender modality, that doesn't sound like "inherently defying patriarchal manhood" to me that sounds actually like a pretty typical social positionality for oppressed and marginalized men. Like in my own friend groups, at school, and in my music and promotions scene being an (openly trans) man actually has granted me actually a lot of homosociality that I can draw on.
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queerliblib · 1 year
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An update on how things are going: we've hit 60% of our fundraising goal in just 5 days! We're so touched by all the notes of support, encouragement, and enthusiasm for this project. <3
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