#bulletproof t shirt
alex9mm · 7 months
Ballistic protection in Active shooter situations.
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Facing a situation like an active shooter incident is something we all hope to avoid and fortunately, it's not something most of us will ever experience. However, given the troubling increase in such incidents worldwide, it's essential for us to be prepared both in terms of having the right tactical gear and knowing how to handle such threatening situations. Security Pro USA, a 30-year veteran provider of top-notch body armor and tactical gear, is here to offer you a detailed guide on how to survive an active shooter scenario step by step.
Recognizing the Danger The initial moments during an active shooter incident can be extremely chaotic and disorienting. It's crucial to remain calm, stay alert and trust your instincts. Listen carefully for any unusual sounds like gunshots, screams or alarms. Acknowledge the threat and mentally prepare yourself to take decisive action.
Step 1; Evacuating If there's a safe path available for evacuation, it is advisable to leave immediately. Leave your belongings behind and assist others in escaping if possible. Once you're in a safe place, promptly call emergency services at 911. Remember not to try moving injured individuals as this could potentially endanger more lives.
Step 2; Finding Shelter If evacuating isn't feasible or safe at that moment, seek out a secure location where you can hide. Make sure to turn off any lights and silence your phone so as not to draw attention. If possible, barricade doors with heavy furniture or objects. In case locking the doors isn't an option, use belts or ropes to tie down door handles. To increase your chances of staying safe in an active shooter situation, it's essential to keep quiet and avoid drawing attention to yourself.
If it becomes absolutely necessary and you're facing imminent danger, consider taking action to disrupt or disable the shooter. Look for any objects around you that can be used as makeshift weapons like chairs, fire extinguishers or even pens. Target vulnerable areas such as the eyes, neck or knees while fighting back. If possible, join forces with others to overpower the shooter collectively.
Additionally, it's wise to be prepared for worst-case scenarios by equipping yourself with the right ballistic protection. Their range of body armor and tactical equipment offers an additional layer of security. For instance, Tactical Ballistic Lightweight Level III+ Rifle Special Threats plate is specifically designed to withstand high-velocity rifle rounds and absorb impacts effectively.
Rest assured that any body armor recommendations are NIJ Certified Armor has undergone rigorous testing beyond the standards set by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ). It has earned trust from law enforcement personnel, first responders and civilians alike. Explore their selection of ballistic shields, plate carriers and tactical gear catered towards ensuring your maximum safety and mobility during emergency situations.
Always remember that your safety and survival are paramount during an active shooter incident. No matter what happens, it's important to remain calm, stay vigilant and make the best decisions based on your assessment of the situation.
To be prepared and safeguarded, we encourage you to explore our extensive selection of tactical products available on our website today.
Take action now and be prepared for any situation.
*Please note; The information provided serves as a general guideline in an active shooter scenario. Each situation is unique and individuals should rely on their own judgment during times of crisis.
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gayrobos · 1 year
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whatever time to post today’s motormaster humanformer in her stupid cowboy tactical gear. can’t resist a topless woman with a sword
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hauntingblue · 6 months
Kuina and zoro???? Hello
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sanguineterrain · 3 months
Would you be willing to write a Jason Todd x reader inspired by the bulletproof vest scene from Criminal Minds? Maybe it's early in their relationship and they're fussing after hearing he's been shot. Maybe with an annoyed Damian breaking up their flirting?
(Here is the scene if you don't know what I'm talking about!! youtube.com/watch?v=C2bjYavXWec)
Haha this was such a fun prompt! Thanks for sending 🩷 I love prompts inspired by tv scenes
jason todd x gn!reader. minor injury, fluff, suggestive/implied nsfw, making out, implied timkon
Jason opens the door, looking extra comfy in his GU sweatpants and a Wonder Woman t-shirt. His curls stick up in fifteen different directions, making him look like an overgrown chick.
You'd coo if your heart hadn't been in your stomach all night.
"Hey, ba—"
You launch yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his neck. The force of your embrace makes Jason stumble back a step. You suddenly remember his injury and reel back.
"Baby, what's goin' on?" His eyes are wide. Jason holds onto you, inspecting you right back.
"I'm so sorry!" you say, hands fluttering over his body. "Oh God, did I reopen stitches? Fuck, fuck—"
"Sweetheart." Jason places both hands on your shoulders and guides you away from the door. He kicks it shut with his foot. You both settle on the couch. "What're you talking about? Are you okay?"
"Am I okay?" You sit up. Jason rests his head on the back of the couch, watching you. "God, Jason, you got shot! I heard you caught fire this morning so I got here as quickly as I could. Did I reopen stitches? Be honest because I swear to God, Jay, if you lie to me about that..."
"Honey. Oh my love. Y'know I'm crazy about ya?" Jason holds your face with both hands and squishes your cheeks. He's smiling. "I got shot in my bulletproof vest. No stitches required. Who told you I got shot?"
You take his hands and hold them to your chest. "Well, I was listening to the comms 'cause I can't sleep when you have overnight missions and—"
"You haven't slept all night?" Jason frowns. "Baby, you need to sleep."
You scoff. "None of that matters, Jay. What I'm hearing is that you still got shot!"
"'S not a big deal, honest. Just a few bruises. Leslie wrapped me up, see?"
Jason lifts his shirt. His ribs are wrapped in an ACE bandage. You feel around for a secret wound.
"No blood?" you ask, poking at the edges.
Jason laughs and catches your hand. He kisses your knuckles. "No, sweetness. No blood. 'S just a little sore." He lets his shirt fall. You're only a little disappointed by the loss of his bare skin.
"Why would Bruce send you out in a bulletproof vest? Of all the stupid—usually you wear your armor! That's actually bulletproof! Vests are bullet-resistant. That's like saying Gotham rats are toxin-proof. Just because they don't die from the Joker gas anymore doesn't mean they aren't higher than kites when it happens."
Jason kisses your cheek. It turns your insides ooey-gooey. He's always so warm, so solid.
"Mm. I'll call Merriam-Webster tomorrow and relate your beef with 'em. And to answer your question, I was undercover, so no armor. But I am fine. Okay?"
"I'll be the judge of that, mister."
You hike his shirt up to his neck and pat down his chest. Jason honest-to-God giggles, which only encourages you. You pinch the soft skin under his biceps, then kiss down his sternum. He squirms, sliding so he's lying on the couch.
"Tickles," Jason says, letting you love on him.
"Excuse me, sir, I'm trying to conduct a very serious medical examination," you say, biting your lip to keep from laughing. "I think I'll need a closer look at these."
You kiss Jason's right pectoral, and his face flushes pink like it always does because you know how sensitive he is there and how his sensitivity makes him shy. Your mouth grazes his nipple and a tiny grunt pushes out of his throat.
"'M just a piece of meat to you, huh?" He catches you with a hand on your hip.
You smile and nip his neck, careful of his bandage. Jason's breath hitches.
"Please, baby, show mercy. Want me to get on my knees an' beg? I will."
"Sir, that is highly unprofessional language for this procedure. I'm afraid I'll have to give you an oral exam to see what's causing that filthy mouth of yours."
"Yeah, I'll show you filthy," Jason murmurs, cupping the back of your head. "Let's see how filthy y'get when I—"
"Oh my God, stop."
You freeze with Jason's mouth on your neck and your shirt rucked up. Tim and Damian are at the edge of the living room. Tim looks nauseous. Damian's mouth is shriveled like a prune.
You scramble off of Jason, mortified, and smooth down your shirt. Jason leisurely turns his head, still holding onto you. He sighs.
"What d'you brats want?"
"To erase the last sixty seconds from my brain," Tim says.
Jason grins, all teeth. "That can be arranged."
You roll your eyes. "We're sorry, guys. Did you need Jason?"
"Yes. Father wants you back at the Cave immediately for debrief," Damian says, glancing at Jason's exposed bandages with tangible disgust.
You tug down Jason's shirt. His mouth quirks briefly before he registers his brother's request.
"Oh, hell to the fucking no. I got back two hours ago. Tell him to fuck off."
"I think you tell him enough for all of us," Tim says. "It's just a debrief. Babs started timing him and he's been good about keeping them short."
"He can email me. I'm not going to the Cave for a damn debrief."
Tim squints at Jason, then you. "I see. You know, you're awfully energetic for someone who should be recovering. Leslie benched Dick the last time he overexerted himself."
Jason raises an eyebrow. "I wouldn't be speaking about exertion after what you and Connor did at the Kents' fourth of July picnic last year, Timbelina."
Tim somehow turns more pale. Damian whips his head around.
"Drake? What is he talking about?"
"Nothing. C'mon, Damian, let's go. Jason can debrief later."
He hauls a protesting Damian out the fire escape. Jason waves after them.
"Uh-huh, take care now, bye-bye! Close the window on your way out!"
The window slams shut. You look at Jason, eyes wide.
He shrugs. "Brotherly blackmail. All in good spirit."
"I see. You really don't need to go? I can wait."
"Nah. Bruce can wait. I have a very important injury that needs tending to."
You roll your eyes, smiling. "Uh-huh. Are you sure you're okay?"
Jason kisses you. "Positive," he says against your mouth. "This is nothing. But I appreciate you worrying about little ol' me."
"I'll always worry about you, Jay."
He ducks his head and nudges your neck like a cat. "I know, baby. 'S why I'm the luckiest guy in the whole wide world."
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Imagine Spencer looking after you when you get hurt on a stakeout
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You'd been paired with a local officer, tasked with a night stakeout at a farm. The pair of you were supposed to watch for any activity, and report back any movement.
Which of course went pear shaped when the young, ambitious man you'd been placed with identified a missing person being led out of the main building. Faster than you could react to stop him, he'd thrown himself out the door, gun raised and ready and attempted to subdue the men.
Instead of impulsively running after him, you chose to stay back and call for help. Simultaneously pressing the distress button on the device Garcia had rather ingeniously insisted you all carry.
It pinged your location to all members of the team, and alerted them that whoever pressed it was in trouble.
Reaching the sheriff's department, you reported the activity and the officers mistake. Watching as they turned on him, you let out a gasp when one of the suspects didn't wait for him to finish the rest of his demands. Instead in the blink of an eye shot him, three times.
"Agent? Agent? Can you hear me, what's going on there?" The Detective who'd answered the phone asked you.
"They just killed him." You breathed, watching as they dragged his body away, the missing boy cowering against the side of the house. Before another one of the suspects grabbed onto him and dragged him away.
"Have they seen you? Are you compromised?"
"Maybe... I don't know. They-" you were cut off by the passenger door opening, revealing one of the men you'd been watching earlier that night.
Before you could reach for your gun, which was stupidly placed on the dashboard, he grabbed you by your hair and dragged you out of the car. Slamming you down onto the ground roughly, even your kevlar vest couldn't stop the air being knocked out of you.
Promptly followed by a hard kick to your stomach, making your chest go into spasm. Gasping in air, you could barely focus on where the next hit was coming from.
After what seemed like an eternity he finally let up, shoving you back into the gravel of the driveway and stalking off. Barking orders at the other men who had appeared from the shadows.
"Let's go boys, we need to ship out to location Tango. Got it?.. Let's go then. Her buddies will be here any moment." He called out, sparing a glance back to you.
Feeling entirely too conscious, you dared not move, not fancying another punch to the face.
Multiple cars started up and disappeared over the hills to the back of the property.
You curled onto your side, and tried to breathe in some even breaths. Trying to not focus on the pain all over, you managed to get yourself on all fours. Realising at some point he pulled your bulletproof vest off.
Maneuvering yourself so you were slowly leaning back against the tyre of the truck you were doing the stakeout in. The light from the houses and extra that had been switched on gave you a good look around. And also at yourself. Seeing there were blood splatters on your shirt. You tried not to imagine what you looked like.
Closing your eyes for a moment, taking slow deep breaths in to try and calm your racing heart.
Hearing the sound of gravel under tyres, you instantly panicked. A unexpected wave of adrenaline coarsed through you, giving you the energy needed to get yourself off the floor and in a better position to defend yourself in.
"Y/n?" Hotch's concerned shout fell of deaf ears as you scrambled to get into the car and grab your gun.
"Hey, no, no, no. It's us, calm down." A familiar voice soothed. Intercepting you and stopping your hand before it could pick up your weapon, that you hadn't had the chance to grab.
You hissed and winced as he touched you left wrist, a sickeningly sharp pain shooting up your arm.
"I'm sorry. What hurts?"
"Spence?" Seeing his face relaxed you instantly, "we need to be quick, they literally just left. Over that ridge up there. If we go now we could catch up with them."
Leaning down to get a look at you, some of his wild hair falling out of place as he fussed over you.
"You're not going anywhere, okay? You need to be seen to, what the hell happened? We got the distress ping and ran out the door."
He intercepted your attempt to grab the keys in the ignition. Taking them from you and putting them in his coat pocket.
"That stupid boy got himself killed. He ran over there, gun out, demanding they gave up the boy and that they were under arrest... There were three of them! To one of him, he was never going to subdue all of them."
"You did everything right, okay? He should never have tried to go after them. This group is far too organised for that."
"But I just sat here. I watched it happen, I-"
"Stop. I won't let you do this to yourself. Did you see the person who attacked you?"
"Yeah, he was young. Green eyes, bit of a beard. Around six-five. Probably mid thirties. Um- he was wearing a yellow plaid shirt with a puffer vest jacket. He had.." You trailed off, a piercing headache making you double over.
"That's amazing, y/n. Come on, the ambulance is over here." He said, curling his arm around your waist and helped you out of the car.
Spying Hotch looking over a map, you pulled away from Spencer and limped over to him. Spencer following close behind holding onto your wrist.
You looked at the map to get your bearings, finding the circled area you were in. You pointed at the hills behind the house.
"Y/n, have you seen a medic?" Aaron asked, frowning at you, one of the few facial expressions he had.
"No she hasn-" Spencer started, but you cut him off.
"They went over this ridge," you paused, steadying yourself on the bonnet of the truck, "if we leave now we could catch them."
"Okay, but you aren't going anywhere until you've been checked out. Reid. Make sure she gets medical attention." Hotch spoke to you and then to Spencer who was hovering worriedly.
"Hotch, please. We might not get another chance like this again." You tried, refusing to move from the car.
"Y/n that's not a suggestion. It's an order. Go." Hotch finalised, nodding to Spencer who supported you as he lightly pulled you back.
The medics met you halfway and started asking you an endless list of questions.
A suspected cracked rib and multiple bones in your wrist, concussion, and bruising all over. You were told to visit the hospital once you were back in the city. They strapped you up and gave you some painkillers.
"Where's Hotch?" You asked as Spencer helped you get down from the ambulance, "I've been checked out, I want to help."
"They've headed back to the station. We can't just go roaming across the hills looking for people in the dark. Y/n, it's too dangerous."
"Spencer, come on. We won't get another chance like this."
"We will, okay? I promise you they won't get away. You think any of us will let you go out like this? You need x-rays, anti-inflammatory medication, potentially a CT scan, and most of all rest. Hotch wants you on two weeks leave, after you leave the hospital."
"No," you exclaimed exasperated, "I need you to do a cognitive interview on me."
"Okay. But not now." He spoke softly, brows furrowed as he looked down at you.
"Why not now?"
"Because you've spent the last ten minutes digging your nails into your palm. And you only do that when you're in pain."
You instantly released your clenched fist. Not realising you'd even being doing it.
Releasing a deep breath, you were finally ready to admit defeat. Nodding, you let him lead you back to the car you'd come in.
The drive back was comfortably silent, Spencer looking over to check on you occasionally. You sighed on arriving at the closest hospital.
"I know okay. But do you really want me lecturing you about all the reasons you should follow the medics advice and get to the hospital immediately?"
Shaking your head, you sent a small smile his way.
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laurfilijames · 4 months
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Pairing: Jax Teller x female reader
Words: 3.1k
Warnings: Rated E, 18+. Mentions of being shot through a bulletproof vest. Bruises and welts. Swearing. Unprotected intercourse.
Summary: After a close call in a gunfight, Jax turns to you to remind him of all the things in life worth living for.
A/N: I'm sorry I couldn't help it. This is a teeny bit angsty and full of feelings. I needed to write something "short and sweet" (it's neither of those 🤣) to get my writing back on track, and well, here's this... enjoy!!
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The buzz of your phone that sat on the nightstand beside your head woke you from a decent sleep, taking you a few minutes to register it was happening for real and not in a dream, a soft moan passing your lips as you reached over for it and hit the button to accept the call.
“Hello?” you answered, your voice groggy and unable to disguise your sleep, your eyes too heavy and blurred to have read on the screen who was on the other end.
“Hey, it’s me,” Jax’s voice registered in your ear, making you become a little more alert and sit up while running your hand over your hair.
“I’m on my way over,” he explained, his tone short and wired, like he was on edge or adrenaline was pumping through him.
Glancing over at the alarm clock, you simply agreed, not asking any questions, knowing if he was calling you and needing to see you at this hour that something more than just sex was on his mind.
The roar of his Harley came through before he hung up, and flinging the covers off while swinging your legs to the side of the bed, you did the same.
You walked through to the front door, wearing only his Reaper t-shirt that had become your nightly staple, flicking the bolt to unlock it as you leaned against the frame, peeling back the curtain that covered the small window to look out onto the dark street as if he would be rolling in any second despite him having just left to get there.
Letting your eyelids close, you continued to lean, wrapping your arms around yourself to try to keep some of the lingering warmth from your bed on your skin, partly hoping that Jax would be tired and ready for sleep when he arrived.
The familiar rumble of his engine sounded in the distance and grew louder with each second, and an automatic smile tugged at your lips, your heart picking up pace just as his motorcycle did to quicker close the gap between him and you.
You watched through the window, your fingers toying with the thin fabric as you held the curtain aside, seeing him roughly push down the kickstand with his white sneakers before quickly standing up and dismounting his bike, unfastening his helmet at the same time.
The way he was rushing made your pulse hammer, his deliberate strides a clear display of his desperation, and you opened the door for him before he blew through it and knocked it off its hinges, his expression a mix of frenzy and relief as his blue eyes landed on you.
Gloved hands gripped your cheeks roughly, pulling you into him equally as much as he pressed himself into you, his lips crashing against yours in a kiss so hard it stole your breath.
A slightly surprised gasp blew out of your mouth when he parted from you and gave you an opportunity to get air back into your lungs, your eyes searching his features with concern as you took in the sweat clinging to his reddened cheeks, his hair damp and darkened.
His chest rose and fell sharply, and tearing off his gloves, he raked his long fingers that held a home for his chunky rings through his messy tresses, exhaling a shaky breath as he looked down at the floor and then back up at you.
“Jax, what happened?”
He shook his head and chuckled falsely, pulling his bottom lip in his teeth before looking at you with what he must have thought was a convincing expression.
“I’m fine.”
His eyebrows sat high on his forehead and brought out the creases on it as he stared at you, and when you held his gaze almost challengingly, he blinked away the moisture that you caught building up in them and moved into you again, his sigh emptying out into your mouth as he kissed you slower this time, but with equal passion.
Your hands slipped up beneath his kutte, the heat of his skin pouring off of him as you rubbed his back in soothing motions, the act comforting yourself as much as it was him.
The familiar taste and smell of smoke assaulted your nose and transferred onto your tongue, knowing whatever stress he was under right now had caused him to light up one cigarette after the other to try to settle his nerves.
As your kiss faded out, Jax rubbed his nose against the side of yours, his breath hot on your cheek, the stickiness of his skin transferring onto yours.
He leaned his forehead against yours, breathing for a moment while he let his hands roam up over your bum and onto the small of your back, bringing your body even closer to his.
Swaying slightly on the spot, he nuzzled his face into yours even more, a moment of softness before he met your lips again, claiming you in another kiss that started slow and quickly increased in fervor.
His breathing became laboured, struggling to draw in enough air as he kissed you harder and with more desperation, his hands gripping at your flesh beneath his worn shirt.
You could feel his hard cock pressing into you as it strained against his jeans, making you rub yourself on it a couple of times with a teasing grind of your hips, your fingers moving down his stomach to work at the button and zipper while he shrugged out of his kutte.
It landed carelessly on the floor beside you, and you couldn’t mistake the slight wince on his face before it disappeared in his hoodie as he lifted his arms and pulled it over his head, immediately moving back to capture your lips again.
He kicked off his shoes and stepped out of his jeans, walking forward to force you back and further into your house, your hand rubbing him through his boxers before diving inside the waistband to take hold of his cock, stroking the hot, velvety skin of his length that made you moan into his mouth and him push harder on yours.
Both of you blindly made your way toward your bedroom, only pausing your kisses briefly to peel the white t-shirt that clung to his body off of him, your breath knocking out of you as he slammed you against the wall and began lifting the hem of the shirt still covering your body.
Once your naked form was available to him, he trailed his lips down your neck and along your collarbone while his hands smoothed all along your waist, one moving to your breasts where his fingers plucked one of your peaked nipples, the other traveling downward to slip between your legs.
“Jax…” you breathed, your tone needy and filled with lust, the sensation of his fingers entering and withdrawing from your slick hole making your eyes close and your head knock back on the drywall.
After losing yourself in ecstasy for a couple of minutes, you refocused, needing him more than ever, your thumbs hooking in the band of his boxers to tear them down his legs.
Jax took your hand and turned to lead you the short distance to your room, giving you a view of his back where your eyes were drawn to different spots of dark colouring that weren’t part of the ones that made up the large tattoo that covered almost all of it.
Peppered between the image of the Reaper and letters that spelled out ‘California’ were round bruises, his skin raised with welts, and your heart sank in realization of what had caused them; the impact of the bullets that had hit him unable to be disguised even with the protection of kevlar.
You instinctively reached out to lightly trace each one, counting three in total, a mix of emotions rushing through you that were half grateful and half terrified.
“I’m fine.” He repeated the same lie as before, glancing back at you as he paused in his steps and turned to face you.
You dove into him, wrapping your shaky arms around him to hug him so tight you didn’t care if it hurt, feeling his arms encase you in return and his lips press multiple times on the top of your head.
A sourness crept up your restricted throat, your guts twisting almost painfully at the thought of one of those bullets striking a place the bulletproof vest hadn’t been covering, and you frantically began kissing him everywhere you could reach, starting on his chest and making your way up his neck, your hands moving to cup his cheeks where your thumbs smoothed back and forth on his blond scruff. Your lips met again, both of you moaning into each other’s mouths as you transferred all your worry and grief into a display of love, his cock nudging at your core to remind you of what it was he needed right now.
The oncoming tears stung when you squeezed your eyelids together tightly, one slipping out and down your cheek as you retrained your focus on the feel of his tongue tangling with yours instead, the simplicity of needing to just be with him beginning to outweigh anything else.
You finally made it into your room, sitting on the bed and scooching yourself back to lay down with spread legs as he settled between them and sank overtop of you, continuing to kiss you with as much ardor that the skin around your mouth was already beginning to feel raw.
His knee pressed up on your thigh to guide it higher, spreading you out further as he covered your body completely with his, his fingers running along your scalp to send shivers across your skin.
You adjusted your hips, angling yourself to allow for his leaking head to push through your folds, lingering with just the tip of him inside you that somehow already made you feel full.
The skin on his back was tacky as you ran your hands gently up and down it, feeling his muscles flex as he began to move against you, his cock stretching you out inch by inch as he slowly pushed all the way in.
It was ironic; catching glimpses of the silver shell casing that hung from the chain around his neck in the light shining in through the window as it wagged and glided along your chest, filling the space between your hearts that hammered furiously and proved his vitality as if it hadn’t been threatened.
As soon as Jax had pulled into your driveway he felt better, the need to see you and be with you at the forefront of his mind, having bolted out of the clubhouse the minute he had changed out of his tac vest and clothes that were sprayed with holes from the gunshots he could still hear going off in his head.
Now that he had felt your lips against his and the softness of your skin beneath his palms, he was filled with an appreciation for you that he knew he took for granted too many times before, the relief he felt at being with someone who made him feel alive after a close call with death sobering him in a harsh bite of reality.
The way you made him feel was undeniable, giving him a vigor that was too often misplaced and diluted even though you showed him a brighter side to all the darkness that surrounded him, his lack of commitment to anyone but his club wrongly applicable even to you.
He thrusted harder into you, deepening his strokes as he peeled his mouth from yours to watch his cock pump in and out of you, the sound of your pleasure coming out in beautiful whimpers and soft moans while requesting more from him reiterating every reason why he came here tonight in the first place.
Jax dove against your lips again, needing to kiss you in order to stop himself from saying things that he feared may only be a result of how fucking scared he had been earlier, but deep down knowing the words that portrayed how he felt weren’t coming from a place of fear.
It felt different. Crazed and desperate and meaningful, the way he fucked you hinting at something more intent and unwavering than usual.
Sex with Jax was always mind-numbing and intense, but you never let yourself get too far into things knowing he could be gone before you even woke the next day and carrying on without thinking twice about it meaning anything more, his nonchalance always reminding you to take nothing from it other than pleasure.
The potency of that little word had your eyes burning again, burrowing an emptiness in your chest that ached to be filled by anything he was generous enough to give.
There were never any labels put on what you were to each other or what this was, but the possibility of losing him at any moment made you desperate to show him what he meant to you, your fingers digging into the flesh on his upper arms so hard as if adding marks of your own on his body would make him stay with you forever.
You reached your face upward to press harder against his mouth, happy when he reciprocated and drove his tongue deeper inside yours, the long, rolling motions of his hips continuing, only now with more calculated force.
Heat bubbled within you, building up into that familiar tingle that taunted to be chased, every nerve in you warning of what drew nearer with each pump and drag of his long cock in and out of you.
The way his hands roamed your body in a calm, but needy way had your mind spinning, like the more he touched you the more it grounded and convinced him that he was still here to enjoy something this good; the gravity of today in no hurry to lose its effectiveness.
Jax paused for a moment, rubbing his hand over your forehead as he searched your eyes for permission or assurance or something more that scared even you, the sound of your panting breaths the only thing audible in the dark quiet of your room. He dipped down to brush your lips again, his scruff holding onto the sweat that had effectively coated every part of his body, lightly teasing with a softer kiss before resuming the purposeful tempo of his hips, the silence between you able to voice that you were both ready to find your high together.
Letting your bodies say what your words couldn't, you met his pace, grinding and rolling deliberately in time with him, the need to help him find his release with the use of your body seeming more important tonight than it ever had.
Jax gripped your face tightly, his fingers squeezing your jawline in an almost frantic way, groaning into your mouth desperately as a signal of his climax.
His thrusts never faltered, continuing to pound you while his hot cum filled you up in aggressive spurts, throwing you into your own orgasm as your clit rubbed against the coarse hairs on his groin. The feel of his cock sliding his thick seed in and out of you drew out your high, prolonging every blissful spark and shudder that tore through your body, the way his sweaty form laid heavily on top of yours a necessary weight that helped you stay rooted in the moment.
He remained buried inside you while you kissed, catching your breaths by sharing each other’s until he slipped from between your legs and crashed onto the covers beside you, his arm falling over his head as he stared up at the ceiling.
Despite having just been as close to him as you possibly could be, you felt a vacancy and longing for him, glancing over at him where you watched him close his eyes, his chest rising and falling quickly as he drew in sharp breaths.
His necklace fell to the side from where it rested on his pec, hanging in his armpit as he continued to breathe, and you carefully picked it up between your fingers, the silver cold against them and a stark contrast to the heat that radiated off his body.
Even though his eyes remained closed, you couldn’t mistake the pained look on his face, a sort of fear and vulnerability that was rare to see on his features, his mortality shattering the usual invincibility that was layered on falsely by his cockiness.
Your chest felt tight, watching him let everything the adrenaline had prevented him from feeling earlier course through him, and you leaned over and traced your fingertips along the creases beside his mouth before pressing your lips to his, relieved when he didn’t hesitate to kiss you back.
His arms came down to wrap around you, pulling your body to rest more on top of his, his hands carding over your back in a comfortable, soothing way.
You couldn’t recount the times sex with Jax had turned into a quick goodbye between smiling kisses and promises to see each other soon only to have days turn into weeks, convincing yourself and him that this was nothing more than a casual, fun fuck, having to disguise the way your heart ached for him and how many butterflies erupted at the mention of his name alone.
None of that mattered tonight, no longer caring if you let your cards show, the severity of tonight outweighing any need to try to stifle your feelings or bother denying that you felt more for him than you ever intended to let happen.
Jax remained pensive and quiet, his boisterous self clouded by his brush with a graver fate, but with the occasional kiss to the top of your head and the way his heartbeat had steadied in your ear, you knew he was comforted in your embrace.
As you laid entwined in your sheets, your leg hooked over his waist while he held your hand and played with your fingers, interlacing them and listlessly running them through his, you thought how you would never be able to control or guarantee if he would be yours to love forever, the way he lived his reckless life a threat to any sort of assurance.
A soft smile tugged at your lips when Jax shifted slightly lower on the bed to line up your face with his, kissing you slowly and clutching your hand in his where he brought it into his chest.
His nose rubbed against yours a couple of times before he settled his head on your pillow, a quiet hum sounding from his mouth, his blue eyes shining with a vitality and promise that for at least another day, he was yours.
Please consider reblogging and commenting if you enjoyed reading this story! 💗
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butch-reidentified · 3 months
Can you talk more about your successful self-defense stories? I have this bleak idea that female self-defense attempts almost never work out, partly due to the fact that in every. single. video or demonstration on female self-defense, all the moids in the comments are talking about how they could still overpower her if they wanted.
those men are liars!!!! they also all commented on videos like that woman who competed and won against a T-SHIRT CANNON in a throwing contest, claiming any 12 yr old boy could do better. they lie to keep us afraid, but more importantly, they lie because THEY'RE AFRAID OF US! afraid we'll learn to fight back and cripple their ability to victimize us. afraid they'll be the attacker who picks the wrong girl/woman and gets his neck snapped or catches a bullet.
self-defense works, especially since most attackers aren't trained or anything and rely on pure strength. but owning and knowing how to use firearms? or even a taser? the strongest rapist on earth isn't bulletproof yk.
self-defense works, and has the added benefit of making men - particularly predators - experience a tiny fraction of the fear they force women to feel. good. make them afraid. if every or even a high percentage of women & girls were trained and/or armed, men would be forced to think twice before attacking. because men would be injured, maimed, or even killed left and right by women/girls they are trying to victimize. then not only are they hurt (or dead), but even worse (to them), they got beat up by a girl!
caveat: women & girls under patriarchy are very likely to face jail or even prison time for acting in their own defense. I believe this is an intentional attempt to dissuade us from doing so. don't let it stop you - instead, we MUST fight not only our attackers, but their robed enablers, their biased peers on the jury, the congressmen who see themselves in the defendant, and so forth. bring it all down.
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watchmegetobsessed · 1 year
A/N: *screams in excitement* its here!!! its finally here!!! im so happy i finally got to finish a longer fic without hitting rockbottom with it. this one was very easy to write, i think i was heavily inspired by the night agent series on netflix lol now im very excited for yall to read it!!
WARNING: gun use, getting shot, blood, stalking, bullying
SUMMARY: Being Eroda's first daughter is not all sunshine and rainbows. It's tough out there when people are so fast to judge you and turn their back on you. But there is one person who's been there for you all along. Your bodyguard, Harry.
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The wine is nice. The salad is tragic, probably the worst you’ve ever had. You wonder how dessert will turn out to be, could be good or poisonous at this point.
The company?
Well, at least he is not staring at your breasts.
Going out with Jaiden sounded a lot more fun when he asked you out in the library, but now that you’ve been listening to him speak for the past thirty-two minutes, you’re counting it, he appears to be just another douche who wants to brag about you at the next frat party. He probably thinks he is doing well and he might get lucky once you leave the restaurant, but there are two reasons why that won’t happen.
One, you spotted some tomato sauce on his left hand before he left to the restroom and when he came back it was still there, he did not wash his hands and then touched the garlic bread. You’ve pushed the basket out of your view discreetly after that. It’s already a very strong point, but the second one is the real deal.
There is absolutely no way the three agents, one by the door, one by the window and one at two tables from you would be okay with assisting to your hookup. Well, it’s not that they would have a choice, if you think of it. But think about it: even if he weren’t a pig, this is how it would go.
Arriving to Jaiden’s building you would be told to wait outside with Morrison, while Jackson and Styles go up and check out Jaiden’s place. Then they would come down to get you. If the mood weren’t dead by this point, you’d have to go up and start the action with one agent down in front of the building, one by the front door and then the worst, you just know Styles would stand by the bedroom door like a statue, listening closely to everything happening inside.
Then when it would be over you’d have to leave with the three men around you and return to your place. Madness. Pure comedy.
“What do you think?”
Jaiden’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts about the ridiculous daydream of tonight and you realize you have no idea what he’s been talking about in the last seven minutes.
“Um, sorry?” you clear your throat, reaching for the wine.
“I was asking you about how…”
You look over his shoulder and spot Styles through the glass door, zoning out of the conversation in record time.
He is wearing civil clothes, all three of the agents are, that was the deal when you’re out somewhere, with friends or on a date which happen once in a leap year, to be honest. He’s wearing a black t-shirt with a black bomber jacket over, simple, dark jeans and trainers. You wonder if this is actually his style, if this is how he dresses when he is not on duty, when he is running errands or meeting up with his friends for drinks. You only see him when he is responsible for protecting you at all cost, he’s been head of your security team for the past two years and it’s been a rollercoaster of a ride.
He was a real pain in the ass at the beginning, he would jump at every possible noise, he dragged you out of class once because someone’s pen clicked louder than the usual. Fuck, you lost count of the times you screamed at him, asking what was his problem, if he lost his mind and every time he just stood there, like a fucking rock and then just nodded at the end and carried on with his nonsense.
It took some time and lots of communication to find balance. You realized he would never listen to you when you’re screaming from the top of your lungs and you had to accept that he is just doing his job. So you sat down with him and your father, the president of Eroda to talk about boundaries.
Things have been better since then and the two of you actually work well together. Most of the times.
He was next to you at every major event, ups and downs, he drove you home after you confronted your last serious boyfriend about how he cheated on you with three different girls, you sobbed like a baby and couldn’t even open the lock on your front door. He took the keys gently from your hand and did it for you. When you woke up in the morning the fridge was stocked with your favorites. You never asked, but you know he did it.
He has attended concerts and parties with you, shadowing you even when you had to get tampons in the middle of the night. You bet he knows what brand and size you use too at this point. As much as he’d gotten on your nerves millions of times… you like the guy. He is straight forward, always speaks his mind if asked, he sees things in a very rational way. He’s ambitious and hard-working and most of all, trustworthy.
He might actually be your best friend.
How tragic, you consider your head of security to be your best friend! This must be the end here…
“You’re really not listening, are you?” Jaiden laughs, but it’s dry, he looks pissed when you look back at him.
“Sorry, it’s been… a long week. And honestly, I kind of lost interest when you started talking about football, since I know nothing about it.”
“Wow, okay, so what were you expecting? Brainstorming about possible ways to stop the climate change?” he scoffs and you actually think about just standing up and leaving.
“No, but on a date you usually talk about things you both like. I guess we have nothing in common, then. So why don’t we—“
“You really know how to make people feel stupid.”
“Excuse me?” Your eyebrows shoot up, this is getting interesting.
“Just because daddy runs the country, doesn’t mean you’re above us all. Don’t have to be such a snob.”
“Oh, it wasn’t even me being a snob,” you retort with a forced smile as you grab your bag from the table and from the corner of your eyes you already see the agents moving. “It’s been a lovely evening, but I think we’re better as… I would say friends, but it wouldn’t be true. Bye, Jaiden.”
You stand and plan to march past him to meet Morrison and Jackson to head out, but Jaiden is not done, it seems. He jumps to his feet and his hand grabs your upper arm, pulling you back. He barely just opens his mouth when Hell breaks loose.
Morrison is first to get his hands on him, yanking him away from you while Jackson tears his hand off you, then it gets twisted behind him and Styles arrives, smacking your date up against the wall.
The whole restaurant is staring at you and you just want the ground to open beneath you.
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You stop at your front door out of instinct, already knowing they have to sweep through the place before you could enter. Styles stands beside you and waits for Morrison and Jackson to return. When it’s confirmed you walk in, a blank look on your face.
“Have a nice night, guys. Thank you for tonight,” you tell them in a robotic voice. Morrison and Jackson says good night and you hear the door closing, but you know you’re not alone.
Styles stands by the door and you can feel him watching your every move as you put your heels away and take your earrings out.
“Are you gonna give me a lecture about choosing guys more wisely?” you ask, finally facing him. He’s standing with his hands clasped together at the front, his usual pose, but it’s a bit odd without his usual suit.
“No,” he answers shortly and you wait for him to say whatever is on his mind. “Just wanted to ask if you’re alright.”
“My arm is fine, you don’t ha—“
“I wasn’t asking about your arm.”
You stare back at him in silence, everything just dawns on you all at once and your chest feels like burning.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you breathe out, but then a tear rolls down your face.
You see the change in him instantly. His eyes soften as he walks over to you, his gaze frantically searching your face, probably trying to figure out what to do. They don’t tell agents how to deal with young, crying women who feel like they are going to die alone.
“I’m fine, really,” you say again and he pulls out a tissue from his pocket, handing it over to you.
“He was a douche. Don’t take it too seriously.”
“How many disastrous dates have I been on in the past year?” you ask with a shaking voice. He doesn’t answer, just clenches his jaw. “You know damn well that it was my eleventh. You were there at all of them. I can’t help but start to think that something must be wrong with me and not with them.”
“Nothing is wrong with you. They were… weird guys. They were the problem, not you.”
“So then it’s just my taste that’s trash, right?” you let out a bitter laugh, hoping that making fun of yourself would help, but it doesn’t. It never does.
“Finding the right person is hard. You have to give it time.”
“I’m impatient, if you haven’t noticed.”
“I have. The first day I met you.”
There it is.
That teeny tiny smile that barely just curls up the corners of his mouth but it drives you insane. Because it’s so rare, it’s so intimate and every time you see it the urge to kiss it gets harder and harder.
Yes, it’s such a cliché, but you do have a crush on your bodyguard. You fought it, you really did, but one day you had to realize there’s nothing you can do about it. Now you’re just trying to live with it but moments like this make it really hard not to overstep certain boundaries. For one, you really shouldn’t have feelings for someone whose job is to protect your life at all cost. Your father would have a heart attack if he found out you’re hooking up with an agent. And two… he might be nice to you, a real friend, but you feel like there’s no way he would ever feel the same way about you. Hell, sometimes, on your worse days you even question his friendship. What if it’s all just the job for him? To take care of your fragile little soul?
You’re awfully lonely.
“Get some rest, you have an 8 am class in the morning.”
He steps back and the smile is gone just like that.
“Yes sir!” you salute him, to which you just get a bored look before he takes one last look around and walks out to check in with the night shift agents outside your door.
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You’d rather spend this Saturday evening locked up in your bedroom, watching Criminal Minds and eating popcorn, but tonight is one of those occasions where you have to make an official appearance as the president’s daughter.
You’ve definitely woken up on the wrong side of the bed, nothing went as you planned so far and you even had a fight with Styles because he ended your morning run earlier when a group of obnoxious fratboys appeared on the football field next to the running track and they accidentally threw a ball in your way.
You have not talked to him since, haven’t even seen him, but you know for a fact he will be coming with you tonight. He is there at every official event, never missing one.
There’s a soft knock on the front door just when you’ve finished getting dressed. You shuffle over to the door and opening you find yourself facing Styles in his usual suit, a change from the workout clothes he wore in the morning.
Fuck, you want to act grumpy still, but he looks especially good with slightly more tamed than usually and he is freshly shaven.
“Ready to go?” he asks.
“Not yet. Come and help me, please,” you say as you turn around, but you notice he is not following you. “Come on, I won’t bite your head off.”
With a tiny frown he finally moves and follows you into your bedroom where you grab the diamond necklace you want to wear tonight.
“Can you put it on, please?”
He takes the necklace, holding it so gently, you have never seen him handle something with so much care.
Maybe only you.
You turn around and hold your hair up as he reaches around your neck and you bit back a moan when his fingers brush against your collarbone. He fidgets with the clasp for a few moments before taking a step back once it’s done.
“Do you think I can make an early Irish exit tonight?” you ask, stepping into your heels and he offers you a hand that you gladly take to help the process. Once you’re done you head out, Styles following you right behind.
“Don’t think the president would appreciate it.”
“Oh, I know him well, I think I can have a pass from him.”
It’s another event where you feel absolutely useless, you’re just there so your father could show off.
“…And this is my daughter, Y/N. She is studying law!... She is top of her class, yes… Isn’t she a lovely young woman?...”
The smile on your face starts to hurt when you decide to take a break from all the guests that you know nothing about but they all seem to be very familiar with you.
“I’m gonna go out for a bit,” you tell Styles who’s been your shadow all night, three other agents watching your every step as well from different points of the room.
“Let me che—“
“I think there’s no danger out on the balcony, everyone has been thoroughly checked here, I’ll be fine for five minutes.”
You have a staring match for a minute where he weighs in on your words before finally nodding.
“Five minutes,” he says, opening the door for you.
“Start the fucking clock,” you mumble under your breath.
As you stand by the railing, staring out into the night you feel more deflated than ever. Like you’ve lost every ounce of energy and the urge to just scream is quite tempting. This is not the life you dreamed of, but it is what your father always wanted and you sometimes feel like a terrible daughter for being so displeased. You do have privileges others would never get to experience, but you’ve never felt lonelier and more out of place. The way here showed you how shallow your friendships have been, now only have about three people you consider your friend and one is your bodyguard, one is studying in Switzerland and the third is… Wait, there’s no third. That’s it, you have two friends.
You hear Styles stepping closer and you already know what he is about to say.
“I know my time is up, but if you dare to remind me, I’m pushing you off this balcony.”
Turning around you face him, ready to fight him for some more time, but you’re surprised to see him with that tiny smile on his face.
“You’re really moody today,” he states, but it’s not one of those smartass comments he usually makes, he is teasing you.
“A little bit. Are you… Are you still upset about your date?” His face turns serious.
“I was never upset about the date specifically. I was upset because… Whatever, it doesn’t matter.”
“You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
“Stop being so fucking polite,” you groan.
“I can’t be rude to you, I would lose my job.”
“You’ve been rude to me on several occasions! Especially at the beginning!” you accuse him.
“I was never rude. I was honest.”
“Jesus, you are so annoying,” you roll your eyes that earns a smirk from him.
“That’s not my job, but I tend to be that often.”
“I might be moody, but you’re awfully cheeky tonight. What’s gotten into you?”
You head back inside, Styles following you.
“Don’t know, guess I’m just in a good mood.”
“Alright, then I’ll need a drink to put up with this new side of yours.”
And that’s what you did, but you didn’t stop at one drink. You didn’t plan to, but you successfully got so drunk Styles had to rescue you out of the venue before your father saw you. After all, you did make an Irish exit.
In the car you can tell Harry is not in the same good mood, he looks rather pissed as he drives you back home, constantly checking the mirrors to see if Morrison and Jackson are behind you.
“Aw, did I make your job harder?” you pout, but then start laughing as you look at his hard stare. His profile looks annoyingly beautiful and you just want to draw the slope of his nose with your finger.
“No, but it would have been nice if I didn’t have to bring you out through the back door on my shoulder, because you kept running away.”
You start laughing as he recites what happened just about fifteen minutes ago when he was trying to chase you down to get you into the car and away from anyone that could ruin your father’s political career if they saw his daughter running around drunk.
“Don’t be so pissed, your eyebrows will glue together one day, you pull the together way too much,” you snort out a laugh as you slide lower in your seat.
It’s an hour long drive and of course, you fall asleep soon. When you open your eyes next, you see that you’re already in the garage of your building.
“Come on, you need to get to bed.” Styles opens the car door, but you’re still half drunk and half asleep, so you just mumble something and close your eyes back. “Y/N, you can’t spend the night in the car.”
“Says who?” you breathe out.
For a few seconds nothing happens and you start drifting back to sleep when you feel an arm behind your back and one under your knees. You faintly realize that you’re being carried up to your apartment and when you force yourself to open your eyes, you realize that it’s Styles.
“Mm, is this also in your job description?” you groggily tease him, barely able to keep your eyes open. “Mr. Styles. Harry. Can I… call you that?”
“Call me whatever you want,” he answers and then waits in front of the apartment while it’s checked out. With the last bits of your energy you study his face that’s now dangerously up close. He is carrying you like you weigh nothing, his strong hold keeping you safe.
“Oh, don’t tell me stuff like that,” you chuckle, your eyes closing as you push down a yawn. You hear the agents coming out of your apartment, saying it’s clear before Harry starts walking again and a few moments later you’re laid down on your bed.
“You have to change, Y/N,” he tells you, pulling your heels off your sore feet. Groaning, you sit up and he helps you up to a standing position before turning around to walk out, but you stop him, pulling him back by his hand.
“I can’t get this off alone,” you say, nodding down at your dress. You catch the hesitation in his eyes as he weighs in the situation and steps back at last.
You turn around and move your hair so he can access the zipper. He doesn’t move instantly and you’re almost about to turn around when you finally feel his touch on your back. He places one hand to your shoulder blade, holding the dress in place while he pulls the zipper down with the other.
So slowly, it’s almost like foreplay.
Especially since you have no bra underneath, so the lower he gets the more skin he is able to see. The silky dress loosens around your body and you know he is looking at your bare back. With one hand you keep the dress to your chest, but the other one lets go of your hair as you turn back around to face him. 
The alcohol is working eagerly in your system and you’re feeling blunt and risky as you hold your chin high with a half smirk.
“Where did your cheekiness go, Harry?”
“I’m gonna go now.” He gulps hard as he backs away towards the door, but you follow him.
“Am I that scary? That you’re running away?”
“Y/N, stop.” He looks into your eyes as he finally stops and his green irises appear dangerously dark as he stares back at you.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you shrug innocently as you keep walking towards him until you’re just inches away from his chest. “Have you never thought of me like that?”
He doesn’t answer, but you don’t see disgust on his face and it’s enough for you to keep pushing.
“Because I have. Several times. On nights when I knew you were outside and then other times when I didn’t know where you were but I was hoping you were thinking of me.”
He is still completely silent, though his eyes are throwing fireworks your way when one of the straps of your dress slips down your shoulder.
“I want you and I want you to want me too, Harry,” you whisper as you move even closer, your hand that’s holding your dress pushing to his chest while the other moves up to the base of his neck. His skin is burning and you’re desperate to feel it underneath his crispy dress shirt too. 
But before you could close the gap, he pulls back and it’s like a slap across your face.
“Go to bed, Y/N. You need to sleep.”
“But think about it, you could brag about fucking the president’s daughter, wouldn’t you want that? You’d be the man, Harry.”
Your words are like venom as you look at him, your chest heaving, your heart hammering under your hand. 
“Stop talking before you say something you might regret,” he warns you.
“So you’re not man enough to fuck me? How should I trust you with my life then if you can’t even make me come?” you call after him when he is already out of the bedroom.
He freezes and the words sink in as you stare at the back of his head. You expect him to turn around and lecture you, to tell you how cheap you sounded, but instead he just walks out of the apartment and leaves you to your spiraling, drunk thoughts.
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You realize you never actually knew panic and terror until you wake up the next morning, realizing what you did last night. That you have to face Harry after you almost begged him to fuck you and then said he is not man enough to be your guard because he didn’t have sex with you.
You have an afternoon yoga class on Sunday that you very much consider canceling on just so you don’t have to face Harry, but you can’t hide in your apartment forever, you’d have to meet him again sooner or later. So when it’s time for you to leave and you hear the knock on your door you open it with shaking hands, relief washing over you instantly when you find DeLuca standing in front of you, no trace of Harry.
That means you have some more time to figure out how to deal with the situation you got yourself into. Yoga actually helps you find some peace of mind, but only until you leave and catch on Jackson’s radio before getting into the car, Harry’s voice asking for a report.
He is working and he’ll be at your apartment, meaning that you have to go through the most awkward situation ever in about fifteen minutes. 
It all happens as if you were in a movie. Arriving at the garage Jackson opens the door for you, DeLuca rounds the car and right at that moment the doors to the elevator swing open and Harry walks out with two other agents. Your mouth goes dry and you’re getting ready to fake your death, but things take a turn then.
“DeLuca, take her to the second floor, it’s been cleared. Jackson, Morrow, come with us.” Harry instructs the agents and you realize something is wrong.
“What? What’s happening?” 
There’s an apartment on the second floor for the agents, like their own little headquarter and it’s usually the safe place they take you to whenever something looks suspicious. Harry looks at you, worry etched onto his face as he places a hand to your back and leads you over to DeLuca.
“There’s been a security alert while you were away, we need to check the whole building.”
“Alert? What kind?” 
“Someone tried to get into your place,” is all he says before he passes you over to DeLuca and disappears with the other agents.
The time you spend on the second floor feels like forever, but it’s actually only twelve minutes. They sweep through the whole building and check the system, trying to find out what happened, but the cameras only caught a man in a black hoodie who stopped at your door, fidgeted with the lock for a while but couldn’t get in so he left. When it’s safe for you to return to your own place you’re walked back by two agents, but the tension is still thick. 
You hear Harry doubling the agents for the rest of the day and night and he checks your apartment one last time himself again when his phone rings and you know it’s your dad calling from the tone he answers the call.
“Yes, sir. Passing the phone over,” Harry says after the briefing of the situation and then holds the phone out to you.
“Are you alright?”
“I’m fine, I wasn’t here.”
“Alright. We’ll have some extra agents around you for a while. I know you don’t like the guardedam, but we have to do it until we find out who it was.”
You talk a little more and then you give the phone back to Harry, because your dad wants to have a few words with him. He listens carefully for a while and then walks out of the apartment, leaving you wondering what else there could be, but your dad could be a little too overprotective, so you’re sure he is just fussing about the situation.
You’ve just finished making yourself a cup of tea when Harry returns. He would never admit it, but you can tell this incident is stressing him out. 
“Everything alright with my dad? He didn’t tell you off or anything, right?”
“No,” he shakes his head. “But you won’t like what I’m going to say. You need to have an agent in here with you until we get to the bottom of this situation.”
“Will it be you?” The question rolls off your tongue before you could even think about it. 
“If you want me, yes.”
“I feel the safest with you.”
It’s the truth. Even though the things you told him, screamed at him, don’t agree, he is still the one you trust the most around here to have in your apartment with you.
“Okay,” he nods. “I have to talk to the team, so–”
“Wait!” you stop him from leaving, knowing well you need to have this conversation. Swallowing hard you leave the tea on the kitchen counter and round the island to get closer to him, but still keep some distance. “I want to… I want to apologize for last night. My behavior was… Unforgivable.”
“No need to apologize.”
“Don’t bullshit me,” you give him a hard look. “I had too much to drink, I didn’t… I wasn’t thinking. So… I’m sorry.”
He stares back at you for seconds that feel like forever before he finally nods and you know it’s not just a meaningless reaction to get you out of his hair.
“We’re… we’re good?”
“Yes. But I really need to go now.”
“Alright,” you clear your throat as you watch him walk towards the door, but he turns back one last time. “I’ll be back soon.”
And with that, he is off to do his job.
You spend the rest of Sunday studying and you get so focused on your textbooks and notes that you totally forget about Harry’s return and you don’t even notice it. So when you wander out of your bedroom after your brain has been fried from everything you studied, you almost scream when you see Harry standing in the living room by the window.
“Holy shit!” you snap a hand to your chest to calm your racing heart.
“What happened?” He moves fast like a cat, instantly checking the room for possible dangers.
“Nothing happened, I just… forgot you’d be here,” you admit with a soft chuckle as you head out to the kitchen. “It’s kind of creepy how you’re just standing there.”
“I can see the street from here as well,” he answers, as if it was such an obvious thing to say.
As you move around the kitchen, heating some leftovers up you catch him looking at you, or to be more precise, your legs that are almost completely bare thanks to the cotton shorts you’re wearing. 
Last night was a disaster, but now that the shame has settled in you, something else has been lingering in the back of your mind. The sense of hesitation you experienced when you were trying to seduce him embarrassing yourself has been on your mind. How he didn’t move away instantly, how it looked like he was fighting himself, so it gives you the idea that a tiny part of him does look at you the same way you look at him. 
The way he is looking you up is another boost to the theory. 
“Any news about the intruder?” you casually ask, ignoring his stare that quickly slips away from you when you speak up.
“Not yet. But we’re working on it.”
“Do you think… it’s something serious? Like someone is after me?” Leaning onto the kitchen island you play with the spoon in your hand as you look at him, waiting for his response.
“I wouldn’t go into guessing. I’m more of a–”
“Of a fan of factual planning, I know,” you finish his sentence with a smile. You’ve heard it from him several times, word by word.
Grabbing the bowl you round the island and stop a few feet away from him.
“I really do trust you, Harry. With my life.”
You feel like you had to let him know again after last night. The way you questioned his ability to protect you was not fair, he gave you no reason to believe he is not the best person for the job. There’s a reason why he is head of the team.
“Thank you,” is all he says. He is back to his distant self that only focuses on work. You know in times like this it’s better to play by the rules and retreat.
“I’m gonna head to bed soon. Good night, Harry.”
“Good night, Y/N.”
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Everything falls back to a somewhat normal routine. Following the incident your team almost doubles, but nothing actually happens and the building’s security system gets an update so three weeks later you’re back to your usual with only slight changes. 
Like how there’s an agent in your living room during the night.
There was a discussion about positioning someone inside your apartment and they explained to you why it’s better to have someone with you during the night. You understood and agreed to do it under one condition: you have to approve of the agents that can take the position. There are three of them and of course, Harry is in that team.
He’s been taking up the inside position as much as he can. He never asked you, but maybe he figured you know him the best and feel the most comfortable with him inside.
Most of the time he hangs out in the living room. He doesn’t stand by the window all the time, you’ve caught him sitting in the armchair, walking around, stretching his limbs. To make it less miserable for him you spend a lot of time in front of the TV, mostly to hopefully entertain him at least a bit now that he’s stuck with you more than ever. For days, he didn’t even look at the screen, but lately you’ve caught him following the show several times, so you’re religiously keeping this habit up. 
The awkwardness has faded, but it definitely taught you a lesson. You better not get drunk when Harry is around and that’s like… all the time. 
Everything seems to be back to it’s extraordinary normal that you’ve been used to for the past few years. 
Today is a special day, however. You’ve been part of a case study competition, your criminal law professor suggested you enter and you’ve worked insanely hard on your case for the past three months that earned you first place. They are holding a little award ceremony today and it will finally be your moment. You will be in the spotlight because of something you worked hard for and not because your father is the leader of the country. 
He promised to be there and watch you accept your well-deserved award and you’re excited to make him proud. 
You started the day early and channeled your excitement into a long morning run before spending the noon at a salon to get your hair and nails done for the occasion. You might be the president’s daughter, but you’re a woman after all and you love a good pampering before an event. 
Now you’re sitting in you closet, trying to figure out what to wear, all the outfits you’ve tried on but decided against are lying on the floor around you in piles. You start to think you should have gone shopping, but then you find the perfect dress, a simple, but elegant black dress with a deeper back cut. You pair them with a pair of designer heels and some statement earrings to bring some light into this quite dark set and you’re all done. 
When you walk out of the bedroom Harry is standing by the window in his usual black suit white shirt attire. His eyes snap over to you and this time he can’t hide how he checks you out from head to toe. You can feel the heat crawling up your neck to your cheeks and ears.
“What do you think?” you ask, giving him a twirl.
“You look… very professional,” he answers. It’s not what you expected, but you know he meant it in the best possible way.
“Has my dad’s plane landed?”
“I haven’t gotten any news from his team yet, but I’m sure he’ll be there on time. Shall we leave?”
“Yeah,” you nod, feeling out of breath. An unsettling feeling sinks into your gut, but you brush it off as Harry helps you put on your coat and you leave the apartment in the ring of agents.
Because of your attendance, the event’s security has been obviously raised and a group of agents have been at the venue long before your arrival, checking every corner so when you’re finally there you can walk in without having to wait in the car. 
The competition had several different fields so there will be more students awarded today, the room is full of winners, their proud professors and parents as well. You take your assigned seat and nervously look around, searching for any sign of your father, but there’s none, so you’re left with just waiting.
It’s killing you, so you text him but you get no response. He should have landed by now to make it in time, his silence is raising concern in you now.
“Harry? Can you please reach my father’s security team?” you ask and nodding he takes a few steps back as he pulls his phone out of his pocket. 
Something is off, you can feel it in your guts and you fucking hate it. It takes forever for Harry to turn back to you, right when everyone starts clapping, because the dean has entered the stage to start the ceremony, but you’re only looking at Harry.
“What did they say?”
“Y/N, he is… He is not coming.”
“What?” It feels like a punch in your stomach and you wish Harry would say it’s just a joke, that he is about to walk in any moment, but the look on his face tells you it’s the truth.
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” you whisper as you turn back to face the stage, your throat closing up while you fight your tears.
It was the first thing you asked from him in so long. You’ve been there for him every step of the way and today you just needed your father to be here and be proud of you, but he ditched you. There’s been an ongoing joke on the internet that it will always be the country before you for your dad and you even laughed about it before, but now it’s your cruel reality.
You watch the winners get called on the stage one by one and the willingness to do the same dies in you with every passing moment. 
“Y/N?” Harry taps your shoulder and you snap out of your thoughts only to realize your name has been called. 
“Fuck,” you mumble as you stand from your seat, three agents moving with you, taking their places as you walk up to the stage and shake hands with the dean. Every first place winner has said a few words, so now it’s your turn at the microphone, but it’s like you’ve forgotten how to talk. Looking around you see the sea of faces, everyone is waiting for you to finally say something. Your eyes land on Harry and he gives you a tiny nod and somehow you find your voice.
You manage to say a few sentences about the importance of your study and thank the school for the opportunity before you walk off the stage. You’re expected to return to your seat, but instead, you’re heading to the restroom.
The dam breaks and tears start rolling down your face. You completely ignore the protocol, that an agent has to check the room before you enter and a hand pulls you back before you could rush into the ladies room.
“Y/N, I need to–”
“I don’t want to have the fucking toilet checked, I want to have some fucking privacy!” you snap at him, tears rolling down your face and you’re very close to start sobbing like a child. Harry looks back at you with shock on his face, this time he can’t even mask it, probably because he has never seen you like this.
“Okay, but–”
You don’t wait for him to finish, just push your way inside and don’t stop until you reach a sink that you can lean onto, the sobs finally erupting from your chest. 
Betrayal, disappointment and helplessness wash over you, pulling you right into a possible emotional breakdown, though you’re still fighting it as you open the tap and splash some cold water into your face.
You didn’t realize Harry followed you inside, so when you feel a hand on your back you almost get a heart attack.
“Hey, it’s just me, it’s okay,” Harry holds his palms up when you jump back, gasping for air because of the panic and crying at the same time.
“I s-said I-I wanted p-privacy!” you sob shaking your head.
“I can’t just let you walk in here alone when you can barely breathe!”
“I don’t want to do this! I don’t fucking want to do this!” you cry, leaning your back against the cold, tiled wall as you let yourself fall apart for the first time in forever. You’ve been trying to be calm and collected as much as possible, but so much has piled up on you that your father not showing up was the last straw, the cherry on top.
“Y/N, calm down, take a deep breath, okay?” Harry tries to calm you down, but you just keep shaking your head and sobbing. 
“He didn’t come! It was the only thing… I asked from him!”
“I’m sure he has a reason to–”
“I don’t fucking care! He doesn’t care about me! No one fucking does! I’m just… I have no one left! No one!”
“Don’t say that, Y/N. There are people who care about you.”
“Who? Who cares about me!” you scream at him, finally looking into his eyes and his gaze pierces into yours as he answers.
“Me. I care about you.”
“It’s your fucking job to protect me, it’s not the same!”
Your chest is heaving and you must look like a complete mess, but at this moment nothing really matters. Harry looks back at you like you just seriously hurt his feelings, like what you said was just as disappointing as your father not showing up. Long moments pass by without him saying anything and you start to think he’ll just walk out like he did that night you got drunk, but then he steps closer, definitely crossing the line of comfortable distance.
“If you think you’re just a job to me, you couldn’t be more wrong.”
“Don’t lie to me,” you beg in a whisper.
“Don’t call me a fucking liar,” he snaps back and it’s the first time you hear him swear. His pupils have swallowed his irises and his breathing is almost as wild as yours as he stares at you, practically burning a hole into your face. 
“You left me that night. Without a word. I told you I wanted you and you walked out. That does give me a certain message.”
“You were drunk out of your mind, telling me to fuck you. I would have never forgiven myself if I touched you. I had no reason to believe you wouldn’t regret it in the morning and ask to never see me again. That would have been the end of my career and the end of… me.”
Though your cheeks are still soaked from your tears, his words have stopped your crying and now you can’t even tell what you’re feeling. You have no idea what to do or say, how to react and you can’t believe how this situation is turning out to be. 
“I still want you the same,” you whisper, your mouth deciding on what to say because your brain is in complete shock. 
Harry exhales sharply through his nose, his eyes fall closed and you can tell he is fighting himself, so you want to push him over the edge. Reaching up you cup his cheek in your hand, he doesn’t move at first, but then he leans into your touch and that’s when you push yourself away from the wall to get closer to him, but he pulls away.
There’s a second of devastation, but when he reaches to his earpiece you realize someone is talking to him.
“Copy. We’re in the restroom, give me the fastest route out.” He talks into his wrist before his eyes snap up to you.
“What happened?” you breathe out, feeling like your heart cannot take another shock at this moment, but you’ll have to deal with it anyway. He listens to the answer they give him through his com before talking to you.
“We need to get out. The guy who was at your apartment was spotted in the building.”
“What? Is he armed?” Harry takes your hand in his firm hold and gently, but confidently pulls you towards the door. 
“We don’t know, he ran away, DeLuca and Jackson are after him, but we need to get you out of here.”
Your pulse is higher than ever, you feel dizzy and your brain is definitely shutting down, too much has happened in just minutes, you’re on survival mode. Harry must have noticed your state, because before he could open the door he turns to you, taking your face in his hands.
“It’s gonna be alright. I’m right here.”
“Okay,” you nod, blindly believing anything he says.
He then opens the door, steps out first to check what’s happening and returns to get you and you’re on your way to flee the building.
Circled by agents you follow Harry through hallways you’ve never been to until you somehow get to a back entrance. Your car is already there, waiting for you and you get in the back, lying down onto the seat, remembering that’s what Harry asked from you the last time you had to be rescued out of somewhere. You catch his face before he shuts the car door and he gives you a small nod. 
You don’t experience much of what goes down at the venue, they take you to a safe spot and you wait there with three agents while the rest of your team is either in the venue or at your apartment, making sure there’s no one there. 
Almost an hour goes by when Harry returns and you look at him, feeling on the edge to finally know something.
“We lost him. Your apartment is cleared, let’s get you home.”
You can tell he is beating himself up for letting the guy slip away and you already know he will put his walls back up.
He does one more check in the apartment himself before letting you inside. 
“We are doubling the security for tonight and then we’ll talk about the changes tomorrow,” he lets you know, following you inside. 
“Okay. Are you gonna stay in here?”
“Most likely,” he nods.
“Are you blaming yourself for tonight?”
He doesn’t answer, but his eyes talk for him. 
“You couldn’t have spotted the guy anyway, you would have been with me either way.” You walk closer to him, but keep some distance, sensing his distress.
“I wasn’t focusing fully,” he hisses through his teeth.
“Nothing happened, you–”
“Y/N,” he stops you from talking. “I’m responsible for your safety. Today I put that responsibility behind my feelings and that cannot happen again.”
“Is this your way of saying… you don’t want me the way I want you?” Now you’re moving closer, you need to reduce the distance between the two of you, it’s like something is pulling you towards him, a force that you’re not strong enough to fight. 
He stares at you for long seconds, taking a deep breath before he speaks up slowly in a calm manner.
“What I want does not matter when your safety is at risk. Let me… Let me do my job, let me do what I have to do to keep you safe. Please.”
It’s like he’s begging you, pleading for you to understand and… let go of him. And as much as you want it all to be different, you can’t go against his will and intentionally hurt him, there’s nothing you can do other than live with the pain. Like you always do.
“Okay,” you whisper and try your best to swallow back your tears, you’ve cried enough today. 
Harry exhales, like he’s relieved you’re not putting up a fight and to your surprise he cradles the back of your head and pulls you closer so he can place a kiss to your forehead. 
“I have to take care of a few things, Morrison will be in here until then, but I’ll be back soon, okay?”
“Yeah,” you nod weakly. His hand falls from the back of your head and you watch him turn around and walk out of the apartment. 
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You’re on autopilot. Have been for weeks.
Following the award ceremony things turned upside down once again. On one hand everyone has been on edge, because they couldn’t track the guy down, so your security has been doubled since then. Agents follow you everywhere, making it impossible to have a normal human interaction, not that you had plenty of friends to hang out with before. But still.
Your dad called that night and gave you some grand story about why he couldn’t make it to the ceremony, you told him it was fine, because you had no energy to lash out on him and you haven’t had a decent conversation with him since then. You can’t say it bothers you, it’s like there was a switch inside you that now allows you to give zero fucks about what your father does. You’ve canceled two events you were supposed to attend by his side, using the mystery intruder as an excuse, saying that you don’t feel safe out in public. You could tell he was annoyed, but didn’t question it. 
And then there is the Harry situation. Or the lack of it, if you’d like. It’s been hurting like hell, but there’s nothing you can do other than keep your promise of letting go of him. It’s just really hard when you spend so much time with him and have him in your apartment almost every night. 
You don’t watch TV anymore. You can’t bear being in the same room with him with no one else around. It’s hard enough to know he is on the other side of your bedroom door. You go back to coexisting, you silently follow his orders and not give him a headache when you know he already has a lot on his plate, he does his job in peace and everyone is happy.
Or not, but it doesn’t matter. 
The school semester is nearing its end and you’re already planning to ask to stay here for the summer. You know your dad will flip, but you’ll at least try to make a deal with him to attend events in the summer if it means you don’t have to move back home that doesn’t even feel home anymore. 
With your finals coming up you spend most of your time in the library. Surrounded by heavy books, hundreds of pages of notes, you’re working your ass off, because this is the only thing that could make you forget about your misery for a while. 
It’s a Friday afternoon, almost evening and you’re still very much working on a paper in the almost entirely empty library. It’s a great time, because most students avoid the building on Fridays, more interested in parties than books, so it’s a lot more peaceful. It’s your way of distraction from the fact that you have to make an appearance tomorrow for your dad and you can’t bail out of it this time. 
There are three agents near you and two more at the entrance, but Harry is not working now. He will probably take another night shift, not that you keep track of when he works…
You’re too focused to notice the group of people that come in, but when you spot a figure approaching you and the agents around you move instantly, you finally lift your head up from the book in front of you. You’re surprised to see Jaiden coming in your way, stopped by the agents.
“Um, I just want to talk to her,” he says to the agents and you nod your head to let him through. 
“What are you doing here?”
“Just wanted to give you something, thought you might be interested,” he shrugs as he passes you over a paper and with that he is already on his way, leaving you puzzled.
It’s a QR code so you grab your phone and read it and a website starts loading on your screen. When it finally loads, you feel all the blood rushing out of your head.
It’s a site basically dedicated to you, where people can send in anonymous comments and stories about you for everyone to read them. There are quite a few, a big chunk of them obviously from guys you’ve gone on dates with, dragging you through mud, a lot of them stating things that never even happened. 
You just scroll and keep reading them in total disbelief and then you hear laughter. You look up and see Jaiden with a group of fratboys, having a blast seeing you go through the site before they hoard out of the library. 
Your head is spinning and you feel like throwing up as you pack up your stuff as quickly as possible. It’s a struggle not to start sobbing on your way home, neither of the agents ask what’s wrong, because they are not your friend, they are there to keep you safe, but not from assholes, apparently. When you arrive to your apartment you see Harry already waiting by the door, but you avoid looking him in the eyes as you rush inside, wanting to lock yourself up in your room preferably forever. 
The tears start rolling down your cheeks when you hear someone coming after you and you know it’s Harry. 
“Y/N, is everything alright?”
“I’m fine,” you tell him, keeping your back facing him so he can’t see your face.
“Then look at me, please.”
You don’t move, just stand there, silently crying and there’s no way of fooling him, he knows you better than anyone and your shoulders are shaking as well. Slowly, you turn around for him to see your face.
“What happened?” he asks, stepping closer, but he still keeps some distance between the two of you.
“Nothing, I said I’m fine.”
“You’re obviously not fine, Y/N, don’t… don’t bullshit me, okay? Tell me what happened!”
He won’t give up, he won’t leave you alone until you say something so you pull your phone out of your pocket, open the website and hand it over to you. You watch him scroll for a minute before he looks up at you.
“We’re taking this down and we’ll find whoever did this,” he firmly says and before you could react he is already giving orders through his com. “They are on it. we’ll find them, don’t worry.” “Okay,” you breathe out and you turn around to lock yourself up in your bedroom, but he stops you.
“Y/N, wait!”
You look back at him, not even trying to mask how tired, defeated and hopeless you’re feeling. You must look like just a shadow of the person you used to be and the sight of you is probably just as depressing as you feel because it breaks the professional boundary that’s been between you and Harry.
He moves across the room and pulls you into his arms and you just start crying and sobbing uncontrollably while he holds you tight, gently rocking you from side to side to soothe you. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” he murmurs into your hair and you just bury your face deeper into his neck, probably totally ruining his shirt, but neither of you cares about that right now. 
“I don’t want to do this anymore,” you sob, melting into his embrace, because it feels like the only safe place for you.
“I know. I wish I could help you. Tell me what I can do for you.”
“Just please don’t leave me, not tonight, please!” you beg and fully expect him to pull the wall back up, but instead he just holds you even tighter.
“I would never leave you, Y/N.”
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The amount of times you had to fake laugh tonight is ridiculously over the roof. It’s another evening where you’re just a tool, something your father can brag about but you hold no influence or whatsoever. 
You’re sipping on some champagne, but you’re careful with the alcohol consumption this time. Though you’re not sure how another situation like that last time would turn out now. Especially after that night after the website fiasco.
After soaking his shirt with your tears the two of you sat on the couch, you remained in Harry’s embrace and he talked you through it, until you momentarily forgot about what happened and somehow you ended up falling asleep. When you woke up you had a blanket over you and Harry was standing in his usual spot by the window, like a hound, watching out for danger. When he realized you woke up he walked you into your bedroom, tucked you in and sat beside you until you wófell back asleep. 
The website was down by the morning and the school was informed about it as well, taking matters into their hands to punish those who created it. You didn’t want to know the names, you just wanted to forget about the whole thing. 
That night changed things between you and Harry. You didn’t feel that wall between the two of you though there was still some distance, but it felt like you could overstep it easily. It’s like you’ve been dancing on a fence, still not sure which side you want to land on. You’re not planning to pressure him to choose, having him this close is already more than you had before so you’re happy to prolong it for as long as possible. 
You have no idea where the conversation is heading around you, you’ve zoned out of it long minutes ago. It’s not that you don’t understand what politicians, influential people tend to talk about at events like this. It’s more about how you recognize some of them know nothing about the field they work at and still hold the power. 
And you lost interest too. 
Holding your champagne flute your eyes wander over the room until they settle on Harry. He is by the window, what a shocker, examining the sea of guests around you, watching out like a hawk until his gaze meets yours and his expression softens. 
“Bored,” you mouth to him and you catch the smirk he tries hard to cover up.
“You got this,” he mouths back to which you frown, making him laugh.
His laugh.
You’ve been gifted with it more in the past few days than in the time you’ve known him and it’s definitely one of your favorite things in the entire world.
“Break?” you mouth once again and he just nods, moving instantly. 
Five minutes later you’re out on the balcony with him, two guards standing by the door inside. 
“This should be considered torture,” you sigh.
“Don’t be so dramatic,” he teases you.
“I’m not, I hate it here. Look around.” You stand beside him, staring inside at the sea of guests. “What am I doing here?”
“Supporting your dad.”
“I think he is fine without me,” you shrug, nodding towards him, he is standing in a circle of men, all of them pretending to be having a marvelous time, but you know for a fact at least two of those men would backstab him the first given chance. It’s all so pretentious and you’re tired of trying to be part of it for him.
“What would you like to do?” Harry asks.
“What do you mean?”
“If you could do anything, any job, anywhere, what would it be?”
You’ve never really thought of that before. A life that’s entirely what you want it to be is so far out of your reach that you never let yourself daydream about it. So now you take some time to think it through before sharing it with Harry.
“I would probably have a riding school,” is what you tell him at last. He looks at you surprised.
“Like… horses?”
“Yeah,” you smile softly, keeping your eyes ahead, staring at the people inside. “I used to ride a lot when I was smaller and I loved it a lot.”
“But you never do it anymore, why?”
“I wasn’t exceptional in it, never won any competitions so my dad thought I shouldn’t keep doing it. He talked me into quitting and I started learning French instead.”
“You speak French?” he asks in shock.
“No,” you chuckle, finally looking at him. “I was mad at him for making me quit horse riding so I never put any effort into my French classes, I can barely introduce myself.”
“Wow, such a rebel,” he chuckles quietly.
“What about you?”
“I don’t speak French.”
“I know that,” you roll your eyes. “I meant, what would you want to do if you could do anything?”
He curls his lips into his mouth as he thinks about it, his eyebrows furrowed.
“I think I would be living on a farm.”
“A farm?”
“Yeah. You know, growing stuff and keeping animals. I love the thought of growing everything I need.”
“That sounds lovely,” you smile at him. “I hope you get to do that one day.”
“I do too,” he nods and the two of you just stand there, watching the mingling and dancing guests.
It’s a moment you want to last longer, you feel close to him, like you’ve finally jumped off that fence and you’re running away. Together. 
So at last you decide to give him a little push.
“I wish we could be dancing there too.” 
Your voice is quiet, barely audible through the noises coming from inside and when he doesn’t say anything for a while you start to think he didn’t even hear it, or that he is ignoring your words because he doesn’t want to deal with them.
But then his hand gently takes yours, giving it a gentle squeeze. 
“I would… love that.”
Your chest feels like bursting and you wish you could just jump into his arms, but you know you can’t. So instead, you just stand there, enjoying this tiny, hidden moment that’s burning into your memories forever.
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It was hard to focus on your conversations before, but now, after you’ve shared that special moment with Harry it’s kind of impossible.
You’re making your rounds around, chit-chatting and smiling as pleasantly as possible, but in your mind you’re still out on the balcony, holding hands with Harry.
Talking about him, you haven’t seen him in a little while. You look around, searching for him once again, probably for the millionth time in the past ten minutes, but you see no sign of him.
“Morrison, where’s Styles?” you ask the agent beside you.
“Your father asked to see him, Miss,” he informs you. 
“What? Why?”
“I don’t know, Miss, I’m sorry.”
You try not to think much of it, but when you finally spot him in the crowd your stomach drops, because his expression is anxious and angry at the same time, though he is trying hard to mask it. But you know him too well.
“What’s wrong?” you ask, instantly ignoring the conversation you’ve been in before. 
“Can’t talk right now, but we better leave.”
You don’t question him, just follow, though the way he is acting now is freaking you out. He is right next to you as you make your way out of the room, getting farther and farther from the rest of the guests.
“What happened?” you finally ask when you’re walking down the hallway that leads to the entrance.
“I don’t want to turn you against your father,” he answers, but now you’re just even more keen on knowing what’s going on.
“Harry, tell me!” you demand, stopping abruptly.
Not too willingly, but he comes to a halt as well, turning to face you as he leans closer.
“Your father kept it a secret that they got a letter yesterday in which someone threatened to hurt you today. He kept it from us, because he knew you wouldn’t come tonight if you found out.”
“What?” All the blood rushes out of your face as his words process. 
“He strengthened security for your sake and thought it would be alright, but I don’t want to risk it, we need to get you somewhere safe until we get to the bottom of this whole thing.”
“Okay,” you nod, a shiver running down your spine at just the thought of that letter your father hid from you. 
You’re nearing the exit when your father’s voice beams through the hallway, just when you’re already seeing your car outside.
“Y/N! Where are you going?!” 
He is rushing towards you with his own security team circling him and you can’t stop yourself from rolling your eyes.
“I’m leaving!”
“And you didn’t think of at least saying goodbye?”
“I’m not doing anything for you anymore. Not when you’ve intentionally put me in risk just so you could use me at another event!”
The look he gives Harry says it all. He is pissed that Harry told you about the threat, that someone went against his will.
“It’s not that serious, Honey. We have everything under control.”
“Is that so? Then who sent the letter?”
“We don’t know it yet, but—”
“What if it’s the same guy that’s been stalking me? What if it really is something serious?” You’re finally lashing out on him, something you probably should have done a lot earlier, but you didn’t have the balls. You’re done being the obedient, supportive daughter to a father that’s not returning it at all.
“We doubled security and I have people working on it! No need to–”
“Don’t tell me what I need and don’t need to do! I don’t feel safe anywhere anymore! You knew I would panic if I found out about it but you chose to hide it so you could use me tonight to show people how great of a family we are when in reality, you give no fucks about me!”
“Y/N, that is not true. I didn’t want to stress you out, that’s why I didn’t tell you.”
Lie. That is such a big fucking lie.
“I’m done. I’m done with you. Call me when you’re ready to be my father.”
Turning around you’re on your way out to the car, you hear your dad calling after you, but Harry stops him and it’s the first time you hear him talk so harshly to your father.
And then all hell breaks loose. But it’s not because of Harry’s way of talking to the president.
You’re approaching the car confidently, eager to get away from your dad and the madness that surrounds him, Harry is following you right behind and as you keep your gaze on the car suddenly you realize.
It’s not yours.
Everything happens so fast, but at the same time it’s like it’s in slow motion.
A guy jumps out of the car and points a gun right at you. The agents around you launch forward, but he is several feet away, so they don’t reach him before he pulls the trigger and shoots at you. In that moment you believe you’re about to die. Gasping in surprise you completely freeze, but then get pushed to the side with so much force you smash against the wall, pain jolting through your left arm instantly as the shot of the gun rings in your ear.
You fall to the floor the same time the agents tackle the shooter. From the corner of your eyes you see how your ad is being dragged away from the scene before he could get hurt as well, even though he is shouting your name, it’s protocol to rescue him and take him to a safe place right away.
As you look to your right you see another person on the floor and your heart skips a beat when you realize that it’s Harry, and a pool of blood is underneath you, growing rapidly each second.
He took the shot that was meant for you.
The rest is a blur. You start screaming and try to reach him while two agents pull you up from the floor to take you away from the scene as well, your arm hurts like hell, but you just keep screaming for Harry. 
At last you catch his face, you see him gasping for air, pure panic and fear all over his face, he looks at you one last time and you see a tear rolling down his face before you’re dragged away.
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The constant beeping. It just keeps going and going and it’s driving him crazy. 
Crazy enough to finally open his eyes.
Harry is more than confused about his surroundings, the hospital room looks sterile, but nice, very nice if you ask him, so he knows he is at some kind of private facility. It takes a couple of moments for the pain to set in but when it does, it comes with all the memories as well.
He was shot in his chest when he pushed you out of the way, he remembers the pain he felt then which was a lot worse and more intense than the dull, pressure like feeling in his chest right now. He remembers lying on the floor and looking at you as two agents pulled you away and he knows he said his goodbye in that moment, because he was convinced he would die.
He didn’t. 
Now he is lying in a hospital bed, the machines hooked onto him keep beeping and tracking his vitals and when he turns his head slightly to the left the beeping intensifies because he sees you sleeping in an armchair next to his bed. 
You look awfully uncomfortable, but still breathtakingly beautiful, your left arm is in a cast and you’re cradling it to your chest. As if you could sense his wandering gaze, you start moving around and you blink your eyes open at last, seeing that Harry is finally awake.
“Hey,” he breathes out, barely finding the energy to speak, but you burst into tears right away as you fall forward, one hand coming to the side of his head, the other one holding his hand on the mattress.
“You’re awake, oh my God, I really thought I lost you!” You sob and try to take in the sight of him conscious and talking, something you didn’t think you’d ever see again when you saw him lying on the floor three days ago.
“I’m okay, I’m right here,” he exhales as his other hand comes to take your hand by his face. “How are you? Are you okay?”
“Harry, you were literally shot and you’re asking if I’m okay?” you laugh through your tears, finally cracking a smile from him as well. 
“That doesn’t mean I’m not worried about you.”
“I’m fine, just broke my hand, but it’s okay. How are you feeling? Does it hurt?”
“Kind of. But it’s not that bad.”
“Not that bad? The bullet missed your heart by one millimeter. Doctors said it’s a miracle you survived.”
“Well, at least I know I’m not bulletproof,” he tries to joke and it makes you laugh and that was his only intention. 
You’ve stopped crying, but you wouldn’t move from beside him. You’ve been in this room since they brought him out of surgery and refused to leave since then. He reaches over and wipes your tears off your cheeks before cradling your face in his palm. You gladly lean into his touch and then turn your head to kiss into his hand without hesitation. 
You fill him in on what happened. Tell him about how he was rushed to hospital and the guy was caught and it was confirmed he sent the letter and he was the one stalking you at your apartment and award ceremony as well. You were afraid it was someone you knew, but apparently he was just some psycho who wanted to hurt your dad by hurting you.
It was a wakeup call to your father. One that he desperately needed after the stunts he has pulled lately, so you had a long talk outside of Harry’s room when he found out you were here with him. He apologized for everything and promised to be better. You told him his words mean nothing, you need to see the change in his actions. 
He has visited every day since then and you discussed the future as well. A future that will bring lots of change.
“You saved my life,” you quietly say, still kind of in shock about what happened.
“I would do it again,” he replies. 
“You won’t be able to work again because of it,” you tell him. The bullet grazed his lung as well and the doctors said he might never be able to reach the same physical limits like before.
“It doesn’t matter,” he shakes his head. “I didn’t lose you and that’s what matters.”
His words sink in and you have to fight your tears again as you rest you lean closer, until your faces are just inches away.
“I don’t want to feel again the way I did when I thought you died. I don’t want to keep my distance, I… I love you and I want to be with you.”
Harry exhales heavily, his eyes fall closed and when they open again you get lost in them.
“I love you too. And I want to be with you too, always have.”
You let out a laugh that’s mixed with relief, happiness, pain and so much anticipation before you push closer and finally press your lips to his.
Years of built up tension and passion is set free as you kiss him and he returns it just as eagerly. It’s not at all how you imagined your first kiss, not with a cast on your arm or Harry lying in a hospital bed after being shot, but none of it matters in this moment, only him. There’s no more playing around, pushing each other away, this is end game and you both know it. 
“So…” you mumble against his lips, “Will you move to a farm with me?”
“Moving? Aren’t we rushing a little ahead?” he chuckles, brushing some loose strands of hair out of your face before pecking your lips shortly.
“No. I don’t want to waste any more time. Let’s do what we always wanted to do.”
“What about your life? Your dad?”
“I already told him I’m stepping back from my first daughter duties. He is okay with it.”
“I mean, he doesn’t have much saying in what I do after almost getting me killed,” you joke, though you both know how serious the matter was.
“And you’re sure you want to move on… with me?”
You smile at him softly, it’s so typical he is questioning your decision even after everything that happened. He surely needs some time to adjust to this new version of you and him where there’s no wall between the two of you, just love.
Leaning down you kiss his lips softly.
“There’s no one else I would do it with, Harry.”
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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gatorbites-imagines · 9 months
also if you would wanna write more jason x older vigilante reader i would be very happy -LB
Jason Todd x older vigilante male reader
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I’ve been studying almost nonstop since Monday and I’m so tired, but fuck it we ball, Jason deserves to be loved and cared for by a bigger older man 🗣️🗣️
This is pretty much a part two other Jason x older reader thing I wrote, that you can read here.
This takes place after you two have been dating for a while, meaning Jasons family and the outlaws know. You don’t have any family yourself, as your type of work doesn’t allow family, so there’s no one for you to introduce him too.
After a while you two wouldn’t hang on each other like newlyweds, in public at least. Jason always finds himself in your lap when you are home, especially when you cleaning your guns or polishing your knives. He will whine and pout for you, his daddy, to pay attention to him.
Most days its enough for you to just caress his hair and roll your eyes softly at him, maybe even leaning down and giving him a few kisses as he lays in your lap.
But other days he needs more, biting and bratting until you pull order him to get undressed so he can sit in your lap and warm you as you work. Its always more than enough to calm him down as he sits with his head against your shoulder, almost floating away somewhere else as you give him neck soft kisses and mutter soft praise as you work on your weapons.
You still pamper him, and you find yourself almost puffing out your chest like a proud bird when he so willingly accepts your gifts. In the beginning Jason would be very against being given things, but after a while he starts to enjoy it and always makes sure to show you how much he loves it.
You don’t cover him in useless junk though, all clothes you buy him is specially made for him and is made of bulletproof fabrics and materials, and any jewelry you give him can also be used as weapons or has vials of neurotoxin or other poisons in case he needs it.
You being so protective and always looking out for his safety allows Jason to feel less stressed about his everyday life, as he doesn’t just have to rely on himself anymore, but can also lean on you when he needs it.
Most of his family doesn’t really know how to deal with the fact that Jason is dating a guy the same age as Bruce, or close to the same age at least. Especially if you’ve had run ins with Bruce as Black Demise and put him in the ground.
But since you’ve settled down with Jason, you have focused more on staying in Gotham to be with your lover and assist him in running his empire as the red hood. You don’t even really need to do any mercenary work anymore, since you have more than enough money. You can allow yourself to be picky with contracts, so you only pick the ones targeting the scum of the earth.
When you have to leave on mercenary work, you and Jason always make sure to call when you are able, and you’ll bring him a gift when you get back home again. Most of the time its different weapons from the specific country you’ve gone too, but sometimes its something as normal as a t-shirt, or piece of lingerie you felt would fit him.
Jason doesn’t really act any different to the outside world than he did before. Hes only soft and whiney with you, to everyone else hes as cold and rough as usual. Bad dealers and goons will even claim the Red Hood as gotten even worse since Black Demise showed up.
That’s why everyone in the Gotham underground believes the red hood is the student of Black Demise, as no one assumes you two are dating. It causes the people who know who you are to stay away from crime alley, as they fear what kind of thing you must be teaching Red Hood, since you are known to be crueler than Deathstroke.
You guys keep killing to the minimum though, or at least keep it under wraps. Jason is so impressed when you can get away with murder right under Bruces nose, since you are so good at hiding bodies and evidence. You teach him everything you know.
One of the batfam members that enjoys your presence, is surprisingly Alfred. Hes known about you as Black Demise for years, ever since you started, and he knows you don’t do needless killings. Sure, he isn’t the biggest fan of your work, but he was a secret agent so who is he to judge. Plus, he hasn’t seen Jason this happy in years.
Your presence also makes Jason feel more sure to go to family get togethers at the manor, as long as you can come. He acts all tough, but you know part of Jason is scared of being alone with his family, and the insecurity it creates inside him.
That’s another reason Alfred is happy to have you, since you get Jason to actually attend family dinners and holidays. Since you don’t have any family, you are able to convince Jason to go “for your sake”, since you wanna experience holidays or family time.
The batfam are uncomfortable in the beginning, but Cass sees that you mean no harm and that you absolutely love Jason, so she warms up pretty fast. Dick already knows you from his time with Deathstroke. Tim would know about you from all his deep research he does, and would be cautious, but like the others he sees Jason is happy, so he won’t judge.
Damian would want to battle you, or would not trust you further than he could throw you for a while. Hes heard about how powerful and cruel you can be from the league of assassins, but at some point, you two end up bonding over shared interests, and he begrudgingly accepts you.
The rest of the batfam would grow warmer to you over time as they see how healthy Jason actually looks with you, and how you clearly love him back just as much. It doesn’t stop some of them from making sugar daddy jokes at Jason, or joking about the age gap, but you just let it roll of your back and find it cute when Jason gets annoyed.
At this point Bruce will have to begrudgingly accept your relationship, even though he’s not the biggest fan, mainly because of your insanely high kill count. But he gets reminded about his own exes and dating history by the rest of the fam, so there isn’t much he can say.
You two come to an understanding that you make Jason happy, so as long as you don’t start killing innocents for money, you two will have a truce. You two probably end up bonding over whatever men your age are into at some point, but you both will deny it.
Somehow dating you helped Jason become closer to his family, who’d have thought getting a sugar daddy boyfriend would bring that, but you did. Congrats.
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nvoirs · 1 year
I fricken love how you write!! I don’t read normally but been getting into these Leon x f!reader fics because.. well… I am more into the angst as in injured and bleeding. I was wondering if you were willing to write one?? I have been drawing scenes from fics I have asked for as practice to drawing Leon💖💖💖💖
Thank you so much for liking the way I write hehe I do appreciate It a lot! Has not been proofread I'll do that when I get home x
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There was to much blood, It covered your hands, your torso and Leon's hands. Being shot in the stomach was unexpected knowing the fact you had a bulletproof vest on. But to your guessing, the one you were wearing was slightly faulty.
The pain was excruciating and you were becoming light headed by the second. Leon's voice just a mere whisper like that of an angel. You just admired his pretty face. The way his dark hair shone in the bedazzling light, and his sapphire orbs were just to die for. Realisation hit you that you were not going to make it. You wouldn't be able to live a life with Leon, marry Leon, start a family with Leon. You internally cried when you thought about Leon sitting by your grave everyday, but one day he'd leave forever, leave you behind and never look back. He'd probably find another beautiful woman to settle down with. Marry her and have his children with her. It was a selfish thought but you couldn't help it.
Salty tears pricked at your lash line as you quietly sobbed. "Hey! Don't cry baby your going to be fine, listen to me."
Leon cupped your frail face in his rough hands, years of practice with an assort of weapons but they felt at home to you. He teared of a piece of his t-shirt he was wearing underneath and began pressing on your bullet wound. You wailed in pain, and gripped his arm tightly.
Whispering under your breath, Leon couldn't hear so he leaned in closer to hear your beloved request. "Leon forget It, you can't save me I'm losing to much blood."
Leon looked at you shocked, one hand still pressing against your gaping wound the other clasping your sweaty, clammy one.
"Are you crazy?" His voice was surprisingly quiet, he sounded scared. Leon S. Kennedy never sounded scared, he was the bravest person you knew, fighting bioweapon after bioweapon the DSO's golden boy that everyone looked up to. That's why you fell for him, the love of your life you loved him to bits and you didn't want to leave him alone in this cruel, god forsaken world.
"Leon please." You pleaded. Your warm blood trickled down Leon's trembling hands the rag he made fully soaked in your crimson blood.
"Please kiss me one last time." Leon stared at you tears silently falling down his cheeks but he complied. Leaning down to your collapsed body and pressing a sweet kiss to your lips. You could feel the scratch of his stubble, and you couldn't help but smile within the kiss. Even through all the pain, Leon was still a remedy to you. You felt the pain ease when he kissed you.
"I fucking love you, you aren't dying." His gruff voice was one of sorrow. He already knew he couldn't save you. Medics were arriving on the scene soon, but they were to late. By the time they had arrived Leon held your body in silence, dried blood covering his hands his eyes puffy and raw from crying so much.
"You're to late."
Leon did attend your funeral but he was an absolute mess. A flask of alcohol clutched in his hand, you hated when he drank telling him of saying he'd hurt his liver. But you, you'd hurt his heart the vital organ that beated just for you. His face red and raw from crying privately, but no one said anything. Leon was mourning you, his tousled, unkempt hair a mess on his head and he had gone days without shaving.
After everyone had left the service Leon sat in front of your grave and just spoke. "I bought the house we were going to live in." He swallowed thickly as if he was expecting an answer. He imagined what you would have said, "I'm so happy for you Leon." He blinked twice when he imagined your voice in his ears. It was like you were really here sat beside him head on his shoulder.
Leon didn't really believe in God, he was never the religious type. But now that you were gone he just knew a place called heaven is where you live now. You would have sought it out like the angel you were, and he closed his eyes as he imagined you living peacefully up there. You adorned a long white dress, and you smiled and waved at him when you caught each others eyes.
"Yeah thanks." His small smile would be a start to his journey to heal.
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alex9mm · 7 months
How Much Does Each Bulletproof Level Weight comparison on average?
Level 4 (IV): Seven to nine pounds
Level 3 (III): Four to six pounds
Level 3A (IIIA): Between 0.9 and 2.5 pounds,
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Far-Right Mass Shootings, May 2022-May 2023
Now that we know that the mass murderer in Allen, Texas was a far-right extremist and incel (as well as that puzzling but not-that-uncommon mix of being a racialized neo-nazi/white supremacist), we wanted to illustrate that mass shootings by the far-right are not aberrations with this list of similar events from over the last twelve months: December 23, 2022: A gunman opens fire in Paris, killing 3 Kurdish people & wounding 3 more in a plan to “kill non-European foreigners.” The attacker had just been released from prison after attacking migrants in Paris with a sword the year before. December 19-20, 2022: 22-year-old Anderson Aldrich enters a CO. gay bar with an assault rifle & opens fire, killing five and wounding 25 others before he is subdued. November 25, 2022: A 16-year-old former student storms two schools in Aracruz, Brazil, armed with two pistols and wearing a bulletproof vest emblazoned with a swastika. The teen shoots 16 people in the rampage, killing three of them. October 12, 2022: After posting an online manifesto against Jewish & LGBTQ+ people, a Bratislava, Slovakia teen shoots three people outside a local gay bar, killing two and wounding the third person before fleeing. The suspect was found dead the next day. September 27, 2022: Brothers Mark & Michael Sheppard are charged with manslaughter for opening fire on a group of migrants getting water near Hudspeth County, TX. One victim died from gunshot wounds, and one is recovering at an El Paso hospital. September 26, 2022: A gunman wearing a balaclava and a t-shirt with a swastika emblazoned on it enters an elementary school in Izhevsk, Russia, killing 15 people - 11 of them children - and wounding another 39 before turning the gun on himself. September 11, 2022: 53-year-old Igor Lanis’ obsession with far-right conspiracies ends when he guns down his wife, 25-year-old daughter, & family dog, before turning his shotgun on responding police, who shoot him dead. Only his daughter survives. August 9, 2022: A group of Black men helping someone jump-start a car in a Macon, GA. Wal-Mart parking lot are subjected to racial abuse by another man who then pulls a gun and begins shooting at them. May 15, 2022: 68-year-old David Wenwei Chou is charged with hate crimes after storming a Taiwanese church in Laguna Woods, CA. and shooting parishoners, killing one and injuring five others
May 14, 2022: An 18-year-old white supremacist opens fire in a supermarket in a black neighbourhood in Buffalo, NY, killing ten customers and wounding three others while livestreaming the attack.
May 11, 2022: A masked gunman walks shoots 3 Korean women working in a Dallas hair salon. Authorities believe the incident is connected to two earlier drive-by shootings targeting Asian-owned businesses in the Dallas area on April 2nd and May 10th. This is just a list of mass shootings committed by bigots, fascists, and far-right extremists over the last 12 months. We haven't included shooting with less than two victims, thwarted mass shootings, or any of bombings, stabbings, vehicle attacks, or other acts of violence.
In 2022 we documented 477 violent incidents motivated by hate or committed by bigots, fascists, or right-wing extremists, including 112 shootings. These attacks killed 366 people and injured 399 others. Read our 2022 report here. When we say anti-fascism = self-defence, we meant it. The endpoint for far-right ideology is mass murder. Fascists intend to do harm to our communities and will seize on any opportunity to hurt others. The only thing stopping them is ourselves. WE PROTECT US!
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mistyresolve · 1 year
| Sunder - Simon “Ghost” Riley x Reader (Edited)
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Word Count - 2.2k 
Summary - Y/n is caught of guard when they discover a stray soldier had stuck around after his mission. Curiosity piqued, they decide to stay and talk with Ghost to figure out why he never went home.
Warnings/Tags - Fluff, Angst, Explicit language and description, Mentions of death (including a child and his family), Ghost is morally grey in this one
A/N - sometimes writing about Ghost makes me sad :( also i don’t know if this is fluff or angst my apologies 
Masterlist  ❤︎  Tag List Form 
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You hadn’t expected anyone to be lingering in the 141 barracks with most of them having left for home after their recent assignment. You expected all of them to return home actually. But Simon Riley was slouched on the couch in the common area. 
He was still in his gear, save his bulletproof vest and gun. The zipper to his black tactical shirt was undone, the chain to his dog tags peeking out from beneath the fabric. His mask was lying on the couch beside him, and he had yet to wipe off the black paint, faded from wear and time. It still lined his eyes and smeared down his cheeks. Not a single light was on but you could still make out enough to recognize it as him with the help of the moonlight leaking in through the windows.
“Oh,” you jumped, the stack of mail in your hand flying up to cover your eyes. The mail you collected for both Price and Gaz as they requested, and you came here intending to just leave it on the table in the commons room for when they return. You were a close friend of Gaz’s and spent every Friday night at their barracks playing pool or cards with him and whatever other member wished to join in that night. You’ve met Ghost a couple of times and played a game of cards with him a handful of times. He won poker every single time, his ability to bluff and lie always floored you. He’s taken hundreds of dollars from you. 
Not a single one of those interactions has he ever removed his mask. 
You waved the envelopes in front of your face, your eyes squeezed shut for added reassurance, “I’m just dropping off some mail for Gaz and Price,” you told him. If only to make sure he didn’t think you were trying to sneak in thinking everyone was gone and snoop. This time when you dropped the mail from your face, your eyes were on the floor. 
He huffed a laugh, the sound deep and reverberating. There wasn’t a hint of humour in it, “You can look up. I’m not going to bite,” he lilted. He sounded exhausted like he was latching onto consciousness with a death grip, forcing it to remain with him. 
You hesitated, turning the thought over in your head. He knew that you knew if you so much as thought about revealing his identity he would hunt you down and string you up to use as an example. 
You dragged your gaze up the length of his body. He was pure muscle and long limbs. He wasn’t built with cosmetics in mind but with the need for unbridled strength and power. His broad shoulders and chest were on display as he rested his arms on the back of the couch. He devoured the space. He looked like he was made too big for this world. 
You lingered on his face for longer than you’d like to admit. He’s always caught your attention but you had your reservations as to why you never actively pursue him. He didn’t seem like the kind of man you’d take home to meet your parents for Christmas. He didn’t seem like a man capable of something like love. He always left you with the impression that he was a ticking time bomb. His humanity held together by sheer will and spite. 
But looking at him now, nil the mask, he looked so mundane. He wasn’t at all like his many nicknames and reputations. He wasn’t Azrael, an angel of death. He wasn’t the Grim Reaper. The scars on his skin were evidence enough that he was capable of pain, injury, and eventually death. 
He wasn’t Death because it was Death that stalked him; It followed him into his sleep and it hovered over his shoulders as both his ally and foe. 
Without the mask, he was just like everyone else. He was also handsome. The type of handsome someone has to grow into. Hard lines and dark features. The oily black paint and dark room made it harder to distinguish every one of his features but you didn’t need to see them. Now, a small part of you wished you had tried your shot with him. 
“I thought everyone went home?” you placed the mail on the table, sorting through them by person so you had somewhere other than him to look at. 
“They did,” he quipped. His patience was evidently thinned, not by you, but by something else. 
The inquisitive side of you perked up, ears turning in on him. You eyed him from your spot at the table and your attention snagged on the glass in his hand, the amber liquid inside tilted to one side, “Everyone including you,” you specified. 
He leaned his head all the way back on the cushions, his face pointed to the ceiling, “No. Not me. I usually don’t.”
“Hmm,” you moved the kitchen and opened the fridge to find the sparkling water you left at the bottom. The can cracked and fizzed and the faint smell of strawberries and pomegranates wafted up, “No one you want to see back home?” it wasn’t that uncommon for someone to not want to return home, some people joined just to get away from it. Maybe he was one of those people.
“Nope,” he popped the p, his head rising back up to look at you. He wasn’t much of a talker to begin with but this was different.      
“No movies at the theatre you were looking forward to?” Since there wasn’t any source of entertainment at the base most of the soldiers raved about the movie theatres once they got back from leave. Although, the thought of the man sitting in front of you going to a theatre and eating popcorn was laughable. 
“I’m more of a show kind of guy,” he followed you with his eyes as you made your way to the couch opposite him. 
“How was the mission?” you went for the elephant in the room. Gaz had stopped by your office on his way to the air stripe, he sat with you for an hour to discuss the mission. You knew the result of the mission, but you had a feeling that even Gaz was leaving bits and pieces out. Leading you the conclusion that something had gone awry.  
“A success.”
Okay. Not really what you were looking for.
“I would expect nothing less from you and the 141, and you don’t usually come back to base until you’ve done your job. That’s why I didn’t ask if it was a success,” you tilted your head at him, “And if it was a success why are you not celebrating? Instead, you’re sitting in an empty barracks, in the dark, drunk. So, tell me, How was the mission?” 
“I’m not drunk. I’m drinking,” he pulled at the syllables with his tongue, emphasizing each one. 
“Hang me on a technicality,” you deadpanned, he needed a little pushing, you just had to be careful not to poke any bruises when doing so.   
“I don’t need a psychologist to be psychoanalyzing me and writing ‘unfit for work’ all over my file,” His teeth flashed white in the dark as he snarled. He was never this volatile, not that you’ve ever witnessed anyway. He was like an injured animal back into a corner.
“I was a counsellor, not a psychologist. I didn’t make diagnoses, I just listen and give advice where it’s wanted,” you reply, referring to your old civilian job before joining the force and working with the soldiers here. You had shifted career paths to health promotion and providing resources to anyone who came and asked for them. You were passionate about it, and wanted to help every last one of these soldiers. The only issue was that not many of them wanted the help, and Ghost fell into that category, “Whatever is going on in that head of yours, I can assure you I’ve heard it before. If not worse. Besides, I’m off the clock. Nothing you say will be repeated or recorded. Nothing anyone ever says is.”   
“Have you cornered anyone else from the 141?” he looked at you from beneath his brows, suspicion creeping in on him. 
You shrugged. The truth was that every member of the 141 has visited your office at one point or the other. All except him. He was on your radar but you were going to wait until he came to you. For now, you were extending a hand towards him. Whether he took it now, later or not at all was entirely up to him and you’d back down the moment he expressed that he had no desire to open up.   
You waited, folding your legs underneath in a show of, I can wait for you all night.  
He was completely still, his gaze glazing over in thought, in remembrance. There was a long moment of silence, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. It was the kind of silence that was making room for something else, something heavier, “They killed a little girl. She couldn’t have been older than eight,” he finished the last of his drink, “Didn’t want her to talk, so they shot her in the head and left her body for us to find. I stepped right over her and I still couldn’t even look at her face. Seems like the world’s greatest sin, right? Killing a child like that,” his gaze dropped to his feet, “But I’ve been thinking…I would have done the same if it meant protecting a mission. Seems like a pretty good trade to me, a single life to protect the rest,” He poured himself another half glass of whiskey in preparation to nullify whatever feelings were bubbling up, “I’m really, uhh,” he cleared his throat, “I’m really no different from the men and woman I’ve killed. We go out there and believe we’re doing the world a favour, but who’s to say we aren’t the villain in their story?”      
“You have to make some of the hardest decisions a single human has to make, and no, it’s not fair. Sometimes there is no right answer, no better option. You sacrifice every part of yourself for the sake of peace. So of course you’re going to lose in the end. Even if the mission was a success, you still lose. There are no winners in war, Ghost,” You pulled one of the decorative pillows to your chest. It was a harsh truth, but it was one that you wholeheartedly believed, and he didn’t need pretty or sugar-coated words. 
Devastation rang as you noticed his expression. He had been expecting you to hate him for his confession. Be disgusted with him. This man thinks he’s fighting this war by himself, that’s he’d completely alone in this world. To think he’s been dealing with these thoughts and feelings by himself. Ruminating over them till there is nothing left but self-loathing and abhorrence. 
“You’re not the monster you think you are. Maybe a little fucked up, yes, but who isn’t in this line of work?” 
He was quiet, his mouth a thin line as he contemplated your words. You could see he was listening, hearing you, but he didn’t necessarily believe you. That was okay though, you weren’t expecting him to. He’s tormenting himself for so long that cracking through that kind of damage would take time. Either way, you formed a metaphoric bridge to him, and gave him an alternative. 
His shoulders loosened after a long while, “I’m not going to become a regular,” he stated, meaning this kind of conversation was not something he planned on making a norm for himself and he wasn’t going to be showing up at my office anytime soon or very often.  
“That’s a real shame, I quite like your company,” you tossed the pillow to the side, stretching out your legs before standing up to leave. 
You were just picking up your can of sparkling water when he said, “Stay.”
It wasn’t a question or a demand, but rather a submission. He didn’t want to be alone right now. Knew that he needed someone else's voice to drone out his thoughts. 
You slowly slid back into the couch, understanding what he was needing at this moment. Inside your head, you jumped into the air and clicked your heels together, “And do what?” 
He sighed and his eyes fluttered shut, “Just talk. About anything. Not this, but anything else.”  
You pondered for a second, “You know, I’ve always wanted to see what you looked like under that mask. It’s been one of life's greatest mysteries.”
His eyes popped back open, a smile tugging at his lips, the hint of a dimple appearing, “Not a word to anyone else, you hear me?” 
“A word about what?” you feigned ignorance.
His smile grew the slightest bit, “Exactly.”
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Masterlist  ❤︎  Tag List Form 
A/N - I used Ghosts Azrael skin religiously on MW 2019 
Tag List - @thychuvaluswife ❤︎  @shuttlelauncher81 ❤︎ @lostinsideourminds​ ❤︎ @purplefishingline​ ❤︎ @v1naco  
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sopebubbles · 7 months
Hobi's babies
Pairing: bulletproof heart!hoseok x seokjin x reader
Wc: 10k
Warnings: threesome, oral sex: male and female receiving, vaginal sex, lots of dirty talk and pet names. I'm probably forgetting some things bc its been a while and i dont have time to reread this bitch, but nothing crazy.
Happy Thankstaking everyone!
A/n: So i sat down to write last night and instead just cried bc im too tired. But i didn't want to get your hopes up for nothing, so i went into the vault for this unreleased piece of filth. This one is for those of you who have stuck around since Bulletproof Heart. But if you didn't read that series, I think you can still enjoy this bit of debauchery.
Hoseok sucks harder on Yn's neck, relishing in the little moan that he pulls from her lips when he does so. He'd been too overwhelmed by the scent and the heat of her to behave while they watched a movie--now long forgotten--in her bed on Saturday afternoon. Yn’s nails drag down the skin of his back under his shirt. He's warm, too, as his body pushes down on hers. Heavy breaths from his mouth wash over her skin as he continues kissing her neck, traveling slowly down to her collarbone. Her lips find his shoulder where his oversized t-shirt has left his skin exposed. Hoseok grinds his hips down between her legs, letting her feel the distinct bulge in his pants over her covered core, which she knows is already sopping wet.
This has been getting worse recently. Not just with Yn and Hoseok either, but with Seokjin, too. It's been harder for them to keep their hands off each other. And harder to stop. That's why Yn made a doctor's appointment last week to get birth control without telling her mom what it was about. Because she didn't know how much longer she could resist both Jung Hoseok AND Kim Seokjin. Not that either were pressuring her, not purposely. But with two beautiful, sweet boyfriends, who would want to resist? It's certainly proving difficult right now, with her legs wrapped around Hobi's hips.
His hands find their way under her shirt—well, it's actually Jin's shirt that she's had for months. His fingers brush against her skin as he pushes the fabric up. Hobi pulls back so he can move down to kiss her tummy, his hands holding firmly to her ribcage as he covers her skin in kisses. When his lips press just below her breast, he knows he has to stop. He sits back on his heels, bringing his hands to rest on her bare thighs.
"This is getting harder," he tells her, heavy breaths raising his chest.
"Something sure is," she smirks, eyes glancing down to the tent in his sweatpants. He rolls his eyes and delivers a slap on her thigh as he sighs.
"I guess maybe we should talk about this."
"Talk about what?" She asks even though she already knows. As she sits up, her shirt falls back down to her hips, and Hobi frowns as she moves mere inches away, even as his hands remain on her legs. He waits until they're both settled and comfortable before he replies.
"We told Jin that no sex would happen until we're comfortable, so I think we should talk about it. Honestly, it's all I can think about these days, but I don't want to pressure you."
Yn touches her hand to his cheek. "Hobi, I don't feel pressured. I feel the same way, actually. And I'm ready. I want my first time to be with you. But…"
Yn sighs. She doesn't want Hobi to feel like he's not enough, but she knows they can't forget about Jin either. "I don't want Jin to feel left out, at least not from the conversation. Maybe he's not ready yet. And if he's not, I don't think he'd make us hold back, but we need to know either way. And if he is ready…" Yn looks away to the floor beside her bed, but Hobi takes the hand on his cheek as she begins to fall away and places a kiss in her palm.
"It's not how I imagined my first time, but I love both of you, and it would be amazing if we all had our first time together."
"Let's see if he's back from visiting his grandma then," Yn smiles and reaches for her phone. The two go back to watching the movie they had abandoned after Jin says he'll be home soon.
Jin smiles fondly when Yn opens her front door wearing his shirt, which is big enough to almost completely cover the pajama shorts she's wearing underneath.
"I like your shirt," he chuckles as he enters.
"Thanks. It's my favorite. A very sweet boy gave it to me once when I was sad," Yn recounts after she’s closed the door. Jin wraps his arm around the small of her back and pulls her close. His other hand cups her cheek and strokes it gently with his thumb.
"He must like you very much," Jin whispers, "to give you his favorite shirt."
"I never knew–" he cuts off her words with a kiss, somehow gentle and passionate, leaving her breathless when he releases her.
"Hobi's here?" Jin wonders, to which Yn only hums and takes him down the hall to her bedroom. "Hey babe," he greets the younger boy with another soft kiss on the lips as he joins him on Yn's queen sized bed.
Meanwhile, Yn sets about turning on various lights around her room to illuminate the space that had grown dark as she and Hobi lazed about all afternoon. Finally she comes to sit on the bed with them, a nervous smile stretching her lips as she completes their triangle, all three of them facing in toward each other. Jin rests his hand on Hobi's thigh while his other hand reaches for Yn's.
"You wanted to talk about something. Is everything okay?" Jin looks between the two of them. They both feel anxious but excited. Neither feels uncomfortable, having grown accustomed to Jin's need to talk things out but also always feeling calmer in each other's presence.
"Everything is great. Wonderful, actually. We just wanted to discuss something… important." Hoseok looks at Yn for a way to continue, finding the words difficult to locate. It's not any easier for her, so she chooses the most obvious ones, pushing them out in a rush.
"Hope and I had a talk earlier, and we think we're ready to have sex."
"Damn, babygirl. That was very to the point," Hobi laughs.
"And we wanted to know what your feelings were on that subject…at this time," she stutters, losing her confidence with Hobi's reaction.
Jin's eyes are wide as dinner plates. When they'd messaged to say they wanted to talk, he wasn't sure what he could expect. Of course, he considered the obvious negative possibility, but he didn't think it was likely. He hadn't even thought of this. Not that he hadn't thought of it lately. He was struggling to keep his hands off his boyfriend and girlfriend just as much as they were. It would be difficult for any hormone-fueled eighteen-year-old boy to hold back from being intimate with their significant other, and he had two that he not only loved very much, but who were also insanely attractive. Jin cleared his throat before he opened his mouth to utter a simple, "Oh."
"Of course, if you're not ready, that's totally understandable." Hobi places his hand reassuringly over the other boy's and gives him a gentle smile.
"Yeah, Jinnie, whatever you want, we'll completely respect that," Yn adds.
Jin's eyes soften, and a new smile spreads across his face. It's amused and enamored. He takes his hands out from both of theirs, and for a moment, their hearts race with panic. He turns first to Hobi to grab his head and give him a firm kiss before he releases him to do the same to Yn.
"I love you two so much," Jin sighs happily. "And I'm glad you brought it up because I don't know how much longer I could carry on like we were. I'm ready, too. Especially if it's with you."
All three of their faces are transformed by bright smiles expressing both joy and relief. Yn can't help leaning forward to throw her arms around both their necks, and neither fails to respond by nuzzling into her neck.
"Wait. Hold on," Jin interrupts their warm embrace and pulls away, allowing Hobi to pull Yn into his lap. "Don't pout," Jin teases when he sees the frown on her lips. "I just want to know what we're talking about right now. Are we talking about all three of us? You two? Me and Yn? Me and Hobi?" Jin is clearly starting to get into his head about it as his eyes drift away from his partners. Yn and Hobi smile at each other as they watch him become flustered over the permutations.
"We were thinking we would like us all to have our first time together," Hobi admits.
Jin's mouth hangs open, midway through a thought. "Cool. Yeah. Sure. A threesome for my first time. Cool."
Yn clamors from Hobi's lap into Jin's to take his face in her hands, forcing his eyes to meet hers. "Jinnie, it doesn't have to be. If you're not okay with that, it doesn't have to be. You know we won't pressure you or do anything you're uncomfortable with."
Jin's broad shoulders relax under her gaze and her softly spoken words, and he smiles again.
"I'm never uncomfortable with you, heart." He leans forward to give her a peck on the lips and then looks at Hobi, who's watching them lovingly. "Of course all three of us should be together. I wouldn't want it any other way."
"You're sure?" Hobi asks, weaving a hand into Jin's soft hair.
"Of you two? I'm very sure," he replies, pulling Yn tight. Then his head snaps up with an idea. "Wait Yn, what about you? We should talk about birth control and-"
Yn stops his wheels spinning once again, this time with her hand to his mouth.
"I've taken care of it. I've been on the pill since last week."
"That means we could, hypothetically… today…"
"Get over here, babyboy," Hobi interjects, aggressively pulling Jin's face to meet his own in a rough kiss.
Yn slowly backs out of Jin's space, enjoying the sight of her two boys kissing, as she always has. She leans back into her pillow to take in the view, fingers rubbing her mound firmly over her shorts.
"Fuck, I really like that," Jin admits when Hobi releases him, fingers still locked into his hair.
"Feels good to be Hobi's baby, doesn't it?" Yn muses, to which Jin hums.
"What do you think you're doing all the way over there, babygirl?" Hobi asks, coming toward her with devious intent in his eyes.
"Waiting for you, daddy," she replies, loving the flash in his eyes and the teeth-baring grin, not to mention the low growl from his chest, at the use of that name. Once again, Jin is left staring in surprise as Hobi devours her mouth until the younger boy holds out his hand to him, inviting him to join.
"Come on, babyboy," Hobi smirks, and leads Jin's hand to Yn's bare leg when he gives it. Jin comes up onto his knees, following his hand up her body until his eyes look into hers once again.
"Tell us if you want us to stop," he says in a voice just above a whisper.
"I don't want you to stop," she assures him before she pulls him in to join Hobi in kissing her neck.
Jin's hand reaches the apex of her thigh and cautiously slips under the fabric of her shorts, fingers wrapping around her to give her a squeeze. Her legs fall open when he does so, and without thinking he lets his hand travel over her clothed pussy, causing her to breathe in sharply from surprise before her hips lift, just slightly, to meet his palm.
"You really want us, don't you, babygirl?" Hobi asks with his lips against the shell of her ear.
"Yes," she hisses in response when Jin finds the sweet spot on her neck. It's still tender from Hoseok paying extra attention to it earlier. That boy's teeth are now nipping at her ear lobe instead, causing her back to arch away from the bed as his hand glides over her stomach, stopping hesitantly just under her breast. She can sense how he's holding back before entering that uncharted territory. She's not wearing a bra and he's never felt her like that before, but she wants him to, wants to feel his large hands on every inch of her.
"Hobi, please. Please, touch me," she begs breathily.
"Fuck," Hoseok sighs into her neck at the sound of her whining. He'd give her anything if she begged like that.
In a second his hand cups her breast, gently pressing the supple flesh with his fingers. His thumb grazes over her nipple, dragging the most beautiful moan from her lips that travels straight from his ears to the growing bulge in his pants. Jin's hand, which has still been rubbing gently over her panties, follows his curiosity up to her chest. Finding her softness beneath his shirt, he gently pinches and rolls her peaked nipple between his fingers, making her squirm with pleasure. The two boys pull away to share a mischievous grin.
"Sit up, princess," Jin instructs thoughtlessly, the other two smirking at the new and unexpected pet name. "What?" Jin shrugs. "That's how I intend to treat you."
Yns smile grows as she follows his orders and when the two boys grip the hem of her shirt she raises her arms to allow them to strip it off her body. Instinctively, she pulls her arms back in to cover herself. Hoseok tsks.
"Don't hide from us, beautiful. You'll make us sad," Jin coos, pulling her wrist gently away and placing her hand on the back of his head. "We want you, too."
His mouth meets her skin once again, placing kisses of appreciation all over her chest before honing in on his original target. Yn's fingers slip into to Hoseok's hair as well, just as she whispers the other boy's name when his teeth capture her nipple, and he realizes he's been staring at her face this whole time, utterly awestruck that he's found himself in this situation with someone he loves so entirely. Still his eyes don't leave hers as he lowers his head to find her other peak with his tongue, not until her eyes slip closed in ecstasy. The boys smile slightly at each other as they listen to her moans. Their hands meet over her navel, fingers searching one another's skin for contact as they give her pleasure.
Yn can feel the jolts of electricity shooting straight to her core with each lick and kiss, only making her want them more, wishing they'd find their way to where she needs them most. But she doesn't want to be greedy or to rush. She wants to make them feel good as well, yet when her hands find their hips, touch their skin, both jump up in shock. Yn pouts.
"Angel," Hobi starts without knowing how to finish. Jin stutters. Yn pouts harder.
"It's not fair. You get to touch me and see me. What do I get?"
The boys look at each other before looking back at her and both slowly remove their shirts so they're all equal. She should be prepared for Hoseok's physique at least. She's seen him without a shirt before, at the pool and on other occasions. But it's been a little while and he hasn't been dancing so much, so she didn't expect to find such a well defined stomach on him. She can't seem to stop her fingers from gliding over his smooth brown skin, taught over the muscles of his abdomen. She sits up and leans forward in order to plant soft kisses all over his chest.
She's not the only one admiring him though. The boys look each other up and down, drinking each other in. And while Yn's mouth explores Hobi, theirs meet in a lustful, excited kiss. Jin's fingers in the other's hair pull him desperately closer, pushing his warm, soft tummy against her in the process. Finding herself unintentionally caught between them--a position she has come to find she loves-- Yn simply giggles and turns her kisses to the skin of the other boy. Her hands skim the waistband of each boy's pants. Both boys freeze once again as she palms the growing bulges inside of them.
Acting in unison as always, as if through telepathy, they swiftly take her hands and push her back down onto the bed, holding her hands hostage above her head. Jin's lips capture her own in a rough kiss, while Hobi's slowly work their way down her side, from her breast, over each rib and down to her own waistline. His fingers hook around the elastic and then he pauses. After a second yn tears herself away from Jin to look into Hobi's eyes. Reading the unasked question there, she nods confidently. She wants nothing remaining in between them, no barriers. She already knows she belongs fully to both of them, and she feels fearless in that conviction. Jin distracts her once more with his plush lips against her jaw as she lifts her hips off the bed, allowing Hoseok to pull her shorts away and her panties with them. Now fully exposed, the air seems colder around her, causing her legs to close involuntarily and goosebumps to raise on her skin.
"It's okay, babygirl. I'll take care of you," Hoseok promises, lips brushing the skin of her inner thigh as he spreads her legs apart. He sighs at the sight of her, wet and plump already from hours of anticipation. "Jinnie, baby, she's so beautiful," he coos. "So perfect."
Jin wants to see for himself, wants to take in all her perfection, too. But it's hard to tear himself away from her kisses. Hobi takes one of his hands from Yn's breast to coax him.
"C’mon, babyboy," he urges. "I want you to see before I ruin her."
Jin pulls away and she misses him already, but he still has one hand gently massaging her breast so he hasn't left her completely. As he moves down to her lower half he pushes her leg to the side so he can see her.
"He's right, princess. You are so pretty. So perfect for us." Jin murmurs as he strokes her thigh, not daring to touch her yet. Yn feels her cheeks heat and redden at their praise, but neither notice as their eyes fixate on the essence coating her slit. "She looks so sweet, daddy."
Hobi hums as his fingers graze her skin, swollen with arousal, and she shudders at his touch. The kisses he leaves on her move closer and closer to her core. His eyes look to the side, to Jin. "You want to taste her?"
Jin only nods as he watches the other boy. Tentatively, Hobi licks his tongue over her outer lips, breaking the seal at her entrance and they see her open up a little, enough to see how wet she truly is. Her moan is music to Hobi’s ears and all the encouragement he needs to have another try. This time he gets closer, sure to collect some of her juice with his tongue, getting his first real taste of her. He hums and takes another, licking from her hole to her clit. He turns his head to his partner and grabs Jin by the chin, pulling the boy's him and pushing his tongue into his mouth to let him taste her. Their sloppy kiss parts with both smiling, and Hobi guides his elder's mouth to Yn's heat. Jin fights off the voice telling him he has no idea what he's doing and takes a lick of her folds before closing his mouth on her clit and sucking gently. Yn's hips lift, begging for more while Hobi watches, lower lip tortured between his teeth as one hand strokes Yn's thigh and the other Jin's head.
"You're doing so great," he praises both of them, although he has very little idea himself. There's simply a sense of joy filling him up as he watches his two lovers.
"Our girl is amazing," Jin agrees as he pulls away, his lips wet with her, and allows Hobi to take his place again. Hoseok probes his tongue around her dripping hole as Jin works his way back up to look at her face. "You're so good, sweetheart. Did I make you feel good?" He asks, in need of reassurance.
Yn smiles widely at him, her eyes heavily lidded already from the pleasure he and now Hoseok have given her. She grips his neck and pulls him in to kiss her, tasting herself all over his mouth, but she doesn't mind. She simply wants more of him, more of everything and everyone. Hobi’s tongue finds her clit as her hand searches for Jin's waistband. He gasps when her fingers find his hardened length.
"Please don't pull away from me again," she begs in a whisper, eyes locking. "I want you, Jinnie. Unless you don't-"
A smile twitches at his lips. "No. It's okay," he assures her. "I'm nervous, but I want you, too."
"I'll be gentle," she promises as she slowly pulls down his pants to liberate his cock. Hobi's mouth never leaves her, but he watches on with curiosity and anticipation as Jin's thick, hard cock is released. Yn looks down at him breathlessly before she takes him in her hand again, delicate fingers barely managing to wrap nervously around his shaft. She knows she'll be destroyed by him later, but it excited her more than it scares her. Hobi pulls back from Yn's core to run his finger along her folds.
"Bet we'll have to stretch her out nice and good before she's ready for you, babyboy," Hoseok grins, but Jin hardly hears him as Yn strokes his length slowly with her soft hands. Hobi massages his fingertip over her wet entrance before pushing slowly in and hearing her take a sharp breath. He pauses inside of her.
"Did I hurt you?" He asks, eyes softened. Yn merely shakes her head, the slight discomfort not worth stopping for weighed against the pleasure of having him inside of her at last.
Jin cups her cheek in his hand. "Tell us if it hurts, love."
"I'm fine. Please don't stop," she pleads, smiling softly up at him, but Hobi doesn't move again until he receives a nod from the other boy. He bends his finger experimentally inside of her, feeling her walls tighten around him and the soft spot just beyond her entrance.
"So fucking tight and warm, babygirl," Hobi hums as he removes his finger from her, spreading her arousal all over and gently rubbing her clit. "We'll have to take our time with her, Jinnie."
"That's okay. I've got all the time in the world for our princess," Jin tells him in a shaky voice, struggling to concentrate with Yns continued ministrations.
"Do you want to try something, babygirl?" Hobi asks quietly.
"What?" Yn responds without her eyes straying from Jin's.
"Suck Seokjinnie's dick, baby," Hobi suggests, much to Jin's surprise.
"N-no, you don't have to do that, sweet girl," Jin stutters. But Yn looks at him gleefully.
"I would love to, Jin. Please let me."
"Please let her, Jin. I wanna see how pretty she looks with your cock in her mouth," Hobi encourages as he continues to tease her clit.
"Only if you're sure, Yn," Jin stalls, but she is already grabbing at his hips to pull him closer. He manages to rid himself of his clothes completely before he scoots closer to her on his knees, as close as he can get to her. He takes his hard cock in his hand and strokes himself several times before he slowly guides the tip to her mouth. She leans in to meet his head with a soft kiss, her hand touching his gently as she reaches to take control. As he lets go, she sticks out her tongue to swirl around his smooth head, getting a taste of his precum when she licks him. She looks up at him with large doe eyes, seeking his approval and finding him already coming undone, with his eyes nearly closed as he looks down on her and his mouth hanging open. His hands rest on his hips, unconsciously pushing slightly forward to give her more.
"Take his head in your mouth, babygirl. You can do it," Hoseok instructs, watching from below. His middle finger plays at her hole again, coating the tip in arousal. "Use lots of saliva, baby."
Yn does as she is told, closing her lips around Jin's girth. She sucks gently, gathering spit in her mouth, and it draws a choppy sigh from him.
"I'm sure she's so good," Hobi muses with a kiss on her leg as he pushes his finger into her again and she moans on the other boy's cock. "Let me see that spit, baby." Yn pulls off to let him see the strings of saliva connecting her to Jin. "Fuck, you're doing great, angel. Spread it around with your hand and stroke his cock. Jinnie is such a good boy, too. I want you to make sure he feels as good as you feel. Can you do that, baby?" Hobi asks, curling his finger inside of her.
"Yes, sir," she moans, sending a chill down Hoseok's spine. She takes Jin in again, deeper this time and begins to bob up and down, lathering his shaft with spit from her tongue and stroking the rest of his long cock with her hand. Once all his shyness has left him, Jin's fingers find their way into her hair, pushing it back away from her face.
"Jinnie, if she's doing well you should tell her."
"Mm. You're doing… so well… princess," he manages to get out through his haze, but he means it completely. Nothing has ever made him feel so good, and the image of Yn below him, her wide eyes leaking tears as she takes him into her throat, the saliva gathering around her lips, makes it difficult to comprehend anything else. She's so beautiful in this lewd act, one he'd never dare to imagine with her, but Hoseok is talking to him and he knows he should listen.
"Do you think she deserves another finger, babyboy?"
"Mmm, yes," Jin groans. "Have to stretch her pretty pussy so she can take me."
Hobi grins, surprised by his frank dirty talk. "You wanna fuck our little princess?" Hobi spits into his hand and pushes in another finger. It's a very tight fit, even for his slender fingers, but yn opens her legs wider for him, eager for more as he stretches her.
"Yes. She looks so pretty with my cock in her mouth, just think how pretty she'll look when I fuck her." Jin drags his fingertips along her hairline, admiring her face, and takes hold of her jaw, fucking into her a little deeper. Yn can only try to relax and take what she's given as she continues to look into his eyes, transfixed by his words.
"I'm sure you're right, but I want to have her first," Hoseok announces. "Is that okay, baby?"
"Whatever you want, daddy," Jin agrees, reaching out for Hobi with the same hand to brush his hair out of his face.
"And my other baby?"
Yns mouth releases Jin with a pop, and she pants, her lungs burning for oxygen but she doesn't mind at all. She looks into his eyes while she answers but her hand still strokes Jin lazily. "Whatever you want, daddy. I'm yours. Completely."
"That's my good girl," Hobi grins. "But first, babygirl, you'll have to take more fingers, and you're going to have to cum for us. You can do that, can't you?"
"I think so," she answers hesitantly.
"I'm sure you can, angel," he murmurs supportively as he lowers his mouth to kiss above her clit.
"Jinnie, there's something I want," she whispers.
Jin leans his face closer to hers and kisses her red lips. "Anything you want, princess."
Pressing her lips to his ear she whispers again. Jin smirks back, pleased with her request, and leaves her with one last lingering kiss before he gets off the bed. Hoseok is lying half way on his side, his hips pushed up on one side by his bent knee to accommodate his erection. Jin comes to sit on top of him, straddling the leg that lays out straight behind Hoseok. He slides his hands over his skin from his lower back up toward Hobi's shoulders, massaging gently as he goes. Pressing his chest onto the other boy's back, Jin latches onto his neck with his mouth, knowing exactly where Hobi's most sensitive spot is. The smaller boy moans onto Yn, adding an extra layer of pleasure.
"We're lucky, you know?" Jin whispers in Hobi's ear as his hand snakes around to his chest, rubbing his nipple gently.
Hoseok's mouth falls open to ask, "why's that?" in a breathless tone before his tongue returns to Yn, his two fingers never ceasing their movement inside of her.
"Because Ynie is so beautiful and sweet. And she loves us so much."
"Yes," Hobi breathes as one of Jin's hands travels down over his abs, his teeth pulling at Hobi's ear. The large hand slips down between his warm skin and the elastic of his boxers, finding purchase on the boy's hard cock.
"And she wants us to feel good."
Hobi whines, feeling undone by the unexpected contact. "Is that what she whispered in your ear?"
"Something like that," Jin responds.
"Jinnie," Yn whines, both from the pleasure Hobi is still giving her and from how long Jin is taking to complete her request. Jin's mouth travels down Hobi's back leaving a trail of sloppy kisses as his fingers curl into Hobi's waistband.
"What are you doing?" He wonders.
"My lady wishes us all to be equals," Jin responds as he slowly removes the younger boy's clothing.
"Is that so?" Hobi looks back up at the girl's face above him. She looks back at him through cloudy eyes.
"Mhm. She wanted to see what she has to look forward to. And she wanted me to pleasure you, too," Jin tells him as he takes a firm hold of his partner's long, veiny cock once again. "Can I make you feel good, too, daddy?" He whispers to Hobi as he kisses his cheek.
Hobi loses himself in the ecstacy of the boy's touch. Not just the hand on his hard, throbbing member, but also Jin's chest pressed against his back and the cock rubbing gently against his ass as Jin moves his hips subtly. He forgets entirely about Yn's clit, but it's only a moment's interruption, as Jin's tongue is there to take his place. He can't say how long the moment lasts--minutes or hours--before a small voice breaks through the haze.
"Daddy?" Yn calls gently, half sorry for asking for his attention at all when she was enjoying the euphoric expression that graced his features. Hobi clears his throat and looks back up at her, the doe-eyed expression on her face calling him back to her.
"Yes, angel?"
"I want another finger."
He finds the meekness with which she asks endlessly endearing, and he's happy to oblige. "Of course. Jinnie?"
"Hmm?" He responds, opening his eyes again after devoting himself so entirely to his tasks.
"I want those pretty lips around my cock while I make Ynie cum," Hoseok commands, regaining his composure and his sense of control. Jin merely smiles in response and repositions himself to do as he's told, but not before he's pulled into a rough kiss. Hobi pulls his fingers out of Yn's pussy and puts them into his mouth, licking the essence of his fingers and replacing it with his spit. She takes his three fingers with a groan, fingers fisting around the sheets beneath her body. "You still okay, angel?" He asks as he rubs his thumb in circles over her clit.
"Mhm," she responds quietly, holding in a breath as she adjusts to the pain. It's more than she was expecting, but she knows it's necessary to get what she wants and it will go away soon. She's distracted by the boys below her moaning and props herself up on her elbows to see them.
Jin and Hoseok are tangled in each other, the younger one twisting at the waist to give the other access while Jin lays between his strong thighs. His long fingers wrap around the base of Hobi's cock, his thumb rubbing smoothly over the thick column underneath, while his tongue moves fluidly around his head and shaft. Jin wraps his lips around his pulsing head, leaving both his partners breathless. As she watches Jin take in more of Hobi's length, Yn clenches around Hobi's fingers, drawing his attention back to her. In addition to feeling her, he can see the way she's watching Jin's actions, both admiring and taking mental notes.
"Babyboy, I think Yn likes watching you suck my cock," Hobi smirks. "What do you think, babygirl? You like what you see? Or are you jealous?"
"Fuck," Yn moans when Hoseok gives her his mouth again, sucking her whole bud between his lips before rubbing his tongue quickly over her. "Jinnie is so pretty," she manages, her love agreeing with a hum. Jin's eyes look up to see her watching him, her hands clutching her breast, thumbs teasing her own nipples. Jin pulls away to rub the tip of Hobi's cock over his tongue, letting Yn see his full length and how it glistens with his spit. Then he takes the other boy back in, deeper than before, until he chokes. "Mm, Hope, Jinnie is such a good boy," Yn moans.
In response Hobi fucks her faster with his fingers, his tongue rubbing faster, as if to tell her that he agrees, and that they're both very good. She falls back onto her pillows as his actions push her onward, the tension inside her building until her hips begin to writhe beneath him and she cums with a cry.
"Fuck, Hobi. She's so pretty when you make her cum," Jin, who's never taken his eyes off her face, moans. Hobi's mouth releases her and his fingers slow as he presses soft kisses around her throbbing lips and quivering thighs.
"So pretty," he agrees. He pulls his fingers slowly from her, leaving her feeling empty, and comes to hover above her face, licking up her sticky essence. Jin moves forward as well, to clean up the mess Hobi left behind with his tongue. Hoseok brushes her hair back with gentle fingers and looks lovingly down at her, checking her eyes and face. "How do you feel?"
"Great," she smiles, still feeling dazed.
"You're bleeding a little. Are you sure you're okay? I didn't hurt you?" She can see the real concern in his eyes, even though they both know it's to be expected.
"I'm fine, Hobi. You made me feel so good. I loved it." Yn's eyes darken as they glance down and her fingers grasp his erection. Hobi's smirk returns.
"You want my cock, babygirl?" Yn bites her lip and nods. "I want you to say it."
"I need your cock, daddy," Yn whimpers, melting beneath him. He presses his lips to hers passionately, brushing her hand aside as he strokes himself.
"Get on your knees," he orders. Without a word to him, Hobi gestures for Jin to go to the head of the bed. Once he's claims Yn's former place he takes her her face in her hands to kiss her
"Did you miss me?"
She nods and smiles before she turns her head to kiss his neck, starting a trail that leads over his collarbone to his chest. His soft moans are interrupted by the sound of Hobi's hand falling harshly on Yn's ass. She yelps and turns back to look at him, but he's already rubbing the spot gently. He grabs her hips and pulls her further down the bed and thus further down Jin's body until she's hovering just above his thick cock.
But she doesn't have time to think about that just yet though, because Hobi is rubbing the tip of his cock around her entrance. He holds her steady with one hand on her ass while he uses the other to guide himself into her wet pussy. A moan slips past his lips when he feels how tightly she's wrapped around his head and he doesn't give her any more, slipping back out a moment later. He rubs over her soothingly once again. Jin smiles at her gently to ease her mind. He reaches out to touch her face, thumb brushing her bottom lip and she licks him, taking the digit into her mouth. Hobi pushes into her again, awed by how amazing her wet walls feel as they grip him while he sinks deeper into her as slowly as he can. Yn whimpers, looking Jin in the eyes as her own brim with tears. Jin leans forward to take her face again and kiss her.
"You're doing so well, princess. Daddy's gonna treat you so well." He glances up at the other boy's face, his eyes nearly closed as he looks down on his lovers. "You have no idea what you're doing to him, love."
She can't resist looking at him over her shoulder, pleased with the look on his face that's turned slightly toward the ceiling.
"Do you feel good, daddy?" Hoseok bows his head, his eyes opening a little more so he can see her more clearly.
"I feel incredible, baby. Your pussy is so tight. So wonderful." He groans, fighting the urge to move, but she does it for him, pushing her body forward slightly, meeting Jin in another kiss. This makes Hobi chase after her, pulling her back by her hips. She moans loudly when he thrusts into her, harder and deeper than before. He didn't mean to. He just got excited. He pauses briefly before he hears her one little word.
"More," she pleads and pushes Jin back onto her pillows.
The two boys smile at each other as Hobi begins to move his hips, slowly at first. Long, even thrusts evoke soft moans from her, and as she adjusts, she has attention to return to Jin's still hard cock. Despite the lack of attention he's turned on by seeing them fuck, admiring their bodies in the process. It's like a private show just for him. Yn licks her lips and waits patiently with her tongue out, ready to receive him as he guides his cock to her. She takes him down happily as Hoseok quickens his pace. Jin lets his head fall back when he feels himself hit Yn's throat. The wet sounds of yn gagging on his thick cock turn both boys on even more, and there's no holding back now as they both thrust into her. She's never imagined feeling so full and complete as she is now with the two boys she loves buried deep inside of her. The fingers of one of Jin's hands knot into her hair, keeping her head down, while the other hand laces his fingers with hers. Hobi's hand lands on her ass with another smack.
"You're doing so good, baby," Hobi moans. "You both look so good for daddy. Fuck, I love you both so much," he groans, feeling himself come closer to climax but not wanting this to end.
"Are you gonna cum inside her, daddy?" Jin wonders, noticing the desperate look on the other's face. Hobi grabs onto Yn’s arm and pulls her chest up, tearing her away from Jin who watches breathlessly at the strings of drool dripping from her mouth as she was unprepared to move. He strokes himself as he watches Hobi pull the girl flush against his body, one hand holding her by her breast while the other turns her chin and grips her neck, still fucking her passionately.
"Should I fill her up with my cum, babyboy?" Hobi asks as he stares into Yn's hazy eyes. "Maybe you just want your turn?" he laughs.
"No. It's just that I want you to feel good, and I wanna taste your cum in her pussy," Jin admits, stroking his cock faster at the thought. Hoseok feels his own cock twitch at the suggestion.
"Play with her clit for me, babyboy," he instructs before attaching his mouth to Yn's, swallowing her moans as he continues to fuck her. Jin licks his fingertips and begins to rub her sensitive bud as he comes to his knees before them, their skin brushing, heat rolling off of all of them. It's only then that he notices the sweat that's begun to roll down her body, a rivulet dripping from her neck down between her breasts, and he laps it up happily before he latches onto her nipple and sucks hard while he continues rubbing circles around her clit. Her second orgasm crashes over her, creating spasms through her whole body and when she clenches around him, Hobi can't hold back any longer, coating her walls with his warm cum. She can barely hold her body up, but luckily she has two boys to help her. Sandwiched between them, she lets her head roll back onto Hobi's shoulder and he takes the opportunity to kiss her exposed neck.
"Are you sure this is your first time? Because you seem to know exactly what you're doing," she whispers through the aftershocks as he continues small thrusts inside her, milking himself dry.
"I promise," he tells her between kisses. "I've just thought about it a lot. And then, some things just occur naturally."
Jin has stopped rubbing her clit at least, but his hand hasn't gone far as his fingers rub the base of Hobi's cock. He can feel the sticky mess they've made together thats already leaking out of her and he gathers some on his fingers.
"Open," Jin tells her and she leans her head forward, obeying without question and allows him to shove his fingers in her mouth, lapping up the tangy mixture with her tongue. When Jin pulls his cleaned fingers from her mouth Hobi pulls her mouth back to his, licking his tongue deep inside to get a taste for himself.
"Mmm. You good, babygirl?" He asks gently, pressing his forehead to hers as he strokes her hair. She nods and hums, incoherent and a little tired. "You're incredible. I love you," he murmurs with another softer kiss. Jin gently pulls her mouth to his.
"You've done so well, princess. Do you want to take a break?" He asks in a soft voice, assuring her it's okay. She shakes her head and wraps her arms around his broad shoulders.
"I want you, Jinnie," she smiles happily.
His hands travel up and down her sides as he responds. "Not quite yet, sweetheart," he tells her and she pouts. "Don't be sad. I just want another chance to taste your sweet pussy again, that's all. Then I swear my cock is all yours." He unwraps her hands from his neck and gives each a kiss before he lays back flat on the bed.
Yn looks back at Hobi, unsure of exactly what she is supposed to do. He kisses her temple and pushes her forward by her hips, his considerable length slipping from her messy pussy.
"Go on, babygirl. Give him what he wants," Hobi encourages as he pushes her up Jin's body until Jin is able to lead her the rest of the way, until her heat is hovering just an inch above his face.
He uses his tongue to clean her up, licking between all of her folds, soothing her skin in the process. When he's decided she clean enough and she can only keep herself upright by holding onto to the headboard, he wraps his hand around her thighs and pulls her closer, where she has no escape as his tongue explores her core, probing so to eat up every drop of Hobi's cum that he can and rub against her g-spot. She begs for mercy he won't give. Her legs shake and she whimpers, but Jin gets a surprise of his own when he feels Hoseok's hands around his shaft, his tongue and lips following close behind.
"Fuck, Jinnie, your so big," Hobi praises between lavish licks. "I hope you don't hurt our sweet girl," he smirks. Hobi continues to suck him for a minute longer while Jin sucks unforgivingly on Yn's clit, until suddenly an arm wrapped around her waist pulls her away. He centers her hips over Jin's.
With one hand stroking her hair, he holds the other infront of her mouth. "Give me some spit, baby," he commands. Yn spits into his palm and he does the same before rubbing their mixture on Jin's already saliva covered cock. Hobi rubs the round head of Jin's cock against her clit a few times before he aligns him with her entrance. Yn pushes herself down to take him in, biting her lips to muffle the cry leaving her throat as he stretches her more than ever before. She's only ever had her own fingers.
"Ynie?" Jin calls her attention with his gentle hand on her thigh. "Are you okay?" She merely nods her head.
"It's okay, babygirl, take it slow," Hobi tells her quietly. "Jinnie's cock is all yours. You can take your time, right Jinnie?"
Jin's head is clouded with the pleasure of her tight walls around him, but he nods and strokes her thighs soothingly. "I'm yours, baby, no rush," he agrees. He's worried about her, terrified of causing her pain. But he knows she knows she can stop anytime, that no one would be bothered. She wants him and he can see it in her eyes when she looks down at him.
Yn let's herself sink further on his cock until she's taken all she thinks she can. Her legs are burning though and she leans forward over him before she dares to move. Slowly she rocks her hips, gliding carefully up and down his thick cock as Hoseok watches, stroking his own while his other hand caresses her curves.
"That's it, babygirl, just like that," he encourages.
"God, you feel amazing," Jin sighs as she moves above him. His hands take hold of her hips and guide her movements as she gets used to how full she is of him and tries to keep a steady rhythm.
"There's so much of you, " she smiles as she moans.
"But it's all yours," he reminds her, lifting his head to give her a kiss. Jin's hand slide up her slick back to hold her still as he moves his hips, fucking into her faster, making her cry out in pleasure to the beat of his thrusts. Hobi jerks himself off as he watches him fuck her harder, her screams of ecstacy adding to his arousal. Knitting his hand into her hair he pulls her back up, and standing, shoves his cock past her lips. He holds her head in place so he can fuck her mouth, even as she continues to moan for Jin. Yn holds her hand out for Jin and he takes it, pulling himself into a sitting position as well. Yn pulls Hoseok's cock from her mouth and pushes him into Jin's, who sucks the other boy graciously. Cradled into Jin's hips still, Yn fucks him slowly with smaller movements. Jin removes his mouth from Hobi only for a second so he can share him with Yn. Their tongues and lips glide in unison along his long shaft, caressing each vein as Hoseok throws his head back, guttural sounds of pleasure escaping from his throat. He leans forward again to be able to look at his two precious lovers, doing everything they can to please him as Yn cups his balls in her small hand and Jin gently rubs his taint.
"That's so fucking good. Mmm you're so good," he whimpers.
Yn pushes Hoseok's cock back into Jin’s mouth, watching him take the other boy's long member down his throat while she grinds her hips in circles on him.
"You hear that? You're such a good boy, Jinnie. You make daddy so happy. And you look so sexy doing it. Fuck-" she moans as she sinks deeper on his thick cock. Jin looks into her eyes as he moans at her praise. He pushes his middle finger into her mouth for her to suck on and cover with spit before he teases Hobi's asshole with the same finger. Hoseok curses in delight, digging his fingers into both their hair and drawing their eyes up to him.
Suddenly, she takes Hobi's cock from her partner's mouth and takes him down as far as she can, gagging herself loudly as she looks up at her daddy with big eyes.
"You better share, babygirl," he admonishes her. She pulls him from her mouth enough to let Jin lick his beautiful shaft while she sucks on his head. Hoseok begins to crumble as Jin's finger pushes playfully into his anus. "Fuck, babies, I'm gonna cum soon," he warns.
"Please cum for us, daddy," Yn whines.
"Mm, yes. Cum all over us. Wanna see what our princess looks like covered in your cum."
"Fuck, Jinnie," Hobi moans, that much closer just by the image he conjures. He takes his own member again and strokes it quickly above their faces, which are waiting giddily with their tongues out. "Damn, you two are so hot. How did I get so-" Hobi groans loudly as his orgasm hits him, "lucky." Thick silvery cum spurts from his cock onto the waiting pair, hitting their lips and chins and falling onto their chests as they're pressed together. They take a moment to admire each other before Yn licks whatever is left from Hobi's tip, making him shudder. He sinks to his knees beside the pair and pulls them close to him, all three of their tongues moving together as they kiss. Jin pulls away to taste the cum on Yn's chin, pulling her hips down at the same time. She moans into Hobi's mouth with the movement. He holds her there a moment longer before releasing her to clean up the mess he's made on Jin's face, which she does greedily. Jin holds her close, moving his hips rhythmically and enjoying the filthy wet sounds made by his dick inside her pussy. Meanwhile Hobi moves behind them to rest against Yns pillows, leaning on the headboard.
"Come here, babygirl," Hobi commands, causing them both to stop their movements. Jin kisses her one last time before he releases her and she crawls across the bed, in between Hobi's legs. He kisses her once and then turns her around, bringing her down to lay her back against his chest and talks in her ear, just loud enough for Jin to hear, while he rubs her breasts. "Time for you to have a rest, little one. But we still want Jinnie to cum for us, don't we, baby?" Yn hums her agreement. Hobi reaches down to open her legs as he looks up at the panting boy. "She's all yours, Jinnie."
Jin smiles and leans down to take a few licks of her pussy adding his own spit as lubricant before he kneels at her entrance and slowly pushes into her. He's enchanted by the way she stretches and envelopes him so tightly, enthralled by watching her tiny pussy swallow his thick cock.
"You're taking me so well, princess," Jin praises as Hobi presses kisses to the side of her head. When he's sure he's not hurting her, he begins to move faster. He pushes her legs back and Hoseok holds them behind her knees.
"Play with yourself," Hobi whispers in her ear, and she obediently reaches down to rub her clit. "That's right, babygirl, play with your clit while you take Jinnie's big, fat cock. You're doing so well baby." She continues rubbing as the pressure becomes too much, and Hobi can tell. "That's it, baby, you can do it. Let him feel what it's like when you cum all around him. Let him feel your sweet cunt," he growls in her ear as she has another shattering orgasm. He holds tightly to her spasming body, keeping her safe as she cries out from the overwhelming sensation. Hobi notices Jin begin to slow down. "Don't stop. She can take it, can't you? You've got me. You can take it. I want Jinnie to fuck you til he cums, too. Make him feel good, won't you, babygirl?"
Yn is unable to form words and she clings to Hobi’s arms. He releases her legs and cradles her to give her some comfort as she looks desperately into his eyes. Her body pushes onto his with each powerful thrust from Jin, who keeps pounding into her with pleasure.
"You're okay, baby. We love you. And you're doing so good," he coos as he caresses her hair and kisses her face. "Isn't she pretty when she cums, baby?" he asks Jin. "Isnt she pretty when you fuck her? Just like you said."
Jin watches them as he goes deeper and faster into her. "So fucking pretty," he grunts. "She's so beautiful and she's ours, daddy. Fuck, I'm gonna cum soon."
"Good, baby. Cum on her tummy for me. I wanna see you paint her up so pretty and nice," Hobi smiles.
Jin pulls out quickly, leaving Yn suddenly empty, and gives just a few quick strokes before his cum shoots out, reaching all the way up to her breasts, leaving abstract lines all over her abdomen. He remains above her on his knees, panting, spent.
"Come here, babyboy." Hobi holds out his hand and Jin bends over to be received by him, his pulsing cock grazing Yn's stomach as he does so. Hoseok kisses the boy with his hand on his neck, a reward for his hard work. "Come, take her," he tells Jin, who falls down beside them. Hobi slips out from under her and gives her a soft kiss on the forehead. "I'll be right back," he whispers before he gets off the bed and leaves the room, grabbing his pants on the way out.
Yn turns her head to look at Jin through heavily hooded eyes. "Hi, Seokjinnie," she says tiredly, reaching for his hand to entwine their fingers.
"Hi, Ynie," he smiles, laying on his side to look at her.
"Did I make you happy?" she wonders.
Jin looks at her softly, touching his hand to her cheek. "You made me very happy, sweetheart. I couldn't be happier. What about you? Was it too much for you? Did I hurt you?"
She smiles gleefully despite her exhaustion. "I'm great, Jinnie. Tired. I'm sure I'll be sore. But I loved every moment. Don't worry."
Hoseok returns carrying an armful of water bottles and warm wash cloths. He places the bottles on Yn's bedside table and then sets about cleaning Jin up first.
"I can do it," Jin offers as the other boy wipes his face, but Hobi brushes off his hand.
"Let me," Hobi smiles softly and continues tenderly wiping the sweat and cum from his body, all while yn lies between them, but her eyes are closed and she's paying little attention. "Perfect," Hobi proclaims with a kiss pressed to Jin's plump lips when he's finished. "Now, let's take care of you, angel."
He hands a warm, wet towel to Jin and they both clean her very gently as soft, sleepy sounds come from her lips.
"Jinnie, she looks cold," Hoseok notes quietly as he takes the wet cloths and puts them in her laundry basket. Without needing to think about it, Jin pulls Yn to him with her back to his chest. Hobi returns to get into bed with them, pulling the cover over all three of them as he lays facing them.
"How are you?" he asks Jin, his thumb gently brushing Jin's cheek.
"I'm amazing," Jin replies with a smile that makes his eyes almost disappear as he nuzzles into Hobi's hand.
"Today was...unexpected. Next time I promise we'll be prepared. We'll make it all about you, babyboy," Hobi vows, running his fingers through his lover's hair.
"I won't say no to that, but I promise, I'm fully satisfied." Hobi leans over to give him a soft, lingering kiss before he settles back down.
"Are you still with us, angel?" Hobi asks, petting her cheek.
"Yes," she responds quietly, forcing her eyes open to look at Hoseok's sweet face.
"Hi," Hobi smiles fondly, light in his eyes.
"Did we push you too far, my love?" He worries.
"No!" she responds eagerly. "I loved it. I knew I was safe with you."
"I'll always keep you safe," he promises with a kiss to her forehead.
"We know. Thank you for taking such good care of both of us," Jin expresses gratefully. He holds Yn tightly and kisses her shoulder, emphasizing that he's thankful for Hoseok's care of her as well.
"You don't need to thank me," Hoseok denies with a shake of his head. Looking between their two faces, nestled together, he thinks of just how much they had given him--how much they always give him. He scoots closer so there's no space between him and Yn. "I love you both so much more than words can say. You're mine, and I'm so grateful. What we had today was incredible, and I can't wait for more, but first and foremost, you're my sweet babies, and I'm always going to care for and protect you."
Yn beams at him. "We love you, too, Hope. And we're lucky to be yours."
Hoseok pecks a kiss to her nose. "Go to sleep now, little one."
She's grateful for the permission, but sorry to close her eyes on his sweet face. She snuggles more deeply between the two of them, feeling warm and secure.
"You, too, my prince," Hobi coos.
"Aren't you tired?" Jin wonders.
"I am," Hobi answers, leaning his head into his pillow, and caresses Jin's arm. "But I want to watch you sleep for a little while."
Yn's eyes open slowly. She's surprised to find her head cradled in Hobi's shoulder and no one behind her. Hoseok doesn't realize she's awake until she turns her head to confirm Jin's absence.
"Did Jinnie leave?" She asks, and Hobi can hear the disappointment in her voice.
"Look how sad you are," he chuckles, plucking her pouted lip with his fingertip. "Jinnie is just in the kitchen getting us something to eat."
"Oh," she breathes. "You're watching tv? And you're dressed." Hoseok hums. "Did I sleep too long?"
He turns his head to see the guilt in her eyes and strokes her cheek. "Of course not, little one. We just woke up a little while ago. We're just relaxing. You sleep as long as you need. Go back to sleep if you want. No one is leaving," he assures her.
"I don't want to sleep. I want to spend time with you." She pulls herself closer and snuggles into his side. He responds by turning on his side and wrapping both arms around her. "What time is it, anyway?"
"Mmm...late," he replies casually.
"You're gonna stay with me all night?"
"Of course, babygirl. Nowhere else I'd rather be." He kisses her lazily, holding her there for several minutes until her bedroom door slowly opens and Jin backs in with a tray of food.
"You and Namjoon really live off the stuff in your pantry?" He asks, shaking his head.
"We survive," she laughs and Hobi laughs with her.
"What did you manage to get?" Hobi wonders.
"Well, it's mostly ramen, but I also got some cookies and chips." The pair in the bed sit up while Jin puts the tray in front of them.
"Hey, you're wearing my shirt," Yn pouts.
"It's my shirt," he reminds her.
"I'll leave it with you when I go," he pledges, but she continues to pout at the thought of him going.
"I guess at least it will smell like you. That might comfort me when I'm all alone."
Jin rolls his eyes. "Speaking of shirts, you need one." He hops up from the bed to go through her drawers.
"Does she though?" Hobi questions, eyes scanning he'd chest.
"She can't eat hot noodles with no shirt on, Hoseokie," Jin tells him as he searches.
"Sad, but true," Hobi frowns, but his expression soon changes to a smile when he sees which shirt Seokjin has chosen.
"What?" He wonders when the other two giggle as he slips the article over her head.
"That's my shirt," Hobi smiles, amused.
"Do you own any of your own clothes?" Jin asks as her head comes through the neck hole.
"I have two boyfriends, why would I?"
"Jin doesn't have any of my clothes." Hobi shakes his head as he picks up a bowl of noodles.
"Well, you left your green sweatshirt at my house last month, and it smelled like you, so I never gave it back." Jin blushes cutely.
Hobi chuckles, endeared. "I guess you can keep it, just because you're so cute."
"Thank you." Jin grins. "Now eat up."
"Wait just a second." Yn interjects. "Hobi, don't you have something to add to this conversation?" She looks at him accusingly.
"No," he replies quickly before he shoves noodles into his mouth.
"Oh, yeah? So where is Jin's Ramones shirt?" Jin's eyes go wide as Hobi stops chewing.
"Yah! I knew someone stole it!" Jin shouts, much to Yn's amusement.
He chews quickly and swallows, practically choking. "I didn't mean to steal it! You left it on the bench in the locker room and I was going to take it and return it to you...but then I tried it on and I liked it."
"Thieves. Thieves everywhere," Jin laments. "You're lucky I love you." The others finally pick up their bowls and begin to eat and it's quiet for a few minutes.
"I'll go clean up," Yn says as she scrambles over Hobi to get off the bed. "Do you guys need anything?" As soon as her feet touch the ground she finds her legs weak and wobbly, collapsing beneath her. She catches the edge of the bed and Hobi holds onto her just in case.
"Damn, we really overworked you, huh, babygirl?" Hobi chuckles, but there's sympathy underlying his tone.
"I'm a little sore," she admits, though it hadn't bothered her until just now.
"Get back in bed. I'll take care of the dishes," Hobi tells her, pulling her back on the bed by her hips.
"No," she whines. "I'll feel like a bad girlfriend if you both come over here and cook and clean for me."
"Aish. What do you mean 'bad girlfriend'?"
"Yeah, baby, we're the ones who fucked you up. Let us take care of things, princess," Jin offers.
"You two stay here. Pick a movie and get comfortable. I'll be back in a few minutes." Hoseok picks up the tray and begins to leave.
"Can you bring me tea?" Yn pouts, even though she knows she doesn't need to. Hoseok simply smiles and nods and hurries to the kitchen. "What do you feel like watching?" Yn asks, handing Jin the TV remote.
"Something nice we've seen a million times?" He suggests as she wraps herself around his back. He shrugs to ease his muscles as she leans into his neck.
"Does it hurt?" She wonders with a light kiss.
"Just a little, from sleeping funny, I think." He shrugs again. She pulls away and begins to massage his shoulders the way he likes while he continues to search for something, moaning lightly to let her know when she's found the right spot.
Lol this last part wasn't really needed but I could resist the little bit of fluff bc I always torture you with angst. I also didn't know how to end it so I just left it here and you can imagine how they all three take care of each other 🥺
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cositapreciosa · 7 months
Alejandro Gillick x gn!reader, (gun wound, blood, the usual for the movies) 1047 words
a/n : super duper self-indulgent Alejandro fic cause I'll write whatever gives me wings at this point. This gif might not be from Sicario but yhlqmdlg Benicio is hot anyway
Tagging the besties-that-might-like-this as usual @narcolini @drabbles-mc @anunhealthydoseofangst
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‘’ Stay still, I don't want to hurt you. ‘’
Any more than he already has. Still, it hurts when Alejandro puts his hand on your stomach, hard and warm against your abdomen. The bullet grazed you, thankfully, but deep and bloody, straight in between the Kevlar, slicing through your shirt. You can’t help but jerk when he presses his fingers into your skin, teeth baring in a hiss. It is dusk now, the sun dipping below the horizon, painting the scene orange and red. How long has it been since he left you in this ditch? Why did he even bother to come back?
‘’ You fucking shot me. ‘’
It comes out of you in a cough, as if you can’t believe it yourself. You are probably in shock, you realize, cold and losing blood for what seems like hours at this point. Where is my gun? You taste the blood in your mouth as you speak again. Where am I?
‘’ You fucking shot me. ‘’
You struggle against his hold, opposite hand grabbing his wrist in an attempt to get free. Let me go, you want to tell him, let me be, but it feels like paste in your mouth, dried tongue, you can’t get the words out.
‘’ Stay still. ‘’ He pushes back, and you can do nothing but let him, ‘’ They would have shot you anyway, your cover is blown. ‘’
‘’ Yeah, no shit. ‘’
Every word feels like sandpaper in your throat, scratching on its way out, keeping you from saying more mean and distasteful things. You let yourself fall back against the sand, letting the dust settle again in your lungs. Matt had told you they had caught rumours of your CIA affiliation through the low ranks, but you still went anyway, believing you could work your way through it. Pinches narcos de mierda. Alejandro fetches gauze out of his backpack, pulling you closer to cut the strap of your bulletproof vest with his knife. You feel blood moving down your chin.
‘’ If you heard what they were telling me they would do to you before you got there maybe you wouldn’t be so feisty about this. ‘’
‘’ You threw me in a ditch. ‘’
‘’ And they think you’re dead, you’re welcome. ‘’
He gently wipes the blood off your chin with his glove before turning his attention back to your shirt. It tugs on your skin as it separates from the dried blood, raw, stiff, a new colour from what it was this morning. You let Alejandro turn you to your side, inspecting the wound he inflicted, tucking your face in his elbow as he presses the tissue on your wound.
‘’ You’ve lost a lot of blood, but it’s not that deep, you’ll be fine. ‘’
‘’ I’m surprised they don’t think you’re CIA now- ‘’
You hiss when he starts moving the tape around your torso, pulling it tighter every time he starts another round.
‘’ I guess shooting you was a good move, they don’t suspect a thing. ‘’
Idiots, you want to say, all of them. You remember them dragging your body in the back of a car, carelessly tossed across the seat next to Alejandro, you remember how easy it was to play dead, how cold you were, how the pain made your whole body numb, Alejandro’s hand on your vest to keep you from rolling over as they drove in circles for hours.
‘’ It’s a fucking miracle. ‘’
That he isn’t dead, that you aren’t, that no one caught your whimpers after every bump or Alejandro softly shushing you afterwards. A fucking miracle.
‘’ You tell me. ‘’
He issues no warning as he pulls you up, knees bending, one hand on your shoulder, the other creasing your shirt in a tight grip. His movements are tactical, precise, moving your body in a way that works for him when your whole being can’t seem to follow. Alejandro wraps his hand around your neck as it swings back. You can feel the blood rushes back to your head, feel it in your throat. Hey, he says, stay with me, but the words barely make it to you, everything is thick and foggy and-
Hey, don’t die on me now. The world comes back in a buzz, loud and crackling in between your ears. ‘’ Matt will have my head if you die like this, you hear me? ‘’
His fingers are warm around your scalp, pressing a little, to make sure you really are here, back with him. You notice his eyes for the first time, how brown they are, deep, honeyed, the slight wrinkles that shape between his eyebrows when he frowns.
‘’ Loud and clear. ‘’ You mumble as he steadies you once again.
‘’ Good. ‘’ Good. You can see the relief cross his face, the weight that leaves his shoulder. ‘’ Think you can walk? ‘’
‘’ I don’t know, you tell me. I didn’t shoot myself, did I? ‘’
He scoffs, dismissing your sarcasm, you could mistake it for a laugh, ‘’ I missed for a reason. Let’s get you home, yeah? ‘’
Alejandro doesn’t pick up on your answer, something along the lines of it being a waste of time, that you are cold already, weak. Cállate, he wants to tell you, Cállate, you can do this, let me. He wants to try, for you, for him. And he does, he drags you through the desert, hiding in the streets, makes sure you press ‘right there, hard’ whenever he changes your bandages. His hands slip and hurt, but he does, he has to.
Told you so, he wants to say when he finally sees the bright lights, but he doesn’t. The second he makes it to camp, he brings you to the infirmary first, before Matt, before the men at the gates can ask any questions or take into account the blood that stains both of you. Told you so, but he keeps his mouth shut and tries to forget the way his finger hesitated on the trigger this morning, even when he knew it had to be done, that he hates how relieved he felt when he realized you were still alive.
He hates it, but it is true, it seems pretty clear to him now why he even bothered to come back.
Told you so.
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dyns33 · 1 year
a long Vaas and little pirate story 
Unlike most souls who resided on Rook Island, Y/N was not born there, she did not choose to go there, and she had not been captured by pirates.
No, she was just on a boat passing by the island, which had sunk due to an explosion in the poorly constructed engines, and she had managed to survive by clinging to debris and swimming to the beach.
No one had seen her. No one knew she was here. Without money, without a phone, without an identity card, but with enough intelligence to understand where she had landed, Y/N had accepted that she had to be discreet and wait for the right moment to leave the island.
For the first few months, she hid in caves and the jungle. It was not easy, because there were many poisonous plants, wild animals, in addition to the pirates and natives.
The natives weren't mean, but a bit stupid. Talkers. They could speak about the foreign girl who wandered near the villages, and Y/N would have became a prey for the pirates.
Then, after nearly dying of starvation, thirst, freezing, or being eaten by a tiger, Y/N wondered if the best hiding place wasn't staying right in the lair of Rook's most dangerous creature.
Vaas camp.
Y/N had seen the leader of the pirates several times, from afar. He was quite scary, especially when he stopped in the middle of the forest to sniff the air and stare at the bushes, as if he could sense she was there.
There were also the stories she had heard about him. It looks like he was as mad as he was violent, uncontrollable, unpredictable. Always on drugs. Thinking only of money and control.
It was for these latter reasons that Y/N thought she had a chance hiding among the pirates.
Maybe she was small, and didn't really know how to fight, but she was good. Smart. Polite and disciplined. If she did the tasks the leader demanded, and didn't piss off the other pirates, then she would find herself a safe lair.
With some regret, she cut her hair, hiding her face as much as possible with two bandanas and sunglasses. Red bandanas, like the t-shirt she had taken from a corpse, covered by a bulletproof vest. With the headband that flattened her breasts, the oversized pants, the gun at her waist, and boots, she looked like a little man.
A little pirate.
As if everything was normal, she joined a group of pirates patrolling the north of the island. They didn't comment, asking her if she wanted some rum, and snickering that the new one was tiny.
They laughed less when a wild dog tried to attack them and Y/N killed it. Living in the jungle for months was learning to survive.
When they offered her rum again, it was with gratitude and respect.
Y/N first stayed in an outpost. It was simple, it was easy. She wandered far into the jungle to urinate or wash herself. She slept little, and in inaccessible places. Conversations were minimal, only when necessary.
No one seemed to suspect anything or care about her.
Nico and Benny were funny. Almost sympathetic, if she forgot that they tortured and killed the people the group caught.
Carlos was a bit scary. He didn't stay at the outpost, he only came by from time to time, to check that everything was fine.
The first time he had seen Y/N, he had made a funny face.
    'Who's the little guy ?' he asked.
     "New recruit. He's good with a knife."
     "... I didn't know we had a new recruit."
But he had left without adding anything, and everything had gone well.
Until it's time to switch teams. It was hard and boring to guard the outposts and those who did a good job were rewarded by being able to return to camp for a while.
Vaas camp.
Contrary to what Y/N had hoped, not only was the pirate leader there when she arrived, he noticed her right away.
"So, you're the new little recruit with a knife ? It's true that you are small, hermano. A real baby. Easy to eat. You know I could easily eat you, huh chico ?"
"Yes, boss." decided to answer Y/N, staying calm and looking at him in the eye.
This seemed to surprise him, before he burst out laughing. He pulled out his gun, pointing it at her.
     "Do you think you're funny, chico ? Do you think I'm kidding ?"
     "No, boss."
     "... No ? You're just a calm and polite little chico then ? Hmm. We'll see about that."
It was seen very quickly. Like at camp, Y/N found a quiet place to sleep, and she avoided everyone when she had to undress. For the rest, she obeyed orders, she was silent, polite, calm, discreet.
Which did not escape Vaas, who seemed to have eyes everywhere, and who seemed to appreciate this unusual behavior.
His fascination didn't lessen after she saved him from a large stone. Chico, as he decided to call her, had become his hero, his little favourite.
     "There was the rock, there were the caves. Mi chico is like a lucky charm, hermano. I can't stay away from him, or I'll be screwed. And he's so cute. Isn't he cute, Carlos ?”
     "Yes, Jeff."
     "You sound like him. So fucking polite. I love it when he calls me boss. Huh, chico ?"
     "Yes, boss."
     "That's right, my little chico ! My lucky charm."
Everyone knew that Vaas loved chico. The pirates kinda laughed at her because of that, kindly. They could have been cruel, or jealous, but Y/N didn't really get any special treatment, and the boss was calmer since the arrival of the little guy, whom they really liked.
That didn't stop the jokes.
Some spoke of the fact that Vaas was in love. Y/N didn't believe it. It was just stupid remarks about the fact that two men couldn't be close in being gay. Vaas visited the whores of Bad Town. He wasn't looking at any man.
No, he was simply fascinated by his chico, nothing more.
Another joke, very amusing, was invented by Juan.
To tell Y/N that the boss was asking for old and very expensive bottles, abandoned in a cave that is difficult to access by sea, and that he wanted his chico to go get them.
It was not true. 
Vaas hadn't asked for anything, and there were no bottles.
On the other hand, the cave was indeed difficult to access, and once inside, Y/N was unable to come out from where she had entered. She wandered the dark tunnels for hours, days.
There was no water. Her flashlight eventually died. And despite the fear of ending up like this, Y/N was still thinking of the bottles, and of Vaas who was waiting. So while looking for an exit, she looked for the imaginary bottles.
She only found an exit, after almost a week, having to climb against a wall, slipping several times, falling, breaking her fingers and a few ribs, but Y/N managed to get out.
First reflex, drink. Second reflex, find bottles. Any kind of bottle, before returning to camp.
It was almost as hard as getting in and out of the cave. The camp was far away. She was exhausted.
When she arrived, she didn't even notice the silence. The bodies near the door, including Juan's. Bullet and burn marks on the walls. Y/N didn't understand at all the looks and whispers of the other pirates when they saw her coming.
Vaas also looked at her weirdly, as she placed two bottles in front of him.
     "Sorry, boss, I couldn't find your bottles." she muttered before trying to go to her little hiding place, to sleep. She fell after taking ten steps.
     "Chico !" shouted a voice. "Chico, wake up ! Carlos, give me some water and call the doctor ! Chico, no, stay with me. My chico. Mi cielo."
Y/N was really too tired to move, or even open her eyes. She felt hands on her face, a mouth on hers, liquid in her throat, then nothing.
When she woke up, she didn't recognize the room she was in. Pink. It had been months since she'd seen that color, it wasn't a color that lasted long on Rook.
Children's toys. And Doctor Hernarch.
The good doctor, who made the good pills, according to Benny.
He sighed when Y/N tried to move, then when she realized that she no longer wore her bandana on her face, nor her bandage around her chest.
     "Are you all right, young lady. Young man ? Vaas brought me a young pirate boy, and he still thinks I'm treating a young pirate boy. I haven't told him, and I won't tell him."
     "...  Thanks."
     "Don't thank me. It's my job. You might have preferred not to wake up. He seems to like you very much. You hold his heart and his madness in your hands. He threatened me a lot, saying he'll kill me if you don't wake up. Maybe he'd like to know your secret, maybe not. Maybe it would be worse, for everyone. I won't say anything, rest."
Y/N lay down as long as possible, so no more than a few minutes, before jumping out of bed to get her things, and cover herself.
Then, holding her stomach, she went downstairs.
Like a lion in a cage, Vaas walked around the living room in a circle, biting his fingers until they bled. He often did this when he was nervous, or when he had taken too many drugs. It could be both. He looked really worried.
     "Boss, your fingers." Y/N said, staying near the stairs.
     "Chico ? Chico !"
He ran over to hug her, kissing her neck, cheek and forehead over and over, muttering insults and tender words.
     "Mi chico... Don't ever do that again. Ever ! Fucking Juan, motherfucker. He thought he was funny, and now he's used as fertilizer in my garden. Asshole ! I could have lost you because of him ! You shouldn't have listened to him, chico. I'm the one giving the orders, directly. You don't leave the camp without me anymore. I should put a leash on you."
     "Yes, boss."
     "Ah, my chico. Always so polite, always so calm. You worried about my fingers ? It's okay, the doc is going to give me some meds, and you could kiss them better. We're going home !"
In the car, Carlos was silent, glancing at Y/N in the rear view mirror. At Vaas too, who refused to leave her, hugging her tightly. The big pirate had been worried too, for her, and for everyone, because during his absence, the boss had started to lose his head completely.
It was a miracle and a relief that she came back.
Purring, Vaas started rubbing against her again, smiling, repeating how happy he was that his chico had returned.
Y/N then thought that the doctor was not wrong. She held Vaas' madness in her hands, and perhaps his heart, and she couldn't decide if it was a good thing or not.
     "I missed you, chico. I feel dead inside without you."
     "Me too, boss."
     "Mi chico." he whispered, laying his head on her shoulder, relaxed at last.
She had answered to be polite, as always. But also because she meant it, and that too, she didn't know if it was a good thing or not.
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