#bumblebee x platonic reader
in1-nutshell · 8 months
Hello! This is my first time with request, so if I'm doing something wrong, let me know. I noticed there is no Bumblebee Movie request, so I'll go with this one. The Ex-Decepticon abandoned the cause before Cybertron became unliveable because the Decepticons used to fight for equality became power-hungry. The Ex-Decepticon got to Earth years earlier in the middle of the human war - World War 2. The Ex-Decepticon helps the humans to prevent the same fate as their home planet. Years later, they saw Bumblebee getting dragged away by the military, the Ex-Decepticon stops them and vouch for Bumblebee and the Autobots and helped Bumblebee fight against Shatter and Dropkick. The Ex-Decepticon got killed in the end when they sacrificed their life to save Charlie's life. Their last words are, "I see humans in us...don't let them suffer the same fate as us," before they passed away. What does Bumblebee and Charlie feel about the Ex-Decepticon? Please and thank you.
OH... oh...
Haven't done one of these before, so this is a first! I will warn you the water works might come on while reading this. You have been warned!
Hope you enjoy!
Ex-Con Bot Buddy sacrificing themselves to save Charlie and Bumblebee
SFW, Angst, some comfort at the end, Buddy isn't making out of this alive (you have been warned!), Platonic, Familial, Cybertronian reader
The Bumblebee Movie
Buddy didn’t think they’d ever escape war.
Not even when they left Cybertron to find a planet to meet up with the rest of the Autobots, they were taken in only to fight in another war. A war that shook the world, literally.
Thankfully they made friends with the local natives of the planet. They were kind enough to offer a place for Buddy to take refuge, as long as they’d help out a bit with their war.
“What’s today’s mission Chief?”--Buddy
“Covert mission. You think you can handle it?”--Soldier
“Does Starscream want to rule the Decepticons?”--Buddy
“Oh, sorry my bad. I’m good to go.”--Buddy
“You’re sure a strange one, alien.”--Soldier
“Oh, we’re on nicknames now. Chief I’m hurt.”--Buddy
“You started it! You literally started it!”--Soldier
“Maybe I did Burns. Now c’mon we aren’t going to smoke these Panzer tanks!”--Buddy
“If we get out of here alive I’ll make you my kid’s godparent.”--Soldier
“Neat. What’s a godparent?”--Buddy
“If I die your taking care of the little Burns at home with the Mrs.”--Soldier
After the war, the soldier was nice enough to let Buddy continue to live with him and his family. And yes, Buddy did get to become the godparent of the little one. Sector 7 would also house Buddy, but they felt more at home with their makeshift family.
Things were looking up for Buddy.
Buddy lived longer than their friends and loved ones on this planet. They buried each of their friends in private with their family.
Now in 1987, Buddy was staying and working with their godson.
“Hey kid—”--Buddy
“Agent Burns. Buddy we’ve talked about this.”—Agent Burns
“Okay then Agent Burns.”--Buddy
“Don’t say it like that.”—Agent Burns
“Then how do you want me to say it?”--Buddy
“Not like that!”--Agent
“Yeah I know, just messing with ya kid.”--Buddy
“How did you become my godparent?”—Agent Burns
“You want me to tell the story again?”--Buddy
“Wait no—”—Agent Burns
“It all started one drizzly day—”--Buddy
Buddy was out of the state when Bumblebee landed on Earth.
Never had Buddy sped down the highway when they heard Agent Burns’ message about a mechanical being that looked like Buddy on Earth.
“Buddy, this is Agent Burns.”—Agent Burns
“What’s up kid.”--Buddy
“Don’t—never mind, we have a situation down in the Bay.”—Agent Burns
“And, how does this concerns me how?”--Buddy
“We have a robot being that may or may not be related to your race of alien.”—Agent Burns
Tire screech.
“Buddy?!”—Agent Burns
“Wait what?! Describe them!”--Buddy
“Um… small yellow robot, mouth guard, doorwings, and… I think antennae.”—Agent Burns
“Wait, Burns this is a serious question. Does the bot have huge innocent looking blue optics—I mean eyes?”--Buddy
“Yeah—”—Agent Burns
“Oh, Primus almighty! I’m getting over there right now! Don’t hurt him!”--Buddy
“What?”—Agent Burns
“I said don’t—”--Buddy
Call ended.
“Oh… Oh Primus…”--Buddy
When they made it just in time to see a familiar looking scout holding a human female protectively in his servos as the army had circled around him. And their godson in the front.
“Buddy?!”—Agent Burns
“Agent Burns stand down!”--Buddy
“What—”—Agent Burns
“Stand down!”--Buddy
“There’s another you?”—Charlie
“Hi kids.”—Buddy
Bee waving cautiously and confused.
“…Stand down.”—Agent Burns
“Sir, you can’t seriously listen to—”—Random soldier
“Soldier, do you want to finish that sentence.”—Agent Burns
“…”—Random soldier
“That’s what I thought. Stand down.”—Agent Burns
It was a small reunion between them and B-127, as Buddy quickly realized that he had sustained head trauma and couldn’t recall most of his memory banks yet. Not until the full repairs had been placed. Buddy nearly chewed out Powell and some of the other generals for not contacting them before and for even giving Shatter and Dropkick any access to Earth communication systems.
“You’re telling me, while I was out of state for the first time in 15 years, you not only managed to get in contact with other Cybertronians; openly planned their extermination within ear shot; believed everything they said without taking it with a grain of salt; give them access to your satilites; let one of them seduce Powell—”--Buddy
“She didn’t seduce me!”--Powell
“Shatter seduced you Powell don’t lie to me. I’m having a talk with you later about that.”--Buddy
“And on top of everything you all didn’t think about calling me about this?! Their names are ‘Decepticons’ for crying out loud! How did you not see the giant red flags waving in front of your faces!?”--Buddy
“Are you done?”—Agent Burns
“… When I’m done talking to Powell, I’m having a talk with you too kid.”--Buddy
“Why me?!”—Agent Burns
“ ‘Cause you didn’t tell me you went face to face with Blitzwing crying out loud! Though he did let himself go from the last time… kind of looks like Screamer.”--Buddy
Buddy made quick friends with the female, Charlie Watson. Thankfully, Buddy was able to access the rest of B-127’s memory banks after a bit of tampering with his processor.
That’s when the proper reunion happened.
“Hey kid.”--Buddy
Bee hugging Buddy.
Buddy gently hugging back.
“When this situation with Shatter and Dropkick is over, I’ll see what I can do about that voice box B-127.”--Buddy
“His name is Bumblebee.”--Charlie
“Oh, that’s the name you’re going by now?”--Buddy
Bee nodding.
“Well humans do have a habit of giving us names. Might as well continue some of the tradition, right?”--Buddy
“Wait so your name isn’t Buddy?”--Charlie
“No, not my original name. I don’t go by that name any more… it brings too many bad memories. Besides ‘Buddy’ is a much better sounding name than my old name.”—Buddy
“How did you know who those Con’s were? —Charlie
“… I used to know them. I used to be a Con, actually. I was fighting for change on our planet. Our planet’s government didn’t care for any of us. The Cons had the right platform at first. Change to make sure equality was spread to every class. But as the war went on, the goals suddenly changed from equality to having the most power. I didn’t want to be a part of a team that didn’t lookout for the little guy. So, I switched sides.”--Buddy
“Wow… I didn’t know.”--Charlie
“Heh, you’re not the only one Kid. Now let’s get back to fixing these chambers.”--Buddy
“You’re the boss Buddy.”--Charlie
“I know I am Charlie.”--Buddy
Together, the two bots started gearing up for the final fight.
It ended up with the pair of Autobot’s splitting up to cover more ground.
Bee would go after Dropkick while Buddy would go after Shatter.
Everything was going how it should have.
Things were looking up for them.
Buddy should have learned their lesson by now.
But nothing good ever lasts long.
Shatter had spotted Charlie and let out a round of fire to the human girl.
Buddy didn’t think twice when they moved to cover Charlie.
They quickly shielded Charlie’s body over there’s as the hail of rounds began tearing their body. Charlie started screaming in terror seeing what the blaster was doing to her friend.
“It’s okay—AHH!—It’s okay, Charlie.”--Buddy
“No, no, no, no, no!”--Charlie
“Close—HURGH—Close your eyes kid. Close your eyes.”--Buddy
The screams were heard by Bee who had just finished off Dropkick. The scout tackled the Decepticon, beginning their fight.
Buddy felt as if their entire frame was on fire. Slowly they onlined their optics seeing a teary-eyed Charlie beneath them with some minor scratches on her face from the debris.
“You okay Kid?”--Buddy
“Y-yeah. I’m fine. But you’re not! You need help!”--Charlie
Buddy weakly pushed themselves back, landing roughly on their back letting out a painful scream. The holoicons flash dangerously before their optics.
They knew.
They knew it was time.
They could barely feel the tiny hands on their faceplate looking at a shaking vision of Charlie.
Her words were muddled, but Buddy was concentrating on the little bits of warmth those little hands offered as their frame rapidly began cooling down.
Suddenly their helm was raised a bit.
Bee had raised their helm into his lap looking at them with those pleading optics to hang on.
But Bee knew.
Charlie knew.
“Hey now, its okay. It’s okay.”--Buddy
“No, it’s not!”--Charlie
“My—friend to the end.”--Bumblebee
“Couldn’t have said it better myself Bee.”--Buddy
“Buddy!”—Agent Burns
“Agent Burns!”--Charlie
“No, no, no! We need a medic! Someone get a medic here now! Someone--”—Agent Burns
“Burns… we both know I’m not going to last long. And here I was starting to think I was going to… bury the last of my family alone. I’m just sorry you’ll be doing…that.”--Buddy
“Its… it’s been an honor serving by your side Buddy.”—Agent Burns
“Likewise Burns… couldn’t have asked for a better godson. Bee…”--Buddy
“Yes—anything—my friend.”--Bumblebee
“I see humans in us… don’t let them suffer the same fate as us… can you do that?”--Buddy
“Yes—goodbye my friend—goodbye—Buddy.”--Bumblebee
“Sleep well soldier. Your war is over now.”—Agent Burns
Buddy was given a proper funeral at dawn. Agent Burn, Charlie with her family, Bumblebee, and a few soldiers that were close friends of Buddy attended. Bumblebee took their spare Autobot badge with him before leaving. From there everyone parted their ways.
When Bee and Charlie parted ways, they both kept a comm link between the two. Charlie would leave for her garage to finally fix her father’s car, while remembering her friend’s smile.
When Bumblebee eventually reunited with the Autobots on Earth, he mentioned Buddy’s valiant stand against the Decepticon’s and how they fell protecting their human friend.
Bee was going to keep his promise to Buddy. These humans were not going to suffer the same fate as they did.
Not while he was around.
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Imagine femme bot reader being a hugger/cuddler. Femme reader is also lovable, short, and childish, so they get a lot of admirers.
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No continuity or characters were given here but my brain just immediately went "Earthspark" and imagined Femme!Reader is also just a really loving and supportive teacher to the Terrans. LOTS of hugs and pats on the back when the kiddos do a good job. Not to mention every single Cybertronian in this continuity needs a hug I stg
Content Warning: Mentions of PTSD in this one. TBF that's probably a warning for a LOT of my stuff - there's robots be traumatized.
The Earthspark!Autobots recruiting a Femme!Autobot who is a smol, energetic cuddler would include...
Optimus has always been pretty casual about giving his cohorts pats on the back/side hugs/etc, but they don't so often respond to him as enthusiastically as you. They see him as this larger than life thing,  so it makes him really happy that you're so relaxed around him. Between that and how you make sure the Terrans receive physical reassurance, and the two of you become fast friends.
Elita-1 doesn't really initiate hugs, being more of a words person, but once she adjusts to how physical you are she will crush you with affection in return. She immediately gets the sort of bot you are and recognizes your warmth as strength. She will call anybody out who assumes your childish nature makes you naive. Speaking of which....
Megatron has zero idea how to deal with it when you straight up hug him in front of everybody for the first time, and it shows on his shocked face in a way he may never live down. During the war, he never let anybody that close, and while he's mellowed out a great deal now, most bots would be afraid or at least cautious to try being so affectionate with him. He's likely the most prone to assuming your demeanor means you're innocent, even if you've actually suffered from the war as much as anybody else.
Wheeljack ends up asking you for advice on being more open and warm with Twitch - it's not something that comes naturally to him, and he can tell physical reassurance does her a lot of good. You help him out and in return he often has a new gadget for you as a thank you present... to mixed results.
Bumblebee is the most hesitant around you at first - the last thing they need is another child running about, for Primus' sake. Autobots need to be mature and professional. But eventually, he realizes nothing about your sunny disposition keeps you from doing the job at hand just as well as the rest of the team, and from there it doesn't take him long to get attached. 
Arcee is the most like you in disposition AND size, so you two immediately click. She's not as much of a hugger as you, but will respond enthusiastically to a hug by straight up LIFTING you off the ground and swinging you about. The terrans LOVE when you two are teaching, because you're the most encouraging and least intimidating duo of any of the Autobots.
Please, for the love of Primus, give Grimlock a hug. He's not going to openly ask for one, but he needs one badly. He never acts too excited when you hug him but also never backs away or tells you to stop... and you notice the more you comfort him, the more likely he is to come to you when he's had a rough flashback or is otherwise just feeling out of sorts, and not so subtly sit or bend over in a way that makes it easy for you to reach up and hug him.
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bots-and-cons · 5 months
Howdy again! Is it possible you could do the same prompt l asked last time (reader dies and turns cybertronian) but with Autobots instead of cons? Thank you so much!!!!
A/N: If someone’s interested in the decepticon version you can find that here. Ratchet has morals, hence no human experimentation on the autobots’ part
•You were taken by the decepticons and experimented on 
•Ever since the whole thing with Silas, Knockout and Shockwave were both interested in if they could repeat the experiment
•It was mostly Shockwave though, Knockout thought what happened to Breakdown was absolutely disgusting, but he also wanted to know how it was done, so repeating the experiment on you was a chance for that
•So, they did their experiment, constructing you a body from vehicon parts and putting the necessary parts from you into it
•Anyway, the cons returned you to the autobots in a rather cruel manner, basically Megatron just tossed you at their feet saying something like “I believe this is your pet”
•Ratchet worked for days to make sure you would survive in your new body, but he had a lot of trouble, because he didn’t know how much at all about human anatomy or biology
•Shockwave and Knockout had already done most of the work for him though, so he just had to finish the job and make sure you would continue to stay alive
•When you woke up, you were very confused, and scared too
•Your head was all foggy, you couldn’t remember much of anything, certainly not how you’d come to be this way
•It took a couple of days for you to be even able to move your arms or legs, and being able to stand and walk took much longer
•Ratchet was there to look after you the whole time, someone had to be, because you were pretty confused most of the time
•You had a lot of gaps and holes in your memory, you knew things like your name and you knew the autobots were friendly or at least not a threat to you, but you didn’t know who they were or what they were like
•You also didn’t remember anything about how you’d been made into this thing you now were
•You knew you used to be human, but it felt like it had been a dream
•Optimus was of course furious that the decepticons had done this to you, but he kept it under control, so hardly anyone noticed
•Except for Ratchet of course, he was also horrified by what had been done to you and he honestly just tried not to think about it most of the time, because you were still alive
•Arcee was probably the most visibly furious about the whole thing, she even ranted a little about how this was the last straw, etc etc
•Bee was also seething, but his anger was more mixed with this overwhelming sadness and confusion, he had seen the decepticons committing countless atrocities, but this was undoubtedly among the worst
•The whole team had a very hard time understanding how the decepticons could do this, you were no threat to them
•They were all furious, but they tried to keep a lid on it, some managed that better than others, because they wanted to aid in your recovery
•Your recovery was very slow, but they all tried to be there for you as best as they could
•You had to learn to control your new body, and all that came with being a pseudo-cybertronian
•Ratchet kept scanning you constantly for the first three months, at least twice a day, more if something unusual happened
•You had a very hard time mentally for a long while, because of getting used to your new body, never being able to see your family/friends again, and the fact that you had been dead
•Even though you didn’t exactly remember how you had been experimented on, the whole thing still plagued you in your nightmares
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thatturtleleon · 1 year
TFP reacting to you coming to the base with an injury (more specifically a leg injury)
Authors note: I may or may not have fell through my porch (stop laughing how dare you) and injured my leg rly bad, i am in pain lol and this is how im coping
Optimus Prime/Ratchet:
Optimus was working and discussing something with Ratchet when they saw you hobbling towards the stairs like some elderly person
Immediately asked what was wrong and if you're alright
You nod and wave it off as nothing, but your hesitation to walk up the stairs said otherwise
Once they realize something's up with your leg, Ratchet quickly goes into medic-mode and Optimus wants to know what happened, how it happened, and if your ok
Now you have two old bots asking a billion questions at once
After you've sat down on the bottoms steps and reassure them you're alright, you explain what happened
Both of them are like :0
Ratchet goes into medic-mode AGAIN, grumbling something along the lines of "how have humans survived this long" and "cannot believe humans use wood for architecture when it's such a safety hazard"
Optimus is calmer now knowing that you're ok, but still watches as Ratchet makes sure you're 100% not dying
Eventually they settle down, and lift you up very carefully to the couch area where you can rest
Don't you even THINK about touching those stairs.
Freaks out for a second
You calm him down, explaining that it was just your leg that went through and all you got were a few splinters and some nasty scratches
He'll do whatever he can to make you feel better
Video games? Absolutely !! TV? Yes ! Taking you on a drive? Yesyes
Figures that if he keeps you busy (but off your leg), it'll distract you from the pain
and it works, but you do eventually need to rest and he'll be there if you need help with anything
"You what"
Kind of the same reaction as bumblebee but 10x calmer (at least on the outside)
On the inside she's worried bc you just told her you hurt your leg, yet you're WALKING still (wouldn't even call it walking, more like shakily limping around)
Arcee's not gonna baby you but she is gonna make sure you're ok throughout the day
Which means she's probably gonna stick by you a lot more
You don't mind it though, the two of you chat and chill most of the time
If she has to go on a mission while you're still recovering, she'll put you on the couch in the base and says if you even think about moving she'll fuck up your other leg (not really ofc but her "arcee-ness" tone makes you listen anyways)
Sweet bot i love him so much <33
You explain what happened in great detail and if cybertronians could get queasy, he would most definitely be
If Miko was there she would be all ears though LMAO
"Was there a lot of blood???!!!" "MIKO!"
Ofc asks if you're ok and how long it'll take until you get better
Probably'll ask Ratchet or June if he can do anything to help, and June says to make sure you change your bandages every few hours, and put medicine on so there's no risk of infection
Bulkhead states that humans need to be wrapped up in what the kids called "bubble-wrap" 24/7
Ratchet agrees
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Request from @witheringpain - Could you make a headcanon of how all the autobots/decepticons would react if you died in a war (G1) ?
Will do 🫡🫡🫡
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Sorry this is so late but I’ve got so much going on I’ve ended up going through my requests at a snails pace lol.
I haven't done transformers requests in 3-4 years so hello pls don't beat me up over this but here we go anyway:
Warnings: Character Death (Reader), Heavy Descriptions Of Gore And Violence, Themes Of Grieving And Depression
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Autobots: (This is mostly Optimus-centred but I included most of the Autobots reactions because this first part was already too long to repeat for each separate character – I’ve also made it platonic)
Also PLEASE keep in mind that I’ve only seen short clips of G1, which is why I don’t write for them often, so the characters may seem a little OOC – if they are I apologise but it’s the best I could do
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Ooooh boy, they’re not gonna like that
Let’s say you’re Optimus’s bestie (along with the other autobots ofc)
And let’s keep in mind that G1 Optimus is not as calm/ level headed as TFP Optimus and not as ‘death/kill/angry/rage’ as Bayverse Optimus
So he’s not gonna go round on the battle field murdering left right and centre
But he’s also not gonna just stand there
He’s more likely to turn towards the loud gunshot behind him and watch as your body hits the ground and take a moment
Like it’s not gonna click instantly
He probably thinks you’ve been shot in the leg and he waits a second for you to scream or writhe around in pain
But then your body lops to the side and he sees your eyes frozen wide in shock, with a gaping bullet hole still sizzling and steaming away in the middle of your forehead
And when I say it hits them all
It hits them
Optimus sort of just stumbles for a moment cuz he can feel every part of himself short-circuit
He also thought his audio receptors had stopped working
But no
It’s the battlefield
It’s dead silent
Everyone seems to have just stopped
He can’t see (cuz he literally cannot take his eyes off your body) but Prowl and Ratchet are nearest
And they’re desperate to run to him but the fact that he’s so still
Ratchet doesn’t dare go near you for a hot minute because it’s not normal for Optimus to be still for that long.
Prowl’s too busy trying to see who shot you, and eventually he spies the steaming barrel of the gun from across the field and he’s instantly seeing red
The decepticon that owns said gun doesn’t look any better
You can practically hear him from how much he’s shaking
Eventually, the dead silence is broken
“What did you do?”
It’s Megatron
He might be Optimus’s sworn enemy
But he knows when to not cross a line
As in murder Optimus’s closest friend
Megatron only murmured it since he was only frozen in place a few metres away
But it was loud enough to break whatever spell Optimus was under
Both decepticons watched in terror as Optimus’s head snapped towards them, his optics wide and glowing brighter than ever
And you know what’s even worse?
His face guard is gone
Sheathed away and full face on display
Now, let’s clarify that you, are the only person in the existence of ever, to know what he looks like under the mask
And the fact that everyone can see his full face right now shows exactly how out of control his emotions are right now
He’s heaving, he’s shaking, and there’s coolant streaming down his face because guess what cybertronians can cry
In his millions of years fighting wars, Megatron can’t recall a time he’s ever seen such despair on a bots face
Let alone on Optimus
The sounding of creaking metal brings everyone’s attention back on Optimus
And it takes a moment for everyone to realise where the noise is coming from but soon enough they watch as his servo tightens even more around his axe, the creaking noise becoming louder
And all of a sudden everyone’s like:
Oh shit
The decepticon that shot you is like
Shit shit shit shit
And Megatron accepts he’s gonna be a Con down after today because looking at the state that Prime is in he knows it’s not worth it
He looks to the Con who is pleading for help with his eyes and just shrugs
“I think you’re on your own now :)”
Megatron along with everyone else takes a step back as Optimus begins to move
He’s not running, no
Just walking
His optics not moving from the con in front of him as he strides over.
Eventually the con drops his gun with a cry and frantically runs into the woods behind him
But Optimus keeps his speed at walking pace
Which is even more terrifying
Megatron just moves aside raising his hands in surrender as he passes
Because a heaving, blank-faced, mask-less Optimus unconsciously dragging a weapon behind him is not something he wants to try and pester right now
Soon Optimus disappears into the woods after the Con
And everyone remains silent and unmoving as they listen
Pedesteps every now and again are heard from within the trees
Minutes pass and no one is yet to move, too occupied with straining their audials for a noise
Though it isn’t long until everyone flinches as a terrified shriek rips through the air, causing the birds to scatter
A string of frantic pleads of help follow
Until they are replaced with screams as loud clangs of metal on metal are heard
But soon the screams are drowned out by the clangs and soon enough the sounds of the Con are no more
But the clanging doesn’t stop
It just keeps going in a steady rhythm
Until one final loud smash reverberates through the air
And it is silent once again
Everyone else takes this as their cue
Megatron instantly transforms and takes off
And it isn’t long before the rest of the Decepticons follow, leaving the Autobots to themselves
The following silence is soon broken as Ratchet finally moves towards your body
Wiping the coolant that won’t seem to stop streaming down his face, he kneels down to scoop your lifeless form into his arms
Prowl drags himself over to you both, his pedes never feeling so heavy
With a dark solemn look on his faceplates, he stares at your corpse in the medics arms
After a moment, he slowly lifts his servo towards your face, where your face is still frozen in a terrified expression
And as gently as he can, he takes two digits and places them above your optic lids before sliding them closed
That seemed to be a tipping point for Ratchet as he broke down in heaving sobs
His frame trembling as he tried to keeps both himself and you balanced as everyone around looked at him in both surprise and pity
This is a first because Ratchet is probably the least likely to react so emotionally to death
He been witnessing it almost every day for the past few million years after all
But you were someone special
Someone he thought would be the last person to die so suddenly
Someone he thought he would have time to save, and time to grieve
But that’s what war does
It has no mercy with anyone
No matter who someone is and how special they are
And Ratchet thought he had come to terms with that idea
But the scene he gave showed everyone he hadn’t quite accepted it fully
Prowl wanted to break down too
He wanted to scream into the heavens and beyond, cursing out those who took you from them but also hoping you could hear him
A sign to show that you were still here with them
But he knew it would prove useless
And with Ratchet gone too far into his own mind
He knew it was his turn to be the level headed one
Now wasn’t the time to flip tables and punch walls
He didn’t want to show his emotional instability in front of the others
So he joined Ratchet by his side, a servo slowly soothing up and down the medic’s trembling back struts.
He noted that Optimus still hadn’t returned from the woods
But that wasn’t who he was concerned about at the moment
As if on cue, three sets of bouncing footsteps along with energised voices were heard as they got nearer
Everyone tensed at the sound, and slowly turned towards the outstretch of cliff nearby where the voices owners would soon be revealed
Prowl left Ratchet’s side after one last reassuring pat, leaving the now slightly calmer bot to cradle you
Turning the corner, he was met with two bright sets of yellow and one red
Bumblebee, Sideswipe and Sunstreaker had returned from their reconnaissance, playing and shoving at each other joyously after a seemingly successful mission, ready to hear what had become of the fight they missed
Though that all halted when they caught sight of a silent Prowl who was suspiciously not scolding them for returning so late
Coming to a stop, they eyed him, Sideswipe talking first:
“We just saw Megatron and his goons flying away! Did you flip enough tables to scare them off or something?”
That set the three of them into another fit of giggles
But coming to a stop again at the sight of Prowls door wings not springing up in frustration like they usually do
“Say Prowl, what’s got your tailpipe in a twist?” Sunstreaker piped up
Prowl opened his mouth, and got exactly one vowel out before going silent again. He did this several times before eventually giving up.
Ok this was different
Prowl always has something to reply with
“What happened.” Demanded Bumblebee
Despite being a joyous bot, Bumblebee knew when it was time to be serious, and Prowl being lost for words meant that only the worst could have happened
Prowl tried to reply again, but his voice box betrayed him for a second time
Without a second thought Bumblebee strode ahead, brushing aside Prowls outstretched servo and rounded the corner
At a first glance all he could see was every bot crowded around something, but when he called out they all parted to reveal something he wished he could never see
A pained cry of despair echoed throughout the forested valley, and Sideswipe and Sunstreaker didn’t hesitate for a second as they sprinted around the corner to their friend with Prowl hot on their heels
The sight before them was the one thing they never wanted
Bumblebee was being held back as he tried to reach for whatever Ratchet had in his arms, howling and crying out as he stretched his arm as far as he could
The two bots rushed to try and help the others in restraining him, but both stumbled in shock as they caught sight of your lifeless corpse
Soon the bots had to be divided as they wrestled the three young bots that were wailing in anguish for their friend
Bumblebee had given up at this point, his head on Prowls shoulder as he stared at you with a glazed unmoving expression
The twins were worse off, crying and screaming in everyone’s faces until their voice boxes gave out, demanding what had happened and why they weren’t able to save you, why Ratchet wasn’t able to save you, but all the bots and the medic could do was look down to not make any further eye contact.
Not long after the screaming match another set of footsteps were heard getting nearer, and a hush fell over everyone, including the twins after pleas from the others, as they all stared at the silhouette emerging from the foliage
As the bot moved into the sunlight, everyone’s optics widened at the sight
Optimus had returned, but he was barely recognisable
You could still tell it was him
But his paintjob was almost unidentifiable
Blue and red peeked through the streaks and smears of pink and magenta, the energon from the unlucky con splattered all over his frame
The worst parts were on his axe and up his arms, his paintjob covered almost entirely with energon still dripping from those areas along with chunks of metal that slowly slid down his frame, looking suspiciously similar to the con’s paintjob
The most horrifying part, though, was his axe
Which looked like it had come straight out of a horror movie
Through the energon and bits of metal that covered the blades, one half seemed to have bent, the blade curving in a way that would fit a cybertronians head shape after hitting it with the force of a mountain
Which is probably what happened
It’s also probably what made that extra load bang at the end
But no one really cared about that
They were too busy trying to figure out what Optimus would do next
Which was a bit difficult considering he was just standing there not saying a word and just staring ahead into the distance
A beat passed before shuffling was heard and Bumblebee broke away from Prowls embrace and rushed towards the Prime
Despite everyone wanting to stop him, they were too scared of going near Optimus at this point
Reaching Optimus, Bumblebee threw himself around him, not caring about the height difference
This seemed to bring Prime out of his trance, half lidded optics looking down at the smaller bot
Though it wasn’t long before Optimus gently pried Bumblebee’s servos away, holding them in his own
The bots watched albeit tense as the taller bot stared down at his smaller companion
All it took was for Bee to look up whilst blinking back tears of coolant for Optimus to drop his axe with a clang and scoop him into his arms, their helms buried into each other’s neck cables, and Bumblebee’s sobbing started up again
After a minute, they pulled away from each other, and Bee tried to say something through the hiccupping of his voice box, but the Prime stopped him with a servo on his shoulder and a small smile that was far from reaching his optics
Which everyone could see since he had yet to re-engage his mask
But they made sure not to bring it up
Soon Optimus was back on his pedes and picking up his axe, gently leading Bumblebee back to the group
Reaching Ratchet, he placed a servo on his shoulder
“Let’s get them back to the ship old friend."
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Decepticons: (This one’s a bit shorter I’m afraid – I struggled with coming up with anything for anyone else so this is more headcanon-y)
Warnings: Character Death (AKA YOU), Heavy Descriptions of Gore, Themes of Grieving and Depression.
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Now with the decepticons it can be a little different
Depending on what kind of relationship you’ve formed and with who
The Autobots are all tight knit in some way
Whereas with the cons
You could’ve been working with them for eons
But if you’re just another soldier that has been recruited
Then those higher up aren’t gonna bat an optic
They might notice your posts being replaced
But that’s it
If you’re higher ranking and have formed some type of relationship with them
Then things are going to go down differently
Soundwave would be inconsolable for a while
The only ones allowed near him were his minicons
Who would scuttle out his berthroom to grab some energon for their robodad, before quickly disappearing back into the dark room
He wouldn’t come out until Megatron demanded entry
And the minocons along with a few others would wait around the corner in the corridor
Tying to get within earshot but failing nonetheless
Megatron then walked out, not bothering with the troops who scattered as soon as he appeared
It would be another day before Soundwave would emerge
But he wouldn’t answer anyone about how he was
He simply got on with his tasks as he did before
Overworking so much that he would have to be dragged to recharge
Life would resume as normal
But during his weekly spying sessions through the security cameras
Starscream would note the pauses the quiet con would take
Each time in the exact same spot
Standing in front of the doors to the comms room where you had worked
Staring in as if he was looking for you to spring out on him
But you never did
Speaking of Starscream
It’s a bit of a 50/50 with him
You could be any rank
And considering how desperate he is to overthrow Megatron and lead the Decepticons
There’s a chance that he could be so obsessed and caught up in his scheming
That he just doesn’t have the spare time to get to know you or basically care about you in any way
But if we went with the other half
And you were someone he had befriended and roped into his overthrowing plans
Then your death would throw him off track big time
It would take him forever to comprehend the fact that the one con he could trust properly on his ship was in pieces that were now drifting somewhere through space
To the other cons he was just being himself after your death
So just annoying
Complaining how he now had to figure out how to achieve the tasks he had set you for universal dominance as well as his own
But the heaving sobs and wails that echoed through the ships corridors late at night said otherwise
Ravage made the unlucky mistake of walking in on Starscream as he curled up underneath his desk
Though not much time was spent inside as Ravage high tailed it out of there, narrowly dodging something being thrown as the seeker screamed for them to get out
Skywarp and Thundercracker had a hard time as well
Feeling the immense grief flowing through the bond of their trine mate’s spark as they watched him brush you off as just another accomplice in front of everyone else
Onto boss man
Megatron would practically explode
He would be throwing himself into every battle and every autobot he can get his servos on
The one commander, apart from soundwave, he could trust with his life
In a puff of smoke
More like an explosion
AKA you were blasted to smithereens before he could pull you free from the collapsing power reactor
He would be frozen in place, your decapitated servo still grasped in his own
Bits of wiring and armour plating surrounding him on the floor
Along with the pink flames of your energon that had ignited as it hit the burning debris
He doesn’t quite remember what happened next
All he could recall were flashes of the bodies of other autobots as he tore them apart
And he found himself sat in the medbay, glaring unfocused at the metal floor
And now, in his berth room eons later, he still finds himself staring at the floor
Feeling as useless as the glass case that sat upon his shelf
Where a single servo laid, refusing to rust
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Thank you so much for reading! I will reopen requests at some point, but for now, I'll be posting what I've already written. See you soon!
Do not repost
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Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee
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Part 1 of the many more rewrites to come, This will allow me to make them the very best that they can be. Word count:1.5K
It's official !! You walked out of the DMV as proud as you can, you had officially gotten your license to drive. Your dad was super duper proud of you. He knew you would ace it after a few goes. Soon the day after your 16th birthday, he kept a deal with you, If you managed to get good grades before the summer started. He would help you get your first car.
You made it to the used car dealership. God, there are so many options to choose from. What do you pick first?
"Hello welcome to mirage automotives !!" The dealer greeted you and your dad.
"Hi, What would be the best starter car for a kiddo that had just gotten their license ??" He smirked at you playfully.
"Dad" You grumbled, turning slight pink.
"That's perfect. We do have some very good Toyota Corolla's..." The dealer tried to sweeten the deal.
But they didn't quite scream take me home, They were all pretty av. But as you walked by, you came across a bright yellow colour. It pierced the side of your eye. Looking over your eyes were in a little state of wonder, A 1977 Chevrolet Camaro.
You went over and got a proper look on the inside, this was almost practically in mint condition, How long has it been in here ??
Your dad saw you and slightly grimaced, he would know these types of cars would be super expensive.
"Y/n ?? You sure you don't want to look at some of the Ford's ??"
"Could we take a look at this ??" You looked up at him with soft pleading eyes.
"You sure ?? I know you kids want cool cars but... Don't you want something sturdy ??"
"I know But it's just a look"
So he let you do your own thing, Wow the being inside the car was even better than the outside. Oh this was talking your language.
The dealer saw you two and strutted over. "She's a beaut ain't it ??"
"She is" You smiled
"Tell you what, cause you gotten your license, $2000" He offered.
You looked at the dealer and your dad, Please !!!!!!
Your dad could only chuckle, oh alright, for his kiddo.
Once the paperwork was all sorted, he happily handed you the keys and you were officially on your way.
"Thank you Dad... thank you so much !!" You had a beaming smile.
"You better not ding this car up" He playfully chuckled and ruffled your head.
"I won't"
You soon began the drive out of the parking lot, making your way back home. The drive was as smooth as butter. You then reached over and tried to turn on the radio, but it started to act strange... it whirred and scratched, jumping stations.
"Weird" You turned it off.
"If that guy ripped me off..." Your dad frowned slightly.
"I'm sure he didn't, It might just need to be upgraded. Besides the car works is what matters the most" You smiled, trying to reassure him.
He smiled a little. "You're right, it is, thank goodness for that"
And so over the summer, you began to perform various upgrades and much-needed maintenance to the car. It was honestly so much fun. Your whole summer was practically this car, and soon you put the final piece to the puzzle. A brand new radio, hopefully, it'll work... But even when school finally started, you were puzzled by the radio still scratching and whirring all over the place. Not only that, new problems started to arise, The pedals would sometimes not work, gears would change, and even the speedometer was all over the place.
So before school, you took it back to the dealership to ask some questions.
"Hey hi, umm I bought this car last summer and I've done a good amount of upgrades to it, but it seems to be having some issues ??"
"What seems to be the issue ??" The mechanic wiped his hand and looked over the car.
"The radio is just jumping without me turning the dial, The pedals get stuck, Gears change and the speedometer just goes..." You mimicked how it went.
"I'll take a look at it"
You handed him the keys and waited outside the shop, about half an hour later he came back to you with your car.
"Everything looks fine on our end." he handed you back the keys.
Over time, you were just getting more and more frustrated, more problems were starting to arise and you were on the brink, One afternoon, you came back to the car after school and turned the ignition to start it. Nothing... again... nothing, third times a charm, it worked but the speedometer was wonky yet again.
You groaned and began to bang on the dashboard in frustration. "What's wrong with you !!!" You shouted at the top of your lungs.
But then... the engine stopped.
Wait... hang on... cars were not meant to do that.
You frowned as you watched the radio begin to flick a few stations before playing a snippet of a song. "It's nothing wrong with me..."
"What the..." Your car was haunted.
The radio scratched again, playing more strung-together dialogue. Was it... Trying to talk to you ??
Not bad kid..." It said once you figured it out.
You tried to calm yourself and looked around, before back at the radio. "What are you ??" You spoke hesitantly.
"I am... from space !!" It scratched again.
"An alien ??"
An audio of applause was playing. Holy shit... an alien car.
"Why are you here..."
But before the alien car could answer that, you jolted at the sound of something hitting the windscreen, a cup of not-so-nice liquid. Courtesy of your bully.
"Missed a spot L/n" He laughed as he fist bumped his friends.
You growled and flipped him off before the radio began to scratch and play an audio from over the summer, it was your voice telling them off... what in the Ai is this !!
But this riled the bully up, and he walked over to try and get you out, before the car soon began to start and drive on its own, revving out of the parking lot and on the road.
"Shit shit !!!!!!" You tried to hang on from all the drifts and turns as the bully and his friends chased you. Ok, you were gonna be sick. Soon you arrived at an abandoned building after making a different turn, hopefully, they wouldn't find you... oh, come on !!
His friends quickly got you out before you could do anything and sealed off any exits. "You think you're a tough one aren't you l/n ??" Your bully smirked before punching you in the gut.
This went on for a little while, and the alien car saw this time after time after time since school started, he was saddened that no one stood up for you, hence why he did what he did earlier.
So It revved its engine super loudly, scaring the bullies. He went over to the car and ripped the door open, only to find no one inside it... then how...
Suddenly the door slammed shut on his fingers, making him scream out. "Goddamn it !!"
You watched as his friends tried to get his fingers out of the door but it didn't seem to budge until the door swung open knocking them back. But then came the most strange thing of all. The car soon began to shift and transform, massive hands pushing against the ground, it's body rearranging and coupling to stand tall in a new format.
Your bullies friends soon bolted, fuck this shit, they didn't sign up for it.
The alien soon then shifted his arm into what looked like an arm canon. Aiming it at the bully who was now crying.
"Leave... them... alone..." It talked through the radio.
"Screw you !!" It yelled at the alien before it revved up, the arm cannon soon began to hum and glow. "Alright alright !! I'll leave them alone !!"
The arm cannon soon stopped and shifted back into a hand, But just for good measure, you saw the oil filter lid open up and pop out, soon spraying oil all over your bully. He had enough, soon he ran back to his car and drove off.
"Hasta lavista baby" The radio scratched the familiar Arnie dialogue.
You got up slowly and looked up at it... this was crazy... and it stood up for you... It soon looked at you, making you stand back... but it was a more soft look, like it was happy to see you.
"Who are you ??"
It's radio scratched. "My name... is... bumblebee" He whirred softly after.
"Bumblebee..." You started to twitch a smile.
He then did a few boxing punches while the radio scratched "I float like a butterfly and sting like a bee" He smiled at you again.
"Thank you..."
You reached out your hand, to which he responded by placing his palm over your hand, In this moment... a friendship was secured.
Taglist: @callofdudes
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gamersansblog · 1 year
HELLO IT IS I, THE ANON WHO SENT U THAT BAYVERSE REQ W THE PERIOD!! and i have another >:)) take your time and no need to do this if you don't want to <3 this is a lil late valentines request.. bay! optimus, bee, ironhide and ratchet x gn human! reader where their date for valentines stand them up and they see them all sad and sobbing bc of the stupid person (and they have a crush on them so hehehe) LOVE YA, now your - 🌙 anon :))
Thank you anon for the request i hope you enjoy this!
Sorry for the long wait anon and my people!
Bay! Optimus, Bee, ironhide, ratchet with a sad human reader
When he sees you crying he immediately comforts you
It doesn't matter if you want to talk about is or talk about it this will will comfort you
So when you talk about while sobbing this man is mad mad
How dare they ditch you on valentines day your probably one of the most prettiest girl ever (platonic)
Buys you all your favorite things to try to cheer you up
Will put on cheesy romance movies even tho he doesn't understand them
Will find the person that ditched you and ruin his life just be expecting people talking about that person at school/work
Loves you very much (platonic) and it's sad seeing you sad
When I saw you sad this little shit was about to throw hands
But he choose to comfort you and give you some love
When you talk about jwo your crush ditched you on valentines day this Boi saw red for a sec
Will give you your comfort things and make you sit and watch movies while you eat junk good and him drinking energon
This man will ruin your crush car or something they adore (Not a person tho)
Give you so much love it's very overwhelming if your a not so effectionit person
But if your a person that likes to be pampered with live good for you
This man will trash talk about your crush saying he's a stupid boy and just ignore him
Fucker dont understand why you crying over a man/women when you tall about it
But when you tell him your crush ditched you on valentines day that crushes ass will be expecting something they value (not human) crush and not fixibl3 anymore
He doesn't understand human emotions but tries to comfort you
He'll take a break from work just to watch some shitty or interesting movie
Get you some food man's got bags and bags of food that will last you a week
He loves you very much but doesn't really understand human emotions so just be patient with him if he's being a little shit about it
This man also doesn't really understand it
So this man is confused when he saw you crying and sobbing
Let's you cry in his work place while he works just don't be to loud
When you talk about it and your still sobbing he'll listen wile working and gives you a box of tissues
Has a stash of food for you so he'll give you one of your comfort foods
Even tho he hates noises while he works he'll allow you to watch some movie or show in his work place just don't turn the volume up high
When you stop crying he'll give you some wips so you can clean your face or give you some clothes to change
Checks your health just in case man can be worried for your health
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thicctails · 2 years
so im thinking of making a platonic Dragonformers/Kid!Reader fic (since the 5th anniversary of my blog is coming up and I started out as a mer/dragonformers x reader blog)
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opinions? what would y'all like to see in potential installments?
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
About Me
Hi there! I'm Row, and I write (inconsistently)!
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Asks/Requests/Matchups STATUS:
Questions about things are OPEN
Masterlist At Bottom!
Literally just a generally bad dude. I don't tolerate that stuff and you will be BLOCKED thx.
What I write for:
Transformers Animated
Transformers Prime
Bayverse (Haven't seen in a while)
Transformers Earthspark
Transformers RID (Maybe. Depends on the Bot)
DC (I love Justice League Unlimited)
Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel
Various Cartoons, just ask! (Not Spongebob.)
What I WILL Write:
Angst (Not great at it lol)
S*icide/Depression (Not that gory/Severe, and I won't take a lot of these)
Any Gender!
Matchups (Just learned about those!)
Cybertronian/Human/Angel/Demon, etc.
Mayyybe Existing Character X Existing Characers- It Depends
Maybe OC X Character- You would need to give me a detailed description of the OC and it has to pass the vibe check.
What I MIGHT Write:
Smut/Suggestive Content
What I WON'T Write:
A lot of Gore (Minor is aight)
Anything Really Gross
Minors (Platonic is Fine!)
Full Transformers Master List
Lego Monkie Kid:
Redson X Reader X MK
Hazbin Hotel:
Husker X Angel Dust
Yandere Adam X Seer/Psychic Reader
My Little Pony:
Rainbow Dash X Reader
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cyber-streak-2 · 1 year
G1 Bumblebee, IDW First Aid and IDW Ambulon with Cybertronian Reader getting their voice box ripped out in front of them
(G1) Bumblebee, (IDW1/MTMTE) First Aid, & (IDW1/MTMTE) Ambulon with Cybertronian Reader who has their voice box ripped out:
[He doesn’t actually see it happen to you in person. You got captured, so he and his fellow Autobots go to rescue you, and he accidentally trips over something, activating a video- which plays what happened. Someone recorded it.]
[He’s horrified and panicked, wanting to find you even more- the whole time, he’s comforted by whoever went with him to save you. It doesn’t take long before he finds the cell you’re in.]
[You’re panicked, too, and in a lot of pain. At least there isn’t any energon leaking/pouring out from where your voice box got ripped out. He feels bad for you.]
[He’s talking to you the whole time (trying to comfort you) and get you out of here. Although you can’t speak anymore, you can at least mouth the words (if you aren’t wearing a mask), or you’re just doing gestures. He understands... sorta.]
[When you get back to the base, safe, Bee is there to comfort and reassure you as best as he can.]
[Getting a new voice box isn’t exactly impossible, it’s just difficult, because Ratchet doesn’t just have one in the medical bay, but he’ll look- Bee will help, too.]
First Aid
[You all got into a fight with some aliens that managed to board the Lost Light. First Aid finds himself being held back by some, while you’re trying to help him.]
[He watches in horror as one of the aliens just grabs you like a light sack, and rips out your voice box. The noises you made as it was ripped out were heartbreaking, and he remembers them.]
[Some help comes for the two of you, though by the time First Aid gets to you, you’ve suffered some extra damage, and you lost consciousness- either from the pain, or Energon loss, or probably both.]
[When you wake up in the medibay, you notice First Aid nearby, staring at something, with Ratchet trying to reassure him. It’s only when you knock against the berth, that they know you’re awake.]
[First Aid goes to your side, apologizing, and promising that he’ll help you.]
[You realize the item that he was staring at happened to be your voice box. It’s not in perfect condition- it’s crushed up, but not the worst that it could be- it’s fixable.]
[You got taken along with him and First Aid to where Pharma and Ratchet were. You’re not too sure what’s going on, though, you’re pretty off, as you’d been recovering from something else.]
[Although, the next thing you know and feel is your voice box being ripped out— and, primus, it hurts. You can also hear Ambulon shouting. You can hear other things, too, like Pharma talking, but you aren’t focused on him.]
[Ambulon wants to help you- he’s never liked seeing you in any sort of pain. Although, there’s nothing that he can do right now with what’s happening. He guesses he’l have to do it once this is all over...]
[You losing your voice box isn’t going to be the worst kind of pain that you feel here...]
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in1-nutshell · 5 months
Hello again, do you remember the bot Buddy the Ex-con that sacrificed themselves to save Charlie? I looked at the writing request and I noticed Buddy said they couldn't stay on the same team that didn't look out for the little guy. I assume their talking about Bumblebee? If so, do Buddy and Bumblebee know each other when Buddy was still a Decepticon? How did they meet if that was the case? Nutshell Summary, please.
In a nutshell...
When writing that part I meant it in the way that Buddy had enough of the maltreatment of the lower class Cons in the war. They were practically going through them like copy paper.
Buddy came to know Bee by reputation while they were with the Cons.
It was hard not to know about a spunky small yellow bot that used Cons' helms like soccer balls.
I see them meeting informally around the Autobots base. Bee didn't trust the Con, Buddy was used to it.
Bee doesn't fully trust them until one day he was caught in an ambush. He was literally stuck between a rock and a hard place.
The Buddy showed up taking the entire team down rescuing him and bring him back to the base for medical treatment.
Bee apologized to the bot.
A start to a little friendship during the darkest times of war.
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How about someone who was recently turned into a Cybertronian and Team Prime tended to and comforted them? They have a lot of adjusting to do! 👀
TW: A bit of implied disassociation because, holy shit, suddenly you're a giant metal robot and that's kinda hard to wrap your newly non-organic brain around.
((Knock Out is here because there is not enough Autobot!Knock Out and I love him.))
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Team Prime comforting Reader, who just got turned into a Cybertronian, would include...
Optimus reassures you from the first moment that you have a safe home with Team Prime, should you choose to stay with them. Of course, you do. He makes sure you have the time and space to adjust and be comfortable with your new body before jumping into anything. He's just there if you need him, which some days is more helpful than everyone's else's efforts to offer unsolicited advice right off the bat.
Bumblebee helps you adjust to having wheels by challenging you to races that double as training whenever possible. He is almost certainly going easy on you, but nobody ever tells you as much.
Bulkhead is the first to realize that maybe you just really need a damn hug right now, if only because he's not very good with words. He hugs you and reassured you that it will be okay, and you're amazed how warm and fuzzy you feel afterwards, even though you're fairly sure your new body doesn't actually feel such minute temperature changes.
Ratchet tries to be "comforting" by explaining how your new body works... in detail that goes way, WAY over your head. But eventually, you get him talking about Cybertron's history and culture, and realize that your two species aren't all that different after all, which helps more than an anatomy lesson ever could.
Smokescreen is quick to remind you that you don't have to go back to your boring human school/job/house/whatever. Depending on how much you liked/disliked your old life, this is either incredibly helpful or incredibly irritating. If you get upset with him though, he's quick to apologize, and it's hard not to be comforted by that well-meaning smile and a servo patting your shoulder.
Arcee might somehow be even more protective of you than she is of the humans - she knows what happens when bots overestimate how much they can handle, and she figures that's really easy to do when you go from being a tiny, fragile human to a giant robot. Sometimes it's hard to hear her remind you that you're still mortal, but she means well. "Okay Mom, I get it."
Wheeljack, like Bulkhead, isn't very good with words, but he's also not very good with affection. What he can do, however, is listen. He's there the first time you get frustrated with the rest of the Team - not because they truly did anything wrong, but because being cramped into a tiny base with people you've just met will irritate anyone - and he never breathes a word of what you vented to the others. The Wreckers had their spats too - he knows you'll all be cool at the end of the day.
Oh Primus help Ultra Magnus he doesn't have a comforting servo in his body, but at least he's honest about that. In fact, he's the best bot to go to when you're ready to have things less sugarcoated.
Knock Out doesn't understand what the fuss is about - why would anyone ever want to be a squishy, gross organic when they could be Cybertronian? Humans couldn't turn into cars, for one, and couldn't be polished. He gives you a fresh coat of paint and polish and tells you how much better you look now - it does help, in a way. Being able to pick out new paint makes you feel a little more like your new body is really your body.
But honestly? Your biggest comfort might just be Jack, Miko, and Raf, if only because they will remind you any time you so much as frown just how cool being a giant robot is. And then you remember, yeah, it is pretty cool, actually.
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bots-and-cons · 2 months
Request open! So how about Autobots of your choice Reaction to a Autobot cybertronian reader who looks like a decepticon? Just straight up tall, adorned with dark colors and frame a little bit to spiky. And just a plus if bot reader has a joker type personality, especially in battle.
A/N: I feel like I might have written something like this before, but I’m not sure so I’m gonna write this anyway. I just did some of the bots together, since I felt like I couldn’t come up with enough for each of them separately. I didn’t particularly go for the whole Joker thing, but the reader is still kinda chaotic
•When you kicked the door off the escape pod and hopped out, the autobots were understandably a little bit surprised
•They thought you were a con for sure, but then Optimus noticed your autobot insignia, and they lowered their blasters just a little bit
•Arcee actually recognized you, since you had been stationed in the same place for a while, so even though she doesn’t exactly like you, she knows you’re not a con
•You’re a new acquaintance to everyone else though, so trust obviously needs to be earned
•Arcee never really liked you, and she thinks you’re kind of unhinged sometimes, but she also knows you’re a very good fighter
•Bee and Smokescreen are probably the ones least bothered by your appearance, probably because they’re the youngest and don’t have such a stereotypical image in their mind of what a decepticon looks like
•You’ve heard it all your life, how your frame is too big, spiky and an odd color, and while decepticons and autobots come in all shapes and sizes, many of your fellow autobots think you look very decepticon-like
•Especially all the new recruits back on Cybertron were like “What the slag is a con doing here?”
•You’re used to it, and way past caring about it though
•Bulkhead and Wheeljack were kinda weird about your appearance, and when they first saw you fight, they also agreed with Arcee that you’re pretty unhinged and chaotic
•You’re reckless and take a lot of risks while fighting, but you’re confident in your ability, and it usually ends up at least okay for you
•Also you don’t particularly care if it doesn’t end that well for someone else, so the team also sometimes has to dodge your grenades and such
•Which is of course why you keep getting lectures from Optimus and Ratchet, even though you’ve never actually gotten anyone on the team seriously hurt
•Optimus and Ratchet have the longest history with the decepticons in general, being the oldest of the team and because of the relationship Optimus had with Megatron
•So they’ve seen a lot of cons and wannabe cons who’ve modified their frames to look scarier and spikier and stuff like that
•Though you never modified yourself too heavily, you also figured that kinda leaning into the whole “decepticon-like” thing could be an advantage
•Anyway, Ratchet especially isn’t very aware of his prejudices, and he does treat you differently than the others
•Your unhinged behavior is of course also contributing to this, but so is your appearance
•You look (and kinda act) similar to the people he’s been fighting his whole life, but it doesn’t excuse his treatment of you
•You don’t particularly care, because you’re used to it, but when Optimus notices how Ratchet treats you, he mentions it to Ratchet
•Arcee doesn’t think you’re a bad person, she just thinks you’re a bit dangerous because of your recklessness and she keeps an eye on you a lot of the time and especially while fighting
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porkcracker · 2 years
Found family dynamic with the reader (Tfa optimus, prowl, bulkhead, ratchet, sari and bumblebee) please. Basically a scenario where the reader feels like they don’t matter and then team prime comes and comforts them and that they care about them and are apart of there family.
Hello hello, so this took way longer than planned due to holiday stress, but alas I still hope you like it. The focus ended up being more on Bumblebee, Sari and Bulkhead, than the others. Sorry. Thank you for requesting and have fun reading.
GN!Reader & Team Prime (TFA)
After having met the Autobots a lot of things, both amazing and frightening happened to you. At first surprise, shock and adrenaline kept you very much distracted from any or all second or third thoughts you could have had, but recently things had been quieter and you had time to think.
And think you, but quickly your thoughts were filled with all these little moments and ideas you had pushed away just as quickly as they came.
What were you in the eye of these beings beyond a small inconinconvenience? You couldn't bring anything useful to the table and in any emergency situsituation they would need to protect you.
Hell, even Sari, a literal child, was more helpful and less of a burden than you yourself.
Maybe you should keep a little distance between yourself and the team? Make them feel less like they would need to watch out for you at all times.
Deep in thoughts as you were, you did not notice that the team had started to notice your visible absence. Sari looked around the open room with open curiosity and a letting out a thoughtful hum as she did so, which was quick to draw Bumblebee's attention.
"What are you looking for?", he inquired as he leaned down a little. Sari's head quickly snapped up to meet his optics and didn't hesitate to reveal her thoughts to her best friend. "Do you know where [Y/N] is? I haven't seen them for a bit."
From that point on, it didn't take long until the entire team was more or less actively looking for their human friend. Meanwhile you didn't notice them at all as you were still deep in your own thoughts as more and more doubts started to fill your head.
In the end it was Prowl who found you first.
"[Y/N], there you are. We've been looking for you all over." His sudden appearance startled you out of your thoughts and once the information registered in your brain you looked to the side embarrassed as the negative thoughts flared up once more. "Sorry, didn't mean to worry everyone. I'm fine, just thinking about stuff.", you were quick to try and brush the ninja off, while also reassuring him.
A slight frown settled on the bots faceplate and he send a ping to the rest of the team before leaning closer to your form. "Are you sure? It does not seem like it. I am more than willing to lend you an audial.", the ninja offered, watching your reaction closely. The way you avoided looking at him and your slumped shoulders telltale signs for discomfort and other negative emotions he couldn't quite decipher.
Before either of you could have said more, Bumblebee, Bulkhead and Sari arrived and quickly made their way over. Sari was sitting on Bulkheads shoulder and waved excitedly upon spotting you. "[Y/N], there you are! We were looking for you, why weren't you're- hey, what's wrong?", she interrupted herself upon realising how defeated and sad you looked.
Seeing as the three were most likely better suited to talk with you, Prowl gave a last considering look towards you, before quietly leaving.
The three newcomers didn't pay much attention to him though, instead they were quite focused on their unhappy friend. Sliding down from Bulkheads shoulder, Sari settled down next to you. "So?", she inquired again, giving you a gentle poke.
Faced with three curious and concerned faces, you relented with a small sigh. "It's just...in comparison to you all I'm just, you know, useless. Sari, still has her abilities and all, but I'm not in anyway helpful. " You avoided looking into their direction as you talked, already feeling bad for bothering them with your problems, as they already had enough of their own.
There was a moment a silence, before you were pulled into an energic hug by the girl next to you. You wheezed a little at the sudden lack of air, but the sudden swell of words were quick to distract you again.
"That's not true at all. You're not useless!", Sari exclaimed, "You're just as helpful as me, if not more. It just wouldn't work without you, heck, even Ratchet likes you." As the girl talked, Bulkhead carefully scooped the both of you into his servos, to bring you closer to him and Bumblebee.
Once Sari had stopped talking, Bumblebee swooped in to take over, before you could even think of a reply. "She's right, you're just as important as Sari. You're part of the team, we wouldn't be the same without you here. Without you it would only be half as fun and Ratchet would be even more grumpy than he is and the bossbot would miss you a lot too."
Cradled in Bulkheads servos and wrapped in Sari's arms, you could feel your mood raise as your doubts were overtalked with your friends caring words.
A small smile, slipped onto your face and you quietly thanked your friends- family as they chased the negative thoughts away.
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withloveoptimus · 2 years
It's Prime Time Chap 1.
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was posted on ao3 first but i wanted to post it on here too since I'm writing more lmao
this is a two-shot little story that may end up with its own series but who knows that may also change n e way onto the story
Chap One of It's Prime Time
Pairings: Optimus Prime & Reader (platonic), Smokescreen & Reader (platonic)
Summary: Optimus wishes to take you somewhere because he wants to spend quality time with you, and fun ensues.
You spent the day like any other, sitting at the base with the kids, either sitting around or playing video games, which would often get too loud and Ratchet would shout, “Quiet down! Some people are trying to work here!” which was of course like any other day at the base. You were eating snacks you brought as you watched them, occasionally playing when they asked but mostly watching.
As you stuff another chip into your mouth, your eyes wander before landing on your partner in crime, and guardian, Smokescreen. His back was turned to you as he was engaged in a conversation with Bulkhead, probably talking about past battles or something, and you were honestly happy that their friendship was getting better since they got off to a rocky start. Bulkhead was a good influence on Smokescreen, in his own way and they acted more and more like brothers. A “Bromance” as Miko put it when you two talked about it one time.
That did leave you with a few thoughts, like imagining those bro memes you would see and you had to keep yourself from laughing.
While lost in your train of thought, you hadn’t noticed Smokescreen walk over to the human area until a metal finger was poking you. “Oh shit!” You jumped, turning to the owner of said finger only to meet Smokescreen’s gaze, “Oh, hey Kachow.”
He immediately shoots you a look that only makes you laugh.
“C’mon, you promised!” He whined.
“I may have promised but your reactions are so worth it.”
You will never let him live down the fact that you walked in on him doing the 'Kachow!' in one of the empty rooms of the base, after having a Cars movie marathon with the kids. It took lots of bribing from him but you promised to keep it between the two of you–he would never know that you let it slip to Optimus and had to swear him to secrecy–, although you can't help teasing him with it.
He rolls his optics at your teasing but you know he isn’t upset if the little smile on his face is anything to go by. “Anyways,” You close the bag of chips and place them on the table, “what were you and Bulk talking about?” 
There’s some shouting and you sneak a glance to see Miko doing a victory dance as she beats Jack, who watches in defeat, in one of the fighting games you brought. You can only laugh as she shouts, “In your face!” and Jack just sighs. Arcee, Bumblebee, and Raf watch in amusement, making comments here and there.
“Bulkhead was just sharing some battle stories,” Smokescreen says, excitement clear in his voice, and you turn your attention back to him. “just hearing about them makes me so jealous! I would’ve been so awesome on the battlefield back on Cybertron.”
You chuckle and decide to indulge your guardian, “Mind telling me some stories then?” You ask as you get up from the couch and walk over to where he was standing by the railing.
The grin you get in return is worth it and you can only smile as he picks you up and goes somewhere quieter.
It was late night by the time the kids went home and you lounged on the couch, waiting on a certain Autobot leader, who was your other guardian. Smokescreen had offered to take you home but you declined, wanting to spend what little time you could with Optimus, seeing as he was always busy and you were kind of missing his company.
You were officially bored after attempting to keep yourself busy by doodling, reading some books you brought, or playing games. You were blaming it on Optimus taking so long doing whatever it was he was doing.
It's quiet, save for Ratchet typing away at the computer with his occasional grumbling.
An idea comes to mind and it might be a bad idea and maybe it'll piss off Ratchet but you're bored and it's Optimus' fault.
It's too late to back out now as you look over to where he is. "Hey, Grumpy?" You call.
There's no response and you aren't surprised.
"Doc Bot?"
He pauses but continues working.
"Mister Grinch?"
A heavy sigh and shake of his head and you're fighting the urge to just laugh.
"What do you want?! Can't you see I'm working!" He finally snaps, and you howled with laughter. His reaction was totally worth it as he just watched you, utterly annoyed and ready to just send you through a ground bridge home. He fails to understand how Optimus deals with you.
It takes a bit for you to calm down, still a fit of giggles, but when you look at Ratchet again you're close to another laughing fit.
He's gone back to ignoring you, probably for the better, but he's frowning and grumbling about something. Just as you're about to open your mouth to say something, totally not to mess with him some more, you're being picked up.
“I can’t leave you alone, can I?” Optimus says as he sets you in his palm, using a finger to nudge your little body. 
“What do you expect me to do, I was bored! And would you stop doing that–” You growled, attempting to bat his finger away.
Optimus looks to Ratchet, "I apologize for the disturbance, old friend." The medic only grumbles in reply, waving them off so he can get back to work.
You breathe a sigh of relief when Optimus pulls his finger away, you swear he and Smokescreen only do it to mess with you. Before you know it, you find yourself in Optimus' passenger seat.
"What took you so long, Big Red?" You inquire as he starts the drive out of the base.
He's silent for a bit. "I was taking care of some business. I apologize for making you wait so long, Little One."
You snort, “Any longer and I wouldn’t be sitting here right now.”
Optimus sighs, knowing all too well how much you love messing with Ratchet. The two of you could have your moments, but primus could you grind the poor Medic’s gears. The Autobot leader couldn’t even count on his fingers how many times he’s had to pick you up and take you somewhere else before Ratchet hauled you through a ground bridge. It’s even worse if Wheeljack is around.
“Must you mess with him so much?”
“Uh, duh! I do it out of love though so it's okay!"
That pulls a chuckle from him. “Out of love, you say?”
You nod, crossing your arms over your chest, sporting a huge grin. Any teasing from you was always out of love or just joking in general. Still, you weren’t the best at reading the room or reading people in general, so sometimes it went farther than you’d have liked.
It isn’t long before Optimus is pulling up to your home, the ride feeling a little shorter than usual and you can’t help but feel just a bit upset. You kind of want to ask him to drive around for a bit, just so you can spend just a little more time with him, but decide against it. You’d rather not keep him from his duties.
“Little One?” Optimus calls, worried at your silence and the slight change in mood. He decides not to mention the pout you were now sporting.
You shake your head, “Sorry, Big Red, I was just thinking.”
He hums, waiting patiently as you collect and calm yourself. You’re glad he let you do so, even if he could read you like an open book.
Once your thoughts are clear, you pat the dashboard, ready to say goodnight and let him be on his way but Optimus stops you.
“Before you go,” He starts, “I must ask something of you.”
Now that puzzles you. A little weird, you think.
“What’s up?”
He was silent for a moment, trying to piece together whatever he was going to ask. You’re silently hoping it isn’t anything too bad, your behavior has been good this week.
“I ask that you do not stay up late,” Okay now he is being weird, “I wish to take you somewhere, Little One. I do not know where, but we shall go somewhere.” He finishes.
And now he’s completely thrown you for a loop.
Of course, it wasn’t weird for him to take you places, there were a few times he had taken you on patrol if he wanted some company. Sometimes he’d even take you and the kids out if you had projects to do because he was hesitant to let Ratchet help with them again, though he would never say so aloud. So what was this all about?
“What?” Is all you manage to say.
"We'll be spending the day together." He simply says.
That is enough to bring back the grin you were sporting earlier and you have to stop yourself from squealing and kicking your feet. Your wishes had been granted and it honestly felt too good to be true. 
"Really?!" You look at the steering wheel excitedly then pause, "You're not joking are you?"
He's a little offended you'd think he would joke about this. 
"Of course not, Little One, I speak only the truth.”
You pump your fist in the air, “Fuck yeah!” Ignoring the silent reprimand for your profanity. 
Optimus chuckles when you hurry to unbuckle yourself and open his door. “Goodnight, Big Red! Love ya!” You shout and dash to your front door, almost tripping in your excitement. You wanted nothing more than to hurry to your bed and sleep the night away. Although you didn’t think you would even be able to sleep with this much excitement, you were going to try.
Once you finally manage to open the door, you turn and offer your guardian a final wave goodnight before scurrying inside.
You find yourself rushing through your nightly routine, and just as you slip on a baggy shirt to sleep in, your phone buzzes on the nightstand. Sneaking a glance, you realize someone was messaging you. That someone being Optimus.
Big Red: Please be ready by ten.
Big Red: Sleep well, Little One, I love you.
You go to bed with a smile and a warm feeling in your chest.
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Amica Endura
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Part 2 of the rewrites, Hopefully I can remake the magic. Word count:1.4K
Amica endura is a cybertronian word for one's only best friend. The person you stick with for years, and intend to stick by for years to come, and for bumblebee's case, It's y/n.
It's been nearly a year since that faithful day when you got him out of the dealership and you have proven yourself otherwise, he liked you a lot, and you were a perfect friend to him... But only a tiny problem... More than likely he needed permission from a prime, the prime being Optimus, but where was he ??
So late at night when you were asleep, he drove out and took the roads to hopefully find him, just a hint... anything... Soon after almost an hour of driving...
"Ca... ll... Au...ts" A signal was picked up, Bee froze in his place and began to adjust his signal to hopefully hear the message better.
"Calling all Autobots, If you can hear this, meet me at these coordinates" The prime's familiar voice flooded his ears !! Yippie !!!
And soon he sped his way to the location of the signal, oh god it's been ages !!
Optimus transformed at a nearby hill and tried to boost the signal range, Please hope his crew is alright... He looked down sadly before hearing the familiar rev of his faithful companion.
Bee whirred in excitement as he transformed and stumbled in front of him happily as he found him. "Oh captain, My captain !!" His radio scratched. "Glad... to... see you again"
Optimus looked down and gave a gentle nod, he was so goddamn happy. "Bee... good to see you too"
After a bit, Bee started to shift from side to side a little nervously "I can... say something ??" He finally said.
Optimus raised an optic brow. "Go on then" Fully turning to his comrade, giving him his full attention.
Bee stood there for a little bit before opening up his chest cavity to reveal his spark, Optimus looked down at him, and a moment passed before he seemed to understand. "Who is it ??"
He started to grow more nervous, oh god this was it. "Human..."
Optimus blinked again. "A human... You've been mingling with humans" He said firmly, he was only worried.
Bee nodded
"Impossible, It won't be happening" Optimus looked out into the open. Immediately abrasive of the idea.
"They are my friends..." Bee whirred angrily, kicking the ground before going on a rant. "They didn't... See me... as... junk... they helped... me find... my voice !!"
"No... we cannot trust them, the humans will protect what is there's, we can only trust our own kind"
Bee gave him the softest eyes. Now come on, who can't say no to them !! "They... mean a lot"
Optimus looked back out into the open after a while. "If they mean so much, bring them here"
He beeped softly, but you were at work tomorrow, he can't just say before you leave.
But before he could say, Optimus picked up another signal from a familiar rev head. Be beeped again, he has an idea. "Let's go to the mall..."
The next night, you were leaving work and making your way to the bus station, But you didn't make it until a car started to rev in front of you. But the fear slowly dissipated once you realized what car it was
"Porsche 911 Carrera" You looked around it, holy flipping cow... you then noticed on the steering wheel a familiar logo that Bee also had on his steering wheel, was it... one of them ??
The car revved again, clicking open the door. You frowned, So hesitantly you hopped in, knowing that is what it's likely asking... the car feels nice... And before you knew it, the door slammed shut, the engine roared and sped off down the road.
"Woah Woah WOAH !!" You held on for dear life.
The car revved again and went faster just to tease you a little bit, it wasn't long before the police got involved from all the stunt's its been performing.
"Pull over !!" One officer managed to get next to you.
"I'M NOT DRIVING !!" You screamed out.
They flicked the lights on and tried to speed up, but not on this autobot's watch, he has a few tricks up his sleeve.
He swirled around and started to drive in reverse, first blinding the cop and soon rearranging with you safely in back to front. The cherry on top was then he started to make clones of himself and you, You looked to your left to see a clone of you flipping off the cop, and on the right, the clone of you gave a thumbs up.
The car swerved onto an offramp while the cop was distracted, making him crash into a guard division, You were getting to your final destination, speeding off into an abandoned warehouse.
"Yo yo yo slow down !!"
The car skidded along the ground, flinging you out as gently as it could, and soon beginning to transform.
"Woohoo !! That felt good !! Get some oil pumping you know ?? Damn. I've been cooped up forever dude, I can't tell you how old it gets. 'Mirage, stay hidden. Mirage, don't draw any attention to yourself. Mirage, Big is just a movie, you'll never be a real boy.' But that was fun man, your fun dude"
You were just rushing off from the adrenaline, looking up at him with slight fear.
"Oh right, this is probably a lot for you huh ??" He smiled softly as he kneeled to your height.
You scrambled up and grabbed a nearby pole, ready to defend yourself. "Back up !!'
"Hey woah woah, what's with the aggression. I thought after the car chase we were cool ??"
"What are you, some kind of possessed car ??"
"Nah, that's not real man, I'm an alien"
"Like... Like ET ??" Now where did that come from.
"ET !! The little ugly guy in the basket ?? Look at this face !!" He pointed to his adorable face before then holding out a fist for you. "The name mirage !!
You were a little hesitant.
"Come on, give me a little... give me a little... give me a little tap... give me a little tap..."
You then hesitantly fist bumped him.
"There ya go now were friends !!"
Soon you heard more revving, one light and one super heavy.
"Oh great the gang's here"
You looked behind and saw Bee driving in and transforming, Then soon back at the front, you saw a truck driving in and transforming, this one was super tall than Mirage and Bee !!
Bee quickly jumped in between you and Optimus, He knew Optimus meant well, but go easy on them ok !! Optimus stopped to look at both of you before then picking you up and getting a closer look.
"Who... Who are you ??" You frowned.
"I am Optimus prime" He looked at you firmly.
"Bee... what's going on ??"
Bee whirred softly as Optimus continued. "Who are you... Y/n"
'I... I'm just a normal kid... I found Bee in the car shop alright... I ain't even seen nothing I don't even know nothing" You closed your eyes and looked away.
Optimus looked at you firmly before you noticed his optics softened, Out of a sort of apology, before he then gently placed you back down. He still felt like he couldn't trust humans... But he is open to seeing where this will go, if this is what bee wants, he won't stop him.
"Bee ??" You looked over at him.
He whirred softly, putting his focus on you and kneeling down, Unlatching his chest cavity. "Y/n- my best... friend. Most... Important friend"
Your eyes softened when you looked at his spark, It was so bright.
Bee gave you the softest look. "I want... to be your friend- forever" Soon closing his chest cavity, you looked over at the other two.
"What happened ??"
"Dude... He just offered you ultimate friendship" Mirage chimed in, still amazed by the sight.
Optimus nodded to him and you. "Amica endura, The strongest form of friendship that a cybertronian can ever offer. An eternal oath" He explained to you.
"It's never been done with a human before, so consider yourself the first" Mirage chimed again.
Bee looked at you softly, whirring in hope.
You smiled up at him. "Your my best friend bee"
He Beeped happily before scooping you up and holding you close.
Optimus didn't say anything, He didn't feel it was his place, just watching... But he couldn't help but twitch a small small.
Be nuzzled your cheek as you held him close as well. His spark pulsing warmth against his chest, His radio scratched... "I'll love you till the day that I die"
Taglist: @callofdudes
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