#bumlets appreciation
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when Kloppman comes to wake up the newsies before carrying the banner, Bumlets gets up, switches his pillow around, and goes back to sleep
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Snitch/ Itey/ Jake Friendship Appreciation
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"Look they're putting up a headline" (They're always in the same order during the dances, it's always Snitch, Itey then Jake)
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The trio of friends skips right into line next to each another.
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"Hey stupid, that ain't news no more!"
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Itey, Snitch and Jake are inseperable!
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Skipping ahead (literally) to "The World Will Know," the three once again skips into line next to each other in the same order of Snitch, Itey then Jake.
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Behind Boots and Jack.
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Sometimes it's just Jake and Itey.
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Sometimes, Jake and Snitch.
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And other times, it's the bed buddies, Itey and Snitch.
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But the best combo is always the three of them together, as in this scene from "The King of New York", before their big number. Snitch's giving Itey a chest pat of support.
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Jake's little laugh at Itey getting hit over the head is really cute.
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Snitch continuing to eat during the song cracks me up!
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"Flashpots are shootin' bright as the sun"
And of course, their big moment in "The King of New York", in the usual order of Snitch, Itey and Jake.
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"I'm one high falutin' sonuva gun."
And in reverse order from the front.
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Bonus: I wonder why Snitch and Itey sleeps in the same bed. Is it because they are splitting their rent at the Kloppman house or is it because there are not enough beds? The most likely reason I can think of is that Snitch is scared to sleep on his own, he still sucks his thumb and seems to be using Itey as a human teddy bear, so it's probably Itey being nice enough to sleep with him. Maybe that's how they became so close (literally and figuratively). Jake's most likely in the bottom bunk. Maybe they take turns in sleeping with Snitch which makes them really great friends.
Also, I wonder if Itey is disgusted because Snitch's feet is dirty and unwashed or is it because it's feet in general? Because he seems really calm by it before seeing that it's Snitch's feet. He wipe his face after throwing off the foot.
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If I were Itey, I'd make Snitch scrub his feet before going to bed, not in the morning!
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What's awesome, is that they look like friends in real life as well!
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Always like Itey's little head shake when Bumlets lands on the table.
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Look at Snitch about to get into the carriage.
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liliesyonder · 5 months
hello i wanted to say that i enjoy your art so much<3 its such a cute style and im eating and leaving no crumbs.
also me and my friend found out a week ago about Swifty and him being able to draw and im glad you can put that into your art works
we also really love Bumlets, Swifty, and Skittery dearly and we were wondering what your opinion you have of all 3 of them shipped together since Bumlets and Swifty seemed to be close in your drawings (this is also Tumblr were talking about bc it has ruined me and my friends mind)
either way still really love your art! keep it up, your doing amazing :3
First of all thank you so much this def made my day!!!!! that's so sweet of you to say I appreciate it a lot <33 Putting my thoughts abt them being shipped below bc it's a bit long and I understand people have differing opinions on it! (There's also art under the cut!)
I do like to ship them as a trio! Though more often than not I like to write them platonic with vaguely romantic undertones because I think all of them are too emotionally repressed to put a name to their thoughts. And they're teenagers stuck in a closely knit workplace situation while having to maintain their independence so I don't think based on the historical setting there would be much time for internal introspection. So I don't focus as much on the shipping aspect. Still I think they're dynamic is super fun to play with their as a trio in general whether that be as platonic or romantic. I just don't necessarily see them ever committing to anything mostly out of their own self-preservation.
That doesn't mean in my headcanon's there's nothing going on there. I personally love the idea that they all look out for eachother in little ways. It's a running gag in my art that Swifty steals food for Skittery because he always looks so worn out taking care of Tumbler. And Bumlets will take Swifty out to the town to help him blow off stress or distract him from causing trouble. Or they'll sit around while Skittery complains about someone (usually David or Racetrack) either agreeing with him or making fun of the 3rd party.
However you spin it, I just think they work well together. Anyways come talk to me about them individually or as a trio anytime you want!!! I would love to talk about them more often besides my art, but I'm putting some down here too bc this ask got me inspired to draw some stuff out.
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
Bumlets 😚😚😚
oh, bumlets. my sweet child.
first of all, go read the bumlets appreciation post that @itteryskay reblogged like,,, forever and a day ago (the OP has since deleted their account). it’s amazing, I love it, and there’s a good deal about dominic lucero (the actor who played bumlets in 92sies), who tragically passed at 26, two years after the movie premiered.
ok, so- bumlets. here’s me acknowledging that I’m predictable as shit, and we’re going to delve into his name. a ‘bum’ doesn’t actually refer to a lazy person, but to the butt of a cigar. also, when one says ‘can I bum a cigar?’ they’re asking if they can have one. when calling bumlets- well, bumlets, they’re essentially saying that he’s either known for smoking cigars (like race) OR that he had a bad/funny experience with them.
and, well. you know me. imma go with the second option.
what I think happened is a lil’ something like this- when he first became a newsie (and I’d say it was around 12/13), bumlets REALLY wanted to make friends, because he had a harder time trying to do that when he went to school (his family was firmly lower middle class, and his clothes tended to reflect that. the other kids…had some thoughts they deemed appropriate to share about this matter). and all of the cool, older guys smoked, right? so bumlets was like, hey! I should do that! (no, sir.) and so one day he just- took?? the butt??? of someone else’s used cigar????? and tried to smoke it??????????? (ha. notice how I said tried?) when he got caught, he was bent over, hacking and wheezing, trying to get the awful taste of smoke out of his lungs. hence, ‘bumlets’.
now, since he was played by dominic lucero (who was latino, according to different sources I’ve found), and he doesn’t have another name given to him by the fandom, I’ve taken it upon myself to dub him michael herrera (which means ‘iron worker’, so it could be a last name acquired when his parents- who probably planned on working in the factories- traveled through ellis island and had to go through customs). not saying we have to use this name, but I am saying I’M using this name from now on. so.
ok, if you’ve made it this far, buckle up pronto. because my favorite bit of ALL of my bumlets hcs (and believe me, I have more. he’s easily one of my favorites, if not tied for first), is who I ship him with. alright, you ready?
*clears throat so I can yell this REALLY loudly*
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🎭 👔 💚 🎨 😈 :)
Thanks so much for sending me this ask, anon!!!
🎭 Favorite production? It's 92sies, pals. I find the writing sooo satisfying, from the big stuff (David and Jack's arc) to the small (the period slang). The whole film shows an incredible attention to detail; there's always something to watch in the background. And using real kids gives it a sense of authenticity and pathos that no stage show can match.
👔 My favorite newsie outfit is Romeo in likesies. Idk, I just love his striped undershirt and striped socks. It's so fun! I also adore Jack himself in uksies and of course poor Racetrack in 92sies, trying so hard to look dapper and faaaaailing.
💚 What counts as a background newsie? I love livesies Specs, as well as 92sies Mush and Blink, but those fellows all have dialogue. If we're talking kids who have no lines: Bumlets, Itey, uksies Jojo. My favorite truly obscure newsie is Snaps in 92sies, who waves his bowler hat in excitement when Jack speaks. 
🎨 The best Newsies fanfic I've ever read is Partly Cloudy, Clear by Evening by ealcynn, part of the "how did Jack and Crutchie meet?" genre. Before there was badass Matthew Duckett Crutchie, there was this take: a tenacious homeless 12 year old who will risk a lot to help a stranger but DOES NOT WANT TO BE FUCKING CARRIED. There are also tons of cool historical details. Go read  it now and then come back here so we can talk about it!
I developed my appreciation for 92sies by watching this incredible video by Anya Naylor. Strongly recommend.
😈 Unpopular opinion? OK, here goes: sprace is 10x more interesting when Spot Conlon is a girl. Y'all say you are into Filipina or Black girl Spot from uksies, but where's the proof? Where are the stories? Where's the artwork? In general I'd like to see more fics that explore period-typical racism (or antisemitism and nativism) among the newsies or that newsies face. Please send me recs!
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Dominic Lucero as Bumlets Appreciation
@letter-from-the-refuge asked for some Bumlets gifs and I am always happy to share some of my boy
I love him!! I hope these are what you’re looking for <3 <3
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i-seed-u · 2 years
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newsie-softie · 4 years
i think one of the best things about the Newsies fandom is that usually when i watch movies, i have to force myself to not get attached to minor/background characters, bc more often than not, they won’t have names or headcannons or any sort of actual story to them, but us????? yeah, i don’t think i have to even explain myself
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mosiee · 3 years
Everyone please appreciate Bumlets’s hair flip
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Hey guys! Id rlly appreciate it if you’d send some newsies writing prompts for me to get to! Just a few drabbles, just for fun!
The ships i’d most like to write atm are:
Bumswiftery(Bumlets x Swifty x Skittery)
And maybe Crutchy x Spot, because I’d think it would be interesting.
So! Yeah! Send em in!
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80s90smovies · 4 years
April Showers | Bumlets
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requested by anon!
so so so so so excited to write my first full newsie imagine omg
warnings : like one bad word
The weather forecast in the papes has been predicting rain all week. You had a vast appreciation for rain and rainy days, but you had found out the hard way that storms were much harder to appreciate when you were caught out in the middle of them. You much preferred the rain over snow, so you were extremely pleased that the arrival of April thwarted New York’s snowy season. The winds in the city were sharp, but a little chill was nothing you couldn’t handle. After all, you basically lived outdoors.
However, you would much rather stay holed up in Kloppman’s while the rain pattered against the creaky roof. On dismal days, you looked forward to selling your papes as quickly as possible. Your boyfriend felt otherwise.
“Youse is worrying too much, Y/N,” Bumlets chuckled as he led you down one of the city’s familiar streets. There were bulging gray clouds hanging above you and the wind had begun to pick up. 
You caught up to him, falling into stride beside him. He shifted his last few remaining papes to his left arm so that you could tuck your hand into his. You looked up at him with begging eyes. “Can we please just finish up selling your papes and go back? I really don’t wanna be out in the rain,” you pleaded, a pout on your lips.
Bumlets took in your expression, a light laugh leaving his lips. He leaned over and pressed a quick kiss against your pouted lips. “You’re cute,” he murmured, his thumb rubbing against the back of your hand. He smiled deviously to himself, “but a little rain ain’t gonna hurt youse.”
You let out an aggravated sigh. You figured that arguing wasn’t going to get you anywhere, so you just continued to walk along side him in silence. The air grew colder as Bumlets sold a few more papes. You two wandered the streets, Bumlets still trying to get rid of his last couple of newpapers, when the mist started. It was nothing more than a wet fog for the first few minutes, but it wasn’t long before thick drops began to fall onto your head and shoulders.
“Bumlets, can we go back yet?” You asked softly, tugging on his hand. He waved the last two papers in his hands at you as his response. As the rain began to fall harder, you whined, “C’mon, it’s not like we’re gonna find very many people out in this weather. There’s no point.”
Seeing that you made a point, he dumped his remaining papes into the next trashcan you passed. The rain grew heavier, beginning to soak and mat down your hair. You were walking back in the direction of Kloppman’s, but much too slow for your liking. You pulled on your boyfriend’s hand. “Do you always walk this slow?” you asked, only half-joking. You could feel the water beginning to seep through your cotton clothing, and you were not a fan of the feeling.
A mischievous smile appeared on Bumlets’s face, and before you could even react, he tugged you off of the sidewalk and into the empty street. You shouted in protest, but stopped short when he pulled you into his arms. You glared up at him through your rain-coated lashes. “What are you doing?” you asked with a grunt.
With one hand wrapped securely over yours and the other planted firmly on your waist, he began to lead you through a waltz. Though you were entirely soaked and extremely frustrated, you couldn’t help but chuckle. “Really?” you said exasperatedly, but proceeded to follow his lead in the dance.
“We’re already wet,” he reasoned, a small smile on his lips, “ain’t no use in wasting a perfect opportunity.”
You giggled, rolling your eyes. “Any opportunity is the perfect opportunity for you to dance. Lord knows you do it whenever you damn well feel like it,” you shot back playfully.
He grinned, pulling you closer to him. “Maybe,” he accepted softly, his eyes wandering around the empty street for a moment before returning to your face. He smiled adoringly, “I just ain’t always able to convince you to dance with me.”
“That’s because I can’t dance, dummy,” you remarked embarrassedly, a warm flush overcoming your cheeks.
He raised his eyebrows, a humored smile on his face. “No shit? Then... what’re we doin’ now?” he joked, bowing his head to peer playfully into your eyes.
You rolled your eyes, lightly shoving his shoulder. “You know what I mean,” you said quietly. You gave up on the playful argument, instead leaning your head against his shoulder. Water began to puddle around your feet, and there were several instances in which you nearly slipped. Each time, Bumlets was able to keep you upright, his strong arm tightening around you to keep you close to him.
After a few minutes, he let you go, taking a small step back. “Ready to go home?” he asked jokingly, clearly well-aware that you were.
To his surprise, you shook your head. Before he could question you, you cupped his face in your hands, pulling him down to your lips. You kissed him softly, though all sweetness went out the window when he kissed you back passionately, his hand falling to the small of your back. You could feel rain drops fall from his brows onto your face, slipping down your cheeks. You pulled him closer, kissing him hard for a few seconds before letting him go.
You gave him an innocent smile as you held your hand out to him, water dripping from your fingertips. “Now we can go home.”
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dominiclucero1967 · 4 years
Just showing some appreciation
Bumlets is awesome! OUR FAVORITE NEWSIE
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“Wrongs Will Be Righted”
- Bi!Jack - Pan!Crutchie - Gay!David - Trans!Race - Lesbian!Trans!Katherine - Gay!Crutchie - Pan!Romeo - Ace!Race - Bi!Mush - Bi!Finch - Trans!Davey - Trans!Spot - Gay!Mush - Bi!Davey - Gay!Buttons - Nonbinary!Specs - Ace!Davey - Bi!Katherine - Bi!Crutchie - Bi!Race - Ace!Albert - Gay!Ace!Davey -Genderfluid!Crutchie - Genderfluid!Spot - Demiboy!Crutchie - Pan!Race - Bi!Romeo - Gay!Race -  Nonbinary!Elmer - Trans!Jack - Lesbian!Sarah - Nonbinary!Jack - Nonbinary!Finch - Nonbinary!Crutchie - Gay!92siesJack - Bi!Henry - Genderfluid!92sieSpot - Gay!Spot - Aro!Ace!Mike - Pan!Ike - Aro!AceMikeANDPan!Ike - Pan!Ace!Buttons - Genderfluid!92sieJack - Bi!Hannah - Trans!Medda - Bi!Albert - Ace!TommyBoy - Bi!Smalls - 
Requested by: @pyrot3ch-nick
Here’s a GRAND Bisexual Bumlets for ya!! Honestly I’m really upset that they just took out a bunch of the 92sies from the broadway show, BUT we still get to appreciate them because of people like YOU who want to see them!! So thank you!! (Also apparently this is the only line he says in the entire film??? According to the script I saw online??)
Is there a combination you want to see?
Don’t be afraid, and don’t delay… I’m Just An Ask Away
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1899-newsboy-strike · 5 years
How about 15, 102, and 81 with Skittery x Bumlets :0?
15 - Hear my heartbeat? Just focus on that
81 - Was I really that drunk?
102 - Kiss me
A Kiss to Remember - Modern Skittery x Bumlets Imagine
Warnings: talks about drinking, drunk Bumlets, mentions throwing up
Summary: Skittery and Bumlets go to one of Spot’s famous parties, causing Bumlets to get drunk off his ass, and he confesses his feelings to Skittery.
Bumlets had never been much of a drinker, but tonight was different. He was done hiding his feelings for Skittery, but he never had the courage to tell him how he felt. Anytime Bumlets came close to telling Skittery how he felt, he would always change his mind at the last minute not wanting to ruin their ten year friendship. Tonight Bumlets wanted to forget about his feelings so he could have a good time with the rest of his friends and not spend the whole night hopelessly pinning over his best friend. He didn’t plan to be as drunk as he currently was, because he could hardly even walk around without bumping into his friends.
“Hey Bum, who thought it was a good idea to keep giving you drinks?” Skittery joked as he helped keep Bumlets standing as soon as he bumped into him. “Spot… I um…” Bumlets started but had stopped, trying to think of what he was trying to say. “Wanted to have fun.” Bumlets finished as he patted his friend’s chest. “Okay, I think it’s time to get you home.” Skittery laughed as he started pulling him toward the front door but Bumlets stopped him. “No, the party’s fun.” Bumlets protested trying to stop his best friend from pulling him away from the party. “Bumlets I will carry you out of here if you don’t come with me.” Skittery threatened making Bumlets grumble as they both made their way out the door.
“If you feel like you’re going to throw up, please tell me.” Skittery explained as he helped Bumlets in the passenger side of his car. “Wait! What about your car?” Bumlets asked as he pulled Skittery’s hand. “I got a ride from Katherine, it’s fine.” He explained before carefully closing the door and making his way to the driver’s side. Bumlets couldn’t help but feel jealous as he thought about Skittery being with Katherine. “What were you doing with Katherine?” Bumlets asked as soon as Skitery opened the door. “We were talking about something.” Skittery explained leaving it at that leaving Bumlets to think about it the whole ride back to his house.
“You were supposed to wait for me to help you out of the car.” Skittery laughed as he saw Bumlets on the floor. “Took too long.” Bumlets grumbled as he grabbed Skittery’s outstretched hand to stand back up. They both finally got inside Bumlet’s apartment with minimal issues before Skittery took Bumlets to his room. “Stay here. I’m going to get you water.” Skittery explained making Bumlets pout to himself as he laid back on his bed. “You okay?” Skittery asked as he walked back in seeing Bumlets hanging halfway off his bed. “Up you go.” Skittery grunted as he tried to lift Bumlets in a sitting position.
“What’s up? You never drink.” Skittery explained as he handed Bumlets the glass of water before sitting next to him on the bed. “I wanted, I mean I was talking to Spot about my problem and how I wanted to have fun, and he said drinking would make me have fun, and he was right.” Bumlets laughed drinking the water before placing it on his nightstand. “What problem?” Skittery asked but Bumlets stayed silent. “Come on Bum. You can talk to me.” Skittery reassured him as he put his hand on Bumlets shoulder. “You.” Bumlets said quietly, making Skittery confused. “Me?” He asked making Bumlets groan.
“Yes you! You’re always in my head! I can never stop thinking about you. I’ve liked you for as long as I can remember and not being able to be with you just sucks, and then sometimes you just do things and I just wish I could walk right up to you and kiss you!” Bumlets exclaimed his arms flailing about until he realized what he just said and covered his mouth in shock. “Skittery, I’m sorry I-” Bumlets started to say but Skittery cut him off. “It’s okay. I’ve liked you for a long time too. It’s actually what I was talking to Katherine about.” He explained making Bumlets even more shocked than he was before.
“You do?” He whispered as he scooted closer to his best friend. “Yeah, of course I do. I wouldn’t lie to you.” Skittery said as he smiled at Bumlets. “Kiss me?” Bumlets asked Skittery with a desperate look in his eyes. “You’re drunk. Ask me again in the morning.” Skittery explained as he could still smell the alcohol on his breath. As he was about to get up from the bed to sleep on the couch Bumlets stopped him. “Stay? Please?” He asked as he held onto his arm. “Yeah. Just get some sleep okay?” Skittery explained as he turned off the light before climbing into Bumlets’ bed, both of them facing away from each other as they tried and sleep.
“What’s wrong?” Skittery asked turning around after a five minutes of Bumlets tossing and turning. “Can’t get comfortable. Too much to think about.” He explained as he faced Skittery. “Come here.” Skittery said as he held his arms out for Bumlets, but only received a questioning look. “Just come here.” He motioned him over and Bumlets finally scooted closer as Skittery wrapped his arms around his waist. “Hear my heartbeat? Just focus on that and not on thinking.” Skittery said as he rubbed Bumlets’ back slowly. “Thanks Skittery.” Bumlets whispered softly as he nuzzled closer into his chest falling asleep after a few minutes.
Bumlets woke up to an empty bed and the sun shining in his face making him groan. He couldn’t even think about how he got home when he suddenly felt nauseous making him fly off his bed and into his restroom as he threw up. He stayed on the restroom floor for a while until he heard shuffling in his room. He was about to get up until he saw Skittery leaning against the doorframe. “Good afternoon sunshine.” Skittery joked as he saw Bumlets on the floor. “What time is it?” He asked as he grabbed the sink pulling himself up before brushing his teeth. “It’s almost two… so you like me huh?” Skittery asked making Bumlets look up at him through the mirror with wide eyes.
“Was I really that drunk? I told you I liked you?” He asked, putting his head in his hands trying to remember anything. “Yeah. Remember what I told you?” Skittery asked biting his lip and he watched as Bumlets shook his head in response. “I said that I like you too.” He responded quietly, hoping Bumlets would hear him and he wouldn’t have to repeat it again. “Oh.” Bumlets whispered in shock as his head began to pound and he grabbed it as he tried to think. “Here. I got you some aspirin and water.” Skittery explained receiving a small thank you from Bumlets as he walked over grabbing the pills and water that had been on his nightstand. “I also made you some breakfast if you’re hungry. It’s on the stove.” He continued before they both walked out of the bedroom.
“Do you really like me? Or was that just you drunk talking?” Skittery asked as they both ate in what had been an awkward silence. “I do. I have ever since high school.” Bumlets confirmed, blushing in embarrassment. “Well I’m glad you finally told me, even if you were drunk while you did it.” Skittery smiled softly looking down at his plate. “So… do you want to go out sometime?” Bumlets asked him his voice full of hope as he looked at his long time crush sitting across from him. “Yeah, yeah I’d really like that.” Skittery nodded as they both smiled at each other like love struck idiots.
“I better get going. I stayed to make sure you were okay.” Skittery explained as he finished helping Bumlets with the dirty dishes both of them made. “Thanks for that. I really appreciate it.” Bumlets said as he walked Skittery to the front door. “Do you need a ride?” He asked as Skittery turned to face him. “No, I’ll be fine.” He smiled stopping him self before he left. “Oh and Bum.” He said making Bumlets hum in response as he stared at the boy in front of him. Skittery grabbed Bumlets by the shirt before pulling him in for the most passionate kiss either of them had ever experienced. “That’s for last night.” Skittery said as he pulled away making Bumlets stand there in shock as he watched Skittery walk away with the biggest smirk on his face.
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the-gay-trashmouth · 5 years
Hi yes this is an appreciation post for my son Bumlets.
I love him
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bee-in-a-box · 6 years
On July 1st we remember Dominic Lucero’s legacy.
He’s so much more than Bumlets in newsies, be prepared for a huge post by me with overly specific, but true facts about his life. (you can consider this a Dominic/Bumlets appreciation day if you want to!)
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