#bunny in snakeskin boots
iputthesimsontheblog · 7 months
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Gassed up, throw me in the saddle Spin me like a spur, make my snakeskin rattle Sassed up, round 'em like cattle Lookin' like Beyoncé with a lasso I'm a buckle bunny
Black Goth Cowgirl vibes with my OC Erith ❤️
Skin Overlay | Eyes | Eyelashes | Hair | Nails | Tattoo | Pose
Eyeliner | Eyeshadow | Lipstick | Blush
Hat | Top | Pants | Undershirt (Acc) | Boots
Thanks to the cc creators - @evellsims, @serenity-cc, @waterblue, @trillyke, @enriques4, @breezytrait, @poyopoyosim, @kijiko-sims, @elysiantrait, @cubersims, @helgatisha, @ugliecc, @bloodmooncc, @crypticsim
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jmd1027sd · 2 years
Questions of mine that still weren't answered even upon my second viewing of First Kill:
How did they get in trouble for being on the roof and in the hallway during lockdown, but not for the broken window or sleeping in the auditorium?
Where did those snakeskin boots come from?
How was Juliette just casually in a bar taking shots?
Does Margot ever know where her children are?
Why don't they hire some Canadians to be their free range buffet? At the very least for Juliette?
Is Elinor the only one with special powers?
How is the Emerald Malkia getting back out of the dad?
What even prompted Bunny and the MAAMs to think that DA Fairmont was a "Monster Lover"?
Was Talia a hunter before she met Jack, or did he bring her into it?
Did Juliette ever find out that her dad almost died... and Cal that Tess's parents did?
Does Oliver really think that Theo is actually going to be on his side?
Other observations:
I still think Oliver is lying about being able to turn Juliette human.
Tess was was so jealous of Cal, and that's why she betrayed her.
Jojo and the whole Guild are shady af.
I hope that the dude who followed them out of the bar was under the same kind of whatever thrall that bartender was, and actually couldn't reasonably know that Jules is super underage.
The news report Elinor was watching was a CNN broadcast, so the general population of the entire US (at the very least) is aware of the existence of monsters.
Theo's Denali shirt definitely had to be a Twilight reference.
Cal probably learned to drive as part of her training, and I assume Elinor taught Jules, but it was weird to me that they were just driving around like nothing at barely 16.
Talia really is the best mom.
There really needed to be two more episodes.
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alphacrone · 7 years
teluete replied to your post: All Decked Out Like a Cowboy's Dream
I love this AU so much and JACK IN COWBOY BOOTS I AM YELLING
:D :D :D i’m glad! i’ve been binge listening to dolly parton for the past week and now all i can see is jack going whole-hog cowboy aesthetic and bitty DYING 
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noladyme · 4 years
Chess. Chapter 12
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Y/N never hurt anyone who didn’t deserve it. She only took what she needed, or what she felt others needed. She’d stayed out of sight for a long time, avoiding anything that could get her in to too much trouble. But for some reason Rick Flag shows up in her life, and in an instant, everything changes. 
TW: Language, sexual themes, injuries. Rated M 
(This chapter is a little less Rick centric, but none the less essential to the story. This story is obviously non-canon, i.e. Diablo and GQ, but I hope you’ll enjoy it either way. Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list.)
A spotlight blazed at us. I stumbled backwards. “Harley!”, I hissed again. “Get back here!”.
She smiled in my general direction, unable to see me. “It’s fine, Chess”, she beamed. “Show yourself”.
I shook my head, but deciding to trust her, reappeared.
“Jonny, would you turn that down? It’s doing nothing for my complexion”, Harley called; and the spotlight was turned off; replaced by softer lights, coming from colored lightbulbs spread throughout the large hallway we were standing in.
A serious looking man in a suit stepped out in front of us, surrounded by masked enforcers; all carrying machine guns.
“Harley”, the man said. “You’re back. Again”. He did not sound pleased.
Harley introduced us. “Chess; Jonny Frost. Jonny; this is Chess. She’s my friend; and if you let anyone touch her, I’ll punch you in the dick. Again”, she jeered.
She took my hand excitedly. “Come on! I have someone I want you to meet”, she grinned; before stopping to plump up her hair. “Do I look ok?”, she asked. “You look like a high end escort, who got dressed in a candy shop”, I answered with a smile. “Perfect!”, she beamed.
Running up another flight of stairs and down a hallway – all the way dragging me with her – she stopped in front of a double door, painted over with a large grinning mouth, I knew all too well what represented. I didn’t like where this was headed.
The man named Frost had run after us with his men, and stepped in front her, blocking our path.
“This isn’t a good time, Harley”, he said gruffly. “Move, Jonny”, she said, and bared her teeth at him menacingly. “Or I’ll tell him about the time you tried on his favorite Rolex”.
Frost tightened his lips. “He’s got company”, he said. She shoved him out of the way. “Great!”, she smiled. “Bring us a tray of macaroons and some espresso. It’s been a long day”.
I grabbed her wrist, and held her back. “Harley; this isn’t a good idea!”, I whispered.
“This”, she said, “is our ticket to freedom!”.
She threw the door open and stepped inside.
“Hi, puddin’”.
We were in white walled conference room. Walls were adorned with old paintings of what seemed like very important men; whose faces had all been retouched with spraypaint – making them smile menacingly at me. There was a crystal chandelier hanging over a long table; set with plates and silverware for guests that didn’t seem to have had the guts to show up. There were lobsters, cheeseburgers, exotic fruits and jellybeans; laid out on silver trays. Jewelry and money were thrown about the table between the trays.
At the end of the table sat a man with a pale gaunt face, green slicked back hair, and terrifying blue eyes. He was wearing a white tuxedo, shirt open to show the many tattoos and gold chains on his chest. His painted lips spread in a snarl; and he stood up; putting his hands on the table to lean over it.
The Joker. My breath hitched, and I could hear my heart beat in fear.
Next to him, sitting in front of a bowl of what looked like clam chowder; was a man that seemed familiar. In another chair, in the corner, sat a man in a lab coat, working on a tablet.
“Princess”, the clown sneered. “Last time I saw you, we had an… exchange”.
Harley pouted innocently. “I know”, she said. “I shouldn’t have taken the lambo out on my own”. She fluttered her lashes at him.
Frost, who had followed us inside; was smirking at her from where he was stood, leaning against the wall.
Joker exhaled in a way that sounded like a mix between a growl and a laugh. “It wasn’t so much the joyride, as the scratch across the hood; from your impromptu dance party on top of it – in stilettos, I might add”, he said, slammed his fist into the table, and stared at her intensely.
Harleys eyes started to well up, and her pink lower lip vibrated.
“Harley…”, Joker said softly; and suddenly leapt onto the table; his snakeskin boot stepping in the bowl of chowder, spraying the content in the face of the man in front of it.
Kicking a lit candelabra out of the way, and stepping on a tray of pearls and grapes; Joker stomped down the makeshift runway of the tabletop. Harley squealed, and sprang up to meet him, running into his arms.
“I missed you, bunny”, he growled, and grabbed Harleys butt cheeks; making her jump into his arms, straddling his hips. She squealed, and latched on to his lips; and they began making out in a way I hadn’t seen anyone do since high school. “I can’t stay mad at you”, he smiled between kisses.
Frost met my eyes, and rolled them at me. Here we go again, he seemed to be saying; and I couldn’t help but smile.
Joker laid Harley down on the table, and crawled on top of her; shedding his tuxedo jacket in the process – revealing a gun holster carrying a large silver revolver. Harley grabbed on to the back of his head, as he moved downwards, attacking her neck and collarbone with brutal kisses.
Frost cleared his throat, and the green-haired crimelord looked up, meeting my eyes in a terrifying glare.
“What’s this?”, he snarled.
Remembering herself, Harley grinned at him. “Oh yeah!”, she said. “I brought you a present, baby!”.
Joker sprang of the table in a swift move, and walked up to me; head tilted – never breaking eye contact.
I couldn’t blink. Ok. I’m dead, I thought for the second time in just a few days; and swallowed hard.
Harley came running up behind him, hooking her arm into his, and smiled brightly – lipstick smeared across her chin from their make out-session.
“This is Chess”, Harley said. “Chess, this is my Joker”. She put her head on his shoulder.
Giving Harley a quick pat on the head – still not breaking eye contact with me – he shrugged her off, and stepped towards me again.
“Chess…”, Joker breathed, baring his gleaming gold rimmed teeth. “You’re the disappearing girl”. My breath hitched, as he came closer; and I began to move backwards. He grinned at me, and put his hand up, as if coaxing a small animal.
“Here, kitty kitty kitty…”, he said, and moved up slowly until his face was merely a foot away from mine.
“She’s got a killer smile, puddin’”, Harley said from behind him.
In a swift move, he grabbed a hold of both sides of my face, and moved in so close that I could feel his warm breath on my skin.
“Show me”, he demanded with a sneer.
Not moving, I glanced towards Harley, who was nodding at me encouragingly.
Taking a deep shaking breath; I focused, and smiled.
The clowns breath hitched, and his eyes widened from seeing my face disappear between his hands. He jumped back, looking from his hands to where I had been standing.
This would be a good time to run, I thought to myself, but for some reason, I decided against it. I reappeared.
Joker cried out at seeing my shape return; then began laughing. “Oh, honey!”, he declared. “This is the best present you have ever given me!”.
“Even better than the Rolex?”, Harley answered, sending a leering look in Frosts direction. The man looked down at his feet. “Can we keep her?”, Harley asked.
Joker growled, and grabbed her waist, pulling her into a violent kiss.
“Mr. Joker?”, a voice called from the other end of the table. The chowder man was wiping his face with a napkin. Joker angrily unlatched himself from Harley again.
“Jerry, I was having a moment here!”, he growled.
I looked at the stout man, whose suit was still stained.
Judge Jeremiah Kelper.
I breathed heavily – every fiber in my body in attack mode. I clenched my fists; and my claws sprang out. Storming towards the slimy politician; Frost sprang out of nowhere, and held me in a tight grip, as I snapped my teeth at his hands, trying to break free.
“Do you two know each other, Jerry?”, Joker asked with a smile.
Harley looked from me to the judge; eyes serious.
Kelper looked at me; a scar running from his cheekbone down to his chin. I made my mark, alright, I grinned to myself. “I’ve never met the young lady in my life”, Kelper said. Well I was invisible for most of our last… encounter.
“How’re the balls, your honor”, I hissed.
Joker turned his face to look at me. With a sudden realization, he laughed loudly.
“Ghosts, Jerry?”, he guffawed. He walked up to Kelper, and patted his cheek. “You should probably leave, before I let my newest pet loose on you. We’ll finish this meeting tomorrow”.
“But mr. Joker” Kelper began. “I really need to talk to you about these attacks in Downtown”.
Faster than a lightning strike; the clowns revolver was aimed at Kelpers head. He gulped. “T-tomorrow”, he stammered; and went to leave the room – taking a wide path around me and Frost.
He quietly closed the door behind him.
“Now, where were we”, Joker said; and looked at Harley pointedly. She shrieked excitedly, and ran into his arms.
“Let’s go. Give them some privacy”, Frost said, and pulled at me. I tried to struggle. “Trust me”, he said. “You don’t want to see this”.
From behind us I heard groans and moans. “Mr. J…”, Harleys voice gasped.
We left the room as swiftly as we could.
I was put in a smaller room furnished with an intricately patterned couch. A six-pack of off brand cokes were set on the table, next to a plate of sushi I didn’t have the appetite to eat.
I wasn’t exactly a prisoner; but a man had been posted outside the room for if I needed anything, as Frost had said, before leaving me alone.
About an hour had gone by, when I heard a gentle knock at the door. Harley stepped inside; wearing a bright purple minidress, and a brand new diamond necklace.
“Wow”, I said, staring at it. “It’s just a little something”, she beamed, and gestured for me to sit next to her on the couch.
“That judge”, she asked, “was he the one you neutered a year ago?”, she asked earnestly.
“How did you know?”, I asked. “I might have eavesdropped on you and the pole when you was talking”, she answered.
Rick! “Harley, we need to get out of here!”, I said, panicked. “Why”, she asked indignantly. “Because if we don’t return to Flag and the others, they’ll come in after us, and that’s not a fight I think they can win”. “Flag or J?”, she asked, brows furrowed. “Maybe both”, I answered.
Harley popped a maki roll into her mouth, and chewed audibly. “We can’t go right now. I haven’t seen my puddin’ in forever”. I shook my head at her. “This isn’t the time for a Bonnie and Clyde, going out guns blazing situation!”.
She sighed, and toyed with the heavy necklace. “I talked to J”. I raised my eyebrow at her. “What?”, she said. “We talk. Sometimes… in between…”. Her eyes glazed over for a second, before returning to focus, and she shook her head. “Anyway. My J has been hanging out with that judge for a while. He’s been throwing him some parties; helping him out with some cash. Apparently judgie is a fan of cheap strippers and expensive scotch; but that’s not so good when you got a political career to tend to… You know. That old story”. Another roll disappeared into her mouth.
“Is this relevant to our about to die situation?”, I hissed.
She looked at me, annoyed. “I’m gettin’ to it. Gosh…”. She licked her fingers. “So. J’s been throwing some money in Kelpers direction. And in return, Kelpers made sure the cops look the other way when puddin’s been doing business around the city”. So Kelper was working with the Joker. That much I had gathered. “And?”, I coaxed at her to continue.
“Kelper’s been getting’ a bit upset lately, since J’s moved in on Downtown. Some bank or other was robbed; and suddenly, the limp bastard doesn’t want to continue their partnership”. She raised a brow and smirked at me. “Apparently, letting criminals run free in your city, doesn’t look good when you’re running for congress”.
I was still confused. I was also drained, so I opened a soda can; and began drinking from it.
Harley continued. “Now today”, she suddenly leered at me, “Kelper told my J that he needed to back down. Or else”. “I’m sure Joker took that well”, I said, and took a sip. “That bowl of chowder in front of him wasn’t clam”, she grinned. “It was pigs balls”.
I choked on the soda running down my throat, and coughed. Harley slapped my back and giggled at me. Once I’d calmed myself, she continued.
“Kelper told J that he had friends in high places”, she said.
“That’s why Waller wants the Joker dead”, I realized. Having a crony in congress would definitely help her further her own agenda. Especially surrounding the question of tracking down bad guys, and sending them on what pretty much amounted to suicide missions. “Duh!”, Harley smiled. “Here’s the thing. You want to get back at that judge. And I don’t want my boyfriend dead”. She looked at me pointedly.
“So we work together”.
We heard running down the hall. Joker swung open the door and looked at us. He was flanked by the man in the lab coat, and Frost.
“Snickerdoodle, we have company!”, he said, and looked me in the eyes. “This is it, Chessy Chesschess. In or out”.
I heard gunshots from downstairs. He snarled at me. “You want that collar off?”. I looked down at my harness. The light was still green. I nodded at him. “Good kitty. Doc, make it happen!”, he growled. The doctor furiously typed something on his tablet, and the little light on my chest went black. I quickly rid myself of the harness, and threw it on the floor. Joker grabbed Harleys hand. “Lets go!”.
More gunshots. I could hear Ricks angry voice roar. Harley looked from my worried face to the clowns. “Don’t hurt our friends too much. And leave the soldier alone”. “You steppin’ out on me, pumpkin?”, he asked her in a menacing voice. “’Course not baby. But this one has a thing for men in uniform”, she answered, and nodded in my direction.
Joker gave a final snarl, and nodded at Frost – making the man run in the direction of the gunfire.
Harley took a hold of me.
“Grab her arm!”, Harley told Joker, and he put his cold hand around my uncovered wrist. I made us disappear.
We ran up down the hallway, leading us to a separate staircase. I heard running behind us, and a yelp from a henchman; as Croc bit into his shoulder, and threw him over his head.
“Where are they?”, Ricks voice boomed. I was aching to show myself; but the Jokers icy hand reminded me of what I needed to do.
Once at the bottom of the stairs, my companions let go of me. We were met by Frost holding open a back door for us. Outside stood the ghastliest sports car I’d ever seen. Chrome, neon purple varnish, and gold rims. “Get in!”, Joker yelled, and got behind the wheel; Harley joining him in the front seat. “Chess!”, she called.
The door behind us swung open, and Rick ran through it, clocking Frost over the head with the back end of his gun.
“Y/N!”, he hollered at me, eyes furious.
Joker aimed his revolver at him, and I stepped in to the line of shot. “Don’t, puddin’!”, Harley yelled, and grabbed for his arm. Joker growled, but put the gun down.
“What are you doing, kitten?”, Rick asked, voice shaking.
I walked up to him, and put my hands on either side of his face.
“Don’t do this, baby”, he pleaded; his eyes intense. I kissed him softly.
“You asked me to trust you. Now I’m asking you to trust me”, I said. “Let me go. Please!”. He furrowed his brows, then pulled me in for another kiss. He put his forehead to mine.
“Go”, he said hoarsely.
I ran to the car; and threw myself into the back seat. The Joker revved the engine, and then sped off; the force of it throwing me into my seat.
I turned my head to look out the back window. Behind us Rick and my friends were disappearing into the fog of the city.
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officialleehadan · 6 years
Word Salad
Cora froze as she entered the lobby of Callen and Rao’s building. The sorcerer himself was in the middle of a shouting match with a blue-haired woman who was leaning over the railing of the second floor.
“SUGAR PONY PAPER FAINT!” Callen continued at volume, so angry his magic was crackling around him and his tattoos were glowing. “CHAIR WEASEL!!”
“What...?” Cora asked, torn between her raging boyfriend, and her other boyfriend, who was laughing so hard no sound was coming out.
“DICTIONARY RUG!” Callen bellowed up at the woman, who shouted down at him in Fae, just as angry, and barely more coherent. Sparks rolled off her hair and her eyes abruptly went from purple to electric lime green. “SNEAZE HOTEL TAUPE RANK LIPSTICK!”
“That’s Yilsadore,” Rao squeezed out around gales of laughter. “She cursed- cursed him. No matter what he says, it comes out as-“
Cora couldn’t help herself, and started to laugh. Poor Callen was absolutely furious, but Rao was laughing so he probably wasn’t in any danger.
Rao pulled her down into his lap, still chortling as the fight continued, Yilsadore apparently perfectly able to understand Callen through her own curse, and Callen never one to back down.
“It will wear off in an hour or two, Rao said as Yilsadore finally made a very rude gesture at Callen, blew a kiss at Rao, and vanished in a puff of vivid yellow smoke. “Yilsa is vindictive but not evil.”
Callen finally seemed to notice them and stomped over.
“Snuggie,” he muttered resentfully, and stole a kiss from Cora, who was entirely pleased to steal another right back. “Highlighter toes, Emerald belle”
“He likes your boots,” Rao translates, and let Cora up so they could head for the penthouse. “Glad to see you. Thought we wouldn’t until the weekend.”
“I might have a lead on who killed Breton Tor,” Cora told them, and sighed dispute herself as they entered the well-protected, shielded penthouse. Runes flowed from every corner, along with the small housekeeping spells no good sorcerer was without. “I wanted to talk to you two about them.”
“Frog blaster,” Callen contributed helpfully and spat into the sink at the mention of his father’s name. He pulled a jug of orange juice out of the fridge with rather more force than was needed. “Helicopter toast crash.”
“He says he might have a lead too, and if he’s right he’s buying them dinner,” Rao translated, and sprawled across the couch. “What’s a guy got to do to get some damn cuddles?”
“Ask nicely,” Cora told him flatly, but not without a wink as she pulled off her boots- shiny and gunmetal silver today- so she didn’t track rainwater across their clean apartment. “Wait, can you understand him?”
“Honey fingers hotdog.”
“Don’t think I want to know what that one means.”
“I just know him. He’s a chatterbox even when he can’t talk proper,” Rao snickered, but let Cora settle herself across his broad chest. She had been cramping all day, and he radiated heat. She was not planning to move unless something dire came through the door. “Comes of a long friendship. The pact helps, cause it gives some limited thought sharing.”
“Oh, okay,” Cora shrugged, content. As long as neither of her boyfriends were in danger, she was fine. “Want me to fix you? I can probably Null it, but it might kill some of your other spells too.”
Her magic was potent, but somewhat hard to direct.
The sorcerer himself came over a moment later and prodded Rao until he could join their pile, feet propped up on the table, both of their heads in his lap.
“Bunny hash,” he explained, and combed his fingers through her hair soothingly. “Chainlink sparkle lampshade.”
“Says that it’s fine. Yilsadore is a- well, I don’t think she’s a bitch but he does- but they cut a deal. Besides, her curses always wear off in a bit. You said you have a lead for us?”
“There’s a file in my bag,” Cora pointed without getting up. Callen stretched until he could reach, and proper the binder up on his knee so he didn’t have to stop playing with Cora’s hair while he read.
“Drop kick panties,” he said after a minute, and proffered a grainy photo of a man Cora didn’t know except by reputation. “Heavy candle.”
“He knows this person,” Rao translated, and opened his eyes to consider the photo. “Izzat Rocky?”
“Skunk mop.”
“Yeah I don’t like him either.”
“Clorox grass snakeskin titties.”
“Look it was one time!”
“Kant snowball.”
“One. Time.”
“Kitten polo marker smoothie.”
Cora muffled her snickers in Rao’s shoulder. The half-demon prodded his pactmate in the ribs, but settled back down.
“Ex-Flame?” she asked, comfortable but interested in the argument. “He’s a known hitter for the Families, and he’s got the same MO, but he was on camera at a diner during the time of death.”
Callen paused, considered the photo, and then rummaged through the folder until he found his father’s autopsy report. Cora has worried that it would bother him, but Rao assured her it didn’t.
“Onyx rocket,” he said slowly, and read over the report again. “Snap lighter scotch tape magnet.”
“What, you think?” Rao opened his eyes and tilted his head. Cora looked between them and waited for a translation. “I mean, you could, so maybe someone else could too.”
“Could what?” she asked when they lapse into the kind of silent discussion that only the oldest friends could manage. “Translation?”
“He thinks time of death might be wrong,” Rao explained with a shrug. “Time magic is dicey, but preservation magic is relatively easy. If he was dead and preserved, he coulda been dead for days, or weeks, before he was found.”
“Interesting,” Cora murmured, and finally sat up despite Rao’s grumble of dismay. “Can you write up how to do that? If we’re dealing with a rogue sorcerer, we need to know what we’re up against.”
If he was right, their lives were about to get much more complicated.
Secondhand Souls:
Solving a murder is rarely easy, but a sorcerer with a vendetta and his half-demon best friend complicate things.
Cora still hasn’t decided whether or not to shoot them both and blame it on whoever happens to be handy.
Partnership of Flames
Barroom Brawl
Lox of Trouble
Attack on Blue
Busted Engine
Dragon Curry
Territory Negotiations (Free on Patreon)
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Progress Reports, Ides of March
I’ve actually got the Konan/Mei “first meeting” prompt all written up (and have for a while) it’s just a matter of actually typing the damn thing. It’s more preslash and gayness on Mei’s part than anything. Also, zombies.
I’m highly intrigued by the Hawks/Eraserhead prompt and I will be getting Right On That as soon as I get a minute and resurrect some of the ol’ wing kink from my fandom ‘childhood’ (y’all know the drill). I never wrote it but I’m confident I can have some fun times going, even if it’s short.
I’ve started the Todobaku arranged marriage fic (one shot! Nobody get their hopes up!) but so far it’s just Shouto exhausted on a couch. I do have a plot though.
Uhhhh I’ve got like 2.5k of the next “A Study in Survival” update done but I’m not sure if it Speaks To Me properly (y’all all know that fic rapidly expanded past my comfort zone in terms of awesomeness and I’m low-key terrified I can’t live up to the first chapter tbh)
I like the Karin/Ino pirate idea, but I’m like: pirates how? Historical pirates where they both pretend to be men but discover each other and pull a tit out and rule the seven seas? Fun mystical d&d pirates? One’s a pirate, one’s a siren (my fave take so far). SPACE pirates? Stealing space ships? Space? So tldr this idea is still rattling around in my brain some more.
Tobirama/Minato ask is there, and objectively good, but I don’t really have any inspiration for it right now. I did receive it, though! (Thanks so much to everyone who sent me prompts, I love you)
Fugaku/Minato ask is super cute as well and I will be sure to give it attention when the bunny bites. Y’all are so nice sending me prompts, I know I don’t get to them anything like often enough.
I’ve got the neji/anyone x happiness prompt and I hard Stan the concept so expect something, someday. I definitely will make it married sex neji/kiba in the early morning, I just need to write it. Your patience is lovely.
And theN, THEN if you scroll even further I have all these unanswered prompts that I have barely looked at in half a year:
Anonymous said: “Well, what can I say? I’m a badass.” for Mei Terumi x Anko. Pair it up with a accidental sex of your choosing if you want.
createpeacefromchaos said: For the prompt request: “You made an inaccurate assumption about *insert sexual or sexuality misnomer here* and I’m going to teach you the truth” sex - Temari/Tenten?
whyaminotasleepyet said: The "I started pretending to dirty talk to you an hour ago but it stopped being pretend " thingie with Anko/Touka ?
1stsana said: Hey look promptS! “I didn’t know you were a dom and when I called you Sir/Ma'am you almost jumped me” sex Temari/karin
uintuva said: “You found my sex toys and I teasingly offered to demonstrate them welp here we are” sex This brought to mind TentenSakura xD
ravenclaw-in-snakeskin-boots said: Ino/ Sakura “do you think i look good in this? Wait, is this turning you on?” Sex because they would
Anonymous said: “This started as a tickle fight and it isn’t tickling anymore” sex sounds like it could be Sakura/Ino
Anonymous said: Konan/Rin for “Freinds can totally watch porn together and nothing can happen…. no they can’t” sex
Anonymous said: Is time travel fair game? If so, how about “All I’m saying is that I’ve been told I’m a good lay, wanna find out?” sex for Kushina/Touka
Anonymous said: Fuu/Yugito for “You’re intentionally getting under my skin so I threaten to spank you/playfully spank you and now you look like you just got banged against a wall” sex if you feel up to it
Anonymous said: If you're still taking prompts, how about “You played a prank on me and now I’m going to play one on you except oops this accidentally got hot” sex for Kushina/Mikoto
Anonymous said: “All I’m saying is that I’ve been told I’m a good lay, wanna find out?” for Karui/Ameyuri please
Anonymous said: How do you feel about “I noticed the way you were watching me eat this popsicle so I purposely started making it an inuendo and now we’re both hot and bothered” for Anko/Shizune
Anonymous said: Let's be real, this prompt has Ino/Sakura written all over it “Anything you can do I can do better INCLUDING THAT”
Anonymous said: “I didn’t know you were a sub and when I called you a good boy/girl you almost cried” sex or the dom equivalent for Hinata/Temari. I think that would be a really hot pairing, and idk I think Hinata could make a really cute domme after she gets a bit of confidence
Anonymous said: If you're willing to do a Harry Potter prompt, Lily Evans/Narcissa Black “You said you don’t like BDSM but I bet the people you were with just don’t know how to do it, I, however, have experience and bet I could make you like it” with Dom Lily and Sub Narcissa
fallintolife said: sakura/ino. Ino: "Listen, bitch, don't make me put you over my knee." ; Sakura: *turns bright red* ; Ino: "And... you're... into that. Okay, we can work with this." or some such ;)
Anonymous said: How about some time travel!Sakura/Kushina for the prompt: “I’m fixing your *insert appliance/furniture/house thing hee* for you and now I’m sweaty and half naked and you’re drooling” Where Sakura is the one doing the fixing and Kushina is doing the drooling.
Anonymous said: Kushina/Mikoto where Kushina is trying to explain bondage and failing, and so she shows her just what she can do with her chakra chains, for this prompt: “You don’t know what *bondage* is and I’m really bad at explaining things and now we’re doing it oops”
ravenclaw-in-snakeskin-boots said: Mikoto and kushina “you played a prank on me and now i’m going to play one on you except oops this accidentally got hot”
Anonymous said: Mito/Touka for “You found my sex toys and I teasingly offered to demonstrate them welp here we are”
Anonymous said: "I lost a bet to you and the circumstances were supposed to be a joke but I took them seriously" This sounds like Tsunade/Mei to me
Anonymous said: How about Mito/Rin for the prompt “I started pretending to dirty talk to you an hour ago and it stopped being pretending 58 minutes ago” sex
However looking back at some of them I am incredibly intrigued and very grateful to have them on the back burner in case I ever need inspiration. For the record y’all are always welcome to SEND prompts because I appreciate the opportunity for little bursts of creativity, just be aware there’s no guarantee I’ll get to them any time soon.
Thanks so much! (This is just an update btw, a sneak peak into my inbox)
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sleazygoing · 5 years
“you’re all i got.”
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           Kennedy, unsurprisingly, just doesn’t get it. He’s lucky and distracted and definitely overdressed for the beach, pacing, lagging behind, having a good time, kicking up sand. He hops one-legged and almost loses his balance at least twice while prying off one of his boots, tapping it upside-down before he puts it back on, so sand, a lot of it, falls out. 
          “That’s okay, honey bunny,” he says. It’s easy for him to say, with his million shithead pals and his kids and his ex-wives on surprisingly good terms in three different states. Trevor’s kinda fucked, when he thinks about it. But Kennedy’s frown is almost imperceptible, beyond lines on his forehead between huge shades and the brim of a frankly immoral snakeskin cowboy hat. It doesn’t last long. He stops thinking about it, blessed with the uncanny ability to compartmentalize these things into neat little brain filing cabinets. Instead, rolling up with just a cursory pat on both broad shoulders as warning, he hops on Trevor’s back.
          “I ain’t goin’ nowhere.”
           He experiences only mild technical difficulties hiking his legs up around Trevor’s waist, long arms draped loosely around his neck.
          “Unless I like, get hit by a truck or something. So looks like you’re stuck with me, huh? Giddy-up.”
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thecineastes-blog · 7 years
Grand Prix RPDR RuView: Reality Stars!: The Rusical (S06E05)
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Break out your selfie stick and get ready to break the internet! For Grand Prix RPDR RuView, we’ll be giving you the overview of each episode, top moments of each episode, the shadiest moment of each episode, our favorite queen of the each episode, our least favorite queen of each episode, best looks on the runway, and our predictions for next week.
The queens re-enter the workroom to see Charlie Hides’s lipstick goodbye...which is quickly erased by Trinity. I miss when the queens would actually read aloud the departing words of their newly eliminated sister. But that seems to have gone the way of the dinosaur. Trinity does not seem to be the least bit sentimental and wants to focus on what’s ahead. The queens seem so bummed that Charlie did not put up a fight. Trinity is also quick to clarify that she had wished she had been put into the bottom two for her performance and not for her questionable leadership. (personally, I thought she was in the bottom two for both those reasons but I digress…)
While everyone does seem genuinely happy about Sasha and Shea’s win, Alexis wants to become the cream to everyone else’s milk this season and rise to the top; Nina seems like she’d pull a Nomi Malone on any of her fellow contestants if given the opportunity.
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 The next day RuPaul drops in on the queens, sans her usual cryptic video mail. However, it does seem like our prayers (as well as those letter writing campaigns and hunger strikes) have paid off, we actually get a mini-challenge! Judt in time to be considered an Easter miracle! And on top of the that the Pit Crew is here! This season they are sponsorless, but have two new members, Yadir and Jared!
The queens had to shoot fun selfie photos with the Pit Crew in their summer ensembles. The photos were really fun to watch and made me realize how much I missed the mini challenges. Alexis is chosen as the winner, and will spearhead the maxi challenge in Kardashian: the Musical! Since Alexis won she got to choose not only her role, but everyone else’s.
The show seems to have gotten so disjunctive this season (and actually since All Stars 2). Drag Race used to follow a very linear pattern, there was the She Mail/RuMail, the mini challege, the preperation/rehearsal on the main challenge, performing the main challenge, the runway, and finally the lip sync. There just needs to be more a more cohesion for the rest of the series, because it’s getting ridiculous.
Alexis chooses the role self-proclaimed momager™ Kris Jenner; the other casting goes as follows, Eureka as North West, Cynthia as Kim, Farrah as Kylie, Valentina as Kendall, Aja as Kourtney, Sasha as Lindsay Lohan, Trinity as Paris Hilton, Peppermint as Britney Spears, Shea as Blac Chyna, and Nina as Khloe. Nina, originally wanting the role of Blac Chyna is already complaining about not receiving and the rehearsals have yet to start! 
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Eureka, has had her ups and downs these past episodes. ESPECIALLY since she has to use crutches. She is being a real Pollyanna about the situation, which is refreshing. As the queens are listening to their music and trying to get their lyrics down, Nina keeps going on and on about how unfair it felt not getting the role she wanted. Nina is as salty as the Pacific ocean. If this were Dreamgirls, she’d be playing Effie White.
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Peppermint said what everyone else was thinking, there are THREE Black actors to the ONE Black role, so two people are gonna end up being shafted! I’m actually surprised they did not have Brandy as a character in the musical, since Kim working for her led to her meeting, dating and making the sex tape with Ray J.
The choreography session, led by Todrick Hall was well...clunky. Apparently, it was an intensive two-day ordeal...and some people took it to more than others. Eureka is making glam happen, she is applying rhinestones on ballet slippers to make it that more glam!
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Aja has experienced a true Hannukah miracle with thinking she got a slimmer nose. Eureka also ate some humble pie and asks for Sasha and Valentina’s forgiveness. They both open up about their eating disorders, and even Shea talks about her bulimia battle.  RuPaul’s Best Group Therapy Race indeed!
For the musical, I thought they all gave a strong performance but I’m sad they did not perform Kim Kardashian Meets the Easter Bunny: an American Play (and yes that is a real play, available on Amazon).
Ru comes down the runway in a shimmery silver number (is this becoming her signature color?); I’m happy to see hair and makeup and back to normal. So Meghan Trainor is wearing a unicorn onesie. Did she not have a stylist or at least ONE gay friend to talk to her about this? It just looks like she got up out of bed and ran to the studio to film the episode.
For the musical, I thought they all gave a strong performance but I’m sad they did not perform Khloe Kardashian Meets the Easter Bunny: an American Play (and yes that is a real play, available on Amazon).
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Ru comes down the runway in a shimmery silver number (is this becoming her signature color?); I’m happy to see hair and makeup and back to normal. So Meghan Trainor is wearing a unicorn onesie. Did she not have a stylist or at least ONE gay friend to talk to her about this? It just looks like she got up out of bed and ran to the studio to film the episode.
Runway Over-Ru:
Category is Faux Fur Fabulous! First up is Peppermint, wearing a whole lot of pink (are her signature colors Blush and Bashful?). The skirt was very reminiscent of her ‘Naughty Nightie’ look, although the skirt fit her much better. Her faux fur piece reminded me of cotton balls. All in all, I was not a fan. 
Did Kimora leave behind her Princess Banana Lady costume? Because that's what Trinity was serving on the runway (minus the first world sob story about not wearing padding.) the added nose ring and accessories were kind of a cross between Coco Montrese’s ‘Ru-animal’ look and Season one and ‘All-Stars’ alum Shannel. Sasha Velour was serving Russian dressing realness in a Kozachok inspired look. 
The faux fur pants and hat were spot on. Well, after a chilly night of clubbing…” was Alexis’ Look for this runway, although the “reveal” was disappointing. Had she gone with a crystal encrusted mini dress or hell even a nude illusion like a Central Park flasher would’ve been more satisfying than that dress from Forever 21.
Cynthia’s Faux fur look was a lot. It was a two in one, it was mesh, it was faux fur, it had long sleeves, she had on gloves, she had on thigh high boots. Too much. Next up is Nina Bo’nina Brown Mountbatten-Windsor in a great look reminiscent of Mary J. Blige. This look (almost) compensated for Nina’s attitude this episode. 
Aja’s look could best be described as holographic Hoth stripper.Not my favorite. I did like the lavender hair and earmuffs, but wasn’t living for the rest of the ensemble. Looking like a telenovela villain in a snakeskin patterned gown, faux fur stole and wild kingdom jewels was Valentina. I liked the look, but wish it was more faux fur.
Two words: muppet jacket. That’s what I’d use to describe Farrah’s Faux fur piece. That in combination with the holo printed booty shorts, highlighter green color (Hello, Michelle Visage!),  weird windchime foil necklace and Red s-wave wig-it was a confusing look.  I prefer Farrah’s retro showgirl vibe from last episode, it definitely suits her better.
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Shea’s neon vinyl faux fur monster look was IT. It reminded me of Naomi Small’s neon runway look-which I also love. Were the Misfits’s missing a member? Speaking of 1980s kids Glam Rock, Eureka looked like she was straight out of ‘Jem’ and I wasn’t mad about it. From the neon, faux fur, hair, leotard and face paint- it quite literally looked like something Pizzaz would wear (minus the crutches).
Farrah and Cynthia are placed at the bottom two, and effectively were polar opposites with their performances; Cynthia performance was high energy but it was clear she did not know the words. Farrah’s performance was lackluster and somewhat boring. But I was clutching my set of Easter Sunday pearls when Eureka was sent home! 
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In hindsight, it made perfect sense, but RuPaul (and her lawyers) would be remiss (and held responsible) if they did not give Eureka time to heal. Untucked was just really weird when Alexis got on her pedestal about feeling that she did not feel the other contestants tried to help her with her runway look? Ugh.
Jonny’s Favorite Moments:
Mamma Mia!: Alexis Michelle as Kris Jenner nothing short of epic! She was present on stage, even when she wasn’t the main feature, was amazing.
Peppermint Twist: There is nothing better than Peppermint’s commentary on what is going on. My favorite parts of any episode.
Jonny’s Favorite Shadiest Moments:
Tony! Toni! Toné!: Will we be seeing Kardashian: the Musical make it to the great white way….don’t hold your breathe.
The Last Unicorn: Unofficial Commandment for RPDR Judges that I think Meghan Trainor did not realize, DRESS TO IMPRESS!
It’s the Great Menorah, Charlie Brown: I was glad we were able to witness a Hanukkah miracle! Aja’s nose becoming smaller! L'Chaim!
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Jonny’s Favorite Queen:
Eureka, she will definitely will be missed this season. There were times she was downright grating, and others where she was very sympathetic and endearing. This episode, where we saw her hobbling around on crutches and wheelchairs with an ACL tear and not being the least bit salty or bitter? Take notes everybody, this is the attitude to have!
Jonny’s Least Favorite Queen:
Nina’s sourpuss demeanor this ENTIRE episode was really disconcerting. Come on, she was cast as Khloé Kardashian and was acting like she had to play Brody Jenner! And since Khloé is such a fan of the show (and a former judge to boot) I just wish Nina would have put more effort to outshine her cast members. I can see why people have called her a Debbie Downer
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It’s FINALLY Snatch Game; this maxi challenge separates the boys from the men (or something like that). Let the odds be ever in your favor darlings.
Anais’ Favorite Moments:
Crystal Crazy: Valentina’s love of crystals and how stoning “feeds her soul” in ‘Untucked’ was adorable.
Unbreakable: Although she wrecked her knee in the Cheerleading challenge, Eureka didn’t let it bring her or her attitude down. (Side note: FYI Ru-no cheerleading challenges ever again.)
Anais’ Favorite Shadiest Moments:
Basic Instinct: How exactly was it the other Queens’ faults that Alexis wore a basic dress on the runway? It’s a competition! They’re going to be cordial but they’re not going to dress you.
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Unicorn Tears: Was Meghan Trainor’s stylist on vacation? Really, a unicorn onesie?
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Anais’ Favorite Queen:
Eureka and Valentina. Eureka’s positive attitude about her injury and not letting it hinder her in the competition was great-and to be honest I wish she had spent more time being like that, than coming off as desperate for camera time. (Bring positive Eureka for Season 10!) Valentina giving Farrah a bit of tough love was just what the Doctor ordered.
Anais’ Least Favorite Queen:
Farrah Moan and Nina Bo’nina Brown Day-Lewis. Farrah’s whining and cry baby demeanor is getting a bit irritating. She needs to toughen up when receiving constructive criticism-the 5 G’s girl. (Good God Girl Get a Grip). Nina’s attitude was ultra-salty and she spent a majority of her time complaining about not being Blac China, as opposed to taking the role she was given and making the most of it. I understand Nina’s faced a lot of opposition in the ATL drag scene, but she really should be showing her haters that she’s H-E-R-E bitch and showing them that they can’t bring her down.  It shouldn’t be a surprise to her that other contestants are questioning her desire to be in the competition.
Snatch Game! FINALLY. It’s really the time where we’ve hit mid season and it becomes survival of the fittest. Being safe isn’t enough anymore.
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wxlkingwolf-blog · 8 years
What are your muse’s My aesthetics?
BOLD any which apply to your muse! Remember to REPOST! Feel free to add to the list!
[ COLORS ] red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black.white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. storms. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk.twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops.
[ BODY ] claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tail. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby-faced. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. piercing. tattoos. dimples.
[ WEAPONS ] fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers.magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls.
[ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics.
[ NATURE ] grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. lilies. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rainforest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains.
[ ANIMALS ] lions. wolves. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantises. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. geckos. frogs. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ] sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. eggnog. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. ambrosia.
[ HOBBIES ] music. art. watercolors. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. graffiti. fighting. writing. calligraphy. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. guitar. electric guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. bicycle riding. eating. climbing. running. sleeping.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. sweater. cardigan. tunic. vest. shirt.boots. slippers. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. ribbons.
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs. pillows. blankets.
tagged by: @snakeskin-boots
tagging: ... @birddadwithablog, @theseraph
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penny-for-your-sins · 8 years
What are your muse’s My aesthetics?
BOLD any which apply to your muse! Remember to REPOST! Feel free to add to the list!
[ COLORS ] red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black.white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green
[ ELEMENTS ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. storms. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops.
[ BODY ] claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tail. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby-faced. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. piercing. tattoos. dimples.
[ WEAPONS ] fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers.magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls.
[ MATERIALS ] gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics.
[ NATURE ] grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. lilies. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. ocean. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rainforest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains.
[ ANIMALS ] lions. wolves. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantises. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. geckos. frogs. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ] sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. eggnog. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. ambrosia.
[ HOBBIES ] music. art. watercolors. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. graffiti. fighting. writing. calligraphy. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. guitar. electric guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. bicycle riding. eating. climbing. running. sleeping.
[ STYLE ] lingerie. armor. cape. dress. sweater. cardigan. tunic. vest. shirt.boots. slippers. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. ribbons.
[ MISC ] balloons. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs. pillows. blankets.
Tagged by: @snakeskin-boots
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lindyhunt · 6 years
29 Office Costume Ideas for Marketing Nerds & Tech Geeks
Halloween is a fun holiday, and it doesn't get the attention it deserves. It doesn't have recognizable songs or vacation days associated with it, and it falls on a busy time of year for most people in the workforce.
But that doesn't mean you should skip the festivities at your office Halloween celebration.
How many days of the year are you encouraged to dress up and goof around at work? Probably just one -- Halloween -- and even then, it can be hard to know what's office-appropriate.
We want you to have fun this Halloween, so we're taking the work out if it for you. We've compiled a list of DIY Halloween costume ideas that are easy to put together, inexpensive, and perfect for the digital marketer or tech professional.
If your family and friends don't get your costume, your colleagues definitely will.
29 Office Costume Ideas for Marketing Nerds & Tech Geeks
Computer Costumes
1. Alt Text
Alt text isn't just the metadata of an image published on the web -- you could also say it's an "alternative" fashion statement with the text to describe the era. This was HubSpot Director of Content Corey Wainwright's office Halloween costume a few years ago. It's great because you don't even look dressed up if you have a casual office dress code, so you can just blend in.
To dress as alt text this halloween, break out your best 90s alternative garb -- our coworker Corey went with black jeans, combat boots, and a flannel. Then, tape hyphenated text that best describes what you're wearing, much like an image of your outfit would do online to help search engines read the file.
We edited a sash of alt text on to the alternatively dressed girl below, just to help you picture your awesome costume.
Source: That's Life
2. SEO Ninja
Speaking of dorking out on SEO, you could be everyone's favorite LinkedIn title -- the SEO ninja. Dress in all black, buy a black ski mask, and tape keywords all over yourself. Voila ... you're an actual ninja -- just one much more concerned with search engine optimization than lurking in the darkness.
Source: Pinterest
3. Mobile App
Wander around holding an appetizer -- candy, cheese and crackers, chips and dip ... whatever you have on hand. Boom. You're a mobile "app."
This costume also doubles as a great way to introduce yourself and make friends at a party.
Source: Opportunity Max
4. Instagrammer
Want another way to turn handing out food into a costume? Dress up like a hipster and hand out graham crackers. You're an "instant" "gram" cracker server -- or, for short, an Instagrammer. Pun absolutely intended.
5. Ghostwriter
Have you ever written something for somebody else's byline? Such is the life of a "ghostwriter." Turn your author-less accomplishment into this year's office Halloween costume.
To dress up as a ghostwriter, grab a white sheet and cut a hole for your head and arms. Dob some black ink spots on the sheet, get a book and one of those feather quills (or just get a feather, I suppose), and boo -- you're a ghostwriter.
6. Whitespace
Whitespace on the internet might just denote all the blank space you use to help your design stand out, but on Halloween, "whitespace" isn't just the absence of space.
Dress in all white -- add white face paint and a white wig if you're ultra-committed. Then add a hint of color somewhere on the outfit, like a colored tie or scarf, or even a paint splotch. That color splotch will make the white space more prominent, transforming you into "whitespace."
7. Error 404 Code
You've most likely encountered a funny error 404 page before, and you can make it a funny costume, too. Grab a sheet of paper, write "Error 404: Costume Not Found," and tape it to your outfit.
  A photo posted by RachAel Klopfenstein (@theklopf) on Sep 5, 2015 at 12:33pm PDT
8. (Monty) Python
If you're into programming code, British comedy, and low-effort costumes, being (Monty) Python is perfect. Dress up in anything remotely snakelike in your closet: olive green clothing, snakeskin accessories, and fake vampire teeth that can serve as your fangs.
Then, to amp up the dork factor on this costume, add two coconuts or a gold chalice to embody Monty Python on his quest for the Holy Grail.
9. Facebook
Grab face paint or eyeliner and write "book" across your cheeks. Just like that, you're the world's biggest social network for Halloween.
And for your sake, we hope your colleagues actually get it:
Source: AndPop
10. Unicorn
Here's another tech-friendly, double-entendre costume: Be your own version of a tech unicorn. Here at HubSpot, we love this tech icon, and you can easily make your own version of a unicorn horn with help from this article.
Source: WikiHow
11. Phishing Emails
Phishing emails are nothing to joke about -- they can seriously threaten your technology and data security. But on Halloween, you can dress up as a play on phishing emails for an easy DIY costume. All you need are a stick, a piece of string, and an envelope. Bonus points if you own a bucket hat and vest to complete the ensemble. Check out an amusing version of this costume below.
Source: Car and Driver
12. Copycat
"CNTRL + C" is the popular keyboard macro allowing you to copy items from one place to another on your computer. Well, here's a technology spin on a classic Halloween costume. All you'll need are cat ears, eyeliner-drawn whiskers, and a sheet of paper. Write "CNTRL + C" on the paper, tape it to your outfit, and you're a "copycat."
Source: BuzzFeed
13. The Blue Screen of Death
You know the screen, even if you don't know the morbid nickname the tech world has given it. This classic error screen is known for signaling the end of a computer's useful life, and you know it when you see it. It causes so much stress on site, in fact, that the color alone is scary enough for October 31.
Believe it or not, there are official T-shirts you can get with the blue screen of death copy printed on them. Want to make your own? All you need is a royal blue t-shirt and a printed version of this horrifying error message to pin to it.
Source: Spreadshirt
Emoji Costumes
14. Information Desk Girl
This genius professional found a golden (or, rather, purple) opportunity to be the "information desk emoji, the many gestures of whom we've all come to know, love, and use at some point in a text conversation.
The best part about this awesome tech reference is that you don't need to alter your regular attire to make it work. As Naomi shows us below, it's all in the hand gestures.
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    No one recognized my Halloween costume for work until I started texting and striking poses #emojicostume #lazycostume
A post shared by Naomi (@naomi_yyz) on Oct 30, 2015 at 3:26pm PDT
15. Dancing Girls Emoji
If you're the owner of one of the nearly more than 1 billion Apple iPhones sold worldwide, you're probably familiar with the dancing girls emoji, shown below.
The easiest version of this costume is to find a buddy and dress all in black together. If you're committed to emoji authenticity, buy black bunny ears to complete the look.
Source: Brit + Co
16. Heart Eyes
Are you just in love with Halloween? Prove it with this passionate emoji face. You don't have to paint your entire face, chin to hairline, to get the Heart Eyes Emoji just right, but it certainly helps. It'll also disguise your stress when you're at your most focused during the day.
"This employee just seems to love her job, I can't put my finger on why," your manager will think ... See how to paint this emoji onto your face below (you'll need some help for this one).
Topical Office Costumes
17. Fully Vested
At work, "fully vested" usually refers to one's ability to earn all matching funds of a 401(k) retirement plan. But for some, you just can't help but picture someone wearing lots of sleeveless jackets at the same time. Now's the time to personify that image.
If you work in a company where people would get the joke, put on a bunch of vests (at least three, but even more is encouraged), and that's about it. You're fully vested.
18. Nerd
What I love about the nerd costume is that it's effortless and always unique -- there are many ways to be a nerd in this day and age. Are you a tech nerd, a video game nerd, or a book nerd? The sky is the limit with this costume. Show up wearing glasses with your favorite accessories, such as a magic wand, book, or lightsaber, to complete the effect.
19. A Solar Eclipse
Last year, the solar eclipse took over the internet -- and the country. As millions of people flocked to the path of totality to (hopefully) catch a glimpse of this rare event without burning their corneas, millions more made jokes about it on social media.
To dress up as a solar eclipse for Halloween, you'll need a work pal to dress up as the sun and the moon with you. One of you wears black, the other wears yellow, and you both wear dark sunglasses. Then, at the Halloween party, the one dressed in black spends the whole time standing in front of the one in yellow.
Source: Pinterest
20. The 'Evil Kermit' Meme
If you haven't heard of this mega-popular meme this year, you've probably seen it somewhere: It features Kermit the Frog, face-to-face with his evil twin, Evil Kermit. Evil Kermit looks identical, except for the black cloak.
For this costume, you and a coworker can keep it simple: You both wear green shirts, and one of you wears a black hoodie or jacket on top. If you really want to commit to the costume, you'll spring for some green face paint to complete the ensemble. Walk around the party together, facing one another, for maximum effect.
21. Eleven from Stranger Things
Eleven from Netflix's hit series Stranger Things is universally beloved, and it's a bonus that her signature look is a comfortable and easy-to-assemble costume. Rock your best Eleven with a dress, a denim jacket, and a box of Eggo Waffles.
Source: Business Insider
22. Pokémon GO Trainer
Pokémon GO had roughly 45 million people walking around in cities glued to their phones last summer (I, among them). To pay homage to the explosion of this tech trend, you'll need a t-shirt that's red, yellow, or blue. Using fabric paint or permanent marker, write Valor (for red), Instinct (for yellow), or Mystic (for blue) on your shirt.
Spend Halloween walking around pointing your phone at objects, and you're the spitting image of a Pokémon GO trainer. Gotta catch 'em all, right?
  A photo posted by Odinia (@marshmallowsie) on Aug 9, 2016 at 4:44pm PDT
Group Office Costumes
23. Google Algorithm Update
Find a couple of office buddies for this one -- one panda, one penguin, and one pigeon. You might be thinking, "what the heck is the pigeon algorithm update?" 1) It's a thing, and 2) we checked Amazon for hummingbird costumes and there aren't any cheap ones available.
Source: Opportunity Max
24. Black Hat and White Hat SEO
This is another SEO-related costume, and I think you can figure this one out on your own. I recommend wearing a black hat for one, and a white hat for the other, and having "SEO" embroidered on each one -- which you can easily custom order.
Source: SEO-Hacker
25. Series A Round of Funding
Get a bunch of people together, write the letter "A" on your shirt, and line up. (You could do subsequent funding rounds using the same principle, too.)
26. Snapchat Filters
Here's another group costume idea that pays tribute to Snapchat's filters feature.
There are numerous options that you and your team can choose from to embody this costume. You could dress up as vomiting rainbows, cat and dog ears, a flower crown, or a face swap, and this could be as DIY or store-bought as you're interested in pursuing. For example, here's some inspiration for a couple of the dog filters:
Source: PopSugar
27. Snapchat Ghosts
Put a marketing spin on a classic Halloween costume by arriving as a Snapchat ghost. You'll all need a white sheet and to pick which ghost you like the most.
Source: YouTube
28. PAC-MAN and Company
Here's yet another awesome ghostly costume idea your whole team at work can get in on. Have your team lead wear the yellow pie-shaped garb of PAC-MAN, with each team member dressed as the multi-colored ghosts that roam the screen in this vintage arcade game.
Just make sure the team lead doesn't actually try to eat the ghosts -- you're in an office, and you're all technically on the same team.
Source: Meningrey
29. Instagram Filters
For this group costume, you'll need white t-shirts and fabric markers. Draw an Instagram photo frame on the front of your shirts, and each team member can write a different Instagram filter's name inside the photo frame. Or, create frame props with different filters on them like the group did below:
Source: Nails Magazine
The clothes don't make the marketer, but the costume can certainly make the culture at your company. Find out what it takes to hire and train the best fits for your open roles in the free ebook, available below.
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todaynewsstories · 6 years
Saint Laurent makes a splash on water-soaked Eiffel Tower runway
PARIS (Reuters) – In the shadow of the Eiffel Tower, Saint Laurent’s models splashed along a water-soaked runway on Tuesday as part of the French fashion label’s latest spectacular to showcase its collection for Paris Fashion Week.
The Eiffel Tower is pictured before the fashion house Saint Laurent’s show during Paris Fashion Week in Paris, France, September 25, 2018. REUTERS/Stephane Mahe
The brand, part of the Kering conglomerate, has been using Paris’s famous landmark for maximum effect in recent seasons to present its sexy take on Parisian chic under designer Anthony Vaccarello.
Slideshow (23 Images)
Navy, high-waisted trouser suits tucked into snakeskin boots set the tone for the first part of the catwalk run as dusk fell over the city. Vaccarello’s trademark skimpy hemlines were also on display, in daring mini-dresses with see-through tops or glittery romper suits.
But the collection also featured a more playful side, with some outfits covered in brightly-colored stars giving them something of a circus air.
Earlier on Tuesday, the Eiffel Tower was also the focal point for a handful of animal rights activists from PETA. Dressed as bunny rabbits, they called on Paris Fashion Week to follow in London’s footsteps with fur-free runway shows.
A growing number of brands, including Italy’s Versace and Gucci and more recently Britain’s Burberry are giving up on animal fur, though exotic skins are still widely used by many to make leather handbags or shoes.
Reporting by Sarah White. Editing by Jane Merriman
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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The post Saint Laurent makes a splash on water-soaked Eiffel Tower runway appeared first on Today News Stories.
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annegalliher · 7 years
Originally posted: http://bohobunnie.com/nasty-girl-mysterioso-rock-art-panties/
Desert sun and buns
My home away from home, under the desert sun of Joshua Tree. The cities I have traveled to this summer on the European tour with Zucchero have been AMAZING, but I’m itchin to get to the coastline. To me there’s nothing more energizing than sand, sun and water. Joshua Tree is far from my thirst for a large body of water, but these photos sure do inspire me to jump on a beach in the South of France. And actually pretty similar to something I’d don on the beach (sans the glitter leggings and boots of course:) These little Nasty boy shorts from Mysterioso Rock Art can go from vacation mode, to music festival mode, to ‘I’m not leaving the hotel on my day off’ mode. I love the hand designed font on all of their apparel, and of course they’re printed onto super cozy fabrics. 
I sure do love me some glitter leggings!
Stay nasty, my bunnies!
Nasty Panties Mysterioso Rock Art / Glitter Leggings Gypsy Junkies / Snakeskin Boots Free People
Photography by Ashley Marie Myers
The post Nasty appeared first on Bounce Deals.
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