#i want them to do a riDICULOUS photo shoot together as a couple
starlightsuffered · 3 months
Just Friends
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Info-friends to lovers, pining, doing Timmy's makeup, mention of lingerie, being catty to Timothée's gf, tickling, cock warming, best friends from childhood, mention of masturbation, jealousy, finger sucking, loud sex, neighbors hearing sex
We'd been best friends for ages. We'd grown up together. People always thought we were either related or a long time couple. We weren't either, just best friends. This has proved a problem when Timothée had started dating Miranda, because I got jealous and so did she. She hated me, but Timothée hadn't stopped spending time with me.
Right now we were having our monthly sleepover. I was painting his nails pink and black.
"Your hands are so nice, I wish I had hands as nice as you," | sighed.
"Hey stop your hands are adorable," he swatted me playfully.
"You know what happened the other day?" He asked, grabbing a piece of pop corn.
"Hmmm?" | asked as I concentrated on doing his nails perfectly.
"On our friendaversary post, someone from highschool congratulated me on my happy marriage and asked when the babies would be showing up. They obviously didn't read what I wrote. I thanked you for being my best friend, not wife," he laughed.
"I don't know, l'd have your babies," I said without thinking. I realized what I said and looked up at him. His mouth hung open and he looked shocked.
"I was kidding Timmy," I saved myself. He let out a shaky laugh.
"Okay, now for your makeup," I said excitedly. I was excited because I'd get to sit in his lap. I straddled him with the supplies. His phone rang as I began.
"Hey baby," he said and I rolled my eyes. He mouthed at me to be nice. He put her on speaker.
"Can you come over, I got new lingerie," she said sensually. I tried not to gag. Timothée looked at me. He was so pretty, and I would die if he chose her over our long time tradition, but who would deny their girlfriend in new lingerie?
"Mirri," he said guiltily. "You know what day it is."
"Friday?" She said sweetly.
"The fifteenth, you know every fifteenth I have a sleep over with y/n," he said carefully.
"Oh you can stand her up once," she snapped.
"I can't stand her up if I'm already at hers," he said weakly.
"You're already there?" He demanded.
"Hi Miranda," | called.
"And what position are you in?" She asked.
"What?" He said shakily.
"I'm in his lap, doing his makeup," I bragged.
"This is ridiculous," Miranda said and hung up.
"Sorry," I lied to him. He smirked.
"No you're not," he said and flipped us so he was over me and tickled me.
"Stop, I am sorry," I begged laughing so hard tears entered my eyes.
"Come on, time for the photo shoot," he smiled. We always switched into each others clothing and took pictures. Later we sat together on the couch and looked through them.
"That one, post that one, you look adorable," he said.
"Yeah?" I asked and looked up at him. We were quiet for a moment, he ran a tentative finger from my cheekbone to my lips. Before I knew what I was doing I took his finger into my mouth. He moaned as I swirled my tongue around it, tasting the metal of his rings.
"Y/n," he gasped.
"I love you," I said. He pulled his finger from my lips.
"I love you too," he said.
"No, Timothée, my Timmy," I said desperately and straddled him. I grabbed onto the front of his shirt and clenched the fabric.
"I'm IN love with you. I want you," I said.
"In love with me?" He blinked several times.
"I know you're with Miranda, but-"
"Don't pretend she even holds a candle to you," he growled, and suddenly I was flush against him.
"Do you know how long l've wanted you? How long I've waited for you to realize we're soulmates?" He asked me.
"I've been in love with you since I was five. I was losing hope, so I tried with Miranda, but it's only ever been you that I love," he breathed out desperately.
"Oh, Timmy, my Timmy," | said, nearly crying in gratitude.
"I've always been yours," he said and kissed my hand.
"It'll make me a terrible boyfriend, but l've gotta have you. I've waited too long," he said gathering me to him. I beamed and kissed him full on the mouth. We both gasped, the feeling was heavenly and perfectly right.
"Why on earth weren't we doing this before?" I moaned into our wild kiss.
"I have no idea," he whimpered. Soon we were desperately ripping each others clothes off. He held me at arms length for a moment. He was grinning as his eyes drank in my figure. He gulped, closed his eyes and shook his head.
"You are unbelievably attractive," he groaned.
"So are you," I panted.
"I can't believe l'm going to touch your body. You are the first thing I masturbated to, I felt so guilty but it felt so good," he told me.
I tackled him and was kissing him hard. He whined into my mouth and guided his cock inside me. I sucked in a sharp breath as I felt the fullness.
"Please, oh Timothée please don't feel guilty, fuck me like you've always dreamed," I demanded. He switched us so he was over me. He attached our mouths and kissed me desperately as he fucked into me.
Neither of us could stay quiet. My neighbors even pounded on the wall but I couldn't stop for a second. His body, oh his body, and his lips, and his noises.
"Fuck, mmmmmffff, your skin tastes so good," he moaned as he peppered kisses all over my breasts. He lapped at my nipple.
"F-fuck, Timmy, this feels so good. You're my best friend and my soul mate and I would have your babies. I love you so damn much," I whimpered and arched up into his body. His hands were all over me.
"I love you," he sucked on my neck and groaned into my skin. He grabbed my ass, and hooked an arm under me so we were closer. I locked my ankles around him.
"I can't be close enough to you," he whined.
"I love hearing you, oh I can just hear the years of pining in your voice. Why didn't you scream at me that it could be so good," | pleaded with him.
"I didn't want to lose you."
"You'll never lose me, never ever," I promised.
We were kissing again. His lips were hot and needy. I rolled my body against him.
"Can I cum? Can I cum inside you like I've dreamed for so long?" He begged.
"Please, please fill me," | gasped. He screamed as his cock began to shoot inside me. I was next and I was bathed in star light as I shattered. I was repeating his name over and over.
"Oh, that was so good," Timothée moaned and buried his face in my neck.
"It really was," I sighed. I rubbed his back and smiled to myself.
"I'm so happy right now I could cry," he whispered.
"You've got me baby and I'm not going anywhere. You're my boyfriend now as well as my best friend," I told him.
He beamed at me and pecked my lips.
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chocolateteapotsvis · 7 months
Halbarry Recs: POV Outsider
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What is POV Outsider? For shipping purposes, it's a story focused on the romance, but is told by a character outside the main ship. Ollie POV, Batman POV, anything goes!
Ephemeris by mehmehmeh (@mia-nna)
The world’s greatest detective has got some things to say. 
“Bats ... perform the vital ecological roles of pollinating flowers and dispersing fruit seeds; many tropical plant species depend entirely on bats for the distribution of their seeds.” (wiki)
you've got the best of my love by finalfrontierpioneer (@finalfrontierpioneer)
Five times Hal goes to Oliver for romantic advice, and the one time he puts it to good use.
Hal's just trying to be a good boyfriend; Oliver's got no idea.
Just the Two of Us (We Can Make It If We Try) Ch5: Ice Cream by layspotatochipabs (@layspotatochipabs)
Bruce stalks Hal and Barry. He's so fucking done with their flirting; why can't they just get together? If they don't, he'll resort to writing fanfics about them violence (telling them about their mutual feelings).
I Came in Like a Racquetball by ChocolateTeapots (@ tacky self-promotion)
When Hal suggested a series of sports competitions with his square of a best friend, Carol assumed that meant he’d be out of her hair.
All Carol wants is to get her fucking work done. Is that really so much to ask?
Or: Silver Age Hal's attempts to seduce his best friend through sports competitions of increasing ridiculousness, as seen by an exasperated ex with better things to do.
Young Padawans by mehmehmeh (@mia-nna)
In which a green cupid shoots a few arrows to push two heroes together. Every Mulder needs a Scully and vice verca. How else will they prevent Mars Attacks?
(Hal Jordan + CWverse, fledgling halbarry with a platonic flarrow and slight hints of olicity)
Was learning @shehungthemoon ALSO loves this POV the catalyst to finally post this specific list? I'll let you decide!
This is one of my all time favorite things, and I'm also behind on my Halbarry reading, so if anyone else has recommendations, I'd love to hear them!
Also, for fics actually about Hal's birthday...
Pic inspired by you've got the best of my love by finalfrontierpioneer, because this image has been stuck in my head since I started illustrating these lists! (So I completely forgot that I already rec'ed this on another list AND did an illustration for it! I'll mix things up more next time!) Stock photo reference because hands are hard
And if you're looking for a couple more, (and don't mind more tacky self-promotion), here's Vampire Dinah putting up with Vampire Hal who's totally, absolutely, going to follow orders and kill Barry, and (not Halbarry) Random Mook #5 in a Gotham terrorized by a Bruce Wayne who modeled his hero persona on a different fear
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detentions: what do you think about them?
I assume this is in the context of Harry Potter because otherwise, I can't say much as my school didn't really do detentions. I'm gonna talk about detentions in HP and a bit about what my school did instead.
Now, detentions vary between the books quite a bit (probably because the Wizarding World & Hogwarts changed in JKR's mind), so, I'll outline the different types of detentions and what I think about them in general. I will not include detentions like with Umbridge or the Carrows, since that clearly isn't what's supposed to be happening at the school by the point we see in canon.
Ridiculously Dangerous Detentions
This sort of detention only really appears in book 1, probably so JKR could have Harry in the forest and see Voldy munching on a unicorn.
“I shouldn’t be too friendly to them, Hagrid,” said Filch coldly, they’re here to be punished, after all.” “That’s why yer late, is it?” said Hagrid, frowning at Filch. “Bin lecturin’ them, eh? ‘Snot your place ter do that. Yeh’ve done yer bit, I’ll take over from here.” “I’ll be back at dawn,” said Filch, “for what’s left of them,” he added nastily, and he turned and started back toward the castle, his lamp bobbing away in the darkness. Malfoy now turned to Hagrid. “I’m not going in that forest,” he said, and Harry was pleased to hear the note of panic in his voice. “Yeh are if yeh want ter stay at Hogwarts,” said Hagrid fiercely. “Yeh’ve done wrong an’ now yeh’ve got ter pay fer it.”
From the later books, it appears this sort of detention isn't normal. And for good reason. I mean, it's bizarre to send 11-year-old kids whose only defensive ability is shooting red sparks to spend the entire night in the Forbidden Forest, where something is killing unicorns. Yes, Hagrid is with them, but technically Hagrid isn't allowed to carry a wand and even if he is there, the group gets separated so Hagrid isn't with them at all times.
I assume this was a special case detention and not the norm. Likely personally requested either by Hagrid or Dumbledore for various possible reasons. Regardless I consider this one an outlier that shouldn't be counted since there is something deeper and more specific going on in this particular detention.
I'd also want to note:
“What — what are you doing?” said Professor McGonagall, her eyes following the bouncing ferret’s progress through the air. “Teaching,” said Moody. “Teach — Moody, is that a student?” shrieked Professor McGonagall, the books spilling out of her arms. “Yep,” said Moody. “No!” cried Professor McGonagall [...] “Moody, we never use Transfiguration as a punishment!” said Professor McGonagall weakly. “Surely Professor Dumbledore told you that?” “He might’ve mentioned it, yeah,” said Moody, scratching his chin unconcernedly, “but I thought a good sharp shock —” “We give detentions, Moody! Or speak to the offender’s Head of House!”
That I find McGonagall's outrage funny here. I mean, yeah, a student could get hurt badly as a bouncing ferret, but so could four 11-year-olds you send to spend the night in the forest filled with dangerous, lethal creatures that is coincidentally right next to the school.
What Hogwarts Detentions are Actually Like
So, the Forbidden Forest one, as I said, was a unique exception but what does a normal student’s detention look like?
It looks like manual labor:
You will be polishing the silver in the trophy room with Mr. Filch,” said Professor McGonagall. “And no magic, Weasley — elbow grease.”
It was, as Harry had anticipated, useless, boring work, punctuated (as Snape had clearly planned) with the regular jolt in the stomach that meant he had just read his father or Sirius’s names, usually coupled together in various petty misdeeds, occasionally accompanied by those of Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. And while he copied out all their various offenses and punishments
Cleaning trophies, sorting detention records, signing photos for Lockhart — basically something boring and manual that wastes your time. This is pretty normal as far as detentions go (I think, again, my school didn't have them), but from what I read/saw/heard detention is a time you are supposed to spend quite at school, being supervised and not having fun while not being hurt. So, yeah, the Hogwarts detentions we see mostly fit the bill (save for Lockhart who keeps Harry in detention way too late, but, that's a Lockhart problem).
Now, do I think this is an effective punishment that doesn't harm students unnecessarily but still deters them from further wrongdoing? Not particularly.
I mean, we see students like the Mauraders, the Weasley Twins, and even Harry and co aren't at all deterred from their behavior by the school's punishment system. I mean, after book 1, most characters don't seem to care about detentions and house points.
So, detentions seem to be kinda useless since they waste time for the teacher and the student, and the student doesn't seem overly affected, at least, not the ones we follow. I'm not really an authority over disciplinary punishments in schools, and at the end of the day a student with a strong enough will / doesn't care about staying at school, wouldn't care for any punishment and you'll need to improve behavior by a method that isn't based on punishment. Fear is a motivator that can only get you so far.
I mean, Sirius mentions he and James had too much fun in detentions together and that's why teachers separated them to actually punish them. And then, James and Sirius made the two-way mirrors and still had fun in detentions.
This is why detentions never deterred them from anything. It's a relatively soft punishment, and if you don't mind sitting around, it's hardly a punishment at all. That being said, I am incredibly opposed to corporal punishment.
What did my school do
As I mentioned, I'm no expert in student discipline, but I can talk about my own experiences. My high school was a weird semi-private school and didn't do detentions (when I'm saying weird, I mean weird. We had peacocks walking around between the buildings like at Malfoy Manor. Sometimes, they got inside the buildings. Who needs hall monitors when you have hall peacocks. We also had school goats, and one of them attacked my mom once). We didn't really have punishments at school at all. Teachers just told us very clearly: "If you enter the classroom, it means you're here to learn. Don't want to learn, stay outside," and that was kinda it. You weren't punished for skipping class besides low grades, so it made behaving well in class a student's responsibility. You won't be punished, you'd just be told to leave and your grades would be what suffers.
Class was a pretty freeform kind of environment as well with most teachers. Like, students with hyperactivity were allowed to pace at the back of the classroom during lessons, students could sit on the window seal if they were more comfortable there, you could come and go from most of the classes as you pleased (especially in the final two years), and on nice days, sometimes, we'd have our classes outside on the lawn. Most classes acted more like discussions rather than just a teacher lecturing at you. I had classes where the teachers told me I could just skip since I'm ahead of the class and I'd use these hours to do homework in other subjects. I had a classmate who despised one of our teachers personally, so she made an agreement with him that he'd not arrive at her classes, study on his own during class time and only arrive to do exams. Because this is how the school operated, we didn't really have displanary issues in classes, hence no detentions.
Any sort of fighting or bullying that got to the staff was punished by an immediate suspension, during which your parents were expected to be the ones to dish out the punishment they found appropriate. You only got 3 suspensions, anything suspension-worthy you did after that almost always got you expelled, and that'll be the end of it. So, that wasn't much of an issue either. I actually don't really know of bullying that happened at my school (at least nothing extreme and targeted. Mean comments flew about for sure, but no one really cared, everyone was making fun of everyone pretty equally. The school only got involved when things got violent or verbally extreme. Like, calling someone a 'shithead' here and there doesn't count), I heard about fights, and even was in one, but not bullying. The fights were not a common occurrence either, most students (and teachers) were just pretty chill, especially in the upper years.
So, yeah, that's what I have to say about detentions.
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alphacrone · 7 years
teluete replied to your post: All Decked Out Like a Cowboy's Dream
I love this AU so much and JACK IN COWBOY BOOTS I AM YELLING
:D :D :D i’m glad! i’ve been binge listening to dolly parton for the past week and now all i can see is jack going whole-hog cowboy aesthetic and bitty DYING 
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musings-of-a-rose · 2 years
Light Me Up - Chapter 10
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Pairing: Benjamin “Benny” Miller x f!reader
Word Count: 6500+
Rating: M for mature - 18+ only!
Warnings: Mature themes and some canon mentioned. Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story.
Notes: It’s the penultimate chapter of Light Me Up! There will be an epilogue but the next chapter is the official last chapter. I’m deep in my feels about this one. 
**Reader is ethnicity inclusive despite stock photo bias
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
<<Chapter 9
Light Me Up Masterlist
Benny Masterlist
General Masterlist
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You had been living with Benny for just about 2 weeks before he had to leave town for a fight again. As much as you wanted to go, you had some work backed up you needed to finish, as well as unpacking the rest of your stuff. For some reason, every time you tried to unpack a box, you would get distracted by lips on your neck, fingers dancing across your pant line and never quite unpacked fully. You’d tried to unpack the same box for nearly the entire 2 weeks you’d been living together - not that you were complaining. 
He comes back a couple weeks later looking tired and bruised but excited to finally be home. His face lights up as he closes the front door behind him and you’re there, taking his bag and setting it on the floor as he leans over to kiss you, the bruise around his eye faded down to a faint yellow color. Gently, you take his hand and guide him down the hall to your bedroom, trying to push him on the bed.
“Sparks,” he groans as your hand cups him over his pants. But then he grabs your wrists and you look up at him. “I want nothing more than to be with you, but I really need a shower - trust me.” 
“Shower or bath?”
“I can do it mys-”
“Shower or bath?”
He smiles down at you. “Just a shower for now. Wanna be clean so I can kiss you all over.” He leans in to give you a quick kiss and you playfully dodge it, wiggling your hips as you walk to the bathroom and turn on the shower. 
He leans against the door frame, watching as you make sure the water is the right temperature before placing a towel on the towel warmer and turning it on. When you’d bought the thing, he thought it was the most ridiculous appliance he’d ever seen - until he had a warm towel fresh out of the shower. Turning to face him, you reach for the bottom of his shirt, hesitating. You look up at Benny and he raises his arms. Lifting off his shirt, your fingers lightly trace the new fading bruises and scrapes that he earned in his fights. 
“I won them all.” 
“I knew you would.”
You move to unbutton his pants but he grabs your wrist.
“I’ve got a surprise for you in there.”
You chuckle. “If it’s another bow around your dick-”
Benny’s laughter cuts you off. “Damn, I should’ve done that! But no. It’s..it’s something else.”
Your eyebrows furrow together as he lets go of your wrist and you continue to undo his pants. His jeans slide down easy, leaving him standing there in his boxer briefs. Seeing nothing, you start to pull the boxers down, leaning back slightly in case he had some sort of “snake in a can” hidden in his pants (wouldn’t be the first time). Then you see it: a bit of pink poking out of the top of his boxers on the inside of his left hip. Curious, you pull down the side of his boxers to reveal a tiny tattoo. It’s a small hot pink rollerblade, tiny sparks and hearts shooting out of the back of it.
“Benny, I…” your words stick in your throat as tears start to well up.
“I hate being away from you, Sparks. And now I’ll always have a tiny reminder of you.”
Standing on your tiptoes, you pull Benny down to you for a kiss, deepening it immediately as you push him against the counter. 
“So you like it then?” Benny asks, breathless as you continue to kiss his neck.
“It’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.”
Benny grunts as he pulls you off him, his bright blue eyes finding yours. 
“I love you. So fuckin’ much, sweetheart.”
“I love you too.”
You move to kiss him again, but he puts a finger to your lips.
“I really need to shower, Sparks. I came directly from a match and I'm gross.” Seeing the sad little nod you gave him, he added “Join me?”
Once you’re both in the shower, you wash him, taking care to not aggravate any of his injuries (although they were mostly healed). The second you were done, you dropped to your knees, placing open mouthed kisses along his new tattoo, chuckling as he tried to yelp and moan at the same time. You move to take him in your mouth but he grips your chin. 
“Stand up.” 
You did as he asked, water cascading down both of your bodies as you fully stood. Benny cages you in against the shower wall, the cool tile sending a shiver down your body as Benny leans in to suck on your neck. His hand teases your nipple while the other cups the back of your head, pulling you to him in a heated kiss. 
“Benny,” you sigh as his hand travels further down, fingers sliding through your folds with precision, knowing exactly how you need him to touch you. 
He pulls 2 orgasms from you before holding you up against the tiled wall, thrusting into you until you’ve both come, wet and sloppy kisses placed along his shoulder as you hold on to him.
Benny’s schedule was getting a little busier than normal because the finals were coming up and he’s good. You hated to see the bruises and marks, and while he shrugs them off, he also lets you take care of him (and enjoys every minute of your attention).
The championship fight arrives and you can see how nervous Benny is. On your drive over, you take a hand off the steering wheel to take his, which had been rapidly tapping on his leg. You squeeze it and come to a stop at a red light.
His blue eyes turn to yours, big and round. 
“I want you to know that no matter what happens, I love you and I’m so fucking proud of you. You work so hard and it comes through in your skills. You’re the most talented fighter there. You can take a punch but you throw them back twice as hard. You’ve got this, you hear me?”
He smiles, his nerves dying down a bit at your words. “Thanks, Sparks.”
And you were right.
The other fighter was bigger than Benny and you gasped when you saw his size, but you quickly realized that his massive size slowed him down. Benny also realized this and used it to his advantage, tiring the man out (and receiving a few blows himself that had you running to the cage and screaming his name) before moving in for the blow that would knock him out and keep him down.
The second the fight is called, the arena erupts in screams and cheers, Benny’s name being chanted around the room as he stands taller, sweat and blood running down him as he exits the cage. You’re pushing your way through the crowd as he’s pulled to a makeshift stage and accepts the belt, lifting it high above his head as he lets out a whoop. 
Then he spots you in the crowd. 
He leaps off the stage and the crowd parts for him as he makes his way to you. The last several steps you manage to run, people having finally moved out of your way and you leap into his arms, Benny swinging you around before kissing you, the crowd cheering you on. Your hands grip the back of his head, his sweaty hair tangled up in your fingers as you wrap your legs around him. Pulling back from the kiss, you put your forehead to his as he looks up at you.
“I am so fucking proud of you, Benny.”
He kisses you again before whooping, spinning you around as if to show you off to the crowd.
“That’s my GIRL! WOOO!” The crowd yells again as Benny shifts you to his side, his arm wrapped around you to hold you up and he throws his opposite arm in the air, showing off the belt to the crowd again. 
His face is lit up, crinkles by the sides of his eyes as his smile stretches across his face, his eyes twinkling with pride. If it were possible, you’d fall in love with him all over again in this moment, especially when his eyes land on you and the look of pride deepens. 
You definitely fuck in the locker room before leaving to meet everyone at the bar. And you definitely pull him back into the car as he tries to get out, jumping into his lap to ride him one more time before heading inside to celebrate.
No one asks about the hickies that have magically appeared on both your necks. 
A few weeks go by and Benny heads to Santi’s for a boys night. He hated to leave you but you practically shoved him out of the door, telling him he can’t cancel again. Besides, Monica and Will’s new girlfriend Makayla (your neighbor that had been eyeing him when he moved in) were coming over for a bit.
Frankie hands Benny another beer as he sits next to him on the couch.
“How’s it going living with Sparks?” Frankie asks as he takes a sip of his own beer.
“To tell you the truth, I fuckin’ love it, man. She’s -” He sighs, staring off for a brief second before blinking, eyes back to Frankie with a smile on his face. “-she’s the fuckin’ best. She’s always makin’ sure I hydrate, and that I’m well fed, but it’s not just us takin’ care of each other. She just gets me. She never judges, always listens. She just..loves me. I really don’t know what I did to deserve her.” Benny pauses to take a swig from his own beer and he catches Frankie watching him out of the corner of his eye.
“You tell her everything?”
Benny’s face falls slightly. “Uh..mostly. I told her about the Will stuff.”
Santi walks in and sits in a chair near the couch. “You tell her you’re about to buy that Ferrari? And a big ass house with a pool?” A smirk stretches across Santi’s face as he drinks his beer.
Benny’s smile doesn’t reach his eyes, looking down at the bottle in his hand as he picks at the label with his fingernail. “Actually, I haven’t told her about Colombia.”
Will walks in and sits in the empty chair on the other side of the couch.
“You still have the nightmares?” Frankie asks.
Benny nods, peeling the label back on his bottle. “Not as much around her but they still happen. You all still get ‘em?”
The men are silent for a moment, each silently answering the question - yes.
Will is first to break the silence. “Sparks is smart, Ben. She’s only ever wanted to support you and be with you.”
Benny nods but Frankie speaks before he can. “I’m sure she told you that you don’t have to tell her anything. But since we’re going back to get that money, I think she’s owed that much at least. I mean, we can’t really talk in detail about what we did in Delta for legal shit, but this isn’t that.”
Benny looks down at his bottle again, the label now completely peeled off so he swipes his thumb across the glass, not meeting anyone’s eyes. He speaks quietly, afraid to ask the question he desperately needs the answer to. “What if she hates me?”
Frankie claps him on the shoulder. “Hey. She’s a good woman, Ben. Even when she was pissed at you, when I showed up, her first reaction was to ask if you were ok. She loves you, Ben. Tell her.”
By the time Benny gets home, the girls have left and you’re fast asleep, the book you had been reading splayed open with your thumb still in the middle, arm tossed across the bed. He smiles and gently removes the book, finding your makeshift receipt bookmark and placing it inside before closing the book and setting it on the side table. He takes off your blue light blocking glasses and sets them on top of the book, pulling the blanket up higher on you and kissing your forehead. After he showers, he slides in next to you and pulls you close, a faint “Benny?” coming from you, your eyes still closed.
“Ssshh. It’s me, sweetheart. Go back to sleep.”
Your eyes fly open and you blink, the sound of whimpers and cries echoing in your bedroom. Turning, you see Benny still asleep, the sheets twisted around him, bundles of the fabric clutched in his fists as he whimpers and cries out, fighting something only he can see. His skin glistens with sweat, his eyebrows furrow together as he continues to mutter and moan. He hadn’t had a nightmare like this in a long while, but this entire last week since he’d come back from guy’s night he’s had one. Something had to have triggered him - you’ve never seen it this bad.
Cautiously, you reach a hand out and place it on his shoulder, rubbing little circles into it like you normally do. 
“Benny,” you speak his name in a low, soothing voice. “Benny, it’s ok. You’re ok. Come back to me.”
His hand flies to yours, gripping your wrist tightly as he twists it, shoving you away, his eyes flying open but not seeing where he was.
“Benny - it’s ok. It’s Sparks. I’m here.” You rub your wrist a little before reaching for his hand, which had started opening and closing, flexing his fingers as he half sits up. Your fingers graze over the skin on his hand and he shifts to face you, his hands flying out to grip both of your wrists as he shoves you onto your back, straddling your waist and pinning your arms by your head. His eyes aren’t focused, seeing something only he could, the normally bright blue is dull and muted.
“Benny…you’re ok. You’re in your bedroom, with Sparks. You’re safe. I’m here. You’re safe.”
He blinks, his eyes slowly moving into focus as he looks around before realizing he wasn’t laying in bed. His eyes shift down to yours and a look of complete horror washes over him. He yanks his hands away as he moves off of you.
“Fuck, Sparks. I am so sorry. Are..did I…”
“No! Nothing happened, Benny. I’m fine.” You sit up and scoot next to where he’s perching on the side of the bed, but he puts his hand out to stop you.
“Stay away. I..I’m not..” His voice catches and he stops talking, his breathing becoming irregular. 
You stop moving at his request. “Breathe with me, Benny. In…..and out…..”
He tries but he can’t focus, his breaths hitching in his throat. “I didn’t…I’m not…”
Without thinking, you take his hand and place it on your chest, letting him feel you breathe. You felt him start to take his hand away, but the soothing presence of you is too much of a lure and he gives into it, matching his breathing to yours. He closes his eyes as his breathing evens out, leaning into your other hand that you’ve placed on his cheek. 
“Are you with me?” You ask after a few minutes. 
He takes a deep breath. “I’m here.” His eyes open and you see their familiar blue. “Sparks, I- I’m so sorry.”
“Hey. Nothing to be sorry for. You were having a nightmare-”
“I pinned you to the bed.”
“Yeah, like I said. Nightmare. You didn’t know where you were-”
“I could’ve hurt you.” Tears were welling up in his eyes. 
“Benny, look at me.” His eyes slowly find yours and you smile at him. “I’m not hurt. I don’t think you would’ve hurt me. You didn’t know where you were. It’s a natural reaction. I’m not afraid of you.”
“You should be. I’m not a good man.” He pulls your hand from his chest and shifts his head away from you so your hand falls from his face. 
“You’re right. You’re not a good man.”
Benny’s eyes snap to yours, a tear falling down his face as he nods. You bring your hands up to cup his face and make sure he’s looking at you.
“You’re a great man. The best man I’ve ever known.”
He scoffs at that but doesn’t pull away from you. “You don’t know half the shit I’ve done.”
“Then tell me.”
“You’ve had nightmares since you got back from boys night. Something happened to trigger this. What was it? I’m only asking because it’s hurting you and I don’t know how to make it better.”
He takes your hands from his face but holds them in his own large ones, rubbing little circles on them and he sighs. 
“Does it have to do with your time in Delta Force?”
He shakes his head. “Sometimes it does. But not…not this week. This…this is about Tom.”
You’re quiet for a moment. “Is that how you got this?” You touch a scar on his left shoulder. 
Benny looks up at you. “How..did you know that?”
“Everytime Tom is mentioned, you rub it. I figure there’s a story there.”
“You’re so fuckin’ smart.”
“Nah. I just like looking at you.”
He smiles half heartedly before shifting his body to face yours. You give his hands a little squeeze to let him know you’re there for him. 
“It all started when Santi sent us this text askin’ us to be consults on a giant drug lord bust in Colombia…” 
Benny told you exactly what happened - how they all went thinking they were consulting, then decided to do it themselves to take the money, how they had the money but then a series of events led to everything going to shit, how they all almost died in a helicopter that- wait, did he say he jumped out of an out of control helicopter? How there were shots fired in a small village and some people died, they took donkeys up the side of the Andes mountains and nearly fell several times, how cold it was, how they burned $200k just to keep warm, how a boy from the village followed them with some others, grazing his left arm before killing Tom, how they carried his body down the mountain, left most of the money in a ravine, how Benny waded through water past a camp of teenage soldiers to get the boat, and how they eventually made it out, giving the remaining money they had to Tom’s family. Your hands never left his the entire time, Benny’s grip tightening as he continued his story. 
“And it’s my fault he’s dead.” Benny’s voice cracks on the last word, tears threatening to fall from his eyes. 
“How do you figure that?”
“M-my fire. I was the one who started burnin’ the money. I said it was my “fuck you” money.”
“Yes, but how does that lead to Tom’s death?”
“They saw our camp. They knew where we were. If I hadn’t lit that fire-”
He looks at you. “No?”
“No. It is not your fault, Benny. Those boys followed you from the village. They probably knew those mountains really well. They would’ve found you eventually, maybe even the same day.”
Hope floods his eyes, but disbelief still lingers over him. “I don’t…I don’t know-”
“I do. Benny, none of you are guilty for this. You all knew what you were signing up for when you agreed to go with Santi. You knew the risks. Those boys? They were out to get Tom. They would have. It is not your fault.”
“Y-you think so?”
“I know so.”
He swallows hard, looking down for a few moments before speaking, barely above a whisper. “Do you hate me for the part I played in all of this? For killing innocent people, for Tom, for…any of it?”
“How could I hate you? Those innocents in the drug lord’s house? Pretty sure they weren’t innocent. The teenage army on the beach? You didn’t kill them. The people in the village? You didn’t kill them either but they were also threatening you and may have taken you all out or handed you over to…Lorea? You all did what you had to do to get out of there.”
Cradling his face in your hands, you bring your forehead to his, feeling his body start to shake with pent up emotions, a tear falling down his cheek. He takes your face in his own hands, kissing you gently, tasting of salt and him. He pulls back, keeping his eyes closed and forehead to yours.
“I’m so..relieved to hear you say that, Sparks.”
You kiss him gently. “I love you, Benny.”
He kisses you back, pulling back briefly to speak. “That’s good-” kiss “-because-” kiss “-I’m goin’ back.” His lips move forward to find yours gone as you pull your head back.
“I’m sorry, what?”
He swallows hard, his blue eyes searching yours. “I’m goin’ back, sweetheart.”
“I have to. It’s for the money-”
“I don’t care! No.”
“Sparks, this would set us up for life and-”
“I don’t give a shit about money, Benny! All I need is you.”
Benny nods but continues on, wincing a little as you pull his hands from your face and drop your own. “No this time is different. Will knows exactly where we stashed the money and Frankie just takes a few trips with the helicopter. We load up and head home. No biggie.”
“So there’s no danger?” You stated doubtfully, crossing your arms.
Benny rubs his neck. “Well I mean there’s always danger involved-”
“Benny, please, I can’t lose you. I can’t…” tears start to fall down your cheeks as you furiously try to wipe them away. 
“Look, all I gotta do is take the rope down into the ravine and load up the net a couple times. Then we’re out.”
Your eyes flash to his. “You’d be in the ravine? What if something happens and you’re stuck? Or something falls on you?”
“It won’t, sweetheart. This isn’t like last time. We won’t even be near people, like villagers and shit.”
“Yeah, but someone…could…” Realization hits you and you meet his eyes full on. “You’ve already made up your mind, told them you’d go, haven’t you?”
He gives you a small smile as he nods. “I have. I have to do this, sweetheart. I can’t let them go alone. Frankie is flyin’, Santi’s knees and back are shit, Will is only one guy, and Tom….well it’s just us. I gotta do this.”
His eyes are conflicted, wanting to be loyal to both you and his friends, his blood brothers, and you understand it. Hate it, absolutely want to rage against it, but you get it. Tears stream down your face now as the truth of the situation sets in. Benny hesitantly reaches to you, cupping your face and rubbing his thumbs across your cheeks to wipe away your tears. Your eyes close, just wanting to feel him touch you. Nodding, you speak barely above a whisper.
“I get it. I don’t want you to go, and I hate it, but I understand. I won’t force you to stay.”
“Thank you, Sparks. I promise-”
“No promises. Just come back to me alive, in one piece, ok?”
“You got it, sweetheart.”
There’s silence for a few moments. “When do you leave?”
He clears his throat and your eyes open to see how nervous he’s become.
“Benny… when do you leave?”
A sob eupts from your lips, bubbling up from your throat. Benny cautiously pulls you to him, wrapping his arms around you as you cry, his hand coming up to cradle the back of your head. 
“I was gonna tell you, sweetheart. I was. I just…wasn’t ready for you to hate me yet.”
The tears stop, but you don’t move. There’s no way you could hate Benny. Be pissed at, sure, but hate? Never.
His finger finds your chin and he tilts your head up to him, taking in the shining paths of your tears on your cheeks. He hesitates before slowly lowering his lips to yours, kissing you gently and lovingly. You hands slide up his bare chest as you cup his face, deepening the kiss, you tongue inviting his out to dance. Gently, you pull him towards you as he takes the hint and lays you back on the bed, his hand slowly sliding under your shirt to cup your boob. Moaning into him, your back arches slightly when he applies a slight pressure to your nipple before moving to your other boob. He breaks the kiss to pull your shirt up and you shift, helping him to rid you of your shirt before pulling him against you, feeling his warmth on your skin. He pushes the hair back out of your face, tracing a line down your cheek before lifting your chin slightly to gently nip at it, loving the sigh that escapes you. 
One hand bracing his body over yours, his other hand slides down your body, stopping at your pantyline and you lift your hips, giving silent permission. He sits up, sliding your underwear off before geting rid of his boxers. He settles himself between your open thighs and your close your legs around him, tyring to bring him closer to you.
“I don’t want you to go…”
“I know. ‘M sorry, Sparks.”
He slides his hands up and down your skin leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake. He runs his fingers through your wet folds a few times, loving the way your breaths pant out. He kisses your neck, running his nose up it and planting a kiss to your lips as he pushes into you, his breath hitching as you toss your head back into the pillow, feeling his breath on your neck. Once he bottoms out, he stays there, kissing along your neck as you moan under him. Tightening your legs around him, you wind your arms around his chest and hold him to you, tears still falling from your eyes, afraid that if you let go, he would disappear. 
His pointed nose traces a path up your neck, across your jaw, and nudges at your own nose before he pulls back, his bright blue eyes on yours. He holds your tearful gaze with his own as he brings his hips back and slowly pushes into you, watching the expression on your face change, eyebrows furrowing together as you take him in, your mouth in an “o” shape. He does this a few more times before adding an extra deep thrust when he’s inside, brushing up against a spot at the back of you and you cry out his name, electricity lighting you up as he hits that spot over and over. His own breaths start to speed up and his rhythm is off. He takes your hand, lacing his fingers through yours and he comes, panting out your real name as he fills you. His forehead hits your chest and you move both hands to his head, massaging his scap as you both cry. 
Eventually, you both drift off to sleep like that and wake a few hours later, Benny growing hard inside you as he silently takes you again, pulling soft whimpers from you as you come. This is how you spend your day, tangled up in each other’s bodies, breaking only to use the bathroom and to eat, eventually realizing that Benny has to pack for the next day. You say nothing but help him roll his clothes, smoothing them out before you place them in his bag. Grabbing your favorite sleep shirt from your dresser, you roll that up and put it in his bag.
“Sparks, that’s your favorite shirt. I’m not takin’ that.”
“Yes you are. Something to remember me by.”
He walks over to you and pulls you to him, wrapping his arms around you.
“Like I could ever forget you.”
“Bring it back to me then.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Silence falls between the both of you. 
“It’s just a week.”
“A week without you, Benny.”
“But we’ll be rich when I get back!”
“I’m already rich, Benny. I have you.”
He chuckles. “And I have you.”
“Then you don’t have to go?”
“I know, I know. I’m just…”
“I know. ‘M sorry.”
The drive to the airport was unusually quiet for Benny. You could see the shift in him starting, the change from the Benny you know and love to mission mode. You hoped that would help him focus and get home to you in one piece. 
You walked him to security and could go no further. Everyone else was there too so you gave the other boys a hug and told them they were all idiots and to come home safe. Will mumbled in your ear how he was going to keep his eye on Benny.
Standing in front of Benny, he brings his hand to your face, caressing your cheek as his eyes roam over your face, studying every crease and line, the way the light hits it, all of it, etching it into his memory. You do the same, eventually reaching around to tug on his hair and he leans down to kiss you. He pulls you tight to him as you wrap your arms around him, deepening the kiss. Someone clears their throat next to you and the kiss is broken. 
“Sorry, but it’s nearly our turn,” Santi explains apologetically, gesturing to TSA. 
Benny nods and picks up his backpack, looking back at you.
“I love you, Sparks.”
“I love you, Benny. Please come back to me.”
“Please still be here for me.”
He kisses you once again before Santi all but yanks him over the rope. He waves to you and you watch him and the others go through security, waving one last time before disappearing down the corridor to their gate. Sighing, you turn to look at Monica and Makayla, who had stood on either side of you doing the same thing with their men.
“We’re with the dumbest idiots in the world, aren’t we?” You ask.
The girls chuckle sadly. “Pretty sure we are.”
You swear time is going backwards with the way the week creeps by. You catch up on work, get ahead of it, clean the entire apartment, wash your car, wash Benny’s jeep, anything you can think of. Finally, he calls and tells you they landed the client and will be coming home the next day. 
Monica, Makayla, and you stand waiting for the boys to step off the tram that will bring them from the terminals. One pulls up and a crowd of people pour out, a familiar tall, man with a backwards baseball cap on stands out from the crowd and you hold your breath until you can see him better. The crowd parts briefly and you look.
“It’s them!” You manage to huff out, already launching your body across the room. He just gets past the security gate when he spots you, taking a few giant strides towards you before you collide with him, jumping into his arms as he swings you around, holding you tight to him. He nuzzles into your hair and takes a deep breath, tightening his grip on you. Bringing your head back, you wind your fingers in his hair and kiss him, both of you quickly deepening the kiss. He pulls back a few moments later.
“I fuckin’ love you, Sparks!”
“I fucking love you, Benny!”
He kisses you again, groaning as he feels your tug on his hair.
“And now-” he speaks into your mouth. “-we’re loaded.” 
“I don’t give a fuck. I got all I need right here.”
He puts you down and kisses you again, winding his arm around your shoulder, following your lead towards the garage with everyone else. 
A few minutes out from the airport, you turn into a deserted shopping plaza and park around the back, quickly unbuckling your belt and scrambling over the seat to get to Benny. He doesn’t question it, the fire in his eyes already lit as you straddle him, grinding your hips along his stomach, you breaths panting out. 
“I can’t wait. Need you inside me.”
You sit back to unzip his pants, Benny panting as he watches you take him out, spitting on his cock to get it wet. You lift your dress a little and slide your panties to the slide, lowering yourself onto him.
“Oh fuckfuckFUCK I missed you!” You cry out as he thrusts up into you, your hips snapping back to meet his. It’s quick, all warm air and breathy moans, Benny yanking your dress down to suck on a boob. You body lights up and you scream his name, your nails digging into his forearms where you’ve gripped him, Benny releasing just after you, hips stuttering. You wait a moment before sliding off him, whining at the loss. 
“Think you can wait until we get home for round 2?” Benny chuckles.
About 2 weeks later, everyone gathers at Frankie and Monica’s for a cookout. The money had started to come in and the boys were more relaxed, as if they closed the book on that chapter of their lives. You and Benny had decided to stay in the apartment until the lease was up, not wanting to draw any unnecessary attention to yourselves. 
Paili immediately recruited Benny to play with her, dragging him around the backyard to play whatever game her imagination came up with. He would try and sneak off to find you as often as he could, stealing a kiss before an exasperated Paili would come up, tiny hands on tiny hips, and grab his hand to haul him off again, a smile across Benny’s face.
“Mija! Let Uncle Benny breathe!” Frankie yells from the grill.
You chuckle, watching Benny try not to trip over his feet as he hunches over to take Paili’s hand.
Taking a sip from your drink, you nod towards Frankie and address Monica, who was sitting across from you. “He seems more relaxed.”
She smiles. “He is. I think they all got the closure they needed. Same with Benny?”
You nod. “He seems to be breathing better, if that makes sense.”
“It does. Frankie is the same - they needed this.”
Looking across the yard, you see Paili dragging Benny inside the house as he turns to you and gives you a salute before a tiny hand all but yanks him inside. 
“And he was never seen again,” You laugh, Monica shaking her head and laughing with you.
“Oh, Makayla - did you get that big promotion?” You turn to her and ask.
“Yeah! Yes I did!” Her smile lights up the table, but it’s nothing compared to the look on Will’s face as he watches her, love and pride rolling off of him as she explains what her new position is. 
Frankie starts to put some of the grilled meat on the table when Paili comes running up to him, tugging on his pants. 
“Dad! I can’t find my Elsa dress!”
“Where was it last?”
“I don’t know! Come help!”
“Mija, I’m setting the table. It’s time to eat.”
“Dad! I NEED it! Please??” She gives him the biggest puppy eyes, and they look exactly like miniature versions of Frankie’s.
“Go. We got this!” You insist, standing to walk to the grill to grab more food. 
“Are you sure? You don’t have-���
Paili grabs her dad’s hand and pulls him towards the house. “DAD COME ON!”
You chuckle. “Go Frankie.”
He nods, turning towards Paili who is trying to pull him with all her little might. “Ok, ok mija. I’m coming.”
“That’s 2 down,” Monica chuckles as she stands to help you carry the last of the plates over. 
“She really knows how to use those eyes, doesn’t she?” You ask.
“She gets it from her dad. Asshole uses that all the time. It’s only fair there’s some sort of payback.”.
“That’s a fact.”
“I- oh holy shit!” Monica laughs as she looks over your shoulder towards the house.
Turning, your eyes land on Benny being escorted out of the house by a mini Rapunzel. He’s dressed in that blue Elsa dress, complete with wig and he throws his hands out like he’s using ice powers as Paili (Rapunzel) walks him towards the tables where everyone had started to sit. Frankie walks behind them, smiling from ear to ear.
You walk up to him, smiling as you play with the end of his braid. “Just as hot as the day I met you all those months ago.” 
He laughs, batting his eyelashes, his eyes looking extra blue combined with the dress. 
“Somehow you’re ever more beautiful, Sparks.”
“Nah. I’ve just stopped tripping over my words when you look at me…mostly.” 
He chuckles, pulling you to him and kissing the top of your head. “Where would I be without you?”
“Getting into trouble,” You put your ear to his chest, listening to his heartbeat…and it’s racing.
“Are you ok?” You pull your head back to look at him, noticing that his hands feel clammy where they were touching your exposed skin. 
“I uh..” he clears his throat, not quite meeting your eyes. “I hope I will be in a minute.”
Slowly, Benny kneels down, getting on one knee as his hand grasps yours, slipping slightly with his sweaty palms. Your other hand flies to your mouth, gasping behind it.
“I gave up lookin’ for anyone when you stumbled into my life, trippin’ over your words when I so much as stood next to you, even dressed as the Queen of Arendelle.” He smiles up at you. “Every day I’m with you, you make me feel special, accepted, and loved. Hell even when I’m with you I can’t stop thinkin’ of you. I know I’ve done some shit in my life, and I’ve done some shit to you, and I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you. So-” he reaches into the pants he had on under the dress, pulling out a small box and flipping it open. “-Sparks, will you marry me?”
“Hell YES!” You yell, launching yourself at him before he has a chance to slip the ring on you. He falls over backwards, the wig flying off his head as you kiss him, feeling his hands cup your face. It’s not until the kiss starts to deepen before you hear Frankie playfully yelling “Hey there’s a kid here!”
Pulling back, you look down at his face, the smile bright and wide, blue eyes blown wide with love and excitement, as he laughs.
“Can I put the ring on you now?”
“Oh shit! Yes!” 
He wraps his arm around your waist and pushes you both up into a sitting position as he takes the little box and pulls the ring out, gorgeous and shining in the sun. It’s exactly your style and you put your hand out, Benny taking it and sliding the ring on you. Cheers erupt around you as you kiss again, cupping the sides of his face as you do. 
“I fuckin’ love you, Sparks.”
“I fucking love you, Benny.”
 Chapter 11>>
General Taglist:
@frankie-catfish-morales @chaoticgeminate @janebby @astoryisaloveaffair @balekanemohafe @softpedropascal @greeneyedblondie44 @hoeforthefictional @marvelousmermaid @hauntedmama @giuliarogers-blog @icanbeyourjedi @diaryofkali @sunnshineeexoxo @livingmydreams13 @adventures-of-a-noodle @sara-alonso  @theewokingdead @punkerthanpascal @giggly-otter @f0rever15elf @phandoz @dirtytissuebox @jadore-andor @gallowsjoker @lovesbiggerthanpride  @sarahmilesbendrix @booksarekindaneat @mrsudontknowme @swol-bear @charlispersonallyhell @xoxabs88xox @amneris21 @gooddaykate @alindeluce @avengers-fixation @paintballkid711 @harriedandharassed      
Light Me Up Taglist:
@spanishmossmagnolia @heresathreebee @starlightstories @wildmoonflower @harriedandharassed
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hispipsqueak · 3 years
Model Behavior
Mammon x F!Reader - NSFW  WC:2K
Summary: Mammon and MC get roped into a photo shoot that gets a little bit spicy TW: unprotected sex, creampie. semi-public, oral (F receiving) A/N: AHHHH are you guys as hype for the OM anime??? VIP gets it this Friday and I am HYPE!! Can’t wait to see all my beautiful boys. Also, I’ve been writing this for like a month and finally finished it today since I forced myself to stay awake til it was over. I’m sleepy. I hope you enjoy. 
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"Hurry up MC! These fashion types always get pissy when I'm late." Mammon tugged your arm, dragging you behind him. 
"Calm down! We'll be there on time." You said, but sped up anyway. Mammon was dragging you along to one of his photo shoots. You had to admit you were a bit excited, though you were trying to play it cool. The ivory-haired demon was already super attractive, but these photoshoots made him look incredible. You may have had a couple of your favorite magazine covers and ads of him hidden in your room.
But he didn't have to know that.
"I'm here. Let's go!" Mammon yelled out as he slammed the door open. He lifted his shades and tossed his jacket onto a nearby chair.
"Ah Mammon! Fashionably late as always...ah, but who is this?" A glamorous looking older witch peered at you over her eyeglasses. She reached out and gripped your chin. turning your face to either side.
"Hey, hands off the human!" Mammon suddenly tugged you back behind him, much to the witches amusement. 
"A human? And so attractive at that...SCRAP THIS! I have a new vision! We are going to go BOLD, daring, sensual! Get them both into wardrobe!" she barked to two frazzled lesser demons, who pushed you and Mammon down a hallway. Mammon tightened his grip on your hand.
"Wha-Oi! Keep yer hands where I can see 'em!" Mammon threatened one of the demons as they pulled off your jacket. Another frazzled demon came in and handed you each a garment bag, pushing you both towards two curtained off dressing rooms.
"Um, I'm not really a model." You called out to nobody in particular.
Mammon sighed and you heard the rustling of fabric as he dressed. 
"It's no use MC. Once she gets a vision, it's gonna happen. Hurry up and get dressed."
You unzipped the bag and your eyes widened at the little amount of fabric. You heard the witch yell out more directions in the distance and you pulled the dress on. 
Either she really gauged your size quickly or the outfit was charmed. because the dress fit like it was tailor made for you. The fabric hugged your curves and fell in all the right places. You looked in the mirror in front of you and gasped. The dress had cut outs along the sides and a keyhole cut, showing off ample cleavage. How the hell were you going to walk out of there in front of everyone in this?!
"Ya done, MC?" Mammon called out. You took another look at yourself before swallowing down your nerves and sliding on the attached heels.
"Uh...yeah." You pulled back the curtain.
"Let's g-" Mammon's words trailed off as he glimpsed you in the revealing dress. Your face felt hot as you could see his eyes roam down your body, taking in each slit of the fabric and down your bare legs. Your hands wrapped around yourself.
“I look ridiculous Mammon! I can’t go out like this!” You whispered, unsuccessfully covering yourself with your arms. Mammon, who hadn’t closed his mouth since earlier, finally snapped back.
“Ya look…” he never finished the thought, because you both were being shoved back to the set by the pair of demons from before. 
“Ahh! Marvelous! This is going to be the TALK of Devilgram!” The witch clapped her hands together. She squinted and started positioning the two of you.
“Mammon, darling, wrap your hand on her waist, yes just like that. MC, is it? Turn your head to Mammon’s neck. A little closer…”
You were pressed against Mammon, your lips practically attached to the soft skin of his neck. You could smell his cologne and were hyper aware of his hand splayed on your hip. She adjusted you both slightly, arching your back more and repositioning Mammon’s arms. Finally she stepped back.
“Perfect! Now look into each other’s eyes.”
You looked up and met Mammon’s golden eyes. Maybe it was the cologne or the fact that you were tangled in his arms, but your heart raced as you stared into each other’s gaze. Flashbulbs went off around the two of you and you could vaguely hear the witch making orders to the photographer, but the two of you were consumed with each other.
“Your heart’s racin’ MC. Must be because you’re next to the Great Mammon after all.” He whispered, a grin threatening to spread on his face.
“Shut up, I’m fine.” You hissed through your teeth, though you could feel your skin heating up. Damn photo lights.
“I need something that will push this over the edge. Something...that exudes sexiness…” the witch muttered, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Hey MC, ya trust me?” Mammon asked and you nodded, confused. One of his hands splayed on your lower back and he pressed his lips to the sensitive spot right below your ear. His hand pushed you close to him, arching your back and the flashbulbs went off rapidly.
“Perfect!! Sensual and daring! I can feel the animalistic ferality!” the witch cried out.
You were at a loss for words and your eyes closed as Mammon slipped his tongue out to lap at your skin.
“Shhh…” He breathed into your neck. From the outside, the two of you looked like professional models, albeit in a suggestive pose. Inside though, your heart was jackhammering in your chest as he nipped at your ear lobe. You felt something poke your thigh and looked down.
“Mammon! Are you…hard?”
“Ya think I could control myself when you look like that? Fuck MC…” the rest of his words were muffled as his breath tickled your neck and you tried to maintain your composure.  After what felt like an eternity, the director cut the shoot for the day.
“Great work Mammon, Y/N!” The witch barked out, turning to discuss something with the crewmates. Mammon ushered you towards your dressing rooms, but pulled you into a dark office in the back of the building.
Immediately, he latched himself to your neck, pressing kisses down the column of your throat.
“So fuckin’ hot MC. Fuck it took all I had to keep from fuckin’ ya right there.” He panted out as he bit hickeys onto the tops of your breasts. He tugged down the dress, causing it to rip open.
“Shit! Mammon, that was probably a million dollars!” You wailed, eyes widening.
He continued his assault on your chest, unfazed. “Fuck it. Shouldn’t have looked so fuckin’ good, babe.” His fingers ran down your skin, now freed from the dress and he squeezed at every inch of your curves. You shivered as his fingers trailed down your hips, pulling you closer to him. 
“Mammon, someone might see us! We can’t do –”
You lost your words as he continued to kiss down your tummy, feeling his warm breath inching closer to your heat. 
“Fuck...I wanted this so damn long. I wan’a taste every inch of ya, babe.” He whispered into your skin, tugging down your panties. Immediately, he buried his tongue inside you, lapping at your soaked folds. His painted nails dug into the flesh of your thighs, as he strained to explore every bit of you. Biting your lip, you tangled your fingers into his snow-white hair, gently tugging him closer into you. A low whine escaped his lips and the vibration had your body trembling.
“Fu-fuck Mammon...don’t stop, please…” Your words were strained as he slid his fingers across your skin and teased your entrance. The cool tiles on the wall pressed against your back as you gave into him, letting him devour you.
His tongue moved in a frenzy as he plunged two fingers inside you. Your vision blurred and your grip on his hair tightened, feeling as though if you didn’t hold on, you would float away in a euphoric rush. 
“That’s it babe...ya gonna cum for me? Cum in my mouth baby, lemme taste it.” Mammon panted as his fingers curled inside you, his lips enclosing around your clit. 
You cried out as you felt your body release on his lips. Groaning into your cunt, he slid his tongue up your folds, attempting to drink every drop from you. Your body twitched with sensitivity. 
“F-fuck…’s too much.” You panted out. He slowly pulled away, his dark skin glistening with your juices and looked up at you. His gleaming eyes met yours as he stood up and pulled you into a tender kiss. You could taste the sweet tang of yourself on his tongue as he pulled you impossibly close.
Finally breaking apart, you looked up at him with hazy eyes. The two of you looked drunk on lust and wordlessly you pulled at the buttons on his shirt as he undid his belt. Your fingertips traced the muscles on his chest, down his abdomen and you shivered at the hungry look he had on his face. You could see the tent in his boxers and he looked down at you, as if to ask you for consent. 
Nodding, you pushed down the waistband of his boxers, freeing his cock. A prominent ridge ran across, separating the tan shaft from the reddish tip. Precum glistened on the tip and you could feel your cunt clench at the idea of him inside you. 
Mammon, the normally blabbermouth brother, seemed lost for words. His cockiness was gone, replaced with a softness for you, the vulnerable side of him only you got to see. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pulled him into another kiss.
“I want you so bad Mammon...please make love to me.” The words pressed into his neck like a fiery brand and he growled before lifting you onto the table and pushing himself into you. You hissed. Though he had prepped you, he was still thick and he slowed, searching your face for any discomfort. With a slight nod, your eyes fluttered as he bottomed out in you.
“You feel so good, my beautiful girl. Perfect baby…”, he whispered praises as he shallowly humped into you. You could feel the drag of his cock on your walls and you rocked to meet his thrusts. He had one hand on your lower back, the other propping the two of you up on the table and the feeling of being surrounded by him, as he gently fucked you on his cock had you gripping at his back muscles. 
“Yes...right there. Faster, ohh.” You breathed out as he plunged deeper into you, speeding up his rhythm at your request. The wood of the desk creaked and you knew if anyone was outside the door they would be able to tell exactly what the two of you were doing. But you were drunk on lust, dizzy in Mammon and he was infatuated with you, staring down at your heaving breasts as he pounded into you.
Your nails dig into his skin and his grip on you tightened as he pressed his lips to yours, swallowing your moans. You could feel the sweat plastering his hair to his skin and with every thrust, his body seemed to scream your name.
“Not gonna be able to...hold out much longer babe. You’re squeezin’ me so tight, fuck…”  He panted into your neck, licking at the salty skin and leaving soft bites. You could feel the coil in your belly tighten as your body began to tense up. Wrapping your legs around him, you forced him into you deeper. Whimpers fell from his mouth as you bit on his shoulder.
“Fuck, fuck Mammon, I’m–” You cried out as you gushed around his cock. With a few more thrusts, Mammon yelped and pulled you against him as he spilled his seed into you. You could feel his cock throb inside you and he let out a low groan as he slowly pulled out, the mixture of the two of you spilling onto the desk and your thighs.
Your body felt wobbly and he gently laid you back on the desk. Your eyes closed and soon you felt a cloth cleaning you.
“Mmm...you’re such a sweetheart when you wanna be…” you smiled before looking down at the demon. Your eyes widened.
He shrugged.
“Looks like we’ll just have to book another gig to pay it back, babe.”
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unwrittenlibrary · 3 years
the warmth of your love
summary -> there are more ways to say i love you than just i love you. you and bucky share a few.
words -> 2.2k
warnings -> pining, friends to lovers, back to my fluffy bucky roots, female!reader
notes -> i wrote a harry s. piece similar to this years ago & it’s so interesting to see how my writing has changed since then. based off of this list. items from the list are italicized!
— ➶ —
“I’m sorry for your loss.”
They’re simple words that Bucky has become accustomed to.
Steve Rogers departure has left a hole in the world and a gap in Bucky’s chest that aches. They were best friends, brothers, and Bucky wasn’t sure how to navigate this world without him.
Bucky has grown used to the pity filled eyes of the Avengers, or at least what’s left of them, and the apologetic tone of voice.
The way the words came from your mouth though was different. Your eyes full of kindness and a small smile on your face that offered comfort.
“Th..Thank you.” Bucky says quietly. The two of you have only known each other for a couple years now, but Bucky finds comfort in you more than he does people he’s known since Steve and Sam had saved him. “It means a lot.”
Your hand squeezes his right forearm gently. “If you need anything, I’m here for you.”
He knows the words hold true; That if he called, you’d be over with dinner or movies to help him. It makes Bucky feel warm in a way he hasn’t in almost a century.
“I know.” His left hand covers yours. “I appreciate it.” You both share a smile, small and private, before the moment is over.
“I was in the neighborhood.”
There’s a knock on his door that makes Bucky jump. He’s been working on his reactions, logically he knows not everybody is out to get him, but it’s something ingrained in his mind.
He’s working on being better about it, he is, but it’s almost ten at night and Bucky doesn’t really have many friends left.
His hand wraps around the hilt of his knife as he creeps towards his apartment door. There’s another knock and Bucky moves to look through the peephole.
It’s you. Covered dishes in your hand and scarf wrapped tightly around your neck. Bucky’s lips quark up at the sight, fall was starting and fall in New York was a bitter cold. His hand falls from his knife as he moves to unlock the door.
“What are you doing here?” He asks incredulously as you step inside. Bucky’s eyes find his makeshift bed on the living room floor and he shifts in embarrassment.
You gently place the glass dish on his counter and shrug your coat off. “I was in the neighborhood.” It’s an obvious lie, if the meal for two is anything to go by, but Bucky doesn’t dispute it. “Thought you might be hungry.”
You move around his kitchen like you belong there, pulling out plates and utensils. Bucky watches with his mouth parted in awe. “You didn’t have to-“
“-I wanted to.” You move over, making room for Bucky to stand beside you, and hold out a fork for him. “Now, come on. It’s a new recipe.”
Bucky holds a finger up. “Let me get you a drink. I have some wine.” He shuffles through his cabinets until he comes across a bottle of white wine, a housewarming gift from Sam.
“Now it’s a date.” You giggle and Bucky can feel his cheeks heat, not at the insinuation of it being a date but the fact that he so desperately wishes it was.
“Stay there. I’m coming to get you.”
Bucky knows you’re not his girlfriend. It’s a painful observation he makes every time you bring something over or offer to go out. The way your hands brush but never intertwine and how you give him a hug and press a kiss to his cheek instead of his lips.
Bucky knew you weren’t his girlfriend, but he didn’t know you were dating.
“I’m so sorry to bother you,” Your voice is choked up and you struggle to get the words out, “I just, I didn’t know who else to call.”
“What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” Bucky’s mind has slipped into panic mode as he jumps up from his couch. He moves around his apartment, hastily pulling on pants and socks while holding the phone to his ear and listening for any signs of pain. “Where are you?”
You sniffle. “I’m fine! I’m not hurt! Well, not physically anyway. I had a date tonight and he stood me up.” You suck in a deep breath and Bucky freezes.
A date?
“So, my pride is injured.” You joke, but Bucky’s stuck frozen in the middle of his living room with one shoe on and a broken heart.
He knows, okay, he knows you never told him you had feelings for him. That you didn’t owe him anything, but he thought maybe…
“…But physically I’m okay.” You’re still talking and Bucky is only half listening. “Can I come over? I’m, like, five blocks away. Bad Moon bar. I can walk to your place. I just need a friend.”
The word rings in Bucky’s ears, but he forces himself to speak. “Stay there. I’ll come get you.” Bucky moves to pull his second shoe on and pulls on a coat.
He hears your sigh of relief. “Thank you so much. I’ll be outside.” Bucky swallows thickly when you hang the phone up.
“I think you’re beautiful.”
You have another date. This time with a man who asked what your favorite flower is and has decided to take you out to dinner instead of a bar.
Bucky’s chest hurts, but he stays silent. He’s unwilling to break this friendship up by telling you how he feels, especially when it seems clear to him that you do not feel the same way.
“Okay! Okay!” You come barreling down your hallway and into the living room. Bucky looks up from his phone and his mouth almost falls open in shock.
You look lovely in the dress that flows to your feet. It fits around your curves and Bucky can’t stop his eyes from trailing over you in awe.
“Wow.” He murmurs. Your eyes shift and you glance down at your hands fiddling in the front of your stomach. “You look…”
You cut him off before he can get anymore words out, “I look ridiculous! I knew it. I look far too dressed up.” You spin on your heel, but Bucky shoots up to stop you.
“No! You look…” He trails off nervously. Bucky looks at you, really looks at you, someone warm and full of light and understands what this feeling he has around you is. “I think you’re beautiful.”
“Happy Birthday.” & “I made this for you.”
Bucky walks into his apartment and is immediately hit with the smell of vanilla. He can hear your voice, reading ingredients to yourself, from his entryway and smiles to himself.
“I knew there was a reason Sam kept me out all day.” Bucky laughs when you jump and drop the whisk in your hand. “What’re you doing here, sweetheart?”
Your shoulders rise and fall with a deep breath. “It’s your birthday!” You smile brightly as Bucky presses a greeting kiss to your cheek.
“I’ve had too many of them, no need to bring attention to it.” Bucky dips a finger in the whipped frosting in your hands and laughs when you smack it away.
“We have to celebrate!” You exclaim with an affronted look. “No ifs ands or buts! Happy birthday, Bucky!”
The bowl of frosting is dropped on the counter as you move to wrap your arms tightly around Bucky’s waist. He settles in your arms as his own come up to wrap around you.
The poems and stories talk about being in the arms of the one you love as rapid heartbeats and butterflies but all Bucky feels is calm. It’s like the worries of his day to day life just slip away when he’s with you.
It’s good, so wonderfully good to have an anchor like that. He didn’t need the butterflies that made him feel sick or the rapid heartbeat that worsened his anxiety. He just needed the warmth.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” Bucky presses another kiss to the top of your head. You pull away to look up at him excitedly. “What’s that look for?”
You pull away completely and move around to pull your bag off of one of his kitchen stools. “I made this for you.” Your voice is quiet and nervous as you push a wrapped box towards him.
It’s a small book, one with no title to indicate what’s on the inside, but Bucky can tell it’s something personal from the way you’re rocking back and forth nervously on your feet.
When he opens it to the first page, tears almost spring to his eyes. His lungs burn with effort to not cry as he flips through picture after picture. Him, you and him, him with Sam and Steve and all of you together.
Each photo has a small note next to it too. Hearts and smiley faces decorate the edges. Bucky looks up at you with his mouth open in awe.
“This is… Nobody has ever done something this special for me before.” He admits quietly. “I love it.”
A sigh of relief escapes you as Bucky moves to pull you into his arms again. “Happy Birthday, Buck.” You murmur into his chest.
It’s the best birthday Bucky’s had since he was a child.
“You can tell me anything.”
You’re nervous.
It’s obvious in the way your eyes shift to Bucky before back to the sidewalk in front of you.
Your nervousness is making Bucky nervous. His fingers twitching every so often and he finds himself shifting around as if he expects something to hop out from behind one of the trees.
“Are you okay?” Bucky finally asks when he notices your hands tangled together in front of your stomach. “You’re being fidgety.”
You look up with wide, shocked eyes like you had forgotten Bucky was there entirely, too caught up in your own thoughts. “I’m okay!” You say quickly.
Bucky feels his eyes narrow and he forces you to a stop beside him with a gentle hand on your elbow. “Are you sure?”
“Yep! Just busy overthinking.” You laugh awkwardly as you glance down at the hand still wrapped around your elbow. Bucky drops it quickly, but your hand reaches out to intertwine your fingers with his. “I just… I’ve been wanting to ask you.. No. Tell you something.”
Bucky squeezes your hand gently. “You can tell me anything.” He says quietly. You look at him with wet eyes and Bucky feels himself panic. “No judgement, not from me, not ever.”
“Promise?” You ask quietly. Your voice sounds so unlike you, so nervous and uncomfortable that Bucky isn’t sure what he can do to make it better.
So he nods. “Promise. I’m the last person to judge, sweetheart.”
“I love you.”
It’s right out of those romantic comedies that Bucky pretends to dislike. The way you stand in front of him, wrapped up in a winter coat and scarf, with trembling hands and admit to Bucky how you feel.
“I’ve felt like this for a long time. A really long time now, I don’t think I could even tell you when because it just happened.” You ramble when you’re nervous, a habit Bucky thinks is adorable. “And I knew you were going through a lot, so I never said anything. I love being your friend, I do, but I had to tell you. It’s tearing me up having this secret because I hate secrets.”
Bucky says your name in an attempt to cut you off, but you don’t seem to hear him. “It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. I-“
Your lips press shut when Bucky’s hands come up to cup your cheeks. “Will you shut up for just one second?” He asks sweetly.
You nod with wide eyes. “I feel warm around you,” Bucky starts off, “I don’t feel butterflies or sweaty palms. I used too, sometimes when you look at me a certain way I still do, but most of the time I just feel warm. I… I feel like I can breathe again. I feel calm. You make me calm.”
“What?” You ask softly. It’s obvious you’re trying to not get your hopes up as Bucky talks.
“I love you too.” Bucky says clearly. Your hand comes up to rest over his on your cheek as you press into the pressure. “You make it easy for me to breathe again.”
Bucky feels the sigh of relief you let out. “You make it easy for me too.” You say quietly, your tone much lighter than before.
“Can I kiss you?”
When you nod, Bucky can feel his entire face brighten. He’s sure there’s a nervous blush there as you tilt your head up towards him and leans to meet you halfway.
It’s just as warm as you are, the way you kiss. Slow and pushing all of your emotions into it. Your lips are cold, but Bucky’s sure his are too.
It’s everything he’s wanted with you. Despite the snowflakes beginning to fall around you and the wind nipping at his skin, all Bucky feels is warmth.
Bonus -> “Can I have this dance?”
A winter wedding seemed fitting when you had suggested it. Something small, intimate and warm. Just a few of your closest friends and family to bear witness.
You’ve been wandering around the venue for the past hour, saying hi to family and catching up with people you’ve been too busy to hang out with the past couple of months. Bucky’s sick of not having you by his side.
His arm wraps your waist from behind and he presses a kiss to your cheek, immediately cutting off what you were saying to Pepper.
A slow song starts, Bucky won’t admit until later that he told the DJ to start it once Bucky reached your side.
“Mrs. Barnes, can I have this dance?”
— ➶ —
me: has ten pieces in the drafts that need to be worked on
also me: just writes this fluffy disaster
907 notes · View notes
oreomonsterhunter · 3 years
“I’m not wearing my sexy underwear tonight”
Pairing: Johnny x reader (or OC)
Word Count: 3988
Genre: fluff, not smut but they both really wanna toe the line
Warnings: language, some sexy kisses (cover your eyes kids)
Summary: Johnny takes his best friend on their first date
A/N: this has absolutely morphed into a long term couple, because apparently Princess has taken the reins 😂 if you like this, check out the rest of their story so far on my masterlist!
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You were nervous.  Friends with Johnny since diapers, and somehow you were nervous to meet him in five minutes.  You glanced at the time—make that four minutes.
Pacing back and forth in front of the door, you smoothed down your dress again.  All Johnny had told you was to dress up.  He might be a fashion king, but he wasn’t exactly the best at sharing details.  You’d teetered between twenty different outfits before finally settling on a happy medium.  Couldn’t show up to a museum in an evening gown.  Well, you supposed you could, if you even owned one.  So the little black dress at the back of your closet was the final choice.  Safe enough for just about every venue, since Johnny hadn’t told you where your date would be.
You sucked in a breath, fighting against the nerves tight in your stomach.  Your first date, oh my gosh.  How were you supposed to date Johnny?  You’d done practically everything together already, what made this different from going to the movies together last week?  Aside from the obvious—last week, you didn’t know what Johnny’s lips felt like on yours.
Then you groaned at your sudden realization.  Jeez, you couldn’t do anything right in this relationship with Johnny.  You were about to have your first date but you’d already had a hot and heavy makeout session at an unmentionable hour of the morning.  So much for “will I kiss him afterwards?”  Dating for five seconds, and everything was already out of order.  You wanted to scream, but before your thoughts could really start spiraling, you heard a knock at the door.
You were sweating, oh gosh.  Did you need to reapply deodorant?  You froze, staring at nothing.  Until another knock sounded, this time accompanied by Johnny’s familiar voice, “Yo, are you ready to go?”
You sagged in relief.  Nothing else would have snapped you out of the nervous cycle better than Johnny being….well, Johnny.  And when you finally convinced yourself to open the door, the sight of his easy smile was enough for yours to appear, too.
“Well, uh, hi,” he stuttered, making you giggle.
You slipped on your shoes, grabbed a small purse, and locked the door behind you.  Then you linked arms with Johnny, “Alright, where to, mystery man?  You haven’t told me anything.”
“That’s mostly because I didn’t figure anything out until today.”
Biting your lip to hold back a giggle, you tugged him down the hallway.  “No wonder you didn’t share much detail.  I should’ve known.”
Johnny tightened his grip on you when you stepped out of the elevator, leading you to the car.  He didn’t say much, which was a bit out of character.  Frowning up at him, you tried to meet his gaze.  He finally looked down at you when he opened the passenger door for you to get in.  “You, uh, you look really nice tonight.”
A small smile bloomed, “Not looking so bad yourself, hot stuff.”
* * * * *
Apparently Johnny had picked out a restaurant for dinner.  A fancy restaurant.  You read through the list of entrees with a barely-concealed grimace.  “Do you know what any of these words mean?” you asked him.
Johnny beamed at you, “Nope, that’s half the fun.”
A waiter walked by with a tray destined for another table, and you both gaped at the miniscule portion sizes.  “Those look like appetizers,” Johnny said, goggling at the tiny salad. “Maybe I can order several steaks. I’d need about five of them.” He started eyeing the menu again.
“As long as you’re picking up the tab,” you joked.
“Oh, I thought you were,” he said, all wide eyed innocence.  You smacked his arm with your menu, fighting a grin at his usual antics.  The couple at the next table shot you a look, and you hunched back in your seat.
“Don’t worry, I’m paying.  Order whatever you’d like,” Johnny said, still puzzling over the ridiculous dinner options.
You frowned, reaching for your water.  But shoot, it probably cost five bucks for tap, you thought with no small amount of horror.  You set it back down before you drained more of Johnny’s wallet.
After a few more minutes of torturous silence, trying not to fidget too much, you leaned forward.  “Do we even have a waiter?”
Johnny jerked upright, looking over his shoulder at the man in question.  “I don’t know?”
“I’ve been trying to make eye contact with the staff for five minutes and they’re all ignoring me.”
Johnny blinked at you.  “Wait, are you ready to order?”
“No, I wanna ask if they charge for water.”
“No one charges for water,” he chortled.
“I bet it’s five bucks a glass,” you said, crossing your arms.
Now Johnny was really laughing, and half the restaurant was staring at your table.  “Only if it’s imported from the crystal springs of Iceland,” he said, grinning.
“Wait, really?”
“Hell if I know,” Johnny said, making you snort some of your water.  You shrunk down in your chair, hiding your red face while he kept laughing.
“I don’t know this man,” you said to the people at the next table. They stared at you, whispering among themselves.  Pouting, you turned back to Johnny.  “I can’t believe you booked a table here,” you cocked an eyebrow at him.  “I thought we were burger joint people, not escargot snobs.”
“Do you really not wanna eat here?” he asked, propping his elbows on the table.
You opened your mouth to respond, but your waiter finally showed up to take your order.  “Good evening, can I interest you in anything else to drink?”
“Any Icelandic sparkling water?”  Now Johnny was the one snorting inelegantly.
The waiter laughed, despite not knowing the joke.  “Can I interest you in a bottle of red?  You seem like a red wine woman.”
You smiled politely, reaching for the wine list when he offered it to you.  “Sure, I’ll take a look.”
The waiter smirked, eyes landing on you.  “I’ll have to card you, miss.”
Your brows raised, but you complied, digging out your wallet.  Across the table, Johnny cleared his throat, “Do I look like a red wine guy?”  But the waiter barely glanced at him before his eyes were back on you.
“Your photo doesn’t do you justice,” the waiter commented, handing your ID back.
“No one looks good in those pictures,” you chuckled.
“I beg to differ,” he said, then nodded at the wine list.  “What can I get you?”
You glanced over at Johnny, who was fidgeting enough to shake the table.  Curious.  “What do you recommend?” you asked, twirling a strand of hair around one finger.
“You might be interested in one of our finer vintages,” he began, leaning over your shoulder to point out a few wines on the list.  You heard a subtle sound, and out of the corner of your eye, saw Johnny’s fingers rapping the table at a rapidly increasing pace.  You bit your lip, focusing on the wines again, but not before adding a little more fuel to the fire.  Time to test your theory.  You crossed your legs, brushing one foot up Johnny’s calf in the process.  The man jumped as if electrocuted, his knees banging into the underside of the table.
“How about this one?” you asked innocently, looking up at the waiter again.
“A lovely choice, though it is on the higher range, so I’m not sure—”
“We’ll take it,” Johnny announced, plucking the wine list from your fingers and shoving it at the waiter.
You raised an eyebrow, but the waiter simply smiled at you, apparently unbothered by growly Johnny.  “I’ll bring that right out for you,” he said, taking the wine menu and leaving you to suffer over dinner options.
Johnny cleared his throat, leaning towards you again.  “That waiter’s a bit weird, huh?” he asked, watching the man walk away.  “He didn’t even ask what I wanted.”
You donned your best sparkly-eyed expression, “But he’s being so friendly!  He really deserves a nice tip, he had some helpful suggestions.”
Johnny frowned, “He’s obviously flirting with you.”
“No way,” you laughed, waving him off.
Johnny rolled his eyes, “Trust me.  He’s flirting with you more than I am, and I’m the one taking you on a date.”
You leaned forward, resting your elbows on the table.  “Maybe you should start flirting with me some more, then.”
Johnny sent you an indecipherable look.  You wondered if your teasing had worked.  But Johnny seemed to have calmed down some, now that the helpful waiter was out of sight.  
You shrugged, sitting back in your chair.  You changed the subject, giving the man a break.  “Seriously, we don’t need to spend this much on dinner.  I feel bad.”
“I thought you’d like this place,” Johnny said, brows furrowing.
“I will literally go anywhere with you, it doesn’t matter, I just….I dunno, I feel like I don’t fit in here.”  You weren’t quite sure how to express your fear that people would call you a gold-digger or something, only dating Johnny now that he’d achieved success.  Even if the two of you knew better, it still made your stomach twist.  And not in the nice way it did while watching Johnny’s hands playing with his water glass.  Shoot, shoot, shoot, now his fingers were wet from the condensation.  You really didn’t need to know what that looked like.  Had his hands always been that large?  You shifted in your seat.
Johnny’s mouth twisted in a wry smile, “I don’t know if either of us really fit in with the rich old person vibe, but I heard the food is good.”
I’d rather have a bite of you, you thought to yourself, twisting the napkin in your lap.  You’d never seen him in a suit before.  Or at least, not in person.
Johnny coughed suddenly, staring at you with wide eyes.  “What?”
Oh shit, did you say that out loud?  Your cheeks burned.  “Um, I’d be, uh,” you stuttered, trying to cover your mistake, all confidence extinguished.  “We could get burgers, or something.”
Johnny sat back in his chair, eyes on yours.  He smirked, and you wanted to disappear into a hole in the ground.  Oh no, he definitely heard you.
“As long as I get to keep watching you,” Johnny said, voice low.  “You really are beautiful, not just tonight.  Every night.”
You opened your mouth, not sure what to say, but knowing that you wanted Johnny to keep looking at you like that.  Like you were the main course.  “Johnny, I—”
“Your wine, miss,” the waiter had returned.  You bit back a frown, knowing he was just doing his job.  But he seriously couldn’t have waited another minute?
“Thank you,” you murmured, sampling the first sip before allowing the waiter to pour both glasses.
“Can I interest you in any appetizers?” he asked, pouring Johnny’s wine.
You blinked, having forgotten the menu entirely.  Across the table, Johnny pulled out the menu, but before he could point anything out, the waiter was hovering over your shoulder.  “Might I recommend the cheese board?  It will pair beautifully with this bottle.”
“Might I tell you my order?” Johnny said.  His smile was sharper than before.  You might have teased him some more, but you got a bit distracted by Johnny’s jawline as he turned to speak to the waiter.  Honestly, you were having trouble tearing your eyes away from him all night.  It felt like seeing him for the first time, and in a way, you supposed you were.  You’d always known Johnny was attractive, since the time all boys started to look cute.  You’d just never let yourself think about it too much.  Best friend mental boundaries and all that.
Maybe if Johnny hadn’t said anything on that night, you wouldn’t have ever seen him like this.  You wouldn’t have allowed yourself to admire the column of his neck, or his long fingers as they unbuttoned the top of his shirt.  It would’ve been you and your stupid butterflies trapped in the friend zone forever.
Thoroughly distracted now, you bit your lip as you wondered what Johnny’s neck would look like with some new decorations.
“You realize they sell food here, right?  You don’t have to look at me like I’m an appetizer,” Johnny whispered across the table dramatically.  You startled, looking around, but the waiter had left at some point during your daydream.  Oh gosh, did you drool?  You pressed the back of your hand to your face discreetly, relieved to find nothing of the sort.
Then your brain caught up to Johnny, and you looked up at him with a smirk, “You’re too big to be an appetizer.”
Johnny choked on a laugh, covering his mouth to hide his smile when the other diners looked your way.  When he appeared to have himself under control again, he eyed you from head to toe—or at least what he could see from across the table.  He shot you a grin, “You’ll find out soon enough, won’t you?”
You watched him through your lashes, not quite sure what to make of him anymore.  You’d had your fair share of fun with other guys, but never in a million years had you imagined flirting with Johnny so blatantly.  Let alone in a fancy five star restaurant like this.
A sudden presence at your side startled you, and you jumped a little when the waiter reached over your shoulder to set a dish down.  “Sorry for startling you,” he murmured, moving away slightly, but not before brushing your shoulder in apology.  “Should I leave you with this for now, or are you ready to order?”
Johnny’s eyes flashed, and you bit back a curse at the waiter’s truly stellar ability to interrupt.  “We’re fine, thank you,” you said, unable to stop watching Johnny.  Or his hand, slowly tightening into a fist on top of the table.
“Would you like to hear the specials tonight?”
You donned a polite smile, nodding at the waiter to continue.  While he read down the list of fancy-sounding entrées, you turned your smile on Johnny, who was vibrating in his seat again.  You could’ve sworn your water glasses were shaking, and you held back a giggle.  You uncrossed and recrossed your legs, extra slowly to make sure he got the message when you “accidentally” brushed his knee this time.  The vibrations stopped, and his eyes burned into you.
“Thank you, we’ll keep looking over the menu,” Johnny interrupted the waiter, his voice deeper than before.  Your smile only grew.
Once the waiter was out of earshot, you leaned in.  “Can we leave?  I can’t even kiss you here.”
“Yep, yes, absolutely,” Johnny said, standing up the second the words were out of your mouth.  He nearly upended the table, making you snort.  “Right now,” he nodded, striding for the exit.
You scrambled out of your chair, rushing after him.  “Johnny,” you hissed, grabbing his sleeve.  “We didn’t pay yet.”
He came to a halt in the hallway, and you nearly ran into his back.  Then Johnny turned around, and you became very aware of the semi-secluded location as he moved closer.  You squeaked out a panicked, “Not here!”  You backed away until he finally reached out, one hand circling your waist to reel you in.
Johnny’s eyes moved over your shoulder, then back to yours.  He smirked, leaning in close enough for you to feel his lips brushing your cheek as he murmured, “Tell the valet to get the car.  I’ll grab the wine.”
You could’ve sworn you felt his hand brush down your back, lower.  Your cheeks burned hotter.  But when you turned, Johnny’s broad shoulders were disappearing around the corner, and the waiter was hurrying in the opposite direction.
* * * * *
You ended up ditching the car and walking around the neighborhood.  You only looked slightly out of place with your high heels and makeup when you ended up at a tteokbokki joint.  You’d played rock paper scissors between that and burgers, and Johnny won, as usual.
After dinner, you were reasonably close to your apartment, so Johnny offered to walk you home. It felt like another one of your late-night adventures, except you were usually in sneakers. When your feet got tired, you stopped in the middle of the block to take off the killer heels, sighing in relief.  You slung the straps over your wrist, prepared to keep trudging along, when Johnny swooped in.  One second, you were on the ground, the next, you were admiring the top view of Johnny’s ass from where you were dangling over his shoulder.
“Johnny, what the fuck,” you asked breathlessly, dying of laughter.  And from his shoulder digging into your diaphragm.
“Are you crazy?  You could cut your feet open,” he scolded you.
“At least there’s a nice view,” you sighed, reaching down to pat his butt.
Johnny put a little bounce in his next step, and you grunted at the impact.  You could practically feel his smug little grin.  “Hands off the merchandise.”
“How is that fair?  You totally copped a feel back at the restaurant.”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Bull,” you said.  “You went all ‘alpha male’ with that nice waiter.”
Johnny huffed, “I wasn’t jealous.”
You grinned in victory.  “I never said you were, mister offering-up-information.  Now put me down, you caveman.”
Johnny’s grip on your thighs loosened, and his hands slid up to your waist, holding you tightly as he helped you back down.  You froze for a second when your feet hit the ground, not expecting to be face-to-face with him so suddenly.  “Wait right there,” Johnny said firmly, finally releasing your waist.
You blinked at him in confusion, watching as he slid his suit jacket off.  Your eyes widened when he reached for you, but it was only to wrap the jacket around your waist, tying the sleeves into a knot to hold it in place.
“There,” Johnny said, nodding at his handiwork.  Then he turned, crouching down slightly.  “Alright, princess, hop on.”
You beamed at him, not that he could see it.  It wouldn’t be a walk with Johnny if he didn’t end up carrying you at the end of the night, you chuckled to yourself.  You were fiercely grateful to Johnny for thinking of his jacket—you weren’t quite sure how long your skirt was, now that you were wrapped around him like a koala.
“Thanks, Johnny,” you mumbled, burying your face in his neck.  “You’re the bestest.”  You left a smacking kiss on his cheek, and he laughed, tightening his hold on your legs.
Finally, you arrived at your apartment building.  You slid your heels back on, balancing with one hand on Johnny’s arm.  “I’ll walk you up,” he said once you straightened.
But when you got to your door, you hesitated, unsure what to say.  Was this the part where you kissed him goodnight?  You were torn, so at odds with the way the night resembled your old friend dates, only now things were different.  What were you supposed to do?
“So,” Johnny drawled, leaning against the wall.  “Where’s my tip?”
You stared at him, incredulous.  “Your tip?” you repeated.
“Johnny’s chauffeur service isn’t free,” he said.  “And if I remember correctly, you still owe me for last time.”
You cocked a hip, smirking slightly.  “Any preferred payment methods?”
Johnny blew you an air kiss, and you made a show of catching it.  “I take cash or card,” he informed you.
“What a shame,” you murmured, dropping your purse in front of the door.  “I seem to have lost my wallet.”
He watched you carefully, barely blinking as you approached him, one slow step at a time.  “Apps?”
You stopped mere inches away, “Not a single one.”
He swallowed, and your eyes tracked the movement.  Your daydream from before came back with a vengeance—you bit your lip at the thought of marking him up.  Then you leaned in, resting one hand on his chest.  His heart pounded through the thin dress shirt.
“Will this do?” you asked, lips just barely brushing his.  Nothing else touched, aside from your fingertips on his sternum, but you could’ve sworn you felt him shiver.
Oh so slowly, Johnny reached out, hands ghosting over your hips.  You smiled against him, then melded your lips to his, bypassing whatever hesitations were holding you back.  What was the worst that could happen?
You felt Johnny teasing at the seam of your lips and gratefully opened for him.  He inhaled sharply when you inched forward, your chest brushing his.  You couldn’t hear anything but your heart racing.  And when his fingers dug into your hips, you fell into the kiss.  He pulled you in like a magnet until every part of you aligned with him.  Your limbs felt molten, burning at the contact.
Johnny pulled away, but not for long.  You gasped for air as his lips traced over your jawline, making their way to the delicate skin beneath your ear.  He pressed hot kisses there until your neck arched back obediently.  And when he nipped at your throat, you whimpered.  Thoughtlessly, your hips rocked forward.  Johnny gave voice to a deep groan, so you did it again.
Growling lightly, Johnny curled an arm around your waist to pull you harder against him.  All of the breath left your body at the feel of his growing hardness against your belly.  You fisted your hands in his collar, tugging him away from your neck.  You caught a glimpse of his kiss-swollen lips and blown out pupils, then dove back in for more.
While your mouth danced with his, your hands dragged southward.  Your fingernails caught on a button or two as you traced the muscle beneath.  Now Johnny’s hips were bucking into yours.  You grinned savagely into the kiss.  You’d just reached his belt when Johnny ripped his mouth away from yours.  “Woah, woah,” he gasped.  “Slow down, there.”
You panted for air, “What’s wrong?”
Both of you were breathing hard, and you were having a hard time ignoring the elephant in the room.  Er, hallway.  “You’re not trying to take advantage of me on the first date, are you?” Johnny asked with a breathy chuckle.
You laughed softly, tilting your chin back to get a good look at him.  “Is it really taking advantage if you want it, too?”  You smirked at him, rolling your hips forward to emphasize your point.
He watched you through half-lidded eyes, and you could’ve sworn you felt him throb.  But Johnny, ever the gentleman, smoothed his hand down your back, resting his head back against the wall rather than picking up where you left off.  “Cut me some slack, I’m not wearing my sexy underwear tonight,” he said with a crooked smile.
Oh no, now you had heart eyes for the man.  You pecked his chin to hide your cheesy grin.  “You let me know when you are, hmm?” you hummed, placing another kiss to the base of his throat.
“Princess, I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready for you.”
You giggled, leaning back in his arms.  “Am I so scary?”
Johnny sobered, meeting your gaze.  “I just don’t want to mess anything up.  Not with you.”
“I don’t think that’s possible,” you smiled at him.  “I trust you too much.”
“Oh yeah?  You still haven’t told me what you wished for on your fourteenth birthday,” Johnny taunted.
You tilted your head, thinking back.  “I didn’t tell you because I was hopelessly in love with you at the time,” you confessed.  “Now that’s out in the open, I guess you can know.”
Johnny blinked, taken aback.  “Even then?”
“Johnny, I think I’ve loved you forever,” you said, staring up at him.  “So of course I wished for the same thing every year.”
“What was it?”
Your smile widened, “Well, it already came true.  You said it, too.”
* * * * *
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marry me
Fandom: Sanders Sides Characters: Logan, Virgil, background all-the-other-Sides Rating: Teen & up Relationships: Analogical, background Intrualiceit Warnings: None, just lots of fluff Word count: 2017
Read on AO3!
My writing masterpost
Starlight Universe masterpost
analogical week 2022 start - previous - here - next - masterpost
Summary: Logan has a question.
Notes: Day 7 of @analogicalweek 2022! Takes place about 6 months before Analogical’s marriage.
Logan breathed deeply, doing his best to calm the jittery squirming his stomach had kept up nonstop for the last seventy-three minutes. It was fine. It would be fine. Better than fine, in fact. He had a plan, and he knew Virgil liked the plan, and Remus had smuggled his camera in his bag without Virgil noticing, and the evening had gone wonderfully so far.
But nothing would ever be the same after this.
(It would be better after this, he assured himself once again. It would be amazing, he had full confidence in that. But even an overwhelmingly wonderful, positive change was still a change—and a big change at that, a life-altering one. He could hardly help but be nervous, even though he was excited for this moment.)
At least Virgil seemed to be having a lovely afternoon, which was certainly both encouraging and a good sign—as well as simply being a delightful fact in its own right. He was all lit up and grinning, his fingers laced tightly with Logan’s, his mouth slightly sticky with the purple cotton candy they’d shared earlier, a spring in his step as he followed Logan down the street.
As far as Virgil knew, the reason they’d spent all day wandering about the tourist-y areas of the twins’ hometown was that Patton had recently had his first anniversary with Remus and Janus, and really wanted the whole friend group to spend some intentional time together having fun in celebration of this. Which was certainly a large part of the reason for the trip. But not quite all of it.
A couple of weeks before the day trip was planned, Logan had taken the opportunity to pitch his idea to the rest of the group, via a group text excluding Virgil, and they’d all been enthusiastically on board. Patton had spammed a ridiculous number of emojis in his excitement over the idea, and Remus had made an incredibly crude joke, which Logan was pretty certain amounted to the exact same sentiment from both his friends.
They’d all done a good job keeping the secret from Virgil so far, although Roman and Patton both kept shooting gleeful looks at either Logan or Virgil, regardless of how many “cut it out” gestures Logan gave them.
But it was only a couple more moments now, and then there would be no need for them to keep Logan’s plan secret anymore. Logan had asked the twins to help him pick a location, a picturesque and quiet one, that would look good in photos and that both he and Virgil would enjoy and look back fondly on. Miraculously, Roman and Remus had come to an agreement less than an hour after Logan made the request, and after examining the location on Google Maps—a public park full of trees with leaves all going vivid shades of orange in the late September sun—Logan had deemed it satisfactory.
“C’mon,” Roman urged now, leading the way, “the picnic won’t eat itself!”
“You’re eager,” Virgil said, rolling his eyes with a smile. “Chill out, it’s not like a couple extra minutes is going to matter either way.”
“I just think we should get there very fast right now because I am very excited! Foooor dinner,” Roman finished with a brilliant grin, clearly thinking he had saved this very smoothly indeed.
Virgil squinted at him, obviously not buying it, but let it go, shaking his head and giving an amused, “Sure, whatever you say, Princey.”
Logan let out a very quiet sigh of relief and squeezed Virgil’s hand.
Virgil squeezed back, glancing at him with an attentive look on his face. When they reached the spot the twins had designated, and Remus ran ahead, which prompted both Roman and Patton to chase him while Janus followed at a more reasonable pace, Virgil slowed and hung back, pulling Logan to a stop. “Hey,” he murmured.
“Hey,” Logan responded, letting Virgil tug him down and press their foreheads together.
“You good?” Virgil inquired. “You’ve been really tense for a while now.”
“I’m fine,” Logan said quickly, scrambling to come up with an explanation. “Just—a little tired.”
“Do you want to go back to the AirBNB?” Virgil asked at once, examining Logan’s face attentively. He cupped Logan’s cheek in his hand. “We can blow the others off, it’ll be fine. You don’t have to stick it out if you’re overwhelmed. It’ll be okay.”
Logan absolutely melted at the inquiry, so thoughtful and sweet and unfortunately addressing a problem that was entirely made up. “I am alright,” he assured Virgil. “If I want to leave, I will let you know.”
Virgil examined his face a moment more. “Mmkay. Promise?”
“Absolutely, dear,” Logan agreed, and let Virgil pull him into a brief, tender kiss of reassurance.
“Gay,” he heard Remus shouting; by the time he pulled away, Virgil was already flipping their friend off. Remus only giggled and waved them over.
As Virgil and Logan, hands still clasped together, neared the group—Janus and Patton were unpacking the picnic, while Roman was twirling aimlessly nearby with a handful of bright leaves clasped in front of his face—Remus, sitting on a tree stump, fished in his bag and tugged out the camera.
“Dude.” Virgil made a surprised noise. “What did you lug that around all day for? You didn’t even use it.”
“Mysterious and evil designs and purposes,” Remus said at once, peering through the shutter and adjusting the settings busily. “Nefarious and gay. The best kind.”
“Oh, obviously.” Virgil rolled his eyes. “You just forgot you had it, didn’t you?”
“Hey, I took my meds this morning!” Remus snickered. “But sure, tell yourself that if it makes you happy.”
“Virgil!” Roman dropped the leaves and ran over to Virgil, staggering dizzily only once. He caught the other man by the hands and tugged him away from Logan. “Come over here!”
“Why?” Virgil said, clearly bemused even as he complied.
“The lighting’s better here,” Roman explained, situating Virgil in front of a picturesque clump of trees and nodding at Logan and Remus.
Not particularly subtly; Virgil’s head whipped around, and he gazed around the group suspiciously. “What aren’t you telling me?” he demanded.
“Ready, Lolo?” Remus asked, ignoring Virgil entirely.
Logan swallowed. “Yes, I suppose,” he said.
Patton bounced eagerly on his knees, pulled something small from the picnic basket, and passed it to Logan with cupped hands to obscure it from Virgil’s line of sight.
“Babe, what—” Virgil broke off, his eyes widening. “Hold on. Are you—?” He examined Logan’s face raptly. “No way,” he breathed.
They had talked about this. At length, several times. Virgil did know it was coming, and soon; he just hadn’t been made privy to when. So it made sense that he would have put the pieces together, Logan reflected, as Remus grinned and raised the camera and Logan drew in a deep breath and crossed over to Virgil.
Roman let go of Virgil’s hands, patted him on the shoulders, and ran over to his twin, standing just behind Remus’s shoulder and watching, bouncing on his toes with his hands over his mouth.
Logan came to a stop before his boyfriend. He glanced around once, gathering his courage—the twins were clearly bursting with eager energy; over on the picnic blanket, Patton was curled up in Janus’s lap, giving Logan an encouraging thumbs-up—and back to Virgil.
He drew in a deep breath and got down on one knee, opening the ring box Patton had handed to him as he did so.
“No fucking way,” Virgil repeated, voice choking up halfway through the sentence.
Logan laughed quietly. “Way,” he responded, his own voice breaking under the weight of all the emotion suddenly filling him.
“Fuck,” Virgil said eloquently, pressing a hand to his mouth and watching Logan with shiny, happy eyes.
“Virgil,” Logan began, his voice coming out unsteady and emotional, and his vision went blurry. He blinked hard several times, grasping Virgil’s hand in his own.
“Hi, babe,” Virgil said quietly, reassuringly, squeezing Logan’s hand gently in a manner that was more grounding than Logan had anticipated.
“Virgil—” Logan repeated, trying again, and his voice choked up in his throat, breaking on what was almost a sob, which was ridiculous, why was he crying, he’d practiced and he hadn’t cried then, but now Virgil was in front of him and he meant everything to Logan and maybe that meant Logan was going to cry now. He wiped awkwardly at the corners of his eyes with his wrist.
Virgil made a wordless soothing noise, not letting go of Logan’s other hand.
Logan sniffled, trying to draw himself together. He looked up at Virgil, not bothered by the now-streaked glasses and the tears because he didn’t need to focus on Virgil’s face to really see him. “I—I practiced,” he said brokenly.
“I bet you did,” Virgil said, a fond smile audible in his tone.
“I had a whole speech and everything,” Logan croaked, hanging onto Virgil’s hand and the ring box in his own two hands, his tears not clearing up in the slightest.
Virgil stroked the back of Logan’s hand with his thumb. “You don’t need to say anything,” he soothed. “You can tell it to me later. I know.”
Logan drew in a huge breath, blinking hard until his vision cleared enough that he could make eye contact with a slightly blurry Virgil, who was smiling wider than Logan had ever seen and looking pretty close to tears himself.
“I love you,” Logan said, because those were suddenly the only words he could remember how to say.
Virgil squeezed his hand. “I love you too.”
“Marry me?” Logan managed, breathless with awe that he was lucky enough to be able to ask this of the most perfect man in the whole world.
Virgil guided him to his feet, reaching up to wipe away some of the tears from Logan’s face. “Of course,” he said, stepping closer.
Logan wrapped his arms around his fiancé and kissed him fiercely, ignoring the loud whistle from Remus and the clapping from probably-Patton, focusing only on the way Virgil clung to him at once and kissed him back with abandon, warm wet tears splashing on Logan’s cheeks that could just as easily have been from either one of them.
He didn’t pull away until both of them were breathless, mouths warm and hearts full and arms tangled around each other tightly.
“Wow,” Virgil breathed, his arms clasped about Logan’s shoulders, a grin stretching across his face.
“Yeah,” Logan agreed, finding himself to be smiling so hard that his cheeks hurt. “I love you.”
“Mm, I love you.” Virgil leaned in and kissed his cheek. “Can I see the rings?”
“Oh!” Logan drew back the barest step, bringing the little box back into view. “Do you like them?”
The pair of rings—they’d agreed that they’d each want one for the engagement—were nestled side by side in the little box, plain thin bands of silver with tiny stones set in them, each one mapping out half of a constellation.
“Goddamn,” Virgil commented, his hand coming up to cup Logan’s where it held the box. “They’re gorgeous, L.”
“This one is for you.” Logan fished out the ring in question—Virgil’s ring size was smaller than his own—and took Virgil’s hand in his, carefully sliding the ring into place on his finger and drawing his hand up to kiss. He let Virgil take the box with the remaining ring still inside, and repeat the process, his thumb caressing Logan’s hand soothingly as he slid Logan’s ring onto it.
“Love you,” Virgil breathed, placing his left palm against Logan’s and examining their hands with a beam on his face.
“I love you,” Logan echoed, wondering if he had ever been this happy in his whole entire life.
“Now kiss again!” Remus shouted from behind the camera.
Logan rolled his eyes, but, well, he had to admit it was a good suggestion.
He drew his fiancé close and did just that.
Taglist (ask to be added/removed!): @theimprobabledreamersworld @the-sympathetic-villain @just-a-little-anxious @your-local-crackhead-gremlin @theperuviandesertfox
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shinescape · 3 years
not the same anon but can u do a yunho study date pls?
Title: Sweet Distraction
Pairing: Yunho x Reader
note: another fluffy yunho story, hope you like how this turned out
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After checking the time on your phone, you calculated that it has been exactly two hours since you stayed in the library. You were elated knowing that you got to do something productive without any disturbance.
It was a weekend and even after days of classes you had to study. Revising and finishing up your assignments before Sunday arrives. “One more subject and we can party!” You screamed-whispered to yourself as you answered the exercise questions in that expensive workbook the professor forced the whole class to buy.
Minutes later, you placed the pencil down and started stretching your neck and arms. While doing so, a familiar figure coming your way caught your eyes.
“Found you!” He jogged over and you placed your forefinger over your lips, pointing at the ‘be quiet’ poster glued on the table.
“Oh sorry” Yunho smiled sheepishly before placing a kiss on your head and went to sit next to you, leaning against the window walls facing you.
“How did you know I was here?” You asked as you picked up where you left earlier knowing well he would start to bother you and distract you from studying. He dragged the chair closer and you briefly turned to shoot him a glare to which he apologised again. “Mingi told me you were here.”
“Mingi? The Math major?” Yunho frowned at your over excited expression. “Yes, Mingi. Big square glasses, basketball player and my good friend.” He emphasized the last part as if to remind you about that important piece of information.
“Also, look what I found in my locker.” You heard a ripping sound from your side and quickly held onto his hands. “Yunho please, one more sound and they might kick us out of here.”
He smiled and dropped the content from the plastic he just ripped apart. “We were supposed to have a study date together but you bailed on me, sweetie.” Letting out a sigh you turn back to your workbook. “I didn’t bail, I escaped. Look, you’re not even going to study.”
He didn’t reply back and you couldn’t bother to stop him anymore and tried to focus on your last bits of revision. Moments later you felt him clipping things on your hair.
You did nothing and continued on reading the same paragraph you did five minutes ago. Yunho was clipping on bean sprout hair pins on your head. “Sweetie, you look like a garden fairy!”
That was the last straw, you gave up. Pushing the book away, you turned to face him completely. “Since you want to have a date, we have to look like a couple.”
It was your turn to decorate his head with the hairpins. Unlike other typical boyfriends who despise their hair being touched, Yunho was giggling and thrilled that he got to have bean sprouts on his head too.
Once you were done, he quickly brought his phone out and forced you in for some candid shots. Yunho doesn’t care how both of you looked like, he just wanted the memories to be captured. “I’m going to post this.”
He was already thinking of the caption for the photos and there you were thinking what ridiculous things you just did in the library. If it wasn’t for him, you’d never dare show your face in public with multiple green leaves on your head like that.
“Yeah, post that and your fans will come and eat me alive.” You said as you started cleaning up your belongings. He stopped what he was doing and turned to you. “Fans?” “Yes, there’s a fan club on campus called 'Jung Yunho’s Admirers' and I’m in the group chat just so you know.”
A chuckle escaped your lips at his shocked expression. “So these hairpins were probably from them.”
“I have a fan club…and why are you in the group?”
“So I know your whereabouts without needing to ask you.” You immediately froze when you realised what you had told him. Your secret to your alone time has been exposed and now he’s going to bother you even more. But unexpectedly he had other thoughts in his head.
“I wonder if Mingi has a fan club too.”
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patandpran · 3 years
Ink and Pha Gf Headcanons:
- When she’s choosing her second semester classes, Pa picks a photography course just so she has an excuse to ask Ink for help (really, she just wants to spend more time with Ink).
- Ink confides in Pran about her feelings for Pa one night. He not only encourages Ink but is happy to have won the bet Pat and he had made about whether Ink liked Pat’s younger sister or not.
- There’s a part of Pa that tries to ignore her crush on Ink, mostly because she worries about what her brother might say about her pursuing his ex-crush. But one night after Pran, Pat, Ink and Pa share another meal, Pat pulls her aside and simply urges, “Go for it.” She can’t help but love her idiot brother in that moment.
- Ink asks Pa out for a meal after Pa helps her out with another photo shoot. As it is a weekend, Ink drives Pa to her family home and walks Pa to the gate. They linger for a while silently and then Ink leans in to whisper in Pa’s ear, “I should never have said I was kidding. I wish I could kiss you right now.” Ink quickly disappears, as if she were a ghost, making Pa wonder if it ever even happened. But as soon as her head hits the pillow Pa gets a text from Ink that says: “So, next time, I’m taking you out for dinner and it’ll be a REAL date.” Pa falls asleep smiling.
- Both Pa and Ink are a mess before their first official date. Pa tries on about 10 different outfits - until Pat makes fun of her. Ink just starts panicking and wonders if Pa misunderstood her invitation. But then they both arrive at the hot pot restaurant and everything falls into place as it normally does… but this time Ink gets to hold Pa’s hand underneath the table.
- Neither Pa or Ink is much for PDA but Ink can’t help but constantly slip her hand into Pa’s whenever they are together. While she isn’t exact possessive, Ink loves that the world knows that Pa is hers when they stroll with their fingers interlaced.
- Their first kiss is without much fanfare but that’s exactly how both Ink and Pa prefer it. Ink’s kiss taste like the passion fruit chap stick she always uses and Pa can’t help but wish she could commit the feeling of Ink’s hands trailing through her hair to memory. They’re both left a little breathless when they pull away, their cheeks equally flushed as they stare shyly into each other’s eyes. Ink wishes she had kissed Pa months ago.
- For Ink’s birthday, Pa scours the internet and thrift stores for a new lens that will fit one of Ink’s prized vintage cameras. She finally finds one and the hours spent hunting are more than worth it when Pa sees the look of absolute delight on Ink’s face when she gives it to her.
- Holding pinkies.
- Ink’s favorite thing in the world to do is to lean down and press her lips to Pa’s head after a long day of university classes.
- Pa always wants to be the big spoon and it’s more than a little ridiculous but Ink never bothers to argue the matter.
- Pa asks Ink to officially be her girlfriend by editing together a video of all their favorite shared moments. Of course, Ink says yes by gathering Pa up in her arms and smothering the smaller girl in kisses.
- Ink buys them couple T-shirts as a gag gift but Pa insists on wearing them together at least one a month. At first Ink curses herself for the purchase but the look of pride on Pa’s face when they wear them makes Ink’s regret melt away.
- Pa is thankful for the fact that her brother mostly lives at his boyfriends dorm so that she can and Ink can have her room to themselves. The amount of times that Ink falls asleep in her arms after eating dinner and doing homework together is ridiculous and Pa doubts that Ink would want to run into Pat or Pran after a sleepover.
- On their first anniversary, Ink invites Pa out to an art gallery that turns out to be Ink’s first photo exhibition that has an entire section dedicated to secret pictures she’s taken of Pa.
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writer-k-pop · 3 years
Inside My Phone
나는 그의 연락처를 바꾸는 것으 잊었다. I forgot to change his contact name.
Description: During an appearance on a talk show about all things woman, YouTuber (y/n) reveals some cute relationship facts about her relationship with Seventeen’s Seungcheol. The hosts asked to call him and then his voice appeared in the interview as he’s asked a couple questions about you. Warnings: Swearing Genre: Fluff, Idol!Seungcheol x Fem!Youtuber!Reader Word Count: 2.3k
Seventeen Masterlist | Masterlists
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"Alright," Sook, one of the panelists clapped her hands together, "Shall we move onto the next topic?"
My hands got a little sweaty with nerves, "This is the topic I'm most nervous about." I commented, looking at the other women sitting at the camera facing tables.
"The fans love 'Inside My Phone.'" Narae said and I couldn't deny that because I also really enjoyed watching this segment also.
A staff member handed me my phone and I looked to Sook who had a cord that would display my phone on the screen behind me.
"This," She said, holding the cord in front of her face, "Is the magically cord that will reveal what is on your phone. Are you ready, (y/n)?" She asks me with a quirked eyebrow.
I let out an airy chuckle, "I hope so." I tried to burst all the bubbles of nervousness but they still bubbled.
"I'm so curious!" Oh My Girl's Seunghee squealed excitedly from the spot next to Narae as Sook handed me the cord and I plugged it into my phone.
"Won't it be similar to what's on your phone?" Youngja wondered.
Seunghee shook her head, "Youtubers and singers are similar but she's totally different than me." She explained, "Plus, she might have cute photos with her boyfriend."
Narae clapped her hands, "Right! You don't have anything we should be worried about, right?" She asked her heavily hinted question, tilting her head down and rapidly blinked her eyes.
I shook my hands and head, but played into her joke. "There aren't any. I double checked last night." Though, there were never any naughty pictures on my phone to start with. We kept those somewhere else (😏).
"So, should we start then?" Sook asked everyone once the PD's gave us the clear connection for my phone.
"First up, your lock screen." Narae reads from her cue cards.
I awakened my phone and my lock screen shined up at me. The picture of Seungcheol and I surrounded by cherry blossoms graced my phone screen, only the time and date distorting the picture. The memory of the day made me smile and made the others coo.
"As expected." Youngja nodded her head in approval.
"When was this taken?" Sook asked me with curiosity.
"Mmmm, about..." I trailed off in thought, trying to pinpoint when we took this photo, "3-4 months ago, I think..." I answered her and gave her a slightly apologetic look for not remembering more clearly.
"Yah, that's so cute." Seunghee sighed, staring at the screen. I nearly blushed from all the compliments about us.
"Next, if you would unlock your phone." Sook pressed forward and I quickly followed her instructions. "What's the most recent photo you took?" She finished her part.
"Uh..." I opened my photos app, "Like selfie or screenshot or...?" "Selfie." Seunghee piped up excitedly.
I smiled at her answer and scanned my pictures for the last selfie I took. Which just happened to also have Seungcheol in it. I clicked on it and it filled my screen.
In it, Seungcheol has his post-practice face smooshed up against my left cheek and my face shows a smile of shock that he had done that. In the background, however, are a few of the members doing some interesting things.
"Stop being so cute!" Youngja exclaimed and swatted her hands in my direction.
"Can you explain what is happening?" Narae wondered and I nodded.
"A few days ago, I went to pick Seungcheol up for a small date and he was a little sweaty." I explained, "But he had asked to use my camera to fix his hair. Then he smooshed his cheek against mine and took the picture."
"All sweaty?" Sook asked.
I nodded with a laugh, "Yeah. It was gross."
"But the picture is cute." Narae complimented.
"But what is happening in the background?" Seunghee asked, pointing up to the screen with a little bit of worry.
I squinted at my phone and zoomed in on the background where Hoshi and DK were caught posing in some really weird ways and Vernon and Woozi just stare at them with their arms crossed over their chests.
"Ah, I think that's Hoshi and DK, uhm, yeah, I don't really know what they're doing." I laughed, "Probably some thing that only makes sense in their minds."
"They sure are characters." Sook chuckled. "Shall we continue on?"
I nodded, ready to get Hoshi and DK's weird poses off my screen.
"Last song or album you downloaded onto your phone." Narae said.
"That's easy." I opened my music app and scrolled down a bit, "It was Monsta X's new album." I tapped on the album but Seunghee's squeal made me quickly swipe back.
"OH!" She covered her mouth with her hand, "You have our album on your phone?"
I scrolled down a little more and there it sat. "Yeah, I really enjoyed it." I told her with a smile.
"Wait, how did you see that? It was like not even halfway visible." Sook wondered, looking at Seunghee with bewildered eyes.
"An artist knows their album cover from anywhere." I said, recalling the many times Seungcheol would point out their new release from a ridiculous distance away.
"Exactly." Seunghee said smugly, liking the fact that I defended her, "I could find our albums anywhere."
"Don't test her, Seunghee." Narae warned her as Sook pointed a playfully threatening finger at her.
"I really like their album." Youngja said absentmindedly and we all whipped our heads toward her, "The Monsta X album." She clarified, pointing up at the screen.
We all dropped our jaws slightly in realization and chuckled.
"Next question: what is the last text message you received?" Sook tapped her cue cards against the table and my heartbeat jumped.
"Uh, last text message I received..." I said slowly, and opened my messages app. Preparing for it to be a really embarrassing conversation in the group chat, I'm relieved when my most recent conversation is a private conversation with Seungcheol.
"Cheollie?" Narae read out his name and I almost bursted into laughter. He definitely told me to change his contact name yesterday and I definitely forgot. Oh, he was going to be so pouty when this show aired.
"I forgot to change his contact name." I squeezed my eyes shut in embarrassment. "He's going to be pouty."
"Why?" Youngja wondered, "It's cute!"
"Hey, you sound like a fangirl." Narae pointed at Youngja with a laugh.
"I'm just stating facts." Youngja defended herself.
"What did Seungcheol send you?" Sook wondered, ignoring the other two women.
"Uh, he said," I opened the conversation and the last message he sent made my heart fill with love.
'Hey, you, I don't remember when you said your filming thing is but good luck! You'll do amazing! Call me when you're done and we can do something. Love you!'
Seunghee giggled and Narae and Sook put their hands over their hearts and leaned back in their chairs. Youngja just awed at the message. It was a little weird having such large reactions to a simple, pretty normal, text message so all I could do was laugh at the awkward position I was in.
"Ya, I don't think any of my friends get messages like that and they're married!" Sook said, regaining some of her composure. Seunghee was still very much still in the feels.
"It's pretty normal for us." I told her, "We don't do it often but if we know the other has a really big schedule, we'll send supportive messages like that."
"By chance," Narae started with an unexplainable excitement in her eyes, "Do you think you could call him?"
I paused to glance at the PD's behind the cameras but they were saying it was okay to go off script.
"If he's free." Sook added, quickly taking in my silence, "If he's busy, we don't want to bother him."
"I don't think he has anything going on today." I tried to recall if he told me of any plans he had for the day, "I can try calling him."
Narae and Sook clapped their hands for me while I tapped on Seungcheol's profile picture and hit the call button before turning it on speaker.
We all sat in silence, listening to the first ring. Then the second. Then the third.
"Maybe he's busy..." Seunghee whispered.
"Maybe his phone's off." Youngja suggested.
I shook my head, "He doesn't really turn his ringer off if he-"
The receiver picking up cut me off.
"Hey, love." Seungcheol's deep voice rings through the phone. "Are you already finished?"
All four women got really giddy and their jaws dropped open.
"No, not yet." I answered him before he got worried. "Do you have time to call? Are you busy?" I asked.
"I'm not busy. I'm just hanging out at the dorm." He told me and I felt relief spread across my shoulders. "Are you good?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." I chuckled at his question, "We're just recording and we are doing 'Inside My Phone' segment. They saw the text you sent and wanted to call you."
"Ah, that text." He chuckled over the phone in embarrassment. "Wait! That means you're recording right now?"
"Yeah." I told him and he instantly cleared his throat.
"Hello, I'm Seventeen's leader, S.Coups. Also known as YouTuber (y/n)'s boyfriend, Choi Seungcheol. Nice to meet you." He introduced himself with his leader voice and I nearly busted a lung from laughing.
"Nice to meet you, S.Coups." Sook said, getting closer to my phone. "I'm Kim Sook and Park Narae, Lee Youngja, and Oh My Girl's Seunghee are also with me."
"Seunghee's there?" Seungcheol asked, clearly surprised.
"Yes I am, sunbae!" Seunghee jumped up with excitement.
"Oh, Seunghee, I didn't know you'd be on the show." Seungcheol commented.
"(y/n) didn't tell you, sunbae?" Seunghee asked, shooting me a glance but I just shrugged. I didn't even know she was coming until I showed up for the recording.
"No, but I don't think she knew." Seungcheol explained and I clicked my tongue.
"S.Coups." Narae spoke up, "(y/n) said that you guys send texts to each other before big events."
"Yes, that's true." Seungcheol said.
"So when was the last time she sent you a text like that?" Narae finished her question.
"Uh..." Seungcheol trailed off in thought, "Last month when I had my first solo magazine shoot." He answered and the studio erupted in reactions.
"Yahhh. You two seem to match each other really well." Sook commented and Seungcheol let out an embarrassed laugh.
"What is your favorite thing about (y/n)?" Narae suddenly asked, turning the show into a special on our relationship.
"This suddenly?" Seungcheol chuckled nervously.
"You don't have to answer." I quickly tried to save him from having to answer it but he decided to answer anyway.
"No, no, it's fine. It was just unexpected." Seungcheol said and took a couple seconds to collect his thoughts, "Well, my favorite thing would have to be how considerate she is."
"Can you explain that?" Sook wondered and I lightly smacked her arm while giving her a 'why?' expression.
"She's just very caring towards everyone." Seungcheol explained, "The Seventeen members, our staff, other staff, and even the fans. She's very kind to them."
"That's right. She is really kind." Sook nodded her head in agreement and patted my shoulder.
There was some noise on his end of the line and I leaned forward to take over the conversation again.
"Everything good?" I asked, knowing the noise was probably the other members talking to him.
"Yeah, but I think I'm going to have to go. I'm being summoned by Woozi to fix some lyrics or something." Seungcheol said with an apology laced into his tone.
"Yeah, yeah. Go ahead." I told him, "I'll call you when I get done."
"Okay, sounds good." He replied, "Thank you Sook, Narae, Youngja, and Seunghee! (y/n), have fun!"
We all said bye before I hung up the call. After settling back into their chairs, Sook was the first to speak.
"That was so nice that he was able to talk for a little bit." Sook commented, scooting closer to the table.
"It was." I mirrored her content.
"So, tell us, (y/n)," Narae turned to me, "Do you have any big projects coming up?"
"Of course, I have many projects planned for the next few months." I teased her with a smile, "But they're all secrets for now."
Seunghee let out a small whine, "Can't you tell us about one of them? Like just who it's going to be with?"
"Yeah," Sook agreed, "Just give us a little hint. A tiny baby hint."
Youngja sat in her chair nodding aggressively.
I rested my hand over my lips, contemplating if I can or if I should. Glancing at my manager, she gave me a small shrug of indifference.
"Okay, I'll give you three hints for certain upcoming videos." I caved and the others clapped in excitement. I listed off the hints with my hands, "First hint is shopping. Second hint is colors. Third hint is boyfriend." I said and then clamped my mouth shut, not giving any other information.
"That's it? You're not going to explain?" Youngja said with a pout.
"She can't do that." Sook calmed the other woman, "They're hints. The fans have to try and guess, right?"
"Right, that's how hints work." I nodded, confirming Sook's guess.
"Well, thank you for coming, for talking with us, and for giving us those hints." Narae began the ending. "We'll see you at the Girl's Table next week."
"On Wednesday night." Sook continued.
"At 8:45." Seunghee stated the time.
"On KBS!" Youngja finished and we all smiled and waved at the camera.
Once the cameras were off, I moved to pull the cord out of my phone. But just as I do so, a text from Seungcheol lit up the screen.
It read, "You did remember to change my contact name, right?"
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byuntrash101 · 3 years
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Pairing: Dom!Baekhyun x You
Genre: EstablishedRelationship!AU, slice of life, smuttt
Tags: strong dom/sub dynamics, daddy kink, rough sex, degradation, name calling (slut is used a lot), deepthroat, body writing, toys and more~~
Raiting: +18 (more like 21+ 🤪)
Word count: 3.5k
Summary: Apparantly, the new intern has a crush on you. And it's making your boyfriend Baekhyun jealous... Very jealous...
A/N: First chapter💃!! I’m excited to show you this project! Never hesitate to give me feedback my asks are always open and seeing your reactions make me SO happy💖! I hope you’ll enjoy!! -Cat😽
Tag list: @lovebuginlove @ohh-baekhyun @bobohumyonlyboo @smolbeanmika @making-me-blush @wooya1224 @yixing-jaehyun @f4ncyvelvet @lalalala-lav @deligxt @xofanfics @byunsugar @dixnysustae @to-all-the-stories-i-love @artisticcgroove @myexoobsession ​ @geniusloey
Tell me if you want to be added/removed
PARAPHILIA masterlist | General masterlist
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Paraphilia #1 : SADISM, Inflicting pain to others.
W R O N G   F E E L S  R I G H T
"Aaaah" you say as you feel the hot tea on your tongue. It's jasmine green tea, your favorite. You sit there in the dining room enjoying the warm sun of the afternoon. It's so relaxing, so nice after a stressful week of work. The new intern is very nice, but god is he a handful. He's just always full of energy but at least he is willing and wants to learn properly. But forming him is quite tiring. So enjoying this quiet time here is nice.
"Babe can you come over here?" you hear the voice of your boyfriend resonate from upstairs. You sigh and frown, annoyed. But you still decide to go see him.
He's in his office, probably playing the piano or practicing his singing skills. He was in there since early morning. You never questioned his wacky sleep schedule. Like he always says: "inspiration doesn't wait". You knew that from the beginning... He's an artist.
You push open the door and he's there on his computer frowning. What's wrong? You ask yourself as you pick up right away that something is off. You walk closer and see he's on your Facebook profile.
"Who's that?" he asks without a glance to you, pointing a finger to the picture of a recently added friend.
"It's Taeyong the new intern, I told you about him" you say in a chuckle. So that's what's wrong with him. He's jealous, you think smiling.
"How do you find him?" he still doesn't look at you.
"Huh? I mean he is pretty smart which makes things easier, but overall, he has a lot to learn it's only normal when you are fresh out of school. I mean when I started, I-" but Baekhyun interrupts you.
"I don't mean it like this! Do you think he’s... attractive?" you can't help but laugh at the ridiculous question. Finally, Baekhyun looks at you but it's only to shoot you a death glare. You stop and bite your lips trying not to laugh again.
"I mean... Of course I can't say he's ugly but I-" Before you can continue your boyfriend rips the black bob off his head and throws it on the desk. He immediately brushes back his blond hair, running his fingers through it. You flinch. Shit, he's actually upset about this.
"What about this?" he switches to another tab on the computer. This time it's your Instagram page. He clicks on the most recent post. It's a selfie you posted last week when you went out with Baekhyun, you liked your makeup that day and thought it was instagramable.
"What about it?" You genuinely ask. Your boyfriend sighs, frustrated.
"TYdragon95, is it his username?" Baekhyun asks, his tone has changed from cold to angered, you swiftly look at him, he's clenching his jaw.
"Yes I suppose so, he was born in 1995, so yeah probably..."
"Yeah of course it's him... he liked every single one of your pictures..."
Baekhyun proceeds to scroll to the other photos and it's true. His username is under every single one of them.
"Well, no, he didn't like the pictures where we are together..." he says in a cynical tone. You stand there next to him, silent, what could you possibly reply? Baekhyun chuckles coldly.
"He's probably, right now imagining you under him, his hand in his pants..." he whistles between greeted teeth. You laugh nervously.
"Hyunie, don't be stupid... he's just a guy I work with" you say fidgeting with your fingers. You know this mood. You know how angry your boyfriend can get.
"Really? Huh?" Baekhyun says, finally getting up from his chair. He stands right in front of you, only a couple centimeters (1in) separate the both of you. You are intimidated. He's so much taller than you...
"Baekhyun, please" you say in a pleading tone while taking a step back. Baekhyun steps closer.
"Baby girl do you like him?" he says in a low husky voice, sending shivers down your spine. Once again, you step back and he steps closer. You step back again, and he follows you, making you backup against the cold wall of his office, almost falling on the drums on your left.
"Baekhyun don't be ridiculous... I-"
"FUCKING ANSWER ME!!!" he yells throwing his palm on the wall next to your face. Your breath is hitching your throat.
"No Babe! Of course, not. I only love you" you say your voice trembling.
"Is this true?" his tone is somewhat softer. He leans in, inching his face close to yours.
"Yes..." you say softly, almost whispering.
"Maybe I have to remind you who you belong to"
You feel goosebumps in the nape of your neck. You know exactly what he means...
"Go in the room and wait for me there" with that he removes his hand and you quickly leave the room without daring looking at him. Without any detours you go straight to your room and sit on the king-sized bed.
You feel a familiar tingly feeling rise in your lower stomach. You don't even have time to think that your hand travels on its own to your crotch. As soon as your fingers press on your core the door slams open.
Baekhyun chuckles coldly, looking you up and down.
"You little slut you couldn't even wait for me, could you?" he walks quickly to you and yanks hard on your arm to make you stand. You wince in pain.
"What do you say?"
"I'm sorry daddy." You whimper. Suddenly he flips you over and makes you lay over his lap with your butt up. Without much consideration he roughly pulls up your t-shirt dress. His hand rests delicately over your clothed bottom as you are still wearing your baby blue laced panties. Gently, he strokes your butt cheeks with his thumb.
"Baby girl, you need a little reminder that you belong to daddy and daddy only. So, I have to punish you, you understand that, right?" he says as he slowly pulls down your lace panties. You simply nod quietly.
"So, baby girl I'm going to spank you 15 times and you will say thank you to each one of them. Understood?"
"Yes daddy" you say, already bracing for impact.
You feel his cold hand lift up from your skin. Then you hear the loud noise. Full force spanking your tiny ass. Lastly, you feel the pain, make you scream at the very first strike. It just started but already you feel the tingly feeling in your lower stomach grow.
"I didn't hear you baby"
"Thank you, daddy." You whimper.
"Good girl" Right away he spanks you again. You scream again, already your butt is burning. You can't help but to moan in between each scream. You feel each nerve of your sensitive skin.
"Thank you, daddy"
Baekhyun spanks again until he reaches 15. Your ass is raw,  the pain feels so good, you bite your bottom lip trying to refrain from begging him to fuck you right now. Because you know daddy doesn't like being told what to do, especially when he's angry.
He puts you back up and makes you sit up on the bed. He stands in front of you as he unbuckles his belt.
"Now you're gonna suck daddy off, to make up to him" right there he rips out his fat cock in front of your very eyes. You can't help but gasp and the beautiful sight. He was so hard, precum pearling at the tip. It made your mouth water in anticipation.
You look at him with hungry eyes and just nod while opening wide. Baekhyun smirks.
"Good girl" he says, pinching your nose and slowly pushing himself inside your tiny mouth. He doesn't stop at the first resistance, instead he pushes harder, making his way past the back of your throat. You feel the burn with each inch as he grunts loudly. You can't breathe anymore, not through your nose and certainly not through your mouth.
Without a warning Baekhyun starts to rapidly pump himself in and out of your mouth making your eyes water. You feel tears roll down your cheeks as you try to gasp for air. Baekhyun doesn't stop and skull fucks you even deeper, tearing your throat apart. You try to push him away, but he doesn't budge. He just moans louder using your face as his personal fuck toy.
Finally, he pulls out allowing you to breathe. You loudly gasp for air. Coughing, you look up at your boyfriend. He still looks pissed.
"Fuck babe, that little slut mouth of yours is fitted for my cock, isn't it?" he says trying to catch his breath pushing his blond hair back. You cough still trying to pull yourself together.
Without warning, Baekhyun leans in and his  hands reach for the collar of your dress with one powerful and swift move he rips it off your body leaving you in your baby blue lace bra only.
"Take that off for me" he says pointing at the bra as he passes his oversized hoodie over his head. You look in awe at the muscles of his back and abs moving to mesmerize you. He looks so good, he's lightly sweating from pleasuring himself with your mouth. He's stark naked in front of you, you gulp loudly, anticipating but also fearing what's to come.
"Lay there" he commands pointing a finger to the bed, you do as you're told and lay with your arms resting to your sides. Baekhyun then gets up and walks to the dresser. He opens the fourth drawer. You know what he stores in this drawer, you squirm in apprehension.
When he turns back to you, he's holding a red marker and two, no, three nipple clamps.
"Baby girl, you know you've been bad, right?" You look at him with scared eyes but nod. He sits next to you.
"This one is for allowing another man to think about you" he says as he clips the clamp on one of your nipples. You bite your lip at the delicious pinching sensation.
"This one is for daring to even say his name in front of me" he places the second clamp on your other nipple. You gasp. It feels so good, your watery eyes fill up with tears again.
"And this one is for reminding you who owns you" he places the last one on your untouched but very anticipating clit. This time you can't help but to scream and grip the sheets as the pain spreads through your core. Baekhyun looks down at you with a satisfied smirk.
"Hmmm baby, you look so pathetic squirming like that." He leans over you. "Does it hurt, baby?" he purrs as a cold smile spreads on his lips. You looked up at him, pouting and eyebrows knitted together and nod.
"Baby girl, it's only fair for you to be treated this way because you were very bad you understand, right?"
You nod, the tears finally streaming down your face. Baekhyun smiles in satisfaction again, he loves to see you in this state, wrapped around his fingers. He controls you, he owns you. 
Then, he takes the red sharpie out. He takes off the cap and writes on your body, first right under your collarbones, then on your lower stomach and finally on your face.
"Go ahead and get up to go see how beautiful you look."
You get up and wince in pain again as the gravity pulls on the clamps. You walk up to the full length mirror. Baekhyun wrote "cocksleeve" across your chest,  "my cunt" right over your pussy and finally "daddy's slut" on each of your cheeks.
"Aren't you pretty?" You turn back to him. 
"Yes, thank you daddy" you meekly answer.
You want to walk back to him, but he puts his hand up and stops you.
"Not so fast, baby girl. The punishment isn't over yet. You are not allowed to walk back to me... Get on all fours and crawl to me like the bitch that you are"
You feel the humiliation rush to your cheeks and spread to your body. But you obey anyway, you do as you're told. Your knees against the cold hard wood you approach your sadistic boyfriend.
"Good girl, now. Crouch and tell daddy how sorry you are" You feel the tears well up again.
"Daddy..." you start with your voice trembling, avoiding his eyes. "I'm sorry. I will never upset you again." 
Silence follows, you lift your head to look up at him and without a warning he slaps you across the face, almost making you fall. You rub your cheek.
"Gotta have to do better than that" he replies with the harshest tone. Now you are just sobbing.
"This little slut is sorry daddy. She doesn't deserve a daddy as perfect as you. I am nothing more than your personal fuck toy and a mere toy should only serve her daddy and no other men should be allowed to lay eyes on it. Daddy I'm sorry for being a dirty whore I will make it up to you I promise."
Baekhyun chuckles, visibly satisfied to see you dragging yourself down like this. You can't help but to let your eyes trail down his perfect body to his cock... He is harder than ever.
"That's right baby you are my pathetic little slut" he says gently stroking your still burning cheek.
"You know what baby? Daddy wants you to hurt as much as you hurt him by allowing this man in your life." He harshly grabs your face.
"So, you're going to stand up and you're going to show daddy how your pretty little face twists in pain" he says with a large, wicked smile.
You stand up.
"Jump, lemme see the clamps bounce."
You do as you're told and bounce yourself up and down. The weight of the clamp on your clit is unbearable and you just frown deeply in pain.
"Good girl now pull on the clamps on your nipples"
You pull on them harshly, the joyous pain makes you roll your eyes back and you can't help but to let a soft moan escape your lips. Baekhyun reaches down and starts to pump his hand around his big cock. He looks satisfied, nothing arouses him more than seeing you cry like this.
"Twist them"
You moan louder, it's difficult to contain your excitement as you feel your arousal coating your inner thighs.
"Good girl" he says with an evil smirk.
After a while, your body is red all over, complementing even better the matching sharpie.
"Now lay there you slut" Baekhyun says as he gets up the bed. You lay on your back and wait for further instructions.
Baekhyun gets on the bed over you and places himself at your entrance. Rubbing his tip against your slick folds.
"What a pitiful slut that you are getting this wet from being humiliated" he says smirking. And with that he violently pushes himself inside you in one go. You scream in absolute bliss, almost cumming to this one single thrust.
"Fuck, baby" Baekhyun moans.
He starts to move rapidly, you feel the familiar knot in your stomach form. He goes full force right away, making your fringe jump with each powerful thrust.
"Baby what are you?" he pants.
"I'm your slut daddy"
"Good girl" he says, grinding his teeth, rewarding you with more powerful thrusts and more overwhelming pleasure.
"You like daddy's thick cock don't you, slut?"
"Yes, I love your big cock daddy, it feels so good in my tiny cunt" You whine, feeling the knot getting tighter. The three nipple clamps jumping all over the place as Baekhyun fucks you deep and hard.
"No one can make you feel good like daddy,  do you understand?" he says struggling, moaning in between each word.
"Yes only daddy's big cock" you bite your lip trying not to cum as Baekhyun hasn't granted you permission yet.
"Good girl. You are daddy's little slut. Daddy's toy. Daddy's personal cocksleeve. Nothing more. Your only purpose is to pleasure daddy and make him cum with your tight cunt." Baekhyun grunts, pushing himself deep and fast inside you.
The dirty talk is too much for you, you feel so good and the humiliation of being reduced to a mere object sends you over the edge. You scream and moan as your legs shake into an uncontrollable and divine orgasm, your sensitive little pussy deseperately twitching around Baekhyun's thick cock. 
Your high hasn't even worn out yet that you feel Baekhyun's not-so-delicate hand slap your face. The burn in your cheek makes your eyes roll back as the setlling pleasure of your orgasm makes your mind go blank.
"I'm sorry daddy" you say half moaning, half sobbing, gagging on his slender digits.
"You slut, you came without daddy" he shoves his long fingers deep inside your throat. You instinctively suck on them as tears run down your cheeks again.
"You're such a bad girl" Baekhyun says, whipping his fingers out of your mouth to immediately pull harshly on your hair. You scream in both overwhelming pain and unbearable pleasure.
"Daddy I'm sorry" you say again, moaning as Baekhyun keeps on pounding into you, still pumping his fat cock in and out of you at an alarming speed. Stretching your tiny pussy beyond repair.
"Shut the fuck up slut" Baekhyun says as he repeatedly slaps you in the face, smudging the sharpie over with your tears. He picks up the pace again. Going even faster, destroying your pussy in the process. You moan in pleasure, feeling the knot tightening again.
"Daddy please slow down I'm going to cum again" you sob.
"I said shut up" he says clapping his hand over your mouth muffling your moans. Baekhyun has a really hard time containing himself. He feels like he's going to burst any second. As soon as he removes his hand you speak again.
"Daddy please I'm-" but you can't finish.
"Shut the fuck up I said you fucking  bitch" he grunts.
Baekhyun circles his hands around your narrow neck. Pressing his fingers on your throat and your artery to keep the blood from reaching your brain. Finally, you are silenced, you can't speak anymore, not even moan. You can only concentrate on the immense pleasure Baekhyun makes you feel. He grunts loudly pumping in and out of your exhausted tiny cunt. You feel like the knot will come undone at any second now.
"That's it baby! You like when daddy chokes you, right baby? " Baekhyun says clenching his jaw.
Slowly your vision clouds up and you start to feel lightheaded. Like you are high on the most enjoyable and addicting drug: rough sex with your boyfriend Byun Baekhyun.
"I'm going to mark this cunt now baby. I'm going to make it all mine. I'm going to cum inside of you".
Seconds later, you feel thick ropes of cum painting your walls and filling you up as Baekhyun releases himself inside you with powerful thrusts. His hair is stuck to his forehead, he breathes heavily as he wears a relieved expression, his eyebrows deeply furrowed and his jaw lossely hanging open.
As you are about to pass out from too little oxygen, the delicious feeling of being pumped full of hot cum sends you over the edge and you reach the most blissful orgasm ever.
"Yeah that's it baby girl, cum for me, cum for daddy" Baekhyun says with a carnivorous smile.
Your legs shake all over as you see stars from being chocked. This sensation is a whole new level. Never in your life you felt something this intense. It's heaven. You ascended to heaven.
As Baekhyun slows down he releases his brusing grip around your neck, and you can finally gasp for air. As you catch your breath your vision comes back to normal and the high fades away.
Baekhyun collapses next to you, visibly exhausted and satisfied. You scoot closer to him and rest your head on his glistening chest. He starts stroking your hair.
"Baby?" he asks, hesitant.
"You... love me more, right? More than him..." he says timidly. You can't help but smile Athos sheepish expression. You look up at him amorously surprised by the the complete change in his attitude. There's no more anger in his eyes as he cutely pouts.
"No babe, I only love you. You are my one and only" you say softly kissing him. He looks back at you smiling before closing his eyes.
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yoontaethings · 4 years
normal kind of love — jjk (1)
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pairing: jungkook x reader 
rating: explicit
word count: 2.5k
warnings: a lot of cussing and some teasing if you squint, but other than that none really (the warnings will come next chapter lmao)
you’re one half of hollywood’s on-screen it couple. the greatest chemistry known on-screen with the one and only, jeon jungkook, the bane of your existence.
a/n: this was supposed to be a longer chapter but i decided to split it in half to tease potential readers mwahaha btw this chapter is very very unedited, though i did postpone the upload because i had to remove some parts because i just thought the story didn’t need those bits anymore lol but the rest of this story i haven’t even read through yet, i just wrote and wrote and wrote so please excuse any errors (my tenses might also not be consistent but i’ll edit this soon)
taglist: @min-nicoleee @thisartemisnevermisses @ggukkieland @kokoandkookie @somelazysundays
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There was no way.
There was no way in hell they were pairing you up with him. Again.
You were confirmed to be cast as the female lead in the movie before any other characters were casted. They should have chosen a different male lead for this romance film. Heck, even Kim Taehyung, a friend of yours, received an offer for the role and you were certain he planned to take it. Unfortunately for you, even if Taehyung wanted the role, he couldn’t accept it because of scheduling conflict with another film he’s already working on.
Jeon Jungkook, an actor you starred alongside in “Dangerous Illusion”, was just confirmed as the male lead of your upcoming movie “Chosen for Pleasure”. The same man who seemed to make it his life goal to ruin you. After Jungkook was confirmed to play the male lead in your upcoming movie, fans on Twitter have been blowing up about it and made you two a trending topic worldwide. Elated fans mentioned you in their tweets expressing how happy they were to see you two again together. You wish you could say you felt the same.
The previous movie you worked on was a thriller/mystery. You played the part of Jungkook's wife in the film. The film was a blockbuster hit, as a result of the well-thought storyline, yet additionally because of its leads. Fans adored the chemistry between you and Jungkook, regardless of not having a lot of romantic scenes in the film. There were a lot of fans who wanted to see you two on-screen once more, this time, in a romance focused film. Looks like their wishes were coming true.
To add insult to injury, your impending film was going to be an adult romance. It required some steamy scenes that normally didn't trouble you because you were a true professional, yet absolutely irritates you now since you need to do them with Jeon Jungkook.
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The script reading was to be done today and your eyes opened an hour later than the time you set for your alarm because of the fucking snooze button. Seriously, why were snooze buttons even invented? They just allowed people to sleep through their alarms continuously.
Hand reaching for the phone on your nightstand, you knocked over a booklet that was over it. It was the script you spent hours reading to grab a sense of the character you were going to portray. Obviously, you already knew the basics about the part you were going to play, but knowing the entire story helped in portraying your character.
Your eyes squinted at the bright light of your phone that had the numbers 8:33 glaring at you, unlocking it to see a couple of texts and missed calls from your manager.
‘Are you awake yet?’
‘Please don’t tell me you forgot about the script reading today’
‘Ok I know you’re still asleep but just make sure you get ready on time, being late won’t do you and your image any favors’
‘I’ll pick you up at 9’
You rolled your eyes at his messages. You loved Hoseok and he was the best manager you could have been given from your agency, but he nagged too much. He was also your friend and his endless nags made you want to rip your eyeballs out sometimes because even when you’re supposed to unwind with him, he never forgets to remind you of your job.
‘I’m the fucking lead, Hobi, they’ll wait for me’
You slapped your phone back onto the nightstand and started going about with your morning routine. You didn’t have a lot of time, and even though you knew they would definitely wait for you, you hated being that bitch who made people wait so you took a quick shower and slapped on some sunscreen, powder, and finishing off with your go-to lipstick. You didn’t bother with makeup and dressing up. This was just going to be a script reading and sure, there were going to be photos taken but the thousands of dollars you’ve spent on facials and treatments already made sure your face was at least flawless despite the lack of effort.
Bringing only your phone, wallet and script, you exited your building and as usual, a shiny black van already awaited outside. Hoseok was leaning on it, scrolling through his phone when he sensed your presence and looked up.
“Oh, thank god you’re on time.” He exhaled in relief, pocketing his phone.
“I value sleep but you’re well aware I also value my career.”
Hoseok grinned. “Now there’s the y/n I know.” He then slid the van door open and you entered without another word.
The drive was pretty much uneventful, with you scrolling through your social media, seeing what fans have been tweeting about recently and with Hoseok humming along to the random pop music playing.
You longed for a distraction, something much more interesting than working your thumb throughout the drive because of the chasm that you were about to jump into when you arrived on set. You weren’t stupid enough to forget about the man who got the role of your romantic interest in the film. But you were wise enough to not let it haunt you for the past weeks. Now though, you can’t really avoid it anymore since you were supposed to be seeing him in person again after almost 2 years. You didn’t exactly leave on the best terms with Jungkook but who knows, maybe you’ll be able to act civil around each other.
At least you were sure you were going to act civil around him, already decided on taking the higher path. You’re not so sure about him, but fingers crossed he’ll at least be an adult about the situation and pretend he can stand being in the same room as you.
Soon enough, you were entering the room the script reading was to be held in. Bowing and greeting the actors and staff seated around the table as you passed by to get to the last vacant seat. You caught Jungkook’s eyes following your movements as you sat down. Luckily, he was seated across from you and it was easier to ignore his presence with the staff members greeting and coddling you.
As always, script reading began with actors introducing themselves and the role they’re going to play. As the female lead, you started off.
“Hello everyone. I’m y/n y/l/n and I’m going to take on the role of Yuri.” Hands clapped around you as you sat back down.
“Hello, I’m Jeon Jungkook and I’ll be playing Ryan.”
You didn’t bother clapping unlike the rest and avoided the eyes of the voice’s origin.
The script reading continued without a hitch– for the most part. The other cast members were very friendly, and laughter was exchanged during the read. The same couldn’t be said for you and Jungkook though.
When lines between your characters were exchanged, there was a weird tension in the room. It felt like everyone else were holding their breaths and waiting for either of you two explode and announce that you can’t do this film anymore. As dramatic as that would be, none of that happened. Instead, cheesy romantic lines sounded flat and bored from both you and Jungkook. The director made a tsk-ing sound whenever that happened.
“It’s always been you.” You read. The script said that Yuri and Ryan stared in adoration towards each other before Ryan uttered his next words.
“Marry me?” Jungkook asked.
You nodded your head as a wrap for the script reading. According to the script, there was supposed to be a kissing scene at the end, so you make ridiculous smooching noises. The cast burst into giggles before the director stood from his seat.
“…and that’s a wrap!” He clasped his hands together. “Hopefully when we start shooting things only look up from there.” He flitted his eyes between you and Jungkook.
Honestly, you wish that too but from yours and Jungkook’s history, you don’t really think that’s possible.
You were both professionals though and you’re sure you could at least count on him to make the on-screen romance feel real.
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“I’m sorry.” Hoseok said with pity in his eyes.
“Wha- but… why?” You asked, confused with what was happening.
Your part in the new film ‘The Notebook: Remake’ has apparently been withdrawn. As one of the rising stars in Hollywood, this was a really great opportunity for you. It’s one of the most anticipated films and accepting the offer of being the female lead in the movie was a no-brainer. Anyone who refuses that role is just stupid.
But now they were apparently taking it back.
Hoseok sighed. “There were too many scandals surrounding you recently. It doesn’t matter if they’re true or not, but you’ve been seen in hotels that Jeon Jungkook has been in too, and in everyone’s eyes you’re now secretly seeing him.”
“But we’ve never even been seen together in any of those photos. Don’t people know the word fucking coincidence?” Your brows furrowed, fists clenching at your sides. “And what does this have to do with my role in the film?”
“It seems they wanted someone with a ‘cleaner image’ and someone who’ll get the film to be a hit. Apparently, the romance won't be convincing if the female lead is dating someone in real life.”
You stared at Hoseok. He stared back waiting for a lash out, an angry outburst, anything really, but you remained silent, eyes unmoving. Soon enough, the dam doors burst open and the tears suddenly came streaming down your face. Hoseok exhaled and wrapped his arms around you.
“Hobi what did I do so wrong to deserve this?” you sobbed into his chest.
“Shh, it’s not your fault they’re all dumbasses. But you know the industry, y/n. We’ll find better films for you, okay?”
“Why is Jeon Jungkook such a thorn on my side? Why is he always ruining everything for me?”
“We can’t blame him, honey. He’s probably a victim in this too because of those damn rumor outlets.” Hoseok rubbed his hands along your back.
“But I’m getting the short end of the stick! The rumor is probably just feeding his bad boy persona!”
“Life’s unfair, y/n. Surely by now you’re aware of that. Just remember, karma’s going to bite them in the ass someday, okay? For now, do you want to call it a day and go home? I’ll drive you back and I’ll just report to the agency that you’re not feeling well.”
You nod your head, too listless to bother answering with words because there was only one thing on your mind right now.
Fuck Jeon Jungkook and his good looks. He just ruined the best opportunity for you. You were going to get him back for this. Like Hoseok said, karma’s going to bite him in the ass someday. And that karma was going to be you.
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You were supposed to be looking forward to filming one of your dream movies with your dream director. But all you felt was dread when you arrived on set. You promised yourself that you’d stay unaffected to Jeon Jungkook, but you couldn’t help the distaste for him to be left on your face while filming.
The scene you were shooting was when your characters first met and the first takes were a total disaster. You and Jungkook barely spared each other a glance, even when your character was supposed to be enticed by him, breaking down Yuri’s cold exterior. A break was called after the 6th take because the director was so frustrated that he looked like he was about to call the casting director and replace his two leads.
You sighed, not knowing what to do with yourself after the announcement of a break. Your feet led you to your dressing room, ready to pass out on the couch but before you could, someone barged in. Your head turned towards the door, expecting it to be your manager or the director or anyone really, just not the person who currently stood at the doorway.
“Can we talk?” Jungkook asked. Your eyes were suddenly drawn to his biceps which bulged from his shirt as he crossed his arms. The damn arms looked delicious. Too bad they belonged to someone you would never ever be attracted to.
“Sure.” You shrugged your shoulders. You were sure he came here to talk to you about filming and how to work out your indifferences and shit like that and honestly, you were so tired of hating him you’re ready to just go along with whatever. Hating someone actually takes a lot of effort, you realize.
Jungkook stepped towards you until he’s close enough that you had to tilt your head upwards to look at his eyes. His eyes locked on yours for a moment before his arms uncrossed and one of his hands landed on the wall behind you. He successfully caged you in with no way out. His lips part and your eyes are drawn to the movement, feeling his exhales on your nose. You swallowed nervously.
Good lord his breath smelled so good.
“Babe, I’m sure you’re just as thrilled as I am to be working with you again as you are with me, but let’s not mess this up okay? Let’s get this over with perfectly and quickly so we don’t have to deal with each other again after. Deal?” His eyebrows raised in question and you nodded dumbly, unable to form a coherent sentence with how close he was to you.
You felt a sudden rush of heat down there and was mentally cursing the man in front of you for how much he was affecting you. He tilted his head to the side and leaned in closer to your face as if he was about to kiss you then he suddenly stopped, his mouth forming a smirk, taunting you.
That smirk was all it took for you to snap back to reality. No, you were not going to let him take the upper hand here. A burst of confidence surged through you as you leaned closer to him too and allowed your lips to brush lightly against his cheek.
You pulled away, satisfied with how his lips drooped apparently not expecting that. You looked down and there it was, the tenting of his pants that brought a coy smile to your lips. Ha, take that.
You glanced back up at him, your fingers trailing over his thighs. “Aw, didn’t realize you saw me that way Jeon.” You abruptly pulled away and walked out of the room without another word, leaving him hard and defeated.
This is the beginning of his karma, you thought as you grinned to yourself.
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ectoentity · 3 years
Warped Mirror
Decided to write something based vaguely on the “Spork AU” idea. Instead of Episode 1 Danny meeting Episode 50+ Danny, though, I was curious about a Danny who never became Phantom meeting one who had. This first part is just establishing Human!Danny’s world.
I’ll post it to AO3 when I have the rest of it finished.
Three kids stood before a giant machine in the shape of a door. It should have been humming along and glowing green, with a great hole to another world in the middle. Instead, it was cold and silent. 
“They spent years working on it,” Danny explained, “and then nothing. Mom and Dad have been moping in their room all day.”
Tucker looked around at the portal and the hodgepodge of computer parts attached to it. “It’s probably a loose wire somewhere. I’m sure they’ll figure it out.”
“In the meantime, this would make for an awesome picture,” Sam said with a smile. She held up her polaroid camera. 
“Oh no, you’re not getting me anywhere near that,” Tucker immediately walked away from the portal.
“Come on! When they get this thing working we’ll never be allowed near it. Besides, it’s not like it’s going to do anything right now.”
“Then why don’t you get over there and let one of us take the picture?” Tucker asked.
“Because neither of you know anything about lighting or framing a shot. Please?” When she saw that Tucker was not going to budge, she looked over at Danny with wide, pleading eyes. 
He looked anxiously at the portal. So far none of his parents’ inventions had really worked, but that didn’t mean that they weren’t dangerous. Still, Sam was right. It was pretty cool, and getting a picture with the thing could be a good way to keep a memory.
“Yeah, okay, let me put on a jumpsuit in case there’s a live wire or something.”
Ten minutes later he was suited up in the white-and-black safety jumpsuit his parents had made for him. It wasn’t really a hazardous materials outfit - there was no full hood or respirator, or even goggles. It was made of something that was supposed to repel ectoplasm and certain chemicals that his parents used and was insulated against minor shocks, so it would have to do. 
“Oh, no no. I’m not taking your picture while you’re wearing that,” Sam announced. Danny was about to argue, but she reached over and pulled the sticker of his dad’s face off of the suit. “Now you’re good.”
Danny laughed. “Good thinking, Sam. Wouldn’t want to be immortalized in your photos with that on me.” He walked up to the portal. It was a massive piece of machinery, nearly six feet in diameter and deep enough to fit a car. He paused at the entrance. It was hard to imagine it as anything other than a creepy machine in the basement. If it had worked, it would have opened into a whole other world. 
Tucker, meanwhile, was watching while anxiously tapping a foot. He had expected Danny to give in to Sam’s pleas. He was so predictable and utterly clueless. One of these days they would both realize that they were both desperately crushing on each other and they’d-
There was something plugged into the wall. Tucker wasn’t sure what it was, but he had a bad feeling about it. 
“Hold up!” he shouted. Tucker went over and unplugged the cord from the wall outlet, and checked around for more outlets just in case. When he didn’t find anything else, he called back, “Okay, I think it’s alright now.”
“Good thinking, Tuck,” Danny’s voice echoed in the portal. “Hey, Sam, is this good?”
Sam set up her shot. “Looks great! Just hold there a second.” She counted down before the flash went off. The camera whirred and produced a polaroid. “Lemme take a couple more,” she said before swiftly doing so from slightly different angles. “That should be good!”
Danny started to walk out of the portal. Something caught his foot. He tripped and fell backwards, flailing his arms wildly in hopes that he would catch something. His right hand hit the side of the portal. It stabilized him for a second, but then the wall clicked. Danny stared down at his hand, a chill lancing up his spine. He hadn’t hit the wall. His hand was resting on a button marked “ON.”
“Oh my god,” he blurted.
“Danny? Are you okay?” Sam called. He could hear them both scrambling toward the portal. 
“I’m good! I just tripped!” Danny got out of the portal as fast as he could. “My parents put the on/off buttons on the inside! If Tucker hadn’t unplugged it…” All three teens stared at the portal. Danny could have died, just for tripping over a stupid wire.
Finally Tucker gulped and broke the silence. “Want to see if your parents can get it to work now?”
Danny shook himself out of it. “Yeah! I’ll go ask if they forgot about that.”
They all but ran out of the lab.
The Fenton RV sped down the street, ghost alarms blaring. In the back, Danny got his weapons together as quickly as he could with all the jostling and swerving. They’d let Dad drive; time was of the essence.
“A level six!” Jack crowed from the driver’s seat. “Maybe even a seven! How long’s it been since we saw one like that?”
“About four months,” Danny grumbled. He still vividly remembered when the town had been drawn into the Ghost Zone and besieged with an army of skeleton constructs. He was not looking forward to a repeat of that hell. The Fenton Blaster in his hands whined as he attached the power source. 
“We’ll have to be careful, Jack,” Mom cautioned as she always did. “We don’t have the Ecto-Skeleton this time.”
“Are you sure we shouldn’t call in the Guys in White?” Danny asked. They might not be the best ghost hunters, but they did have a lot more firepower.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Danny! I’m sure we can take care of this before they even notice something’s happening. Besides, your mom and I are still dealing with the paperwork from the last time they showed up.”
Danny shuddered. He was extremely glad that he didn’t have to deal with that aspect of ghost hunting. 
His dad pulled up to the mall with a loud honk of the horn and squealing tires. Danny and his mom ran out, blasters held at the ready. Dad backed them up with one of the Fenton Bazookas. 
The mall was already evacuated. Some people milled around outside, anxiously talking amongst themselves. In the year and a half since the ghosts had started attacking the town, people had gotten frustratingly complacent about them. The invasion a few months back had shown most people just how dangerous they could be, but a stubborn few always were more concerned with getting good pictures than their own safety. 
“Make way!” Mom shouted. “We’re here to take care of the ghost!” The crowd at least did part for them. A few people shouted at them. Some of it was words of support. A few tried to describe what they had seen - it was green, it was wearing all white, it was terrifying. Only a few made jokes or jeered at the Fentons as they passed. That was annoying, but it was a hell of a lot better than it had been a year ago. 
The deserted mall was an eerie sight. Everyone had left in a hurry, leaving lights on and store music still echoing through empty halls. The Fentons’ footsteps seemed far too loud. The weirdest part was that everything seemed intact. When the technology ghost raided the mall he usually left trails of rubble and discarded packaging everywhere. The box ghost would leave piles of everything that he dumped out of his beloved boxes. Various other ghosts had attacked the mall in the past, and they almost always left signs of their passing. Why was this one different?
“Come out, ghost!” Dad shouted, his voice easily carrying through the empty mall. “Let’s make this quick!”
“Curious.” The voice was quiet, but had the same unnatural echo of all ghosts. Danny held up his blaster, but he couldn’t tell where the voice had come from. Beside him, his mom turned on her miniature Fenton Finder. It beeped alarmingly quickly. 
“Two o’clock!” Mom shouted as she fired. Danny was only a moment slower, trying to fire a little ahead. The blasts didn’t connect with anything. 
“I mean no harm,” the ghost said. Its voice was way too close for comfort. Danny turned to his right and shot where he thought it was, but he still missed. 
“What do you want?” Danny asked. He didn’t really care. No matter what their obsessions were, ghosts only ever wanted to spread chaos and pain. Still, sometimes he could distract them by talking back. 
The ghost appeared in front of them. It was tall, with dark, green-tinged skin and a lighter beard. Its eyes glowed a soft yellow. A white robe and hood covered most of its body, rippling in a nonexistent breeze. 
A green beam from the Fenton Bazooka blasted towards the ghost. Its torso split apart to allow the beam to go through it. Danny grimaced. It was so gross when they did that. He followed his dad’s lead and started shooting the ghost. The ghost blocked all of his and Mom’s shots with a series of small green shields. 
“This is entirely unnecessary,” the ghost huffed. It had the audacity to look bored. 
“Then why not just go back to the Ghost Zone and leave us alone?” Danny shouted, annoyed. He ran off to the side, flanking the ghost. It finally started dodging the ectoblasts. If anything, though, the ghost just looked amused. 
“Oh, I shall. First, though…” The ghost flung its hand out towards Danny. He winced, anticipating the burn of ectoblasts. He took a step back and his foot sank. With a shout, he fell into the glowing green portal that had opened right behind him.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Each Word Gets Lost In The Echo PT. 1
Roy Harper x Batbrother!Reader
Word Count: 2.9K Warnings: Explicit Language, Mature Themes
Author's Note: I had way too much fun with this but PT. 2 is going to be angsty and y'all are gonna hate me for it. >:) Enjoy! -Thorne
So, are you planning on getting us together soon?
He hummed in response, pulling out the pan and spatula. “I dunno. With Gutierrez’s wife giving birth, I want Esmeralda to have some time with her daughter before we pull out again. I know her Samantha wants her home.”
Understood, but…what’s happening in Syria…it’s not going to get better on its own.
“I know it won’t, Nadeen. But until we get a mission from somebody overseas, we can’t exactly go out.” He pulled a few eggs from the refrigerator, cracking them on the rim of the pan, watching the yellow yolks fall in. “Besides, it’s the first week of a three-month leave.” He smirked. “Don’t tell me you’re already bored.”
Are you kidding me? Um and Ab have grounded me from flying. I’m stuck here, (Y/N).
“How is your family by the way? Wasn’t your sister attending the Cairo University?” he asked.
Yeah, and Um is so proud of her.
(Y/N) chuckled, whisking the eggs in the pan. “Someone’s jealous.”
Well, I can’t exactly tell my parents I work for an illegal black ops squad. Kinda puts dampers in relationships.
“Nadeen, we’re not an illegal squad. We’re government sanctioned.”
The fuck we are. They just don’t bother us because they know they can’t kill us all.
Grabbing the pepper, he ground some into the pan. “Jesus, take a vacation, Nadeen. Go to France or something.”
Fuck France. I’ll go to Saint Petersburg first. Oh shit, speaking of SP, have you spoken to Vitsina yet?
(Y/N) frowned, setting down the pepper grinder. “Why? Is something wrong?”
What? No. I was just wondering if you had. She really needs to get a hobby. Hey, maybe I can get her and Walker to come hang out with me at home.
“You’re not going to get Walker out of his flat, Nadeen. You know how he is when he gets on leave.”
And what about Nakamoto?
“You know they’re both paranoid. Remember to—” something clanged down the hallway and he stopped, mid-sentence, going silent.
Hello? (Y/N)? Captain, you alright?
He frowned and turned off the stove, opening a drawer at the far end of the counter. Pulling out the Glock, he cocked it and murmured, “Asghar, lemme call you back.”
Ten-four, Captain. Be careful.
The line went dead, and he crept to the edge of the doorway and paused, inhaling sharply before he peeked around the corner, gun ready. Nothing. (Y/N)’s frown only deepened as he moved down the hallway, quiet and breathless. He got to the first room in the hall, his study and he shifted against the wall, listening for movement. When he heard nothing, he moved slightly, gun pointed into the door as he swept the room. Empty.
Exhaling deeply, he started to move when he heard the noise again and he peeked out the door to his bedroom. There. (Y/N) crept along the wall again until he was at the doorway and he leaned against the frame, listening carefully. Something was in there. Something or someone, he didn’t know what, but he did know.
(Y/N) waited until the noise got closer then turned the doorway and moved in. Someone’s hand shot out, grabbing the gun and he grunted, throwing up his elbow into their jaw. The intruder cried and with their free hand, grabbed (Y/N)’s shirt and yanked; they went tumbling to the ground, the gun falling away, but he didn’t waste his chance, scrambling atop the stranger as he went for the Strider he had in his back pocket.
He flicked it out and brought it down when the person beneath him grabbed it with one hand, the other ripping off the hood he wore. “(Y/N)! It’s me!”
The archer sighed and went slack beneath him. “God, yes, it’s me!”
(Y/N) relaxed and tossed the knife to the side, hanging his head down. “Jesus Fuck Roy, I thought you were an assassin.”
“Get those often?” he shot back and (Y/N) glowered at him.
“Yeah, I do actually.” He rolled off Roy and got to his feet, holding out his hand for him to take.
“God, remind me not to sneak up on you again.” He let himself be tugged up and rubbed his jaw. “I thought you dislocated my jaw for a second.”
(Y/N) shoved a finger in his face. “You’re lucky you managed to grab the gun because I almost shot your ass.” He bent down and picked up his Glock and knife, putting the latter back in his pocket after he’d flicked it shut. “Are you some kind of idiot? Why the fuck didn’t you just knock on the door? What possibly justified sneaking into a mercenary’s bedroom through the window?”
Roy shrugged. “I thought you weren’t home yet.”
He opened his mouth to retort, then shut it and nodded. “Alright, that’s actually not a terrible excuse.” Sighing, he shoved past Roy and walked down the hall into the kitchen, the archer following him. “But don’t do it again.”
“Why? Worried you were gonna shoot your boyfriend?” Roy teased, wrapping his arms around (Y/N)’s waist, nuzzling into his neck.
“Yeah, I was.” He put the gun back in the drawer and lugged the archer towards the stove where he flicked the burner back on. “Next time just text me and ask if I’m home.”
Roy hummed, pressing a kiss just above the mercenary’s collar. “I wanted to surprise you.”
“Well,surprise me you did,” (Y/N) griped. “I seriously thought I was about to have a firefight in my own damn apartment.” He paused, seeming to remember something and said, “I live in a penthouse.” Glancing at Roy, he questioned, “How the fuck did you get up here?”
“I’ve got skills, babe,” Roy grinned, waggling his brows and (Y/N) rolled his eyes before tapping the Bluetooth headset at his ear.
“Call Nadeen.” It pinged for a few moments.
Captain, you’re back. Everything good?
“Yeah,” he sighed. “Roy was in the apartment.”
You live in a penthouse? How’d he get up there?
“His ‘skills’ apparently.”
Nice. He still going around with your brother?
(Y/N) nodded forgetting she wasn’t in front of him and reclined into Roy as the eggs started cooking. “Yeah. Got a new gig as Red Hood and Arsenal.”
Roy blinked. “Wait, does your squad know…about you know…”
He waved and (Y/N) completed, “That my family and friends are vigilantes? Yeah. Why?”
“Isn’t that a breach of security?”
He snorted. “You act like my squad is friends with every government in the world, baby.” He shook his head. “I trust my team with everything. And in return they trust me with theirs.”
Aww, Captain you do care.
“Does your dad know that they know?”
(Y/N) shrugged. “Probably. But he doesn’t tell me how to live my life and I don’t tell him how to live his.” He scrambled the eggs. “Nadeen, go hang out with Vitsina for a week or two if you’re really that bored.”
She’s back in Russia right now, isn’t she?
“I think so. Said she had a loose end to tie up with Antonovich.”
Oh shit, she’s gonna fucking kill that guy. She might need air support then.
“Hence why I said go hang out with her.”
Wanna come along? You could bring your boy-toy?
“Did she just call me a boy-toy?” Roy blurted. “Excuse you, I am not a boy-toy. I am a boy-man.”
Well, from the pictures Captain’s showed us, you are in fact a boy-toy, Roy.
He blinked and looked at (Y/N). “What pictures did you show them?”
“Nothing,” he coughed. “Nadeen, shut up.”
The ones with the red lace and matching heels.
“You didn’t.” Roy breathed. “You showed them the pin-up photos?!”
(Y/N)’s mouth fell open and closed as he vaguely gestured around. “I didn’t directly show them. Nakamoto hacked my phone like the nosy asshole he is and found ‘em.”
“So that means you still showed them because you apparently didn’t stop them from seeing!”
Oh, look at that, Captain, Ab is calling me. Talk later!
She hung up on him and (Y/N) huffed a laugh, pulling the device from his ear. He set it aside and shrugged out of Roy’s arms, pulling two plates out of the cabinet beside them. He plated the food, smirking at the flush across Roy’s cheeks. “Oh, don’t tell me you’re embarrassed, baby?”
“You showed my nudes to your black ops squad. It’s hot. Ridiculously hot. But also embarrassing.”
“If it makes you feel any better, they were very impressed with them.”
Roy tried and failed horribly to hide the grin coming over his lips. “…They were?”
(Y/N) set down the plates and got up in Roy’s personal space and flirted, “Oh absolutely baby. They were so stunned at how pretty you looked all dolled up in that red teddy, your lips painted crimson.” He gripped Roy’s hips and pulled them flush together, and while Roy was about five-eleven, (Y/N) had a couple inches on him. He smirked when he felt the definition in Roy’s jeans. “Wanna know what my favorite picture is?”
Roy swallowed thickly, one hand coming to grab at the island behind him, the other grabbing (Y/N)’s shoulder. “Which—which one?”
He pressed a kiss to the underside of the archer’s jaw, trailing his lips to his ear where he breathed, “The one where you’re bent down on the bed…” he reached up behind Roy’s back and tugged at the hair at the nape of his neck. “Your ass is up in the air and...”
“Uh huh, what else?” Roy begged, hips canting forward.
“God, you’ve got that pretty red flush across your cheeks.” (Y/N) whispered. “You looked incredibly ravishing.” He breathed in Roy’s ear. “We were on that mission in Kazakhstan for two whole months and all I could think about was getting back home and drilling you into the mattress until you couldn’t walk.”
“(Y/N)…” the archer groaned shamelessly. “Babe, please.”
He smirked, pressing a kiss to Roy’s cheek. “I didn’t show them that one though,” he said, pulling away without a second thought, picking up the plates. “I kept that one to myself. It’s still in my wallet if you wanna go check. I look at it a lot.”
(Y/N) wandered towards the living room and plopped down on the couch, propping his legs up on the coffee table. He snorted when he heard Roy’s moan of frustration followed by the man stomping into the living room with the other plate in his hand, the free one adjusting the front of his jeans.
“I hate you.” He scowled, sitting on the other end of the couch. “I hate you so fucking much it’s not funny.”
(Y/N) shrugged and picked up the remote, switching the channels until he found a football game to watch. “You snuck into my penthouse and almost made me shoot you point blank.” He shot Roy a grin. “I guess we’re both doing things to each other we don’t like.”
“I thought you weren’t home!”
“Mhm. Punishment is still a punishment, baby.” He turned up the volume and dug into his eggs. “Jason know you’re in Gotham City?”
Roy swallowed the food in his mouth, answering, “Told him I was in the area.”
“You know he’s gonna wanna see you.” (Y/N) replied. “If not to hang out, to make sure you’re not into trouble.”
“Are you saying I’m trouble, babe?” Roy retorted and he chuckled.
“You’re my kind of trouble.”
The archer went silent, and his cheeks flushed. “…That was a low blow.”
(Y/N) winked. “Uh huh.” His side vibrated and he reached down, pulling his phone out.
“Who is it?” Roy asked.
“Alfred.” He slid his thumb along the bottom and put it to his ear. “Hello, you’ve reached the answering machine of your favorite grandson. How may I assist you today, grandpa?”
You’re absolutely hysterical, Master (Y/N). You should go into comedy.
“I would but it doesn’t pay that well unlike merc missions.”
Hmm…how are you today, Master (Y/N)?
He smiled. “Not too bad Alfie. Could’ve eaten a perfect parfait with fresh fruit and granola, but beggars can’t be choosers, huh?”
You did miss an excellent breakfast if I do say so myself. Nevertheless, it is Sunday morning. Shall I expect you later tonight for dinner?
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world, Alfie.” (Y/N) agreed.
Wonderful. I shall set out an extra plate in case you decide to invite Master Harper. Have a good day. Until tonight, sir.
The line clicked and (Y/N) pulled the phone from his ear, staring at it in confusion. “Babe? What’s wrong?” Roy questioned.
He shook his head. “Alfred knew you were here.”
“What? He did?”
He looked up at Roy. “Yeah…said he was going to set out an extra plate for you tonight at dinner in case you wanted to come.”
“I get to come to the Wayne Family Sunday Night Dinner? Really?” he seemed awfully excited.
“Dude, it’s just dinner.”
“That you guys do every Sunday night and don’t allow anybody to tread on,” Roy retorted with a glare. “This is special.”
(Y/N) rolled his eyes. “Are you that eager to be introduced to the family?” he dodged the pillow Roy threw at him. “But…if you wanna come, you’re free to.”
“Really?” Roy doubted. “You want me to come over? I thought you wanted to keep this quiet?”
He sighed and pulled his legs from the table, setting the plate on it. “It’s not that I want it to stay a secret. It’s just…I worry about it.”
Roy set his plate down on the coffee table and scooted close. “What about?”
“I don’t know, Roy. I’m just worried that the more people that know about us the more danger I put you in.”
“Babe…” Roy started, placing a hand on the other side of (Y/N)’s cheek so he could turn his face to the archer’s. “We both live dangerous lives. There’s always going to be danger surrounding us.”
“I know,” (Y/N) sighed, leaning into Roy’s hand. “I still worry though. About you…about us.” He met those evergreen eyes. “I’m just worried that every time I leave, it’s going to be the last time we see each other.”
Roy chuckled. “Afraid I’m going to get offed?”
“No,” he murmured, turning his lips into Roy’s palm. “That I will.”
The archer gaped at him. “(Y/N)…why haven’t you told me about this?”
“Because I’m a super soldier who was trained to keep my emotions under control by an anal retentive, over glorified kitchen scale of a father.” (Y/N) deadpanned, then heaved an even bigger sigh and rested his forehead against Roy’s shoulder. “You’ve got enough on your plate.”
“Yeah, Jaybird keeps me pretty busy with missions.”
He chuckled. “Gonna have to tell my little brother to let my boyfriend have a break.”
“Break smeak.” Roy quipped, pressing a kiss to (Y/N)’s temple. “Listen to me, you’re a strong man, (Y/N). You’re probably the best out of your family. Smart and skilled off the charts.” He ran his calloused fingers down his lover’s neck. “If anyone is going to get out alive on a mission, it’ll always be you. Always.”
He sighed, turning his nose into Roy’s neck as he whispered. “You think so?”
Roy smiled, gripping his chin lightly to pull his head up. “I don’t think so, babe. I know so.” He leaned forward and pressed his lips to (Y/N)’s. “I love you,” he murmured against the soldier’s lips. “So much.”
(Y/N) hummed and pressed a hand to Roy’s chest, shoving him backwards onto the couch and he crawled atop him. “I love you more,” he replied and pulled his shirt off his body before pressing his hand to Roy’s chest, except the archer hissed and he let up. “What’s wrong?” he worried, and he shook his head.
“Roy.” He warned, cocking a brow. “Where are you hurt?” he asked, pressing the same spot again.
“Ow! Stop that!” Roy grunted. “It’s tender.”
“What’s tender?” (Y/N) inquired and Roy sighed.
“I got a new tattoo.”
He narrowed his eyes and gazed down at him. “Of?”
“Nothing.” The archer muttered, though pink was coming across his cheeks and he sighed.
“C’mon Roy. Talk or I’ll tease it out of you.” He shot him a glare. “And you know I will.”
They stared one another down for a minute then Roy sighed and pulled his shirt off and (Y/N) peeled away the bandage. His eyes went wide when he saw the silver spartan helmet atop the black shield, the gold lettering underneath.
“Is this…”
“Your squad designation?” Roy offered. “Yeah…thought it seemed right.”
(Y/N) traced the raised flesh, eyes flashing to Roy’s when he shivered from the calloused touch. “I can’t believe you got my squads symbol tattooed on your chest.”
“You don’t like it?” he sounded hurt.
“I love it,” (Y/N) huffed, gesturing to his own tattoo on his ribs. “We match now…though you forgot to put your name inside the shield.”
“Well, I’m not technically a Spectre, (Y/N).” Roy said.
“Maybe not, but that’s still where your name goes.” He retorted and smiled. “It’s awesome, baby.”
Roy’s thumb brushed his hipbone. “So does the tattoo get me out of punishment for sneaking in?”
(Y/N) smirked down at him. “It just might.” He reached down and tugged the front of Roy’s pants. “Why don’t you show me how sorry you are for it? I just might decide to forgive you before subjecting you to dinner with my family.”
A multitude of emotions flashed through Roy’s eyes. Arousal, desire, need, and then surprise. “Oh shit, I forgot about dinner.”
“Seriously?” (Y/N) blinked, unsurprised. “God you’re such a man.” He crawled out of Roy’s lap much to the archer’s dismay and groaning.
“Where are you going?”
He paused and looked back at him. “I’m not fucking you on my couch, Roy.” He started towards his bedroom. “Hurry up or I’ll start without you.”
Roy rolled off the couch and to his feet as fast as he could.
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