#but BBH was not just targeting them
mademoiselle-cookie · 6 months
On BBH calling people « uncultured »
(Here the link to the clip, it's the only one I found)
In summary, during a friendly gathering, BBH called other streamers, including 2 non-Americans whose native language is not English, "uncultured" for not knowing an American expression. And the last person he spoke to before saying that, is someone who rightfully said he didn't know bc it's not his culture.
I saw a lot of people getting angry about it on Twitter X while I usually miraculously escape this kind of drama, and I'm still lucky to have only seen people talking in their corner without (really) directly attacking BBH or worse, harassing him. So obviously, it's Twitter X so it blown out of proportion, but I still wanted to come back to it.
It is important to specify
BBH didn't intend to hurt anyone and it's apparently a common joke in the US. Insulting and teasing each other is very common among friends, which is what QSMP streamers are. They were all roasting BBH just before that. The people targeted didn't seem upset (Étoiles loves to be dramatic) and they're adults wjho talk to each other outside of QSMP. If they have a problem with a joke, they discuss it.
And after that BBH tried to find the equivalent in different of the expression. I don't know about Portuguese, but it didn't really work in French. There is no equivalent to "jumping the shark", since it's a reference to a old american serie which then became a (apparently niche) expression. The frence equivalent BBH found was "passer du coq à l'âne" which means abruptly changing the subject, while "jumping the shark" refers to when a series becomes bad/absurd.
The intention is still cool tho.
All this to say that this is not an attack on non-Americans, BBH also "insulted" Tina and Foolish, not just Bagi and Etoiles.
I understand why people get worked up about it (doesn't mean I tolerate harrassment. BBH doesn't deserve any of that).
First, the lack of reaction from streamers is not necessarily indicative of what they think. When Cellbit joked that Etoiles' team didn't listen to him (suggesting he was a bad leader) in Purgatory, Etoiles just laughed the first time and didn't say anything when Cellbit doubled down. Except that the fact that no one listens to it on day 1 is one of the reasons why the stream was an absolute nightmare to watch, so I don't imagine for Étoiles himself. Even Fit seemed to be dying of frustration even though he wasn't the target of this disrespect. And that’s not to mention that Étoiles was being harassed on social media at the time, and one of those accusations was that he was a bad leader. The joke really made me so uncomfortable.
It's very likely that it was discussed with Cellbit later since no one ever brought it up afterward, but no one said anything about the joke itself on stream.
Also, one thing I thought was stupid about people being personally hurt by Aypierre and Antoine's joke about Mike looking like Hitler was that they were joking about Mike's Minecraft skin. The target was very specific and Antoine had already called Mike a dictator in his face earlier, and Mike didn't have any problem with that (he literally had the political program of a dictator).
Whereas here, BBH calls a group of people "uneducated" because they don't know an expression. Which concerns a lot of people in the chats. Personnally, I've already heard about it but bc my passions gave me the opportunity to know it. And even like that I only see it TWICE in my life, and only one of them explained what it meant.
Unlike Aypierre and Antoine, who spoke in French – which means that only people who know the kind of dark humor that we are so fond of should have understood – BBH said it in a language that everyone understood, since it wasn't an aside but something everyone needed to hear.
These people in the chat are not friends with BBH so being insulted by him is significantly less likely to be taken as a joke. They don't necessarily know that it's a type of American humor and that there is no attack in his words. Being insulted by a friend and a stranger is a completely different experience, especially if you don't know the context behind it.
Because it's also another problem
The context
We have an american telling 2 people who are not american and which native's language is not English that they're uncultured for not knowing an american expression. The US has a bit of history being condescent with other culture for not being the same as them. The cliché that Americans are arrogant, nationalistic and insensitive to other cultures is still present and persistent. And we can't say it's not true, we just have to see the QSMP fandom.
(I know it's not only americans but Baghera's harrassment because she dared to use the word "retard" once, which means late in french, is a good example of people who refuse to aknowledge that non English speakers have a life and culture outside of the English language)
It is therefore not really surprising that the viewers didn't take well the remark.
Especially since this isn't the first time BBH has pissed off someone over something like this. The time he was debating with Forever and he got fed up because he couldn't defend himself properly since it wasn't his language - which let BBH have the upper hand and let him wrongly think he was totally in the right – and decided to speak in Portuguese and let BBH deal with the translator. I remember seeing comments under the clip on Youtube expressing how happy they were that Forever was putting down BBH's cackle by fighting on his turf.
Even if he is very nice, BBH is a very stubborn person who does not give up and with whom arguing is quite difficult. Whether he likes it or not, want it or not, he takes advantage of the lack of vocabulary and fluency that non-English speakers have when they speak English.
This isn't helped by the fact that BBH seems to be one of the few on the server to put very little effort into learning/speaking other languages. Foolish practices Spanish with Leo, Philza asked Tallulah to speak to him in Spanish (I don't know if he continues), Tina learns French with Etoiles, etc... (ofc I'm not listing the Non English speakers, it's obvious)
BBH has a French child and was adopted by the French as a whole, but I don't remember seeing anything remotely close to him learning/speaking French (apart from the "t'as les cramptés?" but it's on the same level as Aypierre and his "caralho mano") I don't watch Foolish but I know he's progressed enough to be able to translate into Spanish for Leo something BBH said they didn't understand. And I don't forget the gathering of 3 french (Baghera, Aypierre, Étoiles) with Ironmouse and they decided to speak spanish for her.
Apparently, BBH is learning spanish but is too shy/insecure to speak it on stream
And honestly, I have no problem to believe that. But that's also mean that the vast majority of people didn't know that. We're not likely to guess it on our own, and we French know a streamer who had major insecurity problems in the past, and yet who is now trying to speak in public what is probably his fourth language* (meaning that he has not mastered it at all and is currently busy improving himself in another language). So there is very little chance that we will make the connection alone. QSMP is the perfect place to improve and learn another language, if someone want to lean, we'll assume they will do that here.
(*I have no confirmation that Étoiles speaks Arabic but it is extremely likely, hence the "probably")
Like, yes, Etoiles speaks several languages so it's easier to be confident and daring. But that's the thing, isn't it ?
We have a someone who knows one (1) language telling someone who speaks rather fluently at least 2, who has a daily general knowledge show, who often plays general knowledge games, who organizes visits to museums/castles/operas for his streams, that he's "uncultured".
The irony
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natureismynature · 1 year
Do you guys ever think about the empty crib back during the adoption day? Because I’m ALWAYS thinking about it.
We all know that Quackity and his team are diligent, they think things through before they do it, they talk about it, and they have plans that they follow. Thanks to Dapper, we know that the original Spanish/English parent pairs were planned, they KNEW how many pairs there would be, they KNEW how many eggs they would need, they KNEW how many cribs would need to be filled, and they KNEW that BBH and Quackity would be single parents cuz their assigned partners were not present. But there was still an empty crib.
Now, it could be just that the admin for it was late, but were they really? I mean, all the eggs have admins, they could clearly see the empty crib, they would have messaged the person appointed or got another person to play the egg temporarily, but they didn’t. Why? I don’t know! 
So, in the end, one pair ended up having no egg. Foolish and Vegetta. Who then later got Leonarda after waiting for their egg to ‘get helicoptered over’.
And you know what’s interesting about Leonarda? It’s the fact that they are the one egg, other than Chayanne, who seems to have the most freedom to use their admin privelages. The amount of times they use creative mode to generate uncraftable items is insane and they use teleport a LOT for her parents. 
And if we get out of meta for a sec and look at her character, she has some kind of strong bond with Cucurucho from the very beginning. She LOVES Cucurucho and even calls it their best friend and she even said that she’s met up with him a couple of times when Foolish and Vegetta weren’t around. Then we have her friend ‘Darki’ who is supposedly the one who protects Foolish’s dragon build. ‘Darki’ who has been portrayed as some kind of dark entity with red eyes who can remove reinforced blocks and summon lightning from nothing. Then she starts getting nightmares about inescapable rooms, strangers talking to her in a language she couldn’t understand, and burning treehouses. And then said she “sometimes knew things without knowing”. And now she’s getting targeted by the Code that is supposedly anti-Federation??
Idk man. If that empty crib was deliberate and the last pair without an egg was bound to get the most suspicious egg out of all of them, then. Wow. Just. That would be so awesome. Like, actually so cool. It’s a really good concept. 
BUT! That’s just a theory. A QSMP theory! Thanks for reading-
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thesmpisonfire · 1 year
Alright. So. Last time I'll talk about this before the next debate, deal?
The thing about Cellbit and Forever is: Both of them are VERY VERY AWARE of how the fuck the Federation punishes people, in case y'all forgot. The Brazilians in general are the family that suffered the MOST due to the Federation. Felps got kidnapped and frozen, Cellbit got chased with a chainsaw, and then got brainwashed for 3 days, Forever is constantly targeted (in lore) due to his ideas, and even Pac ans Mike toe the line a lot by playing around with the Federation games
They KNOW both outcomes of working against the Federation and playing along with their rules. And there's one thing they found out: they'll suffer and be fucked over either way, but playing along gives them time and information
Like it or not, playing along got Cellbit more info about how the Federation works and got him Felps back. THIS is what Cellbit wanted with the traitor arc: he wanted his best friend back and sacrificed himself for it. He knew he'd be hated and never fully trusted again, but one thing he shown was that he's LOYAL. He went to hell and back for his best friend, and it worked
And they know that being openly against the election plans just puts a target on your back, they know that if you're a candidate that very openly talks about how they hate the Federation and how they'll dissolve the President role into a council, the possibilities that said president gets kidnapped and get elquackity-fied skyrocket. But, if you play along and have actually reachable plans and ideas (mods they want to add, their ministry proposal that's basically the council but in a new coat of paint so its not as obvious) and that even if they still get kidnapped, at least something will he done
BBH, Bagz and Gegg don't have a safety net in case their plans get denied. They could work, I'll admit! But the chance they'll just get either kicked from the role or get into the Silly Sludge Pool Of Fun is way higher than the Brazilians plans
Cellbit and Forever are also VERY AWARE the Federation could just use them as puppets, Cellbit literally suffered that, but they know someone needs to do the sacrificial leap of faith, and they don't want anyone else hurt, so they'd rather put themselves in the shooting range instead
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mamimiou · 4 months
I’ve had a question for awhile but asking Twitter isn’t the right place without starting a big fight that ends with people insulting eachother so I kinda wanna ask it here, just to have an understanding.
Today there was a moment where BBH said Roier had a pretty smile, and Twitter took it the wrong way, saying that people only say Roier as a toy to ship with people. But this happens every time someone even flirts or says a comment towards Roier. They say people “don’t really understand his character” or just “use him for ships”. But that is not true.
I’ve seen a lot of tweets saying that people who ship things out of spiderbit/guapoduo are romanticizing infidelity because Roier and Cellbit are married to eachother. I’ll use one example, spiderduck, because that seems to be the biggest issue.
Spiderduck was a thing before spiderbit was, sometimes even Roier fed into it, they have kissed, they flirt. But a lot of spiderbit fans say “it’s all in their heads, that ship isn’t real” when they have had their moments. But I’ve seen a lot of spiderbit fans being chaosduo fans. Spiderbit clearly has more development, remember that Roier is in Quackitys list of important people and Cellbit is not, and it can also be said that they are romanticizing infidelity as well if you use their arguments.
Most of the ships like spiderduck, spiderhalo, etc, that Roier has were a thing before spiderbit even became a thing. Roier was and is a very flirty character. I’ve seen the excuse that “it’s the fandom that ruins it for me” but that’s such a lame excuse.
And it’s okay, I get it (?) sure! But the attacks only seem to appear when the person who is flirting or receiving compliments is ROIER. No one says anything when it is Cellbit. It is like wrong or something for Roier to even be shipped or even joke around with another character without this massive hate coming in.
No one said anything when Slime makes advancements toward Cellbit (which happens a lot) people even make jokes and say “watch out Roier” or shit like that. And that’s literally fine, but they get so defensive over Roier being the target.
Is it something that I am not seeing or understanding? I just think it’s very weird for there to be like this possessive behavior towards Roier.
Why is it okay if it is Cellbit and it’s not if it’s Roier?
Keep in mind that I do like spiderbit a lot, I can’t seem to ship anyone at all with either of them. It just stinks sometimes because people seem to get possessive over Roier, and before anyone says this isn’t true I have the weirdest tweet ever said about someone’s take on this. There was also a big tweet a few weeks ago where a bunch of spiderbit fans agreed that they could enjoy Cellbit with another person but they couldn’t do the same with Roier.
Can someone help me understand why this happens?
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odusseus-xvi · 11 months
Pomme's paranoïa
Because aparently I can't stop talking about this little egg. I wanted to touch this subject because it is something CRUCIAL to her character, and from what I've seen Richas, in his letter to Forever, has actually talked about that and how he is worried for her.
I want to talk here about WHERE that paranoïa might come from idea by idea (more in depth than my post about Pomme as a whole) :
Bobby died THE DAY after her arrival, that probably didn't help. That also caused a startle in everyone on the island making everyone a lot more paranoïd that they already were at Pomme's arrival, she then had the realization that life was EXTREMELY dangerous and limited on the island VERY early on, in a way a bit similar to Richas if we think about it, though Richas experienced it and so processed it wildly diferently, she got a dreadful suspense ; when is it coming to me ? To the others ? Because that's the thing, she is not as scared of losing her lives as she is scared of losing the others and the others losing her.
Not long after Dapper lost his first life to the code, that not only added to the already constant background aprehension, but that also made her the LAST egg with two lives, and from now on, everytime people talked about her was about how she was the next target of the code.
And then she WAS : Targeted by the code next to Ninho after everyone was worried of the tweet from Quackity Studios, and after she was saved THREE times from the codes she saw the people she cared about turn against each other because she had been not careful (Her french dads becoming suspicious of Forever, and therefore of Baghera.) (she was in fact "mind controlled" to come outside but from her POV it was still her fault.) From now on SHE CANNO'T let her guard down, this is both too dangerous for her and the people she loves.
A bit later was the attack that was then considered not canon by the admins because the attack was WAY too powerful : It broke a lot of totems at once and broke all of her armor. Though her death was not considered canon by the admins at first, Pomme (and the admin) played it as actually existing, not as a nightmare, not as non existant, but as an actual event she was saved from by someone or something : She talks about it from time to time, she truly died a bit that day.
(a little quote from that event from her diary because it's Heartbreaking)
"The pain was excruciating. It pierced my body, and with each hit, I felt the life leave my body a little more. The noise of the totems was deafening, the pain prevented me from running to escape. Just a few seconds later, I felt intense pain, even more intense than the previous blows. He had just finished me off. I no longer saw anything, I no longer felt anything. The pain had vanished in an instant. It was cold, I was scared. [...] While I was sleeping. something strange happened. As if the missing part of my soul was repairing itself. When I woke up, I no longer had any pain anywhere. But I'm still scared, more scared than ever. I'm terrified. [...] I never want to suffer so much again. I never want anyone to suffer so much again. I have no other choice; I have to get stronger. I'm going to have to live with this fear from now on, so I might as well put it to good use."
She then starts to actually show her paranoïa in a lot of aspects of her personality :
She is INCREDIBLY quick at trading her butterfly wings for her chestplate at any potential danger. She has also shown multiple times and SAID on her sign that her inventory hotbar is the most paranoïd thing ever : Filled with totems, her weapons, regeneration 2 splash potions (that are also very likely refilled with the backpack upgrade knowing her parents)
She, after learning the codes could imperssionate them now, immediatly figured out a code to make sure she was truly herself.
The day after ElQuackity was exploded by BBH and Max and that he threatened them, Pomme asked Baghera to build another safe room 200k away from spawn as she was not feeling safe in Ninho anymore.
One other interesting thing : She is not just the only egg with two lives, she is the egg that survived the LONGEST with two lives. And two things comes out of that : The fear of losing her first life because it would cause suffering to her AND her loved ones, but ironically also that SHE would be the one that could sacrifice a life to one of her siblings, she would feel terrible if one of her siblings died instead of her "simply" losing a life and she did nothing because she was scared.
A fun (not fun) little fact is that recently this paranoïa for the other's safety has started to transform into anger : She was first scared of ElQuackity, but the second she learned that Dapper was captured by him, she was FURIOUS, Baghera had to tell her multiple times to not go after ElQuackity, and though she is most of the time very empathetic of someone's situation, she has only expressed disgust and hate towards ElQuackity since then, talking multiple times how much she wants to kill him herself. (if that's how she loses her first life : dying trying to kill ElQuackity... I don't what I would do (probably cry))
I could probably find 100 more things to say but I'm writing that in the middle of doing something else and I'm getting a headache so I'll stop there. If you can't tell this was just an excuse to talk about the egg of all time. Let's finish by the quote (that I really like) that crowns her wiki page :
"J'ai beaucoup de questions mais je suis pas sûre de vouloir connaître les réponses"
"I have many questions but I'm not sure I want to know the answers"
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pixiecaps · 1 year
okay so what i got from that fight is that the eggs for some reason cannot leave during fights with the entity. this is not the first time the eggs have not been able to teleport. leo just put down a sign saying she could not teleport and that the wrap stone is broken. it seems when the entity is there the wrap stone breaks for the eggs. foolish tested it and he could teleport but leo could not. though the entity is gone now and the stone is still not working for leo. important to note it was working previous to the fight.
the entity appeared and attacked once vegetta logged off. foolish was teasing the entity before the attack calling it a bitch and it hit leo and all them with lightning. as well as spawning mobs around them without appearing. it was that specific moment that vegetta logged off that the entity appeared and physically attacked. so we know that it targets parents when they are alone. just like it did with phil and roier yesterday. specifically attacking when they were alone as well.
the entity also appeared to not be able to die. or at least it may have a lot of hearts. it was on fire, getting critical blows, shot with the gun, and hit with the security turrets and still did not go down once in that fight with foolish and leo. this is widely concerning for the parents. it seems to be buffed or even immortal
another thing i noted was that every time theres an attack with this entity lately there is an increase of lag. this could just be the server being silly cus of all the fighting it lags but i just thought that was curious since it happened yesterday and today with this attack. if it is the server being dumb i hope they fix that soon considering lag could be a death sentence for the eggs in a unfortunate moment. if its intentional that this binary entity attacks and is able to cause lag. thats bad ass
i was typing this and not looking at the stream but supposedly according to chat spamming foolish there was a black sign that said “last warning”
here is what happened in foolish’s words. he wrote this in three books for cellbit, bbh, and maxo.
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here is what the signs looked like:
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clip of the fight
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the-crimson · 9 months
(Characters not ccs)
Gosh I really hope Forever learns about bbh’s “friend” if not today then soon because we all know Forever’s plan the feds thwarted of building a world eater to strip the server to bedrock. Im just so fascinated by the two extremes these two characters could reach.
Forever’s wrath was indiscriminate and wild. He didn’t have a target other than creating such destruction in general that it would scare the feds into giving their children back but we saw how that went - the feds either didn’t give him a chance or rolled back the damage he did.
Bbh’s wrath is so much quieter and laser focused, maybe on the wrong thing but it is focused none the less. Bbh started small by simply kidnapping one of the workers and psychologically torturing it for a week before expanding into actual physical torture.
There is something so much worse about premeditated cruelty then taking your rage out on the world in a burst of uncontrollable rage. Based on the dream/memory Forever shared with us, it looked like he lost control and went mad in his rage/grief. He even admitted recently that he’d rather willingly take the happy pills then feel that way again.
Bbh has never lost control. What we are seeing now has always been inside of him deep below the surface, it’s always been a part of him. He’s always been capable of this. The only reason he feels any kind of guilt is because he knows the people he loves wouldn’t approve but he himself clearly enjoys this.
I want Forever and Baghera to realize this side of their friend. I want them to realize this isn’t some stage of grief but that they are seeing a side of him that he’s hidden for so long. Bbh is cruel. He is malicious and merciless and kind and all of the things they know him to be.
(Also the fact he wants to make the islanders suffer to fuel their anger at the federation. He’s directly targeting their friends and pretty much caused the deaths of almost everyone on the island already)
“This isn’t you Bad.”
It always has been.
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mishapen-dear · 9 months
the fun thing about fucked up 4halo is that bbh has already tried the whole "sacrifice your mind and sanity and self to be with your fucked up mind controlled lover thing once with the egg and red skeppy already and it uh. well. so anyway, i think that 4ever laughing at bbh and asking "why do you seem so scared of me all the time?" and bbh replies very calmly "i'm not scared of you. i'm scared for you." bbh wanting to let his control slip and just be happy and knowing that kills people he loves
YES!!! YES YES YES. okay you touched on one of the reasons i'm Like This about 4halo in the first place- bad has never been worried about forever being corrupt; bad has been terrified of the federation corrupting forever. you can see it in the way bad tried, over and over and over and over again to talk to forever to build a system that bad thought would be, if not fool-proof, more difficult to corrupt. Bad didn't want a president. but then forever won, and bad settled for second best- building a system that would hurt them as little as possible. not because forever would hurt them, but because the federation WOULD use whoever became president to hurt them. that's why he wanted the council; that's why he wanted to disband the presidency. whoever sat in that chair would be the prime target for the federation's manipulations, and we've seen how that went down with cellbit. and like. bad wanted to trust forever. forever is one of the very few people i could see winning and bad not start an immediate revolution arc (even though he made noises about it). even after one of their biggest fights bad was like- i believe forever is a good person and he's trying to do the right thing. forever is the first person who bad saw as an equal when it came to protecting the eggs and thus was PIVOTAL to bad learning how to trust the other islanders when, for a while there, bad's whole thing was about how paranoid he was. bad trusted forever so, so much, he exhausted every. single. option. he had to defang the presidency (to some players' and chats' horror o7 but i respect the analogy grind). and. god. bad did everything he could to give himself a reason to not kill his friend. because he knew it wasn't forever's fault. as many noises as he's made about killing forever and being silly and salty- he knows forever was in the same boat as him. that's why he built the statue. that's why he was so upset about the gift baskets. they're the same. they're friends. he's always known that forever isn't his enemy. the federation are.
he still knows it. in a pained, soft voice, bad told pierre during the proposal, "there won't be a wedding. look at him. he's out of his mind."
bad was so scared of his friend being corrupted, and now his worst nightmare has come to pass
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born-in-hell · 7 months
This ending felt kind of frustrating. Dont get me wrong, really liked watching it. But it just felt... too much? And too little at the same time. There were just so many plot points that went unexplained and brushed over, while new mysteries were introduced. It felt like a cliffhanger for a cliffhanger's sake. There was no satisfying ending to Purgatory bc there was no ending. Literally, it didnt end. They announced pt.2 with other people.
And Purgatory was a plot that interrupted MANY other ones. Just so u guys get the picture im listing some of them:
rebellion (etoiles and fit),
soul vultures & grim reaper (bbh),
presidency & nether comeback (forever),
cell's comeback (cellbit, bagi, pac and mike),
fed infiltration (foolish),
past lives (cellbit & bagi/bagh/pierre/fit)
Here's also a list of all the unanswered questions and lost plot points i could think of, regarding all of the qsmp:
Who was the cursed team? The eye didn't mention it once during the ending.
Who is the Eye?
What the organization behind Purgatory is? Was it only 1 entity?
Still no answers abt what is the federation besides the worker hierarchy and that there is something stronger than it.
Still no answers abt Arin or the computers
What did qforever achieve by going to the nether? Was it all for nothing?
What was the Judas book? Was it related to Purgatory?
How did qPac get out of the Nether to go to Purgatory??
What were and what was the purpose of the Mini-mes?
Elquackity. Just Elquackity.
What does comic bbh recieved mean?
What does the egg story the islanders got on the maze mean??
What are the eggs?
Why were the islanders and eggs kidnapped by the Eye?
Why are they cracking? What are those cracks?
Why was the fed conducting hybrid child experiments?
What was the eye's intention? Why did they want to prove the islanders were bad people so much?
What does that radio convo they listened to on the maze mean? Who were the ppl talking?
Black cucurucho/evil cucurucho/baribal. How does he fit in the purgatory arc? What is it?
Why did the fed send qWilbur away to do shows?
What is the black substance?
What did they do to quackity? Why quackity?
Why was qmax told to build a nuke, how did he carry it into purgatory and why did he set it off on egg island?
What was the island b4 the current events? Where did the people that lived there go?
Why did qbagi's and qcell's parents live on quesadilla island? What were they doing there?
What did qCellbit discover that made the feds send him away?
What happened to Sofia?
Why did that guy tell qMax to build Sofia?
How did dan and spreen die?
What is Project AB?
Why was Dappers hat on the puzzle b4 the dice game?
Why was the first game directed to qBBH? Why was everyone else just tp'd?
What did the "Humans believe in god because they dont have answers. You are inteligent" line Cucurucho said to qBBH mean?
What did they do to qFelps when he was kidnapped??
What did the Fed do to qCellbit while he was infiltrated?
Is the rollback implied by qForever's insanity cutscenes canon? Or were they dreams/hallucinations?
Who is the rebellion and what are their goals and motives??
Why were they targeting the eggs?
What are the codes?
What is Codeflippa, who is she affiliated to?
Who is the Special Guest and why did the Fed buy muffins by their request?
Who is the Duck?
Who is the Host?
What did the egg's Purgatory messages mean?
Why were they first kidnapped?
Why did Elq kidnap Dapper?
The Angelic Cucurucho??
There's certainly more, but these were the ones i remembered. Also, yes, there are theories, implications and semi-confirmations for a lot of these. But no clear direct answer. Just fan work.
There's so much going on. While the regret arc was happening, the mysteries were simpler and the stakes were a lot smaller. We had the fed, the eggs, the island and the codes. That was it. The main goal was to get off the island but now. It ended in a satisfing way bc it was a linear tale that followed naturally and wasnt too long.
Happy pills was also a satisfying arc bc it ended clearly. We got the payoff we needed from it.
With the eggs disappearence arc, we've been suffering for too long. Theres always a new clue. We are always so close but too far. When we think we'll get an answer and a conclusion, we just don't. For the story to have felt complete we needed answers. What we didn't need was a cliffhanger. Another one.
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crystal-jack-asripines · 10 months
Losing my mind because so many people keep boiling down BadBoyHalo’s problem with the votes last night to “haha hes angwy he can’t take furniture haha L” when his LEGITIMATE CONCERNS ARE BEING COMPLETELY DISREGARDED (Cellbit I trust you to explain the problems he had PLEASE). So for clarity I will address every problem BBH ACTUALLY had
Roier getting multiple votes for each of his personalities is NOT fair. If players during the actual elections only got to vote twice, then alter egos shouldn’t get that kind of power either, otherwise you’ll have people coming up with new personalities just to rig the votes in their favor
Implementing a law with an ACTUAL ENFORCEABLE PUNISHMENT that MANY MANY MANYYYY players didn’t get to vote on just because they weren’t online is NOT FAIR. It makes more sense for this to be a trial run with no actual consequences so players and the audience get an idea of how the voting system will work. As it is now, it completely screws over everyone who wasn’t online yesterday
THIS LAW IS NOT A JOKE NO MATTER HOW MANY TIMES FOREVER OR OTHER PEOPLE SAY IT. It was reiterated BY FOREVER and IN THE CHAT BY QSMP that this law is legitimate and players breaking this law WILL be punished. It doesn’t matter if the law is stupid, if there’s actual consequences to breaking the law THEN IT IS NOT A JOKE, IT IS REAL. My previous 2 points address why this is such a huge problem
NOBODY ELSE SEEMS TO CARE ABOUT THIS BEING UNFAIR. When Bad tried to explain to Forever his concerns, Forever got distracted by Melissa and stopped listening. Other players kept laughing at Bad being angry about this being the furniture law being targeted at him and saying that’s the only reason why he’s upset, and when he tries to explain himself they laugh over him. Bad had said a few days ago he’s concerned that players are getting complacent because the Federation hasn’t hurt them individually and explicitly, they’re slow-cooking everyone so when real problems arise they won’t care, and this is just proving his point
Bad is VERY upset that more players voted banning furniture theft over BANNING MINES. Mines have been a problem for months and have killed multiple players and nearly killed multiple eggs. Literally 2 nights ago Foolish had to speed bridge over the desert with 3 eggs by Luzu’s house because every step they took another mine would go off. Poor Maximus had a mine explode the island where he went camping with Trumpet which genuinely hurt and angered him. BBH’s school, which he rebuilt with the eggs and Senhora Neide and which he was really proud of it being included in the egg quests, got exploded by mines and it was treated like a joke. Mines are a HUGE PROBLEM, and people choosing to vote for a stupid law over banning mines makes him distrust the others even more
Building off of point 3 and 5, it doesn’t make sense that people think the federation would never actually ban mine usage if they ACTUALLY ARE GOING TO PUNISH PEOPLE FOR STEALING FURNITURE. I don’t think they won’t take the mine blocks away completely, but they DEFINITELY would have punished players for using them
Bad has been steadily growing more upset with people treating him as more of a resource than a person with resources, upset that he isn’t given any appreciation or credit for the things he has done. He was literally introduced to the new players as “a guy who will give you stuff, just ask and he’ll deliver.” Everyone laughing at him and ignoring his concerns is just further proof, in Bad’s mind, that they don’t respect him as a person or any of his thoughts or ideas, even after all the good and gifts he’s given to them, and he feels betrayed.
TL;DR: Defending BBH on Twitter isn’t enough, I need a gun
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satirates · 10 months
Baghera Jones is her own person that can make her own decisions, thank you very much
I wasn't going to post this here because most of this discourse came from the bird app, but I've seen so much posts here (and in my notes) that I need to get this out of my chest. So this post is going to be TW: fandom neg about Baghera treatment by the QSMP community, be warned.
So, where to begin?
I keep seeing post about Q!Baghera being a bad friend to Forever, insulting her, saying she" hate him" and that it would be better if Forever only interact with Brazilians from now on. And I'm tired of this shit
" She will clearly always side with BBH whatever Forever do"
Oh, so we have a woman friend with two men, so of course she needs to take sides. Forbid her to have her personal opinions, it all about choosing the guy she likes the most, isn't it ? How people don't realize hoe misogynistic that way of thinking is !?
She literally connected on the server yesterday, learned that Forever wanted to build a prison to imprison players and that he pass a law that was specifically targeted at one of her other friends. Of course, she said that she will stand by BBH if this continues. She is trying to comfort him because from HER perspective, he's being targeted by unfair laws, and he is still (in lore) experiencing psychological problems. She didn't side with him, she chooses to help him. Because she can make decision with the information she has.
" But she is always against what Forever propose with the government"
I'm sorry, where were you when the election arc happens? Probably insulting Baghera because she dare have opinions and calling them "stupid" and "baseless" to the point she quitted I guess? q!Baghera was ALWAYS anti-federation. She joined the election so she could start a revolution. Even after she accepted to not do that, she always defends the point that having a president was a bad idea and that a council would be better. These ideas aren't new and she didn't stop having them after Forever got elected. It makes sense for her character to oppose to him, because she was never for a president in first place.
Yesterday, she didn't say she thought his idea of vote is stupid. She says that she doesn't agree with HOW it's done right now and that they can make it better. More representative of the people. But when she talked to Forever, he basically ran away when she started saying she didn't like it. Then they got interrupted by Bad. She hadn't the time to explain herself and people are acting like she said the idea(and Forever) was bad when she never says such thing. And even if she was totally against it, she would have the right to. She has the right to have a different opinion than her friends.
" But she is always hiding things!"
Clearly, you haven't watched Baghera's stream in a long time. What does she have to hide, I'm asking you? She never gets lore, and never has any in the past. Every time sometimes mildly exciting happen, she is running to another player just so she could tell them. In the election arc she was even sharing a ton of secrets with Cellbit, a guy she was convince was a dormant agent, just because he was on the server at the same time as her and she needed to share! She is only keeping secrets that other people told her. You know, like a good friend? Also, she sometimes forgot to say things right away, but cc! Baghera has ADHD, so it's not on purpose she sometimes forgets things. CC! Baghera said that canonically, her character trust Forever 100%, and she kept it that way so far. She just has no secrets to share right now because she isn't getting any lore.
" But Forever is always alone these days, and Baghera isn't appreciative of his work!"
Pshhh, I'm going to tell you a secret. You know who's alone 90% of their streams? BAGHERA JONES! She is in her castle alone, building. And why she spends the other 10% with people? Because she goes to people to check on them! Does Forever do that? No. He's in is isolation arc. We have never seen him check on what Baghera was doing or asking to do something together. Several times we've seen the players having fun while he was online, and he didn't join. It's not Baghera's job to go fetch him to play and help him when he isn't asking for it. And she always shows appreciation for what he is doing, just not in his face. Things you would know if y'all were actually watching her POV. She has Portuguese and English subtitle on at all times, you have no excuses. And why these type of comments are always directed toward Baghera and nobody else in the server that are doing stuff aside from Forever? Literally, I've never seen anyone else being call names because they are not tending to someone else need. Truly strange that it's directed at a woman, isn't it?
Baghera said in live recently that she has to take a break from doing lore with some of the streamers with the biggest community because she was getting hate every single time she was interacting with them. She didn't say names, But we all know who she was talking about. And I think it sucks she has to walk on eggshells around Brazilian players because of that. That she try to not be too friendly/teasing with Forever because of that. If you don't see her spending time with him as much, now you know why. They are still friend, but she doesn't want to deal with the community bullshit.
To conclude
She said that she wants her character to be recognized for her own achievement and not just be "Forever and bad third friend". And I'm also tired of this. She has the right to have opinions. She has the right to make decisions that contradict the ones of her friends. Furthermore, she isn't "Forever bad friend" or "BadBoyHalo emotional support woman". She is her own person. Stop acting like she's picking sides. Stop to infantilize her by saying that "she needs to think about the way she's acting". All her decisions make sense in universe. She has the right to defend her friend, she has the right to do her castle in peace, she has the right to not spend time with/help her brother if she doesn't feel like it. SHE has the RIGHT to exist at the SAME LEVEL as BBH and Forever, not as their accessory that is there to break them apart.
We have a lot more women on the server now that Jaiden plays regularly and with the new players. Let threat them like person, not just by the lenses of the men of the QSMP. Go watch their POV. Ask questions to people that watch them on main.
I'm so tired of this, it's being going on for months. I know the biggest part of the community is nice and love her. At least until she does something they don't like. I'm so tired...
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beelzebubsis · 1 year
it’s crazy to me that bbh’s paranoia was seen as an asset and a good thing when everyone was against the federation and with the code attacks. hell it protected the eggs a number of times because he knew to not trust a safe and peaceful moment
BUT now because it’s a pvp situation it’s suddenly a huge fault in his character and it’s something he needs to change. i just don’t think people realise how contradictory that is to say. you can’t define someone as paranoid and then get upset when they are being paranoid. don’t get me wrong it’s upsetting that bad isn’t able to trust his friends but everything that’s happened on the server has proved to him that his paranoia and distrustfulness is a good thing, it’s what’s kept him and dapper alive. with charlie’s attempted egg assassinations, vegehetta’s mines and the serveral code attacks him being suspicious SAVED them, so it only makes sense in a situation where someone may target him for him to get paranoid even if that means distrusting his close friends
and to be fair if i was in his shoes i’d be on full lockdown mode fuck everyone else
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anonymous-dentist · 7 months
idk if this is the right place to say this, but as someone who's Hispanic / Latino, it gets tiring seeing mostly English POV watchers consistently demonize the latam ccs on qsmp. To me it reeks of xenophobia & I'm tired of seeing the Brazilians & Hispanics of the server criticized for their every waking action & practically campaigning against them & their fans at every possible opportunity. This just sucks man I just want to enjoy this server, but some parts of the fan base make it so difficult :/
The xenophobia in this fandom is truly awful and I feel absolutely terrible for anyone falling victim to it. It goes against everything the server stands for, and also? It’s fucking evil!! Poor Brazilian fans are constantly belittled, and now bbh fans are going after Roier fans. It’s actually heartbreaking and I wish every person dealing with this could just Not because it sucks to much to see as a gringo and I can’t even imagine how horrible it must feel as a member of the communities being targeted
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sah-xx · 8 months
I can't be the only person who hates the way the islanders are targeting the workers.
From the moment q!BBH kidnapped and tortured Ron it already left a bad taste in mouth. Then it just kept getting worse, from q!Quackity kidnapping Fred to q!Cellbit/f!Cell murdering multiple workers, and I absolutely hate it.
The workers are victims just as much as the islanders, they have no choice but to do what they're told.
They're hurting innocent people just to feel like they're doing something against the federation, and don't get me wrong, I do understand their reasons, but my morals simply won't let them be enough to justify what they're doing.
And I genuinely believe that if q!Forever wasn't going through so much (the poor cubito hasn't had a single second of peace since the happy pills arc) he would do anything to stop them, just look at how he confronted q!BBH about it.
I hope he puts the prison to work when he comes back.
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maybe-its-micheal · 8 months
Still thinking about how Slime named one of the roaches "Code monsters!!!!" and Flippa changed it. She seemed sad!!!! Like him calling the code monsters scary and evil, calling them one of his worst enemies really hurt her. She wants him to love her!!!!! She isn't just there to get her information, she does want to be his daughter.
I also think the fact that she changed it is interesting- she wasn't just upset, she rewrote the name. Does she have to report this data back to someone? Would they be displeased with him saying the codes are his enemies?
Maybe she was afraid they would terminate the experiment if he already hated the codes, and she wouldn't be able to see him anymore, and that's why she changed it.
Or maybe this is part of the goal. Maybe over time she will deinsentivize his hate towards the codes, and target that at The Federation instead. Maybe part of her job here is to foster a warmer opinion about the codes, and this was step one, get him to not list them among his worst enemies. Get him to feel more neutral, at least conflicted, or maybe even positive.
Whatever it is it's obviously secret, or supposed to be, but code!Flippa herself didn't seem too fussed about communicating with Slime in front of other people, or straight up appearing. Bagi saw her, she HIT Foolish, and she initiated a multiple minute long conversation with Slime while BBH and everyone else was right around the corner, and at times in earshot. Maybe she has been instructed to keep this a secret, but her own personal goals aren't 100% oriented towards fulfilling her "purpose," and she'd rather just have fun with her "dad." Maybe she's hoping if she gets caught she can stop with the data collection/whatever she's there for and just be his daughter?
I assume she's there for data collection because of some of the questions she asked. Trying to find out his loyalties in terms of the Federation, seeing if he hates the codes, asking what everyone thinks about the missing eggs. It seems pretty clear she is gathering information to be brought back to a larger group.
It's also definitely possible that she just made him change the sign because she was upset by it. That would confirm that she has feelings, which I think its clear she does. She is sapient, able to think about her environment, and able to think about how her actions will affect it. I beleive she is alive, even if she is a machine.
I think the same thing about code!Bobby. He didn't want to hurt or kill... he just wanted to dance with his family.
Maybe there is a pattern about dead eggs' code copies. Maybe they are more peaceful. Maybe the egg is alive in them somehow? Idk, I beleive the eggs are still alive anyway.
I want more code Flippa and Slime bonding. They are allowed.
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generalpalacefishgoop · 5 months
just wanna get this off my chest (rant)
saw someone on here said that "the special guest theory is terrible and that BBH doesn't deserve to be coddled by the narrative even more than he already is"
(btw, this is addressed to all to agree and think the same, particularly so, if you JUST TARGET BBH LORE)
as a qBBH main, what the fuck are you on about. genuinely. "DOESN'T DESERVE"??????" WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN jfc. also, where do you see the "coddling" WHERE? u mean the lore he wrote himself???? is that coddling?????? the lore that have no relation to the "main lore" ?????? like are you even a BBH pov watcher? or did you fall for the propaganda LMAOOOOOOOOO (i think mostly likely this happened fr).
like im trying to wrap my head around what they mean by "coddled by the narrative"......the special treatment he gets??? THAT MEANS SHIT ALL. THERES NO "SPECIAL TREATMENT" its always just some meta shit IMO. cuz they'll be shit like oh he didnt get ___ like the rest..... but it gets proven wrong quickly after like-. But fans be fans and have fun theorising. its just the usual copium manifesting bs like is this not common usual fan behaviour??? they're just having fun.
Many qBBH fans have been begging for so long for qBBH to be even a tiny bit related to the "main lore" (no luck so far, fans only got Ron and that his silly snow golem prank affected whatever, but be fr, that's hardly anything at all). the special guest theory is like sort of a inside joke, heavy copium type crack theory kinda shit. like i don't think its a thing, but fans do what fans do??? just for funsies? brainrot is real??? like hello??
[side rant] (also for fans complaining about certain ships as being "delulu" like, we know??? 😭what? do you think you can only ship ppl that are canon a thing or?? like whats going on? have you heard of crack ships? 😭 like- why so srs?)
its fine to not like a hc/theory but stop being sooooo hypocritical and just fcking rude and fcking wrong. if u say that u don't like that theory bcus qBBH is "coddled by the narrative", you think qPhil is coddled. qAntoine, qJaiden too, etc etc heck I'll fcking say everyone on the dang island. You see where I'm going with here...
BBH's lore are all written by him. The only relation qBBH has to the "main lore" is kidnapping Ron, but even then, it's hardly anything at all. Hell, qCellbit did way worse by murdering them and leaving them to be found n shit etc etc, like come on. if you call BBH lore "coddling" are you saying the same for qPhil? his lore is mostly written by him too, no? like the enderking etc all linked to his hardcore world, NONE related to the QSMP "main lore" (save for like the wings n shit), exactly like BBH. Are you saying the same for Jaiden? qJaiden is literally the fcking lovechild (?)/beloved (? idk. u get what im trying to say) of the cucus. There's also qAntoine. If anyone is the special guest, my money is on him. but CODDLED BY THE NARRATIVE YOU SAY????? good luck hating on almost ALL the character lore. OH WAIT, it's just BBH lore????? I WONDER WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
ppl say some characters get special treatment. NO. YOUR WRONG. EVERYONE GET SPECIAL TREATMENT.
ppl say there's no main characters in QSMP. NO. EVERYONE IS THE MAIN CHARACTER.
if im misunderstanding/misinterpreting or whatever, i genuinely apologise, but its just that fcking sentence fcking ticked me off with how rude it presents itself and just how dumb n wrong it is yk. its fine to not like something but the reasoning is so fcking wrongggggggg. it irks me.
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