#but I am cold and weak and scared and sad
misswynters · 1 month
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[TAGS: sadness, soft aemond, angst
[notes | i need more soft aemond, not proofread
inspired by @demigoddessqueens <3
gif: @barbieaemond @peachysunrize
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Aemond stood on the balcony of Maegor's Holdfast, staring out at the smoldering ruins of King's Landing. The twilight sky was heavy with smoke, the scent of ash and death permeating the air. Despair and anger twisted within him, threatening to consume him whole. His family was gone, scattered like leaves in a storm, leaving him to face the desolation alone.
The weeks leading up to this moment had been a nightmare. Aemond’s rage and fear had grown increasingly volatile, and you bore the brunt of his turmoil. Each time you tried to reach out to him, he shut you down with harsh words and cold stares, lashing out in fear and anger.
“Leave me be!” he had shouted one night, hurling a goblet across the room. It had narrowly missed your head, shattering against the wall behind you. You had flinched but stood your ground, refusing to be driven away by his outbursts.
“Aemond, I’m not your enemy,” you had said softly, your voice trembling. “I want to help you.”
He had turned on you then, his face a mask of fury. “Help me? How can you help me when you don’t understand? When you can’t possibly know what it’s like to have everyone you love ripped away from you?”
You had taken a step back, tears brimming in your eyes. “I understand more than you think. But you need to let me in, Aemond. You can’t keep pushing me away.”
His response had been to storm out, leaving you alone in the shattered remnants of his anger. It had been like this for weeks—moments of near-violence, followed by suffocating silence. Each time you approached him, he would lash out, his fear of losing you manifesting as uncontrollable rage.
Now, as he stood on the balcony, the weight of his grief pressing down on him, he felt a familiar dread. His grip on the stone railing tightened, his knuckles white. Memories of a childhood marked by doubt, insecurity, and fear surged to the surface. The tears that pooled in his eye were an unwelcome reminder of his vulnerability, and he despised himself for this perceived weakness.
Footsteps echoed softly behind him, but he didn't turn until he heard your voice. "Aemond?"
He turned slowly, his heart heavy. Your eyes, filled with worry and concern, met his. It was almost too much to bear.
"Would you leave me all the same, my love?" His voice was raw, laced with a bitterness that surprised even him. "Just like my family?"
Your eyes widened with hurt, and you stepped closer. "Aemond, no. I would never leave you. I'm here. I'm always here."
He scoffed, turning away from you. "That's what they all said. And look where I am now. Alone."
"Aemond," you pleaded, reaching out to touch his arm. "Please, look at me."
He remained rigid, the tears finally spilling over. "I don't know how to hold on anymore. Everyone I've ever loved is gone. How can I believe you'll stay?"
You moved in front of him, your frustration bubbling over. "You get like this when you're losing me or when you're being challenged. You shut down, lash out, and push everyone away. But I'm still here, Aemond, despite all of it. I’ve seen the worst of you, and I haven’t left."
He stared at you, anger and confusion warring in his eye. "How can you understand? You don’t know what it’s like."
"You’re right," you said, your voice firm. "I don’t but i can see how it’s affecting you. I don’t want you to end up in a place you aren’t meant for."
He looked away, the weight of your words sinking in. "But what if I can't protect you? What if I fail you like I've failed everyone else?"
"You haven't failed me," you whispered, your thumb brushing away his tears. "And you won't. We will face whatever comes."
Aemond's shoulders shook with silent sobs, and despite his initial resistance, he allowed himself to be pulled into your embrace. "I'm so scared," he admitted, his voice breaking. "I've lost so much...I can't lose you too."
You held him close, your own tears mingling with his. "You won't lose me, Aemond. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere. We'll get through this. Together."
He clung to you, his walls crumbling in the face of your unwavering support. As he held you, he felt a flicker of hope. Maybe, just maybe, amidst the ruins, there could be a new beginning.
But then he pulled back slightly, his expression shifting to one of deep worry. "Helaena," he whispered. "She told me something. She said I would die when I go harrenhal and fight a battle at the Gods Eye." Your heart clenched at his words but remained silent since you didn’t know what to say. You didn’t want aemond to die a brutal death, it can’t be true. However aemond pulled you out of your mind as he spoke.
"I've always trusted her visions," he continued, voice shaking. "If she's right...if I'm fated to die, how can I keep you safe? How can I protect you from what’s coming?"
You took his face in your hands, forcing him to meet your gaze. "We can't live in fear of what might be. Helaena's visions may come true, but they don't define us. We face whatever comes, together. And if you go to the Gods Eye, then I'll be by your side, no matter what happens."
Aemond's eye searched yours, filled with uncertainty and fear. "I can't lose you," he repeated, voice barely above a whisper.
"You won't," you vowed. "Not now, not ever. We're stronger together, Aemond. And we'll face whatever comes, side by side."
In that moment, amidst the ruins and the smoke, Aemond found a glimmer of hope. With you by his side, he felt a strength he had thought lost forever. And though the future remained uncertain, he knew that, together, you could face whatever fate had in store.
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tags: @benjicotblckwood @beebeechaos @spn-obession
banner by: @cafekitsune
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tonyspank · 3 months
Tony....please make me an angsty-romantic, JO or JO character x Fem!Reader one shot! You decide who it fits more. With a good ending, please!
I'm currently listening to Waves by Calpurnia.... this song is so mesmerizing.
My request would be based on that, but it's okay if you don't want to do it!
Hope you are eating well, Thank you so much!
Jenna Ortega x Gn!Reader
Summary: “I don’t want to die.”
Warnings: Cancer, gunshot, blood, violence, and let me know if there’s anymore.
A/N: thank you so much for this request anon! i hope you enjoy, although im not very good at angst 💔
Jenna’s not famous in this & also! this was heavily inspired by jbs music video !!
1.7k words
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$13,892, the minimum amount the doctors told you Jenna's treatment would be. $14,283, the amount you were quoted by a second hospital for the same treatment.
The problem? Jenna has no insurance.
Jenna has no insurance, and you have no money. You saw the look on your girlfriend's face when you were given these estimates, and you knew she practically gave up right then and there. You promised Jenna you would find a way to cover the cost, no matter what it took. But you have no idea where to begin.
That was three weeks ago.
Jenna was your best friend, your companion, and your girlfriend, and you can't bear to see her suffer without the treatment she needs. But with only two months until the deadline, you still have no idea how you'll ever be able to afford the medical attention she needs.
You sit on the floor of your bedroom, your back against your bed frame, and a hand covers your face. You take a deep breath, but it does little to soothe the tightness in your chest. You feel lost, helpless, and hopeless.
But you know one thing for sure: No matter what happens, you'll do anything and everything you can to help Jenna.
Jenna stirs in her sleep, awaking you from your thoughts. You quickly wipe away a tear before she opens her eyes. You know that you have to stay strong for her, no matter how overwhelmed you may feel.
When she opens her eyes and looks around, her gaze finally meets yours. Her smile is weak, and you can see the pain behind her eyes. She holds her hand out to you, and you quickly take it, kissing it softly and pressing her palm against your cheek.
"Good morning." She says, her voice raspy from lack of use.
"Hi." You reply, leaning forward and kissing her lips gently. Jenna's lips are cold and dry, a stark contrast to the warmth of her hand in yours. You try not to think about how much pain she's in.
"What are you doing sitting on the floor?" She asks you, her eyes searching yours for an answer. You smile softly, squeezing her hand reassuringly. "I wanted to be closer to you." Jenna's eyes soften, and a small, grateful smile tugs at the corners of her lips.
But it soon fades away, replaced by a look of sadness. "You should get some sleep," she whispers, her voice barely audible. "I know you've been up for hours."
You feel a lump form in your throat, knowing that she's trying to protect you even in her own pain. "I can't." You admit.
"I'm okay." She mutters, but you know she isn't. She can barely move her left arm. Her breathing is labored, and she's so pale, it's like she's lost all her color.
"You're not okay."
"No." She agrees, looking down at her hands. "But I will be. Please, Y/N, get some rest. I'll still be here when you wake up." You finally relent, knowing that she's right. You lean in to press a gentle kiss to her forehead before climbing into the bed next to her.
"I'm scared." She admits it quietly.
"I am too." You tell her, pulling her close. "I promise I'll be here for you every step of the way," you whisper, feeling her body relax against yours. "We'll get through this together."
With those words, she closes her eyes, finding tranquility in your presence as you both drift off to sleep, holding onto each other tightly.
Your dreams have been the same for a few days, almost as if you were reliving your life with Jenna. The memories are always happy, and they help distract you from the reality of the situation.
You dream about the day you met her. It was on the late afternoon on a beach in Los Angeles, with the waves going back and the sun rising and falling. You were just wandering along the shore, looking at the scenery and the people.
She was sitting on a large rock, looking out over the ocean, her feet in the water, and the sand beneath her. You remember seeing her from a distance and being immediately drawn to her.
So, you walked towards her, not knowing what you were going to say, or what you were even going to do. "Can I help you?" She asked, turning her head and giving you a smile.
You felt a rush of nerves as you approached her; she was gorgeous, and her smile was captivating.
That wasn't the only day you spent together. Every weekend, you would meet on that beach. Sometimes, you would go out for dinner, and sometimes you would just spend the whole day together.
But now, it was hard for Jenna to leave the apartment, let alone walk on the beach.
You had been dating for three years, and now she was in your apartment, her illness was getting worse, and your money was running low. You were struggling to balance taking care of her and working long hours to pay for her medical bills.
Another week had passed. Jenna had gotten worse, the chemotherapy was taking a toll on her body, and the medical bills were piling up faster than you could keep up with.
You were barely making enough to cover her medication and hospital costs, and the stress was beginning to affect you. You had been working nonstop, barely getting any sleep, and you were starting to feel run down.
You were losing hope. The deadline was only a month away, and you had no idea how you would manage to come up with the money. You had tried everything, but nothing seemed to be working.
Jenna was fading away right in front of your eyes, and there was nothing you could do to stop it.
You couldn't bear the thought of losing her. She was the love of your life—the one person who made you feel alive. She had been the only person to truly understand you, and the thought of losing her was like a dagger in your heart.
You were sitting in your garage , surrounded by all the tools and equipment you had collected over the years. Your eyes fell on an orange plastic gun sitting on a workbench, gathering dust. It was a toy gun that Jenna had given you as a joke, but now it could be the key to your plan.
You picked it up along with a can of black spray paint, determined to do whatever it took to save Jenna. You carefully painted the gun, and once it dried, you tucked it into your waistband.
Jenna's last words before she was admitted to the hospital echoed in your mind.
I don't want to die.
It was a cold, rainy night. You were dressed in all black, the orange toy gun was tucked into the pocket of your hoodie, and your motorcycle helmet was securely fastened under your arm. Your hands were shaking as you gripped the gun. You were nervous, and you knew the consequences of what you were about to do.
But you couldn't let fear stop you. Jenna's life was on the line, and you were willing to do whatever it took to save her, even if it meant risking everything. With a deep breath, you stepped toward the bank teller, sliding her a note demanding the money and making it clear that you were armed.
The teller looked at you in shock but quickly complied with your demands, giving you the money. You quickly stuffed it into a bag, keeping the plastic gun hidden in your pocket as you quickly walked toward the back exit where your bike was parked.
Suddenly, an alarm rang out , causing panic to erupt in the bank. The security guard sprang into action, blocking your path to the exit. With adrenaline coursing through your veins, you shoved him into a nearby table and made a run for it, jumping onto your bike and speeding away as police sirens wailed behind you, knowing that you had to escape quickly before they caught up to you.
You weaved through traffic, trying your hardest to escape from the multiple police cars chasing after you, their sirens blaring. It was a dark and stormy night, and you were driving through the streets of the city, the rain pouring down heavily. Your hands were shaking, and you could feel your heart pounding in your chest.
Abruptly, a car pulled out in front of you, causing you to slam on the brakes. You looked around and realized you were surrounded by police cars with no way out. The officers approached with their guns drawn, ordering you to put your hands in the air.
Your hands stayed on the handles, the gun pressed against your leg, and a lump formed in your throat. There was no way out. You were trapped, and there was no way you would escape.
A shot rang out, causing you to flinch and close your eyes in fear. When you opened your eyes, there was blood seeping through your hoodie, and you felt a sharp pain in your side. You never really understood the meaning of flight or fight until that moment, but now it was clear - you had to fight for your life.
Your survival instincts kicked in, and you made a split-second decision to make a run for it, ignoring the pain and speeding past the officers. The sound of gunfire echoed in your ears as you accelerated towards the familiar streets you had taken nearly hundreds of times.
Your bike sputtered to a stop as you reached your destination, sirens getting closer and closer. You stumbled off the bike and ran through the hallways of the distinct building, clutching your bleeding side and pushing past startled onlookers.
You could see Jenna's room number at the end of the hallway, and you knew you had to reach her before it was too late. You burst into the room, and relief flooded your body when you saw her sleeping peacefully.
"Y/N?" She whispered, slowly opening her eyes. Her voice was weaker than ever, and her skin was pale.
You rushed to her side, tears streaming down your face as you laid your head on her shoulder. "I'm here, Jenna," you choked out, holding her hand tightly. "I love you."
Jenna weakly squeezed your hand, her head slowly turning to the doorway where the police stood, waiting to take you away. "I love you too," she said softly, her eyes filled with tears.
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sp25 · 8 months
in the trunk
pairing: simon ‘ghost’ riley x f!reader
summary: you do it in the trunk with your lieutenant, Ghost
warnings: 18+ this is sexually explicit, do not read this or interact with my blog if you’re a minor. do not copy or use ai on my shit, i'll find out. consists of kissing, sex (m&f), name calling, slight breeding kink, cumming inside, cursing. I am not responsible for your media consumption.
a/n: another one. yes. took me a lot of time. please comment and reblog. It really encourages me to write more smut for yall. Please! I’m desperate ;( also inspired by another character ai response. This time it was a character called “Ghost” by @Faunnaa. Please go and support them too. (also please dm me, im bored)
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You had been a part of the Task Force 141 for about 2 years now. You had developed a pretty close bond with your comrades. But, you always had your eye on one specific person, Ghost. To an outsider, he might seem like a ruthless, heartless, unemotional person but, you understood and related to him. You felt his pain when no one else did.
You worked with Ghost but, you didn’t have a close relationship to him like Soap did. You always dreamt to be with him though it seemed like those dreams would stay dreams forever.
Until, Task Force 141 was sent on a mission hours away, the military trucks loaded with soldiers. The mission was smooth, until one of your men made the wrong move and jeopardized the whole operation, forcing you to flee almost immediately.
Everyone was running to the trucks and you just so happened to be one of the last along with Ghost. No actual seats were left, so you had to resort to the trunk. “Bloody hell..” He cursed, Before jumping in and pulling you onto his lap to reserve space.
You were shocked. You hadn’t excepted this. You couldn’t believe what Ghost just did. You had no say. But you knew better than arguing or going against him so, you stayed quiet while you sat in his lap.
Soon, you started feeling congested. To get more comfort, you started changing your position. “fucking hell..” Ghost groaned under his breath. He held onto your hips and forced you to stay still on his lap with your head on his chest.
Ghost didn’t say a word. He was pissed off and annoyed at the whole situation of the mission being cancelled. He didn’t like being in a position of weakness. But he also couldn’t deny the fact you were on his lap. He knew you hadn’t had the best day either so he kept quiet. You felt his chest move slowly, as he breathed.
But, the day wasn’t so good for you either. Your closet friend, Sam and more had gotten injured and killed during the failed mission. You were heartbroken. But, seemingly, Ghost’s warmth and hold seemed to comfort you. You needed more now.
“ghost? could you please hold me?” You sniffled, hoping he would accept. You knew that your lieutenant would make fun of you. You waited for your embarrassment to come.
Ghost wasn’t one for displays of affection at all. But he saw you were sad. He wasn’t that much of a dick to blow you off this time. You felt him move his body slightly to face you whilst holding you. He put a hand on the bottom of your chin and lifted you up. Your eyes met, the moonlight pouring in from the cracks of the trunk illuminated him.
You looked up at him with your glossy teary eyes into his cold emotionless ones. “Come on, get it together.” He said bluntly, in his trademark gravelly accent. “A soldier doesn’t fall apart just because of a cancelled mission.” He had the same stone face he always wore. But there was a subtle softness behind his cold demeanor, he cared.
You could feel his cold heart’s walls slowly crumbling. So you decided to take advantage of it. “I feel so scared..” you whispered under your breath. You couldn’t control your emotions anymore.
“Don’t worry, I’m here..” He mumbled, sounding slightly warmer than usual. He pulled your head onto his chest, where he continued to caress your cheek.
His touch seemed to send waves of goosebumps to your skin. You could feel your heart racing. “I don’t want to be alone today..” you softly said, hiding your face in his chest.
Ghost’s gaze shifted downwards, the sound of your breath was soothing. He couldn’t deny how pretty you looked in this position. In the back of his mind he knew that this was wrong, as a soldier he shouldn’t be getting distracted by something like this. But he also couldn’t help but feel the heat of your skin against his own.
“Shh, you’re not alone now..” He muttered, pulling himself closer in the cramped space. You felt his arm wrap around your lower back, pulling you into his embrace. His touch was tender, which was a side to him you hadn’t seen before. In all honesty, the whole situation was sweet. A comforting presence in a place where you felt vulnerable, all the whilst you were held by someone so attractive.
“No one else can see us right?” You whispered carefully. You knew that if anyone saw you both, in this position, it would destroy both of your careers.
“Nope.. unless somebody can open this damn trunk..” He sighed. “Even then, what are they gonna do? Tell on us to our Lieutenant?” He chuckled with a slight smirk. This was his ‘flirty’ side, he was testing the waters.
For the first time after a while, you smiled. “you ain’t wrong there.” You laughed softly as you said that, which made Ghost smile too. Gosh, his smile sent your fucking heart dead. You just couldn’t believe that he smiled.
“I feel like I should kiss you..” That was a little too forward. He realised that the moment the words slipped out of his lips. You felt the heat rise and your heart racing, but for some reason you actually wanted him to do it. A tiny smile played on your lips.
You had never imagined that your dreams would become a reality. You knew you had achieved what you desired. You softly nodded your head, unable to form a response cause how much you were blushing.
“That’s all the yes I need..” He softly said before leaning towards you and pressing his lips on yours. It was everything you could have imagined and more. The feeling of his strong hands, his body against yours, and his kiss sent you into a trance. His scent was intoxicating, along with the feeling of his rough tongue against yours. His hand ran through your hair, as he held you close. This was your dream come into reality.
You both were meant for each other. You held onto his armour as the kiss became more heated. His kiss made your already desperate pussy more wet. You moaned softly.
You broke the kiss and glanced at him, your gaze locked with his. You felt as if you were still in a trance, he had swept you off your feet. “You want me now..?” He whispered, a smirk played on his lips. You were speechless. This was like a movie scene, in a good way. A good soldier, a sexy, charismatic man, and a mission gone bad. Couldn’t get better really.
“Yes.” You whispered with such surety. You were never ever going back to being away from Ghost ever again.
“This is a bad idea..” He mumbled, but he also knew it was too late now. He pulled you in for another kiss. This time it was much more intense and you could practically see the sparks between you.
He picked you up, and shifted you around in the trunk in order to find a more comfortable position. You didn’t even care how tight it was by this point. He sat you on his lap, and moved himself so he had his back against one wall, and his legs against the other. He then pulled you close again, and kept kissing you.
He smirked and pulled you closer in his arms. The tension had built up throughout the day, but now those feelings had resurfaced once more. His hand gently brushed your cheek, and ran through your hair. He was a little rough, but it was what you liked.
You could feel his bulge against your thighs. He broke the kiss and pressed his forehead against yours. “going to let me fuck that pretty pussy of yours solider?” He whispered smirking.
“yes sir..” you responded blushing. Ghost pulled away from the kiss briefly. “Are you sure? We’re in a.. trunk.” He mumbled, not even sure himself what he was saying. You just nodded your head unable to form words.
“Such a good girl for me”, He smirked as he unzipped his pants, pulling out his hard throbbing cock making it hit his abdomen.
You in amazement, put your hand on it and started stroking it as his precum got over your hands. You could feel how hard it is and how it twitched in your hands. You realised he needed you as much as you needed him.
“take it off.” He ordered. You know exactly what he meant. You pulled down your tight leggings revealing your lacy black lingerie underneath.
“fuck..” he muttered under his breath. He pressed his fingers over your wet panties. “so wet for me love..”, he softly pushed aside your panties so he could have access to your needy cunt.
“Alright..” His hand traveled down your body and caressed your thigh. He kissed your neck and then gently nibbled your earlobe. He felt your breathing speed up, and took it as a sign that you were enjoying what he was doing. He continued to kiss your neck gently, nibbling softly with his lips, and then your chin. A soft moan left your lips, and he smirked.
He held onto your hips tightly that you were sure that it would leave bruises. He moved you so that you were right on top his cock.
He slowly pulled you down on his hard cock. You moaned softly feeling his cock stretching you out so blissfully. You could feel how thick his girth was.
He kept pulling you down in his cock until he was all in while he kept muttering curse words cause how tight and wet your pussy wet for him.
He started kissing you passionately and aggressively as he started thrusting into you but ensuring that his cock went fully inside each time making you moan.
“so fucking tight for me..” He groaned into your ears as his thrusts seemed to get more aggressive and faster. But, your moans seemed to get louder so he pressed his hand tightly against your mouth. “shh..” he whispered in your ears as his cock went so deep and hard into you.
You were going dumb cause how good it felt. His cock was hitting the right spots each time. He spanked your ass couple of time before he started playing with your clit too now.
You were a mess. Your mind was clouded with thoughts about him only. He kept muttering and whispering sweet nothing in your ears, while he kept his hand pressed against your mouth.
But, suddenly you felt his slams into your hips become harder, you knew he was about to cum. “gonna let me cum in your wet fertile cunt for me? yeah love?”, you nodded your head unable to form words.
“cum for me love, cum.” You immediately felt yourself cum as your eyes rolled back in pleasure. You could felt the hot thick spurts of his cum fill your womb. He kept thrusting in you softly as you both rode out your high.
He laughed softly and smiled. So did you. His eyes had a hint of lust still present in them. Round 2 was just about to begin.
The rest of the ride was filled with soft laughter and heavy breathing. After it was done, Ghost looked at you affectionately. “Well.. that was something.” He chuckled.
He slowly pulled out of you and you could see him cum leaking out your pussy. Ghost watched it with fascination as he softly pressed his fingers on your leaking hole and whispered in your ears, “can’t let a drop go to waste..”
You smiled softly and whispered, “I can’t believe we fucked in a trunk.”
“And nobody will ever find out. We really have to keep this a secret. We’re in the same unit, that would be bad..” He whispered, he wanted to be with you. The mission meant nothing now, in his mind he had already decided he wanted you. In his head, he knew the chances were small, but he was going to make his move now, and see how you reacted.
“I know..” you whispered. “You don’t look upset about it..” He smirked, the moonlight still pouring in to illuminate his gorgeous face. He tilted his head up slightly, studying you with a smirk. He could see your cheeks were red, and your hair was slightly disheveled. Even if you looked like a mess, you looked adorable to him.
“What can I do, I can’t seem to stay away from you..” you smiled blushing. This was the answer he had been waiting for. He raised an eyebrow and smirked. “Really?” He chuckled nervously. The answer was obvious but he wanted to hear you actually say it. You were a good girl and he was a bad boy, and he knew that. He felt guilty by doing this to you but it was too late, he couldn’t deny himself what he wanted.
Before you could respond, the truck came to a halt and you heard the engine turn off. Then the sound of multiple boots hitting the floorboard was heard. “Everyone out! We’re back at base..” one of your fellow soldiers yelled. You and Ghost both looked at each other awkwardly. You had spent the past few hours making love (more like fucking like rabbits), now you were being greeted with the outside world again.
The truck had reached its destination, base camp. You felt sad. Reality hit you like a literal truck. “well this was fun..” you whispered trying for sound not sad, you opened the trunk.
“Mhmm.” Was all he was able to reply with. He was deep in thought. His heart was saying to ask you out, but his mind knew it wasn’t the right time. “Right.. Uhm I should go and debrief with the others. I’ll see you around okay.” He got up and took a step outside the truck.
“okay.” You muttered as you admired him. You didn’t know when you would get the chance tone this close to him again so you kept looking at him, memorising his face.
You softly got out of the trunk and stood on the ground. You felt so sore and it was tough for you to walk. You could feel his cum still inside of you.
You heard the click of the truck trunk closing and then you were alone. Slowly, you dusted off your uniform. You wanted to be angry with him, but deep down you secretly enjoyed the afternoon. You were just starting to get over him when you spotted him. Ghost was walking over to his tent, he noticed you looking at him. He shot you a wink, and then disappeared. You sighed and made your way back to your tent.
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rowretro · 3 months
𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝕿𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖞
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(this is a request I hope this went well!!!)
✧warnings: Yandere/toxic themes, kidnapping, marriage, blood, violence, explicit stuff mentioned (gore etc),Hyper feminine reader, mean af Riki
❁synopsis: The sweet, beautiful human princess married the cold, handsome Vampire prince, for a happy ending in both worlds, where blood shed and murders won't occur anymore. It's perfect, in fact they're such a perfect couple. That's what people believed, but they never understood how broken the couple are behind closed doors...
"Listen... uhm Riki? yeah I think I'll sleep on the couch I mean I'm human- you're vampire, on top of that I really doubt you do want to share a bed with me-" "I don't want to share anything with you not like I have a choice-" He cut her off as she nodded, feeling awkward. He finally owns this girl god damit. Instead of being all scared and obedient, she's here, pink silk flowy nightgown hugging her in all the right spots, making her seem like a trophy wife. Nail's all blingy, with charms and hearts, her lips still tinted from her lipstick from before, and lashes all done spikey and stunning.
Riki couldn't stand it. She's one of those annoying, mean girl wannabes who body shame girls that are living life. So he thought. She smiled as she went downstairs, carrying her pet goat to the garden. Yes a pet goat, it even had pink light pink shoes, and matching pink bows. Riki found her intriguing. Annoying. "uhm... I don't wanna sound rude but uhm can you please not drink Veronica's blood?" she asked as Riki blinked "You have a goat called Veronica.... do you get bullied in school?" he asked as she frowned.
"Uhm I don't know how to respond to that.... Of course I don't- I can defend myself when I need to- and I don't think humans get bullied for their pets... Maybe vampires might but not us humans" She said as she placed her goat in the comfy little enclosure, and brought her pet bunnies in. For a girly girl she sure does own a lot of pets. "can I suck their blood?" he asked half jokingly as she frowned.
"Id rather you suck my blood." she said as she pouted at her rabbits, booping their noses as she locked them in the indoors cage. "Woah there Mrs Nishimura... getting a little too attached to a cold blooded vampire" he teased as she rolled her eyes. "I suggest you sleep in my room if you want to be alive.... not all vampires here are as patient as I am." Riki simply said as he grabbed her waist, teleporting her to his room. "I doubt you had to hold me but uhm... thanks?" she thanked, scratching her head as Riki smiled.
She's such a pretty girl, so cute, especially when she's shy and nervous, he's seen her smile, fake and real smile, and its so fucking cute... he wonders how she looks when she cries... He pushes her onto the bed, catching her off guard, hovering over her as he suggestively leaned into her nick, his lips gently grazing her skin. A smirk plastered on his lips as he could hear, and smell the blood rapidly coursing through her veins. He turned to look at her frightened expression, then got up, satisfied.
"You thought I'd actually fucking touch you.... pfft you're too full of yourself y/n... you really aren't all that you know?!" as she just uncomfortably scratched at her arm. It wasn't enough of a reaction for him. "Why do you think the real reason is behind your parents and not your older sister? want me to tell you why?! you're a weak useless stupid girl who fails her studies focuses on her looks no matter how ugly you truly are. You're so worthless they went all in and threw you in the arms of me. Me who loves human blood, especially the blood of a sad, worthless little girl, preferably pretty... but you're ugly" He remarked.
Y/n's eyes became glossy. he was right for the most of it, she was more creative than academic, she loved doing her nails and makeup, but it's therapeutic, and she wasn't the biggest fan of her appearance and her parents are very disappointed in her... she constantly lived in her sister's shadow. But Riki doesn't know any of that. He didn't know until he read through the thoughts that clouded her mind. She truly wanted to die.
She's absolutely ethereal, even when crying. "But you don't need them.... you're the most stunning woman I've ever laid eyes on so as long as I have you all to myself.... everyone is safe." Though his words were absolutely sweet, he's being genuine, he wants this marriage though she doesn't. Yet she can't help but notice something eerie lacing his words... his eerie obsession...
Since their wedding day, he was always with y/n, in the kitchen, in their bedroom, the living room, outside the restroom, even in his office where he forbids anyone from entering. Y/n pouted as she aired her lips, lying on her front on the comfortable airbed, piled with blankets and fluffy pillows. Riki snickerred at the cute view. She's always a sight he loves to see.
She's grown so dependant on him, such a typical 1950's housewife, except she has a loyal loving husband who drinks her blood of course. "Riki im boredddd can't I got to the living room and play with the bunnies?" she asked with a little pout as he got up. She stared him up, and god was he tall, she envied him for having such a perfect waist, but she loves him so dearly. "Sweetheart.... I can't go a second without youuu-" he whined a little, as he snuggled her.
"I need to pee-" she suddenly said as Riki groaned "no you don't" he said bluntly as he snuggled into her neck "no seriously I need to" "no you don't you're making an excuse to leave me." he said as she frowned "Riki im serious. my bladder can only hold so much. and on top of that, if you don't want your expensive tailored trousers, and this fluffy bed, and this nightgown you bought me to be all wet and gross and stinky I suggest you let me go pee now!" she exclaimed in a somewhat calm manner. He sighed getting up as he waited outside the restroom door, waiting for her to finish.
He carried her once she was done, sitting her on his lap as he worked. "Riki..." "hmm?" "Can I visit my parents tomorrow?" she asked biting her lip as he stopped writing, glaring at her coldly "no. you don't need them." He coldly said as she whined "But they're my parents I miss them!" "No you don't. Y/n you have me and im enough, if you want more company, wait a few years we'll have noisy kids. until then, me and your fluffy pets are enough understand?!" he warned as she frowned.
"Why can't I-" "I said NO. FUCKSAKE Y/N YOU'RE MINE NOW. WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO TURN YOUR BACK TO ME AND GO VISIT OTHER PEOPLE?! PEOPLE WHO FUCKING HATE YOU?!" he yelled as she flinched, sniffling. Seeing this he snuggled her, kissing her forehead. "awww im sorry for yelling at you babe.... but I love you and you're mine now you know? you're mine all mine."
A/n: this isnt that good but oh well, have a jay ff in the waiting, and im currently writting a sunghoon ff inspired by Leo the movie w vijay (i had a dream)
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abbyromanoff · 1 year
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PAIRINGS: Maria Hill x reader
WARNINGS: angst, fluff, smut, overstimulation, edging, masturbation, injuries, soft!Maria, multiple orgasms, orgasm denial, daddy (M), praise, degradation, comfort, fingering, cunnilingus, think that’s all :)
This is for my wifey @sapphickorro 😘 I’ll be expecting a ring in return
“We need a medic as soon as we land, we’re now twenty minutes out!” Natasha yelled into the coms, her free hand pressing down on your open wound, her weight causing the blood that was pouring out of you rapidly to slow down. Your eyes were fluttering shut as your body grew tired and weak, but you knew you had to try.
“C’mon, Y/N, stay with me.” You were trying, but it took only two minutes before your body gave up, your eyelids closing over as your heartbeat slowed. It wasn’t gone, but it wasn’t at a safe rate either. Nat was freaking out, not only because of the fear of losing you but dealing with your girlfriend would be even worse than the grief. She’d kill her, and not many were able to have such a privilege when it came to the Black Widow.
The quinjet landed, at last, gusts of wind nearly knocking down the bystanders. The doctors and nurses stood within a good distance with the hospital bed ready to bring you to safety. Maria was there too, a cold and hard expression sporting her face. She was more so worried than mad, but she would never show anyone that vulnerability, only you had that prerogative.
When the entrance opened, they were met with you being held in Nat’s arms, your limp body only frightening the others. It was supposed to be an easy mission, with no great danger that the two of you would need to keep watch of. Of course, both of you kept your guard up in case that happened to be wrong, and it was.
Luckily and unluckily for Nat, you were the only one who had gotten injured in the pair, but that only made Maria’s hatred and indignation for the redhead rise. She was already preparing the speeches to tell the agent, but none would reduce the hidden sadness she held deep in her chest.
“You better have an explanation for this, Romanoff.” She muttered, following the women and few men who rushed you inside. She gulped fearfully, hiding her face from anyone who had visible eyesight. She didn’t show emotions, especially not fear. And especially not if it’s caused by someone with less power and authority than her. But the woman scared her and many others to death, even more so when you were the topic. She’d kill anyone for even looking at you the wrong way. To her, you were just a sweet little thing that she needed to protect at all costs.
“Are they going to be okay?” Maria’s jaw was clenched tightly as she spoke, her arms crossed over her chest as her hands balled into fists.
“Uh, y-yes, Ms. Hill, they’ll be alright. They’re going to need to receive stitches and will be supplied with multitudes of pain medication, but we were able to stop the bleeding and, thankfully, no arteries were hit.” The doctor stuttered out, it wasn’t every day that you were met with an angry woman who could and has killed many. She nodded and sent her appreciation to the brunette, turning to face Nat who held her hands on her hips.
“I am so sorry-”
“If something like this ever happens again I will not hesitate to kill you, got me?” She cut her off, obtaining a nod from the redhead. She wasn’t one to allow threats to come her way, but she felt as though she deserved this one.
Maria took a seat in the waiting room chair, running her hands through her hair as tears threatened to fall. She didn’t cry, she promised herself she never would. But the thought of losing you, the only person she ever truly loved and cared for, everything was just too much. She broke down in the empty hallway, not caring to see if others were nearby; she didn’t care. She didn’t care about anything at that moment besides you. Were you going to make it? Sure you would, that’s what the doctors said. But what if you didn’t? What if your last time together was spent as a goodbye and your last breathing moment was spent saving others? What if she’d forget your comforting voice after you were gone? What if she lost all the small moments that brought her more joy than imaginable?
“Ms. Hill? You can now visit them if you’d like, they’re expected to wake in only a few hours.” She hadn’t even realized how long she had been out here, the clock ticking every second being the only reminder of time. She stood quickly, rushing past the open door and stopping in her tracks when she saw you. You were hooked up to multiple IVs and wore a nightgown that they had supplied you with. There was no passion on your face like usual, it was instead blank as you slept. She had never seen you so pale, it felt wrong. You were still beautiful in her eyes, you’d always be, but this wasn’t you.
You were in pain, and she disrelished in the knowledge that she wasn’t there to help you, she could only watch as you suffered. But she stayed, she continued to sit right next to you, your limp hand in her own, waiting for you to wake. She didn’t fall asleep despite her tiredness; she was exhausted but refused to miss the moment your eyes opened again.
“Mar?” She heard your frail voice, her head shooting up along with her body.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. I’m here, I’m right here.” She wanted to bring you in for a hug and tell you how stupid you were, the IVs prevented that, however.
“I’m sorry, I just wanted to protect Natasha.” She smiled at your confession, chuckling to herself as she wiped the tears from her cheeks.
“It’s alright, you just need to be a bit more careful next time, okay?” You tried to nod, only to feel a shooting pain in your head. You needed rest, so with a lingering kiss to your forehead, she let you fall back into a slumber as she joined, trying to find comfort in the hard chair.
It only took a few weeks before you were back to brand new, you still had your scar and Maria had to tend to it multiple times a day but other than that you were yourself again. You had already gotten strict discipline for your actions, she wasn’t pleased. You weren’t the only one though, Nat got one, Fury got one, and even the medics received their own version when they had slipped up one day by accidentally dropping your food during delivery.
“Does that hurt?” Maria asked when you hissed in pain, the alcohol pad doing no such healing but instead worsening your agony. You were forced to bite down on a cloth the first time after you screamed loud enough for someone to think you were being murdered.
“What do you think?” She glared up at you, and that instantly threw away your smirk. She sighed heavily while placing the bandaid on your skin along with the cooling gel. Surprisingly for a stab wound, it wasn’t that large of a gash.
“I already told you, Mar, I’m sorry. But how is it fair that you get to put your life on the line daily and the one time I do you’re mad at me?” You asked, growing frustrated with how she’s been treating you. It wasn’t fair, you worried about her constantly but you would never throw anger towards her for such acts, you knew what her job requirements were.
“I’m not mad at you, Y/N.” She noted, packing away the supplies and putting them in the cabinets below the sink. Her hands gripped the counter hard, her fingertips turning red.
“Really? Because it seems like it-” You were cut off by a groan in pain, clutching onto your waist as you nearly toppled over. Maria rushed to your side, holding you upright and being careful to not touch your wound.
“It’s okay, baby, I’ve got you.” You tried ushering out apologies, but the pain was too great.
“Don’t apologize, I’m not mad. Why don’t you sit for a while, okay?” She walked you to the edge of the bed now that you exited the bathroom, letting you sit and flinching at your cries of torment.
“Sit with me, please.” She nodded and took the spot next to you, holding your free hand in her own and kissing the back of it gently. She brushed the hair out of your face and wrapped the same arm around your back after, being careful where to rest her palm.
“Is this okay?” You shook your head yes and rested your head on her shoulder, letting out deepened breaths that came to a regular.
“I think it went away.” You mumbled, feeling the scorching pain dissolve slowly. It felt like an electric shock on your skin, but it eased away once you were able to rest your body once more. Maria smiled and rubbed your back soothingly, placing another peck on your head where she was able to catch the scent of your shampoo.
“I’m not mad at you, you know.” You moved your head so you’d be able to look at her, only to find her eyes not able to line up with yours.
“I’m mad at myself if anything. I should’ve been there, I should’ve done more, I don’t know. I just- I hate seeing you like this, it kills me to know you’re in pain and there’s nothing I can do to rid you of that.” She sniffled, lowering her gaze to her hand that fidgeted with her bouncing thigh. You listened, choosing not to interrupt her with your own thoughts and instead taking all of hers in.
“I don’t want to lose you, I can’t. When I saw you like that, and when I heard Nat calling for medics, I couldn’t think, I- I don’t know what happened to me.” She started, clasping her lips together in a fight to not shed a tear. “It’s like I can’t function without you, you’re the only person I ever truly loved, and I’m just scared I’ll lose you.” You cupped her cheek in your hand, pulling her face closer so she was directed towards you. Her lips turned upwards in a smile when seeing your own mimicking her, and you were able to taste the salty tears on them when you pulled her in for a kiss. You played with the baby hairs on the back of her neck as her tongue licked over your lips, asking for entry which you accepted.
“You’re so beautiful.” She said when pulling away, only for it to last a short time when she leaned back in. Her hand found placement on your thigh where she rubbed up and down in a soothing manner. It wasn’t long before you felt yourself pulling apart to remove one another's clothes. Your shirt had already been discarded when she had patched you up, and all Maria had to do was scrap your pants and you were left half naked in front of her, looking effortlessly perfect like always.
“I wanna see you.” You muttered, tugging on her loose shirt. She grinned and lifted it over her head, her abs flexing as she did so. You couldn’t stop your wandering hand that pressed onto the muscle, feeling her rock-hard skin that caused you to whimper.
“Like what you see?” She asked in a teasing tone, already knowing the answer. You bit your lip as you nodded, your hand quickly traveling down to the buttons on her pants. She chuckled at your antics, replacing your hand with her own and pulling them off of her body.
“Can I?” She had crawled back onto the bed, her fingertips playing with the band of your bra. They first pulled down the straps adorning your shoulders, then found their way to your clasp.
“Please.” You gave her your best look of faux innocence as she slowly removed your top, fiddling with your exposed breasts once they made their way to the surface.
“Lay down, baby, let me do all of the work.” She effortlessly removed your panties that held a wet spot in the middle, quickly attaching her lips to your clit. You sighed in satisfaction, running your fingers through her hair and giving a teasing pull. She moaned into you, causing your hips to buck up into her face.
“Yes, just like that- ah!” Her tongue toyed with your clit before finding your hole, dipping in and out and enjoying the reaction you blessed her with. She didn’t stop until you were on the edge, that release you’d been aching for nearly plunging until she pulled away and wiped her lips as if she was disgusted with your juices; you knew that was nothing but false.
“No, no, no-” You whined, being cut off by Maria’s shushing, a finger pressing against your lips as she did so.
“Shh, you don’t make the decisions here, see what happened last time you tried to be a big girl and think for yourself?” Her eyes trailed to your wound, the skin rising up and down as it copied your irregular breathing patterns. You followed them and gulped down your snarky remark, already fearing what else the woman might do.
“Let Daddy do the thinking for you tonight, angel.” She placed her thumb on your lips as you wrapped them around it, your tastebuds being hit with your sweet nectar. You smiled around her, knowing how much it drove her crazy.
“You gonna let me do that?” You nodded with a hum, tickling her skin and making her slowly remove herself from your mouth.
“Yeah? And you won’t make silly little choices that get you hurt?” You nodded once more.
“Only big girls can think for themselves, but you’re not one, are you?” This time a shake of your head was given.
“Mhm, that’s right. You’re already listening so well, such a good little baby.” Her hand came to your chest, pushing you down gently and giving you a small kiss before parting. She continued her pecks down your body, creating a trail before stopping in front of your needy cunt. Your clit was pulsating, your hips thrusting into nothing, and your slick coating your thighs.
“Such a needy thing, is this all for me?” She gave you a lustful gaze as her tongue explored you. You threw your head back as you tried clamping your legs shut, only for her grip to be too strong to do so.
“Yes, Daddy, all for you.” She hummed thoughtfully, sending a wave of pleasure through you. You reached down to try and pull her closer, but it hurt your waist too much to do so.
“Be careful, angel.” She was so engrossed with your flavor, she was an addict to your drug. Her hand traveled down to join her mouth, a single finger slipping inside of you with ease.
“Oh, God-” You gripped the sheets tightly when she drew herself out, only to thrust back in moments later. She was going too slow, and you didn’t even notice the way you’d chase into her for more. You tried making a rhythm, but it was sloppy.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking cute. I’m the luckiest woman alive.” She was hungry, practically starving, and you were the only person who could fuel her lust.
“Faster, please.” You struggled to get out, hoping she’d show some sort of mercy and give in. She did. A groan left her as you felt a second digit prodding at your hole, joining the other that was dripping from your pent-up stress.
“No matter how many times I fuck this precious pussy you’re still so damn tight.” She was grunting loudly, but the sounds of your juices deafened them. The walls weren’t soundproof, and for a moment you worried someone might be able to listen in unwillingly, but your thoughts escaped your head as soon as they entered and were replaced with her. Maria.
“You think you can take one more, sweetheart?” You shook your head, your body withering and thrashing about. She pouted and slowed her movements which resulted in a whine from deep in your chest.
“C’mon, I’ve been taking such good care of you, can’t you do this one thing for Daddy? It’ll make her so, so happy.” It was so tempting, and you were on the edge waiting for her permission to let go, there was no way out.
“O-okay.” There was clear hesitation in your voice, she could sense it from a mile away.
“Oh no, baby, I need to hear that you want it. Tell Daddy how badly you need her.”
“Please, Daddy, ple-please fuck me. I’m so wet for you.”
“Mm, I can tell.” She humored, laughing at your struggles against her. It took what felt like hours for her to finally let you off, a third finger slipping into your hole.
“I bet you feel so good around my cock, so warm and- tight!” She hushed out, forcing herself into a denied stage of release. She was soaked, almost more than you. She could feel her orgasm pending, but she was holding off for your sake.
“Aww, are you close?” She cooed when noticing the way you clung onto anything, biting your lip and eyes rolling back. She knew your body better than you did, she already knew you were near your breaking point. She wasn’t far behind either.
“Say you’re mine.”
“I’m yours, all yours.” She nodded along with each word spoken, smiling as your orgasm came rippling through you. All of your senses came to a halt as you blabbered out unspoken words, only feeling yourself shake more as she continued to fuck you through your high. She wasn’t easing you down, it was as if she was prepping you for more, which you soon learned was true.
“Don’t cry, I know you can take it.” It only took a few minutes of the same procedure for you to be brought back into your foregoing state. She had been watching carefully, picking up on your every move that she had memorized over the years.
And even when you thought it was enough, she didn’t stop. You wondered how she could last so long without pains spreading throughout her body, she was animalistic.
“No- it’s too…much.” You struggled to get out. It was a lie, you both could sense that. There was never too much with her, you’d continue for the rest of the night if it meant you had her by your side.
“Just one more, I want you to cum with me.” You didn’t notice the free hand that had been creating movements on her lower region. She was toying with her clit and thrusting into the feeling, she had been neglecting her own pleasure for the sake of yours.
“I can’t!”
“Yes you can, I know you can. You’ve been doing so well, don’t stop now.” You didn’t have time to prepare for the release that washed over you like a tsunami, your juices oozing out of you and dripping onto her digits.
“Oh, fuck! You look so good, baby, so perfect.” You both let out shared pornographic moans, her gaze staying on you as you refused to look anywhere but in her direction. You grabbed her cheek, holding her closely as you kissed with passion and love. She was drawing out your orgasm, her fingers slowing until they came to a halt.
“Fuck…that has to be a record or something.” She chuckled, wrapping her arms around your waist and pressing gentle pecks across your face, the action tickling your skin.
“I love your laugh so much, angel.” You smiled at the compliment, your cheeks being painted red and causing your girlfriend to share said reaction. It was peaceful, a comfortable silence falling upon you both that didn’t need to be filled.
“You know I love you, right?” Came her hushed whisper. You opened your eyes once again to see tears bristling her eyes and a small pout forming across her lips.
“I do, and the best part is I love you just as much.” Your arms went to loosely hang on her shoulders and met to play with her dark brown hair. You scratched her scalp in a soothing manner, your heart breaking and face softening as she couldn’t form her words for a moment.
“I’m sorry I freaked out on you, I was just scared.” You led her head onto the crook of your neck as she inhaled your scent, her tense muscles relaxing.
“I’m sorry too, I should’ve been more careful.” Even with your naked bodies that were glistened with sweat due to moments prior, there was nothing sexual about it, there was just love.
“Just- promise me you’ll be safe?” She held her pinky finger out, quirking her lips up in a sweet gesture. You crossed your own with hers, your voice booming while holding a low tone.
“I promise you that I’ll do all that I can to protect myself, but only if you do so as well.”
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Regret on Driftmark
(Study, The Meeting on the Turret Stairs
Frederic William Burton, 1864)
Ser Criston raised his candle higher and peered through the darkness for the queen. He could just make out her silhouette standing on the balcony looking out into the night. He cleared his throat.
“Your grace?”
“Please leave me, ser,” Her words were stifled with tears. “I do not want you to see me like this.” Criston could hear the anguish that she always tried to keep hidden but he didn’t turn away this time. He let her push him away for far too long. Instead he blew out his candle, plunging them both into complete darkness.
“I can hardly see a thing, your grace.” He walked slowly through her chambers, careful not to trip in the unfamiliar room. If she commanded him to leave again, he would do as she bid but he was determined to finally find a moment to speak with her. He stood at her shoulder on the balcony for a moment, waiting for the command that would send him away but it didn’t come. They stood in silence for a long moment, the cold sea wind whistling over the pale stone walls of High Tide.
Even over the crash of the waves on the rocks below he could clearly hear the familiar tk tk tk sound of the queen worrying at her nail beds. Given what had happened he could only imagine the damage she was inflicting on herself alone in the dark, her worst fears realized. The blackness surrounding them gave him the courage to reach out for her in the dark and finally take her cold bleeding hand in his. For so many years he had wished he could comfort her in such a small, simple way and spare her bloody fingers. He could feel a thousand scars for all the times he never stopped her. To his relief and surprise she didn’t pull her hand away.
“I am so sorry this happened. I swear, your grace, they will shed more tears for Prince Aemond’s eye than we ever will. They will regret this.” She did not say anything for a long moment but still did not pull her hand from his. Hers was frozen cold but his was warm.
“I owe you an apology, ser. I should never have asked you to harm Lucerys. It was in anger, and a dishonorable order to give.”
“I knew you did not mean it, your grace.”
“I did mean it. That is why I regret it so deeply. When you swore yourself to me I promised you I would ask nothing of you that would sully your cloak, and I broke my promise. I let my anger rule me. I am sorry.”
“I understand, it has been a terrible journey.”
“You are too forgiving, ser. What I just asked of you…what I did…I cut her, deeply…I think I’ve lost my mind…”
“No, your grace.” He countered. “They have gone too far this time.”
“Rhaenyra wanted Aemond tortured and Viserys did nothing, not a word…his own son…‘sharply questioned’ she said.” Her voice was a sad scared whisper in the dark.
“I would never have let that happen.” He said at once, his own anger starting to slip through. “We would have stopped them.”
“It was only us in that whole room, how would we have stopped them? My son…” she choked back her tears. “What chance do my children have…”
“Thanks to Prince Aemond’s bravery, a fearsome chance.” He said bracingly. “With Vhagar at their front, your children can face what is coming.” He squeezed her hand. “And together we will continue to protect their backs, like we always have.”
“What can the two of us do against such a storm? Rhaenyra, Daemon, House Velaryon…it feels as if all of Valyria is coming for my family and our only shield is a weak old man who does not see it nor care.”
‘Us. The two of us.’ she had said. Criston could not help but feel his heart glow at her words even under such terrible circumstances. In the dark he couldn’t tell if she was aware the impact her words had on him. They were talking of their doom yet he had never felt his heart so light. Us. We.
“Your children are of Valyria as well.” He reminded her.
“Aegon is unreliable.” Her tone was sad and resigned. “Helaena has her gifts but she is delicate. Daeron is too young, and now that they’ve blinded Aemond…”
“Prince Aegon has more strength in him than we have seen, your grace, I am sure of it. We will help him to be better.” I will make him better.
“I pray that you are right, ser. We are running out of time.” She whispered. “He has never held his brother up, only pushed him down, and Aemond needs a supportive hand now more than ever.”
“Prince Aemond has more support than just that of his brother.” he insisted. He should have been there, he had to make this right. “I will be his left, my queen. I will watch his side until I have trained him to protect it himself. We will start from the beginning again, and I will help him become your fiercest champion, ready to protect your family. He will be Prince Aegon’s right hand. Aemond will not need Aegon’s support, Aegon will need his. I swear it, your grace. I will help Aemond and he will be stronger for his suffering, stronger for the obstacle that his nephews have forced him to overcome. I swear it.”
Though the queen did not say a word she did not take her hand from his. His promise hung in the air between, his vow to her family refortified. Several waves crashed against the unfamiliar rocks down below before she spoke into the darkness.
“Thank you, Ser Criston.” He took her brief response as the order of dismissal he knew was coming eventually but he did not mind, he had said what he meant to say. You aren’t alone. I am here.
“At your service, my queen.” He bowed, but she could not see it. He hesitated then brushed his lips to her cold fingers and kissed her hand in one last show of support before taking his leave. He turned for the door, trying to remember where it was in the dark, but the queen did not let go of his hand and he paused. She gently pulled him back and turned to face him, though she could barely see him.
“Thank you, ser…Your friendship has meant everything to us.” She stumbled over her own words. “T-To me. I…the years have passed, each faster than the last and yet there you stand, still here by my side.” Her voice shook slightly in the darkness, she sounded as scared as he had ever heard her. “You have been there, for my children…for me, and I don’t know how to thank you for your friendship.”
“You don’t have to thank me.” He answered softly. “I promised you that I would.” The cold wind shifted the clouds and weak moonlight passed over Driftmark. He could finally make out her face, streaked with shining silver tears that shone in the night. He could not help but reach out and brush them from her cheeks with gentle fingers. She closed her eyes at his touch and more tears fell. She looked so miserably sad. Something deep inside pulled him forward. He took a step closer, and when she placed her hand on his chest he could swear she could feel his heart thundering through his armor. Criston covered her hand in his own to steady himself.
After what Rhaenyra had done to him he had sworn to never break his vow again. But Alicent was his vow, his whole heart, and now she stood inches from him, her hand in his. The princess had taken what she wanted from him, but Alicent was waiting for him to make his own choice. He could not help but love her all the more for it.
Perhaps it was the darkness, the late hour, or the unfamiliar castle with King’s Landing so far away, but the walls Criston had built around himself had never felt weaker. He was bitterly grateful for the cold armor that acted as a barrier between them, without it his vows would feel a thousand miles away. He stood still, waiting for her to push him away or take a step back but she did not. He didn’t realize he was leaning forward but suddenly their noses were almost touching. He could feel her breath on his chin. When he looked in her tearful eyes he saw no trepidation or uncertainty, only pain, hope, gratitude and what might have been love. She always looked away from him, but this time she did not.
The seconds melted by as she waited for him. Soon the moment would pass, he could feel it slipping through his fingers like water. Soon it would be over and gone, what might be his one and only chance…Gods forgive me…He leaned in and finally kissed her.
Her lips were softer than a flower petal and tasted so sweet, sweeter than rain in a drought. But bittersweet, he could also taste her tears…or was it the sea? Her cold fingers tangled in his hair as she kissed him back, his heavy heart felt weightless for the briefest reprieve as if picked up by the fierce wind that blew in off the water. He could not stop her tears from falling anymore than stop the waves below but he could at least try to give her some comfort on this horrible night, he could offer nothing else. He pulled her closer with a gentle hand at her waist, savoring the moment he knew would pass too quickly. To finally hold her close and show her how he felt, it was all he wanted and the only thing he could do to help her.
When they finally broke apart she took a shaky breath but did not step back from him, she kept her eyes closed as if to stay in this fleeting moment as long as she could. His first instinct was to apologize but he pushed it down, he was sorry for many things in his wretched life but not for this. When she finally looked up at him again she looked grateful and perhaps relieved but a different type of heavy sadness was in her eyes. She ran her trembling fingers slowly through his hair again, as if she had wanted to for years and years. Her soft touch temporarily pushed away all of the troubles that had found them here on Driftmark.
“I wish things were different.” She finally whispered.
“Perhaps one day it will be.” A small glimmer of hope warmed his heart but he knew it was a false hope. Even if they both managed to survive the king’s first family he would never be free from his vow. He could already tell that what he had just done would hurt his heart deeply in the years to come. This small quiet moment would surely torture him come the morning but he could not make himself turn to leave her. Once he let her go he might not ever hold her again. She did not step away either but instead laid her head against his armored chest. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close like no one else ever had, perhaps he never would again.
They watched the weak overcast sunrise together in silence, lingering in the quiet moment they shared before they would have to face the new day. Aemond’s injury, the anger of the king, and the princess’s entitlement were all waiting for them. He wished the dark would last forever but it was already nearly gone.
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stuck-writing-sickos · 2 months
In Poor Taste [P9]
(Yandere × Reader)
[Series link]
[Warning: obsessiveness, misogyny, sexism, harrassment, explicit language, violence, mentions of sex]
(Dead from work. Enjoy. Here is what u came for. Anyway, tell me what u think. Talk to me. Ik i havent been responsive (busy) but i wanna read ur comments 🫶 love u stay well and stay away from people like my OCs)
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He never knew how good it tastes to bite the hands that fed him.
Better some of you than none of you, Lukas thought when his eyes refused to leave your body as you sat by the pool with a beer in your hands. The humid air hung heavy beneath rumbling thunder, but no rain yet. The villa was quiet sans the sound of wind and waves. Lukas felt sticky under his shirt as he shifted, trying to see your face but couldn't. The bedside lamp casted light through the uncurtained glass wall against your back, soft and yellow like saw dust. You didn't talk. He didn't know what to say - you had Yuki on your mind and he had your brutal fist on his. This wouldn't go anywhere nice.
He clicked his tongue and took a sip from his can.
"Something on your mind?" - you asked, face turned away.
"Nothing at all."
"You seem pensive."
No, you do.
"Maybe just the stress of trying to readjust to a new way of life."
"You're doing well."
"Well... thank you."
Words failed him. His head raced to piece together something to say that wouldn't make the friction between you and him worse. He couldn't. Lukas no longer wanted to make small talks about bullshits like "how do you like Phuket so far" or "how many siblings do you have". He was tired of trying to get to know you politely. He wanted to rip through the layers and get messy - "we're small and scared. Please, let me into your arms", he wanted to say, the fire in his stomach sending heat through his whole body, his fingers itching to reach for your skin.
You were angry at Yuki, no? He probably fucked up - men always do. Yuki probably did what men do best - use and discard. After all, sex is the ultimate currency in their sphere. Lukas wondered if Yuki felt good after having had you. Did he brag? Did he laugh about the way he made you buck and squirm with his friends?
Lukas turned his gaze away, feeling guilt brewing in his stomach. You wouldn't know about all that. You probably woke up in Yuki's arms smiling, thinking that the intimacy meant something. But Yuki would turn cold. They all do. He had you, and he had the nods and murmurs from the douchebags he hung out with. And now there you were, sitting by the edge of the small pool, wondering what you did wrong, asking yourself questions like "was that all I am to him".
Lukas wanted to throw up thinking about it. He tried hard not to realize the reason he could imagine the intricacies of your situation so vividly, but the thought had taken roots. He knew because he had done it all. He wasn't any better.
But he could learn. That was the difference. And what more... he could atone. He would gladly take your punishment. Lukas felt his fingertips playing with the silver chain on his neck, pulling it around as if to scratch an itch he had yet felt. His eyes found their ways back to you who had not said a word, your arms pulling your knees to your chest. He swallowed dryly.
He could learn. He could be good for you. Yuki couldn't do that - the man left you sad and confused, likely unaware that under your calm surface you were a storm. He didn't stop to see the look in your eyes now when you fixed them upom the sky - resilient, yet filled with disappointment. You expected better from Yuki and he failed to deliver. That was on him - he was flawed and spineless, unable to let you in.
But Lukas could.
Before he could think of anything to say, a flash of light cut through the sky. You didn't flinch. "This one will be loud", you said. Lukas braced for the thunder, his body tensing up. "Yeah", he replied, his voice suddenly weak. He jumped at the cracking thunder, his head ringing.
"Are you okay?" - you asked, sounding cold as usual.
"No, yeah", he tried to match your tone but couldn't, heaving, "Just a little startled."
"A Texan who's scared of thunder... what do you know..."
He laughed, barely containing the high he felt seeing that you had engaged in some sort of personal conversation with him for once.
"You got me."
"The thunder did. I'm just sitting here."
He was aware that he was smiling big, but he didn't know how to stop that. Lukas wanted to say something else, but before he could, he felt water on his skin. The rain came down hard and quick. In the moment he took to react, it had already curtained the scene white.
"Ah...", he heard you said past the rainfall. You were sopping wet like him, your thin summer clothes clinging to your skin, showing him almost everything he wanted to see. The rain was cold, yet he could not beat the heat.
You stood up. He followed. You didn't seem to be in a hurry when you pried your glass door open and let him in with you, spashing the curtain and carpet. Something inside him clicked when the sound of rain sounded distant so suddenly, leaving the air filled with your breaths and the dripping of your clothes. Standing around awkwardly, he watched you who returned his gaze. Lukas felt the hair on his arms standing up when you asked:
"Are you cold?"
Yuki wanted to peel the skin off his body to see if the crawling discomfort would cease. He felt restless. Squirming in the uncomfortable arm chair, he watched the storm rage on, thrashing against the window. He couldn't even go for a smoke when he needed it most. Biting on his nails, Yuki felt the uncomfortable queasiness all over himself like a swarm of spiders.
He wanted to talk to you.
Yuki knew he handled the first night he spent with you poorly. He talked of family too soon. He still couldn't think of one good reasons why he did it. When you looked away and avoided his question about regrets, a switch flipped in his braim and made him stupid. Did you regret sleeping with him? He would hate that. Perhaps that was why his first reaction was to lock you down with hints of family and marriage. Juvenile and stupid, no different than Lukas. Fuck. He was just afraid to lose you.
Even now, he still felt the lump in his throat. It sucked that he wanted you so bad. For a long time, he thought he was dead inside when it came to intimacy - he only knew panic, only knew to look for the door when someone got too close. Yuki couldn't find it in himself to put his lips on another's, much less doing what he did to you when he was still in office clothes, smelling of sweat and cigarette. He didn't vomit after. When he finished and look at you still holding onto him in disarray, Yuki thought that he was at the right place. It was simple and natural - he wanted you and you wanted him.
It didn't take him long, though, to flip the script. Maybe he wanted you, and you wanted to escape your family that lurked at the other end of your calls, their shadow looming over you even when their bodies were plane flights away. He thought of that when you fell asleep by his side, the skin on your face no longer carved in by your exhaustion. In that moment, he felt like just another giant of your bad dreams, casting his own shadow on you. Were you running away and just happened to find yourself in his arms? He couldn't sleep well that night, not at that thought, but at another more sinister one he failed to deny.
He would gladly be your safe haven.
The moment that thought took form, Yuki felt a twist in his stomach. He didn't bother to deny the idea - no excuses of "that was just an intrusive thought" or "I only wanted to support her". When he slipped out of bed and into your bathroom, he knew what he saw in the mirror. He was no misunderstood artist, he was no kindhearted colleague, and he was definitely no reliable friend. He was a spider waiting for you to flail your way into his web, and once you did he had every intention to keep you there. He wouldn't mind you getting in more troubles, as long as you come running back to him. He would make it nice and cozy for you. With him, you could surrender your guards and let him take the lead. No more calls from your brother asking for money nor threats from your mother to fly you back. He could legitimize your citizenship with marriage... maybe even a beautiful child. His family may push back, but he doubted they could disown their only son.
Yuki didn't like the way his reflection look, so he put those thoughts away only for them to come spilling out when you were vague about "regret". He hated that he couldn't contain his perversion for long - the desire for you to suffer enough that you would fall into his arm was a poison he wanted to seal away, but alas he didn't have any self control after all. He was just like the new brat that fawned over you, eager to gnaw and rip at your edges.
You didn't care for Lukas' begging eyes when he sat at the corner of your room, far away from you. "Go back to your room", you said for the second time yet, "you must feel less cold by now". Around him wrapped the gigantic towel you found in your bathroom, the one he asked for when you made the dumb mistake of worrying enough to say "are you cold". He looked down shamefully when he whispered "can I be here? I'm afraid of thunders."
You didn't buy it. No way a man this grown would be so scared of thunder. Your face scrunched up as you leaned against the bedside drawer, your arms taking the warmth of the lamp. He wanted to be near you, that much was obvious, but you didn't quite expect this display of pathetic pleading. You wondered if he ever tried it before and if he did, if it worked. You didn't like it.
"Lukas... look, I think you're drunk. Go get changed and sleep it off. I won't tell anyone that you're scared of thunders, okay?"
You felt like you were talking patiently to a pet that would not quite get your idea but may get your tone.
"No, I'm not drunk."
At that, you rolled your eyes and chuckled wryly, finding a twinge of amusement in your annoyance.
"I don't want to make you uncomfortable", you tried to talk again, even slower this time, "but this isn't a good look, no? You and I in here... people will talk."
"Nobody is coming, you know?"
His voice was firm now, and much more sober than you expected. Your eyes snapped back at him who returned the favor, awfully calm now. At least you got your confirmation - he wasn't afraid. Never was.
"I'm sorry?"
"Nobody is coming. Not with this storm."
At that, he stood up, the towel slipping off him. Lukas did not stumble when he walked over to you, his footstep quiet and slow the same way a cat walked when it saw a bird perching somewhere in a backyard bush. You didn't find it threatening at all, though. Unlike a helpless starling, you knew what to do.
When he reached you and the modest distance forced you to push against the cold wall, you let out a tired scoff.
"I'm sorry if I ever gave you the wrong idea, Lukas, but I'm not interested in you that way. Please, just leave, and we can pretend that this never happened."
"I don't want to do that."
His voice was soft now, his warm breath brushing your cheek. He did not raise an arm. Neither did you. You didn't want it to come to violence.
"You're overstepping."
"What are you gonna do about it?"
You smiled bitterly, getting weary of his stupid games. Deciding not to escalate the situation, you looked away. He didn't let your lack of reaction stop him from adding to his stupidity:
"Really, what are you going to do? Do you realize what's happening right now?"
You couldn't help but laughed in his face. He didn't find it so funny. Perhaps you insulted his masculinity? They usually hated it when you did that. Curiously, the look he had on right now did not seem like one of anger or lust. He seemed eager... for what, you were not quite sure.
"I'm warning you", you bluntly said, dropping the smile completely, "you still have this chance."
"Seems like you gave me plenty of chances so far."
Your blood boiled. You didn't know from where he got the idea that this was endearing or sexy. This sucked, and you were getting impatient by the minutes. Your right eye twitched, and you could feel the corner of your mouth pulling into a nasty scowl. Getting hot from your anger, you let the way his eyes widen in expectation escape you.
"This isn't funny, Lukas."
"Isn't it?"
His hands reached to you. Instinctively dodging it, you found yourself trapped between him and the wall as he laid his palms to the side of your head, his heap of black hair tickling your forehead. He grinned smugly, baring his white teeth.
"I find it very funny...", he cooed, lifting his hand to try and touch your neck.
You decided that that was enought. Grabbing his wrist and pulling it, you forced his body down and landed your knee on his chest, hard. Lukas let out a pained groan and fell forward, collapsing to your feet. As you stepped over him to get away, you couldn't help but wonder if his body was limp from the alcohol, or if he never intended to fight back. You watched his back while he pitifully trembled, hand clutching where you hit him.
"Get the fuck out", you coldly demanded. He didn't say anything for a moment, still heaving from the shock.
You planned to grab him by the scuff of his stupid button down and drag him out. Before you could, you heard your doorbell ring.
Blood turning cold, you let your eyes dart between Lukas and the door, wondering how to deal with the situation. You didn't even stop to think who could be coming to you at this hour, in this weather. The silence hung in the air, heavy and thick. It seemed forever until you heard a voice trying to get to you past the storm.
"Please, if you don't mind... Would you let me in?"
If anyone would understand, it would be him. You felt a burst of relief exploding in your chest as you rushed to let him in. Your hands had reached the handle and cracked the door open when Lukas, still in pain, had managed to crawl on all four and throw himself at you, his wet arms clinging around your leg as Yuki stared in horror. "Help me", you choked out and swung the door open wide, letting Yuki in along with the rainfall. Under you, Lukas had broken down into sobs.
"Please... don't go. I will be good."
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inutargaryen · 30 days
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Brother, stretch your hands
Plot: Jacaerys is haunted by the memories of his brother.
Words:580 Type: One Shot CW: Grief, angst, death
Sleep will not find him. It has not found him since he returned from the North on dragonback, Lucerys' voice and screams echoing him in the wind. It calls out to him and says save me brother, take my hands. He whipped Vermax to the sound, spinning in circles to find the source, to find his brother, to save him from the wet cold water, his final resting place. And now, as he lay in bed the walls scream to him, save me brother, take my hands.  Haunting him, reminding him that his brother is not there.
When sleep does take over, he is awoken by the memory of your smile. He screams into the night, Lucerys---brother, friend. He is the elder, it is his duty to go first, Lucerys to carry on without him. Why couldn’t you follow the natural order of things? Why did the Stranger forsake him, taking his brother’s life first. His brother was not built for war, nor a messenger. Jace remembers his conversation with his brother and holds at his own throat. Luce says, brother I am scared. And like the cunt that he has become he tells you, it is your duty to be man. Leaving you without comfort, without guidance, without the love or embrace of your brother. And now, Jace would never know what it was like to hold you again. 
The wind whispers to him, brother I am scared, I am scared. Jace holds his palms to his ears to block the noise. But the image of you being torn down by the grips of Vhagar’s jaws floods his senses. His babe brother, who cried at the sound of thunder. Who indulged in sweets and preferred the lap of his grandsire to the floor. He can see the shape of  mouth as it forms in an ‘o’, fear and sadness -- and your eyes that search for brother, to save you as he always did. 
But you saved him once, didn’t you? Brought a blade to the eye of the fruit of Alicent’s rotten womb. You showed strength and honor, and still your brother called you a coward in sparring. Still he scoffed as you say, brother lay with me for the thunder brings fear to my heart. Brother, brother, brother. All of your calls unanswered, he will live with a debt he cannot repay. He cannot replace all his scowls with a smile, all his smacks with an embrace. All Jace can do is close his eyes and remember his brother’s face, and hope there never comes a day that he cannot recall. Your button nose, your soft jaw, your smile when you were being mischievous. In  your memory he breaks, he screams and cries and curses the Gods both old and new. His sobs are weak, then powerful, then nothing. Tears don’t form but the screams continue. They ache inside of his soul. 
He is broken, he does not know life without you, how can he go on? And still the wind whispers,  save me brother, take my hands. And he screams brother who am I if I cannot protect you! What am I brother if I did not protect you? What am I, brother? Brother, stretch your hands. And he stretches his hands to your ghost, every time you grow further and further away from his grasp. He has failed his brother, he has betrayed his blood, he lives with your ghost in his heart and in these walls. 
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carrotsofthepirabbean · 11 months
I will say I think part of the reason OG Kirk isn't more popular on Tumblr is because he can't be crammed into the 'If one part of a ship is the unemotional logical one the other one MUST be the bouncy himbo sparkle softboy' cliche. Kirk can be goofy and has a good sense of humor, he teases and laughs, but speaking in Lord of the Rings terms, Kirk isn't Pippin, he's Aragorn.
Which is SO much tougher for the 'must distill every variety of character into the same 5 different people' crowd on Tumblr. There isn't an 'Aragorn' slot because 'incredibly complicated' isn't descriptive enough for cliche. Like yes, he's charming, but it's the quiet sort of charming. Yes, he's a strong athlete and a fighter, but he's fundamentally a shockingly huge nerd and spends his private time reading poetry and thinking about philosophy and what it means to be a leader. Yes, he's haunted, but he has a fundamental hope that keeps shining through. Kirk's got a serious job, and he's a serious person. He's an Adult kind of adult. He's one of the last survivors of a horrific genocide. He's killed people with his bare hands.
Spock wasn't bowled over by how bright and shiny and cuddly Kirk was. Because underneath everything, there's a fundamental sadness and loneliness to Kirk, and a simmering possibility of rage that most people would consider Abnormal. And Spock shares those qualities, though for different reasons. The thing that really shakes Spock (besides Kirk's iron sense of loyalty) is that there are times where KIRK is more coolheaded and professional than Spock is. In everyday terms, Kirk is easily and confidently emotional in a way Spock was always taught was a weakness, but when the shit hits the fan Kirk gets this shine of cold, calculating, James Bond-like brutality/practicality that not only meets Spock's Vulcan control, it will at times go PAST it. Surviving that genocide gave Kirk access to both a level of iron-willed 'do whatever is necessary to live no matter what' and a level of genuinely bloodcurdling rage that, when death is on the line, reads sometimes like a Vulcan on steroids. In a battle-type situation Kirk has absolutely looked at Spock and snapped like 'for god's sake, control yourself', and that is some whiplash a Vulcan doesn't just get OVER.
At the very start OG Kirk is already both wildly famous for and frighteningly good at being a commander, better than Spock is by miles, which forces Spock to confront his self-hate fueled 'Vulcans are better' prejudices over and over again until Spock has a starry-eyed admiration for Kirk that knocks him so hard into love that Spock's teeth rattle. Kirk isn't Some Soft Boy that grows on Famous Vulcan Spock against his will. Kirk is the most talented Starfleet officer in generations- He's Horatio Nelson, except not an imperialist asshole. Spock is (at first) just Some Science Guy who managed to nail one of the most coveted jobs in Starfleet.
Like, what is Tumblr going to do with a Kirk (who is supposed to be the bouncy soft boy half of Spirk) who looks coldly at an alien who is killing people and without hesitation goes 'I am a military man, we have a mission, we don't have time to understand motivations, kill that thing' and calmly walks off? And then Spock, (the unemotional logical one) is the one going after him going 'please, this is a thinking creature, it could be scared or hurt, think of its feelings, at least let me try to talk to it'. And like, the big lesson of the episode is KIRK being convinced by Spock to care more and be more empathetic?
Like, that's not some shit Tumblr can fit into its 'five acceptable personalities for every single ship ever'. There isn't a category for 'one is the logical one and the other one is the guy in charge on the battlefield that the men point their swords at while yelling "to the king!"'
But, it does make me a bit sad, because god, the relationship between Kirk and Spock is unique. Because Kirk is SUCH a freak. If there's a fictional personality grouping Kirk is a part of it's like Kirk, Chris Evans' Captain America, Aragorn, and nobody.
I super agree! AOS Kirk fits the bill more for the ship dynamics tumblr focuses on (and I do really love Chris Pine's performance, not half because it was what introduced me to Star Trek in the first place), but I do find TOS Kirk more intriguing because he has such layers. He's scarily competent, youngest captain in Starfleet and it's not like you get in that position by being a sunshine flower boy - he's got a streak of cold practicality that, yeah, is super apparent in Devil in the Dark. But he's also warm, loving, and physically affectionate with his closest friends, professional with his subordinates and his duties, calculating with his enemies, and overall an exceedingly intelligent individual who does not take his position and responsibilities lightly. And in terms of his relationship with Spock, it was all those things that drew Spock's respect and interest, and not (checks notes) his being a "bouncy himbo sparkle soft-boy". He's just a wonderful character <3
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add1ctedt0you · 8 months
Novel quotes: wei wuxian having feelings/thoughts about jiang cheng
Under the cut because it's long
However, Jiang Cheng was gone. Holding steamed buns, flatbreads, and fruits in his hands, Wei WuXian felt his heart skip a beat. He forced himself to calm down. Even after he searched through the neighboring streets, he still didn’t see Jiang Cheng. He finally began to panic. Grabbing a cobbler on the side, he asked, “Mister, there was a young master about the same age as me sitting here. Did you see where he went?” The cobbler licked the thick end of a thread, “The one that was with you?” Wei WuXian, “Yeah!”
The cobbler, “I was in the middle of doing something so I didn’t really see. But he kept on spacing out, staring at the people on the street. And then when I looked up at where he was again, he suddenly disappeared. Maybe he left.”
Wei WuXian murmured, “... He left... He left...”
He probably left for Lotus Pier to steal the bodies!
As though he had gone mad, Wei WuXian sprinted immediately toward the direction that they had come from.
He gave himself a harsh scolding in silence—he was stupid, useless, ridiculous, it was bizarre, unimaginable. Yet, he was alone, without a sword or any tools, and on the other side of the wall there were thousands of Wen Sect’s cultivators, perhaps Wen ZhuLie as well.
He wasn’t scared of death. He was only scared that after he died, he wouldn’t be able to save Jiang Cheng and betray the trust that Jiang FengMian and Madam Yu left him. In such circumstances, the only one he could place his hope on was a person of the Wen Sect whom he had met only three times in total!
Wei WuXian’s gaze turned from Wen Ning toward Jiang Cheng, whose body was covered in blood and eyes were tightly shut. His fingers couldn’t help but clenched into fists.
Chapter 59 Poisons—Part Four
Jiang Cheng’s expression was rather strange. It was calm, almost too calm. He stared at the ceiling, as though he wasn’t at all interested in the situation that he was in, as though he didn’t care about where he was either. Wei WuXian didn’t expect him to react in such a way. Sadness, happiness, anger, shock—he had none of these. His heart skipped a beat, “Jiang Cheng, can you see me? Can you hear me? Do you know who I am?” Jiang Cheng glanced at him. He didn’t say anything. Wei WuXian asked him a few more questions. Arm supporting himself, he finally sat upright. He looked down at the mark of the discipline whip on his chest before laughing bitterly. If the discipline whip struck, it’d be impossible to wipe away the mark of shame. Wei WuXian comforted him despite this, “Stop looking at it. There has to be a way to get it off.” Jiang Cheng slapped him. His strike was so weak, so powerless that Wei WuXian didn’t even flinch, “Hit me. As long as you’ll feel better.”
If Wei WuXian were the one injured or if somebody else had saved them, he’d immediately say farewell and leave at once, full of determination. However, right now, Jiang Cheng was the one who had been injured. Not only was he injured, he had lost his core as well. He wasn’t in his right mind. No matter what, Wei WuXian couldn’t find any determination.
Chapter 60 Poisons—Part five
Out of the blue, Jiang Cheng spoke up, “Not to do what?” Wei WuXian paused in surprise, turning to him along with Lan WangJi. Jiang Cheng covered his wound with one hand, his voice chilly, “Wei WuXian, you’re such a great, selfless person. You did the best things possible, and you swallowed all the suffering and didn’t let anyone know. What a touching story. I should kneel down and cry in gratitude, shouldn’t I?” Hearing the mocking tone that lacked any courtesy, Lan WangJi’s face grew cold. Jin Ling saw the displeased expression and immediately stood in front of Jiang Cheng, scared that Lan WangJi would kill him with one strike, “Uncle!” Wei WuXian’s expression worsened as well. He never expected Jiang Cheng to make up with him after he found out the truth, but he didn’t think his tone would be as unkind as ever, either. With a moment of silence, he replied, voice muffled, “I never asked you to thank me.”
In the beginning, it was precisely because he didn’t want to see such a Jiang Cheng that he decided not to tell him.
He remembered every single thing he promised Jiang FengMian and Madam Yu—to help and take care of Jiang Cheng. If someone as unhealthily competitive as him found out about this, he’d be dispirited his whole life, too tortured to face himself. There’d always be something he could never overcome, reminding him that he could only reach where he was because of another’s sacrifice. It wasn’t at all his cultivation and his achievement. No matter if he won or lost, he’d long since lost the right to compete.
Afterwards, it was because Jin ZiXuan and Jiang YanLi died for him that he had no face to let others know. To tell Jiang Cheng after what happened then would be like shirking responsibility, hurrying to demonstrate that he’d contributed as well. It’d be like telling Jiang Cheng, don’t hate me, look I’ve contributed to the YunmengJiang Sect too.
Chapter 102- Hatred - Part Five
At this point, somebody on the side suddenly called, “Wei WuXian!”
Wei WuXian answered immediately, “What?”
Only after he answered did he realize that the one who called him was Jiang Cheng. Wei WuXian felt somewhat surprised. Jiang Cheng didn’t respond directly. Instead, he took something out from his sleeve and tossed. Wei WuXian caught it by instinct and looked, only to find a black, gleaming flute along with a crimson tassel.
It was the ghoul flute, Chen Qing!
As he felt the flute that he was more than familiar with, Wei WuXian didn’t even have the spare time to feel surprised.
Chapter 108: Concealment - Part Two
After a pause, he asked again, “How have Sect Leader Jiang and Jin Ling been?”
Lan JingYi pouted, “They seem pretty fine. Sect Leader Jiang is the same as before, always lashing out at people with his whip. Young Mistress’s temper has been getting better. In the past he could talk back thrice to his uncle after he scolds him once. Now he can do ten times.”
Hearing Lan JingYi say so, Wei WuXian relaxed slightly. In truth, he knew that these weren’t what he really wanted to ask. But as it sounded like Jiang Cheng and Jin Ling had been doing quite well, there was nothing left to say.
Chapter 116: Extra—Banquet - Part Three
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marilynthornhilllover · 8 months
When you call my name. do you think I'll come running? { chapter 7}
+ If i only could I'd make a deal with God I'd get him to swap our places.
Alcina dimitrescu x fem!Reader
Warning: pre-grief, depression, slight sadness, extreme rage, LOTS of angst, extreme plot twist, talk of suicide, slight fluff. { read chapter 6 here }
A/n: I just wanted to start off by saying thank you to the people who showed utmost appreciation to this series and interest of it continuing! I never actually thought this series would hit it off! And it warms my heart to know so many of you are interested and it has captured the attention of your heart! Sorry for the long wait in chapter update! I know it's been almost five months since i last posted CH. 6 and I sincerely apologize! :). This is a bit lengthy so I had to split it into two parts so, chapter 8 will be a bit short!! Love you guys enjoy!!.
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Today no one spoke..... no one moved.... no one even dared to blink or breathe too hard. If you were ever to be caught dead in the sight of Lady Dimitrescu who knows what she might do to you..... Perhaps Rip you in half?, shred you to pieces?, pull your throat out?..... well no one wanted to be a human experiment, therefore everyone kept their distance away from the lady and her personal space. Her rage is not one to be tested and neither is her faith. She's like a lion, sly in the shadows but dangerous in light, she couldn't be trusted then and certainly not now. Ever since you left she's been acting as a fish out of water.
She never left her office or the castle itself and when she did, no one could be able to point out her emotions. She'd always dress in her usual formal black dresses and Veil hats that covered three quarters of her face. Her elegant walk and perfectly fitted gloves, only God knew what monster hid behind the poker face of 'Countess Dimitrescu' .
The entire castle was silent - completely silent. You could hear a pin drop. Make noise and your dead, make one slip up and show weakness or incompetence and your also dead, no one wanted to be alive in the same place where " Countess Alcina Dimitrescu " also lived. The villagers who'd usually bring fresh food and fruits to the castle heard of the matter and started delivering their pastries at the back door, too terrified of the wrath she held for anyone who may know what she's going through or even the smallest detail of your whereabouts.
It was a mad house at castle dimitrescu, maids started whispering rumors and stories of how the lady was going completely mad and turning into some sort of witch or dragon - if that's even possible, at night. Some say she flys over the village howling and puffing looking for her.... lost one.... but that's not true..... right?.....
It was 10:05 am, the lady drinks tea at 10:00 am, the lady's tea is five minutes late.... why because the poor little tiny girl who's job is to bring the raven hair goddess tea is scared out of her mind to so much as to stand infront of her door, she's done this a million times, so what's holding her back now? Maybe the fact that no one knows where her fate might lie after the woman opens the door, perhaps only mother miranda will know.... but she's a topic for another time.....
The girl took slow strides walking up to the lady's door as the tray that laid in her hand containing the lady's tea shook vigorously as a result of her nervous system failing her, cold sweat dripped from her forehead as her lips quivered and shook.
Knock, knock
Her shaking palms returned to her side as she sighed a breath of pure fright. For two long , minutes there was complete silence, no movement, no breathing, no sign of other recreations, nothing, absolutely nothing. And just as she was about to leave, hoping the lady thought her ears deceived her, there were loud thudding foot steps. No exaggeration used, the tall woman's footsteps were loud and massive. They spoke of frustration and pure rage. The young girl then again started struggling to breathe.
As the footsteps got louder and closer she managed to bow her head just in time when the lady opened the door. Suddenly the girl was taken back when an impossibly human surviving air hit her skin. The air was cold and thick, she could easily tell that the lady in fact hadn't left her room in a while and there was no ventilation happening in there. It felt as if someone had truly died, as if all life was lost, and the world had truly ended and all love was forgotten.
" yes, what is it, can't you see I'm busy?!" her voice was cold, brutal and hoarse, it showed no sign of life, love or even integrity , instead she sounded bitter and cold as, if she was the first person to ever be born on earth and everyone else were just a burden or her just her unwanted ornaments.
" f- forgive m- me my lady i-if I'm wrong but- you have wine with your b- breakfast, and tea in t- the mid afternoon, m- my lady" she wasn't wrong... in fact she's one hundred percent correct, but when your life is at stake you try to minimize your talking and smart mouthing - simply being correct. Again there was a long pause of utter silence. The girl couldn't even hear the lady breathe above her , it was as if she wasn't there at all, if she wasn't quite literally staring at her heels she would have believed she had returned inside.
Besides from that she couldn't even hear herself breathe, she minimized her heart beat and lungs respiration so low that it felt as if she was dying, her chest started to burn, it was as if she wasn't breathing at all. The girl heard a sigh of frustration before a loud slam of the door infront of her.
Well.... it's better than having your throat ripped out and being made into fine Romanian wine then being sold to the market.
Alcina sniffed walking back towards her desk. she held onto the rim of it for emotional support. She bit her lip as it quivered, while fighting back tears. Your voice rang through her mind, you were like a ghost, invisible with high amount of impact but held powerful memories. Alcina couldn't function or focus the way she should be. You were the only thing she thought about, the only person she ever truly loved or cared about besides her daughters. And to have you pulled out of her life by the hands of the person she hated so greatly made her feel as an failure even more.
It ate away at her heart to know that if you had died - as miranda said you did, that means that you spent the last few minutes of your life probably cold and afraid, thinking that it was her fault. But regardless, what ate her up the most was the fact that you died with holding her hand, without her being by your side until you took your last breathe. It wasn't fair, and it was her fault. It is her fault. After all she is a monster.
' Monster '
' Your a monster '
' No one loves you '
' Your the reason she's d- '
" SHUT UP" alcina picked up her vanity and threw it across the room with great power, breaking it in half and slightly cracking the floor of her office. That's definitely gonna need fixing.... which means someone will have to visit the castle. She didn't want any guests or company, not because of the rumors, or the uneasiness you felt as soon as you stepped foot into the palace, no alcina was bigger than that, what she wasn't bigger than was herself.
Not her literally self, the one she saw when she looked into the mirror, the one she felt 24/7 weighing down her shoulders, the one she heard most of the time.....her entire life, the one she felt deeply inside waiting to be unleashed, to be able to set the world ablaze and get rid of all human beings. The one she was called...... a monster..... this part of her..... this was the part she wasn't bigger than.
No matter how much she tried, no matter how much she fought..... it ate her up inside..... her inner soul was bruised, scared, busted, call it what you want, but the truth was she fought to keep the outside going strong and tall. While the fire was running low she fought to keep herself elegant and up right. Good Posture, perfect teeth, phenomenal business, respected name. All of it was just a show that people got to tell. What people failed to realize was that although Alcina may be dead on the inside..... she's still human.....
She still loved... she's still cared, for God's sake. This was the part of her she just couldn't get rid of. The weight of it all soon caught up to her and it and not light at all.
She missed you.... so so much, beyond explanation.... beyond belief.... she loved you, every part, your smile, your hair, the way you'd do a little nose scrunch when she tackled you onto the bed, your laugher, your dramatic side eyes when she said something that didn't quite suit your style. She cared for you.... so damn much too. Cared if you ate, if you slept, if you were happy.... and now you were gone.... erased from her memories, from her life.
She longed for you....
You stired as you slowly opened your eyes to see daylight. You blinked rapidly trying to clear your eyes and refocus your vision. After a while of low steady breathing you were finally able to open your eyes completely and take hold of your surroundings. The room was small, it reminded you of the vintage times. It was raged with cigarette smoke and burning medicine plants - too much burning medicine plants. The room wasn't clean but it also wasn't the tidest.
There was a small bed on which you laid on and another which was empty, there was another room connected to the room that you were in that had a beaded curtain handing before the entrance. From the view that you were sitting you could see an old woman slowly moving her hips side to side as she hummed softly to a playing jazz music that your ears couldn't yet pick up. You coughed as you tried to get up slowly, you instantly felt excruciating pain all over your body.
You fell back sobbing as your hands felt utterly weak. You heard small foot steps before seeing a familiar face. It was Carmen. Your mom's old yoga and herb cooking buddy. A small warm smile was plasted on her face as she sat on the stool infront of you.
" Easy now child, you don't want to make this wound worst" she spoke, her voice cracky and faint. She was dressed in a light pink night gown and a soft brown head band with her hair braided in a fish braid. She gently dipped a wash cloth in a bowl of green like liquid before gently pressing it to your wound that was located on your hip. You whimpered softly at the slight stinking sensation before it disappeared as quickly as it appeared. After multiple wips of her cleaning the wound she placed a badge on it.
" thank you carmen" you mumbled, your voice also being raspy from using for the fisrt time since God knows when. The elder woman smile before waving you off with her hand. She got up and and went back into the kitchen.
" how did I end up here?" You asked her before standing since you felt a bit more better now. You heard her chuckle before hearing some pans clack together.
" I found you laying in the forest the other day when I went out to pick berries, you were all cut up and bruised, could have swore you were a zombie or perhaps even a lycan" she laughed before emerging from the kitchen and into another room. You Curiously followed her just to find four small but widthful shelves of books.
She bent down groaning slightly before taking out some books and dusting them off and replacing them, continuing the step for others.
" I hoped you'd wake up soon, when I found you, you had only a faint pulse that lasted every twelve seconds, you were basically half dead. Anyway I need to go to the market, i'm sure you can fend for yourself, you did just fine, God knows how you ended up 36 miles out into the woods" you froze..... did she just say 36 miles..... into the woods....
" am I in south Romanian?!" You asked a bit too loudly. Carmen looked up at you with raised eyebrows.
" yes.... did you forget you and your mother use to hop the river to come visit me for my birthday? Silly girl, yes south Romanian, mother Miranda's old village, the one she used to rule over? Yes my dear" she moved towards the other selve and began packing.
" Carmen! Do you heard how crazy this sounds?! I live in north Romania, you know... where castle dimitrescu is?! " again your voice was on the raise and she didn't quite like it, but you didn't really care either. She sighed before getting up, she facial expression and body language completely changed into a colder one.
" have a seat child" you compiled before she sat infront if you with a very serious expression. She sighed before placing her hands down onto your thighs.
" your mother died y/n...." your eyes zoned and you swore you could hear your eyes ring as you heard your heart beat slow down. Carmen squeezed your thighs before continuing.
" it's a hard pill to swallow but you better do, my condolences my daughter" she said doing the sign of the cross. Your mother meant alot to you, she wasn't really a huge part of your life, you didn't even remember much of her. You remember being kidnapped from your house one night by mother miranda and seeing the terror on her face before you passed out, and seeing her in a dream once. You've lived in an orphanage for your entire life and that night was the first time that you got back your life to her.
That didn't meant you wouldn't miss her.... you just couldn't find a reason to miss her.... you barely even knew her to begin with.....
" you know that lady people said your in love with?.... you know.... tall, big vampire mommy lady with wings" you gaved her a sarcastic fake laugh before looking at her dead serious. She smirked before continuing.
" there was a rumor that she killed your mother....." you tilted your head to the right, trying to comprehend the information you just received. You shook your head before nervously laughing.
" No that's not true.... it was probably miranda but people are to scared to say that so they blame alcina, they always do that, trust me, miranda was the last person my mom saw so-" Carmen cut you off by shaking her head and tsking.
" No child..... your mother was killed six months ago... and if I'm not mistaken you were kidnapped and forced to work for this ' Alcina' almost two years ago.... look they said it was big boobs vampire lady, bird lady and some lady who's obsessed with carrying her doll everywhere" you were significantly frozened between reality and what carmen was telling you now - which would obviously be a lie.
No one is saying carmen is a lier but sometimes elderly people loss their minds as time goes by - especially is they love to gossip..... anway.... your mom is dead and you felt nothing, you don't even think you miss alcina, now that your away you feel.... nothing..... you don't miss her, part of you don't even seem to care if she's doing ok, it's as if you never loved her.... maybe your body is still in shook, carmen did say that you had been out for two days straight, maybe your sleep dprived and can't think straight or maybe........ no let's not go there.
Carmen could clearly see that you didn't believe her, getting her she sighed as she began to grab her belongs, shoes, shopping bags, bud spray and pepper spray.
" look child believe what you want, don't go cra cra over your mom too much, wishing on things that just weren't possible, i'm off, when I'm back maybe we can make cinnamon rolls and some soup to get you better" she smiled softly at you before leaving a small peck on your forehead then leaving. You decide that your going back to castle dimitrescu, you needed answers...... you demanded them..... and even if it's the last human thing that alcina is capable of doing she will give them to you.
You could feel it in your heart that you were drifting away from alcina..... that spark that you once felt.... that burning passion.... that burning love.... gone....
You didn't have any belongs at Carmen's but you walked with some of her stuff, like water, little protein bars, bud spray and a knife. You left her a note thanking her for her utmost compassion and kindness upon you before starting your very very long journey....
TAG LIST : @willalovexx @ilovehugslikealotalot @milkiedimitrescu @willowshadenox @enchantressb @moisblofish, @nclgsticore @vampire-s61914 @snkskyler15 @milkkyshakeez @luisa323 . If you wish to be apart of the tag list for the next up coming chapters please comment below :) <3
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flower1622 · 11 days
What if Allison made Five agree with her?
Allison watches Five, Viktor, Luther and Diego while they eat, drink and talk with each other. She has her arms crossed.
Allison: Are you fucking kidding with me?
Luther looks at Allison confused, Diego is annoyed, Five doesn't really care and Viktor looks at Allison in shock.
Viktor: Allison, is something wrong?
Allison: Yes, everything is wrong, starting with you all that instead thinking ways to come back home, you guys are having fun.
Diego sighs and stares at Allison serious.
Diego: Allison.
Five: Let her speak her mind, Diego. Poor woman doesn't understand that we can't think about the Apocalyse or home for 24 hours. We're still humans that need to relax too.
Allison gets angry.
Allison: Five.
Five: What? Am i wrong? Serious, Allison. You should learn to relax too. Since we arrived, you are acting cruel and angry all the time. This is not helping at all.
Allison: Well, i'm sorry if i want to see my daughter again!
Allison leaves and her other siblings only sigh.
Allison is walking through the corridor and passes by a room, but something catches her attention, so she comes back and sees Stanley over Klaus' dead body.
Allison thinks.
'Perfect. With Klaus, Five's biggest weakness, out of the picture, i wanna see if he'll continue being calm about this. It's time to bring cold five back.'
Allison walks towards Stanley and rumours him.
Allison: I heard a rumour that you'll go downstairs and tell to my siblings that you killed Klaus in the pink bedroom. You won't remember that you saw me here.
Stanley runs to tell the others about what happened.
Allison gets close to Klaus' body and sighs.
Allison: I'm sorry, Klaus. It's the only way.
Allison gets close to Klaus' ear and whispers.
' I heard a rumour that your body will stay dead until we come back home. This way, five is gonna think that you died and he'll put his focus 100% on how to come back. After that, you won't remember that i rumoured you.'
Stanley runs and stops in front of the siblings with a desperate expression on his face. Everyone looks at him confused.
Stanley: I killed Klaus in the pink bedroom.
Five gets angry.
Five: You did what?!
Five teleports himself while Diego starts crying, Luther seems to be in shock and Viktor looks sad.
Five teleports to the bedroom and sees Klaus' dead body. Five falls down next to Klaus and starts shaking his body, begging his brother to wake up while he cries and sobs over Klaus' body.
Hours later:
Luther is eating his food pretty fast. Diego and Viktor are just taking some bites, both pretty sad with Klaus' death. Since that time, some things changed. Lila took Stanley away after Five threatened to kill the boy. Diego also discovered that Stanley was never his son. Cold and pycho five is back and joined Allison. Both act rude and bad towards other people, including their siblings. The three siblings try to stay away as much as possible. The two only think about going home now and fix the Apocalypse. Viktor, Diego and Luther are slapped hard in their heads. They turn to see Allison and Five glaring at them.
Five: What the hell are you guys doing?
Luther gets confused.
Luther: Eating?
Five and Allison give fake laughs to each other.
Five: He's eating.
They continue laughing, scaring their siblings. Then, in matter of seconds, the table is pushed down and falls on the floor. Five takes Luther by the collar, almost suffocating him. Luther notices that Five has a deadly look on his face.
Five: Look Luther, i've spending my whole life and these last hours we have trying to find ways for us to come back home and stop this stupid Apocalypse. So, if you prefer to keep eating your horrible food, i guess you could stay here forever with no problem, right? You'd love to disappear, wouldn't you?
Luther gets suffocated, but he still shakes his head. Five goes to stand next to Allison and stares at his other siblings with a pretty serious expression on his face.
Five: If i see any of you eating or drinking something instead of thinking about the Apocalypse, i'm gonna leave the person here...and i'm not kidding.
Five leaves and Allison gives a little dark smile to her siblings and goes after Five.
Luther, Diego and Viktor keep staring shocked at Five and Allison walking away.
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givehimthemedicine · 10 months
🛁💧 Moms, bathtubs and fear of water
today I'd like to dig into some support for the Virginia/Henry/bathtub theory, most notably a Will/Henry parallel I've not seen discussed before, and some thoughts on the rabies thing.
for those just tuning in, we have hints that something awful happened involving Virginia, Henry, and a bathtub of hot water. (that idea is aemiron-main's, you can read the original here)
where there's a tub, there's a mom
let me start by seeing how many ST bathtubs can be tied to mothers. (much of this will have been pointed out before, but I have a couple observations I think are new)
starting at the top: Virginia's vision (turning on the hot water tap and spiders fill the tub instead of water):
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Karen soaking in a hot bath listening to "Memories" before milfing it up with Billy, a minor, a boy her daughter's age. check
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Will and Joyce "he likes it cold" you better believe that's a paddlin
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we saw the Byers' tub before. when El saw it in the mirror (lol) and went to tell Joyce (Will's Mother) about her water tank idea. ok she was addressing the group but Joyce is the one who actually engages. I'm counting it. ps when they do set up the bath for El, Lucas uses a thermometer to make sure the water is the right temperature
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this is a tiny one, but Nancy goes to sit on the tub and cry after excusing herself from Barb's mom at the KFC dinner.
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that scene where El and Max find Billy's tub with ice bags?
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darn, nothing immediately motherly in this scene. but what if we check the last dialogue in the prior scene? or the first dialogue in the following scene?
both hits! mom/age-inappropriate-sexual-knowledge + mother/son combo.💀
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next up, FOR WHAT REASON was I made to see Murray get naked and get into a tub full of ice while on the phone with Joyce in 4x01?
let's also toss in a shot of Joyce being weird in her front yard, prompting a neighbor child to dispense a line of dialogue involving mothers.
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but seriously. after all the flayed/ice tub imagery throughout s3, why kick off s4 with Murray in an ice bath? no, I'm really asking.
we've got a dash of sexual inappropriateness, or so Joyce thinks - Murray happens to plop into the ice at the exact moment that she observes the Russian doll has nipples, which makes her think his reaction is about that:
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the only tub scene I'm struggling to tie super directly to mothers is Heather. you could say it's that Joyce appears in the next scene, but that's weak. or that Flayed Heather later drugs/kidnaps her mom. eh.
as em pointed out, the tub Heather's in here is extremely similar to Virginia Creel's. is that sufficient?
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so anyway, some of those are def stronger than others, but they all provide some combination of: mothers, bathtubs (esp with attention drawn to water temperature), and fear/ sorrow / discomfort / sexual inappropriateness.
am I forgetting any other bathtubs?
now let's talk more about fear
what started me on this post was how possessed-Will's reaction to the bathtub is so explicitly labeled as fear - NOT by Will, but by Mr. Clarke's voiceover:
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yet what sparked One's strength was a memory that made him "sad, but also angry" - which, if the implied tub incident indeed happened, would totally fit the bill.
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sad and angry. not afraid. I guess it makes sense that fear isn't one of the emotions he would draw power from later upon recalling this event, but he undoubtedly would've been afraid in the moment. he didn't say that though.
not in that scene.
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now, idk if he's referring to The Incident here, or his early lab life or what, but. oh I'm at my image limit. ok well his lines leading up to this are (close up of dead kids) "why do you cry for them, Eleven? after everything they did to you? you think you need them, but you don't. you don't."
why exactly would El "need" the other lab kids? according to NINA, they treated her poorly. tbh kinda sounds more like a projected reaction to the death of an abusive mother.
anyway. apart from that "I was scared once" reference to some past turning point, man will not say he is or was scared. he'll imply and project but he won't say it:
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you know who else won't say they're scared? Will.
Will has never said once on the entire show that he's afraid. ever. throughout all the utterly HORRIFYING situations he's been in. he undoubtedly has been scared, and other characters say that about him many times, but Will has never said, in his own words, as far as I can find, that he's afraid.
he dances around it and veils it and teeters on the edge of it, but he will not actually say I Am Afraid.
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"how did you feel?" "it felt like when you're scared" boy what.
but Will has not always been fearless!
wanna know what the very first mention of fear on the whole show is? Will assuring Joyce he won't have nightmares from seeing Poltergeist because:
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is it not giving "I was scared once too" ?
now here comes my favorite part:
Joyce replies with the "my witch" thing, and she doesn't actually finish the sentence, but I think that last word can be guessed pretty accurately:
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cook him up in your what?
your cauldron? cauldron, kôl′drən, noun: 1. A large vessel used for boiling?
so like... have I got this straight? our earliest flashback of Will involves his mother playing an evil character who's gonna put him in a large vessel of hot liquid?
I ask you again: is it not giving "I was scared once too"?
I'm tacking my red conspiracy yarn in at "Henry was five years old."
now, just wondering, what was the turning point that made Will stop having nightmares from movies and "getting scared like that"? Bob_one_day_the_nightmares_suddenly_stopped.wav
now let's talk about rabies
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Robin proceeds to list some rabies symptoms and what's funny about that (besides the fact they're standing in a mysteriously dry lakebed) is she left out possibly the best-known symptom: fear of water.
in fact, rabies used to be called hydrophobia ("fear of water").
hydrophobia in rabies stems from paralysis of throat muscles making it difficult or impossible to swallow, and so sufferers will panic at the prospect of drinking or even the mere sight of water. excessive salivation + inability to swallow it leads to the other pop culture rabies symptom, the appearance of "foaming at the mouth".
pretend here I put in screenshots of El and Barb spitting up water when they wake up in the UD and that unnecessary shot of Billy drooling when El is levitating him
Robin's isn't the only reference to rabies on ST. it's come up in two other seasons:
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so every time rabies comes up, it's in reference to demodogs, demobats, and flayed rats. all critters that are part of the hive.
ostensibly controlled by one guy, who is afraid of water.
misc honorable mentions:
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what do you wanna bet Dart not only doesn't need water, but would hate water like he hates heat?
Dart grew up to be a demodog, and demodogs dug those tunnels - the ones Bob figured out were a map of Hawkins because the "roads" outlined recognizable bodies of water instead of crossing over them.
when Bob said that, he didn't know the "roads" were underground, and therefore it wouldn't be crossing over water but rather crossing through water. if your tunnel breached a lake or river, it would flood. the demodogs were avoiding water.
also: no one in the water, you say?
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speaking of Hawkins Pool, there's also the thing I've mentioned before, how it seems incredibly relevant that One chose Billy as his s3 host - a lifeguard whose one possession-busting happy memory involved his mother warning him not to drown.
also: Hopper saying that jumping into the quarry would result in the water "breaking every damn bone in your body"
and Jason asks Patrick, right before Vecna breaks every damn bone in his body in Lovers Lake:
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I'm going to think of more as soon as I hit post but that's all I have for you today.
I want real answers on the Murray ice thing btw
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It’s Okay
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Sick!Natasha x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Mentions of the Red Room, Sick!Nat, jealousy (of Liho), slight angst
!Disclaimer English is not my first language so please excuse any grammar or spelling errors!
Word count: 800 words
Author’s Note: I just wanted to do something light headed and short
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Me and Natasha had been together for nearly ten years now and married for four of them, but nonetheless she hated to be vulnerable with me. It got better but in our beginnings, it seemed like she would rather want to die than show a weak spot.
The firs time I saw her, like that was years ago. When we became something along the lines of friends. Natasha had just got here from Russia and refused to interact with anyone but Clint and Fury, on the good days maybe Maria. On this day I went to the gym around three in the morning, not expecting to meet anyone so early, however I was wrong.
When I sat foot into the large halls of our gym I could hear her muffled crying close by. I went to interrogate it and what I saw was truly shocking. There she was the angry, scary, ex assassin rolled up into a fetal position crying quietly. She didn't even notice that I was here. I considered my options, I couldn't leave her here I had to do something right? "Agent Romanoff? Are you okay, do... you need anything?"
After the first words left my mouth Natasha look up, terrified like she had just been caught doing a terrible crime. She wiped away her tears "I have to go now" Natasha stood up abruptly I placed a hand on her shoulder before she could run off. "Nightmares am I right" she would just nod and the end of the night Natasha would sleep peacefully next to me as I held her close. On the next morning she was gone the only thing she left was a note thanking and pleading me not to tell anyone. I could only laugh at the last part.
After months she would tell me the reasons for her break downs at night the red room. She wasn't aloud to show weakness, the reason why she was so scared of me seeing her weak like that. She was just afraid of the harsh punishment that she could've received.
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Me and Natasha had been on a field mission together and to put it simple it just didn't stop raining. At the end we were wetter than wet drenched in mutt and rain. So it was no question if me or Nat would get a cold rather when would it set in.
Natasha was sitting at her desk, writing down her mission report. I heard her coughing and sneezing through the entire apartment and that's when I decided it's enough. I made my way through the hallway while her coughing gets louder. She looked up when I opened the door to her office “Baby, you’re sick” She looked at me with tired eyes “You need to rest” Natasha sneezed again before saying “I am perfectly fine” She blowed her reddened nose in a tissue “Being sick is for the weak and” Again she gets interrupted by a yawn “And I’m not”
I sign, walking over to her messy desk placing a hand against her head feeling the heat under my hands. “Natasha, you need to rest now you are burning” She looks at me with with her tired eyes. “First I’m not sick, I’m never sick” She sneezed again “Second I have to finish this report” I could only shake my head at her stubbornness.
“That’s it Tasha, I am your wife and you are sick which means I’ll take care of you now. No but, no mission reports, no work just cuddles and watching grey's anatomy” She wanted to say something against it again but before she could I shut her off. “No, Natasha you’re sick it’s okay to be vulnerable, you’re not in the Red Room anymore. You’re not weak it’s strong to show weakness”
Her eyes met the ground, she looked sad. I grabbed her hands pulling her from her office chair into my arms, hugging and holding her tight. Sweet nothings were whisper in her ear before I carried her to bed snuggling her into our shared bed.
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“Do you want Liho, baby” I kissed her forehead, she just shakes it. Even though she said she didn’t want the cat as it wasn’t leaving our side in a mission she still kept him. Her heart melted whenever he would do the most simple things, however she would never admit that.
I had placed the cat between us whenever I would get to close to Nat he would hiss at me. She would just laugh and keep petting him.“Nat do you truly love the cat more than me?” She pet him listening to his purring “He doesn’t order me around like you do” I throw her a fake look of offense „That’s not true“ She laughs before coughing again. I smile as I lean closer to her but before our lips could meet Liho stared hissing again, making Natasha laugh. „Oh shut up“ I mumbled before pressing my lips to her, pulling her close by the waist.
On this day Natasha let herself finally be vulnerable again without the guilt, without the bad feeling, without the memories.
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justanamesstuff · 4 months
Chapter 10 (the end)
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Matty Healy x f!reader
A/N: First of all, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for everyone that reads this fic and supports me. It's been a hard process to post it, a lot of big and sad things happened during it (personally speaking) so I'm more than humbled and grateful for you all <3 I hope you like the end...I love these two a lot, as I told you, it is the first fic ive ever written so it has a special place in my heart. Anyway, I love you guys! enjoy! Warnings: a tiny bit of angst, FLUFFF, kisses, couples, love wins, typos. Word count: 4 K
< Chapter 9
Here we are at the end of a season,
and as we depart today,
we take away all the memories
we have gathered during our stay.
- (extract of ‘The end of Seasons’) by David Harris
“Y/n…I love you, I’m in love with you.” he finally said it at loud, to her. Matty felt his blood turn cold.
Y/n didn’t show a single emotion on her face under Matty’s scrutiny. “That’s not even funny, Matty.”
“I’m not jokin’. Heck, I’m so far from joking.” he approached her until they were centimetres away, graving gently her arms. Her eyes started to watered again. “Since that first night…” he stayed silent, he didn’t want to overwhelm her.
Y/n shook her head. “You can’t be serious.”
“I am.” he bumped his nose with hers. “You’re everything to me since the first moment I saw you.” Matty stated before placing his lips on hers. 
For a solid minute, they stayed just like that. Lips together, closer like they have never been before. Matty’s heart was beating so fast that provably Y/n could hear it. He was expecting her to reciprocate the kiss, to want him back.
He waited what it felt like an eternity.
At first, Y/n was shocked, she didn’t know what to do or move. Something was sure though, she instantly felt safe. Their hearts were close, they were close to each other and it felt right. It was everything she had needed since the first moment her eyes found his. The fear was trying to win the war against her wishes, even though she didn’t want to fight any more, she wanted to feel Matty close without thinking for a minute and just be with him.
After a few minutes of Matty feeling like a teenager all over again, Y/n started to reciprocate his kiss. The sight of contentment was transformed into a smile that slightly broke the kiss, even though he prevented Y/n’s body moving far from him. He placed his hand gently on the back of her head, bringing Y/n's mouth impossibly closer. 
Matty held Y/n as the most precious person in this world because for him, she was. The euphoria was taking over his body, his senses, urging him to tell Y/n all he had kept under secret for years. Quickly all his ideas or necessities disappeared from his mind, all he could feel and think was her. 
Both of them were afraid to break it because they weren’t sure if they would have another opportunity. 
Matty started to pushed her body backwards still with their lips interwind, which made Y/n opened her eyes as he did too. In a silent question, Matty placed his hands on her tights silently asking to carry her to another room. Y/n nodded as a reply, jumping until her legs rounded his waist. 
Matty walked all the way towards his room stopping from time to time so he could kiss Y/n a bit more or keeping his eyes forward but his mouth on her neck. Once the door was closed behind them, he gently let her body rest on top of the covers of his bed. He didn’t detach himself too much from Y/n’s body, watching her from above. He couldn’t get enough of her. Matty didn’t want to scare her or do anything wrong that would push Y/n to leave his room.
Y/n whined making him weak on the knees, before bringing him down for another kiss. Matty’s hands fell on her waist as his entire weight rested on top of Y/n’s body. 
His experts fingers touched the expanse of her belly where her shirt raised up, triggering a combo of thoughts Y/n wasn’t expecting. The woman kept kissing Matty at the same time sounds and scenes of waking up during the quarantine hearing him and his ex-girlfriend fucking ripped her heart apart. Probably those things happened in the same mattress she was lying on at the moment. 
Matty noticed her disconnection from the situation asking her, “What?” he fixed his eyes on her face, keeping a wide smile that disappeared seconds later. “What’s it? Did I hurt you or…”
“No, no.” she quickly said. “I- It’s so stupid.“ the woman hid her face behind her hands, embarrassed of her own thoughts. 
“Love, you’re scaring me.” Matty took one of her wrists, staring at her intensely.
“‘S nothing.” she protested, her voice muffled. 
“Y/n, did I hurt you?” the singer repeated.
The worry dripping from his voice startled her enough to show him her face entirely, her eyes finding his.
“No, no…of course not! I’m sorry.” she pecked his kiss as an apology. “Nadia.” Y/n tried to start telling Matty about her childish jealousy, gaining only a frown from him.
“You, her. The room. I-“
“Y/n, I don’t understand.” he said meanwhile Matty’s face keep twisting by confusion.  
“Don’t laugh, okay?”
“I will try.” Matty said, already laughing slightly. 
“I hated every single minute of quarantine when I woke up by the sound of her moaning your name.” 
“Really?” he inquired with a smirk.
Y/n cried out, “Matty!” 
The frontman fell back down on top Y/n’s body, crushing her a little, peppering kisses on the expanse of her throat. 
“Why didn’t you never tell me that?” he spoke into her skin.
“Oh, yeah, right!” she scoffed, twisting her neck to the side trying to get a look at his face. The man was still smiling. “‘Matty, hear this!’” she started her representation of that hypothetical moment. “‘Your girlfriend moans a lot, it’s a bit annoying, y’know?! Can I take her place?’” Y/n blushed after realizing her last question.
Matty prompted his body back up a little, arching his eyebrows. “Did you want it that bad?” his raspy voice made her belly twisted with pleasure. Y/n moved her head indicating a silent yes. “Really?” the singer needed the clarification.
“Yes, I spent months just trying- trying not to hear a single noise. But hell no, you have to be that vocal. It broke my heart every time.” the embarrassment was too much so she looked away.
“Why?” he asked, his face emotionless.
Y/n realized her mistake. “Because it was awful.”
“Just that?”
A question struck the woman’s mind, “Did you mean it?”
“When you- You said-” Matty felt tiny under her loving gaze. “The part you said you…me.”
“That I love you?” she nodded. “What about it?”
“How you were in love with…me…but then you were with…her?” 
“To say that I’m in love- That I’m in love with you since the first moment it’s not saying that I always accepted it.” Matty tugged her hair behind Y/n’s ear lovingly. 
“I don’t follow you.”
“You know me, Y/n. I’m not always coherent with my choices.” he pulled a face that made her giggle. “I fell in love with you three eyes ago that night,Y/n.” Matty said, more seriously that time. “You stated pretty clear that you didn’t want anything with me back then. I accepted. I just didn’t get over my feelings for a long time…or never, to be honest.” his fingertips found the apple of her cheek. “Believe me, I tried so hard to get over those…” Matty paused, lost in his thoughts. 
“Did you want to get over your feeling for…me?” she said, kind of hurt.
“I’ve told you it is difficult to explain.” he shook his head slightly and continued. “I thought for a time that I had got over my feelings for you. I was wrong. At the same time, Nadia came around.”
“You already knew her.” Y/n moved uncomfortable under him.
“Yes, but we became really close when I was getting over my feelings.”
Y/n looked into his hazelnuts eyes puzzled,“You’ve started dating her less than a year and a half ago.”
“What about all the previous time?” 
“Part of that time I didn’t reconsigned it either. I mean, I’m not proud of this…I’m not a saint, Y/n.” Matty explained knowing she would understand what he meant with those words.
“Believe me, I know.” Y/n tried to move from under his body, although Matty was quickly and pinned her down taking her hands over her head.
“Anyway, a year and a half Nadia came around, and I thought I was over you. I was wrong, I convinced myself I was. I started the relationship with her, and I loved Nadia but not in the way I love you.” his brown eyes piercing into hers. 
“So, what happened next?”
“I decided to stop being a twat.” Matty bumped his nose into hers. “To be honest, Hann helped with it a lot.” he confirmed, making her chuckled.
The frontman let go of her hands, running his own down her body at the same time his lips found hers in a sweet kiss. 
“I don’t know, Matty. It is a lot.” Y/n continued the conversation as if he hadn't given her a kiss that took all the air on her lungs away. 
“I know” he agreed.
“Did you break up with her? Because of…”
“I break up with her because I couldn’t keep lying. It had nothing to do with you…directly. Okay? It’s not your fault.” Matty said, hitting the nail perfectly. 
“This’s awful.”
“Me loving you it’s awful?” he tried to joke.
“No.” she blushed.
“Oh, no?” Matty couldn’t help it smiling like the biggest idiot in town. 
“Matty!” she warned him, gaining a few kisses all around her face and neck as a reply. “So, what now?” 
Y/n’s initial smile disappeared a little from her face when she witnessed how Matty got into his mind leaving her out. She let him have his minute before speaking again, not without worry infecting her blood. 
“Y/n?” Matty asked, searching for her eyes.
“Yeah?” she whispered. 
“Do you love me?” 
His intense sight, the weight of his questions made Y/n felt a bit dizzy. 
“I do, Matty.” she stated without a single doubt on her voice. 
“Do you really?” 
“Yes, that’s why it hurt me every time to see you with other girls. You said it, they occupied the place I wanted for me. I want nothing more than your love, Matty.”
“But I tried to show it…you never gave me a sign.”
“Firstly, I was deeply scared about what you make me feel. Secondly, how could I think you loved me when you spend time with me, being nice and all but then went from pub to pub with a girl under your arm? How could I think you wanted me when you had a girlfriend?” Y/n had a point.
“I made a move on you the first night!” Matty protested.
“Maybe is selfish, or cheesy, or whatever but…I didn’t want to be the girl you take home and never call again.”
“You would never be-” 
“How are you so sure? We don’t know, we didn’t know…we will never know. Now I’m the hypocrite or hysteric that said no but then wanted you to love me.” she hid her face behind her hands for the second time during that night.
“You’re not that. I don’t care what happened. We love each other, Y/n! I want to be with you, I don’t care anything else than you.”
“I do care about it because I don’t want another season to arrive with the same problems undone. Three years we were like this, without talking about it…It's not right.” Y/n clearly stated. 
“You’ll have to trust me with this one, Y/n. You have to believe that we can make it happen.” Matty sneaked his hand into hers, watching his fingers intertwined with hers perfectly.  “Please.” he kissed her again. “Give-“ another kiss. “us a” once more. “chance.” Matty finished looking at her directly into her eyes. He waited for a reaction that soon came as another kiss. 
Y/n needed to stop running from her feelings. 
“Let’s get some tea.” he smiled to her pushing his entire body off the bed and offering a hand for Y/n to take.
“Weren’t we?” Matty saw how a crimson colour took over her neck and cheeks. 
“Darling, are you okay?”
Y/n frustrated ignored his hand, passing by him who was quickly to take her back into his embrace hugging the woman from behind. 
Matty whispered his words in her shoulder. “I want to take all the time the first time I get to fuck you. I still have that annoying interview in a few hours, baby.” he left a kiss sensing how her body relaxed into his. “Patience is key here.”
“Shut up, philosopher. “ Y/n giggled, titling her face to the opposite side offering her neck for his lips. 
Matty ended up making the cups of tea, meanwhile Y/n waited for him at the table. “Here.” he placed her favourite mug in front of her. 
“Thanks.” she said, while he sat in front of her.
“No.” he exclaimed in a whinny tone.
“What?” she laughed.
“Come here.” he moved around the table.
Matty approached her, sitting right beside her before palming his own lap as an offer. “Come here.” he stated.
“Only person that can call my full name and not make me irk right after.”
Y/n laughed loudly because of his pout, sitting down on his lap comfortably and sipping from her mug. 
“We love each other.” she said looking far from him, blushing, while Matty laughed due to her reaction. “What?” Y/n asked, this time giving him a look.
Matty mumbled into her shoulder, “It’s not a business deal, y’know?” 
“Shut up.”
Y/n’s laugh was his favourite sound in the entire world.
“But…yes, I love you and you love me…I think…”
“You’re so boring sometimes.”
“But you love me.” It was weird and exciting for them so say it every single time.
“I do.”
“It’s so weird for me.”
“It’s difficult after so many years…years, Matty! Accept that after all this time you felt the same?” Y/n huffed.
“Yes, I know. Why you care so much though? I mean, at the end what it matters is that you love me and me you.”
“Because it means, one, that we could've been together since the start…and, two, that we could avoid hurting others.” Y/n said, her smile falling a little.
“About the first, I don’t think we were ready…I was an fool-“
“Was?” she teased.
“Shush! As I was saying, I was an idiot- yes, I still am- and I don’t want to think about the what if’s…I know I made you suffer, and I know I suffered too but we’re here…together.” he sneaked a warm hand under the layers of clothes, touching her soft skin. 
“Yeah, maybe you’re right. We learn slowly.” he laughed.
Matty found her eyes, saying, “And about Nadia and Tom…it was wrong, but we didn’t do it on porpoise.”
“Of course not! Still though…we hurt them. I can’t avoid thinking that I shouldn’t have accepted anything with Tom. I love him, he’s an amazing guy but I was in love with you…I-“
“Yeah, you should’ve just ran to my arms” she hit him on the chest.
“Be serious for a minute!”
“I’m serious!” he said, and she placed her head on his chest giggling. “I was incredibly hurt by you choosing him…over me.”
“Yeah, I can see that now.”
“Understand my position. I’d been trying to be with you that first night and you were all no’s. Then I see many times how idiot asked you out, then you just avoid them…but Tom was there, and you asked him out?”
“I was trying to get over you.”
“Don’t be so hurt! I’m not proud of asking him now. I hurt him really bad.” Y/n pouted a little. A pout that Matty kissed away.
“What happened…that night…after?”
“He asked about what was going on between us…and-”
“I ended up confessing that I had feelings for you.”
Matty was taking aback by her confession. “You what?”
Y/n continued speaking like the singer didn’t say a word, “He got angry.”
“Of course!”
“Don’t be like that. I still feel awful about it.”
“Poor Tom.”
“Matty!“ she whined.
“What? I feel sorry for him! I know what it’s getting hurt by you…I pity him”
“Not funny, at all.”
“I’m messing with ya’, I’m sorry.”
Y/n pushed her head away from his shoulder, asking, “What about Nadia?”
“I told her I was going through a lot and that I couldn’t continue with it…”
“You never explained her that…you have?”
“Feelings for you, baby? No, but she still hates me.”
“Poor thing.”
“Yeah, I tried to see how she was doing, she didn’t answer. I get it though.”
“Hey! I also felt bad for doing that to her. She was my friend before everything.”
“You have a thing for your friends.”
“Not all of them.”
“Mmm, I’m not sure.” Y/n said, playing with the hem of his shirt.
“Only with you.”
“Am I special?”
“Yes, for me…you are.” 
He kissed her again and again, Matty couldn’t get enough of her. Faster than he expected Y/n broke the last kiss making which he protested against.
“Why you keep doing that?”
“Doing what?“ Y/n faked innocence.
“Pushing away, as if you weren’t…still..sure about us.”
Y/n took a minute to answer, “Do you know we’ll have to do a lot of work for make this really happen?”
“It’s already happening, darling. Besides, Y/n-” the singer placed his hand on her jaw in a gentle gesture, forcing Y/n to look at him. “I would do everything for us to work.” 
“I know. But- Seriously- We hurt each other, we hurt others…no because we say we love the other the rest it’s erased.”
“Of course not…although, we can’t focus on the past when we’re trying to make the future work, Y/n.”
“I know.” she stated her words kissing his cheeks. 
“If you let me I’ll do everything in my power to stay with you till this life, the universe or whatever let me. I can’t imagine loving someone else, my love.”
“I’m 100% serious. I repeat, for the thousand time, I know I hurt you and I can’t promise I won’t do it again, but I’ll do my best to avoid it, okay?”
“I hurt you too-“
Y/n sensed his hesitation, knowing that probably Matty blamed himself more. “You’re not the bad guy here, I’m not the good girl either. We made mistakes, big ones.”
“I did a lot of wrong things.”
“Yes, me too. And the entire world make mistakes…we can’t punish ourselves forever about those.”
They left silence to occupy the space between them meanwhile they lost themselves into picturing a better future together. 
Matty was the first one to break it, “I can’t believe I wait so long to tell you.”
“It’s alright.” she caressed his cheek.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
The singer’s hand found the back of her neck, bringing Y/n closer for another kiss that took her breath away. 
Not so long after they lost themselves into the other, someone walked into the kitchen.
“Well, well, well…what we have here!” George startled them, sporting a smile that occupied his entire face. Matty and Y/n drifted apart, but he kept his arm, protectable, around her. 
“Not your business.” Matty spat.
“Oh, I think it is!”
“It’s not.” Y/n interfered choosing Matty’s side.
“Excuse me?” Ross interfered. “It fuck’ is our business. We had to bear with you two all this time.”
Y/n groaned and hide into Matty’s chest. “I hate them.”
“Me too.” he kissed her head.
“Did you hear her?” George said to Ross.
“She’s so ungrateful.” the bassist shook his head, giggling. 
“Stop with that, you two.”
“What’s going on?” John asked, making himself noticeable.
Y/n’s gaze met Matty’s.
“We talked…” she said.
“Aja.” George said, sitting in front of Matty. 
“And we came to terms with each other…” Matty completed her phrase.
“Good, good.” Ross’ tone urged them to keep talking.
Then was John’s time, testing the wasters, “Are you friends again?”
“We-“ she looked at him.
“Hell no.” Matty said clearly.
George turned around, talking with John, “Mate, she’s sitting on his lap. ‘Course they aren't just friends.” Ross and John laughed at Y/n and Matty’s embarrassed faces.
“I mean…I love her.” 
“We’re not friends?” Y/n faked getting hurt.
Matty got confused for a second, “We’re but… I thought-” he looked at her with a puzzled look. She laughed at him.
“I’m joking.”
“They’re in looove!” Ross mocked them.
“Yes, we’re.” Y/n smiled feeling like an idiot.
“So, you’re together now?” one of the guys asked, but Matty was lost on looking at his girlfriend. 
Matty detached his gaze for a second, saying,“Could you guys stop asking questions? We’ve just talked about a lot of things…that are not your business by the way.”
“Don’t be that harsh, baby.” Y/n calmed him.
“I hate them.”  Matty told Y/n, gaining another round of laughs.
“And we here all happy because you’re finally together!” George sarcastically scolded the couple.  
“I’m happy we can go to normal…well, normal…” John said.
The guys continued bickering like the teens they still were when all the gang was together. Meanwhile Y/n’s eyes found the closest clock. 
“Shit!” she mumbled, pushing her body off Matty’s embrace. 
“What’s wrong?”
“We are late.”
“For what?”
Y/n rounded the tabled, carrying their mugs to the sink, “For the fucking interview.”
“Fuck me.”
“She will do that later, mate. You have an interview!” 
Matty went to say something back to Ross, even though Y/n cut the childish fight off, “Don’t! We don't have time for that.”
After a few quick change of clothes, Matty and Y/n ran out of the house meeting the driver for the day. 
Universe was with them that day because they quickly arrived and met the people hosting the interview. Y/n saw Matty walk away far from her even though they made eye contact constantly. 
The interview went better than she expected based on the interviewer having a tendency for being aggressive about his questions. Matty had a lot of experience with interviews so Y/n only relaxed while listening him talk about the instruments and techniques they used for the last record. 
“So, for the last question Matty…” the old man said, reading something on a paper in front of his eyes. “Where do you get inspiration for your songs? There is something or someone you have as your muse.”
The singer felt Y/n’s gaze on him and only him. Even when he wanted to say she was the reason behind most of his songs, he couldn’t. 
Matty took a short, discrete look at Y/n,“It changed a lot during the last few years, y’know? It can change depending on the season or the place I’m writing or-” Matty started explaining, but he got into a tongue tie so he chose another tactic. “I won’t give away my muse, sorry mate.” he decided to give an ambiguous answer instead.
The second time his eyes met hers, Y/n understood everything. He didn’t have to clarify more for her. 
“Okay, I get it. Well, this is everything from me.” the interviewer said to Matty. “Thank you for joining us, it has been a pleasure.” the man saluted the singer. “Stream…” he continued promoting the album but Y/n’s mind was else where. 
She was the first one Matty approached after shaking hands with the interviewer once more. 
“Everything alright?” he asked quietly. 
“Yeah, more than alright. Let’s go, we have to meet Patty.” Y/n walked towards the exit, making him run softly reaching her side and taking her hand on his. 
The end
Taglist: @sinarainbows @eaglestar31 @sugarkane1001 @brittluvs1975
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ajaxwfe · 11 months
15 Hours
Characters: Childe x Fem!Reader
Genre: Angst with no fluff or happy ending
Summary: y/n wanted to talk with him more
10 Hours
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Went to shower.
Is there something wrong with your mood?
It's not like how you were supposed to be.
What kind of problem would there be
I'm annoying as always
You're right.
Aren't you going to sleep
Yes in a minute
Can't you stay awake a few hours more
I will stop texting afterwards
I'm sorry.
I am so sleepy.
I understand
Sure you can sleep
But can I hear your voice before you sleep
I will call you.
As y/n's heart beat faster with what she read, she groaned with the pain in the middle of her chest. She blinked her eyes, which turned the darkest shade of purple, and took a few deep breaths to regain her senses. She didn't think she would get a positive response, she just wanted to try her luck.
She couldn't swallow as the name suddenly appeared on the screen. While she stared at the screen for a few seconds, her body, not knowing what she was doing, ignored her pain and trembling, hurriedly turned on the call and put it to her ear.
Y/n waited for a while and gathered all her courage.
She was afraid as she could get the word out of her dry throat.
She was very happy to hear her own name from the man she missed, while her eyes filled with tears when she heard a deep, male voice.
"How are you?"
The voice came out clearer from her throat as she got used to it, but it was still very weak.
"I'm doing fine. How are you? You don't sound very good."
Y/n smiled. He was worried about her. She know he was.
"I'm fine. Maybe it's because I just cried."
Lying made her sad. She didn't wanted him to know. Just for that reason, y/n preferred her this was rather than her standing around with fake interes.
"I understand. İt's been a while since we ended our relationship y/n. Forget it and look your way."
Y/n felt like she couldn't breathe at that moment. It hurt, Ajax was hurting her without even a little mercy. She knew she would never forget until her last breath, but she didn't know it would happen this soon.
"I will."
She was lying so much today.
"Thank you for not turning down my request. This means so much fo-"
While her speech was interrupted by a cough, she wiped the blood she vomited the back of her hand. She had exhausted herself so much that her body, which was in it's last state, could not lift it.
"Y/n are you okay?"
Y/n took a deep breath and forced herself to speak when Ajax asked with his worried voice containing emotion for the first time since the beginning of his speech. He didn't want her to understand.
"I-I'm fine. I think it's a cold."
"I told you to go home."
She chuckled when she heard the angry voice Ajax always used against her.
"It's not a problem. Nothing will happen to me. Do you take care of yourself?"
There was no sound from the other one. Y/n didn't know if he had hung up or not. She was scared.
"I do. I need to sleep y/n. Let's talk tomorrow."
Y/n closed her eyes sadly. She wanted say there was no tomorrow for her. She wanted to talk more but she had to keep quiet.
"I u-understand. Good night Ajax. Don't forget about me okay?"
She tried hard not to sob as her tears flowed from her eyes.
"I won't forget. Good night."
She sobbed in the last voice she heard. It was a farewell. A one-sided farewell.
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Part 9
Part 11
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