#but I do like even numbers tho
artsoflilo1 · 3 months
Hi! You're art style is so cool!
Oh and congrats on getting the OK to work on your project! I'm so excited for these characters!
Keep up the awesome work! 😄👍
And I’m so happy you’re just as excited as I am 😭 it’s honestly so heartwarming to know there’s other people out there that care about my work.
Also, I genuinely just love it when a college assignment/project from one of my art classes gives me the liberty to put my own character designing and storytelling skills to use. I feel like most art projects in college can be very restricting creativity wise. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, I guess? But for me personally, I get really inspired when I’m not given a very specific prompt to follow along.
Plus, I only have three stories so far, so I’m happy I get to chance to make that an even number LOL
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yamanoskk · 3 months
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The real mastermind, the unpredictable subordinate, and the 'spies'
My fanarts of the new casts in Touhou 19!
Overall, I do enjoy the game! Really adore all of the new casts, the new music are cool and the story is interesting! Really nice to see more of the old casts come back in here too!
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naomistares · 5 months
okay...next comic, i feel like the answer is obvious but i feel conflicted... ? more thoughts in tags
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angelpuns · 2 months
Me when I think of all the cool stuff I have planned for Kid Leo Au:
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Vs when I remember that I have to draw all that stuff
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kindlythevoid · 3 months
Y’all, y’all, I know this is (among many, many other things) the talk-about-your-fanfics site but I physically cannot talk about them without being prompted. However, because I am dying to talk about them, I have decided to do it in the format of an ask game.
What story (stories?) are you writing rn that you’ll most likely publish next? ∩(´∀`∩)
What story (stories?) are you writing rn that will most likely linger in your head for an undetermined period of time? (*´▽`*)
What tropes do you like writing about the most? (´▽`ʃƪ)
Lore dump about the OCs (see tags for options)! (∩˃o˂∩)
One individual fun fact for each OC in the tags. ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ
Longest fic you’ve written (published or not)? ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
Shortest fic you’ve written (published or not)? ‹•.•›
Fic that is near and dear to your heart? ♡
Top three fics you’ve written (in author’s opinion)? ♡♡♡
Story Moodboard of choice (either you or author picks the story; author makes). (◡‿◡✿)
OC Moodboard of choice (either you or author picks the OC; author makes). ❀☉‿☉❀
Write another line in your WIP (rude, productive, but okay). ◔̯◔
Drop a playlist for a story! ♪♡♪
Umm… yeah, so feel free to reblog to use the ask game yourself!! Fingers crossed all those nervous writers get to lore dump, yeah?
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aropride · 11 months
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disabled queer pride flag edits !!
gilbert baker pride + progress pride / gay + lesbian / pan + bi / trans + genderqueer / genderfluid, agender / bigender + nonbinary / aromantic + asexual / polyamorous + aroace / queer chevron + intersex
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ectonurites · 6 months
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briviting · 8 months
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cringetober 4 - angel x demon
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which of you recognised these poses before scrolling lmao. I was originally gonna go for the tormented half-n-half combo, but then I remembered how much time I spent with these guys, and how they are The quintessential cutesy angel and demon designs in my mind.
I didn't mean for this challenge to be all new millennium-themed so far - the idea of cringe just keeps personally leading me that way!
so anyway to get these guys what you gotta do is hatch 2 chao and let them reincarnate 3 times. then feed them One of Every animal just ONCE (no chaos drives!!!). then you need to take out the sonic adventure disc and throw your console off a building. it will be totally destroyed, but once you get a new one, stick in your memory card and these chao will appear in your garden
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spittyfishy · 5 months
What did you think of Season 5 of ML, if you have seen it?
So, I have seen season 5 and frankly… I wasn’t a fan.
Season 5 was just chocked full of missed opportunities, because there were some interesting ideas there but the show's writing fumbled the execution so hard it was difficult to watch at times. Just seeing character assasination after character assasination unfold on screen was so unpleasant. I don’t think a single character came out of season 5 unscathed, I’m wracking my brain for anyone that got better this season, or at least didn’t get worse in some way, and I can’t think of any.
To be fair, there were a few bits I liked. A couple akuma designs were good (Hoaxer, Dark Humour, Queen Mayor, and Ryukomori). I thought the Ryukomori episode was well done, I’d probably say it was the best of the season (which is a low bar). But everything else with Kagami was bad. Full honesty I hate Felix and what his role in the story has been so far, but I especially don’t like that Kagami got brought down with him. Felix is the entire reason Hawkmoth got EVERY OTHER MIRACULOUS and it seems like everyone forgot that?? He didn’t get any consequences At All, and yet when Chloé worked with Hawkmoth (when he already had the miraculous for the record) she was painted as the worst person on earth.
I know I’m not the only one who’s pointed out the double standard between how the girl characters are treated compared to the boys, but it really got highlighted this season. Male characters like Andre, Jaggedstone, Felix, and even Hawkmoth himself can do any number of horrible things and still be ‘sympathetic’, but the two fourteen year old girls are irredeemably evil?
I’ll admit I'm biased, Chloé has been my favourite favorite character since I started watching in season one, but she really deserved better than the show gave her. I don’t have an issue with her staying a villain, in fact I think she worked really well as a minor antagonist in season one, she moved the story along and was entertaining to watch. But the last two seasons they’ve made her out to be this giant threat, but haven’t let her actually do anything! She’s been nothing more then a lacky to Lila and Hawkmoth, as far as having Lila in her ear telling her exactly what to say. If Chloé is as bad as the show claims then she shouldn’t need other characters to hold her hand and tell her how to be mean.
But the writing is just like that. They really need to get better at ‘show don’t tell’, and even more importantly, consistency. Because they keep adding things after the fact and retconning things from the earlier seasons to try and clap back at fans criticisms, and it’s just sad. I’ll never stop complaining about the absolute train wreck that was Derision. They made Chloé worse then she was in season one, and made Kim so much dumber then he needed to be. At the beginning of season one Kim was characterized as a bully, he antagonized Ivan in Stone Heart and helped Chloé willingly in episodes like LadyWifi. But for Derision Chloé had to trick him into pranking Marinette? Why?
The pacing in that episode was even worse, because so much of it was dedicated to a flash back everything else was rushed at the end. And Marinette saying she’d never crush on anyone again if she didn’t know everything about them was clearly just the writers trying to justify her frankly creepy actions in earlier seasons because people pointed out that it wasn’t cute or funny it was just weird. And her whole line and issues in that episode flat out don’t work as a retcon because A: why even crush on Adrian at all if she vowed not to like anyone associated with Chloé, and B: we’ve already seen her in a relationship with Luka where she didn’t show ANY of the obsessive behaviour she showed Adrian OR freaking out about going on dates. AND ON TOP OF THAT there’s been two other timelines where her and Adrian have started a relationship (Chat Blanc, Ephemeral) and she hasn’t had any of the issues that come up in Derision.
It’s just such a lazy way of writing the story, and that’s really the core issue with this season. It feels lazy, like the writers couldn’t be bothered to watch their own show and make plots that fit in the world they’ve already built.
Miraculous is a franchise that’s dear to my heart, it’s how I met my best friend and really became comfortable sharing my art online, and I still really like creating content related to the characters, but I’ve been very disappointed in the show since about the end of season three. I still have a small amount of hope that maybe the show will turn itself around and improve, but it’s dwindling.
But at least when cannon goes off it’s rocker that’s what fan works are for!
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flashnthunder · 4 months
so episode three of mota am i right- wails like a wounded animal
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sluttyten · 6 months
My afraid-of-romance ass has just been asked by another regular customer for my number and the stupid thing is that again I do think this guy is kinda cute and I really probably should say yes
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tomaturtles · 4 days
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Happy one year anniversary of me reading campus apocalypse for the first time and being so normal about it
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Sometimes when i throw out garbage and accidentally throw something recyclable away i get nervous and put the recyclable in the proper receptacle cause i imagine majima hunting me for sport otherwise
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alazic02 · 8 months
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Preview for my piece in the @leblanczine, a Miraculous Ladybug zine focusing on Chat Blanc. I'm so happy to have been able to participate and I can't wait to see the finished product! Preorders are open until the end of October, so grab a copy while you can.
Preorder here!
On Tumblr || On Twitter
Artwork ©: alazic02 | buy me a ko-fi
Do not repost.
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moshieee · 5 months
so when IS your birthday? :0
I know right??? math is such a fun subject!!!
Open the tags if you dare
#i promise im not avoiding the question this is just funny#asks#honestly tho i do like math#english is one of my worst subjects because numbers make more sense to me#it funny that people look at me as an artist and are like “so you're majoring in art right?'”#nope lol im going into accounting#im decent at resource management and organization#i even got an award for most organized in my stage craft class#incase you dontnknow what stage craft is its basically the construction crew for the drama kids to do their thing#props costumes backgrounds lighting sound#all of that is stage craft stuff#do some math silly ✨#and basically i got that award by organizing the entirety of the stagecraft room#everything was stored in there and it was a mess#ended up spending a few weeks just organizing the nails screws and bolts#was supposed to only take a few days but no one was helping#also had to organize them by length too#but in the end it was a lit of fun and not i have a cool poster up on my wall with my chosen name#so not all a loss#yes i am rambling on purpose#and i shall keep doing it now#but honestly its so nice that people are being more considerate of my pronouns and chosen name#i actually feel like im being respected as a person and not just a student#its like they didn't trust me to know myself before which is annoying#but hey i guess it could be worse#im living with my aunt now so thays a huge improvement#my parents may have tried but uhhh#they didn't always do the right thing#ok i think thats enough rambling for people to have stopped read at this point#i got to get ready for school now
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bookworm-2692 · 1 year
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Time for another Limited Life graph and data table! This time, I took the data from my previous graphs, which effectively had time stamps for every time someone changed colour, and added together the total time everyone was at a particular colour, and then graphed it. 
This data above shows everyone in order of most to least time total, and below the cut I also have this data as percentages, as well as ordered most to least time for each colour.
First, the data as percentages:
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It’s fascinating that Skizz was the only person to spend a full 8 hours as a single colour - both times he dropped a colour was naturally and without death, and while he was yellow he only died once (falling down the elevator Impulse hadn’t finished making), and killed twice (Bdubs during the duel, and Tango as the final green sacrifice), which means they exactly evened out. This means he’s also the only person to have over 50% of his time in a single colour, and he is only one of two people to spend the greatest percentage of time in yellow rather than green.
The data in order of time spent green:
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The data in order of time spent yellow:
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The data in order of time spent red:
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It’s fascinating that Martyn spent so long in red, though it makes sense - he was the third to fall red, and then won the whole thing. Impulse and Scott were the last to fall red (and indeed both accidentally became yellow again after everyone else was long red), so even though they survived as long as Martyn, they didn’t have nearly as much time on that final colour. 
Scar is also the only person in the top 7 (top half) of time spent red, who didn’t also make it to the top 7 of total time, which I also find interesting. Equally, this makes Scott the only top 7 total time person in the bottom 7 red time list... though he’s only red for ten fewer minutes than Impulse (lowest of the top 7 red time), so it’s less striking than Scar’s inclusion where he is.
There’s so much interesting to extract from this data, but I’ll leave this here for your perusal. If there’s anything else anyone would like to see graphed from my data, let me know!
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