#but I had to dress up..... it's not an anime convention if you don't go in costume
meownotgood · 2 years
I'm going to an anime convention this weekend for my work, my outfit came today ^^
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wispstalk · 4 months
Some writing advice for hunting, bc I see a lot of hunting scenes in fantasy that make me itch. More under the cut. Don't read if you're sensitive to blood-and-guts discussion or animal death.
Finding game:
- I don't hunt much these days bc I don't feel like getting my ass out of bed at shitfuck o'clock every weekend during the season. Which you have to do, because much of the time you come home empty-handed. Successful hunts come about when you're out there often.
- You don't really have to be a good tracker to hunt, but you do have to know the basics of your prey and you have to be able to interpret the landscape even if it's unfamiliar. It's less likely a tracker is looking for "bent blades of grass" or whatever and more likely they are noticing game trails, sheltered areas where nests and burrows are, a spot of thick vegetation which would indicate a water source.
- Scat and footprints are useful too ofc but to varying degrees. If I'm hunting deer it's just confirmation that they're in the area; more often I use knowledge of their habits to actually find them. If I were hunting something elusive and solitary like a cougar I would pay more attention to the tracks but that's also a reason people hunt with dogs!
Actually hunting:
- Bows are not the only hunting weapons, though would be most common in ur typical medieval fantasy type setting. Spears and lances, slings with stones, and clubs would also be used. And knives and swords but in this hunter's opinion, FUUUUCK that.
- Lung shot is a quick death. Heart shot and head shot too but that is much harder. Other shots might mean tracking a wounded animal as it runs away. This is where things like broken twigs/bent grass are especially telling, and ofc blood. Small game bleed out faster and won't get as far but you might spend quite a while running after an elk shot in the flank.
- This highly depends on the prey but hunting often involves more sitting around than people realize. I bring a small pad for my booty ass bc sometimes you'll spend hours in a strategic spot waiting for the game to pass by. Also hides (the shelter, not the skins) are a thing and most hunters would consider shelter-building an essential skill.
- Hunting seasons are not entirely a modern convention -- there are better times of year to find different animals. But there would be less concern, historically, about killing animals during the breeding season than we have today.
- Even when I was hunting regularly and more confident, I got a huge adrenaline spike EVERY time I had an animal in my sights.
Big game:
- A deer has a lot of meat on it and though it's not a bad thing to leave a carcass for scavengers, your party of two or three adventurers probably will not go to the trouble of hunting deer unless they have some nearby place to cache, preserve, or trade what they can't eat before it spoils. Are they leaving it behind or do they have some way to take full advantage of such a large kill?
- If your character gets a large game animal they're probably going to field dress it: deal with all the blood and guts on site, then quarter it so it can be packed back to the campsite or whatever. My dad is a big burly mutant man and he cannot carry a deer by himself. You can carry game on poles or horseback too but field dressing is pretty typical in a situation where u can't just fling it in the back of the truck and hang it at home.
- I grew up eating bear and when it comes up I'm often surprised how many people don't know that people hunt bear for meat. It's tasty imo, especially makes a good sausage
- I can hunt deer alone, though company is nice. I wouldn't attempt hunting something more dangerous by myself. Large animals especially are better taken down as a group effort. In the TES context for example it would be kind of insane to hunt horker alone. Not that some folks wouldn't try.
Small game:
- A character who subsists mostly on hunting is going to be eating a lot of small game. They are probably going to use traps and snares in addition to actually going out on hunts.
- Look up "rabbit starvation." Small game is often (but not always) lean and going without fat for a long time can cause serious health issues.
- I joke that you don't hunt turkey, you just go get one. Game birds are kind of stupid. I plan a deer hunt, but I have gone out and shot grouse on a whim.
- Draining blood, skinning, plucking, butchering, dealing with all the bones and guts, storage and preservation: pretty time consuming and involved. It's a good excuse for social activity.
- The moneyed classes likely would not process their kills themselves, unless they're doing some kinda randyll tarly masculinity flex for the symbolism. Kitchen staff or a local butcher would handle it.
- A good skinning knife is kinda wide and short. Some game knives have a rounded tip which keeps it from puncturing the skin in case of accidental slippage.
- Skinning is done with a light hand bc puncturing the digestive system means you've poisoned the meat. I will say it is less difficult than I expected it to be the first time I tried it.
- We don't eat a lot of offal in the US but a deer liver, for example, would be considered prime meat by many and eaten first. Bear, walrus, and seal liver contain toxic amounts of vitamin A and would be thrown away.
- I've been told every animal has enough brains to tan its own hide, but I think there are some exceptions. It's definitely true of deer and elk. With small animals like rabbits it's hardly worth the effort of getting the brains out and other things can be used but brain tanned leather is soooo soft and nice.
- Hides and pelts are useful and valuable and would be kept or traded if circumstances allowed. You can tightly roll a hide to keep it from drying out before tanning, or you can freeze it, basically indefinitely. You can also air dry it once scraped clean and soften it later, which is what fur hunters would most likely do for efficiency's sake. Tanning is also so so so fucking gross imo. Really slimy process, and tanneries REEK.
That's all I can think of for now and this is already hella long but the takeaway is that it is generally a pretty involved activity and more impactful on lifestyle than I usually see depicted. So there ya have it
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whenmemorydies · 9 days
90s alternative rock, masculinity and The Bear
This post by @bbythurs got me thinking about The Bear's soundtrack, specifically its use of 90s alternative rock. Some thoughts below.
Chris Storer and I are very close in age, and going by the soundtrack choices for The Bear, grew up listening to very similar music. I came to grunge a few years after its heyday but when I did, I quickly became obsessed with these (mostly) white boys singing frankly about things like domestic violence, sexual assault, drug use, and mental health issues, and who seemed to revel in challenging traditional masculinity. Their hair was often long but usually not overly styled (or washed for that matter), they sometimes wore dresses, lipstick and eyeliner on stage (but were decidedly unglam about it), and they scribbled "PRO CHOICE" on their bare arms during prime time television performances (shout out to Eddie Vedder).
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Kurt Cobain on the cover of The Face, September 1993.
Michael Stipe, who often played with gender in R.E.M.'s live shows, had also recently come out as queer (his words were, an "equal opportunity lech") during the promotional cycle for REM's Monster (the album featuring Sydcarmy's infamous "Strange Currencies"). Alternative rock in the 90s was full of folks who were challenging convention, including the necessity of traditional masculinity.
The irony is that so many of the people who listened to grunge were white guys who had no problem with traditional masculinity. These were the same guys who head-banged and dove in mosh pits to these songs but went home and beat on their partners, or perpetrated sexual assault while singing the lyrics to these songs. No one can control who consumes your art, even if some artists did try to (see Kurt Cobain's liner notes from Nirvana's Insecticide):
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In contrast, it seems like Chris Storer (thankfully) got the correct memo.
Ever since watching the first episode of The Bear, it was clear to me that this show has plenty to say about masculinity: how its performed and weaponised (2x06 Fishes is a master class in depicting this on film), how its subverted (think: Emmanuel and Pete but also Marcus and Chester), how those who don't conform to traditional masculine archetypes - in even the most innocuous way, like being artistic - can be isolated and picked off, including by those who might love them the most (see: Carmy's treatment by many in his family), and how those who do perform traditional masculinity to a T, can still be decimated in its wake (see: alpha-male Mikey).
Hearing tracks like Pearl Jam's "Animal" and "Come Back", REM's "Strange Currencies" and "Oh My Heart", Radiohead's "Let Down", and Nine Inch Nail's "The Day The World Went Away" used in The Bear is incredibly nostalgic for those of us who grew up with these artists. Their inclusion in the soundtrack is also incredibly intentional (like everything to do with this show). This is the music that Mikey was likely listening to growing up and that Carmy would have heard his brother playing. This is also undoubtedly the music that Storer grew up listening to as well.
I love that in a show about a man who is coming into his own after years of toxicity and abuse - much of which was targeted at Carmy because of how he performed (or didn't perform) masculinity - that reference is being paid to this genre. And if it was the case that this was the music Mikey was listening to and, perhaps even playing for Carmy when they were kids, that Carmy would be able to go back and re-listen to these artists now and know, that despite Mikey's demons and his own relationship with masculinity, that his brother always loved Carm, just as he was.
Author's note:
Also if there is a temporary (because it has to be fucking temporary, you hear me lol) Sydcarmy break up/parting of ways, I'm gonna need Storer and Calo to soundtrack it with Pearl Jam's "Black" (the MTV Unplugged performance). I'll need Eddie Vedder growling/screaming "WE BELONG TOGETHER" over a close up of Carmy's distraught face as Syd walks away. I'm going to need to hear,
I know someday you'll have a beautiful life/I know you will be a star/In somebody else's sky/But why, why, why can't it be/Can't it be mine?,
over the end credits please.
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Transfem Buggy anon here to drop a silly valentines idea-
1) don't worry too much about speeding through asks, sweetheart, you're doing fine. Take your time and do your thing at your own pace. Anyone has an issue with it? I'll fight em 😤
So imagine Buggy getting absolutely SMOTHERED in valentines days gifts - from friends, underlings, allies, secret admirers (she thinks they're all fake or lies), and her partners of the year.
She and Alvida do a Self Care Self Love event (maybe include Uta and Perona bc smth about them being so supportive of Buggy coming out as trans and just so easily slotting her in to girls night makes me soft).
Ritchie wears a special Valentine's Day bow, and he gives extra lion licks to his favorite people. He doesn't quite get the whole concept of HOLIDAYS beyond that it makes his humans so happy and silly and so he too is happy and silly. Lion loves.
Mohji and Cabaji, every year, make Buggy a gift for Valentine's. She gives them little gifts too, but theirs aren't conventional - they were there from the beginning, and so they've seen the best and worst of each other. They're besties your honor.
After Impel Down, Buggy wakes up on Valentine's to a MOUNTAIN of cards, candies, stuffed animals, flowers, and balloons. Maybe half of them are signed. It's a long ass affair to organize them.
When she starts dating Crocodile and Mihawk, they hadn't seen the Karai Bari Variant of Valentine's Day. Needless to say, when they wake up and walk with Buggy to get breakfast, they are both BLINDSIDED and BAMBOOZLED by this veritable TON of gifts. Buggy just sighs. "Guys. Really?"
"I can't eat all this. Okay, line up, I'm passing out candies at random. Consider this a treat before breakfast."
"I- ya know what, sure, whatever. I haven't had coffee yet. I don't feel like arguing."
Crocodile and Mihawk though are surprised when she offers them a soft smile and... two boxes? "Open them when you want to, boys, no rush."
She gets a delivery later on in the day, a crate with a blue rose painted on the top. She huffs. When asked, she shrugs it off. "Shanks is still being a damned sap."
He sends her presents as often as he can - with a relatively ser address for Karai Bari, she is more easily accessible, which makes him go a little overboard. In the crate are her favorite candies (ghost pepper flaked dark chocolates), soft stuffed animals, new clothes, a dress, flowers and silly trinkets. ((And maybe a little treasure map he made just for her)).
Buggy would give thoughtful gifts - smth for Croc's bananawani nursery or specialty cleaner for his jewelry, new seeds for Mihawk's garden he mentioned wanting once in passing or new cording to rebrand Yoru's hilt, etc.
She also ties her hair up on holidays, puts on an apron, and joins the cooks in the kitchens. Cooking is smth she's good at, if a tad embarrassed by, but baking if her favorite thing to do. It's like chemistry and showmanship mixed together, two of her most favorite things. Getting the chance to indulge in it is smth she rarely lets herself have, but she makes exceptions for certain days.
And if Mihawk and Croc, knowing this by that point, pooled together to get her her own supplies to indulge more freely in their shared space, away from prying or attentive eyes, well...
Valentines Day isn't exactly a cliche on their little handmade home, but the sentiment, the intention, the love is there.
((And if Buggy just so happens to send a few batches of Shanks' favorite cookies to him a week after the day, well, he'll treasure them!!!
Until he eats himself sick, that is.))
1) Thank you <333 That's really sweet 😭🧡
AND THIS IS ALL AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A bit late to Valentine's Day (sorry, really akjjddnjk) but I absolutely adore it. Buggy loves Valentine's Day and the thought of everybody getting her gifts and also enjoying the holiday on her island is so cute,,, Everything is perfect and tbh, after coming out as a woman is even better because she's finally able to do it as herself. I think she wanted to do it really bad when she was a kid.
Her crew is so silly,, And having a whole day with Perona and Alvida makes her feel so loved,, Crying and sobbing. Also, Crocodile and Mihawk aren't used to celebrating these things, so now that they're with her they're surprised by how much they enjoy it. Not the holiday itself because in general it's extremely annoying and they do not want to be there with all this drama-- But they do like seeing her happy and giving her gifts <333 Why have mafioso-looking boyfriends if they aren't going to shower you with gifts, you know? And also, they're losers for her, which makes it better.
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yourlilkaiju · 8 days
Here is the Reason Why I Am Not A Destiel Fan Anymore:
And the reasons I refuse to go back to being one:
So in retrospect, the SuperWhoLock fandom has been by and large a pretty big fandom that has been running a good while. I don't think it's stopped. I have always loved Doctor Who, as that- alongside the works of Mr.Henson and the brilliant creations from his creature shop, were my first introductions to all things weird and other worldly. Horror was another story. I will be more than happy to talk about that another day. So as time went on, in abouts the late summer/early fall of 2005, right before I turned 13, I was introduced to Supernatural. Starring Jared Padelecki and Jensen Ackles. The person I was watching it with was bouncing up and down, all excited because "Oh my gosh, it's so nice to see you watching something other than anime." (The cow.), and because it was nearing Halloween time and it was both of our favorite time of year for two very different reasons. This would end up being the start of my enjoyment of a long running series that had a good premise, but a very confusing story line after season five. (Sorry but it felt...skewed after that point. But I stayed loyal.) In any case, I eventually started shipping Destiel because of the constant queer baiting. Which didn't exactly, idk help the situation? And with that I ended up being a shipper for a good seven and a half, I repeat, SEVEN AND A HALF FUCKING YEARS. Hardly anyone sticks with a shop that long. (But being autistic you kind of stick with a lot of things for a long ass time. *Mumbles something about a certain one winged angel from the nineties*.)
My enjoyment of the ship came to a close when I was at a fantasy convention the spring of 2016. I was at one of the Double tree locations with an ex of mine and dressed up as a fae queen, laughing, having a good time and just having good conversations with the people at our table. I was with a troupe that my ex and I had started and we were initially responsible for acting out as "hosts" for the opening and closing for these events, and even "opening the portals to the realms" 🙄. When out of character we were still expected to be gracious hosts....well, more like I was. The man could get away with spilling a punch bowl over his head while mooning an entire audience, yet still somehow do no wrong. If I complained, or made a peep in my defense, the whole world would come crashing down. Even with some of the people we spent time with. And some of the people we spent time with were Destiel shippers who liked to bring strangers into our space without asking, or without any given warning or invitation. At that time, it'd been Supernatural fans who were not only Destiel shippers....but also Cockles fans.
[I am going to pause for a moment here because I feel the need to emphasize that shipping is fine. Shipping is a great way to escape reality for a period of time and even let loose the pent up need for some sort of intimacy in ones life, regardless of the type that is needed. But to allow it to interfere with reality, to force real people into seeing each other and actually make it so that it can't be left alone for years after? That's where there is an issue. And people who can't see that need to re-evaluate themselves and get some fucking help.]
There were few things that my ex and I agreed on, and one of them had been that uninvited guests had been a nono. However, the rules at play prevented me from saying anything while in costume. He had to dismiss the person. He had to tell them it was time to go and that "appreciated the travellers journey, however it was time for the court to take it's respite." . And yet he didn't. So as these people went on, our troupe laughed and carried on with the conversation. I did my best to segue into a different topic, and tried my hardest not to show discomfort. Because to do so would be breaking the rules. The uninvited guests went on....and on...and on. They ignored my attempts and ignored the fact that I had requested two glasses of wine and a white Russian. They carried on about how Destiel was technically canon, and how Jensen Ackles and Misha Collins were secretly dating behind the scenes. I looked for any reason I could to get the hell out of dodge. And I found my salvation when I found a friend of mine standing over by the bar.
"Pardon me, my dear..." I said, with a soft lilt in my voice. "As compelling as this conversation has been, I find that I have urgent business with a friend of the forest." As bewildered as my poor guest was, I immediately left before they could say anything more. I hated the conversation. I hated feeling trapped. It felt draining and honestly, going to my friend was the best decision I felt that I could make. And when I got to him, he mentioned that I looked like I needed help. And for a man like my ex to not say anything, he was a little disappointed.
Over the next few years, I ran into several more of these shippers at events that I'd helped run. I insisted that the rules be changed, and while he did not like it, he knew that I would not back down on the issue. The same people tried joining our gathering by one of our troupe members behest, and without warning. Upon recognizing me, they grew excited and hoped to continue the conversation from the last time they'd seen me.
"Why don't we talk about something else?" I groaned. I recalled the unpleasant experience I had with them last time as they hardly allowed a word in edgewise.
There was a long pause.
As if summoning a great storm, I was suddenly accused of being homophobic and told that I only played a queen because I whined and sobbed my way into it. And I stood there, allowing the insults to continue until they couldn't anymore. I figured it was just best to let them kick dirt at a statue and smile at them exhausting themselves.
I'm sure some of you may think me a horrible person fo this. I am sure some of you are thinking "why are you telling us this? There's no point."
Because some of you need to know the extent of how some fandoms and their shippers behave.
Back then Destiel and Cockles were as bad as LDS's. Now...well they're still just as bad. But twice as aggressive. And while I was one, I don't think I ever went that far. I would often ask things like "Aren't those two married?" When it came to the Cockles fans. Or say "I'm from way south Alabama and experienced ISA, please stop." To the Wincest shippers. Every single time I would say something like this, some would try to come directly for my throat. Literally. Hell, someone grabbed me by the hair once. All because I dared to disagree.
It's a fucking series.
With fictional characters.
Played by actors.
And all the special effects are done by the crew.
But some people can't seem to grasp that.
I refuse to entangle myself back in that sticky little web and I would rather watch it burn itself out. I would prefer to see it go up in flames as it gets rejected by the fandoms it tries to infect, JUST because it is politely disagreed with.
Because it doesn't leave people alone after being told no or receiving the sense that, maybe, a person is uncomfortable.
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oldguardleatherdog · 1 year
OLD MACDONALD BOUGHT THE FARM: "Barking and meowing" by students is being banned in a hysterical panic by another ignorant Florida school board. How long are we gonna put up with this insidious nonsense?
I've had it. These nutcases are about to regulate onomatopoeia in elementary school. Don't laugh - it's hiding something ominous, and it's deliberate.
First: If you're in the furry fandom - as I've been for 26 years (longer than the average fur has been alive these days) - TAKE THIS SHIT SERIOUSLY.
If they're actually banning K-12 school age kids from wearing anything animal-themed (yeah, it's that broad) and restricting the sounds they can utter for Christ's sake, you can be sure that the wild-eyed crazeballs chick who runs LibsOfTikTok and singlehandedly caused the wave of library closings over the mere existence of LGBTQ+ characters in books - to the extent that the State of Missouri legislature has defunded the entire statewide public library system! - already has her sights trained on Midwest FurFest, and the lunatics who closed down Boston Children's Hospital with bomb threats are already booking flights to bring the Nazis-with-guns to every furry convention in America by the end of this year, AND IF YOU DON'T GET WITH THE PROGRAM THEY'RE GOING TO BLOW YOUR oWo uWu ASSES OFF!
Enough dicking around, my fellow furballs. You know what to do.
Here's what I posted to Reddit last night - piss-poor metrics for my posts about the Wile E. Coyote anvils over our heads, but my groaners in the r/3amjokes and r/dadjokes subs get 35,000 views. Go figure.
In the meantime, read, heed, and reblog like your life depends on it, because it does:
You may laugh at first glance, or shake your head at "Florida again" - but it's a stalking horse for their next milestone: banning student behavior and appearance that to the MAGAs and right-wing nut jobs carries even a *hint* of LGBTQ+, and then - say it with me -
Identifying students who are mature enough to have come out as LGBTQ+ fully or in part (friends, family); those who are known to be "questioning" and on their way to coming out; those who are beginning to identify as other than heterosexual or show "tendencies" or "predelictions", and students too young to be self-aware in those ways but are seen as suspect by teachers and administrators - and then, gradually at first, then quickly and deliberately separating, isolating, and ultimately barring them from access to public education.
Kentucky has said it out loud just this week, clearly, plainly, with no room for ambiguity: "It's time to eliminate 'transes' from our schools."
If you're still on the fence about getting involved with activism and protests to put this movement down for good before it becomes too big to stop - and we still have time to stop it and crush it - do you think they'll stop after just banning kids?
You don't need to have psychic powers or a crystal ball to see what's heading our way. Soon.
You can choose to do nothing - or you can choose to act. One or the other. Simple, plain, clear.
Joni Mitchell once sang, "it all comes down to you," and she was right, of course, but if you listened closely, her meaning was clear then, and applies now - one choice will save you, the other will not.
Only one of these choices has the potential to turn the tide, the clearly visible, quickening, rising tide that's got crazy Jesus in its eyes and a list with your name on it.
I cannot choose for you, of course. No one can.
Last time I looked, this was still a free country.
But if you do not make the right choice - *you*, Constant Stranger, she sang - no one will be able to save you, or us. And the choice is upon us, sooner than we thought, and now.
Time to choose.
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silent-raven13 · 9 months
Cosplay Time!
Miles: I'm going with Ganke to another Anime Convention! -to his friends, Gwen and Pav being at his place- I want your guys feedback on my current costume!
Gwen nodded: Sure!
Miles happily went to the bathroom: I'll go change and you can tell me if it's good or not?
Pav: Oh yeah, fashion show! -he claps his hands happily-
Miles went off to change, then Hobie came through the window: Sorry, I'm late, mates. -he looks around to find Miles- Where's Miles?
Gwen pour herself a glass of soda in her cup: He's changing. He's gonna show us his cosplay outfit for the next convention he's going with Ganke.
Pav nodded hugging his stuffed Chopper pillow: Yeah! I bet it's another One Piece cosplay.
Gwen: Ohh, I wonder who he'll be?
Hobie sat on the window seat: Then I'll sit here and wait for him.
Miles: Here I come! -He burst through his room cosplaying as Nico Robin before the time skip, wearing her iconic purple outfit- What do you think? I'm doing a bit cross dressing this time!
Gwen and Pav gasps and awed: Whoooaaa, that outfit is cute!
Miles noticed his boyfriend: Hey bae! Like my outfit for Anime convention? -He smirks doing his posed-
Hobie had a nosebleed. Pav freaks out: Ahh, someone find a tissue!
Then Hobie got two tissues in his nostrils: You look amazing, luv. But you're going with Ganke? -he eyes his Sunflower wearing a short skirt, and revealing chest. All too damn sexy-
Miles posed: Yup! This is the one I'm going with on the first. Me and Ganke planned to do the whole One Piece gang this time! Since last time he did Luffy and I did Zoro!
Gwen asked: Wow, so are ya'll doing all of them?
Miles: Yup!
Pav: What made you wanna cross dress?
Miles: When you're a cosplayer, it's pretty common to dress up as a male or female character. Normally a lot of girls dressed up as boys for their BL ships. Sometimes there's femboys dressing up as cute popular anime girls. I wanted to give it a try! Also me Ganke were betting who would dress up as a girl and I lost, hehehe. -he rubs his neck-
Hobie's eyes darken being jealous: You and Ganke are going together... dressed like that?
Gwen sang: Somebody's jealous!
Miles pouts: Relax, Hobie. We're just cosplaying. Anyway, I got two other ideas. -he went out of the room to change to his other cosplay costumes-
Pav giggles: Miles looks cute! I wish I was bold enough to do that!
Hobie grew jealous: I would prefer if he wore something else.
Gwen giggles: Your just jealous because he's going with Ganke!
Hobie huffs.
Miles pop out wearing an Nami outfit: What do you guys think? I know the wig is cheap, but I met someone that can fix it for me. -He stood wearing Sami's outfit from the Enies Island Arc- I got this one for Nami but another one with her iconic red dress! Ganke is gonna dress up as Sanji.
Pav claps: Ohh, your going for that ship, huh?
Miles: We thought it was a good combo. Though, my thighs rub too much, I might need to wear some biker shorts.
Gwen giggles having a mischievous idea: Wow, you don't want the fans to see your panty shots? I heard a lot of dudes go around looking for cross dressing guys to capture them wearing sexy panties. -Hobie's body stood tensed-
Pav: Ew, people are gross.
Miles pouts: Well, I'm not dressing up to satisfy some weird fetish. I just want to dress up, it's an art form. Cosplaying is about being one with the character you love.
Gwen: Yeah, I get that, but if you wear biker shorts... those guys are gonna be pretty disappointed. -She said a bit persuasive- Imagine all those nerdy perverted weebs wanting their favorite character wearing sexy lace panty, and your just teasing them. They see your skirt and then flips it over to catch a glimpse. Hell, they might even harass you!
Hobie's eyes widen as he stood darkly: That's it. I'm going! -No one gets to fondle his Sunflower-
Miles blinks surprised: HUH! Your going? I thought you didn't like-
Hobie cut him off as he went up to face his boyfriend: No one gets to touch my Sunflower! -His eyes serious- I'm going.
Miles groans: Ohhh, I see. I can take care of myself!
Pav: Oh, I wanna go! I always want to go to a convention!
Gwen: Looks like there's no choice! -She smirks widely- We're going!
Miles: You guys don't even like anime conventions!
Hobie scoffs: So? I'll protect you! I highly doubt Ganke can.
Miles huffs: Fine! But All of you guys are cosplaying as One Piece characters, it's only fair!
Gwen smirks: Ha, I already started watching it so I know who I'm going to be.
Pav nodded: ME TOO!
-At the Anime convention-
Gwen smiles widely dressed as Yamato: Ha! This is gonna be fun! Wow, look at everyone dressing up. -She spotted people dressing up as the Spider Band-
Pavitr dressed up as Chopper: Wow, look at the huge balloon! This is so cool. This convention is different from Anime NYC!
Ganke fixes his glasses dressed up as Sanji: Heh, this convention is new, and much bigger than Anime NYC. Apparently, this one will have many special events and many sponsors.
Gayatri giggles dressed as Deer Mink: I feel so cute! Thanks for inviting me! -She looks at Miles as she wear her own multi-verse watch Hobie made for her-
Miles dressed up as Nico Robin in her purple cowgirl outfit wearing a sparkle purple cowgirl hat: No problem. Luckily I was able to hack and get more tickets without problems. I'm glad the outfit fits you.
Gayatri giggles: I feel cute! -She hugs Pav's arm- Cute couple!
Miles smiles at his boyfriend: What do you think, bae? You like your outfit?
Hobie stood wearing a muted green Kimono with three fake samurai swords dressing up as Zoro. His demeanor really pulled the look off even if he didn't have green short hair. His wicks still bouncy and free forming with light spray dye paint on the tips. HIs punker aesthetics remain on the outfit showing off his edgy style: Hmmm, I should've spray painted this robe.
Miles pouts: Bae, I made that costume! Don't ruin it! Besides, you already look so cool. Everyone is watching you since you enter. Heck, they are taking pictures! -He pointed as people were trying to take photos of Hobie in his Zoro costume- You pulled it off better than me!
One girl came up to Miles: Can we get a photo of you, Robin! You look so cute!
Miles saw his friends: You guys go on ahead! I'll pose a bit.
Gwen: Alright. Come on, guys! Pav wants to see the limited Edition Cat ears!
Pav: Yay! I want the pink one!
Hobie stood with his arms crossed until he noticed another group of people coming up to him: OMG! Can we get pictures! You look so badass!
Hobie: Fine!
Miles stood taking pictures being overwhelmed with so many. It's more people than last time. Cross dressing as Nico Robin had more of popularity that he didn't expect: Heh. Heh. -Nervously posing not sure how long to keep up. He was unaware of a guy behind him-
Hobie's spider sense tingling quickly looking over at a random guy about to get close to Miles: Huh! -His eyes widen-
Miles looks over his shoulder spotting Hobie quickly stopping a random pervert that was about to lift Miles' purple skirt up: Huh, Hobie?
The group gasps: Wow, he even move fast! Dude is actually Zoro!
Hobie tightly grab the guy's hand almost threatening to break it: I would think twice, if I were you, mate?
The guy stood scared and nervous by Hobie's dark glare. Miles turns around being in shock: Ew, what da fuck, man! -He became grossed out by the pervert-
The creep: Hey, let me go!
Miles tug on Hobie's sleeve: Don't hurt him, Hobie. He look like he learns his lesson. Let security handle him.
Hobie scowls: Fine. -he lets go of the creep once a security guard came to take the man away.-
Then the group went to the two to take photos. Miles posed with Hobie: Don't we make a cool duo! -He winks at his punk boyfriend- Do you like cosplaying? -His eyes sparkles knowing Hobie enjoys being Zoro-
Hobie blushes: No. -he lies-
Miles giggles: Awe, well too bad. I like it, it's so much fun cosplaying with you. -He was about to pose by himself until he felt Hobie's hand grabbing his own-
Hobie holds Miles' hand: I don't hate it as long I'm with you. -He let out a small smile at his Sunflower-
Miles smiles widely: I'm glad, bae. -The two hold hands as they continue their day at the convention.-
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sapphire-weapon · 3 months
my first fictional crush was goku at age maybe 6.
the first fanfiction i ever wrote was FF7. the second one was DBZ. the third was a crossover between them both. i was like. 8 or 9.
in 5th grade, i got in trouble in school for passing handwritten DBZ fanfiction back and forth with the boy who sat front of me in class, and my mom refused to yell at me for it because she was glad that i was doing something creative.
DBZ was one of the things that my brother and i actually did together as kids. we were never close because he's 6 years older than me, but i have distinct memories of coming home from school and he'd be waiting with the next 3 or 4 DBZ episodes he'd downloaded from the internet, japanese fansubbed in english because the english dub hadn't released past the frieza saga yet. so i knew how the series went before any of my friends did. he would also go to chinatown in NYC and come home with bootleg fansubbed VHS tapes of DBZ movies. this was like circa 1999-2001. i still have them at my mom's house.
before i knew that cosplay was a thing that people actually did, i went as pan from DBGT for halloween when i was 12.
when i did find out what cosplay was, i was too afraid to do it properly, so when i went to my first convention at 17 with a boyfriend who did not want to go with me but i made him go anyway (it was AnimeNEXT 2007), i threw together a closet cosplay of a genderbent mirai trunks. and i actually found the fucking picture i took of it in the bathroom at my mom's house.
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(that's the closest you're ever going to get to a proper face reveal btw lmao a 17 year old picture of me where you can see more of my tits than my face.)
i then went on to properly redo my pan cosplay, and i cosplayed chichi as well. took a picture at a con with a lil baby like 3 year old who was dressed up as goku. can't find it right now though.
in 2011, i went to anime boston with @feelboss and @theggning and drunkenly ran into sean schemmel (the english voice of goku) and somehow ended up on stage with him later that night, still wasted, at the hentai dubbing panel. faked an orgasm on stage for goku in front of about 200 people. my first fictional crush. probably the most iconic moment of my con-going days. i was 21.
the very first time i was able to use analysis of a character's arc to accurately predict their future portrayal in canon was mirai trunks. when his db super arc aired, i remember just being totally floored like, "i can't believe i actually called so much of this" -- especially considering the fact that DB never really had much of a reputation of being consistent.
i just have so many memories of staying up late with @godtier watching DB and shitposting and RPing bardock and raditz and trolling the fuck out of each other, and just
man DB was such a huge part of my life and just... felt like it was always there for me.
i don't normally mourn celebrity deaths, but i feel like i've spent the last 30 years of my life with akira toriyama. losing him hurts so much. it feels like the world has had a little bit of hope fade away from it. i have a headache from crying.
i know that i would always meme on you for forgetting your own characters, but... thank you, toriyama-san. for everything.
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porcelainerose · 6 months
please ignore this if my ask is too invading !!
hi cellophane! i really admire your style/aesthetic and i want to start dressing up similarly, but i was wondering what your experience is with wearing those pretty dresses/accessories in public? the only thing stopping me from dressing up like you is my fear of judgment and my parents' disapproval ;; if you don't mind sharing, how did you deal with judgmental and disapproving people? i would love to hear your advice on this <3
hello! merry christmas anonymous ♡ your question is very interesting and it makes me very happy to answer it, thank you very much for asking !
i wear lolita outside quite often, once or twice a week, it depends of the weather tbh but i wear it quite often and if i don't i wear an alt goth/j-fashion style (girly kei) and honestly...as i've been dressing like that, eccentricall, since i was fourteen, i don't pay attention to people anymore. and to be honest, most people will compliment you, lots of young people come up to me and say "i love your style!" or some older people tell me i look like really cute, that i'm very adorable...well, i never had bad experiences with lolita fashion.
for your parents, i don't know how old you are but i think you should impose yourself, if you feel that this style suits you, if you feel yourself and pretty in it, they'll understand, with time...i started lolita at a very young age, i loved this style from the age of 8 and from the age of 8 until i was 13-14 i used to talk to my mum about lolita! and then, i was allowed to go to my first anime/manga convention and i decided to do a "cosplay" (i pretended it was for a disguise... it was a gothic style dress) and then... i put it on when i went back to school and my mum saw me in it and thought i looked pretty. and she accepted that it was my style. she still has a hard time because she's afraid, even when i wear alt fashion, she's afraid someone will be mean to me or hurt me, but it never really happened !
i think that to get a more interesting opinion, i'd recommend that you ask this question to some of my friends (@fleureailee , @didonette , @nuzzle). they wear lolita more often than i do, and they're confronted with people's "bad" sides. BUT i want you to understand that it's YOUR style, and nothing and no-one should impose their vision of things on YOUR style. pick up lolita recommendations, ask for advice, but never let anyone make you believe that it's not your style certainly not people who dress badly.
have a nice day anonymous, sorry for the long reply :(♡
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signedmio · 4 months
I was waiting for an opening as I saw you had match ups available and would love to see who you'd put me with.
Preference for male characters from Hazbin Hotel
About me: You can call me Claire. I'm AFAB she/her, 5'3", panromantic demisexual. I'm Tim Burton pale, brown eyes, messy curly bob brown hair, glasses with glasses chains usually, chubby but strong, dress either romantic gothic feminine or butch cryptidcore, like no in between, never wear make up because sensory hell.
Some type of neurodivergent but not diagnosed specifically. I tend to know a little about a lot of things due to jumping from focus to focus. Queen of Dad jokes, rather blunt since I'm not subtle. Aside from English can speak Latin, some Gaelic, some Spanish, a little bit of Turkish/Arabic, Church Greek and Slavonic, and random phrases in Russian, German, and Italian. I'm ENFP, Ares cabin from PJO if that means anything.
I teach preschool, love children as they're so fun to be around and the possibilities they have ahead are wonderful. I also bake, sew, knit, read tons of books, collect rocks and other nature stuff, tend to the gardens, I sing in my choir, and like to listen to music. Not specific music genres that I care for, more vibes, but been into some Bauhaus lately, along with SJ Tucker and The Dead South.
My faith is important to me, I even am considering pursuing becoming a religious sister at a convent, like a nun.
I do love horror, romantic gothic poetry (Think Poe and the like), analog horror(DOAI, Mandela Catalogue), Dr. Who, bad b movies (think Redletter media level bad), animation in general, HB HH, stuff like that, I read everything and anything so long as the narrative is interesting or the subject is a hyperfixation of mine, such as Religions, Mythology, History relating to late Medieval to Elizabethan, textiles, fantasy, or speculative biology (like thought potato on youtube). I also do dress in character for the Renaissance Festival, people assume I work there as I have season passes for the last 5 years and attend all weekends from open to close.
I tend to be a sweet tooth, love any chocolate, baked goods with richness or chocolate flavors, drink lots of coffee, tea, sweet red wines, mead, rum based cocktails or dark malty beers if we're going alcohol, though I tend to be the driver if I'm going to party somewhere. My giving love language is touch and words, along with acts of service. My receiving love language is words, touch, and gift giving. I love to cook or make gifts for others, usually don't expect it in turn.
I'm loud, maternal, weirdly dark yet wholesome, and able to lift a toilet with my bare hands up two flights of stairs. I tend to talk either like a southern grandma or terminally online weirdo with random swears. When friends have a bad breakup I'm like do you want a hug or does someone have to die?
In relationships I can be very talkative, but also in a sense the less dominant partner. Like, I handle the day to day, but not great at organizing the dates, the stuff like that's more romantic. I'd hope my partner could handle that part. I'm also romantically easily flustered. Like squeaking and burning red in the face from genuine good flirting.
So hope you can find someone right for me, God Bless you dear.
hello claire!! i decided to pair your with…
Lucifer !!
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First of, he loves your love of kids, and let’s be real, he probably has a love of kids as well, as much as Charlie is an adult, he would probably eagerly introduce you to her after finding out this tidbit of info
Honestly, to him, you give off very strong, emotional support wifey vibes and honestly he is all in for it haha
Lucifer doesn’t mind that you can be very talkative, infact, he enjoys it.
He tries to make it fairly easy when it comes to planning dates for you, so most of the time, you both just stay in
Also, Luci is definitely someone who gets flustered easily, so you both just end up giddy and smiley at eachothers shy little flirty comments and it’s the most heart warming thing
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opinated-user · 7 months
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transcript of the clip LO posted: "some make the argument that star was meant to be this way because it's inspired by anime, but that's a statement that need qualifying. which anime? well, sailor moon obviously. but that sentiment is found on any of the other shows. anime is a pretty wide medium with many irons and many fires, but the phrase anime inspired always narrowed it in small niche and culturally embarassing side of it that even Japan doesn't like to be reminded of it" (source_not_found) "when someone says anime inspired they never say that they were inspired by hello kitty or hamtaro or that silly one where everyone is sharply dressed and ridiculously buffer" (an image of Jojo Adventures) "no, it's always this shit that no one in their right mind would be caught with."
the last part of the clip shows this:
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let me debunk this clip piece by piece. 1. you literally just said that SVTFOE is inspired by Sailor Moon, the anime that really popularized and cemented the magical girl genre for the public. although it wasn't the first one, it's the one everyone immediately associate whenever "magical girl" it's mentioned. to say that SVTOFE is inspired by Sailor Moon it's already saying that it has magical girl elements and many conventions of that genre baked into it. that's what it means. even the less knowlegeable people in anime will know what Sailor Moon is and if you tell them "this is inspired by Sailor Moon", they would know what it means. the fact that you insist that needs more "qualifying" and go on this completely incoherent rant talks more about your own ignorance than anything. "this show about a magical princess that comes from another dimension to earth in order to fight bad guys was inspired by this other show about another princess from another world that comes to earth to fight bad guys" is not a confusing statement at all, so i'm confused as to what you thought was necessary to "qualify" here? LO, when people say that your video are becoming worse because you lack structure and keep pulling words that don't end up connecting to any central idea, this clip is an example of what people mean. this whole rant was entirely unnecesary and it didn't help your point come across. any editor would have told you to either remove it entirely or worded it a lot different. by your response i can see that you think you were doing something there. i promise that you didn't.
2. LO, Japan is not embarassed by anime. i actually don't know from where you took that one. otakus were seen as embarassing because they were our equivalent of the incel stereotype that doesn't interact with people and lives indoors all day, but even that's changing. anime by itself was always part of the cultural expression of the country. they treat Evangelion like here in the west we treat Mickey Mouse, they plaster the images of those characters everywhere in the most populated areas. similar to how you have the "baby sister" you decided to romance in baldur's gate all over your tumblr, while trying to insist you don't have incestuous attraction to your younger sibling. but at least they don't do it to flaunt their incestuous attraction. you keep projecting this image of Japan being embarassed and annoyed by the existence of anime without any evidence or even an attempt to explain how that makes any sense. the anime industry is huge, it's one of the cultural products that Japan more profits with because they can export it to the rest of the world and the rest of the world wants more of it. in what planet does it make sense that they would be "embarassed" by something like that? 3. do you want to know why nobody ever says that something was inspired by hello kitty or hamtaro, LO? that's because Hello Kitty doesn't have an actual story. it's an cutesy aesthetic around a bunch of cute characters that a company made in order to sell cute merchandize. there was to my knowledge only one show made with Hello Kitty, but i believe none of that had anything to do with the official canon of the character. if you think about it, Hello Kitty is kinda like Barbie. it's a recognizable icon completely by itself. there can be stories made with it, but Hello Kitty will never go through a character development moment and will never change. she will always be just a cute kitty, just like Barbie can be whatever is the most convenient for Mattell in any given moment. as to Hamtaron, it was just a slice of life anime about cute animals. it was cute, indeed. but it didn't do anything new that thousands of other people weren't doing after or before with their own spins on it. here, a list of anime/manga that were exactly the same as Hamtaro without being directly inspired by it because nobody really invented the "slice of life story through the perspective of a pet" genre. it took me one google search to find, there's more if you want to see. if you're so desperate for more content "like Hamtaro" it was always that easy to find. ... more so, again, what does this have to do with SVTFOE or literally any other show that isn't about cute animals being cute? about Jojo's Bizarre Adventure and nobody ever was inspired by it in the west... you have to be joking with that one.
here are videogames inspired by JJBA: https://www.thegamer.com/best-jojos-bizarre-adventure-video-game-references/#bayonetta
other manga and anime it inspired: https://www.cbr.com/jojo-bizarre-adventure-anime-manga-inspirations/
shows in the west that it inspired/have direct references to JJBA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gHhNUVtozKY one of the shows mentioned is Monkey Kid, which her wife watches. do you know why you don't hear that something wasn't inspired by this, LO? because nothing of the shows you watch had anything that could be inspired by JJBA or you wouldn't even understand the reference in the first place. one of the other shows that also had references was Amphibia... which LO refused to see because *checks notes* it had a plot.
4. the two things i circled in red are not even anime. they're games. the one with two girls hugging and looking up with fear is Rape Lay, a infamous game about raping underaged girls and their mother until you get them pregnant and they either kill you or you force them to have babies. the other one is Doki Doki Majo Shipan, a game whose main objective is that you have to undress and touch the bodies of different characters in order to find a "witch mark". many of those characters are underaged, but a few are adults and you play as a highscholer so it's still not better.
i just want to ask the following. why did you bring two games, two infamous games about touching or raping underaged bodies for that matter, when talking about SVTFOE at all? just why? what was the thought process here? how does this make your point any more clearer? how it does examplify better that "anime inspired" is bad when you don't even show anime and is instead games? anyone should seriously question why you brought this games up at all when talking about a show that was made by Disney. a show about a underaged magical princess of another world. why did your mind ever went to those games when talking about this? you just exposed, with no warning mind you, a bunch of your audience to these games to discover by themselves. you did that. and that was bad and you should feel bad about it.
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❄️Toxic Cosplayers: Frostplay❄️
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This is going to be a long-ass post, so get comfortable with your favorite drink and a snack. As for me, the tea is hot and I'm ready to spill.
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If you don't already know, this is Juliette, better known as Jacoby or Frostplay online. A band enthusiast, cosplayer, influencer, public figure, suicide prevention advocate, and YouTuber hailing from Southern California.
When I first saw Juliette, I assumed they were either Genderfluid or Trans in which they never stated until they made the post: "I'm a Girl!" after an Instagram account "exposed" her for wearing a binder. The account no longer exists because it was reported and deactivated.
I met Juliette at Anime Los Angeles years ago and she was very standoffish and rude to me seeing that I was also cosplaying the same character. I saw her again at ALA as Jack Frost and she asked me what happened to my leg noticing that I was in a knee brace and carried a crutch to lean on while I had my staff in my other hand.
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She wasn’t well-liked in the Jelsa community circa 2013-2015 because she used to fail to credit artists. I never really paid attention to their work because of that, and some things she did… she came across at times as if she thought she was actually Jack Frost, and therefore the authority. It was just a different vibe to others who can have fun but, end of the day you know they know they aren't Jack Frost or any other character.
Her YouTube seemed to have some blurred lines where they thought they were THE Jack Frost. There’s a difference between playing the part at a cosplay convention, or for kids, but end of the day, even the Disney face characters know they aren’t actually Cinderella or something.
Another thing that disappointed me. How can you cosplay Jack Frost and ignore children? That’s such a big part of him. He’s the one who gets the Guardians to reconnect with the kids. Jackson was entertaining the kids. Jack was there for the kids well before he was a guardian.
You might know, that Frostplay went to Disney and dressed as Jack to get those photos and videos with the Elsa face character. Disney face characters have to feign ignorance of things outside of their Disney universe, so putting her in a rough position and potentially causing issues for her at work -- all for internet clout.
So, the stuff about Juliette and the Elsa cosplayers is the tip of the iceberg. She went full Q Anon. She "came out" as cisgender and straight in an emotional video. She was pretending to be in love with them for about five years, so it's a whole fucked up thing.
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For a while, it was clear that her whole thing with Jack was some sort of coping mechanism for insecurity about who she was. She threw herself into the character so much that she dated two people at the time, both were Elsa cosplayers. So, it wasn't just one. She broke hearts and pushed people away.
There was a girl named Sofie before Alison. Sofie was from Florida and flew out here a time or two. I still think Juliette will one day accept that she's gender fluid or trans. Plus I know someone who told me that she once used a pseudo penis as a vessel to urinate through, sometimes. So, that adds to it. She's from a conservative area and that definitely influenced her. As for her being rude: she seemed to start gatekeeping the character.
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She got awfully jealous and upset that GuardianFrosty on Instagram had taken inspiration from her Royal Jack Frost cosplay. He was literally was driven off Instagram and deactivated his account a few years ago for months because of Frostplay and their friends/followers since they kept sending hate, and death threats if he ever showed up at any California convention.
Claiming a character is childish behavior. Cosplay who you want, when you want. If other people have issues, let that trash take itself out.
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pleaseholdfor5hours · 1 month
Random Middle School memories part 4
(Link to part 3)
School dress codes are put into order for a reason. At this age the children can still get easily distracted. The dress codes were fair, more fair then most schools, at least they didn't ban girls from wearing tank tops and were fair about most clothing choices for the students. The school mostly didn't like the students wearing hats, which was easy to follow.
But today Issac had no clue how to address whatever the heck Ikari was wearing today. Would he dress code Ikari? His clothing didn't break any of the rules but it was different than most normal clothing. Issac couldn't even recognize at Ikari first because he looked like someone else.
Ikari sat at his desk, wearing a black wig, some crazy cloak, and purple eye contacts. Issac normally doesn't stare but he couldn't stop starting at Ikari. He was so confused. Was the boy going through a identity crisis? Was this the start of early teenage rebellion? Well now he had to ask because he was a little worried for Ikari.
Issac went up to Ikari's desk, Ikari was busy drawing another anime girl in his notebook again. "Good morning, Ikari. The look seems interesting. What's with the sudden change?" Issac asked nicely, though he was worried on the inside.
Ikari looked up and smiled brightly. "Good morning! This is my cosplay, I'm Lelouch from Code Geass. Cool right? I made the cloak myself! Sure I may have pricked my fingers while sewing but it was so worth it." Ikari said proudly, flipping some of the hair of his wig.
Issac gave a slight sigh of relief, but now he was left with more questions. "Uh, what's a cosplay? Also who's Lelouch?" Issac asked which caused Ikari to gasp.
"You don't know who Lelouch is? Have you never watched Code Geass? Because you should watch it. Best anime as of right now by my standards. Lelouch is the main character, and he's super cool, so I decided to dress like him." Ikari then proceeded to almost go over the whole lore of Code Geass season 1 before Issac had to stop him.
"Woah woah, too much too much information. That doesn't answer my other question. What is a cosplay?" Issac asked again. Ikari gives a disappointed look.
"Old man, cosplay is where cool people like I, dress up in costumes of our favorite pop culture character. We mostly make these costumes ourselves and show them off at a anime conventions. Those places are also cool because you get to buy merch and see art as well." Ikari explained with the proud look still on his face.
It took Issac to process all of this. This what happens when Ikari is the first one to class before school starts in 40 minutes. He gets some 12 year old geeking out over anime, who is probably high on sugar and caffeine. Once Issac had finished processing the whole Code Geass lore he now had to process what Ikari meant by cosplay.
"So.... you dress up like fictional characters and go out like them?......" He asked, unsure if he was right. Ikari nods and gives a thumbs up.
"Bingo. It's for fun!" Issac thought about it before softly smiling and giving a nod.
"Well whatever makes you happy, kid. Just try not to come to school dressed like that all the time, other staff members might not be so lenient on the cloak thing. Also I might accidentally mark you absent since you're not Ikari, but Lelouch now." Issac chuckled as he went along with Ikari's little fun.
Ikari pouts a little. "What? You know it me. I'm not Lelouch, I just so happen to look like him. Don't mark me absent." He continued to pout while Issac laughed a little.
"I'm just messing with ya. Of course, I won't mark you absent." Ikari stopped pouting after that and chuckled as well. He seemed to relax.
The warning bell to hurry to class rang and other students start coming in. Issac goes back to his desk to start the lesson plan and Ikari goes back to doodling in his notebook. What a interesting little start to the morning.
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20dollarlolita · 1 year
Just a little coord dump
I don't post every lolita fashion coordinate that I wear here, so here's a few:
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I bought this JSK on Depop because it's boned and strapless, and I wanted to do a tutorial on how that works. Previous owner did some damage to it trying to wear it like a corset. Boning does not equal corset. Blouse: Baby | JSK+Bow: AATP | Shoes: Bodyline, all else offbrand.
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I made this skirt in 2016 and I've been looking for the best way to coord it ever since. The bottom tier is the art from the Legendary Hero opening of The Wind Waker. Opted for the same tights+socks combo here, but not as fond of it. Bows: Handmade, Iris Garden, TJMaxx's baby section | Blouse: Innocent World | Overskirt: Neverland Lolita | Skirt: Handmade | Shoes: Bubble Cat | Ocarina necklace: STL Ocarina, all else offbrand.
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More images on my friend's Instagram.
As some of you know, Typewriting Squirrels was one of my dream dresses for a long while. Since I owned the JSK in two colorways, I decided to twin with my friend. Pictures of the two of us at the link above.
Blouse: Handmade | JSK: Meta | Shoes: Bodyline. I don't know where the other items are from, since my friend loaned me many of them.
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And here's a JSK I made myself a while ago. This one had a great moment where I was checking my tire pressure at the gas station, and someone calls out from their car with, "Do you need help?" and I hear from inside the car someone go, "Shut up, Steve! She's doing fine!"
JSK: Handmade (Manikin by Cosplay by McCall's) | Socks: Handmade | Shoes: Bubble Cat | Bow: BTSSB | Blouse: Bodyline
My tire pressure was totally okay. (Remember, kiddos in CA, gas stations are legally required to provide you with an air compressor and tire gauge, for free, as long as you bought gasoline at that station. You don't need to pay for the air. Just go inside and ask them to turn it on)
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There's something about old school that makes me feel the need to stare into the camera like I'm dead inside.
I'm trying really hard to figure out what angle this was taken from, because it's the opposite side of my kitchen from my normal shots. I think I stuck it in the ice maker in my fridge.
I really need to get some better pink hair accessories. I know that tote bags look better when they're not absolutely full, but I needed to take my utility apron somewhere, and this was the appropriate sized bag. At least this coord convinced me to buy some pink socks.
Headdress: From an anime convention | OP: AP | Bag: Baby | Socks: Handmade | Shoes: Bodyline
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zxphy · 1 year
🌧 Imagine Incel! Scaramouche x M! Reader.
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Tws/cws: Masc aligned reader, forced feminization, misogyny, incel behaviours, Scaramouche is his own warning, mentions of non con.
Sorry but this imagine is gonna be really shitty, I'm not a very good writer.
Smut written by a minor, dni if uncomfortable.
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Incel Scara! Complaining about how no "females" want to date him.
Incel Scara! Talking and complaining about low iq women and how he deserves to be in a relationship with a female but can't because all girls are the same or something.
Incel Scara! Being told to date a boy if he's so upset.
He ends up finding one of your selfies in a dicord server he mods. You look so CUTEE with your kitty gaming headset and your soft face, Scaramouche could almost mistake you for a female! He immediately sends you a dm and you both hit it off.
You got an instant role rank up and get bombarded with compliments and praise from Scaramouche, get invited to game nights and discord calls like "meetings".
Scaramouche continously spam pings you until you respond. Doesn't he understand that you have a life unlike him?
He'd 120% stalk your other social medias if he had access to them, (he does.) Through that, he learns that you have a girlfriend?? How come you get to have a girlfriend and he doesn't?! It's so unfair!! :(
Scaramouche finds that out that you're going to an anime con by yourself in the near future, luckily for him, he lives in that area.
He invites himself to hang out with you at the convention, not like you can say no! You don't have a say in the matter. He is joining you.
When Scara FINALLY meets you in person, you're in a cosplay of one of his favourite anime characters. He's absolutely fucking astonished. Ain't no WAY you're a guy. You've got such soft feminine curves, a pretty face and a thin waist, almost ANYONE would mistake you for a female.
How dare you be so deceptive. You must be put in your place.
On cue, you leave to go to the bathroom, and Scaramouche follows. Since no one is around, he forces himself in the stall with you and rapes you, "it's what you deserve" he said.
He some how manages to drag you to his stinky apartment after he's done, where you wake up in a completely different change of clothes. From your cosplay to a frilly dress and thigh highs!!
He tells you that you don't need to worry your silly little head about anything, all you need to do is be an obedient girlfriend.
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I'm sorry this is REALLY shitty and I have absolutely no fucking CLUE what I'm doing. 🏃🏾‍♂️
Welp, first post lmao
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zog-ma · 9 months
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Will Poulter x fem!reader
I usually describe the reader as a midsize woman. no age, no skin color. I hope you like it.
synopsis: Will was invited to a business party, the theme was history fashion, and you were also invited to animate as a historical re-enactor.
You arrive early with your car full of dresses, accessories, and all your stuff for dressing up. Your group of the historical rat was contacted for animated an event in London, You usually arrive first because your dress takes a long time to take on and take off, without talking about the hairdressing.
The assistant picks you up in the parking lot, you grab some storage things and follow the guy into a small hall at the bottom of the basement. The staff helps you transform the small room into a dressing room and install the small wardrobe, your friends come with their costumes a little later.
Usually, you have difficulty dressing yourself in your 19th century corset and your hoop skirt, you struggle to close the corset until one of your colleagues comes to help you and closes it with a very small bow. tight. You don't know how you're going to take it off at the end of the day. dress on, hair done and makeup done, and it's show time!
The ballroom is full of people and decorated in brown and beige tones. A few copper-colored balloons and party favors are scattered around the room, your job is to wander around the room and act like a sweet lady from another time.
After an hour and a break, you came back into the ballroom, smiling at everyone, your eyes meeting piercing blue ones. Here you see a lot of nice and pretty people, but this man was really handsome and tall. "How can a man be so tall?"
Wherever you were you had a very nice view of him, you can't stop looking at this guy. Was he in a group, friends or colleagues? handsomely dressed in an expensive suit, his blonde hair combed back. After a conversation, your eyes search for him but find neither his tall figure nor his group.
"Good morning, how are you doing?"
you turned around and there he was, smiling. you stay in character
“Hello sir, I hope you find a pleasant company this evening” a small smirk on his lips,
“Oh my God,” you think.
"That's a very nice dress you're wearing, not conventional but it suits you well. My name's Will by the way"
After a moment, which was too short for your taste, he went back to another group. Will was nice and a little too friendly for someone who just spoke to a member of staff.
But you couldn't stop the little butterflies from flying in your stomach. Is it real, did he really flirt with you like you think or is it just this stupid crush.
love at first sight?
You prefer to believe in small, kind conversations with a guest, it is better than believing in love with a stranger. you continue your service at night. knowing that you won't see Will again afterward, it was just a crush.
You were in the cheap locker room, your colleagues were out, and you were being allowed to undress in complete privacy. With just your jeans and corset on, you try to open the back of the corset but your knot is too tight. At the same time, the door opens suddenly, too quickly for you to cover yourself or stop the intruder.
"Oh shit! I'm sorry"
This voice.
“no, you can stay” you said, before he left.
Your mouth had spoken before your brain even understood what was happening. he turns towards you and closes the door, you feel the blush on your cheeks, you were intimidated by Will, and you thought you would never see him again
“I just wanted to ask if you want to come and have coffee with me?”
it was very sudden and unexpected.
“yes I would love to, on one condition: can you help me undo the knot in my corset?”
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