#but I know I’d destroy it if I kept trying to fix it
oracle-of-dream · 9 months
Regular Maintenance
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Minors DNI
Summary: Your car is been acting up, so badly to the point where you can’t put off going to get it fixed anymore. You’re forced to take your car to the only car shop you can afford and meet the handsome mechanic who’s willing to take a look at your problem.
Warnings: Pet names, Male reader, blowjob, cum swallowing, teasing
Word Count: 2.6k
Sitting on the couch, your stomach groaned and grumbled with hunger. You checked the clock. 10 pm… too early to try and sleep, not that your stomach would let you away way. Finally mustering the strength, you go check out the fridge and the pantry to find nothing to eat. Well, nothing that isn’t a 20-step plan and that was a no-go. Scoping up your phone and opening Ubereats, there somehow were no drivers delivering at this hour.
“Really? It’s not even midnight.” You huffed.
You looked at your car keys hanging on their hook by the garage. You knew it was a risk, but starving wasn’t really an option. You’re parents said they’d take it to the shop for you, but it would take them three days before they’d be able to. Three whole days of not being able to come and go freely was torture. Especially when you were so hungry. You figured, one little drive couldn’t hurt. Just making a run you’ve made several times in your car, and you’re favorite place was right around the corner. You’ve made the drive a hundred times, and could even do it in the dead of night while blindfolded. There’s no way it would be destroyed or something.
You took your keys, opened the garage, and started the car. The dashboard blinked with the service engine light, warning you in a menacing orange hue. Don’t be stupid, just wait… You took a moment to really think if it was worth it. But your stomach reminded you how much you wanted to eat something. Starting at the driveway, you pulled onto the street and everything was smooth. Perfect even. You got to the drive-thru, ordered, paid, and got the food with no issues. But on the way back home. You had to eat, and just a bite couldn’t hurt. You looked away for just a moment to reach in the bag, and when you looked back… a giant pothole was in your path, too close for you to swerve out of the way of. You braced as you felt your car dip and slam into the pavement, your dashboard lit up in anger, and the car slowly came to a stop… You turned the key once, twice, and a third time before realizing what you’d done. You killed your car. It was too late at night to call your parents, they’d bite your head off if you told them you not only went out in the car but then hit the pothole too. You stepped out of your car and lifted the hood, staring hopelessly to see if there was some big sign to help you fix the car enough to get home.
After a few minutes of Google searching and sitting hopelessly next to your car, a sleek black sports car pulled up in front of your car and parked. A man with reddish hair stepped out, you couldn’t see his face very well which put you on guard.
“Hey, you stuck?” The man called.
You put your phone up to your ear like you were on the phone, “yeah, Mom! Thanks so much for coming to me so late, so you’re a few blocks away?” You emphasized the last few words as you walked toward the driver's seat of the car.
The man kept walking closer. “Excuse me, dude,” he jogged to catch you.
You got to the handle and pulled, but the door was locked. You let out an exasperated sigh as you could see your keys in your seat.
“Yikes. Locked out too, huh?” The man was right behind you. “If you want, I can help you.”
You turned to see a man in his early twenties with a leather jacket, a sleeveless white shirt, and black pants. His shirt had black stains on it, and he smelled like gasoline. “You know how to fix cars?”
He nodded. “It’s what I do, fixed her other there myself,” he said pointing at the car we drove. “So you need a hand, or do your parent have you taken care of?”
You awkwardly nodded. “I think they may not be able to fix this, so I’d really owe you if you could help me.”
The man put his hand out. “I’m Eric, you are?”
“Got it, so let’s get those keys first and then we can see what this little lady’s issue is.” He rubbed the hood of the car affectionately, like a dog he’d just met.
Eric went back to his car and opened the trunk to pull out a toolbelt and some other stuff. He slung the toolbelt across his body pulled a few pieces out and unlocked the door with ease. He then looked over the front of the car and looked over at the engine and other car guts. 
“It looks like something got knocked out of place. I can push it back in, but there’s some other stuff I wanna take a look at too. It could be dangerous driving it.” Eric put his tools back in his car. “So why don’t we go to my shop, I can get a better look at everything there and I think I have some spare parts that could work here.”
“You said it was dangerous for my car–”
He shook his head, “I’ll have it towed over. You can ride in my car with me. We’ll be in the car the whole time, so you don’t need to worry. I promise I won’t steal her, but I can’t promise about you…” 
You let his last sentence hang in the air as he looked at you for a reaction.
“I’m kidding, I’m sorry, that was a bad one.”
“No, no, it was fine! I just wasn’t expecting it.” 
Eric rubbed his jaw in embarrassment. “You can wait in my car while I call the tow truck if you want. It’ll probably take a few for it to get here.”
You didn’t want to sit in his car alone, but also you didn’t want to just stand there awkwardly. But then you remembered the whole reason you came out there in the first place. You went to your car and pulled out your bag of food. It was a little cold, but your stomach was begging for relief. You sat on the hood of your car while Eric called the tow truck, munching on your food.
Eric wrapped up the call and walked over to you, noticing you eating. “Let me have a bite,” Eric demanded.
You put yourself between him and the food. “Why should I?”
“Because I’m the one who’s helping you. That’s the least you could do… I’m so hungry.”
You begrudgingly handed him the food. Eric held your hand and lifted it to his mouth as he moved down to meet you halfway. His hands were rough and strong, almost squishing your hand in his. He didn’t ask for more after his bite, seemingly satisfied. 
The truck didn’t take long to arrive and hook your car up to the back. Eric got into his car, and you joined him, the smooth leather interior took your breath away. It was so clean and smelled so nice, it didn’t feel like Eric was the one who owned it at all.
It was a short and quiet drive to Eric’s place. You didn’t know what to say, not even thank you felt right at the moment. And every time you tried to muster the courage to speak, Eric would glance in your direction which made you look away shyly. 
The tow truck followed Eric’s car to the shop and your car was placed on a platform so it could be raised and Eric would look at it.
Eric took off his leather jacket, revealing his muscular arms. He worked on the car for maybe thirty minutes, giving you time to look around the place. It was cluttered and small. There were pictures of Eric in front of luxury cars with other people standing next to him, but one picture stuck out to you. It felt like a family photo, even though no one in the picture looked like Eric. It was Eric and nine other men, sitting at a table happily enjoying a night together.
“Find something?” Eric’s voice hummed in your ear, making you jump. He smiled as you turned around to him. He was covered in marks from oil, grease, and probably other stuff that you couldn’t tell.
“Did you finish?”
“Yep. It was a pretty simple fix for someone like me–some real old parts needed to go. So I got those all installed for you. She should be good to go.”
“Thank you so much!” You hugged Eric instinctively. “How much do I owe you for all this?”
Eric chucked. “Don’t worry about it! No charge this time, just promise you’ll come back.”
“Eric, please, I couldn’t just walk out like this. I’m not that kind of person.”
“How about a kiss then?” Eric raised an eyebrow at you.
You felt warm in your face. “I-I don’t know about all that–”
He sighed. “How about your number then?”
“No, I just meant–”
“Wow, no number or kiss? You’re playing hard to get, aren’t you?”
“I’m not–”
Eric stepped forward, making you stop talking. “How about. I take a kiss. And you give me your number?”
You didn’t know how to reply.
Eric let one hand pull you into him by your hair, and the other to cup your face. “One last chance to back off.”
You just close your eyes, feeling the rough skin of Eric’s hand on your face drop away as you feel his soft lips on yours. He moved his hand to the back of your neck, encouraging you to press more into him. You opened your mouth into the kiss, Eric didn’t miss a beat to slide his tongue into the gap and let your tongues finally meet. Gently he guided you backward until your back was against the way. You’re hands felt hot and numb, but still, you let them do whatever they wanted. You felt his neck, his back, his chest, and slowly moved down his torso.
Eric stopped your hands as they reached his belt. He stopped kissing you, letting you collect your breath. “Sorry, I just said a kiss. Anything below the belt requires a second visit.” He winked.
You felt dizzy from the kiss, your body tingled all over. You’d never been so forward with someone, so it was… different. Eric was different. 
“I took my kiss. Now, you wanna give me your number? Again, your choice.”
You fumbled your phone out of your pocket and gave it to him.
“You’re so cute, ya know?” Eric chuckled as he added his number to your phone and texted himself so he had your number. “Text me when you get back home. And don’t feel bad about calling me if you have any more car troubles… Or if you just miss me.”
You nodded, “I will.”
“Good boy. Now get home, it’s late.” Eric kissed you one more time on the cheek as he walked you to your car, opened the door, and sat you down in the driver’s seat.
You turned the key and the engine started with a happy purr. The engine light was gone, and you’d never felt your car start so smoothly before.
“Thank you, Eric.” You said again.
“You’re welcome, babe. Make sure to come to see me again, I’m not really a one-time kind of guy. And if I find out you went to some other garage to get your car looked at, you’ll break my heart.”
You nodded as you reversed out of Eric’s shop. He walked with you and watched you drive away. You could see him staring from your mirror until you turned the corner. Once you got home, you checked your messages.
“Home yet, prince?”
“Yeah. Good guess.”
“I know! I’m just that amazing. But you should sleep now.”
“I will. What about you?”
“I’m almost home now. I’ll be dreaming of you, so do the same and dream of me too, okay?”
“We haven’t even been on a date and we’ve kissed and we’re dreaming of each other?”
“So you will dream of me? You’re so amazing, and such an obedient boy too. I like that.”
You blushed. You could hear his voice teasing your ears as you read his message. “Shut up! I’m going to bed.”
“Good night, y/n. Sweet Angel.”
“Good night, weirdo.”
You stared at his last message. Your heart fluttered, imagining him calling you sweet angel. Your eyelids started feeling heavy. So you put your phone down and finally laid down to sleep. 
When you opened your eyes, you were lying in the back seat of Eric’s car. You could tell it was his from the smell. You sit up and realize you’re not alone. Eric was sitting next to you, your head was just resting on his leg…
“Waiting for me, Angel?” Eric unbuttoned the front button of his pants. His legs spread to make room, a smirk spreading across his lips. 
You crawled over to him. His hand immediately moved to receive you, holding the back of your head as he guided you to his cock that strained against his clothes. You hadn’t even touched him yet…
“I need you, baby. Be a good boy and help me?” He almost sang as he tossed his pants and underwear down. His cock stood proudly, pink and leaking. You lean down and gift him soft kisses around the head. “More…” Eric moaned, his eyes struggling to stay open as he watched his head disappear into your mouth. His legs jerked, threatening to close as the wet warmth around him.
“Jesus, keep going,” he groans as you take more into your mouth. His hips buck as you give him more, licking up the shaft slowly. His head is thrown back into the leather of the seat just as you go for the gold. You open your eyes and look up at him, his eyes sealed shut with his eyebrow scrunched and his forehead slightly wet. His mouth was hung open, breathing hard between grunts and moans. 
You moan in joy around him, making his breath hitch for a moment. 
“Let me drive for sec Angel.” Eric gripped your head in place, gently thrusting into your mouth before building up speed. You start to meet him in time with his thrusts, making his timing stutter and his back arching so much that he starts moving out of his seat. “I’m gonna lose it, you’re gonna suck it right out of me!” His hands move from your head to his neck and the headrest, holding on for dear life as his arms flex. “More! More! I’m right there, so close, sweet boy!”
The climax was enough to make him scream as his cum shot into your mouth, your tongue running wild all over him, swallowing everything he gave you. His legs squirm as you keep sucking, milking him for all he’s worth. “Oh god, please! Please, just–” Eric couldn’t even hold it together to speak.
You started to enjoy his begging, continuing to lick on his overstimulated member. “I’m begging, please!” You finally release him, making his whole body flop down into his seat as he heaved breaths to calm back down.
“I’m gonna get you back for that…” Eric groaned between breaths.
You were exhausted and ended up falling asleep on his bare thigh, listening to the rhythmic sound of his breathing
When you open your eyes, you’re in your bed again… Your phone is next to you.
“Angel, I had a pretty good dream about us.” Eric texted.
“I had a pretty good one too.”
“Oh? You did dream of me!? What did we do?”
You swallowed, thinking about your dream. “Maybe it would be better if I showed you…”
“Name a place and I’ll meet you there.”
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askengiecow · 23 days
“It ain’t that bad, to be honest it didn’t really feel like ya, felt like… well, It kinda felt like I was lookin’ after our kid.” Dell admitted, a small ache forming in his chest knowing that the child was gone, the device not destroyed but locked away with a few other devices he couldn’t bring himself to take apart or destroy.
“But it’s a good thing it wasn’t. Turns out I ain’t as cut out for being a Pop as I’d hoped.” he lamented with a laugh.
Putting his arms on Taurie’s shoulders as he sat sulking at his desk, Dell began to massage them. “Really though, I missed ya, this ya, dearly. Didn’t feel right with ya gone, so do ya think ya could maybe let me make it up to ya with a date tonight? Think yer gonna be happy with where I got in mind.” He cooed sweetly, voice packed with affection as he tried his best to coax Taurie into going and accepting his company after their fight over all the pictures he had taken of child Tauire being adorable. Dell’s refusal to let Tauire destroy them.
Sitting with a frown on his face, Taurie idly shuffled through a stack of paperwork that had been left on his desk, trying to think about anything but the apparently humiliating events of the past few days. He couldn't remember anything after walking down to respawn with the box of spare parts; a blessing in disguise perhaps, if Dell hadn't of been so eager to document his time as a child with enough photos to put his own mother to shame.
Though he had to admit.... it had been clever of Pyro to put him in that onesie. Horribly, embarrassingly, clever.
Aside from plenty of jokes and good natured teasing from his teammates once returned to normal it seems his secret had been kept.
Listening to Dell behind him the cowman snorted, glancing over his shoulder with a half smirk.
"Ain't cut out huh? Well, ya did keep me in one piece." No simple feat at the base, even without an infestation of man eating muffins. "But did ya have to take so many pictures?"
Turning back to his desk he pauses as (at least one) warm hands began to knead his shoulders. Groaning softly he closes his eyes and listens to Dell's sweet drawl. His Sugar quickly diluting his sour mood.
"You tryin' to butter me up?" He said with a click of his tongue. "Hmm... has been awhile since we went out together hasn't it?" Turning his head Taurie pushes his own goggles up to his forehead, fixing Dell with those familiar greens.
"Guess ah can be persuaded. Save me another evenin' of Scout's jokes. What sort of place ya got in mind?"
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TLT theory: Aim, Jod, and the second part of the message
My brain is fevered. I feel like I've constructed an elaborate Pepe Silvia corkboard in my mind, and it feels like it makes sense of everything, but I honestly have no clue if that certainty will last very long.
I think I know what the Messenger is carrying. I think I know why John has waited ten thousand years.
Spooky preview quote from HtN chapter 2:
I mastered Death, Harrowhark; I wish I’d done the smarter thing and mastered Time.
Spoilers for Gideon, Harrow, and Nona the Ninth.
BoE's chronology has always been kind of weird to me: Five thousand years after the Resurrection happens, they pop up with intense and detailed knowledge of the 21st century! Jod destroys languages and cultures and societies, but BoE keeps popping up! How.
Originally I thought the continuous thread over the years was a Lyctor who helped them (and the necromantic implant does seem to point that way) but I also think part of it is that the ships that escaped just before Earth's devastation have been showing up one by one, over a huge span of time. That's why Wake says "My long-dead natal sun" and can quote Eminem at length; she spent ten thousand years suspended in time, before re-entering it.
NtN, John 19:18:
They said they’d managed to find some poor dipshit geek who’d fixed the FTL problem of getting locked in the chrono well, you know, moving so fast you were stuck doing quantum wheelies. They’d come up with something where you could oscillate out so long as the ship was attuned to a prearranged spectrum outside. I still don’t understand the maths. It’s going to take me ten thousand years to understand it. I couldn’t follow, but A— could. He said immediately, What is the point if you still have no fucking clue where your ship is going to end up when you shake out of FTL. They said, Aha, but we can track it once it’s out. A— said, It could be halfway across the universe or phasing through a planet. They kept arguing that probably wouldn’t happen [...] They said it was expensive, so twelve ships would go first, with one guiding them out with the beacon frequencies like a tugboat leading a cruise liner, triangulate for Tau Ceti, dump the population, and come back.
I think that AIM's message is the beacon that will call the last of the FTL fleet out of the chrono well. They are "we", they are the first of two parts, because their identity is the person they were before coming the Messenger, and the ships that still haven't oscillated back into three-dimensional space yet, because they are under AIM's personal guardianship/intimately tied to possession of her body.
NtN, John 5:4
I think the only reason I haven’t done it already is that I can’t bear the idea that I wouldn’t be able to touch them—that they’d still be out there …
I think Jod has been at this for so long because he is waiting for an event that could literally take an infinite amount of time to occur. He hasn't killed the entire colonized population yet because he wants something out of them, and it doesn't seem to be labour or devotion or even thanergy.
I think he's looking for the fleet's beacon, in a way that's like lighting a grassfire to flush animals out of hiding and deprive them of shelter. I think he's constantly killing planets and relocating and resettling populations before funnelling them together again, like a distillery trying to heat and separate different liquids as they move from flask to flask, because he wants to finally decant the key to the last ships that escaped him.
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the great war
Theodore Nott xfem!reader
part of the midnights collection
December 31st, 1998
Dear Diary,
So much has happened, I don’t know where to start.
The past month has been eventful, to say the least. As far as the Horcrux hunt goes, the boys managed to destroy two of them, almost one month ago, and Hermione thinks they’ll be going to Hogwarts by the end of January. 
Hogwarts has been shut down, unofficially; classes have stopped and the only ones staying there are the teachers and the students who have nowhere else to go. Professor Lupin said that most of the muggleborns have fled the country with their families.
I worry about the boys going back there, especially now, it isn’t safe with Snape as Headmaster and the Carrows there. They shouldn’t be going there alone.
The attacks against muggleborns and muggles, are more frequent now than ever. There is a station on the radio, spreading news and updating the supporters of the Order.
From what we’ve been hearing, things aren’t going as well as we’d like them to. Moody says that, even if we destroy the Horcruxes and kill Voldemort, there will still be so many Death Eaters and werewolves left and they will try to continue his work.
Not to mention, the politicians who secretly support him. It just feels like no matter what we do, they will still keep appearing. So how will it ever end? 
You feel panic creeping up on you again, and you stop for a moment, laying your head on top of your desk, hoping that if you shut your eyes, you will forget everything for just a few seconds. But you don’t. Instead you decide to focus on something else and you continue writing.
Andromeda Black has been visiting us, her husband is also fighting and her daughter moved in with us. And, in case it wasn't clear, she is Dracos aunt. I think she wants to fix their relationship, Narcissa and Andromeda were close growing up and from the way she talks about her sister I can tell how much she misses her.
Draco is the only person tying her to her sister- and her old family. I am sure she is proud of him. Proud of all of them.
We, have also grown closer to them, it is ridiculous to think how every time I’d stumble across Pansy Parkinson at school, I would feel anxious over the things she would say to me, but now- now we laugh together almost every night.
We all sit together and talk about school and our past, but only about the good stuff. Pansy makes fun of Theo and Draco, and how difficult they were back at school. How Draco would constantly talk about Harry when they sat in their common room. 
She remembers how one time, Blaise invented a drinking game, where every time that Draco would mention Harry, they would take a shot of whatever alcohol they had. She woke up with a pounding headache the next morning next to Theo who looked sick and Blaise who had gone to the bathroom at least three times.
And worst of all, Draco was sober and kept on blabbering about quidditch and how unfair it was that “undisciplined-Potter” won almost at every game.
Pansy told us the other day that even if things go terribly and we all die, at least she made girl-friends and didn’t end up alone with a whiny Draco and a moody Theo- her words not mine.
Theo and I have also grown close this past month. After the last time I wrote you, he visited me in my room and asked if he could sleep here. I let him in and turned the rug by my bed into a mat. Anyway, he slept there that night, and the next one and everynight after that.
He says he doesn’t get nightmares anymore, he feels safe now; and he can fall sleep easier. And to be honest, I have also been sleeping better, ever since that night. It isn’t only easier for me to fall asleep, but when I wake up I feel safe, and I can calm down faster than when I am on my own. 
I didn’t realize how much I craved to be near someone until Theo started sleeping here, how easier it gets when you have someone by your side. 
He usually knocks on my door a few minutes before midnight, we lay in our beds and talk until one of us falls asleep. 
He is kind and funny, and if it weren’t for the War I could fall we could be more than housemates-who-can’t-sleep-by-themselves and-need-eachother. But, we could die at any moment and living in a fantasy will not help me; and neither will getting my hopes up over nothing. 
We spent Christmas morning together, we woke up very early, and those who were not on a mission were still asleep. He made us spiked-hot chocolate, and we exchanged Christmas stories, until the others woke up.
That morning he told me about his childhood and how he would spend Christmas with the Malfoys, because his father didn’t want him around.
He asked me about my childhood and I told him about visits at the Burrow, and that one year when I spent Christmas at Hogwarts; raiding the kitchen with the students who were also there; and then listening to Hagrid’s stories at night.
Last week, I think the day after Boxing Day, I heard him talking in his sleep. Usually, he is the one to wake me up, whenever I have a nightmare, but that day the opposite happened. 
He was thrashing in his sleep and mumbling words that I can’t remember, he told me once that he dreams of Blaises death. I woke him up and
You raise your head and look outside your window as you recall that night. 
You were on your knees next to him, desperately trying to wake him up. Tears were dropping on his cheek and he kept grunting as if he was in physical pain; you shook his shoulder hard enough that he woke with a deep sigh.
The look on his face haunts you to this day, it is something you never want to see again. You lightly grabbed his face and whispered “It was only a dream.”, but he didn’t seem to believe you. He looked at you in silence, and grabbed your wrist, willing you to stay there with him and not move.
After a few minutes, he let you go and whispered “I am sorry.”, you could have just gone back to your bed, he was fine, he had snapped out of it. But you felt something tugging at your chest, and you just couldn’t let go.
You grabbed your blanket from your bed and draped it over you, as you laid down at his makeshift bed. He was nervous at first, at how different this was, from your usual sleeping situation, but after a few seconds he laid next to you and guided you to rest your head on his shoulder, while he kept you close with his arms.
You slept in each others arms that night, but when the morning came you woke up alone with only his scent there to hug you.
You never spoke about that night, and you still pretend it never happened…
In a few hours it will be new years day. 1999. I feel numb, it almost doesn’t feel real. Time is moving and the world is changing, every day, but I feel stuck. I am stuck inside this house and in this war that no-one asked for.
I keep losing people and I can’t see how that is ever going to change. I just hope, wish, that the War ends this year, and the new millennia doesn’t start with violence and death. Is it selfish to also wish that I make it out alive, without losing anyone else that I love?
You hear a knock on your door and quickly hide your diary. “Come in.”, you say and the door opens to reveal Theo in his usual sweatshirt, holding his pillow with an apologetic smile.
It is the same look he has every night, he told you once that he feels awful for burdening you like this, and as he tried to leave your room you stopped him “I want you here, it helps me too.”, you explained and he laid back down.
“Hi.” You say softly and move to your bed. 
You both lay down, you on your bed and he in his; but you are both on your sides, facing eachother.
“Theo?”, you softly ask and he replies with a “mm”
“Do you think it will end?”
“The war or the world?”, he asks yawning
“Yes.” , he replies softly
“Which one?”
“Both.”, he says as he rests his head on his head and looks up at you “I just don’t know, which of the two, we’ll get to experience.”
“What will you do, if you survive the war?”, you ask, wanting to change the subject before a full blown existential crisis hits you, minutes before the new year.
“It depends.”, he says seriously 
“On what?”
“In your scenario, will you also have survived the war?”
“I hope so.”, you say with a laugh
“Well then, there is this house that I used to visit, with my parents, when my mother was still alive”, he quickly tells you “It is in the countryside and the healers said that it would be good for her health, to live away from the city.” 
“I would go there, and you should come with me.” He says and earns a surprised look form you
“You can see the stars from there, very clearly, because it is so far away from the city lights”, he begins describing in a way that tells you that, this house and perhaps the memories he has from there are significant to him.
“And it is by the coast, so you can sit by the beach and forget about anything that troubles you. And it has a huge library, with so many books, you would love it there.”, he finishes, and you can tell by his movements and the way his eyes stare into yours, that he is getting tired as each minute passes. 
“Mmm sounds nice.”, you reply slowly
“What about you?”, he asks then
“Hm, if I survive this war and you are still alive I’ll make you take me to that house, because now I am curious to see it.”, you say smiling, earning a smile back from him “You don’t go there anymore?” 
“No, my father couldn’t visit it; after my mother passed, it reminded him of her.”
“Do you remember her? Your mom?”, you wonder
“No, not really. I remember she was kind and quiet. Maybe it is better she died, I don’t think she would’ve survived this war.”, he says now with a hint of nostalgia in his words
“You never talk about your parents.”, he points out, not in an accusing manner, but curious.
“Yeah, I- miss them, too much. I- it hurts talking about them.”, you say and it is true.
Whenever you think of your parents questions are shot at you; Are they okay? Are they safe? Will I ever see them again? It is easier to try and forget about them; for now, until it is safe for them to be with you again.
“It is almost midnight.”, Theo says, snapping you out of your thoughts
“It is almost new year.”, you exclaim “Come here, for the countdown.”, you ask craving the feel of someone near you.
He lays on your bed, facing you still, and instinctively he grabs your hands in his as he looks at you; opening himself to you, letting his emotions and thoughts show. Letting you see them.
“Will you really take me to your lake house if we make it out alive?”, you ask half-jokingly
“It’s a beach house. And yes.”, he replies seriously 
“Then I will stay alive for that.”, you promise him. You will stay alive because the world is worth saving, you will stay alive because he gives you hope and something to look forward.
You will stay alive for yourself and the people you love, but also for him. The sound of fireworks snap you out of your thoughts.
The New Year has officially come. And the person you are spending this moment with is Theodore Nott, how could anyone ever prepare you for this moment?
What could they say to convince you that someday, you would lay in your bed with Theodore Nott, exchanging happy new year wishes and laying bare your souls to eachother. Exposing every dark thought and worry, opening your hands to receive the other persons concerns and fears.
“Happy new year.”, he tells you
“Happy new year.”, you wish back and look at his face more clearly now. You notice his eyes and how easily you can lose yourself in them, and you stare at his lips as if they are the medicine to cure your symptoms. Bring you back to life.
“Theo.”, you say; barely whispering 
“Yes.”, he replies in the same tone, now looking at you like he can read your thoughts. His eyes scan your face, expectantly, wanting. As if he is starved.
His look is enough for you to lean in and whisper to him, when your lips are a breath away “For good luck. For the New Year”
And with that you close the gap between you two. He slowly closes his eyes and grabs the back of your head carefully with his free hand, pulling you closer to him. You place your hand on his shoulder, resting your body on him.
The way his lips kiss yours feels like a drug. This alone, is worth fighting for. To be able to kiss him, like this. And it is solely because when you kiss eachother, it feels as if a weight is lifted off your chest, as if his hands help you carry the stone to top of the mountain.
Normally, you would blame yourself for being weak; you should be able to handle things by yourself, you shouldn’t need others to survive, that is what your mind would normally tell you, and yes normally you would agree. But there is nothing normal about this life you are currently living.
So you keep kissing him and when his mouth travels south to your neck, causing you to let out a small sigh you don’t stop him.
“For good luck.” he repeats as he takes off your shirt and kisses your skin.
“For good luck.” you repeat as you pepper kisses along his jaw and neck, while he tugs at your hips to remove the rest of your clothing.
And, later when you lay together with your clothes discarded on the floor, with his arms around you; holding you impossibly close to him and his breath fanning rhythmically in your ear, tickling you softly, you try to convince yourself that it was in fact just for good luck.
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A/N: feedback and criticism are appreciated and needed ⭐️🤍 This will be continued this has been poorly proofread so, I am deeply sorry for the mistakes 🫣
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slashers-and-rats · 1 year
ghostface x gn!reader | nsfw |
kinktober day 5: knifeplay
things for ol’ ghosty definitely hadn’t gone as planned. you could say he was in a bit of a pickle.
he felt a bit pathetic laying on the linoleum of a kitchen floor, your broad frame planted hard on his hips, keeping him firm and trapped. his own knife was pressed up against his fabric covered throat, bobbing at every hard swallow of saliva that was flooding in his mouth.
he was surprised you had it in you to get him down here. you were so soft looking, so pillowy and nice. over the phone you had been shy. when he had muttered those vile things, making cocky threats and purring out his plans to corrupt and destroy you, you had been practically gushing. he could hear it. the way your voice trembled as you bit back at him had felt like a giveaway. he had thought, for a second, that he had you understood.
obviously he didn’t. because if he did, he would’ve known that you would ambush him the second he entered this kitchen. he would’ve looked out for the pan that had thumped into the back of his head, and landed him on the floor. he wouldn’t have rolled over first, he would’ve grabbed his knife before you could, then he would’ve rolled over. but instead, you grabbed his trusty weapon, got him while he moved to his back, and wrangled him like a pig.
he felt stupid. he didn’t know if that was the right thing to be feeling. fear, maybe, would’ve been better, but something about the way you looked at him didn’t elicit that feeling.
you grazed your eyes up and down, going from the eyeholes of his mask, down to where your thighs trapped his arms at his sides. he had stopped trying to squirm out of your grasp long ago, chest still heaving from exertion. now he lay slack, panting in your grasp.
is this how other people felt? hm. that’s a new bit of reflection on his part.
he was snapped back to attention when you pressed the knife harder to his throat, tilting his chin up with it. he gasped, praying you didn’t hear it underneath the plastic of his mask. he hoped you didn’t see the way he stared at you through the dark mesh of his eyeholes. he didn’t want to admit that you understood him more than he did you.
“not so smug without the phone, i guess,” you muttered, almost like you were making a note of it to yourself. he felt himself go hot in the face, from anger or embarrassment he didn’t know.
“don’t have much room to talk right now…” he hissed, each word making the blade dig into his skin. “if you let me take over, i’d say everything you want to.”
you sucked your teeth and rolled your eyes. you looked frustrated, and he liked it. maybe, if he was lucky, you’d take it out on him before you ended this little game.
you pressed the tip of the knife into the underside of his jaw, barely pressing as you dragged it along the cloth of the mask. even through the material, he could feel the prick of the blade. he kept his baby sharp, after all.
“y’know, i think i can fix you.” you tapped the dagger against his cheek, smiling. it looked almost mischievous. he’d find it so cute, so alluring, if it wasn’t for the threat of serious violence looming over his head.
“emotionally?” he questioned.
“either that, or like a dog,” you purred, before plunging the knife down right next to his head. it thunked hard into the floor, the sound searing into his ear. he had flinched hard, his body bucking up into your hips. you giggled at the movement, almost like you were riding a bucking bronco. this was amusement for you, he could see it on your face.
wow, it made him hard.
he blinked a few times, feeling you lean down next to his face, towards where his ear would be under the mask. “what’s it gonna be?” you whispered, running your hands up his chest.
oh, boy… he bit his lip, sighing deeply at your touch. he wondered if you could feel his boner growing against you. he liked to think you did, and that it was only fuelling this sick entertainment you were getting from him. he knew he was playing right into your hands, and yet he wanted to. this must’ve been how his victims felt, except less… horny.
“answer me. i know you know how to talk, ghostface.” the last word was purred out. you were teasing him.
“i’d like to see you try and play therapist,” he said, trying to sound sardonic. he didn’t think it was working. he really did want to see what you would do. he hoped there was a reward system.
you picked the blade back up from beside his head, sitting up straight once again. you trailed the tip down his collarbone and over the middle of his chest, before hooking it into the middle of the cloth on his stomach. you poked just enough that it punctured the fabric, before slicing clean through his costume. he was lucky he had extras, because you created ribbons out of the upper part of his outfit.
each drag sent shivers down his spine. the sensations pooled in his stomach, and funnelled straight down to his cock. it twitched hard in his pants, right up against your warmth. you were so hot, so soft, so pillowy… he couldn’t help the throb of his cock. maybe it was the way the tables were turned, or maybe it was the lack of control that he usually had, but he had never felt so good in his fucking life. he felt helpless, confused, needy…
he could get used to this. maybe you’d fix him yet.
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
AITA for wanting to live, even though it means my ‘parent’ and twin will never be able to?
Hi! Sorry if I used the wrong terms to describe those relationships. I wasn’t really sure how to put it into words.
A very, very, very long time ago, I (??? M) was born in a strange way. My ‘parent,’ E (??? NB) was a cruel alien who was kidnapped and experimented on. One of these experiments went wrong and my ‘parent’ split in two, creating me and my twin.
I was apparently all of the goodness in E’s heart. Their love, joy, and compassion. I managed to escape the lab E was kept in and go on to live my own life. But my newly born twin, F (??? NB) wasn’t. I
Whereas I was all of E’s goodness, F was all of their misery. They were made of sadness, anger, resentment and misery. And even worse, they couldn’t live on their own. They had to depend on the lab they were trapped in as life support and were stuck there while I escaped.
I… probably should have come back for them, but I didn’t know what they or I really were at the time. It only all started to make sense later.
‘And so I lived. Without them. And I was happy. And while I did… they dreamed.
They began to use their powerful psychic energies to brainwash the native creatures of this planet (not the same ones who kidnapped us. They’d already left for another universe). They put these creatures to work. They had them find a way to create lots of energy to sustain them and even tried to kidnap me so we could ‘reunite.’
That was very, very scary for me. I didn’t fully understand what was going on or what I was. Just that scary creatures were trying to take me someplace I didn’t want to go. And so I ran.
But eventually, they caught me. They brought me back to the lab where they were kept and eventually made us whole again. ‘E’ was reborn.
But thankfully, a friend of mine came to rescue me. He defeated E and split us again— freeing me.
F (Who was still taking the form of E, but I think it was them, at least) was furious. They’d spent so much time waiting to be whole only for that to be ruined for them. They decided to do something drastic.
They opened up a portal and tried to throw my friend’s planet into the planet we were on— something that would have killed everyone on both planets if they succeeded!
But my friend was quick thinking, thankfully, and defeated them. He ate a truck and ran them over, killing them.
I thought our issues would be done after that. That I could relax and I’d never have to worry about turning into an evil world-destroying alien again— especially since all the creatures F brainwashed were now free.
But one of them… the leader of those creatures, L, was still missing. And his friends were really worried about him! Eventually we learned his body had been taken to a mysterious dream dimension and his soul had been shattered into pieces. We resolved to fix this.
This was, of course, the work of F. Although their body has died, their powerful mind lived on in a spirit dream dimension. They were trying to turn L into a new vessel for themself.
We ended up stopping them through a convoluted scenario in which I think we met the grim reaper? But although we saved L, F’s soul escaped, and they stole some energy from the aforementioned grim reaper to boot, allowing their soul to take on the form of E again, but even more powerful.
We tracked E/F down and defeated them once and for all— this time finally truly destroying their spirit. The last of their life flowed into me, and I was made whole again, albeit without anything about my personality or appearance changing. I stayed in control this time.
I’ve been wondering a lot since then— did I do the right thing? E and F were really nasty, but it doesn’t seem fair that I get to live while they didn’t. What did I do to deserve this? I wasn’t even the original. Why am I the one who gets to survive?
AITA for stealing their shot?
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i-hug-exploder-shanks · 3 months
Time is a Broken Mirror
Chapter 1 now up!
What would a Warmind wish for if he had the chance?
Resurrected as a Guardian, Rasputin ends up in the clutches of an Ahamkara before his first day is up.
His wish brings him back in time to face himself in a chance to fix his biggest regret but before he's ready to do that he first has to convince the Iron Lords to train him while racing the clock to get good enough before they leave to try to take SIVA from Site 6.
“I am not certain that I enjoy being an Exo more than being an AI locked in a bunker. The feeling of cold is very unpleasant. Can’t I have the option to turn it off?” A tall matte white exo complained as he hiked up the side of a mountain, heavy winter coat pulled tightly around him.
The ghost that was tucked into the hood of the coat grunted “I can’t turn you off when you annoy me. Deal with it. Part of being a person now Red,” and snuggled further into the coat. The Exo rolled his eyes but allowed the comment that might have at one point earned someone a great deal of pain.
“I do not think this is what Ana envisioned when she started playing music for me all those years ago. It certainly wasn’t something I ever calculated in any possible future,” He kept talking, mostly to distract himself from the blizzard they were fighting to get to the top. This would have been easier if he had stolen a ship.
“Never met her but from what I heard through the ghost rumor mill, which is very extensive, she would have flipped her lid if she had seen you. It’s probably for the best that dragon got to us first,” the ghost said basking in the heat being vented by the Exo with every breath.
“Perhaps. I doubt things will go better once we arrive if they realize who I am,” the new guardian sighed but he couldn’t fix things if they didn’t know he was attempting to do the fixing. He would have to reveal himself eventually and lying before that wouldn’t look good. He wasn’t sure what the best choice was and he didn’t have the same room in this mind for advanced calculations to try to compare both the way he could have before.
“Look, I’m just saying, we shouldn’t go in guns blazing on this one. You can be Red for a little while. Prove yourself. Make friends. Then let it come out after some time, once they like you more. Felwinter is a ghost killer. You have hunted him for years. I’d like to live a little longer, thank you very much,” The ghost grumbled and Red sighed.
“You’re right. I just… I need to learn all I can. This time’s me is less than pleased I accessed that bunker but I managed to disable his tracking on me and Siddar- Felwinter. Unless we access the panels or directly mark ourselves, Rasputin shouldn’t be able to find us.” He said feeling a little odd talking about himself when he was right there.
“And even if he does, you were able to gain control over some of the combat frames that tried to attack us. But I doubt a mental tug-o-war would go over well for long, you have the smaller brain now,” the ghost added oh so helpfully.
“I need to gain access to the seraph bunkers. If I can change the passcodes and take control it will limit his power so if- when- it comes to it, I can take control of the SIVA and prevent the carnage I once caused. But as I am now… I am, what did the Guardian call it? A new light? I do not know how best to control my body or abilities. So first we petition the Iron Lords and gain knowledge and skill, then we take control of the bunkers and weaken this time’s Rasputin, and finally I take control of the SIVA nanites and use them to help protect humanity like was originally intended by destroying the warsats and the other me completely. Remove myself from Xivu Arath’s sights before she even arrives,” He listed out the plan he had come up with once he realized where and when he was.
“Sounds so simple when you put it that way. Turn up here, you can’t see it in the storm but we’re approaching a watchtower. We should as for help to the Temple. I’ll say hidden.” The ghost said then vanished. Red vented out a huff of steam but dutifully went in the direction his ghost told him trusting the bot. He had seen though Felwinter’s memories how much Felspring had come to mean to him and he saw how Osiris had used to be with Sagira and how much he missed the ghost so he while they might not always agree, he was making an effort to trust and listen to the little drone.
“Who are you and what do you want?” A familiar voice startled Red and he was surprised to see Osiris float down in front of him, snow melting around the warlock’s slippered feet making Red sigh in jealousy of how warm he must be.
“My name is Red, I’m looking to petition the Iron Lords but currently I just want to get out of this blizzard.” He admitted honestly.
Osiris narrowed hs eyes but hummed, “Very well. I will escort you inside. This way,” He said and started down a path that was hard to make out as the wind shifted and picked up in intensity. Cold was starting to be his least favorite feeling so far.
Thankfully it only took a few more minutes before a pair of grand doors were swinging open to allow them both entry and Red sighed in relief at the warmth as he looked around curiously. He had seen the place through the scattered memories that he gained of Felwinter’s but it was different to see with his own eyes and he had to admit he was impressed.
Students milled about chatting with their peers, ghosts occasionally zipping past or hovering near their partners chatting with other ghosts. It felt like the place of learning it was meant to be and had a warm friendly feeling to it. Looking through some arches they passed he jumped a little at a huge wave of solar energy that was blasted through the courtyard followed sharp stinging arc energy along the ground and a orb of void humming through the air. Osiris thankfully slowed to let him watch the show.
“That’s just new lights, testing their limits. If you think that’s impressive wait until you see someone with experience take the field,” Osiris scoffed and Red did his best to hide the way his face twitched wanting to shift toward a smile. Some things were eternal it seemed, like Osiris’ ego.
“I’m guessing you are not a new light?” He asked and Osiris grinned at him, eyes taking on a gold sheen.
“I am not, although I am not an Iron Lord either. I am training under Lord Felwinter. We will see if any of the Iron Lords accept you as a student. I have to admit, Exos are not common around here. There’s only a handful I’ve seen besides Lord Felwinter himself. Where were you raised?” He asked tilting his head before starting to walk again and Rasputin considered the question. The less he lied the better.
“I will tell you if you spar with me and win. If I win, then you will not complain if I petition Lord Felwinter to train me too.” He bargained while his ghost screamed at him internally. He was protected here by the Iron Decree unless he did something to break it himself.
Osiris grinned at him with teeth. “Counter offer, I get to ask you any questions I want for five minutes if I win and you must answer truthfully.” He said and Red nodded holding out his hand.
“Deal.” He agreed and Osiris shook it before marching out onto the field.
“CLEAR OUT! I NEED SPACE!” He shouted and the new lights fled like a flock of birds away from a rabid dog. Red dutifully followed him out and stood on the opposite side of the field. His main advantage was experience watching a much older, wiser Osiris fight as well as his Exo body being more durable than Osiris’ softer human body.
“You are an idiot! He’s going to wipe you off the face of the earth while cackling manically!” his ghost hissed at him mentally.
“Be quiet, I need to focus.” He said and drew on Felwinter’s memories that he had retained as Osiris finally finished clearing the field and took his place. The Warlock immediately set himself ablaze and launched himself up into the air to rain fire down over Red who didn’t bother trying to dodge knowing it would be useless. Instead he drew the void around him like a protective cloak and let the fire fizz off of it causing the field to fill with steam and smoke.
When Osiris touched back down with a smirk that suggested he thought he already won, Red jumped and slammed down on him with all the force of a falling warsat crushing him like a little bug. Stepping back as Sagira appeared Red looked at his hands and the blood coating it with a sick feeling in his stomach. That was something he was definitely going to have to get over if he planned on fighting. He couldn’t get queasy over blood, especially blood that didn’t matter since Osiris was already brought back and grumbling at the cheering crowds around the field they were in.
“Best of three?” Red offered and Osiris snorted.
“Another time. I should have known better than to get cocky but I won’t make that mistake again. However, I am a man of my word. Come, I will take you to Lord Felwinter and let him decide whether or not to take you on,” He said and Red huffed realizing Osiris planned to take him covered in blood looking like some sort of barbarian. The Warlock was clever but so was Red.
With a shimmer of light his ghost changed out his gear and cleaned him up. He would be colder in the more simple clothing if he had to go outside but while in the temple it would at least keep him from looking a mess. Osiris tilted his head slightly clearly not expecting him to have had a change of clothes already.
“You’re oddly prepared for a new light.” Osiris said and Red shrugged.
“It took a while to get here and I wasn’t going to stay in filthy clothes the whole time. Plus as soon as I woke up some asshole started attacking me. You get good at protecting yourself when you have no other choice,” He said mostly because it made his ghost snicker internally at both hearing him cuss and insulting himself.
“And you won’t tell me where you were brought back or who attacked you?” He asked and Red shrugged.
“I never said that, but I’m not telling the story twice in the same day and I figure the Iron Lords would like to hear it.” He said and Osiris looked back at him with a considering glint in his eyes.
“Very well, wait here. I will go in and see if the Iron Lords can see you.” He said and slipped into a door. Red wanted to peek inside and try to hear what was said but he resisted the urge and folded his arms over his chest.
After a few minutes Osiris stepped out and held the door open waving him inside. Red let his eyes trace over the group gathered there picking out the Iron Lords he recognized. Saladin, Radegast, Perun, Skorri, Jolder and Felwinter were all there at moment with others he didn’t immediately recognize. He heard Jolder gasp when his eyes met hers and forced himself not to grimace and instead bow slightly.
“Hello, I am Red. I have come here to petition the Iron Lords for the chance to train here. I first woke up in a bunker of some sort and was attacked immediately upon waking by what I have come to know to be called combat frames. I managed to get to an adjoining room and lock them out using a console where my ghost managed to download some data before we escaped. We’ve been on the run since. I want to learn to defend myself and I would like to learn more about the bunkers. I heard rumors that there would be someone here that might be able to help me.” He said carefully letting his gaze flicker between the different Iron Lords before falling on Felwinter to try to judge his son’s reaction.
“Felwinter, look! You have a little brother! He’s got the same menacing glare you do!” Came a voice from the side that made Red jump and jerk his head to the side as Timur sauntered over to him grinning. His first instinct was to back up but that caused him to bump into Osiris who grabbed his arm in what could have been a friendly manner but Red knew was Osiris trapping him so he couldn’t escape Lord Timur who immediately started poking and prodding at his face. Red shoved down the urge to bite the eccentric warlock.
“Lord Timur, leave him alone. He’s debating biting you.” Felwinter said and Red looked at him startled worried maybe they had some sort of mental connection and Felwinter could read his thoughts.
“I can’t read your thoughts but I can read your face and I know what I would be debating doing in your place.” Felwiner said and Red half shuttered his eyes in a suspicious squint that had Timur laughing and even Osiris had an amused quirk to his lips.
“I will train you. Osiris can you find him a room near my observatory?” He asked and Osiris tilted his head in a slight bow.
“Of course.” He agreed and dragged Red out with him right as the arguing started. He let himself get dragged for a while before digging in his heels and jerking Osiris to a stop.
“Are you upset that he actually agreed to train me? I do not wish to cause strife.” He asked seriously and Osiris opened his mouth then shut it seeming to think about the answer.
“It will mean less time for me to spend with him which is something I enjoy but no. I am not upset he is going to train you. I am actually relieved. As much as I’d like to think I share much in common with him, there are definitely things that so far he has been alone in. I hope you can offer him a companion in ways that those of us not made of metal and synthskin can’t.” He told him after a moment and Red was surprised by the show of sincerity.
“I will endeavor to be both a good student and help how I can. I would like to have friends.” He said and Osiris nodded.
“Well be careful who you choose for that. As much as we might wish otherwise, the Iron Temple is filled with politics and you haven’t signed onto the popular side of things. Come on, we need to get you some toiletries and bedding from the quartermaster then I’ll show you the options for rooms.” He said and Red relaxed a little glad he hadn’t pissed the Phoenix of the Dark Ages off already. He was sure there would be time for that later. 
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iamskadhi · 3 months
Story of a villain - Epilogue
Goodnight, Dabi stans.
I hope you're all fine because I'm fucking not since yesterday when I found MHA leaks about the finale of the hellish Todorokis. I'm not gonna rant about that (but Horikoshi, when I catch you Horikoshi) but I decided to post the epilogue since I wasn't that wrong about Dabi's ending... and yeah, it destroyed me, it's my fault for getting attached to psychotic characters but what's life without a little drama, am I right? Mmm... I don't have much to say, I had an extended version of the epilogue but I made up my mind, I think epilogues should be shorter than a normal chapter and go straight to the point (which is ending this fucking series) but I had this opened finale and I wanted to keep it that way because, well, I guess I'm a big masochist.
This has around +900 words, and I hope you like it.
Final part
“I can fix him.”
“Hana” I whispered.
“I’m serious, I can, just give me enough time and food and you’ll see, I can… at least like… before this… you know what I mean?”
I shook my head and she sighed. Three years passed since the great war ended in Japan, by now I had around 90% of my memories back, the other 10% was filled with things I wasn’t sure if they were real or just dreams that I had of him. I divorced Geten, and I gave my baby his father’s last name by reaching out the Todorokis. I didn’t want to be a part of their family though; I was just trying to hold onto the last glimpse of his existence in my life.
I touched the glass in front of me as if it was his face, he was dying after good three years tied to a bed, connected to bunch of machines to keep him alive; he was about to die, and I didn’t want to see him like this, but I had to say goodbye.
I didn’t bring our son Touya because I didn’t want him to meet him like this, but I asked Hana to come for emotional support. I took a deep breath and the machine started beeping a little faster.
“What’s that?” I asked terrified.
“It’s his heart rate, I think he’s waking up” Hana said and put her hand on my back.
My heart raced like crazy as he opened his eyes and stared back at us.
“I’ll give you a minute of privacy” Hana murmured and tried to walk away; she only gave two steps when he spoke to her:
“Hana, thank you.”
“Why are you thanking me, asshole?” she turned around with tears rolling down her face like a cascade. “I didn’t do anything for you, you kept yourself alive without my help, you tough shit.”
“You found her” he said, “thank you.”
She cleaned her face with the back of her hands.
“I told you I’d find her, didn’t I? If you would’ve stayed and helped me none of this would’ve happened, I’ll never forgive you!”
“Hana, how dare…?” I was going to reprimand her, but I saw in her eyes that she wasn’t serious. I sighed.
Hana sobbed a little too hard and continued to claim insane shit she’d never say if she wasn’t so hurt:
“Say goodbye and wait for us in the other side, alright? Don’t you dare reborn without us, you little bitch. I’ll be your sister next time, I’ll take better care of you two, I swear.”
“You talk too much” he said and tried to laugh.
“I’ll leave you alone already. We’ll meet again, Touya.”
I looked back at him and put my hands on the glass, I saw past his injuries and the devices; he was still the love of my life.
“I want to touch you” I told him, and his heart rate increased.
“I’m sorry.”
“I don’t know what to say” I admitted.
“Don’t say anything” he said, “just let me see you, your hair’s long now, did you erase your scars?”
I rolled my sleeves up to let him see my clear skin, Hana fixed most of it.
“You’re gorgeous” he whispered, but I heard him.
“I love you, Todoroki Touya.”
“I love you”
Despite the med’s forecast, he seemed fine for now, we had enough time to talk about us, about Touya, and even about his family. He wouldn’t die today, or at least not in front of me. At the end of the day, he told me to never come back, therefore I didn’t and just waited.
I waited for a call, a message or even a letter letting me know that it was over and that he passed away. I lost my appetite and track of time, lacked focus and desire to live, Hana said it was normal since meeting him again brought back some PTSD effects.
“I just want to be okay again” I told myself one night before falling asleep only to wake up in the middle of a deep sleep by my phone’s ringtone and Hana’s rushed steps, she opened the door dramatically as I put the phone on my ear and heard my heart shattering into a million pieces.
Hana sat by my side and hugged me gently.
“He… he said… I’m the love of his life” I bawled, “about a million times. What about my life? Hana, what’s going to happen with my life now?” I wanted to know but she didn’t have an answer, instead she held me tighter and patted my head.
The funeral was the easier part, coming back home with a vessel filled with his ashes felt like carrying the weight of the world. Our Touya was just a baby and didn’t measure reality the way I did, so every time he’d say: “good morning dad”, “good night, dad” or “I’m home, dad” to that vessel, my heart ache a little.
One day, when I arrived after work, Touya was playing in the living room and sneezed so hard he jumped, leaving a trace of blue flames behind and scared the hell out of me.
“Touya?!” I yelled.
“Mom?!” he echoed, he was nowhere to be found, I checked every room. “Mom, I don’t see you.”
Then he screamed terrified, and I felt shivers down my spine, freaked me out.
“Touya, what happened?! What did you see?!”
“Holy shit” that wasn’t my son’s voice, that was a mature and raspy male voice, I ran back to the living room and saw him through some kind of portal. He was holding my son and stared back at me.
He didn’t have any burn marks, but he had some piercings and the same white hair and blue eyes as my son.
“What the fuck?!”
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thetinyadventurer · 22 days
These words kind of flooded my brain this morning and I thought I’d share them. Might make an AO3 account later and will post the full scene there. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
Setting: Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
Characters: These two adorkable OC’s. Lilia Sinclair and her friend Ash.
“Having bad things happen to you doesn’t make you a villain.” He said, his eyes softening. “It isn’t some god punishing you with divine retribution. Bad things happen, that’s just life… You were just young. You were learning; Finding your way in the world like the rest of us. You didn’t do anything wrong.”
He looked back down at me, the breeze delicately brushing a lock of white hair into his face. “Stop blaming yourself for what you didn’t know then and acknowledge that you’re trying to learn now.”
“Why are you being so nice to me?” I asked, frowning in confusion. “I’m an outsider. Even worse, I’m the child of someone who almost destroyed your entire civilization for money. How can you be so kind when I’m—”
Guilt choked at my throat causing my voice to break with a sob. The tears cut my words off before they could even leave my mouth. I stood there, frozen and unable to move towards him. I looked down at my dirt-crusted, worn leather boots. I couldn’t even look him in the eye. Shame forced my gaze downward towards the earth.
A long, tense silence fell between us.
I could already feel the divide between our two worlds— between us— growing by the minute. What was I doing trying to make friends with someone like him? He was a warrior; Brave, honest and above all, kind! He’d recognized my face— seen the similarities between my mother and I— and yet he’d still chosen to help me. This man was such a good person and I… My existence was a burden to everyone close to me; My Mother had given me up when I was born, my adoptive father had been cruel to me for as long as I could remember and my adoptive mother never protected me from him! I was damned from the moment I was born and this life was my punishment.
The soft sound of footsteps broke through the self-loathing haze I was in. Ash’s footfalls were quiet and slow as he approached— As if he were worried that he’d frighten me. I kept my eyes fixed on the ground even as I sensed him looming over me.
Then his large, calloused hands entered my view. Ash placed one finger underneath my chin. He tenderly lifted my head skywards until I was gazing directly into his ocean blue eyes. There was no malice in his cadence as his eyes met mine. A soft, sad smile crossed his lips as he spoke to me. His voice was gentle and low when he spoke but there was a firmness there, too, that encouraged me to heed his words.
“You are not them.” He said as he wiped a tear from my eyes. “Your choices are yours alone. The fact that you’re even acknowledging the past and the choices your Mother made are a testament to who you are as a person. You’re making an effort to be considerate and to listen to what I have to say. That alone tells me that you have a good, kind heart— Even if you don’t see it yourself.”
He brushed a hair out of my face and gave me an encouraging smile. “Now, come on! We’ve still got a whole city to see!”
I looked up after this man in wonder and bewilderment. Even though I didn’t believe them yet, his words had implanted themselves deep within my heart. Somehow, the weight in my chest didn’t feel so heavy anymore. I couldn’t help but smile back. I bounced on my tiptoes, excitement flooding my entire body, pulling a squeal from my lips.
“All right, let’s go!” I agreed and bounded after him.
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multi-fandom-peep · 5 months
Mini-AU(s) time!
What would’ve happened if it were one of the other hero’s stones that Big.M decided to keep?
By technicality, he could’ve picked any one of them to use as a weapon for a season. It just so happened that Careful’s stone was the only one left.
So first and foremost, let’s look at our source material!
When Careful’s stone is placed on a machine, it brings it back to life and gives it typically destructive abilities. There’s a trend among the machines; most of them are upset with something, mainly how they were used. Because of that… they all throw tantrums and destroy everything— unless the remote’s controlling them.
Our other four heroes were absolute idiots together. When Careful joined them at the end of season one, the heroes were fascinated by a new face. Technically his love of puzzle cubes stemmed from the gift the others gave him as a sort of "welcome to the group" thing? I think he'd still have the obsession if he were activated with everyone else so that it could still be played off for laughs. Just like Sweet's cooking, Careless's memory, or Smarts superiority complex.
So starting with our title character, what if his stone was kept? Sweet, Smart, Careless, and Careful’s stones were shot into space and landed on Star so that Doctor could fix them. I’d think that Careful is a bit more open than he’s written because he was born with the others instead of having to integrate a year later. (Side note, would that make Sweet the title character? I don't really know how that order was decided, especially since the earlier seasons- before the order was established- had her and Smart interchange. However, I think Smart would be a funnier main-main character because oh my god he's not wrong.)
So Happy. How would machines brought to life by his stone act? Well they’d still be upset with their lives, but instead of being mad about it, they’d try to fix their problems. This is Happy we’re talking about, though, so they’re destructive by accident.
Now, on the other side, heroes’ dynamic without Happy? Well, we’ve kind of already seen that, but this time we’ve got a much lighter tone. The dynamics they have with each other would be more clearly defined, such as Smart and Careful’s rivalry. I can't get the idea out of my head of Sweet and Careless being geek-out buddies and Smart and Careful's reactions being "...what," and "Just let them do it," respectively.
Last but not least, what happens when he joins them? Happy would be super excited and curious for the first few days. He is super energetic, and I think that would overwhelm our first four for a while. He would definitely be the most angsty about trying to fit in with the others, but he can't, simply because he wasn't born with them.
So Sweet. Without her the heroes would be entirely male.
… Yeah anyways
Sweet canonically represents kindness, so how would you turn that into a monster you could fight once an episode? Well, going off her other character traits, she is stubborn and not hard to imagine as a perfectionist. So each machine she'd bring to life would be a bit of a control freak, and it's up to the other heroes to convince them there's more than one solution to each problem.
Now, without Sweet, the other heroes' dynamics would be considerably different. The kiddos would be way more focused on fighting and protecting the city, as Sweet was the one with the most casual hobbies. Biases are something everyone has, so Doctor's trying his best, but I think he would raise the kiddos more like superheroes than children without Sweet to help him realize they're just kids.
Having her join them would be interesting. Again, I really hate the fact she's the only girl on the team, but at this point it's too late to change. I still think Happy would have a harder time adjusting, but Sweet definitely has her own struggles due to her gender. Whispers about her being weaker than the boys would definitely spring up quicker than season six.
Also. Sweet's cooking gag. It was kind of just established that she was horrible in canon, but here, everyone gets a nice slap to the face about how bad it is. However, it's also an opportunity to play it for a little more than comedy. I read somewhere, god knows where, that Sweet loves cooking because she loves the idea of making things for everyone. That's why nobody has the heart to tell her how bad she is; she's just trying to impress them.
Oh boy. If a machine influenced by Smart was brought to life and given powers, things would work pretty differently. Yes, Careful’s monsters were used to take over the planet, but the monster itself’s goal was simple revenge and distruction. If Smart’s thought they were wronged, their answer would be to make everyone bow down. Much more in line with Big M’s goal of taking over. But even the antagonists would occasionally go “dude, calm down.”
Honestly if the heroes were to be born without Smart I think they’d be less in touch with the planet? Like Smart was the one with all the connections. Sure, Careful has his popularity too, but he doesn’t like it. So the heroes would be a little less aware of what’s going on in the city, and creating a way for the citizens to call for help would probably be developed sooner.
Now, if Smart already has an inflated ego, imagine how much more insufferable he’d be if he had actual reason to believe that. He was born differently, he was special.
Y’know the old argument between the heroes about who was the leader? I just realized that without Smart, exactly 50% of the team would actually want to be lead. Rivalry between Happy and Sweet? Yes please. This would also make Smart fight even harder for that role once he joins because who would be more deserving to lead than the fated one?
Okay but the heroes are probably less willing to put up with all the self-centredness if he weren’t born with them. They’d likely just leave him alone when he starts acting all deluded. You know what that makes him? Lonely.
Y’know he’d be an interesting one. There’s more loose ideas bouncing around like how his monsters would probably get enraged when they think they’re losing like the second stage of a boss fight. That, and the monsters would be a little more generalized instead of having skill sets specific to them.
It’s funny, even though Careful was born with everyone else here, this world would still make him stick out, since without Careless, he’s the only calm one. Without Careless’s chill and laid back attitude, they would be a lot more hyperactive.
It’s already my headcanon that his memory is caused by the vehicle he bonded with being poorly made, but you know what I haven’t talked about yet? The crack that’s supposed to appear in episode 50. In the canon, it was forgotten and back to normal by the next episode, which is also what I assumed for the other AUs. But what if that crack was the reason Careless didn’t have powers? It doesn’t make sense, lore-wise, for the Energy Stone of tolerance to be powerless. Now, we can get a little more angst about it.
Adjusting to the other heroes would already be challenging, but the memory and lack of superpowers would make it extra hard for Careless, especially now that there is something objectively wrong with him. Here, he would learn to supplement that with mechanical weapons instead of it being automatically established. Sprinkle a little extra bonding with Doctor when he finds out one of the heroes is taking after him. Can’t be all angst now can we
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panicked-herb · 6 months
Critique of Fionna and Cake’s Season Finale
It’s been a good couple months since the Fionna and Cake series finale came out. At first it felt lackluster to me, then it felt extremely disappointing, then gradually I felt more and more meh about it. I could see what they were trying to do, but it kept bothering me how bad the finale was in comparison to the earlier episodes.
Now I finally have time to write out my thoughts about it and make it everyone else's problem.
Important note before I start: All of this is just my opinions on a TV-14 show. If you disagree, that’s great and I’d be interested to hear why. Just please be respectful. 
What I Liked
The animation and visual storytelling was great. I liked that at the bus stop, they initially had Simon place Betty on the step below him, but later had him place her next to him. Too bad the writing doesn’t back this up (more on that later). 
The voice acting was good. This isn’t my forte, so no comments besides that. 
Most of the jokes landed for me. Especially Pawn Swan. He was easily the best part of Cheers for me. 
I loved the Lich speech to Glob
Blue Shift is such a feel good song it almost made me like the ending.
What I Didn't Like
My second biggest issue with these episodes is how little catharsis there was. We got to see Fionna get upset and cry, but that was mostly because the Scarab was kicking everybody's ass. I wished we got to see Cake get upset about how people don’t see her for who she is. Or potentially exploring her fears of going back to being a normal cat. 
I especially wished we got to see Simon ugly cry. This man has been through an apocalypse, lost his sanity, lost the love of his life, been depressed for years, and is now trying to curse himself. Dude literally said he missed being the Ice King because he was so out of it most of the time he didn’t realize how messed up his life was. He felt like almost everybody preferred him when he was cursed. Then he finally sees GolBetty after years of searching for a way to cure her, only to fail. There should have been some waterworks going on. 
Generally, the pacing felt too slow for me. It made the episodes feel more like a second or third draft vs a finale result. The biggest offender to me was all the fights against the Scarab. Each individual battle was fine, but there were too many of them. We know the Scarab isn’t going to destroy their world in the end, so all the fights don’t do much besides look cool. Which would be fine, if they weren’t trying to make it emotionally impactful. 
This is relatively minor, but it bothers me that Casper and Nova are mostly in the episode Cheers when in basically all of the other episodes, the titular character(s) are the main focus for that episode. I think this could have been fixed, if they just cut back on the number of times they fight the Scarab. 
Pay Off
There were a lot of Chekov’s guns that either didn’t get fired or turned out to have only blanks (basically you could remove them from the story and it wouldn’t affect the plot much).
No Pay Off
Simon and Marceline’s phone call/ relationship: I know I wasn’t the only one hoping to see these two reunite after Simon tried to curse himself again. 
Dirt beet guys manuscript: This is minor, but I just feel like it would have been easy to fix. 
The time core: This is a classic case of Adventure Time world building, where they introduce a cool concept, but don’t do much with it. I don’t know what I wished they did with it. But I would have liked for them to do something.
Disappointing Pay Off
Cosmic entities that the Scarab imprisoned: Cake lets them go and they fight the Scarab. But that fight lasts for like a minute. We also see Kheirosiphon in the ending credits. But besides that, we don’t see much else. 
Everything in You song: The song is only used as a segway into the final flash back of Simon’s and Betty’s relationship. I’ll give it credit, the song is good and the scene is cute. However, you could remove it and there would be almost no effect. Considering Glob’s weakness is harmony (music), I really thought they were going to do something with it. 
Fionna’s top fantasy: Throughout the series, Fionna makes references to her dream fantasies (EX: castle made out of candy). We learn what her top fantasy is after their universe already becomes canon and they’re in their final (unnecessary) fight against the Scarab. Her top fantasy turns out to be turning into a giant woman. Ignoring the Totally Spies vibes that scene gives me, I think they really missed an opportunity to make this really sweet. In the final scene, instead of Fionna saying “Just a normal world.” She could have said something along the lines of, “This is my top fantasy”
Fionna and Cake turning things normal in other universes: Ignoring the Winter King, this plot point does almost nothing. Sure, Cake accidentally turns BMO into an alarm clock, but BMO was already dead. There’s also the Scarab’s speech, “All the worlds you've visited, all the people you've infected. Your little trip must have shown you the truth. It would be better for everyone if you were just gone.” But they themselves don’t ruin that many worlds. The only reason for them seriously thinking that is the Winter King. But he was a grade A asshole and removing his magic freed Princess Bubblegum from the madness he imposed on her. 
Casper and Nova
Before I start this section, there are two important things for me to mention
I should note that I've had over ten years to theorize about Simon and Betty. Naturally, I’ve probably forgotten some of my head cannons and character interpretations aren’t actually canon. Especially since we never really got much screen time for the two before Fionna and Cake. It also doesn’t help that Simon/ Ice King’s character arc hits close to home for personal reasons I’m not sharing in a tumblr post. But, it does mean that I’ve probably projected some of my feelings onto those characters at some point. 
I’ve never particularly liked how Betty’s been written. I wished she got more screen time in the original show and I STRONGLY dislike that they introduced the fact that she didn’t go on an expectation she was really excited about for a man she’s known for one day in one of the final episodes of the show. To me, it turned her character from an impulsive, headstrong woman who for all intents and purposes is stuck on an alien planet and the only person she knows who is still alive has magical dementia to a fucking manic pixie dream girl. She doesn’t need to have always been completely obsessed with Simon to explain why she’s going to desperate measures to save him. Once again, he’s the only person she knows in Ooo, but as the Ice King he’s basically a stranger. She also convinced him to give up his only chance to die as himself with the hope that she could save him. Finally, she loves him and doesn’t want him to suffer. 
Casper and Nova are pretty explicitly supposed to be narrative parallels to Simon and Betty and help show Simon the issues in their relationship. A lot of defense I’ve seen against criticism about this part of the story comes from a place of assuming the fandom is owo-ing the male character and doesn’t want to admit he has flaws. To be fair, it is a reasonable knee jerk reaction to have. Fandom has a LONG history of doing shit like this and villainizing women. But, at least in my case, this isn’t what's happening. 
Casper and Nova aren’t on equal footing because Nova keeps making unseen sacrifices for Casper and they always do things Caspers way. The moral that Simon is supposed to take from them is that he/ Casper should have realized how much Betty/ Nova was sacrificing for him all the time, stopped, and supported her. However, this isn’t the main issue Simon and Betty have. 
There are a total of two times where Simon does kind of stand to the side while Betty sacrifices herself:
The first trip planned to study petroglyphs in Australia: Simon jokingly offers Betty to go on his expedition with him. She accepts, which surprises him, and mentions offhandedly that she had another trip planned. Maybe he could have told her she could always go on another trip with him sometime else. But he could have just as easily assumed she wasn’t really interested in her original plan and if he asked if she was sure, it could come off as him telling her not to go.
The second trip planned to study petroglyphs in Australia: Simon stops Betty before she leaves for the bus and in the heat of the moment he says he always wants her by his side always. Betty still could have easily just given him his number and still go on her trip or they just agree to meet up later. Also, the show makes a point that Simon should have gone on the trip with her. I would like to note that Betty was planning to leave the day Simon realizes she has feelings for him. I don’t know how archeological expeditions exactly work, but joining so last second seems really rude to me. Also, he would have either needed to pack really quickly or bring nothing with him for a six month long trip. To add on, he won’t know what type of funding that trip was. For all he knew, it only had funds to send Betty over.
More often than not, we actually see Simon recognizing the sacrifices Betty is making and actively trying to stop her:
Betty time traveling into the future and away from basically everything she knows: Simon originally time travel calls her to apologize and tell her that he forgives her for leaving him as a way to allow her to move on. Betty chooses to jump through the portal. 
Dedicating herself to save him: Simon literally begged Betty to let him die rather than turning back into the Ice King. He only changes his mind after she begs him to give her a chance to save him. Everything she does afterwards, he’s either basically passed out or is cursed.
Merging with Glob: Simon begged Betty to forget the crown and escape Golb with him and Finn. Betty pushed him out of there and merged with Golb. Simon spent years trying to find a way to unfuse her with Golb. 
Not getting any acknowledgement for helping to find the Enchiridion: Simon wanted both of them to get credit. Betty told him that she wanted him to get all the credit. He awkwardly, but professionally, told her that she deserves the credit just as much as he does. She still turns down any acknowledgement. (I really don’t like this story beat because it could have been such a good chance to comment on how academia often discredits or ignores women)
We also have moments where they do things Betty’s way (or at the very least Betty does things her way) on their expedition together.
When crossing the river: Simon carefully walks across the rocks. Betty takes her shoes off and just walks through the river. Simon follows suit then slips and falls. I would just like to add that crossing a river without shoes on isn’t safe. It decreases trackson and increases your risk of cutting yourself in an open body of water. They should have just either dealt with the wet socks, brought a spare pair, or use water proof shoes.
When crossing an area full of snakes: Simon advises Betty to stick with the tried and true method for dealing with snakes. Betty decides to do the trick her mom taught her and runs through the area screaming. Simon doesn’t stop her. Instead once he sees that it’s working, he smiles.
As we see, with the exception of two instances (which could easily be changed without impacting the plot too much), Simon doesn’t need to learn the lesson that he should have supported Betty more and stopped her from sacrificing herself so much.
I think the bigger issue in Simon and Betty’s relationship is just how obsessed they are with each other. When the crown drives Simon insane and takes all his memories, the last thing Simon can remember is that he wants to marry his Princess. This leads him to literally kidnapping princesses. Betty time traveled 1000 years into the future after hearing Simon say he never saw her again after wearing the crown. In the process of trying to save him, she went mad herself. They’ve both spent years trying to save the other from and were willing to sacrifice themselves to do so (I’m fully convinced Simon didn’t have a plan for how to leave Golb’s dimension. I think the dude was just going to apologize to Betty then die).
Not Part of the Finale, But Still Bothers Me
Having Prismo be the one to actually write Fionna and Cake removes depth from Simon/ Ice King’s character. I liked how surprisingly good Fionna and Cake was and interpreted that as parts of Simon shining through. But they needed to have Fionna and Cake actually be real for the show, so they had Prismo make them. Instead of Prismo making them out of boredom, I think it would have been cool if he made them as a way to grieve Jake. Maybe after Jake died, Prismo turned to reading Fionna and Cake since his favorite person liked it and Cake’s basically a genderbent Jake. But, after reading everything the Ice King wrote he wanted more. Since he lives in the TIME ROOM, I don’t think it would be a stretch to allow him to interact with the timeline in weird ways (in fact I think we already saw this in the episode Is That You?). So, as a temporary solution Prismo made Fionna and Cake real and stores their universe in the Ice King’s head so he could get more stories out of them. Prismo meant to delete their world before the Ice King turned back into Simon, but he didn’t have the heart to. Also, they could have totally had Simon keep writing Fionna and Cake fanfiction like how he sometimes dresses up as Ice King. Except, this time, he writes them in his own modern day AU as a way to cope with how out of place he feels. 
Not part of this spin off, but it’s always irked me that Simon got to time travel to the past, but Betty didn’t. I get that Betty wanted to intentionally create a time paradox. But it still feels really hypocritical. Honestly, I think they should have just made Simon accidentally freeze her when he first puts on the crown. After Frost and Fire, when the Ice Kingdom got melted, have her thaw out and start researching ways to cure Simon. Then, during the episode she’s supposed to debut in, have her be the cause of Bella Noche. 
The finale had cool concepts, but it doesn't fully match up with everything that came before it.
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jenyifer · 11 months
Breaking Boston Pt2
Pt1 mew
im going to talk about episode 12 discussing all the ways they destroyed my favorite boy (so I can process heal) and how I’ll tell you guys how I’d fix things. This is the BostonRay part. I think Khaotung really tried to make it clear Ray doesn’t hate Boston but the dialogue holds his sympathy back. So if you don’t want to read me talking about Ray in a non flattering way don’t read
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Ray did feel guilty for what happened to Boston. I liked Khaotungs conflict great job as always. I won’t have BostonRay material if he wasn’t acting his ass off over and beyond.
Jenny’s fix: I wish that Cheum had revealed Atom’s lie here and it was a surprise to Ray and Mew. I want dialogue from Ray about how yes Bostons a dick but that’s no reason to throw his future away. That Ray doesn’t know what is going on with Boston but Ray is here for him like always. That ray is fucking sorry for believing atom’s lie.
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Boston apologizes to Ray while Ray acts like the high and mighty king of all he sees. Boston did need to apologize for filming RayMew. I don’t think he needed to apologize for exposing Ray’s crush on Mew to Sand. It was true. Boston didn’t deserve to be punched. Ray is always quick to violence throughout the series… it’s often played down but he’s a violent drunk. BUT Ray jokes with Boston a little then gets serious and LICKS MEWS ASS AGAIN BY SAYING WELL YOUR APOLOGY TO ME DOESNT MATTER EVERYTHING IS UP TO MEW. THE FUCK RAY. Ray is supposed to have changed right? Why can’t he think on his own independently? He’s still hooked on mew that fucking much?
Jenny’s fix: yes Boston should apologize but ray should apologize too. Ray did lots of terrible shit to Boston. Ray was Boston’s best friend. They were there for eachother and Ray abandoned all of that with 0 sympathy an apology is the least he could do. Maybe even a hug because Ray is a hugger.
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Ray pushes Boston about being alone without Nick. Likely Ray already knows that situation from Sand. So he knows how hurt Boston is. But he has to put Boston in his place below the floor. Even after Boston has apologized to him.
Jenny’s fix: if Ray is really Nick’s friend he would have said I think Nick is staying in tonight. Or Nick has been upset lately. Maybe if Ray’s apology to Boston had gone well maybe Sand could say Hey Boston why not try reaching out to Nick you never know. I think he’s alone on NYE
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Boston is left after Mew puts him down again. Boston had invited them to New York. Sand will say later Mew was savage to Boston. But ray says nothing.
Jenny’s fix: I want Ray to hug Boston goodbye. I want ray to tell Boston he’s his friend. I want him to tell Boston he trusts him. I want him to tell Boston to keep the couch open for him and sand. I want Sand to tell Boston even if he’s not around he and ray will take care of Nick. I want Sand to tell Boston to be careful with Nick he’s gone through a lot. I want Sand to tell Boston what he thinks of him good or bad. I want them to clasp hands before Boston goes to find Nick.
I love bostonRay I think it’s a shame Ray’s character had to be diminished to Mew’s brainless side kick. I also think Sand would have had opinions about Boston simply because Sand Loves Nick in a brotherly way. I don’t think he could have kept quiet for all these scenes. I want to read some good bostonray friendship fics. I’m still convinced they are childhood friends to first sexual experience to best friends. I wish that would have played in so bad you have no idea. But im happy Khaotung acted like Boston was important to Ray in any capacity.
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brooooswriting · 2 years
id like to request kate bishop x reader. they’re friends and kate comes to reader after getting injured and she is all worried and patches kate up and kate is wondering why she’s so worried and feelings are revealed and they get together and kiss and it’s just cute and fluffy (:
You and Kate have been friends for a while, you’ve been at nearly all of her archery events, you’ve been there when she destroyed the tower and you were the first person she called when she met Hawkeye. You, of course, were unbelievable happy for her, she now had a real chance of becoming an Avenger but you’ve never been more scared.
For you Kate was everything and the thought of her getting hurt killed you every night. But hey, you were just the best friend. All you could do was sit there and help her when she was hurt.
Which led to now. She sat on your couch with scratches and blood all over her face. Her suit was ripped at various places and even more blood soaked through the purple fabric turning it a dark brownish red color.
You tried to keep your tears in as you ran trough your flat to find your stuff. When you finally returned you had some tears running down your face but you continued nonetheless. You were dabbing her face with a cotton drenched in Disinfectant to clean the wound before putting band aid on it. “Now pull off your cloths so I can look at the rest of your wounds” your voice wasn’t even nearly stable as you helped her stand up. “What’s wrong y/n/n?” She asked as she pulled down the top of her suit revealing some deeper wounds. “Is that a freaking stab wound?!” You kinda screamed. “Wow calm down.. it’s not as bad as it looks ok? I’m fine” she tried to convince you as you got out some needles and other stuff to sew the wound.
“You’re Fine? You fucking need Stitches Kate!!! Stiches… You should be happy my parents force me to enroll in medicine!” You hissed while getting ready to do the stitches. “Y/n, I’m ok. What is the problem? Aren’t you happy that I’m an avenger? Or that I could at least be one? I fought some really bad guys today, they got Clint so I went to save him. It didn’t go as planned but you know what does go as planned? Nothing right?! So, and then I went…” Kate kept rambling on while you did your best not to hurt her.
“We’re all done, you should go take a shower. Have you eaten anything really today?” She mumbled a no making you shake your head and sigh. “Go shower” you demanded before walking into the kitchen. You quickly fixed some pasta and a drink before also getting some ice packs.
She came back down in sleepwear she always left at yours and wet hair. She looked as beautiful as ever to you even with all the bandaids and bruises in her face.
She settled on the couch as you gave her the food and her drink. “You really are a lifesaver. I wouldn’t know what I’d do without you” she said placing one of her hands on your thigh. You only mumbled a mhm staring into the distance.
“You should go to bed. I’ll take the couch” you said as you brought the plate in the kitchen and started to wash it. “What? That’s crazy. We always sleep in the same bed, why not now? I don’t like sleeping alone after stuff like that you know that… so what’s wrong that you don’t want to sleep in the same bed?” She asked concerned as she stood behind you. “I just don’t feel like it alright?” She nodded before making her way upstairs. What you didn’t see were the tears that were streaming down her face and her concerned look.
So here you were sleeping on your couch, well trying to sleep. Not only was the couch extremely uncomfortable but you also couldn’t really sleep without Kate after a mission like that. But you had to distance yourself if you wanted to survive this.
The archer also laid awake in your bed but soon decided that this was stupid. There was clearly something wrong so why wouldn’t you tell her? She decided to make her way downstairs to see if you were also awake. She approached the couch as quietly as she could until she saw that you’re awake.
“Hi, also can’t sleep huh?” She asked as she laid down behind you on the couch spooning you. You hated how it made your heart swoon and even more how you needed this. “Yeah…” it was barely a whisper as it left your mouth. “What is wrong? You’re hiding something and you shouldn’t. We always tell each other everything and I have the feeling that it’s hurting you. And even worse I have the feeling that it has something to do with me, so please just tell me. I can handle it. I promise.” You kept quiet first until she pressed her face into the back of your neck and pulled you even closer. You put your hand on top of the one that was on your waist before speaking. “Katie, it’s going to make things worse” you said stroking her hand. “No it will not. Just tell me. It hurts me to see you hurt” she insisted making you sigh.
“I hate to see you come here hurt every damn day. It hurts and I’m so damn scared. But I can’t say anything about it because I’m just your stupid best friend. I’m so scared that you’re going to get killed out there and I haven’t even had the chance to tell you how much I want to be with you! And so I’m sitting here every night hoping to see you in front of my door alive. It feels terrible. Especially because I know that you’ll be the greatest avenger ever, no matter what your stupid mom says, but it’s getting too much” you finally confessed and by now you were crying.
“Oh y/n why didn’t you tell me earlier? I can’t stop being me but I would very much like you as the girl I’ll come home to every night” she said which shocked you. The long pause scared Kate making her think that she misunderstood your whole monologue. “I mean only if that is what you want, I just thought you know, we like each other so this could be great. We do like each other right?”
“As Long as I’m the girl you’ll stay alive for in every mission that’s totally fine with me” you spoke out as you turned around to face her. “So you’re my girl now right?” She questioned nervously. She let out a ‘sweet’ which caused you to giggle. “Now kiss me you fool”
And oh boy, she did kiss you. She kissed you like no one has ever before. It wasn’t just a kiss it was a complete and signed love confession from the one and only Kate Bishop. “Clint is gonna be so happy about this” she grinned causing you to raise a questioning eyebrow. “The whole time I was only ever talking about you, the way you make me feel and how I want you to be mine. And now you finally are” she explained and kissed you again making you melt into her. “Only yours”
The next time Kate came home with way less injuries and Clint as she wanted her idol to meet the love of her life.
Kates life was finally going great, she didn’t need a supportive mom or a great college degree. She was going to be an avenger, she was friends with her role model and even more important she now had Y/n Y/l/n forever by her side.
I hope you have a great day :)
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fnafsbheadcanon · 3 months
- Confrontation -
Cassie: What are you doing here? Are you asking for a death wish?
Gregory: To help. I’m here to help you, please just hear me out-
Cassie: I don’t listen to traitors. Why did you abandon me? You promised you never would. You promised me!
Gregory: And I kept that promise, because it wasn’t me, I swear it wasn’t. I’d never abandon you, Cassie, never ever! I would never do anything to hurt you. It was that thing that crashed the elevator, you can’t trust him, he-
Cassie: Why didn’t you tell me where you were? YOU COULD’VE AVOIDED ALL OF THIS! But no, you made me go through so much pain, made me feel so stupid, so powerless, and then you left me to free-fall, you jerk! Do you have any idea how humiliated I feel? How hurt I am? How badly I want to do the same to you?
Gregory: …I know, and I’m sorry. I never wanted that for you! I never wanted any of this. We had no other choice, we couldn’t risk your life if you knew the truth.
I know I screwed up a lot, and I’m sorry for what happened. I wish I could’ve been there for you. I wish you’d never gotten that stupid message to begin with. I could stand here all day listing off what I could’ve done differently, but we had no idea you were in there until-
Cassie: Why do you keep making excuses for yourself?
Gregory: That’s not fair, I’m trying to explain myself! What else do you want me to say that could convince you?
Cassie: I just want my friend to comfort me, to be there for me, but I guess even that’s too much to ask for right? So you teamed up with a few strangers, and ended up leaving your best friend in the dark? Good for you! Did you get what you wanted? Did you get to play hero? I bet you think you’re my knight in shining armor, here to rescue me!
Gregory: That’s not what any of this is about and you know it! I’m …I’m sorry. I really am and I know-
Cassie: You apologize a lot, but do you even really mean it?
Gregory: …I-I get I lie a lot, like a lot a lot. But I’d never apologize unless I meant it, you… you know that. You know that better than anyone else! I’m not against you Cassie, the thing in the basement tricked us all. You’re not alone. He hurt me too. He hurt Vanessa, and the band, and your… your dad. He’s hurt a ton of innocent people, people that came before any of us! I want to change that-
Cassie: My… my dad?…. I don’t know what to believe anymore, but Mimic says I can’t trust you. I came into this Pizzaplex thinking I was gonna get my friend back, but turns out you were never my friend to begin with! I was so wrong about you. All you do is destroy, and I have to be the one to fix it. At least Mimic is trying to help me, something you clearly don’t know how to do!
Gregory: Do you really just see me as a bad person? That I haven’t suffered at all?
Cassie: Don’t even try to make this about yourself! I’m like this because of you. I can’t even say your name without feeling disgusted!
Wanna know something though? Roxy’s here too, you can’t see her, but she knows exactly where you are. Don’t worry, she doesn’t want her eyes back anymore, but she still wants to cheer you up! So I think it’s about time I fixed your mess. By getting rid of the main problem...
Gregory: C-Cassie?..
(I had to stop it here but dw they get a happy ending after this 👍 I think I just wrote an entire fanfic in this ask oops-)
Ohhh angst.
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eemoo1o-animoo · 2 years
Ramblings about season two (but mostly just Claude):
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(Tumblr kept messing and eating with this until it was completely destroyed because of the readmore doubling or tripling the open paragraph. Every time I tried fixing it, it kept gnawing up more and more until it was gone and I had to delete it. This is me rewriting everything back down from what I remember.)
Claude, whether he’s to be made the villain or a recurring character, being portrayed as pedophilic in the last few episodes just angers me a lot.
I call episode nine the ‘derailment’ so if you ever hear me say that you know why. I think it was either episode seven or eight that Claude had tasted Ciel’s blood and it’s just so sad because you can tell it was to try and get back on track with the “season exclusive” story they had on paper, after — in practice — setting up characters that could easily have been recurring (didn’t Yana say she originally want Alois in the Weston Arc?).
The writing is terrible. The time crunch was probably the primary reason for that, and it’s so obvious that they had to get back on track after straying away from the original storyline they’d intended.
If they had to make Claude pedophilic, then I’m an advocate for making it consistent as opposed to swatching it in at the last moment (aka. episode nine), especially just to make him the villain. And, if they weren’t originally going to, then we could have had a villain that wasn’t pedophilic.
There’s a theory (or perhaps it’s fact) about each episode being written by different writers / writing teams and when I’d heard that it crushed me. But, yeah, it tracks. It crushed me because I’d recently rewatched episode one and came across a scene I’d completely forgotten existed.
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That being this: soft Claude.
The general consensus for Claude is cold and unemotive (and perhaps even negligent, especially in contrast to Sebastian), but in each episode we get different characterisation choices diced in with both Claude and Alois.
But this… I’d completely forgotten it had existed (look at the face he makes), and while Claude has behaved flatly all episode, this sliver of compassion could have been recurring but it wasn’t. It only appears once and it’s so frustrating.
Claude could have also been a villain with this sliver of compassion for Alois (“Of course, highness. We’re companions – I’m not going anywhere.”), whether it turned into possessiveness or as a side-trait to his character.
The story was awful just to sandwich Sebastian and Ciel back in, and Alois and Claude in each episode got different low-key character traits or moments / dialogue that never appeared outside of that episode. (For example, in episode six Alois mentions twice or thrice about “punishing” Claude, although due to his previously set up admiration for Claude and his disdain for Hannah, not only does it seem unlikely for his character, but we’d also never seen Claude be punished or the act of punishing be mentioned again outside of that episode, both prior and after).
The scene in which Claude tastes Ciel’s blood just to completely change the directory of his character was so forced. I remember thinking when I’d first watched it how Ciel slapping Claude with his bloody hand (as well as Claude then licking it, after the brawl between the humans) and Ciel also ordering Claude to get away from him as to finish Alois (as if Claude would listen to him) was just so out of place and out of character for all involved.
You can’t even call that out of character for Claude (or anyone from season two) because they don’t even have a definitive character, just a “general consensus” from what the recurring character traits were throughout the season.
They’d used Claude as a scapegoat for the bad writing, to put their original idea back in the forefront as to wrap everything up as if to be like “We can still make this work” which, as we all know, they could not.
Claude deserved better characterisation. He could have been a pedophilic villain, as long as he’d been portrayed as that from the get-go (which he was absolutely not) or he could have been an apathetic deuteragonist, or even just an apathetic villain (caring or not caring for Alois aside).
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aita-blorbos · 4 months
AITA for bringing my dead friend back to life? (OCs)
I (22F) am a scientist researching magical biology, and recently my best friend A (??? genderless; geologist) and i were sent to set up a research base on a remote, uninhabited island.
At first, everything seemed to be going well- we’d set up all our tents and equipment, and were starting to map out the island- when i found this weird glowing crystal whispering to me. A agreed to let me take it back to our camp, but warned me not to mess with it too much. Which was silly! It’s just a rock, and A didn’t have any proof it might be dangerous.
For the next few weeks, I kept thinking about that crystal- if only I could learn more about it, I KNEW i could’ve shown A there was nothing to fear from it. So I split open one of the samples we brought back, and, long story short, I ended up with magical powers! I could control plants, make soil fertile, heal myself from anything- it was awesome! I could feel the whole island thrumming with life, and I was a part of all of it.
And at that point, A confronted me, saying I’d “gone too far” and was “messing with things I didn’t understand” and that my new powers were “destroying me.” Which is ridiculous, I was absolutely fine, and would know if I was being possessed by some rock I found in the woods. (Which I definitely wasn’t and am not, by the way.)
Clearly, A was just jealous of me, and wanted to bring me back down to the powerless nobody I was before- and I couldn’t let that happen. So we fought, but something weird happened- I had calmed down, but when A tried to get close, my powers reacted on their own and knocked peb away. i begged A to stay down, to get away, but peb kept getting back up and trying to reach me.
I don’t remember what happened next- my next memory is A’s dead body lying in front of me, clearly killed by my powers. So, I heroically resisted the urge to dissect peb’s corpse (which, i know, sounds REALLY BAD, but normally A’s species turn to solid stone when they die so we know nothing about their anatomy), because I knew I HAD to fix my mistake.
So I used my powers to encase A’s body with the crystal- it healed me, maybe it could fix A. Even if it meant going against pebs wishes and bringing A into the crystal’s hivemind (oh yeah, did I mention the hivemind?), I had to save my friend.
And I did! It worked! So I really don’t get what the big deal about all of this is.
The reason I think I might be TA is because for some reason, A’s really mad I resurrected peb. Like, I knew they might be a little unhappy about the whole being killed thing, but peb just keeps talking about how I “violated the cycle of life and death” and “I didn’t even want to be brought back” and “you turned me into an abomination!” or whatever. Like, wow, ungrateful much? I LITERALLY broke the laws of magic to bring peb back, and this is the thanks I get?
So, am I REALLY TA, or is A just being unreasonable?
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