#but I love how the one thing that stays constant is their belief in each other
carebeardean · 1 year
as devastating as the good omens ending was, I keep thinking about how it’s crowley who performs miracles for aziraphale, who picks out the restaurants, who can’t fire the gun. aziraphale has loved crowley from the start, yes, but it’s crowley’s love (I reject god for you, run away with me, you’re the only thing holy about that place) that moves the narrative, because aziraphale is deep down too afraid of making the “wrong choice.” he has to think of himself as always being good, kind, having the higher ground, the right answer. but to borrow an amazing quote from brennan lee mulligan, “to reach a hand down to somebody they have to be beneath you.”
it’s much easier to believe the world exists in black and white, that good people will always win and bad guys always lose, than to realize that none of us truly know we’re making the “right” choices. all we can do is be kind to each other, & love each other for as long as we can. & that’s terrifying! love is terrifying! it’s putting your heart in someone’s hands & hoping they don’t crush it!
but that’s love— a leap of faith. & I can’t wait to see aziraphale step into the dark, & the beauty of not knowing the answers.. or, well, all but one, anyway
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Hiiii pretty star,
Me again.
📝Can I get a little something with Theo and the prompt cuddles after being touch starved? I feel that with his mother gone and his father being who he is, Theodore deserves all the love and snuggles in this world. Thank you 🤍
"My house of stone, your ivy grows, and now I'm covered in you"
Theodore Nott, despite popular belief -mostly his-, was easy to love. Your relationship was still fresh, you two were slowly getting to know eachother; favorite hobbies, habits. And most importantly, each-others love language. 
Your favorite way to love someone is by touching them. Kisses, holding hands, looping your arm around them, playing with their hair; that is how you show love, and it is how you show Theo you love him.
He however is not used to that. You had suspected so one day, when you two were walking, casually talking to eachother about your day; out of habit you grabbed Theos hand, lacing your fingers together. His hand tensed at first, as if he was entirely unfamiliar with this feeling, and lost his train of thought, mumbling words and excuses until he grew used to your touch and picked up the conversation from where he left it.
Your suspicion was confirmed one night. You were tired and stressed; homework was piling up, quidditch practice was more constant and you had taken up way too many extracurricular activities. You ran straight to Theos dorm, needing the comfort of his presence to ground you, calm you, help you recharge your energy and get ready for the days to come. 
You found him in his bed, with a book you had recommended to him, in his hands. You quickly walked towards him and he greeted you, lifting his eyes from the pages, “Hello.”, he said with smile “Hi.”, you mumbled back, way too tired to pretend you weren’t. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked as you changed out of your clothes and into an old sweatshirt of his. 
“Exhausting day. Exhausting week.”, you replied with a deep sigh and then settled next to him in his bed.
You rested your head in the crook of his neck and looped your arm around his shoulder, breathing him in “I want to stay here forever.” , you mumbled with your eyes closed.
But, instead of a kiss on your forehead or his arm hugging your back you felt him grow tense and his heart beating really fast against his ribcage. You raised your head worried, and looked at his face “I- am I crashing you?”
“Ah- no…no, this is new to me, that's all.”, he quickly said nervously
“Oh, I am sorry, I didn’t think-“, you exclaimed and moved your body off to give him space.
He stopped you, quickly and guided you back in his arms, “No, don’t go, I like it.” he whispered in your hair. His body was more comfortable now, moulding into yours, his muscles weren’t tense anymore and his limbs shifted to keep you close to him.
“Stay.”, he whispered in your hair and you let yourself close your eyes, and drift off, finally able to relax, in the arms of the person you craved all week.
After that night he simply couldn’t let you go. His hand is always clasped in yours, or settled in the small of your back or around your shoulders. He kisses your forehead goodnight and greets you with a peck on the lips every morning. And his favorite; whenever life feels heavy, he will lay on your chest and let you play with his hair, causing him to forget all his troubles.
He is learning how to love and be loved and his favorite thing is that he is learning with you.
fin 🤎
celebrate my academic hardships & Theodore Nott masterlist
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st4rtar0t · 6 months
Helping your recognise your superpower
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I'm currently doing donation based readings to pay for my tuition fees. DM to purchase a reading!
Thank you so much for your time and energy and I hope you have a great day ahead!
Picture 1
Your lust for knowledge is your superpower. And I know you may think that is a lame power to have but I do want to your realise that knowledge is everything. The more knowledgeable you are, the more mature you become. Maturity comes from a sense of understanding and experience. The way you're always ready to learn new things makes you unique. Some of could be an higher achiver, or your sense of self comes from your academic performance. I think it's good to be knowledge but don't bring yourself down when you don't perform well. Give yourself time to learn and revise.
Your another superpower is your ability to look at situations from different perspectives. You know sometimes our pain clouds our vision making it difficult to acknowledge the hurt of others. But not for you, no matter how bad your situation is, you wouldn't let your emotions cloud your judgement Which is an remarkable ability.
Your faith, whether in yourself, in others or in something greater than us all, gives you strength and resilience in times of difficulty. Your belief in humanity, your trust in kindness and your faith in the possibility of a better future awaiting us uplifts not only you but also the people around you.
Picture 2
Your planning is your superpower. It's like having a secret weapon in life. When you plan, you're like a master strategist, able to foresee obstacles and navigate around them. You can set goals and figure out the steps to reach them. Planning helps you stay organized, focused, and prepared for whatever comes your way. It's not just about making lists; it's about taking control of your future and making things happen. So, embrace your planning abilities, because they can truly make you unstoppable. Some of you could be INTJ/ENTJ.
Your another superpower is your protectiveness. It's your ability to shield and guard the ones you care about, keeping them safe from harm. Just like a superhero, you have an instinct to watch over others, anticipating dangers and swooping in to shield them from harm. Your protective nature is a strength that shines brightly, offering comfort and security to those around you. Embrace this superpower, for it is a reflection of your love and dedication to keeping your loved ones out of harm's way. you may think that this makes you more feminine but caring for the people that you makes you stronger. Your constant transformation is your superpower because it means you're always evolving, learning, and adapting. Instead of being stuck in one way of thinking or doing things, you embrace change and use it to your advantage. You're like a chameleon, able to adjust to any situation or challenge that comes your way. This flexibility allows you to grow stronger, wiser, and more resilient with each transformation. So, don't fear change, embrace it, because it's what makes you unstoppable.
Picture 3
Your love for others is your superpower because it has the ability to transform lives in ways beyond imagination. When you extend kindness, understanding, and support to those around you, you create an atmosphere of warmth and positivity. Your love has the power to heal wounds, mend broken hearts, and inspire greatness in others. It's a force that spreads joy, brings people together, and fosters deep connections. Through your love, you become a beacon of hope and strength, capable of uplifting the spirits of those who may be struggling.
Your powerful presence is like a superpower. It's all about how you carry yourself and how you make others feel when you're around. You don't need special abilities because you are your own strength. People notice you without you having to do anything flashy. Your confidence and the way you connect with others make you stand out. Your presence is like a magnet, attracting attention and admiration wherever you go. It's what makes you truly remarkable.
Your voice and the words you choose have immense power. When you speak, it's like magic weaving through the air, touching hearts and minds. The tone, pitch, and rhythm of your voice can convey emotions and messages in ways that no other form of communication can. And the words you select? They're like arrows hitting their target, shaping thoughts, inspiring actions, and building connections. Whether you're calming a storm with soothing words or igniting a fire with passionate speech.
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reminiscingtonight · 6 months
Aitana Bonmatí x Reader
Word Count: 955
A/N: Had to celebrate Fletcher's new album with a new fic
Part Two
[WOSO Masterlist]
“I think I should kiss you.”
You laugh, pulling the older girl closer to you. “Well I’m not stopping you.”
Aitana simply snorts in response, burying her face in your neck. You pretend it doesn’t tickle when she breathes out deeply, arms tightening around your waist. “How’s your mami?”
“I think you see her more than I do, Tana.”
It’s been three years but the longing from moving away from home still hasn’t faded. Barcelona’s always been the goal. Ever since you could remember. A product from La Masia, you knew you always wanted to play for the first team.
Sometimes the things you want aren’t always in the cards, hence the detour in your career to Manchester. Ona went to United but you went to City, both of you wanting to develop your football skills some more in a new city. Although your best friend has already returned back to Barcelona, you still have a little more to go before you could go back. 
“Shh,” Aitana giggles, clumsily raising a finger to press against your lips. 
It makes you feel warm, seeing how laidback and relaxed the midfielder seems right now. With all of the pressure she experiences on the daily, it’s rare to see the older girl as bubbly as she is now. After winning the Ballon d’Or, her own expectations have only increased tenfold. 
“Gotta go pee,” she mumbles, finally pushing off of you. You make the move to follow but Aitana presses a hand against your chest, stopping you in your tracks. “No, get me another drink please.” 
You have an amused smile playing on your lips as she makes her leave, dragging some of the other girls with her. 
Ona watches you watch Aitana, sighing under her breath. 
You try to ignore her, but Ona’s never one to mince her words. “I don’t get it.”
You shrug. “I wouldn’t expect you to.”
It’s always been the three of you, the trio of musketeers taking on Spain’s youth teams and now the senior one together. You’ve grown up together, experienced all the good and bad by each other’s sides. 
So safe to say Ona’s been here through the years to see how much you’ve fallen for Aitana. 
And just as much as you’ve fallen for Aitana, the older girl seems to be just as allergic to admitting her feelings. 
It’s obvious to just about everyone how much Aitana loves you. It’s in all the small things. The way she makes sure to tune in all of your matches. The way she sends you thoughtless musings every day. The way she always remembers your coffee order whenever you return to town.
But Aitana’s never been one to commit to anything other than football. 
You’ve always known this, so you haven’t done too much to try to convince her otherwise. No matter how much Ona’s always bugging the two of you to make things official or for you to move on, you’ve stayed steadfast in your belief that things will work out in the end. 
At the end of the day no one’s getting hurt but yourself. You’d be willing to wait for as long as it takes if it means it’ll be the two of you at the end. Because you know that’s the only outcome in this drawn out affair. 
You love Aitana and Aitana loves you, so there’s really no other ending to this. So if Aitana wants to pretend like the two of you don’t love each other, you’re willing to play her game. 
“How long are you going to do this?”
“As long as she lets me.”
Ona looks like she’s going to blow an aneurysm but follows you to the counter regardless. Despite your silent pleas for her to drop the topic, she doesn’t. “This is going to wreck you when it blows up in your face.”
“Then I won’t let it blow up.” 
Ona swipes the drinks away from your hands before you can grab them. “Listen to me. I love you and I love Aita but the two of you really need to figure this out. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Sighing, you press a soft kiss against the side of her head. No matter how annoying you find Ona’s constant pestering, you know it’s only coming from a place of love. “Thanks Oni. But I will be okay. Please don’t lose any sleep over this.”
Ona looks like she wants to say more, but she bites her tongue.
Instead, the two of you catch up. You’re happy that Ona’s settling in well in Barcelona, but the downside to her going home is that the two of you no longer get to share every moment together. Ona’s laughing at your reenactment of Leila having to deal with the spider in your shared home when Aitana finally returns.
Her eyes light up when she spots you from across the room, hurriedly waving at you. 
You have to muffle your laughter at her drunken state but smile back to her all the same.
You don’t let it show, but Ona’s words cut deep. 
It’s heavy on your heart when you drop her off later, when Ona has to peel Aitana off of you, promising to get the two of them to bed safely. Her words are still ringing around your head when you get a drunken rambling goodnight text from Aitana when you’re getting ready to catch the redeye home.
You’ve been waiting for Aitana for as long as you remember, and you’ll continue waiting for her until she’s ready. 
Aitana’s everything to you.
So if she wants to keep on pretending, that’s exactly what you’ll do.
Even if it cuts you to the bone.
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venusacrossthestars · 6 months
your hands in mine
Pairings- Charles Leclerc x fem!reader
warnings- fluff, thunderstorm, 1 sexual-ish innuendo
A/N: this is something special for @arieslost and her obsession with hands, especially Charles' hands. I wrote this and am posting in today (3/12) in honor of our 3 years of friendship. I wouldn't be who I am without her. nyoom duo till the end.
f1 masterlist
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The roll of thunder is what startles you out of your slumber. Senses clouded by the lingering effects of sleep. For a moment you are unsure as to where you were. This looked nothing like your apartment. Another wave of thunder brought back the realization, I spent the night at Charles’. 
You and the Monégasque driver had spent the entire day together, doing everything and nothing. He had a week off between races and was adamant about spending it all with you, not that you were complaining. This night had been no different. The two of you had gone out for a nice dinner, a little local spot near Charles’ flat that had live music. Your walk home was filled with a comfortable silence, which was one of your favorite things about being with Charles. The two of you didn’t need to be in constant conversation with each other, just each other presence was enough. 
The peacefulness followed the both of you as you worked through the motions of your nightly routine. Yours ended with reading a few chapters of whatever book you were reading and Charles practicing the piano. Kissing him before you each went off to do your own routine was the last thing you could fully remember. You must’ve fallen asleep out on the balcony and Charles must’ve carried you to bed. 
Turing over in Charles’ arms was a task easier said than done. Anytime the two of you spooned his arms would magically become vice grips, impossible to get out of. However, Charles must have been equally, if not more, beat than you. The rain helping lull him to sleep as it had done to you, his arms were lax across your middle, making it easier to roll over to your opposite side. 
As the wind picked up, a cool breeze swept through the open windows making you nestle further into Charles’ bare chest. Your hands coming to rest across his chest. Another thing to love about him, he always slept shirtless. It was impossible to deny how handsome Charles was, and contrary to popular belief of the media, you weren’t with Charles only for his looks and fame, though it was a perk. You didn’t care about any of those things. When he was with you he wasn’t Charles Leclerc Prince of Ferrari, he was just Charles and that’s all you needed. 
The rain began to pour harder and you couldn’t restrain yourself from staring at Charles’ sleeping figure, it was as if Michelangelo personally carved him out of marble. His sharp features only a tad more relaxed in his slumber. Shamelessly, you move your hand from his chest and lightly begin to trace his face with the backside of your hand, carefully trying not to wake him. Content with your mapping skills you move your hand back to his chest, now mindlessly drawing shapes into his tan skin. 
You continued your drawing, listening to the sounds of the storm as it raged on, lost in your own world. You would’ve stayed like that for longer if it wasn’t for a practically bright flash of lightning followed by a wave of thunder that had enough force to shake the room. This startled Charles from his slumber, which in turn startled you. 
“We should close the window before the floor gets all wet,” Charles mumbled out, still in the clutches of sleep. 
“Too comfy, don’t wanna move,” you mutter into his skin. 
Charles slides out from under you, causing you to whine at the loss of contact. 
“I’m going to be right back, mon cheri, do not worry.” 
With your eyes well adjusted to the darkness of the bedroom, you can make out the outline of Charles’ back, along with the muscles that flex as he closes the window and redraws the curtains that have been blown open. You watch shamelessly. How can a man be that perfect? 
“See something you like?” Charles teases, standing at the foot of the bed. 
“Best view in the city.” Your answer seems to satisfy Charles as he climbs back into bed, back to your previous position. 
Now, instead of your hands tracing Charles’ features it is Charles whose hands soothingly roam your arm. On one particular ticklish pass of his hand, you let out a small giggle and before he can go back to try and tickle you again you grab his hand. 
With his hand in yours, you bring it to your lips and press small kisses against each of his knuckles. Happy with the amount of kisses you have given him you bring his hand back down and absent-mindedly play with his fingers. Charles, still awake, says nothing and continues to let you do as you please. 
“I love your hands,” you admit. 
“I know,” he chuckles out, “I like my hands too, especially when they are wrapped around your throat.” 
You gasp at the statement, “you pervert. I’m complimenting you and your head is stuck in the gutter.” 
“It always is when you’re around.” 
You roll your eyes at his comment and he pinches your side in retaliation, “you can’t even see what I did.” 
“I know you, and I know you just rolled your eyes at me.” 
Well, he’s got you there. You stop messing around with his fingers and now it is Charles’ turn to fiddle with yours. He copies your motions, bringing your hand to also kiss each knuckle. Instead of stopping as you did with his, he lightly massages the meat of your palm. 
You are fighting the feeling of sleep, but it is a losing battle between the massage Charles is giving you and sound of the rain hitting the now closed window. Charles mutters something that your foggy brain is unable to catch. 
Laced with sleep you ask, “what did you say?” 
“Just that I love your hands too.” Charles says while kissing your ring finger but you are too far gone to hear the last part. “And one day I’ll put a ring on your finger and be able to call you mine forever.”
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sylusjinwoon · 5 months
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{ 164 }
of gifts and curses.
jinwoo sung x fem.reader
{ i see your face with every punch i take | and every bone i break, it's all for you | and my worst pains are words i cannot say | still i will always fight on for you… }
the coppery taste of blood had come to be something jinwoo was most accustomed to.
back when he was still a level-e hunter, nearly killing himself with each and every raid that he went on, the pain and agony of the gates he was subjected to nearly made him give up-
but he held on.
not just because his sister needed him-
not just because his mother was subjected to a permanent slumber-
but because he wanted to get stronger for you, too.
you were someone that became a constant comfort for him, spending your days tending to his wounds while helping him care for jinah during the times he was away risking his life during these raids. without fail, whenever jinwoo would go on these raids (and escaping them after barely surviving)-
you would somehow always find a way to greet him from the gate’s exit.
seeing your kind smile and the way you held out your arms for him, allowing him to slump against you in a warm embrace, his scrawny arms bringing your comforting form ever so closer to him as he allowed the tears to fall.
you would remain by his side, giving him cans of his favorite brand of coffee while replenishing his energy with all of his favorite snacks. and when his injuries became too dire, you would stay up with him throughout the late hours of the night, tending to his wounds to the best of your abilities.
your stable presence and belief in him was enough to make him confess his love for you, keeping you by his side in an almost selfish manner, since he knew that with the way he was now, there wasn’t a damn thing he could offer you-
but by some stroke of luck, you never seemed to care about the things he could not offer you, still loving him unconditionally despite it all.
jinwoo believed that he had truly found a soulmate in you, and surprisingly, he found himself not minding his weak self…
you had let him slowly begin to love himself thanks to the unconditional love you held for him.
he always believed that he could never change no matter how hard he tried-
yet such self deprecating thoughts all but disappeared into thin air when he was met with the double dungeons, one that made him realize what true fear was the moment he died-
and was given a second chance at life-
reborn into something far more powerful than what he could ever imagine.
it was through his newfound identity as the system’s sole player that he was able to break out of the chains that labeled him as the weakest in the world. when he was brought to the hospital and made the mistake of ignoring the system’s first request, the punishment for not completing the task in the allotted time-
it had sent him to another world surrounded by desert sand as he was forced to survive within its borders while escaping from the beast that dwelled inside the heart of the desert.
needless to say, jinwoo didn’t ignore a single quest like that ever again.
on top of how he was literally leveling up with each quest he completed, you still remained by his side, often taking turns with jinah when it came to visiting him at the hospital.
and despite how he never told you or jinah about the truth of his resurrection, it was clear that you could tell the subtle changes his body was going through. when you visited him at the hospital one late afternoon, bringing with you the lunch you had cooked for him, you would remain strictly by his side.
as if you were glued to him, you would cling to his left arm while he ate his ramyun, looking down at you with an amused expression before asking you, “what’s wrong?”
a cute little pout would paint your gorgeous features as you merely tightened your hold on him in response. “the nurses were gossiping about you… calling you hot… and i didn’t like them checking out what’s already been mine from the start.”
feeling amused (yet filled to the brim with love and affection for you) he leans down to press a kiss against your hair, all while silently promising to not only get stronger for his family-
but for you as well.
and he could not thank the system for making him into the man that he was today.
he had grown taller.
his face had lost its prior roundness, becoming more defined while his voice seemed to deepen with a newfound confidence, losing the prior meekness it once had.
the system had given him the gift of becoming a powerful mage; a necromancer that could turn each enemy he had slain into his own, obedient soldiers.
with every battle he’s faced-
and with every bone that he breaks, filling his mouth with the taste of blood as a grueling pain courses through him-
still he fought on, just for you.
you, who had never once left his side despite the growing darkness that was beginning to seep into his veins.
you, who remained blissfully unaware at how he had killed numerous men during the times he spent within each dungeon, secretly turning those who wished to harm him into his own personal shadow soldier-
(a feat that would always be kept as a secret from you.)
and it was during his walk home back to you that he could feel the exhaustion beginning to kick in. despite how his injuries were healed, his stamina had remained the same, remaining severely low as he struggled to remain upright.
jinwoo needed to see you again.
he needed to have you in his arms before pressing your body closer to his, allowing him bask in your warmth- in your light.
for what seemed like an eternity, jinwoo finally reaches your shared apartment, unlocking it while letting out a weak, “i’m home.”
his voice was a bit broken and cracked, but he immediately silenced himself upon seeing the television screen turned on, painting your sleeping figure settled on the couch in colorful hues as the shadow soldier he had assigned to you peered up at him with glowing, purple eyes.
jinwoo winks at his soldier, raising up a finger in a gesture that was meant to convey be quiet. he tiptoes closer to where you lay against the couch, taking the remote off the coffee table before shutting off the t.v. screen.
with his heightened senses, he was able to still see your form despite the complete and utter darkness, leaning down to hold you within his embrace as he carried you (bridal style) back into your shared room.
as he worked on laying you back down in bed, you stirred in your sleep while softly whispering his name, making jinwoo smile down at you in response.
“ssssh, it’s okay. i’m here now… and i’m not going anywhere.” he reassures you before getting into bed with you, basking in the way you seemed to know where he was while you gravitated towards him. your cheek was already resting against his chest, eyes never once opening when you cuddled yourself even closer to him, greedily basking in his warmth as your chest was pressed together in response, not even leaving a millimeter of space between your two forms.
jinwoo continues to stare blankly at the ceiling, mulling over his thoughts while massaging your scalp and running his fingers through your hair. in the dead of night, where the only movements were seen with the soldiers he had placed surrounding the parameters of the bedroom, he closes his eyes while murmuring your name.
“i love you… everything that i do- it’s all for you.”
you mutter something in your sleep, making jinwoo smile when he turns around to fully embrace you, pressing you tightly against his chest as he brought his lips to your forehead. after whispering of his love and devotion to you one last time, he closes his eyes and joins you in a peaceful slumber…
{ this gift is my curse for now… }
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a.n. - yellowcard’s { gifts and curses } played on my playlist and i was hit with such feels that i had to write something for jinwoo 🥹
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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httpstes · 1 year
The beauty each sign holds Pt.1
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚: ✧・゚: *✧
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ꕥ Aries placements are electric and fiery in the way they approach life. They’re ecstatic nature is shown to all quite easily however it is only once you’re in a deep connection with these individuals that you are able to see beyond the surface. You are able to see beyond their spontaneous fun-loving nature. Deep down Aries placements stay loyal to those they consider their loved ones, and so as such, once you have an Aries placement who loves you, they won’t leave. Sure there can be banters and lively disputes along the way, but an Aries can get over these things as fast as they came. Therefore they don’t hold onto the past. They understand that regret, guilt and grief may not ever fade away, and so the only thing they can really do is keep moving forward. The only moment that is important to them is the here and now, so they like to cherish every second of it before it soon becomes a memory. This is why these people hold so much beauty. They have the ability to let go, move on, and continue with life, all the while striving for exciting moments that thrill them.
ꕥ Taurus placements are unmoving yet beautiful. They are the standing rock blocking the rivers path that won’t cease to move. They hold the natural beauty you see in the world. Mother earths living embodiment of nature and peace. These individuals can make you feel so safe and relaxed, you won’t even know that their spell is being undone upon you. Taurus placements hold this elegant poise with the way they walk. Their physical being entices others to come be around them, they let the world know they are a safe space for those that aren’t so lucky. It’s in the way they speak to you, how they care for you and love you that these individuals shine. Taurus placements will go to the ends of the earth for their loved ones, however in saying this they wont just drop everything then and there. These individuals know their worth and won’t waste their time on someone who doesn’t appreciate them. This is what I truly find beautiful about them. The fact that they are able to love and give so much to others while also maintaining boundaries and loving themselves equally is something a lot of people struggle with. Taurus placements might start off in life dealing with people who use them for things, who take advantage of their kindness. However as taurus placements grow they learn how to give to others as well as giving back to themselves. These individuals have learnt the balance between self-love and their love to the world, and because of this they won’t settle for something that they know is not good for them.
ꕥ Gemini placements contradict themselves over and over again. This can cause an internal struggle especially in terms of opinions and beliefs however I believe this is something extremely useful. Gemini placements get bored, they want to try everything possible that’s offered to them in this life time. They are here simply to learn, explore and understand. Their curious nature is what I find beautiful in Gemini placements. Geminis need constant stimulation in everything. In love, school, work, you name it! They like when things are entertaining and if no one is entertaining them, they’re gonna entertain themselves. I really dislike when people call Geminis flaky or cheaters. This really narrows down the beautiful and youthful spirit these individuals have. Geminis are so much more than those negative archetypes. They hold so much intelligence and wisdom of the most random things and it’s so cute. I love hearing these people ramble, reading their well written stories, the jokes they crack at the most unfortunate of times, i simply love taking in anything that they produce. This is because it gives me the slightest glimpse into the mind of these individuals. A gemini’s mind can be..all sorts of things, it can be super dark at times while other times they’re brainstorming the next best thing. Either way their minds deserve to be treasured, obviously by those that can handle it. Many assume gemini placements are complex, this is true, however there is so much beauty and grace that is held within that complexity.
ꕥ Cancer placements are so so sweet. Truly divine beings full of love. They came here to nurture and heal those who felt unsafe in their homes, who weren’t accepted or welcomed. Cancerians don’t just care for you, they notice every little thing about you and they treasure it. Every small detail, they will remember. This is because cancerians strongest emotions come from nostalgia and love, and so when you’re considered a loved one to these individuals, just know you have won in life as you will never meet someone more devoted than them. Stereotypes lead people to believe that cancers are the literal personification of the word saccharine. A individual who is sickeningly sweet, over-emotional, and overly sentimental. While what I explained denotes cancerians as sentimental and loving, they don’t do it without reason. Something that I believe is overlooked is that cancers are symbolised by the crab. A animal with a hard shell, said to be a symbol of defence, having the ability to be resilient and valiant. Though cancerians are beautiful delicate beings, there is this heroism that is naturally in their nature. Because of this they are attracted to the darker apsects of life. They want to save and heal those around them by defending them endlessly even if it’s wrong. They’re loyalty is almost comparable to a martian ruled individual’s idea of loyalty. They have this soft, cunning nature about them that effortlessly captivates those in their presence, and yet they also have so much will to fight and protect themselves and their loved ones. I am enamoured with a cancerians ability to know when to fight and when to nurture and love. They do this unknowingly as everything they do is lead by intuition, and for some reason this makes me love them more.
ꕥ Leo placements are born into this world adorned with jewels and gold. It does not matter if they experienced the limelight at a young age or if they had their light dimmed by those around them, it always comes to them no matter what. Leos are faithful to a fault. The luminaries are considered to be loyal, this of course goes for Solarian beings too. Leos are loyal to their family, their friends, their beliefs and morals, and most importantly, themselves. Leos can expect attention from all walks of life. They make heads turn walking down the street, entering a store, buying groceries, and waiting for a bus. Anything these individuals do, whether simple or extravagant, subconsciously take the attention away from what they’re doing, and onto them. Because of this, people are either enamored with or envy leo individuals. Some may wonder why they have it so easy, why they can easily charm those around them with little to no effort. But don’t be fooled by this facade some of them have built up. Behind closed doors, Leos are finally able to be free from the spotlight that follows them around. With the admiration leos receive, people may put them on such a high pedestal that they invalidate some of the terrible experiences leo placements have gone through because "it simply can’t be that bad" considering how beautiful and powerful these beings are. Leos have big hearts, and so they don’t have it in them to harshly explain some of the faults being glorified to such an extent can have on one’s mental health. I truly adore Leo placements but I understand that they don’t have it as easy as it is made out to seem. They are the sun, the light in people's lives, and if the sun's light were to dim or disappear so does all life around them. The sun may shine forever, but it does not mean it doesn’t ever get tired from the multiple aspects of life they have to entertain and keep alive. I feel for Leo placements with all the expectations and praise put upon them.
ꕥ Virgo placements are the nimble fairies of the earth. They guide those who are lost in this vast forest of a world we live in. Virgos live to serve others, they truly are humble beings who are unselfish and this overlooked fact is what makes them so much more pleasant to be around. Not only are they humble but they are so precise in everything they do! Virgos truly are the people you want to go to for whenever you need help in any matter or situation, because regardless if they’re nervous or not, they will put up a front to make sure those around them feel safe and secure. In saying this everything they do for their loved ones is done with so much love and thought. When they are asked of something, they put all their attention to it and have the precision of a doctor, wanting to make sure that what they’re doing is beyond your expectations. In fact there is this almost melancholic beauty within the way they hold themselves and the judgement they whole heartedly pursue for not only others but for themselves as well. Virgos are quick thinkers and can be very methodical, however in saying this, I think it’s safe to say these individuals can be stuck in their heads sometimes. They may find comfortability in the space they have created within their own minds, though when things turn south this space they have created could easily turn against them. Their own mind will turn against them. Because of this, Virgos tend to have this quick, nervous energy. However even this aspect of them is so, so endearing.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The second part is not coming out any time soon but i’m working on it! As always thankyou for reading :D
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earthtoharlow · 28 days
Rich Criminal
Scalvo x OC
main masterlist
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Chloé Delacroix had always lived a life of luxury, her days filled with designer clothes, lavish parties, and the best education money could buy. She was the epitome of high society, the kind of girl who had everything. But for all the material wealth that surrounded her, something was missing. She craved excitement, something that would break the routine of your seemingly perfect curated life.
Then came Scalvo. He was the kind of man her parents had always warned her about—a criminal with a dangerous edge. Rumors swirled about his involvement in illegal activities, but Chloé was drawn to him like a moth to a flame. He was everything her world wasn’t: raw, unpredictable, thrilling. When they two first met at an underground club, she knew there was no turning back.
Her friends and family tried their hardest to stop Chloé from seeing Scalvo. But Chloé was defiant. “You don’t know him like I do,” she would say, brushing off their warnings with a confident smile. To her, Scalvo wasn’t the villain they all made him out to be. He was misunderstood, a product of a world that had dealt him a rough hand. She saw the softness behind his hardened exterior, the vulnerability he showed only to her.
When they guys were together, Scalvo opened up in ways she never imagined. He told her about his rough childhood, about the choices he had to make to survive. “You’re the only one who gets me, Chloé.” he’d say, his voice rough but sincere. “With you, I feel like I can be someone better.”
And she believed him. She believed in the man she saw when they were alone, the one who held her close at night and whispered promises of a future where they’d rise above it all.
As the months went by, the tension between Chloé and her loved ones grew. They couldn’t understand why she was risking everything—her reputation, her safety, her future—for a man who lived on the edge of society’s laws. But Chloé remained loyal, convinced that love would conquer all, that Scalvo would change because of her.
But the darker side of Scalvo’s world soon began to seep into their relationship. Late-night calls, unexplained absences, the constant feeling of being watched—Chloé tried to ignore it all, clinging to the belief that Scalvo would turn his back on that life, that they could start anew.
He started showing up at her house with bruises on his arms, a cut on his lip, or a black eye that he would shrug off with a casual, “Just a misunderstanding,” or “You know how it is.”
The first time she saw the bruises, she was concerned. “Scalvo, what happened to you?” she asked, reaching out to gently touch the darkened skin on his cheek.
He winced slightly but offered her a crooked smile. “Nothing you need to worry about, Chloé. Just some idiots who don’t know when to back off.”
She wanted to press him for more, but the look in his eyes—a mixture of weariness and defiance—made her hesitate. She didn’t want to push him away, not when she felt him slipping through her fingers.
As the weeks passed, the bruises became more frequent. Sometimes he would try to hide them, pulling the collar of his shirt up to conceal a mark on his neck or wearing sunglasses indoors to cover a swollen eye. But Chloé wasn’t easily fooled. Each time, her worry grew, and she couldn’t help but feel that Scalvo was spiraling deeper into a world she couldn’t reach.
One night, after he arrived with fresh cuts on his knuckles, she couldn’t stay silent any longer. “Scalvo, this is getting worse. You’re getting hurt more often. What’s really going on?”
He sighed, his shoulders slumping as he sat down on the edge of her bed. “It’s complicated, Chloé. Things are getting tense in the city. Some deals aren’t going as planned, and people are starting to get desperate.”
“But why do you have to be involved?” she asked, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and frustration. “You don’t have to keep doing this. We can leave, start over somewhere new.”
Scalvo reached out and took her hand, his grip firm but tender. “I wish it were that simple,” he said quietly. “But this life… it’s not easy to walk away from. I’m in too deep.”
Chloé’s heart ached as she listened to him, the man she loved more than anything trapped in a world she barely understood. She wanted to save him, to pull him out of the darkness and into the light, but she didn’t know how. And every time she tried, he would reassure her that he could handle it, that everything would be fine.
But the bruises told a different story.
In the back of her mind, the warnings from her family and friends echoed louder than ever. “He’s no good for you, Chloé. You’re playing with fire.”
Yet, despite the growing dread, Chloé couldn’t bring herself to walk away. She was convinced that if she stayed, if she loved him enough, he would find a way out. She told herself that they didn’t know him like she did, that they couldn’t see the man he truly was beneath the bruises and the scars.
But as Scalvo continued to come to her battered and bruised, the realization began to sink in: maybe, just maybe, the world he was part of would never let him go, and she might be dragged down with him.
The next time Scalvo arrived at her doorstep with yet another black eye and a deep gash across his cheek, Chloé’s resolve began to crack. She couldn’t bear to see him like this anymore, broken and battered, caught in a life that seemed determined to destroy him.
They sat together in the dimly lit living room of her home, the weight of unspoken words hanging between them. Chloé was quiet, her fingers nervously tracing patterns on the armrest of the couch. She had always believed she could handle whatever came their way, but now, seeing Scalvo in this state, she wasn’t so sure.
Finally, she broke the silence. “Scalvo, this has to stop. You’re going to get yourself killed if you keep going like this. We need to find a way out.”
Scalvo leaned back, his expression hardening. “Out?” he repeated, his voice low and dangerous. “Chloé, there is no ‘out.’ This is who I am. This is the life I chose, the life I’ve been living long before you came along.”
She looked at him, her eyes filled with a mixture of fear and love. “But it doesn’t have to be this way. We can leave, Scalvo. We can start over somewhere far away. We don’t need all of this.”
Scalvo’s jaw tightened, and for a moment, a flicker of something soft crossed his face, but it was quickly replaced by the cold, unyielding mask he wore whenever they talked about the future. “You think it’s that easy?” he asked, a bitter edge to his tone. “You think I can just walk away and everything will be fine? It doesn’t work like that, Chloé. You don’t get to choose the easy way out when you’re in this deep.”
He stood up, pacing the room, the tension radiating off him in waves. “I’ve tried to shield you from the worst of it, tried to keep you safe, but you’re in this now too. And I need to know if you’re really with me.”
Chloé’s heart pounded in her chest as she listened to him, the gravity of his words sinking in. She had always known that being with Scalvo meant embracing a life of uncertainty, but she had never fully grasped just how deep his ties to that world ran.
Scalvo stopped pacing and turned to face her, his eyes locked on hers. “I need you to understand something, Chloé. This isn’t a fairy tale. There’s no happily ever after where we ride off into the sunset and leave all this behind. This is real life. My life. And if you’re not willing to ride or die with me, then you need to walk away now.”
Chloé’s heart pounded in her chest as she stood in front of Scalvo, her mind reeling with everything he’d just said. He was giving her an out, a chance to walk away from the chaos and danger that surrounded him, and deep down, she knew she should take it. But the thought of leaving him, of never seeing him again, was like a knife to her heart. She loved him, even with all the darkness that came with him, but this…this was too much.
“I can’t do this, Scalvo,” she whispered, her voice barely audible as she looked up at him with tear-filled eyes. “I can’t keep pretending that everything’s going to be okay. It’s not, and we both know it.”
Scalvo’s jaw tightened, and for a moment, she thought he might argue, might try to convince her to stay. But instead, he just nodded, the resignation clear in his eyes. “I understand,” he said quietly, his voice rough with emotion. “You deserve better than this—better than me.”
He turned to leave, his footsteps heavy as he moved toward the door, and Chloé felt a surge of panic rise up inside her. She couldn’t let him walk away, not like this, not when she still loved him with every fiber of her being. “Wait,” she called out, her voice trembling.
Scalvo stopped, his hand hovering over the doorknob as he turned back to face her. The anguish in his eyes mirrored her own, and in that moment, all the fear, all the doubt, melted away. She crossed the room in a heartbeat, her hands reaching for him, pulling him back toward her. And then, before either of them could think, she pressed her lips to his in a desperate, passionate kiss.
It was a kiss full of everything they hadn’t said, of all the love and pain and longing that had been building between them. Scalvo responded instantly, his arms wrapping around her as he deepened the kiss, pouring everything he had into that one, final connection.
The kiss quickly turned heated, their hands roaming over each other as they stumbled toward her bedroom. This time, there was no hesitation, no holding back. It was as if they both knew this was their last chance to be together, and they weren’t going to waste a single second of it.
Their clothes were discarded in a frenzy, and soon they were lost in each other, their bodies moving together with an urgency that bordered on desperation. The passion between them was raw, intense, and filled with the bittersweet knowledge that this was goodbye.
Chloé clung to Scalvo as if she could somehow keep him with her, her nails digging into his back as he moved above her. Each touch, each kiss, each breathless gasp was a plea for more time, more moments together before the inevitable end.
And when they finally reached the peak, it was with a mix of ecstasy and heartbreak, their cries of pleasure tinged with the sorrow of parting.
As they lay together afterward, their breaths mingling in the quiet darkness, Chloé wished she could freeze time, hold onto this moment forever. But she knew it was impossible. She knew Scalvo was already pulling away, steeling himself for what came next.
Scalvo pressed a final, lingering kiss to her forehead before he slowly disentangled himself from her embrace. He got dressed in silence, every movement deliberate, as if he were trying to memorize the feel of her touch, the scent of her skin.
Chloé watched him, tears silently streaming down her face, knowing that once he walked out that door, it would be over. He would be gone, and her life would never be the same.
When he was ready to leave, Scalvo paused at the doorway, his hand resting on the frame as he looked back at her one last time. His eyes were filled with so much emotion—regret, sorrow, and a love that would never fade, no matter how far apart they were.
“Goodbye, Chloé,” he said softly, his voice breaking.
“Goodbye, Scalvo,” she whispered, her voice choked with tears.
And then he was gone, the door closing behind him with a finality that echoed in the emptiness of the room. Chloé curled up on the bed, clutching the sheets that still held his warmth, and let the sobs that had been building inside her finally break free.
Scalvo walked away into the night, the pain of leaving her cutting deeper than any wound he’d ever suffered. He had done what he had to do, what was best for her, even if it destroyed him in the process.
As much as he hated himself for what he was about to do to her family, for the betrayal that was already set in motion, he knew there was no going back. But at least he had given her a chance to escape the fallout, to find a better life without him.
And that was the only solace he had as he disappeared into the darkness, leaving behind the only woman he had ever truly loved.
Chloé spent the entire night at the benefit dinner in a haze, her mind replaying every moment with Scalvo on an endless loop. The weight of their goodbye pressed heavily on her, making it impossible to focus on the conversations around her or the polite smiles she was supposed to give. All she could think about was the way he had walked out of her life, leaving her with nothing but memories and an aching heart.
Dressed in a gown that shimmered under the lights, Chloé looked every bit the part of the mayor’s daughter—poised, elegant, untouchable. But beneath the surface, she was a mess of conflicting emotions. She couldn’t shake the feeling of dread that had settled in her chest since Scalvo’s departure, a sense that something terrible was about to happen.
She’d tried to put on a brave face, mingling with the guests, offering polite smiles and nods when necessary, but it was all just an act. Her heart wasn’t in it. Every time she closed her eyes, she could still feel Scalvo’s touch, hear his voice, and the pain of his absence was almost unbearable.
As the night wore on, Chloé’s unease grew. She hadn’t seen her father in a while, and a creeping sense of anxiety began to take hold. She tried to shake it off, telling herself that he was just busy with the event, but the feeling wouldn’t go away. Something was wrong—she could feel it.
Excusing herself from a conversation she wasn’t really a part of, Chloé began to search for her father. She moved through the grand hall, past clusters of guests engaged in lively discussions, but her mind was elsewhere. Her heart pounded in her chest, and she couldn’t ignore the nagging fear that had taken root inside her.
As she approached the back of the building, where the offices and private rooms were located, she heard raised voices—angry, panicked. The sound made her blood run cold. She quickened her pace, her heels clicking loudly against the polished floor as she turned the corner and saw something that made her heart stop.
There, in the dimly lit hallway, stood Scalvo, his face a mask of grim determination. He was locked in a standoff with two of his men, who were pointing guns at her father and his security detail. Her father’s face was pale, his expression a mix of fear and defiance as he tried to negotiate with the men holding him at gunpoint.
“Scalvo…” Chloé’s voice was barely a whisper, the shock of seeing him there, in that moment, rendering her almost speechless. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing—couldn’t reconcile the man she loved with the one now threatening her family.
Scalvo eyes flicked to her, and in that split second, she saw the torment behind them. He hadn’t wanted this. He hadn’t wanted to hurt her, but there he was, standing on the precipice of an unforgivable act.
The two men with Scalvo exchanged uneasy glances, realizing that things were spiraling out of control. “Come on, dude, let’s get out of here,” one of them urged, his voice tense. “We’ve got what we came for.”
But Scalvo shook his head slowly, his gaze never leaving Chloé’s. “No,” he said, his voice rough with emotion. “It’s too late. They’ve already seen my face. They know who I am.”
Chloé’s breath caught in her throat as she realized what he was saying. He wasn’t going to walk away from this—not without consequences. The weight of the situation hit her like a tidal wave, and she felt tears welling up in her eyes.
“Scalvo, please…” she begged, stepping forward despite the danger. “You don’t have to do this. You don’t have to hurt anyone. We can still fix this.”
But before Scalvo could respond, everything happened in a blur. One of the security guards moved, and there was a sharp, deafening crack—gunfire. Chloé screamed as she watched in horror as Scalvo staggered backward, a dark stain spreading across his chest where the bullet had struck him.
“No!” Chloé’s voice was raw with anguish as she rushed to Scalvo’s side, dropping to her knees beside him as he crumpled to the ground. She pressed her hands against the wound, trying to stop the bleeding, but the blood just kept coming, slipping through her fingers.
Scalvo’s breaths were shallow, each one a struggle, and his eyes were filled with a mixture of pain and regret as he looked up at her. “Chloé…” he whispered, his voice weak.
“Don’t talk, don’t move,” Chloé sobbed, her hands trembling as she tried to hold him together, tried to keep him with her. “You’re going to be okay, Scalvo, just hold on.”
But deep down, she knew the truth. She could see it in his eyes—the resignation, the acceptance of what was happening. Scalvo reached up with a shaky hand, brushing a tear from her cheek as he tried to offer her a small, sad smile.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, his voice barely audible. “I wish…things could have been different.”
Chloé choked back a sob, her heart breaking as she watched the light begin to fade from his eyes. “I love you,” she whispered, her voice thick with grief.
Scalvo’s hand fell limp in hers, his chest rising and falling one last time before stillness settled over him. Chloé cried out, the sound of her heart shattering into a million pieces echoing in the cold, empty hallway.
Her father’s security team rushed to her side, trying to pull her away from Scalvo’s lifeless body, but she couldn’t let go. She clung to him, the man she had loved despite everything, the man who had walked away to protect her, only to meet his end in her arms.
And as the reality of what had happened settled over her, Chloé realized that her world had changed forever. There was no going back, no fixing what had been broken. All she had left were the memories of a love that had been doomed from the start, and the hollow ache of a heart that would never be whole again.
AN: 😢 let me know your thoughts
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mangofanarts · 5 months
hehe do Scott Smajor and also q!Tubbo :))))))) for the shipping thing
and also can you pls send me links to both tier lists?:)
Yes!! Absolutely!! I sent it :D!!
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I really like pacbo actually - the way that Pac acts with Tubbo just feels like he has a constant crush on him and he's so nervous/excited about it, his constant trust in Tubbo, trying to not doubt Tubbo and just them in general <3 they're so cute and on top of the world actually Technically, Fit should also be in the Pac section because Fit has constantly been around Tubbo too and the things that these two say to each other, are just not platonic, but!! I like Pacbo more so it has it's own section in comparison to Fitbo Cucurucho and Tubbo's hatred for each other in the beginning - great stuff and I wish there was more of it again, I really enjoyed their dynamic like that! Also Fobo is them becoming husbands and moving in together! And hating on Badboyhalo as their bonding time! Good for them!! Slime and Tubbo are co-parents but their dynamic in of itself is just great and hilarious and I enjoy them as either platonic or romantic, now Willy is technically lower then the other ships but I put him in the same section because I do like him with Tubbo - more so out of an appeal to the idea. I used to be indifferent to Tubhalo but like.........the things Tubbo has said about Bad? Has made me grow to it a little bit, not fully, but a little bit <3 Okay, so, Smajor is actually my regular pov for traffic life because he was the first pov I saw of the series so I just kept up with him
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Martyn was there for him all the way of limited life until the end of it and even then, Scott was proud of him!! He was happy for his mean gill winning!! I can't do this!! I really like how their jokes bounce off each other, how Martyn came to Scott apologizing after trying to explode him and the others at the second episode, Scott letting Martyn be the one to kill him while they were underwater, they stay winning <3 !! Scott and Cleo have such a close friendship with each other, she mentioned he was her favorite person and I found that so sweet and then them deciding to be each other's platonic soulmates is even nicer!! I really appreciate them, they care and get each other like no one else does and they have such a shared belief in how they view loyalty and taking that loyalty to their hearts - I love it sm, they're best friends !! Impulse and Scott during Secret life, yeah, that did it for me, also I just enjoy Skizz's interactions with Scott - they're usually so nice and sweet Also, I like the idea of Scott and Jimmy being messy exes, Jimmy asking when is the mean gills gonna be broken up, Scott asking for an ily and not getting it
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findmeinthefallair · 2 years
Brief Meta on Memories and Traumatic Grief
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Memories change over time and don't stay exactly the same. Each one is fluid, tied to a web of ever-changing associations we draw between them and other thoughts, and we actually make small edits each time we revisit them, like small tweaks in a word doc file that we may hardly notice.
But we are undoubtedly rewriting them over time, changing the narrative even if not by much, forming new associations big and small with them by weaving other thoughts/feelings/beliefs/perspectives/memories with them, no matter how consciously or subconsciously we do so. It's like playing the telephone game with ourselves without being able to stop it.
The fascinating thing about this is it opens up room for trauma treatment approaches such as Eye Movement Desensitizing and Reprocessing (EMDR), narrative therapy, journaling, memory rescripting etc to be effective, since memories are therefore subjective. Memories are always malleable, though at the same time they have foundational roots.
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Which brings me to the above. I believe it was tremendously important that others were physically present and right next to him in the moments right after Flapjack faded away. Trusted loved ones who felt the same kind of emotions as he was, to collectively grieve as a group (hell, there hasn't even been time for them to properly mourn without rushing the process. Not yet). This would've influenced the forming of Hunter's traumatic memories related in any way to Flapjack dying.
Instances like below - him being held tightly and soothed while being in an unmatched level of pain - must have shaped the newly forming memories in a major way:
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Oddly enough, this scenario in which a death has just occurred has some similarities with its opposite: birth 🤔🤔🤔🤔 The minutes and hours after any childbirth are a very sensitive window for foundations of a sense of safety, emotional regulation and even physiological processes to be built. That's why newborn infants should have pretty much constant physical touch with caregivers via e.g. skin-to-skin contact for healthy bonding to take place. *tempted to philosophize more about birth vs death but I'm holding back from being unnecessarily lengthy*
Back to Hunter's major traumatic loss above. I'm referencing it because it's not long till we'll see him witness Belos be imprisoned, dying or however way in which he will be defeated. How could this impact on all the Belos-related memories and Flapjack-related memories he will keep recalling for the rest of his life?
I think he will require the exact same type of support once that milestone of his life - truly losing Belos - arrives. This but on a way bigger scale:
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Why? Because there's no way this part of him has totally disappeared, even now:
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There are formative memories do to with Belos which can't be whisked away with a Delete button. There are a number of factors influencing how he's going to absorb the seconds/minutes of that upcoming loss in Watching and Dreaming. The hours afterward will matter so much too. Will he witness that loss with his own eyes or e.g. might Camila pull him close into an embrace and tell him not to look? Will he have an active role in making the moment of Belos's defeat happen, or might he watch passively from a distance? Will Belos say anything to him while it happens, or not? If yes, what are the words Hunter will hear? What thoughts and feelings will he have about himself, and what memories will fill his mind while it happens? Who else is there with him during and right after it happens, and what do they tell him? All these will add up to form his experience of that loss (which is made more complicated because it is also a major gain/win for him). There is no way through this where he escapes further loss (which coexists in a messy way with gain), since trauma be like that.
Examples of other important moments in other media that portray what I'm trying to explain include this part of Avatar: The Last Airbender..
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where Katara is by Zuko's side as he watches Azula, his sister, have a nervous breakdown. The physical touch from Katara matters. The memory of this event is forming in Zuko's mind and being shaped in real-time. and will continue to be shaped over time.
Another one I remembered is this moment of Silver shielding Jim in Treasure Planet (the supernova scene) when Jim's skills as a crew member (which he bet all of his self-worth on) were truly being tested:
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This proved to be vital "cushioning" for what happens right afterwards: Jim, already stricken with a fragile sense of identity and no self-love, being blamed for the death of a crew member.
The last example is from How to Train Your Dragon 2. Hiccup not being on his own during his father's death and funeral:
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A negative, dark example is Jinx losing Silco in Arcane:
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Nobody to soothe and hold her (because she rejected Vi's help due to lack of trust), and she had been the one to end his life.
Whether a parental figure we lose has been kind or cruel to us, grief is unavoidable when they are gone. Hunter's is on a exaggerated level in fiction since Belos technically murdered him via the possession and he had to be brought back to life via external means (Flapjack's sacrifice).
I was especially compelled to write this meta after a fresh realization that being physically alone and hidden in the crucial minutes and hours after a few life-altering incidents in past decades, significantly prolonged my recovery time from such awful traumatic memories. But I'm very glad Hunter should be in excellent hands having to say that complicated goodbye (which realistically, will not be a one-time send-off) to his 'uncle', which he most definitely won't be responding to with a triumphant Hollywood kind of smile on his face.
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kickthecan-revolution · 10 months
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Mr. Peach, aka “big Jim” (James the Giant Peach) is still here. The rescue said she’d take him after he healed from his surgery. I called, I texted - no reply. I ended up at my vet’s house Saturday night, he and his partner invited me to their daughter’s second birthday party (and I showed up, another miracle). She was supposed to be there but didn’t come which felt strange. The next day, I finally texted my vet’s partner (who manages the operations for their mobile vet company), I asked her if A (rescue owner as well as an employee) was ok, that I’d not heard from her. That I didn’t want my vet to know, as she was his employee and her rescue should be separate from that. I learned that over the weekend, A had gotten several kittens she’d found homes for returned, and she was overwhelmed.
When I tell you the panic. It was a Thing.
I texted A letting her know I’d heard about her situation and that we were fine here and I’d check back in next week, she called and we talked for a while. I love her commitment to always taking a cat back if it doesn’t work. She’s new to all of this and I’m not going to pile on to adding another cat in her parents’ house where her dad isn’t a fan of all of this to begin with. There’s an adoption event that I’m going to bring him to this Saturday. I put an ad up on Next Door.
I’m not going to talk about the melt down I had after we hung up, into that evening. What I will say is how thankful I am for this experience, for all the purging of pain and fear I’m experiencing, old old old stuff that has clouded my judgment and my beliefs about others, and myself.
The next morning I woke up and dreaded going into Peach’s room for hours to play with him, then come out and play with the others, then back in with Peach at night. I realized how my entire life, I never made a move if the person in front of me was sad/angry/displeased with me. I froze - calculated- and shifted however I needed to so that would stop. The entirety of my focus has been watching others and reacting so I’d stay connected, not rejected, not alone, not hated.
The rage of that - of those in my life not being willing to look past the glittery, funny, storytelling persona - engulfed me. The anger of no one being interested enough to go deeper - wanting to know me well enough, so they just accepted what was mostly just bullshit- the grief of that - was intense.
Something in me cleared and shifted. The constant worry about these cats - the panic at their reaction, the worry of Peach behind that closed door - it was my sole focus. This is all me, projecting so much onto them. In a good mood when things are peaceful and everyone seemed chill and rhen slammed into despair and panic and tears at the slightest altercation, desperate for help. So the answer to that was to separate them all and force that peace.
But *I* wasn’t peaceful, that meant splitting my time up in that small room with him trying to keep him entertained vs my life outside of it where all I was doing was worrying about him. More of the same, abandoning myself for someone else’s experience, convinced that their experience was the key to me staying alive, having love, being liked. Being ok. Feeling almost sick inside with worry and fretting. Putting them into the core of me being alive and surviving that day. I’ve been consumed by this for two months, almost three.
So I just opened up all of the doors. I don’t want anymore closed doors in my home, I don’t want that experience anymore. As long as Peach is here, the doors are going to be open. Not to the outside, so the big girls will be on a schedule to be on the deck. I slid my experience up to the front of my mind, and prioritized it. The voice inside, “you selfish asshole, putting these cats in harm, what are you doing?” started screaming. I told it to leave. I pushed it away each time it showed me something terrible that might happen. I told it to leave. I kept saying “fuck this, fuck you. Go away.” I didn’t let the big girls outside, I wasn’t going to do that thing where I let them in and out, in and out, in and out. Stay in and deal with it.
In the midst of the hissing, growling, trilling (that was Peach, so excited to be with the cats), I started cleaning. I’ve neglected my space these last two months, just doing the basics like dishes, etc. so I put things away, cleaned the refrigerator, hung clothes up, swept, took tons of garbage out I’d kept on the side deck. I did laundry , straightened my room. I was done worrying about it. As Shirley said, no one is going to die. No one has died. Then we all took a nap I my room, Buddy and Minnie on the bed and Peach underneath it (he tried to get up a few times and they were not having it). Peace. On my terms. Because this is my house. A new frontier gained.
The strength of that moment is not something I can put into words. It was the Diane that was never able to really leave her mom to go be with friends or OUT LIVING, discovering who she was because her mom would be by herself in that horrible house with that horrible man alone, how dare she go have fun when her mom was so sad, alone. Maybe in danger without her to be her comfort and protector. It’s the Diane who would do everything to make her mom less sad, less angry, less upset so her mom wouldn’t disappear into her room with a migraine, incapacitated, in so much pain she was suicidal. That Diane put herself first yesterday, and did it again this morning. And will do so everyday until the universe shows the path for Peach.
I’m so grateful for this experience. For Shirley, helping me see when I am just purging, being my spiritual companion and guide through this process. Helping me understand that these cats are all just mirrors for what I need to heal and grow. I don’t really even talk about her much because of how out there this is, more than once it’s come to me that this is scam and she’s is kind of crazy and I’ve allowed someone nuts significant access to my mental well being. But then I come back to the impact - the growth, the clarity, overcoming so many fears - and I know all of this has been designed for me and my continued growth. So this morning, there are happy tears, grateful tears. I’m proud of myself. And I am thankful to Peach for coming here and helping me.
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94erz · 12 days
oh i love when we get onto the topic of the friendships in bts and how we perceive them. care to share which pairs, by your definition, would you call soulmates - if any? and what is your definition of soulmates?
to me soulmates are people whose souls seem to be related, made out of similar matter, people who understand each other on a deeper level that they don't share with others. i think the only true pair of soulmates in bts are jihope but i can also see namseok being called that
damn i was trying to think of a non hoseok pair but can't think of any i would assign the soulmates status. there are great friendships in there but imo not soulmates.
funnily, i wouldn't call vmin soulmates because they themselves have stated many times just how different they are (i understand that they must have a different definition of a soulmate than me).
I'd define soulmates as just a deep connection between two people built on top of a collection of things, or maybe not even many things but just something important. I don't personally believe in the concept of having a soulmate being a single romantic partnership, but more that people can have multiple soulmates and they can be toward anyone who you (general) can have strong connections to.
So based on my own definition I'd still probably choose the same two duos that you named, Jihope and Namseok. I mean clearly since I have my blog named after them and they are one of my absolute favorite dynamics, I think extremely highly of Namseok. I think they have a lot in common as people that then helps shape their overall relationship and how they present it. Both are extremely hardworking, often putting work above all other aspects of their life, they care about their craft and continue to challenge and change themselves as artists. They both value creativity, they value collaboration, they value expression, they enjoy periods of solitude, and periods of connection, Hoseok in the form of his family, while Namjoon seeks out his friends. They're very like-minded in their beliefs and how they go about supporting those beliefs (they both voted in the last S. Korean election, showcasing they value politics and their role in that process, they are also the two members who donate the most amount of money to causes they support, they are the two who showcase the most support to Love Your W, which is specifically a campaign for breast cancer awareness, etc.) And on top of all that ''heavier stuff'' they have a lot of trivial interests and behaviors that overlap. They're both the most active on social media, and engage with each other often, they both value public displays of support, they both value gift giving (as seen by Joon gifting Hobi a bunch of stuff from art to clothes to jewelry), they have similar taste in music, similar taste in art forms (figures, paintings), and just so much more. One last thing I'll bring up is their constant communication, like no matter how far away they are or what the other is doing they always stay in some form of contact. They make phone calls, they text each other, they're in group chats, like they both talk openly about just how frequently they talk to each other even about little things. Like Hobi texting Joon about how loud it was at his hotel in Chicago, sending him a video to give him an idea of how noisy is was, it's so simple and can be so easily overlooked but that's literally the kinda shit I'd do with MY close friends or family like 'can you believe this shit? listen to this!' LOL
And their convos can range from silly things to much deeper as we've seen over the years. They're an exceptional support system for each other within BTS, they help each other and cover each other's back in ways no one else really can mostly due to the age hierarchy, like it cannot be understated how important it is that they are 'same-aged' friends and don't need to put any emphasis on being a hyung or a maknae to the other, making it even more freeing for the both of them.
But yeah, I feel like I write out a lot of this every time Namseok gets brought up with me LOL but all of this is just why they have become pretty much my favorite duo within BTS. I would not have a blog dedicated to them if there wasn't a ton of stuff to love about them and their dynamic.
As for Jihope, I won't write as an intense of essay but for them it's really like a 'core' connection. As in, Hoseok and Jimin are extremely similar PEOPLE and therefore connect together pretty seamlessly. The core of their character is the same IMO, like how they value people is the same. How they connect to people is the same. They have a lot of the same emotional ability to connect to others and love others to a high degree. Which makes it super easy for them to love and connect to each other 'cause they 'get' each other, ya know? So even if there are the age barriers that exist in their culture it doesn't affect them too much 'cause Jimin doesn't just respect Hoseok as an older friend, or Hoseok caring about Jimin as a younger friend, that's just their character, they would be that way even if they were the same age, 'cause that's who they are as people.
Soooo yeah, that's why it's really easy I think to like dynamics with either of them honestly, to your point of like, seeing how all of Hoseok's connections are the best. I'd say that's the case with both but I have my biases for Jimin's duos too, but that's not to say that most of his dynamics aren't also good because he makes them good!
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fantastic-mr-corvid · 7 months
For Celia:
34. How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? 
39. How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people?
40. How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
thank you Dujour!! excellent questions<3 really digging deep into her<3
34. How hard is it for them to shake a sense of guilt? 
HAH. sorry the way this is said this makes me laugh so much when its asked of Celia. She can Never<33 Guilt complex till the end of time- if you make yourself the villain, you give yourself the illusion of control.
the closest she can get to shaking off guilt is to have the actions she feels guilt for fully justified, no lingering thoughts of other paths she could have taken because shes fully aware of all alternatives, all possible other courses of action, and she knows she made the best choice she could. that certainty doesn't alleviate the guilt, but it does help balance it out.
39. How easy is it for them to ignore flaws in other people?
Hard. Celias constant vigilance means that others flaws are swiftly noticed and remembered, to be used against or kept in mind about other people
however, on the flip-side, she doesn't tend to hold flaws against people. she knows they exist in people she loves, and accepts them, not denying them and then suffering when they become noticeable. that is mostly because she has now had almost two decades to learn and accept those flaws. being almost thirty gives her maturity in these kinda things. when she was even younger she just thought everyone hurt and failed each other.
the exception to that acceptance is when those flaws link to her. she tried to ignore, say Ramettos hero worship of her, or Cecios need to prove himself by taking responsibility like her, both of which she tried her best to ignore and weaken, but both came back to blow up in her face. she knows of these flaws, but doesn't actively acknowledge or meaningfully address them until its to late.
40. How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
Mmm. now Celia's main flaw is cowardice, or more precisely, inaction for fear of consequences. she trapped in a cycle of violence because shes afraid of the consequences of the actions needed to break out. it links to her view on blind trust and leadership that i answered here. because of the blind trust towards her because she makes the right decisions, every decision she makes must be right/the best, and any actions taken in breaking out of that cycle have unknown consequences, therefore it is a worse option compared to staying with what she knows.
how sensitive is she to it? its hard to say definitively. if confronted about her inaction hurting those she cares about more long term, she will be very hurt, but she can almost always justify it as she didn't know better. she made the choice with the information given to her, and no one can truly know what would of happened if she rebelled.
while Celia n co are very much in the background and before vento aureo, i have thought about how the events would affect them, and it would devastate her. these children followed their dream and it worked? they fought for what they believed in and won? the only thing that lessens the sting is that people died, which justifies her belief that if she did fight back, any freedom would come at the cost of some of their lives, and that is not a price shes willing to pay.
as best as i can answer: she is very sensitive to it, even as she justifies her inaction, but it would take a certain type of person for her to really listen and be hurt when they point it out, as from many people she would deem ignorant of her life & the cost of breaking free.
if one of the people closest to her pointed it out? she would be devastated, but also angry, because they are the reason she chooses inaction, they are the reason for her flaw.
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rotten-games · 1 year
Speaking of Emil could u do 1 for him?
One day I'll wright fluffy Emil but until that day comes... Sorry, it's angst cringe emoji
The night is a backdrop that suits your prince-to-be well, though the moon drowns out his pinkish skin with her ever-present shine. He’s been staring for some time now, out into the endless desert he once was taught was for no one but brigands and the damned. He didn’t know Keller, back in the day, but you’re sure they would have gotten along. He was an idealistic child, or so Qora tells it.
Now, however, “You know Hessia is expecting us to make an appearance,” You coax, smoothing down the front of your clothes. You haven’t bothered to get all dressed up the way Emil has—you couldn’t match it. Or perhaps more pertinently… something so… resplendent feels itchy against your skin. “There’s only so long until fashionably late just becomes late.”
Emil hums, only halfway to paying attention. His fingers worry at the fabric, smoothing down lines before scrunching the soft material back up again. He spent at least an hour getting all ready, trying on dresses and suits to his endless delight. The smile he wore was as rare as the clothing and it was the only thing upon him you’d focused on at the time; he’s a very pretty man when he smiles. With the decision made, however, a lull settled between you as you tugged into the chosen garments.
Now, he just sits there, toying, and playing, and tearing at the rare fabric in idle worry. Eventually, he offers a steeling sigh. “I believe that I am broken.” He begins, not quite looking at you so much as turning his worry to the wall just past your head. His gaze is… icy. “I am capable in many ways—incapable in many others-but for some reason I am of the complete and utter belief that I am broken.
You hold your tongue, unable to conjure the words it takes to properly address his concerns. How could you? You’ve had this discussion time and again and neither of you come away from it feeling any better. If you dare to tell him it’s okay he’ll snap, if you attempt to ignore the conversation entirely he’ll be lamenting it for days. And yet.
You both know you’re not the person for this conversation, or rather, you’re exactly the right person for the conversation… if Emil were willing to actually have it. “You were having a good time,” You try, “Can’t you continue, just for tonight?”
“I don’t know…” He sighs, “It’s like it always is. One minute I’m fine and then I look at you and…” He doesn’t have to say any more. You know. Yet, Emil continues regardless. “I love you more than I could possibly say,” He says, a surprise like a knife at your throat, “But I hate you like fire hates ice.”
“Emil—” You’re unable to get a word in. He keeps going, fisting at his hair with a sigh.
“I need you like water, yet you’re poison to me.” It’s the eternal struggle. Him in a constant cycle of loathing and hatred, and you much the same yet with guilt tacked on like an afterthought. Radhel certainly has humour. Emil isn’t crying, not over the expensive satin of his shirt, but his head his bowed, shoulders quaking. “Everyone knows it, too.” He mutters, “I know they’re laughing.”
You don’t think that’s what they’re doing at all.
“Are we even good for each other?”
Gods, no, but the question just goes to show just how naive Emil still is. “If you even have to ask,” You breath, steeling yourself, “Perhaps this isn’t a good idea. Us, I mean.”
Emil shrugs. “I don’t want to be without you.”
“But what do you need?” You prod, “You may want me, but do you need to be without me?”
Another shrug, but this time with words more enlightening, “I don’t know.” Green eyes peer cautiously at you, whites all stained pink, “I still need to figure that out.”
And then he reaches out, once-lanky arms opening for an embrace. Until I figure that out just stay. Please stay.
Never mind what it will do to you.
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darkcrowprincess · 2 years
apperntly people are saying Luz and Hunter parallels to Philip and Caleb???
In the beginning (before hollow mind) there was some obvious parallels between luz and philip wittebane. Both with the belief of wanting to be the chosen one and wanting to be special. And how there choses made them different.
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But honestly that theory fell rather quickly do to two things. Philip didn't come to the Boiling isles willingly. He was trapped there. Assuming he came to find his brother and "save him" who he then murdered. There is a theory I have that Evelyn cursed him and he somehow couldn't leave. Or she destroyed the door and he couldn't leave. Either way, Belos was trapped there. Luz on the other had may have came by the boiling isles by accident but she chose to stay there, she wanted to stay there. Second thing it's kinda messed up to compare a Hispanic afro-dominican( I hope I said that right, I apologize if I didn't. Correct me if I'm wrong) bi female who is just lonely and dealing with grief of her father to a 500 year old white purtian man who is obsessed with witch hunting and has delusions of genocide. The one thing you could say is they have grief over a loss family member and use glyph magic but thats where the similarities end. Luz developed feelings of guilt, and not wanting to be a burden to anyone after her fathers death. Belos on the other hand murdered his brother and now has this constant obsession with killing witches and creating a perfect brother who wont "betray him". He has grief, but over the idealized version of who he believes his brother was than the actual person. Luz is kind and giving, always trying to help, and feels like a lot of the time she is a burden and a outcast. Belos see himself as this grand savior of humans and beings souls. That he and his idealized version of his brother were ment to finish their work and kill all the witches and demons that plague this world. You can see the differences clear as day. And Hunter and Caleb with this? Basically just because Hunter is Calebs grimwalker and that the Fandom sees luz and hunter as siblings(obviously I do not view them as such).
If I were to make a Luz and Hunter parallels( and I know I'm bias but shipping aside it's obvious writing wise) it would be Caleb and Evelyn. Theres many common connections between these two couples.
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I mean its obvious; witch and human, human and monster(yes witches and grimwalkers I see them as monsters and that's not a bad thing in this context) one from the human realm one from the boiling isles. Connections with the families wittebane and clawthorne. Evelyn led Caleb to her world with Flapjack, Luz led Hunter to using Glyphs, entering her world of wild magic with Flapjack. Evelyn made Caleb question everything he was taught and abandoned it. Luz made Hunter question everything he was taught and he did abandoned it. Both Evelyn and Calebs lives being destroyed by Philip. Both Luz and Hunter's lives being repeatedly destroyed by Philip. Gravesfield both towns were their familes have connections. Taking a Wittebane to another world and them loving it(Caleb the boiling isles, Hunter the human realm) but not being able to stay do to Philip. Luz having a Palisman egg and waiting for it to hatch. She is expecting. Evelyn having been pregnant. She is expecting. The only difference between Luz and Hunter with Caleb and Evelyn is that lunter haven't lost each other(yet). And they lost Flapjack, Flapjack sacrificed himself to save them.
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ming-gukk · 2 years
Jikook: The Twin Flames
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I am passionate about mythology and everything involving the moon and the gods, I was reading about the moon goddess after Jimin's photo-folio and ended up on a definition that caught my attention which is: Twin flames.
I was curious to know more about what it was and immediately came to mind, Jimin and Jungkook and their relationship.
This is not an analysis, it's just a little bit of the story and how I saw them and how Jikook unique they are and their relationship is special.
To begin A "twin flame" isn't necessarily a romantic soul mate or what someone might call "the one" - but they will always change your life, often from the very first time you cross paths.
Contrary to popular belief, the concept of twin flames is not the same as soul mates. Your twin flame doesn't even have to be someone you fall in love with (although it often is). "This kind of high-level, soul-based connection isn't about romance. It's about spiritual growth," says Vallejos. "You meet them and your life just completely changes. You start seeing the world differently."
In the midst of this research I saw that the origin of soul mates came from Plato's myth of the androgynous, which is interesting because it is one of the first discussions of gender in human history.
In a quick summary, the sun and the earth had a son and he was named Moon. The moon tried to reach the gods of Olympus and Zeus decided to teach them a lesson and broke them in half. And as he cut them in half, Apollo turned their heads so that they could eternally contemplate the amputated part. A lesson in humility. Apollo also healed their wounds, shaped their trunks, and molded their bellies, gathering the skin that was left in the center, so that they would remember what they had once been.
And that's when the creatures began to die. They died of hunger and despair. They would hug each other and let each other stay like that. And when one party died, the other would drift away, searching, searching.
As I read this I realized that love and the concept of souls and connection is much bigger than we believe and talk about.
And speaking of this connection we have Jimin and Jungkook, who were born in the same city two years apart and met years later in a completely different city, in an unlikely situation where they ended up debuting in the same group.
Their whole relationship is more intense and magnetic than people believe.
A friend (thanks @kmg4y​) showed me some signs that we identify when we meet our Twin Flame and I put them in a list with Jimin and Jungkook moments.
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Between them there is a chemistry of intuition. No matter what happens, they can predict how the other will respond with an impressive accuracy.
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Music, series, Hobbies, movies, food - they are on the same page when it comes to enjoyment. The interest in similar things can also extend to career, politics, and friends.
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Speaking emotionally, you are very similar. You are sensitive to the same things, and you intuitively know where each other's limits are.
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This attraction is constant, subtle, and physical. Even if there is a small distance between them, it begs to be reduced.
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One of the most obvious signs of a twin flame relationship is when they have the same dreams. Sharing dreams happens through the harmony of the energy of both, allowing them to be close in the astral plane during sleep.
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Communication is fluid between them, and often, it is not necessary to speak. They can say things to each other without a word, and without anyone noticing.
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When you are with your flame, you are able to be totally yourself. You are not afraid that he will judge or belittle you. This brings a sense of security, which you wouldn't normally find in other relationships.
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Even at the beginning of the relationship, you feel that you have known him forever. It is common to have a feeling of youth when you are with your twin flame. It takes you back to a simpler phase of life, of which you only have vague memories. It brings security and comfort, as if you are finally coming home after a long journey.
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