#but I really just enjoy those moments when he's caring towards his friends 💖
ifindus ¡ 9 months
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It's my streamer 🙈 I absolutely love his new look with the mustache, it suits him so well!! So I had to draw him 🖤
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a11eya ¡ 8 months
Are you still doing the mash-up game requests? If not, my bad for missing it! But if you are, could I humbly request 53 + 85? With any of the following (I know you've already done a bunch of these, so I figure you might be burnt out on some of the guys and want to pick) :
Mezo Shoji, Shouto, Kiri, Denki, or Sero?
hi error! this is such a late reply, but i was so excited to see a non-bakugou request (lmao) that i really wanted to do it!! thank you for sending it in ahhh. was so happy to write for sero. please enjoy this fanart by @ moosaicc on twitter for a visual of sero to accompany your reading 💞
for the fanfic trope mashup game!
53. Mutual Pining + 85. Innocent Physical Contact 💖 Sero Hanta x Reader
Your shoulders shoot up to your ears as you hear your name called. Sighing quietly, bracing yourself, you turn.
“Hi Cellophane.”
“I told you to call me Sero!” Sero says, smiling. “You’re always so formal! I thought we were friends.”
“Oh no, I—” You nearly bite your tongue fumbling over your words, trying to explain yourself, but decide to change the subject before you say something embarrassing. “What can I do for you?”
“So you know how I was up north for that mission, out in the sticks?”
“Yes. I heard it went well. Great work, as usual,” you say, smiling at him. You wish you could tell him the things you’re too shy to tell him: I’m happy you’re back. Welcome home.
Sero pauses a moment, blinking at you. His smile returns. “Thanks!”
He’s so handsome when he smiles, it hurts. Ahhhh.
“Anyway, someone was an idiot—” He gives you a look and sticks a thumb at himself. “—and forgot to bring bug spray with him, so he’s covered in bites in some awkward-to-reach places. Would you mind helping a guy out?”
You try not to let your expression change as your mind races. What places? Why you? But you don’t have it in you to refuse.
“Of course. How can I help?”
“Great!” He grabs your hand and pulls you along, towards the break room.
You try not to think too hard about his hand in yours.
The break room’s remarkably empty for this time of day, but you chalk it up to the increased amount of crime in the past month. The summer heat’s brought temperatures up to a boil, and tempers are hot too, so the agency’s been busy.
“The doc gave me this stuff to put on the bug bites,” Sero says, handing you a large tube of cream. He grabs one of the kitchen table chairs and reverses it, sitting so the backrest is to his chest.
“I’m going to take off my shirt, okay?” he says, glancing back at you. “The bites I can’t reach are on my back.”
“Okay,” you say, willing your voice not to betray your nerves. 
Sero grabs the back of his shirt and pulls it over his head, mussing the hair he has pulled up in a half-bun. For a second, your brain just stops.
Sero’s all lean muscle, his back and arms defined from the hero work he does. As he crosses his arms over the top of the chair’s back, you watch as muscle shifts, the way his dark hair falling across the nape of his neck contrasts against his skin. 
Fuck. You really should’ve said no. 
“Thanks for doing this for me,” Sero says. “I was tempted to just spread the cream all over the floor or something and roll around in it, but then my brain kicked in.”
That surprises a laugh out of you, and Sero turns his head to grin at you.
“No worries,” you tell him. “Happy to help.”
Now that you’re not distracted by his smile, his wide shoulders, you study his back and bite your bottom lip. Those bugs really did eat him alive. He has several bites scattered across his skin, and they’re angry, raised bumps surrounded by red splotches. You feel itchy just looking at him.
Squeezing a pea-sized amount onto your finger, you dab at the first bite you see, near the center of his back.
He shivers.
“Sorry,” you say. “I know the cream’s cold.”
“Brrrr,” he says, and you grin. He’s so cute you want to squeeze him.
You’re careful and thorough applying the cream, trying not to let your eyes wander too long or let your touch be too indulgent. Before long, you’re finished.
“Done,” you say, patting his back. 
As you stand to go wash your hands, you miss the way Sero’s eyes follow you, soft, lingering.
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the-travelling-witch ¡ 2 years
oh this looks so fun holly!!! i would like to participate in rolling the dice please~
2 | genshin impact, zhongli (honestly are you even surprised lmao) | no genre, go crazy ;)
thank you and also congrats on 1k!! here's to many more bc you totally deserve it for all your amazing writing ✨💖🥂🍾💐
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thank you so much dear!! ♡
i´m not surprised but still very much elated because i like writing zhongli i should do it more often; after all, i do quite enjoy the manner in which he chooses converse aka i like that he talks in fancy jsjshs
anyway, i hope you have as much fun reading as i had writing; without furtherado, let´s get the ball, or in this case the dice, rolling with...
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trope: drunken confession [space nr. 2]
pairing: zhongli x gn!reader
genre: crack, fluff
warnings: alcohol consumption
second constellation event masterlist
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You overestimated your alcohol tolerance. Or underestimated Zhongli´s. Or both. Probably both.
Much to your delight, the consultant of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor had asked you to accompany him to dinner this evening at ‘Third-Round-Knockout’. Seeing as you had been harbouring feelings for the man for quite some time now, you had been quick to agree.
You were well aware of the restaurant´s rather strong drinks, yet, as you listened to Zhongli´s melodic voice describing scenes from a time long past, your attention lay not with your glass but with the charming geo user right in front of you. Somewhere far back in your mind, a tiny voice wondered how he could know all of these ancient stories in such great detail but the more often your hand moved towards your beverage, the quieter it got.
And that was how you found yourself basically glued to his lips as your cheeks radiated a tingly warmth that slowly spread all throughout your body. Under normal circumstances, you´d stare much less obviously and would at least try to follow his explanations but right now you couldn´t really care.
“(Y/n)?” At the call of your name you merely hummed in reply. “(Y/n), I cannot help but observe a distinctive lack of attentiveness in you tonight. I wonder whether this is due to the lateness of the hour or whether there is something weighing heavy on your mind?”
“Or perhaps,” he studied your glass and then your complexion, bringing a gloved hand up to cup your cheek, “tonight´s beverages are affecting you more than they do affect me. My apologies, I should have been more considerate towards your tolerance when choosing. Please do believe me, it was not my intention to leave you inebriated by the time we part ways, it's just that I usually find myself in the company of those who can never seem to drink enough.”
“No, no, I´m fine! That´s not it!” Zhongli slightly cocked his head to the side and raised an eyebrow as you hurriedly waved your hands in front of you. “It´s really not the alcohol! It´s actually your fault!”
“Oh?” It was impressive how quickly you went from moving a mile a minute to being completely frozen in place. When Zhongli, however, seemed more amused than offended, you remembered how to breathe again. “Would you please care to enlighten me as to how it is my fault you´re so distracted?”
“It´s because of your stupidly distracting face of course! I mean seriously, how is it fair for someone to be this handsome? Like hello?? Normal people exist, you know,” you grumbled, your head supported by your hand now. Breathing out a heavy sigh, you continued with a dismissive wave of your hand. “You´re always so nice and gentlemanly, too. Like, you´re beautiful and well-mannered and also, like, really smart and that's just not fair. And then every time you talk to me, my heart does that stupid fluttery thing and it´s just ugh– Like, you´re you and I ´m me and I just really don´t know how to tell you that I like you more than a friend.”
For a moment, both of you just stared at each other, Zhongli with his brows drawn in surprise and you with a slightly annoyed pout. Then, realisation struck.
“Oh my archons! It´s– I didn´t–” After not being able to come up with any kind of sentence whatsoever, you buried your face in your hands, the embarrassment heating you up more than any kind of liquor ever could. “Oh Rex Lapis, please let the ground swallow me whole.”
“There will be no need for that.” Zhongli´s deep chuckle made you peek out from between your fingers and seconds later any sort of shield was taken from you as firm hands gently grasped your wrists and pulled your hands down between you two. You almost missed how his thumbs drew deliberately slow circles onto the palms of your hands as you lost yourself in intense pools of molten gold and amber. “I must say, even in a situation such as this, you´re so very precious.”
“Huh?” was a rather intelligent remark on your end.
“You mentioned previously your heart does, may I directly quote you, ‘that stupid fluttery thing’ whenever you talk to me. And although I might have expressed myself a little differently were I in your shoes, I can assure you the sentiment is the very same.” Gifting you a rare smile as he watched your mouth part in an awed ‘o’ shape, he continued. “Without wanting to sound too forward, I would like to invite you to spend the night at my humble residence, mainly because I wish to see you taken care of properly. But I also cannot deny wanting to keep you close now that our feelings lay bare before one another. What say you?”
“That sounds very nice,” you yawned. 
“Then so shall it be.” Draping his long coat over your shoulders, Zhongli held out his hand for you to take as you left the restaurant and began your walk through the tranquillity of Liyue Harbor´s night. “By tomorrow I´d like you to repeat yourself again. I must be sure it is you and not the drink talking. You´ll do that for me, right, dearest?”
You hummed and nodded as you drew the shoulders of his coat more snugly against you, practically melting into the cosy fabric. The man next to you couldn´t help but chuckle at your actions.
“Perhaps,” he mused, “you could also take that chance to tell me more about my… what was it? Ah yes, my ‘stupidly distracting face’, to make use of your phrasing.”
“Only if you promise to stop teasing me about this.”
“Ah, you see, a promise is not unlike a contract. One should not give one´s word when one is not certain to also keep it.”
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tag list: @mccnstruck
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ciaossu-imagines ¡ 1 year
💗 💝 💖 🎀 💓 💮 💌 for my boyyyy shouhei for the romantic ask!! -shoheiakagi
Yay! You know I’m always so thrilled to get a chance to write about your boy Shouhei! And I love that you give me that chance so thank you and I hope you’ll enjoy!
How long does it take your muse to fall in love?
Okay, but let me state this plain out. Shouhei is definitely not a ‘love at first sight’ kind of guy. He finds the whole concept of that a little laughable honestly, as you can’t honestly love someone you don’t even know in his opinion. That being said, I do think that while he approaches dating as something fun, Shouhei is prone to starting to catch feelings pretty easily and early, within the first couple of months. He gets infatuated easily, falls in serious like with people pretty easily and he’s ruined a lot of friends with benefits situations like that, because he’ll start to develop that infatuation and serious romantic feelings for someone when they don’t return them and don’t want him to feel that way towards them. However, when it comes to actually falling in love, that is something that takes Shouhei much longer and he’s not going to use ‘I love you’s’ easily or willy-nilly. It’s going to take him a long time to say that to anyone, probably around a year of being with someone in a romantic sort of way.
What’s their love language?
I do see Shouhei’s love language as being a mixture of physical touch and acts of service in terms of how he shows love to others. He’s a very touchy feely guy and you can tell that he feels comfortable with a person and how much he cares about a person by how often he touches them. Rough-housing with the boys, light punches on the arm, pulling Bandou’s baseball cap brim down with a laugh – it shows how close he is to his friends when he is physical and affectionate that way with them. Slinging an arm around someone, hugs, kisses towards a romantic partner, holding hands with a romantic partner, brushing their hair back while they sleep or ruffling it when the two of them are joking around, just always finding some excuse to touch them or play around with them physically is how Shouhei shows that he’s really into someone romantically. However, Shouhei, while he has his selfish streak, is also someone who enjoys doing things for others and who will show his partner he loves them by doing things for them. Running errands he knows they have to do so they can have some extra time to relax, taking out their trash for them when he spends the night or making them breakfast, listening to them when they’re having a rough time and helping them find a solution…he just really does care about his partner and he wants to take any stress or pressure they have off their shoulders as much as he’s able to.
What traits does your muse find physically attractive?
While I could list obvious sexually attractive things to Shouhei, I really want to focus on tinier things that really make Shouhei go ‘wow, this person is so gorgeous’. I think the topmost thing that gives him that little breathless moment of finding someone so beautiful is really a great smile. You know what I mean – those people with smiles that just seem to light up their whole face, that make you want to smile along no matter how bad a mood you’re in? That’s something that definitely makes Shouhei find someone physically attractive, even if they’re not conventionally attractive. I also think he really likes people’s eyes. He’s not really picky about what colour their eyes are, but he finds a set of pretty eyes appealing, especially so if the person in question has really emotive eyes, ones that kind of let you see how they’re feeling just by them looking at you.
Do they aim to impress their partner often? If they do, how so?
I think that there are definitely times when Shouhei shows off for his partner. He wants his partner to think really highly of him. He wants them to think he can solve any problem that comes along, that he’s able to take care of them. But he also wants them to think he’s really cool and funny and while he won’t be a jackass about it, leaning more towards subtlety, he’s definitely going to have those moments where he’s trying to get all their attention on him and trying to show off for them.
What are some signs your muse has fallen for someone?
Now, going to admit flat out that this was a hard one for me, just because I do see Shouhei as being someone who’s able to hide and mask his own emotions. He’s really great at joking around and hiding whatever’s truly going on in his heart and his head behind smiles and playfulness. But I do think there are some subtle clues that let people know that Shouhei’s caught some feelings. He’ll want to spend more time with that person than he normally would, cancelling plans or skipping out on work sometimes just to take advantage of chances to hang out with them. He brings them around his friends more, tries to work them into his life subtly bit by bit. He’ll also give them a nickname, something only he calls them.
Is your muse the possessive or super jealous type?
Nope. Not at all. I’m not saying that Shouhei never gets jealous at all, because that would be a lie. He most certainly does have those moments and they might sometimes cause some tension between him and his partner because he gets really clingy when he feels that way and kind of acts out and becomes a little bit of a jackass, but thankfully those moments are few and far between. He’s not extremely jealous and while he wants to take care of and protect his partner, he’s not possessive of them and he’d never try to control their actions or their lives.
How would they confess to their love interest? Would they wait on a confession?
I don’t see Shouhei as someone who confesses in any particular way or needs a big confession of someone’s feelings. Relationships with Shouhei just seem to kind of naturally progress (either into fights and people leaving him, either by telling him they don’t wanna see him anymore or just ghosting him, or into more serious romantic territory) without much needing to be said. And that is honestly the best way in his mind. He prefers relationships that just sort of click into place like that, that just come easily and naturally.
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wyverian-lady525 ¡ 2 years
I saw there were no Reverto asks in your box atm and that's simply unacceptable so I am here to politely ask for more of my favorite favorite man. I really liked the festival fic, so how about something where you give him a gift--perhaps a trinket or an accessory for his sword? I think it'd be cute :> Please and thank you! You are doing the Lord's work with this blog, my friend.
Thank you! I agree that’s it’s unacceptable! We all need our hunter bro! So, I hope you enjoy this!💖 and I am a big sucker for festival stories
The Tofu
A festival event leads you to getting Reverto a gift he didn’t know he needed.
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It was another one of Lulucion’s festivals, but a more unique one at that. Well, scratch that, they’re all kind of unique. But this festival was less celebrating of a yearly thing, and more about exotic vendors coming to sell their wares. And it was sometimes weapons but mostly things like charms, clothing, or trinkets. 
Reverto was surprisingly excited for this festival. 
“I didn’t take you to be into things like this. You’re like a child.” You said as you watched him fawn over a bunch of handmade trinkets in front of an old lady. The blonde hunter’s smile vanished for a second as he moved to look at you.
“What? I can enjoy the little things in life. Think I’m only here for the food?” Reverto asked, referring to the multitude of baked goods and grilled meat stands that lined the festival. You put your hands on your hips with a smirk.
“Yep.” You said without hesitation and he sweatdropped.
“C’mon Y/N. I’m here for so much more than the food. I get to hang out with you, don’t I?” He said with a grin, causing you to turn your head away in a flustered manner. You folded your arms and mumbled something, Reverto not paying any mind to it.
You hated how this man child made you feel.
You kept telling yourself that your crush was stupid, and that Reverto was too childish to be likeable in your eyes. However, he has his moments where he acts so wise and strong, and that’s what got your stomach all fluttering. The more you started to like him, the more you actually liked his little antics. Like earlier, you tried to act annoyed, but you couldn’t help mumbling how sweet that was.
Thankfully, he didn’t hear.
It wasn’t that you were a coward, but more so that you didn’t want to ruin this friendship. Okay, so maybe you were a bit scared to say anything about your feelings. But you liked the feeling he gave you when you were around him. Reverto may not know, but you did and right now, that’s all that mattered. For now, you can live with it.
“So I was thinking that we should check out their mushrooms next.” Reverto’s voice cut into your thoughts. You were brought back to reality and saw that he was pointing to a mushroom skewer stand. The giggles escaped your mouth before you could stop them.
Of course it was food. He was just proving your point now.
However, your eyes were soon drawn to something that was on the table next to the one that you guys were just at. Reverto didn’t even notice it as he turned towards where he figured your next destination was. But he stopped in his tracks when he realized you weren’t following him.
“Y/N? Aren’t you coming?” Reverto asked you, and you nodded.
“Yeah...just give me a minute. I need to...take care of something.” You said, hesitating as you thought of what to say. Luckily, Reverto wasn’t one to pry in this situation, so he just waved you off with a smile before saying he’ll be waiting for you by the stand.
You were grateful because you had an idea of something you could do for him.
“Um...excuse me, but what are those?” You asked the vendor running the stand. Before your eyes were little objects that had a small string and a hook. You were confused, having not seen things like these before.
“They’re an accessory for your sword! Pick your favorite and attach it to the handle!” He said while flourishing to all the items before him. There was a tiny rathalos, a moon, a tree, and some other items from nature. However, your eyes stopped on one object, and you had to ask...
“Is this tofu?” 
Picking up the object by the string, the rectangular white substance jiggled slightly. The man laughed a bit at your stunned expression before nodding.
“That’s a unique accessory right there! Only available at this festival!” He said and you looked at it again. It made you slightly uneasy for some reason, but not in a really bad way. It was kind of silly and ridiculous in a way.
Silly and ridiculous enough for you to buy it for Reverto. 
It was a gift, one that was stupid enough that it wouldn’t convey your feelings. However, on your walk to where he was (the man already was buying another one of those mushroom skewers), you debated on hinting things a bit.
“Hey Y/n!” He called to you, waving you over.
It was now or never.
“You gotta try these! They’re even better than they look!” Reverto said while shoving a skewer in your face for only a second before pulling it back and taking a bite out of it. You nodded at his words as your hands fumbled with the object behind your back.
“So...did you take care of the thing you needed to?” He asked politely, causing the subject you were about to change to be shoved right into your face. Your palms grew a bit sweaty, but you nodded.
“Yeah. I got you something.” You said, biting the bullet and getting it over with. Reverto arched his brows and threw the now empty skewer stick away. He tilted his head a bit.
“You...did? Really?” He asked, a bit of a smile on his face, like a child. You nodded, smiling yourself. It only took you a second to reveal the object from behind your back.
Reverto looked just as stunned as you did when you first saw the little tofu accessory. You held it from the string as it bobbed and squirmed, almost as if it was alive. His eyes followed each unnatural movement it made.
“It’s an accessory. I thought you could put it on your sword.” You told him, snickering slightly as Reverto took it. You guys looked at it for a while, then each other, before laughing.
“Out of all the things, this is what you thought would be a perfect gift?” He asked with a laugh.
“Isn’t it?” You laughed as well.
“I mean, yes, I enjoy tofu but preferably not dangling from my sword.” He said, laughing again. You guys laughed so much that you almost couldn’t breathe. Reverto did like the gift, he thought it was funny.
“But I also like that it was you who got it for me.” He said sincerely, smiling at you. This caused you to blush a bit as you looked away, embarrassed. Reverto could only find this endearing.
A couple weeks later, and you did end up confessing.
Turns out, Reverto liked you as well and you guys became a couple. And every time you saw him, you tried not to giggle. He had that little tofu always hanging from the handle of his sword. “It was a gift from you! I’m not taking it off!” is what he would say when you asked if it ever got annoying. You had to laugh because his actions were sweet after all, but he didn’t need to tell every single person that it was you who got him the accessory. 
But still, it was a great reminder.
Who knew a little chunk of tofu could start something so beautiful?
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claudemblems ¡ 2 years
Hi 😊 congrats on 1k, I've been following your blog for a while and it's amazing how far you've come 💕🎉
Can I request a platonic and romantic matchup?
I'm INFJ really reserved but if you approach me I can be really funny and chill. I like to draw, I'm learning crochet, lay on the grass and look at the sky and baking.
Hope you have a wonderful day 😊💕✨
(Thank you for being here and supporting my blog for so long!! I'm always glad to see you in my notifications 💖)
Your romantic matchup is Venti!
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You, like Venti, are guided by the winds, letting them direct which path you'll venture on next. This way of living has led to many exciting adventures, and, most important of all, it led you to the love of your life. Sometimes you wonder if your chance meeting with Venti wasn't just chance after all. Had you caught his eye in passing before? Did something about you tug at his heart and spur him to change the direction of the winds to lead you towards him? He says he had no part in the matter up until he met you--yes, until he met you. Venti definitely changed the course of the winds a few times so that you could cross paths once more. You eventually found yourself waiting expectantly for him to send you a sign that he was waiting to see you, and over time, you both fell in love.
Venti will drag you along wherever his curiosity leads him. You don't mind--his spontaneity means that you'll never experience a dull day at his side. He's always eager to show you his favorite places to relax such as Windrise or on top of Mondstadt's archon statue. Can't get up there on your own? Don't worry, he'll carry you in his arms and propel you two up with the help of his trusty anemo vision!
Venti loves to sing you the newest ballads he's written (about you, of course). During these moments, you'll either have your head in his lap or you'll be working on your crocheting, his soothing voice adding to the peaceful atmosphere. There's been many times where you've become so relaxed that you fall asleep. Venti simply smiles, gently helping you into a more comfortable position. Within a few minutes, he joins in on your snoozing. Warm sunny days are meant to be enjoyed with a nice nap, after all.
Venti is so overjoyed that he was able to find another free soul who understands and loves him for who he is, past and all. He can't remember a time where he's ever felt so happy. He'll cause the wind to blow on a calm day to let you know that he's thinking of you and that he wants to be able to see you again. It's his way of telling you that he loves you. And all he needs in this world is your love, and as long as he has that, he has all the happiness he could ever wish for.
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Your platonic matchup is Ganyu!
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Though Ganyu is often busy poring over her work, she always makes sure to set aside some time to spend with you. It's because of your presence in her life that's she's finally started to understand the importance not just of resting but also of being around those she cares about. It's important to have a friend to rely on. Life is much more enjoyable when you have a trusted friend at your side.
Ganyu is amazed at your artistic abilities. She's always left gaping in awe at your finished pieces no matter how many times she's seen them. She'll watch your drawing process and ask you questions about your composition, eager to understand what goes through your mind when you're creating something new. You might even convince her to take up drawing herself. But if you ask for permission to draw a portrait of her, expect to see a very flustered Ganyu. At your insistence, she'll allow you, but she'll be fighting a blush during the entire session.
There have been numerous times where the two of you have ended up falling asleep while relaxing in the grass as you gaze up at the bright blue sky. You two find one another's presence comforting, and with the worries of the world fading far from view, it's no wonder that you eventually end up falling asleep. Keqing and Cloud Retainer often have to come looking for you because you've been away for so long. You both get a light scolding, but it's because of their concern for you. You can nap as you please, but they ask that you not vanish from Liyue Harbor for 5 hours at a time.
You are the peace and serenity within Ganyu's ever busy life. She feels refreshed after spending time with you, and her heart is warmed by the fact that you accept her even as an adeptus. You make her feel like she truly belongs in Liyue Harbor. She can't thank you enough for all the joy you've brought her way since she met you. Your friendship is precious to her; she will treasure it always.
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fairytalelover33 ¡ 3 years
Hello! Can I get an MCU ship? I'm female, straight, Gemini, INFP-T, I'm 5'4, and I am 21, in my last year of university in communication arts.
Despite my age, my friends say I act like a mom (constantly concerned and worried for friends most of the time) and have the mind of an old lady, I'm an empath and an ambivert but leaning towards introvert. I don't drink alcohol or coffee. (Milk, cocoa, or orange juice is my alcohol lol)
Shy and awkward with ppl I dont know much or ppl I just met but if we click, I am a completely different person, more talkative too, calm and graceful but chaotic if that makes sense XD but I do know when to be serious
I'm kind and patient, very understanding, considerate and thoughtful of others, I have a habit of putting other's priority over mine most of the time, which kind of results in me keeping things to myself a lot and then stress out (but I'm working on it XD) quite emotional too, the type that cries at every sad scene or movie I watch
Helping ppl makes me happy, whether that'd be giving advice or just being there for them or listening, but I will not tolerate those who take advantage of my kindness or disrespect others, esp ppl I care about, I rarely insult ppl, so if I do, that means my patience ran out
My friends say I'm very optimistic and hopeful and they always feel like "they're with a musical character" which I'll take because I love singing! I love music in general, you might catch me singing to Audrey Hepburn's Moon River out of nowhere, it's my favorite song, and I really love vintage clothing and aesthetics, so I enjoy thrift shopping a lot. I also like to read books (mostly fictional, Tolkien books are my fav, esp The Hobbit) watch movies, draw, work out, and just learn random things!
I like learning, I'm more on the theories and philosophical side though, I am very bad at math or anything dealing with calculations and numbers, I also have interest in learning languages, mythology, and astronomy, I love the stars and like to go to planetariums and museums when I have time, I just think the universe is just so fascinating and I just like to have fun in general! I'd love to travel to many places when given the chance
I am an animal lover, and I love kids, very dedicated to playing with my adorable little cousins. I daydream a lot, I love the fantasy genre so my imagination goes wild haha
A Black sheep in the family, and the youngest and only daughter too, so I kind of grew up independently most of the time.
Very much into giving and receiving hugs and amusement parks, I also have quite a sweet tooth, mostly for cookies and brownies, so I love cafes and pastry shops a lot. I apologize for such a long post, please take your time! Thank you in advance and I hope you have an amazing day! Take care 💖💖💖💖
Ok you sound like such a cool person, I’m sure I would remember you if I ever met you on the street you just seem like such an amazing soul!
For the MCU, I match you with: Loki!
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•He loves how interested in mythology you are. Anytime you ask him questions about the validity of the stories earth has, he gets a little smile on his face and tells you all he knows
•He finds your knack for taking care of children and pets endearing
•From the moment he met you, he knew he could never betray you. He has made many mistakes in his past, and simply made the excuse that he’s the God of mischief, it’s in his nature. However he soon realized he would rather die than hurt you. You make him rethink himself, and you make him realize he can be better
•If he ever has to return to Asgard unexpectedly, you may be sad to wake and find yourself alone. However, he always leaves you a warm cup of Cocoa and a book by your bedside. Usually the book will contain a sticky note with his thoughts on a certain page. He wishes he could leave you more in his stead, but Thor is one impatient fellow.
•You are a refreshing person for him to be around. He’s used to being around people who see only the dark side of life, and it brings him down. You are like a breath of spring air, the crisp breeze that shows the departure of winter, and new life to come <3
I hope you liked this, I’m so sorry it took so long!! Have an amazing day!! ❤️
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