#but I thought that was a “super strong despite being small” thing
quibbs126 · 1 year
Why did it take me so long to realize the reason why Milk Cookie is so buff is because of the whole “milk gives you strong bones and makes you stronger” thing?
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Edit a bit because I forgot a small part.
So I have a small minor theory. Most is already fan based. So look at his picture. Vox looked near mortified at the reveal. To me, it appears more of embarrassment of past actions of admitting feelings to someone who didn't return them suddenly revealed to a new audience in modern day.
Some fans already believed Vox has a strong one sided crush on Alastor which partly fuel his rivery.
Vox died a few decades after Alastor, Alastor was probably very well established in Hell when Vox landed. Both being media themed demons, Vox more then likely became inspired by Alastor and was his biggest fan, also crushing on him. Vox wanted to make himself worthy to catch Alastor eyes and so, he pursued and ascended to become an overlord.
Eventually he did, they were not exactly on equal ground, but close enough. They both appear at the Overlord meetings. May have some brief interactions. Alastor probably still jabbed at Vox early on, simply because Alastor dislike modern technology. The jabbing not necessarily vicious but still making fun of Vox, nonetheless, but Vox took it in stride and probably retorted his own witty comebacks. Which I assume Alastor appreciates because its entertaining even if its mildly so. But it made the meetings not a complete bore. Vox thrilled because Alastor did notice him and seem to enjoy (entertained) by his company, even causing the Radio demon to laugh.
Finally, Vox took the courage and asked Alastor out. Asexual Alastor misinterpreted it as a business proposition. Romantic interpretations are not his first impressions in thought when presented. The answer would still be no but probably with A LOT less mocking. Alastor seem to just simply say no when relations is presented to him. For example, Angel Dust making comments and Alastor does a quick laugh and say no. Nothing more. I imagine he answers similar to nearly every encounter of this type. He a gentleman after all, he not going to ridicule someone for having feelings for Alastor that Alastor is not interested in returning.
So when Vox, most likely after an Overlord meeting, asked Alastor out. (We should get together and...) Alastor mocked Vox hard to the point of ridicule. Why would lone wolf radio demon want to team up with a sub par media demon? I assumed Vox already partner with Valentino at this point (he ask me to join his team, imply Vox already had a team at this point. Velvette may not been around at the time, she is the youngest). I think Alastor would hate Valentino and everything he stands for. Even if Alastor was interested in more power which he isn't, he doesn't care about being an overlord-he just want to be entertained, he would HATE working and being in the same proximity of Valentino. Alastor was probably a little merciless on his decline.
Of course, Alastor said it in a way that Vox interpate that it still personal level not a business one. This whole conversation was missinuperted by both of them. Vox was beyond humiliated. Truly starting a rivery to prove Alastor he is better. That Alastor is wrong, Vox media is superior, that Vox himself is superior and trying to turn the tables as he recover from his embarrassment. What worse, despite it all, Vox still craves Alastor attention, to be respected and perhaps thought of fondly. Which infuriates Vox more that he simply can't hate him like he wants to but still admires Alastor.
Side bit, I think Vox and Valentino do have a small thing going. (He also seemed a bit excited thinking Angel quit, and annoyed to see him around). Both of them enjoy each other company but their hearts not in it. (I also think Vox is also a bit of a victim to Valentino poison", that would be super interesting!) But I think a small part of Vox holds a secret grudge against Valentino. He thinks Valentino is part of the problem why Alastor rejected him. Because Alastor during his ridicule decline of his invitation mention Vox was with Valentino and Alastor wanted no part of that. Alastor strolled off, leaving a stammering speechless Vox, to taken aback to clarify Valentino was just a business partner. I only mention this because, Vox seem to have a comfortable relationship with Valentino. They have a bit of history (hinted by the photo of the two together and Vox having a crt tv head) to gain enough trust, know each other to know what makes them tick and desires. But Vox also seem put off and near reluctant to have to calm down his "boy toy" (as Velvette put it). Tolerating enough to remain levelhead, but clearly tired of Valentino tantum shit.
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writing-funsies · 10 months
OP characters as besties p.5
p.1 | p.2 | p.3 | p.4 | p.5
characters: Ace, Shanks, Mihawk
warnings: mentions of alcohol, light cussing
notes: all platonic hc's
will share his food with you
but won't let you take any off his plate
falls asleep on you all the time
uses you as his personal pillow
and will make fun of you if you freak out when riding with him on Striker
despite the fact that it's designed for only one person
but I digress
also uses you as a napkin if needed
sometimes shoots little flames at you to see your reaction
talks about Luffy nonstop
like that's the only thing he ever talks about
by the time you actually meet his little brother
you're ready to strangle both of them
not really
but you could spot the kid a mile away
before you ever actually got to know him
Ace and you working together to become more confident
always teasing each other
you having to fish him out of the ocean when he falls in
drinking contests
staring contests
fighting contests
eating contests
just competing over everything and anything possible
training together
he may be really strong and have a devil fruit power
but he won't hesitate to practice his hand-to-hand combat with you
especially if you need it
will tease you about it though
so you just push him overboard again
long talks about your lives
your pasts
your families
where you see yourselves in a year
five years
maybe even ten years
your goals
and aspirations
just talks about life
he tells you about his dad
and is relieved when you tell him that just because he was his father's son doesn't mean that'll be his legacy 
you two would die for each other
nothing will ever tear you apart
besties for the resties
super sweet and funny
but won't bathe no matter how much you beg
party boy™
genuinely doesn't give a fuck
he's here to have fun
and protect his family
that's it
tells you the corniest jokes you've ever heard
also laughs at everything you say
like Luffy, laughs even when you're being serious
uses his missing arm as an excuse if you ever try to get him to do his duties as captain
sometimes struggles with phantom pains
but assures you they'll go away on their own
drinking contests
if he's got a drink in hand
then everyone's gonna have a good time
100% threw up on your shoes once before passing out
laughed like it was the funniest thing he'd ever heard when you told him
quickly stifles his laughter when he sees how mad you are
offers to let you throw up on his shoes to make it even
you just stare at his sandals for a moment before walking away
watching Luffy's progress through the news together
bragging about the kid as if he were your own
the antics you two get up to guarantee that Ben will have a constant headache
the rest of the crew finds your dynamic duo to be hilarious
the sheer power of this crew is near unimaginable
so if the two of you ever actually fight enemies
they don't stand a chance
if anyone ever targeted you
and hurt you
Shanks would have his crew capture your attacker
and then show them exactly why no one messes with the Red Hair Pirates
always provides a good time
but will laugh at you if you fall 
I ain't ever seen two pretty best friends
until now
you are probably a little more lively than this warlord
he just doesn't care for drama
which means it's up to you to keep him in the loop
yet somehow he has the truly juicy details you could only wish to find on your own
y'all have a small book club
it's just the two of you
you tried to invite Perona to join
but she thought that your reading selection was so not cute
you even tried to invite Shanks once
all that accomplished was you gaining a new drinking buddy
which Mihawk begrudgingly allowed to happen
basically, the book club is just you two sipping on wine while discussing every mistake that the author made while writing your current read
salty bitches™
you're one of the only people alive who can get Mihawk to laugh
which is your favorite party trick
except that he's never laughed at the parties you both went to
(ie visiting Shanks and getting roped into a night of drinking)
he airs out all of the other warlords' dirty laundry to you
will talk mad shit about them
well at least most of them
he finds that no matter how powerful they may be
they're all idiots in his eyes
they can't see the big picture
he trusts that you have enough common sense to use the information sparingly
and you do
for the most part
it's giving rich single wine aunt meets vodka mom (but without the kids)
knows how to relax in style
but will not let you play with his sword no matter how many times you ask
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esha-isboogara · 1 year
how long the jojos last during no nut november
i stole borrowed this idea from @garoujo i loved their jujutsu kaisen version of this and just KNEW i had to make my own!!!
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✰nothing too crazy but it’s still kinda nsfw, mentions of sex and all that, blah blah minors dni
jonathan: december 1st - being the most innocent of the jojos he is bound to last the entire month. his sex drive is not as high as most men his age plus he always enjoys a good challenge. he asked you multiple times if you were willing to do this and once you agreed it was set in stone. the hardest part of the month is hearing you beg for his cock night after night, having to deny you for so long takes a toll on him. jojo wants nothing more than to fill you up with cock,pumping you full as you cry for more ;) both of you get this wish when the month is over
joseph: november 2nd- when he first heard the idea he was thrilled. he was convinced he could coax you into failing within the first week,breaking you down with subtle touches and deep kisses. alas this was only a plan. when he woke up the next day with a bad case of morning wood he had to relieve it one way or another. joseph tried for maybe ten minutes to ignore it but gave up as soon as he took a good look at you sleeping form. oh god how could he resist you when you look so pretty.
caesar zeppelli: november 4th- at first he was totally opposed to the challenge, thinking it only to be juvenile and crude. but when he was made aware of joseph participating he was more than willing to take part in the game. caesar liked to think he had the self control of a god, able to resist even the most beautiful of temptresses. it turns out he’s not as strong as he had once thought. all it took was the sight of you stepping out of the shower and he was out. he won’t let you bring it up around jojo though, he may have lost the competition but he still has his pride.
jotaro kujo: november 27th- oh he was so close to lasting the entire month. jotaro is able to control himself to an insane amount. it didn’t matter how much you teased him, small touches, dirty things whispered in his ear, cute little outfits jotaro held on strong. one day you dropped by his office to give him a stack of papers he forgot at home and for some reason that broke him. you were just so kind and thoughtful how could he not reward you. he took you right there on his desk, loving the way your ass bounces as he pounds into you. jojo is a bit disappointed he didn’t last the entire month but you’re quick to comfort him and praise him for how well he did.
noriaki kakyoin: november 18th- the man is a gamer at heart so you best believe he’s down to participate in a boss fight of sorts. he takes the challenge the most seriously out of all the guys. he will not give in to absolutely anything. wellll that is until you kneel down between his legs while he was in the middle of a game and gave him those eyes. he didn’t want to lose he really didn’t but fuck you were just so beautiful knelt before him. after a round or two he admitted to tapping out of the competition. he’s super chill about losing and makes up for the lost time for the rest of the month ;)
josuke higashikata: november 15th- okayasu gave him the idea and he was so excited to pitch it to you. he was always the competitive type so he was more than happy to compete. for the next two weeks he kept his distance not wanting to slip up. but alas he is still a teenage boy and he has his needs. one particular day while embracing you he felt his cock twitch and he knew that was it. next thing you knew you were being dragged into an empty closed and fucked out of your mind. despite not lasting the whole month you have to commend him for keeping it together for as long as he did.
okuyasu nijimura: november 11th- he over heard the concept of the game from a few of his fellow classmates during math and figured it was worth a try. not like he anything better going on. the first week was smooth sailing for him, he had not one impure thought the entire time. but alas he is still a teenage boy the hormones are bound to start raging eventually. it wasn’t too hard to break the boy down. you bent down to pick something up off the floor and he just couldn’t help it anymore. all it took was a few thrusts and he was done. unlike other guys his age he wasn’t embarrassed that he failed the challenge. honestly he’s kind of glad he didn’t make it. now he doesn’t have to hold himself back any longer.
giorno giovanna: november 30th- the only reason he lasted as long as he did is because he’s a busy man, running the mafia and such. he didn’t have the time to worry about rearranging your guts while drugs plagued the streets of italy. don’t you worry though, once he manages to get a day off he will make sure your needs are properly taken care of.
mista guido: november 1st-the amount of self control this man has is close to none. if he starts to feel horny no matter where or when he will indulge in his urges. when you bring up the idea of no nut november to him he agrees in the beginning. but after a few hours he decides he doesn’t want to do it anymore. this man is fucking whipped and he is proud of it.
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wordbunch · 1 year
how they care for you when you’re sick/injured but refuse to rest
a/n: requested by @tolkien-fantasy!! 💕 since i already did sth quite similar with Frodo/Sam/Merry/Pippin, this time I decided to include only the “big guys”, aka Aragorn, Boromir, Faramir, Éomer and Legolas. Also Fíli doesn't go here but I decided he will be here.☺️ I hope you enjoy, let me know your thoughts and opinions, and reblogs are always super appreciated!!!🥰🥰🥰
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Aragorn: He is literally just like that, even if he’s unwell he will keep pushing, and that is exactly why he immediately notices you do it too, and decides to put a stop to it. As much as he is loving and supportive and always respects your opinions and wishes, he is not taking ‘no’ for an answer when he deems that you really need to rest and recover. Luckily for you, he’s a legendary healer, so you will probably get better relatively soon. If he’s able to give you 100% of his attention and time during your recovery, he will literally feed you if he needs to, just so that you don’t exhaust yourself even more. Also he will quickly hush you if you begin to protest and insist that you’re fine and really have things to do! Sorry, king’s orders! Not just that, he will most definitely have your favorite food made for you, so that you don’t have to lift a finger (even though you want to). 
Boromir: You were both extremely busy on the day when Gondor was preparing for some big festival, and amid your errands you sprained your ankle, but you brushed it off because you wanted to personally oversee the flower arrangements. For the first and only time you were thankful not to see Boromir half the day because you knew he would make a small fuss about it immediately, so you limped on until you accidentally ended up tripping and stumbling backwards into a familiar strong chest. He looked at you suspiciously while you attempted to just brush it off as being clumsy, but he thought you looked a little bit pale and was not convinced. Before you could keep convincing him, he picked you up bridal style and carried you to your bed, having seen right through your act. Sadly he couldn’t have stayed with you the whole time as there were still some things to prepare, but he ran to you as often as he could to check if you were still resting, and to attack you with a flurry of reassuring kisses. Later in the evening he will 100% cuddle you until you both fall asleep wrapped up in each other, and he has no trouble carrying you around for days so that you don’t have to put weight on your injured leg - he enjoys doing it!
Legolas: Injuries and illnesses are not exactly something he is very familiar with, but he knows enough to be aware that they require rest and recuperation! His senses are sharp and he notices if you wince one time, and he is there in an instant. He will ask you what is wrong, what you need, etc. As much as Legolas he understands your restlessness and the constant need to be up and about, he needs you to understand that he’s worried and doesn’t want your condition to get worse. If it’s something very serious, he will immediately call Aragorn for help, but if it’s something minor, he thinks he should be able to handle it and support you through it. Before you know it, you’re not allowed to do anything under his watchful gaze but you’re bored!! No problem, though, he is more than ready to entertain you in any way he can, even if it means he has to sing you all the elvish songs since the beginning of time (and you will make good use of his promise to do that!). 
Éomer: Oh that is literally his BRAND because he’s out there being unstoppable even when something is wrong - and he is not letting his beloved be like that, not on his watch! He is also the type to carry you to bed despite your protests and you being like “I’m fine!” And he is like, alright then, but even if you’re fine, that doesn’t mean you can’t get some rest! No amount of your pouting is going to make him let up. Eventually when you finally admit you’re in pain, he will fuss over you a bit and he will literally try to cook something (he feels better when he can take action) and before you know it he’s making 4 different kinds of tea at the same time and things seem a bit chaotic… When you ask whether he’s sure he doesn’t need any help, he will insist that you just go and rest and that he has everything under control. Needless to say, you didn’t get to eat/drink everything that he started making cause he failed at many things, but you appreciate the love that went into it regardless!
Faramir: He can notice that something is off within like 0.3 seconds and multiple times throughout the day he will ask how you’re feeling and if something is wrong because he can sense that something is off, but he knows you well enough to know that you’d prefer to keep going on about your day, even when in pain. And then when you almost pass out you finally admit that you’re not feeling well, and you know he will immediately drop whatever else he is doing and just focus on you as much as he can until you’re perfectly recovered. More likely than not he is immediately looking for Aragorn because he is NOT taking any risks; although you try to reassure him that it might not be necessary. He knows how to be persistent and when he gives you puppy eyes with those gorgeous teal blue eyes… you have no choice but to let him do his thing.
Fíli: When it comes to you he is a very worried person and he likes to keep an eye on you as much as he can, so it doesn't take him long to become aware that you're acting...different. He is especially fussy if you get injured, and he will push everything and everyone else aside to nurse you back to health, and it literally becomes his number one priority. Fíli won''t hesitate to be even a little bit harsh if anyone comes to bother you or ask something of you before you're 100% recovered, so sometimes you gently reprimand him for it - you feel well enough to go and keep doing things! But good luck trying to convince him!
✨ taglist my beloved ✨ @lotrnonsense​​​​​​ @starlady66​​​​​​ @queenmeriadoc​​ @entishramblings​​​​​​ @thesolarangel​​​​​​ @silversword7000 ​​​​​​ @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @averys-place @valkyriepirate ​​​​​​ @emmaarenstarr @noldorinpainter ​​​​​​ @asianbutnotjapanese @adamgetawaydriver ​​​​​​ @fenharel-enaste ​​​​​​ @ironmandeficiency ​​​​​​      @starryeyedrogue ​​ @dinofromspac3  @wisheduponastar ​ @lady-of-imladris @frodo-cinnamonroll @unethicallypleistocene @deadlymistletoe @suncran @sillyvampireboi
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juyeonszn · 11 months
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PAIRING lee hyunjae x f!reader
GENRES horror ﹒ smut ﹒ angst ﹒ fluff ig?
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, mature language, mentions of murder, descriptions of crime scenes, mentions of blood, mentions of knifes, graphic description of stab wounds, mentions of potential mental illness, THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS THAT CONSTITUTE WARNINGS BUT ?!1?1 I DONT WANT TO SPOIL !1!2!2, Lots of Kissing, mutual masturbation (f! receiving fingering & m! receiving hand job), pillow talk ig, big dick hyunjae 😈, um unprotected sex lol be safe u silly geese, car sex, cowgirl position yeehaw, creampie, this entire fic is just a whole fucking roller coaster i stg it’s gonna haunt me forever
SUMMARY with a serial killer running rampant on campus, everyone around you seems to be dropping like flies. but, hey, at least you have hyunjae to protect you.
MORE omg.. my first written work for tbz 🙀 extra super fun fact; this was originally an idea i had for hyunjin from skz on my other blog that i actually started writing the week before halloween last year (the reason it’s a horror fic), but i never finished and sort of felt like there was no point in continuing it after a while— that is until i stumbled upon the draft a few weeks ago and decided to revamp, edit, and complete it 😋 i kept going back and rereading and then blanking when i wanted to add to it until last night when i said fuck it and drank two cups of coffee to power through the end 🙌 anyways.. here u all go, my baby that i never thought would see the light of day and my first time writing a genuine horror piece <3 also special shoutout to rina my soulmate @tsukidou for beta reading 🫶
PLAYLIST sacrifice (eat me up) — enhypen, awake — the boyz, roar — the boyz, fever — enhypen, fate — enhypen, taste — stray kids, wake up — ateez, white noise — pvris, heaven — pvris
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“Alright, that’s all for today’s lecture. If this was your last of the day, make sure to find someone to go home with and remember the curfew rules!” Your English professor says, concluding the class.
The students around you rush to pack up their things and get off of campus as soon as possible. You don’t seem to be in a hurry, though, taking your time to put away your notebook and laptop. Your roommates were still in their music production class, so you didn’t want to go home alone, deciding to wait until they were done.
“Y/N, don’t you wanna get home?” Professor Park asks, her voice echoing in the now empty lecture hall. She throws the strap of her bag over her shoulder and pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose.
“I do, but I have to wait for my roommates. They’re in a class right now and I’d rather not go by myself.” You let out an awkward laugh. She nods at your reasoning, giving you a small smile for comfort.
“Okay, you be careful! I’ll see you on Thursday.”
You raise your hand in a silent salutation, watching as she exits the room, leaving you completely alone. Though a public space, in a public building, the fact that there’s no one else nearby leaves you utterly unsettled. Your stomach churns with a twinge of fear and you start to feel a bit claustrophobic despite being in such a spacious area, so you choose this point to hurriedly collect your belongings and get the hell out of there.
The past couple of months have been in this weird state of limbo. You don’t recall exactly when the killings started, but once the police noticed a pattern, everyone knew sooner or later that the presence of a serial murderer would be announced on the local news. Your town enforced a citywide curfew to protect its citizens, but mostly the students at your university.
Every single one of the killer’s victims were university students. You were friends with a bunch of guys and while it was nice having big strong men surrounding you, you knew that could hardly do anything to quell the lingering anxiety you’ve felt ever since the spree began.
The police seemed to be having trouble coming up with any possible suspects, or even gaining any leads, thanks to the killer’s unusual victimology and the cool down time between murders always varying. If the people in charge of protecting you couldn’t do that, how were you supposed to feel safe?
In an attempt to get to the building where Jacob, Kevin, and Eric were as fast as you could, you speed walk out of the lecture hall, accidentally bumping into someone. You bow at a nearly ninety-degree angle and hurl out apology after apology following the collision, not trying to make any enemies in this day and time.
“Watch where you’re going, idiot.” The stranger spits, waiting for you to glance up at him to give you a nasty glare. He looks like the kind of guy who thought he was all that, despite peaking in high school. You feel your bottom lip quiver and you avoid eye contact.
“Woah, dude, chill the fuck out. It was an accident, I’m sure she didn’t— wait, N/N, is that you? Hey it’s okay, don’t worry about it.”
There’s a familiar voice in your ears and a hand under your chin, forcing you to stand upright. Whoever you bumped into walks away with a scoff. You meet eyes with Lee Hyunjae, one of your dearest friends. He recognizes that hint of panic in your features and he frowns.
“I’m so sorry, Jae, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going—” Your breath is caught in your throat and you fumble over your words.
“Hey, hey, slow down,” he keeps a hold on your biceps. “It’s alright, I promise. He’s gone. What’s wrong?”
You shut your eyes tightly, feeling pathetic for causing such a scene for no apparent reason. Hyunjae guides you through your breathing, his focus trained on you the whole time. He always made you feel so comfortable.
“With everything that’s been going on, I’m just so paranoid and afraid of being alone. I wanted to go to the music department building and wait for the boys.” You finally explain once you’ve calmed down and the rise of your chest is even.
“How about this? I’ll take you home so you don’t have to stay on campus any longer.” He suggests, bringing up a hand to tuck some hair behind your ear. You nod slowly, gathering your bearings.
Hyunjae leads you to his car that’s parked in the lot closest to the building you were just in and the two of you make your way to your apartment. You’d been friends with your roommates for years now, meeting in eighth grade. You had just moved schools and happened to be put into a class with Eric Sohn, the most rambunctious boy you’d ever met. He thought you seemed really sweet upon first impression and decided to befriend you, introducing you to all of his friends in turn.
Aside from Eric, there was Sangyeon, Jacob, Younghoon, Hyunjae, Juyeon, Kevin, Changmin, Chanhee, Haknyeon, and Sunwoo. While it was a little overwhelming, it was nice going from zero friends to eleven in the span of just a couple days. You were pretty close to all of them, but you and Hyunjae initially hit it off the best. You understood each other on a different level than everyone else and to this day, you still don't know the exact reason why.
Towards the end of high school, your friendship with Hyunjae transformed into something that wasn’t purely platonic. You weren’t entirely sure when it started to change, but your feelings for him grew exponentially. You tried to keep them to yourself, hidden from the world to preserve your fragile teenage heart. Though you’d already been friends with them a few years at that point, you still had that inkling of dread in the pit of your stomach that one day they’d choose to stop talking to you. You especially didn’t want a silly crush to be the cause of that.
After a while, however, the lines began to blur together anyway and everyone could tell you felt for him romantically. Once, Eric had made a comment about it being so painfully obvious that Hyunjae was just as into you and it nearly shook your whole world.
When college time rolled around, you all knew you’d be attending the same university, so picking roommates was a bit of a tricky situation. You chose yours solely based on the fact that you were majoring in similar things, so it’d be easy to fit schedules together. (You also couldn’t handle being roommates with Hyunjae; it’d be too much for your heart.) Hyunjae lived with Juyeon, Changmin, and Sunwoo, while Sangyeon, Younghoon, Chanhee, and Haknyeon lived together.
Hyunjae parks in a spot near the stairs that lead to your unit. The car is still running when you unbuckle your seatbelt and you stare at the steps blankly. Though the close proximity with him has your pulse racing, you want nothing more than some company until your roommates get home. You turn to him shyly, balling up a fistful of your sweater.
“Jae, do you— do you think you could stay with me for a bit before the boys come back? I don’t— I really don’t wanna be alone right now.”
The look he gives you is full of adoration, like you personally put the stars in the sky. He smiles softly and nods, reaching across the center console to place a comforting hand on top of yours. The two of you keep them intertwined as you go inside your apartment, locking all the locks carefully before sitting on your couch.
You don’t make a comment about him not letting go despite already being in the safety of your home. You don’t say anything about him pulling you into his side either, mostly because you want him to.
With all that’s been happening recently, you’ve felt so hollow. There was this indescribable emptiness expanding in you and even though you so desperately wanted to chalk it up to something else, you knew it was due to the fact that there was growing anxiety that you could be next, that any of your friends could be next. You were starting to move like you were in a simulation, doing everything in your daily routine without a single emotion. Sure, you’d laugh when Eric made a stupid joke but that’s about the most anyone could get from you aside from the occasional panic attack.
Hyunjae being here and holding you is exactly what you needed to feel some semblance of warmth again.
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There’s a soft knock on your bedroom door around eight that same night, waking you from your slumber. You don’t remember falling asleep or being moved to your bed, so you’re not too sure when Hyunjae left. You rub the sleep from your eyes as you get up to open your door.
“Hey, I didn’t mean to wake you, but we got some takeout if you’re hungry.” Jacob says with an apologetic smile, leaning on the door frame.
You give him a bleary look as you nod, following him into the dining room where your other two roommates were sitting at the table. Eric greets you through a full mouth. A small laugh escapes you when you sit across from him, Kevin adjacent to your seat. The sound of the TV in the living room plays as background noise as the four of you eat.
“So when’d you get home? I thought you were gonna wait for us.” Kevin asks.
“I was, but then I ran into Hyunjae when I was on my way to your building and he offered to bring me home,” you shrug, taking some tteokbokki with your chopsticks. “It was a whole thing, please don’t ask.”
Eric hums to himself, a mischievous grin on his face as he takes a sip of his cola. “Interesting. And you say he’s not into you…”
Heat blooms over your cheeks and you accidentally drop your chopsticks on your plate, their clacking against the ceramic garnering your roommates’ attention. Eric Sohn was now number one on your hit list. Kevin elbows him in the side and tells him to be quiet, despite the tiny upwards curve of his lips.
“If he cares about you as much as he seems like he does, he wouldn’t have left you here alone after you fell asleep,” Jacob mutters, looking at you from his peripherals. “What was the point of escorting you home if—”
“Jacob shut the fuck up,” Eric suddenly blurts, the three of you stare at him as he clambers over to the living room, turning up the volume on the TV. “Look!”
You turn in your chair, your stomach churning at the news report unfolding before you.
“We’re live just outside SNU, where another victim has been found. The body hasn’t been identified yet, but from what we do know, he was a student that attended the school,” the female reporter says into the microphone she’s holding, a glazed over expression in her eyes. “Crime Scene Investigators believe he was murdered at around six this evening, and was assumed to have been making his way home from campus. Updates are expected to come later tonight once we have more information.”
You know that far away, checked out gaze she had all too well. She’s reported on the killings for a while now, no doubt numb to the way things were at this point.
Your appetite spoils immediately and you excuse yourself from the table, making your way back to your room. You sit on your bed and bring your knees to your chest, taking a deep breath in, then covering your mouth when you breathe out to muffle the sob that follows. It was becoming too overwhelming for you and there was nothing you could do about it besides sit back and watch.
It was understandable for anyone in your situation to feel hopeless, how could they not? With someone terrorizing the city in an unpredictable manner, there was no sense of normalcy in anyone’s life. You shudder when you finally bring yourself to stop crying, digging your nails into the fat of your calves.
Through the walls, you can hear the boys talking, voices solemn.
“Why’d you have to put the TV louder, dumbass?”
“Sorry, I just like being up to date on the case, you know? I want to be prepared. What if I need to learn clone jutsu to take out the guy?”
“Eric, you’re such a clown, oh my god.”
“I get that you’re interested and all, but you have to be mindful of Y/N. You know how much this has affected her both emotionally and physically, she doesn’t need the constant reminder that it’s happening. And I’d appreciate if you apologized for telling me to ‘shut the fuck up’.”
There’s a snort in between.
“My bad, I didn’t mean to be rude about it. But while we’re on the topic, I think we both need to admit our mistakes. What you said about Hyunjae to her wasn’t cool either. I know we’re all friends, but it just came across too—”
“It was really snappy, Jacob. And a bit petty.”
“Yeah! What Kevin said.”
“I— you’re right. I just don’t want her getting hurt, in more ways than one.”
You don’t hear much else from the trio and sigh heavily, dragging your hands down your face and wiping your eyes with the heels of your palms. You grab your phone from your nightstand and hesitantly search for Hyunjae’s contact, the line ringing a couple times before he answers.
“Y/N? Is everything okay? Did something happen?”
“N-no, I’m fine. I was just— I wanted to check on you and make sure you were okay,” you mess with your bottom lip. “I heard there was another victim and I didn’t know when you left the apartment, so I just— uh— I just needed to know that you were safe. I called to see if you’d answer.”
You squeeze your eyes shut out of embarrassment, even if he can’t exactly see you. The stuttering was enough to make you go into hiding for the rest of your life if this serial killer didn’t.
“Oh,” you can hear the slight chuckle in his response from the way his breath hits the speaker. “It means a lot that you’d do that, N/N. Really, I appreciate you so much.”
Your lip finds itself between your teeth and your heart is pounding unbearably fast, you think you might be having a heart attack. You bring a hand up to clutch at your chest as a fuzzy feeling courses through your whole being.
Now you were scared for an entirely different reason.
(The main one occupies your mind again later that night when you scroll through your Twitter feed, only to find out the most recent victim was the guy you accidentally bumped into. You feel like some sick version of a guardian angel was looking after you. It makes it hard to fall asleep after that.)
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A couple days passed and you found yourself thinking about Lee Hyunjae more than usual.
Not to say that you didn’t already think about him at least once a day, but now it was worse. When you woke up, you wondered if he was still asleep. While you drank your morning coffee, you wondered if it’d taste sweeter had he made it for you. When you had lunch, you wondered if he’d like the spam musubi you made yourself. When you attended your other classes, you wondered which courses he was struggling with this semester.
As you were walking out of your English class, you recalled running into him. Had he not been there, you might’ve driven yourself insane trying to rush over to the music building while diffusing the issue with that stranger.
When you first began to harbor feelings for him, you assumed it would become nothing more than a silly schoolgirl crush. He was attractive and kind to you, but that was just the bare minimum— you thought you’d grow out of it. However, as time went on, what you thought was just puppy love had blossomed into something stronger. It was a force to be reckoned with.
Of course, all of that had been tossed on the back burner with everything that’s going on. Recently you’ve been too afraid for your own safety and well-being to over analyze your interactions with Hyunjae, but now you’re back to square one.
All because he’d done something nice for you.
God, the bar was so low. Was it really too much to ask for someone who was decent? Someone who wasn’t a serial killer?
You were on your way to the music building to wait for Jacob, Kevin, and Eric once again, when you see Hyunjae coming down the hall. He’s on his phone, not paying any mind to his surroundings. You’re about to call out to him when someone stops you, tugging on the sleeve of your sweater gently.
“Hey, Y/N right?” The tall boy asks, a charming smile on his face.
“Uh— yeah,” you nod, tucking some hair behind your ear. “Y-you are?”
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry! I must seem like a total weirdo,” he laughs, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “I’m Mingyu! We have English together.”
“Oh, you’re Mingyu? Professor Park told me about you before class today,” you give him a small comforting smile. “I don’t mind helping you!”
“Ah, that’s great to hear. I was a bit worried you’d be more annoyed about having to tutor someone so late in the semester.” Though he’s much taller than you and approached you first, Mingyu comes across as a little shy in nature. It puts you at ease in a way.
“No, not at all! English isn’t always the easiest, I get that. I wanna help as much as I can before finals. Look,” you pause, pulling your backpack off one shoulder to rip out a sheet of paper. “I’ll give you my number so we can arrange meet up dates! I’d prefer if we met at the library if that’s okay with you?”
Mingyu grins and sports a thumbs up in agreement. “That sounds perfect. Thank you so much, Y/N!”
You scribble your phone number onto the paper and hand it to him before parting ways. With the off guard conversation, you nearly forgot about Hyunjae, who was nowhere to be seen now. You feel your lips droop into a frown, since you were hoping you could talk with him for a second.
As you’re walking across the quad to the music building, a wind chill blows past you, making you wrap your arms around yourself. It was mid November and for some stupid reason, you were only wearing a small cardigan.
When you squint up at the sky, you also realize it’s more overcast than anything. There’s an angry grey cloud right above you and you curse yourself for not having an umbrella or a raincoat. You should've been more prepared, especially because of the inconsistent weather this time of year.
Suddenly, the sky is blocked from your view and you furrow your brows, spinning around. Hyunjae stares back at you with a smile ten times warmer than the frigid air surrounding you and a thicker jacket in one hand. The other holds up an umbrella just as tiny droplets begin to fall from above.
His timing couldn’t have been better.
“Heading to the music building?” He asks, skillfully placing the coat on your shoulders.
“Mhm… was gonna wait for the boys.” You respond, a little awestruck by how gorgeous he was. Especially up close. Your eyes fixate on the freckle on his nose rather than his own. He hums, keeping an arm around your shoulders as he leads you in a different direction.
“I can take you home again,” he glances down at you. “I don’t mind one bit.”
During the car ride to your apartment, you send a quick text to your roommates about not waiting up. You were happy that your relationship with Hyunjae was evolving. The past couple semesters had been rough, and you hadn’t seen him or any of the other guys nearly as much as Jacob, Kevin, and Eric. (And that was only because you lived with them.)
You toss your keys on to the mini table beside the front door, taking off your shoes with a small groan. The boots were cute, but not very comfortable. Hyunjae follows suit, his sock clad feet shuffling against the floor to sit on the couch.
After switching on the TV, you find a random Hallmark Christmas movie to play in the background, knowing full well that his presence beside you was too distracting. The brunette turns to face you, placing a hand on your thigh gently to get your attention.
“So, who was the dude you were talking to earlier?”
You blink at his question. So he saw you after all. Was he perhaps jealous? The idea shouldn’t make you giddy, but it does. “My professor asked me to tutor him ‘cause he’s struggling with English. Why?”
“Just curious. He seemed a little touchy.” Hyunjae plays with the hem of your sweater.
“O-oh. It’s fine, he wasn’t a random perv, if that’s what you were wondering.”
He scoots a little closer to you, tucking some hair behind your ear. You feel your face flush impossibly hotter. Your heart is racing and your breath is caught in your throat. His body heat radiates off of him with the new proximity.
“Good. It drives me crazy seeing other guys put their hands on you.” He admits bluntly, his hand resting at the junction where your neck meets your shoulder.
You know you look insane, your chest heaving up and down and your eyes widened a little. Like a baby deer caught by a predator. Who knew sweet sweet Hyunjae had a rather risqué side to him? You swallow thickly, not daring to move an inch. His thumb caresses your skin gently, goosebumps littering in its wake.
“Hyunjae…” You breathe, lips parting as you finally make eye contact with him.
“You’re so pretty, Y/N.”
You want to scream into the cushion behind you, your hands clamming up. Hyunjae looks like he could swallow you whole if he wanted to, his bottom lip between his teeth as he leans in a bit more. This moment was something straight out of one of your darkest fantasies. You never thought this would ever happen, that either of you would ever actually make a move on the other.
The sound of the front door unlocking catches both of your attention. Hyunjae pulls away from you faster than your brain can comprehend what exactly just occurred. Jacob is the first to walk in, laughing at something Eric said. The three males pause when they see you’re not alone.
The greetings are quick, Hyunjae dapping up the boys as if nothing. He’s also quick to say goodbye, ensuring them that he’ll make sure you’re safe when they’re not around. He gives you that smile of his, the one where his eyes form crescents, and then he’s gone.
You don’t know how much more of this you could take.
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“So, Y/N…” Eric starts in the middle of dinner, side eyeing you as he shovels rice into his mouth. “You and Hyunjae have been together an awful lot lately.”
Kevin snorts, kicking the blonde under the table. You suppose it was going to come up eventually. This ‘Will They, Won’t They’ back and forth shit was starting to tire you out. You weren’t getting any younger. Time was passing you up the longer you waited to just say something. And with all that’s been going on, it was silly to be afraid of admitting your feelings.
“He’s being a good friend, Eric,” Jacob sighs, reaching across to flick him on the forehead. “It’s actually really nice that he watches over Y/N when we’re gone.”
Eric grimaces, rubbing the spot that Jacob assaulted. You frown a bit when you realize that he had a point. Hyunjae was treating you like a child that had to be tended to, babysitting you like you weren’t capable of holding your own. Granted, both times he’s come over, you asked him to. So you couldn’t really blame him for assuming you wanted him around to protect you.
“Do y’all think Hyunjae actually likes me? In a non-platonic way?”
Kevin’s spoon clatters onto the floor and they all pause their banter to look at you. Every time your feelings for Hyunjae were brought up, you chose to ignore them and switch the subject. You can’t keep running away.
“Uh— yeah. Duh. Of course he does. I don’t know anyone else who would go out of their way to stay with someone they saw as just a friend multiple times a week so she felt safe.” Kevin finally answers after a moment.
“Okay.” You settle on, taking a sip of your water.
“What do you mean ‘okay’?” He raises an eyebrow at you, but you just shrug.
“That’s for me to know and you to find out.”
As you’re washing the dishes after dinner, you hear the news broadcast over the faucet. Another victim had just been found behind the campus library. The camera shows the scene behind the reporter, something that would’ve made you queasy a couple days ago, but now you feel nothing— just a dull ache in your chest. It’s messy, almost like the killer was in a hurry to get it over with.
The body is covered with a black tarp, paramedics wheeling it away in the corner of the screen. The reporter still wears that dissociated expression on her face as she goes over the details of this victim. She explains that because the murder was done so haphazardly, they were able to identify the body easily.
Twenty three year old Kim Mingyu, Sports Med Major.
The rest of the news report sounds like static in your ears as you scrub away at the dishes mindlessly. Your fingers have pruned and the water was burning the backs of your hands, but you don’t feel it, too checked out to care. It seemed like the killings were getting closer and closer to you. Part of you thought you’d be next every single time.
You had to tell Hyunjae how you felt. It was now or never.
Fifteen minutes later, he’s waiting outside of your apartment complex, leaning against his car. You take careful steps down the stairs, nearly fainting at the sight of him in a hoodie and grey sweatpants. He runs around the car to open the passenger door for you, only shutting it when you’re all buckled up. It’s not long after that he revs the engine and drives off to nowhere in particular, just like you requested. (Curfew ignored.)
It’s silent at first, save for the low hum of his music, R&B that resonates somewhere within your soul. You can’t help but steal a glance from your peripheral, fisting your sweatshirt when you see how concentrated he looks while driving. He has his right hand resting on the gear shift, the other gripping the wheel. You could’ve had this view all to yourself so long ago had you just spoken up.
“Hyunjae,” your voice is wobbly, but you steel yourself to continue. “I have something to tell you.”
“What is it?” He asks, keeping his eyes on the road.
“Do you think— uh— do you think you could pull over?” If you were going to confess, you wanted him to look at you. Besides, the drive was starting to make you jittery.
He nods and goes a bit further, before pulling into an empty lot. He shifts into park, unbuckling his seatbelt so he could turn his body towards you, giving you his undivided attention. You mirror him, tightening your hold on your sweater when he wets his lips, smiling at you. “Is this what you called me for?”
“Yeah, actually,” you force yourself to keep eye contact, pushing the lump back down your throat. “I’ve wanted to tell you this for years now, if I’m being honest with both of us.”
He chuckles, much like he did the other night over the phone. It drives you just a little crazy. “I’m listening.”
“I— I don’t know how to word this properly…” You wipe your palms on your legs. Come on, Y/N, spit it out already. “Fuck, okay, I like you Hyunjae. Like, really like you. In the way that I sometimes wish you would kiss me until I can’t breathe. I’ve been so afraid of admitting that to myself, but I’ve realized that life is way too short to dwell over the fear of rejection. But please, tell me you feel the same.”
He stares at you with an indecipherable look in his eyes. You feel like throwing up now, you stomach twisting and churning at the thought that you just ruined everything between you. There was no going back after this. He knew.
It’s as if months have passed by in utter silence with Hyunjae just sitting there, no words coming out of his mouth, until finally, he just leans across the center console, cupping your cheek with one of his hands. His vision is trained on your lips, his face close enough that his lashes flutter against your skin. God, he was even more gorgeous from this distance.
Instead of saying anything, he presses his lips to yours, a sweet but desperate kiss that melts away all the worries tucked into your head. They feel so soft on your own, molding together in near perfect timing. It’s like you’d been living for a year without rain and this kiss was the shower that saved you from a drought. It’s all you’ve ever wanted and needed and more.
“You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that,” he breathes when he pulls away slightly. “The real thing is so much better than I imagined it would be.”
For once, time slows down in this moment, almost like the world stopped spinning on its axis. Everything slips from your mind and it’s just you and Hyunjae, here in his car in the middle of an empty parking lot. Nothing else matters. You smile at his confession, a genuine smile that was spurred on by contentment rather than force. You felt light and airy, no longer weighed down by such a trivial problem.
“I think I have an idea,” you giggle, reaching up to brush a stray hair from his face. “I’m not too sure, though, I could be wrong. Could you do that again to help jog my memory?”
Hyunjae laughs, (it’s the most melodic sound you’ve ever heard) but doesn’t hesitate to kiss you. You reciprocate his passion, tangling your fingers in his dark hair. He sighs into the kiss, pulling you on top of him. Your legs straddle his lap as best as they can and he reaches down to recline his seat, scooting it as far as it can go from the wheel. The thin material of your fleece shorts hardly hide the feeling of him under you, a low moan pushing into his mouth.
He nips at your bottom lip, tugging at it with his teeth gently before peppering kisses along your jaw and neck, sucking along the exposed skin from your sweatshirt. You whine, throwing your head back as his tongue soothes over the bruising area. His hands slide under your top, rubbing up and down your sides before moving them down to your thighs, repeating the action.
“You’re so gorgeous on top of me like this, Y/N.” Hyunjae says, just above a whisper like someone else might hear this intimate conversation. He grips your hips and bucks upwards to grind into your clothed core. Your eyes widen and you involuntarily moan at the sensation. This wasn’t what you were expecting when you planned to confess, but you didn’t hate the outcome. He grins at your response, reconnecting your mouths sloppily.
If you were given the choice, you were wholeheartedly satisfied with just this. You would’ve been plenty okay with just making out. Had you been asked years ago that you’d even get this far, you would’ve snorted in your own face, so why should you be greedy and want more than what you had? (That’s not to say that you didn’t.)
“H-Hyunjae,” you stutter, your brain foggy from all of the kissing you just did. “Do you…?”
You trail off, not sure how to word your question. You didn’t want to come off like a sex crazed maniac, but you didn’t want to come off like an amateur virgin either. Truth of the matter is, you were neither, but it had been a while since you indulged yourself in something of this sort. And this time it would be with Hyunjae, the one person you never thought you’d do this with. You were nervous.
All you wanted was to be entwined with him in more ways than one. You wanted all of him— the good, the bad, the ugly, the beautiful, the sick, the healthy. He could do no wrong on your eyes and you wanted to show him that.
“Do I…?” Hyunjae trails off, waiting for you to continue.
“Do you want to make love… with me?” This had to be the single most mortifying moment of your life. You cover your face in humiliation, shying away from him when he sits up on his elbows.
“What kind of question is that?” He asks with a chuckle, prying your hands from your face so he could look you in the eyes. “If I could make love to you every hour of the day, for seven days a week, I would. I want you all the time, Y/N. Earlier today, before we got interrupted, I wanted to do unimaginable things to you.”
You hide yourself in the crook of his neck, your skin flushing hotter. Weren't you wearing too many layers? The car was starting to feel stuffy. Hyunjae’s chest rumbles with laughter beneath you, pressing his lips to the shell of your ear. This is probably the gentlest he’d be with you all night, because from what you could infer, he was a manhandler.
“Take care of me,” you breathe, mouth brushing against his pulse point. “Please.”
Hyunjae stops holding himself back. He’d do whatever you asked of him, only hoping you’d be tied to him in every lifetime, just like this one. He kisses you again with an unrivaled fervor, slipping his hands inside your sweatshirt and touching you everywhere physically possible. They’re warm on your skin, palming your breasts over the flimsy fabric of your bralette.
He helps you get rid of your top and shorts, leaving you in just undergarments. The sight of you barely clothed sends him into a frenzy, especially knowing it’s for his eyes only. You aid Hyunjae in pulling off his hoodie and yanking his sweatpants down his long legs. The minute most of your restrictions are gone, Hyunjae brings you closer to him. He hisses at the contact, the warmth of your cunt through your panties putting him under a spell.
You whimper when his touch travels down your front, sneaking into the waistband of your underwear. The pads of his middle and ring fingers apply the lightest amount of pressure onto your clit the second he finds it, circling the sensitive bundle of nerves. Your nails on one hand dig into his shoulder while the other trails down his abdomen, rubbing up and down his length through his boxer briefs.
Hyunjae groans into your kiss and you gasp for air as you tear from him, resting your forehead on his to watch as you get each other off through your clothes. If earlier was something taken from one of your wet dreams, what did this constitute as? You clench around nothing when he pushes up into you, your wrists clashing. Knowing he was just as down bad for you as you were for him just made this all that much more real.
“I need to feel you around me,” he mumbles in your ear, dipping his fingers in and out of you languidly as if to explain what he meant. “Let me stretch you out.”
You nod in response, fumbling with his briefs. Hyunjae lifts his hips enough for you to help him out of them. You groan when he reveals his impressive size, wondering how exactly he expected you to take him. He pushes your panties to the side, mimicking the sound you just made when he sees your bare pussy drooling for him. You eventually get frustrated and line him up with your hole, sinking down in one fluid motion. A voluminous moan escapes from the back of your throat, his dick throbbing achingly inside of you. At first you stay still like that, your pelvises touching as you adjust to his length and girth.
“H-holy shit— you’re s-so deep, Jae,” you cry, resting your forehead against his yet again. He pecks your lips, holding onto your hips to help you bounce on his cock, practically impaling you every single time.
“Fuck, you’re taking me so well. Such a good fucking girl,” Hyunjae grunts, the warmth of your walls drawing him in even further. “So tight, too.”
Your thighs begin to burn and your movements become slower, which he takes note of instantaneously. He bends his knees and forces your upper half impossibly closer to him, thrusting up into you. This new angle allows him to find that one spongy spot that has you seeing stars, fogging up your brain and even your vision.
You cast a downward glance at the minimal space between where the two of you are connected. Your moans and whines grow louder with the view of every thrust of his hips into yours. Hyunjae sneaks his hand in the middle of you, his fingers expertly toying with your clit. Any more stimulation and the band in your stomach is snapping.
You’ve had sex before. You’ve slept with a handful of other guys in the past, but nothing could ever compare to this moment. Your cunt had already memorized his size and every vein, effectively ruining the chances of any other man doing this with you. Lee Hyunjae had you in a chokehold whether he realized it or not. He had you wrapped around his finger without really trying, but you could never complain.
Your walls squeeze his cock and he knows he won’t last much longer, shutting his eyes tightly. “C’mon baby, you gonna cum for me?”
“Mhm,” you whimper, your skin flush on his own. “Wanna cum so bad for you, Hyunjae.”
“Yeah? Me too, sweetheart,” he pants, the thumb on your hip pressing against the bone. “Where do you want me?”
“Inside,” you babble. “Please, please. I want you to cum inside me, Hyunjae.”
He kisses you softly just then, swallowing your pretty moans with something completely opposite of what he’s already given you, and that’s what sends you spiraling, fluttering around him. He groans, spilling into you and letting you milk him dry of everything he has to offer, painting your insides just like you asked him to.
You lay like that for a while, Hyunjae’s dick still buried in you to the hilt. Both of you attempt to catch your breaths and bring yourselves down from the well-anticipated euphoric state you just visited. You giggle at the condensation coating the windows of his car, extending your arm to draw a heart and a smiley face with your finger. He slowly pulls himself out, hissing at the sensitivity, but doesn’t make a move to get you off of his chest.
Where do you go from here? A line had just been crossed and you weren’t entirely sure you knew what he wanted from you. It’s one thing to imagine kissing and fucking someone extensively. But it was another to actually want a tangible, romantic relationship from them, to actually capacitate feelings for them.
“I love you,”
You jolt up and stare at him with widened eyes. Did those words really just come out of his mouth? As if he can read your mind, he nods. There’s a dragged out sigh, followed by him sitting up slightly with you perched on his lap.
“I really do, Y/N. I’ve felt this way for years and I’m willing to do anything for you.” He admits, tucking some of your hair behind your ear. You kiss him gently, the pad of your thumb swiping across his cheekbone.
“I love you, too.”
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The Saturday after your night in Hyunjae’s car brought everything into perspective for you.
You hadn’t spoken to him since he dropped you off at your apartment and it was beginning to worry you. Even though you made sure he reciprocated your emotions, there still could’ve been a misunderstanding. Had you been too forward? Did you scare him away? Did something happen to him? Whatever the explanation was, you didn’t like the eerie feeling it started brewing in your stomach— it was foreboding.
In spite of not talking to them at all in what seemed to be a month or so, you tried calling each of your mutual friends to see if you could get some answers. Not even his roommates picked up their phones and this made you much more uneasy. You pace back and forth in your living room, nicking at your bottom lip with your nails. Why did he choose now of all times to ghost you? What went wrong?
Kevin comes out of his bedroom a couple minutes later, expecting to grab his morning coffee as usual. When he finds you nearly on the brink of insanity instead, he decides to intervene. He supposed his caffeine could wait until his best friend was calmed down. You jump in surprise, holding a fist to your chest. He raises his hands in mock surrender.
“Didn’t mean to startle you, my bad. What’s up? Why do you look like you’re going through a quarter life crisis?” Kevin asks you, pushing his glasses up his nose. “Is everything okay?”
“I—“ you pause and take a deep breath. “I don’t know…”
His eyebrows furrow and he guides you to the sofa so you could sit down. “What do you mean ‘you don’t know’?”
“Hyunjae hasn’t talked to me since Thursday night, after he brought me back here,” your voice is hoarser than you’d like it to be. “I-I texted and called him a bunch but he hasn’t replied. I even— I even tried Juyo, Sunwoo, and Changmin. No luck with them either. I’m concerned, Kev.”
Kevin combs through his hair, pursing his lips in thought. “Yeah, okay, I would be too. It's a little weird that none of them are responding. Have you thought of just showing up at his place to check in on him?”
You shake your head. “No, I didn’t want him to think I’m clingy and annoying in case he was there. What if he just wants to get me off of his back and he’s telling them to ignore me?”
“I don’t think that’s the case at all, Y/N,” your friend sighs, putting his glasses on top of his head and running a hand down his face. “Hyunjae has never been that kind of person in all the years we’ve known him. I highly doubt he’d switch up now. Plus, he’s literally crazy about you. I’m pretty sure the guy would move heaven and earth for you if he could. I think there’s a very real and genuine possibility that something is seriously wrong. It’s like— it’s just a gut feeling, you know?”
“Yeah, I know.” If Kevin felt this way, too, that would only mean one thing, right? You had to get to the bottom of this. There was a chance that lives depended on it. A quick roll of your neck and you’re standing. “I’m gonna go over there. I can’t leave things unanswered. I can’t wait for a fucking news report.”
The ravenette pats the top of your head. “Be careful, N/N. Please.”
You give him a nod before you’re slipping into your shoes and grabbing his car keys. You’re not exactly dressed for a confrontation if there is one— clad in a pair of sweatpants, an oversized sweatshirt with your university’s crest on it, and socks with sandals— but you were too preoccupied to care.
The drive itself was mentally taxing, your brain dissociating most of the ride. You’re not sure how many of the lights you passed were actually green. The closer you got to Hyunjae’s apartment, the more that trepidation settling in your lower abdomen grew. Throughout your life, you’d never been the type of person who acted on instinct or had a nagging voice in the rear of your head warning you about situations you got into. You usually went with the flow and if you made a mistake, you allowed yourself to learn from it.
However, that was prior to being thrown into a period of uncertainty like this one. Now, all you could do was act on instinct. All you could do was listen to the stupid nagging voice in the rear of your head yelling at you. All you could do was follow the blaring alarms and caution signs in your field of vision. And this time they were almost deafening.
Kevin’s car rolls to a stop outside of Hyunjae’s building, occupying an empty spot three away from the front of the stairs. Your pulse races when you step out of the vehicle and immediately recognize the cars in the spaces beside yours. Hyunjae’s, Juyeon’s, and Changmin’s. You notice a thin layer of dirt caking Juyeon and Changmin’s, as if they’d remained unmoved for a long time. Perturbed wasn’t a big enough word to describe what was going through your mind.
Half of you was terrified to take a step towards the stairs, let alone ascend them to Hyunjae’s floor. What would go down when you reached his apartment? What would happen the moment that door opened?
You ball your hands into fists, the edges of your nails jabbing the skin of your palms. The pain steels you enough to move forward, walking up the stairs slowly. There’s a chill tiptoeing along your spine the whole trip up, like your body knew what you were getting yourself into before you did. Maybe you were stupid. Only an idiot would lead themselves blindly into a scenario without knowing the outcome.
It’s been minutes of you staring at the slightly rusted numbers on Hyunjae’s door before you register that you’re standing in front of it. If you're being honest, you have no idea what you’re doing. You were acting on autopilot— progressing without a thought of what’s coming next. A shuddered breath leaves your lips and you raise your knuckles to the door.
The first knock is too soft to hear if the inhabitants were in their bedrooms, so you apply more force the second time. The sound reverberates through the hall, a wince appearing on your features. If someone was inside, surely they had to have heard that one. You wait a little longer for the door to swing open and reveal one of your friends looking perfectly fine. For Juyeon to showcase that grin of his that reaches his eyes and ask what you were doing here. For Changmin to give you that sweet smile that puffed up his cheeks and ask what you needed. For Sunwoo to blow a raspberry before he laughed at how silly you were for stressing over them. For Hyunjae to reassure you that it was all going to be okay, that he loved you. You were praying for that.
But no one showed up on the other end of that doorway and you were stuck glaring at that same painted board of wood.
That’s what sends your instincts into overdrive. Your hand grabs the knob, twisting it just in case. It makes a full rotation, pushing open the door the tiniest bit. You peek inside carefully and find all the lights in the living room and kitchen off. Your teeth bite down on your lip as you enter the apartment. One of the things you hated about it, was the annoying buzz of the fluorescent lights in their bathroom. And for some reason, that was all that infiltrated your ears.
The door for said bathroom was cracked just a tad at the end of the hallway, but what caught your attention was the room closest to you— also cracked the most miniscule amount. You see light filtering through, an almost orange glow like that of a desk lamp. Your stupidity would be your downfall, you conclude, your feet gravitating to the room. It’s Hyunjae’s you recall when you’re outside of it. They always say curiosity killed the cat, and you couldn’t help but revert to a feline and nudge it open with your foot.
You really wished that saying was just that— a saying.
Eric sits ahead of you, tied to a chair in the middle of the room. There’s a piece of fabric gagging his mouth and his clothes are tattered, blood staining nearly every inch. A long gash runs along his left bicep and a myriad of smaller cuts litter his face and arms. What your focus lands on first are the several deep stab wounds on his thighs.
A hand comes up to cup your mouth to keep yourself from screaming at the sight of your best friend in this position. He struggles against his restraints, muffled cries for your assistance shattering your heart into a thousand pieces like broken shards of glass. Tear streaks mixed with dried blood cover the apples of his cheeks.
“Oh my god, Eric,” your voice wobbles as you scramble to free him. “Oh my god…”
You pull down the fabric in his mouth first and he gasps for air. His eyes widen at something behind you and he warns, “Y/N—!” before he’s interrupted by your yelp. The person pressed into your back has their arm around your neck with a hold tight enough that you can’t escape, but loose enough that you can breathe, the blunt edge of a knife grazing the column of your throat.
“Tsk tsk, Youngjae. You should know that making so much noise when your killer’s not in the room just alerts them of suspicious activity. That’s survival 101, my friend. Isn’t that right, sweet sweet Y/N?”
No. No. No. No. No.
This wasn’t happening.
This couldn’t be happening.
“Please, let her go, Hyunjae.” Eric begs. Hyunjae hums, nuzzling his nose in your hair. He rolls his eyes and scoffs after inhaling your scent, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“God, you’re a mouthy one. Not even Juyeon and Sunwoo were this chatty when I slit their throats— then again, it's not like they could talk much anyway.” He snorts.
You felt sick. You were lightheaded now, just at the thought of your friends gone. “W-why are you doing this?”
Hyunjae grumbles, pouting his lips. “Time for me to unravel my evil villain monologue, huh?” He slips a hand under your sweatshirt and pinches the side of your waist. “Well here it is; what you’re dying to know. The first incident was by complete accident, we were simply having a discussion about why he shouldn’t have been staring at your ass while his girlfriend was next to him at Jeong Jaehyun’s end of summer bonfire. The dude got pissed off that I called him out and tried to start a fight, but I shoved him so hard, he fell and hit his head on a rock. I just couldn’t find it in myself to feel bad about it so I left him there like nothing. From then on, anyone who came between us or remotely hurt you in any way wound up on the receiving end of this knife. Funny isn’t it? How you’re the one beneath it this time?”
It all began to fall into place once he laid the cards out on the table for you to read. The guy you ran into Tuesday after class. Poor Kim Mingyu, who just wanted to pass his English final. Your friends not picking up their phones. And supposedly it was all in the name of love.
“Y-you did that for me?”
“Of course, baby,” Hyunjae mutters into the shell of your ear. “I said I’d protect you didn’t I? I just want you all to myself.”
“What the fuck does that possessive bullshit have to do with me? What did it have to do with Juyo or Changmin or Sunwoo?” Eric cries. “Oh god, what about—?”
“Sangyeon, Hoon, Chanhee, Hak? Yeah, those four were taken care of way before my own roommates. You, obviously, were the chosen one this go around. Then it would be Kevin and lastly, Jacob. I planned on stopping after you three unless absolutely necessary.”
“How is any of this fucking necessary? You’re psychotic,” the blonde exclaims, still wriggling in his restraints. “Why would Y/N want you after all of this? Did you really believe she’d never find out about what you’ve done?”
Hyunjae glides the smooth edge of the blade against your skin and releases you from his grip, but takes a hold of your wrist, placing the handle in your grasp. He urges you forward, closer to Eric. “If she was scared of me, don’t you think she would’ve tried harder to escape me? Didn’t even blink when I held the knife to her neck.”
The brunette kisses your temple and you watch the fear in Eric’s eyes morph into defeat. “After everything we’ve been through? I’ve known you since eighth grade, Y/N. Eighth fucking grade. And this is how it ends?”
“H-he loves me,” you stutter, glancing at Hyunjae. “Don’t you?”
“You don’t kill your best friends out of love, Y/N! He’s insane! Please, don’t let him get into your head. You’re not that kind of person.” Eric attempts to reason.
Maybe you weren’t. Maybe you were. Who knows? That didn’t matter. What mattered was the fact that Hyunjae loved you. He loved you so much that he’d kill for you. Over and over and over again.
It was kind of comical that you loved him all the same. You, too, would kill for him. Over and over and over again.
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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maybecoffeemixed · 6 months
7.8/10, kieran doesn't actually kill us.
Seriously though, I enjoyed it!! Since I don't actually own the game (we poor), I watched a no-commentary playthrough so there are plenty of things I very likely missed, including optional dialog, side-quests, and whatever that thing with the professors is (still lookin' for a video without some guy over it), so I can only comment on the bits I saw! That being said, here we go.
First of all, the BATTLES!! Despite not being able to play them myself, they looked SUPER fun!! I screamed when I saw Lacey's tailwind/lightscreen prankster whimsicott, and even MORE so when I saw it was sashed! I loved the usage of competitive items, and the fact that all their teams weren't completely mono-type, each having one exception to their type (Lacey's excadrill, Crispin's Exeggcutor, Amarys's Reuniclus, and Drayton's Sceptile) that they DIDN'T terrastalize was lovely touch!! Amarys's fight was super hype in particular, despite having an over 20 level advantage, the person I watched still nearly wiped to her! Her trick room AI does appear a bit goofy, but it's a small flaw. Finally, Kieran's battle... I personally adore a good rain team, but unfortunately Kieran's politoed was frozen at the start of the battle, and remained that way all the way til the end, so I can't honestly say how difficult it looked. The one thing I will say is that before the indigo disk was out, I created a hypothetical team for Kieran, and I CALLED that Grimmsnarl!! Literally even the focus sash. If anyone's curious, here was the hypothetical team I made. I'm a nuzlocker, not a competitive player, so it very well may be shit. Apologies in advance.
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Next is the characters!! Every design slapped as always, and I enjoyed their personalities! Lacey was adorbs, Crispin was fun, and Amarys might just be one of my new favorites! As for Drayton? Let me tell you, I was side-eyeing him the whole time the MOMENT after he said THIS to Kieran.
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After all the hype around dokutaro/peechikeen (now know as pecharunt, apparently), and all the speculation that Kieran would fall victim to its influence, him saying "that's just peachy" made my rat brain go into overdrive. In the end, I think it was just Legends Arceus giving me Volo flashbacks.
Now, the main event... KIERAN! Let me tell you, he gave me GOOSEBUMPS. Every time he appeared, I could feel a chill run up my spine, and his battle had my heart RACING. ESPECIALLY his breakdown at the end of it! One of the best times I've had in a good while. The animation, his reaction, all of it was GREAT!! It was so refreshing to see him not immediately heel-face turn.
Unfortunately, though, what happened after that all disappointed me. I admit I got too attached to the Dokutaro Posession theory, buy it was still disappointing for Dokutaro (I know that's not its name, leave me be) to not play any role in the main story. It felt like a natural conclusion to what the game was setting up, I thought he'd throw the master ball at terapagos, it'd fail, and he'd become so overwhelmed with everything that has happened that he'd succumb to Dokutaro's control and we'd have to fight the Dokutaro-Kieran with Terapagos's aid. That's not what happened, and I felt a bit sad. His recovery from his breakdown was still set up nicely and had some atleast sufficient justification, but it still felt like too-little too-soon. It felt more like he just gave up all together rather than defeated his demons. He'd never be as strong as the player, and that's that, which is a sour note to leave off on.
We see that he legitimately has nothing. All the other students left the MOMENT he was defeated. No one came to help the kid who was clearly having a panic attack. The BB league cares about him, sure, but I wouldn't consider them his friends. They all thought Kieran getting defeated would "fix" him, and even when he clearly wasn't any better after being defeated, they didn't do anything to assist him. Sure, sometimes when someone has climbed so high, you gotta let them fall, but once they do, you can't just leave them lying on the ground. You need to be there to lift them back up before they start digging.
This isn't an attack on the BB league at ALL. Like I said, I really enjoyed their characters! In fact, this reaction is part of the reason I like them so much. It adds depth.
I just wish that Kieran DID start digging, and that it led to something bigger. Even if Dokutaro wasn't involved, I atleast wanted the final battle with him to be that big thing, and not just a turtle that can't do anything but throw out weak earthpowers.
Though the biggest failing to me is that Kieran apologizes to us, but we don't apologize to him. We as in the player, and Carmine
Kieran's actions are his own and I'm not saying he shouldn't have apologized, but he wasn't solely culpable for how things turned out. We and Carmine purposefully lied, kept a secret that was dear to him, and were the straw that broke the camel's back. Even if we the player didn't apologize, Carmine should've!! Her treatment of Kieran heavily impacted him, and he mirrored her abuse (Kieran telling Carmine to "Shut it", just like she did to him, for example).
Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, was in the wrong here. Kieran took things too far, Carmine behavior is a serious problem, and the played character was complicit.
I'm not demonizing anyone here, I am the number one Carmine defender after all, but everyone needs to take responsibility. Not. Just. Kieran.
I relate heavily to both Kitakami siblings, as both an elder sister with younger siblings who she's accidentally mistreated, and as a little sister with an older sibling who treats me like I'm lesser.
I've lashed out at my older sibling, and while my reaction wasn't proportional, it doesn't mean my emotions weren't justified.
I have severe genetic anger issues (that I'm now thankfully medicated for), and have unjustly taken them out on my younger siblings.
Carmine needs to apologize too, or the cycle will just continue. Maybe she already did and I missed it, or maybe it happens in the post-game. However, if she didn't? It makes me feel unresolved.
Anyways, that all I gotta say on it!! Hope someone enjoyed this overly long rambling!!
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(P.S. I still don't trust dragon boy. "Thats just peachy" my ASS, you know something ya toothpaste haired cunt. Why did they request to bring ya along to area zero anyways, ya plot relevant FUCK.)
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paintedkinzy-88 · 1 month
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Have a big ol’ info dump about Spirits and Ghosts in the Flicker AU! To get my thoughts organized mostly. It’s super long because these two classes are the foundations of pretty much everything else ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Think of this like looking into a bit of Donnie’s research, cuz this would basically be most of what he learned from Drax or at the mystic library.
There are also a handful of other paranormal entities in this world… so if you want the full list, I’ll try getting that done as quickly as I can.
The spirit is the most common form of afterlife! They are souls that are fully satisfied with their life and don’t have any desire to stick around — they are ready to move on.
They are bound together by strong familial bonds, with or without blood relation. These bonds empower each other and create a space in the afterlife for souls to safely go to, but it also means they can still keep track of living family as well. If their bond is strong enough, like the Hamatos, they can also be summoned and visible in the living world!
On a few occasions, a spirit may come down to the mortal world on their own terms, though it takes a lot of energy. They usually have the backing of the other ancestors in the family.
Families with strong mystic connections are even more powerful, building with each generation as more ancestors are available to provide the living members that strength. (Despite the amount of mysticism in the world, this is fairly rare.) This also means the spirits can provide individual support by attaching themselves to a living person, similar to Karai’s bond with April.
Spirits in the living world are fully visible and, to a point, tangible as well. They can choose to hide themselves, or to only allow select people to perceive them, but it is fully in their control. Their appearance relies entirely on their sense of identity, manifesting into what they see as their truest self.
They can also fully see other entities, even if those entities cannot be seen by mortals.
While not totally common, if you are not a spirit after death, it’s most likely you would be a ghost instead. These are souls that are not satisfied with their life in some way, whether that be unfinished business, or just a reluctance to leave the mortal world. Some ghosts know exactly why they are still around, whereas others may never know.
Ghosts are fairly weak. They do not have their full soul, as most of it is still trying to move on. Because of this, not only are they left with an empty, unfinished feeling, but they are not at all visible to the naked eye. Only the ones with a connection to death can see them, such as mediums or other dead beings. Some yokai will have the ability to sense their presence, such as skeletons… but otherwise not know who or what it is.
Certain crystals or spells can also provide mortals the ability to see/hear the dead, though they are very hard to come by.
They also do not have much control over the physical world. Touching objects can take a lot of energy and practice, as trying too much can drain them to exhaustion. However, though a bit trickier to get a hold of, messing with electricity is far less tiring, meaning lights, appliances, computers, and anything of the sort are all much easier for a skilled ghost to interact with!
Similarly, ghosts can easily manipulate small flames. They are the easiest thing to interact with, though only to an extent. Blowing out candles was always a yokai’s first reliable sign of paranormal activity.
Other signs are as follows: cold spots, moving objects, flickering lights, air movement, knocking, or, eventually, staticky screens, appliances beeping/malfunctioning, music, and even messages/emails/notifications.
Due to their lack of soul, a visual form is also harder to control. Where spirits are seen as their truest self, a ghost can only appear as how they were in the moment of death. For many, that may not be much of an issue, having died unexpectedly in their sleep or from an inner sickness. For others, such as Leo, it is a far more gruesome look.
A ghost can move on to become a spirit, if their needs/wants have been satisfied. Most do. Some never will. Others will transition into a different class, such as phantoms, specters, banshees, or poltergeists.
IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE: not every sign of paranormal activity is ACTUALLY a paranormal being. Some yokai have the ability to turn invisible. Some yokai are cruel and mischievous. You cannot always rely on physical means of confirmation, such as ghost hunting technology or Ouija boards. Mediums or spirits are the most recommended source, but spells and crystals can also do should you need visible proof.
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leejeongz · 2 years
how enhypen act when they have a crush on you
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pairing: crush!enha x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: teasing, slang
heeseung ・:,。★゚
♡ it took him a while to realise he had a crush on you tbh he just thought you intimidated him for other reasons
♡ like he knew you were attractive and that you’d most probably get on well, but he didn’t realise the actual gravity of his feelings
♡ shy heeseung !!!!
♡ the only person who can make him blush (he’d never EVER admit it though)
♡ launches his phone and kicks his feet whenever you reply to him
♡ if someone catches him he’s straight back to “:| nothing”
♡ heeseung has definitely accidentally liked one of your posts from 2014 lmfao
♡ in real life, you would never imagine that he has a crush on you. he tries his hardest to avoid you and panics when your schedules overlap because he just AH doesn’t know how to act around you
♡ he talks to all your friends but you :(( he does want to but he thinks he’ll embarrass himself in front of you
other members below the cut
jay ・:,。★゚
♡ FULL ❗️ of compliments
♡ sometimes they don’t land as he wishes, they’re a bit awkward and sound kinda weird when he says them out loud (but you’re still getting giddy over them because you have a crush on him too lol)
♡ no matter how long you’ve been friends, he still can’t look you in the eye
♡ but he does know how beautiful they are and isn’t afraid to tell you !!!
♡ we all know jay has no bad days, especially when it comes to his looks, but he tries extra hard on days when he knows that he’ll see you, spending hours on his hair and outfit, that’s how his friends know that he really likes you.
♡ okay so out of everyone, against all odds, i think he would be the most successful when it comes to flirting
♡ as i said he’s full of compliments but he’s also very good at making it known what his intentions are
♡ so you’d never be left feeling like you don’t know where you stand, it’s pretty clear that he has a crush on you
jake ・:,。★゚
♡ jake is the type of guy to look out for those he’s interested in, even if you don’t even know each other
♡ he keeps his eye on you, probably from afar, and uses it to work his way into your life
♡ idk if jake can acc drive but he would still find a way to make your journey to school/work easier
♡ jake is 100% that one guy who waits to message you on your birthday just to start a conversation and it works lol of course it does
♡ i don’t doubt that you’re hilarious ofc, but jake thinks you’re the funniest person on the planet,,, no one has ever made him laugh as much as you do.
♡ he tries to show off in front of you tbh
♡ and sometimes it’s like kinda cringe for other people to watch but he’s charmed you so you don’t seem to find it cringe at all :)
sunghoon ・:,。★゚
♡ despite his cold exterior, you always find him being nice to you
♡ the wanna be tsundere that just doesn’t have it in him to ever ignore you
♡ he texts you back really quickly and tries to help you with stuff even if he has no idea
♡ whenever you catch him looking at you, he turns away real quickly and smiles to himself… very cute
♡ there’s definitely going to be a rumour about you two dating before he's even confessed to you since he acts so differently around you than anyone else
♡ his feelings are like burning a hole in his heart that’s how strong they are, but he still doesn’t do anything about it because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable 😭 bless him
sunoo ・:,。★゚
♡ you very quickly find yourself within his friendship circle, and, although you’re not very close with sunoo, he’s always super affectionate with you and smiling at you
♡ a gift giver. even if it’s just a small thing like a pen because you forgot to bring one that day. he picks out the prettiest pen in his pencil case and gives it to you with the most genuine sweet smile
♡ whether you’re at school or working, he tries his hardest to clear his schedule on important days for you (sports events, interviews, presentations, etc).
♡ so basically, he’s your number one supporter and he WILL be your best friend whether you like it or not before he even considers confessing his feelings
jungwon ・:,。★゚
♡ without realising it’s kind of… weird he copies stuff you do and buys similar items
♡ like say you have a blue cloud charm on your backpack, he’ll get a pink cloud charm to match lol
♡ denies that he has a crush on you but 🤨
♡ he’s adamant he will spend time around you even if it means sacrificing his own plans. he grabs lunch at your favourite cafe in hopes of seeing you instead of sticking with his friends
♡ saying that tho, i think jungwon would be least likely to change himself around you
♡ he always acts like himself around you, if you don’t like him for that then that’s on you 🤷🏻‍♀️
♡ but who doesn’t have a crush on jungwon lol ANW
♡ one time he asked you if you wanted a hug when he noticed you looking stressed and now physical affection is normal between you two, like the next step would be kissing lmfao
niki ・:,。★゚
♡ the first to tell his friends, the second he’s sees you he hits the group chat and tells them he’s gonna talk to you and make you his
♡ he thinks he’s so confident and smooth but he’s stuttering on EVERY WORD
♡ he’s most definitely a teaser, you’ll come away from every conversation thinking he dislikes you but that’s so far from the truth
♡ behind your back, he’s your number 1 defender, to the point where no one even dares say anything bad about you because they are too scared of niki lmfao
♡ he loves sitting next to you and poking you or nudging you (especially when you’re concentrating)
♡ AND THEN asking if you wanna get up and dance ??? even though you're in public or smth lmfao
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waiting4inspiration · 2 years
No One But You (Billy Hargrove x Reader)
Summary: Billy's always been close with you but he never realized that you've filled a hole in him until you ignore him after he unknowingly broke your heart. His loneliness drives you to get you back.
Warnings: strong language, angst, fluff, mentions of abuse, mentions of billy being a player (i guess), mentions of smoking, mentions of not wanting to live, fighting in public, crying, sweet happy ending, friends-to-lovers (kind of)
Word Count: 2,104
Request: Hi! Can you write a Billy fic, the reader is fell in love with Billy, so she always gets his attention, cheers him up, brings him food/cute stuff, comforts him when Neil abuses him. Billy loves the attention from the reader but still flirts with other girls because he thinks he doesn't do relationship then reader finds billy kissing someone else and it broke her heart then she started ignoring him and then billy realizes that he misses her and likes her to be his. Please it make it super angsty but a nice sweet ending! Pretty please. Thanks and Have a nice day! 🎊🎊
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A/n: Whaat? Two Billy fic in one day?? Clearly I have nothing better to do with my time and love this boy... plus I did say I would post these requests as I finish them so tada
Billy Hargrove Masterlist II Stranger Things Masterlist
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Billy loves the attention. It’s why he plays his music loudly when he drives, why he openly flirts with practically every woman he sees, and why he walks with such confidence in his step. It makes everyone in the room turn their gaze to him, and he loves it. When he met you, his feelings were indifferent about how you tried to do things to get him to notice you and keep talking to you. 
The way you became persistent to have his attention ended up making him get closer to you than he has with any other woman. People might say that he considers you a friend. And perhaps he does. 
You always manage to cheer him up when he’s in a foul mood at school, whether it’s by talking until you go into a rant about some teacher or some girls that have pissed you off, or by bringing him samples of treats you had baked the previous night at home for him to taste. Not to mention that he’s kept some of the gifts you’ve gotten him, despite him telling you how you don’t have to do that. 
Yeah, maybe he’s gotten close to you. It’s why he didn’t try and push you away when you found him sitting on a park bench with a bruised cheek at night, recovering from a ‘rough handling’ from his father. After that, he sought comfort in your presence whenever his father hit him. 
But Billy never saw anything going further with you. He always thought he wasn’t the kind of person that does long-lasting relationships. He doesn’t think he could commit. And after everything he’s been through with you, how close he’s gotten to you, he doesn’t think he could pull his moves on you.
So, he continues to flirt with girls, doing what he does best and getting them to smile and laugh at his witty comments, not thinking that it would affect what he has with you. 
Until you just disappear. 
He notices one morning how you’ve stopped meeting him at his car in the mornings before school, how you never seem to find him in the hallways anymore or in his secret smoking spots. You don’t look at him during the classes you have together anymore. Not even to share in a funny experience or an inside joke. 
At first, he didn’t care. He told himself that perhaps without your constant presence, he’d have more time to himself and his own doings. He won’t have to deal with your ranting anymore. 
Then, he started to feel small pangs of loneliness. Without you, his life felt quiet and he can’t remember when last he smiled and laughed genuinely. Without you there to comfort him after his dad hit him, Billy really felt like he had no one in the world. He would wait for you to come to that park bench, but you never came. And he asked himself why you were being so cruel to him?
He tries to drown his loneliness with music, but it only makes him think about the times he would make you listen to every tape he had as a way to ‘teach you what real music is’. It would make him remember how you would laugh as he drummed his hands against his thighs with the drum line of the song. His room felt too quiet now without you, no matter how loud he would blast his music, annoying Max in the other room. 
As people file into the school building on Monday morning, Billy leans against his car, staring down at the lighter in his hand. It was a gift from you after his last one died and it has never let him down since you gave it to him. Now, he’s forced to think about you again every time he lights a cigarette. 
Now, thinking about how it feels like you’re ignoring him, it makes him angry. He feels his blood starting to boil in his veins, thinking about how no other girl could manage to fill the empty space you left in his life. He’s angry that you didn’t even give him a head’s up or a reason for just flaking out on him. 
He lifts his head after stuffing the lighter in his pocket and immediately spots you walking towards the school building. Quickly pushing himself off his car, he rushes forward, determined to not go another without you acknowledging him. 
“Did I do something wrong?” he practically shouts, slipping in front of you and making you look at him for the first time in a week. “Or is this just a new, bitchy side to you?”
Your lip flares in a snarl, your eyes narrowing at him as you step around him. “I don’t want to talk to you,” you mutter, purposefully walking into his shoulder as you pass him.
But it doesn’t make him back down. 
His hand shoots out to grab your arm, pulling you back, and giving you a stern look as his grip tightens. “Really? Because I used to struggle trying to get you to stop following me like a fucking puppy,” he snaps, letting your arm go when you pull it out of his grip. 
“I doubt you’ll have trouble finding a replacement for me following you around, if my absence bothers you so much. Seeing as how you’re constantly flirting with anything in a skirt,” you shout back at him, adjusting the strap of your back over your shoulder as you attempt to walk away from him again. 
“Oh, I’ll be fine finding a replacement for you. But who are you going to be following around from now on?”
“Fuck you, Billy,” you shout over your shoulder for the entire school to hear.
Your cuss at him doesn’t feel like a joke. It feels way too serious for him. And it dawns on him that this is not some kind of banter between you two. He’s done something that deeply upset you and he’s not sure what it is so he doesn’t know how to fix it. He doesn’t even know why he wants to fix it. 
Throughout the day, he’s staring at you when you’re in sight, his knee bouncing up and down as he waits for it to dawn on him what he did. 
Fuck, he just wants you to look at him and smile again. He just wants you to meet him by his locker to rant about whatever is on your mind. He just wants to spend those quiet moments at night on the park bench with you again. 
He wants you. 
He misses you. 
“Fuck,” he hisses at himself in his car on the way home, hitting his steering wheel before turning it to make a U-turn right in the middle of the road. His foot practically on the floor, he zooms to your house and he doesn’t intend on leaving until he has you in his life again. 
Arriving just in time to see you reach the front door, he comes to a screeching halt in your driveway and flies out of his car, slamming his door behind him as he walks towards you.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” you shout, dropping your bag at the front door before storming towards him. “What don’t you understand about ‘I don’t want to talk to you’?”
“I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what’s pissed you off so much,” he firmly says, standing in front of you and staring down at you with a harsh glare. 
You shake your head, scoff in disbelief, and run your hands over your face. “God, you’re so stupid sometimes. Is that what Rachel finds attractive?”
“Who the fuck is Rachel?”
“Rachel Smith! The girl you were making out with against your locker last week,” you shout up at him. 
Then he realizes what this is all about. It makes his face fall and he takes a deep breath as you laugh to yourself, turning your eyes down to hide the tears welling up in them. 
“I thought you cared about me. I thought…” you trail off, shaking your head and looking up at him as you swallow a hard lump in your throat. “I thought that maybe you saw something in me that no one has ever seen in me before. I fell in love with you for that, thinking that maybe you’d feel the same way about me even if you say that you don’t do relationships. I thought that maybe you would change your mind. But it seems that I was just as stupid as every other girl you play,” you say, your voice the softest he’s ever heard. 
A tear falls down your cheek, making Billy realize that he’s hurt you. He’s broken your heart without even meaning to do that. He would never intend to hurt you when all you’ve done for him is heal him. If he had known your feelings before, he would never have kissed Rachel.
Would he?
If it meant that he would lose you, then of course he wouldn’t have. 
When he doesn’t say anything, you turn around to walk away. But he doesn’t want you to leave. 
He grabs your wrist to stop you. Only, this time his touch is gentle and you can feel the desperation in his hold. You can’t bear to look at him now, fearing that this is just a ploy to get you to let him back in your life. The thought that he might be trying to play his tricks on you makes your head drop between your shoulders. 
“Please let me go, Billy,” you beg, shutting your eyes and letting more tears roll down your cheeks, 
Billy shakes his head, knowing that you can’t see it, and takes a small step towards you. “I can’t,” There’s no more shouting between you two and the atmosphere has changed, making your head crane slightly so you can see his figure out the corner of your eye. “You have no idea how miserable I’ve been without you there beside me. How lonely I felt,” he says, his voice breaking slightly as he takes another step forward. 
It makes your head turn to face him fully, your throat closing up when you see that he’s close to tears himself. 
“It always felt like something was missing in my life. I just never realized that it was you until you left,” he whispers, turning you around and letting go of your wrist as he raises his hand to wipe a tear off your cheek. “If this past week is what it’s like living this life without you, then I don’t want to live.”
“Don’t say that,” you choke out. 
“Why not? It’s true.”
Your gaze falls, but his other hand comes up to cup your other cheek and he steps closer to you, making your hands rest on his chest. He makes you look at him, and this is the closest you two have ever been. You’ve often thought about what the build-up to a kiss with him might be like, that it would involve being this close to him. You just never thought that possibility of it happening to you would be in a situation like this where you’re crying. 
“Fuck the other girls. They can’t begin to make me feel like how you make me feel. I want you.”
You shake your head, almost not believing his words as you cast your eyes down again. God, you really hate him seeing you cry. 
He leans forward, pressing his forehead against yours, his eyes fluttering shut just as yours do, and small pleas falling from his lips. “Please, (Y/n). Please forgive me,” he whispers, and you almost don’t hear his words. 
“You’re sorry?” you ask, lifting your head to press your forehead a bit more against his. 
“So fucking sorry.”
You’re quiet for a second, only letting out a shaky breath before you snake your arms around his waist and stepping into his chest. “Don’t do it again.”
Billy smiles at your words, wraps his arms around your shoulders, and pulls in closer to his body. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
As he stands there in your front yard, his arms around you and yours around his, he feels that empty space inside him start to fill up again. It’s like someone has taken a pencil and filled out the missing part of a picture, colored in the empty, outlined shape. 
No one could have filled that space as you do. No one but you.
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mediocreanomaly · 11 months
Baby Fever with Trigun Boys!
Authors Note: I’ve been so obsessed with the Trigun baby post recently it’s been filling my head with thoughts, so here’s all the Trigun boys with if they would want kids + how many kids I think they’d have! (w Livio, Razlo, and Legato because they never get enough love 💔)  
Trigger warning: hints of pocd in Legatos (his is at the very end so you can stop reading before his if it’s a sensitive subject) 
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Would Vash want kids? Yes...eventually 
•When he first thinks about having kids with you he’s over the moon excited but then the longer he thinks about it the more nervous he gets. He does want a baby but he already feels bad for dragging you along and putting you in danger, and he’s got a bit of a self loathing streak (he makes me so sad) so he’ll probably slow down and try to convince you to wait until he stops his brother to have a family
•The other thing is he’s also not even sure if it’s possible, plant and human hybrid??? it’s never been done, not that he’s not eventually down for trying
•Although once he gets it in his head that you want a baby with him he discovers a side of himself that he didn’t know existed until now, rest assured you won’t be leaving the bed anytime soon.
•If you get pregnant before Vash can stop his brother he might mope just a bit apologizing despite you not really being mad, but it doesn’t last long. Then he’s both super excited and super stressed! What do babies need? are you hot? cold? do you need him to carry you? need help reaching something? he’s there fussing over you like a mother hen
•If you get pregnant after he deals with Knives, then he’s a lot more eager right off the bat, excited to start a family after everything he’s been through (still a mother hen though)
•Vash 👏 has 👏twins 👏
•Two little girls to be exact! one for each arm, one for each parent! Double the cuteness!
• Vash is a very good dad, eager to raise his children the way he thinks Rem would want him to, plus he has you! They grow a bit faster than human children thanks to the plant genes but not nearly as fast as Vash and Nai grew up so luckily you guys get to still enjoy them being small
• As the twins grow up they are eerily similar to how Vash and Nai were as children. In fact Vash gets a bit nervous when his other little girl takes on so many personality traits of his older brother, he stresses about it a bit, not that he didn’t love Nai but he doesn’t want history to repeat itself. Luckily he has you by his side, every time he lets his thoughts run wild, he watches the way you so gently parent the twins...he takes a small breath of relief. He feels in a way...he failed his brother but this is different, this time it’ll be okay
Does he want kids? Yes  👍
•Wolfwood loves kids so it’s natural he’d want some of his own and especially if it’s with you
•Thing is slightly similar to Vash he’d be a bit reluctant to have kids right now. He’s got a lot on his plate and he also has a bit of a self loathing streak (Trigun boys x therapy) he isn’t sure he deserves to start a family with someone as good as you
•When you do start a family Nick goes from 0-100 real fast, and by that I mean he goes from being protective to guard dog mode 24/7 but can you blame him? He’s seen how dangerous the world is he’ll die before he let’s anything happen to you or his unborn child
•Your first kid is a little girl, one that grows up to be...a little too much like her father. Sarcasm is her default speech and she’s a little head strong, but very protective of her family
•Now I don’t see enough people talking about this but??? Wolfwood??? would for sure want to adopt a kid??? He grew up in an orphanage, so of course your second kid was adopted. As much as he loves your daughter he knows how much the kids at the orphanage need a good home, so you welcome in a little boy. One that's a bit timid and shy and reminds Wolfwood all too much of little Livio when he was young, safe to say it pulls on his heart strings
•The last kid is the baby! Your daughter and son are a bit older and the third was admittedly a bit of an accident, not an unwelcomed one, but not planned. Either way Nick is happy about it (plus he’s really good at taking care of babies) In all you tie off your happy little family with three kids (four if you count nick lol)
•Wolfwood is a good dad though. Also he’s the kids favorite, so expect to get jealous when after school all the kids run into his arms. Don’t expect condolences either, this man will look up at you, all the kids in his arms and give you the biggest shit eating grin too...the bastard.
Would he want kids? Yes if you take care of them lmao
•Okay so unlike Vash and Wolfwood, Knives sees himself as an apex, so he can protect you and his kids from anything, if he decides he wants kids he doesn’t feel the need to wait
•The only thing is...it’s cannon he’s got a thing for impregnation right? but you have to realize this is for Plants, plant children aren’t like human children (or in this case plant/human children?) they grown alot faster, understand alot quicker, and he’s not the most...nurturing guy in the world. 
 •So buckle up because you’ll be in charge of most the children's care! don’t worry too much though, if you ask for something he’ll provide it so you won’t ever need to stress about not having anything. 
•During the pregnancy he’s fiercely protective over you, keeping you in his private wing in a plush bed. Only letting Legato help take care of you and Conrad whos in charge of your check ups
•Now honestly I’m not sure how many kids he’d have, so I see one of two options
•option one, an only child. One that he has you raise then begins to take more under his wing as he or she grows up. A child that's, in a way, the heir of everything Nai has built, one that will grow to be as strong as their father (with hopefully a bit more care thanks to you)
•option two, lots of children. Once he sees your pregnant the first time...well he likes you like that, might as well keep you like that all the time right? Besides don’t you want to continue his legacy?
•Either way he does like love  his children, he just has a hard time showing it. He tries to show he cares though i mean you’ve seen how he is with Vash. Honestly I think it’s easier for your kids to understand their fathers affections since their half plant, gives them a better insight you know? (if you mess with them it’s literally the quickest way to die though so it’s not like that aren’t under his care still) 
Does he want children? 100% Yes!
•This man...ugh this man
•Livio 100% wants kids with you, he’s a gentle giant and a soft soul at heart. He wants nothing more than to settle down with you and have a couple little feet running around.
•This man is so patient so caring with you. He’s also a little scared he’ll hurt you once you’re pregnant I mean look at you!!! you’re so cute! waddling around all that baby weight, what if he crushes you? or bumps into you and hurts the baby? what do you mean that's not how that works?
•Despite his worries you welcome a happy healthy baby girl, who he’s still a little apprehensive about hurting at first but once you guide him through holding the little bundle of joy he’ll settle a bit
•So you have your first little girl, and after about a year you decide to try for another. You and livio decide you want to try to have one boy one girl, only thing is...you have another little girl! but that's okay! because a year after that you try again...and have another little girl. Livio accepts his fate after that.
•all jokes! Livio really does love his little girls to death, he doesn’t really care if he has a little boy or not, besides it’s endlessly hilarious to come home and see this hulk of a man surrounded by three little girls, one of which has dressed him up in a pink tutu so he can attend her royal tea party, another using her cheap kid make up to make him “the prettiest girl at the ball” while she smears eyeshadow on his face and another one yet pulling what hair he has into multiple little pig tails. 
•Now I do have one small headcannon that only applies if you are in a relationship with both Livio and Razlo. If you are in a relationship with both the boys then Razlo sees the girls as his kids but not his kids if that makes sense...as in he helps raise them as his own but he doesn’t feel like he in particular made them you know?
•Razlo will probably ask if he can try for one kid with you (if you know what I mean) and you'll end up with one more kid, your youngest and ofcourse...it’s a boy! Razlo will never let Livio live this down, he will tease Livio about this fact forever. “What like it was hard?” “Shut up Razlo” 
Does he want kids? Maybe?
•Razlos a little on the fence about kids at first. He’s spent his life training, protecting, killing. As cocky as he acts he isn’t sure he’d be a good dad.
•Once he get’s more settled into his life not constantly fighting he’ll start to consider it though, because Razlo does like kids it’s just...he spent his whole life protecting Livio he had just never really considered the fact he might one day have a family of his own
•When you’re pregnant he follows you around like a puppy, his broad form is like a large shadow keeping a watchful eye over your smaller form. Unlike Livio though he’s a little less scared of his strength, in fact he likes to use it to his advantage, why waste his gift right? so expect him to try to carry you around everywhere. Also don’t even think about lifting anything, that’s what he’s for!
•As mentioned in Livios if you are in a relationship with both Razlo and Livio then Razlo will only really try to get you pregnant once after all Livios kids born. He’s content with raising all the girls and one little boy. (Razlo also gets swept up into the parties. He puts up a bit more of a fight and complains and bit more then Livio does but he loves them so he deals with it.) 
•As for his little boy he tries to get him into more traditionally masculine things so he can have a break from playing princess but he’s actually very accepting of whatever his kids want to do. If his little boy end up liking the stuff he does? great! If he doesn’t and just wants to join his sisters? also great! I mean, he’s a little less thrilled there's now four sets of hands hastily applying lipstick to his face, but that’s life. (Jokes on him, it ends up being one of the little girls who’s a little tomboy. “papa Razlo? can we go catch bugs?” “Oh thank god yes let’s go”) 
•But!!! If you are in a relationship with just Razlo then it’s a bit different. He’ll probably end up with two kids, both boys. The first boy is alot like him, very loud, blunt, and protective. He’s also a bit of a trouble maker and it doesn’t help Razlo is a bit of a yes man which ends in both of them with their heads bowed while you scold them
•Your younger one is a bit more of a gentle soul. A lot more shy, more of an introvert and defiantly glued to you in his younger years. Razlo doesn’t 100% understand his interest as he gets older but he does try, in fact his shy nature reminds him a lot of Livio which makes him a bit protective of your youngest. in all he ends up being a great dad
Does he want kids? No.
•Now listen, you need to understand, this man did not have a good childhood, in fact he didn’t have a childhood.
•He doesn’t have any experience with kids and the way he was treated as a child...yeah he’s got a lot of trauma around the whole concept of children as a whole, and honestly it’d have to be pretty far in your relationship for him to even be willing to be physical enough with you to even have the chance to conceive a kid.    
•so no he doesn’t want kids. 
•but lets say accidents happen and somehow the two of you are a bit careless and you end up pregnant 
•oh boy are you ready? Because Legato makes me really sad. He’d be a bit distant during your pregnancy, he doesn’t really know how to feel about all this, he never imagined himself as a father and now...
•When your baby is first born (a little boy) you’re going to have to do all the care. It’s rough but honestly with his trauma? he’d be scared to death to touch his kid. He’s paranoid. He knows what he went through and he’s scared. What if he hurts his kid? What if the same thing happens to him? In reality he’d never and I mean never hurt his kid but it’s a common for this kind of paranoia in victims of the type of abuse Legato suffered.
•It’s a rough couple of first years but after some reassurance (and therapy! please get this man therapy!) He slowly comes around. No matter what though he’s protective. Like I said he knows how cruel humanity can be, and even in the first years with his paranoia he’ll be damned if anyone hurts his little boy. In fact he might go a bit over board and refuse to let anyone even touch him or pick him up besides you
•Once he settles in though...it’s not so bad. He slowly warms up to him, admittedly it’s a bit rocky at first. To your little boy Legato is a bit of a stranger living in the same house of him since Legato refuses to let himself get too close, but give it time and they’ll slowly bond.
“I’m told you like to read?” “...yeah” “maybe...I could give you some of my favorite books? would you like that?” “...okay.”
•Don’t worry!!! the two end up okay. Despite the less than ideal start, Legato gains more confidence the more he interacts with his son. Especially since they have a lot of the same interest. At the end of the day Legato realizes something, he want’s to give his kid the childhood he never got to have.
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ash5monster01 · 27 days
Hi!!! I literally discovered your blog yesterday and I'm in love with it🥰
I watched Dead poet's society last night for like the 16th time and I'm in love with Charlie, you portrayed so beautifully in your writing.
Anyway I'm babbling. Could I request him being a dad ? I just imagine him letting his little boy be able to explore his passions and his little girl breaking stereotypes
Thank you 😊😊😊
The Best I Could
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Pairing: Charlie Dalton x FemReader
Warnings: fluff, mentions of past trauma, self doubt, super cheesy.
Summary: Charlie had his doubts about having kids knowing all the things he went through growing up, but as you watch him with your kids you realize he’s a better Dad than he ever thought he could be.
word count: 900
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The warm breeze blows softly against your skin as you rock back on forth of the porch swing. It’s a beautiful spring day, the ease of the weekend enveloping you as you live in your blissful little world. The air smells like flowers and the sun is warm. Best of all, the laughs of your small children fill the atmosphere as your husband chases them around the yard. You can’t help but realize just how blessed you are.
“Charlie” you start to scold as your little girl dangles from his arm by her ankles. Her dress is flipped over her head, revealing the bloomers beneath, and he gives you a sheepish smile as he returns his daughter upright despite her happy giggles.
“Sorry baby” he says with a grin he knows could get him out of anything. You just shake your head, laughing as your son jumps on his back. It wasn’t hard but Charlie still manages to make a show of it and falls to the ground as if the boy had actually knocked him over even though he was only a quarter of Charlie's size.
“You’re getting so strong Eli” he says proudly, laughing as he rolls to his back in the dirt. The boys grins, eyes glowing with adoration towards his father.
“Daddy can we please play baseball?” your little girls begs, already equipped with the wooden baseball bat. Charlie smiles up at her from the ground, chuckling to himself at the sight and your daughters odd love for the mostly male sport.
"Sure Marnie, get the helmet though" he tells his daughter and you smile at how he doesnt question it. In fact you gave up on that a long time ago. You just let the girl be when she decided she didn't like dolls and liked sports instead. In fact Charlie never questioned it either. When Eli said he preffered art over football your husband had a paint set in the house the next day and as for Marnie, he'd pitch a hundred balls to her as long as she was happy.
You knew his freedom with them came from years of being told there was a specific way to do things. Some unwritten set of rules about society that had been shoved down his throat for a very long time. Charlie lived in that world, was suffocated by it, so now he let your kids explore any new hobbies they wanted. He hung every single one of Eli's paintings in his home office and had bought Marnie sports gear months ago so they could practice the things she wanted. You had even watched him fight the local coach when he claimed girls couldn't join the team. When Charlie showed him the rule book said nothing about gender, the coach begrudingly had to take her on anyway. You didn't care if you were the family that got weird looks in the stands, you and Charlie always cheered the loudest.
“Nice hit Marnie” Eli claps as his sister wails the ball Charlie just threw. You watch impressed as it glides through the air. She had a strong arm, you were in for a world of trouble when she gets big enough to fight Eli back.
“Eli why don’t you toss her a few while I sit with Mama” Charlie urges the boy and he happily takes over as pitcher, winding up to try and strike out his sister who was guaranteed to hit every single one.
“Tiring you out?” you question as he jogs up the porch and lands into the swing beside you. He smiles, arm wrapping around your shoulders as he moves in motion with you.
“Just a touch, I’m not as young as I used to be” he says and you laugh, leaning to rest your head against his shoulder as you watch the kids play in the yard.
“You’re the best Dad, they really love you” you tell him, absolutely bursting with love over the beautiful family you had been blessed with. In no way were either of you doing a perfect job, but at least they were happy.
“I wouldn’t say that, I’m doing the best I can” he mutters into your hair, pressing a soft kiss to your head. You roll your eyes even if he can’t see.
“You’re not them Charlie, you’re letting your kids be who they want to be and that’s a beautiful thing” you tell him and Charlie knows exactly who you’re talking about. His Parents, Nolan, all of his teachers. They had forced conformity on him for so long.
“I just don’t want the world to break them like it did me” he tells you and you sigh, knowing that life had taken a toll on him. You move your hand to rest on his stomach, holding him close.
“It won’t, because they got a really good Dad to keep them from it” you say and you can’t see the smile that covers his face or the tears that begin to rim his eyes. As he looks from you to the kids he realizes he made something of himself. Whether his Dad, Nolan, or anyone else thought different. He was happy and that was the only success he needed in the world.
“They got a really good Mom too”
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lonnitamongus · 10 months
A look at the victims of tcmg
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With the new release of Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Game, we have been exposed to a terrifying and tense world with lovely brand new characters in addition to the iconic Sawyers. The victims, all original to the game, are just fantastic. Each of them has a rich backstory to them and more so, clear personalities!
Playing the game and playing a good amount with each victim, I have noticed some clear markers of personality in every character through their dialogue.
Sonny, my main, is a anxious yet steadfast kind of guy. He speaks timidly as a mouse, commenting quietly about how horrifying things are while trying to keep brave. Although in stature he is smaller than the other victims, Sonny is brave despite his greatest fears. He constantly amps himself up, urging himself to not loose hope and to get out of tough spots. I really love how Sonny, alongside Ana, are the friends that try to bring peace of mind to everyone else. Sonny isn't a leader but he is strong support to the other survivors and that fact shows even more in his ability to hear other survivors and the killers from far distances. He's a sort of lookout for the group, staying cunning and brave despite clearly being scared. Another thing I have to point out with Sonny is his connection to Maria. Sonny, alongside Ana, clearly want to find Maria the most out of anyone. Sonny constantly talks about how he recognizes the family members from his investigations. Sonny likely spied on the family members and is likely the one who figured everything out, connecting Maria's disappearance to the family. Sonny clearly was adamant on finding his friend and helping Ana out, he's a true friend.
Then there is Julie and... she is a completely different type of character but I love her for that. She isn't a resilient survivor or a strong willed person. In fact, Julie is like an innocent girl stuck in the worst place she could possibly be. Julie is probably the least hopeful victim in tcmg, she constantly comments on how they are all probably going to die and that there is no hope of them escaping. She is extremely fearful about everything happening and that's the dominant emotion that controls what she does. Julie may be extremely scared but that doesn't change the fact that she's way more adept towards survival than she might think. Her extreme fear helps her as because of it she is much more cautious and stealthy than any other victim. Julie is one of the more tragic victims in this game I feel, she always cries extremely hard when she gets killed and I hate whenever she dies. Julie is a sweet soul and the other survivors comment on that when they find her dead body. Connie for example says "Oh sweetie what did they do to you..." Julie to me is clearly a girl who is a sweet soul and wanted to help find her missing friend but she never thought it would go somewhere so horrible. Out of all the victims, she is the only one who regrets coming her and constantly says that they never should of come here. Julie is also super caring! She asks if the other survivors are hurt and she tells each other to stick together. I also love how she casually calls everyone babe, I think it's just a small detail since she is from California but I still think it's cool. She is an extremely scared person but still has a kind and caring heart.
Ana is probably my favorite character, she is just so extremely bad ass and is for sure the final girl of the game. Not only is she the youngest in the group but she is also the toughest. Not just because her toughness stat is crazy high but because Ana herself is a tough person. Out of all the victims, I'd say she is the most fearless and she uses that to her advantage completely. She fearlessly stands up to the family and she has such devotion for her friends and her sister. Everytime she attacks a family member she screams "This is for Maria" or "What did you do to my sister?!" She is a badass in everyway frankly and I love her for it. Her ability shows that too, SHE LITERALLY IGNORES PAIN BECAUSE HER RESOLVE IS SO STRONG. I mean seriously, talk about final girl. If Ana was armed with more dangerous weapons than just bone knives, she would bring hell upon the family I'm sure.
Okay now we have Leland, who is all around a pretty cool guy. He's loyal, strong, and caring. Leland however, is not tough. He literally whimpers on low health, if you want Leland whimper audio just play him for one game and there you go. Leland has a low tough stat and that shows in his personality too. Leland's voicelines suggest he isn't a very brave person but when worst comes to worst, bravery springs up in Leland when he would least expect it. He does great fighting back against family members better than he does sneaking around hoping they won't find him. I feel like Leland is a little self consious about himself, he doesn't think he has what it takes to survive when it actuality he does. He has a true heart of gold and wrecklessly, yet bravely shoulder charges those killers head on despite his fear.
Last but not least, Connie is our last victim. She's crafty and picks locks faster than Bubba can rev his chainsaw, we all know it and we love her for it. Connie is another character I love, although I think her true personality is dulled down a little in such a tense situation. Some of Connie's voice lines suggest she is a kind hearted and witty woman but most of the time she is completely focused on getting the hell out of here. Connie switches from being a kind friend to a girl with more survival potential than anyone could have guessed. Connie, like Sonny, is scared but at the same time she has the strength to mostly ignore it so she can focus on getting out. Perhaps sometimes too much however as her ability makes her too focused on locks to escape to realize the family is around her. I really like this about her though, it really shows how she gets in a tense situation.
Overall I have been loving the tcm game and it's victims are wonderfully fleshed out. It's really refreshing to see these characters, know their motives for being here and their vastly different personalities. It's really refreshing and it just adds onto the intensity of the game. I want the victims to survive and I feel horrible when they don't because they are all so likeable 😭 tcm is just a great game so far and I'm hopeful that the game will continue going strong and just keep improving.
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jovieinramshackle · 1 month
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaase more about the dylia (dylla + lilia) ship. It is so crack and yet so satisfying. Please i beg 🙏🙏🙏
Dw anon I'm here to deliver🙏🙏
This got long and it's kinda all over the place SORRY I just REALLY wanted to ramble about them
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So I see them meeting around Deuce's second year I HAVEN'T THOUGHT EXACTLY HOW (so I'm open to ideas) BUT they found themselves attracted to each other rather quickly.
Lilia found Dylla's confident and strong personality intriguing, enjoying how she didn't hesitate to talk or speak her mind.
I imagine Dylla didn't have an interest in dating considering she had to look after Deuce, and depending on what you think the father is like, her want to date can decrease even more.
So imagine her surprise when she found herself giggling at Lilia's antics...she hadn't enjoyed being around someone like that in a WHILE so it was a very odd, yet nice feeling for her
I'm so sure Deuce and Silver noticed this and tried to encourage them to talk more.
They keep in contact!! Phone calling each other daily, they were in the "we're just friends" phase for a while until Lilia FINALLY went ahead and asked her out-- and she accepted!
I think they both would be pretty awkward at the start, but Dylla less- both because of her personality and, well, Lilia hasn't felt this way in over 400 years, with Meleanor and her husband having been the first to make him feel this specific love.
He wants to appear confident and sure about himself, but he just isn't, and Dylla can see that and tries to reassure him as much as she can.
But, of course, she also carries her own doubts, after all, she hasn't been with someone in YEARS, and she's scared of this going badly again. Not to mention, she doesn't want to do something that could potentially make Deuce uncomfortable, since a mom dating again could bring mixed feelings to the child.
Although she doesn't ask for reassurance from her son, obviously, it's not his responsibility, Deuce catches onto her doubts and tries to comfort her even a little bit.
"You said all you wanted from me was to visit once in a while, right? Well, I want you to enjoy your life! No need to worry about me."
These are the words she tries to keep in mind every time she starts feeling unsure, and honestly, they help more than Deuce himself realises.
So what do they do once they're sure they have sealed the deal and are official? They move together!
Instead of running on to some unknown Eastern country to never be seen again, Lilia moves with her to Clock Town. Dylla is one of the many things that made him want to look at the future and not be scared of his family seeing him grow old.
Admittedly, he's nervous, he won't disappear off the face of the earth, but he's still moving far away. And this is where Silver comes in
"If being with Dylla makes you this happy, you should go for it. And knowing you'll be in a good place, and that I will be able to visit you, is enough for me."
Similar words were given to Lilia by both Malleus and Sebek. Knowing that he's still moving away is hard, but at least he's somewhere they know he'll be okay, somewhere they can go and see him again whenever they want to.
So Lilia is a fae but can't exactly...use magic anymore, he's an old man he's way past using magic.
But that doesn't stop him, and with Dylla's help, he's getting a job at White Rabbit Home Delivery!!
He almost crashed the car 3 times but he got the hang of it soon enough.
They live like this for a few years but to a lot of people's surprise (mostly people at work) these two aren't married, despite acting like a married couple.
I feel like, despite being comfortable and sure about their relationship, they wouldn't legally speaking get married, it's not something that for them felt necessary (mentally speaking they said their vows years ago lmao).
What they do instead is a small ceremony with their friends and family. Nothing super fancy, all they wanted was to have fun and enjoy themselves.
They DO call each other husband and wife though, the lack of papers doesn't change the way they feel about each other and the commitment they share, so nothing is stopping them from using those terms.
So yes they are STILL "the bride and her ugly ass grom" 🙏
To finish off this post, Lilia grows his hair again!
I love the idea that he cut it to signal the start of something new when he became a father. I like thinking that when he moved in with Dylla he began growing it again, to show his start with this new chapter of his life.
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HASHDHSSKAJEISD If I get more asks I could go more in-depth with them or their families, I could also maybe include my oc Jess and their relationship with these two hehe
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Hi! I love your writing so much! My request is just more of Eddie's water exposure therapy! I'd love to see Robin and Steve help and see how things play out. If not, that's totally cool too! Thanks for sharing your writing in the first place!
THANK YOU!!! You know what is super funny is I was working on this when you sent the other request yesterday. I loved exploring more of this post, and I think maybe I could keep doing so if I have time someday. I hope you love it! - Mickala ❤️
Eddie was committed to getting through this, he was.
It’s just that he hadn’t really thought about how fucking difficult it would be to have to do it with Nancy.
Nancy was strong-willed and badass and if Eddie was ever gonna be interested in women, it would be Nancy fuckin’ Wheeler.
But sometimes, like today, he needed someone soft. Someone who was okay with taking things slow.
She knew something was off the moment she walked in the door, but she didn’t comment on it until he was hovering by the sink in the bathroom.
“What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know if I can do it today.”
“Why not?”
“It’s just not a good day.”
“Sometimes those are the days you need to push yourself most.”
“And sometimes I just need a break! We’ve been doing this for five days. I’m tired.”
He was tired. And he was frustrated. He had a setback one day three that he still hadn’t completely recovered from and he barely slept last night and Wayne forgot to save him the leftovers he wanted so it was just a shit day.
“What if I get Robin?”
“I don’t see how that will help.”
“Sometimes a small change can help. She already said she’d do whatever you need.”
“Does she realize I’m naked? I feel like she must not know I’m naked. I don’t even think she’s seen Steve naked, and they practically live up each others’ assholes.”
“Thanks for that image.” Nancy shook her head as if she could shake the image out and forget it was ever there. “So. Robin or me?”
And despite Eddie being kind of convinced that Robin wouldn’t actually come, she did. And she brought him gummy bears as a reward.
Nancy didn’t give him rewards.
Maybe Robin should be in charge.
Nancy went over things with Robin again, explained that today was a full minute under the water, that he had to be fully submerged except for his head, and that he did have to be naked.
“Well. If I must see a dude’s junk, I guess I’m glad it’s yours.”
“Gee, thanks, Robin,” he said as he stripped.
If he thought too much about it, he’d lock himself in his room and just never shower again.
But Robin turned away as he stripped to give him some semblance of privacy and he was grateful.
Nancy waited in the hall, said she’d be there if they needed her, but would rather keep it to just one of them in the bathroom with Eddie.
Robin turned the water on.
“You like hot or warm?”
“Good. Give it a minute.”
The water hitting the shower floor was apparently enough to have him losing his shit today. He tensed up and waited with a towel wrapped around him, watching as Robin kept testing the temperature of the water every ten seconds.
Finally, she smiled at him and nodded.
“Do you want me to talk or just count in my head?”
“Usually Nancy just counts out loud.”
“Does that help?”
“It doesn’t not help.”
“Would something else be better?”
“Uh. I guess try talking?”
“You got it.” Robin opened the bathroom door for a moment, said something, then closed the door again.
“Nancy’s got a kitchen timer ready to start when I knock on the door. You ready?”
“No, but I have to be.”
“I got all day.”
It did help to hear that. He knew, logically, no one would rush him, but sometimes he was worried that they’d give up on him if he took too long.
Like, he knew he was already pushing his luck just having them around for his everyday theatrics, so this was just icing on the cake.
But Robin didn’t make him feel like he had to worry about that and that already helped.
It’s not that Nancy rushed him, it’s just that she was a very straight to the point person. In or out. Shit or get off the pot.
Robin was the opposite in a lot of ways.
More of a, we’ll get there when we get there and we’ll stop to look at flowers on the way, kind of person.
She just watched as he stood by the shower, playing with his hair.
He took a deep breath, dropped the towel, and got in.
“Alright, good! You let me know when you’re in the water and I’ll knock and start chatting.”
Eddie could do this. He could.
So he did.
He heard Robin knock as he clenched his teeth together and felt the water run down his shoulders and back.
Robin had picked the perfect temperature, not scalding, but hot enough to leave his skin pink. Just like he liked it.
“That’s how Steve likes his baths, which I tell him all the time is why he gets so lightheaded. You’re cooking yourselves. I’m realizing that I might be the emotional support bathing bestie. I sit with Steve when he has baths and now you with the shower. Is this all I’m good for?”
Eddie let out a strangled laugh.
It was helping, but he was still struggling to focus on anything except how stifling the water felt, how the steam building around him was starting to feel too much like fog and the drops were feeling too much like his own blood spattering on his body.
“Time?” He managed to croak out.
“Nance! Time?”
“20 seconds!”
“That’s not bad! Tell me your favorite Metallica song right now.”
He knew the answer. He opened his mouth to do it, but couldn’t say anything.
“Eddie? You okay?”
He tried to speak again, but it was just a whimper.
The water was too much.
He jumped out of the shower, nearly knocking Robin over in his escape.
He was shivering, though his skin was hot to the touch from the water, and Robin was already recovering and wrapping his towel around him.
Nancy was opening the door, worried eyes peeking around the corner.
“Listen to my voice, Eddie. Take in a deep breath. Slowly.”
It was easy to listen to Robin.
She didn’t hesitate to wrap him up in her arms, rubbing her hands up and down his back as he tried to breathe.
Nancy was standing in the doorway, not saying or doing anything, just a silent presence there to assist if needed.
He could feel Robin’s heart beating hard in her chest, so hard it felt like it was trying to jump into his chest.
But he was calming down now.
He pulled away and sat down on the floor, towel still loosely wrapped around him.
Robin shut off the shower, quickly joining him on the floor and waving Nancy away.
“You’re good at this.”
“Well, somebody has to be there for Steve when he’s having a bad day. I’ve gotten plenty of practice.”
“Is he this bad?”
“Oh, on his real bad days, he’s worse. And yes, you absolutely should hold that over him. Maybe then he’ll accept help from someone other than just me.”
He rested his head on her shoulder, smiling when she rested her head on his.
“You should have him come help.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Why? Because you have a big stupid crush on him?”
“Why, yes, Robin. That’s exactly why.”
He knew she was rolling her eyes, but he didn’t care.
“You’re both so stupid, it gives me a stomach ache.”
Eddie didn’t think about what she said, just sat in silence as she started playing with his fingers.
“Want me to come back tomorrow?”
“Yeah, please.”
Robin came back for three days in a row, and Eddie managed to stay under the water until the timer went off every time.
He was scared to think about what would happen if he started to fail again.
But with Robin constantly talking his way through it, he couldn’t worry for long.
Oh no.
Robin’s voice was so scratchy, and dull, and not Robin.
She was sick.
Nancy wasn’t available today or tomorrow.
He couldn’t do this alone.
“It’s okay, Robs. I’ll…call Steve.”
“Good. Sorry again.”
She didn’t sound nearly as sorry as when he first answered the phone, but it wasn’t worth arguing about.
He paced the floor of his room for nearly ten minutes before he gave in and just dialed Steve’s number.
“Harrington residence, Steve speaking.”
“Oh, you have one of those homes. Gross.”
“Hey, Stevie.”
Eddie knew his face was doing that stupid smile he only did for Steve, a combination of fond and content that he’d never been able to give anyone else.
“Everything good?”
“Well, kinda no?”
“What’s wrong?” Steve asked quickly, his tone changing from casual excitement to concern.
“You remember what Nancy told you about the uh…exposure therapy?”
“Yeah, how’s that going?”
Eddie sighed. Steve was so fucking nice all the time. It wasn’t fair.
“It’s not terrible. Robin’s helped for a few days. But uh.”
“What is it?”
“Robin’s sick and Nancy’s out of town. I can’t skip a day, especially not when I’ve been on a roll, ya know? So I was wondering if maybe, and you can say no I’ll do it alone if I have to, maybe you’d be willing to come play therapist?”
That wasn’t so hard. It was awkward, certainly, but not too bad.
“I’ll be right over,” Steve said quickly and hung up.
Eddie didn’t mean right this second necessarily, Jesus.
But if Steve wanted to help this badly, then who was he to stop him from rushing over?
And rush he did.
It wasn’t 15 minutes later that Steve was at his door.
“Where’s the fire, man?”
“Never mind,” Eddie smiled at him. “Do you remember what Nancy said about all this?”
“Yeah. How long are you up to?”
“Minute and a half. Or I have to turn the water on and adjust the temperature myself and do a minute. But I don’t wanna try something new today, so minute and a half it is.”
Steve nodded along, but Eddie swore he looked nervous. Like he was hesitant to even be here. He needed to offer him an out.
“Listen, I can just wait. Skipping a day or two isn’t really gonna make a big difference in the long run.”
“No!” Steve suddenly shouted. “No. I want to help. I want to be here for you.”
“Oh,” Eddie looked down at his feet, hoping it would hide the blush on his cheeks. “Okay then.”
So he led Steve to the bathroom. He set the kitchen timer but didn’t start it yet.
Steve was standing by the shower, shifting his weight between his legs anxiously. He looked more nervous than Eddie even felt.
“Nancy and Robin usually turn the water on and make sure it’s hot for me. Robin said it’s like how you like it?”
“Got it.”
He turned to the faucets, adjusting them for a few seconds and then pulling back as he waited for the water to heat up.
“You can strip, I’ll turn around.”
“Oh. Okay. Sure.”
Eddie knew he sounded ridiculous.
You’ve taken showers before, idiot.
But the difference here was that Steve was about to be here to see him at his weakest, at least emotionally. And he’d be naked.
Going off of how much Nancy and Robin had to see of him, Steve would be getting an eyeful too.
“You okay?”
Eddie shook himself out of his thoughts.
“I’m okay. Sorry.”
He threw his shirt off and unbuttoned his pants before he could overthink it.
Steve had seen most of him when he was helping change his bandages after the bats snacked on him. It wasn’t a big deal.
Steve at least pretended to be paying more attention to the water and floor as he pulled his legs from his pants and slid his boxers off.
“Water’s good. You ready?”
Steve looked at his face, clearly avoiding any chance of seeing anything below the waist.
Probably locker room courtesy or something, though if you asked him, making eye contact was way more intimate than accidentally seeing someone else’s dick.
Steve moved to the sink as he got in, probably grabbing the kitchen timer to start it the second he got under the water.
It took him a minute, the hot water hitting his toes gently.
But he took a deep breath, turned his back to the stream, and backed into the water.
“I’m in.”
The first part was getting easier to do, he’d admit that. It was easier to stay in the moment while the water first started hitting him, easier to speak for the first 15 or so seconds before he was completely soaked.
But then it was quiet. He couldn’t hear anything except the water beating down on him and the shower floor.
Steve wasn’t saying anything and Eddie didn’t know how to ask him to.
He didn’t want to sound needy, Steve was already giving up time out of his day to be here at all.
How long had it been? Probably not that long.
It felt like years.
The water was the perfect temperature, and that kind of helped him remember this was a shower, not the end of the fucking world.
The end of the world doesn’t care about your comfort.
Steve does though.
But after another ten or so seconds, the buzzing in his ears got louder, he could feel his body shaking as if the water had suddenly turned ice cold, and the thoughts rushing through his head were more memories he wished he could forget.
He still felt the water, but it wasn’t water anymore. It was blood and bats and doctor’s hands trying to just stop the bleeding.
And then he felt actual hands on him, a body against him pushing him so the water was barely touching him.
He took a gasping breath and collapsed against them.
He was fully clothed, like he’d panicked and jumped in without thinking about it at all. He had his arms wrapped around Eddie tightly, not leaving an inch of space between them. He was muttering something, but Eddie couldn’t quite hear what it was.
He let himself be held, no longer in panic mode with his human shield protecting him from the water.
“How long?”
Steve was rubbing his back, spreading a new warmth against his skin and helping, always helping.
“One minute.”
Eddie sighed. He didn’t wanna tell Nancy that he failed today.
She wouldn’t make him feel bad intentionally, but she got this look on her face when he didn’t make it to the timer going off like she wasn’t sure he could get through it.
“You wanna get out?”
Steve pulled away so he could shut off the water and Eddie got a good look at him.
He was soaked, his clothes sticking to him uncomfortably, his hair matted down against his head.
“Don’t be sorry. I made the choice.”
He did, yeah. But he probably felt obligated to, and that’s not really making a choice, is it?
“Eds, look at me.”
He’d been looking at the floor, kind of hoping it would just swallow him up for good, but managed to pull his head up when Steve asked.
“I’ll always, always, make the choice to help you. Okay?”
Eddie bit back a sob as he nodded, and Steve pulled him against his chest again.
“You have no clue how much I wanna be here for you. When Nancy called, I practically begged to be here, did she tell you that? But she said it wouldn’t be helpful if I jumped in the moment you needed me.”
“Helped now.”
Steve squeezed his arms.
“Yeah. She won’t be happy with me. But you weren’t answering and when I looked in, it’s like you weren’t even here. I didn’t know what else to do.”
Eddie nodded. That lined up with what he’d been feeling, seeing.
“We should get out. You’re shivering.”
Steve guided him out of the shower and wrapped the towel he’d left hanging up around him, rubbing along his arms and back to help get him warmer faster.
Then he was taking off his shirt and removing his belt and Eddie’s brain couldn’t catch up.
“Sorry, do you have some clothes I can borrow while I put these in the dryer?”
“Uh. Yeah. Sure.”
Steve smiled at him like he didn’t just break his brain in half.
He managed to walk to his bedroom, grab a shirt and sweatpants, and walk back to the bathroom with only a single thought running through his mind: he’s wearing my clothes.
“Thanks,” Steve said as Eddie wordlessly handed them over.
And then he realized he forgot boxers.
Steve would be wearing his sweatpants with nothing under them.
He knew the noise he let out was close to a squeak, like a fucking mouse or something, but he couldn’t hold it in. Steve didn’t acknowledge it, hopefully didn’t hear it at all, as he focused on getting his soaked jeans off his body.
Then his boxers came off.
Eddie really did his best not to look. He did. It would be so rude to stare.
It would be even more rude to say something.
So he did both.
“Jesus Christ, Steve. The girls weren’t kidding were they?”
Steve’s face was bright red, but he didn’t look up until he was pulling the sweatpants up his legs.
“I guess that depends what they were saying.”
Eddie was still standing with his towel wrapped around him, eyes wide at everything that had just happened.
“For one, that you’re pretty well-endowed. I thought they just lacked experience. Maybe I’m the one lacking experience. Maybe you’re just huge.”
Steve was smirking at him, the confidence of the king coming back as he listened to Eddie.
“That so?”
“God, yeah. I’m never gonna be able to be with anyone again after seeing that.”
“Oh? Why’s that?”
Steve was stepping into his space now, still shirtless, still smirking.
“I mean, look at you. How could I ever be satisfied with someone else inside me when I could have that?”
Oh. Wait. No. He wasn’t supposed to be saying this out loud.
Steve’s hands were on his hips, though.
Gripping him tight, like he had no intention of letting him go.
“You want that? With me?”
Well, might as well lay it all out there.
“I want everything with you. Anything you’ll give me.”
“Everything?” Steve was still smirking, that asshole. “So if I wanted to take you out on a date…”
“A date?”
“Yeah. To dinner or something.”
“We can’t go on a date, Steve. We’re two men in bumfuck Indiana. We’d be killed.”
“How about I make you dinner? My place. Tonight?”
“You’re fucking with me.”
“I’m not, but hopefully I will be,” he said with a wink.
“Steve. You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into. I’m like, kind of in love with you, full disclosure, and I’m not sure I can handle one date, a fuck, and then you never wanting to even talk to me again.”
Steve watched as he rambled, running his thumbs along Eddie’s hips like he was trying to keep him calm.
“Full disclosure, I’m kind of in love with you, too. I mean, I did just jump in a shower fully clothed to make sure you weren’t gonna hurt yourself. I’d do it every day if I had to.”
Eddie searched his face for any sign of a lie. Steve was easy to read, or at least he was to Eddie.
But Steve was giving him a fond smile, and moving in closer, and Eddie didn’t see any sign of a lie.
Steve’s hand cupped his jaw. He was looking at him like he was special, and Eddie wasn’t sure what to do with it.
And then Steve was kissing him.
He dropped the towel. It was accidental, but he wasn’t going to interrupt any of this to pull it back up.
Steve was an intense kisser. He should’ve known.
He put everything he had into it. He kissed with his whole body, quite literally putting his back into it as he pushed Eddie against the wall.
But Eddie wasn’t doing this in his bathroom. Despite the fact that he was very obviously willing to, he wanted to have the date first.
He pulled away, but stayed in Steve’s arms. He wasn’t quite ready for complete separation.
“You’re making me dinner tonight?”
“I’m making you dinner tonight.”
“And it’s a date?”
“It’s a date.”
“It’s a date.”
Steve came every day after that, even on days when Robin or Nancy were already there.
He sometimes waited in the hall as backup, but usually he stayed in the bathroom and talked to Eddie, who’d managed to get up to three whole minutes in only a few weeks.
When he finally made it to five, Nancy handed it all over to Steve.
He started taking showers with Eddie. Washing his body and hair so he could have more positive thoughts.
By the end of the year, he was taking regular showers.
He still had moments where he panicked, of course. He still sometimes had to cut them short because of a specific memory.
He still sometimes went a few days without because he couldn’t build up the courage to get in.
But Steve was there. They all were.
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markh0ffmanz · 9 months
Hoffheight headcanons?
hoffheight my beloved.... i will preface this by saying that i don't think hoffman is capable of something even remotely resembling a healthy relationship, so that definitely applies to any relationship that he'd have with adam.
not sure if my thoughts are what one would count as headcanons because i don't typically have like. singular, overarching thoughts on them that would be consistent between aus but i will absolutely ramble about them for a bit lmao.
my personal fave flavor of hoffheight is ft. apprentice adam. really really like the idea of adam being recruited against his will and sort of scrambling for any semblance of stability in his new very unstable life. amanda is standoffish and lawrence is recovering from their time in the bathroom trap + dealing with a surely impending divorce, and he most definitely avoids john. and then there's hoffman, who's scary and intimidating and always looks at adam like he's picking him apart piece by piece with just his eyes. which, isn't too far from the truth. hoffman probably wouldn't like him at first, in the conventional way, but he'd definitely be interested in him. wants to sink his teeth in him like a dog to a rabbit. wants to squeeze him until he pops. for him, it's the closest thing that comes to a crush. wherever adam is, hoffman is not too far behind. always there, always watching him, always fucking with him. maybe hoffman's projecting some latent feelings from strahm onto him, trying to push adam into biting back.
it ends up in them fucking, because adam is lonely and hoffman is attractive in his eyes, and because hoffman is lonely too even if he doesn't realize or want to admit it. they fuck, and i think hoffman becomes super possessive over him after that. doesn't really like amanda hanging around him and sure as shit doesn't want lawrence around him either. and adam sort of revels in it, because after being left in the bathroom and coming so close to dying, it feels so good to have someone always touching him, always there. someone who always wants him because he's never felt very wanted before, even if that someone wants him enough to eat him up.
that being said, i think adam could maybe round hoffman off a little bit. round out his sharpest edges just the tiniest bit. i can see them having some soft moments in between everything else. hoffman laying ontop of adam after they've had sex, a soothing, heavy weight, letting himself be vulnerable for just a moment with his face buried in the crook of adam's neck, adam's fingers carding through his hair and scratching at his nape. his humor would be good for hoffman too, even if it's annoying more times than it's funny. angelina would have liked adam, he finds himself thinking, and maybe it makes him more fond of adam in between his desire to keep him to himself.
the both of them absolutely love their size difference. adam loves how big hoffman is, how strong he is. how he can pick adam up with ease and toss him around, how he can cover every inch of adam's body when he lays on him, nice and heavy, how he could probably break adam in half if he wanted to. loves the fat on his belly and sides too tbh. and i think adam probably isn't hoffman's usual type, strahm and rigg being far more what he's usually interested in, men that can handle his rough handling with ease and then give it back in stride. men he can really sink his teeth into. but despite that, i think he'd like just how small adam is compared to him, likes how adam never complains when he's too rough or even asks for more, even if sometimes he thinks he might break adam's bones with how rough he's being
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