#but I usually only ever see the 'stop shipping you creeps' one expressed
oldtvandcomics · 4 months
Not to contribute to a Discourse, but I keep seeing the "should we ship Alastor or not" thing, and. Like most other things, it lacks nuance.
It is true, many people don't understand how to write him in a relationship without it feeling very weird and very out of character. But this is also true about most popular ships? The voices of the characters are not right, and they keep acting in a way that is too sweet, too romantic, and the actual dynamic that made that ship interesting in the first place is missing. "He would not fucking say that" is such a popular phrase for a reason.
In Alastor's case, his asexuality is one of the major things that fanfic authors get wrong. Another is his moral grayness, his difficulties expressing (or even noticing) his emotions, and, at least in the Alastor/Lucifer ship (which is what I have been reading) the antagonism of the canon relationship and how they would navigate it with their absurd fight for dominance. And yes, these are definitely problems.
But, as someone who has been bingeing these fics faster than the tag is moving, these are only some of the fics.
And every popular ship has got a lot of bad writing in it.
The good fics, despite being shippy and more often than not, smutty, all acknowledge Alastor's asexuality in some way. It depends on that author, how, but I have seen him confused about this new situation, participating in sex for his own reasons like manipulation and enjoying having control, I have seen what in other fics would be sexual desire replaced with hunger for blood, hunger for power, or desire for closeness, I have seen asexual and aspec authors use him to talk about their own experiences with being sexualized against their will, or to explore what they would and would not be comfortable with doing. I have seen Alastor look for and find ways around his discomforts, using magic and staying clothed and making sure that he is in control.
So I don't know. Are people being weird about him? Heck yes. But I feel like fics, even shippy and smutty ones about Alastor are also doing some actual good, representation-wise. I can only speak for myself, but I can say for certain that watching a powerful, asexual character navigate his way around sexuality has filled a need in me that I didn't even realize that I had.
I'm really not wanting to start any fights here, just, you know. Different angle to look at this from.
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supermarine-silvally · 7 months
💜 Yara
Thank you very much for the prompt, dear Anon!! <3 I hope you enjoy it!
💜 surprise kiss / impulsive kiss
This fucking Marine would not leave her alone. 
“And so there I was, surrounded by forty of the nastiest, ugliest pirates in all of the South Blue! They were pointing their weapons at me, creeping closer and yelling curses far too crude to repeat in front of a lady. Bunch of disgusting savages.” The man took a swig of alcohol, pounding his mug against the counter.
Yara’s teeth gritted, staring down at the bottom of her glass as if it had gold in it. If it wasn’t for this ridiculously overpriced beverage-- some kind of pomegranate-flavoured thing that didn’t taste half as good as it looked on the menu board-- she would’ve been out of this shithole bar ages ago. 
It was the first day that the Moby Dick had made shore in almost a month, and she had somehow managed to spend far too long of it stuck next to this loser who had just spent the last hour bragging about his impending promotion to Captain of the 453rd Branch or whatever. The shit-eating smirk on his face told her that women were usually fawning over him by this point, and the fact that she wasn’t apparently meant that she needed a little more persuading. 
The Marine leaned closer to her, his breath reeking of cheap liquor. “So you know what I did next?”
“I couldn’t care le--”
“I grabbed hold of the steering wheel and swung the ship around! The bastards were so surprised, they didn’t even have time to grab hold of anything, so they all ended up tumbling into the ocean!!” He roared with laughter. “Can you believe that? See, the thing about pirates is that they’re all so hopelessly stupid.”
“Are they now?” Yara said flatly. She was increasingly tempted to push the edge of her dress back, fully revealing the tattoo that adorned her left leg. The only reason why she hadn’t so far was because she was loath to make the man think she was trying to entice him. 
“You better believe it, sweetcheeks.” He winked. “And if you want my opinion, Gold Roger was the stupidest one of all. Some ‘King of the Pirates’ he was. I heard there wasn’t even much of a fight to bring the brute down.” Swallowing another gulp of his beverage, he turned to face her. “Now, enough about me. What’s a pretty little gal like you doing all alone in this part of town?”
“Who said she was alone?” a familiar voice spoke from behind them. 
Yara’s heart leapt, a small smile creeping onto her lips as she finally glanced up from her half-empty glass. 
Ace flashed the both of them one of his usual cocky grins before draping an arm over Yara’s shoulders. “There you are. I was looking everywhere for you.”
The Marine’s expression soured. He shuffled closer to Yara, his tone dropping. “What do you say we get out of here? A man of my rank can get a room at any hotel you fancy.”
Ace tsked. “Whispering isn’t polite, y’know. And there’s a big problem with your plan.”
“Oh? And what’s that?”
A devilish grin spread across the young pirate’s face. He withdrew his arm and reached forwards, fingers brushing gently under Yara’s jaw as he tilted her chin up ever so slightly. “She’s mine.” 
Without a moment’s hesitation, he leaned in, his lips colliding with hers. Yara’s eyes widened, surprised by the sudden burst of affection, but they quickly fluttered shut. Ace’s hands had found her waist, pulling her in closer, the taste of pomegranate lingering between them as he deepened the kiss. Finally, he pulled away with a gentle nip to her bottom lip, leaving her breathless. Keeping one arm wrapped firmly around her midsection, he shot the Marine the most satisfied smirk Yara had ever seen.
The man’s lip curled as he slid off the bar stool and took a step towards Ace, trying to look menacing. “Oh, yeah? Who do you think you--” He stopped, his eyes landing on the ASCE tattoo on Ace’s arm. All the colour instantly drained from his face. “W-Wait a minute… I know you… You’re… You’re Fire Fist!!”
Ace tipped his hat at him. “That I am. Pleasure to meet ya.”
“But… that means…” His gaze slowly shifted over to Yara, finally noticing the tattoo poking out from under the hem of her dress. He gulped. “H-Hellcat Yara… It’s-- It’s the Whitebeard Pirates!!”
“And you say we’re the stupid ones,” Yara said disdainfully, watching as the man’s shaking hand reached for the sword strapped to his belt. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
His hand stilled for a second before grabbing the sword and whipping it out. “I’ll… I’ll capture you both! You have a combined bounty of almost one billion Berry, right?! I’ll be rich-- and a hero!!”
Ace and Yara looked at each other, then back at the quivering Marine. Yara let out a sigh, lifting up her glass.
Before the man could move, she brought it down over his head. He slumped over, his sword clattering to the ground. The rest of the pomegranate-flavoured beverage splashed from the glass, dripping down his blank face.
“Wow.” Ace looked impressed. “That’s one way to solve it.”
Yara shrugged. “I’ve been wanting to do that for over an hour now. Besides, his flirting game sucked anyways.” She placed the glass down on the bar’s counter, sliding it over to the bartender who had apparently seen enough brawls to be completely unbothered by the situation. 
Side by side, the two young pirates left the bar, stepping out onto the sunny street. 
Ace’s stomach growled as they walked, making him chuckle. “All that excitement and I’m completely famished. Now whaddaya say I take you out for dinner? My treat.”
She laughed. “You say ‘treat’ as if you haven’t skipped the bill on every single date you’ve ever taken me on.” 
“That’s true,” he conceded, grinning sheepishly.
 Yara looped her arm around his, twining their fingers together. “I would love dinner. And to spend time with you as long as you’ll have me.”
Ace pretended to ponder it. “Well, if that’s the case, then… How about forever?”
Smiling, she leaned down and pressed a kiss against the crossed-out ‘S’ of his tattoo. “Forever sounds nice.”
tagging: @auxiliarydetective @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene
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marvelouslytrekking · 3 years
17: “ Are you upset with me? ” with Din??
Gathering Intel
Pairing: Din Djarin/f!reader Summary: You need information and flirting seems to be the best way to get it but not everyone agrees. Word Count: 1004 Warnings: Alcohol mentioned A/N: Can I ever actually just write a drabble? No I don't think I can.... but is anyone actually complaining?? I love jealous!Din and I hope y'all do as well.
You wouldn’t say you were proud of yourself exactly, flirting for information wasn’t your favorite pastime but Din was getting nothing with threats or credits so you did what you had to. He had objected to the idea immediately but ultimately he didn’t stop you when you got up and walked to the man who supposedly knew about where you might be able to find Jedi. You had hoped that just a little batting of the eyelashes would work, you should have known better.
Either way you got the information you had wanted, it was a solid lead so it was definitely worth the few drinks you had to down, and all the fake giggling you had to do to stroke the man’s ego while pretending to be terrible at a game you could have easily beat him at.
“Alright I got us a lead, let’s go,” You finally managed to slip away from the man and made your way back to the mandalorian. Immediately you could tell that he was not happy. You had become quite the expert of learning his body language and understanding what he was feeling without him having to say. Mainly because he wasn’t one to just say what he was feeling.
It wasn’t like Din normally would be chatty, quite the opposite but there was a tension while walking back to the Razor Crest. He hadn’t said a single thing to you. Not even when you told him the information you had got. He barely even gave you a nod. You could practically feel that anger that was radiating off of him but you couldn’t figure out why. You hadn’t gotten hurt, or even really done anything that risky. Plus you got more information that either of you had managed in weeks. If anything he should be happy.
Once you made it back to the ship you decided that giving him some space was probably best. If he didn’t want to talk to you for some reason you weren’t going to try to force him to. He would have to be a big boy and manage to tell you what was wrong on his own.
Din had headed straight for the cockpit when you got back, probably to get the ship prepped to see where your lead landed you. You normally would have went up with him, helped him with anything and just to make sure the ship didn’t fall apart on take off but this time you figured you would just feel like you were in the way. Instead you stayed on the lower level, tidying things up. You did tend to clean when you felt restless and anxious, and having Din possibly mad at you was certainly making you anxious. Eventually everything that could be cleaned and put away had been and still, Din hadn’t come out of the cockpit to talk to you. He also hadn’t taken off, which confused you.
You wanted to hold out, to make him come to you, but you couldn’t stand trying to figure out what was the matter so you decided that one of you was going to have to break and it might as well be you.
You had your way into the cockpit where Din was sitting in the pilot’s chair. He didn’t even so much as turn around to acknowledge your presence which frustrated you to no end.
You took your seat, moving the kid from your spot to on your lap. You were about to ask Din why he hadn’t taken off yet, but without a word he just suddenly took off. You had to hold back a small surprised noise at the jolt from the sudden movement.
Usually Din would make small comments, asking you to help with little things, but you were able to help without them. Which was a good thing, because he had still yet to say anything to you.
“Is everything okay?” You finally asked once you had cleared the planet's atmosphere.
“Fine.” He grunted out.
“You sure?” You asked furrowing your brow. He wasn’t great as expressing his emotions but he never usually just shut you down so coldly. “Are you upset with me?”
“Why would I be?” He snapped
“I have no damn clue but you sure have me fooled, refusing to say even one word to me. It would have been nice to get a thank you, you know.”
“What am I supposed to thank you for? Throwing yourself at that sleazy man?”
Oh. Oh, was the mandalorian jealous?
“I did not throw myself at him. I strategically flirted with him for information.” You huffed, you probably shouldn’t push him but you couldn’t help but add, “Why do you care who I throw myself at anyway?”
“Because you deserve better than that asshole!” He rushed out, almost as if he was shocked he had said it.
“Well the person who I want doesn’t seem to get any of my hints so I have given up.” You told him, deciding that you might have been wrong about the feelings not being returned and you might as well put your cards on the table.
“And who’s that?” He asked, you’d swear there was a tinge of hope in his voice.
There was a moment of silence then, agonizing silence, you were waiting for him to just immediately throw you off his ship, tell you he never wanted to see you again.
“Me?” He asked softly, honestly so low that the modulator didn’t pick it up.
“Yeah, and listen if thats makes you uncomfortable we can just forget this conversation ever happened and-”
“Stop. I-sorry no. Not uncomfortable. Just, surprised.” Din cut you off.
“Good surprised?” you asked, hating the desperation in your voice.
“Better than good.” You couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief. “But this only makes it worse that you flirted for information.”
“Well someone’s a jealous man” You teased.
“Yeah, you’re mine.” The blush that creeped up your face, could not be stopped.
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lifeofkaze · 3 years
Hi love!
Sorry for bothering you, but could you do something like really cute and fluffy between Charlie Weasley and reader where he's all shy and delicate maybe teaching her about dragons and their characteristics pls? Like, something that feels really intimate, you know?
I absolutely love your writing and I believe that you could make justice to the character.
Take care darling,
Thank you for the request, loveliest anon! This is actually the first fic request I’ve ever gotten and I’m so happy you like my stuff so much, this makes me very very soft.
This fluff piece was just what I needed to get my mojo back hopefully. Please let me know if this is like what you had in mind - I for one had a lot of fun with it! <3
Charlie Weasley x Reader
Word Count: ~ 2.800
As a Care of Magical Creatures test covering dragons of all things is imminent and you were too distracted in class to pay proper attention, you know just who to turn to for help.
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“You want me to do what?”
Charlie Weasley blinked at you in confusion. He could feel his blood rushing in his ears as he looked at you standing in front of him, clutching you Care for Magical Creatures book to your chest as you raised your eyebrows at him.
“I asked if you could help me studying for the test next week?” you repeated your question, brow slightly furrowed. “I can’t keep track of all these dragon traits and who would know them better than you?”
Charlie felt the heat creeping up on his face. Of course, the test. It was all he had been able to think about ever since Professor Kettleburn had announced the topic; all except you of course.
He tried to formulate a coherent answer that wouldn’t make him look like a blabbering fool in front of you, but the way the dappled sunlight that broke through the trees reflected in your hair distracted him more than he cared to admit.
So he resorted to a weak nod. “Uhm, sure, I’d love to. See you at six in the library?” he managed to stammer out eventually.
A beautiful smile formed on your face as you nodded in enthusiasm. “Sounds great, see you there!”
Charlie watched as you swished around and walked back to your friends, who greeted you with giggles and whispers as they glanced in his direction. You gave one of them a playful swat on the arm, before your clear laugh carried over to him onto the warm summer air and made his heart clench.
He knew all of his dragons by heart, of course he did; this test was the first he hadn’t bothered studying for at all. But now, he suddenly felt the overwhelming urge to prepare himself.
The light of the sun had already started to turn into the beautiful golden shade that heralded the end of a warm autumn day as you skittered into the library. You were a little bit late for your study session with Charlie, and the exertion from running all the way from your Common Room flushed your cheeks slightly red. Your friends just hadn’t let you go, all of them just as excited for what they called ‘your dragon date’ as you were. Not that you’d ever tell them that.
You found Charlie sitting at a table near the windows and your breath caught for a moment as you took in the warm light that washed around his frame; it was making his ginger hair glow like fire, the only vibrant speck of colour in this dusty old room full of books.
He had his nose buried in a big, leather-bound tome, his eyes darting over the pages frantically; you noticed how the tip of his tongue stuck out between his lips in concentration. He was so immersed in his reading, that he only noticed you approaching as you sat down next to him. Jumping in shock at your sudden appearance, he almost knocked over his ink bottle, only catching it at the last second before its dark, inky content could wash over the thin pages of his book.
“Oh, you’re here already, I didn’t even notice you until now.” His freckled face had flushed a shade darker than usual as he put his ink bottle back into its position and made room for you on the table.
“I’d rather say I’m here finally,” you responded, feeling a little bit guilty at making Charlie wait. “But I see that you started without me.”
He hurriedly closed the book. “No, I was just reading up on some facts about Welsh Greens so I have them sharp in my mind,” he explained, “in case you have questions, you know?”
It was only now that your eyes took in the numerous heaps of books piled up on your table. “First question,” you said as you ran your fingers over the backs of the tomes stacked on top of each other. “I thought the test was about dragons native to Europe and not every single one in existence,” you pulled out a particularly old looking book containing myths and fables, “and beyond.”
You silently counted the numbers of books Charlie had amassed and your eyes went wide. “Charlie, these must be all the books about dragons in the whole library,” you laughed, giggling at the flustered expression of the boy beside you.
“Well, not all the books,” he clarified sheepishly. “There are quite a few in the Restricted Section and then there’s the two I have up in my dorm but forgot to bring and- “
You cut off his rambling by gently touching his arm; he shut up almost instantly, glancing nervously down to where your hand was lying. “It’s alright, it was just a joke.”
“Of course,” Charlie muttered slightly embarrassed. What was wrong with him?
He watched as you pulled your notes from your bag; they were rather sparse compared to the almost three scrolls of parchment he had scribbled down himself.
“Where do you want to start?”
You hummed to yourself as you considered your choices. A warm, fuzzy feeling spread inside Charlie’s chest as you drew your lips into a pensive pout and tapped your index finger against it.
Finally, a neat stack of white flashcards, that lay hidden behind a book on Sea Serpents, caught your attention. You reached over Charlie and pulled them towards you.
Your mouth dropped open as you flicked through them; on every one of the laminated cards was an extensive profile of every kind of dragon imaginable. The descriptions were written out in a neat, accurate hand that looked nothing like the careless scrawl you’d seen on Charlie’s class notes.
But what took your breath away were the detailed drawings below the text. They were done by pencil and although they didn’t move like magical pictures often did, they were so lively as if they only waited to pounce off the paper and take into the air.
Charlie watched you apprehensively as your fingers traced the outline of what appeared to be a Swedish Short-snout. He felt his heart beat faster at the soft, admiring look in your eyes as you turned towards him.
“Did you do these yourself?”
He nodded in response. “It’s hard to find decent descriptions all in one place,” he explained quietly. “I don’t know how accurate the sketches are though; I’ve never seen a dragon in real life.”
You flashed him a radiant smile that had his heart rate pick up considerably. “I don’t care if they’re realistic; they’re brilliant!”
Encouraged by your excitement, he took the flashcards out of your hands and fanned them out, their blank backs facing you. “Then I’d suggest we start with them; pick one!”
Running the fingers along the cards twice, you finally settled on one and drew it out of his grasp. Charlie’s freckled face lit up as he saw which one you had chosen.
“The Ukrainian Ironbelly,” he exclaimed, “my favourite!”
All of his former shyness was suddenly forgotten; this was his prime discipline.
“The Ironbelly is native to the Ukraine, as its name suggests, obviously. It’s considered the largest dragon species in existence with an immense wingspan, long talons and scales that are said to be harder to pierce than steel. It’s name stems from the metallic grey colour of his underside and ever since one particular large specimen carried off a whole sailing ship in the late 18th century, they are under strict observation by wizarding authorities.”
You did your best to jot down the information Charlie dumped on you with impressive speed but there was no way you could keep up with his excited ramblings. So you resorted to listening to him as he lectured you about feeding habits, hunting methods and the average temperature of the flames an Ironbelly could produce.
He sighed wistfully as he paused for breath. “They’re amazing.”
You couldn’t hide your smile at his dreamy expression as you picked out your next card from the stack. “Okay, how about this one?”
The dragon it showed had ridges running along its back, ending in a nasty, arrow-shaped spike at the tip of its tail. It barred its teeth at you in a vicious snarl.
“That’s my favourite, the Hebridean Black,” he repeated his words from before, positively bouncing with energy this time around.  
You glanced at the card you two had just worked your way through. “I thought the Ukrainian Ironbelly was your favourite?” you teased him.
Charlie’s bouncing stopped instantly as he blushed bright red; you hadn’t meant to bring him down and felt sorry all of a sudden. So you propped the card against one of the book piles and turned to him.
“So, tell me more about it.”
Relieved to be able to tread on secure ground again, Charlie immediately recounted all the facts about one of the two dragon breeds native to the British Isles to you.
You continued in this fashion; your pulled a random card from the stash and Charlie would tell you everything he knew about it. He grew more animated with every new flashcard; as it turned out, every dragon you talked about was his favourite.
Seeing him so caught up in his favourite subject had a warmth spread in your chest and the smile on your lips never vanished even once. You had given up on writing Charlie’s words down about four cards ago and were merely staring at him explaining to you everything about these fantastic beasts that made up all of his dreams and musings.
His excitement quickly spread to you and you found yourself hanging onto his every word. But the more you were listening to him, the more you found your concentration shift from the dragons you were discussing to the boy beside you.
Your head propped on your hand, you admired how recounting scale colours and preferred environments of Romanian Longhorns brought a twinkle to his blue eyes and how his contagious laugh had you chuckle at the idea that people would confuse a Hungarian Horntail with a Norwegian Ridgeback.
The dimples forming in his freckled cheeks as he smiled at you were the exact reason why you had needed help with studying for this test in the first place. When you had talked about dragons in class, the eager smile and the slight scrunch of his nose as he scribbled down every single word Professor Kettleburn had to spare had left you breathless and unable to concentrate on anything but the butterflies dancing in your stomach.
The pile of flash cards had dwindled down until only a few more were left. Your breath caught in your throat as you turned around your next pick; the pictured showed a slender dragon directly from the front. It’s wings were outstretched and it seemed to be staring directly at you out of wide, pupil-less eyes. It was the only drawing so far that was coloured.
Your finger traced the subtle colour gradient rippling over its pearly scales as Charlie looked over to see which one was next.
“The Antipodean Opaleye,” he murmured, taking in your fascinated expression, “it’s singularly coloured scales and eyes are the stuff of legends.”
“It’s beautiful,” you whispered, trying to imagine how the scales of a real life Opaleye might shimmer in the sunlight.
“Not as beautiful as you,” Charlie suddenly blurted out. The words had fallen from his lips before he’d even had a chance to stop them.
Both of you froze as what he had said sank into your consciousness. You couldn’t believe your ears and were half sure that your mind must have played a trick on you.
You carefully glanced over to Charlie out of the side of your eyes; he looked incredulous and you could watch the colour of his face turning from ghostly white to a deep, vivid scarlet that clashed with his ginger hair in a matter of seconds.
Feeling your own cheeks starting to blush at the unexpected compliment, you desperately were looking for something to say to take the shock out of his widened eyes. But your mind wasn’t working properly anymore, so all you managed was a meek “Wow, uhm, thank you Charlie, that’s really sweet.”
It was apparent your words didn’t help his flustered situation as he covered his face with his hands and groaned “I can’t believe I said that out loud; I’m such an idiot.”
You didn’t know what to do to help him; you felt utterly flattered and confused at the same time. You thought about putting your hand on his arm to reassure him what he had said actually made you happy, but paused halfway, not quite daring to touch him again.
Still unsure of what to do, you got up and picked up one of the books he had used to illustrate the facts on his flashcards.
“I’d better get going, I guess,” you stammered without looking at the wretched boy sitting at the table next to you, “thank you so much for helping me, I think I’ll manage the rest on my own. Can I borrow that book though?”
He didn’t raise his face from his hands, but nodded anyways. You felt bad for leaving him like that, but your head was spinning and you desperately needed to sort out your thoughts.
But seeing Charlie’s slumped frame sitting at the table, all the bubbly excitement from before completely drained from him, tugged at your heartstrings so hard it almost hurt. So instead of turning around and leaving, you drew a deep breath, gathered your courage and stepped behind him, placing a light kiss on his cheek.
You could feel his shoulders tense and his breath hitch as your hair tickled his jaw and were glad he couldn’t see the deep blush on your cheeks as you straightened up, picked up your bag and his book and hurried out of the library with a racing heart, too afraid to turn around once more.
Charlie and you hadn’t spoken again after what had happened in the library. It had taken him quite some time to be able to think properly again after you had left; he had just sat at his table, hand on his cheek where you had kissed him, staring into nothingness, the peachy smell of your hair still hanging in the air.
Even though the thought of how soft your lips had felt on your cheek had been the most prominent thing in his mind, he had passed his test with flying colours; some things just couldn’t be erased from his mind, no matter what was happening around him.
He had just returned to his dorm after a particularly tiring Quidditch practise when he saw it lying on his bed, propped up against his head bord; the book you had borrowed from him to finish studying on your own.
For a brief moment, he wondered how you had managed to get it up here, when he noticed something white sticking out of the pages. Curious, he picked up the book and flicked it open.
Even without looking, he knew what chapter it was you had marked with whatever you had put in there; he had read this book more times than he could remember. It was the chapter on the Antipodean Opaleye; he grimaced at the memory of when he had last thought about this particular dragon.
A white flashcard was stuck between the pages, its laminated surface flashing as Charlie turned it around to read it.
A big smile stole onto his face as he saw the photograph of you laughing and waving at him that you had stuck on the front side. His eyes swept over the lines written in your feminine hand and his smile grew even wider as he read the ‘special characteristics’ section:
It has to be remarked, that this particular specimen was able to pass her test with full marks.
He was glad to hear his blurted out compliment hadn’t affected your marks in the end. He sighed wistfully, when he noticed the very small, scribbled note at the very end of the card; it wasn’t as neatly written as the rest, almost as if your hands had shaken while writing it down.
Greatest weakness: While not many weaknesses are recorded of this specimen, it is said that it can be easily tamed by ginger-haired dragon trainers in the making. Whether these rumours are true, remains to be determined.
Charlie’s mouth dropped open as he read the last section over and over again, not daring to believe what he thought they said. But after the tenth time, he finally allowed the butterflies that  had been fluttering in his stomach to spread into the rest of his body, his smile growing into the widest grin as he tucked the flashcard carefully into the book again.
This time, he was sure; this one was his favourite.
  Tagging: @weasleysandwheezes
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amyisherenowitsokay · 3 years
Zagr for the ship ask 😤😤😤 every single one bitch
I cannot believe you have bombarded me like this. Appalled. Insulted. Astounded.
Please enjoy my entire analysis of my fictional totally canonical ship.
1. How did they first meet?
Dib, but also school.
2. What was their first impression of each other?
I think they're both initially incredibly dismissive of one another. Zim thinks the entire fate of the Armada's reputation lying on his shoulders, and Gaz really has too many personal problems even as a kid to deal with; neglectful Dad, overprotective, stupid brother, etc.
3. Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
Okay so hear me out; I think Skoodge and Professor Membrane would be so obnoxious in the best way. And Gir, whenever his attention span lets him remember long enough to scream about it. But I think Membrane would be chipper about Gaz finding someone, even long before she admits she's even interested, and Skoodge would want Zim to be happy and is unconditionally supportive, especially when Zim is mopey whenever his advances are rebuffed.
4. Who felt romantic feelings first?
Honestly, I love a Zim simp, but I genuinely think it'd be Gaz. Zim is obviously a Defect capable of feeling a larger range of emotions than other Irkens, but he still didn't receive socialization that makes 'romantic rituals' in any way natural to him. So I think Gaz and him would buddy up platonically and casually, initially, until she realizes she likes his company a little too much and freaks out about it.
5. Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Gaz does, 100%, and she's way more stubborn about it then Zim. I think Zim's denial is just that he doesn't "get" romance (see above) and what's going on with him, but once he understands he's fully down to bombard Gaz with affection, flirtations, and other over-the-top simp behavior until she stops pretending she's not gritting her teeth while fighting a blush.
6. If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
Zim doesn't know what a soul is, but he does begin to understand the concept that they can be taken from human's in bargains. He becomes distracted by the topic. Bringing it up again later would have him largely dismissive.
Gaz would roll her eyes, and be extremely bitter about the idea that there is anyone 'made' for her. She's very independent, and I think someone with the sort of familial issues she does with no role model for a 'happy' family would be really resistant to being bound to someone in a way that would entitle them to her vulnerabilities. She'd be extremely resentful, dismissive, and irritable.
7. What would their lives be like if they had never met?
Really unfulfilled, listless. Without that companionship, they would never develop into people capable of meaningful relationships. I think both of them are very independent. Zim may claim he likes an audience, but there's an undeniable anxiety that he gets when faced with judgement. If it's anything but unwaveringly positive, he becomes delusional and creates a fantasy world in which everyone loves him, and the situation was just an initial misinterpretation. Gaz would have good friends, I think, but accepting Zim and his oddities and realizing she genuinely relates to someone who knows everything about her (via her brother + proximity + time) and is still here would mean a lot to her development.
1. Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Zim, without a doubt. Gaz may like Zim first, but she's completely in denial about it and completely stubborn. Zim is oblivious, and also a big ass simp, so his persistence and patience eventually gets Gaz to let her guard down and accept that she has hormones, she has romantic inclinations, and apparently they've both decided Zim is it. Time to be a big girl and accept it.
2. Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Honestly, I don't think they're the 'date' type of couple. I am probably 100% projecting since my boyfriend and I did not have an official 'date' until like 6 months into our first relationship, where we paused, turned to each other and were like 'wait is this our first date?' because we're homebodies whose idea of fun is projects. I think Zim and Gaz would hang out regularly, but it wouldn't ever be like a formal 'we are going to Bloaty's/the movies/etc as a date,' but rather 'I am going here and you are coming with me so I guess we are going together' thing. Zim doesn't get the point of a date, because if a date is by definition doing an activity together, then aren't they perpetually on a date? And Gaz isn't really a 'let's go to dinner formally' kind of person. They hang out, they go places, but it's never really a 'thing.'
3. What was their first kiss like?
I firmly believes Gaz would have to walk Zim through every aspect of physical affectionate. Zim is really wary about it, but I do think there's an instinct towards good ol' copulation, as well as a longing for positive touch after so long getting his ass whooped in the Academy, that would make him frustrated trying to figure out what this desire is. I think their first kiss is Gaz explaining to Zim, after he asks her outright what else there is after tame stuff like cuddling and hand holding, and Gaz walks him through the concept, implications, and so on until he feels ready to bravely and firmly try it.
While that does sound pretty clinical, I think actually it'd be really emotional for both of them. Zim would be really overwhelmed by how much passion is in a kiss, and Gaz would be similarly overwhelmed since, going into the relationship, she probably never anticipated Zim being interested in anything sexual, so any physical affection he expresses interest in is a surprise to her.
4. Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
I think Gaz probably would try out a few brief relationships, but never anything substantial or dramatic. Zim's never been in a relationship, so Gaz is his first everything. I do think they'd be each other's first sexual relationship, but I think Gaz would have most of her more minimal firsts with other people prior to Zim.
5. What’s their height difference? Age difference?
Zim older. I normally write Zim as the same height as Gaz, or only a little taller. Neither of them are tall. I do respect you 'short king' stans though.
6. What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
Dib hates Zim, firmly and completely, at the beginning of their relationship. It takes a lot of self-reflection, meaningful sibling discussions, and probably a few screaming matches that eventually get to the real root of the issue (Dib's ingrained fear that something would happen to Gaz, and that it'd his fault) before he came around. Zim is a big petty bitch and would gleefully antagonize him. They would never stop sniping at each other, but they'd begrudgingly (sort of) behave for Gaz. They would eventually become frenemies and bros, but they'd die and also kill each other before admitting any sort of cordiality.
Professor Membrane adores Zim, and treats him like the son he never had/always wanted, the one who wants to have long discussions about science and can keep up with the theoreticals. Gaz hates it.
The Base and Gaz are cool. They have an understanding borne from two sentient creatures who have found themselves in the position of trying to keep Zim from killing himself, killing other people, or from coming to (too much) harm. Gaz initially hates Gir, but eventually she figures out how to get him to chill out when it's important. Minimoose and her are also cool, but he creeps Gaz out a little.
7. Who takes the lead in social situations?
Zim thinks he does, but it's really just Gaz slapping her hand over his mouth before he can say something stupid, or translating whatever nonsense just came out of his mouth when he's done talking.
8. Who gets jealous easier?
Zim. Not even a question.
9. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
Zim. Also not even a question.
1. Who said “I love you” first?
Gaz. Zim doesn't know what it means until she explains it. It takes him awhile to internalize it and reciprocate verbally, but Gaz is okay with that. He shows her how much he cares in other ways.
2. What are their primary love languages?
Without a doubt, Zim's is touch. Once he gets used to it, he's really greedy and possessive about proximity. Just having Gaz bump his arm is sometimes enough to set the worst of his nerves at ease.
Gaz's is acts of service. She's fine with Zim being physically clingy, but it means a lot to her how unflinching he is about protecting her, anticipating her needs, and remembering things.
3. Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
Zim. Gaz hates them, but she tolerates it. Sometimes.
4. How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Cuddling is very frequent. Zim will just sort of shift in behind Gaz if she's playing a game and cling, and she'll just keep doing what she's doing until she's eventually done and reciprocates. Explicit PDA never happens, but Zim is very clingy and physically will plant himself between Gaz and people who he's distrustful towards.
5. Who initiates kisses?
Gaz. I think Zim would cling to her like a barnacle at every opportunity, but Zim would likely usually defer to Gaz for escalating intimacy.
6. Who’s the big and little spoon?
Zim big spoon. PAK too uncomfortable to let him be the little spoon.
7. What are their favorite things to do together?
I think just being around each other while they do projects, game, etc. would be their favorite thing to do. Sharing in hobbies without feeling pressured to be entertaining, but still feeling like their presence is valued and wanted by the other.
8. Who’s better at comforting the other?
Being a people, and having more emotional competency, Gaz is better. Zim does his best though.
9. Who’s more protective?
Zim, if we're talking about quantity. Gaz, however, if we're talking about quality. Zim screams at chihuahuas for looking at Gaz, and also does protect her from genuine threats, but he overreacts frequently. Gaz, however, would know when Zim's out of his depth and would break the spine of anything that's a threat to him.
10. Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Physical, for both. Neither of them is really used to verbal affection, whether it be giving or receiving. It's a lot more natural to be demonstrative.
11. What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
Me, cackling as I copy and paste this link that I imagine is from their mutual perspectives:
12. What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
There's lots, and I'm sure most of them are inside jokes, but the tops are Zimmothy + Little Gaz.
13. Who remembers the little things?
It's hard to say. Zim would retain an encyclopedic knowledge of all things Gaz, and tries to spoil her and accommodate her at every opportunity, but Gaz never forgets to pack an extra umbrella and a raincoat.
1. If they get married, who proposes?
2. What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
No one but their mutual 'families.' A very small, intimate ceremony. The reception though is massive, courtesy of Professor Membrane who has no idea how to separate his personal life with his public one.
3. How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
0 kiddos. Cannot product viable, compatible DNA to produce a spawn.
4. Do they have any pets?
Does Gir count?
5. Who’s the stricter parent?
If Gir is the child, Zim. Gaz will let him get away with murder, both because she can't be bothered to control him, and also because she thinks it's funny how mad Zim gets when she lets him go wild.
6. Who worries the most?
Between Gaz "apathetic is my middle name" Membrane and Invader "I have perpetual anxiety" Zim? No idea.
7. Who kills the bugs in the house?
Gir. He eats them long before anyone can find them. But both Gaz and Zim will point out any he misses.
8. How do they celebrate holidays?
Zim fucking hates Christmas, so him and Membrane get down in a bunker for it while Dib and Gaz spend some sibling time somewhere, drinking cocoa and video chatting with the respective morons. Other holidays, they basically go wherever Professor Membrane is in the world with Dib to have a 'family' holiday.
9. Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Zim doesn't sleep, but he likes the resting and the peacefulness of getting to curl around Gaz in her sleep without her leaving. So him by default.
10. Who’s the better cook?
Zim has a 'kiss the chef' apron and everything.
11. Who likes to dance?
Neither of them, but Zim does 'victory dances' compulsively.
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some-kindofgnome · 4 years
Kinktober #11: A Little Restraint: Eijirou Kirishima
Kirishima buys you a new toy. Then he asks you to use it on him. 
Characters: Eijirou Kirishima x f!Reader
Warnings: smut (18+ please!), bondage, aged up characters, oral sex (m and f-receiving), vaginal sex, dom!reader and soft sub!Kirishima, aftercare
Notes: I’m running out of title ideas. Did I say that yesterday? Doubly so today. But I haven’t posted anything with Kirishima since day one!! This dude is one of my favourite comfort characters, honestly. We stan a hero who drinks his respect-women-juice 💖 
Today’s prompt was “restraints,” and I honestly thought about Kirishima tying you up, but... this way sounded so much more fun. 
Kinktober Masterlist 
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Sex with Kirishima never gets boring.
When you first started dating, you couldn’t keep your hands off one another. You were fucking at least twice a day; desperate to make up for all the time you hadn’t known one another. Now, six months later, you’re starting to think that desire might never fade.
Granted, real life has gotten in the way of your twice-daily boning sessions, but the want is still there. Proven every time you stumble in the door in a tangle of limbs. Every time you creep through the quiet morning, picking up the trail of clothes you left behind the night before.
Tonight, he’s handsier than usual. It’s giving you ideas.
“Got somethin’ for ya, babe,” he’d said to you one night, appearing in the living room with a shipping box in his hands. You’d made it pretty clear in the past that you didn’t need him to earn your favour with gifts, but he’d looked so excited to show this one to you- you couldn’t help your curiosity.
You’d flipped open the cardboard flaps, only to be faced with a pair of thick leather handcuffs in the bottom of the box.
“You planning on arresting me anytime soon?” You’d teased, though you remember the way your cheeks instantly heated, too. You weren’t stupid. Those were no standard-issue cuffs.
“Naw, I thought…” His cheeks were red, too, as he waved you off. But he’s brave and he trusts you, so he kept going. “I thought we could use ‘em in the bedroom.”
“On me? Sure, I-I’ve never really done that before, but…”
“No.” When you looked up at him again you caught a swell of intent in his gaze. “On me.”
Oh. Oh.  
Kiri’s usually the one to take control when the two of you get into bed. He likes setting the pace of things, worshipping you from head to toe. Taking his time. But, as it turned out, he’d been thinking about this for a while. He loves it when you get on top. And he has to exercise such control in his day-to-day life… he wants to give it up every once in a while, to somebody he trusts.
When he’d first put it like that, there was no way you could refuse. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t have some switch tendencies, anyway.
That’s why tonight, as he’s laying you down on the bed, you grab his wrists. Hard. He stops, looking down at you in a moment of flustered confusion.
“Why don’t we keep your hands off tonight?” You growl. You see the realization take over his expression, and he swoops down and catches your lips with a fleeting but very loving kiss.
“I love you,” he growls, tucking his face into your neck and kissing you there.
“Love you, too,” you mumble back, curling your fingers in the front of his shirt. You give his chest a little push, forcing him back. “Now undress.”
The blush is creeping decadently down the back of his neck as he steps away from the edge of the bed, tugging off his shirt and letting it flutter to the ground. Before it even touches the floorboards, he’s fumbling with his belt, tugging it open and shoving his pants to the ground. When he comes back to you in just a pair of crimson boxer-briefs, it’s with the promising swell of his growing erection tucked against one thigh.
He climbs onto the bed, falling onto his back. He looks up at you with the light of adoration in his gaze. Christ, you’re so lucky to have him.
You climb off the bed, stripping down as you cross to the dresser. The cuffs are tucked into the bottom drawer, and by the time you turn back with them stretched between your fingers, you’re clad only in your bra and thong.
From across the room you can hear the growl ripping from his chest. He props himself up on one elbow, watching you take your time as you come back to him.
“Damn,” he chuckles, reaching for you. You slap his hands away and take a step back.
“Are we gonna have a problem?” You hold the cuffs out in front of you. He swallows hard and lays back against the pillows.
“Wait… no,” you sigh. “Roll over. On your belly.”
You can tell he’s losing sight of where you’re taking this, but he rolls over anyway. He trusts you so fully it’s almost heartbreaking. You promise yourself not to misuse that.
As you kneel beside him, he turns to rest his cheek on the pillow. He continues to stare- you can feel his eyes flicking over your body, even as you reach over and carefully buckle one of his wrists into the cuff.
“Tight enough?” You ask, and he gives a low hum. A quick nod.
“Too tight?” He shakes his head, eyes falling shut. You smile. You love it when he gets soft like this. If only you’d known that he was trying to bring out that side of himself again.
You slowly draw his hand into the small of his back and swing a leg over his thighs, straddling them. He lets out a little grunt, his hips pushing into the mattress. You let him stay that way, figuring he’s only going to get himself more excited. You wrap your fingers around his other wrist and tug it to meet the other one.
“This okay?” You press.
“God, yes,” he grunts. The sound comes right from the barrel of his chest- you can feel it vibrate along his spine. This is going to be good.
You buckle his other wrist into the cuffs, running a finger between the padded leather and his skin. You prompt him with the same gentle questions as before, keeping him talking. Making sure he’s still with you.
“Okay,” you whisper, and you climb off of him. “Get up to your knees, now.”
He struggles a little to get his knees underneath his torso, but he’s all hard muscle and raw power and gets upright with little effort. The powerful muscles of his core work visibly as he sits up and you’re practically drooling by the time he comes to rest in front of you- legs spread, erection jutting down one leg of his undershorts, chest heaving ever so slightly.
“Fuck,” you catch yourself gasping as you watch his shoulders work to acknowledge the restraints. Biting your lip, you indulge, reaching in and palming the swell of his erection. He lets out a little grunt and shoots you a crooked grin.
“Somethin’ tells me I’m gonna regret this,” he purrs. You crawl between his thighs and kiss his lips, long and slow and sweet.
“Baby,” you growl, “you’re not gonna regret a thing.”
You make him eat you out first, spreading out on the pillows while he wiggles himself back onto his belly between your thighs. Normally his hands would be roaming all over your body while he tongues your pussy- he’d slide his fingers across your thighs, pinch your nipples, palm your breasts. You can see the disappointment lining his gaze as his arms strain, but he licks you diligently, and it’s not long before your thighs are clamping down around his face as you cum.
You wipe his mouth for him, making him sit up again. In the meantime, you rid him of his shorts, and as he settles onto the sheets his erection bobs between his legs, drooling a thin stream of fluid and framed by a trimmed patch of dark hair.
You lick your lips. You can’t help it. He’s delectable like this. A blank canvas, ready for you to play.
You stroke him first, painstakingly slow. Your fingers are curled loose around him, but every time he tries to thrust his hips into your grip, you squeeze tightly and stop dead. He’s whimpering your name by now, chewing hard on his lower lip as he peers up at you.
“Please,” he mumbles. “More.”
“Since you asked so nicely,” you coo. You slide onto your stomach between his thighs and don’t waste any time. You swallow him down.
He howls, throwing his head back as his thighs draw tight. His hips are trembling, and you can tell he’s trying his best not to thrust right to the back of your throat. Good, you think. He’s already learning.
You plant your hands on his thighs and start to suck. You keep the same painstakingly slow pace as before, planning to draw his pleasure out as slowly as possible, before letting him expel it all at once.
You can feel the tightness catch in his body when he finds a wave of pleasure. You let him ride it for a few more strokes but pull away sloppy and harsh before he can get too far. And he looks up at you with such betrayal in his eyes you seriously think about stopping.
“You with me?” You breathe, sliding your hands up and down his thighs. He’s flushed and broken for you, but he nods with a tightness squaring his jaw.
“Keep going,” he insists.
He’s been holding on long enough.
“Time for your reward,” you mumble. You lean in and pepper kisses down his collarbone. He rises his shoulder into your touch, but he doesn’t perk up just yet.
“C’mere,” you hum, sliding a hand to his shoulder blades. “On your knees again. Nice and tall. Just like that.”
You crawl around in front of him, dropping onto all fours. As soon as you spread your legs he’s gasping and pushing forward, wanting the wet, maddening heat you’re offering to him. You slide a hand between your legs and wrap it around his thick shaft, lining him up with your entrance.
“Slowly,” you urge, and he’s trembling but he complies, easing himself forward into you. You’re soaking and sloppy from before, still sensitive and tight as ha fist around his cock. He bottoms out diligently, slowly, and holds himself there.
“Please,” he gasps, voice breaking. You make him stay there for another few heartbeats. Then you smirk.
“Fuck me.”
He complies with renewed vigor, rearing back and slamming his hips into yours. His thrusts are erratic and sharp, but you meet him beat-for-beat, sliding your hips back as he pushes forward. Your ass slaps tantalizingly against his hips and you know he wants to touch it. Fuck, you should have done this sooner. You can picture him already, straining against those cuffs and aching to palm you.
The sharp cry of your name rouses you. His thrusts are getting shaky, and you realize he’s already getting ready to cum.
“Not… gonna last,” he whimpers. “Please, lemme…”
“It’s okay,” you whisper. “Cum for me, Kiri. I wanna feel all of you.”
His peak hits as if on command, and he lets out a feral shout as it rips through him. He fucks himself madly into your body, humping you through his desperate desire. He keeps pumping into you through the spurts of his orgasm, covering his cock and pulling drips of fluid from your body.
When it’s over you slump forward, panting and breathless, but he’s still drawn tight behind you.
“Kiri?” You hum, pushing yourself upright and sliding off his softening cock. He’s still got the desperate flush of desire covering his cheeks, and for a second, you’re worried.
“Let me…” he pleads, “let me touch you.”
“Jesus- here.” You race forward, reaching behind him and freeing him from the cuffs as fast as you can. You don’t even get the chance to drop them off the side of the bed before he flattens you to the bed. His hands glide all over your body, sliding down to your hips and over your breasts. He cards his fingers through your hair and pulls softly, making up for all the contact he couldn’t have before.
“It’s okay,” you murmur, but he’s already slipping a hand between your legs. He pushes one finger into your messy slit, drawing handfuls of cum out as he adds a second and curls his fingers.
He pulls a third orgasm from you before he’s finally satisfied, collapsing beside you and letting you wrap him up in your arms. You stay there for a long while, rubbing his back, letting him continue to slide his hands over all your bare skin.
“I’m sorry, baby,” you mumble after a long moment of silence. He frowns, lifting his head to meet your eyes.
“For what?”
“That was too much. I should’ve…” You don’t get to finish your sentence, because he’s silencing you with a kiss.
“That was the best sex I’ve ever had,” he chuckles against your lips. “Hands down. If you don’t do that to me again soon, I’m gonna be the one punishing you.”
He pulls a smile from you, and you pull him in a little tighter.
“I wouldn’t mind that so much.”
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
aye, Idk if this went thou cuz it Tumblr so: I know you say to hold request like this but I wanted to ask for when you started. Maybe a yandere Imposter with a s/o who is a medic for the ship. (It a weird hc that everyone has a job on the ship) So it time for check up other med stuff. The imposter knows that the check up/computer will out them for being an imposter but it a chance to finally be alone with its 's/o'
Oh boo, what I meant about holding asks was that I was holding an anon's ask in the ask box about Yandere Among Us so that I could remember myself to write about it.
You see, a lot of people asked for it so I decided to leave this one ask about it so I could answer it later when I had the proper chapter finished.
It's not that you guys in particular need to hold your asks about Among Us, you can send them! What I tried to do was try to send a message towards the people that wanted to see more of it, that I would be doing more about it really soon.
Also, this is a gorgeous ask! I absolutely love this headcanon. I love the idea of everyone having a particular role, but also being able to do multiple tasks as the whole spaceship is destroyed-
In my Among Us fanfiction, the role of medic is played by the crewmate White, but of course the darling can be a medic in this headcanon!
Also I'll leave the color of the imposter random and out for your imagination in this headcanon, because why not?
TW/Tags: y'all mind if I went a little more… risky? 👀 Cause I think the imposter would be happy to get some "special examination" by their darling- (slight nsfw ish? At the end??) // not accurate to the game but whatevs // yes, I'm tired and therefore mumbling nonsense! // some hard simping coming from the imposter //
Med-bae 👀 [Yandere!Among Us x Medic!Reader - Headcanon]:
So. This was a terrible idea. You know, when you said "follow me, I'll show you something cool!" they were expecting something more, well, fun?
This is not only not fun, but can also compromise their whole plan. You brought them to medbay to show them not only your favorite tech but to also convince them to let you check them out.
They were the only ones that haven't done any check ups and you needed to collect data from everyone and send it to the facility, ya know, to let them know that you're all safe in this unsafe spaceship.
"- Come on, we need to tell your family that you're healthy!"
"- I could just call them ya know?!" You two scream at each other as they're trying to hold themselves in the wall while you try to pull them inside your workplace.
Well, it could be worse, now that they think about it. There is no one here so…
"- Take off your suit and seat over there." You tell them while pointing at the examination table - "- I'll go pick some equipment, don't worry okay? It's just another checkup."
You tried to make them feel more relaxed by saying that, but they couldn't help but fear their inevitable demise. While you're gone they at least have enough time to change themselves to look more human.
Or at least to come up with something if you ever find out they aren't really the person you thought they were. Oh well, at least they can indulge themselves in the heavy amount of scent lingering around this room, it seems you have spent a lot of time here. In some weird way, this place does fit you a lot, maybe is their mind being easily infatuated by you, but the smallest of decorations or clues of you being here, like: a coat you forgot to pick up, some paperwork covered in stickers, a photo of you and what they presume to be your family.
They wonder if you miss the Earth as much as your entire crew. I mean, that would be unfortunate for them, how would they be able to accompany you back to your home? Wouldn't you prefer to stay here with them? Looking at the stars, with a long life supply of resources for a small family. It doesn't sound so bad right?
Yeah, of course it doesn't sound so bad, the only problem is that there are way, way too many people in this place! All of your crewmates take way too much of your attention and time, that is so unfair-
"- I'm back! Sorry for keeping you waiting." You said while entering the medbay in a hurry. Oh look, their anxiety has also returned! Oh goodie.
"- So, I'll do a couple physical checks and just make a couple of questions, and then I'll let you free okay?" You joke about it, no one really likes to do this, you know that, but come on! It's so simple and easy, and it's just to make sure everyone is doing fine.
"- How has it been this couple of days?" You ask coming towards them.
"- F-Fine I guess. Nothing really special, just the usual." The closer you get the hardest it is to control their heart. This is ridiculous, why does their body act like this at such a crucial moment? And why do I need to be so close in the first place!?!
You make their brains turn into mush.
"- I know this is going to sound cliche, but have you been eating healthy lately?" Oh my, their skin feels hot, maybe you should pick a thermometer! Hopefully they don't have a fever.
"- Yes, I think so." Well, would you consider eating your friends healthy? Probably not. They probably shouldn't say that out loud.
The checkup continues as "normally" as every checkup. Asking if they felt anything, if they have been staying active and eating the healthy options on board, and if they were having a generally pleasant week aboard.
Of course you probably won't notice how their face flush every time you touch or simply crush your fingers on their body, like I said, this is probably harder than any emergency meeting. Trying to keep themselves from creeping you out and from snatching you right there and then. Too close for your own safety yet too distant for their comfort.
It doesn't help that you question all the little oddities happening to their body. Why are they so hot? Why are they sweating so much? Why are they shaking so much? Are they feeling sick? Are they hurt?
No, no, no, no and no, dearest! All of these things are normal for them. That's their normal body temperature.
Oh yeah, and the shaking and sweating is just nervousness. This moment is so perfect, dearest.
Is absolutely perfect, no one can interfere. No one can stop them from being the center of your attention. No one can enter this room for now.
Of course, after so much "teasing" they couldn't control the soft purring emerging from their throats. I mean, honestly you weren't doing much? You're just so close and touchy that it was starting to provoke a new type of hunger inside them.
"- Did you… Did you just... Purr…??" You stepped back, they were acting quite strange throughout the entire checkup, but you thought they were simply shy about this.
' What the hell was going on? Why did they look like that? Why was their expression suddenly so malicious?' You thought.
Well dearest-
What would happen if… Well, the doors suddenly decided to not open? If these sound proof walls suddenly became useful for once?
I don't why I had such a hard time writing this, I think I might have adhd-
Or maybe I just really like procrastinating, idk lol
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cora-vizsla · 3 years
Hypnotic (Taking Over Me)- Chapter 2
Pairing: Eventual Jedi!OC x Sith!Obi Wan
Word Count: 4.3K
Story Rating: E (18+)
Chapter Rating: T
Warning: Swearing. Threats of violence. Calm kidnapping. Mentions of sex in the past. 
A/N: I know I said I was going to post this like two days ago but life got in the way. I hope you enjoy either way. As always, if I missed any tags please let me know!
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When they got closer to presumably their destination, Veth held out a blindfold. Zara raised one eyebrow at him and shook her head.
“I’m not wearing that. Your threat of killing my men is over so you have no leverage over me.”
“I have two lightsabers and you’re stuck in this ship with me.”
“If you swing them, we both die. Are you wanting to die?”
“Are you?”
Zara scowled and crossed her arms. Veth laughed at her which only soured her mood even more.
“Me not having leverage over you is exactly why I need you to wear this. You presumably have it planned that you figure out where you are and either get a message out or escape on your own. I do not want to harm you, but I will if I have to.”
“So, wear this for my own protection?”
“Precisely, darling.”
Zara did nothing short of barking out a cackle.
“I am a Jedi Knight. I do not fear you. You may have manipulated me into going with you to keep my clones safe but that does not mean I am easily fooled.”
“You don’t trust me.”
“Would you trust me if the roles were reversed?”
Zara was taken back by his swift and solid answer.
“You’ve had many chances to fight me, yet you’d prefer to talk and negotiate. You don’t want to fight if you don’t have to. That is a trait we share.”
“Sith only want destruction.”
���That is what the Jedi teach.”
“That is the truth.”
“Give me one day, Zara Fross. Comply with me for that long then you can make your decision on if you’re going to fight back or not.”
“Why a day?”
“That’s how long it will take me to ensure that you are safe before you do something reckless like jumping off a cliff.”
She found herself biting back a laugh as she reached to snatch the blindfold. Veth made a disapproving noise in the back of his throat and motioned for her to turn. Zara grimaced but turned slightly, allowing her captor to place it over her eyes and tie it. She felt her face flush when he gently turned her and ensured her eyes were completely covered.
“I bet this is the easiest kidnapping you’ve ever conducted.”
“You are right, though you aren’t the first beautiful woman I’ve put a blindfold on. Now sit there like a good girl and we will be home soon enough.”
Shocked by his tone and words, Zara sat in silence instead of arguing. She told herself that it would never be home to her, just a temporary stop before she found her way back to the Jedi. She hoped that Anakin wasn’t causing too much trouble.
“THAT is why you sent her without me!? You knew that creep would follow her!”
“Calm down, Anakin.” Mace said for what felt like the hundredth time.
“How can I calm down? He TOOK her!”
“She is perfectly capable of taking care of herself. There was no indication that she was harmed. He let her leave a message for Commander Cody.”
“Where is Commander Cody? He should be punished for leaving her alone in the first place.”
“Anakin Skywalker. You better watch your tone when you’re speaking to the council. I understand you care for your friend, but you need to recognize that we need to put our trust in her and her capabilities. You’re bordering on insulting with how little you believe in her.”
“Master Windu, I can’t agree with not sending someone to find her. To save her. We have no idea what that creep is doing to her.”
“We also don’t know where she is. Once we get intel on her location, we will send someone to retrieve her. Until then, you have missions that you must accomplish. The war has not stopped, and you have not been relieved of any of your responsibilities.”
Anakin sighed and deflated. He nodded at Mace and ran his hands down his face.
“You’re right, Master. Just.. please keep me updated on her while I’m gone.”
Mace nodded at him and watched him leave. Yoda turned to him once the door shut and shook his head.
“Troubled, that boy is.”
“Yes. I know him and Zara are close, but he is so reckless.”
“No different, Zara would be.”
“No but she would have at least said those things to me in private instead of the entire counsel.”
Yoda chuckled and nodded, reaching over to pat Maces hand a few times. It was unspoken, but Master Windu was just as worried about his former Padawan as Anakin was, especially if the reports about Darth Veth were true.
Zara hated not having some semblance of control. It was why she preferred not to fight. No one could ever predict every move someone else would make. Words were easier for her to predict. So, stumbling through the snow without being able to see was not her idea of a good time.
“We’re almost there, darling.”
“I really wish you’d stop calling me that.”
“Would you prefer princess? Love? I’m sure I could find sweet pet names to find out in different languages if that is what you would enjoy.”
Zara stopped moving, turning to where she thought the man was and tried to glare.
“Fine. Stick with darling.”
He chuckled and gripped her arm a little tighter. He wasn’t hurting her, not that he even remotely wanted to. When she had stumbled a few times, he felt bad at how petrified she was at not being able to see. He had offered to carry her but that didn’t help the fear that was basically seeping from her pores.
When her teeth started chattering, he finally gave in and scooped her up. She gasped out of surprise and started to protest. She silenced when he shushed her and tentatively held onto him, afraid of being dropped.
“It’s quicker this way. Need to get you inside before you freeze to death.”
“Well, I wouldn’t run away would I.”
He chuckled and tightened his grip on her, picking up his pace. Within a few minutes he spotted their destination and got her inside. He deposited her gently on his couch and pulled the blindfold off.
“Get your boots off. You aren’t dressed for the cold and you don’t want to lose toes because of it.”
She hesitated, taking in her surroundings but eventually pulled them off, setting them neatly by her. Veth looked at her as he was taking off his heavy jacket and boots.
“You don’t need to sit there. You can explore.”
She stood warily, wincing at the feeling returning to her feet. She walked throughout the main living space and noticed how simple it was. She half expected a home more industrial and extravagant. It didn’t scream Sith Lord to her.
Making her way down the hallway, she looked into each room. She was surprised to see that there were two bedrooms and a fairly large refresher. The last room she came to actually intrigued her enough to walk in. Every wall was covered from floor to ceiling in books and holocrons.
“I figured this would be the room I’d find you in.”
Zara glanced over her shoulder and wrapped her arms around herself. Veth walked in and stood next to her.
“You are welcome to read anything in here. I would have brought some of the texts from our meeting spot but figured they’d just be another weapon for you to use against me.”
“I wouldn’t risk destroying history like that.”
“Then I trust you all the more in my personal library. I have placed warm clothes in the refresher. Take your time as this planet has no water restrictions or issues. I will be making some food to eat. Come find me when you are done.”
He went to walk out but Zara reached out and touched his arm lightly, recoiling as soon as she did.
“Why.. why am I here?”
“Are you asking that or asking why you aren’t shackled and bleeding?”
“I guess I’m asking both.”
“Go shower. I will answer all questions within reason when you are done.”
Zara stepped out of the shower and wiped at the mirror in front of her. She considered braiding her hair but with the cold she needed it to dry as soon as possible. She looked down at the counter and saw that there was a brush. With a shrug she picked it up and worked it through her hair.
It had gotten much longer than she usually let it grow. When she was younger, she kept it short to keep it out of her face but now it was down to her mid back. She ran her fingers across the short side she had cut and thought of Anakin. He had dared her to do it thinking she would care too much about her hair. She had laughed so hard when she saw the expression on his face when she cut the portion.
She wondered how Anakin was. It wasn’t abnormal not to talk to him for days at a time, but now she didn’t even have the capability to. He was her best friend and the idea of not seeing him again brought a pain to her chest she had never felt before.
Zara shook her head, trying to will away the negative thoughts. Instead, she focused on the bright color of her hair. It had been another dare of Anakin. He thought Mace would be furious with her but instead he had given her a soft smile and a nod, letting her know it fit her. Master Windu always wanted her to be herself in a way that fit the code. Her appearance didn’t matter as long as she lived the code and was proud of being a Jedi.
She looked down at the clothes and frown. They were most definitely the Sith’s robes. She considered putting her own back on, but he was right; it was cold. Once she was dressed in the black robes that were just slightly too big for her, she hung her towel up and went back out to the main living area.
“Ah, hello there. I hope your shower was enjoyable.”
She nodded, not having the energy to argue with him anymore. He motioned for the table that already had food waiting for her. She sat down gently and looked at the food.
“Stars, I know I’m not a great cook, but it isn’t enough to be sad over.”
When she didn’t look up at him, he sighed and sat next to her, digging into his own food. She eventually picked up her utensils and started eating. It was warm and well-seasoned, but it did little to improve her mood.
“Lord Veth, why am I here?”
He used his napkin to pat at his mouth before sitting back in his chair. It struck her as odd at how sophisticated he was, again. It went against everything that she had been taught about the Sith and how they lived their life.
“I promised you answers. I will give you as many as I can. Then you can be informed if you want to fight against your captivity or not.”
He took a drink of the wine in front of him before crossing on leg over the other.
“I first heard of you when you started your missions with the Skywalker boy.”
“You’ve called him Ani. Why?”
“I’ll get there, my dear. I was tasked with observing you and finding a way to get you away from him. You see, my Master desperately wants the boy. He has plans for him. He doesn’t think that he will stray from the Jedi as long as you are around him. You’re a rather calming presence for him just as much as he challenges you to come out of your shell.”
“He’s my best friend.”
Zara felt her chest tighten again at the thought of Anakin and the vulnerability she was showing.
“Without you around he can fulfill the role my Master expects of him. I was given the option to just kill you but the more I learned of you the more I saw how much of a waste that would be. You’re a strong Jedi and an even smarter woman. You care deeply for those around you regardless of it being a stretch in the code you swore yourself to.”
“That doesn’t explain how you know Anakin.”
“I was with Qui Gon when he found him.”
He chuckled and nodded, brushing his hair back out of his face.
“Yes. I went by an entirely different name back then, but I was there.”
Zara furrowed her brow and tried to figure out who he possibly could be. She chewed on her bottom lip as she tried desperately to pull up the memory.
“Master Windu told me of a padawan Master Jinn had. He died though so he took on Anakin.”
“I did not die. I’m sure he thought I did with the fiery explosion. My Masters other apprentice found me barely clinging to life. The Jedi never even looked for me.”
“That’s.. terrible. I am so very sorry that they didn’t.. there had to have been a reason they didn’t-”
Zara sat up straighter when anger flashed across the man’s face. His eyes seemed even more dangerous and for the first time she didn’t feel safe around him. She stood up and he followed, backing her against the wall. He caged her in by placing his hands on each side of her head.
“Do not mistake my civility as us being friends, Jedi. I will treat you as my guest, but I will not have the betrayal they put me through excused or brushed off by anyone. Is that understood?”
“Good girl.”
He stood up, taking his hands from the wall and tracing his finger across her jaw gently with a feral smile. She looked up at him trying to steel herself against him. She had almost let herself forget that he was a dangerous Sith keeping her captive.
“Why don’t you finish eating then we can talk more. Like I said earlier, there is much I wish to learn about you.”
Zara sat curled up on the end of the couch, trying to keep warm. Regardless of what she was wearing, she couldn’t seem to shake the cold. Her previous thoughts of hating the heat were coming back to haunt her. She jumped when she felt something rest against her shoulders until she saw the Sith was laying a thick blanket across her.
“Uh, thank you.”
“You’re very welcome, my dear.”
He sat down next to her, far enough away that they weren’t touching.
“It unfortunately gets very cold at night here.”
“Where are we, Hoth?”
“No, but a planet very similar.”
“Stars how do you deal with it?”
“I manage.”
She pulled the blanket tighter around herself and shivered.
“May I ask you what your name was before?”
“You may. However, for every question I answer you need to answer two of mine.”
“Two? How is that fair?”
“Who said anything about fair?”
She looked over at him and scowled at his sly grin. She turned so she was facing him more with her knees pulled up to her chest. He was already turned slightly to the side with his legs spread apart and his arm thrown over the back of the couch.
“Fine. What was your name.”
“Obi-Wan Kenobi.”
“Obi.. wow.”
“You know the name?”
“I do. Master Jinn spoke of you often while Anakin and I were training.”
He rolled his jaw before forcing the emotion to fall from his face. He was smiling again before she even could comprehend that he had been upset.
“What planet are you from?”
“Good family?”
“The best. Wonderful parents. Well off. Supportive in my quest to become a Jedi.”
“Interesting. That explains your education and manners.”
She shrugged and smiled softly.
“Can I assume you’re from Coruscant?”
“No. I don’t really remember though I was very young when I went there. Thus, the accent.”
“Makes sense. The Jedi usually take in children at a young age.”
“You mean steal them.”
Not wanting to anger him more, she fell silent.
“Were you at the temple before Anakin?”
“Yes. Not very long though. Maybe a week or two if I remember correctly.”
“Then I just missed you it seems.”
She nodded and shivered again.
“What is the extent of your relationship with Skywalker?”
Her head shot up at that question. She looked him directly in his eyes and saw a cautious curiosity.
“I’ve told you. He’s my best friend.”
“It seems deeper than that. He was positively furious when I called you darling.”
“He’s.. protective. He had to leave his mother and I was the first person he truly connected to after that. Master Windu worried he was corrupting me but there were many times he kept me sane.”
“Explain more, please.”
She smirked and shook her head.
“You’re being awfully careful not to ask another question.”
“Trying to play by the rules, my dear.”
She chuckled and played with the edge of the blanket.
“I think maybe if there hadn’t been a code, we would have grown closer.”
“So, you turned him down.”
“Not necessarily. It’s not like we talked about it. We just knew it wasn’t what the Jedi would need from us. Have you ever been in love?”
She decided not to press him more when his answer was clipped. She lowered her eyes and chewed on her bottom lip again.
“Do you love Anakin?”
“I.. I’ve never let myself love anyone. My destiny is to be a Jedi Master. I won’t let anything deter that.”
“Interesting. So, you don’t indulge in physical pleasure?”
She snorted and he raised his eyebrows in response.
“I’m not a prude. I just don’t let myself feel possessive or attached to them.”
“So, why not with Anakin then? You two are already close.”
She shrugged and laughed, her face feeling warm.
“Doesn’t really need to be thought about. It didn’t happen and won’t.”
“You’re rather open with me. Not what I expected considering who your Master was.”
“I would rather give you this information willingly in a way that I can benefit from it. Considering what the alternative is I think it’s safer that way.”
He chuckled and carded his hand through his hair again.
“You are wise beyond your years, darling. I do wonder why you were so willing to tell me about Anakin though. You know he is in danger.”
“Nothing that I told you is anything you couldn’t have found out just by watching us. You actually probably would have assumed there was more to it. I know the counsel did many times.”
Zara let out a yawn, trying to cover her face as she did. Veth chuckled and stood, motioning for her to lay down on the couch.
“There is a spare room, but it is much warmer out here. I’ll check on the fire throughout the night.”
She curled up and made sure the blanket was wrapped tightly around her. He added more wood to the fire and dusted his hands off as he stood up. He paused at the doorway and looked at the sleepy Jedi on his couch.
“Goodnight, Zara.”
“Goodnight, Lord Veth.”
“You can call me Obi Wan, if you’d prefer.”
“I thought we weren’t friends, Obi Wan?”
“You’re starting to grow on me a bit, darling.”
With a smirk he left, leaving her even more confused than the first time she met him. Zara was terrified of the situation she was in but knew she had to play his game. As she drifted to sleep, she worried about her best friend and what they could possibly want from him. She had to find a way to warn him and protect him.
“Zara. Zara dear, you need to wake up. Come on, sweetheart.”
She woke with a gasp and looked around, unaware of where she was. She jumped when she realized Obi Wan was kneeling by the couch with his hand on her shoulder. He looked worried; his hair still disheveled from sleeping.
“W-what? What is it?”
“You were crying out in your sleep. Gave me a terrible fright when I heard you. Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’m f-fine. Sorry. Sorry for startling you.”
“What was wrong?”
“I just.. I have nightmares. I’m fine. I’ll be fine. Don’t let me keep you up.”
She sat up, pulling away from his touch. He stood and moved to the fire, tending to it like he had been doing it his entire life. She watched him as she worked on controlling her breathing. Although nightmares weren’t new to her, being woken by someone she didn’t know was. She felt ashamed and embarrassed that he had heard her crying.
“Tell me, darling, do the Jedi know of your nightmares?”
“It’s hard to find one of us who doesn’t have them. War never really leaves us.”
“You’re fighting against a droid army.”
“We don’t use droids to fight.”
Her voice was harsh and clipped, surprising Obi Wan. He walked to her, stopping only to kneel in front of her on the floor. She wrapped the blanket tighter around her and watched him with unease.
“You really do care about your clones, don’t you?”
“They’re people. Living breathing people. Their history or how they came to life doesn’t concern me. What concerns me is-“
“Stars, Zara, they’re just clones. More can be made.”
“You sound like Senator Palpatine. So high and mighty that you have no regard for life. Even now you play games with me, dangling the idea of my death over my head. You’re no better than a bored loth cat playing with a mouse.”
“Are you comparing yourself to a rodent?”
He smirked and it infuriated Zara. She snarled and tried to get up, wanting space between the two of them. Before she could even fully try, Obi Wans hands shot out and grabbed her thighs tightly, keeping her in place.
“No, Lord Veth, I am comparing you to a predator with absolutely no humanity. Your tricks will not work on me. You may have been a Jedi once, but it is clear as day that you are no longer harboring any shred of light in you. Go ahead and pretend that you’re civil and sophisticated while you keep me prisoner on this despot of a planet. It doesn’t matter how kind or human you pretend to be. You’re nothing short of a monster. You’ll never be able to hide the evil coursing through you when it burns so brightly through your eyes.”
Zara held back a wince as his grip tightened on her legs. The normal playfulness that he usually held on his face was long gone. The more she spoke, the angrier he became.
“There she is. There is the conceited Jedi I knew had to have been in there. I saved your life, little knight. I spared your men knowing that it would harm you to wipe them out. I let you stay awake and conscious of what was happening. I gave you my clothes to wear so you would be warm and let you know parts of me that I didn’t need to divulge. Without me, you would be dead along with your entire regiment.”
“How do I even know a single thing you’ve said to me is true? Sith lie.”
“Now you question my integrity? When have you discovered anything I have said to you is a lie?”
“It all has to be a lie! Why would anyone that follows the dark want Anakin? He is a good man. He is devoted to those he loves and the family he has created within the order. He would never fall to the dark side. He wouldn’t do that to them. He wouldn’t do that to-“
“To what? Or were you going to say to who? He wouldn’t do that to you. Is that what you were going to say? Hmm?”
When Zara fell silent Obi Wan laughed out darkly.
“My dear, pull the right strings and anyone could fall to the dark. He has a weakness, and it is you.”
“It’s not like that with me!”
“Does he know that? You see, I have been in love before and it didn’t matter how far away I ended up from her. It never went away. Even once I heard of her death, I still mourned her and the love we could have shared if I had just let myself fall.”
She shook her head quickly.
“He will do what our master’s ask of us. He will help win this war and-“
“Now who is the liar, Zara? I’ve heard some doozies coming from the lips of Jedi, but I have never heard someone so willing to lie when the truth is right in their face. The fall of Anakin Skywalker has already begun. Your absence, regardless of what is causing it, is going to make him desperate. He will do anything to either get you back or avenge you. Look me in the eyes and tell me that I’m wrong.”
Zara opened her mouth to argue but quickly shut it.
“That’s what I thought.”
He released her legs and stood, looking down at her with anger.
“Get some rest. Lack of sleep makes you ungrateful and it’s not a good look.”
Once he was in his room, punctuated by a slam of his door, Zara finally let her tears fall. She wanted to talk to Master Windu to get clarity. She needed to hear that Veth, Obi Wan, whoever he was, was wrong. Feeling hopeless and helpless wasn’t something she was accustomed to and it was tearing her to shreds.
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What if... Bonus
What if Dulsissia hadn’t died, what if she had grabbed Corin and fled? What if she met Davarax? What if…this influenced even more lives?
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10a Part 10b Part10c
Dez Vizla is not pleased. There is a strange feeling in his chest. It’s an ache and yet not a physical pain. Ever since Paz had made it clear he would not be coming back with him, that weird feeling had been gnawing away at him. It’s pissing him off!
And to make his day even worse, he’s not even halfway home when some idiot decides to start shooting at his ship and gets in a lucky shot.
Dez’ ship goes down, gets snagged in the gravity pull of a planet and Dez fights hard to counter all the problems his computer warns about as he spins towards the ground. Somehow he manages to prevent dying in a ball of fire from crashing into a mountain by nose-diving into what looks to be a desert, but the impact is still powerful enough to make the nose of his ship crumble inwards and Dez screams as a piece of metal snaps his right leg seconds before the craft comes to a groaning, hissing halt.
Pain is scrambling his brain for a second, Dez gulps for air and tries to will his mind to function. Luckily he is no weakling and finally his senses start to return to him.
A quick scan reveals he’s in trouble. He’s stuck, pinned by the metal pressing on his leg, he’s bleeding from a couple of cuts and he really feels like throwing up, but these are his minor problems, real trouble comes in the shape of the ship which had shot him down landing next to his.
Five pirates emerge, armed and pleased with their imagined victory.
Dez Vizla draws his blaster, panting with pain and fury. They will regret messing with a Vizla.
Thirty minutes later, the pirates are dead, but Dez paid for it with a messy blaster hit by his collarbone and he’s bleeding bad.
Lowering his blaster, leaning his helmet back against the headrest, Dez looks up at the sky through the broken transparisteel. He exhales, knows this is something he won’t get able to get out of, and wonders if his son will even grieve his passing...
Probably not.
Clenching his jaw, Dez feels a wave of anger. If Paz had agreed to come with him, he wouldn’t be alone and dying here! This is his fault! Stupid boy. He thumps his helmet angrily at the headrest.
There is a sound, someone is climbing the hull of his ship, and Dez quickly lifts his blaster again, ready to take out whomever stupid enough to think he was completely out of the game.
Seconds later, a head pops up and someone looks into the cockpit. It’s a girl, a Zeltron, maybe around 16? She looks at him with a stern expression. “Put the blaster down.”
“Not going to happen.” Dez growls. There is blood in his mouth now. That is a bit worrying. “If you want anything from this ship, from me, you’re going to have to kill me first.”
The girl doesn’t even blink. “I don’t have to do anything but wait. You’re hurt, bad, you won’t be conscious for much longer. I can help you, but only if you give me your blaster.”
Dez snarls and aims directly at her face. “Not a chance.” He’s not stupid. She’s a scavenger with no honour and she’s after his Beskar.
The girl shrugs and disappears out of sight. Good.
She is right, though. Six and a half minute later, pain and blood-loss brings the darkness and the last thing Dez hears before falling unconscious is the sound of his blaster falling to the floor.
Dank farrik.
Death wasn’t supposed to be this uncomfortable. Dez had been certain the afterlife would greet him like the warrior hero he is and he’d reap his rewards for his dedication to his Creed, instead he feels horribly nauseous and in a lot of pain. Groaning, Dez squirms and discovers two things; he’s not dead, and he can’t really move.
Opening his eyes, Dez is relieved to see his HUD is still functional, but he’s not pleased to find himself staring up at some unfamiliar ceiling, and less so that he is apparently tied to some table in the messiest kitchen he’s ever seen.
Squirming and tugging at the restraints, Dez gasps with pain and goes limp when his leg and his shoulder flare up with pure agony.
“Lie still.” A voice says. It’s the girl. She appears in the doorway. “Your leg is broken in two places. I had to stitch up your shoulder, but move around and you will rip them out.”
Panting through the pain, Dez has to wait until he’s able to speak. “What… what do you want?”
His Beskar is still on him, she’s keeping him alive, neither make sense to him.
“Stop you from dying.”
Dez swallows, slightly worried he’s going to throw up. He’s so nauseous. “Why?”
The girl shrugs. “I’m bored.”
The answer is so ridiculous that Dez’ brain decides it is better for him to take a nap and he passes out.
Waking up, he finds his situation has not changed and no matter how much he threatens and insults her, the girl refuses to release him and seem immune to his fury. She offers him food and water, which he firmly refuses, and tends to his wound with a worrying amount of attention.
Dusk is settling outside the one window in the room when Dez is forced into humiliating himself. “Could you… please untie me?” He mutters when she changes the dressing on his leg.
“No.” She replies.
Closing his eyes, his face burning, Dez grits out the next words. “I need to… go.”
That catches her attention and she looks at him with a thoughtful frown. “Oh.” She considers it, then walks over to his side. “Fine. But I wouldn’t try anything stupid if I were you.”
“I won’t.” Dez lies.
She unties him and it takes no small amount of will-power to keep from wrapping his hands around her scrawny neck. If his shoulder hadn’t been hurting so bad, he would have done it. Instead, he lets her help him sit up and leans on her as he slowly hobbles towards the tiny refresher room he can barely fit into. The door closes after her once she’s backed out and gives him his privacy.
Dez had not been lying about his bladder, so he takes care of that first. The sweet relief almost combats the furious pain in his useless leg and his burning shoulder. Once that is done, he carefully washes his hands, gritting his teeth at the complaints from his shoulder and the unharmed leg having to hold all of his weight for this long. 
Despite the discomfort, Dez carefully removes his helmet and splashes his face with some cold water too before drinking a bit. He looks at his barely visible refection in the dirty mirror, does not like how pale and exhausted he looks, and it’s a bit of a relief to put the helmet back on.
By the time he emerges from the refresher room, he half-expects the girl to be waiting for him with a weapon. If she was smart, that’s what she would have done. Which means, of course, she doesn’t.
The Zeltron is just standing by the kitchen door, arms crossed and looking bored.
Dez sighs and waves her over.
She walks over to him.
Wrapping his arm around her frail shoulders, she really is a tiny thing, the girl lets him use her as a crutch as he starts making his way towards the kitchen. Well, he makes her think he is heading back to the kitchen…
Once they are by the door, Dez shoves her into the room and hobbles as fast as possible towards the entrance door. He opens it and makes it outside.
There is nothing but desert as far as he can see. His HUD picks up on some small rocks in the distance, but no buildings, no ships, no nothing. Dez grits his teeth yet again, chooses a direction and starts hobbling.
After a little while, he glances back and sees the girl following him with an annoyed look on her face. She has a blaster in a holster on her hip, but she doesn’t seem to feel the need to draw it. She doesn’t say anything, she doesn’t try to take him down, merely follows at a safe distance.
It doesn’t take long before Dez understands why.
The red sand is difficult to walk on and his one good ankle gives in, causing him to fall and the impact, both to his shoulder and his broken leg, sends him screaming into unconsciousness.
When Dez reluctantly opens his eyes again, he finds himself staring at the damn ceiling again and a weak tug with his arms reveals he’s tied up again. Closing his eyes, he sighs.
“Told you.” The girl’s voice says.
Dez doesn’t reply. He’s going to enjoy shooting her.
When morning comes, she tries offering food to him again, but this time Dez declines because he really doesn’t feel like eating. In fact, he doesn’t feel like much of anything because he feels like crap.
Squirming on the table, Dez makes an annoyed sound. “Why is it so warm in here?” He rasps.
The Zeltron steps up next to him, her frown even deeper than usual and to his dazed surprise, she pulls down the collar of his shirt and places the back of her hand to his neck. Insolence aside, her cool touch feels good so he doesn’t threaten to skin her alive this time.
“You have a fever.” She states, then curses in some unfamiliar language and turns to examine the bandage on his shoulder. “The red sand. It creeps into the wounds and the infection kills more people than blaster shots does on this planet. I told you to behave, didn’t I? But, no, you had to be an idiot and roll around in the sand.”
Dez flinches slightly with pain when she carefully presses the bandage back down on the wound. “You didn’t tell me the sand was toxic.”
“Would you have believed me?”
Dez swallows. “No.”
“Exactly.” The girl moves down to check on his leg and Dez hates himself for whimpering with pain when she adjusts the splints. “I’m sorry,” she says, “but you messed up the splints when you fell.”
He doesn’t have the energy to get angry. Dez just feels… warm and tired and miserable… He wants to sleep. So he does.
It gets worse. A lot worse. The next time he wakes up, Dez feels like he’s on fire.
“It’s the fever.” The girl says, sounding worried now.
“Hurts.” Dez complains, arching a little off the table before slumping back down. His shoulder and leg are throbbing with pain.
The girl nods and walks over to his shoulder. “I’ll try changing the bandages again. Maybe that’ll help a little.”
It does. But not for long. Dez is burning up. Sweat is soaking his body and he can feel drop after drop slide down his face in the suffocating confinement of his helmet.
He tries to sleep, but he keeps waking up as his body howls with pain. And when he does sleep, his dreams are horrible. At one point, he dreams that Paz walks into the room and Dez feels a rush of hope but his son is only there to tell him he’s glad he’s dying and Dez wakes up shivering so hard he accidentally bites his tongue and nearly chokes on his own blood.
That night is the longest and most horrible experience he’s been through and the morning doesn’t start any better.
“You have to tell him I’m sorry.” Dez tells the girl, shaking and sweating and dying. “Promise me you’ll find him and tell him… tell him I said I was sorry…. Please…”
“Who?” She asks.
“My son.” Dez manages to press the words out. “Paz. Paz Vizla. Big boy. You’ll know… when you see him.” It’s getting harder and harder to talk. “Tell him. Please.”
The girl nods and now there is no trace of annoyance on her face, merely concern.
It hurts, it hurts so much, and he’s so warm. He’s burning up. Dez is being boiled alive from the inside. He spends most of the day just shaking and sweating and half-mumbling to himself.
“You really should drink something…” The girl says, almost pleads.
Dez swallows. His throat hurts. “Take… it off…”
“What?” The girl stands up to lean over him. “I didn’t hear-”
“My helmet.” Dez whispers, too weak to do much else. “Take it off.”
Awkwardly, she fumbles around the edges and carefully eases his helmet off. She puts the valuable Beskar aside without a second glance and merely goes to get a cup filled with water.
It’s a bit weird to be without his helmet in front of a stranger again, it’s been so many years since he’s done that, but Dez is too desperate for water to care.
“Here.” The girl returns to his side, slides her hand under his neck and helps him lift his head so he can drink.
The water feels wonderfully cool, but it hurts to swallow.
Dez gives up after a couple of big gulps and turns his face away. “Can’t…”
“You can.” The girl insists, tightening her grip on his neck to make him turn his face back. “Drink.”
He drinks.
But he continues to burn inside. How is it possible to feel this warm, to feel this much pain in his wounds, and not perish already?
In the middle of the night, he starts to freeze. By Mandalore, he’s cold. Dez has never felt this cold in his entire life. He’s shaking so bad the entire table is rattling. Even after the girl places three blankets over him, he continues to freeze.
It all becomes a bit of a blur after that. He remembers bits and pieces, can hear himself talking and her replying, she places a cool cloth on his forehead, Pre appears and asks him why he’s such a weakling, he even thinks he sees his wife at one point, dreams and reality meld, the only thing that never stops is the pain.
He’s dead. Dez Vizla is dead. It’s the only reason he can think of as to why the pain is gone.
A faint throbbing of pain in his leg contradicts him.
Blinking, forcing his eyes open, Dez finds himself staring up at that damn ceiling again.
He feels horrible, but he’s not burning up or impersonating an icicle. He’s alive.
A faint sound catches his attention and Dez turns his head. He is a bit surprised to find the girl next to him. She’s asleep, sitting in a chair but with her arms folded to be a pillow on the table next to him and her head resting by his ribs. She’s been watching over him the entire time?
Dez swallows, his throat feels like he’s devoured the desert outside, and lifts his hand… Wait, he’s not tied down anymore? No, apparently not. He runs his hand carefully over the girl’s dark hair.
She snaps awake and bolts up into an upright position.
Dez smiles a little, amused, but his hand falls to the table as he’s too weak to do much else.
“You’re awake.” The girl states, almost glaring at him.
“I’m awake.” Dez confirms in a hoarse whisper.
She gets up and brings more water. Once again, her hand behind his neck helps him to drink and he exhales with relief when he can lie back and feel the cool liquid trail down his body.
“The fever is gone. You’re going to survive.” The girl informs him.
Dez considers this. “Am I trapped here?”
She shrugs. “The pirate ship got picked up by their friends not long after I dragged you out. I’ve checked out the damage on yours and, well, it’s going to take some time for me to fix it.”
Frowning, Dez looks over at her. “Why would you do that?”
“Because I’m bored.” There is no fake modesty or hint of it being a joke.
It brings a faint smile to Dez’ face. This is one really odd nugget of a girl. “My name is Dez.”
“I know.” She replies. “You like to say it a lot. Especially when you’re threatening someone.”
It’s true, so he doesn’t bother apologizing for it. “What’s your name?”
“My name is Liita.”
The fever is gone, but he feels horrible and it takes days before he’s able to do anything but sit. Dez is not pleased to be lying around like deadweight while the little girl goes out to work, hauling around heavy things and being useful. With one arm in a sling, Dez uses a crutch and is able to hobble out with her on the fifth day.
He can’t do much but sit on a crate and watch her work, but that is what he usually does with other Mandalorians too so it’s not that big of a change for him. At least he’s there to supervise and pretend to know what she’s doing while she works to bring his ship back to life.
Liita doesn’t talk much, but she likes to listen to him talk. That works really well because Dez likes to talk. She’s not fond of cooking, so he shows her some tricks to improve the flavour of things and that almost brings a smile to her face. She tends to his wounds and calls him a big baby when he complains so he threatens to place her boots on the top shelf where she won’t reach them.
One evening they are sitting outside the house, looking up at the stars, each eating from their bulky metal cups, Liita asks about Paz. It seems like Dez had been talking about him a lot when he was feverish.
Embarrassed, Dez looks down into this cup, stirs the content. “I messed up and I’m not good at apologizing.”
“You should.” Liita says, frank as always. “Apologise, I mean. If you messed up, he deserves one.”
“I don’t think he will forgive me.”
“Maybe not. But you still owe him an apology.” Liita sighs and gets up. “I’m going to bed. Tomorrow we start on the engine.”
Dez nods. “Understood.” He lingers for a little while longer, staring up at the stars and strangely at ease with the pain in his leg. Maybe that’s Davarax secret? How he makes everyone always like him? Dez had considered his ease with apologizing a weakness, but now… he wonders.
They fall into a comfortable routine, sharp words and half-hearted bickering flying back and forth, until the day comes when Dez’ ship comes to life with a soft shake and a rumble.
Hands on her hips, Liita stands next to where Dez is sitting in the pilot seat. “That sounds about right.”
There is initial relief at feeling the ship coming alive despite how Liita had to re-shape the entire nose of the craft and re-build bits of the cockpit, but then the relief fades and Dez looks over at Liita. She is looking at her work with a critical eye. “What are you going to do now?” He asks.
Liita shrugs. “I don’t know. Wait for things to stop being boring again, I guess.”
Dez turns the seat a little, making a face as his broken leg sends several fierce jabs of pain through him, to really look at her. “Come with me.”
Raising an eyebrow, Liita turns her face to look at him in return. “Why?”
“You’re the best mechanic I’ve ever seen.” Dez replies. “My clan could really need someone like you. I can promise you you’ll never be bored again.” He clears his throat. “And… maybe you could help me with Paz?”
Crossing her arms, Liita frowns. “Promise me you’ll bring me back here if I change my mind?”
Dez holds out his hand. “I give you my word.”
Liita hesitates for two more seconds, then she reaches out and takes his hand.
Dez grins and turns to activate the ship again. “Oh. And by the way, you can’t tell anyone I took my helmet off.”
Liita shrugs. “Okay.”
And, yeah, things were never boring after that.
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wylanvnneck · 4 years
Hi hi! Congratulations! Can I ask for a Jurdan shot with the prompt in miscellaneous, *kiss post break up*? Thank you 💖
Miscellaneous Prompt #4:  *A kiss post break-up that neither was expecting but both needed* (action prompt)
Fandom: TFOTA
Ship: Jurdan
Masterlist | Prompt List
Jude relished the burning sensation in her thighs as she completed her third round of the massive fountain at the center of the park. The early morning air was cool and the sunshine was just starting to heat up the place, creating the perfect setting for her usual morning jog. This particular spot was practically deserted, the only sound to be heard was the chirping of the birds and the light rustle of the trees and this type of peace was precisely what she needed before yet another tough day at work where she’d have to deal with her asshole colleagues. Well, just the one colleague. Cardan Effin’ Greenbriar.
The thought of his smug face and ludicrous cheekbones was enough to make her quicken her pace, a bead of sweat making its way down the side of her flushed face. Thoughts of his betrayal flood her mind and she wonders how she could ever have thought of him as roguishly charming. The man was a scoundrel, a blackguard. He was also not worth thinking about. She pushes the image of his floppy black locks and dark eyes away from her mind and runs even faster, leaving all her problems behind. This moment is cathartic, it was escaping all her turmoil, it was freedom and she relishes it.
Suddenly, she picks up on the sound of a twig snapping nearby. Out of the corner of her eye she spots a figure moving behind her, walking slowly and close to the trees lining the pathway, as if they didn’t wish to be seen. Her eyebrows furrow in confusion and her mind whirs, defensive martial art positions running through her head. From a young age her father had instilled in her the dangers of being out alone in deserted spots and the importance of always watching her back and she’s now on high alert as the figure behind her seems to be trying to move even further into the trees, still only a few feet behind her.
Thinking fast, she turns at the next corner and ducks behind a thick tree to the side, crouching her body behind it. The wood is scratchy under her sweaty palms and her heartbeat is racing at a mile a minute, the tension cutting through her body like a sword. Her surroundings seem sharper, more vibrant in her anxiety and soon enough she hears the light footfalls of someone approaching the turn. Seconds later, the figure is almost right in front of her, stopping when he realises that she’s no longer on the path. Finally she manages to get a good look at him and when she does she can’t help but let out a shocked gasp.
“Jude?” Standing right there in front of her with a bemused expression is Cardan Greenbriar, her colleague and ex-fling. She refused to think of him as anything else. “What on Earth are you doing?”
“What am I doing? You’re the one who’s been following me like some perverted creep.” Stretching herself back to her full height she steps away from the tree and onto the path to face him, her eyes narrowing and her blood pounding. How dare he act as if she were the one acting bizarrely.
“I-” The tips of his ears turn red and his hands wring together, “That’s fair I suppose. I was just umm…”
“Yes?” His blundering manner is uncharacteristic and confusing. Usually, he was the most overly confident bastard out there. Cardan Greenbriar was the suave type of guy who always knew exactly what to say and when, a talent that made him extremely useful as Head of Sales for Elfhame Enterprises, the company owned by his father Eldred Greenbriar, where they both worked.
“I simply wanted to talk to you alone for a bit but I figured that you’d avoid me at work and avoid any calls and texts from me too so I thought I’d come meet you at the park on your daily jog instead.” The words come out in a fast-paced stream, nearly unintelligible, his cheeks now red as well.
“Let me get this straight, you wanted to talk to me alone so you decided to stalk me at the park on my morning run and nearly give me a panic attack in the process?” She almost can’t believe her ears.
“When you put it like that it sounds wrong!” He huffs.
“How exactly am I supposed to put it, Cardan, that’s exactly what you did!”
“Alright so I may have lost my nerve and decided to trail you for a bit before approaching you. I realise now that that was a dumb idea.”
She resists the age to facepalm. “You think?”
“Look can’t we just put this all behind us?”
She lets out a long-suffering sigh whilst bringing her hands up to lightly massage at her now throbbing temples. “Okay, you said you wanted to talk? About what?”
The entire time that they'd been talking his stare had been trained somewhere near her chin, but now he raises his gaze to directly meet hers. “About us.”
“There is no us.” He’d made certain of that.
He takes a step forward, eyes blazing and she takes a larger step backwards, determined to keep her distance.
“Jude, you have to give me a chance to explain, you owe me that at least.”
“I don’t owe you anything.”
There was no possible explanation that he could give for what he’d done. They hadn't always been at loggerheads, her and Cardan. At least, they hadn’t been for some time until the last week. When Jude had first joined the company last year, she’d despised the overly arrogant son of Eldred Greenbriar, thinking of him as the rich, self-entitled jerk that she was forced to work with.
Then a couple months in, he managed to persuade her to go on a date with him, one date and then if she didn’t want to agree to another he’d get the message and move on. So she’d gone, expecting to hate every minute of it, except that she hadn’t. They’d actually gotten along surprisingly well, he’d taken her to a chill little Diner, not the over-the-top fancy restaurant that she thought he’d pick and he’d opened the car door for her like a gentleman. They had chatted for hours about their multitude of shared interests and drank Carlton beer and drunkenly waltzed together along the floor and it was perfect and wonderful and crazy.
After that they became an item, they would share heated interludes by the otherwise deserted office printing machine in true cliché Office Romance fashion and they’d even kissed under the mistletoe at the office Christmas party and things were going great, until one day, Jude overheard a conversation between him and his brother, Balekin Greenbriar, Eldred’s right hand man and future heir of the company.
She hadn’t meant to eavesdrop, she was only coming into Balekin’s office to hand over a file when she’d recognised Cardan’s voice saying her name. She would never forget the words that she had heard him say. ‘She’s a distraction...only a pointless fling....thought it would be fun to get under her skin....you know I like a challenge’.
The memory of those words alone are enough to bring back the hurt that had ripped through her when she had stood motionless on the other side of Balekin’s door, desperate to get away but trapped by her own denial and desire for self destruction.
Now she watches as he agitatedly ruffles his unruly black locks in front of her. “I swear to you, what you heard me say to Balekin, I didn’t mean a word of it.”
“Then why would you say it?” She’s torn between turning tail and leaving him there, turning her back on him for good or staying and waiting for his explanation, waiting to hear his reasons, why he’d done this to her, to them.
“You don’t know my brother, Jude.” His voice, his expression, his everything is bleak and open and vulnerable, begging for understanding. “He takes pleasure in destroying the things I love. It’s a game to him, one he’s been playing all my life, taking away what stops me from being miserable, and I couldn’t let him do that with you.
“Not with you,” he repeats, stronger. “You’re too important. So I knew I had to convince him that you meant nothing to me.”
Everything about his demeanour suggests sincerity and it definitely seems like he’s telling the truth and she wants to believe him, to trust him, she really does.
But she’s been hurt before and she doesn’t think she could chance being so again.
“I can’t trust you.”
“Yes, you can. You can choose to.” He steps forward now, close, so close, unrelenting.
She rises to the occasion and raises her face to meet his, a scant inch between them. “No, I can’t. I won’t.”
It’s a standoff now, neither willing to back down. The sun has made it’s way much higher in the sky and the yellow sunlight is beating down on them, the heat adding to the fire that has ignited between them.
“Stop being so stubborn, dammit,” he bites out, frustrated.
“Make me,” she sneers.
She doesn’t know how it happened, nor how she didn’t see it coming, but in the very next second Cardan’s lips are on hers, moving furiously and his arms are on her waist, holding her against him in an almost punishing grip.
It appears that he hadn’t quite seen it coming either because he pulls away from her before she has time to process more than a tingle running up her arms, his dark eyes wide and pupils dilated. They’re both breathing fast now, so close that they share breaths. They stare for a moment.
Then, with lightning speed she throws caution to the winds and wraps her arm around his neck, crashing her lips to his once more and this time she registers that his lips are soft under hers and he tastes like hot chocolate and breath mint and it feels glorious. It’s only been a little more than a week since they’d last kissed, but it felt like an eternity.
Minutes, hours, or days later they break apart, gasping for air and clutching at each other, neither one willing to relinquish their grip. Cardan rests his forehead on hers and looks at her with a startling amount of adoration and she knows right then and there that, scary as the thought is, she would forgive him anything, including this.
“Give me another chance?” He asks, pleading.
“Yes,” she breathes before reaching up to lose herself in kisses once more.
I’m not entirely happy with this one tbh, but anyways here you go @franktastic-fangirl, thank you for sending in the prompt and for the congrats!🌻
Tagging my taglist (although I’m not entirely sure that I want y’all to read this, lol)- @cupcakesandkittens ​, @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln ​, @thewickedkings ​ and @kittkatandbooboo ​💕
Please let me know if you’d like to be added to or taken off of my TFOTA taglist :)
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Hux x reader headcanon, where she has the biggest crush on him, but he didn't seem to notice till someone else poited it out for him :)
He never dated anyone, he's a workaholic and thinks dating is a waste of time (or that's what he likes to tell himself)
Also because of his childhood and general insecurity he cannot even begin to fathom how someone could ever be interested in being romantically involved with him
He's probably the most oblivious person in the galaxy, especially when it comes to what other feel towards him
You started working for the First Order when they did a recruitment campaign on your planet
In the beginning you and your team only worked on that same planet, mainly designing public buildings and infrastructures which would solidify the legitimacy of the Order's rule on the planet
After some time you found an unexpected message on your datapad, the Finalizer required new engineers and you were selected for the job, you immediately packed your bags
The Finalizer was nothing like your previous job, it was enormous and full of people, probably as many as your hometown population
Even among all those people, you couldn’t help but immediately notice General Hux
You tried to forget about it, there was no way General Hux was going to notice you, his cold demeanor made it clear in more than one way
Despite your best efforts, he couldn't seem to leave your mind
Things only got worse when you started participating in meetings on a project for new stormtrooper training facilities and of course Hux had to be there
You did your best to ignore your feelings, you felt like a teenager with an unrequited little crush
Once again, despite your best efforts, the butterflies in your stomach and the red flush creeping up your neck when the General looked in your direction seemed to have no intention of stopping
He didn't seem to notice though, so you supposed it was harmless, if you had to be honest, he didn't seem to notice you at all
It was fine, everything was fine as long as your flush could be hidden under your uniform's collar and your only job during the meetings was to take notes on the project to review them when your job would actually start
It was fine until during one of the meetings he asked for your opinion on things
Kriffing hell, you though
You gave yourself an internal pep talk, if they chose you for this job it was because you deserved it, you weren't going to screw everything because of a crush
You started talking, everything was going fine
Until you looked up to see the General's eyes staring straight into yours, they were impossibly green and deep and cold
You stumbled on your words a little before looking back down to the notes on your datapad
You hurriedly finished talking, part of you wanted to look up to see if the General's cold gaze changed into something warmer, proud maybe, but you didn't
The meeting ended after several more minutes, your opinion was generally well recieved
By the time it ended it was dinner time, you joined your usual table with some other officers in the cafeteria
As the other officers talked, the chief engineer leaned closer to you to whisper something in your ear
"You know he probably doesn't know how to flirt, right? You'd have to make the first move"
You almost chocked on your food, "He... What? No, wait... Who? I-I'm a little lost here"
You were as subtle as possible but of course someone had to notice it sooner or later
"The General" he whispered again and then your face went as red as Hux's hair
"I have no idea what you're talking about" you knew it was probably foolish to try and hide it now
"He's quite charming, not really my type but it's not the most absurd crush I've heard of on this ship"
"Too bad he probably doesn't even know my name"
"I was there when we chose the new engineer, you know, he insisted you were the right person for the job, thought you were brilliant"
Your flush only got deeper
"That doesn't even mean anything, he knows my name, sure, but that wasn't the point... You know what? Forget it, give it time and it'll go away"
"Get it together! He probably doesn't even know how to spell the word relationship, he's never going to reciprocate your feelings if he has no idea they're there"
"Well, why don't you go tell him then? I bet he's going to be thrilled" you snapped
As the chief engineer got up from his chair next to you your heart dropped
"Deal!" he said before walking away
Your career was over, you knew it, at least throwing you out of the ship to use you as a target for the Finalizer's new cannons would amuse the General
You turned to look at where the other man went and much to your horror you saw him talking amiably to Phasma, probably the only person in the whole galaxy who was actually close with Hux, kriffing great
You decided if you were to be fired and possibly expelled into space you wanted to spend your last hours in your quarters
Meanwhile, the chief engineer kept talking to Captain Phasma like they were old friend (which to be fair they kinda were)
"Miss y/l/n? Of course I know her, General Hux wouldn't shut up about whatever she designed on that planet"
The chief engineer snorted, "They're such nerds, a match made in heaven really"
"Are you suggesting something, Kijln?"
"I think it would be beneficial to make the General aware of Miss y/n's feelings, in the worst case scenario it would be a stroke to his ego which he kind of needs after... you know" Starkiller base, he didn't dare to say it out loud
Phasma nodded, "If you're wrong and the General blames me you owe me drinks for one standard month"
As always, Hux was in his office dealing with his usual load of paperwork
"Phasma?" he asked, raising his head from his datapad
"May I, sir?"
He nodded and she took a seat in front of him
"Has something happened, Captain?"
"It's about Miss y/l/n, sir" she noticed his expression became more worried when he mentioned you "nothing to worry about though" Phasma added
"Well, tell me"
"She might, ah... how could I say this? Have feelings for you, sir"
Feelings? For him? Those concepts were absolutely new to Hux
"Feelings? Like, bad ones? Traitorous?" he asked
"No, sir, she's loyal to the First Order, don't worry"
"So what kind of feelings, Captain? I believe you should be a little more precise here"
Phasma had to keep herself from laughing in her superior's face, "She's interested in being involved with you, sir... Romantically"
And then Hux's face went red, he couldn't say he expected that
Since the first time he saw you his heart fluttered in ways he couldn’t explain, during meetings he found his eyes lingering on your lips and your hands more often than he cared to admit to himself
"Oh... Oh, I see... Well, tell her I might... No, wait, tell her we should meet privately to discuss the matter but don't be too menacing... Let her know that..."
Phasma interrupted his confused rambling, "Why don't you tell her youself, sir? I'm positive she's going to appreciate it"
"I... Yes, perhaps you're right"
Hux smoothed out his uniform and stood up straightening his back
"Very well, Captain, thanks for the valuable information" he said, face still red as he left his office
Part two maybe??
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stardust-walker · 3 years
Summary: Sigyn was supposed to have died almost 100 years ago. A peace mission to Migard gone wrong and she had never returned. Everyone had thought she was dead until Loki is shown someone who looks too familiar when he comes to Earth on a mission. Sharon Odell. Shannon Orwell. Sidney Orwell. No matter what name she goes by, it’s all the same. Now that Gods and heroes are real, there’s no use hiding who she really is anymore.
Chapter Summary: Loki arrives on the Helicarrier.
Chapter 3: Icarus
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Thin fingers tapped nervously on the metal railing as Sidney listened to the men begin to plan to go after Loki. He was in Germany. What the hell was he doing there? He wasn’t hiding either. It was almost like he wanted to be found.
She was just grateful she would be staying behind. “Steve,” she called out as she jogged down the hallway after the man.
The solider turned his head as he continued on his way to the jet with Natasha beside him. “Sidney,” he nodded. “Did you need something?”
Sidney frowned as she walked up on his other side, her nose wrinkled in concentration. “Just be careful, alright? We don’t know what we’re dealing with here.” Lie. “He can be-”
“Dangerous, we know. Which is why you’re staying here.” Natasha interrupted with a look that was somehow both reassuring and slightly threatening. “Steve can handle himself.” The man took longer strides now as the two women fell behind. “Or he should be able to.”
“Fingers crossed,” Sidney smiled weakly.
A while had passed and Sidney still couldn’t shake the worry from her mind. As much as she tried to focus in the lab, she couldn’t. They didn’t even have the Tesseract yet. She should be preparing but she couldn’t stop thinking about that was happening out there in Germany. A sharp pain behind her eye made her lurch forward with a yelp. 
“Whoa hey!” Banner set down the tablet he held and hurried over. He held a hand close to her arm as the blonde straightened up; a hand still pressed over her eye. “Are you alright? What was that?”
“I’m fine,” she assured the man as she waved him off. “I think…I think something just got in my eye.”
“The lab seems pretty clean to me. Everything should be pretty sterile.”
Banner sounded worried. Shit she had to come up with something else. “Cluster migraines,” she hissed through gritted teeth. “I-I get them all the time, unfortunately. I’m gonna step outside.” She hurried from the lab before the man could protest.
Bruce was too nice of a person to bring up the fact that he’d seen the fact that SHIELD had deemed her a threat. There would be more time for that, he thought. Unless whatever made her a threat showed itself before anyone had a chance to push her to whatever her breaking point was. He shook the thought off as he went back to his own work. Fury didn’t seem like someone he would want to piss off.
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Sidney pushed her way past armored soldiers as she stumbled through the hallway. The pain had spread from behind her eye to the back of her head and was slowly making its way around to the other side. She hadn’t been able to focus over the past day or so, she was away from the wards she had placed around her house, and that only meant one thing.
“Excuse me,” she practically grunted as she finally pushed her way out onto the deck. It was a lot cooler out now even as she started to feel more and more over-heated. A quick glance over her shoulder told her that some soldiers definitely had their eye on her as she slipped further towards some of the strapped down jets. Something in the air felt different too but she didn’t have time to think as the splitting headache finally made its way full circle. 
Sidney dropped to her knees with a whimper as the few jets that surrounded her shook. Then just as suddenly as it had begun, it was over. A breath that she didn’t even realize she was holding escaped her lips as she finally opened her eyes. Everything felt a little bit lighter but it didn’t take long for the dread to creep in.
“You’ll be happy to hear that Captain America has successfully apprehended Loki. With an assist from Tony Stark. Wasn’t expecting it to happen that easy. Would you happen to know anything about it?” Phil Coulson’s voice cut through the silence. Sidney turned as she lowered herself into a sitting position.
She raised an eyebrow. “He came quietly?”
Coulson nodded. At least it sounded like no one had gotten hurt. Still, it didn’t sit right with her that he had come so quietly. He could probably guess that she was there but she wasn’t foolish enough to think that she would be the only reason that Loki would want onto this plane. Or was it a ship?
“I’m sorry that you had to see that.” Coulson spoke again. She didn’t even have to ask; of course they already knew she’d seen her file. Sidney’s face softened as she looked up and met the man’s eye. “I’m guessing that you can be considered a little less neutralized now. Just judging by the whole-” He tapped the jet beside him.
Sidney gritted her teeth and shrugged. “I can only work with what I have, Philip. I had to run away from home. I didn’t have much of a chance to grab the necessities,” she rolled her eyes. A heavy sigh left her lips as Coulson held out his hand.
“I apologize,” Coulson smiled as Sidney took his hand and allowed him to help her to her feet. “Can we still count on you?” 
“He tried to kidnap me. Do you really expect this to be like those news stories of the families crying after being reunited when one of them was off to war,” she questioned him bitterly.
The older man clapped a hand on her shoulder, his smile turned a little more sad as he did. “I’m truly sorry. I-” A loud crack of thunder interrupted him. The attention of both of them turned skyward. 
“Uh-oh,” Sidney whispered under her breath as a bright streak of lightning lit up the sky.
“Is that what I think it is?” Coulson sounded exhausted.
The hair on Sidney’s arms began to stand up from a mix of the electricity and anticipation. “I do believe it is.”
“Damn it,” Coulson huffed as he hooked his arm with Sidney’s to lead her back inside the helicarrier. “Hill, alert the others. We’re gonna have more company once they land. Yeah I know. Well figure it out, please! Thank you!”
Sidney reached up and absentmindedly stroked the pendant around her neck as the door closed behind her. Maybe she should go lay down for a bit. Bruce didn’t seem like he would mind. Besides, she could always make up a story about having some lady problems; that usually stopped any questions. She had too much to think about.
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The room that she was in was brighter than the one she’d fallen asleep in that was for sure. Someone’s shoes clicked on the hard ground as the blonde stood and chewed on her thumb-nail nervously. 
“Calm down,” a female voice spoke from behind her.
She whipped around and narrowed her eyes slightly as she placed her hands on her hips. “Oh how easy that must be! Forgive me, Lady Sif. I’m in awe of your wisdom.” She didn’t mean to snap, but sometimes she still felt a bit of jealousy towards the other woman. How she used to dream of being able to be a woman warrior like the Valkyrie or even like Sif . She had no such luck.
“Many are,” Sif smirked as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. She felt herself relax a little bit as her friend stepped forward and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “Just as they will be in awe of you.”
Sidney’s eyes popped open as a beeping sound invaded her ears. She hadn’t meant to fall asleep, truly. Maybe the incident outside had taken more out of her than she thought it would. The blonde raised a hand to touch her shoulder. Her dream had felt real. She’d half expected to open her eyes and find her friend before her.
She could never be so lucky. The beeping sounded again. With some semblance of grace, she lowered herself down from the top bunk where she had slept and grabbed the source of the beeping off of the small counter.
“You should know better than to interrupt my beauty sleep,” she sighed as she turned and looked at herself in the small mirror. 
“They’ve landed. Come to the bridge whenever is convenient for you, sleeping beauty.”
She gritted her teeth as she snapped the phone shut. Damn Fury right to Hel.
Sidney leaned over and splashed cool water on her face. Her hands shook as she straightened out her shirt. She couldn’t put this off for ever. Still, she was in no hurry to throw herself right into the lion’s den.
It felt like controlled chaos as she exited her quarters and stepped into the hallway. The once bustling area was quiet but the tensions still seemed higher than they had before. The blonde woman took a deep breath and fixed her dark eyes on a spot on the wall ahead of her as she started on her trek. Every step she took, it felt like something in her gut tried to warn her. Pull her backwards as she felt the urge to run back and curl up on her bed.
No. She couldn’t give any of them the satisfaction. 
Plus, Bruce would probably need her help now and at least the lab could keep her occupied. 
Any semblance of rational thought left her as she rounded the corner. Her heart skipped a beat. Her palms grew sweaty as she clenched them into fists. Time seemed to stand still as her brain processed who walked towards her now. Loki stood in the middle of an entourage of armed guards. 
Just as her ability to move kicked back in, she drew in a deep breath. Her shoulders shook as she tried to hold her stoic expression. It became even harder as Loki’s eyes finally drifted from the window of the lab towards her. 
Their eyes locked. The smile on his face grew even bigger as he was led closer still. Where the hell were they taking him?
Despite the group he walked with, he seemed close enough to reach out and touch if he wanted to. The cat had got the canary right where he wanted her.
“Son of a bitch,” she hissed as he drifted out of sight.
Sidney nearly jumped out of her skin as she spun around to meet the curious eyes of Bruce Banner. “Jesus Christ, Bruce. You always that quiet?”
He raised an eyebrow at her as he shook his head slowly. “No…I think we should go though. You know, safety in numbers.” He smiled nervously, “Besides, that Loki guy gives me the creeps. How about you?”
“I wouldn’t say that’s the word for it,” she mumbled under her breath as she looked over her shoulder one last time.
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“Fury does have a way with words,” Sidney observed as she listened to the conversation from her spot on the bridge with the others. She was careful to keep her eyes off of the new arrival though she could feel his gaze on her every few moments. 
“A mindless beast,” Loki sounded too happy as he said that. Sidney glanced at Bruce and placed a hand on his arm. “Makes play he’s still a man.”
He’s just playing games with all of us.
“How desperate are you? You call on such lost creatures to defend you!” 
Sidney could barely even listen anymore. How could this be the same Loki that she had known? He was a trickster, sure. But killing for fun? Thor had always been more one to go off and start a war because he was bored. Something was very wrong…
“It burns you to have come so close,” Loki taunted. Now that piqued her interest. He knew something that none of them did and it bothered her almost more than anything else that he’d said. 
“He really grows on ya, doesn’t he,” Bruce spoke up as the video feed cut off. Sidney let out a snort of laughter. At least Bruce didn’t seem so bothered by the jabs that Loki had surely meant to unleash the beast. He was really a genius.
“Loki’s gonna drag this out,” Steve frowned. “Thor. What’s his play?”
Thor furrowed his brow as he turned to face the group. “He has an army called the Chitauri. They’re not of Asgard or any known world. He means to lead them against your people.” Thor glanced over at her for a moment; she didn’t avert her eyes this time. “They will win him Earth in return, I suspect, for the Tesseract.”
“An army from outer space,” Steve dead-panned.
“He’s building another portal. That’s what he needs Erik Selvig for.” Bruce sighed.
Sidney’s jaw clenched as she sucked in a deep breath. “That’s what he needed me for.” At least one of the things he probably wanted her for anyway.
“Selvig? He’s a friend.” Thor explained. Maybe his time on Earth had changed him. It had sure changed Erik but maybe not so much for the better.
Sidney kept quiet as the rest of the group continued to talk. She didn’t want a part in this discussion about Loki. At least not yet. Something didn’t sit right with her about the whole thing. Something was wrong about everything.
“I don’t think we should be focusing on Loki,” Bruce interrupted. “That guy’s brain is a bag full of cats. You could smell the crazy on him.”
Sidney’s nostrils flared as she bit down on her tongue. Now was not the time to argue.
“Have care how you speak. Loki is beyond reason, but he is of Asgard. And he is my brother.” For a moment, Sidney’s heart swelled with appreciation for the blond man. At least it seemed like he still held some loyalty to the caged man.
“He killed 80 people in 2 days.” 
Sidney let out a low whistle as she glanced from Natasha back to the God of thunder. 
“He’s adopted.”
She could barely focus on what happened in front of her anymore. As Stark took center stage, a plan popped into her head. Thank god Tony loved the spot light, she thought as she took the opportunity to quietly slip out of view of the others. 
Once she was in the hallway, she kept her eyes down. If anyone asked, she would say that she was on her way back to her room. Hopefully, no one would question her since she’d been…sick before.
Her shoulders tensed as she passed the window to the lab. She was closer now. Sidney lifted her gaze as she passed by her room. Just a little further. Footsteps were coming towards her now. 
“Shit,” she hissed through gritted teeth. As the guard stepped into view, Sidney furrowed her brow and made a show of looking around. 
“Miss Orwell,” the guard called out. “I’m afraid that this part of the ship is restricted.” He sounded pleasant enough but there was definitely a hint of a threat in his voice.
Her brown eyes widened. “Oh! I thought I’d gone too far. You know once you get far enough in, everything starts to look the same,” she let out a high pitched laugh. The guard raised an eyebrow.
“I’ll show you back to your quarters.” 
Sidney held her head up higher as she allowed the guard to lead her back to her room. She didn’t have much of a choice.
Despite her set-back, she didn’t let that hold her back. The blonde woman waited a few minutes before she decided to venture out again. A better plan on her mind this time. 
Her fingers clutched her key card tight as she walked close enough to the wall that she could hopefully hide if anyone noticed her. Some God out there must have wanted her to get answers as she made it without much of an issue. Sure, she’d run into a guard or two, but she’d managed to dodge them this time.
It felt like her feet were rooted to the ground as she stood outside of the locked room. Her brown eyes closed as she focused on the keycard in her hand. If she was right, then she should be able to at least do this. With her eyes still closed, she raised the card to the scanner and a satisfying noise echoed around her.
Sidney opened her eyes and swallowed hard before she took a step inside. She spotted the camera from across the room. From what she could see, there was no light on. Hopefully that meant that no one was watching. 
Her shoes tapped quietly on the grates as she walked up the small set of stairs. Sidney’s heart felt heavy as she stepped onto the landing and turned to face down the aisle. The cage was almost not even noticeable the glass was so clear. If she didn’t think too much about it, the man inside looked like a sick version of someone as they waited at the end of the aisle in a church.
Her arms folded in front of her chest as she took a defensive stance. Loki stared her down as he rose from his seat and stepped closer to the glass. Despite herself, Sidney mirrored him as she too took a few steps closer.
The hair on the back of her neck stood up as Loki observed her. Even though he was the one in the cage, she felt a bit like a rare animal in a zoo as his eyes seemed to take in all of her features one by one. Finally, his blue eyes met her brown ones. They were too blue.
“So you do live,” Loki’s voice was quiet even as a grin stretched across his face. Sidney held her head up high as she kept quiet. “Where have you been hiding?”
Sidney squeezed her eyes shut. In spite of the thought that she’d put into it since she’d seen him in the hallway, she hadn’t prepared for this. She had prepared for death threats and questions about the attempted kidnapping. Now she just didn’t have it in her.
As her eyes fluttered open, a small smile formed on her face. “Hello to you too, Loki. I’ve missed you, love.”
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Taglist: @mysticunicorn7​ @lunamyangel @moncheriemoony @heyarely16​
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26 notes · View notes
hey! so idk if you write platonic relationships but if you do, could you write something about whirl asking someone to be his amica endura? i just. i need more whirl love in my life and GODDAMN i love the way you write him sm gshdjf,,, thank you!! <33
I miiiiggghhht have gone a little overboard on this one and made it more of a short story than an answer... But I hope you like it! Thank you so much for the compliment, I do try my best to write Whirley well!
Whirl doesn't like to let fear boss him around. Ordinarily that's easy enough to accomplish, he's a big bot and threatening his life is a great way to end yours, and any threat he can't kill (for moral or legal reasons) can usually be ignored out of existence. As a result he's had very little to be afraid of these past few millennia, and he's even perfected his reflexes to the point he can quickly judge what reaction is warranted whenever that creeping feeling returns, meaning it never lasts more than a few minutes tops. It's a solid strategy, and the proof is that he's outlived everyone who's ever doubted it. Most of them, anyway. He's been getting sloppy since this whole quest thing.
Or more specifically, since he met you on this quest thing. The quest thing that's becoming less about the quest and more about the real treasure you've all gained along the way, which for once isn't the (many) guns he's found or the (countless) bad guy corpses he's left in the rearview mirrors.
Nope. It's you. The squishiest little air breather his optic has ever beheld, and darn the saps on this crew for rubbing off on him, because he wants to go out of his way to let you know that. Their silly insistence on honesty has made him feel like you need to know what you mean to him, and isn't that just ridiculous?
But if it's so ridiculous why was he scared? Because you could say no, damn it! You'd be silly not to! It was one thing for you to hang out with the ship's resident screw up and part time nutjob, maybe even have a drink with him, and sure you'd actually called him your friend and the two of you had looked death in the eye to insult its cataracts on more than one occasion together... But to officially declare to the crew and the universe you were Amica Endura and that you actually liked him?
You'd be mortified he even thought it was okay to ask, obviously. Then you'd wisely cut all ties and pretend you didn't know him, and he'd be left with... well, not nothing, but not much above nothing either. Worse actually now that he considered it, he'd probably be left with pain. The kind of pain you only got when you lost something, a particular experience he'd spent a very long time trying to ensure he'd never have to endure again, and he'd been doing pretty well until you showed up. But he wasn't mad at you, he was mad at himself, both for having the audacity to grow feelings and then getting soft enough to actually acknowledge them like a sap.
But facing fear was far better than the alternative. If he kept on pretending you were just another chum, that you didn't deserve the title of Amica for what you meant to him, then he'd have guilt. More guilt, to be specific, and he was already fully stocked on that. So... fear it was then. Fear and the inevitable pain that would follow when you did the only sane thing you could.
But hey, what was another mistake in the pile, right?
You'd been in your room by yourself, just relaxing an perusing the wonders of interstellar Wi-Fi, when he'd decided there literally couldn't be a better time. Some bots insisted that a proper ceremony required witnesses, but those bots couldn't judge him if there were no witnesses, now could they? Checkmate, seeing as how the two of you would definitely never speak to each other again after this... His claws had knocked on the door with as little force as he could muster, some part of him hoping you wouldn't hear and he'd have a reason to retreat, but as usual he also had to open his mouth and ruin that plan.
"Hey, Y/N, you uh... you alive in there?"
Approximating a facepalm as best he could without either half of the required components, his spark dropped when you replied with a good natured laugh, probably thinking he was just being his usual self and not making much sense. Which was true, just not in the usual way...
You'd happily opened the door with a command on your data pad, inviting him to come in and relax because you weren't up to anything anyway. Claws clacking together nervously, he'd entered with an unconvincing veneer of calm, far too worried to really pretend otherwise. Long legs carry him with slow steps, and he can't help but survey your room; he's certain this is the last time he'll ever see it. Your tiny belongings looking so ridiculously small in the Cybertronian sized living space, the ladders that have been welded to everything, gosh, is it foggy in here or is that just some emotional turmoil in his optic?
"Whirl? Are you okay?"
Of course not, but thanks for asking is what he wants to say, but a more accurate reply would involve him mentioning how things were actually really okay for a while... Until he'd started messing it all up, a process he'd be finishing up now so you could both move on with your lives.
"Oh... that's a matter of debate." He finally brings himself to say, claws firmly pinched to prevent him from any further tapping. You look more concerned than baffled, which is nice. Somehow you'd always managed to look past what he said to understand what he means. That's something he'll miss, once he finally manages to get this over with. Of course his voicebox is pitching a fit and refusing to cooperate, but it's going to be a simple series of steps once he gets it going. He'll ask you to be Amica, you'll refuse, and then he leaves. It's such a simple plan that even he can't find something to blow up in the process. Not for lack of trying, mind you...
"Is there something you need? You've been a little off lately." You said, putting aside your data pad to move to the edge of the berth. It hadn't escaped your notice that the usually loud mech had been growing quiet around you as of late, his one optic looking almost forlornly in your direction when he thought you were focused elsewhere, and so you sat and let your legs dangle off the berth to let him know you were listening. His antenna twitched backwards like a startled ear on a mammal.
"Me? Well, I'd be inclined to say..." Some half attempt at a joke died before it even could be set up, and he quickly decided the stalling had gone on long enough. If he had to endure one more second of gnawing apprehension he was going to have to destroy something exceptionally expensive to shake off the nerves, and he had just gotten his room the way he liked it. Better to go down with some dignity if he could. "You're spot on, actually. I've been off because I've got something I've gotta get off my chassis, but it's not gonna be fun for either of us. Still needs to be done though, ain't that a shame?"
Any other person on the ship would have been terrified if he'd said that to them. They'd have expected some kind of terrible bodily injury, no doubt, but you knew him better than that. You knew that if he wanted to hurt anyone it would happen as soon as he entered a room, and with something way more intimidating to kick off the fun. Instead your expression was just thoughtful, concerned, and only a little confused. "I... if it upsets you then yeah, but why do you have to do it?"
"Do you know what an Amica is?" He blurted out, the words almost hurting as they came into being. It felt like he had just struck another match, surrounded himself with fuel, and this time there'd be no interruptions.
"There an echo in here?" He said dryly, unable to help jumping on the chance for an old classic. Apologetically lowering his optics, he released a quick bit of air from his vents in imitation of a cough. "Yeah, that, know what it is?"
"Sure, it's like... best friends, only way deeper, bound for life." You said, recalling it amongst the many Cybertronian terms you'd been learning these past few months. It had obviously had cultural implications and connections you just didn't have the experience to understand, but the importance of the practice had been abundantly clear from the moment you first heard of it. Chief among the things you'd been able to determine was that it carried no less weight than being a Conjunx, it was just a different kind of love.
He clicked his claws together in an imitation of an affirming snap. "That's the one. It's tough to explain to aliens, but that's the basic rundown, and there's a whole ceremony to it and everything. Did you know that?" He appreciated that you only shook your head and looked back to him for an explanation, it made it quite clear you were intent on listening as much as possible. "A bot has to ask the one who's less likely to ask, and they get to say yes or no during the ceremony. I'd imagine by now you've figured out I came here to ask you to be my Amica, start the ceremony and everything, only thing stopping me is I... just don't want to."
It was the first time he'd surprised you in a long time. There had been... well, you'd been fairly certain he was leading up to something else there, and had just been nervous. You had to repeat back what he'd said in a question for clarification. "You don't want to ask me?"
"What? No! Don't put words in the mouth I don't have!" He replied vigorously, taking a step closer to your berth and throwing up his arms in total consternation. Upon seeing your comforting near smile of reasurance, he drops his claws and holds them near his face, a gesture he typically only performs when anxious. Thoughts are beginning to run wild in his head, so he knows he'll have to wrap this up before they sidetrack him, or he'll never get it done. Bless your little fleshy fuel pump for wanting to comfort him, but there just isn't time for that. "What I'm trying to get across here, or say or whatever, is that I want to but I shouldn't..."
"Ah... why shouldn't you? Does me being a human make it... illegal?" You ask, finally getting an inkling as to what's going on. As usual, his burying of the lede means you're far less shocked than you should be now that he's actually getting to the point, but you want to use that to stay calm. Whirl has been a dear friend to you, as protective as could be from the moment he decided he liked you. The least you can do is be what he needs by letting him talk things out in a way that works for him, even if it feels so much easier to cut to the chase; you'd love to be his Amica no matter the hurdles.
"You and I both know that would only make it better. Illegal friendship? Sounds more like an endorsement than a deterrent to me." It's hard for him not to laugh at the very idea. If this was actually against some law? Oh, how very different things would be... Somehow he'd feel okay then, perhaps because this would just be another of his crazy ideas, and not something sentimental and completely irreconcilable with who he was. Previously upright antenna drooped low at the disappointment. "But... no, no such luck. It's not illegal for me to ask you, just stupid, because you're going to say no."
Suddenly so many things made sense, but in the shock of sadness that followed you couldn't help but speak, your own disappointment showing through. "I am?"
"Well of course you are! That little pink glob between your ears is smart enough to know better! If you were most saps, sure, you'd probably say yes because oooh friendship, but the fact that you're sensible enough to say no is exactly why I want to ask!" He replied, sounding emphatic instead of angry. Despite being a master at appearing mad for the sake of self defense, he can't bring himself to appear anything but... sad. Every part of him is wilting from the sadness that's clocking in early. Because you have to say no, that's just how this works, and his resignation to that fact is clear no matter how badly he wishes it wasn't true. "Believe me, I know what smart looks like. I know what sensible looks like. Most people have a terrible deficit of the two, but not... not you. That's what makes you worth asking, and also worth saying no. Weird, huh?"
Your heart is breaking, somewhat for you, but mostly for him. Did he really think he was unworthy of friendship? Of any kind of love? Clearly you were his best friend, but in the fog of self loathing clouding his vision, he's convinced himself that it has to end now that he truly feels he isn't alone. "Whirl..."
Venting in sharply, like a human sucking in a breath to hold off tears, he perks up and gestures a claw back over his shoulder. "Look, I'm just going to save us both some drama and skip to the part where you kick me out. Since I'm nice, I'll even pretend you're big enough to actually do it. I'll throw myself into the hallway and everything, really seal-"
"Whirl." You say softly, knowing that yelling won't help but desperate to keep him from leaving. It works, but he pretends to be interested in the floor, crouching like he's preemptively flinching away from a hit. It's not the first time you've seen him do this. Coming to understand the big bot had been more natural for you than most, but had still taken effort, and in all the trial and error you'd learned he just needed things phrased a little differently. Thus, you decided to give what you'd learned a final trial.
"Can I at least... actually get a chance to say no?"
It was just indirect enough to immediately catch his attention, but his wounded look remained unchanged, like he didn't dare hope.
"Any particular reason why?" He asked, tilting his helm as if you've piqued his interest with a daring and devilish scheme. There's a lot going on behind his optic, but you're unflinching as he levies it back on you, smiling to emphasize you have nothing to hide.
"It's... well, it's not really fair for you to decide something for me, is it? Even if you know what the answer will be, shouldn't I get the chance to make that choice myself in the moment?"
He clacks his claws together to imitate snapping fingers. "Damn it all, you're a clever little fleshy, I'll give you that. Appealing to my peerless sense of justice for self determination to get your way." The mask of neutrality is razor thin, and beneath it he's anything but calm. None of this is going the way he planned. Far from casting him out, you're encouraging him to go through with this, but why? You can't actually plan to say yes, so why all this fuss? It's not in you to set him up, but he can't bring himself to hope he has a chance at the impossible... So he just plays along like it's all a game, albeit a very sad one, and one he intends to play carelessly. "If you... I'll give you the way to say no and the way to say yes, okay? That way you'll... really mean it when you say no."
"I promise I'll mean it." You say, wishing so badly he'd believe you wanted his friendship. It'd be so much easier than coordinating with him to give you a chance to accept his Amica proposal. Yet you know his manner of processing can't be argued with, so instead you just keep going, praying he'll let you have a chance to show how much you care. "But I need to know how it all works."
"Well, I'll say some fancy words, show my spark, all that mushy stuff most folks love." He waves his claws about, as if to brush away the silliness of the ceremony right there. The idea of baring a spark surprises you, but you keep quiet, focused only on getting through to the part he's convinced himself won't happen. Even as he continues his pessimistic prediction is obvious in his tone. "Then, when I've said my piece and pause, you just say "I refuse" and it's all over, we don't have to talk again, I'll leave and..."
If you were close enough you'd have laid a reassuring hand on his shoulder, but thankfully your silent look of encouragement does the job, and he overlaps his wrists whilst looking away.
"But if you were going to say yes, hypothetically, then after my pause you just go quiet and... put your little digits on mine... Then repeat after me when I say "today, tomorrow and always" to wrap it up. But since that isn't happening, let's just get this over with, eh?"
It's the flattest one of his jokes has ever fallen. For all his skill keeping his feelings reigned in, even he can't prevent a little bit of intimidation slipping through. It's impossible not to be afraid, because he wants so badly to hope, but he knows what happens when he does... Still, he wants to at least get it over with, and he gathers himself just as you give your final encouragement with a smile.
Clearing his vents, it occurs to him that he's never been more self conscious than he is right now, which is an unfortunate feeling to prelude him baring his spark.
The soft glow fills the room as he shifts back his chest plating, revealing the orb of his "soul" as you'd once called it, and he internally admits that your quiet expression of awe gives him the boost he needs to start. "I bid you stand in the glow of my spark... so um, that you may feel the heat of my words and k-know them to be true."
It's arguably one of the only times he's ever stuttered, and while you don't react, he's never felt more foolish. Was it not enough for him to make a spectacle out of himself just by doing this? Did he really have to butcher the whole process too? Feeling dizzy, he forces his voicebox to try and start making words again. He's painfully aware of how ridiculous he looks; one eyed, mangled screw up trying to be sentimental... But darn it all, he made a commitment. Putting his claws beside his spark, he kept going into what he knew would be a bitter end.
"I invite you to receive my light and in doing so become my Amica Endura—from now until forever."
He doesn't realize he's at the end until he runs out of words. The fear and helplessness that follow are akin to the level he'd experience falling off a cliff with no flight to save him, and for an eternity he's left floundering in anticipation of the impact. This is supposed to be it, the moment you turn him away and rightfully go forward in life, better off for having left him. But you're quiet. Your words of dismissal aren't forthcoming, and your soft and somewhat sad little smile doesn't indicate that he should expect them. But why not?! Why won't you say them?! What could you possibly hope to gain by accepting?
You hardly dare to breathe as you wait for him to begin the next phase. The glow of his spark illuminates everything, allowing you to see the fear in every inch of his being, particularly his lone expressive optic. He doesn't want to believe you're saying yes, as much as he treasures you, he just can't believe you'd ever feel the same about him. But you do, and you try to communicate that with every fiber of your being. You want to be friends with him through anything that may come, and you pray that he can see the depth of your conviction in your eyes.
Something like a hiccup shakes his shoulders. You haven't refused him. It's been almost a minute, the light of his spark fluttering as the sheer power of his emotions coursed through it, namely his disbelief that any of this could be real. Something like relief but a million times stronger makes his vents hitch. He's still processing the turn of events when he remembers he has more to say.
"Ah... Y/N... for you... um... for your acceptance..." He croaks, trying to keep an accursed tear from leaving his optic by briefly tilting back his helm. You're similiarly affected, but you let yourself sniffle and shed a few tears as he approaches with his claws out to you. They're big enough that even a semblance of holding hands isn't really possible, but you grab the tip of each and squeeze regardless, knowing the sentiment is still quite clear. You're his friend, and you always will be, through thick and thin. Now he's finally starting to see that too.
He doesn't fully have a grasp on the fact that this is real, but he doesn't care about that as much as he should. You were his Amica Endura, his dearest friend, and you somehow liked him enough that all the baggage was worth it. With one of your tiny hands on each of his clawtips, he finished the ceremony. Each word felt light as a feather when he spoke it. "As you are to me, may I be to you—today, tomorrow, and always."
"Today, tomorrow, and always." You echo, meaning it with everything you are. There's no grand finale, but the emotion in his optic and quivering antenna is more impressive than any supernova. He doesn't seem to want to pull his claws away as he shifts his chest plating back into position, and you're happy to oblige, keeping a solid hold on his claws as if your tiny body is his lifeline.
"You didn't say no." He says as the glow of his spark disappears. It's a tone for a statement but he obviously wants it to be a question, and he only keeps it from being one because he's still too overwhelmed to ask that many yet.
You can't help but sniffle as you try to sound confident. "Of course I didn't."
"We're still friends." He says softly, closing his claws together so incredibly gently around your hands, letting the two of you be a little more connected as he marvels at his luck. Of all the squishies in the galaxy, this trip had led him to you, the one who made him happier than anything. Despite all sense you loved him, and he loves you back, and the two of you would get to keep on adventuring after this. You smile as you repeat your vow to make your dedication clear.
"Today, tomorrow, and always."
Those words strike a tender chord in his still sensitive spark, for you to believe them so confidently you'll repeat them with ease, and he's promoted to react on a whim.
"Can we hug?"
"Is there an ech-" The rapid fire reflex of a joke fades out in the face of his genuine and unheard of desire for a bit of tender contact. Releasing your hands, he opens his arms to make his point clear, and is delighted when you start nodding even before he's done asking. "Yes, if you don't mind... okay? Okay."
It's more of a hug for you than him, your arms wrapping around his neck as you nuzzle against his helm to show affection, feeling him wrap as much of his gangly frame around you as possible without risking any kind of damage. While this may not be the first time he's initiated something like this, it's one of very few rare occasions, and thus you know this is special. You can feel how badly he wants the comfort through the ease he shows at your touch.
"You want to stay like this for a bit?" You ask gingerly, getting settled so you can stay comfortable for a few minutes cuddled up to him.
"Mhmm." He says softly, admitting to himself that hugs might actually be worth the fuss after all. Tiny hands reassuringly pat his shoulder, encouraging him to stay in place while he basks in this single perfect moment. He hadn't dared to hope you'd still be friends after this, but here you were, your little body holding and comforting him as if he wasn't several times your size. Funny thing, that fate, eh?
"Take your time."
"Y/N?" He whispers softly into the quiet, wanting to say one final thing before taking a few minutes to enjoy your company.
There's a tiny pause before he holds you close with one final statement.
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misskikuwrites · 4 years
Piece by Piece (1/2)
Bederia Week 2021: Day 3 - First Kiss 
Bede/Gloria (dressedinpinkshipping)
Tags: Fluff, angst, alcohol spiking, underage drinking, leon/sonia ship reference, swearing
Words: 8,806
Gloria stared out the Sky Taxi window and into the night. The city of Wyndon was a glistening sea of lights below them, alive and vibrant as though unbothered by the late hour. As they flew closer to the Rose of the Rondelands, the elegant five-star hotel where the Gala was taking place in its grand ballroom, the nerves in Gloria's stomach began to tighten. She wove her fingers together on her lap to stop herself from wringing the delicate chiffon skirt of her violet dress. 
 Violet. Gloria clenched her jaw and swallowed the lump in her throat. Even now, her heart ached when she thought about him- about Bede. A week had passed since she'd ran out on him, since she'd realised how she felt towards him. It had been a week filled with tears. A week spent fighting the pain, the guilt, the fear. A week where she struggled to put the pieces of her heart back together. Fragile like broken glass, the wound was still raw. It hadn't been long enough
 She felt unbalanced. About to crumble at any given moment, ready to fracture. The impending Gala was more daunting to her than ever before, knowing that Bede would be there. There was no avoiding it. She'd sent him a short text, apologising her abrupt departure with the weak excuse that something had come up. Something she needed to attend to. 
 That much wasn't a lie, but she refused to read his reply. It hurt too much. She'd cried enough for a lifetime over the past few days, overcome by fear, and couldn't bear to find out how he'd judge her for it. Gloria let out a shaky sigh. She blinked hastily as tears pricked in her eyes, tilting her head back to stop them forming. She couldn't risk crying now, not after spending an hour - and a lot of money - getting her make-up done by a professional.
��Hop shifted closer to her on the plush seat. "Hey, don't worry. Everything'll be fine," he said, giving her arm a gentle, reassuring squeeze. 
 Even with Hop next to her, fear had taken hold inside her. Like a creeping vine, it wound around her heart, making its home in her chest, in her lungs, with a thousand thorns that pierced her flesh whenever she breathed. 
 "He's going to be there," Gloria said quietly. She didn't need to say his name. She couldn't, not without giving in to her tears. 
 "I know," Hop said, "but that doesn't mean anything's going to happen." 
 She pressed her lips firmly together. He was right, but trepidation seeped through her veins with every beat of her heart, filling her with fear. Drowning out Hop's voice of reason. 
 "I don't want to see him." Her lips trembled. Chest tightened. Gloria wanted to curl up as small as she could, to hide away, to vanish completely. 
 She didn't want to do this. 
 "There'll be tons of other people there, you probably won't even notice him!" Hop pointed out. "You'll be too busy dancing or talking with all the sponsors and famous people fighting for your attention. I doubt you'll have any time to worry about Be- about him at all." 
 He quickly cut himself off from saying Bede's name, but Gloria's heart thumped painfully in her chest, hard enough to make her wince. It wouldn't be difficult for her to avoid Bede- as Hop had said, there'd be dozens and dozens of people clambering to speak with her all night. The issue was her heart, the longing, the ache inside her that drew her towards Bede. It corrupted her, this feeling she despised.
 This love. 
 Gloria wrapped her arms around herself and sank further into the chair. "What if he knows?" she asked, her voice as quiet as a breath, faint and insecure. Full of fear. 
 "C'mon, Glo. There's no way he'd know," Hop said. He gave her arm a gentle rub, trying to comfort her. 
 Gloria let her vision blur, eyes falling closed. The lights out the window, tiny speckles like stars below, bloomed into ribbons of light. The glass was cold against her skin. Cold and hard, echoing how numb she felt. 
 "You know I'm not good at pretending," she said slowly. "I can't… hide my feelings well." 
 Gloria had never been good at that, hadn't seen the point in pretending to feel something she didn't. She couldn't fake it. She was an open book for anyone to read, and it had never been an issue.
 Until now. 
 Gloria felt vulnerable. Paper thin, as though everyone could see right through her. As though her heart was out in the open. 
 "You won't have to fake anything," Hop said. "Just be yourself. He can't read your mind, remember? He's your friend. If he does come up to you, act like nothing's changed, because nothing has changed." He nudged her with his elbow gently. "You said you've felt like this towards him for a while, right? If he didn't notice then, he won't notice now." 
 Gloria grimaced with a flash of pain. "I don't want to feel like this." Her voice caught. "I don't- I don't want to be in love." 
 Tears threatened to fall. She sucked in a breath and blinked rapidly to force them away again. She wasn't about to let the efforts of her make-up artist go to waste just because she couldn't stop herself from crying. 
 "Hey, love's not all that bad," Hop said. "You never know, maybe he feels the same about you-" 
 "That doesn't matter!" It came out in a beat of panic. Her heart clenched tight in distress, forcing a sob out of her throat. "It doesn't matter," she said again, softer this time. "Love only leads to pain. I don't… I don't want to go through that again." 
 Hop touched her arm. "Gloria…"
 "Sorry." She shook her head. "I'm being stupid again. I know you think it's ridiculous that I'm terrified of love." 
 "No, I…" He looked away. "I don't think it's ridiculous. Neither does your mum. Those of us who know what happened… we understand." 
 "But you still think I'm wrong." 
 Hop stifled a grimace, his expression twitching with regret. "I think… it's a shame that you won't give this a chance, that's all." 
 A chance. That was a risk she couldn't take. Gloria tried to shove her feelings away, to force them deep, deep into the back of her mind in the hope that she was strong enough to stop them from resurfacing. If she could get through tonight without crumbling to dust, then perhaps she could control this and keep those feelings at bay. It was a test, one she'd been practicing a week for. The Sky Taxi landed out the front of the Rose of the Rondelands hotel, and Gloria sat up straight. She took a deep breath and perfected her mask. 
 When the Sky Taxi door pulled open, she was no longer just Gloria, a simple girl from Postwick. She was Gloria, the Champion of Galar. She swept out of the carriage and into the blinding lights of camera flashes. Cries of her name filled the air, increasing in volume when she waved politely to the journalists with a smile. She felt like someone else. Someone more confident, more classy, someone who fit in the world of the elite and famous. The delicate make-up and stunning dress gave her a veil to hide behind. Her hair was styled into an elegant updo, fashioned with a French braid that trailed above her right ear.  Even her usually plain fringe was styled to fit, and she had soft wispy curls left to frame her face. It wasn't Gloria they saw, not really. They saw the Champion. 
 Behind her title, she could hide in plain sight. 
 Hop stepped up beside her, looking smart in his dapper, slim fitting navy suit, and he met her smile with one of his own, one that soothed away the final cracks in Gloria's mask. He offered her his arm, and she took it with practiced grace. The week they'd spent rehearsing paid off as they strode arm-in-arm with confidence through the doors.
 Gloria breathed the faintest sigh of relief as the doors closed behind them, shutting out the buzz of noise and lights from outside. Hop's eyes twinkled with unspoken pride as they were led through to the grand ballroom. It was as exquisite as last year, and Gloria found herself dazed for a moment. Chandeliers glistened like diamonds over the marble floor, the ceiling towered above them, held up by pillars carved with intricate designs. Interspaced between the pillars were glass windows and doors that fed out into the balcony, the night a wedge of darkness outside.  
Gloria forced herself to keep moving as heads turned towards her and Hop as their entrance was announced. Already, the ballroom was filled with people, most of whom she didn't recognise. People mingled in groups by tables overflowing with tiers of cakes, arrangements of fruit, and varying morsels of food the size of which would've better suited a Skwovet. Waiters expertly swept through the crowds, carrying crystal glasses bubbling with what Gloria assumed was something alcoholic. She tightened her grip on Hop's arm and nervously glanced from face to face, from group to group. Instinctively, unintentionally, seeking him out. 
 "Look, there's Lee and Sonia," Hop said, tapping Gloria's arm. 
 "Where?" She forcefully dragged her gaze to where Hop was pointing as he led her over to them. 
 Sonia brightened when she saw them approach, looking absolutely stunning in an off-the-shoulder teal dress. A slit in her skirt ran halfway up her high, showing off her long, slim legs. She wore heels that matched the colour of her dress, the height of which made Gloria blink in shock for a moment. In her heels, Sonia stood as tall as Leon. 
 "Oh, don't you two look so precious!" Sonia said, gesturing with the glass in her hand. "Reminds me of the first Gala Leon invited me to." 
 She leant closer to Leon, their arms comfortably intertwined. He smiled at her, his eyes soft with remembrance, and Gloria suddenly felt as though she'd missed something. 
 "That was years ago," Leon chuckled softly. 
 "You didn't tell me you'd be here, Lee," Hop said, lifting an eyebrow. "I didn't think they let ex-Champions attend." 
 "I'm here as the proprietor of the Battle Tower," Leon said. "Turns out that makes me important enough for an invite. And here I'd thought I'd had enough of these for a lifetime." 
 Gloria managed a smile as her attention drifted away from their group. She looked past Sonia, to where a band was playing by the dancefloor. Couples spun and twirled in time to the music, manoeuvring around each other in a perfectly choreographed synchrony. Gloria's heart thumped as she glanced between the dancers. None of them had his height or his build. None had platinum blond hair or curls like his, none had his elegance or poise. She swallowed thickly and looked away. Would Bede soon be dancing like that with a gorgeous woman in his arms? 
 That thought soured her mood more than it already was, filling her throat with nausea. She pulled away from Hop's arm and gave him a tight smile when he looked at her. 
 "I'm going to grab a drink," Gloria said. 
 She ducked around Hop towards a passing waiter. One of them had to have something non-alcoholic, and if they didn't, then surely they could bring her something that was. She made for the waiter as quickly as her heels would allow while also retaining her sense of refinement. In her haste, she almost collided with someone. 
 "Oh, sorry!" Gloria apologised, swallowing her yelp as she stopped herself a split second away from walking straight into the young man in front of her. He jolted just as she did, his bright blue eyes widening with recognition. 
 "You must be Gloria," he said, "the Champion, right?" 
 She straightened and gave him a smile. "That's me," she said with a sheepish laugh.
 Gloria distracted herself from her nerves by fingering the bracelet around her wrist. She touched each tiny star, the crystals sparkling pink in the light, and her mind drifted to the moment Bede had given it to her, to when he'd gently clasped it around her wrist and her skin had tingled at his very touch. She felt her cheeks warm. 
 Not now! Gloria stamped that memory out. Don't think about that now! 
 "What luck, running into the Champion of Gala before I've even had my first drink," the blond-haired stranger said, smiling gently at her. He held up the glass in his hand, the clear liquid spotted with tiny bubbles. "Here, why don't you have mine? You seemed to be after that waiter before you almost barreled me over." 
 Gloria flushed darker. "Oh, um, I can't drink. Alcohol, I mean. I'm not eighteen yet." 
 "No need to worry, then. It's non-alcoholic sparkling wine," he said, offering it to her again. "I don't drink either, although I could if I wanted to. I'd rather not dull my senses, you see." 
 She accepted his glass, peering into it for a moment. As the stranger had said, there was no evidence around the rim that he'd tried it, and so she gave it a tentative sip. It tasted much like it smelled, though sweeter than expected. 
 "Thank you," Gloria said, appreciative that she didn't have to continue chasing a waiter. "I don't think I caught  your name?" 
 The stranger smiled. "That would be because I hadn't given it to you, yet. I'm Elliott Murdoch. It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Gloria." 
 She smiled back despite how strange it was to have people she'd never met know so much about her. She doubted that she'd ever get used to it. 
 "It's nice to meet you too," Gloria said. She filled his name into the back of her mind before pausing. "Hold on- Murdoch? As in, like Richard Murdoch?" 
 Elliott gave a short laugh. "That would be my father, yes." 
 Gloria's heart plopped into her stomach and churned with her nerves. She knew who Richard Murdoch was, almost everyone in Galar did- he owned most of the newspapers, the magazines, that circulated. He was one of the richest men in Galar, and could possibly be the richest now with Rose out of commission. 
 And she'd almost run into his son. 
 Elliott must've seen her pale, for he touched her shoulder gently. "Don't worry, I've got little to do with my father's empire at the moment. I find that associating myself with him tends to limit the amount of people comfortable around me," he said. "I'm sure you must experience something similar, being the Champion." 
 Gloria found her nerves loosening slightly. "I think so," she said. "People see me as the Champion, rather than as myself. It can get a bit exhausting, sometimes…" she trailed off, and slowly drank from her glass. She'd begun looking over his shoulder, her attention shifting between the people behind him. Searching the crowds. 
 Where is he?  
"I know what you mean," Elliott said, and Gloria snapped attention back to him. 
 Arceus, what am I doing? She scolded herself. Pay attention to who you're talking to! 
 She nodded stiffly, trying to listen to Elliott as her mind threatened to drift away again. Every flicker of movement in the corner of her eyes, the people moving about, the couples dancing, itched at the back of her mind. He would be here somewhere. With his date- perhaps with the one he'd spoken about to her, the one he liked. 
 Gloria's stomach twisted into knots. She lifted her glass to her lips and downed the rest to force away the nausea rising up her throat. Even now, Bede managed to invade her thoughts. Just knowing he was here, somewhere, sent something crackling and fluttering away in her chest, and filled her with a longing to find him. A longing that came with fear. 
 Elliott tapped Gloria's shoulder, giving her a sheepish smile. "I believe your date is staring me down," he said, and gestured behind her. 
 Gloria glanced over her shoulder, and caught Hop's gaze. He raised an eyebrow at her, his brow furrowed with the slightest hint of concern. A question in his eyes. 
 "I should get back to him," Gloria said. She gave Elliott an apologetic smile to which he chuckled. 
 "Yes, well, we wouldn't want your boyfriend to get the wrong idea." 
 Gloria stiffened. All the muscles in her body went rigid. Tight. "He's not my boyfriend," she said. Nausea returned with a vengeance, and her heart began to thump heavily in her chest, each beat hollow with dread. "Hop's just a friend." 
 "Ah, my apologies, then," Elliott said with a sweet smile. "I'd heard you were dating the young professor's assistant, but really, of all people, I should know to take what I read in magazines with a heap of salt." 
 Gloria forced a smile. The polite breath of laughter she tried to give died on her lips. "Those magazines have… never been right." 
 "Well, since I've received information directly from the source, I'll be sure to tell our writers to stop publishing nonsense rumours about you two," Elliott said.
 "I'd really appreciate that, thank you." His assurance lifted a weight from the pit of her stomach. "It was nice meeting you, Elliott," Gloria said, giving him a grateful nod. 
 "As it was meeting you." Elliott flashed a charming smile, and said with a wink, "I'll have to ask you for a dance later, if your date doesn't mind me monopolizing a bit more of your time." 
 She shot a glance over her shoulder. Hop turned away unsubtly, but she caught Leon's eyes. His expression was unreadable, almost stern, but when their eyes met, it vanished beneath his smile. The look on Leon's face had lasted but a moment, and it still managed to disconcert her as she headed back to them. His attention remained on Elliott for a while longer. 
 "Who was that?" Hop asked, eyeing Gloria's empty glass. "You didn't get me one?"  
"Sorry." She shrugged. "Elliott offered it to me, and he only had one." 
 "Elliott Murdoch," Leon said. His smile had faded, leaving his gaze distant. 
 "Wait, that was Elliott Murdoch?!" Sonia gasped. "As in, heir to the Murdoch empire? Son of Richard Murdoch, the wealthiest man in Galar? That Elliott Murdoch?!" 
 Gloria shrunk, her grip tightening around her glass. With Hop, Sonia and Leon staring at her, it was like she was being interrogated, forced under a spotlight. 
 "I think so…?" Gloria said meekly. "Is he that well known?" 
 "Of course he is!" Sonia gaped at her. "Don't tell me you didn't know who he was?" 
 "He has a certain… reputation," Leon said slowly, pausing as though he was mulling over his words. 
 "What did he say?" Sonia asked. Her eyes sparkled with interest. "What did you talk about? Anything interesting? He offered you a drink- did he ask you to dance?" 
 "Um, we just introduced ourselves," Gloria said. "We didn't talk for that long." 
 Sonia sighed, deflating. "Aw, too bad. These functions get boring and tedious real quick without anything interesting to talk about." She took a long sip of her wine, and hooked her arm around Leon's, leaning against him slightly. He smiled at her warmly. "And the only thing interesting around here are the people, most of which I'd never see in person if not for Leon." 
 "So you've become a gossip," Hop huffed. "Never thought you had it in you, Sonia." 
 "That's Professor Sonia to you!" She rested her head against Leon's shoulder, peering at Hop with one eye open. "You might not be wearing your lab coat, but you're still my assistant! Don't make me fire you for insubordination!" Her lips, shiny with a coat of crimson lipstick, pursed into a pout. 
 Hop recoiled in shock, while Leon chuckled. 
 "Don't mind her," Leon said, his affection clear in his voice, "she gets a bit testy when she's had wine." 
 Gloria looked away. Their casual display of affection, the tenderness in Leon's eyes, made her chest tighten. She swallowed as a vice constricted around her throat. The conversation before her became a blur of noise, her concentration fading, and her gaze drifted past Sonia to the people standing on the opposition side of the room.  
Her heart stopped. She recognised him instantly across the grand ballroom, from the way he stood tall with confidence, the way he held his head high. 
 Bede. He was breathtakingly beautiful- even from a distance, the sight of him whisked the air from her lungs in a silent gasp. He wore a tailcoat coloured a deep lavender, his usually unruly hair parted to the side and smoothed down as much as his curls would allow, his fringe kicking up in parts that sat beside his right ear. Gloria couldn't breathe for a moment. She forgot where she was, who she was, what she was doing. Her feet moved beneath her, drawing her a single step towards him. 
 She froze, heart lodged in her throat. There was an arm linked around his. Desperately, Gloria glanced at the woman on Bede's arm. She braced herself. Every fibre of her body tensed, instinctively wincing, waiting for the pain. 
 It never came. The woman on his arm balanced herself with a dark, ornately carved wooden cane. Her floor-length dress matched the dark lavender of Bede's tailcoat, Ms Opal's outfit topped with a gorgeous, lavender headpiece. 
 He'd come with Ms Opal. Gloria stared at them, her heart plopping into her stomach in shame. Bede always attended events with Ms Opal, she'd accompanied him the before, it made sense that this year would be the same. Gloria had gotten herself worked up over nothing. Over less than nothing, and she cursed herself for being so stupid. Her feelings towards him addled her mind. She saw things, worried about things, that weren't there. It turned her into a lovesick fool. An idiot. 
 Gloria huffed and forced down the feelings welling up in her chest. The yearning, the longing, that she felt towards Bede tugged on her heart despite the creeping fear that always remained one step behind. A lump settled in her throat again. Heat washed over her eyes. She blinked it away and quashed everything else. Her fear would protect her. She wore it as a shield, wrapped it around her heart like a cloak, and refused to budge. She wouldn't give in. The distance between them kept her safe- a wedge, a dark rift, she refused to cross. Gloria would stay here, on the other side of the ballroom, and let the night pass without incident. Without pain. This way, she didn't have to pretend. She didn't have to lie. To herself, to Bede, to her heart. 
 If that meant all she could do was watch him in silence, then she would. To keep herself safe, she would. 
 You'll be okay, Gloria told herself. Soothing the ache in her heart. If you stay away from him, you'll be okay. It's for the best. 
 She sighed, and let herself glance at Bede one final time. Their eyes met. Through the mingling guests filling the space between them, he looked straight at her. 
 And took a step forward. 
 Gloria grabbed Hop's arm and yanked him towards the dancefloor. "We're dancing," she said- ordered. No room for argument in her tone. 
 Hop stumbled, almost tripping on his feet as she pulled him away from Sonia and Leon. Away from Bede. "What? Now?" 
 "Now." Gloria slammed her glass down on a table as they passed it, not slowing her pace in the slightest. Her heart thumped rapidly in her ears, silencing Hop's grumbles of protest, and she forced herself onwards, fueled by panic, by her nerves, by the fear spreading through her lungs. 
 Bede had stepped towards her. 
 Gloria pulled Hop amidst the dancers, not waiting for the current song to end, and turned towards him. She grabbed his hand, his shoulder, and they fell into step with the music. At this distance, she couldn't hide from Hop the shadows, the fear, behind her eyes. 
 "What happened?" Hop asked quietly. 
 He instantly settled into their dance, realising this wasn't just one of Gloria's impulsive whims. Their week of practice paid off as they turned in sync. 
 "I saw him." It came out as a whisper, as quiet as a gasp. "And he-" 
 Gloria clamped her eyes shut for a second, for a step of their dance, and she sucked in a breath. Tears blinked away. 
 "He saw me," she said. Knowing that somewhere across the ballroom, Bede was behind her. 
 "Your eyes met?" Hop stepped right, and she followed. 
 Gloria nodded. She tightened her grip on Hop's shoulder as the world threatened to crumble beneath her feet. Unbalanced no longer described how she felt- she wasn't stumbling, she was falling. 
 "It was bound to happen, Glo," Hop said gently. He didn't patronise her, he understood the roots of her fear, the grip it had on her, and remained realistic. "He's your friend, it makes sense that he'd be looking for you. It's normal to want to hang with people you know at events like this." 
 Gloria let his words wash over her as they slowed to a stop when the song ended. Some of the couples around them departed, new ones taking their places, and the music began again. 
 "I don't want to talk to him," Gloria said. Her heart squeezed tight. "Not yet. Not tonight."
 Hop gave her a rueful smile. "You can't avoid him forever, you know." 
 "I can try." She looked away, keeping in step with him as they followed the music. 
 "Is that what you want?" 
 Hop's words echoed the pain in her heart. The longing. The desire to risk it all. 
 "It doesn't matter what I want," she said finally. "This is what I need." 
 "If you say so…" Hop sounded unsure, but Gloria remained resolute. 
 She needed to avoid Bede. They danced for a while, until Hop's steps became sloppy and out of time, and Gloria decided to let him rest. They stepped off the dancefloor, and she immediately stepped into her role as the Champion, seeking out sponsors, esteemed guests, and patrons. People she recognised and strangers alike, anyone she could waste away time with.  She danced with a few young men, most of whom were heirs to their parent's companies or estates, until her feet began to ache. When she parted from the last one, her throat was dry and hoarse from talking. Her head spun from dancing too long. The endless names she needed to remember blurred together in her mind, leaving her nauseous again. She gave the tables of slowly diminishing food a wide berth, seeking out a waiter she could commandeer for a drink. 
 Someone stepped in front of her. Gloria stopped herself from sagging in frustration, her gaze following the waiter she'd been a split second from reaching. 
 "Sorry, if you don't mind, I was-" 
 A glass full of sparkling liquid appeared before her eyes. 
 "After one of these?" Elliott asked, holding out a drink to her. He held a partially empty glass in his other hand. 
 She smiled in relief at him. "Yes, thank you." Gloria accepted the glass and sipped at it slowly, letting the bubbly liquid ease the ache in her throat. "How come you always seem to have just what I need?" she asked, breathing a laugh. 
 "I'll admit, the first time was a coincidence, but I was looking for an excuse to talk to you again," Elliott said. 
 Gloria tipped her glass to her lips, drinking as she thought. "You were?" 
 "It's not every day one gets a chance to talk with the Champion of Galar," he said, smiling softly. 
 His comment made her feel slightly giddy, as though the bubbles in her drink had filled her lungs. "It's not every day I get to speak with the son of the richest man in Galar," Gloria replied. "I feel like you one up me here."
 She found herself relaxing further as he laughed. There was something about him, something comforting, and she ignored her sore feet when he asked her to dance. She felt like she was floating. Walking on clouds. She danced with Elliott, a smile on her face the entire time, and came out of it giddy and breathless. 
 "Okay, I think that's enough dancing for one night," Gloria said as they stepped off the dancefloor, gently fanning her face with her hand. Her cheeks were flushed with warmth. "Who knew dancing could be such a workout?" 
 "I'm impressed," Elliott said, turning his back to her for a moment to grab a pair of drinks off the tray of a passing waiter. "You turned down all offers to dance last year, so I thought perhaps you didn't know how. It seems I was mistaken- you dance like an expert." 
 He turned back to her, handing her a glass that she eagerly accepted. 
 "Thank you," Gloria said, sipping her drink to keep herself from telling him she didn't know how to dance until a week ago. "Do those doors open?" She nodded towards the glass balcony doors. 
 "Why don't we find out?" Elliott smiled at her, and she followed him over to the doors. With a simple push, the towering glass door opened, and Gloria skipped out into the cool night air. 
 "That's so much better," she sighed happily. Her body buzzed and tingled with warmth, and she welcomed the embrace of the cold air around her. She stepped over to the edge of the balcony, staring out at the lights of Wyndon. The Ferris wheel turned as a dark form on the horizon. 
 "I'll join you in a moment," Elliott said, "I'm just going to grab one of those cakes before they all disappear." 
 Gloria hummed her response, closing her eyes as a gentle breeze swept over her. She felt so light. So free, so uncaring. Everything she'd worried about had fallen off her shoulders, drifting away into the night with the wind. Footsteps sounded behind her, and Gloria turned with a smile. 
 "Back so soon? I thought-" She stopped. It wasn't Elliott behind her. Her mouth dropped open with a wordless gasp, and she reached for him without thinking. Time slowed around her as her fingers touched the soft fabric of his tailcoat. 
 "Bede?" His name fell from her lips in awe. He stared down at her, violet eyes full of longing, and his expression was so soft, so tender, that she felt lightheaded beneath his gaze. The tips of her fingers remained against his chest.  
"Gloria…" the sound of her name sent a tingle down her spine. "You look so-" Bede's eyes shifted from hers. "Nice," he said, clearing his throat. "You look nice." 
 Floating. Gloria was floating. Why had she avoided him? She couldn't remember. Whatever the reason was, it no longer mattered. He was here. 
 "You look nicer," she said, pouting. "How is it that you're so much prettier than me? It's unfair!" 
 Bede blinked at her, and she snorted a laugh. 
 "Y'know what? It doesn't matter," Gloria said. 
 Bede's expression softened. He searched her eyes for a moment, once again captivating her with his gaze. 
 "I see you found time to continue practicing how to dance," he said. A hint of pride showed in his smile. "You had me worried- I wasn't sure that you'd be able to keep up your practice since you were so busy."
 Busy? Had she been busy? She couldn't remember. Gloria found herself leaning towards him. Drawn towards him. Her palm flattened against his chest as she stepped closer. Something bloomed in her chest. Something warm, something powerful, and her heart felt full. The words were on her tongue before she could think.  
"Bede, I think…" She felt fuzzy, giddy. And light. She felt so, so light. "I think I-" 
 "Where did you get that?" 
 "What?" Gloria stared at him for a second. He was frowning at the glass in her hand. Bede reached for it, and she tugged it away from him. "Hey, get your own!"  
"Gloria, that's alcohol," Bede said with a huff. He looked at her incredulously, and she snorted. 
 "No, it's not," she laughed. "It's non-alcoholic sparkling wine. Arceus, Bede. I'm not an idiot!" 
 "Where did you get it?" Bede asked again. His expression turned serious. 
 She waved his concerns off with her hand. "The waiters are carrying them around. Elliott grabbed one for me." 
 "Elliott." The look on his face, grim with alarm flashing behind his eyes, sent a rush of cold clarity through her when he asked, "and who was it that told you it was non-alcoholic?" 
 Gloria's heart thumped slowly in her chest. "Elliott did…" 
 She stared at the glass in her hand, a few centimetres of the bubbly liquid remaining. The third drink she'd accepted from Elliott. 
 This isn't… 
 "But I…" Gloria shook her head. She couldn't think straight. Her mind was a blur, her thoughts fuzzy and clouded. 
 Oh no.
 Her heart plummeted into her stomach as everything fell into place. The way she'd been feeling, how comfortable she left around Elliott when she'd never met him before, how easily she mingled with sponsors and patrons without a worry. The strange confidence, the peace, that had overcome her. And now, the thick fog that had overcome her mind, the weightlessness she felt, carried an new meaning. One that made her feel ill. 
 Bede gently took the glass from her and turfed the remaining wine into the planter beside them. 
 "How many have you had?" he asked.
 Gloria reached for the balcony's railing, her fingers trembling around it as she tried to steady herself. The drinks Elliott gave her, one by one, flashed in her mind. She tasted the wine on her tongue. She'd been so stupid, so naive, to trust him, to accept those drinks. Disquiet settled heavy on her shoulders.
 "That was my third…" Gloria answered. Her mind clouded with disbelief. 
 Was this really happening…?
 "Have you eaten anything?" 
 She squeezed her eyes shut. Clenched her jaw to stop her voice from trembling. "No," she replied in a whisper. In shame. 
 Bede's touch on her arm almost brought her to tears. 
 "I don't… I don't understand…" Her voice caught. Fear loomed over her heart, crushed her chest, her soul. It didn't make sense. Nothing made sense. "Why would he…?"  
Footsteps made Gloria glance towards the balcony doors, Bede turning to face Elliott as he paused in the wedge of light streaming from the ballroom. He held a glass of wine in either hand. 
 "You gave her alcohol," Bede said firmly. He straightened, standing tall between Gloria and Elliott, and yet she still felt small. Vulnerable.
 Elliott shrugged. "The jig is up, is it? Shame. We hadn't even gotten to the good part yet." 
 Gloria stared at the floor, eyes wide and unseeing. She felt sick.
 "And what were you hoping would happen?" Bede asked. 
 "Does it matter?" Elliott breathed a laugh, remaining unperturbed. "Someone has to try and liven up these dull events. I thought that perhaps a drunk, underage Champion would do the trick." 
 Again, he shrugged. Everything he said, his calm voice, his laughter, fell over Gloria in a daze. It didn't feel real. Like she was somewhere else, watching this unfold. Witnessing a dream- a nightmare. One she couldn't escape from. Fear crushed her heart, paralysed her breathing, turned her blood into ice. Cold. She felt cold. 
 "You-!" Bede's hands balled into fists. "How dare you-" 
 She reached for him the second he moved, gripping the tails of his coat before he'd taken a single step. 
 "Don't-" A tear slipped from her eyes. "Don't go…" 
 The fury on Bede's face shattered as she began to cry. The fear she'd been holding back engulfed her all at once, buckling her knees and tearing a sob from her throat. Bede whirled on his feet, holding her arms gently before she could collapse. Gloria fell against him. Into him. Breaking into pieces once again. 
 Elliott snorted. "I suppose this will do," he said, voice flat with boredom. "At least it'll be amusing to see how she gets out of this." He shrugged and stalked back inside. 
 Gloria squeezed her eyes shut tight. She grit her teeth, grinding out her pain, her fear, her indignation. Outrage burned up her throat. She wanted to scream, to cry and wail. She wanted to tear after Elliott and shove his pretty little face into the tiles, to send her Pokemon after him and make him regret the day he chose to mess with the Champion of Galar. 
 But she didn't. Gloria pulled her face off Bede's shoulder and took a shuddery breath. She wiped at her tears with the backs of her hands before Bede produced a white handkerchief, lined with intricate lace details, and held it out to her. She blinked at it, at him, and somehow, it made her laugh. 
 "What are you doing with this?" she asked, her voice strained, yet soft with amusement. She accepted the handkerchief and dabbed away her tears as delicately as she could. Her makeup smeared across it.
 "Ms Opal insisted I carry one with me 'just in case,'" Bede said. His mouth twitched with the faintest smile, though it faded all too quickly. 
 "I'm beginning to think that Ms Opal can see the future," she laughed quietly before her lips began to wobble again with the threat of tears, and she grimaced. "Arceus, my makeup is ruined. I spent so much money on it, too…" Gloria sighed, lowering her hands in frustration. "Look at me- some guy I met tonight got me drunk and I'm worrying about my makeup!" 
 "Here, let me help." Bede took the handkerchief off her and gently dabbed it across her cheeks. "I wouldn't say it's ruined…" 
 Gloria huffed. "I must look like a Pangoro by now." She sniffled and closed her eyes, turning her cheek towards Bede as he patted away at the remains of her makeup. 
 "You look beautiful." 
 Her eyes snapped open. Bede's hand stilled by her cheek, the tips of his fingers brushing her skin. He looked right into her eyes. There was something in his gaze that stirred the very depths of her heart, and her lips parted with a silent, broken gasp. His eyes flicked down to follow the movement. 
 Bede looked away, clearing his throat. "A-Anyway, I wouldn't worry about your makeup," he said quickly. His voice hitched and he stammered, the sound of which sent a spear of heat through Gloria's body. "We should be able to it clean up enough that-" 
 Bede jolted when her fingers cupped his cheek, eyes widening in shock, and the handkerchief fell from his hand. He was beautiful. Stunned into silence, Bede's violet eyes searched hers, and her heart stirred again. Her heart, her soul, reached for him. She swept her thumb across his cheek. Her mind was fuzzy. Clouded. She wondered what she was doing, leaning towards him like this. Drawn to him like never before. Nothing else in the world mattered- not her fear, not her pain, not the Gala taking place in the hotel just metres away. 
 Nothing else mattered to her than Bede. 
 His mouth opened with words he couldn't voice. Concern, then wonder, filled his eyes as he slowly rested a hand over hers on his cheek. 
 He's beautiful, she thought again.
 Bede stole his hand away, his eyes flicking from hers. "Gloria, what are you-?" He fumbled over his words, a blush blazing across his cheeks that made her heart swell. "You- you're drunk." 
 "Mm…" She didn't care. It was Bede. 
 This was what she wanted. Her hand trailed across his cheek and into his hair, her fingers weaving through those platinum blond strands. 
 Bede startled at her touch. "I think we should-" 
 Silence. And warmth. A soft warmth that spread from her lips, through her body, her chest, her heart. It felt right. 
 This was it. 
 This was what she'd wanted all along. 
Bede couldn't breathe. His mind screeched to a halt when Gloria pressed her lips against his. She stole the words from his mouth, silencing him mid-sentence, and kissed him.  
And he let her. The delightful sensation of her lips gliding across his addled his brain, his senses. Bede had wanted to kiss her for so long, he'd fought the desire within him to do so for months, that he couldn't stop himself from reciprocating instinctively. A gasp died in his throat. Without thinking, he followed the movement of her lips in a nervous dance that left him dizzy. It was slow and tender, and her lips were soft, so soft and warm, carrying the slightest hint of something sweet- 
 The wine. 
 "Holy shit biscuits!" 
 A gasp from the balcony doors jolted Bede back to reality, and he snapped away from Gloria, slamming the back of his hand against his mouth, and turned towards Hop.  
"This- This isn't what it looks like!" Bede protested, his voice cracking, body blazing with heat. He burned from head to toe, his cheeks searing hotly with a dark blush he knew was obvious for all to see. He jumped as Gloria's head dropped to his shoulder.  His lips still tingled from their kiss. 
 "Sure, mate." Hop held up his hands, taking a slow and stiff step backwards. "Whatever you say. I'll just… leave you two alone now…" 
 "Wait!" Bede glanced down at Gloria, realising how limp and boneless she felt against him. Her eyes were squeezed shut. "I need your help." 
 Hop frowned, then saw what Bede had- Gloria's pained expression, her grip tight on Bede's tailcoat. He rushed over, his eyes widening.
 "What happened? Did you kiss her so hard she fainted?" 
 "N-No!" Bede snapped, heat shooting down his spine at the memory of what had just happened.  
Gloria had kissed him. 
 "She's drunk," he explained to both Hop and himself. Reminding himself that Gloria hadn't been thinking clearly. 
 "What?! How?" Hop gaped.  
A low groan came from Gloria. "I don't… feel right…" 
 Bede's heart squeezed tight in his chest. He gently rubbed her back, wishing he could do more. Now wasn't the time to get caught up in the fact that she'd kissed him, not when she was suffering like this. Not when someone had done this to her.
 "Elliott Murdoch," he said through clenched teeth. "Know the name?" 
 Hop nodded. "That's the guy who gave Gloria a drink earlier-" he stopped and blanched. "No… Was that…?" 
 "It was." Bede nodded grimly. "Elliott has been giving her alcohol under the pretense that it was non-alcoholic sparkling wine." 
 "That douchebag!" Hop huffed, sending a searing glare towards the doors leading to the Gala. "What's his problem?!" 
 "A lack of entertainment, apparently." Bede swallowed the putrid taste of bile that crawled up his throat. 
 Gloria's grip on Bede tightened. She pulled off him enough so that she was no longer sinking into him, and groaned deep in her throat.
 "I feel sick…" 
 "I don't doubt that," Bede said softly. He let her stand on her own, but kept close enough to her that he could catch her if she fell. Her gaze was unfocused, brown eyes glassy and distant. "You've had three glasses of wine on an empty stomach."  
"Not to mention that you're not exactly the tallest person around," Hop pointed out.  
Gloria made a disgruntled sound in her throat, leveling a pained glare at him. "Fuck off, Hop," she huffed. 
 Bede blinked at her, and she frowned. 
 "What?" Gloria asked, before realising what she'd said. "Oh, shit. Wait- I mean- fuck." She closed her eyes and huffed as Hop stifled a laugh. "Shut up, Hop! You're not helping!" 
She grumbled, and held onto Bede's arm for a moment as her expression grew pained. 
 "Yeah, I… really don't feel well," Gloria said weakly. 
 "Shit, Glo. You don't look well," Hop said, gently rubbing her back in circles as her eyes squeezed shut. 
 Bede couldn't begin to imagine how she was feeling, from the effects of the alcohol and the knowledge that this had been done to her deliberately. Her small frame seemed even tinier than usual as she clung to him. He dropped his hand from her shoulder, trailing his fingers down her arm to take hers, and stopped as he brushed a familiar bracelet. The one he'd given her on White Day. A silver bracelet adjourned with diamond stars that glistened a soft pink in the light. She'd worn it. His gift. It made his heart ache for her, more determined than ever to do what he could to help her. He couldn't ease her suffering, he couldn't take that from her, but there was something else he could do. 
 He could get her to safety. 
 "We need to get her home," Bede said. His mind worked ahead of him, already churning through their options.  
"She's drunk, can barely stand on her own, and if you haven't noticed, the ballroom is full of people!" Hop raised an incredulous eyebrow at Bede. "How on earth do you expect us to get her home without anyone seeing her like this?"
 "That was part of Elliott's scheme," Bede sighed. "However, we're not completely out of options just yet. Marnie came with her brother, Piers, correct?" 
 Hop nodded. "Yeah, I spoke with them earlier." 
 "Good." That could work. "From what I've heard, Piers is an expert at drawing a crowd. Do you believe he'd be willing to cause a distraction for us? Marnie and I can alert the staff to our predicament, and you should be able to leave through the back of the hotel, out through the staff entrance. It wouldn't be the first time that incidents similar to this have occured, and staff at the Rose of the Rondelands are trained to be discreet. We shouldn't need to worry about one of them leaking this to the press." 
 "Piers will definitely be on board once he hears what happened to Glo," Hop agreed. "Although you might have to restrain Marnie from going after Elliott herself. Even I don't want to walk away knowing he's still in there, getting away with this scot-free." 
 "Oh, I have a thought for how to deal with him," Bede said. He looked towards the ballroom, spying Marnie in a crimson dress next to Piers in a matching suit. He eased Gloria off him gently so that she could lean on Hop instead. "Wait until everyone's attention is on Piers. The staff should prepare a way out for you- head for it as quick as you can." 
Bede gave Gloria's arm a final, gentle squeeze. Her eyes were shut, her head resting against Hop's shoulder, and she gave no indication that she'd felt his touch at all. Shallow breaths sounded between her parted lips. He turned towards the ballroom, steeling himself. 
 "Wait, before you go-" Hop began, looking sheepishly away. "You've, uh, got some lipstick on your mouth." 
 Bede stiffened with a shot of heat. He furiously wiped at his mouth, his hand coming away with a slash of pink that matched the colour of Gloria's lipstick. He cleared his throat roughly. The blush on his cheeks sizzled in the cold air, and his body filled with warmth. The memory of her kissing him returned with force. He felt a ghost of her touch, a whisper of her lips, against his. 
 "Thank you," Bede said awkwardly. He fixed gaze on the ballroom beyond the glass in front of him as his nerves crackled alight at the reminder that Gloria had kissed him. The smudge of lipstick on the back of his hand. 
 In that moment, he hadn't noticed the glaze over her eyes. Bede knew very well that she had to be drunk, he'd told her himself, but when she'd reached for him, he hadn't been able to react in time. He'd been too speechless, too shocked, to stop her. 
 And she'd kissed him. Gloria, the one who denied herself love, who feared and despised the very thought of it, who swore she'd only kiss someone she was in a relationship with, had kissed him. He looked back at her now, standing only with the support of Hop, and his heart clenched with regret.
 He should have stopped her. How could he be happy about this when she'd kissed him under the influence of alcohol? Bede sighed and forced those thoughts away. He'd apologize to her later. When they could sit down and talk about this, when she was home safe and recovered, he'd ask for her forgiveness in letting his feelings get the better of him. It wasn't just that Gloria had kissed him- he had let her. He swallowed his guilt and met Hop's eyes. Hop nodded. 
 "Alright. Let's hope this works," Bede said and made for the ballroom, leaving Hop and Gloria, his feelings of regret, behind. 
 It was like Hop had said- the instant Bede told Piers what had happened, he'd agreed to his part in the plan without another word. Marnie had glared something fierce, her dark eyes growing cold and sharp, and it was only the gentle hand Piers placed on her shoulder, the infinitesimal shake of his head, that stopped her from tearing after Elliott. Begrudgingly, Marnie played her part, waving over a waiter as Piers made for the band. Whispers spread through the crowd, heads turning, guests shuffling closer to the dancefloor and the band to get a better look. Bede swept his gaze around the room, and soon enough, everyone's attention was on Piers and the band as he began an impromptu live performance. The staff Marnie had spoken to waited by the staff entrance, and once all backs were turned to the balcony, Hop came through with Gloria staggering on his arm. Her bare feet were silent on the floor, Hop carrying her heels in his right hand, his left arm around her back. Marnie rushed over to help them usher Gloria out, and Bede turned from them. With the band playing, he needn't worry about his conversion being overheard. 
 As Hop and Marnie disappeared with Gloria through the staff entrance, Bede stepped up to Ms Opal. He offered her his arm, and she took it, meeting the intention in his gaze with a smile. 
 "What is it, dear?" Ms Opal asked. "What has that rascal Elliott done to poor Gloria?" 
 Bede's eyebrows lifted. He recalled Gloria's comment that Ms Opal was psychic, and wondered if she knew how astute that observation was. 
 "I'll get to that in a moment," Bede said, and Ms Opal nodded in understanding. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you're well acquainted with his father, Richard Murdoch? If so, then there's a favour I'd like to ask of you."
 Ms Opal smiled. Her eyes, keen as ever, sharpened with an intensity that made Bede stiffen slightly. "Ask away, my dear. I'll assist you in any way if it will help Gloria." 
 A weight eased off Bede's chest, and he nodded. Masked by the sound of the band, he told Ms Opal everything; from what Elliott did to Gloria, to his plan for retribution that would fall upon the scum who had dared harm the Champion. All the while, Ms Opal maintained her smile. 
 A smile that reminded Bede that she had once been the most powerful trainer in Galar. 
 "That can be done," Ms Opal said after Bede laid out his plan. "Since Elliott wished for entertainment so badly, I suppose we have no choice but to give it to him."  
The venom in her voice sent a cold shiver through Bede. 
 "Thank you," he said, grateful. 
 Ms Opal patted his arm. "No need to thank me. You've done your part in getting Gloria out of here safely. That's commendable in itself. Leave the rest to me." 
 Bede nodded to her, before sending a glance to the door Gloria had left through. The night wasn't over yet. Not for Gloria. He doubted she was experiencing the worst of it yet, and wished he could have left with her, wished he could be the one at her side. 
 He wished he could have done more. Perhaps, if he had gathered the courage to speak with her earlier, this wouldn't have happened in the first place, and Gloria needn't have suffered. Bede brushed that thought aside. There was no point in dwelling in the past. His regret and guilt had no place here, not anymore, not tonight. 
 Not when there was still hell to pay. 
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jgvfhl · 3 years
Number Lads! AKA me taking a hammer to canon :)
Well now we see some actual plot being affected by the character choices in this here little ol' story I'm writing. Damn this list is getting long... wonderful! (Read Part 1 - Part 2- Part 3)
Some gentle warnings for injury descriptions--specifically burns
ARC-0000 = Zero = d0nut man
CT-2222 = Do-si-do = Double Trouble
CT-3333 = Trees = Leafs
CT-4444 = Fours = Submarine
ARC-5555 = Fives = high fives
ARC-1409 = Echo = BetterDomino
CC-6666 = Sixes/Death = DEATH
ARC-7777 = Sevenset = RedBoiiiii
CT-8888 = Loops = Loopy
high fives: GUYS guys guys i think echo and i can get our hands on nines soon
d0nut man: “get our hands on nines”
d0nut man: well. I’ve heard stranger things out of one of our medics
BetterDomino: lol yeah us too
Leafs: nines? 212th yeah?
high fives: yeah echo and i just got the rundown for a mission with cmdr cody and gen kenobi and there was definitely a CT-9999 on the list
Double Trouble: oo what kinda mission??
BetterDomino: the kind you’re not allowed to know about
high fives: yeah :3
BetterDomino: and technically he shouldn’t even have mentioned it >_>
Double Trouble: oh ho ho
Leafs: do si do, gossip is not worth breaking classified information
high fives: but nines!!
high fives: MAYBE
BetterDomino: very strong maybe
DEATH: classified missions = death trap
DEATH: the new guy might not even make it out, don’t get too excited
RedBoiiiii: life of the party, as usual
Leafs: well he is the more experienced of us in these things… so…
high fives: we’re not gonna die guys
Loopy: you better not :(
DEATH: you want some advice? if the seps point a gun at something, they’re going to shoot
DEATH: doesn’t matter how important it is to them or their cause. they will shoot it.
high fives: … noted sir
BetterDomino: thank you
RedBoiiiii: OYA DOMINO I LOVE YOUUUUUUU blease come back safe *bonk*
high fives: *bonk*
BetterDomino: *bonk*
Had Nines not been a member of the 212th for nearly two years, he’d probably be wondering if all of his general’s missions went this muja-shaped so fast. Well. Actually, he’d probably be dead. He rather liked not being dead, and hoped to keep it that way, despite the absolute and utter chaos happening around the Citadel’s lower airfield at the moment. The air was a haze of colors as blue, red, and green blaster bolts zipped through the air, combined with the five lightsabers whirling about the generals and commander. But right now, Nines was really trying not to die while pinned down behind this cargo crate.
The noise of a door drew his attention--ever so briefly--as yet more clankers emerged from the hellish prison. He could only take a glance before he had to duck back behind the large cargo crate he and two ARCs were using for cover. He looked over at the pair, watching one--Echo or Fives, he couldn’t quite recall at the moment--launch a charge at the new droids. Nines felt the detonation, and twisted back around to send some bolts towards the scattered droids. Kriffing hells, commando droids? Again? Stars, he really hated those buggers.
“General Skywalker!” Nines barely caught the tail end of the ARC’s warning as he returned to cover. “A droid is manning one of those turrets. They’re gonna blow up the shuttle, sir.”
Oh, hells no. Nines looked up, locating General Skywalker and General Peill on the little flying craft they’d commandeered from incoming assailants. It looked like they were heading towards the turret, then they disappeared over the edge of the cargo crate.
“This is our only chance!” Nines heard behind him from the same ARC. “We have to stop him.” He looked over just as one of the pair disappeared around the side of the crate, the other close on his heels.
“Echo no!”
Nines jogged over, hoping to cover the pair. Echo was running towards the shuttle’s ramp with a shield dropped by one of the commandos. Nines looked and saw at the same time as Fives--if that was Echo, the one still standing here was Fives--the commando droid at the turret’s controls turning the blaster barrels towards the shuttle.
Nines felt a horribly familiar cold lump sink into his gut as the seconds seemed to slow, green turret rounds creeping closer and closer to Echo and their only way out of this Maker-abandoned pit. But it seemed time hadn’t slowed for Fives, who was suddenly reaching to the ascension cable at the back of his utility belt.
He attached it to his blaster, aimed at his brother, and fired.
There was the distinct sound of the cable striking plastoid. A huge noise followed, managing to drown out the whizz of blaster fire. A wave of light and heat washed over the immediate area as the shuttle exploded. Nines’ eyes followed a chunk of the ship as it flew over the landing pad and destroyed the turret and the droid manning it, but then his attention was back on Fives. Fives, who was drawing in his ascension cable desperately as the rest of the strike team collected by the last way out of the landing pad.
“We need to go,” General Kenobi said, and no one was going to argue. “Now.”
“Fives,” Captain Rex stood next to his ARCs.
Fives was kneeling on one knee over Echo’s unmoving, singed, and smoking form, hastily detaching the cable from his brother’s chestplate. “I got him,” he said, and even for all the training he had, anyone would hear the distress underlining the urgency of his actions.
Nines cast his eyes over the fallen ARC. The plastoid of Echo’s boot had melted in the intense heat of the shuttle’s explosion. It wasn’t coming off until a medic was there to cut it off. Nines was grateful now for the filters in his bucket, keeping the smell of burning blacks and probably flesh out of his nose. Taking another look, he saw Echo’s right arm had suffered similar injuries--the side unprotected by the shield. But, judging by Fives’ concerted efforts, he was still alive.
As the team retreated, Fives finally stowed his cable and his blaster on his belt, hefting his brother across his shoulders and hauling them both up. Nines lagged between the two parties, waiting until Fives had caught up before picking up his pace.
“No man left behind, right?” Nines said, low enough to keep it between them.
“Not a kriffing chance,” Fives huffed.
In a whirlwind of sulfurous stench, near misses, anoobas, crawling over lethal lava lakes, and the unfortunate death of General Peill, the greatly reduced strike team was finally aboard General Koon’s gunship. Fives carefully lowered his brother to the floor, leaning him against the wall. Captain Rex maneuvered over to them, standing between them and the other occupants like a human privacy screen as the gunship flew far, far away from the stinking hell that was The Citadel.
It was another hour or so before Nines had the chance to find them again. Echo’s injuries were the worst to come out of the mission, mostly because of the sheer number of casualties. Nines himself only suffered some relatively superficial bumps and bruises, so he was cleared from medical quickly.
“Where are you off to, Nines?”
The commander, too, had been quickly cleared, it seemed. Nines turned and waited for Commander Cody before starting for the other medbay rooms again. “Sir, I thought I’d check on the two ARCs. Fives and Echo?”
The commander nodded, switching his helmet to under his other arm. “I was gonna check on Rex, and he’s probably with them. I’ll come with.”
“The captain’s pretty fond of them, then?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe,” the commander smiled, though there was something bittersweet in the expression.
As he’d predicted, they found the captain and Fives outside one of the medbay rooms. Rex was seated on the bench between doorways, his bucket on the floor between his feet, a water bottle in one hand. Fives was on his feet, pacing back and forth in front of the room, his eyes only leaving the windows briefly at every pass. His bucket was resting on the ground near the captain’s.
When the two caught sight of Nines and Cody approaching, Rex made to stand, but the commander gave him a sharp look. “Sit down, Rex.” The captain slumped back down on the bench, where the commander soon joined him. “What’s the word?”
“There hasn’t been any kriffing word,” Fives growled, still pacing.
The commander’s brows scrunched. “It’s been over an hour.”
“I know,” Fives shot back with far more force than Nines would ever use towards a commander.
But Cody took it in stride, barely reacting to the added bite in the ARC’s words. He just nodded and leaned back against the wall like Captain Rex, whom he asked, “Have you both been looked over?”
The captain nodded. “Yeah, we’ve been cleared.”
Nines watched Fives pacing back and forth. He hadn’t gotten much of a chance to talk to Echo or Fives before the whole strike team went into carbonite. But, clearly, Fives needed a distraction. Nines had been around long enough, battle after battle, to recognize that.
He took a step forward, clearing his throat. “Hey, uh… Fives. What was it you were telling me about before we left? That… number group?”
Fives paused in his pacing, and some of the stress on his face replaced by slight confusion, then recognition. “Right. Yeah.”
The captain raised an eyebrow at them both. “Number group? Fives, how many people are you gonna tell about those guys?”
“Well,” Nines began, “he had a good reason. I’m CT-9999. Nines, sir.”
The captain chuckled. “I see.”
“Yeah, he didn’t get much out before we had to go under. Anything else I should know about these guys?”
Fives finally stopped pacing and sighed quietly, looking over through the medbay windows. “Yeah, okay.” He rubbed his eyes, his shoulders lowering as some of the fight left his system. It appeared he’d realized Nines was only trying to take his mind off his injured brother, and was giving in to the plan.
“Why don’t you get cleaned up while you’re at it, Fives,” Captain Rex told him, and despite the wording, it wasn’t a question.
“Echo’s not going anywhere,” the captain said, cutting off Fives’ protests. “I’ll stay here, and I’ll comm you the second I hear anything.”
Fives sighed again. The captain had won, Nines knew. The ARC trudged over to collect his helmet from the floor by his captain’s boots. As he straighted up, the captain caught the back of his neck and pressed their foreheads together long enough to murmur something inaudible. Nines knew it wasn’t for him to hear anyway. But Fives nodded when he was released, and even Cody reached up to pat his chestplate. Huh.
“Food first or shower first?” Nines asked when he walked over to him. “‘Cause I’m starving.”
“Yeah, me too,” Fives admitted. “But, I think I wanna get the stink of that place out of my armor before I try eating anything.”
After a fast shower, even by GAR standards, Nines found Fives sitting on the floor outside the ‘freshers in just his blacks and boots with his kit and a wet cloth, in the middle of wiping off the worst of the grime from the mission. He had paused, however, and was now fiddling with his wrist comm. Nines sat down next to him with his own kit to do the same.
“Any news?”
“No, I just remembered something…” Fives replied, clearly occupied. Finally, his comm blinked green as it connected with someone else’s. “Loops?”
There was a hesitant answer. “Fives…? Why can you comm me while I’m in hyperspace?”
Fives smiled triumphantly. “Don’t worry about it. Are you busy right now?”
“I mean… it can wait an hour or so. Why?”
“You wanna pop down to the mess hall for a bit?”
There was a pause. “Are you onboard?”
Loops stuttered out a few indignant syllables before demanding, “Did we just haul ass across hyperspace to pull you out of The Citadel?”
“Well, not just me, but yeah. Thanks, by the way, for whatever small part you played in getting us the hell out of there.”
“What in the nine hells were you doing in The Citadel, Fives?”
Fives rolled his eyes. “Can you just meet me in the mess and I’ll tell you?”
Another pause. “Fine, but I’m not happy about it.”
Even if Fives hadn’t filled Nines in on who Loops was on their way to the mess hall, it would have been fairly obvious by the large eight tattooed on his cheek, much the way Fives’ tattoo was obvious. Loops was CT-8888, and his face only dropped its suspicious scowl at Fives when Nines introduced himself.
“Nines? Really?”
“Hey, I said we could get our hands on him,” Fives said around a mouthful of rations. He and Nines had gotten their food and found a table before Loops had shown up.
“Yeah, and the commander said he’d be dead by the end of the mission,” Loops shot back across the table.
Nines raised an eyebrow. “Well, I’m not dead…”
“Which is wonderful,” Loops assured him.
“And… which commander?”
Loops looked at Fives, who took the opportunity to take a long drink. “You didn’t tell him about the commander?”
When he finished, Fives shrugged, wiping his mouth and smiling. “I think it’s better when you find out organically.”
“Maker, you and Sevenset are two of a kind,” Loops said, shaking his head. “Hey, where’s Echo?”
“Is he okay?”
Nines watched the shadow of worry fall across Fives’ face, but he seemed to shake it off. “I don’t know yet.”
Loops dipped his chin, looking sympathetic. “Oh. I’m sorry.”
Fives tried to give an assuring smile, but it didn’t quite land. “Yeah, well… it’s not gonna kill him. So.” He poked the remaining cubes of food on his tray with his fork.
His friend nodded, understanding that, sometimes, injuries weren’t so straightforward to fix. Clones had been decommissioned for some pretty mundane reasons, and everyone knew it. “Well, hey,” he said, “you’re both alive, and so is Nines. You can prove the commander wrong if nothing else.”
“Well, you’ve got a point there.”
“Do you wanna do that now, or…?” Loops asked, slowly raising his wrist comm and opening a text channel.
“We’re in hyperspace,” Nines reminded him.
He frowned, putting his arm back on the table and resting his chin on it. “I hate hyperspace.”
Nines could understand. Usually, he was too busy to complain, but now he was a bit at odd ends. But before he could voice his commiseration, Fives’ comm pinged, and a second later, Fives sprang up from the table, food and tray almost forgotten.
“That was Rex, I gotta go,” he said, already hurrying away to deposit his tray before dashing out the door.
Loops had made no move to follow him, and Nines knew there would be no room in the medbay for them regardless. “Hope it’s good news,” Loops said. Nines nodded.
Fives skidded to a stop, narrowly avoiding crashing directly into Rex in front of Echo’s room in the medbay. Rex grabbed his upper arms to help him stop.
“What is it? What happened?” Fives demanded, only just noticing the Wolfpack medic standing by. He looked regulation except for a large geometric tattoo on the left side of his neck.
“Take a breath, Fives,” Rex told him. “This is Bolt, he was just about to tell us.”
Bolt gestured them into the room, allowing Fives to move past him to stand next to his twin. Echo was still unconscious, although Fives didn’t know if that was because of the extent of his injuries or because of something the medics had done. A blanket was drawn up to his chest, his arms laid out at his sides. His right arm was swathed in bandages almost to the shoulder joint, and Fives could see by the outline of his right leg that it was wrapped up similarly. He reached over to put a hand on his brother’s head, feeling some of the tension he’d still been carrying fade as he ran gentle fingers through his brother’s hair.
“So, how is he?” Rex asked.
“Why is he still unconscious?” Fives added.
Bolt folded his arms, tucking his datapad under one arm. “He’s medically sedated. The burns on his leg are extensive and severe, and it’s better for him to be unconscious for the pain. Most of the time we spent today was getting his leg out of his boots and blacks. They’d melted on in some places. There are some third-degree burns around his knees and ankles where his armor didn’t protect him, but for the most part, they’re all second- and first-degree.”
“But his--it’ll all heal, right?” Fives wanted to know. Batchmate aside, Echo was his partner on the field. He needed to know Echo could still be that, or else Jesse might be getting a bit of informal ARC training to make up for it.
The medic nodded. “It should heal. There might be some nerve damage that will take longer than the rest, but it should be a functional result. Whatever surgeries or grafts will be minor, which is good. As soon as we come out of hyperspace, I will contact your medics, Captain, and let them know to have a bacta tank ready for him when you arrive.”
Rex nodded back, and Fives could see a similar shedding of worries from his shoulders. “Thank you.”
“It’ll still be a couple months until he’s ready for action, but he should be able to return to full duties eventually.” He unfolded his arms and moved towards the door. “You can stay as long as you want.”
Fives nodded, his focus back on Echo now the medic was done. He didn’t notice the captain moving until Rex’s hand landed on his shoulder, and he looked over. “Have a seat. I know you’re gonna be here a while.”
An empty supply crate had appeared behind him. He sat, his hand moving to grasp his brother’s. “I thought I was gonna be the one getting hurt doing something stupid like that.”
Rex breathed a short laugh. “Yeah. Well. Good on you for pulling him out like that. Ascension cable--don’t think I would have thought of that one.”
A tiny smile appeared on Fives’ face. “Guess the ARC training was good for something.”
“Mm… I think that was more Domino training than ARC training.” Rex ruffled Fives’ curls. “Maybe get some sleep while you’re keeping him company, okay?”
He didn’t have any arguments for that. Once Rex was gone, however, he stood up so he could lean over Echo to put their foreheads together, resting his left hand on the side of his brother’s face. He remained like that for a short moment, where he could feel his brother’s slow, even breaths across his face, and to finally let it sink in that Echo was okay. That explosion had been terrifying to watch, and the sight of Echo’s body landing limply on the ground on the end of the cable would have debilitated Fives before ARC training. Then again, they wouldn’t be ARCs if they didn’t have the potential to be better than themselves.
Echo was okay. That was the important thing.
“You’re gonna be right as rain in a few,” he murmured before moving to kiss the spot where their heads had touched. “And I’ll be there the whole time, okay?”
He pulled the crate a bit closer to the bed before he sat back down so he could lay his arms down and rest his head on top of them. He took Echo’s hand in his own, tucked their clasped hands against his cheek, and closed his eyes. Sleep wasn’t far behind.
high fives: guess who’s not dead commander
RedBoiiiii: FIVES!!!! YOU’RE OKAY!!!
DEATH: what do you want, a medal?
high fives: already have one, thanks
Leafs: is everyone else alive too, or just you
Double Trouble: YOU LIVE!!! Now do we get all the goss about the mission??
Leafs: do si do you are a hazard to the gar
Double Trouble: why thank you trees <3
high fives: anyway nines is *also* alive
RedBoiiiii: NINES??
Loopy: and so is echo
d0nut man: oh good nox and pixel were worried about their “handprint buddy”
high fives: that’s adorable he’ll be glad to hear it
DEATH: Where is your plus one?
high fives: … medbay
high fives: also sevenset, i sent you nines’ comm code? didn’t you get it?
RedBoiiiii: oh whoops hang on
d0nut man: what happened to echo???
Leafs: is he okay?
high fives: he got caught in an explosion, got some nasty burns. he’s still in bacta for another half-day, but the medics seem pleased with the progress so… yay?
Double Trouble: damn i’m sorry that sounds awful
RedBoiiiii: nu ;-; fives that sucks but i’m glad the medics are keeping an eye on him
Loopy: yeah that’s good to hear
Loopy: sevens did you get nines in here yet i wanna say hi to my number neighbor
Orangio: hello i’m nines
Orangio: please tell me i can change my own name here
Loopy: nines! hiiii, yeah you can change it
high fives: hey nines
Leafs: welcome to the madness
Double Trouble: we’re not *that* bad :)
d0nut man: … arguable, but welcome anyway
Double Trouble: >:(
DressedtotheNines: thanks guys
Submarine: sorry to hear about your batcher, fives. hi nines
RedBoiiiii: IS THAT FOURS???
Loopy: fours!!
Submarine: yeah sorry i’m not here a lot, but i read all of it
RedBoiiiii: no apologies!! only love!!
Double Trouble: yeah there’s no pressure to use the chat, don’t worry about it
DressedtotheNines: so if i happen to get good footage of cmdr cody like spin kicking grievous or smth, you guys want to see that, yeah?
RedBoiiiii: YES
high fives: pleeeaassseee rex hoards his footage the bastard >:(
d0nut man: i would like to see it
Submarine: yeah me too. general mundi is… he doesn’t do that
DEATH: i’ll bet i could get cadet pictures of cody from some of the alphas
DressedtotheNines: commander death sir i would be honored to help blackmail him for you if you ever need it
DEATH: noted
RedBoiiiii: wait
Double Trouble: anyone else see that
DEATH: no and while you’re at it kriff off
RedBoiiiii: nines you are magical
DressedtotheNines: ………… cool
I love these lads so much :) @darth-void @23-bears @theultimatesandwich @nintendolover13 @peacefulwizardfox @glubtheflyingfish (lmk if you don't want to be tagged anymore 👍 or if you'd like to be tagged in the future!)
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a deeper understanding (sokka x reader)
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You sat up from a rough nights sleep, rubbing your blurry eyes. You slowly stood, being cautious as to not disturb anyone else, and made your way towards Appa, staring at you with his big eyes, earning a soft chuckle from your lips. You gently pressed your hand to his furry cheek after feeding him and turned your head to the side, to where the others were still sleeping. Creeping over to where Sokka lay, you knelt down and searched for the bag of food, finding a few pieces of fruit within the bag. Picking out a peach, you turned back around to find Momo sat in front of you, his ears sticking up at the sight of what was in your hand. You smiled.
“Be careful of the stone in the middle.” Whispering, you passed him the peach and walked past his tiny frame.
Strolling through trees and bushes, you tried to find the body of water that you remembered was not too far. After a while, you found yourself at the beach, but also found that you were no longer alone on this island. As you peeked around a tree, you saw a ship, with a red flag flapping high in the air. Shoot. Who were they and why were they here? You decided it wasn’t as important as getting back to the others, so you ran right back to where you had previously came from.
“Guys! Quickly.” Pant. “We,” pant. “Have to leave.” You breathed heavily as you collapsed into Sokka’s embracing arms. What you said had earned many questions from the others as you looked back, catching your breath.
“Y/N, what do you mean we have to leave? What happened to you?” Katara asked in a motherly tone, while Toph, Aang and Sokka looked at you with worried looks.
“There’s fire nation soldiers here.” You gulped as Toph knelt and pressed her hand to the floor.
“And they’re close.” She stood back up as Sokka disappeared from your side, only for him to reappear a few moments later, with his boomerang on his back, like usual, his sword in one hand and your spear in the other. You gently took it away from him, squeezing his hand swiftly before a flame erupting from the bushes.
The person who came through was a boy, older and taller than all of us, who wore a uniform of various shades of red lines with gold, paired with a ponytail and a scowl. You winced at the distinctive blemish on his face; a scar covering the majority of the left side of his face. His eyes were angry and vengeful, and pained. The older boy lunged at your bald friend, which caused Aang to -using his staff- hit him backwards with a harsh wind. You, Sokka, Toph and Katara focused the other soldiers who had followed the scarred boy through the greenery. You looked behind you at your arrow-headed friend in concern, and ran to help him, along with Katara, as the fire boy roared, shooting orange-yellow flames in Aang’s direction. 
You stood opposite the boy as Katara checked on Aang, a few feet behind us. He fired at you numerous times, but you managed to dodge each big blast, obtaining a frustrated groan from your opponent. He shot many more times, with hardly any care at all, and it was easy for you to avoid all of his attacks. As fire left his fist, you ducked quickly and swiped his legs with your spear, him landing with a loud thud onto his back. 
Sokka high-fived the blind girl after defeating the other soldiers, just between the two of them. He glanced over to you, watching you move so swiftly in complete awe. He felt his cheeks burning up just watching you.
As non-benders, you had always had a deeper understanding of each other. You were both from the Southern Water Tribe and your family had always been close with Gran-Gran. You had always took a liking to Sokka and were afraid whenever he spoke to you whenever you were little. He was a couple of years older and had always found you adorable when you got nervous around him.
Six years ago
“Gran-Gran! I made you a fruit pie!” You expressed as you rushed into her house, holding a colorful pie in your outstretched arms. You stood, waiting for her in the lounge area. Suddenly a familiar, dark, pretty looking boy came out from around one of the corners. He seemed about two years older than you, but you couldn’t exactly tell.
“Hey!” A brilliant smile appeared on his face, and you backed away towards the door, pulling the pie in towards your chest. You didn’t know him, but you had seen him before. He’s the one who -tried to- train the little toddler boys. You had watched him a few times, and had always felt bad for him as he never actually got anywhere with any of the children. 
“It’s okay,” he proceeded. “Are you here to see Gran-Gran? Do you want me to go get her?” He had a cute smile and dark skin. His eyes were a light shade of blue, like the sky in the early morning and he wore his dark hair in a short ponytail. His frame was larger than yours and although he was quite skinny, his arms were quite muscly. 
You nodded once, slowly, in response to the boy and watched him disappear behind the very corner he came from. He came back a few minutes later with Gran-Gran, standing behind her.
“Y/N!” Gran-Gran spoke happily, smiling at you. You held the pie out to her, grinning widely in pride. “Sokka, put this somewhere safe.”
A small girl entered the room behind Gran-Gran and the boy she called Sokka. She was about your age and she looked similar to Sokka, only she had beautifully long, dark hair which she wore in a long plait down her back with loopies around her ears. She smiled at you warmly, and you smiled back politely.
“Y/N, these are my grandchildren, Sokka and Katara. Katara is eight, like you and Sokka is ten. Since your parents will be travelling for a few days, you will be staying here, with us. ” Gran-Gran explained as you nodded. The young girl, Katara, moved forward to speak to you.
“Hi, Y/N! I’m Katara and I’m very excited to have you here with us for a while. I hope we can be friends!” She immediately hugged you, to which you were skeptical of but accepted nevertheless. You saw Sokka stood opposite you and as he caught your eye, he pulled a funny face, making you laugh, to which he smiled in return.
Sokka watched you intently, weaving in between each of Zuko’s attacks. It was pathetic really, how effortlessly you moved, how hard Zuko was trying. He was so proud of you. And he was proud of himself, as he should be. After all, he did train you personally after you had nagged him none stop for about three months.
Two Years Ago
“Come on, Sokka!”
“No, Y/N.”
“Please! What will take?”
He turned around to face you. “No. It’s too dangerous out there, you could get seriously hurt!”
“I’m more likely to get hurt when I don’t know how to defend myself!”
He looked away and scowled, knowing you were right, groaning. “Fine.”
After a few months of training, you and Sokka had participated in sparring matches against each other, like most masters did with their students.
“Sokka!” You called, confused at why he had walked out of one of your many practices. “What is wrong with you?” Grabbing his shoulder, you turned him to face you.
“You threw me around like a rag doll! I should have never agreed to training you.” He sat on a near bench, putting his head in his hands. “I’m just a failure.”
“Hey, don’t you dare even say that!” You sat beside him, cupping his cheek in your hand, looking into his eyes. “Everything I learnt was from you. Everything I did, I learnt from you. You’re a great fighter Sokka, and you’re only fourteen. I only wish I could be as good as you. You are amazing, I promise.”
Your eyes widened as you felt soft lips press against yours. Quickly, you felt him pull away and stare at you, a pink hue to his cheeks. You smiled and pressed your lips back against his.
“I am so proud of you.” 
“And I, of you, Y/N.”
The scarred boy growled, spinning his legs around to create a blazing ring of fire. You jumped, but miscalculated and fell on your back, blinking to see the boy stood over you, fire erupting once again from his fist, aimed at you. You closed your eyes, whimpering in fear, sweat dripping down your forehead. You heard a shriek of your name, followed another loud thud intertwined with two groans of different pitches. Katara, Toph and Aang helped you up, you clutching to them for support, looking over to the boy in red only to see Sokka lay underneath him. You scrambled to grab your spear as the boy smirked at Sokka and pulled his arm back. You threw your spear at the boy, managed to rip through his clothes and pin him to a tree just behind him, letting Katara cover his body and the tree in ice, so he couldn’t move.
“Nice one, Katara.” You smiled, running to Sokka to help him up. You grabbed your spear, smiling sarcastically at the tree boy.
“Nice try, ponytail.” You walked away and climbed up the side of Appa, being helped onto the saddle by Sokka, Appa ascending immediately after. “Thank you, Katara, for keeping him against the tree.”
“Hey! What about me? I’m the one who saved your life from the dreaded Zuko.” Sokka pouted at you, a few centimetres from your face, earning a giggle from you.
“Oh, Sokka! My hero!” You grinned, planting a smooch on his cheek, making him blush fiercely. You giggled again, pulling him into a hug. “Thank you.” Your face turned stern. “But don’t you dare ever do that again. In saving my life you could’ve lost your own. I would never forgive myself.”
“No promises.” Sokka grinned cheekily, rubbing the back of his neck.
“You two are gross.” Toph laughed and stretched her body out, crossing her leg over the other. 
You and Sokka smiled at each other as he put his arm around your shoulders gently, before you left another soft kiss on his cheek.
“So who was that guy, anyway?”
my masterlist (requests open!)
A/N : sort of an au where toph is with gaang in book1 cus i imagined book1 zuko but idc dude my love for sokka is too much to not make an imagine about him so i hope u enjoy and thanks to any1 who reads this ur an angel xo p
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