#but I wish you the best of luck!!
birues · 6 months
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"After all, the path I once walked is now yours to finish."
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spn stop having interesting things happen challenge; impossible.
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malbenita · 2 years
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Girls are heh
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wishjacked · 1 month
HEY GUYS! just wanted to shout out the @spiderforestcomics anthology that's currently on Kickstarter!! Here's the link. The prompt for this one is "immortal", all the comics in it center on that theme somehow. :)
It literally only has HOURS left and it's still rather far from the goal! I've backed these anthologies in the past and they're so fun, they've been a good way for me to introduce some of my friends to short comics and webcomics. Here's a couple of comic previews...
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The Silence at the End of the Universe by Phineas An immortal being realizes that the universe around them is dying.
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He Got Better  by Jacki Crabbng Bon can't die. How is he sure? (that Dumb Ways to Die song starts playing really aggressively in the background)
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Little Light by Toby The sun makes a friend. This comic is set during the prehistory of Toby's webcomic, which has a kind of DnD inspired setting, and I think it's such a fun idea to mash prehistoric and fantasy settings together!!
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Good Luck Cat by Kaija Harrison A musician realizes her shockingly long-lived cat will likely outlive her and asks for help in finding her a new home.
Also, if you end up wanting to grab one of the tiers that includes their previous anthologies, I super recommend the Haunted anthology, that's my favorite one that I've read so far!! (Here's one of the comics from that anthology, so you can see the kinds of comics that their anthologies often have :D)
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clownsuu · 1 year
Synth called you out for your howdy sins on a live
How do you feel?
LMAOOO Tbf Synth called me out other times, but it’s all lighthearted fun (ihopeJFGFG)
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lusi-raul · 10 months
Ohhh I feel so bad for the qsmp english updates account after tomorrow. They dealt with Badboy freakin halo and now they have to deal with Tubbo too. Poor admin/s won’t get any sleep at all lolololol.
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moonpaw · 3 months
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I love unhinged women
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bloggingboutburgers · 1 month
Sorry I'm new to this blog and I really appreciate what you're putting out here. Makes me feel seen. How did you meet your QPP? I wish I had one. Sorry if this is personal, ignore if it is..
You're all good, no worries! We bonded over a shared fandom originally, we collabed on art quite a bit and DM'd a whole lot on the side. And then about a year and a half after we e-met they asked me if I'd want to be in a QPR and that's how it went down. We're still long distance to this day but we make sure to visit each other when we can!
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fuyuesu · 10 months
ngl when we first met i thought you were a he/him lesbian (bc my brain assumes that only lesbians can use any pronoun ever obviously, this isn't just a you thing it's a me problem) and i kinda liked you. congrats on being gay though i love that for you
i genuinely dont know what to say to this ask. i think i want to print this out and frame it on my wall
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cerise-on-top · 6 months
Could I request gn reader, who happens to be insecure about wearing feminine clothing, asking the 141 (+Laswell) if they would be willing to wear a dress with them?
(Take as much time as you need, don't overwork yourself lovie! Your writing is always the highlight of my day- I love it so much!! ❤️)
Hello! Thank you for reading my silly little writing, I always try my best! Wearing feminine clothing can be a bit rough, I get it, but I'm cheering you on, anon ✧。٩(ˊᗜˋ )و✧*。 I hope you'll feel more comfortable soon, because clothing like that can be absolutely adorable! Either way, thank you for the request, I hope it's to your liking!
TF141 and Laswell Wearing a Dress with GN!Insecure!Reader
Price: It would start out simple: You’d ask him to wear a dress with you and he would immediately say no. Dresses are simply not his style, he knows he would never look good in one. Besides, would there even be any in his size? A dress to accommodate someone as big and burly as him? He doesn’t think so, and he doesn’t think he’d feel comfortable in one either. It would take your heartbroken eyes, almost quivering voice, that would make him consider otherwise. He’ll apologize for being so harsh with you and will try to get his point across, he’s just not a dress guy. You’d need to explain your own situation to him, that you want to feel more comfortable wearing feminine clothing and you thought having someone to wear something along the lines of that with you would help. Go into detail, if you have him considering and weighing his options for up to a minute, followed by a deep sigh, you know you’ve won. Your happiness seems to even be over his own comfort. However, he will not wear a dress in public, only at home. He’s a captain and does have the mindset that something like a dress isn’t for guys like him. Not that he has a problem with guys wearing dresses, god knows he’s caught Gaz and Soap wearing them before, but he has a reputation to uphold. Whichever dress it ends up being, you’re the one to choose it since he has no idea what would fit someone like him in the first place. The only wish he has is that it ends up being beige or any other kind of brown. It’s what he’s used to the most. While it would take quite some time to get him to dress up the first time, he’s more willing after that. He does feel embarrassed to be wearing a dress, but it isn’t as bad as he thought it would be. Give him a heartfelt compliment about how good he looks and you’ll get him to blush.
Gaz: Although he’s only ever worn dresses as a joke, he does quite like the aesthetic of them. As mentioned previously, he and Soap have dressed up before simply because they felt like it and wanted to see if they would look good in a dress. So, yeah, he actually owns two or three dresses that he thinks fit him quite well, even though he never told you that. So don’t be surprised if he suddenly leaves the room and comes back with two dresses in his hands. You can choose which one he should wear, one is simply black and the other one is a pretty yellow. His favorite is the black one since it’s a bit more flowy and doesn’t hug his curves as much as the yellow one, but both look good on him. So, you don’t particularly need to explain your situation to him for him to be on board. Will make it a competition on who looks better in feminine clothing, even if he insists you always win. You’re just too pretty and beautiful to pass up. Considering he’s comfortable enough in his masculinity to do traditionally feminine things as well, he will pose for you if you ask him to, just to show off. He may not go out too far in public, your garden is probably as far as it goes, but if you really like seeing him in dresses then he might even consider a cute skirt as well. Anything to make you feel more comfortable in your skin. This guy is pretty flexible, if you’re roughly the same size and your dresses fit him, then he might wear them as well just to show you how good they look. Overall he really hypes you up, tries to do what he can to make you happy. After all, if someone like him, a sergeant in the SAS, can look good wearing feminine clothing, then so can you. 
Ghost: He raises an eyebrow upon hearing that suggestion. Why? He’s not as opposed as Price, but he wants to hear a good reason as to why someone like him, 1,95m with muscles to match, should wear a dress. Once you explain the situation to him, he’ll sigh, but comply. He doesn’t own a dress, he never even thought he’d find one that would a) fit him and b) look good on him. You’d probably need something tailored specifically to him since he’s a very broad guy. Once you’ve got something for him, though, he’s not particularly picky. You want him to wear a pink strawberry dress? Sure, why not. Very nonchalant about it, this is more about you than him, after all. Although it would look interesting, he’d go for a sleeveless dress since that way he won’t have to worry about him accidentally flexing the sleeves off. It likely wouldn’t be too easy to find something like it, but he would prefer a flowy dress as well, not everyone needs to see how well defined he is. Would probably like a small motif on the dress as well, nothing too big or exciting, though. Once he’s wearing that dress, he would check himself out in the mirror, wanting to see how he’d actually look. He wouldn’t look too bad in that dress, but then again, he’s a rather handsome man in general. While he would hope for you to agree that he doesn’t look too terrible, he wouldn’ take it to heart if you disagreed with him. Once you’re wearing a dress yourself, he’d probably blush a bit. It’s a rather unusual sight, but you look so good in one, it’s unbelievable. Ghost may not normally be the most touchy person, but he would offer his hand to you to help you with spinning around. He wants to see you from every angle, see just how lovely you look.
Soap: He has experimented with dresses before as well, just to goof around with Gaz, but he never would have thought he’d ever wear one again. He didn’t keep his dress, he gave it to Gaz and left it at that. So it was a bit surprising when you came up to him and asked him to wear a dress with him. He’d give you a goofy grin and ask you why, a bit nervous. Would you just make fun of him, being a guy who has worn a dress? As soon as you explain your reasoning, he calms down a bit and is down. He even takes more of an active role when you go dress shopping together, asking you if this and that would look good on him. Soap simply picks out something he likes, tries it on if it would fit, and takes it home if there’s no discomfort. If it was up to him, he’d go for something with frills, something big and exciting that would draw the attention of just about anyone. However, he couldn’t find something like that when he went shopping with you, so he opted for something smaller that hugged him nicely. Once he wears that dress, the only complaint he has about it is the fact he hadn’t shaved his legs, other than that he checks himself out in the mirror even more thoroughly than Ghost. He needs to know how hot he is in a dress, and you should tell him that as well. He isn’t uncomfortable at all and will walk throughout your home as though he was a model on the walkway. Laughs a bit when he sees his muscles bulging through the sleeves, but is still careful to not tear them. As soon as you walk in, his eyes are glued on you and he tells you just how gorgeous you look, how you should absolutely wear dresses more often than you do since you’re stunning and beautiful. He means all of it too, by the way, so it’s not just empty talk. You wearing a dress does something to him.
Laswell: As one can imagine, she has also worn dresses before, but they’re not her favorite article of clothing. In fact, if she can avoid them, she will. Not that she’s insecure or anything, she just thinks she looks better in a jacket. Skirts aren’t her cup of tea either. While she’s been on covert ops where she had to wear them, she’s glad she usually doesn’t have to. However, she isn’t entirely opposed to wearing them, so you can walk up to her just about any time and ask her to wear a dress with you. Might be a bit miffy when she’s wearing a dress in public, but your comfort comes first. She’s pretty good with fashion, so she can actually help you find something that looks very good on you, as well as on her. She’s so sweet about it too, giving you tips and showing you tricks on how to make it fit better and how to feel more comfortable. Since she’s not the tallest, most muscular person, it’s not too hard for her to find something. She would go for something with sleeves since it’s a bit warmer that way. If possible, she would go for something matching with you. Something flowy and nice that won’t make you too uncomfortable for the time being. When you’re wearing your dress, she’ll compliment you first and foremost. Laswell is good with words, so she’ll know exactly what to say to ease your anxiety. But even if you can’t shake off your discomfort immediately, don’t worry too much about it. If it makes you feel better, then Laswell will wear dresses with you more often so the both of you can get used to it. You’ll grow desensitized to it eventually, but it’s important to start small. Besides, if you really want to start wearing feminine clothing, Laswell will support you. She has the money to buy or tailor you just about anything, so the cutest, prettiest clothing will be yours if you allow her to get it for you.
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go6jo · 9 months
Okay so you don't have to but I'm a pre-med student and the pressure is kicking my ass and I need some geto comfort content😍
So could you please write something in which the reader has been feeling super overwhelmed because of people's expectations of them but has been trying to suppress it to not breakdown and one day is triggered by something and when geto asks how they are, they breakdown completely and geto comforts them?
i don't think you'd ever reach the point of a full blown meltdown with suguru. he's so in tune with you and your emotions, he knows you so well he can almost read through you like an open book, he notices the small changes in your behaviour, knows every telltale sign of your frustration, takes note of the plate of fresh fruit he cut for you left untouched besides you on the desk, notices how even though you barely even finish your food nowadays, whenever you slip into bed next to him, you always ask him to rub your tummy to sleep, complaining about a stomach ache that just doesn’t seem to go away - knows you're teetering on the edge of breaking down and is so cautious, so careful with you as not to push you over it. he never strays too far from you, in case you might need him, maybe you'd be sitting on the dining table studying for an upcoming exam and he'd notice your fingers tangled in your hair, unconsciously tugging on the hairs of your scalp and he'd sit down next to you, quietly because he doesn't wish to disrupt you from your profound state of concentration, and slide his hand into yours, to hold it, rubbing circles with his thumb on the back of your hand - he doesn't make a big deal out of it, rarely ever calls you out on your harmful habits, not out loud at least, he does his best to always intervene, though discreetly, and is very sly about it because he is afraid that if he acknowledges them, if he scolds you on it, upon your fragile state, he might be doing more harm than good, so he makes it his mission to soothe any stress you might have, to silently ease you into relaxing even if just a little, to comfort you and to be there for you. so suguru treats you so very delicately, like fine china, if he notices you trying to read through a whole textbook in one sitting, without taking breaks he will walk over to where you're seated, no words spoken, he will start massaging the tension that has started building up on your shoulders away, he does it slow and it's somewhat sensual and so so good, he's pulling small sighs of pleasure out of you and his touch is so soothing - he always knows just the right strings to pull - he's never invasive, you won't notice how he's slowly but surely coaxing you into leaving work aside, the book you'd been reading left abandoned opened on the table, long forgotten. you won't notice how easily you to turn to putty in his hands, he makes you submit so willingly that it seems like this was all your decision to begin with. and once he feels you start to relax into his touch, once he thinks you're pliant enough, once he has got you just where he wants, his hand inches closer and closer to your neck until it wraps itself around the front, and its gentle - his grip - yet a domineering gesture, pointer finger stretching to push against your jaw and force you to look up at him.
"have you eaten?" you don't answer. your head is leaning against his stomach, his fingers are kneading at your jaw and you think you might fall asleep. "baby." hes more assertive this time around, capturing your attention and forcing your eyes open.
"i'm studying, suguru." your voice melts away with every syllable, eyes growing heavy and body going limp against him - he has got you, hook, line and sinker.
"and i haven't seen you take a break today." suguru is your boyfriend, if you won't take care of yourself, he will. "you'll make yourself sick, pretty" so he pulls back the chair you're sitting on and he bends down to your level, stretching his arms open to beckon you into holding onto him, hoisting you up when you do.
he carries you to bed and sits you down on his lap, your legs circling his waist, the heel of your feet digging into his lower back and holding him flush against you. the palms of his hands start creeping up the skin of your thighs, then higher to your waist, gently stroking up and down your sides, up and down, then just the tip of his fingers, a touch so light, barely even there, brushing up and down, up and down. he stops only to reach for the back of his shirt and take it off, knows you like it better that way, when there is nothing in between the two of you, when you can press your cheek directly to his naked chest. then his hands are back on your body, feeling you up, massaging the muscles on your back, dutifully switching between a gentle touch and a firmer one, just languidly rubbing up and down your back until he feels your breath hitch when his fingers press against a particular sore spot on your body, which lets him know of a painful knot that might require his attention. and he always knows just the right spots to touch, the right pressure to apply because once he starts relieving the tension, that over the past few weeks has settled deep inside you, its not long until he begins to feel your tears on his skin, he never has to do much - just has to do it right - for you to let it all out, to open up to him.
"im so tired, 'ru."
you offer yourself to him so readily. he never has to beg you to let him in, it may take a little effort on his end but you always end up handing him the key to your heart on a silver platter.
"i know, baby"
"i don't think i can do this anymore." your voice is weak, it quivers as you sob quietly into the crook of his neck.
"yes, you can. you always do." he tries to hush you with a quick peck to your temple, soft fingers threading through your hair, unruly for, these days, you barely even took the time to brush it thoroughly "just lay here with me for a while and i'll make you feel better, yeah?"
and hes such a nerd, he would let himself fall backwards into the matress with you lying on top of him and hed tell you all about an article he recently read on how people store a lot of negative emotions on their hips and he'd just very soothingly knead on them for you, to try to gather if it's true, what he read, and maybe you'd cry a little bit more in his arms and he'd just press the most tender, lingering kisses to your temple and swallow the whines you let out in pain when his fingers dig a tad too deep into your flesh, or press down into a more sensitive spot. he's the best stress reliever.
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jazze-bee · 2 months
Ohh how long are/were in animation school!? I like animation and someday wish to pursue it
i'm in my second year and i've barely learned anything. though hopefully it'll be a good gateway into the industry.
I just taught myself how to animate by studying fan animations frame by frame and apparently it worked
Edit: lol sorry that was probably too mean. I'm further into my second year now and I'm making good connections and learning essential things about the industry workflow. The first year was just more relaxed to ease us into it :)
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jeeaark · 4 months
Honestly, your comics about the Emperor have really helped me parse my own complicated feelings about him. Because like, it's not as if I didn't want to trust him and find that good in him. There were times when I felt like I could see it. But as I played more, I just felt like that trust wasn't truly reciprocated.
Anyway, apologies for the rambling. Your art and comics are awesome, and Greygold is great.
I've been trying to think how to respond to this because I can RELATE but in a - beyond constructively sophisticated sounding words- way huar.
Because without -ANY- kind of hindsight, Zip Zilch NADA, this game is really REALLY good (OH SO GOOD) at portraying the Emperor as a very complicated and extremely-hard-to-trust character.
You are absolutely valid in feeling conflicted and confused with all the uncertain-in-between inner conflicts for this dingus of a squid.
Unlike Greygold, I, too, was absolutely struggling to find some form of strong evidence, validation, reassurance, SOMETHING FOOL-PROOF, to fully trust this illithid during the entire playthrough.
If it weren't for the bloodhound hunting need to find all that is lore in this game, BOY WOULD IT HAVE ALMOST BEEN NEAR IMPOSSIBLE TO TRUST THIS SQUID AT ALL for me. Those lil sneaky paper trail crumbs of 'emps just doing it's best' are what gave me enough hope to trust in spite of the overwhelming counter-lore, doubts, and Emps' terrible tact continuously just NOT HELPING IT'S CASE.
but Trust. Trust is, I suppose, the key theme for this squid. Classic 'ultimately down to your core values on what you would do with the most trust-issue-y morally grey squid to ever squid this damn squid game'.
Or as friggin' Withers likes to say: What is the value of one life to you? (friggin' Withers, man)
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imajinacxic888 · 3 months
6. Lucky
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Lucky is the soul who found their missing part.
The one that helps when they feel mischievous,
the one that is always there in times of need,
the one who is there to help them realize their wrongs,
the one whom they share a brain cell with.
Lucky is the soul who found, accept and accompany another
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aibouart · 2 days
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compilation of my other fav palette challenges from the years past... i should do them again sometime......
chara #9 belongs to @askbookwormflareon
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1shadowhole · 1 year
Things I find funny:
If you've been in the Merlin Fandom for several years you'll see that every so often someone starts a petition to get a season six. It's more or less a biannual event.
They have never been successful (duh), but they keep on coming.
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