#but I’m Me so yknow. I don’t get that
gh0stsp1d3r · 3 days
Rafe attempts to get in your pants. Again. After he got you kicked out
Pt 1
pt 2
Suggestive. MDNI
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It had been a few days, and John B had been thinking over his actions again and again. He regretted it, but then he didn’t. He didn’t know what to do in this situation, or what to feel.
Rafe, on the other hand, was loving how you depended on him right now. You had been distant, but Rafe would fix that. And of course he made sure you slept in the same bed with him, his bed. And today, he had managed to drag you outside, practically showing you off for all at the country club to see.
You had needed this money, though. John B and you were living off of stale food and barely running water. You had been so excited to show him, look, we can afford basic necessities now! But you didn’t even get the chance to tell him. You had sold your virginity, all for 2000 dollars. You were left wondering if it was worth it.
Rafe slowly realized, he had begun to fall in love. He didn’t even mean to. He hated every second of it.
He had been sweet for the past few days, you wondered why. Giving you space, letting you cry on his shoulder, kissing your tears and worries away.
He dragged you through the doors of the restaurant in the country club, sitting down with you. Some servers came up, and they turned to you. You ordered, looking back at Rafe now.
“Why’d you take me here?” You asked him suddenly, curious.
“I wanted us to start over.”
“Yeah, I- I mean I feel bad, and I just- just wanna get to know you. Like, actually know you.” He leaned back in his chair, manspreading as he did so. “I mean, I’ve seen you naked but-“
You scoffed, what a gentleman. Other than the fact it looked like he just rolled out of bed, his word choices were interesting.
“Sorry. But, yeah. I mean, if you’ll let me.” He shrugged nonchalantly, glancing up at the waiter who handed him his food before looking back at you.
You thought for a moment of what to say. “I- Rafe-“
“It’s okay if you don’t. I get it, you know?” He shrugged, grabbing his fork and beginning to eat, shrugging.
“It’s just that-“
“Nah, nah, I get it. I’m- I’m big bad Rafe cameron, right? That it? And you’re just a-“ he laughed. “Just a pretty lil-“
You squirmed in your seat, he didn’t say anything as he just shook his head and ate. You decided to do the same.
It was silent until you got in the bed next to him, he glanced at you before turning the light off.
“Well, if you’re gonna sleep in my bed you don’t gotta be so far all the damn time, yknow? I’m not- not fucking contagious or something.”
That led to you guiltily moving closer, him feeling up on you, his bulge pressed against your ass. Your eyes widened, not sure what to do as his hands roamed your body.
“R- Rafe.” You stuttered out, voice a whisper.
“Tell me to stop.” He spoke lowly against your ear, breath hitting the shell of it.
You didn’t. You couldn’t. Because no matter what, somehow, Rafe had already put his claim on you, and he wasn’t letting go anytime soon.
He chuckled when he didn’t hear you, and his hand slipped to under your waistband.
“So wet. This all for me?”
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tonyboneysblog · 1 day
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parings: hawks x mother!reader
wordcount: 2.8k
warnings: none!
summary: you, the mother of Fumikage Tokoyami, are just a simple nurse! Who caught the eye of a certain pro.
Truthfully, hawks was having an amazing day.
He could feel the peep in his step, and when he woke up he almost thought some upbeat pep song start playing because he felt like he was in a damn movie.
He almost skips over to Mirko when he sees her, big smile on his face.
Mirko looks over at him skeptically, “what’s got you in such a good mood?”
Hawks hums, “oh nothing, I was only kissed by a beautiful maiden last night around…I don’t know 12:47?”
Mirko smile suddenly drops as she looks towards hawks slowly.
Then she suddenly catches him in the most disgustingly tight hug, “you dirty dog- why didn’t you tell me immediately?!”
“It was spur of the moment?”
Mirko squeezes tighter, “I know for a fact you didn’t make the first move.”
Hawks chuckles and try’s to raise his hand in surrender.
“You know me, full of surprises”
Mirko drops his, “Alright since you won’t tell me the truth I’m going to his you terrible news”
Hawks raises his brows in curiosity, “and that is?”
Mirko sighs, “HPSC decided to call me since you apparently been AWOL all night…”
Hawks rolls his eyes, “what do they want with you, you don’t even work for them.”
“They wanted me to tell you that they needed your excellence immediately- something important apparently.” Mirko crossed her arms looking away from hawks.
Hawks hums, Mirko seems to be in deep thought but he doubts it about the “important” business that the HPSC wants with him.
Mirko pats hawks back, “you sure it was just a kiss last night, birdie?”
Hawks whips his head towards her, “w-what?! Of course I’m sure!”
“I mean- gone all night?” Mirko giggles- “was she really that-“
Hawks cuts Mirko off, “Stop talking.”
It’s not hawks fault he decided to have a good night sleep with his phone turned off.
And maybe on a different day then events would honestly even more romantic than you made.
But your son was also literally attacked by villains- hawks wouldn’t go all, “come on baby” after that.
Speaking of you and Fumikage, the two of your were in the same spot as yesterday.
U.A. had cancelled school for the week after the kids got attacked- even if they didn’t cancel you still wouldn’t allow Fumikage to go back.
You couldn’t tell if Fumikage was okay or messed up in the head. You’d assume they’d go over some type of mental check before they let Fumikage go frolic with hawks somewhere but it also U.A.
Sure it’s the best hero school- but maybe you should’ve made Fumikage go to Shiketesu instead.
Shiketesu kids don’t get attacked by villains almost everyday.
Fumikage was still sleeping next to you when you woke up on the couch, you were slowly hit with all the memories that happened the night before.
like kissing a pro hero.
moment of weakness? perchance.
You check your messages yet they aren’t any from him, he’s probably working anyways.
You called off for at least two days so you were able to keep an eye on Fumikage so you really don’t have an excuse to ignore a text from hawks if he sends one.
Well you’re a grown woman, face your “mistakes” Y/N!
pretty lady
good morning.
maybe it wasn’t a good idea to text hawks on the job- you don’t wanna distract-
bird boy
we’ll nevermind.
pretty lady
so about last night, I’m
sorry for yknow.
bird boy
kissing me?
bird boy
do it again.
bird boy
bird boy
shit how do I unsend messages
you start to giggle, well at least he doesn’t regret it? thought he doesn’t know how to use iMessage.
pretty lady
haha. It okay keep it there
bird boy
yes ma’am
bird boy
I’m abt to be in some meeting. ttyl?
pretty lady
bird boy
bird boy
sorry forgot you were a fossil
not funny, not even Fumikage calls you a fossil.
Aside from spending more time with Fumikage, your day has been quite boring.
and technically you haven’t been spending time with Fumikage because he’s been asleep the whole time.
Your heart aches with worry, Fumikage never really told you about the events yesterday- just that shadow took control.
You didn’t watch too much either, nor call U.A. Because you could already tell the media was ripping them apart just from looking at your timeline.
you know deep down that Fumikage will return to U.A. no matter how worried or how much you hate it. It is his dream school, he worked hard to get in.
You feel as if there’s something deeper affecting Fumikage- deep down in your bones.
And yeah maybe you’re slightly worried for the boy who was kidnapped.
Yeah, no way U.A. is surviving this.
But all you could really do now is focus on Fumikage and his feelings.
the following days were calm, hawks texted you at night mostly about random things or just his small thoughts.
One time he’s asked you if the moon were a rock or planet, he said he got in an argument with Mirko about it.
sadly he didn’t win it.
Fumikage was lounging on the couch, he would be out training but you begged him to rest.
even better news is that the boy who got kidnapped was found, saw the whole thing on the news too.
All might fought the big bad, and he won.
You never had the best opinion on All might but it’s also the number one hero so you can hate him too much.
You personally like best jeanist the most but you’d never tell poor hawks that.
Fumikage suddenly jumps when there’s a knock of the door, you pat his head in an attempt to console him then go to answer the door.
Imagine your surprise when you see the former number one and Fumikages homeroom teacher standing there.
All might smiles slightly, “Evening Ms. Tokoyami.”
you send a smile back, “evening, what bring you two here?”
All Might fiddles with a loose stand on his arm sling, “we came to discuss a matter with you, about Fumikage.”
“Please, come in then.” You open the door more to allow them into your home.
Fumikage perks up at seeing his teacher, “Mr. Aizawa?”
It was weird to see his homeroom teacher look so…clean?
All might and Aizawa sit on the couch infront of you a Fumikage.
“So, what is it that you need to speak about?” You say calmly.
Aizawa speaks up first, explaining on how they wanted to put the hero course students into dorms as some type of better protection.
it made your blood boil.
“So, will you allow Fumikage to-“
“No, I will not.” You reply curtly.
You can hear All Might whisper a small, “well that’s a first.” to Aizawa.
The silence is akward to say the least.
Alll scratches the back of his head, “is there a specific reason?”
“Would you like me to say it allowed, or put it in an email.”
“Preferably aloud?”
You breathe in deeply, “I don’t even know if I want my son in your school anymore. You’ve destroyed all my trust in this school- and if you think your protecting the students then your just plan wrong because the villains have infiltrated the school not once, but twice. Honestly I can’t even comprehend other parents agreeing to this.”
Fumikage messes with his hands anxiously, slightly embarrassed.
“Ma’am, we understand-“
You cut him off, “I seriously doubt that you under my perspective, you’re not a woman nor are you a parent- let only a parent on your own.”
Again the room falls into a tense silence.
until Fumikage speaks up, quietly.
“I think I would enjoy the dorms…”
You look over to Fumikage, surprise evident on your face.
Fumikage doesn’t look at you, “and I like U.A. too- all my friends are there.”
“Alright, then you can go.” You stay with a small smile directed at Fumikage.
“W-what? But you said-“
You grab Fumikages hand softly, “I can’t control what you want or what you do Fumikage. I’m not gonna force you stay here, you are your own person Fumi.”
All might sighs in relief, until you start talking again.
“But I’m not gonna retract anything I said, your school sucks in my opinion.” You sigh.
All might chuckles, “understood.”
You stand up and open the door for them, signifying that you wouldn’t really like them there anymore.
“Have a good rest of your day, Ms. Tokoyami.” Aizawa says as they leave.
When you shut the door you could almost hear all might a Aizawa sighing, almost like they just encountered a near death experience.
Maybe you could’ve been slightly kinder?
No, no, they deserved it.
Suddenly your phone dings with a text, from hawks more specifically.
bird boy
could I come over?
pretty lady
sure, something wrong?
He never replied though, hawks doesn’t actually ever ask to come over though.
Fumikage and hawks seems to be on alright terms as well, you noticed they both got the same drink when hawks dropped him off.
maybe they’re bonding?
Fumikage starts to tug at your shirt, something he never grew out of, holding his phone to you.
It was open to a text thread, someone named shoji.
“Can I go hang out with him?”
You hum, “yes- but come home early, you know I worry more cause of these villains.”
Fumikage pecks your cheek then runs out the house quickly.
well he’s sure excited to hang out with someone.
About ten minutes after you hear hawks knocking at your door, and when you open he looks…tired? exhausted?
“Hey mama bird.” His voice calls tiredly.
You usher him in and close the door, “everything okay?”
Hawks melts into the couch with sigh, “yeah, just a rough day- where’s Fumikage?”
You sit next to him, “He went out with a friend, did you wanna see him?”
“Nah, better he isn’t.” He chuckles softly.
Should you be worried about that?
You rest your head onto the back of the couch, looking at hawks.
“Why’s that?”
“cause I wanted to see just you.” He closes his eyes, he look tireder by the minute.
You giggle, “You can’t see me, your eyes are closed.”
“Close enough.”
You admire hawks features softly, you notice small bumps and nicks in his skin which are always edited out in the magazine.
Your eyes linger on the small marks near his eyes, you’ve always wondered if it were makeup.
So you check.
Your thumb runs over the marks, making hawks eyes squint softly before opening them.
“What’re you doing?”, He says with a mischievous manner.
“Just checking if they’re real.”
“Did I disappoint?”
you smile fondly, “no, never.”
Hawks analyzes every detail your face holds, every mark.
His smile fades, his eyes look heavy.
He grabs your wrist softly, moving them away from his face.
He looks at you as if you hung the stars.
He leans in, you can feel his breath ghost over your lips.
He hands ,which were ungloved prior, intertwine with your as he leans in.
His lips capture your own, his slightly chapped most likely due to always being in the sky.
He leans in farther, like he needs your kiss to breath, to live.
He needs the comfort of your lips to feel better, he needs to remember the taste, the feel, the smell of you.
The way your lips perfectly mold together like clay.
He feels like he’s flying, no cares in the world expect for you.
Hawks can feel your warm hands slip near his torso, his stomach flutters with butterflies.
You hold onto him, lovingly.
hawks places his free hand into your hair, pushing you closer to his lips.
You can hear a small coo coming from hawks, wonder if he chirps.
He loves the sensation, the feeling you give him.
He wants to stay in your warmth forever, he doesn’t wanna go back to the HPSC, he doesn’t want to do this new mission,
He doesn’t want to sneak into the league.
he just wants you.
Hawks hold you closer, like you’ll disappear until you have to come up for air.
The two of you breathe heavily, slowly coming back down from your little kissing high.
“date me.” He says breathlessly.
You cup his face with your hand, “y-
“What the fuck.”
You and hawks looks towards to door quickly.
“is that the number three hero..?”
only to find your poor son Fumikage and another boy.
mortifying is the only way to describe this situation.
Fumikage turns around to the boy, covering his eyes in what seems to be disappoint.
In return, hawks covers his eyes and retreats into you, covering himself with his wings.
You start laughing, so hard that you can feel your very own six pack growing in.
The boy, which you assume is shoji, starts laughing with you, “hey Fumikage, I didn’t know your stepdad was the number three.”
You laugh even harder, while hawks and Fumikage retreat further.
Later, when the embarrassment and laughter cleared, the four of you sat down at the dining table.
“I didn’t think you’d come home so early Fumi?”
shoji looks at Fumikage, “Fumi?”
“Well mother. I had to come back because I forgot my wallet- I did t know I’d come back and see some…some- some harlot sucking face with my mom!” Fumikages voice grows in pitch with each word.
Hawks gasps, “h-harlot?! And it wasn’t sucking face we didn’t even use tongue!”
Suddenly the table erupts as you sit back and watch.
“Disgusting- you’re illiterate and you can’t keep your hands off my mother!”
“I thought we were bonding Fumikage- remember when you gave me that drink?”
“I wasn’t even on the brink of dehydration?!” Hawks says confused.
The small spat continues as you look over towards shoji with an apologetic face.
It was the first time this kid met you and he saw you on a quite personal time…
Shoji throws you a small thumbs up, great kid already.
You can almost hear Fumikage start cawing at hawks.
You try to break up the fight, “Alright— calm down…”
Fumikage sits down and crosses his arms as hawks deflates back into the chair.
“Fumikage..I apologize for kissing on the couch…I’ll take it to my room next time.”
Fumikage squawks, “mom!”
You can see hawks ears go red, his wings puffing.
Fumikage points at him accusatorially, “I know what you’re thinking you…you- you womanizer!”
Hawks gasps dramatically, “I-I’m no womanizer- I happen to like your momma!”
“Point at him too dark shadow!” Dark shadow comes out chanting “womanizer” while pointing at hawks.
Shoji decides to join in as-well…and maybe you too.
hawks sighs in defeat, Fumikage cheers victoriously with shadow.
You expect him to start jumping up and down with shadow as well.
“Shoji- remove the criminal from my home!”
Shoji chuckles, “not doing that..”
You stand up and lead hawks out of the house, you can hear Fumikage and Shoji laughing.
Hawks sits down on the stairs, you sit with.
Hawks sighs, “Not a womanizer.”
You giggle softly, patting his head.
Hawks stays quiet for a minutes wu til speaking up, “so, what’s your answer?”
“To what?”
His ears turn pink, “…d-dating me.”
“I’m surprised that’s even a question.”
“Is that a yes?”
You nod softly, smiling at hawks.
Hawks smiles with you, “can I kiss you again?”
“I’m afraid you won’t be able to stop.”
Hawks wraps his arms around you, “maybe, is that such a problem?”
Hawks leans in to kiss you softly, but you pull away.
“Why were you so upset when you came over?” You say while starting to rub soft circles on his hips.
“Not upset anymore.”
You sigh, “You don’t wanna tell me?”
“It’s not that…I just can’t tell you.” Hawks rests his head on your shoulder.
“Jus’ stressed out.”
You crane your head to kiss his temple, “would you like to spend the night?”
Hawks lets out a small laugh, “Fumikage wouldn’t like that.”
“He’ll get over it.” You push away from hawks slowly.
He laughs and follows you in the house, you point towards your bedroom then leave hawks to see Fumikage.
Hawks wanders into your room, it’s nice he thinks.
He removes most of his hero clothes until he realizes he doesn’t have another pair.
You won’t mind if he stole some of your wardrobe, right?
After done telling Fumikage goodnight, who was about to leave to walk Shoji home, you walk into your room to find hawks in your clothes.
how cute?
You make your way to the bed, welcoming its new found comfort.
Hawks seems to be sleeping until he snuggles into your neck, wrapping his arms and wings around you.
Looks like you won’t need a blanket at least?
hawks tries to sleep quickly, big day tomorrow.
infiltrating and gathering information on the league.
he hopes to god you don’t get hurt somehow.
would you be mad at what he’s doing? Or would you clean the blood of his hands.
would you spit on his face or kiss him until he couldn’t breath.
he’s scared for the answer.
Yet he continues to fall farther into you.
@lost-in-horrorland @boopjuice @validveenus @qardasngan @arminsarlerts @star-the-rabid-dog @bunni-teeth81 @lightsgore @portgasdbruh @camejlo-35 @marsbars09 @tharae514 @yoongiwantsme @kimahrii @pink-jello-fish @l1vvvvv @miy-svz @bumblebeebutter @lacunaanonymoused @emmmeoo
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chuckle-clips · 2 days
Schlatt: Yknow, I’ve always been the comic relief and you’ve always been the intelligent one of the podcast. 
Ted: So that’s an interesting thing— and this is a comedy podcast. 
Schlatt: Yeah. Yeah. You’ve always been the intelligent one. 
Ted: But you’re also calling me intelligent, which is interesting, so I don’t know how I feel about it. 
Schlatt: I think you’ve always just been the smart one of the comedy podcast. 
Ted: I think you’ve always— I think that I’ve always been the moral��� the moral compass. The center moral compass of the pod—
Schlatt: That’s a funny way to look at things. 
Ted: I’ve been the central, neutral, moral compass. When we lost Charlie, we lost the good side of the podcast. I’m the neutral side—
Schlatt: So I’m the bad side, is what you’re saying. 
Ted: Tucker’s just a Marine, so like— that’s not— we can’t even like put him on any sort of compass. 
Schlatt: So he’s inherently bad. 
Ted: You’re the chaotic evil side of the podcast. 
Schlatt: Yeah. 
Ted: So we’ve gone into a whole different zone. 
Schlatt: Evil? I am a nice— I’m a nice guy once you get to know me. 
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mochiwrites · 1 month
being so honest I don’t understand how people can expect you to be doing things constantly every single day. I’m supposed to be on summer break but my university expects me to send in 80 sources for my senior thesis by next week
the very thought of doing school work right now makes me want to cry. I can’t even open a blank document and start writing for my own fics. I can’t even engage in my own hobby right now because I’m so mentally exhausted. how can you expect me to do thesis work? I’ve hardly had a break since finals
my personal life has been an ongoing shitshow since last summer. and has only gotten worse in recent months. how can you expect someone to function in society when you throw one thing after another at them?
I’m so tired and done. but I have no choice other than pushing through it because that’s what’s expected of me! that’s exhausting
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vic-does-battlecats · 3 months
Minor spoilers for the already revealed chapters of the next A Starless Clan book Wind
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puppyeared · 11 months
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The garment, worn by those in good standing with Hyrule royalty, has been reworked with the latest improvements, such as a new shoulder guard.
#I miss my wife tails. I miss her a lot. I’ll be back#I love the champions leathers design but the story behind it is so sweet too like. she wanted to thank him so she went and#got some improvements added to it?? and she wanted to see his face when she surprises him with it hello?????#I think my favourite part is the half chest just for angst. I like imagining she was very particular about the armour placements#and had a chest piece added because yknow. right over the heart might I add#originally I wanted this to be more angsty but halfway through I was like wait this would completely miss the point#in my mind the armor isn’t just ‘I don’t want you to die again’ but also ‘I want to keep you safe as best I can’#in her diary she was like links armor is wearing down so you know what? I’m gonna add more armor to better protect him!!!#and with her upbringing in mind (and the conversation she had with him about whether he would still choose to be a knight if things were#different) she could have totally asked him to stop doing it altogether. but she made the armor for him instead#sidenote she also got to be a teacher and scholar like she wanted and that is so. dont look at me I’m crying#I don’t know if ANY of this makes sense I’m just rambling. yes I wear the champions leathers every chance I get why do you ask#btw if you squint the leathers chainmail and sweater are taken from the hylian armor chestpiece! slightly modified on the tunic but cool#my art#myart#tears of the kingdom#totk#totk spoilers#totk zelda#totk link#botw spoilers#botw#breath of the wild#loz#loz fanart#comic#tw blood#blood
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jinjofitzo · 2 months
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so i watched fpe
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rowanoftheunknown · 2 months
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“I hope I’ll find all the pieces of my mind that fell out of my head over all those years, and that I’ll be able to put myself together again. I hope the echoes of pain will fade, and memories of sorrow will die, and that you’ll visit me here some day…”
“And I hope you have a happy ending of your own.”
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manasurge · 2 months
I kinda wish the Sylvari got to have a festival. The four winds is Zephyrite, therefore human (with the Queen’s Jubilee being obviously human and taking place in DR). Halloween is more or less human originated too (mad king Thorn and now Joko, also who used to be human). Wintersday takes place in DR, tho I forgot what was up with the snowmen, but it’s in the main human settlement (with Asura as a secondary bc of the infinarium with Tixx playing a huge part and capitalizing on it lmao). Dragon bash seems to be the most neutral one, but I’m glad the Norn got to inherit this one by having it be in Hoelbrak (would be cool if they got their own unique festival, but I’ll give this half points at least. I’m not sure if the holograms are their doing or maybe collaboration with the Asura?). Lunar new year is in, again, DR, but this one is very understandable at least. And SAB is the the quintessential Asura holiday.
Kinda sad we don’t even get to really host anything either. I know they’re a young race, but it still makes me sad. If I misremembered anything don’t be afraid to remind me >>’ believe me, I want to be wrong about this haha.
So many of these take place in Divinity’s reach o|-<
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greenvillainredemption · 11 months
One thing I love about mutant mayhem is that Leo has a crush on an April who’s not conventionally attractive. It almost feels like, because of the turtles’ isolated upbringing* he hasn’t been influenced by the popular western beauty ideals and just thinks this ordinary human is beautiful! And I think that’s really cool! Because she is!
*though they’ve clearly been exposed to celebrities and other pop culture so ?? idk lol
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espighty · 4 months
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Scuffed-ass COTL height chart where I don’t even tell you their heights, I just show you how tall they are relative to each other. If they share an arrow they are basically the same height. Most normal followers can be expected to reside in the general area of ‘above lamb but just below Kallamar’.
This is also the most useless chart ever because I didn’t even show what most of ‘em look like body-wise ghhhh it’s ONLY relative height. I should be thrown in prison
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shepscapades · 7 months
When i very first started reading this I was really excited xisooma was in it but was a wee bit disappointed in how littel he was, BUT I TAKE IT ALL BACK YOUR SERVING ME SOME GOOD STUFF!! Like like him and doc prioritizing each other and him seemingly getting closer with him and eaaaahhhhhhh thanks :>>
EEP yeah!!! Yeah, I’ve very much fallen in love with xisuma throughout this process. It’s been a joy to have him so prominent in this part of the au, and I love him so much, so I must give him the special angst treatment >:]!! If this is any consolation, Xisuma strikes me as someone who doesn’t SEEM as strong or intimidating or scary as you might expect because of how soft he speaks and how kind he is and how DERPY he is, but throw him in a stressful situation and he does a total 180. Let me just say that, if it were anyone else being slammed to the ground like that by a blood thirsty corrupted android, they would not be doing so well. Xisuma is strong— way stronger than he lets on, imo. He’s holding Etho back from doing who knows what, and I think that’s plenty impressive. HES EVEN ASKING IF DOC IS OKAY WHILE HOLDING ETHO BACK!!! Idk man I have a lot of feelings about him
I’m also really happy people are noticing him and doc prioritizing each others’ safety. It’s really special to me 🥺 I just think they should be research partners who care a lot about each other!!! That’s all!!!
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luderailing · 1 year
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Lat 🖋️
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ghoulhusband · 2 months
i’m obviously incredibly biased but i do think it’s kinda more interesting if the courier isn’t mad that benny shot them. for whatever reason! but especially if they come from similar backgrounds where it’s like “well it was respectful. he clearly didn’t want to kill me specifically it was business. and he basically threw me a funeral while i was still alive” and then their bigger issue is figuring out what to do now that they’re not dead. do they get revenge out of principle, do they try to solve the mystery of it all, do they hunt him down just to ask him to apologize, do they get roped into it by victor, or just general events? idk i obviously understand the revenge angle is very motivating, i just think a courier who doesn’t hate benny is really interesting and fun to play with. and not just because he’s my favorite guy and i could never hold it against him
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solargeist · 1 month
despite my previous post, I don’t know how to handle when people talk abt things I don’t know or understand bc I focus too hard on my own reactions so I don’t accidentally offend them bc there’s only so many times you can say “oh really?” before you sound sarcastic ‼️💥
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oddly-casual · 10 months
All those people with the ‘Mikey’s gonna get bodied’ theories need to shut up bc I’m starting to believe them look at this
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Why does it always feel like he’s further away from his brothers, what does this mean, I’m gonna go all Pepe Silva if y’all don’t start chilling the f out
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