#but I'm just tired frankly.
tododeku-or-bust · 4 months
REBLOG for one solid slap for the people who keep sending Palestinians and other Arabic folk these stupid ass and/or racist anons 132 damn days into a genocide
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brw · 3 months
Goodbye Krakoa. Stay dead bitch. No more mutant islands.
Can we stop making ethnostates now like can we stop doing that in comics. Can we not keep saying "minorities are safe nowhere but in their own country that doesn't let certain people and also they might not even be safe because Evil People might get jealous and kill them". Ultimately this era has done nothing to explore why ethnostates are bad in any real way. It has done nothing to actually explore how being complicit in the creation of an ethnostate is a Bad Thing. We had some events but we didn't explore anything because we were too scared of making some of our faves look bad. I just actually hate the statements this era has ended up saying and I hate the fact that heroic characters are mourning over the loss of an ethnostate founded by eugenicists. These politics are ugly. And worse yet I see people mourning the loss of the fictional ethnostate like have we all lost our minds.
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Frank Frankly: Resident Bug Relocator.
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essektheylyss · 1 year
I realized that A Crown of Candy is actually the first time I've watched Zac Oyama play D&D, and it's frankly been wild watching how masterfully and quickly he sets up Lapin and the depths of this rabbit. I know it's been said that Zac's an excellent player, but it's one thing to hear and another to actually witness.
I feel like it probably shouldn't surprise anyone that the liar spellcaster with the religious bullshit is my favorite right off the bat, but it's funny because the first introduction of him did not endear me to him whatsoever, and in fact kind of off-put me, but every further piece of information about him, and in fact many of his offhand comments, feels like picking up a log on the ground and finding an entire microbiome underneath.
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dollypopup · 2 months
like. . .are any other Polin fans out there that do not give a singular flying fuck about Debling? we should form a club lol because from the very bottom of my heart and with my whole chest: I could not care less about him. Not sorry, I'm tuning into S3 for Pen and Colin and Pen and Colin alone
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eff-plays · 2 months
AA girlies want to choke on Astarion's dick and get slapped around by him because that's true love.
Spawn girlies want to wrap him in 7 layers of bubble wrap so he doesn't hurt himself thinking too hard.
Cool girlies flush him down the toilet and watch him swirl around in the bowl because he's finally where he belongs.
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
just seen a post by a pre-op pre-hormones pre-everything trans woman complaining about ~evil cis bitches~ crossing the road at night when they see her and i was so so so certain it was a troll/fakepost/terf shitposting/etc but it was legit and all her friends were agreeing with her, and i'm like??? this is why cis women hate us lmao, you can't get mad if you're pre-everything and it's night time and a woman assumes you're a creep in the dark. why are the worst voices always the loudest
Why did you think this was appropriate to have sent to me instead of just... blocking her and moving on? Out of all the reasons I can think of for people to be transphobic, the thought of a trans woman being upset about feeling like she's treated like a perpetrator of a crime she isn't committing or thinking about committing doesn't cross my mind. Maybe she didn't express that frustration in a way you approve of (probably because you weren't what she was thinking about, she was probably thinking about how she was feeling), but that's where blocking her comes into play. You aren't required to view that person's post or entertain their friends, nor are you required to come into a stranger's inbox to vent about it. You don't have to dedicate time to that.
Oddly enough, I don't trust that you aren't a troll trying to stoke fires, especially through anon.
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dustofthedailylife · 5 months
Brief rant but there is something so appalling to me when I see a writer use AI-generated images (no I won't call it art because it isn't, tyvm) for the header/cover of their writing/fic.
People don't want their work scraped. Be it writing, visual arts, music or voices even. But then go and use AI-generated shit out of an art field they don't actively contribute to. It disgusts me. Have you no conscience or shame?
Most writers are actively against the use of AI. Many people don't want to read fics written by AI.
So for the love of god...
If you're against AI - fucking be against it in all art forms and not just your own. It's hypocritical af!
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zebratimw · 11 months
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#svsss#scum villains self saving system#shang qinghua#how I be feeling these days ahdnfjgkg#I keep stressing about life in general and its seriously bumming me out hajdjg#how nice it would be to not exist#everyday I wake up and do the same things I hate#time hasn't felt real in years and it goes way before covid times#I haven't felt real in most of those years either#Look I'm lucky I'm not like depressed or whatever but frankly this derealization shit is seriously startin to get a little worrying at times#tbf I only really notice it recently so maybe its just a bias#I've been chugging along this way for years all thats changed is my perception of it#but at the same time I really want to do more too#I get I'm a very boring and unreliable person#and I know I just said its my perception of it but like I do genuinely think my social skills my general living just like me mentally ig#I'm kinda deteriorating in my stagnation ig? artistically too but more worrying in my life idbfjg#priorities sorry anyways I also think I do have adhd or something and that rejection thing dhfjgjg I really can't start things anymore#idk I really just feel so clueless in most things now and I'm too scared or too confused or both to start fixing things#like how do I even fix things? what do I even search for in this kind of thing?#Idk I'm just gonna go sleep ig god I'm so tired of everything#I haven't been able to draw I've really lost passion for a lot of things again and everything irritates me#I can't stand my phone sometimes but it's kinda the only thing getting me through it all ha#ngl I wish I were depressed sometimes if only so I'd actually have the balls to do smth but Ik that's just the Metnally Ail part speaking so#chug chug going along#I also have to make wushi before I die. haha#god my life is so empty#what am I even doing#I'm really so tired why can't my life end here already? modern lifespans are too long how am I supposed to keep going on like this?#so pointless and vapid and its just me ? why did it have to be me that was born? couldn't someone else have been here I hate it here so much#I strive for nothing but I have such a long life and so many people to disappoint haha maybe I should go outside more
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bugmistake · 21 days
i really am trying very hard to get better at not caring what people think of me but ummm. being rejected by my peers does still hurt a little!
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royalarchivist · 5 months
I really liked Ramon's idea of filling a tag with cute little things for Fit's birthday, and I was like "Hey, I got a bit of time to spare today, I can whip something up real quick. Surely I don't have THAT many clips of Fit!"
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kilisworld · 8 months
I'd like to take this second to remind everyone who cares that Asexuality ≠ Celibacy. Thank you and have a nice day. This has been a message from your neighborhood asexual.
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cookinguptales · 10 months
if you want to know where I am on my "dealing with wwdits s5" journey, I've got like six long meta posts in my notes on my laptop that I just haven't posted. lmao
I'm. workin through it.
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oreoambitions · 8 months
The post-covid exhaustion and heart palpitations are Not It, mostly bc they don't entitle me to work fewer hours, so I simply have no energy leftover for myself at the end of the day rather than very little.
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ubike-official · 1 month
as i said b4, cant wait til I'm 30 to experience my own yuri cherry maho. its gonna be great
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