#but I'm old and busy and don't have the time or energy to be jumping around trying to be active
guhamun · 1 year
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[I wish I could apologize for my N.euvillete brainrot, but alas, I cannot. 😔]
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Backburner 3
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: your boss is easy going until he’s not. 
Characters: Sam Wilson, this reader is known as Dizzie.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
💼Part of the Bad Bosses AU💼
The appletini goes right through you. Before you can trade your empty glass for your usual mimosa, you excuse yourself to ladies. You're always the one looking for a bathroom.
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You scurry through the bar, growing racuous as nine o'clock approaches. You dip into the women's room and claim a stall. Ahhhh. They say you shouldn't break the seal but you don't have much of one.
You come out of the bathroom humming to the Madonna hit and nearly slam right into another body. Sam catches you by your shoulders and chuckles as he keeps you from falling out of your platforms. You giggle and take a step back, his hands falling away reluctantly.
"Hey, so how about that appletini? Delicious?" He asks.
"Oh, thank you, sir! That was so nice! You didn't have to buy the whole table a round."
"My pleasure. What's a girls night without a free drink or too, heh? I'm sure you get quite a few," he smirks. "With outfits like that?"
You look down at your fluffy sweater and the skin tight miniskirt. You don't show so much in the office. You only realise then you must look silly.
"Ha, thanks, sir, they sorta clash though."
"Look good," he winks, "so when do you girls start dancing?"
"Hehe, sir," you giggle, "my friends aren't really dancers. We're a bit old for that."
"Mm, really? You don't look that old to me."
"Well, I mean, we're not in college, you know," you tug at your feathery cuff, "anywho, my friends are waiting."
"Yeah, so are mine," his timbre dulls, "guess I'll see you Monday?"
"Monday funday!" You agree and bound past him. How nice to run into him.
You rejoin the girls as they chat about a classic movie drive-in being held down on the park. It sounds pretty cool. You offer to bring a blanket if they want to sit on the grass an watch.
The rest of the night blows by. Fridays always do. Saturday is full of catching up with your parents and your to-do list. Sunday still has laundry and groceries on your roster, with a few hours to chill and play animal crossing.
You arrive at the office feeling refreshed. You message the girls before you get started. All of them want to plan your next outing, hopefully sooner than later. It will be nice to get back into that habit, especially with all the changes that seem to be happening with your friends. Maybe next time you'll have something to report.
"Sam," you call over to him as he steps off the elevator, "I have your gym clothes!"
You hop off your chair and swipe up the bag from under your desk. You were sure to toss it all in with your weekend load. You round the desk and hand it over to him as he makes a face.
"What's wrong?" You ask as he accepts the bag.
"This," he raises the Dunkins cup in his hand and gives a blech, "some idiot I know recommended it. Not very good... more sugar than coffee."
"Oh, no, well, I can make you a coffee or run out to Roasters?"
"Ugh, why are you so good to me, b-- diz?" He groans and hands over the cup.
"It's my job! I'll be back in the flip of a bee's wing!" You promise, "not gonna lie, I need a breakfast smoothie like no one's business."
"Damn, that sounds better. Grab me one of those instead."
"Sure, what kind?"
"Surprise me, Diz. You always know what I want," he winks and swings his gym bag as he struts off.
With a mission, you jump into action. You sway in the elevator impatiently then burst out in a flash of energy. You go down to Roasters and join the queue. It's always busy but you don't mind the wait. You can watch the dog walkers and the birds on the wires through the windows. You order two strawberry kiwi shocks and tip the barista.
Back at the office, heads hang over desks, yawns waft through, and grumbles are aimed at screens. You flit by and breeze into Sam's open office door. As you do, he shoves something back into his gym bag.
"Oh, sorry, I... the door was open," you apologise and present the smoothies.
"Ah ha, yeah," he cringes and wipes the back of his neck, "um, I didn't know it was you but..." he dips his hand back in a pulls put a pair of familiar panties with a little blue bow on the front, "think maybe there was a mix up."
You giggle and set down the tray and quickly retrieve your underwear, "so sorry, sir! Must've been static."
"Happens," he chuckles as he watches you tuck the panties onto your pocket. "You know, I almost did think they were mine but uh... not really my colour."
You laugh at his joke, "stop!"
You touch your cheeks in embarrassment.
His dimples soften as he looks at you. His expression hardens and his dark eyes cling to you. His pokes his tongue out and hums.
"You were wearing those on Friday?" He asks.
You squeak, "sir!"
"Curious," he grabs a smoothie as he steps closer, "a skirt like that, what's the point of panties."
You cough and stammer, "Sam..."
He sucks on the straw as he keeps his gaze on you, a fervent heat radiating off of him. He pops his lips free and licks them, "I'll let you in on a secret, Diz," he comes closer and wiggles the straw at you, "I never wear any." He adjusts his stance as he sets his feet wide and watches you, "I like the freedom."
"Sir..." you gurgle.
"Why don't you do me a little favour? Your good at those, aren't you?" He purrs and slurps from the straw again, "go put those on and at the end of the day, you can leave them in my bag."
You're struck dumb by the suggestion. You're not the best nuance but he's being anything but subtle. Sam is a great boss and a nice guy, but he's being anything but right now.
"I can't--"
"You will," he grins, "just like you do everything I tell you, Diz." He looks down at the cup and turns it in his hand, "mmm, sweet... bet you're sweeter, huh, baby?"
He backs up and stirs the smoothie with the straw. You stare and blink. He's going to laugh and tell you he's playing around like he always does. He sits and stares at you. He's as serious as you've ever seen him.
"Don't forget yours," he motions at the other cup.
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factual-fantasy · 11 months
24 asks!! :0000🌟🎭🌟
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Kinger and Caine are my favorite characters! I've seen a lot of theories and fanart and I've already started making my own AU and angst and everything but I cant DRAW any of that yet because I'm REALLY BUSY with an OVERDUE PROJECT AAAAA
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(In recent development, Asgore is unable to heal Spamton because he is a darkener :((( )
I think it might have been addressed at one point yeah :0 Maybe something was wrong with Seam and Asgore reached out to help. In which Seam was terrified and Jevil jumped in to protect him. Asgore could see the trauma and tension in the both of them so he carefully backed off.
Later he could hear from Seam about their pasts and why they were afraid of him. Asgore would then try to take steps to.. not..? Be scary to them?? <:D
Spade king could have talked in a very gravely and booming voice. So Asgore is sure to always talk softly and clearly. He is careful to not make any sudden movements around Seam and Jevil. If he's reaching for something near Seam/Jevil he will gently announce what he's doing and make sure they understand before he does it.
Asgore with his hands in his lap: "Seam, I want to grab that bag.."
Seam: *turns "huh?"
Asgore, hands still in his lap: "That bag beside you, I'd like to grab it."
Seam: "oh, okay,"
Asgore then gently reaches for the bag, making sure that Seam can see his hand coming.
Little things like that would really ease Seam and Jevils nerves. And its what made Asgore so trustworthy to them. The fact that he cared so much about their comfort and went above and beyond to make sure they felt safe around him.
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Not really a parental figure. He sees Seam as his equal in every way. So like.. he sees him as his brother of the same age.?
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Oh he didn't lock Seam up in a cell. He just put shackles around his wrists and neck :00
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The thing about Jevil is that the bigger the group got, the worse his habits became. And the harder it became to break those habits.. Jevil was the one who collected these people, so they are his responsibility. Giving up his food not just for Seam, but for everyone. Staying awake to keep the fire large and roaring to keep the group warm.
The others try to help him.. but they would have a hard time getting Jevil to listen to them. Telling him he needs to eat, sleep or just relax. He probably wouldn't listen because he's a bit stubborn and is probably riddled with anxiety 24/7.
Although when Asgore came around things got a lot easier.
Asgore is very powerful and has proved his trustworthiness multiple times to Seam and Jevil. So although the royal vibe is off putting.. Jevil trusts him to watch the fire at night and protect the group. Seam has been able to reason with Jevil about the food part a little too.
Jevil: "You need this food more than me. You gotta keep your strength up until we can find someone to break these chains!"
Seam: "Jevil, you consume energy to make those mirrors to other worlds. How are you supposed to keep looking for someone to break my chains, if you're collapsed on the ground, too weak to make another mirror?"
Jevil: "......."
Jevil: *takes ONE bite out of sandwich
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I was thinking around 10 years or so..? Maybe more? Haven't really decided :0 And he was able to escape by making a mirror and stepping through it. That mirror basically poked a hole in the walls of the AU and he was able to step out of the AU. Effectively stepping out of his cell and breaking free :}
Also thank you!! :DD
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I've completely ignored comments like this recently because I don't wanna deal with all the drama that will surly follow. But you were really polite and very thorough with your evidence.. sooo I guess I might as well answer it now,
I am aware that people use they/them for Seam. But -> my version <- of Seam goes by he/him.
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I don't reeallly have a Splatoon AU..? And I haven't played Splatoon in a while- although I do still like it and have made some Splatoon ocs!
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These drawings are pretty old. I've been meaning to come back and re-draw them haha <XD
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Yeah its okay to tag like that. Like "seam and jevil" or "mario and luigi". That's just tagging them as being in the same post, no big deal 👍
Also no, no art of any kind. If you truly wanna show that you appreciate my work then leave comments. Maybe reblog once in a while or send me an ask. The comments don't have to be anything complex. You could leave a "Looks great!" comment on 50 posts of mine in a row and I will see what you're doing and appreciate it endlessly.
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(I most likely will lol XD) Also thank you! I'm glad you love it! :DD
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Honestly I can see Seam wanting nothing wrapped around/touching his wrists for a while.. even though they need it. But he could accept cold rags being dabbed on the wounds to ease the stinging.
As for what he'd eat? Dude- anything XDD Probably a burger to start. He'd just take a big fat bite and cry about how good it tastes 😭
And yeah! Now that he has his full range of movement he has his cat like flexibility back :}}
When it comes to Seam using his magic? Its hard for a while...
He hasn't used it consistently in so long.. he would be rusty, and probably anxious to use it again. It would take a lot of sparing and gentle guidance from Jevil and probably Asgore to get his grove back.
It would also take time for him to physically heal. Having his body's energy constantly drained has really effected his ability to control his magic. He would need a few weeks of good sleep and hearty meals before he could get his groove back. But he'll get there. With the group/Jevils support, he would eventually be back to the way he was. Equally matched with Jevil. :}
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Thank you!! :}}} 🌻🌻
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I don't remember that, did he do that?? Kwazii whyyy that's nasty XDDD
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Seam is frightened and confused but appreciates the message! XD
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Joy. There's just joy and relief everywhere.
There has been a constant anxiety over this group- not just Jevil, that Seam would suddenly collapse and die. Finally succumbing to the chains draining properties.
Now that the chains are off? Seam will heal. He will eat and stay full. He will absorb those calories and turn it into energy. And he will keep that energy. When he sleeps he will wake up feeling rested. He will heal, he will live.
For Seam, it was almost too good to be true. It just, it blew his mind. He was free. He was really free. No more pain, no more aches. No more hunger. His freedom truly starts here. The relief he felt can't be described. He cried, hard. But he also laughed, and for the first time in years, he smiled.
And Jevil? He couldn't speak. He just cried and cried and cried.. He couldn't let go of Seam. He couldn't stop looking at his wrists. Exanimating them over and over again. As if he couldn't truly believe it. All the anxiety, all the worry, all the sleepless nights. They were all over. Seam was gonna live, he didn't have to worry anymore. He couldn't let go of Seam, he couldn't stop shaking, he couldn't stop crying. He couldn't stop smiling.
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They will likely leave some kind of permanent scar on Seam yes.. but his floofy orange fur hides the scars around his neck. And the scars on his wrists will be somewhat covered up by his fur. So thankfully they wont really be noticeable. <:)
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Heck yeah. After they cry their souls out together they go and crash for like 6 hours or something XDD
(Also funny username, made me laugh! XD)
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WAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! And heck yeah!! Feel free to send me your AU stuff when you're done/ready! I'd love to see it! :}}
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@ocinstituterep I imagine he's just reeeeally quiet about sneaking out. My Kwazii doesn't sneak out though he knows better XD
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Thank you so much! Also Spongebob has angst??? :00000
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Things are mostly better!
Little Red got her knees fixed, Escorts broken down a few times but he's currently in working order! Suburban is stiillll a work in progress... undrivable at the moment- :x
Greenie now takes all 4 limbs to start, Brown is out of the garage and U.M is out of the trailer! Pretty good stuff :}}
(If any of that made sense to you I applaud you for your dedication to my Transformer ocs <XDD)
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She does exist, although I didn't have any real plans for her.. maybe she was just a gal that the bros knew in passing back on Earth.?
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I feel like none of them would willing visit that old stage.. expect for maybe Foxy. I feel like Foxy would be a very emotional and tender hearted character. I can see him not wanting to "leave them behind" in a way. He would come back now and then and talk to the stage as if they were standing on it and could hear him. The staff think that Foxy's programming just hasn't properly registered that Chica and Freddy are gone. And in a way.. they're right..
Foxy cant let go of their memory. And despite how much it would ache seeing that empty stage, I can see him coming back to it anyway..
This also means that part of the reason why Bonnie and Foxy clash so much now is that Bonnie is trying to snuff out any memories and feelings of the past. Meanwhile Foxy is wallowing in those memories and refuses to let go.
If any of the four of them had to preform on that stage once again? Oh man. That would hurt. It would kill Foxy to stand in the place of his late friends. He would feel guilty, ashamed.. Monty and Roxy also couldn't handle it. They would be crushed. Monty would likely get emotional and angry. Roxy would want to run and hide her face. Maybe the three of them would find a way to fake a malfunction so they could just get off the stage..
But Bonnie? Man. Maybe he's so overwhelmed that he just goes on autopilot and finishes the performance. Only to have a complete mental breakdown in his room later.. being so close to the memory of Chica and Freddy.. its crippling to him.
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Daww, thank you :}}}
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redroomreflections · 2 months
Our Little Family - The Loud House Drabble
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Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Summary: a direct response to Thread of A Promise. Natasha and R reflect on how far they've come a few years into the future.
The Loud House can be read on a03
note: a friend requested this so y'all can thank them for that.
tw: mention of child loss
Sometimes, you try not to think about it too much. You try to push that morning to the back of your mind. It's been years—three to be exact. You’d woken up to your worst nightmare and the deepest heartache you’d ever experienced. These days, it's a bit easier to bear.
With the loss of your child, you gained clarity. You knew what was important, who was important. You poured all your energy into volunteering, spending more time working with children in any capacity you could. You and Natasha became foster parents. Children have come and gone from your home, and you’ve loved and cared for them all the same.
Now, you have Cara. She’s the light of your life and the sassiest little preteen you could have ever asked for. Her adoption went through just a few months ago when you got another call for respite care. With Willow back in Atlanta, the sound and pitter-patter of little feet is missed. Of course, you jumped at the chance.
James and Charlotte are like breaths of fresh air. They fit right in. Charlotte is three and spunky. James at barely fifteen months old is still developing his little personality. 
 Mostly, he enjoys clinging to you and Natasha. He still has so much time to explore the world. Getting the kids into a routine is a feat. It's only been a few weeks since they've been home and their future is uncertain. Which causes a touch of anxiety for the ever-perceptive Charlotte.
Tonight, she'd thrown her first epic temper tantrum, kicking and screaming for what seemed to be no reason at all. Of course, you could probably pinpoint a few things. You'd had a work meeting that ran over a little too long. Natasha was stuck in traffic after training and therefore came home a little late after dinner.
You tried your best. You read her a bedtime story and gave her a little more warm milk. Still, she threw the bottle across the room. That in turn startled James who had been feeling a bit insecure on his own. Natasha had stepped in to see the tail end of things. She didn't ask questions. She rolled up her sleeves and got down to business. She carried Charlie into the bathroom to get started on a bath. Charlie mostly clung to Natasha as she watched the bubbles form in the water.
Meanwhile, you got James undressed too hoping that a bit of skin-to-skin would calm him down. He was all red-faced and teary-eyed as you walked toward the bathroom. Your frustration dwindled when you saw Natasha and Charlie standing beside the tub, both dipping their hands in and trying out the bubbles. Charlie still had a few tears streaming down her face along with hiccups but even she couldn't help but laugh at Natasha's antics.
She blew a few bubbles, then tried to pop a few of them, and she had a look of pure concentration on her face. It's so adorable, you can't help but watch.
"Can you tell me why you were sad, Charlie?" Natasha asked as she stood next to the little girl.
"Um, I wanted you," Charlie stuttered."I wanted you to come home." She swiped a hand across her cheeks. "To be with me."
Natasha nodded, then looked to you."Why didn't you use your words and tell Momm-y/n?" Natasha corrects herself. It's habit she's so used to talking to Cara. She doesn't want to force it on Charlie. The little girl could use whatever title she saw appropriate. "We've been practicing."
Charlie shrugged."'Cause...I don't know."
"Because you were afraid or sad?"
Charlie's bottom lip jutted out and she nodded."Yeah."
"I'm here now. And y/n did her very best," Natasha said softly, her eyes flickering to yours for a moment. You're standing with James tucked against your chest. "I'm sorry you were feeling bad. I know how you like our routine just as it is."
"And baby brother was crying too and it was so loud," Charlie pointed out. Even though she was partly to blame for his crying. You would never tell her that.
"He gets upset when his schedule is thrown off," You said."We should've made sure to keep it together. We'll do better next time, right Nat?"
"Yes, we will," Natasha promised. She helped Charlie step into the bathtub. Meanwhile, James refused to be put down. He whimpered when you tried to set him onto his feet.
"Okay, okay," You sighed."I guess you're staying with me, little man." You bounced him on your hip and pressed a kiss to his temple. He settled after that. You watched Natasha bathe Charlie. Eventually, he calmed enough for you to include him in the bedtime ritual. Tonight though you knew the kids needed a little more loving.
With them all dressed and moisturized, you turned on their favorite lullaby music. The nursery housed the crib and Charlie's bed. After a lot of trial and error, you realized they slept better being in the same room. Charlie was protective of her brother and often wanted to be with him. This was the compromise. Eventually, during this little routine, you and Natasha switched children. The heavier weight of Charlie was comforting as she rested her head on your shoulders. She sucked her thumb into her mouth, her eyes fluttering closed only briefly as she fought her sleep. Natasha was having a good time beside you as she rubbed James' bare body soothingly. He's barely fifteen months and still so tiny and cuddly. This moment felt like heaven.
"Mmm," James babbled to himself. Just like his sister, he was fighting his sleep.
"It's funny how life turned out isn't it?" Natasha spoke softly.
"Hmm?" You questioned as you moved your gaze from Charlie's sleeping form to Natasha's loving gaze.
"I was just thinking," She breathed. "About him," Natasha said and you instantly knew what she was talking about.
"I think about him sometimes too," You avoided her gaze. Your unborn baby was always on your mind. It's funny that even after all this time you both were insistent on being a boy. You'd lost him before you could ever find out.
"I think about how I was scared out of my mind."
You frowned and looked at her. "Of what?"
"I was terrified to become a mother," Natasha confessed."I was terrified I wouldn't be a good mother."
"Well, I can say for sure that I was right," You smiled. "You are one badass boy Mama."
Natasha chuckled and shook her head."Thank you. But you were so confident and ready."
"Not really," You disagreed. "I was scared too."
"But you were so excited and open to the idea." Natasha began. "I was too but I don't know. I knew would have this. What we have here."
"Our own little James," You dared to say. He's not even yours yet. Not truly. He still belongs to the state. Both of them do. But you hope and pray that they get to stay.
"Is it hard for you? The fact that he has the same name?"
"At first it was..." You trailed off. "I was afraid of the memories and the pain but now...now it's the sweetest memory."
"That's how I feel," Natasha agreed.
"I don't want to let my thoughts slip and believe in reincarnation or something freaky," You shake your head. "The ages kind of align."
"I've noticed," Natasha hummed. She planted a sweet kiss atop James's head. He gave her a soft coo in return.
"I don't want to treat him as if he is ours in that way," You shook your head. "As if he's just here to fill some void and that he has the same name. It's just... have you ever felt like you're right where you're supposed to be."
"More than you know," Natasha's lips spread into a smile."I never thought I would have any of this. Now I do and it feels amazing."
"I never thought I'd love someone the way I love you."
"And I love you more than anything in this world," Natasha promised."You have the biggest and the most beautiful heart. I love the family we have created."
"Me too," You sighed happily.
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nyasiaaaaa · 8 months
In the Bleak Mid-Winter
Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Fem reader (Nurse)  Fem reader x Arthur ( platonic )
Summary: This is a story about two people who become constants in each others lives, and eventually fall for each. While one learns to love again, the other learns the cost of loving a man like him. 
Word count: 5k
Warnings: Cursing, angst, fluff ,Tommy Shelby, y/n eats ( If I missed anything or you think something should be added please tell me.) Major character death from season 4 episode like 1/2
A/N: part 1 takes place during season two, part 2/3 season 3 and 4/5/6 season 4. This is a Slow burn there will be smut eventually. 
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4   part 5
It's been a year. 
A lot of things have changed since then; you've changed. 
You're not the same person you were a year ago; you're still a nurse and still work in the hospital, but in London now. 
You know the other nurse in hospital like the last, you eat lunch together but never go out. They always ask, but you always have the same excuse. 
It's not like you're lying. You really don't have anyone to watch her, but if you wanted to, you could find someone, but don't. Honestly, though, you prefer the company of a bottle of whiskey over anyone else. 
You also never have the energy to do anything anymore; you wake up throughout the night, then wake up to go to work, come home tired from a 12-hour shift, and go to sleep to do it all over again. 
You barely eat, you barely sleep. 
When you look in the mirror, you're just a hollow version of yourself, like you don't have control over your body. You're just sitting back as it goes through the motions, as someone else controls you. 
She's not the only reason you can't sleep; if she's not waking you up because of her screams, you're waking yourself up with your own. 
These nightmares are so haunting that most times, after you wake up, you just stay up. 
And that's where you're at now, waking up from a dream like every other night. 
You thrash around in your bed and suddenly wake up coughing as you grab hold of your throat. You get up from your bed, covered in sweat, and walk downstairs to the kitchen, rubbing your chest as you catch your breath. 
You walk around the corner to the kitchen and instantly jump when you see someone sitting at your table in the dark. The old you would've freaked, grabbed your gun and threatened them.
But you now couldn't care less; you just grabbed two glasses and a bottle of whiskey off the drink table. You bring it over and set it down, pouring the whiskey into each cup, filling it halfway, and then sliding one over to your companion. 
You then sit down and take a swing of your drink before reaching for your pack of cigarettes. 
"Want one," you ask, holding a cig out to them.
They take it, and you pull out one more for yourself; you then strike up a match, reaching towards them to light theirs first; once they got closer to the flame, it became clear who was sitting at this table with you. 
You light the cigarette, then pull the match to light your own; you take a drag, hold it in, and then blow it out. You do this action a couple more times, and neither of you says a word as you smoke; you both just sit there in silence. 
You finish up your cig, put it out in the ashtray, then proceed  to light another. Again, you smoke in silence, but this time, as you're almost finished with your cig, you speak up. 
"I thought you would've sent Micheal," You say as you reach to ash your cig in the ashtray.
He finishes up his cig, putting it out before responding to you. "He was busy," he shrugs. 
"'M honestly, I would've preferred Micheal." You put your cig out and then took a sip of your drink.
"Well, looks like you're out of luck 'cause I'm here." 
"Yes, you are; please do tell me why it is that you're here after all this time." 
"We got served a black hand," he spoke with such seriousness, but you were confused. 
"Ok, am I supposed to know what that means or what it has to do with me" 
He took a deep breath and said, "We have to tighten house. We killed one of theirs way back, and now they're coming to get even." 
You pursed your lips and turned your head to the side, slightly shrugging your shoulders. "And what does that have to do with me." 
"They killed John." 
"May he rest in peace? "even though you didn't mean for it to, it had come out more like a question than a statement. 
"But again, what does this have to do with me," you asked
He let out a dry laugh, licking his lips, then got up and got in your face. He took hold of your wrist and bent down to your height. 
"Because the Italian Mafia doesn't care if you don't fuck with me, they are going to kill everyone that has ever spoken to me, anyone who's ever been close to me to hurt me to break me down before killing me."
Even though he tried to seem calm and collected, you couldn't see it in his eyes or face, but you could hear it in his voice. 
He was hurting. 
You ripped your wrist from his grip and stood up, moving closer to him and getting in his face. 
"Well, Tommy, it seems like you have a real problem on your hands; best of luck to you." You smiled at him, then stood up and began to walk away
Suddenly, you were pushed against the wall and turned to face him. 
"Look, I—"his speech was cut short once he heard a cry coming from upstairs; his eyes darted down to you, his head tilted as he looked at you. 
"Tommy, I-"you start but stop once Tommy pushes off you.
You tried to get past him to go up the steps first, but he pulled out a gun on you and pushed you back into the kitchen. He slowly took a step back as you took steps forward.
"Do it, Do it, Tommy. Be a man. Do it," You said as you walked forward; you held your head high as you spoke so there was no room for doubt on Tommy's part. 
He looked at you, puzzled, then shut the door in your face. You immediately rushed to the door, but it was too late. He locked it. You tightened your grip on the door knob as you jiggled it relentlessly, 
"Tommy…. Fuck— Tommy, please" You were starting to panic; you had to get to her first. 
You dashed over to the drawers and started to throw everything out and slam it shut as you moved on to the next one. The key was in one of these drawers; it had to be you had remembered putting it in here you—
You found it in the last drawer; you ran over to the door but slipped on the things you had thrown on the floor and fell on your back, making the key fall out of your hand. You hop on your knees, ignoring the pain in your back that grew with every move you made as you searched the now messy floor for the key; you can already barely see because of the darkness, but the tears that start to build only make it worse. 
Your hand brushed against something sharp, and you turned your head in its direction as you stretched your hand out again, patting it around. Your hand instantly comes in contact with the cold metal key. You grab it, rushing to the door. You try to place the key in the door, but it keeps brushing past the hole. 
You stopped, took a deep breath, and tried again, and despite your shaking hand, you were able to place the key in and unlock the door. As soon as the door opens, you ran up the step to her room. 
It's too late. 
You walk into the room and see Tommy holding your daughter in his hands. 
Without thinking, you say, "She's not yours." 
It's a lie, you know it, and so does he. Anyone could see from a mile away that she was his, and it's not like she looked like him or you even; she was still too young to look like anyone. But she had those eyes, the same eyes her father had. 
You look up at Tommy and know you are in trouble. He had just met her, and already he was in love. He was already hell-bent on taking you with him, but now that he knew of her, there was no way he was letting y'all go. 
You're about to speak up but get cut off by some men behind you.
"We're here, Mr.Shebly. What do you want us to do?" 
You didn't turn around to see if you knew the men; you just kept your eyes forced ahead on Tommy. 
"Pack up the house, everything; we'll go through it later and see what we want." He barely spoke above a whisper and never looked up as he slowly rocked your baby back and forth. 
"Oi sir and your car is ready when you are." 
"Thank you, curly." 
They left, leaving you and Tommy alone. 
You opened your mouth to speak but didn't know what to say, so you stood there like a gaping fish as you struggled to find words. 
"It doesn't matter what you say; tonight, you will leave here with me, and so will the baby. You can put up a fight, but we will drug you if we must." The way he spoke, you knew he meant it; there would not be a fight, you couldn't take on Tommy, let alone all the men downstairs.
 So you just nodded your head, ok. 
Satisfied with your answer, he proceeded to exit the room but then stopped and turned towards you. 
"What's her name," he asks. 
"Ruby," He whispers, "Hi. Ruby, grab what you want and meet me in the car," He says, then leaves and goes downstairs. 
You want to cry, tear the room to pieces, throw a fit, and just sit there and cry. But you can't, so you make yourself and your daughter a travel bag, packing only what you need and leaving the rest for the guys to pack up. 
You finish packing and head upstairs; you walk past the men packing up your kitchen and head straight for the car. Once you're outside, you see a man waiting for you by the backseat door; he opens it for you as you approach it. You walk up to him, handing off your luggage, giving him a smile, and thanking him before sliding in next to Tommy, who's still holding your daughter tight to his chest. 
The driver places your stuff in the trunk, runs over to the driver's side, and hops in, wasting no time. He takes off instantly, driving to a destination unknown to you. 
 You glance over at Tommy, who is still in awe at seeing your daughter. You don't even try to take your baby away from Tommy, knowing that he will hold her as long as he can. 
So you sit there staring out the window, saying goodbye to the place you've called home for the past year, and try not to cry.
For a long time, you were confused; you knew this wasn't the way to Tommy's house. It was east, and you had been heading west. You were about to ask where you were going, but then you started to recognize your surroundings, the shops you've walked past hundreds if not thousands of times. You even saw some people you knew past patients. 
You were back in Birmingham. 
Soon after you cross the line into Birmingham, it doesn't take long for you to reach your destination; you pull up next to many small townhomes. 
 Before you  get the chance, your door is opened for you, thanking the driver as you step out and observe your surroundings.  
"Where are we, Tommy," you ask. 
"We're home," he says simply, then starts making his way into one of the homes. 
You follow closely behind him as he steps into the house; you take in your new surroundings as you follow him; there are steps directly in front of you and a living room to your right that leads Into a kitchen. As soon as you step into the living room following Tommy, you're greeted by a maid who cut you off as you are about to ask Tommy another question. 
"Welcome back, Mr. Shebly. I set Charlie down for a nap upstairs a few minutes ago and just put dinner in the oven. Do you need anything else from me before I go" 
"No, Mary, that will be all thank you."
"It's not a problem, Mr.Shelby," she said, then went to leave but suddenly stopped at the door. "Oh, and I've had a bassinet put upstairs per your request." She gave both of you a tight smile, shutting the door as she exits, leaving you and Tommy alone. 
Tommy doesn't say a word as he turns away from you and walks upstairs; you're about to start looking around when a knock comes at the door. You get to the front to open it and is greeted by the driver, who has your bags in hand. You reach out, taking them from his hands and setting them to the side before giving him a smile. 
"Thank you so much; hold on, let me find my purse to pay you," you say as you step away from him in search of your bags.
The driver quickly stops you in your tracks when he calls after you using a name you've never heard associated with you. 
"Oi, that's quite alright, Mrs.Shebly; Tommy pays me good," he said, giving you a smile, then shuts the door before you could even correct him. 
"Ok," you say yourself as you shrug it off; you turn around just in time to see Tommy walking down the step, and you notice that your daughter is no longer in his hand. You assumed he must've put her down upstairs in the crib Mary set up. 
Once he gets down the steps, he immediately makes his way toward the Living room. He sits down in one of the chairs, and you decide to take a seat across from him. 
He pulls out his pack of cigs, offers you one, which you accept, and then takes one for himself. His lights yours first, then his own. You take a couple drags of your cig, then begin asking him a million questions you have swimming around in your head. 
"How long do we have to stay here," you ask as you blow out smoke and then take another drag. 
He shrugs his shoulders as he waves his hand around in no particular manner, "for however long it takes." 
You press your lips tightly and roll your eyes; you take a deep breath and let it out as you speak again, "Are we staying here with you."
"Is it safe?" 
"Yeah, you will have two guards stationed outside 24/7." 
"And where will you be?" 
"So Tommy, let me get this straight: I'm supposed to stay here for who knows how long, under constant surveillance from your men, and I'm assuming I'm not allowed to leave." You paused, waiting for an answer, to which he gave you a slight nod back. "Right, so basically, I'm a prisoner; I'm your prisoner. I'm not ok with that, Tommy. I-" 
Arthur suddenly burst through your door, calling out for Tommy. 
"Oi Tommy, I- "Arthur paused once his eyes landed on you; a big smile slowly crept up his face as he started making his way towards you.
"Sista, it's good to see you," Arthur said as he hugged you, picking you up slightly. 
"It's good to see you too...... I'm so sorry about John," you said as you hugged him back, and you were being honest. You didn't miss anything from your old life, but Arthur. After all the years, y'all were around each other. He truly started to feel like the brother you never had. 
Arthur pulled back from you slightly and looked you in the eyes; you gave him a tight smile, then pulled him back closer and hugged him tighter. 
Arthur pulled back again as he asked you a question, "Oi, I heard I had a niece. Where she." 
Before you were able to answer his question, Tommy interrupted you. 
"Are you two finished yet" You heard Tommy ask from behind you, making Arthur drop you. 
"Sorry, Tommy," he chuckled as he stepped further from you. "There's been an incident down at the boat house; we need you down there." 
"Thank you, Arthur; I'll meet you outside," Tommy said, then went into the kitchen to gather his things. 
Arthur gave you a small smile and whispered a quick bye before heading outside. 
You turn to face Tommy, who is putting on his coat; you see his collar sticking up, so you go over to him to help him fix it. You grab onto the jacket and pull him in close to you. 
"When will you be back?" You ask as you pat down his collar.
"When I'm finished" 
"That's not cool, Tommy; we have things we need to talk about." You grab on his collar and tighten. 
He gave you a look that you could only describe as assumed, then pulled you off him, holding your wrist in his hands. 
"And we will when I get back," he said, dropping your wrist and walking away. He suddenly stopped and turned around to face you. "Watch Charlie for me," He said with a tight smile, then reached for the door. 
You are so fed up with his bullshit that you pick up the first thing your hands touched and throw it at him. 
"Fuck you, Tommy" You screamed at him as the glass cup left your hands. 
Your aim is ass, so the cup smashed against the wall next to him, missing him by a couple feet. But still, it stopped him in his tracks; he stood there for a second, then turned around to face you, gave you a smug smile, then said
"You already did love." 
He quickly went to the door, leaving you there standing there stunned. 
You're so mad at him for coming into your life (again), picking you up, and dragging you into his mess (again). He constantly treats you like gum on the bottom of his shoe, and you're tired of it. 
You have this anger building up inside you; you're so mad, so you do the only thing you can think of. 
You scream.
You stand there and scream; you yell out towards the ceiling; you scream till your lungs start to burn. And then you collapse onto the floor. 
How did you end up here again? You thought you finally got away from this life. 
Before you had a chance to wallow in your self-pity, you heard a cry come from upstairs. You get slowly and make your way up the narrow stairs. Once you get upstairs, you notice there are only two rooms upstairs, one the bathroom and the other the bedroom. 
You enter the bedroom and see Charlie still fast asleep on the bed, the only bed, you might add. Your baby cried from her bassinet, and you went over, picking her up and rocked her  back and forth in her arms. She must've heard your scream and got startled. You were really loud; you're shocked that Charlie didn't wake up. 
You were able to get her back to sleep quite quickly; you placed her back in her bassinet and walked out the door back downstairs. 
As you walked down the steps, you started to sniff the air around you; it smelled like something was burning. 
You took off sprinting towards the kitchen once you remembered the dinner Mary said she had placed in the oven. You yanked the oven open and reached in to take the pan out. 
You jump back, saying a million curse words as you immediately pull your thumb in your mouth. You are so out of it that you forgot an oven mitt. You suck on your thumb for a couple of more seconds as you glance around the kitchen till your eyes land on the oven mitt. You grab them off the counter, head back to the oven, and pull the pot, placing it on the top of the stove. 
You open the pot, and to your surprise, it's a chicken roast dinner, and it's not that burnt, only a bit; really, it just looks extra crispy. 
You place the top back on and glance down at the clock next to the stove; it's barely a quarter past three. 
You decide to let the meal cool down, you get your bag from the door, and put it up where you see best upstairs. 
After you finished unpacking what you had on hand, you pre-made a couple of bottles for your daughter and then joined Charlie in the bed for a little nap after scooting him over a bit. 
That boy sleeps wild.
You felt yourself being shaken back and forth softly as if it was too hard for the person to push you. You open your eyes slowly and squint as they try to adjust to the dark; you look around the room in search of the person who worked you up, and soon, your eyes land on the smaller version of Thomas Shelby. 
The little boy turned his head to the side as she looked at you curiously. 
You sat up on your elbows and took a quick glance over to the clock next to you; it was seven on the dot. You turned back and looked over at Charlie, who was still looking at you.
"Yes, Charlie," you asked. 
"I'm hungry; where, Da," he asked, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands. 
"He's out right now; I'm here. Is that ok," you asked; he nodded slowly in response.
"Ok, good, I have some food downstairs for you; we just have to get the baby up and well go, ok." 
"Yeah, come look." You stood up, grabbed him, placed him on your hip, and showed him the baby below. 
"Who that" 
You thought about your answer before you responded to him. You didn't see the harm in telling him the truth, so you said, "She's your sister; her name is Ruby." 
He turned up to look at you so quick that you thought he gave himself whiplash. 
"My sista," he gasped and then tried to reach down to touch her.
"Yep, but wait, be careful, I'll put you down, and I'll grab her and show you." 
You put him down softly and then pick up your little girl; she begins to stir as you gently pick her up. You turned to see Charlie sitting waiting patiently with his feet swinging off the side of the bed. 
You sat down next to him and turned your body to face him; he glanced down at the baby, up at you, and down at the baby again. 
"Wow!" He said, then jumped down from the bed and took hold of your hand.
"Come on, me and baby hungry," he said, leading you downstairs. 
Once you got downstairs, you had him sit at the small table in the kitchen, and you kept Ruby in your arms as you fixed him a plate and then yourself. You warmed both plates on the stove and grabbed a pre-made bottle from the fridge while you waited. 
You sat down next to Charlie and offered him a proposition: "You want to feed her with me." 
He shook his head up and down so fast and tried to reach out to her. 
You pulled away from him slightly. "Wait, I'll hold her, and you hold the bottle, ok?"
He nodded and waited for you to give him the bottle; you showed him how to hold the bottle at an angle best for the baby and then let him take over. 
He reached over you slightly as he held the bottle to Ruby, and she took it instantly, drinking fast. 
After she was finished, you took her back upstairs to sleep; when you came back down, your food was finished warming, so you took both your plates out and cut up the food for him before handing it to him. 
Together, y'all both sat at the table and ate in silence.
"Are you my new ma" 
The piece of chicken you placed in your mouth instantly went down the wrong pipe, and you started to cough, your eyes began to water as your chest tightened. You reach for your glass of water on the table as you beat against your chest. 
As you drank your water, you glanced over at Charlie, who had started playing with his food. You cleared your throat a couple of times as you rubbed against it and drank more water, then set the cut back down next to your plate. 
You smack your lips against your teeth as you begin to speak. "Umm, w-what makes you uhhh what makes you say that." 
Charlie shrugged his causal shoulders, still glancing down at his food. "You're staying here with me and da; you sleep in the same bed as me and da and your baby’s ma." 
You tilted your head to the side, a puzzled look dancing across your face; you leaned down closer to Charlie and asked him a question, "You're four right." 
"Yep," he said, popping a piece of chicken in his mouth. 
"Um, yeah, no, Charlie, I'm not your "new" ma, and if I was, I wouldn't be your new ma, just another one, ok. Cause you ma Grace will always be your ma." 
He didn't say anything back to you, just nodded back slowly; it was clear that he was full now and probably was sleepy again. You assumed that you both had a long day of travel and these significant changes would take a second to get used to. 
You took both plates away, deciding that you were also finished eating; you quickly cleaned the plates and placed them in the drying rack. After you put the pot of food in the fridge, you pick Charlie up, take him upstairs with you. 
By the time your foot hit the last step, Charlie was somehow fast asleep; you brought him into the bedroom and carefully placed him down in the middle of the bed. You grab the covers, bring them over his body, and tuck him in slightly. 
After you check on your baby and find her still fast asleep. You decide to go back downstairs and sit in the living room to wait for Tommy; he should be home soon; he has been gone for hours now. Whatever he had to work on should be done by now……. Right?
You feel your oxygen supply getting cut off, and you start to struggle to breathe; you try to turn your head but to no avail because whatever's is on top of you is keeping you in place.
You begin to panic as you realize that you are asleep and have to force yourself away to be able to deal with whatever is keeping you from breathing. 
You feel your fingers begin twitching, then your eyes, and finally, after what seems like forever, you're able to open your eyes.
You squint your eyes as you try to help them adjust to the darkness, but it's still pitch black; you soon realize that the reason you can't see isn't because it's dark but because something lays on top of you. 
You lift your hand cautiously as you slowly lift Charlie's body off your head and back into the middle.
You lay there for a second as you try to catch your breath, then slowly, you sit up to check on your daughter, seeing as she has yet to wake you for a bottle tonight. You take a quick peek over into her bassinet. 
She's not there. 
You quickly shoot up in a panic, thinking your eyes are playing jokes on you, but once you get closer to the bassinet, you can confirm that she is not in there. 
You try to take deep to calm yourself down, but it gets caught in your throat as you slowly begin to spiral, and your mind starts to race with a million questions.
Where is she?
How could I not hear someone take her? 
When did I get up here? 
Wait, you pause for a second and try to think back to tonight. You didn't get in the bed. You remember waiting on the couch for Tommy; you must've fallen asleep, but how did you get up here?
Your head quickly pans over your shoulder, and in the bed next to Charlie, you see Tommy and your daughter lying on his chest and a half-empty bottle on the nightstand next to him. 
Relief floods your body as you slowly sit back down on the bed; you look back over at Tommy. The sight before you is truly something; if Tommy wasn't the devil reincarnated, it might make your heart swell. But instead, you're sitting there contemplating whether or not to get her off him and place her back in her bed. 
She seems fine, and there isn't much room for her or Tommy to roll around plus the risk of having to deal with her waking up in a sour mood if you move her isn't something you feel like doing right now. 
You lay back in bed next to Charlie, deciding to leave them be. 
As you fall back to sleep, instead of counting sheep, you tell yourself repeatedly.
That this is just for now and that
Thomas Shelby is in your past and not your future. 
Tag list:
@thhriller@macchiadinchiostro @naevisct @johnmurphys-sass @fannibalsrule @mysticalbouquetwolf-posts @sis7890
I apologize if y/n having a kid is a huge turn-off for some people, mainly because there isn't any warning, and we're so deep into the story. I wanted it to be a surprise, but again, I'm sorry. Also, this isn't the last part. There are two more, and then that's it; I broke it down because I felt like having everything In one or two parts would've made it seem like Y/n and Tommy's end result would become too quick and not in a organic way. Also, I've been told this story gives dead doves don't cry or something like that; it's not, I promise, a happy end or as happy as person can be with Thomas Shelby. Anyways, thanks for reading. The story should be finished and fully uploaded all parts by Friday, Feb 9th.
P.S: I can't tell if this chapter is shitty or not I was just trying to get it out for yall so I'm sorry if it is.
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sidekick-hero · 3 months
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I'll keep you like an oath (may nothing but death do us part) - my contribution to the @steddiesummerexchange for @starryeyedjanai can now be read in full 🥰
Pairings: Steve/Eddie, Robin/Chrissy Characters: Steve, Eddie, Robin, Chrissy, Max, Dustin, Wayne Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Fake Marriage, Platonic Stobin, Platonic Hellcheer, idiot4idiot, Friends to Husbands to Lovers, Humor and Fluff and a smudge Angst
When Steve's grandmother dies, he finds out that he can only get his inheritance - half a million dollars - if he marries someone. It's her way of forcing Steve to live a heterosexual life. Sucks for her that gay marriage has been legalized since she wrote her will. Sucks for Steve that he doesn't have a man or woman in his life to marry. Cue Eddie Munson, roommate and best friend of Robin's girlfriend Chrissy and the guy Steve has had a crush on for years.
What could possibly go wrong?
Read on AO3
Chapter 1| Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Chapter 4 (5k) under the cut
The day of the wedding arrives with an almost surreal sense of calm. The venue, a charming garden nestled behind a quaint bed and breakfast just out of town, is adorned with delicate fairy lights and fresh flowers. Eddie stands in front of a mirror in a small, cozy room, adjusting his tie for the tenth time. He takes a deep breath, trying to steady the nervous energy buzzing through him.
Chrissy, his best person, just like Robin is Steve’s, stands beside him, offering a reassuring smile. "You look great, Teddy. Steve’s going to swoon when he sees you.”
He looks at his best friend in the mirror and gives her a small smile. "You know it's not like that, Chris."
She hums. "You keep saying that, but I don't know. Yeah, you're getting married so he gets his inheritance, I get it. But that's not what the way he looks at you says, honey."
"Chris -"
"I'm just saying. He was flirting with you when you two first met, so he must think you're hot."
"Yeah, and I blew it," Eddie reminds her, his voice forlorn. He's still kicking himself over how stupid he was, how prejudiced he was, not realizing that this great guy was hitting on him and blowing his chance by being a jerk to him.
By the time he finally realized that Steve was actually a good guy, he had already backed off and stopped all his earlier attempts to get to know Eddie. Eddie had gotten the message loud and clear. He was too late, and Steve had already moved on.
A knock on the door interrupts their conversation. Eddie is glad, especially when he sees who’s standing in the doorway.
"Wayne!" he exclaims, jumping into the older man's arms. "You made it."
The man’s laughter rumbles against Eddie’s chest. "I told you I would be here, son. It's not every day your nephew gets married, is it?"
Eddie sinks deeper into the warm embrace, inhaling the smell of Old Spice, cigarette smoke, and the laundry detergent his uncle has been using for as long as Eddie can remember. It smells like home.
Eddie reluctantly pulls away from Wayne’s embrace, his heart feeling lighter. “I’m really glad you’re here, Wayne. It means a lot to me.”
Wayne pats Eddie’s shoulder affectionately. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world. Now, where’s this Steve fella I’ve been hearing so much about?”
Eddie’s stomach tightens at the mention of Steve. “He’s probably getting ready~~.~~ Let me introduce you.”
They make their way through the cozy hallways and out into the garden. The atmosphere is cheerful, filled with laughter and the scent of blooming flowers. They turn left to Steve's dressing room and when they knock, Robin answers with a busy expression, a tie pin between her teeth. Eddie spots Steve in front of the mirror, nervously adjusting his tie.
“Steve!” Eddie calls out, his voice steady but with a hint of excitement. He's unexpectedly nervous about introducing Steve to his uncle. Wayne is his only family, the man who raised him like Eddie was his own son, and his opinion means a whole lot to Eddie. He's always wanted Wayne to be proud of him, and he can't help but hope that he'll approve of Steve.
Steve turns, his eyes lighting up when he sees Eddie. He walks over, his smile widening as he notices Wayne but Eddie can tell by the crinkling of his brows and the tense line of his shoulders that Steve’s just as nervous as Eddie is. “Hey, Eddie. This must be your uncle.”
Wayne steps forward, extending a hand. “Nice to finally meet you, Steve. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
That makes Steve pause, even as he reaches for the offered hand. "You did?" he asks, sounding way too surprised and incredulous, and Eddie winces.
Well, yeah, Wayne may have had a front-row seat as he went from being angry about how unfairly hot the jock who invaded their apartment is to being distraught when he realized that said jock is actually really dreamy and sweet and that Eddie is such a fucking idiot for blowing his chance with him.
Not that Steve needs to know any of this. Eddie had told Wayne an only slightly altered version of Steve's cover story, so he hopes Wayne won't bring up Eddie's pathetic pining and mooning.
Steve catches himself, and as he shakes Wayne's hand firmly, his expression becomes warm and welcoming. "I wanted to say: Nice to meet you too, Mr. Munson. Eddie's told me a lot about you, too."
Wayne just chuckles at Steve's fumble. “Please, call me Wayne, you’re part of the family now,” he insists, his eyes twinkling with genuine interest. “So, you’re the one who’s been making my nephew all starry-eyed, huh?”
Eddie feels his cheeks heat up, and he tries to brush it off with a laugh. “Wayne!”
Steve chuckles, a slight blush coloring his own cheeks. “I guess so. Eddie’s been pretty special to me too.”
Wayne’s smile widens, and he looks between the two men with approval. “Well, it’s good to see you two together. Eddie deserves someone who appreciates him.”
Steve’s eyes soften as he glances at Eddie. “I appreciate him more than he knows.”
Eddie’s heart skips a beat at Steve’s words, and for a moment, he almost forgets about the ruse. The sincerity in Steve’s eyes makes him wonder, just for a moment, if maybe he isn’t the only one harboring some very real feelings.
Wayne claps Steve on the back, breaking the moment. “I’m looking forward to seeing you two tie the knot. If you ever hurt him, though, you’ll have to answer to me and my shotgun.”
Steve nods solemnly. “I understand. You have my word, Wayne.”
Wayne gives a satisfied nod before turning to Eddie. “Alright, I’ll let you two finish getting ready. Just wanted to say hi before the ceremony.”
Eddie watches as Wayne heads off to mingle with the other guests, feeling a mixture of relief and anxiety. He turns to Steve, who’s still watching him with that same warm expression.
“You okay?” Steve asks softly.
"Yeah, just nervous," Eddie admits, running a hand through his hair. "This all feels so... real, it's fucking with my head a little bit, I guess. It's weird that our friends and family are all celebrating this special day with so much, I dunno, enthusiasm. They're all so happy for us, Steve."
Steve steps closer and puts a reassuring hand on Eddie's shoulder. "I know. And I feel bad about lying to them, too. I wish we didn't have to, but..." he trails off, and Eddie knows he means to say that he doesn't want to get any more people involved in what is really a scam. But Eddie can't help wishing they didn't have to lie because it's real.
"I get it, Stevie. And I'm fine. All in, right?"
Steve takes his hands and squeezes them. "All in."
The ceremony itself is a quick affair. The officiator is an elderly woman, who speaks in a warm and calm voice about marriage and promises, about sickness and health, about sacrifices and the blessing of a life full of love and joy and laughter. Eddie can hear a few sniffles from their friends and family, but he only has eyes for Steve. Steve, who looks so handsome in his black suit and fitting bowtie, his hair tussled artfully and his hazel eyes shining with emotion. It’s not real, a voice inside his head reminds him, but just for this moment he quiets it and enjoys the feeling of having the man he’s actually in love with look at him like that.
When it’s time for the vows, Eddie’s voice trembles slightly, but his words are steady and heartfelt. He talks about how much Steve has been surprising him again and again, showing him so many unexpected sides of himself. When Eddie had thought Steve to be just another rich asshole jock he’s proven to Eddie how he’s caring and brave, opening his heart to Eddie when all his previous experiences taught him not to.
“And I can’t wait for you to keep me on my toes for the rest of our lives,” Eddie ends. He means it. If he has any say in it, he’ll happily have Steve prove him wrong for as long as he lives.
Steve blinks back tears as he takes Eddie’s hands. His vows sound just as heartfelt, just as real and tomorrow, Eddie will probably overthink what it all means. But today, he lets his heart enjoy them.
After their vows they exchange rings, and the officiant pronounces them married. As they kiss, the garden erupts in applause and cheers and Eddie can hear Dustin whoop and Jeff whistle loudly. He feels a wave of happiness and relief wash over him and sees the same sentiment reflected on Steve’s face.
He nudges him, the grin loud in his voice. “That wasn’t so bad, wasn’t it?”
Steve shrugs, aiming for nonchalant and failing miserably because of the answering grin splitting his face.
“You think your grandma would’ve liked it?” Eddie asks and Steve laughs out loud.
“Oh she would have hated every second of it.”
“Good. That’s good.”
“Yeah, it is.” Suddenly, Steve’s much closer than he had been seconds ago, their noses almost touching. “Thank you, Eddie. For everything.” And then Steve kisses his cheek, his soft lips gracing the arch of his cheekbone in a way that feels more intimate than the quick kiss they exchanged when the officiant told them to.
The reception is a blur of laughter, dancing, and heartfelt toasts. Robin and Chrissy’s are both hilarious, while Wayne chokes up a bit when he asks Steve to take good care of the only son Wayne’s ever had. Steve takes Eddie’s hand and squeezes it while looking at Wayne and promising him to always look out for Eddie and care for him.
Even Captain Hopper says a few words, and Eddie can tell how much that means to Steve.
The night ends when Eddie falls asleep with his head on Steve’s shoulder, slightly drooling on his husband's lapel. Steve half-drags, half-carries him to their room and helps him undress to his underwear before Eddie crawls under the sheets. When Steve offers to sleep on the ground, Eddie is too tired to argue. Instead, he just pulls back the blanket on the other side of the bed and makes grabby hands at him.
Steve chuckles softly and slides into bed next to Eddie. The last thing Eddie feels is Steve’s breath against his nape as he tells him goodnight. He falls asleep with a smile on his face.
The next morning, they enjoy breakfast with their closest friends and family. The air is filled with laughter and the clinking of dishes as everyone shares stories from the previous night. Wayne presents them with their wedding gift - a two-week stay at a cabin situated by one of the Great Lakes in the area. It's the same place where Wayne used to take Eddie for fishing trips when he was a boy.
“The cabin,” Wayne tells Steve, “has always been a special place for Eddie and me. I thought you two could use some peace and quiet after all this excitement.”
Eddie’s eyes glisten as he accepts the gift. “Thanks, Wayne. That means a lot.”
Steve places a hand on Eddie’s shoulder, his own smile warm and genuine. “It sounds perfect. Thank you, Wayne.”
As breakfast winds down, Eddie and Steve find themselves surrounded by well-wishers. They say goodbye to everyone, exchanging hugs and promises of phone calls and visits.
Wayne pats Eddie on the back. "Take care of each other up there. And don't forget to fish.” He adds with a deadpan look.
Eddie groans in embarrassment. "Oh my God."
When everyone but them and Robin and Chrissy have left, Eddie feels a mixture of excitement and nervousness. They're supposed to go back to Steve's apartment, while Chrissy and Robin will go back to Chrissy's apartment. He moved in with Steve the week before, and they both helped Robin move in with Chrissy. He was glad that the wedding had taken up a lot of their time and energy, enough to distract Steve from missing his other half too much.
That will change now, but at least they have two full weeks at the cabin for Steve to get used to having Eddie around a lot more.
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The drive to the cabin two days later is filled with lighthearted banter about music and comfortable silences as Steve and Eddie enjoy the scenic views on their way to their destination. It feels easy between them, and Eddie curses himself once again that he could have had this for years. Like Elizabeth Bennet, his own pride and prejudice got in the way.
When they finally arrive, they're greeted by the sight of a quaint cabin nestled on the shore of one of the Great Lakes, its surroundings offering a sense of peace and seclusion. There are no other cabins in sight, and Eddie knows from all the times he's been here with Wayne that the nearest neighbors are about 15 to 20 minutes away on foot, and the nearest store is in a small village about 20 minutes away by car.
"Your uncle was right, it's perfect here after all the stress and excitement of the last few weeks," Steve says as they gather their belongings from the car and approach the cabin. The lake is right in front of them, the sun reflecting off it in a way that Eddie has come to associate with endless summers spent here fishing with his uncle.
"Yeah, don't tell him I said that, but Wayne's usually right about things."
Steve mimics zipping his lips, earning a laugh from Eddie.
As they step inside, they take a tour of the small cabin. There's a decently sized open kitchen and a living room with a small couch and a dining table. No TV, which won’t be a problem because Eddie brought his laptop. The bathroom is equally small but has a rather big walk-in shower, something Eddie can’t help but imagine testing out with Steve. Him on his knees in front of Steve, while droplets of water rain down on them, catching in the thick patch of chest hair and running down towards…
“Eddie,” Steve calls, ripping him from his fantasy.
“What’s the matter?” he calls back, quickly hurrying out of the bathroom and towards the only room they haven’t checked out yet—the bedroom.
Which he quickly remembers has only one bed. Eddie had slept on the couch when he had been still small enough to do so and later on an air mattress they brought along.
Steve glances at him with wide eyes and then back at the small couch in the living room, immediately offering to take it. Eddie shakes his head.
"It's fine, Steve. We've shared a bed before," Eddie tells him with a reassuring smile. His cheeks heat with the memory of Steve’s warm breath against his nape before he fell asleep on their wedding night. When he had woken up the next morning, Steve had already been gone from the bed, something he mourned for the five minutes or so it took Steve to step into their room with only a towel slung around his hips. The sight had been the best consolation prize he could’ve asked for.
Steve looks at him, relieved. "If you say so. Just don't hog all the blankets."
Eddie grins. "No promises."
They unpack their bags and settle in, the cozy cabin quickly feeling like home. The first few days fall into a blissful routine—swimming in the lake, taking long walks along the shoreline, cooking meals together, and watching "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" on Eddie's laptop.
On their second afternoon, while preparing lunch, Eddie tries to impress Steve with his nonexistent proficiency in making pancakes. This earns him the heavenly sound of Steve’s laughter as his sad attempts to flip a pancake end with batter splattered everywhere.
"You're supposed to flip it, not fling it," Steve teases, wiping batter off Eddie’s cheek. Eddie's cheeks heat under his gentle touch.
Eddie chuckles, shaking his head. "Hey, I'm trying. Cooking was never my strong suit."
Steve smiles, handing him another spatula. "Well, lucky for you, I'm a great teacher."
And he is, even if the way he presses himself up against Eddie's back, the way his big hand rests on Eddie's wrist as he holds the pan, is unfairly distracting. Eddie messes up a few more times, mostly because he gets caught up in the way Steve feels, smells, and sounds every time he gives Eddie instructions in a soft yet firm voice.
When Eddie finally gets it right, Steve's praise sears itself into his brain, altering his brain chemistry irrevocably.
“See? You’ve got it!” Steve exclaims, his voice filled with genuine pride.
Eddie grins, feeling a warmth that has nothing to do with the stove. "All thanks to my amazing teacher."
Steve laughs, leaning in close. "I knew you had it in you."
Eddie can’t help but flirt back. "Guess you'll have to keep teaching me things, then."
Steve’s eyes sparkle with mischief. "Oh, I plan to."
They fall into an easy rhythm, working together in the kitchen, their movements synchronized as if they've been doing this for years. The cabin becomes their little sanctuary, where the outside world seems to fade away. It's easy to forget that this is all just part of their ruse because nothing about the way they act around each other feels fake.
One evening a few days later, they walk along the lake, the setting sun casting a golden glow over the water. Steve skips stones across the surface, watching the ripples spread outward, and Eddie is once again reminded of Steve's past as a high school jock. However, the thought doesn't bring up the old resentment. Instead, he feels a little jealous and a lot turned on by the competent way Steve masters things like flipping pancakes or skipping stones.
"You know," Steve says, breaking the comfortable silence, "this place is really special. I'm glad Wayne thought of it."
Eddie nods, admiring the way Steve's eyes reflect the fading light. "Yeah, it brings back a lot of good memories. When I first came to live with Wayne, I was angry all the time. At everyone. Mostly at myself, I guess. It probably wasn't easy for Wayne, the way I shut him out and acted like it was such a burden to live with him. He brought me here about a year after I moved in, and at first, I thought it was his way of punishing me for my bad behavior. Turns out, forced proximity helps you get over some stupid hang-ups pretty quickly. We've been here every year since, until I moved out at 20."
Steve listens to the story in silence. When Eddie’s done, he says, “I’m glad you had Wayne growing up.”
"Yeah, me too. The old man's got a big heart and he loves taking in strays. Before you know it, he'll be calling you ‘son’ and forcing you to watch baseball with him every season.”
“That sounds pretty awesome, actually.”
Eddie laughs. "It is. Though I have to warn you, he's a die-hard Cubs fan. There’s no escape from it."
Steve chuckles, tossing another stone. "Well, I’m a White Sox fan, so I’m sure we’ll have plenty to argue about."
Eddie raises an eyebrow. "Oh, a White Sox fan? This is going to be interesting."
Steve grins. "Trust me, I can hold my own in a baseball debate."
Eddie smiles, feeling a warmth in his chest that has nothing to do with the setting sun. "You're a good guy, Steve."
Steve looks at him, eyes softening. "So are you, Eddie."
They share a quiet smile before continuing their walk, the air filled with the sounds of nature and the occasional splash of a fish jumping.
Eddie cannot remember the last time he felt so at peace with himself and the world.
Later that night, they find themselves sitting side by side on the bed, sharing a bowl of popcorn as they immerse themselves in yet another episode of Buffy. By now it has become part of their routine, all their days ending the same way. The first night, they had kept their distance, but the small screen and the growing familiarity between them soon made them sit closer and closer.
Now their backs rest comfortably against the headboard, their shoulders occasionally brush against each other, and their legs rest comfortably together under the blanket.
"I gotta say, Angel was always meant to be with Buffy," Steve suddenly supplies, apropos of nothing.
Eddie scoffs and turns to look at him in disbelief. "Oh, come on! Are you still stuck in the 90s? Spike was the one for her, no doubt about it."
They both reach for the popcorn bowl, their eyes never leaving the screen as Buffy and Angel dance together at Buffy's prom.
"But, Eddie," Steve insists, "Angel had depth. He understood Buffy's inner turmoil like no one else."
Eddie shakes his head, a smirk on his lips. "Depth? Please. Angel was brooding half the time, and when he wasn't, he was busy being melodramatic about his curse. Spike, on the other hand, embraced his vampiric nature and challenged Buffy in a way that Angel never did."
As the scene ends, Steve gestures to the screen. "But Angel had this epic love story with Buffy! They were soulmates, destined to be together."
"Soulmates, shmoulmates," Eddie retorts, leaning closer to the laptop. "Buffy needed someone who could stand toe-to-toe with her, someone who wasn't afraid to call her out on her nonsense. Spike did that and more."
Steve reaches for the beers on the floor next to him and hands a fresh one to Eddie, who gives him a grateful nudge with his shoulder before taking a sip.
"Yeah, but Angel was her first love. You can't deny the significance of that," Steve argues, taking a sip of his own beer.
The argument makes Eddie smile involuntarily because it's such a Steve thing to say. He's a romantic at heart, one who doesn't do a very good job of hiding it.
Eddie nods in agreement because he can see Steve's point, but then he remembers Steve's story about the first girl he loved and how the breakup left him pretty messed up. "First love doesn't always mean forever love, Steve. Buffy grew, she changed, and so did what she needed in a partner. Spike wasn't always what she wanted, but he was what she needed and I think deep down she knew that and it scared the hell outta her."
Steve looks at him with an unreadable expression and says, "Maybe you're right. I guess love is pretty scary."
Feeling like they're no longer talking about Buffy Summers, Eddie clears his throat awkwardly. "Yeah, it is," he agrees, reaching into the popcorn bowl just to have something to do.
Steve seems to have the same idea, because suddenly their fingers brush against each other as they reach for the same handful of popcorn.
The moment their fingers touch, it ignites a spark, an electric charge that leaves them frozen in the moment, their eyes meeting in the dim light cast by the laptop screen. The world seems to pause, time standing still as Eddie recalls the story Steve had told everyone. It had sounded like such a funny cover story to explain their sudden and unexpected marriage, but now Eddie doesn’t feel like laughing.
His heart hammers against his ribcage as he leans in closer, his gaze instinctively drawn to Steve's lips.
"Steve," he whispers, his voice a soft undertone barely audible against the background noise of the laptop.
"Yeah?" Steve's voice matches Eddie's in volume, his breath a warm whisper against Eddie's skin.
His heart still pounding, Eddie swallows, nerves and anticipation causing his voice to tremble. He knows what he wants this moment to mean, but once he acknowledges it, there's no going back.
Steve's courage must be rubbing off on him because he still asks the question that's been on his mind since their conversation in his apartment. "Do you... do you ever wonder what it would be like if this was real?"
Steve's eyes search Eddie's face, his own a complex mix of hope and uncertainty. Eddie feels like he's seconds away from a heart attack as he waits for Steve's answer. When it comes, Steve's voice is barely audible; Eddie reads it as much from his lips as he hears it.
"Every day."
Hearing Steve's answer, Eddie's breath hitches and he feels a tidal wave of emotions he can no longer suppress. "Me too."
Later, Eddie couldn't tell who leaned in first, and honestly, it doesn't matter because in that moment, it's clear they both want it. As soon as their lips meet, it feels like the universe has aligned and everything falls into place. The way Steve's lips feel against his is nothing short of divine, so maybe Eddie needs to rethink his stance on soul mates and destiny.
While the first press of lips is soft, even tentative, the kiss quickly deepens as they pour years of unspoken feelings into it.
When they finally pull away for air, they are both breathless. Eddie laughs softly, the sound a mixture of disbelief and pure joy.
"Just like your story, huh?" he whispers, the corners of his mouth lifting in a smile.
Steve grins in return, his thumb gently tracing Eddie's cheek in an intimate gesture. "Yeah. Only this time it's real."
"It better be," Eddie says before leaning in to capture Steve's lips once more. They share another kiss, and then another, until the bowl of popcorn between them is forgotten and the laptop screen goes dark.
The next morning, they wake up tangled together under the sheets. Eddie’s head rests on Steve’s broad chest, their legs entwined and Eddie hugging Steve’s torso like a pillow. Steve’s left arm is wrapped around his waist while his right hand cards through Eddie’s hair, indicating he's awake.
Last night was real, is his first coherent thought.
When Eddie lifts his head, he feels Steve’s breath hitch and his arm around his waist tighten. The hand in his hair stops its gentle ministrations, and Eddie makes an involuntary noise of protest.
Steve laughs softly at him and continues. “Morning, sleepyhead.”
“What time is it?” Eddie half asks, half yawns.
“Almost noon. I was waiting for you to wake up because you were using me as your own personal teddy bear and I didn’t wanna wake you.”
Eddie feels his cheeks heat up and hastily tries to untangle himself from Steve, but is stopped by strong arms.
“I wasn’t complaining. In fact, I really like it. You’re cute like that, even when you’re drooling on my shirt.” The soft kiss to his forehead matches the fond tone of Steve’s voice.
Snuggling deeper into Steve’s embrace, he asks, “So yesterday…?”
“...has been something I wanted to do for a long time.”
It’s hard to believe, Steve wanting to kiss him for so long. Maybe for as long as Eddie has wanted to.
“Why didn’t you do it before yesterday then?”
He feels Steve shrug underneath him. “Figured you didn’t want me to. When I tried to flirt with you, get to know you, you made it pretty clear that you weren’t interested. So I stopped. Tried to act like I didn’t think about kissing you every time I saw you.”
This time, Eddie lifts his head to look down at Steve. “I am such a fucking idiot, Steve. You shouldn’t want to kiss me. When we first met I was so sure you were—” he pauses and Steve helpfully adds, “a rich asshole jock.” “Yeah. Took me a while to get over myself and realize you were nothing like that. When I did, it seemed like you already moved on. I was too scared to get rejected, especially because I would’ve deserved it. So I acted like I didn’t think about kissing you every time I saw you.”
Gazing into each other’s eyes, they both burst out laughing.
“God, we’re idiots,” Steve laughs, rubbing his nose against Eddie’s. Then, his eyes suddenly widen. “Max can never find out! I had to promise her that I wouldn’t let this turn into ‘one of those rom-com clichés where everything goes horribly wrong because no one just talked to each other.’”
The sound that leaves Eddie’s mouth is half laugh, half groan. “We shall never speak of this then.”
And just because he can, he steals another kiss from Steve before his face and tone turn sober.
“Only Chrissy and Birdie know about our idiocy. In a way, your story about how we got together is true, just the timeline is a bit different. How about we just come back and live the married life we’re supposed to?”
Wrapping his strong thighs around Eddie’s waist and bringing their groins together, Steve smiles up at him. “I’d love that,” he says, kissing Eddie. Deep and dirty and hungry.
They don’t leave the cabin for the rest of the day.
One afternoon a few days later, lying on a blanket by the lake, Eddie turns to Steve, propped up on one elbow. "What's next on the agenda when we get back home?"
Steve thinks for a moment, then smiles. "Honestly? I don't know. I just want to be with you. We'll figure the rest out as we go."
Eddie feels a warmth spreading through his chest. Still, he has to ask. "Who are you and what have you done to Steve?"
Tracing Eddie's slightly sunburned cheek with his finger, Steve laughs softly. "He just learned that good things can happen when you don't plan for them. Like falling in love and marrying that person before learning that they might even like you back."
"Love you back,' you mean," is all Eddie says. He presses a quick kiss to the soft skin of Steve's stomach before settling back down on the blanket.
As the sun sets, casting a warm glow over the water, they sit in comfortable silence, watching the world change colors.
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respectthepetty · 4 months
Pride Petty Watch - LiTA (Sky/Prapai) 1/3
The crowd picked Love in the Air as the first show to ever move off of my Petty List, so I'm watching it and recapping my experience, and oh boy, is it an *experience*. I wrote about the first seven episodes in two parts [here and here], so it's time to dive into the next six episodes!
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Woot woot!
I had to make sure I didn't click on episode one again because it's the same scenes showing again. This is the third time they have been shown? Fourth? I'm here for one thing and one thing only. Quit bullshitting LiTA and GIVE ME WHAT I CAME FOR!
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Oh my God, my heart just jumped into my throat with this music and this lighting behind this devil.
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I know how their story starts. I already knew. I will be not be upset at him. I will not get into my feelings about this even though this music and lighting are hellbent on making Prapai seem like The Worst™
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I would love to claim "pink = 💕love💕" but not today, Satan.
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Sky saying "Where's the condom?" as more of a demand rather than a question and the arch of his back are an appreciation post in themselves. This is transactional and he is not here to make friends.
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WHY AM I BEING SHOWN RAIN AND PAYU AGAIN?! If you don't have enough material for thirteen episodes, just say it! Because my boy disassociated, went on autopilot, and is now tucking this nightmare away in a dark corner of his mind in true Trauma Compartmentalizing 101 fashion, yet I gotta see Payu and Rain's Daddy x Baby nonsense another round?! I only respect one person in this house and the rest of these men can choke. I wrote what I wrote.
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Hold up, Prapai was AWAKE when Sky left looking like that? And now he is reminiscing about it in all black with that black rose of death lapel pin? *Arthur Fist*
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I support queer rights AND queer wrongs, but this show is testing me like I'm fucking Frodo having to deliver a ring to the depths of hell in the month of Pride. Sky just went home and cried on his bed, while this woman is talking about getting over heartbreak because Prapai can't stop thinking about this one-night stand. I cannot be queer and *here* in these conditions with el diablo smirking every two seconds.
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KinnPorsche, my old enemy, we meet again. Didn't think I'd see you here, but it tracks because where there is a rich bastard incapable of getting over the poorer man he wrongfully exerted power over, there will be a robe, wine, and a sex worker. (That boy looks like the Memory in the Letter lead)
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"I feel sorry for your prey" - Everyone is too busy looking at the metaphorical weather that represents the characters to notice the red alert standing right there.
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On God, if a man called me like that without telling me his name and proceeded to just . . . be creepy, it'd be on like Donkey Kong. I was raised by Sidney Prescott from Scream and if a man wants to play games over the phone, then he needs to be prepared to die. And what is it with this show trying to distract me with with these problematic men working out? I know they are attractive, but as Michelle Visage stated "stop relying on that body!" AND NOW CREEPY TEXTS, and the only thing Sky thinks is a "man like that wouldn't be into [him]" . . . BL boys would greatly benefit from feminism.
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Prapai, you have to get less creepy. You just have to because this is not it, my man. You are throwing out the beginning-of-a-psycho-killer vibes and I cannot. I simply. Can. Fucking. Not.
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Sky is pissed at Rain, threw the flowers, and has Prapai listed as "Psycho" so it's clear who has the brain cell of these weather boys, and it's the one whose back is hurting FROM CARRYING THE WEIGHT OF THE DAMN WORLD ON HIS SHOULDERS!
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I will not be swayed by the sunflowers, the fact that Prapai is aware Sky is a Sad Boy, or the blue. As far as I'm concerned, by the end of this episode, Prapai is still the devil. NEXT EPISODE!
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The energy between these two is giving me GMMTV "brothers," and that is not a compliment.
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I'm not going to fault Sky for not throwing away the flowers because reuse, recycle, re-
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*took a six hour break and contemplated the meaning of life, made an avocado smoothie then poured rum in it, started doing yoga then ended up in savasana, which means I just laid there and looked at the ceiling, and finally I remembered the gorgeous Zani is in this show, so I returned*
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This boy is me and I am him. I'm so chill that if I got any cooler, I'd be an ice cube. Just chilling. So chill. The chill is immaculate. I am meditating. I am praying. I am one with the storm. I'm the chillest. Climate change no longer exists because I'm just, so, fucking, chill. ~Let's continue~
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I don't want to give Prapai any credit because I already told my mom I hate him which means we are sworn enemies in this life and future ones as well, but him noticing that Sky spaced out even though he immediately jumped back into flirting mode, and him reinforcing that he thinks Sky is attractive in any state including this one should be an issue because he is still focusing on Sky's body, but he doesn't know Sky well enough to have anything else, so . . . one whole point for Slytherin, I guess.
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Rain is not a real one and if Sky was a rapper, this in when he would have dropped the ultimate diss track cementing his place in academic rhetoric for all eternity. Even if I didn't know about his ex, I could have read that expression, but Rain? Once again, one brain cell, and Sky has it.
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I want to give Prapai the points for the food, but he doesn't even know what Sky likes, so this is White Man Ambition at its finest. Thank goodness that Sky is throwing it awa-
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Dear Reader, I'm going to level with you here one and a half episodes into this arc: I now fully understand The Fuckery. I greatly appreciate the 126 people who picked this show because this is the perfect example of what I keep reading about a MAME series. The abrupt shifts between aggressive flirting, dick jokes, and trauma is jarring. I knew the kidnapping was coming for Rain, but hearing Stop say that Rain would be sexually assaulted by his gang of men if Payu didn't stop fighting back was the most violent moment of an already physically violent event that, strangely, did not affect me until that very moment. I know what is coming for Sky, yet having these intercuts of Sky's abuse, although effective, are humbling in a way I was not expecting. Because what I had thought I was walking into was a trashy watch with gratuitous sex talk and some drama, but what I'm experiencing is a lot of emotional discord as the story swings between extremes while refusing to balance itself out. There is no middle ground in this show. I will continue to be petty about this watch, but I get it now in a way I was never going to grasp without watching one of her series and I'm graciously realizing I would not have survived TharnType because even as Prapai connects the dots that something *very bad* has happened to Sky based on his interactions with Sky, he smiles because . . . well, because.
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So even though Sky and Prapai's arc is smaller than the first, my watch is going to be in three parts instead of just two because . . . well, because.
~Let's continue~
I'm going to try really hard to give Slytherin points here, *grinds teeth* so even though this man is stalking Sky, he gets credit for showing up, which according to the great philosophers, is half the battle. Also, I know his lapel pins are important, so the sunflower and the bee after he gave Sky meaningful sunflowers is a nice sentimental touch, but he gets no points because HE COULD'VE OFFERED THE BOY A RIDE! The perfect pitch was right there, yet he swings and misses.
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I don't listen to true crime podcasts, but I feel confident that most cases start with a stalker using several devices to contact their victim after his primary mean is blocked. Basically, I need Prapai to do as Sky's shirt says and "CHILL THE FUCK OUT!" I'm trying to give him points but he refuses to exhibit any level of chill. None. No chill. Not ice cube. Just sad hot puddle of zero chills.
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I felt *something* between Sig and Som when they were arguing across the tables in episode seven, but now I know Sig is trying to instigate a fight with Som just so he can have that boy's hands around his neck. I respect it.
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Sky is having a breakdown because of the onslaught of texts Prapai keeps sending him from multiple devices and as he huddles in the fetal position begging to be left alone having bursts of anger, the phone begins to vibrate signaling more texts are coming through. The director, Ne, also served as an editor on Only Friends, and if he whispered in Jojo's ears to make Ray's bathtub scene just as gut-wrenching as this, I just wanna eat some soup with Ne and know like "You good, boo?"
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I am fighting for my life in these trenches!
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Rain picked up Sky's phone and told Prapai to come to the hospital. Rain? Rain who was on his knees begging for Sky's forgiveness after he gave Sky's number to Prapai? As in the Rain who was told to stay out of Sky's business? Like the same Rain who Sky looked in his face and told him he would never be with Prapai? THE RAIN WHO IS NOW GIVING PRAPAI THE KEY TO SKY'S APARTMENT?! That Rain?!
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"I made a promise to Rain" - Pero like . . . why do you have to make promises to not fuck with unconscious and sick people? Cause shouldn't that be a given? No? Mmm. Interesting development.
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I have only watched two episodes. TWO! I'm not even halfway through this AND I know how this ends. No amount of knowledge or spoilers has properly prepared me for this journey, and now I'm scared and I want my mom to come pick me up.
But here I am. Clicking on the next episode.
pinche cabrón
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hypervoxel · 7 months
Jumble of headcanons in no particular order about Vark because I need to write them down somewhere to pretend to be organized
He started off sooo cute and tiny, like the size of a guinea pig. And he made laser noises like a baby Cuban crocodile.
He was so so tiny. He did not stay tiny.
Sharks sense electricity! He's naturally drawn to Vox when Vox is taking in or letting off too much power. He naturally interrupts Vox's overstimulation and warns about seizures, so Vox trained him some actual medical alert tasks.
Service shark Vark 🐕‍🦺
On the topic of electricity, I also headcanon him as having some aspects of an electric eel as well. A fantasy eel. He can take in some of Vox's excess energy, and isn't bothered by the sparks Vox throws off.
I'm chewing on the idea that Val bought Vark for Vox as an apology gift.
Now I'm just quoting myself directly from discord: I keep thinking of how I can include this (Vark being a gift from Val) in my one fanfic where it obviously does not fit bc Val hates Vark in it. Maybe he's jealous that Vox cares way more about Vark himself than the fact that Val gave him a gift. So unappreciative, didn't even have make-up sex over it bc Vox was too busy practically having a breakdown over how adorable Vark is. Val realizes that this was a mistake and he should have picked a very different gift instead
Vark is such a well behaved good boy when he's working, as a service shark. When Vox is in distress, Vark is so focused on trying to help with all the power of his tiny shark brain <3 Outside of that tho? He's a terror. He's so excitable. He canonically (in the old Voxtagram art) jumps on and knocks people over. This ties into him previously being a tiny adorable little thing. It was sooo cute when he jumped on your leg, back when he was the size of a large potato. It stayed cute up until they realized he was going to be so much bigger than they ever expected.
(It's like a bottle raised bull. The cute things they did when they were a little baby calf are no longer cute now that they're so large they are going to hurt you on accident just trying to be friendly and playful. RIP.)
Other service dog tasks for Vark: deep pressure therapy (of course. Interrupting behaviors such as when Vox is getting overwhelmed. Blocking to stop other people from getting too close to/touching Vox when he would shock them. I am forgetting so many things and will continue writing this list later
Vox doesn't do public access with Vark. This ties into my headcanons for Vox that he is deeply ashamed of himself and he cannot let anyone know he has problems ever.
Unfortunately, I am evil. So I also like the idea of Vark as an owner-trained service animal who is hmm not the perfect candidate for the job. In the same way shepherds aren't recommended for anxiety work, he can feed too much off of Vox's own emotions and has issues with guarding aggression that at times cause him to become reactive. (*points at my fanfic where he bites Val*)
I love bad representation.
Alsooo I don't like hammerhead sharks or animals that are too cartoon-y for me to understand as a real creature, so I'm making up a new design for Vark
Based on a Bonnethead Shark! Fun fact about Bonnethead Sharks: they are omnivorous! They eat seagrass :)
So Vark is omnivorous but unfortunately he's also like a tiger shark in that he'll eat anything even if it's not food. Tiger sharks have been found with license plates, tires, and other trash in their stomachs (sad)
Don't ask Vox how many times Vark has needed emergency exploratory surgery after eating something he shouldn't have. He doesn't want to talk about it.
Vark chews on wires like real sharks biting at undersea fiber optic cables. Chomp chomp
When Vark was a tiny baby, Velvette dressed him up in silly little outfits to post online. She doesn't do that anymore because he has mostly outgrown his cuteness stage for her: she only thought he was cute when he was little.
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howlingday · 4 months
Master Hunters
Taiyang: So, you walked around, saw the city, racked up some wins, and got the guts to take on your ol' coach! Heh... You gotta do what you can, grind like crazy, and not let up, not even for a second!
Taiyang: The road to the top is long and hard, but that's why you gotta take it one step at a time. And that first step you took should always be something you're proud of.
Pyrrha: Juniper is a smart girl. She's never attacked a human before, but...
Juniper: (Snorts, Stamps feet)
Pyrrha: She gets a bit moody when she smells a coward.
Juniper: (Steps closer, Chitters teeth)
Juniper: (In your face, Teeth baring)
Pyrrha: ...Mm. (Claps) That's it!
Juniper: (Trots back to Pyrrha)
Pyrrha: (Scratches ears) You want to be strong, right? Then never forget to always have the courage to take that first step.
Nora: Wow! You're pretty good at this~!
Nora: (Jumps around) Remember, Nora-chan is a thunder sprite! So if you think like a thunder sprite, you'll move like one, too~!
Nora: Now, I want you to come back and help me sometimes. I'll make you the toughest thunder sprite there is!
Yang: (Snaps fingers)
Yang: Yo, yo! This is Yang-O! Been rockin' n' sockin' since Beac-O!
Yang: With STYLE~! Just do it! C'mon! Crank that beat~!
Yang: Move your body! I wanna see ya move your body~!
Yang: ...No, no, no. Come on, man! Where's the HEAT~?
Yang: You gotta FEEL the rhythm! Feel it way down to your bones~!
Yang: Hittem wit dat summertime feel~!
Yang: Rock 'em up to da stratosphere~!
Yang: Give them all you got, all you love~!
Yang: Let 'em all know dat you're here~!
Yang: Yeah~! Now you've got it~!
Klein: I'm very sorry, but I'm afraid Miss Schnee is far too busy.
Weiss: (Taps shoulder) Please, Klein. Allow me.
Weiss: I must say, you weren't half bad... at being thrown around, that is.
Weiss: Did you enjoy it? You must have. Why else would you have come all this way again?
Weiss: Oh? I'm wrong? Then maybe you're here to do some throwing around yourself?
Klein: Miss Schn-
Weiss: (Holds up hand) There's no need to be shy. Go ahead. Try to throw me.
Weiss: ...
Weiss: (Counter-grab, Tosses down)
Weiss: Oh, excuse me... I couldn't resist such an easy target.
Weiss: Throwing is about position and timing. If you haven't figured that out yet, then perhaps you and I should have another throw around?
Blake: Don't hesitate. I'm ready when you are.
Blake: (Dodge, Dodge, Dodge, Dodge, Counter)
Blake: (Feint, Strike, Push)
Blake: (Dodge, Backflip away, Aerial dive)
Blake: (Jumps off head)
Blake: You're wasting your energy. Hit fast and with finesse.
Jaune: (Sighs)
Jaune: (Dodges, Shoves)
Jaune: (Ducks, Kicks)
Jaune: (Groans, Turns away)
Jaune: (Counters super-move attempt)
Jaune: What are you doing?! Don't just blindly fire off attacks like that! Think before you act!
Jaune: ...Hah. At least you're no quitter. Alright, I can't say no to that kind of enthusiasm. Or, at least, if I did, it looks like you'll just keep coming back and trashing my place until I don't.
Jaune: Come on! One more round!
Ren: (Quietly watches you train)
Ren: (Closes eyes)
Ren: (Sits, Meditates)
Ren: (Petal falls on hand, Doesn't react)
Qrow: Right here.
Qrow: Here, have a drink.
Qrow: Here's a toast. To the day you became a student of the one and only Qrow Branwen.
Qrow: ...What's with that look? Relax, it ain't booze! I quit the stuff ages ago. This is an herbal remedy I learned from an old friend of mine. Trust me and take a swig.
Qrow: Haha! You like it? Really wakes you the hell up, huh?
Qrow: Just remember one thing, kid...
Qrow: WE deal the beatings, nobody else!
Mercury: Huh? The hell is that supposed to be? Some kind of impression of me?
Mercury: ...Doesn't look half bad.
Mercury: Heh heh... Alright, you've got my attention now! NOW TRY AND KEEP IT.
Ozcar: ...Tell me, have you ever heard of a girl named Salem?
Ozcar: She was an immortal witch who tried to destroy the world. She said it was in vengeance for being abandoned by her gods.
Ozcar: (Disappears)
Ozcar: (Behind you) Truly, she was the most evil of them all.
Ozcar: (Knocks you to the ground) Her obsession with magic made her forget the value of the human spirit, something she'd lost long ago.
Ozcar: (Jams Longest Memory into you) Please, hold still. I haven't quite got the hang of this just yet.
You block, holding your arms across your body to protect yourself from the woman's might. However, she proves this ineffective by crashing her fist against your guard and easily smashing through it and cracking your chin with her devastating fist. You fly into the air as inhuman strength launches you to the sky. You fall and hit the ground as she turns to walk away.
You try to push yourself to your feet, but your body fails you though your spirit years to continue. You roll to your back, air leaving your lips as they split into a grin.
Salem: Oh? You dare laugh?
Salem: Hm... You look... Just like him...
She walks over to you, glaring down all the while with her menacing red eyes. Towering over you, she then swings her fist down, cracking the earth beneath you. Faster than lighting and harder than thunder, she easily breaks the cave floor, barely missing your head. Your body shakes with fear from the near-death you'd received.
Salem: ...Very well. I shall train you. And then, we shall see if you're still able to laugh.
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Just tell them (USWNT x Reader)
This isn't that great, but I have covid again and this is keeping me entertained. Enjoy :)
Words: 1.6K
Swing, swing, swing
It was hypnotising. The swinging and bouncing of the ponytails as the girls ran around the field. There had been many things in the past that I had hyper-fixated on. This just happened to be the weirdest one yet. I don't know what is was. It was attractive, but more likely it was the repetitive motion of it. All I knew was it was embarrassing. Not just this particular hyper-fixation, I found all of them embarrassing. I found my inability to focus, my inability to sit still and my hyperactivity embarrassing. No one on the team knew about my ADHD and I planned on keeping it that way. 
They didn't need the burden of knowing. The burden of knowing how difficult it was for me to stop myself from bouncing off the walls, to concentrate on what's going on and to actually remember stuff. They could keep thinking I was highly organised by putting every little thing in my calendar or someone who was just quiet. I put on a show as the quiet one who preferred listening to music and going to the gym constantly. When in reality is was all I could do to control the hyper-activeness and not annoy them.
"She's too old for you," Kelley stated as she sat down next to me.
I jumped, forcing my gaze away from Alex's ponytail and to her, "What?"
"You've been staring at Alex for the past 20 minutes. She's 33, you're 24. That's too old for you and she has a husband and kid."
"I wasn't staring at her, I just zoned out."
"Sure, you've been doing that a lot recently. Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, just tired." It was true. After moving in with my girlfriend, I wasn't used to sleeping alone, therefore I hadn't been sleeping well this camp. All my ADHD symptoms got worse when I was tired, especially the inability to focus and zoning out. Kelley looked less then convinced, but let it go when we were all called back to the field.
Later that night I was cuddled up in bed completely exhausted. Tierna was out with some of the girls and wouldn't be back until later so I took the opportunity to facetime my girlfriend, Ally. A smile appeared instantly when I saw her sitting on our bed, in her pajamas, hair in a messy bun with paper and books surrounding her. 
Hi love, you look busy.
Hey baby. Just some work I need to finish. Are you okay? You look tired.
No one ever warns you how hard it is to sleep alone after you move in with someone. You should be at your desk, you're going to hurt your back.
Tell me about it. That shit should come with a warning label or something. I was at my desk, but it got uncomfortable. 
I couldn't help, but laugh at her attempt to cheer me up, I love you, did you manage to get time off to come to the game this weekend?
She frowned, shifting slightly and I knew the answer without her saying anything. It was disappointing, but not unexpected. I'm sorry. I really tried baby.
It's okay my love, I understand. It was a long shot to begin with. You'll be watching right?
Always. You should get some sleep Y/n. I'll stay on the phone talking my nonsense until you fall asleep, just like at home. I love you.
I love you too
So I may have forgotten to take my meds this morning. By time I realised, it was to late and we were already on our way to the stadium. Game days were the best and worst days to forget. When I was on the field, everything washed away, I was able to focus completely on the game. The problem was before the game when nerves were at an all time high. It was hard to control the nerves when I took my meds, but almost impossible without them. I had my music all the way up, leg bouncing like crazy, trying to suppress some of the desire to scream.
Once we got off the bus things only got worse. My mind was a mess, my energy was bubbling over. I jumped up and down, shaking my arms in attempt to release some of the energy.
Christen pat my shoulder, "You'll do great, don't worry."
"Thanks, I'm going to go for a little walk, calm my nerves a little bit."
"Don't be late back."
After walking around a bit, I pulled out my phone to call the one person I knew could calm me down. Except she didn't answer. I slapped my hands against the wall a few times, stopping when I heard my phone ding.
Ally: Sorry baby, can't answer right now. I love you, you'll kick ass.
I sighed, firing off a quick reply before heading to the field, thinking maybe a warm up will calm my brain. It worked until the few minutes before the game started. I was checking my phone for a good luck text from Ally while pacing and jumping around. 
Ally: You didn't take your meds did you? Just breathe, focus on the game, you've got this
Y/n: How did you know?
Ally: Look behind you
I turned around to find Ally standing in the stands just behind the bench. Just seeing her, calmed my brain slightly. She blew me a kiss, making me smile widely. I couldn't believe she was actually here. A couple of the girls blocked my view. Turning to try and find who I was looking at. I had only been part of the team for a couple of months so they didn't know about Ally yet. There was a lot of things I hadn't told them. I had been too busy trying to be someone else so I wasn't a burden.
"Who's got you smiling like a fool?"
"Thank you love."
"Someone. You may get to meet them later, but for now, let's kick some ass."
After the win, we were having celebrations in the locker room. I quietly slipped out to find Ally. It didn't take long, she was standing by the door to the stadium. My arms quickly wrapped around her waist, relaxing into her. My mind going quiet for the first time all camp. Ally kissed my head, holding me tighter, "I'm so proud of you Y/n/n. You did amazing."
"Do I get to meet your team?"
"You want to?"
"Of course I do, if you want me to that is."
I pulled away, opening the door, "Come on. Just a warning, they can be a little crazy at times especially after a win."
Ally shrugged, following after me, "I live with you, I think I can handle it."
"Oh no baby, they are at least 10x worse then me."
All the attention turned to the door as we walked in, "This is my girlfriend Ally, and guess what Kelley? She's older than me."
Kelley faked shock, hand resting over her heart, "You're dating an older woman? Scandalous."
Ally pouted, "I'm only 2 years older."
I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, placing a kiss on her temple, "Still older babe."
"So how long have you two been together?"
"Let's see if you can remember this one babe," Ally smirked putting emphasis on babe.
I smirked back, "1,460.97 Days or 208.71 Weeks or 4 years. Give or take a week."
"How did you remember that?"
"I remembered from our anniversary last week. It took a long time to memorise them for that, but then it stuck."
She nuzzled her nose against the spot just below my ear before whispering, "I love you."
"Only every now and then."
"I love you too."
As celebrations continued, Ally pulled me away slightly, speaking quietly, "How often have you forgotten to take your meds?"
Alyssa looked at me, concern written all over her face, "What meds?"
"Just vitamins."
The girls moved to stand closer, Ashlyn being the one to speak up, "Bullshit, she wouldn't be looking so serious if it was vitamins."
I knew they could be protective, but this wasn't the reaction I was expecting, "It's nothing."
Ally rest her hand on my back, giving me an apologetic look, but spoke up anyway, "Babe, you should just tell them."
"I don't want to burden them with my problems."
My face was cupped and forced to look at Ally. She looked sad, I hated it, "Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n, you are not a burden. Having ADHD does not make you a burden. Do you understand that? Or do I have to tell you again and again until you do? You. Are. Not. A. Burden."
Before I could respond, Alex spoke up, "You have ADHD?"
Ally looked apologetic again. I wasn't mad at her for it coming out. She was just looking out for me and it was sort of a relief not to have to hide it anymore, "Uh yeah."
"That doesn't make you a burden, why would it?" Ali asked, expression sincere.
"It did to my parents. I was too much, too hyperactive, not focused enough."
"All it means is now you have us making sure you take your meds. Maybe you can stop being so quiet and withdrawn? We've noticed you want to join in or say more, but you always hesitate. Something tells me that's not who you are."
"Trust me, it's not. She's goofy, talkative, funny, Don't let that go to your head, you're only funny sometimes."
"You love me."
"Maybe I do, maybe I don't."
Ally's lips ghosted over mine, slight smirk appearing, "Oh, playing hard to get now?"
My lips just barely brushed hers, a shaky breath fanning over mine, "Isn't that why you fell in love with me?"
"One of many yes, bu-"
Kelley groaned, "You guys are cute and all, but this is just getting gross."
Ally lent up to whisper in my ear again, "I got a hotel room for us."
I smiled, excitement rising at having her to myself, "T, I won't be back to the room tonight."
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kookslastbutton · 1 year
Fine Print ༓ jjk, kth (m) || ch. I
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✑ Summary: Your boss needs you to strike a deal with one of South Korea's biggest business tycoon, Kim Taehyung. What he didn't tell you though, was that Jeon Jungkook, his negligent heir, would be accompanying you the whole time. Isn't this just peachy?
Pairing: company heir!jungkook x fem!reader x ceo!taehyung (not poly)
AU/genre: angst, humor, fluff, smut, stuck together, office au, coworkers2lovers, lo-love triangle (do I dare? yes, yes I do), mini-series
Rating: M, 18+
Word Count: 4.1k+
Now playing: Softcore, Do I Wanna Know?, Blank Space...
Warnings: Not too many this chapter but main ones are swearing, bickering, jk is kind of a kluts so he ain't exactly prince charming right now, reader is ticked obvs, accidental t*tty flash, oh and reader has a cat!
@coralmusicblaze @seokjins-luigi @oopscoop @chanjwl @taebangtanbabe @j3oooonsnsns
A/N: Here it is! Late again, I know, so thank you to anyone who's been waiting. I'm super excited about this mini-series! FYI I've decided not to make chapters too long so I'm more likely to update faster. Enjoy and lmk what you think. My asks are open 💞
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It's been three hours on the phone with your sister.
'Have you eaten anything yet? Oh dear, why not? Go eat right now!'
'You better not be pregnant __. I'm not ready to be an aunt yet!'
"There are more important things than work you know. I know it's hard to admit but, distance is good so you don't become dull and boring. Get away for a while. You can come up to my place for a few if you need.'
Although Y/S/N is only four years older, she's always had the compulsion to act like your mother. Constantly checking up on you, giving unsolicited advice, and spewing opinions were her specialty.
It's not that you mind hours of conversations over the phone and it's not entirely dreadful. But your energy is surely spent after. Guess that's family for you.
"Really, I'm fine," you answer back. "Don't worry about me so much. And yes I ate, no I'm not pregnant, and I can't afford a break from work right now but I'll see you as soon as I can."
Once the phone slips from your ear, you release a soft huff. Finally. You allow your mind to go blank before something long and sleek brushes against your calf. You can't help but break into a smile and crouch down on the floor to confront the source.
"Did you miss me baby?"
"I missed you too." You pick up Kumo, your 3-year-old Siamese. Kumo lived at a local rescue league for a year before you adopted him. You weren't sure you'd be able to take care of a cat when a friend suggested it. But once you saw Kumo's shimmering blue eyes, you knew you weren't walking out empty-handed.
Kumo kneads your sleeve, ears relaxing as you stroke his back. Each gentle purr reminds you why you consider him your best form of therapy. "Good boy Kumo. I wish I could take you to work with me...silly company policy."
A few strokes later and Kumo starts wiggling in your arms. Claws prick your skin, telling you he's had enough lovey-dovey for now. You suppose it's nearly time for his late night snack.
"Alright I gotcha," you say, setting him near his food dish. Kumo gladly jumps out of your arms to attack the last remaining pebbles in his bowl. "Mom should get something to eat too shouldn't she?"
Truth be told you actually hadn't eaten all day. And though you never meant for it to happen, it's a regular occurrence. Your sister would go absolutely off if she found out which is why you sorta...don't tell her?
Feeling your body aching, you pop a few pieces of fruit in your mouth before deciding to hit the shower. Not the most substantial option but you're ready to crash and crash hard. You'll eat in the morning, for sure. You plug your cell in by the nightstand but before you turn to leave, a notification drops on the screen.
CEO Jeon: __, sorry to be reaching out this late. I need you to come by my office around 2:30 tomorrow if you can. There's something urgent I need to discuss with you. [sent at 9:03pm]
You re-read the message twice before typing out a reply. What could be this urgent? Are you being let go? Dammit, don't think like that. Surely he wouldn't.
__: Of course Saengnim. I'll be there at 2:30pm. Is everything alright? [sent at 9:07pm]
CEO Jeon: Thank you __. Everything's fine, only a slight change of plans. Have a good night. [sent at 9:08pm]
Still unsettled, you're tempted to press further. But being your boss, you let it go. The risk of grilling him for answers wasn't something you were willing to take.
Probably has to do with a new product launch or something, you think. The company's always pumping out new tech. Nothing's been as successful as those smart lights though. They were the true turning point for the company.
With a long exasperated sigh, you grab a towel from the bathroom closet and turn on the shower knob. Whatever it is, you'll find out tomorrow.
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"Get your feet off my desk Jungkook."
He looks at you with his notorious bambi eyes, hands laced behind his neck. He's got a stripped dress shirt on, untucked, over a pair of light-washed jeans. Who let the kid in your office?
"I did." He says. "And you're not allowed to call me kid when I'm only three years younger than you."
So you said that kid thing out loud—classic.
"You can't be in here without permission Jungkook." You ignore his comment and hang your jacket on the hook behind the door.
Jungkook eyes you from the other other side of the desk. He takes in your perfectly fitted white blouse, sleek black slacks, and shiny heels. Always so put together, he thinks. A little too posh for his taste personally.
"You know my daddy owns this office." He clicks his tongue. "So technically, I kinda already got permission and all."
You hate when he uses that card. Like being the boss's son suddenly alleviates him from standard office protocol. You promise, the day this irritable little prick takes over the company will be the day you quit. Good thing that won't be for a long time though. Jungkook is far from ready to run a multibillion-dollar company.
You place a hand on your hip. "Is there something I can do for you? Because I have a very generous to-do list and babysitting you isn't on there."
Jungkook sweeps his feet off the mahogany surface. His posture straightens as he strolls his chair, or rather your chair, closer to the desk. "I'm glad you asked." He clutches his hands together, as if serious. "I need a partner."
You hold back a snort. This better not be what it sounds like. "Nice try but I'm not going out with you Jungkook."
"Oh gosh no, that's not what I meant." He shakes his head. "Pretty sure we'd both get in trouble then, given our relationship. Plus…you're not really my type."
"Okay, so there's something we can agree on." Jungkook openly admitting he isn't attracted to you is the least of your concerns. You aren't necessarily fond of him either. "What do you need me to do then? Set you up with someone? Get to the point please."
"I'm not talking about that type of partner __. I mean a work partner."
You feel the hand on your hip slowly glide down your figure. Work partner? Jungkook notices the blood immediately rush from your face. "I'm listening," you mumble.
"Yeah so uh, my dad wants me to get more exposure to the company because I'll be running it one day or whatever. Apparently, there's some business trip coming up that's a really big deal and I'm supposed to go. I was told you have the reigns on it. So I'm gonna need to be like your partner or something. I guess it's already decided actually, sorry.”
The words hardly register in your brain. He couldn't be talking about the business trip. The one that's been rattling in your brain, keeping you up day and night. Your boss assigned it to you months in advance, saying you'd be able to network with the company's potential client best.
You were confident in taking on such a task until you learned it wasn't just any client. It was Kim Taehyung, CEO of the biggest and most luxurious hotel chain in South Korea; White Lotus. Hearing his name alone made your toes curl. Nevertheless, you've been doing all you can to prepare for the official meeting. Having Jungkook there to breathe unnecessary stress down your neck wasn't part of the plan. And oh my god...it's in two days!
"Uh, well um, okay" is all you can reply amongst your jumbled-up thoughts.
Jungkook, completely opposite expression, breaks out into a big wide grin. "Okay, it's settled then! Who we meeting? Kim Taeyang or something?"
"Really Jungkook? Kim Taeyang?" You circle your temple knowing full well what your future was about to behold. This must be what your boss wanted to meet about. The fact that he said this was merely a "slight change of plans" is alarmingly irksome. Oh, you're definitely getting that drink after work. "It's Taehyung," you correct. "Wait...what time is it?"
Jungkook checks his phone. "Uhm..about 2:20."
Dammit. Pressed for time, you stride around your desk and pick up a folder from a stack of documents. "Sorry to cut this short but you're going to have to leave now. I have a meeting in ten minutes and you can't be here."
With furrowed brows, Jungkook lets out a small grunt. It doesn't seem to be from a place of anger but rather, disappointment. "What about the business trip with Taehyang? You still have to get me up to speed and stuff!"
"For the last time, it's Kim Taehyung. Taehyung." You stress every syllable of his name before rubbing your forehead. "You might wanna get his name right before you shake his hand in two days!"
"Well, what am I supposed to do? I'm here all day! I kinda need you."
Anxiously, you flip the folder open and scan through each page. "I don't know, do some research about Kim and his hotel chain. If you're coming on the trip you need to know a thing or two."
"Off you go," you say, smacking him with the folder in hand. "Beat it."
"That's no way to treat your work partner or better yet, future ceo __."
"Out Jungkook. I'll talk you to later."
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Your boss rounds the corner of his desk, a glass of scotch in hand. He invites you to take a seat before getting down to the heart of it. "Now that Jungkook's 25 he needs to start preparing for his future," he says. "I'm well aware that he's not yet ready to take over as CEO, which is why I've decided that he go with you on this very critical business trip. You've been a loyal part of my team these past five years and I trust you to help guide Jungkook into the next stage of his life."
"Sir, I am pleased that you'd think of me in this way, however, the meeting is in two days. Kim Taehyung is someone who we both know expects perfection. I'm well prepared to have this discussion with him regarding our transaction but I'm concerned that Jungkook won't have enough time to."
"I understand your concern. But not to worry, Ms. __. Jungkook is merely there to observe so you shouldn't need to worry about him saying something he shan't. You'll still be taking the lead on everything."
"Sir I–"
"__. I know its very last minute. And my son has his challenges but I'm afraid this isn't a choice for you. But I tell you what. If you do this for me and you manage to seal the deal with Kim, I guarantee you'll be very well compensated."
The replay of your earlier meeting with your boss brews in the back of your mind. You nearly forget where you are until your friend pipes up from across the table.
“You’re kidding," the younger woman says, nearly spitting out her drink.
“I wish I was.” The dryness in your tone is unmistakable. "My boss said he insists that his son, who by the way has barely stepped foot in the company, be involved in one of the biggest business transactions in years. How am I supposed to sell smart tech to Kim Taehyung with that kid fiddling with god knows what beside me?"
The woman, Eun-ji, flashes you her famous side-eye. “Oh stop complaining __, it'll cause wrinkles. Besides that kid is basically the same age as you. But more importantly, he's hot.” She gives you a light shove. “Don’t pretend you don't know it.”
You shake your head and take a sip of your cocktail. Eun-ji may be one of your closest friends but damn was that girl relentless. Constantly giggling over you and Jungkook going away for a few days is just another one of her matchmaking attempts. Yesterday it was the overly friendly man at the bakery, today it’s your boss’s nuisance of a son.
A blaring light suddenly gets shoved in front of you mid-thought, causing your face to jolt back. Your eyes struggle to adjust to the blinding brightness of the phone screen. “What the hell Eun-ji? Get Jungkook out of my face.”
Eun-ji swipes left, revealing another ridiculous photo of Jungkook posing as the next prodigy of business. “The one to watch” or some shit. “Look at that face __, and those muscles. You can’t hate him forever.”
You scrunch your face. “I never said I hated him Eun-ji. I’m a grown woman for god sak–okay that's enough!” You push the phone abruptly back. “I don’t want to see my boss’s son in Calvin Klien's underwear, please.”
Eun-ji chuckles and sets her phone down. “Sorry, accident.” She casually folds her arms on the wood surface and leans forward. “But seriously, three days alone with Jungkook in the most glamorous hotel in Seoul and you don’t think anything of it?”
“I’m not having sex with Jungkook if that's what you're getting at. And yes, we’ll be in a fancy-ass hotel with joint rooms,” you say emphasizing the joint part. “But it’s not a leisure trip. I’m going there to form some sort of partnership or deal with Kim and Jungkook happens to be carry-on luggage. Nothing more, nothing less.”
“Fine. Have it your way.” Slowly, Eun-ji falls back in her chair. Her eyes flicker to a far corner of the restaurant before the same sly expression returns. “So how do you feel about meeting Kim Taehyung, the beast of business and hospitality himself?”
“Still a little shaken up but I've had several variations of these meetings before. Kim Taehyung is just a man and I can handle him.”
“Come on __, extend me a branch," Eun-ji say with a slight whine. "Maybe Jungkook gets by but not Kim Taheyung. We both know you've been head over heels for him in Lalaland ever since he made front and center with the press."
Tugging your bottom lip you desperately try suppressing a grin. "That's such an exaggeration. I'm not–"
"I've known you for ten years __. You're always, and I mean always weak for an intelligent, sexy, business-savvy brain. Kim far surpasses the bill."
"Alright fine, fine fine fine," you chant, giving up. "You're right. I'm still nervous as hell about meeting Taehyung and hope to death I don't fumble. Happy?"
Pleased, Eun-ji lets out a wide grin that tells you she's now concocting a soap opera with you and Taehyung as the main leads. "That's all I wanted to hear," she coos.
"Promise me you'll take good care of Komu? We leave Friday morning."
"Of course, I will," she says, leaning forward to gently grip your shoulder. "Kumo and I are going to have three full days of watching reruns of Love Island. Kai Fagan and Sanam Harrinanan are his favorites."
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Friday - 8:04 a.m.
"If you don't get here in the next fifteen minutes I'm leaving with or without you Jungkook." You stroll your suitcase into the boarding line outside your gate. You and Jungkook's flight to Seoul was scheduled to take off in twenty minutes but your partner, get this, woke up late and is now running ridiculously behind.
"Yeah, try explaining why you ditched me at the airport to my dad __." Was it just you or was Jungkook's voice even more annoying over the phone than in person? God you could strangle him right now. You suggested carpooling over well ahead of time to make it easy but no, his highness didn't want to.
"Listen __,"Jungkook continues. "I'm at security right now and I'm rushing as fast as I can. The line isn't too bad now so I'll be there in ten. I'm sure."
"Okay, but don't muck around too much. And make sure to take off your belt before you go through security."
"Yes mom."
"Don't ever call me that," you grit.
On the other end, Jungkook chuckles, relishing in your distaste. "What if I put a couple letters on the end though? You seem the type to be into momm—"
"Just get here!" You hang up instantly. What the hell was he on?
Twelve minutes pass and you're again checking your phone feverishly. Jungkook was supposed to be here by now but there hasn't been any sight of him. You're about to ring him up for the third time today when you feel a body brush against your arm.
"Sorry!" Jungkook leans on the handle of his suitcase, taking deep breaths. "There was...someone had a pocket knife in front of me and it held us up."
"Well if you had–" You pause realizing you really are starting to sound like a mom. So much so that you're making your own skin crawl. You recall Eun-ji's wise words a couple days ago. 'Stop complaining __, it'll cause wrinkles.'
'"It's alright," you mutter. "At least you're here."
"Really? That's it? Thought you were gonna scold me again. 'Jungkook you friggin' embarrassment, I told you to leave early so we'd be here on time. You're lucky I don't send you back to your dad and doom your future right now'."
Oh fuck no. He did not just try imitating you and in such a horrid voice too.
"That's not how I sound and you know it."
Jungkook snorts at your sour face. He isn't trying to be a thorn in the side but he's also not about to let you keep your stiff exterior. Being a CEO's son showed him the true price of being an uptight businessman and it isn't in his interest to let another person, especially his age, live life not knowing how to relax and what was that phrase...smell the roses?
"C'mon sunshine, I'm just kidding around," he says. "Also, glass half full, I did make it here before the plane took off. First day on the job and I'm already killing it."
"How about I make you my assistant instead of a partner," you bite. "And you only talk when spoken to?"
"You wouldn't."
Line finally starting to move you tighten the grip on your luggage and move with the crowd. You tilt your head to the side and flash Jungkook a tight lipped smile that said, 'try it bitch'.
"You're cruel you know that?" Jungkook grabs his own luggage and follows your lead.
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Stunning. Immaculate. Expensive.
The list goes on as you and Jungkook walk through the golden doors of White Lotus. Everywhere you look, masterpieces from the great masters hang from the walls and cover the ceiling. You notice the same gold on the door is used as trim for the ceiling as decorative accents mount its corners. Dangling above is a giant glass chandelier, while below you are beige marble floors.
Taehyung certainly doesn't skimp, does he...
"Welcome to White Lotus," the receptionist says. "Do you have a reservation?"
Blinking yourself out of your daze, you walk up to the receptionist's desk. "Yes, we're here under the name Jeon." You usher Jungkook over who takes his ID out of his wallet. The receptionist scans both yours and his before sliding them back.
"Saengnim has been expecting you Ms. __," the woman says. "He's absolutely delighted you're here. Your rooms will be on the 29th floor, breakfast is 7am-10am, and wifi is inside." You're handed two key cards with a warm smile.
"Thank you, Hana," you say, reading the woman's name tag. "We're privileged to be in such a beautiful place."
"Isn't it?" Hana sweeps her eyes around the room with wonder. "Saengnim chooses each and every part of this hotel with immense detail. He wants every guest to be met with the best service and completely dazzled."
"It would seem so," you reply, following her trail. "This is by far, the most extravagant hotel I've ever stayed in. It's clear how it has earned an unbelievably positive reputation. Its creator loves it, cherishes it as his own."
Meeting your eyes again, Hana retains her warm smile. "I'm glad you see it too. It's true Saengnim has poured his heart and soul into White Lotus. Guests from all over the world have come just to see what Saengnim designed. And sometimes, they even get to meet him." Hana suddenly pauses, a hint of shyness creeping up on her cheeks. "Forgive me, I don't mean to keep you. I should let you both rest."
"No, please don't apologize," you urge. "It's great to see such admiration." Evidently, Kim Taheyung isn't the only one who has been dedicated to White Lotus. You and Jungkook bid Hana good night for the evening then follow the bellhop to the elevator.
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"So tomorrow, remember, let me handle Kim."
"Okay yeah, I gotcha." Jungkook grazes the blackout curtains with the tips of his fingers. He peaks out the window next, taking in the breathtaking view of Seoul at night.
"Are you even listening to me?"
The man turns around, flinging his arms in the air. "Honestly, not really. Look at this room __. It's fucking huge!"
"I know, it's so ethereal. But I need you to concentrate for a second. Our meeting starts tomorrow and I need us to be on the same page. Technically, we'll be touring the hotel with Kim and whatnot so nothing's getting signed, but still. We can't be underprepared."
"I will talk as little as possible. I give you my word."
"Good." You give a slight nod and hoist your suitcase on the bed. "By the way, did you find out anything about Kim's background?"
"Uh shit–knew I forgot something. I'm going to read up about him right now!" In a mad hurry, Jungkook heads for his room.
"Wait, before you go–"
Dammit. You'll just text him.
__: Don't forget we meet Kim at 9 a.m. [sent at 9:56pm]
Jungkook: I'll be up at 6 a.m. Gotta scope out Kim's gym while I'm here. Bet it's loaded with the best equipment. You should join me! [sent at 9:58pm]
__: Mm, thanks but no thanks. [sent at 10:00pm]
Jungkook: Suit yourself. See ya in the morning!! [sent at 10:03pm]
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Alright __, you've showered, gone over your notes, hell you even practiced a few lines in front of the bathroom mirror. It's time to sleep. Lazily, you flop yourself on the bed, starfish and all. You feel your eyelids closing, pulling you into dreamland until a cool breeze tickles your bare thighs.
"Ugh", you groan.
You forgot you were still in your robe. Would it be horrible to just sleep naked tonight? Sitting upright you fiddle with the knot of the silk material. Not a bad idea, __. You start loosening the knot before shaking the robe off your shoulders. You let out a–
"__!" Without warning the joint door between you and Jungkook thrusts open. Your partner bursts through your room, eyes shifting into a bugged-out expression when he sees your nearly bare state.
"Oh my god, Jungkook! You can't just come in like that, fuck!" Panicked, you wrap the material back around your chest, clinging it tight against your breasts. "Go back, go back until I say come in!"
Stunned look on his face, Jungkook retreats to his room. He ends up bumping into the doorframe clumsily before slamming the door shut. "I'm so sorry __! Shit, I didn't mean to walk in on you or anything. It's...I came in because something happened. Fuck, I swear I didn't see anything. It was like a blur."
You quickly retie the straps of your robe, mentally calming yourself. "Jungkook if you have any respect for me, please forget this. And for the love of might, don't tell anyone!"
"No, of course not! I-I've forgotten already." On the other side of the door, Jungkook curses himself. 'Are you a fucking idiot or something? Just walking into her room like that this late at night.' He paces in a small circle, fists clenched. "Okay, breathe. It's just tits. Tits Jungkook, you've seen–fuck!'
Why? Why did he have to be here?! From Jungkook almost missing this morning's flight to being overwhelmingly underprepared for tomorrow's meeting and now walking in on you, tits out and all, Jungkook is easily the worst partner you've had! No wonder you prefer working alone.
"Uhm, something..." You clear your throat. "Something happened you said?" You brace yourself for whatever chaos Jungkook's brought this time.
Jungkook is slow to form a reply but in a near whisper, he says, "I think I just met Taehyung. Actually, I know I met him. Yeah 'cause, I shook his hand...right before I spilled ice over his perfectly shined loafers. Gucci. Please don't send me back to my dad!"
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A/N: Thanks for stopping by! As always, lmk your thoughts. See ya! 💞
© kookslastbutton
377 notes · View notes
viesanterieures · 9 months
Locked In Mind
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Robert Fischer (Inception) x female Reader
note: Welcome to my third Cillian Character fanfic, hope you like it :) I love plots like Shutter Island and tried to do something similar here & it‘s also a story about parasocial relationships and unrequited love.
summary: The reader is hopelessly in love with her boss Robert Fischer, but he doesn't seem to be interested in her. By an unexpected coincidence, they meet in the city and his sudden intense affection for her confuses her. The reader begins to suspect that something is wrong, and when she finally uncovers the truth about her encounters with Fischer the heartbreaking reality is revealed to her.
word count: 5000+
warnings: mental illness, depression
you don‘t have to watch the movie to understand the story.
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It was just half past seven when she heard the familiar footsteps in the corridor approaching the office next door. A key was inserted into the lock and a moment later the door opened.
Glancing around to make sure her workspace wasn't too messy, she threw an old paper cup into the bin before her boss poked his head through the door.
"Good morning, Miss YN, so busy already?" he asked with a tired smile. "It doesn't reflect well on me as a boss to have my assistant here before me. I'm sorry, Monday mornings are always a bit stressful for me."
"No problem, Mr Fischer. I've already sorted the mail for you, it's on your desk," she said kindly, watching him as he took off his coat and hung it on the coat rack, a little damp from the rain.
"Thank you, I can count on you."
He was a very elegant, handsome man, about ten years her senior, with dark hair, blue eyes, high cheekbones and an elegant black suit. She must have stared at him a little too long, because he turned to her with a questioning smile.
Immediately her cheeks flushed and she turned back to her computer screen, but by then Mr Fischer had already approached her and placed some documents on her desk. "Please scan them all and email them to Mr Parker, he's been waiting for them for days," he said to her. It would be best if we sat down together later and quickly discuss my tasks for today, there is a lot to do. If I'm not mistaken, I have a client meeting at three today.
"At two, sir," she corrected him, handing him a planner with today's date thickly underlined.
He started to grin. "You see, this is exactly why I have an assistant."
Fischer disappeared into his office.
She sighed slightly and went to work scanning the documents. She had been working for Fischer Morrow, one of the world's largest energy companies, for barely a month. Their headquarters had moved from Sydney to London after the death of their CEO, Maurice Fischer. Her current boss, Robert Fischer, was a direct descendant.
She liked Fischer Jr a lot. He was friendly, supportive and didn't get angry when things didn't go to plan. But in some ways he always seemed so unapproachable. For example, he never talked about his private life and YN had no idea who he was outside of work. Then again, he was her boss and his private life was none of her business. But deep down she admitted that she was very interested in him.
The days flew by and she finally felt as if she had been employed by Fischer Morrow for an eternity. But who Robert Fischer really was remained a mystery.
One evening, as she was about to leave, she quietly opened the door to Fischer's office. He was sitting in front of his computer, his chin resting on his hands. "Have a nice evening, Mr Fischer." He jumped slightly, obviously not having heard her come in, but then he smiled. "Thank you, you too."
YN looked at her watch. "It's almost half past seven, don't you want to finish your work soon? Don't you have a wife waiting for you?"
Mr Fischer shrugged. "I've been divorced for a few years now, and I only see my daughter at weekends. The only thing waiting for me is an empty, dark apartment."
YN held her breath. It was the first time he had told her anything about his private life. But in the same second, he seemed to regret his words.
"No one waits for me either," she said. "Except for my cat."
Fischer raised an eyebrow with a smile. "At least that's something."
Finally she said goodbye and left the office. But all the way home, she kept thinking about her conversation with Fischer.
Was he perhaps as lonely as she was?
Tired, YN lay in bed. She didn't even have the strength to change her clothes and remove her make up. Although she wanted nothing more than to get out of that itchy, uncomfortable dress and tights. A soft meow sounded beside her and she felt something soft brush against her arm. Smiling, she pulled the cat closer and buried her face in its white fur.
Since leaving her small home village for London, she had no one to talk to. Her old friends had all left her and moved on with their own lives. Robert Fischer was the only one she spoke to regularly, though it was far from a friendship. With the cat in her arms, she turned to the other side. But what if she had feelings for him?
Maybe she should tell him. But wasn't that too much? He was still her boss, after all, and there were probably plenty of women who were interested in him.
She quickly pushed the thought aside and closed her eyes.
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Robert Fischer turned curiously when he heard the quick clicking of heels in the corridor. Panting, his assistant opened the door and dropped her bag on the desk.
"Miss YN, are you okay?"
Her hair was messy, her coat hung loosely over her shoulders as if she hadn't had time to put it on properly, and her lipstick was a little smudged.
"I… overslept," she said, panting. "I'm sorry."
Fischer looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "It's okay. But it shouldn't happen again."
"Of course not, sir," she replied immediately.
He quickly disappeared into his office and returned with a thick stack of papers and a folder.
"Would you be so kind as to sort these documents alphabetically for me? They've been on my desk for days. I know it's not an exciting task."
She nodded and took the heavy pile from his hand. Fischer thanked her and hurried back to his office.
Sighing, she set to work. But with each page, she found her concentration fading and her mind wandering. Her head ached, her eyes burned and she felt incredibly tired. But she tried not to show it, kept working as hard as she could and finally put the sorted file back on Mr Fischer's desk.
Exhausted, she walked back to her office, sat down in her chair and buried her face in her hands. She was shivering and her ears were ringing. Was it because she had forgotten to take her medicine today?
"Miss YN?" she heard her boss' voice.
She turned immediately and forced a smile. "Yes, Mr Fischer?"
"I have an job interview scheduled for ten, would you be so kind as to prepare the conference room for it?"
"Of course, sir."
He stopped halfway and looked at Victoria questioningly. "Are you okay? You look so pale." She nodded quickly, forcing a smile. "Everything's fine, Mr Fischer." Fischer looked at her, raised his eyebrows, then handed her the key to the meeting room and disappeared back into his office.
A strange feeling of dizziness spread through her head as she walked down the long corridor leading to the conference rooms.
What was wrong with her today?
When it started to get dark outside, YN finally turned off her computer and grabbed her bag. The strange dizziness had improved during the day, leading her to conclude that she simply needed a break from work. Fortunately, it was Friday. She knocked gently on Fischer's door, as she always did before leaving, to wish him a pleasant evening. He was sitting there as usual, his chin resting on his hand, deep in thought. He glanced up briefly and nodded politely, noticing her in the doorway. He looked stunningly handsome today, even after this long and exhausting day.
"I didn't ask you how the job interviews went this morning," she asked curiously. Fischer shook his head. "Terribly," he said. "None of these people I'd want in my company." His voice was cold and dismissive, and for a moment she thought he was referring to her, even though she knew he meant someone else. She smiled awkwardly and shrugged slightly. "Well, maybe the next one will be better."
Fischer remained silent.
"Have a good weekend, Mr Fischer."
"You too, Miss YN." He gave her a friendly smile.
"Do you have any plans for the weekend? I know a good restaurant, would you like to join me?" The moment she realised what she had just said, she bit her lip, her face turning red. Had she completely lost her mind? She desperately hoped he hadn't heard what she'd asked, but it was too late. She could see Fischer raise his eyebrows in confusion and stare at her.
"No, Miss YN. I'm not interested. I keep my work and personal life strictly separate." She immediately looked down, embarrassed. Thoughts raced through her mind like a rollercoaster and her cheeks felt as if they were on fire. "I'm sorry, Mr Fischer, I shouldn't have asked you that." She finally grabbed her bag and left the office without another word, feeling Fischer's gaze on her back.
It was drizzling lightly as she walked through the busy streets of London. The cold air did her good and she felt her head clear a little.
Why had she done this? It had been clear from the start that a man like him would reject her. But the words had come out of her mouth as if she had completely lost control. She felt a tear roll down her cheek and quickly wiped it away. She didn't want to have a mental breakdown in public, even though it felt like Fischer had torn her heart into a thousand pieces. Suddenly the strange dizziness returned and her vision blurred slightly. The sounds of London became muffled, as if she were incredibly far away.
Miss YN, wait!" she suddenly heard a voice behind her that seemed to be getting closer.
She turned around. The dizziness had disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. Startled, her eyes widened as she saw the person in front of her - it was Mr Fischer. What was he doing here? Had he followed her? She tried to speak, but all she could manage was a hoarse stutter.
"I wanted to apologize, Miss YN. It wasn't very nice of me to brush you off like that," he said with a gentle laugh. His voice sounded strangely different, softer than usual. Wordless and spellbound, she stared into the pair of light blue eyes before her, apologetic and gentle in their expression. She knew Mr Fischer had blue eyes, but she'd never noticed how incredibly bright they were.
"It's okay, don't worry," she managed to say, her knees shaking with excitement.
"No, no, Miss YN. I'll think about the dinner offer, okay? Just because we work together doesn't mean we can't have dinner together, does it?" Fischer suggested, and she nodded slowly, then smiled.
Why this sudden change of mind?
"Well, see you soon." He waved goodbye and YN, still completely confused, raised her hand in response. But before she could form another thought, he had disappeared into the crowd.
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Carefully, YN pressed the shutter on her old camera, focusing the lens on the small lake in front of her. Satisfied, she lowered it. She was confident that this snapshot would turn out well. This park was a place she often visited to clear her head and pursue her passion, photography, as it offered many beautiful subjects. Especially now, in autumn, when the trees were covered with colourful leaves and the silence was slowly descending, with only the occasional pedestrian passing by.
Her dizziness had eased a little, but not completely. Fortunately, it was Saturday and she had the whole day to herself. YN sat down on a bench under a tree that looked to be at least a hundred years old.
She sat there for a while, lost in thought. Eventually she got up and made her way to the West End. The streets of London were noisy and busy as she walked, looking for a warm place in a café and something to eat. Crowds of people rushed past her, music played from somewhere and loud voices filled the air. Exhausted, she rubbed her temples. Maybe she should have stayed home and rested.
Suddenly she held her breath as she spotted a familiar face in the crowd. Dark hair, high cheekbones and piercing blue eyes. Fischer. But before she could think, he had already noticed her and started to smile at her.
"Miss YN, how nice to see you! What a coincidence!"
It was the first time she had seen him in his casual clothes rather than one of his business suits. But this was no less elegant and stylish. He was wearing a well-fitting black coat, a grey knitted jumper underneath, black trousers and leather shoes. It was so strange to see him outside his office at Fischer Morrow Company. Suddenly he didn't seem so unapproachable and distant anymore.
"What are you doing here?" she asked curiously.
He paused for a moment. He seemed to be considering whether or not to tell her.
"I brought my little girl to her friend's house for a sleepover. She's been asking me for weeks because her mum won't let her."
"So you're a cool dad," YN replied.
Fischer rolled his eyes. "I'm the one who lets her get away with everything. We had to turn back twice because she realised she had forgotten her favourite stuffed animal and her toothbrush."
She laughed softly. In a strange way, she enjoyed him talking so openly about his life.
"Oh wow, that looks amazing. It's quite old, isn't it?" Mr Fischer pointed to the camera around her neck. "From the 1960s. But it takes incredibly good pictures for that time," she explained. Fischer seemed genuinely impressed. "Do you have more like it?"
"I have quite a few. From the 50s to the 80s, actually, and of course some modern digital cameras. Photography has been my passion since I was a child," she explained. Fischer looked at her with an interested smile. "So there's actually film in there that needs to be developed?" she nodded in confirmation. "Some photo shops still offer that service, yes."
Mr Fischer seemed genuinely interested in her hobby, asking her questions about it as they walked side by side through the streets of London. She felt incredibly comfortable in his presence and hoped he wouldn't leave so soon. Finally he pointed to the camera again. "Would you take a picture of me, please? I'd like a 60's style photo of myself." YN's heart began to race in her chest. What had he just said?
"Of course, Mr Fischer," she replied nervously. "Robert. My name is Robert," he replied. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks, completely surprised. No one at Fischer Morrow Ltd called him by his first name, and outside the company she had only heard his uncle, Peter Browning, call him Robert.
"Let's find a nice spot for the photo," he said, letting his gaze wander until it settled on a beautiful fountain.
Carefully, she picked up the camera, took a few steps back and held it directly in front of Robert's face. "Smile, please," she instructed him, finally pressing the shutter.
A pedestrian who had just passed them looked at YN with a confused expression and shook his head. Frowning, she looked after him before carefully tucking the camera into her handbag.
Are you hungry?" asked Robert. "We could go to a restaurant."
Surprised, she looked at him. "I don't know…" she said hesitantly, chewing her lower lip. In fact, she had never expected to be asked such a question.
He looked at her with raised eyebrows and she could see the disappointment in his eyes. Finally, she worked up the courage to say what was on her mind.
"It's just… To be honest, you told me yesterday that you were someone who kept your work and personal life strictly separate. Maybe it would be better if we did. After all, I'm your employee."
As much as she wanted to spend time with him, she was afraid of developing any more feelings for him. Robert nodded slowly and shoved his hands into his coat pockets.
"I really like you. I just never wanted to show it, that's why I was so reserved with you and told you I wasn't interested in you".
She closed her eyes and let out a sigh as a ton of thoughts went through her head. Robert finally nodded at her with a slightly disappointed look on his face and turned on his heel.
"Wait!" she called after him.
He stopped immediately and looked at her hopefully.
"Let's give it a try, shall we?"
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YN… is that a French name?"
Robert's voice sounded slightly tipsy as he grinned curiously at her, twirling his wine glass casually in his hands. The plate in front of him was empty and he had now carefully placed the cutlery on it, waiting for a waitress to take it away.
He had taken her to a rather fancy and expensive place, the walls were dark wood panelling, the chairs were covered in red velvet and soft jazz music was playing on one of the radios. Robert looked hauntingly beautiful that night. His skin seemed incredibly soft and flawless, his jawline even more prominent, and his blue eyes shone almost ghostly in the dim light, almost like he wasn’t real…
She smiled, nodded and took a sip from her glass. "My father is French. I grew up in France but moved to England when I was 15."
He nodded with interest, rubbing his chin with his forefinger.
"And you? I heard you're Australian," she asked curiously.
Robert laughed and ran a hand through his dark hair. "Well, my accent makes it obvious."
YN blushed and looked down at her plate. What a stupid question.
But Robert didn't seem to mind too much, because he started talking about his life in Sydney, how he had finally moved to London after his father's death, and she listened with interest.
But suddenly he stopped and looked at her thoughtfully. "But I'm probably just boring you."
YN immediately shook her head. "No, you're not," she told him. "I find it really interesting to find out all this about you."
At that moment a waitress came to their table with a smile and asked YN in a friendly tone if she had enjoyed her meal. But the waitress paid no attention to Robert, YN noticed with surprise. Perhaps she was just being extra polite to the lady.
YN's date pulled out a black leather purse and rummaged through it. Quickly, YN pulled a few notes out of the bag and handed them to the waitress. "Keep the change," she said.
The waitress looked at her with wide eyes, "Thank you, ma'am," she said gratefully, "have a nice evening.
Then she turned and left the table.
"You didn't have to do that," Robert said. "As a gentleman, it's actually my job to pay."
She shook her head in amusement. "I bet that's never happened to you before, has it?"
Robert shook his head and took the last drink from his glass. There was a moment of silence between them.
"All right. So what's the plan for the rest of the evening?"
She looked at him in surprise. As soon as he said the words, she felt a tingle in her stomach.
The church clock struck twelve as she crossed the street hand in hand with Robert. It was freezing, and she had pulled her scarf so far up her face that only her eyes and nose were visible. Her date looked at her with amusement. "Are you going to rob a bank?" he asked, laughing out loud.
"Shh!" she snapped at him, putting her fingers to his lips. "You'll wake up the whole neighbourhood."
Although it was quite dark and she could only make out Robert, she knew that his typical mischievous grin was back on his face. She pulled him firmly behind her until they reached the small white building.
"Is this where you live?" Robert asked.
She put her finger to his lips for a second time until Robert stopped talking and looked silently into her eyes. Her heart was pounding in her chest as she finally stood on her toes, put her arms around his neck and placed her lips on his. Robert returned the kiss without hesitation and gently pulled her into his arms. YN could hardly believe what was happening. It was everything she had secretly wanted for months. They remained like this for a moment before she finally let go of him and reached for her key.
She felt for Robert's upper arm and finally pulled him into her apartment, closing the door behind him. She immediately wrapped her arms around him and began to kiss him again. His lips were a little cold and tasted of wine. Together they stumbled backwards into her bedroom, taking off his coat, which she tossed carelessly to the floor.
Robert's fingers stroked carefully along her hip and fumbled a little with her belt while she was busy planting little kisses on his neck. With slightly trembling hands she pulled his jumper over his head and Robert took her hand.
"Are you nervous?" he wanted to know. She remained silent.
"Don't be," he whispered softly into her ear, taking her in his arms again and pulling her onto the bed. Breathing softly, she clung to his chest, leaned back and finally closed her eyes as she felt his warm skin against hers.
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The sun shone through the half-open curtains, creating a narrow, bright streak across the floor. Blinking, she opened her eyes and stretched. But immediately a sharp pain shot through her head again and she held her forehead tiredly. Confused, she sat up and tried to remember what had happened yesterday.
But when she heard soft breathing next to her, she turned quickly and all the events of last night came back to her. Smiling, she looked over at Robert, snuggled up next to her in her beige blanket, sleeping peacefully. Tenderly stroking his messy hair, she lay down beside him again and then began to caress his chest. Perhaps what they had done was wrong. After all, they were two people who should never have fallen in love. But it had happened, and it felt so right. They remained in this position for some time, Robert asleep and YN lost in thought.
Her eyes swept through the bedroom until they settled on a small white box on her dresser. Quickly sitting up, she reached for it and put a small pill into her mouth. Eventually, Robert began to move a little beside her, opening his eyes tiredly. Smiling broadly, she gave him a small kiss on the tip of his nose.
"Good morning," she whispered.
"Good morning," Robert murmured in a raspy morning voice.
"Did you sleep well?" she asked.
"Yes, wonderfully." He yawned loudly and took her into his arms as she laid her head lovingly on his shoulder.
"Wait, what time is it?" he suddenly wanted to know.
"Quarter past ten, why do you ask?" she replied.
"Shit," Robert muttered as he let go of the hug, jumped out of the bed and started to pick up his clothes, which were strewn all over the floor.
"Wait, wait, where are you going?" she asked, looking at him in confusion.
"I should've picked up my daughter by now," he replied, hurrying to get dressed.
Sighing, she pulled the blanket around her a little tighter. "Can't it wait? Can't you stay for breakfast?"
"I'm sorry, but I'm sure she's already waiting for me.“ Robert dodged her questions, grabbing his coat on the floor and sighing when he saw her disappointed look.
He walked slowly towards her, stroking her chin with his finger, and finally whispered: "We can catch up later." Then he put a soft kiss on her lips before turning around and disappearing through the door. She sank back into the pillows and pulled the blanket over her head.
The rest of Sunday flew by. Mostly because her mind was on Robert and she could hardly wait to see him again tomorrow at work. She had probably never looked forward to a Monday in her life as much as she did that day.
The next morning, YN carefully applied her lipstick and looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. She noticed that the collar of her white blouse was a little crooked and quickly adjusted it. She wanted to look her best for Robert today, so he wouldn't change his mind and lose interest in her.
Humming softly, she put on her black high heels and grabbed her handbag. She quickly put another pill into her mouth and put the box in her bag. Her headache was completely gone and her head finally felt clear and light again. In a good mood, she breathed in the fresh morning air and made her way to work.
Her heels clicked on the floor as she walked down the familiar corridor of Fischer Morrow. The lights were on in Robert's office. She ran a final hand through her hair, smoothed her blouse and opened the door to her own office.
The air was stuffy and hot. Coughing, she ran to the window and opened it.
"Good morning, Miss YN, I hope you had a nice weekend," a familiar voice sounded from behind her.
Startled, she turned to see Robert's face as he stuck his head through the door, as he always did.
Why didn't he call her by her first name? Confused, she stared at him, trying to form a clear sentence. "But… But… we spent it together…" her voice finally broke. Her head suddenly hurt again.
He seemed so different again. Not the Robert she had spent the weekend with, not the one who had apologised for being too rude to her, not the one who had made her laugh and told her about his life. He seemed more like the one she had worked with for months, the one who never revealed anything about himself.
"Miss YN? I haven't seen you since Friday, when you left my office after… asking me that question."
Her heart almost stopped. Suddenly her knees gave way and she sank to the floor.
"Are you okay? Are you feeling unwell?" Concerned, he bent down to her. "Do you want to go home and rest?"
She nodded slightly and wiped a tear from her eye, which had turned her fingers black from the carefully applied mascara. Then she got up and left the office.
At home, she lay motionless on her bed, tears streaming down her cheeks. She couldn't think straight and her throat felt incredibly dry. The door to her room, which was only ajar, opened gently and something small and white slipped through. Sniffling, she stretched out her arms and lifted her cat onto the bed.
Everything that had happened that weekend had been fake. She had made it all up. And all of this happened because she had forgotten to take the pills she was taking for her delusions. Robert hadn't really followed her on Friday evening; it was all a figment of her imagination. While his real self was still sitting in the office, probably not thinking about her at all. Everything suddenly made sense: why Robert looked a bit different, why his voice sounded different, the waitress who ignored him on Saturday because she couldn’t actually see him, the pedestrian who gave her a confused look because she was talking to herself while taking the photo.
The photo.
She immediately got up, put on her shoes and walked to the photo shop where she had left the film to be developed. Her heart raced as the staff handed her the envelope with the photos. Trembling, she finally grabbed the Saturday night photo, without looking at it herself, and held it up to the staff's face. "What do you see?" she asked.
The young man looked at her in confusion, but remained polite. "The fountain at Piccadilly Circus. Great picture, it turned out really nice."
"Anything else?" she asked.
"No, ma'am," he replied, and it felt like a slap in her face. Fischer had never been there with her. Only her lonely and sad mind had led her to believe that he was interested in her and loved her. Tears welled in her eyes and she left the shop without another word. When she got home, she immediately took the white box of pills from her handbag, rushed into the kitchen, opened the box and poured the pills into the bin.
Crying and with burning eyes, she finally lay down on her bed and buried her head in the pillow as her cat purred softly beside her. She must have stayed like that for hours, as the sun began to set again outside her window. When she finally lifted her head and wiped the tears from her face, she saw a dark-haired man sitting beside her bed, looking at her lovingly with his pale blue eyes. A smile suddenly appeared on her face and she began to laugh, pulling the man into a tight embrace.
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some explanations because i know that story is kinda mind-fucking:
• Is Robert Fischer all a creation of the readers mind?
- No he actually exists, he’s her boss and she‘s in love with him, so she imagines dating him.
• When is he real, when is he fake?
- The version Robert Fischer in the office is real, he turns her down when she asks him out, leaving YN heartbroken. The moment she leaves the office, she starts to imagine what it would be like if he apologised to her, so the man who follows her is just her imagination. The real Robert Fischer is still in his office at Fischer-Morrow.
When she visits the city on Saturday and meets "Robert" and goes on a date with him, it's also just her imagination. That's why other people react to her with confusion, because she's basically talking to herself all the time. On Sunday morning, when she wakes up next to him, he's still fake. When she takes her pills, he quickly "disappears" (he says he has to pick up his daughter...) because they stop her delusions.
On Monday morning, when she gets back to her office, the real Robert Fischer is there again, who hadn't seen her since he had rejected her on Friday evening.
When she gets home, she throws away her pills and her delusions begin again. The man who sat next to her on the bed and comforted her is again the imaginary version of Robert.
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crusherthedoctor · 1 year
Get a Load of Traits - PART 1: Sonic the Hedgehog
Way back during my Tumblr infancy, I made a series by the mouthful of What Makes For A Good Incarnation, in which I listed the main noteworthy traits that I consider integral for crafting, at the very worst, a still above-average portrayal of the character in question. By "series", I meant I did exactly three of them, then forgot all about it. In the words of Moneybags, I seemed to have temporarily forgotten.
In the years since however, I've went back and forth on going back and redoing them - as well as providing entries for those who didn't get one the first time around - because shall we say, a few recent portrayals have caused me to believe they're in need of some additional points or further elaboration. So now here I am to actually do it.
For the DX: Director's Cut, and for the sake of not dragging them out too much, I've decided to keep it all thematically consistent by sticking with 9 main points per character, in terms of what I personally consider the highest priorities for each of them. These will usually not be listed in any particular order of importance or relevance unless stated otherwise, and while there may be other major traits that might not get mentioned (in which case, feel free to bring them up yourself if you see fit), this keeps things simple and focuses on the points that have the most flexibility with how much of the character they encapsulate.
It should also be noted that these posts will be made with the game portrayals in mind, because the games mark the core of the franchise, and as such, they objectively contain the purest essence of the cast. Adaptations generally like to play by their own rules, some more gratuitously and inexcusably than others, and this will inevitably crop up with certain entries. All that being said however, I'll attempt to stay focused rather than devolve into another rant about this adaptation or that adaptation, only directly referring to them if I feel it's necessary for the point being made.
So without further ado, for today's installment, we're jumping right into the main Crush 40 enthusiast himself: Sonic.
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Since Sonic was one of the characters covered in the past, much of this will be retreading old ground. If you know me well though, I'm sure you'll be able to tell which of it is new or expanded upon.
He's meant to be fun.
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"Psst, the mandates don't exist."
We'll start with one so easy to get that you'd have to be purposefully contemptuous of the franchise and the character to suggest otherwise: Sonic is a fun character. He's all about having fun. He looks at virtually everything, no matter how precarious, as a thrill ride first and foremost. He is perpetually filled with a carefree love for all that life has to offer, has never been shy about it, and is known to enjoy fighting the baddies as well. Nothing keeps him down.
It's a large factor into why the franchise itself commonly boasts a sense of energy and wonder. If you don't acknowledge this aspect of Sonic's character... what are you even doing here? Why are you writing for him? What character are you seeing?
But he also knows when it's time to get serious.
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Oh look, Super Sonic when it still had milk left in it.
Sonic's knack for making snarky quips of debatable quality can lead some into thinking he's incapable of taking anything seriously at all. This is how we get writers who seek to humble him for it... but unfortunately for them, they're not breaking any new ground: Sonic does get down to business when the situation calls for it, and even when he's joking around with whatever villain he's currently facing, he's always got his wits sharp, never going out of his way to be sloppy. And no, this isn't limited to the one-off villains and Godzilla-type Pokemon we know and begrudgingly tolerate: he more than acknowledges the very serious threat and crimes of the deceptively jovial Eggman's actions as well.
After all, do we not recall some of the near-death situations that Eggman has found himself in upon defeat, and how Sonic usually shows no concern over whether he survives or not? Do we not recall Sonic interrogating Zor over what happened to Tails? Do we not recall what he did to the Erazor Djinn when he refused to YouTube Apologise for abusing his former lover?
Sonic takes a lot of things quite seriously. More than he tends to let on. He just also likes to have fun at the same time.
He does not loathe technology.
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"You're telling me this board was made with... SCIENCE...?"
Yes, Sonic is the nature foil to Eggman's scientific scheming. It's been a constant with the franchise since its inception, all the way to modern entries like Colours. But if Sonic hated technology itself, he wouldn't be best friends with a tinkerer. Nor would he own a plane.
The series as a whole has always been sensible about the matter compared to other green aesop-spewing media of the 90's. Rather than demonize technology outright, it understood the strengths it had, and how it could be used for nature's benefit rather than its detriment. Sonic CD visualized this wonderfully, as the Good Futures were fond of showing them side-by-side, in perfect harmony, with no cost to the land's health and beauty.
So with Sonic, he doesn't oppose technology. He opposes Eggman, whose methods involve technology. If you want Sonic to preach about the evils of tech as he drops a mahogany log in the woods and scrambles for a leaf to wipe his ass with, just go on DeviantART. Or watch SatAM.
He has selfish needs, but he's not a selfish person.
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"Shit, I forgot the third paragraph of my principle monologue."
Sonic knows what he wants, and that something is his freedom. He's not going to be anchored down, he's not going to live a mundane life, and he's going to adventure and explore the world and beyond for as long as he can. This goes both ways: it's further reason why he confronts oppressive sorts like Eggman, but on the other hand, it can be hard to keep up with him at times, and since Amy has a clear vision on how she would want their future lives to be like as a couple, it's no wonder Sonic hasn't shown much serious interest in his friend in that particular way.
Don't get the wrong idea though; this doesn't mean Sonic is a selfish person full stop. In part thanks to several adaptations, a common misconception with the Blue Blur is mistaking him for a pure egotist through and through, who only cares about his adrenaline-fueled ecstasy and nothing else. Cause y'know, he's firm about his needs, and he has a cocky side, therefore he's full of himself, right?
Well no, not at all: his opposition to big bad villains would surely be enough on its own to confirm that he cares about everyone else's freedom too, so long as said people aren't doing anything malicious themselves. Yes, he fights villains because it's fun to him, but he also has a genuine hatred for injustice. He doesn't think like a typical superhero, where he fights evil and saves lives because he feels he has an obligation to do so, he does it simply because he wants to. How is that not selfless?
But it's even more than that: he's proven himself to be humble in spite of his cockiness, right down to dismissing any and all formal terms for himself when others use them. Half the time he tells the people he's saved to not sweat it, and the other half, he's already bolted before they can even thank him. Sonic largely doesn't care about the fame and attention that comes with being a repeated world saviour, and in more intimate situations, he's full of compassion there too. Hell, even in Black Knight, despite initially intending to slice Merlina in half in a furious response to her betrayal, he was later willing to show empathy to her defeated self, recognizing that she was an extremist, but not like the other villains he had faced.
Also, he doesn't have a history of treating his friends and accomplices like garbage. He might not see them all that often due to his globe trotting ways ("Long time no see!"), but he clearly values each of them. Even the ones he pokes light fun at on occasion, like Knuckles and Shadow.
He's impulsive, but intelligent.
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Remember when Eggman had a conch? Starline didn't.
Like any character, Sonic does indeed have faults. Sonic is a guy who, when he sets out to do something, he'll do it, no questions asked. If Sonic thinks he knows the solution to sorting everything out, then that's all there is to it. This has worked in his favor more often than not, but it can also just as easily lead to mishaps, like the moment pictured above from Lost World. His cockiness has also been taken advantage of on several occasions, like in SA2 and Unleashed. Both of those were by Eggman, by the way. Just wanted to throw that out there.
However, Sonic is not an idiot. Just because he's a speedster doesn't mean he can't think straight, and his moments of recklessness are often born out of not knowing the full story rather than blindly charging in after already knowing better. If he makes a mistake, he'll acknowledge it and attempt to rectify it as soon as possible, and if he thinks someone else has good advice, then he'll be willing to hear them out, especially if it's coming from his life-long buddy, Tails.
To put it generously, Sonic's intelligence is prone to be heavily downplayed in certain adaptations, most notably in SatAM and Prime. This is usually done for the sake of forcing him to learn a lesson that a character like him doesn't really need to learn, or to prop up another character as the brains behind his operation. Or because Hurr Hurr Vroom Vroom Character Dumb. In reality though, Sonic is actually very intelligent: certainly not a super-genius like Tails or Eggman, but he's quick to pick up on details, and experience has taught him how to optimize his speed and acrobatics effectively and gracefully, while making it look completely effortless. He's also emotionally intelligent, being able to read a room with little issue, and when placed in a new situation, it doesn't take long for him to adapt.
So Sonic is a very bright person who just so happens to occasionally make impulsive decisions, for better or for worse. This does not translate to him being a Funny Penis Man. That's a vast simplification that tends to come from people who take the archetype that describes him at face value.
He only cares about how others perceive him when it's based on deception.
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"Surrounded by evil knights and a girl I've never met before... better inhale the worst cuisine they've ever seen with my goatse mouth."
To paraphrase the hedgehog himself, he doesn't mind having to play the bad guy if it's necessary to do what he thinks is right. This doesn't apply in a meta sense - WE know he's doing the right thing - but what it means is that in-universe, he understands that some people might think he's the villain due to their perspective on the situation. And he accepts that, because he doesn't care about how his true blue self is perceived by strangers one way or the other. He doesn't expect or demand the rest of the world to live by his own personal beliefs unlike some iterations, but since they're his own, he holds no shame in sticking with them personally. He can only be who he truly is, and if some people have a problem with that, then he'll just have to take it smoothly with a Winston break.
But, as proven with Shadow inadvertently framing him in SA2, he does care when it involves Shit That Isn't True. Because if you're going to judge him, it better be for stuff he's actually done, and for who he actually is. Sonic doesn't care about attention, but he does evidently care about his identity.
The real super power of teamwork.
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"Because... we're Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric!"
Sonic Heroes is a game that frequently gets referenced in side-material, which is an impressive feat considering it condemned itself by dressing Metal Sonic like a wanker. Yet for some curious reason, despite all the Heroes referencing, writers have trouble remembering the entire theme of the game, because their idea of Sonic needing to learn the benefits of teamwork and friendship is... lol...? Lmao...? Dare I even say... rofl...?
Sonic is the last person on the goddamn planet who needs to learn this, and you'd know that even if you weren't familiar with Heroes. Other games have shown time and time again that he appreciates the contributions of his allies, and gives them the appropriate kudos with no shred of reluctance, all without placing himself above them in the process. And while he may not be quick to ask for help, he's usually willing to accept it when it's offered to him. Like in '06, in which he casually allowed Trunks the Hedgehog to help out despite his attempting to kill him when they last met.
Sonic knows the super power of teamwork just fine. It's in his business card. Him of all people needing to learn this aesop is a non-development, a cheap way to make it seem like the writers are doing something ~deep~ with him. Giving back something he should have had to begin with is not character development.
His thing about emotions.
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"A tall girl. My weakness."
Despite his outward demeanour, Sonic has a lot of introversion deep down, what with showing himself a contemplative side on a regular basis, and most of his dialogue being fairly straight and to-the-point. As it happens, this extends to how he manages his emotions, aside from his alleged temper. Sonic is obviously not stoic, but you're not likely to see him break down in hysterics, or publicly show tears at all unless it's in private.
Some writers and artists - or should I say, certain writers and artists - consider this an abominable sin that must be rectified. They'll get it into their heads that Sonic shows no emotion at all, but never fear boys and girls, they'll fix that pronto. They'll give him the emotions that SEGA couldn't. And what do you know, the end results end up looking absolutely ridiculous, and simply not in-line with who and what our hero is. Fact of the matter is, not everyone wears their emotions on their sleeve, and not breaking out the waterworks is not the same as being an unfeeling machine altogether. As it applies to real life, it applies as well to fictional characters. Because they're not all going to be the same.
His introversion doesn't just relate to himself though. It also seeps into his visible discomfort in dealing with the complex emotions of others, especially those who can't shake themselves off as easily as he can. Notice how, during moments where someone else is upset by something he can't easily fix - such as Tails lamenting Emerl's demise, or Shahra grieving over Majin Ganondorf despite him being a terminal shithead - he often finds himself at a loss, needing a moment or two to think of what he should say or do to console them.
It's possible that, with his canonical tendency to not be all that open about whatever might be troubling him, under the belief of not wanting to make his problem their problem by extension, he might not consider himself the most well-equipped for someone else's anguish. Or maybe that's just a Game Theory. Either way, whatever awkwardness there may be on his part, he always does his best regardless, as he would for any other situation.
...unless it involves one-sided sadness. Then he's not as sympathetic.
He's an ideal.
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"Fuck sake, another argument over voice actors."
Sonic is a static character. Deliberately so. He is also not meant to be a relatable character, at least not in the sense of what Twitter members who have never played a Sonic game in their life consider relatable, which is basically making the character exactly the same as them, beat for beat, including the mismatched haircut, announcing their pronouns every three sentences, and the compulsive thirst to speak to the manager.
Needless to say, this doesn't work with the fastest thing alive. Everything about Sonic - his refusal to give up, his refusal to let distress overwhelm him, his freedom to go where the wind takes him - all of it, and more, serves to make him an inspiration. And guess what? Characters are allowed to be that. Inspirational characters are just as important as relatable ones, because by seeing what they can accomplish, we can strive to become our best selves. Why would you want to take that away?
Every character, the good ones anyway, have a defined purpose. Sonic has his. Other characters in the series might be considered relatable, but that's not where Sonic himself lies. It's better to leave that occupation for others, such as those who were inspired in-universe by Sonic himself, like Tails and Amy.
If you understand all of these points, and if you can take to them, then I believe you should have what it takes to write a good, or even great, portrayal of Say Yes to the Dress the Hedgehog. No portrayal is going to be one-and-one with that of another, there'll always be subtle distinctions depending on the writer, but you'll be fine as long as he's not a holier-than-thou dipshit who speaks more words than The Great Gatsby.
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wednesdaymunson · 2 years
Head Over Heels
Baby Daddy! Eddie x Fem!reader
Summary: Part 2 to my Baby Daddy! Eddie fic.Slight time jump. Eddie has half assed professed his love for you, but neither of you can bring it up. You're still seeing Keanu. Wayne makes an appearance and scolds Eddie. Eddie is a lil toxic at the end.
Warnings: smut,angst,unprotected sex, creampie, drunk sex(f), mention of oral sex(m receiving)..I think that's it.
A/n: I wrote and rewrote this several times. I'm kinda okay with this version. The ending is opened to the possibility of a third part, or you can make up with what happens in the end ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I Was Made For Lovin' You - part 1
Word Count: 4,609k
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It had been about a month since Eddie left that message. The both of you would always tiptoe around it. You were never direct when trying to ask, and Eddie would avoid it anyway he could. You were afraid to be forward, possibly hearing something you didn't want to know, but it was killing you not knowing 'Why now?'.
You've been on a few low-profile dates with Keanu. He didn't want to alert the paparazzi and drag you into the crazy spotlight. Even with Eddie's fame with Corroded Coffin, you were very much in the background, unnoticed. You weren't even thinking about that, you just wanted to live in the moment. Keanu made you feel seen and heard. He calmed your mind, you knew where you stood with him. 
You made it home just in time. Eddie was dropping off Evelyn at 9am and here it is 8:45. You change into your pjs, wash whatever makeup was left off your face, to turn around and see Eddie behind you. 
"For fuck sakes, Eddie! You scared this shit outta me!... how'd you get in?"
"Well, hello to you too! Look, your door wasn't shut all the way. I got nervous, so I came in preparing to bash some skulls or preparing for the worst.."
You could tell by his tone and his eyes that he was genuine. You hugged him before you even realized it. He tightly hugged you back, and you melted into him. 
"Wait.. where's Evelyn?!"
"Oh! I told her to stay in the car and if someone tried to get her, to hit them with the crowbar I keep in the car." He boldly stated. 
"Eddie, you left a 4 year old in the car with a crowbar? Please go get our daughter." You sigh. 
"On it, sweetheart."
You pinch at his side. 
"Y/N, don't start that." Eddie laughs. 
As soon as Eddie is out of sight, you shut the door and quietly break down. You haven't told Eddie about you seeing someone else. You've been pretty good at keeping it under wraps. You think to yourself, 'Keanu and I aren't exclusive. I'm allowed to date and do whatever, I'm single! Eddie doesn't have to know. I don't know what he does when he's away or when he's not here.'
You splash some water on your face, dry off, and compose yourself. You hear Evelyn knocking on your door. 
"Mommy, open the door! There's no bad guys! It's me, Evelyn Starchild Munson!"
You greeted her as you opened the door. 
"Hi baby! I missed you." You smiled. 
Eddie's eyes met yours, and he could tell you had been crying, but he didn't want to mention it in front of Evelyn, and he also had some business to take care of. 
"Y/N, I have to get going, but I'll call you later. Evelyn, be good for mommy. I'll see you soon, baby. I love you."
Eddie rushes out the door. 
It's almost midnight, Evelyn was tucked away in her bed after a day full of arts and crafts, a melt down because you told her she couldn't get in the oven, and a chicken nugget dinner by the pool. You're drifting off, and your phone begins to ring. 
"Hello?" You answer soothingly. 
"Fuck, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you."
It was Eddie on the other end. Usually, you would be bothered by the late call, but you didn't have the energy tonight. 
"Mm 's okay, Eddie. What did you need to talk about?"
"I'm sorry for calling you this late, just got caught up with stuff at the studio. But I wanted to tell you I'm flying Wayne here in two weeks and wanted to ask if you would have dinner with us. I know he would love to see you and I know you would too."
You haven't seen Wayne since Evelyn's first birthday. He was very much like a father to you. You started calling him "Dad" after it slipped out one day when he asked you to run to the store for him, and it stuck ever since.  He taught you a lot, especially some skills, so you would never have to rely on a man to help when Eddie wasn't around. You haven't spoken to him much since the split, and you did miss him dearly. 
"No worries. Oh, that's nice. Umm yeah, just let me know what day and what you have planned."
"Great! I'm actually hoping to get the old man to consider moving here. He's retiring soon and I think he'd be better off with family around."
"Oooohh…you sure about that? You know how Wayne is." You giggled. 
"I know, I know. Maybe you can sweeten the deal."
"Eddie, I want no part in your shenanigans,buuuuut I do miss him. Evelyn should have her granddad around."
"I knew you'd see it my way."
There's a small silence, and you hear Eddie sigh. 
"Everything okay with you? You looked like you were crying earlier today."
"Yeah, I just got soap in my eyes. Burned like a bitch." You quickly replied. 
"Hmm okay… I just wanted to make sure."
You could tell he didn't really believe you, but he wasn't going to push. 
"Oh, one more thing…what are you wearing?"
"Ugh, goodnight, Eddie."
"Hey, I tried. Goodnight, Y/N."
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"Y/N, I know it's only been a few days, but I really do miss you. I can't wait to see you when I get back from New York." Keanu cooed into the phone. 
"I miss you too. How's New York?"
"It's great! There's tons of places I'd love to take you. Oh! I didn't get a chance to tell you, but the rest of the band is here in New York, and we're doing a few secret shows while I'm here!" He exclaimed. 
"Oh, that sounds fun! I'm kinda jealous of the people who get to see Dogstar live." You frowned. 
"Well, maybe I can talk to the band and set up a show when I get home."
"That would be awesome! But you don't have to do that, Keanu."
"I know, but I would definitely do it for you, beautiful."
"You're too sweet."
"Y/N, you know what else I miss?"
"Hmm? What's that?"
"I miss your plump lips wrapped around my hard cock while you look up at me with those big beautiful eyes. I'm sorry if that was brazen of me, but jesus christ Y/N! Any time I think about you, that's one of the things that come across my mind. And you get so wet for me while you do it." Keanu breathes heavily. 
"I enjoy it, and if I can be honest, I like being in control sometimes, and in those moments, I'm very much in control, aren't I?"
"Mm, yes, you are, sweetheart. I'm practically puddy in your hands when I'm in your mouth. Fuck! I can't wait to see you when I get home, I'm going to tear into you!"
"I can't wait either. I.."
"I'm sorry, but I have to cut our conversation short. Evelyn just woke up."
"No worries. I'll call you when I get some free time. I hope you have a good day,  gorgeous. Bye."
"Thank you, you too. Talk to you later."
You lay in bed for a few more minutes to gather yourself. You get up to check on Evelyn, ready to start your day super early. You find her back asleep, arms spread out, one leg hanging off the bed. 
"Oh, my wild child. Just like your dad."
You gently put her leg back in the bed and cover her up. You think about calling Eddie on the walk back to your room, but it's around 5:30 am, and you're sure he's passed out by now. You open your closet and pull out a box. It was a box that was a mixture of sex toys, lubes, a Polaroid camera, and a velvet bag that held a pair of handcuffs. You opened it and pulled them out, the biggest smile flashed across your face. 
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It was your first week in Hawkins and your parents moved you and your younger siblings there after your graduation. You saw a flyer on the side of the building for a band playing at the Hideout. 'Corroded Coffin? Hmm might as well. It'll give me something to do in this boring town.'  You thought. That night you met Eddie. Somehow you'd catch him staring at you and then quickly turn his head. You were in the crowd when his band played and you did enjoy the music. After the set you went to the bar and got some water before heading home. 
"Who celebrates with water?"
Eddie stands next to you at the bar. 
"Well, I'm not celebrating anything…should I be?" You laughed. 
"Is this not your first Corroded Coffin show? I've never seen you at any of our shows, and trust me, I would notice and remember a pretty face in the crowd." Eddie smiled. 
"You're correct. This is my first time here and seeing your band. I just moved here a week ago with my family."
"So come celebrate with me and my band. I can make sure you get home safely."
"Oh yeah? I'm not sure about that. You may try to keep me handcuffed in a basement." You giggled while hooking your finger on the handcuffs he was wearing attached to his belt.
"Oh! No! I would never do that! Do I come off like that type of guy?!"
"No, you don't come off like that. I was joking…maybe. " You could barely control your laughter. 
"I'm Y/N, by the way." As you extended your hand. 
"Eddie, amongst other colorful names the town has given me."
He takes your hand in both his, feeling the cold sensation of his rings against your warm skin. 
"Nice to meet you, Y/N. Soooo are you gonna stay?"
"Sorry, I really gotta go. See ya around." You smiled and made your way to leave. 
"HEY! HOW DO I GET A HOLD OF YOU?!" Eddie shouted.
"COME FIND ME!" You shouted back. 
Eddie just happened to run into you at Starcourt Mall, got your number, and eventually asked you out on a date. He was very polite, a great listener, and made you laugh any chance he got. You both shared secrets that you swore each of you would take your graves, insecurities, and dreams. You two were inseparable. 
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You take the bag, put everything away and put it in another box full of things that you weren't ready to get rid of. You decide to try to get a little bit of sleep before Evelyn wakes up. Your eyes close and you feel a slight dip in the bed, a small arm wraps around your stomach.
"Mommy, can I have waffles and bacon, please?"
"Of course, baby. Coming right up." You giggled. 
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"There's my girls!" Wayne exclaimed.
"GRANDPAAAA!" Evelyn yells, running. 
"Hi Wayne. It's been too long." You smiled
You spent the whole evening laughing and having fun. It felt like old times. You took some pictures and set up the camera and got a "family" shot. Evelyn was getting sleepy, so you offered to put her to bed. 
"You ready to go to bed, love bug? 
"Uh huh. Mommy, are you going to spend the night too?"
There was an awkward silence through Eddie's penthouse. 
"Oh no, baby. I'm going home to sleep in my bed. Grandpa Wayne is staying here for a few days, so he'll sleep in the guest room, you have your room, and Daddy has his." You explained. 
"Can't you share a bed with Daddy? Like other mommies and daddies?"
You nervously looked at Eddie and mouthed "help me" to him. 
"Uh,sweetheart, some mommies and daddies don't like to share beds with one another. "
"Okay. Mommy, can you read me a story please?"
"Of course." You smile and follow Evelyn to her room. 
"Boy, you should have done right by her. I don't know what got into you when you signed that deal and went on tour. That girl was head over heels for you, and I knew that the first night you brought her over. Eddie, I love you, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to kick your ass. You lost a good one."
"You think I don't know that?? When I left the house that morning after she kicked me out, I thought I would be fine. Off to the next one, then the next, and so on and so forth. I found myself comparing every woman to her! I tried to stop, but it never failed. 'Y/N would have handled that differently. Y/N makes this better.' Sometimes I can't sleep knowing I destroyed my family and hurt her. She didn't deserve that, I didn't deserve her. I want to make things right, Wayne."
"Son, I'd be surprised if there weren't about a hundred men trying to break down her door for a chance. She's not like these Hollywood girls. She's a genuine and caring person. You better act quickly before someone beats you to it." Wayne huffed.
You walk back into the living room. 
"I gotta go. I promised Luna I'd have a few drinks with her before I go home, and my taxi should be here soon."
"Well, sweetheart, it was good to see you. I hope I see you a few more times while I'm visiting." Wayne said as he hugged you. 
"It was good seeing you too, Dad. Ya know you should move here when you retire. I'd love for you to see Evelyn more. She needs her granddad around."
"Did Eddie put you up to this??"
"Oh, no!" You smiled and winked at Eddie. 
"Wayne, just think about it." Eddie stated. 
"Fine, I'll think about it."
"My taxi is here. Thanks for dinner, Eddie. Goodnight."
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"Maybe you're meant to be together? You really need to talk to him, or you can ignore it, move on with Keanu, and keep second guessing yourself. "
Not only was Luna your babysitter, but she was your best and pretty much only friend out here. She helped pick up the pieces after you kicked Eddie out. She was pretty protective of you. She kept you from making rash decisions in the wake of your breakup that would have landed you on the front cover of the tabloids. But what you didn't know is that she was also a listening ear for Eddie, and she knew how he felt about you. Fortunately, she was a good friend to you both and was unbiased in this situation. She gave you advice when asked, nothing more and nothing less. 
"Luna, I just don't want to go through it again. I can't let a man tell me twice that he doesn't want me."
"Did he ever say he didn't want you? He cheated, I get it. Some people like to have their cake and eat it too. There was nothing wrong with you then. There's nothing wrong with you now."
"I know." You frowned. 
"Y/N, I gotta get going. I have a nanny gig in the morning. I'll call you tomorrow, yeah?" Luna grabbed your hand and squeezed  it as she smiled. 
You stayed and had a few more drinks, and the liquid courage was flowing through your blood. You asked the bartender for the phone. It took you a few drunken tries to dial Eddie's number correctly, but you finally got it. 
"YESSSSSS! YOU ARE CORRECT, SIR!" You drunkenly yell through the phone. 
"Why are you yelling? Are you drunk??" Eddie questioned. 
"I'm sorry, Eddie." You whispered. 
"Y/N, just try to speak in a normal volume. Are you okay? Where are you?"
"Yes, maybe…I don't know. I'm at Sunset Bar."
"Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes. I'll tell Wayne to keep an eye on Evelyn."
Eddie finds you at the bar nursing a glass of water.  He thanks the bartender for keeping an eye on you. 
"You lush." Eddie chuckled as he grabbed you by the waist. 
"Let's get you home, Princess."
"Thank you, Eddie. Will you make a fluffernutter when we get home?" You murmured. 
"Anything for you." Eddie smiled. 
You sat in the seat and stared at Eddie. You admired his profile. He had his hair pulled back into a ponytail with a few strands of his wavy hair in his face, and he had a fresh undercut. The way the corners of his eyes crinkled when he smiled. When he belted out the words to his favorite songs, the veins in his neck would bulge. You could feel the wetness pooling in your panties. You reached over and lightly scratched the back of his head, feeling the prickly hairs on the tip of your fingers. 
"Mm, that feels really good."
"I bet it does. You know what else would feel really good?"
"Hmm?" Eddie hummed as he gave you a side glance with a raised eyebrow. 
"Your fat cock deep inside me."
Eddie's ring clad hands gripped the wheel tightly, his knuckles whiting. 
"Fuck, Princess are you sure? You've been drinking. I don't think we should."
"I'm a little drunk, yes, but I know exactly what I want, Sir." You grinned. 
"Y/N, you don't even know what that does to me. Thank god we're almost home."
Eddie ups the speed a little, making it to the gate, pushing the access button repeatedly, trying to get it open as quickly as possible. You start to unbutton the top of your dress as Eddie pulls up to your house and places the car in park. You take off your seat belt and press the release button on Eddie's. You're straddling him before he knows it, his bulge pressed against your warm, wet core. 
"Sweetheart, you couldn't wait until we got inside?"
"No, Eddie. I need you inside me now! I need to feel you. I need to feel something other than these god damn conflicting feelings I have for you! Please, I'm begging you." You pouted.
You left Eddie speechless. All he could do at this moment was to grab your face and kiss you. Your lips pressed against his hard, tongues rolling over each other.  He breaks away, grabbing you by the back of your neck, he licks the side of your neck and reaches your ear. 
"You're so fucking needy, I love it when you beg." He growled. 
Eddie pulls on the handle to lean his seat back. He reaches up your dress to find your panties. 
"Oh, baby, I hope these aren't your favorite panties." Eddie grinned.
He pulls out his switchblade and cuts your panties off you and tosses them in the passenger seat—You haven't seen Eddie like this in a very long time. Sure you'd let him paddle you every so often and do a little dom/sub play, but he was always so soft spoken and well mannered ever since you decided to start hooking up,b afraid of fucking things up more. He unbuckled his belt and undid his pants, releasing his hard member,  pre cum already forming at the tip. You firmly grab it to line up to your soaking wet entrance. 
"Wait, I don't have any condoms. Did you bring any?"
"No, I didn't. I'm out, and right now, I really don't care. Just don't cum in me."
You gasp as you sink down on Eddie's thick cock. You feel a pleasurable burn as he stretches you out. He grabs on to your hips as you start riding him. 
"Fuck, your so wet for me, Princess. All that for me?" Eddie breathes haggardly.
"Mm, yes, it's all for you, Eds. Your dick.. f-f-feels so fucking good!"
"I've missed being inside you, your tight pussy gripping around my cock. Fuck, if you keep riding me like this, I don't know how long I'll last, Princess."
You love it when he calls you "Princess", it sparks the fire growing in your stomach.  Eddie's thumb finds your swollen clit and rubs it with a little bit of pressure. Your breath starts to hitch. 
"There it is. I know you're close, sweetheart. I want you to cum for me, cream all over my dick."
With your hands on Eddie's chest, you lean slightly forward, your hips roll desperately to reach your orgasm. Eddie frantically runs circles on your throbbing clit.  
"FFFUUUUCCCKK!" You yell as you dissolve into pleasure. 
You keep riding Eddie while you ride out your orgasm.
"Princess, I-I'm.. you gotta get off, or I'm gonna bust in you!"
You're already chasing your second orgasm.
"Mmm Eds, I-I-I can't stop! I'm cumming again!" You panted. 
Eddie holds you down by your hips as you both reach climax. He spills himself into you, covering your pulsing walls, clenching around him, milking every last bit of him. 
You fall on to his chest, trying to catch your breath. 
"Eddie…I-I love you." You breathed. 
"I love you too, Princess." He huffed. 
"Y/N, as much as I love being in this, uh situation with you, I think we should go into the house and get cleaned up."
"Yeah, you're right." You giggled. 
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You're both laying in bed after your shower together, your head resting on his chest.
"I love you, Y/N. I'm sorry that I hurt you. I wish I could take everything back." Eddie whispered into your hair. 
"Then why did you do it? I know I'm not pretty like the groupies on tour or the women out here. Why wasn't I enough for you?" Your voice trembled.
"You're gorgeous, Y/N. You were when we first met, and you'll always be. You were enough. I was just a scared little boy. Everything happened so fast, getting signed, Evelyn, moving to California…I just didn't know how to handle it all, and I didn't know how to tell you."
You sat up to look Eddie in the eyes. 
"Eddie, look at me. You could have told me anything. We've shared so many secrets that we knew each other inside and out. Whatever the world threw at us, we were in it together." You cried. 
Eddie held you in his arms. 
"Shh, I know. I fucked up. I'm sorry Y/N. I'll do better…if you let me try."
"I..I don't know, Eddie." You sniffled.
You eventually fell asleep in his arms. Only to wake up in an empty bed. You roll out of bed and make your way to the kitchen. Eddie is sitting at the table having a cup of coffee. There was a lull in the air. 
"Good morning, Eds." You smiled. 
"So when were you going to tell me that you've been seeing someone else? Keanu fucking Reeves of all people!"
"We're not that serious. We're not exclusive. And why does it matter who I'm seeing or if I'm seeing anyone? You're the last person who should be concerned about my dating life." You snapped. 
"Well he sounded pretty fucking serious in the message he left this morning!" Eddie bellowed.
"Does he know about us?"
"He knows what you put me through."
"So he doesn't know that you call me over here to fuck you senseless when you want to get off?.... Are you fucking him?"
"What? That's none of your god damn business, Eddie. I'm single, I can do as I please. YOU! YOU CHOSE THIS FOR ME WHEN YOU DECIDED TO FUCK EVERY BITCH FROM HERE TO THE EAST COAST AND LIE TO ME UNTIL ONE OF THEM HAD THE GUTS TO TELL ME THE TRUTH!" You sobbed. 
"Fuck, Eds. I love you, but how do I know you won't cheat on me again? I would look so fucking stupid for trusting you with my heart again."
"... Why him?"
" I dunno, he's nice. He makes me feel seen and heard. I know where I stand with him. He knows I have responsibilities, and he supports me pursuing my passion in art. If it wasn't him, Eds, I'm sure it would have been one of the plethora of guys that came around after we broke up. I didn't realize people knew who I was, but obviously, others were paying attention to me."
You could see that Eddie was disappointed in himself. His eyes were darting back and forth. He seemed like he was analyzing an invisible piece of code on the table.
"Let's get married!" Eddie blurted. 
"Eddie, you can't do that to me! This isn't going to magically solve any of this."
"You love me, right? And I love you. Let's do this!"
"Eds, it's going to take a lot for us to even get to the idea of marriage. Maybe…we should stop having sex…take a break…just strictly co parent."
By this time, Eddie has already standing next to you at the counter, arms folded. 
"Is that what you really want?" 
"I think it would be best for now. We can figure out what we really want out of this, if we even want it." You sighed. 
"I know what I want, and I'll fight for it. Even if I have to burn this world to the ground. But if this is what you want, I'll respect it. " Eddie muttered. 
"Thank you, Eddie. I think you should get back to Wayne and Evelyn. I'm gonna hop in the shower and gather myself. Lock the door when you leave, please?"
"Sure thing. I'll see you later."
You head to your room and start your shower. Before Eddie leaves, he picks up the phone and dials *69. The phone rings a few times before Keanu picks up. 
"Look fucko, whatever you think you have with Y/N, you don't anymore. Leave her the fuck alone." Eddie gritted through his teeth with a clenched jaw. 
"Oh, this must be Eddie, her ex that cheated on her while she was pregnant and up until the point she kicked you out. Look dude, she's a big girl, she can make her own decisions. We're having fun and living in the moment. But I do see myself pursuing this for the long run. May the best man win, bud." Keanu chuckled. 
"Yeah? Well… Dogstar is dog shit!" Eddie yells before he hangs up. 
'What an asshole.' Thought Eddie.
When you came back out, Eddie was already gone. You weren't sure if you did the right thing or not. Maybe you should have broken things off with Keanu. You decided to grab some breakfast at your favorite diner. As soon as you were leaving the phone range. 
"Hey there, beautiful, how are you?"
"Hey, Keanu! I'm okay, a bit hungry, so I'm on my way to get some breakfast. How are you?"
"I'm great, just missing you. Would you be able to have dinner with me tonight?"
"Oh, you're coming home early? Yeah, Evelyn is with Eddie and her granddad for the week. So I'm hanging solo."
"Unfortunately, I'm not coming home early, but I'd like to fly you out for a few days, if that's okay?"
"Of course! I'll let Eddie know that I'm going out of town for a few days."
"Perfect. I'll have a driver pick you up in two hours. Don't worry about packing, we'll go shopping. See you later, Y/N."
"Bye, Keanu."
You're all smiles and butterflies. You grab your sunglasses and head out the door to the diner. In a few hours, you'll be in the arms of another man. Did it make you feel bad? A bit, but you deserved to be happy. 
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Divider @racingairplanes
A/n- I feel like I formatted weird due to the amount of dialogue or maybe it's just me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ let me know what you think. Leave comments, reblog, and like. It's greatly appreciated.
Tag list: @marvelnbangtanslut @bimbobaggins69 @heyyimmisunderstood @hiscrimsonangel @sweet-villain
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sporco-filth · 1 month
slob superhero
A story I wrote a decently long time ago.
In Slob City, 'Villains' intend to ruin everyone's lives by cleaning up the city or making everyone healthy but Slobguy always saves the day.
I wanted to write more about other villains but i never got around to it (and don't have many ideas for them) so the only story i have is this one: Captain Health arrives in Slob City and terrorises the populace with things like 'vegetables' and 'exercise'. Slobguy puts aside the important business of lounging on the couch to stop him.
It was a beautiful day in Slob City. Trash filled the streets, noxious fumes filled the air and the city's overweight residents pigged out on junk food from the fast food outlets on every street corner. Bob Gutt sat in his house, watching TV as usual. It was an uneventful day and Bob was trying to work on getting his full twenty-three hours of sedentary activity and stick to his 200 step limit. He scratched his gut lazily and slurped on a milkshake. He could sit like this all day.
Unfortunately, the world had other plans. Just then, the reality TV show Bob had been watching was interrupted by a news report. 'We apologise for the interruption,' the news reporter said. 'But this is breaking news.' The reporter was dressed in a food stained T-shirt and was overweight, just like Bob. It was highly likely he was wearing nothing but an old smelly pair of underpants under the desk, but then again lots of people in Slob City walked around in their underwear, so that wouldn't be much of a surprise. 'A strange man has appeared in the city square, home to the world's largest food court, and is apparently forcing people to eat healthily. We turn now to John for an in-person account.' 'Thanks Mike,' the screen split in two to show another reporter, this one standing at the city square.
He was dressed similarly sloppily to the first reporter. 'That's right: a mysterious man who calls himself Captain Health has been terrorising innocent civilians and making them eat things such as "vegetables" and "fruits".' 'What are they?' Mike asked. 'I don't exactly know,' John replied. 'It's the term that this Captain Health is using to refer to these strange foodstuffs. I have yet to see one in person, but an eyewitness saw one and said it was a green coloured object.' 'Green?' Mike said confused. 'Yes, green. A far cry from the normally golden brown deliciousness we eat daily.' 'How are the victims?' 'Terrible, Mike. One of them told us she was feeling healthy and refreshed, like she could run and jump about all day.' 'That's horrible!' 'I know. To make matters worse, it even appears certain victims have begun to lose weight.' Mike shuddered. 'I can hardly stand the thought.' Just then, a brightly dressed man appeared beside John. 'Hey there,' he said. 'I'm Captain Health. Would you like something to eat?' The reporter was initially scared but suddenly a calm washed over him. 'OK,' he said. 'Sure.' 'No! John!' Mike cried, but it was too late: John had already accepted an apple from. Captain Health and had taken a bite. His eyes lit up and he looked more vibrant instantly. It even seemed like he was a little thinner. It was disgusting. 'Wow!' He exclaimed. 'I feel so much energy! I want to go for a run or something.' John dropped his microphone and dashed off. Mike was left speechless as the feed cut off. 'We apologise to any parents watching with their children for any traumatic images they may have been exposed to,' he said. 'We will keep you updated on this situation as it unfolds. We recommend you stay indoors and continue to eat junk food.' Mike took a bite out of a hamburger sitting on his desk and slurped some soda. 'Belch. For the time being, we will return to scheduled programming, but keep on the look out for any updates throughout the day, burp.' The show Bob was watching returned and he sighed.
'I guess that puts an end to my plans to do nothing.' He got up and went to the toiletroom (houses in Slob City didn't have baths, or showers for that matter) where he pulled the flusher of the toilet in the opposite direction. Suddenly the toilet moved to reveal a capsule and a tunnel in the wall. Bob hopped in, kicking a few empty soda cans out of the way, and the capsule brought him down deep underground. Soon, Bob arrived in a large cavern. It looked like a cross between a garbage dump, a garage and an office: trash littered the floor and a few large vehicles sat in front of a garage door, while off to one side a desk covered in papers faced a widescreen TV. Bob went over to the computer at the desk and typed a code into it. From the wall, a glass cabinet containing a superhero costume appeared. It wasn't exactly your typical superhero costume. It did have visible underwear, but that was because there weren't any pants to speak of. The top was just a dirty singlet and it didn't even have a mask. To the untrained eye, it would just look like someone's dirty laundry if it weren't for the big SG emblem on the singlet drawn on in food stains and the smaller, brown one that emblazoned the back of the undies, drawn using something better left unmentioned. In reality, it was a high-tech outfit designed for a superhero. Bob swapped his regular clothes for his costume and typed at the computer a bit more. A map of Slob City appeared with the city centre shown by a red circle. 'It's not too far away,' he noted. 'I think the ol' Slobmobile will suffice.' He pressed another button and the vehicle in mention turned on and the garage door opened. Bob's chair moved him to the car and he hopped in. 'OK, Slobguy is go!'
Bob, you see, was no ordinary man. He was Slobguy: defender of the gross, the dirty and the unhealthy. Slob City's saviour.
The Slobmobile sped through the city streets, leaving a trail of dirty exhaust in its wake. Very soon he reached the city centre and saw the havoc unfolding: everywhere people were exercising and running about. It was unlike anything Bob had ever seen before. 'I have to save these poor people,' he said. He turned to the nearest person he could find, a woman doing push ups. 'Ultra-lazy Yawn!' Bob cried and let out a loud yawn. The woman slowed down and seemed tired all of a sudden. 'Oh, I'm feeling… sleepy…' she yawned. 'I better take a nap…' Bob smiled. This shouldn't be too hard. Just as he was about to move on to the next person, he noticed the woman stirring. 'Ah, that was a refreshing rest,' she sighed. 'I feel even more energetic!' Suddenly she started doing push ups at an even faster rate than before. 'Alright, looks like that just made things worse.' He thought about the problem. 'What I need to do is fight this at the source: the vege-watchimacallit things. Maybe if I can get them to eat some junk food, they'll go back to normal.' Bob pulled out a slice of greasy meat lovers pizza from his underwear (one of the special abilities of his undies was that they could store anything). He offered it to the woman. 'Hey, would you like something to eat?' The woman shook her head. 'I'm still full from the celery I ate. It's full of fibre!' Bob didn't know what "celery" or "fibre" were and he didn't want to find out. 'OK, that didn't work either.' He took a bite of the pizza: no use having it go to waste.
He got an idea. 'I'm looking at this all wrong: the source isn't the food, it's the guy giving it out! Captain Health!' 'You called?' Captain Health himself appeared before Bob. Bob was shocked: he had never seen anyone so thin and muscular in his life. The guy looked horrible. 'Would you like something nutritious and fresh to eat?' he smiled. Bob shook his head, but soon felt a strange compulsion rush over him. He felt a desire for something healthy. It was unsettling, but Bob could barely control himself as he took a carrot from Captain Healthy's outstretched hand. Just as he was about to eat it, he heard a cry. 'No Slobguy! Don't!' Before he could put the vegetable into his mouth, he saw something come flying from the direction of the voice. It landed into his mouth and Bob chewed. It was a doughnut. A delicious, sticky, sweet doughnut. Bob was broken out of the trance and quickly let out a yawn. Captain Health was overwhelmed by the yawn and fell to his knees. 'Whew,' he sighed. 'I feel, tired, all of a sudden…' Bob looked at the carrot in his hand and used his slob powers to rot it and then create slimy muck that held Captain Health in place. 'That was a close one,' he said and looked to try to find his rescuer. It was a young guy, in his late teens, overweight and slobby like the average resident. He waddled over to Bob, panting. 'I was worried,' he said. 'I thought you might eat that thing and lose your powers or something, then we'd all be doomed.' 'Thanks kid,' Bob smiled. 'What's you're name?' 'Federico, but you can call me Fed.' 'I'm Slobguy, though you know that already.' 'Here,' Fed said, giving Bob an XXXL soda. 'Drink this so he can't do that same trick on you again.' 'Thanks, I could do with a quick-thinking assistant like you,' Bob grinned. He couldn't dwell on this for long, since he had to deal with the matter at hand still. 'So, Captain Health,' Bob said dismissively as he sucked on his drink. 'What have you done here?' Captain Health groggily opened his eyes. 'I was… trying to make everyone here healthier,' he explained. 'So I formulated some ultra nutritious vegetables designed to improve weight-loss and health. I knew you all would probably resist my efforts though, so I decided I would have to use some mind control to get you guys to eat the fruit and vegetables in the first place. I know it was a bit heavy handed, but it was for your own good.' 'How do you control this hypnosis thing?' 'It's the vegetables,' he said. 'It's a mix of scent and sight cues designed to make them look appealing.' 'And where are you keeping them?' 'In those boxes over there,' Captain Health pointed. Bob walked over to them and stopped drinking for a moment in order to let out a massive belch. The vegetables decayed quickly in the noxious fumes.
'That's that dealt with,' he said, scratching his bum as he headed back to Captain Health and Fed. 'Now we just need to get everyone unfit again.' 'Eventually they'll get hungry again,' Fed said. 'And when they do we just need to feed them junk food.' 'Ha, that's where you're wrong!' Captain health exclaimed. 'My hypnosis make them hate junk food so much that they'll only eat vegetables!' Bob thought this over. If only there was a vegetable that was also a junk food. Unfortunately, Bob didn't actually know what a vegetable was. 'Hey, Health dude,' he said, turning to Captain Health. 'What are vegetables?' 'Do you mean an exact, scientific definition or do you really not know what they are?' 'I really don't know,' Bob said. 'But let's just make it easy: give me some examples.' Captain Health was a bit confused, but obliged. 'Let's see… Carrots, broccoli, cauliflower… lettuce, kale, asparagus… Potatoes, I guess… Artichoke, cabbage, tomato, but technically that's a fruit…' 'Wait a minute,' Bob exclaimed. 'Go back.' 'Cabbage?' 'Further.' 'Artichoke? Potato?' 'Yes, potatoes!' Bob had an idea. 'Fed, get me all the potato-based food you can find. If anyone asks, tell them it's for Slob Guy and that he'll pay them back.' 'Will do, sir!' Fed headed off and so did Bob, buying all the potato-based fast food they could get: chips, potato cakes, fries, potato mash with gravy, those potato swirl thingies, and so on and so forth. When they had enough, Bob went over to one of the victims. 'Hey, I bet all that exercise has made you hungry. Want something to eat? It's made of vegetables.' 'I don't mind if I do,' the woman took the packet of chips and ate a handful. 'Wow! These taste so good!' Suddenly her healthy radiance faded and she stopped doing star jumps. 'Ooh, why I am exercising?' she asked, confused. 'I need to go home and sit down for a while…' Bob's plan had worked! He and Fed went around, handing out potato goods to everyone and eventually they were all back to normal. By the time they were through, the police had arrived to deal with Captain Planet. 'Sorry we're late, Slob Guy,' one of the officers said, licking a bit of icing sugar off his top. 'We had to stop to get some doughnuts.' 'That's all right, I'd have done the same.' 'What do we do with this guy?' 'I think I've got a punishment that'll fit his crime…' Bob grabbed a potato cake from the pile of junk food and brought it over to Captain Health. 'Eat up, Captain Health!' 'No! No!' Captain Health squirmed but it was no use and Bob forced it down his mouth. All of a sudden, his vitality drained out of him and he looked tired and weak. 'Junk food is my one weakness,' he explained. 'My powers have been lost…' Bob smiled. 'Now you can enjoy a life of laziness and fast food just like the rest of us.' He turned to the officers. 'Take him away, boys. I doubt he'll be causing any more trouble anytime soon.' The ex-captain Health was taken away and Bob was left with Fed. 'You know, Fed, I think there might be an opening down at Slob Guy HQ for a sidekick. How would you like to be it?' Fed's eyes widened. 'No way! It'd be a dream come true!'
And so the day was saved and Slob Guy now had a new assistant: the Piglet!
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 4 months
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All This Devastation
🩸Previous Parts Here🩸
Dom x Colson (Yungblud x Machine Gun Kelly)
Warnings: ABO dynamics (knots, slick, heats, mpreg), alpha serial killer/hitman Dom, omega mob boss Kells, cursing, weapons (knives, guns, mentions of bombs), insults, past abuse, past SA, scared boys, pregnancy symptoms, secrets revealed, mentions of blow jobs, talks of death, attempted assault (on Blain), blood, fighting, Megan being awful, guilt, pain, hurt with no comfort (yet), driving without a license, enemies to lovers 💣 Rating: mature AF
All ideas helped by @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker 🖤
Colson was having a surprisingly alright day after he adjusted to being away from his mate. There was a constant pull feeling as if something inside him was telling him to go home but it wasn't so strong he couldn't ignore it. It honestly felt nice to be like his old self again and to remember he truly had been a self serving and protecting badass before he met the Alpha. At work he was slightly annoyed because his roommates were still being weird and hiding in their office, and his mother was still missing from the conference table. Tim was there though, and so was Pete. So even though a few important people were missing there were new faces. It helped keep him focused on what they had to do.
“Pete!” He huffed as he set his glasses and jacket on the table when he arrived. He shouldn't enjoy the way the beta jumped but it made him smirk. He had always loved scaring the shit out of people. “Any updates?”
The beta nodded and stood up like he was making a presentation in class. “The guys I sent after her followed her back to her place where she grabbed a few bags and then over to the airport. They couldn't figure out what plane she got on but it seems like the bitch listened and got the fuck outta dodge. Good fucking riddance if you ask me.”
A knot of fear and worry that had been stuck in the omega's chest for days loosened at those words. He wouldn't have to kill her. He wouldn't have to send his mate to do it. He could actually let her escape and live her life as long as she didn't come near them again. “Fuck.” The relief was so strong it made him dizzy and warm and he had to sit down.
“You good brother? Where's your other half?” Tim worried and Col waved him off.
“He needed to rest. I'm good. Contrary to popular belief I can actually function without him.” He rolled his eyes. He wasn't trying to be a dick to the man but come on.
Tim gave him a bit of a worried look but nodded. “I know. At least you don't have to worry about him or your mom getting their own revenge now. It's a good day when the trash takes itself out if you ask me.”
They moved on to other concerns, worked through a few shipments and scheduled shit around his due date. Of course no one was dumb enough to say that was what was happening but they all knew when the boss said he might have to take some time off. There was a peace in the room he hadn't felt in too long, everyone was teasing each other and messing around. They felt like a family again without Megan sucking the energy out of the room. Everything would have been perfect if not for the cramps tightening his hips and belly. The Doc had told him to expect it occasionally as he got closer but he hadn't expected it to be so annoying.
As they were ordering lunch he felt himself break out in a sweat and his stomach rolled at the idea of food. “Boss, you look a little pale.” Tim took a seat next to him in Collette's normal spot. He didn't say it to the whole room but kept his voice low. It was nice of him not to worry the room, some of his boys would just fucking shout it.
“I'm good. Braxton Hicks shit. The Doc said it's normal. Probably just my body pissed that I came out alone.” He growled at himself and rolled his eyes. “You talk to mom recently? She's been busy since the break in. I figured she was with you but…” He trailed off.
“Nah man. I haven't seen her since she set me up to fuck with Megan. I'm sure it just brought up some shit. Or she's helping at the hospital.”
“Yeah.” Colson sighed, his mother did spend a fuck ton of her time helping out at the omega hospital. She had since Travis died. She'd never exactly been the same since losing her mate and now the omega understood why. He didn't think he could survive it. It made him even more impressed by his mother.
He sat back and rubbed at his chest, everything felt weird. He tried to clear his throat and ignore it. “Does jizz cause heartburn? What the fuck?” It was an offhanded thought he didn't mean to mutter aloud but the beta snorted a laugh.
“Not that I remember.”
Kells eyes went saucer wide as he looked up at the older man who just winked and stood up to walk away to the kitchen. “Wait what? Wait. Tim! What?” He knew damn well it wasn't his business but that look had said so much to him. He wiggled out of his chair and followed after, hip checking the counter as the other made his lunch. “The fuck you mean?” It shouldn't be bugging him and he needed to leave it alone but his world view had shifted with that one joke.
“What? I didn't think we were exactly secretive.” The beta shrugged. “Even after I left… I didn't leave them.”
Them? Them? His brain felt like dial-up. He'd spent so much time thinking something was wrong with him for loving Dom, even though he'd never thought himself homophobic. His bio dad had fucked him up early but Travis had been his example of what a man should be. A leader. A leader in a fucking thruple? “Are you and mom still…” He trailed off. He found himself lost for words when that rarely ever happened to him.
“No. It wasn't the same without him. I love her but I think… It doesn't matter.” The man shook his head and turned to hide his face. Tim looked in the fridge long enough to get control of himself before he turned back without picking anything out.
“I wish I had realized. Might have stopped the shit show my mind was for a while.” Col laughed.
“Yeah but you were kind of an idiot as a kid. No offense. I mean shit, do any of the guys sleep over at your place as much as I used to? You didn't see it because you weren't ready to. Just sucks because I think you could have turned to him for a lot.”
“You miss him. I do too. Especially lately.” His palm fell to his stomach and he rubbed over it absentmindedly. It hurt his heart that their child wouldn't know it's grandfather. Travis would have been amazing. “We've got you though. If you'll hang around.” He offered and Tim smiled. It wasn't exactly the same no but it frustrated him that he could have still had a father figure the whole time.
The beta had tried to connect after Travis died. He hadn't been working with them for about a year before and Colson had blamed him a little. In his mind if Trav had his second in command maybe he wouldn't have believed whoever called that awful night, lying about being an omega in need. They never figured out who killed him, but for a long time the boy had blamed everyone around him. It was just like Travis to pick up a call in the middle of the night and leave by himself to save someone. Of course it had been a trap but they were too late. Collette woke up alone and found a note on her bedside table saying where her mate had gone. Kells hadn't seen the man after, his mom had taken care of everything because he'd run off and hid with Mod for a month.
Eventually she tracked him down and explained that he needed to come home and take his place as boss and he hadn't looked back since. Well he had. Constantly, and he was finally realizing how much he got wrong. He'd pushed Tim away and basically everyone else.
The boss shook himself and rubbed his side, trying to massage out the pain. “I do actually have some of the guys at my place every night. Mod stays with Tom.” He tried to joke to lighten the mood.
“I wondered about that. Full house huh? Where's the kid today?” The beta was thankful to move on.
“Ugh shit. Home too. Poor kid hit his cycle. I think it's fucking with me.” Colson huffed. He wanted to crawl inside the freezer and never come out.
“Well if everyone else is home resting… maybe you should try it too? I think we can function without you. Might be good to test run this shit, make sure you can take off all the time you need. Work out who should take over while you're gone.” The man offered and Colson couldn't say he was wrong. It was probably smart to work out the kinks before he was on leave for a week or so. He didn't want to leave them for too long though.
“Yeah maybe. I figured you and Mod could handle it? I would leave it to mom but who fucking knows where she is.”
“And she'll probably want to stay close to you.”
“Pfft. You would fucking think. Starting to think she'll miss the damn de-” He stopped himself and cleared his throat. He always felt panic at the thought of what was to come. He could still barely accept he was pregnant but that his kid was coming soon? Fuck that.
“Doubt that. She's obsessed with Punk.” The beta grinned. At some point his mock insult for the baby had caught on as a nickname. It certainly fit with the way his little one made a mosh pit of his womb. It was getting less cute the more they grew.
“Fuuuuck me- yeah I might take you up on that. Can't seem to stretch out this fucking kink in my back. Maybe I should head out a little early.” Colson sighed, pulling out his phone to text his mate and their boy. He didn't want to bother their rest coming in unexpectedly.
“Yeah, let's get you in a car.” The older man was more concerned than he wanted to let on but at least he knew The Doctor was at the boss’s home. He would get Kells settled and on the road and then he'd send her a warning text.
Blain's phone beeped and woke him from a nap and he reached out from under his blanket to check. Colson wasn't feeling well? Shite. Weren't they a little family of fucked up. He pushed himself up to text back but the moment he did he heard something else- someone was walking in their home. “Dom?” He called out. He should let him know about Kells but the Alpha didn't say anything back.
Alarm bells went off in the omega's head and his heart raced as he reached for his blade. At the same moment his palm wrapped around it his door was thrown open and his lip pulled back in a snarl. “Fuck off.”
“Oh look, someone left me a little treat. Hey Goldilocks, the bears aren't home?” It was a beta he didn't recognize, strapped with a gun and wearing a mask. After a moment the bastard pulled it off but it didn't help the boy with knowing who the hell it was. “Megan said the place would be empty but fate blessed me today.” The sick fuck actually reached for his belt and Blain felt his stomach roll. He tried to text without looking down, he tried to tell Colson not to come home. Where was Dom? Did they already get him? How the fuck had they broken in?
“Ya fink so? Why don't ya come find the fuck out. Maybe I'm jus’ right for yas, but maybe you don't make it out alive.” The kid hummed.
“I've got a score to settle anyway. Your owners killed my boss and our second.” The bastard growled and Blain couldn't help but laugh as he dropped the phone and pushed himself to kneel on the bed. He was just glad it wasn't an Alpha, this bitch could barely scent him he hoped. His heat was making his blood lust double and he felt almost as excited as he was scared.
“I'll give ya the boss. They killed him, but I was the one to do in ya second. Fucker tried the same fing you're about to and I ripped his artery out wiv my teeth. You sure you wanna try me?”
“Fuck yeah. I just won't get near your mouth don't worry. He was an idiot trying for a BJ with such a fresh virgin pussy. I won't make the same mistake.” The asshole was blocking the door and moving closer. Blain knew it wouldn't be long until he lunged.
“Wha’ next? Gonna tell me not to worry cause it won't last long? I'll bet. Last chance beta bitch. Leave my ‘ome.”
“Why? I'm not scared of your Daddy, neither of them. They'll be dead before I'm done with you. If you're really good I might even keep you for myself.”
“Oh I don't fink you should be scared of ‘em. But me? Mmm. Do you really want my cute face to be the last fing you ever see?” Of course the fucker didn't leave and Blain made sure to jump first. He lost himself in a frenzy of blood and fists and fangs. He didn't even realize the text message he had meant to send never did, it just waited on his now locked phone. No one was warned about the intruder but at least the boy could hopefully take care of one.
Colson had stopped at a store on the way home, they'd driven past it so many times and he'd finally been drawn. By the time he got off work it was always closed but since he left early he'd been able to stop in. When he finally made it back to the Four Seasons he was carrying at least ten bags full of baby clothes. He knew Dom would complain about the prices and tease him that children are messy but he didn't care. His kid would live in style damnit.
His driver helped him carry more in and he was chatting with the man as they entered. He didn't notice the quiet at first until it was disturbed by a gunshot that went right by his head. The driver he'd had for over a year dropped dead next to him, his blood pooling under the bags. Kells had a thought that at least he'd been carrying the heavier shit so everything was boxed up and safe but he knew deep down it was fucked of him.
“Hey Daddy, or should I start calling you Mommy now?” A voice he'd hoped to never hear again sounded whiny and small to his hurt eardrums. When his gaze finally found the bitch he rolled his eyes and set his bags on the floor away from the stain.
“Megan. You're supposed to be in the fucking sky a million miles away from me.” He grumbled, looking around to see who else was around.
“Oh don't worry. Not everyone is dead yet. My new boys gathered them up and has them… safe.” She giggled at her own joke and Col just hoped the safe door wasn't closed. That thing could double as a panic room but he doubted she let them turn on the oxygen.
“And the entire fucking hotel?” He asked, crossing his arms. He knew he should be scared there was a gun on him but he just couldn't be frightened of her. He was too enraged.
“Fire alarm. They all came down except your personal floors. My men have your omegas and this whole place is ready to blow. Literally. So don't fuck with me Daddy, you've already pissed me off enough.” She stepped closer and his skin crawled as she took his gun and tucked it in her waistband. It was so close to her crotch he knew he couldn't sanitize it enough ever again.
“You can keep that I guess. Ew. So you thought of everything? Except that my Alpha is probably killing all of them as we speak.” And that the fire alarm went straight to the fire department and LA took that shit seriously. He wouldn't tell her that though, he knew she might want media attention, she was just that narcissistic.
Megan laughed and shook her head, walking away and setting her gun on the service counter now that she had his. “Your Alpha wasn't home. Did he not tell you? Are you already fucking that relationship up too?” She purred and his stomach dropped.
Blain. He hoped the boy was okay. He wouldn't show his worry though or his upset that his mate didn't tell him he was leaving. He could take it out of his bitch's ass later when they were all safe and sound and she was six feet under. “So what the fuck do you want Megan? This is a big move for you. Bold.”
“I am bold Daddy, you just never noticed. I could have made us rich and famous but you and Travis could never stop trying to be heros long enough to see.” She pushed herself up to sit on the counter and tried to lean back seductively. It made him sicker. He really didn't want to vomit on the rug, it was so nice. Maybe he could pull an Exorcist on her but it might get him shot. “You took out the boss of your biggest rival, I just took his place. Those boys see my vision and they love me.”
“Okay cool, so take your new boys and fuck off.”
“No, you hurt me. I want your love too.” She pouted out her faux full lips and he couldn't hold in a laugh. “And if I can't have that I'll take all your shit and I'll combine the families under me. First female Alpha leader of the biggest syndicate on the West Coast? Doesn't that just fit me perfectly?”
“Suuuure. Cause those bastards will listen to you. I know my men won't. You'll have to kill them all which means you won't have shit of mine. Fuck off Megan, you can't win this.” He tried to urge her though the want to keep her alive was shrinking more every second.
A cramp rolled through him and it was a rough one, he had to bend over to breathe through it. She must have thought he was going for his phone because she hopped off the counter and ran over. Bile rose in his throat when she reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone and smashing it on the floor. It didn't matter. The alarm had gone off. It wouldn't just alert emergency but it would send one to Mod as well. “You s-should get out while you can. I don't think you get what you've done but I'm not surprised. I'm just fucking sorry I ever believed your bullshit.” He expected the slap but she used her Alpha strength and it nearly knocked him off his feet. He tasted blood and spit it out in her direction.
“We could have been something amazing. You were mine! But you had to go and be a whore just like your mommy. That should be my child but don't worry. We can fix that.” Fuck Colson was going to be sick.
When another cramp rolled through him it finally hit him what was happening. What had probably been happening since the night before. He was in labor. He was in labor trapped in the hotel, kidnapped by the bitch who assaulted him. His mate was somewhere else and his doctor might be dead. For all the fears he'd developed about his baby this hadn't even been in the realm of possibility but of fucking course it was just his luck. It didn't matter if Dom was there or not, he wouldn't let her make him doubt his love or lose the only faith he'd ever found. It felt strange after hating himself for so long but he realized he truly believed in them- both of them together. He believed in his family and he flat out refused to let her destroy that.
“I guess like father, like son. I tried to get Travis to run away with me but he was an idiot too.” She shrugged. “I'm not going to have to kill you too, am I?” Her voice went sweet as she cupped his cheek, her eyes looked truly psycho- and not in the sweet way he thought of his lover. It struck him what she just said, she admitted to killing Travis. Fuck that was it, he was going to gut this bitch.
Dom was still stuck in some emotional turmoil that felt like the shock that had set in the day he found out his father had killed his mother and was the sole parent to his little sisters. That day he'd gone home for the first time in over two years and he did what he had to in order to save them. Everything he'd discovered when following Collette wasn't as awful as all that, not really, but it was still something that altered his family's lives forever. He was shaking as he pulled a cigarette from his lips and exhaled a drag. He was waiting outside the building he'd confronted her in. He couldn't decide if he wanted to go home alone or wait for her to make her tell his lover everything. He honestly wasn't sure he could. It was too much.
He pulled his phone from his pocket and realized he'd never turned it up after putting it on silent the night before, and as he unlocked it he was flooded with alerts. Texts from his mate, Mod, Tom, and Blain, even an influx of missed calls. “Wha’ the fuck?” He huffed, flicking the butt of the cigarette as he pressed play on the first voice mail.
“Dom, something has happened. I don't know what yet but an alarm went off at home.” Tom's voice was worried but not overly so however the next one from Mod had his heart racing in his chest.
“Fucking answer your phone Dom! What the fuck? Megan has the Four Seasons under guard. From what the cameras are catching she's got men everywhere. Civilians are locked in the vault but our people are stuck on our floors. Cols went home brother. She's got him alone.”
The Alpha didn't know what sound escaped him but it was deep and broke a part of his soul. The shock was ebbing away as rage took its place but the phone just kept fucking playing. “Dom ya wanker, I thought you was ‘ere but you ain't. Part of me is glad you ain't but… fuck you. Or maybe you already dead. I’m locked in the bloody closet but I don't think it'll ‘old long. Ones already t-tried- FUCK OFF ARSE’OLE! I’d sic a serial killer on your arse but…” Blain trailed off and his voice sounded strained. Scared. He kept pausing to sniffle. “You ain't coming aye?” There was a pounding on the door and the phone went quiet. He squeezed his own so tight he worried for a moment he broke it but no, that was just the last message. He scrolled through his texts next though he knew he needed to go home. He felt frozen. Terrified. What if they were all already gone?
C: Just wanted to let you know I'm coming home early. Feeling pretty fucked still. Get naked and ready to cuddle okay? Love you bitch
Oh, and just wait till I tell you what the hell I learned about Travis 🤯
He almost laughed at that, his lover had no fucking idea. “Fuck!” The boy screamed before nausea rolled through him so hard he couldn't help but be sick. That's how Collette found him and she took him into her arms but he knew he couldn't be held. He had to fucking move! “Megan ‘as ‘em all. We ‘ave to go.” He growled and he felt her go stiff. She was just as protective as he was.
“Go, take my car. We'll follow you. I have to get weapons first. This bitch will wish she'd never been born.” The omega huffed and he nodded in enthusiastic agreement.
“Wait, I don't bloody know ‘ow to drive.”
“Tough shit. Nut up buttercup. All you need to know is step on the fucking gas and save our boy.” While the words weren't exactly helpful they made him move. She was right, he didn't need to know what he was doing, he just needed to get home.
Author's Note/Tags: @iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker @hollywoodxwhore @jaxbreaker @fenoy7 @cole-way-iero28 if anyone wants tagged let me know 🖤
Eep! The plot is plotting hard and we're close to the end! Just a little more before we move on to part two. I hope you're still enjoying it enough to follow another part! I'm really loving the dynamic of these boys, I hope you are too! 🩸🖤
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