#but I've started to rewrite
zoetheduckling · 6 months
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I did a Piper re-design for fun
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yawnderu · 4 months
CW: mentions of kidnapping and stolen body autonomy.
Find a way in, kill the enemy, retrieve the hostages, leave. A routine of sorts that gave his life some sense of purpose to avoid going insane for the past two decades. Simon liked to believe he got over what happened in his past... truly, he did; and yet Manuel Roba’s horrors seem to haunt him no matter where how many years pass.
“C’mere.” Simon’s voice held no hostility, he made sure of it, yet your stiff position never changed. Legs angled to the right, hands folded on your lap, and eyes looking forward, refusing to meet anyone’s gaze even if it’s been hours since your rescue. Garrick, Price and Johnny have already tried to get you to talk multiple times, all of them with different approaches. 
Garrick was friendly, trying his best to seem approachable, a bright smile on his lips that you didn’t seem to notice, too busy staring at a wall no matter how much he tried to hold a conversation.
Price seemed fatherly, never once laying a hand on you even if it was itching to comfort you, and so he settled with telling you you’re safe now, how no one will ever get you again now that they're here. His words didn’t seem to do much, either. 
Johnny was… something else. His first attempt was a shitty pick up line, getting a reaction out of you for the first time— a nose scrunched up in disgust, but a reaction nonetheless.  
And Simon… Simon’s approach was different. The man was used to barking out orders and obeying them himself, not to deal with an unresponsive hostage. His behemoth frame was nestled next to you, putting a tray on the table and observing your reactions. From the way you swallowed thickly the moment the meal was presented to you, to the sound of your stomach growling. 
“Go on, then.” Your gaze follows his movements for the first time, the feeling of your stomach rumbling makes you more aware of your hunger, so many years being fed nothing but what was necessary to keep you alive by Manuel and his associates, so many years of being trained like a dog to obey to their very order. 
Simon can see the hesitation in your body language, too tense to allow yourself to dig in the way you wanted, yet no longer as stiff as before. There was a sense of relief at the fact that they didn’t seem to want to hurt you —unlike Roba—, yet years of non-stop brutal training can’t be erased within hours.
Roba’s training was engraved into your brain, and while the sense of security the SAS blokes gave you is something you’re thankful for, nothing guarantees they’re not working for him. You’ve seen other military men come and go throughout the years, always Roba’s friends, and always sharing the same disgusting, sadistic desires.
“Eat up.” The rest of the men watch the way you move, curiosity and amusement mixing at how strange your movements seem, almost robotic. Your forearms rest on the table, elbows away from the cheap wood as you attempt to hold your own cutlery— attempt, because it looks fully foreign to you, trying out different angles to make it work, and yet it's the first time in years you've been allowed to try and feed yourself.
Simon is the first one to catch on, having lived under Roba’s rules for long enough to know he enjoys taking people’s autonomy, to reduce them to nothing but a pathetic mess that depends on him. His gloved fingers are gentle as he takes the spoon from your hand, scooping up some food before holding it up to your lips. His full attention is on you, relief starting to make its way into his body as sees your rather soft lips wrap around the spoon, eating whatever he was feeding you. Lucky for you, this time it wasn’t an MRE… or beans on toast.
His gloved thumb wipes the corners of your lips every time you’re done chewing, and he’s quick to pick up more food from the plate, nothing but patience and kindness shown in his actions, so unlike the brooding soldier he's known to be.
“... two goldfish are in a tank…?” Johnny’s loud groan gets your attention for a second, yet you quickly glance back at Simon, curious eyes looking up at him, almost as if asking him to go on. 
“One turns to the other and says… ‘you know how to drive this thing?’” You can see the corners of his eyes crinkle before he even finishes his joke, clearly trying his best not to laugh at just how awful it was. A small smile hides in the corners of your lips, and Simon takes that as a victory, ignoring the questioning looks he’s getting from his team, for now.
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buttercupshands · 4 months
MHA didn't create some miracle way of helping others. It was never promised to be this way. And when it came to villains...
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Spoilers for manga all the way to chapter 423.
The only way to get anything in life in MHA was to be born "normal" like everyone else and that way of thinking never left Izuku with Toga getting the same treatment she did before from everyone from her family to her "normal" classmates. It was Ochako who helped Toga even if just a little by lifting the weight of all the feelings that Toga had.
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She couldn't save Toga the way one could save a civilian by saving them from harm. If it worked that way Dabi would've saved Toga even before Ochako could apologize for failing to notice Toga. She was so lazer focused on saving everyone else, that she was just another villain to stop, not a human.
Even if by the end of it Ochako helped Toga to deal with her grief, acceptance as it was wasn't something possible when a quirk makes you want to drink someone's blood from jealousy.
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We got a bittersweet ending with Toga, in which she probably died from blood loss just like her double did in MVA. If it wasn't for Twice she would've died back then.
Giving away her blood for Ochako wasn't a redemption or a way to save Toga in the end, more as it was her being true to herself until the very end.
Just like Twice chose to stay with the League even if Hawks offered him a way to survive that battle. He refused and died protecting his friends who accepted him instead of choosing to betray them and accept Hawks' offer.
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After Twice's death... It was a matter of time that more 'active' LoV members would join him as well. As sad as it is, we now can return to Izuku.
Who, after his time OFA-AFO quirk space, now wanted to help a "crying boy" he saw in Tenko just as before with Katsuki in chapter 1. He didn't forgive Tomura and didn't excuse the way he chose to solve his problems.
It didn't mean that Tomura would survive in their battle, even if Izuku didn't see killing others as a way to solve problems. He didn't understand Tomura, but he still wanted to try, and try he did.
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The rest of this post was nothing more than a contextual prologue to understand that it's not the first time a hero failed to save a villain and in Twice's case we know that he died and his death was the reason Toga started thinking about her own possible death and Dabi finally revealed himself as Toya.
The goal of saving a "crying boy" never was an end-goal for Izuku in the Final arc, since helping Tomura deal with his feelings just left him hollow with a goal that clashed with Izuku's. As being a hero for villains meant destroying the world for them to help them live freely.
But that was before AFO resurfaced.
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Sadly after that Tomura who was talking about making his own choices for a while now stopped doing that. Even if he still had a goal of helping villains and only villains, Tomura was almost gone. And his goals were now unreachable.
Izuku helped Nana who in turn kept Tomura from fading away entirely. In MHA there were countless situations where Izuku's help affected people by helping a different person to keep hope, All-Might being the first one and Nana being the last one at the moment.
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Hollow after Izuku helped him to get rid of his hatred Tomura could do the only thing he did - accept the situation as it was.
Accepting AFO as his Sensei, accepting Stain's ideals and Overhaul's deal was the way he solved his problems. Just like Izuku had a problem of understanding something outside of his norm, Tomura was accepting too many things, which lead to his downfall after accepting AFO's quirk.
Just like Twice could've given up everything that he had for his friends so did Tomura.
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With Izuku helping as much as he could let Tomura to finally rest as he wasn't really living ever since waking up in the hospital. With his body now affected by AFO's wishes instead of his own until the end.
In a way Izuku didn't succeed in his wish for Tomura to stop ever since PLF war arc. As he "kept fighting to destroy" no matter how hard Izuku tried to stop him.
The only thing he succeeded in was changing Tomura's mind about himself, instead of viewing himself as a monster he accepted that he was a human just like Izuku said. A "crying boy" who couldn't really destroy Izuku's hands in the end.
For a group of Villains who weren't supposed to get profiles of their own at the start of the series, League is slowly fading as the most memorable group that there was in MHA, getting backstories, their own Villain themed arc all the while being as human as anyone else.
As sad as their story is they were not "unlucky", they didn't need a happy false ending where they would need to change to be normal - they chose to live this way and they lived it to it's fullest.
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gittetj · 2 months
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I'm soooo looking forward to when I can move on to finishing the next 5 End of the World chapters. I'm doing my very best to demolish the status quo.
Have some doodles that took way too long to draw because I haven't drawn anything in ages.
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nicoathogwarts · 1 month
Nico had to stay in the hospital wing for several days until he was nearly solid. When he blinked awake everything was far too bright, if it weren't for the silence he would've assumed he was back in the infirmary with Will hovering nearby to make sure his vitals were normal.
Some people had left cards and small gifts for when he got better. A surprisingly nice gesture, maybe it meant that he wouldn't have to explain anything to anyone. The gods weren't that kind, he'd just lie and let Dumbledore make his own assumptions.
Once he was fully solid and able to walk up to the Headmasters office he did, guided by Snape who seemed even more displeased then usual. If he hadn't been around for a while Nico would've suspected he were a monster in disguise. Maybe he was playing the long game. "Lemon Sherbert." As the eagle twisted to expose a spiral staircase Snape gave Nico one last sneer. "If Dumbledor had any sense you'd be expelled with the rest of Potter and his friends. Fortunately you were not part of his antics, simply an unfortunate side effect of his little escape. Him and his friends sent you to the hospital wing after being hit with multiple unknown hexes and curses."
Nico nodded and went up. He'd figure out what all of that was about later. He sat down in front of Dumbledore's desk. "Professor."
"Mr. di Angelo it's good to see you well again, you gave Madame Pomfrey quite the scare. I don't believe she's seen anything quite like it before." He chuckled to himself. "It was very noble to go against your house and aid Harry, who knows what may have happened if you hadn't been there to apparate everyone to safety."
"Yeah, I mean I wasn't really thinking about when it, it just happened. What happened after I passed out? No one's told me anything other then to see you."
"Harry went after Voldemort with some of the Order members while Sirius Black stayed with you and the rest of your friends until help could come. Minister Fudge saw Voldemort alive for himself and it has been confirmed that he has returned. Unfortunately, he and his followers fled the Ministry soon after."
Nico nodded along "And everyone else is ok? No casualties?"
"Everyone else is fine. Now off you go, I hear your housemates have been very worried about you."
Nico made his way down to the Slytherin common room where he immediately took one of the nice armchairs stationed in front of the fireplace. When the bell rang signaling the end of class he hardly had time to breathe before his housemates were surrounding him and demanding answers.
After many "I don't remember who hexed me with what" and "I don't know why they did it" they finally backed off. It took another twenty minutes to make them agree not to get revenge in his behalf, if only because he swore to do it himself.
Ginny jumped and looked around the empty common room. "How'd you get in?"
Nico stepped out of the shadows. "I waited until I overheard someone say the password. But that's not why I'm here, I can't be seen with anyone outside of Slytherin. My standing isn't that great as it is, and it'd be a lot worse if people knew I'd gone with you to the ministry."
"I get it. Do you know what happened after you apparated?"
Nico shrugged "nope. I'm going to go before I'm missed. If you see any coins laying around don't touch them."
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pickypickypeak · 8 months
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plusultraetc · 1 month
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oh how the poor sleeping habits tables have turned
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Maybe I could just [square bracket trick] these revisions and leave them for future me...
Future me is gonna be so mad hehe
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every day I curse the fact I cannot draw or something just so I could create myself more scorbus content. I feel like I've absorbed all the media already 😭 we are starved as a fandom
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spontaneousful · 3 months
Trust Fall
Where am I?
Duchess Swan stands up and dusts herself off. She sneezes, and it comes out more like a honk, as she stirs the dust back up. She’s in a small, dusty room that doesn’t look like any she had ever seen in Ever After High. She had fallen into her story for her midterm hexam, except it wasn’t her story.
So far, every student who finished their hexams had ended up in a fairytale completely different than their own. When the first group of students came back with the tales of their hexam, a lot of the school had grown nervous. Even Duchess’s roommate, Lizzie Hearts, had hit the books, looking into a myriad of fairytales. When the second group came back, also spouting tales with twists no one had heard before, she began to hope.
Duchess’s story ended in tragedy, and it was no secret at Ever After that she hadn’t been looking forward to the hexams. Having to go through her story and find out what life would be like as a swan? Duchess wanted to put that experience off forever after. When she had heard about the story mix-up, she wondered, she hoped, that this was her chance to get her happily ever after. Even if it was only a fairytale.
Alright, Duchess, first order of business is to find out what story I’m in.
The room she is in doesn’t have a lot, just a bed, and window, and...is that hair? Covering almost every available surface is hair, making a thick sea of lavender, white, and black. Duchess lets out a groan. Of course she had to fall into the story of Rapunzel.
She wades through the hair and plops down onto the bed. It isn’t very ladylike, but who cared how she acted until her prince got here. She throws her head back, a little to harshly, and bangs it against the wall. She cries out as she rubs the tender spot.
She sighs and gets comfortable. She knows this part of the story well: waiting. It is a crucial skill for damsels, but one that Duchess hadn’t bothered to learn. Why learn to be the perfect damsel-in-distress when no one would come to save her? She blows a long strand of hair out of her face.
She looks around for something to do while she waits for her prince. There is a suspiciously large lump on the other side of the room. It could just be hair stacked on top of hair stacked on top of hair. But it could also be...something. With nothing better to do, Duchess makes her way back across the sea of hair and starts moving it out of her way.
She uncovers a vanity. It shows signs of wear, but it is fairy beautiful. She opens one of the drawers and finds it fully outfitted with makeup. Makeup that matches her perfectly.
She sits down and starts applying it. There’s no reason not to look hextra charming for her prince. She finishes her look quickly and laments her beauty for a moment. If she wasn’t already so stunning, she might have had more to do.
She is broken from her thoughts by the sound of a twig snapping. And another. And another. Is that her prince? She rushes to the window, nearly tripping over all of the hair. She can’t see anyone out there, but she can still hear the sounds of someone in the forest. She takes in a deep breath and screams.
“HELP! Someone save me! I’m trapped in the tower!”
She pauses to listen for a response. There is none.
“Hello? Is someone out there? I’m in the tower! I need rescuing! Help me! Pretty maiden in tower! Damsel in distress here!”
She takes in another deep breath. Still, no one calls back to her. In fact, she can’t hear any noise coming from the forest. Not even the sounds of birds chirping.
Her face falls. She backs away from the window and falls onto the bed. No one is coming for her. No one is looking for her.
Even in a different story, there is no one to save Duchess.
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nostalgia-tblr · 5 months
but unlike AO3's tagging system i do kind of consider TVA!Loki and Movies!Loki to be separate characters, similar to how Alligator!Loki and Sylvie are, to the point where i at first actually assumed everyone in the fandom (both the series-specific one and the mcu) would think the same on this topic especially since that series was about alternate universes and their associated different versions of characters.
so in my innocent imagined world there were - for instance - no long posts about how the main Loki in the series was "OOC" because well it's a different guy of course he's not the exactly same as that other guy. though there would i am sure be equally long posts comparing and contrasting and declaring one superior to the other, and doubtless people would argue about whether an alternate version was what the existing fanbase had wanted from the series and whether it was a good idea generally. so in my little bizarro-world the discourse is a bit different (as befits an alternate universe).
so like i still think of them as separate characters, but i am at least aware now that this is apparently an odd view of the situation somehow.
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findingtarshish · 3 days
Gifts are done. New Gift totals are 21 Native Gifts 18 Gifts per Auspice (for a total of 90 Auspice Gifts) 13 Unique Tribal Gifts (for a total of 208 unique Tribal Gifts) 1 Legendary Gift per tribe, known by one specific legendary Garou (For a total of 16 Legendary Gifts)
That means we're up to a grand total of 336 Gifts
Each tribe also has access to one gift from each auspice, which they may purchase as a tribal Gift The big goal here was to balance renown amounts, since they were uh. not well designed. Now, while each tribe certainly has a renown type associated with they through the patron leading the tribe's totemic brood, they have an equal number of gifts for each renown type at all levels. The same is true for auspices. Now, your character's balance shouldn't be affected by giving them the 'wrong' personality.
For example, a Red Talon Ahroun that focuses on Wisdom will be just as potent, and have just as many options as a Red Talon Ahroun who focuses on Glory- provided they act in accordance with their Renown.
Finally, I can start digging into writing lore passages.
As I did last time, a treat for those who read this far:
WEAVER’S REFUSAL Spider aims to strangle the Wyrm’s schemes in his webs, and serve genesis through stasis. In that goal, he found a zealous follower in the Ragabash Syntax, whose ire against Pentex manifested in cold, calculating intellect. Though perhaps not the most powerful of the Glass Walker Tribe, Spider granted her this Gift and named her his Champion, so that she could refuse the Black Spiral Dancers their power. This Gift is taught by an incarna of Spider. It is currently known by Susanna Syntax Willingham, a Glass Walker Ragabash.
Renown: Honor
Cost: 1 Rage Check, 1 Aggravated Willpower
Action: Free
Dice Pools: Intelligence + Honor
System: The Garou rolls their Intelligence + Honor vs. a Difficulty determined by the action they intend to counter: either the total Renown prerequisite for a Gift, or Difficulty 4 for shapeshifting. On a success, the Gift or shapeshift fails, and has no effect.
Duration: Instantaneous
These Gifts have no Renown requirement, and can only be learned through gameplay, specifically by becoming Champions of their patrons.
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grimgummies · 10 months
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evilkitten3 · 2 months
someone's been liking a lot of my old posts relating to my attempts to rewrite fairy tail.... which, and this may astound you, is not actually a cancelled project in spite of the fact that it's been nearly a decade since i first started trying to figure it out
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hekateinhell · 7 months
can't decide if it's obnoxious or not if i post my little 100-500 drabbles & prompt responses to ao3
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