#strifesodos maybe?
sheylara-san · 11 months
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rainbowcarousels · 1 month
Chapter 6 is now up!
"There are two types of people that are referred to as heroes by the Midgar media machine. The ones who follow the edict of 'save the innocent' - their driving force to save as many people as possible with the least amount of carnage and destruction, who will evacuate and preserve life at the cost of letting someone escape to cause hell another day. Then you have the other type - the 'punish the guilty' who focus on stopping the perpetrators of the destruction and assorted evils. You cannot be both without driving yourself into insanity and I make no apologies about which I am." “Do you think that makes you a hero?” Aerith asked. "A good question," Genesis admitted. "What do you think? Am I the white knight - metaphorically, I have better fashion sense than that - or simply another of Shinra's dogs of war?" "I think that makes it sound a lot simpler than it is," Aerith replied. "It was a little reductionist, I'll admit." If anything, Genesis seemed pleased with the response. "People who call themselves heroes tend to be ones who get everyone killed and are only labelled as such because they have the endurance of a cockroach. While surviving is not to be underrated, simply living through something because you didn’t put your heart into it is hardly grounds for commendation.” Cloud thought of Heideggers medals and had to agree with that one. "That said," Genesis said. "Don't most boys, girls and all those otherwise inclined dream of being heroes one day? There is a reason it's easy prey for the P.R. department. What? You expected me to pretty that up? I thought you asked me for honesty."
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rottenpumpkin13 · 5 months
Small, passing, interactions between Genesis and Cloud. Over time Cloud slowly realizes the Genesis’ intention of those interactions. Maybe Genesis was blind to his own actions for a while as well
Anon I'm so sorry, I know this is supposed to be sweet strifesodos but in my mind I'm picturing this:
*Genesis walks by Cloud and hands him a red rose before walking away*
Zack: !?
Cloud: That's just the way he greets me.
*Genesis walks up to Cloud, kisses his hand and hands him a love letter before walking away*
Cloud: Haha he's so random!
Zack: Dude.
*Genesis walks up to cloud, grabs him, kisses him passionately, and then walks away*
Zack: !!!!!
Cloud: I wonder what he meant by that.
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ilminnestrone · 1 month
I have some ideas for one shots in the back of my head, and I'm gonna write all of them sooner or later, but I can't decide which one to proritise. Wanna help me out with the poll under the cut?
Genesis is libating at his domestic Minerva's altar when Sephiroth finds him in prayer and starts asking him about practices (accurate Greek-Roman lore!); he uses the informations at his own advantage to seduce the devotee.
On the last days of his stand, Genesis has a heartfelt talk with his last and most loyal copy, who's losing himself to his Commander's invading memories. More out of fear and need for comfort than desire, they sleep together, telling each other sweet nothings.
It's Angeal birthday and Genesis gives back all the pampering he received in the last years: a nice dinner in a fancy restaurant, maybe a good full body massage... that leads to a good dose of gentle fucking.
Post canon, Cloud meets a redheaded stranger named G at the new Seventh Heaven: he's charming, he's flirty and he pretends not to know him. Except he knows he's Commander Rhapsodos, responsible for the Nibelheim Incident and Zack's death.
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getvalentined · 25 days
Realized that tomorrow is the date I set for myself to start finalizing the prompt list and making graphics for Sephesis Week 2025. Hard to believe it's been nine months since the last one!
To do:
Finalize prompts
Graphics needed: ○ Main prompt graphic x1 ○ Daily prompt graphics x7 ○ Week end graphic x1 ○ Event end graphic x1
Create new prompt tags
Reopen event page askbox
Posts needed: ○ Full prompt list x6 ○ Individual prompts x7 ○ 2025 tag directory x1
Update: ○ Event page icon ○ Directory ○ Event guidelines ○ AO3 collection(s) ○ Non-event fic rec list
Draw new event badges (maybe)
The new prompt list is scheduled to go live in mid-November; I want to participate in Strifesodos Week (October 7-13) and Vincent Valentine Week (October 13-20) to some degree, so I'm gonna try to have everything done before then.
If the graphic posted when Sephesis Week 2024 ended didn't make it clear, I'm trying to lean into the Ever Crisis look for 2025's event, so that's going to take some work over the next few weeks. At least the organizational stuff is already done from last year, so while my list of tasks may look a bit long, it's much simpler than what it took to get up and running before.
I'm pretty excited to get started!
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unknown-lifeform · 2 months
A and Y 😁
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
I'm really having a lot of Strifesodos thoughts lately, like I got one idea that I kinda want to write a fic about but maybe won't depending on writing juice. But yeah I'm just thinking of them. The sweet sweet post-canon Strifesodos, falling in love while hurling their respective traumas at each other. Genesis interrupting Cloud's precious brooding time with Loveless reading. The two of them visiting the Buster Sword planted in the church each for their own reasons without saying anything. It's just tasty
Also because I've been playing Witcher 3 and doing the mission to get Jaskier I'm just Geraskier <3 With game Geralt that can actually use his words sometimes <3
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
Mmm let me see. I'm seeing a lot of the interview with vampire show gifsets on my dash, now I did watch the movie so I'm not entirely unfamiliar but seeing the gifsets I'm just like *nods along* those gay men sure look bloodied and traumatized while they make out. Then there's F1 stuff, I genuinely understand nothing of it but I'm glad it makes my mutual happy. Also a friend has been telling me stuff of honkai star rail, I'll be honest no idea what the basic plot is but I am familiar with a few of the blorbos by now
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mikussabbath · 3 years
The black lines of ash began to glow a soft gold, and it was unlike any other ritual Genesis had performed. There was a bright flash of light, so intense that his eyes shut on instinct.
When the light faded away, Gaia’s chosen champion was sitting in the middle of the summoning circle, confusion in his eyes and his hand on the hilt of his very large, overly complicated sword.
But that wasn’t all, for the man was perched on some sort of large, black… device? It roared for just a moment before the sound cut away, and Genesis couldn’t figure out what to focus on.
“What the fuck?” Genesis wasn’t sure what he’d expected of Gaia’s supposed champion, but he hadn’t assumed he would be so ineloquent.
“Quite,” he responded, both confused and awed by the man before him. Perhaps he was ineloquent, himself, as he agreed wholeheartedly with the man’s sentiment.
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ambarto · 2 years
Gonna promo my trans stories here in case someone wants to read something featuring trans characters. Also I realized most of my trans fics are in other fandoms than Tolkien, but I’m linking them anyways in case someone happens to share my fandoms.
Trans Tolkien fics
And Maybe a Dash of Politics - short fic. Trans woman Findis and how she chose her name
Much, more, less, nothing - Maglor-centric canon compliant fic following his life. Features trans man Maglor although it’s not always the focus
Wanting and Unfeeling - explicit. Not trans centric, focuses on aromantic Aredhel, but there is a side of genderfluid Fingon and trans OCs
Non-Tolkien trans fics
Gender: anxious, with a side of giant sword - Final Fantasy VII, ASGZC. Nonbinary Cloud coming to terms with their identity, featuring also trans man Genesis
Confidential Information - Final Fantasy VII. Trans man Tseng being the stealthiest trans person ever
A Sight to See - Final Fantasy VII, Explicit, Gengeal. Trans man Genesis tops (cis man) Angeal for the first time
Attention Seeker - Final Fantasy VII, Explicit, Gengeal. Trans man Genesis is a brat and (cis man) Angeal punishes him in the sexy meaning of the word
Delivery (and deliverer) for Mr Rhapsodos - Final Fantasy VII, Explicit, Strifesodos. Nonbinary Cloud and trans man Genesis PWP
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lovelyladyventress · 4 years
Tell me which one of these AUs sounds the most interesting and which one you’d like to read more about? (uhh rep0st?)
Here I am, back at it again with my AU bullshit. Complete with my ugly ass dauntingly long list of AUs that I’d love to write about but can’t seem to 
decide which one to start writing. This has been going on for the past week, dammit! If it’s not too much trouble, could you please help a girl out and let me know either on here or in a PM which one of these you’re curious about or would like to see implemented in an actual story.
Here are four Cloud-centric AU ideas which include (multiple) gay, bi, and (some) straight main/side pairings. Regardless of which one I decide to write first, I (wistful thinking) want to eventually complete most or all of them, even if some of them only end up being one-shots. Thank you! <3
Mercenary Zack and Delivery Boy Cloud AU
Zack, a mercenary, and Cloud, a delivery boy, have been best friends since they were youngsters. Zack is straight but is undeniably (and confusingly into Cloud. Cloud is bi (with a strong leaning towards males) and he’s only recently started to explore that. One day, while Zack and Cloud are hanging out, Zack’s PHS dies and he asks to borrow Cloud’s laptop to check some work-related emails. Cloud says sure, completely forgetting what he’d been “researching” before Zack came over to hang out.
Cloud, suddenly remembering the content of said “research”, screeches out, “NoOoOoO!” whilst comically tripping over himself as he races to stop Zack from opening his laptop.
Zack, being Zack, laughs good-naturedly at Cloud’s behavior and says, “What, don’t want your bestie to see all your fReAkY sHiT LOL?”
Before Cloud can stop him, Zack unlocks the laptop (he knows the password, because, hello, besties) and proceeds to open up about ten tabs of LOUD GAY LEMONY YOU KNOW WHAT (all with actors that are blond and black-haired, hmm s u s p i c i o u s).
Cloud is fucking mortified and literally RUNS out of his own apartment and disappears (disintegrates) into the void while leaving Zack sitting there like a stunned D U M B A S S *insert shocked Pikachu meme here* Hilarity, fluffy romance, and “LeMoNs” ensue.
Main ship and only ship will be Clack/Zakkura. Syrupy sweet, comical, with only a pinch of plot-related angst. Will most likely be a one-shot/two-shot.
Vampire Slayer AU
Set in a world where Shinra keeps the existence of vampires and vampire covens a well-guarded secret from the general public of Midgar in order to keep its citizens calm, orderly, and manageable (see controllable).
Due to the frequency of recent vampire attacks in Midgar’s slums and outlying towns and villages, they charge their best slayer, Cloud Strife, and his partner with the task of finding and killing the progenitor of all vampire-kind in order to end the covert war between humans and vampires and kill off their kind, for good.
That is, until Cloud is double-crossed by his partner, who wants the title of Shinra’s best vampire slayer for himself, and Cloud is left for dead in a forest miles away from civilization. Cloud thinks he’s finally done for this time, until he’s saved by a half-vampire named Vincent, who then proceeds to take Cloud to his maker, Sephiroth, the son of the first progenitor.
Cloud’s only shot at making it out of this alive is playing at Sephiroth’s personal interest in him in a game of cat and mouse until he can get the vampire to trust him enough to let him get close to the progenitor in order to (finally) end the war once and for all and return to his former life.
Main ships are Sefikura with a possibility of some Strifentine. Side ships are Aerti, Scarlet x Elena, and a bunch of others. Angsty, passionate, romantic, and dark. Will probably be a six-shot or more. Who knows?
Life After Meteorfall Canon Divergence AU (I’m excited about this one)
An AU in which both Angeal, Zack, and Aerith (although, just barely) live and help kick Sephiroth’s ass in the final battle. Sephiroth has been defeated by the gang for good (no really, for good y’all), and now the world has turned to healing, mourning, and attempting to rebuild itself after the scars Sephiroth has left behind in his monstrous wake.
Cloud still has lingering feelings for Zack leftover from his time as an infantryman, but desperately hides this fact from both Aerith and Zack because he knows how long they’ve waited and how much suffering they’ve had to endure in order to be with each other. He also cares deeply for both of them and wants them to be happy, despite his own conflicting emotions.
Although Aerith is (slightly) suspicious, Zack is oblivious to it all because he’s finally got the girl of his dreams and has his love-addled goggles on (god dammit Zackary) and asks Cloud to be his best man at their wedding (ugh angst me upppppp baby).
Angeal, however, is not oblivious to it in the slightest. He sees the overly forced smiles, the longing stares, the glances of complete and utter h e a r t b r e a k Cloud shoots Zack when he thinks no one is watching/paying attention to him. And finally, fed up after months of sitting back and just silently observing Cloud falling into emotional ruin, Angeal finally intends to do something about it, honor be damned.
Main ship is Cloudgeal. Side pairings are Zerith, Rude x Tifa (don’t judge me, y’all, I ship SO MUCH this fandom), and possibly many more. Angsty, fluffy, romantic, and with a ridiculously happy ending where everyone reaches a happy, healthy understanding. Will most likely be either a three-shot or a six-shot.
Omegaverse SOLDIER AU (let me liveeeeeee, dammit!)
After failing to get into SOLDIER three times in a row (the max amount of times one can attempt in their lifetime) and having his childhood dream of becoming a hero shattered like glass, Cloud, a Beta cadet, is more than done with SOLDIER and everything to do with the corrupt Shinra Corporation (Uh huh. Suuuuure).
This opinion is only further solidified when Cloud discovers the tragic fate of his hometown: Nibelheim, in an “unprecedented” explosion of its Mako Reactor, burns to the ground, resulting in the deaths of Cloud’s mother and every single person Cloud grew up with. With no home to return to, Cloud, following his best friend Zack Fair’s advice, begrudgingly decides to join the Shinra military as an infantryman and work as a menial grunt for the military’s more prominent SOLDIER members.
That is, until one day during a mission Cloud’s entire unit, including a group of skilled Third and Second Class SOLDIERS assisting them, are slaughtered in a brutal, bloody conflict, leaving Cloud the only one left alive after the mission’s end.
This not only catches the eye of the Director of SOLDIER himself, but several of its First Class members, who are so impressed with the Beta’s strength that they wish to assess Cloud’s capabilities for themselves, personally. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
This leads Cloud down a path filled with convincing lies and hard truths as he discovers the reality of his origins, unveiling secrets about Shinra and his past that he could have gone a lifetime without knowing. He realizes the hard way that sometimes what you dream for, what you desperately wish for, isn’t always something you want in the long run.
Main ships are a tie between Sefikura and Clack/Zakkura (possibly Sephiroth/Cloud/Zack or maybe even a love triangle, ew). I also really wanna try writing out Strifesodos, but I’m leaning towards Banorashipping as a side ship in this cuz its cute and passionate.
A S T R O N G side ship in this is going to be Aerti (featuring Turk!Tifa and Full Cetra!Aerith), along with minor ships like Scarlet x Elena, Tseng x Rufus, and honestly who  knows anymore, lol. This will most likely be the longest story on the list, I’m planning for at least ten+ chapters.
Also, not shaming it in any way, but just FYI for the people who are interested, there will be no pregnancy in this story. It’s just not my thing. <3
Again, all of these AU’s are subject to change, but I’d love to bounce ideas back and forth and see what certain shippers would like to see in the fandom. I’m really receptive to discussing fics in general, even if its an idea about one of your own stories you wanna talk about. :)
If you actually read all of that, THANK YOU KINDLY! <33333
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Hello everyone please help me find these fics please ? I’m sorry there’s not much to go on I just remember really vague details about fics.
Right the first one I’m looking for is, I think it’s a Zangeal fic where zack is in band maybe? With Seph, Vincent, cloud and genesis. And they are neighbours, and it’s Seph/Vin and cloud/gen. I vaguely remember there being a mention of genesis having a drug overdose and zack prankning Angeal by putting his number on a advert. But I can’t really remember much about it. I’m 50% sure it was on ff.net? I think I found it while I was on a strifesodos binge but now can’t seem to. Help would be greatly appreciated!
Another fic if u can find it! This one is on ao3
Ps if anyone can find a fic that’s not marked as cloud/gen and has some nsfw art in it aswell I’d be really greatful, because I’m sure I was reading a Drabble/kinkmeme/prompt thing and it wasn’t marked as gen/cloud but it’s what kick started my descent into strifesodos so I’d really like to find it again, I’m sure at the time I was searching either Seph/cloud or zack/cloud.
Times like this I wish there was a search function in the ao3 history alas, it will never happen.
I had this up on ao3 to see if it would jog anyone’s memory but it got reported so I took it down, oh well I ain’t mad hope you guys can help.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 year
Strifesodos goes on an ice cream date (or, if you're a heathen who doesn't like ice cream, something that's not coffee and can be acquired and eaten in a park). 🐥🍊🦜
Post-AC AU/During their ongoing WRO mission to track down Sephiroth clones, Cloud and Genesis end up in a park. Genesis sees a gelato vendor and just has to stop for some.
Genesis, smugly: Are you sure you don't want to try some?
Cloud: Positive.
Genesis: You know, Sephiroth used to love gelato. Maybe the key to finding Sephiroth is eating like him.
Cloud: Didn't Sephiroth also hang out with you 24/7?
Genesis: We were friends, yes.
Cloud: And listen to you quote poetry all day long?
Genesis: You can say that.
Cloud: And listen to your vapid gossip whenever you're not abusing fire materia for show?
Genesis: ....Yes.
Cloud: Yeah, that's what I've been doing all day and yet *turns around to face him* We got nothing.
Genesis: You also listed all the reasons why he adored me. And you—
Cloud: I've thought about murdering you four times already.
Genesis: And attempted to do so a grand total of zero times. Do you know what that means?
Cloud: That I have two kids to help raise and can't go to prison?
Genesis: I was going to say it meant that I'm growing on you, but yes, your reason is much more valid.
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lettersofsky · 6 years
Strifesodos: “We’re doing that trusting exercise of staring at each other for 5 minutes and the tension between us is suffocating”
Genesis had gotten stuck with Strife for the trust exercise, the dumb one, the stupid one that the Department Heads had decided to put into place to promote inter-departmental cooperation, understanding and maybe even help to bring down the amount of sexual harrassment claims that cropped up whenever one division had to work with another. Nevermind that he had so many other, more important things that required his attention, such as the number of materia that needed to be checked for combat readiness to ensure that there were no unwanted and unnecessary casualties. Oh which there had already been too many because some idiot couldn’t do their jobs right and needed him to do it instead.
He didn’t have time to be sitting across from Strife and his pretty, pretty face and stare at him in some form of idiotic trust exercise. 
“Commander Rhapsodos,” that was Angeal, speaking to you like a chilid that was being difficult just to be difficult. “Please just... sit down and get it over with. Please.”
Easy enough for him to say, he was sitting across from somehideous, unthinking brute that didn’t look like he even understand what a book was, let alone had ever read or appreciated one.
“Fine,” he grumbled, slumping heavily back into his seat though he took a bit longer to finally meet Strife’s eyes again and was the little minx laughing at him?
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up-sideand-down · 6 years
38 Strifesodos
38. “You fainted…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
If he hadn’t felt so god forsakenly miserable, he wouldn’t have taken anything from a Turk. He knew better. He didn’t even take things from the ones he liked.
But as he thought about how he’d rather be dead than live another minute like this, he took the dramamine offered by Rude. He felt better for the rest of the flight. 
It was when they landed that Cloud felt strange...and then he felt dread.
“Are you sure that was just dramamine?” Cloud asked, starting to feel shaky. 
“Yeah,” Rude said, “Tseng makes me sick sometimes with his flying so I have plenty to spare.” And Rude probably wasn’t lying. It was probably dramamine before it touched his Turk hands. Got knows what living in his pockets did to it. 
He just had to get to barracks. Cloud started the mantra in his head, get to the barracks get to the barracks. 
He knew he wasn’t gonna make it while he was waiting in the elevator. He heard it ding and open from far away as the world went black. 
He woke up to his squadmates staring at him. 
“What?” he asked groggily. 
“I can’t believe you’re alive, man,” DeWitt said shaking his head, “We thought you were a goner.”
“I just passed out, right?” Cloud said sitting up. 
“Yeah,” Manquez said, “Nurse lady said it was just motion sickness and let you sleep it off. That wouldn’t kill ya. What might have killed you is that you apparently fainted on Commander Genesis fucking Rhapsodos.” Cloud sat up more.
“Yeah,” DeWitt continued, “carried you in here like a fuckin’ princess. Said you fell into the elevator coming down here. And not a hair singed on your pretty little head.” Cloud buried his head in his hands.
“Oh my god,” he said. His squadmates chuckled. 
“Maybe now he’ll forgive Foster for barfing on his boots,” DeWitt said. Foster blushed bright red. Someone else tussled Cloud’s head. 
“You’re alright Strife,” Manquez said, “Bossman dropped off your mission paperwork.” It was sitting at the end of his bunk. 
“Says makes sure to get it in by tomorrow afternoon.” Cloud picked it up and started writing. He’d done enough KP to know to be punctual. 
Cloud was coming back from filing his report when a voice purred, “Hello precious.” He jumped. Genesis Fucking Rhapsodos was waiting for him. 
“Sir,” he said. 
“Come now no need to be shy,” Genesis said, taking a step forward, “You fainted...straight into my arms. You know if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.” Cloud fought not to turn red. 
“You’re lucky I just fainted,” Cloud said, “My motion sickness gets bad enough I might have thrown up.” Genesis laughed. 
“I’m not upset,” Genesis said, “In fact...I do know about you, through reputation and...an annoying person named Fair.”
“Zack?” Cloud said. 
“The very same,” Genesis said, “I have been watching you a bit...not to be creepy. I’m really here to see if you’re available for dinner.” 
“What?” Cloud asked, now unable to control his blush. Genesis just smiled. 
“Are you?” he asked. Cloud thought if over. 
“Yeah,” he said, “I actually am...though I’m not going to swoon into your arms for asking.” Genesis laughed more at that. 
“No no,” Genesis said, “That would be too soon...save it for dessert.” Cloud snorted at that. 
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Um, I saw your response to one post about the whole "grab Sephiroth and throw him somewhere far away from the planet", and I am really curious about this headcanon of FF7's "Hell" and this Earth=Gaia stuff. Is this connected to this headcanon you mention about, "Raison d'etre"? Is it all right you could tell us more about this, 'cause I really want to know more about this?
Aww, glad someone is curious enough about this (The anon is talking about this post). Even though most would put up something comedic or something, this idea of ours (remember my friend who came up with a tragic “Genesis’ sacrifice”? Same one, even this idea has some similar elements) takes a much darker turn ;P
Well, I was going to explain a little bit, but I decided to let it all out. But do be careful that it might contain a bit of spoiler to my “Raison d’etre” Headcanon plus “unofficial fan sequel fanfic of “Beloved”” (yes, still strifesodos), So, here’s the info:
Three important realms: Planet Earth (an alternate version of our world), the Astral Boundary (”Heaven”), and the Event Horizon (”Hell”)
Three Main Gods as “Representatives” the Planet: Gaea, Ouranos, and Pontus. They’re the main creators of this world.
In the original concept: when it comes to Death, souls will “Depart from the Planet, depending how blessed or damned they are.”
The Astral Boundary, original name: Akasha, is an ethereal plane that surrounds the Planet. All gods and goddesses reside there. It’s also the place where all blessed worthy souls go after death, becoming one with the plane.
The Event Horizon, original name: Tartarus, is a void that exist within space. Other gods and demons reside there. It’s also the place where all damned sinful souls go after death, being erased to nothingness. However, the ”system” of this realm has a flaw.
Two Chosen Representatives of the Realms: Minerva of the Astral Boundary and Diabolos of the Event Horizon. Each have their own Disciples: Minerva has Michael (note: despite the name, Michael is female) while Diabolos has Lucifer.
Janus, the “Two-faced God of Beginnings and Endings” serve as an advisor for Gaea, Ouranos, and Pontus, and also a mediator to both Minerva and Diabolos and every gods of both realms.
As time passed for Planet Earth, a mass majority of sinful souls starts to grow at a drastic number than pure souls. Especially how there was the most catastrophic event of the “Great War”, which later lead to the complete extinction of mankind and the extinguish of the Earth’s core.
Because of the overflowing sinful souls, the Event Horizon suffers a flaw: the Event Horizon is nothingness, and these souls were actually becoming one with this realm. But unlike the Astral Boundary, this procedure starts to corrupt the “Event Horizon”. Soon, this realm develop its own personality and ego. that it craves for more souls, making the Event Horizon uninhabitable as the realm starts to devour its residents. Only few (ie. Diabolos, Lucifer, Hades, Leviathan, Ifrit, Typhon, Kujata, Bahamut, etc.) manage to escape to the Astral Boundary.
The Event Horizon also create its own Avatar to represent it (first known as Tartarus, but later goes with numerous names and titles, such as “The “Will” Beyond the Void”, ThErIoN, Mephistopheles, The Imaginary Number, Legion, The Devil, and many others, but it’s mostly well-known to be addressed as “The One with Many Names”), and later gave birth to two “children”: “Erebos the Dread” and “Jenova the Calamity” along with other “lesser Beasts” (Think of them as the Great Ones from “Bloodborne”)
Gaea and Ouranos decided to commence the Planet’s Rebirth. But, to revive the Planet and help bring the forth new human civilzation, the two must sacrifice their existence.
Before that happen, they made preparation: First, the created Cosmos, “The Celestial Child”, who will protect the mankind from the upcoming threat from the corrupted Event Horizon; and Second, they decided to make alteration for “Afterlife System”. According to Janus, the Astral Boundary will break numerous time in the future by the Event Horizon, making it uninhabitable for the Gods and the future Pure Souls. So, because the Planet’s core is “beyond repair”, they decided to make this a place where the souls shall rest.
That’s when Pontus comes to help. He relinquish his position from godhood as he drains all his “blood”/spirit energy and transfer to the Planet, so that his discarded energy can accept any souls of the deceased (which will now be known as the Lifestream). This lead him to be “demoted” as a “female water nymph” in a special hidden location among the planet (a lake known as “Avalon Mirror”), who will later play an important role as “The Lady of the Lake”.
Also, with this alteration, The Lifestream shall represent both “Heaven” and “Hell”. That way, both worthy and sinful souls can “Return to the Planet”. Now, the sinful souls can no longer Depart to the Event Horizon, as all the gods hoped that this new procedure will cease the further “corruption” to the Event Horizon.
However, “The One with Many Names” is not pleased with this change as it demands more souls to the Event Horizon in the future as normal. As all gods refuse to “restore the original system”, it made an “assassination attempt” on Cosmos. Though it failed to kill her, it successfully damaged her psyche (in a form of a “virus”), rendering her comatose, with very low chance of restoration, leaving the mankind of this reborn Planet in danger in the future. Thus, the Avatar of the Event Horizon along with its “children” declared war against the gods. This became well known as “The War of the Beasts”.
Loki and his Three Children, Jormungandr, Fenrir, and Hel, are the first casualties of this war, being devoured by Erebos, this War’s Juggernaut. (Actually, Erebos devours Loki, while his children were defeated and spirited away to the Event Horizon, suffering a Fate Worse than Death).
Zeus, Poseidon, Artemis, Apollo, Mars, Venus, Osiris, Isis, Horus, Anubis, Thoth, Ra, Set, Vishnu, Brahma, Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Susanoo, Dryad, Thor, Freyja, Baldr, Tyr,  Azazel, Mammon, Azrael, Metatron, Sandalphon,  and many other gods and goddesses were devoured by Erebos during the War of the Beasts.
Suzaku (now known as Phoenix), is the only survivor of his unit as he witness his comrades (Seiryu, Byakko, Genbu) and his captain, Koryu, being devoured by Erebos.
With Janus’ advise, Minerva and Diabolos, along with their Diciples and each of thieir units (Micheal’s: Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel; Lucifer’s: Satan, Belial, Leviathan), they decided to have a Final Battle against Erebos in order to banish him and the Beasts back to the Event Horizon and make the Astral Boundary as a sealed barrier.
Before leaving to battle, Janus request both Michael and Lucifer to offer him each of their “essenses/will”, for his future “project”.
Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Satan, and Belial were devoured during the battle. Diabolos barely manage to escape from Erebos by “degenerating” himself from his god shell to a “Demi” (who will play an important role for both Chaos and Merlin). Lucifer was slowly “spirited away to the Event Horizon”, Michael use her “trump card” by letting herself be devoured, as unleashed a “kamikaze” within Erebos, burning him from the inside and destroyed his “outer shell”. This results Erebos being reduced to a pitiful, vulnerable state that could not handle the exposure of the Planet’s environment/atmosphere
“The One with Many Names” was forced to reclaim his “son” back to the Event Horizon along with the other Beasts. in a form of a “ceasefire”. Then Minerva finally made the seal, still aware of Janus’ warning that the “ceasefire will end as the seal shatters”.
Before Gaea and Ouranos finally commence the Rebirth and cease to exist, the two offer their “wills” to Janus for him to continue his future “project”.
All the surviving gods (Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh, Odin, Atlas (aka Titan), Bahamut, Kujata, Typhon, Hades, Suzaku (aka Phoenix), Leviathan) decided to disguise themselves as humans to observe mankind’s progress, but must go under oath that they must not get involved with human affair. Only Minerva, chosen a representative in the Lifestream, and Diabolos, now a “Demi-god/Incubus” human individual, are exceptional. (Diabolos will die and suffer a tragic fate around the time King Arthur is born).
Like Minerva and Diabolos, Janus is also exceptional. However, after leaving behind his “blueprints for the WEAPONs” and his “creations” (The “Akashic Record” (Codename:Aither), an “Archetype” (artificial human) that serve as “The Will Among the Plane” and substitute for Cosmos; Enkidu, “The (soon-to-be) Will Within the World” and the “catalyst” for his other “creation”, Gilgamesh, who will be provided an important role regarding to the Champions such as Solomon, Alexander, Roland, Jeanne, King Arthur, etc.) while his disciples, Chronos and the Norns, focus of trying to restore Cosmos, he vanished without a trace. Many gods believed he got devoured by the Event Horizon, most believed he forsaken them and the Planet, while Minerva and Diabolos and Janus’ disciples might know what happen to him, but remained silence (for his own safety).
Even though the seal is strong enough to prevent Erebos and the lesser Beasts from descending to the Planet, it’s still not enough to prevent the realm’s Avatar (as his existence is equal to the gods) from entering the Planet’s undetected, watching from the shadows… waiting… and take action whenever humanity has a darkest desire that need to be granted. (yeah, think of that “Devil” as a combination of Kyuubey, Yuki Terumi, and Junko Enoshima). Especially how one of the desires the Entity granted for the Wayward Cetra of granting her a new God to worship by bringing his second child, Jenova, to descend to the Gaia. Knowing some day in the distant future, “The One with Many Names” will succeed its plan to restore its eldest child, shatter the boundary and purge all mankind… 
Phew! Finally let it out.
Well, I could go over more on Gilgamesh’s history on Planet Gaia and how this will involved with future champions (Solomon, Alexander, Arthur, etc.) to be born after him along with the “Akashic Record”, but I’ll wait if anyone’s starts to get interested with this headcanon.
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unknown-lifeform · 2 years
Wip snippet ask game
Tagged by @borealwrites
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have wips. (please repost, don’t reblog) This isn’t just for writing either. Sketch titles? Comics? DnD campaigns? If you have an unfinished project, it counts! 
Alright so I actually had to open a good number of my wips because even I didn’t remember what they were about which isn’t surprising given how I name things. This is all ff7 and maybe I should get to finish some of these one day or the other this is way too many wips
- daemon strifesodos
- dragons
- genzack
- party special
- soulmates special
- pokemon au
- sugar
- care him
- chug chug chug
- daemon tifa
- flame war
- foolishness
- frogs
- hehe aerti
- keep care him
- lmao
- marlene fic
- qpr
- she’s trying
- teambuilding
- trans genesis feels
- turk
Aaand I don’t think I know many people who write here, let alone as many as I have wips, so I’m just going to tag everyone I can think of: @amethysttribble @effervescentdragon @rainbowcarousels @duttfisch
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cloudvelundr · 8 years
New Year’s Blessing
A New Years fic I started two weeks ago and finished just now :P
The air inside the ballroom shimmered. Lights glistened gently under fronds and blooms, on tables and in corners, glittering against garland and tinsel alike. The table arrangements were subtly luxurious, silks and linens and imported flowers whose rich and precisely chosen colours tutted at the very thought that you might afford them.
Genesis couldn’t see any of it at the moment, tucked between a lavishly decorated pillar and a window. He twirled his champagne flute – a delicate crystal affair whose finely etched vines scattered rainbows across his fingers – and tucked it neatly into a pocket to join his other two. Four would make a nice set.
Others had been far less discrete and settling them stalled his restlessness for a moment at least. Besides, it wasn’t as though they’d be missed. He’d been attending ShinRa parties for years and never seen a repeat of anything but the venue – the Tower’s grand ballroom, the President’s Costa estate and the old Kalm Castle traded the honours between seasons. The Castle had a better atmosphere for holidays, and room for an orchestra besides (currently playing something bright and not quite a waltz) and so was the regular centre of New Years celebrations.
Baying cut above the music and murmuring.
Genesis cringed; somewhere, Heidegger was laughing. But worse was the tell-tale clip of Angeal’s squared shoes coming to a rest outside the curtains.
He wilted.
“You have to come out sometime you know.”
“No I bloody don’t.”
“You’ll regret it.
“I will not.”
“Lazard will make you regret it.”
“Let him try.”
“Just twenty minutes, that’s it. A dance or two–”
“And a dozen increasingly desperate partners cutting into each.”
“It’s tradition,” Genesis could hear Angeal’s cheeks puffing in annoyance. “You used to do it too. We both did.”
“They didn’t look at us like fresh meat then.”
“They don’t now!”
He growled: “Not to you – everyone and their grandmother knows you’re off the market.” That tended to happen when one’s soulmate was fucking Sephiroth. “I however get passed around like a cheese platter.”
Pushing past the curtain Angeal levelled him a look: “We both know it’s not that bad. Besides, hiding isn’t worth the hassle PR will give you for it later but they won’t care if you’re visible ‘til midnight.”
Genesis sulked. He wasn’t wrong – he’d tried that route before.
Angeal sighed: “I have wine.”
“Fine.” Snatching the glass – the last to line his pockets – Genesis stepped away from the wall: “But as soon as that bell goes I’m gone.”
His friend eyed him, tiredly amused and probably too tolerant.
“I never expected anything else.”
No one ever quite believed how deeply Genesis loathed these kinds of parties, and always had. From his parent’s posturing society affairs in his childhood to the ‘invites’ from his employer to the genuine invitations he received as a celebrity of sorts, it didn’t matter. Large and impersonal, filled with hangers on and greased palms, and him ever in the thick of people he couldn’t stand – so many of them hoping for that thrill of a feeling that would mark them as something special to him – up to the moment he could slip away, only to emerge for food and drink until it was socially permissible to leave. New Years wasn’t normally too bad. It was the only occasion that he ever won his freedom as early as midnight though at the cost of the dances, whirling quicksteps through partners in a vague hope of finding that one in time for a lucky midnight kiss, something that was actually quite fun if you wanted to be there. Genesis, however, didn’t and he was unfortunately rather sought after, and he was edgy besides – had been since he’d arrived, tipping over with a need to go out and run or fight or do something… and so instead Genesis had hidden away sooner that normal. It was technically counter productive, but it saw him stepping of fewer toes and biting them off.
“Just find someone to dance with,” Angeal said, distracted and moving off to rescue Sephiroth as he spotted him in the clutches of an overeager fan.
“Yes, yes. Abandon me why don’t you,” Genesis muttered without heat and knocked back the drink.
Sephiroth hated parties at least as much as Genesis but was too in-demand to hide. Genesis had tried occasionally to bail him out himself, but all it ever managed was to get them both stuck in the spotlight. He offered a sympathetic thought but moved on. His boyfriend would save him or nothing would.
He straightened is cuffs and his tie. He smoothed over his hair. Adjusted his jacket. Heaved a breathe and with the rest of his nonexistent wrinkles patted away reluctantly moved out.
It was easy to slip to the dance floor. Most party-goers not dancing were settling into their tables and social circles for the lead up to midnight leaving the way clear to cut in to the current waltz, leading away a young woman who looked in need of rescuing herself. Half a turn around the polished marble saw the startled but grateful girl slipping away to the safety of friends and replaced by the first person of the night to have their upturned smile falter at first touch.
Genesis really hated parties.
The next gentleman was no different, nor was a lady to follow him, nor either the fourth nor seventh. The tune changed during his twenty seconds or so with the eighth, the tenth held on for half a song to enlighten him as to the Sector Three Humane Society programmes which was something of a novelty and nearly a relief but the fourteenth saw a pair whose follow and pair whose lead were trying to position themselves as his next dance. Genesis decided then that he was done, publicists be-damned, and led gently towards the floor’s edge.
The follow realized his intention and wasn’t having it.
What followed was entirely avoidable.
The interested lead was nearest skirting along the edge of the floor and well posed to sweep in and exchange her partner with his had Genesis not been about to bail. The keen follow was a few paces further away but he was deeper into the dance and about to be cut off by a third pair, twisting by in conversation. The follow decided to rush the closing window of opportunity, and in that moment the dance entered one of its wider steps. Genesis bowed and begged off from his partner, the lead stepped away from hers, and the dancing pair spun wide- right into the keen follow who rammed into the lead dancer sending him into Genesis and both to heap on the floor; Genesis bumped his partner on the way down and she was caught in a tangle by the interested lead who staggered sideways under the sudden weight knocking table on the edge of the dance-floor and scattering food while her partner darted back just in time to catch the fallen dancer’s partner’s suddenly untethered spin. The keen follower stumbled to a halt in the midst of them.
There was a moment of buzzing silence before the chatter around them rose back up.
Actually the buzzing might have just been Genesis.
He counted to five.
“Well,” he drawled, gaze sliding from where his fingers hummed under the hand of the fallen dancer to the suddenly remarkably reluctant follow, “if I weren’t already done, I certainly am now.”
“Er, sorry?” The blond man on his legs pulled his hand away – oh and the silence in his bones was cold – but he only stood, unwinding from Genesis’ legs and offered it back.  Genesis let himself be pulled up – how could he refuse? – and hushed him.
“There’s no fault with you, dear.” He glared at the retreating follow but it softened at the tingling brush of knuckles. He couldn’t even be mad at the nitwit, really. “Though I think some air might be needed.”
The other man seemed at a loss for words.
“I- Yeah… yeah. That’d be good.” He paused, “Just a sec.” He turned to his dance partner, “Sorry, Ester? I’m go-oh? Oh… Never mind?”
Only then did Genesis notice the silence around them had grown again, turned not towards his absent wrath, but the only two still both standing. Ester looked rather like how Genesis felt.
It was a funny old world, sometimes.
It might have been tradition, but the odds of actually finding your One in time for New Years were ever against your favour. It was considered lucky for the party as a whole for it to happen and doubly so for the couple if it was early enough to ring in the year together. Two in the same place in the same accident was absurd at any time of year.
Glancing around it seemed that no one had noticed him and his blond, and the congratulations were starting, so Genesis gave the fingers by his hand a little tug before weaving towards the garden doors. Peeking over his shoulder revealed a bewildered little smile a few steps behind.
The glass doors to the garden balcony were thicker than at first glance – double paned or security glass he supposed – but swung noiselessly and cut the chatter of the party from a dull roar to less than a murmur.
The blond stepped lightly past him, eyes that were merely bright inside – whether by light or shock or delight – were now truly glowing as they inspected the vacant grounds, gardens glossed over in a gossamer sheen by the glow from the curtains. It painted a pale and glittering crown across his riot of hair; Genesis fingers twitched, wondering if it was as soft as it looked, and where he’d been posted that he hadn’t seen him until now, distinctive as he was.
He’d always been drawn to uncommon things.
“I suppose-” the man cuts off, lifting his cuffs from the balustrade to slick a finger along it – it came away damp with dew, but he only shrugged and leaned anyway. “I suppose they’ve all gone in for the countdown.”
“Mm, no doubt. It’s any minutes now.” Genesis joined him with and amused huff. “Quite the timing we’ve managed.”
“Heh, yeah.” He laughed softly. “That… really just happened,” he murmured, straightening a little.
‘Genesis reached out in answer, giving in to the impulse to brush a few stray locks curling along the man’s neck. (It was that soft- it was positively downy.) The pleasant jolt along his fingers was met with a startled snort of a laugh. Genesis grinned devilishly:
Breathy and bright eyed he took a step from the railing and, facing him fully for the first time, offered his hand: “Cloud Strife.”
He used it to draw him a little nearer: “Genesis Rhapsodos.”
“You hardly need an introduction.”
Cloud was looking up at him, and Genesis decided then that he was in trouble. Cloud had a lovely face, with a faint blush on his cheeks, a touch touch of coyness in the slant of his head, and a determined set about his eyes and shoulders, but that smile, oh.
“Maybe. Maybe not. But it only seems polite to give a name to someone you’re hoping to kiss.”
That smile. It had actual wattage.
Distantly there was counting.
“Are you now?”
“Mm-hm. Tradition, you know.”
“Not a bad one.”
“One of the better ones, I thought.”
It was not sparks, as some said, or a singing in his veins, the kiss, but a steady humming somewhere between touching a live wire and the feel of soaking heat when sitting before a fire which spread out from where they touched. It rose and settled down into the recesses of his soul, faded until long parting roused it. He felt warm and calm and charged all at once.
He rested his forehead against golden spikes, noting vaguely that their arms had wound about their waists. He’d only meant for a brief kiss, but suspected it’d been rather not.
Definitely not.
“Go boss!”
“Fuck,” said Cloud. “I forgot they were here.”
Genesis felt an arm lift and gesture.
“Rude,” one voice accused.
Cloud’s arm moved.
“Right-o. Leaving.”
“You do that.”
The sound of happy people washed over them and vanished again.
Cloud’s hand settled back with a sigh.
“Didn’t even hear them come out. Your unit?”
Cloud made an affirmative noise. “Not sure how we rated an invite, but yeah… Also you’re kinda comfy.”
“… You too.”
“It's kinda weird. Nice. But weird.”
“That too,” Genesis agree. He paused, considering for a moment and said:
“Other people are going to start coming back out soon…” He hesitated and Cloud lifted his face too look at him. “I was going to head out – do you want to find a pub or a diner or something? Talk?”
“Sounds good to me.” Cloud leaned back in thought. “There’s a place on Elmwood that’s probably open. It’s not too far.”
“Anywhere. Anywhere you like.” He took his hand as they turned to the ballroom. “We’ll have to cut through, though – no climbing the courtyard walls.”
“Aw.” Cloud said, mock dejection in his voice, and teased: “The voice of experience?”
“I’ll never tell,” Genesis replied, opening the door.
“Don’t worry. The gossip rags already did.”
Genesis pulled a face at him and Cloud eyed a waiter who was cutting through the crowd ahead of them thoughtfully.
“Do you suppose anyone would notice if I nicked a glass?”
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