#but again w/e there is no point to me being salty it does nothing and neeeeever has apparently lmao 🙃
bugeyedfreaks · 11 months
I love the Mayor, but tbh he's 100% a creepy, perverted old man lol.
It’s… sad but true. I mean, I love him (and I had a bit of a longer reply to this that I scrapped so I’ll cut this next part short) but I hate the weird little quick jokes in the first four seasons of the show that insinuate that he might be having an affair with/is attracted a little tooooo much to Ms. Bellum or that he hates his wife (a TREASURE and a QUEEN who should be WORSHIPPED he is a LOUSE), and then the jokes in the last two seasons where they significantly dumbed him down and treated him basically like a barely functioning baby. Both were not… great… 😕
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miraculouscontent · 4 years
“Didn’t Need Burrow” Masterpost (February)
Anonymous said:
Don't need Burrow: Finally, it will be revealed that Adrien is the main character and that Marinette was merely the narrator of his story (or history of their love).
The thing that we already know and won’t be a surprise.
Adrien didn’t have enough attention already but they were tired of using Marinette as their camera to his story.
Anonymous said:
Didn’t need burrow: Kagami wil decide to stay in Japan at the end of the Tokyo special. Prompting Chat Noir to start pursuing Ladybug again.
I doubt they’d make the specials official canon but I also don’t doubt Kagami getting sidelined so easily.
Anonymous said:
Alternative didn’t need burrow: Kagami won’t even be in the Japan special and all cultural knowledge will be explained by Adrien
Oh my gooooood.
*flashes back to Adrien and Gabriel greeting Kagami and Tomoe in Japanese*
Anonymous said:
Don't need Burrow: It will be revealed that Chloe is actually an innocent and naive little girl who acted like a malicious bully because she was manipulated and intimidated by Sabrina all the time. And it was Sabrina who made her bully the rest of the class and act as if everything had to revolve around her. And it will be retcon that Chloe did not abuse everyone to impress Audrey, but because Sabrina made her do it. (Note: I'm Anon that joked about Sabrina being more dangerous than Chloe)
fdjkhgjdfgfd welcome back, for sure.
I wasn’t ready for the Sabrina part since I was taking it 100% seriously up until then.
In before they say that Sabrina is just indulging Chloe and Chloe is how she is because Sabrina won’t do anything about it.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow to know that if there is finally a white little kid gets introduced to the show, he or she(though let's be honest, most often a he) will be a sweet little angel of sunshine who's always on their best behavior and never does anything wrong, unlike all those rowdy black children(barf). Bonus if the kid has blonde hair and blue/green/grey eyes. Double bonus if someone(say, Marinette or Nadja) says to one of the other kids "See, why can't you behave like they do?" Rolling my eyes.
I always feel so awkward hating on all the kid characters for that reason but it really does come down to they’re kids and I don’t like kids. Most of them are just written as “kid” and nothing else.
Friendly piece of advice to people writing children and are afraid of doing what this show does where the personality is just “stereotypical child”...
Write characters as if they’re teenagers first, and then “age them down.” It’s the difference between writing Mylene (for example) with the personality of “child,” and writing Mylene as a younger version of herself.
It also will make it less jarring if the character happens to grow up and become a teen at some point in the story, where their personality is better established; they’ll come off as a developed person rather than someone with a completely different personality from when they were little.
(If you’re having trouble imagining said child character as a teenager/adult, there’s definitely a step missing.)
Anonymous said:
Don't Need Burrow to know that when all the kids in Marinette and Adrien's class inevitably get Miraculouses of their own, only the girls will get theirs taken from them for one reason or another, either because someone else figured out their identity or they do something stupid and risk people knowing(or people actually do know), while the boys get to keep theirs permanently and Ladybug becomes the token Smurfette on her superhero team. Rena Rouge might be the exception to this.
G I R L  P O W E R
+ I mean, for Rena, Marinette’s already regretted giving her the miraculous at least once, so yeah.
Anonymous said:
Don't Need Burrow to know that when Marinette and Adrien inevitably discover each others' identities, defeat Hawk Moth and Mayura(the only good thing about this whole scenario), and gEt ToGeThEr, it(the latter, at least) will only be in the last episode of the last season, and we will get no time to see their development from "who dis?" to friends, to lovers. Love=ma^2 shippers will punch the nearest wall, while me and everyone else will sip our salty tea and ask what the fuck they expected.
If Season 4 decides the split between Lukanette and Adrimi, that means Season 5 is just going to be a love square shipping fuel fest of absolute and complete obnoxiousness with angst that’ll lead to reverse love square at best and then nothing more.
The tea will, however, be delicious.
Anonymous said:
Don't Need Burrow to know that Adrien will continue to steadfastly insist that Marinette is "just a friend"(such as saying so when Alya or Nino confronts him on it, or saying romantic sounding things to Marinette herself that are just intended as shipper-fanservice-bait, before adding something anticlimatic like "you're a really good FRIEND")...up until the moment when the plot decides to push them together and he'll magically change his tune and say that she was always more than just a friend.
How convenient~
Yeah, the plot has this habit of just changing things so immediately that it gives you whiplash, because they’ve never built anything up. I remember that it did that for me with the Miracle Box opening in “Sapotis” to reveal all the zodiacs.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow to know that Alya(and possibly the rest of the girl squad, but lets face it, most likely Alya so that she can be the Black Best Friend) will be used solely as a plot device to get Adrien and Marinette together(against Marinette's protests, if I may add), and Marinette will get almost no chances to make a move on Adrien on her own. I know you salt on Alya a lot but you gotta admit it kinda feels bad to potentially have her pushed aside to only support the love square.
No no, I totally agree! I don’t like Alya but I obviously feel bad that her and Nino have just become love square/plot pushers. Add in Rena Rouge and eugh, no thanks.
Anonymous said:
Didn’t Need Burrow to know when Marinette finally tells Adrien she’s in love with him, he’ll reject her, and when Marinette gets over him and gets together with Luka, then he’ll probably get akumatised because of it, and it’s all Marinettes fault for getting over him(EVEN THO HE MADE IT CLEAR HE WASNT INTERESTED!!!) and entering a healthy relationship.
This one sent me through a whirlwind of emotions.
Also, inevitable "only notice the girl who’s wanted you forever because now she has a boyfriend,” because yay.
Anonymous said:
Didn't need Burrow: Ms Bustiers pregnancy is going to be handled one of two ways, but they'll both lead to the same outcome: either
1) her pregnancy will be ignored and she'll look the same as she always has until the one episode where it's plot relevant, and she'll suddenly look nine months pregnant, or
2) she'll go from looking the way she does in the New York Special to looking nine months pregnant in the first episode of S4, possibly with the addition of cringy pregnancy jokes peppered in throughout the season until the episode where her being pregnant is plot relevant.
The inevitable outcome of this whole 'pregnant teacher' subplot will be an episode where Ms Bustier goes into labor during an Akuma attack that she (and possibly the entire class) are caught in the middle of for whatever reason, she'll give birth either during or right after said Akuma attack. LB will have to juggle both fighting the Akuma and delivering the baby, Chat will be useless during the pregnancy subplot (50/50 that he won't be much help during the Akuma attack), and there will be a moment where the two heroes are both cooing over the baby, and someone will make a remark about how they'll be such good parents one day.
I know this is probably too specific to actually pan out, but I'm confident that at least part of this will line up with what happens in the show
dfkhgjdfkgdfg oh my god, Ladybug helping deliver a baby, please kill me.
The “good parents” line absolutely made me cringe because they’d totally do that.
The thing about how Bustier will look is also 150% accurate and it pains me to say so. Her looking pregnant is the most “fleshing out” that we’ll ever get from her.
I could also see her getting a substitute instead (I originally was going to shorten it to “sub” but then I just imagined Miss Bustier eating a sub sandwich) and then coming back at some point like “oh I already had the baby, here he/she is,” and that’s how they avoid making a model for her being pregnant.
Anonymous said:
Don't Need Burrow: A character will have a bad day and get increasingly mad whenever things continue to go bad for them/when other people annoy them, but he or she will still manage to keep it cool. Only when MARINETTE does something wrong will that person finally SNAP and get akumatized, and of course, Marinette will be blamed for it despite everything already going bad for the character to begin with. It's like the writers try so hard to make things her fault when she's barely a part of it.
oh my god
This is also totally Santa Claws/Bother Christmas but with Marinette instead of Ladybug. Gotta get both sides in there, you know?
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little-red-toyota · 3 years
Final good bye to the fandom
TW//Trauma, triggers, nsfw, sexual themes, rape, domestic abuse e.g.
This is gonna be a long ass post…
It has taken me a while to get emotionally strong enough to do this, as I will have to think back at some traumatic events from my past to address some of these things. That's why I waited until I got home from vacation with my family, as it will seriously affect my mood and mental health, and I want to be near my doctor and therapist, just in case.
And also, I know that the majority of those reading this will invalidate me and tell me I am making things up to clear my name. So, I literally have to torment myself to write a blog post people will just brush off as bogus anyway. But I will do it now that I am in safe surroundings. Then it will be off my chest, and I can finally move on. If people will continue stirring up the past, it will be their problem, not mine.
I think I should write one last blog post where I address everything. I have left the TTTE-fandom, but I will write that one as my final goodbye to the fandom. I just have to find out everything I've been accused of so I can properly address them all in order. I might leave out details of my life that is too hard for me to open up about. I know most of you will just invalidate me anyway.
1. The Stepney fic and glorifying rape.
2. My mafia-AU.
3. The Darin incident.
4. Being a pedophile. (Where do they get this from anyway??)
5. Running the NSFW-blog.
6. Drawing penises/boobs on trains. Drawing age-regression art.
Is there more?
Ah... yes! Faking my own suicide, of course!
7. "Faking" being suicidal.
8. Having the audacity to survive and go on living.
9. "Making up" my past trauma to justify writing fics to cope with it.
10. Being a nazi for being interested in WW2 history and for being Norwegian and having so-called nazi-letters in my last name (actual letters of the Norwegian alphabet).
11. Putting a white-supremacist flag (the actual flag of Norway) on my porch on family birthdays and our national day.
12. Being a danger to my daughter.
Anything else that needs to be addressed? What else am I being accused of? Send me a dm and I will add it to the post.
 Okay, I will bump the Stepney fic down a bit as it is the most traumatic thing for me to address, I will save that one for last.
2 and 3. The dark au/mafia au where I gave some TTTE characters some rather dark and unpleasant character traits, and the whole incident with Darin and the pedo-Salty was addressed in this blog post written by my husband last year, so I am not opening that can of worms again: https://little-red-toyota.tumblr.com/post/623743183795470336/in-light-of-recent-events
Even the thing about Toby cheating on Henrietta is addressed there.
As for the au, I never fully explored it as I started losing interest in TTTE around the same time. I found other things to enjoy and TTTE faded into the background and the au was dropped before I even wrote any stories, apart from the one about Toby and Henrietta.
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Some people claim, like this lovely individual, that most of the characters were rapists and pedos. No, not most. Only one of each. And I did not write more than one story about rape and suicide. Where does this person even get that from? Someone who told someone who had heard from someone who might have heard….?
Don't spread rumors unless you are sure that they are true.
Anyway, it's all addressed in that blog post in that link. I don't see how this mafia au is any worse than other dark post-apocalyptic or violent aus. It mostly was about the diesel mafia and their illegal businesses, not about sex, even if it did occur now and then. I find the substance abuse in it to be more problematic tbh…  
 4. Being a pedophile.
I don't even know how to defend myself against this one, as I don't even know why people think I am pedophile. They only throw the accusation out with no backing evidence, so I have no idea where it comes from or what it is that makes people think I am one.
Apart from one claim that I had faved "porn" alongside "strangers'" baby photos on DA. I addressed that earlier though. As DeviantArt doesn't sort what you click "like" on, it all ends up in the same folder unless you actively go through it and sort it into categories, which I don't bother most of the time. It also doesn't say WHEN it was added to your faves. So, I can have faved an artistic nude on Saturday, and then faved my friend's family photo on Thursday. It's not like I actively search for porn, get all steamed up and then look at pictures of children. WTF.
The few children I have faved are not from complete strangers, but long-term friends of mine. Yes, it is possible to have friends on the same website. I have actually met a lot of my RL friends through DeviantArt. I posted photos of my daughter when she was a baby, they would fave it and congratulate me. So, I did the same when they had a baby. As simple as that. Nothing weird or perverted about it. Due to people doxxing me last year however, I deleted the photos of me, my husband and my daughter from DeviantArt, so it's no longer there.
Porn isn't allowed on DeviantArt anyway. The nudes there are so-called artistic nudes, and for the most part I use them as pose-references when I draw as it is easier to draw a pose using a nude base and then dress them up once you got the pose right.
"The very naked" centaurs I have faved. Well, I like the mythological creature Centaur. And as far as I know… they do not wear clothes, so how are they NOT nude? Look it up, it's a horse body with a human torso instead of horse head. I don't see them as sexual, but what do I know? Maybe YOU do?
I have no sexual interest in children whatsoever.
 5. Running the NSFW-blog on Tumblr and Twitter.
Yes. I was one of six people modding that blog. ONE of six, so I refuse to take the full blame here.
MerciResolution has openly admitted to being the founder, and she recruited me and some others to modify as the confession load became too heavy for one person to handle alone.
The original blog on Tumblr worked as follows: People would anonymously send a confession to our askbox, we would add a picture (sometimes photoshopped) to the text and post it on the blog. Always tagged as NSFW and with proper trigger warnings if necessary! The blog itself was also marked as explicit, so it didn't appear in searches and such.
For us, this blog was nothing but a joke. We did it for shits and giggles. If anyone took it seriously and thought we got off to the stuff that was posted, we apologize for that, but to us it was just for laughs. And we DID laugh a lot, you guys should have seen the weird shit people sent us sometimes!
We had fun and we never thought anyone would take it seriously, so we never thought of writing "joke" in the description or anything. It never occurred to us that it could be anything but a joke.
We also made a Twitter account for it, also locked for minors. But it was quickly hacked, and someone changed the password so we could no longer access it. We made another account and forgot about the old one…
After a while, the original mods started losing interest and the blog (both on Tumblr and Twitter) became less active. That's when a person I had known for years, and wrongfully trusted, came forward and wanted to take over ownership. So, the ownership was handed over to Russalita/Charlie.
That turned out to be huge mistake!
Me and the other mods had more or less forgotten that the blogs existed, when suddenly someone started bashing me and getting up in my arms over it. I got seriously confused as I hadn't been active on it in almost a year. But as it turned out, Russalita had removed the mature filters and made the accounts open for all the see. Even minors.
And as people knew I was one of the mods, they fired their guns at me. I can see why though, so I'm not pointing any fingers here.
I tried contacting her by phone, asking her to lock the accounts again, but she gave me a less than polite response, hung up and then blocked my number…
So, I decided to try to shut the blogs down on my own, trying the old passwords. It worked on the Tumblr-account, and I managed to password protect it, for some reason it couldn't be fully deleted. But the Twitter account had gotten its password changed by Russalita. I was however able to get a new password by logging into the e-mail we had used to create it. I deleted the Twitter blog fully. It can't be re-activated even if we wanted to. It's gone.
But it turns out the old, hacked one is still up and now open for everyone. And this one poses a huge problem as we have no way of getting into it to delete it. Only thing we have been able to do so far is reporting it and hope it will be removed by Twitter. So I only have one thing to say about it: report it.
I am no longer running any NSFW TTTE blog anywhere, nor do I have interest in doing so. So, if you come across one, claiming to be me or any of the other mods, it is false.
 6. Drawing penises/boobs on trains. Drawing age-regression art.
People seem to believe I have drawn genitals on trains. I have never done such. Any art on the NSFW-blog with genitalia on the trains were sent in by confessors and was not drawn by me. Most of them seems to have been drawn by someone who goes by the name "The Lance".
I HAVE drawn things for the NSFW blog, but there were no genitalia in those drawings. I drew Frank of Arlesdale looking grossed out by (I don't know what the part is named in English, but it is connected to the brakes of the engine) that stick-like thing on his bufferbeam being wet from whatever the confessor did to him. I drew an over-exaggerated comical pic of a horrified Peter Sam getting his face licked by his driver, who had an enormous tongue. I also did a couple of manips. Mostly maniping engine faces on humans, like the one where Gordon's face is on a less than fit guy flailing his shirt around, and the Arlesdale smallies' faces on a movie poster from Magic Mike. One with Mr.Conductor in a giant bun while Pinchy is applying ketchup on him, for a confession about eating him, I think?  I've done some more, but I forgot what it was, I only know I loved making them comical rather than erotic, as I saw the blog as a joke overall.
I HAVE also drawn aheago faces on engines because it looks hilarious. Though I have only drawn them on my OCs and the NRS engines, not TTTE characters.
Point is I have never drawn genitalia on trains. Ever. And I likely never will. It's not THAT much fun drawing NSFW stuff.
I see from this screenshot that a certain MK-Instrumentalist claim that all my personal art is age-regression art and infantilism…
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Whose art have you been looking at? Because it's definitely not mine. I have drawn a couple of baby/chibi diesels… But claiming that all of my 700 or so artworks are depicting infantilism and age-regression stuff? I suggest people go have a look for themselves. I haven't drawn that. That MK-guy has been desperately trying to cancel me for ages for reasons only himself know. I don't even know the guy, and he doesn't know me, yet he wants to see me beheaded. Go figure.
I was for a long time bothered by some age-regressor on Tumblr who just wouldn't leave me alone with their weird asks, who tried to force themselves on me and some other artists here. They claim age-regression isn't a fetish, but the shit they sent to my askbox certainly looked like a fetish to me.
I don't want anything to do with that stuff. It weirds me out.
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And no. I have never drawn pedophilia or rape art either. This guy can't even make up his mind on which one to accuse me of.
 7 and 8. Faking suicide and having the audacity to survive and go on living.
As many know, after the intense shitstorm against me last summer, thanks to Darin, I attempted suicide. I didn't succeed as my husband came home early. I was gone for a few days but returned when a young boy reached out to me for help as he was being groomed and didn't know who else to turn to.
Recently I saw a screenshot where someone claimed me to have faked suicide, and that I just came back after a few days when everything had died down.
I am truly sorry I survived.
I don't remember much from those days to be honest, but as the load became too heavy and the bullying too intense, piling up on 30 years of old trauma… I decided to end it. I must warn you guys who might get triggered now; there are detailed descriptions of a suicide attempt. Proceed with caution. People told me I was a bad mother among other things, having had those same thoughts myself (according to my husband, I am a good mom) and people just confirming them, I thought that my daughter would be better off growing up without me. I could have chosen a more effective suicide method, but I was afraid my daughter would be the first to find me, so I wanted it to be clean and look like I was just sleeping. That way it could be explained as natural causes.
So, I decided to overdose on pills. I downed all pills I could find in the house that had a warning triangle on it (strong pain meds etc.) and then went to my computer to delete my online existence, especially the personal data.
As a former paramedic, I should have known better. Because after half an hour, my body started reacting. But not the way I had hoped and wanted. I started retching and almost vomiting. That's when my husband came home from work and found me. He immediately saw the empty packages and knowing my past suicidal tendencies, he reacted instinctively. He put his fingers down my throat and had me puke everything up, then he called an ambulance and had me admitted to the hospital.
I don't remember anything from the days I spent there. But I have been told they emptied my stomach and gave me lots of fluids. I was then assigned a psychiatrist which I am still seeing today.
I was gone for those days because I was in hospital, not because I was pulling some kind of trick and pretending to have ended myself.
So… I am sorry I "faked" my suicide.
I'm sorry my husband saved me. I am sorry the medics and doctors succeeded in saving my life.
I am sorry I survived and proceeded to live on. If I ever make another attempt, I promise to do better.
Why are you guys so persistent in trying to push people to suicide anyway? Do you get a kick out of it? Why do people have to be pushed to that point before you care?
What did we tell our daughter? Simply that I got sick and had to go to the hospital. She took that well.
I've seen a lot of people wonder why I am still around. Why shouldn't I? Does my daughter deserve to lose her mother over some online crap she doesn't even know about? I owe her to live and watch her grow up, to help her with her homework and whatever else a parent needs to do. I also owe my husband to stay by his side, like I promised him the day we got married. Even if I do not wish to live.
I'm sorry I survived, guys. Really, I am.
 9. "Making up" my past trauma to justify writing fics to cope with it. And 1. The Stepney fic and glorifying rape.
 First… why would anyone make up trauma? It's not like it's a competition to have the worst life, is it?
Sadly, I don't have to make up anything. My life HAS been rocky up until the birth of my daughter. I have been through so much trauma I couldn't even fathom it myself before my therapist listed it all up to me. Until then, I had just been casually talking to her about it, like I would talk about the weather. I didn't cry or get in touch with my emotions even once while telling everything, because I was taught from an early age to never complain, to suck it up and go on. So, no matter what people did to me, I would just smile and go on, even if it killed me inside. I did not want to show any sign of weakness, because then they would attack me. A habit I developed through years of being bullied in school. Never show feelings, just pretend nothing could hurt you, then they would eventually grow tired of it and stop.
Except they never did. They kept going through all my years at school. To such an extent, my boyfriend didn't dare to show himself hanging out with me out of fear of being bullied himself… And as we grew older, he would start cheating on me too. And I kept smiling…
My next boyfriend was a bit older than me, and while that didn't bother me, as we were both well over legal age, it bothered him. We only lasted one year before he bailed out and ditched me out of the blue via an sms.
The next guy… was the one who scarred me for life. Both physically and mentally. A charmer at first of course, until I was trapped. He was unemployed, so he moved in with me, and I paid for everything from food to phone bills. All while he was dating several women behind my back, calling various pay-phone services and in general acted like a manwhore. As I worked as an electrician (also being subject to massive bullying and sexual harassment at work), he would be jealous of all my co-workers and if I ever came home late or worked overtime, he accused me of cheating and was extremely violent about it. He would also isolate me from my friends and family, making me think I couldn't get any other than him. If any of my male friends (almost all my friends are male…) came over, he would give me such hell afterwards, it was easier just to tell them it was a bad time to visit. And after a while, they stopped asking. This guy also demanded sex. Every single day. If I refused, he would punish me, mostly by flogging me with lampcords, belts or whatever else he had at hand. My back is a criss cross map of old, faded scars even now nearly 20 years later. I would have shown you a photo, but I am so self-concious about my body after all the bullying, I hardly even show my face in photos. Maybe one day… but I certainly need more therapy before being able to show naked skin to strangers, even if it's just my back. So I had non-consensual sex with him more often than consensual. It has taken me hours in therapy to even take the word in my mouth and call it by its proper name: rape. I was raped, almost every single day for little over a year, before I found the strength to break out of the relationship and finally throw him out of my house. It all ended when I found some revealing texts on his cellphone, which he was extremely protective of… Texts that revealed that he had engaged in a relationship with a 12 year old girl, and it had been going on for a while. Not only was he cheating on me, but he was a pedophile too. Needless to say, I didn't even let him pack his stuff before I fetched my shotgun and chased him out of the house. I don't know where I got the courage and strength from… but I was furious.
I thought I had gotten rid of him, but no. He started stalking me in public. Hiding behind shelves when I was shopping, his car following mine everywhere I went. I received weird letters in the mail with cut-out letters from newspapers, glued together. On top of all, his creepy, old uncle called me with some rather disgusting suggestions and tried to come on to me really hard. I had to change my phone number, and after coming home to my house and finding out someone had entered my home using a key, only to empty the drawer of my night table, I also had to change the locks of my doors as he had clearly copied the key.
He didn't stop until I got the police involved.
So, when I finally met the guy who would become my husband (or rather, we found out we were made for each other, we had known each other since we were 11 years old), I had major trust issues towards men especially and it took him endless patience and love to break me out of that shell.
But the trauma doesn't stop… or start there.
In the year 2000, on January 4th, I would experience something that made me unable to even look at a train for over 10 years. The Åsta accident (google it). I was a volunteer in the Norwegian Red Cross then, and a paramedic in training. Back then, you were allowed to start training the year you would turn 16. So, I was still 15 when I witnessed the most traumatic event of my life. The day started out calm, we were stocking up the ambulance after delivering a patient to the hospital when we got a call with the code "500", which means "catastrophe". Normally when we get that code it is a rehearsal… so we drove towards the coordinates with the thoughts that this was just an exercise, nothing real… we didn't prepare ourselves mentally… And we ended up in the closest thing to hell I have ever been… The sight of the burning trains, the smells, the sounds, the screaming… I still wake up by nightmares to this day. Though the moment that haunts me the most is when the screaming stopped… because we all knew why… I don't want to go into details, but 19 people died that day. But we also saved 67 people. I try to hold on to that thought. The age limit for starting paramedic training was raised after this, as I wasn't the only one who was too young for an accident of that scale. Today it is 18. A memorial stone has been placed on the site, but I still haven't been able to bring myself to visit it, even if we drive past the site every year on our way to visit family further north in the country. I needed hours of therapy to even be able to ride a train after this. To have gotten to the point where I now volunteer at a heritage railway and is in training to become a driver, is a HUGE step for me. My next goal is to visit the site of the accident.
On to next trauma… A previous employer, a rather large electric company in Norway, whom I worked for 8 years. The first five years were great, we were a close-knit bunch of electricians, and we had a great relationship with the bosses and higher-ups. Our labor union was strong.
It all started changing in 2009 when we got new leaders… and those decided to get rid of everyone who were a member of the union. One by one, they started harassing workers in various ways, trying to get them to quit. In Norway, they need a legal reason to fire you, it's not enough to not like someone. There has to be a good reason to fire someone e.g. theft, neglecting work… Since they didn't have any reasons to fire us, they started making our work lives gradually harder and harder until we would break and find another job. Sadly, one of my co-workers couldn't stand the pressure… He bid us all farewell as normal one Friday and hung himself the following day.. But as I was a girl in a male-dominated profession, I had been taught at an early stage to ignore anything that would hurt me emotionally, just arch my neck and plow through. I kept doing that, despite starting to feel more and more mental and physical pains… even my co-workers pointed out how I was being mistreated before I acknowledged it myself. I tried to tell my boss, but he reacted by treating me worse. So, I went to his boss… and that's when things went to hell. Instead of doing his job and listen, he started harassing me too. He deemed my over-weight a problem, and he started demanding I gave him detailed lists of what I ate and how much I worked out… Completely illegal of course, but by this point I was broken down to the point I thought I was useless and couldn't get another job… so I accepted. He started accusing me of lying about my exercise, so I started training at the gym in the basement at work instead. One day, while I was there, he locked the doors and turned the lights off. There were no windows, no cellphone reception and hardly anyone walking by in that part of the building… I sat there in the pitch dark for 3 hours before I was let back out. I still get badly triggered by narrow, dark rooms and rooms with no windows. To such an extent, I jumped out of a small window on the second floor of a gym when I was in boot camp. I was allowed to train downstairs in the bigger gym with windows on all walls after that incident…
The harassment at work went on for years until I finally snapped, ended up at the hospital and got into therapy for the first time. I don't want to go into depth about what more happened, I just can't… I can't bring myself to write it all. Luckily, I had gotten more education while working, so when I graduated, another company called and gave me an offer I just couldn't refuse. So, I quit my job and never looked back, even if the traumas I suffered there still haunts me to this day.
Sadly, even after switching jobs, now getting a safe job with sane leaders… I started to relax, and that's when all my past trauma came washing over me. And one day, on while driving to work, I had my first serious panic attack. It started as this feeling I used to have at the old company; getting sick to my stomach and having the sense of someone being out to get me… then it developed to breathing problems… and I had to pull the car over. I broke into tears, struggling to breathe, stumbling out of the car to read the logo on its side just to reassure my body and brain that I worked for a different company now and there was no reason for panic. I called my boss and let him know, because he also was a "refugee" from that other company, so he knew what me and several others had gone through. He managed to talk me down enough for me to come to the office to talk to him. That helped.
I got back into therapy. A better therapist this time. But sadly, it got apparent that I could no longer work as an electrician as there was too many triggers. I was diagnosed with PTSD, severe depression, and social anxiety. I'm still working on these and get better slowly.
I have been in therapy for a long time now, and it was my therapist that suggested I wrote fics to cope and "write it out". I tried to make up my own characters for this, but never felt any connection. I was by this time in the TTTE fandom and had met people with similar trauma and pasts like myself, and I started roleplaying with some of them. Me and a girl from UK then agreed to try to rp/co-write a fic to cope with our trauma. We both found it easier to write about pre-established characters we had a connection to, even if it was an au that made it barely recognizable from the original source material. Only the names and some minor things were similar.
That fic was Stepney's Virginity Gets Lost.
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Do we regret writing it? No. It helped us write out our traumas and helped us overcome some mental obstacles in out therapy process. Our therapists cheering us on, because we finally managed to break through the hard shell surrounding us. We both cried for the first time in years while writing it, some of it through roleplay, because some parts were extremely graphic and brutal and very mentally exhausting. We had to take long breaks between each writing session, so the fic wasn't written in just a weekend. But we got a lot of darkness out of our minds by writing all this. And we were definitely NOT aroused by it, like this pervert here claims.
It's when you dare to touch and feel the difficult and dark emotions, you can finally move along in the grieving process.
Should it have been posted online?
In retrospect, no. But at the time, we thought it might help other trauma victims, as we also found reading about other people's experiences and fictions touching painful subjects helpful to ourselves. So, we posted it, never expecting it to cause such a controversy 3 years later. In fact, we had more or less forgotten about it until it came back to bit us in the ass. Or rather, bite ME in the ass, as I am getting the full blame alone.
Also, despite what people claim, it was not posted openly for children to read. It was tagged properly and hidden behind mature content walls. If a minor chooses to break that wall, that's not the author's fault. It's the same as watching a movie with an age restriction way above your age, not the filmmaker's fault.
I think MerciResolution puts it nicely here:
"If your problem lies with you KNOWINGLY entering adult spaces when you’re a minor, ignoring all mature warnings that are literally SCREAMING at you “hey, this is what you’re getting into. Are you sure you want to proceed?”
That’s ENTIRELY on you. YOU are the fucking problem.
We’re marking mature things as best as we properly can. If you decide to ignore them, that’s your own damn fault. We’re not your fucking babysitters."
Also, I never posted the story on Wattpad, so if anyone has done that, it's not me. I posted the story on Fanfiction.net, DeviantArt and AO3, that's all. If it's posted anywhere else, it's not done by me.
I had honestly moved on from it when people pulled me back into it.
Other people who have done questionable shit in that fandom are easily forgiven because "they have moved on" or "changed". Yet, nobody believes I can move on or change…?
I had moved on; my interests had changed. But people won't let me, so here I am… Having to defend some crap I did years ago. A fic I no longer have any interest in.
I'm not even interested in TTTE anymore. I have moved on with my own book project now and I would like to focus on that.
So, deleting my TTTE content, whether it was the SFW or NSFW stuff, didn't cost me a penny. It actually felt like a relief. The only downside with it is that people now can't read it and make up their own opinion about it, but will solely believe in what others say, and those things are often seriously bent out of shape and blown out of proportions to such an extent it's barely recognizable.
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If people claim that Arry and Bert rape Stepney in the fic, they have never seen it or read it. That's not what happens. That's just an assumption made by looking at the title and knowing there is a rape/torture scene in it. But I'm not gonna tell who the victim is or who performed it, because this is the only way I am able to tell who has actually read the fic or not, who is just trying to spread bullshit and who is actually telling the truth. The person in that screenshot, has no idea what he's talking about.
Does SVGL romanticize rape and abuse?
No, not in the least. It's described as the horrible, heinous acts it is and is in no way meant to be cute or romantic and definitely NOT something anyone should get off to. If anyone finds it sexy, that's their problem, not the authors'. If anything, SVGL might romanticize suicide, because one of the characters isn't able to cope with his trauma and chooses to end their life. Which is something I considered doing myself when I was in the darkest pit of depression. So, I apologize for maybe romanticizing suicide. The following chapters describe how friends and family handle the loss and grief.
It also describes a toxic relationship, where one of the parts struggles to get out of it. They eventually manage to break free, but it is not easy. This can easily be translated to my previously mentioned relationship, as it was my way of writing out my experience about how hard it is to break out of a relation when your partner has broken you down to the point where you no longer believe in yourself and your self-worth.
The last chapters start to gradually become brighter, as both our lives started getting better too. But we never really wrote the end because we both lost interest in writing TTTE content by that time and just left it hanging.
I'm not the only one who has written NSFW TTTE fanfics out there. But it seems like violence and murder is more acceptable than sexual things? I do wonder how brutally mutilating children's show characters are more tolerable than sexually abusing them. Neither should be okay.
Some content creators hide behind "it was a joke". I have been told that such topics that SVGL touches upon shouldn't be joked about… so I didn't do that, and yet it was wrong? So how should such topics be treated? Be hidden like it's a shame, like in the old days when rape victims were told to suck things up and keep it to themselves? When those subject to abuse didn't dare to speak up because people would judge them?
I think it is important to talk about these subjects and why they are so problematic. Victims shouldn't have to hide their trauma; they should be allowed to talk openly about it without fearing judgement.
Some of you claim that writing isn't a good way to cope… You're trying to dictate how trauma victims deal with their trauma, and that's a dangerous path to walk down. Nobody handles trauma the same way. You might have your thoughts on how you would react, but you'll never know until trauma hits you… and you might not react the way you had expected or planned. Trauma messes with your head and you won't be able to think clearly. It makes you do thinks you normally wouldn't have done and can make you act out of character. So, do not judge people without having been in the same situation yourself. Ever.
Someone wrote that I have "more problems that just a rape".
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Read that again.
Just a rape.
This person does not know how damaging a rape can be. And if you made it this far in this post, you know I didn't only go through one, but several. Not just by my ex, but also being ambushed while I was walking home from a party, and later; a co-worker forcing himself onto me at a building site. I can't go into depth about them all, I just can't.
Just a rape…
"Just" the feeling of not being in control of your own body and your own decisions. "Just" being robbed off your dignity and self-worth. "Just" having someone intrude into your private zone, tear your clothes off and claim your body against your will. "Just" feeling how your life force leave you as you realize that fighting against it won't help you, and you silently give up and just lay down waiting for it all to be over. "Just" spending hours in the shower, scrubbing your skin until you bleed because you can't wash the filth away and you keep feeling dirty no matter how much you clean yourself. "Just" waking up at night, after having relived the scene again in a nightmare. "Just" looking over your shoulder wherever you walk because you heard something or thought you saw something or simply because someone is walking behind you. "Just" the fact that you'll never feel comfortable walking alone at night again or have someone walk behind you. "Just" never being able to relax because your body constantly think you're in grave danger. "Just" a rape…
That's such a neck-beard thing to say. Someone who clearly think of other people's bodies as property or things. Not taking into consideration that we are living, breathing individuals with feelings. And that having another person violate us isn't something we like or that we'll easily get over. We want to choose who we give ourselves to, nobody should be forced. We didn't ask to be raped. We didn't want it. We didn't like it.
Rape is trauma.
Yes, we should have chosen other characters for the story, but we did what we did, and it cannot be undone now. So, if the only thing I will be remembered for in the fandom is that ONE fic, instead of all my other content, that's what it will be. That's what people chose to. I'm moving on.
10. Being a nazi for being interested in WW2 history and for being Norwegian and having so-called nazi-letters in my last name (actual letters of the Norwegian alphabet).
This is something that could only happen in America, isn't it?
Some people don't bother educating themselves. The "nazi-letters" you guys are talking about is actually part of the Norwegian alphabet and has nothing to do with Nazism or white-supremacy to do at all. The Norwegian alphabet has 29 letters, the three extra is æ,ø,å or in capital letters: Æ,Ø,Å.
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We can't help it if some morons over in the US abuse these letters as symbol of their twisted mindset.
Yes, my name contains one of those letters. It is my name… and I didn't choose it. It is a common Norwegian name.
As for me being a Nazi?
Those who knows me knows that I am as far from a Nazi as one can get. I despise Nazism with all my heart.
But the reason some people choose to believe so… was that some guy who has no hobbies or life went through every single fave I've made on DeviantArt since I joined the site in 2006, which is well over 20000 faves. And he found a few Nazi-characters from a web series I was following about ten years ago. I am very interested in history and especially WW2-history, so I found that particular web-series interesting and faved some artwork related to it. What this guy failed to notice is that I also faved the Allied characters… That's ALL there is to that story.
I has also faved a pic someone made of Joseph Goebbels (I think it was?) as a Pixar Car. That's not because I have any nazi-sympathies, but I simply found the concept of turning historical persons, both good and bad, into Cars as an interesting project. I would have faved any other historical Carsified person as well.
As for me being a Norwegian and have a natural pale complexion, that's not something I can help. That's nothing I choose. And it doesn't make me racist or Nazi. Period.
11. Putting a white-supremacist flag (the actual flag of Norway) on my porch on family birthdays and our national day.
Again. Get educated.
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This flag… is the actual flag of my country. The Kingdom of Norway.
There is nothing Nazi about it. It is not a symbol of white-supremacy. IT IS THE FLAG OF NORWAY.
During WW2 it was even illegal, so people would paint it everywhere in a protest against the Nazi-occpation and the SS. We even decorated our Christmas trees with it, and that is a tradition that has followed us into the modern day.
Again, if some idiots in the US choose to use it as a symbol for their disgusting logic, it is not Norway or the Norwegians' fault.
12. Being a danger to my daughter.
I need people to elaborate here.
What exactly do you think I do to my daughter? What is the cause of your concern here?
The fact that I have made NSFW content? How is that harmful to her as long as I keep it away from her? You DO realize that even authors, pornstars and moviemakers have children and that they can be good parents, right?
Do you think I read pornographic content for her as bedtime stories? Or show her porn instead of kids TV? How sick are you guys, really…?
Some people even wanted CPS to take my child away from me… Have a look at these screenshots…
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You want a happy, healthy, innocent child to be taken away from a stable, safe home with loving parents just because you don't like the content the mother made? You want her to be placed in foster care, where there is no guarantee that she will have a happy upbringing rather than have her stay with her parents who love her and care for her, for reasons she'll never understand and wasn't even aware of?
"Think of the children!" a lot of you say when it comes to my content. May I ask why this doesn't apply to my daughter?
Why do some of you go as far as to wishing her dead or wanting her to be removed from the home she feels safe and loved in? How is that thinking of the children?
As for the douchebag in that screenshot. You claim that if your mother did something like that you would want nothing to do with her… I have a question: Do you know EVERYTHING your mother do? Does she include you in each aspect of her life? Even her sexual life? No?
How do you know she doesn't do thing you don't approve of when you're not around? She could be a rabid pornmag reader for all you know. But stuff like that is something adults hide from their kids. So, you wouldn't know, unless you go snooping around in her business.
Everyone is entitled to privacy. What I and my husband do when our kid is not around is our business, not hers, and certainly not yours.
Porn and parenting are to be kept separate from each other. Period.
And we do.
There is absolutely no reason to be worried about my daughter. She is a happy, healthy child in a safe, stable home with family that loves her and cares for her. Not just me and my husband, but also grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
If you want to remove her from that over a stupid fanfic behind a mature content wall, you're the deranged person, not me.
 This is all I have to say about all this and my time in the TTTE fandom. I have left by my own, free will. Yes, I am aware that many people don't want me there. That's fine. I don't want to be there.
I am a bit disappointed in those people who just blindly unfollowed me and unfriended me without any questions asked, just followed the leader. Big users tend to dictate who and what is worth following in that fandom. They will even protect real predators, but I'm not going to open that can of worms now. I'm done with the fandom.
Some of those people, I have been talking to regularly, even supported when they faced hardships in the fandom themselves. But when I got in trouble, they ditched me without a word…
If anything, this whole ordeal showed me who to trust and not, and who were true to their word when it came to how deep our friendship was. True friends at least give you the chance to explain before they drop you. I hold no ill feelings to those who did, at least they asked me before judging.
And those who still stayed with me, are the ones who truly know me and who I really am.
Some of the worst libels posted about me might be reported to the police, but I haven't made up my mind yet. I am not mentally strong at the moment, so I don't know if I have the strength to legally follow it all up. I will ask the cops at work for advice on the matter.
All I ask for now is some peace.
You don't have to like me. You don't have to follow me. You don't have to like my content. Feel free to invalidate me, I know a lot of you will.
But please, stop bullying me and my family.
Please stop sending me horrid messages and death threats.
Please stop doxxing me and calling me.
Please leave my family alone. If you don't care about me, at least care about them.
Please just ignore me. I have already left the fandom, there is no reason to keep hunting me.
I just want to move on and go on with my life and the content I am currently working on. After years in therapy, my life has gotten better, and I want to move on.
Please let me.
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solzubasu · 4 years
{Shigaraki Tomura\\ Alphabet}
I got inspired to make this because of my friend, @knifeewifee​. Link to her Twice Alphabet here. I am going to do the man I Simp for, Tomura! I love him so much!
P.S. I finished this around 1 O’clock in the morning, so I was a bit tired. >M<
I hope you guys like it!
NSFW part included :]
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SFW -------------------------------------------
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He shows very little Affection. Shigaraki is not a very good affectionate person, since he never did receive affection. So he wouldn’t show his the affection in front of others, besides his S/o.
The way he shows affection, would subtle gestures. Standing beside you, brushes your hair from your face, letting you play games with him. Away from everyone, of course. 
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
He wouldn’t be your friend, he’s your leader, you're his subordinate.
But over time, once he’s used to you being in the League, he’ll start seeing you as a comrade.
Or possibly, more than that...
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He will secretly want cuddles, but he can’t admit that. He a supervillain he can’t have people see him getting cuddled.
But I think secretly when it’s just you and him. He’ll want cuddles, even if he’s the Most Wanted villain in Japan- He loves being cradled in your arms.
(And don’t worry, he has special gloves to keep from disintegrating you)
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Settle down? I could imagine it. No, he ain't the type to, he rather be playing video games than maintain a house. 
No, cause and point, he ain't cleaning. We’d have to be the ones cleaning up his mess. Dirty laundry, a trash can full of god knows what, dust piles everywhere.
 Oh god, who did he kill again...?
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I feel he would break up first, due to his temper and need to accomplish his goal of destroying hero society. 
But he would probably be the first to try and get back with you, but knowing himself, he’d probably ruin it. But he’ll try harder to make the relationship work, it’ll take time.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Him? Getting hitched!? Doubt it! But, I feel he would make an exception for you.
It’s all because of this fic.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically, He wouldn’t lay his hands on you, he doesn’t want to lose you due to his Quirk.  
Emotionally, He can’t understand how feelings work, but he’ll “try” to be there...
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
No, No hugs. He wouldn’t want to hug you, he cares too much about you to lose you. 
But once he’s used to you, then he’ll let you hug him, HUGS FOR DAYS! In private of course.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He would not be the first to say it, we would have to be the first to say it.
The only time I feel he would is the moment you two argue to the point where he feels your going to lose him. That’s when he’ll say it, to prove that he car
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He would get really jealous when he sees that anyone is near you, or flirting with you, especially Dabi, He’ll for sure want to kill them. Once he’s gotten you next to him, he’ll make sure to mark, what’s rightfully his.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
 His kisses are rough, and not just because of his chapped lips.
Which I don’t mind~
 He’ll definitely shove his tongue into your throat.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He wouldn’t be the type to have kids, but if he did, I can only see him having one. That we’d have to raise most of the time
He’d raise them, just like One for All did, but raise them to be his kid/future leader of the PLF. YOU KNOW we’d have to be the driving force of the kids common sense of right and wrong, if not he’ll turn out to be a copy of him.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings, I bet He’s either sleeping soundly in your arms, his face snuggled up against your chest. His hands close to him, making sure he doesn’t hurt you accidentally. GOD I’m a sucker for Soft Tomura
He’s been playing video games all night, and he fell asleep on his gaming chair with the headset still on, controller slightly falling from his hand.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
He spends most nights, playing video games while you watch him beat the shit outta other gamers.
But if it’s you and him, I imagine a movie marathon of whatever you two enjoy watching together. I can also see both you and him getting into the right cuddle position.
Shh, it’s fine, let him be the big spoon. Just for tonight.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
I think the most he’ll open up is, what his favorite video games are what his main goal is, etc.
His darker secrets, he’d probably open up about his past to you, once he is comfortable around you. I wouldn’t see this happening, not until after the Re-Destro fight. I’d say a week or so after the incident.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He has no damn patience, He gets angry pretty quickly. You better make sure that you can handle his temper, if not, you better get tough soon.
If you try to get his attention when hes going something, you bet, after 5 pokes to his arm, he’s already agitated.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?)
Okay- Personally- I see him as the Yandere type and the not-so-good boyfriend card here.
He’ll remember small details like- Your birthday, favorite food, drink, Ice cream, and color, etc. 
But what he won’t remember other things like, what you needed him to do, ask him to help you with something. It is, what it is.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite memory is quality time playing video games with you. Even if he wins most of the time, he'll let you win and make up an excuse why he lost
 ‘My finger just slipped, so shut up..’
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?
Very Overprotective, he wants to make sure nothing EVER happens to you. Be it, you hurt yourself, got a cut during a mission, a hero took you as bait. THAT MAN WILL DISINTEGRATE A BOOK IF YOU GOT A PAPER CUT! 
Before the PLF, He’d make sure you stayed behind him or just protect yourself you’re strong! After he’s the leader of PLF, He’d have calmed down a bit, after all, he has Villains left and right to lay down their lives to protect you
But in the case of you protecting him, He’d be honored and salty about it, but you both would risk your lives for each other, no way are either of you dying! 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Dates are a no go, as much as you’d like to, YOU’RE Villains it isn’t exactly a good thing to be wondering around having a casual night out.
He would celebrate small birthday parties (Including his own). Anniversary, he would want to spend his time alone with you inside his room. 
JK, he’d want the two of you to spend time away from the LOV/PLF he’d probably make a romantic dinner, hey, we all dream about it!
Gifts, really hard to get before the PFL, but he isn’t the most thoughtful person, in a sense of giving things. He takes things, not give things!
Cleaning his room is like the worst! But he tries since he wants you to be happy and comfortable when you’re there with him.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Playing Video games all night, Dirty laundry Is that a sock...? NOPE!
He yells a lot, so you’ll have to get used to that...
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
I feel he wouldn’t care what he looks like.
But after meeting you- The one person he loves -He would start looking at his complexion. 
Seeing all the imperfections throughout his face and neck. He would start to hate himself, more than he does now. 
But after reassuring him, that you love him, no matter what he looks like, he’ll start wanting reassurance every now and then.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
At first, he wouldn’t think that he was incomplete because of you. It would be more of, his goal, to destroy hero society. 
‘I want to ride the world of these heroes... I hate this world..’
Over time, once he’s with you, he knows that if you ever left his side, he wouldn’t want to live in a world, with you in it.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Cuddles, You cannot convince me otherwise, that he does not! Like- once he’s in your arms, as you slowly caress his soft greasy locks. He’s hooked!
He is the smol spoon, but he can be the big spoon from time to time.
The reason why, your heartbeat, it calms him down takes his mind off his troubles for the days ahead or the stress of the day.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Honestly, I think he wouldn’t dislike a lot of things, but I do know he’d hate girly things, anything cute. 
In a partner, someone that pesters him too much, probably one that cries a lot of Tears are his weak point.., other than that he’s fine with other aspects. 
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Definitely cuddling up to you, sure he’s a big bad villain, but he wants to cuddle. At the same time, knowing he could hurt you while sleeping makes him anxious.
But don’t worry he has gloves, and he makes sure that you’re holding him. As he has his hands between his chest, while he snuggles up to your chest. Hearing the steady beat of your heart makes everything worth it.
One thing I have known, that Horikoshi has shown us is, Tomura sleeps standing up. If I saw someone standing up, in the middle of the night, right next to my bed. I’d scream. 
Click to continue for the NSFW part
NSFW -----------------------------------------
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
 I bet this man makes you clean after yourself, cause he ain’t cleaning you.
Only when he’s done something wrong, and he’s fucked you to make it up to you, will he be gentle, but make a confused face and he’ll become a tsundere. Blushes pretty hard when he’s being gentle with you, good thing he puts Father on his face. 
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
He’s into butts when you walk in- He’s always staring through his father’s fingers just to get a peek of those curves.                                      Like-
When you walk in front of him, he’s stares too long, that he starts getting a boner, and then to turn around- He’s gone to take care of his erection.
C = Cum(Anything to do with cum, basically)
This man will use you like a fucking cum dumpster he gives no shit if you’re body is covered in his seed.
He loves it when he’s cummed in your mouth, once he’s blown his load. 
When he tells you to show him, his cum drips down your chin, you bet he’s ready to make more right then and there.
D = Dirty secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Secretly, wants to get Dominated by you.
Of course, he’s never going to say that, he wishes it, as much as he wants you to use him until he’s a whining mess.
Teasing, and overstimulation, he wants it. Never admits it until after you’ve done this to him. (Like, three-four times)
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
The first time he was going to have sex with you (or the first time EVER), he’ll act like he knows how to have sex. 
Trust me he has no fucking clue how to fucking have sex, which is cute.
If you know how to have sex, you're going to fucking Dom him the first time.
If you don’t, he’ll Dom you (unless you’re a top).
Once he’s had more experience, you bet he’s a monster in the bedroom! He wants to try EVERYTHING, he’s going to make sure that he’s satisfied.
F = Favorite position (This goes without saying)
Mating press, he wants to make sure to reach the deepest part of you, seeing your Ahegao face when he hits your pleasure point.
Hot seat, (OH is this one is nice!) If he’s in a meeting, and he’s fucking horny, he doesn’t give two shits if you bare ass naked in front of others. He’s just showing others what’s his, he’s horny, and you better act accordingly to his needs.
Downward dog, He wants to make sure to plow deep into you, making you moan, and whine for more.
Orgasmic penetration, He loves to fuck you if you become a brat. Laying your stomach on top of a surface. His figure looming over you as he fucks you slutty hole makes him more aroused.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? Etc.)
I feel there are more serious moments, then goofy ones during sex.
The times that are goofy, is when he’s ready to get his dick wet.
For Females, when he’s thrusting his dick fast and deep, he’s so in ecstasy that when your pussy ‘Toots’ he stops slowly. 
For Males, when he’s grinding on your ass, he’ll think his dick will go in with ease. The boy is he wrong, his dick is trying to g in, but damn is your ass tight.
By the end of both, he’ll feel flustered? Angry? Embarrassed? Defiantly.
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? Etc.)
The carpet matches the drapes for sure, hasn’t shaved in his life. barely maintains his actual hair, so not well-groomed.
I can see his pale blue hair, thin from his belly button, going to a thick little bush above his dick.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
He wouldn’t think about it so much during sex, unless you reach up to touch his cheek, sweep his hair so he can see you, kiss him sweetly. He’ll start to be more “romantic”.
He’ll call you names like: “Baby, Babe, My Future Queen (In my opinion), and Player Two”.
J = Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
Takes your underwear, he is a nasty freak I love him either way, He’ll lick, sniff, and rub that cloth all over his dick, once he’s done, he’ll put it in your drawer
He’ll masturbate in your room, everything in there will be used; Pillows for humping material, your clothes as aroma arousal, and your bed full of stains of “Unknown” origin.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Breeding, he’d never want you to get pregnant, but he want to hear you beg him to fill you to the brim with his thick, hot load inside of your womb.
Chocking, he loves chocking (not with all five fingers), but the feeling of you begging him to chock you, makes him excited.
Cum, he wants to cum on, in, and make you a slut for his salty cum, you could say, sip sip, “I love your juicy cum Tomura~” and he’d gladly give you more, you filthy slut~
Orgasm denial, loves it when he/you get really into sex, and either of you are denied, once he/you are able to finally cut that tension, oh how good is the pleasure of that sweet release. Makes both of you taste that sweet moment of ecstasy.
Exhibitionism, he loves having sex where people can see him claim you, and gets an ego boost when it usually Dabi, or a love rival of his. He doesn’t care if your uncomfortable with you being exposed like that, your tight little ass/pussy tells him something entirely different.
Sadist, you could be his M for his S, cause this man want you to beg 72 hours, not 24, for him to fuck you senseless. He makes you bend knee for him.
Somnophilia, your not even safe when your sleeping. If you’re asleep, while wear either one of his black hoodies, boxers, bra and panties, or nothing, pray to All Might that he won’t be too rough. (Sorry, your not..)
Virgin kink, if you are a woman, JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL. This man loves to have sex with you while your menstrual cycle is happening. Loves to say things like. ‘You like that? You filthy little virgin?! How do you like my cock taking your virginity?! Does it feel good?! Huh?!’
L = Location (Favorite places to do they do)
Meeting rooms, he likes showing your body off, everyone needs to remember who you REALLY belong to.
Bedroom, you have more private sessions and access to more toys in there.
Out in the open, let it be while in a mission, or in front of you family, this man has no limits to how dirty he can be.
And I’m here for it!~
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Booty shorts, without a doubt. when you sway or walk past him, you bet he gets a boner, along with Dabi, who gets a death glare from Tomura. XD
Making innuendos, if you give him any explicit sign of wanting some Alone time, you have him around your little finger, or your around his cock.~
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
Honestly, I can’t see him disliking to many things. 
He is into every filthy thing, no matter what it is, as long as he’s done it once.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, Etc.)
Loves getting Oral sex, he loves getting head from you. No matter where it is, what time of day it is, he wants to see you have his cock shoved down your throat.
I feel if he gives Oral it’ll be messy.
Male, he won’t be able to shove it down his mouth, but he’ll do his best if you encourage him, or insult him that he can’t do it. He’ll tease the sac very well~
Female, he’s going to shove his damn tongue into that tight little cunt, he’ll miss the clit entirely, unless you tell him to tease it with his tongue r his fingers.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? Etc.)
Oh boy, is he a rough/fast pace kind of man.
He can be slow if he Tries to be romantic, he’s still rough but he can be slow. 
Making you beg for faster him to go faster, which of course
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) 
These are during missions when you two haven’t had sex in a while.
Quickies are the best ones, especially when it comes to showing other people that want you. and show them who you belong to. Cough couch Dabi cough cough.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? Etc.)
Well since he doesn’t wear condoms, you are at risk for some things.
Males, AIDS, and HIV.
Females, Pregnancy, STD, and HIV.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
First time, at least two-to-three times.
After you two have had sex more, OH BOY, he can go for at least four-to-ten rounds, depending if he’s had a enough or just wanting
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
For sure, most of this was obtained by stealing or using Re-Destro’s money.
A vibrators, ball gag, some S&M goodies, and plugs.
Defiantly has a fucking machine.
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
He loves teasing the crap out of you, let it be using his fingers, dick, tongue, toys, and teeth. He’ll make sure to make you beg and whine under his touch, His deadly, touch.~
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He’s a medium, He’s loud when he wants to be, but he’s also soft.
Loud, He grunts and yells, ‘Fuck, God damn, So fucking tight, Shit, Etc.’ in my opinion, he just wants to get more fucking pleasure
Soft, muffed whimpers, he can’t help but want to feel release, but he wants to make sure that your the only one to hear those whimpers of wanting release.
W = Wild card (A random headcanon for the character)
Like I said before, in his mind, he would loved to be Dominated.
Once you know, he’ll try to deny it as much as he can, but it’s too late.
He is DEFIANTLY a brat, that needs to be tamed by you, teach him to use the proper name he should call you, (For me, a female) Master~
He gets turn on by it so much, that when you tease him, by calling him a “naughty little brat”, he’s wanting you to fuck him.
X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Depending on what your wearing he’ll think of many things.
Baggy shirts, hoodies, T-shirt and shorts; he wants to imagine that you have nothing under those, he just wants to rip them off of you to see if his hypothesis is correct.
Tight clothes, skimpy outfits, leggings; He’s thinking of what of undergarments you have, some really sexy ones, or nothing at all.~
Casual clothes, he wants to imagine a plug inside of you, some nipple clips, some thick anal beads, and small vibrator (He’s waiting for you give him the remote for it). 
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Very, VERY, high this guy hasn’t had sex, so once he’s had a taste. 
If your horny, and he’s not, it’s easy to get him going.
If HE’S horny, he’s having sex there and now.
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterward)
I know we’d probably pass out after that rough sex session.
I think he’ll ask to be in your arms, but depending on his stamina.
Low stamina, he’ll fall asleep within 10 minutes, shoves his face into your chest, cuddles the shit outta you. He doesn’t even bother to pull out.. (Hope you guys did do his breeding kink..)
High stamina, he stays up for another 30 minutes, this is where he shows his softer side, he’ll make sure that your asleep. Caresses your head and kisses you, before he get in the bed with you.
This is canon, no matter what, he is soft when it’s just you and no else.
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Clone Wars          Escape from Kadavo
Well this is certainly a      scene change and one that doesn’t really make sense,
   I mean I thought it was a Camp of Holding for slaves
     Where they got transported to different places on the island to do     slave labor, per         hap        -s
   Now there’s apparently a lava pit under it,
    -doesn’t make any sense
    Also wtf,
   Coal, metal
Since when was   refinery really this place’s MO      (Like this is really starting to feel like they got the        Mandalorian           And           This        Set         -ting        s       Switch           ed,)
      Not to say they can’t be a     coal/mining industry,  
      Just, that the setting should    reflect it,
     From we saw there was nothing to indicate this was anything but        an ar       chai          c      Soc-either
     With no flues        Or fu    -mes
     To indicate   that they were burn        Ing combustibles,
   Honestly some kind of stalactites   mine,
     Or someplace where they       dig for      “valuables,”            -like      prized st-          one for         Jew           elery-          Would          make         more        sense-       -        Anyway, I’m getting.      way too        focus        -ed          on          the        se-          tt         -        Ing-      - Again Rex is    just straight up chilling,     This is      n’t       his first rodeo with abusers,
  Ok, seriously what was up with the    Wil       -h         el          m,?
     (Like I don’t honestly see anything          steep enough to fall off)
   You could say      it was a whip but we haven’t seen any        Of       That,      Ye      t-
  I don’t get the    screaming-
  Also that   dude just attacked him out of nowhere,
  Like   could we have gone    establishment of that?
  What was even his ber-zerk        butt-        on       there?
   Dude was doing his job
  Like if it was a faster thing you kind of have to establish that before hand      -        Also then the environment, the ma      jor      ity,       Would be working at a   breakneck speed,      With a sense of anxiety,       In the       air,
    Then,     the whip,
  He-     was?
  (Like that was just        plain - pointless
     Not even an emotional reaction
     Like that told us absolutely nothing about the setting      and character
    The mate didn’t even have a reaction
    It’s one random guy that just decided to hit      someone else-
   Like that’s not even calculated never mind       systematic,
    Also I like how Rex like yeah      I wouldn’t know anything about that,        feck’in             Jedi             -
      Also       “Effect?”
      Not really more like 
     “ Dave’s having a real rough day and I really don’t want to talk to              (In that               state)
          Like they didn’t wince.
         There was no antici             pation-
          No                  anxiety,
            Like no signs of this is had a           permanent          psychologically            damaging              affect
(Note all toxic behavior is           harmful,               The difference here is             Between                The intensity of the        in-dentation,
            It can get pretty       bad
            And enabling        tox can have serious effects                 (Pretty                   bad)
              (Requiring a lot more time   to undo)
               From;            Dave is really an    asshole,
                 To                           I am really an    asshole,
                  To                    The world is really an   asshole (And Dave is the       savior-)
   (Apologies to anyone who’s chosen name is          Dave or similar vernacular,               It’s not out of any Mala-    cian-              Just the first identi          fication I could think of,
          And tox-    ic logic is really not something you wanna enable,
         Again what the Frick?
(This is really not an   or-ganic way to      introduce        your       rules
Like, “oh yeah    speech is for-bidden,       Have a nice        day,”
 Like      you   think   dude-
Like you were pretty damn path     -etic     abu       ser-        (s)         -    (Sla       vers)       Wow,
   There was no emotions or anything     -be      cause the set up was so poor,
  W-        h      -a         t
    Again the emotion    is non existence,
  Also what the fuck     happened to Rex over there?     -      
Tumblr media Tumblr media
When did he      go down?
 (Like don’t    get me wrong   I saw a flash in the corner?)
  But why       him?
   [also did the scenery just completely changed because he was on the far end of Ken-        Obi with something in between
      Some thing they were       shoveling the stuff on?
     That’s just       gone in this shot]
  [Also,           From a narra-         tive,     standpoint wouldn’t it have made more sense and been a more engaging concept,          If the guy had threat          -ene             d-            The clone          in Obi- wan’s              stead,             Seeing as of the     republic’s version of slavery,
      Rex pos          s-             ib          ly
     Reflec-         ting on the          (Other           Species?)
And    contrasted with them,
   On how much    Obi-Wan views him as a possession,
   (Or his reaction to the people under him getting hot          ,and why)
   Allo-      wing for more heart, 
     “I’m            sorry,”
        “No              Wors              e-               Than               The            Kamino               -ins,”
       Rex’s         Sub             Cat;
        Seeing the people he was trained (and order-ed) to protect              Harm                 -ed                   -                    Much like the people (under him) were harmed during the Kamooin.   s-
  Groom          -ing,                  ?]
      Any      -way,  
    Again,     and what was the emotion?       -         M-aster
  Rex must be like,         Kar-           ma
     If he’s   not,
    [Never mind      he isn’t asleep      just one frame     made it look weird?]
   Ai-       gh -t
  Oh yeah seriously check up on that one guy instead of you know the person under the command,
Tumblr media
 What The fuck?
    What the feck,
     What is with that       expression-
     What is with that              facial-
   (Seriously someone tell me what      emotions this is supposed to por-     tray!
    Also yeah 
  they completely waltz.       -ed     past the ab-        us         -er.        Be-         Ing        -         Con-          fron         ted-              by         the       Con-        Seq-        Uen        Ce        (s)          Of       their      actions,
  It’s not pointed out that Obi-Wan totally caused this by (not)-    listen-ing,        To dude’s        initiative      to stay out of it
(Or, what he did to Cody        Rex,       and basically         all the clones,)
(And what could’ve been a good moral about negative effects of “Pos-       itive  over-       invo        lv           e-       Ment-            )
   so I am slightly big mad
         Not com-   -pletely
          But I’m      get-ting          th-ere
   Drinking         my        slightly       bitter       ju-ice-
   Gett    -ing         pr-etty          salty
     Which is odd since I normally don’t criticize      aesthetic differences
              Like                    This-       -
   The problem is it isn’t the aesthetic       that I have a problem with,        (You want to have a Obi-Wan show more compassion to the slave of similar generation then to Rex?
    (That’s per-fect-ly fine and could even show how he values his job and  Mission over someone he is actually wound-        ed-)
     However that’s not it-
        (It doesn’t             even do that)
   My problem with it is that it shows no        emotion
   No emphasis
   No moral
   It’s - empty               -          Watching this scene,     there is absolutely nothing I get out of it,
       Also wow that was a        quick turnaround,
Like seriously     it generally takes longer      for that kind of behavior to be indented,
  This is literally the only Jedi       he’s seen be there
       One time
         This is barely scraping        logic,          And            even             then,                not              really            requiring-              pre-knowledge                  of the emotions               and general plot               (before                       hand)
   I know that I should feel bad for the        slave because         slav-ery is a bad thing           And any real person would be          pretty upset it/             Suffer for the toxic environment,
         Note; it’s not from the               medium
         I didn’t gain that                 knowledge             from the medium
(In which the chara-       cters      actions and emotions,         Make me        conclude,       “oh wow,         slavery is a real         bad thing!”
   No the characters are wooden puppets          with no emotion,
          Going from;                Point a to point B
      Nothing to connect them              (No preamble)
         No emotions
         No motive(s)
       ‘why is Obi-Wan doing what he’s doing?’
         ‘I don’t know’
                    (And I honestly don’t think the wr-     iters did either)
       And no damn interest
        Barely scraping        logic..
   ‘Why is Obi-wan      doing what he’s doing,’
     ‘Because he has the rescue the slaves,’
    ‘ why does he have to rescue the slaves,?’
      ‘ because you have to rescue slaves,’
        It’s literally circular
   Rely- ing completely on the cookie   cu-    tter,
    Resulting in it being as flat as a cookie when      rolled over by a rolling pin,
         Where                It             should;                Be;
    “ why does Obi-Wan want to rescue the slaves?”
        “Because of his dedication to his moral compass/ because of his dedication to his generation/ non-      clone- ena         blers,/      (Whatever        you want           to put            there)
           (Hey that was almost emotion from   ,Rex)
         (We’re      2:29      Min      Ut        es        In,        And I’m already        salty about the episode refusal to be         fun,
   That’s nice        exposition      *Palpatine*.       Sidious,
     Tra-        dition           (S);
  That’s literally all I      -heard-
      -(I assume they’re saying             “millions,”)
         Which would actually be neat if we got to see some you know human soldiers on the Darkside to counterbalance the whole do you know clone troopers, contrasting the dark side’ s more ethical but none the less toxic practices,
    To the light side’s-          Gen Break-
      De-       fiance?
   (I think you mean that other Zygerian’s death because we have literally not seen the queen act even remotely rebellious,
   Yeah she      con-     templates possibly free-        ing them,
   But we haven’t seen her openly communicate with either of these 2 to inform them
   And she still wants to keep     Anakin,
  So she at least     has one Jedi,
   With the others possibly be blamed on a       -prison break-
      And literally nothing that we’ve seen       com-municating the concept of open - rebel-      lion
   Or any of the connection between      her    and the separatist,
   Again seriously        how am I     supposed to feel about that             (Also the one person that gives even the slightest bit of emotion and it’s the villain,)
    Like I’m surprise’d       Dooku’s surprised by that
   (Also, now there         are flues).           (Don’t recall        seeing them                last time,)
        Or just sticks with gold          on them
 (I am very        con-        fused,)
This seems pretty different
And totally safe
  (Also wasn’t the castle       blue?)
  But I’m not against it because it could work with the       symbolism of wild,       Or just.          Wor      -k                 (I know I’m being way too hop-   - eful but I try,
      Re-        hash-
   So why is there no other emotion 
   And why do you look like a         caveman,
    (Eyebrows    constantly furr-        Ow-        ed)
    Also what was with the      pro-nunciation and        emotion?
   Also literally no     one else is paying attention to that guy?        ?
‘ he also doesn’t   cause me to have any emotions’
  Like seriously I know that it’s a cat person but you still have to show some sentient emotion here
   If there’s no emotion,        there’s no risk,
   (Part of   sent- ience)
   Att-        end,
   Again that’s not the cha-    llenge I think they were trying to make it out to be;              (Un-accountabili-          ty)    Aka         What it would work best as;
    “ I’ll would never turn away from a challenge,” Anakin said snarkily,
      The queen se-           duct              iv             el-              y
          Taking his light saber,                -                that works better;
           -                   Ser-iously                       -                       Um-                       No,  
(Last time someone fall from a height that      high, they died,)
   (You have to play by        your       own      rules,             )
    Also again wh        -at-
   Sky -walker
  When          ?-
   Would be nice if you ever         feckin showed it,
       (Seriously the concept of Obi-Wan having to come to terms at least temporary that his Over-involvement has      hurt people is an interesting concept,”
     Also bullshit      that you know that
   (You’re all enabled and you haven’t spent any time around     Obi-Wan)
   (That’s a stupid plan            and the animation really doesn’t help,)
       Perm     -     R-       i-,
Oh yeah so no reserves,     about using the term,             “master”      After this     schism            ?            -         Y-eah           -         How?           -           W-at
 [The emotions are off the roof and I have no idea 
    with the scale of escalation
   Lesh          -       Li- fe
    You did-            n’t?             -              Emo            tion-
      Who        called-        the       guards?
   Seriously if this is such a constantly abusive (tox) relationship than how do they not know,
     (Unless the previous guards got killed and these          are the         newbies,)
    Because you don’t act like it all don’t have any of the characteristics generally associated with constantly rein-forc       -ed toxicity,         Show-       ed no emotion including     (anxiety and anticipation)         In that previous           fight,
 As well as no negative    con-    seq-    uen      ce          s for your behavior             -               Even now your voice is just     “ oh I’m     dyi-ng-            -,’.                 .        
Tumblr media
 [Something        happened 
   not a Tumblr refresh,
  There’s absolutely no emotion in the scene and the fact that she just dies after that being the threat is just kind of cheap,
  [and the fact that she had absolutely no expression            (Or emotion)     during that entire fight                  Not showing any of the general signs             -               Just no)
    And that expression is a weird way way to end
   The scene.       not the movie that still going,          (Un-fortunate-         ly)
   Uh, why             Off to you obviously evil factory,       land,”
   Hey     isn’t it that minor antagonist    that hasn’t showed up since the last episode?       . . .       Why?         . . .       And he included       the clone        why?
    (Oh yeah I want the      Jedi Knight         Obi-Wan          Kenobi,          And especially the to my knowledge           (default)             clone.
       And Rex who is honestly a lot more intimidating,
  [Again this is supposed really be about.     Ken-obi but I’m really focusing on     Rex,]
    Wh-        at-        -
    They were on a        bug?
  Sorry my memory     gave out for a moment at the whole     Anakin durp face thing         -       -
   Again, how is he supposed to do that?
    -       Ter-         -        I-l
   Sl-av          es
   So Ahsoka goes to rescue the slaves while An-a      kin,    stays here and carves a hole,
   No emotion!
   Oh,     I thought he meant         Ah         -soka         -          Oh so yeah let’s bring a warship into what seems to have been         intended as a stealth mission,
      Screw                    Fitt              Ing                Re                Action-
How   did that change the fact that they have the button that can kill all the    slaves,
    (It didn’t)
Obi-won just apparently stopped giving a       fr-ick         -
   Well then they were impossible to   take out,
 F-a         -           S-l
   But only the         Tyger-ian        (Apologies for any misspelling          I mean Ahsoka’s            kind,)
      “He           -at,”
         Rex did more than Obi-wan,
          Also yeah     completely forgot about that,
        Also he said               kill,
         [Not further         im-prison,”         ]
       Rex had some      rage-
      Also you’d think that be Obi-Wan       considering how much he’s gotten       ,screwed with         This entire          ,time              -           Wh,at 
      Wh            -y              -
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Wh        -y          -     H-ere         -               How is Rex still fighting      guys?         -       Also thanks a lot Obi-Wan      you useless      piece of shit,
   [Again, would         n’t it make           sense?            .)
      -           You just came into a door        just hop them - over-                                -                             Lan      d-
                      Wait,                            How did you just get in, there                     though,
                     .                        Co-                    vert                          -                            ?
O-Kay,     new character,
(Also oh no they gave      plo another fleet  
      Great      )
     Ser-iously,   what     where are these guys coming from?        ,     You’ve literally been allowed this dude to heck around the entire time while Rex did all the hard work
 Also seriously where was all that                    -  ,coming from-                     -                Wh    at-
Where   was the   emotion?       -      Hey that had no meaning, symbolism      or emotion behind it -       whatsoever,
         -            W-h              -             -           -            Whelp, was completely boring
    Covenants of a good,                  fun story;  
       - Set;  Excessive in instances that don’t directly affect the story’s           up,    cohesivity
       -Tone; Is appropriate
       -Emotions; And appropriate, and consistent and manage to keep a consistent tone,
             (Un-nessary,                        Typically switch-ed for a        more logical tone,                        In works of                      non-fiction,
                  Though may be in both,                        So long as note                        is given,)
        This            film            (Movie      -      Gets absolutely none of it right except the basics for a         good story
      It’s        co -         hesive-          But damn           boring         and empty,
Story         -      Re-write.          -            (I needed something fun after watching that       boring documentary,)
     So let’s       get into it,            -                   (May          feature            episode             -overlap)
   Obi-Wan emerges from the carrier,              With R           -ex,
    (Obi-Wan possibly sub- con-ciously           mov              -ing                  In              Fron                 -t                        Of                    Rex-)
         [Or              Cody]
             The                  minor              antagonist                welcome(s)                 them;                   Obi-wan trading some banter with him                      -                     It                being part of a plan to get captured,
              Unfortunately somethings went ar-ray and instead of              Cody being the back up plan; he got taken with him
               The minor antagonist                                   -               quickly cuts the chatter                                 -                                     By having the guard                               (S-                         bring Cody forward, introducing him as                                                           Obi-Wan’s                                                               Slave
           Giving a veiled threat of                “ would be a shame if something happened to such a                    ,pretty specimen,”
                  Obi-Wan getting   def-ensive,
                      The atag,      Com   menting,       “ Pretty protective,           Of your toy,            Aren’t              You,”
      Before         having           them thrown            somewhere,
         Next time,        we see them they’re getting e-           scor-            ted-             for gem            Min-            Ing,
         (Possibly some black humor from the vil               -ains-                about how people                 will pay,                     “An arm                  or leg
*Pos-sibly        yours,
                For                      the                      stuff,’           
            On the way there one of the guards notices Rex    (Cody)’s                                                                                     ey-ing the place.                                                                                          warning him                                                                                          That,                                                                                           ‘He’s                                                                                        not                                                                                 the only                                                                                     one                                                                                    under                                                                                 ob                                                                            -servation)
                                                                             Possibly                                                                               causing                                                                              a wincing                                                                            or anxious                                                                           reaction                                                                             from                                                                             them                                                                                  .   (I would generally  encourage flashbacks to be        able to - show the emotion          em-          ot            ion,)
      (Under-stand               what is going inside their            head,)
         But for now            I’ll stick           with           the example            given by the show         which is no flashbacks,     The      guard        making        it clear what will happen
Shock-     -Ing-
  The clone       (Eith          er)           Ha-ving       a bad reaction         to this,
     Knee       jerkingly      reaching            out,
     The guard       grabbing him         and         holding him    back -            -           Forced into a      distressing circumstance of         fa            il           -in            g-         The           Miss-         -ion             -
                                                                                             Those two are                                                                                     pretty much out of the action                                                                                for the rest of the episode being                                                                   stuck
                                                  Obi-Wan can’t do anything without hurting Cody                                                       Cody can’t do anything without hurting                                                                         the slaves                                                                               -                                                                              Most of their part is                                                                               contrasting                                                                            the condition,
Most of the     action is with      Ahsoka,        Who talks down that  dweeb         (Maybe someone near-er          to her age)                     And they go break      Obi-Wan out so he can back up, Anakin
    In the Dooku fight,
               The most consistent and                       clear char-                        -acter                          Being                              Q                             -ueen,                              Being a     slaver-
   If         it’s         Ana-       Kin,
          Anakin having to begrudgingly put up with this        slaver’s nonsense
      - Her talking about how life is slavery     and him just not...
          Then                  Dooku                 Shows                      Up,
   (The whole transition between the mine scene and the Anakin- slaver scene,        Being a cut from the sparks in a mine           To the jewel on her finger              With extra focus       being put on the jewels,
        Possibly all done with all of them              Zy-              gar-ian                (Or of all        the planets that         she’s taking people from-  
      Zygarian            Heir               loom)
          A black stone          (in the middle of her chest)               By a pendant                 (Generally                   implied to be by                 Count Dooku)
    Toxic        court-ing           implied,
              Count Dooku                   announces                a surprise visit,
               The Queen is pleased                    but nervous                       (Hands                         behind -back)
              Putting        a wine glass down behind it,
                     Dooku is immediately aggressive
        The queen            offering                Anakin as a consolation prize
       As the youngest and newest to the-ir possible              rank,
        Dook-u snark                  Ing,
          Dooku threaten                -ing  to kill
          The queen having issue with that whole main characterization being the collector of rare things
          (Possibly a reflect-                Ion  about the no speaking rule)
             More likely Dooku dismissing her con-           cerns just saying that he can always get her a new one,
            “The Queen possibly wincing at a raised hand                  - if we want to go for indications of                  physical tox-’
          Poss-ibly a conversation about why she put up with           him
        “He treats me well”
        Focus on the necklace and pendent to             - contrast with the choking necklace-
          Possibly a poison               Sub-line
                -                     If you want                    to go there,                       -                    But focusing on Ahsoka,              they broke those guys out,
                 Ahsoka finding a heartbroken                         Jedi,                       Explaining that their res       -pect     ive  clone friend,        Has given up on them
   Ahsoka finding that person,
   Who manages to explain that he can’t        move either-
    To be cut off by the guards      who has really had enough of         every-      thing-
   Decided - screw it if pain isn’t going to make you stop and then might as well put them in a life or death situation,
    Add-ing time on the clock         (Or at least a new var-         iable-)
   Ahsoka possibly     does a whole speech thing          (Since seriously         we’ve seen none of her involvement or even care about         her own         spe-cies)          Via dem            on-          Strat           Ion-
      (Very likely leading to a            riot situation,)
     As they didn’t plan on the           Tagroatians (?)             Rebell              ing due to                crush                  -ed                 spirits,
     That happens                  -           Those two re-         unite and go to fi-ght                Dooku
        (I never.       really cared for the        Zy-            ger-             Ian           queen,)
         If she lives in then,    she’s grateful for them driving off Dooku,          Allows them to get off with the slaves,
      (Necklace might have information            might not,)
   *Honestly I felt it made more sense for        Anakin to be the one in the mine;             The Zy-          garian queen, and Obi         -Wan hav-          ing boomer ban             -ter,              With Obi-Wan a lot more           aware of that stuff,               (Show-ing               worldliness       by identifying the stones)             While Anakin compares       the circumstance to the one that he used to live in,              And the one he enabled Rex living in,           While Ahsoka,    could team up with a          Zy-ger-Ian round              her age,               Possibly some conversations about           enabling-           May-be Ahsoka talking about getting a clone         command of her own-            (If we want the clone commanders to be a constantly          featured theme                here)               Boomer                 Bait,               Busting Anakin out of the            mine,                Obi-Wan getting hidden behind a             cur-tain,                     And going to heck over Dooku,                   (Slaves recovered-)
           Both the Zy-                Gar-                  Ian-                    (And a flirtatious                promise to return                      By                       Obi-wan, )                       [contrast                        Mandalorian]                    Gets                         Free-                        Dom-                        -                         End-                         -
0 notes
bluebellhairpin · 5 years
Marvel Headcanons - Road Trips
A/N: I’m a horrible person. But at least my procrastination of my asks is being for-filled in a way that still sprouts content. - Nemo
Summary: The Avengers and their S/O go on a road trip. Gods? Mutants? Aliens? with them, what could go wrong? 
Loki Laufeyson
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Bruh. You go on a road-trip with this guy and you’re gonna really wish you d i d n ‘ t. 
Tricks. So many tricks. This guy can’t drive a car, he has nothing to do except play tricks. Look At That Face, no remorse, no mercy. You gotta be strong af to survive a trip like this with Loki. 
bUt he does buy you all the food. And all the stuff you like. In mass amounts. (“(y/n), you said you liked this sweet packet stuff right? Ah, good. I brought five boxes so we don’t run out.” ) Like five whole boxes
So what’s it gonna be? Trickery for food? Yay or nay? Yay, definitely yay. 
Peter Parker/Spider-Man
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You will not sleep. Y’all get too hyped up of junk food and adrenaline to sleep for more then half an hour at a time so POWER NAPS ALL THE WAY THERE AND BACK
He video’s everything. He says it’s to show May and Tony when you get back but we all know the truth. Its so he can get one of those cool old-style videos of you No shame that boy has.
He lets you pick all the music, as long as it’s not AC/DC because he had an experience with Tony that involved ‘Thunderstruck’, hacking and his suits earpieces that lasted a over a week that we s h a l l n o t  s p e a k o f e v e r
But overall it’s a really cute trip. So cliche. So romantic. So amazing.
Tony Stark/Iron Man
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Loves every second because it’s with you and after everything he’s been through that is all he needs and wants.
He has playlists, cars, hotel reservations, restaurant reservations, food stops, food stashes, sights to see. All these things are ready before you even suggested getting away for a couple days. 
Turns into a sappy, flirty mess. It’s almost like the trip turned back time to when you both first met and the only problem he had was making a new missile to sell to some place in Afghanistan.
He’s just so ready for a break, low and behold please give i t t o H i m
Steve Rogers/Captain America
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Road-trips with Steve are done on the back of his motorbike and you can fight me on this. Mostly because he likes it when you wrap your arms around his torso so yeah fight me again.
Despite the trip being a road trip you both spend a lot of time at stops and motels instead of on the road. He likes taking things slow, since he hasn’t gotten to do things slowly for over four years after he woke up. He’s very grateful if you let him do this.
He lets you take lots of photo’s of him whether you’re good at it or not doesn't bother him. Even frames one you took of his silhouette because it looks that good to him. 
 Becomes addicted to cocktails after the second road trip because “they’re so colourful and come in so many flavours, (y/n) have you tried this blue one yet? Look they have one named after me-” 
Thor Odinson
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He gets so hyped and excited. 
He really loves travelling and learning about earth more like you teaching him about earth stuff so he’s so optimistic about the whole trip and that attitude rubs off on you so you end up coming home all happy too.
He brings lollies/sweets/candy with you and lemme say you are bouncing off the walls the whole damn time. One time he got so hyped on sugar he almost summoned lighting. 
You take Loki sometimes. He pretends he doesn't like it, but he does. He thought we wouldn’t notice but we did. So Loki ends up being the ‘bored’ third wheel while you and Thor stuff your faces with sour worms, chocolate, and gobstoppers.  
Bruce Banner/Hulk
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He’s gets so soft, and that makes you soft, and then you come back and your combined softness makes everyone else so very soft.
He worries about Hulk coming out and ruining the trip and the car but you constantly tell him and reassure him that it’s fine and you’ve managed to hone the ability to calm Hulk down when things get out of hand.
Needless to say he relaxes almost completely and w o w you didn’t know he sung that well.
And damn when you come back he’s like a changed man. Shyness? Almost gone. Reluctance to join conversations? Hell N a h. He almost becomes Tony 2.0 but only around you because “No one will believe you (y/n)”
Clint Barton/Hawkeye/Ronin
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Clint almost l i v e s for road trips with you. I say almost because he lives for you.
You hunt down carnivals so he can win you all the prizes. The others aren't even surprised when you come back with a carload at stuffed toys anymore.
You also stop at a number of piers and sit at the end with fish and chips and some beer and just talk. Life. The future. The past. That one slice of pizza that tasted better than any others you've ever eaten in your entire lives.
You guys just do so much stuff. And its all so wholesome and pure and s o f t. 
Peter Quill/Star Lord
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Did someone say road trip? Peter has all the tunes.
So much as touch the radio/speakers without his knowledge and you're preparing yourself to (possibly) walk home. He doesn't care if you're the other side of the country. You will walk.
He's a sucker for staying up and stargazing with you. He'll point out all the planets he's been to, and all the ones he wants to take you to later.
While Stargazing, be prepaid to have him jump up and pull you to him if a 'dancing song' comes on. That can range from the 'Livin La Vida Loca' to 'All of Me’. It's amazing. 
Scott Lang/Ant-Man
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He's a dad. He knows how to keep others and himself  entertained on long trips.
Magic tricks. Snacks. Music. Jokes. Everything and anything you can think of to pass time, he's got it ready and waiting.
Sometimes he takes Cassy with you, and honesty things become more fun (if that's at all possible). Which means, for you, more food, music from your childhood, and embarrassing stories about Scott that Cass had managed to get hold of.
Overall it’s pretty cute going on road trips with Scott, that and it’s never ever boring. 
T’Challa/Black Panther
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He’s a king, and a very busy one at that. So when you manage to pull him away from his duties he treats you extremely well. 
First he takes you to a certain county (Once it was Singapore (that was a very luxurious trip), another time Hawaii, etc), then he gets a hire car and takes you wherever else you’d like go.
Every time, every trip, he finds a Starbucks. He collects the cups and brings them back to Okoye. He does it to spite her. You know it.
He gets much more relaxed on the trips, and always comes back being able to deal with his duties much better.
Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier
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Wow okay first off, Bucky loves road trips with you. 
He manages to persuade Tony to lean him one of his fancy older cars and takes you along the coast in that. He’s a coast road trip type of guy.
He really loves the beach, the only thing that gets in his way is the sand and salty water getting in the joints of his arm, but he says he can “just take it off, don’t worry darlin’.” so yeah it’s r e a l l y not a problem. 
If he can't get a hold of one of Tony’s old cars, he gets an old pickup truck/ute and camps outside on the back with you and watches the stars and has old 30′s/40′s music playing from the radio. It’s pretty cute. Like him. 
Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler
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Mate. This guy has no idea what he's doing. 
Once he tried to bring, like, a whole ass record player because he was worried there’d be nothing to dance along to. Seriously, Kurt, we have a ca r a d i o for that. Precious Baby Boy.
He’s also pretty young, so be prepared to have lots of contraband School food (sour lollies, chips, etc) stashed everywhere in the car. This boy will eat all the junk food he can lay his three-fingered hands on. R E S T R A I N HIM. 
He'd probably take every opportunity he can to cuddle you or take you hand in his. He’s not quite used to doing ‘normal’ stuff like this, so the fact he’s doing something like that with you means a lot. 
Doctor Stephen Strange
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He’s, um. He’s not used to this sort of thing either.
He’s been this arrogant, selfish, self-absorbed neurosurgeon for as long as he can remember. The most social and intimate thing he’s used to doing is ‘faking it’ with some random to make him look good.
BUT, sudeNly with you he kinda turns to a charismatic, sweetheart gentleman that will actually take you wherever you’d like to go. France? Okay. Brazil? Just south a little. China? Food’s great there. Russia? We’ll take ice skating lessons before we go. 
He can’t actually leave NYC for long, but he will spend as much time with you on trips away because they help him relax and it’s n i c e.
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gothamdetected-a · 5 years
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an idiots guide to gotham.
sim, i hear you say, what the hell are you doing? it’s gotham. everyone knows gotham. batman’s hometown. arkham asylum. what more is there to know?
surprisingly, a lot. 
for example, did you know that the it has been described as "Manhattan below Fourteenth Street at eleven minutes past midnight on the coldest night in November." which i think is one of the coolest descriptions of an aesthetic ever. thanks dennis. anyway, there’s a lot more to this city and it’s mad confusing history than first meets the eye, so in true sim fashion, i’m here to whoop dc into shape and attempt to make sense of it all. in the immortal words of coldplay “oh take me back to the start.”
as a geography nerd, i’d like to begin way way back. like continent forming era. star wars’ a long long time ago has got nothing on this. because really, why is gotham so plagued with crime and corruption? why is it perpetually cloudy and gloomy and dark? why is this tiny patch of american coastline continually the stage for insane events while everywhere else around it seems perfectly fine and chilling. 
it’s because of cthulu. 
well, kind of. seriously. apparently trapped beneath the actual earth of gotham is a lovecraftian-esque being who’s been chilling for 40,000 years. yeah, bet you didn’t know that. it even takes to calling itself “doctor gotham” after long enough, but that might just be a writer taking the piss out of dr manhattan, which honestly, im here for. so there’s some ancient slumbering god just poisoning what will become gotham, with it’s “evil essence” or whatever. there is a native american tribe who lives in the area - the miagani. in a croatoan-like fashion, they mysteriously disappear one day: no one knows exactly what happened to them, but there’s speculation of black magic and an insane shaman who goes all caesar on them and tries to develop a tyrannical rule, but they seal him in a cave and flee only to be slaughtered by a neighbouring tribe/a mysterious natural disaster. already this place is giving off the Not Good Vibes.    
some time later a bunch of colonists arrive, one of whom is named hiriam arkham. he tries to build a chapel, but it ends up being the site of a murder and so that idea is abandoned. the colonists later accidentally open the cave and release Deacon Blackfire (nasty shaman man), who is fairly immortal, definitely a shithead, and also becomes a batman adversary and a black lantern corp member/zombie in a few hundred years. fun. the colonists are never seen again. wonder what happened there.   
so the ground keeps being corrupted and drawing the nasties to it. one of these nasties is a norwegian mercenary, captain jon logerquist, who lands there circa 1635 with his crew, feels the heeby jeebies vibe and goes ah yes. this is where i shall settle. utter weirdo. so suddenly we have a city being formed - you guessed it, gotham city, also known simply as gotham. and everything is fairly chill for a while. the city is known to be a hideout for ruffians and smugglers, has a fairly higher proportion of stabbings and burglaries, but other than it being a bit of a lawless wasteland, it’s not, you know, any stranger than other pre-civil war american towns. at some point war for independence ( 1775–1783 ) rolls through, and there’s a fairly large battle that is long and bloody and doesn’t look like is going to be won so the founding fathers decide to do something extra stupid, and summon a bat-demon. yes, literally, a bat-demon. that they think will help them turn the tides of the battle. instead they realise it can’t be controlled, panic a bit, and end up trapping it beneath gotham, nice and snuggled next to fucking cthulu’s cousin. so gotham is now especially Cursed, and also starts gathering a large number of bat colonies in it’s underground cave system, because they’re all coming to worship this demon thing or w/e. 
next step is the civil war ( 1861-1865 ), and this is the first time we get a cobblepot in town - colonel nathan cobblepot to be precise. a couple of generations happen, and the town is growing into a city - at this point five of the families truly “found” gotham as a metropolitan and industrial hub, building bridges to connect the islands and forging the path to gotham as it is today. these five families are the cobblepots, the elliots, the crownes, the kanes and the waynes. these eventually become known as gotham’s oldest lineages, and it’s wealthiest, forming the future of gotham high society. however the cobblepots eventually end with penguin, and thomas elliot gets salty and becomes hush ,and the kanes and waynes decide to start dressing up as bats so it’s more like a cautionary tale than anything. 
around this time (1870), ra’s al ghul builds wonder city beneath gotham’s old town, and around a naturally occurring lazarus pit under the city. wonder tower becomes a spectacle of the gotham skyline, their equivalent to the empire state or big ben. eventually the project is abandoned, especially after mysterious disappearances, rumours of madness and strange sounds of rioting emerging from the nearly completed project. also occurring in this decade is the conversion of arkham manor into the elizabeth arkham sanatorium (which would later become arkham asylum) under the then heir, amadeus arkham. elizabeth commits suicide, a serial killer murders the rest of the family, save amadeus, who then goes mad and begins dabbling in the occult and experimenting on patients, eventually becoming one himself. despite all this, arkham asylum remains open, setting the scene for this to be one of the most tragic and fucked up buildings in america. 
another generation goes by and the wayne family produces solomon wayne, who will eventually become an incredibly important figure to gotham, partly because he is a judge and has a courthouse named after him and all that, but mostly because solomon wayne is the man who hires cyrus pinkney. who? you ask. literally the man responsible for gotham’s fucked up architecture. solomon wayne commissions him to create what he calls “gotham style” around 1890, and pinkney, heavily influenced by both cubist/surrealist design and the gothic revival, is the bastard who ensures everything has a gargoyle slapped on it and that gotham cathedral could literally be home to dracula. every inch of the city is covered in hidden meanings and mysticism, because, if you haven’t already guessed, pinkney was a bit nuts, but solomon wayne seems mighty pleased by this and it does actually boost gotham’s industry and cause people to relocate to it from the surrounding area. pinkney’s final piece de resistance is the statue the lady of gotham (officially named Justice opens her eyes to the world ) in the gotham harbour, yet another new york parallel. 
however as a result of booming capitalism and continued gentrification, gotham develops extreme poverty, with several areas of the city, specifically around the docks, the bowery and the narrows, becoming slums. crime levels continue to rise, and many writers take inspiration from chicago and new york mobs in the 30′s and 40′s, drawing parallels and creating organised crime, mafias and gangs. families like the maronis, falcones and thornes begin to take over the city, shaking down businesses for “protection” developing protsitution and drug running rings, importing weapons etc. gotham becomes seen nationally as a dark foreboding metropolis, where the ultra-rich one percenters drink champagne in their ivory towers while the poor of the city suffer and die. city planners also take this opportunity to go absolutely nuts, and build bomb shelters, underground highways, crazy sewer systems, you name it. after all, no one cares right? it’s gotham. by the time the cold war comes to a head, the city is literally riddled with layers of alleys and tunnels and walkways, all over burdened by the watchful eyes of giant bronze statues and stone grotesques.
then, thomas and martha wayne appear, and really start trying to change the city. they develop philantrophic interests, help to create the monorail, encourage the other wealthy elite of the city to care about the rotting corpse of gotham. change is slow, but it happens. the city starts to brighten up, vaguely, and the waynes become heralded as gotham’s saviours, becoming more than a household name. of course, they get shot, in an alleyway, by joe chill, and that same night batman is born. it takes him like 20 years to actually appear in the city, but boy when he does appear, he goes ham. this isn’t a batman meta tho, so i’ll keep it light on his backstory and involvement. 
batman tackles corruption in the city, purging the gcpd, bringing criminals to justice etc, all while bruce wayne makes his lauded return and begins trying to change things in the same way that his parents did - investing in the city, creating public services, developing grass roots projects in the worst affected areas of gotham. however, this city is quite literally Cursed and it all goes very wrong very quickly. 
first, ra’s al ghul unleashes the clench (also known as Ebola Gulf A virus) into gotham high society, and through the contagion storyline, a LOT of gothamites die. i think it’s like 40% but don’t quote me on that. the whole city is quarantined, but batman manages to save the day! hooray! wrong. the second disaster happens in the cataclysm arc - a 7.6 richter earthquake (although in my professional opinion this should probably be measured using the mercalli scale because you have to take into account the density of population etc in the area, but whatever, dc don’t study earthquakes like i do :/). as a result of these two events happening literally within months of each other, the entire city is declared a “no man’s land” by the US government. most civilians are evacuated, it is cut off from the mainland by destroying bridges and creating a military blockade and left to literally rot. no central government is applicable, no services are available, and very quickly gangs take over, carving up the city between them. imagine the purge but never ending. that’s gotham. huntress and oracle and the remaining scraps of the gcpd try to keep some kind of order, while bruce fucks off to petition the government into not being dicks and fixing the city rather than abandoning it.  eventually, he comes back, batman battles a lot of people, luthor donates enough money to save the city and gotham is rebuilt and repatriated as part of the us. 
then the next big events include: 
• henri ducard as ra’s al ghul tries to cover the city in fear toxin after teaming up with scarecrow. the narrows is especially targeted. 
• steph accidentally starts a gang war after going through batman’s stuff unsupervised. for a while black mask rules gotham.
• hugo strange convinces the gotham city council to let him have old gotham, which he converts into arkham city. eventually wonder tower explodes and the “city” is shut down, cut off from the rest of gotham. 
• scarecrow successfully releases his fear toxin over gotham via the cloudburst system. most civilians have already been evacuated, but the city is thrown into ruin and chaos.   
these are just the biggest points though, and the ones which help to tie film, comics and games together. my favourite part of gotham i haven’t even talked about yet. but i’m gonna. here we go. 
gotham is chronologically removed. 
obviously time progresses there, but there is a immense sense of timelessness. gotham does not move on with the rest of the world. there’s a huge mash of different eras and styles. there are airships in the sky and maglev monorails on the ground, people use typewriters alongside touch screen laptops, buildings are either twisted gothic nightmares or glistening modern skyscrapers. the time frame that should be obvious from the setting is completely ambiguous. and it’s brilliant, because really it means that the time is not important. it could be set anywhere, anywhen. gotham looks almost the same in the 40s as it does in 2020, and it means that batman and these events can be slotted into pretty much any decade. batman can be born in 1939 or 1969 or 1999 and it still all works. it’s a mash up of modern expressionism and constructivism and art deco and gothic revival and surrealism and space-age futurism and industrialism and honest to god i could literally talk about this all day. but i mustnt so i shall stop now.  
basically the tldr here is that i have a fetish for urban decay, gotham was fucked from day 1 due to some bullshit evil god beneath it, and literally house prices must be so low, because who the hell would want to live there. 
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writer-dreams · 6 years
Polyjuice Potion (End) (Draco Malfoy x Reader)
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Hiii! This is the final part of Polyjuice Potion!
Part 1 / Part 2
House: Slytherin
Blood Status: You choose
Warnings: Angst? Possible swearing. A bit of an abusive relationship but its only a slap. A little bit of putting yourself down.
Note: There's a lot of switching POVs in this story. I hope its not too confusing.
Word Count: 3,595 words
Third Person POV
(Y/n) slowly walked down the halls, exhausted after a whole day’s worth of studying. She could barely keep her eyes open and she felt as though she would pass out at any moment. The sky outside was dark and blank, it seemed that the stars were afraid to come out tonight. She continued trudging her way to the Slytherin Common Room, wanting nothing more than to lay down on the soft mattress of her bed, with her boyfriend’s arms wrapped around her. Speaking of Draco, she wondered where he would be at this time. He was probably waiting for her again, waiting to complain to her about how much time she spent studying instead of being with him. (Y/n) smiled at the thought of her boyfriend, her friends may have hated him but they didn’t see what he was like when the two were alone.
She finally arrived at the Common Room, where she saw Draco sitting on one of the couches, watching the fireplace die out, its embers glowing softly. She grinned at the platinum-blonde male and decided to sneak up on him, creeping behind him before jumping out and wrapping her arms gently around his neck. She felt Draco stiffen up immediately, his whole body freezing up. Suddenly he ripped her arms off of him rather forcefully and turned around to look at her. (Y/n) looked at her boyfriend, expecting a different reaction. She had expected him to snuggle up in her arms and greet her as he usually did, not for him to aggressively remove her arms from him. Then she saw it. The tear-stained cheeks, those red, puffy eyes, those beautiful grey orbs full of hatred. He had clearly been crying, what could have happened to cause him to cry?
“D-Draco? Are you alright?” Y/n asked cautiously.
“Get your filthy hands off me, you disgusting blood-traitor!” He shouted.
“W-What?! Why are you saying this?!” Y/n could feel tears pooling in her eyes. Why had he called her something so hurtful? Why did he look at her like she was nothing but dirt under his shoe?
“Get away from me. I don’t understand how I could’ve ever loved a person like you. I regret it all. I regret us.” Draco spat.
Y/n physically took a step back, feeling the sting of his words. What had happened to the Draco she loved? What happened to the Draco who broke down all of her walls and loved the person he found behind them? What happened to the Draco who didn’t care about blood status and reputations? What had happened to her Draco? Salty tears fell from her eyes as she watched her boyfriend walk up to her slowly, raising his arms. Thinking, he was going to hug her, she closed her eyes and awaited for his arms.
“Draco….Please tell me this isn’t real. You don’t…really regret us, do you?” Y/n asked through closed eyes.
Suddenly, she heard a very audible smack sound and felt a stinging sensation on her cheek. She opened her eyes in shock to see Draco with an emotionless face and a hand raised. He had slapped her.
“It’s Malfoy to you. And yes, I regret us. I regret you. I regret ever loving you.” He said coldly, walking away, leaving a broken-hearted y/n in the common room, holding her red cheek.
Draco was angry, that much was obvious. He stomped down the halls, fury still raging through his blood. Y/n was an idiot. At first, he had been hurt that she had broken up with him, but then he grew angry that she had dumped him, The Slytherin Prince, for absolutely no reason. And then she shows up a few hours later and acts like they’re still together. However, through his anger, he felt a deep pit of guilt build up as he recalled Y/n’s shocked look when he had slapped her and said those horrible, horrible words. Truly, he had never meant to, he had simply acted out of anger. That didn’t stop the pit of guilt from growing, he knew it was wrong to hit her and say such spiteful insults. He knew that even though he was furious, that didn’t justify his actions. He knew he had deeply hurt her. ‘Good, now she knows how hurt I was’ his ego and pride were saying. His mind, however, kept flashing the haunting image of Y/n’s broken expression. He felt like crying, like running to her and comforting her as he used to so often. He wanted to shower her with endless apologies and compliments, he wanted to kiss her soft lips again, he wanted to hold her in her arms and offer his shoulder for her to cry on, but most of all, he wanted her love again. He sighed and ran his fingers through his blonde hair in frustration. Dammit, even when I’m furious with her, I still love her. I’m sorry, Y/n….
The next day, Y/n felt completely hollow. Her face was devoid of any emotion and her blank eyes stared up at the ceiling as she lay unmoving on her bed. She felt no motivation to get up and go to her classes today. She wanted to stay here, forever.
“Y/n! Get your ass up.” Pansy Parkinson screeched.
Still no movement came from the broken girl. Pansy sighed as she stared at her saddened friend.
“Y/n…I know it hurts but we need to go. You can’t just sit around on your ass all day just because of a boy.”
Nothing. Nothing moved nor was a sound made. Pansy knew her friend was going through a rough time but she didn’t want Y/n to miss out on classes.
“That’s it.” She grumbled. She wasn’t going to bother with this anymore. Y/n was stronger than that and she was going to get her moving, whether Y/n liked it or not. “Get out.” She said as she rolled Y/n off the bed. Y/n hit the floor gently before finally sighing and getting up.
“Alright, alright. I’ll go get ready.” Y/n groaned before heading into the bathroom.
The young Slytherin stepped into the girl’s washroom to get ready for the day, despite not planning to in the first place. Clearly, her friend had other ideas. She stared at her reflection in the mirror and saw a heartbroken girl on the glass. This girl had dark bags under her eyes, lifeless (e/c) eyes, and pale skin. It looked like a Dementor had given her their famous kiss, sucking out her soul from her body. The fading red bruise on her cheek was barely visible though it still ached if she touched it lightly. She shook her head in dejection and continued preparing herself for a whole day in Hell.
The golden trio sat down at the Gryffindor table, anxiously waiting for their Slytherin friend to enter the Mess Hall. They were still feeling extremely guilty but none of them wanted to tell Y/n what they had done in fear of how she would react. Draco Malfoy was already seated at the Slytherin table, looking…..off. For once, the Slytherin Prince didn’t have a stupid smirk on his face or his ridiculous friends surrounding him. There wasn’t even a swooning Pansy Parkinson next to him. Instead, Malfoy looked broken; a deep frown set on his face, eyes that stayed glued on the wood of the table, a hunched back. He was aimlessly drawing random circles on the table with his finger. The doors to the Mess Hall opened, revealing Pansy waving goodbye to Y/n as their friend made her way to the Gryffindor table. Y/n took a seat and the trio could see how hurt she was. Her once lively eyes were empty, there were dark bags under her eyes, and there were tear-stains on her cheeks. She looked pale and she didn’t bother saying a single word to them as she silently sat down.
“Hey Y/n.” Harry greeted.
“Hi.” She answered curtly.
“Is something wrong?” Hermione asked, though they all knew exactly what was wrong.
“No. I’m fine.” Y/n replied.
Her voice sounded so….lifeless. The trio frowned at her response but they couldn’t question her further as Dumbledore decided to start his morning speech.
After a boring speech, Dumbledore clapped his hands and food appeared on the table. Ron immediately started filling his plate with eggs, waffles and a wide assortment of other food. Slowly, Harry and Hermione also reached for the food. Harry was about to take a bite into some bacon when Hermione gently nudged him and tilted her head in Y/n’s direction. He looked up and noticed Y/n just staring blankly at her empty plate.
“Y/n….you gonna eat?” Harry asked.
“Not hungry.” She said.
“You should eat.” Hermione started putting some (f/f ((Favourite Food)) on Y/n’s plate/bowl.
Y/n simply pushed away the food and got up. “I’m not feeling hungry. I…I’m just gonna go.” She mumbled before exiting the Mess Hall through the doors.
Hermione looked back at Harry, fury in her eyes, “See what we’ve done?! We’ve broken her! Does it make you feel good knowing that she is like this because of something we did?! Do you feel better knowing that we are keeping her safe by torturing her?! Do you consider yourself a better friend now?!”
Harry couldn’t even answer. He did this with good intentions but seeing Y/n now….he wasn’t sure if it was because he wanted to protect Y/n or because he didn’t like the idea of one of his best friends with his worst enemy. He looked over at Malfoy, who stared off into empty space with a deep frown and dull eyes.
“Harry…we messed up, big time. We need to do something to fix this. Please. Look at how much both of them are hurting. We did this to them, now we need to do something to repair the damage.” Hermione begged.
Somewhere in his heart, Harry knew that Hermione was right. No matter how much he wanted to protect Y/n, he should never have gone through such lengths to do it.
“Fine.” He answered.
“Wait…what is that?” Hermione asked, pointing to a shiny object laying on the table.
“Looks like…Y/n’s necklace. The one Malfoy gave to her when they first started dating. She never took it off.” Harry said, “The stupid clip always fell off though. It must’ve fallen off again.”
Hermione took the necklace and put it in her pocket, an idea slowly popping into her head on how to help her friend.
It had been days since the breakup. Draco felt more and more miserable as the days passed. Currently, the breakup was affecting him more than the mark on his arm. He could handle the dark mark, but he couldn’t handle not having Y/n in his life. She was something he couldn’t just forget about or pretend didn’t exist like he did with the mark. He would mindlessly watch her as she would sit down at the Slytherin table during meals and stare at her plate. He desperately wanted to go over to her and wrap his arms around her, to convince her to eat. Granted, he hadn’t really eaten either however, Draco couldn’t be bothered to think about that. His mind had been too focused on Y/n. Overhead, he heard the loud screeching of owls, signaling that mail had arrived. His owl swooped down to him with a small package in its talons and a letter in its beak. He gently took the items from the bird before it took off to the owlery. He opened the letter first and read the messy handwriting on the paper;
I know what happened with Y/n. I know that she broke up with you and returned hours later acting like she was still your girlfriend. Acting like…she never knew she broke up with you.
Draco was confused. How could this person have known that? He shook his head and decided to continue reading.
In anger, you insulted her and deeply hurt her. Now...she’s suffering and so are you. Don’t try to deny that you don’t miss her or don’t love her because you know that you’re only lying to yourself.
I wrote this letter because I want to help the two of you. It may seem odd that a random stranger would want to help you but I’ve seen the way you two loved each other and I don’t think something like that should be so easily extinguished. I’m not gonna say who I am nor am I going to meet you in person, I’m just here to offer some advice.
Y/n is a wonderful girl. You don’t find a lot of people like her and you managed to form a strong relationship with her. Love as strong as that shouldn’t be thrown away. Y/n loves you. I know that she was the one to break up with you but I want to say that Y/n is someone who is gentle and has a big heart. She wouldn’t just break up with someone she loves without an explanation. I’m advising that you go talk to her and find out what happened that night. Perhaps you jumped to conclusions. Also, give her the thing in the package, she’ll appreciate it.
Draco raised his brows in suspicion as the letter ended. This person seemed to oddly know a lot about what happened that terrible night. Nevertheless, they had provided him with some sort of help that he could use to fix his relationship. He opened the small package to reveal the necklace he had first given Y/n when they had started dating. She never took it off, so if it’s off... He didn’t even want to think about it that way. He thought over the letter and this so-called “Anonymous’” advice. Perhaps this person was right, Y/n did seem confused when he was angry with her.
“It’s worth a shot. Not like it can get worse than this.” He told himself.
He had found Y/n at the Astronomy Tower. She was serenely looking at the landscape on the tower’s balcony. He coughed awkwardly and she turned around and immediately froze when she saw him.
“Y/n….” He started, “I-I’m sorry for what I said. I never meant to hurt you and…it ate me up inside. I was just angry that night and I took it out on you.” Draco decided to leave out the part where she had broken up with him, he would look into that later. “You’re not a blood-traitor, you were my girlfriend. I never regretted us but I did regret hitting you. It hurt me to see you hurt by something I did. I’ll never forgive myself for that. I love you so much. If I had a time-turner, you can bet I would be using it to change how this turned out. If you don’t forgive me, I understand. I probably wouldn’t forgive me either. I’m just so miserable without you and I don’t think I can last another day watching you and knowing I can’t hug you or kiss you anymore. I miss you. You don’t have to forgive me but I’m just asking for another chance. Please….”
Y/n averted her gaze from him, her eyes cloudy with tears. “Draco…” Hearing her voice again was oddly refreshing. “You hurt me so much that night.” He hung his head and stared at the ground, wishing he could take it all back. “I didn’t understand why you were angry or why you did those things. You told me that you regretted me. That you regretted us. You said you regretted loving me. What did I do wrong? Am I not pretty enough? Smart enough? Did you simply grow bored of me? I wouldn’t blame you though, I’m just average Y/n. Just Y/n. I don’t compare to someone like Pansy or Astoria.” Y/n cried.
Draco moved to hug Y/n but stopped when she flinched. His heart broke a little at the sight. She was afraid of him.
“Y/n…don't talk about yourself like that. You’re beautiful, clever, talented, and the only one for me. Parkinson and Greengrass don’t matter to me, nor will they ever. I could never get bored of you. I…I love you. That’s the honest truth. I said some really hurtful things that night but I swear that I never meant any of it. Please don’t go. I truly love you and I promise I’ll never do those things again.” Draco begged.
Slowly, Y/n stepped towards him, carefully inching towards him. Her mind screamed at her to not forgive him. After all, he did slap her. However, her heart cried for her to go to him. He may have done all those horrible things but for Merlin’s sake she still loved him. It’s not like she could easily forget how painful that incident was but it was also hard to let go of all the good times they had. It was one stupid mistake versus years of love and trust. She kept making her way to him until she was about an inch away from him.
“Promise?” She asked, holding out a hand for Draco. Draco looked up at her, those stormy grey eyes looking into her own (e/c) eyes.
“Promise.” He answered, cautiously wrapping his arms tightly around her and bringing her to him, holding her like she was going to slip away from him. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” He sobbed into her shoulder.
Y/n wrapped her arms around him as well, tears flowing down her cheeks and onto Draco’s black suit. She lightly stroked his blonde hair, comforting him and silently signaling that she forgave him.
Draco broke the hug and dug something out of his pocket. He fished out the necklace he had gotten from “Anonymous” and showed it to Y/n.
“My necklace!” Y/n gasped upon seeing it. “The cursed thing fell off again!”
She turned around and Draco helped her put it on again.
“It’s back where it belongs now.” He smiled.
He moved closer to Y/n until he was face to face with her. Merlin, he missed her. He then gently pushed his lips onto hers, feeling relieved when she kissed back. The kiss was full of passion, longing and desperation. Eventually the pair parted for oxygen.
“I love you, Y/n.” Draco said.
“I love you too, you git.” Y/n responded.
“So? You two are back together?” Harry asked Y/n during breakfast the next day. Y/n looked a lot better than she had been the past few days. She was smiling more and the life had returned to her eyes. She ate food and was more social.
“Yes. Wait a second…how did you know the two of us had broken up if I never told you?” Y/n asked suspiciously.
“Uh…the both of you were pretty depressed for the past week so I just assumed that happened?” Harry panicked.
“Nice try, Harry. The truth. Now.” Y/n demanded.
Harry could see Hermione and Ron give him the death glare as the trio reluctantly told their friend what they had done. By the time the story was finished, Y/n looked livid.
“Let me just…summarize this. You impersonated me and broke up with my boyfriend as me because you wanted to protect me from him all because he was a death eater?! Well guess what?! This whole time I knew he was a death eater! I KNEW THIS WHOLE TIME AND I STILL STAYED WITH HIM! I love you guys but I don’t need your protection nor do I need to be involved in your crazy schemes! Never. And I mean never. Never EVER mess around with my relationships again! I should stop being your friend right now but I’m not going to do that because I understand you had good intentions when you did this. Just never do that again. When were you going to tell me you did this?!” Y/n fumed.
The trio shook their heads, silently answering her question. Never.
“You three caused me a lot of grief. This would have never happened if it weren’t for you guys! Even worse, you were never going to tell me?! Really?!” Y/n seethed.
“Please, you have to forgive us. I promise that we felt so much guilt after what we did. We know it was wrong but we thought it was best!” Hermione begged.
Y/n understood why her friends did this. However, there had to be some consequence.
“Alright. I’ll forgive you if you promise not to do that ever again. However, for this whole month, I’m spending my time with Draco and cutting off any communication from you. Don’t try to talk to me until this whole month is over. I hope you all learned a lesson.” Y/n said, getting up from the Gryffindor table and making her way over to Slytherin table instead. Behind her, the golden trio groaned at the loss of their friend. They watched as she sat down next to Draco and kissed him.
“At least she’s happy.” Ron muttered.
“I told you it was a bad idea.” Hermione said.
“You were part of it!”
“I regretted it the most! And I was the one who wrote the Anonymous letter to Draco, remember?!”
“It doesn’t matter. What’s done is done. We can’t change anything about it now. We should just be happy that she didn’t stop being our friend and we should be glad that she’s happy now.” Harry interrupted.
“She’s happy with Malfoy. I suppose we can’t do anything to change that.”
That concludes Polyjuice Potion! Thank you for sticking around and reading this cringeworthy material! I am in NO way romanticising an abusive relationship. I'll leave a number to a place you can get help if you are being abused. I'm going to be moving the rest of my more popular Draco x Readers on here so prepare for more I suppose. I also want to warn that some of those happen to be angst (sorry if you don't like angst or I fail at writing the stuff). Thank you for reading and (possibly) enjoying this. If you have any requests, feel free to ask. Until next time. This post is too long so I'll add the number here; National Domestic Violence: 1−800−799−7233 (Unfortunately, this is the only one I know of. Please feel free to tell me any other ones you know of so I can add them here.)
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thecreativeangel · 6 years
aut neca aut necare: IV
Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
*Please don’t plagiarize my work, thank you :3*
Summary: Peter hasn’t been talking to you for two weeks now, which is cool. It’s all good. He’s only your best friend of like seven years. No biggie. 
Warnings: Peter kinda being a shady bitch. The angst begins. Reader is  becoming  e d g y
Words: 2.3k
Previous Chapter                                                          Next Chapter
The weeks were passing too quickly. You’d hoped that Peter would interact even a little, to slow down time like he did when it was just the two of you in his living room, watching old cartoons on a Sunday. Classes with him were the same as classes without him; boring, dreary, etcetera. Peter had little intention of talking with you. Or Ned, apparently, because Ned would follow him everywhere in a desperate attempt to gain his attention. You were alone. It made you guilty, that the mention of Ned’s name caused a bitter pang in your chest. Ned didn’t try to avoid you like Peter seemingly did.
“It’s the most annoying book I’ve ever read,” MJ complained, The Pearl by Steinbeck resting on her lap. Peter didn’t look up from his computer, merely humming to signify he was listening. MJ sent Peter a withering look which he’d see if he looked away from the damn computer. She turned back to you and shrugged. “I mean, let’s say we ignore the shit descriptions. Kino is such a conceited prick. He treats his wife like shit for trying to advise him. Actually, now that I think about it, Juana reminds me of that hero chick who the New York Times likes to bash.”
You felt Peter stiffen in his seat and chose to ignore him like he was you. “Okay Michelle I know that you know her name-”
“Yeah, it’s a stupid name-”
“I mean the people started calling her that, so blame them.”
“It’s a makeup brand!”
“-and did you just use John Steinbeck to suddenly shift conversation to Nyx?”
She sniffed daintily, tugging at one of her baby hairs. “And if I did?”
You laughed at her fake nonchalant attitude. “Oh my god Michelle.”
“Right, let’s see what people think,” she roughly shoved Peter’s shoulder, making him release a high pitched yelp that resounded throughout study hall. “Parker, what d’you think about Nyx. She’s cool and all, but the name. It’s dumb.”
“I don’t get why you like her so much,” Peter said gruffly. “Haven’t you read the New Yo-”
You interrupted him. “We’ve seen that thing. MJ says it’s bull and I believe her. Don’t you think that Ritter guy sounds a bit biased?”
“Maybe, but what he writes is true,” Peter said. He focused back on his computer, typing as he talked. “She robbed a store on Fifth Avenue…”
I didn’t rob it, You thought, deflating slightly. I STOPPED a robbery, then put most of it back. Stupid cameras caught me with ONE watch and reporters ignore the actual robber completely. AND WHO ROBS VERSACE? Walk a bit and you’ll get to Tiffany and Co.!
“...and the United Nations Headquarters!” Peter exclaimed, shocking you out of your thoughts.
“No one saw her sneak in.” MJ noted, confused at why Peter was suddenly so against Nyx. Her eyebrows furrowed slightly. 
“Wait hold up,” you broke in, feeling your palms become sweaty. “W-what happened at the U.N.?”
“Nyx stole from the U.N.’s library,” Peter explained patiently. “She took something from the historical sciences section. No one knows what it is yet, but they think it’s a record of ancient power sources. Prehistoric relics. What old civilizations worshipped. Supposedly it’s from before people knew what a god was, so it’s kind of a big deal.”
You wiped your hands on your jeans and tore the laptop from his hands before he could protest. Of course, as soon as you started typing “UN” the autosearches read “UN headquarters broken into”, “UN delegates can’t work anymore?”, “UN building in shut down”. You clicked on a random article and sure enough, there were shaky pictures of the glass library, dark blue smoke leaking from its open doors. But it wasn’t your smoke; Nyx hadn't entered the building at all. You’d been framed.
“Is there any video?” you asked, praying the squeak in your voice wasn’t audible.
“No,” Peter replied, taking his computer back rather forcefully. “But I’m sure it’s Nyx. I mean, blue smoke? She’s been getting more careless and this was her breaking point, her greatest achievement so far- Or maybe she’s innocent. Dunno, I’ve been watching Shane Dawson.”
Shane Dawson made a conspiracy theory about me? Should I be honored or… Your fingers gripped the armrests to the point that your knuckles were beginning to sting. That night you’d gone out angry; Mum wasn’t calling back, and her assistant left an unpleasant voicemail. You forgot to buy food after hours of homework and ate at Seven Eleven. Not your most dignified moment. So when your silver wristlet began to vibrate, projecting an image of those suspicious trucks moving out of New Jersey for the first time in weeks-
You flew to their location.
The “mission”, distraction, whatever it was- failed. You felt even worse after, coming back into the empty apartment at 2 a.m.
“Kim doesn’t like her either,” Peter said offhandedly. “Been really quiet about the explosion at Stark Labs, but she says she’ll tell me why soon. She hates talking about Mr. Stark. I just wanna be there for her, y’know? No one deserves to be alone like she was.”
Your insides felt like liquid nitrogen, so cold they were scorching. “You’re acting like an idiot.”
Peter frowned, his eyes searching yours. “What?”
“I get that you like her, and that's cool, but it’s getting sad,” you deadpanned, drawing your gaze down to the messages poorly carved into the table (even fancy schools had idiots who got bored). “Why’re you so obsessed with her when you won’t even ask her out? S’ not like she’s interested in you.”
MJ’s snapped up, ridiculously wide. She hastily picked up The Pearl from her lap and practically shoved her nose into the pages, hiding from the conversation. The words left your mouth a grumbled and bunched together, but Peter heard everything. His gaze on you was steely.
“We’re dating,” he said tonelessly, another blaring warning you missed. “Kim asked me out a month ago.”
“Oh.” you managed weakly.
There were several seconds of painfully awkward silence before you snapped, mumbling “It’s not like I’d know that.” under your breath. You pouted slightly, probably acting like a complete child.
“W-what do you mean ‘you wouldn’t know that’,” Peter mused, throwing his hands up. “I told you last week.”
“That’s a lie,” you retaliated. “I’ve barely talked to you this month! So-rry for not wanting to intrude on your little fantasy when she’s around.”
“Why are you like this?” Peter asked honestly. His normally serene expression turned to a scowl. “The moment I get over Liz- Actually no, you’ve been weird all year!”
“I’ve- I'm not acting weird- and you, that's- don't even have the right to say th-” MJ looked over her book so only her eyes showed and shook her head. You faltered. Have I been acting differently? Has everyone else noticed?
“Whatever. Nothing's wrong. It's just puberty or something.”
Peter watched you wearily, scanning for something. “Good. Awesome. Now could you please be quiet?”
“So you can finish your little article about Nyx?” you scoffed, rolling your eyes. “You’re just salty that Spiderman, everyone's favorite hero used to be friends with her.”
Peter flushed pink. “I’m talking to Kim about it, not writing an article.”
“Bet you’re gushing about how Nyx deserves to be put to death sentence.” you said. “Since you suddenly hate her so much. For no reason.”
“For good reason, but you’re too in love with her to see it. Look, I’m sure Spiderman will catch her soon,” Peter said through gritted teeth. MJ sunk down in her chair, shielding herself from the argument. You didn’t know if anyone was listening in, but you were too angry to care. “And when he does she’ll confess, and this will all be over.”
“Catch her? They’re partners!”
“D’you- d’you actually Spiderman would be partners with a criminal?”
You wrinkled your nose at him, suppressing a cynical laugh. “Spiderman used to be a criminal! ‘Member when he cut Staten Island Ferry in half?”
Peter seemed pissed off by this, and you wondered why he idolized Spiderman so much. “He wasn’t a criminal! He helped people!”
Your fists clenched under the table, hearing the light overhead start to buzz, the glass cracking. Magic crackled quietly around your wrists like sparks electricity. “There is no proof that Nyx stole from the U.N.-”
“Well, yes, there is,” Peter pressed. “How can’t you see it? No one else leaves blue smoke besides her! I think Nyx should be sent to jail, because that’s where criminals go.”
Jail. That’s not too bad. Jail might have decent food. “At least you don’t want her killed.”
“Depends,” Peter said airily. “On whether she hurts Kim again.”
He didn’t bother to add “Oh, and you, Ned, Michelle…and May of course. Y’know. My blood relative who I very much love, Aunt May.” Nope, it was just Kimberly. Kimberly, Kimberly, Kimberly. You tried to sympathize with him, really you did, but this young love bullshit was irritating. Besides, your young love wasn’t going too well.
“Psh, so what would you do?” you asked. “Go to your damn internship and tattle to Spiderman? Have him hunt Nyx?”
There was a sense of disbelief in your words, but Peter’s gaze remained set. His brown doe eyes gleamed with determination and protectiveness. None of it was for you. 
“If I have to,” he shrugged. “Yeah.”
So in other words, you’d do anything for her, you thought sourly. Ouch. That hurts a bit. Peter dropped the solemn face so quickly you wondered if he ever looked solemn at all. Might have been a figment of your imagination, just trying to get you to be angry with him. He sent you a lopsided, innocent smile that made your blood boil. You didn’t know why, didn’t want to know why, but at this moment he had no right to go back to his cheerful state. Not after saying those things.
You looked back down at your black jeans and picked at a loose seam. The way he looked when he spoke about Kim… The chivalry, warmth and protective nature. Seven years you and him had been best friends, and he never looked at you that way. Not when you were pushed into mulch by a bully in 5th grade, or when you were harassed by 15 people in 7th, or when a girl had the audacity to call you a prude bitch in 9th. (Apparently you were a prude for admitting that you’d never been kissed, but joke’s on her. It’s junior year and you still haven’t been kissed, so… That’s depressing.)
Your thoughts strayed, but there was one common observation: Peter liked you, cared for you, grew up with you, but he’d never look at you with as much adoration as he did to Kimberly. But it’s worse than that, isn’t it... You dug your fingers into your thighs. No matter how close I am with Peter, he’d always choose her over me. Fuelled by venomous thoughts, you spoke before thinking.
“God, why do you hate her so much?” you huffed. “It’s like she’s the one who killed your parents.”
MJ almost fell over as she shot up, grabbed everything she could and sped out of study hall. Your eyes shot open at your own statement, heart starting to beat frantically. Shit, why did I say that?! Peter’s head jerked up, staring at you. You didn’t want to describe what flashed across his face, didn’t want to keep looking at him. You wished you could slap yourself so hard it reversed time and that slip-up never happened but your gaze was locked with Peter’s, and neither party was backing down.
When he spoke, his voice was barely above a whisper. “Take it back.”
You didn’t blink. “Peter.”
“Take. It. Back.”
“I’m sorry,” you breathed, hating the way your words sounded; like a strangled, dehydrated cat. “Peter, it slipped-”
He only looked at you, jaw clenched so hard you could see the muscles twitching. Your eyes began to sting, feeling the pressured need to cry build up beneath your eyeballs. “Peter I said I w-”
“Fuck you.” he spat.
That single, short sentence was enough to make you clamp your mouth shut. It was two words dripping poison onto your body, melting skin wherever drops landed. He stood up, shoved his books into his backpack so fast his hands seemed to blur and before you could even move he disappeared through the door, heavy footsteps slowly fading away.
You were still sitting, holding your knees which were exposed because of the ripped jeans, hands shaking and staring at at the door through which he left. Even if the entirety of study hall knew how badly you just fucked up with your best friend, you didn’t care. Judging from how quiet everyone suddenly was, they all knew anyway. But you stayed perfectly still, shoulders tense, clutching your knees until your nails made little semi-circles appear. Soon, they broke the skin and tiny dots of blood surfaced, and you still didn’t move. Your chest moved in fast, small movements, like an animal that was being hunted.
When the embarrassment of your actions finally reached your fogged up mind, you frantically shoveled books into your backpack and fled the room with your head down. A few drops of red ran down from the aching cuts in your exposed knees and disappeared into the black fabric of your jeans. They hurt. You deserved it.  
I messed up, I messed up, I messed up, I messed up, I m-
Authors Note: Sorry ‘bout not posting, but depression just kicked in like a motherfucker and I needed time to get used to the feeling. There’s also some stuff about my summer credit course, that gets in the way too. Hope people still care to read this. Byee-
Tags List:  @4-a-m, @miss-glitch, @runs-with-sciss0rs, @lubrielx, @reddiesteddiespaghetti, @wheezygreens,  @everythingthatisrandom, @mcheung0314,
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A Short Story
You have to keep running because, at this point, you have no choice. You don’t know how you got here, and they won't explain why they’re chasing you. All you know is that your terror makes the game more fun to them, and this cobblestone path is slowing you down.
The last time you can remember being this obsessed with your speed, you could barely spell “speed”.
Your body can do nothing other than protest. Your lungs burn as the cold air enters them and leaves just as quickly; your eyes are stinging. The arches of your feet ache, but you can’t stop running.
You reach up to touch your face and it is wet with tears. Your fingers, covered in mud, are now wiping away your salty sorrow – when did you start crying? You don’t have time for this. Tears make it harder to breathe, and you can barely breathe as it is – you can’t afford to slow down.
Your chest tightens with every tree you pass. Every time your foot hits the ground, your lungs burn a little more – how long have you been running?
           “It feels like years,” you think to yourself.
All you can hear is your raspy breath, loud in your ears, and the drumming of your feet when they hit the ground.
           “There are too many trees. They could be behind any one of these.”
You are out in the open. You should not be out in the open. You need cover. It’s dark, and you can barely see your hand in front of your face, but they can still find you. Do not look behind you. Whether they are two feet away, or two yards away, looking behind you will only slow you down – you need to make a decision now.
Right. Right. You pick right. You turn into a thicket of trees, and you pray to anyone that will listen. You need to get away.
You begin to pick up speed once again, but not nearly as quickly as before – don’t stop moving. Your hair sticks to your sweat-drenched face, impairing your already hindered vision – you don’t tie it back, you don’t have time to tie it back.
Keep running.
Upon entering the brush, your hair and clothes are consumed by the greedy bark covering the trees. You pull anyway, leaving behind patches of fabric and strands of hair. You don’t think anything of it, you don’t have time.
Your hands fly up to defend your face from the abusive branches and twigs. They still manage to graze you above the crease of your right eye, but you don’t have time to think about the spilling blood.
You realize that you can’t hear them, but that does not mean that they cannot hear you – anyone can hear your heart roaring.
You do not run in straight lines; people who run straight lines are easy to follow. Straight lines get you caught.
You turn left.
Fallen leaves rustle under your feet. Your mind is running faster than your feet can take you.
You turn left again.
           “Where could they be?
How close are they?
How long have I been running?
Why me!?”
You contemplate stopping when you hear howling and barking from behind – you force yourself not to look back.
You turn right.
You remember that they have dogs. You remember that they have dogs that know what you smell like. They have dogs that know what you smell like. The hair that is stuck in those trees is helping the dogs find you. It hits you that the hair you have not tied back has managed to lead them right to you. Your hopes of outrunning them diminish before your eyes.
What are you going to do now?
You consider stopping and letting them drag you back to that hell-on-Earth you were running from, but you know it will not end well. Suddenly, running seems like nothing. Nothing is as unbearable as the punishment you are going to receive if they catch you.
The howling is getting closer, it’s mocking you. It’s as if they know you can’t make it much farther.
The barking is getting too close, and you cannot control your tears. They cleanse your mud covered face. They’re too close and you can’t move any faster – they are going to get you.
The dogs bark again and you look back – you immediately regret it.
An unearthed tree root snags your foot, and you fall down a hill. As you roll, the ledge from where you once stood disappears. Your knee collides with a rock the size of your fist. That wound above your eye now also has company.
Your body hits level ground, and you do not move. Even though that impact likely broke one or two bones, you lie still. Your bottom lip is now torn open, but still, you’re not moving – you don’t want to. You’re tired, and this pile of leaves feels somewhat like your bed at home did.
           “Home,” you think.
You feel a sharp pain in your knee. It’s burning and the newly torn fabric is sticking to you. You’re bleeding.
You burst into tears and you try not to make a sound. You throw your hand over your mouth, squeezing until your bottom lip begins to burn. Laying on the ground in the mud and the waste of the inhabitants of this forest, you feel pathetic. You want this to be over. If they find you, you want them to kill you.
Your tears sting the scratches permanently engraved in your face. You hear them, and look up – you can’t see them, so you assume they do not see you. The dogs continue to bark, but they sound very cross.
You stop crying.
           “Where did she go?” the first one asks.
           “Because night-vision goggles are an inherent trait in my family”, the second says.
           “Don’t talk to me like that.”
           “Why not? You get to ask stupid questions.”
           “Will the two of you shut up?” the third interrupts, “She probably went this way.”
They continue to argue, loudly.
           “The dogs are pulling us forward, why would we go left?” the second one questions.
Your breath hitches in your throat – you dare not make a sound.
“These dogs are old, they still bark at the automatic feeder,” the third replies, “she could have never taken a fall like that.”
There is an intimidating silence. You cannot tell if they are still up there. You begin to move when,
“B-besides, she’s a whiney one, don’t you think we would have known if she hit the ground? S-she wouldn’t have stayed this quiet,” the first adds.
You wonder why he is stuttering.
“You two didn’t hear anything? I-I’m sure I heard her fall,” the second insists.
“There are leaves everywhere, you could have just as e-easily heard footsteps,” the first says.
“W-we’re wasting time, let’s move,” the third urges.
They sound afraid. Why?
When you are sure they are gone, you breathe a sigh of relief. You do not notice another set of feet rustling in the leaves.
You dry your tear stained face – you can make it; you can do this. You decide to move in the opposite direction: find some way to climb the hill with your busted knee, and run back in the direction you are coming from. They wouldn’t find you, it would buy you time.
You slowly make your way back up the hill. You reach for the rock that your knee smashed into before; your knee is still burning. There are a series of roots hidden beneath leaves and dirt – you reach for those too. You alternate between rocks, roots, and plants to make your way back up this hill – it is taking you longer than you have.
Just as you begin to reach for the ledge, a callused palm grabs you by the wrist. It drags you up the rest of the way – your body suspended in the air. The hand drops you once you are no longer dangling over the edge, and then brutishly meets your cheek. You wince in pain as the hand grabs you by the jaw and heaves you upwards, towards the face of a very smug looking man: forcing you to your feet, forcing you to use your damaged knee. You know his face; he’s not supposed to be here. There are four of them, you know this, but this one never acts. This one never leaves the hell-on-Earth, he stays behind to watch the others. He is the one in charge. He never does any of the hunting himself.
It is now you realize, he is why the three stuttered. You are petrified, but you dare not let your voice shake.
“You’re a clever one”, he complimented, “I was actually afraid that I had lost you. I want you around for a while. I couldn’t handle losing you.”
You’re confused. What is so special about you that he’s out hunting? He doesn’t hunt.
           “This isn’t fair,” you think.
           “I want to go home,” you spit.
           “Cunning and feisty, you really are a treasure,” the man says.
           “Let. Me. Go. Home,” you demand.
“You are home, this is your home now,” he says with a smile.
You can barely see it, but you can hear the grin he wears as he speaks. The thought of his smile unsettles you more than his words do.
You hit the ground once more as he releases your chin. He grabs you by the hair. He’s dragging back to where you are running from. You want to kick, but your knee is stiff and sore. You think to scream, but who would hear you? You want to cry, but not in front of him. You can’t let him think he’s broken you, even if he has.
- r.s // “Run” // 2016
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leoandnemmie-blog · 7 years
hi! i love your account ^^ i was wondering if i could group reacting to an MC who has health conditions (like i have a heart condition) that makes her weak or unable to do a lot of physical activities? i would just love to see how they would react to her.
I remember you! You sent me a match up like… A month ago? And if memory serves correctly, I paired you with Jumin! You sound awesome. I hope your heart condition isn’t too bad…
I did RFA separately and a group one including RFA and Minor Trio, the group one will be under the cut.
No, hun. You don’t love my account, I love you. ;D It was D E S T I N Y. How does this make sense, wtf Leo.
OK… I’m sorry, I’ll write now… ^^;; ~Leo
Yoosung Kim:
You were diagnosed with arthritis when you were a child, Oligo-articular JIA to be specific.
You thought you were going to get better in a few years but you were one of the unlucky people who had it for a long time.
You didn’t feel the need to mention it to Yoosung because it never came up.
Besides, it barely affected you at this point. You always managed to get through the day.
But this one was different…
You were walking home with Yoosung and your legs were hurting quite a bit.
You were lagging behind a bit so Yoosung asked you if something was wrong and you simply brushed it off as you being tired.
He then bought up the childish concept of having a race to a nearby tree in attempt to make you less tired somehow.
Not wanting to let him down, you accepted.
You were ahead of him but halfway through you felt the pain in your leg and it was unbearable.
You yelped out in pain and Yoosung stopped, crouching down to see what had happened.
He was confused for a moment before you explained that nothing had really happened. You told him about your arthritis and how you were getting surgery next month for it.
He helps you out before your surgery a lot, even to the point when it’s sometimes unbearable.
He’s still a bit overprotective after the surgery.
But you know he means well.
Zen / Hyun Ryu:
You had been suffering from back pains from time to time over the past 2 weeks.
You had been diagnosed with sciatica when you went to physiotherapist.
You didn’t feel the need to tell Zen because they told you that it would be over in a less than a year and not to worry too much.
This one time you were watching one of Zen’s musicals and when you stood up to clap, you felt a sharp pain run down your back and you immediately sat back down.
You quickly register the concern on his face and he steps of stage and asks you what’s going on.
“She’s pregnant, isn’t she? Not that far along from the looks of it… Maybe she’s one of those people who have a small bump. Anyways, it’s probably just a contraction, don’t worry too much Zen.” Someone from the audience spoke loudly.
“Jagiya, w-what?” His face was fixed in an expression of surprise
“Zen, I’m not pregnant.”
You told him you’d explain on the way home and when you were feeling a bit better you were both on your way.
After you told him he face palmed and began apologising since he wasn’t there for you.
But you tell him it’s OK, you didn’t tell him which made it your fault.
He sorts out an exercise routine with you physiotherapist and makes sure that you get better quicker.
Thanks to him, your recovery is completed 2 months earlier than expected.
Jaehee Kang:
Come on, let’s be real here. She’s the one who had an idea of what was going on before you did.
Symptoms of high blood pressure are practically unnoticeable Like me
You were amazed when she suspects it though.
She forces you to go take a blood test and it turns out she was right.
Immediately begins taking MUCH more care of your health.
She makes sure that your food isn’t too salty.
Gets rid of most of the alcohol in the house.
Begins to make you herbal tea instead of coffee because caffeine is not good for you right now!
If you smoke, she’ll gradually get you to quit.
She won’t make you go cold turkey out of nowhere though.
Also makes you sleep a lot more. 
Ty mama Jaehee.
She’ll get you to exercise with her, will even invite Zen to exercise with the two of you sometimes.
She’s also on top of your medication, not in that way, she knows exactly what time to give you which set of pills and whether or not you’ve taken them if she isn’t around.
She’s so glad when your health begins to improve.
She honestly doesn’t know what she’d do without you.
Jumin Han:
You noticed around 2 months ago that your heartbeat would skyrocket out of nowhere sometimes.
You would get dizzy sometimes and you didn’t know why.
Jumin would ask you if you were alright and you would just tell him you were dehydrated or tired.
You got Jaehee to book you a doctors appointment, you didn’t tell Jumin because you thought that it was something minor and not something he should be concerned with.
He was even more concerned when Jaehee told him instead of you.
Would’ve got driver Kim to drive him to the hospital if he didn’t have so much work.
The second he walks into the penthouse the two of you share, he demands answers.
You murmur out that you were diagnosed with atrial fibrillation.
He doesn’t quite know what that is, so you tell him that it’s a form of arrhythmia.
All signs of anger leave his face as he wraps his arms around you and offers words of consolation.
He tells you that no matter what he’ll love you and it’s true.
Will keep up to date with your medication.
Makes someone keep track of whether or not you take them.
Will do and does do anything in his power to make you feel healthy again.
Anything for you.
707 / Luciel / Saeyoung:
You were diagnosed with hypoglycemia.
You went to the doctor’s a week ago and somehow Saeran had gotten wind of it and mentioned it to his twin in a conversation since he presumed that he knew.
Lol. No.
Immediately hacks your medical records. Do not try this at home kids
You’re honestly not surprised, he was bound to have found out one day, you just hoped it wouldn’t have been this way.
You tried explaining but he simply raised up a finger to silence you.
For a moment you were scared that there was gonna be an argument.
But he just tells you that it’s gonna be alright, that he’s there for you and that no matter what he’ll always love you.
He comes to your appointments unless something comes up. Even if he is forced to wait outside he waits. 
Always gets the right medication for you and remembers what time to give it to you.
Heck, he even managed to make a cat robot tell you when it’s time to take your medicine again.
He’d do anything and everything to make you better again.
The entire RFA was holding a fundraiser.
All of you had to run at least 100m.
You thought you could manage that but apparently not.
You had damaged a part of your cuneiform a few weeks ago and the doctor told you it would take at least 4 months to heal.
They also told you that you shouldn’t walk too much, forget running.
When the race began you were fine.
But 50m in you felt too much pain in your foot and practically screamed in pain as you fell down.
The race promptly stopped and in a flash V was in front of you, asking if you were alright.
You nod your head but the Jaehee steps out of the crowd, asking if anyone nearby was a medic.
Seven pushed his glasses up and asked Vanderwood to come forth.
Vanderwood groaned as he came forward, claiming to only know a bit of first aid.
More than enough for this though.
He gets Yoosung to grab a first aid kit and Jumin skillfully calls an ambulance.
You can also see Zen try to calm everyone down and progress with the event alongside Jaehee.
It wasn’t really going great since Saeran kept yelling...
V attempted to calm him down.
Oops. Wrong guy for the job.
It takes Seven promising to get him some ice cream for him to calm down a little.
Once you’re at the hospital you get told that you need to stay there for a day minimum.
Everyone visits you, including Vanderwood at some point claiming that Seven forced him go.
Lol. We know he did it out of the goodness of his heart.
Yoosung comes along with Zen and you end up playing board games with them and they tell you about their days.
Jumin also comes, most of the time for short visits, and tells you what the doctor told him and what his new ideas for C&R are. He’ll ask you for your opinions too and tries to get your mind off of the pain.
V comes and shows you some of his new photographs, he gets you a drawing pad and some pencils so that you can draw.
Jaehee tells you little tips about how to keep yourself better.
Even after you’re let out of the hospital, they’ll constantly ask you how your doing and visit more often.
Honestly, with their help you became better so much quicker than you thought you would’ve.
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adelmortescryche · 7 years
R u ready cuz i got me a LIST. I'll send prompts in separate asks and if u don't like any feel free to disregard! First off is Victuuri, with "I'm not very good with commitment, or soulmates, or love." Preferably said by Yuuri bc i l o v e angst. A lot.
hah, can i just say that i was fcking delighted to get this one with Yuuri being the one to say the line. i mean, as i mentioned before, i’d have had yuuri say it either way, but then i registered that that was exactly what you wanted anyway. such a lovely coincidence. this turned out fluffier than expected, but hey, it’s still mildly angsty.
an explanation in advance, if it isn’t obvious: soulmates live their lives in this ‘verse with sensory deprivation of some sort. so they’re all actually impaired to a certain extent until they meet their soulmates. soulmates don’t necessarily have to be romantic or stay together. guess what side of the argument these two dorks are on.
In response to this post. salty soulmate prompts ftw.
Victor supposed that he should have seen this coming. He’d spent his entire adult life wondering what taste was, read books about flavor and food, and stared at cooking shows, wondering if food was really more than just aesthetic appreciation and matter being shoveled in for energy and nutrition. Whether there was actually someone out there, a destined someone who would who would bring flavor and taste into his life like a tidal wave. He’d heard Chris think about smell in the same way until he’d met his dashing mystery man, too - if it was real, if something as mundane as the way things smelt was worth the hype.
The first thing he’d done in the aftermath was drag Chris into a flower shop. And had weathered the teasing about being a pathetic romantic while Chris all but buried his face in a vase full of lilies.
So, yes. He should have seen this coming. He’d spent enough years as a precocious teen scoffing at the thought of something as ridiculous as fate and a soulmate deciding anything about his life. He’d spent many more as a lonely adult thinking that it might not be that bad, having someone promised to you so soundly. He should have seen this coming. 
Yuuri, for his part, just looked uncomfortable. And maybe a little tired, eyes just a bit puffy and red. His fingers were tight around the edge of his door, holding it in place like a shield to hold Victor at bay. Ridiculous. As if Victor needed anything of the sort to keep him back when Yuuri-
“Sorry. I’m just… not very good with commitment. Or soulmates. Or love. We had this discussion already, Victor, I’m-”
Not good with people, Yuuri had said. Not good with relationships, casual or otherwise. Just not comfortable with social interaction outside the bare minimum at all. Funny how Victor had assumed that meant people who weren’t soulmates. Relationships that didn’t involve him. Because he was- because Yuuri was-
“Sorry.” Yuuri repeated, and slammed the door shut in his face.
“You look like you need a drink.”
He blinked muzzily down at the table, then forced himself to lift his head enough to peer up at the red clad form kneeling on the other side of the table from him.
Ah. It had gotten rather quiet, hadn’t it.
“Sorry, I’ll go back up,” he mumbled, a few more blinks making it easier to recognize the form as Mari. Yuuri’s older sister.
She just shook her head, though, gesturing for Victor to stay where he was, then proceeded to settle into a more loose-limbed crosslegged posture. It took a little longer for the situation to compute, but when it did, Victor’s head drooped a little lower. 
“You heard us.” It wasn’t a question.
“Aa. You were very quiet, but…” she shrugged, unapologetic, and Victor had to give a tired laugh. Fantastic. Obviously he shouldn’t have brought the topic up at the inn. But it was either the inn or the rink, or the walk between the two. Or assorted restaurants that Yuuri had been willing to introduce him to. If nothing else, the inn had been more private than the other options.
They were silent for a moment of companionable silence, long enough that Victor suddenly found himself wondering if Mari had met her soulmate yet. What her take on the topic was. Yuuri had made his stance very clear, but that didn’t mean all the Katsukis felt the same way.
“My brother… he isn’t shy.”
Mari’s words were blunt. Abruptly so. They made Victor blink again, confused, but she barged on before he could actually understand what she meant.
“He isn’t shy, but people make him uneasy. People who want his time make him break. Ah, I mean-” she paused, looking irritable, but Victor nodded slowly in response, willing to take her at face value. Even if the thought of Yuuri breaking made something sick settle at the bottom of his gut.
“He gets very uneasy, when he does not know what someone wants. It is always better to tell him what you want.”
Victor frowns at that, and wants to argue that that was exactly what he’d done. He’d come clean. He’d said that flavors had bloomed in his mouth only after he’d met Yuuri. He’d even left himself open to hurt, and said that he was happy that Yuuri was the one to return his missing sense to him. How much clearer could a man get?
Mari just looked vaguely exasperated, though. Maybe a little long-suffering. She was older than him, Victor remembered distantly. It had been so long since he’d had peers who were older than him that actually mattered.
“You want that drink?” she asked.
Victor shook his head.
“Then you sleep. Go. And talk to my idiot brother in the morning. Oyasumi.”
“Oyasumi,” Victor parroted dumbly, watching as she pushed herself to her feet and walked away. Not sure if he should take issue with the appellation, then deciding that if anyone had the right to call Yuuri an idiot, it was his older sister.
By the time he got himself to his room, Makka was already curled up and half asleep on top of the covers. The sight makes him pause by the door, an odd smile pulling taut across his face. Even when Makka lifting her head to stare at him questioningly, wondering why he hadn’t already gotten into bed already, didn’t erase the smile from his lips.
Well. He still had Makka, didn’t he. This didn’t change anything. Yuuri didn’t change anything. Soulmates didn’t change anything. He could still try coaching for an year, be thankful for the break and actually enjoy eating food.
So what if he’d been right all along, as a teen. His seventeen year old self would probably laugh to see how far he’d fallen.
Makka whined, and Victor stepped into the room, the action a reflex more than anything else. Her stare was enough to get him switch off the one lamp that was still lit, and get under the covers without much more thought.
“You’re more disapproving than a mother with a teenager under her roof,” Victor muttered into the curls topping her head, once she’d flopped down on top of him, all but burying him beneath herself. 
No response, but then, he’d never needed one, from Makkachin. He could always tell when she wanted him around. Now if only Yuuri were that easy to re-
A cool, dry nose nudged at the hollow of his throat, sudden enough that he almost yelped in surprise. When he pulled back, he found Makka staring up at him accusingly. It had him bursting into snickers that he promptly buried into her fur, much to her sleepy irritation. Not that she protested. She never did.
Okay, then. Sleep. Actual sleep, without working himself into the ground thinking about Yuuri, or fate or anything else that was liable to leave him awake through the night. He was a coach now, after all. And if his student was avoiding him… Well, then he’d just meet his student halfway. Soulmate or not.
A few days down the line proved early on that Yuuri was not an easy man to meet halfway. Not when he seemed stubborn and embarrassed enough that he was doing his literal best to skedaddle whenever Victor got anywhere near close enough to ask to talk.
It was enough to drive a man crazy. Especially when Mari slowly went from looking exasperating to commiserating to amused. Hiroko and Toshiya weren’t of any help either, clearly just as amused as their daughter, and while Minako was kind enough to split bottles of sake and plum wine with him, but she wasn’t kind enough to not laugh at his plight.
“You seem to be doing something right, at least. Yuuri sure as hell wouldn’t act like this with a coach.” Minako crowed, while Victor knocked back the last dregs of whatever had been left in the flask before them.
“It’s not like it helps. He won’t even talk to me!” he snapped back, and immediately regretted it. A friendly listening ear aside, Minako was still Yuuri’s old ballet teacher. Lilia would probably smile with perfect poise in a similar situation, all the while plotting to murder anyone badmouthing her students.
Minako, thankfully, just laughed some more, and patted him roughly on the back. Hiroko, in the process of bringing out yet another bottle of wine, most likely for Minako because Victor was stopping while he was ahead, reached out to pat him on the shoulder, murmuring something in Japanese that just made Minako laugh even harder. Victor wasn’t sure if he wanted to know or not.
The mean glint in Minako’s eyes told him that he was really better off not knowing.
A clatter near the entryway had Victor glancing that way reflexively, only to find Yuuri in the process of leaving, most likely for an evening run. Yuuri barely met his eyes for a split second before he dashed away, though. It was barely a surprise at this point.
“See? That’s not how he’d treat a coach. I should know, I’ve been his teacher since he was a tiny kid. Hell, I stood in for a coach a whole lot when he’d been a kid, too.”
Victor’s not sure how it matters, when the equation there was so different from whatever was getting built between him and Yuuri. Maybe that was where he was supposed to start in that talk. Mari though he should tell Yuuri what he wanted, but… that didn’t seem to be helping at all. Maybe he should just ask what Yuuri wanted instead.
Something of the frustration brewing in his head must have shown on his face, because Minako nearly cackled. And proceeded to fill his ochoko with another shot of sake.
“Drink up, boy, clearly you’re going to need it. And then maybe you can consider going on a run to catch up with Yuuri-kun.”
“Maybe,” Victor agreed, the smile on his face a lot more plastic than it had been in a while. No way in hell was he going to go chasing after Yuuri. Not only could he set a terrifying pace when he was focused, Victor suspected that trying to catch up with him after that momentary traded glance earlier would backfire a lot more than any other attempts he’d made so far.
So no. Maybe he could try to catch him at the rink in the morning. He felt safer near the ice, right. That’s what Nishigori and Yuuko had implied, at any rate.
Well, Victor could say the same. Neutral ground! Maybe that would help, if nothing else did. Honestly, he didn’t even care as much about soulmates any longer, not after the last few days he’d been through. No, fate and destiny could go fuck themselves, all he wanted was Yuuri, acting normal again. His fledgling student, the fellow competitor who’d managed to sweep his heart away well before Victor even registered that he’d returned his missing sense as well, the man whom Victor had slowly begun to realize would be a worthy friend to have, too, aside from everything else.
Morning. The ice rink. It was on.
“…Victor, are you sure you’re feeling okay?”
Victor, in the process of getting his skates off, eyes hard in his head, started in surprise. When he regained enough control to look back at Yuuko, who’d managed to sneak up on him when he’d been busy knocking the ice off of his blades, she just looked more alarmed than her voice had suggested.
The expression did little to soothe his ire, but he did take the time to offer her a smile. It’s not her fault that her friend is starting to feel roughly as stubborn and bratty as Yura. Victor was tempted to shove that in Yuuri’s face, just to see how he’d react to it. 
“It’s nothing, we’ll be taking a break today, i think.” he replied, smile firmly pasted in place, and Yuuko stared at him for an uncomfortably long moment before finally coughing out a laugh.
“Don’t be too hard on him. Yuuri isn’t shy, he’s just-”
“Really not good with people. Yes, thank you, I’ve figured that out now.” Victor completed cheerfully, something in him very tempted to drop the smiles to the wayside just this once, because he was tired, damnit, but Yuuko didn’t deserve the vitriol buried beneath them, just waiting to be unleashed. 
She looked uncomfortably knowing when she waved him out of the rink, all the same. 
Cycling back to the inn in the cold air managed to cool him down somewhat, enough so that he’s relatively calm by the time he’s kicking his shoes off in the genkan and trading them in for his own pair of indoor slippers.
He runs into Mari when he’s heading up the stair, and she only needs a single glance at his face before she lips tugged apart in a delighted smirk.
“Finally,” she declared, sounding aggrieved. “Do you have any idea how irritating the two of you have been these past few days. Please go tell him what you want from him so he can stop hiding in his covers.”
“Thanks, Mari,” Victor replied pleasantly, not bothering to correct her, and somehow that just made her smirk broaden. She didn’t say any more, though, instead continuing down the stairs without giving him any grief.
By the time he gets Yuuri’s door open to drag him out to the beach, he’d almost completely managed to convince himself that he’ll be okay with however this is going to end. Even if everyone else seemed to have their own opinions about what’s going to happen. 
“-and even if I couldn’t actually feel her arms around me back then, something about that situation left me with a bad taste in my mouth. I just- shoved her away. Because she was making assumptions about what I was feeling, and was forcing her emotions on me… It’s never been something I’ve been comfortable with. I need space, Victor. To just exist, maybe to figure out what I want. And no one I’ve been with in even the flimsiest of a relationship till now seems to understand that, outside of my family and friends, here. I’m not weak.”
And so the unease about commitment. And love. And soulmates. Victor tightened his grip around Makkachin involuntarily, only relaxing it when she whined, confused. 
Yuuri sounded exhausted, and vehement, almost like the words he’s said had been clawing at his throat ever since they’d stopped talking to each other.
“No one thinks you’re weak, Yuuri. I certainly don’t. This entire time, all I’ve wanted was to ask you what you wanted out of this. I said that I’m certain we’re soulmates, but that doesn’t have to mean anything more that you want it to. Did you want me to be a father figure to you? A sibling, a friend, a lover-” Victor paused when Yuuri’s hand abruptly reached out to cover his mouth. 
When he looked over to the side, Yuuri’s face was flushed enough that it bordered on unhealthy. He seemed determined, though. So Victor waited, curious.
The next thing he knew, Yuuri was standing up and bowing, at a perfectly formal 90 degrees, arms steady at his sides. It’s enough to make Victor fumble in place, eyes going wide, but before he could say anything, Yuuri was speaking, Japanese spilling smoothly past his lips, in a stream fast enough that Victor had no chance of understanding any of it. It wasn’t much, only a sentence, but at the end of it, Yuuri eased off on the bow enough that Victor could see his face again. And the small, impish smile playing on his lips, too.
“Pleased to meet you, thank you for returning my tactile sense.” He said, this time around in English, and Victor choked on a surprised laugh, delight budding bright in his chest.
Yuuri just cleared his throat rather pointedly, though, and Victor sighed, smiling a little helplessly as he pushed himself to his feet. 
“Pleased to meet you, thank you for returning my sense of taste.”
“There. That was better.” Yuuri said, actually laughing out loud when Victor rolled his eyes good-naturedly.
They stayed on the beach for longer, simply walking by the water, throwing a ball for Makka whenever she got bored, segueing into more casual topics of conversation, even discussing what it felt like to have a sense returned to them. Apparently Yuuri had been stuck in bed for weeks because of how bad the pain had been for him, years of ballet and figure skating without any tactile sensation finally catching up with him. Victor had cringed at the thought, in turn offering up photos of all the different food combinations and cuisines he’d taken to trying out once he had a fully functioning sense of taste.
It wasn’t until they were ready to leave that Yuuri slowed down to say that he didn’t want Victor to be anything but himself. Because Victor the Person, his coach and possibly his friend, was at least a little more important than whatever had destined for them to be soulmates.
It’s enough to make Victor think, if only for a split second, that he’s very relieved that Yuuri was the person that had been destined for him after all.
A few months down the line and Victor’s tackling Yuuri to the ice, heedless of the screams and the lights and sound of thousands of camera shutters flashing, hellbent on smothering him in kisses. He’s still not sure if that’s more because Yuuri was his soulmate or because Yuuri was Yuuri, and Yuuri was never going to stop surprising him, but by that point, Victor really couldn’t care less.
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sagemoderocklee · 7 years
1, 8, &18 for the salty ask meme?
1)What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
gods above help me lmao
my biggiest is probably Nar*Gaa. it’s my most hated, most loathed, number one enemy. like when i see any mention of it the Kill Bill sirens start going off. i hate it. i don’t get it. it isn’t feasible politically and it’s just not fair to Gaara to put him with someone who has proven time and time again that the most important person in his life is Sasuke and there isn’t room for anyone else in that role.
like gaara deserves better than being side lined. he deserves someone who will put everything they have into a relationship with him. not someone who can’t even remember they’re friends long enough to be like “hey maybe i should tell him i’m getting married” 🙄🙄🙄 gaara cares about naruto a lot. naruto has proven that he cares about gaara the way you care about the friends you have in fb who you talk to from time to time–sure they’re your friend, sure you want what’s best for them, but you’re not going out of your way to see them or do things for them. they’re background friends. nice ppl you care about but not ppl you rlly need to spend time with….
and that’s not even gettin into the political problems or just the major character issues where they would butt heads and have fights. but anywayyyyyy!!!!
the others would be LeeT*n (like they’re like siblings????? i dont????understand????), all the end game pairings except for ShikaTema which is good and pure and i love them, and of course i rlly rlly do not fucking get KibaK*nku because of all the dudes in naruto these two are the most painfully straight… like they are loud and obnoxious Straights. like the kinda bros who can’t even hug each other kinda straight… and i just… they have no chemistry even as friends or possible fighting partners???? they shared one scene once where kankurou saved kiba and it was… so whatever that i literally didn’t even think it was possible for ppl to ship them when i was young and naive and didn’t understand how fandom worked. but here i am seeing ppl talk about rarepair hell for these two all over the place and i just sit there like ??????????? because how????? why????
like do you. be happy ship them all you want but it’s… they are so straight it hurts so i will never get it and there is nothing in the universe that will make me get it.
edit: i cannot believe i forgot the very first ship i never fucking understood in this forsaken fandom: Kak*Iru. like that was one of the three ships my friends insisted i ship and i just kinda was like "um okay" but then when i actually watched the series i was like "where?????"
8) Have you received anon hate? What about?
fandom wise??? ummm probably??? i’m tryna think. like other than some nasty ass comments on some fics recently i can’t think of anything off the top of my head cause i keep to my own corner of w/e fandoms im involved in because it’s safer that way. i don’t even think i got any hate from LeeGaa shippers when that dA group came to tumblr and had drama with some ppl in the fandom because i just don’t generally engage???? like i’m sure i’ve gotten some bs but it was probably so insignificant that i don’t remember it.
but like i’m sure i have. i’m pretty vocal about my feelings on certain things like ppl shipping nasty shit like children with adults or ppl who write rent boy![x] and plenty of other nasty things ppl in fandom do so i don’t doubt i’ve had some truly ass pained 30-something message me telling me how wrong i am for feeling this way or whatever and “don’t kink shame me” 🙄🙄🙄 i’m also certain i’ve had ppl send me shit for shipping h/d or for thinking draco deserves a redemption arc but like mhmm again it was all very much not worth remembering lol
18) Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased?
I think that is hugely dependent on the ship. like i will be the first to admit that i am biased against NaruGa* but i don’t think that makes my points any less valid. it patently does not work as a ship for a number of reasons. do i hate it with a passion so strong it could fuel the sun for a millennia??? absolutely! is my hatred of it rooted in the fact that it’s more popular than GaaLee? at least like 75% of it is! (the other is because gaara just deserves better) but does that mean that i can’t think critically on why i don’t like it for the non petty and no superficial reasons??? no. i am fully capable of looking at that pairing and sayin “man this shit rlly doesn’t work”
like ultimately i don’t think i’m in denial when it comes to not shipping that pairing because ultimately the popularity of it relies more on two things: their screen time together and the fact that both are at the very least conventionally attractive (gaara is obviously not conventionally attractive there is nothing conventional about him i love him he is my anime husband he is the most beautiful man in this series) whereas lee is… not the lost conventionally attractive ergo less popular to ship ppl with
however i don’t think that applies to everything. ppl who don’t sip sasunaru, for instance, i think have a large bias because of homophobia. and yeah are in denial. like at this point even if you don’t like it you should at least because to say “yes fuck those two rlly do love each other” but a lot of ppl are just plain homophobes and that’s rlly that. is this always the case with popular ships no. sometimes it’s bias 100% of the way and sometimes bias is only a part of why someone doesn’t ship something. but ultimately bias always plays a role. however i don’t think that makes not shipping something less valid.
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dasaene-archive · 7 years
This isn’t a new concept and idk if anyone is really interested, but I wanted to talk about my friends’, teachers’, or acquaintances’ types since I thought it might be fun to share my impressions of all of them. I’ve moved around a lot since my mom is in the military but have only learned about MBTI for two or three years, so even if I have met every type irl I can only really talk about the ones I remember.
ISTJ (my mom, 1 acquaintance)
h i l a r i o u s (without even trying to be)
Actually?? Gets things done??? Without saying anything??????
Tired. Tired all the dang time.
Ready to kill at any moment
Dog people
Always has to be doing something. If they’re not doing something, they’re bored.
Would die for their families
INFJ (my dad, I don’t think I’ve met any INFJs irl besides him and myself)
Done with life
Bad social anxiety
N E R D  N E R D  N E R D
Literally has a master’s degree in social work so like if you want a counselor he’s got the qualifications besides just being an INFJ
Thinks gender roles are stupid (he’s an emotional stay-at-home dad with long hair)
Took the test in college and got INTJ (lol relatable)
ISTP (my sister, 1 acquaintance)
Bored every day of their lives
Loves food
RBF. Like, never-ending soul-crushing RBF.
Acquaintance will not stop fixing up his dang truck (how many more mods can you do, man?? Need more lights????? MORE PAINT??????)
Everyone in freshman year had a crush on this truck-lovin fool
Has an excellent taste in fashion
Messy bedrooms
Arguing with family 24/7
Secretly hopeless romantics
INTP (friend)
Awkward but likes to observe people
Will talk about the weirdest crap with you w/o judgment
Went to two STEM camps and one band camp this summer
Likes languages and instruments but never has the motivation to learn them (wow same)
Will speak up if something’s off
High-key space nerd
Everyone wants to be her or be with her like seriously how does she do it while still being so awkward
INFP (3 friends)
Cringe city but generally fun to be around anyway
Loves to take care of their friends
Dog people (animal people in general)
Anime nerds. All of them.
Super creative procrastinators (one writes and one draws)
Will fite you if you disagree with (a.k.a. insult) their beliefs (I hate arguing w them tbh)
Internal screaming
All three of them give off pretty different vibes (idk if it’s the Fi?? enneagram differences????)
ISFP (friend)
So?? Chill??????
Sinnamon roll
Everybody has a crush on her and everyone is heartbroken bc she lets them down so gently
Always hanging out with people and going outside
Has huge collections of stuff (teapots, duck plushies, figurines, onesies, it never ends)
Has a more eclectic taste in pets (snakes, hermit crabs, fish)
Phone is  a l w a y s  dead, like girl pls find a charger and an outlet
Sometimes we won’t text in like half a year but when we talk again it’s like nothing’s changed
ISFJ (2 friends)
One is a theatre nerd
Has arbitrary obsessions
One random event when they were 3 yrs old must have really changed them
Loves their phones
S m o l, like really really small
Secret meme queens
High-key hopeless romantics who love deeply but rarely
Hard workers and volunteers
ENTP (1 teacher, 1 friend[?])
The English teacher everybody hates (super annoying and disorganized)
...has a good sense of humor tho
Supervises the speech and debate team (and I’m sure if my friend[?] went to a school that had one of those she’d wreck everybody)
Very proud of their ancestry (one is Celtic, one is the descendant of Charlemagne)
Flirty and always lookin for love
ESTJ (1 teacher, 1 acquaintance)
The English teacher everybody hates (super meticulous and organized)
Rule is law, and unfortunately for you I really do like making my own rules
Loves to read
Silly. Like, for someone so serious, they are jokesters.
Pretends not to take things personally but has deep emotional capabilities
Too nosy for their own good
Love-hate relationship I have with them. Mutual respect.
ENFJ (friend)
Genuinely nice and motivated to help people
Tries to get everyone to focus on group projects
Twin is the ISTP acquaintance who won’t stop working on his truck. They ride ATVs together.
Also twins with flipped complementary function stacks? Nice
Seems airheaded, is really not
She has long curly hair. Idk this seemed notable to mention
Competitive but will be really warm to you while trying to crush you
Looks introverted at first glance, but is just kinda chill when not in study mode
ESFJ (1 friend, 1 acquaintance)
One is pretty stereotypical, the other is a nerdy goofball
Actually both hate popularity and being fake so I guess they both hopped onto the individuality train in terms of who they hang out with
Acquaintance is a Southern Belle™ and is dating truck-lovin’ ISTP (dang this dude is e v e r y w h e r e, you’d think he is an ESTP but no)
Nerdy goofball is addicted to collecting pins and drinking cherry slushies
Have that “XD” kinda Ne humor
Don’t like to talk about themselves a lot but love people
Do really appreciate a good selfie tho
ENFP (friend)
Flirt. Like, dangerously flirty considering she’s dating someone
Uses :3c ironically so much that it’s become unironic
Distinctive fashion that goes from girly to androgynous in 2 seconds flat, but is always presentable
Reads bad fanfiction for fun
Makes fun of my dad’s knobbly knees
Determined to achieve her dreams
Makes a good first impression on adults, really is just a depressed memer
INTJ (acquaintance)
Quiet, but will laugh boisterously at dark humor
Left a note in my yearbook at the end of the year saying that when I first started at that school he thought I was a horrible pretentious jerk but then he realized I was a quirky but intelligent weirdo and he wished me well wherever I was moving
Like no joke that was the best thing I’ve ever read written about me I was laughing no one was that honest with me in that dang school and I didn’t even know the guy very well
WILL call you out if you do or say something wrong
A ~mystery~
Probably had a silent existential crisis every day at lunch
ESFP (acquaintance)
so,, emotional??
Popular as crap. Like, really popular
Because he’s popular drama follows him wherever he goes
Voted Best Dancer in the yearbook superlatives every year bc boi this dude will not stop dancing
Used to have that Sokka haircut. You know the one
Bites his tongue a lot bc he has so many opinions but isn’t ready to stop the nice vibes ya know
Protective of his mom and younger siblings
I probably met an ESTP and ENTJ at some point in my life buuut no one notable comes to mind so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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swearronchanel · 8 years
I rewatched 5.09 aka The 2016 Christmas Special
I officially have done nothing productive all day. I did finish rewatching The Nanny though if that counts 😂😂 I forgot how much it made me laugh. Anyway I’m randomly in the mood to watch the 2016 Christmas special so why not post? Btw this will be long af  this IS incredibly long but I just had so many thoughts ya’ know?
Ah I’m excited again, this was such a great special don’t @ me
TRIXIE looking a babe 😍 she assisted in the cesarean.. later she’ll do it herself ahh
I want to have Christmas dinner at Nonnatus aww
“To absent friends"💔 my freaking heart breaks, sister MJ’s face! ugh she misses sister Evangelina. But don’t we all?
More cute Angela not talking as usual (still waiting for a word)
I want Trixie’s Christmas outfit, I want all her clothes though 😍
# LETS GET IT 1962
rip to sister felicity tho
More Shelagh being flawless, like yes Laura Main is so gorgeous don’t sleep on it
”God moves in a mysterious manner" lol shelagh I just love u don’t ever change
“Our own son had polio once” yes use guilt to make your point & get ur way
take notes people
“What you did I did, where you go I go..” excuse me while my heart fucking melts 😭😭
I remember watching this Christmas Day & my mom and I did the same sigh and “aww” expression at that line
She loves the show and is going to be shook when she watches series 6 lol
Also like Shelagh’s dress is so cute I’m here for it
Lmaoo I was wondering for so long beforehand why tf they brought Fred?? They Need those engineering skills apparently  
Yess the music is lit
Trixie’s turquoise dress 👌🏻👌🏻 I want it
Tims leg braces! I actually noticed them and was lowkey proud because I rarely notice shit in the background
More Shelagh being adorable, as always
Get those vaccinations💉💉 f*ck shots though lmao I hate them
What is Patrick whispering to Shelagh? 👀👀
That’s almost right up there with what in the actual fuck did he write in those letters to get her to ditch the habit and wimple 😉😏😉 NO BUT FOR REAL WHAT DID HE SAY? We’ll never know *sigh*
I’m here for everything Trixie wears lets be real
don’t even argue that she’s making a big deal with any of that “he’s a vicar, she’s a vicar’s daughter, they don’t believe in premarital sex” either cause they were making out in public before and he was grabbing her ass in a CONVENT Lmaooo (good for him he’s not letting god stop him😂) jk I’m going to hell for all the jokes I’ve made through out this show anyway
I feel though, so im letting them live
But still the married couple barely touch each other 😂 so I’m a little salty *pretend there’s a salt shaker emoji* Fu*k it though
Also Patsy and Delia have been together for a while and haven’t kissed either as far as I remember
BEATRIX FRANKLIN SLAYING AS ALWAYS 😍😍 love her coat and glasses and everything she is
And yikes that swimsuit babs lol
There’s Patsy! With the horrible horrible wig :/
Sister MJ with the Christmas cake 😭😭 aye bendito she just wants to share it
How rich with alcohol is it sister? Pass it over
By guys🙋🏼 we out this Bitch ✈️🚢
The music makes me so happy 😭❣️
“Look at you Barbara! brussel sprout green” Lmaoo ew I hate Brussel sprouts and also throwing up in general😂 sorry babs you’re gross rn
Legit I have not thrown up since I was like 8, I refuse to let myself 😭😂and 3 semesters in to university and lots of parties and drinks I’ve never actually thrown up (been pretty close though haha) *knocks on wood so I don’t jinx it*
I love Phyllis. Have I said that yet??
“..do you have anything to stop my mascara from running” lol I am Trixie
but was there no waterproof mascara yet?
uh oh here comes the asshole sergeant (I think it’s the same guy as later on?), and Tom is so reasonable lol
 Shelagh’s hat with the flowers lol, but yes her cute summer dress love it, glad she only took one cardigan 😂
Lol when the sergeant tells Trixie don’t smile 😂😂
yes Dr Myra pulled up, I thought she was kinda bitchy at first and still kinda do but she’s tough and badass so I’m here for it
“I can see the caption now, English Roses dash African Skies exclamation mark!” .. “this is a new camera” LOL AGAIN PHYLLIS IS A GEM I LOVE HER SHE’S SO FUNNY
And again Trixie’s dress, it’s so pretty I want it😭😭
And again I’m Trixie, talking about needing a face mask 😂
lol Babs you smell like grajo 😂
Phyllis sniffing her 😂 “you’ve had enough barley sugar and sympathy”
The spider 😂 I don’t like spiders so I relate lol & Barbara killing it and coming at Phyllis with the clapback “there’s venom on it and some backbone”
Why do I find the linen habits funny?
Aw Shelagh “it’s at times like this I wonder what would Sister Evangelina do” I’m so glad she brought her up
Rip sister E 😰
I feel like Patrick would still feel hot in that linen suit, like it’s still a suit lol? same with the nuns but like they have no other choice
Alright I’ll give Dr Myra that though asking about radium treatment was naive of Patrick
Fred is so funny though 😂 leaving his mark by shaving lol
Throwback to Shelagh’s og bri nylon nightgown’s first appearance 😉  
“What’s all this” LOL about to be the cause of this miraculous conception that’s what 😂
“It’s made of a new material called bri nylon..” Shelagh is so cute and genuinely wanting to explain 💕
Lol like cmon u know Patrick probably doesn’t give a fuck and is gonna take it off
Of course Trixie would be mad she didn’t get to set her hair
“That hat covers a multitude of sins” that’s legit one of my fav Barbara lines 😂😂
Shelagh is the only one who brought the belt to her uniform because she’s Shelagh & has to look calm, cool, collected and professional lol
Phyllis’s kink: rolodex systems 📇
lol I really do like Dr Myra, making Patrick feel dumb and I don’t care
“..and they live in a society that is gradually stripping them of any dignity or freedoms they ever had..” again I like Dr Myra a lot. I didn’t really think she had a white savior complex as some people thought because she wasn’t trying to change anything just to help. She even says later on she does it for their need not her beliefs
Proud of Babs for learning xhosa phrases 
Just watching this man run makes me tired & he has like tb right? yup
LOL PHYLLIS IS LIKE DO I LOOK SCARED? kicking Fred out the drivers side 😂
“I’m all for persistence in the face of adversity” I loved this scene between Trixie and Roza 😭💕 too bad I didn’t know I was gonna end up sobbing later
Did the nurses and everyone know how bad Apartheid was?
Damn tho Dr Myra didn’t have to yell at the lady :/
Phyllis learned some xhosa too and im not surprised, she does it all
“Do you have the means to protect this mother and myself” no, “Then I don’t wish to hear anymore about it” PHYLLIS IS HARDCORE SHE DOES NOT GIVE ANY SHITS I LOVE IT
Aw Tom watching babs with the baby
lol I’m not ready for them to have a kid so I hope they wait a series at least
“NURSE BUCKLE” im cryin laughing 😂 I need more of the Phyllis and Fred dynamic
“Hells teeth” lol Patrick tried to make hells bells a thing but we know it can’t compare
Trixie serving another look, but whats new? But yes girl you watch those c-sections you’re up to the plate soon!
Haha she’s gonna teach Babs how to smoke
“They aren’t good for you, and the pair of you should know that” YES PHYLLIS WHY DOESNT TRIXIE KNOW OR CARE?
LOL SISTER WINIFRED we know you’re a red head
Idc, sister W used to smoke. I know it 😂 she was living it up before joining the order and lowkey while she’s been a nun, I just want to know her real name?
Of course Shelagh is worried about the lack of records but aye there’s the dress from 6.03 that magically fit even though her uniform didn’t 🙃?
“Typhoo, we brought it with us” YES I HAVE IT & I KNOW WHAT IT IS NOW & CAN RELATE
This scene with Roza & Constance & the nurses + sister W was so sweet I loved it 💕
“Why you should never be sorry, just be glad” 😭😭 there must be something in my eye that’s why it’s watery
Lol aw Trixie saying sister Winifred don’t go yet
Sister Winifred dancing 😂 go to compline
I lowkey have the sister Bernadette unhappy with being a nun vibes from sister Winifred except she’s never really unhappy? You get me? Like she’s annoyingly enthusiastic (in a cute way) most of the time but you can tell she wants to do thing nuns can’t do
“I just want to get it started so I can run him over”  DO IT FRED ILL GIVE U $5
“I’m here on a missionary basis, I’m trying not to think uncharitable thoughts” LOL DONT WORRY TOM, SHELAGH’s GOT YOU COVERED
“I’m perfectly happy to think them for you” and she pushes her glasses up 😂 I LOVE The sas. I love her. & then Patrick is like “that’s my girl” & it’s cute af
Dr Myra you’re in pain, I see you
“I don’t believe in any of that” how do you tell a nun you don’t believe in God lol?
All of them in the back of the truck is  the second cutest thing 😭✨
I cherish the two seconds Shelagh and Trixie sat next to each other 😭 I just want them to be friends!! give me a cute scene between them pls, I won’t stop asking till I get one
yikes @ the water, STILL RELEVANT IN 2017! even in the US in flint
THE ELEPHANTS! ah love it. I want to go on an African safari 😭 guess I have to settle for the fake on in Disney’s Animal Kingdom.. it’s lit though I won’t lie
Mathias and Able 💔💔 and Patrick explaining “man to man”
“All medicine is good, usually” UGH THE THALIDOMIDE
No Dr Myra!!
It’s not liver cancer!! Ah now to wait till they realize
Don’t worry Tom, leave it to the pros. Sister Julienne is gonna handle Mr Stark(e)?
SHELAGH WITH THE GOATS IM DEAD, why is she scared of goats but delivered fucking piglets in series 1? I’d be more scared of pigs?
Shelagh talking to sister MJ on the phone 😭💕 THEYRE BOTH PRECIOUS
fuck it’s Roza, brb im gonna cry now
😰😰💔💔 phantom pregnancy
Trixie hurting me more
beach time 🌞🌞
SHELAGH TURNER AKA SISTER BERNADETTE SERVING LOOKS ON THE BEACH. I’ve seen this 3 times and I’m still shook like The hat, the swimsuit, the sunglasses, I am d e a d once again😍😍 when will your fav ever??  She’s sunburnt and still killing it
LOL spicy sausage.. 
Phyllis in trousers >>
Also Phyllis had her camera where are the photos when they get back?
BEATRIX FRANKLIN SLAYING IN the black two piece and clubmasters AGAIN, when will your fav ever?
How am I so attached to Trixie and Shelagh’s characters like wtf?? Everything they do and say and wear, I’m just shook all the time. It’s not normal
Like Laura Main and Helen George could literally punch me in the face and I’d thank them
Why did Barbara get so mad on the beach with Tom? I feel the stress was real but damn
lol shoutout to everyone on Tumblr for pointing out that Shelagh and Patrick were being cute in the corner watching the sunset or whatever
I loved this scene between Tom and Trixie💕
also she looks so beautiful, I want to look like that ah😍
Shelagh with the picture of Tim and Angela 😭💔💔
THEN SHE TOOK IS TO THE HOSPITAL UGH, so glad that is over it was too much
“I knew that yearning once, I was lucky because it left me when we adopted our daughter..” UGH CRYIN AND NOW SHE’S HAVING A BABY ANYWAY
Shelagh is understanding & not judgmental of Dr Myra and I just love seeing her nursing & well I love everything she does but I’m so glad she had such great screen time
“Medicine isn’t about doing what’s easy, it’s about doing what’s essential” yes Patrick, we have come full circle
there’s always a moment when I watch ctm and I’m like “I should’ve tried to become a nurse” then I’m like LOL NAH. The nursing program is so intense at my university I wouldn’t pass it anyway 😂
my mother’s a nurse though, I’ll leave it to her. After watching this episode it reminded her of how she always wanted to do a mission trip or like nurses without boarders and was trying to tell my dad she still wants to go 😂
too bad I’ve ruined her plans because my university’s tuition is ungodly & I didn’t get one damn scholarship
“No anesthesia” DR MYRA IS NO JOKE, kick ass woman.
Patrick, Shelagh and Sister J aka the dream team
How did they fake this? So crazy
“When people have no love to live for, it’s so very easy to fill that void with hate” 💔💔 something is in my eye again😭
“ Look where we ended up” “WE HAVEN’T ENDED UP ANYWHERE..and I’m not going to say anything else because I’m afraid I may speak sharply and no matter how high the stakes you don’t deserve that” HELL YEA SHELAGH, I’m so proud.
Sister W casually trying to not look at the handsome but sweaty Tom
Oh shit Dr Myra’s down
Shelagh holding the umbrella and laying in the back with Dr Myra >>
Now Constance’s going into labor
Mr Stark I know you think you have a reason to be an asshole but wtf she’s a nun? Like you don’t even feel slightly disrespectful?
“I know what is it to have nothing but a photograph or two..” UGH THAT EPISODE WITH SISTED J’S OLD BOYFRIEND KILLED ME
I love Sister Julienne, I hope we can see hear more of her past.
Lol pbs cut that scene of Babs singing but why?
“Then we have no choice. We have to operate ourselves.” YOU CAN DO IT TRIXIE
the first time watching this my anxiety was on 1000
Phyllis tying up Trixie’s gown up like they’re suiting up for battle
this is also why I won’t be a nurse or doctor lol, I’m always panicking
“Well done Trixie, I couldn’t be more proud of you” 😭💕 me either
Yea I say you earned a cigarette
Better late than never to make amends I guess, but get that clean water going asap no rocky
The Turners are back 👏🏼
& Able and Mathias 😭😭
Aw Tom proposing ☺️ I don’t really feel anything for them as a couple but this was a cute moment 😭
And they got the water 😭
“Not all gifts come tied in ribbons, or at a special time of year. Some blessings surprise us arriving unlabeled and we embrace them in a blaze of joy” DAMN IT VANNESSA IM CRYIN THANKS (also now it seems like foreshadow for baby Turner)
Roza as secretary!! My heart again
I bet Trixie took over like a badass while Dr Myra was recovering
“But though they’d given their labor and their love, they also took and they learned and they went home wiser, enriched in ways they could not count”
The End 😭😭💕💕😰😰
Ugh I don’t care, that special was spectacular and I loved every minute.
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Clone Wars        Crisis on Naboo
Okay, here’s the plan
   Obi-Wan sends him the plans
    And the Jedi Council      sneak attack every member,
   (Literally no dude is going to blame him        for that shit luck
    (Un-likely      they kno    -w)          -          Also Anakin heard Obi-Wan‘s voice one time possibly        suffering from             serious            injury,               And has chilled out noticeably since,
        Yeah I know Yoda supposedly confirmed it but 
        Yoda is vague as heck
        (And a Narc known for lying it doesn’t really       inspire        confidence,)
 Seriously you didn’t give him advice so he could quick snap        the plans?
What is the damn point?
   That - he just so happens to manage to take out all       five of them alone?
    Like even divide           and conquer,
       Last time he run against      Bane that I saw it didn’t go well
      Yeah and he could stab him literally in the back,
       Ch             eater,
   Oh,      we didn’t actually get to see the interesting part of the planning,
    They are literally just completely,        relying on Obi-Wan,
    (How quickly does this turn into a house fire?)
        The fuck?
      Why is Count Dooku accompanying them this           far?
      Honestly I think it should’ve started here with             Count Dooku just telling them OK here’s the plan               go do a thing-
                Oh yeah Palpatine is lit-                 erally just trying to kill himself,                     aight,
              You know it might’ve worked better if he presented this                   by a hologram,
     Like I respect it but still dude’s just like           there
         Like s’up
         I’m part of your              clique now?                      . . .                  Like                    it’s                 very               aesthetic                     -                      But                   weirdly                    adorable,
                      If that’s   what they were going for,
                        Count Dooku and his like five   murder beans     (Aff-ectionate)
    Oh that’s actually a smart plan not giving anyone all             the info.
      I hope they’re going with a sniper as in not the      only sniper,
         (Also yeah dude literally focused on the one person and literally didn’t test any of them any further)
         (Like they’re trained to deal with lasers and gas)
        (Not much for bullets)
        (Like really what is everyone else’s        speciality?)
      Like know the       Stretchy girls got gymnastics,
      Everyone else got a general they were neat        without much of an explanation
     Kade has blasters    and is used to close combat..
     I have a literally nothing for anyone else       because it never really showed off their skill,
   (Or any part-       icular speciality or application)
  Dis-        guis              e
(Yeah you completely kicked the brains     off that team,
  Don’t get me wrong a bunch of     action heroes are all good,
  But maybe you did wanna have someone working   Intel?
  Like is that   dude just dead?
  Dude weren’t you just vouching for him     last thing?
  Also yeah I thought we get an explanation about why are you suddenly just picked Kade Bane,
   After       ramping up        Hardin?
   Like is it     “a man that can get the job done?”       -       Trust
 The way he suddenly gained       distrust of his teammates at the table?
   Windu       and        Anakin         again,
    Okay,         Fair,
     -        Ch-arming          that’s      almost,
     That’s a nice dy-         nam-ic
     Also the horned guard is standing           beside..
      Fest            Ival-
     Honestly        you’d think more of those would be occ   -urring
    Considering how many        (sentient) species there are,
   because we didn’t see most of it
  But then again that might be because they add the      historical landmark and things have been cleared out,
  .       Still sounds a bit mumbled        -         and not exactly the high-pitched chatter you expect
Can you not talk about the old man -       dying right in front of him?
Like seriously really reassuring   , having your guard openly talking about,       The planned strategy       instead of just kind of shutting up and doing their job      with a sense of anxiety,              In air,
  (I mean I can’t blame him for being        flippant because this is          a boomer,)
     But,       Aight
  He’s a damn soldier the stuff is     pretty par for the course         (At least expected)
   Ah, tone was a little off     there,
 But aight,
   Oh yeah,      and his weird glitchy hologram,
  (Also yeah what’s the plan now       smart guy?)
     ?          Oh,  
    Only,         now       does he contact these guys?          -                 god-         -          Also yeah why does he sound like he swallow -     ed muff          Ins,
    That’s            a little          better,
   I’m surprised they don’t have the chan-c-e-llor being followed by an entourage of Jedis-
   -             Re-pub          lic,
    Oh so that’s what that       represents,
   I thought it was just a random celebration of the      ‘light side of the force,’ thing         aight,
   Seriously you just let a random    nobody?
   -            ?    -            ?        Right,       Also you’d think he take the shot   doing the speech but fair enough         -      Seriously.    is it actually     glitching like that?
  .           Good,
   Was that plan A and Hardeen,                 Plan B?
           Also their disguise just completely heck          -ed over,
          ?             Here?
       (How does it have only one shot?
        Seriously             how salty was that dude?
       Also you just completely left them there after it was said to take him to the fecking car           Dumb        ass
   Don’t tell me   Obi-Wan doesn’t see any of this shit,
    Whelp even with     early warning   you guys still flubbed it,
(His plan just     to exclude that one guy because 
‘no one likes that guy,’
  Ran-         Som-
      Seriously      you just caused him to sell out,
   (Now you can’t use that       tactic again,)
     Your Scooby Doo ending ended up screwing you over a          tactic-
       But fair,-
      Or-ders -
        Like there’s a lot of dick moves here
         Like the first being to expose anyone to death-
        The rest-
       I mean people die 
    and Anakin’s responses put it off though
       Then again he was murdered,
         While enabling.
                -                      Well nah, I think Anakin is pretty just in being pissed,                       like dude faked his own murder,                       Basically parad-                           ing his body around in front of Anakin,                        After several degrees of abuse                          and grooming,                           can’t blame him if that’s where                            he drew the line,                              (Of course you shouldn’t murder people)
 Okay, that animation was really weird
  Also, not the fact to focus on
   More; “I thought you were dead,”
                   I went to your funeral
                  I saw-
           [Sn.                 -apping-]                   “I SAW your dead body!”                     [Heads                          turn,]
                   [Anakin storms                        off,]
                       Does he   switch back?
   [After you literally       blew that disguise]
    I can tell the toxic behavior I put pressure on you           to enable          Has given you stress,
 Ac-countability he was talking about accountability you  [Narc] idiot
     - -         Also you don’t even want the    horn-ed dude,
   Or private
  Like seriously there’s nothing suspicious about an adult and another adult having a meal together
    (A bit when it’s an enabling boomer )
    (But          Aight)
     Len          gths
   Which is why they’re just letting you go around un guarded without anyone despite previous insistence             And an attempt         on your life,
Dude that was a       crackle Barrel scheme,
  Like I don’t know how anyone               not doing that heavy tox could come up with it
Or just nonsense,
   Uh,         No?
   Like their MO, is several different units          in vastly different places       with communications that can be often jammed
    They are far from              unified
        Ah,  Palpatine‘s face,             His eyes did a weird thing,
           -                 No-
             Ah, did he just get shocked and not react because there was a brief-                   Out- line
              Also not going to pull out your light saber or                   do much of anything,
         Also you have to wonder what is going through Dooku’s mind  like my                 boss wants me to kidnap him, ran          -som-
       So Dooku throws everything at Anakin        but the table-
          Oh never mind
       I was going to comment      near the end,          they didn’t seem to really have as much fun         with Pal-patine as they could
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Like,       look at him
  Like the only way I think they could’ve made it funnier is by having him    smiling and twiddling his fingers,
  Like yes me         Mr innocent man,
             I-              -                 Also what the heck happened to           Padme?
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  Smirking little shit
    (Also I like the fact that you literally see       Count Dooku’s eyes go up to him        (Moments         Before)           Like           ya           want         to       jump         in,
   Are you alright?
Does he look al     right?
  Well       that was a         feck in tango and a half,
   Fuck        This          - Count             Dooku’s            Thoughts             -             Ad-
       He literally did nothing and        didn’t even have to go against the force      lightning
    Dude, please go home                  - Amidala’s                      Thoughts,                      (Pro-bably)
      That’s second
Promise of accountability?
   ?        Jedi-
  (Shows guys that are not the Jedi       guarding their backs)
  Thought it was a pretty      entertaining episode,
0 notes