#but also I knew someone allergic to the sun
Here's a bunch of Wither Rose Alliance headcanons I've had rattling around in my brain
I love the idea that fWhip is still a vampire on Empires it's just either common knowledge and not brought up or it's never mentioned because no one knows.
More specifically, though, Gem and fWhip are dhampirs, which are the offspring of a vampire parent and a human parent.
Dhampirs are on a spectrum between human and Vampiric, fWhip sits on the very far end of the vampire side (the only thing distinguishing him from other Vampires being his tan skin and blue eyes), meanwhile Gem sits very close to the human side of the spectrum, the only hint that she's not human being pointed ears and little fangs.
fWhip is also allergic to sunlight like most other Vampires, the difference between them and him, though, is his sister is the headmistress at the Crystal Cliffs Academy. Gem enchanted a Redstone pendant (another kind of conduit for magic) with mild fire resistance, so when fWhip walks in the sun he won't automatically burst into flames.
To me, Sausage is their brother but adopted and Pearl is a family friend that's basically their older sister just not by blood either.
Sausage came from a formerly noble family that fWhip and Gems parents were close with, but they quickly adopted Sausage after it was found out his parents were abusive. That's where the formerly part comes in, the twins' parents stripped Sausages' parents of all their titles as part of their punishment.
As mentioned, Pearl was never adopted but fWhips mother was her godmother, as her and Pearls parents were close. Pearls mother was also a head guard stationed in mythland, so by nature of her job she knew there might be a day where she won't return home.
Pearls mother was named Opaline, Moon is their surname. That's who Pearl gets her fighting prowess from.
For some political headcanons, Mythland, the Grimlands, Gilded Helanthia, and the Crystal Cliffs used to be one massive united empire known as the Wither Rose Dynasty. The Grimlands and Mythland were the two original kingdoms in the Dynasty, then the Grimlands set up a colony of sorts in the mountain range nearby as there was a high concentration of magic up in the Cliffs thanks to all the amethyst, making it much easier for people to learn magic, so the Academy was established.
It eventually grew to be a colony and then its own separate governed nation because the students who graduated from the academy would most often stay just below the academy in a lower part of the mountain, using magic to construct their own homes and harnessing the power from the amethyst geodes.
I liked the ideas in this post for Gilded Helanthia and I want to give credit where it's due on that, my only expansion would be that Gilded Helanthia in their first decades of independence were part of the Wither Rose Dynasty for protection against the Overgrown, and so technically the Emperor could step in on political issues if he so chose, but he was pretty hands-off and allowed them to govern as they wanted.
That Emperor was fWhip and Gems father, AltairMay. It's a tradition in high Grimland society to name your firstborn after a constellation, and while fWhip and Gem are twins, she's technically older by a few minutes. The name "FailWhip" is more or less a poor translation between Mythic and Common (aka English), in Mythic it's meant to mean someone who keeps getting back up after being knocked down, taking blows and always prevailing.
fWhip and Gems mother, MelodyRose, passed away in childbirth. AltairMay was a vampire and he'd been Emperor of the Dynasty for hundreds of years, and watched his loved ones pass away, but the death of his wife left an irreparable hole in his heart. It's believed by historians that her death was the first domino that would lead to the fall (split) of the Wither Rose Dynasty.
20 years later, said event occurred. AltairMay was too exhausted to run four separate kingdoms and decided to split the empires up between his children, Pearl to be coronated as Queen (chosen by her people in a vote) a month after the split, Sausage to become king of Mythland, the headmaster of the Crystal Cliffs academy to also take over as head of state (again a voted thing), and for him to simply just be the "Count" of the Grimlands from then on. He Intended for Gem and fWhip to start taking on some of his responsibilities to lessen the work load, then for Gem to take over as countess when he died, but that's not how things worked out of course.
Gem ran away to study at the Crystal Cliffs academy, leaving fWhip behind to take over as count. I haven't really decided why Gem ran away yet so if any of y'all have any ideas please share.
I do like the idea of Gem meeting Scott through Xornoth during her time at the academy, the elven princes becoming her closest friends at the time when she basically had no one else.
One final headcanon to finish this post off, Bubbles is an eldritch horror who plays dog and you cannot change my mind
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quinloki · 4 months
Reality is often weirder than fiction, because fiction worries about being believed.
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girlgenius1111 · 13 days
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barça x reader young barça reader has an allergic reaction for the first time obviously, descriptions of a severe allergic reaction, use of epi pen, vomiting, etc.
The day had gone as you had expected it to. Until it didn’t. Vicki Lopez being the voice of reason and calm in an emergency situation was not something you expected, either. 
Normally, Vicki was a bit of a troublemaker. It wasn’t entirely her fault; most of the younger girls could be trouble when they wanted to be. Vicki, though, could get away with anything. Maybe it was her age, or maybe it was the soft spot Alexia had for her. Either way, your captains didn’t hesitate to scold you, or Jana, or Pina for a harmless prank. When Vicki was the culprit, though, they would fight back smiles and shake their heads affectionately at the young forward. 
But while Vicki got away with everything, she was also very responsible. A fact that you were incredibly thankful for; her calmness and ability to think clearly in an emergency saved your life. 
Double training sessions were not anyone’s favorite thing. Alright, maybe Alexia loved them, but she was Alexia. It was a nice day out, though, and while most of the older girls had headed inside during the break, most of the younger girls stayed outside, basking in the warm sun. The film session was due to begin shortly, but you all were trying to enjoy the fresh air before you had to retreat inside to the stuffy media room. 
You were content to just lay on the pitch with your eyes closed, but that didn’t seem to be in the cards today. Not when you very suddenly heard a loud buzzing sound in your ear, causing you to sit bolt upright and look around. 
“Falling asleep, pequeña?” Salma teased. 
You shook your head, looking around suspiciously. It was no secret that you hated bugs. Hated them. And one had evidently been close enough to your body for you to hear the buzzing sound it made. A flash of yellow caught your eye, and you stayed watching it until you realized what it was. A bee. Flying towards the bench planted in the grass. Actually, flying underneath it. The bee flew up, and you leaned forward a bit, trying to see where it had gone. 
Then, you jumped backwards, almost flopping onto Jana’s legs. 
“Off pequeña, it is hot today.” She complained, shoving you away from her. 
“Jana!” You shrieked, scrambling further away from the bench. “There’s a bee hive underneath the bench, don’t push me back towards it.” 
“A bee hive?” Jana asked, sitting up and looking at you seriously. “Oh my god, Ona-” 
You looked at Ona, who also looked concerned, pulling her phone out of her pocket and holding it to her ear. “Hello? Mr. President? There is a beehive on the Barça training grounds, you have to send the army in.” 
Your face burned as you rolled your eyes at your friends. “Alright, haha, I get it.” You rose to your feet, intending to walk away from your friends, but Jana stood too, lightly pushing you towards the bench. 
“Watch out pequeña, the bee might eat your head right off your body!” 
“I have heard Spanish bees can chew right through bone!” Vicki added. Everyone was laughing around you, and you shook your head, fighting back a smile. You knew they were just teasing, and you weren’t upset by it. 
“Fine. Get stung. I don’t care.” You declared. 
“I’ll go find someone to get rid of it.” Ona said kindly, though a slightly teasing smile adorned her freckled features, too. She walked away, and you were promptly distracted by Jana lunging for you, jokingly trying to push you back towards the hive. This time, though, you stumbled slightly and fell onto the ground much closer to the bench than you would’ve liked to get. 
“Sorry, nena,” Jana said sincerely, holding out a hand to help you up. It hadn’t been her intention to make you fall. Just as you reached to take her hand, though, you felt a sharp sting on your arm.
“Ow! Fuck,” you shouted, your head whipping down just in time to see the offending bee fall away into the grass under you. “It stung me.” 
You scooted far away from the hive, closer to Cata, who laid motionless on the grass, not even cracking an eyelid open to look at you. 
“Let me see.” Bruna asked, crouching down next to you and holding out a hand. You held your arm out, and the brunette inspected the small red mark on your skin. “Yeah, it got you. The stinger isn’t in there, though, so I'll just go get you a sting wipe. That should make it stop hurting.” 
You thanked her, and Bruna headed off towards where she knew the nearest first aid kit to be. 
“Pobrecita. Are you okay?” Jana asked, smiling at you. She was teasing, but you could tell she felt bad too. 
“It really hurts, Fernandez. I’ll get you back for this.” you muttered angrily, holding your wounded arm close to your body. It really did hurt. More than you expected. You’d never been stung by a bee before, but you weren’t sure it was supposed to hurt this much; you felt an odd surge of anxiety rush through you, though you weren’t quite sure why. 
“Don’t be dramatic pequeña, it’s just a little bee sting,” Jana laughed, not unkindly, turning away as Ona returned to say that the grounds crew would be out to look at the hive soon. “Bruni went to get the first aid kit, you’ll be fine.” 
You nodded, even as the world around you seemed to slow a bit, as the feeling of anxiety within you grew. You knew your teammates were talking to each other, joking around, but they seemed far away. You knew you were outside, and there was tons of fresh air around, but it felt like you couldn’t get enough oxygen into your lungs. You looked down at your arm, and though it was a little hazy, you knew it had swelled, and the redness spreading across your skin wasn’t normal. 
Desperately trying to inhale enough air, you turned to where Cata lay next to you, eyes closed as she basked in the warm sun. 
“Cata?” You mumbled, reaching out a shaky hand to grab her hand. 
One of the keeper’s eyes cracked open, and she sat up quickly seeing the look of fear on your face. “What is it?” 
“I don’t feel good.” You said, holding out your arm for her to see. “It’s hard to breathe,” 
“Fuck. Shit. Okay, okay,” Cata said, scooting closer to take your arm into her hands. She looked at it for a second, before looking at your face, which was growing red and splotchy as well. “Fuck. Jana, get a physio, get a captain, get someone, she’s having an allergic reaction,” 
Cata said the words in a frighteningly calm tone, but everyone’s attention snapped to you, and it was only a moment before Jana was taking off at a full sprint towards the building, 
“I have an epi pen,” Vicki shouted, looking frantically between the older girls, awaiting some instruction. Cata nodded at her, and that was all the younger girl needed before she was running after Jana.
Salma sat down on your other side, gently rubbing your back as it became clearer and clearer that something was really really wrong. You could barely get a breathe in, your eyes squeezed shut as you tried to convince yourself that your throat was not closing up. 
“Cata, what do we do?” Salma asked, seeing her own terror reflected on the normally easy going keeper’s face across from her. 
“We keep her upright so it’s easier to breathe, and we stay calm because everything is fine, everything is fine,” Cata said quietly, pulling you to lean heavily against her. “Breathe, chica, as much as you can.” She reminded you, hearing as the wheeze in your chest grew more pronounced, and as your gasps for breath sped up. 
“Cata, please help.” You gasped, reaching up to claw at your neck, completely in vain. It was swelling shut and there was nothing you could do. Your vision was growing dark around the edges and you fought to keep your eyes open as they tried to slide shut. Your body slumped down, Cata catching you just in time to ease the impact. 
“Easy, easy. Stay awake, please, pequeña,” Cata insisted, tapping gently at your cheek. 
You heard loud voices approaching, and just barely identified them as belonging to Alexia and Ingrid. 
“What the fuck happened?” Alexia shouted, sprinting over to where you were now laid, your head in Cata’s lap. Ingrid was right behind her, with Jana bringing up the rear. Jana was crying, and Salma stood to pull her away slightly, trusting the older girls to take care of you. 
“Bee sting. She was okay at first but then she was acting weird and she said she didn't feel good and her arm is swelling and I don’t think she can breathe,” Cata explained in a rush, looking wildly between Ingrid and Alexia, fully panicking now that your eyes had closed, and that there was more adult adults there to take control of the situation. 
“She needs an epi pen, and someone needs to call an ambulance,” Ingrid stated. 
“Vicki went to get hers.” Cata said.
“I’m calling right now,” Salma chimed in, looking over from where she stood a few feet away, one arm wrapped around a very distraught Jana, one holding her phone to her ear.
“Hey, nena? Can you open your eyes for me, cariño?” Alexia said softly, though you were mostly oblivious.
It was the warm hands on your face, tapping a bit more firmly now, that had you realizing your eyes had fallen shut. You forced them open, your inhales barely more than a rattling wheeze now to see Alexia leaning over you. She looked more scared than you’d ever seen her, which didn’t make you feel very reassured. It was comforting, though when she began to softly run her fingers across your forehead and down your cheek, a motion you focused on instead of the tightness of your throat. 
“Good, good nena. You’re okay, everything is okay. Just try to stay awake for me okay? We’re getting you help, you just need to keep breathing.” 
“Hard,” you croaked, your good arm shifting and blindly reaching for someone, for anyone, to anchor you to consciousness. Ingrid took your hand in hers, her face appearing next to Alexia’s. 
“I know it’s hard, sweetheart, just keep trying. Vicki is coming right now with an epi pen. You’re gonna be okay, just keep your eyes open.” She cooed, her eyes looking suspiciously watery. 
“Can’t,” you mumbled, eyes falling shut once again. This time, they didn’t flutter back open. 
“Nena. Nena! Venga, chica, open your eyes,” Alexia said desperately, looking around frantically. She spotted Vicki in a dead sprint across the pitch. 
“VICKI” Alexia shouted, for no other reason than to do something other than lean over your unconscious body. She couldn’t focus on that right now, nor could she focus on the way your chest had stopped heaving. 
It was only seconds, really, but it felt like minutes, before Vicki made it to the group of panicked footballers. Alexia and Ingrid both held their hands out for the epi pen, though neither of them had ever used one in their life. Vicki took initiative, though, very calmly shoving Alexia out of the way and crouching at your side. She rolled your shorts up a bit, took the cap off the epi pen with her teeth, and thrust it at your leg without further thought, pressing the button on the end. Once the medication was dispensed, she dropped the pen onto the ground next to her, and sat back on her knees, her eyes fixed on you. 
“That’s it?” Irene asked. Vicki looked around, nodding. A group of your teammates had followed the commotion out to the pitch, and now stood in a very tense group around you. 
“Yeah. She’s breathing better already, she should be okay until the paramedics get here.” Vicki explained, a bit shocked at how little everyone seemed to know about allergic reactions and epi pens. 
“She’s going to be okay?” Alexia asked anxiously. 
“She should be. The paramedics are here, they’ll take care of her.” Vicki noted, nodding to where the ambulance was backing onto the field. 
By the time the paramedics had pushed everyone away and began to get an oxygen mask on your face, you started to wake up. As your eyes blinked open, seeing two strangers hovering over your body, you were extremely disoriented. Not just disoriented, but panicked. You couldn’t remember what had happened, where you were, why you were lying on the ground, or why your whole body seemed to hurt. You tried to push the stranger away from you with your hand, but it was shaking too much to really do anything. 
“Hey, relax, you’re alright. We’re here to help.” The man said, pushing your arm back onto the grass under you. You squirmed nervously, a quiet sob falling from your mouth. Suddenly, a familiar face appeared above yours, and you relaxed almost instantly. 
“You’re okay pequeña, I’m right here.” Alexia soothed. You felt her hands on your face, keeping you pressed down onto the grass. 
“Ale,” you cried, your voice barely more than a croaking gasp. The feelings of panic in your body were intense, like anxiety was coursing through your veins instead of blood. 
“You’re okay.” Alexia repeated. “You got stung by a bee, and you had an allergic reaction. The paramedics are taking care of you.” 
You relaxed slightly, letting Alexia take your hand in hers. She coached you to breathe deeply, batting your free hand away when you tried to push the oxygen mask off your face. 
“No, no, that has to stay on for now.” She told you, feeling hysterical laughter bubble up inside of her at the disgruntled look on your face. You flinched when they placed an IV in your hand, a few tears falling from your flushed face into the grass. Once the IV was in, they were moving you into the back of the ambulance. You caught a glimpse of the entire team watching on nervously, and you felt another surge of panic rushing through you when you realized Alexia wasn’t by your side anymore. You tried to sit up, but you were too weak to do so. Instead, you removed the mask from your face, craning your neck as you looked around for your captain. 
“Ale?!” you croaked. 
You had been slid into the back of the ambulance fully when Alexia appeared at your side again. 
“I’m here, nena.” 
“Can you stay? Please?” You requested tearfully, relieved when Alexia took a seat on the bench next to you. As the ambulance began its journey to the hospital, you focused on the feeling of Alexia’s hand holding tightly to yours, and the incessant questions she was firing at the poor paramedic. It was a bumpy ride that had your stomach turning before long, and you struggled to sit up, yanking the oxygen mask off. Your face had gone completely white as you looked around frantically.
And though Alexia looked confused, trying to guide you back to lay down, the paramedic seemed to have been expecting this, and held a sick bag out in front of you. Your throat still felt tight and scratchy from before, and throwing up felt more uncomfortable than normal. You whimpered as you were sick, unable to hide your intense feelings of discomfort. 
“You’re okay, pequeña,” Alexia soothed, as she continued to rub your back, and you would have been embarrassed if you were in any other state. She looked, panicked, at the paramedic, every new symptom worrying her further.
“It’s alright, this is completely normal. Her body is just reacting to the allergen and the epinephrine.” She assured your captain. “I can’t give her anything for nausea until we get to the hospital.” 
Alexia nodded, turning her attention back to you. You pushed the sick bag away, collapsing back onto the gurney and weakly reaching out for the blonde’s hand again. You sobbed and covered your face with your other hand, feeling so incredibly horrific, you could barely think. You would have explained it as feeling like you were dying, if you hadn’t just experienced that feeling a few minutes ago. Your body felt like it was caving in on itself, though, and the blonde next to you could tell you were starting to freak out. 
“Shh, nena. Just breathe, in and out.”
“Ale, I really don’t feel good,” you cried. Alexia nodded sympathetically; she could tell. Your face was as white as a sheet, you had broken out into a sweat though you were shivering violently. You looked so miserable and uncomfortable, tears pooling in your eyes, as you looked helplessly up at your captain. 
“I know, cariño. We’re almost at the hospital, okay?”
You nodded, closing your eyes and focusing on breathing. Another minute passed, another minute of your heart beating rapidly in your chest. You could hear it pounding in your ears, the anxiety building inside of you with every passing second. It wasn’t getting better. If anything, it was getting worse, and you weren’t sure you could cope with it for any longer. 
With a whimper, you reached out to Alexia, clinging onto her shirt. 
“What is it, pequeña? Are you going to be sick again?” She asked, frowning when you shook your head. 
“My- my heart is beating so fast, I don’t, I can’t,” 
“That’s the epinephrine.” The paramedic told you sympathetically, grabbing something from her side and injecting it into the IV. “This might make you a bit sleepy, but it should slow your heart rate down.”
It made you really sleepy. Your eyes fluttered shut almost as soon as it hit your bloodstream. You were in and out for the rest of the ambulance ride. Everytime you cracked your eyes open, you were comforted to see Alexia next to you. 
Alexia tried not to panic when you dozed off, knowing it was probably for the better that you sleep now, instead of being forced to stay awake through the worst of the side effects from what had occurred. 
You awoke slowly, looking around blearily as you came too. There was still an oxygen mask sitting on your face, but your chest didn’t feel as tight as it had before. It was significantly easier to breathe, and though your body still ached, it wasn’t as pronounced. 
“Hey, nena.” Alexia cooed, appearing in your line of vision as soon as you moved your hand that was resting in hers. “How are you feeling?” 
“I-” you coughed, throat too dry to get any words out. Another face appeared in front of you, and a straw was being pressed to your lips. Ingrid watched you drink the water with great concern, her eyes creased with worry. “I’m okay.” 
“You’re sure? You can breathe okay?” Irene asked, a third face leaning down over the bed. 
It was getting claustrophobic, and you leaned back a bit. “I can breathe. I’m fine.” 
They all seemed to deflate at that, giving relieved sighs and moving back to their respective chairs. 
“You scared us, nena.” Irene said quietly. 
You nodded, a frown on your face. “I know. I’m sorry.” 
“No, elskling, don’t be sorry. That wasn’t your fault, not at all.”
You shrugged, trying to pull your hand away from Alexia’s in order to reach for the water cup in Ingrid’s hand.
“What? What is it? What do you need? I can do it.” Alexia said, leaning forward anxiously and holding your hand tighter in hers. 
You gave her a strange look. “I just want the water?” 
“I got it!” Ingrid said, once again holding the straw to your lips. All three women watched as you took a sip, and their overbearing concern was beginning to get to you. 
“You guys, I’m fine. Relax.” 
“No.” Alexia said sternly. 
“No?” You echoed. 
“No, I will not relax. I will hover if I want to.” 
You rolled your eyes, reaching up to scratch at your face. Alexia caught your hand again, as all three women leaned forward. 
“What do you need?” They all said, in complete unison.
You sighed, letting Alexia scratch your forehead for you. There was no use arguing. Once your teammates set their minds on being protective, there wasn’t anything you could do to change it.
The rest of the team stopped by throughout the day, with your younger friends coming in only an hour before you were set to be released. They joked around with you, though clearly they were overcome with thinly veiled relief. They were worried, and you understood why. 
You were preoccupied, though. Because while every one of your teammates had come to see you, one had yet to speak. 
Jana stood in the doorway of the hospital room like coming any closer would set off some kind of alarm. You looked at her, repeatedly, but she refused to meet your gaze, her eyes fixed on her feet. 
You exchanged a look with Alexia who was making sure your friends didn’t get too rowdy. The captain tried to engage Jana in conversation for a few minutes, but only got shrugs and one word answers. The room fell into a slightly awkward silence as the tension grew, and all you wanted to do was get out of the stupid hospital bed and pull Jana into a hug. You would settle for her speaking to you, though, and your captain evidently had the same idea. 
“Alright. She needs to rest. Everyone out.” Alexia declared, beginning to shoo everyone from the room. She caught Jana’s elbow before she could go, too, though, stopping her from leaving. 
Even when the room emptied, and it was just the three of you, Jana refused to raise her head. 
“Jana.” Alexia murmured, pulling the defender further into the room. “Come on, cariño.” 
The brunette took a deep breath, before she looked up at you, eyes filled with tears. “I am so sorry.” 
“Jana, it’s okay.” 
“It’s not!” She cried, throwing her hands up in the air, and shaking off the hug Alexia tried to pull her into. “I almost killed you. It is not okay. You almost died and it was my fault.” 
“That could have happened to anybody. You could have pushed Ona or Bruna or Cata. It was a freak accident.” 
“But it happened to you.” Jana said miserably. 
You shook your head, feeling guilty that she felt so guilty. “And I’m fine! Jana, come here.” Alexia half dragged the defender over to the chair next to your bed and you grabbed her hand as soon as she was within reach. “You couldn’t have known. I didn’t even know. We were just joking around, like we always do. You didn't do anything wrong, Jana, and I’m not mad.”
She looked up at you, looking so unlike her usual joyful self. “You aren’t mad?” 
“No.” You insisted. “I’m fine. Everything is fine. Now we know, and I can push you in front of any incoming bees.”
Jana huffed out a laugh, wiping a stray tear away. Alexia was looking at you proudly, rather touched at how kind you were being to Jana, who was clearly a mess at the moment. 
“Can I carry one of your epi pens?” Jana asked. 
“Oh my god.” You laughed, shaking your head. 
“I am getting one for everyone on the team.” Alexia said seriously, causing you and Jana to giggle even harder. “What?! We have to be prepared!” 
You groaned, though you weren’t really upset. How much your teammates cared about you would never really be a bother. It was something you hadn’t really had in your life until you arrived in Barça, and it wasn’t something you’d trade for the world. Even if it came with very frequent teasing, and even more frequent overprotectiveness.
ive been agonizing over this for so long and i strongly dislike it but i hope you guys like it more than i do 🫶🏻🙂
also i have only gone into anaphylaxis once and i was like 6 but this is pretty much what i remember + some help from google.
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viridwns · 1 year
The foreign darling not knowing what oni is is so funny.
But also my only exposure to oni growing up was from. lego ninjago. like the kids cartoon. and I think if my only exposure was lego ninjago and then I met oni who like. Can’t even go out in sunlight. I’d literally be like “wow you guys are so lame.”
I think I’m just mean and like associating things with my childhood though.
Lmao, I get it tho.
You are kidnapped by someone who calls himself the demon king. He is terrifying even with his composed composure.
And then you find out that this overlypowerful creature can't go in the sun and is allergic to a tree. Just like the rest of his oni's.
That just earns you the right to bully them.
"Why can't I go outside in the sun with one of you guarding me? If you're so afraid of me running away, it seems like a logic option."
You look up at Muzan with pleading eyes. Your hands are intertwined and you're on your knees; like you're praying in church to virgin Mary.
Muzan looks at your begging form with disinterest.
"No. How many times do I have to refuse your request until you give up?" Muzan says with annoyance lacing every word. You ignore the warning sign to not push him further.
"But why? I'm allowed to go out at night with one of you with me." You stood up, hands crossed over your chest like a child who's refusing to eat their vegetables.
You knew Muzan had a strong dislike to questions. He never answered them, unless when it meant that you were going to praise him...or to terrify you into silence.
"You're getting on my nerves now." He warned you. Something he only did with you. He never gave a heads up to anyone, instead he always chose to get rid of them immediately. It spared him a migrain or two.
"Just answer me! It's not like you're a vampire who can't go out in the sun." You laughed, Muzan stiffened.
Your eyes widened and your mouth fell open.
"You are playing games with me." You said in disbelief.
Muzan didn't give you a response, the only thing indicating you had found out his weakness was the deepened frown and the harsher glare on his face.
You couldn't help but laugh.
"That is so lame! You, the demon king himself, can die by a bit of sun!" It was all comedical to you.
Muzan didn't appreciate your display of emotions to his weakness. He thought you were looking down upon him.
"I could still give you the worst death imaginable if you continue like this."
You stiffeled a giggle.
"Yeah but I can atleast go out in the sun without dying from sunburn."
RIP your legs because you can't use them anymore after that comment.
You don't stop joking about their situations though, even Douma was annoyed by you.
Muzan just prays that you, his little menance, don't find out about his distaste to wisteria...
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AITA for getting upset at my best friend for calling me a hoarder in passing?
My (29NB) best friend (also 29NB) have been going through major crises lately at the same time—we will call them Sun. So, yesterday, they sent me a text, when we weee talking about how they haven’t wanted to be over at my house for a while, mostly bc they don’t like my partner…although the subject was in discussion bc my partner and I are splitting up, and I will be living alone again in a couple months. At some point in this discussion, they mentioned the more pressing matter that’s caused them not to be over as much is that they are very allergic to one of my cats—but only the one I just adopted a couple years ago, they’ve had no allergy issues w the other one and they love her very much, she is their niece.
However, at one point, they mentioned that a few years ago, when I was using drugs a lot more irresponsibly than usual—to the point where I got injured from falling down the stairs—they had been speaking to my other close friends. Which is appreciated, and I knew about this already obviously since there was an intervention that happened around that time…the way they mentioned this was upsetting. Specifically, they mentioned that “they approached [other friend of mine] about my drug use bc they thought I was becoming a hoarder” and that MAJORLY triggered me—specifically the hoarder comment. The woman who gave birth to me/raised me is a hoarder, which is a well known fact to just about anyone who is close to me irl, especially anyone who’s known her irl, and ESPECIALLY Sun, who worked as her caregiver for quite a while. Also being compared to/told I am just like my abusive egg donor is the thing that will hurt me the most, bc she is the most cruel, manipulative, abusive people I’ve ever had in my life.
So the thing is, my house is indeed very messy…I have too much junk around, and it’s very difficult for me physically to keep anything clean. It’s actually one of the reasons I’m separating from my partner, and as ashamed as I am about it, I understand. However, it’s not a hoarding disorder at all—I don’t hold onto anything I don’t need out of sentimentality, and if I could wave a magic wand and simply get rid of all the extra shit I don’t need/make everything nice and clean, I would. Unfortunately, I am very disabled with too many chronic pain/fatigue conditions, and actually cleaning the house/sorting through shit to get rid of takes immense physical effort. But whenever someone offers to help me, I jump at those opportunities! I take things to be donated all the time (if I’m able to sort through the stuff that needs to go) and it’s entire worlds different than my egg donor refusing to give up several bins of my baby clothes bc she can’t bear to part with them, despite them never seeing use in her possession ever again.
So, I responded to Sun’s mention of a past conversation thinking I’m a hoarder, with offense and saying it hurt me. We had been discussing just downsizing and how we will be going through my stuff as we pack for the new place, and had mentioned that I should make sure to get rid of certain clothing things if they have holes/are worn out/whatever, which to me, sounded like they think I have a hard time throwing clothes away even if they’re not even wearable anymore. With that and the hoarding accusation in mind, I told them I was very hurt by this. I made sure to be respectful and kind yet assertive, but after explaining how this was an unfair assumption/description of me, they got upset and said I should’ve asked for clarification before coming at them.
Now, do me, I wouldn’t have even considered they meant anything other than how I interpreted it, so it would never have even occurred to me to ask for clarification if I’m not even aware there’s a miscommunication. Apparently, the reason they mentioned getting rid of clothes that have been too worn out is an issue they have themselves, but this isn’t anything I was ever aware of, and once again never would’ve thought was referring to anyone but me. They also say they’re aware that it’s my physical difficulties that make cleaning physically painful for me…but honestly, that’s not anywhere near the same as having a hoarding disorder, which is indeed what they’d accused me of.
Of course, I know the both of us overreacted—me, being offended about being accused of being a hoarder (especially since my immense difficulty cleaning the house is part of why I’m separating from my partner and is therefore something I’m incredibly sensitive about right now) and them, being offended that I took what they said wrong and being upset over some things they didn’t actually intend w what they said…but I’m just not sure if maybe I AM in the wrong here, for expressing being hurt by being called a hoarder here, or if I really am making the entire thing a big deal out of nothing.
So, AITA for voicing my offense at being called a hoarder?
What are these acronyms?
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heranubis · 11 months
gift for @rocksinmuffin! another twst (and lilia) fan<3
due to a tumblr glitch - this was posted instead of saved. working on finishing this asap.
5 signs you're dating a vampire (by the great grimm)
sign 1 (one): tends to avoid sunlight (like. a lot)
another day in ramshackle dorm, another day of the student body marching through like an endless parade that actually lives there. normally Grimm minds a fair amount (the prefect is His magickless servant, not theirs!) - but today he's Extra grumpy about it.
today was the designated (self-appointed) nap day between him and you. he always gets a small can of tuna (and belly scratches!) but... naturally, that all flew out the window the very second Lilia flew in.
decorated with a black, lacy parasol (something that looks delicate and old) and he refuses to put it away until every window is closed and curtain drawn. the very second the last sliver of light disappears, so does the parasol. naturally - avoiding sunlight isn't Always suspicious, but this is Lilia Vanrouge. everything he does is suspicious (according to Grimm, anyways).
the diasomnia member simply giggles as he usually does and waves grimm's concerns away with a flippant hand. "i don't do well in the sun. i burn very easily~"
the cat gives him a suspicious look before running up to his own room in the dorm. he was going to nap - regardless if lilia wanted to drop by and avoid sunlight. it's been a long day and he's sure you would yell for help if it was needed.
(unspoken is how he lingers just outside the doorway, sleeping while an ear remains perked - just in case.)
sign 2 (two): he refuses to eat garlic (slight agreement there)
garlic, by any means, is far from grimm's favorite seasoning - it makes his nose itch. so when lilia comes over for dinner (the 91th time this month alone), he barely notices when the older student gently rejects any offers of Anything that even smells remotely of garlic.
"ah," he sighs - seemingly tired as if he's answered this question a million times before - "i'm simply... allergic to garlic. it doesn't particularly agree with me."
grimm vaguely remembers adeuce talking about Something (symptoms of some disease) and a few things caught his attention. things lilia did. he thinks they called it vampirism.
you'd gotten onto him several times now about jumping to conclusions, so he sat silently at the table (eyes never leaving lilia) as the student joked and giggled. it was totally normal and fine for someone to not like garlic - but the more grimm thought about it the more suspicious he got.
sign 3 (three): never wears silver (from what's been observed - thank you, r.h.)
sign 4 (four): has no reflection!!! Ever!!!!
perhaps inlisting the help of one rook hunt wasn't the brightest idea - he was terrifying and always manage to make grimm jump a few feet in the air. but he was also the best at observing others - often while remaining unseen himself.
therefor, he was the perfect choice for what the cat had in mind. a big tell of vampirism was avoiding silver - something about it burning their skin. and while lilia didn't often wear jewelry - he Had been spotted sporting it when dressed up for a holiday, school event, or something to do with his club. (rook even mentioned one time about him doing something called 'cosplay' with idia.)
sure, some people looked better in different metals, but Everyones worn silver at least once. and the fact lilia seemed to avoid it only made grimm more suspicious.
(naturally, what the little monster Didn't see was lilia waving in a friendly manner to rook - who was lounging in a tree, within perfect sight of his 'prey'.)
the mirrors in ramshackle dorm were old and busted and dirty. but he also knew there was one the prefect used quite often - the one in their bedroom. grimm could never use it, as it sat too high for him to feel comfortable climbing towards. but... on lilia's more frequent visits - that was the only mirror he seemed to use.
sign 5 (five): mysterious red stains that he never bothers to explain
and it was once (only once) grimm was in the room when lilia was using the mirror. he was re-applying what the prefect later explained to be eye-liner - something that could be done without a mirror but it was easier to see your reflection.
when grimm looked up at said mirror being used, he saw no reflection. no eyes, no nose, nothing on lilia's person was reflected back. only vampires had no reflection - every other creature in twisted wonderland had a reflection (this grimm knew for a fact.)
he'd barely rambled out some excuse before bolting from the room - haunted by lilia's giggles as the vampire older student went back to finishing his eye-liner.
the final nail in the coffin for grimm was when he would show up with random red stains peppering his white undershirt (red! red stains!)
sign 6 (six): he has a biting problem (written and scribbled out by the prefect)
the prefect always brushed it off with a light scolding to be more careful next time, meanwhile lilia would just give them a secretive little smile.
grimm is more firm in his beliefs now. he can say with absolutely no room for doubt - lilia vanrouge is a vampire. perhaps even the only one in twisted wonderland.
lilia is just a regular fae who is more expressive in his affections - he has sharp teeth and likes to nibble. garlic smells too strong to anyone with heightened senses (see: beastmen and other fae). he does wear silver but only on special occassions.
the old mirror in the prefects room is imbued with an old magick, it only reflects mortal souls. if malleus, crowley, or even sebek were to look into it - there would also be no reflection.
lilia has a pale complexion and does burn easily - he's also just a fan of pastel gothic fashions and when not attending lessons (in his own free time) tries to incorporate pieces of the style into his wardrobe around campus.
the stains, however, are blood. lilia's fangs are sharp and he's not always gentle with his bites. but far as anyone else is concerned - its just ketchup or wine.
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jomiddlemarch · 13 days
The shapes a bright container can contain!
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“Are those tassels?” Draco asked, squinting at the infinitesimal gold embroidery on the cuff of Hermione’s bridal robes. She’d offered to cast Visio perficitur herself and he knew, logically, that there was no witch or wizard more skilled at Charms, not even Chief Healer Auset of Alexandria, but he had what she called a phobia of anything that might impact his sight and he’d refused to wear spectacles to their Wizarding handfasting. 
He'd worn the spectacles with a three-piece suit from Savile Row to their Muggle civil ceremony and had been unexpectedly delighted by her response to his appearance, for all that she muttered to herself bloody Tory wet-dream you’re an embarrassment to Labour Hermione Jean as she ravished him. He had no real idea about the Muggle political ramifications, except that he looked rich, which he was, but he was immensely delighted to learn that when she gave herself a scolding, she used her middle name. And also, that she shivered when he repeated it back, Hermione Jean, just like that love, and how her shivers went everywhere.
He'd declared he wouldn’t wear spectacles with every witch and wizard he’d ever cared about come to witness their binding, though both Hermione and Scorpius had pointed out no one else would mind a bit and that Hermione’s crowd might actually like him better if he seemed even a squidge less vain, the two of them clearly in agreement about the quantity a squidge measured, an alliance he could only delight in, despite being left out or rather because he was left out.
However. Potter wore spectacles. Draco wasn’t having any comparison made, today or any other day.
“Yes, tassels. And rose-leaves, from the sonnet in Gaudy Night, and blades of grass, because I don’t think you’d have ever said a word without Astoria’s portrait meddling,” Hermione replied. Hermione and the portrait had become quite good friends, an unusual situation which Draco couldn’t find remarkable given the two women involved. “It’s traditional, but with a spin on it you see—”
“I see, you clever, beautiful, impossible witch,” he said.
“Not quite. You should have said My clever, beautiful, impossible wife,” she said pertly, but with such a tremendous sweetness he would have gobbled her up if there weren’t friends they’d known since before he had one whisker on his chin milling about and also his son, her stepson, who needed to not be embarrassed or horrified on the first official day of their family life together.
“Don’t tease me too much, Hermione…Jean,” he said. She caught her breath and blushed even pinker than she had already been, the sun and her happiness conspiring to make her cheeks like roses.
“Scorpius once said you were perhaps someone who didn’t care how you appeared to other people,” Draco said.
“I don’t. I do care about how I look to you. About what’s important to you,” she replied. “And I couldn’t resist the tassels. To know you once had something so bloody garishly tasteless in your home, when you picked everything so thoughtfully…”
“You fell in love with me for my one instance of bad taste?”
“No, of course not, you silly man. I was already in love with you. I agreed to marry you because of the tassels. And Scorpius and Gaudy Night,” she said.
“That was Pansy’s idea, you recall,” he pointed out.
“Yes. And you listened to her because she’s your friend,” Hermione said. “You recited the sonnet at the registry office. You memorized it. You made me cry.”
“That’s acceptable at a Muggle wedding, from what you’ve told me,” he said, noticing the gleam in her eyes, feeling the slight burn of tears in his own. “We don’t weep at Pureblood handfastings."
“You might tell that to Neville. And Minerva,” Hermione said.
“Neville’s allergic to Solomon’s seal and Minerva’s been at the Glenfiddich,” Draco said. 
(He’d laid in what he thought was an adequate stock of the spirit, but their employer and former Headmistress evidently had a wooden leg or was celebrating winning the bet she’d made on them eventually getting together when they were in Sixth Year, sworn enemies, and her actual students. To say she’d raked in a tidy sum was like saying Potter had dealt with some annoyances in his school-days.)
“No aspersions cast regarding being sentimental Muggle-lovers who let down the side?” she said.
“Not one aspersion. Neither of them have anything on me in that regard,” he said.
“We can’t do anything about the tipple, but let’s Vanish the Solomon’s seal and go have pudding,” Hermione said. 
“Yes, but also, once we’ve finished eating, we can either get them all to leave or just scarper off and let them enjoy the party. I’ve had enough of wedding. I’d like to start marriage.”
A few hours later, when the moonlight was coming through the open window of the Biarritz villa’s master bedroom, Hermione murmured drowsily, “I think Scorpius’s gift was best of all.”
“Hmm?” Draco could not be arsed to form an actual word, though he had enough of his wits about him to feel a grunt was poor form. She was wearing him out conjugally after three vigorous and inventive goes and he now wanted badly to sleep with his wife in his arms. Dawn would be soon enough to whisper Domina Nimue Granger I beseech thee in her ear and then nibble her earlobe and see how she felt about morning sex. If he got a few hours of rest, he’d be up to all the worship she might enjoy without lifting a finger of her own.
She evidently still felt like talking.
“Telling Clafouti he could make us croquembouches, so he’d give us the villa for the honeymoon,” she said. “I know Scorpius likes treacle tart with custard better.”
“He wanted you to be happy. Scorpius and Clafouti too,” Draco managed to say.
“I am. Happy,” she said.
“Good. Can we sleep now, love? I want to hear how happy you are to wake up with me in the same bed,” Draco said.
She didn’t answer. 
But she was smiling in her sleep.
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Helpless part 6 :D
Nico woke up to a loud knock on the door, he had slept in his jeans and camp shirt so he just put on his jacket and ran his fingers through his hair before opening the door. Standing there, with far to much energy for someone to have in the morning: Will Solace.
"What in the Hades are you doing here Solace?" Nico asked rubbing his eyes before spotting the sun towards the east, well it wasn't past 12, truly a miracle. "And what time is it?"
"It's 9:30 and I am here to make sure you take your meds, it's protocol to make sure it's been taken."
Nico rolled his eyes as he grabbed the container that was next to his bed as well as a glass of water that he had left there, as he swallowed he said.
"Happy now Solace?"
"I told you it's protocol, normally we get someone else from the cabin to check but Hazel went to New Rome."
"Aren't you head? Doesn't that mean you made the protocol?" Will put his finger to his lip before responding with,
"Bye Nico, I'll wait for you at the Hades table for breakfast. Oh and watch out for Piper, she is insistent on taking you shopping and Chiron already agreed to letting her take you." He said as he walked out the door. Nico sighed, well there was no chance he was getting out of something if Piper wanted him to do it. He needed a new jacket anyways.
Will had annoyingly made sure Nico got food, he picked up a single slice of toast and was forcing himself to eat.
"Neeks don't forget to take the other one as well."
"Don't call me Neeks." He said grumbling as he put the pill in his mouth and swallowed.
"It's a cute nickname."
"Would you like an army of skeletons chasing you? Is that cute enough?"
"No underworldly stuff Neeks, or else-"
"You're kidnapping me and locking me in the infirmary again."
"Exactly." Will smiled resisting the urge to ruffle the Ghost Kings long hair. Then Piper ran up to them,
"Nico I'm taking you shopping today. You can't stop me, I've already asked Chiron and he agrees you need more social interaction." Nico gave her dagger eyes, the Apollo kid had already left to go to the infirmary seemly please with Nico's eating. "Also you need a haircut-"
"Not a chance McLean, I do not trust those people."
"Nico it'll be fine, unless you would rather me cut it."
"No chance."
"One or the other, come on di Angelo. Son of Hades scared of a haircut?"
"Oh fuck you McLean."
"You aren't denying it...."Piper grinned as Nico thought about his options, he knew he wasn't getting away, Piper would probably charmspeak him into getting it cut anyways so there's no point resisting.
"I hate you so much McLean, either way I trust you more." Nico sighed, Piper's face lit up.
"You're the best Nico, trust me I know what I'm doing. Oh you're still not getting out of shopping by the way, you need to own something that isn't black."
"I don't think I do,"
"You act like you're allergic to colour I swear, hey you might even enjoy it."
"We can go to McDonalds? I remember Percy saying something about you loving that place."
Nico considered the offer, it had been two year's since he had gone to McDonalds. He was almost certain Piper had charmspoke him considering after that offer he agreed.
"Great, I'll meet you at thirteen in an hour." Piper said before walking off to celebrate her success with Jason. Then he reaslied what he agreed to, Piper would probably find out about his eating thing. Fuck. At that point though there was no going back, 'well let's hope that Piper McLean can keep a secret.' he thought before walking to the Hades cabin and throwing up everything he had eaten. He still thought it was a miracle no one had found out, he always made sure to be in his cabin before it happened. People worry about him enough already, he didn't need them worrying even more, he would be fine, it would fix itself.
Nico heard a knock and went to open the door, Piper looked back at him with a smile.
"Hey McLean, please do not make me regret this."
"Trust me you won't Nico, and you do realise that people have first names right?" Piper smiled as she walked inside; Nico rolled his eyes at the comment and closed the door. As they walked inside the bathroom the Aphrodite girl pulled out some scissors, a comb and a spray bottle filled with water. "Okay so since your hair is straight so it'll be easier to cut while it's wet, I'll cut it to around your shoulders and add some layers, any objections?"
"You forced me into this, I'm hoping you know what you're doing."
"You have so much confidence in me, why are you so against getting your hair cut anyway? I'm genuinely curious."
"Great explanation." Piper muttered as she started brushing Nico's hair, it was soft and wasn't that thick but not thin either.
"Last time I got it cut was like two years ago, I asked for it to but cut around my shoulders and this bitch cut it shorter than Jason's saying it 'Wasn't right' so now I refuse to have it shorter than my collar to spite her."
"I'm surprised you didn't kill her, I probably would have." Piper laughed as she continued brushing,
"Well social anxiety is a real bitch." Nico smiled as he said it. The daughter of Aphrodite started to spray his hair with water and cutting carefully half an inch above his shoulder and adding layers into it. Nico stood perfectly still the whole time, neither talked until Piper had finished.
"So di Angelo, thoughts?" Piper asked,
"You're surprising good at this McLean." Nico smiled, a often a rare occurrence for the child of. Hades yet it had become more common in the last few days.
"Don't be so shocked Nico, my mother is Aphrodite, Goddess of beauty." Piper said as she handed him some hair ties, "You'll need these, I have no clue how you've survived so long with your hair out but you don't have to suffer any longer. Also Will would love it." Piper winked, Nico rolled his eyes.
"Oh leave me be McLean, but thanks for the hair ties." he said as he put them around his wrist. The two cleaned up, Piper started collecting her things and glaced at her watch.
"I'll go get ready, meet you back here in twenty minutes." She said running out of the door, giving Nico just enough time to overthink. Piper had actually done a good job at cutting it, he ran his fingers through it, pulling some part from the sides in front of his face. It was shorter than he was used to but it probably looked more decent, the longer hair had started getting on his nerve either way and he mentally noted to thank Piper for cutting it. He wondered what the Apollo  boy would think; he took one of the hair ties off his wrist and tied his hair back, trying to stop thinking about it, before getting ready to be dragged out by Piper. He wore the first pair of black jeans he saw with a black T-shirt and his aviator jacket, he suspected the colour may be making less of an appearance in his closest after Piper was done.
Guys I'll try to keep updating daily but I will be away for five weeks and I don't know how good my internet will be and how much time I'll have to write in general. I have 9.5 chapters written already so I'll try to post those if the internet will let me, sorry.
@midnightisday2 Tysm for reading each part, ur like the best person on this app mate. Also ur drawings are fucking amazing.
Have a good day peeps, I'll (hopefully) see ya tmr
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hana-no-seiiki · 1 year
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BYLETH EISNER is a man best kept alone to his devices. As a student, Claude didn’t know much about the enigmatic professor who could cleave mountains with his sheer might. As a man after your affections, he only knew that he was an obstacle to his goals. The Ashen Demon wasn’t that discreet when it came to his . . . attraction.
Opening up his journal to find out more on his rival, he knew what kind of horrors he’d find. But it still didn’t prepare him for the lunacy written upon yellowed parchment.
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this D I A R Y belongs to . . .
↳ ❝ PLAYER 00 : BYLETH EISNER ¡! ❞ — please destroy return if found !
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(:̲̅:̲̅:[̲̅: ❝IF YOU DON’T LOVE ME, WHO WILL?❞ :]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
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Why was it that you always, always landed out of my arm’s reach? Wasn’t this a game? A game made to fulfill my desires? A game made to help me escape reality and the agonizing lack of romance in my life?
So why did you always end up with someone else? No matter how many true resets I’ve made, no matter the different ways I’ve approached you and even the extent I’ve isolated you from the other house leaders, you always, always, ended up with one of them.
Hell, it didn’t matter that you assisted Edelgard with her acquisition of Fodlan one time. You still somehow found yourself in the bed of none other than Dimitri himself. The fool always took you in no matter what horrors you caused on him or his allies.
I stared at your old, frail body. Thanks to the Goddess’s aid in this timeline, I’ve never aged a day. I stayed youthful and spry as you and Edelgard grew to rule the new land I had acquired for her.
Your wrinkly skin still felt heavenly to caress. Each second of continuous contact filled me with more and more pleasure; less and less self-control.
Maybe if I were bolder, more radical with my approaches. Maybe if I had just eliminated them all before they stand a chance.
Maybe then I won’t have to just sit and stare but hold you close and cage you within my arms. My snowbird that always deserted me during spring, a being so allergic to sunlight that you ran away from him endlessly despite the warmth he devotedly provided.
I am the Sun. There was no room to argue with that fact.
And I will always be there, shining my unbearably powerful rays of scorching hot light upon you.
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1155 It seems that were born as snow and ice. The closest one might get to the term brigid. Quite fitting since you are set to rule a nation by such a name when your father, the current ruler, passes away.
You weren’t supposed to take the throne at all. Your older brother was a fit heir. He had spares in the form of his children as well. But, as your eldest niece Petra is too young, you had to take responsibility of an entire nation even though you weren’t much older.
1175 After the death of your brother, you were sent to Adrestia as a symbol of newfound trust. However shaky it might be, you had no choice but to fulfill your duties. It seems even from a young age you were already cold, as accounts of you described a mature, straight laced girl. You knew, much earlier than everyone else that despite your high stature in society, you were only but a pawn to time and destiny.
All this came in useful when it was discovered that all Adrestian royal children were kidnapped. So you did not only have to fulfill the role of heir apparent to a country but a country and an Empire. Those who slithered in the dark made your authenticity as new royal kin solid far too quickly. No one even got to question it as you replaced Edelgard’s older siblings in meetings and formal events.
A simple story of your own albeit feigned kidnapping years ago, plus a few spells here in there to change your eye color to purple, guaranteed you a spot next to the Emperor. You lost everything: your identity, your brother, your friends back home; only to have gained a small chance to even take the throne that oppressed you. The Emperor, in turn, also got to keep his position. His luxurious, heavy crown and clothing in exchange for continuing the façade and perpetuating the play.
After Edelgard’s return to the stage, a lot changed. Factions formed left and right on who should take the throne next. Would it be the bastard child that proved to be a worthy heir, or the true child of Adrestia who’s yet to prove herself? But in beyond the glitz and glamor of the stage, you two shared quite a strong bond. You taught Edelgard many of your secrets when it came to the act. How one would stay calm under pressure, and to keep an air of confidence when all you can think of is self-doubt. In exchange, the Agarthans saw you fulfilling your duty as their spy diligently. You rose in the ranks of both areas in the speed of light.
You were determined to free yourself from the shackles, a consequence of the ichor you were blessed with.
Everything had been set.
An escape cometh Spring.
1180 You, Edelgard, and your niece Petra are sent to be the representatives of the Empire in the Officer’s Academy.
I have already planned out what to do for this timeline.
And this time? You won’t be getting away.
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A/N: I couldn’t for the life of me find a Fire Emblem 3H fic that included both the three house leaders and Byleth as romantic interests so I decided to take one out of Thanos’s books and do it (make one) myself.
There will be other yanderes as well but the House Leaders + Byleth are the main ones.
Reader will be the horniest aro, just watch.
I already had a FE3H concept I could have gone to in my Quotev account but was like NAHHHH I WANT REVERSE SAGAU(ish) BUT FIRE EMBLEM. So here we are.
Unfortunately because of how this is formatted I’m not able to make individual chapter warnings but I’ll be making a masterpost where everything is listed.
Fun Fact: In Japanese, Fire Emblem 3H is called 風花雪月 literally translating to Wind (Claude), Flower (Edelgard), Snow (Rhea or in this case, [Y/N]) and Moon (Dimitri). So the white theme is based off of that. I’ve been working on this for so long and wanted to make a house named Ashen Scales to contrast Edelgard BUT NOPE WE GOT THE DLC AND AS MUCH AS I LOVE YURI- AAAAA.
This will be the first and last A/N so don’t worry about these long ass paragraphs happening again.
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
no way me? actually finishing a snippet for once? the world must be ending
but also no joke I've had this in my WIPs since mid October and I'm SO happy it's finally done :>
It's been a while since I did anything with the Vampric Joot In Italy With Vampiric Giorno, so how about we change that :)
(also, sorta? warning for implied vomiting. It's not graphic but the implications are there)
Abbacchio didn’t trust the new guys. Didn’t like them either.
Now, this came to the surprise of literally nobody, including himself. He didn’t like people in general, simple as that.
(Well. Except for Bruno. But he was a literal angel among men and only an idiot wouldn’t like him. At the very least he could agree upon that with the kids.)
But this was different. The newbies were….. weird.
Giorno was a blonde little brat who looked like he hadn’t struggled a day in his life. He was too…… perfect looking, not a single blemish to be seen or hair out of place. No matter where you looked, and believe me Abbacchio had looked hard, there wasn’t a flaw to be found. He always moved with a stupid amount of poise and grace, footsteps quiet like a cat’s and never once looking caught off guard. And the kid wasn’t just a pretty face either, he was smart. He noticed things, small little things that usually only Abbacchio noticed. The kid knew about Abbacchio’s distaste. He definitely knew about the tea. But instead of getting pissy or tattling on Bucciarati, he stayed quiet.
On top of pissing him off, all of it was just plain freaky.
And Jotaro…..
Well. Where to even start with the bastard.
Under normal circumstances, Abbacchio would’ve had begrudging respect for him. He made it clear he wasn’t interested in any of them, but didn’t take any bullshit. He was built like a fucking truck, taller than even Abbacchio was, but he wasn’t a meathead and actually had some braincells. He was admittedly similar to Giorno when it came to brains and noticing things, but he was different in his execution. Blunter for one thing, not even bothering with any pretty words or manipulations. He gave the hard straight facts without any bullshit.
Unfortunately for him, any and all possible respect was thrown out the window because of his stupid fucking outfit.
He’d heard his explanation along with the rest of them when Narancia got nosey and asked. The simple “I’m allergic to the sun” without any elaboration.
And Abbacchio was calling bullshit.
That guy was wrapped up in so many layers that you couldn’t see a spot of skin anywhere. If the sun really was that dangerous for the man then why the hell had he joined the mafia? Abbacchio’s closet could attest to the fact that this line of work went though more clothes than the average person would want to deal with, from bullet holes to knife wounds to whatever the fuck could happen in a Stand Fight.
Unless Jotaro had a complete and total disregard for his life, it didn’t hold up. People only covered up that much when they didn’t want to be recognized and had absolutely no shot at a disguise.
Hence Abbacchio’s current plan.
Jotaro was currently gone with Narancia to grab groceries and wouldn’t be back for another hour. Fugo refused to leave the patio and was waiting for them to come back. Mista was doing a perimeter sweep outside. Bruno and Giorno were talking in the living room. Trish had holed herself up in her room.
Meaning no one was around to see him using Moody to get some answers.
Jotaro had also very conveniently gone upstairs before he’d gone to leave with Narancia, and the stairs themselves were quite loud. Only Trish was up there in her room, so Abbacchio didn’t even have to run the risk of someone sneaking up on him and asking questions (lord knows Bruno wouldn’t be happy if he ever found out). Now, he wasn’t quite sure where upstairs Jotaro had gone, but he could simply follow Moody, so easy fix.
Moody Blues slowly peeled off of him and stood, the digital clock on its head gradually ticking up until it slowed to a stop at around 23 minutes and 56 seconds.
“Let’s see what you’re hiding beneath that coat.” he muttered to himself, eyes narrowing as Moody slowly shifted. It took barely a second before it changed, and soon enough Jotaro was standing right in front of him on the stairs.
“Play,” he commanded.
The copy took a few slow, expected steps up the stairs.
And then just as he left the view of the main room.
He vanished.
Suddenly and abruptly, Jotaro was gone. He didn’t seem to be hit by anything, he didn’t even fade or fizzle out. Just one moment he was there and the next he was gone and Moody reverted back to its usual form.
For a moment Abbacchio had thought that something was wrong with Moody. He rewinded the Stand briefly…. but the exact thing happened again.
What the fuck.
Okay, wait, think about this logically. It obviously wasn’t an attack or anything the man thought was dangerous, meaning Jotaro was likely the one responsible. Abbacchio still didn’t know what his Stand could do, none of them did, but whatever it was it was fucking fast. Much faster than a human. First there was how he managed to get to the docks before they had, then there was catching Zucchero on the boat. Who’s to say he didn’t use it to move. Based on how he’d only been upstairs for a few minutes, he likely hadn’t gone that far.
He felt out with Moody, feeling for the echoes of people who had walked these halls. No one had been here very recently thank god, but it still took a moment until-
Behind one of the doors. Not Trish’s thankfully, that would’ve been awkward, but instead the door next to it.
Abbacchio easily closed the distance, walking up the last few remaining stairs and down the hall, and behind the door was……
The bathroom.
Moody quickly zipped over to where Jotaro had been by the toilet, and for a brief second Abbacchio was ready to skip over it…… 
But the man was hunched over it.
The layers of cloth were peeled away from his face but his hunched over frame prevented Abbacchio from getting a clear look.
But even without seeing his face, it was obvious he was sick.
Okay…… definitely not what he expected. The man hadn’t shown any signs of being sick earlier, so that either meant the apparent nausea had been very sudden or the guy was really good at hiding it.
Abbacchio sped up the replay. Even with the fast forward, it took a few seconds before Jotaro finally stood up, flushing the toilet as he did so. He made his way over to the sink and-
“Pause.” he commanded his Stand.
-and Abbacchio couldn’t help but stare.
He looked… okay this was going to sound crazy, but he didn’t look that human.
The features were…. wrong. He had two eyes, a nose, mouth, all the features that most people had but at the same time it was off. Like the strangeness of Giorno cranked up to an 11. His eyes were a blue almost as vibrant as the sky and sea itself, but around the pupils (which were too sharp too long not right) they were crackled with bits of red like shattered glass. And his skin, it was horrifyingly pale, almost looking translucent in some places. Abbacchio could practically count the veins and-
And now that he was looking at his face, he noticed Jotaro looked…. boney. His eyes were gaunt and his cheeks were hollow, the latter only being accentuated further by his sharp cheekbones.
Definitely way too boney to be losing meals like that.
There was also a strange…… youthfulness to his appearance. From the way he spoke and acted Abbacchio had assumed he was in his late 20s, maybe early 30s, but under the face mask he looked……. young, sorta. Sure the gaunt features and sheer exhaustion made him look older but if you were to fill him out a bit more…….
He looked like a teenager.
And that made a little, minuscule piece of Abbacchio squirm a bit. He was an asshole but…… nobody, especially not a kid (if Jotaro even was one), deserved to look like that.
During his time on the force he’d seen a few cases that still kept him up at night. And some of those cases had involved kids who were far too skinny and quiet with eyes that should’ve been bright holding nothing but a look no child should ever have.
And whil Jotaro wasn’t anywhere near their ages, the look in his eyes was pretty similar.
There was a muted pain in those blue orbs. A tenseness in his face, a heaviness in his shoulders, slight indents in his lips that spoke of having gnawed on them far too many times but lacking any scars.
But it looked so…… normal to the man. A whispered  “play” sent Moody back into motion and he was just…… casual. His movements were easy and practiced, and not once did his expression shift.
This was frankly none of his business. He’d done this to figure out Jotaro’s identity and any possible threats, not analyze him for any…… whatever the hell this was.
So why did Abbacchio feel like he accidentally stumbled upon a rabbit hole far deeper than he first anticipated.
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cepheusgalaxy · 5 months
Just sit down and listen because my The Sun And The Star book just arrived yesterday and I just finished it so you guys are gonna hear me freaking out about this
Nico and Will 😏
Oh, well, my dad bought TSATS in july (because portuguese version was just ready this month while for you guys it was up on may) and it arrived at thursday. And then! when I came home from school I just found it here at the table, my dad gladly smilling for me like "yo here's the book you were freaking out about last month" and I just freaked out some more.
I startes to read it and oh dam
I need to say I loved the concept
And the implications
"You cannot cut your past off, but it's a part of you"
And also "There's no light without darkness, just as there's no darkness without light"
I loved it because was also a golden key to nico's character arc
He dealt with really bad stuff in this book
And ofc character's bad stuff is good stuff for us
But really,
All his demons were shown for everybody to see in this book (like, literally, and i loved this part), and Will was at his side all time.
I loved this too: Nico and Will's relationship has no problems at all, but their understanding of each other was so limited. Will saw Nico's darkness as a bad thing, a thing he had to heal from. And Nico tried to flinch away everytime someone tried to help him, we already knew that.
And then their values were crushed off
Will learns about darkness; about the dephts of the Bad Things; about Nico; about how not everything related to the dark is bad
And Nico learns about himself; about his needs; about his motives; about his strenghts; about his heart and about his health
And really
I think it was a particulary Hot TakeTM that the Percy Jacksom fandom just shouted and pleaded "NICO DI ANGELO!" and rick riorsan gave us fucking nico di angelo
And also
(the quote may be not accurte here because again, my version is portuguese's, and im having to translate it here)
"Will let the anger power him and searched inside himself for darkness. He knew loneliness, like the nights he spent in the corner of a show house while his mother sing for the crowd. He had felt fear. He had felt envy. He was son of Apollo and, because of that, with all his feelings flowing, Will focused on his dad's power and did something he has never did in his entire life.
He gave his enemy an allergic rhinitis attack"
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The first page also just MADE MY HEART MELT
And their stories for Gorgyra appearing beetwen one chapter and another just had me--
here, have a photo
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So yea, i loved it ❤
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ep 10 stray thoughts
- oh nont…
- aobpuen enthusiasts were really in it now
- first enthusiasts were really in it now also proms texts?!??!
- when aob says the boss he means jason lee right…. WHAT IS SOONGS NEW JOB
- i love the set for when zouey plays the violin in memory of nant like the spotlight shining on him in his own room…. nant being in shadow yet the cause of it all….
- fucking help the way they all looked at captain when he tried to crack a a joke…. i love them
- porsche may be many things but poorly dressed isn’t one even in mourning he slays good for him
- oh jump….
- the presence of sugar daddy this ep despite him not showing up yet…
- first…
- nont…
- what a week to be a lover of pathetic characters haha…
- wait if it was roleplay on the dog mask clip why did prom say they didn’t do knives the first time with nont… unless he always knew it wasn’t nant….
- proms ipad full of secrets lol
- oh god oh fuck porsche imma break you outta there trust!!
- not tutor lurking there…
- i am taking the scene seriously but also the discord is really onto something with captainpuen…
- KEEN?!?!!,
- looked up the conversion rate and 283 an hour oh hold on for fisting is 339
- “the world revolves around the sun, not you” puen kinda ate with that one…
- the little giraffes on zoueys pjs oh wait is he gonna have his monster moment too
- the way this show shows dick without showing dick is crazy lmao
- obsessed with tutors bedroom
- why is the light flashing on puenkeen oh hold on captainpuenkeen?? captain… gurl…
- nont having a night in with the clues and a bottle of red
- nont back in his revenge era hope he finally gets to set someone on fire
- oh porsche… OH PORSCHE
- not arguing with a man with long lashes whatever you say beautiful
- the baddie bunch gc is so funny
- first allergic to minding his buisness… i mean we knew already but still
- AOB?!?!,!?!?!?!!??!!?!?!,! AGHHHHH FIRST NOOOOOOOOOOOO OH MY GOD !?!?!?!?!
- i can excuse a glock but SHOES ON THE BED??? aob have some decorum
- NOOO oh my god?!?!?!,!, first my baby
- at least we have nuthphop. they’d never surprise or hurt us 🤡
- nuth in hyperfocus mode he can’t help his hyperfixations be patient with him
- i love nuthphop so much you don’t fucking get it like this song plays in so many of there scenes i can’t even get into it rn but grahhhh them them them
- the way jason lee be bumping into all the characters… i don’t trust this man i think he gonna fuck all them over
- hold on are they all teaming up to take sugar daddy down
- awww keen
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extremely-burnt-sugar · 11 months
Hello there if it's okay can I please ask for another yandere vanitas
With a Yuutsu darling
Where he grows obsessed and attached to her
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She loves going outside in Spring despite her allergies
She also enjoys quiet days where she doesn't have to do anything
And she also likes picking up a new outfit or making a new outfit for inspiration on Pinterest she has a small flower garden that she takes care of
And she likes going shopping but mostly online since she can find all the cute things there but she doesn't mind going to small shops and to find any little goodie or cute outfit
She doesn't like oranges or the color of orange
She doesn't like eating peppers even though she has a high tolerance to chilly
An online shopping is Hit or Miss for her
She gets really irritated when she rips something or her fingers get pricked by a needle when she stitching
And she also doesn't like eating cereal it's maybe weird but she doesn't like it and she has allergies in Spring she is allergic to peanuts and artificial strawberries
Her chest is relatively small and and she used to have an eating disorder
But now she likes to take advantage of it so she can wear all her cute and gothic and emo clothes without showing off anything
She used to struggle with self harm as a child and still has scars that are permanent
Her mental health has gotten better now that she's free from her mother and the high expectations of her mother and father and the scar around her neck that is forever permanent around her throat
She is extremely touched starved where point she can't sleep without a big teddy bear
She tends to hide her emotions because it's really hard to express them about being scared that someone is going to tell her to get over it she has a lot of insecurities about her body and the way she dresses but she tries to ignore them
In the hot summers she's usually seen with an umbrella outside
And she has a habit of waking up really early in the morning she doesn't mind it because she gets to see the sun rise
She has a lot of weapons so she was trained by the facility to fight she didn't like how they looked so she customized them to make them look cute like adding simple accessories
She has a lot of clothes so whenever she gets one of her outfits dirty she washes them immediately so she doesn't have a lot of laundry
Most of the time she's seen in simple outfits that are fluffy and cute
She doesn't understand pain since she can't feel it because of a rare condition that makes her unable to feel pain
This took me awhile to make and its not proof-read but i put in a lot of effort so i hope its good, and please keep up the constructive cristism! i love hearing people honest reactions whether they are positive or negative!
Yandere! Vanitas x Yuutsu (Oc)
I could honestly see him gaining his initial interest in her because of how little she shows her emotions
he probably knew that stalking wasn't healthy but he doesn't see himself worthy of love and the fact he just loved you soooooooooo much was all he needed to push that insecurity to the side in order to follow you
He definitely saw the garden Yuutsu keeps and loves how absolutely beautiful and well tended to it is
Lets be honest the first time he saw her prick herself with a needle he probably offered to lick the blood off even if she hadn't yet noticed the small incision into her finger
this man has no sense of personal space either, like he will just poof clinging onto Yuutsu like a lost puppy, then not even a second later turning around and acting like nothing happened
If she were to react to this with either positivity or negativity he would be shocked and more inclined to do it more frequently if it were to get a response from her
whenever one of his reckless plans gets him and or Noe in serious danger, if she were to just like kill whoever or whatever was attempting to kill them with her cute weapons, we have all seen how he reacted to Jeanne being a strong women, imagine how he would react to his dear darling Yuutsu being able to defend herself.
If vanitas could fall any father in love he would've, with all of Yuutsu's talents and skills he's bound to be blushing at some point
especially when she's wears something that's just absolutely stunning on her!
Now on the more yandere side of this oddly shaped coin, he would HATE if Noe or any other person really. Were to approach her, and while he could easily just kill them its much easier and far more effective to just manipulate her into believing that no one cares about her, and how no one will ever love her the way he does, blah blah so on so fourth
Believe me if this man found out about how she used to self harm he would be initially very upset, maybe even enraged that someone could ever convince someone so amazing that they needed to cause harm to themself.
He'd kill her family
Seeing her scars would probably make him both sad and mad an odd set of emotions especially since he tends to lean more towards the non-serious side of things, and while he can be serious he doesn't typically; leading to him just like making sure Yuutsu is currently ok then going off to distract himself by doing who knows what
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 years
and all at once you are the one i have been waiting for- king of my heart.
(not my cruel summer fic fest submission part 2 but definitely part of my starking x taylor swift series because i want to)
Kingsley held fast to the forearms attached to the hands covering his eyes, trying his best to maintain some sort of dignity as he stumbled forward, occasionally catching the toes of his shoes on the ground, or having to kick away the hem of his robes.
"Sirius, where are you--"
"I told you its a surprise and I can't tell you, just be patien--"
"And you think I'll peak if your hands aren't covering my eyes?"
"I know you will, actually," Sirius said, voice close to his ear, and Kingsley felt a small shiver go up his spine. "Not much further, though you might want to take two steps up--"
"I'm climbing stairs. Planning to murder me?"
"If I was plotting to kill the MInister of Magic, I certainly wouldn't do it this way."
"Humor me, Sirius," Kingsley said, desperately wanting to turn over his shoulder so he could see Sirius Black's trademark cocky-grin, coupled with the clever glint in grey eyes. Kingsley saw it from his view during Ministry hearings when Sirius knew he was about to win a case. But now, he also got to see it in different light.
Candlelight on their first proper dinner date at a French restaurant that Sirius had picked just so Kingsley couldn't be tempted to order and pay for the two of them.
Firelight that past Christmas, just the two of them and a bottle of wine on the floor of Sirius's flat, that was smaller than Kinglsey would have guessed.
Starlight when they took walks after leaving work together, Sirius's arm eager to be around his waist. Kingsley eager to use a normal tone of voice after spending all day leading meetings and delegating.
"Just going to be very clear that," Sirius raised his voice, "I do not actually want to kill you! This is a joke! I am joking with my boyfriend--one more step--"
"Security is off for the night," Kingsley said through a laugh as he followed Sirius's instructions and stepped upward, the soles of his shoes suddenly hitting a new surface and a rush of cold air hit him. They were outside, and Sirius stopped walking forward, pressing his body flush against his back.
"Not taking chances. If I wanted to kill you, I'd find out what you were allergic to and stir it into your morning coffee. Make sure no one was around for at least thirty minutes and you'd be left for dead, no blood on my hands."
"Should I be concerned?"
"Don't worry about a thing, baby," Sirius said, punctuating the statement with a kiss to the back of Kingsley's neck.
now you try on callin me baby like tryin on clothes
Sirius dropped his hands from Kingsleys eyes, moving to wrap an arm around his waist, chin dropped on his shoulder as Kingsley opened his eyes.
"A rooftop?"
"Our rooftop."
Kingsley turned his head to meet grey eyes, "The top of the Ministry?"
"We have another?"
Kingsley turned back to look at the roof, sun setting over buildings and casting muted orange shadows down below. Sirius pushed him forward, and they walked toward the center of the roof. A blanket set out. A basket. Absolute silence, aside from their footsteps and low whistling wind.
Kingsley never thought he would see the day where he would be impressed and thoroughly caught up in an empty rooftop and a blanket.
He had made up his mind before Sirius walked into into life--he had a career, he had goals, he had had too many failed relationships to spend his time trying to find someone who would be willing to share Kingsley with the entire Wizarding World. Who would put up with the security detail and the long hours, and the opinions over dinner. Because he had tried and they all ended the same.
With arguments.
Or else superficial arrangements with the best dinners around, without actually taking a moment to consider if that was what Kingsley wanted.
And then he met Sirius Black, after years of only seeing his name via post, and couldn't stay away. Every moment with Sirius had been a surprise; an adventure in the best way. Sirius didn't try to impress Kingsley the way everyone else did--he already knew he was impressive. Instead, Sirius had just wanted to get to know the person beyond the title. Sirius stole Kingsley's heart without stealing any of his brilliance.
"This is our date?"
"I thought you would like it," Sirius said, a statement, not a question, as they settled on the blanket together, Sirius instantly stretching one of his legs over Kingsley's lap as he opened the basket. "Watch the sun go down...quiet. This," Sirius titled his head so he could kiss the side of Kingsley's neck, just above the top of his robe collar.
And again.
And again.
Kingsley tilted his head back to give Sirius more access to his throat, mind suddenly blank of the days stress, only focusing on tattooed hands and lips on skin.
All those boys and their expensive cars, range rovers and the jaguars never took me quite where you do
"I'm just fine with skipping dinner..." Sirius murmured, Kingsley's outer robe taken off, and now used as a makeshift pillow for the back of his head, as they kissed like teenagers on top of the roof. Sirius was looking down at him with a cheeky grin, long black hair out of its tie and falling as a curtain to the left side of his head. A cardinal sin.
"You went through the trouble."
"I'll go through it again," he said against his mouth, Kingsley finally finding the strength to sit up, taking Sirius with him.
"The champagne, at least?"
Sirius smiled wider--Kingsley's favorite version that showed every one of his teeth, that was powerful enough to knock out the sun-- and laughed. "You assume champagne?"
"Or wine?"
"Not quite," Sirius opened the basket finally, pulling out two clear cups and bottles of Wizard's Brew.
He watched as Sirius popped the top open with the keys to his flat, as if he had done it thousands of times before, born for a life of drinking cheap booze on rooftops and note fine dining in silk robes. Grey eyes turning the colors of the sunset, his golden hour boyfriend, making everything look stunning in the light. Every bad situation made better, every moment of monotony turned bright.
Up on the roof, with a school girl crush; drinking beer out of plastic cups; yeah, you fancy me, not fancy stuff?
"It's not a Cabernet...no notes of leather handbags in this..." Sirius handed him a plastic cup filled with amber liquid.
"Just cat piss?" Kingsley asked, and Sirius laughed, adjusting himself so he was closer even still, and taking his spare hand.
"Precisely. Alright? I did leave a bottle of Prosecco under my desk if it's not."
"Sirius, that's against the--"
"Shhh. Cheers, baby."
"Cheers, baby."
Baby, all at once, this is enough.
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ravendruid · 1 year
oh you fuckin KNOW i’m gonna ask for vaxleth with #1 babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
This one comes from deep within my frozen heart and I would like you to know that I did research for this, and I love it. I'm going to add the flowers at the end and what the Almanac/Google told me they symbolized. 1: Collecting flowers on their way home
Vax had never been a tremendous fan of the Spring, but dating someone who was the embodiment of nature and flowers had changed him. That is why, one particularly warm spring morning, Vax found himself surrounded by flowers. Being a town in the middle of the mountains, Zephrah had very few clearings and prairies, so when Keyleth showed him this field on their first week in Zephrah, Vax knew it meant a lot to her. 
Between him and his sister, she was the most connected to nature, the one who could find tracks in the muddy ground, who would know which berries were safe to eat and which were likely to give him a bad case of the shits. His sister, who now walked arm in arm with a Lord in a town far away, and to whom he could not go for advice on which flowers were safe and which would give him a rash.
Vax sighed in resignation. He hoped the gesture would be good enough to please his girlfriend – he knew it would be. He could come home with a fern or a cactus, and Keyleth would be delighted with the thought. But he wanted it to be perfect. After all, it was a special day.
He brushed his hand across the closest patch of flowers, their beautiful colors shining brightly under the morning sun, and quickly regretted the idea as a wave of pollen released from within them and made him sneeze. Well, shit.
One by one, Vax started picking a few flowers of different colors, not knowing their meaning but going by how pretty they looked and how they matched. Once he was happy with the small bouquet, he made his way back to town with a hint of a headache and a scratch on his throat. 
What he didn’t expect – besides the fact that he was seemingly allergic to pollen – was that Zephrah’s streets were also bursting with flowers, bordering the sidewalks and in small patches of gardens everywhere. Being the thief he is, Vax couldn’t let the opportunity to collect even more colorful and differently shaped flowers go to waste. He was used to stealing for need, sometimes for greed, but stealing for love was new and exhilarating. Besides, no one could blame him, right? He was in love with the Voice of the Tempest, and if anyone asked him why he was stealing flowers, would they really be mad at him if he told him they were for her birthday?
By the time he reached the gate of their small garden, Vax’s bouquet had increased in size and color, his headache had gotten worse, and the scratch on his throat was now followed by a runny nose.
Thankfully Keyleth had decided to take the day off, which allowed her to sleep in, something she hadn’t done in a long time. However, she was sad to see her bed empty when she woke up, but she knew Vax hadn’t gone far, as he had left his armor at home. She had been reading a book on the comfy armchair by a big window when Vax announced his return with a sneeze, followed by a sniffle.
He bashfully made his way towards her, holding the bouquet with both hands and holding it in her direction with a weak smile. Keyleth laughed at the scene in front of her. Vax’s hair had a soft white-ish dust layer, which Keyleth assumed was pollen; his face was blotched red; his nose was as red as a tomato, and his red-rimmed eyes had tears in them.
“It seems like I’m allergic to pollen.” He explained. It was easy for her to help relieve the symptoms, which she did by pressing a soft kiss to his lips and casting a simple healing spell. 
“Happy birthday.”
Keyleth took the bouquet and examined it, grinning at the choice of colors and flowers. She could see daisies of different colors, white, blue, some yellow, and even purple alpine asters; there were a few pink carnations that she recognized from one of her neighbor's garden – no doubt stolen by her thief of a boyfriend; a smaller cluster of light pink, almost gradient to white, flowers; a couple of long purple lavender-like flowers; and, as a filler, several small clusters of the tiniest flowers in different colors, yellow, white, some red and a bit of orange and purple.
“It’s beautiful, Vax.” Keyleth kissed him again. 
“I have no idea what they mean, but they look pretty.” Keyleth laughed at him. Without knowing, Vax had picked flowers that symbolize love and faithfulness, so she explained to him how daisies meant loyal love, how the tiny clustered flowers meant everlasting love, and how the carnations meant I’ll never forget you.
The bouquet of flowers contains:
Alpine asters (love);
Daisies (innocence, loyal love);
Pink Carnations (I'll never forget you);
Garden Phlox (compatibility, partnership, harmony and unity);
Lupine (imagination, admiration, self-sacrifice, voraciousness, nature);
Yarrow (everlasting love).
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dark9896 · 8 months
Flufftober 2023
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Day 30: "I'm not the villain..." [x Raju]
You were dodging some peculiar people lately. It was quite unnerving to see such tall men trailing you all the time. For the longest time, you couldn't help but wonder why they were tailing you, to the point you'd called on Raju just about as soon as you noticed them.
"[Name]?" He landed lightly, perching on his cane, "What's wrong? Why do you keep calling me back here?"
"The tall red and black-haired men behind me."
Raju glanced and sure enough, he recognized the two men following you. Though why they would was also beyond him, you weren't much of a threat after all. Unlike most blood breeds you kept to yourself and barely drank blood.
Of course you didn't even realize you were a blood breed, outside of the fact that sunlight seemed to hurt. But when you complained about it, it was never 'I turned into a vampire.' and always 'I'm just suddenly allergic to the sun.' It was completely weird to Raju how someone could be so disillusioned by their own turning.
Unfortunately, Raju kept forgetting to warn Libra of the peaceful blood breed... that he so happened to be dating...
"I'll have a word with them." Raju squeezed your shoulder, "Don't worry."
You nodded, while the situation at large made you a little uncomfortable, you knew you could trust Raju. It would simply be a matter of time before all this was sorted out.
As you sat at home, pondering why for the millionth time, Raju floated in the window. He seemed rather annoyed, if he had legs he'd be stomping around. But before you could ask, Raju was practically sitting in your lap. It was thoroughly strange.
"There are several things I must tell you [Name]." He huffed, "In order for you to understand why those two were following you."
Nodding, you listened to what felt like an entire history class's worth of information. Raju had long since told you that you were a blood breed, or what you considered a vampire. But the way he explained it, you were starting to feel uneasy, Raju was telling you how he hunted creatures like you.
It made you wonder why you were any different.
"[Name], I'm not the villain of your story." Raju gently brushed your cheek, "I know I've hunted other blood breeds, how I've treated them might make our relationship seem tainted and strange. But I'm not the villain of your story. Of theirs, most certainly, but not yours."
You looked off into the middle distance. Trying to make odds and ends of... everything. But your mind was wholly blank. You didn't know what to think, or if you could continue to trust Raju.
But, he wasn't anything like what he'd described himself as. He never seemed to be a fang hunter around you... and... it didn't help that he was your only real source of comfort.
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