#but also Predacon Miko au
If the TFP kids were turned into bots, what do you imagine they'd look like?
I'm thinking Miko would be a Seeker similar to the Seeker twins. So the bulky type, not Starscream's slender type.
Jack would be a sportscar. Very similar to Smokescreen, I think.
Raf... possibly something similar to Rewind? Or possibly Quark, from mtmte. Minibot, either way.
Hmm difficult question difficult question because I've also thought about Miko as being a beastformer (cat), and Raf would be a cool drone like Twitch!
Jack is 100% a sports car yes
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Well, it was a big piece of work, hah
I took a break from RW and decided to draw something nostalgic
Actually I've been stuck with this idea for two years now and I'm glad I finally found the strength to do something about it. Thanks for inspiration from one good man)
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Long story short
In this AU autobots and deceptions are two unions of different tribes: mudwings, seawings and sandwings for the firsts and icewings, nightwings, rainwings and Pantala tribes for seconds. Skywings doesn’t exist anymore (because we need someone who takes place of predacons).
People are just people or scavenger if you prefer. And instead of whole cosmos it’s just two mainlands.
- Optimus Prime - I kinda like tfp Optimus. So formidable, powerful and mysterious but really gentle at the same time. And mud/sea combo works here in the best way. As the representation of two main tribes union and strong father/brother figure for team members.
I also think he might be an animus (but don’t use his magic often, especially for killing someone)
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- Ultra Magnus - Pure Icewing already will be great for him, but I gave him part of seawing so he could be more like an Optimus. But instead of being softer and warmer, Magnus is more cold and pragmatic version of him. A character who sees other dragons not as close allies and friends but as ordinary soldiers.
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- Ratchet - Yeah, the seawing would fit him better, but i just don’t know how to make the colors work here sooo… he’s a weak-fire mudwing. Like a skywing, but mudwing. Why not. Make sense with his lack of guns in origin. I think he’s design can be better, and maybe I’ll remake it.
I love his arc of recognizing people as equals and especially his interactions with Raphael. I think Ratchet often read him scrolls about history and magical artifacts.
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- Bulkhead - No surprises here - mudwing fit him perfectly. I think that the Wreckers could been a big and strong mudwing troops, and Bulkhead was a bigwings in such a one. He is lost a lot of his siblings during the war, and therefore tries with all his might to protect the new members of his family. I absolutely adore his relationship with Miko and Jackie, so for me he’s one of the cutest character, and I tried to make his forms round and soft.
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- Bumblebee - I know that majority draw him as a hivewing, but in that case the most logical for him will be a night/sandwing. Literally, autobots get their own Sunny)
I think in this version with his lack of a voice he could communicate using sign language or some variation of aquatic.
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- Arcee - Also nothing special - she is a seawing. I originally wanted to give her a helmet but it was too hard to draw. Just like Sunny she was born pretty small and now even younger dragons can be bigger than her. I’m pretty sure she is old enough to have seen Bumblebee when he was a dragonet, so she's literally like an older sister to him.
Actually she really gives me a Queen Glory vibes with her sarcasm and dangerous beauty, so rainwing might fit her as well.
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- Smokescreen - I used to think he was just a cringe, but now I realize he's a pretty interesting and realistic character. Like Ultra Magnus, I wanted to make him look like Optimus, only this time Smoke is more of a younger and much more irresponsible version of him. I think in this version (being part rainwing) he's trying to mimic Optimus's coloring using same red, blue and pale-gray shades.
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- Wheeljack - The scruffy boy! I think in this version he could be Bulkhead's "adopted sibling", so they are really close to each other. And, because he spent most of his life with Bulkhead, it's harder for him to get close to other tribes and dragons.
Painting scales to keep canonical colors is kinda cheating, but for this dude it totally works. He should have a pretty bright appearance with all those scars and bright spots.
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Cliffjumper - Ohoh… this poor guy. I didn't even think of putting him here, but I like his smug face too much. Even making his scales darker than the original, it's still too brightly colored for mudwing. He probably jokes about it a lot, saying that his ancestors were skywings.
I really like his dynamic with Arcee, and it's a shame we haven't seen much of their relationship. I think I need to do something cute about that.
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nova--spark · 10 months
Set 3 Years Post Predacons Rising & 1 Month post RID15 Finale [A Personal Rewrite/AU Of the TFP Kids Post TFP/RID]
Jasper, Nevada has become a quiet place for Jack, Miko and Rafael after their final goodbye with team Prime, and with Ratchet, when word that the Medic was needed reached their comms.
For the next 3 years, it was relative radio silence. No news from Cybertron, though they tried to reach out. They sent so many transmissions to their friends, yet not a single one returned to them.
Almost as if something blocked them from them, like something didn't want them in contact.
So, in the absence of their friends, their robotic family they had loved so much, the trio of kids put their all into making them proud.
They spent every day they could at Hangar E, and every year, on the anniversary of their departure, they would visit the old Outpost Omega-1.
They would hold hope for their friends to reach out, someday.
They had to...right?
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Miko dove head first into combat training, thanks to some strings pulled by Agent Fowler. When she wasn't sparring on a mat with her teachers, she was in the hangar, cheered on by Raf and Jack as she learned to translate those moves into the Apex Armor.
After some convincing too, of her parents when she turned 18, and some more strings pulled by Fowler, Miko made the base her home, and lived in Jasper full time. She'd even had her cats brought over from Japan, a fact that made her stay in the hangar less lonely, though she'd spent many dinners at Raf and Jack's homes regardless.
She'd trained her abilities in battle to a fine tuned machine, hoping for the chance to make Bulkhead proud when he walked through the groundbridge someday. Even took to a video diary, to catch him up on everything that had happened since they'd left Earth.
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Rafael excelled in his studies to little surprise of many of the others in his presence. The young boy seemed to have matured overnight, and after a letter from Fowler to some colleagues in some colleges, Raf was skipped up a few grades, and was even taking some college courses online, to further his computing knowhow.
Taking up robotics as a hobby mostly, Rafael upkept the remaining Cybertronian tech left by their robotic team members. He remembered every lesson from Ratchet, and from the many times he also tried to help with Bee's voice box, so it was of little surprise to the team when Raf not only upkept but upgraded their base's tech. No better wifi could be found in Jasper, and access to every show they wanted was at their fingertips.
Still, Raf missed Bee, especially after seeing every transmission they sent go unanswered. His best friend had promised to visit, to write them back, call...had...he forgotten them?
He hoped not. Raf could never forget the scout, the one who'd help Raf find his own voice, among the chaos of his own home and family life.
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Jack changed the most and the least at the same time. He was still a gentle and quiet soul, but he was fiercely protective now, of Miko and Raf. He dove into his studies, and even skipped a grade, to the surprise of his mother. Studying under her even, Jack learned medical care for his loved ones behalf, especially with all the bruises Miko returned with after her sparring lessons. He joined, once in a while, when he had the energy to, but his energy had shifted to making sure both of his teammates were ok. For his 18th birthday, his mother surprised him with a real motorcycle of his own, after seeing how much he missed Arcee and their rides around Jasper. And Agent Fowler, who had begun dating June at this point, helped hook up Jack with a job alongside him, mainly harmless paperwork, but it would pay better than slinging burgers at KO Drive Inn did, which he appreciated.
His free time was often spent fixing up his bike, and riding out far, along the routes him and Arcee would take. He really hoped their messages would reach them someday.
Added Notes
Takes place 1yr after the ending of RID15/it's finale
June and Fowler got married by the time Jack is 19, which Jack actually was happy about, even if it shocked him a good bit at the start that they did begin to date.
Rafael has been checking every cryptid sighting website he used to, searching for any hint that Team Prime has come back.
Knockout has been, unbeknownst to Cybertronians and humans alike, been sneaking to Earth via rogue groundbridge of his own. It was where he lost Breakdown, and he continues to race still there [Yes this is bc of RID's use of his car model]
The kids came into contact with the Rescue Bots at some point, and they too have had issues contacting Cybertron, something that they tried to work on together but it did little in the end.
The 'Autobot' High Council had put a ban on travel to Earth, and had erased the coordinates from most databanks, as well as disrupting transmission from the kids to team Prime.
Crown City is located California for this AU
Outpost Omega-1 has been abandoned yes,the kids mainly use Hangar E, but regularly visit the old base since it's destruction.
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in1-nutshell · 1 month
First offal meeting of the old buddy club and beany because he is the mascot
This will be centered around the old bots from TFP.
Hope you enjoy!
Old Bot Buddy Club
SFW, Platonic, Familial, Cybertronian reader
Takes place in AU that all TFP old bots are present in.
The club was created after the older bots wanted some time to talk to one another that didn’t concern the ‘younger generations.’
The ‘President’ was voted unanimously by the group.
They also were the eldest of the group.
Steel Mauler the Predacon.
The ‘Vice President’ would have been Boiler but was defeated by one vote.
This let Red Cross to win the position.
The club was a way to vent, ask for solutions, and to mediate any fights between them.
Red Cross was sitting in the corner with her arms crossed. Deadloop: “I said I was sorry!” Red Cross: “Sorry doesn’t cut it Deadloop and you know it!” Deadloop: “Now you’re just being—” Red Cross suddenly stands up, slightly wincing from her leg and turns around with an angry expression on her face. Red Cross: “Just being a what Loop? I suggest you choose your next words wisely before you find yourself with a bunch of eggs nestled right in your—” Boiler sitting with Steel Mauler a few feet away: “You do realize you lasses are fighting about a movie right?” Red Cross glares at Boiler: “Do you have something else to say Boiler?” Boiler looking at Deadloop: “You’re on your own boy.” Steel Mauler: “How about we just watch the movie together now?”
The club has also been used by the younger bots to get stories from.
It has also had its fair share of its ‘honorary’ members.
Agent Fowler and June were allowed to join the club when they could, being the only older humans they knew.
They don’t mind if the children join in when they are telling stories, but they do have a strict policy of no younger bots or humans on certain topics.
The children have tried in the past to eavesdrop, mainly Miko, but you can only hide for a short amount of time before two Predacon noses sniff you out.
The only other unanimous vote the club has had was for voting Beany to be the mascot.
This was mainly due to Beany’s tendency to make trouble whenever Boiler wasn’t watching him.
Especially last time…
The older bots chatting were chatting at the meeting when Steel Mauler gets a call from Raf. Steel Mauler: “Hold on Deadloop. Hello Rafael?” Raf: “Hey Steel… is there a possibility that you can get Beany’s scent?” Steel Mauler: “In the hypothetical situation yes I can. In the same hypothetical situation, why would I need to do that?” Boiler sudden jumps up. Red Cross looking at them: “Boiler, what’s wrong?” Boiler: “I don’t know how to tell ya lass, but the old joints are telling me Beany’s in trouble.” Deadloop raising an optic: “How?” Boiler: “How can you tell Red is going to have her pede cramps?” Deadloop: “…Point taken.” Steel Mauler even more nervous than before: “Raf… Where are you and the Wreckers?” Raf: “Umm…” Steel Mauler: “Raf why am I hearing wind in the background!?” Raf: “We took Beany on the ship and then he learned how to open one of the doors and we fell into an underground cave. Now Beany is chasing a lizard and the Wrecker’s have no way in getting us out because they are too big!” Steel Mauler: “Raf, Kiddo, everything is going to be okay alright? Now I need you to stay on the line with Deadloop. We’ll get you out.” Raf: “With Deadloop?” Steel Mauler: “I patched this call into the clubs comm line, they know, and we’ll be there.” Raf: “Hurry!” Steel Mauler looking over at Boiler who looked furious and scared at the same time, Red Cross stuffing her subspaces with bandages, and Deadloop with a data pad looking for their location.
Never had the group of old bots moved so fast.
Red Cross and Deadloop had to tend Steel Mauler’s back when they came back to the base.
More Red Cross tending and Deadloop distracting the larger Predacon.
Steel Mauler had gone headfirst into the cave entrance and had managed to get some pesky rocks in their sensitive joints.
Boiler was chewing the Wrecker’s out while gently holding Beany and Raf in his servos.
The old locomotive did not let go of either for a good 3 hours.
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Beany after nearly sending Boiler and the older bots to the Allspark.
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witchofthesouls · 20 days
Wait something funny just occurred to me. In the AU where the kids get cyber formed but remain on the edge of being adults, someone would have had to give them the Cybertonian version of The Sex Talk.
Would it be Ratchet, giving them the strictly medical side of things, or would it be some bot, talking about the experimental/exploring parts?
(I genuinely believe Ratchet would have an aneurysm of some kind at the prospect of it. But let's pretend)
I have to name this verse properly because Tarn isn't here, but it will eventually lead the D.J.D. to Earth. I'll keep the soulmate au tag until I can figure out something.
Ratchet does have an aneurysm because he has set ideas on what is and isn't 'appropriate' from Functionist-held Golden Age Cybertron, but he also carries a lot of guilt from out-surviving almost all his friends, cohorts, and students...
And it's all being dragged into the mud by the Jasper trio, who gives no quarter on crushing his prejudices and fears. Even Raf, his favorite, casually steamrolls over it with the draconian and American mindset of giving no fucks.
Team Prime had harmless thought exercises of what their charges' Cybertronian frames would be like... and none of them were remotely correct!
Because Miko is a Seeker femme, Raf may or may not be a type of Predacon, and Ratchet can't get proper readings on Jack's base-coding, Ratchet sits them all down because they're not sparklings or mechlings with sealed plates but full-framed mecha with total access. He gives them the reproductive talk, especially since Seekers and beastformers go into reproductive heats, but humans don't have that. He's trying to be mindful, and Ratchet is going through the different sexual methods and the variations of parts. Of course, Raf has to interrupt because the draconian mech has two spikes and no receptacle, and he would like to know about any necessary care.
All in all, it's really Ratchet having another fit because his weird humans are now weird Cybertronians of yore/throwbacks. And the ex-humans are taking it rather well, but Jack, Miko, and Raf had literally lifetimes to explore sexuality: as humans, human-hybirds by exploring their heritage as well as alchemical concoctions and very curious lovers.
This, however, did kickstart the path of Ratchet teaching Miko his medical knowledge as she doesn't want the results. She's burning to have the technical skills and knowledge of the processes. Ratchet does pass on his skills to Raf and Jack, but Raf prefers the science as Jack is more fascinated by procuring research material. Miko literally bullzoned her way to become his student. The howling matches they had shook the foundations of the base, but she got her way because she deliberately aimed at his vulnerable parts. ("You'll leave us one day to go back to Cybertron! And you're refusing to tell me how to properly care for myself!?") Ratchet is highly concerned about how voracious Miko's appetite is for that knowledge.
She yearns to become a Tsunade/Unohana terror among them because they have a strong suspicion that if their status is revealed, then they'll become targets. She'll become a Cybertronian Bloodbourne horror if it means she'll never be trapped like what happened to some of her kin.
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lets-try-some-writing · 6 months
I wanted to ask, in the kids turned sparkling au, Starscream was teaching Miko how to be the next winglord. Assuming he lived after Predacons Rising, or died and came back like Optimus, would she still treat him like a secondary parent, and eventually become winglord?
Ah yes Starscream.
Previous part here.
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The matter of Starscream was one Tari did not like to consider. She had memories of Starscream trying to kill her when she was still Miko, but she also had recollections of a time when things were better. She remembered Starscream carrying her through the skies, letting her small wings flutter with the currents before she had learned to fly. She could still recall when he'd held her in his arms, telling her tales of Vos and the glory of the city he proclaimed would one day be hers. She had listened with such intent that even as a fully framed adult, she couldn't help but sometimes wonder if he was still out there, and if he still cared.
She was happy being a Wrecker, and she was happy being away from her family, even if she missed them at times. But as she aged, she felt a void within her, one that was for once, not caused by the loss of her Sire. She remembered stories of the great city that even after Cybertron's restoration, was not again floating in the sky. Starscream had always said that it was the duty of all fliers to watch over their city, to protect it, and to ensure that all who followed after them would have a place to call home.
Tari remembered, and so she decided to act.
Before Optimus's return, she set out on a journey across the stars. Her goal was simple: Find Starscream and get him to help her restore Vos. Sure, he might have been a Decepticon, but her memory painted him as a far more reasonable mech than some of the Autobots she dealt with on a regular basis. And without her Sire? Well... maybe digging up a few old memories would do something good for her aching spark.
It was far easier than she expected to find Starscream, although it hurt to track him down. He was hidden on Earth, her world of origin (a fact she will only begrudgingly admit). When she found him, he was wrapped up in his plans to get back at everyone and everything. She took him by total surprise, and their first meeting was by no means the one she had been hoping for. Starscream didn't recognize her, all he saw was her Wrecker badge.
Tari: Starscream! Hold your fire! I come in peace!
Starscream: An Autobot comes in peace? HA! As if I would believe that!
Tari: My designation is Sagittarius, Tari for short. Don't you remember me?
Starscream: A flier named after this mudball's constellations? How the mighty have fallen.
Tari and Starscream shot at each other for a while, and in the end, Tari had to hunt him down several times over the course of a few months. It was due to this hunt that she ended up with Bumblebee and his team on Earth for a time. She needed the extra guns to get into the Decepticon base on Earth where Starscream was supposedly hiding out. Her adventures with Bumblebee and his team were a whole other series of shenanigans. But in the end, she got her prize.
"Well Autobot? You've caught me. Are you going to kill me now?"
"No, I want you to talk to me. Please, just take a moment and remember me Starscream. I've already lost Optimus, I don't want to lose the only other bot that came even close to being my Sire."
"Mistress of the Terran skies. That was your full designation... wasn't it?"
Silence reigned over the duo for a time as Tari led Starscream out in cuffs. He would still need to answer for his crimes... but she would do all she could to lessen the sentence. For once, he went along without argument and allowed Tari to take him back to Cybertron to face justice. Seeing her reminded him of what he had been hoping for all those years ago when the war still raged. He had all but forgotten the precious sparkling he'd been so keen to raise once Megatron died. Predacons, Vehions, Terrorcons... it had all kept him distracted, especially as he sought out his old frame once more.
He would need to make things better.
Tari returned him to Cybertron and worked with anyone willing to side with Starscream during his court case. With a lot of effort, she was able to convince the Council that keeping Starscream alive was not only beneficial, but in the best interest of all of Cybertron. How did she do this? Why, she simply made it clear that Starscream had named her the heir of Vos... on live television. What was the Council to do? If they claimed Tari was lying, they would be disregarding the words of the Prime's sparkling. If they claimed her station was irrelevant, then they would earn the collective ire of every flier on Cybertron. There was almost no choice but to let Starscream out on parole and give Tari the funds needed to begin preparing to rebuild Vos.
Tari and Starscream were still rather tense, but working together on a common goal eased a lot of the pain that had developed over the years. Starscream guided Tari in her efforts and covered for her when she returned to the Wreckers. He laid low when she wasn't around and taught her as much of the old culture of fliers as possible. Over time, the wounds healed, and Starscream was able to proudly call himself Tari's mentor. Optimus was not made aware of Starscream's station in Tari's life until Vos rose into the skies once more and Starscream was there to announce Tari is official heir. It was a shock to say the least, but Tari relished in the companionship of her old secondary caretaker.
"Thank you for coming back with me."
"Thank you for giving me a second chance. To see Vos rise once more is a far greater accomplishment than anything I ever did during the war."
"You aren't so bad Starscream."
"HA! Lord Megatron would have a thing or two to say about that!"
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OK I just remembered this show but, all the Transformers shows where they have kids but is Kids Next Door crossover AU!
So I guess that it would be something like this-
Character like Spike, Carly, and Chip don't count but others above 13 like Charlie, Memo, and Jack can become Undercover Teenagers (TND) but still not be part of the team sorry.
-Secto - Name (Numbuh)
-Sector_A_Witwicky - Robby Malto (8) and Mo Malto (9). Both transferred to conduct an investigation into GHOST and help their mom adapt to her new job. But the Terrans bring some complications for the mission
-Japanese Sector - Japan - Koji Onishi (7), Bradley "Rad" White (TND 12), Carlos Lopez (TND 13), Alexis Thi Dang (TND 14), Chad "Kicker" Jones (TND 18 and about to leave the team soon), Coby Hansen (20), Bud Hansen (TND 19) and Lori Himenez (TND 17). The biggest team conformed with kids from other regions. Their operation consists of helping the Atobots find new resources they can use for their survival like Energon, living metal for replacement parts, and any alien technology, and maybe locate other Autobots lost on Earth.
-Detroit Sector - Sari Sumdac (number unknown). A time traveler from the year 2050 who came to the 2000s for an unknown reason to be discovered. She helps the Japanese and Witwicky kids a lot.
-Las Vegas Sector_USA Jasper Nevada - Jack Darby (TND number 32 and about to leave the team soon), Miko Nakadai (TND number 11), and Rafael "Raf" Esquivel (37 and soon to become a TND). A small team assigned to help Team Prime as their guides and partners to help them disguise themselves with the humans of Earth. Fowler, a former ex Kid Next Door member helps them with the task.
-America_Crown City Secot - Russel Clay ( 21 once in Sector HHH but moved to a new team), Buth (25), and Hank (24). A new team formed by rockies that was made to test the new Sector until Bumblebee crashed on Earth with a tone of Predacons so the mission has changed...
-Griffin Rock Sector - Cody Burns (28), Francine ¨Frankie¨ Elma Greene (29), Celine ¨CeCe¨ Greene (83), Priscilla Pynch (30), Kyle Frazier (TND 39), Billy Frazier (70), Nancy Morrison (TND number 42), George Tracker (40), Jimmy Tracker (68), Timmy Smith (41), Rosita Neederlander (38), Elsie Rubio (71), Corey Perkins (35), Charlene Pruitt (82) etc etc... All the kids on Griffin Rock are Kids Next Door and is probably one of the most chaotic teams in all the world. Their mission, guide and make the Rescue Bots feel at home so other Cybertronians can also be comfortable on Earth.
That is mostly what I have so if anyone else is a KND fan feel free to add more stuff to this post 👍
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AU Mon: Masterforce in TFP
I've got a bunch of tf ideas in my head, so I'm gonna start doing AU posts on Monday to share them with y'all. This week's is a TFP/TF Masterforce crossover, cause I recently started watching the latter show.
The Premise
Metalhawk and his crew (Lancer, Diver and Phoenix) were part of the crew of Autobots who were seeding Earth with energon, when they came across the crew of the Harbinger doing the same for the Decepticons, led by Bludgeon and backed by the Predacon clones Shockwave had created. The Harbinger was shot down, and the two sides joined in battle, with all cybertronians lost except Bludgeon and Metalhawk's crew. The Autobots then used the experimental/mystical power of the Master-braces to access the Masterforce and become Pretenders, taking human form and hunting down the Predacons (and inspiring many myths and legends in the process). In the end, it came down to Metalhawk and Bludgeon, who battled and severely injured each other, but retreated before either could strike a killing blow. They both fell into stasis, with a collection of Master-braces at both their sides.
Fast-forward several thousand years to Season 1 of TFP. The Autobots are scouting an area for energon, and have brought Jack, Miko and Raf along cause it's a low risk mission. The kids explore on their own and stumble upon Metalhawk's resting place and activate the Master-braces, turning themselves into junior headmasters and reviving Metalhawk with the energy surge. Metalhawk explains his story and joins the team, helping teach the kids how to use the Masterforce safely and wisely.
Meanwhile, not too far away, MECH is also scouting for cybertronian tech or biology, and stumble upon Bludgeon's resting place. Silas activates his own Master-brace, and Bludgeon decides to ally himself with the group, though his motivations to do so are unclear.
My Notes of the AU
AU starts between Operation: Breakdown and Rock Bottom, probably specifically between Operation: Breakdown and Crisscross, which in turn makes the latter episode more interesting with Jack and Silas having headmaster capabilities.
Jack's Headmaster form is Bluefire and his transtector is a blue truck with red flames. Miko's is Songblade, her transtector a pink and black sports car. Raf's is Radar, his transtector being an orange compact car.
Silas might also recruit two more Headmasters for his side, who could be two of the Destron Headmaster Juniors from Masterforce (Wilder, Cancer and Bullhorn), OR Sierra and Vince, for some interesting conflict among the kids OR two OC MECH soldiers.
Lancer, Diver and Phoenix are either dead and gone (which could be some nice angst for Metalhawk) OR they are all also in stasis, but their resting places have been lost to time, until someone stumbles across them during energon scouting, mining, or relic hunting.
That's what I've got for you guys this week. See you later!
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saberspirits · 1 year
Your OC sounds lovely and youre so right about Breakdown. He respects the vehicons and I think this compassion could be easily transfered to a human dynamic. He calls Miko Bulkhead's "pet" at one point but that's better than pest so... babysteps haha
P.S. i read ur tags- You're not butting in! Its an open post made specifically for people to gush about their characters in
- @robobrainrot (sideblog so I cant send asks directly ToT )
I have multiple TFP-based OCs, but Moon is by far the most developed. I've also had her the longest under other names (~5 years!)
Breakdown had so much potential and it makes me cry that they threw it away (Thankfully I do have a post-Predacons Rising AU where he actually gets to live that i'll open up more about as time goes on).
Breakdown is a total sweetheart, he just doesn't know how to control his anger. He's hilarious, too. I also feel like he could've used more development outside of just being "Nemesis Bulkhead". That's all they really gave him, and it's hella insulting.
In my au, he's a weaponsmith that has his own little group of grounder vehicons. (By little I mean about 30-50.) He's a tired dad with a shitton of kids to worry about. Regardless he loves each and every one of them dearly, and knows them by a name they gave themselves rather than by number designation.
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Predacon!Optimus more concealable traits: antenna is actually frill like ears for heightened hearing, two prong taser type stinger hidden in the hammer shaped club end of his tail, pedes are prehensile raptor claws, two rows of back spikes that channel electricity and light as an alternate fuel source if in an Energon deficient area.
Predacon!Optimus is much worse with Predaking if he has Sparklings around. The latter accidentally stumbled on one of the nests that is for teaching the young Prime Predacons. Nest in particular being for gliding lessons and currently in use... Optimus viciously mauled Predaking into retreat as he's much more vicious if his Sparklings are in danger.
For the baby daddy, it was a Seeker not aligned with the Decepticons. The kids are much better fliers than pops so RIP Ratchet when they begin to try and fly. Prime's Sparkings absolutely dogpile 'Uncle Wrench' as they're quite cuddly.
*Would make the JetOp pairing chaotic as Ratchet will grab the bot responsible for this nonsense if he can. Jetfire is a certified monsterfucker and now has Sparklings to care for. Ratchet continues be a spikeblock.*
Cliffjumper is the fun uncle who encourages antics between the kids. Also designated babysitter as potential for Miko sneaking off is cut in half. Ratchet definitely drinks with Fowler and the two gossip about dumbass coworkers like old ladies at the hair salon.
Oh that sounds cool!
yeahhhh oh preddie you're gonna need to step back like. A lot. Yeah.
You know them being only half predacon has to have interesting results
rip Ratty indeed. Just. All of it. Many of the aus. Poor Ratchet.
Why did I immediately get the image of Ratchet just kinda grabbing the first person he thinks is to blame for Optimus's new condition and that person just ended up being Jetfire
Though I'm pretty sure the JetOp AU and Predacon!Oppy are entirely separate aus...
Cliffy being alive certainly shakes things up way so much
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cosmicswritings · 1 year
Hey I'd love to hear more about Megatron and Starscream's daughters! Whether your tfp version or Idw version of them. I don't think they've been in any of your fics yet ❤️
To add to that I'm so curious in what their creators feel about them. I think you've mentioned that Megatron carries in every other relationship except with Starscream, so I'm super interested in knowing Starscream's experience with carrying Megatron's sparklings with all the violence in their pasts and how they both feel about their daughters? And a little bit about their daughters' personalities too! If that's okay with you.
so tw for like sparkling/carrier death but they get brought back to life so it's all good.
Oh thank you so much I dont think i talk about them enough. So in all my aus when Starscream and Megatron get together officially and have their daughters they are already good. Like their relationship has been mended and they've been together for quite some time. It is post war, and peace times. And even in my aus where the war IS happening the two would have a good relationship.
But their daughters names are Megatronia, Nebula and Andromeda.
Tronia is the oldest and is most like Megatron but resembles Starscream the most. She has more of the 'leader' personality and in many of my aus takes over megatron's affairs after he retires. And in my idw aus, she and her half brother - Kaon - become leaders of Cybertron together. Kaon looks like Megatron's twin, she looks like Starscream's twin, so it's kinda funny. Tronia is a military strategist and likes fighting. She also really likes children as well given she cannot have her own. She trains under Megatron but also her tfp trains under Airachnid. Tronia is also close to Optimus.
then there is nebula who is more of a free spirit, who looks more like megatron but acts like an airhead in a good way. she loves flying but she also loves singing and dancing. she is also very courageous. Her idw counter part is an accidental time traveler, acutally, so is her tfp counter part. TFP counterpart accidentally goes back in time and befriends Miko while her idw counterpart befriends Tailgate. She and Tronia do not get a long like at all.
Both girls have cybertronian jet alt forms whereas Tronia's is more lik megatron's, Nebula's resembles starscream's.
next is andromeda who is the scientist of the family and has a lot of megatron's smarts. She also looks like starscream but a bit more 'bird like' and that's because she's partially an experiment. She was a still born and starcream actually died when he had her. Luckily, Shockwave was able to save them both. In order for Andromeda to survive however, Shocwave had to mix her CNA/Coding with predacon coding, and he also had to do the same to Starscream. Starscream's biology isn't affected but Andromeda's (and later his final child, Atlas) is. Andromeda unlike her sisters has a harpy eagle like alt form. She is incredibly smart, due to Megatron's genes. She is also the one he babied the most out of the girls and for the first year of her life she wasn't allowed to leave his subspace or play with any one, not even her siblings. Megatron had to go to therapy for paranoia after that. But she is very very sweet and kind. If she had a personality it would probably be Megatron's personality before he became a gladiator.
Starscream is actually very happy too be a carrier despite the major repercussions it has on his body. He doesn't care after a while. In my personal AUs, Seekers aren't supposed to be able to carry or have sparklings simply because of how they are created. They are only assembled to fly and fight and nothing else. Carrying was always a dream of Starscreams but he was told that he couldn't do it, and if he tried then it would injure him/possibly kill him. And it eventually does.
That was so traumatic to Starscream to hear so for millions of years he just pretended he hated sparklings and was against the idea of carrying them when that was one of his greatest desires. So when he and megatron are on good terms and are together, it is something he wants to try. Starscream has four sparklings and nearly loses his life every time, but it's still something he wants, well he does die after he has Andromeda but is revived. Because of how he is constructed, it is very difficult for sparklings to grow to full term so he has a lot of complications but all his daughters are healthy, just small but they grow fast. Starscream's last child is his son who is not born small at all and does not have the 'seeker' frame which is very difficult on him.
Megatron makes sure that is the last child they have together for Starscream's own health and benefit. As traumatized as he is with Andromeda he is even more traumatized that Starscream went through all of that, and still wanted to have more sparklings. So he puts an end to it because Starscream's body physically wouldn't be able to take anymore - whether we talk about his tfp or idw counter part.
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mikiusol · 2 years
That fanart of Jack and Miko is so cool dude...like wow. Only to know, do you ship them? Also, if the fanart is part of the predacon kids au, why do they look more...human like? I mean, sure, they have the ear things and their eyes are certainly not human (the markings are make up?), but last I checked, they had tails and wings. They are able to "mimick" a more human appearance? Would you ever consider to color this?
Thank you for your kind words. I'm actually glad you asked! I was tired last night so I didn't want to explain this in the og post. This AU is actually part of the Predacon AU, but at the same time it's separated. In the original Predacon AU I consider them to be experimented on (thus to an extent, tortured) so I doubt they'd have the energy to start a band lol. They're hurt and tired and coping with the changes between themselves.
While in this AU, they're able to shift between human-like appearances and their full fledged Predacon appearances. They play in a band together for fun and they wear accessories similar to their body parts when they're in their Predacon forms. They perform for people while keeping their true identities a secret, but that doesn't mean they have to absolutely shy away from who they are ;)) So they wear fun make-up on their faces to "disguise" their facial markings as part of the gimmick (Miko's idea) and they wear headsets when they perform because loud music can hurt their ears (predacons are sensitive to sounds) (but this was Cody's idea). The headphones resemble their Predacon ear fins because then again, they're teenagers and want to express themselves without revealing their identities :D
I might colour this in the future if I want to, but for now I'll leave it as it is. It reminds me of one of those black-and-white photographs taken with Polaroid cameras - something Miko would definitely carry around and take pictures with in between concerts.
As for shipping Jack and Miko... They're still teenagers (like I am) so I won't say that I was them to be together and dating at their respective ages. They're still teenagers and nowhere mature enough to handle a relationship. I see potential in their friendship, and I think they'll be a good pair of characters that have the probabilities of growing up and maturing together, while maintaining good respect towards each other and developing a healthy relationship in the future. At the moment I just see them as close friends having fun together and goofing around - not in a romantic sense. I see them as growing closer together in many other ways. I hope I answered your question :)
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sonicasura · 10 months
This ask is based on art made by @jimlikesdrawing of a Cybertronian Luffy and Zoro.
What if during the Corazon in TFP AU, an Artifact of the Primes was discovered that could turn humans into Cybertronians and a visiting Luffy, or Zoro, or any other person from the OP world was affected by it?
How much chaos is caused to Team Prime because of that?
The art in question as more folks should see it: Luffy and Zoro.
If anyone is getting affected by a Cybertronian Relic, then it's most likely Corazón. This man is accident prone and enough awareness dip for it to happen. Now how it will go.
The item was found in the ruins of an ancient town. It resembles metal band with very faded Cybertronian text. Corazón, Optimus and Arcee were on this mission. Things been fine for the most part until they found the artifact. It went to hell as some Vehicons showed up alongside Megatron.
You know that scene from OG Ben 10 where Ben got the watch? The scuffle had the artifact, Onyx Prime's Brand of Kin, latch onto Corazón's throat instead the wrist. It activates and the type of bot he became was unexpected.
A Predacon. One's whose beast mode resembles an amphithere, a type of legless dragon. Corazón obviously flipped out and Megatron dips as he rather not deal with that at the moment. It was super awkward when the three came back.
One: Shockwave hasn't shown up at this point thus no Predacons. Two: A human becoming a Cybertronian is very very very massive discovery. Three: It's fucking Corazón. The accident prone man that already makes a large mess being his normal self.
Corazón's bot mode is 40 ft and Beast mode is 52 ft. He resembles himself but the feathery mantle has spread further out. Black metallic yet surprising soft feathers cover his upper arms, frames his sides, waist, and lower body. Beast mode resembles the Quezalcoatlus type of amphithere with a blend of black, pink and soft white. His crown being blonde since it's his 'hair'.
The Brand of Kin turns Non-Cybertronians into a type that matches who they are. Thus Corazón came a Predacon as his personality matches how legless dragons are depicted. Kind yet powerful guardians who wish to help and guide others.
Anyone the device was damaged thanks to the scuffle so Corazón couldn't take it off for quite awhile. Until then, he took this as an opportunity to understand his Cybertronian companions better. Also the blonde did tell the kids what Energon tasted like.
Corazón: It tastes sweet and tangy. Like honey covered fruit.
Miko: So it's basically tastes like fruit juice? Huh.
Corazón does take advantage of his new form to hug the bots. They all need it and he can fully wrap his arms around them now! Ratchet begrudgingly accepts his fate.
If Miko has the Apex Armor then the Brand of Kin is Corazón's personal relic. He only uses if needed whether the situation calls for it, hugs included. Should Corazón have it during Shadow Siege...
Law is probably gonna get bowled over by a very big robot dragon who wants to smother his long lost chick with love.
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witchofthesouls · 13 days
About the Other/Cybertronian!TFP crew in Jack, Raf and Miko…
What would their alt modes be like, do you think? Would they be more Autobot, Decepticon, or Predacon in nature? Also, what kind of shenanigans would each of them get into?
Personally, I do enjoy the thought that cyberized!humans would have a slant towards 'military' upgrades and beastial traits. Like a tribute to humanity's ties to the animal kingdom and their capacity for arms (tool usage lol). Think of it how a lot of civilian equipment, vehicles, fashion, and architecture, as well as groundbreaking discoveries, had a lot of roots from warfare or military applications.
Shoot, I'm thinking that Aligned verse cyber!humans could be considered throwbacks since the initial generations of early Cybertronians didn't have T-cogs!
I think it would be really fascinating to build on the Cybertronians' form of ableism (as seen with Bumblebee and Starscream with their stolen T-cogs) compared to a cyber!Agent Fowler -who was an Army Ranger-or a cyber!random human that lacks a weapon system and/or conventional armature. Plus, the massive culture clash between American views on social mobility versus Golden Age Functionist-held caste system.
(So much shenanigans there.)
Generally, my thoughts for their Cybertronian forms are consistent across the various Other aus with some tweaking on the plot and the world-building:
Jack has deep ties to blackbirds and corvids, so he's capable of flight. May have multi-forms as an ode to a fae heritage or something strange as a direct descendant to a Prime of Chaos upon a planet caging the Unmaker. Dark frame with a pale face. His (and his mother's) optics would be a grey-blue hue.
Miko is a War-Forged Seeker femme. A lot of is due my headcanons on Seekers (and their kin) and her yōkai roots. War-Forged is what I'm specifically calling Elita One's frame-kith. Cybertronians used to bleed pink, so the bright pink armor is callback their Primal Age and their ancient roots. War-Forged are mecha with extreme combat-related programs that modern science as yet to come close to surpassing them.
As for Raf, he's a dragon. Not quite a Predacon, but it's definitely aligned. Or, weirdly enough, a satellite. I think it would be funny if he's similar to Soundwave in some ways there. The Autobots would need to deal with his data-cables. A dragon shape as it's a call his family's roots to being adventurers to Elsewhere, his dad being a dragon himself, and the old warning: "Here be dragons."
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timetravelersdoctor · 3 years
blind! starscream part 2
ok so i got a little distracted by personal matters (sorry) but now I can make another part.
I left off at starscream accepting the invitation to stay at the autobot base. (I also forgot to mention this but the autobots know that starscream killed cliffjumper) it starts of pretty rocky considering it takes starscream some time to memorize the base. while trying to get use to the base starscream would bump into quite a few things and sometimes he would fall.
Each autobot has a different reaction to seeing starscream fall. Optimus would offer a hand (that at first starscream would refuse). Arcee would laugh at starscreams misfortune (at least until star gets upset enough to yell at her) Bumblebee would try to help starscream navigate before he falls. ratchet would get frustrated at starscream but remind himself that star can’t help it. bulkhead would simple not say or do anything when he sees starscream fall.
the autobots are extremely hesitant to allow the kids anywhere near starscream out of fear that he’ll hurt them accidental or not. they constantly supervise any meeting with the kids and are very strict about not letting them to close to starscream. starscream would take a while before getting close to any of the kids but when he does it starts with bonding with miko (because i feel like she would (EDIT : I meant wouldn't) treat him too different now that he’s blind)
(i personally don’t feel like I know enough to write anything that has to do with unicron so I’m going to say he’s doesn’t play a part in this AU) during this time of starscream getting used to being in the autobot base shockwave clones the predacons. predaking being the first to be created managed to escape and find his way around only to be caught by the autobots and brought to their base.
after the kids mention guide dogs the autobots decide to introduce predaking to starscream (this is before predaking develops far enough to talk). starscream a little nervous to be hanging around a creature that he has not been around before doesn’t feel comfortable with this new arrangement but gets used to it. he starts freaking out a bit once predaking learns to talk however. when star realizes that predaking is evolving he stops treating predaking like a guide animal and tells the autobots to do the same.
because of this predaking and starscream don’t hate each other and star begins to realize how much nicer people can be when they’re not being treated like lesser being. due to this starscream begins on his path of redemption starting with a genuine apology for what he did to cliffjumper and the understanding that they don’t have to forgive him for it. it takes the autobots a little while to forgive him (Arcee being the very last to accept the apology and forgive him)
this one got more fluffy than I intended toward the end but the next one will have angst that much I can guarantee also sorry if this one is shorter than the other one I wanted to be able to put the angst on its’ own post. hope you enjoyed reading this!
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artobotsrollout · 4 years
Harbingers AU Q&A 1
Awww thank you so much @warrioroffandoms!!! This is super motivating and I'm so glad you liked it!
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Lemme answer/reply to your points properly!
1. Can we get some obscure bots too? Like Perceptor!
Absolutely! I already have a few in mind and even ideas of what they'd look like in TfP. I didn't consider Perceptor but I think I will think of a good place for him now that you mention it since he's a really fun character. Even if one character doesn't end up in the early part of the AU I'm open to including them in later parts when the squad is on Cybertron! Just a heads up tho, they will be my own take on them so they will be varying levels of different from their other continuity counterparts.
Other characters I might add:
I'm still figuring out his role but I like the idea of him being sorta a neutral player who runs his own little store for shit one side or the other needs.
The conflict potential with an Autobot noble oohoohoo!
With Knockout ditching the Decepticons, Megatron need a new medic. I like that he's a snob, so I'm gonna run with that and make him a high caste medic who joined the Decepticon side.
He would largely be based off his design in Travis Knight's Bumblebee cause that design seriously SLAPS IMO. I'll get into why it slaps when I design him. Personality wise. I don't think I'm going to go with the TFA characterization, but I think I will keep some of that chaotic energy. I think I'll also have his emotions change on a dime.
I kinda have to. I mean... In RiD they did the whole crossing out Decepticon logo thing started by him so... I gotta. Also just.. Having a beast former on the team would be dope. (Also gives me an excuse to expand with my own BEASTFORMER LORE)
I started reading this dude's wiki and he has so much potential! An ex predacon! ? Yes please. Except his name is just... Dinobot???
I'm salty.. It says Rattrap called him Chopper face in the show so... Maybe I'll just have his name be Chopper or something but Miko calls him Dinobot cause his predacon form looks very reminiscent of dinosaurs and the nickname catches on or something like that.
Feel free to yeet other characters at me to consider. I may or may not use them but it'll give me inspiration nonetheless.
2. I really want to draw/write some fan-works of this! It's beautiful
First of all thank you so much!! ❤️ ❤️ I would absolutely adore and cherish any fan-work made of my AU whether written, art, or otherwise. I'd absolutely inhale that so please tag me or send it to me or SOMETHING so I can scream my love.
3. Finally someone else realizes the chaotic goodness of Wheeljack and Knockout!
OH YEAH they have so much potential to create so many problems. I actually have an 'episode I wish we had' post I wrote which I'm now making a part of this AU. They get along like a house on fire
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