#but also bc there's a different type of effectiveness you get if you're out of touch with socializing
eorzeashan · 1 year
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Eight's big detriment is whenever he's in business mode/around unfamiliar people he wears the flattest expression ever and makes no effort to improve his 'image' as well as talking either very little or not at all, so this usually gives people the wrong impression...or they have to make an interpretation up for him because it's like looking at a wall.
0 notes
paragonraptors · 4 months
Overall: Feeling so excited for this game. I'm climbing up the walls. I can't believe that was 20 minutes, it felt like 10. Need this in my hands yesterday.
What I liked:
-Holy fuck wow wow wow the hair looks like nothing I've seen in a video game before.
-Combat seems very different but also a natural progression of gameplay past. Real-time turn-based was always a little on the clunkier side, and while it never really bothered me, moving towards something more ME-style was expected. Very excited about being able to aim a bow. Would like to know what difficulty they were showcasing bc I'm considering jumping right into a Nightmare run.
-Now that I've been soulsborne-pilled the prospect of a parry mechanic has me buzzing.
-I feel like people are gonna dunk on the "stiffer" animation, but I prefer it so much more than the BG3/HZD constant wobbling. It'll make the key performances stand out instead of mostly jangling keys in front of a baby and letting the big moments get lost in the sauce. (Not that the aformentioned games didn't have good animation, just. If your characters don't need to move their whole body to convey dialogue I'd prefer if they didn't.)
-The sublety in the facial animations is CRAZY.
-The roleplay dialogue seems really reactive!! And the cuts to inject the unique dialogues feels smooth. I'm sure there will still be moments where it's easy to tell, but still cool. Seems like they're gonna be paying more attention to your personality type like DA2 too.
-So excited about Harding and Neve as companions and can't wait to meet everyone else.
-Neve's staff/wand makes me excited to see what kinds of focus options we'll get as a mage AAAA.
-God the costumes have so much swag. One of my hottest of many BG3 takes was that the costumes were overall flavorless. (Really hoping they didn't change the Grey Warden uniforms though that would really disappoint me.)
-Cinematography looks fantastic. Lots of well set up shots.
-NGL I felt something when Solas showed up. Wasn't expecting that. And while not perfect, I liked his interaction with Varric. Their relationship from Inquisition really slips under the radar if you're not bothering to look.
-Varric has never gotten over the trauma of what happened with Anders and it breaks my heart in a good way. God you could see it in his eyes!! [chef's kiss]
-However, I definitely have to kill Solas now for what transpired in this preview.
What I'm iffy about:
-The voice peformances feel a bit stilted. Not really what I'm used to from Bioware and I feel like it's important when the animations are more subdued. Hopefully this feeling will change when I get more of the game.
-The dialogue also felt a bit dumbed down. "Solas is doing his ritual!" "Yes. Solas' ritual. The ritual that we have to stop." Again, hopefully this is symptomatic of a tutorial level/trying to onboard newbies quickly and not the whole game lol. While I prefer this to dialogue that tries to sound smarter than it is, I'm really hoping we see an overall improvement from Inquisition.
-Sort of wish they went with the Andromeda dialogue system instead of bringing back Inquisition's, but I do like that it seems all dialogue options are getting tonal indicators again and they're not as easily conflated with morality. (Though I imagine people will STILL interpret it that way.)
-A little confused about them introducting Minrathous' panopticon shit and then immediately swerving into Solas' ritual. Would have liked some breathing room on that kind of worldbuilding.
- While I'm generally open minded about the change, I Do Not Love not being able to switch to playing companions. Might turn around on this if your ability to issue them commands opens up the closer you are to them/the more you grow into a leadership role. I do like that it seems you will eventually be able to command when they use abilities a la OG Mass Effect bc that was my biggest beef with the Andromeda gameplay, esp on Nightmare/Insanity difficulty.
-Not crazy about the new Pride demon design where are their leggies.
-Not really a Criticism, but they are definitely setting up for Varric to die and while I get it, narratively, I'm NOT HAPPY. Dragon Age has been almost allergic to scripted deaths so it's also gonna feel like being dunked in an ice bath. EVIL STUFF. IN DENIAL.
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ugh-yoongi · 1 year
jewel hello hello!! congrats on the milestone!!!! i’ve been all up in my fluffy physical-touch-is-my-love-language feels and i was wondering if you’d be willing to drabble or headcanon bts’s favorite way to touch/hold/physically manifest in your space when they get home? so so so many congrats again :)))
mg hello <3 thank you for the congrats and the request, this was very comforting even if i am the most touch-adverse person alive <3
i enlisted bee's help bc she's a wizard and the best <3 @hot-soop
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headcanons: bts as physical touch/affection
seokjin —
king of domesticity aka food as a love language
has dinner 95% done by the time you get home, so you have regularly scheduled back hugs while he's at the stove
doesn't strike me as super physically affectionate; would probably be more comfortable receiving it than instigating
would be a crime to let those shoulders go to waste, though, so put your head on it
wants you to put your feet in his lap while you're on the couch but DOES NOT want to touch them (rip taehyung)
big fan of forehead/temple kisses
strikes me as the type to link pinkies rather than fully hold hands and i love that for him <3
yoongi —
he is the #1 acts of service king and i will die on that hill
please hold his hand, though
and scratch at his scalp, please
and just know to do it bc he'd probably rather die than ask you to do it, and probably displays affection all wrong and semi-violently. bee said he'd tug an earlobe as a sign of affection and that's bang on.
has big "will gently scratch/rub your back as you're falling asleep" vibes
whatever it is, acts like he hates it
(still makes you mixtapes/playlists, though)
hobi —
good luck peeling him off of you
completely goofy, over the top, exaggerated displays of affection
cheek/forehead/etc. smooches with sound effects, tickling under your chin, hip checks, butt smacks
honestly all over kisses; bee says behind the ear and i agree
always an arm over your shoulder; tucks you into his side when he hugs you
talks a mile a minute at you as soon as you're through the door
namjoon —
let's be real he is probably off in another world whenever you get home so you have to go find him; either off reading a book or in the studio
wherever he is, always says "hi, baby" (#1 baby as a pet name king) and lets you plop into his lap to tell him about your day <3
you'll be able to hear him coming a mile away when he gets home. probably won't admit it but loves when you meet him at the door. probably plays dumb like "ha ha how did you know i was there" but he's also holding a ripped grocery bag with all your food on the ground, so......
big big big "hand on thigh" vibes
also just big in general so i think he'd really enjoy feeling a lil delicate and protected sometimes? born to be the small spoon tbh
we all saw that video of him at hobi's album release party so big fan of a protective hand on your back/shoulder/etc. in group settings
alone, though — top of head kisses!
jimin —
we all know jimin is very physically affectionate but also very emotionally intelligent so he'd know when to rein it in and when to ramp it up
good day at work? kiss and let me hear all about your day. bad day at work? he's pulling out all the stops. whatever you want, you're getting.
and if either of you went out with your friends? get ready to spill and receive all the tea
tangled together on the couch/in bed vibes
also strikes me as the type to link pinkies so let's hope yours is smaller than his
blows you kisses from across the room so please accept them dramatically bc if you don't he will mime falling to the floor and dying of a broken heart
taehyung —
king of romance, king of affection
continuing the taehyung foot fetish agenda sorry but it's true: MASSAGES
would love to brush your hair for you. put on your lotion for you. doesn't know how to do hair but would love to practice different updos or types of braids, etc. just wants someone to fuss over and someone that will fuss over him in return.
another one that's zoned out when you get home — probably covered in paint or playing the saxophone or doing god knows what. never know what you're walking into
comes to find you immediately when he gets home, though. clingy (affectionate) vibes, but why would he ever want to be separated from his favorite person??
get ready for your house to become a part-time flower shop/museum bc every trinket suspiciously reminds you of him and he "couldn't help himself"
will kiss your hands/wrists/etc.
jungkook —
also strikes me as the type who's more comfortable receiving affection/physical touch than instigating
except we know he's also the jealous type so lots of little touches that let people know he's with you but not, like, possessive. he's got sense
playfully whiny and clingy. will drape himself over you to get attention
will draw little sketches of you when you're on opposite sides of the couch <3
please run your hands through his hair/scratch his scalp while he's gaming
will probably let you do whatever you want tbh. wanna paint his nails? sure. want to color in his tattoos with markers? love it, go for it. have a spur of the moment urge to bleach and dye his hair at 3am? don't even need to ask.
just wants to hang out with you <3
these are obviously all vibes so feel free to come discuss what i got wrong/right in my inbox!
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chenlesfavorite · 1 month
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BURNING DESIRE [PT2], huang renjun.
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— summary : after being bonded to renjun for a week, you've been experiencing insane emotions out of nowhere. non-stop. you want them to stop, but you don't know how to stop these emotions, so what better way to find out how to stop them than asking the vampire that you're bonded with?
— pairing : vampire!renjun x humanfem!reader
— genre : romance, fantasy, vampires
— extra : profanity, suggestive, implied that they fuck at the end, kissing
— author's note : woop woop, pt2 of burning desire bc it was requested by my lovely ❤️‍🔥 anon!! hopefully this isn't too bad and it's somewhat enjoyable :') also pretty short, so my bad!!!
— word count : 1.3k
— read part 1 here !
reminder that this is pure fiction and not an actual depiction of how they act.
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It’s been about a week since you bonded with Renjun; you haven’t seen him since the day you first summoned him.
The day after you summoned him, everything was fine. You didn’t feel weird, and you didn’t have any side effects from being bonded to a vampire, as you expected to be feeling thousands of different things at once because he’s a vampire and you’re a human; you expected the bond to affect you in some sort of way.
And well that was the case the next day.
You woke up with the strangest feeling ever concocting in your stomach, you had no idea what it was. It was like an insatiable hunger for something... but something you have never craved before.
Your mouth felt dry, and that sensation in your stomach was gnawing at your insides. The feeling was intense, and your mind kept drifting to blood, desiring blood; its taste, its essence that gives life to vampires.
And it continued like this day after day, moment after moment.
You could be happy one minute and then totally sad the next. Out of nowhere! You can be talking to your friends, all cheerful that you’re speaking to them but then you’ll just get in a weird mood.
The feelings aren’t weak though, they hit you like a truck because of how strongly you feel them.
You didn’t know why you were feeling all of this. You tried to search for it on search engines, typing stuff like “Why do I feel so strange 2 days after bonding with a vampire?” but nothing. Nothing came up.
And that’s when you remember, you can summon Renjun and ask him about it. Sure, he told you that you shouldn’t summon him again but... you really need to ask him about this because these feelings were getting out of hand and you were feeling that wretched thirst for blood again.
You follow the summoning ritual you did before and just as you thought, Renjun appears before you again.
It takes him a moment to realize where he is and to adjust to his surroundings— a surprised look appears on his face when he notices you’re the one who summoned him. “You know, you don’t have to do the ritual all over again just to summon me. Just call out my name and I’ll be here.”
You blink at him, unsure of how to respond to his casual words as you expected him to be all angry at you for summoning him again. “I... I didn’t know.” You say, your voice wavering. “I wasn’t planning on summoning you again but, this is important and I need your help.”
Renjun’s expression softens, but there’s a curiosity in his eyes. “What’s wrong?” He walks towards you, taking your hand to heal the cut again. “What do you need help with?” Renjun asks, keeping his voice calm and his touch gentle.
You take a deep breath as Renjun heals your palm. You rummage through your thoughts, trying to find the correct words to explain this strange feeling. “Ever since we bonded, I’ve felt... weird, really weird. A sudden surge of emotions just explodes in me, and I feel this odd hunger for blood.”
His gaze sharpens as he listens to your explanation, nodding to your words. “It seems like when we bonded, a part of my essence was shared with you but yours wasn��t. These strong emotions that you feel are my emotions. Whatever I feel, you feel it too, but stronger.”
Renjun reveals as he lets go of your now-healed palm. “What?” Your jaw drops, in disbelief of what you just heard. “So... I just have to deal with these emotions? Renjun, I might actually lash out at someone and start trying to suck their blood because of your bloodthirsty ass.”
To think that these strong emotions that you’re feeling are not even your own emotions, but his that overpower yours. You feel a bit helpless because of it. “What am I supposed to do, Renjun? Just hope that your emotion doesn’t make me hurt someone by accident? I can’t live like this for the rest of my life.”
“Calm down, you won’t be hurting anybody and I’ll make sure of that. You can separate my emotions from yours easily. You just need to learn how to do it and I’ll teach you that right now.”
Renjun says, and it just now hits you what you’ve gotten yourself into because of this bond with a vampire. Screw you for being so interested in vampires in the first place, maybe you should’ve listened to the people saying they’re just fantasy creatures and not actually real.
“Please, teach me how. I can’t handle this any longer.” You beg, sounding desperate. You just wanted these overpowering emotions to be gone once and for all. Dealing with your feelings was enough but Renjun’s feelings on top of yours are just too much for a human.
Renjun reaches out, gently placing his cool hands on the sides of your head. His touch is soothing. “Close your eyes,” He instructs softly. “Focus on my voice. We’re going to start by building a wall, something to keep your emotions separate from mine.”
You do as he says, shutting your eyes tightly. His voice becomes your anchor, something to cling to in the swirling chaos within you.
“Imagine a barrier,” Renjun continues. “Something strong and impenetrable. It can be anything—a wall of stone, a shield, a fortress. Picture it in your mind.”
You try to imagine the image, but it’s hard to focus with everything crashing around inside you. “Breathe,” He whispers. “In and out. Slowly.” Renjun’s voice is so calming as he guides you through this.
You take a deep breath, then another, and slowly, the insatiable hunger you’re feeling begins to recede. The barrier you’re imagining starts to take shape—a massive wall of thick, dark stone, encircling your mind.
“That’s it,” Renjun encourages. “Now, I’m going to guide you through separating our emotions. I’ll help you push mine to the other side of that wall.”
You nod faintly, trusting him entirely. His voice soothes you as he walks you through the process. Slowly, you start to feel a difference— as if some of the weight you’ve been carrying is being lifted.
“It’s working.” You whisper, relief flowing through you. The intensity of Renjun’s emotions begins to dull, becoming distant instead of an overwhelming torment.
Renjun’s hands slip away from your head, but you keep your eyes closed, holding onto the calm he’s helped you find. “You’re doing great,” He says softly. You slowly open your eyes, meeting his gaze.
“Thank you, Renjun.” You say. A small smile appearing on Renjun’s face. “You don’t have to thank me. It’s my job now to help you through any struggles as we are bonded.”
It’s as if a sudden flame lights up inside you as you look at Renjun and the moment feels right. Without thinking, you reach up, your fingers brushing against his cheek. “Y/N...” Renjun’s voice is quiet.
But before he can say anything more, you close the distance between you two. Placing your lips onto his, sending a spark throughout your bodies.
He responds immediately with his actions. In one, swift motion, he pushes you gently against the wall. The cool surface of your bedroom wall pressing against your back. Renjun’s hands urgently finding their way to your waist, gripping onto it.
The kiss is intense once he takes over it, deepening it. His lips move against yours with a hunger, one that wants to devour you fully. Your fingers tangle in his hair, wanting... no, needing him badly.
You pull away, the both of you breathless from that heated kiss. The look that both of you have in your eyes is one filled with desire and a need for each other. You both know what you want. “There’s no going back now.” Renjun murmurs as he starts leaving trails of kisses on your jawline, then leaving kisses on your neck.
You bite down on your bottom lip as you feel his hot breath on your neck, making you feel even more heated. “Good,” You breathe out, your fingers trailing down his chest. “Because I don’t want to. I need you, Renjun.”
“I’ll show you how much I need you too, tonight.”
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cathyun · 2 years
when you're upset
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pairing: ot5 (separate) x reader genre: fluff, comfort wc: 0.9k warnings: food mentions, reader is upset summary: different ways on how they show their love for you on days when you're upset.
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🦊 yeonjun !
Spoiling you.
Yeonjun is probably the type to spoil you and treat you like royalty. So the moment he found out you were feeling down, he'd drop everything he was doing, rushing to buy your comfort foods on the nearest store. You are his number one priority, you're on top of everything he does so he'd do anything in his power to cheer you up no matter how busy his schedule is. He'd also play a movie you adore and you'd both watch it while cuddling in your warm bed, with different types of food in front of you. By the end of the movie your head would be resting on his chest, listening to the sound of his beating heart, his hands gently playing with your hair. You probably fell asleep in that position too, mainly because you feel safe around him. He'd only admire at you, gaze filled with undying love matched with a smile that says a thousand words, before making himself comfortable and sleeping with you. You're bound to feel lighter sooner or later bc your favorite person is next to you. That's just the Yeonjun effect <3
🐰 soobin !
Holding you close.
As a leader, Soobin is really quick to notice even the smallest details, so it wasn't a surprise when he immediately found out that you're sad. He likes to show that he cares through his actions, so the first thing he would probably do is hold you close — not in the overbearing way though, he would always make sure that you were comfortable enough before initiating anything with you. When he noticed you weren't feeling great, he'd be testing the waters first before his hands would be all over you, gently rubbing your back and making you feel safe against his arms. He's the perfect person for cuddles, specially since he's tall. He doesn't pressure you to talk about what happened. Instead, he'd wait until you're ready to open up and he would glady offer advices or just listen to what you say in general — whatever you prefer, he's willing to do. Overall, he's the most bf ever and he loves you to the core :)
🐻 beomgyu !
Singing for you.
We all know that although Beomgyu is often loud and funny, he is also quiet and in tune with his emotions. Which is why, I think he would see through your facade and think of a way to cheer you up immediately. There's no better way to do that than singing for you. He thinks that he's no good with words and hopes he could deliver his concern through the song he'll sing. Both of you were probably in your bedroom, laying down, until he surprises you by standing up and taking his guitar. You sit in silence, listening and watching as he softly strums on his guitar. You'd notice how familiar it sounds like, it wasn't until he starts singing when you come to a realization that he's singing your favorite song. Every word is said with so much gentleness, and you just immediately know that this is his way of telling you that he's here for you. Always. Whether that would be through songs or words, he would always be there for you. You tackle him in a hug afterwards, making a mental note to give him many compliments about his singing voice later on ♡
🐿️ taehyun !
Taking care of you.
There are moments when you feel too upset, too drained, to do anything. It's usually moments like this that you can't take care of yourself, because even feeding yourself felt like a chore and not a routine to keep your body healthy. But it's also moments like this that you're glad to have your own Taehyun. Taehyun would notice this almost immediately, the way you barely get up from your bed and feeling tired from doing the most simple thing. No need to worry because he'd gladly help you with everything. Feel too depressed to feed yourself? He already did your grocery for you and is on his way to cook your favorite food. Feel too drained to bath yourself? He's now preparing a warm bath for you, he'd even help you shower if you really wanted — hands massaging your scalp and back gently, while you lean to his touch. Feel too tired to do anything? That's fine, too. He's willing to lay with you in silence if that's what you truly wanted. He's always one call away <3
🐧 hyuka !
Muttering sweet words to you.
Just like the rest of txt, Kai would notice almost immediately. He'd be so heartbroken at the sight of you being so down, which is why he is quick to come up with ways on how to make you feel better again. Whatever you were doing, as soon as he detects your mood, his hands would be cupping your face which succeeds in capturing your attention. You'd look at him in confusion, but he only looks back with fondness in his eyes. He'd suprise you again when he suddenly says, "It's okay to feel down." Then he pecks your lips, backs away and speaks again. "I'll always be here for you." Pecks you again, backs away and tells you another set of encouragement. "You can tell me anything and I'd be willing to listen." This repeats for another minute until you're giggling in the kiss and your eyes are shining with unshed tears. He smiles at the sight, warmth spreading through his chest. He continuously peppers your face with kisses and you bask yourself in his comforting gestures :(
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aspd-culture · 3 months
Hey do you have any advice for what to do when you're angry? Not at anything in particular but your just so mad and not doing anything about it makes your feel like it's being ground into dust. I hope I made sense, I don't know if this is an ASPD thing or not but I figured it's worth a try.
I do, though none of it is super effective without a bit of prep outside of the situation and also knowing your particular experience of this because the anger that has no target can come in a few different forms from what I've noticed.
There's true no cause, where nothing triggered you at all and it comes on seemingly out of nowhere. For me, this is usually a part of a symptom flare, either the peak of it or right at the beginning. Either way, this is usually how I notice it. This usually comes with the impulsive desire to break things/hurt people/similar. For this, I have a post where I've gone into it, but basically you want to have prepared some sort of thing you know will help in this situation because having to do any prep in the moment is going to make it fail. For some people, they can go things like go to a wreck room (place where you can break pay usually not too much to break stuff in a space where you don't have to clean it up) and that will be enough for them. For others, it can't be in a sterile room like that that's *made* to have stuff broken or it isn't the same. In that situation, you'll want an impulsive option that can be organic. Some people own cheap plates purely so they can go in a room and break them and worry about cleaning it up later. For that to work, you either have to live alone or live with someone who knows you have ASPD and are okay with this - or who are just super chill and won't be freaked out. Hear me out - that isn't for their sake. It's for yours. It will make it so much worse if during the thing you're doing to calm yourself, someone makes an issue out of it because now that anger *will* be targeted now - at them. That's not going to help bc now there won't be a safe way to get out the anger anywhere near as easily as if it wasn't targeted.
For that type, the biggest thing is allowing yourself to have symptoms and taking a harm reduction approach vs a total control approach. Total control there will not be easily achievable and you'll probably just p*ss yourself off worse n the process. So if you have things around you're okay with taking out anger on and a safe place to do it, then that's okay as long as it's your own property and no one is getting hurt (including intimidated, again just so that it doesn't escalate). I would avoid much external interaction when it's violent urges specifically bc it will upset you having to put in all that effort not to take it out on them.
Then there's the anger that technically had a cause at some point, but has moved past its cause. So kind of the "it's been a terrible day not because of any one thing but because of the combination of everything" situation? Similar to that anyways. For this, it's gonna be your basic symptom management techniques. Interact with violent media if that calms you down - true crime, the news, violent video games, action movies, horror/thriller movies, etc. along those lines. If that doesn't help you, maybe you have a music playlist that helps you feel good. It'll help to have that prepped too, bc the lull of finding another song will probably suck in that mindset. Something I call parallel distraction is helpful for this - where you're distracting yourself, but not forcing your brain to completely ignore it. You're angry and you let yourself feel that, but give it a direction to go in that's through catharsis rather than taking the actions yourself.
Those are the two I can think of at the moment. I know there's probably more but they are escaping me at the moment. If you/anyone has any explanations of the anger you're feeling/what symptoms and feelings are associated with it, I can probably give advice tailored a bit more to that if I've experienced it.
Any anger without a cause or target can acquire a target realllllyyyy easily because that makes more sense to your brain. The human brain doesn't like feeling something and not knowing why, so if it can make up a reason that is exactly what it will do. Your roommate comes in and tells you to turn the music down? "Ah, well I sure was trying to calm down but now? Now this anger is your fault and I'm not gonna waste energy calming down again when you messed that up for me." Because of that, you ideally really want to find coping mechanisms that you can do without having to cause unwanted interactions. For some people, specific people can help but you want to choose that. In general, in an ASPD anger flare - whether it's from something specific or not - you want to keep as much control over the situation as you can because unexpected things can push you over the edge past coping.
I apologize if this isn't as helpful as usual or there are typos; it's very late here at the moment.
Plain text below the cut:
I do, though none of it is super effective without a bit of prep outside of the situation and also knowing your particular experience of this because the anger that has no target can come in a few different forms from what I've noticed.
There's true no cause, where nothing triggered you at all and it comes on seemingly out of nowhere. For me, this is usually a part of a symptom flare, either the peak of it or right at the beginning. Either way, this is usually how I notice it. This usually comes with the impulsive desire to break things/hurt people/similar. For this, I have a post where I've gone into it, but basically you want to have prepared some sort of thing you know will help in this situation because having to do any prep in the moment is going to make it fail. For some people, they can go things like go to a wreck room (place where you can break pay usually not too much to break stuff in a space where you don't have to clean it up) and that will be enough for them. For others, it can't be in a sterile room like that that's *made* to have stuff broken or it isn't the same. In that situation, you'll want an impulsive option that can be organic. Some people own cheap plates purely so they can go in a room and break them and worry about cleaning it up later. For that to work, you either have to live alone or live with someone who knows you have ASPD and are okay with this - or who are just super chill and won't be freaked out. Hear me out - that isn't for their sake. It's for yours. It will make it so much worse if during the thing you're doing to calm yourself, someone makes an issue out of it because now that anger *will* be targeted now - at them. That's not going to help bc now there won't be a safe way to get out the anger anywhere near as easily as if it wasn't targeted.
For that type, the biggest thing is allowing yourself to have symptoms and taking a harm reduction approach vs a total control approach. Total control there will not be easily achievable and you'll probably just p*ss yourself off worse n the process. So if you have things around you're okay with taking out anger on and a safe place to do it, then that's okay as long as it's your own property and no one is getting hurt (including intimidated, again just so that it doesn't escalate). I would avoid much external interaction when it's violent urges specifically bc it will upset you having to put in all that effort not to take it out on them.
Then there's the anger that technically had a cause at some point, but has moved past its cause. So kind of the "it's been a terrible day not because of any one thing but because of the combination of everything" situation? Similar to that anyways. For this, it's gonna be your basic symptom management techniques. Interact with violent media if that calms you down - true crime, the news, violent video games, action movies, horror/thriller movies, etc. along those lines. If that doesn't help you, maybe you have a music playlist that helps you feel good. It'll help to have that prepped too, bc the lull of finding another song will probably suck in that mindset. Something I call parallel distraction is helpful for this - where you're distracting yourself, but not forcing your brain to completely ignore it. You're angry and you let yourself feel that, but give it a direction to go in that's through catharsis rather than taking the actions yourself.
Those are the two I can think of at the moment. I know there's probably more but they are escaping me at the moment. If you/anyone has any explanations of the anger you're feeling/what symptoms and feelings are associated with it, I can probably give advice tailored a bit more to that if I've experienced it.
Any anger without a cause or target can acquire a target realllllyyyy easily because that makes more sense to your brain. The human brain doesn't like feeling something and not knowing why, so if it can make up a reason that is exactly what it will do. Your roommate comes in and tells you to turn the music down? "Ah, well I sure was trying to calm down but now? Now this anger is your fault and I'm not gonna waste energy calming down again when you messed that up for me." Because of that, you ideally really want to find coping mechanisms that you can do without having to cause unwanted interactions. For some people, specific people can help but you want to choose that. In general, in an ASPD anger flare - whether it's from something specific or not - you want to keep as much control over the situation as you can because unexpected things can push you over the edge past coping.
I apologize if this isn't as helpful as usual or there are typos; it's very late here at the moment.
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Can you write going on an aquarium date w alejandro balde and you just giggle at him most of the time bc of how childish he looks when he sees all the animals and stuff😭 sorry its kinda vague but i need the balde fics out here😣
Summary: Finals are coming up and your general marine biology class has got you all types of worried. Balde to the rescue! A trip to the aquarium never hurt nobody.
A/N: I know you want to beat my ass right now for how long this took, but I was having some personal issues so I had to be away for a bit. I should be all alright now though! You probably already got someone else to write this but I still felt like I owed you this at least. That aside, there really is a lack of fanfiction for some of my best boys. So here’s one for the bestest of the best boys: Balde himself. I took a little bit of a spin on this so I hope you don’t mind, Anon.  Also, shout out to women in STEM! (Also I don’t own any of these pics or video so credit to the original owners)
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“I should be at home—studying,” you started to complain. It was futile to try to argue with him once he got so riled up about something, and as you stood at the start of the aquarium it was clear that it was a lost cause.
“Why do that when you could be here, with me; your awesome boyfriend,” he wiggles his eyes in an obnoxious manner that only serves for you to scoff in fake annoyance.
College life was definitely not easy and while you're confident in your choice of major and your ability to succeed, it’s hard not to get nervous. Especially when it’s just the beginning and your general studies classes are already throwing you for a loop. 
You had initially planned to be cooped up in your house all day doing nothing but going over the material, reviewing, and then reviewing some more. Then, when that was done, take the longest nap of your life. 
That had been the plan. That was until you received a text at 9 in the morning that effectively threw those plans out the window.
Baldie 👨🏾‍🦲💖
Be prepared in an hour. Wear something nice. I’m coming to help you study😼
Going to watch Spiderverse again
will NOT help me study.
Babe No…
Just be prepared☝🏾😼
As you walk hand in hand through the entrance of the aquarium, an immediate sense of wonder lit up Alejandro’'s eyes; as the soft, pillowy blue cascaded across his features it was hard to decide what would occupy all your attention: looking at him or figure out what exhibit to look at first. 
He was like a kid in a candy store, or in this case a kid at an aquarium. His excitement was palpable, and you couldn't help but giggle at the way he bounced on his toes, his enthusiasm infectious.
The first exhibit you come across is a vibrant coral reef, a living breathing tapestry of colors and textures. Alejandro's gaze darts around, absorbing every detail.  
“Woooahh! That looks like a brain,” he points dramatically at the various Australophyllia wilsoni that you both had the pleasure of stumbling across. Balde, in his infinite wisdom, presses up as close to the glass as he can to imprint every detail in his mind’s eye. 
You were in just as much awe as he was, but you definitely went about it in a more formal way.  
“That’s actually the Australophyllia wilsoni, or a Wilson’s brain. Like all coral, these guys are super important for the environment with keeping the Ph and oxygen balance within the water.”
He turns to you with a grin, eyes wide, and asks you to continue on about the different types of corals and their natural habitats, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. You humor him. With a chuckle, you launch into an impromptu lecture, weaving scientific names and geographical locations together like a basket, and you the expert weaver. Alejandro's fascination only grows, and he listens intently, occasionally gasping as a particularly striking fish darts by.  It was clear that he was overcome with a sense of eagerness; he may not have understood every single thing you said but he would sagely nod and act like he did. 
The enormous tanks all appeared to be their own living, breathing universe, packed with colorful marine life. A complex tapestry of coral and other organisms. As you move from tank to tank, his excitement never ceases.
The jellyfish exhibit captures his attention next, and you find yourselves lost in a world of languid, mesmerizing movements and ethereal effervescent lights. Alejandro's laughter rings out as he playfully imitates the up, up, up movements of the jellyfish, almost like a dance meant to capture anyone who witnesses it. You can’t keep up your professional facade anymore and you go up, up,up, moving your arms like you were floating. You immediately feel the joy bubble up within you, making you light, and yeah, maybe you were floating.
You were glad that particular exhibit was empty though, because you both probably looked real crazy. 
You have to remind yourself to never talk about fish around Alejandro because once you got started–he never wanted you to stop. You could see why though. The aquarium fish were everything and more. Their colors danced in the ethereal blue light, casting mesmerizing reflections on the glass walls of their world. Behind the glass, they felt so close, yet sooo far away.
“You know I once caught that fish with my bare hands” he points to the nearest fish as it darts past you both and makes the gripping gesture with both of his hands out.
You follow the direction of his finger, see a suckermouth catfish, and playfully hit him on the arm.
“Boy, be so for real right now.” You have to immediately walk away though because, in your laughter, you had said that entirely too loud. 
“I’ve lived many lives, woman.”
The rays in the touch pool become the next unfortunate victim in his boundless energy as Alejandro all but races you over to the waters. He reaches out to touch the sleek backs of rays gliding through the water, his eyebrows going impossibly higher up on his face as he fails to contain his pure delight. You can’t help but snap a picture as he squeals, or manly show his appreciation as he would put it, the perfect embodiment of elation.
As you explore, you find yourselves in the tunnel under the massive shark tank. The world above you transforms into an aquatic ballet, with sharks and rays gliding gracefully overhead. Alejandro's grip on your hand tightens as he whispers in awe, comparing the canopy to a majestic underwater sky.
“Am I not like, the best boyfriend ever?” You look away from him for a moment and see a pair of sharks, presumably a couple if their size difference and proximity are any indicators, and hum thoughtfully.
“I don’t know. Lemme pass this test first and I’ll get back to you on that,” you stare into a different pool, his eyes this time, and immediately get pulled in. It’s hard to keep up your cheeky game when he’s that damn fine. 
“How bout I give you a kiss and we’ll go with yes,” you have to hold on to the railing of the enclosure to keep yourself from falling in.
“That’ll work too.”
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
Was inspired by a blurb by another blog ( @indouloureux ) about Eddie helping a reader with this scenario and thought it was entertaining: How each Eddie would respond to asking for help about struggling to pull your tampon out.
Modern!Eddie is an absolute simp and does not let her get embarrassed about anything and annoyingly says “It would be my honor🫡”
Mafia!Eddie is unfazed, man has seen more blood than he’d like to admit, but is lightly scolding you for not being careful, “Oh Kitten, need daddy’s help always.”
Older!Eddie is confused as to why you’re asking him, “Bunny, you know I’d do it, but my eyesight is terrible and I’d probably make it worse.”
Cowboy!Eddie would do it with just a small chuckle, “You’re one of a kind, sugar. Let’s get you sorted out.”
Dom!Eddie is slightly weirded out, not because it’s a period or vagina, but that something made for half the population is that tricky to use. “You’d think these scientists would figure something out for once, but noooo.”
Bartender!Eddie would help after you’d explain to him for five minutes that, yes, a tampon can get stuck and that it’s not an indicator of the size of your vagina, “Listen babe, you’re tight as fuck, that’s probably why- Okay fine do you have a better answer?”
Rockstar!Eddie would do it, but him and Nepotism Baby are married with multiple of the girls, so he is laughing. He pretends to think about it for a few minutes while she’s standing in the bathroom doorway mad as ever.
omfg this is a nightmare scenario but also so funny.
modern!eddie is on it!! you're freaking out and he's like "I got you" tries to get her to relax so he can get in there. "baby, I'll get it out, ok? just calm down. you're too tight." all sweet and coaxing. he gets it out eventually.
janitor!eddie would be similar, but she's so embarrassed to ask him. he hears her grunting and crying out in pain in the bathroom, so he's like??? you good?? and you're like frustrated and sobbing and hormonal, and he comes in to see you, foot on the counter mirror in one hand and tweezers in the other. "my tampon got stuck!!!" you wail, and he's ready to go. soothing and shushing so you'll relax, kneels down under you and gets it out.
mafia!eddie would be so unfazed by blood tbh. he's more effected by the hormones of a period than blood, doesn't think it's gross or whatever lame guys say. you get it stuck, and you're in the bath trying to like waterboard, flush it out and he's like??? here, let me. you're like "ed! be careful! don't push it back more!" and he's like I got it. pulls it out easily, like a bullet lol.
older!eddie bless him he's gotta put his readers on bc he can't see shit. wearing one of those headband type things with a light and his bifocals while you're just spread eagle in front of him.
cowboy!eddie is like.... what? not that he's like grossed out like he knows what a period is and it's natural, but he's horrified that... tampons get stuck??? they break???? he's sick at the thought of that. but he'd help you out. he's been inside animals before, unfortunately, so it's nothing he's not used to lmao.
dom!eddie would be in awe about 1) how far they had to go up your cooch 2) it broke?? like you would think they wouldn't want those things to break what the fuck. he's ranting the whole time. "whoever did this should be fucking guillotined because why would you make a shitty- I'm sorry sweetheart, I've almost got it- why would you-" "ed! shut up!" you grit, tears in your eyes. it feels much different that when he's normally inside of you.
bouncer!eddie has you hovering over his face so he can see in and try to get it out. "too tight, baby, I told you. got a grip reaper and look-" "eddie, shut the fuck up. that has nothing to do with this."
rockstar!eddie if it happened pre-babies would be disgusted. he would be gagging and she'd be bitching him out left and right, because he's being a fucking baby. then if it happened post babies and after they were married, he'd be cackling. probably say something gross like "and people wonder if you're still tight after six kids. gonna start telling them about this." "edward, I will fucking kill you. don't you dare tell anyone."
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strugglingatart · 8 months
Jr Year ep4
This is me live blogging bc I need to get thoughts out also would love fandom friends full spoilers bellow the cut just so no one accidentally reads anything they don’t want to this will be long
I have wanted most if not all of Zac's and Murph's shirts this season
I still have issues with the multiclass system but also no school thing has made the most sense in universe
I believe you and that's why I'm not saying anything is SUCH a trouble friend mood
"what's the drinking age?" "you have murdered SO many people"
the whole Kalina/Cassandra/Kristen scene is so nerve wrecking and interesting and once again I can talk so much about this topic and I know I have critized Kristen's approach but that's bc honestly I do have issue w it despite understanding it but it does make for an interesting arc and with this conversation it does seem like she believes in this domain of faith on the unknown. I will at some point talk more about from the point of someone who also left a culty religious thing but was still expected to perform similarly once out of it but my thoughts are still not the most organized
that being said I do not trust kalina and i do love cassandra
when you're in the dark I'm there holding your hand why am i crying
not kvx still being a thing lmao so Brennan
oh I just love how complicated but absolutely Bill Seacaster is the whole trust thing, the money going to the nemesees, there being a whole department, honestly that's a department I'd work for it's basically spy and gossip stuff
but also poor Fabian having to go through all this head ache stuff alone
watch Caperslolly Cattlekrush not be a direct nemesis but someone from her party be yes Fabian get that service!
I too keep thinking it is rat ccrushers no t grinders and will absolutely get it wrong
the gorthlax art is PERFECT
my school nurse did not have sweat pants but ok murph(i also absolutely am not from the us idk why i keep pointing out diferences)
they each will have a foil in my head so why just one owlbear contender? also is riz in the bloodrush team?
grinding for xp is so much weirder and terrible imo in this context also should be less effective bc like lbr experience is important like thinking on your feet etc like yes they are probably equal level and Brenan will play them well but they should absolutely not be as good as the bad kids at actual adventuring
I love how they all are so agro tho bc I get it and love the energy and I would absolutely be that mad
xp isn't bad if you at least still DO INTERESTING STUFF TO GET IT
if brenan makes them like grinding i will become as agro as the bad kids so far lol
gorthlax gave great advice, that being said i do hope they get a lil bit petty and end annoying grinders
nooo Gorgug (cries) I really want him to do well
listen I am so emo about gorgu's storyline like it's just no thoughts just feels and all of them
listen i don't do character builds but it does not sound to me like artificer and barbarian are THAT ill fitted, like yes the require different focus levels and types but they are also USED in different moments, nothing is stopping Gorgug from using his down time to come up with gadgets that work WITH his strenght and dex and rage and then use reckless abandon in battles. I think even th solar lasso is very much an example of that because it uses his strenghts, he's realing it in with atheltics checks iirc or how his shoes have jump like yes absolutely a challenge and not the most obvious but people are acting like it's impossible when it absolutely isn't
we love Corsica Jones
Riz helping Kristen <3
Brenan is absolutely having so much fun with Ayada's messages
Listen Fig does not need to go to warlock classes, no one in the school knows she is a warlock just do bard and barbarian and help your friend
also i get that procrastination girl
Please I want Fig and Gorgug to work on a song together and for us to get that scene so bad
Aelwynn is a whole entire mood
well that answers me: riz is not on bloodrush
wouldn't detect magic tell riz what enhancements she has? cause otherwise it's nnot THAT useful for spies (which is reason #1 the gadget exists)
oh brennan REALLY made people we will all hate
Yes Bucky I adore him
someone please go home with Fabian
ohhh Brennan put extra stakes at Fig just quitting/failling auegfort since she technically doesn't need it
oh warlock classes are night classes, kinda love that for Fig and also good for her being good at it
also looove the talk about exchanges and that
FIg could make an album out of pressure and expextations that woul be rad as hell
RAGH we love him
LISTEN Ragh should be like party guy, he was absolutely popular and is older and it takes stuff away from the bad kids to do
oh Fabian goes into it immediately we stan
Listen Ally is MASTER of weird ass energies and I love them for it
they truly are such dorks and somehow cool at the same time
I cannot tell if they don't know milkyriver's name or if they are benedict cumberbunching it and I love that
literally everything kalina says is so threatening
also the bad kids should count as followers of cassandra like they are not clerics sure but they ablsolutely belive in her... do only clerics/paladins count?
oh the shard and red thing that was in one of the arts
oh I REALLY thought they were gonna split party this
I do hope the party still goes well
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bulldagger-bait · 3 months
My pipe-dream wheelchair:
Super lightweight but incredibly strong
Caster wheels that are big enough that microscopic terrain changes dont bother me, but wheels that also allow for a tight turning circle
The ability to function effectively on all surfaces. Truly all terrain. Road, gravel, grass, sand.
A seat that is able to adjust to the perfect height for everything with minimal effort. No more being too tall or too short for tables, wheelchair trolleys, sinks, or countertops
But this height change feature is seamless and streamlined in a way where it doesnt make the wheelchair different or difficult to use. It somehow just magically is always the perfect height.
Power assist that is lightweight and able to be controlled with my mind so there is always the perfect amount of boost
The ability to push and steer in a way that never causes my arms to get tired and the push mechanism is able to change to what i need. Rims or levers or a joystick able to be swapped to as desired
Active and sporty while still being sturdy and functional without being bulky or unsightly
Excellent shock absorption to the point where it puts no more strain on my spine than an able bodied person would experience walking. Lile fucking magical, super-light-weight suspension.
The ability to change colour to fit my intended vibe, mood, or outfit
Easily adjustable features. Like being able to alter the seat back positioning without having to get out the toolkit and spend an hour fiddling with bolts until it feels just how i want
Compartments that are easily accessible without needing to hyperextend joints or bend my body in a way that it cant
Incredibly easy to pack down and store in my car. Like basically just a one and done type of system. I should be able to lift it in and out of any storage space easily and it isnt cumbersome or a hindrance in any way. I should be able to get out of the car in roughly the same amount of time it takes other people to do so normally
The complete inability to fall out of it. Not a seatbelt, because that just means when you inevitably fall, you to hit the ground and are then awkwardly fastened with your chair on your back. No, i mean, it is impossible to knock me out of it. Like that clown doll they did psychological experiments with where its center of mass is so low it always perfectly rights itself
The ability to never get my clothes dirty. Clothing guards that arent a hassle to deal with, and wheels that dont transfer dirt and muck onto my sleeves
A cupholder (essential)
A way to carry a bag or suitcase or something that does not involve balancing it on my lap
An elegant frame design that looks cool as fuck and goes beyond the traditional wheelchair shape while still being practical
Wheel spokes that dont crush my fingers when i take the wheels off
Wheels, that if i take them off, always perfectly click back into place and never cause the "your wheel is technically attached but is slowly drifting away from your chair and setting you up for a really nasty fall if you dont notice in time" kind of fail safe
Easy to clean and service. Low maintenance. Does not require me to have to wait around at the area ive dropped it off at for hours bc i have to wait for my legs to be returned to me
The ability to hold an umbrella in a way that my entire body is shielded from rain
A recline feature almost like a tilting power chair, so i can practically lie down whenever i need
Breaks that allow for breaking without getting in the way of my hands when i push
Basically what i want is pure fantasy. But if you're creating a fantastical wheelchair then it should get to be awesome beyond imagination
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ok well fuck now I'm thinking about new haven wards !!!! specifically like. how would their appearances differ from what we know in pd to in. worm world. like AS FAR AS I KNOW . with my somewhat limited knowledge. there are no fucking ELVES in worm. so virions just got. normal ears . but what else is different !!!! when condi first described vyncent in s1 he actually said he had black hair. so i think it might be cool to make his hair darker more of a natural color. maybe shitty box dye purple with black roots or something. proabably permanent bags under his eyes because he feels like he always has to keep watch for something (it's hard to get much rest at night when you're by yourself in an unfamiliar place and spend your waking hours making potential enemies out of other capes). I almost think he would be a little bit more jumpy, more quick to react if someone were to come up behind him without announcing themselves. pull a hidden knife first ask questions later kind of survival instincts. if william still has his white streak i think it's dyed instead of natural from his powers. and because i like 2 project on my favorites I want him to have the little under dye in the back too. for me. actually probably the Most Normal Looking out of the three of them ironically? because hes very new on the cape scene, probably the most recent one to get his powers, they haven't had as much of a physical effect on him yet. his weird things are probably more stealth at first; reflective eyes in the dark, colder than normal skin etc etc. things that you wouldn't really notice in civilian clothes . not sure if the whole decay thing still applies but if it does i imagine he'd eventually have to put more effort into his civ appearance to keep his identity hidden (gloves to cover discolored fingers, maybe a fake pair of glasses to have an excuse for the more obvious reflections, etc etc) . dakotas hair is maybe closer to natural redhead ? or he used the same shitty box dye as vyncent . I don't know if dakota would have as many scars here as he does in pd- he's still an adrenaline junkie so it's possible but I also think he knows he doesn't have accelerated healing so while he probably still has More Than Normal I don't think it would be quite as extensive. im still endlessly amused by the thought of people seeing him as failsafe and assuming he's a brute on appearance alone so he gets to keep the muscle mass . the circumstances of his parents death are still vague but if he did have a close call run in with the s9 I think he should have SOME sort of physical mark from that. just bc I think that's so fucking tasty. maybe give him a tattletale style jack scar . NO YOU KNOW WHAT. REALIZING THIS AS IM TYPING. that deal . that deal that Jack made with Purity's kid where he was like "ill let you live because I want to see if you get strong enough to kill me in a few years" you know what I mean!!!!! something like that seems extremely on brand for dakota cole. holy shit.
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Do you think you’d be interested in doing a nsfw A-Z for BCS characters but mainly Jimmy😳🥴
ive had this in my drafts for the longest time but this was such a good idea!!! i rly wanna do more prompt type things so i may try to find some more :3
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
jimmy is the sweetest most cuddly loveydovey man you'd ever have the pleasure of banging 🥺🥺🥺 lots of hugs and kisses and telling you what a great job you did and oh my god you're so gorgeous he could do this every night
saul is not as affectionate but he'll give you some praise. maybe a high five and a "woo! nice job, kid!" if he's feeling silly. unless it's during business hours. then it's "get back to work, mr. squidward."
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
partner - chest. man is a boob fiend. partly why trans men are a guilty pleasure for him bc whether they've had top surgery or not he's fixated on their chests
himself - i actually don't know? maybe his hair. he seems to put a lot of effort into it (even when he starts going better call bald 😔) so i think maybe that. also he loves having it tugged on bc he's a slut
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
facials. dirty boy loves making a mess of you >:3
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
i expanded on this here but basically he's repressing his bisexuality. he would like to have sex with men more often but he can't bring himself to go out and get some dick. again, trans men are a guilty pleasure bc to him they're a compromise. he rationalizes that it's not really gay if he has a pussy (let him have this he's trying)
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
he is VERY sexually experienced with cis women. not at all with anyone else. but he's a quick learner. regardless of what setup anyone has, he'll figure out what makes them tick
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
cowgirl!! ride this baby boy he loves it. he likes it bc he loves having someone push him down and take what they want from him (and also he doesn't have to do as much work which is great for his old man joints 😌)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
he'll be silly goofy in foreplay, but he gets more serious as things heat up
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
fuzzy wuzzy baby boy 🤗🤗 he may trim a LITTLE if it's getting too wild but never totally shave
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
depends! not at all during his saul era. as jimmy he's more likely to be sweet with you in that way
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
the first time he touched his prostate he screamed and came harder than he ever had before and he's scared to do it again
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
dirty talk!!! he's got a lot to say. he just loves seeing the effect his words have on you and how they can really make the difference between good sex and mindblowing sex
also when he's having sex with other men chances are he's topping, so if they're okay with it he'd be into calling them slurs bc it makes him feel powerful
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
car sex! getting ridden in the driver's seat, his body pressed on top of yours as he fucks you in the backseat, bending you over the hood, he loves it all
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
he's a shameless flirt. he'll go in with STRATEGIC rizz to try to get someone in bed with him, but he CANNOT deal with reciprocation. the second someone shows a crumb of interest in him he fumbles. and if you fire back with sass he'll basically beg you to take him right then and there
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
he cannot take extreme pain. he's curious about masochism and likes getting slapped/spanked and having his hair pulled but he's not into anything that would bruise. he's sensitive :( also he likes choking his partner but he doesn't like getting choked himself
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
absolutely loves receiving it!! he loves having his balls licked ehehe they're sensitive
loves giving it too BUT if it's not a cis woman's pussy he's in the trenches. the first time he saw a t-dick he was stunned. but, being the man of reason that he is, he figured "well! that looks like a little dick. can i suck it?" and immediately tested his theory and fell in love with t-dicks
when it comes to amab dicks? he's trash. he cannot suck dick to save his life. no lips and too bad of a gag reflex ☹️
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
tends to be on the faster/rougher side. slow and sensual is only if he's in a long term relationship with someone (or if he's subbing and needs his partner to be gentle)
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
man CANONICALLY gets blown in his office during the work day. he loves em
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
see above.
also! generally yeah. i think he's in the camp of "don't knock it til you try it" so he'd be down to try almost anything once
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
old man. he can maybe nut once or twice before he taps out. but he'll always make sure his partner's taken care of
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
YES i think he'd have a pretty decent arsenal. he's got a couple vibrators for partners and some cock rings/sleeves for himself. for either he's probably got a ballgag and a blindfold and he's definitely the type to own a pair of those cheap fuzzy handcuffs.
also i can't get this idea out of my head of him trying to talk himself out of it but finally cracking, buying a buttplug, and then never trying it out because he's scared 😭
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
if i have to answer this question im logging off y'allready KNOW
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
jimmy's a whiny bitch and he's LOUD!!!!! saul does a better job of keeping it down (he actually tries to stifle himself a bit bc he doesn't wanna show feelings teehee send this man to therapy)
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he has a piss kink. cope.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
abt 5.5 inches, fat, uncut, big juicy buals
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
i think pretty high! mentally he's always down but he got old man dick (canonically takes viagra 💀) so he can't go as much as he'd like
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
after a particularly intense round he'll conk out almost instantly. but most of the time he's down for cuddling and pillow talk
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shuttershocky · 2 years
Do you have any advice on good 4* units to raise? I wanna be able to do better in IS, but I've no idea who is very effective for it (and I trust your opinion over Gamepress).
I already have Gravel and Myrtle (and also Frostleaf bc of Frostnova's chapter) raised, and all the 3* units maxed out. I've heard that Jaye is often useful? Unsure beyond that though! Any advice you can offer is appreciated, thank you!
Jaye - He's not just one of the strongest 4 stars, he's the strongest member of his subclass (Merchants) period. His damage output and self-sustain his stupid broken. Specialize in his S2 skill and feed him DP (he eats up 3 DP every 3 seconds, so in maps with slowed down or zero DP gain he needs to be fed by vanguards), and he'll wreck most enemies even without IS buffs. Remember to buy his module, it makes his DP drain go down to 2 DP every 3 seconds, it makes all the difference!
Ethan - The other broken little shit and another 4 star specialist who's the best in his subclass of Ambushers. Ethan offers crowd control, damage, and survivability via his class' evasion trait, and he has one of the best level 3 modules in the game from how hard it buffs his talent, so even when you're an endgame player packed with resources, Ethan still gets stronger.
Cutter - Normally overshadowed by the other Swordmasters, Cutter's skills have abnormally strong synergy with many powerful IS collectibles, making her a strong pick for the mode. She's also get plenty of versatility, as her skills let her hit drones despite being a ground unit.
May - A Marksman that specialized in Control vs DPS, May's like Cutter in that her synergy with IS collectibles can make her far stronger than the devs intended her to be. Invest in her S1, and combine it with any ASPD buffs or Spinach type collectibles from IS and watch as she puts on a permaslow on enemies while doing a ton of damage.
Beanstalk - If you haven't noticed yet, versatility is king in a game mode asking you to adapt to as many different kinds of stages as possible, and Tacticians being a Sniper-Summoner hybrid sitting inside the Vanguard class makes them versatile indeed. While Beanstalk doesn't boast the same collectible synergy as May and Cutter do, the amount of different niches she can fill in your squad makes her a strong pick.
Myrtle - To this day the most popular Operator in hard content and one of the strongest non 6-star units theyve ever made. You will raise her regardless of using her in IS or on standard content, because Myrtle is the 4 Star Goddess. Her Skill 1 makes a shitload of DP, and her Skill 2 makes a shitload of DP while healing adjacent allies, but with a longer cooldown. Her DP gen is so powerful that she obliterates the resource game entirely and threw the entire class of vanguards into an existential crisis.
IS's highly aggressive stages that throw enemies at you almost immediately was HG's attempt at nerfing Myrtle's effectiveness in the game mode. Cantabile being a disgustingly strong unit was HG's second attempt at competing with Myrtle.
Myrtle does not fight. She doesn't obliterate half the screen with powerful attacks nor does she turn allies unkillable via powerful buffs. She can't block more than one enemy, and she has no ways to defend herself. And yet, if you raise Myrtle, there's no going back to the pre-flagbearer days. You will understand what true resource power feels like, and then you start hunting for Elysium to get a taste of two flagbearers at once and render the idea of DP cost meaningless.
Bow before your new queen
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discluded · 2 years
I love love the fact that Mile Spoils Apo…and I’m not speaking in a materialistic way(although he does that too 🙊) but I’m speaking in the sense of how quickly Mile caught on to the fact that Apo is very sensitive to detail and he stored that information deep in his soul (and effectively used it with Apo) and he was able to pick up on things like the fact that Apo doesn’t use cologne but a alum stone stick (the fact that Mile paid attention to that maybe saw Apo wear it and it stuck to him) the fact that he started of by teasing Apo that he talked a lot yet he later understood that, it was Apo’s way of showing he cared (wanting to know everything about the person shows how invested Apo gets) so then when they wouldn’t film together Mile proceeded to call Apo to ask about his day ( if he ate if he drank water if he had a good shooting day)🥺 the way that he kept his phone off night mode until he was able to talk to Apo. The way he would actively take care of Apo on Set and then the one that I think hit me square in my chest and left me no doubt of the absolute adoration Apo feels for Mile is whenApo was doing his Birthday live on IG and “jokingly” (I personally don’t think it was a joke) said “How can I live with out Mile if he’s the one that takes care of Me” cue my tears 😭 the genuine care that Mile put into connecting/ understanding Apo was really what won Apo over. Knowing how they said that Mile was the first to open up to Apo and it gave into Apo returning that trust. (Also Apo GIVES as much as he gets and he returns to Mile tenfold) but I think it hits me a bit more with Mile bc he seemed to be a bit more rough.. ??(idk what word to use) in the beginning and and to see the little by little process of sweetness is just you know 😩😭 and now we have a Mile the almost never says no to Apo, I think I’ve only seen it twice. We see a soft spoken man that is always taking care of Po. And yeah let me just 🚶🏽‍♀️🚶🏽‍♀️ (Last but not least let’s never forget when Mile told Apo that he wasn’t weird that he just had character just like everyone else had theirs) and then we can hear Jeff in the back saying how “it’s so weird to hear Mile say that, since he rarely says this type of things” 🙈💓
The love that I have for these two individuals is going to burst out of my heart ❤️
ANON I CRYYYYYY you read my mind on everything.
One of the most telling aspects is how differently they act at the beginning when they were just getting to know each other and now. And yeah, I think you're right that "rough" is probably the right to describe how Mile was acting... but to be fair, it's often the way guys show affection, which would make sense at the beginning of their relationship.
But I think it's also suuupppper interesting in contrast to see the fact now how they act vs. with close cast mates that they both still rough house other castmates but not really each other as much. The only recent time I can think of is Singapore, Apo shaking Mile and making him dizzy lol, but even the tone of that is different where Mile was clearly happy to accept it until he got dizzy and Apo knew when to stop, where as Jeff begrudgingly had to accept their affection in the video 😂😂😂🤣.
Mile has already said that for him, money is not a problem. And Apo's affection and attention isn't so cheap it can be bought. The most important thing, and most limited resource Mile has, is time and Mile gave Apo all his time and attention. Apo saw that and returns all the attention and time and affection 🥺
As for the Feb IG live, I raise you:
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We're not gonna see any more IG lives. :') Which I'm OK with. The more they realized they have eyes on them, the more they retreated for their own privacy, which is normal. Their relationship is not for consumption, it's not for the fans, which is why it's so precious and they protect it and each other.
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frogletscribe · 7 months
Hi! I really love your theories for what the Na'vi fron different biomes would look like. They got me thinking about how the Na'vi from one of my favourite biomes would adapt: mangroves. They're mixtures of jungle, forest, ocean and wetland, with different zones that border on ocean and can become grassland, forest or border on rocky regions. And they can get pretty massive so gods know how huge they'd be on Pandora, especially inland. How do you think the tribes would adapt to this extremely diverse lifestyle? Would they have large chest and fins like oceanic tribes, would they have larger musculature due to the unique type of tree, would they have darker or lighter skin and more or less defined stripes?
Sorry for the ramble, I'm just really interested in Na'vi morphology lol.
Hi there! Sorry it took me a second to get to this i just got back from out of town.
You're so right that mangroves are such an interesting biome with how varied they can be! When I was originally making my posts talking about Na'vi variants, I was thinking about potential river/swamp lands Na'vi as leaning more crocodilian (visual example here) as in having larger builds closer to the Reef people but developing deeper/darker tealish skin tones for camouflage in the forests and water etc. I think the Metkayina village we see in the movie is also built on mangrove-like trees so, depending on where in the biome, the clan lands you could lean them more or less similar to reef people vs forest people.
I purposefully left my 'catagories' vague so that theres wiggle room to effectively mix and match traits depending on the environments. In a perfect world id probably make a giant ven-diagram of overlapping morphologies between different/adjacent biomes bc like snowy mountain na'vi are gonna be different from volcanic mountain na'vi and so on.
I hope that kinda answers your question lol. I love hearing other peoples ideas on how Na'vi (or like anything on pandora really) can grow and change depending on their environment, so if you or anyone else had more to add please feel free!! And no need to apologize I love taking about this sort of thing too!!
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crimeronan · 1 year
WHEW okay. ROUGH fucking start to the morning but things are gonna be okay now. putting under a cut for people who don't care abt my endless unrelenting medical drama but for those who do. Come On This Fucking Journey With Me.
so, necessary background.
i have been having intermittent medical emergencies since february and my doctor has been trying since march to get me a specialist rheumatology appointment. the rheumatology clinic keeps ignoring the referral and/or saying that they need more paperwork and documentation for it.
my doctor has at this point provided them with
her physical observations of my visibly abnormal symptoms
all of the many many many many Many medications i've been prescribed and their effects on said symptoms
multiple different types of positive ANA showing i have uncontrolled progressive autoimmune disease
all my negative antibody tests (have yet to test positive for any one specific antibody)
my doctor - who is excellent - has also followed up with them repeatedly to try to get me scheduled. because i am dying. like i try not to be super dramatic here bc i don't like worrying people and maybe i'm overblowing my symptoms but like. when you're at the point that one of your partners schedules an impromptu overnight flight to come up and monitor you for a week bc your other partner is on vacation & you're in danger of stroking and being unable to call an ambulance for yourself if someone isn't in the room to notice the signs...... i feel like at that point it's fair enough to say I Am Fucking Dying. i am dying. i've been dying for months. like very slowly and inconsequentially but MORE THAN MOST PEOPLE ARE DYING AT ANY GIVEN TIME.
so two weeks ago, after even more fucking phone tag, rheumatology was like. we have all of your tests and documentation now. we'll call to schedule you in soon :) if we don't, call us in two weeks!
today is, of course, the two week mark.
i thought it was strange that they hadn't called because my current symptom progression is usually triaged as The Top Tier Of Autoimmune Medical Emergencies. and my doctor herself has gotten me in for same-day appointments whenever i develop new symptoms because i am apparently not being fucking dramatic about how fucked up i am.
but! rheumatology is overburdened by a combination of COVID-era backups and a MASSIVE influx of newly disabled people with long COVID. and they're dealing with the same understaffing and shortages as the rest of the healthcare system. so it wasn't THAT weird.
called the clinic as soon as they opened this morning. was put on hold for a few minutes, which is normal.
guy gets back on the line. informs me they actually Don't have the test results that they need to schedule me (even though they TOLD ME THEY DID two weeks ago). and that they can't help me.
at this point i got off the phone and had a hysterical crying breakdown so profound that multiple partners swooped in to make a Shitload of Very Testy phone calls to various places on my behalf. bc they love me and are wonderful i am very loved. i have been taking the whole "actively dying" thing in stride for months for the most part but apparently this morning i hit my Fucking Limit. because OH MY FUCKING GOD.
so after an hour of hysterical crying, the receptionist at my main doctor's office calls back. she has always been very kind and takes calls from me / my partners extremely seriously, because of..... you know. The Everything.
she's just as kind and sweet and apologetic as ever but also there is kinda an undercurrent of apoplectic fury. she's spent some time trying to figure out What The Fuck Is Going On. turns out that
there was one more test rheumatology needed, even tho they said they had all my documentation. ok. fine.
my doctor did in fact order this test immediately after my last appointment.
i did in fact have the bloodwork done for this test immediately after my last appointment. like within an hour.
there was NO REASON for rheumatology not to have these test results.
that the phlebotomist who took my blood.
ran every fucking ordered test.
the one.
i needed.
to get scheduled.
with rheumatology.
so i've been waiting two weeks for fucking Nothing. because i thought i had my referral sorted. and the rheumatology clinic did not fucking inform my doctor that actually! they were wrong! about having the documentation to schedule me in!
the receptionist called up the lab to make sure that they Can run the necessary test. confirmed that they can. then she called up the rheumatology clinic and sent over all of my current documentation all over again and told them to be on the lookout for the final test. THEN she called the lab AGAIN to say, "hey, i'm sending you this order electronically, but i'm making an extra note that you guys need to do it right this time, AND you need to treat this as highest priority n analyze the results immediately. and i'm giving you the specific test number right now to make sure you fucking write it down correctly."
and then she gave ME the test number. and said "write this down. and when you get there, ask them what the number is for your test. and make sure that it matches."
which all took up most of her morning and truly was going above and beyond, all she really Needed to do was resend the lab order n tell me to go get more blood drawn. ESPECIALLY since it's an indie office & she handles ALL of the patient scheduling and bureaucracy.
but she is mad. and also i have dying patient privilege.
i felt much better after this because tbh half of why i was so upset was because i already know i have multiple forms of irreversible damage to various body parts and i really fucking physically feel like i get closer to dying every day and i really cannot fucking deal with being triaged as a non-priority possibly-faker hysteria patient.
but this does not seem to be the case.
so. unless something ELSE manages to go wrong with all of this bureaucratic bullshit, what's going to happen is: i am going to drive to a lab 45 minutes away to get my bloodwork done today bc that's the closest place with same-day appointments. i am going to call my doctor's office and tell them that the blood test was done, bc the receptionist said to call her from the parking lot once i'm finished. my doctor is going to receive the test results and send them to rheumatology either today or tomorrow. and within two weeks (Supposedly For Fucking Real This Time), rheumatology will ACTUALLY FUCKING CALL TO SCHEDULE ME IN.
in the most ideal and luckiest world, i will in fact be triaged as an emergency case. which means things will move fast in terms of both getting a call from the scheduling team and getting scheduled in. however it's also possible that they will have patients who are in, like, multi-organ-failure shutdown crisis, who obviously need to be prioritized above me. i do have endless paper documentation and visible physical symptoms stating that i am very very very sick, so. fingers crossed but i don't want to jinx it.
this post is very long. medical bureaucracy is a nightmare. i am very very very lucky and blessed to have so many life partners who are willing to advocate for me because as you can imagine, none of this is easy to navigate when you are unbelievably fucking sick and have a brain that is progressively losing the ability to retain language or executive function or memory.
in conclusion.
being sick is so stupid.
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