#but also being in a rural area with forest just. makes you see a lot of deer on the side of roads and highways
nothing fucks me up more than "and god please let the deer on the highway get some kind of heaven' like i know theres more to the poem but it fucks me up so fucking much for reasons i cant explain
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wordwarriors · 8 months
World Building
I'm a little late with the summary, but here it is. Thanks to everyone who attended and see you all again next month!
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Where does your story take place?
Real-world v created world: You can use the world that we live in as it is. You can use the world that we live in with some tweaks. You can use alternate timelines/universes or create an entirely fictional world.
Alternate timelines Ex: modern day real world but WW I never happened.
High v low fantasy:
High fantasy refers to epic fantasy which is set in an alternate world. It typically includes lots of magical elements, fantastical creatures, and unusual technology. Whereas low fantasy is when magical creatures and elements intrude upon the regular world.
Things to consider/include:
Magic system
Political systems
Is there a class system? What does that look like?
Being grounded in the real world doesn’t save you from having to world-build.
What continent, country, city? Urban or rural? Mountains? Beach? A country can be set in the real world but it’s a fictional country. A city can be fictional. It can be based on NYC for example but still be fictional. Change the name and whatever else you need to.
You can blend real and imagined. Ex: Used the name of a real restaurant but placed it in a different town, etc.
Example: I used real roads but fake places. Anyone local will recognize the intersection but I put a fictional forest where a horse pasture actually sits.
You can create fictional shops, buildings, etc in NYC. NYC is real but the places aren’t.
Example: I had to create a building with a helipad in a story once b/c there are no helipads in that area, but I needed one for my story to work so I made it up. Could have used an actual one but my characters would have had to get past the FBI barricade, so it was easier to make up a building that was inside the perimeter.
If using magic, one must first establish how it normally works before showing it malfunctioning. Same if the character is supposed to be super strong or smart or something, establish that first so the reader understands what is normal in this world before the thing goes wrong.
Establishing Scenes: tell us all of the above. But do it in a way that shows not tells.
Also, make sure it matters. You need rich world-building but the reader doesn’t care what your character's first car was unless that information tells us something important about the character that we need to know, like he worked three summers in a row to earn the money because his parents were poor. Or because they were rich but stingy. Or because they were rich but wanted him to learn to earn things rather than have things handed to him. (if this is important to set a tone for his character or personality, ie, learned the value of hard work or this is why he resents his parents or this is why he is so driven to succeed in his career so he never goes hungry again!
Fabulous establishing world-building scene courtesy of @karahalloway:
The horse responds with a sour-faced snort, stepping quickly past the moss-covered waypost — a brazen reminder of this land's heathen roots. Because despite the House of Rys' conversion to Christianity almost a millennia ago, in the far-flung reaches of the kingdom — where the roads ran out, and the name of the King is just that... a name — the tenet of the old ways is more than just a memory. It is a living, breathing ethos. Suffused into the very heart of this harsh, rugged, yet beautiful land. Where portents, spells, and otherworldly creatures exist in the same breath as Christ, the Eucharist, and Judgement Day, and the very air crackles with mysticism and superstition. Which is partly what drew me here — to the edge of the proverbial map, where the laws of Cordonia fray into irrelevance in the face of the jagged peaks of the snow-capped mountains, and your fortune is what you craft it to be.
This sets the stage with so many rich details: geography, history, socio-political, religious background, his place in this world,etc.
Please, if I've missed anything, feel free to mention it in the comments and I'll add it!
Also, check out these articles:
World Building
February Event:
Live Discussion on character building on Friday, February 23rd, 2024 12:00 p.m. CST
Word Warriors:
@karahalloway @aussiegurl1234 @harleybeaumont @alj4890 @peonierose @petiteboheme @twinkleallnight @lizzybeth1986 @noesapphic @thedistantshoresproject
@ryns-ramblings @tate-lin @nestledonthaveone
@aallotarenunelma @kristinamae093 @coffeeheartaddict2 @memorias-depresivas
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gettingfrilly · 1 year
Where is Peach Creek?
People have been theory crafting this for decades and the canon answer is somewhere in America and that's about it. BUT if you have my flavor of autism and require accuracy and details then here's my own personal headcanon.
Here's all the canon information we have:
According to the series bible, Peach Creek is an American suburb.
Peach Creek experiences all four seasons. We've seen a hot summer, fall foliage, and a snowy winter, so it can be assumed there's a spring time as well. This combined with the broad leaf forest between the cul de sac and the trailer park places Peach Creek in a temperate deciduous forest biome.
Peach Creek has a peach orchard that was there since settlers first arrived in the area. The peaches native to North America grew solely in the southwest.
Peach Creek was founded over 300 years ago by pilgrims. We don't have an exact canon time period for when Ed Edd n' Eddy takes place, but its safe to say it's somewhere towards the end of the 20th century, which would mean Peach Creek was founded some time in the 17th century (the 1600s.) This would place Peach Creek east of the Mississippi, as the west was being colonized by Spain at this point.
In BPS, we learn that Peach Creak is a day's walk away from what APPEARS to be the ocean (more on that later.)
Between Peach Creek and the possible Ocean exists rural farmland, a desert, and a swamp. There is also a snowy capped mountain range visible from Peach Creek Junior High.
This is all a lot of conflicting information! There's no place in America that checks all these boxes. I commonly see people place the Eds somewhere on the north or central Atlantic Coast, because of the possible ocean seen in BPS and the fact that Peach Creek was founded by pilgrims in the 1600s. This checks the most important boxes for me, too, and I would agree, however...
Pop. The kids call carbonated beverages pop. NO ONE on the north or central east coast calls it pop. We call it soda. This is a minor detail for sure and considering all the conflicting information about Peach Creek's location, one that can very much be ignored. But as someone who grew up in New England, I can't ignore it (refer to beginning of post, my flavor of autism.)
"But HOW could they be so close to what looks like the ocean, live in a town founded by pilgrims, and NOT live on the east coast?" I hear you ask. Well, here's my answer: The body of water in BPS isn't the ocean. It's one of the great lakes.
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Picture id: Hamburg Beach, Hamburg New York, on the shore of lake Erie.
Sure, Mondo A-Go Go is very ocean themed (the whale trailer, the shark head, the wild prawn) but it could be just that; a theme.
Another reason I like this theory is that THIS GUY:
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Picture id: Danny Antonucci, creator of Ed Edd n' Eddy
Also grew up in The Great Lakes region.
And to cinch the deal:
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Picture id: Color coded map displaying which U.S.A. regions predominately say pop, soda, or coke.
They say pop!
The further east the Eds are, the more their location makes sense, so I place them in western New York, near lake Erie. It's a rural area with a large city sky line nearby (Buffalo, NY) and there are also Appalachian ski resorts, which would explain the mountain range. There's some swamp land as well, which ticks off all the landmarks seen in the show other than the desert and native peach orchard (though peaches can certainly be cultivated in this biome!)
Also, when looking into travel times in the area, I came across this:
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Pictue id: Google map screen shot with a town called Cherry Creek in the center.
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Picture id: Incredibles meme. Top text: Coincidence? Bottom text: I think not!
SO that's my theory. The Eds grew up in rural western New York, close enough to the shore of Lake Erie that they could get there in a day's walk. Thanks for coming to my TED talk, etc. etc.
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probably-enjolras · 20 days
parking on my college campus is great because all the cars have something that is just slightly unhinged. here is a list of things i’ve seen YESTERDAY alone:
my own car that has a fall out boy bumper sticker encouraging people to keep honking at me and i’ll ignore them in favor of listening to TTTYG
a car that has the license plate “oh worms”
a regular car with military decoration saying the driver was in the marines and had family in the military and it’s all clean and organized except for a corner that just has an alien smoking a cigarette and saying “existence is pain”
a car with the license plate “mstr yda” (Master Yoda) and definitely lived up to it because instead of those antlers you can put on your car for christmas to be a reindeer, this car had Yoda’s ears on it
a car with a sticker that told people to be nice to them because their tummy was upset (AND i know exactly where this sticker came from bc it’s a local trans owned art business that does mostly DND, queer, and funny/relatable stickers, bookmarks, notebooks etc)
the staff parking has roughly 4x the amount of yellow cars than the student parking, even though it’s only two lanes compared to multiple lots for students
a staff car that was almost certainly an english professor with a sticker that said “let me tell you why i hate lord byron”
no one (including staff) following the rules on which corner to put your parking pass sticker on (guys we get free parking all over campus and they will give you more stickers any time you lose yours just PUT IT IN THE RIGHT PLACE)
a line up of three cars next to each other with one being a truck with an american flag with the blue line for the “blue lives matter” thing (gross), a confederate flag (gross also but we’re in rural virginia so not unusual), and surprisingly no tr*mp stickers but pretty much every republican in the state and local areas, next to a small red buggy that was mostly covered in doctor who, star wars, and marvel stickers and a small pride flag in the window, next to a jeep that had the sticker “silly boys jeeps are for girls” and a license plate that said “chicks rule” (in a way that fit the license plate amount of space)
and, my personal favorite because we have the same schedule and i see him at my local bagel place a lot, a guy with an ATV that has a lot of stickers about all the forests, monuments, and national parks he’s been too, but double the amount of stickers telling everyone that he loves bigfoot, bigfoot is real, bigfoot is his sugar daddy, and a line up of different cryptids in the corner that you’d see those little family stickers that show the mom, dad, kids, and pets as stick figures
i don’t like taking pictures of cars, i feel like it’s quite violating and because i’m at a local college if i took a picture, it wouldn’t be hard to actually doxx these people, so you’ll just have to take my word for it but i don’t think i’m creative enough to actually make this shit up lmao
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Wrong Time, Right Place
Sindri x gn!modern!reader
I don’t got much of an excuse this time but I’ve just been so stumped on what to write. I’ve been putting off the pt.2’s of my other fics because I never like how to go about Sindri’s personality. Y’all have been so nice and kind, I never expected attention to be brought to my fics so seeing the overwhelming positivity is really nice. Anyways come get y’all’s juice. I made it long as balls cause I felt bad and I couldn’t handle myself.
Reader is from our time and just sorta accidentally fell into there’s, readers also mentioned to be tall at a couple points because I think the height difference is cute, Sindri is anxious and ocd coded, and Brok is himself. Some bending of canon but only in the beginning. Reader is also an Olive Garden employee when they were in the precent because I find it funny. Threw some angst in there cause I thought it fit and I couldn’t help myself.
Reader: white, Freya: pink, Hildsvini: orange, Kratos: red, Atreus: purple, Brok: blue, Sindri: green.
Falling into a new world is disorienting is unfortunate and it’s even more unfortunate that the new world is full of monsters and angry gods
It was like a flash when you were getting out of your car to walk into work to falling into a lush forest. You were convinced you smoked some bad weed even though you never touched it in your life.
A bush broke your fall and you just kinda laid there, you weren’t injured miraculously, you were just in shock. Thinking you were hallucinating you just sat there for a minute cause I’d be awkward if your were still in that parking lot.
After 10 minutes of calming your heart and trying to distinguish whether this were really or not, you heard a loud roar to the left of you and the pitter-patter of small feet to the right. Wanting to deal with neither of these things you concealed yourself more within the bush. What you didn’t expect was a type of boar creature that must have reached bellow your knee cap in height. It looked around like it was searching for something until it trotted away, seeming to not find what it was looking for.
You let out a heavy sigh you peaked your head out to make sure the coast was clear until you sat back on your butt but collided with something that didn’t seem to be there. I don’t remember a tree being behind me you thought that was cut short by loud snorts near your ear.
Letting out a loud scream, you rocketed forward at the sight of the boar. Having prior knowledge of boars from your home world you knew that they were mean motherfuckers. Even in face of your load scream the boar just observed you and kept its distance again. You two of you just stayed like that, not wanting show any weakness though you two had different reasons.
The both of them changed their goal once they heard the roar of whatever terrifying monster was close by come closer
What baffles you next was that the boar had turned into a… man. Impatient the man hauled you by the arm and took off running with you. When it seemed you both were in relative safety, he introduced himself as Hildsvini and asked me who you associate with. He didn’t really understand who Olive Garden.
“Olive Garden? I’m sorry but I don’t know that company. Are they a mercenary group.”
“No it’s a place you eat at, it’s like the 5 star restaurant for rural towns cause there ain’t anywhere else to go.”
“Restaurant? That’s not what I meant-“
“You should try their lasagna, put you in a coma.”
“What the fuck is a lasagna.”
That interact took way longer than it should have but you still haven’t completely come to turns that you had transported to a different time and place.
You two begrudgingly stopped bickering when I a brown haired women had a approached you two with apprehension. She ask Hildsvini who you were while inspecting you and your strange attire. He told her that you were the one that was at the site of the explosion. This confused you cause when you were hiding in the bush the surrounding area around you looked completely unaffected and unsinged. You contemplated telling them that but decided against it cause you were not about to go out all out on your own after they left to go look after the true person of their findings.
With this peice of information she grabbed you and pulled you with her to you presume her home. There was a huge monster in the front of her house that scared you shitless and almost took off running back to your bush but the women had such a strong hold on you, you doubted she’d let you got a foot in a direction she didn’t want.
Finally entering her house that was decreased with herbs and cloths, it was very comforting and it almost made you forget that you had exploded into this world. Realization made your heart beat faster and your blood to run cold.
The woman jumped back in surprise and her face contorted in question. Hildsvini popped his head in cause he couldn’t help himself from being nosy.
“I assure you that you are not dead, I only brought you here to check if you for any injures but you seem completely unscathed.”
Her reasoning only caused you little comfort but you decided to just spiraling in your head so she can at least finish your checkup. After she seem be satisfied she spoke up.
“I also want to talk to you about how you got her. This forest doesn’t let anyone in it and it tells me when anyone enters its bounds. How did you get past both me and the forests security.”
“I don’t know. I know that doesn’t sound credible but i just… fell here. I was just locking my car and I didn’t intend to end up here. If I have caused trouble for you than I’m very sorry… uh…”
“Yes Freya, I’m sorry and I’ll leave but I’ll probably get killed in a solid three secs max so I’m kinda drawing this out.”
“I can predict that with your lack of weapon and weird garb.”
“If it makes you feel better I dont like it either.”
Looking down at at your Olive Garden uniform of just a black dress shirt and pants, you find them cakes in mud that was know drying from being in the heat of Freyas heart. A chuckle resonates in the women before she talked again.
“Well that can’t do you could change in a spare, you do seem to be close to my size anyways.”
“NO, that would be rude of me!”
“Oh hush. If it makes you feel better I’ll give you the cloths I hate the most.”
You said with a pout watching as she walked towards her closet and scanned the contents. She grabbed what she deemed necessary and stared at it for a moment. From your position what she was holding was quite beautiful, you couldn’t comprehend why she would get rid of it. Little did you know that it wasn’t that she didn’t like how it looked but rather the memories attached to it. With the flick of her wrists and a mumble under her breath the cloths were sent at you which in response you screamed and dodged the cloths.
“What has got you in a twist!”
She yelled as you flicked between her and the cloths.
“What did you just do! Was that magic?! That’s impossible!”
“Did the place you used to live not have anything resembling magic or runes?!”
“No magic, yes runes but the runes never never did anything like I’ve seen here!”
She stood in place with a look of contemplation.
“Get dressed. I need help with some herbs, I’ll need to teach you some things. You’ll have to stay here for a while… not like you can get out anyways, the elk will take you out somehow before you even reach the edge of the forest.”
Her words made your jaw drop and made you a little giddy. Before you could say anything Hildsvini fully entered the room.
“Lady Freya, I don’t believe it is wise that you-“
His mouth closed when she raised a hand.
“I don’t believe we have anything to worry about, they are the equivalent of a baby bird without the ability. They will pose no harm.”
“But my queen what if this is a ruse and Odin-“
“Do not speak of him in the company of me and my guest.”
Hildsvini let out a sigh and bowed but before leaving he shot you the death glare that almost pit you in the grave. A silence between you and Freya permitted for a couple seconds.
“What are you waiting for, we have much to do.”
You grabbed the cloths and accepted your journey as Freyas apprentice from that point onwards.
After a couple weeks you had showed no ability to create any form of magic but surprisingly you were a prodigy at herbs and medicine. This revelation reassured you that you weren’t too much of a burden to her so you decided to abandon magic and fully focus on medicine and herbs.
Hildsvini learned to warm up to you after you helped a fatal wound of his which was followed by an apology.
Years past hearing about the realms caused an insatiable urge to go explore the lands, you even learned how to swing a sword but it didn’t seem enough cause when ever you stepped past the forests edge some huge fucking monster just appears. It almost seemed comical each time you tried, stealing out an area for weeks to get some semblance of a routine with the local beasts but it is never fruitful. This made you hole up in Freyas house for years but it seemed she loved the company.
You two had grown so close that she’d tell you about her son , Baldur, and all the happy memories they had in Aesir while omitting why she doesn’t see him anymore. She’d eventually tell you about Odin and her marriage, how it seemed so happy until she found out that he was only using her to become immortal. She’d tell you about her time being a Valkyrie, her fellow sisters, and how they turned mad because of Odins influence.
Years later when the incident came where he became stuck in his boar form, you and Freya advised for for him to stay near the house but all you two got was an annoyed huff while he waddled away.
You two were oblivious to him being hunted by a young boy and the god killer until the forest called to Freya cause if you two to rush out to look for him. The name the forest gave him was concerning but you couldn’t just leave your friend to die.
You found the boy and man looming over the boar. Seeing the size of the man alone made the hand holding your weapon faulted. You weren’t surprised when Freya rushed to Hildsvini, inspecting his wound while ignoring the two. You could tell she was peeved but pushed it down for the sake of Hildsvini. Making the man carry him to Freyas abode while you rushed in grabbing the necessary herbs and treating Hildsvini as fast as you could but you were missing Lambs Crest so you yelled at the man to go pick some out in the back.
He did not take that nicely and stood firmly in his spot. Freya had to basically push him out to get to picking. Freya and the man you know knew as Kratos were conversing as you stitches your friend up. The little boy, Atreus, stood over you in wonder and spouted questions the moment it looked like you were done.
Is he going to be okay? Why are you help just some boar? Why are you living in the forest? What did you close his wound with? Why Lambs Crest? Have you lived here all your life? What’s with the weird accent? Can you talk to animals too? You answered all his questions with awkward enthusiasm, I mean this was the first new person you’ve seen in years, it was one of the reasons you wanted to leave the forest in the first place.
When you thought Atreus was satisfied with your answers new questions left his mouth with more vigor but was cut off by his father with a look of annoyance.
As the two were leaving to continue their quest an idea popped in your head.
“Let me join.”
“Please, I’m decent with a sword and I don’t think your child is a good medic.”
Kratos paused for a second but before he could shoot you down again Freya piped up.
“That’s a wonderful idea. Having a healer on hand will be an advantage on your adventure.”
“Father, we should. You are pretty amateur at herbs.”
He gave a pointed glare at Atreus for the jab but eventually gave in.
“Fine but the moment you became a burden rather than useful I’m throwing you to the wolves.”
“Ok I won’t!”
You yell while running to your corner of Freyas house and shoving essentials into your nap sack.
That’s how your journey started, traveling from realm to realm with the duo.
Kratos still didn’t try to call you by your name. On the other hand you and Atreus became pseudo-siblings and teacher. You thought him what you could remember from public school but you kinda lost him a graphs so that seemed like a good place to stop. You taught him the basics of chemistry and physics even though he didn’t understand half the words you said. You were also his emotional pillar.
You had met many people on your journey, some assholes and others only slightly but the two that stuck out the most was the Huldra Brothers. Brok was boisterous while Sindri was soft and awkward.
When you met Sindri at his little workshop when he was still estranged from his brother, he seemed to be very… rigid when you tried to introduce yourself. It wasn’t the greatest impression of him but you thought he was cute either way.
As your journey continues to search for the highest peak to release Atreus’s mother and Kratos’s late wife, you became best friends with Brok and would stay at his little stand-in workshops. Your personality’s clashed perfectly, it was a breathe of fresh air because you constantly felt like you were being criticized by Kratos for every step you took. You’d laugh and exchange stories, Brok didn’t understand most of them but that didn’t stop him from giving his two cents.
“Now I don’t know whatever the fuck an ‘IcE mAkEr’ is but your manager sounds like a massive bitch.”
“I mean it doesn’t really matter now cause I most likely won’t be going back.”
“…. You don’t plan on heading back? Or at least trying to find a way back?”
“No, it honestly feels like this is my home. Maybe that’s why I got transported here. Maybe not. Who can tell.”
Wanting to change the subject you looked around the shabby workshop. Your eyes landed on a hammer that looked suspiciously familiar.
“Is that Sindri’s hammer?”
Brok turned and let an exasperated groan.
“The fucking since left his stupid hammer when he ran off.”
“Ran off?”
Brok turned around and just kinda stood there with a grimace on his face.
“Uh yeah. Bears are vicious, good thing we can teleport.”
“Bears arnt local to this area.”
“Memory must have slipped cause it was a… uh… raider. Yeah, raider.”
“Raiders are in Midgard.”
“Fine! Just stop shouting!”
Brok went back to fiddling with a bow for.
“He saw you.”
“I’m not repeating myself so you either turn back time and hear it or live on without it.”
Conveniently Kratos and Atreus approached looking worse for wear.
“What a nuisance.”
As the altitudes got higher the less you saw of Brok and the more Sindri appeared. The thinner the air the more confident Sindri got, not to your knowledge because he seemed to act like the same cute awkward dwarf.
On those mountains is where you two truly met. He’d watch as you’d talk with conviction about something that you miss from your home. You’d watch as he rambled about his latest smithing project. He’d let you visit his and Broks house in the realm between realms. You’d show him cracked phone and open it just to see his face on the inter workings of it.
The death of Baldur caused Freya to seek vengeance on Kratos, Atreus, and you. She banished you from the forest you had lived in for years and that the next time she sees you that she’ll put you in the ground. It was hard because she was not only your mentor but also a mother figure that you could praise for hours. But even though it hurt you shoved it down until the ashes were scattered in the wind at the highest peak in the realms.
Kratos and Atreus hid back in Midgard in a forest next to the forest you had been banished from which made it hard to accept their offer to join them. You had no other option and it was the safest because of the protective seal that hid you guys from Freya, raiders, and hel-walkers. It was a period of peace that you did not expect to experience with the two.
When the guilt had become to great you turned to Sindri for support because Kratos would tell you to suck it up, Atreus is a child, and Brok would probably make a sex joke while you were breaking down.
Sindri was honored but he didn’t know if he was the best option, he learned that you were a very touchy. Due to certain events in his life, he is very adverse to touch. So he thought and thought until he came up an idea. It had taken him weeks with his perfectionist behavior and his avid avoiding of Broks help because that would only make it easier to tease him. Brok would refer you as ‘his little crush’ when alone with Sindri and it would drive him up the walls because what if you heard. When he was finally finished he put the treasure in a box and waited for the right time to give it to you. Which came when you were both taking cover from fimbulwinter.
“I think this will do.”
You stated as your teeth chattered. The fire you had started in the cave was barely a an inch or two in height but it was better than nothin.
“You know you’d think we’d prepared for stuff like this to happen.”
He sat right across from you while setting down his bag of everything as you liked to call it. He had been carrying it around more often recently. A silence stretches on for some minutes. This isn’t uncommon, you two enjoyed each others company even if you were just sitting next to each other without a word, it’s comforting.
“Hey, why have you been hauling around that bag for weeks.”
You gave the bag a tittle nudge with your foot. You see his face drop and the hand around the handle of the bag tighten.
“Stupid question. Don’t answ-“
“Actually I’ve been meaning to give you something.”
You lighten up and watch as Sindri searches through the bag until he uncovers a wrapped long triangle box. Sindri is sweating bullets and simply wants to evaporate. He worked so hard trying to supper what would make you happy through vague questions he’s been asking you the last month. He watch’s as you open the box. In the box is a sword. A sword(just think of a really cool sword you’d like cause I couldn’t think of anything 😅) that was so beautiful you almost fumbled the box out of your hands in shock, it looked like it was made for a god. What stood out was the ribbon wrapped around the hilt with a medal medallion hanging from it. Taking a closer look at it, you see that it had the forest you use to reside in with varies runes and wording around the circle edge. You caressed every groove in the medal in astonishment.
“You’ve been so sad after what happened with Freya I just thought that since I don’t know how to comfort people properly it would be nice as a reminder of your home. You don’t have to like it! I can-“
He stopped when he heard a silent sob rip through the air. Was it really that bad? What he didn’t expect was for you to jump on him in a hug. You sobbed into his chest while he awkwardly ran through his hands through your hair.
“I love it so much! No one’s ever given me something so beautiful and thoughtful. You even put my favorite animal!”
“Oh please it’s the least I could do for a… a friend.”
Although his tone sounded disappointed you hugged him harder and got up with him in tow.
“Sorry for touching you there. Kinda had a moment there.”
“It’s alright and do you want to know something?”
“That was the first time my skin didn’t crawl when someones touched me.”
Your face flushed while a smile stretched across your face.
“I’m so honored.”
Sindri let out an airy chuckle as you grab the sword out of the box and unwrapped the medallion from the hilt. You gave it another look over, admiring its beauty, but then you noticed the words engraved on the back. You hadn’t gotten far on your alphabet but you could make out some words such as: love, forest, family, healer, and heart.
“What this say?”
You push the medallion towards him and upon realizing what you want him to read, his face became flushed and he started rambling again.
“Oh you know just a thank you and how you’ve been an amazing friend.”
The word on his tongue felt gross and unfamiliar even though it was the most appropriate for the situation. I mean you can only spring so much on someone before they shut down! Springing both the gift and a confession would be insensitive. He knew you couldn’t read it and planned to just wait for you to learn more to figure it out eventually. What he wouldn’t guess was that when you would leave the cave to go back home you would ask Mimir to translate it for you.
When you figure out what was engraved on the back you kinda just… shut off(see he was right). I mean it was kinda obvious in hindsight but had he been pinning after all these years. Maybe he became more confident to give this to you because he noticed that you had been pinning back(he hadn’t). If that’s what he planned than why would he say it was a ‘thank you’ for being ‘friends’. Brok must have told him cause how would he know or are you that obvious(he didn’t and was watching both of you be idiots while treating it like a show).
Eventually you made up your mind to confront him, before your conviction burned out you headed towards the portal door but was stopped by Atreus.
He asked you to go hunting with him and Sindri. Sindri stepped out from behind the boy with a sheepish smile.
“What do you mean ‘No’! I thought you loved hunting.”
“Yeah come on it’ll be fun. You’ll get to test out that new sword I made ya!”
“You got a new sword! Why didn’t you show me!”
“Guys I’m just not feeling the best. Must have eaten something bad but tell me how it went when you come back.”
“I thought you were going to the portal?”
“Just need a walk and it’s pretty to look at.”
“We’ll be back in a couple hours!”
Oh god you knew and Sindri was fucked. How could he miscalculate so hard, the literal EX-ADVISOR of ODIN lived with them who couldn’t stop talking for the life of him. He felt like he was gonna throw up the whole hunt and had to head back to portal in front of the four of y’all’s ‘house’.
Before he could even got out his stone he felt a hand on his should but he didn’t shudder, it was like his body knew it was you before his mind did.
“Hey could we talk… alone.”
He almost threw up all over you in that moment. This was a nightmare that didn’t seem to end
You pulled him into through the snow before stopping at the edge of a lake that you two frequented.
You two sat at the end of the dock on the lake that is now frozen over. It was silent but not how it is usually, this was tense.
“So how’d the hunt go?”
“Uh..had to leave… felt sick.”
“Really? I know I said I was sick 10 minutes ago but I just wanted an excuse to leave.”
“I know it wasn’t hard to tell.”
You both went silent again, waiting for the other to speak. It had stretch on for another 5 minutes where you broke.
“I know what it says.”
Your confession made Sindri jump. What was he suppose to say.
“I feel the same.”
This man almost threw up again but in surprise. He still didn’t say anything, he had been waiting for this moment for years. He didn’t believe he’d make it this far.
“Could you PLEASE say something I’m kinda worried over here.”
“I love you.”
It was like the whole forest fell silent with you both as you two stared at each other. With both of your flushed faces you both broke out in laughter. It was so surreal. Once the laughter died down you both stared at each other again and leaned in. It had been something you both had fantasized about for years. Once you two connected it was if the world stopped. Except for one person.
“Oh what a heartfelt moment.”
You didn’t perseave the arrow through your hip until you looked down and saw the arrow pierced through your cloths and skin as blood dropped down it.
Not a second later you had been transported by Sindri to the front of your house. Atreus and Kratos exited at the sound of Sindris yelling.
They both carried you in to your bed as you tell them what herbs you need. They were lucky you kept 10 of everything on hand for those ‘just-in-case’ moments.
Sindri had stayed by your side the entire time while you told Atreus what to do. He felt at fault I mean how could he let you leave the protective seal with a sword wielding witch that’s been plotting her revenge for years. He felt like an idiot which was echoed by Kratos.
Even though you were completely fine and actually looked better than before he still felt awful. It reminded him of how he almost lost his brother. It made him think if he would have done the same for you if he had. Yes, yes he would.
After the rough start, you two were happy as can be. Kratos even gave his blessing! Atreus was relieved because as he said “maybe he’ll stop talking about you so much when we hangout”. That raised a few eyebrows and Sindri threw some stuff about snitching on him. When Brok found out he was elated because he liked to see his brother so happy but he also liked watching you two for entertainment.
Sindri is constantly on edge, even after you and Freya make amends. He just always apprehensive when around her. It did wane when Freya had went to him to compliment him about the sword that he made for you although it was followed by a threat that if he ever did anything to you he’d be hung by the rafters. He’d look for to Brok for support but he was on her side with it.
Sindri had started teaching you some of the basics smithing but eventually quite because of how stressful it would end up being for him. Not for your safety(ouch) but because you wouldn’t follow the habits he’d do. Like no Sindri I don’t think the dagger would be instantly ruined if I don’t check it every 30 seconds. You once used one of Broks technique on a sword and he almost had an aneurysm. So you two had to find something else to do.
Baking, fishing, foraging, and cleaning all ended horribly because either one of you was too bad at it or you kept arguing over a step.
Then you two started painting and drawing together. It worked best because you two were on the same skill level and there isn’t anything you can really do ‘wrong’. You two would sit in front of each other and draw the other or find some place in the realms that’s relatively safe and paint the scenery. Sindri started to run out of room on his walls because he refuses to put away and portrait you give him.
Brok has a field day when ever he see’s you two together. Always has some embarrassing story on him.
If your the type to give him random trinkets that make you think of him, he’ll make a designated draw in his bedroom to put them all. I swear he’s like a little school girl when he looks at them from time to time. Kicking his feet back and forth while giggling and shit.
When ever you’d tell him about the technology from your home time he’s all ears. The technology from your time absolutely amazes him. What baffles him the most is TVs like what did you mean it displays pictures from 0’s and 1’s, AND THEY MOVE. He wouldn’t believe you with some of them cause no way Bluetooth actually exists.
When anniversaries of y’all’s relationship comes around Sindri goes all out. He kicks out Brok and anyone who tries to enter the house cause this is y’all’s day. Honestly you two don’t do much except eat and hangout, just enjoying each others company.
Y’all would have matching rings of your preferred gemstone that he made. Something simple but beautiful none the same.
This took forever my god. Hope you guys enjoy :)
Tag list: @trippygalaxy , @simpforjesus , @grand-admiral-luna , @novidiadarkmagic , @alondrashultz
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swashbucklery · 1 year
So anyway for those of you who were like wow we sure learned a lot about Fantasy Textiles but gosh what a relief that @swashbucklery shared all of their textile opinions: sucks to be you! I was chatting with @badlance the other day about Wildwood textile headcanons specifically and I have So Many Additional Thoughts.
Semi-Self-Sufficient Commune Textile Economies In Rural England The Wildwood Which Is Made Up: A Tumblr Post
So. A lot of this is pinned in the assumptions from my previous post, which supposes a decentralized artisan economy in which we have skilled makers producing textiles on a small scale in local cottage businesses. This is underpinned by some of the costuming decisions that we see in the Wildwood episode.
1. Cloth Cloth is going to need to be constructed from a base fibre, and in the forest they're unlikely to be able to access cotton or flax farmed on a large scale without clearing large swaths of forest exclusively for textile farming, which is inefficient at best. Assuming that trade is limited, you are then looking at what textiles can be grown, raised, or foraged close to home.
Wool is an excellent textile substrate, and certainly you can raise sheep on pasture that includes woodland quite effectively as long as it's a low-density forest that has enough ground vegetation. This again is not the large-scale type agriculture you might be thinking of where there are hundreds of sheep that need industrially produced feed and pasturing. It's more like - this is Dave and his ten sheep. Small flocks, with decentralized grazing territory. Which, again, for that scale of production may be plenty, especially if you're raising a multipurpose breed. Sheep have value both as a meat animal and as a textile-producing animal, and you can make truly stellar cheese from sheep's milk. They can lamb every year which gives you a nice circular economy of - you lamb in the spring, have more lambs than you need to maintain your flock, shear their wool in the autumn, and then enjoy a nice lamb dinner if you have more sheep than you can overwinter yourself. Goats would also work, but you get different fiber out of them that is less practical (although can be blended really well with wool for harder-wearing garments), so I'd say probably more likely a sheep-goat mix heavy on the sheep.
(This would also be a way of connecting with larger economies; raising and selling livestock or meat could be an important way of bartering or earning coin for things that they can't produce themselves.)
Depending on the breed of sheep, a lamb fleece will give you 2-4 pounds of wool and an adult sheep typically gives more, and two to three pounds of wool is easily enough for a large adult garment, so that's a new sweater or blanket every year per sheep.
You can knit or weave with wool yarn, which would also yield blankets and bedding.
(Now here we also get into climate, because:
is it warm enough for the sheep to be able to graze on forest pasture year-round or are we looking at having roving shepherds that are moving sheep between summer and winter pastures. Are those regions microclimates within the Wildwood or are they venturing elsewhere (presumably out of the mountains) in the winter?
is it too warm to wear wool garments for part of the year? Does it get cold enough for wearing wool garments to be practical? If they're needed only for outerwear or bedding for a few weeks a year, that puts even less pressure on the wool systems.
I would actually be inclined to assume that they might have seasonal pasturing areas, if only because it explains the need for a larger territory than just their village + forest requires.)
The other textile substrate that I see as being more dominant in the Wildwood subsistence economy is going to be grass-based textiles. Specifically: nettle.
Nettles grow as a weed in a lot of forests ~in regions like the Wildwood~, and can be harvested and spun for fiber much the same way as flax. If you're curious, there's a super crunchy how-to guide here. This will spin up and can be woven into a textile fairly similar to linen, which would be fairly durable and easily made into garments.
I also feel like the Wildwood ecology would likely have some kind of indigo plant growing wild nearby. We see a lot of green textiles, and a very common way to dye green using only plant-based materials is to dye a fabric yellow and then overdye with indigo blue. Yellow dye can be found in a multitude of dye plants (onion skins, marigolds, many others), but blue is much more particular, and would need special attention and knowledge. So knowing this, you would certainly have - a number of spinners and weavers skilled enough to have spinning wheels and floor looms, I think, for larger production. You might have one dyer per community, but this might also be something that spinners and weavers would do themselves.
You also wouldn't necessarily need - like, you would have specific weavers and spinners, but they wouldn't need to be exclusively responsible for all textile production. Ruth Goodman talks in some of her books about the ways that knitting and other repetitive textile work were also things that skilled operators could do without looking, as a way to pass the time in the dark when artificial light was not widespread or particularly effective. That thing of like, spindle-spinning by hand around a fire is something that even the warriors could help with, if they were really running a self-sufficient commune. So in addition to artisans you'd have people weaving and spinning and sewing for their personal use.
It's also important to understand, in this type of economic system, the value and expected longevity of garments. If it takes your neighbour three months to spin and weave enough cloth for a new coat, that coat had better last until it disintegrates. So you see more mending and patching garments together. There is also clearly a culture of - like we see that some of the characters are given clothing to borrow for the party, which is quite sweet. But we also see the significance of those textiles being understood by the characters as - not a gift, but on loan, because of their value.
The above also really highlights the significance of the gift that Jade gets, having her own set of leather armor. Not just because it marks her as part of that society but because of the labour and material value of that type of gift. Which brings me to:
2. Leather I also think the Bone Reavers would 100% be doing their own leatherwork + leather tanning. Like, I know the "skull-boiling cauldron" line in the show was (kind of) a joke, but honestly - if you need the infrastructure to make elaborate bone masks, you for sure have the infrastructure to do DIY leather tanning. Researching that more is not for the squeamish, but if you google "brain tanning leather" there are tons of resources that can explain it more fully. This is a traditional practice among a lot of the North American Indigenous peoples, which could potentially point to the idea of the Reavers - if not amalgamating with, at least learning closely from comparable cultures within the Wildwood.
Raising cattle on a large enough scale to make leather armor probably wouldn't be realistic without a fairly vast territory, but the technique works with lots of types of hides, so sheep and deer would be more accessible alternatives.
And that’s enough textile feelings for today, folks! I hope this was useful, I love talking about little details of domesticity and especially in the context of fantasy worldbuilding.
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raw-law · 4 months
as someone who spent a lot of time alone and had a pretty messy childhood, i'm also weirdly calmed by the spookier liminal spaces, especially ones of empty forests, overgrown fields, or empty roads (my early childhood was spent in a rather rural area, the town nearby was so small every grade from K-12 fit inside a single building) so i get what you mean. there's a theme between trauma and being comforted by liminal spaces, i've found, because while for many people childhood is a safe and happy time, that's not really true for traumatized kids. common themes i've found in liminal-related art are feeling isolated/abandoned, feeling broken/dirty, or feeling that what happened was the victim's fault. metaphors of monsters, blood, and gore are also common, as a way to portray how something was violently ruined.
anyway sorry for yet another long ramble, and double sorry if it's a little upsetting to read through for anyone. i'm stuck waiting for my brother to be released from school :/
-rainbow dash
I searched up what liminal spaces were after reading your ask, and I must say....it's something that's rather beautiful to me. I can certainly see why it's so comforting to you, and honestly, I think that it'll fast become my comfort as well. In my opinion, it's also somewhat of an art in itself: I can't really explain why, though. You can just tell it is.
Interestingly, I've taken some pictures myself that can possibly be counted as 'liminal spaces'? Let me know if you want to see them.
Thanks for introducing this new thing to me. It's certainly a beautiful one.
the rambles are alright. this one was definitely interesting to read through. it's clear you really of have a special interest in this topic. it's very pleasant to see. though i will admit it does make me question my own childhood now..
i'm glad you've found comfort in these spooky things. i wish i could give more facts to trade. sadly, i'm just a mere observer. feel free to keep rambling about whatever you like though. or actually, keep doing it. don't feel free to, this is a command now. go forth, peculiar critter.
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panicroomsammy · 6 months
if you're still doing the ask game! 9, 18, 21 and 24
9. tell a story about your childhood
Okay so I live in the rural area surrounding a town with a population of <2000 and there’s state forest on all sides of my neighborhood except for the side where the river flows past, which means I grew up playing in the woods. When I was 11 I was spending a lot of time mountain biking around the woods with my dad out past the abandoned barn. One day we happened upon a horse skeleton… well, half of a horse skeleton. We went looking for the other half and found it over a mile away. A few days later we returned with bags and brought home the first half of the skeleton that we’d found because what 11 year old doesn’t need to own half a horse skeleton.
18. do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens?
I do not believe in ghosts in a literal sense, but I think it is very useful to analyze legends and stories of them and that there is always an element of truth to those stories. For example, the abandoned building doesn’t have the literal disembodied soul of someone who died there, but if there is a history of slavery or rape or abuse of some kind tied to the house then those true traumas and fears are being expressed through the stories.
I think aliens are highly probable and that the absence of aliens is highly improbable.
21. are you a spiritual person?
Oh my. What a question. Yes I am. I have existential OCD which makes me incapable of belief, full stop, but I feel that if there is anything meaningful in the universe it is stories. I have a bit of a complex about God (what tumblrina doesn’t) as is probably exemplified by my blog header. My blog header is a reference to the Hannibal novels. If you’re a writer, have you ever felt that you were just watching the events of your story play out and not actually making anything up? The author of the Hannibal novels, Thomas Harris, talks about this a lot. He also says that while he is watching the story play out Hannibal is looking back at him. The character Hannibal in the novels is looking through the fourth wall. He is looking back at God, but his god isn’t actually controlling anything. I like the idea that God is just an author writing things down without any control over them, and that would make me God too since when I write I too feel like I’m just writing down something I’m observing rather than making it up. This would mean that my stories are real and my life is a story. I find this very comforting, because stories are meaningful so if my life is a story then my life is meaningful. If you think about it, the Bible is just another story as are all religious texts. I don’t *believe* in any of those but I do believe that they are meaningful by virtue of being stories. Anyway you can see why Supernatural is rewiring my entire brain.
24. what’s one thing you are proud of yourself for?
I started a podcast a few months ago to educate on the censorship of colonial history and I am incredibly proud of this. I won’t link it here because I am open about my plurality here and don’t want any connections between that and my irl “singletsona” but every day I wish I could tell all of you because I know my podcast is something my circles on tumblr would love.
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magickedteacup · 1 year
Not to be like, a stereotype of some type of second generation Asian American immigrant, but I really seem to not connect deeply with white Americans/those entrenched in white American culture for some reason… in Okinawa I was so excited to hang out with my Filipino and Irish-Japanese coworkers/friends. And here at my new clinic… the enthusiasm is more… briefly lived… my attention was literally wandering away as the group of five of us hung out in the restaurant…
I made zero close in-person friends in high school, while living in rural Illinois. It’s not that I didn’t like people! I appreciated the local community and the vibe of it. But golly, zero flame was lit to become more deeply involved in whatever social circles and so forth existed in the area… I didn’t become interested in people really until I went to a university (that happened to have a higher Asian population than any other demographic. It was also there that I discovered bubble tea…)
My brother was sending me photos of him in Vietnam, where he and my dad were doing medical volunteering. It’s making me think what I’ve been thinking a lot lately: Germany has been pleasant but, but there’s some underling sense of boredom here too. In Okinawa, I never got tired of my walk to work. Every time there was some new delight to look at, whether it was to inspect what was going on with this little shelf of homegrown produce that was being sold outside of this little home, or the Forbidden Papaya Tree just inside the wall of this empty lot with big ripe papaya just out of reach, or when the lights came on at night and you could see inside some of the older, traditionally built homes amidst the modern concrete apartments, and see people’s ancestral alters…
I’m still periodically watching new Eisa videos out of Okinawa that people post on YouTube. I heard those drums every night last summer, but there’s still something so arresting about hearing the sound and seeing the performers… And of course I’m working on my Okinawa story and accompanying soundtrack. It’s not like I need to be back there… but I can definitely sense what sparks my brain alive vs. pleasant interest… It’s very pretty here in Germany. I’m wandering around, checking out the seasonal changes of My Favorite Wheat Field, and the shapes of the clouds over the forests at sunset. But I’m also aware, I’m not responding in the same way to things here, that I could be…
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bujorulgalben · 2 years
in adopting more whimsy with anica’s character, i’m having a lot of fun with the superstitions which still permeate into romanian socio-cultural norms like! even if it is more actively observed in the rural areas, usually, superstition has always been a VERY big part of anica’s character, in that nothing unsettles and frightens her like the supernatural forces. romania is prime fairytale country, after all.
she both fears and revers them. she will lament that there is nothing more anyone can do to hurt her... but the spirits will always have a new trick for her. 
but the spirits also protect! like she will take a nap in the woods and wake up unharmed because the fairies of the forest still look out for her, after all this time. so she leaves bread and salt by the tree she leant against, with her thanks. while i really like the idea of younger personifications being much more in tune with the supernatural, and anica will tell you that the animals and fairies kept her and her convent sisters safe! for hundreds of years! but she still likes to believe she can sense them. she can still make sense of them. 
where she chatted away to the monastery cats, and to the street strays nowadays, as if having a perfectly normal back-and-forth conversation, she also believes iulia can definitely see spirits and ghosts. she helps anica out where her older eyes have started to fail her.
while she cannot speak to bears or wolves (lol), she likes to believe she can understand them, and they can understand her just as well. maybe her father really did come back as a wolf to guard her as a child, and rip out the throats of those invaders chasing her through those woods. or maybe it was a dream. no. even if, with a bloodied muzzle, before scampering away, that wolf seemed to look at her... kindly.
i will make a more serious hc post for the supernatural at some point (another one for the list... oh boy) but i wanted this on record! in the meantime!
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hamloid · 2 years
This Guide Will Help You Select The Ideal Van-Life Vehicle That Is Right For You
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It's known as "van-life", "overlanding" or whatever you prefer. I've been doing this since the days when it was known simply as "living in your car." Over the course of many years and thousands of miles, I've learned what it takes to find a car you love. If you know what you want to search for, vans, SUVs and pickups can all be modified to fit the road-trip lifestyle.
Your daily life as a van driver will be influenced by the vehicle you choose to convert. The comfort, the volume of cargo you can carry, your day-to-day cost of living, even the likelihood of being pulled up by Karens or police officers--all are affected by your choice of vehicle.
If budget isn't a problem purchasing a van that is ready for life is, of course an easy task. Many companies now provide vans designed for endless road-tripping. But they aren't cheap. Even if they are used, for instance the popular Mercedes Sprinter will run you up to $35,000. Buy new and the sky is the limit.
We're not talking about the pre-made overlanders. Instead, I'm writing to the DIYers out there Many of them are probably working with the confines of a budget. If that's you, then let's get rolling.
Size and shape
The first thing you should consider when attempting to construct a home on wheels is how much area you'll be working with. The more room you have, the more space you'll have. On the other hand If you're living too large, you'll end up spending every penny for gas to transport the huge rig around.
It is important to strike the right equilibrium between how much space you can fit in and how little. While you might want the spacious panel van, you won't need to drive 14 miles per gallon for your car. A hatchback could be too small for long trips than weekenders, so you will need something with more elbow room.
Certain models also offer body shapes that are better to be converted. Certain SUVs may appear spacious initially, but as you begin building, you might discover that awkward angles or a small top can make it difficult to design an ergonomic camper arrangement. The more bigger the box, the better.
This is why I went with a Honda Element. While it's theoretically identical to a Honda CRV and Subaru Forester The Element is a large box when the seats are taken off. It is much more adaptable than other mid-sized SUVs. For the same reason, minivans are seeing a surge in sales to aftermarket. There's plenty of room for your family when you eliminate the child-friendly seats.
The gas mileage
While the cost of gas is always a major factor, it's now vital in the age of the six-buck-gallons. If you're embracing life on the road and paying your rent (or mortgage, if you're over 50) at the pump. A high MPG can make it impossible to live an ordinary life. It is likely that this is the reason you'll see increasing numbers of people choosing smaller SUVs rather than big vans these days.
Handling and capability
In my set-up, traveled more than 40,000 miles across North America last year. This covered all weather conditions and roads. Off-roading in Moab. Blizzards in Oregon, Idaho. Rural Mexico has bedraggled roads. Numerous rainstorms and hairpin mountain passes have been recorded. One tornado could have been in Colorado.
Overlanding isn't unusual for these kinds of driving situations. There are a lot of van conversions bouncing across the hardtop just outside Vegas, inching their way through a Pendleton snowstorm in winter's chilly temperatures, or attempting mucky dirt roads through the backcountry of Northern California.
In essence, you need the vehicle to be capable of handling the most severe road (or off-road) conditions you're likely to throw at it. The all-wheel drive feature in my Honda Element trim made it an ideal vehicle. Other reliable vehicles that you'll frequently encounter in the van-life scene include the Ford Transit, Subaru Forester, Jeep Grand Cherokee, and Toyota 4Runner.
Reliability and the condition
The most obvious reason for looking for a car that's in good condition involves the human desire to ensure that you don't get a car that is broken down in the middle of the road, but an efficient conversion could have more ramifications.
Van-life was a new trend prior to the year 2020. It gained popularity because of the pandemic. Many people were looking for other travel options. Van conversions are now observed everywhere, and a lot of people who are not a fan of vans are fed up with the idea. People (or the police) who may not have been a bit irritated by someone parking on their streets for a night's rest a few years back are now much more likely to get up and make you go.
This has led to the growth of "stealth van-lifing" which is the act of parking your vehicle in a suburban or urban area and not attracting the attention of the locals. There are many techniques one can use to accomplish this, however, it all begins with the appearance of the vehicle.
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amb00bs · 7 days
I haven't made it all the way through the album yet, but so far my favorites are Cut Me Out and Dysphoria.
I mostly listen to rock, but I can appreciate a little bit of everything.
I love a good podcast! If I'm listening to a series, then it's usually Crime Junkie.
(My friend and I tried to get a podcast up and going, but we only got to make a few episodes.)
Honestly!!!! Agreed!
A rave? I am embarrassed to admit I've never been to one, but have always wanted to go. I have always lived in a very rural area. I love music festivals though!! I've always wanted to go to Electric Forest because it looks fun as hell.
Alright, so horror films and EDM. Name some other things you enjoy.
Cut me out is my fave on the album! Her and Digital Ethos made the perfect song baby lol. And I see! There's a lot of rock mixed with dubstep in the bass scene. If you like super heavy stuff, I can send you recommendations.
And nah, it's not embarrassing. Depending where you're from, sometimes they are hard to come by, especially being rural and not knowing artists in the scene like that. We all start somewhere lol. But Electric Forest is pure magic. I really loved that festival so much, minus the camping bit (I need AC and proper showers lol). I would love to go back, it's just extremely expensive 🥲
And I also enjoy nature. If it's not too hot, I like going on lil walks to new parks/trails. Going to the springs! Travel/road trips. Very into witchy things (tarot/crystals/etc). Going to thrift/antique stores. And I also love laying in bed and doom scrolling. 😂 I'm a great mix of introvert and extrovert. Currently bed rotting with my cat as we speak, recouping from two days full of swimming at the springs! Hahah
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roseybombshell · 4 months
how are you doing, dear?
-> my question is: what will my sex life be like with my future spouse?
my nickname is 'mili', straight and she/her.
Hi, sending lots of love your way 💫
I am seeing it will be hella intense. He will surprise you a lot when it comes to intimacy, you may have a lot of quickies and passionate moments out of the blue. I feel like he's very into you so he will always be down to have sexual moments with you and turned on a lot. I also see that you two will experiment a lot, sex toys, doing different positions, having long make-out sessions/foreplay and to be honest I see most of your making love will take up a long period of time meaning you will have sex for a very long time during every time for most part. Oral will be something that you both will love to do, giving and receiving on both of your part. During summer there will be a lot of passionate moments and teasing in public, I see parks, forests, rural areas and short skirts with no panties, bending over/being bent over, face forced into pillows. It will be quite intense as I mentioned but I also see your husband being very caring so he won't forget the aftercare. I see you two having a shower together, still kissing, touching each other, yall really can't take hands off of one another (😎) and then just laying on each other in bed and him playing with your hair. He'll kiss you a lot, he is a very loving man, from what I can feel reading his energy. You will be satisfied with what he will offer you and the sex life you two have.
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lovingwhitemtnsnh · 1 year
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Home for Sale - $485,000 - Lull to Sleep with the sound of the Mill Brook Virtual Tour: https://tourwizard.net/7dad81b1/
WELCOME HOME  as your gonna want to make it yours once you see it in person! This outstanding capehas so many features that I am certain to miss something , so lets begin . Located in a quite rural community known as the Woods at Millbrook this home shares in common with the others in the home owners association, common land which includes the community’s entrance , field and frontage on the Millbrook(and the homeowners dues are only $150 a year so it doesn’t break the bank. This common land is a great place to dip your feet into the cold mountain waters to cool off on a hot summer day or hang out for a picnic or to draw or paint  the water flowing down the rocky way(great for trout fishing too) . It is further, a  part of the Town of Thornton NH, One of the towns in the GATEWAY TO NH’S WHITE MOUNTAIN NATIONAL FOREST, with all that both the White Mountains and Thornton have to offer. If you are an outdoor person, this area will offer you so much,  from rock climbing to river boating to lakes to the mountains, hiking, fishing hunting , camping, skiing, snowmobiling , golfing and so much more – it all surrounds you. But in addition to the outdoors offerings , there is so much culture that you can take in including the Boggie and Blues festival , outdoor concerts, summer theater, year round access to the venues of the Flying Monkey and great restaurants no matter your taste . Plymouth State University is only a few towns away as is NH’s Lakes Region too.
Privately you will own, if you make this your home,  1.47 acres of a private oasis from the goings on in the world. Surrounded by trees and yet open areas, that  surround the home to allow for raised bed gardens and a hiding space down a small trail to a wonderful firepit . While this firepit is surrounded by forests , just below it (not fronted on this property) is the Mill Brook as it passes by  on its way to the falls down the way. When running hard you can be lulled to sleep in the home by its lovely sound. And when not roaring , it is always in the back ground for gentle peaceful background noise. With a little cutting you could also see it and possibly also the local mountains beyond . The owners have it set up with a birch archway and solar lights for ambiance . Of course it is a space that will give you a sense of being in the moment, just as it is and a wonderful spot to spend alone or time with friends and family by the snapping fire surrounded by rock that the owners of the past  have mined from the land.
As you walk from the driveway you pass a shed, great for storing for all your outdoor tools in a convenient location to easily retrieve them . Walking down the path the owners have spread wild flowers throughout the front lawn that  includes echinacea among many pollinator type plantings. Up the front steps onto an inviting  farmers porch with real mahogany decking leading to the stained glass entry door with sidelights.  This covered Farmers porch is calling for your rocking chairs and  whether you  look for the wine and cheese or the morning coffee this would be a great place to spend some time. Open the door and the first thing you see, is  the high ceilings and this beautiful Granite and soapstone floor to 2 story high cathedral ceiling fireplace. This fireplace sets the stage for the wonderful great  inviting room  that follows . Beautiful pine flooring is  easy to clean up.  Leading on, you  come into the homes cozy living room space.  This great room boasts lots of glass throughout to  allows for  natural light to soak into the home. Onto the very special chefs dream kitchen that boasts a corner sink with breakfast bar that surround.  This kitchen area is not only designed for a chefs dream it is well designed for entertaining. Corian counters is only one of many great features,  high breakfast bars allow for seating all around, stainless appliances and beautiful Beede board maple cabinets. Some of the features of these cabinets include pull out drawers , recycle cabinet, wine rack and the beautiful door fronts with Beede board design. While you entertain family or friends or just enjoy a quiet time of baking your favorite cookies, this room will fill you with joy.  Onto the dining area  which flanks the large open room and through sliders lead to the back open deck . This space could allow from a lot of additional outdoor living just add your favorite outdoor chairs and  its plumbed for exterior gas for your BBQ  or an outdoor generator (as possible uses) .
The first floor also boasts two bedrooms and a beautiful bath. The current owners use one of these as one of their home offices but it has a nice closet so it can be used by you as a bedroom or an office. And if you have someone in your family that cant use the stairs, both rooms with a full modern bath allow accommodating that .
Second story overlooks the cathedral ceiling to the fireplace  below with berber carpet ,  open railings makes this open loft your dream family space , man or woman cave  or as the current owner uses a large open office .  Also off this stairway up, leads to the  home’s primary bedroom with large  closet boasting pocket door to not waste any space and its own  full  modern bath with double sinks, tile flooring linen closet mullin windows ( one needed replacement and had to be special ordered as it is not the average bear –  its on order ) . Further note all the rooms in the home as solid wood paneled doors.
Down into the walkout basement, the back of the home leads into the home with double doors  that allow for lots of storage  that can include your motorcycle or snowmobile , canoe…. . The space is high and dry with a woodstove allowing for many future uses including finishing off additional space  for family, additional sleeping , storage closets , you name it . Water lines are all pex type  with a great mantle allowing for separation of each sink or water appliance , 200 amp circuit breakers  with loads of space to add , woodstove hookup. The homes hot air heating system has a humidifier (that is currently not hooked up but nothing was wrong with it , the owner received a recommendation that the heating system would last longer if they did not run it ) . And the house comes with central air throughout . Basement laundry  and the washer dryer  stay.   
Other features is 30 year architectural shingles , concrete board siding dog dormers in the front and a full dormer to the rear, drilled well ,Spectrum high speed internet and cable , 2005 septic , buried LP gas tank(Dead river owns the tank so they have to maintain it for you), all for ease of maintenance . While there is currently no garage there is plenty of room to add one , if you desire . And all with a price of only 485,000 .00 BUT DON’T WAIT . will get sold quickly at this price .
Property Type: House Building Type: House Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 Lot Size: 1.47 Year Built: 2005 For more information call 6037268642 or 6032547037
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dailyrandomwriter · 1 year
Day 250
Somewhere floating around on Tumblr is a post about how people who write about spots in nature being scary, such as a large forest, or a wheat field out in the rural areas write these things because city folk find wide open spaces scary. And either this post or another similar post had proposed, what if you made city spaces scary?
And for a long time I had thought about this proposal; thought about what would a scary city space look like? What would the ‘other’ location look like in a city? 
Also, to just cover my bases, I’m not just referring to walking home really late at night (though there always has been an ‘other’ feeling to cities in the dead of night). That feeling you get walking in the pitch dark of night with only the street lights casting double shadows on the ground is a completely different fear. It’s the fear of being followed, of being attacked with no one around you to hear your distress, which has basis in reality as anyone who lives in a city knows.
What I’m referring to, that a lot of wide open spaces in nature and rural areas tend to experience in storytelling is that it becomes a place of the supernatural. That what may be a danger to you, is something not human. Often, as many people have noted, the most popular backdrops are places where isolation happens. People who live out in the country may joke about the silliness of the horror tropes that happen out in open spaces, but those tropes exist for a reason. The countryside, the forests, the open fields are empty, and it’s easy to be alone.
So what is a scary space in a city? Where you’re surrounded all the time, by people and buildings. Especially in a large city that never quite sleeps, where isolated spaces end up being the fear of other people, not of other beings. Because in a city, in isolated spaces, it’s people you have to worry about.
The answer is, certain types of architecture unique to cities that can get you very lost. Lost to the point where you may question where you are. Cities, like the one I visited often have a type of architecture where there are pathways cutting through the ground floor of buildings, because the ground floor contains shops. So instead of allowing someone into a building to access the shops, there are paths that cut through the buildings and the shops can be on either side. It has the added benefit of acting as a shelter from the rain for shoppers. 
However, entering these pathways is like entering an alley at times, and if there are several buildings built somewhat close together, the pathway can lead into a courtyard or an open space that is surrounded by buildings. Add old architecture from buildings that haven’t been torn down but instead built around and it can feel like you stepped out of a modern city and into somewhere much older. 
Like my mother saw a sign to an Italian-Japanese fusion restaurant right outside of these pathways. Wanting to see what it was, she turned into this pathway, which was weirdly winding for having been built around other buildings. We passed by one or two shops that probably weren’t open yet, and had those bars on the doors to prevent people from kicking it in and stealing stuff. This path opened up to a small courtyard which had allowed this restaurant to have outdoor seating, and there were a set of stairs going down so the path probably went deeper than what we saw. Instead mom took another path off to the left which led to this very old apartment building that had decorative molding along the windows and the paint was peeling. The building front was designed so it was enclosing a front courtyard making that whole area look like it was from a different time period. Complete with pigeons roosting underneath the overhead.
We left this area, and back into the main city, but one could imagine how it would be easy to get lost in the pathways and nooks of a city that has built itself over many times.
That or the city fae will steal you away.
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raymondshields · 2 years
go wild
You get.... Three Shieldsworth fics!!!
In Observation of One Raymond Shields: A fic from Atticus' perspective, about Ray, in their pining phase. It's written as journal entries, interspersed by his commentary about some of the things he got up to in his university years with Marni. It's very much "local area lawyer is daydreaming / utterly convinced that his co-counsel that he's in love with is secretly a fantasy prince who is going to lead him on magical adventures". The funniest thing is, he's totally right, but 1) it's not gonna go like that and 2) he has no idea. Mostly inspired by the fact that Ray was not born in a place that used the Gregorian calendar, and doesn't actually know his birthday in Earth years, nor does he celebrate it unless someone makes him. So he kinda forgot to, and Atticus gets to be like me insofar as he's really shitty with dates, and probably doesn't realize they've never celebrated Ray's birthday and he doesn't know when it is until they're engaged. So this is the fic where he gets to be all confused and pining over all of Ray's eccentricities that Ray is firmly maintaining with the "I grew up in a rural area outside of Amsterdam :)" excuse for why he's never encountered things like "movies" and "the press" and "cassette tapes". While also being a major fantasy nerd and super in gay love and letting his brain wander with the fact that he can't prove that Ray isn't secretly a fantasy prince here to show Atticus magical adventures. Writing from Atticus' perspective is super difficult, so this is going to be goddamn entertaining to write.
Until the Ashes of Kasareine Fall: is going to be hard, hard angst. Faolan wrote The Only Reason I Have Left Is You, which is in Blueberries / Turnabout Ebullience, which is the fic about Marni and Ray finding out about Miles' suicide note post-RTFA, and finding out from Adelinde that he's not dead, just in Europe, and the beginning of Marni and Adelinde's relationship. Ashes is going to be almost the same fic, but from Ray's POV, interspersed in some way with Miles' POV as he takes a flight to Europe, when everyone alive he's ever known thinks he's dead, and even though he's not on the ghostroads, the dead see him from the Burning City safely to Amsterdam, where his sisters catch him. You're gonna need some fluff after you finish reading, because it's going to come for the jugular.
And last but not least of the three picks, The House at the Forest's Edge is an answer / sequel to We Have Always Lived By The Forest, which is a fic I wrote for Bananas, and is actually one of the last fics in the Shieldsworth series, happily titled Fireflies, Embers, Forests, and Empty Skies. It's what ends the main plotline, with the epilogue being the Aethel trip, and Ray + Atticus + Addie all claiming draconic forms. THatFE is just a nice feel-good fic, about the Elderqueers moving back into Miles' childhood home after the Kensington wedding, and getting to heal together. I want it to sound like a Wayward Children book, so halfway poetry, and I don't think I'm gonna write it soon, because there's uh, at least twelve other fics that come before it and possibly three that come after, and I know it's one that requires a lot of detail from the earlier fics in the series so it's a while off yet.
Bonus, because I want to: The Case of Getting the Midnight Rider Some Fucking Therapy, a title that started as a joke and then very much didn't stay that way, which I'll be writing probably immediately after I figure out how to do Turnabout Jack / the ME-1 incident casefic. This one's another casefic, and the premise is "everyone in the Edgeworth extended family conspires together to make Mia go to therapy" because while everyone needs therapy and everyone goes to the same damn therapist, Mia would not go to therapy even though she needs it. She needs to be dragged kicking and screaming into going to therapy, so the funniest possible casefic imaginable is, well, the case of getting the Midnight Rider some fucking therapy. Mia Fey is such a fun character to write. She's so goddamn angy, and so goddamn gender.
I really gotta archive all of my and Faolan's RPs, I really think everyone would get a kick out of Mia's gender and refusal to deal with her emotions when they don't involve shooting things with guns. She's really cisn't at this point. She/her pronouns, but actively insists on being called son, father, man, and cowboy. She's so butch. I love her so much.
[send me a book emoji and I'll tell you the premise of a fic I haven't written yet]
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