#but also he kind of wants to die but god wont let him
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╰┈➤ 18+ none of these stories belong to me! this is a masterlist of all the fanfics i’ve read and reblogged! just thought it would be nice to have them all in one spot! (if your fic is on here and you wish not to be, please let me know!) some will have summaries if provided <3
ᡣ𐭩 how you can help palestine . fic recs m.list
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☾ @mitchellpete
☼ Bondage
☼ Bathshower
☼ Cunnilingus
☾ @writing-blog-iguess
☼ What Did You Say?
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stupidsketchpad · 17 days
hey guys. im here to rant about how 2econd 2ight 2eer (second sight seer) by will wood is secret life bigb's song because god its eerie how similar the song lyrics are to his character. AHEM (also spoilers for secret life)
My grip on my secrets slipping while I'm speaking in tongues
ok. this is a really good start lol. basically bigb's task don't mean much when he does weird shit anyway for fun and, quote from grian, "writes his own tasks"
Screaming at the top of my lungs in the confession booth
he's saying stuff that litterally makes no sense. even after his task is done he wont tell anyone (confession booth is kinda like people asking about your task after it's done. your confessing your task to someone)
Take it with a pillar of salt, H.A.L.T., it's not my fault
i got nothing man
The devil made me do it, but I also kinda wanted to
I'm cut from a different kind of meat
More than you can chew, hard to swallow me
"what the hell are you doing??" is a common question he gets asked. hard to swallow. y'know
Forget bored stiff, I got rigor mortis, call it morbid curiosity
How I cannot commit to reality, when my third eye's open and I like what I see
he's doing shit for the sake of doing shit.
Baby, I may be crazy but I didn't lose it, no I set it free
AAAAA THIS LINE TOOO!!! ok so he didn't just randomly start lying in secret life. it was weird before that too! i cant speak for double but LIMITED LIFE he was also confusing people about being the boogeyman. basically that one meme with the "guy weird about everything but its drowned out by how weird about everything the other people are"
I can't ignore what's under dance floorboards, the rhythm of my heart a dead-as-disco beat
But I still move my feet
To slip out of this groove, I'm free
dont got much here but i think this is just him having fun, yknow
Now to row, row, row my boat over the falls
And maybe wake up from but a dream, yeah
"but a dream" is the games. there are three rows in the line. lose your lives to get the game over with.
I'm just a psycho, babe
Come and go out my mind
I didn't lose it babe
There wasn't much to find
once again, this wasnt the first time he was being weird!!!
I'm just a psycho, babe
Come and go out my mind
I'm only passing through
say weird shit, refuse to elaborate, leave.
Oh, oh, o-o-oh
If you knew what I knew, if you saw what I see
You'd look through illusions, hallucinations, and lucid dream
And I know that meaning can be such a pretty thing to keep
But I got facts and I'm not afraid to use 'em, take the good with the bad, take off the back you make a new front
evo, anyone? anyway this man knows about watchers and doesnt care. he knows! he just doesn't give that any meaning.
Some days I'm glad that I am a madman and I'd rather be that than
An amicable animal, mild-mannered cannibal
red lives and how bigb doesn't have the same bloodlust as they do. this guy doesn't kill much, he's like the most passive on the server. /srs
But I'm more level-headed and clever than ever and I'm getting better one forever at a time
how many people guessed any of bigb's tasks? that's right, zero! (if i remember correctly.) he's getting better at the games (btw the games being referred to as "forevers" is just ahshahdghs)
And if sick is defined by what's different, well then pull the plug out and let me die
not much here
Vice-versa, vice versus virtue
Well who I am I choose through all the things I do
And if it rhymes, it's true, but I hate poetry
contradicting himself. easy peasy analysis here folks.
Now with my moral compass pointing south, I'm going down
With no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no-no respect for reality
could say this is going red! but also. "going down?" LIKE A HOLE? HE MADE A HOLE?????
I'm just a psycho, babe
Come and go out my mind
I didn't lose it babe
There wasn't much to find
I'm just a psycho, babe
Come and go out my mind
I'm only passing through
I'm just a psycho, babe
Come and go out my mind
I didn't lose it babe
There wasn't much to find
I'm just a psycho, babe
Come and go out my mind
same stuff
A tourist passing through
Well that was fun, goodbye
he died. but hey, he had fun!
anyways thats all thank you for listening to me ramble about songs and minecraft i WILL do this again. sorry if this is incoherent i wrote it at 10:00 pm.
psst... moot... @bigb-enthusiast... would you like this?
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saintone · 2 years
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@everyonesfavoritebastard left this quesiton on my latest post and i decided to answer them instead of studying!
We could say sqq goes from hero to villan bc its something very common in fiction, that the villan is a failed hero. I think this hapoenes to og-lbh too.
BUT sqq wasnt a villan, he WAS MADE the villan by others.
Everyone saw him as one. Like he was given that lable. But i dont think he was a villan, per se. He wasn't evil, he didnt do evil. He tortured Binghe as a child, that's true, but outside his wicked obsession with hurting Binghe bc of his trauma, he wasnt going out and doing evil. He was actually pretty good, taking in consideration that he still was a cultivator who helped others, that in any situation in the novel where he had to choose wether to save someone or let them die, he choose the first option, even at his sake (In contrast, at the end og-lbh was truly evil, and didnt care about anyone if he didnt get something in exchange. Women were prices, people were subjects. He was god).
Outside of having a sharp tongue, Sqq didnt hurt others (except binghe, oc). Like, he could have been much more worse. We are talking about a smart, cunning, maybe not the strongest, but he still was strong- with a SHITTON of trauma on his back. Shen Jiu could have been a real menance, and that's something i would like to see bc i think that if he set his mind to it he would have been unstoppable.
Like someone with Sqq's background could have been crazy. A compleate psycopath. Even with his mental problems, he had some real solid mental streght bc WOW. Everything he went through? Sometimes fans talk about what sqq could have been if he grew above his trauma. He was GREAT. His trauma didnt break him. He was standing, he was kinda good, kind, he was still alive.
He could perfectly have cursed the world like binghe did and use his powers to destroy it.
But he didnt.
First if all I dont think he cared enough. Like at the end he barely cared about his martial brothers and what they thought of him. And that's bc, and we always forget, that at that point of the story Sqq was heavily depressed. He suffered from insomnia, from trauma, his insecurities, his fears.
The man didnt even care when he was taken by lbh.
About sqh decision of making him the villan, we kinda know he didnt want to. We dont know the og story, but sqh said shen yuan and bingmei's relationship was "closest to what he had pictured at the beginning". So no, Sqh didnt want to make sqq a bad guy. He was supposed to have a relatevely good relationship with binghe, or maybe at least a good ending, or a better story.
The problem is at some point, sgh stops making the decisions about the story. It slips through his control. Sqq becoming the villan is like him being misunderstood: maybe, his martial brothers are nothing more than a reflection of the fans, who despice sqq without trying to understand him (and sy is our examplary fan).
The other day I saw a video that called shen jiu "the villan of a wrongly told story". And thats it. Thats the key of understanding SVSSS to me. The story had to be told THREE TIMES bc it kept failing (sqh's original story, PIDW and SWSSS). Inside SVSSS, there are three stories intervined. But the only one we dont know about is the first one: we only have some snippets.
And reflecting abput the way our enonomic system shapes the way we tell stories or force creative works to adapt to the rules of capilasim is also a greaat thing to analize.
Even better than that, how authors lose control of their stories.
At that, MXTX probably wont agree with my theories. She has said that Sqq deserved what happened to him and that he wont reincarnate. So sj is dead, dead dead, gone. In my very personal opinion, bc Shen jiu is a not a villanous villan, in MDZS she made Jin GuangYao undoubtely evil (like yeah, he was mistreated, but THATS an evil character who doesnt care about others! Thats selfishness! Sqq doesnt have a drop of selfishness in his characterization). To make sure her villan wasnt idealized this time.
The thing with SVSSS is: the story went wrong. The characters went wrong. Something happened. It was not supposed to go like that, but it did. Sqh didnt wanted it, but it happened.
Wtf is the system? Good quesiton. I have no idea. Is it fate? No, bc fate according to the creator was something else, a different ending for the story.
I think, the system its the narrative. The plot. Something there to keep the story going. Some people have theoriziced that it was evil, and that kinda could make sense, and then we would have a true villan in the story.
Though Im not sure we have arguments solid enough for that one.
Maybe the OCC warnings, and now im just guessing, could be bc the og MC was Shen Jiu, so the system wanted a protagonist the most alike to sqq.
I also have this personal theory, that the reason everyone accepts Sy so easily is bc they already wanted to get along with Sqq. Like the guy was pretty asome. And undoubtely attractive. This sounds basic, but it is centifically proven that we like drawn to good looking people. Cang Qiong peak lord had truly no reason to reject Sqq from tje begining. The werent that bad either. Its just the mistook him, and then they hated him, bc instead of the person THEY wanted him to be, the person THEY wanted to get along with, Sqq didnt give shit about them. Pero lords were bitter tm.
So maybe the system wanted to prove that his sqq could fit. That sqq didnt need to CHANGE to be accepted.
But i also think this is too daydreamy thou.
If the system is the plot, assuring the story continues how it should, but with a protagonist that hopefully wont fail this time, there are also some things that it has to make sure are fulfilled. Missions, arcs, and the correct flow of the characters. Nobody likes it when a story makes a 360° with no reason.
So yeah. Idk if i answered anything hahaha. At this point im just wordvomitting my SVSSS theorys bc I think its a great work.
Also i should be studying.
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muzzleroars · 11 months
oughhg. this is a little out there but its a fun scenario imo. my gabe and v2 eventually also face that hardware deterioration problem as well (after a LONG ass time at least) and since those two hang out on the surface, it's a little more difficult to deal with but i like to imagine v2 goes the more proactive route. over time v2 started studying the corpses of angels (mostly consisting of council-sympathizers or individuals with something to gain from trying to go after gabriel) and uses what it learns from that to engineer some kind of esoteric replacement for its failing processors derived from how angels seem to function. its like less a life extention or revival and more like creating a whole new replacement ai that carries some of its old memories and archived information which also has its own distinct quirks that set it apart from the original v2. the whole reason it does this is because once it noticed its systems beginning to deteriorate its objective basically became 'make sure my friend wont be alone in an otherwise empty world' and it drives me fucking crazy thinking about it
THANK YOU FOR SENDING THIS BC I GENUINELY WANTED TO ASK YOU ABOUT THIS....and i can absolutely see the parallels between this version of v2 and v1 as it is resurrected in heaven. i do really like v2 taking a practical approach and deconstructing the anatomy of angels in order to reverse-engineer something that may preserve it (SUCH a neat idea, absolutely in love with it), as well as this being an interesting way that it may emotionally and mentally deal with its decay - work on it, fix it, remember why it's doing it in the first place. and it's a good contrast to me because v1 is acutely aware that its death means a distinct loss and isolation for gabriel, yet its mind has so thoroughly protected against it as a way to prevent locking it into an existential dread it could loop on indefinitely, to the point where every processor it has is consumed by it...and that would be leaving gabriel too. so ultimately it does die, the half-measures they were able to discuss before v1's mind had to detach from the conversation proving to not be enough to save it, and gabriel instead must put into motion a plan he couldn't previously articulate.
BUT either through looting god or his own light (MAN....i like both too much), v1 is brought back to honestly be in much the same position as v2 is for you - both mechanical and divine, it now inhabits a life state nothing before it has achieved. i haven't fully determined what this means for v1, but the transition is an uneasy one as code rewrites into esoteric languages and divine mathematics command its logic to impossibilities. additionally, i can't pass up on the idea of quantum ghosts and v1's consciousness coming back from vast, unfathomable reaches that registered only as strange impressions it can barely call senses or even now memories. it gets fucked up basically!! and now gabriel essentially needs to return the favor it gave him eons ago when it helped him through his fall. SO i am curious how it compares with this v2, since like you mentioned, v2 is more creating something entirely new to be carried over into while v1 is essentially god being shoved into the machine. also need to know gabriel's thoughts on v2's plans as it executes them and the results that come of it....ouuuughhh wait hold on a minute let me formulate thoughts for an ask.........
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lightningonatether · 1 year
Plushie AU: How do Punz and Dream act around Sam post reveal? Does Sam stay in his Plushie form? How do things change as time goes by and the shock of the reveal fades away?
…I have this image of Punz specifically taking revenge against Sam for the prison situation by treating him as a pet cat. Collar and pet toys and everything. 😂
oh god this is a very Thick ask... im not sure i can answer all your questions in one. im gonna focus on short term(say, next few months) consequences of the reveal. i wanted to answer this after i finished my reveal comic but its taking SO DAMN LONG. so instead im answering it now.
dream: he feels... betrayed? maybe not quite the right word. but he was ready to be done with sam. hed given sam a way out. from dreams perspective, this feels kind of like sams obsession rearing its ugly head again. he tried to leave sam behind, give them some distance, and then sam somehow violated his trust AGAIN. it feels, in some ways, more vulnerable than last time. dreams hugged him and cried into his fur for fucks sake, nobody was supposed to see that. to cope with having a guy he just cant seem to get rid of, dream avoids him. he doesnt touch him except when he thinks of something he'd like to test, and doesnt talk to him unless its a short command, he doesnt feed him, he doesnt let him out, he just. doesnt do Anything. that involves sam. he tells punz, you persuaded me we should keep him alive, you take care of him. which punz does :) gladly :)
punz: feels... anger, of course. but most importantly, he feels like he can FINALLY do something to make up for all the ways in which dreams been hurt. he can finally hurt someone back. because sam is now Entirely at his mercy. dream tells him he doesnt care, as long as he doesnt die. so youre right to single punz out. punz is Very interested in taking revenge. hes no stranger to violence and hes got an imagination and a year of pent up frustration to take out. he dedicates a bit of his time to making sure sam will stay perfectly obedient. not even Try to escape. its a thinly veiled excuse to just hurt sam and he wont deny it when sam points it out. it still technically counts as obedience training, right? you take it, you beg, you tell me just how sorry you are, and you dont fight back. because if you do, that just means i have to hurt you harder to make it stick. he thinks sams scum!!! and hes very open about it!!!
(its a funny role reversal. punz is obviously not quackity. dream has to remind himself of that sometimes. and punz is right to be angry, anyway, dream understands why he is, so dream wont stop him. a few times he has to come clean sam up afterwards. neither he nor sam really want to acknowledge how famiiliar this feels)
these also arent like... regular. theyre not planned. punz is having a bad day? sam looks at him wrong? usually he just gets a kick or a glare, but sometimes.. Yeah Hahah. remember i mentioned declawing? thats at the very least a Threat. not sure yet if punz follows through but... its a big possibility.
sams pov will Have to be another ask this is getting long
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Deity SoapGhost AU 🌬️ ( Heavily based on the tales from india my mother used to tell me 🫡 )
[ WARNING: Im not basing this off any gods, (like greek gods, roman gods, or anything) these deities are purely made by my autistic, imaginative brain so dont take them for real/serious! 😭 ]
[ 🫵 ALSO ANOTHER TW: Major Character Death (?), Suicide (please, give it a chance i promise 🥲) )
The Law.
A god can not walk in the world of man. In order for one to do so, the one must also take the form of man. The rules were set by the O’ Great One eons and eons ago, before even the first gods came to exist.
There was only one slight problem with this proposal, the god will not be able to return back to his or her place in the cosmos until his human life journey comes to a end. Without godly powers, or any memory of being one- they are left alone to face the impurities of man kind. Unless, someone can awaken them which is highly, HIGHLY, unlikely. It has only happened one other time. Since that was the case, many gods and goddesses tend to avoid any journeys down to earth unless it’s really necessary...
Yet.. two gods find themselves walking the face of this earth. And there would be no turning back until their human bodies perish.
Ghost was the God of Souls, War, and the Darkness Deep. He basically keeps track of all the dead people- to put it bluntly. Yknow.. eat the bad souls, let the good ones go to “heaven”. Souls were his source of food, and because of that, he was despised among the gods. But what could he do? He wont die from hunger of course, he was a god, but still.. the pain of hunger- nobody liked it.
That was actually the exact reason he was walking the earth, eating too many souls, reaped them too early, the others had said. This was his punishment. He had to suffer the weakness of man. And he hated it. He fucking hated it.
Soap.. (ridiculous name, but it was a nickname given by the other gods so he took it) was the God of Light, Fertility, and Healing. All the gods liked Soap in some way, he was ever so gentle, and made all minds at ease- so many gods were sad to see Soap go when Soap told them he had to travel the path of humankind.
He was on a mission though, to redeem a certain someone. He didn’t know who, but he knew he could count on Lady Fate, one of the highest goddesses. She promised she’d guide him to his person.
Lady Fate was kind to him. She places him in a small, sleepy little town in Scotland. With a pair of honest parents, who were blessed with a sweet, sweet, baby boy.
Ghost was a feared soldier in the 141, always respected- so when some idiot put the most urghh.. SUNSHINY sergeant under his command, he almost explodes. Ghost seriously couldn’t physically look at the man, or else he’d get blinded by those rays of light emitting from the sergeant’s big goofy smile. He hated him. He hated Soap.
Soap was kinda endearing in his own way. Ghost started to feel funny, and by funny, it was just another word for, “How the fuck am I letting this guy talk to me.”
Honestly, Soap was annoyingly chattery.. Ghost thinks. (Is he?)
Nevermind. Soap’s constant talking actually kinda puts Ghost at ease. Ghost wants to hear Soap’s voice more. He’s comfortable with Soap giving him light touches, he likes Soap’s warmth. Wait- what the fuck?
Ghost is trying not to fold in any way. He wont. He cant-
Oh boy. He fucking folded.
That was it. Around a month and Ghost already was falling for Soap’s charm. It was like hunger- it couldn’t be helped. Every day it became harder to deny those feelings. He started feeling worried for Soap when Soap had to go on solo missions, he missed Soap when Soap was away for several days, he felt safe around Soap.
Ghost couldn’t fathom what kind of fucking hex Soap had casted over him, but Ghost’ll have to do something about it. Soon.
Ghost finally did something about his little situation when he saw one of the men on base hand Soap flowers. Of course, Soap accepted them with no clue what that did to Ghost. It made Ghost feel jealousy, the kind that felt worse than hunger, because the next day the man that offered the flowers were nowhere to be seen.
Soap had wormed his way into Ghost’s life, and now Ghost can’t fathom a way to live without Soap. It’s not fair, Ghost didn’t ask for anyone else- and quickly he learned that kind of mindset was called “love”. Something foreign and insignificant to him before.
Before all of this- before Soap.
However Ghost feared that feeling, that emotion that left him so vulnerable. So he hides it, even when Soap finally confesses he loved Ghost- Ghost stayed silent. It wasn’t he didn’t want to be loved by Soap.. its his own body, his own body telling him he won’t be able to control that hunger for more- Ghost has no clue why. There was one option he was down for though; waiting. Waiting until he was ready, that was the only option left for him, so he’d take it.
He took it too late. He took it too late. Soap was a lucky man, having many close calls on the field but always eventually returning somewhat unscathed. So when Soap actually crawls to Ghost with his own guts in his hands, it terrified Ghost. Ghost hadn’t felt what true fear was until that moment. A bloodied and battered up Soap, slowly making his way to Ghost, his eyes a silent plead for Ghost to help in any possible way to make everything stop hurting.
When Ghost saw Soap he had let out a blood curdling scream.
He found himself immediately beside Soap, begging Soap not to die. Because life was so unfair to him- the gods were so mean. Ghost tries to stop fate, that Soap was destined to die. He told Soap he loved him too. That he was sorry, sorry for every hurtful word he’s ever said to Soap because of his own selfishness. Sorry for thinking Soap was annoying or loud. Sorry, sorry, sorry.
But you know how fate is, you’ll never get your way. Soap tried to stay awake for Ghost, he really did but his eyes had never felt so heavy before. Most concerningly though, he heard a voice. A voice congratulating him- a voice telling him it’s done. It’s time to come home again.
Home.. hm. Home.. a home in the cosmos. As a deity.. of.. Light, Fertility, and Healing? He had friends back there- he was pretty sure.. no, he was sure.
Memories flood in. His mission was finished, his life as a human on earth has come to a end. He’d broken down the pride and stubbornness Ghost had within himself. But he’d broken Ghost’s heart too.
Finally Soap shuts his eyes as Ghost screams for Soap to hang in there, he knows he’s going home again. He wished so badly he could bring Ghost with him. But he knows its not possible.
Ghost holds Soap’s lifeless body in his hands. The warmth he was so used to was gone. The very reason to indulge this cruel world was gone too. And for the first time Ghost had cried, not because he was sad something he valued was gone, like a child’s toy broken. But because he’d never felt so useless before, so guilty before, he’d never felt so much self-loathing before.
He was ready to die right here, right in the rain plastered mud with Soap. He was so, so, ready. He didn’t care if he would go to hell, fuck just anywhere but here. Anywhere.. anywhere.
He wanted to go home.
Home? What. This isn’t right.
He hears the voice of someone scolding him like he was a child who’d done something wrong, but that voice was gentle.. familiar.. something was happening. Something was happening to his body- his mind- his-
For a moment he wasn’t afraid of death. Because death sounded familiar, like a old friend. Were the voices telling him to let go of this body? To “die”? Well there was only one way to find out.
Either he was just absolutely mental, or he was really not just hearing things- he places the handgun to his head. No need to be scared now. He’d be alright. It was a feeling. That feeling was telling himself to set himself free from the shackles of the human body. To become something more than just walking flesh. To be a god again.
Ghost pulls the trigger, and all goes black.
There was no pain or afterlife. Ghost wakes up on the floor feeling different, and with those same worried eyes staring at him. Huh? Same eyes.
“Soap?” Ghost blurts out.
The figure smiles, “Welcome home Ghost, thought you’d come for a visit.”
“The fuck-? I live here, what in the blazes do you-“ Oh.
Soap looks different as a god, but radiates the same soothing aura as he did on earth. Well that was comforting… and awkward, considering how dramatically Ghost announces his love for mortal Soap.
Soap must’ve felt the same way because he just makes a strange face at Ghost. Nothing ill-intended though. “So..” Soap was first to break the silence, “Are we like.. a thing now..? Or..”
“Hm.” Ghost hums, giving some thought into it.
“I don’t wanna be forcing anything on you!” Soap quickly adds, hands waving, trying to backpedal, “Just.. I think I still like you..” Soap mumbles.
“What if I thought the same?” Ghost tries, brushing himself off as he stands up. “Would you give someone like me a chance?” He scoffs. No way someone like him would be worthy with probably one of the most friendly gods in the cosmos.
“Then I say we’re together.” Soap declares happily as he takes a step closer, “Back on earth I didn’t even get to kiss you.” Soap complains as he lets out a huff of annoyance, “I waited YEARS, I think I deserve one now.”
“I.. don’t know.. Im not really a-“ Ghost starts before Soap pulls him in for a kiss.
“You wait too much.” Soap says after the kiss. Grinning dopily, the exact same smile that captivated Ghost.
“I know I do. You’ll just have to wait for me, yeah?”
“Yeah, you know I will. For centuries and centuries.” Soap says as he peppers Ghost with kisses again.
And Ghost takes it, he takes the love Soap offers to him because he deserved it. After going through all that fuckery- he thought. He deserved it, it was the one thing he deserved.
And he did deserve it.
END. ❤️
(Haahah dont mind me and my silly brain. I dont know if I like this one or hated it, but hopefully you enjoyed it. Feel like I rushed it bc I was feeling so eepy. Too tired to edit so ignore the typos or mistakes ok ok gn yall 🥱)
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
actually fuck it. my proposal for the skyrim main story quest rewrite  that i think keeps the bare bones the same but incorporates more lore and makes it more interesting. reputation also will be making a comeback in this along with skills and more dialogue options
this is also part 1 bc i wrote so much lol i’ll do the rest later
>keep the intro. it doesn’t rly bother me. it does its job its just very long and annoying. maybe change some details but i think it can work. difference to the set up though is ulfric rebelled because they banned worship of not just talos, but more importantly shor/shezzar/lorkhan who they said was never really a god, just made up by men to justify killing elves and is a violent religion built upon hate (which is how they argued the banning of it during peace talks, why should you have a peace treaty with an empire who worships gods that kill your kind?)
>you are still told to go to whiterun and meet with the jarl. while you can get inside the city fairly easily (after passing many panicked traders coming to sell or deliver goods into the city where you learn its a major trading hub bc they saw a dragon fly by or are bickering abt if it was a dragon or not) meeting with the jarl isnt so simple. you’re told you dont have an appointment, and wont be able to get one anytime soon given you’re a nobody (if for some reason you have done other stuff and gained a large reputation and have high speechcraft this can be bypassed) and there is a civil war going on. everyone saw the dragon near by. how can anyone be sure you aren’t proposing to send a march of troops to riverwood to instigate a battle in the civil war? his housecarl won’t let you have a meeting nor will he really talk with you if you try
>luckily for you, you’re pointed in the direction of the court mage looking for someone to do things for him if you feel the need to complain to anyone. farengar needs someone to do various tasks for him, and no one else has taken him up on the offer really given the distrust of mages in skyrim as of late. he tasks you with several things: gathering herbs, trying a new potion he developed, testing an enchanted item by killing an enemy with it. various wizard grunt tasks that also introduce various other magical skills that you can ask him to explain if you’re curious and he’ll explain them but point you in the direction of the college if you want to really learn as he cant take students right now
>last quest he gives you is to get the dragonstone someone was asking him about. he can’t pull away from his work at the moment to go get it, but he has faith you’ll probably survive. bleakfalls barrow can probably mostly stay the same, but things of note i’d include is having some details from bandit conversations that draugar aren’t normally this big of an issue. usually they can “just sneak past them” but for some reason some are walking around awake for no reason and are way more active. just as a little detail
>delivering the stone farengar can now get you the meeting with the jarl. he’s vouched for your reputation and thinks you’re trustworthy. along with some funny dialogue to not mess it up or he’ll be in hot water. NOW you can meet with the jarl, except your conversation about riverwood asking for protection is interrupted by word a dragon is attacking a whiterun tower
>kill the dragon, eat the soul, use fus, you know the drill. this one isnt that bad and i think it works. there, several nords question your soul eating and turning the dragon to bones more than the thuum, which is something nords known and can train on. irileth says thats all nord superstition and she doesn’t believe any of it, but she does question what exactly you did to the dragon or if its normal for dragons to die that way.
>you return to the jarl who thanks you, names you thane, and says he will send more guards to scout riverwood, but believes the dragon you killed is likely the one riverwood was so worried about. if you question him about “dragonborn” stuff he will explain its a nord legend, dragonborn emperors, etc, but that if anyone could answer if you’re a dragonborn or not it would be the greybeards. the greybeards don’t summon you outright at this stage, not unless you have done other stuff i’ll include in another section.
more under cut bc this is long
>go to the greybeards. greybeards say frankly they don’t know if you’re the  dragonborn or not. you claim to have eaten a dragon’s soul and absorbed the knowledge, but it’s hard for them to test that. however, your gift with the thuum without them teaching you is remarkable, so they send you on spiritual tasks before they train you. they are more old school nord pantheon religious as opposed to the more imperial worship thats becoming more common
>these tasks include: traveling to various sacred sights, a word wall, and going to kynesgrove to hold a ritual to commune with kyne. from there kyne will task you with finding a fox that you later find out is the avatar of shor, who confirms you are of dragon blood, but that you will need to seek counsel from ‘the dragon’ if you want to know more. after that he fades away, and you return to the greybeards who say that is peculiar, and may be referring to akatosh. they know they could ask paarthurnax, but are still hesitant about introducing you to him
>there is a possibility to meet another dragon before you return to the greybeards. after the tower and dragons start appearing across skyrim, a third faction of the civil war has opened up: the dragon cult. various villages have been taken over by dragons, where some dragons you can speak to are there. they will confirm you are dragonborn. they don’t see you as a threat, more like a pitiful, weak little creature. all of the dragons have different personalities, one i might make disgusted with you and calls you an abomination, another who thinks you are interesting and mentions they would like to have you as a priest/willing servant but they believe that would “anger alduin” and you would refuse anyways. if you speak to them the greybeards say that might have been what shor was referring to when he said “the dragon”
>they then begin your training, teaching you various shouts. after every shout they send you on a small quest after the little tutorial part to “internalize and meditate on the meanings”. rinse and repeat. fast travel is enabled still in my vision so you dont have to make this trek every time
>after this they task you with recovering the horn. it is there, in the tomb, along with the tomb containing lore on the way of the voice you can read like the tablets on the way to the monastery. they mention the great elder greybeard paarthurnax, friend of the founder, but not that he’s a dragon. some lore info. you bring the horn back and are named dragon of the north. from here, the greybeards say they dont know why a dragonborn has come, but that there are many prophecies of what dragonborns accomplish. ultimately though it means you get to forge your own destiny, and they hope you will get the way of the voice in your heart. probably discuss where a lot of dragonborns did a lot of damage, like with tiber septim conquering the continent in uhm, some pretty not nice ways.
>after you gain some reputation (or maybe just asking around and then waiting a few days) an innkeeper in riverwood says she’s heard you’re looking for dragonborn information and she’s a bit of a scholar so she thinks she can help you. going to her she says shes a bit of an archaeologist so she’s learned a few things, but asks for a favor first as nothing is for free. she’s been very busy running the inn and needs you to delivery some packages of information for people who have requested it from her. one is a member of a jarl’s court, another a college of winterhold member, and something for a skooma addict in hopes he stops causing problems for other people (hiding out in an abandoned college outpost in windhelm after the people drove them out, because there are now college outposts) these are all covert messages she’s been unable to send to various blades members/contacts who are still in hiding. i just thing 5 members is better than fucking 2
>then, she tells you a lot of lore about the dragonborn. then says if you think you are dragonborn she’d be interested in seeing you in action as she’s never met someone claiming to be dragonborn and your story is interesting. she accompanies you to the dragon burial at kynesgrove where you see alduin and actually get a dialogue option with him, however short. if you have done studying and research on dovahzuul, you can actually answer him in the dragon tongue which does mildly impress him but he is still going to say you are not worth his time. you are weak and an abomination, nothing like a true dov. and then he has sahlokniir kill you like in the original.
>after this delphine asks to head back to the inn to talk about all that. she then takes you into her room, closes the door, and reveals the secret door. down there she finally reveals she is a member of the blades and apologizes for deceiving you. she says the blades are being hunted down and persecuted following the war because they threaten the thalmor’s power. but the blades serve the dragonborn, so she wants you to lead them.
>next thing she needs though is she knows she cant stay here. she’s been talking to you, going and looking at things, and the thalmor are very suspicious with this dragonborn talk afraid the empire is trying to empower themselves against them and find a new imperial family. she says there is an akaviri temple that is hidden away they can stay in and get the blades together again to act as a base of operations, and that it will be safer than being scattered and hidden hoping no one catches on. the people you delivered to previously are given messages and promise to meet you there when they can slip away with varied dialogue. skooma addict reveals it was all a rouse and he goes pretty easily. this also allows the base to have stuff like a mage, a smith, etc.
>after this she says she thinks there may be more members alive, but also the thalmor might be onto them all. she tasks you with breaking into the embassy and getting the information. unlike the very scripted quest, getting in through the party is not the ONLY way to do this. you can break in through a variety of ways if you are clever, or you could have already done it when the quest starts. all you need to do is tell delphine if ur going to the party or not. ALSO regardless of how you do it, if you are stealthy enough no one will burst in at the last second to say they caught you and hold malborn hostage despite not realistically having a way to know that fast. if you kill everyone there though or slash your way through they will know though and your cover will be blown.
>there you find documents of various blades agents and contacts they killed. as well as find out they are currently hunting for esbern. you also gather the documents on ulfric and stuff. delphine is relieved she left as it seems like they did just start to catch on to her, and then tasks you with finding esbern if he’s alive because he’s lore keeper and will know about the ruins they are in as well as the dragonborn legends
>getting esbern is pretty similar. along with the thalmor coming after you. if you are in the thieves guild or have enough money you can bribe them into helping and use various traps in the rat ways to kill the thalmor
more to follow
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andywinter16 · 2 years
Touch starved glaives with S/O HC part 1
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This man is so hard to crack! He will never ever tell you, that he needs your touch. You will need to iniciate it with him first(cuz he´s thinking he doesn´t deserve love and is only killing machine destined to die alone ... WRONG!!! Smooch that beautiful face!)  You can definitively tell something is wrong, when his sight lingers on you MUCH longer. That he´s even more tense and snappy at his glaives. 
Get him somewhere private without interuption, usually his office will do. (glaives knows better to stay away when he´s in this kind of mood or just bribe Luche with chocolate) Sit on his goddamn lap!  Run your hands through his short hair and scratch his scalp. Kiss his forehead, nose, cheek anywhere you can reach. His reaction is the most wholesome thing ever! From utter disbelieve to utmost pleasure. He will close his eyes and lean into your touch like a cat. Hums in appreciation! This will lead to him bringing you on his couch, where you cuddle and listens to his heartbeat.(while he´s petting your head) You are  on top of him of course ;) Also when you´re home with him, he will carry you around like a little koala.( only let you down when need to bathroom) He absolutely LOVES your touch!
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Watch out, coeurl boy is coming! (seriously, he looks and acts like overgrown cat) Nyx will try to be as close as possible to you, always touching in some way ( pat on head, hug, holding your hand, butt grabing...) But he will not outwardly tell you, that he wants your touch. ( He feels like a failure, that he brings bad luck to his friends ... blames himself for his sister ... PLEASE, REASSURE HIM THAT IT ISNT HIS FAULT!!!) 
Grab him by the collar of his uniform a give him BIG SMOOCH! And push him on couch or something cuz he aint going anywhere. Trace gently his scars and tattoos + points for kissing all of them. Scratch his stubble, he will literally PURRRRR! Play with his hair for love of god! PULL ON THEM!  Maintain constant eye contact with him. ( instantly melts under your gaze) That man carries lot of baggades on his shoulders. Give him some  good massage, you will get rewarded by sweet throathy noises from Nyx. On that note, our Hero wont be quiet like at all: “Like what you see?” ;) “Ah, somebody needs their Hero”  please, grab that firm butt, it will shut him up and make his cheeks rosy pink. PS: Nyx is ticklish on his sides and underbelly, do with this knowledge what you want 3:)
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i-bring-crack · 8 months
The world has not done me any better, been rrading 2ha and all i can think about is Ashborn/Antares as Jinhae brainrot:
In their past life Antares had a deep obsession with Ruler Ashborn and the same could be said for the ladder but Ashborn didnt know how to express much of his love and ended up hurting him even more as a result.
Antares wouldnt care for a single moment whenever or not he was constly hurt by how much Ashborn seemed to care for others more than himself or him, whereas Ashborn didnt seem to notice that Antares was deeply in love and tried to see just how far that love truly ran since he wasnt sure that a dragon, much less a fragment of darkness could actually love.
Unfortunatly when he ended up noticing that he had fallen to the dragon's undying devotion, he decided to distance himself and push him aside because Ashborn was more so devoted to the Absolute Being and though that all his faith might shatter if the two actually were to become lovers, since– thats not how they were designed, they are to be rivals not lovers, thats what his god wanted— and so when the time came he fiercely fought with Antares and left him to almost bleed to death.
This is when Antares realized that he should have never tried to chase any kind of love and started to realize thag Ashborn had never loved him in the first place, so from that day on he swore to kill everyone and become the most powerful being in existence so that Ashborn can die at his hands.
And die he did, but only to pass his powers to his sucessor.
Even when he standed a top the world as the strongest being, his new incarnation had killed him, and he swore he would one day destroy him.
But alas he somehow ended up in the body of a child of 12, maybe 13 something like that. It was a girl with no parents, no lineage, no story of her own except for having a strong physique, capable of holding the small remnants of his soul left and somehow still being mentally strong so as to fight off much of his horrible personality.
Thus with all the knowledge in the world about magic, in a world with none of it, and being the emperor of a now ransacked, brutally massacred and destroyed empire, he had no choice but to stay low and find a way to become just as powerful as before and this time destroy Jinwoo!
Since no one liked this girl as much to begin with, Anatres managed to blend his own ambitions with Haeins pretty well and become adapted into society for a good while until, shocker.
Just as he was about to train he was about to heal himself after exterting too much power in the young girl's body to win the race, his old enemy, lover and killer appeared right in front of him.
And yeah, that was definetly Ashborn, kind both in monarch and ruler form, but also with detached eyes watching everyone in the world like a lonesome god, alien to evrrything and at the same time not.
He looked as though he had been at the start of the universe, and at the same time he smiled like a little boy.
Jinwoo went on to heal her calf and Haein asked of him just how he did that, but deep inside other questions arose too, why are you here? Do you know me? What do you want for me? Do you want to kill me again? Hah! I wont let you. This time I shall be the one to send you to your own damn pits of slumber!
And Jinwoo of course replied innocently, not knowing the true soul behind this little girl as he said "Ill tell you everything if you have a race with me."
#solo leveling#sung jin woo#cha hae in#jinhae but haein is bloody obssesed with fucking him and killing him and doesnt know which one she should do#ultimately haein is just completly a mess for jinwoo bc haha her past self was a complete mess for ashborn#there is also a part of dragon culture that is ingrainned in them about how if one dragon is willing to fall in love and love is#reciprocated then the dragons cannot fall back on their world and will forever be bound to that person in life and death.#so instead of marriage and a 'till death do us part' the dragons quite literally trade a piece of their soul with one another#usually half#so as to be bonded spirtually even beyond the end of time#and in every lifetime.#haein and jinwoo are literally just outright the other half of their souls to each other haha#and thats why ahsborn was also able to become a monarch and live with ease.#this WAS part of ABs plan but Asjborn thought he had been secretly been infused with a new power by AB when in fact it was the opposite#he had been infused with half of the fragment of darkness from Antares and Ashborn had in turn given him half the fragment of light#and Thats was also why Antares had been able to be revived#since his soul literally still lingered in Ashborn all his other remnants had to do was find haein and then little by little haein too#would get back the fragments of brightness that antares once had#aka they literally cannot killed each other bc they fuked#and will likely keep fuking in their new lives too haha#okay done
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permasleepberdie · 1 year
Cool Scout (a thesis)
I will live and die on the hill that scout from TF2 is a cool character
Now granted he's not as cool as any of the other mercs, and compared to most he's a wimp. But as a normal, standard human being he's awesome as fuck and it has to do with how much passe he views killing.
One thing that TF2 does really well is making every different class i different kind of psychopathic super killer. Everyone's got a different reason/response to killing in each their very own little ways.
Pyro and Soldier are both heavily schizophrenic and view the world in such a way that validates their murder. Pyro of course sees a warzone as a magical fun fairy land that so happens to cause them to burn everything alive, and Soldier sees every warzone as a bigger warzone and takes major pride in both his ability to be a soldier and also to kill as one for the good of his country.
Heavy and Spy are both professionals that view killing as their job and gain huge pleasure from it. Heavy gains great joy in the fact that he's an unkillable russain machine that wont die (even when he does, a lot), Spy views his killing more as an art form and gains joy from just how good he is at it. Demoman is basically just always in the middle of one big drunkin bar fight. And the Medic is your natural megalomaniac psychopath that sees himself as a god that has full right to toy with the mortals and murder as he sees fit.
the Sniper, Engineer, and Scout are all the only ones that don't actually enjoy killing in meaningful way, and yet all 3 still have their own flavors of apathy against murder and reasons why they do it.
Sniper is a professional who only kills cause that's literally his job, he takes pride in killing but not because he likes it it's because his portfolio is so good. He's probably the class that takes his job the most seriously in this case as he's the only one counting bodies and making sure he kills efficiently (probably the one that does everyone's taxes too)
Engineer's only motivation besides getting paid is to show off his machines, he prides himself on his robotics and how efficient they are at everything, including murder. Plus I also kinda think that he's the only one who's there just to hang out with everyone else. I could definitely see Engie wanting to be there just because he enjoys hanging out with a bunch of other crazies and seeing how far his machines can take them.
And then there's Scout, and Scout is...interesting...
He's the only one that kinda has no reason to really be there. He doesn't show joy at killing or express a want/need to commit murder. He doesn't consider himself to be a professional killer, he does take pride in his killings but not how good he is at it, and I'm half convinced that he doesn't know that he's supposed to be getting paid. And yet despite this he takes so much passion, not in his work, but just the fact that he's kinda, there.
Scout always has that smug look on his face, that cool person attitude, one that's obnoxious, but that he's not striving for. Like he's not really cowardly, and he's not trying to seem like the biggest best tough man. A tough man sure, but he probably knows that everyone is technically a better killer than him.
Clearly the only reason left for him to be there is the attention. Scout is always trying to let everyone know just how cool he is and just look at his big muscles, so cool, way past awesome or, whatever stupid thing. And don't get me wrong, it's obnoxious, a little annoying depending on who you are, DEFINITELY a moron, but if you think about it, that's the only reason he's there. Like, think about that for a second, Scout is ONLY there to make himself seem cooler, like, imagine if that happened with any other team or group of people. Like imagine if someone fought zombies in L4D, or took part in the Payday robberies, or was a mercenary in Metal Gear Solid, or heck joined actual mercenaries IRL, and took it with the seriousness and motivation of taking up skateboarding.
The cool thing that scout wants you to realize is that he's a part of Team Fortress. He only ever takes pride in his killings when he gets to meme on your corpse and conga dance outta there. He doesn't bring any particular skill set or background to his work besides just being some guy, with a gun, that runs fast. He is literally as unqualified for the job as one can be and YET he still kills you. He's still alive. He's still not dead and still memeing on your corpse in such a manor as someone posting a dance on tiktok or something. Scout kills, because he's cool at it. Not because he's good at it (though he is), but because he's cool while doing it, and he probably doesn't even realize that he should be dead already. And the fact that he's even there, much less succeeding, is the biggest meme to the entire battle. Scout is almost quite literally there because it's funny that he is there. And you know what...That is indeed pretty cool.
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grimmixxart · 11 months
Hi i have a question that has been bugging me for some time is your OC Sammy a fallen angel before he got his demon part when he went to hell how did he say in heaven cuz from what I'm getting at is his family lived in haven because of what seemed he had to deal of and ain't fallen angel supposed to be banned from heaven and they can't enter it no matter what so how did he stay?(sorry for the long question)
Oh gosh thats... A long story that I'm gonna try making it short <xD
Sammy and Samael were one in the same, one baby born in heaven. But there was somethin with the baby, he was gonna turn corrupted and the angels on heaven wanted to kill the baby but Sammys mom didnt let them. And since God doesnt agree with taking out life of a very young age being or any age honestly but also wants to protect his kind. He seperated the baby in 2, good and bad, as in Samael and Sammy. Sammy was born as an angel with black wings and well... He was in prison to be extra save for him not cause any harm to others, even tho he was just a young boi. Ya know the whole ya wont die, ya get to live but in prison.
He didnt live in heaven because he wanted too, he basically didnt have a choice. Ofc if things were diferent he would stay in heaven because its his home, were he was born and where his family lives before anyone grew up.
But he was tortured and mistreated and lived for 13 years in prison soooo myeah... He wanted to get out of there.
It would be wrong to just kill or kick out a new born child out of heaven, ya understand? <xD
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souryogurt64 · 1 year
big agree on pete's book – it's an unreliable narrator who's not so much unreliable as he is an honestly bad person
im so sorry this got so long but this book is so weird and im so obsessed with it and i think ive thought about it every day for like ten years because i CANNOT figure it out. because its very clearly supposed to be a roman a clef because pete is a kerouac fanboy but pete lies about it because he knows most people are too stupid to understand what a roman a clef is.
but like on top of this i feel like the book is like very carefully crafted to subtly set certain things up, and it does certain stuff like it has the whole scene where hes trying to convince the audience his girlfriend is a cringy loud feminist complaining about like pretentious topics and nobody wants her at this party
and like i do not doubt pete would cringe if he saw this girl at a party so i think a lot of people read this and are like oh my god what a prick
but literally right before that hes at the psychiatrist and the psychiatrist tells him hes projecting all his insecurities on to his girlfriend, right? and right after someone punches him for coming to the party because nobody wants him there. and this book was written during a period where pete was talking in interviews about how tttyg was misogynistic and hes like grown as a person or whatever
but then ALSO , the scene repeatedly references the dharma bums by jack kerouac and theres a bit in the dharma bums where this girl who is a bit airheaded and crazy and thinks shes the buddha or whatever is like talking about what she thinks of certain writers and kerouac and all these guys are pretending to care about what she says because theyre about to run a train on her and in gray one of the guys is feeling her up while hes like pretending to listen to what she says which i think is supposed to be the implication here
and like to add on to the dharma bums reference the take this to your grave title is like kind of based in the dharma bums and the book like centers around take this to your grave thematically and THE QUOTE is FROM THE TRAIN SCENE and like i never got into kerouac so i cannot give an informed opinion on this but like everyone quotes his one friend as calling him misogynistic even for the time however the person who called him misogynistic is like beating women left and right in kerouacs books or whatever
and like i know this sounds crazy but this is probably on purpose because all of the other allusions in the book are very purposeful, like layla by derek and the dominoes is playing in the car when he drives to stand outside his girlfriends apartment at 3:30am and then wait for her to leave and see him during a manic episode and the song is like based on a folk tale about a guy who loves this girl and the dad wont let her marry him because hes nuts and then the girl is forced into marriage with someone else who like hits her or something dies of a broken heart AND ALSO its about like an affair eric clapton had with this girl and he was like obsessed with her yet treated her like shit whiccchhhhhh
and theres like a quick reference to william tecumseh sherman who was this civil war general who was widely considered to be nuts and he BFFs with ulysses s grant who was supposed to be a drunkard and they would like die for each other or whatever and thats pete and patrick to a T
So anyway back to the cringy feminist dharma bums scene theres like the straight reading that this is the memoir of a selfish little misogynistic emo prick and then theres like the layer of this being like a fictional novel thats self reflective and then theres like ??????? the third layer ?????????????
and like once i was like 18 i thought i was stupid and crazy and just wanted to suck petes dick so bad i was like hallucinating things that werent there in this trashy celebrity memoir and was like whatever im not gonna tell anybody this is the best book ever anymore. and i know its like peaked in high school energy to brag about this but then when i graduated i was awarded as being like the best in the english department so i was like okay and the first thing i did was reread the book for the first time in like four years and it was better than i remembered and i was like ??????
it was also edited by a woman which is like another layer to this I DO NOT UNDERSTAND IT i could probably write multiple books about wtf its supposed to mean
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domino-waki · 2 years
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taking catlad au and putting my own spin on it. technically making him worse than regular tim since he didn’t need a cat god to keep him alive.
 Basically, Jack Drake gets some illegal cat merch from an archeology dig, and Selina wants it. Tim does his tiny baby stalker thing, figures out who Cat Woman is, and breaks into the area the thing is being and waits for her. He tells her the deal, and I guess, not wanting to be cursed or whatever, she goes to return it. With a baby boy in her luggage.
Tim makes the offering to Cat God since it was his Dad who fucked it up, and Cat God is like “damn dude, nice, have a boon” but never tells them what it is. Tim does get some cat boy behavior, but Selina also does the same shit, so she figured the kid imprinted on her like a duck.
She keeps an eye on him for the next couple years. With his kind of absent parents, he bonds with her easy. She never planned to take him on heists, but he was a smart kid, and there were things he could help with. She wants shiny things, but she only uses the kid for his big fuckin brain, and never takes him out into danger. but she trains him for self defense. 
then Jason Todd dies, and Tim is like “hey mom, gotta go tell Dick Grayson to dress up like a watermelon again, Batman needs a Robin.” and Selina is like “YOU KNOW THEIR SECRET IDENTITIES???” and Tim is like “yeah? don’t you?” and I don’t know if she did at this point in the comics, but Catboy Tim becomes Robin and has a real crisis about helping Batman do the justice thing while having helped Selina steal shit. She only had him help her steal from real assholes, but still. crime.
Bruce is very suspicious about why Tim knows the layout of some buildings so well.
Tim doesn’t become catlad (Or Kitten as I’ve been calling him) until after he’s healed up after Jason gets his ass. Bats wont let him back as Robin, but Tim knows that Bruce needs an emotional support child in order to not be fucked up and evil. So if he play Robin, he’ll be the Kitten that funnels wayne enterprises money into many different charities and shit. He does a lot of robin hood ass crimes actually. He doesn’t take anything of personal value to people, and if he scoops up something nice from some asshole, he can pass it on to Mamma Cat.
and Bruce is just standing there like “am I really going to send my girlfriend *and* her son to prison? When He mostly steals from me and returns stolen artifacts to their rightful homes? and my girlfriend who is very hot?”
anyway that’s the Kitten Backstory bullshit I got.
oh yeah, and tim, now knowing he won’t die, puts himself in more danger. He’s going to give his cat mom a heart attack.
OH and he loves Helena so much, good sibling time on one half of the family.
OOC on probably everyone’s part? probably. am I having fun? oh yeah.
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guideaus · 1 year
stampede ep 5 thoughts pt. 1 i guess
i kinda like theyre putting more abt the plant worshippers. in the manga that cult just seemed to be solely an explanation for wolfwood and livio's upbringing, i remember i desperately wanted worldbuilding, but that was about it... not that i expect too much more here
i kinda wanna say smth abt vash being shown sleeping so much, either its an original performative "im not awake, go talk abt whatever serious thing u want" w one eye open, or maybe its him being exhausted from previous events, or maybe it doesnt mean anything idk (which i'd hate). i'd say wolfwood would absolutely be the one to play dead in a fake way, but idk abt this wolfwood yet.
i guess the cult also being located in july sets up livio/others potentially being there?
roberto being a bit more playful, but hes also setting up the ep's conflict i think so :/ again i cant help but think how does he know this
meryl is once again a bad driver in an empty desert
wolfwood's either been let in on the gang (vash)'s issues w knives, or he's just being way too blunt
the animation is nice as always
i just now realized it, but i dont think stampede has ever said why vash is so pacifistic?? obviously no normal person wants to kill anyone, but i think most ppl would understand for a normal case of self defense, not to mention the wacky version of whats going on here. im not sure why theyre holding out on that, or hopefully they will share
its been 5 eps and theyre not very far from jenora's rock (the setting of the first ep), idk how theyre gonna get to july within 12 eps at this pace
hate meryl being useless. in the 2nd ep she at least provided some support
it also doesnt give a reason for wolfwood helping vash (its clearly not friendship)
wolfwood's also got the super perceptive thing going on, so of the main characters, vash purposely is obfuscates, and meryl... is clueless uwu girl, so im wondering if stampede just has an incredibly bad case of telling instead of showing
stampede kind of repeats stuff from the original anime/manga, but doesnt give a reason why. there was a crazy depiction of vash in ep 1, but they never showed any reason for that (while i always disagreed w it in the first place bc his bounty is the key thing causing ppl to wreak havoc trying to get him, i thought originally it was going to be given to him bc he trespassed trying to interact w plants or smth). theres never been a reason shown for him to be called vash the stampede or the humanoid typhoon, it could lead to the revelation of it in this ep, but...
that flashback was kind of weird lmao. i expected more to happen, idk what changed within that short amount of time showing vash and that kid interacting for the kid to go "ok, sure, i'll go back to my village and willingly get sacrificed :)" and its not like vash gave him some out of context advice the kid wrongly misunderstood to interpret as "I should sacrifice myself"
the "if god wont save you, i will" line also felt out of nowhere considering all that happened was vash said his mom sent him to look for him, the kid recognized him as vash the stampede, said he's going to die young bc his sickness, and then seemingly became ok with getting sacrificed before then. i understand theyre giving vash a savior complex (that im not sure was present before..? like obviously hes mr. pacifist, but idk if he ever willingly likened himself to god lol??)
they put conrad with the cult group...
not a fan of how the flashbacks are presented against the current time
and wtf was the group even doing w rollo lmao. turned him into action figure material and then let him loose again lol??
why are meryl and roberto just exploring random buildings instead of trying to help vash...
i wanna say the vash + baby photo is cute, but also im like that implies vash didnt just randomly get saddled w a rescue mission job for a child he just met. how did he not know that town was fucked up then lol
the photo of him looking the exact same (i dont mean age, i mean clothes/hair) reminds me that i wish the characters changes their models in some way
i dont get whats up w rollo, did the cult just experiment on him and let him loose and vash happened to stroll in and he took it out on him, is he attacking as revenge for vash not saving him, is he just a mindless monster?? nothing is really... understandable for some reason
again its reminding me idk wtf stampede is doing concerning the gung ho guns. are they not formally organized here, or not in a group at all... the previous ep's mention by knives abt the gate doesnt mean anything w/o knowing the 90s anime or manga, so here it doesnt mean anything yet...
i am not sure why whoever at orange chose this moment to have wolfwood do his classic "goes against vash's wishes and kills someone" moment. i think in the manga he did it first w the samurai guy and it was a moment where he stood down, vash turned his back and walked away, and samurai guy was in the middle of doing his super special anime move, and wolfwood said nope. then the anime i think he did it very late and it was w zazie. there i think it was more too that he shot a kid fjhsdjsksds. but here its like... way too early for that. the manga relatively was, but ww had a full volume w vash at that point, and his pre maximum stuff, here in stampede i think that'd just warrant vash telling him to get away from him. ww has done nothing in stampede to solidify his position with vash, in fact doing, something completely against his wishes would earn his hate i think. it wasnt framed as ww showed up and thought vash was going to die, it wasnt a moment where ww saved vash instead of rollo, it wasnt as urgent as zazie or the samurai guy's actions. frankly, i think if they just flat out stole the anime's "legato forces chapel to attack wolfwood after ww shows mercy" v mogami mp100 minori style, that wouldve been more convincing, but... yeah i dont see why that happened lol
ive already seen the manga and anime, so i forgot again, but i think ww probably just seems like an asshole at this point. the previous ep portraying him as a complete liar is v bad for his character, then w him killing someone vash didnt want dead, that makes it worse. ww being the one to call out vash's conflicting ideologies doesnt work here either bc he doesnt have a role of friend yet, he's just someone who heard vash's story, then tried to tell him he's messed up when ww was the one who shot rollo in his least aggressive state. if i was vash, there's no way i'd listen to some guy i just met thats acting superior
the topic of ww killing whoever (rollo in this case) also is different because wolfwood's excuse isnt out of concern for vash this time. zazie or the samurai were potentially about to kill vash, and wolfwood intervened citing his "its us or them" mentality, which vash argues with bc of his skill in avoiding harming others. ww's recognition of vash's skills also lead to his later point that he cant afford to go about life like that since he is human. but the 90s anime and manga that moment was significant bc it highlighted vash's inherited ideals (at least in the anime if i remember right, im not sure if the manga went as hard abt it) from rem abt people's potential for change. stampede also had meryl call vash a coward instead of wolfwood... which is then used for vash to call out nick's behavior in acting in a way that's not true to himself. so idk all in all, it felt like it repeatedly took moments from the original, but in a way where none of it made sense.
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lepidopteragirl · 2 years
tbh, as much as i love hating and being a hater, i think /r tntduo in the nevadas era is rly interesting and if i wasn't a toxic karlnapityolo i think their dynamic would rot my brain So Much. however i do unironically strongly dislike ''right person wrong time'' soft pogtopia era ctnt so fucking much. obvs niki's birthday party happened lol, clearly they have a smth.. going on if you want to read it like that, and while i think it could be fun to look at that like that, i personally don't rly think that kind of hurt/comfort, sitting on the roof heart to heart kind of thing really works with them mostly bc, for lack of a better word, i don't think cwilbur really respects cquackity as an equal rly in s1/manburg era. he calls quackity schlatt's bitch for fuck's sake. (and perhaps this is a little bit fair given how swag2020's victory got started off, but i also am a toxic quolo and i feel like reading the whole story cq pays farrrr more he's got narrative consequences than his narrative crimes and it makes it hard for me to get upset w him also he's my special little boy i don't even care, okay?)
cwilbur has that bossy older sibling thing (/aff) going on where he very much sees his position towards a lot ppl during s1 as a leader, older sort of for lack of a better word authoritative figure who knows better than most everyone. (obvs cwilbur mental illness plays into this but it is also kinda not good lol) and im sort of scared to touch this bc i fear it will erupt into the most horrid rancid discourse to grace this fine earth, but the fact that cquackity is a few years (five i think actually lol) younger than cwilbur absolutely plays into this too. im not gonna sit here and go oh no fictional age gap bad bc i gen do not care about how it makes their relationship "toxic" or not lol. (also rpverse tnt my beloved are the only version of ctnt that wont be just a little but toxic imo tbh, the toxic-ness is where the fun comes in lmao.) however, it very much affects how the two of them interact in s1. it doesn't necessarily make their dynamic Bad or #Problematic or one of them using the other etc i don't think, but i do think it's why pogtopia era tnt content that starts w ''these two make out/fuck sometimes but they're both sad and somehow let down walls to take care of each other'' doesn't really work like it does in the las nevadas era. (which even as the worlds most toxic karlnapityolo i v much enjoy if ppl do it right) part of the issue i think is that some ppl transplant their s3 dynamic back into s1 and treat it like its the same, and i don't really think it works.
to me, its that huge change in the dynamic between s1 and s3 that makes nevadas era tntduo so intriguing. its part of what makes the " i don't think about you" line so hot sexy etc imo, the shift from cquackity being so Young in so many ways and then coming back face to face with cwilbur and being able to stand toe to toe with him now. (i am am not immune to girlboss cq.) its cquackity reinventing himself, he's not the little boy who wasn't worth cwilbur considering as a real candidate, one who would never be worth enough to be a real leader of lmanburg. he's not schlatt's bitch anymore, hes no one's bitch. he's not the naive ditz that stood on a hillside at sunset with cwilbur and was told he was too weak, too scared, too soft to do what's needed to get power. but he's better, he's better than that too, there are no walls around las nevadas, and he'll even offer wilbur a job as his vice when he wasn't even let in the gates of wilbur's nation. hes winning and by god will he make sure wilbur knows it. love her shes soooo crazy omg
(is it perhaps not that healthy mental state no it is not but he is like elle woods but withso many more problems he is moving to a brand new city and teaching himself how to die and so long to the person you begged him to be he's down he's dead etc i love characters sooo much)
also if i have to pick up one more rly good s1 cquack character study that suddenly springs ''then wilbur and quackity fucked in pogtopia'' im going to become the joker slash serious
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majorasnightmare · 2 years
I've never played/probably won't play Elden Ring. Who is Melina and what are your opinions?
okay i literally did like a huge ass ramble shortly before answering this but to answer the first half of ur question
if youve seen any trailers or shit for elden ring, theres that lady early on with the cloak whos like "i offer you... an accord", who gives you your horse, torrent. pink hair, one eye closed, BIIIIIIG cloak
THATS melina (not to be confused with malenia, blade of miquella, because if i have to say both their names out loud i WILL get tongue twistered)
melina is the one of the first npcs u meet on screen, and one of the earliest your character talks to (first npc you talk to goes to varre, also known as the "No Bitches?" guy)
her whole deal is like. she finds you in the dirt. her horse torrent thinks ur cool. she decides that if torrent vouches for you, you can DEFINITELY kill god. probably, she is a little suspicious at first.
you cant level up because you cant channel runes (currency gained thru violence) into strength (levels) because you havent been taught how. conveniently melina knows how and offers to do it for you and ALSO teach you how to do it yourself, and after that you can level up no problem. sometimes at sites of grace (elden ring bonfires), she shows up and you can chat with her. USUALLY its because your at a spot where Marika (goddess girlboss and also maybe melinas mom) said some Relevant Things that melina thinks might help you to know. occasionally its because she needs to reality check
she has dialogue about boc, a seamster kicked out from his tribe who misses his deceased mother dearly, and cries pretty often about it. she asks you if crying about dead moms is something people just Do and thinks hes kind of precious in a pathetic kind of way and asks you to talk to him often.
the other kind of reality check comes in the form of Melina Lectures, in which you are about to make probably the worst mistake of your life and invite a god made of Personhood Destroying Fire to live in your body and she talks at Length about why you REALLY SHOULDNT DO THAT (some of her most emotionally charged dialogue is here and honestly its really nice to hear her get so emotional. her usual tone is a kind of monotone bemused, except when shes asking about Is This Normal, where she gets endearingly confused). the other melina lecture is post her offscreen arc where she is steadying her resolve to, and im not making this up, Burn Herself Alive For The Cause, and shes actually pretty intense about that one, firmly stating that she wont let anyone talk down about her decisions and what she wants to die for, including you
which brings me to that thing i babbled about in my insane ramblings: melinas purpose
she isnt like, alive. in the normal sense. she describes herself as having a mother, but not being born. she describes herself as Burned And Bodyless, and mostly appears by becoming momentarily tangible at sites of grace with a kind of whooshy fade in. she can only "govern her movement freely" when inside the erdtree, the literal pillar of faith and divine presence in elden ring. otherwise she needs you to basically carry her from grace to grace, as she cant travel on her own.
this is because her purpose is to serve as kindling, to spark a flame capable of burning said erdtree down. some speculation here, but it can be assumed that her INTENDED purpose was to kindle a flame, burn the erdtree, and encourage her chosen tarnished (you) to continue the divine legacy of the Current God Regime. it isnt stated in clear words, but it can be understood that melina instead chooses to die on her own terms, for a world she has a say in helping to make, for the sake of a world you choose to help create, instead of slavishly following her predetermined destiny. if she cant help but be kindling, she can at least choose what cause she dies for, and imo thats the true meaning behind her dialogue where she sternly states she wont let anyone talk bad of it
but yeah thats elden ring melina in a poorly summarized nutshell
lots of people like to be horny about her
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