#but also his genuine affection for his uncle and aunt
bethanydelleman · 5 hours
I really want to talk about this paragraph from the Pride & Prejudice epilogue:
Lady Catherine was extremely indignant on the marriage of her nephew; and as she gave way to all the genuine frankness of her character, in her reply to the letter which announced its arrangement, she sent him language so very abusive, especially of Elizabeth, that for some time all intercourse was at an end. But at length, by Elizabeth’s persuasion, he was prevailed on to overlook the offence, and seek a reconciliation; and, after a little further resistance on the part of his aunt, her resentment gave way, either to her affection for him, or her curiosity to see how his wife conducted herself; and she condescended to wait on them at Pemberley, in spite of that pollution which its woods had received, not merely from the presence of such a mistress, but the visits of her uncle and aunt from the city.
I feel like a lot is made of women's unpaid labour in some domains (childcare, nursing the sick, cleaning etc) but we don't spend enough time talking about how maintaining social connections, with family and society, is also usually the work of women. This may be for many reasons, because it's not supposed to be work but pleasure, or because it's written off as just women gossiping, but it is work and it takes time and energy. It's also vitally important, maintaining social connections is what keeps you alive when times get tough but also what makes life worth living. These relationships will die without maintenance. The person writing letters, arranging holiday get-togethers, and smoothing over arguments is usually female.
Some readers hate this part, they want Elizabeth to Girlboss all over Lady Catherine and her snobby ways, but what does that accomplish? This is part of Mrs. Elizabeth Darcy's job, to do what she can to maintain family harmony. For better or worse, Lady Catherine is her husband's aunt, and burning a bridge is a big deal. I admire Elizabeth for putting aside her own feelings and moving towards reconciliation.
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anghraine · 2 years
My best friend and I were talking about our favorite moments in the SW prequels even though we both have issues with them, and there was one that we solidly (but kind of unexpectedly) agreed on.
It's actually in Attack of the Clones and from Hayden Christensen as teenage Anakin, in a moment where we really thought he shone—the return to Tatooine.
In particular, we both loved how he questions Watto, his former owner, who talks as if their history would be nostalgic for Anakin somehow and as a Jedi, Anakin might do him favors now. Watto admits he sold Anakin's mother to some guy who freed and married her, but is purposefully vague on the details, and Anakin just quietly says something along the lines of "I'd like to know."
This could be kind of empty or OTT hostile, and in our opinion, it's really neither! There's a certain, hmm, lingering politeness, but there is also an underlying menace that we thought perfectly fit the circumstances and his character.
(We also thought and liked that he seemed weirded out by the Lars situation. I mean, when you think about "this guy bought my mother in order to marry her, but also legally freed her" from Anakin's POV, it is an extremely strange situation to be in.)
#it's interesting bc we both love ot anakin but tend to see him a bit differently bc of our respective issues with our fathers (lol)#whereas we were solidly on the same page with the prequels#and sometimes amuse ourselves by spinning this whole alternate version with obi-wan as tragic hero#but the plot is basically the same#anghraine babbles#star wars#anakin skywalker#pt critical#by implication though this isn't about that!#fandom has a very ... hmm. soft and romantic take on the skywalker-lars tie#but sometimes i wonder not only about anakin being kind of '......' about the whole thing (justifiably tyvm)#but about luke growing up with that mind-boggling family history#and how it affected his sense of himself as a skywalker (bc this /is/ clearly his sense of himself in the films)#but also his genuine affection for his uncle and aunt#like... i saw a post the other day about how tatooine is the equivalent of the modern rural usa#but i mean ... luke might /feel/ like a us small town kid who wants out in a recognizable way#but tatooine is legitimately an arid hellscape controlled by gangsters#who keep people as slaves including luke's father and grandmother#his father was freed and made a career for himself as far as luke knows (but died young anyway)#his grandmother was freed and found a family (but was tortured to death anyway)#he might well walk past her grave every day until owen and beru are also killed#i feel like his emotions about all this might possibly be more complex than 'ungrateful whiny kid in space usa'#long post#in the tags :P
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stellar-skyy · 7 months
FAMILY (OF SORTS) — Platonic Fatui Harbingers & reader.
i. SUMMARY: The Fatui Harbingers have a soft spot for Arlecchino's child. ii. CONTENT WARNINGS: None! iii. NOTES: STRICTLY PLATONIC, headcanons, fluff, parent!arlecchino, house of the hearth!reader, all of the harbingers are reader's weird aunts and uncles, gn!reader, they/them pronouns used, 1.6k words. iv. A/N: the fatui are just a dysfunctional found family and i will die on this hill. shoutout to @romaritimeharbor for listening to my rambles about this idea 🫶🫶 also pierro and pulcinella aren't here because i could not think of anything to write for them :')
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All of the harbingers knew about Arlecchino’s child; the one that appeared in Fatui Headquarters stuck to her side, eyes cast to the floor. They all saw the way that Arlecchino had held a soft grip on their shoulder, guiding them through the halls with the gentle touch of a parent from the gentle hands of a monster.
The Knave always swore she didn’t play favourites, but from an outside view it was clear that they held a special place separate from the rest. Anyone could see the way they appeared so much more frequently by her side. They were permitted to sit in on meetings, following her like a shadow. Some of the Harbingers guessed that she had picked them to be her successor; that their frequent shadowing was training them to take over once she was gone. Others joked about Arlecchino’s apparent soft side taking over. Whatever the reason, time went on, and the Fatui saw more and more of them.
All of them varied in their opinions of them—some indifferent, some fond—but the Harbingers all cared for them in their own ways.
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Columbina simply adores them. They’re just so small and cute, so tiny and fragile! Admittedly, her idea of ‘tiny’ is rather skewed—applying to anyone she deems weaker than her (notably, this label also gets given to Capitano and Tartaglia, despite their larger size and physical strength. The Damselette is truly an enigma.)
Whenever Arlecchino allows her to watch over them, she is delighted. She has a penchant for pet names, so ‘angel’, ‘my sweet’, and ‘lovely’ are all more commonly used than their name. Sometimes there’s a ‘baby’ or ‘bub’ if she’s feeling particularly affectionate, but no matter the name, it is always dripping with sweetness. She’ll sing to them too, to calm them down or get them to sleep. Her voice is gentle, laced with as much love as she would show her own child.
Some Fatui believe Columbina is a woman formed from hollow sweetness; that behind the lazy smile and soft voice, lies a callous and unfeeling heart, but her insistence on singing them to sleep comes from a place of genuine affection.
When they have to return home, she’ll kiss their cheeks and sweep them into a hug, making them promise to visit her soon.
⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
The fact that Arlecchino would tear out his throat with her bare hands if he dared to look at them the wrong way is the only thing stopping Dottore from roping [Name] into one of his experiments. Even then, he can’t help but investigate them a bit. Nothing extreme—please put the knife down, Knave—just some simple trials to see how they work. A quick strength assessment, a test of their reflexes, enough to judge the effectiveness of the House of the Hearth’s training.
The segments all had different opinions of them, varying from Prime’s general indifference to some of the younger segments fondness towards them. The latter were less likely to try to trick them into the lab—not that Arlecchino would allow them anywhere near it without strict supervision—and instead focused their efforts on convincing them to help mess with the rest of the Dottores. They proved to be an excellent partner in crime to thoroughly ruin the older segment’s day.
Despite his assertion that he won’t harm them, Dottore tends to be the one Arlecchino trusts least around her child. His unwillingness to get on her bad side doesn’t stop her from insisting Columbina or herself accompany them whenever they visit his lab.
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Tartaglia loves them. The days he gets to see his siblings are few and far between, so he’s always eager to play the older brother for them, and for any other House of the Heath kids that stop by. In fact, whenever any of the children visit, he makes sure to buy them plenty of sugary treats and candies before quickly sending them back to their Father.
(Arlecchino was not happy the first time this happened. It didn’t stop him from doing it every time, though.)
He was the first to convince them to call him Uncle, a feat that he bragged about to the rest of the Harbingers. This small incident would inadvertently lead to a petty competition to see who their favourite is, an event that would quickly spiral out of control with bribery and promises coming from all sides.
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Sandrone is very particular with who she allows in her workshop. When the rare guest was allowed inside, they had to follow three simple rules: do not touch anything, do not move unless I tell you to, and do not talk to me while I work. When [Name] first stumbled into the room, she was prepared to discourteously shoo them out the way she did whenever Tartaglia poked his head in to see what she was working on. But after some extensive begging, she relented and sat them down in a corner to watch her work. 
Even if she is far less fond of them as some of the other Harbingers, she still audibly squeaked the first time she was called Aunt Sandrone. This was covered up with a cough, but nothing could stop the warmth blooming in her chest. It was the first time a living creature had addressed her with such a familial title; some of her synthetic creations had a habit of calling her Mother, but this was a living, breathing person.
After they started calling her that, she quietly told them they were free to visit when she was working—provided they did not interfere with anything. 
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As much as he denies it, Scaramouche has a big soft spot for kids. He’ll swear up and down that he doesn’t care for them at all, but he treats them noticeably gentler than he treats any other member of the Fatui. Arlecchino once caught them huddled against him, using his wide-brimmed hat to shelter from the rain. She never let him forget that moment—the fearsome Balladeer, who notoriously never let anyone close enough to touch him, allowing her child to use him as an umbrella.
They remind him a little too much of the young boy he once considered his family. Whenever he spends time with them, there is something inside that both urges him to protect them in the way he couldn’t protect that child, and warns keep them at arm’s length before they betray him too. But his endearment towards them prevailed, and he begrudgingly allowed them a place in his heart.
Unlike Columbina’s affectionate pet names, the only nicknames Scaramouche gives them are ‘kid’ and ‘brat’, depending on his mood. On good days, they might even get called by their name, though it is a rarity. He cares for them, truly. In his own, strange way.
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Capitano is the best at giving advice out of all the harbingers. He is much more down to earth than Columbina and Dottore, and far less cynical than Scaramouche and Sandrone. He’ll let them ramble about their frustrations freely before offering gentle suggestions on what they should do to help. Even if they aren’t looking for a solution, he’s patient enough to hear out their thoughts, however jumbled and incoherent they may be.
He also likes teaching them skills he deems important for a young person to know. These include cooking—Tartaglia is not allowed to join them in these lessons after he almost burnt down the kitchen trying to ‘help’—as well as sewing and mending clothes.  
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Pantalone never would describe himself as parental. He never cared too much for kids; he hadn’t enough patience to deal with constantly crying babies or needy toddlers. Arlecchino’s child was thankfully far above that age, so they were less unbearable to deal with.
He was quite happy to spoil them with extravagant gifts and treats to win their favour, but the most effective way he does so is simply spending time with them. Trips to luxurious restaurants for lunch, allowing them to shadow him while he works. He also likes to give them advice—completely unasked for—about life, and relationships. Unlike Capitano however, his advice is of a much less helpful; he has a habit of advocating for blackmail for solving problems.
In exchange for a box of the most expensive pastries in Teyvat, he got them to call him their favourite uncle in front of Tartaglia. The miniscule dent in his funds was worth the look of betrayal on the younger Harbinger’s face.
⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
Signora easily took the longest to warm up to them. When she first met them, it was easy enough to label them as Arlecchino’s brat and move them from her mind. But they kept appearing, in and around the headquarters. At first they were always glued to the Knave’s side, but eventually Signora began to see them wandering alone through the halls. She took note of them—not out of any attachment to them, only out of self-preservation knowing that if Arlecchino found out her child landed themself into trouble while she was close by, it would be her funeral soon.
The sense of obligation faltered when she started to grow fond of them. They were irritatingly innocent, a rarity within the Fatui. Something about the spark in their eyes reminded her of when she was young—when she still had warmth in her heart and blood in her veins. For the first time in centuries, her frozen heart began to thaw with care towards another person, and begrudgingly, she began to accept that they were not as unpleasant as she once believed.
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reblogs and comments are appreciated! ♡
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celaenaeiln · 8 months
Is Dick's tendency for self-destructive habits really as bad as some fics make it out to be?
oh interesting!! In some way, yes actually.
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Batman (2016) Issue #689
Dick and Alfred!! The duo make me so happy <33
But anyway, it's weird that someone who's so effusive with his affection so often and readily "deflects a moment of genuine emotion." Which is also one of the reasons why Dick Grayson as a character is so fascinating because he's never what people expect him to be. He's like a puzzle box where every time you think you solved, you just opened yourself up to a hard, even more complex one wherein the process repeats on an endless cycle.
He's incredibly self-destructive in the way he drive a burning car off a bridge and he'll know it's on fire, he knows where he's going, but he'll do it anyway because the car has a bomb and it's safer with him than the civilians behind him.
You know what? I just realized he deflects intimate conversations because he wants to keep the focus on the other person. Since he was Robin, Dick has been purposefully neglecting his feelings in order to take care of Bruce's. Right after his parents died, he bottled up his sadness and sorrow because he was worried that Bruce would blame himself and he didn't want Bruce to do that.
It's always been "Tell me what's wrong, Bruce." He's been so busy raising his guardian, his friends, his siblings, his teammates, that Dick has sunk into the role of a performer - the spotlight's on him but the audience is the focus.
I didn't realize until writing this ask but self-destruction is just such a normal thing with him that it's become a part of his personality. In fics it's very obvious when he's being self-destructive or neglecting himself or etc because he's very aware of it but Dick in canon has just made it his thing. It's actually the Titans that realize this and yank him out of it because Dick has no idea what he does to himself.
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The New Teen Titans (1980) Issue #28
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The New Teen Titans (1980) Issue #28
He's not self-destructive in a way that he's conscious of it but his habits and his lifestyle don't really give him a choice. He literally works himself sick.
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The Titans (1999) Issue #9
"Maybe it's too much. Dick --have you considered that? You're working Bludhaven, even joining their force, you still clearly intend to come here to Gotham every time he calls you -- working so hard you're making yourself sick,"
"No. It's not the newness that's the problem."
People are literally telling him to calm down and he's like 'No! I'm perfectly okay. This is fine, let's continue.'
And this isn't even going into when Blockbuster blew up his life and Dick kinda lost himself to hunt him down and make him pay. People understand that Desmond burnt down the circus but Dick was still connected to the people in that circus, like he used his contacts there to sometimes inquire about things going on Bludhaven. The people at the circus raised him along with his parents so killing them was like killing Dick's aunts and uncles and friends and childhood. What happened then and after the SA was catastrophic. To Dick self-destruction has just become a part of him because he aims for perfection in every aspect of his life.
Like Donna said, "He works with the Titans, on his own, goes to school, and then he works alongside Batman..." and so on. Usually people struggle to maintain even one area of their life like just school or family but Dick's juggling, his work, his family, his friends, his relationship, his teams, and is still on call for Justice League incidents.
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Titans (2003) Issue #6
He literally dropped everything to come over and break up the Titans (OF WHICH HE IS NOT EVEN A PART OF RIGHT NOW BECAUSE HE'S IN THE MIDDLE OF DEALING WITH THE OUTSIDERS) and the Justice League full on fighting.
He's not self-destructive in the way he doesn't want to get out of bed or that he isn't clean, it's just that Dick Grayson is a machine. He's got ice in his veins and he just powers through everything. Everything he does has to be top notch, so sleep and social life and happiness can say goodbye because he's too busy for that. This is why the Titans are so important to him and for him because they realize this toxic trait of his and do their absolute best to yank him out of this bad habit because Dick certainly can't stop.
So self-destruction has become part of his personality but unlike in fics, it's conducive self-destruction. It comes from his refusal to feel any emotion that isn't for others because Big Brother Dick Grayson and Best Friend Dick Grayson are always there for everyone but the second he's asked to help himself or someone tries to help him, he flakes. He's the best at helping others and being there for them but he's allergic to getting help or talking about himself.
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torialefay · 8 months
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❤️‍🔥 Mercury in Libra 🪫
bangchan as your boyfriend series!!! (pt 5)
(based on astrology) 🔞
✨bangchan x reader (f); angsty sad times, little fluff if you try
✨word count: ~3.1k
✨5th and final part in chan’s astrology series!!! together, let’s take a look into chan’s natal chart to see what type of boyfriend he would be!
✨i will give a brief synopsis of what each chart placement means throughout the series (for all my non-astrology friends out there <3) and how that would affect channie in a relationship
✨ author’s notes:
(1) i do brief compatibility readings w/ skz members! if interested, send your natal chart to my inbox, as well as which member you’d like me to read for OR if i think there is one member best suited to you <3
(2) the aspects in this reading are based solely on my opinions and interpretations! nothing about a person is set in stone simply because of astrology. please don’t use anything i say as canon :)
✨warnings: sad plot, theme of unfaithfulness, occasional cursing
✨tl/dr: chan is a loverboy who gets caught up in flirting when he doesn’t even know he’s flirting. then he ends up a blubbering mess.
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Mercury in Libra:
-Mercury is the planetary ruler of communication and intellect. It shows how you connect with others throughout everyday life, just in speaking with them. It can also tell you a lot about how you relate to others and interpret the information they give you.
-Libra is a cardinal sign, meaning that people who are in this placement REALLY live by the aspects associated with that placement- in other words, chan is likely to hold very true to these values.
-Libra is the sign of love, beauty, charm, and balance. Libra in Mercury has a few key traits when it comes to communication. They are natural charmers and can instantly make people like them simply by talking with them. Libras are very good at placating to what others want, so they can speak to you in a way that they tell you what you want to hear. Libras also love beauty, so they many times will have an elegant way of speaking or cute quirks and mannerisms. Lastly, Libras value harmony and balance, so most likely their communication style will either (1) mimic yours, or (2) counter yours to be able to reach a happy medium.
-Long story short: Mercury in Libra people are sweet talkers who can charm anyone they meet, make them feel special, and meet them at the communication level that they are in. HOWEVER, the downside to Libra in Mercury is that they do not like confrontation- so they are likely going to avoid any conversations that could disrupt the peace between them and that person.
As your boyfriend:
• Chan always supports you exactly how you need him to.
◦ Had a bad day? He understands, come lay on him and talk about it.
◦ Upset over a test score? Scores are stupid, he’s gonna buy you ice cream and let you rant about how ridiculous it was.
◦ Got into a yelling match with a close friend? Hold his hands and talk him through it. He wants to know how he can help.
• He adapts to what you need in that moment- if you need someone to listen, he will sit there with an open ear. If you need advice on what to do, he will analyze every option and patiently walk you through what he thinks is best.
• If you get really frustrated or angry over something, he will 100% come up behind you and bear hug you, shaking you around until you give in and put a smile on your face.
• “Come here and talk to me,” he says, pulling you down to sit on his lap.
• He loves talking about deep things with you, like the meaning of life. It makes him feel so lucky to have such a smart significant other.
• He stares at you in awe as you talk about things you’re passionate about. Even if he genuinely doesn’t care about the topic, he holds on to every word, thinking of how cute you are in this moment.
• He remembers every little story you tell him about your childhood. When you bring up a long-gone aunt, uncle, grandparent, etc., he says “Oh, the one you told me about who ___?” You always smile at how he remembers these little things.
• Chan knows that you’re mad. He ALWAYS knows.
• He can tell in the way that you don’t instinctively turn your knees towards him in the car and when you don’t automatically reach for his hand when you walk next to him.
• He may not know why you’re mad, but he does know that you are.
• What he has a really hard time with is addressing it.
• He’s been trying for days to make up for it- whatever it is.
• Every day, he starts with “Good morning beautiful.” And every night, he finishes with “Good night princess.” Making sure you didn’t feel unloved.
• He’s been doing extra housework- cooking, cleaning, finishing up odd jobs you’d asked about a month ago. Could that be it?
• He’s been putting his foot down at work, leaving every night 5 PM to make sure he gets to spend the evenings with you. Maybe that’s what this is about- maybe you just missed spending time with him.
• Chan doesn’t know what’s wrong, and nothing he’s done so far has changed anything.
• He was hoping that his efforts would change your attitude toward him, or even make you forget about it, but he just couldn’t understand why you weren’t letting up. Why you weren’t letting him in as closely as you once had. Why things were so good, but now they are so different.
• All he knows now is that he is hopelessly in love with you, but it seems like you don’t feel the same anymore.
• You both sat together on the couch for a while. You thought Chan wouldn’t notice as you slowly inched yourself away from him, more slowly as the minutes passed.
• But he knew. He tried to reason that something was wrong. He didn’t want to push for an answer yet for fear of learning one that he wished he wouldn’t have.
• You continued to scroll on your phone, mind-numbingly on the ‘X’ app. This was a habitual routine, but one you decided you needed to break.
• There were a lot of great posts on there, but there was a lotttt about your boyfriend on there as well. One more unwanted post you knew would send you into a spiral.
• But you couldn’t help yourself. You had to know.
• You scrolled through the hashtag on the app. “#bangchan” splayed across the search bar.
• Cute photos and gifs. Adorable collages. Sexy TikTok edits. The usual. It took you probably 10 minutes of scrolling before you found something that got you ticked off again.
• ‘Every goddamn time,’ you thought, as your scoffed and rolled your eyes. You stared down at the video playing on the phone, as if this was the first one you’d ever seen.
• The caption of the video:
“how cute is #bangchan looking flirting with #fem/idol 😭🥰”.
• You focused on the interaction on the screen. There was Chan at the award show last night, leaning in and whispering something into fem/idol’s ear. When he pulled back, he looked down at her with a big smile, and you could see her reciprocate by blushing intensely and batting her eyelashes back up at him. You watched as he continued to talk for a few moments, laughing and offering up big hand gestures before saying goodbye, making sure to fully catch her eyes and bow as he went.
• You quickly scrolled underneath to the comment section, hoping that someone would say something- anything- to make you feel better.
◦ “God I wish he would look at me that way 🤭”
◦ “omfg she’s so pretty id def have chan’s reaction too”
◦ “Crying 😭😭 When do you think they’ll announce that they’re together? ❤️”
• You swiped out of the app entirely, shutting your phone off afterwards and placing it in your lap. You continued to stare down at the black screen until you felt tears start to well up in your eyes.
• You quickly tried to blink them away, but you couldn’t help it. This was the third time THIS week that you’d seen him do shit like this. Smiling, blushing, and heavily complimenting one girl, helping another fix her shoe, and now this. Before, you could reason it away- chuck it up to him just being a “nice guy.” But you couldn’t keep doing that forever.
• You always saw the comments people left under the videos about how cute they would be together and how Chan would be the perfect boyfriend.
• ‘But little do they know,’ you thought as you sighed.
• You turned your legs along with your body fully toward the other side of the couch, opposite of where Chan was. You looked a bit ridiculous facing the other way, but you didn’t care. You didn’t want to see his face. You couldn’t stand to.
• You let your mind wonder, repeating the video in your head. The way he looked at her and the way she looked back.
• ‘Am I stupid?… Have I been stupid this whole time?…’
• You thought back to when you first decided to make things official with him, and how you both agreed that it would be easier to not publicize the relationship. You didn’t want anyone coming in the way of what you have together.
• ‘Was that my first mistake? So he can date me in secret and go out and flirt with any other idol he wants?’
• Your mind drifted to each other interaction you’d seen with him. You had make excuses time and time before. But it hurt to see him like this. Your OWN boyfriend talking to another girl the way that he SHOULD be seen talking to you.
• You couldn’t help yourself as one tear escaped. Then two, then three. Before you knew it, there was a release of waterworks all down your face. Your mind got the best of you as you started sobbing into your hands, burying your face into the side of the couch. There was nothing you could do to stop yourself.
• “Baby?” Chan called. His response was met only with more tears.
• “Baby, what is it? What’s wrong?” he asked, scooting his whole body next to yours to hold your back.
• “Get off of me!” you lashed out. He looked confused for a moment, but released his grip from you.
• “Honey, please talk to me. What’s wrong?” he asked, genuine sadness on his face.
• Hearing him call you pet names, all while pulling shit like he just had, completely set you off. “Don’t call me that.” You straightened back up in your seat, slightly turning toward him, not daring to look him in the face.
• “Don’t call you what?”
• “Honey, baby, whatever. You don’t get to call me that anymore.”
• “Y/n, what is going on? Seriously?” He placed his face in front of yours and used his hands to move your shoulders around to face him. This is the first time he could see how red and puffy your face had become. He felt like a piece of him had broken off just looking at you.
• “What’s going on?” you cried. “I don’t know Chris, why don’t you tell me what’s going on.” You quickly unlocked your phone, the video still open on it. You dropped the phone down to him as you stood, then taking a couple of steps to get some distance.
• He watched the video, moving his head around as if he was studying it. He replayed it a couple of times, then turned it intently, like he was looking for a hidden message. But he could find none. He furrowed his brow, then looked back up at you with a stare of confusion.
• You scoffed. “Okay. So you see nothing wrong with that?”
• “With what? Talking to another girl?!”
• “FLIRTING with another girl, Christopher! Flirting!… I’m not stupid! This is the THIRD video I’ve seen like this in a week. Do you know how humiliating it feels to have to see you, who was supposed to be the love of my life, out here flirting with all these other idols THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA.. AND THEN having people comment on top of it about how you two would be ‘just the cutest couple ever’! Do you have any idea how that feels?!”
• You saw him get a tinge of sadness in his eyes, but you cut him off before he could speak.
• “No, you know what? I KNOW you don’t know how this feels. Because I would NEVER think to look at another man the way that I look at you.. So you know what!? If you’re that interested in other girls, you can go for it! By alllll means, don’t let me stop you!” You could feel steam coming off of yourself.
• You didn’t even want to hear what he had to say, you just wanted to get out of there. He could have his idol life. Do whatever the fuck he wanted. He had you fooled for a while, but now you saw him for who he was. A liar. Wants his cake and eats it too. But not with you anymore.
• You turned on your heels to leave, thinking you’d go ahead and pack an overnight bag to head out. As you took your first step, you felt a grasp and a tug on your wrist in the opposite direction.
• You stumbled back, feeling him cling to your hand, then pull the top of your body slightly as he stood himself up. By the time he settled, he had you back facing right in front of him with your one hand in his.
• “Y/n, please don’t say that. Please, just listen to me,” he begged, eyes bigger than you’d ever seen them.
• “Listen to what? Listen to you explain how it’s okay to flirt while you’re in a relationship?”
• “That wasn’t flirting!”
• “Oh really, then what do you call that?!”
• “I was just being nice! I thought-” his voice cracked, tears starting to well up in his eyes. “I thought I was-“ he hung his head to the side. “I thought I was being nice!” He looked so defeated.
• And just like that, he started sobbing. Tears were streaming down his face like you’d never seen before. So powerful, they left visible marks even on his black shirt. He kept trying to get words out through his cries.
• ”Baby, I- I’m so sorry, I didn’t know,” he cried. “I didn’t know it would come across like that… I would NEVER,” he genuinely could not contain himself as he strained to get the words out. “I would NEVER do that to you! I could never think of someone else like that.”
• Teardrops kept trickling down as he reached to grab your other hand into his. “I love you- only you! I could never flirt with someone else! But the fact that I made you feel like that- that that’s what it looked like to you…” he couldn’t even see anymore with the water flowing out of himself. “I am just so sorry… Y/n I’m so sorry! Please, please believe me.” He was getting choked now. His face was red like he was about to pass out from lack of air.
• You stood still, not knowing yet what to believe or what to say.
• “Baby please! Please,” he took your face in his hands, feeling of the few stray tears on your own face. “Please. I love you. Please don’t shut me out. I thought I was just being nice and I- I-… I’ve..” he huffed, struggling to get out what he wanted to say. “I’ve done the last thing I ever wanted to do. I would never intentionally hurt you, do you understand me?!” He tried his best to look into your eyes. All you could see were tears weeping out, redness shooting in all directions, and a look of absolute brokenness. “I promise I never meant to come across that way. I thought I was just being nice to her, that is ALL. YOU are the only person I care about. No one else means anything to me. Without you, I am NOTHING. Please baby, please listen to me. Please don’t leave me. I’ll do anything to make this right.”
• He continued to wail as he brought his arms around your body, resting his head on the side of yours. His tears began to soak down into your hair. There was still nothing you could say. I mean, what could you say? Your boyfriend was notorious for being a charming guy… But knowing that didn’t make this situation any easier.
• “Please baby,” he rubbed your head as he plead. “Please just tell me how to fix it and I will. I don’t want you to ever feel that way again.” You felt the water from his eyes now drench your hair entirely. “I PROMISE if you show me what I’m doing wrong, I will never do it again. I promise I will be perfect for you. Just tell me how. I will do ANYTHING! I am BEGGING, y/n!”
• He stood there, holding you as tightly as he could while cradling your head and trying to quieten his sobs. He waited for you to give him some sort of response. Good, bad, ANYTHING was better than nothing. He felt his heart physically break inside his chest when you remained silent, not even motioning to begin getting a word out.
• He slowly pulled his face away from your hair, coming up to face directly into you one last time. His whole face was swollen, pink cheeks now extended into a pink nose and pink ears, streaks of both new and old teardrops going in every direction.
• “Y/n please,” he begged. “Just tell me something… Anything.” He felt like the floor could drop from under him any moment. A gnawing pit formed in his stomach that he felt was going to jump out of his throat while waiting to hear you.
• You stood still for another moment, moving your eyes down and contemplating what you could even say at this point. Your emotions were so mixed.
• “I love you so much. Please know that,” tears still in his eyes, he leaned down to kiss you. It was wet and you could feel the desperation in the intensity he moved his lips over yours. You leaned into it the slightest bit, giving him most minute sense of hope. He clung onto the kiss with everything he could, throwing his lips further into yours before you felt the tears start to slowly separate you again. He pulled his lips off of yours with violent hesitancy.
• He whispered now, as if he didn’t want anyone else in the world to hear him. “Please teach me what you want. Say the word, and I will do it...” small tears now were the only ones coming out. “I would give up everything for you, y/n. Money, fame, anything. Please just teach me what you want…. Please-” he cried, “please don’t leave me.”
• wellll, I’ll let you decide what your fate is with chan 🤭 to forgive or not to forgive?
• ohhh the world of a mercury in libra
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adoresmiles · 25 days
His Concealed Obsession.
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Chapter five
Tags : @violetmuses @deja-r @jacobscipioswoman @peaxhygirl @armandoaretasfc @unicorndelulu @liatreads @sunrisesfromthewest @onlyrealjoy @nobodygetsza @nelo0wesker @simpledopeme @slashervalley @aaronhotchnerlover @catha2003
The following morning  Noelani Storm was sitting across from her two youngest children . She had initially planned on meeting the both of them the previous night before but neither of the two were able to meet up with her . So here she was now , sitting in Kanani penthouse public lounge .
"Pono ʻolua e kamaʻilio me ko ʻolua makua kāne ."
"If he wanted to have a conversation with us , then he would be sitting here with us mom."
"Dad always send you when he knows his actions are in the wrong ."
"You are absolutely correct about that. He does and I spoke to him about his actions. Now it's up to him be an adult and have a conversation with the both of you. But know that his intentions are always pure and genuine."
"But the outcome is always the opposite."
Dad doesn't respect out our boundaries at all and if it continues then I'll gladly cut him off. Him and I will just simply coworkers."
"I agree , you don't even ask us about our personal life mom and let alone do you snoop around in our stuff. You would think it would be the complete opposite since Jaxon was the one to steal from him."
"Dad and Jaxon made amends with each other after that situation Nani."
"I could have told you that myself.. I personally feel like dad has trust issues and with the death of Nani neighborhood and then the shooting only has him on edge even more."
"I think he believes I have something to do with it."
"But you're not and I relayed that to him. When I went to get the camera footage , you weren't no in the video and mind you he saw the video as well. Even with the shooting, when it occurred you were caught in the midst of it. The shooter started shooting exactly at 4:45 pm he didn't make it to you until 5:15pm , he spun the block twice due to it be a gang rivalry going on and the shooter happened to see his guys ."
"Which I also checked them both about as well. I was on the one who dispatched the call to Keith and everyone else.  Rita and I saw the footage as well , I also checked Mike about assuming that the necklace around your neck is his son's."
"You didn't have to do that mom."
"No I did, nobody knows how that boy look besides him , ammo and your brother."
"Oh shit I didn't even realize you had a necklace on. It's cute on you , I like it. Where you get it from?"
"It was a gift but uncle Mike think the necklace belongs to his son."
"Far as I know Uncle Mike doesn't really have relationship with him. They're having a hard time building one. I only saw him a few times , a quick head nod and that's all."
"Well don't let them two fools get the best of you Nani. Same goes to you as well Keith, I know how protective you are when it comes down to your sister."
Noelani expressed as she begin playing with her son puppy. The puppy was roughly around five months old and everyone in the family was in a chokehold. She had also taken a liking to her human grandmother and aunt. Who both spoiled her with toys , treats and unconditional affection.
""That's my twin! She's the mini KP, just the female  version of me. What time are we doing this cookout today?"
"It's 11 now and I know your father and them are getting the meats and sides ready. So I'll say around four , that will give y'all enough time to get whatever you need done. ʻAʻole pololei kēlā koko ??"
"Ima have to drop her off at the sitters house."
"Why do you have someone watching my niece?"
"Because her mother is out of town. Plus you and mom are busy with work and getting the store ready for the grand opening."
"Now you know I love my grandchildren. Coco knows I love me some her and her little puppy breath."
"That's nasty mom."
"I swear you were a white women in your past life. That sounds like something a white person will say when they see a new puppy."
"KP isn't lying mommy , I don't ever want to hear that come from your mouth again. "
"It's like baby breath , but Keith why not just bring her to the cookout ? It's just our family , Marcus family , Mike and a few other people."
"Now when you say people you mean as the police department ?"
"Pretty much , the whole force practically raised you."
"I wasn't planning on staying long , just a couple of hours and then we're going to the  club."
"That sounds fun, I'm assuming it's you and your best friend of yours are the only ones going?"
"We invited Galena. Your peanut head son over here was suppose to join us but somebody got plans already."
"Aye the boys and I might slide thru for a bit."
"Don't be on any type of demon time and if you think about bringing Darius make sure he brings his wallet."
"Isn't he the one who likes you?"
"Darius does ask about you every other week."
"He's such a nice young man, you should give him a chance Nani. I can see you with him honestly."
"Darius is also a player and once you play me oh it's a wrap for you baby!"
"What about the secret admire you got going on? He got you flowers , that little necklace you got around your neck and he probably got you that dress too."
"He did and it's the right size too. I tried it on last night and it looks amazing on me too."
"Wait so not only does Darius like you , but you have admire out here buying you things?! The apple does not fall far from tree at all. Ua pololei kou kupunawahine nui."
"What was she right about?"
"You are just like your grandmother and I . We always had men chasing after us , even when we didn't want . They were always chasing after us."
"Let's not forget about me who is also son here , I have the females chasing after me consistently. But I got my eyes on my baby girl at the moment."
"You tell Deja that she better bring her ass to the opening next week. I’m tired of her missing out on the family functions.”
“I’ll let her know , she’s been looking forward to seeing you again. I really don’t want her to meet dad at the moment.”
“I understand completely but you can’t keep her from meeting him. She’s a lovely girl and I’m su-"
“He’s going to ask her a million of questions and I don’t want that for her. Dej meeting you and Nani was enough for me and respectfully I just want to keep it between us three. Everyone knows about us besides dad. He’s too judgy and I just can’t put her through that. I love her way too much .”
“You love her?! Awww KP you finally found someone to love. He’s growing up on us mom. I remember when you were running around in your little chain and diaper.”
“Kanani ya ass wasn’t even talking let alone even walking. So how would you even remember that?”
“Oh let’s not forget that grandma knows how to operate her phone now. All I have to do is ask for a specific video or picture and she will send it to me. Just don’t FaceTime though , she will sit there on the camera for an hour if you let her.”
“Now that is very true , she called me at three in the morning asking me what was I doing . So i asked granny why are you even up at that time anyway and she going to say that grandpa and her just got back from a party.”
“She called mom and i too on Group FaceTime. Saying how much she was having and how grandpa and her were going to be up all night long.”
“Now that’s nasty , they out here being grown and need to be stopped. They’re too old to be doing that.”
“Your father and i do it all the time.”
“Ew that’s nasty!”
“And that’s our cue to go , come on coco . Your grandmother is being real disgusting right now.”
“We have a whole baby here mom. In fact that’s a new boundary right there. Don’t ever mention your sex life us. I’m about to puke my breakfast up.”
Noelani shrugged her shoulder and continued to watch her children gag loudly. She wasn’t ashamed of admitting it to her kids that unlike them her sex life was very much still active and alive.
"Pono ʻolua e kamaʻilio me ko ʻolua makua kāne "  : You two need to have a conversation with your father .
"ʻAʻole pololei kēlā koko ?" Isn't that right coco?
"Ua pololei kou kupunawahine nui" : Your great grandmother was right.
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seleneprince · 1 year
Queen Alicent had no qualms in voicing out her disgust for Rhaenyra’s family, specially her children, whom she called openly bastards and declared them unworthy of the throne, for their mere existence was sinful in her eyes. The Green children grew up hearing these words, with their mother and everyone around them ingraining in their heads that the Blacks were enemies, that they shouldn’t get close to those bastards. But in truth, Prince Aemond was the only one who took Queen Alicent’s words to heart and complied.  
Alicent’s attempts at separating her children from Rhaenyra were futile, since the King himself arranged for his children and grandchildren to train, study and spend time together to strenghten their bonds as family. Aegon loved to disobey his mother and grandfather, which was the main reason he aproached his nieces at first. Eventually, he developed genuine affection for them, specially Princess Alysanne Velaryon, the oldest, whom Aegon lovingly called Lysa and proclaimed as his favourite. Aegon was kinder to them that he was to his own siblings. He and Lysa quickly became inseparable and it was rare seeing one without the other. From her part, young Alysanne adored her uncle and followed him happily to every adventure he proposed. 
Princess Helaena was a special lady and no one could reach her, not even her mother. She lived in her own world, only showing interest in bugs and embroidery. Helaena never bothered to fit in the labels society tried to put on her. However, she showed some affection for her nieces. Just like Aegon, Alysanne proved to be her favourite and she soon took in to call her Lysa too, but she also payed attention to little Lucerya, who was usually seen listening to her aunt’s tellings about the different bugs she studied or making flower crowns for each other. It was among the rare moments Princess Helaena could be seen openly smiling, relaxed, like a normal lady. Her nieces seemed to bring out a certain light from her. 
Prince Daeron was a carefree, mischevious boy who only pretended to listen his mother’s words to stay on her good side, but once she turned around, he did anything he wanted. He wasn’t as chaotic as Aegon, as quiet as Helaena or as dutiful as Aemond, but he was charming and loved the music, and so he quickly became the court’s beloved along with Lucerya. Daeron was born merely two days apart from Princess Alysanne, and King Viserys had them share the same wet nurse in hopes this would push them to share some kind of fraternity and avoid the bitterness between their mothers. Although Daeron and Alysanne got along well, Aegon took the majority of her time and Daeron seemed to have preference for Lucerya, whom he seemed to enjoy entertaining with his knowledge in arts and even dedicated poems too. They were both the court’s favourites and so they were often together in the center of parties. 
Prince Aemond, his mother’s copy and favourite, never bothered to interact with his half-sister’s daughters. He believed everything his mother said and so if she claimed they were dangerous and unworthy, it had to be true. He looked at the girls and spoke about them the same way his mother did. Prince Aemond talked, but it was Queen Alicent’s words he spelled. He chastised Aegon for being so cozy with Alysanne, warned Helaena about her sympathy towards the girls and frowned at Daeron’s playful banters with Lucerya. This one seemed to annoy him particularly for some reason, often mocking his younger brother for being so pathetically enamoured with Lucerya and trying so hard to get a bastard girl's attention. Everytime he caught one of his brothers entertaining Lucerya or playing with her, his mood instantly turned sour. It didn’t help the little girl seemed blissfuly unaware to his hatred and acted all so sweetly towards him like she did with everyone, calling him uncle and sometimes following around, much to his annoyance. Surprisingly enough, he didn’t push her away most of the times and seemed at least tolerant of her presence, something he didn’t have for Princess Alysanne. 
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irondad-defensesquad · 4 months
EDIT: Posted on AO3!
“Hey, buddy,” Tony puts away his Stark Pad. “You okay?”
Peter tries not to melt inside at how parental he sounds.
“Y-Yeah,” the boy replies.
Tony is already pulling the covers so Peter can join. The latter shyly lies down on the free spot, and so Tony tucks him in. Thick blankets as well, much like the ones in Peter's room.
“You missed me?” The man half teases, half asks genuinely.
Peter hesitates and nods. Tony smiles fondly, though part of him wonders if Peter has something else in his mind that he’s not telling his mentor.
“I dunno, some nights I just… can’t sleep alone,” the teen admits. “I feel immature for that.”
“That’s not immature.”
“I mean, I’m not a kid anymore. And it’s not like I can ask to sleep with Aunt May because she’s at work, and the reason I’m alone in the first place–”
He stops right there.
He’s not ready to really talk about this with Tony.
“... it’s… my fault.”
Peter stares at the ceiling, feeling Tony’s sad gaze on him.
“Kid,” the latter calls.
Peter tentatively looks back, fearing he might cry.
“I’m glad you came here. You don’t deserve to be alone, even if you might believe that,” Tony reassures him.
The boy sniffs.
“... Do you ever feel cold… even though you’re warm on the surface?” Peter wonders. “And you realize how empty you really feel?”
That seems to affect Tony on a much deeper level.
“... Yeah.”
Peter can see so much in his eyes.
Tony exhales, wrapping both arms around Peter, somewhat sitting on the bed so he can hug him better. There are no other words spoken. Only their breaths, their heartbeats, and their inner coldness being revealed to each other. Them trying to warm each other up.
That’s not the kind of emptiness that’s ever going away, Peter knows that well.
At least he doesn’t have to focus on it now.
Because Tony is here, holding him.
Tony is like his puzzle piece. When they’re together, they fit perfectly. When they’re together, Peter feels like he has nothing to fear on his own.
And when they fit together, Peter might have to adjust. He’s not entirely used to the feeling. Perhaps Tony isn’t, either. But it’s not that bad.
Peter is just surprised how… gentle Tony Stark is.
You’d never read that anywhere about him. Least of all about a man inside a suit of armor.
Unlike all those tabloids and headlines on the internet… Peter can actually hear Tony’s heart. Feel the way it beats. The way it’s hardened but is now loosening up. Opening up. Only the true ones know who Tony Stark is.
And Peter also knows with the way Tony hugs him, in a solid grip that is not letting go no matter what. Not giving up on Peter. Not letting anything awful happen to either, and least of all to the boy.
Just telling him, it’s okay, you can rest, and you can rely on me.
Peter takes a while but he starts relaxing significantly, wishing he could never leave. Well, that’s too idealistic. But he can pretend otherwise.
Tony might rub his back and his shoulders every now and then, sometimes he runs his fingers through Peter’s hair, or nuzzles his face against it. All the while remaining quiet. Just being here for Peter.
Deep, deep in the latter’s mind… he remembers those cold nights his uncle lent him an oversized coat. And Peter would wear them and smell like Ben.
He remembers his smell. Shampoo, some old cologne. Cigarettes but he didn’t smoke, it was mostly the smell of the city.
Peter is never going to feel that smell again.
Tony’s is coffee, oil, and sometimes sweat. He spends a lot of time working, too.
Completely different smells. Peter might not ever be able to describe them properly, regardless of his enhanced senses.
They’re not the same, but Peter being enveloped in this, getting to absorb it and call it home…
He never thought that would happen again.
It’s a coat trying to protect him from his inner cold. Peter is wearing Tony’s old MIT sweater, but he’s wearing another thicker coat now.
Peter inhales and exhales deeply, snuggling his head against Tony’s chest. He might feel Tony snorting to himself. Probably wanting to say Peter is cute, which always makes the latter embarrassed.
Tony is lying down again, but never completely releasing Peter. Then he turns off the light.
The boy tenses automatically.
“I’m here,” Tony notices. “I’m right here, kiddo. Not going anywhere.”
He can hear his smile even if he can’t see it.
Peter smiles back, slipping into the dark, knowing Tony is guiding him in the endless nothing inside Peter, understanding it, not trying to get rid of it or fix it. Because Tony loves him the way he is.
Peter can say the same for him.
In his dreams, they’re flying together, having fun. Everything is okay.
And everything will be okay, one day.
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lordkingsmith · 3 months
Still working on the fan power rangers show lol. It’s in its like. Seventh rewrite.
Max, the nonbinary hybrid orange ranger is, lovingly, my problem baby and I can’t decide what species mix they are. To be honest there’s too many gorgeous costume monster species designs and just one Max.
I have come up with a plausible reason for why rangers are letting the monster kids do the current rangerdom, and also have more fleshed out line up for the baddies.
The Z-Wave didn’t happen until Rito showed up again, so a lot of deaths and general plot has been a bit recontextualized and remixed. Rita decided she’d had enough of the villainy life and left siblings Thrax and Selena with Rito without a word-faked her own death. At the time she did this, Thrax was seven and Selena was three. Rito wants revenge but he’s mainly letting Selena and Thrax handle it while he does what he wants. Turn the moon into an amusement park. Because it’s fun and hey everyone loves fun right? And take care of the rangers he’s mind controlling because after the z-wave he’s more motivated by protecting “his kids” than actual revenge. Will throw down with Rita if needed, however.
Thrax has skin and so does Selena. Nobody looks flayed alive. Both of them greatly resemble Rita. Thrax is the one responsible for the giant version of their monsters, and as Val’s the one that often volunteers, this has led to teasing by Selena. Selena’s a lot like a spunky, smarter version of Rito. Thrax is more serious. Selena being the one who likes looking human most is often the one going down to earth to spy and cause trouble. Sometimes with Rito. Thrax prefers endless sulking and staying in more monstrous form, which is similar to Rito’s form. Keeps his opinions to himself, but is generally disgusted he got left behind while both parents decided to abandon him and Selena. Selena is also pissed but she holds out hope there’s a reason their mother abandoned them. Also more protective of her older brother. And her uncle. Is not afraid to kill. Nobody’s finding the bodies of those who hurt her family.
JJ when he was undercover had a fling with a woman in Skorpina’s gang, had a baby with her and they were briefly married and divorced…who came back as Quaxo. Think of this as the messiest custody battle in history. JJ, when he finds out, is…Not Pleased. Rito, Thrax and Selena don’t know who Quaxo really is and she’d rather keep it that way. Her son, however, does and has not been happy with the situation since. Flirts with Rito, though Rito has enough sense to recognize this is wholly because he’s the most powerful member of the group and generally acts extra ditzy to get her to leave him alone. As hyper as ever, as bone headed as ever, but this time he’s also a bit angry and the anger acts as just enough of a grounder to keep him somewhat dangerous. He does genuinely like the rangers, all of them, and much of his tension with his team and the human rangers is mutual misunderstanding based. Quaxo hasn’t quite understood this yet, and thinks it’s a game he’s playing. It’s not. Rito’s just Like That.
Billy’s Clone was located and brought back to life, and is making this everyone’s problem. He’s the one who made Rito’s Rangers their new morphers and he’s the one lowkey trying to get the other four killed by “accident” so he can take their power for himself. Guy goes by William. He’s responsible for Tommy, Jason, Trini and Udonna’s deaths but passed it off to everyone as accidents. Only person onto him is the new recruit, Valentine
Valentine “Val” Draven was directly affected by Z-Wave, losing his parents and aunt and uncle to it. He and his cousin Iva were spared by being in another dimension for a birthday party and while Iva’s fairly certain they wouldn’t have been destroyed or turned human anyway…Val’s less certain. He’s angry but he doesn’t know at who. He wants revenge but Zordon’s dead and Rito’s not a bad guy. Val’s also got the fact the color Fuchsia chose Iva, who happened to be in the room at the time, over him, who’d been asked to do this. He joins Rito because Rito makes sense. And the second he heard about Quaxo and William….well. He’s not a bad person. Not really. Someone’s got to make sure Rito’s Rangers are protected, and he’s not sure if Rito Thrax or Selena really understand how to keep the superpowered group safe. Plus, he might be a vampire but he’s got a sweet tooth. And he was promised unlimited cotton candy. Also a little bit sweet on Thrax but..who’s counting, really?
@augment-techs @skyland2703 @pinkrangerv
Just because I think you’d be interested lol, but yea it’s coming. Slowly. Working on first episode’s script, I shall keep you updated if you’d like :)
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thatartiststudios · 2 months
Rayllum Month July 23rd prompt "I Don't Deserve You"/"You Deserve Everything
(This is just me going berserk with cute nicknames btw)
(also sorry Janaya fans, ;)
The golden hues of Lux Aurea bathed everything in a warm, ethereal light. The city was slowly recovering, but the scars of the battle against Aaravos still marred its once-perfect visage. Callum, with his innate talent for magic, was assisting the mages in removing some of the lingering corruption. His dedication was unwavering, and Rayla admired him for it, even if it meant spending hours alone in their assigned room.
Rayla didn’t have much knowledge of magic, nor did she know many people in Lux Aurea. Aside from Queen Janai, Callum’s Aunt Amaya, and soon-to-be Uncle Gren, the city felt foreign and intimidating. She often found herself hesitating to leave the room unless Callum was with her, feeling out of place in the grandeur of the Sunfire Elf city.
Callum, ever the attentive boyfriend he was, noticed her reluctance. Whenever he was back from his duties, he showered her with affection, trying to make up for the time spent apart. Extra kisses, tender touches, and sweet words were his way of ensuring she never felt alone or unloved.
Rayla tried to accept his love, to bask in the warmth of his affections, because she deeply wanted to. But there was always a nagging voice in the back of her mind, whispering that she didn’t deserve him, that someone as wonderful as Callum deserved better.
What stood out to her was his frequent use of endearments like, darling, babe, and love. Initially, she had thought he was just trying to tease her in front of his aunt, but it became clear that he genuinely enjoyed using them.
To Rayla, such terms were reserved for someone truly special, someone you planned to spend your life with. They felt out of place for someone who had left and caused so much heartache—definitely not for her. She couldn’t shake the feeling that she didn’t deserve such tender names. When he called her ‘Ray,’ she nearly melted. He always said them with a casual ease that left her breathless. Too casual.
Continue on AO3
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fareehaandspaniards · 3 months
Ultimative Rom post
I was going to post my headcanons, but this turned out to be basically a chronological sequence of facts about her life, almost a biography (as always, I am sorry ).
Thank you, @pyro-madder for the opportunity to finally talk about Rom! I hope you will enjoy that!
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Rom's father was a physician and biologist who researched the fauna of the Yharnam counties. He was one of the "old school" doctors - a graduate of Byrgenwerth, a conservative.
So how about the family drama? Here we go. At first he had an affair with a poor woman named Aglaya, Micolash's mother. But after learning of her pregnancy, he disappeared from her life and began a new affair, from which Rom was born. Rom spent a few years of happy childhood with her parents, and then both died in a fire. That's how Rom ended up in an orphanage.
Rom has been very curious since childhood. She was often scolded by her mother for eating grass and flowers xd And one time she even ate a bug… No evil intentions, it was just her way of exploring the world!
She has one single photo left from her parents, capturing her in a cute dress and her mom and dad. She got her red curls from her dad.
Rom's orphanage had strict discipline and focus on the old Yharnam religion (I don't want to openly call this religion Catholicism because it's not :0 But the vibes are generic. Reminds me of the movie adaptation of the novel Jane Eyre, where little Jane gets to go to school). But her extraordinary intelligence helped her stay afloat amidst cruelty and other people's malice, and then her relatives showed up - an uncle and aunt close to her dead father.
They helped Rom to enroll in Byrgenwerth, as the girl showed talent and curiosity for science and medicine. After spending a short time with her relatives, she studied the entire home library, and also at family evenings talked about her observations of the flora and fauna around their estate.
In Byrgenwerth, Rom was quiet at first. She endured ridicule for her red curls and overweight figure. A few generations ago, though, such a figure had been valued more than any other in Yharnam - it showed a healthy body and the ability to bear children.
Almost immediately Rom had a friend, Yurie, a girl who wore a male uniform. They studied at different faculties - Yurie aspired to become a chemist. And it was Yurie who had started this friendship, too. Rom didn't know, but despite her cold temperament, Yurie fell in love with her almost at first sight and was eager to protect her. And she was good at it! But she couldn't express her feelings. Therefore, she was often silent, rebuking Rom or resentful.
At first, Rom became friends with another young man. It seemed to her that she was making friends. The son of a wealthy family, an ambitious historian and future doctor, Laurence, with whom they had once teamed up to pass an exam. But Laurence quickly saw her as a competitor, and also experienced unwanted sympathy, and became her biggest bully. And created for her very many unpleasant situations, shameful and ugly. Her skirt fell off in front of everyone, her chair got dirty, rumors started, and many, many other things that silly children like to do (even if they are adults) :0
But the insults from Laurence allowed her to meet another victim of his taunts. A young man confined to a wheelchair, pale and seemingly almost dead - Caryll. Frustrated and genuinely hating Laurence, Caryll felt sympathy for Rom. So did she for him. This allowed the two to grow close. Gradually, an affection grew between her and Caryll. Rom even felt in love. One night the two of them spent together, secretly, on a Byrgenwerth balcony. They tried to kiss and tried to become a couple. But such feelings are not for Caryll, he loves differently. During that night they shared almost everything - life story, troubles, resentments, joys, secrets, and Caryll even told her about his dreams, how he often has nightmares related to multi-armed monsters (*wink wink*). They became best friends, and in fact, almost family.
Rom and Caryll also found a friend in the main comforter of all students, the librarian Damian. According to my headcanons, Damian is a former graduate of Byrgenwerth and a failed doctor. He was unable to start work as a doctor, and so he asked Master Willem to set him up at his alma mater. Willem valued him as an apprentice, so sometimes Damian got essays of Willem's written works, and those related to the research of the catacombs of Pthumeru once fell into Micolash's hands carelessly… But that's another story xd In the library Damian could do what he loved most - sorting, record keeping and, most importantly, guardianship and supervision. And there was always tea and his cookies available in his library.
There was also another man who had studied at Byrgenwerth. Unfashionable and strange to everyone, but too independent, proud and cunning to be an object of ridicule (In fact, Lawrence was very interested in him). Micolash. He and Rom talked, saw each other, though they were in different faculties, but sometimes found themselves in classes together. They were good together, comfortable. They were both drawn to each other's intellect. And… Romantic feelings were born in Micolash's heart. (Sorry, I really love love and everything related to it, in my stories crushes and feelings are VERY IMPORTANT xD It's my way of exploring characters). But her red curls kept reminding him of something he couldn't guess himself. He began to search for the cause of his embarrassment. Started looking for Rom's papers, found her last name. He found her parents' names on the paperwork. And the name of her father awakened a memory in his mind! Micolash found out about their kinship by breaking into Rom's dorm room while she was away and searching all her things. One picture in her things was enough for him to realize everything. He was hurt and offended because the only person who had attracted his mind and heart turned out to be not just a relative, but the daughter of the man who had once abandoned his mother, leaving her and little Micolash to live in terrible conditions, and also making the woman suffer for him for the rest of her life.
(Forgive me for the Santa Barbara xD)
Over the course of their studying, the relationship between them all only grew stronger. Caryll and Rom had become literally inseparable! Yurie was still wooing Rom, but from afar, without talking to Caryll. She wanted to look strong and tough in Rom's eyes, but she didn't realize that she didn't realize it. Rom had gotten prettier over the years, and that was helped a lot by Caryll supporting her and forcing her to eat food so she wouldn't get physically exhausted, bailing her out of her depression. By this point Caryll had already suffered a small clinical death, and Willem had injected him with a portion of the Great Ones' blood as an experiment. He had already started dreaming about the Runes, hearing voices, and had gotten quite a bit of insight! He even changed his wheelchair to a cane - his legs could move, but only weakly! And only worked when injected with a dose of blood. Rom became more independent and began to engage in debates with Laurence during lectures and outside of school. And even managed to shame him once (piquing his interest even more). Rom was gradually transforming into a grown woman - her body was transforming, as was her mindset. She became one of Willem's favorite students - demonstrating theories on the effects of flowers and plants on perception, as well as (without knowing it herself), revealing the unusual nature of Lumenflowers. Also during this time Damian and Micolash became a couple, and Damian couldn't devote much time to the students besides him. But he and Rom still kept exchanging things and stuff - like scented soap, cloth, and other household trifles.
Laurence had changed, too, and so had Rom. And he had gotten away from the "spoiled boy" image with what Gehrman had helped him by becoming somewhat of a father figure to him. Laurence looked forward to the future, communicated with Willem and promoted the theory of the Blood, studying it with Willem himself. Thanks to Laurence also, one day Willem took the students on a field trip to the catacombs, where Laurence was able to collect even more samples. At this time, Willem also starts working with a rebellious knight from Cainhurst, who actively helps with the exploration of the catacombs in exchange for shelter and organizes his own little order, which he named after the warrior-soldiers in Cainhurst and one of his old mentors (Logarius! I'll write about him later for sure! In another huge as Bayle post of headcanons).
There goes a visit to Fishing Hamlet! Which had already been destroyed by the hunters, Maria and Gehrman were already here, as well as Willem and Logarius. The students visited what was left. But were able to see the corpse of the Great One. And it affected each of them in its own way! But it was Kos's parasites that interested Rom. She spent a long time rummaging among the snails and worms, examining and studying. She even found the corpse of a female snail in a pile of rot. And something was keeping her in suspense. Everyone around her was grieving, and she couldn't do it. She just couldn't feel the bitterness and fear and remained calm. She felt interest and excitement. She felt not the pain of Kos, but the remnants of her spirit and desire to live that were leading her to the sea!
Laurence contemplates a future marriage, the first project of treatment with purified blood appears, and the study of sea water. And… He has a weakness for Rom, who absolutely does not care about him! He saw in her, finally, not a rival, but a beautiful young woman with a brilliant mind and extraordinary character. He even offered her an engagement, it would be beneficial to both of them. But Rom refused (and Caryll showed him a middle finger lol).
Rom hates direct eye contact. She also has a hard time understanding irony and sarcasm - she takes everything literally. Rom is great with facts and direct arguments! She's also a perfectionist. Sometimes she felt like she was forcing herself to express emotions and doing it "too" artistic? She really wanted to let others know how she felt because she was considered "ice cold" at the shelter. (Yes, she is autistic. And I haven't yet consulted with my friends who have autism about how Rom might feel. And I've only used what I've read myself (or seen) to create it. But if you disagree with my view of her as autistic person, please text me and tell me what's wrong, I need corrections)
Rom met Gehrman at Willem's request (much to Laurence's delight). And she also met the huntress Maria, originally from Cainhurst. The four spent one evening in his workshop, and Rom enjoyed listening to stories of his life. Actually, she and Maria found common ground too - with the help of blood gems. However, Maria always felt uncomfortable around Rom. Under Rom's gaze, it was hard for her to say anything, she felt guilty and ashamed of what she was doing. Rom didn't understand her feelings, but she realized that something was wrong with her.
Opening of the Research Hall. Rom was supposed to work there as a doctor. But positions and jobs don't interest her much, she cares about research. She works with parasites and injects seawater into herself. Rom researches growing eyes on people, and here she is helped by Caryll, keeping an eye on her health. Rom gradually becomes a patient of her own free will, and lives on the upper levels of the Research Hall, in a laboratory, alone, visited only by her doctor.
Rom's hair is almost impossible to put together in a neat bundle - it will always stick out in different directions. Despite the fact that she and Micolash are complete opposites, they have a lot of similarities - those protruding locks of hair, the frown, the passion for unethical research lol
Laurence, already a vicar, Willem's assistant, begins now to care for her openly. His work takes up all his time, but he carves out hours to check on Rom and ask the doctors what is happening to her. He sends her small gifts and food and tries to visit her. And… She reciprocates. I can't count how many shitpost sketches I have in my head about this. Because Caryll was horrified when he found out that Rom had forgiven Laurence for all his wrongdoings and become his lady of the heart!
The Tomb Prospectors under the command of Ludwig, a knight from the southern lands, are hard at work for the Church. Olek, Gremia and Damian are among his charges. Tomb Prospectors discover the first Augur of Ebrietas, and Laurence, as a gift (giving her food for thought, so to say) gives him to Rom to examine. Augur lives in Rom's terrarium and crawls on her hands. She discovers that it gives off vibrations similar to those she heard in the Fishing Hamlet. And she discovers that Augur has the ability to leave burns on her skin. These burns are treated by Caryll and kissed by Laurence.
Yurie also works at the Research Hall. But Rom won't let her near her. And the girl's broken heart is healed by another lady doctor of the Research Hall named Madlene (And in the future it will be Imposter Iosefka)! Also, Yurie picks up her little nephew named Edgar from the orphanage :^)
Micolash ignores his sister. He is solely researching Saint Adeline and making her his own test subject (At her own will). From the moment he found out about their sibling bond, Micolash and Rom have been distant from each other and even feuding. He now considers Rom "unhinged" and "stupid" because of her research methods. He believes that trying everything on her body is barbaric and a waste of resource.
Tomb Prospectors dubbed Rom a "hottie" when they saw her with Damian! :D
Also Rom is incredibly tall among all other women! (Except for Maria maybe who is also tall) Rom is 6′ 0″, and while Laurence 5' 5" lol... They are quite a funny couple. But Laurence never complains. Actually he has the best view when he talks to her.
Rom is the first to bandage her eyes to discover her new vision. And is the first to start seeing "more". Caryll helps her settle into life with the insight lol. Her bandaged eyes will become the basis for the Choir hat.
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Rom and Laurence go on dates when she manages to get out of her research center and he manages to get out of the Church. But Rom is more interested in discussing augurs than romance, and Laurence has to temper his own passionate feelings for her each time. Still, the two gradually come to bodily intimacy. Laurence also becomes very caring. He feels like a child with her, and suddenly begins to show guardianship and attentiveness.
Rom studies the Augurs and hears their call. She learns from their singing about the "daughter of the stars". And builds a theory about the sacredness of the mother-child bond.
She and St. Adeline had seen each other several times. And they saw each other as rivals - both aspiring to the Great Ones in their own measure. Adeline wished to have a child, she heard voices in her head assuring her that Kos was blessing mothers and families, and that would set Rom on a future idea >>>
Rom makes a plan for her own pregnancy. She wouldn't admit it, but she sees Laurence as her instrument. Her research takes her head over heels, and takes her very much away from the people closest to her. In an attempt to learn more about the Great Ones, she even rummages into Caryll's papers, waiting until he falls asleep to check what he has in his researches. Rom realizes Kos's mother nature, and tries to make contact, again using only herself for the experiment. And this idea she shares with Willem, who is proud of Romina and supportive, helping to plan for all future consequences. He becomes her new "family". And now she gets secrets from her two favorite people, Laurence and Caryll.
She does become pregnant after a night with Laurence. She hears much, much more. And one night a call comes to her, a real crying cry for help. She hears Ebrietas. (Laurence is the last to learn of this news. But he is still happy and hopes that they can become a family)
Ebrietas, discovered by Tomb Prospectors in the catacombs of Isz, is frightened and confused. She screams into the void, and Rom takes her signal as a beacon. Several Tomb Prospectors die in the battle with Ebrietas, and the survivors experience their first doubts about what they are doing. The monster that tore and trampled their companions is elevated to "Holy" by the Church, and no one mentions the dead so as not to taint the image of the new icon. Damian renounces here the teachings of the Church. But despite his resentment towards Rom, because she doesn't seem to care about his grief, he maintains a friendship with her, albeit a weak one.
Speaking of how Ebrietas ended up in the Church, or rather, in a large cave under the Upper Cathedral Ward. I think it was simply that there were ancient ruins under the Cathedral District that Ibraitas managed to "summon" to. Honestly, I have no idea how else she could have been transported xd Crawling through the catacombs and the city? Nuh uh. Teleport? Maybe. Or summoning with ritual and stuff in a certain place where the voices and whispers are particularly strong.
Rom is known as "weird" in the Healing Church, and it is known to quite a few that she is the vicar's sweetheart. Logarius is very judgmental of the vicar for allowing a woman taking up his precious time. But Laurence is a good enough leader to not let him talk about it much xd
Around this point, Micolash already has intentions of leaving the Church and establishing his own line of study of the Great Ones. Damian is absolutely on his side, for his encounter with Ebraitas has left a wound on his soul, as well as a deep aversion to the Church's perception of the Great Ones. They both choose Kos as their beacon, separating her from the rest of the Great Ones. Damian and Rom are forced to cut off their friendship for good.
The Choir was founded! And Rom becomes its idol and prophet (My version of Rom in the transparent blue dress is already relevant here. This dress was created for her by Laurence, or rather, designed for her by him). He decorated it with stars. Rom didn't do any more research. She only broadcast Ebrietas' will and communicated with her. Her body starts changing - a plate of chitin appears on her cheek, one eye darkens, and the pupil in it multiplies by eight. She begins to grow flowers that will cover her entire body in the future.
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Caryll leaves the church to pursue the study of runes at the Mensis School, and… Rom, to his surprise, feels nothing. Moreover, because of her prolonged contact with Ibraitas, she begins to forget her old life and the people she loves.
Rom's child is never born - she loses the child. But that child will return to her, becoming a multitude of spiders that appear with her during the battle. Laurence has been heartbroken - his girlfriend, his love, the one he chose to marry - has isolated herself and given herself over to an insight. He wanted to be a father. And all their shared dreams of a family went down the drain. But he doesn't complain - his feelings are less important, than coming fall of Healing Church and Yharnam that Laurence can feel. He never knew that he was part of her plan. Though Rom did love him. But curiosity was paramount.
Yurie went from the Research Hall to the Choir, following Rom. But Rom hardly noticed her attempts to protect and be near her. And this annoyed Madlene (Imposter Iosefka), who despised not only Rom's working methods but also her impulsive nature.
Rom and Ebrietas find each other as two halves. A daughter finds future mother. An orphan meets a similar orphan. They resonate with each other in the strongest possible way, and Rom learns to understand her by transmitting the Great One's speech. Rom spends all her time with Ebrietas. And will exist next to Ebrietas without reacting to anyone around her. Everyone will think she's lost her mind, but Caryll will know it's still the same Rom, just on different levels and planes.
Rom will exist already as a spider and she will be visited by Laurence, Caryll, Yurie and then Damian will come to her when his life's work proves to be a failure. Willem never came to her - he had stopped contacting anyone. But really, Rom and he didn't need to - Willem knew his apprentice had ascended.
And then she'll shelter Yahar'gul at the cost of herself. And Micolash will be annoyed - such potential, and wasted. Rom achieved what he couldn't - Contact. And wasted it, in his opinion. That's why he calls her an "idiot."
I can say that Rom has always been a loner, and even being surrounded by people - she remained lonely. Only Caryll could understand her and was practically her soulmate, but gradually they started to keep secrets from each other - secret knowledge creates jealousy and fear. She experimented only on herself, not out of fear of harming others, but more out of a desire to feel the results, even if it hurt and was bad. She is probably the most successful of scientists - she accomplished her goal.
I apologize for the amount of text! Adding my old art with Rom: (just because)
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sjsmith56 · 1 month
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The Flame Burns From Within, Part 3 - The Abduction
Summary: After spending the night together, Lord Barnes and Lady Arden attend church for the third reading of the banns. Lord Pierce makes his move.
Length: 5.1 K
Characters: Lady Arden, Lord Barnes, Ser Anthony, Lady Stark, Lord Pierce, Father Bruce.
Warnings: Minors DNI - contains some sexual content which may be unsuitable for readers under the age of 18, desecration of a church, threats of violence against women and children.
Author notes: The image used in the banner above was found by a Google search on courtly love. It was attributed to several different artists but it appears to be an illustration of Tristan and Isolde by Marc Fishman. The divider is from vecteezy.com.
<<Part 2
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Part 3 - The Abduction
Lady Arden
The first banns of my engagement with James were read at the church that following Sunday morning. I sat on the pew in between my aunt and uncle, for they were that in practice. Their affections for me were genuine as were mine of them. The fact we were not actually blood related made no difference, not when I had been part of their family for over 16 years. Several parishioners extended their best wishes on my upcoming marriage. Not all were as happy. The House of Walker, minus their son, John, who had been promoted as a potential suitor, made it known to my uncle that they were sorely disappointed not to be given the opportunity to counter whatever dowry offer the House of Barnes had made. His answer to them was direct.
"There was never an offer I would entertain from your house that would entice me to accept John Walker as a suitable husband. I'm sure there are other families who would be thrilled to align themselves with your house. Perhaps you should approach them."
As my aunt, cousins, and I entered the carriage after the service, we drove past the head of House Walker, who watched us with hostility then with outright anger at my uncle as he rode his horse beside us. Two days later, a representative of the House of Pierce arrived, also to express their "dismay" at not being allowed to counter the dowry offer. He gave the man the same answer.
"Don't go riding in the forest, Arden," said my uncle, after that man had left. "Don't go riding at all. There have been reports of several different heavily armed parties seen there. If they want to kidnap you that's where they would do it."
I listened to him as I had the same sense of impending trouble that he admitted to. Something was coming and without the presence of my husband and his forces, any excursion from the castle would be dangerous. I found myself thinking often of the brief time I had with James before he left, realizing he had been truthful with me in conceding our initial betrothal had been for strategic reasons. His confession that the brief meeting we had in the library prior to our formal introduction had awakened the stirrings of love within him had touched me in a way I wasn't expecting. The longing I developed for another tryst with him was almost more than I could bear.
My mother's ring that was placed on my finger during the wedding ceremony was kept behind the hidden panel in my bedchamber. I wanted to wear it on a chain but the chances of it being seen in church made it too dangerous to risk. On the second Sunday after my secret wedding, the banns were read again. This time, my uncle's men accompanied us to and from church, riding alongside the carriage.
The following day, we had word from the Citadel. The king was no longer besieged by a hostile force as they suddenly withdrew, leaving in the dark of night. With other houses willing to support the king's force in maintaining watch against another strike, James outlined his intent to come to my uncle's castle before the banns were read the third time. The day before his arrival, the Houses of Pierce, Rumlow and Walker made their move, surrounding my uncle's castle. With the gates closed and the drawbridge up, it was a stand off. They couldn't come in, but we couldn't leave. Fortunately, for us, an allied house sent a rider to the Citadel, alerting James to the siege. His force arrived early in the evening before the third Sunday, when the final reading of the banns would take place. My uncle and his men stood watch from the battlements, ready to aid Lord Barnes if the confrontation between his forces and the others evolved into battle. With my window open I could hear most of the communication between the three forces.
"You will disperse," said my uncle, presumably to the assembled men of Pierce, Rumlow and Walker. "The agreement has been signed; the third reading of the banns is on the morrow. Lady Arden will marry Lord Barnes."
"We object to the marriage," said a voice I recognized as Lord Pierce. "You have never negotiated in good faith with my house, or the House of Rumlow or Walker."
"On the contrary. I listened to your offers and didn't accept them. According to the laws of the land, your objection on that basis is not valid. Now leave, so I can receive my niece's intended husband."
"Why him?" asked the voice of John Walker.
I recognized it at once as I always thought it had a whining quality to it. Every time he greeted me at the chapel on holy days (the only time he made an appearance at church), it was as if he was begging me to notice him. His habit of ingratiating himself into a conversation was tiresome.
"Instead of you?" countered my uncle. "Perhaps because you have always allowed others to lead you around like a tame bull, content to be told where to go or what to do. Not once do I recall you thinking for yourself. My niece deserves better than that and Lord Barnes is a much better man than you."
It went on like that well into the evening. I didn't know how James could endure it, but apparently, he did. Everyone was waiting for someone to do something. I grew tired of it and went to my chambers. They could stay up the night and blather on, but I longed for sleep.
It seemed that I had barely closed my eyes when the sound of the door opening from the secret passage woke me. I sat up inside my curtained bed, listening to the rustlings of who was in my room. Reaching behind a hidden panel on the bed, I withdrew a dagger, kept there after the warning from my uncle about riding in the forest. As I perched on top of the bedclothes, fully intending to use the dagger against anyone who opened the curtains I heard a whisper.
"Arden? Are you awake, beloved?"
It was James. Somehow, he was inside the castle and now in my chamber. Pushing back the curtain on my side I saw him, visible in the light from the embers in the fireplace. Dropping the dagger, I ran to him, throwing my arms around his neck, while he enclosed me in his arms. Even against the chill of his chain mail hauberk I wasn't inclined to let him go, until he laughingly made me step back.
"Let me get this off," he said. "I've been in it all day and my shoulders are weary from carrying the weight."
"What happened?" I watched him almost effortlessly lift the heavy tunic made of mail over his head. "I didn't think they were inclined to allow you into the castle."
"They weren't," he replied. "Then a sizeable force of the King's Guard arrived with the Duke. He demanded that Pierce give up the men from his house that were amongst the sell swords that attacked the palace. He was forced to disavow his own men to avoid an all-out battle that would have drawn all the allied houses against his, Rumlow's and the Walker houses."
The chain mail hauberk was dropped onto the floor with an audible metallic thud. At once, he removed his clothes, standing before me again in all his natural glory. Stepping towards me, he bunched the bottom of my night chemise in his hands as he guided me back towards the bed. By the time we got to the wooden steps into the enclosure, the chemise was also on the floor and his hands were on my waist. He saw the glint of the dagger in the bedclothes and quirked an eyebrow.
"Is this the usual greeting I can expect from my wife?"
"I heard the sound of the door opening and assumed the worst," I replied, picking it up and placing it back in its hiding place. "Once I heard your voice I discarded it. How I have missed you."
His face softened. "Truly, you have?"
Laying back on the rumpled bedclothes, I held my hand out to him, inviting him into my bed. He kissed my hand, then climbed in so that he hovered over me, taking in all of me with admiration. There was no hesitation as I smoothed my hands over his chest, enticing him to resume that which was shortened by necessity just weeks ago.
"Truly, I have, my husband," I murmured. "Have you not missed me?"
"As much as I would miss the sun's warmth upon me," he answered, lowering himself to cover my body with his.
His weight upon me was comforting and brought that longing for our joining again, deep into my core. Clasping my hand within his larger one, he bent his head to my lips, offering his mouth to me, before exploring my neck and chest in a manner that stoked the fire within me.
"Sit atop me," he whispered, then rolled onto his back, while holding me, so that I sat astride him as if he were a horse.
Grasping himself with one hand, he groaned as I lowered myself onto his thickening member. It pierced me as surely as a spear would, but the pain was replaced by the satisfaction of being filled once more with my husband's ardour. All the whispered conversations of the woman servants in our castle, describing their trysts with their husbands or lovers suddenly came to mind as I realized that I should ride James as I would a horse. With his hands everywhere upon me I bounced on him and brought him to a state of worship, where he called out to all the gods who ever existed. What a feeling of power it was to know that I brought him to this point, by his own desire. Then he pressed his thumb against that most sensitive spot of my body, circling it in such a way that left no doubt that he wanted us to be as one when we reached our bliss.
When it was done, and I felt his hot seed inside me once more, his hands slid over my sweat soaked body, gently lifting me from his prick, before laying me beside him in the bed. Again, his mouth sought mine and we clung together in the reflections of our glory. It was so different a joining from the first time on our wedding night but just as memorable, for me, at least. I never wanted to be apart from him, ever again, and I said so, gasping it out as I caught my breath.
"Dearest Arden." His mouth rested against my cheek. "After the banns are read tomorrow, you will return to the Citadel with me, and we shall be married openly by the bishop there. Then no one can claim you for their house for you will formally be part of House Barnes."
We shared another union shortly after, just as satisfying as the first one had been, before James pulled the bedclothes over us, and we slept, his body draped over mine from behind. Just after dawn, by the light coming in from a window, a small precise knock on my main door woke me, and I called out to know who roused me. It was my maidservant, Alice, telling me that I must bathe before attending church. Beside me, James stirred and tried to draw me back into his arms.
"Send her away," he murmured. "I wish to enjoy my wife's attributes once more before I rise."
"Can we be seen together by the servants, James?"
I posed the question to him in a low voice, after I told Alice to wait. He groaned a little too loudly for my wellbeing then opened his eyes and ran his hand through my hair.
"No, to be safe, we must maintain secrecy about us. I will return to my assigned chambers, regretting once more that I left my wife alone in bed. At least, it will be the last time."
He kissed me again, then pulled his tunic on, before picking up his other clothing. I saw him to the door of the secret passage where we kissed again, then he disappeared through it and I pulled my night chemise on, followed by my robe. Running my hands through my hair to restore some semblance of order to it, I opened the door to Alice, who curtsied quickly, then assembled my clothing for church, laying it out on the dressing bench before escorting me to the bathing room. If Alice smelled the scent of James and I joining on me, she said nothing as she wrapped my hair up and helped me into the bath. She kept her tongue when she spied a mark on my breast, given to me in a moment of abandon. When she lowered her face close to my ear and suggested I use powder on my neck, I automatically raised my hand to it, wondering what mark was there.
"Beard burn, M'Lady," she whispered. "Understandable. I have some powder that will conceal it, so it is not visible when you are in the church."
"Thank you," I whispered, grateful for the suggestion.
The powder worked quite well, disguising the red marks on my neck. I held my head high when I descended the staircase, meeting my aunt, uncle, cousins, and husband in the great hall. I wore a cream coloured dress, trimmed in gold and a head covering that still allowed the length of my hair to be seen. It was clear that James appreciated my appearance, for his eyes were full of admiration.
There was no stopping for breakfast as we were fasting before church, since the Eucharist was to be shared on this day, a holy day. Instead, we prepared to depart. James and my uncle would ride their horses, along with a small, combined force of men, while us women and the children would ride in the carriage. There were no delays, or signs of anyone in the forest who may have had designs on us. We arrived at the church in good time, and waited while James and my uncle removed their swords and daggers, as the church did not allow the carrying of weapons inside. Handing his weapons to one of his soldiers in the Citadel's garrison, James spoke quietly with him before joining us in entering the narthex, where we were greeted by several members of friendly houses. There was no sign of anyone from the Pierce, Rumlow, or Walker houses. From the entrance we walked into the nave, to the pew at the front that the Stark family had used for generations.
At the arrival of the procession to begin the service, we stood and listened to the choir singing. Father Bruce blessed the congregation then stood before us all and waited for us to sit before he spoke.
"I publish the banns of marriage between Lord James Buchanan Barnes of the Parish of the Citadel and Lady Arden Worth, of this parish. If any of you know cause or just impediment why these persons should not be joined together in Holy Matrimony, ye are to declare it. This is for the third time of asking." There was no response, just as there hadn't been the previous two readings. "The requirements for the approval of this marriage have been satisfied and the Church approves the marriage between the two named parties. It may proceed at their discretion before 90 days have passed."
He then proceeded to begin the service and we sat through the readings before the Eucharist was prepared. As we stepped forward to receive the bread, we heard sounds of fighting outside the church. James and my uncle stared at each other briefly then looked at the several heads of the various houses also in attendance. As one, they moved to exit the church, where their men had their weapons at the ready. The clergy asked the women and children to come into the altar area, as it was supposed to be a sanctuary for all. As the sounds of the fighting increased in intensity, there was a crashing sound, and a side door was breached. Father Bruce stood in front of us, beseeching the intruders not to defile the church with violence but they knocked him on his head, and those of his clergy, sending them all to the ground, bleeding from their wounds. From outside, three armed men entered the side door, Lord Pierce, Ser Brock of the House of Rumlow, and John Walker. They strode to where we were, and Pierce looked directly at me.
"Take her," he said. "Take Stark's wife and children. Lord Barnes will not allow the innocent to be slaughtered."
"The Bishop will excommunicate you for this," said my aunt, challenging Pierce, as one of his sell swords came for her. "You will set a war in motion."
"That was my intention," he smirked. He looked me up and down, making me feel like he had all sorts of plans in mind for me. How I longed to have a sword in my hand and plunge it into his chest. "I object to the marriage between Lady Arden and Lord Barnes on the grounds that my offer for her was superior." He put his hand to his ear. "I hear no dissenting voices, so my challenge is approved."
"Pierce!" A yell from the narthex drew his attention. James was there, his sword and tunic bloody. "That is not a valid impediment, and you know it. You have defiled this holy sanctuary with your actions."
Pierce nodded at the sell sword who put a knife to the throat of Morgan Stark. "This child's life is forfeit if you insist on challenging me," he stated, darkly. "Give me Lady Arden and the Stark children will live. Fight me on this and all his children, his wife, and every other child here will be slaughtered. Their blood will be on your head as I offered you a reasonable alternative."
I could see that James was torn between protecting me and keeping the others safe from this evil man's threats, which he had every intention of carrying out. Morgan was shaking in fear, as were her sisters. My uncle and several other remaining men stumbled in behind James, forced at sword point. He was holding his side, injured. When he realized who was in immediate danger, he moved to charge into the men who held his family. James stopped him, whispered to him, and slowly Stark backed down.
"I wish a moment with Lady Arden," said James.
"Take two," smirked Pierce, nodding at his men to let me go to him.
As soon as I got to him, James sheathed his sword and held me in his arms, kissing me on the top of my head. I knew what he had to do and that it would be the hardest thing he ever did, letting me go.
"I have no choice but to allow him to take you," he murmured, squeezing me tighter against him. "The deaths of the innocents must be avoided."
"I know," I answered, looking up at him. "It will be alright. He won't harm me other than try to force me into marriage with one of his sons." I lowered my voice. "Is our marriage still to be kept secret?"
"You will be safer if he doesn't know but if you find yourself in a position where you must object to a marriage then announce it openly and loudly," answered James. He placed both hands on my face and gazed into my eyes. "I will find you even if I must search for a lifetime. This action in the church on a holy day will turn many of his supporters away from him. Even now, he is likely moving his house to another location, as are the Rumlows and Walkers. Their lands here may be forfeit."
"Then why do this?" I asked, trying to stave off tears. "Why am I so important that they would take this action?"
James smiled sadly at me, ready to tell me but Pierce became impatient and drew his sword.
"Well, Barnes? What is your decision?"
He kissed me again and spoke once more. "I will find you. I promise." He looked from me to Pierce. "I will kill you for this, every one of you and your sons. Your lands are already forfeit and your names are to be forever associated with treason."
"Lady Arden."
It was a command from Pierce to go to him. Reluctantly, I did so, and the sell swords removed their weapons from Stark's children. Placing themselves in front of the side door, they allowed Pierce, Rumlow, Walker and me to exit where a carriage awaited me. A sell sword held his hand out to me to enter the carriage and I looked him in the eye. Although my first instinct was to refuse his offer of help, there was something about him that was familiar, so I took it and allowed him to help me inside. I was now in the hands of the enemy.
Lord Barnes
If there had been no women and children inside the church, I would have gladly damned my soul and made those three pay for their actions. Even now, their force waited outside, taunting us in our helplessness as they blocked any chance we had to follow. We stood at the door and watched as Arden was helped into a closed carriage. My only hope for her was that Riley, one of my men who had successfully infiltrated the force of sell swords that were recruited in the past month, would be able to keep Arden safe and possibly send word to us of where they were going. He helped her into the carriage, then took his place beside the driver. I gave no sign that I recognized him. Rumlow gave him instructions, but they were too far away for me to hear the destination. Then the despicable man stepped back and the driver commanded the four horses to leave, along with a sizeable contingent of men. After the carriage disappeared from view I turned back towards where Pierce, Rumlow and Walker were mounted on their horses.
"If any harm comes to her ...."
Pierce smirked. "We know. You'll kill every one of us." He looked at the church as if he were making a decision then looked at the commander of his garrison, Rollins. "Burn it down. No one gets out alive."
I pulled my sword out to prevent them and was met by several other drawn swords and ready bows with arrows aimed at my heart. As the three principals rode in the same direction as the carriage, Rollins prepared a fire in the church yard, then lit the arrows meant to become agents of death. They were launched onto the wooden roof, then he lifted several pieces of the flaming wood from the fire and threw them through windows broken by his men. I could hear the cries behind me as panic set in amongst most of the women and children. The men inside were doing their best to usher them towards another door but were blocked by flames as the fire on the roof had already broken through.
When an arrow suddenly pierced Rollins back and came out through his front, he looked down at it in surprise before falling over. Others in that contingent felt the steel tips of arrows that were expertly targeted. Returning into the church I called for everyone to come out the side door where I had been. More of my men who had been left at Stark's castle to protect it, arrived, and immediately set up a brigade to fight the fire, setting up a long line towards the river, hauling buckets. It wasn't enough to save the church, but it was enough to provide time for everyone to get out, including the priests who were still groggy from being knocked out. Each of them did have enough sense to grab something valuable and clutched it to their fronts as they stumbled through the open door, coughing and retching from the smoke that filled the interior. My men continued to fight the fire until Father Bruce put his hands out and said a prayer then shook his head.
"Let it go," he said, sadly. "It's burning too hot to stop now." He looked at me with a sooty face, broken by tears that streamed down his cheek. "They are all damned. Excommunication will be the least of their worries. Tell me, why is Lady Arden so coveted by those men?"
I sighed, as much for the answer, as for the knowledge that even she didn't know as I hadn't told her the complete truth of her heritage.
"She is descended from King Arthur, from a daughter who was born to Guinevere after she entered a convent, and was raised with another family. In her body is the blood of the greatest king who ever lived. Our child is destined to marry the child of the future king, and together herald an age unlike any other."
"But Guinevere was an adulteress," he protested. "How do they know her child was his?"
"Because those who wrote the history of King Arthur didn't reveal it to protect the daughter." I looked at Ser Anthony, who nodded as he also knew. "Arthur forgave Guinevere for her adultery, and they reconciled before his death. Their daughter was raised through her godparents, who knew her heritage but kept it secret so that an unworthy man did not use her to become king. Pierce needs her bloodline to make a legitimate claim against the throne. You recognized the ring so you must know that her mother was his original target, but she was killed defending her husband with a sword that she wielded almost as well as a man. While that happened, Arden was smuggled to Ser Anthony and Pierce lost track of her, until she came of age, and he saw the resemblance between her and her mother. I waited too long to claim her. This is my fault."
"No," said Ser Anthony, who had been listening. "It is mine. I should have trusted that the betrothal document between your parents and hers was valid. But I loved her so much that I found it hard to trust any man, especially one as powerful as you. I knew that you were once close to Lord Pierce and couldn't believe that you were enemies until I heard of your falling out with him from a trusted source. Even then, I delayed in receiving you and your delegation. My pride has brought us to this point."
Father Bruce looked at us with sympathy. Trust was not easily formed, not between men of power. Even though Ser Anthony and I were not inclined to seek power for ourselves, we still had influence, enough for Lord Pierce to consider us a threat. A thought seemed to occur to Father Bruce as he looked sharply at me.
"A betrothal document," he stated. "You were already formally betrothed before I married you in the Stark chapel?"
I nodded. "Our parents arranged the betrothal when I was 11 years old, and Lady Arden was still a babe in swaddling clothes. The marriage wasn't to be formalized until she came of marrying age. Of course, when her parents were killed, and she was placed in Ser Anthony's care that didn't happen." I cast my eyes downward for a moment, not proud of my behaviour after that happened. "For a time, I rebelled against the idea of marrying someone unknown to me and instead sowed my wild oats during my travels."
As a man of the cloth, I could have expected Father Bruce to chastise me for not living in a godly manner, but he must have been a more worldly man than I knew for he said nothing about that admission.
"Then you have a prior claim to Lady Arden due to an arrangement between your parents. If the bishop of the time approved the betrothal, any challenge to it would be a matter of honour between you and the man issuing the challenge. The banns have been read but Pierce's challenge was not issued at the time of the third reading. His challenge is not valid and that means you have the right to respond to it. You do intend to raise a force against him, do you not?"
"I do, with the King's permission, although I suspect Pierce will take his allies with him and force a marriage upon Arden, using her as his rallying cry against the monarchy."
Father Bruce stood before me; his eyes bright. "You will need a man of the cloth with you, to hold services for your men, and to administer the last rites." He gestured back at the burning ruins. "I no longer have a church. The local peoples will have to travel further afield to receive God's word, but I am meant to be with you, as a witness to the readings of the banns, and as the celebrant of the marriage performed in secret that was approved by the Bishop."
"So, we are formally married in the eyes of the Church?" I asked, as he had not informed me of the approval. "Why did you not say anything?"
"Because the Bishop was willing to let it go through the normal channels, hoping that it would mean less bloodshed. I don't think even he contemplated that Lord Pierce would do this. All the more reason why I should be part of your army now."
It was an offer made from the priest's heart and I accepted it. As he and Ser Anthony would inform the bishop of the attack and destruction of the church, I would return to the Citadel, assemble my army, and track the forces of Pierce, Rumlow and Walker. They would pay dearly for taking my wife, threatening the lives of innocents, and for the desecration of the church. This was war.
Part 4>>
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cheesus-doodles · 2 years
Why do I feel like Taiju - like Izana - doesn’t give too much of a crap over his kids? (Because mans has a kink he claimed is his christian values of procreation so there will be many baby Shibas running about)
Like maybe he cares marginally in a way that he views them as offspring, his legacy, living proof of your union and whatnot…but like Izana if he had to pick he’d always choose us. Plus he’s not above using them as leverage to get us to behave.
In retrospect there are probably few tr yanderes that genuinely care about their children. I can see Mitsuya, Baji, kakucho and draken for sure in terms of honest to goodness love. The middle of the pack like koko maybe Inui, the Haitani bros…do care but it’s a majorly stems from either a twisted sense of possession or a macabre family portrait. The tail end is where izana, Mikey, kisaki, Haruchiyo come in.
Kind of rambled there, I swear i just was going to focus on Taiju and I spiraled. it’s my take on it, but i would love your opinion on this if it isn’t too much of an ask. Be well and have a great day!
Link to Taiju's birthday fic
ahh merry christmas, happy holidays and happy new year to everyone! since christmas just passed you know we gotta give some love to our favourite christian delinquent boy - sorry it took so long to get back to you kind anon!
Actually I think when it comes to their children, Taiju and Izana would be complete opposites as opposed to being on the same side.
Taiju would be the one that would actually make the effort to be a present, loving father to all his little Shiba children. Which yes would be one for the above mentioned reason of Christian values (cough definitely got nothing to be with his kink or rather you'll never get him to admit it cough), and two, getting you pregnant again when you start getting restless helps keep you dependent and pliant. Helps that he loves seeing you round with another kid and having to ask him for help when you stop being able to waddle around the house - which he is more than happy to do so, bridal carrying you everywhere.
I feel that Taiju does love his children to a certain degree, especially since its the ones he had with you even if it is no where close to his love for you, but he isn't 100% opposed to sharing the light of his life with them and does see the value in keeping them on his side. Taking good care of them would mean that they would be more inclined to listen to their father when he asks them to do something for the "benefit" of their mama, plus you wouldn't have to spend so much time looking out of them instead of looking after him. This boy definitely isn't above using your children as leverage when he needs to, and in fact its usually with the cooperation of his children. Having them help keep an eye on you while he is at work, making sure you stay home and out of the public's eyes, taking your breaks as needed, and then telling them to ignore you or send them to their uncle or aunt's place; children come in useful when their father is as charismatic as Taiju, though no doubt they love the affection from their mama more.
Taiju won't see his children as a threat to you, be they male or female - of course he would always pick you over them if it came down to it, but he wouldn't be in any hurry to kick his children out or send them away for school to get them away from you. As long as they keep in line that is, and don't make any attempts to separate him from the love of his life. And Hakkai and Yuzuha help to remind the little Shibas whenever they get the opportunity to - no one is in any hurry to find out what the old Taiju re-emerging would look or feel like.
Others that I feel would also fall into this category would be yes Koko, Inupi and Rindo, but none of them would care to have as many children as Taiju - maybe at most two or three, which would the limits of their tolerance.
Izana on the other hand is a hell lot more possessive over you - this boy would absolutely give little to zero shits about his kid because he is already your baby, and would only have that one child because he doesn’t like having your attention off of him even for a single minute. Only had a kid because honestly they were a mistake and Izana hadn't realized that babytrapping you was going to lead to you having a baby. Sometimes thoughts just do not pass through his head fully, but at least realizes that you were now tied very permanently to him, and your child would be living proof of your union with him. Gets very jealous very easily, and would insist that you pamper him even more than usual to "make up" for the attention you were giving his kid. Sometimes would take the time and effort to parade his child around to show them off and indirectly show you off to others, though its not unusual for this big baby to sometimes just choose to ignore the fact that he even has a child when he is pouting.
Definitely uses his child as leverage over you, strictly controlling the amount of time you get to spend with your baby. Refusing to let you hold the child for any more than necessary when Izana thinks you are misbehaving (usually when he is clingy and in a meltdown thinking that you want to leave him), and rewarding you with more playtime and even outside time when he is in a good mood. Takes a lot of your effort to finally get Izana to acknowledge and internalize that he has a child, and that is when he finally lets loose a little and proceeds to spoil his kid rotten materially. Still stingy with his affection though, and only ever wants to cuddle with you.
But Izana would 100% be the sort to see his child as a threat to you and his relationship with you the more they grow up. Definitely difference in treatment if the child was a boy or a girl - he'll be so much softer if he had a daughter, since she would be no threat in his eyes, even more so if she was a daddy's girl. But if he had a son, ho boy. Would at most tolerate the kid until he was 15 or 16, and then its sending him off to college as far away from you as possible, and making it damn near impossible for him to come back home unless you force the exception, either through taking away cuddling time or being extra nice to him. Any time you get to spend with your kid is heavily restricted and monitored, Izana would most likely even give his son a job just to keep him away from you.
Others that would fall into this category would be Mikey, Kazutora, Sanzu, Kisaki and even Ran, though only Ran would also differentiate between if he had a son or daughter. Kisaki would keep his child around as leverage no matter the gender, and Mikey, Kazutora and Sanzu would have no qualms banishing their kid as soon as they were of age, be it daughter or son.
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caswensworld · 3 months
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Parents: Anastasia Tremaine and late Baker
Age: 13 1/2
Personality type: a perfectionist prim and proper and has a likening to hats just like his mom
Relationship: Alonso Tremaine has a great relationship with his mom and his grandmother because of how much of a typical Tremaine he acts like but at times Anastasia is worried her son acts too much like a Tremaine to where it gets boring where she thinks he has no personality of his own like her other Sons
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Parents: drizella Tremaine and Hans westergard
Age: 16
Personality type: a bit of a rebel to her pregnant proper parents
Relationships: doesn't have a crush but still has a loving relationship with her parents even though they can be off at each other because of her personality
Alonzo Tremaine, a 13 ½ year old VK. Alonzo is a handsome boy with a charming smile. His dark hair is styled into a precise, elegant buzzcut that perfectly frames his face. His eyes are a deep, chocolate brown. He stands tall and lean, with a natural grace that seems almost aristocratic. He is meticulous about his appearance. Though his clothing is worn and ragged from the years on the Isle, Alonzo always manages to look impeccably dressed. His clothes are crisp and well-maintained, though he favors darker colors. He often wears tailored shirts with dark trousers, accented by a dark violet leather coat. His jeans are always the perfect dark wash, never faded or frayed. His love of hats is evident – he frequently sports a wide array, from fedoras to berets, with his favorite being a violet hat adorned with a single, vibrant pink feather.
Alonzo strives for excellence in everything he does. He believes in order, discipline, and the importance of maintaining appearances. He adheres to strict etiquette and expects the same from others. He feels a strong sense of responsibility for upholding the Tremaine family name. He is often quiet and introspective, preferring calculated observations to impulsive actions. He is fiercely loyal to his family, especially his mother and grandmother. He admires their strength and determination, seeing them as models for his own behavior. While he maintains a cool exterior most of the time, Alonzo shows genuine affection and a more playful side when with his cousin, Dizzy. He appreciates her kindness and infectious enthusiasm.
Alonzo is the son of Anastasia Tremaine and the late Baker. He grew up surrounded by the strict, often harsh, standards of the Tremaine household on the Isle of the Lost. His grandmother, Lady Tremaine, instilled in him a deep sense of duty and responsibility, pushing him to excel in all aspects of his life. This upbringing has shaped him into a meticulous, disciplined young man, but it has also led to a sense of isolation. He longs to find his own identity outside the expectations of his family.
Anastasia Tremaine (Mother): Alonzo shares a very close bond with his mother. He admires her strength and intelligence, and he strives to make her proud. However, Anastasia sometimes worries that he is too rigid and lacks a genuine personality of his own.
Lady Tremaine (Grandmother): He is deeply devoted to his grandmother and strives to be a worthy heir to the Tremaine legacy.
Drizella Tremaine (Aunt): He sees his aunt as a role model, although he is not as close to her as he is to his mother. He respects her ambition and ruthlessness.
Dizzy Tremaine (Cousin): Alonzo adores his cousin, Dizzy. He is drawn to her kindness and generosity. He finds it easy to relax around her and be himself.
Anthony Tremaine (Brother): Alonzo sees his brother as a competition to be the one his mother's proud of. He wants to be the one to carry the Tremaine name the strongest
Cinderella (Step-Aunt): Alonzo is distant from his stepmother. He views her as an outsider, a threat to the family's power and prestige.
King Charming (Step-Uncle): He sees him as a weak and ineffectual figure.
Chad Charming (Step-Cousin): He struggles to relate to his carefree attitude.
Chloe Charming (Step-Cousin): He finds her to be superficial and naive.
**Other Relevant Information:**
Alonzo enjoys reading and studying, particularly history and philosophy. He is fascinated by the complexities of human behavior and the dynamics of power.
He has a hidden talent for painting, which he practices secretly, as he fears his family's disapproval.
He dreams of one day escaping the Isle and finding his own path in life.
He has a secret desire to break free from his family's expectations and discover his own identity.
Alonzo Tremaine is a complex character with a hidden depth. While he may seem stiff and formal on the surface, he harbors a yearning for something more than just upholding the Tremaine family legacy. His journey will challenge him to confront his own insecurities and ultimately find his true self.
Drizel Tremaine is a 16 year old girl. Drizel is a young woman with a striking appearance. She possesses light skin, dark hair pulled back into two braids that often feature streaks of vibrant green and purple, a result of Dizzy's artistic touch. Her eyes are a deep brown, often hidden behind a pair of stylish green glasses. Her fashion sense is a rebellious mix of leather jackets with puffy shoulder pads, chains, and high boots. She enjoys pairing shorts with skirts, adding her own unique flair and artistic touches to her garments. Her outfits often feature splashes of green and purple, her favorite colors.
Drizel is a stark contrast to the traditional Tremaine family. She thrives on breaking rules and challenging expectations, often defying her parents' strict principles with flamboyant fashion and provocative behavior. Despite her defiant nature, Drizel is aware of her family's disapproval and relishes their reactions. She uses her rebellious streak to provoke them, finding amusement in stirring up trouble and creating chaos. Drizel possesses a vibrant imagination and a strong artistic inclination. She finds solace and purpose in fashion designing, music, and expressing herself through various creative outlets. Drizel values her freedom and independence. She is fiercely self-sufficient, often getting herself into (and out of) trouble with her own resourcefulness. Despite her rebellious nature, Drizel has a strong bond with her family, especially her parents and sister. She loves them deeply, even if she expresses it in unconventional ways.
Drizel is the daughter of Drizella Tremaine and Hans Westergard, a rebellious spirit born into a family steeped in tradition and propriety. She is the older sister of Dizzy Tremaine, the niece of Anastasia Tremaine, the granddaughter of Lady Tremaine, and the cousin of Anthony Tremaine. She is also the step-niece of Cinderella and King Charming, and step-cousin of Chad and Chloe Charming.
Her life is a constant clash between her yearning for creative expression and her family's expectations. She feels stifled by their strictness and finds solace in defying norms, finding her own path through music, fashion, and defying societal expectations. Drizel's relationship with her cousin, Anthony, is filled with rivalry and pettiness, as he constantly tries to belittle her. She finds solace in her bond with Dizzy, her sister, who shares her passion for creativity and artistic expression.
**Other Relevant Information**
Drizel is a master at getting away with her antics, often using her wit and charm to escape punishment.
While she enjoys provoking her family, she deeply cares for them and values their love and support.
She dreams of escaping the confines of her family's expectations and pursuing a fulfilling career in fashion or music.
Drizel is a complex and intriguing character, a vibrant and spirited young woman who refuses to conform to the expectations of a rigid and tradition-bound family. She is a force of nature, a whirlwind of rebellious energy and creative spirit, ready to carve her own path in the world.
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awkward-tension-art · 5 months
Remain By His Side Chp.8 Silent
Chp. 7 Chp.9
Leon has come home from training.
warnings: mutual pining, Leon needs a hug, Reader needs a hug, They both don't act on their feelings, self-loathing, grief, mourning, brief mention of dead sibling/family members
It was a year after Raccoon City's destruction. 
October 1st, 1999
Your medical school was having a candlelight vigil for the lives lost. The loss of 100,000 lives was a permanent scar on American history, and people would mourn on anniversary for years to come.
The president had resigned months ago after a disastrous press conference. Umbrella Corporation was being held liable for the city’s collapse. The trials were in the prep phase, and it’ll take years for victims to be given any sort of closure or payback.
Publicly, the US government had no part in the disaster. But seeing Leon and what you could gather from him…
The government had blood on its hands. Even more blood on its hand.
You looked down at the candle in your hands. Some people were talking quietly, but others remained in solemn silence. 
Through it, you thought of your brother. Your aunt. Your uncle. Sherry’s innocence.
And Leon. 
You didn’t know who to cry for. The grief was heavy in your chest and the loss was suffocating.
Someone stepped up next to you. In response, you looked up to give an acknowledging nod. However, you froze, eyes widening. 
“Hey,” Leon greeted with a whisper.
Your smile was warm and genuine, “Hey.”
Your heart soared. He was more built than you last saw him. His hair was longer. He also looked tired. So…so tired. 
“Missed you,” you murmured. Not wanting to be disruptive to those around you, you grabbed his arm and made your way past other mourners. Once you were a few paces away, your arms wrapped around him tightly. 
“Missed you too.” He said, wrapping one arm around you. In the other, he was holding your candle. 
Jesus, his chest felt like a brick wall. You pulled back and looked at him, keeping your small smile, “Want to stay the entire time or do you want to go home?” 
“Home sounds nice,” he shrugged, “Plus, I need to hold Mocha.” 
You snorted, “come on.” 
On the walk back to your car and the subsequent drive to your apartment, you filled Leon in on everything you didn’t include in your letters. He didn’t chime in much, only really listened. However, his eyes remained on his window, watching the world pass by. 
“How long are you here?” You asked him once the car was parked, “a week?” 
“I got a month.” he said, “Then I gotta go back to finish training.” 
“Well, yay.” you nodded, feeling elated that he was staying for much longer. 
Once back in your home, you were immediately with the loud and light meows of your cat. The calico was chirping and trilling as she rubbed her face on Leons leg. She was only pleased when he picked her up in his arms. 
“Missed you too,” He mumbled, petting behind her ear. 
You laughed, “Welcome home.”
“God, it's good to be back.” the former rookie took a deep breath. 
Leon looked weary. Despite only having training, he seemed battleworn. He’s aged way beyond his years. 
Trauma will do that to you… you thought.
You wanted to hold his face, let him know that you were there for him. You’ve accepted shortly after he left that your care for him was beyond just platonic or familial. They blossomed into affection. 
Even if Leon returned your feelings, there was no way a relationship would work under your lives right now.
you both were deeply hurt. Deeply traumatized.
Leon more so than you. 
No, he was in control. Whatever he wanted to do, you’d support him. You’d swallow your feelings, give him all the cards.
He deserved it. To have some semblance of control in his life.
Which is how the both of you ended up sitting on the balcony eating takeout and talking. Leon had just showered and you had a blanket draped over your shoulders. He was listening to you prattle on about some of your classes and research. After you were finished, he asked you one question. 
“Hm?” You perked up, looking at him, “Why what?”
“Why do you want to do all…this?” He asked, “be a doctor and research?”
You hummed and looked up, “I want to help people.” You responded honestly. Maybe you were naive. Too optimistic. But it's what you wanted to do.
Little did you know you reminded Leon of him, before Raccoon City. before the pain, loss and grief.
He loved that part of you. As well as your smile. Your eyes. Your laugh. 
Leon loved you.
He thought of you, even during training. Even when Krauser beat the shit out of him. Even when the other soldiers gave him a hard time. 
But especially when the bullet wound in his shoulder would become irritated. The chronic pain would flare sometimes from the shot and he would imagine you soothing him and making him feel better. 
As you talked to him about everything he’s missed at training, he couldn’t help but look into your eyes. How they lit up as you chatted about your passion. 
Leon found himself like that the entire time you were on the balcony. His feelings were accompanied by a longing in his chest. A deep desire to hold you, kiss you and love you. 
He couldn’t. He was going to be a government weapon. His freedom was destroyed the moment the army found him and Sherry.
But you? You could be whatever you wanted to be. You had your freedom. Your optimism. Your hope for the future. 
Leon couldn’t take that away from you. He was already selfish enough by remaining in your life. By becoming a part of your family.
So he’d remain silent and keep his heart closed.
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vulnonapix1234 · 1 year
More about my "reincarnated as a villain" Chaiflower au!
(But it's about Gayatri, cause she is great)
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They became friends after the first time that the prince "escaped" from home to see his nanny, who had fallen sick.
In this au, Gayatri is a childhood friend of Pavitr despite not being of "blue blood".
She found him after he nearly got in trouble with her father, who is one of the few knights that look after the many villages outside of the castle walls.
It was kind of love at first sight.
Gayatri liked Pavitr because he was silly and genuinely funny.
She was also aware that she was one of the princes of her country because she wasn't stupid.
So she was also aware that they weren't meant to be, even if they loved one another.
Royalty didn't marry because of love after all.
They married for power, riches, and protection.
When Pavitr was taken away from her, to a different country to ensure peace, she hadn't cried, no matter how much she wanted.
Because this was just how it was and life couldn't stop just because she got her heart broken.
But then, the letters started.
Not from Pavitr, but from his fiance.
Letters telling her how her boyfriend was doing and that he was well.
Letters asking for her and Aunt Maya's well-being.
It was a strange, but also nice surprise.
She had heard a lot about the royalty her Pavitr had married into.
How they were monsters in both powers and personality.
How their new emporer had killed his sister to get to rule.
How he had experimented on his nephews to gain new powers for their kingdoms.
How they mercilessly wage war to expand their lands and take and take and take.
And yet, she never got that impression from the boy who sent her those letters.
He mostly wrote about her beloved Pavitr, but he wrote about his brother whom he deeply loved, his uncle who was constantly overworked, and the head of the Royal Guard whom he looked up to.
The boy she met through the letter appeared to be kind and compassionate.
Someone she was happy that her lover was going to marry.
Then, one day, she and Maya were invited to work as Pavitr's retainers.
(Retainers: personal guards and servants)
This was a pretty big thing.
Not only because this would give Pavitr more power, but also because Retainers were usually strong knights.
(With anyone else, this could have been seen as a great insult, as Gayatri is a civilian girl and Maya is an elderly woman. But for Pavitr, who loves both of them dearly? For him this is the world)
So, she left her homeland, her father, and everything she had ever known for the chance to see her beloved again.
It goes surprisingly well.
Pavitr's surprised, happy crying face when he saw them was enough for her.
She also met Miles for the first time there, even if that didn't feel like it at all with all the letters that they had written for each other.
Talking to him was surprisingly easy and they quickly became "friends".
He helped her with her Retainer duties, by training with her and turning her into a real knight.
(And yes, her lover is watching them and fanboying whenever they where fighting.)
She hadn't been aware that she was falling for him, till they had the "Pavitr talk".
Miles was just so thankful that she was there, as he was worried that his fiance would have to live a loveless life surrounded by people that he couldn't trust.
And Gayatri just kind of melted. Because she could see his affection towards him and he would still rather have a "romantic rival" than see Pavitr sad.
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More to her design:
Whilst her home country is rather warm, her new home isn't and she (and Pavitr) are suffering for it. Hence the coat that she wears under the armor.
The metal headband is part of her armor. It's supposed to show her place as retainer and her rightful place at the Royal side. It's a bit distracting for her, hence why she doesn't usually wear them.
The piercings on her ears where gifts from Miles, because he had seen her interest in them.
The sword was a gift from 42 (who we will call Milo) to show his good will with her relationship with his brother and her boyfriend .
Her "boots" are open on her calf for better movement. She can easily detach the boot part from the shin guard part.
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