#but also my preferred painting takes for fucking ever
skelekins · 11 months
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:3 wip of poe by @smokbeast
edit: :O since i dont think smok has seen yet
progress bc i like it
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andypantsx3 · 5 months
contents: general bakugou x princess reader; fem + afab virgin reader. nsft; oral (f receiving) & missionary. semi-sequel to this drabble. 3.2k.
Your wedding day arrives far earlier than you are prepared for.
It’s a tense affair, for you at least. The country depends on it, and you feel the scheming eyes of the nobility hot on your skin as you pronounce your vows to Bakugou. They will not take kindly to your having chosen him over their sons and brothers, over their own desire to rise to power. There will be a price they will want you to pay, soon enough.
The chapel is resplendent with sumptuous decor, the court in their finest. But the room is fringed with Bakugou’s men in their military leathers, a reminder that this is not a happy day, but rather a dangerous political stunt. It keeps the noble houses docile while they are in the room with you, but you know they will return to their estates and their plans. 
Your fate is in Bakugou’s hands, now, in more ways than one.
The ceremony is dizzying, and impossible to wrap your head around. The preceptor pronounces Bakugou your prince-consort, ostensibly to remain so while you assume the throne after your father’s passing. You will continue to rule him as his sovereign. But your vows to Bakugou also promise him your obedience as his wife. 
It is a contradiction, an impossible trap, the very reason why the general is the only man you could stomach the thought of marrying. If a husband is to rule you after all, Bakugou will do so justly. 
The thought does not stifle your nerves, however, as you make your way back down the aisle, sit down to the reception, and take your meal. A disquieting, anticipatory feeling settles over you, fizzing under your skin. You barely pick at your dinner, and drink too much of the wine.
You can tell Bakugou notices, scarlet gaze ever-perceptive, though he does not say anything until you are shepherded to the bridal suite to consummate.
Various aides try to follow you in to prepare you, but Bakugou slams the door closed on them, propping it shut with one broad shoulder. He barks at them to scram.
“Lord General—that is, Your Highness,” one of them stutters through the door. “We are required to witness the consummation—to verify that it is complete.”
A bolt of shame goes through you at this, and you catch hold of one of the intricately-carved wooden bed pillars. Bakugou grunts, holding the door closed with one palm while spinning to the nearby dressing table and chair. He grabs the chair, wedging it forcefully up under the door handle.
“You’ll be sure of consummation when I’m done here,” he growls through the door. “Don’t need you little fucking perverts making eyes the whole damn time. Now beat it.”
A weird sound escapes you, something between a gasp and a laugh—at his promise, at his gruffness.
“Your Highness,” comes a plaintive entreaty through the door. Bakugou slams a fist against it, and you hear a squeal and a sound like someone’s fallen over their feet.
An absurd laugh seizes you, and Bakugou eyes you pettishly.
“The fuck’re you laughing about,” he says, but there’s no heat in it.
Your fingers twist on the bedpost, nervously tracing the lines. “You’re taking to your new post well.”
Bakugou’s features twist into something dangerously satisfied, a smirk painting his mouth. Your breath comes short.
“My post,” he echoes, raising an eyebrow. “As your husband.”
Your stomach swoops. The disquiet flames back to life under your skin, settling heavy in your gut like a stone. 
“I supposed it is a post like any other,” you say, fixing your gaze on the ground. “There are responsibilities and… marital duties.”
You hear the soft tread of Bakugou’s boot as he steps away from the door, the rustle of his doublet as he draws closer. His many medals and ceremonial sword belt clink softly. It is a fashion you know he does not prefer, always living in his shirtsleeves—the better to fight in, to train in.
A calloused hand takes your chin, tipping your face up to his.
“You nervous, Princess?” he asks. His tone is obnoxious, as usual, but his crimson gaze traces your face.
You barely suppress a shiver under his touch. Your stomach churns with a thousand emotions and you find you don’t know how to feel. Relieved that you’ve made it this far. Annoyed with Bakugou’s composure and general manner. Apprehensive about what is to come. And warm, suddenly, all over. You do not want to examine why.
“Nonsense,” you sniff. 
A feral smile curls the corner of Bakugou’s mouth like he sees right through you. “You’ve never been with a man.”
Your face burns but you force yourself to return Bakugou’s assessing stare. “I’ve never been to Musutafu, either, but I know it well enough. I should think I am… prepared.”
Something hot alights in Bakugou’s gaze, burning like a coal. It’s not unlike how he looked at you that night in the dark outside his chambers, when you’d first come to him with this wild proposal.
“And what do you think you know,” he says, flatter than a question.
Your nose grows hot. “Enough.”
A thumb slides along your jaw, settling against the pulse in your neck. “Answer the question, angel.”
Your face just might be on fire. You steel yourself, reciting dispassionately. “You will undress me and then… enter me. I shall lie still—they say you can breathe through the pain and it will go away after some time. You will… work yourself to completion. And then we shall be done.”
A snort comes from Bakugou. “Is that how you royal tightasses do it?”
You feel your eyes narrow. “That is how everyone does it.”
Your ladies in waiting had been very emphatic. All of them had spoken of the same mechanics. The initial discomfort, the pain, the way a husband moved upon his wife until he was satisfied.
“You don’t know shit, Princess,” Bakugou says.
You reach up to pull his hand from your face, but he tenses, arm growing solid and immovable. 
“Explains why all you nobles are such fucking tight-buttoned pricks if that’s how you’re doing it.”
Your reply is startled out of you when his hand finds your waist. You take a step back, and then another, startling again when your back finds the wall. Bakugou follows you, eyes hot.
“You are insufferable,” you inform him hotly. “I am sure of the matter.”
“You’re always sure of a lot of things, Princess,” he says. His hand is back at your waist, and suddenly all your skin feels too hot and tight, stifling like a velvet dress in summer.
“I am sure you are the most obnoxious man on earth,” you say. “Now be quiet and commence with it. Let’s have done with it.”
Bakugou’s face is suddenly closer than you’d remembered it being.
“I’ll have done with you alright,” he says. “But I’m not gonna do it like you little uppity prudes.”
You find you can’t think of what he means, all of your thoughts clouded with his proximity, the feeling of his hand moving to your skirts.
“I—but there is only the one way,” you manage. None of your ladies had mentioned anything else.
Bakugou’s mouth cuts into a smirk again, and you hate him for how pretty it is. 
“We’ll fuckin’ see about that,” he says.
And then his mouth is pressed to yours. 
It’s nothing like the stilted peck you’d been obliged to give him at the ceremony—one that still left your face burning, for some unknowable reason. This feels entirely different in its intensity. Bakugou’s mouth is hot and soft and tempting and eager, and your body thrills with it.
Every inch of your skin feels like it zings with lightning when he licks into your mouth, and he presses you harder into the wall. You feel his groan all the way down to your toes.
“B–akugou,” you pant when his mouth leaves yours, only to stifle a yip when he moves down to your throat. He sucks a mark there, laving over it with his tongue, and you feel like you're melting in his hands. “That’s—not my—ah!—mouth,” you manage.
The tiniest scrape of teeth has you yelping again, and you find yourself clutching his bicep for purchase.
“No shit,” he says, leaving another mark lower, mapping his way towards your chest. Calloused fingers come up to cup one of your breasts, thumb swiping over your nipple through your stays. You catch hold of his hair, yanking a fistful of that flaxen blonde, clenching your thighs together.
“What are you doing?” you hiss. 
Bakugou looks up at you, expression annoyed. “Consummating.”
“But you’re not undressing me,” you say. “And shouldn’t we—on the bed?
Bakugou raises a blonde eyebrow. “They tell you it needs to be on a bed, too?”
You blink, momentarily disarmed. It was quite literally called sharing the marriage bed—where else were you supposed to do it?
“Are you sure we’re talking about the same thing?” you eventually ask him.
Both of Bakugou’s eyebrows shoot for the moon, and he looks very suddenly like he wants to laugh. A grin yanks at his mouth, sharp and beautiful.
“I knew you’d be a fucking handful,” he says, his tone somehow both annoyed and delighted. “Don’t even know what the fuck you’re talking about and you’re still trying to give me orders.”
You yank at the fistful of his hair you’re still clutching and he hisses, hand shooting out to grab yours. He works your grip off of him, pinning your wrist to the wall. The air in the room suddenly feels a hundred times thicker, like trying to breathe through honey.
“Listen closely, Princess,” he tells you, leaning in. “We're going to consummate, alright. But I’m not just gonna squeeze my eyes shut and stick it in. I’m going to do what I want first, and you’re going to be good and let me.”
Your face ignites in flame. You want to disagree reflexively. “If it’s going to be painful I’d rather just have it over with, if you don’t mind,” you say.
Bakugou stares back, scarlet gaze roving over you. “It’s not gonna be if you shut up and let me do what I want.”
You blink. You hadn’t heard that there was a way around the pain—why hadn’t anyone told you?
“I—really?” you ask.
Bakugou nods. “Really.”
“Oh,” you say. “Well then… you may proceed, I suppose.”
“You suppose,” he echoes, staring you down. The look on his face makes you want to lean forward and bite it off.
“Well get on with it,” you say, arching your eyebrows.
Bakugou looks for a moment like he wants to shake you. But he ducks his head instead, lowering his mouth to yours again.
“Gonna fuck that bossiness right out of you,” he mutters, low like he’s promising himself and not you. But then he kisses you again, muffling your gasp in his mouth.
You’ve never kissed another man, and do not have a frame of reference for what he’s doing. But Bakugou is a good kisser, you think. Every flick of his tongue feels like someone has uncorked champagne and poured it beneath your skin, and every brush of his mouth against yours sends a liquid heat racing through your veins.
You moan into his mouth when calloused fingers delve beneath the collar of your gown, dipping into your stays and pinching a nipple. He rolls it carefully, and you arch against him without any say-so from your brain. 
“Been thinking about this, Princess,” he says. “Ever since I saw you in that little nightdress. Gonna show you what it really means to be with a man.”
You’re excused from answering by his mouth back on yours. Not that you think you could, with the way his fingers feel in the cups of your stays, or the press of a strong thigh between your own.
“Bakugou,” you gasp when he peels off of you, only to sink to his knees before you.
“It’s Katsuki,” he says, busying himself with the hem of your skirts. 
“B–Katsuki,” you say. “What are you doing?”
Long fingers roll up the hemline of your dress, then yank at your underthings, exposing you to him. You gasp again, moving to cover yourself, but Bakugou pins you to the wall with an arm across your stomach, catching your thigh and pulling it over his shoulder.
“Husbandly duties,” he replies, another smirk on his mouth.
And then your head thunks against the wall as that mouth moves, pressing to you.
“Katsuki!” you shout, biting off into an embarrassing moan when he laves over you. No one had told you about this part—about how a man’s mouth there would make you feel like fireworks had just been lit off in your veins. About how a man’s mouth could even go there at all.
Bakugou doesn’t reply, kissing you there as he had your lips. A delicate suck from him over the cleft of you has you arching in his hands again, and you can quite literally feel him smirking against you.
He works you thoroughly, licking and sucking for what feels like torturous hours, but must only be minutes, until you’re a writhing, panting mess, only held upright by the arm he has banded across your lower stomach. There’s a pressure rising within you, pooling in all your limbs, making you shake and shiver with it, and what feels like no way to release it.
“Katsuki—I feel strange,” you say, bucking against his mouth. “Oh—oh!”
“Just hold on, sweetheart, and let yourself feel it,” Katsuki tells you, before licking back over you. A finger presses up inside of you, foreign but strangely good in conjunction with his mouth. Then another one presses in and they curl as if seeking something, making you twist in his grip.
And then something makes you jerk—the press of Katsuki’s fingers inside you in just the right spot, while he sucks on you, feeling like he’s touching the same place inside of you from both sides.
Something inside you snaps, uncoiling, pleasure flooding down you like a mudslide. You cry out Bakugou’s name, tears in your vision, riding out your pleasure against his mouth. Bakugou licks you through it, groaning low in his throat with appreciation.
“That’s it, Princess,” he says, tone rough. “Now you’re ready for consummation.”
You hear his words as if through a haze, and it’s only once you’re moving—being picked up and carried over to the bed—that you register what he’s saying.
He frees himself from his breeches, and stretches out over you, kissing your mouth. You’re embarrassed to taste yourself on him, but the press of him to you overrides that concern. In one smooth stroke he presses in, and you are shocked to find that he slides home easily, your core slick and ready.
It feels strange, but not at all unpleasant—absolutely nothing like what they’d told you.
“You alright, Princess?” Bakugou asks.
“I—yes,” you say, voice fluttering off when he flexes his hips, moving inside of you. The slide of him inside of you is unexpectedly good, especially when he lowers a hand to your core, pressing a thumb to that bundle of nerves at the hood of you.
“Feel good?” he asks, his eyes hot on your face. You cling to him, hips lifting into him unthinkingly as his thumb pets over you again, as he presses in and out of you a few more times.
You nod, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of saying it aloud.
He grins anyway, feral and fever-bright. His pace picks up into something faster, and you’re embarrassed to hear the slap of him against you, the eager way your body welcomes him in.
The band of pressure builds up inside you again, slowly, with every sure stroke of Bakugou inside you. He’s hot and hard and heavy over you, pressing you into the mattress, and the tops of his cheeks are flush with effort—the way he looks sometimes when he’s just come in from the training pitch.
He’s beautiful—handsome and strong and hot-headed and determined. And it dawns on you that he’s yours now—not just your subject but your husband, your prince consort, and now your lover.
It makes all your skin turn molten hot again, especially when you look down and see your knees have rucked his shirt up. You can see the flex of his abs as he thrusts between your thighs, all that golden skin and dense muscle.
The slide of him inside you and the sight of him over you is suddenly too much, and you feel yourself tip right over the edge again. Bakugou catches your hand as you lift it to muffle your cry, kissing over your knuckles.
“That’s it, Princess, that’s it,” he says again, ducking his head to kiss you.
You moan into his mouth as he fucks you through it, and he groans with the clench of you.
“Feel so fuckin’ good,” he says against your lips, pace picking up faster. “Knew you would, sweetheart, yeah.”
Embarrassingly you feel almost like you could come apart again with the praise. Bakugou groans once more, and you can hear his grip tighten in the blanket next to your head. His hips buck and flex, wildly uncontrolled now, until he gives one final hard thrust.
His weight pins you down when he relaxes over you, his breath tickling over your shoulder. You find you like the weight of him on you, covering you, like a shield against the rest of the world.
Apt, for a general.
“Better than how you wanted to do it, wasn’t it, Princess?” he asks, smug.
You scoff, but you catch the flash of a white grin in the corner of your vision. There is really no question that he’d had the better of it, this time.
“Knew you’d see it my way,” he says.
Over him, you can hear the flutter of feet outside the door, some muffled discussion. Heat rises to your face when you realize the castle aids most definitely heard you cry out under Bakugou’s ministrations. There will be no doubt of your consummation now, regardless of whether you were observed.
“Nosy fuckin’ perverts,” Bakugou says, rolling off of you. You catch another flicker of his chest with the way his shirt gapes, and he looks doubly smug when he notices.
“Not done yet, angel?” he says.
“I am, thank you.” You flush, embarrassed at having been caught. But Bakugou stretches an arm out to yank you over him, pressing you down over his hips.
Your stomach flutters.
“Give me a couple more minutes, Princess,” Bakugou says, scarlet eyes flashing with heat once more. His hand raises to trail through your hair, catching in the wedding hairstyle they’d pinned you into. 
“Five more minutes,” your new husband promises you, with a grin like the devil. “And then we'll give them something to really listen to.”
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silverwarewolf · 3 months
Oh, I had asked to see what the party's thoughts regarding the changeling situation were, especially when it came to their lifespans, but I didn't think it would turn out like this!
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GOOD FUCKING JOB, CHILCHUCK. YOU'VE TRAUMATIZED MARCILLE EVEN FURTHER. Oh but I do so love the horrors of this situation of theirs. Marcille babygirl I would like to hug you and have a nice chat.
Anywya, on we go to think about Falin and any solutions that might help us here. Which is great! I love how much foreshadowing there is (in terms of what I've been vaguely told about the manga).
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Laios Touden's problem solving skills, everyone.
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That's honestly the SICKEST weapon design, I'm so on board with you Laios. This could be Kensuke's Halloween makeover. BUT DONT JUST TAKE THOSE MUSHROOMS WITH YOU OH MY GOD
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... was this the opening sequence foreshadowing everyone was freaking out about? was that it? (don't actually tell me, though. if it was it, say yes. if it wasn't, don't say anything)
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no comment here I just love them.
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I just will never get used to elfshi's hands being Like That. But it's also kinda nice to see him and Izutsumi working along so nicely! Like, don't even get me started on how Izu is presented as the pickiest eater of the party (Marcille has been dethroned severely) and usually you'd see that presented as a Hassle, but here in DM, Senshi doesn't even bat an eye. He knows and respects Izutsumi's tastes and preferences and works his meals out around it! That's such a based thing for him to do. <3
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This is a renaissance painting. (I love it when they adapt Ryoko Kui's visual gags and I LOVE when she does zoomed in faces like this. Truly one of the artists ever)
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I did not have "Laios gets Pissed On" on my bingo card but every day I grow more and more convinced that the animators KNOW what they're doing and - OH MY GOD IS THAT SENSHI'S DWUSSY. ELFSHI ALTERNATIVE TO PANTY SHOT.
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Ah, yes, Izutsumi sprawls all over them when sleeping, we been knew, again it's a little unexpected to see it front and center but I guess it works to demonstrate them returning to - THAT WAS LAIOS??? AND CHILCHUCK IS JUST LIFTING HIS LEG LIKE THAT?? OKAY THEN. SURE.
(and then there's a few more seconds of laiosfoot and laios bedhead)
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1) Yep, they're back to normal.
2) Laios I love you and I love Gothsuke but someone needs to be careful about biohazards and it's not going to be you.
3) Add this to the "Marcille Donato gets threateningly close to you in three steps" folder.
4) Truly only they can match each other's freak. When the NECROMANCER is telling you not to do something, don't do it! I know last time you smuggled a "normal" sword, it turned out to be useful, but I'm sure that's not the case here!
5) Poor Laios tho. I'll learn to blacksmith just to give you a cool sword. <3
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I'm so glad they kept this. One of the silliest touden siblings moments. 10/10 no notes. Also, Falin is never beating the blunt force trauma allegations.
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"Why aren't you a twink like I thought you'd be?!" gets adapted! (I'm pretty sure that's the scene meant to be here, anyways)
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I get it, girl.
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Oh dear, they're going to eat Falin. And SENSHI was the one to suggest it! For a guy who was just fighting the doubts of accidental cannibalism a week ago, you're taking bold steps forward.
(I do love how it mirrors Laios' kindness back then, in truth. Even if it's an idea so shocking and dire at first, it comes from a place of reason and logic and love)
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Marcille "I said I wanted to eat her OUT, not eat HER" Donato Izutsumi "That's going to taste gross as fuck" Izutsumi Chilchuck "If it brings her back..." Tims Laios Touden, the man with a thousand things on his head right now, two of which I reckon are "I don't want to eat my sister" and "Dragon-Chicken... what might it taste like?"
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Yes, well. Valid as your concerns are, Laios, because how the fuck would five people eat THAT much meat, you can't just ramble on about what dishes you're going to make out of your sister.
(...I get it, though. I mean if you're going to eat, might as well make it good, right? I know no one wants to grill one of Faligon's ribs but I'll go ahead and say it would be worse to tell them to eat her raw)
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FUCK! we DID lose those scenes about the twin bell that toshiro kept!! forever sad about that.
oh my godddd they're going back into the dungeonnn we're going to reunite with themmm
I know they're really fucking competent, I mean, Namari and Toshiro are already described as pretty formidable warriors (and we've seen it), and Kabru is... admittedly much more geared to fight humans but he's a decent fighter either way. And a good leader!
Speaking of, where the fuck is everyone else.
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I know they're meant to be scary (and I suppose they are! If we have the reference that, firstly, marcille is an excellent spellcaster so these elves could be just as good in their own areas of expertise, yes?, and secondly, the canaries are Well Known)
... plus, Namari, Toshiro and Kabru are wary of them. Namari, Toshiro and Kabru are wary of them.
BUT damn it Lycion, I need to- (gets dragged off stage)
Anyway, while we wait for the next season (WHICH HAS BEEN GREENLIT! WOHOO!), have these wonderful images of chicken falin being a cathedral painting (...if cathedrals ever added dragons, i guess) and my beloveds, who have finally returned!
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reidingandwriting · 3 months
wrecked > keigo takami/hawks (mha)
word count: ~3k
pairing: sub!hawks/keigo takami x dom!reader
warnings: SMUT, fem!reader, lots of cursing, use of a sex toy, a few uses of ‘mommy’, hawks has some birdy traits, they’re so in love ugh
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keigo regretted the decision to take you partying with him. not for anything you did, of course. you were… infinitely better than anything he could ever imagine having. and god damn did you look perfect tonight.
it was a heroes exclusive night at his and rumi��s favorite club, and due to your job, you were well-known within the hero community and keigo was able to bring you with him. and keigo swore that was one of the todoroki children- fuyumi?- with rumi tonight.
keigo wasn’t big on partying anymore, you and him both now preferring nights in together more than going out. and god help him, keigo could not wait to take you home tonight. you danced with fuyumi, laughing as the more reserved woman started to warm up. you were infectious- everyone seemed to liven up around you. you brought out the best in people. also brought out the worst thoughts in him.
“down, boy. your birdy instincts are kicking in,” rumi teased and keigo shot a glare at his best friend, who merely laughed. he couldn’t help himself. you looked fantastic. rumi had taken you shopping earlier today and he owed her for the rest of his life for that outfit.
your pants looked as if they had been painted on, the leather material hugging your figure perfectly. your top was barely more than a black lacy bra, and keigo’s personal favorite was the gold chain body harness you wore on top. it outlined your torso and keigo’s gaze kept getting caught by the shimmer. you knew it too, because every time you caught him staring, you’d smirk and continue to dance, each movement of your hips more tempting than the last.
fuyumi made her way to the bar a minute later, you having walked off to the bathroom and fuyumi shyly tucked herself into rumi’s side. he didn’t know how new this… relationship? was so he didn’t tease rumi (yet) and he set the glass down that he had been nursing.
“gonna go find my songbird,” keigo said as a way of dismissing himself, and keigo walked towards the dance floor, searching for you. you spotted him and waved excitedly, quickly weaving your way through the crowds and enveloped him in a tight hug.
“birdie! i missed you,” you peppered keigo’s cheek with kisses and started to travel down towards his jaw. “did you miss me?”
keigo’s hands moved from where they rested on your back to your waist, and be squeezed gently. “always miss you. you know that.” you giggled and keigo nuzzled his nose into your hair. “you look beautiful.”
“baby bird,” you whispered and keigo could practically see the shy smile on your face as you pressed a kiss behind his ear, the smile turning into a smirk when he shivered. “you look so handsome, it’s downright sinful.” you ran one hand down keigo’s chest, hand trailing down until it rested on his stomach. keigo’s grip on you tightened, cheeks reddening from the compliment and affection. he had worn a sheer button down today and he had considered staying home with you when he saw your reaction to the shirt for the first time.
you had begun to pull keigo towards the exit and keigo laughed when he noticed your not so subtle plan. “no goodbyes to rumi or fuyumi?”
“trust me, baby boy. i’ve been talking to fuyumi about you all night. i think they’ll get the memo.” your eyes had darkened and keigo calculated the distance in his head.
“would you kill me if i flew us home?” keigo asked and you leveled him with a look.
“if you don’t get us home the fastest way possible, i’ll make you watch as i fuck myself and go straight to bed after.” with that, keigo scooped you into his arms and was up in the air in mere seconds. the minutes it took him to get home felt like ages and the second he landed on his balcony, you were on him. your lips attached to his and keigo expertly made his way inside, feathers opening and closing doors as he kissed you back. you broke the kiss long enough to start taking his shirt off and keigo whined from the loss.
“want you, need you,” keigo whined and you pressed a quick kiss to his lips to satiate him.
“i got you, baby. i’ll take care of you. that what you want?” you asked and keigo nodded. “go ahead and get comfy. tonight? it’s all up to you, kei.”
keigo laid on his back, sending most of his feathers away. “just want you.” your smile warmed his heart and you made quick work of getting on the bed, straddling keigo.
keigo leaned up and you met him halfway, kissing him happily. you let keigo lead the kiss and you parted your lips, letting out a soft sigh as you and keigo explored each other’s mouths. keigo’s hands played with the hem of your top and you parted just enough for him to pull your top off. the cool air hit your chest, your nipples hardening and keigo’s eyes dilated. he looked at you, down at your chest, then back up again and you nodded.
keigo leaned forward and kissed down your neck, revelling in each noise that fell from your lips. one of your hands made itself at home in his hair, the other tracing up and down his back as he made his way down to your chest. he pressed a kiss to each of your breasts before he took one of your nipples into his mouth, and you threw your head back with a soft moan. your grip in his hair tightened, and keigo hummed against you and you whimpered. keigo’s hand caressed your other breast as he lapped at your nipple, sucking and carefully pulling at the nub with his teeth.
“fuck!” your hips rocked down against keigo’s and keigo moaned against you. he switched breasts, now taking the other nipple in his mouth and you rolled your hips against his slowly starting to harden clothed cock. “birdie, shit,” you whined. you moved your hands, starting to fumble with the button of his jeans.
“easy, dove, let me help.” keigo said once he pulled away and you pouted at the loss of his mouth. you unbuttoned his pants and keigo lifted his hips so you could pull them down and drop them somewhere on the ground. keigo helped you pull your own pants off and you kicked them off to the ground.
“will never get over how pretty you are, keigo,” you brought one of your hands to cup keigo’s cheek, the other hand brushing his wing lightly. keigo’s cheeks burned red and you leaned down to kiss him again, keigo’s back meeting the mattress and you slowly ground down against keigo, drawing out moans from the both of you.
keigo couldn’t keep his hands still, going from your chest down to your ass, and he squeezed firmly. “can i take these off?”
“please,” you whined. moments later, you both had been fully stripped and you knelt between keigo’s legs. you ran your hands up and down keigo’s thighs and looked up at him through your lashes. “what do you want first, pretty boy?”
“mouth, please. just need to feel you,” keigo was close to begging and you nodded, kissing down his stomach. each kiss inched closer and closer to where he wanted you and while you were letting him make choices, you still had the control and keigo loved it.
you licked a stripe up the underside of keigo’s cock and he moaned, one hand gripping the sheets and the other gripping your hair. you lapped at keigo’s tip before taking his length into your mouth, and the soft moan you let out caused keigo’s cock to twitch. you looked up at keigo with half lidded eyes and keigo’s grip on your hair tightened.
“fuck, dove, feels so good. so good to me,” keigo babbled as you bobbed your head up and down, nose hitting his pelvis as you took all of him into your mouth. “shit!” keigo’s hips started to buck as your hand cupped his balls, needy whines slipping from his lips as you lightly twisted your hand. keigo’s eyes rolled back in his head and his back arched off the bed. “close, ‘m close,” keigo panted and you picked up your pace, keigo’s hips bucking and his breaths coming faster. “cumming, shit, mommy!” keigo cried out and his cock twitched once, twice more, before he came down your throat. you swallowed before you pulled back and immediately started to run your hands over keigo’s torso, grounding and checking on him.
“did so good, songbird. my good boy, love you so much,” you praised and keigo reached up to pull you closer to him. you huffed out a laugh and pressed a few chaste kisses to his lips. “you up for more?”
“need it, need more. need you,” keigo said and you nodded.
“tell me how you want me, baby bird. want toys or just me?” you repositioned yourself, moving to sit beside keigo, and you lazily started to pump his cock.
“can- can we try something new?” you nodded. keigo rolled over, reaching to the nightstand and opened the drawer. he pulled out a bottle of lube and a new toy you hadn’t seen yet, some type of plug. “i, uh, want to use this while you ride me.”
keigo looked anywhere but your face and you leaned forward, gently lifting his chin so he looked at you. “of course, kei. get comfy for me, ‘kay?” you kissed keigo, short and sweet, before you broke the kiss. you helped keigo prop up some pillows under his hips, your touches gentle and keigo preened under the attention you were giving him.
you always took such good care of him, it was disorienting. he had slowly gotten used to it, but he still couldn’t believe he was treated so gently by you. so kindly. even when he asked you to be rough with him, he could feel how deeply you cared behind your movements. it was that care that let keigo relax in this moment, legs spread and exposed as you knelt between his legs.
keigo briefly tensed as your lube covered finger prodded at his hole, which turned into a soft moan as you pushed in. keigo whined your name and you rubbed at his hip, soothing him. you worked your finger in slowly, whimpers leaving his lips as he adjusted. “another?”
“please,” keigo nodded and you pulled your finger out, shushing him when he whined, and pushed in a second. you moved a bit faster this time, pumping your fingers at a steady pace and as keigo’s moans got needier, you added a third. you stretched your fingers, pumping faster and you smirked when a high keening cry escaped keigo.
“did i hit something, baby?” you taunted, just barely brushing that bundle of nerves again. keigo’s blushed trailed down his cheeks to his neck, and you barely resisted the urge to litter his neck with more hickeys. you reached over and grabbed the plug, pulling out your fingers and quickly replaced them with the plug. you pushed the curved end of the plug in snugly before you studied the base, curiously switching it on to its lowest level.
“fuck!” keigo’s curse was cut off by a moan, cock twitching as the device buzzed inside him.
“now, we can play this one of two ways.” you grasped the handle of the plug, pushing it deeper and taking pleasure in the way keigo’s hips bucked as he gripped the sheets. “we can see how long you can hold out without cumming. or, i can see how many orgasms i can draw out from you. i think i can get at least two more from you.” you pushed and pulled at the plug’s base, and keigo let out a wanton moan as you held the plug firmly against his prostate. “which do you want, baby boy?”
“the s-second,” keigo panted. “just wanna feel you, please, being so good for you. right, mommy? your good boy?”
“the best there is,” you smiled as you crawled over to keigo, straddling him. one of your hands grasped keigo’s cock, the other splayed out across his chest. you lined up his length with your entrance, and you moaned as you sunk down, the pleasure of the stretch outweighing the sting, and you threw your head back. “fuck, baby, fit me so well. made for your cock, all mine, isn’t it?” you trailed your nails down his chest, your spare hand tweaking one of his nipples and the moan that keigo let out was downright pornographic.
“yours, all yours, only you. just for you,” keigo babbled. you rolled your hips, grinding down against keigo’s pelvis as you bottomed out.
“you’ve ruined me, birdie. no one makes me feel as good as you,” keigo’s eyes dilated from your praise, a possessive clicking noise leaving him. “oh, you liked that. liked hearing how i’m all yours, didn’t you?” you bounced on keigo’s cock, moving steadily, grabbing his wrists and pinning them above his head. the angle caused keigo’s cock to brush against your g-spot, and you continued to fuck yourself on keigo’s cock. “fuck, keigo. absolutely wrecked me,” your movements started getting sloppier and keigo desperately bucked his hips up, trying to get more friction. wanting, needing more of you.
“close!” his movements caused the plug to shift deeper and keigo’s feet dig into the mattress, practically humping the pillows under him.
“that’s it, baby. fill me up, make me yours.” keigo lost the rest of his control and he thrusted his hips up wildly, chasing his own orgasm. his instincts were going wild, your voice echoing through his mind. you were his, his his his. keigo pulled you down by the back of your head, latching onto your neck and sharply biting, and your finishing cry filled the room. keigo barely recognized his own moans as his hips began to falter in their movements, his only thought being of marking you, making you his.
keigo came with a flurry of chirps, warbles, and cries, some of his discarded feathers flying around the room as he came down from his high. you dropped your head against keigo’s shoulder, panting as you pressed open mouthed kisses to his neck.
“can i clean you up, mommy?” keigo looked at you with a hazy gaze and you smiled as you brushed some of his hair back.
“clean me up good and i’ll get you off however you want, baby. want me to turn it off?” you rubbed keigo’s hip and he nodded, shifting so you could access it easier and sighed with relief when the buzzing stopped. “good boy,” you cooed, pressing one more kiss to his lips before you rolled over. you propped yourself up against the headboard, slowly letting your legs spread and smirked at the way keigo’s gaze narrowed in on your cunt. “well? get to it, songbird.”
keigo positioned himself between your legs, holding your hips as he leaned in. keigo looked up at you through half lidded eyes, the sight making you clench around the air, and keigo licked a fat stripe, eyes fluttering shut. you cursed as you grasped his hair, your noises only encouraging keigo and his cock started to twitch in interest again.
keigo lapped at your pussy like he wouldn’t rather be anywhere else, and you whimpered as he nuzzled his nose against your clit. you dug your heels into his back, urging him closer and who was keigo to deny you? keigo nudged your legs open further and you swear you saw stars when keigo plunged his tongue in. keigo moaned deeply against you, the vibrations rattling you to your core and you bucked your hips, whining soft “please, birdie” and “god, love your mouth” as you gripped his hair.
keigo was pussydrunk and he lapped at your cunt like a man starved, suckling and flicking his tongue like he was born for it. your moans and whines egged him on, and you cried out his name when his thumb started to rub your clit.
“kei, fuck! keep, keep going. ‘m close,” your words turned breathy and high pitched moans fell from your lips, and keigo picked up the pace, pushing a finger into you and beginning to pump it quickly. your thighs tightened around his face, holding him in place as your hips bucked wildly, grinding against his mouth as you came with a loud cry. keigo eased his finger out once you stilled, pressing kisses to your inner thigh as you slowly released him.
“come ‘ere, pretty bird,” you gently tugged at the golden locks and keigo happily climbed up, cupping your face in his hands as he kissed you. “love you so much.” you whispered against his lips and keigo whined as he pulled back. a fond smile graced his features, and you could practically see the hearts in his eyes. keigo rolled onto his back and pulled you on top of him, and you curled up, content.
“love you more than anything, dove.” keigo ran his hand up and down your back and you leaned into his touch, much like a cat getting petted. “shower?”
“please, you’re so sweaty.” your voice turned teasing and keigo gasped in mock offense.
“you aren’t exactly the picture of cleanliness either.” keigo kissed your temple before he sat up with a wince. “fuck, plug.” keigo shifted to pull the plug out and set it aside. “now, i believe i was promised another orgasm?” keigo stood, you in his arms and you yelped as you clung to him.
“whatever you want, pretty boy.” you laughed as you rested against his chest. “anything for you.”
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catsgut · 1 year
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hehe my first kinktober fic!! it’s short but i really loved this idea of big brother choso:3 hope you enjoy!
warnings: incest, choking, death, necrophilia
choso’s love for you is a masterpiece, a symphony of emotions painted upon the cavas of his heart. your smile has the power to quench the thirst of his soul. there is nothing more intense than his sweet, dear little sister. he doesn’t know a better feeling than the one he gets when he looks at you. from the moment you came into his life, he was devoted with his very being. swore to keep you safe from harms way.
you knew how much your brother cared about you. you saw the hunger in his eyes when he unblinkingly stared through yours. he knew you better than anyone, and you preferred it that way. no one else make your tummy do flips and skin heat up the way he did. it was always him.
your whole life was spent lonely. you were an outcast, a loser. no one cares whether you lived or died, but choso didn’t see you that way. when you were introduced to geto, your first reaction was to hide behind the man you knew would protect you, but instead of mockery, geto extended a gentle hand. he understood what it was like to hate humans the way they seemed to hate you for existing. you met other ‘friends’ like mahito, who you got a long with quite well. it helped take the edge off of everyday life, giving you something warm to come to at the end.
but nothing made you feel more wonderful than running into your big brothers arms, feeling his big, calloused hands hold the small of your back. nothing made you feel as good as you did when you were under him, naked chest pressed against his own.
“chosh-shoo!” you moaned into his mouth, his tongue swirling around yours as spit covered your chin and neck. he wouldn’t ever say it out loud, but he loved when you got sloppy with him. his dick twitched seeing the snot and drool dripping down the sides of your face.
“your big brother loves you, baby,” he mumbled into your mouth. he really did love you. you squeeze your eyes shut, feeling his thick cock slip in and out of your cunt, your thighs wet and sticky. “makin me feel s’good, god i love you,” his groans were soft and quiet. you wrapped your arms tighter around his neck, tugging at his hair. he let out a whine at the feeling of you pulling him closer. he loved his needy little sister so much.
“fuck, sissy… i’m gonna cum soon,” choso groaned loudly in your ear before sitting up to get a good look at you. his abs flexed and his breathing heavy as he plowed into you like an animal. slowly, he reached his hand up to your throat, something he’s never done before. you didn’t think much of it though, back arching as he squeezed, but little did you know, choso felt something strange. it felt oddly good to choke you, feeling your soft throat mold at his finger tips. it made him feel powerful that you were at his mercy so easily. his baby sister… so helpless in his arms.
he squeezed harder and then harder until your eyes flew open, and something sparked within him that he didn’t know existed. that scared look in your eyes. he really was your whole world and he didn’t want anything to change that… but him. it would be the ultimate ‘i love you to death’.
with another harsh squeeze your hands flew up to grab at his wrist. you knew choso could have small outbursts, usually when mahito groped you, but you never expected him to have one during sex. usually he was so intimate and loving, but this felt more than just possession. it felt like anger. and angry he was. he was angry at the thought of someone else making you feel so good. at the thought of you giving up on him. but he was also oh so happy at the fact that he was about to change everything. god, he wanted this moment to last forever, and in a way it was your forever.
he really didn’t mean to choke you that hard. didn’t even notice your face turning blue till your hands went limp at your sides, tits still bouncing from the force he was fucking you with. he’s seen you pass out before, but never like this. just…. it wasn’t enough. it felt so good knowing your last moments would be with him. your last breath would be your chokes and mumbles of his name telling him to ‘shtop… pleash!’ that alone was enough for him to keep fucking your pussy, feeling your walls squeezing him tighter than ever.
eventually he feels a crack and looks down at your limp head dangling off to the side. you were still so pretty even in death, he thought as he pounded away. he was so, so close. much closer than before. he let go of your neck to grab both hips as he slammed his cock into you one last time before cumming. he had never came harder in his life than in that moment. choso swears his heart nearly lept out of his chest at the mere sight of your lifeless body being pumped full of his seed. you were truley the best thing that had ever happened to him.
choso looks up at the ceiling, sweat gliding down his pale skin. he could still feel your warmth around his cock as he slowly pulled it out. he knew he’s never get to be with you again, never get to se your pretty smile. there was no one else like you. moments before you were moaning on his cock and the next you were permanently unmoving.
it made his heart ache knowing you were stripped from life all from him getting caught up in the moment, but he also knew that you died at his hands, and in a twisted way that made him happier knowing that you were still his even in death.
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twistedinthreads · 7 months
Lost In The Labyrinth
Part 1.
You came to Oxford to get away from America; from your mother's fame and the ghosts of your past. You get more than you bargained for when you meet Felix.
Word Count: 1.9k
Warnings: sexual content (not explicit but it's there so 18+ MINORS DNI), I used some descriptors for reader such as scars, birthmarks, imperfections, but I made her as inclusive as possible, reader is American, she's also a nepo baby but isn't using her nepotism in any real way. Bi!reader and Felix. fic title inspired by the taylor swift song, of course (and I am terrible at titles!)
Playlist (a work in progress!)
A/N: I am so insecure about this reading back over it omgggg but I'm posting it anyway! Hi friends. I've been working on this for so long, and I'm recovering from my surgery so I figured there's no time like the present. Here we are. I am obsessed with this movie and this man! I promise this fic is gonna get more interesting, but we've got this for now. Let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist, and feel free to send me asks if you want to talk about reader and her lore, because she is very special to me and I adore her already!!!
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Your eyes droop as you hum along to the nameless blonde that stands in front of you, her sparkly pink cocktail dress catching the light and making her glow. She’s going on and on about how Everlasting Eve is her favorite movie of all time, and how your mother is “the greatest actress of our time!” You want to vomit. It’s not like this doesn’t happen, it’s practically a daily occurrence at this point, but you’d much prefer it if people stopped giving so much of a shit. If they did, you wouldn’t be stood with a bottle blonde from Bristol talking your ear off. You’d just stepped out to get some air, for Christ’s sake. 
“You’re from the States, right?” You nod, sipping at your cocktail and bouncing from one foot to the other to conserve some warmth in your legs. She asks it as if she hasn’t been talking your ear off and didn’t notice your accent, not as thick as it used to be when you’d lived in New York full time, but still foreign here. The music is less obnoxious out here, bass easing on your chest. It’s cooler, too, the fall night air brushing against your neck like a lover. “That’s brilliant! I went with my parents once, when I was a kid. We went to Disney World.” 
You smile and nod, muttering out a “cool” as you sip at your drink, cringing at its strength. 
“Is that far from where you live?” She asks, and you wonder how she got into this fucking school. Probably a legacy, with more money than she knows what to do with.
“Uh,” you suppress a laugh. “Yeah. Yeah, like… incredibly South of New York.” 
“I’ve always wanted to go to New York,” she continues to babble. “My parents go on business trips there, but they’ve never taken me. I want to see where Little Angels was filmed! Uh, Lincoln Square Park?”
“Washington Square Park,” you correct her. 
“Yeah!” She snaps her fingers and points. “That’s it! When your mom’s character is waiting there for Hugh Grant’s character, and then they walk off into the sunset together? Absolutely the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen!”
You stare off into the distance vacantly, the night sky painted with different navy hues and dotted with the brushstrokes of stars. 
Suddenly, you feel a warm arm around your waist, hot breath on your cheek. “There you are!” You’d know that voice anywhere. The figure kisses you on the cheek and it takes everything in you not to start grinning from ear to ear. You turn, meeting his lips, and he plays along like it’s the most normal thing in the world. “I’m gonna head home, wanna come with?”
You nod, thanking him with your eyes. He winks gently at you and grabs your hand. “Nice talking to you…” you’ve already forgotten her name. Her tone has completely shifted, body stiff as her eyes mull over you and the man that holds your hand with a vice grip. 
“Sandra.” It’s cold, but you keep your own voice chipper. 
“Sandra! Nice to meet you,” she’s in your college, so you’ll have to be cordial. “See you around?”
She just nods and lights a cigarette. 
As you walk away, one of Felix’s hands around your waist and the other holding your own, you look up at him. “Thank you so much. Holy shit. I was about to lose it.”
He lets out a low, intoxicated chuckle. “It’s what I’m here for, darling.” Uses his fingers on your chin, tugging lightly to kiss you hard on the mouth. He pulls away and you chase his lips, planting one more kiss on his mouth, this time softer. 
“Your room or mine?” You ask, to be met with a smirk as he grabs your hand and leads you across campus. It’s a path you could walk with your eyes closed, the muscle memory of so many nights embedded into your body by now. 
His room is all red carpet and wood paneling, empty takeout containers and beer cans and ashtrays strewn about. His bed is unmade and his textbooks are all over his floor, but it hardly matters when he’s kissing you like you’re the only person in the fucking universe. 
Within minutes, you settle back into a familiar routine. Clothes shed, completely bare to one another as you grind and writhe on top of him, hands on his toned chest. He’s gorgeous with his mouth open in ecstasy, labored breaths escaping it, eyes closed and clenched, hands rested on your waist as you move above him, a renaissance painting. You’re moaning too, tempering your whines so that the sounds don’t travel. The moon paints the room in subtle, cool light and the pleasure makes sweat bead on your brows.
“Missed you,” he manages between moans, voice heavy and breathy. “Missed this.” 
“It’s been like, two days,” you let out a chuckle, and it fades into a moan as you grind your hips again, trying not to scratch his chest with your manicured nails, though you doubt he'd mind too much.
“And that’s too long,” he replies, and you lean down and kiss him, open mouthed and messy and euphoric. 
When it’s all said and done, you lay naked beside him while he smokes a cigarette, arm laced around your bare shoulder, your head rested on his. It’s bliss, something you’ve begun to ache for all the time. “Really, thank you. That girl was driving me fucking insane.”
“That scene where your mom’s character and Hugh Grant ride off into the sunset together? Immaculate.” He mocks the girl, a surprisingly good impersonation, and you both belly laugh. You wipe away bits of red lipstick from his mouth and grin delicately at him. You know you’re not the only girl he’s seeing, not even the only girl he’s fucking, and it wedges something vile and dangerous in your heart. The words linger on your tongue. You want to ask, want to know, and if you sound desperate? Well, so be it. 
“What is this?” You wrench the words out quickly, looking at your hands. 
“What do you mean?” He takes a long drag of the cigarette, letting the smell perforate the air in the room, turning it cloudy in its wake. 
“Us,” you murmur, and he runs a hand through your hair. “Like… I know you’re fucking other people, Felix. And that’s fine but… I just want to be clear on what this.” 
He looks at you perplexed, smashing the cigarette in the ash tray and turning on his side toward you. You mirror his motions, so the two of you are laying in bed, you practically on top of him due to its size, your hands under your cheek. “I’m fucking other girls? News to me.” 
“I see the way you look at them,” you murmur. “India. Annabel. That guy you study with sometimes… Ryan?”
“I’m not fucking anyone else,” he mutters, seeming almost offended at the notion. He scoffs before his next words. “I practically haven’t even looked at anyone else.”
“Fe-“ he cuts you off, a hand brushing over your cheek, holding it delicately. 
“No,” he starts. “I know I have a reputation or whatever,” he waves his free hand around. “But I genuinely haven’t been seeing anyone else since we started… this.” He gestures between the two of you, and you can sense that he's lying, but it hardly matters. 
You’re almost self-conscious as his eyes rake over your body; so self aware of every little imperfection, every feature. The birthmark on your hip. The way one tit is just a bit bigger than the other. Your crooked finger from when you broke it playing volleyball in ninth grade. The gray hairs you’d been noticing popping up recently. 
“You’re the prettiest fucking girl at this college,” he says your name before kissing you sweetly. “Don’t want to look at anyone else.” You know it’s a lie, considering the fact that he does look at other girls, and often. It’s almost like you can’t bother to care, though. Your head is all floaty and tears are burning your eyes. 
He climbs on top of you, kisses down your chest, down your stomach, makes sure to take his time kissing that same birthmark you were so insecure about minutes before, your inner thighs, before finally landing where it matters most. 
“So fuckin’ beautiful, yeah?” He looks up at you with those gorgeous eyes, the earnestness in them making your heart swell up. In this moment, it’s not the same Felix that made you cry last week because he told you you needed to get your own friends (you have plenty), or the Felix that ignored you at the pub to talk to Annabel, causing you to storm out and ignore him for three days until he realized. 
Sometimes, he doesn’t care if you come, and he doesn’t clean up after himself, and sometimes his words bite, and last week he made that insensitive comment about your friend with depression. But you think you might love him, and it feels like enough. 
After, he asks you to stay with him. You laugh languidly, tears brimming at your eyes from how hard. He kisses you, soft and slow, the moonlight seeping into the window and painting the carpet with light; it looks like a lone puddle of blood in a sea of blackness. 
When you wake, it’s nearly noon. The sun beams through the curtains and you shield your eyes, trying to move underneath Felix’s strong grip. He’s got a hand wrapped around your thigh. Your leg wrapped around his waist while your arms are, slightly pained from the uncomfortable angle, folded around his neck. You regret moving your face from its spot in his chest, wanting nothing more than to occupy his space for as long as possible. 
You can’t bear to wake him, his eyelashes fluttering ever-so-slightly against his face. You smile, tuck yourself back into him, and feel his breaths come out relaxed and steady. The tranquility doesn’t last long, though, and you watch as his eyes flicker open. “Good morning,” his voice is raspy, his saccharine accent accentuating every word with posh sweetness. He kisses your cheek and gets up, your eyes meeting his bare ass. “I should go shower, you cool to stay here?” He asks as he gathers his things. 
“I need to go,” you also get up, searching around for your undergarments and your uncomfortable cocktail dress, pulling the blue, beaded garment on without much care. “Sundays are study days with June.”
You slip your uncomfortable heels on, wincing at the blister you’d developed last night but didn’t notice until now, and kiss him on the cheek as you leave his dorm. 
The trek across campus has you nearly limping in pain, as you kick your shoes off the second you make it into your room. You gather your shower gear, thankful for your own bathroom and the warmth of a long, hot shower. It’s almost painful to wash his scent off of you, but you know you’ll be seeing him again soon, and let your floral body wash cleanse you and your sore form. 
Before you get dressed, you grab antibiotic cream and bandaids from a drawer and tend to your blisters, throwing on a pair of slip-ons to avoid even more pain. 
And as you go to study with June, your mind is far from Shakespeare; it rests only on Felix, Felix, Felix. 
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scatteredskittless · 6 months
Greetings fellow human, I recently found you and I must say, I love your writing and especially the layout of the posts.
I might also suggest an Idea for you with Alastor.
How 'bout a very passionate painter reader getting their nightly inspiration and staying up all night, also listening to loud music. And maybe being a little messy with the paint, like it somehow ending up on the face or different unusual spots.
Would love to see you write it in whatever form you prefer. Hope to read something from you soon.
And keep in mind, you're doing a great job and keep being amazing <3
Alastor x Painter! Reader
A/n: Omg I used to paint a lot and the places said paint would get?? How it ended up like literally all over me I’m not sure 😭😭 Also thank you so much !!
Warnings: None :3
Fluff✔️ Comfort❌ Angst❌ Smut❌
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📻𖤐 Alastor finds you very talented and enjoys getting to see all of your little creations and masterpieces !!
📻𖤐 Bonus points if they’re a bit disturbing or dark, he’d love stuff like that (“Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable” — Cesar A. Cruz)
📻𖤐 The only thing he isn’t particularly fond of in regards to your passion, however, is how little sleep you’re getting because of it.
📻𖤐 Your sleep schedule is completely fucked because of how often you get inspiration while trying to go to bed at night, because of course you just have to get up and go paint it every time.
📻𖤐 Oh and how messy you can get whilst you paint… which Alastor doesn’t actually mind as much as he wants you to think he does.
📻𖤐 He can shake his head and tut about it all he wants but he can’t deny the fact that getting to clean you up is something he enjoys doing for you.
📻𖤐 Plus, it’s always entertaining to see all the peculiar places the paint ends up on you each time he does. From your cheeks to your arms to more unusual places like your ears… it genuinely never does get old in his eyes ♡
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It was another one of those nights. You were lying in your bed, trying to get some sleep and all of a sudden you got an amazing idea for a painting !! You couldn’t help but get up to go bring your ideas to life on a fresh canvas :-)
You went on with your usual routine, playing some music as you got your stuff all set up. Once everything was ready, off you were into your own little world as you painted away at 2:30 at night
Fortunately and unfortunately for Alastor, your room was right beside his. The walls were quite thin in the hotel.. even so, the loud music blaring wasn’t exactly hard to miss but it was even harder to fully relax with it playing.
You usually stopped your painting at around 7 or 8 in the morning so he figured this was going to be a long night….. he sighed to himself and went back to reading for a while (or at least attempting to for around 10 minutes or so.)
Eventually he did recognize a song you had playing, you’d played it for him before. It was after his time but he did quite like the melody
That’s when he got an idea of his own. his undying grin growing slightly as he bookmarked his book, set it to the side and made his way next door to your room.
He knocked on your door three times, waiting outside of it patiently as he heard you set your painting materials down. His ears twitched slightly.
Once you answered the door he waltzed inside cheerfully, not giving you a chance to speak or ask why he was here.
“Salutations my dear!! Up to the usual, I assume?” Alastor would ask, taking a curious look at the canvas you had been working on before glancing back over at you.
You gave him a smile and nodded “Yeah.. got a little inspiration and wanted to paint it before I forgot it.”
“Hm. Well, would it be too much to ask to pull you away from your work for a while?” He raised a brow as he tilted his head ever so slightly to the side, offering you his hand; offering a dance. And honestly you weren’t too surprised.
With a giggle and the grow of your smile, you happily took his hand and let him pull you closer to him as you two began to dance to the song playing in the background, your little masterpiece-in-progress long forgotten as you swayed with your favourite Radio Demon.
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Please do not repost, translate, or plagarize any of my fanfictions/headcanons/writing without permission ◟( ˃̶͈◡ ˂̶͈ )◞
ᯓ★ Scatteredskittles
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mydear-corinthian · 6 months
Dirty Little Thoughts || Michael Gray
Synopsis: You and Michael can't control thinking about all the dirtiest thoughts you can think of each other. Pairing: Michael Gray x reader Warnings: SMUT (18+), dirty talk, breeding kink, p in v Notes: Rushed, not proofread, there will be grammatical errors. Click here to find the main masterlist. Click here to find the PEAKY BLINDERS masterlist.
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Your marriage to Michael Gray was the riskiest thing you had ever done. You understood how filthy, frightening, and menacing the Shelby family and the Peaky Blinders were because you were born and raised in Birmingham. Michael appears to be a browbeat, tough, or frightening, and he is, but only when it comes to business. He was the complete opposite of himself. He was the nicest husband you could have, kind and caring..
You noticed that it was almost 6:00 PM when you looked at the clock. Since the party begins at 7:00, you still have time to get ready. It didn't take long for your blue silk dress to slip on. The dress flawlessly follows your curves. Shortly after, you arranged your hair and applied three quick strokes of the perfume Michael had given you while he was traveling in the US. Your lips were painted crimson lipstick, and your ears were adorned with gold earrings.
While touching up, Michael opened the door. He was already prepared. He was wearing his suit with his dark blue vest. His hair was styled the usual yet he looked even hotter. "You ready, love?" he asked. Grabbing your hips with his palms, making you close to him. His face brightened as he breathed in your perfume's fragrance. He wrapped his arms around your back and kissed your neck carefully, all the way up to your collarbone. You said with a low laugh, "Yes, I am."
Your body twisted so that you were facing him. His neck was found by your hands. You put your arms up against it and brought your lips together. The kiss was gentle, soft, and passionate until the kiss went deeper, steamy, and messy.
"My beautiful beautiful beautiful wife," Michael said in the middle of the kiss, his arm gripping your hips tighter.
Both of you craved for more, more than this but both of you knew you still needed to do something. You let go of the kiss. Both of you breathing heavily, trying to catch your breaths from the quick make-out session. "You look good but I prefer you taking it off." Chuckling, you said, "Mhm, but we still have a party to attend. We don't want to be late, do we?"
"Alright then. Let's go, love."
You both arrived on time for the party. Everyone was already at the venue, waiting for the party to start. The family was complete and Charlie's friends from school were there too. Polly noticed you and Michael arriving. She drew a breath from her long, black cigarette, closed it between her fingers, and released the toxic smoke. Polly approached you and greeted you both.
"Mum." Michael greeted, giving both of her cheeks a kiss. "Mrs. Gray." you shook her hands before giving her a short warm hug which thankfully, she accepted.
"Make yourselves comfortable. I'll just call Tommy," she said. Polly gave you both a smile before leaving the two of you alone.
A waiter bringing a full tray of champagne passed by and offered you both a drink. You took two glasses, giving one to Michael and one to yourself. You took a sip of your champagne and looked around. You were startled when you heard Michael mutter something to you while you felt a hot breath on the side of your neck.
"God, (y/n). I just want to fuck you already."
You nearly spitted your drink out of embarrassment. But you also wish you could do the same to Michael. It didn't help at all that your mind was racing with images of Michael taking you, praising you, and fucking you. You want to taste him right now, you want to kiss him on the spot.
You had a deep desire for him,
you can't control it anymore.
"Michael .. I can't take it anymore.." you begged. Your eyes pleading, your hands roam around his chest, caressing it with your fingers. He whispered again in your ear, "Let's go. I know a room." He took your arm and dragged you to the second floor of the house. Tommy's house was not a joke- it was big. You felt like there were thousands of rooms inside the house. Michael noticed there weren't any guests or family members on the second floor, making him drag you and open a door on the last room of the floor.
Once the both of you entered the room, he locked it immediately. He grabbed your face harshly, his lips meeting yours. You stumbled back until you felt the wall on your back. You grabbed his hair, crumpling it. The kiss was messy, fast, and hungry. Both of you want and are so eager for each other's taste. You felt pleasured but you were still craving for more. You want to take him. Claim him. Make you his. "More Michael, please," you pleaded. "You're lucky I want more too."
Michael carried you in bridal style before placing you gently on the bed. The making-out continued even on the bed. "You won't be needing this." he removes your blue gown quickly, leaving you in your undergarments. His lips went lower and lower with every kiss. His lips found your neck, kissing and sucking it harshly, enough to mark you.
You arched your back in pleasure, letting out a soft moan. Your hands gripped his hair tighter. He continued kissing you until he was kissing your inner thigh. Your slick found his finger, rubbing his finger into yours slowly, feeling how wet you were down there. "Very wet for me, huh?" he commented. You gasped, "Michael, please .. I need you," His hand unbuckled his leather belt and removed his trousers, tossing it on the floor. The huge bulge can be seen from his undergarment. He, then, removes his undergarment, leaving him with nothing on but his top. Michael aligned his shaft to your entrance, giving it a nice brush before pushing himself inside you.
He was massive. Your walls were stretching on the size of his shaft. You moaned out loud and he immediately covered your mouth with his palm, shushing you. He pulled out slowly before pushing back in again. This pace remained for a few thrusts before his pace became faster and faster.
"Oh god!" you moaned loudly, grabbing the sheets, curling them with your fingers.
The pleasure was immeasurable. His cock was driving you insane. Your eyes rolled in pleasure, arching your back.
"What a good girl. Taking my cock so well." Michael praised. His hands grab both of your arms and place in above you. Your arms were locked by his hand. You felt nothing but ecstasy. Your breasts bounce with every thrust he makes. Your mouth lets out a series of nasty moans. His cock hitting every spot there was inside you.
"D-don't stop!"
His pace fastened and fastened. Feeling a knot in your stomach, you knew you were close. Your walls clenched his huge shaft. He knew you were close. "I'm so - so close, Michael. 'Gonna cum," He didn't stop, he just kept on going. Abusing your pussy with his dick. His cock twitched inside of you, he was close too.
"Take all of it, love. Take me," he said in between thrusts. He let out groans and moans. His head rolled backward. Your grip on the sheets was so tight, that the bedsheet crumpled. You finally came, moaning his name out loud. A few more sloppy thrusts were made before he came inside of you. His body collapsed on top of you, he was still inside you. You felt his hot liquid inside you.
After a few seconds, he pulled out. His cum dripped inside your hole.
"I love you," he said.
"I love you too, Michael."
You looked at the clock, it was 5 minutes before 6:00 PM. "Oh shit. The party's going to start." The both of you quickly wore your clothes again, fixing the bed right away before leaving the room. Polly noticed you and Michael going down the stairs. She curiously asked what happened and you just replied, "I was just having very serious period cramps, Polly. No need to worry."
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callsign-novara · 8 months
Valeria Garza HC's
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Hii so this is my first post on tumblr, and I know this..probably won't be the the best but we'll see 💋
☆content warnings: violence, foul language, Valeria garza (she needs a warning herself...that I'm gonna ignore.), NSFW, SFW, No use of y/n☆
•When you and Valeria meet she treats you like any other Cartel member, she's cold, tough, ruthless and pushes you to your limits. What truely makes her attracted to you is your willingness to do anything and everything to keep this cartel safe.
•it would take years for Valeria to actually trust you, and even then she would only act like a friend or a lenient boss. She'd let you get away with things she'd normally wouldn't let others get away with. (EX, being late, not doing exactly what she says to a t, bothering her while working, etc)
•Valeria probably has a deep routed homophobia towards herself because of her time in the Army and how she was raised. When she first figures out she's inlove with you, she denies it, ignores it and you, and tries her best to not fall further dor you...but there's something in your eyes, in your devotion to her that makes you impossible to resist.
•she also has misogynistic thoughts towards herself. Because of her time in the Army she doesn't think she could ever be femme and feels that she would be considered weak if she was dem presenting. She's trying to ease those thoughts out by painting her nails.
•When Valeria finally comes to terms that she's inlove with you she'll outright tell you straight up. Demanding, Asking you out directly.
•If you say yes, be prepared to be taken out to the fanciest diner, and being spoiled rotten.
•if you say no, however, well...then they won't find you or your remains.
•It takes her alot of time for her to say 'I love you' but when she does it makes you cry with how domestic it is. You both are sitting on the couch, her arms around you cuddling while watching your favorite TV show and you're starting to fall asleep. She'll smile at you, glad to have someone as loyal and sweet as you and she softly press kisses on your face and she'll whisper an 'I love you' thinking you were asleep.
•Valeria wast keen of giving physical affection until she met you- that's when she started dealing with it, loving it. Her main loge Languages are Gift giving and Acts of service. She loves to give you home made gifts, or pretty expensive thing for you even if you don't ask for it. She also loves making you tea, coffee, fresh juice, smooties and homemade meals for tourists when she knows you had a hard day. She'll massage your shoulders and kiss away your frustrations and give you anything you could ever desire.
•The first time is..unexpected. it's definitely in her office. She'd have a long, frustrating day,, and she'll call you to her office and dismiss her gaurds and men. She'll pull you into her lap and rest her hands on your plush thighs, kissing up your neck. She'll rile you up until you're silently pleading her for more.
*corruption kink to the fullest. You still have your V-card? She'll ruin you for anyone else because you're hers. And her little play thing should only want her, no?
•eats you out like she's a starved voman. Worships you in bed like you worship her in work...unless your bad. The loves wat hing would squirm and cry under her and beg for more and more until it's too much and you beg her to stop and stop.
•has a mommy kink.
•If you're a brat, you're in for a long night. She'll push you to the edge but won't let you finish until your fucked dumb and can only let out sweet broken whimpers of what sounds like her name, and pleas for more.
So this was my first post, I'm sorry if it's not the best! I prefer WLW stories and will mostly be focusing on that on this page but if requested I will do a collective HC where the boys are in it of whatever Fandom requests. Feel free to request some in the comments and I'll ltry my best. ♡♡ thank you all so much for reading if any of you see this!
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stupidfuckingwindow · 9 months
One NSFW hc for (almost) every character // Part one
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Notes: This was my attempt at a solution for writer's block. Let's hope it worked. Also I will NOT be writing a headcanon for Jerry later on because he was a real guy and that feels.. Weird.
Word count: 789
Richard Haywood
Absolute whore at every turn or time. Oh, you're away and in class, not paying attention to your phone? Well, look at that. There's an unsolicited dick pic from Richard's contact. That, or you and whoever you're showing something to is getting an eyeful of sexts that are meant to piss you off. That, or you're going to hear all about when he snuck off to go fuck either Justin or some random girl, all to get you jealous. When pissed off during an argument, Richard probably will grab you by the throat or shoulders and lick your face out of some strange, gay little impulse. What a weirdo.
Henry Letham
A lot of painplay with Henry is expected. He'll often cry during sex and needs both a cigarette and a minute to himself. By the time you come back to check on him with a warm rag and towel, he's quiet and there's another burn to his skin. It isn't that Henry hates the touch or attention- He's just overwhelmed at sudden want and tends to overthink things. Henry often backs himself into a corner on accident, and a bit of reassurance is all that's needed to help him, even if it seems like he's not listening or doesn't respond. Henry tends to remember every little thing about you and what you do, keeping it in mind for if he ever needs that information again. Severe thigh kink. Likes fucking your thighs, painting them, and touching them. Looks yummy in thigh highs as well.
Officer K
Considering that he's a robot, there's so much potential here. His dick vibrates, for one, and his cum is just neon colored lube. It takes a little while for him to get hard, and a fuck ton of stimulation is going to be needed. K also prefers sleepy sex, being able to hold you and have his cock warmed while the two of you just quietly unwind in one another's presence. He also enjoys long, hot showers with you for the same reason of getting to relax and being able to feel you close to him. You'll often cockwarm him while he works, especially when you're both not feeling particularly up to actually fucking. Sex with K is rare, and when it does ever happen, he takes his time.
Colt Seavers
Thick, tall, and heavy. Hoooh boy, Colt is big. He's muscular in his arms and thighs, with a belly and hip dips. Colt has a lot of hair, as well, and you best believe it's long and messy. He's so warm. Colt also has to eat a lot to maintain his energy, and his metabolism is high. He's the one who introduced food play into the bedroom, liking how it combined many of his interests. Colt loves it when you ride him. He knows he barely fits, and foreplay is always needed before anything happens between the two of you. Sex usually ends in him getting overly excited and a little rough. Colt falls asleep pretty quickly afterwards, and needs a little help staying awake long enough for Aftercare.
Noah Calhoun
Smells like pine, tree sap, and sawdust. Expect long, slow, and sleepy sex on the couch with a blanket thrown over the two of you. He usually does this with you late at night or in the afternoon, when neither of you have responsibilities. He likes moving your hips while you bury your face in his neck. That, or fucking you to sleep until he's too tired to keep going. Constantly touching you, whether that be your hips or tracing patterns into your skin or simply holding you. Noah likes feeling strong, and often carries you around the house for fun all while making excuses. The floor’s too cold for your feet, you'll freeze to death! even though it's hot as hell outside. Also makes excuses to take care of you at all times. You're getting his god awful ‘random things found in the fridge’ soup when sick whether you like it or not.
Julian Thompson
Number one bondage fan right here. Julian likes the restraint put upon either you, or himself. He feels safe when you tie him up, and revels in the rare control he can get when you're tied up instead. It's a common joke that Julian sits in the corner and stays quiet, but the cuck chair was made for him. You're usually tying him to the chair while he watches you touch yourself, or touching him while he's restrained. Julian also isn't opposed to you leaving him with just a vibrator for hours at a time, as well as having a cock cage outside of the bedroom. He feels secure whenever he's restrained.
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digenerate-trash · 10 months
So Yan!Harper is a little different because it has been heavily contributed to by several people including:
@asylumdweller | @these-bees-r18  | @pip-n-chips | @degrees-of-fuck
(and the asylum group chat)
And all others around the community!! I want to thank you all for feeding my freak obsession and im glad this has become like a group project!! 
(PS: tag your own yan head cannons pretty please. Dude a freak I love him) 
Just Harper head cannons!!!! 
SFW ones first:
Obsessed with you. Not possessive but still wants you to be focused on him.
Really into dolls especially customizing them with clothing and hair accessories. He's definitely got one of you that no one can ever touch or look at because it's very special to him. 
Speaking of Harper being crafty he's also into sewing! He's very good at tailoring things to your measurements, he has them memorized by now. It's not creepy he's just thorough. 
Has made you a custom straight jacket. 
Embroidered your name in his sleeve so he can look at it whenever he's bored. 
Absolutely was the worst child, other kids in the neighborhood feared him and that is why all the images of him as a kid are of him alone. he's also got pictures of you though. They're just hidden. 
Will gaslight you for no reason. He just likes seeing you confused and worried when you think you've missed your appointment. don't worry he'll make an exception. you're just going to have to owe him a little favor that's all (:
Will drop anything to make room for appointments with you. Will also ditch work for you as well. He would make house calls but Bailey is pretty strict about Harper being in his territory and Harper isn't prepared to fight Bailey. 
Will make you sick on purpose to keep you close by. This is either physically sick or mental (he only makes you mentally sick if he wants to keep you at the asylum) 
Harper is constantly sticking things in you so he can lick/chew on them after you leave. 
He is convinced that every action you make is playful and flirty even if you're trying to attack him. He just thinks of you as his feisty little lover and you just need a little extra attention that's all. 
When you're actually sick he's extra helpful, he prefers you like this. Weak and needy. He pets your head calls off any appointments or seeing any patients and he just sit's with you. Making sure you feel better. 
Harper takes care of all your needs. Check-ups mental health care surgery. No other doctor can touch you he's made sure of it. You also can't get a second opinion. 
Prefers using drugs/hypnotism to keep you in line. Man isn't strong and even though he could call security it's not ideal for him to get others involved in your little ‘couple fights’ 
For surgery, harper is always there for you. Before and after he's very attentive. Makes sure you know everything you need to and he's very good at making sure your recovery goes smoothly (even if it takes twice as long) 
he's always very clean even if you're a mess. He likes the dynamic of the two of you together. He likes it when people think he's out of your league because it adds to his abuse of power kink
Man has breathing issues around you. He tries to hide it. Biting his lip. Holding his breath. Just trying to control his breathing. None of it works. Man wants to huff you like a junky huffs paint.
Even if you are in a proper relationship with Harper he gets really petty and upset if you don't address him as ‘doctor’ 
don't play games with this man. He is the worst sore loser and even when he does win if you are close to beating him he's bitter about it. Might even hypnotize you to make you worse. He doesn't care if it affects other parts of your life. Competitive and petty 
Any time you punch/bite/mark this man he's enamered with the marks. They are a little present from you to him and it's not like you could ever really hurt him so he sees it more as a little lovers trophy than an attack 
will absolutely voyeur you but he is always particular about it, positions how people touch you how they act around you It is all very carefully choreographed even when he gets other people to fuck you it's all very staged and sterile in a weird way that doesn't even feel like sex lets be honest.
Prefers getting his sexual frustration out on you but likes it better when you're hypnotized. (He doesn't like to be associated with pain or discomfort unless it's for a purpose)
Has a file full of images of you naked, broken, on the verge of tears, fucked out of your mind, even ones where you're just asleep. He files them all carefully and studies them all he really wants to get ‘the perfect picture’ of you that captures everything you are. he's not even sure if it's possible but he's going to try. 
Get ready for everything you wear/eat/smell/sleep on to be covered in harper cum. Especially at the asylum where he's in charge of everything. he's got no shame and he really wants you to be accustomed to him and everything he does. 
Cockwarming at the drop of a hat. He needs to do paperwork. Guess who he's assigning as his little helper? you're too tired to get up from bed? Not a problem for Harper he can stay in bed with you. At the farm and he has a moment alone with you while he gets things ready? His pants are already off. You can't escape it. Harper loves having his dick in you at any time. 
Chugs a vial of aphrodisiacs before your appointments with him so he's the correct amount of horny for you. 
Will also feed you aphrodisiacs and then deny you any sort of stimulation until you're begging or crying. The dude really wants you to earn things from him when you're lucid so you think it's all your idea 
When you are hypnotised definitely makes you do some really nasty things for him. he's really into the idea of you being into everything he is and even encouraging him to do things to you when you're asleep/passed out. it's like getting consent but he's putting the words in your mouth and having you spit them back up for him. 
Has sex with you during surgery. And if he can't do that he at least jacks off during it. He can't help himself he really needs you. 
Man loves gaslighting you about your past sexual experiences. he's a big fan of convincing you that you're just an exhibitionist and it's normal. You just like things super rough and with a little more practice you won't be feeling so guilty about it anymore. And surprise harper is here to help!! 
Will jerk you off as therapy. If you enjoy it your making progress if you don't next time he's going to get a vibrator 
Very body-focused he's interested in pushing you to your absolute limits and making things difficult for you. Wants you unable to focus/form words/be able to move. 
Prefers it when you're squirmy during sex but not outright violent. 
Absolutely loves forcing you to cum. Not a fan of edging though. Not unless it's some kind of punishment. The dude will make you cum in your sleep during surgery when you are hypnotized, hands-free when you're fully dressed. Mans a freak for it. He also likes it when you sit on his lap or thigh while he forces you to cum. You'll get a lot of praise if you do it of your own volition. 
Harper drinks piss. At least once bro look at him.
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cheesecakeislazy · 2 months
JEFF THE KILLER HEADCANONS BECAUSE FUCK YOU! (Jk I love you and hope your life is great)
1. Him and BeN are besties for life, ride or die, would suck the poison out of each others dicks (not gay though)
2. Jeff has eye drops on him 24/7 so he doesn’t go fucking blind
3. Jeff has anger issues, one moment he’s chill as fuck and then EJ told him something that pisses him off- and now there’s a stab wound in Toby, a hole in the wall, and an angry Slenderman.
4. Jeff is totally straight. He totally thinks boobs are awesome. And totally only boobs. (He’s bisexual and swears on god he’s straight.)
5. He wakes up at 2 pm because he hates being awake in the mornings
6. He’s a metal head. He blasts music from his room so loud you can hear it across the mansion (slender mansion AU)
7. His deep gravely ass voice is perfect for metal songs
8. He likes to paint his nails black, and black only any other color is fucking gay
9. His vocabulary is 90% cuss words
10. He rarely showers. Ironically the gamer showers more often than him. Jeff prefers to be a stinky son of a bitch (take that fangirls)
11. He makes up for it with his dental hygiene (kinda) he brushes them twice a day and they look perfect (mostly)
12. He has extra sharp canines
13. He named his knife “Knifu” aka his knife waifu
14. The knife has been used so much that it constantly reeks of bleach and blood; it has permanent blood stains on it
15. Jeff bites his nails pretty often
16. Jeff isn’t good with throwing knives- he also isn’t that good at stabbing…
17. Jeff literally just stabs and stabs until he thinks his victim is dead, he doesn’t know any major artery’s (did I spell that right?)
18. Jeff is dyslexic
19. Jeff is horrible at math but refuses to admit it
20. Jeff wears eyeliner but refuses to admit it
21. He secretly loves the color pink but refuses to admit it (see a pattern here yet?)
22. Jeff is super sensitive to light due to the fact he doesn’t have any eyelids
23. He wears black gloves because he has burn marks on his hands and hates it when people look at them (fingerless gloves as his fingers aren’t burnt)
24. Jeff really wants tattoos and piercings but can’t get any due to his skin being extremely sensitive and fragile
25. Jeff hates the sun, it hurts his eyes and skin
26. Jeff likes going to playgrounds at night because 1. Fucking swings are awesome and 2. Creepy
27. Fucker is 5’11 and constantly calls BeN a midget
28. Jeff had a small crush on Toby for a while and lowkey has a small crush on BeN but…
29. Jeff is highkey downbad for EJ (it’s one-sided)
30. If Jeff ever tried to cook, he would burn everything
31. Jeff is fucking terrified of fire
32. Sometimes Ben likes to scare Jeff shitless by lighting a small fire inside Bens hands infront of Jeff
33. Sometimes Jeff throws Ben inside a kiddy pool and watches him panic about drowning (he is fully above the water)
34. Despite the fact Jeff and Ben both fuck with each other and their fears, they do it in tame ways to ensure the other doesn’t actually have a panic attack of any kind
35. Jeff lives in sweatpants, jeans are for losers and shorts are gay
36. T-shirts and hoodies, Jeff literally does not own a single sweater, long sleeve, or tank top.
37. His favorite T-shirt says “Fuck me in my ass (but not in a gay way)”
38. His second favorite says “Emo metal loving slut”
39. Both and almost all of his t-shirts are black with either white or red/pink writing
40. It is Jeff’s goal to have every photo taken of him (with permission) to have him flipping off the camera
41. Jeff watches South Park but thinks Family guy is stupid
42. He tries really hard to get on Liu/Sully’s good side but his anger issues usually get in the way
43. Jeff and Nina are actually really good friends that lowkey view each other as family
44. Jeff and Nina love to piss each other off constantly (Ben will prank whoever he is asked to)
45. Jeff has tried to kill Jane quite a few times, and Jane is constantly trying to kill him
46. Jeff personally isn’t into weed but he doesn’t judge BeN for being a stoner lowkey
47. Jeff is a virgin but he wouldn’t be nervous at all about having sex
48. Jeff is a kinky bastard
49. Jeff likes a good bowl of strawberry ice cream
50. Jeff likes banana smoothies
51. Jeff owns a few Nirvana T-shirts
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meirimerens · 15 days
MEIRI!!!! i am taking a class in art history and i wanted to ask about your favorite paleolithic cave paintings, cause i know you're very passionate about that!
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okay so this is gonna be real hard for me to choose. like reallll hard. but i think i can narrow it down. i don't know how much #info you need or how much Lore you care for me to add, but you've activated my trap card, so now you're stuck in the cave with me, i have the torch, and if you try to leave you won't find your way back. okay. let us start.
at least in the Franco-Cantabrian geographical and paleo-cultural area [this thing], which contains some of the most famous painted caves such as Lascaux, Chauvet, Pech-Merle, Altamira, etc, one main currently reigning hypothesis, because it allows to explain the most amount of [gesture] Stuff Going On, is that cave art exist within a magico-spiritual system of belief of the animist persuasion likely with shamanic elements. The places where walls were painted in the caves, were very, very rarely Living quarters. paleolithic tribes prefered to make camps outside, or just at the very entrance of caves: the depths were Hard to navigate, dangerous, possibly inhabited by predator animals. you didn't got to these places to fuck around; you went because you had a drive, you believed in something about them.
Jean Clottes (one of our main prehistorians in France, who wrote Pourquoi l'Art Préhistorique ?, or "Why Prehistoric Art", translated into english as "What is Paleolithic Art" which is fucking stupid, the "why" is the whole question he's trying to answer in the book, is this guy fucking stupid) identifies 4 main concepts that exist within indigenous, nomadic or semi-nomadic, hunter-gatherer, animist & shamanist societies and peoples, that are widely distributed (as such having "universal" elements) and could, likely, have been found within paleolithic societies, and possibly give us clues to their belief system, which are:
the INTERCONNECTEDNESS: of animal species between one another (explaining the numerous accounts of paloelithic art depiction species together, or separated), and of human and animal: including through mythologies in which humans were created from animal(s), or animal(s) later changed into human(s).
the FLUIDITY of the living world: animal species are recognized as kin, for they can become it; animal species are given, or projected-onto attributes that make a tribe, a clan, recognize themselves in it
the acceptation of the COMPLEXITY of the world: paleolithic people likely had deep, complex mythologies and cosmogonies, which we might Never, Ever, know anything about (this drives me insane.) their language, and their rites, might (have) reflect(ed) an understanding of the complixity of nature, or animals, that sedentary, then later capitalist societies might have lost the nuances of.
the PERMEABILITY of the living world(s). this again is seen in beliefs in the permeablity between human & animal, human a animal, animal as human: this is also where Shamanism might come into play. shamanism(s) rest(s) upon the conceptualization of the world as divided-but-permeable between a physical, living world, and an unseen, spirit world: the Shaman is the mediator, the person who can freely go between these two worlds, to communiate, to heal, to direct, to plead, etc. AND, and this is where it gets real interesting for The Caves: potentially, the belief in the permeablity of the cave rock itself: multiple painted sites might contain hints of a belief in the cave being the place where spirits dwell; and painting them is less "calling" or "invoking", even if there might be some of it, but rather "revealing". the cave itself, maybe, could (have) be(en) considered the place where spirits dwell, and come forth/from. more about that later.
WITH ALL OF THAT IN MIND. at least in the franco-cantabrian area, the placement of cave art is, very Very likely, extremely deliberate. it is not just the art that counts, but where it was made. we can ask ourselves, why it was made here, and not elsewhere. i am picking my answer on this axis. some caves might be so beautifully painted, but are The Vibes here? if the expression of this potential magico-spiritual complex and tens-of-thousands-of-years-spanning(!!!!!!!!!! this is nother thing that's fucking insane btw. did you know we are as close to Lascaux as Lascaux is to Chauvet, another very ornate painted cave. MULTIPLE TENS OF THOUSANDS OF YEARS) is visible, or #feelable, let's mention it. now onto the good part
THE NIAUX (pronounced "Nyo") CAVE
reason: i've been there. twice. sobbed both times. came out changed like genuinely. made me go back to uni. the Niaux Cave is located in the Ariège (a-ryeh-juh) département [think smaller than a state bigger than a county] of southern france, in the Pyrénées (pee-reh-neh) mountains making the border with spain.
the almost entirety of the art is concentrated in the "Salon Noir" of the cave.
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now. come close and listen to me. the Salon Noir is some 700 meters from both the modern entrance and the prehistoric one. today, like back then, you have to navigate rough, slippery terrain, crouchspaces, and generally accident-inducing (source: my dad slipped & fell just like our guide warned us about) walking space. for most of the way, the ceiling is 5 to 10 meters above, and the walls relatively close together (but not claustrophobic). the Salon Noir seems to be "indicated" by, on both of its sides, red symbol markings. now listen to me. the Salon Noir's ceiling is twice as high. even with modern lamps, you struggle to see it. now imagine. having walked all the way there, in the Wet, the fire of your torch or your grease hand-lamp to guide you, and suddenly not only can you not see the ceiling anymore, but the rock seems to speak back to you. the echo is intense, in the Salon Noir, way more than anywhere in the lower-ceiling'ed cave. your voice carries on for 5 full seconds, if you sing the rock continues singing after you. did you know? in france and spain, studies have shown that most parietal (=cave wall) art corresponds to particular acoustic features. did they sing? did they play the flute, the drums? did they use lithophones: the stalagtites & stalagmites, hit of small sticks, to make them ring? in the Salon Noir, most of the animals are bisons, as is very common in the franco-cantabrian area. now this is just something fun that our guide told us, possibly nothing more than an interesting coincidence, for its truth would rest on an unproven-hypothesis-within-an-unproven-hypothesis, but did you now that the female bison has the same gestational period as the human? 9 months.
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the bison to the right, with the red markings and the "eyebrows", is my dad's favorite: he says its profile looks like him, with his beard and his big nose, which to be fair, truly it does. in a previous-previous-previous-previous life my dad as an upper paleolithic era bison. this is my dad's paleolithic fursona.
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my favorite is this horsie. see? she smiles.
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so does this one on the left, a protome (= name for the depiction of only the front of an animal, of a human)
PERGOUSET (pronounced per-goo*-zeh) CAVE
(* but the "oo" sound is short)
i'm cheating a little. because this is not painting, it's carving. but i consider sculpture an art, and parietal carving to be as important and interesting as parietal paintings, so. take it or don't!
yeah the whole cave. you'll see why. basically if i think about Pergouset for too long my skin starts melting i foam at the mouth etc. anyways. since the cave is closed to the public, and basically only available to researchers' viewings, it is quite hard to find images of it, so we'll just ball on this one.
Pergouset is located in the département of the Lot, in southwest-central france. this region is Plentiful with caves, including Pech-Merle that is basically next door, and Lascaux 1.5h away. why this one & not any of those two? well. come closer.
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okay. the pussies & this guy with his penis out cave. what's her deal. Well, first piece of lore is to know that, in the grand scheme of franco-cantabrian paleolithic cave art, human representations are minimal. animals make up the majority of depictions, however, "archetyped" or "stereotyped" human figures that insist on sex characteristics are Plentiful. and within representations of that, "female" archetypes outnumber "male" ones by a lot. basically you cannot cough on a paleolithic "human" depiction without landing on a vulva frankly. many such cases in life as well. one of the hypotheses, which Michel Lorblanchet brings forth in his book La Naissance de la Vie: Une Lecture de l'Art Parietal (from which the picture above is from) is that it could be part of a belief system in which the cave, the whole cave, itself could be a "female" principle or archetype: the whole of the cave a matrix, a uterus. basically its giving, it's giving birth. one of the biggest data point he has for that hypothesis is the Pergouset cave. in the Pergouset cave, carvings of vulvae rhythm a long narrow passage following an underground river. the 3 vulvae could represent that of pre-birth, that of currently-pregnant (with the line in the middle, like the pigmentation line on pregnant belly + carved over a convex part of the stone), and that of currently-actively-giving birth: "vulva 3" is just two streaks in the rock, surrounding a naturally-occuring hole in the rock: as if that feature of the cave itself had been recognized as It's Giving Birth / hereditary voice I Am Your Mother. as you can see on the picture, vulva 1 is all the way back in the #depths, in the #dark, and vulva 3 the closest to the exit, indeed to the light ( -> it's giving birth). now. and this is the insane thing. foaming at the mouth like unwell arms shaking rn. i've had to go pace 4 times since i started typing. in the depths of the cave, the animals that are carved are less (see the numbers on the picture). but also, they're... more fantastic. stranger, more unusual. lacking the realism that is typically associated with parietal art. they're... as if from a dream, an undetermined land of weirdness, of amorphousness. as they get closer to the light, they get more numerous, they proliferate, life crawls the walls: they become also more and more realistic. as we reach the last carved vulva, as it is giving, what is it: giving BIRTH, animals are numerous, abundant, fully formed, their visible selves in the world outside: it is as if the cave itself, the depths of cave itself, gave birth to these animals, formed them inside of itself, let them out from this unknown, amorphous, strange land beyond the stone, where human cannot reach. humans went in, and meticulously, sometimes using a natural relief in the stone for an eye, a feature, "released" the animals from the stone, "revealed" them from their state of hidden-inside-of-the-depths-ness. the whole cave this Mother from which all the animals drawn on the walls emerged.
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xflixer7 · 10 months
all of my yellowjacket headcannons (so far)
word count is like a trillion ok i’m not counting all of this
hi it’s been 8 months i finally counted (1865 words)
she/her transfem! lesbian bottom (i wanna eat her whole)
-definitely has some type of ocd
-autistic because i say so
started playing soccer when she was little
will actually go insane is you steal any of her clothes if you look at her she will actually be drooling with heart eyes
plays piano
also knows violin because her parents made her take it doesn’t play is anymore though
lottie isn’t jealous but very protective
her favorite (modern!) singers are
-phoebe bridgers
-#1 laufey fan on the world
-fiona apple
unironically knows every katy perry song by heart because she used to be her favorite when she was little
her room is huge
likes putting her hair in pigtails
golden retriever girlfriend she’s so sweet ugh and loves to spend time and money on her person you always staying at her house would literally kiss the ground the person she is dating walker on if they asked her too:((
also the worst cooker you ever met like how did you fuck up toast why is the smoke alarm going off??
favorite color is blue
lottie definitely has a hairstylist she goes too every month to get permed and there really close i can see her telling them about ALL the school drama
lottie wants write story’s when she’s older maybe romance or mystery idk but i can just imagine her having a typewriter and writing you story’s she has wanted to do it since she was a kid and is very passionate about it:((
what i think her favorite shows are:desperate housewives,american horror story,sailer moon
so scared of horror movie like she will start crying
her favorite characters are:
-emily (corpse bride)
-bree (desperate housewives)
-starfire (teen titans)
always goes on and on about how she’s bubblegum and your marceline she LOVES adventure time
her favorite movie is bridge to terabithia
lotties favorite animal is a bunny and she really wants a pet bunny
BEGS you to give her your bra and your confused but you give it too her and she makes a bracelet out of it and wears it practically every day proudly
also think that lottie is a great artist? like sketching and painting wise
SAY IT WITH ME transmasc! (he/they) definitely bi because i say so
started playing soccer in middle school
LOVES christmas like has an unhealthy obsession with it (tries to act like he doesn’t)
northern italian knows the language pretty well also a great cook
wants to play electric guitar
his favorite (modern!) singers are
-tyler the creator
-alex g
-is so obsessed with mistki don’t even get me started
randomly painted his room black one day when he was bored
usually prefers his hair down
you give him haircuts he doesn’t trust anyone else someone definitely fucked up his hair once and he never went back
his favorite color is black or gray
just wants to be famous tbh but he wants to be in a band
what i think his favorite shows are:rick and morty,bojack horseman,shameless
LOVES horror movies and reality tv like 90 day fiancé and the kardashions (his guilty pleasure)
also likes claymation
his favorite characters are
-ash (fantastic mr fox)
-alyssa (the end of the fucking world)
-coraline (coraline)
his favorite movie is little miss sunshine
nat’s favorite animal is a panther he saw one in the jungle book when he was little and just thought it looked cool
always headcannoing characters as trans like finn from adventure time or jeff from clarence he’s so cute:((
nat skateboards too definitely not great at it but does it when he’s bored
(she/her) jackie is just a bratty pillow princess lesbian you can’t fool me
-adhd asf
-neurodivergent for sure
started playing soccer because she was bored eighth grade tbh i don’t think she likes it as much as the others but she thinks it’s fun
chronic hoodie stealer
this girl is a vegetarian for sure
jackie is jealous always period
her gay ass button ups bro
her favorite (modern!) singers are
-ariana grande her fav
-billie eilish
-harry styles
-lana del ray
pretty mainstream music taste
all pink room it’s very like coquette?
ponytail girl but also enjoys her hair down
favorite color is light pink duh
wants to be a makeup guru or just stay at home honestly she hates working
what i think her favorite shows are:euphoria, grays anatomy,glee,vampire diaries
i think she likes very drama files shows and will rant about tv show characters and there dynamics and why she think that there like that and etc for HOURS
ughhh jackie is such a girls girl like she is the friend who always has your back and has gum or a tampon for you she is the friend who would check you on your period
her favorite characters are:
-maddy (euphoria)
-regina (mean girls)
-winnie the pooh (she thinks he’s cute)
her favorite movie is DEFINITELY jennifer’s body
jackie is a cat lover and has 2 i can see her with a orange and a gray cat and they always fight
DEFINITELY bi (she/her)
joined soccer with jackie in eighth grade
has like thousands of boxers
knows how to play saxophone (she doesn’t even know how she learned she just did) she doesn’t own one though
so jealous but never says anything (this girl cannot communicate to save her life)
her favorite (modern!) singers are
-the cranberries
was so mad when they got popular on tiktok and had to let everyone know they where her fav since day 1 (everyone knew)
-suki waterhouse
-cigarettes after sex
-never got over halsey since 2017
-the smiths
(a TRUE music lover over here)
she honestly doesn’t care how her room looks but it’s never clean
doesn’t do anything with her hair really
dark green is her favorite color
shauna’s hair may seem simple but she’s VERY picky about how it’s cut and is always worried there gonna cut it bad so she gets it cut like twice a year(she always ends up hating it)
she wants to be some sort of doctorate she’s fascinated by the human body so i can see her wanting to be a surgeon
what i think her favorite shows are:good girls, queens gambit,13 reasons why
her favorite characters are:
-velma (chicago)
-cassie (euphoria)oh the parallels…
-amy (gone girl)
her favorite movie is chicago (loves musicals)
a simple gal she really likes dogs
she/her lesbian
joined soccer in fifth grade
mixed (duh)
used to be in the marching band
her favorite (modern!) singers are
-frank ocean
-post malone
-has a soft spot for shawn mendas has all of his albums
-really enjoys 60’s music so she really likes the beetles
her room is pretty big too not huge on decorating
doesn’t care about hair like at all will wear a headband sometimes
a good girlfriend like if your cold she will give you her jacket type she has a temper never jealous either girlfriend material she’s the type you would want your kid to date y’know?
respectful to adults gets good grades and stuff
her favorite color is like a pearlescent white and everyone is like what the hell is that (she is trying to be different this is one of my favorite colors😿)
cuts her own hair thinks it’s overpriced and dumb to have someone professionally do it
tai wants to be something important like president or some shit i can see her being a lawyer
what i think her favorite shows are:the umbrella academy,big mouth,skins
tai only watches skins and euphoria type shows because she loves the drama
her favorite characters:
-hermoine (harry potter)
-patrick (perks of being a wallflower)
-nadine (edge of seventeen)
her favorite movie is the 6th harry potter movie she also thinks it’s the most underrated
she likes tigers
she/her and lesbian duh
joined soccer kinda randomly in seventh grade
plays the trumpet but is kinda embarrassed by it
her favorite (modern!) singers are
-bruno mars
-tori amos
-girl in red duh
-david bowie
-was ziggy stardust for halloween when she was 8
can’t convince me her room is not painted red
doesn’t care about hair either puts in a ponytail to keep it out of her face
is a great girlfriend all the same traits as taissa except not the best at school she’s honestly surprised she graduated
favorite color is red
her uncle cuts her hair for like five bucks out of his garage also i definitely think she used to have a bowl cut when she was little
doesn’t really care about money she just wants to be happy wants to own a record store or be a professional soccer player
speaking of records she definitely has a lot of collections like lowkey a hoarder…but her stuff is cool though! like funky pops hot wheels cd’s records etc
what i think her favorite shows are:beavis and butthead, avatar, south park
mostly likes adult animation
her favorite characters are:-harley (suicide squad)-ron (harry potter)-beast boy (teen titans)
her favorite movie is the bee movie or lego batman there cinematic masterpieces
van likes pigeons for not particular reason she just thinks there funny looking
i can see van as a surfer too like her dad definitely is one also i can imagine her being really close with her dad and they have a local family business bakery:((
she/her and idk her sexually like i genuinely have no idea
always wanted to be on the team but knew she was bad at sports
german definitely
her favorite (modern!) singers are
-any female kpop band
-justin bieber
melanie martenz is her favorite forever
light purple room has justin bieber posters everywhere
lowkey forgets she has hair whenever people comment on it she’s like “oh yeah!”
very obsessive of you and loves you almost too much sometimes you think it’s creepy but than your like “awww she’s so cute”
likes the color yellow
her favorite colors are brown and orange (there her favorite because she feels bad everyone calls them ugly)
i can see her being a k-pop stan too
(her bias in bts is j-hope)
also is a famous editer on tiktok and no one knows😭her username is like “gxxbflix” or some shit
literally has had one haircut in her life like it never grows?
i see her as a pharmacist
what i think her favorite shows are:walking dead,mlp,monster high
has SO many online friends
definitely loves romance anime
plays clarinet
is in band
favorite characters:
-cruella (cruella)-alice (alice in wonderland)-edward (edward sciccor hands)
and mistys favorite movie is alice through the looking glass (because it shows the queen of hearts back story and misty loves her)
and misty likes birds duh
those are my headcannons for them i know it’s a lot but i’m obsessed ok send requests if you have any please
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dmagedgoods · 10 months
Imagine the father you hate sends you a talking sex toy
It may be born from expecting some cunning and twisted games from devils (where is the fun, otherwise?), but to merely take Raphael's and Haarlep's relationship the very way it's presented without further thought appears like signing the line without reading the words to me. What they do there clearly has layers. Raphael is smart, he has to be for those contracts, the manipulations, and his little ambitious plan. Furthermore, it's essential for him to stay careful. He, more than anyone, should know not to trust Haarlep. And he most certainly is highly aware. Imagine you want to surpass your fiendish father and he gifts you a toy incubus. What would you do with them? I, at least, know what I would not do with this gift: Order it to take the form(s) of those I most desire (or, worse, cherish to a point) or even fuck it. Now, Raphael is a devil (with a strong human side, fight me, but still a devil): of course, he fucks Haarlep anyway and maybe not to appear ungrateful too (after all, you want Daddy to think you appreciate his gift or at least paint the surface-level impression of it). But he only fucks Haarlep in quite a special way, does he not? - In the one and only way that gives nothing away about him. Or at least it gives nothing away about him that his father (and anyone, really) doesn't already know (or is supposed to know): That Raphael has a very high opinion of himself. Maybe it's even an abstract little joke. I, for my part, see some dry humor in it: His daddy sends this shapeshifting, form stealing incubus spy to get some information on how to pressure his son, should it become a necessity. But all he gets from said incubus spy is the statement that his son only ever fucks himself. "Raphael only loves Raphael." That definitely is what I would want my incubus sex toy to report back to my detested father. (If I was a devil, mind you.) Now Raphael doesn't put that much effort into the act, it seems, but that's not truly necessary after all and only serves him further: I don't think he fancies Haarlep gossiping about his actual sexual preferences with Mephistopheles either. Ah, now maybe Haarlep and Raphael despise each other or maybe they developed a fondness for each other, I can picture both, but it stays true that Raphael doesn't seem like the kind of man who would willingly allow someone to gain an advantage over him by allowing personal information to spread to those he's determined to outsmart. Of course, I guess, it's also a possibility that this 1000+-years-old cambion truly only ever lazily bottoms for his father's incubus toy and only ever while it looks (more or less) like himself because that's all he wants in this regard. Maybe devils are immune to boredom. I, for my part, strongly assume it's a game with daddy dearest.
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 5 months
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Velvette Redesign! (2/3)
Prev: Vox Redesign (1/3)
Im madly in love with her, I am so happy with her design🩷🩷
I cannot take all the credit for the outfit though, my friend helped me pick out the style and accessories, I just did her hair and picked the colours! It was really hard to actually settle on one thing to show Velvette, I never draw her in the same outfit or with the same hair, so picking a singular outfit and hairstyle as her main was a big commitment, felt like I was buying my first house
Anyone that just flattens and straightens Velvette’s hair is seriously missing out on so many fun hairstyles I have literally never drawn her with the same hairstyle ever. Textured hair is so fun I will die before I stop playing with her hair!! She is a fashion doll it’s the whole point !!!!
I wanted her to be a sharper contrast to Vox’s harsh-ish symmetry he has going on. The Vee’s are still not good people in this rewrite obviously. They’re not as dogshit as they are in the show but they still actively do terrible things. Velvette still verbally abuses her employees and enjoys seeing other people’s downfall or seeing them scared and under her control; she just doesn’t make a fucking date rape drug. I still have no idea why Vivzie is so set on making all of them connected to rape in some way it’s fucking disgusting to me. Anyway, I want Velvette to look very fun and unassuming in comparison to the other two where you can kind of tell there’s something up with both of them. Vox is very stern looking and Valentino is… like that. You’ll see. She is arguably the most approachable out of the Vee’s but is still just as manipulative as the other two when she wants to be.
Her hair is very cute and the theme of hearts around her style unintentionally makes Vox the only one out of them that doesn’t have a heart motif. I mean— unless you count his medical alert bracelet, but that’s not really… a fashion statement.
I love studded belts and all that and purses and bedazzled jeans and platforms so this design really has it all for me. The playboy bunny thing is supposed to be painted on btw, she’s not just super tanned I promise. The same ideas for her colours with her clothes still remain from my last post about Velvettes design.
Onto her backstory! This was all graciously written by my friend so please give him a big thank you for it or I probably would’ve died🩷
March 2nd 1974, Velvette grew up in a mostly stable household. She went to school, got what she wanted, made friends, grew up, passed her GCSE’s and so forth. She did a course in design and beauty, and eventually made her way up to be a fashion designer. That being said, Velvette was always someone with an attitude. She didn't enjoy the amount of fights she got in, but it naturally occurred. Her grades were fairly good enough though— B’s and C’s. Each day of her life she enjoyed what she did, and heavily adored the attention she got for her beauty. Her creative side was what she preferred, much rather than showing off her looks. She was deemed to be the best employee and got multiple raises in payment as she worked her way up the power—pyramid in the company she worked for.
But that being said, what she received was unfair to other workers. Nepotism was a huge part of her promotions and rise in payment. Her friend who she knew was the owner, and that only paved routes for short-cuts. As long as she was able to keep everybody hush-quiet, she’d always have her way. She always would benefit, and she’d always be the best.
Velvette was aware of her misdeeds. At one point, illegal means crossed her mind, like stealing other people’s work and accusing them of serious things that got them fired. The owner would never bat an eye, and everyone was conscious of how nobody was truly safe. It was like her friend was obsessed with her to be the one who came out victorious, and by even the slightest chance she was in any way suspicious, it was blatantly ignored. There were also reports of people dying if they spoke out about the company, however those were only confirmed as rumours.
Never did she plan to stop. She’d come so far, and had become successful in what she dreamed of. Her care amounted to nothing if there was something to gain. All throughout her life, she was a troubled person with a great intelligence— which is why she was able to exploit so many people and get away with it. People called her the ‘vile jasmine’ of the world. People were afraid to step into work and see her, because one day, they were certain they’d be her next target.
July 25th 2005. Her final few minutes of her life. Velvette was a fashion designer, and could sew pretty well. It’s not like she had TERRIBLE ideas, she just took pleasure in stealing and having other’s wince at their misfortune. But alas, Velvette was known for her interest in dolls. She could design outfits for them, without having an audience to watch and judge. A display stood behind her desk of many different dolls, and she had just ordered some materials that were waiting for her to come pick them up. It was at that moment, when she closed her front door, that fate was sealed.
A serial killer had been roaming the streets of her city. No one knew who, or where, but he had definitely not left. With flip phones being the new way to communicate easier, Velvette had been texting with the buyer and talking about the perfect dates to meet up. As she was waiting in her room that Monday, the confirmation to go had excited her. She drove to the destination, and knocked on the door with a falsified smile. If only she had stepped a couple steps back after knocking— perhaps she would’ve survived.
Appearing in hell was overwhelming, as much as it was satisfying. She was dead, yet somehow alive. As she looked at her hands, she discovered skin was not present. Pure silicone… and tattered clothing. From there, she decided she’d start again… and work her way up within four years until she was noticed and recruited by two other sinners whose name coincidentally began with the letter V.
She met Vox and Valentino in 2009, and from there, they grouped together and planned to dominate hell itself.
Key facts
Velvette is biologically still 31, however if you were to count hell, she’d be 49.
She hasn't gone through any abuse, she is no victim, she’s just a morally wrong character.
Does not care for her employees health or anything, and will only be nice if she is able to benefit.
Could be considered a sadist in some form.
HURRAY!!!!! This is the last enjoyable one of the Vee’s you’re getting considering he’s next. Also the last guaranteed redesign at the moment! I love joint efforts like this and I hope you all can enjoy it as well🩷
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