#but also sweetie maybe have standards
aflockofravens · 4 months
Not to rapidly flip into another hyperfixation but holy shit, started Heaven Official's Blessing and it's the gayest fucking thing I've ever seen.
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I'm only 9 episodes in so far but holy fuck I'm kicky-feeting so fucking hard at every interaction between Xie Lien and San Lang.
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Like shut the fuck up, you're so cute
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(honorable mention to Nan Feng and Fu Yao; they're gonna hate fuck, I'm calling it now)
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clownsnake · 29 days
I don’t think hyeonseong needed to remember dokja’s order to think about him if something goes wrong. I think he’s just always thinking abt dokja
and I love him for that
#Loyal puppy man#going post#Orv#‘Hey can you hit me again? and do it really hard’ kinky#‘no wait. just kill me right now’ UM. I RESCIND THAT LAST STATEMENT.#I don’t remember what his new attribute is how is dokja gonna cheat death this time#HYEONSEONG CHARACTER PROGRESSION FUCKING FINALLY#I’ve missed him…. deprogram your military propaganda boy itll be good for you#‘There is no third option this time’ ok my first instinct was to take him at face value but dokja is always planning and scheming so#maybe he’s just saying that so hyeonseong will make his own third option out of determination.#to teach him to like… not rely on dokja so much#maybe not the best phrasing but I think u get my point#next episode and I’m immediately confirmed right. AWESOME but also#Would have been nice to have delayed that gratification for a bit#let me step into a side character’s pov for a moment instead of having dokja tell me everything#‘I thought you considered me the standard you should strive for. If so then do as I say!’ ‘That’s not the kind of book I want to go by!’#YEAHHHHH HYEONSEONG!!!! MAKE YOUR OWN BOOK! GET THAT CHARACTER GROWTH#‘I see. Well done.’ Dokja you want to be a constellation so bad#It’s already been confirmed tht that’s his goal but it’s been so obvious for a while#Like he keeps putting himself in mentor roles all the time. n constellations aren’t necessarily as close mentors as dokja has been#But they’re still essentially That#WAH HIS HANDS?? HUH???#yeah yeah uh huh I was right dokja was helping hyeonseong learn his lesson on his own also HIS HANDS?????#*HIS ARMS???* GUYS.#‘until the scenario reaches an apocalypse’ bestie ur already in an apocalypse#Ofmy god he has to melt and then cool down a thousand times? what the hell#HUIWON CHARACTER PROGRESSION TOO?? YIPPEE!!!!!#aww a hug……. Even though he must be fucking scorching hot…. How sweet ^_^#and hyeonseong was so polite too he’s such a sweetie#oh I was confused for a second but he literally snuffed the flame! smart
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joaofelix70 · 9 months
summary: you and joão spent all the summer together. you even met his friends and brother. could this be the beginning of a crescent love or just an ephemeral passion? his friendship with his ex would ruin everything between the two of you?
author's notes: after the win against luxemburgo, where portugal national team set the record of goals, his ex just posted "mysterious" pics with floki, his dog. joão was also there, almost hidden, actually. we all know she always does it, never assuming anything maturely, but instigating the frustration of the fans who care about him and to make every gossip website and tv show talk about it, just like a teenager who wants attention would act. basically, this inspired me. i really don't hate anyone, by the way. even thought influencers who don't spread any impactful content and nepobabies with no talent and only standard beauty annoys me, i can't lie.
warnings: bad language (of course it's joão saying the words), chaotically humorous almost all the time, but also involving sadness and angst. implicit sex reference, i guess? maybe?
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what do you feel when you hear my name? shame? embarrassment?
does your brain even bring you any sign or memory involving me?
do you ever think about me?
are your moments with her comparable to ours?
can we talk? can we communicate?
is it my fault? do you miss me?
your head was drunk for the whirlwinds of questions that piled up and get bigger, like waves. they seemed to be drowning you. the glowing light and peace of your woody brown gaze gives you triggers. his smile remains embedded, in your heart, an eternal home. the numbness and wrapping of his lips, every inch of his tanned skin and firm muscles being appreciated and admired by you. his hair was shiny, soft and full by the salty waters of the european beaches: always caressed for you. his laughs at you giving him the most silly and lazy hairstyles, with you pretending to be a professional who was filming your customer to tiktok.
“do that pose! yes, your hand against your face! now, give me that playboy eye. just like that! you’re doing amazing, sweetie!”
when you get carried away in the game ‘who am i?’ and tried so hard doing the mimes, jumping excitedly and demonstrating your animation in a loud tone, before covering your own mouth and feigning naturalness, just to repeat the same instant acts.
when you made joão watch your random dances as soon as you won at uno and he’d tell how hilarious you were. when you cooked your regional foods and desserts for félix, his brother who’s hugo, alex — the photographer — diogo from the movemind channel and all of his friends. when he used to hold your face, rest his touch on your waist and thighs. tracing his fingerprints across your scalp, reveling in the ethereal smell of your hair, laying his lips against your entire face and stature, exalting you completely: from your ears, neck, collarbone, belly, legs and even your feet. being a gentleman, joão opened the car door for you, he intertwined the hands of you both in every single opportunity and helped you eat: having the cutlery for you to open your mouth and giving you support with the napkin. when you did his goal celebration. when the two of you invented a handshake, along with various inside jokes. for example, when joão posted many videos of him swimming and playing in the ocean.
“hey, flounder! ‘the little mermaid’? i loved it!”
“why am i not your ariel, tho?”
“why you didn’t say you’d prefer to be eric of the real life?”
“give me some respect, i’m the protagonist of this shit!”
“slay, king!”
you remember singing the songs that played in his car in the most chaotic way, using his hand as a microphone and taking the opportunity to kiss all over it and his fancy bracelets. you offered him affection biting his skin and enjoyed acting like his personal masseuse. you called him ‘my prince of portugal’.
“please, don’t become a stranger.” your last words, face to face. the intensity of the summer weeks of vacation, which were already ending, consuming you.
“you know i’d never do that. look, you’re such a unique person, and even though we’re gonna go back to our busy routines, i still wanna keep you in my life. i still wanna be that close to you.” joão declared and they both found comfort in each other’s arms. his perfume granted the beg leave and penetrated your lungs, giving you life. you felt like you shouldn’t let it go, but there was nothing else to accomplish. you were single, so was he. you ask yourself if everything would be different. maybe if you had tried your lips once again: asking him to give a chance to them, to have more. to not leave what you went through, together, in the box of forgotten memories. would that really suffice, though?
"it's obvious that you’d choose the blonde influencer with light eyes, slender body and member of a rich family. the one who was with a formula 1 racer days before she went to meet you. before you just disappear from my life, without saying anything. the one that doesn't show an ounce of authenticity and, of course, affective responsibility. who am i in comparison to her?! right, joão?" your voice flashed the disparity of fragility and indignation, trembling hands clutching the phone.
“y/n, listen to me. you’d never understand it, okay? you’re not inside this relationship, me and her are. you’re seeing it from the outside, just like everyone else. yeah, she was hanging out and making out with other people. so was i with you. but then, some things changed.” john seemed to be busy. echoes of other people's voices ran through the call.
“nothing has happened between us since the vacation, joão. what doesn’t make sense because i thought you were liking me. i only think about you!” you vented out and received silence. his answers tried to become existent and complete. he stammered, the audible sound of his familiar backwards cap being pulled off and his honey-colored hair being rubbed against his own fingerprints.
“do you think i don’t like you? holy shit, y/n. i even thought we could have so much more. a future together and everything. i think about you and i swear in the name of my family, and i already said that they mean the fucking world to me. the thing is: there’s something that still keep me going back to her. i don’t know if it’s because i’m with her since i was younger, but…”
“joão, this is emotional dependence. i’m sorry to tell you this, however, it’s necessary. i care about you. you’re so internally and externally beautiful, precious, successful and talented. you deserve better!” you interrupted him, stepping back and forth.
“y/n, i love her. when i looked at you…”
“she’s all that you see, right?”
“hm… yeah…” félix found himself in a bind. paralyzed, he remained without an answer for a while. the coldness of the material of his gold necklace touches his tongue: a way to combat the nervousness that generates the gnawed nails.
“my toxic behavior wants to help and fix you so badly, but i know i can’t get more involved than that. i’m not the one for you.” the words reproduced by yourself reinforced the fragmentation of your heart.
“j, baby… are you coming or not? i’m waiting for you, floki is waiting for his dad!” you heard that female voice call to him and realized the way that just this factor made his breathing destabilize.
“i think this is officially the end of whatever we had, joão. goodbye!” your voice was unstable and he realized it: sharp as deep, transparent and suffocating waters.
“i wish you the best, y/n. i apologize for not being what you expected, what you needed, and…”
“caralho, joão! que merda! (holy fuck, joão! what the hell?). come on, give me your phone!” the girl began to rant. her heels against the floor were exclamatory. she was running out of patience.
the call is over. again, you were superimposed on the ocean of blazing tears. you tried to convince yourself that everything went the way it was supposed to be.
but was it for real?
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st-eve-barnes · 10 months
You know that I'm no good (chapter 3)
(modern Aegon x Reader, modern Sihtric x Reader)
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Summary: You want Sihtric. Aegon wants Skade. There's only one small problem: Sihtric and Skade are dating each other.
This chapter: You and Aegon start operation fake dating, and you finally officially meet Sihtric.
Warning for the entire series: 18+ for explicit language and smut. Angst/comfort/fluff. Fake dating and so much mutual pining. Mentions of depression/drinking/self harm.
This is an Aegon x Reader fic with a bit of Sihtric x Reader on the side. I've wanted to write a modern AU that combines The Last Kingdom and House of the dragon for a while now so here it is!
Word count: +2700
Read Chapter 1 and Chapter 2
All my fics are also on AO3
Summer may not be your favorite season but it was the best time to live in the city. There were festivals, evening markets, open air performances, food trucks, movies nights by the river and parties that went on until after sunrise. There was something to do every night and Aegon wanted to attend them all.
“Do you not have a job at all?” you texted him that Wednesday night after closing up the bookstore and walking back to your apartment.
“I’m a man of leisure,” he texted back with that sunglasses emoji, making you roll your eyes again.
“How fun for you!” you texted back and then your phone rang. It was Aegon.
“Hey, sweetie pie,” he teased,”Where are you?”
“On my way home from work, you know that thing us peasants need to actually make money and be able to afford things.”
He laughed,”Cute. Listen, there’s a party at Jace’s place tonight, we should go.”
“I have work in the morning, Aegon.”
“Then we’ll make sure not to stay too long, come on, everyone will be there, this is our shot.”
You sighed,”I have to get home and I still have a bunch of emails to get through, and then I have to cook and shower and change and…”
“I’ll buy you dinner on the way there, my treat.”
You stayed quiet for a moment. He was right, if you wanted to go for it you couldn’t keep using work and being tired as an excuse to postpone the whole thing. You had to actually go for it, and what better time than right now?
“Give me a few hours to get ready,” you answered,”Where should I meet you?”
“I’ll come pick you up around nine.”
And with that he hung up.
Aegon Targaryen was strolling around in your small living room admiring your book shelves. It felt strange having him up here, the only people who frequently visited your home were your parents and Helaena. You hadn’t had a guy up here in ages.
“So, I like what you’ve not done with the place,” he remarked and gave you a cheeky smile.
“I don’t like cluttered spaces,” you said as if that explained why your apartment was pretty much a blank canvas. White walls, white kitchen and nothing but a standard green couch and small coffee table in the living room, the only things that made this space your own were some books, dvd’s and a few small plants. And you liked it that way.
Your apartment was a perfect metaphor for your live, empty but filled with so many possibilities.
“No, I like it,” Aegon said and he turned around when you stepped out of the kitchen.
“Is this okay?” you asked, giving him a twirl and showing off the white summer dress you had chosen to wear. 
He gave you a whistle, making you laugh.
“I thought…since you were in all white as well today we may as well coordinate, look like a real couple,” you explained.
“Good idea, you ready?”
You nodded but sighed,”I don’t know, maybe I need some more make up.”
“You don’t,” Aegon reassured you but you weren’t convinced, looking at yourself in the hallway mirror with doubt in your eyes.
Aegon was perceptive, as usual. He walked over to you and placed both hands on your shoulders, pushing you out in front of him and towards the mirror. You avoided your own reflection.“What are you doing?”
“Look,” he asked, firmly,”Look at yourself.”
You hesitantly did as he asked.
“What don’t you like?”
“Aegon,” you sighed.
“Work with me cause I’m not gonna let this go until you do and we’re already late. Look and tell me what bothers you.”
“Everything,” you sighed.
“That’s too easy,” he shook his head, not letting you off the hook that quickly,”Give me details.”
“I’m not skinny enough,” you then confessed, softly and your eyes met his in the mirror.
“That’s bullshit,” he moved his one hand down to your hip,”Don’t believe what stupid magazines and Instagram are telling you, your curves are absolutely perfect, trust me. I don’t know any guy who wouldn’t wanna tap that.”
“Um…thanks?”you gave him a confused look but couldn’t deny his words made you feel slightly better.
“What else?” he asked.
“My face,” you added.
“What’s wrong with your face?”
“I’m just…not pretty enough.”
There was no quick come back from Aegon this time, instead he just stared at you in the mirror.
“Who made you believe that, huh?” he then asked, a serious tone to his voice that surprised you.
You turned around to look at him,”Not one person in particular, just…I don’t know, I guess I’ve always felt a little insecure about the way I look compared to other girls. It comes and goes but lately…”
“You’re beautiful,” he interrupted you,”You must know that.”
You smiled but it didn’t reach your eyes,”You’re kind, and you can say that but…at the end of the day you’d still prefer a girl like Skade.”
He avoided your eyes and sighed,“Now that’s not fair.”
“Maybe not but it’s the way the world works, Aegon, we both know it. It’s fine,” you reassured him.
“Will you at least believe me when I say you look beautiful?”
“No,” you shook your head,”But I thank you for saying it anyway, for trying to make me feel better, that’s really sweet. Can we go now?”
The party at Jace’s house was already in full swing by the time you and Aegon arrived. There was a group of people in the swimming pool while others were sitting on the grass having some drinks and there was an improvised dance floor out on the terrace.
Heleana pulled you into a hug as soon as she noticed you guys, then she gave Aegon an annoyed look and a fake smile, which he returned with an even faker smile of his own and a little theatrical wave. You couldn’t help but laugh at them both.
“Come on,” she grinned,”Let’s get you drunk.”
She pulled you with her to the bar.
“Hey, don’t steal my girlfriend for too long!” Aegon yelled after you both.
Helaena ignored him as usual and moved behind the bar to grab you both some drinks. 
“You look stunning tonight, babe,” she complimented you with a smile.
“Not as stunning as you though,” you returned the compliment and accepted whatever alcoholic beverage she gave you.
“How are things with my idiot brother?” she then asked,”I gather you’re going to continue with the plan?”
She whispered those last words as if they would reveal what the big plan was, making you smile.
“Yes, we are, I’ve got nothing to lose, right?” you took a sip from your drink,”And Aegon’s kinda nice actually, he took me out for pizza before we came here.”
“Did he now?” Helaena quirked her eye brow.
“What?” you asked.
“Nothing, “she shrugged,”Just…be careful with him, alright? Remember what I told you.”
“I believe your words were he’s an unreliable whore.”
Helaena couldn’t help but snicker but she nodded her head.
“I know who he is, Hel, you don’t need to worry.”
“I just don’t want you to get hurt. Promise me you’re not going to fall for him.”
You had to laugh at that.“Can you give me some credit here? It’s Aegon for Gods’ sake, besides he’s not my type, my type is the one we’re doing this all for, remember? And speaking of Sihtric, is he here tonight?”
“I may have seen him by the pool earlier,” she grinned,”Looking particularly good in nothing but his tiny swim shorts.”
“Are you serious?!” your eyes widened and Helaena laughed.
“No but your face was priceless,” she teased and you hit her arm.
“He’s here though,” she then reassured you,”But he is wearing pants and a shirt, sorry to disappoint.”
“And Skade?” you asked carefully.
“Haven’t seen her yet actually, but I’m sure she’ll arrive any time now.”
You both made your way over to the garden, finding Aegon by the snack table.
“I’m off to the dance floor,” Helaena excused herself,”I’ll leave you to your boyfriend.”
You waved her goodbye and tapped Aegon on the shoulder. His face lit up when he saw it was you.
“Hey, honeybun,” he grinned.
“Are you going to call me every pet name in the book?” 
“That’s the plan, you can do the same for me if you want, girlfriend.”
You rolled your eyes but smiled at him all the same. You just couldn’t help it, even when he was annoying he was kind of endearing as well.
“Wanna find a quiet spot to sit?” he suggested.
“Sure, idiot,” you joked and followed him towards the house, surprised when suddenly Aegon reached back for your hand. You placed your hand in his and allowed him to pull you with him. 
When you walked up the stairs towards the patio you passed by Sihtric and Skade, explaining why Aegon had chosen to hold your hand and activate the plan.
They weren’t kissing or hugging this time and when you walked by your eyes met with Sihtric’s. It was brief but it was enough to make you feel flustered. You couldn’t stop your lips from curling up into a smile. He had never even looked your way before and now there he was, staring right into your eyes. And he looked more beautiful than ever.
Aegon chose a spot not too far away from them, making sure you were both in their line of sight.
As you sat down next to him he placed his hand on the small of your back, rubbing it softly, sitting deliberately close to you as he started talking about the latest movie he watched. 
The conversation was meaningless and unimportant but he made it look like it was the most intimate chat imaginable, leaning closer to make it look like he was whispering into your ear while he explained the movie plot, then casually putting a few locks of hair behind your ear and caressing your cheek in the process.
His eyes sneaked a peak over your shoulder, a satisfied grin on his face when he noticed Skade looking back at him as well.
Aegon’s hands were making it difficult for you to focus and that warm feeling in the pit of your stomach was back. You liked how it felt when he touched you and it was confusing you a little. But this wasn’t about Aegon, it couldn’t be, you didn’t want him that way. You were just so touch starved any form of affection from a guy would probably make you feel better, it meant nothing.
When he leaned in and softly kissed your cheek you shivered.
“You alright?” Aegon checked.
“Hmm,” you nodded and then he leaned in again, nuzzling your cheek.
“Touch me,” he whispered against your skin.
You didn’t hesitate and placed your hands on his stomach while you leaned into him. Aegon wrapped both arms around you, pulling you into a soft hug. You melted into him so easily, his body warm and soft yet firm at the same time. His left hand moved into your hair, gently caressing your scalp while the other rubbed soft circles on your back. You sighed into the hug and you could feel him smile against your cheek.
He held you for what felt like forever and at the same time it didn’t feel like long enough.
You avoided his eyes when you finally leaned back, his hand still cupping your neck and then he placed a soft lingering kiss on your forehead. Your hands were still caressing his stomach and chest, you just couldn’t will yourself to stop and this time he was the one sighing happily into your touch, putting a smile on your face.
When you both leaned back it was your turn to look away and check if Sihtric had watched the whole thing. You couldn’t be sure but him and Skade seemed to be involved in their own intense conversation and neither of them looked very happy.
Aegon was looking at you out of the corner of his eye as he took a long sip from his drink. Neither of you spoke for a while and he didn’t touch you again right away.
The silence was adding to your confusion and then Aegon abruptly stood up,”I’ll go get us some more drinks.”
And with that he was gone, leaving you to sit by yourself. You waited for twenty minutes but he didn’t show and neither did those drinks. Tired of waiting you decided to head to the bar yourself, finding it empty and Aegon nowhere to be seen.
You sighed and opened the fridge behind the bar to find yourself a drink.
“Any more beers in there?”
The male voice made you look up and then your brain shut down completely.
Sihtric was standing right in front of you, a friendly smile on his beautiful face as he waited for you to answer.
It took an embarrassingly long time for you to find your words and get your mouth to function again.
“Sure,” you eventually managed and grabbed him a bottle from the fridge,”Here you go.”
Your hand was shaking a little as you gave it to him but either he didn’t notice or he chose to ignore it.
“Thanks,” he smiled,”I don’t think I’ve seen you around at these parties before?”
You had expected him to just take the beer and leave you to it but he was actually trying to start up a conversation with you and you were totally unprepared for this. 
“I’ve been to a few,” you answered truthfully, trying to sound casual,”Maybe we just missed each other. I’m Y/N.”
Sihtric reached out his hand to you,”I’m Sihtric. Nice to see you, Y/N.”
“Nice to meet you as well,” you shook his hand and gave him a sweet smile, trying not to focus too hard on how warm and big his hand felt around yours.
“So, you are Aegon’s girl?” he then asked.
The words sounded very surreal coming from the guy you’d been crushing on for so long but you managed to just nod your head and smile,”Yep, that’s me. You know Aegon?”
”No but Skade, my..um…girlfriend, used to know him.”
“I see,” you took a sip from your drink, not breaking eye contact with him and you noticed he did the same. He hadn’t looked away from you since you’d started talking. 
He was gorgeous up close like this. And even better than that, he was actually nice.
“Maybe we should double date some time,” he then suggested, keeping his eyes on you for a little while longer until he finally looked away,”I’ll see around, lady Y/N.”
He stepped away but not before giving you a small wink and another smile.
You were frozen on the spot. Lady Y/N? Was he flirting with you? That was flirting, right? You’d been out of the game for a long time but you couldn’t remember guys just winking at you and giving you nicknames, unless they wanted to date you.
You were pulled from your haze when Aegon grabbed your hand.
“Hey, princess,” he smiled,”Sorry, I ran into some friends and got side tracked, I see you managed to get that drink.”
“Oh, I managed to get a lot more,” you laughed.
“Like what?”
“Like an invite to a double date with Skade and Sihtric.”
Aegon almost choked on his drink,”For real?”
“That’s what he said,” you shrugged.
“Oh, this is good, this is really good! Well done, baby,” he kissed your cheek again, his lips lingering a little longer than necessary, making your stomach flutter, again.
Just like last time you ignored it. 
Because this wasn’t about Aegon. Whatever this thing with him was it would fade as soon as you could get closer to the real love of your life, Sihtric, not Helaena’s dumb brother Aegon, that would be completely ridiculous.
“Hey,” Aegon laced his fingers with yours and pulled you from your thoughts. Then he leaned in to put another sweet kiss on your temple. When he looked into your eyes afterwards his gaze was intense and darker than before, you couldn’t drag your eyes away from him. 
For a moment it looked like he was going to lean in and kiss you for real. And for a moment you really really wanted him to, which was of course completely ridiculous.
“Come on,” he then smiled,”Let’s get you another drink, sweetheart.”
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hakirachan · 4 months
The OM! Boys & Pet names
so, lately I’ve been thinking about different pet names/nicknames (thanks A) and I decided to give some to the Obey Me boys, and what their stance is on pet names/nicknames! (Also some they might call you, I tried to make them all as gender-neutral as possible so they can apply to everyone!)
Btw, feel free to use any of these, whether it’s for a fic, oneshot, hc, or anything else. They’re all SFW, so if you’re looking for something a bit more suggestive, you’ll have to look somewhere else.
I only did the older bros for now bc this took way longer than it should have TvT
Doesn’t like being called pet names in public at first, but slowly warms up to it (nothing embarrassing or overdramatic tho)
If you embarrass him in front of his brothers, he’ll take away that privilege though
Is okay with you calling him pet names in private, as long at it’s nothing weird
Thinks it’s cute when you try to fluster him with pet names
Example pet names for him: Dear, Love, Darling, Honey/Hon, Babe
Starts off just using pet names for you occasionally, but uses them more often as you progress in your relationship
Sometimes randomly whispers them into your ear as he passes by to get you all flustered
Just uses standard nicknames for you (bc he’s old)
Pet names he’ll give you: Dearest, Sweetheart, Love, Darling, Precious, Honey
The first time you use a pet name for him, he gets extremely flustered
Quickly comes back with his own though
(he’ll be blushing the whole time too)
Example pet names for him: Sweetie, Babe, Love, Prince
A bit hesitant at first, but once he starts, he’ll call you nicknames whenever he gets the chance
Makes it a point to use them when you’re around other guys to let them know you’re taken
Has spent at least one sleepless night coming up with a list of pet names for you
Example pet names he’ll give you: Precious, Treasure, Babe, My First, Sunshine, Sugar, Princess
Oohhhh boy
You done broke him now
The first time you do it, he’ll freeze up for a good 30 seconds as he processes what just happened
Once his brain has restarted, he is a blushing, stammering mess.
Why would you call him that out of nowhere? Are you messing with him? Is this a prank?? Wait that’s not what I meant don’t apologize—
No matter how many times you do it, he always turns bright red whenever you call him a pet name
Example pet names for him: Player One, Babe, Boo
Doesn’t really give ‘pet names’ as much as he does regular nicknames
Don’t get me wrong, he means them affectionately, just don’t expect him to use any of the cuter pet names other couples use
If he does use a more standard pet name, he’ll be a blushing mess while he does it
Example “pet names” he’ll give you: Player Two, Henry, Normie, Babe (maybe)
Let me know if you want the other brothers and undateables! Also, if you have any other pet names you think they’d give, just tell me in the comments and I’ll add them!
Speaking of… If you ever want any pet names/nicknames, either themed or for a character based on personality, just DM me or put it in my ask box and I’ll give you a list of as many as I can think of!
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skyeslittlecorner · 4 months
can you post some photos on chapter five? ive been struggling to get to it and im impatient if ykwim 😭😭
Don't worry anon, I got you covered! Let's break this chapter for three parts - one for story and for one for both H-scenes. There are a lot of things to look forward to~
Warning: HEAVY SPOILERS BELOW THE CUT. In fact, I'll try to shorten the whole thing and focus on plot-relevant facts, so for those who want to go through chapter 5 on their own, come back when you're done! (Or just skip to h-scene, they are marked.)
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First, I would like to warn that my opinion about it may be unpopular. As someone who hadn't paid much attention to Hades before, I fell in love with it after this episode. I adore ch5. A lot of people hate these boys to the core for what they did, and I understand and respect their opinion, but I'm with Hades here. I would love to analyze their behavior in more detail, but we don't have time for that today.
Summarizing this chapter is going to be hard because a lot of things happened. Let's go!
We start by going down a slide sponsored by Leviathan and his Lovecraftian friends (TM). But worry not! It seems we have friends even in the realm of death. Say hello to grandpa!
We talk a little, being in a questionable mood. Well, who wouldn't be? But we have the opportunity to know Solomon better, and I'm getting to understand why all devils love him. By the way, it turns out that we are his last descendant.
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Sorry Solomon, you're still a peepaw.
He also advises us not to be afraid of Leviathan and not to be submissive to him, and then in a brilliant way he sends us back to the world of the living. Of course, our beautiful king is delighted.
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We take Grandpa's advice to heart and finally stand up to Levi. He's surprised, but he doesn't try to kill us again (for now). We witness him hanging one of his subjects, who dared to ask about an accident from 311 years ago.
Fun fact. Devils must have much stronger spines. Do you know how people used to die by hanging? The first methods involved cutting off oxygen, but later they involved into breaking the cervical spine and this was considered a standard hanging execution. Leviathan must be gentle (how bad it sounds in this context), he could kill instantly with a loop like that.
Back to the point. We find out that we also have a noose around our neck, and Leviathan makes use of it. We're hanging, but we finally begin to meet Leviathan's nobles one by one.
Glasyal plots (and ends up hanging for it), Foras argues with him, along the way we learn that Leviathan needs us in his plan, and, you know, maybe killing us isn't the smartest thing he can do. Only Barbatos realizes that maybe it's a good idea to stop hanging us like wet laundry. He's the only one so openly nice to us.
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Remember that.
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Another fun fact, our MC is of medium height (~160 cm I guess). Leviathan is 187cm, Foras should be similar. I only noticed this because I myself am 180 cm so they are not so strappingly tall for me.
Foras wants to take us away from Levi and explain everything calmly, but the king does not agree. We learn that the guys know where the seed from the Tree of Knowledge is. We're supposed to go with them, and we have about a 50/50 chance of survival. Also, we have the opportunity to see a very rare phenomenon, a joking Leviathan.
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Colossally shortening the rest, the cavalry arrives! You didn't have to. I haven't had time to fuck them yet.
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And this cavalry is very much at odds with the nobles of Hades. Most of the time is them arguing. Fortunately, they didn't kill each other…
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...because Barbie decided to kill us.
Barbatos is poisoning us to force Bimet and Valefor to join the plan. While we are unconscious, we have flashes of Leviathan's past, which is too sad to analyze considering that we are about to jump to hot scenes now. Besides, most of us already know what this is about. Experience it for yourself. Really. We also learn that not only angels experimented on children, and a little about Mammon's childhood.
In the end, we learn that in Ch6 we must visit the abandoned laboratory in Tartaros, where the seed from the tree of knowledge should be, because as Solomon's descendants, we may be the only ones who will not be killed by it.
(I really wanted to post CG from Valefor's scene here, but I don't know if Tumblr will block it.)
Bimet is the first to realize that we lack devil energy. He wants to take care of it, but Valefor brushes him off, sends him to scout, and overall Bimet is our wingman, what a bro lol
Since we are away from Satan and Gehenna, we cannot summon Minhyeok's room. MC thinks she's outgrown it anyway. So we can count on the next scenes to be more and more creative.
It all starts with us telling Valefor that he reminds us of Mammon. And what a beast it brings out of him.
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And he loves it.
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...aaand then, someone wants to interrupt. Bimet informs us about this and goes to chase them out. Valefor stands with us at the door to see if anyone else is coming. Yes. Naked. With us. In us.
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Fortunately, no one catches us and after the entire session we fall asleep in our knight's arms.
I really would like to do more screenshots, but tumblr is blocked… and there's one more part to come.
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At least you look beautiful and the platform won't block you.
And here's what I love the most. It was sick. I'd love to experience it again.
I would love to make a whole post ONLY about this and just leave the screenshots.
We are in Leviathan's office, and he interrogates us when we feel like we are lacking devil energy. We want to go to Bimet, but do you think our jealous king will allow it? Oh no no no. And of course, his hands land on our chin and then our neck. He doesn't like our hickeys.
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We start asking him valid questions like "why are you jealous of us if you hate us?" So he silences us with a kiss. A deep, suffocating kiss. This is also how Leviathan discovers that we gain their energy through "intercourse with the devil".
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And how can I not fall in love with this idiot.
The conversation that follows gives us some light on his approach to sex and to relationships in general. Which is… sad. It fits him perfectly, but it's sad. And I would also like to analyze this someday, this character is beautiful and how he's written is even more beautiful, especially from writer's point of view. He does not want the admiration of his people or the hatred of angels. The only thing he can believe and consider to be sincere is that someone's dislike. This is something that might actually turn him on.
At first he rules, he asks questions and he hangs us. And he does everything he can to piss us off. He hands us a whip and lowers us down.
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Just disliking him isn't enough, and he works diligently to make us hate him. He insults Minhyeok, us, wishes us dead, and the more he sees our anger, the more he gets excited and talks more. He knows that we are connected to Satan and we will know how to release our anger. On him.
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He finally got what he wanted. We straddle him and, with the help of Satan's strength, begin to strangle him. Neither you nor he are gentle.
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Also, his words (unfortunately, I already have a limit on screenshots). "Do not bite your lips. Bite mine instead." I beg, let me violate him even more.
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Compliment from Leviathan, nice. In the end, we fall asleep cuddled up to him, and he has no intention of giving us up to anyone. As in the case of Sitri, he only opens up to us when we are so unconscious that we do not see his softer side.
꧁:・ ✡ ・:꧂
AND THATS ALL! What a ride it was, I hope I was a good guide. One day I will go into the Hades boys in more depth, but for now, let this be a shortcut for everyone who is still struggling with ch5.
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Wash Day With Venom & Eddie
Pairing: Eddie Brock x Black!Reader x Venom
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: none it's very cute
Genre: fluff, I'd say a lil comedy cuz Eddie and Venom are a very unserious duo
Summary: Venom is curious about how you wash your hair
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You check the clock on the wall as the latest episode of your current date night watch with Eddie comes to an end and let out a sigh realizing you have to get going. You stand up and stretch with Eddie and Venom turning down the volume on whatever preview Netflix is playing.
"Alright, boys I have to get going now." You say leaning down to kiss Eddie's cheek.
"WHAT?! WHY? I THOUGHT YOU WERE SPENDING THE NIGHT!" Venom stretches his head to look at you closely when you stand back up.
"I can't tonight V, I have today is wash day." You tell him petting the top of his head.
"No sweetie, for my hair." You smile.
"I don't have any of my hair products here Venom I can't do that." You laugh.
"No way. My hair is far too temperamental for me to just be borrowing any old shampoo. She has very specific requirements." You say.
"No Venom it's not. My hair is very different than Eddie's so it requires very different care." You chuckle.
"You're surprisingly curious about this, but I'm not bringing all my hair care here that's quite a few items."
"SO WE WILL COME TO YOUR PLACE." Venom declares.
"Venom bud, I know you wanna spend every moment of every day with her but we gotta let her have her personal time ya know." Eddie steps in.
"I WANT TO SEE HOW SHE WASHES HER HAIR!" Venom glares at Eddie.
"We know but maybe that's not something she wants to show you." Eddie says.
"It's a long process V, takes like an hour and you are not exactly known for your patience." You say.
"Eddie's hair gets gross and oily much quicker than mine. Washing it that often would pretty much destroy it."
"Hey! My hair does not get gross, okay?" 
"Because you wash it regularly. My point still stands what happens to you in like 3 days would take at least a month or two for my type of hair. Probably longer. That's not important. V, it takes a long while to wash."
"I CAN BE PATIENT!" Venom protests.
"I actually don't think you can." Eddie snorts.
"No, not at all." He shakes his head.
"PLEASE LITTLE DROP, LET US COME OVER SO I CAN WATCH YOU WASH YOUR HAIR." Venom turns his attention back to you.
"If, and I do mean if, if I let you guys come to my place so you can satisfy your curiosity I don't want to hear a single complaint about how long it takes V." You point a finger at him.
"That was very smooth." Eddie says with surprise.
"Also, no distracting. It already takes long enough, and I have to get it done. I mean it Venom you can't get all handsy with me when I'm in the shower."
"You have to. Or you'll have to leave. Once the hair washing has started I can't really just stop the process in the middle. I'm serious V."
"Venom our girlfriend isn't an observational study you know you can't just watch her doing everyday tasks like that." Eddie chuckles.
"It's fine to want to know about her sure, but don't treat her regular tasks like they're something strange."
"Okay boys don't fight. I know you're being considerate Eddie and I appreciate that advocacy but Venom is an alien so I feel like this curosity is pretty standard for him and I don't really mind." You jump in before the two of them get into it like they so often do.
"I just don't want you to be uncomfortable. I know being watched while washing your hair can be weird." Eddie frowns.
"I'd probably be uncomfortable if it was anyone but Venom so I get where you're coming from." You shrug.
"Fine! We'll go." Eddie rolls his eyes. Venom at this point takes over and scoops you into his arms suddenly, swinging out of Eddie's window.
"Venom we could've walked!" You shout.
"THIS IS QUICKER!" Venom insists. It's only a couple of moments before Venom opens your window and climbs inside.
"Geez you're impatient." You huff out a laugh as you take your shoes off and toss them by the door. You head into your room to grab a t-shirt and your comb before going to your bathroom with Venom tailing behind you. You get into your shower and run the warm water over your hair for several minutes. Venom gives Eddie back his body now but the alien stretches his neck enough to watch over the top of your shower.
"I cannot believe you dragged us here to watch her wash her hair." Eddie scoffs.
"Welcome back Eddie." You laugh.
"Well technically the condition was you don't complain about how long this whole thing takes you tell Venom. You laugh as you put in your shampoo and scrub at your scalp until there's a decent lather. You rinse it thoroughly before turning the water off for the next part.
"ARE YOU DONE?" Venom asks and Eddie snorts out a laugh.
"No, not done, but the next part takes the longest and if I left the water on it would get cold before I got out of here." You explain as you run decent amounts of conditioner through your hair.
"I'm putting in conditioner and then I have to detangle my hair."
"Dude I'm sure you know that means." Eddie says.
"It means the same thing regardless of the context V, my hair is very thick it gets tangled with itself after a while so I have to use a comb to get work out the knots." You explain as you start to work the comb through your hair in small sections.
"Yeah, that's mostly a styling comb. Plus his hair is thinner. My hair would... probably break those combs." You tell him.
"Well it's not a woman specific thing. Really just anyone with long hair probably has a similar process but how time consuming it is depends on a few things though, length, texture, thickness- that sort of thing. Thick coily hair, like mine, which is common for Black people takes longer than straight hair, like Eddie's when he goes to long without a haircut."
"Hey! I rock the longer hair." Eddie protests.
"Eddie you hate when your hair gets too shaggy." You laugh.
"Not always. Do you think it looks bad?"
"No but I think you don't like taking proper care of your hair when it gets too long."
"Thank you, so do I. That's why I don't mind the maintenance of spending half an hour detangling it. Plus I get to do so much with it as far as styling goes." You shrug.
"They're called braids Venom. I told you this before." Eddie tsks at him while you chuckle.
"Yeah, I'm actually planning to do them tomorrow. I typically don't do them in the summer that's why it's been while." You tell him.
"HOW DO YOU DO THEM?" Venom asks.
"I can show you, tomorrow if you'd like to see how it works. It's a little hard to explain really."
"I WOULD LIKE TO SEE!" He nods excitedly. You put down the comb with a small huff, satisfied with the detangling you've done.
"Venom." Eddie sighs.
"Then if Eddie isn't busy tomorrow you guys can come by while I do my hair." You say grabbing your bodywash and washcloth. You give the conditioner a few minutes to sit in your hair by washing your body and face first.
"Because it takes hours and I'd be up all night if I tried to do it now. Plus I try not to use the hairdryer if I don't have to and braiding wet hair if you plan to keep the braids in is a bad idea. It needs to be dry first so I do that overnight." You wash the conditioner out of your hair careful to minimize retangling.
"Only if I plan to do anything else with either day. Like if I had gotten up super early and washed my hair, let it dry throughout the day I could maybe have been doing it through the evening but- I don't like to spend a continuous twenty-four hours on my hair so, there's that." You shrug.
"I don't have enough hair to justify taking this long." Eddie says.
"Yeah but lucky for me the day-to-day styling can be pretty minimal it's just upkeep days like this that are extensive but they aren't super frequent. At most few times a month depending on the style I have in and how busy I am. Some styles let me get away with a whole month plus." You tell him turning off the shower and opening the door. You dry off your body and wrap the t-shirt around your hair.
"YOU USE A T-SHIRT FOR YOUR HAIR AND NOT A TOWEL?" Venom tilts his head curiously at you.
"Yeah- towel fabrics can be pretty harsh on my hair so I use a t-shirt instead because, like I said earlier, it's very temperamental." You tell him going back to your bedroom once you're not trailing water. Eddie takes a seat at your desk.
"NOW WHAT?" Venom asks while you put on lotion.
"Now, I get dressed, dry my hair with this t-shirt, enough that it won't soak through my hair cover, and then have a snack before going to bed. Since I ate dinner with you guys." You tell him.
"Yeah I told you, but I'm mostly done for the night besides drying it so if you wanna head out now you can." You say with a shrug as you put on some pajamas.
"Curiosty satisfied Venom?" Eddie asks.
"WE WILL BE BACK TOMORROW." Venom announces.
"Venom I don't just sit around all day you know we might have something to do-"
"You don't have to be with me the whole day babe, it's a fairly repretative process so you can swing by for like twenty minutes just so Venom can see how it works and then you can have the rest of your day back." You say kissing Eddie lightly.
"Fine when's a good time?"
"I'll be at it most of the afternoon so, if you come before five I'll for sure have some left to show Venom." You say.
"Sounds good, I'll text you."
"Sure thing."
"Have a good night sweetheart." He says to you. "Alright Venom, since you got us here. Take us home." Eddie tells Venom.
"CAN DO!" Venom takes over from Eddie again and pulls you into a tight hug. "I AM VERY EXCITED TO SEE YOU TOMORROW LITTLE DROP!" He tells you.
"See you tomorrow my loves." You say once Venom puts you back down. He's down the hall and out your window living room very quickly and you shut the window behind them going back to your room to finish drying your hair. Even with as long as he's been here, Venom's curiosity seems to be neverending, but you'll never complain about the way he seems so interested in every single thing you do. Even something as monotonous and time consuming as doing your hair.
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highgoon69 · 11 months
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♥Pairing╰┈➤ Levi Ackerman x Reader
♥Content/Warnings╰┈➤ Really it's just fluff, maybe a little bit of hurt/comfort?? Fuck if I know
♥Word Count╰┈➤ 1.6k
♥Author's Note╰┈➤ First of all, the divider I'm using is from @cafekitsune and they have plenty of other really cute ones! And also this is literally the first thing I've written in like,,,,,,, six years?? I'm not sure and I can't Remember. If it sucks tell me and I'll leave it up because I simply do not care. Thank u one and all who actually read it!
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“So,” Hange began, their tone light as they dragged you into their office. “Want to tell me what’s on your mind?”  
You shrunk backwards a bit, lowering your gaze to the (disgusting) floor. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about.” Hange wasn’t dumb, you knew that. They were far from it. So why was blatantly lying your go-to response? It didn’t help that Hange was clearly trying to hold in a laugh at your response.
They placed a hand on your shoulder. It was meant to be comforting but it made you feel nothing but dread. Your name fell from their lips. “I know you. I know when your mind is elsewhere. You fell flat on your ass during training today, so just tell me what’s wrong.” Seeing Hange so strangely serious was remarkably nerve wracking. 
A moment of silence passed between you. You felt like a complete mess; a complete jumble of incomplete thoughts shrouding your head. Would telling the truth even help? Hange was your best friend, so surely they’d give you sound advice… right? You sighed, deep and heavy, before lifting your eyes to theirs. “If I’m being honest…” you took a breath, “I’m not sure what’s wrong.” 
Hange tilted their head to the side. Glasses gleaming under the dull light of their office, they moved a bit closer to you. “You’re not sure? Then what were you being so cagey about?” 
“I wasn’t being cagey.” 
They cackled. How annoying. “You were and you know it,” they said. “Elaborate on whatever you’re not sure about.” 
You sighed again before turning around to face the door. Grime coated the surface. When was the last time Hange cleaned it? “Lately, I’ve been feeling sort of… shy?” It shouldn’t have been a question, but it was nonetheless. The word you truly wanted to use eluded you. Honestly, you almost felt sick. 
“You’ve been feeling shy?” Hange repeated. You nodded once and a snort came from behind you. “Shy about what? How badass you are all the time?” You whirled around and slapped them on the shoulder. They grinned and rubbed at their arm. “What?” 
“You’re so annoying!” you groaned out, dragging a hand down your face. “I’m trying to open up here and you make a joke out of it?” Hange nodded. Another sigh came out before you could stop it.
Hange laughed again and put their hands on their hips. “Seriously, what do you have to be shy about? The only people you’re actively around is me, Erwin and  Le…” they trailed off and suddenly your face felt warm. Their mouth dropped open and they descended upon you, gripping the life out of your shoulders. “Is it finally happening?”
“What?” you asked. “Is what finally happening?” 
“Are you finally realizing you like Levi?!” 
If you thought you felt warm before, now it felt like you were being burned alive. “Hange!” you scolded, voice probably a little too loud. “Absolutely not! You know how he is! And why are you saying ‘finally’?” You could hardly believe them! Why would they even think that, much less say it? 
They pulled you into their chest, roughly patting the back of your head. “Oh, sweetie, how can you still not see it?” Despite practically whispering, it was loud and clear in your ears. Fear rolled down your spine. “You guys always sit together for meals, you’re always in his office helping with paperwork, the two of you actively seek each other out throughout the day, you even learned how to clean to his standards even though you hate cleaning. You still don’t realize your own feelings for him?” 
Every word was like a bucket of freezing cold water hitting you. Was Hange right? No, they couldn’t be. Though… they weren’t necessarily wrong. But so what if you and Levi were friends? You were friends with Hange and Erwin, with the kids from the 104th. Hell, you were practically friends with everyone. So why did Hange seem to make so much damn sense right now? 
Slowly, you put your forehead to their shoulder. Your chest grew tighter and tighter with every passing second until a tear dribbled downwards. “Hange…” you whispered. “What am I supposed to do?” 
They let out a soft sigh before pulling away. Your head stayed down and you watched as tears hit the floorboards. “You tell him.” You shot up, neck cracking at the motion. “Don’t look so shocked. What else is there to do?” 
“I don’t know! Cry, wallow in my own self pity, maybe?” you shrieked, Hange grinned. “Anything but that! He’d call me an idiot then either pretend it never happened or just not speak to me again.” 
“Hah!” Hange’s outburst startled you, making you jump a bit. “Like Levi would ever do that. Though, I really do think you’re an idiot!” They began to cackle again. Why were you friends with someone who found so much joy in your misery?
Before you could begin to say anything, a knock jostled the two of you into silence. A beat passed before Hange asked who was there. The last voice you ever wanted to hear in that moment responded, already sounding pissed off. “Levi,” he said. 
You dropped your face into your hands as Hange bounded to the door. They practically ripped the door off their hinges in their excitement to let Levi into the embarrassing conversation you were having. “Levi!” they exclaimed, hopping from foot to foot. “Fancy seeing you here, what can I help you with?” 
“You told me to stop by when I had the chance. Want me to clean your disgusting fucking room again?” he asked before peering inside. He noticed you, head still in your hands, before his expression softened. He called your name and shoved past Hange, whose smile was so wide it beat a titan’s. “Are you okay? What did this freak do to you?” Levi put his hands on your shoulders and spun you around to face him. You obliged and let your hands fall to your sides. 
“Levi, hi.” You couldn’t think of anything more to say. Seeing him was a shock and while you weren’t surprised to hear that Hange had told him to come, you were still confused nonetheless. 
He glanced across your face then turned back to Hange. “Were they crying?” he asked. You weren’t sure how Hange didn’t cower away from him; you definitely would’ve. His voice was filled with venom. Your friend merely nodded before slinking out of the door. 
Levi watched them go and waited until the door was shut before turning back to you. “Are you okay?” It took you a second to answer before giving him a simple nod. “What happened?” 
You looked away from him. “Hange was just… being Hange.” Levi clearly didn’t believe that was it, because he clicked his tongue in a remarkably disapproving way. “I’m serious.” 
“Yeah? Then what were they being so ‘Hange’ about?” As soon as the words left his lips you felt your head begin to ache. Maybe Hange was right. Maybe telling him wasn’t as difficult as you were making it seem. Maybe, just maybe, he’d reciprocate. Or you’d let it slip and he really wouldn’t ever talk to you again. The longer you stayed silent, though, the more irritated Levi seemed to get. “Well?” 
So you decided to not overthink it. “They were telling me that I obviously have feelings for you,” you said. “I didn’t agree with it at first but the more I thought about it, the more I realized they were right! I mean, I absolutely hate cleaning! But I do it all the time because I know how you are and I’m always on everyone else’s ass to keep things neat and orderly. You deserve to be happy and if something as stupid as shit being to your standards can make you happy then I’ll make sure it’s done. And I love sitting next to you, and I love when you kick my ass when we spar but I love it even more when we’re on our own and you pretend to let me win. And I know I”m, like, rambling at this point but the more I talk the more I realize I’m completely in love with you, Levi.”
Quickly, you clamped your hands over your mouth. You were totally, totally in love with him. And you just said it, like a fucking idiot. Levi stayed silent, eyes wide. The quiet was deafening and you vaguely heard laughter just beyond the door. 
Finally Levi seemed to come out of his stupor. “What did you just say?” he muttered. You cringed. 
“Are you really going to make me say it again?” Levi nodded and you let out a sigh. “Levi, I’m in love with you.” 
Uncharacteristically, he smiled. It was barely there and maybe nobody else would’ve been able to tell, but you could. At that moment, he looked so beautiful and soft. His grip on your shoulders tightened before his smile grew just a bit more. And, before you could stop yourself, you pressed your lips to his. The kiss was soft and tender, and your stomach felt like it was about to fall out. You smiled into it, your teeth hitting his for just a moment. Slowly, your hands reached up to tangle in his hair. You tugged at the short strands before pulling away. Levi put his forehead against yours before letting out a content sigh. 
He pressed a kiss to your head. “I’m in love with you, too.”
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nebelihood · 9 months
My highlights of Looniversity (Spoilers)
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I did end up liking the brotherly relationship they gave to Buster and Babs and I can clearly see why they couldn't just make them best friends anymore. (It's sad it kinda makes tiny toons adventures to not be canon)
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AHsjhd Like Buster inmediatly going to whine to Babs
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And cry<3
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I love Sweetie's jokes, I think those are the kind of jokes I tried to give to my lola but mine resulted in awkward responses of other characters and everyone ignores Sweetie's HAHAHA bruh-
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What I for some reason like about Sweetie and I wish it became something more serious in the future is how despite her tough city girl facet...
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I feel like she cares too much about the twins' opinions? Maybe that's just me- but I feel like if she was as tough as she was, she'd be less patient and understanding but on the prank episode. I felt like she had too much patient, respectfully repeating herself without ever getting angry and accepting whatever Babs and Buster ordered. (But who knows, maybe I misunderstood her character) I just feel like she holds Babs on a high standard for some reason. I guess she just really likes her as a friend. I love how she has more protagonism despite her size<3
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She cares sm for her friendqwq<3
I love Plucky's craft ahsjh- he's good! (not the dance but in general how he is and how he saved his friends twice by just being himself completely unaware that'd actually be of help and in a selfish way)
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Bugs not giving a crap is my favorite kind of Bugs on looniversity HAHAHAHA, I wouldn't want to idolize the hate on kids cause kids are the future and should be loved<3 but there's something funny about Bugs not having any patience with kids HAHAHA- like he has WAY better things to do than to waste his time "baby-sitting"
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The first joke that made me laugh ofc by
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i HAVE questions about this but--- we'll see if it means anything
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Those are the ones I can think of rn
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omori-headspace · 4 months
sorry hold on
okay. so. horror siblings. but mane six. please im autisming
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Thomas Greywhinder -> Twilight Sparkle
i can see him being stressed about the littlest of things. i mean. look at the photo of him. and also i didnt have a more suitable fit for twilight. soooo
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2. Macy Greywhinder -> Rainbow Dash
iirc she's very excitable and she seems like the type to do the type of shit rainbow dash does. she also has mabel pines energy. which is moreso pinkie pie energy but pinkie pies honor goes to someone else. and. no one else fit. if she was anypony else she would be pinkie tho
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3. Edward Walten -> Applejack
come on man. just come ON. he is clearly the eldest of the group- him being 11 or 12 in canon, and all the other kids are around the 6-8 age range. so i think ed is the guy to keep people in check and also seems like the honest type? idk. mother hen of the group i guess
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4. Molly Walten -> Pinkie Pie
i'on even need to say anything.
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5. Elizabeth Afton -> Rarity
yes yes i KNOW she is more pinkie pie (or most notably sweetie belle) energy but LISTEN. she is totally the type to make a fuss about her hair. like look at her. i also headcanon the aftons to be dedicated to their reputation and maybe are above middle class in terms of wealth, so she has high standards on her beauty. shes also the type to be a fashion designer one day
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6. Evan Afton -> Fluttershy
again. i do NOT need to say anything. its just how it is
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crepe-of-wrath · 3 months
is it a x f Reader or author self-projection? vol. 259450, feat. Sukuna
cw: toxic, unhealthy dynamics; dubcon elements; dacryphilia; predator/prey stuff; (so, like, Standard Sukuna Shit); mdni American College AU where Reader is a freshman at her first dorm party playing 7 Minutes in Heaven game with some classmates. Reader is very inexperienced and suffers from some dysmorphia due to high school bullying. She is certain that the boys will dread being paired with her and it will be humiliating. But, her friend Ieiri begs her to play because they need one more girl.
When her number does come up, Reader prays that she'll be paired with a guy in one of her classes, Nanami, who, of course, won't want to kiss her, but will at least preserve her dignity. Her attempt to make the bottle land on Nanami almost goes catastrophically wrong, as the mouth of the bottle passes him by and nearly lands on the most popular boy in their class, Gojo. Reader is about to spin again, as required by the rules, when someone with a very deep voice says, "What are you doing? It obviously landed on me."
Reader looks up and almost faints from panic. The voice belongs to an upperclassman who, unbeknownst to the freshmen, has been sitting and reading on a couch in the common room. His name is Sukuna, his reputation very much precedes him, and the bottle is indeed pointing right at him.
Paralyzed like the prey that she is, Reader makes no move to get away when Sukuna grabs her forearm and marches her off to the closet. In the dark, she is able to recover a little bit and she tries to tell Sukuna that he doesn't have to do this if doesn't want to and she's sorry that she's not pretty. She didn't realize he was actually behind her until he clamped a hand over her mouth... **
"Stop fucking talking. You're supposed to be doing other things with that sweet little mouth."
Frozen in fright, you hear what sounds like Sukuna sliding down the wall into a seated position. This is violently confirmed when he spins you around and pulls you down so you are straddling his lap. He draws up his knees, trapping you and giving you something to lean on. He's hiked your dress up, and one of his hands is playing with your ass. The other fists itself in your hair and forces your into a kiss, your very first kiss ever. It is rough and invasive, literally almost taking your breath away. It's suffocating when he bullies his tongue into your mouth and you're so scared, but another part of you is excited. A guy wants you! A hot guy!
Your head is swimming, but Sukuna pulls you back into the moment when he grabs your chin and the front of your neck. As he closes his grip you feel something titter through your body, which causes Sukuna to laugh, but it's the darkest laugh you've ever heard. If you were in your right mind, maybe the flight instinct would have kicked in. Maybe.
"We don't have much time left, sweetie. Hands on my shoulders. Now."
You obey. You're a good girl.
Both of his hands pull you even further into his lap. You feel a hardness--oh God!!--poking you.
And then he thrusts up. If you were experienced, you'd know it was the lightest little thrust, but it feels like another invasion of your body.
You moan. There's something sparking in you and you don't understand. Your head is swimming. His shoulders are really muscled, and it feels good to touch them. He thrusts up again. And again. Your body is trembling, and he's chuckling softly in that deep voice. You like his voice. You like his hands. Or maybe you don't? They won't let you squirm away even though there's a pressure building inside of you.
"It hurts," you try to tell him. You can sort of make out his face in the dark. He has a nice jawline. He's also smirking at you. He doesn't care that it hurts, because he keeps on slowly thrusting.
Actually, he seems to be reveling in your agony.
"Please, Sukuna."
"Please what?"
"I don't know!" He bounces you more vigorously this time, and you cry out. There are gasps outside the door. Everyone heard! You start to sniffle, and you feel a couple of tears on your cheeks.
"Beautiful," Sukuna murmurs, wiping the tears away. You can't quite tell, but he might have even licked his finger? "All right, sweetheart, time for the grand finale."
Sukuna begins bouncing you in his lap more vigorously, and, for a second, you don't realize that he's moved your panties aside, but when he begins circling you with his thumb, well, that's when your mind breaks. It only takes a few well-placed swipes of your clit before the pressure inside of you explodes into a million little embers. It feels sooooo good. Did you just think that to yourself, or did you whisper it to Sukuna? You don't know, because your mind goes mostly blank, although you're dimly aware that, as your orgasm continues to wreck you, you are now being very, very loud.
The next thing you know, the alarm on Sukuna's phone is going off. Was that really only seven minutes? You have to stop?
He stands up, and then drags you to your feet just before he opens the door and nudges you out. Everyone in the circle is staring at you. Ieiri looks like she's going to start crying. Nanami looks like he wants to say something. Even Gojo has a serious look on his face for once.
Sukuna leans down, places a little kiss on your neck below your ear, and then whispers, "I think they'd like to see your pretty smile, little angel. Why don't you smile for your friends and tell them how much fun you just had?"
You obey. You're a good girl.
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five-rivers · 1 year
Life's Great Lie 17
“Oh, thank God,” said Tony, “Bruce is here.”  All the other green, angry looking people were secondary, as far as he was concerned.  Having the Hulk on hand meant that he didn’t have to play Jonah again.  That had been.  Unpleasant.
A dart of red broke off the crowd of ghosts and angled towards Tony.  Valerie Gray.  And Bruce, too.  As Bruce. 
“Where do you want us?” shouted Valerie. 
“Take your pick!” shouted Tony, even as he lined up more shots.  He was going to be running out of all but the special anti-ghost ordinance soon.  “But—Bruce, you’re going to have to suit up.”
“Of course,” said Bruce, rubbing his face.  “Yeah.  Okay.  You would call it that.  Miss Gray, if you could take me up towards one of those…  big things…”  He gestured vaguely at the space whales.
“Cool!” said Tony, giving them a thumbs up.  “Now, all we need to do is get a shield around the portals, and we can roll up the streets.  No problem!”
“Sir,” said Jarvis.  “You may want to look at the Ops Center.”
What was going on now?  He turned and watched the shield around the airship flicker once, twice, and then go out completely.  The chitauri, who apparently were smart enough to smell blood in the water, regardless of any other tactical deficiencies, changed direction. 
“Well, that’s not good.  Anyone want to fill me in on what’s going wrong?”
“Well,” started Jasmine Fenton. 
“What happened to the thing being self-sustaining?” demanded Natasha as she punched out another mercenary.  Where had Loki even found these guys?  They weren’t even mind controlled.  Who in their right mind signed up to fight for the aliens in a literal alien invasion?
“Listen,” said Maddie Fenton, a little testily, “we quite literally built it on the fly.  It isn’t operating at peak theoretical efficiency, but it’s a testament to Jack’s engineering skills that we got it to work at all, much less while also trying to come up with a workable solution for the shields.  Be glad we have enough power to keep the portal open, even.”
“Forget the shields,” interrupted Tucker, his voice crackling slightly.  The Fentons’ communicators weren’t bad, and apparently they worked through the ‘spectral noise’ associated with ghosts, but they left something to be desired in comparison to the crystal-clear communications Natasha had gotten used to while working for SHIELD.  “Well, no, don’t forget them, forget them, we might still be able to—I’ve got— What’s your name again, dude? —I’ve got Selvig up here, and he says that if we can get Loki’s staff, we can shut down his portal.”
“Great!” shouted Steve.  “Anyone have eyes on Loki?”
The answer to that was, of course, a resounding no. 
“Oi, Tucker, you want to run by that thought you had about the shields again?”
Under other circumstances, Tucker might have been over the moon.  Tony Stark, asking him about something technical!  It was like a dream come true! 
But between the mind control, the alien invasion, and whatever was going on with SHIELD and HYDRA, Tucker’s enthusiasm for anything was pretty much nil.  So. 
“Uh,” said Tucker.  He and Selvig were standing in front of Loki’s portal device.  Well.  Tucker was sort of crouching, and Selvig was… sprawled.  That couldn’t be a good position for a guy that old, but whatever.  “So, Loki got the startup power for this thing from the, uh, the tower’s arc reactor, right?  So, it’s still plugged in.  The connection is live, and it looks like he used standard connectors.  Not, you know, a twelve-gauge extension cord, but Earth-made.  I think maybe we can use it to charge up the shields and use one here as the centerpiece – the power source – instead of the one in the Ops Center.  If it’s, like compatible.  Is that a thing we can do?  Mrs. Fenton?”
“Well, it isn’t impossible,”she said.  “But those portable shield relays – they weren’t made as independent shield generators, and for them to run on something other than ectoplasm – Jack, sweetie, do we still have those blueprints? – Thanks.  Alright, Tucker, you’ll have to make significant adjustments to the shield relay, probably even cannibalize one of them.  Are you able to do that?”
“Well,” said Tucker.  “Maybe?  I’ve got a lipstick laser and…”  He looked over his shoulder.   “Selvig.  Sort of.  But if it’s anything more complicated than rewiring the Speeder’s main gun to fire from the backseat window console, I’m going to need a bunch of tools and a science guy who isn’t dead on his feet.  No offense.”
Selvig waved him off. 
“You’re the one who—?  Never mind.  It is more complicated.  Quite a bit more complicated.”
“I’ll also need, you know, the generators.  Relays?”
“I’m still on my way,” said Romanov.  She sounded… upset.
“And so am I,” said Iron Man.  “Kid, I’ve got all sorts of tools in my apartment.  And dummy, too.”
Okay.  Cool.  Also, what did dummies have to do with anything?  Was that rich people code for something?
“Okay, want to give me directions, or am I supposed to just start pulling out drawers?”
“Hey!  Where’re you going?”
“You need more cover,” said Sam.  “This is what I have the jetpack for, remember?  Arrow boy isn’t going to get all of them, and they do have ranged weapons.”
It was true, one well-aimed shot through the Ops Center envelope could send the whole thing down.  They weren’t using hydrogen gas, of course, but an ectoplasm-nitrogen mix, so there was no danger of becoming Hindenburg Mk II, unless the aliens’ energy weapons reacted really badly with ectoplasm, but there hadn’t been any evidence of that yet, so…
Anyway, it didn’t matter.  Jazz was too busy keeping the Ops Center and the portal steady to do much else. 
“Be careful,” she said. 
“Can’t make any promises!”
Fury was having a bad day.  A really, monumentally, bad day.  One that was part of an already awful week but still managed to go above and beyond in terms of how completely awful it was. 
Primarily, he blamed HYDRA.  They were very easy to blame and were, in his opinion, responsible for at least seventy percent of the metric ton of crap he was currently wading through. 
But then, then he got a call. 
The call. 
Which meant that he had to take this boat riddled with snakes to fight off an alien invasion over New York.  Peachy. 
If ever he’d been tempted to give old friends a call…  But he wouldn’t.  Not yet. 
“Sir,” said Coulson, joining him smoothly as he walked down the hallway toward the main bridge. 
“What’d you find?”
“We have problems, sir.  Using the head start we were given, I’ve found no less than seventy problem areas on this ship… and some indications that the World Security Council may have similar issues.  We also have to assume there are unseen variables at play.”
Fury did not miss a step.  Benefit of being a cynical bastard.  The WSC was a shock, and a disaster on multiple levels, but the other number was… livable.  “Are there any particular personnel involved in these problems?”
“STRIKE teams seem to have an unusually high number of incidents.  Upwards of ninety percent.”
Fury strode onto the bridge.  “Tell the STRIKE teams to prepare to mobilize and pilots to scramble.”  Uriah gambits were unpleasant… but if he could kill two birds with one stone, he would, and he wouldn’t feel bad about it.  “What kind of air power are we looking at?”
“Significant,” said a comm. tech who was flipping through different news programs.  “They seem to have biologically based technology of some kind, weaponry is mainly energy-based, propulsion… unclear.”
Wonderful.  Fury scanned the other screens, trying to get a better picture of what, exactly, was happening in New York.  What tactics the enemy was using, what numbers they had, what resistance had been put up so far and by whom. 
“Sir,” said Agent Hill.  “The council is on.”
The council.  The same one Coulson had just told him was infiltrated by HYDRA.  The same one that would probably find a way to make their present situation all the more untenable and Fury’s day infinitely worse. 
It was a pity he couldn’t ignore them. 
“Put them on.”
Pandora hissed at the sting of the enemies’ weapons.  They were not ectoblasts, no, but there was the taste of something like magic to them, and energy was energy.  Still, they were not enough to damage her unduly, although they might prove troublesome, dangerously so, for the weaker ghosts of their force. 
But that was the nature of war.  Few battles were won without bloodshed. 
Her warriors should otherwise be a match for the chitauri.  The chitauri had numbers, doubtlessly, but her warriors had experience.  And once Frostbite and Dorathea lead their forces onto the battlefield, well… She could not estimate the number of enemies.  She had been told that they came from the stars, and those lands were numerous to the point of being innumerable.  Even so, there was a limit to passage through a choke point, and even the stars themselves may not turn things in the favor of a commander caught in one, no matter their numbers. 
But the ghosts, too, must pass through a portal.  Pandora eyed the slight waver in the portal’s outline with disfavor.  She was no expert in such matters, but many years of existence had given her some intuition for how portals should behave.  This one was stable enough, but not for long. 
All the more reason to resolve things quickly. 
“Hunter,” she said. 
“What?” snapped the mechanical man, the burnished plates of his armor flashing in the Sun. 
“Your task.  Find Phantom.  Free him from whatever compulsion he is under.”  Although Phantom still had much to learn, he was undeniably powerful.  Returning him to his proper allegiance would
Skulker looked away from the beast he was dismembering with some reluctance.  “Fine.  Dog.  Come here.”
The dog ignored him.  As it was Phantom’s, and Skulker hadn’t made the effort to learn its name, that was really no surprise.  Still, Skulker gestured at it.  It, in turn, bounded away, yipping.
“Are you, or are you not, the greatest hunter in the Infinite Realms?  Find him with or without the dog.”
Skulker grumbled but flew off.  Good. 
Pandora manifested a joint in her neck just long enough to crack it and drummed her fingers on the lid of her box.  It had been too long, far too long, since she had engaged in a proper battle against evil, and the more vicious of the leviathans flying through the air looked like they would, at least, give her a challenge. 
Thor had become more open-minded since his short stay on Earth, with Dr. Selvig, Darcy, and… Dr. Jane Foster.  Truly.  But he had to admit, these ghosts were unnerving.  Too similar by far to the draugr that had ofttimes haunted the stories of bards – the ones that made his father glare and try to shoo away both Thor and Loki. 
He had to find his brother.  Soon.  With all that had happened, with how, exactly, Loki had behaved, he believed, truly believed Daniel Fenton’s assertion Loki was being controlled, somehow. 
It was a foul thing, to put such a geas on a prince of Asgard…  Although, to be fair, putting a geas on anyone was foul.  It just seemed especially foul to Thor, that someone should do it to his brother. 
Loki had, perhaps, never been quite so good as one might hope, but he had always been… himself, as vague as that description was.  Even when he’d been consumed by madness, letting jotnar into Asgard, sending the Destroyer after people on Earth, he had still been himself.
Thor did not like this new version of Loki, who was very much…  It was like seeing his brother through a warped pane of glass, or in a reflection.  In fact, he liked it so little that he couldn’t even enjoy the utter destruction he was wrecking on the chitauri, lightning, head-crushing, and all.  Not that he had been enjoying combat quite as much as he once did in general.
The price of being worthy, he presumed. 
A bright green flying dog whipped past him at speed, heading towards the tower.  He narrowed his eyes at it.  Most of the ghosts had stayed concentrated around the portals.  What cause had this one to stray?
But he could not go investigate.  He could still hear the screams of the civilians cornered in the buildings nearby.  He would not leave them to fend for themselves until he had cleared this street. 
Danny and Loki would both have preferred to use the elevators.  Unfortunately, significant parts of the main upper elevator shaft had been repurposed for extension-cable-from-hell-powering-up-a-doomsday-device purposes, and no one wanted to mess with that, and the military-type guys they still had with them recommended shutting them off from a tactical perspective of ‘there’s more of them then there are of us, and we don’t want to guard them all.’  So.  No elevators. 
Danny could have just dropped them through the floor instead, but Loki seemed concerned about the effect serially dropping through floors had on Danny. 
Or, well, the effect that the effect it had on Danny was having on him, in any case. 
“I refuse to get stuck in a ceiling again.  I am a god.  I am to be treated with some degree of gravitas.”
“It was one time.  You should’ve seen what I was like when I first got my powers.”
“And how long ago was that?”
“Year and a half ago, about.”
Anyway, they were taking the stairs.  Danny wasn’t really upset about it, because it gave him more time to be annoying.  Right now, he was in the midst of a recital of all the ‘annoying younger sibling’ noises he had ever made.  Right now, he was working on ‘long drawn out sighs,’ which had really been a hit with Jazz, when he’d been eight.  Which was to say, she hated them.  A lot. 
And Loki didn’t seem to a have a lot of tolerance, either. 
“What,” he snapped, “are you doing?”
“Nothing,” said Danny, enjoying the way Loki’s face pinched up, as if he were searching for a way to order him to stop without really screwing up his other orders…
… speaking of which, could Danny have interpreted ‘get me out of here’ to mean ‘get me out of New York?’  Maybe.  But at this point, there were plenty of reasons to want them both in New York, including-- 
Danny’s train of thought derailed as he noticed the sound of footsteps echoing up the stairwell.  He looked down and then threw himself backwards as a redheaded woman – Romanov – brought a gun to bear on him.  She fired, twice, in quick succession.  Wow.  Rude.  And pretty brutal, too, but then again, New York was being invaded by aliens.  And she knew about his powers. 
(Hecking Fury, telling people about his powers.)
Although, considering trajectories… no, he was too sleep deprived to consider trajectories. 
He grabbed Loki’s arm, intending to drop them through the floor. 
“No, wait,” said Loki.  “Let’s see what the Widow wants.”  There was a malicious, almost cruel, edge to his voice, but there was a hollowness underneath it.  He did want to see why Black Widow, Natasha Romanov, was here, but the tone, the phrasing, was just to rile her up. 
Or to appear as if he wanted to rile her up.  Danny hadn’t listened to all the things Barton and Loki had discussed – too busy freaking out about the whole situation vis a vis mind control and alien invasions – but he hadn’t gotten the impression she was all that easy to rile up. 
But Danny had his orders.  And he still had to defend Loki.  Ice began to spread out from under his feet.  It was a bit sluggish, but it would give him the terrain advantage as far as maneuvers went.  The Widow kicked open the door on her landing and rolled out, into the floor beyond, staying more or less out of direct line of fire for both Danny and Loki. 
“I have eyes on Loki,” she said, out loud. 
“Crap,” said Tony, tossing the box to the Foley kid.  “Sorry, got to go, but hey!”  He was already heading for the edge of the roof.  “Maybe we won’t even need that if we do this right!”
Black Widow definitely been looking for them, which wasn’t surprising, but what was she carrying?  The bag was bulky and angular.  A weapon?  If so, why hadn’t she used it? 
Loki stepped out past Danny but stayed well within Danny’s ability to grab – or drop through the floor, if necessary.  Making the floor intangible instead was a valid strategy. 
“What is it you want, Widow?  Natasha Romanov?”
Romanov, meanwhile, had disappeared, almost as thoroughly as Danny could.  He tilted his head to one side, listening.  This floor, it seemed, had been imagined as semi-open lab space.  There were long work benches, empty places for equipment, some kind of robotic arm in the ceiling, and a cart full of plastic-wrapped computers, monitors and towers together. 
It was kind of cool.  There were a lot of places to hide. 
“Is this… revenge?  For Barton?”  Loki’s smile was sharp.  “He told me much about you, and I suppose Stark mentioned avenging this place.”  Two false images split off from Loki to prowl among the lab tables.  “It suits you better than it does him.  But don’t you think it somewhat… hypocritical?”
“Okay, Romanov, here’s how it is.  Loki likes illusions?  Let’s give him an illusion.”
Danny saw a flash of red out of the corner of his eye and angled himself to intercept, but no attack came. 
“After all… you’ve done so much… so much that others would be more than justified retaliating for, don’t you think?  All those regime changes, shall we call them?  And Barton’s no better, really.”  He hummed.  “The things you two did together.  Drakov’s daughter?  Sāo Paulo?  The hospital fire?  And you think taking vengeance on me will change anything?  You think it will make you some sort of hero?  Give you peace?  When you—”
One of the doors flew open, revealing Iron Man.  Who plowed through one fake Loki (Faki?  Fauki?  Fauxki?  Meh, he’d workshop it.) and swerved to shoot one of his repulsors at another.  Romanov popped up from behind a table and threw something at the feet of the real Loki, who crushed it with his heel, ignoring the sparks of electricity that flew up off of it. 
Danny batted Romanov back with a shield, straight into the cart of computers, which fell down on her.  Ouch.  But she’d be able to get back up and into the fight.  The important thing was that, right now, she wasn’t an immediate threat, which meant he could ignore her. 
Give her time. 
If she hadn’t wanted something, she would have run, kept hiding.  Just these few minutes – She was a shield agent, sure, but she had to have some kind of specialty in—
Anti-ghost missiles were a lot harder to avoid in such a small place, especially when distracted.  Danny hissed as one impacted his shoulder and splattered green all over his shirt, but he caught the next, and threw it back at Iron Man.  He tried to phase off the green goo, but it wouldn’t go.  It had to be some of that phase-proof stuff his parents had been working on.  Nasty stuff. 
Although, he had to be grateful it had only given him a bruise and hadn’t been mixed with something that would melt him.  It gave him hope for his future relationship with his parents. 
In the meantime, it definitely limited his options regarding protecting Loki and just removing themselves from the situation without getting into more destructive behavior. 
He hoped Iron Man knew what he was doing… for everyone’s sake. 
The missile exploded right in front of Iron Man’s mask, splattering him with green goo.  Danny had no idea what kind of sensor array he had, but that would probably buy at least a little time as he adjusted it to compensate for the eye-holes of his mask being covered up. 
He turned back to Loki, only to see another Iron Man grab the staff from him. 
Only for that Loki and that staff to dissolve into the air. 
Loki, the real Loki, stopped being invisible and laughed.  “Oh, that was good, that was very good.”  Not only was this Loki real, his smile might have been as well.  “But you didn’t think you could fool me, did you?”
Danny flicked invisible, noting with disfavor that the green goo stayed visible when he did so, and moved closer to Loki, fending off attacks.  Two Iron Men – Where did the second person come from?  Was it Barton, in a suit?  Someone else entirely?  The War Machine person?  Danny couldn’t remember his name.  – and Romanov together was a bit of a challenge for Danny to keep track of, given his present mental state. 
Luckily, however, one of the two suits, the first one, didn’t seem to have nearly the tactical awareness of the other.  He’d say it was Stark in the second suit, the fresher-looking one… the one without any form of ghost proofing Danny could detect. 
Danny swiped an intangible arm through the suit, cleaving through delicate wires as he did so, but leaving warm, human flesh untouched.  Several pieces of armor fell away, revealing a band t-shirt, but not the whole thing.  Interesting. 
Romanov threw a Fenton Ghost Zapper at him.  Loki knocked it out of the air, the sharp end of the scepter cutting it in two as he did so.  Iron Man – the one he was pretty sure was Tony Stark – tried to grab it again, even as Loki pivoted to try and catch Black Widow with it.  Danny used that as a pretext to pull Loki back, away from Black Widow.  They did not need her under control.  Nope. 
But… they wanted the staff.  They wanted the staff now. 
Selvig must have gotten knocked free.  He must have told them, one of them, about his safeguards. 
If one of these three could get the staff, get back to the top of the tower…  Then it would be over.  They’d have won. 
“Director Fury, the council has made a decision.”
Fury flexed his fingers behind his back.  “I recognize the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid ass decision, I've elected to ignore it.”  It’s what he’d say if he hadn’t learned what he’d just learned.  If HYDRA wasn��t threaded through every element of SHIELD like a deadly parasite.  If this sounded more like a simple fear-driven overreaction and less like a way to destroy one of HYDRAs most famous enemies and his new and very powerful allies? 
“Director, despite your shocking negligence, bordering on dereliction, you’re closer than any of our subs.  You scramble that jet—”
“That is the island of Manhattan, councilman.”  Although considering that HYDRA, in the person of Red Skull, had tried to blow it up in the past, he wasn’t sure that would sway them.  Until I’m certain my team can’t hold them—”
“There are two armies of alien origin, emerging from portals above that island.  If we don’t—”
“I will not order a nuclear strike against a civilian population, much less the densest population in the United States.  And the other army is an ally.”
“Based on what intelligence?  Based on what invitation?  That of someone already suborned by Loki?”
“If we don’t hold them in the air,” added another councilmember, “we lose.  We lose everything.”
“If I send that bird out, we already have.”
“Director Fury is no longer in command.  Override order, seven, alpha, eleven.”
“Sorry, sir,” said the pilot, who had just taken his seat.  He watched with some trepidation as Agent Coulson led a pair of his colleagues away.  This was all very irregular.  “I’m not familiar with that code.”
There was a pause.  “What’s your name, son?”
Cujo frolicked through the city.  It was loud, yes, but nothing he hadn’t been in training for while alive, and nothing he hadn’t experienced while dead.  So, a non-issue, obviously. 
The actual issue?  His person had just thrown a stick.  Obviously, Cujo had to go fetch it. 
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avatar-anna · 2 years
Hi ☺️ you can write something where yn is also Harry's guitarist, and they have feelings for each other but are afraid to admit it. And the reader always thought she wasn't his type either.
i...had no idea where this was gonna go. it's not really what you asked for, but i'm sure these two will get there eventually. enjoy!!
Harry was a nice enough guy, but he was driving you insane.
You were hired as a guitarist for Harry Styles' Love On Tour, and while you were picked out of a long list of guitarists for your talent and extensive resume, your boss seemed to think you couldn't fill the shoes left behind by the guy you replaced. Apparently he recently had a baby and he and his wife, the drummer, were both taking some time off to take care of the little guy.
You knew you were talented, you wouldn't have gotten this job if you weren't, but Mitch, the usual lead guitarist for Harry's band, must've been a god or something on the guitar because during rehearsals, Mitch was all Harry could talk about. "Mitch usually does this," he would say, or "Mitch doesn't play like that," or "Well, Mitch actually..."
Harry brought up Mitch while you tried to play—key word tried because Harry barely let you play any chords before he had a correction—that you began to dislike the man in question, and you'd never even met him! You'd never been so tense or annoyed while playing before, but Harry just couldn't seem to leave you alone, so much so that the other members of his band had taken notice.
"Don't take it too personally," Pauli said after a particularly excruciating rehearsal. "Mitch is Harry's best friend. I think he just feels weird having to perform without him and he's taking it out on you."
That was fine, you could understand missing someone who made you comfortable onstage, but Harry was making you uncomfortable, which caused you to underperform, which caused him to nitpick even more.
"I don't understand why he hired me if he doesn't like the way I play," you said into your phone. You were on your daily rant phone call to your mom before you left for rehearsals, something that was necessary so you wouldn't bite anyone's head off and get fired.
"It's nice that he cares so much, though," your mother said, always looking for the bright side. She'd been your number one supporter from the moment you'd set your sights on becoming a professional guitarist. And she was undeniably a Harry Styles fan.
"Maybe, but maybe he cares a little too much," you replied, running a hand through your hair. "I mean, no offense to this Mitch guy, but I could probably play circles around him."
"Very humble of you, Y/n," your mother deadpanned.
"But I'm not wrong."
You were classically trained on the Spanish guitar as well as a standard acoustic or electric guitar, having started out at a young age. Playing was your lifeblood, the thing that made you feel the most in tune with yourself. Mitch was more than likely a great guy, and probably a fantastic guitarist. You didn't mean to sound cocky, but you were so frustrated by Harry's inherent lack of belief in your talent that you almost had to say you were better out loud before you started to doubt yourself, something you'd never done before.
"Maybe. But show them that. Make him stop questioning you."
"That's probably unlikely," you muttered, but you kept her advice in your back pocket. Looking at your watch, you cursed. "Shit. I gotta go, Mom. I'll talk to you later."
"Kick some ass, sweetie!" she said, and with that, she was gone.
You sped over to the rehearsal space, not needing Harry to tell you that Mitch would never be late for rehearsal. Thankfully, you weren't the last person to show up, so you were in the clear. For now.
You walked over to Pauli and Paige, a new hire like you. Apparently dating co-workers was allowed in Harry Styles' world, not that you'd be doing that. Everyone was nice—including Harry when he wasn't breathing down your neck—but you weren't interested in a relationship while touring. If something were to go wrong, it would only make things awkward. But you took comfort in the fact that if you did, Harry couldn't say anything about it, because Mitch had done it, and anything Mitch said or did was gospel.
"Ready for another day of fun?" Paige asked sarcastically. She'd also been a recipient of Harry's nitpicking, but it wasn't as bad.
"Aw, come on you guys, H is just a perfectionist," Pauli reasoned.
You were careful to look around before saying anything that would possibly get you in trouble with the subject of your conversation. And even when you saw that the coast was clear, you kept your voice down. "So am I, but you don't see me telling anyone how to do their job."
Rehearsals started soon after, and things went surprisingly smooth. Harry only had a couple of corrections, all of which you took with a grain of salt, but he was pretty mellow today.
Until you got to 'She.'
"I don't know guys, it doesn't feel right to do it without Mitch," Harry said, playing with the guitar strap around his neck.
"Oh, but it's such a vibe, H!" Ny'Oh said. "The fans love that one."
You'd heard the song before. You'd listened to all of Harry's music before applying for this job. It was a good song, a great one even, with an awesome guitar solo, performed by the man, the myth, the legend Mitch Rowland himself. It was probably why Harry didn't want to perform it. Or better yet, he didn't want you to perform it.
"But Mitch always does the solo," he replied, still unsure.
You held back an eyeroll. Of course Mitch always performed it, he was the lead guitarist and recorded the guitar solo on the original track. But that didn't mean he was the only one who could do it.
"I can do it," you said. You normally kept quiet during rehearsal, but you wanted to prove yourself to Harry. You were sick of him underestimating you.
Not once had he complimented your work during rehearsals. You made corrections, you did things the way Harry preferred, and you played well, but anytime you did any of that, he couldn't just say, "Good job," or "Nice work." He just made suggestion after suggestion, and you wanted him to realize that while you weren't the almighty Mitch, you were just as good, if not better in your (humble) opinion.
"I'm sure you can, Y/n, it's just a really complicated solo, and I don't want to overwhelm you on your first tour with us. Mitch put a lot of passion into—"
"Can we just try?" you interrupted, trying not to sound as frustrated as you felt. If he didn't let you do this, you were seriously considering quitting. There was only so much of his condescension you could take.
Harry looked unsure, but he eventually agreed. And even then, it felt like he was just amusing you, like he'd already made up his mind.
You decided then and there that this would be the performance of your life. Not in front of tens of thousands of people, not in front of screaming fans and spectators, not even at an actual show. No, the defining moment of your career was about to be during a tour rehearsal for a man who didn't think you could live up to his expectations. What a surprise.
The song started, and you followed along. As you slowly approached the big solo, Pauli gave you a thumbs up, mouthing "You got this!" from his place behind his keyboard. And when your time to shine finally arrived, you were flawless.
You were better than flawless. Your fingers moved along the fretboard with ease and worked the strings masterfully. With each chord you played, you drifted further and further away from the rehearsal space. And you had to give credit where credit was due too. The guitar solo Mitch created helped to transport you to that other plane of existence. It was idyllic and gritty required a certain amount of focus, but you were more than up to the task. Playing this solo and forgetting about everything that had been bothering you reminded you why you took this job in the first place. To play music. To play good music. The rest almost seemed worth it if it meant you could play this solo every night.
By the time the song slowly trickled to an end, you were nearly out of breath from how intensely you played for the last few minutes. Your fingers ached despite your calluses and your cheeks were undoubtedly flushed, but you felt good. Satisfied with your performance of the song.
The rehearsal space was dead silent, and you couldn't tell whether it was good silence or bad silence. You'd changed up the solo just the tiniest bit, like an artist leaving a signature on a painting. If you were going to be doing this solo on tour, you had to do it your way. You weren't Mitch, no matter how much Harry wanted you to be. But it honestly wasn't a lot, hardly even noticeable, but you were sure Harry noticed.
Speaking of, you looked over at him to gauge his reaction, and dare you say he looked...impressed? His eyes were wide, like he was seeing you for the first time, his hands frozen on his guitar, fingers positioned on the last chord of 'She.'
"So...it was okay?" you asked, letting yourself smile a little. You knew it was better than okay, but it didn't matter what you thought, the only opinion that mattered was Harry's, and he'd yet to say anything. No one had.
He finally seemed to return to himself and ran a hand through his hair. "Well, um, Mitch normally walks around the stage a little more, but—"
"Oh my God," you muttered in disbelief. You slipped your guitar from around your shoulders and moved to put it in its case.
This was never going to end. No matter what you did, no matter how you played, you would never be good enough in his eyes, and you didn't need to go out of your way to prove yourself to someone who wasn't willing to change your mind. You knew you were good, and you knew you could find work elsewhere.
"I'm out. I'm sorry it's last minute, but I—I can't. I can't work like this," you said, making eye contact with everyone but Harry. Paige looked sad to see you go, but there was sympathy there too.
When Harry didn't try to stop you, you picked up your guitar case and walked towards the rehearsal space's exit. Harry's manager was there, and he tried to stop you, but you weren't willing to listen to anyone at the moment.
"You don't have to pay me or anything. It's fine. I just can't work with him. I'm sorry." And then you were walking out to your car.
You were right, you did find work quickly.
It was to help record for an album and not touring across the United States, but hey, work was work, and the artist you were helping appreciated and recognized your talent. They even asked you for advice on how to improve.
You were at home after another day of recording, watching a nature documentary while you crocheted a sweater for your mom. If you timed it right, it would be done by Christmas. You were finishing a carrot nose on a snowman when there was a knock on your door. You didn't answer at first, figuring it was just a package delivery, but when there was another knock, you went to go see who it was.
"What do you want?" you asked, not even trying to hide the annoyance in your voice.
Harry had the decency to look sheepish. He scratched the back of his neck, his shirt lifting to reveal a sliver of skin. "I've come to apologize."
"Apology not accepted. Now if you'll excuse me I would rather be doing literally anything else than having this conversation," you said, trying to close the door, but Harry put a hand out to stop it from shutting in his face.
"Okay, I know I was...difficult, but can we please be civil?" he said, not appreciating your dry tone.
"Difficult?" you scoffed. "Passing kidney stones is difficult. Math is difficult. You...You're impossible!"
You never said anything to Harry because you didn't want to cause a scene in front of the rest of the band and you technically worked for him, but there was no one around, and you didn't work for him anymore.
"I realize that I set impossible standards and shouldn't have been comparing you to Mitch," he said, cheeks flushed from being labeled "impossible." "I shouldn't have done that, so I'm sorry. And...you really are an amazing guitarist. I'm sorry if it felt that I was harping too much. I've been having a hard time accepting that Mitch won't be on tour with me this time around, but it wasn't right to put that on you."
Well that was an understatement, but at least he realized he'd been asking you to do the impossible, which was basically to become someone else. Still, you wanted to get under his skin the way he'd gotten under yours these past few weeks.
"How long did it take you to prepare that?" you asked. You were the one being difficult now, and you had to admit, it felt very satisfying.
Harry frowned. "I didn't prepare anything."
You grinned, noticing the way he wouldn't meet your eyes. Crossing your arms, you said, "So you tracked me down all the way to my house by yourself to apologize? This has nothing to do with the fact that you're going on tour in less than two weeks and have yet to find a replacement?"
Paige had been texting you updates on rehearsals since you quit. Apparently Harry had been worse with all the new people his manager brought in to play with them.
Crossing his arms like you'd done, Harry looked at you, his height causing him to look down just a little. "You're not as charming as you think you are."
"Oh, I'm not trying to be charming. You couldn't handle my charm," you said before you could stop yourself. Where the hell did that come from?
A smile flickered at the corner of Harry's mouth. "I could handle you just fine."
You craned your neck to look at him. When did he get so close? And when did your breathing become shallow? Was this going where you thought it was?
Harry stepped over the threshold of your door, and you let him, mouth dry as the door fell shut. He rested his hand on the side of your face and held you there. Too busy loathing him, you didn't realize how piercing his stare could be, or how sharp his jaw was, or how pink his lips were. You were suddenly very hot.
Finding a semblance of composure, you swallowed and said, "I'm not so sure. I can be a very harsh critic too, you know."
Your eyes flicked down below his belted jeans pointedly. When your gaze returned to his face, Harry's expression grew hard, but you were pretty sure that wasn't the only thing that was hard.
"You're a real brat, you know that?"
You shrugged. "You gonna do something about it?"
You could not believe where this was heading. When you answered the door, you wanted to slam it in Harry's face, part of you still did. But you were under some kind of spell. It had to be his cologne, or his eyes, something. Something was making you act this way, despite the fact that you found him extremely irritating.
"I have a couple things in mind, but—What are you doing?"
You weren't really sure, but you were going with it. You'd sunk down to your knees and had begun to work his belt undone. Quickly, you met his eyes to make sure this was all okay, and when he nodded, you continued to undress him while he continued to speak.
"I—I've been told I have to—shit," he hissed. "I have to get you to come back and go on tour with us."
You'd finally gotten his jeans off completely, and the cool air surprised him. Sitting back on your heels, you looked back up at him innocently. "Okay."
Harry had been distracted by your hands, which had begun to explore. But when you caved easily, he peeked an eye open. "Okay? That's it?"
Shrugging, you said, "Sure, I just have to hear you say it."
"Say what?" he asked, but you had a feeling that he would do just about anything you said right about now.
"I'll come back and go on tour with you if you say, out loud, that I'm better than him."
He'd gone back to closing his eyes, enjoying the feeling of your hands, but you stopped to get his focus back. "Better than who?"
"Better than Mitch. If you tell me right now that I'm a better guitarist than him, I'll come back."
Harry glared at you, but you just shrugged again. "Up to you," you said simply.
He took his time, debating whether what he was feeling was worth saying what you wanted him to say. He'd unwittingly walked into a trap, though you only planned it when he stepped inside your home. He didn't even have to mean it, you just wanted to hear him say it.
Pulling your phone out, you began to scroll, letting him know you weren't particularly bothered by his current predicament, and that wasn't just referring to the tour.
Finally, horniness won out, and he muttered, "Fine."
He agreed, but he hadn't actually said anything. "I'm waiting."
"Fucking brat," he muttered under his breath. "You're a better guitarist than Mitch. There. Happy?"
"Very," you said. "Especially since I can listen to you say it over and over again."
You were scrolling on your phone, but only to find your voice recorder app. The second he said he would do it, you hit record. And just to rub salt in the wound, you hit the "play" button.
"You're a better guitarist than Mitch. There. Happy?"
Smiling, you shut your phone off and slid it in your back pocket. "I think I'm gonna make that my ringtone."
Done with your games, Harry reached down to hold your hair in his hand. "Are we doing this or not?"
You shrugged. "Sure. Why not."
Just like you predicted, he glared at you even more, but that didn't stop him from urging you on, guiding your head with the hand holding your hair. You were sure he hated that you couldn't be assed whether you hooked up with him or not. He seemed like the type that needed to be praised in bed, but you weren't about to give him any kind of satisfaction. Well, not any verbal satisfaction.
"I think we're going to have a lot of fun on this tour, you and I," he said through gritted teeth when you eventually gave in.
You hummed noncommitally, trying to appear like you didn't really care. But you did. Harry was an ass and had expressed some diva-like behavior, but it would be fun to push his buttons and see how far his limits actually went.
Maybe touring with him wouldn't be so bad after all.
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15minlatewithbatbucks · 7 months
no choice but to love you pt. 7
“This is Bruce Wayne. Bruce, this is Timothy,” Janet introduced. Now that the two of them were in such close proximity, the similarities in their features were even more undeniable. It made something in her chest ache. To Tim, she explained again, “Yes, he’s your father.”
Janet gently tugged him over to the small sofa in the corner of the massive office. Behind her, Bruce slid out from behind his desk to slowly approach, eyes still glued to his newly discovered firstborn. Tim seemed similarly unable to stop staring as his mother settled him on the leather seat, leaning around her to keep an eye on Bruce.
She didn’t bother scolding either of them for staring. Instead, she dropped her tote next to the coffee table and began to search through it.
“You have the same hair as me,” Tim said and tugged one of his own black locks to emphasize his point. Bruce grinned, the corners of his eyes crinkling with the force of his delight. Tim’s hair was a little shaggy, but acceptable by Janet’s standards. He didn’t care for haircuts.
“I think you have that backwards, sweetie,” she said and fished out a 64 pack of crayons (with a built in sharpener). She set them on the table and also pulled out a selection of coloring books. “I hope you don’t mind Tim coloring, Bruce.”
“Not at all.”
“But I had this hair first,” Tim argued, still perplexed. He was quickly distracted by the choices set out for his perusal. “Mom, can I have the dinosaur one?”
Janet held up two choices, both featuring dinosaurs for Tim’s careful judgment. After a moment, he selected the one with a stegosaurus on the cover. He then proceeded to completely ignore the two adults in the room, cracking open the box of crayons and getting to work. Janet smiled a little and finally turned to face Bruce.
“He can be a little shy,” she explained, reaching over to rest her hand on Tim’s head. “He’ll warm up, I promise.”
“No worries,” Bruce said easily. His grin settled Janet’s nerves even further. Ever since the adoption of one Richard Grayson, no one in Gotham was fool enough to accuse Bruce of not liking kids.
(Or of like them too much. The first time someone implied any such thing about Dick, the man won a broken nose from an enraged Bruce. Janet remembered laughing with Jack over the whole thing, saying the man had a brass set and no brain to say such a thing to his face.)
She dropped her hand and drew Bruce across the office. “So… what now?”
“Now we start working out the details,” he said, gaze sliding right back to where Tim was hunched over his coloring book and intermittently blowing his hair out of his face. “We should at least discuss custody and probably make a plan to introduce Tim to my boys. I talked with Jason yesterday. He was excited to get a new little brother.”
“Right.” Little brother. Tim was joining a family. Tim was going to be the baby of their family for the few weeks until Talia gave birth. “Well, I’ve been looking at apartments, but I likely won’t be moving for another month or two. I thought that when I was more settled, maybe I could take him sometimes.”
“I’ll have primary physical custody?” Bruce clarified and she nodded.
“I want him to have a stable home,” she said. “I’m planning on sticking around now, but maybe in a few years I can start to travel again. Gotham is my home, but… the world is so big and I want to see it all even without Jack’s anthropology connections. I also need to start looking for a job now, I guess.”
Bruce didn’t extend Talia’s generous offer of membership in her harem.
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just-an-anon-reader · 2 years
Heya there! I've been loving your blog for a while and I finally came up with the corauge to make a request! ^^ What about the rottmnt boys (Donie, Leo, Raph and Mikey) with a fem!reader that has just this
✨GenZ Energy✨
Like she makes a lot of self depricating jokes and has got dark humor.
I just kinda wanna see how they will react to this kind of reader xd
Also don't forget to take care of yourself and to not overwork! Have a nice day/night! ;)
Random Girlfriend Moments
Summary: The turts do the opposite of laugh
Invites you for a cuddle sesh in his room. Because he misses you even when you both hung out yesterday. 
Heart eyes when he walks in with snacks in hand to you sitting on his bed reading his comic collection. 
You caught him grinning. You knew that look. 
"What are you up to?" 
"Nothing, just thinking that my girlfriend is beautiful." 
"Really? What does she look like."
Starts high-key comparing you to a pepperoni pizza. Which is low-key high praise coming from him. 
He wanted to hear your cute giggle when you get shy, but instead... 
 "That's her? She sounds ugly. You got some low standards, Leo." 
The furrow between his eyebrows when he frowned could almost compete with Raph's. It was cute. 
"Not funny." 
Was pulling his 6th all-nighter, working on a weapon upgrade for his bo-staff. 
Worried for your boyfriend, you came over with pizza and calming tea in hand. He didn't even hear you knock. 
Completely ignores your efforts to get his attention and eat. 
"The beta stage is complete! All that's left is to test out its durability in battle and see its adverse effects on opponents!" 
"Why don't you test it on me and get it over with?" 
...That got his attention. 
"It's going to hurt."
"No pain, no gain." 
"What if you collapse?"
"The best sleep of my life."
"Darling, I know this is completely out of my character and I definitely will not be doing this again, but, do you need a hug?"
"I need you to eat and sleep."
You begged asked him to teach you how to ride a skateboard. 
He would've been fine teaching you if you weren't so adamant about learning on the ramp inside the lair
Like, have you SEEN it!?
It DEFINITELY does not pass safety standards. 
But you pulled out your trump card...the ✨puppy eyes✨, and he couldn't say no to that. 
So now, he was sweating bullets CANONS with how nervous he was with you on top of the ramp. 
His brothers sat at the bottom, making bets. Finding the prospect of you falling flat on your face is far more entertaining than playing video games.
"Do it! Do it! Do it!"
"Stop encouraging her! This is serious!" 
"She's gonna be fine." 
"Babe, it's gonna be awesome! Who knows, maybe falling on my face might make me prettier." 
Let's just say that he refuses to teach you how to skateboard after that. 
To him, were nothing short of an angel.
 Everything little thing about you, he finds so aesthetically pleasing no matter what you said or did.
You would've had bed hair and drool on your chin, and he'd look at you with the anime glitter filter on. 
As such, anyone who dares insult your beauty would have to go through him and his razzmatazz. Even you. 
"Babe, how are you so pretty?" 
"Pretty ugly if you ask me." 
Dr. Feelings was more than ready to sit you down and give a 10-hour presentation on how you were not ugly. 
"Sweetie it's a joke."
"Oh, are you saying you're a joke now? Well, let's talk about that." 
2 hours in and you were already numb from the waist down sitting in one spot. 
He wasn't finished though. 
Never again... 
P.S: Hello everyone~ it's been a while and I'm really sorry about the slow updates. Finals are coming up and I just wanted to take a break and write something fun. So I hope you guys enjoy this short one!!
P.P.S: this is my first time using hdcs and I'm pretty sure I did it wrong -w-
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Liveblogging Man Suang
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First things first - outrage at Not-Mile who dares put his hands on Apo. Who the fuck do you think you- oh good, he's dead. Though, this is obviously something Khem expects and is used to. The touching, not the murder.
Wan, leave that knife in. Wan, don't take that knife out. Okaaaay, he took the knife out. Khem, at least don't be holding the murder weapon when- *sigh* never mind. Jesus fuck, Khem and Wan are not the sharpest crayons in the box, are they?
"You were caught red handed next to my nephew's body!" Only literally! I mean, technically correct. And in this instance, not the best kind of correct. :(
I love the costuming
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Ohh hellooooo. Also, girrrl what are YOU doing at the devil's sacrament?
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You met him thirty seconds ago and you're already showing him your pussy? Chatra, you slut.
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Hey. HEY! Lord Not-Chatra. Stop looking at him like that. I swear, Khem is to higher-social-standing men like Will Graham is to serial killers. Where's the Chesapeake Chatra when you need him?
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Montage time!
Khem. Sweetie. Honey. You need to be more subtle if you're going to be a spy....
Apo is so pretty when he cries. 😭
YEAH YOU TELL HIM KHEM! Calling out the double standards! Also, that dude is totes jealous he didn't catch Lord Not-Chatra's attention...
Chatra gives you one warning and then it's a FIST TO THE FACE.
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Are they on a date? They're totally on a date.
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This is a very important secret. So I'm telling you, a guy I've spoken to four times, on our first date, at a table at the corner of an intersection with open doors and people all around. Very important. Top Secret.
I love the sheer disappointment and disbelief in Khem's voice. Khem: A treasure trove? Really? That's what you're going with? Chatra: Why are you laughing?
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Khem, you're such a hothead. You got into a KITE FIGHT. But it is a great excuse for Chatra to grope your waist. Well done.
At least Khem tells his secret up a tree and not on a LITERAL STREET CORNER.
Can't rid yourself of being a lowborn? *looks at the camera like it's The Office*
Me: I'm laughing with Khem cause a treasure map is stupid. Me five minutes later: wait, you bought that??? Chatra: Wait, he bought that? Oh man, this pretty idiot desperately needs my help...
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Me (And Chatra definitely): My god, look at his face transform into a smile... do it again! again!
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Khem: I have something to tell you... .... ... I've invited Chatra to join our missionWAN:ARE YOUFUCKING CRAZY???
I love the reconstruction sequence. That's some good storytelling.
HAHAHAHAHA "If you don't believe me, feel free to search my rooms!" Wan: Oh...I don't think that's nec- Chatra: DON'T MIND IF I DO. "Maybe you need to search me. I'll undress" Khem: NO THANK YOU WE'RE GOOD.
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Ok... do you think that's enough food for three people? I think we might need to get another table of food in here...
What.... what are you doing Chatra. Like... my man has to have a good reason to point a gun at Khem... but there are no good reasons to point a gun at Khem.... but my man has to have a good reason to....KHEM LET HIM EXPLAIN
Ahhh Hong, I knew he wasn't dead. I knew it! I did! Oooh an assassin's teapot. Nice.
Yeah, old man! I agree!
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Goddamned Apo is so goddamned pretty.
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Oh damn. Risking your life to save your friend... and ending up having to kill him yourself. What a gut punch.
Aww Chatra. I'm not crying, you're crying!
Where's the series? I need the series now! Where is ittttttt???? 😭😭😭😭😭 You can't leave my boys like this!! 😭😭😭
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