#but also we just walked 90 minutes to get back to the car
outsideratheart · 1 year
Goodbye, Hello (Alexia Putellas x reader)
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A/N: Chapter 4 of The Legacy Series. Now the story can really begin.
Ajax was home, the players and staff were your family yet as you stand in the tunnel at the stadium named after your father for the first time you cannot help but think that in another world that would have been the first of many. Oh how you wished he could see you play on the field that meant so much to him. Would he proud of you? You’d like to think so.
Meanwhile the players of Barcelona have a day off in Portland between their games for the WICC cup. They had naturally split into groups much like they do on any away trip but Alexia noticed something as she bumped into a couple of her team mates wandering the unfamiliar city; two were missing, Lieke and Aitana. As far as she was aware the two of them wasn’t close enough to do something together so it sparked her curiosity. The captain convinces Jenni, Leila, Mapi and Patri to go back to hotel to get them, she didn’t want them to waste their day in the hotel room. What she didn’t expect was to see Aitana walking the hallway donning a red & white football shirt. As she get closer to the young midfielder she recognises the Ajax shirt with your last name on.
“Aitana” Alexia voice makes her jump.
“What are you doing here”
It didn’t sound like a question and her face had the same expression a young child does when they’re caught doing something they shouldn’t.
“I could ask you the sa—“
“Aitana hurry up, it’s about to kick off”
The door opens to reveal Lieke wearing an identical shirt to Aitana.
“What is? Who’s playing?” Mapi asks slightly confused as to why her team mates would rather stay in the hotel instead of exploring.
“Ajax” Lieke says with a obvious tone whilst pointing to the badge on her shirt.
“And why are we watching Ajax?” Patri added.
Aitana and Lieke shared a look. What which said ‘We know something you don’t and we don’t know if we can tell you’.
The secret they had been keeping for the past couple of days would be sure to bring a smile to their captain’s face but you had sworn them to secrecy. Lieke only found out because she had visited you in Amsterdam before going back to Barcelona and your mum let it slip. Aitana found out straight from the horses mouth when she was invited to a Cruyff foundation event in Barcelona, imagine the shock when she saw you there. Afterwards you told her about your decision and she pinky promised that she wouldn’t tell a soul.
“She’s playing for them isn’t she?” The devastation in Alexia’s voice was clear. She truly thought that you had played your last game for Ajax and after your talk in Ibiza she was almost certain you would soon be a Barcelona player but now she had doubts.
Lieke only nodded in fear that she would let it slip if she were to open her mouth.
You walked proudly out of the tunnel as you wore the captain’s armband one last time. As you line up with the rest of the team you spot your mother, two brothers, sister-in-law, niece and nephew in the crowd. It takes every ounce of strength not to break there and then. The past couple of days had taken a lot out of you, tears included and up until this moment you thought you had no tears left to cry, oh how wrong you were.
After you shook hands with the Feyenoord captain you walk to your position. You were in the zone, that is until you hear the entire stadium break out into applause. When you turn around you see that both teams have left you to walk to the middle of the pitch alone. The fans were showing their appreciation and it was killing you. The game was a farewell and the fans knew it even though nothing official had been announced. It was set up as a friendly but it was also against Feyenoord, the club’s rival and it just so happened to be your favourite fixture of the season.
You really did enjoy the next 90 minutes and scoring at John Cruyff area will be something you would never forget. Truthfully, you wasn’t sure how to feel. Should you be happy for the career you have had at the club or should you be sad for leaving, the latter hit you like a tone of bricks.
Your coach calls you over to the sidelines where you see your family waiting. There was two frames shirts resting on stands. You joined the women’s team when it was first established in 2012 and you would leave being the highest capped player as well as the clubs top goal scorer, the two shirts represented these achievements.
Alexia couldn’t believe the scene unfolding on the screen in front on her.
“She’s leaving?” Alexia asked Lieke without taking her eyes of the screen, you had her full attention.
“What does it look like?”
The TV showed you sobbing in your brother arms. You and Alexia had talked about the difficulties that came with moving to Barcelona but she never once stopped to think about what it meant for you to leave Amsterdam.
“Are you crying?”
Alexia feels a tear fall down her cheek, one that she quickly wipes as she thinks Mapi is talking to her and she isn’t ready to be teased again.
“Lieke you’re crying”
She was in the clear. The Dutch woman was the one bound to be teased.
“You wouldn’t understand. You don’t know her like I do”
But I want to. This is what Alexia thinks but doesn’t say.
“Aitana’s going to lose her number” Jenni says.
“No I’m not. She’s already told me that she doesn’t want it” Aitana only realises what she had said when it’s too late.
This is enough pull Alexia’s attention from watching you give a speech, one which she doesn’t understand but still she hangs on every word.
“What do you mean she has already told you” Alexia questions her team mate who clearly knows more than what she’s leading on.
“I didn’t say that” Aitana wishes she could take it back.
“Yes you did. Y/N told you her decision didn’t she?”
“You’ll have to wait till Monday to find out” upon realising she was digging herself a deeper hole, Aitana comes up with an excuse to leave the room knowing had broken her promise without directly breaking her promise.
“Lieke?” Alexia changes tactics. If Aitana knew something, your best friend definitely did.
“You must have said something right in Ibiza”
She didn’t confirm it but she didn’t have to. It wasn’t like you and Alexia talked about you moving to Arsenal in detail that night. She wished that she could press fast forward on her life. It was only Friday, meaning still had three days before she would find out officially that you had chosen to follow in your father’s footsteps. In three days you would be announced as a Barcelona player, the Blaugrana shirt would once again have Cruyff on the back.
When Monday came around the team entered the facility with an extra pep in their step, all eyes glued to the locker room door. Every person that entered who wasn’t you was met with a look of disappointment. It is only when Lluis walks in does the elephant in the room get discussed.
“By the way your faces dropped when you saw it was me, I assume you know what is happening today or more appropriately who is signing for us today. Given what this means to the club the announcement will be made over at Camp Nou, not here”
“But then she’ll be coming here, right?” Alexia tried her best to mask her disappointment but failed miserably.
“Not today. She has media, several photoshoots and a meet & great at the stadium store”
Alexia knew that this wasn’t what you wanted. The club was making the most of having a Cruyff back at Barcelona and they didn’t stop the think the toll that it would have on you, it was a business at the end of the day.
Several hours later, training had finished for the day. Lieke was in the shower when her phone starting to ring, a call which she obviously missed yet the person of the other line didn’t give up. After the fifth missed call Alexia grabs the phone with the intention of giving it to the Dutch but she accidentally sees who the caller was.
Danny Cruyff 5 Missed Calls.
A small panic formed in her gut. Why was your mother calling Lieke and why was she so persistent. Had something happened to you?
That panic didn’t lessen when she handed the phone to Lieke whose face must have been a mirror to her own. She immediately calls your mother back.
“Hoi” “Natuurlijk” “Ik laat haar jou bellen”
Alexia’s Dutch was practically none existing. Lieke has tried teaching her some phrases during away games but the only things she could understand was hello which didn’t answer her unasked question; were you ok?.
“Is she ok?” Alexia asked. She didn’t need to say your name for Lieke to understand who she talking about.
“Apparently the press conference got a little bit out of hand. They were asked not to ask too many questions about Johan but there was one Marca journalist who didn’t stop pushing. Now Y/N won’t answer any of Jordi, Luuk or Danny’s calls. I said I’d go round to their house after I finish here”
“Are none of her family here with her?”
“No. Y/N knows what this will bring up for them and her so she asked them not to come but promised they could be at the first home game” Lieke pauses when she sees the look of worry on her captain’s face “Would you like to come with me?”
“To see her”
Alexia nods her head eagerly as a grin spreads from ear to ear.
Lieke asks that Alexia not mention the visit to the rest of the team but in the end it isn’t Alexia that lets it slip. Aitana can tell what the two of them are up to when the rush to pack up their things and leave without being noticed. The small spaniard asks if she can go with them as well only she says it a little too loud. Before Lieke has the chance to answer her, several other players ask to go with them. Their argument; you were now part of the team and this team always looks out for their own.
“She is going to hate this” Lieke says but still she agrees silently hoping that your habit of wanting to being alone in these moments is no longer a thing.
“I can tell them that they can’t come” Alexia is ready to do whatever is needed.
“No, let them come. Truth is I don’t know what to say to her. Maybe one of them can cheer her up” Lieke pointed to were Leila had Patri in a chokehold whilst Mapi filmed them for some reason.
Now you wouldn’t say you hated the house in Barcelona but there was a reason why you tended to stay in a hotel whenever you visited the city. It was the home your Mother and Father built, it has their presence everywhere whilst the house in Amsterdam was more your style. You had asked your mother if you couldn’t redecorate but she said no.
You were staring aimlessly in the garden when you heard the intercom go off letting you know someone was at the gate. Now it could be one of two people, your manager and Lieke, both of them knew the code so you were a bit hesitant as you looked at the security camera. It’s safe to say you didn’t expect who you saw but you let them in anyways.
Your mother raised to be a good host so you greated them at the door before they had the chance to knock or ring the bell. Looking in the mirror that was hung above the table in the foyer you hated how obvious it was that you had been crying but when you welcomed your team mates none of them mentioned it.
It seemed that you were having some kind of team night because they had brought Pizza which you wasn’t against. You hadn’t eaten all day and you wasn’t in the mood to cook.
“Call your mother” Lieke smacked you playfully before making herself at home. She knew where everything was so you left her to get plates, glasses and whatever else they needed.
Alexia stayed behind. A photo hanging on the wall having caught her attention. It was one of the family when your dad played his last game as Barcelona manager.
“It’s one of my favourite photos” your presence made her jump.
“Lo siento”
“Don’t be. I’m pretty sure Pina and Patri are trying to take a selfie with one of his shirts” You pointed to where the young players where subtly trying and family to take a photo with one of your dad’s framed Barcelona shirts.
“I’ll tell them to stop” Alexia tries to walk off but you pull her back.
“It’s ok” Truth is you liked that they were being appreciated, you barely gave them a second look.
For the next couple of hours, you and your new team mates sat in the garden eating pizza and telling all kind of football tales. You understood what Alexia meant when she said the team was a family. You had only been a Barcelona player for a few hours yet you already felt part the family. You knew the biggest challenges were yet to come but in this moment you knew you made the right decision.
It wasn’t necessarily late but the team had been at training all day and you could see the girls were getting tired. Lieke must have picked up on it too because she suggested they head home.
“Wait! Before we go” Patri stood up, a glass of water in hand “Welcome to Barcelona, to Y/N” everyone cheers in your honour “And to having a Cruyff back in Barcelona”
This didn’t get the same response from you but you knew that Patri was coming from a good place.
Alexia surprisingly offered to stay and back clean. The reason why is was surprising is because there was nothing left to clean, everyone had tidied up after themselves.
“We better get started because as you can see this place is a mess”
“Ok so maybe I didn’t stay to clean up”
“No” you say sarcasticly. Your tone causes Alexia to chuckle but it is more so to cover up her shyness.
“I thought maybe I could show you a few places, if you’re not too tired” Alexia never forgot the conversation you two shared that night in Ibiza and she fully intended to show you what the city had to offer, she wanted to show you her Barcelona.
Truth is you were exhausted mentally which made doing anything except from laying of the sofa a chore. Then again this is Alexia, you did want to get to know her more and you knew you wouldn’t get the chance to once the season started.
“Ok but I can’t be out too long. You may or may not have heard but I’ve just signed for a new team and I’d like to impress them at training tomorrow”
“I’m already impressed” Alexia whispers to herself.
Barcelona was a different city at time. The street were emptier but the city couldn’t be more alive. You may have done everything in your power to stay away from it but you could understand why it is loved by so many. You tried to look at the sights with a fresh set of eyes, you wanted to make new memories and tonight those would be made with Alexia.
“Is there anywhere you want to go?” Alexia asks as she bumps into your shoulder.
“Can we just walk for a bit” She nods her head and guides you down her favourite streets, shows you some of her favourite buildings and points out a few restaurants that she wanted to take you to.
There were so many questions she wanted to ask you. The top of that list was are you ok but the answer was obvious. She also wanted to know what was going on in your head but then she wondered if even you had to answer to that.
“Can I ask you a question? Why isn’t your family here?” Lieke told her but she knew there was something more to it.
The way you stopped in your tracks made her instantly regret the question.
“Let’s go this way”
She doesn’t bring up the change of subject and within a few minutes she finds herself walking through the gothic quarter. She follows you through a narrow alleyway, one that she didn’t know existed.
“This is my favourite spot in Barcelona”
Alexia watches as you knock on a door that is in the centre of the wall and can be no bigger than half a meter. Then a couple of minutes later she sees a hand hold out a paper bag, one which you take in exchange for some money.
“This is the best kept secret and best cookies in Barcelona” you hold open the bag and watch as Alexia takes one. Her eyes close as she takes a bite, you knew what she was experiencing. You had been 6 when you were first brought here.
“Ay Dios Mio”
“Told you”
Alexia makes grabby hands and you give her the bag but not before taking a handful of the tiny cookies for yourself.
“Me playing here brings up a lot of emotions, not only for me but for them too”
At first the brunette doesn’t know what you’re talking about but then it hits her. You are answering her question, the one you do so subtly dodged.
“I asked them not to come”
“I don’t know. I guess I thought if they wasn’t here then I could have a normal day where I’m just a football player signing for a football club. It was naive of me”
“How is to be a Barcelona player?”
“Honestly, it’s amazing. I can’t wait to start this chapter of my life, I just hope it can be my chapter and not a part of his”
“Why can’t it be both? You are your father’s daughter, you can’t change that but you can embrace it and what better place to do so then here in Barcelona” Alexia spins around with her arms spread wide.
“Did they come up with that or did you?” You asked referring to the club.
“That was all me” Alexia says rather proudly.
The night passes by far too quickly. You had only intended to be out for an hour, two at max but now it was close to midnight and you knew it was time to call it a night. Even though you didn’t want too, you bid Alexia farewell and told her you would see her in the morning.
8 hours later you found yourself standing in front of the home ground which was all a short walk away from the training ground. You stared up at the sign and read it out loud.
Your mind wanders to memories with only one man, the one you wishes was here for this.
“I thought I might find you here”
Of course, she knew where you’d be.
“Buenos dias Alexia”
“Are you ready?”
And ready you were. It was time to start the next chapter in your life. The years to come would define your career and change your life forever.
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seat-safety-switch · 9 months
Those of you who are connoisseurs of the YouTube car accident video genre will be familiar with the concept of "boat launch gone wrong." For the rest of you, let me fill you in: a lot of people have boats, and cars, and have horrible accidents when they try to back their car up towards the water, in order to either drop off or pick up those boats. Cars don't like water, and all kinds of exciting things happen very quickly after that.
Here at Seat Safety Snautical Solutions, we don't believe in boats. Any kind of seafaring vessel is some sort of delusional fantasy from folks who find more commonality with fish than with their fellow human being. However, in the interest of being able to pull out luxury cars with non-corroded wiring harnesses from the junkyard, we are willing to provide you yacht-havers with some advice on how to safely launch your boat.
Step one is the planning. Don't just chuck it in like a drift racer and hope for the best. It's a good idea to take a walk down to the shore yourself. Take a look at how much water you have to work with. If you're not confident in reversing a car, look for some landmarks that will tell you when your Range Rover is in danger of becoming a River Rover. We also advise our clients to bring a small remote-controlled toy boat at this point, and throw it into the water, and drive it around instead of a full-size boat. This is about 90% of the fun for less than 1% of the cost, but we know that's not enough for some of you.
Step two is the approach. Are you personable enough to talk to another person at the boat launch? Maybe you can promise them a ride on your boat if they offer to help spot for you. Spotting is simple: they just watch you back up into the water and scream when only about ten thousand dollars of electrical damage has occurred to your vehicle. If you're really convincing, maybe you can even tell them to release your boat into the water, so you don't have to get out and suddenly remember what the difference between "park" and "drink" is for on your transmission.
If all has gone well in the preceding steps, you now have a boat in the water and a perfectly good car that you need to go park somewhere. Congratulations! In a few minutes, you'll be doing the whole thing the other way around. Feels futile, doesn't it? Maybe you should just leave the boat there and drive away, never to return. The open road, that's where you belong. Don't look back. Bet you can jump that hay bale. Make a helluva YouTube video.
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choclodox · 2 years
Lyle’s IQ score Head Canon
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HEAR ME OUT: as much as Lyle def gives me himbo™️ energy, I also feel like he’s supposed to be…PRETTY SMART? he’s just also goofy. Like, I feel like he’s one of those friends that’s the smartest but also the dumbest person you’ve ever had at the same time.
Here is my evidence (dons glasses and grabs a laser pointer)
1. First and foremost, I’m pretty sure Quaritch wouldn’t let a dumbo be able to advance to the rank of Corporal, so Lyle needs to have SOME level of competency (but there’s still some room for his goofball nature lol).
Side note, studies show that people who are comical tend to have higher IQs since it ranks critical thinking to understand humor and make jokes. So Lyle is at least smart in that department.
2. In the first movie, we can see that Trudy trusts him enough to work on her Samson. We all know how much Trudy LOVED her Baby, so she must have had some serious trust in Lyle (someone who wasn’t an RDA mechanic) to let him even TOUCH her Rogue One’s equipment.
3. Also in the first movie, Lyle actually knows his stuff about combat theory and the AMP suits. When Quaritch has Lyle survey the aftermath of the Omatikaya’s retaliation for the destruction of the Tree of Voices, Lyle is able to describe in detail what the damages are. He’s able to tell that the arrows were fired from Ikrans based off the angles of the arrows in the damaged equipment and dead bodies, he can say for a fact that the AMP suits are not just damaged but what exactly is damaged (the Driver in this case).
4. Now in the 2nd movie, we actually get to see more of his smarts come into action. Lyle actually gets promoted from Corporal to Lieutenant and becomes second in command to Quaritch. The RDA wouldn’t let that happen if he was purely a trigger happy soldier; you needs some gray matter for that position.
5. Next, Quaritch looks to LYLE to pull the security feed off of OG Quaritch’s AMP suit. And Quaritch is a smart guy too, but it feels like Big Curly Q knows he’s out of his depth on this one and just hands it off to Lyle because he knows that he actually knows his stuff.
But ya, thanks for coming to my TedTalk :)
Also, a few other hcs I embrace
Lyle is that ONE gringo friend that knows FLUENT Spanish (and possibly knows other languages as well). And when I say Gringo, I don’t mean he’s white but is still Hispanic, no. There is a reason why JamCam named this man after Wainfleet, Ohio (the Ohio of Ohio). But nobody questions his ability to speak Spanish. You leave him alone in any Authentic Hispanic setting and come back in 20 minutes, they’re running to the liquor store because they already ran out of Tequila/pisco/etc. TEAM LATINO LOVES HIM
*side note, Jake probably knows some Spanish too since he did his tours in Venezuela. Who knows, maybe he taught some to Spider because he knows he’s team Latino. A
*and Quaritch probably knows some of Nigeria’s native languages (Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, etc) since he did 3 whole tours there before coming to Pandora
Lyle likes 90s music (Britney Spears, Mariah Carey) but mainly SHAKIRA. I could see him just dancing alone to Hips Don’t Lie and someone walks in trying to get his attention, but he doesn’t notice and they have to clear their throat and he just screams when he finally notices them
He can dance Samba, Cumbia, Tango, Flamenco. ANYTHING in that family HE CAN DO IT FLAWLESSLY ASU PAPI
Might come from a family of mechanics and worked in a mom and pop mechanic shop (I embrace that one HC where he has a love for cars and just engineering in general). Maybe he wanted to be a more refined engineer but just couldn’t pass the tests since he was more of an intuitive thinker and tests favor more of the technical thinkers.
Likes DragonBall Z but will never admit it
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where-dreamers-go · 5 months
“Teasingly Sweet” Dick Grayson x Reader
(A/N: Here’s part three after “Lucky Treat” of 90s Robin and Reader. What happens when Robin thinks he’s the one having bad luck? Also, do they know what’s even going on between them? Warnings: Use of (Y/N), slight angst maybe, spicy times of a makeout session, and fluff. Word Count: 2,321 words)
Gotham City had its fair share of people. Even masked heroes and creative villains who had eventful nights compared to their civilian days.
You, on the other hand, were having a pretty tame evening. The day had been productive, however nothing was too much to handle. A really decent day that lead to you grabbing a well deserved treat from a confectionary in the city.
Street lights and buildings kept the streets lit well enough.
You kept an awareness to your surroundings. Keeping your mind mostly on what moved around you and partially on ideas of what a certain masked hero could be up to.
Hopefully, Robin is alright, you thought as you held a light box of delicious treats close. He usually is. That we know of. You kept your jacket zipped up, an extra layer against the chilly night air.
After deciding to take a detour to avoid the growing crowd at a coffee shop, you annoyingly realized there was even more activity down the busy street. Lights flashed and news vans lined the road to boarder the sidewalks. Much too close for you to ignore.
Really? You thought, I don’t need this today. Pivoting on the spot, you turned with every intention of squeezing passed the line for coffee on your route home. Safety first.
You had very good intentions and determination to avoid any trouble. The good luck you were having again recently was not going to be thrown away on your watch. No way. There were treats to be had.
Just keep walking and you’ll be fine. No big deal. Average Gotham City night.
Average night, was it?
Was it not uncommon for a crook to flee from a police car?
Was it also the usual night for a crook to head straight toward you without your knowledge?
Definitely not.
Heavy footfalls came in rapid succession behind you.
Alarmed, you turned to the noise and saw a person, wrists cuffed, headed your way. Despite the initial scare, you were able to see a positive. Another person coming your way.
Robin sped forward, almost flying across the concrete to intercept the crook. Cape rippling behind him, your hero launched himself through the air.
You watched on in awe as Robin flipped over the guy and took him down in the process.
Oh, dang.
Hopping back to his feet, Robin spotted you as the crook peered around in a daze.
“Close call, sweets.” Robin said, looking you over. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah.” You clutched the dessert box in your grasp. “You?”
“I’d be better if this guy didn’t run off, especially too close to you.”
“I’m okay.”
“Good. How ab—hey,” Robin held the guy more firmly as he struggled against the hero. “I’ll be back.”
“Okay.” You stood quietly beside a building. The chill in the air made you shiver slightly.
All the movement remained about seven yards away, reporters trying to get closer to Robin and the dark looming figure of Batman stood by officers. Quite the sight really. There was no way you would want to be tangled up in that mess, even if it was under control.
Taking the time to check around, you deemed the area around the sidewalk boring and safe. Almost an oddity for Gotham City.
Can’t believe how fast Robin got that guy, you thought. He just…flipped and… Did he use his legs? I don’t know.
In less than about five minutes, Robin strutted towards you. Really heroic in that cape too. Yet he wasn’t smiling as you thought he might.
Is he okay? Did something else happen?
“Hey,” you said softly, “are you okay?”
“Yeah. Just…a lot of little things going wrong. Nothing I can’t handle, but it’s irritating.”
“Bad luck today?”
“Yeah,” he laughed half-heartedly. “You know a bit about that, huh?”
“A bit. But I know what can make it a little better.” You smiled as he perked up at your words. “I have some ice cream at my place and cookies, if that’ll make it any better.”
Robin smirked, “Are you inviting me to your place?”
“Yeah. If you want,” you shrugged, shy. A little nervous perhaps considering how much of a fan you were of Robin.
He’s walked me home before, you thought, and drove me home on his bike. Plus we’ve… Woo. Yeah. Okay, this could be interesting.
“Sounds better than how my night’s been going so far.” Robin replied.
“It can be my gift to you.” You quickly added, “You’ve helped me before and now. Why not give you something? You do so much already for everyone.”
“I can’t argue with that.”
You smiled. “I was headed home now. If you’re not through crime-fighting, I won’t take the ice cream out just yet.”
“You’d wait for me?”
“Yeah. It— Is that weird?”
“No,” he shook his head. “I’m flattered, but you shouldn’t have to wait that long. Give me a minute.”
You nodded and watched as he returned to the busy press-filled sidewalk.
I can’t believe this is happening again, you thought, feeling your heart rate pick up again. But…inside my apartment. I’m so glad it’s not a mess.
After wrapping up business with Batman, Robin jogged over to you with a charming smile.
On the way to your place, you two talked, caught up on anything new, and were very close. For chilly weather reasons, obviously. Robin was easy to talk to and wasn't completely full of himself. He knew what he was capable of and he didn't flaunt it.
Entering your apartment, you kicked off your shoes by the door.
“Make yourself at home.” You said as you set down the box of treats on the counter.
“Thank you. Nice place.”
“Thanks,” you smile warmly to him and walked over to the couch a few feet away to unzip your jacket.
“Is the box off-limits?” Robin asked, coming to stand by the end of the kitchen counter.
“Sorry, it is. This was for a well-productive day. From me, for me.”
He hummed in appreciation, “Is it cake?”
“…No.” You turned away slowly and took off your jacket.
It was then that you realized what you were wearing.
Crap, you thought and tried thinking of a way to hide the prominent ‘R’ decorated on the upper left of your Robin fan club shirt. Be subtle about it.
Left arm raised, pretending to scratch your neck, you attempted masking some of it from view as you walk back into the kitchen.
“So, uh, you can pick whichever cookies you want out of the pantry there.” You offered and quietly sighed as he did so.
“Hmm.” He turned around with a sleeve of cookies. “Sweet as you.”
“Gotta have some on hand in case of a bad day,” you shrugged.
“I’d say my bad luck has disappeared at the sight of you.”
Smiling, you replied, “I could say the same. You did show up when I was having a terrible birthday.”
“And how’d that go?” Robin smirked.
Like he doesn’t know! You flirt.
“Well, after a really nice walk, I got a gift from you. So, I think it went really well.” Moving in the kitchen, you reached into the top cabinet, grabbed two bowls, and turned to set them onto the countertop. No clumsiness included.
“Did you like your gift?”
Oh, now he’s full on teasing.
“Very much.”
He smirked, happily confident. Blue eyes sparkling in the warm light.
Opening a drawer, you took out two spoons and quickly set them by the bowls. “I hope you don’t mind (flavor) ice cream.” You said and stepped to the refrigerator.
“I don’t mind any flavor you give me.”
After nearly choking on spit from Robin’s words, you pulled out a carton of ice cream with images of its contents all over. The thin ice coating its edges relieved some the heat radiating from your hands.
I’m going to be fanning myself with a magazine if he keeps this up, you thought.
Leaning on the counter, Robin watched you prepare to bowls of ice cream with a smile. Every move he caught with curious and attentive eyes.
“Is this good?” You asked, spoon in hand.
“Yeah. Thanks.” Robin walked over to stand beside you and took up the second spoon.
“Beats running around outside?”
“I’d take being here with you over chasing down some guy determined to ruin people’s day for the thrill of it. This is more fun.”
Apparently smiling while eating ice cream was a minor challenge. The two of you took that challenge with ease. Ice cream with good company definitely brightened both Robin’s and your day.
It was a wonder how you were comfortable enough with him to invite Robin inside. Then again, you were a fan and had gotten to know him quite a bit during your last two meetings. You were proud of yourself for asking.
Why shouldn’t you gift a little with whatever type of relationship you two had going?
What’s he thinking? You wondered as you saw him looking at you with your peripheral vision. I mean, he probably has to leave soon. I guess. You quietly set your spoon down in the empty bowl. I wish he could stay a little longer.
“You know,” Robin started as he put the spoon down, “I owe you a ‘thank you’ for your gift. Inviting me in and treating me to ice cream and cookies. You didn’t have to.”
“It’s about time I gift you something. Something other than one piece of candy.”
“And about thanking you…”
Robin’s gloved hand pulled you in by the waist. A move he definitely perfected as he instantly kissed you. Stealing your breath, Robin kept the pace slow as his lips pressed against yours. Dizzyingly passionate as he curled his other arm around your back.
Another kiss for the record.
Eyes shut for a moment, you broke for air. Your hands finding purchase on his biceps.
Even with his knee-shaking kisses, you needed to know something. To ask one thing.
“Is this...casual for you or…?” You left the question open ended.
How do I even ask this?
Robin took one of your hands and pressed it against the pulse point on his neck. A rapid pulse. “Lately, I've been wondering the same thing, but... I think I only want this from you.”
“Your heart racing?”
“It can be calm too. But not when I think of seeing you again. You’re all I can think about some times.”
“Just me?”
“You and me.”
You pulled him in for a hard kiss. Fingers in his hair, you deepened the kiss with all you had. In turn, Robin held you impossibly close to his body. Both of you expressing what you wanted and tasting of frozen dessert with no signs of stopping. 
Neither of you had to be anywhere else.
Leading you backwards through the apartment, Robin continued pressing his lips to yours. You stumbled to keep up, not knowing where you were headed when you mind was on how he teased your lips with his tongue.
Your world turned sideways and Robin was all you could feel as you landed onto the couch. The cushions softening the fall onto your back. His cape covering you both as limbs entangled.
Time passed further into the night. Both you and Robin showed no hints of leaving the couch. If anything, it appeared as if you two would remain there much longer.
Panting breathes were exchanged between wet lips and heavy gazes. It was getting a little hot in the apartment.
Hands intertwined tightly over your head, neither of you dared break contact.
“We should probably stop,” you murmured.
“Probably,” Robin said into their neck. He rolled his pelvis onto yours. “Ahh. I should go.”
You bit your lip, keeping yourself quiet as your legs instinctively hugged him closer. Fingers still locked together with his gloved hands.
Robin. Oh, please. You thought as you felt your mind slowly floating away with pleasure, of being with him.
Placing another kiss on your neck, Robin kept a slow and sensual pace with you. His eyes fluttered shut as the two of you continued.
No thoughts of responsibilities or anyone else. No worries of where either of you should or should not be. Only thoughts of being closer together and all of the feelings that came with it all.
“Robin.” Back arching, his name escaped you like a plea.
Above you, he stopped completely and released your hands. “We can’t. As much as I really, really want to…” He looked you over in your half blissful state as he blinked away his own fog of pleasure. Shaking his head, he added, “Not while I’m like this…as Robin.”
You nodded, processing his words. “Yeah. I’d like that.”
“Yes,” you kissed his forehead.
Smiling, Robin kissed you again. Much shorter that time, but with no less affection. He pulled you up with him into a sitting position, chuckling at your disheveled appearance.
“And maybe we can pick up on where we left off?” He lightly pulled at your shirt and added, “With your fan shirt.”
“Sure. Maybe without your mask and cape?”
His hands held you to him, “More cotton and less…”
“Whatever this is made of?” You knocked your knuckles onto the front of his suit. “As long as it protects you, it’s fine.”
“It does the job.”
“Good.” You pecked his lips.
Reluctantly, the visit had came to a close as you walked him to the door. The pair of you shared one more kiss, a promise.
“Good night,” you murmured.
“Good night. See yah soon, (Y/N).”
Robin left your apartment quietly and went off into the night air.
What have you two gotten into?
Was he, the Robin, really going to reveal his civilian identity to you?
Was that even allowed?
Was it safe?
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful. coffee
Best wishes and happy reading.)
DreamerDragon Tags: @
90s Dick Grayson Tags: @
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dirtybitfic · 9 months
Chris sturniolo x Y/n
Smuttt,party, drinking, smoking
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Y/n pov-
I’m gonna be so honest I love partys, going out , meeting new people and ofc having a couple drinks maybe even getting crossed if I’m feeling it.
Tonight I’m going to some influencers New Year’s party with my best friend Athena.
The party has a theme. It’s decades/year so we’re supposed to dress like our favorite decade or just a specific year.
I was born in the early 2000’s and it just so happens to be my favorite style era. So I’m dressing in the best y2k outfit I can .
Athena is going with 90’s streetwear . We decided to keep our outfits a surprise from each other. It just adds some extra excitement.
She said that she knows for sure I’ll love it so I trust her on that.
I started doing my makeup trying to match the colors with my outfit the best I can. Luckily I bought a wig for my outfit so I don’t have to worry about doing much to my hair.
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(Imagine her hair as a wig )
As I started to put the wig on over the cap and secure it with some pins and shit Athena came barging into my room scared the absolute Fuck out of me.
“IM SORRYYYYY ! I’m so fucking exited for you to see my fucking outfit. Also YOU MAKUP LOOKS SO GOOD. AND THE WIG HELLOOOO. “ Athena says looking me up and down.
“Thanksss bitch . Your hair looks so good and also your makeup . I cant wait to see how it ties into your outfit” I say.
“Same bitch . Ima go down stairs real quick and make us some pregame drinks and then we can get dressed” Athena says walking back to the door after setting her stuff down.
“ okay ima finish getting this wig to stay on then I’ll be ready to put on our fits” I say .
She smile and walks downstairs.
I just finished with pinning in my wig and spraying some more setting spray on my face to really lock in the makeup since it’s gonna be a long night and probably sweaty .
Me and Athena turned on some music to start hyping ourselves up a bit as we downed our drinks.
We were dancing around singing along and shakin some ass.
“Okay but fr we need to get dressed out Uber is about 10 minutes away” I say to Athena .
“ yeah your right. Okay let’s face our backs to each other and once we’re dressed we’ll turn around okay” she say’s excitedly .
“Alright “ I say turning around and start getting my pants and top on then waiting for her to say she was done and ready to turn around.
“Okay bitch on the count of three turn around “
“Okay . 1…2..3” I say as we both turn around .
“ ME BITCH ! LOOK AT YOUUUU” I say looking her up and down moving my hand up and down gesturing to her.
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(Athena’s outfit).
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My outfit
Not gonna lie I think I nailed 2000’s fashion to the best of my abilities.
About 5 minutes after we were done getting dressed and had our shoes on the Uber was outside.
We chugged the rest of our second drinks and headed out of the door locking it then getting into the Uber.
“ so where you girls headed tonight “ the Uber driver asked.
He was honestly young which I didn’t expect but hey I ain’t complaining.
“Oh we’re just going to a party” I said honestly. Feeling the strong drinks we chugged setting in a bit.
“Oh nice. I’m guessing it’s a theme from your outfits “ he said .
“Oh yeah ! We’re supposed to dress as our favorite decade” I said smiling at him through the rear view mirror .
“ I’m guessing your … 2000’s “ he says to me, “and your 90’s he says to Athena.
“ wow you got that easily” I say laughing a little bit.
“Alright looks like we’re here lady’s” he says as the car comes to a stop.
“Thank you so much . Have a good night” I say as we got out.
“You too . Be safe” he says smiling and waving before pulling away.
Me and Athena walk hand and hand up the driveway and through the gates to the huge front door. We walked in immediately hit with the smell of weed and alcohol and loud music.
“Let’s go get some drinks” I yell into Athena’s ear.
“Lead the way” she says as I grab her hand and we weave through the crowd of people.
“Okay what you want” I say grabbing two cups to mix up our drinks in.
“Ummmm tequila and sprite” she says to me.
“God that’s nasty but okay” I say as I start pouring the tequila and sprite into her cup and swirling it around with my finger to mix it the best I can then I hand it to her.
I mix up some rum and coke in my cup .
They start playing
“BITCH THIS IS MY MF SONG “ I yell at Athena and grab her hand leading her to where everyone else is dancing around.
Me and Athena start dancing as I turn around facing my back to her front as she puts an arm around my shoulders as we sway and grind to the music.
“Girl look at that guy over by the right wall he is stariiiiing “ Athena whispers in my ear.
I look over to the wall slowly scanning it to find who’s she’s talking about. I meet eyes with the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen. Chris fucking sturniolo. Holy fuck why would HE be looking at me I thought.
I break I contact and turn to say something to Athena.
“That’s Chris sturniolo Athena omg” I say nervously .
I’ve had a crush on him for a while ever since I watched one of their videos when I was bored on YouTube one day then fell down a rabbit hole of their videos .
“Oh shit he’s one of the triplets you watch on YouTube “ Athena says and all I can do is nod.
As I turn to say something else I make eye contact with Chris again only now he’s at the dj booth saying something to the dj.
After a couple seconds a interesting song plays…
As the song starts playing I realize that must have been what Chris had asked the dj to play. I maintained eye contact with him as he slowly approached me all I could do was gulp nervously . It hit the line boots with the fur and Chris looked down smirking at my boots. AHHH SHIT IM WEARING BOOTS WITH FUR. Is all I thought to myself finally understanding the context of his song choice.
He finally stood right in-front of me . He leaned down to my ear causing my breathe to hitch.
“I guess all your missing is the apple bottom jeans huh?” He asks seductively. All I could do was giggle a little from him comment. “Okay funny guy” I say in his ear.
He retreats from my neck mere inches from my face now.
“Y/n right? “ he asks
“Y-yeah how do you kno—“ was all I got out before he answered me.
“Oh I’ve been watching your videos for a while you and your friend are funny as fuck” he says smiling widely at me.
“Th-thank you. You and your brothers are pretty funny too” I say smiling back at him.
“Oh you watch our videos “ he asks smirking at me.
“Yep but I do have to say … Nick is the funniest “ I say giving him a playful smirk.
“Cute” he says as he comes back to my ear.
“He may be the funniest but who’s the hottest” he asks deeply sending shivers down my back.
“Mmmmm idk maybeeee Matt” I say trying to hold in a laugh seeing if I could upset him a little bit.
“Oh you think your funny huh “ he asks as he hears a muffled giggle coming from me.
“Yeah I do think I’m a little funny” I say letting my laugh out .
“Wanna go outside ma” he asks me the Nick name sending shock waves through me.
“Y-yeah sure” I say kinda confused as to why he’d wanna go outside but hey I wasn’t complaining.
“Come on” he says grabbing my hand and leading me out the back door and to a secluded area outback where no one is around.
“Do you smoke “ Chris asks. “Yeah “ I answer honestly.
“Good cause I got a j right here just begging for us to smoke it” he says causing me to laugh a little.
“We’ll what are we waiting for then “ I say taking a sip of my drink.
He lights it up and takes a couple drags before handing it to me.
“So y/n , you talking to anybody “ he asks while watching me blow out smoke.
“Nope haven’t really found any guy out here worth my time” I say smiling at him.
“Yeah I get that. Honestly most of the girls I’ve met and been around are so insufferably annoying “ he says . I laugh cause honesty he’s right.
“Yeah I get that. that’s why I really only hang out with Athena and a couple other guys out here. Most of the girls are just cunts always judging every move I make and I just don’t have the energy for it” I say then taking a mother hit and handing it back to him.
“Oh yeah Larray said he started hanging out with you a couple weeks ago and that we’d really like you so “ he says looking at me and smiling.
“Aww I love larray he’s one of the most sweet and genuine people I’ve met since moving out here” I say as I look deeply into his piercing blue eyes .
“You look really hot high “ he says staring into my eyes deeply.
“Oh uhh t-thank you” I say as my cheeks flush a deep red. He’s so hot it’s making me nervous.
“ what do you say we get out of here maybe go back to yours or even mine ?” He asks after finishing off the last of the joint and dropping what little remains on the stone next to us.
“Yeah sure I’m honestly kinda over this party anyways” I answer honestly as we start walking back to the door .
“I just need to check on Athena real quick and let her know where I’m going and make sure she’ll be okay if I leave” I say looking up at him.
He grabs my hand and tells me to lead the way to her.
I spot her over in a group of people playing beer pong. I start to walk up to her .
“Hey Athena are you good if I head out with Chris. If not I can absolutely stay I will not leave you if you aren’t comfortable “ I say making it clear to her she can tell me no even though I’d be a little sad I would never leave my best friend alone for a guy.
“ No bitch go have fun I’ll be fine I actually was gonna tell you I’m staying the night at this guy chases house so I won’t be home at all tonight.” She says smiling at me and glancing back at Chris behind me.
“Okay bitch well I love you see you tomorrow “ I say as I give her a hug and Chris takes my hand again leading me to the front door and exit the house.
“Okay I ordered a Uber it should be a black jeep” he says looking up at the street looking for the Uber.
“Oh I see it over there “ I say pointing to a Jeep parked on the left side of the rode .
“Alright let’s go “ Chris says grabbing my hand.
I walk beside him as he throws his arm around my shoulder and once we get to the Uber he opens the door for me to hop in first then he gets in after me .
After about a 30 minute drive we reach the destination. His house.
I hop out thanking the Uber driver and then following Chris to the front door as he unlocks it then holds it open for me.
“Come on in ma” he motions me to enter and I follow direction easily entering.
“ do you mind if I take my shoes off my feet are fucking killing me” I ask him .
“Yeah ofc make your self at home . Get as comfortable as you need to be” he says as he looks me up and down.
I sit on the couch trying to get my boot off and failing since I’m a bit crossed and it’s making it harder than it should be. I wined out of annoyance of not being able to get the damn shoes off.
“ would you like some help ma” he asks smiling at me laughing a little from noticing my frustration.
“ yes please “ I say out of relief.
He knelt down infront of me as his hands moved to my boot to pull in off. I lifted my leg a little to help him pull it off easier. He gets the first one off then moved to the other leg to get my other boot off. As he was pulling it off he looked Down eyes widening a little . It took me a second to register what he was looking at . I had completely forgotten I went commando tonight since my skirt was so low waisted that all my thongs showed on the sides and I didn’t like that.
“ oh fuck … I’m so sorry I completely forgot I didn’t wear underwear. Got that’s so awkward. I’m really really sorry if I made you uncomfortable “ I say shyly as I snap my legs shut.
He looks up at me but his eyes have darkened and he has a smirk on his face that I just love.
“ no no you did not make me uncomfortable at all gorgeous . I was just thinking about how much I wanna bury my face in between your thighs.” Chris says looking into my eyes causing my breathe to hitch and rub my thighs together feeling my pussy pulsing from his words.
“ sorry I shouldn’t have said that “ he says chuckling a little .
“Oh no your good I just… well uh you know umm” I say stuttering my words not wanting to say his words turned me on but the blush creeping up my chest and face must have been a dead give away.
“ Awww look at you blushing . Did my words turn you on ma” he asks standing above me now .
“I.. “ was all I got out as he stared down at me with darkened eyes that made me feel like I was melting into the couch.
“Words ma… tell me what your feeling “ Chris says as he bends down and puts his arms on each side of the back of the couch locking me in.
“I feel… really ducking turned on right now “ I say as I part my legs slightly so he could see how wet I was.
“Oh ma look how wet you are I haven’t even touched you at all” he says as he starts kneeling infront of me moving his hands to rub my thighs.
The touch of his hands causing me to whimper.
“Want me to touch you ma. Make you feel good”he asks in a husky voice making me squirm a little bit.
All I could do was nod .
“Use your words ma I’m not gonna tell you again” he says sternly.
“Yes Chris please I need you so bad” I wimped out .
“Good girl now spread your legs wide for me “ he says and I do as I’m told I think he’s starting to catch on to how submissive I really am for him.
“Look at you being such a submissive little slut for me . Doing exactly what I tell you god you listen so well” he says before diving his head between my thighs and flicking his tongue on my throbbing clit causing me to moan out his name.
“F-Fuck Chris so fucking good” I moan as he starts sucking on my clit sending my head flying back and louder moans to escape my mouth.
“Feel good ma” he asks and the vibrations of his voice on my pussy causing me to shiver.
“Yes Fuck Chris keep going it feels so good” I moan out .
He goes right back to licking and sucking my clit making my legs start to shake. He inserts two fingers into me causing me to gasp and buck into his face from surprise.
He sucks on my clit as he curls his long slender fingers hitting the perfect spot but I know I need to warn him if he keeps finger fucking me I’ll squirt some guys have gotten angry with me over squirting on their face and I don’t want him to do the same .
“Fu-Fuck Chris if you keep doing that I’m gonna squirt “ I say half whimpering and sounding concerned trying to warn him .
“Fuck ma that’s so hot give it to me . Soak me like the little slut you are” he says as he thrust his fingers deeper and sucks my clit harder .
At this point my legs are shaking so hard that I can’t even try to stop them and I start to feel the build up in my stomach feeling my climax rushing in fast and hard.
“FUCK CHRIS IM GONNA …” was all I got out before I felt myself release all over him and I could feel my squirt dripping out of me .
I looked down to see Chris smirking with a pussy drunk expression on his soaked face .
“Fuckkk ma that was so hot … I always wandered if you’d be a squiter” he says honestly causing em to tilt my head and furrow my brows .
“You had sexual thoughts about me before” I ask a little shocked.
“Oh trust me ma I’ve had many thoughts … and dreams about you” he answered honestly with a smirk causing me to tilt my head back and whimper. That was so hot to me for some reason .
“Let’s go to my room we’ll have more space on the bed for what in about to do to you” he says as he pulls me up by my thighs holding me as I wrap my legs around his waist .
He starts walking down the stairs as we reach his room he enters and kicks the door closed behind him and walks to the bed throwing me down onto it before tearing his shirt and pants off then coming back to me.
“Let’s get this sexy little outfit of of you .yeah?” He says as he pulls my top off and moves to my skirt and yanks it off after undoing the button.
“Fuck your so beautiful y/n” he whispers causing my face to get hot as a blush washes over my face.
“Thank you “ I say as he looks over me .
“Turn around on all fours now I wanna see that ass” he says and I do as I’m told .
He slaps my ass hard causing me to moan .
“Yeah you like that don’t you “ he says as I cry out as he slaps it again a little harder .
“Answer me “ he says and he slaps my ass even harder .
“YES Fuck Chris I love it . “ I say as more of a moan .
“I’ll go slow at first ma so you can adjust. I’m not huge but it will hurt” he says as I feel him rubbing his tip on my entrance.
“Okay” I say as I feel him starting to enter me and Jesus Christ he’s thick I can feel how much he’s stretching me out and it ducking hurts.
“Ow Fuck chris” I say reaching back to push him away but he just grabs my arm and holds it behind my back.
“I know ma shhh you’ll be okay I got you “ he says making me feel a little calmer and less tense.
“I’m gonna slide all the way in okay ma” he says as he caressed my back with his other hand .
“Mmhm “ was all I could get out .
He thrusted into me bottoming out causing me to let out a scream.
“FUCK CHRIS “ I screamed as I felt a burning sensation flow through my pussy from the stretch of him.
“I know ma I’m sorry but it would have hurt more if I did it slowly “ he says sympathetically knowing I was probably in pain.
“Just tell me when to move okay gorgeous “ he says I tried to calm my breathing as I adjusted to his size.
“Okay yo-you can move “ I say as the burning sensation started to die down.
He starts thrusting slowly but deeply causing my breathe to hitch from the pleaser of his deep thrusts.
“Faster Chris please “ I wined to him.
He starts thrusting faster hitting my gspot perfectly.
“Fuck ma your so tight” he groaned as he felt me clenching around him already getting close to another orgasm which shocking me because I’ve never been with a man who can make me orgasm at all let alone this fast.
“FUCK CHRIS OMG IM SO CLOSE” I screamed out feeling my orgasm approaching.
“Suck a good girl for me ma give it to me . Cum all over my dick” he says and his words send me over the edge causing me to be a shaking whimpering mess under him.
“Fuckkk that’s it ma such a good girl “
“Ughhh Fuck Chris “ I loaned out as my orgasm died down but my legs shaking was becoming so much that my legs started to give out from holding my weight up.
“C-Chris my legs I -c-can’t hold my self up for much l-longer” I try to get out as he’s still thrusting deeply into me.
“That’s okay ma get on your back for me” he says as he pulls out letting me readjust my position.
He hovers over me and moves my legs onto his shoulders and repositions his dick back at my entrance before slamming back into me . Him having my legs on his shoulders has him hitting new spots even deeper in me I feel like he’s in my stomach right now.
“FU-FUCK CHRIS YOUR SO BIG AND DEEP OMG” I scream moan as he keeps thrusting hard into me.
“Yeah ma you feel how deep I am in you” he says as he moves one hand to my neck chocking me and his other to my lower stomach feeling himself deep inside me . The pressure of his hand causing more pleasure to run through me .
“Fuckkk ma I can feel you squeezing me you gonna squirt all over my dick like a good girl” he says as his hand around my neck squeezes a little harder .
“Yes FUCK YES CHRIS “ I scream out as I get the familiar feeling that I’m about to squirt and my legs start shaking uncontrollably.
“Fuck .give it to me slut show me how much you love the way I fuck you” he says as he applies a little more pressure of my stomach causing me to squirt all over him and the sheets . It’s so much I feel it soaking the sheets under my ass and a little at my lower back.
“Holy fuck that’s so hot ma “ he moans out into my ear causing me to shudder under him as my legs are still shaking on his shoulders .
“F-Fuck Chris I can’t t-take anymore it-s to mu-much” I try and get out and it come out in just a pathetic tone that has Chris smirking as he stares into my eyes.
“Awww ma you can take it I know you can . Your gonna quirt for me one more time “ he says into my ear deeply causing me to moan .
I’m moaning and whimpering as my nails start dragging down his back so deep it causes him to thrust harder into me making me scream as I feel my third climax approaching.
“JESU CHRIST CHRIS IM GONNA SQUIRT AGAIN” I scream as my head flies back and my legs start shaking harder .
“Yeah give it to me slut your taking me so well” he says and I squirt so hard that my hips lift off the bed and he has to pull out from the force .
“Jesus ma that’s a lot “ he says as he watches me squirm under him.
“F-Fuck Chris I don’t know if I can take anymore” I whimper out feeling so overstimulated at this point .
“ I know you can ma I promise I’m close “ he says as he slides back into me causing me to shake and whimper .
He starts thrusting fast and hard into me causing my hands to fly back to his back scratching deeply again I know those scratches are gonna hurt tomorrow but he doesn’t seem to mind he actually seems to like it a lot judging by the way he groans and his thrust speed up.
“Fuck you gonna let me cum in you ma” he asks me as I feel him start to twitch in me and his thrust to start getting more sloppy.
“Yes Chris Fuck please fill me up “ I moan out as I feel my final orgasm approaching quickly .
“Fuck I know your close mama cum with me okay” he says as my nails continue to scratch up his back.
“YES FUCK CHRIS P-PLEASE” I scream out as he hits my gspot over and over I start to cum as I feel his cum filling me up.
“Fuckkk such a good girl ma letting me fill you up” he groans in my ear as I moan and shake under him. His thrusts slow and he slowly pulls out of me causing me to whimper.
My legs are shaking and I can feel our mixed juices leaking out of me .
“Fuck you look so hot with my cum dripping out of you” he says as he just watching it drip out .
“Take a picture it’ll last longer “ I say as I laugh a little bit.
“Can I “ he asks seriously and a little excitedly .
“Sure why not “ I say to tired to fight him on it.
He rushes to grab his phone and takes a picture and video saving them to his my eyes only .
“I just wanna remember the first time a girl let me cum In her “ he says with a cute smile making me laugh.
“Can I tell you something” I ask Chris.
“Ofc ma you can tell me anything” he says as he lays down next to me bringing me into a hug.
“Your the first guy who’s ever made me cum and the first guy I’ve ever leg cum in me” I say looking into his eyes smiling .
“Wow I feel very special right now” he says smiling at me.
“Yeah yeah whatever “ I say feeling a little shy now.
“ you wanna shower and stay the night” he asks me .
“Yeah ofc but your probably gonna have to help me walk to the bathroom my legs are like hello right now “ I say laughing a little.
“Alright ma come on” he says as he helps lift me up and carry me to the shower . He sets me down on the little seat in to shower and turns it on letting it get hot. He steps in and his dick is right in my face causing me to giggle a little as I grab it and give his head a little kiss.
“Fu-Fuck ma “ he says in shock of what I just did I just smiled up at him as I let go of his dick and he helped me get up so he can wash my body and then his as we both are clean he turns off the water helps me dry off and throw one of his sweatshirts on since it’s so damn cold in there house and then get into bed.
“Hey do you think I could take you out on a date sometime “ he asks as I cuddle into his chest.
“Ofc Chris I’d love that “ I say as I give his chest a little his.
“Yayy” he says all giddy making me smile .
“Hey can you turn over for a second “ I ask him . He looks at me confused .
“I wanna see the damage I did” I say sweetly .
“Okayyy” he says smiling as he flips over and I gasp . I knew I scratches a lot but fucking hell I feel kinda bad now.
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“ god damn Chris I’m sorry I didn’t think I scratched that hard” I say as he flips over.
“ ma it’s okay I loved that shit” he says as he moved some of my hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead .
“I’m gonna turn on the fan and then we can go to sleep” he says as he gets up and runs the fan in and turns off the lamp on his bedside table pulling me into him so I’m the little spoon.
“Good night my beautiful girl “ he says softly I. My ear.
“Good night Chris “ I say rubbing soft circles in the back of his hand as we drift off to sleep.
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lilpotatjj · 7 months
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Congratulation... Captain?
Andy x Fem!Reader
AN: next chapter will contain smut
Chapter 3
"19!Line up in the barn!" A strict voice calls. The team lines up, all in a row, so that everyone is facing each other and Andy walks imposingly through the centre of the row. "We currently hold the record for speed and thoroughness! We want to keep it that way." She walks slowly past each individual, checking their equipment, state of health and attitude. Jack watches the scene from above without anyone noticing and smiles. He is almost healthy again for work after falling on the ground.
Andy walks past you, stops for a moment and looks you in the eye.
"Excelente como siempre". (Excellent as always) You immediately look down at the floor and Andy moves on. "90 minute workout, now! 19!" Andy shouts.
"19!!!" Everyone joins in and gets to work.
Andy also trains, going through the ranks to make sure everyone reaches their full potential.
"Looks good" She comes over to you and smiles. Fancy a round of training together?"
"sure" Andy lies down and you support her knees "if you can do 30 without hesitation I'll buy you a drink in Joe's bar" You grin confidently, but you don't miss Andy's raised eyebrows. She starts right away, looking deep into your eyes, which makes your cheeks unconsciously glisten red.
After 25, she continues, but has to pant a lot more.
"I hope you can handle a lot," Andy stands up with a broad grin, discreetly out of breath and drinks some of her water.
"30…not bad" you smile as you unconsciously look at her for a long time then go into the changing room to change and take a shower. As you stand in the shower, Andy stops in front of the closed door, already showered and with her back to the door, looking up thoughtfully as she is distracted by Vic. "Is Y/N doing well? Is she fit?"
Andy goes to her locker and changes. "Yes, She's fine." As soon as everyone had finished, the first call came. You go into Car L19 together with Andy.
"so what exactly did the woman mean? A cat rummaging through her garbage in her garden?" You look outside in amusement and stifle a laugh.
"Well, maybe it's a wolf in sheep's clothing." You both have to laugh and when you arrive, the woman is already standing in front of the house.
"Dios mío, está en el jardín e incluso tiene bebés. Hay que llevarlos al refugio de animales". ("Oh my goodness, she's in the garden and even has babies. They need to be taken to the shelter!)
"ok ok, nos ocuparemos de ello" (ok ok, we'll take care of it)," Andy tries to reassure her and looks into the garden. "Fetch the cage, she says she even has kittens." You try not to let on and nod, get the cage and you both go into the garden.
"dónde se supone que está exactamente?" (where exactly is she supposed to be?) Andy asks and the woman points to some undergrowth behind the composter. As Andy approaches it, she makes a huge leap backwards, when suddenly the supposed "cat" hisses at Andy. She scrambles backwards on her butt to get some distance. You look at her in complete irritation and try to understand what is happening.
"that's…a…a…raccoon! Un condenado mapache! (damn racoon)… A fucking full-grown raccoon!" Andy freaks out completely and tries to get her breathing under control. You approach him and put the cage down. "Well, you're a sweet mama." You grab the raccoon and her kids and put them in the cage.
The two of you on the way back, absolute dead silence interrupted by your sudden laughter. "A raccoon?" Andy can't help but grin and join in with your laughter. "yup…raccoons…" Andy looks at you and can't take her eyes off you, but she notices and stops, her expression more serious, and looks out the window as she whispers. "Tu risa suena tan dulce" (your laugh sounds so sweet)
Your laughter becomes softer and you swallow, finnaly ariving at the barn.
"I'll finish the protocol then…" Andy was just about to leave when you stopped her. "Friday…we're both free. Don't you want to go for a drink?" You look at her expectantly, Andy smiles and turns around "sure" She wanted to leave when Jack suddenly comes over. “What nice ladys do we have here?” He looks at you charmingly but you just look surprised.
"well settled?" he asks you
"um…yeah, Jack right?" Andy watches slightly annoyed. "I heard you like to drink, would you like to go out with me?" He grins and before you can say anything, Andy steps in. "Ok Jack, that's enough for now, you're still on sick leave, go home!" You don't even get to say anything. "That's good Captain, it suits you Andy." He winks at her, Andy goes into her office and Jack cheekily follows her. "um…ok?" your look completely confused.
When he gets to the office, Andy is frustrated and starts to write the protocol when Jack just walks in. "Andy you've been through this before, you know the rules!" Jack tries to talk to her. "I don't know what you're talking about." Andy doesn't look at him and writes on the paper.
"If you start a relationship with her it will not only affect you but especially Y/N." Jack continues.
“Do you think I don’t know that!?” Andy throws her pen down on the page and places her hands on her forehead. "god, I don't know what's going on either….I'm done…I didn't want a relationship for…the rest of my life" a hint of seriousness can be heard. "I…I don't want this, I won't allow it. We'll just go drinking and I'll lock my feelings in the basement…" she says ironically and sits down again after walking back and forth in the room several times.
"This won't work in the long run and you know that…your feelings will eat you up…until you…have the feeling…" he comes too close and whispers in Andy's ear "that you won't be without her, for a second longer…You will touch her or feel her lips…" However, he provokes her and Andy pushes him away. "Get out Jack…go rest until you can get back to work!"
Jack leaves the office all confident while Andy kicks her desk. "Damn…"
In the evening when everyone is at the Beanery to eat, you stand at the fridge to get some orange juice. Andy looks at you but tries to avoid your gaze.
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"Is everything ok Captain?" you look at her worriedly and Andy tries to act calm. “You can talk if you want,” you whisper.
"Oh, preferiría besarte de nuevo…" (Oh I'd much rather kiss you again) Robert looks at Andy in surprise.
“Qué estás esperando, hazlo?” (What are you waiting for? Go ahead) suddenly all eyes are on you including Andy's. "woow Y/N you speak Spanish? Nice to know that too" Vic jokes. “Then let’s share, what’s it about?” Travis leans with a big goofy smile forward on the kitchen island, as Andy stares at you in disbelief, with the conscience that you must have understood everything else she said too.
You were about to continue in Spanish but Andy stops you because you don't know that Robert also understands Spanish. "well…..ok I'll go to the office and take care of some documents." She goes into the office completely distraught and you call after her.
“Still writing at this time?” Warren looks irritated and Travis shrugs his shoulders. "That's what it's like when you're captain," said Vic, sipping her tea.
“You should go after her and sort this out,” Robert said quietly as he walks past you. You look strained and finally go to her, without knocking you go into the office. "Andy we need to talk…"
"Why does everyone want to talk to me today?" Andy doesn't look at you.
"Because maybe you're the captain?" you smile and approach the table. "Andy, I don't know what that is between us but you can't tell me that you don't feel anything for me…"
"I'm a captain and you're a recruit, weren't you paying attention in the academy?" she says sarcastically. "You remember the kiss…" you are silent for a moment. "There was something before, I-" Andy suddenly stands up and slams her hands on the table to support herself. "It will never be anything…the rules forbid it and I will not jeopardize my or your rank!" Andy's words sound sad and frustrated. "I'm not interested in a higher rank… I just want to try out what's behind it. Nobody has to know…" you explain.
"tch……" Andy snorts.
"So you're telling me you don't feel anything for me?" You come closer to her, grab her hand and place it on your chest, directly on your heart. "I..I…" Andy's breathing quickens, lost in the feelings she takes a big step back, against the wall and looks at the floor, the blush on her face. "You have no idea how frustrating it is, it repeats again and it wasn't planned at all!" she looks at you desperately. "Then don't resist it…I want it too…" you get closer and closer to her and are directly in front of her.
"Andy….." you whisper to her and feel Andy's way too fast breathing on your lips as she suddenly turns you around and pins you against the wall. The tension is almost unbearable and makes it difficult not to give in to all the sweet and tense feelings. "That…that's not gonna happen…" She lets both arms fall to the side of you and looks at the floor. "go…"
You hang your head in sadness and disappointment, but then look at her seriously. "I don't believe you…" with these words you walk out of the office.
It's Friday and you haven't forgotten the date with Andy, although you haven't talked about it anymore. Hoping that she'll show up, you order a beer. The doorbell rings and Andy shows up with Vic and Travis. They walk forward to you and Travis and Vic greet you.
“heeeey Y/N heard you’re spending us some beer today?” Vic pats you on the back and laughs happily. They order beer and you look at Andy who only gives you a quick glance.
"well then! cheers!" Travis holds up his beer and you all toast. The evening is quiet and fun when suddenly Vic and Travis get a call to move out. "Well then guys…I don't even have 2 beers…it's a shame"Travis said. They break away and only you and Andy stay behind. She takes a sip from the bottle, now the 4th, and then looks at you without saying anything. Your gaze doesn't leave hers and your heart literally jumps out of your chest. "say…….in your head I'm already lying naked in your bed and we're doing it all night." Andy smiles and takes a last sip from her bottle, puts money on the counter, grabs your hand and pulls you out of Joe's Bar.
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theworldoffostering · 5 months
You guys, I feel like I’m drowning. These past three weeks have felt unmanageable to me. Like, I don’t know how to keep going.
I’m walking alongside (trying the best I know how) the older girls as one navigates this break up and the other tries to transition to college. We got DD a car, but it still needs a few repairs. She was here all afternoon today working on it with DH.
I am waiting for the updated version of Ms. 6’s IEP to hit my inbox to send it off to the school. I am also working on her housing contract. Then I think I can step back for a few weeks. Still trying to figure out what’s going on with graduation. Her mom is back to letting her go to it and maybe allow her to stay for dinner, but it’s Memorial Day weekend and I don’t want to put a deposit down for a dinner somewhere only to have her not be allowed to attend at the last minute. I also don’t want to disappoint her. I’m unsure of how to proceed, so I’m just sort of frozen.
DS takes his civics test next week. You have to pass in order to graduate high school. He has prepared and seems like he will do well. He’s also pole vaulting and doing well at that for being a novice and having very little practice time due to the crummy weather we’ve been having.
Work is a lot right now. It’s to be expected due to the time of year. I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it’s a lot to slog through.
DH was verbally offered a job this week as a special education teacher. He is supposed to return to school to get his teaching certification in about a week, and is waiting for a letter of intent via email from the potential employer. It’s a lot. We are trying to manage the financial aid piece and we are up against a super tight deadline right now. His interview for the job was virtual, so he’s heading to the school next week to actually tour it and meet his potential coworkers. In the spirit of living in a small town, one of the women he used to live who was in live with him (for real)—the housing situation was work related—works at the school. She has legit not spoken to myself or DH since he and I got engaged so that seems like it will be super awkward (although she is also married now and has kids).
DH is finally seeing a decent therapist and between the therapist and neuropsych eval he had done during fall, it is apparent he is super depressed. Depressed is apparently his baseline and super depressed happens quite a bit. It is helpful to have it identified, but wow, it is a lot to live with. I am really struggling as his wife because he cannot do much and is not really emotionally available 90% of the time. He’s so inwardly focused, that he cannot focus on me, the kids, relationships, stuff that needs to be done, etc. I’m drowning and he cannot take on any of the workload. It sucks.
My endocrin had me take b12 supplements the last three months and my level actually decreased. I’m starting up with b12 injections next week. My TSH is also super, super low which means I’m hyperhyroid and should be losing weight, but I’m gaining which also sucks.
My endocrin is out of network for me which means my injections will be out of network. I have ZERO out of network benefits. The whole healthcare system is atrocious. I refuse to go back to the three endocrins I saw before I connected with my current one. They were all terrible, but in network. I need a super expensive full body scan but I for sure cannot pay for that out of pocket, so I’m waiting to see if my GP will prescribe it when I see him in June.
My crown also broke this week and when the dentist looked at it, I had worn a hole clear through the middle. He said it was due to grinding/stress. I wear a mouth guard religiously at night, so it’s happening during the day. :-/ Cue more medical bills. They glued my current one back on and can’t get me in to work on repair until June. I almost cried when trying to schedule with them because I just cannot even do all of this any more. (It also hurt wicked bad last time they fixed it so I’m somewhat terrified to return.)
That’s my list of complaints/brain dump. There’s more, but I need to wrap up some grading and get dinner going. I miss a life that was easier and less complicated.
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abibliophobiaa · 1 year
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Chapter Five Preview: One Bed
Coming 8/29 @ 7pm EST
“Are you —”
“Can we go somewhere, Eddie?”
You’d both spoken at the same time, laughing awkwardly as you’d done so. Rushed utterances of the first things that stumbled into your minds. Eddie’s ringed fingers gripped the steering wheel tighter, shifting onto the side of the road with his right blinker.
Once settling the car into park, he turned in the seat your way, worried lines marking his forehead. “Is everything okay?”
“I just…” What did you want, though, really? “I’ve been having a hard time sleeping.” Not quite a lie, and yet not also the full truth as to your whirring thoughts.
“Do you want to go for a walk around our neighborhood?” he suggested, turning the car back on when you’d nodded. “I know you mentioned you were having a hard time a little while back, but I didn’t realize how bad. How long has this been going on?”
“Couple of weeks,” you grumbled out, leaning your head against the window. “Doctor said insomnia is another thrilling side effect of all of this.”
“I’m sorry,” he huffed out, though it was hardly his fault at all and you both knew that, drumming his thumb along the steering wheel. “You could have told me, though. I’d have tried to help you.”
You shrugged, shifting on the seat a bit so you were facing him. Noted the determined line of his lips, his bare arms moving as he steered. “Where are you going? This isn’t the way home.”
“I’m thinking we need dessert for our walk,” he said, the turn signal clicking as you waited to make a left turn into the parking lot. “Chocolate?”
“Mmm Oreo sounds really good right about now.”
“So I have something to ask you and I know it’s kind of out of the blue and last minute and I meant to ask you beforehand but we had Steve’s today and it kind of got pushed to the side.” He said it in a rush, face darkening before your eyes.
“Is this why you’re buttering me up with a milkshake?”
“Maybe.” He said, a little teasing glint in his eyes, the red stop light bathing his skin in the bright glow. “Okay, so, Wayne’s place is getting work done. Something with a burst pipe and he can’t stay there for a couple of days.”
“So you want me to stay with Robin or something —”
“No, no,” he urged with a hand on your forearm. “I just need the guest room for a couple days.”
“Oh, okay.” You nodded, considering. “I can sleep on the couch for a few days.”
“What? Sweetheart, no. I’m not — I’m not making my pregnant —” He paused, catching himself, swallowing thickly. “I’m not making you sleep on the couch.”
“Yeah, but I’m not taking your bed,” you argued, “so I guess we’ll have to share.”
The words spilled out in a rushed breath. You’d not even really thought about what you said until the words were already there, out in the open, exposed for the taking.
“I mean, we’re adults,” you continued, shrugging. “We can sleep in the same bed without it being weird.”
“Okay,” he said, nodding evenly, mulling over your words, “that was easy then. You’ll sleep in my bed. With me.”
tag list:
@aurora-austen @lottie-90 @rustboxstarr @daisyridleyyyy @eggo-segual @corrodedseraphine @kjcmama @trixyvixx @lezzy-bennet @aysheashea @siriuslysmoking @micheledawn1975 @ali-r3n @ilovetaquitosmmmm @vintagehellfire @hideoutside @pbs-theundeadmaggot @smells-like-teenwolf @squidscottjeans @royale1803 @marcysbear @josephquinnsfreckles @definitionwanderlust
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compo67 · 2 months
Slowly, but Surely (Don't Call Me Shirley)
Hello, hello.
i am slowly, but surely, recharging my creative batteries. There's less pressure now, but with good things happening. A detailed account of what's been happening. All below the cut. TLDR at the end.
Let's start with the good.
I went to the Big Gay Market in Madison, WI for the weekend. It was marvelous. There were people of all kinds of genders, an affirming and friendly environment, and so many creatives. I felt like I was in community and it's been a long time since I've felt that way. I was sad when it ended. But I bought the most beautiful wreath to hang in my room. I'll snap a picture of it when I can.
I studied the entire month of June, whenever I had a spare moment and for dedicated study sessions.
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I made a total of 300 flashcards, wrote 40 pages in my notebook, used 2 test prep books, 3 learning system books, a 100 page summary of competencies, and 2 apps. I answered 2800 practice questions on those apps. I practiced and practiced until I reached at least an 80% in each competency.
And what happened?
I kicked that exam in the ass! When I saw "passed" on the screen, I nearly whooped in the testing center. I cried in my car as I relayed the news to my mom, who is also an HR professional. I could not believe it. I still can't. Cal Owens, SHRM-CP. It feels SO GOOD to have letters after my name.
I'm also still on that high of completing my HR Management certificate with "high honors" and then earning my SHRM certification right after it.
Then, at the end of May, right before my birthday, I sent in an application to the Arboretum nearby. They were looking for an HR Coordinator. And they weren't requiring at least 3 years experience or a BS in HR. After the radio silence for a month and a half, I gave up on them getting back to me. I sent a follow-up email, as instructed by my mentor, and still no reply. I figured I was set aside and I moved on to apply for more jobs.
Lo and behold, the Arb emailed last week and offered me a phone interview! I spoke with their Talent Acquisition specialist way past the 30 minute time slot, which I took as a good sign. Next step was to have a virtual meeting.
But guess what? They invited me for an in-person meeting instead! My interview was at 9 AM CST yesterday. it was LOVELY. i genuinely enjoyed speaking to the Sr HR Manager. We chatted for almost 90 minutes. It went by so fast. I felt like I had answers to all her questions, however, I wonder if I was direct and clear enough? I haven't interviewed since 2021, and before that since 2016. So I know I'm rusty, I hope my enthusiasm for the role got noticed.
I should know by early next week if they will move me to the third and final round--meeting the VP of HR. The Coordinator will be responsible for managing the VP of HR's schedule in Google. I just learned how to do scheduling in Outlook, I'm sure I can do it in Google.
Anyway! I can see myself working there. The pay meets the market for that kind of job around here, and the benefits are exceptional. And the view from the admin building? Beautiful. There's just a small lane to walk through from the parking lot to the building. I felt like I was in Jane Austen novel. *Dreamy sigh.*
Fingers crossed.
Okay, so let's get the not-so-good stuff over with.
Caregiving for my father continues to be a challenge. I am the only one of his 3 kids he 100% trusts and is close to. I don't get a lot of support from my sisters because A) he prefers me to handle things and B) they don't offer. I always have to ask, and even then, most of the time I end up doing the thing anyway. Sigh.
I tried a bunch of adaptive equipment things for my dad in June. I bought him an electric tea kettle that sits in a cradle and tips over to pour so you don't have to lift it. Well, it works okay for that, but he can't see how much he's filled the kettle. So that went back. I found a pen that "talks" to you. That's been a game changer. You get special labels with bumps on them, tap the pen to the label, and you can record a sound clip! so i attached them to every medication he has in the house. he's been using the pen! Now I just need to convince him to use his white cane.
Watching my dad go through losing his vision has been very difficult. He's a completely different man than the one I knew just 5 years ago. Little by little, things are changing and that change can get overwhelming. I did manage to find him a peer to peer phone program for folks with low vision. He gets a call every month to chat with a lady name Yvies from New Jersey and just talk about what it's like being low vision. I am so grateful to her. The organization will be creating a caregiver support group in the fall and I am on the waitlist.
So, yes. I've gotten overwhelmed at some points, impatient at others, but I show up. In the future, I want to know, that without a doubt, I was there for my father. I just need to figure out how to balance this and find ways to get help.
I continue to miss Henry and my grandma.
Sometime between this past Saturday and Sunday, I fell ill. Like, nauseated, dizzy, lightheaded. [Content Warning: The GI System Going Whack] Then Sunday, I could not retain food or water. I held out for Monday and Tuesday to see if I got better with a little imodium and zofran. Wednesday morning at 7:30 AM, I called my doctor and she said, "Get thee to the ER."
So, I went. My mother was with me. In miracles of all miracles, I only had to wait an hour to be seen in the ER. I was there from 8 AM to 12:30 PM and in that period of time, I got an ultrasound, labs, an IV with a bag of saline, pain meds, and reassurance that my gallbladder and liver were doing fine. And no one misgendered me. It was a good ER trip.
The ER doctor and my PCP have no idea what knocked me out for 5 days. Could have been a virus. Could have been a side effect of mounjaro. It'll be a mystery for the ages, I suppose...
Of course, it took a huge toll on my body. Today was the first day I felt almost normal again. No bloating, no cramping, no burping, and no intense pain in my abdomen. Yay! I am supposed to be eating "light," but dammit, I deserved pasta tonight and I'm not going to regret it!
I also, in my journey through illness, reached the Medicare donut hole. I have to spend $8,000 before my advantage plan will start paying for my meds again. I have to pay 25% of the cost of all drugs. Thank goodness I was able to get on a patient assistance program for my antidepressant, because I could not afford it otherwise. I've moved all my meds, except two, to be generics. I am always trying to cut the cost down as much as I can, whether it's through GoodRx, OptumRx, or Costco. I spend most of my SSDI money on healthcare, medication, and treatments. If we had free universal healthcare, I would have been able to save up all this money, dagnabit.
The difficult things have been... well... difficult. But they are outnumbered by the good things, which makes me smile.
I am excited to be excited about working again. I am doing my best to visualize myself in that role, going into *my* office and sitting at *my* desk. I see myself growing in that department and becoming a specialist in all things HR. This is what I did as I interviewed for the 24/7 Helpline and I got that job. I saw myself getting on a train to Chicago every day until they'd let me go remote. I saw myself as a city queer again. I felt the train to the city already underneath me. I get that feeling with this role. I feel like, if I get it, I will have a Mary Tyler Moore moment.
She's gonna make it after all!
Thank you, if you've red this far. Thank you if you send good vibes for this Arb job. Thank you for just being here. Hell, thank you for being you.
One of my uncles will be visiting us from Chile in early August. I am eager for him to arrive and spend time with us. I know my mom could really use his support and sense of humor right now.
So I will be driving them (and my father, if I can convince him to join us) all around Chicago and the burbs. I hope to gather some TCV ideas from the places we will go. It's exciting to think about.
I really want to take a small trip to Cedarburg, WI. Spend a night there in a bnb, and take in all the shops and restaurants. But my car's oil needs to be changed and my brakes too, so I will have to hold off on traveling for a while.
I would like to get back to work because it's work, but I would also like to get back to contributing to my 401k, saving, paying off my medical debt and car, traveling, and actually affording medication without (too much) sacrifice. Medicare, I was told, would be cheaper than private insurance. Well, I couldn't afford a supplement, so I got stuck with an Advantage Plan. And it's not all that bad (I've met my out of pocket max), but man, do they make it hard to succeed in the system and this is a system primarily designed for seniors??? Sigh.
There you have it. A detailed account of things that I have been up to or coping with or working on since mid-May.
Hockey is gone. Thank goodness the Oilers didn't win the cup. Pavs retired. Wedgie was traded. Delly was traded. Faksa and Tanev were traded. We kept Dutchy, but that was about it. With a burning passion of a thousand suns, I hate Dumba and DeSmith. They will never be my Stars.
Okay. So. Where does this leave me now?
Well, I am slowly getting back "into" my work as an author. I'm hoping I can read a book or two in the next two weeks. I am inspired by the creativity of others and now that I've passed my exam, I have more free time to read and plot things out in my head.
It also helps to you know... not be extremely dehydrated.
Holy smokes, it's late. And this is long.
TLDR: Lots of caregiving, looking for jobs, studying, and recharging has happened in my break from writing. I am focused on securing a job at the Arboretum. I passed my SHRM-CP exam. I had an ER visit this week, but feel much better now.
Thank you for being here. Thank you for taking the care to read this. I appreciate y'all and the safe space y'all have made for me. I'm so glad I get to lean on this cozy, peaceful corner of fandom.
One last time--thank you.
Let's chat more.
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vidavalor · 5 months
Hi long time reader!
Sooooo I have a query. Here’s a piece of chocolate pie with meringue to help get through the back story.
I was watching season 1 again as I do weekly, but this time on my phone. I was on episode one right when Crowley delivers Adam to Tadfield Manor. Usually at this point when Crowley exits the car I’m usually watch the charming snake walk, this time I couldn’t see him as my picture was poor on my phone, but I was able to listen to Background noises.
Have you noticed that Crowley was listening to Save Me by Queen as he pulled up to Tadfield Manor? I find it fascinating considering what he just went through, and what he’s about to do.
Hi there! Mmmchocolatepie. I never mind backstory. 😊 Thanks for the ask and the dessert. 💕 I pulled up that scene and relistened because it's hard to hear since the sound is mixed low because of The Voice of God speaking at the same time. I can see why you'd hear "Save Me" as it sounds a bit like this part of this song but it's actually "It's a Hard Life", which also repeats a few minutes later when we come back to Crowley driving away from Tadfield. Both songs are very appropriate for this night, though. "Save Me" could have easily been played during the rest of the ride back.
Some thoughts on the significance of the choice of "It's a Hard Life" and very Aziraphale-ish aria that inspired it.
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TW: Satan's attacks on Crowley.
"It's a Hard Life" by Queen is nearly over when Crowley pulls up to Tadfield Manor to deliver Lovely Little Tosie-Wozies to the satanic nuns. If you really crank it, you can hear this bit of the song:
"Yes, it's a hard life In a world that's filled with sorrow There are people searching for love in every way"
Arthur then tells Crowley that he left his lights on and Crowley flicks the power off of the car, shutting off the music and the lights, right at what would have been the "it's a long, hard fight" lyrics.
The song is about 90% over at this point. When we come back to Crowley driving away from Tadfield on the other side of the whole baby swap sequence, though, the beginning of "It's a Hard Life" is now playing.
We hear the lyrics more clearly now around Crowley's dialogue, when he tells his phone to call Aziraphale and then realizes all the mobile lines are busy because he brought them down earlier in the evening. As others have pointed out, the "you win/you lose/it's a chance you have to take with love" bit is playing when we come into the scene and when the phone is calling Aziraphale, the lyrics "oh yeah/I fell in love" are heard. (The very appropriate "And now you say it's over/And I'm falling apart" is then what is playing when Crowley can't get through to talk to Aziraphale.)
The song starting over in the next scene implies that Crowley is playing "It's a Hard Life" on repeat in the car during the drive back from Tadfield. It's actually the second song in the evening to play this way-- the first being "Bohemian Rhapsody." When Crowley rolled up to the graveyard, the song was in one spot before Crowley cuts the engine but when Crowley is attacked by Satan later on, he's played the song again since on the drive, as we are now at the "I see a little silhouetto of a man" part. Like we looked at in another meta, "Bohemian Rhapsody" winds up scoring the assault. The same song that's a genuinely hilarious choice for when Crowley rolls up to Hastur and Ligur takes on a nightmarish tone the second time we hear it.
After that? You wouldn't blame Crowley for putting on literally any other band on the planet for the rest of the drive, right? But he doesn't. He changes the song but not the band and the song he switches it to is "It's a Hard Life." And that's a good thing to not let Queen be taken from him but the song he chooses is kind of brutal in its own right, especially with regards to its origins. It ties to what I believe you are alluding in your Ask in a similar way to "Save Me."
The intro to "It's a Hard Life" is inspired by "Vesti la giubba", the aria that closes the first act of the opera, 'Pagliacci'. During this aria, the main character-- who, like a certain angel we know, performs on stage as an entertainer-- has to go on stage just after discovering that his wife has been unfaithful to him. Just to be really clear here: rape is not infidelity and I'm not saying it is. I'm also not saying that Aziraphale would ever see it that way, either, but I think Crowley might.
People who have a partner and are assaulted by someone who isn't that partner sometimes have, in the understandable mess of their emotions over it, the feeling that they've betrayed their partner. Crowley has a whole mess of feelings over his fall still and Satan's harm of him is obviously related to his fall. These conflicts over his fall are in large part because he seems to believe in an interpretation of the "there and all the kingdoms thereof" idea of God that he references in the St. James' Park scene later in the same episode. That is a paraphrased quote from David in The Bible and refers to the idea that God is in everything.
The idea is that since God is God, She could intervene and right any injustice that She sees fit to right; so, if there is no intervention, then the interpretation must be that God must see what has happened as fitting. I think this is at the root of Crowley still believing that maybe he's not the most evil being who ever existed but that he did deserve to fall-- something that, ironically, Aziraphale often seems more inclined to disagree with. Aziraphale's conflict over viewing God in this way-- which he kind of does or at least thinks he ought to-- is that he genuinely doesn't believe that God is infallible. Aziraphale believes in Her less than Crowley does, even if Crowley's the one who fell. He's angry with her over what She's let happen to Crowley (and to countless others, in different ways) and he's confused and troubled by why She still sees him as an angel when he's arguably gone against her more than Crowley ever did.
In reality, God in GO in S1 is heavily suggesting that She views the universe as the dominion of Her creations-- it's their world. If She were to intervene, She'd be undermining their free will. God doesn't seek to oppress them and She doesn't demand their subservience-- She roots for their freedom and happiness. Falling is political. Crowley and Aziraphale get that on some level but they still think that God has a hand in it. She does not. She's not really behind The Metatron. If She were, it would go against Her own ideas of her creations being autonomous individuals who can make their own choices and seek their own happiness.
Crowley actually has it totally right here:
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But he tends to think (and there likely is) a little element of determinism mixed in with that free will, as he's a romantic. We see at other times that he has believes God made he and Aziraphale for each other.
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As a less-operatic-but-Good-Omens-related song puts it: "but somewhere in my wicked, miserable past/I must have done something good", right?
"Vesti la giubba", though, is a whole song about the pain living beneath a happy exterior-- the tears beneath the smile of the entertainer and the pain behind a "the show must go on" sort of attitude. It's very Aziraphale. The story makes it clear that Aziraphale is aware of what being a demon involves for Crowley and while Aziraphale has a steely strength to him that a lot of people don't see (but that Crowley does), he's also, as we know, tender-hearted. All of this has been crushing him for more years than either of them can count.
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Aziraphale puts on a brave face and makes and acts as a safe haven but imagine how powerless all of this would make him feel...
I see evidence that Aziraphale didn't totally believe "The Metatron" in 2.06 (or was fully convinced that it actually was The Metatron) but part of him wants it to be true because he thinks it would solve problems he feels helpless to solve. I see a lot of people say it's because he needs Crowley to be an angel-- it's not. Aziraphale already thinks Crowley is an angel, more than he himself is. It's because they promised him the power to make sure that Crowley would be safe forever and even though it's not the life either of them want, it tempts Aziraphale because he feels like he has never been able to fully give Crowley that himself.
With "It's a Hard Life" on repeat, they have Crowley driving around in the middle of the night in 2008 listening to a song inspired by Aziraphale: The Aria that's about a loving relationship running out of time, all after having to meet Hell in a graveyard (worse after S2 when you factor in 1827) and after being hand-picked to start the end of the world by his rapist, who assaults him while he's driving, nearly causes him to kill a human in an oncoming truck-- and all while he was supposed to be having dinner and a night ironically inspired by Rome with Aziraphale.
"It's a Hard Life" is also so Crowley, too, though... the droll-in-the-face-of-misery "this is a tricky situation" at the start, the romantic and determined "I'll say I did it for love" at the end...
...but also the "and I've only myself to blame."
It all really adds weight, though, to how, eleven years later, it's only at Tadfield Manor and on the dark road around Tadfield at night in The Bentley-- this time with Aziraphale-- that Crowley's emotions spill over as he's thinking of 2008 and Aziraphale is hit by waves of love.
"It's a long hard fight/To learn to care for each other/To trust in one another right from the start/When you're in love..."
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90s Axl Rose x reader
You had went out with guys for a fun night but you soon found out the guys held their liquor a lot better than you did you were pretty damn wasted. You started dancing to the loud music blaring and the guys laughed at you and Slash and Duff danced with you a little bit. Your boyfriend Axl stayed super close to you watching over you. “Axl y/n’s fucking plastered” Duff said to him. “I know I need to get her home.” Axl said watching you dance and laughing you looked really happy but everyone knew you were drunk as fuck.
Axls POV:
I was glad y/n was having fun I know she can get in her head and it was nice seeing her let go a little but I was also worried since she was drunk some guy would try to take advantage of her so I kept a close eye on her and made sure she was safe the whole night. I walked up to her and stopped her dancing. “Hi baby you wanna dance with me it’s soooo much fun” she said slurring her words and laughing. “No sugar not right now I think we should get home” I said grabbing her hand. “Awwwww but whyyyyy” she said in a pouty tone. “Because I’m tired and your drunk and I know tomorrow morning is going to be hell for both of us” I said. “I’m not that drunk babe” she said. “Y/n really?” I said. “Ok maybe a little bit” she said laughing “few more minutes?” She asked giving me puppy eyes. “Ok a few more babe then let’s get home ok” I said to her. “Ok” she said hugging me. Duff and I then started talking about stuff and I got distracted by how much time went by and I hadn’t been paying attention to y/n. “Hey where’s y/n?” Duff asked. Shit I couldn’t find her in the crowd. “I don’t know I’ll go find her. I walked around the bar and then I finally found her this tall decent looking guy was trying to talk to her and touch her arm when she pulled it away I saw her mouth from the word “No stop” I knew I had to get over there and get that guy to back the fuck off. I walked over and grabbed y/n “oh my gosh Axl thank goodness” she said immediately falling into my chest and letting me hold her. “Leave my fucking girlfriend alone dick” I said to the guy. “My bad I didn’t know she was with anyone don’t be such a dick jeez ” the guy replied I felt my body tense up as the guy walked away from us I wanted to punch him but as I was starting to walk towards him y/n stopped me “babe don’t” she said and she was right I picked her up bridal style and walked her into the car
“Youre the best” you said to Axl as you drove home. “Thank you babe” Axl said blushing. “I love you” you said “I love you too babe” Axl said trying to focus on the road. “Axl I feel sick” you said. “You’re gonna feel that way for the next few hours baby just try to relax you can get to bed when we get home” Axl said. “That guy was a real dick” you said. “Yeah he was I’m sorry I should’ve been watching you” Axl said. “It’s ok” you said. “I love you” you said again. “I know you do babe you’ve said it a lot this car ride.” Axl said. You laughed “haha you said I know like Han Solo like Star Wars hahaha” you said laughing. “Oh my god” Axl said rolling his eyes at you this was the longest car ride of his life. “You are so drunk y/n” Axl said laughing. “Youre hot I really like your face” you said to Axl “thanks” Axl said laughing at your odd drunk remarks. “Sometimes I think I’m not good enough for you” you said. Axl was caught of guard your remark. “Oh y/n you’re perfect if anything I don’t deserve you your beautiful and kind and have the prettiest eyes and a smile that lights up my life you make everything better you make me a better person I’d be nothing without you” Axl replied only to look over to see you passed out dead asleep in the car.
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0-r-a-y-0 · 9 months
hey pooks 😛 fic idea 😍 jasper and nick go get a christmas tree and drive around looking at lights 😋 is this a short request? yes. do i think you’ll make a fic that makes me wanna read it to my grandchildren when i’m 90? yes.
Christmas Tree— Romantic #13
In which: Matt and Chris leave it up to Nick to get a new Christmas tree. But he can’t do that alone, can he?
I actually fucking love this idea omgggg even though I didn’t make it that short 😛
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“Do you guys want to help decorate?!” Nick asked excitedly, barging into the room.
“You’re just now decorating? Thought you would’ve done that before Thanksgiving.” Matt commented.
“Low on motivation, high on Christmas spirit.” He shrugged. “Now you want to help or not?”
“Yeah, I got nothing better to do anyways.” Chris replied, getting off the couch and putting his phone in his back pocket. Matt only nodded, getting up as well.
“Also, I don’t know where the tree went. I looked everywhere and I found all the other decorations.” Nick claimed, opening a bin and taking out some of the decorations.
“We were putting it away last year and the stand broke, remember?” Matt explained.
“No? Why didn’t you guys tell me? We could’ve gotten a new one when they were on sale!” He says.
“It’s fine, how about you go get a new one.” Chris suggested. “Have Jasper take you, he’s coming over in a little bit anyways.”
Nick just stared at him for a moment before rolling his eyes. “Yeah, whatever, I’ll call him.”
Another twenty minutes of the triplets putting up random snowmen and fake snow all over the house, Jasper walks in. Nick walks up to him giving him a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“You ready to go?” He asked.
“Please! Take me away from my idiotic brothers.” Nick joked, waving to his brothers before walking out the door.
“What kind of tree should we get? One from a store or like a real tree?” The redhead wondered, scrolling through his Spotify to pick a song.
“I don’t really think it matters, either way it’s going to be at a store and it’s just a tree that’s going to be up for a month maybe. But you better hurry and pick a song, I can’t stand listening to Taylor Swift any longer.” Jasper answered, staring ahead of him.
“Okay, okay!” Nick exclaimed, picking the first song he saw. “Ooo I love this song!”
“How do you have so much Christmas spirit?” He asked.
“Huh? Oh, I don’t know. Just do, I guess.” The other shrugged.
“Why didn’t you guys get a new tree when they were on sale? Christmas shit is always on sale after Christmas.” Jasper confirmed.
“That’s what I told them! I didn’t even know we needed a new tree until today!” Nick stated. “Straight people are so dumb.”
Jasper pulls into a parking lot and parks the car. “Agreed. Don’t understand how you put up with them.” He claimed sarcastically, unlocking and getting out his car.
“I don’t understand either.” Nick said, getting out of the vehicle and looking at the sky. “Damn, it’s only six and the sun is already setting.”
“Yeah, it’s like winter, dude. That’s what happens.” Jasper replies.
“Ew, don’t call me “dude”. You make it seem like we’re like bros or something.” The redhead grimaced.
“I mean, we’re going into a Home Depot, that’s like the straightest store ever, dude.” The tan skinned boy confirmed.
They both walk into the Home Depot, looking around and trying to find the Christmas trees. When they do, Nick takes the time to look at and inspecting all of them thoroughly before narrowing it down to the ones he liked best.
“I think I’m going to get this one.” He finally decided. “Looks like one we used to have when we were kids.”
Nick pauses for a second, thinking. “We just need one of those pushy things.”
“Pushy things? Carts you mean?” Jasper questioned.
“Well. We’re gonna need a cart too because we need to get more ornaments. But that other thing.”
“A platform truck?” The curly haired boy wondered.
“Yeah, that thing.”
“Okay, let’s go.”
They walk all the way back to the front of the store to get the carts and walking back to get the Christmas tree. Nick grabs the tree and sets it on the truck.
“Do you want to get the ornaments real quick? It’s just the next isle over.” Jasper asks.
“Yeah, we got to be quick though. I don’t want anyone trying to take my tree. It’s the last one.” Nick says.
The redhead follows the other down the isle and they grab a pack of ornaments, Nick taking the time to look at individual ones for him and his brothers. He grabs a shark for Matt, headphones for Chris, and an Edward Scissorhands one for himself. They walk back and quickly get the tree and walking to the check out.
“Don’t tell Matt and Chris, but I’m going to use our shared money.” Nick laughs, sliding the card and paying.
They load everything into the back of Jasper’s vehicle before getting in. “It’s so dark now. How long were we in there?”
“Uhhh, almost an hour.” The curly haired boy answered, looking at the time.
“I spent that much time looking at trees?” Nick inquired.
“No, mostly you walking around and looking at other decorations and me telling you that you don’t need it. I saved you like a thousand bucks.”
“Oh…” Nick trailed off, looking out the window. “Look at all the lights. More people need to go all out when decorating. I want to drive around and have all my senses stimulated with colors and bright lights and Christmas.”
“There’s this light show place not far from here. They go all out every year and do something different.” Jasper claimed.
“Oh my god. Can we go?” Nick lit up, immediately turning to look at him.
“Yeah, sure. We should get food first though.”
“Oh hell yeah! Taco Bell?”
“Yeah, okay. I’m good with that.”
They go through the drive through and get their food, now driving to the light show. From a distance, they were still able to see all the lights. It illuminated the sky and everything around it.
“So it’s a neighborhood that goes all out on decorating the outside of their house with lights? And we vote on which house looks the best and whoever wins gets like money?” Nick clarified, almost shocked with the concept.
“Yeah, I go like every year. Each house always does something different.” Jasper repeats.
“That actually makes me so happy.” The redhead smiles.
“I know it does, babe.” Jasper responded, laying his hand on Nick’s thigh as he continued to drive.
When they first get there, they notice cars driving slowly in front of them, taking the time to look at every house. Nick pulls up the website to vote for the houses, marking what would be his first three places.
The bright colored lights shine in their faces, Nick getting multiple pictures of Jasper for his photography account on Instagram, which seemed to only be filled with him lately.
They enjoyed looking at every house, Nick getting excited at the different themes. Some were the Grinch, Home Alone, and countless of other popular Christmas movies. But then, Jasper said.
“Hey, isn’t that that one guy? I don’t know his name but he’s from that Arthur movie or something, isn’t he?”
“WHAT?!” Nick yelled, sitting up to look where his boyfriend was pointing at. “OH MY GOD. It is! No way someone did an Arthur Christmas theme!” He exclaimed with joy.
He takes out his phone and takes a video of the whole drive past it, sending it to his brothers and just then seeing the multiple missed messages from them. Mostly asking where he was since he had been gone for so long. He simply just tells them about the light show and going to Home Depot then turning his phone off, enjoying the rest of the time with his boyfriend and the lights.
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jungwnies · 1 year
partners ✰ 2 it's your fault not mine.
masterlist | next
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the car ride lasts for what seems like a lifetime as it goes down the highway. "where are we even going, this wasn't on my schedule." you say sighing, putting your phone between your thighs. "i'm starting to get a headache too, i haven't eaten since before the show." you continue to complain looking out the window.
"i already have a headache just sitting in this van besides you." jake jests continuing to scroll on your phone.
you roll your eyes and turn your head towards him, "are you sure it's me that's giving you a headache or is it the unhealthy amount of time you've spent scrolling through hate comments on twitter?"
jake puts his phone down, "if you opened your eyes a little wider you'd see that it's weverse, not twitter."
after a good 30 minutes of banter the van parks in front of a building, a big building. "where even are we?" the two of you ask in unison, quickly side-eyeing each other.
"you guys are going to be doing an escape room, maybe you guys will learn how to help each other in one of these." your manager says, turning his head to look at the two of you in the back. "we aren't legally allowed to lock you guys in these rooms, but if you don't work together you're getting your phones taken away until you guys air out your differences."
"there are differences to be aired out, he's just stupid and can't remember his lines." you objected.
jake looks at you and bites back, "how am i stupid? you don't even read your cue cards and just make things up along the way."
"at least i can improvise, whenever you forget your lines you stare at your cue cards for a good five minutes and completely forget the camera's are rolling." you scoff. "and i've seen your little annotations on the cue cards jake." you laugh, "stop pretending you have good grammar by fixing improper sentences when you can't even write complete sentences on your cue cards."
"they're annotations for a reason y/n, they don't have to be grammatically correct." jake argues back pulling his phone out, "plus, you've got to be a loser if everything you say is proper."
"yeah well, when you're putting your grammar on a pedestal then i would expect that you speak properly all the-" you begin before getting cut off by the managers.
"enough!" the managers shout, resulting in the two of you to shut up and sigh.
"you're going to go in there and help each other solve the damn game, and if you guys can't be civilized you already know the consequences, now go."
the two of you leave the van with nothing but resentment for each other and make your way inside as the workers greet you guys, leading the two of you to the escape room. "you guys will have 90 minutes to escape this room, and you have 5 hints available. if you do not escape within the allowed time frame we have been told to either allow you guys more time if you can bear it, or if you choose to leave and not complete the game you will be punished with no electronics indefinitely. good luck!" the worker says, quickly leaving the room after explaining the rules.
"i don't want to do this." you complain looking around the escape room. "but i also don't want to lose my phone because of you."
"how is this my fault, maybe if you were a little nicer to me this wouldn't have happened." jake argues walking around the room looking for clues.
"i was nice to you when i met you." you tell him, pushing on a button that opened the painting on the wall. "look, this opened."
"you really weren't nice though y/n." jake tells you, grabbing the envelope from the hole the painting revealed. "i know i mess up here and there, but calling me stupid is a little much don't you think?"
"i don't call you stupid just because of the cue cards." you mumble as you pull the key out of the envelope. "there's a keyhole over there."
"then what did i do to deserve this treatment?" jake asks, putting the key through the hole.
"for starters, when we first started mc-ing i would try to start conversations with you before the stage and you would completely ignore me. secondly, you spilled coffee on my shirt before the stage started and didn't even apologize. lastly, whenever the stage ends you just walk away without saying anything." you tell him as the door opens into another locked room.
"i don't have the energy to make small talk all the time." jake says observing the room once again.
"you can't even bring yourself to apologize, pathetic." you hiss. "get your head out of your ass jake, you're the problem here, not me."
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word count: 822 thanks for reading! ♡
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taglist: @whois-alexis , @hanienie , @reikofruitloops , @baldi-2 , @yelleloww , @aetzensvct , @moonshoon , @kimipxl , @shinsou-rii , @giraffeass , @ghostiiess , @ohbeomgyu [open - bolded could not be tagged]
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2022 © jungwnies
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Here is my piece of air travel advice having had flights canceled on me after long delays two times this year:
The VERY MINUTE you get a notice that your flight is delayed, call the airline and get in line for a call back from an agent. The wait is always a few hours, so by the time you get the call you'll have more information. They can book you on another flight without losing your spot on your current flight, so you'll have a leg up on everyone else. Don't bother with the app, don't get in physical line for the help desk rebooking.
We were delayed from 625 to 830, then 915, then 950. We were in line on the jetway at 940 and a gate agent came running through SHOUTING, "You need to hurry up, your crew times out at 10:15 and the doors have to be shut by then. You have to get every person on the plane and shut the doors by 10:15 or the flight is canceled." Everyone BOOKED IT and we were seated and the doors were shut and the engines were running at 9:57. At 10:03 the pilot came on and said there was a maintenance issue and we waited 10 more minutes and he finally said this plane couldn't fly but it was fine bc they had another plane and we would just get off the plane and reboard that one. BUT THAT WAS A LIE BC THERE WAS NO CREW.
And he told us to wait at the gate instead of going to the rebooking agent!! The gate agent was like, the pilot lied! there are planes but no crews! GO GET IN LINE TO BE REBOOKED! We went and got in line to be rebooked but also called and signed up for a call back and stood there trying to figure out what to do for 90 minutes (I tried to rent a car and 5 of us -- me, my friend, and three strangers we embraced to have a planes trains and automobiles cross-country adventure-- were going to group together and drive, my friend's husband booked us refundable tickets out of CONNECTICUT on TUESDAY, etc.) Finally we gave up and headed to a hotel and my friend got a call from a representative as we were walking to the taxi line who was able to book us through Dayton Ohio the next day. But like, if we had called to rebook AS SOON AS WE WERE DELAYED, we'd still have had to spend the night in NYC but we wouldn't have had to spend the day in Dayton, we'd have been booked on one of the direct flights.
Anyway that's my advice. Don't wait in line, don't delay calling, just get on the phone the first minute you can.
That's all bye bye Dayton Airport is bad but there is a free massage chair.
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pikaflute · 1 year
okay i did my superball headcanons now time for my other pookie (flint paper)
older than sam and max but not by much, probably like early to mid 50s
divorced twice, it's fine though
trained in like martial arts, i think he should be allowed to throw people around more (normal)
actually enjoys sam and max company. partially because he is insane but also because they're funny to him. like haha you boys throwing anvils on people? that's good love is love
he likes men and women. thats my truth. we will ship superball with him if its the last thing i fucking do!!!!
probably gets love letters from ladies and men who he helped on cases or flirted with to get info. and also max. a majority of them are from max. he can tell because they're misspelled
i think he needs to be hairy. for my sake. i also don't think he shaves. again im normal. normal poster
i think he had a mullet when he was younger. one day he asks for help cleaning his office and sam and max find that picture of him in college with one and they go HUH and he goes oh yeah that was me and sam and max both desire him more carnally
he does classy drinking. he has like cognac and whiskey in office and those fancy decanters but will occasionally like down a bottle of vodka
user pikaflute when she hasn't said a character is from new jersey in the past twenty minutes: hey guys i think flint paper is-
has had to get his office fixed over twenty times. the landlord hates him but flint pays his (and sam and max's cause god knows they don't pay rent) rent so far in advance he is never getting kicked out
speaking of, he's probably rich. he's good at solving cases and threatening individuals pays a lot. even though sometimes he works on a "hunch" he's always proven right.
he's an only child. thats why he's crazy.
probably knows a bunch of languages for investigating. one time max hears flint speaking french and max is like "hes going to speak french to me while in bed" and sam goes "wait in fucking line"
probably did gymnastics as a teen. explains why he's so nimble and good at fighting. AND HOT
drinks coffee but so black it's still coffee grounds. he orders this from (girl) stinky all the time and she's like "im throwing this pot at you" and he's like "good! i need a pick me up!"
he did modeling at one point on his life on the side before becoming a full time investigator. if sam and max ever find those shoots they're going to fucking die
when sam and max were first moving in, flint did an entire background search on them and when he met them for the first time he told him everything he found out and sam and max both fell in love with him instantly.
one time he works on a case with sam and max and it causes so much property damage that the three of them are permanently banned from staten island
cannot cook to save his life. he asked sam if spaghetti is supposed to be black and sam was like "i....maybe not."
very good with kids surprisingly. he babysits for sam and max and asks geek if she wants like water or anything while he beats a guy up and she's like "i'm....good."
one time when sam and max actually did their job and brought a criminal into jail they saw flint in there and he was in the process of breaking out and he's like "hey boys! can you unlock the door for me?" and they both went "anything for you."
he 100% knows sam and max want him so bad it's not even funny. it's flattering to him
he doesn't drive. he just walks to places and somehow gets there faster than a car
also has a tattoo somewhere, probably on his back. i don't know of what, i'm just homo okay?
listens to jazz mainly. it fits the noir aesthetic. his office reeks of cigarettes.
[walks up to the mic] sock garters [everyone cheers]
he's autistic and he stims by shooting and beating people up. I'm only like half joking
i think hes shorter than superball by like an inch. so 5'8
i don't think he's played a video game since the 90s. he's a light gun shooter master though.
i also don't think he knows anything about modern pop culture at all. half the shit max says to him might as well be in a different language
sleeps naked cause he's Like That
doesnt like horror movies. they just make him angry and upset
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Client Recap
Sorenson ended up booking 90 minutes. I guess this will be his routine from now on. He enjoys my company and 60 minutes isn’t long enough for him.
He was wonderful as always. He made me work for that money, though. He has a lot stored in him but it doesn’t take much to make him blow.
He asked me to play with his perineum today which I think is directly connected to the prostate. I want to learn how to work that spot better. We tried out some other things he’d seen online and I think he loved it.
I also realized it’s not a coincidence that he has me in stitches everytime I see him: he’s actually a funny guy. His observations and point of view catch me off guard.
When I walked into his apartment, I immediately asked him to follow up about the story of his stolen car. He said he replaced the car but the replacement ended up getting crashed into on a parking deck. He has a great sense of humor so we just stood in his hallway, laughing at his misfortune.
After our first round, he got up, went to the kitchen, and I could hear the loud clinking of metal and glasses.
He came back with a freshly mixed Manhattan. He even had an orange peel in it. He’s into making cocktails. 😆😆 Adorable. He showed me the video on YouTube that he used to learn. He could see that I wanted to take a sip but he knows I don’t drink.
We got into deeper conversation when he asked about my vices. I told him that my main vice was being unmotivated and depressed and I’d been in a rut since covid. He was really kind. He could see that I was being hard on myself.
He said life is cyclical. You have to go through some things to get to where you need to be. The discomfort is unavoidable. He told me that the person I am now is exactly the person I need to be in this moment. I appreciated hearing that so much. He’s only two years older than me but pretty wise. He’s been through a lot more personal turmoil than me. He said that he’d been in therapy for a total of eleven years.
Anyway, I was tired when I saw him. It had been a long day for me. I hope he didn’t notice.
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