#but also yeah maybe what’s keeping me sane is watching the sun through my window on early mornings
jmin · 1 year
yeah my day started pretty stressful but at least I got some sun on my face and had a bowl of fruits with granola so I’m still winning
0 notes
themonotonysyndrome · 3 years
REDACTED verse - The aloof Bombay & wounded Border Collie
Summary: They say you are what you are in the dark. So you prove just who you are when there's only you and Frederick in a dark house, with no one else around. 
TW: [Swearing], [Profanity], [Angst with a happy ending] & [Mild panic attack]
So, first thing first, a little backstory about this oneshot. I had already written out the first scene a week before Redacted announced the discontinuation of Frederick & Bright Eyes series. Although he mentioned that it’s fine to continue on writing headcanons about the two, I was hesitant to continue writing this fic. 
But I’ve been missing them terribly so I sat my ass down and finally completed it! Yay! Fred & Bright Eyes had one of the most interesting dynamics in this fandom so I wanted to give it a go based on my headcanons of them. 
There's a strange sort of energy hovering around Vincent and Sam lately. 
It's not subtle either. Its anxiety, stress and uncertainty all roll together into a heavily dense fog that makes you itches under the skin. 
This has been going on for days now. 
Vincent constantly has thick textbooks with him whenever he comes over to Sam's place. They would exchange short pleasantries before Sam hurried off to his Werewolf beau (it's sort of funny the first time Sam returns home, and you spotted courses of wolf's hair stuck onto the hem of his clothes and jeans. You figured that this man's main hobby was tussling with Wolves, but when Sam would sneak back into his own fucking house like a teenager, it wasn't hard to put two-and-two together). Vincent would then make sure that you and Frederick are fed, settled in for the night before he completely ignores the two of you in favour of his school work. 
As if the two of you are a pair to toddlers. You'd laugh if it didn't annoy you. 
Fred, ever the gentle sweetheart, attempted to make small talks at first. Tentatively asking if he's stressed out over exams and if there's anything he could do to help - the result was expected. With pen in hand, notebooks and the two hundred and one pages depicting the foundations of magical healing, Vincent rather absentmindedly shooed him away. 
Sam is arguably the worst. Ever since he stepped outside of the house during their crash course of the Empowered creatures in Dahlia to answer a phone call, he returns with lines on his forehead and shoulders tensed as hell. 
Their impromptu lesson ended just like that when another Clan member had to babysit the two of you after Sam stormed out of the house. 
You don't know whether they realise how taunt their strings have been, and you don't really care, honestly. Just curious; you're pretty confident that something big will happen soon. 
At least there's something exciting to look forward to other than Sam's disapproving frowns and Fred's frustrated attempts at making you bear your heart and guts out. 
And something big will happen soon. Apparently, there's something equivalent to a magical Olympics that occurs every year called the Elemental & Energetic Games, and this year, the local supernatural academy would be the one hosting it in Dahlia. Interesting. 
Speaking of which, you could hear Vincent talking to his lover outside your bedroom through his phone. "Sam's on the way... yeah, he just texted me." A short pause. "Yeah, I can do that. Hey, hey, Lovely - listen to me. Everything's going to be alright. You've been practising non-stop for the Games. You deserve a special night for a change. So here's what we're going to do: I'll pick up some of that blueberry pie you love so much on the way back, we'll watch some movies after dinner and then have an early night so you'll feel better tomorrow. Sounds good? Nice. Oh wait - I think I can hear Sam outside. See you in a little bit. Love you too, Lovely." 
You tune the outside world after that. It makes sense now why Vincent was stressed out; he's busy playing the good boyfriend. 
With a tired sigh, you try your best to occupy your mind. It's three hours to midnight, but to Vampires, that's practically early morning, and you're already so bored. You don't want to step out of your little sanctuary if it means having to deal with Sam, Vincent and Fred tonight. 
Or ever. Forever sounds good. 
Not knowing what else to do, you pushed yourself out of bed and padded towards the window sill. The cool night air greets you as well as the trees and shadows that stretch on for miles. Once you and Fred were officially brought under Sam's care as his Progenies, you quickly realise that his house is located on the outskirts of Dahlia. Where the forests sprawl behind the abode and the city lights are just far enough not to pollute the night sky. 
A perfect place to raise a pair of unplanned Newborn Vampires. You conclude that either Sam enjoys living by himself in a secluded property or that this house was given to him by Mr. Solaire. 
Either way, you would've love to sneak out and explore the forest if it weren't for the magical wards that Sam had warned the two of you. The moment you or Fred steps out of the immediate area, Sam would know right away that one of them disobeyed his rules. 
So despite the pleasant night air, there's a strum of anxiety and restlessness stirring within you. Is it because of Sam's recent behaviours or the upcoming Games? You can't tell, not when no one is bothered enough to tell you what's going on. 
You take a deep breath and take your sweet time to exhale the air out. There's no use in working yourself up; not when you just need to get through this Newborn phase. It's better to think of the future. 
And that bastard's mangled corpse at your feet. 
"You should've listened to your friend, little mouse." 
Ironically, the monster's voice is the only thing keeping you sane during this whole happy house facade that Sam and Frederick insist on playing. Late-night fantasies of ripping that smug's asshole to pieces are the only thing that keeps you going, sad as it is. 
It's not revenge; it's justice. It's your atonement for hurting Frederick. What good would apologies serve when you can present that monster's head to him? You're not deluded enough to play the victim; you're the reason why the two of you are the way you are now, but you'll be damn if you admit that to Sam. 
Sam's already blamed you for what happened to Fred. Even if he never says it. His lingering glances and furrowed brows are telling enough. There's no need to give him more ammunition against you. 
You breathe in and out again; willing yourself to calm down. So you start to distract yourself by planning to gather enough money and resources to leave the Clan once Mr. Solaire deems that you're safe to be on your own and to others. His kind smile and knowing eyes should've made you uncomfortable, but all you can feel is genuine compassion and understanding coming from that ancient Vampire King. 
So. Priorities: Passing the Newborn period, gather enough money, clothes and anything else that's important, thank Mr. Solaire for taking you into his Clan, and if it's not too presumptuous, ask him to continue to care for Fred. 
A knock on the door startles you from your train of thoughts, but you keep your gaze on the dark forest laid before you. 
You heard the door creak as it slowly swings open and then, "Bright Eyes? Is... Is everything ok?" 
It's Fred. Of course, it would be Fred. 
"Mm-hmm." You reply absentmindedly. You didn't even have to look at him to know that he doesn't believe your bullshit. And him being your Sire makes it impossible to lie to him, so you often gives out vague responses. 
Most of these days, your interactions with him are curt, with doubt thrown into the mix. Fred is hesitant to press you when you brush away his questions, and in return, you hide as often as possible so you wouldn't step on any emotional landmines in this house. 
"Are you sure? Because I can kind of sense that you're upset..." Fred said after a brief moment of hesitation. Ah, it's going to be one of those nights. 
The bond between a Sire and his Progeny once again proves to be a fucking nuisance. Not only could you not lie to Fred, but he could also sense phantom emotions coming from you. So much for privacy. 
"It's fine, Fred. I was just thinking." There. Not a lie but not the total truth either. 
"O-Oh." From the doorway, Fred bit his lower lip. Why is it getting harder and harder to approach Bright Eyes nowadays? He hates this distance between them. He hates how they rarely left their room. 
He hates how it feels like he's losing his friend as the days go by. 
"Do you, uh, maybe want to play a game or something? Vincent hooked up a Playstation 5 before he left. I think he also left some video games - "
"I'm not in the mood to play tonight, Fred. Maybe tomorrow." 
Fred sighs at the clear dismissal. It honestly hurt; Bright Eyes constant rebuff is getting sharper and sharper. Without another word, Fred left Bright Eyes to their thoughts. 
As usual, nothing is absolved tonight. 
It's a boring rainy Wednesday night. The gentle pitter-patter of raindrops against the shutters promises an incoming storm when you hear the sound of rumbling thunders approaching the city from a distance. 
Tonight, Vincent is too busy at D.A.M.N to babysit you and Fred. Sam already left the house an hour after the sun had set with his usual instructions not to go beyond the wards and that a Clan member would be coming over to supervise them. 
Why does this feel like you and Fred are the unwanted children from a divorced couple? Oh well, all the more reason to leave the clan ASAP. 
You plan to brood in your room as usual after draining your share of the blood bags in the fridge. However, the moment you take three steps out of the kitchen, lightning flashes across the sky. 
The power trip, hurtling the entire house into total darkness. 
"The circuit breaker," You murmur, inhumane eyes quickly adjusting to the darkness as you look around the area in 4K HD. "Did Sam ever mentioned where it was?" You tried to recall the house's layout from Sam's words alone, but you tend to tune out his voice whenever he speaks more than twenty minutes. So it looks like you better start from the basement.  
Just when you're about to head downstairs, a whimper froze you. You tilt your head towards one of the bedrooms. 
The sound is coming from Fred's. 
You stood your ground for only a few seconds of hesitation before you quietly approached his bedroom and slowly opened the door as to not startle him — concern creeping into your heart. 
Just like the rest of the house, Fred's bedroom is completely dark. Lightning flashed once more to illuminate Fred's huddled figure on the floor near the window. He's breathing very hard and rapidly with his head in between his knees. 
Your heart twisted into a knot at the sight of a frightened Fred, and you couldn't help but wonder if this is how he looked like when that monster hurt him. 
You forcefully put that thought away. You're horrible with words, but there's one way you can still comfort him. 
Fred's breath hitches when your back lean against his. "B-Bright Eyes?" He calls out with a choked sob, head slightly raised in surprise. 
When you said nothing, Fred let out a ragged sigh. "What are you doing here? I thought you couldn't stand the sight of me." 
You blink and turn your head to give him a side-eye. Say what? 
"Don't give me that l-look." Fred snaps after a sniffle. "You could hardly look at my face lately, and you only leave your bedroom whenever you have to eat. If it weren't for that, you'd happily pretend that Sam and I don't even exist." 
"That's because whenever I'm around, you keep wanting to talk about Wonderworld, and Sam keeps shooting me looks as if I'm a shitstain underneath his fucking boots." You shoot back reflexively. 
Much to the surprise of absolutely no one, your words upset Fred even further. "You can't talk about Sam like that! He's been nothing but kind to us. To you and you just - "
"He blames me for what happened to you!" Fred can't be this oblivious, can he?
Behind you, Fred went stiff.
"You're his Progeny, and I'm the deadweight that he's stuck with because you Turned me. He knows it, Vincent knows it. Fuck it, everyone in the Clan knows it! So why should I give a damn when I'm unwanted? And that's alright! That's totally alright! You want to know why that's alright, Freddy?" Lightning split the night sky. A rather powerful thunder shakes the house, but at this moment, nothing exists except for you, Fred and the tension that has been brewing between the two of you the moment your humanities were forfeit.  
"I'm not planning to stay here any longer than I have to! The moment Mr. Solaire give us the green light, I'm out of Dahlia! Buh-bye! You and Sam can do whatever the fuck you want, but I don't want to stay in this city any longer! I don't have anything left here!" 
Silence enveloped the bedroom. What are you even doing here? Why did you even think you could comfort Fred when all you've been doing is hurting him. Even now! This was a mistake. You should've - 
"I was right. I'm losing you too..." 
"Uh, what?" 
Fred tucks his head in between legs tighter as if he's trying to hide from the world. "I think I always knew that you were going to leave me when you started to pull away from everyone. That's why I wanted us to talk about that Halloween night so badly." His voice is ragged, tears stream down his face. "Y-You said that you don't have anything left in Dahlia, but... you're all that I have left and if you leave... I..." Fred sighed and quietly continued, "I thought I was your friend. I thought I meant something to you." 
"I've hurt you." You reply, just as quietly. "I've been hurting you since Wonderworld, and even tonight, I'm hurting you. I didn't listen to you that night, and because of it, we're here. You lost your family, friends and future and for that I'm... I'm so sorry, Fred. You didn't deserve anything that happened to you." 
"Thank you, Bright Eyes. I-I needed to hear that." Fred reply. When he reaches for your hand, you squeeze it back. "What happened was... fucked up, but none of us knew about that Vampire. Or that Vampires actually exist. So it's stupid of me to blame you for our d-deaths." 
"But I didn't listen - "
"Yes, you didn't listen but will you listen to what I have to say now, Bright Eyes? Please? I want us to move on from this together. I want us to be better." 
Perhaps it's how raw and near begging Fred sounds that both of your walls are down tonight. Perhaps, tonight, you finally realise that it's you that doesn't like confrontations and that despite Fred's gentle and reserved nature, he has no problem mending the wounds between the two of you with force if he has to. Huh, who could've thought? 
The two of you talk for hours in the darkness. It feels so awkward to bear your heart to Fred after everything, but to your immense surprise and relief, he listens to you patiently, and once you're done, he let you into his heart. All the fears, insecurities, regrets, shame and horror are laid between you and together, you address them one by one until the storm lets up. 
And when the silver light of the moon peeking through heavy clouds, you found yourself snuggling with Fred on his bed. Your head tucks into the crook of his neck while Fred's arm is around you. It's strange how lighter your heart is now. 
"Have you stop crying already?" You ask, wondering if you'd need to run to the kitchen to make a simple bag of ice for Fred's red, puffy eyes before they swelled. 
Fred snort. He sniffles and squeezes your body in assurance. Being slightly taller than you, it feels sort of nice to be held like this. Despite their heartfelt conversation and confessions, the trauma they both carry is still fresh, but now, it doesn't feel like an overwhelming miasma threatening to drown you in guilt and sorrow. "Yeah, yeah. I'm alright now. It feels good to finally cry after... after everything." 
"Can't relate." You bluntly interject. "I usually get pissed off after a crying session." 
"I can actually believe that." Fred giggles. "I'm beginning to understand you a lot better, Bright Eyes. Thank you for listening; I know that words are hard for you, so I'm very grateful that you want to work things out as much as I do." 
Outside, the rain has become a gentle drizzle, and the stars ushered a bright full moon. It's too lovely of a night to brood; you might as well take a nap with Fred. 
"Bright Eyes?" Fred suddenly speaks up, bringing you out of your sleepy haze. 
"Do you... I mean... are you still planning to leave Dahlia?" His voice returns to its timid and hesitant state. 
"Well... yeah. After our - urgh - mushy talk, I realise it's all the more reason I need to do it. You're the only thing I have left in this city after all." 
"You want to leave me despite just saying that all you have is me? Uh, I don't... don't get it. Can you please explain it to me, Bright Eyes?" 
You hold back a groan. It looks like Fred has discovered the magic of 'please' and your weakness to it. "I'm planning to kill the Vampire who killed us and use his skull as my apology gift to you." 
Unlike you, Fred groans in disbelieve. You yelp when he manoeuvres you so your body can lie on top of his and trap you in his arms. "No... Bright Eyes, no... no hunting that asshole, OK? You don't need to give me a skull; just stay here with me. Skulls are gross anyway." He whines like a needy toddler, which, surprisingly, makes you feel fond instead of irritated. 
So you roll your eyes and press your face into Fred's chest. Perhaps you can try to convince Fred to leave with you in the future, but for now, nothing matters but the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest and the faint scent of wet grass outside. 
They're going to be alright. 
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nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
Words: 1.751
Warnings: angst; fluff
A/N: Somehow, I had to continue it with these two... who knows where this will go...
Synopsis: You had helped Adam Jensen with his wounds and then, he disappeared without a word? Of course, you are more than just a bit angry but Adam might know a way to apologize.
"Jensen?!", you said after you had opened the front door, your voice was a mixture of shock and surprise as you saw the dark haired man in front of your apartment.
"Hey...uhm… How are you doing?”, Adam asked softly and was glad to hide his eyes behind his shields so you couldn’t see his insecure glance.
“What do you want?”, you asked with an ice cold voice.
“Can... can I come in?", Adam asked and stepped slightly forward.
You stopped him with your raised hand, "Why?", you asked, acting reluctantly. With the door still in your hand, you blocked his way.
"I want to talk to you. And I don't want to do it here in the hallway.”, Adam explained serious but got softer again as he saw your sullen expression, “Please.", he pleaded.
You debated with yourself but finally, you gave in and opened the door fully. Adam stepped inside and closed the door while you waited with crossed arms leaning against the kitchen counter. Silence was slowly growing between you two. You tried to read Adam's face but the eye-glasses, his black shields, made this impossible, "You wanted to talk. So, talk.", you said exasperated.
Adam flinched because of your harsh tone but he already knew it wouldn’t be easy, "Yeah, I... listen, I- I’m sorry.", he said, insecure because even for him it sounded too lame.
"You are sorry?", you laughed dryly.
"Yes, I really am, YN. Believe me. I-"
"I shall believe you? I helped you! I cleaned your wounds! I was there as you needed help. You have kissed me! I thought we had a thing going on between us and then? You just left for fucking three months without a word.", you pointed out.
Adam could see how upset you were and it broke his heart because it was his own fault. To see you like this was the last thing he wanted. Slowly, he walked towards you with raised hands in surrender. He saw that you observed his moves closely, ready to back away from him if you had to, "I know, it wasn't fair of me. That's why I’m here-", he stopped as he saw the anger glittering in your eyes.
You pushed yourself from the counter and walked closer to Adam just to slap him right in his face. Adam's head jerked to the side. He knew he deserved it and maybe even more. You raised your fists and punched against his chest violently. Adam just let you do it until you were panting for air. Tears were brimming in your eyes as you looked up into his face. The eye-shields were gone and his yellow-greenish eyes were just watching you with a soft expression. You raised your fist once again but you couldn’t throw another punch. Instead, Adam took your hands and placed them flatly on his chest, caressing your skin softly with his thumbs.
You became calmer as you felt his heartbeat and body heat. More tears were running down your cheeks while Adam brought you soothingly against his chest with a strong embrace.
You sniffed against his chest, inhaling his scent, "Most of the time, I feared you would be dead. You hear me? I was scared to death I would have lost you and no one would tell me anything about it. I was worried sick.", you cried against his chest while your hands were clawing into his coat.
"I know. I’m so sorry, YN.", Adam said calmly and brushed a few strands of your hair out of your face. As you looked up at him, he showed you a caring glance, "Could you forgive me, please? I would… Can I have another chance with you? We could start again.", Adam asked sheepishly but also with much hope you would say yes.
"If you promise me that you won't disappear like this ever again. Next time, tell me what is going on.", you asked desperately.
"I promise.", Adam said solemnly and meant it. He did the mistake with you once and learnt it the hard way how much he missed you no matter what his intention had been.
"Then, I can forgive you, I guess.", you said and watched how a shy smile crept on Adam’s lips before he kissed you carefully, not sure if you would let him. With both hands, he framed your face to bring you even closer for a more passionate kiss as you stayed with him.
Your grip into Adam’s coat became stronger as your lips were hungrily working against his. You had missed him just too much to be too angry for too long. After a few moments, he lifted you up and placed you on the kitchen counter to step between your legs while you were busy undressing the coat from his figure. You let your hands slowly roam over his large frame, over the broad shoulders and down his spine with your nails slightly digging through the fabric just to work your way back up again and into his short, black hair. The falling rain and the deep, sensual growls from Adam were the soundtrack of this unexpected evening.
You awoke in the middle of the night and found yourself in an empty bed. Sitting up with the sheets tightly draped over your body, you looked through the half darkness but Adam was nowhere to be seen. Fear crept slowly up your spine that Adam might have left you once again.
You got up, walking over to the staircase which led down to the living room. Still on the stairhead, you saw Adam leaning against the wall and looking out of one of the large, ceiling-high windows. With silent steps, you approached him from behind to snake your arms around his waist.
As Adam felt your embrace, he relaxed immediately. His hands were moving up and down your naked, cool skin, "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.", he whispered, happy about your presence.
You leant against his warm skin with closed eyes, just glad that he was still with you, "Don’t worry. It's okay. But … What's the matter? Couldn't you sleep?"
"I barely sleep for quite some time.", he admitted with a dry chuckle and let his eyes roam over the skyline of Detroit. The city was still busy, interesting to watch with all the lights and dangerous in all the shadows.
The two of you just stood there in silence for quite a while until you found the courage to ask what was on your mind, "Where have you been all the time?"
Adam turned around in your arms, leant against the wall and brought you close to his chest. He placed his head on top of yours and just inhaled the scent of your hair deeply, "I can't tell you too much about it. But it had something to do with Sarif Industries."
"With Sarif? The company you work for?", you asked surprised.
"Yeah, I also found some information regarding my parents. My real parents. They got burnt in some fire in the White Helix Labs.", he explained calmly.
But you knew how hard this had to be to learn after everything Adam had gone through so far, "Adam... I… I am so sorry.", you said softly, looking into his face.
In his artificial eyes the bright lights of the city got mirrored and let them glow in a special, golden way. His face was an unreadable mask but you knew that he was far away with his thoughts. With your hand, you raked through his hair and softly over his neatly trimmed, black beard with your fingers. Your fingertips were brushing down his neck where you traced down along his muscles and several augmentations on his chest. Slowly, you stroked back up and stopped as you reached his augmented shoulder. You moved forward the next second without hesitation because not just his skin was soft but also the material of his augmentations. Your hand rested on Adam’s black, upper arm. As you looked up, you were surprised to see a loving glance. You smiled shyly, "Just say if I can do anything. I would love to help you."
Adam smiled and raised your chin with his thumb and index finger for a sweet, loving kiss, before he looked back into your eyes, "You are already helping me, sweetheart.", he whispered against your lips.
"You are keeping me sane.", Adam admitted and watched how your eyes were brightening with joy.
"But how? We.. the last three months...", you stammered, frowning about Adam’s statement.
"You may think I have forgotten you but that's not true. I thought about you every second. It was just...", he paused with a sigh.
"I was afraid something could happen to you if I contacted you. There were mighty men involved. Please understand my decision to keep you safe. I could have managed that better, I know, but...", Adam stopped. He was a lone wolf and used to work alone. Maybe, with you, he had to make some progress on his social skills.
You cupped Adam’s cheek with your hand, "It's okay. I am not mad anymore. I was just...so worried.", you admitted, looking away for a moment.
"It's been a long time since someone cared about me this much.", Adam said softly.
You smiled sheepishly, "Is that wrong?"
"Of course not. And I am sure I will get used to it very fast. Just be patient with me.", he asked low.
"I will do my very best.", you answered smiling. You knew you would do everything to help him no matter what the problem would be.
Adam kissed you gently and in the same moment, he scooped you up into his arms to carry you up the stairs and back to bed. He hovered above you while he untangled you from the sheets with his other hand. The light of the night covered your naked body in a mixture of blue, black and grey shadows. A flush crept up your neck caused by his hungry glance.
Adam lowered his head and started kissing your soft, bare skin. From your stomach over your ribcage and further over your neck to stop finally on your lips for a passionate kiss. His bodyweight pinned you down but, nevertheless, you managed to tangle your legs around his lower body to press him even closer to yourself. Neither of you thought about sleep before the morning sun crawled over the first rooftops.
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binnie-loves-dark · 4 years
Strangers in the night (Changbin x Y/N)
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A content sigh left your lips whilst reading a book, sitting atop your camper van admiring the beauty of the luscious green fields and valley below. You lived a simple life. Just you and your faithful feline friend Ziggy to keep you company. The sun was beginning to enter its journey of setting, a signal that it was time to move on to your next location for the night before night truly fell.
You turned the keys in the vans ignition only to be met with a merciful groaning sound scaring both you and Ziggy in the process.
You held back a chuckle at the poor cats response “Sorry buddy! I didn’t mean to spook you, sounds like Daisy doesn’t want to start. Let’s try that again shall we?”
Nope she definitely didn’t want to go. “Great” you cursed aloud and hit the steering wheel. The night sky was begging to draw ever closer followed by the quiet echos of coyotes howling in the distance. You knew you should have left earlier rather than risk getting stuck in the middle of unfamiliar territory.
Opening the drivers door you grabbed the torch stored away in the glove compartment. Popping up the hood of the campervan nothing looked unordinary or suspicious. A few taps and nudges here and there usually did the trick to fix any problems, but this time it was not the case.
You knew the basics of how to fix and take care or your campervan but never anything too technical. The nearest garage repair shop was at least a few miles away, much too far to walk this late at night - especially alone.
Admitting defeat you were busy fishing out a couple of blankets from the trunk which you kept for emergencies such as this deciding the only choice you had was to spend the night here. That was until a set of headlights came into view nearby. Seeing this as an opportunity to potentially get some help or at least a ride to the nearest garage you stepped out towards the rubbly road and stuck an arm out to try and grab the drivers attention.
It didn’t look like whoever was driving had noticed you and wasn’t going to stop. However a few meters past you down the road red brake lights suddenly appeared. You slowly paced up to the drivers side hoping it wouldn’t be anyone with sinister intentions. The window wound down and you were met with a set of sparkling bright eyes paired with a rather sharp but also elegant looking face which took you aback slightly.
“Can I help you?” The stranger coughed.
Dammit! You didn’t realise you had been staring for such a period of time that would be deemed uncomfortable to anyone.
“Oh umm I’m so sorry. Aha!” You giggled awkwardly. “Umm I kind of could do with some help. My campervan doesn’t want to start and I’m out of ideas of what it could be. Would you possibly mind taking a look and see if I’ve missed anything obvious?”
“Sure.” Was all the stranger hesitantly replied, his cold attitude and words certainly didn’t match his looks.
Turning away from his truck you slowly plodded back to your van not holding out much hope for him to find a solution. You tossed the keys over to him so he could start looking at what could be the issue.
Grrr...grrr...grrr was all that could be heard from your beloved van again. He stepped out from the drivers seat and moved to the hood of the vehicle and started doing the same basic examinations and tests you had previously done under your torch’s spotlight.
“Can you keep the light still, I can’t see where anything is if you keep moving!” He grunted.
“Sorry! I’m just cold that’s all” It was almost the dead of night after all.
“Here, take this” suddenly you were engulfed by the hoodie he previously wore. “Oh thanks” you shyly blushed. No one had ever made this sort of gesture towards you before, always keeping yourself to yourself resulted in spending a lot of time on your own. Not only was he helping try to fix your van but you now had his hoodie to stop you freezing from being exposed to the elements. It smelt faintly of his cologne, a woody scent with a slight citrus spice to it. It strangely comforted you for some reason which didn’t go unnoticed by him.
“My names Changbin by the way.” He said looking at you whilst scratching the back of his head.
“I’m Y/N” you quietly replied. “And thank you for all this. Having any luck yet?”
He sighed “I think it’s something possibly to do with the conversion unit. But I’m not entirely sure, that kind of thing is way past my expertise level and is probably gonna be costly to get fixed.” Disappointment was strewn across your face, you felt absolutely devastated. A slight tear started to emerge from the corner of your eye, the reality of the situation starting to dawn on you that your most beloved and prized possession had given up.
A hand reached to your shoulder “Hey don’t be upset. I may not even be right! Guess he means a lot to you?”
“It’s a she actually!” This came out much colder than you anticipated it to but blamed it on your emotions getting the better of you. “She’s called Daisy and yeah we’ve kind of been through a lot together. Apart from dear old Ziggy sleeping in there she’s the most special thing to me.”
“Daisy, oh it’s a cute name” He had rested his back on the now closed hood of your van. “You had her for a long time then I guess?”
“You could say something like that. I’ve had her since high school, we’ve travelled a lot which kept me sane and helped me find my true self along the way.”
“Oh right. It’s nice you have a story and she’s in really good nick. Just a shame she’s decided to pack up now”
“It’s fine honestly. I’ll just wait for sunrise and take a walk to the nearest stop and see if they can help get her started again. Thanks for trying though.” You circled round to the other side of the truck gathering up the blankets once more as a puzzled Changbin took a hold of your wrist.
“You’re not seriously going to stay out here all night on your own are you?” He looked down at you, creases forming between his eyebrows from frowning.
“I’ll be fine!” You brushed him off of your arm. “I have blankets, some spare food and some water so I’ll be fine until then. Honestly you don’t need to worry about me.”
“Y’know you could always come back with me. I’m only a couple of miles away from here. Only if you’re comfortable to though, don’t feel pressured. I just can’t consider myself a gentleman if I don’t even offer.” He scratched the back of his head again, this must be what he does when he’s nervous. Initially you thought there was no chance you’d go anywhere with this stranger, but a part of you also realised the contrast to how he acted towards you in the beginning. Maybe he wasn’t as bad as you first thought.
“Okay, but don’t try anything funny. Otherwise I’ll... I’ll set Ziggy on you!” He smiles followed by a giggly laugh and you once again realised how breathtaking his features were. His smile kind of made you feel weak at the knees like you were school girl all over again.
“Is that supposed to be a threat?” He grinned whilst raising an eye brow at you.
“You betcha it is! Are you sure you don’t mind? Hopefully it will only be for one night.” “Of course not! Why would I offer otherwise. Now come on, grab your basic things and put them in my trunk.”
You scrambled some of your essential belongings together into a satchel as quickly as you could. Also making sure Ziggy has his harness and lead securely fastened before picking him up from his luxurious pillow seated on the front passenger seat.
Locking Daisy up you felt a pang of guilt for leaving her here for the night. “It’s alright old girl. I’ll be back in the morning and hopefully we can make you as good as new again”. You made your way to Changbins truck and found Ziggy already asleep in the backseat. He probably had no care as to what was going on and was just happy to be in a warm cozy bed wherever it was situated.
Securing your seatbelt you turned to face Changbin to thank him once again for all of this. “Y/N you don’t need to keep thanking me. What kind of a human being would that make me if I left you out here all alone tonight.” He set off on the journey home. You both made awkward small talk the whole journey and realised you actually had more in common than first thought. Sharing a passion for photography and travelling amongst other things.
The journey wasn’t too far and you were soon met with a log type cabin which you assumed is where you’d be staying for the night. It didn’t look much to the eye but considering the beauty of the surrounding area it blended in perfectly.
You dumped your satchel by the front door and went over to help Changbin who was busy preparing two hot chocolate supremes to warm you both up. It was the most delicious looking drink you had ever set eyes on. The deep dark chocolate at the bottom of the glass soon blended into a more faded colour the closer it got to the squirty cream which was topped with marshmallows, grated chocolate and a slight sprinkle of cinnamon.
You both sat on the sofa facing the wood fire, hot chocolates in hand, sleep starting to overcome the both of you. It was you who gave into sleep first. Changbin was in mid conversation when he heard your slight breaths turn heavier and indication you were sleeping. Instead of disturbing you he grabbed one of your blankets and placed atop of you before lightly brushing back a streak of hair with his index finger that had fallen into your face. It was at that moment he realised the natural beauty you carried so effortlessly. How had he not noticed sooner? For some reason unbeknownst to him he felt a pang in his heart. He felt like he had known you forever, not just mere hours and could have watched you peacefully sleep all night.
Instead he slowly got up and placed a small kiss to the top of your head “Sweet dreams love” before placing himself in his own bed and allowing sleep to consume him too.
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idyllicstarker · 4 years
Hello :) I was thinking of something where Peter sits on the rooftops near Stark Tower a lot. Spying and keeping an eye on things, and if you wanted to make it explicit, he could see Tony “doing things” through the window, or for a softer direction, maybe Tony catches him and invites him in for dinner. 😊🖤 or a mix of both 👀
Heya!! Thank you for the prompt. It was my first time writing something like this, I guess smut without much smut. But it was fun! I was going to do a mix of both, but since I wasn’t too sure, I kept it short for now. But I hope you like it anyway. 💖💖
Warnings: Sexual content, some foul language
It is explicitly mentioned that Peter is eighteen!!!
Being your friendly neighbourhood spiderman wasn’t all that exciting. Peter knew that all too well. Although that’s probably because he was the only friendly neighbourhood spiderman. 
But either way, despite the fact that Peter loved his self-proclaimed job of protecting New York, there wasn’t a lot to protect. He helped ‘return’ a stolen bicycle. Well, he returned it the best he could - he couldn’t find the owner so he just left a note. And he helped the lost Domican lady… she was really nice, and bought him a churro. He’d even been recognised a couple of times, deemed “that spider guy!” It was not quite the alias he was going for but hey, it was a work in progress. Just a very, very slow progress. 
Peter was tired of it, to say the least. He wanted to do something big. He couldn’t say he was a superhero when he wasn’t doing any superhero things. Petty crimes, that weren’t even crimes, wasn’t really exhausting Peter’s talents. He could do so much, he knew he could, but nothing happened in New York. 
There was one thing, he did like about there not being much to do, however. It was probably a little creepy, but he liked to call it patrolling. Being high up gave him an advantage when it came to watching over the streets. The rooftops near Stark Tower gave him the perfect opportunity to do just that (and maybe stalk his idol too.)
It’s no lie that if Peter positioned himself in just the right place on that one certain building (he’d never taken the time to figure out what it was for), he could see into the windows on that side of the Tower pretty much perfectly. And it just so happened that one of the middle windows (cough fifteen up, four across cough) was Tony Stark’s bedroom. Peter couldn’t and would never deny the fact that he looked up to Tony. He was a powerful and intelligent man, and Peter admired his work. There was also the fact that he was THE iron man, and if Peter could get on his side, he was sure that his job of being New York’s protector would be a hell of a lot more exciting. But Tony would never see Peter, let alone Spiderman, he’d probably never heard of him too and why would he want a highschooler from Queens in his team? Peter had already come to terms with the fact that Tony was never going to notice him, which meant the fact that he was madly in love with him would be a lot easier. Peter found the older man more attractive than anyone he’d ever laid eyes on, and he was sure no one around him compared to the sexiness that was Mr. Stark. He was also certain that nothing would compare to how the man could probably make him cum his brains out in one session but that’s something Peter fantasised about and no one would ever know. 
The point was, finding this rooftop space was one of the best things to happen in Peter’s life. And trust me when I say, he used it to his advantage. 
Most days you’d find him there after school, eyes flicking between the windows of the tower hoping to catch a glimpse of the man and the streets below hoping to catch a glimpse of an actual job to do. Unfortunately neither came often, but Peter held onto hope, especially for the former. 
Tony was a busy man with a busy life, and thus finding him actually in his bedroom was a very rare sight. The other rooms were unidentifiable to Peter, but seeing him in there regardless was also a rare occurrence. He guessed it didn’t help that he was never there too long after dark because May got worried, and he figured looking into the man’s window of whom he’d love to get dicked down by (even if he was a billionaire) wasn't exactly a valid excuse.
But either way, Peter remained there. 
“Yeah but did you see the guy in the red shirt, he was totally angry. He even-”
Friday evening, and Peter found himself in his favourite spot in probably the whole of New York. Mask off, spread eagle on his back, staring up at the slowly darkening sky, he engaged in casual conversation with Ned over the phone. He had to admit, sometimes being up here was lonely so he tried to occupy himself in various ways, including phoning Ned. Until, something caught his eyes, and slowly he began to sit up, looking around in confusion. At first he considered it to be a bird, before he realised a light had come on, and it was that which he’d noticed. It was the light to Tony’s room. 
Peter’s mouth went dry. He’s always swore to himself that if Tony ever did show up, he’d stay to simply catch a glimpse and leave. Being the only building near, tall enough for Peter to actually look into, it seemed wrong to invade his privacy in such a way. But Tony was there. There! And Peter’s promise to himself seemed like a punishment when he was so infatuated with the man. 
“Hey, uh, listen man, can i call you back?”, he said slowly, eyes trained on the window as he tried to figure out what he was doing. No one in their sane mind went to sleep with their curtains open and it was practically still daylight, the setting sun casting an orange glow around the city.
Ned seemed to get all too excited over the phone. Peter could practically see the amazed expression on his face despite Peter having not given any reason to why he was hanging up so abruptly.
“Is there something happening?! Is it another stolen bike? Are you actually going to get to do something?”, he questioned, voice high and bubbly. Peter of course appreciated the support of his best friend, the only one that knew the truth; just not right now. 
“No Ned.. it isn’t”, he began, eyes squinting slowly as he watched Tony approach the window. For a moment he feared he could see him, but surely he wasn’t looking so hard to notice him there. And even if he did, he could play it off as if he actually was patrolling. Not stalking… not at all. And it didn’t matter that, if Tony could see his face, he was in the spider suit, he must know all about made up identities and whatever.
“There is something exciting happening”, Ned gasped, “So are you gonna like fight some bad guys? What about…”
“Look man, I’ve really gotta go, I’ll fill you in later”, Peter said quickly, as he hung up the phone and placed it in his backpack. 
He dared to crawl closer to the edge of the roof to get a better look, breath shaky as he bit down on his lip. “What is he doing?”, he muttered to himself. 
Upon a closer inspection Peter realised the man was pantless. He was still in a button up shirt, probably from the suit he’d been wearing. But the first two buttons were undone, he’d seemed to have ditched a tie, and he was standing leant against the window in his boxers. Peter’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline, freezing as he tried to figure out what the best thing to do in this situation was. 
The part of him that lusted after the man was telling him to stay. But the moral part was telling him to swing down from there. He’d got his glimpse, but this was a total breach of privacy. 
As Peter thought, Tony shifted. Now unless Peter’s sharp eyesight was failing him, those boxers seemed a little too tight. He licked at his lips, before wildly shaking his head. “No, no this is wrong”, he hissed, but despite the conflict in his mind, he still seemed to sit back on his heels, gaze trained on the window. 
It happened in such an aggravating slowness. And yet Peter couldn’t, no matter how hard he tried, get his gaze away from Tony. 
Reaching into his boxers, the man pulled out one of the biggest, thickest shafts, Peter had ever seen. Porn couldn’t even do it justice. That belonged to some kind of god, or at least the man must have done some kind of deal with the devil to get it. 
In that moment, Peter knew he should leave. He was doing something wrong, and let’s face it, illegal, but at the sight of something so delicious, Peter knew he couldn’t leave, letting out one of the most needy whimpers. He didn’t even know he was capable of such a sound. The things he’d do to get that inside him, or at the very least in his mouth. It began to water at the thought, the delicious pain of being stretched to that extent was a far away fantasy. 
Squinted eyes, Peter gaped watching Tony close a fist around himself. At first he seemed almost stoic, as if he was simply standing there jacking off for the hell of it. But Peter soon realised that the relief that washed over Tony’s shoulders as he began gave it a small squeeze (he watched the veins in his arms pop as he did) painted a far different picture. The man had clearly needed this, probably all day. Peter watched the way his shoulders sagged and he held onto the glass with his palm to steady himself. Peter watched the way his eyes closed, as if nothing else mattered in the world right now apart from chasing his own orgasm as he began to move his hand in slow strokes.
Peter couldn’t take his eyes away. It wasn’t his yearn to be filled, bent over a table. No, it was how beautiful the man looked like that. So at peace. 
His thighs began to tremble and Peter mewled, his body leaning forward as he watched, and he waited. Tony’s lips were parted, and Peter could only wish to hear the sinful sounds he was probably making. Moans and grunts of pure bliss filling the room. Or maybe he was quiet. Maybe the sensation of it was too much, and Tony could only let out heavy breaths.
His biceps flexed as his hand worked - Peter could just make out the way his thumb brushed over his slit. He wondered if it was leaking, begging for release. 
He didn’t know how long he’d been sitting here watching. But it felt like a lifetime. All he knew was that Tony stroked himself firm and slow. Feeling the length and savouring the feeling. It was almost torturous, so much so that Peter was impatient on Tony’s behalf. Pleasure came easy, but total ecstasy clearly didn’t, or rather, Tony didn’t let it come quick. Either way, the man had stamina. Peter feared that nightfall was too close, and he’d stayed this long, he wanted, no he needed to see the end. 
It did come, or rather Tony did. Almost as if it had got too much, Tony began to pump his cock like he’d die otherwise. Stripping it sensually. There was no doubt in Peter’s mind that if he wasn’t verbal before, he definitely was now. The way his mouth moved, loud unfs, was unmissable, his back arching forward as his body trembled. 
Peter counted four final strokes before a desperate cry was definitely yelled. Tony toppled forward, eyes squeezed closed, his legs giving away underneath him as he panted, hips shaking, barely having time to move his shirt out of the way, before he was spurting thick ropes of cum against the glass.
He fell back, in a chair Peter hadn’t even noticed, the hard shaft falling limp against his stomach as it dribbled the very last release against his skin. 
Peter shook, Tony’s lips forming a curse as Peter fell back on his bottom. The front of his suit was sticky with desperation and much too tight. It was then when the reality of what he’d just done hit him. He felt dirty. He felt as if he’d committed an unforgivable act. He couldn’t comprehend what he’d just seen, but he knew it turned him on, but it shouldn't have even watched. He stumbled to grab his backpack, shoving the mask inside. He chanced a last glance at the window but Tony was gone. How he’d gotten up so quick Peter wasn’t sure, but he knew he’d already overstayed his welcome, not like he was welcome in the first place. 
He swung down from the building into an alleyway. In a moment's decision he knew he couldn’t be swinging around with the air against his crotch like this, and so pulled off the suit, ignoring the way his cock begged for attention and pulled on his shirt and jeans. He sighed, finally taking a moment to catch his breath. A cold shower, that’s what he needed. 
“What the hell is wrong with you man”, he muttered to himself as he began to leave the alley. 
“Well I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you. In fact I quite enjoyed the audience, don;t think I’ve had an orgasm like that in a long time.”
Peter’s eyes widened, before he clenched his jaw, refusing to look at the man that appeared beside him.
“What? Did I say too much?” Tony asked, his voice low and gruff, clearly still tight from the effects of his little fun he’d just had. 
“You knew I was there?”, Peter asked, voice timid and small, still refusing to look, because he wouldn’t believe it even if he did. 
“I knew you go there most afternoons. I didn’t know you were that at that moment until about half way in. But you didn’t seem to mind.”
“Mr Stark I’m so sorry, I know it was wrong of me, Please don’t go to the police”, Peter begged, big eyes finally turning to look up at the man. He honestly looked terrified. Tony was still in his shirt, although he now had pants on. He’d clearly come down as soon as he’d caught his breath. 
“I’m not gonna go to the police kid”, he laughed, shaking his head, “I mean, we both know you liked what you saw”, he hummed, gesturing to the bulge at the front of Peter’s jeans. The younger gasped, moving to cover it as he bit down on his lip. 
“I’m sorry. You just looked so, so hot, And I love you… I mean I love your work. But I guess I do love you too, You’re so attractive, and you make me feel so… and...”, he began to ramble, but Tony silenced him simply by lifting his hand. 
“I’m gonna need a bit of help getting it up again, but I’m sure you won’t have any trouble with that”, he said, a smirk on his lips as he gestured for Peter to follow him.
He seemed confused for a moment, but instantly scampered after him in a way that can only be described as adorable. “I-I uhhh… what?”, he began to question, the want in his eyes clear, but it was mirrored in Tony’s too which only confused him more,
Tony, well the boy had caught his eye a while ago. With a bit of help from Happy. He’d managed to identify him, find out where he went to school, and find out he was eighteen. It took a bit of googling to find out who the spider boy was, but he found a video on YouTube saying “call me Spider-Man” and Tony was curious.
The attraction to him was undeniable. But Tony knew deep down it was wrong. He’d always been planning to approach him at one point, to recruit him as spider-man, in a way. But after today, and seeing him gawk over him through the window. Tony knew he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off him even if he tried. So he figured he wouldn;t even try. 
As the two made their way into the tower, he rested a hand on the small of Pete’s back which only sank lower and lower as they made their way into the lift. As soon as the doors closed he gave his perk ass a rough squeeze, groaning at the sweet sinful moan Peter let out at that alone. 
“We’ll discuss spider-man later over dinner. But for now I want Peter on his knees. It’s not gonna get hard itself”, he said lowly. 
The grin on his face as Peter scrambled eagerly to obey, was much too wide to miss.
| Part two || Part three |
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crownjimin · 4 years
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✰ 076 | not such a bad idea, part one.
la vie en rose ━ in which lee aera, a girl who has been crushing on choi soobin for a long, long time, is starting her junior year and her friends decide that its time for her to make her move.
A/N: this is part one, part two is being uploaded right after this one! they are a combined 5k so it took a bit longer for me to do.
( masterlist | prev | next )
Saturday came a lot faster than Aera had anticipated. It seemed like the week stretched on and on, with the thought of Sakura going to her house looming over her head everyday of the week. Anytime Aera would see Sakura in the halls, her heart would spike, and even though Aera knew that Sakura wouldn’t do anything to her in front of other people, it still didn’t help to ease the nerves from the fact that the peach haired girl was still going to be at her house on Saturday.
She ended up telling Sooyung about what was taking place on Saturday, since she never responded in the group chat to any of the messages. And Sooyung, in her true protective fashion, offered to go to Aera’s house even though Jiah wasn’t going to be there also. Aera quickly talked Sooyung out of it, assuring her that Sanha and Soobin were going to tag along and so were their partners, so Aera was more than secure at the moment.
But that was when Saturday was a far distant memory, but now the day is here.
Her older brother, Jaesang, made sure that he had plans so he wouldn’t interrupt Aera and her friends. While both of her parents were putting themselves to work in the kitchen, cooking up something that Aera didn’t bother to ask about. When she had told them that she invited a few friends over for a project, her parent’s first question was if it was Sooyung, Jiah, and Haeun. And once Aera told them no, that it was new, different friends, they burst into shouts of joy, planning recipes for snacks and starting to tidy up the house.
Her parents didn’t have anything against Aera’s usual trio of friends, but seeing their daughter hang out with new faces, delight immediately clouded their expressions. They were more than aware about Aera struggling to make friends, how she liked to stick to the same people she met in elementary school and never branch out. So to see that their daughter has finally made new friends to bring around, they would be insane to not go over the top in an attempt to help make her new friends want to stay.
Whilst questionable smells wafted through the house, Aera sat in her room, staring at the wall as she waited for the first person to arrive. She had texted Soobin her address the moment she woke up, and he had replied with a simple thumbs up so she wasn’t sure exactly what time he was showing up. Sanha had already known Aera’s address, from the multiple times he had picked up and dropped off the girl at her house from the times they hung out during the summer.
Sakura–well, Sakura texted that she would be at Aera’s house by noon, and noon was fast approaching. She hoped deep down that Sanha or Soobin would show up at eleven or maybe even eleven-thirty but knowing her luck, they probably wouldn’t come until well after Sakura came.
And that seemed to be the case. The clock ticked on, the time showing eleven forty-three, and neither Sanha or Soobin had shown up yet. Sakura had texted five minutes earlier that she was on her way, so Aera was mentally preparing herself for however long she was going to be left alone with Sakura to work on their project.
However many minutes later, the doorbell rang, but Aera didn’t move from her spot. The sound of footsteps could be heard, before voices were heard and then a loud, “Aera! Your friend is here!”
It was her mother who had screamed it, and just then, at that moment, Aera was knocked from her reverie. She quickly got out of bed and made her way downstairs, and before she got to the bottom of the stairs she saw Sakura, with her backpack hanging on one of her shoulders in a nice floral dress, standing in the foyer, talking to Aera’s mother.
From the sound of her descent, Aera’s mother turned to face the stairs, smiling sweetly at Sakura before saying, “Aera, you never told me about your friend Sakura.”
Aera smiled a tight-lipped smile, awkwardly glancing at Sakura when her mom mentioned the word ‘friend’. “Oh yeah, we didn’t meet until recently. For this project.”
“Oh, well, set camp anywhere that you girls like,” her mother responded, turning to make her way back to the kitchen. “We’re cooking up some food, and we can bring it out once it’s done.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Lee,” Sakura says sweetly and bowing. “Also, your home is very lovely.”
Aera lifts an eyebrow in Sakura’s direction, not believing her niceness for a bit. Sakura ignores, or just doesn’t see Aera’s look, while Aera’s mother pauses her steps for a second and just smiles appreciatively at Sakura.
“Aera,” her mother begins, “This friend of yours is so nice. Why aren’t your other friends like this? Bring her back rather than those hoodlums, Jiah and Sooyung. All they do is eat all my food and play their loud music.”
But her mother continues. “You see how this friend of yours bowed and complimented me? Teach Jiah and Sooyung-ah that.”
“They did that the first time they came over,” Aera spoke up. “You want compliments every time they come over?”
“Of course.”
“But they literally come over everyday.”
“I can take compliments everyday, Aera.” Her mother concludes, with her hands on her hips. “Anyways, I don’t mean to keep you girls from your project,” her mother starts gesturing for them to move from the foyer. “I’ll send your other friends whenever they get here.”
“Other friends?” Sakura questions, but Aera quickly turns away and begins heading out of the foyer, and down a long hallway. Sakura quickly tells Aera’s mother, whose name she learns is Dongmin, that it was nice to meet her before she rushes in the direction Aera sped off in.
At the end of the hall, she finds a door that leads outside to a balcony, one that is bright white with a picnic table to the right of the door and an umbrella perched in the middle of the table to block out the bright sun. To the left of the door sat some outdoor furniture, a two-seat sofa and then a three-seat couch parallel to one another with a clear coffee table in between the two pieces of furniture.
In Sakura’s opinion, this entire balcony, and Aera’s home, looked quite expensive. She never took Aera to be someone who had a well-off family since no one in school ever mentioned it, nor did Aera herself. Plus no one with large amounts of wealth were as quiet as Aera, if Sakura’s parents had a lot of money she would flaunt it, not keep it a secret.
“I didn’t know you were rich,” Sakura speaks, finally moving from her spot in the doorway and stepping over to the picnic table where Aera sat. She placed her backpack onto the table and pulled out her laptop, notebook and a pen.
“We’re not rich,” the brown-haired girl muttered. “My grandad just owned this house and gave it to my mom as a wedding gift. It was already furnished and everything.”
“It’s still nice.”
An awkward silence enveloped the space. A bird chirped in the distance while Aera stared up into the sky as a plane passed by. Sakura tapped her pen on her notebook for a few beats, shifting her gaze around the environment before sighing and looking to Aera.
“Let’s do this fast, so we can get this over with, please.” she spoke. “I know you don’t want me to be here longer than necessary.”
“I-,” Aera’s voice wavers for a second, but she stops herself. “Okay.”
Sakura pulls open her laptop screen, typing for a few seconds before she peers over the top of the screen and looks at Aera with a look of confusion. “Are you not going to bring your own computer or notebook, or something?”
The question seems to shock Aera. “Oh-uh, I just thought that we could just use your laptop and notebook. But if I need to-” she quickly rises from her seat, and heads over to the door. “I’ll be back.”
Sakura doesn’t acknowledge her and continues typing on her computer, so Aera just continues inside and heads up to her room. While inside her room, she looks out of the one window that is there. The position of the window is right over the balcony where she left Sakura, and Aera watches her. She hadn’t gotten any murdery vibes from her so far, but Aera never knew. One wrong word or sentence and maybe the peach-haired girl would attack, and Aera would be left defenseless.
In Aera’s mind, the thought of possibly being attacked and murdered by Sakura was plausible, completely plausible. But to any sane person that understood Sakura was nothing but a one-hundred and something pound, sixteen-year-old girl knew that nothing of the sorts would be happening that day.
After a few more seconds of Aera staring and her mind running wild, she stepped away from the window and began searching for her laptop and a working pen. She scanned the floors for her MacBook, since she remembered plugging it in to charge the night before beside her bed, and she quickly found it. Next, she set off to search for a pen on her messy desk, pulling out drawers and then slamming them shut once she didn’t find any pens. A bright orange pen sat on her nightstand, and she quickly grabbed it before also snatching a notebook from her backpack that was on the floor. She then gathered everything into her arms and left her bedroom, making the trek down the stairs just as the doorbell rang for a second time that day.
Since she was already at the front door, the young girl quickly shouted, “I’ve got it!”
She pulled open the door, and there sat her other four guests. Sanha had his hand hovering over the doorbell, telling that he was preparing to press the button a second time before he set his gaze on the now opened door and saw his Sweet Cheeks.
“Sweet Cheeks,” he greeted with a shout of excitement.
“San San!”
“Lee Aera!” A voice interrupted, one that belonged to her mother. Dongmin came to the door, a bright smile on her face as her eyes scanned the four boys standing outside her front door. “Oh, are these your other friends? Come in, come in!”
The four boys quickly came in, Aera quickly backing up from the door to allow space for all of them to fit into the foyer.
“Sanha-ah, you tall boy,” Dongmin sing-songed, reaching forward and pinching his cheek. Red bloomed on Sanha’s cheek from the cheer force Dongmin used to grab and pull his cheek skin, but nonetheless he donned a smile. “Wow, all of you boys are so tall. My Jaesang isn’t as tall as you guys.”
The three remaining boys muttered thank yous and bowed repeatedly, which Aera knew her mother was glad to see. Before an unsettling silence could occur, Aera began introducing them to her mother.
“Ah, Eomma, this is Jeong-in, he’s-”
Dongmin’s face takes on the look of realization and she points out, “He’s the one Jiah likes, right? The boy she was showing me pictures of the other day?”
“Eomma,” Aera gasps, turning in surprise at both the fact that she remembered the pictures Jiah showed and the fact that Jiah was showing her mother’s pictures in the first place.
“What? He’s adorable,” Dongmin turns to face Jeongin. “You’re adorable, young man.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Lee,” Jeongin says, being sure to bow once more before he extends his hand to her. “It’s lovely to meet you.”
Dongmin completely ignores his hand, pulling him in for a hug instead, surprising Aera, Jeongin, and Sanha at the sudden gesture. “I’m giving you a hug to wish you the best of luck with that Kim Jiah. She’s a handful.”
“Yes ma’am she is.”
“And a menace too,” Dongmin quickly adds. “Y’know she eats raw green onion? Like, uncut, completely in it’s form from the store. She’s a weird gi-”
“Okay, Eomma!” Aera claps with a cheerful voice, ending the rant her mother was beginning to go on that would have surely embarrassed Jiah for days. She then points to Taehyun, before introducing him, “This is Taehyun, he’s in my music class as-”
“Wah~, you’re so handsome. You could be a model, or one of those idols,” Dongmin begins once again. “Your facial structure is amazing for a growing boy, you’re really tall too. Wah~, why couldn't my Jaesang be as tall as you.” 
Aera grimaces at her mother’s rant once again, covering her face before she mouths an ‘i don’t know, i’m so sorry’ to Taehyun, but the young boy just smiles at Dongmin and deeply bows. “Thank you, Mrs. Lee. You are very beautiful yourself.”
The other four teenagers groan at that, Aera letting out a, “C’mon Taehyun, that’s my mom.”
“Aera,” Dongmin says with a leveled tone. “Let the young man compliment me, besides he isn’t lying.”
“Oh my gosh.” Aera mutters, looking up at the ceiling wishing a black hole would open in the floor and just suck her in.
“Thank you, Taehyun-ah,” Dongmin brings Taehyun in for a hug, being sure to rock them side to side for an extra moment before she pulls back. “You’re my favorite as of now.”
Sanha lets out a gasp at that. “Dongmin-ssi I thought I was your favorite!”
“You didn’t compliment me today, Sanha-ah. You’ve lost your spot.”
“But you-” Sanha attempts to salvage his position as Dongmin’s favorite but Aera cuts him off quickly, placing her hand over his mouth.
“San San, you’ll live. Lastly, Eomma this is Soobin,” Aera says, grabbing Soobin’s wrist and pulling him from behind Taehyun so he could stand front and center in Dongmin’s line of sight. “He’s-“
“He’s the one from-” Dongmin starts to say, and Aera quickly lets out a panicked, “Eomma!”, afraid of what she might let slip.
Dongmin pauses for a second, quite caught off guard by Aera’s panicked shout before starting over. “He’s the one from your music class and physics class, right?”
Aera lets out a small breath of relief, noting the tone her mother used while speaking. Her mother knew that Soobin was more than just ‘the one from your music class and physics class’, but out of the goodness of her heart, she decided to spare her daughter the embarrassment she imparted on Jiah.
“Oh, uh,” Soobin glances over to Aera before he dips into a bow, the action causing Aera’s grip on his wrist to slip away. As he rises back to his full height he continues, “Yes, I am. It’s nice to meet you Mrs. Lee.”
“You as well, Soobin,” Dongmin smiles, reaching up to wrap one of her arms around his shoulders. “Y’know, you have quite an adorable face. You and all of your friends are just so handsome! How come you are friends with my Aera?”
Gee, thanks, Eomma, Aera thinks to herself.
“She was my seat partner for a bit in Physics,” Soobin explains. “She’s very nice though, easy to get along with. I suppose she learned that from you Mrs. Lee.”
Dongmin gasps in flattery, holding a hand to her heart. “Oh, please, just call me Dongmin-ssi, all of you. Maybe you’re my favorite now Soobin-ah. You kind of resemble a bunny, you know, when you smile—and oh! You have dimples, Aera he has dimples.”
Aera knew all of this already, hell, she’s spent most of her high school career staring at Soobin, so she more than anyone else knew that he had dimples and resembled a bunny. But either way, a deep red blush appeared on her cheeks as she watched her mother poke at and gush over the deep indents in her longtime crush’s cheeks.
“Eomma,” Aera clears her throat. “Can we please practice for our projects?”
“Oh!” her mother shouts, ceasing her poking and prodding and remembering why Aera invited her friends over in the first place. “Of course, yes. Did you leave that nice, young girl outside by herself?”
“Eomma, I’m sure she’s fine.”
“You’re being a bad host, Aera-ah,” her mother scolds. “I’ve raised you better than that, now go. Aera, don’t forget to apologize for leaving Sakura by herself for such a long time.”
The five teenagers turn away, Aera pointing down the hallway to show the four boys which direction to head in. “I will, Eomma.”
“Oh, and Jeongin! If you want any more stories about Jiah I’ve got plenty, that girl unloads all of her stress onto me as if I’m some diary-” Dongmin starts to rant as the boys begin walking away. Aera stays behind to ask her mother to tone down the niceties for a second, before she skips off down the hall, because while her mother nags at her for a lot of things, she was right about Aera being a bad host. No matter how much Aera thought Sakura was going to hurt her, she didn’t deserve to sit alone for so long.
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frunbuns · 4 years
Five Times Theseus Wished Newt was Normal + The One Time he Didn’t
Theseus' idea of protecting Newt is to try to make him fit in, but it's not really the right instinct to have.
Read on Ao3
Theseus stands idly by as his parents converse with these people they’ve just met while shopping for school supplies in Diagon Alley. He smiles and nods and answers their questions about school and how much he’s grown and what-not as they dote on him. Just like the well mannered gentleman they claim he’s grown into.
Theseus has to admit he has no idea who this woman is, but they claim to know him. His parents certainly seem know her at least.
“You’ll become a fine wizard, Theseus. And you’ll become a fine Auror - just like your father. Just you see. Hogwarts is the best of the best,” the woman says.
Theseus smiles and nods politely.
Newt stands a few metres away gazing into the shop window of Magical Menagerie. With his face pressed up against the glass he studies the animals inside. Much like he does back at home.
It’s often that Newt has wandered into the woods to take a gander at the creatures that live there. Their mother had often gotten mad when she’d find out, but Newt had also become a sneaky bastard. Handy for approaching creatures and getting past their mum.
There had been more than once that they’d found strange creatures hidden in his room.
“It’s not too long until Newton ventures on to Hogwarts himself, is it?” the woman asks.
Mrs. Scamander chuckles. She glances over at him. “He turned four in February, but it feels like it was just yesterday that he took his first steps in the sitting room,” she muses. “They grow up so fast.”
The woman looks over at Newt, who is still glued to the shop window, and raises a brow. “From what I hear Newton is quite an interesting little boy. I remember Theseus was quite the charmer when he was that age.”
“That he certainly was,” Mr. Scamander replies.
Something heavy settles in the pit of Theseus’ stomach. He doesn’t like where this conversation seems to be going. It certainly doesn’t appear to be going anywhere pleasant. Not for Newt’s sake at least.
Thankfully, he doesn’t even seem to be aware that they’re chatting about him, too observed in his own world.
“Well, I’m sure he’ll grow out of his strange behaviour soon enough,” she says. “It would be a shame for the Scamander name to go to waste.”
“I’m sure he’ll turn out just fine,” Mrs. Scamander says.
The woman smiles. “Yes, of course,” she says, then turns to Theseus. “Now you be a good role-model for your little brother, okay?”
Theseus nods, pushing away the icky feeling that’s forming in his chest.
“I’ll see you around then, I suppose?” she asks
Both Mr. and Mrs. Scamander nods as they wave goodbye to the mystery woman.
“Come on now, love,” Mrs Scamander tells Newt. “Time to go home. It’s almost time for bed. Snuggles is waiting for you.”
Newt whines for a moment. Giving the shop window a last look he dejectedly takes their mothers’ hand and follows them out of Diagon Alley. Blissfully unaware that anything had ever been said about him.
Maybe if Newt was a bit more like him that woman wouldn’t have said those things about him in the first place.
It’s the hottest day of the summer when Theseus and some of his mates from school are enjoying some cold lemonades, in the cool shadow provided by the roof over their porch. But even with the shadow shielding them from the sweltering sun it’s still unbearably hot for some Brits.
“Merlin, when I said I hoped for warm weather this summer I didn’t mean this hot,” Thomas from Ravenclaw says, wiping sweat from his brow.
Theseus chuckles. 
“Nice of yer mum to make us lemonade though,” James from Hufflepuff says.
Theseus nods. “Yeah…”
“How much you wanna bet Theseus becomes Head Boy?” James asks.
“Is there even anything to bet over?” Thomas laughs. “I’d be more surprised if he didn’t.”
Theseus snorts. “Dad says the same thing.”
They hear rustling in the bushes and the boys straighten up as they watch them curiously waiting for whatever is in them to come out. First, a messy head of reddish brown hair emerges, followed by the body of a small, freckled boy. In his hands he holds a small feather. He doesn’t seem to even notice the boys on the porch as he wanders past them, his attention fully captivated by it.
“Isn’t that your little brother?” James asks.
Theseus nods. “Yeah, that’s Newt,” he says. “And mum won’t be pleased if she finds out he was in the forest alone again.”
“Should we tell ‘er?” Thomas inquires with a chuckle.
“Nah,” Theseus replies. “Let him have it.”
Newt disappears behind another set of bushes again, wandering to who knows where.
“Say,” James begins. “Is it true he dismembers Horklumps in his room?” Thomas sniggers.
Theseus’ brows furrow. “Where’d you hear that?”
James shrugs. “Eh, it’s going around,” he says.
“Well, is it true?” Thomas asks.
Theseus looks down at his lap. “Uh - yeah, it’s true,” he mutters, fiddling with the hem of his shirt.
The boys laugh. “Merlin, is he mental?” James asks.
Theseus’ eyes widen. “W-what?”
“Me nan reckons he is,” Thomas says. “No sane person would even think about doing something like that.”
“He-he’s not! He’s just—”
“Is it true he doesn’t have any friends?” James asks. “That he talks to animals?”
The boys erupt into another fit of laughter as the pit in Theseus’ stomach grows bigger and bigger. He purses his lips as he stares down into his lap, lemonade and the unbearable heat long forgotten.
“I’d be embarrassed to have him as my brother too, if I were you,” James says between his laughter.
And Theseus can’t help but feel that he wished Newt was normal. If not for Theseus’ sake, then for his own. Maybe people wouldn't say such things about him then. If he just fit in more.
Theseus sees him in the crowd looking timid and unsure. Almost a head taller than the rest of the students, and with a birds nest for hair he’s hard to miss. His face lights up when he spots him and he scurries over to him on long, gangly limbs that doesn’t quite seem to fit his body.
Once he’s near enough Theseus opens his arms with a broad smile. Newt lets him hug him, awkwardly putting his arms around his waist in return.
“Welcome back, Newt,” Theseus mumbles into his ear before releasing him from the hug.
Newt shuffles back a step and looks around the still bustling station.
“Did you have a good year?” Theseus asks.
Newt shrugs. “It was good,” he mumbles. “Where’s mum and dad?” he asks.
Theseus stuffs his hands into his pant-pockets. “Busy,” he explains. “They’ll be back for dinner tonight though.”
Newt nods, but keeps his eyes trained on the ground in front of him.
“Shall we go home then?” Theseus asks, already picking up Newt’s trunk and turning towards the exit of the station. Newt doesn’t make any indication of moving though.
“Do you think I’m a freak?”
Theseus freezes, almost dropping Newt’s trunk. He turns around to look at Newt who stares pitifully down at his shoes. Theseus feels something in his chest ache painfully for his brother.
Newt clears his throat. “Do you think I’m a freak?” he asks again, this time more clearly.
Theseus frowns. “Of course now, Newt,” he answers. “Sure you can be a bit odd from time to time, but you’re not a freak. Where in the world did you get that from?”
Newt shrugs, pursing his lips. “Nowhere special,” he answers. 
Theseus’ frown deepens. He takes a step closer to his brother and puts what he hopes is a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Since when did you care what other people think about you?” he asks, trying to lighten the mood slightly. “You’re a Scamander. What other people might say about you doesn’t matter.”
The corners of Newt’s mouth twitch into a small smile.
“Now, let’s get home so you can enjoy your summer holiday.”
But as they leave King’s Cross Station and the Hogwarts Express Theseus can’t help but have the nagging feeling that Newt wouldn’t need to hear those kinds of things about him if he was a bit more like him. That he’d be spared a world of pain if he just was a little more like Theseus.
How unfortunate he had been to turn out the way he had.
The news about Newt’s expulsion had travelled quickly, as anything related to the Scamanders seemed to do. It had been a huge scandal. If Newt wasn’t the weird Scamander brother before, he certainly was now. The whole ordeal had been...embarrassing to say the least.
When Theseus arrives at the Scamander manor he’s furious to say the least. 
Newt sits outside, under a large tree. In his hands he holds a leather-bound notebook. A gift for his birthday a while back. But he doesn’t quite look like his usual self. He lacks the curiosity about the world around that he usually displays so unashamedly. 
Theseus walks over to him in quick, long strides.
“Are you daft?”
Newt spares a quick glance at him before looking back down.
“Are you aware of what you’ve done? Of what you’ve put our family through?” Theseus asks him. “You’re damn lucky they didn’t snap your wand!”
Newt purses his lips, but does nothing to acknowledge what Theseus has just said to him.
“I mean— A Jarvey! In the school!” Theseus exclaims exasperatedly, waving his hands in the air like a madman. “You must be—”
Theseus freezes. It feels as though someone has poured a bucket of freezing water over him, or he’s gotten a Bludger to the ribs. His face falls. He stares down at Newt dumbfoundedly, lost for words.
“That’s what you were gonna say, right?” Newt asks, quietly. “Or mad, perhaps?”
All the tension Theseus previously had in his body seems to have vanished completely, now replaced with a pit in his stomach.
“Merlin— Newt, no!” He sits down next to Newt on the grass. “I didn’t mean that. You’re not mental. Never have been.”
A comfortable silence settles over the brothers. One they’ve gotten quite used to over the years of their upbringing. 
“Have they relocated the Jarvey yet?”
Theseus looks over at Newt.
“I...don’t know,” he answers. “I can check when I go back to work at the Ministry on Monday, if you’d like.”
“I would...like that.”
Theseus smiles. Newt had always been more concerned for the welfare of creatures than his own well-being. Which had made this whole ordeal so hard to believe. Theseus still isn't sure if he really believes it. 
But who else would be able to pull off something like that?
“Are you still mad?” Newt asks in a voice so low Theseus almost thinks he imagined it.
“Yeah, I am,” Theseus answers. “But worse things have happened, and yelling at you isn’t going to change anything. Besides, it looks like you already have enough on your plate as it is.”
Newt snorts, mouth quirking into a small smile.
“Just don’t do something like that again,” Theseus says.
Newt nods.
The whole ordeal had frankly been embarrassing, for the whole family, and Theseus had been absolutely livid when he’d found out - still was in some sense - but what has been done has been done. There wasn’t much to be done about it now.
But no matter how much Theseus hates the feeling - absolutely loathes thinking of it - he wishes that Newt could just be normal. A small little voice in the back of his head tells him this never would have happened then. If Newt was a little more like him, as so many people had said in their upbringing.
If only Newt wasn’t he way he was. If he wasn’t so different from everyone else.
The gala is everything Newt would have hated. Propped full of people in fancy dress who think they’re better than everyone socialising amongst themselves. Some of the most insufferable people they knew. A bunch of careerist hypocrites, as he’d call them. 
The bastard is lucky he’s out doing research for his book or he’d have been forced to attend too. He had always been uncomfortable during social events, which unfortunately are mandatory when you’re a Scamander.
“Do you want something to drink?” his fiancée, Leta asks him.
Theseus nods. “I’m going to need it if I’m going to get through this evening,” he says as he gazes over the crowd.
Leta laughs as she detaches herself from his arm and wanders off towards the drinks. Theseus can’t help but smile as he watches her go.
“Theseus! How nice to see you here!”
Theseus turns around to see a short woman with greying hair. He puts on a polite smile and turns his full attention to her.
“It’s good to see you too,” he tells her.
“Where’s you brother?” she asks. “I haven’t seen him all night.”
Theseus glances around the room, finding it strange how long Leta is taking bringing their drinks back. He tells himself she likely got cornered by someone and is probably trapped in a conversation with some of the Ministry employes.
“Newt is actually working on his new book about magical creatures,” Theseus answers. “I believe he’s in New Guinea right about now. That’s where he said he was going in his last letter at least.”
“Oh, I heard he was writing a book,” she says, eyes lighting up. “I just wasn’t sure it was true. You just never know what’s going on with that boy.”
Theseus’ brows furrow.
“He was always such a strange boy. And after he got expelled I wasn’t sure what was to become of him. I thought he might grow out of this creature thing and come to his senses, but I suppose I was wrong. Personally, I would never let my son hold with such nonsense.”
Theseus clears his throat and tries to school his expression. “I can assure you Newt is doing just fine.”
“What a relief,” she says with a smile that Theseus can’t help but hate. Like she believes she’s being nice, but is actually quite rude. There are too many people like this in the family’s social circle. “I have to admit I thought he was a bit mad. You have always been the more sensible of the two of you. He was always such a shut-in, you know?”
Theseus has to bite his tongue to stop himself from saying something he might regret later. His parents would certainly not be happy with him if they found out he had insulted a good family friend. No matter how rude they might be.
As if on cue he hears Leta’s voice call out, “Sorry it took so long, I got held up,” she says as she hands him a drink. Theseus quietly thanks her and takes a sip from the class.
“Oh - uh, this is my fiancée, Leta,” he tells the woman.
Leta shakes her hand.
“Oh, how lovely! “ the woman exclaims. “Do you have a date yet?”
Leta shakes her head. “No, but we’re thinking of having it in the summer,” she replies.
“That sounds wonderful. I’m sure it’ll be just beautiful,” she says.
“Thank you,” Leta says with the same forced smile as him.
“Say, Newton hasn’t found a girl yet, has he?”
Leta grips his free hand in hers.
“No, not that I’m aware of,” Theseus replies with a raised brow.
“What a shame,” she says. “But I can’t imagine many women would want to be with someone like him.”
Theseus clenches his jaw, biting down so hard he wonders if his jaw is gonna break.
“Oh, look. We better go say hello to your parents, Theseus,” Leta says, already dragging him away. “It was lovely speaking to you.”
“It was lovely speaking to you too,” she says. “I hope we meet again soon.”
Leta nods, but the second she can’t see her her expression drops, turning into one of annoyance. “Are they always so insufferable?” she asks.
Theseus chuckles. “Unfortunately, yes.”
Leta groans dramatically.
“How’d you know to pull me out of that conversation?”
“You squeezed my hand - like really tightly.”
Theseus frowns. “Oh, I’m sorry.”
“Are they always so mean about Newt?” she asks.
“I’m afraid so,” Theseus replies. “They never waste a second to say he should be more like me.”
Leta frowns. “They were the same at school,” she says. “At least he isn’t here to hear it.”
Theseus nods and takes a large sip from his drink.
Not for the first time - and certainly not the last - Theseus wondered why Newt couldn’t be more like everyone else. Then people wouldn’t be saying these kinds of things about him.
Theseus notices it when he sees Newt talking to his friends. He laughs and jokes with them, and they return the favor. He smiles, a real genuine smile that reaches his eyes. Overall, he just seems to be happy to be with them. Theseus has never seen Newt like this, with anyone.
Usually he’s shy and reserved. He avoids eye contact and can often be found to be annoying by some people. Most people find Newt annoying. And weird.
But these people seem to actually be getting along with Newt. The shorter man claps Newt on the arm and he doesn’t even flinch or try to to get away like he usually does when people suddenly touch him. 
It’s a strange thing to see, but it’s nice. Newt has never had proper friends like this and it’s so refreshing to see someone who actually gets along with him understands him. They interact him on his own terms and seem to genuinely respect him.
Theseus has only seen Newt act this way when he’s with his creatures. Where he’s entirely in his own space, comfortable and content. Where’s he’s unapologetically himself and no one judges him.
Something heavy settles in his chest. An uncomfortable feeling of guilt and regret. he’d spent the last thirty years of his life trying to make Newt fit in with the rest of the world. He’d spent so much time wishing Newt was normal so people wouldn’t talk about him. He’d spent so long trying to make Newt someone he isn’t with the idea that he was protecting him, when instead of trying to make space in the world for him.
He’s been such a lousy brother.
It was clear that these three people  had done more for Newt in a few days than Theseus had done for him in his entire life.
The blonde witch spots him, smiles and waves him over to them. Theseus is taken off guard for a moment before he slowly and unsurely makes his way over to the group. “You must be Theseus,” she says. “I’ve heard so much about you.”
Theseus’ brows raise.
“Not from Newt. He doesn’t talk about you much,” she says. “But I have heard your name at MACUSA.”
“We aren’t exactly very close,” he admits with a sad smile. He shares a quick look with Newt, who quickly averts his eyes.
The blonde witch gives him a soft smile. “Well, it’s never too late,” she says, extending her hand to him. “I’m Queenie. It’s nice to meet you.”
Theseus smiles, shaking her hand. “I suppose you’re right. It’s nice to meet you too.”
“Right,” Newt says. “These are my...my friends. Tina and Jacob - and obviously Queenie.”
Theseus shakes both Tina and Jacob’s hands. They chat for some time. Theseus laughs as they tell him how they met Newt and what they got up to in New York, and Newt at least has the decency to look bashful at the mentions of his little antics.
Newt seems so at peace with them. Like he truly belongs with them. It’s a nice change. Especially when he’s so used to seeing Newt alone. It’s just a shame he had to travel to a different continent to find friends.
Queenie was right. It’s never too late to start being a better brother. He’s spent so long trying to protect Newt by trying to make him “normal” when he should have accepted Newt for what he is instead.
He is proud of Newt and what he’s become, even when the world has been so against him. The book had been a major success. The capture of Grindelwald is also quite impressive. It’s not that he doesn’t love Newt, or that he doesn’t care about him. He’s just not been good enough at showing it. He’s had the wrong instincts, and while his intentions might have been good, it hasn’t helped.
He’ll start today. Becoming the older brother Newt deserves.
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bladekindeyewear · 5 years
HS^2 bloggin’ upd8 2020-01-17
Alright, morningblogging yesterday’s 2020-01-17 upd8 to Homestuck^2 let’s go!  Spoiler-free again.  I kinda don’t want even the next chapter names image-spoiled above the cut anymore so I’m going to have to figure out WHAT to put above the cut in these liveblog posts for visual reinforcement... a unique silly icon?  Going back once I’m done with the upd8 and posting something non-spoilery but weird-looking out of context?
Eh, can’t be assed.  Just know that after this I’m going to pony up for the Patreon commentary and skim it for anything plot-useful to y’all (in a separate post).  Let’s get started.
Okay, what’s next:  Any bonuses?  Oh, none!  Phew.  Unless those are coming faster too and just staggered differently, which would mean I gotta overcome my irrational pre-Homestuck-reading anxiety even MORE often.  :T
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No Homestuck you don’t GET to ask how my-- ah, right.  :P
(FYI, HS^2 has been good to my emotions so far, quite a balm for the epilogues, so once I START reading I’m usually fine; but after being hurt so badly how could I possibly convince my lizard brain to trust it until it’s right in front of me?  Seriously, just hearing that the upd8 has landed messes me up a bit until I come fix it by reading w/ y’all here.)
Okay, so whose feelings?  As much as I’ve been waiting for Jade, I hope this isn’t about Jade.
> ==>
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Ah fuck, we’re finally with the Pursuit Crew.  Bracing myself.  That means we get to see probably sleeping Jade ( :C ), full-swing DaveKat (approving nod), the first canon onscreen look at masculine-mode Roxy (<3), a probably pretty pissed off Kanaya (possibly either the feelings target, the one Saying How Are Your Feelings, or both), and uh... did they drag Callie along?  Or leave her back there with her meta freakout?  Probably left her back there, but... hm.
Let me turn up the brightness on this screen to sear these next pages into my retinas.  (Also, it feels odd to still be using a four-person “==>” for these, although if Jade is still asleep the numbers might fit on both ends... :c )
> ==>
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I don’t think Dad is in the spacefaring business, so this is probably one of Jake’s shittier spaceship designs.
> ==>
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...well that’s a touch disturbing.  Is that a Jade-occupied bed or are those just pillows?
Oh what the fresh fanfic’y heck is this command.
> i enter.
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Okay that’s great.  I got a kick out of that.
JADE [in calliope red]: the prince’s power grows.
--but that’s not.  That explains the narrative command text, it’s alt!callie talking through a still conked-out Jade.  Please let her wake up between speak-throughs, please tell me you’ve learned that trick??  I already know you’re gonna pull an “oh she was asleep pretty much all of those THREE YEARS OF TRAVEL” thing on me and that’s hard fucking enough to deal with.
He’s actually using the full curse correctly, huh?
...These commands.  Guess part of the puzzle is how much alt!Callie is being typically morbid and how much she might actually be wising up enough to get a kick out of this.
> the knight of blood falls.
DAVE: dude can you chill for like even a single fucking second DAVE: also are you ok
Has CallieJade chilled for even a single second this entire trip??  Is he asking just if Karkat’s okay or Jade too???
--yeah I’m overblowing things out of nervousness.  Just wait and see a bit, boots.
Alt!Callie has at least learned to be more of a smartass:
> karkat is characteristically appreciative of the alarm call.
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Shirt trade Karkat, nice.  And uh, Jade’s dress sure is a... dress.  Hm.
(Did alt!Callie alchemize adjustments to did she just luck out to have a red-symbol’d Bec belt and accent leggings?  I’d prefer the former, because as much as it would be acceptable within Homestuck proper, using the transition between the epilogues and this new-author’d work to just HAPPEN to give her a fitting outfit without an excuse via providence is kind of lazy.)
...please let that mean he’s not used to her being possessed all the time and she wakes up sometimes.  PLEASE.
DAVE: but im pretty sure i locked that door JADE: i unlocked it with my mind. DAVE: fuck KARKAT: FANTASTIC. JADE: the prince’s powers are growing, but so are mine.
Dave, I’m pretty sure regular-ass no-Green-Sun Space powers can flip a few lock tumblers too.  (--though, I guess from context this was a Jakeship technolock.  Confirmation on the ship’s bad taste in design.  --I think I’m foggily remembering it said in the Epilogues that they took one of Jake’s ships just like Dirk did, too... man, being depressed so much by the Epilogues sure took a lot out of my ability to recall them decently.)
God DAMN IT she’s been asleep and possessed the whole fucking time.
> sleep is abandoned, coffee sought.
More obligatory DaveKat being cute, somehow only emphasized by the embarrassing glowing-with-power observer who doesn’t really get any of it.
Ah, here we go:
> the rogue is also awake.
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Oh huh.  Cool!
Hero outfit, understated...  her his choice of heart-shades color-coded to stand out from Dave more to avoid further mistaken identity cases.  Works well!  (Holy shit I only JUST remembered at the end to go back and correctly gender Roxy as him, that was close. I blame the epilogues for a lack of visual reinforcement; I shouldn’t have as much trouble soon enough.  Seriously, I don’t remember ANYTHING without visual reinforcement, I think that’s why I remember so much of Homestuck proper so clearly.)
KARKAT: OH SHIT, THERE SHE IS! I DIDN’T EVEN HEAR HER FOLLOW US! ROXY: sometimes a girls just got to get her drift on i guess ROXY: it be like that
ilu roxy.
I missed Roxy so much, you guys.  I need more of him remarking on all this crazy shit if I’m gonna stay sane though all this.  (And I need more of him and AWAKE JADE kicking ass independently or together if I’m going to continue to believe there’s justice in the world.)
> ==>
We rarely saw Rose drinking anything but the rare coffee in canon, but I think Kanaya would have gotten her plenty into tea, yes.  Or at the very least, wanting the aesthetic of drinking tea with Kanaya would have gotten Rose into tea even if it never crossed Kanaya’s mind to try the stuff.
ROXY: well i mean who knows what she drinks now ROXY: dirk probs tossed the coffee machine out the space window right away ROXY: dude doesnt "believe" in "substances" > the prince is contemplated for a moment in silence.
FUCK, Dirk can see the narrative all the way out here???  No wonder alt!Callie’s forced to have possession turned on 24/7.  That’s fucking disappointing.  How the hell are we going to get any proper Jade time with THAT hanging over our heads?  She’d only be able to do anything when Dirk’s knocked out, and maybe not even THEN!
I was virtually promised more of actual non-asleep Jade getting shit done in HS^2.  Now there’s an even longer wait on it than I expected.  This sucks.
(EDIT: BOY did I misread that link line. Thinking “is contemplated” meant is sitting contemplating, when it meant "is being contemplated by everyone here". That was dumb of me.)
*clicks that next link*
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Oh my goodness, Roxy joined the Bird Hair Crew.  It makes him look like a fucking asshole but I kind of love it.
I can’t believe Karkat is okay with drinking milk.  --yes, culturally Trolls are more comfortable with animal excretions than we are, but you would’ve thought years of railing against Equius would have purged any tolerance the idea of milk from his psyche.
I guess Dave introduced him to cereal, and it was all over from there.
DAVE: this is more like a castle DAVE: a castle of idk DAVE: twenty something ennui
Sounds like a relatable mood.  Especially considering Dirk probably decided to conquer reality out of almost nothing but twenty-something ennui.
Alright.  You aren’t going to turn Kanaya into an alcoholic or anything on us are you?
> the knight of time seeks a sylph...
--this is the shittiest shipboard starship aesthetic.
> ...and finds her, momentarily.
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WOW that looks fucking depressed.  :(
> ==>
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...okay you know what?  Never mind.  That outfit has wrapped straight back around into Trying Too Hard and is now hilarious.
DAVE: you ever feel like our whole lives are eventually gonna end up like this DAVE: just blasting through space on a sweeps long journey to ""somewhere"" chasing after or running from some vague enemy thats sometimes a god modded pet dog and sometimes your dad DAVE: without the faintest fucking idea of whats going to happen when we get there DAVE: thats a little specific but you know what i mean
Why do you think the epilogues upset us so much?  We thought we’d won free of that bullshit.
> ==>
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Oh jesus christ that’s the most depressingly sad I’ve ever seen Kanaya drawn.  :C
--Karkat got you to watch Serendipity?  That’s amazing, Dave.
KANAYA: You Arent Reminding Me Of Her As I Rarely Think Of Anything Else KANAYA: I Close My Eyes And I See Her KANAYA: I Keep Them Open And I See Her
Y’know how little showing these two in love and actually HAPPY together we’ve seen in this entire comic and its subworks?  Despite them having spent at least a few happy years together we only saw in tiny screenclips?  And how Candy alluded super hard that they most likely couldn’t get that in this real timeline where shit’s going down?
Seriously, FUCK.  You could at least pretend to give us some hope, here.
Oh no, don’t ask for the nursery story, Dave.  Unless it turns out to be a funny one or a Rose twist on an old story or something.  Which it probably is, I should stop worrying.
> ==>
KANAYA: Oh Its A Wriggler Story About A Young Prince And The Beloved Flower He Loved And Lost DAVE: flower DAVE: like a plant KANAYA: Its A Fairytale Dave DAVE: right KANAYA: A Singular Wild Rose He Failed To Cherish When He Had Her KANAYA: And His Journey Of Discovering What She Meant To Him All Along KANAYA: Culminating In A New Quest To Find Her And Win Her Back
Dirk you PIECE OF SHIT did you rewrite the narrative of the fucking STORIES SHE TOLD CHILDREN?!??  Does the fact that alt!Callie is only in the present mean he can rewrite ANY past event we didn’t literally SEE???  FUCK you.  Seriously fuck all of this.
Please tell me she was kidding just then, or realizes there’s fucking something wrong with what she’s saying and getting angry or.
(EDIT: shoutyourporpoise replied: "Hey, idk If you picked up on this, but the 'nursery story' Rose told to the wigglers is just The Little Prince, which is maybe a BIT early for them to read, but I don't think that's a case of Dirk changing the narrative; its just Rose being Too Adult as usual." Oh, damn, I didn't even CATCH that it was that story. That makes all of this a lot more forgivable, even if pretty unforgivably leaning into the fiction that Dirk used to brainwash and kidnap her. Maybe that's exactly why it worked -- fiction, a story so blazed into the public consciousness? Hm. Thanks, shoutyourporpoise.)
KANAYA: But In A Way I Feel As If It Is the Greater Universe Trying To Tell Me Something
Mother fuck I’m even going to have to see our protagonists warped by Dirk when they’re ostensibly FULLY SHIELDED aren’t I.  There’s only so much of that I would be able to take, you know.
KANAYA: It May Simply Stem From My Longing To See Her Again And How Much Is Indicative Of Something More Sinister KANAYA: She Is A Goddess Of Light And The Only Of Her Kind We Know Is Alive After All KANAYA: Maybe Shes Wrested Dominion Of The Entire Concept In All Its Appearances Within This Frame Of Reference
Hm.  Well, it being a product of Rose’s ascension instead of Dirk’s is possibly a more charitable take, with Ultimate Rose projecting the delusion enforced on her backward, visible to past Rose’s Sight when she isn’t paying attention and thus paving the way for Dirk to paradoxically exploit that “ideal” as something Lighty and Important and “Perfect”.  I still don’t fucking like it though.
> ==>
DAVE: sorry i know you say you got your badass monster powers but kanaya you look tired as hell DAVE: not that im tryna psyche you or whatever but youre waxing poetic in the dark which i guess is maybe on brand but still
DAVE: unless terezi is lurking in the vents somewhere and now that i bring that up its actually not out of the question so im kind of gonna be thinking about that one for a while
DAVE: youre the only person i know whos still basically the same as when i met you
--Which is kind of going to have to change, right?  She’s got some other cosmic purpose ready to change her a little more than she changed pre-human-troll-meetup, you’d think.
> ==>
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Cute as hell.
> ==>
KANAYA: How Are Your Feelings
There’s the title drop.  I’d think Dave’s doing pretty well, considering?  Still fucked over by Dirk betraying and tricking Rose away who he’s been close with all his life, but.
> ==>
DAVE: except sometimes your best friend disappears and your other best friend goes into a ghost coma and your third best friend fucks off to space with your dad DAVE: the dude youve spent the last 7 years convincing yourself isnt an egomaniacal anime villain DAVE: and who isnt actually lying in wait to completely decimate your life and your emotions and shit
Ah... yeah.  A little worse than my casual list, huh?  Forgot that Jade vanishing into a possession-coma for THREE FUCKING YEARS is going to be hard on people inside the comic too, fuck.
DAVE: maybe it was naive to think that a bunch of twenty something trauma victims could run a society
I was honestly surprised they TRIED to run society at all.  Jasp even just highlighted a big reason why not in the bonuses.
DAVE: cool how earth c existed for centuries then we show up and manage to ruin society in seven fucking years
Well, the trolls got THEIR lesson on why they didn’t deserve to rule over their new universe like gods; I guess some of y’all needed that lesson too?
DAVE: every serious conversation i have inevitably falls apart into riffing on a casual acquaintances ass
Dammit, Dave didn’t feel like he could just be Some Guy even on Earth C.  :(
> ==>
...don’t think I’ve forgotten that nursery story, though.  I don’t want to think that it was something that ACTUALLY past happened, especially not without manipulation.  Like maybe past Rose was foreseeing the false purpose that Dirk wrote for her or the like, a cooperative misunderstanding between the two instead of Dirk or Rose literally reaching back in time.
> meanwhile...
--Oh right.  I remember that Callie and Roxy were going reasonably steady in Meat even though it was only alluded to, she didn’t freak out and stay awol or what have you.  That’s good to remember.  But it means Roxy deliberately left her behind to go on this dangerous quest, for years.  :C
Oh, SHIT.  I should have read one line further.  They DID bring her.  Alt!Callie being here too must really FUCK with her.  ...maybe she can actually learn to accept that alternate way her life might’ve played out, though?
Quite true.
ROXY: ur kinda an intense dude anybody ever tell u that KARKAT: NO.
> ==>
Well, if you want to blame Lord English for instance... we never saw Caliborn and Karkat interact much, but the parallels between the two were drawn so severely that Caliborn was basically the idealized, multiverse-threatening Ultimate Kismesis that he’d always dreamed of.  And operated against him without him even ever quite realizing it.
If a level of “respect” went from Caliborn to Karkat, too, from his Lord-Englishy vision nigh-omnipresent, then this outcome isn’t very surprising at all.
> ==>
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(I don’t quite feel I get why Roxy shifted to this exasperated-Dave expression, but I get logically that he’d been waiting for Karkat to make a breakfast choice... Homestuck proper rarely pulled a “last line said corresponds to next-panel’s expression” without either leaving the conversation blank or having the NEXT lines of the conversation reinforce it, to prevent this inelegant misunderstanding.  Andrew was really damned talented in getting his point across visually, in that regard.  Just like, that careful visual intent delivery.)
Alright, I guess that’s it for this short upd8!  Meeting the pursuit crew was both more and less difficult than I expected.  Hopefully I get desensitized a bit as the characters continue to feel semi-almost-sorta-fine.
I have NO idea how this group is gonna work as a proper crew when we get to whatever weird other-players’ session this shit is going down in, though.
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trashmagines · 6 years
I Took A Chance: Leah Clearwater x Female!Reader One-Shot
TrAshy Says: I love Leah and I’m not even sorry.
Warnings: None
One look was all it took; not even that.
A glance.
One glance at your gorgeous y/e/c eyes, and Leah felt it. The sensation of the ground crumbling beneath her; the feeling of the gravitational shift she’d heard so much about but never thought she’d experience. Yet here she was, frozen in place, staring at you like she was seeing the sun for the first time.
“Um, Leah? Here’s your change.” “How-how do you know my name?” “It’s written on your cup.”
The small laugh you give makes her heartbeat quicken, and she quickly takes the few coins from you then finds a seat next to one of the large front windows. She stays there a while, languidly sipping at her coffee and silently watching you out of the corner of her eye. It was too late and she was too far gone; she couldn’t leave you alone if she’d wanted to. 
When Leah arrives back at the reservation, she avoids the boys at all costs. She’d rejoined Sam’s pack after Jacob imprinted on Renesmee, deciding that she’d rather put up with Sam’s constant thoughts of Emily. Her mind is linked to the rest of the pack’s again, and she knows that they now know what happened. She’s not in the mood for Jared or Paul’s sly remarks and Sam’s questions; she still needs to figure out what she’s going to do.
It was a part of herself that Leah had hidden away, but even though she’d always known she wasn’t straight, she never imagined she’d imprint on another woman. Hell, she never thought she’d imprint at all. She had all but given up on the idea, resigning herself to the fact that she’d probably never experience the profoundness of the act. Now that she had, she was unsure of how to feel. She only knew that she wanted, no, needed to see you again. 
You notice that she only stops in on Saturdays, but she usually stays for hours on end. Her black hair frames her face nicely, and also offers a contrast to her tawny skin. You catch yourself staring more than once and hope that she never notices, not knowing that she’s doing the exact same thing. Sometimes you think about taking a break early to go and sit with her; maybe strike up a conversation just to see where it leads. You think about it, but you never do because she looks so peaceful and you’d rather not interrupt. That doesn’t stop you from wondering what she’s thinking about, though. 
Leah thinks about you a lot when she’s alone; she always stifles her thoughts when she’s around other members of the pack. When she finally stopped avoiding them is when the questions started, and eventually she snapped and told everyone to just leave it alone. She wasn’t sure how it would work in the grand scheme of things, but for the first time in a long time, she felt happier. She was no longer weighed down by the feeling of being left behind, and that alone was a welcome change. 
“You don’t even like coffee. It’s a coffee shop.” “I’m not going for the drinks, I’m going so I can meet your imprint!”
Seth had been hounding Leah for weeks about meeting you, which was ironic considering she still hadn’t met you, at least not formally. She knew your first name and that you worked in cafe in Port Angeles, but that was it. She had been thinking about asking you out today, but she did not want to do it in front of Seth. By no means was she a timid person, but she would be talking to her imprint and that fact alone was enough to make her nervous. Having Seth there would just up the chances of her possibly being embarrassed, and she also didn’t need a secondhand account of the event flowing through the rest of the pack’s minds. 
“I said no, Seth.” “If you don’t let me come, I’ll tell mom about those times you snuck out and left me home alone.” “You little- that was years ago!” “So? You really think you won’t still get in trouble?”
Leah’s irritated sigh is the only confirmation that Seth needs, a triumphant smirk situated on his face. 
The day is dragging by; you’ve stocked and cleaned and updated inventory just to keep busy. You’re wiping down the counter for the sixth time when the welcome bell above the door rings. Your coworker makes no move to man the register, too engrossed in their sleazy magazine to be bothered, so you make your way over to it and sign in. You’re halfway through your greeting when you look up and see her, Leah, you remember, standing there with a younger boy.
“Hey, I’m Seth!” “I’m Y/N; what can I get you? Would you like your usual, Leah?”
Leah’s heart skips a beat at the mention of her name, the only other person able to hear it being Seth, who’s grinning like an idiot. He gently bumps her with his shoulder to tell her to get on with it, and she stumbles a bit before responding. 
“Actually, Y/N, I wanted to know if you’d, maybe, like to.. go out sometime?” “If you don’t want to wait, my break lasts an hour.”
The smile on your face is brighter than any star Leah could point out, and she finds herself nodding quickly. You inform your uninterested coworker than you’re going on break, and Leah sends Seth on his way because she’s not going to let him listen in while you two get to know each other. You both sit at her usual table, sipping on coffee and munching on the pastries you brought over while chatting about nothing and everything. The hour flies by too fast for either of your liking, but you give her your number and tell her that you’d love to actually go out on a date with her. When Leah gets back to the reservation, she’s on cloud nine; not even Paul’s stupidity can bring her down. She calls you that night and you answer on the second ring. You resume your conversation like it never stopped and pick a day and time for your first official date.
“Shouldn’t you wear a dress or something?” “We’re just going to a movie, Seth; I’m not marrying her.” “Not yet.”
That remark causes heat to rise to Leah’s cheeks, but it fades rapidly as thoughts of the future take hold. You still didn’t know about Leah being a shapeshifter, or that she had imprinted on you. Though she didn’t want you to be involved with the supernatural, she had to at least tell you that much, and the thought of doing so scared her. She wouldn’t be able to handle the rejection, especially not after months of being with you. 
Everything that could have gone wrong on that first date had, and it’d ended with Leah being called away to deal with a bloodsucker that was getting too close to her home. The mishaps hadn’t deterred you, however, and you insisted on trying again. You’d both hung out so many times now that you lost count, and when you asked Leah to be your girlfriend, she almost started crying. You were definitely the one for her, but even though she’d gotten the okay from Sam, she still couldn’t bring herself to tell you the pack’s secret.
Until tonight.
“The ending was a little cliche; I still think she should have ended up with Tony.”
You were conversing about the movie you and Leah had just sat through, your melodic voice the only thing keeping Leah grounded. She knew what she was about to do would make or break everything, but it wasn’t fair to let you continue to fall for her without knowing all the facts. 
“Y/N, I have to tell you something.” “...Okay?” “Well, show and tell. Just let me explain and, uh, don’t freak out.” “You know, the minute you tell someone not to freak out is when they start freaking out. What’s up, Leah?”
It’s just you two surrounded by the darkness of the night; Leah had made sure to lead you a little ways away from the city so that she could phase without the risk of someone seeing her. According to your heartbeat you were on edge, and she couldn’t blame you because any sane person’s fight or flight response would be going haywire. 
“Y/N I can... I’m a.... I can turn into a wolf. It’s a special ability attributed to my tribe so that we can protect people from... Just know that we’re protectors. Anyway, there’s also something called imprinting, which is how wolves find their soulmate. I imprinted on you, Y/N, and I know how it sounds but that doesn’t mean that if I hadn’t we wouldn’t have ever gotten together, it just kind of lit a fire under my ass so that I could ask you out. But, since I know you don’t believe me, I’m going to show you.”
Leah takes several steps away from you; the last thing she’d ever want to do is hurt you while she phased. Before you can even get a word in, you notice her body start to tremble a split second before a giant beast erupts from her skin. 
A wolf. 
You drop your popcorn, frozen in place as Leah-wolf steps closer to you. She bows her head as a sign of surrender, and in the dead of night you can just make out the silver color of her fur. Your hand reaches out to pat her head, and the massive wolf’s entire body rumbles with a sigh. Holy shit, your girlfriend can turn into a wolf. 
Leah disappears behind the treeline, only to reappear a few minutes later wearing a completely different outfit. You’re still in shock, understandably, and when Leah tries to take your hand you step away from her. That tiny interaction causes a sharp pain to shoot through her heart, one that only gets worse when you speak. 
“So... you can turn into a wolf.” “Yeah.” “And you imprinted on me.” A pause. “Mhm.” “And imprinting is the way that wolves find their... soulmates.” “Yes, but Y/N-” “So I’m your soulmate; do I have any say in this matter?” “Of course-” “It doesn’t sound like it, Leah. If this is like, a predetermined thing, how do we know that what we feel is real?”
The silence that falls over you both is deafening. Leah had always wondered about that, but now she knew her feelings for you were real, regardless of the imprint. However, by the look on your face, you were doubting every single moment you’d ever spent together and it was making Leah anxious. 
She leads you back to the edge of the city, the street lamps flickering overhead and lighting your way home. Neither of you had said a word to each other the whole way back, though both of your minds had been racing. When you turn to her, Leah holds her breath, awaiting the worst. 
“I need some time to... process everything. I’ll call you; promise.”
Leah hadn’t heard from you in close to a month. She thought she’d experienced heartbreak when Sam left her for Emily, but this was a thousand times worse. She was in constant physical and mental anguish; the only thing that slightly alleviated the pain was running in her wolf form. She could never go that far alone, Sam’s orders, but she always put enough distance between her and the other pack members so that they wouldn’t have to feel what she felt so intensely. She’d honestly given them enough of that. 
She’s trudging her way to Emily’s for dinner when your scent causes her to break out into a full on run. She doesn’t knock and instead almost jolts the door off of its hinges. You’re standing next to Seth, who has his lanky arm around thrown around your shoulders, and conversing with Collin, Jared, Emily, and Sam. The commotion causes all of your heads to snap towards Leah, and tears involuntarily spill from her eyes at the sight of you. You shake off Seth’s arm, a half-smile adorning your features as you step in front of her. You wipe the small droplets of water off of her face, and she pulls you into a surprising but very welcome kiss. 
“Do you have to do that right in front of the door?”
Paul’s annoyed tone forces you both to remember where you are, and Leah moves over slightly to let him by. She keeps you trapped in her arms, though, vowing then and there to never let you go. 
“I know I said I’d call, but..” “It’s okay, Y/N. This is much better.”
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kiwi-cake · 6 years
Arranged Part 7 (finale)
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warnings: smut (kinda??? sorry guys it wasn’t flowing well with a full smut scene)
A/N: so like this took way too long but it’s finally here!! I’m really happy with the way it ended, but I will definitely do some Arranged blurbs of their life after the finale because I’m not ready to say goodbye :( anyway enjoy and please let me know what you think!!! -megan
“Control yourself Luke! I’m trying to show my parents they don’t own me, not anger them into declaring war,” she scolds Luke as they dance.
“How can I when my beautiful wife is teasing me with this sinful dress?” he gathers of the red fabric in his hands and pulls her even closer to him. His other hand, which had started on her back at the beginning of the night, was now drifting dangerously close to her ass.
“You’re terrible,” she pouted, playing with the collar of his shirt, “I’m supposed to be showing off my independence, and you’re distracting me.” He laughed at that and buried his face in her neck.
“I’m terribly in love with you,” he murmured, placing a kiss just under her ear.
“That was awfully cliche,” she giggled, and he lifted his head up to look at her.
“I love you too,” she finally replied. He gave her the biggest grin she had ever seen and captured her lips.
“People are staring,” she whined against his mouth. Out of the corner of her eye she saw her parents who look like they’re about to smuggle her on the next ship back home.
“Well then let’s give them a show” he brought her attention back to him by placing a hand on her cheek.
“Exhibisionist kink? Classy,” a voice says, bringing her back to reality. Calum stands beside them, smirking with a raised eyebrow.
“You,” she said, giving a soft shove at Luke’s chest, “go have fun with your friends before you get both of us in trouble.”
“Okay,” he smiled, kissing her on the cheek on last time, “I’ll see you in a few hours, have fun with your delayed teenage rebellion.” Calum and Luke walked away towards the wine table, and y/n couldn’t not watch him walk away, especially when the view was so nice. But a hand grabbing her wrist pulled her attention away, and she turned around to see her father seething behind her.
“Y/n you’re being reckless and inappropriate, you’ll start rumors” he said, getting much too close into her personal space.
“You want me to have a baby, but you don’t want me to show any interest in my husband. I’m no expert in human anatomy, but I don’t think you can have it both ways,” she shrugs and heads over to a platter of interesting looking pastries.
“Y/n! We’re not done with this conversation,” her father stomps behind her.
“Yes we are. In fact, we’re done with any conversation that involves you trying to control me because the second I said “I do” you lost any say you had in my life. I’m going to bed now, I highly suggest you get on the next mode of transportation out of the country. You’re no longer welcome here.” And with that she made a beeline for Luke (who seemed to be having a healthy amount of fun with his mates), looped an arm around his, and swiftly left the banquet hall before she lost the serious look on her face. But as soon as the door to their bedroom closed behind them, a wide grin broke out on her face.
“How does your first taste of rebellion feel?” he asks, pressing her up against the door.
“Good… great actually.”
“Yeah? Do you want a little more?” his lips are centimeters from hers. Instead of responding and revealing how embarrassingly desperate she really was for him, she just connected their lips. It was exhilarating to tell her parents off in one minute and then the next Luke was making her heart race.
“You’re okay with this still?” he asked against her lips. They both knew where this was going to end up in a few minutes.
“Yes,” she said, nodding fervently.
“C’mon then,” he laughed and tried to tug her in the direction of the bed.
“No, now!” she whined, pulling him back up against her.
“Be patient, love,” he wrapped his arms around her middle and lifted her off the ground easily, “can’t fuck a princess for the first time up against a wall, it’s not proper.”
It was six months later that she heard from her parents again. The letter was grumpy in tone and full of snide remarks, which they only felt safe to do from a distance now. They insisted she reconsider their last visit, and what they asked for. It was annoying because Y/n and Luke had been trying for a baby for a few months now, and she would hate for her parents to think it had anything to do with them and their greedy grab for more territory. It was a bit early in their lives for a baby for y/n, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t adore having a baby with little blonde curls waddling around. Because it was their job, as the next in line, to produce an heir and a spare quickly, just in case something were to happen to Luke. That part, she didn’t like to think about. That their baby was an insurance policy in case he were to die. Instead, she liked to focus on the actual baby making part. It was a rigorous process, but still immensely fun nonetheless. When they woke up, he would kiss her on the nose then slide into her warmth and fuck her laying on her side with her leg hoisted up over his side. Then he had to get up and get to work with the royal advisors (he had been taking over his father’s duties as the king grew more and more sickly so he was quite busy). He always made her stay in bed for at least an hour after, though, with a pillow propped underneath her and her legs shut. He insisted it was just to help the process, but she suspected that he also liked the thought of his come not dripping down her thighs until long after they had fucked. They had made it a habit of having sex at least two more times after that each day, three if his schedule would permit it. So when noon rolled around one autumn day, Y/N knew to expect Luke any minute. But she couldn’t help feeling off when she looked in her wardrobe at all of the things she wouldn’t be able to wear once she got pregnant. She was afraid. Afraid that once she was all swollen, he wouldn’t look at her the same. Afraid that once she wasn’t desirable to him he would look elsewhere for what he wanted. And in the sane part of her brain, she knew that Luke would never do that because he’s not that kind of person and he loves her no matter what, but today the irrational part of her brain was overpowering her every thought. So when Luke came in the room, she was still in a daze, maybe even crying a little.
“Okay I have a meeting in twenty minutes so we’ll have to make this quick,” Luke said. She could hear him fiddling with the clasp to his pants, but once she didn’t even turn to greet him he stopped his movements.
“Y/n, did you hear me?” he turns her around and pulls the hair out of her face, revealing wet cheeks and a red nose, “oh love what’s wrong?”
“Nothing… it’s stupid,” she sniffles.
“C’mon tell me so I can make it better. Can’t have my girl all worked up like this.”
“I just… I’m going to get fat and you won’t want me anymore” more tears flood out of her eyes.
“Hey! No more tears,” he pulls her into his chest and she cries into the fabric, “you know that’s not true, I love you.” She nodded but the tears kept coming and he brushes his fingers through her hair in hope to calm her erratic crying.
“If you were feeling this way, why didn’t you tell me before?” he asks.
“I’m not --I wasn’t… I just feel weird today…. Everything is off.”
“You’re due for your cycle, aren’t you?” he asks and she tries to think back to when she had it last month.
“You’re right!” she exclaims, picking her head up off of his chest, “I was supposed to start three weeks ago… I’m late!” The biggest grin spread across his face and his eyes lit up like she’d never seen before.
“That’s great love,” he scooped her up in his arms, “Three months of trying and I’ve already got you knocked up. I’d say that deserves some type of award.”
Things were good for a while. Luke was finally getting the hang of his increased responsibilities, and she finally had her parents off her back now that the treaty was fulfilled. For some time, it seemed like pure bliss. The morning sickness, wasn’t ideal, of course, but Luke was always supportive about it. It was nights like these, however, that she prayed her retching wouldn’t wake him. He went to bed well after midnight and had to be up before dawn, so she knew he needed all the sleep he could get. His father’s condition was clearly not going to improve, and Luke had taken on all of his father’s workload. He said it was just till the man could recover, but they both knew that it was only a matter of time until the sun set on his father’s reign and rose on his. She felt a soothing hand on her back and she mentally face palmed for not being able to keep quiet.
“Didn’t mean to wake you,” she pouted, wiping her mouth on the back of her sleeve.
“It’s okay, I had to be up soon anyway,” he pulled a few strands of hair out of her hair, “you want some tea love?”
“I can get it,” she said in her best ‘I’m not about to throw up again’ voice.
“Nonsense, go back to bed sweetheart,” he lead her back to the bed and tucked her back under the covers. She was feeling equally guilty and nauseous, especially when she saw the circles around his eyes. Despite that, he still had a gleam in his eye and a tired smile stretched across his face as he gave a kiss to her forehead and another to the barely-there bump on her abdomen.
“Stop giving Mummy so much trouble, little one. She needs her rest, and you’re tiring her out,” he gave one last kiss to her tummy then swifty left for the kitchen before she could protest further. Something felt odd about this morning. She couldn’t put her finger on it because, really, this morning was just like any other morning this month. Morning sickness and tea had become their routine. But something about the way the beginnings of sunrise peeked through the bedroom window told her to hold onto these last few moments of silence.
Luke interrupted that thought by coming in the door holding a cup of tea and a glass of water. He handed her the water and she nodded at him gratefully, eager to get the sick taste out of her mouth. He held her tea patiently, making sure she drank down all of the water. He could be quite annoying about her nutrition now that she was pregnant. Always substituting the cookies she requested for some kind of steamed vegetable, even when she gave him her signature pout that had never not worked on him before.
“All done?” he asked as she swallowed her last gulp of water. She playfully stuck her tongue out at him, but just as he was about to hand over her tea, there was a knock on the door. Luke shouted for them to come in, and a hoard of people entered the room.
“What’s going on?” Y/n inquired. It was far too early to see all of these people while she was still in her pajamas.
“The king is dead,” one man, who she recognized as the royal private secretary, said. Several things happened in quick succession of each other. The teacup in Luke’s hand crashed to the floor, then before Y/N had even processed the first thing, everyone in the room kneeled before Luke, chanting “Long live the king!” three times. And Y/N could see it was too much. One look at his face told her he was spiraling fast, and maybe it was her pregnancy hormones, or maybe she just loved this tall blond boy with all her being, but she knew she had to protect him in this moment.
“Leave us,” she ordered. They all looked at her strangely, but swiftly filed out of the room. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and carefully stepped around the spilled tea.
“Are you alright?” she took his hands into hers. His face was blank, but there were tears welled up in his eyes. She mentally slapped herself. Of course he’s not alright, he just learned his father  died and he’s now in charge of a whole country in the span of minutes. He shook his head no, and he was chewing on the inside of his cheek to keep from crying. She wrapped her arms around his rigid body, and wove her hands up into his hair, almost forcing him to accept some comfort.
“It’s okay to cry,” she said softly, “even kings have to let go sometimes.” He finally slumped down into her and she felt a sob wrack through his body. All she could do was hold him and whisper soothing things. She had never seen him like this, he was always such a sarcastic, easy going person, but now all of that is gone and he’s just scared. Once he had somewhat calmed down, she led him over to the couch and he buried his face in her lap while she threaded her fingers through his curls.
“I’m not ready,” he said, his words slightly muffled from the fabric of her pajamas.
“Yes you are. You were born for this, and they’ve been preparing you to take over for a while now, even if you’re not willing to admit it. It’ll be hard at first because you just lost your father, and we’re still young, but we’ll do this together. Till death do us part, right?” He nodded in return, and finally looked up at her with tearful eyes.
“When I die, and our baby is in the same position, don’t let it happen like this. I didn’t even get to say goodbye to him.”
“Of course, but that’s not for a long, long time,” she placed a kiss on his forehead, “now let’s go back to bed for a couple hours. We both need our rest for the next couple of months ahead of us.” He agreed, but the second she heard soft snores leaving his mouth, she carefully replaced her body with a pillow and got dressed for the day. No matter how much she wanted to stay in bed all day and make sure he slept peacefully, she knew there were things to be done and he was in no state to do them.
When she stepped out the door, it was like walking into a different world. She had expected the castle to be somber and still, considering the king just died, but instead of mourning, she was greeted by something resembling a beehive. All of the servants were bustling around, cleaning the floor, rolling up carpets, stripping decorations of the walls. This had only been her home for a year, but it was unsettling to see everything so bare. She was about to go up to someone and ask what was going on, but the instant someone noticed her presence, everything was halted.
“Everyone stop, the Queen is here!” shouted one of the higher up castle staff. Everyone in the room shifted towards her, and she was seconds away from looking behind her to greet Luke’s mother. However, then Y/N remembered that not only is Luke the king, but she is now the Queen. There must have been at least a hundred people in the room, and they all bowed to her. She blushed and found herself nodding once, hoping that would allow everyone to go back to what they were doing. She wasn’t used to this magnitude of royal attention. Of course, she received unending curtsies as a princess, but never had she been treated like this. Like a Queen. She was starting to know exactly the identity crisis Luke was going through. Even though she had been raised to be a Queen, it was an entirely different thing when it’s suddenly sprung upon you. It was enough to make her want to crawl back under the covers, but she resisted, and instead headed to royal decorator to find out why the hell they were tearing up the castle.
“Florian, what is all of this?” she asked the man.
“We’re renovating the castle, your majesty. When the crown passes from one king to another, it is traditional to completely redecorate in the style of the new king. Once we receive all of the king’s design choices, we can start the process, but while we’re waiting, we are stripping the castle completely.” Y/N felt a headache coming on.
“Thank you for your hard work, but I need you to put it all back,” she started and his mouth dropped, “the prince… the king is still grieving for his father, and I’m afraid seeing his childhood home ripped apart overnight might be too traumatic for him right now. Once he’s had time to process, you can do all the renovating you please.”
“As you wish, your majesty,” he said, “and while I have you here, I would love to discuss design options for the royal nursery soon.” She only nodded and walked away, hoping he wasn’t expecting to have that conversation anytime in the near future because she didn’t think she could pour over shades of pink and blue while all of this was going on.
“Sorry, I just can’t think about that right now. The king is resting, so if there are any other drastic changes that need to be made before then, please bring them to me.” She tried to take care of as much of the funeral preparations as possible, so Luke and his mother could have their time to grieve. She was so busy that before she realized the time, the sun was setting and all she could think about was ‘what if Luke has woken up already and he remembers what’s happened and she’s not there to help him through it’ and maybe it was her mothering instinct kicking in a bit too early, but she practically ran up to their room until she got to the door. She composed herself, cracked open the door, and tiptoed in to find that he was still asleep. He still looked a little worse for wear with circles under his eyes and furrowed brows, but she hoped the sleep would help him through the next few tough days.
“Luke,” she called softly. It was a shame to wake him up, but she knew he hadn’t eaten all day. He slowly blinked open his tired eyes and looked up at her. She was afraid he would still be worked up over the whole ordeal, but he seemed calm.
“I hope you had a nice nap… considering the circumstances,” she said, sitting on the side of the bed and taking his hand, “They need you out there, I tried to hold them off so you could have so time, but it’s basically chaos.” He nodded and sat up with a sigh. He had a certain aura about him, like what he went through just hours ago was the final thing he needed to become king.
“Couldn’t do this without you, y’know?” he said with a raspy morning voice and pulling her closer to press a kiss to her temple.
“I know! I mean who else would wake you up before all of the chicken pot pie got eaten up in the dining hall? You’ve got yourself quite the catch,” she teased as he made himself presentable. He even gave her the smallest smile in return, which gave her hope that he would be okay after all of this.
“Now c’mon, I’ve been craving an omelet since noon, but I wanted to wait for you to get up because you always eat the mushrooms I don’t want.”
“Okay love,” he said, slinging an arm around her as they approached the door to their bedroom. He hesitated there for a moment. This was his last moment before he was treated like the king for the rest of his life. He took in a deep breath and turned the knob, “let’s go get that omlet then”
At eight ½ months pregnant, Y/N couldn’t think of anything worse than sitting in a throne all day in front of hundreds of people. However, the alternative was laying in bed for a month while her husband looks at her like she’s a balloon animal about to pop any minute, so she held a stiff upper lip and dealt with her aching joints. You see, Luke’s overprotective tendencies had become his full blown personality trait towards her as she neared her due date. So, naturally, when he suggested she go on bed rest for the remainder of her pregnancy when she complained of fatigue, she fired back and insisted on taking on a larger workload. Part of this workload including taking over the public hearings for Luke every Wednesday when he his meeting with the prime minister.
“You can’t be two places at once Luke!” she had argued.
“You’re impossible! I ask, no beg, you to take it easy and you respond by trying to do the opposite.” Though that’s when the hormone induced tears start to well up in her eyes, as they so often did these days, and she had her way immediately. But today, it seemed to require so much more effort to do anything. Getting out of bed was unpleasant, shuffling over to her wardrobe on her swollen feet was painful, putting on her puffy maternity dress was annoying, and putting on her crown was exhausting. But the thing that was intolerable to her was when her maid snitches on her. She had been waiting in the room behind the throne room until the crowd settled down when Luke walked in, followed by at least twenty of his advisors.
“Y/n, Daphne told me you can barely walk today. I thought we agreed you wouldn’t do this if it got to be to much.” Y/n threw a glare in the direction of her maid, Daphne, then turned back to Luke, who looked even more angry than he was concerned.
“Why do I need to be able to walk to be able to sit in a chair and answer questions? Besides I thought we agreed you would stop turning my maids into spies.”
“She came to me!” his voice raised several octaves, “she was genuinely concerned for the safety of you AND the baby. If you weren’t so stubborn, maybe I could hear these things from you instead of your maids.”
“I’m fine Luke, I promise, my feet are just a little swollen, which is totally normal,” she said, walking up to him and wrapping her arms around his midsection. He reciprocated her small hug, ignoring the bump and the hoard of people around them.
“I just don’t want anything to happen to either of you. Promise me you’ll go rest once this is over?” he whispered so only she could hear. She nodded and he gave her a quick kiss on the nose and left the room with a satisfied look on his face. His advisors followed quickly considering he was ten minutes late for his meeting. However, after three hours of listening to people argue about farmland and whose sheep is whose, she was starting to regret being so stubborn. Her body had been aching since she was four months pregnant, but the pain she was feeling now was different. It was like the worst period cramps times ten. She tried adjusting the way she was sitting or taking deep breaths, but nothing was helping. She felt clammy and sick to her stomach, but she didn’t know how to tell a room of people that she couldn’t grant them their small business permit because she had to go push a human out of her. The pain she was feeling must have been written all over her face though, because suddenly the man practically crying about his favorite sheep Melvin being stolen by his neighbor stopped.
“Your majesty, are you alright?” asked the man.
“No, I’m afraid I will have to excuse myself from today’s hearing, but his majesty’s most trusted advisor will take my place in a few moments. Thank you for your patience,” as she finished, Daphne was already helping her out of her throne and behind the curtain. She didn’t remember much about their walk up to her bed chambers except that it was tedious and involved far too many stairs. But soon enough she was in her bed with her legs propped open and the royal doctor checking her dilation.
“You’re definitely in labor, your majesty. It’s a good thing you stopped when you did, or you very well might have had the baby right in the throne room,” said the doctor. She started to laugh at the thought, but a very painful contraction came on and her laugh turned into a scream. A familiar hand brushed against hers and she gripped it for dear life. She pried her eyes open to see Luke and her body flooded with guilt.
“Luke… I’m so sorry, you were right, I shouldn’t have pushed myself…”
“Hey, it’s okay. You made it back here, everything’s okay. Just focus on your breathing, you can squeeze my hand all you want,” he said soothingly.
“I don’t think… I’m scared,” a few tears slipped from her eyes when another contraction started. The pain was unimaginable and she was afraid it would overtake her.
“You can do this, I know you can. You’re strong,” he reassured her. So she gripped his hand even tighter and embraced the pain. Because she knew at the end of it, she would have everything she wanted. It’s funny how when she first saw him in the cathedral, the boy with a grumpy look on his face, she never thought he would be the key to her happiness. Especially not in the first few weeks, with all of the non stop bickering they did. But then he slowly wedged his way into her life. He went from a friend, to the love of her life, and finally the father of her baby. He was evened her out. His strengths were her weaknesses and vice versa. She came to him as a girl who had been alienated by her family and he gave her the courage to become something new, something so much stronger than the girl pouting about her arranged marriage. She was foolish to think that because she didn’t choose who she married she could choose not to love him with everything in her. Because you can’t choose who you love and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
Please let me know what you thought about the finale or the whole series all together! It’s really important for my writing process to hear any kind of feedback, that way I can keep putting out the things you guys want!! 
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idolimagines · 7 years
The Pool Boy (M)
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Full Fic
Jungkook x Reader (female)
Genre: Romance/Smut
Warning: Contains sexual content (fingering, thigh riding)
Summary: Meet Jeon Jungkook, your new pool boy
Length: 8.1k
  You stared out the window, watching in a daze as numerous buildings passed by – each one seeming taller than the next as they were built no less than 10 stories high in the heart of the city.
“Beautiful day we’re having aren’t we?” Your driver commented from behind the steering wheel, taking a moment to glance at you through the rearview mirror.
“Yeah,” you muttered with a blank face. “It’s nice.”
Before you knew it you had arrived at the front gate of your extravagant home – with your driver stopping just perfectly near your front door as you stepped out with your handbag in tow. 
Your heels clacked against the beautifully paved walkway towards the entrance and you had merely made it up two steps to the front door before your phone began to ring.
With a slight huff you fished through your bag, finding it quick enough before reading the caller I.D
“This is the fourth time you’ve called me within the last hour. What is it now?” You automatically hissed through the line, not giving the person on the other end time to greet.
“I don’t mean to bother you Miss, but I’m just calling to tell you that the papers have been signed and submitted by your husband.” Jesse, one of the lawyers informed.
“Ex-husband,” you corrected and there was a pause on the other end.
“Yes. Sorry, ex-husband.” He stammered and you rolled your eyes as you unlocked your door and entered your home.
“Alright, is that it?” You further asked, setting your purse and keys on a coffee table nearby before strolling through the large living room. You were welcomed by the pale blue walls and white accents of your home, tying in with the custom made French furniture you had a designer personally order last year.
“Y-yes – well there is also one more thing.” Jesse cringed through the other end, sounding as if he was going to be killed for speaking another word. 
“Which is…?” You added with a long pause.
There was a hint of hesitation once more, “Well, I – uh, I don’t know any easy way to put this…”
“Jesse, spit it out!”
“Your ex-husband…h-he wants custody of Pumpkin.”
Your annoyed demeanor suddenly went into full on rage as your eyes blared wide and your jaw nearly dropped to the floor in shock. “NO! Absolutely not!” You yelled. “That’s my baby, he can’t just take him away-”
“Frankly he can as the cat is registered under both of your names,” Jesse further sighed and you knew he was probably rubbing his headache away from his fancy office downtown.
You looked down as soon as you heard a faint bell noise chime near you and a sorrowful frown appeared while you looked at the fat, fluffy orange cat that purred around your ankle.
Holding the phone to your ear with a crimp of your shoulder, you quickly bent down and picked the cat up, holding him like a big baby in one arm while gripping the phone with your other once more. “Well tell him to buy himself another cat or something because I’m not letting him take Pumpkin.” You huffed while stalking towards the large windows of your kitchen.
With a grim look, you glanced at how dark the area looked and began to casually open the blinds, allowing some daylight to let in and brighten up the place. “Ma’am, I’m afraid my client said the cat was non-negotiable.” Jesse informed and you let out a sarcastic laugh.
“Tell him that he should have thought of that before he cheated on me then,” you countered with lightning speed and you could hear Jesse nearly choking on his cold glass of water from the other side.
For a moment you stayed silent, remembering the face of the man you used to call husband and all the pain that came with his infidelity towards you and your marriage.
Just like you, your ex was a very successful business executive – one that was by your side, starting from the bottom up together and eventually falling in love at an early age. With young love came nativity and trust – trust that only became shattered the second you found out that he was cheating on you with at least two other women. Both who were money hungry and knew about his success before sleeping with him.
But that was a few months ago and now the pain seemed to be virtually non-existent, leaving you numb on the inside and allowing you to put all your time and energy into your business. You were known as a workaholic, or as some of your employees liked to call you a, “She-devil”.
And frankly you didn’t seem to give a damn.
“Maybe I can convince him that you’re not willing to budge about Pumpkin…” Jesse’s voice rang you out of your thoughts and you swallowed the lump in your throat before continuing to twist open the blinds.
And as soon as you did the bright sunshine temporarily blinded you, causing your eyes to squint from the harsh light while they adjusted.
However as soon as they did, you quickly spotted an unusual sight.
It was a perfect view of your lagoon-like pool. Coming in at just over 9 feet deep at the furthest end and shallowing out to a mere 3 feet at the other. The water was clear and blue and exotic plants from all over the world bloomed beautifully around it, giving it that oasis look you always loved.
But that wasn’t what kept your attention this time – no. This time it was something or should you say someone much different as there, floating gracefully in the middle was an unfamiliar man.
He was relaxing near the deeper end of the large pool, with his long body floating on a sprinkled donut printed cushion. His hair was a dark brown color, resembling the hue of honey roasted chestnuts and casually stood at a middle part while his dampened skin radiated under the hot sun.
His simple white t-shirt stood out against the blue water and he looked completely at ease as he gazed at the man-made waterfall through his chic, round sunglasses.
Your brows furrowed in bewilderment and you found yourself pausing longer than you realized as you stared at the peculiar man.
“Y/N,” Jesse continued to say. “Y/N are you still there?”
“Yeah…” you awkwardly answered, still keeping your attention on the stranger outside while peeping through the blinds. “Hey, um. Let me call you right back.” You stammered before abruptly hanging up and throwing the phone on the kitchen table.
With one last look through the window you raced for the back door with Pumpkin still tucked against you, tagging him along to confront the intruder as you braced for a fight.
At first you sneakily made your way outside, quietly opening the door and keeping your eye on the random man in your backyard as you did so. Within the silence, you could see from afar that he wasn’t aware of your presence as he continued to sing along to a tune.
So you continued to stalk closer, spying on him as if your life depended on it while coming near with your cat in your hand. As you came closer you began to brace yourself for his reaction. What if he was a murderer? Or a thief? Or even worse…
What if he tried to hurt Pumpkin?
These were the ideas that ran through your head and you began to freak yourself out more by the second before the back door you had come through suddenly shut closed and a loud bang was heard.
The noise instantly interrupted the man from his relaxed state and he snapped up from the donut cushion he laid on – looking around to see what caused the noise before coincidentally catching you from behind.
In that moment you stopped all actions, wide-eyed and instantly regretting your decision to spy on the intruder instead of calling the police like a normal person.
But upon catching you, he jolted a little more – being caught off guard to say the least before eliciting an “Oh shit,” while losing balance and falling into the water.
You flinched from the big splash and turned Pumpkin away as some pool water sprinkled your way. With a curious look you came forward, gawking at the dark shadow beneath the water before the man suddenly popped up right in front of you.
You found yourself screeching and backing away from him, unaware of what his motives were before he finally spoke.
“Who are you!” He demanded, shouting with a water filled cough as he swam towards the edge.
With a surprised scoff you ran a hand through Pumpkin’s soft fur, flabbergasted by the man’s first words. “Who am I?” You repeated. “I should be asking who you are!”
Ignoring your remark, the younger man rubbed his hand against his face, throwing off any excess water that laid between his eyes before taking a look back at the floating cushion. “Fuck!” He cursed with a groan.
“What?” You pestered, taking a glance at the pool while his eyes darted towards the deep end.
“My phone,” he quickly answered. “It fell in and sunk to the bottom.”
Your eyes went wide, taking another second to look before finally spotting a tiny black shadow located towards the filter at the very bottom just as he said.
”Oh…” was all you could say, standing there awkwardly as he sighed and made his way up the ladder.
Upon first instincts, you should have ran away from the stranger and called the police – as any sane person would do.
But instead you simply just stood there, staying in his presence as your curiosity began to get the better of you.
As he came out of the pool his white t-shirt clung to his body, soaking wet and sticking to every inch of his upper half as he finally got out. His dark hair was now messy and hanging over his forehead while his silver earring sparkled against the sun’s rays.
You diverted your gaze from the man, merely holding your cat against you and instead attempting to ask him who he was again before he suddenly came forward.
And it was at that moment that you were finally able to see him up-close.
During this time you had now realized he was no longer wearing his sunglasses, as they too, just like his phone became lost within the depths of your pool. Needless to say you were taken back at first, surprised to find how handsome he was – especially up close.
From the close distance you could now clearly see his eyes – dark brown just like his hair and filled with a fresh and kind look that held your attention from the moment you saw. His nose was sharp and prominent and his delicate lips were naturally a deep cherry color.
Upon seeing you he too focused all his attention on you – even halting a breath as his lips slightly parted.
His eyes bore into yours and the way he looked at you caused your mind to turn into mush – suddenly forgetting that this man was indeed a stranger.
And feeling the tension, your sight faltered from his and you let out an inward groan before he began to lift his wet shirt up and peel it from his body.
“What are you doing?” You asked as you began to set back into reality and covered Pumpkin’s eyes.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” The man casually huffed. “My shirt is wet so I’m taking it off.” He added in a duh tone and you immediately frowned.
“No, I meant what are you doing here? Who are you?” You clarified while catching a glimpse of his very much toned and defined body.
With no phone, sunglasses, or shirt – the man was now left in only a pair simple black swim trunks hanging loose from his hips.
“I’ll tell you who I am as soon as you tell me who you are first,” the man stated in a teasing manner and you scoffed at his offer while rolling your eyes.
“You’re kidding,” you hissed.
“I’m not,” he simply replied while running his hands through his locks and shaking them free of any water.
With a scowl of disbelief, you glanced at Pumpkin before looking back to the ridiculous man. “I’m Y/N, the owner of this house.” You clearly announced before taking a few steps and grabbing one of the guest towels from an outdoor cabinet nearby.
“You said you’re the owner?” He repeated, sounding a bit surprised as he then looked up at you. “But I heard the owner was an old cat lady.”
“I am the old cat lady,” you huffed and his mouth dropped. “Now tell me who you are before I call the cops.” You added with a toss of the towel.
Within lightning speed, the man seamlessly caught the towel with one hand before using it to dry his hair. You waited for a few seconds, watching him before he looked at you again.
And it was at that moment you caught a small smile peek out from his lips, showing a glimpse of his pearly whites as he couldn’t help but take humor in the situation.
“Jeon Jungkook,” he answered. “I’m your new pool boy.”
Your brows instantly knitted together and you took a step back in confusion as you eyed the man suspiciously. “That doesn’t make any sense,” you spat. “I have a pool boy and his name is Tae-”
“Taehyung, I know.” Jungkook interrupted and you crinkled your nose. “He’s back in jail so my boss told me to cover his houses while he’s gone.”
You winced at the word “jail” – finding out for the first time that your previous pool boy had even gone to such a place. “What’s he locked up for?” You dared to ask, finding it hard to believe as Taehyung was one of the nicest guys you knew.  
“Vandalism,” Jungkook merely responded without an ounce of hesitation. “Apparently he likes to write bad words on public places and this is his third time getting caught.”
While saying this he could see you slightly nod your head, taking in the new information while still keeping a distance away from him. “Wait…” you squeaked. “Have you been to prison too?”
“Yeah for murder.” He commented and your eyes went wide.
Taking a look at your reaction, a small chuckle left the depths of his throat. “Relax, I’m just kidding. I don’t have a record – I’m just a broke college student trying to make ends meet.” He informed and you could see the honesty in his eyes.
“…Okay,” you added. “But that still doesn’t explain why you were lounging in my pool instead of cleaning it.”
“The guy at the front gate said the owner wouldn’t be home till late,” he stated with a sly smile. “I couldn’t help myself.”
With a look of distain your lips formed into a thin line and Pumpkin suddenly meowed out of the blue, averting both yours and Jungkook’s attention to the fluffy cat.
“And who’s this cutie?” Jungkook cooed while bringing his hand forward and attempting to pet him. “His name is Pumpkin,” you informed just as his hand grazed Pumpkin’s fur. However, the cat quickly snapped his head up and nipped at the pool boy. “Ow!” Jungkook cried out and snapped his hand back with a pained look.
“Pumpkin isn’t very fond of strangers,” you explained and Jungkook shot you a knowing look.
“I can see that,” he sarcastically mumbled with a flick of his hand and you caught a glimpse of the bloody little nip your cat had indented onto his finger.
You put Pumpkin down and rushed back towards the outdoor bar, grabbing a bandage out of the first aid kit and making your way towards Jungkook.
“Here,” you offered while unwrapping the small item.
Jungkook kept his eyes fixed on you as you took his hand and wrapped the bandage around his finger.
Within that brief moment the two of you were silent – but little did you know he was examining your features. Staying perfectly still and admiring every detail of your delicate face while you were carefully concentrating on the task at hand.
As soon as you were done you stepped back and Jungkook stopped to finally view the new accessory.
“Thanks,” he said while you picked up your cat.
“There’s more in the cabinet if that one gets soiled,” you informed and he nodded in response, watching as you started to make your way back inside before you felt him staring.
“As for earlier,” you clarified while suddenly turning around. “I hope you don’t expect to get paid for lounging in my pool...”
The mischievous Jungkook cocked an eyebrow at your remark and embarrassingly ran a hand through his damp hair. “No, sorry. It won’t happen again.” He stated. “I’ll start cleaning the filters now.”
Taking note of the way he looked when he was embarrassed, you cracked a smile. “Sounds good,” you finally stated before leaving the new pool boy – not being able to catch the cheeky grin that crawled upon his face soon afterwards.
For the next couple of weeks you saw Jungkook every Friday. It was almost like a routine – coming home from a long day of work to find your pool boy already settled in your backyard and diligently cleaning while blasting music from the radio you had stationed outside.
And as accustomed, today was no different.
Walking into your home, you were swift to kick off your heels and throw off your blazer – feeling immediate comfort while being greeted by a lazy fat cat.
A warm smile adorned your face and you cooed to Pumpkin while running a hand over his soft fur in affection. “Sleep well?” You chimed at the sight of Pumpkin’s content face before gazing up to the open window nearby.
From there, you had a view of a busy Jungkook. He was working hard, concentrating on spraying out the pool filters one by one as if he held all the patience in the world. He was dressed casual in a loose muscle tank with gaping holes for the arms and showing a generous side view of his torso on each side. You noticed his brown hair was carelessly tucked beneath his backwards cap completed with a pair of his usual loose shorts hanging onto to his hips.
His expression was focused and held a sense of peace before a large bee suddenly flew near his face – startling the man within seconds and attempting to spray the insect away with the water hose. You found yourself giggling in the moment, watching the entertaining Jungkook vs. Bee fight going on before he looked your way.
And as soon as he caught your stare, he ceased all action.
He stood there like a still-life, staring at you through his new black rimmed sunglasses before throwing a simple wave your way.
You hadn’t realized how long you had been watching him or how many seconds it had been since he had caught you, but you felt your eyes pop out when it finally dawned on you that you had been caught.
With an immediate gasp you tore your eyes away, pretending to look somewhere – anywhere else besides him as a wash of embarrassment stained your cheeks.
However, Jungkook was chuckling to himself outside – amused by your interest as he simply tilted his shades down the bridge of his nose to get a better look at your flustered state from inside.
“Shit,” you scolded yourself with a nail biting grimace. “Shit, shit, shit.”
Great, he probably thinks I’m a creep.
Looking away still, you wondered if he had already diverted his attention back to the pool before the doorbell suddenly startled you.
Glancing at the time you quirked a brow and questioned who would be at your home at this time before cautiously making your way for the door. “Who is it?” You shouted to the stranger on the other side before taking the extra step to glance through the peep hole.
As soon as you looked, a surprised smile immediately tugged at your lips and within seconds you pulled open the door to reveal none other than your best friend in the entrance.
“Surprise!” She beamed and you instantly pulled her in for a hug. 
“Erin! What are you doing here? I thought you left to London already?” You asked as you opened the door further, motioning for her to come in and make herself at home.
“I thought I’d pay my best friend a little visit before I catch my flight.” Erin answered with a steady plop on the couch. “How have you been?” She added.
“Good,” you quickly muttered – it was an instant robotic response to a question you’ve gotten countless times after you filed for divorce.
Once news broke out about your husband’s infidelity, you suddenly became the “poor soul” to the matter. It was as if everything had changed from one day to the next as friends, family and colleagues who all held you to the highest esteem, suddenly treated you like a naïve victim to it all.
People would often say things like: “Y/N should forgive him and take him back,” or “She must be really dumb to not have noticed he was cheating earlier.” Or “Poor Y/N, she must have been so distraught.”
And while all but that last one may have been false, you couldn’t help but feel somewhat annoyed when people would assume that you’re the one still suffering in the end.
So there was a brief moment of silence after your answer, leaving you in an uncomfortable position as your friend stared at you from the living room. She gave you a look – as if she was waiting for further explanation before you felt the need to speak up again.
“Seriously Erin, I’m fine.” You explained. “Don’t be like everyone else and think that I spend my days crying over my ex-husband for god’s sake.”
“Oh no, I know you better than that.” She said with a smirk. “I knew you wouldn’t waste your time on him once you found out the truth.”
“Damn right I wouldn’t,” you laughed before bringing over two glasses and a bottle of wine.
“Besides…” Erin suddenly added, her eyes widening as her gaze caught a view of the backyard. “I see you have something much more interesting right outside your backdoor anyways…” She purred with a devious smile.
As soon as you finished pouring the wine, you looked up to meet the same line of vision as hers – mouth nearly dropping as you spotted Jungkook in the distance.
“That’s Jungkook, he’s just the pool boy.” You subtly informed while bringing your full attention back to the wine in front of you.
“Just the pool boy?” She suggestively enticed with a wiggle of her brows and you gasped.
“Yes Erin. Just the pool boy – nothing else.” You playfully scolded and she giggled.
“Oh c’mon, what a waste. I bet he can do way better things than scrub cement and clean pool filters all day.”
“No, he’s just a college kid. I’m older than him-”
“So? That would just make you a cougar,” she grinned and with a burst of laughter you nearly choked on your drink, cautiously swallowing the strong liquid before letting out an exasperated breath. “You’re crazy.”
“-And he’s hot.” Erin snapped back before getting an alert on her phone. “Ah – it’s my boss. I have to catch my flight.” She groaned before downing the remainder of her wine and jolting off the couch.
“But you just got here,” you whined.
“Duty calls,” Erin commented and you followed her out towards the front door. “I’ll see you when I come back,” she added. “But while I’m gone, go out for once.”
“And why would I do that?” You snorted before she arched a brow.
“Because I know you too well.” She answered. “You’re like a queen stuck in her palace all day long. Go out and explore – you never know what you might encounter right outside the palace walls.” She added with a mischievous grin and took a quick glance at Jungkook before abruptly closing the door behind her.
…And before you knew it she was gone, leaving you with only her ending words as you stood there in the living room.
“Stuck in the palace, hmph.” You mocked with a frown before walking away.
You paced around the kitchen, filling your wine glass once more and taking generous sips every now and then before averting your attention back to the large window.
The sun’s harsh rays were beating down Jungkook’s skin as sweat droplets fell down the sides of his face. Judging by his perplexed state you knew it had to be at least 80 degrees (F) outside.
But despite the heat, he worked diligently – ignoring the uncomfortable condition and focusing on his work.
So you grabbed a cold bottle of water from the fridge and stepped outside, eyes wincing from the bright sunlight and making your way to the pool boy.
“Hey,” you called. “It’s too hot, you can finish another day.”
Jungkook watched as you came from the other side of the pool, holding a water bottle in one hand and a half filled wine glass in the other. “Nah, I’m fine” the man replied. “A little heat never hurt me.” He teased before taking the water and uttering a thanks.
“Confident aren’t you?” You replied as he swiftly twisted the cap and took a long swig of the drink.
You noticed a few drops of water spilled out from the corner of his mouth, proceeding to drip down the surface of his jaw and along his neck as his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down from drinking.
Before you knew it, Jungkook had finished the bottle and let out a satisfying “Ah,” in response.
“What happened to the heat being nothing?” You smirked while taking the empty bottle from him.
The pool boy grinned as he looked at you through his sunglasses, “Just thirsty that’s all.”
“I see,” you hummed. “Well I’ll leave you to it then…”
“Wait-” Jungkook urged – causing you to temporarily halt.
In that moment he felt like he had lost the ability to speak – catching your attention so suddenly had put him in a position of nervousness and for a moment he mentally scolded himself for acting on his thoughts and speaking up so abruptly.
“I-I could use another water,” he informed hastily.
You looked at him for a second longer, noting the urgency in his tone before glancing back to your home. “Why don’t you come inside…you know, to cool off for a minute.” You offered and failed to see the way his eyes lit up behind his dark frames.
With a small nod, Jungkook followed you inside your house, throwing off his sunglasses and taking the time to fully gawk at the beauty of it all.
“Nice place,” he stated while plopping down on the couch.
“Thanks,” you answered while grabbing another water and making your way back to the living room. You spotted Jungkook with his arms spread out along the pillows and letting out a sigh in relief as the cool air revived him.
However, while gazing at the elegant curtains and custom decor, he was quick to spot the lack of pictures in your home – merely noticing a few of just you and your friends.
After giving him the drink you at on the couch opposite of him, watching in silence as he downed his second bottle.
“Is it just you that lives here?” Jungkook couldn’t help but ask.
You looked at him quizzically “Yeah, how did you guess?”
“…Your pictures – I don’t see a husband or kids.” He responded in a calm manner and you shifted in your seat uncomfortably.
“I don’t have kids…but I did have a husband.”
“What happened?” He further asked and you looked up to see him leaning forward, paying close attention.
Your lips parted and you diverted your gaze downwards as a heavy sigh escaped your throat. Jungkook noticed your uncomfortable stance and snapped out of his curious state as he spoke up. “I’m sorry – I shouldn’t have asked.”
“No,” you countered. “It’s okay really. I’m just surprised because I thought you knew.”
“Knew?” He raised a brow and you nodded your head. “Yeah, it was all over the paper. Millionaire devil woman gets cheated on by husband. You clarified with a sarcastic laugh.
Jungkook’s expression turned sympathetic as his eyes went wide, watching as you removed a strand of hair out of your face. “-Y/N, I had no idea.”
“You’re the first person to say that to me,” you answered with a small huff and he leaned forward once more, crossing his arms over his chest as he teasingly said, “I don’t read the paper.”
With that you elicited a small laugh, causing him to do the same as he admired the way your face lit up when you did.
“Maybe I shouldn’t either,” you replied and downed the last bit of your wine. “He cheated with a bunch of women to hurt me, no point in still writing about it months later.”
“It’s like people want a reaction or something out of me.” You clarified in defeat. “Everyone has a motive – everyone always wants something.”
Jungkook intently listened to every word. His handsome face studying your own as you spoke with such regret and heartache. “Did you ever think he did out of jealousy?” He suddenly asked and you swallowed hard.
“Jealous? He’s successful-”
“As successful as you?” He corrected and you cocked a brow – stopping mid-sentence to evaluate the thought.
“Well n-no.” You muttered and Jungkook nodded his head. “That would have to be the only explanation.” He added. “I mean why else? You’re smart and not to mention fucking beautiful. Any guy would be lucky to have you.”
You smiled and patted his hand. “You’re sweet, but I don’t think he saw it that way,” you commented. “Relationships are overrated.” You then added with a sarcastic laughed. “I think I’ll stay single for a while.”
“Or be with someone better,” Jungkook immediately responded and your eyes locked with his – instantly getting lost within the depths of warm hues of brown that made up his iris. He was closer to you now, looking at you intently and meaning every word he said as you were at a loss for words.
And that’s when you looked down, finally realizing that your fingers were intertwined with his…
Your breath quickened and your heart pounded against your chest before quickly standing up and grabbing your wine glass. Taking cues from you Jungkook stood up as well, letting out an inward groan. “I should get back to the pool.” He announced while throwing his shades on.
“Okay,” you merely nodded before you heard the backdoor shut, signaling he was gone.
But even though he was gone, you could still feel the pounding of your heart against your chest, knowing all too well that it was racing because of him.
~*~ “Jesse, this is getting ridiculous. Stop calling me at work.” You scolded while bringing the phone to your ear for what felt like the thousandth time today.
“I’m know I’m really sorry, but your ex-husband is still insisting the cat go to him. He’s given you two weeks’ notice and he’s threatening to go to court if you still refuse-” he continued his tangent before you abruptly hung up.
“I really can’t deal with this right now,” you sighed while tossing your phone and putting your head on your desk.
It had been a long, tiring day at work with constant meetings and your ex-husband and his lawyers weren’t making it any easier for you.
“Um, Miss.” One of your secretaries gently spoke up from the doorway, “You don’t look so good, maybe you should go home early and rest.”
Your raised your eyebrows as the thought of going home seemed like the best remedy for the impact of stress you were feeling all day. Slowly peeping your head up, you took a glance at the secretary in front of you. “That’s the best idea I’ve heard all day.” You muttered before grabbing your bag and heading out the door.
The sun’s rays heated your skin as you laid there lazily in your floral bikini, letting a deep breath out in relief as sweet sounds of Lana Del Rey’s voice filled your ears. The music was loud, drowning out any thought of your messy divorce and stress from work. You had her music on repeat for the last hour, listening non-stop while sun bathing and plopping a few grapes in your mouth every so often.
You grabbed the sunscreen nearby and began to reapply the soothing cream over your shoulders, placing it over the heated patches of skin.
…That was until one of your earphones was suddenly pulled out.
The sudden action startled your relaxed state, sending you into a frenzy as you quickly sat up in your recliner and looked up at the cause of your anger.
And yet standing there…was none other than your pool boy, Jungkook.
He was casually standing beside you, looking down with an amused gaze and arms crossed over each other.
“Jungkook,” you scolded. “What are you doing here?”
“Its 4 pm I’m here to clean.” He responded with ease and your mouth gaped before checking the time on your phone for confirmation.
“Oh,” you muttered while getting up. “Didn’t realize it was that late already.”
And it was at this moment that you caught Jungkook’s eyes on you. If you weren’t so close, you wouldn’t have been able to notice, but you were able to see his gaze lingering, dragging those dark eyes from your face and down your body in admiration.
“You’re leaving?” He simply asked, attempting to keep his gaze discreet as possible.
He stayed put until you came back outside with an envelope in hand. “Before I forget, this is for you.” You said while handing it to Jungkook.
“What’s this?” He asked.
“This week’s pay – along with some extra cash for a new phone.” You added and he laughed, motioning to the pool as his was ruined from the day he dropped it.
“That’s nice of you but the phone was my fault. I shouldn’t have been in the pool.” He stated and you scoffed. “Wow such a change of mind since you started. Just think of it as a gift for putting up with me.” You said with a laugh while laying back down and he smiled.
“Yeah you’re a pain.” He confessed and your mouth went agape, feigning a fake gasp and earning a chuckle from him.
“You know I’m just playing,” Jungkook gushed and got closer, laying the envelope on the table beside him. “I like being here with you.”
“No need to lie Jungkook,” you huffed. “I know the only thing on young guy’s minds is beer, parties and pretty young girls.”
The pool boy then cocked his head, grabbing the sunscreen and leaning closer to you as he then said, “Not quite.”
“Oh, excuse me.” You baffled jokingly. “Pretty college girls.
Jungkook simply smiled, squirting some of the cream into his hands before gently rubbing it onto your back. “Nah, they don’t do it for me – too immature.”
You felt goosebumps raise on your skin upon his sudden touch, feeling a rush of excitement as your heart pounded shortly afterwards but not wanting him to stop either.
“Is that so?” You casually asked, provoking him to continue.
He kept his eyes on you, even feigning his signature smirk as he rubbed his clean thumb just beneath the curve of his plump bottom lip. “…I guess you could say I have a newfound attraction to older women.”
You let out a light hum as his hands grazed through the surface of your back, caressing every inch with sunscreen as it slowly turned into a massage. He worked his thumbs into your shoulder blades, pressing firmly and loosening the muscles beneath. “That feel good?” He asked and you nodded your head in content.
Jungkook continued his strokes, proceeding to drag his hands back down your spine until they reached the rim of your bikini. Silently his eyes wandered over the curve of your ass, perfectly round with the floral bikini strings tightened around the sides of your hips.
In that moment he began mentally scolding himself. Having an inner battle with his mind and his lower half as he tore his eyes away from your body.
But soon enough he found himself looking once more – this time gazing up towards the single string that held your top together. It was fastened ever so slightly, with a simple bow laying against your glistening back he found it hard to take his eyes off.
After moments of feeling the loss of his touch, you spoke up. “Jungkook,” you mumbled. “You still there?”
When there was no response you decided to turn around, thinking the man had left before you realized he was still beside you.
You locked eyes with him, a brief second of confusion coming over your features as he eyed you with a half lidded gaze. You noticed his jaw was clenched while he bit hard on his bottom lip.
“Jungkook, what is it?” You curiously asked.
Heavy breaths heaved beneath his chest and for a mere second he almost lost the confidence to ask but ensued anyways.
“…Can I kiss you?”
Your eyes blared wide, looking at him as a slight blush crept upon your cheeks. This was your pool boy you were looking at – a mere college guy who had no business asking an esteemed older woman such a thing. Both of you were at two very different points in your lives and with your messy divorce and stressful life you were at no such position to be messing around with him.
But that still didn’t stop you from saying, “Please.”
And just like that the threat of rejection dissipated from Jungkook’s mind as he leaned in, cracking a smile just as his mouth captured yours. His lips were soft and plump against your own, moving in sync as he positioned his hand just below your jaw for support.
The kiss lingered for a moment longer as Jungkook had only asked for such – wanting more but not wanting to step over any boundaries you weren’t comfortable with.
So he looked at you as your lips slightly parted, watching with a close gaze as if asking for permission to go further.
Gazing at the handsome man in front of you, you admired his sincerity – simply smiling while running your fingers through his dark locks. “Jungkook,” you whispered against his lips. “Don’t hold back with me.”
His orbs were dark and filled with lust, taking that as all the confirmation he needed as he didn’t waste a single second in closing the space between you and gently guiding you against the recliner. The back of your head rested against the cushion and Jungkook’s body hovered over yours as he leaned in to connect your lips once more.
“I won’t,” he promised in between a slew of sloppy kisses. “Not anymore.”
Your eyes fluttered close as you wrapped your arms around the back of his neck, keeping him close and pressed against you as his tongue explored the depths of your mouth. Just like you wanted, Jungkook didn’t hold back. His kissed you good and hard, bruising your lips with his own just as your tongues entangled with one another.
He proceeded to lift you with ease, sliding one of his hands against your back and untying the pink bow to your top within a single try.
Expert you thought and he shot you a teasing smirk while allowing your top to fall to the ground beneath you. “I’d been waiting to do that,” he slyly confessed and kissed you once more – groping your breasts with a single hand while the other held your face close to his.
Jungkook couldn’t believe this moment, this very moment he had imagined for weeks had finally come. The woman he adorned since the beginning was lying there just for him. He made sure to make the most of it, pleasuring you in the best ways possible as he showered you with hot, sensual kisses and sucking at all your sweet spots – knowing damn well you would have to wear a turtleneck for work in the morning.
Exasperated sighs left the two of you while your lips smacked against one another, both nearly catching a breath every now and then as you were inseparable.
You hissed through your teeth as his hand gripped your thigh, bringing his full attention to it as he then pressed his lips to the skin and began sucking down a trail of kisses towards your heat.
“Your ex,” he simply stated. “I may never get why he did what he did – but that was his damn loss.”
“Glad you think so,” you laughed and he moved his lips up to kiss you once more. “I know so,” Jungkook admitted. “You don’t need him to make you feel special.”
“-You don’t need him to make you feel good,” he continued with another kiss to your neck, gently biting the delicate skin while his tongue swirled around, tasting every inch of you.
“And why is that?” You managed to mutter out in a cohesive whimper.
Strands of his dark hair fell upon the rim of his brows as he brought his eyes back up to meet yours, taking the extra time to see the feigned look of doubt in your eyes until he said: “Because I’m here now.”
You stared at him, admiring the way his eyes lit up when he looked at you. His lips were swollen to a deep red hue and glistening wet from contact with your own while his hair was in a rugged mess. Bringing your fingers up to his hair once more, you carefully ran them through it while inching in closer – bringing his lips back to your own in a soft yet oh-so tantalizing kiss.
He let out a deep groan from within as you sucked on his lower lip, even biting the soft flesh while you then hands ran against the wide expanse of his back – allowing your fingers to feel up every indentation of muscle along the smooth surface.
But that wasn’t enough for Jungkook – no. He craved your touch like the desert craved water and before you knew it, he was removing the simple white tee from his body and begging you to continue as he took one of your nipples into his mouth.
A slew of “oh’s” and muffled whines escaped your lips, holding onto him while he continued to pleasure you. Seeing you like this beneath him only caused the tent in his pants to grow harder as he could feel how wet you were for him even over your bathing suit bottom.
“Come here baby,” he huskily ordered while sitting on a chair nearby and pulling you up to him – fixating you on his lap and pushing your hair to one side.
You sighed as he pressed his lips to the bare side of your neck, licking and puckering his way from the crevice and to your collarbone.
“Jungkook,” you whispered against him, rolling your neck as his lips continued their teasing – keeping you occupied until one of his fingers traced along the rim of your thinly clothed bottom.
Don’t hold back. Your words echoed through his ears over and over. As if in a carnal trance, Jungkook proceeded to pull at the strings alongside your hips, untying them simultaneously and cupping your soaked heat.
You let out a shuddered sigh, eyeing him closely just as you pushed his shorts higher up and began to grind against his bare thigh. He let out a deep groan and his large hands squeezed your ass, positioning you perfectly against him while sweet moans stemmed from your lips.
“Fuck,” he cursed with a shaky breath, watching in awe as you pleasured yourself against him. You gripped onto his back when you felt one of his hands rub against you from behind – teasing your sex ever so slightly.
“I’m going to make you feel so fucking good,” he moaned against your neck just as he moved a finger between your bodies and inserted it into the depths of your warmth. You whimpered just as he stretched you out, proceeding with a few pumps just as he inserted another finger.
A few more curses spilled out of your mouth and you were clawing onto Jungkook’s shoulders as your hips rolled along his rhythmic thrusts. His own breath was raised and he watched with half lidded eyes as his slippery fingers drove in and out of you – curling them both up and aimed at your g-spot while you cried out his name through a mix of sinful sounds.
Your moans were driving him insane, to hear you crying out his name in such a way had every vein running and every muscle contracting within him. He was hard beyond matters and would be lying if he said he didn’t look back at the recliner behind you every now and then just to flip you back on it and fuck you till the next day.
But despite his own erotic desire to have you – he knew that this moment was all about you, wanting to please you and you only as your pleasure mattered more to him than his own as maybe – just maybe if he was lucky enough there would be a next time.
So there you were, being pleasured to the point of what felt like absolute heaven. He pumped continuously, even inserting a third finger until you screamed out his name in one last stance of your orgasm as your juices dripped down his leg.
You fell against Jungkook in a sweaty mess, cheek pressed against his chest as the two of you attempted to regain your staggered breathing. You could hear his heart pounding from within as he still felt a range of nerves and excitement just from being around you.
“How are you even real?” Jungkook exclaimed to you as he caressed your naked body.
“I could say the same to you,” you cooed. “You sure know how to make a girl feel good.”
“Mmm, I get that a lot,” he teased and you picked your head up in response.
“Damn college kid,” you huffed and he laughed before you checked the time upon his request.
“It’s almost 6,” you answered.
“Shit,” he cursed under his breath.
“Got somewhere to be?” You curiously asked.
“I have another pool cleaning at 6,” the man replied and you gasped.  
“You need to go then,” you urged and Jungkook cocked a brow at you. “Why? I rather stay here with you,” he simply replied and you rolled your eyes.
“As much as I like the idea of that, you’ll get yourself fired.” You replied as you got up and grabbed a towel from the cabana.
While you were gone, Jungkook eyed the check beside him – glaring at the paper envelope before you came back.
“Still worth it,” he cooed with a cocky smile before cupping your cheeks and pressing his lips to your own. You kissed him back with as much urgency, allowing it to linger more than it should have before breaking away with a loud smack of your lips. “Go,” you laughed.
“You’re something else,” Jungkook commented with a smile, finally letting go of your pretty face and running his fingers through his hair in amazement.
You tossed him his t-shirt and watched as he threw it on swiftly.
“I’ll be back on Sunday” he announced with a wave as he began to make his way towards the back gate.
Your eyes widened in surprise and you flashed him a smile from afar, “To see me?” You asked.
“No, to finish cleaning the pool.” He replied with a devious smile just before shooting you a wink.
You laughed and turned around to go back inside just before noticing the envelope that you had given him still sitting on the small table. “Jungkook! You forgot your check-” You began to shout until something caught your eye mid-sentence.
It was a message.
Little did you know the pool boy had purposefully left the money there with you – only leaving a simple written message behind as there, in his signature messy handwriting was a four small words that read…
“I only need you.”
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lyssala · 6 years
You’re Idiots, the Both of You
Additional Pairings: N/A
Setting: High School Prom time; Terra & Aqua are 19 & 18
Rating: K
Notes: Can’t have a small town school without a high obsession with school activities, and prom is always a good one haha I wanted to do this because it would’ve been easy to get them together here but they’re still afraid of their feelings so it was interesting to write them being so close but not quite there. Also fun fact, I only went to my senior prom too only we couldn’t call it a prom because we weren’t allowed to dance like a real life Footloose LMAO
11. Dance
“I’m not gonna go to the prom with him, uh uh. I’m going with Dave because we rock together, Mama. The charade is over.”
Aqua was absolutely not going to ask Terra. There was absolutely no way. Nope, she wasn’t going to. She should really just stop thinking of it all together because it was completely pointless. She should absolutely stop thinking about it. It was never going to happen, not in a million years.
She slammed her locker door shut a little too hard, making the person next to her jump. Aqua mumbled a quick sorry before turning to the busy hallway with all the students trying to get out of this building and get out into the warm spring air. She wanted nothing more than to do the same but the banner over the front doors made her stop as she stared up at the pastel lettering, the dates telling her prom was coming in only a week. Like she didn’t already know, Aqua had only been dreading it for months now.
Someone brushed by her, nearly knocking her book out of her hand and reminding her she was kind of in the middle of the hallway. She swallowed hard, trying to ease the knots in her stomach but it didn’t help; not even the fresh air once she stepped outside seemed to help. The sun was out, it was warm, it smelt like that ever familiar smell of spring but Aqua couldn’t find it in her to let it lift her spirits.
She scanned the street lined with cars, looking for the one she knew well. Okay, admittedly she felt a little better when she saw Terra sitting on the hood of his car; he was facing the steps of the school but had his head down as he scrolled on his phone. Aqua took a few steps with every intention to not stop till she was in front of him but her name being called behind her made her turn her head. She saw one of boys from her English class waving at her as he headed towards where she was.
Aqua felt a little bad she couldn’t quite place his name even though she saw him every morning but she still stopped as he came over. He was wearing a letterman jacket and she thought maybe he was on the football team but it honestly didn’t help her remember his name at all. That wasn’t like her, but her mind admittedly was elsewhere.
She looked over her shoulder but Terra hadn’t seemed to notice she wasn’t there yet.
“Hey,” the guy said with a smile when he stopped in front of her.
“Hello,” Aqua said in return, giving a warm smile of her own. She was a little better conversing with people she didn’t know very well than Terra was, who usually didn’t care for it much, but really she just wanted to leave school and the reminder that she wasn’t going to have a date for her senior prom; well, not the date she wanted. “What’s up?”
“Sorry to shout at you,” the guy said, reaching a hand up to the back of his neck. “I just wanted to catch you before you left.”
“Oh, it’s fine.” Aqua waved it off. “Is there something I could help you with?”
“I just wanted to ask you something if that was okay?” He was still smiling politely, but he looked a little nervous, body weight shifting as he scratched at his neck.
Oh no. Aqua probably should’ve seen it coming as it wasn’t the first time in the past few weeks but it always made her feel bad. “Of course,” she said instead, trying not to let her smile falter.
“Did you have a date for prom?”
She felt her stomach sink at the impending answer she’d have to give. It was no of course, but saying no meant she was opening up herself to be asked to go with him. Yet saying, “No, but it’s only because I really want to ask my best friend who hates prom and doesn’t know how I feel about him so I’m never going to ask” didn’t exactly sound sane.
“No, I don’t,” she settled on because it was the truth.
The guy looked a little relieved but nervous considering he still had to ask. Aqua braced herself to give the carefully recited answer she gave the others who asked.
“Would you maybe wanna go with me?”
“Oh,” she said, trying to act like she was surprised. “I’m so sorry, I’m not actually sure I can make it so I wouldn’t want to have to bail last minute on you or anything. I’m really flattered you thought of me though.”
The guy blinked at her. “You’re not sure you’re going to Senior Prom?”
Yeah, I guess it was a little weird here; everyone harassed Terra to no end when he skipped both of his. “Ah, yeah,” Aqua reached up to tuck some of her hair behind her ear. Almost on habit, she glanced over her shoulder at Terra’s car but this time he was watching her probably wondering what was taking so long. “I might have a dance recital, but, um, my ride’s here so I have to go.”
The guy followed her eyes before looking back to her. “Huh, well, alright then.”
“I’m sorry,” Aqua said again but he just held up his hands, giving her a smile as he backed away.
“It’s fine, hope I still see you there.”
“Yeah, me too.” Though the moment he was out of sight, Aqua quickly hurried down the rest of the stairs and across the grass to where Terra was still sitting.
“Hey,” he said when she got close enough.
“Hey,” she waved slightly. She hadn’t even realized her heart was racing until she had a moment to breathe but it was already starting to ease up just being near him.
Terra jumped off the hood, pulling the handle on the passenger door for her. “How was school?”
“Usual,” she shrugged, sitting down and shutting the door while he walked over to the driver’s side. “Trying not to fall asleep in class, beating everyone else in gym, eating terrible food.”
He snorted as he turned on the car, putting it in the right gear while he pulled out into the street. She rolled down the window a little, just to get more of the fresh air. Aqua was already feeling better, mind starting to forget everything that had been plaguing her before.
“So what did Mr. Football want?”
Oh, well there went her feelings of ease. It’s not like she ever hid anything from Terra, especially if he straight asked her about it but at the same time it was kind of weird to tell the guy you had a crush on when other guys asked you out and then inevitably have to say why you said no. It was complicated.
“Oh, nothing,” she said. “Are we getting Ven today?”
“Yes,” Terra said, though he glanced over at her. “It didn’t seem like nothing.”
“Were you spying on me?” She turned her head to give him a teasing smile more for her sake than his.
“Why would I spy on you?” He rolled his eyes. “I was waiting for you and you stick out in a crowd so it was easy to see.”
Aqua supposed she didn’t have to say. She knew Terra well enough to know if she made another excuse he wouldn’t push it any further but she also thought it was stupid she was contemplating keeping something so silly from him. “He was just asking me to prom.”
Terra arched his eyebrows up. “Did you say yes then?”
“No,” she shook her head. “I’m not sure I’m going.”
“What’re you talking about?” he laughed, which caught her a little off guard. He slowed down for the upcoming red light but Aqua couldn’t quite stop staring at him for his reaction.
“What? It’s not that big of a deal. You didn’t go.”
“Yeah, but that’s me, Aqua.” He turned to look at her when the car was stopped. “You were heartbroken you had to miss it last year, now you’re telling me you’re gonna miss your last chance to go? I’m not buying it.”
She shrugged, even though he wasn’t really wrong. She couldn’t go last year because of a dance recital and she had been really upset over it, this year she knew there wouldn’t be anything else (despite what she said) but she still was having a hard time wanting to go. How could it be fun when the person she’d want to be there with her would never want to go? Took the glamour out of the night.
“Maybe I just changed my mind,” she said.
Terra still didn’t look like he was buying it. “A night to dress up and go to a fancy banquet hall? Nah, that doesn’t sound like anything you’d ever like.”
She reached over to hit his arm when he started to laugh but she wasn’t actually mad. Well, not at him at least.
The light changed and the car started to move again, the middle school already in sight.
“Clearly it’s not for lack of a date either,” he said though he was back looking at the road. “Why didn’t you say yes?”
The obvious answer was because the guy wasn’t Terra, but she couldn’t quite say that or do anything about it. “I’m not sure,” she said instead. “Do you think I should go?”
“Yeah, sure, if you want to,” he shrugged. “Don’t see why not.”
Part of her wanted to cry that he was talking about her going to prom with other guys so casually, but another part of her thought maybe he was right. Maybe she should just give up and give in. She had a crush on him since they were kids, but clearly he’d never feel the same and sometimes she was just tired of feeling so hopelessly in love with someone who didn’t share those feelings back. Maybe she should just go with someone else and have a good night, the night she dreamed about all through middle school.
Terra parked the car outside the middle school, waiting for the mass of small children to come running out.
The problem was whenever she dreamed about going to prom it was always with him, or even just him being there too. As much as she knew she could probably go on and have a good time without him, that wasn’t the point. She wanted Terra to be there with her, as stupid as it was. She knew that would be the turning point from a good night to a great night. Aqua wanted to see him roll his eyes at the cheesy decorations, to be able to sit with him, laugh, eat dinner, and she just wanted one dance. That’s all she really wanted, was that so wrong?
Honestly, maybe it wasn’t.
Aqua turned to see him already watching her. She had to do it now or she knew she never would. Deep breath, it was a simple question. “Will you come with me?”
He blinked at her. “Will I come where?”
“To prom, will you come to my prom with me?”
There the words were said, though the silence in the car wasn’t exactly reassuring as he just stared at her like he wasn’t sure what to say. Aqua started to feel panic rise up into her throat.
“I mean, people take friends all the time right?” she quickly amended, holding her hands up slightly. “I know you don’t really like it or anything, so don’t feel forced. I just thought it would be more fun than just-”
“Aqua, Aqua,” he said as he reached a hand to her chin, making her look over at him.
The school bell rang somewhere in the distance.
Terra didn’t look upset at least, more amused than anything. He pushed at her chin lightly, dropping his hand onto the center console. “Of course, dummy.”
Now it was her turn to be surprised. “Wait, really? But you hate proms.”
“I mean, hate is a strong word.” He leaned back into his seat, running a hand through his hair. “Not really my scene sure, but if you want me to go with you of course I will.”
Aqua kind of couldn’t believe this was actually happening. Had it always been that easy? “Are you sure?”
“I wouldn’t say yes if I wasn’t sure.” The first trail of kids started to come through the front doors but Aqua could only look over at Terra. “C’mon, how long have we been friends? If you don’t know by now that I’d do anything for you I’m not sure what to tell you.”
The worry and panic in her chest dissolved into the warmest feeling she thought she could ever feel. It made the pit of her stomach feel light, and cause a smile to pull at her lips. It must’ve been a fairly large smile as she saw Terra’s lips twitch upwards too.
“Thank you, I really mean it.”
“It’s nothing,” he shrugged. “Just tell me what color your dress is.”
She blinked at him. “Wait, why?”
“The flowers.” Terra arched an eyebrow at her. “And so I can get something to match.”
Aqua slapped a hand over her mouth as a new sort of panic started to go through her. “I don’t have a dress.”
Terra rolled his head back against the seat as he laughed.
“It’s not funny!” She reached over to hit him in the arm multiple times but that only seemed to make him laugh more.
“You didn’t think this through did you?”
Aqua stopped, but she was still leaning over the center console into him. He looked pretty okay with this whole thing, the way his eyes were shinning, the dimples on his cheeks from his smile. It was far better than she expected whenever she thought of asking him. Maybe he really was okay with going with her. “Not really, no.”
Terra reached his hands up to her face and Aqua couldn’t breathe. “It’s okay,” he said, watching her. “Just tell me when you get it, okay?”
His hands were so familiar and his presence so comforting, like none of her stupid fears were valid at all. Still, she could only nod in response, making no effort to move, but neither did he really.
The backseat door swung open and almost on instinct Aqua leaned herself back into her seat. Terra was still watching her but didn’t say anything.
“Oh man, is it Friday yet?” Ven groaned as he climbed into the back, throwing his backpack on the floor.
“It’s only Wednesday, buddy.” Terra started the car back up.
“Don’t tell me that.”
Aqua turned to ask Ven how his day was but she noticed two more heads of hair clambering in after him. Terra noticed too as he turned around.
“Oh no, I’m not a taxi service, you two can walk.”
“Terra,” Sora whined, leaning back against the center seat. “It’s too far.”
“You live around the corner from the school.”
“Then you should have no problem driving us there,” Roxas said, poking his head up behind Aqua’s seat.
“He gives a fair point,” she said, reaching back to ruffle at the blond’s hair.
“Whose side are you on?” Terra snorted, but started backing up the car like he was ever gonna do anything but drive the twins home. “Roxas, sit back, and you and Sora both put your seatbelts on or we’re not going anywhere.”
“Please, Terra,” Ven said while the other boys did as they were told. “You don’t even have to ask. Aqua is always on your side.”
It was a fairly innocent comment from a thirteen year old little brother but at the same time it made heat rise to her face. Terra on the other hand didn’t seem to mind as much.
“I know,” he said, looking at Ven in the rearview mirror as Terra started to drive through the parking lot. “Jealous?”
Ven reached a foot up to kick at Terra’s chair a few times  but when Sora started launching into a recap of the day with Roxas cutting in to give his own commentary, everything else was mostly forgotten. Except by Aqua who was still having a hard time wrapping her head around that fact that she was going to go to her prom, with Terra, and now she really had to find a dress.
While, yes, Aqua very much did love dressing up and going to fancy dances, she honestly didn’t know why Terra was so against going to his. The decorations were actually really pretty; the rustic banquet hall a few towns away from their home was decorated with candles, lanterns, ribbons draped over the wooden beams of the ceiling. All the tables had flowers of purples, blues, and ivories, the décor looking like it came from antique country homes. Then there were the gardens with arches and even a barn to take photos in, it was actually breath taking.
Though to be fair, Terra had given her zero resistance the whole night. Even though she already set the pretense they were going as friends to him and to every single person who gave her that stupid look the moment she told them who she was going with, Terra still came to pick her up and dealt with her parents wanting to take pictures. He even brought her a corsage even though he had previously mentioned he thought the traditions were silly. The drive out there wasn’t awkward at all as really she was just hanging out with her best friend. Admittedly she had a hard time not staring the whole time when he ditched the suit jacket due to the heat leaving him in just his vest and button up, which he had rolled the sleeves up to his elbows. It was…yeah, she had to focus on other things
It did work out pretty well even though Aqua was incredibly last minute picking out a dress. She found a long one of blues and silvers that tied up behind her neck, silver embroidered swirly flowers on the fitted bodice and a skirt of fabric and tulle enough to make her feel like a princess but not so much that she couldn’t even get through the door. His vest and tie matched perfectly too even though it was less than a week before prom that she got her dress. Granted, Kairi’s grandmother owned the alterations shop for both men and women, so Aqua had a feeling it was all the older woman’s doing that everything came together.
Terra, who would just wear a t-shirt and jeans everywhere if he could, didn’t even complain about the clothes. He took all the pictures she wanted when they got there, talked to the people they knew, hung around the gardens till the sun went down, and not a single word of displeasure came from his lips, not even teasing. After all the shit he complained about when he was supposed to go to his prom, Aqua couldn’t even imagine this was the same person, but he was here and he never left her side. Even if they were talking to different people she could feel the brush of his arm nearby, his back to hers, his hand brushing by her back. Though the first time he put his hand on her bare back she nearly jumped out of her skin in surprise; not her most graceful moment of the night, but she loved it when he did it from then on.
Even now as they sat at their table, empty plates from dinner in front of them, he had his arm draped over her chair, his hand and body just barely brushing against hers as the music played, others dancing on the dance floor in front of them. It was nice; all of this was so nice. She didn’t know how she’d ever be able to thank him for doing this for her.
A yawn pulled at her lips, making her reach a hand up to try and hide it but he was already glancing over at her.
“I’m fine,” she said before he had a chance to ask her if she wanted to leave.
He seemed to know, merely shaking his head with a small laugh but he didn’t say anything.
It was getting kinda late, some people had already left to either go home or go to after parties or something. She was told where they were and that she was invited but honestly all she really wanted to do was take off her heels, put on comfy clothes and just sit on the couch with Terra and watch movies till they fell asleep. Yeah, that sounded really nice.
Still, even after the great night she had there was just one thing left she wanted…Aqua was just having a little bit of a hard time being able to ask him. She already asked him enough for one night really, she had no right to ask for even more.
Another yawn, this one so wide it made her eyes start to water.
With the arm he had around the chair, he reached up to poke her in the face a little, making her laugh out of her yawn. “Cinderella getting tired of the ball?”
“No,” she said. “Just maybe a little tired in general.”
“Alright.” He stood to his feet, looking out over the hall.
Aqua felt panic rise to her throat. She really didn’t want to leave without that one dance but she also still had no idea how to ask him. “Wait,” was about all that came out.
“What?” he asked, turning back to face her.
She could just ask, it was just Terra she knew she could ask him anything. This though…this was different. He was the one out of his element, she shouldn’t push for more.
“C’mon,” he said, holding his hand out to her. “Dance with me?”  
Aqua just stared at him for a second, trying to decide if he was teasing or not. He was smiling at her but it was genuine, like he knew what she was trying to ask him; which honestly he probably did. She put her hand in his and let him lead her to the edge of the dance floor. Plenty of others were there, dancing with their own dates and friends so no one seemed to be paying attention to them.
Not that she would’ve cared if they did. He dropped his hands to her lower back, pulling her in just enough to be barely touching. She carefully put her hands on his shoulders, looking up to see him already watching her.
“I won’t pretend I’m very good at this,” he said, though he looked more…embarrassed about it than annoyed.
“I beg to differ.” Admittedly they weren’t doing much in the ways of dancing, but really, it was all she had wanted. “This is nice.”
She hesitated for a moment; Aqua wanted to ask, but she was almost afraid of the answer. “I know this isn’t really your thing, but did you have a good time?”
“It’s not,” Terra said, though he sounded a little breathless. “And maybe with someone else it wouldn’t have been, but it’s you. As long as I’m with you everything is fine.”
Simple words but she felt that familiar warmth in her chest, that fluttering feeling in her stomach. He was still watching her, his face just inches away. He was taller than her but she also had a few extra inches. It would be so easy to lean in and kiss him like she always wanted to.
Her heart was in her throat as she pushed herself up on her toes to press a quick kiss to his cheek instead. “Thank you,” she said when she looked back to him.
Terra blinked at her like he was surprised. “For what?”
“For all of this. For coming with me even though I know you didn’t want to, for doing all the cliché stuff you think is silly. It really means a lot to me, all of it does.”
“Aqua.” He laughed a little, shaking his head. “You misunderstand. How I might feel about stuff like this has absolutely nothing to do with you. You asked me to be here, none of anything else mattered really.”
She threw her arms around his neck, leaning her head against his shoulder. Her eyes fluttered shut when she felt him hug her back. “I love you.” Even though she knew the words meant a little something different to her, they still felt nice to say.  
His fingers ran gentle circles on her back. “Yeah, I love you too.”
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terri9274 · 7 years
Taylor’s Unreleased Songs
This is me trying to coalesce some of her unreleased songs and how I interpret a pretty clear queer reading. I might do more than one of these, not sure. I’m definitely not a lyric analysis person but I’ll highlight the songs and some choice lyrics I think are very gay-coded and about her experience as a young gay teenager. Now, who could these songs be about you may ask? For most I don’t know. I don’t really know when most of these were written but most of her unreleased songs were written Pre-2006, prior to the release of her first album. So in that vein, some of them could be about her high school girlfriends, Lacey and Kelsey. Or an unknown crush or hook up. Okay, let’s get into this. Most of the credit for lyrics goes to AZlyrics.com. Most of the songs I’m gonna talk about are here. 
There’s some posts about this already around here and an amazing analysis by @that-curly-haired-lesbian here EDIT: This was written much younger than I thought. She wrote it in middle school in 2002(x)
                              “Being with my baby”
All is quiet in the world tonight Catching stars and fireflies The summer sings a lullaby With just me and my baby On the hood of his daddy's car Pass around his old guitar Bet mama's wondering where we are It's just me and my baby The world is spinning round Cause look just what I've found
Ooh, life's so sweet right here Ooh, keeping it young and crazy Ooh, just wanna stay right here Cause nothing's quite like being with my baby Driving home by the river side Wishing I could slow down time Taking pictures in my mind Both me and my baby The car pulls up and I'm home too late We didn't take that interstate Back roads was a better way For me and my baby The closer that we get Oh, I can't leave yet
Look at what we've found So turn that car around
This reminds me of “Our song” with the subtle-ish sneaking around and the mama lyric. Otherwise cute af song. What if this is about the same person “Tim Mcgraw” is about. She mentions summer in both songs. It seems like she wants time to slow like they only have the summer left like “Tim Mcgraw”. The whole car date under the stars seems familiar(and gay). What if “Tim Mcgraw” is about Lacey, her first girlfriend. The timeline of what we know about Lacey and her fit. Written in 2004(x)
                          “Better off & “Fall back on you”
Talked about these songs here (x) EDIT: “Better off” written in 2004. “Fall back on you” written in 2005.(x)
                                    “Closest to a cowboy”
Snap buttons on a denim shirt Blue jeans and a little dirt That’s the closest you’ll see me Feet hanging out a pickup truck Crazy and a little rough Running free That’s the closest to a cowboy You’ll see me Before I met him I was so sane and grounded Before he taught me how to lie And crawl out the window I learned the dirt roads And I got my heart broken Cause that cowboy taught me how to cry And how to let go I thought there for a little while Every sunset I’d be a riding off with him 
 It was all a little Wonderful and strange But I’ll never look At a sunset the same light 
There’s sneaking around again that is similar to “Our song”, which is important to note she wrote around the same time, like 2005, like most likely most of these songs. What is this is again about the same person “Tim Mcgraw” and “Our song” are about(x) Boyfriend Taylor for the win!
                              “I know what I want”
Don’t try me Don’t fight me You be you and I’ll be me They say I’ve always known What I wanted My friends and enemies Will tell you it’s true You will find out I always get it I know what I want And it ain’t you Your mum and daddy’s walls Are covered up in pictures of you You never met a mirror That you didn't look again into So sorry, don’t worry I’m sure there are so many girls Who love you like you do
Oh baby, don’t persuade me I know that you ain’t used to no So let me say it real slow 
This song is badass and GAY. I love a Taylor song that’s feisty and self-assured and confident. It could be about a guy bothering her even though she has been so clear she knows what she wants and it will never be him(or any guy), especially not some conceited asshole who won’t leave her alone. I love this cuz listening I’m like “You go, Taylor tell him off that you’re fucking gay!” Lol. There are some myspace comments of Taylor’s that are similar the theme of this song a little that I was fascinated by so here they are.
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Dec 29, 2005 2:44
Lil’ Kels.
I looove love love your new pictures. You are pretty,
You’re right.. you better watch out.
Because I do what I want.
What if this song is at least indirectly about Kelsey? Am I losing my mind? Possibly, possibly. The poem really just reminds me of this song, but like a sadder side of the coin. Either way, this is MAN-HATING LESBIAN WITCHERY. I’m gonna leave you with some wise words from Ms. Leslie Jones that I think is appropriate.
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                                    “I used to fly”
I’m hopelessly lost with this song. Maybe a metaphor for hiding a relationship with someone, and they broke up? Its just so vague I really don’t know.
                                    “I’m every woman”
This is a cover and its sexy and cute. Go, Taylor!
                              “Just south of knowing why”
She didn't have a reason to go, oh no She didn't have a reason to stay Either way she didn't tell anyone about her first ray of sun She looked at her keys and found a reason to run And time stands still when you're nowhere bound But I understand it somehow If I could drive all night would I find my peace of mind? Would it be a million miles of cold white lies And unfamiliar exit signs? I just drive on by, just south of knowing why I didn't really know her that well But I could tell that her smile was only something to hide behind She felt so out of touch, cuz she just felt too much If you don't know what you want nothing's ever enough
I don't have a plan, I don't have a map I don't even know if I'm ever going back I don't have a when and I don't have a where I don't even know if I'll know when I'm there
Female pronouns!!! Don’t really get what the songs about exactly except obviously she’s very upset(maybe because of the girl). Maybe she was with a girl for a short time and the girl broke up with her because she didn’t know what she wanted, leaving poor Tay heartbroken and alone in her feelings.
                               “Live for the little things”
One daybreak, one heartache Every once-upon-a-time That black dress, happiness Bubble baths and quarter lines
This is interesting. That verse remind you of anything? “ When you think happiness I hope you think that little black dress”. “Tim McGraw” anyone? Possibly this song is also about Lacey?
                                   “Long time coming”
I got a lying smile I never put out for you Cause I guess I never felt like I really needed to And they say little girls have big dreams And nothing in the world was gonna come between me and you And it was a long time coming I waited half my life just to find someone like you I spent a long time finding out love hangs around after you walk out Not knowing it'd be a long time going They say it's better to have lost than never to have loved at all And I say, whoever said that didn't have too far to fall And they say little girls are so naive That wasn't how it was supposed to be with me and you
I've burned my bridges, had sleepless nights Washed my sins on the neon lights And I'm still not over you
What that? Oh, just the sound of my heart breaking.  “ Washed my sins on the neon lights”. *coughs*gay. Reminds me of the Red album prologue actually. The Neruda quote she quote, “Love is so short, forgetting is so long”. Right, @theredalbumprologue? Sorry, absolutely could not resist. Gender neutral.
People there can't help but care About the friendly music of a guy Who's getting by from their applause He's got a song that moves along He's got his local crowd tonight At Angelina's family bar and grill He's got his heart on his sleeve The songs he plays just living free But who knows what goes through his mind When he plays a song it brings along Everybody saying Who's that guy who plays the mandolin... mandolin Oh yeah, mandolin
Oh he's the kind of guy Who never really wanted fame His feet are planted firmly on the ground He never wanted people to remember his name He never wanted word to get around That he found heaven on earth He's got his heart on his sleeve The songs he plays just living free But who knows what goes through his mind When he plays a song it brings along Everybody saying Who's that guy who plays the mandolin Oh, I'm the guy who plays the mandolin Mandolin Oh, mandolin
This song is a mindfuck! I was just minding my business walking my dog and then the last verse plays and ????. What kind of gay shit have I stumbled upon. I don’t even think Taylor plays the mandolin, but not sure. The whole, what goes through his mind when he plays a song is very interesting, maybe she’s saying “hey, I got closeted by my team so I can be successful in country music and maybe everyone doesn’t know who I’m really singing about and how I feel, cuz the whole my songs are my diary isn’t exactly me, its a persona.”  At Angelina's family bar and grill, what the fuck, right @that-curly-haired-lesbian? I am confusion though, I don’t get how most of this remotely fits Taylor. BUT VERY GAY.
                          “The diary of me”
I’m a laid back T-shirt, blue jean, mood ring Kinda girl Hey yeah what’s the word on you Lay low I’m a mission rebel Angel devil Little left of the middle Sometimes I get temperamental But here I am an open book Turn the page it’s all the rage Get a look on the inside Oh what you get is what you see Baby you hold the key To the diary of me 
This is like the song form of her public persona during the start of her career. Total boyfriend Taylor in full view. She clearly used to write before she really made it more openly about certain things that later she couldn’t really talk about, like it seems she rather not wear traditionally feminine clothes in favor of nice t-shirt. Yet what does she wear in public and for performances? Just something to think about. She writes lyrics like this in many earlier songs, “A place in this world”, “Tim Mcgraw”, “Diary of me”, “Closest to a cowboy”, “A Place in this world”, “What to wear”,”You belong with me”. Forced femininity AND being closeted and having to act “straight” is a nasty combination. The whole my songs are my diary was the inception of her authenticity problem because Swifties STILL think that they know everything about her and that she wouldn’t “lie” to them. Closeting is not a lie. This era she’s really trying to get the farthest away from that than ever. See the Rep prologue. She has been inviting speculation into the simple clear fact that people just see what she shows them and that things aren’t always as they seem.(x) But it’s more explicit than ever now. 
                                    “My turn to be me”
Something about me didn't fit into your perfect world I bet the bluegrass stained your smile You should use a darker color when you write on the wall I haven't read it a thousand times Maybe if you saw me for a second you would realize Honey I was trying so hard To talk, walk, think, stop Anytime you want me to Bend all my rules I used to let you choose Who you wanted me to be This time I'm flying free It's my turn to be me
Looks like she’s trying to fit into the mold of heteronormative standards, she wanted to be accepted. The straights think this song is about a guy she was dating that was very controlling, but through a queer perspective it seems obviously much deeper than that. Although, possibly she dated a guy for a little bit as part of her trying to fit in and she felt trapped and with all these expectations that were not her. Just an idea. Either way, this song is about breaking free from that toxic thinking and realizing the most important thing is making yourself happy. In other words, the rise a gayby boyfriend Taylor?! GAY. 
                                       “My cure”
I know we've got a lot to say Between now and forever But I'd be a game if you would play And not dare this to get better So all throughout the day You smile and walk away All I can think to do Is follow you If you ever leave I'll be crawling back for more If you ever need love I'm standing at your door I'll be sick inside if baby you would be my cure Wherever you think I am tonight Just know we're miles from a heartbreak Because in the blink of one pretty brown eye I'll be right where you are baby
Sometime along the way You took my breath away Distracted by the view I fall right into you
They say I need to see all the people out there waiting But you take one look at me And I know the mistake I'd be making
I know we've got a lot to say between now and forever
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. One of my favorites that I listened to. It is such a soft gay anthem! Although, yes very adorable, seems she could also be referencing that a lot of people did and still do say that being gay is a sickness and unnatural(x). So it seems in this she is saying that she doesn’t care if people know or find out and call her things because “This love”(her queerness) is good no matter what they say. Gender neutral. She says pretty brown eye, so if that is accurate it can’t be about Kelsey(she has green eyes). Maybe Lacey or an unknown girl.
                                    “Never mind”
Look at you Look at me Look at who we could be I wanna know who you are What you want from the stars And every time I look at you I can hardly say a thing My head starts to spin and it hits me then I love you And every time you look at me I could go crazy but I don't Say it but I won't 'Cause I'd rather be alone than lose you And all I really wanna do is be next to you But I'm too tired to fight And I could tell you now But baby, never mind All the time Everyday There's nothing I can do, baby, to make it go away So look at you And look at me And think of who we could be But every time I look at you I can hardly say a thing My head starts to spin and it hits me then I love you And every time you look at me I could go crazy but I don't Say it but I won't 'Cause I'd rather be alone than lose you
All I really wanna say is I need you, babe But how could you understand? What happens if you turn away and everything turns blue and grey? And I just wish I told you never mind And I could tell you now, but baby, never mind Yeah, oh yeah I could tell you now but never mind Yeah, oh yeah yeah And I could tell you now but never mind
This screams straight girl crush who she was friends with. 
                               “Don’t hate me for loving you”
He walked around my life And made me blind With every single move He caught me staring at him Mad about him Little that I knew Love is different When you play the fool And all I wanna do is say Don't walk away now And don't rip my heart out Don't you make cry tonight Like you always do And don't hate me for loving you
Unrequited straight girl crush. She’s written many songs like this but this is this is very stark and explicit and just very gay-coded more than others like this, i think. Some examples, “Teardrops on my guitar”, “Invisible”, “Stay beautiful”, “Hey stephen”, “You belong with me”, “Don’t hate me for loving you”, “Never mind”. What straight girl would worry that a boy would HATE her for liking him? Thinking the girl you have a crush on would be disgusted by you and your feelings and totally reject you is terrifying and heartbreaking and something basically all lesbians can relate to especially when they were young. SAD.
                                    “One thing”
It wasn't just like a movie The rain didn't soak through my clothes, down to my skin I'm driving away and I, I guess you could say This is the last time I'll drive this way again When there's nothing to say and I try to grab at the fray Cause I, I still love you but I can't Bye, bye, to everything I thought was on my side Bye, bye, baby I want you back but it's coming down to nothing And all you have is to walk away From the one thing I thought would never leave me, yeah The picture frame is empty It's black and white, you're smiling down at me I take your photo off the dash And back to the conversation I was so sure of everything we thought we'd always have I'm lost in the sound of it But here in the now comes in Seems like I'm becoming part of your past
And there's so much that I can't touch You're all I want but it's not enough this time And I can feel you like your slipping through my hands And I'm so scared of how this ends
Gender neutral. Has echoes of “If this was a movie”. SAD and gay. Break up:( 
                                  “Spinning around”
Not sure what its about but it seems metaphorical. Maybe her feelings for girls in a way make her feel cornered and caged, if I may. Hard to say.
                                    “Stupid boy”
Let me know, how's it feel To be under my skin, wrapped around my heart Is it like anywhere you've been? And everything I do, I do it just for you So why the hell don't you love me? Why the hell don't you need me like I need you? Are you so far above me? Don't you know that there's nothing I wouldn't do? But I was just a toy, which you destroyed Stupid boy I have been looking in, trying to read your mind Give you the benefit of the doubt, every single time And then you walk right by, I'm screaming out inside Why the hell don't you love me? Why the hell don't you need me like I need you? Are you so far above me? Don't you know that there's nothing I wouldn't do? But I was just a toy, which you destroyed Stupid boy What happens when you wake up, to see that you've lost? You take one look at me, 'cause that's what it cost. I was gonna be everything you need 'Cause you're everything to me 
No-homo and of course still so gay. Maybe about a girl who was just using her and didn’t have feelings for her or a girl scared of her feelings for Taylor? Very emo gay. Poor Tay.
                                   “Perfect have I loved”
If you love me, then I love you Swear by the freckles on the moon And maybe this will be enough I'd like to keep you till I'm old But if I can't, at least I'll know That, baby, perfect have I loved Do you remember the stupid things we used to do Before September stole me away from you? The time we got your truck stuck in the creek 'Cause, baby, roads weren't wild enough for you and me Saying...
I used to see you by the bridge we used to cross I found the feeling of trying to get lost You would smile that smile that I tried so hard to forget It's hard to light a fire that I still haven't put out yet
Love was all we knew And faith was growing on the vines Words were all we had And for one summer, you were mine Saying...
Very similar theme and possible timeline with this and “Tim McGraw” which I think is also about Lacey. Summer times and september? Lacey was 2 years older, this feels like a twin song to “Tim Mcgraw”. I think the timeline fits. Such a soft gay anthem, can’t get over it. Gender neutral.
What a thing to see What a thing to be What a perfect love, what a perfect home 'Cause every time she walks And every time she talks Is every time he knows what a perfect world he's living on But whenever he's gone and when she's all alone His heart goes out to her on the telephone And he says, "Sugar, how I love you How I think about you all the time" He calls her "Sugar" 'cause she's the sweetest thing Oh, she's the best thing he'll ever find With her midnight hair And with his favorite stare She's a southern belle, he's a rockout king When she looks around Oh, she knows she's found Such a perfect life, such a perfect thing
Oh, there's a reason for every season There's a change within the range of every heart But the reason and the season Seem to be right so far 
AAAAHHH. We all know in many songs Taylor steps into the perspective of the boy to sing about girls. It just hit me much after thinking about this, that she’s doing the same but for an entire song! At first I didn’t really think if its personal, but usually with Taylor it is even when she says its not, so its a strong possibility. SO GAY.  “ Oh, she's the best thing he'll ever find”, “Mine” parallel!!! Also, rockout king?? “king of my heart anyone?? Except in this case, Karlie isn’t the king. Lol. Who, pray say, is a musician?. She wrote it like that so no one would think its about her. GAY GAY. Lesbihonest.
                              “Sweet tea and gods graces”
Tire swings, summer dreams, honeysuckle on the breeze Whistle County creek Laying in the green grass, I was watching clouds pass Baby, you were watching me Cold barn struck bed, everything you said Slowly educating me I never had a lesson so sweet You can get high on a first kiss You can get by with sweet tea and God's graces You can love like a sinner and lose like a winner Nothing's shatterproof You can crash and burn and come back someone new And that's what I learned from you Autumn rain, window pane, looking how the leaves change Just like the two of us Still got your laugh, your ghost, your jacket Guess I loved you way too much But I'm a little smarter, my heart's a little harder But it's still soft enough to cry Cause I remember those times I remember.........
Saw you just the other day All that I could think to say was, "Hey, how have you been?" You caught me with that old smile Said, "It's really been a while, And I still think about back when.."
“Don’t blame me”, anybody? Getting high on kissing? Loving like sinners? Hmmmm. What do a lot of religious people call gay people again? Another song talking about summer. Lacey? Relating her experiences growing up christian with her queer relationships and feelings. Seems like she is very positive and accepting of her being gay and not struggling with religion in this, which is good. She said recently at a Rep secret sessions that she isn’t religious. Character development.
                                “Tell me”
It was something like a perfect start to This love yesterday but now who are you I thought I knew Your eyes how to know to look right through me It's like you forgot the words you whispered to me They weren't true It's like it wasn't you Could you tell me what did I do Because it can't be we're already through Did you sell me out for a fool After you held me is that just what you do What did you need from me Tell me Take time to realize I know That people change their minds But that was something I wished you would say To my face But you run away
If I had a reason or a simple goodbye Baby even a lie Yeah Yeah 
It seems to me to be about Taylor and a girl,  they had a nice night and then the girl got scared about her feelings and when into repression mode. She could be terrified of everything, including anyone finding out, her family, the idea of getting kicked out. So she decided to fully stop talking to Taylor or explain whats going on because she doesn’t trust being around Taylor. Just an idea. 
                                   “Ten dollars and a six pack” 
This is about a person Taylor was dating who was bad news and who wasn’t really faithful. It looks like Taylor broke up with her. Maybe Kelsey?
I LOVE this. Gives me such “Picture to burn” vibes. I’m quite a slut for angry Taylor, sue me. “Truck on fire”, also reminds me of “Should’ve said no”. So maybe this is also about Kelsey? Badass song. 
                                         “That’s life”
“Love or lie, live or die I, well, I guess that's life”
That lyric caught my eye. Could be gay, not sure. Take it as you will.
                                 “Thinkin’ bout you”
I walked into a chair today ‘Cause I was thinking about you Your face jumped right in my way Like lately things do Oh, baby can’t you see The thought of you makes a mess of me I walked into a chair today ‘Cause I was thinking about you and now I I can’t walk straight, I can’t talk straight I can’t think about anything but the way It should be and it could be And till you come around again I will be Doing what I usually do Thinking about you I get lost when I drive around town Thinking about your smile I always end up on your side of town And I don’t know why There must be something under this hood That’s got a mighty strong liking to you I walked into a chair today ‘Cause I was thinking about you and lately
Your eyes are the color of the deep blue sea The one that I go swimming in every time you look at me
I walked into a chair today ‘Cause I was thinking about you...
Gay ass hilarious mess of a song! She really is a lesbian icon. I mean how much more relatable can she get?? She’s channeling Sappho with this. Hahahaha. Clearly she ain’t talking about a “straight” crush. LOL. “Gorgeous” anyone? Ocean blue eyes? Haha. The song form of too gay to function.
                            “Thirteen Blocks”
Beautiful. Sad. She’s driving to break up with someone but she’s uncertain and hesitant and sad about it. Very well-written. 
                         “This is really happening”
Beneath the chandelier of stars and atmosphere Tangled like the roots on the ground The windows opened up The wind is blowing and we're both not making a sound It’s like I’m melting on into you Give me a reason why we should ever move and Tell me You’ll never leave me and I’m not crazy and This is really happening That this is really happening Could this be better? You write me letters So you see me everyday You tend to treat me like My name is up in lights It really blows me away Lock me up in a dark room And I still can’t take my eyes off you 
All those kisses up against your car For all those wishes on planes We thought were stars Memories like photographs Oh Baby,Here we are 
Tell me You’ll always need me That I drive you crazy And this is really happening Oh,that this is really happening 
The softest gay anthem! The pickup truck under the stars seems familiar again, doesn’t it? About Lacey? Written probably before “Tim Mcgraw” because this is the start of the relationship. If about Lacey makes sense why she is so wonderstruck because this could be all new to her. “This love”(her queerness) is good and Its how she’s supposed to feel! 
                               “Til Brad Pitt comes along”
Do you remember the day I leaned up against your car And it started rolling down the street You screamed and ran after it And tried to open the door And it ran over your foot And I was too busy laughing on the ground to see. It would take Brad Pitt to leave you It takes five seconds to need you When I'm mad at all the lovebirds 'Cause they don't know to play our song I wish that pretty girls couldn't see you I wish that all your roads would lead you right to me 'Cause that's where you belong Until Brad Pitt comes along Do you remember the time we watched Carrie And you said it reminded you of me And I threw the remote at you And you said "my point exactly" And later on that night, under the neon city lights, You paid a homeless guy to sing a song to me. 
You call me lucky 'cause I lose everything But I swear I'd be careful with it If you gave me a ring
CUTE. Another funny song, amazing! Taylor as Carrie? Hahhaaha. Funny that in the chorus she says “Our song”. Maybe Lacey again? 
                          “We were happy”
When it was good baby, It was good baby We showed 'em all up No one could touch the way we Laughed in the dark Talking 'bout your daddy's farm We were gonna buy someday And we were happy
Subtle sneaking around? Gender neutral. 
                                         “What do you say”
What do you say, when you just know That he's the one, and you wanna go fast But he's taking it slow And what do you do, when he's next to you But he's a little bit shy Well here's something you can try Hey, hey what do you say We go walking down the river all together It's a warm May beautiful day And I feel like I could Talk to you forever With the sun shining bright It feels just like a day When everything's gonna go just right I know it will be a sweet memory For you and me someday What do you say? What do you see, when you look in his eyes There's something there That he can't disguise No matter how he tries And what do you feel, when you know its real And you can't sit still If you don't own up will yeah
My imagination's running away Just dreaming about What I want you to say
Another soft gay anthem! Taylor taking the lead because the other person is “shy”. *coughs*Gay. Adorable laughing in the end.
                              “Me and Britney” 
This song is about Taylor’s childhood and still current friend Britany Maack. She played this at the Bluebird cafe. She wrote this really young, probably 13.
                             “What to wear”
Sixteen blue jeans, Abercrombie T-shirt Shoes, purse, hair tied back And you should see her She's got her magic Floating through the air
She wrote this song so you aren’t sure if its about her or a story but usually she is writing personally even when she says she isn’t(”You are in love”). Boyfriend Taylor again. She sure loves t-shirts. 
                      “Who I’ve always been”
About her music career and hard work. Feisty Tay.
                         “You do”
She’s enamored with someone. “Boy, you got me like a shot to the heart Got me shakin' so bad, spilled my coffee in the car”.  These lyrics reminded me of “Getaway car” and the shakin’ lyric “dress” and “So it goes”. Just sayin’.
                           “Your anything”
I bet you lie awake at night Trying to make up your sweet mind Wondering if you'll ever find Just what you want A home-town number one Or a California loaded gun But you know you only get one Or that's what you thought But here's what you've got [Chorus:] I could be your favorite blue jeans With the holes in the knees In the bottom of the top drawer I could be your little beauty queen Just a little outta reach Or the girl living next door I'll be your angel giving up her wings If that's what you need I'd give everything to be your anything If you want hard to get If you want... All you have to do is let me know If you want a bumpy ride Or someone with a softer side Either one'll be alright Just let me know Cause this is where it goes 
It's not like I'm giving up who I am for you but for someone like you it's just so easy to do  
Massive crush Tay. But thats very normal for baby gaylor. She got it real bad. Hard to say if it’s unrequited or not, doesn’t really say. Tay, you don’t need to change yourself tho! Haha
                               “Your face”
I heard a song tonight on the radio Another girl sings about a boy Just sees his face in every space in every room And i know that if i turn around you won't be there If i close my eyes will you be there? I don't wanna lose your face And i don't wanna wake one day And not remember what time erased And i don't wanna turn around Coz i'm not scared Of what love gave me and took away And i don't wanna lose your face I've got a picture of you in my bedroom And i hope it never falls And i hope i never lose that feeling I used to get when you would call And now i wonder to myself Who were you and where are you? Were you ever here at all? 
That girl in the song had it so good I wish i could close my eyes and see you I wish the sky had your face And the oceans had your eyes And the sunset had your lips And i had you 
Clever, Swift! Talk about a girl and boy outside of your experience for comparison so everyone would assume she’s also singing about a boy but in actuality totally gender neutral! Nice. She wants the sunset to have this person(girls) lips? Not gay at all...
                                 “Wait for me”
Amazing anaylsis of this by @that-curly-haired-lesbian right here!
Finishing this long ass post just to further the point that her unreleased songs are fucking amazing and Gaylor Swift is a musical lesbian icon back then and of course still is! See you on the Gayside.
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firesoulstuff · 6 years
True Love’s Kiss (Part 2)
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16213211/chapters/37982033
“So this is where you found him yesterday?” Mick asks as the three of them near the top of the last staircase in the West Family Boarding House. He was a little surprised when they ended up here, if only because Joe West is known for being a little, and understandably, cautious with clientele. But, he supposes Constantine isn’t the worst nutcase to ever roll into town.
“Yeah, right here.” Haircut says; pointing to the door they’re coming up on. He knocks once on it but there’s no answer. “John?” He calls but again nothing.
They don’t have time for this.
When Ray moves to knock a second time Mick reaches forward and turns the knob, which opens.
Maybe he should’ve let Ray keep knocking.
The door opening is met with a mix of shrieks and curses, not to mention shrieked curses, and Mick spins fast as he can to advert his eyes.
“Good God!” Pretty shouts, turning to advert his eyes as well and nearly smacking into a wall.
“Ray?!” A voice, that belonging to the woman in the room, demands.
“Zari?” Haircut splutters, and Mick just knows he’s still looking.
“What are you lot doing back here?” Constantine demands, sounding only mildly annoyed by the sudden intrusion, though Mick doesn’t dare take that as a signal to look.
“We came for you!” Pretty answers; also still staring at the wall.
“Why?” Constantine asks, “I told you where you’re friend is-”
“And now you’re gonna help us find him.” Mick interrupts, “We’re not getting out of there alive without a magician, and you’re the only one of those around here. So get dressed, both of you, unless you want to go walking naked through the forest.”
“Why do I have to-?”
“Because I said so,” Mick cuts Zari off. Despite the circumstances of running into her he is grateful they did, they’re going to need someone other than him who’s half decent in a fight, and it won’t hurt to have another sane mind around to defuse his housemates and Constantine.
Though, with Zari, betting on her helpfulness can be a gamble.
Oh well, the more hands he has the smoother this will go, and the sooner they can get home with Snart and welcome Sara back to the land of the living.
Amaya can’t help but to smile at the sight of Jax, curled up at Sara’s side in the way he spent so many nights back when she was first cursed.
“It won’t be long now,” she says, setting a candle down on top of a nearby stool.
The boys have been gone all day, and bless Jax’s heart he spent the entire day trying to make sense of Mick’s woodworking tools, so that they’ll have something to sell in town this week.
He looks up at her words, watching her carefully while she lowers herself to the ground and she can’t help but to chuckle. Once she’s seated next to him he returns his attention to Sara’s sleeping form, his eyes trained on the rise and fall of her chest.
She frowns as she takes in the sight, how broken, lost, and hesitant Jax looks; too much so for a boy his age. He’s lost so much in his short life. First his parents, then his sort of adoptive grandfather from what she understands, she never knew him. But from what Sara once said that man had been a saint, taking her in after the deaths of her own family. Once he was gone she couldn’t abandon Jax, barely six at the time, and so their little family of misfits began. He looked up to Leonard too, from what she’s heard, she’s never met the man; but hopefully that will change.
Seeing Jax still appears worried she glances around the dim cottage for something, anything, to lift his mood; and smiles when she finds it.
“She’ll be impressed with all the lines on that post,” she muses, taking the candle and holding it to illuminate a nearby wooden support of the house, one with various lines etched into it courtesy of a slew of different knives; every one of them a marking point for Jax’s height.
The boy smiles at her with pride, and a hint of wistfulness, not yet ready to raise his hopes that not only will the boys actually be returning with Leonard, but that he will awaken Sara.
“Before we lived here,” he starts, “She measured me on herself.”
“Is that so?” Amaya asks, happy to indulge him in a happy memory.
“Yeah,” he beams, “She’d tell me to stand in front of her then she’d put her hand on my head, and when I moved away she’d tell me ‘ok, you’re this tall!’” He explains, straightening up and pressing the side of a flat hand against his stomach to demonstrate.
Amaya snorts a laugh; she can very easily picture Sara doing such a thing in the absence of a permanent place to mark her surrogate brother’s height.
“Well it’s a good thing she found this place,” she remarks, “By now you’re nearly tall as she is.”
Jax smiles at that, his cheeks glowing with pride even in the limited light. Amaya hopes he’s too caught up in it to notice the wistful frown on her face, her hand sliding over her belly to sooth her child’s kicking within. The thought of something happening to her one day, of closing her eyes one minute and opening them what she thinks is the next only to find her baby has grown up without her, is enough to make her feel sick. Jax isn’t Sara’s son, but still, for a time they were all each other had and he was so young in those days… it won’t be easy for her to wake up and find he’s already a teenager.
“We should get some sleep,” she finally says, and he doesn’t look particularly fond of the suggestion, but he nods anyway.
With a small smile Amaya places one of her hands on the stool with their candle, and then gratefully accepts Jax’s offered hand with her other; she is going to be grateful when she no longer needs help with acts as simple as getting to her feet.
Mick barely sleeps that first night.
They’re in the forest, camping out under the trees in a way that Mick once spent the majority of his nights. Back when it was just him and Snart, not a care in the world other than their next score.
How times have changed.
He’s up before the sun, not exactly unusual, and after rousing the others they set off for another day full of walking under the direction of John Constantine.
If Snart does turn up alive at the end of this, Mick is going to kill him for putting him through this.
“I’m telling you! The last time we were out here it was that way!” Pretty insists for what is probably the trillionth time, trying again to snatch Witch-Boy’s map.
“Then the last time you were out here you must have eaten some poison roots or something!” Their “guide” shouts back, and he isn’t wrong, though Pretty denies it.
The two of them keep arguing about the right direction to go in while Haircut and his friend keep avoiding each other, namely he keeps trying to bring up the scene they walked in on yesterday and she keeps avoiding it.
“So what’s your deal?” He finally asks the girl, after she’s brushed Haircut off yet again. “Never took you two for a thing.”
“Ugh, we’re not.” She practically gags.
He hums in acknowledgement, “You realize I’m taking about Haircut, right?”
She rolls her eyes at him, “Yes,” she levels, “And not that it’s any of your business but Constantine and I aren’t anything either.”
“Didn’t look like it yesterday.”
She gags again.
“But if you’re not,” he decides to say, “Why are you avoiding Ray?”
Though he won’t admit it, he does care. He’s seen Zari around before, she’s at the cottage a lot, usually while he’s out, but still. She and Amaya are good friends, and Ray, there’s something special between them. He’s never thought much on it, never would’ve called it anything greater than friendship, but if she’s avoiding him…
“Ray’s my best friend.” She finally says, looking him in the eye to confirm for him that there really is nothing romantic between them.
Still, that doesn’t mean there isn’t more than friendship.
“My oldest friend,” she continues. “Since we were kids, and when you know somebody for that long… he just wants what’s best for me.”
Ah, that makes sense.
“Wants you taken care of, you mean?”
Zari nods, “He means well,” she assures him, like she knows he’s already thinking about how he should have a talk with Ray. “He knows I can take care of myself, but at the same time he’s never going to stop worrying about me. I’m sure you can relate.”
“How’s that?” He asks, only mildly offended that she would ever compare him to Ray Palmer, and she snorts.
“Come on,” she says, “You have been hovering around Amaya the past few months.”
She has him there, which she obviously knows. He tries coming up with some kind of retort but he can’t, not before he hears the rushing of water that his, at which point his mind goes blank and the only thing he registers is Witch-Boy’s announcement.
“We’re here.”
Amaya curls her fingers, digging her nails into the wood of the counter. Her back has been aching for months now, but these little twinges down low are starting to get sharper. She looks out the window, at Jax still trying to make sense of Mick’s woodworking tools. Perhaps she should send him into town, just to be safe, but who would she send him for? Maybe Caitlin, though she’s been handling some family things lately and might not be around. Still, it might be worth a try. Then again, what if he doesn’t get back before Mick and the others? He should, but what if he doesn’t? He’ll want to be here when Sara wakes, and if things take a turn and she’s here alone…
She doesn’t want to think about that.
But another twinge hits her just then, dull and low, but there. She hopes Jax won’t resent her if he doesn’t make it back in time, but he should, and it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Putting down her knife she makes her way over to the back door and, only hesitating for a few seconds, she heads outside.
“Jax,” she calls, one hand resting on her belly as though to show him the problem. “I need you to go into town.”
“What?” Jax asks, voice a mix of scared and heartbroken. “But-”
“Please,” she cuts him off, and he must see the worry in her own eyes, because his eyes bug out and his gaze flits down to her belly. “Just go get Caitlin, or Iris, or whoever you can find who will help if we need them. I’m sure you’ll make it back before the boys.”
Jax nods frantically, jumping to his feet and starting to run down the path before doubling back.
“Wait!” He calls back to her, “Are you gonna be ok?”
She nods, “I’ll be fine, just go.”
He doesn’t look like he completely believes her, but he does as she’s asked.
Mick feels like an idiot when Constantine leads them into a cave behind the waterfall. All this time Darhk was hiding right here in plain sight, less than two days away from town.
Still, he can’t let on that he feels guilty about not finding it.
“Where’s Snart?” He growls and Witch-Boy snickers at him.
“Should be somewhere below.”
“Below?” Mick demands, “Below what?”
Witch-Boy opens his mouth to answer, or possibly tell him off, but he never gets the chance.
“Guys,” Haircut calls out, getting them both to look over at where he is by the very edge of the falls. “Maybe below here?”
He’s looking at a hole in the lower wall of the cave, a very deep hole just wide enough for a grown man to fit through. Thinking the same thing, Zari picks up a decent sized rock and tosses it down. They hear a thud, thud, thud, and then nothing. No smack of a hard landing, just more echoing thuds.
“Alright,” Pretty says, “Whose going first?”
Mick wants to suggest that he go first, if he’s so convinced someone should, but it’s his partner down there. So he stalks forward and puts one foot into the hole, then the other, and then he’s carefully inching his way deeper into the cave’s wall, hoping he won’t get trapped and die.
Then, suddenly, the rocky walls and floor around him grow slick and smooth, and they he’s sliding down into the depths of the earth.
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mrandmrsvex · 7 years
Rating: General Audiences Relationships: Percival "Percy" Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III/Vex'ahlia Additional Tags: Valentine's fluff, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Secret Admirer gone wrong gone right Summary:
Vex doesn't care about Valentine's Day. She doesn't mind being alone, not at all. But a message from a secret admirer is far too interesting not to follow.
Percy doesn't care about Valentine's Day. He forgets about it, mostly. But a message from a secret admirer piques his interest.
Vex didn't care for Valentine's Day. It was overblown. Commercial. Fake. Why demand to excessively celebrate love on a particular day? What nonsense. She didn't care for it, not one bit.
This, of course, had nothing to do with the fact that she was single on this year's Valentine's. It was a matter of principle.
After all, there wasn't anyone she was interested in anyway. No one she could think of to even ask for a date, not even a non-committal one. And even if she did, he wouldn't be interested. He didn't care for Valentine's Day either. So she didn't care. She'd enjoy the day alone, and it would be perfectly fine. She didn't care for Valentine's day at all.
Vax could only sigh as he listened to her replay this particular rant for the umpteenth time in the last two days. Valentine's was tomorrow, and Vex was committed to pretending like it was no big deal.
„That's good to know.“ Vax said in the most monotone voice he could muster. „Then I won't have to feel bad being out all day with Kiki.“
„Not at all. Go have fun. I'll enjoy myself.“
Vex had two tubs of chocolate ice cream, a good movie, and a cuddly dog. She didn't need anything more. Valentine's Day was no big deal.
Percy genuinely didn't care for Valentine's Day. In fact, he'd mostly forgotten about it in the past few years, even as shops and television commercials covered everything with pink hearts. It wasn't really something that registered as important on his radar.
He remembered the few awkward attempts at secret admirer gifts in his early teens, sure. He also remembered everyone's confusion when he'd decided to not pursue any kind of date later on, even when they were offered by strangely interested girls (he never understood what they could see in him, what he would have to offer, except maybe the promise of paying for the fanciest restaurants with his parents' money), while his siblings were out and about celebrating each year.
Percy just didn't care for any of it. It worried Keyleth, to some extent.
„I'm not saying you have to have a date tomorrow. You're free to do whatever you want! I just wanna make sure you really don't mind being alone. I know you're alone a lot, but, you know. I can still tell Vax to postpone our date if you want!“
„Keyleth.“ He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. „Even if I did care, I wouldn't dare make an enemy out of Vax by keeping you to myself on Valentine's. For heaven's sake, go out and eat all the cake he can afford to buy you tomorrow. I'll be fine.“
„Okay. But you know you can call or text if you change your mind. Any time!“
Vex woke up the next day with an empty, aching feeling to her stomach. No, goddamnit. She wouldn't mind. She didn't care. She repeated her mantra while she got dressed, and on the way out to the mailbox. Why she'd check today, of all days, she didn't really know. All she could expect were some love letters to Vax, sent by secret admirers (Keyleth went the more personal route, she knew, handing over any letters personally), or maybe some unwanted bills as usual.
She didn't expect the small red box full of chocolates, a tiny white envelope with her name on it on top.
Time seemed to halt for a second as she stared at the letter inside.
                Meet me outside the art history museum at noon
Vex's heart was racing even while she sat on the side of the large stone stairs leading up to the museum. This was ridiculous. Stupid. What was she doing? Waiting for someone she didn't even know. On Valentine's Day. In one of her nicest dresses. Make-up on, even.
She was an idiot. But somehow, she had been unable to resist. It was hard to admit, but something inside her had become excited, almost overexcited, as she was getting ready.
And here she was now, waiting to see her secret messenger.
The large clocktower of the museum rang. 12pm.
Ten past noon.
Quarter past.
Half past twelve.
No one was coming. People were strolling past her. Couples, holding hands.
Her rage was rising. Why was she still waiting? Half an hour. Even if the mysterious messenger showed up now, they shouldn't expect to see her anywhere. They should be ashamed.
Almost as ashamed as she felt right now.
Her eyes scanned the street once again and stopped at a familiar mess of white hair, peeking out from beside a column of the building's side. A glint of golden glasses.
It couldn't possibly be Percy. He'd never be late to anything, especially not to a date he set up himself, she thought to herself before hearing an equally familiar voice.
„Vex! Hi.“
It was Percy. In front of her now. It couldn't be – he wouldn't send – would he?
„Are you waiting for someone?“
It wasn't Percy. She wasn' sure whether she felt relieved about that or not.
„Yeah, just... waiting for a friend. But I think they forgot. No one could be that late. What are you doing here?“
„Oh, nothing, really.“ Percy's mind was racing. He had to come up with a convicing lie, quick. It was usually easy, but this was Vex. And he could barely lie to her when he was prepared for it.
„I wanted to find someplace to hide from all this cutesy loveydovey mess everywhere, and I figured the museum would still be safe.“
Good. A believable lie. It looked like she believed it, at least.
There really was no need to tell her the truth. He embarassed himself in front of her often enough. She didn't need to know about the ridiculous situation he'd put himself in now.
What had he been thinking, following the offer of that stupid letter he'd found in his workshop this morning? Of course there'd be no one wearing a red skirt anywhere. It was a prank, from Vax maybe, or Scanlan and Grog, hiding somewhere right now laughing their asses off at his idiocy. That he'd seriously believed it could be someone, maybe someone he knew, someone he wanted to spend the day with-
Vex's dress was cream-coloured, and it wasn't even a skirt. He'd noticed when he approached her, but still. He'd hoped. For a second.
„Would you mind some company on your quest for a sane refuge? Or is this a solitary mission?“ Vex winked at him, and Percy blushed.
„No, of course, by all means.“ He offered her a hand as she stood up.
He paid her entrance fee, of course. It was only the polite thing to do.
Vex had rarely ever had more fun at a museum. Percy knew surprisingly much about art – then again, he seemed to know a little bit about almost anything. She smiled softly as he began his impromptu guide tour in the way that Vax had titled „Professor de Rolo style“ long ago.
In the medieval section, though, she couldn't keep down a short giggle while nudging him in the side, pointing at several paintings.
„They all look like they're incredibly suspicious about each other. Just look at Mary giving the stink-eye to an angel.“
Percy tried to keep his serious face for barely a few seconds before snickering himself and pulling her over to the Renaissance room.
„That's nothing. I'm far more impressed by all the buff Jesus babies. Look at the six pack on this one.“
The security people in each room became more and more tired of their giggling as they snarked their way through almost the whole exhibition.
The Impressionist's wing was a different story. Vex fell silent almost as soon as they entered, and bee-lined to a particularly large painting full of soft blue and golden hues.
„This is incredible.“ She mumbled as Percy came up to her side.
„Do you want to sit and watch for a while?“ He gestured to the conveniently placed bench behind them.
„Yes!“ She was already sitting down. „If you don't mind, I mean-...?“ „Absolutely not.“ He sat down beside her.
She was far too entranced with the painting to notice that Percy wasn't giving it much more than a second look. He was far busier watching her, wide-eyed and smiling as her gaze trailed across the colours.
„I have to say.“ Vex smiled at him as they walked down the stairs, the sun already setting. „That was definitely a nicer way to spend Valentine's Day than I'd planned.“
„I'm glad I could make for good company.“ Percy returned her smile as they reached the street and stopped for a second. „I, uhm, I was wondering, actually, if maybe-“
„Yes?“ „Would you like to get some dinner?“
„Yes, absolutely!“ She wrapped her arm around his elbow. „Provided we can find a place that isn't completely booked today.“
They strolled down the street towards the city centre. Percy was glad he hadn't seen the mysterious red skirt anywhere. Vex had already forgotten the rage against her messenger's non-arrival.
In a cafe across the street, Keyleth nervously slurped down the last of her milkshake, peeking out the large windows and trying to hide her bright red hair as best as she could.
„Do you think we did the right thing? That was a kinda mean trick.“
„Aaaah, no, Kiki.“ Vax grinned at her as he watched his sister turn the corner. „We did good. We did real good.“
„We're not, uh, telling them, though, right?“
„Fuck no. Never.“
If you think I did a good job writing this, and you have some copper to spare, consider buying me a coffee?
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acidmatze · 7 years
In which Dabi increasingly thinks that he is stuck in a third rate emo music video
I have no idea why I wrote this. But it wanted to be written. This is Part 1 of the obligatory College AU and everyone is a dork. 
It’s not proof read or anything.. Im tired...
It was a kinda gloomy afternoon in late October when it all started. It was raining and the dorm was crowded with students that normally were walking around town but with weather that bad no one really wanted to go out.
Dabi was sitting on the windowsill in the common room and stared outside.
Spinner was in some kind of fight with two other students about some hockey game.
Twice tried to watch some motorcycle race on TV.
He then suddenly jumped and walked over to Dabi with just a few really big steps.
“Dabi, I have an idea!”
Dabi lazily turned around to his friend.
“So far we have befriended three people. But I think we need a lot more friends. There are a lot of people here on campus that don't seem to have many friends and no one should walk alone around here. You know, we all need someone to talk to and stuff. You know??”
Dabi blinked a few times.
For some reason since summer, Twice seemed to be obsessed with walking around and trying to talk to people he never talked to before. Dabi was just dragged along. At first Twice started hanging out with Spinner. Then he almost stalked some weird guy called Chisaki. And then his friends. Dabi always felt the weird need to apologise for Twice's behaviour but somehow in the end it all worked out and their circle of friends grew.
Twice blabbered on
“There's this girl I have a few classes with and she's like.. two years younger than us or so I have no idea how she is in college already but she is. I have never seen her with people around and I think we should change that.”
“Uh.... okay? How do you wanna do that?”
“I'm just gonna talk to her on Monday. What do you think?”
“Dunno? Go ahead I guess...?”
Dabi had a vague idea which girl Twice meant.
She was blonde and short and could be cute but there was an eerie air surrounding her. But since Twice's group of friends was a ragtag bunch of misfits she would be fit in just fine. Twice himself was a giant goofball sometimes. In one moment it seemed like he was just a kid trapped in the body of a tall guy in his early 20s. In another moment he would shout the most obscene things anyone has ever heard. Be it in the hallway, in the middle of a lecture, while eating lunch and sometimes in the middle of the night. Dabi knew because even though his room was further down the hallway he could still hear his friend's yelling. It woke him up semi-regularly.
And on some days Twice would just break down sobbing and fled to the bathroom and wouldn't come back for a few hours.
He had no idea about what happened afterwards.
Dabi himself also was far from being the average college student. First of all the appearance.
Then his type of humour.   He often insulted people without meaning to because for him it was just friendly banter. And his careless attitude pissed people off. For reasons Dabi cannot explain. What's so bad about not blowing up at every single thing?
“I haven't felt an emotion since 1997” he often said.
“Look how many fucks I give. They are falling from the sky” he also often said.
Chisaki, the first guy they “recruited” was terribly afraid of bacteria and getting ill. They never saw him without wearing gloves and a face mask.
No hand shaking or friendly hugs allowed, thank you.
Please just wave in my general direction.
He was often seen furiously wiping seats, benches, tables, kitchen counters and other places you can sit on.
Sometimes Dabi wondered if it was a good idea for him to study medicine.
On the other hand, if he would become a surgeon no one would need to worry about keeping the operating room sterile.
“We only have guy friends. We also need some girl friends. Not girlfriends... well, maybe those too but I mean like.. girls. Who are our friends.”
“I get what you mean, Twice and I agree. This group is a sausage fest.”
Two days later when Dabi walked to his next lecture he saw Twice down at the campus plaza wildly gesticulating and talking to that girl he wanted to talk to.
She didn't seem to mind.
As far as Dabi could see, whatever Twice was talking about must be funny since she was laughing.
Good. Another weirdo joined the group. Let's see what this eerie feeling is about.
Dabi almost bumped into another student he didn't even had noticed.
“Whoa there. Didn't see you there buddy. Sorry.”
The other student shot a quick glance at Dabi and walked a bit faster. Well, okay...? Maybe he's late for class. Though in his oversized black clothes he almost looked like a high school student.
Weird kid.
This time the common room was almost empty, even though it was raining again.
Why is it always raining the last few weeks?
Dabi stared out of the window again.
“Is this interesting?” Chisaki asked.
“I'm pretending to be an emo girl in a music video. I'm currently missing my boyfriend who broke up with me to fuck my best friend.”  
“It is complicated, you know? He just bought me an expensive ring and told me we will be together forever but then at a party my bff flirted with him and he didn't do anything and now I'm so angry I think I will set his apartment in flames.”
“Dabi? Are you... okay?”
Dabi turned around to Chisaki and pretended to be crying.
“No! I am depressed! I was so in love with him, Rawr!”
Chisaki stared at Dabi for ten seconds.
“Please. Don't say this ever again.”
“Rawr means I Love You in Dinosaur!”
Before Chisaki could smack the lanky bean in the face Twice stormed into the room.
“Guys! Guys, we have a new friend! Say hello to Toga!”
The short girl from earlier today stood in the doorway grinning way too wide for her face.
“Hiiiii~ I'm Toga! I'm so happy to meet you all! Very happy indeed.”
What is up with those teeth? Dabi had never seen canines that sharp. He had heard that some people let their teeth sharpen. But until now he thought someone was playing a very elaborate prank on him. But seems those people seriously exist.
A wave of eeriness hit him.
There's something about this girl that's definitely not normal. But who in this weird clique is normal anyway?
“So what do you guys do all day? You all look totally different, do you even have common hobbies? Like Twicey here looks like a MMA fighter and you look like a law student and you look like you beat up kids and then go home and write sad poems about it.”
Dabi's eye twitched slightly.
“Also you look stoned!”
It twitched even more.
“Law student.....” Chisaki muttered, “I have never been more insulted in my life.”
“We're just hanging out. And sometimes we go play pool and stuff” Twice said.
“Oh that's cool. I collect knives. Do you want to see some?”
Toga was beaming.
Okay, so that's what's wrong with her. That explains so much to be honest.
“I don't think anyone would be interested in....”
Dabi cut Chisaki off.
“Sure we want.”
And a few minutes later they were standing around in Toga's room. Which looked like a normal girl's room. Except for the wall of knives where other girls maybe had posters hanging.
But otherwise, very normal, very pink.
Toga pointed at one of the knives.
“This is the first one I got. I found it one day on a playground. I took it home and cleaned it and sharpened it.” She pointed at another that had sharp wedges.
“This is really great when you want someone to bleed out. When you stab someone with it and they try to rip it out the teeth just get stuck and do more damage. I bought it at a hunting store a few years ago.”
Whoa. Chisaki had gone completely pale. Twice seemed nervous too. Did they have to worry that this girl would break into their rooms at night to do Horrible Things to them?
“I see your worried faces and I want to reassure you that I only collect them.”
At least she's sane.
“I also collect other things! Like articles from the newspapers.” Toga shuffled over to a drawer that was completely plastered with hearts and peace signs and whatnot.
She pulled out a folder and went through the pages a bit.
“Here. This one, for example is about a case of unexplained murders in the 80s. I have collected every little bit of information I could find about it. Which is very hard by the way. Do you know how weird it feels to google all that stuff? And this one is about that guy who abducted and killed five women like a year ago.”
Nope, completely insane.
But in a weirdly nerdy way.
“And now I am collecting stuff about a string of weird cases of mutilated animals found on roadsides around Yokohama. No one really investigates that! Can you believe it? Just because it's not people. I think that's not fair. Animals have lives too.”
She closed the folder and huffed.
Dabi crossed his arms.
“So you're like... playing detective? Finding out more about it?”
Toga's face lit up.
“Wow, I never thought about that. I could totally find out the truth. I know everything!”
Chisaki leaned over to Dabi and whispered: “Hey, can we go now? I still have to write an essay and also this is creeping me out.”
“Dunno man. I think that's definitely a weird hobby but she seems harmless.”, Dabi whispered back.
“Yeah maybe, but I'm out, cheers.”
Chisaki marched out of the room without even saying goodbye.
Twice and Dabi remained.
“Oh nooooo I scared him away.”
“He's just horrible when it comes to blood” Twice tried to explain.
“Oh yeah you should have seen his face, when I was hit by a baseball once and it almost knocked out a tooth. I thought he would faint any second.”
Toga grinned.
“He really acts like a law student.”
“He studies medicine.” Twice said.
Toga just stared at the guy.
“You're joking, right?”
Twice shook his head.
And then Toga had a hysterical laughing fit that lasted so long that Dabi briefly considered to call an ambulance.
It was already dark when Twice and Dabi went back to their rooms. The fact that it was already dark didn't mean that it was late though. The sun was already setting at 6pm.    
“She's weird as fuck but I'd be lying if I would say what she said wasn't interesting. I don't know why I would need to know about serial killers but somehow I do now.”
Dabi was rambling.
“So you like her? You think she fits in with us?”
“Yeah kinda. Maybe. But I don't mind her hanging out with us.”
Twice pumped his fist in the air.
“Yeah! A new friend! Oh can you wait here for a minute? I wanna head over to the kiosk and get some snacks.”
“Sure. Knock yourself out.”
Dabi leaned back at the wall and Twice hurried out of the main door.
Empty corridors. Silence.
Pretending to be a a girl in some music video again, Dabi imagined walking down the hallways crying about some lost love and unfair parents. For some reason the sprinklers were on. The eyeliner is running dramatically over the wet cheeks. Emo girl is looking at her wrist where she wrote the name of her ex with a sharpie. It's also running from the water from the sprinklers. Some guitar solo is playing in the background. Emo girl gets angry and punches the wall.
She swears revenge. Maybe burning something down would help. Maybe destroying things....
“Hey, what are you doing there?”
Dabi looked up. Oh, he really had wandered through the hallway. But without the sprinklers and the sharpie and the cheating boyfriend.
In front of him stood the guy from before. Black oversized hoodie, black jeans, black Converse. God, is that a Senses Fail patch?
How emo, Dabi thought, ignoring the fact that he also has a Senses Fail patch on his backpack.
No one needs to know.
The guy still stares at him.
Oh Jesus, please someone get him lip balm. And some moisturiser. Because this dude looks dead.
“I was just dramatically walking around, thinking about my cheating boyfriend.”
“Ah nothing. It was a joke. Sorry again for bumping into you earlier.”
“Ah. Its fine.” The guy shoved his hands back in his pockets and walked back in the direction he came from.
That's not where the dorms are. Weird.
“Hey Dabi, I'm back”
Dabi was lightly punched in the shoulder.
“Nice. Dude, have you seen that weird dude in the wannabe emo clothes just now?”
Twice seemed confused.
“Emo dude..? No. I haven't seen anyone.”
Dabi scratched his head.
He also never had seen that guy before. Is he a ghost or something?
Over the next few days Dabi ran into that guy over and over again. But every time he asked someone about him, no one had an idea who he was talking about. He ran into him in the bathroom during lunch break. He ran into him in the library. He ran into him while running cross campus to catch a bus. Had this dude always been there and Dabi just didn't notice?
“You always look like you're searching for something. Are you okay?” Toga asked. They were walking down a popular shopping street in town. Toga wanted to meet with a friend of hers and asked everyone if they want to come with her but only Dabi agreed.
“I think I might have seen a ghost. Also, I'm not okay.”
Toga's eyes went wide. “A ghost?? A really spooky one? The one that haunts your dreams by night? Where have you seen it?”
“Everywhere, basically. And he even shows up during the day. I need proof that this guy really exists.”
“Wooooooooow..... A real mystery. Maybe my friend can help you. She's great with mysteries.”
They arrived at a small café.
Toga was running towards some guy in brown cargo pants who was waving at her. But didn't Toga say “she”? Oh. Okay.
Then Toga ran back to Dabi grabbed his arm and pulled him with her.
“This is my best friend, Magne. She's basically like my sister. If you need help with mysteries, then talk to her.”
Dabi awkwardly shook her hand. Wow that's a strong handshake. “I took the liberty of already ordering some cake for me. I just couldn't wait. So, what is this mystery you are talking about?” They sat down at one of the small tables. It was weirdly warm for October this week so somehow everyone was still outside.
“Basically I am chasing a guy only I can see, it seems. I never have seen him before but suddenly he is everywhere. But when I ask someone about him no one knows what I'm talking about.” Dabi explained.
“Wow that really is something. By the way, Toga you should order the Strawberry Shortcake it's the best I have ever eaten. Okay, so if you need proof that this mysterious guy really exists you maybe should take a picture of him?”
“Isn't that creepy as fuck?”
“Well, for me it would be way creepier if I would see a guy no one else can see. If you can take a picture of him you know he's real at least.”
That girl has a point there.
Sadly, after this the guy vanished. Over the course of the next weeks Dabi grew more and more frustrated.
He felt like he was stuck in some third rate emo music video.
Maybe he should let his hair grow out a bit and get blue streaks. “Dabi, you look like you're constipated. Do you need help?” Chisaki offered one day.
“I'm not okay” Dabi mumbled.
“Yeah I can see that. Seriously, if you have problems with your digestive system, I know some drops that really...”
“I can shit just fine, Chisaki.” “Oh. Then.. care to explain what's wrong?”
Dabi sprawled himself out on his bed.
Chisaki was standing in the middle of the room. He forgot his wipes and spray and wasn't brave enough to take a seat on Dabi's really old office chair.
Dabi groaned.
“This guy...... This weird guy I told you about... The one I am always running into. I'm not running into him anymore.”
Chisaki furrowed his brows.
“And that's a problem why...?”
Dabi sat up and threw his arms in the air.
“It makes me feel like a fucking madman! I know this guy exists. I have even talked to him like once. Almost. He needs some damn lip balm and looks like dead itself. And now that I was ready to take a pic of him and prove his existence once and for all he vanishes!”
“You want to take a pic of him?”
Dabi groaned again.
“I know that sounds like a stalker. But I just wanna prove that he exists. It seems like no one but me has ever seen him.”
“Dude... you do you. But who knows. Maybe he was an intern or stuff. I wouldn't waste a single thought about the whole thing.”
So Dabi tried to not waste a single thought about the whole thing.
He tried so hard and got so far. But in the end, it doesn't even matter. Because two days later he caught himself looking for that guy again.
It was already close to Christmas. And the dude remained gone.
Dabi was in the library looking for some books to read. Maybe that would distract him. He just wanted to check out when he saw him. Emo dude. With the oversized hoodie. Coming in through the front door. Dabi almost dropped his books. He imagined he was a girl in an emo music video who sees her crush. He walks past her and their eyes meet. Maybe he was smiling, maybe he was not. Everything is in slow motion. The people around them vanish. It's only those two. When he passed her everything is back to normal. Guitar solo.
Dabi wanted to slam his fucking books on the floor.
Then he walks into emo dude while crossing a bridge. Okay, emo music video. It's raining. Girl was just dumped by some stupid jackass. She is desperate and doesn't know what to do. Maybe she should jump but the bridge isn't really high. She's nervous. After contemplating for a while she sees Him. Some emo dude walking towards her, asking her if everything is alright. It's still raining but also now the sun is shining. Everything is well now even though there is still sadness in her heart. Forever. Guitar solo.
Dabi seriously contemplates to jump into the river below.
The third time he runs into him is at a bus stop. Some old lady is also there but that's it.
“Hold still!” Dabi says harshly and the guy looks at him, startled.
Dabi takes out his cellphone and takes a pic of the dude.
“What...... why...?”
“I explain later. Don't worry, I will delete the pic soon. I just have to prove something to someone.”
Emo dude is chewing on his lower lip. His leg seems shaky. Dabi sighs.
“Look. I know that was creepy as fuck but you won't believe the hell I went through to get this pic. As soon as I prove that you exists I will delete it.” “That I exist..?”
Fuck that sounds stupid. Oh god so stupid and creepy and.... hell, Dabi has to explain this seriously now.
He groans.
“Okay, there is no way to explain this without sounding weird. Remember back in October when I almost ran you over?” Emo dude nods. Dabi can see strands of blueish grey hair. Is that dye?
“Good. I thought to that day I had seen everyone on campus. But I never had seen you. So I asked my friend about you and he said he doesn't know about you. And he literally is friends with everyone. And then I kept running into you. But every time I wanted my friend to look at you you vanished. Like a fucking ghost or something. It was... kinda pissing me off somehow. And we kept running into each other but I was either alone or you did that magical vanishing thing.”
Emo kid stared at Dabi in silence.
“I kinda got all riled up about this. And then I didn't see you again and I seriously thought I was going crazy or had seen a ghost or something. A friend had told me to take a picture to prove it. But then I couldn't because I didn't see you. But now I did. And now I can prove it. And now I can have peace of mind.”
The dude still stared at Dabi.
Ah fuck.
Oh, wait.
Dabi pulled out the phone again.
“I could also delete the pic right now. And take you to my friends instead. You know... In the flesh?”
“You want me to meet your friends..?”
Dabi nodded.
“You're always alone. Maybe you could need some friends.”
“Friends....” Emo dude looked at the ground. Spit stains everywhere, ewwww.
“Okay... Take me to your friends.”
“Ah I can't today. Maybe we could meet at that church at 4pm tomorrow?”
Emo dude shrugged.
Dabi wanted to shake his hand, but emo dude didn't react. He awkwardly pulled his hand back and coughed.
“Okay then.... Until tomorrow. And I'm Dabi, by the way.”
“Tomura... I'm Tomura...”
Then Dabi's bus arrived. Time to visit his mom in the hospital.
He sat down at the window.
Okay. Emo music video. Girl just had a date but it didn't go as planned. Maybe she should have listened to her bff, she had a bad feeling about this all the time. It's raining. It's also raining in emo girl's heart. She had sadness for breakfast. She should have stayed home and spend the time with her bff instead. Now that she thinks about it, bff was always there for her. Every time emo girl needed a shoulder to cry on bff was there. The rain represents the tears she wants to cry but cannot because this is a public setting and that would be embarrassing. Emo girl thinks maybe she should have dated bff instead. There is thunder in the background as the bus drives into the darkness. Guitar solo.  
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