#but also. it’s so hard to find stuff that’s just lighthearted and fluffy sometimes
kobracola · 7 months
what is the killjoys fandom’s obsession with churning out tortureporn …. rattling my tin cup for some found family slice of life toothrotting fluff genfic
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lo-fi-charming · 9 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
got tagged by @milkteamoon! ^^
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? // 176!
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? // 866,977
3. What fandoms do you write for? // Mainly TMA the last few years; previously, I wrote a lot of OPM fic. I'd say those are easily my two 'biggest' fandoms in terms of being actively involved and writing fic for them. I'll also write fic of other things I enjoy though, so I have a lot of one-shots and short series for other things too!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? // Sticking with TMA fic for this one, so:
What Lies Beyond the Frame (rated G, jmart) — A minor AU where I give Jon a new Beholding power, letting him see through his glasses when he's not wearing them. One of my earliest works for the fandom! I'm actually surprised to find it at the top of this list.
off-the-clock assistance (rated E, jmart) — An AOB fic taking place during the iconic Martin Living In The Archives era. I wrote this after realizing that other TMA smut fics had taught me I actually DO enjoy fisting as a concept, lol.
The Kissing Game (rated T, jmart) — A lighthearted, Christmas-y fic where Jon, Tim, and Sasha get into a competitive little holiday game of trying to catch Martin under the mistletoe. This one was very fun to write and I quite like how I ultimately wrapped it up.
A Friendly Favor (rated E, martim) — An AU where Tim and Martin are friends with benefits! I used to be very into martim when I first got into the fandom... I do still enjoy them, but we all know where my main focus/energy ultimately started going hehe. This one ended up developing into a tiny series of fics in the same setting.
Sizing Up (rated E, jmart) — Wherein Jon discovers that Martin is a size queen. This one was based off a stupid little comic I drew and is probably the closes I've gotten to writing a 'crack fic', though I wouldn't call it that - it's more in terms of the Energy I brought to writing it? Just doing something with a very silly base concept but taking it (mostly) seriously.
5. Do you respond to comments? // I do sometimes, if I feel like I have anything worth saying! Sometimes I'll respond with a simple 'thank you' or variation thereof if someone says something particularly nice though ;w;
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? // Kind of a difficult question honestly... I don't really write 'angsty' endings to my fic, even if they do have a darker tone or a lot of angst in the middle somewhere; I'm not really a hurt-no-comfort guy. I also think it's hard to say whether an ending is angsty because it can kinda depend on the perspective of the character(s) and I'd say generally, when I'm doing things as I intended, even if the ending is a bit dark, that doesn't ring as angsty to me?
If I HAD to choose one... maybe when the dream ends, a very old, Sans-centric Undertale fic I wrote where he experiences disorienting dissociation and deja vu of other timelines post-pacifist ending. It has a hopeful conclusion, but still leans heavily on his feelings of detachment, vague depression, and anxiety from feeling like everything around him is impermanent and repetitive.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? // Hm, approaching this in terms of fic where the happiness of the end feels earned, that'd probably go to The Taste of Midnight, my witch!Jon AU fic where he has to save his town from a disastrous force (with Martin's help). The final chapter, once the plot is resolved, is very idyllic and fluffy - a nice, pleasant conclusion for all the dramatic stuff that happened!
8. Do you get hate on fics? // I've gotten hate on a fic ONCE, as far as I can remember! It was for Deep V (rated E), a fic where Jon is trans and has dysphoric feelings about his chest, but decides he wants to try improving his relationship to it via kink. I made the mistake of openly asking for feedback on it when I posted it, and one of the more well-known assholes in the fandom (which I would learn after the fact), left a very nasty comment on it basically scolding me for even having written/shared it in the first place. Luckily I got a lot of useful advice and more friendly feedback/encouragement from much cooler people in the fandom, which was very nice and helped keep my feelings towards the fic largely positive! A harrowing but imo good learning experience in the end.
9. Do you write smut? // Yup! I have for a long time. It's generally my favorite kind of fic to read as well as write, though my tastes have been refining the last couple of years. I could write a whole big thing on my feelings about smut fic but I'll refrain this time!
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? // I don't think I've ever written a crossover fic! Right now, the closest I've gotten is vaguely contributing too (and loudly supporting the creation of) a Murderbot/Among Us fic my roomie started a year or two ago. Which I need to continue yelling at them to publish... hehe.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? // Boy I sure hope not!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? // Yes, actually! Someone asked for permission to translate my OPM fic The Apron (rated E) into Russian! This is wild to me.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? // Yes, I'm actually co-writing one now with my friend V! It's an edited version of a long-going Jondaisy RP called Open Door (rated E). It's been a fun (if slow-going) project; it's an interesting challenge to go through an RP where we're each playing one character's part and try to edit it into a state that makes it more natural to read for others.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? // Jon/Daisy!!!! You might want to call recency bias, but they are simply Everything To Me that I've ever needed in a ship, actually, it's kind of insane how much of a hold they've taken over me. I look back on my older ships and I enjoy them all very much, but nothing hits the way jaisy does. I fear nothing else ever will... they're my true OTP...
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? // I have quite a few... A lot that I really want to go back to... Probably my most ambitious and least likely would be And Only Space Stood Between Them, which is an unfinished Oban Star Racers fic that would've involved interplanetary space travel, worldbuilding for a planet and alien species that was only VERY lightly explored in the anime, two protagonists/alternating POVs, a huge cast of supporting characters, an overarching plot amidst a star-racing competition, and a developing friendship/romance(?) between Eva and Aikka. I had SUPER big aspirations for it, and only got to the 4th chapter, when Eva first leaves Earth to head for his home planet. In a perfect world I would write this space epic..... It is my dear wish that... maybe someday...................
16. What are your writing strengths? // I've been told I'm good at writing in-character, which I greatly appreciate as feedback and dearly hope is true. I personally think I'm actually pretty decent at naturalistic dialogue, which I often hear is a difficult aspect of writing for folks. I think I'm generally good at pacing too, and I'd like to say that descriptive imagery is a solid strength of mine, though that's an element of writing often subject to taste...
17. What are your writing weaknesses? // I have no idea if it's a real weakness but I often get self-conscious about my writing being boring or repetitive or trite or something, despite people telling me this isn't the case when I've asked. I think it's just a case of, despite how long I've been writing, I'm still relatively young and have a lot to learn; I'm still finding my confidence in my unique voice and what I'm good at.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? // At the moment I only feel comfortable dabbling with the inclusion of Spanish, and only because I've been actively trying to learn it for a year. Even then, I basically only use it if I'm writing something with canonically Spanish-speaking characters. As a reader, it's something I really like to encounter when done well! Especially as a way to explore a diverse headcanon for a character.
19. First fandom you wrote for? // Pokemon!
20. Favorite First fic you’ve written? // (I actually misread this question, then decided to keep my first answer, because I'm so bad at picking a favorite fic! Honestly!)
Anyways, in terms of my first fic: it was a Pokemon fic with no main title. It's about a girl named Kim with a Charmander starter. She visits a pokemon center after adopting an abandoned and injured Growlithe, only to realize the center has been infiltrated by Team Rocket, who attempt to steal the Pokemon being healed there. I have an original, printed version of this fic in my stuff somewhere! I've daydreamed about making a comic out of it while keeping all the original narration/dialogue.
Okay, now I tag my dear friends. Obvs only do this if you want to~
@temporalreplicsimile , @callmearcturus, @zykaben, @ostentenacity
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solarsleepless · 3 years
what r max's stims? :)
okAY yes i have many thoughts abt adhd max i am vibrating rn
okay so first of all theres the average well known "flappy hands"
but she really likes it when she has sweaters with longer sleeves because then she can just flap them around
leg bounce leg bounce leg bounce
cracking her knuckles. she does this SO often its unreal
she doesnt have many vocal stims but she goes "ba ba ba" or just humming and singing sometimes
also running her hand on the bottom of her skateboard, and/or rolling the wheels
just being on her skateboard and swaying is a huge stim
chewing her shirt lmao
im also gonna say that she also stims by pressing on buttons and other stuff in the arcade. its just Nice To Do
also stims by kicking off of the ground on her skateboard. very nice
well this is gonna turn into adhd max rant get ready
she had adhd combined (like yours truly) and finds it hard to concentrate in class
she totally hyperfixated on video games at some point
and comics probably
and skateboarding too
she is a VERY picky eater. like she could barely eat stuff in california, so when she moves to hawkins it only gets worse
sensory issues my abhorreeed
can't stand too-loud noises (b!lly of course knows this and turns up music in his car so that he can't even hear himself)
that being said she cant STAND the silence and always needs background noise (she and el bond over liking white noise from tv)
goes nonverbal sometimes because of the fear that if she says anything itll just make things worse. the party + steve is very concerned at first, then learn to live with it
she has so many weighted blankets. she couldnt actually use them much because it was too hot in cali but then in hawkins she used them all the time
loves fluffy jumpers. she never really used or felt them earlier because of the hotness of california but when she was cold and lucas lent her his fluffy jumper...
well let's just say he didn't get it back
rubbing her hand over lucas's knuckles :)
i know i've already said singing stim but just imagine her singing 'material girl' or 'old time rock and roll'
echolalia! only sometimes tho
like erica will go "hey max me and lukie are gonna make a cake wanna help?" "cake?" "cake" "cake!" "cake!" "cake"
also the sinclair family is so accepting. they're confused but they just accept max and thats okay
once the party started looking up what adhd was, max brought it up once and immediately they all went 'that's only for little boys'
(which is bullshit obvs)
remember that sleepover scene where max is dancing? yeah that but its a stim
the party + the teens have a running joke of max being moth because she stares at lights so much. visual stim
she scratches as a(n unhealthy) stim but it gets worse after billy's death
hates it when people shout, usually goes nonverbal if it's directed at her
jumps when she's happy!!
you know how she just wears basic and unlayered clothes? yeah she chooses them on purpose because tight stuff feels Bad
she hates labels with her entire being
she seems like the kind of gal to bite her nails
also adopted dustin's "grrr" as a stim
"hey max- grrr" "...what was that?" "...grrr" "could you teach me how to do that" ".. o k a y ?"
will and max (i hc will as autistic) both have lil stimming sessions! they just notice the other stimming and join in, just leaving them laughing at the end!
lucas is super understanding of her stims
he learnt to recognize when she's understimulated and gives her fidget toys!! and if he doesnt have any then he'll just straight up grab her hand and start rubbing his fingers against the knuckles
i'd like to say:
she wasnt doing so good in the first place
thinking stuff like
"maybe if i wasnt born then my parents wouldn't have divorced"
and stuff like that
(billy intentionally makes it worse because of course he does)
but then it gets so. much. worse.
you know mike said "because you're annoying" in s2?
and also when el just walked past her in s2? yeah well
that didn't go off well with her rsd either
lucas has to reassure her that she's not a mistake, she's not annoying, he doesn't secretly hate her, etc etc
he doesnt think he'll ever forgive mike for triggering her rsd so badly
this has so many hurt/comfort possibilities in fic holy fuck-
lucas immediately shuts down her deprecating comments
he wont stand for that shit
he is glaring so badly at anyone who triggers max's rsd
unless it's someone they love (like erica) who doesn't actually know what they did wrong and want to make up for it
once erica activated her rsd by accident
just with a lil lighthearted comment
"ugh i hope you arent as annoying as lukey's little friends on the walkie talkie"
once erica finds out abt what she did she feels SO bad. babey
she does everything she can to make up for it
apologizes properly when they're both brushing the barbie's hair
she finds out max stims by brushing barbie's hair when max has to look after once
so when she can see max is understimulated she'll just toss a barbie and a hairbrush her way
also likes max's echolalia (can you hear that? its the sound of max's euphoria boosting)
erica learns to lower her voice around max
max can't watch anything without subtitles btw
she just cannot
she'll watch it and cause she's smart she'll figure out what's going on
but often has to turn to lucas and go "whats going on???"
she loves the feeling of snow thru her gloves
maybe its the cold but still. very Nice
uhh i have more but i cant be bothered also this is too long already
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angelsxbelle · 4 years
haikyuu boys as your best friend.
part 1!!!
hey guys i thought i’d do some fluffy best friend scenarios since i’ve been feeling a bit down/anxious lately and i thought it would be fun to write something to cheer people up:)
pairings: tendou x reader, komori x reader, kunimi x reader x gn! reader
warnings: extreme fluff, maybe?? swearing
have fun and remember to stay safe on the internet kids :)
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tendou, SATORI
now it’s probably obvious that being tendou’s best friend is already going to be one of the best things that could ever happen to you just by looking at him
i mean, mans is a walking ball of crackhead energy
and while being around tendou is a guarantee for having the time of your life, i feel like there’s a lot more to him than a lot of people realize, especially in the way he’d act in a close friendship
he knows what it’s like to feel left out, so he always wants you to feel like you belong somewhere and won’t let you feel alone anywhere
he’s the kind of friend that will facetime you during lunch if he’s sick so you don’t have to sit alone without him
he’s also very attentive and notices small details that other people may look over, he’s always the first person to notice if something’s bugging you or if you’re feeling down about something and he’ll ask if you want to talk about it after school when you’re in private
a very good listener, not the kind of person that will try to shove solutions down your throat, but he’s supportive and will help you try to feel better if you ask him to
also a master at cheering people up after a rough day, you can’t help but burst into giggles whenever he does something stupid to try and get you to smile, he’ll conquer anything that’s making you upset
with him around, you’ll never feel alone or unwanted because you know he’ll always be there no matter what
if you’re clingy or know how to show affection really well through acts of service or words of affirmation, you’ll make a really good pair since he likes to be reassured
will blush if you compliment him or say something you like about him, and he’ll say something nice about you immediately after too
if you give him a friendship bracelet that matches one you made for yourself, he’ll wear it every day no matter how girly or cutesy looking it is
platonic cuddling>>>>>
he also likes it when you’re close to him, even though there’s no romantic feelings attached he’ll hold your hand as you run down the halls when you’re late to your next class together
even if you don’t care for it (why wouldn’t you though),you read shonen jump with him every week while you eat snacks together in his dorm and then talk about it with him afterwards
as for stuff you do for fun together, life with tendou is always a blast
sometimes you go to convenience stores and get slushies and then run to the top of a grassy hill by the parking lot and then just talk for hours and watch the stars
during school, sometimes you guys make up dances or songs and perform them for ushijima and he just stands there like 🧍‍♂️ 
you guys like to go watch scary movies together at the theater and you always share one of those jumbo popcorn tubs
one time tendou accidentally dropped it on the person that was sitting in front of you’s head and you guys had to just  b o o k  i t  out of there
he always lets you borrow his hoodies if you ask for them since they’re huge on you and he thinks it’s cute
you’re one of the only people besides ushijima that he’s opened up to about his childhood, and if you’ve been bullied too it’ll make you even closer to him since you share it
you make sure he knows how special he is and how much you care about him all the time when he gets insecure
on the last day of high school he tears up while telling you how much you mean to him
you guys stay just as close after high school, calling each other every day
you end up visiting him in france, it’s the best two weeks of your life spent together with him and you eventually end up moving there with him
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komori, MOTOYA
as a best friend, komori is the perfect person for someone that wants to have someone that’s caring and stable but also still fun to be around and knows how to lighten up
everyone knows komori is our favorite sweet boy that takes care of his icy cousin but i personally believe he secretly has a mischievous side to him you know???
like he’s still very sweet but he DEF knows how to pull a good prank
the kind of kid that’ll show up on exam day and get straight a’s and then give all of his teachers big thank you gifts but a week later someone will catch him drawing massive unicorns and care bears all over the school grounds with chalk like nothing’s wrong
he would never intentionally cause any actual harm to anyone though, he’s still very respectful and doesn’t want to actually break any school rules because he doesn’t want to get in trouble and make his teachers feel bad :’(
if you forget your lunch he’s the type to split his with you
he’ll also walk you to every class even if he’s all the way across the building bc he’s nice like that :’)))
will totally laugh if you trip over your own feet in the hallway but will always stop and help you up and ask you if you’re okay after
a sweetie, your parents probably love him because whenever he comes over he always asks if he can help with cooking and cleaning and stuff like that
together, you guys like to do stuff like study together as well as do stuff like reading horror mangas together and watching old disney movies
every once and a while he’ll ask you to go for a run with him in the morning if sakusa won’t go with him and he’ll go slow just so you don’t feel like you have to keep up with him bc he doesn’t want to wear you out right before school
he likes that you know you can find stability in him, you know he’ll always be by your side no matter what’s happening outside your friendship
also loves it when you come to his games, you yell at him from the stands really loud and he’ll wave back from the court and smile really big up at you as sakusa grumbles next to him :’)
even though your relationship is lighthearted, you can still come to him with whatever issues you’ve been going through and he’ll listen as best as he can, he’ll even open up to you as well and be vulnerable about whatever he’s struggled with in the past too
if you guys didn’t wear school uniforms, he would 100% match outfits with you no matter what your style is like
like tendou, he’ll also really appreciate it if you make him a friendship bracelet to wear and he won’t want to take it off
the day you graduate, he probably cries because he’ll miss you so much if you end up going to different universities
he doesn’t really have a hard time admitting it, but you really do mean a lot to him
even after high school, you guys still stay in touch and visit each other as often as you can, with you eventually moving back to your hometown so you’ll see each other often again and you end up staying close
you’re probably the closest friendship he’s ever had :’)
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kunimi, AKIRA
token lazy best friend ™
while he has a laid back attitude, kunimi still cares very much about your friendship believe it or not
he’s very nonchalant about it, but would still die for you 100% if things came to that
as seen with his friendship with kindaichi, despite being a very chill person kunimi is still attentive to other people’s feelings and will notice if something’s wrong with you or if something’s upset you
if you’re feeing insecure or upset he won’t hesitate to reassure you, even though he has a hard time opening up he’ll still remind you how he feels about you and how much he cares about you
he’s definitely not overly sappy about it though, he just kind of says what he thinks and moves on
in school, people are probably intimidated by you because you’re so quiet around others plus mans is like 6ft tall-
speaking of 6ft tall, if some guys are creeping you out or making you uncomfortable he’ll intervene and scare them so you have a chance to slip away while he makes them question their life existence
not to mention if anybody ever tries to pick on you, he’ll say something simple but so rude they’ll be so taken aback they just end up leaving you alone in shock
the silent but protective type of best friend
also even though he acts indifferent towards most things, if you show him something you’re really excited about he’ll still make an effort not to seem like he doesn’t care or blow you off
for hanging out, he’s definitely more of a simple kind of guy, he just likes to go over to your house and talk or read/ study or watch tv with you, he just enjoys the quality time
also, he secretly enjoys it when you play with his hair like he doesn’t show too much emotion but a little blush creeps up his cheeks and his eyes squint a tiny bit
and if he trusts you a lot, he’ll open up about his past and his experiences in middle school or anything that had hurt him in the past
it makes him feel safe when he knows you’re just there to listen to him and help him feel better whenever he’s feeling down or something’s been bothering him
he’s hasn’t told you yet, but kindaichi probably likes you but he’s to shy to say anything to you about it
he’s perfectly content with having you all to himself for the time being
on the weekends you always go over to his house to watch horror movies and have a sleepover after, it’s hilarious because he makes the same cold expression at the screen the entire time
but if you get scared, he’ll squeeze your hand and tell you not to be afraid
if you need to keep a nightlight on when you’re trying to fall asleep he doesn’t care, he just doesn’t want you to feel scared
he doesn’t say it a lot, but he really does care about you
he’s uncharacteristically sad the day you graduate and hates to see you go, he doesn’t want it to end
hugs you tight and drives you home after your promotion ceremony and you stay over at his house like old times
you, him, and kindaichi still stay close in university and get together whenever you can:)
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aclosetfan · 4 years
the pet peeve/pettiest opinion i have abt this fandom is how sometimes ppl portray the blues w/o any substance and/or any sort of depth like they do the greens and reds🤝
I don’t even think this is petty, it’s just true 🤷‍♀️ it seriously irks me to no end. I’m so glad you brought this up!!! lmaooo short response is I 100% agree with you.  unfortunately, I agree with you so much I wrote a whole freaking essay, which can be found under the cut. I could rant about this all day long. I don’t even care. The blues are such a disappointing couple :( I wish fic writers would cut out the cutesy pure bs that you find so often with these two.
I really think that the biggest problem with the blues (and Boomer) is all rooted in Bubbles’ characterization. I think she’s the most difficult for people to write because she’s the least “problematic.” And a lot of people don’t know what to do with her because no one can relate to unproblematic. She’s written as (excuse the annoying early 2010s expression, but it fits) the perfect cinnamon bun and there’s no conflict if a character doesn’t have some kind of internal conflict, they’re boring! They get tossed to the side!! Blossom is often written struggling with leadership and perfectionism. Buttercup is often written struggling with impulsiveness and aggression. People relate to them because they’ve “gone through things” most people have experienced themselves. Fic writers like writing Bloss and BC for the same reason because you can only write what you know! But shoot, writers still got to place Bubbles in somehow! So she’s either an airhead, or a crybaby, or too innocent/naïve, or the uwu character, which is good for a few laughs but 🤷‍♀️ it gets pretty 2D and old real quick. Her biggest issue in the show was people babying her, but usually, that conflict is written off in fics with one simple “OH so she’s actually a badass” scene and that’s like it?? It’s never visited again?? (Even though all her solo episodes focus on her accepting who she is despite what others think so idk if badass scenes actually do her justice. She’s a lover not a fighter at the end of the day tbh.) It’s understandable though. I struggle with Bubbles because I’m not as optimistic as her character, and I certainly don’t relate to being “the joy and laughter.” It’s hard writing someone whose fanon character is interpreted as practically flawless. In ppg fics you’re also juggling a big group of characters, so it’s advantageous to rely on the simpler archetype tropes. So, I think it’s easier for people to set Bubbles up in a relationship than explore her more thoroughly since she’s the sensitive one who would be into the lovey-dovey stuff. Further, if you want to give readers a break from the heavier themes of your main plot, having a cute side pairing is a good safe escape. Not a lot of thought is needed to make those relationships work. And since Boomer’s just there and also underdeveloped, they get paired together. And because people (rightly) want to stray from the predator/prey trope because Bubbles is just so Pure(tm) and the trope feels assault-y, writers make Boomer inherently good. But now you’re just stuck with two good, cute characters. That’s it. And because their plot in the story revolves around their romantic relationship, it's their relationship that is the only thing that aids in their character development. The blues make up the lighthearted B-plot (but probably more like C-plot because the greens are usually B-plot material) The blues seem to follow two tropes: 1. Pure childhood crushes—Boomer was always good and wants to do good by Bubbles and she wants to “protect” him from his “mean” brothers 2. Bubbles “fixes” Boomer, but he really doesn’t need any fixing in the first place because he was good all along, he just needed encouragement. (Weird side note, have you noticed how Bubbles is always like “Boomie you’re NOT stupid” and then all the sudden it’s like the boy has a PhD) And I'm not faulting anyone for having a b-plot relationship with the blues. If it’s done right, being in a relationship does wonders for people! But relationships are work and without the blues having their personalities developed OUTSIDE the relationship, there’s no “work” to be done. They’re just the Perfect Couple and it’s boring. Don’t get me wrong, I like the pairing (it’s v cute), but what’s nice about the greens and the reds is that each individual character has usually been personalized (Butch not so much, in my opinion, his character generally revolves around BC, but bear with me for argument's sake), which makes their relationships with other characters fun to read. The greens and the reds are flushed out because their most basic archetypes are the most relatable and easiest to write. The Blues, though, just seem to get together. Bubbles is a hard character to write, so by default, so is Boomer. They have no conflict outside each other that would trigger character development. They flirt, sometimes Bubbles resists, then they’re together. She’s the cutest thing ever and he’s a simp for it. Easy, fluffy, they fade to the background because now that they’re together what happens to them next?? Irl people either get married or they break up. Most of these fics are high school AUs, so they can’t get married, and no one wants the cute ones to break up, so they just start to enter and exit the story as convenient segues. And that’s disappointing because individually they could be so interesting. Bubbles has to struggle with the fact that people infantize her. Her ideas are often dismissed, people treat her like a ditz, and her ability to be a hero is often called into question because she’s the one who seeks peaceful alternatives, and when she DOESNT seek those alternatives, people in the show freak out and become scared. Like I said before, most bubbles centric episodes focus on her accepting her sensitive side and using it to overcome a conflict. Also, HIM’s like her main villain in all her episodes. and, shit, one of her nicknames is literally Chubbles. She’s been called fat a few times. There’s so much a writer can do with her conflict-wise. Optimism and sensitivity don’t equal naivety, we don’t have to make her Pure. In fact, it’d be way more fun to see her trying to show everyone that she’s no longer a child but a young woman. And Boomer has like 3 episodes, right? Maybe 4? Literally in all of them, he’s a bratty little boy. He carries slugs in his pockets. He’s bad at trash talking. Easily distracted. Fights with his brothers. Dumb and chaotic. Good at spitting. He doesn’t put Bubbles on a pedestal. He wants to beat her up. He’s not a good guy. Bubbles thinks he’s cute. That’s literally all we know about him lmao. He wouldn’t be soft so why would what we know translate into a boring unproblematic underdeveloped boy?? You can write him unfulfilled. You could write him stuck in his brothers’ shadows. You could write him as a weirdo who’s obsessed with bugs (to match bubbles animal obsession). In my head, if Brick’s the smart one and Butch is the strong one, I make Boomer the charming one. And charming boys are dangerous boys 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️he probably had to charm his way out of plenty of dumb situations. I also make him unluckily lucky since he gets captured by the girls in one episode, but he still makes it out just fine. Everything bad that could happen happens to him but Boomer’s like “eh 🤷‍♀️ It’ll blow over. Lol already died once. What can ya do?” So you've got a girl who is never taken seriously and a boy who takes nothing seriously and yall really think their relationship would be unproblematic??? Individually, these two characters could be fun to write if the fic author plans it out correctly! Idk why their relationship wouldn't be either. If you want a compelling romance, you’ve got to make compelling characters. 
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samwisethebitch · 4 years
The Bizarre World of “Feel Good” Murder Mysteries
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When I think of murder, I don’t typically think of warm, fuzzy feelings. If you’ve been following my blog, you know I’m a fan of all things gritty and gory, so a lot of the books I read fall into the thriller/suspense subgenre. But not everyone likes their mystery novels with an extra helping of blood and guts — in fact, there’s an entire subgenre of mysteries designed to make readers feel good.
According to Wikipedia, “Cozy mysteries, also referred to as ‘cozies’, are a subgenre of crime fiction in which sex and violence occur off stage, the detective is an amateur sleuth, and the crime and detection take place in a small, socially intimate community.” Think Angela Lansbury a la Murder, She Wrote. It’s a very PG approach to a genre that is usually a hard R.
Like romance, the cozy mystery is a subgenre mostly read by women. According to cozy-mystery.com, a website dedicated to this type of book, “Many cozy mystery readers are intelligent women looking for a ‘fun read’ that engages the mind, as well as provides entertainment.”
Any time a genre is marketed to one gender over the other, I automatically wonder why. Is it because women are seen as less likely to enjoy “hardboiled” detective fiction than men? Is it because women “have weaker stomachs” or “can’t handle violence”? Is it because everything made for women needs to be cutesy and fluffy?
To try to answer these questions, I read three different cozies to see if I could determine why they’re so popular and why they’re marketed to women. Here’s what I found.
And Then There Were Crumbs by Eve Calder
Quirky settings seem to be a recurring theme in cozies, with more than a few of the subgenre’s beloved heroines doing double duty as amateur detectives and small business owners. In And Then There Were Crumbs, the small business in question is a bakery nestled in a ridiculously beautiful beachside town.
The mystery is not the main focus of this book. Really, it’s about Kate recovering from a messy breakup and trying to save a small-town bakery from going under. The murder is just icing on the cake, so to speak.
Unfortunately, the mystery was the weakest part for me. It’s not bad, by any means, but it does feel a little too clean. I’m the type of reader who likes to try to figure out the mystery alongside the characters, and this story didn’t really let me do that. There aren’t any compelling suspects to speculate about, and the solution is only possible after Kate stumbles onto a missing clue that brings everything together. This is a device used a lot by shows like Murder, She Wrote, and it’s always been a little bit of a pet peeve of mine.
The rest of the plot is well-written and full of warm fuzzies, but as someone who was mainly interested in the whodunnit I was a little disappointed.
One thing I will say for And Then There Were Crumbs is that it made me crave cookies so badly I had to bake a batch of snickerdoodles after finishing it. That’s gotta count for something.
Final Rating: 💀💀💀 (3 skulls out of 5)
Sinfully Delicious by Amanda M. Lee
Like in And Then There Were Crumbs, the mystery is not the main focus of this book. Sinfully Delicious is, at its heart, a second chance romance about a down-on-her-luck author who moves back to her hometown and reconnects with her high school sweetheart. That she happens to discover a dead body on her first day back, and that the previously mentioned high school sweetheart happens to be the police officer investigating the case, is incidental.
As I was reading this book, I noticed another running theme in the cozy subgenre. Both And Then There Were Crumbs and Sinfully Delicious go out of their way to establish that the murder victims were very, very bad people. Of course no one deserves to be poisoned or stabbed in a back alley, but if anyone did, it would be these guys. In a way, this makes the murders less disturbing since they almost feel justified.
Sinfully Delicious spends even less time on the mystery than And Then There Were Crumbs — at times, it almost doesn’t feel like a mystery novel. The romance really is the main focus here, and I had serious issues with it. Stormy’s ex-boyfriend/love interest has a girlfriend, and there is definitely some emotional infidelity — what Bustle calls “micro-cheating.” To make us feel better about this (and to keep Stormy a sympathetic protagonist), the author makes the girlfriend so unbelievably bitchy and unlikable that we can’t help but hate her. I’m very tired of girl-on-girl hate being used as a plot device in romance novels, and this book is one of the worst offenders I’ve encountered in a while.
The murder subplot was pretty standard. The last minute reveal that pulls the whole mystery together appears once again in this book, followed by a conclusion so outlandish, it actually made up for some of the lackluster buildup.
I did enjoy the fantasy elements in Sinfully Delicious. Stormy discovers that she is a witch and possesses magical powers, but like a lot of other cool things in this story, the witch stuff gets pushed aside to make more room for the romance nobody asked for.
Final Rating: 💀💀 (2 skulls out of 5)
Agatha Raisin and The Quiche of Death by M. C. Beaton
The Agatha Raisin series is a staple of the cozy subgenre. With 30 books and counting, the series has been going strong since the early 1990s. Because this book (the first in the series) is quite a bit older than the other two I read, it isn’t quite as formulaic. It’s definitely heavy on the Agatha Christie inspiration (in case the protagonist’s name didn’t make it obvious), and it’s all very, very British.
Once again, the mystery isn’t the only thing going on here. This book is about Agatha, a fifty-something-year-old business woman who sells her PR firm, goes into an early retirement, and buys a cottage in the Cotswolds, only to realize that village life will be a harder adjustment than she thought. She feels torn between her new village, which isn’t at all like she imagined, and her old life in London, which is quickly moving on without her. Oh, and one of her new neighbors dies of poisoning after eating a quiche Agatha entered in a local baking competition.
I really liked Agatha as a character. It’s nice to see a single, middle aged woman who enjoys being single, and it’s interesting to read a story that deals with themes of getting older and planning for retirement. Agatha is also kind of a bad bitch, and I enjoyed reading about her aggressive, take-no-prisoners attitude.
The story really reminded me of Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple series, which I’m sure is intentional. I can just imagine the author thinking, “But what if sweet Miss Marple was replaced by a London businesswoman?” and then writing this book. The supporting characters are all quirky and eccentric in some way, and some moments are genuinely humorous.
The murder mystery plays a more central role in this book than the first two I read, with Agatha doing lots of good, old fashioned snooping, breaking and entering, and harassing suspects. The conclusion was a little bit of a letdown for me — I think the author could have gone in a lot of different directions, but chose the most boring one.
Final Rating: 💀💀💀 (3 skulls out of 5)
I really can see the appeal of this type of mystery. These books are perfect for readers, both men and women, who want a fun mystery that they can try to solve alongside the protagonist, but who don’t want to read graphic descriptions of violence. I really do think there’s a place in the larger mystery genre for stories like this.
These books are also great for when you aren’t sure what genre you want to read. There’s a little bit of murder, a little bit of women’s fiction, a little bit of humor, and sometimes even a little bit of romance. It’s a grab bag of some of the most popular genres of fiction, and it speaks to readers with eclectic tastes.
Since I discovered the existence of the “cozy mystery” label, I’ve been using it to find books to read when I’m not feeling anything super intense. I read a lot of horror and thrillers, but sometimes I can get burned out on that type of intensely emotional (and often disturbing) story. When I want just a taste of intrigue without the blood and guts, cozies are a good option.
If you’re an avid reader of more intense mysteries, I recommend checking out this more lighthearted side to the genre. Who says a book about murder can’t be uplifting?
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a-box-of-scraps · 4 years
IronDad LGBTQ+ Fic Recs
Happy Pride Month everyone! I hadn’t planned on making this (hence the belated posting), but with everything that’s been going on, I just really needed to put something positive into the world. I tried to link all the author tumblrs I could find, but please let me know if I missed anyone!
1-5k Words
cut from his strings by macabre (trans Peter)
In which Peter’s dysphoria makes eating easier said than done. Ouch ouch ouch. My poor heart. Peter’s battle to find peace in his own skin hurts, but in an unapologetic and truthful way. Seeing Tony help him with recovery makes the pain worth it.
Dudes in Distress by @boww-tiez (gay Peter)
In which Peter’s coming out doesn’t exactly go to plan; cue Tony making it better. Peter’s so adorable in this! His nervousness about telling Tony he’s gay and regret over some of his past experiences is really well written. Brilliant relationship dynamic. Ten out of ten for fluffiness.
general relativity by macabre (Peter likes boys)
In which Tony worries about what big secret his adopted son could be trying so hard to keep from him. Another beautifully written fic from macabre, who always portrays Peter and Tony’s relationship with genuine emotional depth. This is one of those go-to fics I reread whenever I’m feeling down.
no cops at pride, just spiderman by @tempestaurora (bi Peter and bi Tony)
In which Peter convinces Tony to attend Pride parade with him. This one has so many cute moments (it’s officially canon that Peter’s crushing on Bucky), but it’s also very touching when Tony talks about his experiences being in the LGBT community during the 1980s and 90s. Respect to authors who can incorporate social activism into their writing so smoothly.
Of Gods and Crushes by @tstarkapologist (bi Peter)
In which Peter has a not-so-secret crush on Thor. I was grinning like a loon the entire way through this. Tony’s the perfect combination of supportive and teasing—he’s just nailing the Embarrassing Dad (tm) role that he was born to play. (And really, who doesn’t have a crush Thor?)
Peter Parker’s Top Surgery Fund by @vivilevone (trans Peter)
In which there’s a bakesale, certain revelations are had, and an ‘anonymous’ donation is made to GoFundMe. Shout-out to Tony who’s so clueless but tries so hard. Funny and cute with just a dash of angst thrown in; hits the spot. Featuring Number One Bestie Ned and Science Bro Bruce.
Use Somebody (Someone Like You) by @rosalinesbenvolio (trans Peter)
In which Peter’s not very good at coming out despite his best efforts. What a cutie (both Peter and this fic)! A heartfelt, comedic, altogether delightful read. Peter and Tony’s relationship is genuinely sweet. Kudos to Michelle for being that best friend everyone needs.
5-15k Words
5 Times Peter Acted Like A Teenager And The 1 Time He Had To Be An Adult by @losingmymindtonight (Peter likes boys) 
In which Peter misses curfew, falls in love, gets his heart broken, and might need a few pep talks from his dad along the way. Did I mention there’s a kidnapping? Tony is *chef’s kiss* in this, especially as he helps Peter navigate through his first real breakup by providing much comfort and cuddles and encouragement. Dramatic!Teenager!Peter is my spirit animal.
Ace!Peter series by @peter-parkerson (biromantic ace Peter)
In which sometimes kids can be jerks, but luckily Peter has people there to remind him he’s not in any way broken. Sweet and soft and lovely. Featuring Tony as the ally parent every queer kid deserves and Ned as the caring, understanding, altogether wonderful boyfriend who knows there’s more to relationships than just sex.
Asexual!Peter series by @parkrstark (biromantic ace Peter and bi Tony)
In which Peter uses indecipherable metaphors, Tony becomes increasingly confused, and May’s the saint who puts up with them both. Oof. My poor, poor heart. I really just want to wrap Peter in a hug and tell him everything’s going to be okay, then buy him an ace flag cape and drag him to Pride March. Luckily Tony’s there to do all that for me.
June by @peterparkrr (gay Peter and bi Tony)
In which Tony buys a parenting book and (not so successfully) tries to get Peter to come out. I absolutely love how Tony is written in this! Even though he might still be getting the hang of this parenting thing, you can tell how deeply he cares about Peter and just wants what’s best for him. Only criticism is that it makes my face hurt from smiling so widely; the fluffiness and humor is just too good!
15-25k Words
Fragile and Composed by @theoceanismyinkwell I’m sorry the @ isn’t working it keeps saying “no blogs found” (gay Peter and bi Tony)
In which Steve gives some advice, Peter confronts some bullies, and Tony is there to deal with the fallout. Guh. This fic. Everything TheOceanIsMyInkwell writes gives me *emotions* and I love it. I love the tension between Tony and Steve as they try to move forward after Civil War. I love Peter standing up for himself and his friends. I love Tony being protective, and trying to do better for Peter when he realizes he’s missed the mark. Just gorgeous in every way.
Gay Disaster Peter Parker series by Iwillseduceyouwithmyweirdness (is it redundant to say gay Peter?)
In which, as the title suggests, Peter Parker is a gay disaster. Every work in this series does an amazing job depicting some of the very real struggles queer teens often face (particularly self-harm/mental health issues and bullying). It’s raw and painful, but at the same time offers so much hope that recovery is possible. Tony’s love and support and care for Peter makes my heart happy.
i never promised you your dream boy series by @ftmpeter (gay/trans Peter)
In which even when it feels like the universe is against him, Peter’s family and friends will always have his back. This series is wonderful in so many aspects, but the thing that really shines through for me is Tony’s characterization. He fumbles once in a while, and might not have a ton of background knowledge about LGBTQ+ issues, but he does his absolute best to learn and help Peter through day to day challenges of being trans. Perfect ally.
Lightning in a Bottle by @groo-ock (Peter likes boys)
In which Spider-Man and the Human Torch are dating, but Peter Parker and Johnny Storm definitely, definitely aren’t. Definitely not. Gruoch’s fics are always an absolute joy to read, and this one is no different. Even if you’re not a Fantastic Four fan, please give it a chance, especially if you need something fun and lighthearted right now; the humor is terrific! Exasperated Tony is icing on the cake. This poor man puts up with so many shenanigans...
Project Pride by TheSleepingOwl (gay Peter)
In which Peter doesn’t know that Tony knows he’s gay, and Tony’s an over the top helicopter dad who’s just trying his best. This one deals with some pretty heavy stuff, including Peter’s lasting trauma from being sexually abused when he was younger, but the author handles it all with dignity and respect and does it justice. A lot of parts made me laugh. Other parts had me tearing up. Other parts had me full-out sobbing. An incredible read and instant favorite.
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stitch1830 · 3 years
For the fic writer ask game. 1, 5, 23 please.
Hello! Thanks for the ask, I’m in desperate need of things to do to fill my time lmao. These help tremendously! :) Also sorry if this is super long and obnoxious lol.
1. How long ago did you start reading fanfiction? Writing fanfiction?
Oh, I think I read a few fics for like, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and Hunger Games back in like, 2012. But none were ever amazing enough for me to create a profile for accounts and stuff like that. I started seriously reading fanfiction during the pandemic (March 2020?), and that was with ATLA! And it was mostly to get more stories/information on things that happened in between ATLA and LOK, because that intrigued me the most... Such a large gap of time that kind of goes untouched, and of course, after rewatching ATLA, I wanted to read more about the characters. 
Reading ATLA fanfiction made me want to start writing down some of the ideas I had, so back in September or during the holiday season, I wrote down dialogue between ATLA characters and Original Characters, and that got me used to writing creatively. Then, I found Taang around November/December, fell in love with the pair, and started writing One Shots for them. It was weird tho, because the first work I was writing had canon pairs plus Tokka, so then to jump and write about Taang when I had an “interesting story” already in the works... bit of a dissonance at first. But then I expanded and grew the Taang universe a ton and it made it worth it. To start, I wrote like 7 or 8 of the Taang One Shots, then started posting them back in January, and the rest is history. Sort of lmao. 
5. What are your fanfic pet peeves? Do they have a huge effect on whether or not you decide to read something?
Oh yeah I have lots. Biggest ones are like reading a fic and then in the story there’s something that is like, completely improbable or weird, I tend to turn away quickly. One that still sticks out to me to this day is back when I read PJO fanfiction, they had the characters (aged at like 16) get married and have a baby all within the span of a paragraph and a day in the story. Like??? Okay, glad you’re writing, but I hopped off that real quick lmao.
Because of my English classes, I really dislike the word “you” or second person in any form of writing. Obviously it’s different in dialogue or thought bubbles, but if the narrator is like “you just don’t see that...” it bothers me. Doesn’t stop me from reading completely, but I know there are other ways to phrase sentences so that the word “you” can be avoided. If that’s the theme/cadence of the story, then by all means, the word “you” should be used. But idk. My English teachers corrupted me lmao. Also first person. I’m not a fan of first person works anymore; they’re hard to write well, so unless I’m hooked from the beginning, I turn elsewhere.
Anachronisms. So like, when things are referenced in a story that you as a reader know are not technically in that universe, I sometimes notice it, but I don’t really leave the fic. It happens all the time and it really goes over just about everyone’s head, but if I catch it, I’ll internally complain. And they may not even be inaccurate in the story, but if I think it doesn’t belong in the universe, then I'll consider it an anachronism, which is more on me than the writer lmao. An example of this would be like, to me, heaven and hell wouldn’t exist in ATLA, so mentions of God or the curse word Hell have no meaning. idk. That, or if I think something didn’t exist yet in ATLA, I’ll personally try to avoid it in my own writing; and specific terms that wouldn’t be in the setting of the story (I.e. Braille. I would just try to say ‘indented text’ or something. Don't think Louie was in the same universe as ATLA lol). Like I said, this is a me problem, not the writer.
If things get really bad grammatically, I’ll leave. I’m already picky with the stories I want to read, and despite the happiness I feel for kids, young adults, and adults writing their stories out for everyone to see, I just personally can’t stay lmao. I can’t stand the word “you” in essays, not sure why I’d stay if everything else is abominable lol. Poorly written fics bother me a ton, I tend to stop reading relatively quickly if I see a bad one.
If people write dialogue that sounds weird or doesn’t fit the character, it’s a rather big turn off for me. I’m not saying I know exactly how the characters talk or react, but there’s a balance and I pay attention a ton to the dialogue of a story. I pay attention to that more than anything else because that is how we see the interaction characters have with each other, and the words used, the tempo of the conversation, and the purpose of the conversation tells us a lot about them. An example is that people can over exaggerate Toph and Sokka’s humor and banter to the point where it sounds ridiculous and annoying. Those two are ridiculous and lighthearted, but what they say also matters in the story. Again, I’m not an expert on characterization and dialogue, but that’s my favorite part of the story, so if I don’t vibe with it or it doesn’t fit into my POV of the character, I’ll leave. No harm no foul in trying to read it, though.
23. What’s your absolute favorite trope to write?
I kind of talked more specifically about tropes in my writing here,  but I would say that the tone of my fics are typically fluffy! I’m a sucker for soft Taang moments, but also, I love angst fics and I would love to be good with those. I think right now, the angst I would want to write wouldn’t fit in my current work, so I'd find time to go and write some angsty things.
Ask me questions about writing and fics! 
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mobagehelllocal · 4 years
“do you even lift bro?” extra notes i - iii:
I finally finished rereading all my “do you even lift bro?” stories! Man, I feel like I wrote them ages ago. As I mentioned before, I have been going back to do grammatical edits and what not. In the process, I’ve also been noting down my thought process for writing these pieces, and little easter eggs I put in for fun~ This extra notes will contain my thoughts from versions i to iii! 
*please do not read if you haven’t read “do you even lift bro?” ver i - iii. 
The title came to me immediately upon reading the request hahah. originally, it was meant to just be fluffy and cute... but I think it’s actually pretty funny. To me, at least hahah. 
Divus’s was the one exception, but i’ll get into that later.
The reader personality was based on one of my ocs. She was also the oc in my special Malleus x OC story, “bright eyes.”
I went with her because she was an OC, who, in my opinion, is the epitome of a optimistic fangirl lmao. If you’ve read “bright eyes” then I think you’d understand what I mean hahahah. 
For ver i--I think I definitely wrote Riddle’s first. followed by Leona, Azul, Malleus, Kalim, Vil then Idia. 
One of my best friends is a super huge Riddle stan (if you’re reading this, hi sis!) so I wrote his story primarily with her energy in mind. In short, she would most definitely bench press Riddle. 
Her energy + the base reader personality makes Riddle’s story one of the most fun actually. His reader is probably the most mischievous ones--which I thought balanced out well with Riddle’s actual personality. 
Leona’s story is heavily influenced by pride dynamics. It’s common knowledge that it’s the female lions who hunt hence why in Afterglow Savanna--the women are stronger. Leona is royalty, so I assumed that from a young age he’d be told to wed a strong woman. 
I also need to note that Leona is described as respecting women. here’s the thing, I’m pretty sure it’s specifically women from Afterglow Savanna because they could bench press him. That’s not to say he doesn’t respect all women--he probably just puts women from Afterglow Savanna on a different standard because of his experience with them. Either way, you surprised him greatly, and assume that Leona will not be able to look you in the eye for awhile.
Azul’s story specifically takes place after Jamil SR Lab Coat episodes and Azul’s R PE Uniform episodes. I found their relationship funny, and thought it would be fun to continue off from there. 
Most of Azul’s stories come from me just wanting to fluster the hell out of Azul... that being said, I did delve a bit into the magic of TWST for this one. I remember it was Crowley (was it in the prologue?) who noted that magic is dependent also on how much someone believed in their ability to do something. This is why Azul falls down haha, his will faltered and he stopped believing. 
Jamil doesn’t get a break at all, doesn’t he? The reader and Jamil actually vibe really well because they both understood enough about Kalim to know what he was doing.
I think I remember being pretty stuck on which one to do for this. I think it was reading Jamil’s SSR Dorm Uniform story that really made me have an ‘aha’ moment on how to write it--since something like this happens on there. 
Surprisingly for Vil, once I had figured out that I wanted to write him getting mobbed, and being saved by his reader--it flowed out really fast from there. 
For Vil, I always end up bringing up the issue that he’s something like a celebrity and you are one in the million who adore him. I thought that this was just one way to sort of tackle your relationship together. 
I really enjoyed highlighting how you love Vil different from the rest who adore him. The importance of how you see his flaws and still love him--especially because as an influencer Vil has a certain pressure to appear in a certain way. 
Idia’s was the last one I wrote, but I had a lot of fun because I stuffed it full of references. I figured that Idia’s thought process would be more of him thinking life as a game, that’s why he uses terms like support level often in my writing. 
On that note, I know ‘Gao-Gao Dragon-kun’ is a reference to Tamagotchi, but I decided to just merge up Tamagotchi and Pokemon in this case. Hence why ‘Gao-Gao Shield and Sword’ existed lmao. I didn’t put too much effort in that and just switched ‘Shield and Sword’’s order HAHAH. I did consider making it ‘Gao-Gao Gun and Wand’ though. 
‘Water Crest: The Seven Dorms’ is a reference to Fire Emblem: Three Houses. I felt incredibly clever when I came up with that HAHAH. But also, when he references support levels, he’s talking about a gameplay in Fire Emblem. For people who aren’t familiar with this, essentially, FE has a system wherein the more you use two units together the likely their support will rise. The supports go from C-B-A-S, with S as the highest. When Idia says he works hard on S Support, he literally means he went out of his way to spend time with you and befriend you. Isn’t that cute? When he references SS Support, it actually doesn’t exist HAHA, but he didn’t realize there was “another level” sort of thing xD
When I write funny Malleus stories, the other members of Diasomnia are likely to be hiding in the bushes. Most funny stuff probably fly over Malleus’s head so... The other Diasomnia members pop in to react hahaha.
To Malleus, your tendency to treat him as a regular person, and not treating him as a lord--makes him incredibly fond of you. It’s because you treat him as an equal, that makes him treat you as an equal. I also think this was the piece where he started calling you “bright light.” There’s no deeper meaning to it, he really just sees you as a bright light--like a brilliant star. You, literally, light up the world. :,) 
Ver ii order of writing--Ashton, Dire, Divus. I had come up with the premise of Divus first though. 
I think Dire was the hardest one for me, because I kept worrying about things like--’what if he’s not actually like this,’ or ‘what if that isn’t how he would actually act’ etc etc. but I think it turned out pretty alright.
Dire, for all his claims of being a kind person--I think actually is a kind guy. He does have the tendency to be a little manipulative and whatnot... but at the end of the day he does care.
For Divus, I sniffed GBF Belial’s Perfume because I wanted to get inspired (and I sort of headcanon they smelled alike) but it went horny too fast. 
Divus is naturally intrigued with you, and he’s also very aware you’re attracted to him. So it amuses him to fluster you. He’s very aware of how good-looking he is, and he doesn’t mind flirting with people.
How I chose to portray Divus is actually based on how @avionvadion writes Divus in her story “Once Upon A Dream.” please check it out! It’s a super cute fanfic about a girl in Twisted Wonderland~ 
Ashton... I was surprised at how fast I was able to write his piece actually hahha. I went with a no braincell, but cheerful and all-around good guy. 
I don’t think there was a lot of Ashton to really research about, but... I just tried to make him good guy Gaston... for now xD 
Ver iii--it went Floyd, Jamil, Jade, Rook, Lilia, and Epel.
There’s this scene in, I think, the first episode of Avatar: The Legend of Aang where Appa wouldn’t fly. So Sokka just straight up... insulted? Appa? i guess. Then Appa suddenly COULD fly, and Sokka was just straight up amazed and yelling... Yeah that was my primary inspiration for Floyd’s story.
Floyd... Floyd is twins with Jade, let’s not forget that. I’m sure Floyd is actually really intelligent, he just isn’t in the mood to be sometimes. Hence he’s able to really understand something when you say something seriously. I think Floyd would always take you seriously when you say something important. 
For Jade’s story, my inspiration was the story of my dad tripping. It was only witnessed by him and mom. My mom talked about how terrifying it was to watch a six foot tall man fall down. My dad just found it funny. Hence, I thought, Jade should trip. 
Other than that, the general idea I wanted was that it’s our time to pamper Jade. He’s one of the two characters who I know would love to pamper his reader. So this was his lover’s chance to pamper him. Also, he’s also one of two characters who would have an idea about your insane strength.
Jamil, much like Jade, is the type of guy who pampers the people he loves. He doesn’t take to being pampered too well. He’s not used to it. 
Jamil also appreciates getting his hard work recognized, so I’m sure he has a praise kink hahah. He’s also easily embarrassed. I think Jamil needs someone who acknowledges all of his hard work, who also accepts his mistakes. 
Epel was the last one to write, and actually a genuine struggle for me. I always... end up writing something in relation to his struggles with his face and femininity. Epel is someone who wants to be seen as a real man, so I worried about what he’d think of a reader who had the strength he wanted. 
I figured if it was anyone else, it might inspire jealousy in Epel--but because it was his lover, he was able to push aside his negative feelings and look at the bright side. You’re truly his ideal, and he wants to learn how to be strong from you.
Rook was another tough one. There did exist a version where you surprise him... but the more I thought about it, the more I found it impossible for Rook to not know or not have an idea. He’s the other character who would have an idea about your strength.
On that note, thinking about a romantic partner for Rook... I thought what was best was someone who wouldn’t find him odd. Who would actually try to learn about him. 
Lilia’s... was also pretty easy given he enjoyed hanging upside down a lot in the main story hahah. Lilia cute, I love him. Also, when will Lilia stop messing with Idia? Probably never tbh. 
I touched upon the topic of mortality and immortality, but because I wanted this to be lighthearted--I chose not to pursue it. It would drag the mood down, but honestly--it’s something we can’t ignore and is very integral in relationships with Lilia or Malleus.
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retvenkos · 4 years
Okay so I’m personally offended with myself for not having found you earlier? Like, YOURE AMAZING! Your writing is super awesome and I’m glad I finally did find you. Anyways, I was hoping I could request a 🔥 ship/HCs? For BBC Merlin, PJO/HOO, and ATLA (or LOK, whichever you’d prefer or is easier for you). I am bisexual so I’m down to be shipped with whatever gender (although I am kinda leaning towards men rn). I’m a Ravenclaw and my Myers-Brigg personality type is INFP-T. I’m kind of a nerd and I love learning new things. I tried to learn Latin at one point but it was while I was in school and I didn’t finish before the school year was up. I love reading, writing, singing, listening to music, watching movies and watching musicals. I also really love physical affection (both giving and receiving). I love any and all animals SO MUCH. I can be kinda silly sometimes but I know when to get serious. I love having fun with my friends but I also just love the days that I can just sit with them and relax. I’m pretty protective of the people I’m close to. I’m also kind of stubborn. I have a small obsession with dragons and kind of just mythical beings in general. I feel happy when I make others happy. I like helping people when I can. My main love languages are physical touch and words of affirmation. If I were a bender in the ATLA/LOK universe, I would be an earth bender. I’m also a sucker for soulmate AUs, which you might have noticed when I was reblogging your stuff earlier. I think that’s all?? If you need anything else, just let me know! And thank you so much!!
thank you for your kind words about my blog! i’m glad you like it here, lol. and, as always, disclaimer that it’s been a while since i’ve read pjo and so the headcanons might not be the best. bear with me.
I ship you with Gwen!
alright, i was debating between gwen and sir leon, but i 100% believe gwen is the perfect match-up for you - both of you are sweet and kind yet clever with the potential to be teasing, annoying idiots.
the two of you would get along famously, and you would be the sweetest, most supportive couple - literally everyone wants what you have, and i can’t blame them.
both of you are caring and love your friends dearly, you are the ultimate mom friends. you love to make everyone happy, and so both of you are always looking out for the other. 
furthermore, gwen would love to hear all about interests - she loves to hear you talk about your reading and writing, and she loves how you learn with such a fervor. learning something new is a great way to increase the quality of your life, and gwen loves to hear about what you’ve discovered - so much of her day is spent in routine, being a servant and all, so when you can tell her something good - something other than castle gossip, she loves it.
also, i have this headcanon that gwen can sing really well, so you know she loves music. she’ll sing in the early mornings, when the two of you are getting up before the sun itself, and it never fails to make you smile.
i think that both you and gwen have great versatility to your personality - you both can get very excited and giddy but then come back down to earth and be stable and strong. this is good because both of you can support the other in whatever situation you may be up against. 
furthermore, you are both witty and teasing. the two of you have a lot of ongoing banter that makes your otherwise monotonous days exciting and fun. you’re upbeat personalities bring joy to your lives, and that’s important.
also, the two of you would be very affectionate toward each other - gwen has no qualms with hugging you or holding your hand, so she is able to accept your affection and return it in a similar manner. and gwen is very good at giving sincere compliments! whenever she praises you, you can’t help but think it’s true.
also, modern! au gwen is an avid movie watcher, so the two of you have marathons together. gwen always brings the popcorn.
I ship you with Travis Stoll!
okay, you cannot tell me that this pairing isn’t chaotic as hell.
you are the smarts to travis’ mischievousness, and the two of you bring a lot of fun to camp half-blood. you help travis and connor with their pranks, but you are also there to make sure that no one gets hurt, because a good prank is one that makes people laugh, but has minimal casualties. (ngl, chb is kind of glad that you and travis got together because the pranks are a lot safer now.)
i definitely think that travis would be the one to bring you out of your comfort zone, but he does it so earnestly, with only the best of intentions, so it’s hard to say no. the two of you go on adventures together and you have a lot of laughs.
the good thing is that you also bring a lot of calm and stability to the relationship - you are one of like two (2) people who can  get travis to just,,, chill with you. he likes to play videogames with you, so you hang out a lot in the hermes cabin, legs tangled together as you chill out. 
at your core, i think both of you are very determined people, and that’s what initially drew the two of you close together. you both have a fire in your hearts, and while that comes out in different ways, you’re both very ambitious and goal oriented people.
and you know that travis has the greatest taste in music - you are going to be introduced to some very interesting and cool songs. maybe he’ll nick a cd or two for both of you to listen to. and what’s cool about his music taste is that it’s adventurous and all over - he loves everything and so do you.
you both explore and learn about the world in different ways, and you are both incredibly knowledgeable in opposite ways, so when you put your heads together, the genius that comes forth is insane.
i imagine that the two of you hang out in the strawberry fields a lot. you listen to music or talk while walking through the fields, and then travis ends up stealing some of your strawberries and you end up chasing after him (damn his tall legs)
I ship you with Mako!
this is the complete opposite of your previous ships, but stick with me for a minute
you are perfect for mako because you can be serious and stable, but at the same time, you can bring out his silly side. mako needs someone who can get down to the core of his being and pull out that happy, childish side of himself that he hasn’t found in a long time. he’s had to grow up fast, and he needs someone who is serious and sincere, but is also lighthearted and oh-so caring.
the two of you are so protective and caring about the ones you love - you’re like the parents of the group who are trying to wrangle your unruly children, and it’s a dynamic i am here for.
and when you encourage some of korra or asami’s wild plans, mako sighs, like “disappointed by not surprised.” but then you bring him to the side with a plan on how to make their optimistic plans more secure, and he’s like,,,, alright.
also, the banter the two of you would have is legendary. mako is known as the #done, sarcastic one, and he was not expecting you to come out with amazing wit, but here you are. the two of you have the best side commentary, and it’s almost a competition now. you’ve yet to get mako to laugh at your well-timed jokes (some of which are terribly corny), but he does crack a wry smile almost every time, so you know it’s only a matter of time.
also, convince me otherwise, but mako is a reader. he likes a lot of historical fiction, but also stories based off of legends, and the two of you will often spend your weekends inside, reading on the couch. he’ll make you lunch and then the two of you will talk about what you’ve read, sitting cross legged with your knees touching. mako is usually a little vague with the details on what he is reading, but what often happens is that he’ll have recommended the book you’re reading, so he’ll listen to you ramble about your favorite parts with a lovestruck smile on his face.
you definitely introduce mako to more music - he’s never been super into music, it was always more bolin’s thing, but he’ll listen with you. he has a few favorites, and you have to coax him into telling you what they are, but he’ll tell you anyway because he’s very much in love.
also! the two of you go to see bolin’s movers, and you whisper to each other throughout the show, making jokes and funny comments, and ngl, bolin gets a little concerned. mako should never enjoy himself so thoroughly, that only ever leads to disaster.
anyway, you would be great for mako because when you two hang out, you bring mako out of his shell, and he is always there to support and protect you, should anything go awry. 
i get big vibes of “the serious one is soft for the fluffy one” except both of you are the serious one and the fluffy one, depending on the moment, and you wildly fluctuate between the two.
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Spill your heart out about Walter.
Okay so I basically got this question in what, January?? but I’m answering it now since I just rewatched the movie and have inspiration, sorry for the late reply Anon
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Okay so, to start off this post with some keyboard smashing because that my primary go-to for expressing my emotions
sgklhfsgjksdlgdghkjlgjhOHUFLUSKHDGSLIDRGKJGKFSDHGlhjglksdhkglshglllllfa. knjcthxiudhusmnvsoidhéytbvonjyxclkkvbr. haeylicfvshdkgikc
I could legit stare all day at his beautiful face… look at him. Enchanting sky blue eyes… fluffy, wavy brown hair, cute round cheeks, lovely smile… those hidden freckles that you can hardly spot and only in certain screenshots but nevertheless they’re there to raise the cuteness factor… ALSO HIS LASHES. MAYBE IT’S NATURAL?? MAYBE IT’S MAYBELLINE?? WE SHALL NEVER KNOW
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Here you may be able to spot the freckles if you squint hard enough. I have 77 screenshots but this is the best example I could find.
Secondly… well, he’s a sticc. A short sticc at that (though still slightly taller than me bc I’m smol), but a sticc regardless! And that seems to be the most attractive cartoon body type for me. Don’t judge me, I just have a thing for twinks, I’m… twinksexual or whatever.
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Look at him! He would fit through my doorcrack.
(Maaaybe the reason for me liking sticcs so much is partially the fact that I like the idea of a boyfriend I can protect and support, physically and emotionally. I’m mad at the universe for not letting me scoop him up in my arms bridal style and smooch the HECK outta him.)
I’ve encountered a few posts that claimed he’s got cake but, come on. That concept has canonically been proven to be false, even by Lance. This man is flat and you can pry this opinion off my cold, dead hands.
Speaking of hands! I like his big ol hands. Nice shape. They look soft. I wanna hold them.
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According to a DVD commentary, and the visual facts, he has no shoulders whatsoever. Back in Venice Killian was able to restrain him effortlessly with only one foot on his chest, even as he kept struggling ans squirming and generally put in as much effort as he possibly could. Before then, he claimed the database was the first thing he has ever caught in his life.
Conclusion, our boi’s very much NOT athletic. Which makes sense for a scientist, braining all day and stuff, and because he probably barely even eats, or sleeps which are by the way both pretty concerning implications but anyway.
STOP BEATING UP THIS POOR FRAGILE LAD FOR GOD’S SAKE. Makes me want to protect him even more. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but you get what I mean.
Now, on to the actual reason I’m so head over heels for him, a.k.a his personality.
He is one of the sweetest, kindest, purest boy characters I have ever seen in fiction, if not THE number one himself. (All my other cinnamon roll crushes are, or have been a villain at some point and WILL resort to violence if provoked.) Look at him, his pacifism… is unbreakable. He’s dead set on making the world a better place, by peaceful ways, and helping humanity. If that’s not a quality to be cherished then IDK what is.
And he’s just such a refreshing character. He likes pink, K-dramas, glitter, kittens, things that aren’t traditionally “masculine” (but is never made fun of those things in particular in the movie) and I love that. Nothing’s sexier than a man who’s, despite society’s shitty standards, openly and unashamedly himself!
His femininity is, if anything, just another turn-on. (This didn’t intend to sound sexual… but oh well.) I love his little hand gestures and mannerisms, dorky ramblings, the way he says “yep” popping the “p” at the end, all the small yet significant traits that were incorporated into his character. Bless you, SiD creators, bless you.
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Have I said that he’s a genius?? Which is pretty obvious but c’mon, he graduated at 15!! He can modify human genes!! He successfully turned a man into a pigeon on the first try!! (The serum wasn’t the first prototype but we can assume he didn’t experiment on living humans with the previous ones.) And he’s still just 20!! Like what is that if not hella fucking impressive???!??
His inventions, to the untrained eye, may seem “stupid” or “childish” but alas! The observer couldn’t be more wrong! Because despite the odd designs and themes they’re all highly effective, as we have witnessed in the battle against Killian. And he is extremely creative for coming up with such ideas! Told you he’s brilliant!!
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Which makes me all the sadder about how much they underappreciated him at the agency. In his words, nobody ever listened to him, or gave him a chance. They just left him and his “weird” ideas next to the men’s bathroom and called it a day. How could they be so blind? Didn’t they see the potential in his inventions? Oh well. Maybe I’m just being a smartass bc I have more knowledge, living outside that universe. But I’m totally right.
And I was honestly ready to throw hands with Lance for hurting the boi even further. (I’d stand no chance whatsoever, but still.)
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Oh no baby please don’t cry.
He did cry in that scene though… you could see a tear rolling down his cheek and if it wasn’t for the machine beeping… He did have a pretty rough day afterall. But HEY, if we dwell on it too much the scene loses its comedic effect!! A guy gets sad over a stupid soap opera, har har har!! Now let’s move on, keep it fast and snappy for the kids, don’t let them overthink it!! Can’t have any emotional breakdowns onscreen. Keep it lighthearted y’know. Then let’s kill a random side character and have our dear protagonist almost die twice.
(Well jokes on you Blue Sky! I’m no kid, but a devoted fangirl who can and will overthink any material of my fictional faves at any given opportunity.)
You know what else I love about him though?? His love for animals!! And pigeons, especially Lovey!! He loves her so much, gives her gluten free breadcrumbs, nuzzles her, the first thing he does when he finds out Lance can talk to the pigeons is ask if she loves him too!! Like… That’s so pure and wholesome.
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This here. THIS RIGHT HERE. BROTP forever.
(Not gonna lie, I used to be crazy for pigeons for like, an entire year or something. Not as in looking up all the facts there are about pigeons as I do nowadays with cartoons, but I’d feed them regularly and write my little observations on their behaviors. Did you know they sometimes scratch their neck with their leggies like dogs do?)
I think I’ve summed up mostly everything I love about this nerd. Oh wait, almost forgot the sass!! I love how sassy and smug he can be sometimes, in like, a really harmless way but it’s still a very nice characteristic.
Since I’ve ran out of coherent things to say, here’s an incomplete list of things I want to do to Walter Beckett. Put at the end of this post so those of you who were only here for the analysis part and not the selfshippy gushing don’t have to read further:
kiss he
like seriously
just kiss he a whole lot
cover his whole face in kisses
one kiss for each of his freckles. a finishing kiss onto the tip of his nose. then repeat the cycle
hug him. hug him like the world is ending. hug him so tight he can barely breathe
then ofc let go and apologize bc I would never hurt him on purpose
cuddle him
hold him close, let him lay his head on my chest
run my fingers through his hair
listen to his breathing
discover that he’s fallen asleep on me and smile fondly, then soon drift off to sleep myself so we can wake up entangled in eachother the next morning
fuck he
pin him to a wall and snog he
make him go cherry red
fluster he
compliment him. praise him. appreciate him. he’s a prince, a hero, an angel, a wonderful human being and he needs to know this
feed pigeons together
listen to his scientific ramblings and bird facts
write him love letters and give them to him. maybe read it aloud myself if I’m feeling brave so I can see his reaction in real time
serenade he
be the love of his life, and have him be mine
just… soft things, man
cook something for this malnourished sticc
make him small handmade gifts
they’re nothing like his gadgets but I tried
draw he
have him be my muse in general
not like he isn’t now but it would be lovely if he was real too
carry him bridal style
be the feral cryptid that lurks in his house when he isn’t around
sing along to cheesy pop-song together really badly
watch cheesy rom coms
flirt with eachother clumsily until we’re both laughing at our awkwardness
or, alternatively, shower him with compliments until he literally cannot handle it
have sleepovers together
give him hand kisses
be of emotional support
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The Boys With a Medic S/O
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Does anyone know why I say “ish” or is it just something I started throwing in and have never explained so people are confused?
This one got a little long with all the characters, so everyone else is under the cut!
Also, so sorry if the quality of the piece gets worse as it goes on, I’m writing the second half of this at two am. <’D
Whether or not you’re a medic doesn’t really change your relationship at all
The same soft, casual, romantic ish regardless
Though, being a medic, you’re probably an early riser to get to work
Akande, who’s always an early riser, spends the morning with you eating, getting ready and all that, then walks you to the med bay if he doesn’t have his own business to attend to at the time
Always pops in the med bay to chat for a bit if neither of you are busy
Escorts you to the cafeteria or takes you out to lunch since the two of you have the same break
Packs your lunch on the occasion of you being super busy to make sure you still actually have food and don’t just work through the lunch hour
Makes sure you don’t overwork yourself or get yourself stressed out; being a medic can’t be an easy job
You’re his go-to medic
Working together!!
That type of couple that works together like a well-oiled machine
Either of you need an item? The other’s already handing it to you
You have a question? You don’t even need to finish the phrase before you have your answer
Need someone to help you with something? Jean’s already being called for you
Working in the same space? You work and move together like, well, a well-oiled machine
Ultimate medic power couple
Teasing and chatting and smooching when things aren’t busy
One of you always has a lunch packed for the both of you
Taking care of each other to make sure neither of you gets overworked
Jean jokes and teases a lot about needing a doctor
A love doctor
Jean, stop, you nerd
Genji Shimada
Just because he’s a cyborg doesn’t mean he’s not going to pretend he has injuries just to come see you
“Genji, I’m not even that type of medic; I literally couldn’t help you even if you were injured.”
“... But you can kiss my scraped elbow better.”
“Your elbow is metal; a scrape would not hurt you.”
You say as you grab his arm to kiss his elbow anyway
Unfortunately, with his traveling and your line of work, you don’t get to see other very often
However, you still keep contact with heartwarming letters and the occasional pressed flower
Genji often sends you little knickknacks and other items that he thinks you’d like during his travels
They often hint to where he’s at, as kind of a game between the two of you
More than once, he’s brought a broken soul to you for help and a bit of fixing up
A kind, strong-willed soul yourself, you take these challenges in stride
When he gets home from traveling and you’re still at work, he’ll meet you outside the compound to reunite and perhaps to go on a date before heading home
Not being together as often makes the reuniting and the time you do spend together that much sweeter
Hanzo Shimada
Whether or not you’re a medic means very little in the relationship
The biggest thing is that he’s hella respectful of your workplace
To the point where, if you wanted a kiss, you’d probably have to convince him that “Hanzo, it’s fine, I’m on break, no one c a r e s”
“Hanzo, you are allowed to come into the med bay, it’s a public area”
“Hanzo, you literally came to pick me after work. There’s no one here, you’re allowed to hold my hand.”
At least he’s respectful, though
Trusts you over other medics and straight up requests you
He could be bleeding out and be like you guys can take care of me for now but as soon as they’re available I want my s/o
He’s That Bitch
Once he got injured pretty badly on the field and while he was high on pain meds dude was the most affectionate and touchiest he’s ever been in his lifetime
Despite the situation that got him there, it was the best and funniest event to happen in your workplace and you never let him forget it
Poor you
But also great for him
You get visits or calls from him several times a day
Dude gets into trouble constantly and you bet your ass he tries to take advantage of this and you being a medic to get your attention
Even for the littlest things
“Jamie, that’s a paper cut. You do not need full medical attention.”
Even for things that are not in your profession
“Jamie, I can’t make you a leg; that’s not my profession.“
Of course, if you’re having a rough day or show your irritation towards his antics ever, he apologizes and tones it down
Tells you that he just wants to spend time with you as much as possible
Tries to cheer you up whenever you get overwhelmed or stressed from a busy day
You always take care of each other
He protects you and tries to make your days more lighthearted
You make sure he takes care of himself as much as the trashman is willing to, and bandage and smooch the smallest of scratches
Especially at home; it’s a whole fluffy, mushy thing
Roadie hates it when he’s around
Thinks you being a medic is hella cool and respectable
At one point has probably had you show him some of the basics so he has that information in case something happens and you’re not around to help
Always tries to make the home space cozy and pleasant when you get home because he knows working in a med bay, with injured and sick people a lot of the time, can be taxing
The softest and sweetest of boys
But when is he not
When he has to leave for shows or tours, he always tidies up the house and stocks the fridge and whatnot so you don’t have to worry about that stuff while he’s gone, at least for a while
While on the road he always sends you clips from shows and videos of him singing to you, and sometimes just “miss you!” selfies
Speaking of that, he almost always pulls you into dancing around the house when you get home from work
Sings to you a lot too
Thinks being a medic is a great and hella respective profession
But will also totally take advantage of it to spend time with you
Usually, he doesn’t like to go to the med bay unless he absolutely has to
However, now
Comes in even with minor injuries
Frequent overall health checkups
Calls you or shows up when he’s been drinking a little to much or got into a scuffle with some douche
You can’t exactly complain; he’s taking better care of himself than he ever has in the past
All under the idea of just doing it to see you
Not to mention, being in a small, enclosed area with a pretty shirtless cowman who continuously compliments and flirts with you isn’t often an unwanted event
However, if you’re busy during his drop-by, he often tries to put the facade back up and leave again
The other medics have learned to hold him hostage until you’re free again, unless it’s something serious
Does his best to make sure life outside of work is lighthearted and comfortable as he can, though there’s still the occasional scuff
Tries to keep in tune with your emotions during and after work so he doesn’t overstep and make life worse for you
Get that bread
Highly respects your profession
Never bothers you at work, which is probably a little disappointing on occasion during times where you’re free for lunch and your breaks line up
However, you can’t really be mad
You’re often the one going and checking up on him when you have free time
The man does a terrible job of taking care of himself, being self-loathing and also throwing himself into his criminal work almost 24/7
You bring him snacks and water and the like on breaks if you can track him down
Often goes to pick up dinner after work and then comes back to hang out and eat with him at the office while he works late
Rubbing his stiff shoulders and back and arms while he’s hunched over his desk doing paperwork
Or rubbing the pieces that haven’t smoked off his body, that is
He loves and appreciates you so hard, but lowkey feels bad that you feel like you have to take care of him alongside your other business
It takes some convincing, assurance, and maybe even a little scolding to get his brain off such thoughts
Giving him smooches and making sure he takes breaks
You’ve fallen asleep in his office only to wake up in your comfy bed at home more than once
The perfect balance of respecting work boundaries and being a sweet, sappy man
The two of you share breakfast together before work, if you both have the time
Picks you up for lunch almost every day, and visits you when he’s not busy with his own business
If you’re busy, depending on the task you’re dealing with, he’ll either wait for you to be free or leave a message with another medic and drop by later
Always picks you up after work
If he’s gone on a trip for work, he leaves messages for you to read on your breaks and calls or video chats you during lunch
Always asks about your day and makes sure you’re doing well and taking care of yourself
Is overall indifferent to the situation
He finds it mildly pleasant that, should anything direly serious happen (as rare of an occurrence as that may be), he has someone trusted in the medical field he can do
Worries on occasion when you come home from a particularly taxing and/or gruesome day that looking like a tired wreck
Does his best to comfort and soothe you in his own quiet way
This mainly involves cuddling and massages and ordering good food
Then there’s the days you come home with fire in your eyes, overflowing with pride as you talk about your work
He knows he doesn’t have to be too worried when he sees you like that
Soldier 76
Finds your work very honorable and respects it a lot
Probably told you this when the two of you first met and that’s what caught your attention
Thinks much more highly of you than himself
He probably catches you in the hall during work or pops in when he sees you free through the med bay window, but otherwise doesn’t often bother you during work
Occasionally takes you to lunch or walks with you to the cafeteria if he’s too busy to eat lunch that day
The two of you kind of take turns taking care of each other
Helping each other through everyday stresses and making sure you’re both treating yourselves healthily
He makes sure you’re eating and staying hydrated and you make sure he actually goes home instead of working through the entire night
The occasional smooch or handhold
Similar with Genji, Zenyatta’s travels and your busy schedule make spending time together difficult on occasion
His permanent home is a sanctuary, so you’re often not alone with him either way
Not that you mind; you love to help take care of people there
Plus there’s various pleasant, relaxing things to do there, such as meditate or tending to the gardens or simply chatting with the visiting people and sharing a bite
Regardless of how frequently the two of you are physically together, you keep in touch
A constant stream of letters and when he has the time and service, Zenyatta often calls to check up on you
Tries to always call in the morning, on your lunch, and at night but different time zones and both of your works being pretty fluid, that’s not always possible
If you want some time truly alone together, your place is the spot to go
Lots of cuddling, smooching, and catching up
He always brings one or two small gifts for you when he gets home from a trip
If he gets home during the day, he’ll either catch you during your lunch or go to your home and tidy up while your away, then surprise you by waiting on your doorstep when you get there at night
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lyscndcr-blog · 6 years
ok this is both queued bc i’m at work rn and totally just lifted directly from my app but your girls been a busy bean recently ok. hopefully this helps give a lil more insight into this nugget!!
❝ everything we ever were was alight with gold. / and when they asked us what love was we answered, / soft and bright, darling. / soft and bright. ❞  Lysander Scamander, Keiynan Lonsdale, Sixteen, Sixth Year, Ravenclaw, Demiboy, Half-Blood, He/Him 
 family/home life. 
- I dare you to tell me that Luna and Rolf were anything other than the most loving and kind parents you have ever met. Because they are, and life with the Scamander’s is nothing short of Lysander’s paradise. It’s the most loving tight knit family you could possibly dream of
- While his childhood was maybe odd at times, Lysander has never had to wonder what it’s like to be alone or unwanted, what it’s like to have to hide yourself, what it’s like not to have your best friends as your parents. Because while occasionally quirky, Luna has lived a life of the utmost acceptance and openness and along with Rolf she made sure to foster that kind of environment for her children. The twins were supported and even encouraged to explore their interests and passions freely and to unapologetically be the most true versions of themselves
- I’m sure if you asked Lysander to paint his childhood a colour, then it would no doubt be yellow. The scamander home (the lovegoods old tower on the hill, since rebuilt) always had a sense of vibrancy to it, a sense of excitement – it was never a dull moment growing up in the Scamander household  (or castle as he would call it in his early years). If he wasn’t running around the house chasing wrackspurts with Lorcan or finger painting a new masterpiece with Luna, then he was out marching through the grassy backyard on some epic quest to find a new undiscovered magical creature with Rolf. The world was just endlessly exciting, every new day a new opportunity and a new adventure.
- And what’s better than having a twin to share adventures with? the twins were basically attached at the hip growing up. Where there was one twin inevitably the other was stumbling through the door right after. Lysander never had to get used to the feeling of being alone because he never was, really. It was always his mom or his dad or his twin or some combination of the three. In his mind a twin is a guaranteed friend, really. A partner to face the world with. I think this is part of what really fostered his love and appreciation for the friendships he would make later in life, he was taught early on to value that kind of support and companionship. Thrived with it even.
- True free spirits, Luna and Rolf never shied from showing their children what the wide world had to offer – they were magizoologists, after all. Before both sons were obligated to begin their studies at hogwarts the family did a fair amount of travelling to all corners of the world, meeting all manner of people and creatures. Lysander had the opportunity to really witness the beauty of the world first hand.
- I can imagine things were never really serious in the Scamander house. I think Luna and Rolf taught their sons serious lessons of course – things like tolerance, and humility, and generosity – but never in an overly serious way if that makes sense. Lessons were delivered with smiles and laughter and fun; always a lighthearted and gentle atmosphere. His parents were definitely believers in the concept of “you get more flies with honey than with vinegar” concept; gentle encouragement over strict reprimands.
- That’s the thing I most associate with the family home honestly: warmth. A relaxed, fun, happy place free of judgement and expectations. And that’s something that’s really stuck with Lysander even as he grows older now. Home is something to be cherished above all else, a place that will always accept you and people that will always love you. He misses his parents desperately when he’s away at school and always makes sure to write them as frequently as possible (and doesn’t even mind when his mom sends him weird packages back)
- That’s not to say his childhood wasn’t without its quirks though, things that were normal to Lysander because he didn’t know any different but no doubt confused others outside the family. Weird family traditions or habits - things like making sure you had your butter beer corks to ward away the nargles before you left the house. The home is probably constantly in a cluttered state, things everywhere with no rhyme or reason but which Luna insists are exactly where they were need to be. Why was there a sneaker tied to the chandelier? Nobody knows and nobody bothers to ask anymore. The walls are adorned with murals and the style of decor surely doesn’t match, changing from room to room in a kaleidoscope of colour and pattern. Trinkets and little souvenirs from all over the world have crept their way onto every surface and space. While it probably looks like a hippies art studio exploded all over it tbh, the home positively oozes comfort and familiarity and positivity.
- Lysander is honestly a direct reflection of the environment he grew up in – open, honest, and with a heart that’s just bursting at the seams it’s so full of love. It’s not hard to tell he’s his mother's son. He’s oddly intuitive, always seeming to be in tune with the emotional mood of the room – though sometimes he doesn’t pick up on other more obvious cues. It’s rare to find someone who can say they’re truly happy with who they are but Lysander wouldn’t even blink before agreeing
- While others maybe would have gotten sick of their mom’s “weird quirks” or outgrown such a positive (and some may call naïve) outlook on life, Lysander’s still nothing but fond of her and his eyes have never lost that youthful sparkle. Looking on the bright side and keeping a little imagination in your life is just makes experiences so much more enjoyable in his opinion
- He never fails to find the joy in the little things and turn around a bad situation and honestly he’s just a sweet ray of sunshine okay
- if you’re ever having a super bad day or just need someone to sit and listen Lysander’s your guy – he’s always ready to be there to support a friend and offer a kind smile. That’s his main goal in life honestly – to leave every place and everyone a little better, a little happier, then he found them
- he’s a true romantic at heart ngl like he’s all over the grand gestures and gooey relationships no matter how unrealistic it may be. he just loves love and everything it relates to. He could get his heart broken over and over and would still be enamoured with the concept of true love
- He’s a very creative person and this definitely reflects in his style - it’s daring and bold and maybe even a little out there at times. Don’t be surprised to see him rocking the bottlecork earrings with pride or have his hair a fun new colour every week
- on the flip side though, he can tend towards being unrealistic at times – looking at the world through rose coloured glasses. He’s not exactly the grounded and practical type and while it can be good to look on the bright side, sometimes it’s just not feasible. 100% a heart over head kind of person which can get him into trouble
- He’s also a little too trusting at times, wants so badly to give the benefit of the doubt and focus on the good in people that it ends in him being taken advantage of. He’ll give and he’ll give and he’ll give until there’s just nothing left for himself which can leave him emotionally drained if he’s not careful
- As a whole he just relies on his emotions too much – for better or for worse. It’s not that he can’t think of a more logical path of reasoning (and I mean he is a ravenclaw) it’s just that he tends to get carried away. So while he greatly loves, he can also greatly hate haha – the boy knows how to hold a grudge.
- That doesn’t mean he’s a total pushover though – quite the opposite. He has a pretty strong moral compass and inner resilience that he’s not willing to compromise on. Like sure, on little things it’s often pretty easy to get him to cave; he just wants to see you happy. But when it comes to his convictions? Nope. You can bet your ass if he sees you bullying someone he’s about to storm over and pull out some witty and terrifying smack down that you didn’t even see coming. Which I think is an important hidden part of him – he kind of has this secret hidden badass within him. He’s not some naïve happy go lucky little idiot, his positivity and his demeanor is a choice. He chooses how to interact with the world and sure in this case it’s in a gentle and friendly way but don’t you dare think that makes him weak.
- I guess what I’m trying to convey is he’s not a fluffy little weak head in the clouds marshmallow, he’s smart and strong and gentle and kind all at the same time. Just because someone approaches the world in a position of love and positivity doesn’t mean they necessarily timid or naïve.
- I think very much like Luna he has a hidden intelligence to him and is actually someone who’s quite sharp. It just tends to get lost under all the other stuff unless you really look for it. You don’t tend to think that the one with stars in their eyes could have so many gears turning underneath. In subjects he’s interested in he actually excels greatly and is very capable. In courses he doesn’t like or doesn’t feel inspired by? ...not so much
-How he labels and presents himself has never really been something Lysander has cared much about, honestly. His views on such abstract concepts as sexuality and gender and where he falls in that spectrum are very loose and if he had the choice it would never even need to be addressed. But he’d kissed a cute Gryffindor boy for the first time in fourth year, closely followed by a sweet Hufflepuff girl a few weeks later and apparently that confused people. He pierced his ears and wore glitter eyeliner and painted his nails and suddenly people were asking him why. Why? He just believes in just being the truest form of himself, he would tell them time and time again, whatever that happens to be on that day. Believes in expressing himself however that may look. Why does he have to be one thing or the other? He’s going to dress and act however he wants to and love whoever he wants to with reckless abandon. Love is love to him. It’s to be shared and celebrated in all it’s different forms. There’s been labels he’s felt some semblance of kinship with in the passing years - panexual, genderqueer, polyamerous - but even those never really felt right and even a little restrictive. The only thing Lysander wants to be is himself.
+ Positive, compassionate, friendly, gentle, intuitive, creative, honest, supportive, accepting, loyal, witty, curious, approachable, imaginative, kind, adventurous, genuine
– Overemotional, idealistic, too trusting, stubborn, melodramatic, indecisive, clumsy, nosy, trouble saying no, absent minded, indulgent, impulsive
Patronus: Otter
Wand: 13 ¾, rowan wood and unicorn hair, slightly springy
Zodiac: Cancer Sun, Libra Moon, Libra Ascending
Myers-Briggs: ENFP - The Campaigner
Enneagram: Type 2 - The Helper
Temperament: Sanguine
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hulklinging · 7 years
i read the soc duology months ago thanks to ur powerpoint & i'm still obsessively trying to find another book series that lives up to it -- any recs? thanks!!
Gosh, it’s a hard act to follow, those ones...
For good strong fantasy with amazing ladies, I will always recommend Tamora Pierce. Want more magical fantasy? Start with her Circle of Magic series. Want some swords with that sorcery? Start with Alanna: The First Adventure. Bonus: both of these series star some VERY AMAZING thieves. I blame Tammy for my love of fantasy thieves, for sure.
Another great fantasy is Of Fire and Stars, if you need some fantasy lesbians in your life (who doesn’t, tbh).
Loved how diverse those books were? Like superheroes? Try Not Your Sidekick, by C.B. Lee. Or try The Posterchildren, by Kitty Burroughs.
In terms of twisting plots and heists, I don’t think anyone does it as well as our boy Kaz Brekker. Artemis Fowl, by Eoin Colfer, is a more lighthearted (sometimes) take on heist stories. Also, great character development (the first four books are my favourites). In a more shaking-the-foundations-of-the-government sense, Tamora Pierce’s Trickster Duology does that very well (rebellion!) BUT I would probably still recommend starting with Alanna and working your way through her stuff. Shallow Graves is also a twisty plot, although it’s more urban fantasy/horror than anything else. Very good, though.
Like the sound of some urban fantasy and twisting plot? Gotta give a shout out to The Raven Cycle, by Maggie Stiefvater. Definitely some spooky elements in this as well.
Just want some beautiful queer boys? Aristotle and Dante Discover The Secrets of the Universe. Simon Vs The Homo Sapiens Agenda. Not fantasy, but the first is just... beautifully written, and the second is fun and light and fluffy and sometimes that’s exactly what you need! Also, if you want some more tragic gay boys, then of course The Song of Achilles needs a mention
That’s some stuff off the top of my head... If you’ve read a few of those, liked them or didn’t, let me know! This is all kinda general, so the more I know the better I can recommend~
Also, if you find anything that matches Six of Crows for tone (or if any of my followers have something to add!), please let me know. It definitely hit a lot of boxes for me, often ones that aren’t all checked off in the same novel.
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haesica · 7 years
HaeSica Fanfic Recs (SFW)
(Will reblog every time list is updated. Newer recommendations at the top of each list. For NSFW HaeSica fanfic recs, check out this list.)
ღ One More Chance ღ - “That time, I choose my career and let go of our relationship… Even if I still love him, I just can’t go back to him and fix everything because I know that I caused too much pain and misery to him.”
A bit sad, but cute oneshot based on one of Donghae’s appearances on SBS Strong Heart, which is supposedly linked to a UFO post that Jessica made 2 days after. Grammar is a bit meh, but tolerable.
Paradise - Sometimes, love can spring up between two strangers, stranded together in the strangest of places.
Back Hug -  Jessica got kicked out. She can no longer do the thing that she loves the most; performing in front of their fans and seeing them satisfied. She's been crying herself to sleep, until one day, she got an unexpected visit.
This one really hits you in the feels. It’s a really good mix of sadness and fluff.
unexpected. - They say, the love we cannot have is the one that hurts the deepest and lasts the longest.
Part of a oneshot collection for Super Generation couples. Really bittersweet.
Finite in Infinite -  Within four seconds of jumping, the jumpers hit the water at around 75 mph or approximately 120 km/h.
More of a Jessica-centric fic with a side of HaeSica, but still a really good read.
Still You  -  A slow day of patrol during military service leads to Donghae encountering someone he never expected to meet again. Seeing how happy she is after moving on, he tries his best to let go, but after a couple more serendipitous encounters, he comes to realize that after all this time… it’s still her.
Shameless self-promotion lol. Yes, I wrote this story because of a lack of new HaeSica fics. Inspiration comes from the song Still You by Super Junior - D&E
Two Weeks To Forever -  [BREAKING NEWS] Super Junior Donghae and SNSD Jessica CONFIRMED TO BE MARRIED!
Fluff, fluff, fluff, and more fluff. Just read it - I promise you won’t regret it.
Wake Me Up - For Donghae and Jessica, it’s hard to wake up on mornings.
Really cute slice-of-life fic.
Uni Crush -  Jessica, an awkward introvert, develops a crush at their university coffee shop. Little did she know that her coffee shop crush, Donghae, felt the same way about her.
This fic is so cute and pure, it gives me so many fluffy feels~
Fix You - Jessica Jung knows how it feels to lose someone. Jessica Jung's living a perfect life. Being born in an upper middle class family, growing up in a house where she had enough space to run, being sent to a decent school and excelling in academics, born and raised by loving parents, and of course with a sweet baby sister to complete their happy little family, there's really nothing more that she could ask.For her, that was enough; even more than enough. She was contented with it. Her life is perfect. Jessica's life is perfect; or so she thought.
This one is one of the best HaeSica fics I’ve read in awhile. Best part? IT’S COMPLETE. Get ready for lots of tear-jerking moments, though.
The Marriage Rule - When Jessica and Donghae gotten themselves in an arranged marriage, they set up their own rules to be followed during their course of marriage.They will soon find themselves in a dilemma when they are forced to realize their own feelings. Rules are meant to be broken but who will break the rules first.
Kinda short, but really cute.
Forever & Always - Jessica Jung and Lee Donghae were both on their first year in Seoul National University. She fell helplessly in love with him the first time she had an eye contact with him. However, Donghae only ignored her but this didn’t stop her from liking him since she knew she could warm his cold personality...
The beginning of the story is really cute and fluffy, but then the middle part has you really messed up and frustrated with your feels. Great read, though!
Forever in the Rain -  On a cold, lonely night, a young teenage girl stood beneath a faintly glowing streetlamp. Rain was pouring down upon her and upon closer inspection, you wouldn't be able to tell if she was crying or if it was just the rain. But a faint sniffle was what gave it away. In her hands was a photograph. A young boy smiled brightly up at her holding a silver bracelet. The same bracelet on her wrist.
Cute interpretation about how Jessica and Donghae debuted.
Heavenly Whispers -  Jessica Jung, currently 22 years old, is waiting for her boyfriend, Siwon, to come back from his 2 year military service. Jessica marks off her calendar each day he's away and it's about 3 months until Siwon's arrival home. Lee Donghae, 26 years old, was in a car accident and his body has been lying in a coma ever since. Since then, while his body is rendered completely useless, his spirit roams free, walking around the streets of Seoul. Jessica runs into Donghae, but the two find it strange as Jessica is the only person who can see him. Despite criticisms, accusations of talking to herself and being strange, Jessica continues to spend time with Donghae. As they grow closer, they remedy each other's loneliness as well as discover a heart-wrenching solution that explains their strange connection to one another.
Really unique story line with moments that will make you laugh, cry, smile, or have your heart clench. I highly recommend this one.
Stealing Glances - One day, he realizes, he was fond of stealing glances.
Bittersweet fic about the MAMA interactions back in 2011-2012.
Just Like We Never Left - Of highschool friends and college reunions. Sometimes, there is change but sometimes things always stay the same.
Interrelated Super Generation oneshots featuring SeoKyu, HyoHyuk, and HaeSica. Really short, but really sweet.
Simply Lovin’ You - “I never stopped loving you with all my heart. Not even for one second,” her voice came out as light as a feather, and as soft as its touch.
This story just gives me so many feels read it please read itttt.
Ongoing/Not Completed:
Switch - “Four: Do everything I instruct you to do.” He stood up and walked to her side. He was so close to her that his scent assaulted her nose. “And Rule No.5: Never fall in love with me.”
AU where Jessica and Donghae are heirs to their corporations with completely different approaches to life. Admittedly kinda out of character, but cute nonetheless. Has side ships like SunSun, KyuNa, and SeKaiStal. Along the way, they get to know each other more and change for the better because of the other. Also features BestFriends! Sungmin & Jessica, plus Cousins! Donghae & Sunny.
Remember -  Donghae finally opens his eyes after one long month of confinement. His muscles are still aching to move, and Jessica comes in. Who are you? He asks.
AU where Jessica is a simple girl struggling to support herself and her sister, and Donghae is a rich kid who struggles to escape his confined life and pursue his interest in art. Really cute interactions between the two.
Always With You - Jessica Jung was considered a failure all her life. She wasn't confident like her sister, she wasn't skilled like her father, nor was she brave like her mother. To find her own path, to gain acknowledgement, she begins her new life. Where she faces; new hardships, friends, enemies and love
AU which takes place in military training. Jessica’s interactions with Donghae here are so pure, it makes me smile when I read them.
I’m in Love with a Stripper - “Dude, you stole a stripper?!” Eunhyuk shouted as soon as the door was shut. Jessica spoke up for herself. “I’m coming voluntarily, he’s helping me.”
Not as scandalous as it sounds. There’s actually a lot of sweet moments and fluff.
Cupid Must Have Been High - Cupid screws with everyone. That is practically fact.Obviously, love isn't always complicated, or extreme, or super dramatic. In fact, it can actually be quite normal. But of course, that is only if Cupid wants it to be normal, mild, or uncomplicated.
A really cute slice of life kind of story. Features love triangles and stuff like YoonHaeSica, TaeMinStal, and TaeTeukSu, but all the relationships are really nice and lighthearted.
Thirteen -  Life is unexpected. That's a given to 25 year old, parentless, failed medical student Jung Jessica. However, that lonely night, she hadn't expected to find the bloodied, shot Lee Donghae in that alleway and she hadn't expected that by saving him, she'd change her life forever, especially when he tempts her with an offer she can't resist.
Donghae’s protectiveness over Jessica in this story is really cute.
Kaze Haru - A weird college senior tells Jessica about soulmates.
Really cute premise that leaves you wanting more ((but you won’t get any more because the author no longer updates))
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victuuri-victory · 7 years
Top 10 Yuri Manga Without A School Setting
edit: removed the “keep reading” line, because it cuts off the post when people reblog it, at least when on mobile
There’s a certain formula for producing bad yuri manga- default highschool setting (+1 if it’s all-girls and all-girls somehow equals all-gay), a unhealthy relationship dynamic, unrealistic-but-stock characters (the shy protagonist and the perfect student council president), strict gender roles of butch x femme, males are never present, you get the idea. There’s lots of great yuri out there that takes place in highschool, but I’ll admit that the saturation of bad stuff has tainted my view of the setting. 
That said, regardless of your views on yuri’s default setting, here’s the Top 10 Yuri Manga with a fresh change of scenery!
10. Gouhou Yuri Fuufu Hon
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On some days, we just don’t have it in us for serious, literary stuff. I want this list to include cute and relaxing sugary stuff too, and Gouhou Yuuri Fuufu Hon fits right in. 
I might have a soft spot for moe art, but Hachishiro makes the sickest covers, I’m not even kidding. 
Set in a sort-of-fantasy world where same-sex marriage is accepted and animals ears are a thing, Haru is a shy, younger girl who is married off to Sensei, a novelist oblivious to Haru’s uncertainties on how to be Sensei’s wife. Yes the dynamic is a little stock. You might realize the part on arranged marriage is kinda problematic, but this is a not-serious moe manga that doesn’t go there. It’s nothing mindblowing, and it’s not got much of a plot, but it’s a fluffy and enjoyable slice-of-life piece on marriage and domestic stuff.
The art is cute af, and works very well to convey changes in their emotions.
9. Sweet Guilty Love Bites
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Sweet Guilty Love Bites is about four cabaret hostesses who work at Club Rose. It’s separated into “Sweet Guilty” and “Guilty Love”.  In “Sweet Guilty”, Kirie returns from a bad night of hostessing, to discover Myata, a young woman sleeping in the streets near her house. In “Guilty Love”, Niina, a hostess and a single mother, has a one-night stand with Mayu, only to discover the next day that Mayu is the preschool teacher of her daughter. 
Despite the seriousness of what I just summarized, this is a light and fluffy manga with funny moments, and everything ends happily for our dear characters.Though sometimes, the manga struggles to shift from this lighthearted tone when addressing serious life issues that its characters face. 
The art is nothing stunning, but it’s decent and carries the plot just fine. 
8. Rock it, GiRL!!
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Rock it, GiRL!! is about a street guitarist and vocalist, Kaname, who is approached by a talent agency to be part of a band. But Kaname is not an ambitous person and thinks little of her talents. Nevertheless, she decides to give a band a shot. She discovers, however, that a) the talent agency love her as a guitarist, but thinks lowly of her vocal ability, and b) the girl who will sing the songs in her place, is an arrogant tsundere, much in contrast to Kaname’s mopey, sappy self. Animosity develops between them, but they must rise above this personal drama as the show must go on. 
I have to say, the characters aren’t exactly sympathetic, but they’ve got real issues, they are offbeat, and are basically a fresh breath of air, away from the standard “sweet, nice, moe girls in a girl band” cliche. Plus the plot is wild, given the seemingly predictable premise. 
The art itself is simple, but in a weirdly cute and silly way. 
7. Murcielago
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I would like to defend Murcielago’s presence on this list by saying that yes it is trash, HOWEVER, it is the kind of trash that nobody expects from the yuri genre.
Specifically, Murcielago is guilty-pleasure gore trash. It’s what we’ve seen played out again and again with a certain Western genre, but always with a male character depicted: violent movies centered on a loose-cannon anti-villain protagonist, who is tasked with being a criminal detective but who really does kill more people than the police are comfortable with. In the backdrop, some sort of vast conspiracy is brewing, where all the crimes that the detective solves, are actually linked together, and this whole conspiracy is somehow, quite self-aggrandizingly, all about this detective protagonist (we just don’t know how yet). 
Yes, that was weirdly specific, but we all know that’s an entire genre. 
In that sense, Murcielago is predictable, but it’s also very fun action-packed reading. Plus the gender and lesbian of its protagonist, is something quite unexpected, considering the “cute nice fluffiness” that characterizes most manga lesbians, and the male protags who dominate violent action comics for both manga and Western comics. 
You know she’s gonna be able to solve the crime, you know the Villain of the Week is gonna die, but there’s still a perverse excitement in finding out how she does it, and what ridiculous over-the-top crime features in the latest issue. 
Read beneath that surface, and Murcielago can be a little deeper than that. Our dear psycho-lesbian detective does spare people, and she justifies it by outwardly saying she spares “cute girls”, but that shallow explanation doesn’t hold water. She’s perfectly ok with mutilating and killing incompetent and immoral “cute girls”, which she has made no comment about. She’s specifically sparing a) completely moral “cute girls”, and hiring  b) dangerously competent, morally shadier “cute girls” as her proteges. In fact, when she meets a bomb prodigy, she has no qualms morally corrupting her from a) to b), because she really needs a demolitions expert. She’s secretly building a ruthless army, and we don’t yet know why.  
6. Lonely Wolf, Lonely Sheep
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Lonely Wolf, Lonely Sheep involves the coincidential meeting of two girls who are coincidentially both named Imari, when their names are called in the hospital waiting room. Even more coincidentially, they are both there for left hand injuries. They declare their meeting one of Fate and the stars.
The dynamic is a little stock- we have the tall tomboyish landscaper “Big Imari”, contrasted with the petite girly artist “Little Imari”. But this short comic serves up more than just a plotless dose of sugary cute, the arc does turn serious. “Little Imari”’s injuries hide a dark secret, and the past is coming to claim her. 
5. Octave
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Miyashita Yukino is a burnt-out pop idol- the industry is not what she thought it was, and she has no idea where to go with life from thereon. The people of her hometown do not welcome her, and believe she must have had to be a slut to get ahead as an idol. What really cuts deep in this manga, is the portrayal and young age of Yukino- the reality of the pop industry and the sacrifices she had make for her dream, such as dropping out of school, has aged her beyond her years. 
She then tries to make a living as a talent manager in Tokyo, but her life still seems devoid of purpose, she is drifting and still yearns for fame. During a regular trip to the nearby laundromat, she meets Setsuko, who is the sister of the laundromat’s owner. She finds some comfort in Setsuko’s company, but her problems do not disappear, and in fact the landromat is facing financial difficulties.
My main problems with Octave is that the characterization can be unsympathetic. Yukino is jaded, and certainly mature in some ways, but she is also emotionally childish- she can be exceedingly mopey, sometimes blames her problems on others, seeks external validation to an unhealthy extent, and generally creates unnecessary drama and conflict with Setsuko, who is emotionally flawed as well. Don’t get me wrong, characters should have flaws, but too much of it, and it rubs me up the wrong way and I kinda want to slap them. The plot also starts to slow rather than speed up as the manga progresses, which is just not to my taste. 
However, I would simply chalk those flaws up to the inconsistent quality of Octave, where the quality is high, the manga is amazing, the emotions, the issues and ennui from the characters and the atmosphere, can be quite intensely felt.
4. Gunjo
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If you asked me what the manga embodiment of misery is, I might just point you to Gunjo. Gunjo tears your heart out, and then puts it back in for a split second, just so it can tear it out again. 
“It begins in the moments after a horrible crime has been committed. A woman has asked someone to kill her husband for her. She has asked someone she knows she can use – another woman, a lesbian, who has been in love with her since high school. The woman who requested the death is abusive, derisive. The woman who committed the crime is passive, almost apathetic. She flinches in the face of the other’s harsh words, but doesn’t fight back.” -(Okazu)
They then go on the run, but how far can they go before they’re caught? Does it make a difference that the cunning, abusive woman who has plotted the murder of her husband, was she herself horrifically abused by this man? Can something resembling love ever develop between two people so violent and broken?
Gunjo is amazing in its fan disservice. The murder succeeds because the killer seduces the man, and kills him while naked. But even in this scene, the violence and her disgust completely detracts from any sexual appeal of her nudity. Even in a kiss between the two main characters, their pain permeates.
My problem with Gunjo however, is specifically that the darkness never lets up. Perhaps it is my own sensitivity, but I found it very hard to complete it.
3. Pulse
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It’s a full-color! I love full colors. Anyway, moving on, 
Pulse tells the story of Mei, a renowned heart surgeon who is also a cold-hearted playgirl. Lynn is a college student who needs a heart transplant, but she refuses to get one (the risks are high). When they meet, Mei feels a strange kind of pull towards Lynn, almost like she’s truly attracted for once in her life. As they grow closer, Lynn strikes a deal- if she can make Mei fall in love with her, she will get the surgery, but Mei has to be the one to do the surgery. Lynn trusts her.
The premise can create all sorts of problems, but that is surprisingly averted. Mei doesn’t pressure Lynn into sex, nor does she fake romantic attraction. Lynn doesn’t sacrifice for Mei. Basically, Mei is no asshole, she’s just uninterested in people, and Lynn is no pushover. Also, the art is mighty fine. 
2. Philosophia
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Philosophia is about a college romance wherein the two anti-social, apathetic main characters, Ai and Tomo, bond over smokes and coffee. But these little things are not enough to exorcise their inner demons. As Ai starts to feel for Tomo, she becomes torn up over these emotions- her existing familial relationships are far from ideal, and that has fostered her inability to really understand love. Tomo is strange and disinterested, and it doesn’t seem likely that she will return Ai’s feelings. Furthermore, Tomo wants to leave the country, and the means by which she gets the money she needs, is best kept a secret. 
Philosophia has both realistic yet unique characters (they do not fall too far into “always mopey” or “always sweet and excitable”, a common problem even in this list), and also incorporates a series of sobering twists and turns.
1. Collectors
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Nito Shinobu and Kanzaki Takako both love shopping. Shinobu collects books and Takako collects clothes. But as they move together, let’s just say there are spaaaaaace constraints. 
Collector is nothing grand or wild- this is the Happily Ever After, but Collector is important specifically for showing how life goes on, that it is comedic and fun and relatable. 
Yuri tends to face the opposite problem to Western LGBT material of the past. Older Western material is melodramatic and tragic, the gay identity of the couple is frequently mentioned and becomes a source of tragedy as they face persecution, which ultimately results in their suicide or murder. In yuri, the world is often isolated down to the couple- they have feelings for each other, but other characters rarely exist and if they do, these characters do not acknowledge the romance. “Lesbian” is never said, and talks of marriage are only meant as comedy. 
There has been a lot of praise for Yuri On Ice (which actually involves a male homosexual couple despite the title) for how the other characters are fleshed out too, for how they recognize and acknowledge the relationship between Viktor and Yuuri. There is a similar kind of realism going on in Collectors. There is a feeling of the world actually existing. 
Collectors gives attention to the tender moments, the little things, that make a relationship, instead of it all being grand kisses in front of everyone or a emotionally charged graduation speech. There is no feeling of such performance. Even the fights in Collectors are realistic, not the kind formed from wacky misunderstandings, and in fact the kind with a proper resolution and not where they leave, and then kiss and make up but the problem still exists. 
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