#ao3 filters my beloved <3
kobracola · 7 months
what is the killjoys fandom’s obsession with churning out tortureporn …. rattling my tin cup for some found family slice of life toothrotting fluff genfic
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catastrophic-crow · 10 months
i love the ao3 tagging system so much. you have no idea how much. it's amazing and precious and wonderful and delightful and one of my favorite things about the entire experience of using ao3. it sets a gold standard. it's my favorite. i love it
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bluedalahorse · 3 months
Fanfic: Swell the Numbers (on AO3)
So as those of you who put up with my one-line updates know, I’ve been working on a one-shot fanfic about August set three years after season 3 wraps up. I wanted to explore a lot of things—ways he continues to grow post-canon, his changing relationships to his family, and his friendship with Nils.
Here’s a teaser:
“Hey.” August steadies his voice and gives Nils’s shoulder a gentle shove. The same one Nils gives him when he’s looking at calories on a label for too long. “That’s a good thing, that you’re filtering yourself less. Right?” Nils doesn’t have a chance to reply, because at that moment a fleet of black SUVs drives up R Street. In their midst is a dark-windowed car that stops in front of the cafe. The driver comes around and opens the door. The queen’s heels hit the pavement. She’s wearing a white pantsuit and sunglasses that echo the dark glass on the car windows. The contrast pulls up a checklist in August’s brain. As the queen crosses to him and greets him, August runs through the rest of the checklist. She’s walking in a straight line, one foot after the other. When she hugs him, she doesn’t smell like alcohol. And she’s only had the prescribed amount of antidepressants, if August had to rely on his instincts. He feels guilt soak into his chest, thinking like that. He also knows that even though he hasn’t relapsed since last summer, the queen is running through the same checklist of substances with him in mind. That when she wraps her arms around him and it’s as much a measuring gesture (has he lost weight again?) as one of familial recognition. The queen steps back and pushes up her sunglasses. Her lips press into a frown as she squints against the morning brightness. “You look well,” she says to August. “I’ll let your mother know you’re thriving.” “Don’t worry,” says August. “She left me a message yesterday.” “I see,” says the queen with faint disapproval. “She wanted to come along today, but I talked her out of it for you. She’d only want to sightsee, and you’re busy with work, aren’t you?”
As a proud Washington DC resident, I have quite selfishly sent August to Georgetown for university and put him to work as a Swedish Embassy intern, so parts of my beloved city will feature in this fic. I’m also specifically posting during Capital Pride weekend because the Capital Pride parade will play a role.
I owe a lot of people thanks, but especially to @heliza24 who let me constantly text-spam her about it amidst the Devil’s Minion apocalypse, and to @coruscantrhapsody who let me verbally spam her about it while I was blending smoothies in the kitchen. @sflow-er and @gaypeoplearenotreal have also been wonderful as zero-judgment sounding boards for my August-related ideas, while also providing encouragement and support. @librarianladyx deserves a mention too for being onboard with August-Nils interaction and for sending me pictures of the Nordic embassies Pride float this year.
I’m so excited to finally be able to share this, and I hope everyone has a lovely weekend.
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thelordofgifs · 4 months
1 16 17!
(russingon ask game) hi lena beloved <3
What made you start shipping Russingon?
ok so! unlike most people, I did not actually ship russingon as soon as I read the silm - I am not generally very shippy, and on first beginning to browse silmfic on AO3 I will confess my immediate reponse to seeing what the most popular ship was was "lol the AO3 girlies at it again huh", and I filtered it out for a couple of weeks of fic reading. The fic that made me change my mind was Open Wounds by theventualwinner, which is not technically a russingon fic, but had such a lovely and tender depiction of the ship in the background that I was immediately converted anyway. And the rest is history :)
16. Share a happy headcanon.
Essential to my vision that they're both warlords and find this very hot in the other! Himring rarely rings with as much laughter as when the Crown Prince is visiting, and he and its lord go down to the practice-yard for a bout or two or ten. They like the exercise and the thrill and any orc-blood from an actual skirmish is a bonus too.
17. Share a sad headcanon.
More and more these days I am beginning to think that... they never could have made it, in a way. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves. They loved each other so so deeply! And yet it wasn't enough, they each did not trust the other enough, Maedhros would always put his father and his Oath first, and Fingon was too proud and reckless and independent, and the Nirnaeth, perhaps, happened as it did because of that, because of the flaws within them, not just bad luck.
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cheesybadgers · 16 days
There is going to be a wider point to this very specific rambling, but let's just start off by saying I live for a Steve corruption arc, particularly in relation to Carrillo. I still wish so badly we'd got more of those two without Javi in season 2, because can we just remember that despite all of his moral righteousness re: the helicopter incident, Steve specifically went looking for more violence after Javi told him Carrillo shot and murdered a kid? Like, his whole "Stop icing me out" thing was never about him condemning Carrillo. He saw how traumatised Javi was in the aftermath and instead of confronting Carrillo about that, he...spat the dummy because he wasn't invited to play (I'm not letting Javi off the hook either, because both he and Steve got over their outrage by the next episode, but that's a whole other post about the way the writers set up the flawed concept of morality in the entire show).
Something I wanted to tap into in the All In universe was Steve embracing that side of his character, especially in relation to Carrillo. And yeah, I may have added a lot of kinky sex into those fics lol, but I did also include a lot of character study as well (my favourite combination). And when I find some more creative energy from down the back of the sofa, I would like to re-visit those themes one day, especially because I don't think many people have.
So, anyway...meanwhile, I'm currently re-watching season 3 of a certain firefighter show and I've got to the episodes where Eddie starts illegal fighting as a way to (badly) cope with his grief. And oh man, the potential re: the whole fighting arc in fics. The way it could all be tied in with his repression, his need for control, his relationship with his sexuality and masculinity (hello violence as a metaphor for homoeroticism, my beloved), maybe the fighting tipping over into something else with one of his opponents which eventually leads him to a certain best friend and a journey to healing (but only after all the angst and him having his hot mess era, obvs). But I just haven't really been able to find existing fics exactly along those lines? Admittedly, there are almost 30K fics to filter through on AO3 and I've only scratched the surface, but I really thought more people would have leaned into these ideas (and maybe they have but I've just not found them yet).
But something I notice quite often in fandom, not just these specific ones (although I do know not all of them are like this), is even when the source material and the characters go dark and fucked up, thus opening the door for so much fic potential, the majority of the fandom don't want to go there lol.
I'm not even criticising really as people can and will write what they want, but it's just funny to me that my brain latches on to the more fucked up elements of a character's arc and goes 'Yes I'd like to read more about that, please' 😂
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daniwib · 5 months
Hiiii 💕💕💕
For the fic never have I ever:
1) have you ever written anything about buddie and sleeping (like an insomnia fic, nightmares, cuddling and falling asleep, etc)?
2) have you ever written anything about buddie and chronic pain?
3.) have you ever written anything about buddie and hurt/comfort? What about angst?
4) have you ever written any sort of buddie AU?
Hey, hii!
(Me, holy shit, someone actually sent me an ask? Stay cool, stay cool, it’s cool everyone!)
(Also me, oh shit, I did not realise that this means I have to remember what I’ve written. Hmm. This may have been a mistake, I have the worst memory, I really do. Goes and checks out own ao3 profile for the answers…)
Ok here we go.
Nightmares. Oh hey look at that! I’ve actually got a fic with the word in its title, who knew! A spell for nightmares & fractured hearts is a short and fluffy lil fic about Buck helping Chris heal after the tsunami, and then Chris (and Eddie) helping Buck do the same. And because I’m allergic to fluff, I followed it up with part 2 in that series being long, whumpy and angsty. As for falling asleep, cuddling or insomnia, I can’t find anything in my quick search but I think I’ve written all of those in several of my fics, just not as a major part of the plot, more as part of the comfort part after the hurt usually.
Similar answer for chronic pain, I think? I’ve referenced it here and there in various fics but haven’t written on just about that. It’s a little bit too close to home for me, my dad has had 3 hip replacements (first because of major injury as a firefighter when I was 10, he fell through 3 floors in a burning building) so having lived with someone experiencing it, it doesn’t really appeal to me to write.
Buddie and hurt/comfort – um. Pretty much every single one of my Buddie fics?! I filtered my works with that tag and got 30 hits, so…. Here’s one I’m posting right now that I’m kinda proud of Pictures of You, in which Abuela dies post season 6, Eddie hurts and Buck comforts.
Buddie and angst – refer to above answer lol. If I had to choose a favourite, I think I’d choose empty, broken, lonely, hoping, my beloved presumed dead fic where Buck and Christopher are thought to have perished when Buck’s apartment building burns down and Eddie goes through several chapters of angst. It’s unrelenting really, poor guy. 4. Buddie AU – again, I’ve got several depending on your definition.
If you want a truly Alternate Universe, try I Once Was Lost. It’s a Peter Pan fusion where Buck is Peter, Eddie is Wendy Darling and almost all of the other characters feature in Neverland too. It covers from their childhood up until the end of season 5 and I have a particular soft spot in my heart for it.
If you prefer Canon Divergence, try There Walks Darkness. It’s basically What If Maddie didn’t kill Doug and he was arrested instead – and was one of the prisoners who took Buck and Eddie hostage in season 5? It features a lot of hurt Buck, Buck whump, worried Eddie and the 118, some of my favourite tropes to write.
And lastly, if you prefer supernatural AU, try Returned for a shorter read, which perhaps unsurprisingly is based on the movie and tv show… Returned.
Which reminds me of another supernatural AU that I can’t believe I forgot because I adore it! Trust Me, Darlin’ is my first collab, with the lovely @hella-cious! It's a Supernatural / 911 crossover in which Buck runs into an old hook up (Dean Winchester ofc) at a scene in LA and is promptly kidnapped before the 118’s eyes. Lots of angst and whump in this one and while there is Buck/Dean because lets face it, those two are far too hot not to ship together, it ends in Buddie (and Destiel too, for SPN fans!)
So, wow. There you go. This was a lot longer than I expected it to be but then I’ve never done one of these before. Thanks for being my first ask @steadfastsaturnsrings !!
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hugogetspowerbottomed · 7 months
TVA archive anon again yes that is what I meant thank you! Sorry I wasn't clear enough in my first ask, I'm just a bit intrigued by the local fandom cryptid and don't know where to do research
No worries!! I can give you a quick overview of what happened (to the best of my knowledge) and places you can look for remnants of the Tall Varian anon.
The Tall Varian anon started posting under NSFW fics on ao3 that featured bottom Varian. (It's important to note that the Tall Varian anon and the Top Varian anon are the same person btw!)
They hit up a few top Varian fics, praising them for having that and begging for more material. These are mostly under "Anon Guest" users, but I think DAVIDOFF and Sararar were the pseudonyms they transitioned into using.
I'm pretty sure if you search Varigo on ao3 and filter it out to Explicit fics, you'll find a comment under one of those two names about it, so I would start there. It's mostly smaller comments like "this is actually good" or "why won't people write Top Varian?" until beloved fandom author PornOnTheCob declared open season on them in their comment section on I THINK their valentine's day fic in 2022 (?). After that it migrated to Tumblr and became way more hostile.
There was an incident where they posted under EVERY SINGLE Varigo authors' works (including non tts/vat7k fics) about how Varigo was a cult (these might be deleted, but I still have screenshots somewhere).
It's harder to search on Tumblr bc the search system is stupid and broken, but there were a million incidents on my main (@whothefuckisknives), and I'm pretty sure other blogs got hit up too (I wouldn't know tho bc I only knew a couple of ppl in the fandom at the time and we were in a Discord groupchat, not really on Tumblr).
Currently, they do have a Tumblr blog, but they have most ppl in the fandom blocked which is awesome for us tbh. I think they interact with 3 ppl tops.
One note to add, you'll probably find a lot of Tall Varian/Top Varian comments under Cheerio, HOWEVER you'll also find nice comments too. That's bc Cheerio was actually someone else, but Tall Varian anon started impersonating them to cause drama (I know this btw bc I knew who the original Cheerio was and they ended up making an AO3 account). So if you see Cheerio in the comment section during the Porn0nTheCob fights, that's not Tall Varian anon.
There's a bunch of other pseudonymous they used too, like Anali, Dan, Duchess de L'ciel, Rioteer, gds, and Lady [something?? i don't remember it but I think it began with an "A"]. They've gone through a couple of Tumblr blogs too that got deleted or banned too. The only one's I can remember is @imapervertedtangledfan (deleted, but you might be able to find it via archieve/waybackmachine fuckery), @/aliciasinferno (this one is still a little bit active).
Actually here's a really funny call out post that THEY POSTED ABOUT THEMSELVES to try and throw ppl off their trail (didn't work):
It has the names of all the blogs and some of the AO3 names they've used which is. Really really funny.
Anyway, those are some places where you can start looking! Its a really weird deep dive fr one you get into it. They're also still active on their current Tumblr, but I'm not comfortable with naming them outside of DMS bc I don't want them up my ass again.
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bakuliwrites · 2 years
Milk and Honey- Kento Nanami
Tumblr media
Rating: 18+ (MINORS DNI)
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Relationship: Kento Nanami x Unnamed OC (or Reader, you can interpret it either way! :) I didn't really have any particular OC in mind, I sort of just wrote and this is what came out)
Summary: There is nothing cursed in this room. Instead, this bedroom is a sanctum. A haven for their love. Nothing can taint it. Nothing can corrupt or befoul it. It is precious and sacred. Her heart, her soul, is his refuge. And his, hers.
Nanami and his beloved enjoy a peaceful, sultry afternoon together.
Tags: PIV, Lactation K*nk, Breastfeeding, Fluff, Smut, Comfort S*x, Praise K*nk, Body Worship, Honey Play, NANAMI NEEDS TO RELAX
A/N: Ooops, I wrote another Nanami fic. I can't stop myself. Oh, Kento Nanami <3 He deserves all the soft and peaceful and wonderful things in the world. He's such a sweetheart <3 I really couldn't resist writing a soft, fluffy, smutty fic for him. Something where he can just bask in the afternoon sunlight and make plans with his beloved for a bright future. As always, thank you for reading! Likes and reblogs are always greatly appreciated. Stay tuned for more Nanami content. Lots of love <3
Read here in this post or over on my AO3.
Honey trickles down the supple flesh of her bosom, clinging to the pert buds of her nipples like drops of amber. A bead lingers, glistening golden in the hazy afternoon light. What Kento wouldn’t give to be enveloped in this tranquil moment forever. Caught in her sultry gaze. He had wanted to try something new. She’d said, “Why not make it a little bit more exciting?”
So here they are, basking in the gilded beams of sun that filter through the delicate gossamer curtains of their shared bedroom. Kento kneels before her on the bed, awestruck like he was the very first time they made love. He sits patiently, deep brown eyes filled with a wonderment he’ll probably never rid himself of. He will always be bewitched by her, body and soul. A coy smile tugs at her lips, mischief glimmering in her irises as she drizzles sweet amber across her bosom. Plenty for him to enjoy, but not too much. Honey hangs on her collarbone, a bejeweled, confectionary adornment. 
She beckons him closer, done with her solitary activity, ready for him to partake. Her lips are the first thing to greet him, tongue tracing his, begging quietly for entrance. As he deepens the kiss, her soft moans into him are enough to send him reeling. Kento feels desperate for her, needy and immensely deprived. Her hands at the nape of his neck, clutching at the short hairs and tugging ever so slightly, make him huff. She giggles, delighting in Kento’s tragic mewling as she draws him back towards the pillows with her. She lays on one side, head resting in the heavenly pile of pillows she’s created, directing Kento to lay facing her. 
Kento’s hands never leave her, and his lips trail up and down her chest. Her scent is intoxicating, her skin silky and smooth. Kento tries to memorize her body with each pass of his large hands over her curves. Though in the years they’ve known and loved one another, he's already memorized her form perfectly. 
"No harm in refreshing your memory," she giggles, eliciting a rumbly laugh from him. Every piece of her is beautiful. His lips trail along the stretch marks on her stomach and thighs, honoring each one with gentle kisses. He traces the pale white lines that radiate out from her areolas, marks of the hard work her swollen breasts are doing. She winces a little at his touch.
"I'm sorry, my dearest," he apologizes, ghosting a kiss against each of her nipples, droplets of honey dappling his lips, "I couldn't resist."
She chuckles, reassuring him that she's alright. Kento busies himself kneading the tender flesh of her hips, luxuriating in her soft sighs, licking his lips of the bits of honey that cling to them. Her laugh graces his ears once again as he tickles the sensitive spot just behind her ears, leaving tiny love bites along her neck. 
“Kento, my darling, you’re too good to me,” she praises, and he feels heat blooming across his cheeks. She’s always so forthcoming with her praise. He hardly feels he deserves it, but she insists he does. 
“You don’t know what you do to me,” he returns, stealing one last kiss from her supple lips before settling in beside her. 
“Ready, my love?” she coos, cheeks rosy and eyes bright with affection. Kento, a man of few words, merely nods. This had been his idea, and he was glad she was on board. She's always treating him, always helping to wash away the stresses of his day. Life as a sorcerer is filled with so much peril. But she is always a place of safety, a place of peace. Kento wants to help her now. And, he thinks to himself, this will no doubt be relaxing for the both of them. Comforting and calming. Relieving. 
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” she goes on, a flash of worry in her eyes, “I don’t want it to be- I don’t know… I don’t want you to feel like you have to.”
“I want to do this,” Kento returns, cupping her face in his hands, the pads of his thumbs caressing her cheeks, “You’ve been in so much pain lately. So, as long as you’re okay with it-”
“I am,” she beams, “I’m ready.”
Kento settles himself in. The fresh linens are cool on his overheated skin. Her perfume is heady in his nose and he wouldn't have it any other way. He gazes up at her through hooded lashes, eyes bright with adoration. The look she returns is one of deep affection, a small smile scrunching up the corners of her eyes. Kento is enamored. His lips close around her nipple, taste buds drawn in by the sweet taste of honey before he suckles and is hit with a burst of a new kind of succor. Her milk is sweet and slightly sour, filling him with warmth. She gasps softly before lightly raking her fingers through the short blonde strands of his hair. 
His calloused hands grasp her hips, pull her closer to him. Kento can feel her fingers dance down his ribs, tickle his stomach, and graze the hair just below his navel. He’s hard already, he can’t help it. The mere proximity of her, the tenderness of her touch, drinking her in, it’s all swirling around his mind. Building in his core, a lambent flame threatening to burst into a wildfire. Milk and honey dance on his tongue, while her fingers wrap around his cock. 
“Do you want me to?” she whispers, breath catching in her throat. Kento pulls back for air, his response a sloppy, desperate kiss against her lips. 
“Yes,” he manages to breathe before diving back into her swollen tits. His nerves are electric. The gentle tickle of her nails grazing his scalp. Every tender caress along all his battle scars. Her skillful hands at his groin. This moment is voltaic, charged with an energy Kento has only ever felt with her. When she leans down to press her lips to the top of his head, her hair creates a curtain hiding his face. Sunlight filters through the strands. There is nothing cursed in this room. Instead, this bedroom is a sanctum. A haven for their love. Nothing can taint it. Nothing can corrupt or befoul it. It is precious and sacred. Her heart, her soul, is his refuge. And his, hers. 
She strokes, up and down, the slow rhythmic motion of her hand aided by a bit of lube from the tube beside their bed. Kento drinks and she pumps. His husky grunts mingle with her tiny, pleasured moans. His fingers find their way to her heat, circling her clit in slow rotations. 
“Kento,” she whimpers, and it’s music to his ears. He switches now to her other breast, hoping he’s helped to relieve her even just a little bit. He hadn’t realized how much he would like this, how much she would like this. But this is bliss. She picks up her pace, and he follows suit, thumb circling her clit faster while he slips two fingers into her entrance. 
“Ah!” she gasps, “Kento, I need you.” 
He manages to grunt softly in response, breath fanning against her breast. He’s not quite done yet, but he will be soon. He has to be soon, or he won’t last much longer. Kento can already feel his cock twitching in her hands, and her walls shuddering around his fingers. 
“I need you inside me, my love,” she entreats, huffy little breaths escaping her lips. He needs to be inside her. He withdraws his fingers, pulls back from suckling, and almost smashes his lips to hers. Their kisses are hungry, messy and desperate. He hovers over her, his deep brown eyes meeting her sparkling irises. Breathless and flushed, she is a vision. She smiles up at him, the world brightening with her.
“You’re beautiful, Kento,” she beams, hands resting on the sharp angles of his cheekbones. Butterflies in his stomach is an understatement. His heart wants to pound straight out of his chest. He turns his head ever so slightly to press a lingering kiss into the palm of her hand.
“I’m spellbound by you,” he returns, and with this, she draws him in, crashing her lips against his. Slowly, he sheathes himself in her, pausing for a moment to allow her to adjust to his girth. Her legs wrap around his hips and press him flush against her. She holds him there for a moment, kiss after kiss searing against his lips, keeping him buried deep inside her. This is the closest their physical forms could ever be, and still, it doesn’t feel like enough. 
When she draws back for air and loosens her legs on his hips, Kento swipes his finger through some of the remaining honey on her breast and offers it to her. Gently, she laps it up, tongue swirling around the tip of his finger. Kento sucks in a breath, a burst of fire in his core. With this, he pumps into her, rhythmic and slow. He wants to take his time in worshipping her body. They rock their hips together, smooth like the swell of ocean waves. It fills him with serenity, with fire. 
There's a slight chill in the air, but it's warm in the house. The droning of cicadas fades into the background, the last vestiges of summer clinging desperately to the diminishing heat of the season. But all Kento can hear is his darling's soft moans and the whispered proclamations of love passed back and forth between them. 
“My darling,” he huffs, rolling his hips against hers, “I adore you.”
“And I, you,” she returns, eyes fluttering shut, her release imminent. The fire in him builds, the coil in her tightens. Her breasts bounce with each pump into her. Her breath is shallow, her moans needy. Kento grips the sheets tight, his pace becoming erratic. 
“Faster,” she implores him, fingernails digging into his back. He picks up his pace. So close. So close. He hits deeper and deeper inside her, and all of a sudden, her coil bursts with his flames. 
“Kento!” she cries, lyrical and lovely. He calls out her name just as melodious, adoration and love filling his voice. Kento buries his head in the crook of her neck, the sensation of her fingernails digging into the taut muscles of his back an utter delight. Her walls shudder around him as he releases into her. Stars dot his vision and electricity runs through his veins. Shakily, he stays inside her, allowing himself to catch his breath. They cling to one another, not ready to let go. 
Finally, when Kento does manage to pull himself from her, he watches as his cum drips down her thighs and onto the sheets. He’s about to get up to clean up his mess, but she holds out a hand to stop him.
“Stay for a minute,” she entreats, pulling him down to join her where she rests. Kento’s skin feels like it’s on fire when he flops down on the mattress next to her, sensitive and prickly. But he wants her close, even still. She rests on his chest, sticky honey clinging to them both. Silence passes between them, comfortable and warm. The room is hazy with sunlight, tiny dust motes floating in the beams, hovering weightless in the sun's gilded tendrils. This languid afternoon is everything Kento has needed. He is renewed in her embrace, refreshed in this tranquility. 
“Can I help clean you up?” Kento offers after a while. 
“Kento Nanami, always a gentleman,” she teases, giving him a small peck on the cheek, “I would love some help.” 
He runs to the bathroom, preps some warm washcloths for her, and tidies up the mess he made. He uses another one to wipe the remaining honey from her bosom. 
“Thank you, my darling,” she praises, as he lifts her into his lap. She fits so perfectly there, her heat against his groin, supple thighs straddling his. 
Carding her fingers through his hair, she presses her lips featherlight to his cheekbones before closing her eyes and resting her forehead against his. 
“I am the luckiest woman in the world,” she whispers.
“And I’m an even luckier man,” Kento returns, to which she chuckles. 
"Hmmm," she hums, snuggling up closer. Kento runs his hand lazily through her hair, the feeling of her soft locks caressing each of his fingers an absolute joy.
"Let's go away," she mumbles with a smile, "To that beach we've always talked about. We can sift through the tide pools and read books in the sand."
Kento beams, eyelids shut in utter contentment.
"That would be lovely."
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✰ about me ✰ ao3 ✰ fic masterpost ✰ send me zosan fic requests<3 ✰ spotify ✰ goodreads ✰
small very tiny intro: Navya, she/her (they/them is chill too) adult, in name if not game fair warning: there are a Lot of spoilers on here (especially one piece since im on my rewatch) a more expansive intro's here
Tagging system was so far non existent, but i'm trying to be a Little bit more organised so here's some tags:
#my beloved - for things i like- art, fanart, some beautiful post etc
#one piece rewatch 2024- the tag im using to tag one piece posts bc im rewatching it
#toe & aftg hell yeah
#things im so fucking grateful for - self explanatory
#letters - for asks
#imp - for things that are important
#save- for. stuff? interchangeable w imp
#whoa (for whoa)
#nav shenanigans- a tag i will be using when ive done something (it could be funny or horrible or something im proud of, def one of those)
#later- for stuff i need to read/ watch later
#avi shenanigans- for stuff my brother does
#nav rants lowkey- for tiny rants
#nav rants highkey- for major ones (there will be colourful hindi cussing involved in both most times)
#art ref
#writing ideas
Links I find important under the cut >:]
Daily click for palestine
Fundraiser masterpost
Resources for palestine, sudan etc
Dealing with executive dysfunction
important reminder wrt creating
Hacks to feel better physically quickly
basic cooking
A bunch of very very important links
Life advice??
expressing frustration
Pain scale, Fatigue scale, mental health pain scale
cute little VERY important writing post
essay writing
i. dont know how to explain this. cat and writing
writing advice
writing fight scenes
more writing advice (imp)
something (writing)
ao3 filter guide more ao3 filtering
how to google effectively
commenting on ao3 when you dont know what to say
murder strut
dealing with worst case scenarios
this blew my mind. multiplying kudos on ao3!!!!!
you can leave FAN ART in the COMMENTS of a fic on ao3
becoming an adult cheatsheet
interesting games to play improv
what to do when you see reposted art without credit
FREE online courses
things to eat when u dont have a lot of food at home
cute pokemon reminder stickers
WRITING NEEDS this looks very promising
stuck on a writing scene
kudos crab for when you need it (to bless ur writing endeavours)
how to format your story, a crash course
bongo cat
resources? for artists i think
cat candleholder
dialogue tags
for writer's block
colour thesaurus!!!!!
writing skin
southern accent
how to navigate web pages having paywalls etc
documented historic names
search engine alternatives
pro tip for trans ppl that kinda changed my life
disney + pirating
things u can do on ao3!!!!
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mallowstep · 1 year
Hello, its me, the ship discourse anon and i Do Not have the brainpower to continue the discussion rn (i was up at 3 a.m. undergoing character devolpment regarding fandom lol) so like. Have any wc fic/author recs?
Gives you a big fucking handshake. I’m sorry if what I said was insane last night. I haven’t reviewed it but I’m assuming it was at least a little bit insane because I was negotiating a personal matter on the same subject.
Anyway…yes! Sorry, I’m not in the mood to fish out ao3 links, so I’m just going to bring up the Tumblrs
@kudossi — my beloved, author of humorous fics that make me laugh no matter what, and serious fics that make me feel deep deep things
@creed-of-cats — ohhhh how I adore. There was a time when I just. Regularly reminded everyone how much I love “that sinless aeaea” and “prayers to Medea.” Work amazing on so many levels. Huge fan.
@solacefruit — I mean honestly what can I say? Amazing work. Hopefully doesn’t mind being mentioned. But truly deeply amazing work. Sublime.
@secondyearpigeon — rolls around on my back like a cat. Amazing fluff, amazing serious work. Alderheart fics that make my heart beat faster.
@acaciapines — amazing warrior cats, and also, amazing daemon fics? All round amazing author
Naturally not everything. I do recommend checking out my bookmarks on AO3! You can filter for just warriors fics and my recs. As always, when referencing my bookmarks, I’m an Adult who bookmarks Adult Fics. I’m pretty sure my most recent bookmarks are explicit?
Anyway. You’re going to need to go to my main ao3, there’s a link on @fencesandfrogs.
Love y’all have fun.
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commehter · 6 months
I Was Bored Earlier This Week...
...and instead of doing anything productive, I poked at SToFLO's tags on AO3 for grins and giggles. Then I broke out the calculator because I am a dweeb. Here's some of the more interesting numbers.
The ATLA fandom on AO3 is rather large, of course, but I was impressed with how well SToFLO's stats held up. Top 4% for kudos, top 2% for hits and bookmarks, and, finally, the top 1% for comments! (The last one might actually be cheating a bit. I've had a few long conversations in the comments' section.) Now, to come back down to Earth, what that actually means is StoFLO was on pages 75 for kudos, 37 for hits, 31 for bookmarks, and 20 for comments. Heh, yeah, I don't think anyone will be finding the story without a bit more filtering.
On the other side of the spectrum, the "Ozai Dies" tag (or "Ozai is Deader than a Doornail" on SToFLO) is only 3 pages long with 57 works total at the time of my integer-based tomfoolery. And would you look at that! I managed to find a recognized tag on AO3 small enough that SToFLO is in the top 5 when sorted by bookmarks, kudos, comments, hits, and word count! I find this especially funny because I only added the tag as a clarification that the main character was not actually canon!Ozai.
Jumping back to that semi-inflated comments number, it snagged SToFLO places on page 2 of "Zuko-centric" and page 1 of both "Fire Lord Zuko" and "Fire Nation Royal Family."
Not too shabby, all things considered!
Anyway, when I was done with my nonsense calculations, I cleaned up the tags on the story and took the opportunity to add a few that were missing before. One casualty was my beloved "Updates at the Pace of my Capricious Muse" tag for an "Aiming for Monthly Updates" tag.
I've never actually held to a writing/posting schedule before, but I think it's about time I gave it a try. For a few reasons, not least of which is the sheer discrepancy of the amount I updated SToFLO in its first year compared to its second. I know monthly is a pretty slow update rate, but this is fanfic written in my spare time as a hobby; and, even as slow as monthly is, this last year I've actually been posting less than that. (I suppose if the extras in Folktales and Fables are counted, then it's roughly the same amount of chapters/content for the series as a whole as monthly posts would be, but still.)
I'm hoping to update SToFLO every 28th of the month from now on, so keep an eye out for the next chapter and I'll see you in about a week! Happy reading!
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What are your favorite sc fics?
months late answering this oops, but peep my ao3 bookmarks! if you want to filter by "Bookmarker's Tags" - the tag "bsrtmr" is my tag for really well-written lemons. "All time favorite" is for beloved fics that entered my life at exactly the right moment <3. "HALL OF FAME" is essentially the same - i honestly can't remember why i felt like i needed to make it separate from my all time favorites tag, lol.
there are so, so, so many more fics and authors i adore beyond these 48 works, and honestly i do not use the bookmark function as much as i should be. but hopefully these are a good start for you, anon :) (though between when you sent this ask and now i'm sure you've already come across many of the fics in my bookmarks bc some of them are so widely loved haha)
thanks for the ask :) <3
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☕ on what your top 3 tropes are and why please! ♥️
Hello Rory!! :D
Judging solely by Hard Scientific Evidence (my ao3 bookmarks) - its Established Relationship, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting and Canon Divergence (if we ignore fanfic genres). Filtered to only HP fics its Established Relationship, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting and Canon Compliant.
Although considering two of them are regarding the canon/alternate setting and aren’t exactly tropes (and Im not sure i would say i agree with this data) - I was resorted to breaking down my two OTPs (wolfstar and stucky) into pieces ;)
So, lets see what we can find inside :D
Childhood Friends to Lovers
Or friends to lovers. Or strangers to friends to lovers. Any form of buddyslash, as it used to be called, as opposed to enemyslash. I am very much not an enemies to lovers person. Even in case of rivals to lovers ships im actually interested in them after they move into a more amicable territory.
So, friends to lovers is my fav type of ship dynamic, I believe.
Im not sure why? Maybe its got sth to do with me being maybe probably on the ace spectrum. Maybe I just think a good romance starts with friendship as opposed to bad romance that starts with rah rah-ah-ah-ah.
2. Separated by war and imprisonment and Reunited against all odds
This just screams soulmatism to me, and not in a “we are soulmates bc we fit so well together” (bc r/s dont) but in a “the chances of us finding each other again were so minuscule it must have been done consciously by the universe”. Its sometimes so crazy to me that this things happened canonically. The shack scene is absolutely crazy on its own (the forgave each other 12 years of pain in one conversation) and then Sirius and Remus go live together for like a year. The whole Winter Soldier movie is, again, bonkers, when you have shipping goggles on (and even if you dont, the romance isnt in the subtext, its in the text)
I was surprised I was into exes to lovers in modern/no magic aus, but yeah its canon for r/s so it makes sense. Something something second chances something something love conquers all something something they were meant to be something something soulmates.
3. Recovering after years of torture prison
hurt/Comfort my beloved.
This trope fits fill-in-the-blanks type of canon-compliant fics for r/s and canon-divergent fix-its fics for s/b.
In case of wolfstar this is Lie Low at Lupin’s. Absolute banger. *slaps hood* This bad boy can fit so many smaller tropes. Bed sharing. Bath sharing. Helping wash/cut hair. Comforting after a nightmare. Communicating and talking and settings things straight after years of lost time. Yeah. Cannot go wrong with this one. (and I can pretend they stay in this intimate serene bubble and nothing bad ever happens to them bc im delusional)
In case of stucky its all types of post-WS or post-CW fix-its where Bucky finally gets some fucking treatment and therapy (and actual therapy, not this piss-poor excuse for a therapist from TFATWS).
In both cases there is also an interesting switch in the dynamic that im not sure i can put into right words. Just, the one that used to stand up for the other, take care of them, was more confident and outgoing, now is the one being taken care of bc they went through hell and were on a run from the government for 2 years. And the one taking care of them is doing only slightly better, had a bit more time to adjust, but still, is quite traumatized as well.
Cinematic parallels or sth idk.
However, i mostly read fluff so there are many fluffy tropes i could mention but i couldn’t pick my top 3 (Sirius raising Harry and getting together with Remus. Domestic bliss. Established relationships with marriage proposals. Raising kids together. Post-full-moon sick fics (that one is technically h/c). Holidays spend with loving families. etc) I eat that shit up
send me a ☕️ and a topic and i’ll talk about how i feel about it
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killerandhealerqueen · 7 months
1, 2, 7, 12, 28 for the writer asks!! (I would give you more numbers but I just crawled into bed and my memory is Not Good and I would not remember what I asked)
Lol, you're okay baby, thank you for asking!
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
Ah, this is a good question. Honestly, any fic of mine is a good starting point, but I gotta say read 恨君不似江楼月 | Killer and Healer. I'm always gonna rec this one. However, if that's too long for you (as it's still an ongoing wip) then any other fic of mine is good
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
Okay, so we got Originally Posted on Tumblr, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Tumblr Ask Box Fic, and Angst and Hurt/Comfort. Ignoring Originally Posted on Tumblr and Tumblr Ask Box Fic (as I really don't take/do prompts anymore) the other three are very accurate. I like my angst and I like my hurt/comfort
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
I'm kind of proud of all the worldbuilding in my fics...I don't have a particular one
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
Arranged Marriage, used to not like that one until I started writing my own and I'm like oh...this isn't so bad
28. Does anyone read your fics before you post them? If so, who?
The only time someone reads my fics is when I literally can't look at them anymore and I'm just like "this fic is trash, I need a second pair of eyes". And my beloved who looks at them is @ahhhnorealnamesallowed. Billie really is my savior when I need a second pair of eyes so thank you Billie!
questions for fic writers | send me asks
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shrinkthisviolet · 7 months
questions for fic writers #s 1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 16, and 41 please :)
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
Ooh hard to say. If the person is open to OC fics...then the Morgan Wells AU and my Lucy Kenobi AU. Especially since those are being actively written, and have been for a while, so you can chart my growth as a writer through them 😅
If they're not...then maybe "the little things (give you away)". It's Iris-centric, explores her feelings, explores Savitar a little more deeply...all of which might as well be part of my brand at this point 😅
Ooh also "come in, the water is(n't) fine"—I feel like it introduces me as a writer who's not afraid to write out-there/niche fic concepts, which is true! (The OC fics introduce that too, but this is an alternative for people who don’t like OC fics)
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
Canon Compliant, Title from a Taylor Swift Song, Canon Divergence, Father-Daughter Relationship, and Brother-Sister Relationships
Well...canon and I have a love-hate relationship—I align with their themes above all, then characterization, then plot. Usually my fics end up "canon nudged to the left". If I use the canon compliant tag, it usually means it isn't contradicted by canon, like it could be canon, but it's technically not (and might slightly contradict plot points or elements of characterization but still sticks to the themes). Canon compatible, if you will.
My titles come from all sorts of songs tbh, Taylor Swift’s songs are just easier to recall and that tag being “canonical” means it pops up more often in filtering.
Father-Daughter Relationship...absolutely. 100%. Morgan & Thawne (derogatory), Daniel & Sam, Harry & Jesse (not yet but in the future)...I do love them 🥰
Brother-Sister Relationships...well do I even have to say it 😂 Barry & Morgan and Lucy & Luke, my beloveds!! My brand!!
10. How do you decide what to write?
Honestly? It's wherever the muse leads. I get so many ideas, but...ideas are a dime a dozen. I figure out what I want to write based on which one I keep thinking about...and which one makes the words flow easier. Not much of a technical answer, sorry to say 😅 I just kinda go with the flow. The worst thing is trying to force your way through writing a fic—no one wins in that case.
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is?
Oooh I am very partial towards platonic pairings nowadays...mostly because my OC fics (which I'm currently writing) have those. So do most of my fics, really—gen takes center stage. I ofc do love writing Maiko when the muse strikes, and I've written a few ficlets for Westallen, Snowest, Barrisco, Thallen, Westhallen, etc. Though I hope to write a full fic for Westallen this year!
Honestly I think I drift to gen fic because that's why I came to AO3 😂 the filtering on other sites is horrendous, and gen fics are difficult to find categorized so neatly. I've always been more compelled by platonic relationships than romantic ones, even as I cling tightly to the ships I adore. There’s just so much there…and so much of deep platonic relationships gets them labeled romantic by fandom or is otherwise stripped away. Strong platonic relationships are my kryptonite 💞 I love them so much. Whether they’re loving, complicated…or whether they’re in some way unhealthy or tied to a corruption arc 👀
As for why I love the ships I love...well, Maiko is just very near and dear to my heart and always will be, Westallen is the amazing gold-standard couple of my dreams (and they make each other better!), and Snowest, Westhallen, and Barrisco are my non-canon sweethearts 🥰 Caitlin and Iris have so many interesting parallels (I started shipping them out of spite and then I got attached), Westhallen is the perfect ending to s1, and Barrisco...they're just sunshine personified, come on (and Cisco is practically Barry's second lightning rod anyway, lbr. Don't be surprised if I end up writing Barriscowest one day). And ofc the list of ships I love goes on—Percabeth might very well be written one day
12. Are there any tropes you used to dislike but have grown on you?
Hmm...I don't know of any tropes I've ever disliked that I like now, but...I think I like villain redemption more than I used to. Partly because of Zuko's arc in ATLA being so well-done. The problem is that so many villain redemptions aren't done well—either the villain isn't fully redeemed but the story acts like they are, or the villain IS fully redeemed and their claws are filed down—they lose their edge. Both are bad iterations of this trope ✋ the best is Zuko's. He joins the team, atones by literally helping them take down his father...and he never loses his edge, he just softens a smidge toward them. Which is natural—they ARE his friends, but he's still HIM, he's still got his edge that makes the others think "man I'm glad he's on our side now"
16. What’s an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)?
Killer Frost Barry! I've read a few fics with this trope (see this tag if you wanna read them too!), and they’re all wonderful, but I want more. I loosely teased the idea of writing one (and in that case, I'd probably have Iris as the Flash because she's always my first choice for when Barry isn't the Flash), and...who knows? Maybe one day.
Same for Iris as the Flash in general tbh. Out of both of these ideas, this is the one I’m more likely to write—speedster Iris, my beloved 🥰
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
Oh absolutely "Mind, Body, Soul" by palaces_out_of_paragraphs. Aside from it being a Barry-comforts-Iris-after-the-Mirrorverse fic, my favorite genre...it's also so lyrical in its writing:
"Iris counts their breaths in and out, his ribcage softly rising and falling over hers like a song. And she loses herself in the way he feels so warm, even all these stories up in the air, that lightning-like heat from him glowing between them, sparkling under the darkening sky, bathing her body in warmth."
Absolutely gorgeous. I can't recommend it highly enough
fanfic writer ask game!
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potatoesandsunshine · 10 months
ooh good questions! I'm gonna say 1, 2, 10, and 4 for my beloved now is the season of the hunter death <3
thank you hannah!!!! these questions come from this post.
1.What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
this is such a hard question for me and i don’t really feel like i have a good answer!! i guess it depends on what fandom someone was into? and i’m not really a fan of any of my pre-2020 fic anymore (i’m glad it got me where i am as a writer now but it kinda feels like looking back at pictures from middle school; like, loveable cringe?). i guess if fandom wasn’t a factor i’d choose most agitated hands, be my salvation because it feels like it exemplifies what i like to do best, which is turn characters over in my brain and make up activities for them to do. the small jobs series is also a distillation of me at my most Me (coming back to a ten year old video game and insisting that two women should’ve kissed). i know i’ve written so much cr over the years but sometimes i can’t find myself in those stories :(
2.Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
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okay skip over the tlovm spoiler tag that’s just in there because i’m trying to finish the oneshots series. i guess that does represent my writing habits lately but it doesn’t represent Me As A Writer. other than that i think this is pretty accurate! the line between angst and light angst is something i often go with my gut on and i do love to write canon divergence AUs. and honestly i like writing about friendship more than i like writing most shippy stuff so i’m glad that’s in there :)
10.How do you decide what to write?
i wait for inspiration and then i stay up really late when it hits. i do not have good writing discipline and i have never managed to get the ‘write every day even if it’s just a hundred words’ habit. because it’s a hobby/for fun, i try really hard not to put too much pressure on myself and just lean into whatever idea feels best at the time. there are a couple things i’m not really interested in writing so it’s easy to stay away from them, but other than that i’ll just write whatever comes to me. i wrote about the elder scrolls: oblivion earlier this year and i’m working on a sequel fic when that game came out in 2006.
4.What detail in now is the season / of the hunter Death are you really proud of?
the fact that any chapters of it ever get finished at all every time anyone references the scars vox machina have left (however inadvertently!) on these characters is a moment i love. kaylie has a scar around her neck and one on her torso from vax killing her and she’s not sure if she’s ‘allowed’ to be mad about it. cassandra is carrying around the arrowheads her sister-in-law sniped her with. and this little moment in chapter three is like a crystallization of these three characters:
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kynan looks back in regret, kaylie looks forward with a kind of angry optimism, and cassandra’s trying to figure out who she is in the present moment. it feels kinda cliche but i love it and it’s the guiding star of this fic’s characterization.
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