#but anyway!! i'll treasure this picture for a long long time
decemberelegy · 2 years
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Satoko Miyahara with Kohei Uchimura and Yuzuru Hanyu after the Notte Stellata Show.
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hellionyura · 2 months
Jackunzel Animatic: Wherever You Are
Hi fellow Jackunzel shippers! I have something exciting to share!! I just made an animatic for Jackunzel. You can watch here: https://youtu.be/V8ey7SKI9_8
And a little preview:
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Please give it a like and share if you could, it would really make my dreams come true to have more people watch my creations! <3
Anyways heavy texts below if you're interested to hear my ramblings thoughts while making this animatic: (Contains a little spoiler if you haven't watched the animatic yet so go watch it right now! Hehe)
This idea came to me in January 2023, when I heard the song 'Wherever You Are' by Kodaline. It was about finding each other and I related to how Jackunzel has two different appearances, and so I made them go through different lifetimes, and how they always find each other in each one. Also huge shoutout to @justinepush for inspiring me with this cute animatic.
1st life: Human Jack & Magic Hair Rapunzel
In their first lifetime, the story roughly follows the original Rapunzel's fairytale, where the witch found out that Rapunzel has been seeing the Prince secretly, and banished her from the tower, then threw the Prince out of the tower, landing on a bed of thorns below, thus blinding him. They managed to find each other years later, reunited with their twin children. In this animatic though, they both lost their lives to the thorns, and Gothel was shocked/surprised not because she was worried about Rapunzel, but because her treasured golden hair is no longer usable. So in this one, Jack was either a Noble from Corona Kingdom, or a Prince from a neighbouring kingdom?
2nd Life: Guardians Jack & Rapunzel
Rapunzel was chosen as a Guardian, with healing powers. I don't have much thought on her center, it was probably something along the lines of Guardian of Wish/Longing because of how Rapunzel's wish in Tangled was made true by herself (with the help of Flynn yeah but she was the one who initiated it).
I needed a simple design for her Guardian appearance so I whipped up something quickly:
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3rd Life: High School students
They're both normal humans now, and meeting by coincidence, not confronting any dangers or whatever, so hopefully they can take it easy now and enjoy each other's company for a long time :)
I think it's interesting to note that they may not remember each other from their previous lives, but something does click when they meet each other. But I leave that interpretation up to you. They can also remember each other if you want ^3^
The only pairing I haven't touched is Guardian Jack and Brown-haired Rapunzel. I'll whip up something for those two in the future probs so look out!
This whole animatic took me a whole month, but of course the planning and conception was cut short because I wrote down the main plot back during its inception in January 2023. While drawing each picture, I would always lose confidence saying things like "yeah this isn't going to work out" or "aahhh this looks trash no one will like this" or "maybe i should just stop now because this didn't turn out as amazing as I thought it would be", and I had to take care of myself before burning out and quitting it altogether. I also lost confidence because my style is so anime-like, I thought people wouldn't like it since it's way different from the studio's artstyle, but anywayss...
This was my first animatic and deciding to draw 60 different coloured illustrations wasn't a good idea for a first-timer, but I kept going because even if people won't like it, I'll just do it for myself.
This was a long post, but whewww. I'll probably draw some fanarts of their High School AU. Thanks for reading! (If you actually reached here lol)
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web6y · 6 months
What if you...
                                        danced with,
             ✫彡   Them   ミ★
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      (Pt 1)           (Pt 2)            (Pt 3)           (Pt 4)
          ✔︎                  𖤹                   ❌                 ❌
Lucifer x Reader (romantic) 
The reader is adressed as "you" and as gender neutral terms 
this time i can't imagine what kind of person Lucifer would date with,im sorry :(
(And I finally had motivation to finish it after 10 days.But I just realized Im not actually good with Lucifer fanfics.)
Nothing else because im a pure angel.
Lucifer's taller s/o reader realized Lucifer had a gramophone in his office the whole time,but the little ugly duckling haven't used it because they didn't had anyone to listen to with him...until now
And not-so-fun-fact i still don't like the way i write and I'll keep thinking I write trash.
        𐦖 King's 
                    Baby Steps ✨
You are at Lucifer's office after a long day,you are sitting at a chair,sipping your coffee and watching him work on a new project with a smirk.
You took a sip from your coffee,placed your pink cup with a tiny duck picture on it on the coffee table and stood up,you stretched.
"now...may I ask what are you working on now?" you asked softly,Lucifer didn't looked up at you but he smiled cutely with childish mischievousness,"...you'll see soon,give me a few more minutes." he is biting his lower lip with his small fangs and giggling while working.
You rolled eyes,then your eyes travels around the room after trying to checkout what he is working on,but his tiny body is good at hiding things.
As your eyes travels around the room,you see something you haven't saw before.
Its an old gramophone.
Its actually pretty big,the metal part of it is pure gold and the wooden parts are dark oak,its carved small apple patterns on it.
As you examine the gramophone,but Lucifer interrupts and excitedly yells, "Darling!Come take a look!!"
He jumps out of his chair and runs to you,showing you his 'project'.
Its a rubber duck.
A rubber duck that looks like you.
"For my dear Monarch!" he is handing it to you like its a treasure,its like a treasure to you at least.
You chuckled and took the duck from his hands,examining it,"Its adorable," you looked at him,"but not as you,my duckling.",you took his hat,leaned closer to place a kiss on the top of his head while he tried to take his hat back,while he was huffing and puffing,you pointed the old gramophone,"Is this thing still working?"
He looked at the gramophone "Im not sure.."
you raised an eyebrow "Darling,how you don't know if it works?"
Lucifer looked away and shrugged,"I...um,I don't play music really often." 
"I haven't used it since seven years ago."
You smirked "Well,there is only one way to find out if its still working." you opened the drawer under the coffee table,you found an old record and held it up.
You took it out slowly and placed it on the gramophone,and elegant dance music started playing.
Lucifer looked at you,"Well it's working.." you held his hand,offering him a dance,but he pulled back.
"I...I don't remember how to dance,it's been so long." he said with a low voice ,"My duckling.." "I know you can do it,you are so good at dancing alone and singing,im pretty sure you can handle this." you putted his hat back on his head "I'll teach you." he smiled and held your waist with his small elegant hand "I think I can give it a try again..." 
You two started dancing,you took the lead,Lucifer still looks nervous.
He needs motivation.
"Shh,we are going to do this."
"Let's start with baby steps.."
"You are doing great,my short king.."
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And there is Vox and Tino left now..
I mean I can write Vox having reader as S/O but im not sure about Val😭 
But I'll anyways because i love to torture myself
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tyran-the-tyranical · 5 months
Paradise Lost is really good inspiration when writing Raphael in fics but let me expose you to something I’d argue is even better; a short but kinda sweet alternative for Paradise Lost
It’s a poem (but tbh it’s basically a short story) called The Demon by Mikhail Lermontov. Its about a demon who falls in love with a mortal woman on her wedding night, and plagues her until she relents, and that’s all I’ll spoil here. It’s only only 50~ pages long but my god some of the quotes in that book had me for real, here’s some examples;
"See on her heart my seal's impress….For where I love, there I possess."
"Let me but glance, and at its birth - Hope shudders and is desolated."
“My Heaven, my Hell, my all, art thou."
“And then I sought mankind to win — An easy task to plant within, Such pliant souls a love of sin. For good was strange, and bad was kin."
"Mocking the dark with lurid light — Oh ! Hell — her soul is thine to-night !"
“For I in loving, as in hating. Am great like God — not weak like man.”
“The stars of Heaven, and I will make thee Queen of the world, my deathless love”
There’s a lot more, I especially like when he talks about the garland and heavens dew ect. I’ve definitely used these quotes in my own lil fic, it’s a nice departure from paradise lost since that’s so long in comparison to siphon through lol. These quotes kinda fit Raphael more anyway since it is literally poetry and rhymes, but here’s my favourite quote in the whole thing, because it’s so sweet and nothing bad ever happens afterward;
“I'll soar or dive to seek thee treasure — Oh, love me — And with words of love He kissed her trembling mouth with burning Lips, and the impact of that fire Thrilled her, as answering all her yearning, Kindling temptation and desire.”
Like Raphael, the demon in the story is very poetic and charming, with all the sweet nothings he says to her but at the same time he can’t help himself and literally compares himself to god, or his love for her to that of god. At one point she even asks him why he loves her, and he literally goes on a rant about himself and how tormented he is, and even she’s like bro why are u telling me this just repent to god or something lol.
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Here's some links to the poem, the first one is what I recommend at least first since its a lot more readable and provides some citations to explain things, though the second one is where the picture above is from and it reads better sometimes.
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yolowritter · 5 months
In Offense to Emilie Agreste
Hello there everyone, and- ...okay, put down your pitchforks, I haven't even started yet! Before an angry mob gathers 'round my blog, allow me to explain what today's rant is about. Unlike Lila Rossi, whose existence makes me want to hurl bricks at my screen whenever she appears, Emilie Agreste is actually a pretty interesting character. However, there are things about her (both canon and implied) that have me giving this picture-perfect gal a very intense side-eye. So today I'll be talking about what I think of her character, why I think she could have been written better, why she absolutely isn't a good person, and how the narritive does her a diservice by reducing this poor lass to an insignificant plot device, just so her clinically insane husband can have a reason to bully teenagers in spandex!
Firstly, let's quickly establish what we know about Emilie. I'll explain why I believe anything that isn't directly stated later, now it's just the basics. She and her sister Amelie are coming from a well-off family in England, presumably with quite high standards and expectations. We know little about her early life and it frankly isn't important, but she does at some point take an interest in the creative arts. She firsts meets her husband-to-be Gabriel when she arrives in Paris to further her education, and it's easy to assume they become friends due to similar interests. Then, later down the line, they meet Nathalie Sancoeur, with whom they scour the world to find the Miraculous jewels. After they do find the Butterfly and Peacock in Tibet, they all return to Paris and she creates Adrien Agreste, her son, using Duusu's powers. About twelve years later, she falls ill and "into a deep sleep" because the Peacock Miraculous was broken. This kicks off Gabriel's descent into madness and his crusade as Hawkmoth, which slowly drove him to insanity for reasons seen in this post. But still, this vague timeline leaves us with a lot of questions as to who she was as a person, and how she lived her life.
Before I delve deeper into this, I would quickly want to clarify the sources for the above information. We know from Represenation that Emilie met Gabriel when she went to Paris for educational reasons. I honestly don't remember if her field of study is mentioned, but considering she later stars in Andre's film "Solitude" it isn't hard to derive that said studies could be related. The high expectations from Emilie's family come from the fact that Gabriel had to change his name at some point in life, possibly because Emilie's parents wouldn't accept her marrying some "lowborn". Additionally, we know Amelie's marriage to Colt was arranged, so there definately is a sense of "securing the family lineage" here that exists in what remains of aristocracy today. In Passion, Nathalie is implied to be a treasure hunter of some sort at the time she meets Gabriel and Emilie, though how long she's been at the profession isn't clear. Still, they do work together to find the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous. We see in Evolution that they are occupying the Agreste Manor with the Peacock in hand, so it's possible they purchased the house either right after their trip to Tibet or before. Other relevant information comes from the thumbnails of Emilie's videos and photos from the Passion episode.
As an aside, Astruc better give us that Tibet special, because I need more Agreste family Lore! These people made their drama the entirety of France's problem and while I respect that, I need to know more! Also, Thomas' quote of "a lot can happen when three people are in close proximity for a long time"? Pretty sure that's from Twitter btw, if you want to look it up. I see you, Thomas...I see you...
Anyway, onto exploring Emilie's themes as a character. From the very start of the show, we have a lot of clues that point to her being an angelic, kind and can-do-no-wrong type of character, at the very least in Gabriel's eyes. There is a whole other topic here about him being obsessed with the past and looking at it with rose-tinted glasses, but I digress. The portrait of Emilie in the atelier, her photo in Adrien's room, and Gabriel's fond remniscing all give us the idea that she was a wonderful, lovely person! In fact, we even get a bit of personallity added to her in the Simon Says episode, where Gabriel tells Chat Noir "you have some of her (Emilie's) flair for dramatics". So of course, she was goofy sometimes, which is a trait we see Amelie share at least a little of in the Felix episode, what with her Elsa-style entrance into the manor. For Season 1, we got plenty of information as to her character, even if we didn't know her name quite yet.
In Season 2 we get more of these examples of her being a wonderful person who is dearly missed, such as the whole plot with the above-mentioned Solitude movie, and Adrien wanting to go see it. Why exactly Parisian cinema is playing this movie in the first place considering what we know about Andre abandoning his career as a director is completely unknown and reeks of a plothole to me, but then again so do half the episodes in general. Point is, from very early on in this show we get a positive perspective on Emilie's character. Sure, there's a lot we don't know about her, but I'm sure her wedding day, her early years with Gabriel, their actual relationship, whatever she had going on with Nathalie, and the whole drama with her parents and later Amelie's husband isn't important...right?
Yeah no I'm not letting her off the hook. Aside from the obvious Adrien stuff that I'll get into in a bit, it seems suspicious to me that nobody can ever come up with anything negative to say about Emilie. And I don't mean a genuine character flaw, even if nobody is perfect, I mean just...something embarrassing? An old joke shared between friends from college, a little detail that sheds light at her sense of humor, even a fond recollection of something silly that happened in her youth. There's nothing. Aside from Gabriel saying she had a dramatic flair, which I will talk about, we know nothing about Emilie Agreste as a person. She barely feels alive, almost existing solely to be the "dead wife" archetype of the show. And okay sure, some of that is the fault of whoever was in the writing room when they try to bring her up. But come on, you're telling me Nathalie doesn't have a single memory or photo in that large stack of recollections that shows her being alive for once?
And of course I don't mean Emilie being literally alive, we see plenty of that. But think back to the photo with Gabriel, Audrey, Emilie and Andre for a second. As an example. I can't recal the exact details, but Emilie is standing to the side, closer to being out of frame than anyone else. In the middle of the shot, the other three seem to be having a good time, but she's only giving a polite, proper smile to her friends. Naturally, not every person out there is extremely expressive, but this is a safe space. Emilie is with close friends and everyone is enjoying themselves, yet her face looks like she came out of a portrait. When I noticed that little detail, I went running to find more. Aside from the videos that she left behind, we've never seen her speak or interact with any character excepting that Evolution scene where she first gets the Miraculous. So can we please think about this logically for a second? What kind of person is Emilie Agreste?
She was born in high society, with a lot of expectations on her shoulders and only her sister for company in her formative years, if Adrien and Chloe's sibling-like bond is anything to go by. And yes that's another post entirely, but they were childhood friends and he had almost nobody else his age to talk to, so I'm drawing a parallel. I won't speculate at all about Emilie's childhood, because frankly it's irrelevant to today's conversation. What I will say however, is that everyone we meet who has interacted with her has fond memories and good things to say about her. And every depiction of Emilie we get, even those not made by Gabriel, she seems to radiate perfection. And that right there is her character's theme. Being perfect. She presumably was the perfect daughter, the perfect (or at least a good enough) student to go to France in order to further her education, so on and so forth. But her family life very much isn't anything close to that. For one, her sister is stuck in an arranged marriage with an abusive a-hole who seems to have been spat directly out of a Texas steretype. There is no indication that Emilie knew about this, but...she also eventually let Colt borrow the Peacock Miraculous to make Felix. Clearly she entrusted Colt Fathom of all people with a magical artifact that can make sentient life, because sure, that seems perfectly reasonable!
Of course signs of abuse are hard to notice even when directly pointed out, but for the purposes of Emilie and Amelie, it seems fundementally against the good, pure and angelic character that Emilie has been presented as to even consider handing Duusu over to Colt. I'm ignoring the issue of Tomoe since that hasn't been explained, but there's clearly something wrong here. And now...now we come to Adrien's home life. We know that he has never been to public school before Origins, which happened only because Chloe enrolled him by the way, and Gabriel does allow him to go at the end of the day. We didn't know at the time, but it does seem reasonable for Gabriel to refuse him completely here, seeing that in hindsight, Adrien's class specifically becomes a hotspot for Akumatizations. But despite this danger, Gabriel still allows Adrien to remain in public school. Additionally, it's completely reasonable to assume that a pre-teen and later teenager would want more freedom to explore the world, and I find it incredibly unlikely that Adrien only expressed this after Emilie keeled over. Surely, this child would have wanted to make friends before then, especially if Chloe would brag about how many friends she has in school, which seems like a thing she would absolutely do to impress him. Sure, that last bit is speculation, but Chloe does act like this all the time in Season 1, so it's natural to consider that she did so before too! The thought of Gabriel being the permissive parent here, and therefore not the one keeping Adrien inside all the time...it really frightens me.
And just to be clear, this isn't a tinfoil-hat "Emilie is secretly evil" theory or anything like that. I'm just saying that she isn't perfect, never has been, and actually made a lot of mistakes during her life. Especially with Adrien. Because doesn't it seem like a loving mother's attitude to want to spend time with her precious son, showing affection and being with him at all times? As a reminder, unless the concept of adoption was never invented in this universe, Emilie Agreste could have just grabbed a child out of an orphanage at any point during her lifetime. But instead, she specifically wanted this one, Adrien. And what does she do to get her precious, perfect baby boy? Why, she scours the entire planet with her huband (possibly to-be) and her definately-not-side-chick Nathalie the treasure hunter to find a magic brooch that gives her the power to make him herself, exactly how she wants! Plot aside for a minute, doesn't that sound a little bit insane to you? The desire to have a child alone wouldn't drive anyone to go to such lengths, and this is assuming she is infertile or has some other problem that a good night under the stars with her pals Gabriel and Nathalie won't fix!
Clearly, Emilie had something very specific in mind when going through all the magical, mystical and half-maddening hoops that she had to go through in order to make Adrien in the first place! She practically dragged her husband and their friend on a worldwide trip just to find some tiny bird goddess stuck in a brooch! Are you reading this correctly? And then after Adrien popped into existence (presumably by being carried to term, etc.) Emilie made sure to shower him with love and adoration. But she also kept him isolated, and secure. This isn't as much speculation as it is just reading between the lines, but Adrien seems constantly awestruck throughout the show when presented with new experiences. Not to mention another disturbing thing, she was put inside the life support pod with Adrien Amok on her finger! That's a huge red flag, right in front of us, but it's been ignored because Gabriel is the one who uses it on-screen. Consider that by the time he does use the Ring, Gabriel is well on his way to utter insanity, considering that Shadowmoth is already unhinged enough to quickly evolve into Monarch once the conditions are right. Gabriel has absolutely no chill when it comes to terrorizing innocent people, or using Adrien's Amok to control him when need be. So why is there an implication of Emilie doing the same when she should have been perfectly sane and not driven to desperation because of a loved one's loss like her husband? Again, go check out this post for a full Gabriel analysis.
I'm not saying that Emilie was evil or crazy or a psychopath or anything of the sort. I'm telling you all that she had control issues. Among all the other stuff we know, and with said information pool being tiny to start with, Emilie Agreste seems so intersting! There should have been a whole plot point about removing the rose-tinted glasses that her death cast down on Gabriel, Adrien and Nathalie! There should have been flashbacks to when she was alive! We should have seen her interact and show love towards Adrien! To her credit, Emilie did see that her death was going to mess with Gabriel's head tremendously, and left him a little video politely asking that he doesn't become an internation terrorist. You know, just as a failsafe. It sure is a shame that she never had that conversation with her husband when she was still awake, or that to our knowledge, never said goodbye to Adrien. The public narrative is that she "disapeared". Are you joking me? Of course Gabriel covered everything up, but this is never adressed!
The writers have a ironically perfect character in their hands! Emilie is a mystery to the audience, she has a complicated relationship with both the show's main villains (Lila doesn't count if she's in barely a dozen episodes), one of the titular characters, and is also literally the reason why the show's events kick off in the first place! But we are shown nothing of her for over one hundred episodes of Miraculous! Even Ephemeral, one of the episodes I hate the most in the whole show, could have given us a glimpse into whatever Gabriel's restructured world would have looked like! It was the perfect oppurtunity for us to see Emilie up on her feet and actually having a role to play, instead of just discount Mrs Freeze! Yes I know her name is Nora, I know it's not the same situation, shush, I'm making a "Emilie is in the basement fridge" joke. The writers and Thomas did this woman so dirty it's not even funny! And I am offended at her, because at the end Emilie serves no purpose than to have Gabriel be "sympathetic" in Season 2! There are a dozen plot threads just dangling around for them to rip out of the ceiling and play with, but Emilie's very existence amounts to absolutely nothing! A gravestone would have served as a better character, because at least there could be something useful writen on it! Some kind of descriptor that gave us any insight into her personality!
But no, she's a blank slate! She's just some gal that showed up, found a magic peafowl and keeled over, ultimately leading to Adrien's sheltered home life, social awkwardness, and mommy issues! Because you cannot tell me that Emilie's parenting, no matter how well-meaning, didn't screw Adrien's early life up! She could have been the best mum in the world and it still wouldn't have mattered, because she considered him her perfect creation! Can you see the irony here? Can you observe the myriad of metaphors and the hundreds of ways this can get included in a story? Does Thomas Astruc and his team want me to have a mental breakdown??? Like, excuse me, honestly excuse me, but the sheer amount of offense I take both on Emilie's behalf and to her utter uselessness in this franchise is astronomical! I love this character! I really do! Wrote a whole alternate backstory for her where she and Nathalie are college roomates and everything! Heck, I love her so much that I did make her into a crazy psychopath in one of my AUs just so she can play a key part in that story as the Hawkmoth-equivilant! My love and adoration for Emilie Agreste reaches the god damned moon and back, but unless she actually has more than ten seconds of dialogue in some kind of flashback or prequel, I will continue to be offended! I'll continue to be pissed! And I'll continue to pray for the day where she becomes more than a practically irrelevant plot device!
Anyway, I need to cool off. I need to have a drink. I need to relax and take a break before making the post in defense of poor Chloe, because she too got shafted by the narritive, just like Adrien's mum. Expect it sometime soon, or at the very least when I'm not going insane over the fact that despite directly causing every major event in this franchise to occur, Emilie Agreste is a bigger question mark than the dude in a banana costume. Seriously, what the heck is up with Mr Banana anyway? I'll be seeing you all soon, but until then, Stay Miraculous everyone!
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empty-dream · 5 months
I wanna talk about the MV of Frieren 2nd OP song Haru (which surprisingly doesn't mean Spring (春) but Sunny (晴る)) Almost missing out this MV because it's not done with original Frieren AMV just like the first OP. But someone recommended to watch it anyway and I did. And DAMN IT'S SAD. AND HEAVY.
The story itself is pretty straightforward and easy to understand once you finish the entire MV. The fun part comes from the Youtube comments. There are several interesting insights about the MV, the song itself, and the relationship with Frieren series. After digging and crosschecking here and there plus some thinking, few points I'd like to bring up are:
Relation to Sousou no Frieren
This. Enough said.
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On more detailed note, 晴れる (Hareru) means to clear up, to stop raining, to be sunny. Himmel in German means heaven. So it's basically turning into "clear heaven/sky"
You know Himmel's presence was so big and brought hope wherever he and his party was. Even in the Demon King era, his heroism and kindness brought light the people's life. Even now, long after he's gone, Frieren keeps meeting people who are directly or indirectly impacted by his actions, even for the smallest things like helping around the village. It was enough to cheer everyone he comes across.
I was thinking of how Serie and Frieren could end up so different despite being the same race as elves with unprecedented talent for magic and similar rather cold distant personality. Perhaps I'll talk in another post about it but for me, I feel like one of the biggest differences is that Frieren got to meet Himmel. Long after Flamme died, Serie is basically still alone at the top despite having more disciples, while Frieren meets Himmel and through him meet the others and then she walks the same path as them. Even after the two people she ever cares about die, Frieren's sky becomes clear as she learns about her own feelings and what should really be treasured in human limited time versus her own limitless one. Or at least that's how I interpret the anime.
The song itself
The lyrics often mention of how beyond the rain pouring down from the clouds, the sky up above is sunny. Beyond pain, there is peace. It's fitting the whole "clear (up the) sky" theme.
I've listened to a few Yorushika's songs before Haru, and while their songs are kinda hit and miss for my taste, I enjoy Haru a lot. And I didn't know that wordplay is Yorushika's specialty. After looking at some of their songs, I found out they like switching kanji of the titles so that the titles hold double meanings.
And honestly, whenever I picture "spring", I always pair it with "clear sky." Even though rains do fall in spring too, I always go with sunny. This whole kanji switch is genius, ngl.
Once I knew that one of the member, n-buna, is a Vocaloid composer, I was like "Huh. No wonder." Sometimes wildest profound lines do come out from Vocaloid songs.
The MV in general
The MV itself is straightfoward. The father is unaware he's dead. The son has been alone all these times. But still, the wish to live in a world of sunny days free of war and loss just like back in the day goes on.
An interesting top comment theorizes the wall here resembles the Western Wall in Jerusalem, while the tree with flowers shown in the last seconds looks like the olive tree. Olive tree means peace and reconciliation. The metaphor "offer an olive branch" means "wanting to end the quarrel and disagreement." Olive branch is present in the emblem of Israel while olive tree is considered as a national symbol for Palestinians. As of this writing I haven't found any official confirmation for those theories. But either way, this is clearly about living in war state-something that is unfortunately ever-present in the world.
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I personally think that the release timing, the choice of story and certain elements in it like the wall, the plant and the sea, all make the MV extremely relevant to the genocide and occupation of Gaza now, whether it's actually intentional or not.
The director of the MV, Kohta Morie, tweeted something along the line of 'I present this work to those who did not have the chance to be "sunny."' Incredibly sad, when you think about it.
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songsformonkeys · 1 year
Saying I love you with a letter (Ezra x reader)
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Month: May
Word count: ~900
Warnings: ANGST, mcd
Notes: You receive a letter from Ezra.
I don't know exactly what happened here. I was in the grumpiest of moods and needed to write something before the end of June. And I did...technically. Oh well... everyone needs something to be the laziest and worst thing they've written. This is probably mine.
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The rest of the Year of Creation stories
My dearest,
It's been a month since we parted ways. And I ache with every inch and second of that distance, lover.
I dreamt of you last night and I woke up this morning to the phantom sensation of your arm around my waist. I reached for your hand but ended up grasping at nothing but air. I begged for sleep to take me right back to dreamland, but she is a cruel bed companion, I'm afraid, and once I found myself awake, it was impossible to go back.
I'd like to think it was the real you. In the dream, I mean. That you dreamt of me too last night and that somehow that was enough for us to find each other. Is that foolish of me? Distance makes the heart grow fond, and drives the brain a little crazy, I think.
The moon we're at is beautiful like you wouldn't believe, sweetheart. They call her The Green Moon. A very apt name. She looked like an emerald in the void when our ship approached. She's hiding the largest treasure of Aurelac in the system, and guarding it with a deadly fierceness.
There's this... dust of sorts, some kind of spores, I believe. It's everywhere. Captain showed us pictures on the way over of different gruesome ways it can mess up the human body. I'll spare you the details. But don't you worry, lover, I'm careful, and this trusty suit ain't giving up on me anytime soon.
There are ten of us here, practically living in each other's pockets. And let me tell you that after a long day of harvesting, I'd just about be willing to trade one of my limbs for a reprieve from the unpleasantly potent smell of myself and my crewmates.
The crew is about as interesting as a crew of money-hungry desperate bastards can get. Not sure I trust any of them further than I can throw them. Except for maybe the one that doesn't speak. I dropped my rationed bits bar on the floor the other day, and couldn't eat it out of fear of dust contamination. Now, I was prepared to accept my fate and I even laughed along with the others at my misfortune. This guy, however, he doesn't laugh – not sure he even can – just breaks his own bar in two and hands me half. Says a lot about a man's character, that. Still don't know his name.
The work itself is not so bad. By no means the hardest I've labored. Harvesting Aurelac requires more finesse than brute force, which is a nice change of pace.
Some of the others are unhappy with the cut we're getting of the profits. Mostly the new recruits. I think the pay is decent enough, compared to what gigs such as these usually pay. Or perhaps me and the others who've been around know there's little to gain from complaining. Voice your displeasure enough and you'll soon find yourself overlooked when the next job rolls around. No one claims it's fair but them's the rules, and no one's ever heard of anybody getting rich off of prospecting.
How are things back home? I'm itching to hear some gossip about the new neighbors. Did you end up taking them up on their offer to help with the roof? I do feel bad for leaving you to deal with it all on your own. But you know I couldn't turn this job down. Not with all things considered.
I promise I'll make it up to you a thousand times over as soon as I am back! Not too long now, and I'm counting down the days.
I love you, sweetheart. More than words could possibly convey. Can't wait to be back in your arms again.
Yours forever,
You smooth your fingers lovingly over the familiar handwriting and only just resist the urge to bring the letter up to your face. It wouldn't smell like him anyway. Written a month after he left. Exactly one month after he left. You knew because you too had been counting the days, starting from the morning when he hugged and kissed you goodbye at the hangar.
You smooth your fingers over the paper. It's worn like it's been folded and unfolded countless times along the same creases.
One month after he left.
Three weeks before he was supposed to come back.
Your hands begin to tremble.
The young girl across from you at the table speaks up, voice a bit guarded like she's expecting you to lash out at her. Like perhaps that had been the default reaction of someone before you.
”I found this among his stuff... after...” she tells you. ”He never got a chance to send it, but I found it and I thought you deserved to have it.”
And with that, the last glimmer of hope flickers and dies in your heart, replaced in an instant by the cold hard truth.
Ezra isn't coming home.
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fourseasonsfigs · 9 months
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Building Block Figs - Beautiful Fight Scene in the Middle of the Lake (Part One)
Figthusiast friends, it's time for a little something different! Today we have the first of a series of building block Word of Honor fig sets.
I first saw these sets earlier this year when I was browsing for figs on Xianyu, my favorite secondary market app. I stopped my scrolling in total surprise when I first saw a picture, and was like wait...are these actually Lego-type Word of Honor figs??? I zoomed in, and lo and behold, they sure were.
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I absolutely loved Legos when I was a kid. My family didn't have enough money to be able to buy much in the way of expensive toys, but I did save up my babysitting money so I could buy a few of them myself. It took a long time at $1.50 an hour!
So, of course when I saw these, the nostalgia factor combined with my fandom fig obsession made these a must buy.
Today's fig is that the first set I found. It's called (via MTL) "Beautiful Fight Scene in the Middle of the Lake", which I must congratulate for being extremely descriptive and 100% accurate.
As soon as I saw this, I did an immediate search on Taobao and Weidian to see if I could just buy the set vs. pick it up off Xianyu. For two reasons. One, I can buy directly off Taobao (vs using a third party purchase agent for Xianyu), and two, I was hoping there was more in the series than this one figure. However, they were no longer being sold on either platform, so Xianyu it was.
I browsed around and was lucky enough to find a seller on Xianyu that did, in fact, have other sets in the series, and who was clearing them all out, brand new and unopened. She noted that she was still a fan, she just had never had the time to put these together and realized now with her workload she probably never would. I bought all three of her sets, including this one, for about $37 total, which is about half off the retail of 179 yuan per set they originally went for (about $25 each). I thought this was a great deal considering the actual costs of specialized Lego sets these days, even non-branded building block sets.
As far as I can tell, there are four big sets that are famous scenes from the show, and three small sets that are just our two favorite leads only. I was able to buy the three big scenes off that one person, and one of the set of figs-only, but I'm still missing some (too many!). I keep checking Xianyu. I was actually surprised to see the other day there was another set I didn't know existed - but sadly it ended up being sold out. I'll keep looking.
The Beautiful Fight Scene in the Middle of the Lake is a 1,236 piece set, measures 8.4 x 16.8 x 12.4 cm, and it's rated about 8 hours to complete. It's the fastest of the big sets (the remainder of which are rated 10, 10, and 11 hours respectively). In retrospect, should I have started with the smaller figs-only set (rated 2 hours)? Probably. But I was just so charmed by this set, and I only have one lake fig set to date, so this seemed like something very fun. Plus, as you will hear about later, I did not fully understand the specs until well after I was almost done assembling the very last set.
I had a surgical procedure that was scheduled this month (and is why I've been out of commission for a while), and I had specially saved up these sets as fun projects to make while I was recovering. I figured it would be nice to have something to look forward to.
So, post surgery, once I felt up to sitting up, I made myself a comfy little nest and settled in with my little boxes of treasures.
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This is the pic from the seller - you would never know these were Word of Honor sets. They're just generic boxes from the manufacturer, with a small sticker on the top to indicate what set it is, along with a QR code.
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I excitedly opened up the box, to find a bag o'bricks, a small black plastic piece and another sticker with QR code.
It turns out the little black plastic piece is a super handy little tool to quickly and easily break assembled bricks apart. Which is great if you accidentally assemble any steps incorrectly, as I would soon find out.
The QR code was for the directions, which were, in a quantum technological leap forward from my admittedly decades ago Lego experiences, online and fully 3-dimensional.
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Pretty cute! I decided to go in order, and indeed start with the simple looking raft.
As a side note, I will tell you that I started this completely sure I was going to be able to assemble this set in an afternoon. I had somehow completely missed the MTL for the estimated assembly time until literally just now, as I was translating pics for this blog post. The set seemed fairly small in the picture, and while it has indeed been decades since I put together a Lego set, I'm (literally) an old hand at it. I felt extremely confident. Overconfident, you might say, given that my exact mental words to myself as I clicked on the raft image was, I'm gonna knock this thing out in no time.
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Doesn't look like much, does it?
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I figured that before I did anything else, I would sort by colors and shapes, so when I was ready to get started, I could move really fast. So I sorted. And sorted. And sorted some more. The bag doesn't look like a lot of bricks, but let me tell you, there were a LOT (1,236, which once again, I only realized until I was researching for this very blog post). Unlike Legos, these were all thin single-brick height, so there were no 4x4x4 type bricks, for example. It made it easier to sort, but as I was sorting (and sorting some more), I realized that it might take a lot of building to get significant height going.
Eventually, after about an hour, I got them all sorted, and felt very accomplished, if a bit tired. I took a little nap, and then settled back into my crafting nest, and then got ready to, and I quote myself once again, bang this sucker out.
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The directions started with an image of the final product, which was helpful.
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I will say the online direction interface was pretty amazing. I could zoom in, spin around, go upside down, view it any which way I wanted to by pinching and pulling at my phone's screen. It was fantastic, and certainly made it much easier. That little circle on the right side is the "next direction" button, and helpfully the number in the circle tells you how many steps you have left. There were 34 steps in this raft, and you can tell by the number here I'm not too far along.
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Here's a little further as I gamely plug along. I got momentarily confused early on by the colors - there's a dark blue, a medium blue, and a light blue, and I had started assembling the raft with medium blue instead of dark blue. I got to figure out how useful that brick de-assembler was real fast, let me tell you. I also started screenshotting and translating the colors until I felt I had a good handle on what exact colors I should be picking.
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You can see here how I can zoom in to figure out exactly where to place the bricks. You can't tell by the screenshot, but the bricks you are laying in each particular step blink, and are outlined in dark black like you see in the shot above. It's very handy.
I got into a groove pretty quick. For each step, I'd count and select the bricks shown in the little legend at the bottom, and put them in a little pile next to me. I did this to make sure I used up all the bricks each layer, as early on I was just following the directions and not realizing that some steps you had to put the brick underneath other ones, which would not be visible on the blinking screen unless I pinched and pulled the model to flip it around on the screen. If I got to the end of the step and still had bricks left, I knew one (or more) were hiding, and I could rotate the image around until I found where they should go. Yes, I did learn this the hard way, naturally.
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After a good long time, I finally finished the raft! I will say, I was a bit puzzled that the raft is green and blue, as we well know the raft in the show is just bamboo.
Did I re-watch the scene just to make triple sure? I sure did!
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So there's actually two rafts, this simple one here in the foreground, and then the bigger, sturdier raft there behind the boat. It's this first raft that this set is capturing, and more or less this moment, if not at such an acute angle.
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I may actually rearrange the figures to be in this particular configuration later. Stay tuned!
It turns out that the raft is these colors because (now that I've put a lot of them together) the company doesn't appear to make many brick colors. The blues are unusual in the sense there are actually three different shades. The red bricks I have have only ever been one fire engine red color, and the brown bricks only one medium brown. So, rather than make the raft uniformly all brown, they made it colorful with the blue and green, perhaps to simulate the water. I admire the colorful nature of it, but I have to say, I'm contemplating re-doing the raft when I finish all the kits. Each kit has leftover bricks, and I seem to have a lot of brown bricks left over. I think I'm going to try remaking this with a brown raft base and black for the lines instead, with some blue and more of the transparent bricks to simulate water. Stay tuned for that, too!
So, by the time I finished the raft, I was beat. Super tired, and surprised it took as long as it did. BUT, I reasoned it only made sense since it was the very first piece I did, so naturally it would take longer than most. It was time to sleep.
The next day, I woke up bright and early, on a mission. On to Wen Kexing!
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I started confident (confidence is never my problem, unfortunately, but it is sometimes A problem) that now that I had experience, I could in fact, bust this bad boy out.
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I was merrily assembling away, and I happened to take a closer look at the directions - specifically, the little number in the bottom circle.
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I don't know if you can see this number, but it is two of Gong Jun's favorite number 88. That's right, EIGHTY-EIGHT. I was like, what?!? How many was there in this figure? I've been going for a while (answer, as I scrolled back through the directions, is 111).
Remember how I said that these are all single-ply building bricks? Yep. Takes a bunch to turn them into a tall, yet humble philanthropist. Well, the only way out is through, right?
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The directions kept having me assembling parts, and then having me set them aside for later. It looked nothing like a mild and gentle scholar, but I've found that, similar to life and perhaps also Ikea assembly instructions, sometimes you just have forge ahead and take it on faith that things are gonna work out.
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Ah ha! Suddenly it IS starting to make a little sense. I recognize that costume!
(Sidebar to say, we all recognize this costume! And we know this gorgeous pale green outer robe is not, in fact, blue. I was slightly taken aback by this until I realized later the thing about the factory's lack of colors. The bright, intense grass green of the only green option (other than neon green, ahahaha) would have been even less suitable for our peacock's fine feathers, so actually this is a very good choice).
MAY I also note that number in the bottom right hand circle is 55. FIFTY-FIVE.
I'm gonna fast forward through the naps and the breaks, and just take one quick other picture break:
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I just about cheered when I got to this point! I was like, oh there he is! You can also tell by the quality of light and the shadows that it was late at night at this point. On a different day.
Anyway, we arrive at the glorious conclusion:
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Hooray! I was so happy and tickled at this point. I was just so charmed by him. His little rosy cheeks, his side wispies on his hair, the motion of him standing on one foot. The back of his hair is fantastic too, although you can't see it here yet.
On to our beloved A-Xu...
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May I just say how DELIGHTED I am that this is indeed hobo-Xu? His little beard and goatee combo in brick form just made me giggle.
First thing, I checked to see how many steps our reclusive hobo had. 115, which I appreciated for Zhang Zhehan's birthday kadian, if nothing else.
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You can tell by the colors and shadows that once again this is a different evening, here on step 77 and about to graduate to step 76:
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Once again it looked pretty unrecognizable, except that now I had done one fig, I was starting to understand kind of where they were going.
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Plus, Lao Wen got to watch this time. In the daytime, as you can tell by the nice bright light.
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Annnd it's night time again. Ahahahaha, I love this fig! I really like how they did his bangs. You can see here too some of his glorious black hair streaming out behind him.
By the way, at this point the tips of my fingers were quite sore in a stingy kind of oversensitive way. Sadly, typing away at a keyboard all the time (also for decades!) at my desk job has in no way toughened up my fingers. I did not think snapping bricks into place and pushing down on them to squeeze them tightly together would tax them so much. Sitting here typing this, actually, my fingers are still sore (I am admittedly working my way though the last set, the 11 hour one).
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It's yet another (different) evening, and at last, A-Xu is here! I was so happy to get to this point!
Annnnd I'm out of picture slots to do the full beauty 360 degree spin of these two. Sorry to make you wait (although you may be tired of such a massive post already!), but come back tomorrow for Part Two!
Material: Plastic building bricks
Fig Count: 500 (I'm gonna wait to count these until tomorrow)
Scene Count: 32 (same)
Rating: Lots of fun, actually. I'll give the in-depth low-down tomorrow!
[link to the Master Post Index]
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666writingcafe · 11 months
Belphie's Object
The House of Lamentation (8)
MC: I am going to have to return to the human world soon, but before I go, I would like an object from each of you that I can take with me and use to summon you.
It's not unusual for me to be up so late, especially when I'm in the planetarium. Tonight, however, I'm not gazing up at the stars and daydreaming. Rather, I'm sitting in front of a computer.
As soon as I saw MC's text to us, I knew exactly what I wanted to give them. Problem is, it's not something they can easily take with them, nor is it something that they can see in the human world. I was actually intending on being asleep by now, but then I remembered the telescope. It's one that takes pictures. There was a period of time where I constantly took snapshots of the night sky. Most of the photos are sitting in boxes in the attic, although a few of my favorites are taped to the walls.
Now, if I can get this aligned just right--
"Belphie?" Shit. "What are you doing?"
"Tinkering around," I reply to MC, still focused on the computer screen.
"Mind if I join you?"
"Might as well. You're already here." I really wanted to have the picture ready before MC showed up, but it's fine. I almost have the shot lined up, anyway, so it's not like they have to wait long.
"I'm sorry if I upset you." I feel their presence next to me. "I just wanted to have one last look at the stars before I leave."
"You won't be able to see a lot of them in the human world. The two realms have different stars and constellations."
"I know. That's why I want to commit these ones to memory." Perfect. I click on a few buttons, and soon the picture's printing.
"Although, part of the charm of looking up at these stars is being able to do so with you," MC continues, making me pause for the first time this evening. "You have such a calming presence, and I feel like I can truly relax around you."
Thankfully, the printer finishes, so I have a legitimate excuse to get up. I don't want MC to see me blush. No idea why. Maybe I don't want to be that vulnerable? And risk them rejecting me.
That must be it. But it doesn't make much sense. MC has not acted that way before towards anyone. Why would they start now?
Plus, they admitted they can relax around me, so why shouldn't I be able to relax around them?
Emotions are complicated.
I silently walk back over to MC and present the picture to them.
"It's our stars," they whisper. I nod my head, and MC stands up and wraps their arms around me in a hug. "Thank you. I'll treasure it always."
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lostmyremembrall · 1 year
haii ^^ congratulations for reaching 1K followers!! seeing the way you worked hard for this blog and the way you write your works, you very much deserved it 🤩 may i join your event if thats still alright?
-𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐞 — 🐍
Go on a date with Tom! Send in anything you're comfortable sharing about yourself (such as your love language), and I'll write a mini HC of date with Tom, specifically curated for you.
im a hufflepuff with a white stallion as my patronus. my love language is gift giving in terms of giving, but if we're talking about receiving i think mine would be words of affirmation and act of service? like, idk why but the simplest supportive words like "i believe you can do it," could make me cry (my teacher once said that to me and i accidentally cried in front of her lmfao)
im an introvert, and sometimes im shy but i dont think to the point where i avoid people. half of me is shy but the other part of me got a little thrill from meeting new people. it's scary at first, but i think it's interesting to make new friends and get to know people. i realised i tend to reached out to people first, after thoroughly study them from afar lol. i'd say i have a big circle of friends, but a small circle of precious, treasured besties.
i like to take pictures and videos. most of the time if i took videos of my friends and i, i'd edit the videos for memories (the type with background musics and such)
i like to style myself. i love doing my hair and my style of outfit is the feminine type, i love wearing dresses and skirts. i do it for myself, it feels good somehow
if i were in hogwarts (we are indeed hogwarts students but whatever) subjects that i'd excel in are charms and herbology. potions would be the subject i'd least like
thats all i think, i hope its not too much because i don't know what i should say in general 🥲 do not rush in doing this! have a nice dayy
🐍 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐇𝐂 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐨𝐦
A/N: Thank you so much for the sweet messages! I'm sorry I took such a long time to get to yours, but I really enjoyed writing this. The info you provided gave me so much inspiration for different scenarios! And you can probably tell I was swooning just writing about this haha. Anyways, hope you'll enjoy it!
You reached out to Tom first. To be fair, he acts cool and arrogant, and never shows any interest that he might have in others.
You found him intriguing in ways beyond what others saw in him, that he might be more complex than a simple prodigy.
It took a long time, but you helped him feel seen and heard, helping him open up.
Tom likes watching you style yourself, especially on the weekends while he waits for you to get ready for the date.
One morning, he stood up from his usual spot on your bed without a word.
You were sitting in front of the mirror, drying your hair with your wand.
He sat behind you, and ignoring your inquisitive glance, took some strands of your hair and began to dry it with his wand.
Somehow, Tom had memorised your styling routine to perfection.
Flabbergasted, you lowered your wand and quietly observed him through the mirror.
His serious eyes were trained on your hair, but you didn't miss the faint smile that tugged at his lips.
His fingers gently rustled through your locks of hair.
It was impressive, his adept fingers moving your hair with such precision, you could've mistaken him for a professional hairdresser.
Soon enough, he moved on to brushing your hair.
He was even more gentle with it, if that was possible. Holding your hair in his left as he brushed with his right.
It was comforting in an intimate way you've never experienced, to have someone running their fingers through your hair.
You gave a shiver every time his slender, cool fingers brushed against your neck.
He gave you a black silk ribbon on the back of your hair.
You found yourself blushing as Tom's face zoomed next to yours.
Through the mirror, you found Tom's eyes still focused on your hair, twirling the wisps of leftover strands of hair in his fingers to give them a curl.
You felt the heat emanating from his face, and your cheeks burning in return.
He tucked in a strand of hair behind your hair, and gave one curt nod to himself, content with the outcome of his work.
Tom acted nonchalant about it for the rest of the date, but needless to say, you
For his Christmas present, you gave him a photo stand of you two together.
He doesn't smile when taking photos. He used to be averse to them, so he's come a long way until he reluctantly agreed to take photos with you.
The photo stand features his serious, almost suspicious gaze at the camera and your smiling face. You catch him off guard with a peck on his cheek. The photo loops after Tom turns his shocked eyes to you.
He showed his appreciation when he received the gift, but as always, he did not smile.
But, the next time you visited his room, you found to photo stand on the bed stand. The only photo he has in his room.
Still, months after Christmas, you catch him staring at the photo. Whenever the photo-Tom gets shocked with a peck, he huffs out quiet laughter from his nostrils, and his lips turn into an amused smile.
You think he actually enjoys looking at the photo in his free time.
Many of your dates include studying.
Tom doesn't technically need any help with Charms or Herbology, but he comes seeking your advice, saying that he can "always strive for perfection."
Tom is a massive help with potions. He gets very invested in your grades, which can become a nuisance sometimes.
But, most often, the after-school help in the potions classroom can become very romantic and wholesome.
Tom quickly noticed how well you respond to encouragements.
Tom knows that your grade in potion comes from your disinterest, and not your ineptitude in any way.
During brewing draught of the living dead for Slughorn's assignment, in which timing is of the essence, Tom intentionally backed off to let you brew the potion on your own.
You were focusing on brewing, since there is essentially no time in between the procedures.
Tom observed you closely, and murmured "I know you can do this."
It lit your heart aflame knowing that he knew you to be fully capable.
And when the draught came out perfectly, earning you full marks, the satisfaction was even greater.
You two are the couple that constantly betters each other: challenging each other to get out of their comfort zone and grow. Not by pushing each other to the limit, but by encouraging each other and believing in each other. And, if things fail, you both would be waiting for the other with open arms ❤️
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quinloki · 7 months
I leave the actual character(s) to you but may I request these flavors please:
cotton candy: post the last picture of your F/O that you saved!
pistachio: when was the last time that you or your F/O cried during a movie?
coconut mango: what mementos do you and your F/O treasure?
And one I'm making up because seriously, this flavor should be on the list:
dill pickle: what's the pettiest thing your F/O has ever done to you (maybe because of a fight) or to someone else?
Alright, I'll put this under a cut, cause I'm going to be be concise, but greedy, so it's gonna get long.
Cotton Candy: Since all the best art is stuff I haven't drawn and I don't want to link a dozen images, we'll do a little theater of the mind for this.
Marco - we're in yukata at a festival, sugar candy and candied pineapple on sticks, with Marco leaned down behind me so both our faces are in the frame for the passerby that offered to take a picture when we were struggling to do a selfie <3
Kid - covered in oil soot both of us, and there's a heart smeared on Kid's cheek while I'm near to tears with laughter. Heat or Wire probably took the picture and you can tell Kid is already plotting some manner of revenge.
Sabo - It's a newspaper photo, and we're making rude gestures at the camera person while laughing. Whether canon or AU I just feel like there'd be some level of infamy with Sabo's public image.
Pistachio: Last time you or your F/O cried during a movie?
I am a water fountain, let's just assume if something is too cute I'm bawling incomprehensibly. (┬┬﹏┬┬)
Marco - Family loss in movies hits Marco pretty hard. He can usually keep it in, but I feel like something like Saving Private Ryan would have him, Thatch and Izou in tears despite their efforts.
Kid - He'll leave the room so no one sees him getting misty eyed, but he's almost in the same category as me, he's just not willing to admit to it. Frustration, anger and sadness will get him to tear up, and the first two he'll let people see, but that third one is kind of a unicorn.
Sabo - He doesn't. Love him dearly, but he's far too practiced at compartmentalization. He'll hand over a box of tissues without a word, pet my hair when a scene is ramping up and just let me bawl, but he doesn't really get sucked into movies enough to get effected that way. (It's also why he drives after action movies, cause me and Ace get too wound up over them XD )
coconut mango: what mementos do you and your F/O treasure?
Marco - I've dove into it before, but Marco and his damned bar coasters. They grow on you, they do. I have a few small items from other people I cherish, but those coasters are pretty much ours at this point, and not just his.
Kid - The perk of Kid as your F/O are all the little knick knacks, but a metal and wood polished set of arm bands, are my favorite gift from him. Kid's most cherished item is... weird, but - okay, so look, I wanted to learn how to fight, I get the forms and functions, right? But I'm not... feisty enough. >.> Anyway, sparring with the crew saw improvements, and one time Kid and I were going at it and I managed to really ring his bell. He reacted instinctively and now he has my tooth on a chain.
Sabo - I... may have to come back to this. Things with Sabo are still new, and I haven't given it enough thought it seems.
And one I'm making up because seriously, this flavor should be on the list:
dill pickle: what's the pettiest thing your F/O has ever done to you (maybe because of a fight) or to someone else?
Marco - I've never tested Marco enough to know this, and I don't WANT to test Marco enough to know this. Knowing one's limits are important and there's some lines you just kind of instinctively know better >.>
Kid - Stole all my underclothes. T-T Look, I'm just not good at buying necessities for myself, and I will wear clothes to threads. Even the stuff I shouldn't like bras and such. And bad bras can leave marks and bruises and little miss Tulip head got all pissy about it. Bad underclothes are better than no under clothes, so a shopping we had gone.
Sabo - Made me wear mittens for a day so he could get doors and chairs and such for me. Was enough of a good sport to take them off when I had to go to the bathroom, was enough of a bastard to leave them on when it was time for bed.
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pokemonveterinarian · 11 months
[Pelipper Mail!! Just a quick drop off of items!]
[A medium sized box with neatly folded clothes inside, ranging from tank tops to t-shirts and long sleeved sweaters. They all fit to varying degrees but none are too big or too small. There is a note]
"Here ya go scamp! Got Max ta help me with folding them and such, I think he might have snuck some other stuff in there as well? I saw him writin some things onta notes."
[At the very bottom of the box is a bunch of differently colored notes, all neatly written, with words apon words of affirmation, things that a father would say to their kid. There is also a small soft Pelipper feather with them... maybe it was put in there by accident?]
...Thank you. Sincerely.
I'll treasure these forever.
[As always, there's a photo attached of Saint. He's wearing one of the sweaters, and the photo is at an angle where it shows his roots starting to grow back in. His red roots.]
Fun fact, kids always used to tell me I was a splitting image of Max... Just in woman form. Well... Guess it's time to return to my "splitting image" roots... ^⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠^ /silly
(surprise under the cut!)
[There's another picture of Saint, shirtless, clearly not long after his top surgery, based on the scars. He had short, red hair, and is wearing thin-framed rectangle glasses.]
Surprise! Just for reference... I don't really see it, but maybe you can...? Anyway, pardon the shirtless-ness, it's the only good, not cryptic photo I had XD
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asunsetgrace16 · 5 months
⌜ instagram edits prompts ⌝
⌜ post prompts ⌝
Soft Launch
Hard Launch
Valentines Day
Engagement Announcement
Pregnancy Announcement
Wedding Post
Life Lately
Friends Appreciation
Night Out
New Years Eve
Outed by the Media
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⌜ captions ⌝
Soft Launch
oh, i'm falling in love again
so i guess all the rumors are true 🥂❤️
call it what you want to 💌
all i know is that we said hello 💕🎀
at every table, i'll save you a seat 🍷🌹
we found wonderland 🤍
deep blue but you painted me golden 💛💫
is it chill that you're in my head 🌷💞
i met a boy, cute as can be
Valentines Day
you are the best thing that's ever been mine
your eyes look like coming home 💕☁️
this love is ours 💞🎀💌
swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover ❤️
love's a game, wanna play? 🌹💋
have i known you for 20 seconds, or 20 years? 💌 🌹
shining just for you ✨💕🪩
but it's golden ✨ 🤍
i've loved you three summers now, honey, but i want them all 💌❤️
one single thread of gold tied me to you 💫 🤍
i don't know how it gets better than this ❤️ 💫
at every table, i'll save you a seat 💕🥂
i'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home 🤍💕
can i go where you go? ❤️💌
can we always be this close? 🌹💋
all's well that ends well to end up with you r🩷🎀
king of my heart 🤍✨🏹
we never go out of style 💋☁️
'cuz i like you 💕🎀💌
you are the one i have been waiting for ✨💕
my one and only, my lifeline 🤍💫
uh, oh, i'm falling in love 💘 🌷
oh, i'm falling in love again ❤️ 💋
i'd like to hang out with you for my whole life ☁️💕
you beling with me
here's to my baby
i love you more
i wanna be your endgame
you are the one i've been waiting for
we found wonderland ✨🪽
grab your passport and my hand 🎫 💕
slowly lurching towards your favourite city 🌃
i know place we won't be found 🫧
lost in the memories 📸☁️
voted most likely to run away with you 🎫 🌃
capture it, remember it 🎞️🌇
worlds away
let's run away now
back beneath the sun
i don't know how it gets better than this
the right place at the right time
i remember how we felt sitting by the water
this big, wide city all to ourselves
all the beautiful times
drinking on a beach
welcome to new york
confetti falls to the ground
life in pictures
remember this moment
when it was hot & it was summer
I had the time of my life with you
so magnetic is was almost obnoxious
we never go out of style
shared dinners, long weekends
mismatched star signs
blue dress on a boat
taking your time in the tangerine neon light
midnights like this
my aura's moonstone
make the friendship barcelets
it's me, hi
meet me at midnight
how evergreen our group of friends
the best people in life are free
remember this moment
we're young and we're reckless
their parties were taseful, if a little loud
born to be national treasures
waves crash on the shore
red lip classic
standing in a nice dress, staring at the sunset
summer lovin', had me a blast
summer lovin', happened so fast
Night Out/Birthday
confetti falls to the ground 💫 🪩
this night is sparkling ✨🪩
3am edition 🖤🌙
and btw, i'm going out tonight 🥂
we were too busy dancing to get knocked off our feet 💌🍷
meet me at midnight 🌃🌙
dancing with our hands tied
sequin smile, black lipstick 💄🖤
midnights become my afternoons 🌙
how'd we end up on the floor anyway? 🥂
late in the night, the city's asleep ✨🪩
i'm not even sorry, the nights are so starry ✨
dancin' in your levi's, drunk under a streetlight 🍷
glitter on the floor after the party
champange problems 🥂
i want your midnights
the one we danced to all night long
i have this thing where i get older ✨🕯️
it was the end of a decade, but the start of an age 💫🤍
with a big cake, happy birthday 🎂
older but just never wiser 🕯️🎀
take the moment and taste it 🍰💌
winter nights
back to december
it gets colder and colder when the sun goes down
under the mistletoe 🎄
'tis the damn season
in from the snow
voted most likely to run away with you 💍
i don't know how it gets better than this
let's run away now
would you run away with me?
all the beautiful times
remember this moment
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thesleepy1 · 2 years
The Picture of Lambert the Witcher
A/N: I have no explanation for this. I just wanted to get back into writing when I have the free time. I’m sorry it took me so long. <3
Pairings: Lambert x Eskel 
Summary: Eskel purchases himself a leather bound sketch book and fills it with pages and pages of the things he loves. He has far too many pages of just Lambert. 
Word count: 600
Warnings: Lambert’s colorful language 
“What are you doing?” Lambert asked. His head was resting on Eskel’s shoulders. It had taken him a moment to get comfortable, to squirm his way and adjust as he went until his head was perfect next to Eskel’s. The young witcher looked down at the book in the elder’s hand.  
“It's called drawing,” Eskel explained with a smirk. “It’s what people do when they have hobbies.” 
Lambert rolled his eyes and adjusted against Eskel’s neck again. “I know what drawing is, you arse.” Lambert pointed at the rough charcoal marks on Eskel’s page. “What are you drawing?” 
“Lil’ Bleater at the moment. Would you like to see others?” 
Lambert began flipping the pages without a word. There were depictions of flowers they had seen in passing, delicate things Lambert would not have paid any mind to but Eskel had treasured. There were more pages of Lil’ Bleater. Drawings of her grazing out in the fields and her asleep in the stables.
And then there was an alarming amount of pages of just Lambert.  
After a certain point there were nothing but pages and pages and pages of him. There were charcoal prints of him gazing off in the distance and colored depictions of him asleep and doing other mundane tasks like carrying buckets of water and training in the courtyard. Eskel had even rendered an image of him nursing a bowl of soup, the softness in Lambert’s eye was almost unrecognizable to the witcher himself. 
“If I didn't love you just as much, I would say you’re obsessed.” 
Eskel blushed and quickly closed the sketchbook. “It’s too much, isn’t it?” He made to put the sketchbook back in its carrier. “I’m sorry. I should’ve asked you first.” 
“Hey, hey, Eskel.” Lambert paused the older witcher in his movements. “I never said I didn’t like them.” Lambert took the sketchbook back and flipped to a random page of himself. “Do I really look this good? I think the artist took a bit too many liberties here.”
Eskel’s hand went to Lambert’s chin and gently pulled him into a kiss. Eskel rarely kissed roughly or with too much force. It wasn’t in his nature. Eskel kissed Lambert like he was drinking the sweetest, most refreshing nectar from the saints themselves. Eskel tugged at Lambert’s bottom lip with his teeth to draw out a moan but that was as far as Eskel took it. 
“You do. I—” Eskel had to remind himself to breathe when Lambert was gazing at him like he was now. “I can’t stop myself.” Eskel caressed Lambert’s cheek, fingers being extra careful on his scars. “I’m always afraid I’ll take too much if I don’t keep myself in check.” 
Lambert exploded out laughing. He leaped from his spot against Eskel and clutched at his stomach. His laughter was overwhelming. He had to wipe the tears from his eyes when he was done. “Are you some sort of princess, Eskel? Do you think I’m some sort of noble that’s going to get scared by your advances?” Lambert chuckled at his own words. He reached his hand to the back of Eskel’s neck and wound his fingers in the short hair there, pulling the older witcher closer. “You can have me anyway you please.” Lambert kissed Eskel and refused to leave up for air until Eskel had to pull himself away lest they pass out in each other’s arms. 
“C-could I draw you in bed?” Eskel whispered the request earnestly in between breaths. 
“You can even tie me with ribbon.” Lambert winked. “I bet I'll make for a lovely picture.”
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st4rlightsz · 2 years
Hiii so for the write-a-letter-to-a-character:
Fandom: Genshin Impact
Character: Childe
Hey Tartaglia!~
I'm sorry that I didn't see your letter earlier, my love. Now that I think about it, it's been a whole week since I've even written to you, even longer since I've seen you. I'm really sorry; my workload had increased by quite a bit recently, and not to mention I have gotten a few scrapes from treasure hoarders and ruin guards... but I'm fine, I promise. The wounds have nearly healed up anyways, so you don't have to worry about me. But on a lighter note; I am completely free this Friday night, so if you are able to make it, would you want to join me at Liyue Harbour for the Lantern Rite Festival? It'll just be the both of us, and it would be the most ethereal and beautiful night of our lives. If all is well, I'll see you on Friday!~
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*picture from pinterest!*
Hey Girlie~
You don't even know how long I was waiting for a letter from you. I would love to be with you right now. Hold your hand and kiss your beautiful lips. I am asking you most strongly, my love, do not get into trouble and take care of yourself. As soon as we meet, you'll get as many kisses as you want. And about Festival ... yes. I really want to spend this amazing time with you. I can't wait, I don't even know if I can wait THAT long. It's friday BUT STILL. Please take care of yourself, darling. I love you.
Your Childe.
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fictionfixations · 7 months
twst halloween
so ive been reading the events for twst all day. (like the dialogue for the stories)
SO. okay so i need to talk about halloween for a second--
so of course, spoilers for the event
deep breaths (i had started writing while reading. then i got very frustrated and it went on from there. haha. it gets long.)
unique magic Tag. something like that
Where they can mark something, and it'll have a specific tag unique to that person (it'll stay in their memory until the tag is removed or fades away, in which the memory will fade normally instead of never). They could also tag items to that person (as in it'll have that person's unique signature that ties them together).
….honestly ive been like reading the twst halloween stuff. ( SPOILERS ) and for pomefiore they're in like the mirror hall and these mfs kept taking pictures INSIDE when its NOT ALLOWED (…bruh now people know what it looks like inside! what if theres like a flaw thats been caught on camera that'd help future criminal doers do something there!?)
anyway. so i was thinking of confiscating like phones. but so it doesnt get lost, or given to the wrong person.
this random pomefiore student being able to tag people with skin contact (example: passing the phone along, light touch on, say, the hand and the phone, and thus tagging and attaching them together through a line only they can see)
and it'd also help if say that same person did something malicious like 'hey, that's not your phone!' or 'i know that person!'
sorry im just kind of really ticked off at them. and all the other magicam monsters i swear--
im angry ranting now
oKAY for one that guy who was climbing the apple tree. you realize that if you do that people are just gonna want to do that to for the views so they'll climb it evne if they have no experience in it and will probably injure themselves or worse!?
ALSO THE FLOWERS. SCREAMS in heartslabyul OH MY GOD (i think id actually get so frustrated too though like bruh. idfk. WHAT IF THEYRE POISONOUS? i mean they probably wouldnt be out in the open but like. HELLO? YOU DONT KNOW THESE PLANTS. [they're for like potions] WTF ARE YOU DOING. THEY COULD BE HOME TO A VICIOUS SPECIES FOR ALL YOU KNOW YOU IDIOT)
pictures are horrendous. savanaclaw… 1. Why the fuck did someone make up some bs rumor that putting like treasure on your head (its fake tho) would like grant you a wish? WHY? WHAT DO YOU GAIN FROM THAT!?? HELLO???? also oh my god as a person who hates everything about being in pictures (i have to be tricked to get my picture taken ugh) THAT WAS HORRIBLE TO READ. im reading on the wiki by the way because i want the context. also oh my god (im sorry im saying that a lot.) as a person who was absolutely repulsed by touch for awhile (and still kind of squeamish about it but dont have the courage to shove ppl off half the time) i think id die inside. like. okay so they're like touching his ears and his tail (i only remember the ear but i was so pissed off i dont know if i imagined the tail bit or not) and kinda his everything right? WHY? thats. like. such an invasion of privacy. like. HELLO??? WHAT ARE YOU DOING. pleASE stop???? also oh my god WHYH ARE YOU MAKING A MESS OF IT WHAT tHE HECK (they should have like those ropes that signify 'you're not allowed past this part' to make it clear HEY youre not allowed to touch that. but also some people will ignore it and they could get overrun FAST. ughhh)
i wish i could say that people have the courtesy to be careful not to do anything to harm others but i cant really no words. just. oh my god. be CAREFUL WITH WHAT YOU'RE DOING . there are important sUBSTANCES HERE THAT ARE VERY FRAGILE. (they should've been made to pay for it ughhh. teach them.)
scarabia. honestly ive read a fic that went over this before. and honestly its very funny. so like yuu's just going to sam's shop where they are the teachers are nearby (stunned) and jamils just like 'I'LL BURN IT ALL TO THE GROUND' and its HILARIOUS. also bugs. shudder. i dont even know how youd get people to stop wasting the food tho. man. bruh.
(also where are there self preservation skills oh my god)
ignihyde. oh my god THEYVE DONE THE WORST CRIME OF THEM ALL. THE DESTRUCTION OF BOOKS. okay im being overdramatic but WHAT THE FUCK if anyone did that to my books id honestly be so done.
well anything else could be salvaged sort of (with the exception of the destruction of the plants, the destruction of one of the things in the lab, and this) but. this. destruction of property???????? FOR ALL YOU KNOW THAT COULD'VE BEEN SOME SUPER RARE VERY LIMITED BOOK WITH ONLY. LIKE. 10 COPIES MADE. OR LIKE. ITS ENTIRELY HANDWRITTEN BY SOME FAMOUS PERSON WHO DIED A LONG TIME AGO AND THIS IS ALL WE HAVE LEFT AND YOU DESTROY IT!
AGHHH. im so aggravated. (as a person who ADORES books. im so irritated. i mean dont get me wrong they arent that important to me. but the library is my favorite part in a school! i love reading! its practically sacred!) "Jail. Jail for one thousand years! Some of us LIKE being alone, y'know? Please, for the love of everything, just let us live our gremlin lives!" YES. (honestly. out of all the dorms. if not savanaclaw, then id probably be in ignihyde. like yes hide me away forever so i can play games and not have to interact with people)
"Y'know, for Malleus Draconia! The guy so zetta powerful that everybody trembles at his name! Getting a picture of yourself touching him is a legendary feat."
im so rrry im yttypingoifnhgfh there comes a point where im so frustrated i cant typer ight. heavy sigh
i wonder if a sort of barrier spell to prevent people from moving past (aka into the dorm) would be possible. but that might be a huge drain and whose to say they couldnt idfk take pictures through the windows? ew stalkery behavior, and not any better.
THE STATUES? WHAT THE FUCK!? that. i. AGH (people are so dumb. why. would you. post a picture OF YOU COMMITTING A CRIME!?)
!!!! POP OFF (edit: this is like heartslabyul going against the magicam monsters. id probably adore octavinelle's if i hadn't already been spoiled about it lol)
kind of off topic. but yknow what? i kind of feel like im really living up to my riddle pfp lmFAO
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(i wrote it all down on discord. i probably could've just started it on a tumblr post instead but it didnt even occur to me)
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