#but arent fishing by any means
toytulini · 1 year
rename this deep sea podcast the challenger deep bc it is fucking challenging me
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piknim · 2 years
When u say "oh yeah its just gonna be a cat one when it passes by and we'll only get bands so i dont need to prep too much" AND IT FUCKING TURNS AND HEADS DIRECTLY WHERE U LIVE
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boyfiejay · 6 months
Enhypen : Telling them a story but it doesnt make sense
PAIRING : OT7 x gn! Reader
GENRE : established relationship, fluff, crack
Warning : curse words
Author's note : this is requested, why do i get the motivation to write in library? Of all the places, the place where im supposed to study...
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●'Babe you know the other day i went to walk my fish but the baby started to bark and i realised that it was the wrong day!'
●Looks you dead in the eye
●Just stares at you even after you finish talking
●'I cant tell if im sleep deprived or you arent making any sense'
●Would take him him 1 2 3 4000 business days to understand it was a prank
●You woukd just tell him to go sleep lmao
●'So I was planting the book and the turtle drowned so i put the heater in the frigde.'
●Bro just freezes trying to understand what you're saying
●'Excuse me?'
●Just confusion on his face and youre laughing your ass off
●Also would not understand how that prank works but it worked on him so...
●Would make fun of you 100% 😭
●'So tell me why when the cat was barking and my ears went blind so i put the curtains in the dishwasher.'
●Baby is so confused, like he has imaginary question marks floating around his head
●'What do you mean baby?'
●Trying so hard to not seem rude incase hes the one who doesnt understand you :(((
●Breaths out a sigh of relief when he realises it was a prank
●But then lowk gets mad that he was tricked lol 😭
●'Hey, remember when me and my grandma went to mop the ocean and the cat had puppies so i blow dried the air?'
●Already knows its some kind of prank but hes still confused
●'What the fuck?'
●Cue your hysteric laughing because why does he look cute with that confused expression???
●Impressed by your randomness lowk but will not say it
●Will get back at you for this💯
●'You remember when i couldnt hear in my nose and i woke up and the dog laid eggs?'
●Is concerned for you more than hes confused
●'Are you okay, baby?'
●You cant even laugh at him he genuinely looks worried
●You tell him its a joke and he gives you the nastiest side eye
●But then laughs at how random that sentence was
●'Tell me why, when i was walking my penguin and i lost my toes so i watered the fish.'
●He is the most confused by far but also judging you at the same time
●'Baby, what the heck? What penguin?'
●Hes concerned about penguins more than your mental state and toes😐
●Starts laughing when you tell him its a prank
●'Stop watching those tiktoks.'
●'Remember when the snail barked and my leg cut off because i had a headache so i preheat the ice.'
●Just stares at you with 🤨 face
●Is judging you so hard it makes you want to take back your words
●'Whats that supposed to mean, baby?'
●Can NAWT understand why people make pranks like this
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couch-house · 7 months
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Okay I finally figured out Comet's origin story. Long version under the cut but short version is: knuckles finally got to reunite with the surviving echidnas but they didnt want to leave their homes to live on the floating island, so an alien felt bad for him and gave him a fankid <3
Okay so to recap stc canon: Knuckles has spent his entire time on the floating island believing he is protecting it until his people return. he doesnt remember, but he used to live in the ancient echidna city with Tikal and Pachacamac, but somehow was transported 8000 years into the future (present day). This happens after Tikal briefly brings Sonic back in time to help the echidnas fight off the Drakon empire--fish-shaped aliens that discovered chaos energy (the emeralds were made by the Drakons with the echidnas' sacred emeralds, then the echidnas "stole" them back and the drakons declared war). They succeed in beating them back for this battle, but my headcanon (which ended up being p close to what Kitching supposedly planned out) is that after this battle, the drakons come back and end up wiping the echidnas out--those that arent killed are taken off mobius as prisoners/slaves. At some point, some of them are able to escape and form a sanctuary away from the drakons.
Okay now we gotta talk about the Kaamdaarns. The Kaamdaarns are alternate dimension aliens that appear in 113, 119, and 120. They are peaceful aliens with "highly advanced science" indistinguishable from magic, which they use to disable any weapons on their planet and then also to free Shorty from his cybernik suit.
so the STORY WITH COMET GOES... Kintobor helps Knuckles to identify some kind of beacon signal that appears to be coming from other echidnas. Knuckles and Sonic hop into a spaceship (tekno and porker collab) and through a dimensional portal (tekno and kintobor collab) to find the source. they find a colony of echidnas long-established on a sanctuary planet under the protection of the kaamdaarns. the reunion is pretty bittersweet for knuckles bc like. these are people 8000 years removed from his culture. there are maybe some things still in common but otherwise their lives are completely distinct from how he grew up. and after 8000 years, very few if any of them consider the floating island home more than the place they are now. even those that might be interested in going back with knuckles are wary of the risk of leaving the safety of the kaamdaarn planet and being captured by drakons. and for a bunch of ruins... it's not really worth it
so knuckles has once again lost the whole Purpose of Everything He's Done and ummm well it goes about as well as the first time that happened
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so he's hanging on by a Thread but the kaamdaarn that brought him and sonic to the village--her name's haven here she is--
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says "you know what will fix that? a child." and see above: her making comet. GREAT idea, i agree. i mean the thought was more like "surely there is a way for you to both stay with your friends AND with other echidnas." but same difference. anyway sonic doesnt know what kind of egg that is.
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thanks for listening. here's porker lewis as a reward :)
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onskepa · 1 year
Humans living with the Metkayina clan headcannons
Helloooooooo everyone! so I made a pole almost a week ago, and this is the winner! Sorry it took me a bit longer cause as I was seeing this being the lead winner, I had to thing of what would fit in the pandora world. So here is what I made! And as usual, if you like what you see and wish to use it for a fic or something of sort, you have my full permission but please do credit me. Any who, lets get on with it!
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First an foremost, I believe when creating their base on the island, water would be the main source for everything just like for the reef na'vi.
By source, I mean using water as the main power source for the base to be functioning, better than mining the earth and flora.
Their base I say would try to mimic or have it look similar to the home pods the metkayina have. More clear windows to let the light in, and not be so clunked and enclosed like the forest base.
The humans be living the same diet if not somewhat similar to the metkayina diet. Such as fish, herbs, and plants that are edible.
Swimming being the importance for the humans, even with their mask making it better to swim longer. Swim to do their part of the clan such as hunting, gathering, or making.
the communal dinners are the humans favorite part of the day, to sit and chat with the reef na'vi and become good friends.
Sign language is the best language to communicate between the na'vi and humans. Since I can guess speaking it is trickier than doing the sign language. Of course the humans would do their best to speak the language.
I think the Ilu would still approach the humans, obviously not being able to connect together but the ilu looks very friendly that is might not see humans as a threat and would approach them.
There for, I think the humans can ride the ilu's like the na'vi can, but have to hold on much tighter. Skimwing? Nope.
But the tulkun? perhaps. Still using the sign language to speak, the humans can communicate with the tulkun, while stilling trying to understand the sounds and language the tulkun speaks.
The tulkun themselves would be wary but have keen interest on the humans, maybe if one is lucky, a human and a tulkun becoming spirit siblings.
Tattoos. Oh yes. Aside from living like the reef na'vi and liveing among them. Tattoos would definitely be what ties the humans and na'vi together.
When bodning together, I feel as though the humans would tell their sea stories from Earth, like pirates', ocean gods and goddesses, sea creatures similar to the pandora sea.
The reef children would definitely seek the humans out, often go the base and bother them until they have the undividing attention.
The children would more than often raid the base and mess with the humans, wanting to see what they are doing and demand to play with them. While it be a tiny bit annoying, the humans would happily oblige and play with the na'vi children
The parents would be happy to see that their children arent alone and are being entertained while they go attend their duties.
No doubt love would bloom between a reef na'vi and a human, making the two beings become one as a whole.
If it wasnt for the war, I see the metkayina and other reef clans be more welcoming and humble to the humans if given the chance. Create friendships and special bonds between the two. Better than the forest na'vi.
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that is all for today! I hoped you liked it! tell me what you guys think. If you are interested, I have more headcanons. Check them out if ya want!
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bobacupcake · 1 year
We got the earth and the sky, but has anyone asked about what you think of Abzu?
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i love abzu!!! another one i have watched the gdc talk for which you can watch here!!
the two big things in abzu are the fish animations and the overall environment lighting - lets start with fish!! there are a lot of them. and when you want to animate a lot of things, your computer will explode. this is specifically when you animate things with bones, how a lot of computer things are animated
luckily one thing that gpus can be really good at is drawing a tonnnn of the same object really fast, using something called instancing. as long as its the same mesh and material, it can be rendered a ton with just a single draw call (like i am talking hundreds of thousands). so lets make 10 thousand fish. unluckily this doesnt work with skeleton animations. luckily you dont need them! especially with fish
even though all the objects need to be the same mesh and material, doesnt mean they cant have different input. not only that but shaders let you modify individual vertexes, so, what if you just take all 10000 fish and wiggle them along an axis, like this
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and give them all slightly different inputs so they arent all doing the exact same animation, maybe by giving them each their own unique number. now you have 10 thousand fish swimming around, wiggling, at almost zero rendering cost
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these are all individual 3d models and all their animations are running in the shader !
the other way they animated fish without giving them bones was through something called blendshapes - these are usually used for stuff like facial animations, where you move vertices around to your desired "shape" (so like maybe your default face is :| but you edit the vertices so your character goes :> etc), and keep track of the difference between each vertex's position and its original position so you can move it whenever you want
that doesnt need any bones so they used this for things like fish going CHOMP and fish making sharp turns
for the actual environment, they experimented with a bunch of things like using actual volumetric lighting, but in the end they found that just using fog worked best!! they did tweak it a bit though - they had a "zone" between where the fog started to get thick and when the fog just ended up being a solid color where they dimmed any lighting - this really helped the background geometry stick out and give that underwater feel (left is without dimming the lights, right is with dimming the lights!! fun to think about how firewatch did something similar but changing the fog color based on depth rather than literally dimming the lighting)
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they also let different volumes have their own fog value, so if there was say a cave off in the distance, it could have less fog than the surrounding area for clarity & also made the fog look a bit more volumetric
and the other huge thing that helped was "portal cards" - not an official term but its what they called them, basically just quads they could stick in any place where they needed to make something "stick out", like a cave, or a hilltop that blended with the background too much. the card sampled the depth of objects behind it, and used that 0 to 1 value to map a color to it. and then the closer youd get to these cards, the more transparent theyd get, until youre right on top of it and you dont need the objects to stick out of the background anymore!! here you can see a Me, but very dark, and then i slide the card over it. the black and white is the camera depth of all objects behind the card, minus the depth of the card. and mapping that to a color makes me stick out way more than i was initially!! then as you swim closer to me, the card fades away, until you pass the card completely
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these portal cards were also used to make the light beams poking out from the surface, theyre just animated a bit!! you can see how the portal cards affect the look of things in this frame breakdown
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and one other thing thats pretty prominent that wasnt touched on in the talk is all the caustics on the ground, those little wobbly light things you see underwater. but those were probably? just added to every shader as a "add this caustics texture on top based on the with the texture mapped to the world x and z position and only if the object is facing up"
like this !
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anyways thats all from me on abzu..!! really pretty game
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
i keep getting those trauma dump candy salad videos on my tiktok fyp so i thought haha what if the chain did that.
time: hi im time and when i was like 10 i had to go through a magical 7 year coma to save people *pours candy in bowl* this is- um. i cant see haha (he cant read)
twilight: howdy my names twilight and like my bestie left me to go to another realm and left me behind cutting all connections to eachother too *pours candy in bowl* this is some sort of caramel candy i didn't bother checking
sky: hello i'm sky and one time i had to fight some dude who also happened to be really creepy bonus my girlfriend was the goddess reincarnated *pours candy in bowl* i brought gummy bears! :D
legend: hi im legend and when i was like 9 my uncle died then i had to save the princess, okay its over! cool right? then i have to go through a long ass string of adventures, meet a girl who became my best friend but then it ended up being all a dream and she wasnt real, i still think about it. also one of them was even my own sister saving me but *pours candy in bowl* i brought the gay bacon. i mean sour strips
hyrule: hi im hyrule and i cannot cook for the life of me. *pours pretzels in candy salad*
wild: hyrule those.. arent candy- okay.
wild: hiiii im wild and when i was like 17 i had to save hyrule by going to war with a cool team of champions but one of them was an asshole but then he wasnt i also had to sleep for 100 years?? *pours candy in salad* and i brought skittles cuz im gay and stuff
four: hi, im four and one time i had a friend who sacrificed himself for like the entirety of hyrule but then it hit me that he disappeared and i cried for like 3 days straight *pours candy in bowl* but i brought marshmallows!
wind: hi im wind and when it was my 12th birthday my sister got stolen by a big ass bird so i had to sail across the sea to save her then i had to get the triforce and beat up a loser named ganondorf *pours candy in bowl* i brought swedish fish!
warriors: hello! im warriors and i was forced into a war like wild when i was 17 but instead it was mainly because this weird woman was obsessed with getting the triforce and me as a bonus! *pours candy in bowl* and i brought fruit gummies but its only the orange ones.
everyone: violently mixes the candy bowl
(dont worry they added more candy and trauma to it off screen🎀)
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mspaintbrush · 5 months
Mauga thoughts
He is a biter
He WILL bite you if you hold him down
The only one who can really keep Mauga under control after Baptiste left Talon is Doomfist
Doomfist uses violence for that (of course) (he has been bit while holding him down) (uses his gauntlet hand around Maugas head now)
Mauga refuses to let Moira experiment on him (even though she'd love to), my boy has had enough of unpermitted alterations to his body, even though he liked the changes the first time
He really doesnt get along with Reaper
Reaper is very bitter/serious/stern about the fights and Talon's mission, completely opposite of Mauga who sees it as a game and a fun way to spend his time
Reaper tells Mauga regularily that this isnt a game and that he should stop playing with dying men
Mauga is not impressed by any of reapers threats, he finds them amusing at best
#1 reaper bully, walks through him on purpose on a daily basis just cause he likes the feeling of the smoke on his skin
Sombra sympathizer
There are not many other fun people to spend time with at Talon anyways
Sombra is weary of him and pretty quickly saw through his happy and laid-back mask when she watched him in battle
But she also doesnt have many optional conversation partners at the base, so they hang out and bully Reaper together
Sombra is fascinated with how he gets his hair so nice and fluffy (the secret is the blood of your enemies)
Pranks him sometimes by putting sticky notes on his back that he cant reach because he is too buff
He can play Ukulele or at least owns one (canon)
It used to belong to Baptiste
Mauga took it from his things after he left Talon, its his only reminder of their time together
Sometimes Mauga just holds it and plays a few notes when he is reminiscing
Together with his guns one of the only things he hates people touching
Could work really well with Lucio if he wanted to
Maybe I'm writing Lucio a bit very naive here but I feel like he could be fooled by Mauga's personality (and Mauga would take full advantage of that)
Like he would bring this dude to the base á la "hey guys meet my new friend he plays ukulele and is really fun" with Mauga just grinning as everyone stares in horror
Baptiste used Mauga as a couch during their Talon times (illegal murder operations dont really provide comfortable resting places, so you make due)
Both miss it, both have no one close enough to replicate the feeling (which doesnt mean they dont try)
Mauga leans his guns on his side or the ukulele on his chest, but since everyone has enough common sense to not go anywhere near him thats all he can do
I think it would be funny if during a mission brief a very tired Sigma leans onto him (he doesnt have this famous common sense to really notice the danger radiating off Mauga) and everyone holds their breath as it happens. Against all odds Mauga doesnt say anything as he quietly enjoys it. Its not a common occurence, much to Mauga's disappointment.
Baptiste sits on the side of the couch, owns a very big pillow and the tendency to lean onto people if he gets very tired (since most people arent a 6 foot mountain of muscle  though, they dont really have the necessary strength to hold him)
Some eventually catch on and subliminally try to persuade Reinhardt to sit next to Baptiste more often. Maybe Reinhardt notices it too, but definitely not as the first lets be honest. (Reinhardt is the general couch for everyone in Overwatch who wants to, i dont make the rules)
Mauga's body needs a LOT of nutrients and protein to keep up its shape, more so with him working out on the side, so this man is constantly eating
This guy is a foodie, gets really gnarly when he's hungry and even more ruthless and unpredictable
Fish is a main food in Samoa, but since Mauga has a strong connection to the ocean and the ecosystem behind it I dont think he would eat any fish he didnt catch himself. And he doesnt trust Talon enough to verify where the fish came from. So no fish for him right now.
Is a sweettooth, there a lot of sweet samoan dishes featuring coconut milk and fresh fruit from the island
He probably often complains about the cheap quality of the fruits Talon have to offer him. They get picked too early before truly ripe or just dont seem to have the same intense flavor as an island grown fruit would have.
Can and will crack a coconut easily by hand. Or rather by teeth.
(I wonder if that is humanly possible)
(I looked it up. You need around 610N to crack open a coconut. Humans can bite with about 1000-1400N. So its possible. Crazy.)
Being used to warm and tropical weather he struggles with any mission too far up north. He has to wear more clothing during those, limiting his mobility and effectiveness.
Probably has a hard time finding fitting clothes in general, Talon has a special seamstress just for this case. (And for Doom and Sigma too probably, they are huge)
Is a very well educated man and still keeps up with recent studies and research, especially revolving around marine biology.
He doesnt show this side of him in public, only reading when he is alone in his room.
Sigma is able to gain access to whatever books and publications he wants, nobody really double checks because they dont care or wouldnt understand anyway. So Mauga puts his desired books on Sigma's list and takes them from his lab once they arrive.
Sombra picks up on this eventually, since she spends a lot of time with Sigma. What will she do with this information? Who knows.
Sigma isnt aware of this but does wonder why there are books about non-physics topics around. Sometimes he looks at the colourful reef pictures.
Scuba Sigma - the origin story
favourite animal: shork
He knows how vital they are for marine life and relates to them.
They look and are told to be extremely aggressive, but arent. They still are incredibly powerful and efficient killing machines though. There is a nice metaphor compared to himself here. Somewhere.
Corrects anyone badmouthing sharks and doesnt care if that feels "out of character" to bystanders
Always wanted to learn how to surf but is lacking balance and a normal body size. And since being in Talon, time. And water. Everything really, but he thinks about it sometimes.
Good swimmer, his body shape is not super helpful but he makes up for it with great strength and form
Loves to dive, not necessarily in whole gear, but he can hold his breath longer than average
Generally just enjoys being in water
Knows how to catch fish (of course)
Usually you'd catch fish with a traditional net or maybe hook and rod, but Mauga knows how to spearfish and sometimes does it to show off
If there are no current missions he helps out carrying cargo and other equipment around Talon quarters. Its something of a practical workout for him.
Not a drinker. One or two bottles of beer at most. He wants to be in full control and aware of his sorroundings at all times.
He does pretend to be more intoxicated to provoke bystanders to let their guard down.
If he truly gets wasted he is the silent type. The "stares at you uncomfortably from a corner"-type. His extroverted and noisy facade disappears, revealing the cunning and sadistic spirit inside.
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mugentakeda · 7 months
the weirdest thing about it just being the four of them is how insistent lu ten is about him and azula getting a vote in everything. hes trying really hard to stop feeling weird about it.
at first, zuko was more than okay with just going with whatever mom and lu ten have in mind. theyre the grown ups, after all, and they make a good team. they haven’t been captured, or even chased, so that has to mean something. it never really hit him how well they got along until now that theyre alone. he can’t help but start wondering about how long they knew each other before he was born.
and things between him and azula have been… awkward. he doesnt really know what to do with how well shes been taking this. something her and lu ten both do is that when they think nobody is looking, they get these really tense and faraway looks on their faces.
zuko is pretty sure it has something to do with dad and uncle.
it might be bad of him, but hes not all that upset about being away from dad. hes terrified of what will happen if they get caught, yeah.
but they wouldnt have any kind of fun in this crazy new life if dad was here, would they?
last night, lu ten grilled a bunch of big red fish over a fire, with some steamed bamboo. mom acted out a story for them as entertainment. its something she hasnt done in… well, forever. but she would stop and ask both him and azula what happened next, they both would yell out the possible answers, and mom would pick either or and change the story depending on which she chose to make the ending unpredictable.
its the ease he feels on ember island when just the four of them go, just in a different place. so maybe it’s not as weird as zuko thinks it is.
mom and lu ten decided that leaving was the only way to be happy and have opinions, so they left. the palace rules stopped that, and nobody went along with palace rules more than dad. so he didnt get to come with. mom and ursa aren’t very upset about that, so neither will he.
at the cost of his dad, yeah, and thats traitor talk, but hes alive, isnt he? agni hasnt struck him or everyone else down for being glad dad isn’t here, has she? he’s okay with that and they’re okay with that.
zuko decides as he stares up at the blue sky peaking between the tree tops, that he wont feel bad about wanting to be happy and giving his opinion anymore. and he’s not weird for that if mom and lu ten aren’t weird.
azula is way weirder than everyone that’s weird on the whole earth combined, though. so it might be harder for her to not feel bad about wanting to be happy or giving her opinion. or being happy about things that arent weird, because only the weirdest things make azula happy.
lu ten is better at talking to her than anyone else, but…
he scoots next to her on the rotted log she’s resting on, watching mom comically struggle to help lu ten prepare breakfast.
“do you miss mai and ty lee?” he asks her, forcing himself to sound casual. she hasnt tried to set his butt on fire since they left, but who knows what might change that.
“miss them?” she repeats, but not like shes mocking him for the question- more like she’s asking herself again.
“like, do you wish they were here too?”
his sister makes a face. “why would they be here? this is a family affair.”
“just go with it. for the sake of the question.”
azula rolls her eyes, but hums thoughtfully. trails off.
he tries something else. “do you think mom’s storytelling last night wouldve been better if ty lee was there doing interpretive dance?”
to his surprise, she snorts. “probably,” she replies. “and mai would probably enjoy the macabre of it all. the more drama and bloodshed, the better. you wouldn’t know mother likes all the dark ones just by looking at her.”
azula turns to him, suddenly. there’s something mischievous in her eyes that zuko immediately distrusts. “why are you asking? do you miss mai?”
his face immediately flushes. “no! i was just asking, cus, well…”
“oh, don’t feel the need to explain yourself to me, zuzu. its just the four of us in the middle of nowhere, after all-“
“i was just asking, cus you haven’t seemed… well… sad. about leaving. dad and the palace and stuff. you didn’t even say much when we had to burn our old clothes and wear this green stuff instead.”
azula pauses. she doesn’t quite scowl at him, but she furrows her eyebrows and twists her lips in this weird, thoughtful way. she turns back away from him and sighs.
“cousin lu ten didn’t carry me out of the palace like a little baby. he had to convince me why i should choose to come with. so this is me, standing on the decision i made. why should i be sad about something i chose?”
“i was asleep the whole time, but i think i would’ve said yes to mom if i was awake, too. i just wanted to know why you said yes. cus you… had more going on than i did, back home. this is… way different, for you.”
zuko really wants to believe that she didn’t just agree because she knew that dad wouldn’t punish her if they got caught. and he won’t know if shes lying to him about it either.
“i don’t think i would’ve said yes if mother was the one that came to get me instead of lu ten. even if, deep down, i wanted to come with. and then i would’ve been mad about it forever, and hated her and you and lu ten for leaving me. because mother just took you while you were mostly asleep, and now shes just lucky that you ended up being okay with it anyway.”
zuko startles at how easily she’s talking about this. maybe it’s the distance?
“but lu ten and i… are in the same boat. we’re the same, like how maybe you and mother are the same. and he told me how he felt. and i guess i figured i’d feel the same. so i decided to do the same as him, too. and i have yet to falter, just like how lu ten hasn’t faltered.“
his sister turns to him, very seriously. “father wouldn’t have done interpretive dance to mother’s stories. one day i’ll do interpretive dance to mother’s stories, and so will you and lu ten. so only people that are willing to do interpretive dance to mother’s stories are missed by me. does that make sense?”
he thinks he gets it. in this crazy situation, not feeling bad about wanting to be happy and having opinions probably would mean the same as being willing to do interpretive dance.
“i think my interpretive dance would be better than yours,” he blurts, instead of answering.
azula blinks, then narrows her eyes. “you wish.”
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boopshoops · 19 days
hiya!! for the ask thing can I ask for Food and Name for Jocia and Yuu Shi? tysm!!!
(also baby goats baby goats baby goats-)
Name: What does your twst OC's name mean? Why does Rook/Floyd call them [insert nickname]?
OH i have- lots of lil lore tidbits for this
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Jocia, according to my research waaaay back when I finally looked into her name (I deadass thought I just made it up at first), is typically associated with "joy!" Though Im sure that was obvious from the almost constant glare on her face /sar. It is also a different form of the name Jocelyn, a German name. I always pronounced it Jo-sha til I learned it was supposed to be- well, exactly as its spelled, Jo-see-ah.
Floyd calls her Barracuda! Initially I was going to have that be what he called Yuu, but the "catfish" pun was too good for me to pass on. So- what else could I do but hand over the title to Jo? Plus I think it fits her better :P Primarily due to how the barracuda is more known for how they hunt and fight.
They are known to be ferocious, attacking quickly and using ambush techniques (similar to a certain pair of tweels). They are also known to just straight up take fish from other species, even human divers- besides that, they don't really attack humans unprovoked. Barracudas also compete with moray eels for food/prey.
I feel like this relates back to how Jocia "handles" her anger- or- howshetakesitout on people around her who wrong her/those she cares about. She is ruthless and fearsome at times, but for the most part she prefers to just... chill. She doesn't purposefully go seeking out trouble when she's in the right place mentally.
Rook calls her "Reine des épices" (pls excuse any mistakes, blame the translator), which translates to "Queen of Spice!" This is honestly more of a personal reference. Me and my partner always used to joke that Jocia was kinda like a pepper- and would often use 🌶️ when joking about her. It's mostly due to her fiery, hot-tempered nature.
Yuu- is- well, yuu. I didnt come up with that, i just snatched it JFNDJDJ. HOWEVER. "Shi" can have many different meanings! I tried my best to go for something vague. I like the thought of having something that leaves you guessing what applies and what doesnt. However! It can actually also mean "you." Yuushi as a whole can translate to "hero!" (Another ironic take, I know)
Floyd calls her catfish bc. It's funny. I think it's funny and I'd bet $20 that he'd think it's funny. So it's catfish KFNDJDK
Besides the obvious- (pretending to be someone she isnt), catfish can live in almost any aquatic climate, making them rather adaptable. They have a large range of size and behavior, and are most well known for their stinging "whiskers." (Glances at shi's taser) They ALSO compete with eels for prey- as long as they arent a small enough species, then theyd become the prey.
Rook calls her "Reine du Rock", which means "Queen of Rock"- this one is just simple. She loves rock music. She plays it all the time, and it is what she most enjoys performing. Again i am not a good translator trust me i tried to learn another languagemybrainjustcant
Another fact, the twin's parents switched them around at birth on accident, and forgot who they named what initially. It's entirely possible that Yuu was supposed to be named Jocia, but they don't know :P they fight over who is older bc of this too.
Food: What is your twst OC's favorite and least favorite food? Why (optional)? Is there anyone they can share their favorite food? Is there anyone they can count on to take over the food they dislike?
I went into this a lil bit with Yuu in the past during different ask games! Here and here. And a lil bit for Jo here. (Their fav and why<)
Yuu Shi is partial to suggesting treats to Trey- whether he actually makes Bungeoppang or just uses Doodle Suit, it is currently her easiest means of getting it when she only had it a few times prior. So, sure, she'll share... sometimes.
Jocia- given she is partial to a barbequed dish, she could share it with Leona given his love for meat... but WOULD she? No.
Yuu Shi would never subject anyone else to caffeine even if they really enjoyed it, unless that someone is the sink drain.
As for Jocia... really, she didnt have too much against olives. They were bad, yeah, but not horrible. She hated the way they made her tongue itch, though... and then she figured out that they weren't supposed to do that. She's allergic. Yuu Shi used to take them for her, but there isn't really anyone who enthusiastically WANTS them either.
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
tadc cast x sensitive child reader headcanons? (Platonic ofc. No pressure at all for this request)
TADC cast x sensitive!reader ! (platonic)
taking a short break from todays treat making to work on requests! so far ive made meringue cookies, lemon curd, and chocolate pretzels! woo! it doesnt sound like much but these are real huge batches </3 rolls around this might be a little short, though, since im dry on ideas and i still got stuff to do TToTT
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spoils you, a lot, as well as kind of babying you. will it do you any good in the future? probably not, but for now it works since hes putting you before everything else. makes sure IHAs arent too hectic, though... it took him a while to find that sweet spot between too crazy and too boring, caine isnt really good at mellowing himself out.. has probably spooked you at least once on accident since he has this large booming voice and hes kind of out there.... he didnt mean to startle you, please dont cry! he makes funny faces to try to make you stop crying
very bad at comforting someone when theyre crying and i think this would still be an issue with you even if youre her kid/adoptive kid.. younger sibling... something.. tries the basic stuff you do to calm a crying kid down; funny faces, candy, toys, ect ect. over time she does get better at identifying what you need in scenarios where things are upsetting you. speaks for you a lot of the time when there can be a possible conflict, kind of shields you from things that could hurt you out of fear that something is going to hit too hard. long run its not ideal, but similar to caine, it works in the moment, you know?
very sweet and patient with you, hardly ever raises her voice at people and she will never raise her voice around you. gently urges you to try to speak for yourself and stand up for yourself when someone is being a little mean (though, to be fair, i cant see any of the current cast being intentionally mean.. we'll get to jax in a minute hush). very encouraging, too. kind of a mix between letting you be sensitive, but also urging you to try to get a little tougher, you know? never makes you do things youre not comfortable with doing, though. lets you hang out in her room if youre getting too overwhelmed with something, lets you play with and mess with some of her sewing stuff (supervised! needles are sharp!)
teases you but is gentler with you, though with how sensitive you are sometimes even softening himself isnt enough. while the others try to shield and protect you from the world around you, hes likely going to try to push you to be more... bold, tough, you know. not sensitive. i feel that he might be too pushy with you and may thrust you into the deep end before youre ready for it, so either youre going to need to speak up, or someone else will... generally not ideal since hes more of a big brother figure that kind of messes with his younger siblings rather than a parent.... shrugs.. does stand up for you the second someone else makes you cry, regardless of if they do it intentionally or not
the dad. the father, the papa. the grandfather, even. maybe its because i hc that he already has kids out in the real world and he instinctively knows what to do with you... but i think he would be really good with you developing a thicker skin. does not shame you for who you are, though. actually i feel like he would also remind you that being sensitive isnt a big deal and it doesnt exactly make you weak compared to others. it just means you have big emotions, all the better to connect with people, you know? good dad. probably plays catch with you... those talks kids and dads have when theyre fishing that carries a life lesson... or maybe admin was introduced to really specific scenarios growing up... shrugs
cross between jax and pomni i think. zooble is bad at comforting people, but i do think they would push for you to grow a spine and snap back at someone when theyre messing with you. though unlike jax they dont immediately throw you into it, rather i think they would have one on one time with you where you guys just talk about the stuff... still stands up for you, though they tend to give you a minute to speak for yourself during situations to say youre not okay with whats being done to you. probably teaches you little comebacks and insults to say to people when theyre being assholes
honestly? she can relate. i can see this going two ways... perhaps being both at the same time...? shrugs.. she can relate to you because shes also sensitive, and it leads to you guys having this sweet sibling connection where you guys dont feel so bad for crying so easily. or it inspires gangle to try to be tougher, for your sake, so you have someone to lean on during tougher days. i think both are nice, in my opinion. similar to ragatha she lets you hang out in her room, drawing.. you both use art to express yourselves when wording things get too hard
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lunar-serpentinite · 5 months
more assorted hjp headcanons
harry's relationship with touch, specifically with asking for and receiving touch of any kind, is very ehhh ?? touches are nice, esp from ppl he likes. but touch him for too long and he starts vibrating like a kettle that has had enough. touch him too suddenly and he's literally clawing out of his skin, and maybe yours too. touch him too often and he'd think theres some Plot going on. touch him too little and his abandonment isssues kick in.
in harry's childhood, every single request for physical aftection or reassurance has been met with sneers, flinches, looks of disgust and, at one very memorable time, a smack to the face. he stopped asking for positive physical contact soon after.
harry has never been to the sea or the beach before that time with the dursleys or when dumbledore took him the inferni cave. after his first proper and positive beach experience, he kinda wants a beach side house.
one of the songs lily and james used as a lullaby for harry was lavender's blue
harry thought of running away from the dursleys but things just start going badly whenever he tried
one of his fave ways to relax and unwind post-war is to fly out to the countryside with nothing but his broom, wand, and guitar to spend the day serenading the wildlife and pretending he's the only human being in the world
there's a whole small book published that has all of the magical species named after harry and hes fucking MORTIFIED
harry's fashion eventually evolves into something that resembles grunge, and by that i mean there's no statement to be found in his fashion choices. he gravitates towards darker colours since he thinks they help him hide in crowds better, and he developed a hobby of reforming whatever clothes he bought to make them feel more like his.
in fact, harry does a lot of customising of his things. hes a serial DIY-er and clothes reformer. nothing he owns looks the way they did when he first bought or got them. he says it makes them feel more like his, since they have his visible mark made by his own hands now
even before hogwarts, harry never thought abt what wld happen when he's an adult bc growing up to adulthood sounded like a luxury he cld never afford
once his life isnt in danger on the daily anymore, harry finds that he actually likes trying new things and new food, but only if other ppl arent perceiving him as he does so
one of harry's love languages is parallel play. hes quite content just being in the company of someone he cares about and theyre both doing their own thing without a word shared between them.
one of his fave foreign drinks is nom yen or thai pink milk
he actually did inherit a sizeable share of the sleekeazys hair potions company. the owner of the company, the dude who bought it from fleamont, actually offered to just hand the entire thing to harry bc Chosen One but he was like 'NOPE im fine not being in a position of power anymore thank u'
he was actually floored when he found out his grandmother euphemia potter was a slytherin LMAO
harry likes collecting random little trinkets that he finds in antique and thrift shops. he has a whole wall dedicated to his trinket collection back in his home
later in life, when he feels in his soul that he has settled and is finally free from the grief of his past, harry's stag patronus wld transform into a crow; transformation, change, freedom, and his love for the skies.
(his crow also pecks at draco's own koi fish patronus but it's neither here nor there)
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raptorladylover6969 · 24 days
VERY passionate rant under the cut
One thing I hate about Jurassic World youtube channels is when it comes to theorizing abt characters, THEY DONT KNOW HOW TO ACTUALLY AND PROPERLY ANALYZE. It’s like they never payed attention in english class 😭 esp when it comes to The Handler, because yes offence, just saying, their “character analysis” videos are absolute shit. I was yapping abt this early with @koi-fish-boy
What I mean is, instead of coming up with new theories, these “theorists” just take already existing theories, slap it into a video, add some other info that is not even considered a character analysis but just info thats RIGHT IN FRONT OF OUR FACES. The other worst part is, they never show any evidence to support their theories, they don’t make connections. They just go like “Oh The Handler blah blah creepy lady blah blah whats her deal? Blah oh shes probably part raptor or a clone blah blah blah k like and subscribe” GET OUT- 🗣️🗣️💥💥‼️‼️
I could debunk some of these theories right now even I am feeling THAT petty. “Brooklynn clone?” They don’t have the same facial structure, The Handler is 10x more paler, Brooklynn has a button nose while The Handler’s is straight, and have you taken into consideration that other blue eyed white ppl with freckles exist????? Brooklynn isnt the only white chick that exists 💀 “Dino x human hybrid?” this idea for a plot has been scrapped long ago. And even if she was a dino hybrid, she HAS to retain dino like features, like scales, vertical pupils, dino vocals, sharp teeth. NO, her having big eyes and pale skin DOES NOT = DINOSAUR FEATURES. Theres millions of people with big eyes and who are also sickly pale. “But she doesnt blink!” Yes tf she does I have the timestamps to prove it, she actually blinks A LOT considering the little screentime she has. “Robot??” We see her display humane emotions such as empathy in the final episode (I mean this theory itself has already been scrapped by countless ppl so 😼)
The problem here is that ppl dont reeeeealllllyyyy ANALYZE a character, they just observe the surface, find a couple of things here and there, and call it a day. They don’t use all of their senses when looking into a character, they only document what the naked eye can see. That is NOT what analyzation is about. Character analyzation is about digging DEEPER into the character, putting yourself in their POV, in their shoes, reading their facial expressions, their body language, spending hours playing back the same clips over and over again just to find new info, taking note of the dramatic lighting changes, the ambience, making connections, USING CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS TO UNBOX THE MYSTERYS OF SAID CHARACTER. Cmon guys did we learn nothing from Brooklynn??🤨🤨 like no joke me and @koi-fish-boy spent hours rewatching scenes with The Handler and found a BUNCH OF COOL NEW SHIT THAT NO ONE HASNT EVEN TALKED ABT YET.
People dont also seem to have enough balls to connect neuroscience to their theories, which is strange because incorporating psychology and the human brain, or any kind of science to a character analysis can rlly help with coming up with new theories. Why do you think MatPat’s theories were so good and interesting? It’s because he makes CONNECTIONS. He incorporates math, history, folklore, religion, and science into ALL OF HIS THEORIES. HE PUTS WORK INTO THEM. HE THINKS CRITICALLY.
All theories are valid, even the far-fetched ones, thats the whole point of a theory, its supposed to be crazy, but actually putting in the work to find evidence to support your theory WILL STRENGTHEN IT, and make it 100x more interesting. You can’t just introduce a theory without evidence to back it up, there needs to be at least 1 reason to even consider your theory plausible. Like the clone theory, I’m not entirely against it cuz cloning IS a thing in the JW universe, like that theory makes the most sense cuz its happened before, so why not again? I still think its absolutely crap, but I’ll admit, it makes sense. Why? Cause theres evidence to back it up.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk 🤗
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ghost-of-a-system · 5 months
hi, we are autistic and also have aphantasia and alexithymia.
and we where wondering what you guys do when you don't know who's fronting, like that limbo of bodily autopilot where nothings going on inside the head and we all just blend together into an incoherent mess
we can't tell if someone new is fronting or if we think we are faking it again.
hey, thanks for reaching out! im not sure if we have alexithymia; we dont know much about it. but we do have aphantasia and autism, so ill try my best.
i think its an autism thing, but we mask a whole heck of a lot around basically... everyone but each other. if you or someone else is unsure what i mean by "masking", its basically just altering (no pun intended...) your behavior in order to outwardly appear "normal" to other people. pretty sure it can be both manually done or subconsciously. its usually subconscious for us personally. but for us, this "persona" we mask as is kinda hard and unnecessary to describe, but the point would be that it isnt really similar to any of our alters. we also do a lot of mirroring others, as in, involuntarily copying their personalities, speech patterns, etc., which plays into our masking.
when we are blurry or more "on autopilot" as you described, we tend to revert to this even more. since there isnt a distinct enough alter around to, at the very least, hog our train of thought, our brain just defaults to that masking persona. but this still happens a lot when we do know whos fronting; they subconsciously mask/mirror so much so that their identity becomes indistinguishable to even them. in all honesty, this usually doesnt go away until we either are alone again or something triggers someone specific out (sorta snapping us out of the masking for a bit). sometimes the someone specific is even who was fronting before good ol masking took over; it just kind of grounds them to their actual self instead.
overall it just makes it impossible for us to tell when we are just genuinely blurry or just masking to the max. we usually just default to assuming that were blurry until enough clarity kicks in to say otherwise.
as far as the "thinking it could be a new alter" thing, we definitely relate to that too. we kinda have a whole, system in place (no pun intended...?) to help with that. when it comes to masking, particularly mirroring, we typically mirror other people/characters/etc. to the point that we genuinely feel like a new person. oftentimes to the point that we feel like we are them. many times in the past its so intense that it puts us under the impression that theres a new person to add to the bunch.
i think one of us has talked about it in the past here, but im too lazy to go fishing for it. basically, we might log it, like in our simply plural, usually. keeping the profile on private and just logging that this potential new guy is fronting. we usually give it a week or two to see if they ever front again or if we can still 'feel their presence' later on, in simple terms. for us, majority of the time theyre gone, 'cause they never existed to begin with. but thats just because we mirror so much and so intensely, not sure if thats something other systems can relate to. we also just arent a large system, and while it isnt uncommon for us to split, its even less common that they stick around past a week or two.
its a weird cycle. but it doesnt mean youre faking or anything. just one of the weird ways things mix, especially being a system and having something like autism. they dont always function separately, at least in our experience.
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vidavalor · 8 months
i keep seeing these thots that crow or azi or both are casanovas and got all the experience. or just some experience whtever
but i dont want that
i want them both to be complete unexperienced so they can have all the experiences together!!!!! (If they want them, if they arent ace which would be just as fine i just want them to be each others first everything if they arent ace)
and i so hate the thought of either of them being a player. Like ik they would treat everyone with kindness and respect but i just dont want them to have any experiences with others
Hi, friend. C'mon in and have some cookies. I made chocolate chip today. :)
First off, I can understand where you're coming from and I appreciate that your Ask to me wasn't unkind in the way you expressed it. I think we need more media with asexual characters in general, even if I don't think that's the story that is being told with Crowley & Aziraphale. (It might be with some other characters on the show and I hope that it's conclusively shown in some way in S3 as it would be a good thing.)
A word of advice from my ancient self here: I would caution you against equating virginity with "purity" or "romance" in a way that suggests that people who have had other partners are somehow "spoiled." There's nothing wrong with choosing to wait for a partner you feel comfortable with or for marriage or for any other reasons. Everyone's decisions regarding that are their own to make. The idea, though, that you judge romance relative to experience is a little worrisome. Life is full of many firsts. I'd caution you against holding a "first time" up in such high regard. There can be many different kinds of firsts. People grow and change throughout life and every experience is different and no worse or better than another one just because of when it happens. The idea of virginity meaning a "pure" experience is also oppressive to childhood sexual abuse survivors (of which there are, sadly, many, myself included).
There is nothing wrong with having sex-- just as there's nothing wrong with not having it. How many partners a person has had does not make them any less "pure" than people who have had none, nor does it mean that the sex would be less intimate or romantic with someone who has been with other people. How many partners a person has had does not impact the potential romance or level of intimacy they can have with a new partner. You don't both have to have never had sex to have a beautiful experience together.
As for first experiences with one another, I actually think they did have quite a few first experiences with one another-- regardless of whatever else did or didn't happen before. They've only ever loved each other so neither of them had ever slept with someone they were in love with before they started sleeping together. Forget first kiss-- I think Crowley is the first thing Aziraphale ever tasted, period, as I think their first kiss happened before the Job minisode. My next meta is actually about another "first" related to their relationship that they had with one another that I have the feeling from your ask that you might like. (It's called "Fish" & will be up soon.) There are still plenty of "firsts" in this story, if that's your thing, regardless of them having sex with other people.
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autisticlee · 8 months
i'm aroace, sex repulsed and don't get traditional romance or find the need for it, but I still often think how it would be neat to have a gf/partner for other purposes that arent romance and sexual. but it seems impossible to make someone want to date you if you take out those things????
sometimes I think it would be nice to have a gf to do cute gay cosplay photoshoots with. there would be mouth smooching and you usually can't do that with a friend and I don't really want to either, so a gf would be useful for that.
then there's hating showers because they exhaust me and it would be nice to have a gf to wash my hair and stuff for me??? can't call up a friend to do this every time I need to shower. that won't work and I doubt they'd want to/be comfortable doing that.
most friends will end up putting all their priority into their partner and/or family they create. I want someone that will make me their priority and not run off with someone else they start dating and abandon me??? something like that. their priority is cleaning our home together, hanging out together, going shopping and other domestic/partner stuff. they don't do that with someone else or use me temporarily until they can find a partner. so it's essentially dating/being partners. but it looks different from your typical expected romance and partnership.
doesn't matter how aroace I am, I have accepted that a relationship is beneficial in many ways and there's certain things that you can't expect friends to cover and they can't fill. but I have zero interest in looking for a partner in traditional ways that requires small talk/flirting/dates/etc. so that makes me realize i'll most likely not trick someone into partnering with me lmao
the internet seems to call this kind of thing "queer platonic relationship" (did I remember it right?) and you just need to find another sroace person to do it with. but either way, there's no textbook to study for how to get that and where to find these people. it seems harder than the puzzle that is regular dating tbh.
there's that saying "there's other fish in the sea" but i'm a worm in a puddle the other worms got out before they drowned. there's no fish here lmao. my options are so limited that I haven't met a single option yet in my life. there's barely any chance the first aroace person I meet irl will be compatible, or the first compatible person will accept a relationship with an aroace. you know what I mean? any other aroace that's interested in some kind of relationship/partnership and feel like you don't get that whole sea to choose from like everyone else and only have a dried up puddle? 😅
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