#but asside from all that what is she like
saviltriide · 9 months
Has anyone wrote anything about the personification or characterization of the TARDIS........ if not it seems ill have to take matters into my owns hands and do some good old fashioned reseach
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dumbslvtforethan · 8 months
⁴⁴⁴ cock warming friday ethan landry
summary: On Friday, you and your friends gathered for movie night at Chad and Ethan's dorm, but it leads to having a much more intimate moment with the one you'd never expect, your enemy.
warnings smut!, dirty talking, cock warming 1,298 words
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𐙚 mdni!! ↓↓ 𐙚༘⋆ೀೀ
EVERY FRIDAY ethan, anika, you and the core four would have a movie night, mostly it was for shits and giggles and ya'll never actualy payed attention to the movie. The majority of the group would just want to spend time together or eat pizza, but you? you just wanted to annoy the shit out of ethan landry. ethan was such a jerk, you absolutely dispysed him, making the fact that you wanted his cock in your mouth extremetly more annoying, you tried to deny it and let it asside but you just couldn't anymore, ethan was hot. like if your type became to life hot. but you hated ethan, and ethan hated you, so there was no point in trying, your ego wasn't worth that douchebag.
friday came around and like always, sam would bring pizza, i would bring coke and chad and ethan would lend their dorm. you were getting ready when your phone rung a text message from the group chat. "danny agreed to come to movie night, i hope that's ok with ya'll" sam texted. "the sofa is gonna be full tonight" you said to yourself. "hey, are you ready to go?" tara, my roommate said. "yeah i think so, i wonder what horror movie we will watch tonight, we are almost running out of them" you said, chuckling "well you know mindy, she's got a insanetly huge list." tara said, opening the door to our dorm. chad and ethan's dorm wasn't that far away, you just had to go a few floors up by stairs. "oh and chad said that ethan broke a couch earlier today so there's gonna be less space." tara said, while you two got up the metal stairs. this is what you meant when you said ethan was annoying, he probaby didn't even think of the consequences before busting that couch, he probably did it on purpose, you said to yourself. the truth was, you were absolutely correct, ethan would do absolutely anything to get closer to you, he even convinced sam to bring danny, the guy she'd been eye fucking since they got there. "so an extra person minus one couch? nice" you said, sarcasticly. when you two reached ethan and chad's dorm almost everyone was already there, mindy was choosing in detail the movie you were going to be watching while anika was sitting in her lap. chad was making more popcorn, sam and danny were at the verge of making out in the sofa and of course ethan. he gave you a disgusted look and you sarcasticly smiled in response. "oh hey guys!" chad said, with his mouth full of popcorn, he lifted up from his seat and gave you both a hug, you saw ethan looking away annoyed when chad hugged you. "mindy is just choosing the movie but, come get comfortable" chad said, motioning us to go seat in the couch. chad sat with tara and i choose a more isolated part of the couch, away from ethan. a few minutes into the movie when by and everyone started to get comfortable, except ethan of course, he just had to tell everyone to move. because of that, you had to get out of your seat. it was all going as ethan had planned. you got up and had the horrible realisation that, sam was in danny's lap, tara was in chad's, anika was in mindy's, meaning the only spot available was of course, on ethan's lap. "you've got to be kidding me." you said, insanely annoyed."come on Y/N i won't bite." he said, almost teasingly. "there's no way im sitting there" i said pointing to ethan's lap "i don't know Y/N you might like it" tara said winking at you, knowing you absolutely hated ethan. "move out of the way im trying to watch the fucking movie! just sit on ethan's lap, its not that deep" said mindy, clearly drunk. "fine" you said, having enough of the argument. you seat at ethan's lap uncomfortably, you wer for sure going to get made fun of over this. you sat on the edge of ethan's lap, at his knees. it didn't take long before you were grabbed by your waist by ethan's hands, pulling you closer to him. you were now sitting directly at his lap, your pussy covered by your soaking wet panties ached for touch, you whimpered silently, but loud enough for ethan's ears to hear, he smirked at the tought of the sound he were going to hear if he fucked you, how you would whimper in his ear only for him to hear. "some of us are trying to watch the movie" ethan whispered in your ear, sending electric waves all the way to your pussy. you rolled your eyes in response.
the movie was long gone by now, so were the group. everyone was sleeping or passed out, only you and ethan weren't. before completely passing out, mindy turned the air conditioner to the max volume, making you shiver. "are you cold?" ethan said, porpusedly whispering in your ear, he knew the effect that had on you."im fine" you said, half annoyed and the other half wishing he would kiss you. ethan grabbed a blanket from anika's lap, covering you both. "i said i was fine" you said turning to face him. "who said the blanket is for warming you up?" ethan said grabbing you into a heated kiss. you were now straddling his lap facing you, he pulled you closer to him. "i hate you" you whispered while making out, "so you're saying your not wet?" ethan whispered, you couldn't answer it, because it was true, you were wet. you started to move your hips in desperate need of friction. ethan placed his hand on your soaking wet panties, to confirm his superstition. "dirty, dirty girl, being all wet for your enemies dick." ethan said teasing you, after seeing that you were in fact wet. "i better give you what you want, right pretty girl?" he said, you could only nod. "take that fucking panties and skirt off" ethan ordered you, you followed his order, pulling your skirt up and taking your panties off. he slowly puled his pants and boxers down touching and rubbing your aching clit on purpose along the way. you lined your pussy with his cock lowering you down. slowly you got used to his size. you expected him to be big but he was way bigger than you'd ever expected. after you got used to his size you started to go up and down on his cock. ethan trowed his head back, the feeling of your tight pussy squeezing the life out of him was just too mush for him. ethan noticed that chad had awoken, and he was watching you two, for a while as it seemed by the look of his face. "atta boy" chad mouthed to him. "you tell anyone about this your dead, you hear me? now let me fuck the girl ive been fantasying for months, would you?" ethan mouthed back. "yeah, yeah" chad mouthed, drifting off to sleep shortly after. you started whimpering softly, just as ethan imagined you'd do. after a while you got tired, it was almost 4 am at this point. "ethan please move for me, i need you" you said, after resting on his cock. "for sure you don't hate me now huh?" he said, moving his hips making you jump. "begging for your enemies cock" ethan said, only making you hornier "im cumming" you said, at the verge of an orgasm "cum on my fucking cock slut" he said, you moaned his name releasing yourself. "do you really hate me?" he said "well your cock is inside me so..." you said, bitting your lip.
@jchampionsgf - on tumblr
a/n: i NEEDED to write this
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carolmunson · 11 months
carol’s at the laundromat mat, so:
older!modern!eddie it is.
(tw: implied sexual themes, implied smut/spanking idk. they argue but it’s kind of hot leave me alone.)
Gwen whines, not used to having to sit still for so long and the iPad lost her interest twenty minutes ago. He bounces her on his lap to try and make her laugh but she’s tired and grouchy; he’s out of snacks — forgetting how long this takes when he’s not in control of it. When the only thing you can do is wait.
“Wan’ go home daddy,” she pouts, resting her curly head on his shoulder, “Pwease.”
“I know you do, baby girl,” he coos, big ringed hand smoothing over her back, “But we wouldn’t be here if you didn’t put your crayons in the washing machine.”
She huffs, burying her face in his neck and pushing her body further into him. Maybe if she melts his heart enough he’ll relent and take her home; but he can’t leave you here to do it all yourself.
You come over from switching the loads into the dryer; it’s a dead night so you can use a few to make the process a little faster. You’re about as grouchy as Gwen is; annoyed that you had to retreat and wash the loads you did originally and now that you have to get the washing machine professionally fixed. You run your tongue over your teeth when you sit down next to them, crossing your arms against your chest with a huff that matches your daughters.
Two grouchy girls.
“Why don’t you take her home and I’ll fold it all?” he offers quietly.
“No. I’m the one doing the laundry because you’re so out of touch you can barely work a laundry card. You can deal with an angry toddler,” you snap.
“Well right now I’m dealing with two angry toddlers, so,” he snaps back with a shrug; his voice is cool and calm. The measured tone puts warmth in your chest; perks up your posture.
“I’m not acting like a toddler,” you say back, Gwen occupied now with Eddie’s phone, looking at herself in the front facing camera.
“All that huffing and puffing?” his brows raise, “Coulda fooled me.”
“Shut up, Ed,” your voice sour, reaching into your canvas tote to take out a book while you wait for the clothes to run through the dryer.
“Steeb!” Gwen smiles, the FaceTime ring coming in with his photo in the corner. Eddie tosses you a tight look before answering the call, connecting an AirPod to one ear and the other on Gwen.
“Hold on to it, Gwenny,” he instructs.
“Kay, daddy,” she nods while he holds the phone in front of her face. Steve smiles at the sight of her.
“Hi girl,” he coos, “How are you, lady?”
“We’re at the washa-masheen sto’,” she smiles.
His brow quirks, Eddie leaning forward to explain her toddler-ese, “We’re at the laundromat.”
“Ew. Why?” Steve’s face sours at the thought of a laundromat, sharing machines, leaving things behind.
“Your favorite girl put her 64 pack of crayons in the washing machine so we have to get it repaired,” he sighs.
“Aww, Gwenny,” he pouts into the screen, “You silly girl.”
“It was by assident,” she pouts, lower lip jutting out.
“I know,” he matches her face back at her, apologetic voice on, “You’ve never done anything bad in your life. You never will.”
Eddie let’s a puff of breath out of his mouth with a roll of his eyes, “Yeah wait until she breaks something of yours before you say that.”
“She’s an angel every time she’s in Chicago,” Steve shrugs, “Maybe it’s just you. You’re an angel, right Gwen?”
“I’mma angel, Daddy,” Gwen nods, not really knowing what she means. Eddie giggles at her, running a hand over her soft curls.
“Yeah you are,” he smiles down at her before pressing a kiss to the back of her head while she babbles at Steve. He can still feel your frustration emanating off of you while you hastily turn a page in your book.
He takes a the headphone out of his ear before turning his head your way, voice low with warning, “Sorry, am I bothering you?”
“M’just trying to read,” your voice teeters on bratty when you whisper back to him with narrowed eyes, “You’re both being so fuck—freaking distracting.”
His mouth falls opens slightly in a surprised smile, “You’re in rare fuckin’ form tonight, you hear me?”
“Don’t talk to me like that,” your brow furrowed and on defense.
“Why don’t you go home? I’ll fold while Gwen talks to Steve,” he offers again, “Maybe you can figure out where all this attitude came from on the way there.”
“You can’t carry all that back with Gwen,” you counter, head nodding towards the empty laundry bags next to him.
“We’ll take a car,” he nods bitterly, “Go home. We’ll see you in a little.”
There’s no room for arguing, not when he puts on his authority voice. A voice normally reserved for Gwen when she’s in need of some parental guidance; but he’s used it on you a few times. A reminder — still twelve years your senior.
You suck in your cheeks, chewing on the skin for a minute while you consider it. You put your book back in your bag, tossing your keys in too, “Fine.”
“Fine,” he retorts back. He bounces Gwen to get her attention, “Say bye to mommy, honey.”
She turns, her big baby eyes rounding with confusion, “Bye mommy?”
“I’m gonna run home and start dinner, Gwenny,” you smile at her, forcing yourself not to be annoyed while you soothe her, “You want some chicken tenders and rice?”
“Ya,” she giggles, “Please.”
“Good manners, girlie,” you smile, kissing her on the forehead, “See you in a little.”
“See ya in a widdle,” she parrots back.
“Where’s Peach goin’?” Steve asks when Eddie puts the headphone back in his ear, watching you leave through the automatic doors.
“Home,” he sighs, rubbing his temple, “Dealing with two bratty girls today.”
“Ouch,” Steve nods, “Sorry about that — but, to be fair, Gwen is never bratty.”
“I’m gonna hang up on you, man,” he laughs, pushing his curls out of his eyes while Gwen takes over the conversation again; finally smiley and settling.
Eddie gets home later with the folded laundry and a napping three year old on his hip. He barely speaks when he brings the clothes upstairs and puts Gwen in her room while you work on dinner in the kitchen. Just like the both of you to hold a mini grudge when you don’t know what you’re arguing about in the first place.
He eases down the metal spiral staircase, jeans swapped out for sweats and long socks, t-shirt with the arms cut out that show off his arms and the tops of his obliques.
“You got somethin’ you wanna say to me?” he asks. You slam the oven in response.
“Ooh, okay,” he nods, perked up at the challenge, “Look’it me, huh?”
You look at him from under your lashes, aggravation pumping through you — you don’t even know why you’re mad anymore.
“What’s your problem?” he asks, making his way over to you, pressing you up against the counter while his arms come around to cage you in.
“Just — I don’t know, tired,” you shrug.
“Tired?” he laughs, tilting his head down to run the tip of his nose over your neck, up over your jaw, “You sure?”
Your needy sigh clues him in, you’re not tired.
“Think you need me to help you get over it,” he purrs, “Don’t you, baby?”
You whimper in response, he leaves a long kiss at the hinge of your jaw, “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you later. I promise.”
“You’re insufferable,” you sigh, trying not to give in to him but wanting to desperately.
“That’s why you married me,” he smirks, coming back up to kiss you softly on the lips, “But keep it up, sweetheart. All that mean girl shit. See if I go easy on you.”
Later that night; you’re both grateful that his office is soundproofed.
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In war and love
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Summary : Daemon comes back from war injured and you are here for him.
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You were reading a book In front of your chambers fireplace when you heard sound coming from outside yours and Daemon shared room. It wasn't usual because you were in a private and secluded place of the castle that only your husband and yourself were allowed to come to. Considering the fact that for a good month now Daemon departed for war, a frown appeared on your features and you decided to go see what it was.
When you opened the large door of the chamber, you found yourself face to face with your personal maid Mina, that looked quite erratic. The poor girl seemed panicked and you started to be worried to as she spoke in a hurry to you.
Oh you majesty thanks the lord you are awake! It's the prince~ He is back and...injured. We tried to take care of his wounds but he doesn't allows any of us close to him. I deplore to say that I'm quite desperate your Highness.
Your eyes went wide at her words, understanding that your husband was finally back in the castle and to your inner turmoil injured. You knew Daemon like you knew your own self, he wasn't the type to show weakness and allow others to see himself in a compromising position. Being injured and weak was one of them and you knew that apart from yourself, their was no one else he would allow near him in this situation.
Knowing that, you pushed away your frustration for not being informed right away of his arrival and just asked the young women where your dear husband was.
You weren't surprised at all to hear he still was in his dragon company in the lower part of the castle. After all, Daemon just loved this place and his dragon. So without further a do, you hurried to get to his side, your mind getting a bit overwhelmed with different scenarios possible.
Soon enough, you found yourself standing in front of the huge entrance of Caraxes home. A long breath escaped your lips as you prepare yourself to see Daemon after a week apart. You honestly never could pinpoint the reason but it always was a sources or stress and anxiety to see him after he went to battle...especially now that he came back injured. What if he was in a terrible condition, what if his injury were not something you could help him with this time...
You found yourself shot out of your wandering mind as Mina joined your side again and stood besise of you shyly.
Your highness, do you require anything from me before you get to his majesty?
Your eyes locked on your maid and you shook your head in a negative manner. You'll take care of Daemon by yourself you tought.
No I will be fine, the rest of the staff and yourself can retire for the night. You said with a serious but none the less gentle voice to the girl, before looking back at the large door in front of you.
As you wish your majesty, have a good night.
Your maid told you before retiring like you asked. Leaving you finally at peace to attend to your husband.
With a bit of hesitation, you opened the large door and came into the gigantic underground rocked cave that served as a home for your husband's dragon. Rapidly, as you scanned the area, your eyes saw Daemon's figure from afar, standing asside of Caraxes large scaly head to pet him. The only sight of it that was quite adorable you'll have to admit, brought a smile to your lips instantly and a chuckle to leave your mouth.
You slowly walked to the both of them after that, feeling your breathing escalating slowly. Your worry and love for your prince were making your poor heart all bothered, that even if apparently Daemon hadn't realized you were there yet. In fact, It wasn't until Caraxes let an happy growl out because of the sight of you, that your husband finally realised your presence close behind him.
Well at least there is one of you both that came home without any scratches. You said with your gentle and sweet voice that let your nervousness shows a bit.
Daemon turned to look at you when you spoke up, his deep gaze finding yours in a mere second.
He immediately smiled at the sight of you, standing there looking so devine. He missed you so much when he was gone and as he look at you, your husband could sware you looked even more perfect that you did before his departure. The Rogue prince heart was beating hard in his chest, his desire and need to get closer to you only growing stronger by the seconds. Daemon just couldn't wait any longer, so he moved quickly in front of you and took hold of your face. Then, with a deep and passionate devotion, he kissed your lips deeply.
The sudden contact made you moan and whimper, wanting so much more of him. His touch felt like heaven and his strong arms securely placed around your waist made you feel safe like only him could. For a moment, your mind went blank and you only had the feeling of his lips against yours and his presence close to you that matter.
Then, after a while of getting used to each other again, you both parted and only stayed in each other's embraced for a moment. Daemon caressed your cheek delicately, treating you like the most precious thing in the world and then spoke up.
My perfect wife...how I missed you.
A smile shined on your lips at this and you delicately started playing with strands of his long white hair that you loved so much.
I missed you to Daemon...you know it's difficult for me when your gone. You told him gently before your mind finally got lucid enough again to remind you why you were down here in the first place. You took a rushed intake of breath, realizing Daemon might actually be in pain, then you backed away a little from your man to take a better look at him. Your eyes scanned every single part of his strong and perfect body before they fell on his left arm and stop net.
Oh my God...
You whispered before placing your hand to each side of his wound. It was really bloody and he apparently had a long and quite deep cut starting at his shoulder and stopping a bit higher that his mid arm. It looked really painful and your eyes went immediately to his, feeling terribly bad.
Daemon for heaven sake why didn't you let the maids attend to this!! That's a serious injury.
You said with a shaky breath filled with sudden panic and worry.
Your husband that didn't seemed affected at all by his injury chuckled at your words and tries to get you to calm down. He took your face between his hand and looked deeply into your eyes.
It's nothing my love don't worry, my body have seen much worse. Beside I don't want anybody but you to touch me.
His pretty eyes and his deep and attractive voice calmed your nerves a bit. You felt frustrated by how fucking stubborn your husband was sometimes, he apparently thought it was a funny matter and wasnt taking it seriously at all.
Nothing! Daemon your going to bleed out if you do nothing about it, God your such a stubborn asshole sometimes. Thanks the gods for gifting me patience!~
You said with a serious and quite apparent anger, before taking your husband dagger that he kept on his belt and ripping off a large piece of black tissues of your dress. After doing that, you roughly tear apart the sleeve of his tunic and pressed the tissue you took from your dress to his wound to get the blood off of it.
While you were doing that, Daemon just looked at you with a smirk and a loving expression. Even if he knew very well it wasn't a situation that was supposed to be funny, he couldn't keep his amusement away from his feature.
You looked so sexy and entrancing when angry, he just loved this fire within you so much. You were so different from any other women. One second you could be delicate and soft and the next, rough and violent when something was making you mad. Daemon just felt like you fitted perfectly together. You were a delicate flower but you had really dangerous thorn that even him felt proud of.
As you carried on with your task, you didn't realised that your husband had gotten his lips closer to your ear. So when Daemon actually bite your lob and whispered something seductively to you, your body immediately trembled with surprise and desire.
You look so terribly attractive when you are mad my love...
Your cheeks redden immediately as he spoke those praises to you. You felt so silly to react like this when you were supposed to be mad at him. Why did he has to be so perfect, it was a torture in itself. Especially since you were separated from each other the past month, but anyway.
With all the might and control you had, you keep your cool and stayed focused on the bleeding, your eyes meeting his for a mere second.
Daemon, this is nighter the moment or the place for this darling.
You told him with the ghost of a smirk lingering on your lips and a little twinkle of desire that you just couldn't hide from him.
The Rogue prince at your words and apparent desire just chuckled and kissed the nape of your neck delicately.
Fine...I'll try to wait until you finish with this if that's what you desire my love.
Daemon purred against your neck before letting his lips leave your skin to smile at you.
You are such a child you know that?
You said softly to him while letting go of his wound to take his hand instead.
Come now, we need to get to our chamber. This wound of yours need to get stitches.
Yes mam. Daemon said obediently with an attractive smirk lingering on his lips.
Your only answer to his words was a cute chuckled and a smile before you dragged him out of the underground caves. You both walked your way through the different hidden passages that lead to your quarters. Daemon staying behind you, his eyes staying on your perfect figure. He honestly felt happy to be back to you and couldn't keep himself from thinking that you were perfect.
Soon enough, you reached your chambers and delicately entered before closing the door behind you both.
Daemon seemed to look around when you arrived. Just like if things would have change during the time he wasn't home or maybe was it because he missed being here. You couldn't say. However, you did remembered you had to take care of him so your mind when back to your task.
You flashed your husband a cute smiled then, before asking him sweetly to go sit on the bed while you get the things you'll need to stitch his wound.
The Targaryen prince, didn't even wait a second before executing himself and getting settled on the bed.
As he sat down, you immediately left his side to get what you needed.
During this time, Daemon was still looking at the room with an happy smile on his lips. It felt good to be back to the castle and back to you. He loves the war but sometimes being away from you was becoming a torture that he wasn't quite liking. Anyhow, as he observed the surrounding with a warm expression on his feature, his purple eyes moved to look aside of him to your side of the bed. To his surprise, he found the bed untouched, just like if nobody had slept on it tonight. Daemons eyebrows furrowed at this and he wondered why you weren't sleeping at this hours of the night. He was slowly starting to think about getting up to fetch you
but then you emerged back from the bathroom to come back to his side.
How did you know I was back my love, did the maids woke you up?
Your husband asked you with a gentle voice that only you got to hear. He seemed concerned suddenly and you wondered why. Your eyes found his as you sat aside of him on the bed, laying all the things you went to get. Then, you asked him to turn a bit so you'd be able to stitch his wound. While he obeyed in silence, you answered his question with a warm voice.
No they didn't, I wasn't sleeping actually.
Your husband turned his head to look back at you seemingly more curious and worried.
Why is that? It's nearly 4 in the morning if I'm not mistaken...you should have been sleeping at this hours my sweet.
As Daemon spoke his last words, you understood why he seemed worried. After all you did stayed up quite late and this, because you just couldn't sleep without him. The past month have been a nightmare for you honestly. You barely manage to get an hour or two of sleep each night and that only when you slept on his side of the bed with his pillow that smelled like him.
His perfect eyes were looking at you scrutinizingly and you felt yourself getting flustered suddenly. It was special to have Daemon caring about you, after all he was ruthless and terrifying for most people and you felt special to be the only one exception to this rule.
You gently started to dab at his wound with a cotton covered with alcohol. The action didn't even caused your husband to react or flinch. As you observe his feature for any trace of pain or else from your actions, you spoke up to him again.
I know...but I wasn't I'm sorry to disappoint you my dear husband.
Daemon eyes seemed to show love and care toward you as you speak. He honestly just wanted to know why you weren't sleeping and he made sure that you understood he needed an answer this time. His hand went to your chin and he brought your face softly up to look at him again. Your hands at this stopped moving and your attention immediately got taken away from him.
A shaky breath left your lips at the sudden tension that you felt between the both of you. He could be such a pain in the ass sometimes. It was making you mad that you were to tell him how desperate you were without him. Nonetheless, you knew he wouldn't stop asking if you didn't answered his question. Your husband wasn't the most patient of man, so you just answered.
Because I can't sleep without you Daemon! Is it what you wanted to hear, your happy now?!
You literally shout out at him before looking away back to his wound. You desperately tried to look everywhere but at him, the feeling of guilt within you getting stronger by the second because of how arsh you sounded. You regretted it the second it came out of your lips.
Your husband on his side, stayed dumbfounded looking at you with a blank expression. He defenetly didn't expected you to talk to him like that. You were for sure the only person in the world that he would leave alive after being that disrespectful toward him. Luckily for you however, daemons worry for you was stronger than his masculine urges to have you obedient and perfect for him. Therefore, instead of being pissed at you for yelling at him, he just took it on him to observe you better. Now that he could look at you clearly with the lighting of the room, the Targaryen prince could clearly saw how tired you seemed to be.
Oh my love...you look so terribly pale, I'm just worried about your well-being. How much sleep did you have this past month darling...honestly.
You were expecting anything but this reaction from your husband really. His voice sounded so soft and sweet, it made you feel even worse. After minutes of looking away, you finally allowed yourself you look into his eyes again before speaking up to him.
I'm sorry...I shouldn't have yelled. I don't have a lot of patience recently. To be quite honest...I don't really know how much sleep I got while you were gone. Maybe two hours a day or less.
You finally confessed to him before letting a soft breath out of your mouth. You kept looking into his deep violet eyes this time and you clearly saw his worry and slight panic when you said that. You immediately tried to recomfort him, to tell him you were fine even if it wasn't quite true. One of your hand came to his face and you just caressed it softly.
Daemon I'm ok, don't worry my love. I knew you would be away for war a lot when we got married. It's something I consented to and it's more meaningful than my sleep by far.
Unbelief cross on Daemon's face at your words. He couldn't believe that. Nothing was more important than your well-being for him and he felt bad that you didn't think the same.
My Beloved wife...there is nothing in the whole world that is more important than you to me. Daemon said as he gently started to caress your cheek with his fingers. It felt really good and without noticing, you leaned closer to his touch. You missed that. Those intimate moments that you both had and the delicate and loving way he used to touch you.
A pretty smile revealed itself on your lips as both your eyes met. Your heart beat harder in your chest from that simple touch of his. It truly mattered to you that he cared even if you told him not to. You knew it was Daemons way of telling you "I love you".
For a slight second, your eyes shifted to his lips. You felt like kissing them quite badly right now. A shaky breath left you as your thoughts lost the battle against your desire. Your body on its own, guided by your need for his, shifted on his lap and soon enough, your lips found his in a passionate embrace.
A sweet moan left your lips as you both kissed, Daemon not waiting a second before kissing you back and placing his arms around your waist securely. For a moment you forgot everything and just basked into him and the feeling of being close to him like this again. It felt so addictive and your body responded to it was if they had craved it for months. In a reflex, your fingers intertwined themselves into Daemon's long white hair and started playing with them gently. After a little moment, your lips parted from each other and you let your head fall on his. A moment of silence followed then and words your husband wasn't saying but showing to you stayed in the air peacefully.
I know, I love you too Daemon. My perfect dragon prince. You told him sweetly with all the love you felt for him showing in your eyes. A hand came to his cheek and you gently started caressing it, before speaking up again.
I know you worry about me darling but I promise that I'll be fine now that you are back. I just need to finish stitching your wound up and we will go to sleep.
Daemons seemed to think about that for a moment, then he finally gave up on arguing and just nod. He wasn't liking the fact you needed to waist time on your sleep that you already visibly lacked to help him out. Yet, Daemon knew he wouldn't be able to manage his wound alone so consequently, he just stayed there looking at you with a guilty like expression. Before you started again to attend to his injury, the rogue prince gently kissed your forehead and smiled to you.
Fine but don't even think about getting out of bed tomorrow because their is no way I will let it happen.
A chuckled left your lips at his words, knowing very well that he was absolutely serious about this.
Oh don't worry, I won't even more a muscle now that I have you back I'll make sure to take everything I can.
You said playfully, yet quite truthfully.
With an affectionate smile mirroring his, you started back to get his wound disinfected after speaking. It took you mare minutes after you got to work before finishing this step and getting to the stitching part. You had to say you were a bit worried for him knowing it would hurt quite a lot.
Nonetheless, you knew it was something that needed to be done so you just prepared the needle and the thread before your eyes went up to Daemons with the apparent worry that showed in them.
Are you ready my love? You asked him sweetly while laying a gentle kiss to his temple.
Daemon smiled at you apparently touched by your concern for him, then he just nodded at your words confidently.
Yes, don't worry for me it's really not the first time darling.
His words sounded confident and they got you a bit more appeased that you were seconds ago. Considering that you had his go now, you got to work and started to plunged the needle into his skin and stitch the wound. You tried to hurry up the best you could, even if when you looked at daemons expression while you work, he didn't seemed affected by pain at all. It was more for you than for him you thought but Anyway. After a good fifteen minute of hard work, you were done and your husbands arms finally stopped bleeding. You observed your work with pride and then smiled brightly to you man that seemed happy to be done with that.
There, I'm done my prince, try not to fight anybody until it heals completely would you.
You said with a playful tone and a smirk on your lips as you gathered everything you used in a little basket and got it on the floor beside the bed.
Daemons hand came under your chin as you cheekily talked to him and he kissed your lips to shut you up. A giggled left you during the kiss and you layed your hand on his strong chest. A cute little whimper got out of your lips when he let go and you feign a pout as he stood up from the bed and chuckled your way.
Don't be mad at me wife, I'm simply going to clean myself up a bit before we get to sleep. You'll get plenty of kissed afterward I promise. Your husband said before disappearing in the bathroom with a soft smile, leaving you sat on the bed, blushing like a shy maiden.
Your heart skipped a beat at the prospect of sleeping with him after all this time. To say you were excited was an understatement but you gathered yourself and hurried up to get ready for bed. It was nearly morning already but you couldn't care less, you needed sleep quite desperately and their was absolutely nothing that would get you out of bed before the day after.
As you stripped yourself from your gown and undid your hair, You felt the delicate and warm heat of the fire touching your skin. It felt good and you couldn't keep yourself from smiling brightly while getting dressed into your nightgown this time. Surprisingly, when you got back to bed and slide under the huge covers, Daemon wasn't there yet. You layed your head on your pillow then, waiting for him as your long white hair framed your pretty face.
You didn't had to wait very long before you saw your husband walking out of the bathroom in only his undergarment. His hair was undone and cascading down his back like an incessant river, his chest built up to perfection like gods and Celeste. You didn't even realised that you had stopped breathing for a instant as your eyes followed him walking to you. Daemons had a smirk on his lips like usual, his cocky and self assured self couldn't resist showing delight at your apparent attractiveness toward his appearance. He just knew too well the effect he had on you and to say he enjoyed it was an euphemism.
When he reached the bed and joined you under the covers, your heart stuttered then you blushed. It felt weird to have him back and there just aside of you. A good weird of course but still.
Daemon's eyes looked at you for a moment as you lay beside him, looking flawless and gorgeous. He couldn't believe you were his, it still was astounding even after all these years of being married. As he gently lay on the bed beside you, Daemon extended his arms to grip your waist and then hissed your body to his in a simple pull. Your body tensed up a bit at first, now that both of you were pressed against each other. Yet you rapidly got used to it and the breath you were holding in got out in a relief huff. It felt so good to be in his arms at last. The warmth of his skin finally back to keep yours hot enough during the time you slept. There was a happy smile that shined on your lips as you gently kissed your husband's chest and closed your eyes. The heaviness of sleep was getting the best of you and since you were in security in his arms, there was nothing that could stop you from sleeping like a baby.
I love you Daemon and I missed you...I missed that.
Your husband that was waiting for you to be asleep to himself follow, was stroking your hair in a relaxing manner. As you spoke, he sweetly shushed you and kissed your forehead.
I know my love, I missed it too... sleep now, you need it my darling wife.
His words said with so much love and affection, we're just what you needed to finally let go. You tried to get even closer to him with a little whine, then some minutes passed and you were finally gone in the dream world.
Daemon's eyes which never left your pretty face, shined with tenderness as he heard your steady breathing. You were asleep in his arms and he couldn't feel more at home. His eyes closed then, following you shortly to slumber. His head laid on top of yours and his arms stayed securely around you.
The prince has reunited with his princess, nothing would disturb them anymore. There was only sleep and love.
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miquella-everywhere · 7 months
Discussing Lore with @lordmarble 😂 This is obviously unhinged but there are some points here in this conversation that I would like to expand upon, be warned tho, this post is super long with a ton of pictures and mostly filled with speculation lol
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So yeah, Messmer is potentially Godfreys son, and more importantly Marikas first born. Obviously this is all speculation but it still has some validity to it considering the evidence.
The impaled Giants at the top of Flame Peak had always been a source of confusion to me, but now with Messmers existence made apparent, and his moniker being "The Impaler", if he truly were Marikas first born then his role in the War of the Giants would make sense.
At the Mountaintops of the Giants we find the First Church of Marika, and this church was most likely constructed during the War and was the beginning of Marikas conquest and reign, and possibly where she wed Godfrey. Now crudeness asside, usually back in the day after a wedding you would consummate the marriage to attempt to produce heirs, so it would have been likely that Messmer was born during the war and had a strong part in ending it too:
Godfrey would lead the charge causing absolute devastation, and Messmer, the product of the union between the newest God in the Lands Between and this fierce warrior turned even fiercer Lord, would truly be a child of strength and a sight to behold on the battle field.
As for why Messmers hair would be red, I will turn your attention to the speculated Giants curse and how it (potentially) was that curse that made Radagon despise his own hair. Well the exact specifics of the curses origins are unknown, but what if the Giants/Fell God cursed Marika when she was pregnant with Messmer?
Hmm, your Era of Gold certainly is off to a great start with your red-headed baby Marika.
Queen Marika, gets pregnant:
😂 Jokes aside, the fact that this is possible intrigues me because not only does it flip the truth of Elden Rings history on its head, but because the red hair trait didn't begin with Radagon, it began with Messmer.
And now in the trailer we see this statue right behind Messmer of a woman holding a baby:
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The woman is without a doubt Marika, as proven by the arm bands and the braid. And a statue like this seems to me like the type of statue that would have been commissioned to commemorate the birth of Queen Marikas, Gods, first born child.
But seeing how we don't see this statue anywhere in the Lands Between, and how Messmer is essentially a walking symbol of blasphemy against the Erdtree, it would make sense if this statue, along with Messmer, were tossed into the Land of Shadow to be forgotten along with the rest of the things and cultures that the Golden Order shuns. Which is exactly what this Land is as confirmed in an interview with Miyazaki.
Messmer also being brothers with Godwyn really gives Godwyn the much needed characterization and backstory that he is severely lacking, and Messmer being associated with Ancient Dragon Communion would make perfect sense if he was a cofounder to the Ancient Dragon Cult alongside Godwyn. As well as the angst that follows from the potential falling out and banishment that happens.
Like I said in the above dialogue at some point Messmer became this utterly blasphemous figure to the point that he was completely erased from history. What he did at this point, is unknown, but my money is on the theory that the Erdtree has been burnt once before. And committing such a massive Cardinal Sin is clearly worthy of being scrubbed from history all together.
If all of this did happen back in Godfreys era then it would make sense why the snake was seen as a traitor as far back as the gladiatoral days 🤔
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So many things going on here with Miquella
I am fairly certain that Miquella is still alive, his soul and spirit may have left his body but his heart is definitely still beating. If you know about my Miquella blood theory, then you know that I theorized that the Arteria Leaf is connected to Miquella and the fact that the leaf has a faint pulse is quite telling.
And then there's this little blurb of mine👇:
"Also there may be a high ass chance that as st. trina, miquella might be able to have prophetic dreams seeing as he entrusted torrent to melina, and the spirit bell to ranni, to both give to you when you arrive to the lands between
miquella KNOWS about the tarnished and has likely favored us for a very long time."
It would not surprise me in the SLIGHTEST BIT if Miquella did indeed have prophetic dreams lol
So clearly Miquella knows about us and is willing to go so far to give us both Torrent and the Spirit Calling Bell(and 3 wolves) by proxy via Melina and Ranni. Miquella obviously has a lot riding on us I would say, and whatever he seeks to accomplish in the Land of Shadow relies entirely upon us...
Also if Miquella does have prophetic dreams could he or did he foresee Mohg kidnapping him???? Or is there a limit to what he can and cannot see in his dreams 🤔 But this post is already long enough, so I'm gonna end it here and leave it for another speculation for another time!
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whumpsoda · 10 months
Can I request a part 2 of the "Your Name is Villain" piece pls?
Yes ofc!! :)) Apologies if this took a little while and it’s not the greatest, I didn’t have many ideas for it. Part 1- Your Name is Villain
cw: implications of workplace abuse
Gingerly, Sidekick bumped her sore knuckles against the hardwood door. “Come in!” A muffled voice invited from the other side.
Swinging open the intimidatingly humongous door, she was met with Leader’s piercing stare. Contrast to Sidekick, the other woman was always unsettlingly well put together, even under the most demanding of times. Judging from the dark circles forming under Leader’s eyes, it was easy to tell now was one of said times.
“Hey, um, we need to talk. Please.” She carefully shut the door behind her, mindful to keep the noise to a minimum. Leader was incredibly easy to irritate on a good day, and a bad day was unimaginable.
Leader rubbed her temple with calloused fingers, carelessly tossing asside a stack of papers. “Make it quick, Sidekick.” She huffed, bitterly.
“I- of course, ma’am.” Rigidly, she placed herself in the uncushioned chair vertical to Leader’s desk. Tightly intertwining the fabric of her sweater in her chubby finger’s, she watched Leader’s knife sharp nails tap impatiently against the wooden desk.
“I- I’m sorry,” The constant, quick tapping of Leader’s heels against the tile ran her throat dry. “I just… I’m getting really worried about hero-”
“I knew it!” Leader waved a hand her direction, practically shooing Sidekick away.
“This is the fourth time this week, Sidekick!” Pinching the bridge of her nose, Leader fell into the back of her office chair.
Sidekick almost jumped out of her seat. “Yes, Ma’am, I know, but it’s been two weeks he’s been gone! I’m getting scared, and I don’t know what to do, and it’s like you’re not listening to me-”
“Because I’m not!” Leader exclaimed, throwing her hands into the air. “Do you understand how many times Hero has been kidnapped by an enemy? How many times he has figured it out on his own? How many times he has returned basically unscathed?!” 
Sidekick’s heart beat out of her chest, the sound filling her ears. “I- well yes, but-”
Leader jumped, ready to interject once again. “If I was you, Sidekick, I think I’d be more aware of his patterns than anyone! I would honestly think he was getting himself captured on purpose!” Leader shook her head dissapointedly.
Sidekick felt an undeniable heat rise in her stomach. “Well, ma’am, if you’d let me speak, I’d like to bring to your attention that it often doesn’t take two weeks for Hero to get himself out of a predicament like this one! And, y’know, all those other times were familiar Villains! Ones easy to thwart!” 
“And what’s your point?”
“Well, I mean, we don’t know this Villain! We don’t even know what his power is! What if it’s something that Hero can’t defeat? What if he’s in pain right now, maybe being tortured, and you’re just brushing this all off!” Sidekick was almost yelling, the fact that Leader was the recipient not processing in her mind. 
“Hero is not helpless, Sidekick! I bet he’d be insulted over the way his mere sidekick, looks down on him!” She slammed her fists against the chill wood surface, spitting as she shouted into the face of her subordinate.
“I- that’s not what I said-!”
“Shush, Sidekick! I don’t have the time to deal with your feeble worries, I already have a headache as it is!” Leader plopped exhasbiratefly back into her seat.
“I already told you, Hero is more than capable of saving himself! The top hero in the city being captured by a small-name villain is the least of my concerns! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must continue working on the speech for my ceremony next week!” Once again, she dismissed Sidekick with a frustrated flick of the wrist.
Sidekick sputtered, words halting on her tongue from the stabbing glare of the older woman. Begrudgingly, she turned to the door with nothing but a scowl and the fury rising up her throat.
“Oh, hey, sir!” Hero perked up, giving Supervillain a wide smile. Hero held a cracked, worn out broom in two hands.
Supervillain recoiled slightly. He still hadn’t gotten used to having a roommate. “Oh. Sorry. Hello, Villain.” He said, fiddling with his shirt awkwardly. Hero waved frantically back at him.
“No! No need to be sorry, sir! I didn’t mean to startle you! I forgot it takes you a little while to get situated after just waking up.” The man looked to Supervillain with a sheepish smile. 
Having only been residing with Supervillain two weeks, it seemed a bit worrying that Hero was picking up such things about him. Or, rather, unfamiliar. Supervillain hadn’t had someone notice things about him in a long time, namely from the lack of a social life. It was a bit uncomfortable how much Hero seemed to care.
“There’s, um, nothing to apologize for.” It was then that Supervillain took notice of the contents sprawled out on the foldable table behind Hero. Whatever it was, the heavenly smell wafted through Supervillain’s nostrils.
Hero must have noticed him staring, and cheerfully motioned Supervillain over. “I almost forgot! I hope it’s alright but I made you breakfast!” Supervillain caught the broom before it could fall to the chill concrete floor, Hero to eager to show off to even realize he har dropped it. “I… I noticed you don’t really eat a whole lot, cause you’re always working all the time, and, y’know, people always say breakfast is the most important meal!”
The subject of the delicious smell was a hearty platter of warm, freshly cooked stereotypical breakfast foods. Supervillain hadn’t seen such an angelic, large portion of food since he had been maybe ten. 
Before he could even thank the gifter, Supervillain came to a shaking realization.
“Hero.” Hero perked up, eyes wide from the stern tone of his voice. “Where did you get the things to make all this?” 
It was practically mind bending, the way the strongest hero in the city looked down at him with such fearful, gaping eyes. “I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t mean to go against you. I-I know I wasn’t supposed to go out, I promise. I just wanted to do something nice, please, I swear, I promise.” 
Hero looked like a kicked puppy.
Supervillain, having no prolonged contact with anyone in maybe ten years, had unsurprisingly, no clue what his next step was. The realization of Hero’s rule breaking had quickly infuriated him, yet the look on the man’s face led guilt, an emotion he thought he’d rid long ago, to crawl out.
“N- it- Villain, it’s fine. Don’t look at me like that. Please.” Supervillain pressed a rigid hand to Hero’s shoulder, in a manner meant to be comforting, although not exactly following through.
“Sorry! Sorry, sir.” Hero straightened his back, holding his hands in front of himself.
It always unsettled Supervillain, the way he was so eager to please. While it made Supervillain’s plans of making him a villainous assistant far easier, his obedient nature was obviously unhealthy. 
“Just… don’t do that again. Ever. It’s too dangerous.”
“Of course not, sir. I don’t even know what I was thinking, breaking one of your rules.” Hero laugher nervously, eventually trailing off into uncomfortable silence.
After awkwardly patting Hero on the shoulder one time too many, Supervillain gracefully plucked a piece of bacon from the plate. Hero watched patiently, seemingly awaiting Supervillain’s approval.
Soon after Supervillain dug into the delectable meal, Hero took the opportunity to speak up. “So, sir, I have another surprise for you.” Supervillain met the man’s excited expression.
“I’m working on a plan. I know that you said we need to take it easy for a while, with you rescuing me and all, but I really want to get back at the agency. And I’ve worked it all out, I promise!” Hero grinned, a hint of wickedness tainting a smile that had been popularized as a symbol of heroism.
Supervillain gave him a small smile in return, his mouth stuffed to the brim with egg.
“I can’t wait to see the look on their faces when we show up. When they realize that you saved me, and I’m not just their little toy anymore.” Fiery rage slipped into his voice, so unsettling to hear in the man’s voice that Supervillain had stopped his eating entirely. 
The air in the room shifted with Hero’s strong emotions. “Revenge will feel so good. Can’t wait to see Sidekick’s face as we blow the building to pieces.”
A moment of strange silence followed as he calmed, just as quickly as he had riled up.
Sometimes Supervillain forgot how terrifying Hero could really be.
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
If deep sea mermaid is free in some way she dosent just leave. She liked meeting the team and loves steve .
The time they went in the deepest trench in the world (thanks to tonys tech that went smooth trials and they are able to go there) they are surprised of what they saw assides their intended mission to find the bad guys hiding there as they look around a familiar tail sways and this time it glows
Steve smiled and knew who it was and assured everyone its alright
Tony joked steve fucked a mermaid
Wanda hears someone then at the front part of the submarine there she is Tail swaying in joy while waving her hand as a "Hi!!!!" Tony shrugs " yep shes not hangry
Bucky is also facinated in a curious way "So this is why you took too long punk
Bruce simply stunded theres folks like here here
Nat straight to the point to her" anything suspicious?"
Y/n simply nod and beckons them to follow her with her eletric glowing tail for them to follow her direction there . Is a bad guy hiding here
a continuation of the Sun, Salt, And Shield miniverse. (Also, this ask is from October. I am so sorry it took me so long to get to!) Warnings for action/adventure, vague innuendo, bad jokes (from everyone), and mild language have you met me?. Lightly edited. WC 1.8k
Pairing: steve rogers x deep sea mermaid!reader
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"Is that...is that a Segway?" Sam Wilson completely fails to hide his amusement as you test out Tony's motorized way to let you 'walk' on land.
"Heavily modified, but--" Tony takes the handle from you for a second to lower the max speed while you learn "--essentially, yeah."
It wasn't easy. In fact, the part they thought would be the hardest turned out to have a quick fix. You can only breathe outside of the water for so long, so Atlantian technology was formed to fit over your gills and mouth. Thanks, Namor.
Then Tony was faced with a wholly new problem. You live in the deep sea, naturally, under a great deal of pressure, and as a non-bipedal lifeform who maneuvers that fast underwater, outside of the water, you are made up of over 250 lbs of muscle. Most of that lies in your tail which they've witnessed crush a man's skull on impact.
That...should not make Steve feel the things he does. It really shouldn't.
He did always think he'd fall for a strong woman though. So. There's that.
You listen carefully to Tony's instructions, eyes shielded by enormous black sunglasses the billionaire obsessed over designing. He made you look like an old Hollywood movie star--albeit with vivid green hair and pale purple skin--and Steve wonders if the style was a purposeful jab at him.
"Right, the direction is pretty sensitive at the moment," Tony slowly explains to you. "You've got to really control your weight distribution so it doesn't overshoot your target."
That three-layer grin comes out in an instant, and you nod. No hesitation, barely a glance around, you start the contraption rolling, circling Sam, then Tony, then Steve with pinpoint precision, pausing in the middle of them all to cock your head.
"Coral reefs require sharp turns."
Tony stares at you, the nine-foot-long crown-to-fin specimen before him. It's clear he both adores and loathes how adept you are despite your wildly different backgrounds. You've grown on him. A lot. So much so that Tony has not made a fish-fucking joke in two whole weeks.
Steve won't chance calling attention to it though. The more he lets Tony delve into tech to keep you here longer and tech that allows humans to be where you live longer, the more Steve gets to see you. Win-win.
"Show off," Tony grumbles with deeply proud eyes. "Let's see what you can do then."
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Steve himself has never gotten to go in one of the new Divers. Tony always insisted on manning the crafts himself until all the bugs were worked out. The first prototypes fit one person (one not-very-large-person) anyway, so it wasn't going to be Steve piloting one.
The new models can fit approximately six people comfortably.
While Namor's city has a bright source of light to help surface folk see, you and your people function without.
That means a mix of infrared, night-vision, and sonar are all the team can use to 'see' your home.
Unfortunately, they aren't here on a social visit. A mutant named Tiger Shark is rumored to be hiding within a few hundred nautical miles. It's imperative he be found.
As great as Tony's tech is, it's clunky and slow compared to how fast the mermaids can swim and search. You can also survive at greater depths than Atlantians while maintaining your speed. There's a boing-hollow tap above Steve's head and he snaps to look through the low-light adjusted glass.
You wave enthusiastically before pressing a webbed hand to the window.
"Hey, doll," Steve whispers automatically.
Tony groans. "Right. Grariel, we are looking for the man--uh, thing I sent you a picture of. Have any of your people seen him before? Do you know if he's been nearby?"
The pressed hand turns into one held-out finger as you look away from the Diver. There are bizarre noises that send the sonar haywire until Tony switches it off.
Your tail glows again, something Steve hasn't seen since the first time he met you in the Raft, scales lifting slightly to show bright pink bioluminescence.
And then magic.
As far as is possible to see in the Diver, lights of different sizes sprout up in shades of blue, pink, and purple. Your people. They're telling you what they know. It's the first time Steve considers you might be a leader of your own people, too. It's his turn to be proud like Tony who looks duly impressed.
Quickly, faster than it can register in the infrared scans, you're off like a shot, and Steve feels almost sick to his stomach trying to follow your deft swimming.
"Well, ok," Tony scrambles, "I guess we're doing this damn thing."
He pushes it, but the Diver cannot move anywhere near as fast as you can. Steve loses the light of your tail and stiffens, gripping a hand over Tony's shoulder.
"I got her. I got her, Cap." Tony flicks a few switches on the panel in front of him. "She's a good girl. Keeps her tracker on. We'll catch up."
It takes too long to get to you once your tracking signal stops advancing, but then Tony grimaces.
"Uh, slight problem. She's ascending."
"How is that an issue," Nat asks. "Can't we help her more in shallower water?"
"Based on her heart rate--"
"Just get us there," Steve booms, franticly searching the scans above them for signs of you. The water shines blue now, and they can see some light, but Tony has them at a pretty sharp angle to get higher.
"Found 'em. Right there."
Suspended in cerulean blue, it looks like you're dancing, swirling and circling with odd twists and turns. It's almost beautiful until--
Bucky croaks. "Is that blood?"
"WHAT? Tony--"
"Hold your horses. It's red," Tony dismisses.
"Yes, blood tends to be that color," Steve deadpans. "Now help--"
"Black," Tony chirps. "Your girlfriend's blood is black, for the record."
They progress closer, and then a much darker gush of blood floats in the liquid sky but remains mostly red. Tiger Shark is a transformed human, after all; his blood remains close to human.
"Yeah, that's about what it looked like when she ate Chuck..." He swivels in his seat. "Do you know, I still can't buy ground chuck? Almost put me off burgers. Feels so wrong."
"Focus, Tony."
Swift like a cheetah on land, you roll your tail around Tiger Shark's legs and squeeze, stretching out behind him to grab at the corners of his mouth and below the huge shark's jaw. It's as if you purposefully display your catch, sharp ends to your long webbed fingers digging at the mutant's thick flesh.
"Atta girl," Tony cheers.
You beam but aren't looking at them.
Something huge, big enough to shadow the Diver completely, whips over their heads.
Another mermaid.
Actually, a male, something which Steve has never seen before. He supposes he knew they existed, of course, but this guy is enormous. Possibly two feet longer than you with a body almost twice as wide.
He completely blocks their view of you for a few seconds.
"We got something to secure him with," Tony announces to your comm.
When the merman flicks his tale to move away, you sport your Hollywood shades with gusto. The male brought you your sunglasses, and suddenly, Steve's...more than curious.
The Diver ejects a grappling hook and you and the male lash the unconscious Tiger Shark to the top of the submersible.
You are hugging the new arrival, who keeps his head facing down away from the surface light. Whatever the conversation, which is completely incoherent noise to everyone in the Diver, it's very animated. The male is protective, holding your shoulders and looking at your wound with a very clear frown.
You bat the guy's concern away and motion toward the sub where four humans watch in confusion.
You touch the center of the male's chest.
Steve swallows hard. That's your dad? Holy shit, he is in so much trouble. People tease him for looking like a Greek statue, but your father is like...is like...really freakin' buff.
Everyone in the Diver stares daggers at Steve, and he knows it. All the years he's been off the ice, all the time he's had to get used to women--well, females, let's say,--and he is not at all prepared to handle Merman Goliath as an in-law, or...uh...sorta...oh gosh.
He raises his hand because he doesn't have any other ideas. "Hi, I'm Steve."
Bucky snorts. "Oh, buddy. Wow."
Too many thoughts flood him at the same time, and Steve freezes in place.
Father? He looks no older than you. Wait. How old are you? Steve's never asked. How long do mermaids live? Do they ever age? Do they just keep getting bigger or is your dad, like, the biggest?
"Tony," Steve finally whispers, "do you...do you know from your research how...?"
Thank goodness Tony takes pity on poor, panicked Steve, not stalling to admit he has no clue what age you are.
You return to speaking (a mix of sounds with rippling shimmers of light along your tail), so you aren't paying attention when Steve bends down to add, "can you though? Can you carbon date her?"
He's heard about science on that. Steve knows it's a thing.
A strange sort of elation blooms on Stark's face, and he turns to Bucky and Nat.
"That counts," Tony yells. "That totally counts!"
"Shit," Bucky grumbles, running his vibranium hand down his face.
Natasha is, for once, genuinely stunned and looking back and forth between Tony and Steve. "I'll be damned," she murmurs.
Steve gives in. "What's happened?"
"You," Tony boasts, "just asked me for dating advice. You asked me specifically to assist you in dating someone, and thus I have won a very, very large bet."
Before Steve can bemoan that, another tap sounds above them. You point to the prize catch of the day.
"Help take in," you say, quickly turning to swim up to the lighter blue waters.
"I've got so much to teach you, Cap. Promise I'll be gentle. Maybe I can teach Grariel a little something about--"
"NO" comes the immediate and emphatic response of everyone else inside.
Tony simply shrugs.
"What a great day," he bubbles, humming as he takes the Diver to the surface right behind your beautiful, ageless tail.
Steve realizes he has so, so many things he wants to ask you about that he'd never thought of before, top on the list being "what have you told your father about me?"
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A/N: Tiger Shark is a real Marvel character who I have included in other fics before. It was fun to use him again!
I do not have words to describe how enjoyable this was to write. I just want to torment poor Steve with awkwardness. I can't help it.
I...I may have figured out a way to incorporate...uh, some smut into this universe...but I don't know if that's a thing y'all would read. I'm gonna hold off on that.
[Next Part]
[Main Masterlist]
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m43d4y · 2 months
Ok a bit of a change of pace from what I usually post but I've had TWO DREAMS of this concept so i feel like I would share it
no it won't be the virus shit everyone plays to death (which I half enjoyed when I was going around) but it'll be different.
CW: horror ovi, body horror specifically (do not read if you are young, I'd rather you enjoy the series as it is)
🌟 💖 🩵 🩷 ❤️ 🧡 💜 🌟
The mane 6 find themselves afront a mansion that Celestia had sealed away years or perhaps decades prior, sealing an ancient evil within. Twilight got hands on a book describing such a tale and began to wonder if the legends were true... And if so, could the girls work together to end it once and for all.
This is where the game takes place, you play as one of the 6 ponies which have their own respective mechanic. I just woke up from this dream so I may not know what all of them will be but here's what I thought of so far:
Twilight with her impressive magical skill could project a powerful blast on the creature, stunning it for a small amount of time giving her an opportunity to run away.
Rarity could use her magic aswell, but unfortunately given how weak it is she can't do much aside from tossing an object asside in order to distract the monster. Hopefully this'll give her enough time to evade it.
Applejack... I'm not too sure if atm in both of my dreams I was playing as her and she would get sick?? Like the screen would get all blurry and she'd slow down... But I'm not sure that makes sense. I might have her do something else. (Decided to make her able to buck down bookshelves and such to block the beast's path)
Fluttershy would definitely be waayy out of her element (no pun intended) but she would be the best at sneaking and getting away, using her delicate and soundless flying abilities to easily escape any threat... Although she will not be able to fly forever since her nerves are keeping her on hoof.
Rainbow Dash of course being the fastest would have no issue escaping a threat, easily flying away pretty damn far. But given how short sighted and brash she is she can alert the danger as quick as she can escape from it. So keep in mind when and where you use this.
And lastly Pinkie Pie. I had this idea the moment I woke up and thought it would be so fun, which is what she is known for so I had to go with. So Pinkie is known for bouncing and hopping around everywhere she goes despite whatever threat is going on... So why would she stop here? Why would she bother sneaking or hiding when she could have fun! So that's what she'll be doing, bouncing around and allowing herself to be chased by this fearsome threat all while laughing her heart out. Sometimes it's just really fun to be scared!
But the main mechanic that they all have in common would be their hooves, being ponies they would make alot of noise against the hardwood floor of the old manor so they would have to use the nearby carpets to remain hidden. The beast is alerted by both sound and sight, so he extra careful where you step.
And now we're coming to an end, however I still need to explain one key detail. What are they trying to find? Moreso: what will they be running from.
And that I don't have a name for, but I do know that it's an evil that even Celestia couldn't stomach, something so foul and cruel that she simply had to seal it away and hope nopony ever stumbled upon it.
And that evil, has the ability to take form of that which you hold close to your heart. Be it someone you love, a family member or something inconspicuous. And each of the girls will be chased by their own respective interpretation of this beast, at least from afar. Up close the illusion would break, revealing the true appearance of what they'll be fighting, although still harboring similarities to their loved one...
For Twilight she would be evading Spike, being the first character you play as she would display and give an observation to what's going on, failing for it the first time but quickly stunning it and hiding away. Smooth transition from cutscene into gameplay.
With Rarity, this horrific beast will take form of her beloved sister Sweetie Belle. Striking fear and disdain in her heart making her unable to directly hit her with a spell... She couldn't do that to her sister...
Applejack would see something similar, Applebloom. But she would be stricken with anger more than anything, letting something make a mockery of her sister is not something she'll take lightly, she loved her family far too much to let that go unnoticed.
Rainbow Dash on the other hand... Would be confused to see Applejack apead of her, not really sure what she's doing here after they got seperated. But before she can say anything she remembers what Twilight told them, immediately feeling her heart sink. This damn thing making a fool of her, she'll show it...
Pinkie Pie... I'm unsure about, perhaps she could be bouncing away from Cheese Sandwich? Either way she'll have a ball of a time.
And as for Fluttershy, poor unsuspecting Fluttershy would unfortunately be faced with Discord. Her beloved friend she cares about so deeply being used against her in such a way, she'd be terrified! But that's not her Discord... She couldn't find comfort in that...
For the moment that is all I have in mind, perhaps they all get out alive or maybe it's a untill dawn situation where you have to keep them all alive. Though that might make things less fun of you're just resetting in order to actually win the game. Well this'll probably not be real for copywrite reasons so whatever.
Anyway I hope you enjoyed the wild dream I had!! I dunno if I'll go back to sleep LMAO.
🌟 💖 🩵 🩷 ❤️ 🧡 💜 🌟
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idiotwithanipad · 4 months
Sharp Tongued
Amy (my OC) catches ear of the other ghost's treatment of Humphrey in the past and takes matters into her own hands...
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(TW: Threats of violence, Anger, Amy being feral to protect her dad friend, The ghosts getting slandered so beware all of them get shit😂👍🏻, Cursive language)
"I mean- don't you ever want to spend time with anyone other than me? I'm boring as hell" Amy questioned, gazing toward the sunlit window. The head of the Tudor man rested on her lap, her fingers gently scratched through his hair, a gesture she'd never been able to shake; call it habit, call it a stim? 
"Well, truth be told, you're the nicest with me" Humphrey mused, a slight chuckle echoed the end of his sentence. 
"Really? Not even Kitty?" Sheer confusion swamped Amy's words, unable to comprehend any of this situation. 
"Oh no, not Kitty. She's a dear little thing, asside from accidentally kicking me from time to time- uh, by accident of course..." Humphrey emphasized. 
A twinge of uncomfortableness struck at Amy's heart at the thought of Humphrey's head being discarded and left on the floor like a rock; it seemed barely any ghost in the house paid him any mind. 
"And- no one else, for real? Like ANYONE?" Amy bit her tongue and retracted her fingers from his hair. 
"Well, I DO like being able to join in, but it usually comes at a cost. I'm either used for something or left behind again while the conversation leads elsewhere in the house" Humphrey explained, he tried his hardest to mask the slight hint on sadness in his voice as he admitted the unfortunate truth. 
Amy's brows lowered, her eyes flicking over towards the door to the passageway. 
"Used for something?" Amy asked, more to herself than the head. 
"Yeah. Maybe one day I'm on guard duty or the next I'm a football" He joked, his eyes flicking up to try and meet the girl's gaze. 
"And who does that?... "
In the Common Room, the group chatted amongst each other. They blissfully ignored the livings who booked in and checked out, the staff typing away at the front desk keyboards, and the golfers seeking shelter from the hot sun. 
The novelty of new livings to watch had dwindled down to being just another everyday occurrence; though there was much excitement in watching them go about their day, the group still favoured food club and 'what would you wear today?' club. 
"I still reckon Ryan would've gotten a birdie if he'd stuck to using his putter" Pat reasoned. 
"No no, it was his aim, that's his problem. Not enough accuracy in the swing" The Captain commented as he tucked his stick beneath his arm. 
"Why not just kick ball into little hole?" Robin questioned with a sharp itch to the back of his ear. 
"That sort of defeats the purpose of the game, mate" Pat replied, bouncing on his heels. The caveman disregarded Pat's answer with a dismissive wave of his wrist before he reclined further back into the chair. 
A whistful sigh cut the group short as they turned their attention to Thomas who sat idle by the window. 
"You alright, mate?" Pat asked, his eyes shifting amongst the others, deciding whether or not he'd just metaphorically dug his own grave deeper by asking the poet what troubled him. 
The romantic averted his gaze from the window and towards Pat. 
"I heard her crying again today. Weeping so dearly. To think... That fool of a man with whom she showered with her affections would dismiss her so coldly... " Thomas lilted in sorrow. He had become beguiled with a woman who had been staying at the hotel for a few days now, and had caught ear of her boyfriend cheating on her. 
"So coldly..." Thomas repeated, his brow arching as his eyes fought back from watering. He brought his bloodied cuff up to his mouth and blinked a few times. 
"I'm going to collect myself, and maybe prepare a poem should she die here..." Thomas said, an exaggerated crack in his voice led the others to believe it was just another one of his over-dramatics.
As Thomas neared the doodway to the stairs, Amy blocked his path, Humphrey's head tucked under her arm. Her face held determination and mild fury. Thomas halted quickly and straightened himself. 
"Oh! Evening, Amy. I hoped you wouldn't see me in such a state of-"
"Your poems are crap!"
A shrill and flabbergasted shriek fell from the poet's lips as he clutched at his face, his eyes buldged wider as he started at the girl in shock. The sound caused the group to spin around and notice Amy's presence. 
"THAT'S for kicking Humphrey in the head all those times!" Amy spat, tightening her arm around Humphrey's head, who's eyes were now glued onto Thomas. 
"What's going on here? What's the reason for all this hostility?" The Captain asked as he stepped around the sofas towards Amy who walked past Thomas who still stared in horror. 
Amy's eye twitched. She looked amongst the seats for the next ghost who had done Humphrey dirty in the past. Her eyes scanned each of them until she spotted Julian sat opposite Robin by the fireplace. She paced towards him before The Captain blocked her path. 
"Did you hear me, young lady? What's the meaning of this?" He demanded. 
He was caught of guard by Amy's finger pointing up under his chin, threatening to jab her finger into his throat harshly. 
"You better keep your petty little demands to a minimum, or I'll shove that stick up your nose..." Amy threatened, overdoing the amount of fury in her eyes, although she did mean business in this moment. 
The Captain reeled back and stuttered, brushing off his front and seemingly searching for a comeback as Amy shoved past him and towards Julian who now fiddled with his tie in trepidation. 
"I know about your little volleyball game with Humphrey's head. If I hear it happen again, there's four inches of solid platform heel on the end of my foot and it'll be right up the bollocks for you, mate!" Amy growled, holding onto her exaggerated glare. 
Julian shuffled back in his seat and stuttered something incoherent. A gruff chuckle caused Amy's eyes to flick to the right. Robin seemed to be finding the situation amusing and tried to hide his smile behind his hand. 
"Oh, your turn then?" Amy said, tilting her head slightly. Humphrey's eyes screwed shut and he clenched his teeth as Amy stood before the caveman who now looked between the girl and Julian in concern. 
"... No?" Robin said, hiding the tremble in his voice. 
"You-" Amy paused, she couldn't recall anything Humphrey mentioned that was caused by Robin specifically, apart from one thing. 
"Y-you scared him when he died!" Amy bent down towards Robin, her eyes wide; she really had no dirt on Robin in this situation, but she didn't want to let her defensive mask slip just yet, there was still much to say. 
Amy righted herself and turned towards Fanny who gawked at her in shock. 
"And you..." Amy spat, leaning her weight on one leg. Under her arm, Humphrey mouthed a brief 'sorry' as Fanny brushed at her knees. 
"He's like half your age, AND you didn't ask permission with your little... games" Amy cringed, remembering the grizzly story of Fanny and Humphrey's body's little fling. 
Fanny gasped in horror and straightened her back. 
"Excuse me!?" She blurted as Amy paced towards the door, Humphrey's head still clutched under her arm. As she reached the doorway, Amy spun around and pointed to all of them who watched her in shock; the usually mild and quiet girl reduced to a mindless bundle of thuggery and insults. 
"And this one goes out to all of you.." She blurted. Humphrey practically bit his lip, hoping that it wouldn't cut the group too deeply. 
"I know about your little incident with that Alison woman. Yeah. The crazy bitch who tried to take her money? You guys tried to stop her, but it was technically Humphrey who warned Alison about the- fraud business! But did you invite him to your little dinner party? No you bloody well didn't!" Amy shouted, that one hit closer to home than she would've thought. 
The group seemed taken aback to recall that night. They didn't even bring him to the table that night. None of them even bothered to go back and pick up his discarded head after he'd been kicked away. How long HAD be been left out there for? 
Even The Captain cleared his throat and lowered his gaze. The rest of the group shared his guilt. Amy nodded and scoffed. 
"That's what I thought..." She sneered as she ascended the stairs with Humphrey's head who didn't dare say a word. 
"She's right..." Pat whimpered, adjusting his glasses. 
The group mumbled in agreement and sat in silence for a while, thinking back on all the times Humphrey had been absent for any occasions the rest of them gathered as a group. 
Upstairs, Amy paced back and forth in front of Humphrey who's head rested against a cushion on a chair, watching her go back and forth waving her hands and cracking her knuckles. 
"I mean- who do they think they are sometimes? They can't just- ABANDON you ALL the time! What if I hadn't died? Would you still be under a table or outside?!" Amy ranted. 
"I'm actually surprised at Kitty, she's one of my best mates aside from Silver, and even SHE didn't go find you?" 
"I swear, sometimes I'd love to just- punch them all in the mouth- maybe not Kitty or Robin, but- MOST of them-"
Amy paused and turned to face the head who looked at her with a straight and serious expression. She scuffed her boot on the floorboards and jammed her hands into the front pocket of her hoodie. 
"That's enough" Humphrey asserted. He began to regret telling Amy any of those things, for her sake. 
"Sorry. It's just- I thought they were better than that..." Amy said quietly, a heavy sigh leaving her lungs. 
"Don't get yourself wound up over me, I'm just a talking head at this point" Humphrey mused, though his assertive tone still trickled through his words. 
Amy averted her gaze lower, feeling guilty for putting Humphrey through all of that little fiasco downstairs. 
"But if I don't stand up for you then they'll-"
"That's not your job, Poppet. You do enough for me as it is" Humphrey smiled. 
Amy was about to combat him with more reasons for her to defend him, but all that came was a soft sigh and a shake of her head. 
Her brow creased as she wandered over to a small shair by the wall, dropping herself down onto it. Humphrey's eyes followed her every move, watching to make sure she had calmed down. 
"I just don't understand why they do it to you. They either neglect you or hurt you..." There was a pinch of hate behind Amy's words as she flicked her eyes towards the closed door. 
If Humphrey could shrug right now, he would. 
"I dunno either. Perhaps they just miss being able to touch things- you know, carry things around, play. I don't mind the throwing and the catching, it's just the kicking and the whacking and the hair dangling that bothers me a bit..." Humphrey said truthfully. 
"Well THEY'LL each be kicked and whacked where something else dangles if they carry on, for real..." Amy growled"
Humphrey tutted and rose his brows, flashing her an assertive sideways glare; he loved Amy dearly, but this tone on her really made her someone he didn't recognize. He admired her spark, but he wanted to bring back her softness. 
Amy shrugged and adjusted her useless headphones, for a brief second she felt as though she were back in the head master's office at school for misbehaving. 
"Hey?.." His voice gathered Amy's attention again as she glanced back up at him from her chair. 
Humphrey gave her a warm smile and a blink. 
"Thank you"
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paigelts05 · 1 year
Desmond Anadem (Cassie's dad) [FNAF, Renegade AU]
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Published: Sep 24, 2023
"V class technician? Optical implants? The only thing I've heard about implants is that A class technicians have them, and we call those guys execs. And that that one mystery Class V technician should have one, but whoever they are, from what I've heard, they don't want to be here, so that seems to be a different kettle of fish entirely... Hu? Me? I'm C class, and staying that way. I might be the head technician, but I'm nowhere near the top of the food chain as far as technicians are concerned. I'm just the poor shit that all unfinished tasks fall to."
Desmond Anadem, Cassie's dad, is a C class technician who worked at the megaplex before his termination. Faz Ent also intended to terminate his life, but failed as the exec charged with carrying out his termination was tackled to the ground by Sylvia Blake, who instructed Desmond (and everyone else) to move so that they wouldn't be in the firing line of the execs gun, as she tacked the businessman to the ground. The exec fired his gun as he was tackled to the ground as predicted, and thanks to Sylvia's head's up, the bullet landed safely in a wall. The bullet did graze past Desmond's face, but the graze healed within two days.
The early leak of the notice of termination of night security staff triggered an event called 'The Riot'.
Desmond spent that night using his Faz Wrench to disable staffbots and endoskeletons for easier disassembly.
During his employment, neither Desmond nor any of his colleagues had an implant. They used eyepieces and earpieces with any chips pre-installed into the hardware. Masks for someone as low as a technician were almost entirely unheard of, asside from the mystery V class technician, whom his colleague in security, Vanessa Sylvia Blake, was searching for.
Depending on where a technician worked, some of them didn't even have eyepieces. Arcade technicians, electricians, construction workers, and those who only dealt with off-the-shelf non-proprietary machinery like the tills and computers didn't get or need eyepieces. These guys were called 'E class technicians', or just technicians. Desmond and other technicians couldn't give any less of a crap about 'class'. Most E class technicians, like Luis, didn't even know they were known as 'E class'.
But regardless of rank, all technicians have tool pouches on their belts. Colour didn't mean anything: you picked what colour you liked. In Desmond's case, he let his daughter pick his, and she picked out a shade of purple that matched her Roxy makeup.
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illmindchatter · 10 months
Returned Favor
It's a typical Atlanta Friday. Nothing glamorous. I took the day off to recover from an intense four days of negotiations and closing a major deal that blew out my quota for the quarter. I'm feeling like a Corporate Silverback- a beast in my career field- and things couldn't be going any better professionally. My girl is out of town and my weekend is free of responsibilities. Trying to figure out what I'm going to get into, I figured I'd straighten up the crib. Living such a washed up life to say the least.
We have this mutual friend named P. P is a stud who doesn't believe in not shooting her shot. If shooters shoot, nigga she's Kobe F. Jordan... the F standing for Fucking. P met a lady at the pool in our subdivision a few months back. I assume she was leaving from the neighbor's house and saw my car outside and decided to stop.
P came in, asked about my girl, and ended up on the couch with me while I was finishing folding clothes... the boring shit. We're shooting the shit and, never one to miss an opportunity to gloat, P says she was leaving from Pool Lady's house and noticed I was home. I took the bait and asked about her. Just like I figured, P wasted no time and spared no detail as she went on and on about how she ate her pussy until she came all over her face and how she fucked her with the strap. Typical nigga shit.
P is medium height, around 5'6", really petite, and has big titties but she wears a lot of baggy shit so it's hard to see her figure. I caught her sagging a few times, enough to notice she has a nice firm but round ass that she tries to hide. Listen, she's the homie BUT I still recognize her as a woman so her shape doesn't go unnoticed. All of that asside, the woman she met at the pool is taller and significantly thicker than P. I fucked with her by saying how that woman probably broke her in half and how she couldn't handle all of those curves on that woman. She kind of smirked and rolled her eyes. Seeing past my attempt to jab at her ego, she started flicking through channels on the TV and mumbled under her breath "I wish."
I had to pry a little bit and ask what she meant by that comment. She went on to explain how she always did all the work and how the woman was more of the pillow princess type and rarely returned the favor. She would never use the strap on P and just barely ate her out. Even getting fingered was just as rare. She was tired of being the woman's "little gay fetish" and wished she returned the favor sometimes. 
"Welcome to life as a nigga!" I replied.
She laughed but said niggas aren't any better.
"Bullshit." I told her how niggas love eating pussy and returning the favor and how women forget that. "My girl is gone for the weekend and left me backed up because she has been on her period all week. At least you got some. I'm over here, dick dry as fuck!"
We both got a good laugh and kind of let the conversation die on its own. No need to stir up something neither one of us was prepared to deal with.
I couldn't help but ask though, "what does my neighbor taste like?" I'd be lying if I said she didn't catch my attention that day at the pool. I could only sneak glances as my girl was at with me and P but I definitely remember this woman was stacked. She had to be around 5'11" or 6 feet. Her hair was styled in a pixie cut, black with strands of gray. She wore large framed glasses that hid her eyes but her lips were plump like she sucked the skin off her husband's dick. I seen him around a few times and could only wonder how they fuck he was able to keep, let alone bag, and stallion like that. She had huge double D cup breast that I could tell were natural. Her areola would spill from the cups of her bikini top causing her to adjust multiple times that day. She carried a little extra weight around her waist and visible stretch marks around her stomach, one could only assume were from pregnancy. Her hips spread and she carried the fattest ass that chewed up her bikini bottoms. They weren't thong bottoms but you wouldn't be able to tell if you weren't studying this woman like I was trying to. Even my girl made a couple comments in admiration for this woman's build. She was stacked with thick thighs, well pedicured toes and white toenail polish to tie it all together.
"She definitely takes care of herself," P said snapping me out of my daze. "She's always well put together, smells nice, and her skin is always smooth to the touch. She gets waxed regularly too."
"That explains it! She probably doesn't return the favor because you don't wax P!" I said half jokingly.
P fired back, "how you figure I don't wax my shit?"
"I just assumed Studs do what niggas do. Grab the clippers and trim that shit!" I said ignorantly.
"Nah nigga. I get my shit waxed too. My homegirl from high school do it and lick my shit clean when she done."
I lost it. Shit was hilarious! I told her I didn't believe her and to let me see.
"Nigga don't be weird."
I wasn't serious... just mildly curious.
Later that day, P and I decided to step out to find something to eat. We usually sit at the bar most places and talk shit. Louisiana Bistreaux was the move that night. P wanted to grab a shower before we left (typical P, making my house her home minus the bills and other household responsibilities). I needed to clean up as well. I had a remodeling project going on in the hallway bathroom so P had to use the shower in my room after I got done.
I could hear the shower running so I dropped my towel, sit on the edge of the bed and began lotioning my body. I thought I was in the clear since I assumed P was in the shower so I took the liberty to revisit the thoughts of my thick ass neighbor spread over my bed begging for me to dive in. I give my rock hard dick extra attention as I use the lotion to glide up and down my rigid pole as I thought about plunging inside my neighbor's plump, glistening pussy. Suddenly, the door swings open with P asking for a wash cloth. Fuck! I didn't expect her to open the door and sure she wasn't expecting to catch me on the bed, dick on hard sticking straight, and me stroking my shit! I know she caught me because she slammed the door and kept apologizing. I didn't really give a fuck. I had been horny all week and in need of a release. There was part of me that found this situation quite funny. I got up, grabbed her a wash cloth and towel, and took it to her in the nude and dick swanging. She called me crazy, took the towel, and closed the bathroom door in my face. I noticed her eyes never left my dick though. I also noticed she didn't lock the door.
I waited until I heard her get in the shower and start to wash off. I gave it a little more time until I figured she was almost done and walked I'm the bathroom. My shower is glass enclosed and I could make out her figure through the steam and water on the shower door. I was still naked and dick semi hard and she seen me approaching.
"Bro, what are you doing? Get out!"
"Come on P. You seen my shit already. Let me see yours."
"Nigga, what?"
"You said your girl hooks you up on the regular... let me see!"
P smacked her teeth, paused, then replied, "If I show you, you'll get out?"
"Only if you want me to," I said with a smirk, dick starting to stiffen.
As P opened the shower door, she propped her leg on the shower bench revealing a beautiful, slick, meaty pussy. Her lips were thick and full, one of her labia minora longer than the other, and her clit was huge. It came out from under her clit hood and it was a bright pink. It looked like the tip of someone's thumb. My dick throbbed as I watched her spread her pussy and run those same two fingers over her clit and through the trimmed bush of her landing strip before closing the shower door and commanding me to get out.
I felt intoxicated. All I could think about was wrapping my lips around her engorged clit and sucking it. Is this how women feel when they desire to suck a dick??? Fuck. I'm trippin!
Reluctantly, I got dressed and waited for P to get out of the bathroom. I threw on some light blue jeans, a white short sleeve button up, and sprayed my neck and wrist with Tom Ford Oud Wood. That's when P came emerged from the bathroom dressed in some black skinny fit men's jeans and a fitted black tee and gave me this weird look.
I made my way back into the bathroom to oil my beard while P hung out in the room. We sat in an awkward silence until I decided to break the ice.
"Ol' girl tripping if she seen that pussy and didn't want to eat it. Couldn't have been me!"
"The fuck you mean bro?"
"I'm just saying. The pussy you showed me would've gotten devoured. That clit looked too good to pass up."
"Man you trippin. Niggas can't eat pussy. Besides, women like it when I tell them to suck this dick since my clit big. You ain't ready for that lol."
I felt like she tried me with that one. "Pull that dick out then and let's see."
She paused for a minute, debating whether to make a move. She saw my eye contact didn't waiver so she stood up and pulled her pants down. She wasn't wearing any underwear and her clit was sticking out.
The silence was deafening.
"Yeah. All I see is a clit and a fat pussy that would get wrecked."
"Yeah right bro. Issa dick. Just like I figured, you ain't ready."
I turned to her, pulled my dick out and replied "THIS is a dick. That's a clit. And I'll suck it until you bust."
She tried to play it cool and pull her pants back up and I asked her what she was doing.
"Putting my pants back on because you bullshitting."
"Nah, leave them off and sit on the bed." My towel was still on the edge of the bed so she sat on it.
As I walked over to her, I told her to let me get a closer look. She spread her legs but was still sitting upright. As I approached, dick fully erect, I told her to take off her shirt and lay back. She laid there in front of me in a sports bra and her jeans bunched around her ankles. I got on my knees, removing each leg from her pants until shr just laid there in a sports bra as i slid my hands up her smooth legs.
"You want me to suck your dick?" I asked.
For the first time, I heard P plead like a wanting little bitch in heat, needing a release. I slid my tongue between her lips and into her opening as far as it could go and pulled it out.
"Just like I thought, still a pussy."
She couldn't do shit but cover her face and question her decision. Before she could have a second thought, I wrapped my lips around her clit and sucked hard while my tongue slid underneath and danced around her opening. She gasped and bucked. I grabbed her thighs, pulling her closer to the edge of the bed and onto my face while I inhaled her clit. I sucked it sloppily as her juices drenched my beard and slid down the crack of her ass. I took two finger and slid them inside her pussy and hooked her gspot and massaged it while she grinded on my face. My other hand reached up and freed her titties and pinched her nipples. I sucked her pussy like my air depended on it. Her pussy began to squeeze and pulse my fingers and I could tell she was about to cum. I kept my pressure on her clit and massaged her gspot harder until her body began to buck. She let out a wild scream and grabbed my head pulling me deeper into her pussy as she shook uncontrollably as wave after wave wrecked her body and she came nonstop all over my face. The side of the bed was a soaked mess and her body continued to spasm as each aftershock crashed her body. I wiped the wetness from her pussy and used it to stroke my dick while watching her come down from her climax. Before she could fully regain her composure, I rubbed the tip of my dick up the slit of her pussy and massaged it against her clit. I took off my shirt and began to play with my own nipples while rubbing my dick against her swollen clit.
"Our dicks feel good when they touch, don't they?" I asked with a devilish grin. My body and thoughts running on demon time.
She looked at me while biting her bottom lip and nodded her head. Her eyes began to roll to the back of her head as her head fell back to the bed and another orgasm crashed her body.
Grabbing her thighs so she wouldn't close them on me, I pulled her back to the edge of the bed. My dick slipped down and the bulb of my tip rest right at her openinging. She didn't do anything to stop me or move away so I slid my dick in as deep as her tight pussy would take me.
She screamed "oh fuck!" Her eyes shot open but she didn't tell me to stop or move away. I pulled out completely, giving her a split second to recover. I leaned over to give her delicious pussy a lick then realigned and dove in deeper.
"This is the dick ol' girl should've gave you with that strap on."
I grabbed her neck as I slammed into her aggressively, each thrust more violent than the last. She screamed "yes!" and grabbed my waist, pulling me closer. I fucked her tight pussy until she creamed all over my shaft. I played with her clit with my free hand while I filled her wanting hole, bringing her to another orgasm. I officially owned P's pussy in that moment.
I flipped her over onto her stomach and straddled her, sliding deep inside her from the back. I hit a the bottom, right at her cervix, when I felt her legs kick. I breifly wondered if anyone had ever fucked her like this before. She was always the masculine one with all the women I seen her with. We referred to each other as bro and I always viewed and treated her as one of the guys. Yet, here I was fucking bro's pussy and loving every minute of it. There was even this dominant part of me that was insistent on showing her what it felt like to be a woman and under the control of a man. By this point, my ego was in control.
I pulled her locs and whispered in her ear "who got the dick now?"
"You do," she whimpered.
I pounded her pussy with hard, deep, slow strokes. She clawed the bed as I dug deep inside of her. As I bottomed on each down stroke, I could feel my balls slap against her swollen clit. As I continued to knock at the back of her pussy, grind at her cervix, and balls slam against her clit, she would cum again and again, squirting and soaking my bedding.
I leaned to her ear, nibbled on it, and told her "I love fucking this pussy, bro. You feel so fucking good. I know you feel me throbbing. You about to push me over the edge if you cum on my dick like that again."
I must have struck a nerve because I could feel her pulsing and rocking her hips back trying to meet my thrusts.
"oh fuck, I feel you P. You got a nigga so close!" I bottomed out and grinded my dick deep inside her pussy as I throbbed deep inside of her.
"Ohmygawd! I'm cumming daddy!!!" She screamed loudly as she began to cry in ecstasy as she trembled uncontrollably.
I couldn't hold it any more and moaned "fuck P! I cumming! I'm cummimg deep in this pussy! Oh fuck! I can't help it bro!"
I blasted P's insides and came rope after rope of hot cum deep inside her pussy. It brought P to another orgasm and she crashed flat onto the bed, limp and exhausted. I held my dick deep inside her pussy until every drop was well spent inside her pussy, no regard for the consequences. When I was fully drained, I rolled off and laid next to P for a moment. In that moment, I saw P as a person wanting and deserving of pleasure and I fortunate to be the one to give it to her. Bro or not and sexual orientation aside, all that mattered in that moment was giving the body what it craved... actually, what it deserved.
I got up and got dressed. P eventually did the same and met me downstairs, neither one of us said anything about what had just happened. P had a smile and a satisfied glow while we ate dinner and shot the shit at the bar that night. We drove separate cars and split up after leaving Louisiana Bistreaux and I went home to clean up the mess in our bedroom. A few hours later, almost 1AM, I get a text from P with an attachment. It was a picture of a plan B pill and a message that said "Thank you for returning the favor."
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chisatowo · 2 years
I should rly draw the snake triplets more I love them sm but also grrrrr human
#rat rambles#oc posting#maybe I should just doodle shoe and sock over and over again and just pretend snek doesnt exist /j#I did actually do that a lot with them after I finally figured out how to draw them looking more like actual snakes#I drew snek plenty too though she used to be one of my favorite of the eternal gales kids to draw#and just one of my favorites in general she very much used to be the favorite child lol#I think at this point shes probably one of the human kids whove gone through the least design changes#although dodie and bloom are probably a lil bit ahead of her there but thats largely because they were some of the last properly designed#while the snake triplets where like. the second to be designed of the human kids fgndjfnd#shoe and sock have gotten plenty of changes over the years since their early designs were all uglyyyyyy#I did NOT know how to draw snakes in the slightest lol#come to think of it Im bot even sure if bloom has ever gotten any more major redesigns#I thinkkkk her pants and shoes might have been different at some point? and I know it took a lil while for me to stylise her hair like now#but the hair thing applies to plenty if characters of mine and I more so consider it me refining how I draw them as opposed to a change#but yeah asside from those three pretty much every eternal gales character has had some sort of design overhaul at some point#I believe fydd was the first one like way way back when I made him birb and I rly havent touched his design much since#you can probably find his old design on the internet somewhere but yeah I had good reasons for changing it lol#but yeah other than him I believe most more major redesigns were done during tge timr of this blog's excistence#not counting the staliens most of them got their big redesigns long ago#their og designs were ugly and samey as fuck I did not know what I was doing fhfnsjdbd#well not all of them busy and dancer for example have barely changed#helmet also isnt that different asside from minor details#most of the others at least had some major color overhaul#oh except for softie ofc but thats just because of how recently I made them lol
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His Pretty Little Angel
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Elijah had left early morning that day. He didn't even waited for you to wake up and wish you a nice one, he just left for you don't know what reason. It had frustrated you to wake up without your daddy asside of you to give you cuddles and morning kisses, it just felt empty...
It wasn't usual for Lijah to leave you alone like this really. He normally was quite always with you and was carefull to make sure you stayed safe and protected at all time...After all, like he always said, you were his perfect little princess and he couldn't risk anything to happen to yo, but anyway.
Apparently, this morning something important enough had happen for him to let go of you and you weren't pleased at all...
You woke up with a groan, letting your head fall on your pillow grumpily. The first thing you had done was to reach for Elijah to get closer to him but you felt his side empty and cold. Your eyes had opened themselves suddenly and you felt your heart skipping a beat of two. You needed him, badly at this and you looked all around the room to check if he wasn't in the bathroom or just getting dressed like he sometime does but nothing. Only silence and emptiness. Well...that was certainly inconvenient. It sometimes happened for you to wake up and need him more that usual and in those situations, it was an immediate attention you wanted and we'll...today just happen to be one and he wasn't there. You immediately came out of bed, feeling a little dizzy because of how fast you stood. Then, you walked out of your shared bedroom in your cute hello kitty fluffy pijamas and started looking for him.
Only silence followed. You continued your research and looked around all the house like that to no avail. He was defenetly not there.
You started to feel sad and your eyes were a bit watery. It was bad...
All sad and a bit desperate you decided to go back toward your bedroom silently, feeling like just crying yourself back to sleep.
But then, you heard the sound of the front door opening and your heart stutter. You tought it was Elijah and you couldn't keep your smile to come right back to your lips while going straight to the front door.
Deception...it wasn't Elijah...it was Rebecca that came to look after you for the day. Don't get it wrong, you loved Rebecca because she was sweet and gentle with you but she just...she wasn't Elijah. The smile you had disappeared immediately at the view of her and your tears followed suit.
Hey y/n, I...
The poor blonde didn't even had the time to finish her sentence that you were gone. You just didn't really cared about it all right now, you needed to be alone and you immediately went to your room to lock yourself in it. You didn't wanted to talk to anyone but Elijah and see anyone but him. In the room, the first thing you did was to discard your pijamas from your body and go directly into you daddy's wardrobe. Then, not caring about what you took and if it was ok to do so, you grabbed Elijah's favorite shirt and put it on. It smelled like him...so so much and you felt a bit better after getting it on. After that, you just got back on the bed and layed on his side of the bed, taking his pillow against you just to be able to feel a bit like you were holding him.
It wasn't nearly the same but for now it would have to do because he...he abandoned you.
You didn't care about Rebecca the other side of the door calling your name to open the door or for her apparent worry. It was sweet of her but you just wasn't in the mood. At some point, you must have fallen asleep again tired of crying and thinking about your man because you woke up later, much later to...to his voice.
Y/n sweetheart can you open the door for daddy.
Your cute and puffy eyes opened and looked at the door in uncertainty. Did you just imagined his voice or he was really back. Was it your fuzzy sleepy brain that was playing you?
Well, you took your phone on the nightstand and sniffed a bit before looking at the screen...6h30.
You apparently cried and slept all day long...
Just before you looked back at the door in wonder, you heard his voice again and your heart flutter in your chest, your breath catching up.
Baby girl...don't make daddy repeat himself, I really don't want to have to go trough the door princess.
Your eyes went wide at his words and you stood right up to get to the door hurriedly. You had his pillow still pressed against your chest and you were still wearing his t-shirt. It looked quite adorable to be honest and when you opened the door and fall face to face with Elijah, his eyes soften and he immediately took you into his strong arms.
Awn my sweet little princess...you missed daddy quite bad hum.
Elijah said with a gentle and loving voice he only used with you. He saw your eyes that still were red from the crying and how much you had tried to get his sent all over yourself. He felt bad for leaving you alone and just sigh before kissing your forehead and your cheeks softly.
I'm sorry my little love...I had to leave, Niklaus caused trouble again and like always I'm the one to repair his mess.
You listened to his voice like a soft melody and just pressed your small frame against his chest the closest you could. You needed his body on yours and to feel him close.
Elijah just got to the bed again and sat on it with you in his lap, caressing your face with the palm of his hand.
Now tell me my sweet angel, what do you need mh? Daddy's here now ok he's going to take good care of his princess.
Your eyes met his at his demand and you looked deep in thoughts for a slight second. Then your just spoke up with a childish and adorable voice.
Can I have a kissy daddy.
Elijah smiled at you brightly before noding, his hand under your chin now and the other playing with your soft brown hair.
But of course you can my little princess...always.
After saying that, Elijah brought his lips to yours and kissed you softly at first. However, since apparently you both had craved each other the kiss deepen quite fast and you ended up letting a cute moan out of your lips as your vampire devoured your pinkish lips.
You both continues Kissing and Elijah started to delicately lay his hand on your body. Felling the curves of jt and the delicate skin of your naked legs. He was starting to get a bit more hungry of you and you could feel it in the way his strong hand gripped your hips.
Hum baby girl...your making daddy all excited with those cute sound of yours.
Elijah said with this deep and attractive voice of his and a smirk that you just couldn't resist really. He was just so sexy and his cologne was making you crazy...you had craved his touch all day and now you had him.
Elijah started to kiss your neck like he knew you loved so much and lay sweet bite and kisses.
You closed your eyes at it because it felt so good and you just angled your head to the side to leave him more space to work on you. Little whine and whimper left your mouth at his sweet touch before you felt his hand delicately sliding over your underwear that was wet with your excitation.
Hum...such a good girl for daddy...all ready for him to play mh my sweet princess?
You moaned at his words and opened back your eyes to let them fall on his that were dark with desire.
Mhh please daddy...
Elijah smirked at how much you needed him and brought his lips to your ear to whisper seductively and sensually.
Daddy what little girl? What do you want...
You bite your lips and layed your forehead against his feeling his breath in your face. You moaned and just answered him with a cute needy voice.
Please daddy play with my kitten...mhh im feeling all warm down there.
Elijah let a little groan out of his lips before he breathed hard.
Ok little girl...you remember the magic word if you want daddy to stop?
You nod energicly before leaving a wet kiss to his lips getting about impatient.
Yes daddy...
Say it to me love be a good girl.
Blood red...you said while unconsciously moving your his on his lap to try and satisfies your need for his touch.
Good my little angel I'm proud of you. Now...let daddy have some fun with this pretty body of yours...
You just stayed there and let him do what he wanted after that, feeling Elijah's fingers delicately pushing your underwear to the side and run a finger in your folds. You let a little moan out of your lips at this and felt yourself blushing at how wet you were.
God princess, your completely soaked...is it all for daddy sweetheart.
He said with a voice that was honestly not really a question...you knew he was possessive of you and that Elijah wanted to hear you say it.
You bite your lips and nod gently with a small moan as you felt his fingers playing with your excited clit.
Mhh yes daddy all yours...please huff pls daddy I need more.
Elijah chuckled at your ministration and bite your shoulder to leave a mark of his possession of you.
Oh you do my little princess...what do you need more, tell me darling use your pretty voice. Tell daddy what you want him to do.
You blushed even more at this and you let out a little whimper...
Daddy i...I need your fingers...in my kitten please...
The second you said that, you heard Elijah let a groan out and penetrated your tight pussy with two fingers right away. It was tight and deep and you let out a little cry at it.
Elijah started to slowly slide his digits in and out of you and to go faster and faster. Not long after you were a moaning mess and you had difficulty to keep yourself from literally thinking.
Daddy daddy! I'm coming mh please...please go harder.
Elijah continued to suck in your neck hard and bite it, fucking your sore pussy recklessly. At some point your daddy's mouth found yours and you both kissed desperately.
Common baby girl cum on daddy's fingers like a good girl.
It was the only thing you needed really. For him to tell you that you could cum and you did, letting everything go with a literal yell of his name that you repeated again and again until you came down your peek.
Mhhh daddy...I love you so much...
You spoke up to him as your lips met again.
I love you to baby girl.
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astranva · 2 years
girl fuck florence 😭 putting her problems with olivia asside she completely ruined that for the rest of the cast and crew. shes been unprofessional all day
Florence only showed up to Venice because she was contractually obligated to. Olivia was an unprofessional Director from the very beginning. She didn’t care about Florence, didn’t care about things that she was comfortable with, put everyone in a very awkward position when she started an affair with her main actor and spread lies about Florence. Talked about her in a disgusting and condescending way and continued the issues that they had. Florence was as professional as she could have been. If it was me I would’ve done everything I could to show people that we weren’t cool and made the situation 10 times worse. Her protecting her peace and leaving a situation that she wasn’t comfortable in is what she did. From the beginning Florence has praise the crew and everyone who worked on the film and everybody who deserved praise. Olivia is not one of those people. I just found out that my Director was talking shit about me and being extremely unprofessional and I had proof of that I would be upset too. If she had gone to the press conference it would have been very telling that there was issues between her and Olivia, a lot of things would have been brought up, the affair, the firing of Shia, the video that was just exposed. Her not going to the press conference was the best thing for everyone. Her going to the Premier and doing her job and showing up and watching the film she did everything that she was supposed to do. Why in the world would I continue to stand there around someone who I don’t like, make pretend if I don’t have to. The unprofessional thing would have been her talking. She just left. She did what she was supposed to do and now she’s going home. There was nothing unprofessional about her leaving. And it’s not a slap in the face or anything to the cast and crew because she has praise them since the beginning. Remember that all of the issues that Olivia and Florence have is because of Olivia. If you’re so upset about something be upset with that disgusting unprofessional Director who didn’t know how to keep her set in control and had no idea what the hell she was doing which resulted into a terrible fucking movie
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stecesworld · 3 years
You know what's sad? I actually actually hope Rin dies in this series and stays dead. Not because I hate her, quite the opposite actually.I love Rin I am a huge Rin stan. I think she's an adorable little girl and who had such potential and wanted for her the happiest of futures. When I heard that there was a generation 2 of Inuyasha coming out I was so excited to see who Rin grew up to be.
I had always thought she would be Kagome's apprentice, who specializes in healing, both human and demon, thanks to her bonds with Kaede and Sesshomaru. Kaede is how she will learn about healing humans and her bond with sesshomaru would give her the drive to learn how to heal demons. With her own fighting style that was a mix of demon slayer fighting from Sango and Kohaku and archery/holy fighting from Kagome & Miroku. Just incase she needed to defend herself.
KohRin is also my flag ship and I had always had it in my mind that she would marry Kohaku, have like three kids, with Grandpamaru comming to visit. But I was also happy if she didn't fall in love and stayed a single pringle as well and have awesome adventures.
There was sooo much she could have become and I was ecstatic to see what they had done with her.
But then Yashahime came out and when I saw that she had become the bride of Sesshomaru, had his twins, then was cast asside like a broken doll having accomplished nothing but being a baby factory. Made me cry.
Everything that she could have become. All the stories they could have made with her in them. All the potential she had... completely flushed down the toilet. Seeing her sleeping with in the tree with nothing but having babies. Was the worst thing to have been done to her. No one loves or even cares that she is even gone. Some don't even remember that she even exsisted. The only reminder of her presence is her and Sesshomaru's daughters. That from the what I had seen of the anime,Sesshomaru didn't even care about.
Rin was distroyed. True they have made a season two that from what I have seen here on tumbler had given her the smallest of personalities but she was instantly cursed to die and thrown into the tree seven days after giving birth. ((A curse that if her love with Sesshomaru was actually real would have never happened in the first place. For the true OG sesshomaru would have never have let Zero live if she had so much as even thought about hurting his loved one. He would have taken her head from her shoulders before she even had the chance to curse Rin.))
They have taken everything from her. She is the most tragic character in this whole series. A little girl who lost her parents to bandits. Lost her life to wolves. Then was cursed to continuously die and revive by the hands of demons. Her only biological family torn from her side before she even had the chance to hold them. A husband who can care less about if she's alive or dead and a future that holds nothing for her but being a perfect subservient wife and brood mother. Her chance to be a doctor, a demon slayer a priestess. Ripped from her before she even had the chance to lose all of her baby teeth.
I hope Rin dies in this anime so that she can finally be released from the curse that is her life and giving the chance to reincarnate like Kikiyo did and live a life that she deserves. One were she's happy, loved and can become the Queen she deserves to be.
But..I know that won't happen. Sunrise will find a way to keep her alive and she will wake up from her cursed slumber and instantly be the airheaded, subservient wife that forgives everything that happened and only wants to love her lord. Be at his beck and call ready to bare him a new hord of Hanyo children with a smile. For that's all she is good for. Untill the next Yokai comes along and tries to kill her once more.
I am sorry,Rin......
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saturnsstufff · 4 years
Also! Firstly I just wanted to say that i really like your writing and slow pace in the Empress series! Its really poggers. Secondly if you're taking request: could you maybe write something where Phil helps Techno ask out (y/n)? I just think that Phil would be such a great wingman (pun maybe intended lmao). I really like the way you write your Empress series' setting and characters so maybe you could do some sort of royal au similar to it? Not cannon to the series of course. If not then the dsmp still works :D (sorry if i sent the ask twice! My internet's shit lol) ~🌻
Awh! Your all good!!🖤 and thank you!! one Prince Techno comin up! (Im so sorry i got this out late, and that its poor, I was stumped hard on this for what to put!
My darling- Technoblade
Warnings: none
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Techno was a pretty well known and loved Prince. He was elegant, kind, gentle, sarcastic, funny, talented. He was just perfect. To Techno you were perfect. You were one of the servants sure, but he didn't mind that. You had the most gentle outset he had ever seen on someone. You could just walk into a room and somehow everyone was in love with you. 
Techno had feelings for you for a awfully long time however, no matter what he did he couldn't push himself to tell you. Far to afraid of what you would say to him in response. He rather sit suffering in silence as your friend, than risk loosing you completely.
You felt the same way. Techno was always so gentle with you. always asking if you were comfortable, if you felt safe, he would even make sure that you wouldn't be over worked. You couldn't count the nights that he read you to sleep in the library. Everyone found you two utterly adorable with your hesitance towards each other, they couldn't wait for the day one of you slipped up and confessed.
Phil on the other hand? Oh, oh he found this scenario hilarious. See Phil was often the one that helped get you two alone together. Ranging from distracting advisors, governors, consorts, you name it and Phil probably has diverted them at least once. Phil would go as far to joke that he was the one that had set you and Techno up originally. 
Although Phil found this whole situation hilarious, he did feel bad for his friend. Techno was a hard worker, he often put a lot of time into his country and his people. but, sadly techno would rarely take care of himself. Now Phil wasn't setting you up with techno so you would become his care taker. Rather he knew with you around, Techno would be more conscious of himself as to not worry you. like always, Phil was right too. 
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It was a off day. Techno had himself rested in one of the lounge chairs that resided in the library. Lately his feelings had become painful to hold back. Even the voices started banding together, telling him he had to confess.
Phil had to return some books so when he walked into the library and saw techno, he wouldn't have said he was suprised. "What's on your mind now?" Phil mused. Placing the books back on there specific shelf. He earned a sigh and groan from Techno. "Its (y/n) isnt it" he mused. "Mate you should just tell her. Get it over with. You know she'll like you back"
"Phil I.. I can't- she's- shes just so perfect" Techno's heart melted at the thought of you. He rested the crook of his elbow over his eyes. "I.. i dont even know how or where to ask her.." Techno started sounded almost defeated. Phil couldn't bare to watch his friend mope about anymore. He knew somthing had to be done.
Phil didn't waist time on his new plan. He was determined to see you together by the end of the night. He found you outside hanging the laundry. When you saw Phil you smiled brightly.
"Hello Philza" you said, folding a sheet in your arms. Phil leaned on the post well he watched you. Amusement lacing his lips.
"Hello, (y/n) i was talking to Techno the other day. He mentioned you quite alot" you felt your cheeks heat up as you looked to him. Hearing that he talked about you made your heart beat faster.
"H-he was? W..what did he say?" You asked, now fully invested in him more than your work.
"Oh he was just rambling off, you know how he can be. However, he uh, did mention that you were quite beautiful. Smart, funny. You know all that fun stuff" he said casually. If your heart could have did a leap it would have. The idea of Techno call you beautiful was beyond you.
You moved closer to Phil, "w..was that all he said?.." you hoped there was more than he was telling you.
Phil pondered a moment and smiled. "Well he was curious if you would meet him at the stables for a date. You know, let him take you for a ride in the country side" you were speechless, but filled with utter excitement at the idea of a date with him. "Want me to tell him you'll be there?" You nodded fast.
"Please, ill take off early to meet him there even" you said with the widest smile. This warmed Phil's heart to see how in love you were with his best friend.
"Alright' ill tell him you'll be there" Phil said smiling. His plan falling into motion. Now he had to corral the stubborn bull named Technoblade.
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"You should take (y/n) for a horseback ride" Phil said upon entering his friends office. Techno's brow furrowed, causing him to look up from his papers.
"Take her for a... why?" Techno said mid confusion. Phil shrugged casually.
"Well I was just talking to (y/n) and you know she had off-hand mentioned it that she really liked fhe horse rides with you." At this statement techno blinked a bit. He pressed his lips and thought breifly.
"Well i uh.. I mean if she wants to, i'll glady take her". Techno said. Moving his few papers asside. Looking at Phil. "When does she want to leave?"
Phil hummed and looked at the clock. Mentally assuming your work schedule. "What about four-ish? Get there early for her?
Techno nodded. "Dosnt she work until five?" Techno knew your schedule mostly because he was the one that would meet you after it for casual walks.
"Normally. But she said she would take it off early to go with you" Phil wanted to keep semi to the truth. But he knew as soon as you two were alone talking, it would be over. The two of you would quickly discover that Phil was behind this.
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When you waked up to the stables you smiled happily. Waiting with a horse in hand was Techno. He gave you a kind smile. Happy to see you in such a joyful mood.
"Ready to go?" He asked gently. You nodded fast, excited to spend the evening with him. He offered his hand to you. When you took it he gently pulled you close. Lifting you up onto his horse. After you were situated on the sattle he climbed on behind you. Wrapping his arm around your waist securely, wanting to assure you wouldn't fall off eather way.
You relaxed into him like you always did. Content with his company. With the nudge of his heel's you both were off on your way.
Well you two toured the country side casually. You decided to thank him for the date. Seeing as you felt it was the beginning of somthing great. "Thank you for taking me on this date Techno... It really means alot to me..." you herd techno give a 'heh?'.
"Princess I adore your company. But what on earth are you talking about?" This was your turn to be confused. You looked up at him to see if he was joking.
"Phil said you wanted to take me on a date..." your eyes grew saddened. "W...was this a lie?..." Techno's heart weighed heavier at the sight of your sad eyes.
Techno felt like he hit a wall. Does he explain he wants to take you for a date more than anything? Or keep quiet. After seeing your eyes, he knew he couldn't break your heart more.
"I... I do want to take you for a date... I've wanted a date with you more than you realize... However, I didnt ask you... Im assuming Phil actually set us up..." he said, looking away a light red. You gave a soft gentle smile.
"Hey..." you tilted his head to look down at you. "Even if he set us up... I'm glad he did" Techno looked down into your eyes. His going gentle.
"You are?..." you nodded gently. Giving a gentle kiss to his cheek.
"I got a date out of it with you"
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