#but at least i got to eat a croissant
luvring · 9 months
girl gets .5 off a quiz with 5 questions because she didn't fully read one of the answers and wonders if she should blow up her room
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thedragonagelesbian · 11 months
oh i see ive committed a Mistake
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because-its-eurovision · 10 months
Happy birthday!! ❤❤ I hope you had a lovely day ❤❤🤗
Thank you Ness ❤️❤️
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nohoney · 11 months
“What’s my favorite bread?” You ask your boyfriend during early morning cuddles. It’s warm inside the blanket and Bakugou’s hand is idly petting your hair.
“Croissants. Specifically almond and only from that bakery that’s 20 minutes from the house.” Bakugou answers without a beat of hesitation. “That and brioche. French bread only when you wanna have that gross balsamic dip.”
“How do I like my tea?” You fire off another question, waiting for him to see if he’ll get it right.
“Depends on the tea. Green tea, you’ll only do lemon and honey. Early grey and black tea, a little bit of vanilla creamer and some sugar. Oolong tea, you’ll have it plain.” Once again Bakugou answers your question without fumbling over any of his words.
It makes your heart fond over him but you still want to ask more questions. “What’s my favorite kind of chair?”
“Rocking. Baby, what’s with all the questions?” Bakugou asks gruffly but with no particular annoyance in his voice either. His hand still pets over your head and his eyes look up to the ceiling. Sunshine pours through the window and he sees particles of dust float in the air. “Feels like you’re testing me or somethin’ about if I know you.”
You shrug your shoulders and answer him, “Just wanna see if you pay attention to the things I like. Y’know the last guy I was with, I was with him for more than six months and he didn’t remember when my birthday was even though his and mine were literally a week apart. And then one time he got me flowers and he got me the ones that literally break me out in a rash even though I said a million times what to never get me.”
Bakugou’s hand stops petting your head and he starts to sit up in bed. You follow his movement, sitting back a little and finding the expression on your boyfriend’s face amusing. “What exactly did this loser know about you then? Since he was forgetting all the important things.”
“He knew my go to order for McDonald’s.” You answer as you pull your knees up to your chest and pull the blanket more towards you to cover yourself. “Medium fries and ten pieces nuggets.”
“That’s wrong because it’s actually large fries and twenty piece nuggets.” Bakugou corrects you and you laugh a little knowing that he got you. “And everyone likes nuggets and fries from McDonald’s, that’s hardly anything intimate.”
It makes you laugh that he calls you out but for Bakugou, he frowns a little that you had wasted your time with a guy that didn’t bother to know you at all. He leans back against the headboard and asks you, “What about me? How do I take my coffee?”
“At the agency, you’ll just have plain black coffee. When you go to coffee shops though, you’ll have a dirty chai with soy milk.” You answer him, remembering the first time you and him had coffee together.
He nods his head and asks, “What’s my least favorite vegetable?”
“Brussels sprouts. They’re basically mini cabbages and you hate cabbage too.” The answer comes out easily and as fast as he answered you too.
“Books? What do I like?” He asks, thinking this one might trip you up.
“Sci-fi books, but I know that you’re a sucker for classics literature. I see the Jane Austen books on your shelf.” You tell him.
Bakugou nods his head, equally impressed with your knowledge about him. Then he shoots back, “What’s my McDonald’s order?”
“Spicy deluxe McCrispy with two orders of medium fries. Bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit with three hash browns when you’re hungover.”
He smiles at you, reaching his hand out to ruffle your hair and chuckling when you smack his hand away. “I could take all this info and leak it, you know? Pro Hero Dynamight’s McDonald’s order: this is what he eats!” You laugh at your stupid joke, “Imagine the brand deal that comes your way.”
“First of all, that’s only for you to know.” Bakugou tuts and starts to leave the bed, reaching down onto the floor for his underwear he flung off his body when the two of you got frisky last night, “Second, the last guy you were with was a dipshit for not learning anything about you.”
“Yeah well, I was an even bigger idiot for staying with him for more than half a year.” You sigh as you also move to leave the bed as well. Bakugou’s shirt is found right on your side of the bed so you end up wearing it instead of finding your own sleeping top you intended to sleep in the night before.
Bakugou snorts and you round your way up over to him, giving him a big smile and bumping your hip against him, “Good thing I traded up.”
He leans down to kiss you, smiling into the kiss and not even bothering to hide how you stroked his ego just a little bit.
“My favorite breakfast?” You ask him,
“Aside from my dick?” Bakugou pretends to be hurt when you punch his arm before giving the correct answer, “Overnight oats and waffles.”
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snowy-vee · 4 months
All Mine (2)
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oblivious loser bsf! ellie williams x posesive popular bsf!fem reader
n/a: I've spent my whole day squishing my head to finishing it today, and here it is! Also I won't be uploading the pt.2 of Academic Rivals, because I prefer to leave it as a One-Shot but I have in mind another, much better, plot with the trope Enemies to Lovers with Ellie. Read the final note!!
Pt. 1 Here Pt.3 Here
Inform yourself about what's happening and how to help! FREE PALESTINE, FREE CONGO.
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Ellie knocked on your door for the third time that morning. The first one was before her morning run, the second one was after that and the third was once she was done in the bathroom.
When she heard no answer, she went in and opened the curtains right away. “Get up, it’s the same every morning.”
You covered your face with the blankets to avoid the sun, saying, “Give me five more minutes,” but Ellie wouldn’t have it.
She got on the bed and shook you. “You have practice in an hour; I’m not letting you leave without breakfast, and then you’ll complain I didn’t wake you up,” she said. “Come on, get up.”
Sitting upright in bed, you let out a sigh, looked at the clock on the nightstand, and let out a moan. “Els, just give me five minutes.”
She shrugged and said, “Your call,” but before she could move, you grabbed her arm and drew her nearer to you.
“Lay down with me for those five minutes,” you requested, hugging her until you managed to lay her down beside you, even though she was fighting to break free. You didn’t want to let her go.
“Fine! Just five minutes, I’ll set the alarm, I have places to be,” she said, taking her phone out of her sweatpants pocket.
When she was done, you muttered, “Yeah, yeah, whatever, shut up,” and placed her phone on your bedside table. With a smile on your face, you raised the covers to allow Ellie to slide into them, encircling her waist with your arms and placing your head on her chest.
She was trying not to touch you with her free hand and you could hear how quickly her heart was beating, as if it was your first time sharing a bed. “You can give me a hug too,” you muttered.
With a clear throat, she said, “If that’s what you want.”
You appreciated that she was a little flustered, even if you couldn’t see her face. It was something you truly enjoyed doing to her.
She relaxed and soon fell asleep. Your plan was to sleep too, but you were thinking about where she had to go when her classes didn’t start until 2 p.m. You turned around slowly and grabbed her phone, unlocking it.
The notification startled you for a moment, almost making you scream. You quickly checked if Ellie woke up because of the sound, but she was asleep.
“You have to be kidding me,” you whispered, reading the notification from the panel.
Dina (Campus) : I’ll see you in an hour then! I truly want to try those croissants you’ve been talking about, and I also wan…
Rolling your eyes was the least you could do. You shook your head, going to the alarm and deactivating it. Dina was a big girl; she could eat those croissants alone. You hoped she choked on them.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
The sound of the TV, the microwave, and your humming was enough to wake her up. She yawned and stretched out, all calm until she saw how late it was.
“Fuck!” Ellie said getting up from the bed and grabbing her phone “No,no,no…”
You were scrolling on your phone, having breakfast, hearing how she was going side to side. From the bathroom to her bedroom and vice versa until she came to the kitchen.
“Why didn’t you woke me up? I told you I had places to be!” she walked past you to the entrance to put her white sneakers on.
“Good Morning to you too” you said sarcastically “I thought it was your classes where you had to go, it’s 1 p.m, you still have time”
Ellie shook her head “No, it was something else! What are you doing here, tho? Shouldn’t you be at practice?”
“I woke up like 30 minutes before you, so” you shrugged “You’re not going to drive me to campus today?”
“Uh…” She was roaming through her backpack making sure she had everything “I can’t today, sorry but here, call an Uber”
She left some money on the table beside your plate before stealing on of your toasts “Bye, see you later!”
“She is joking, right?” you thought picking up the money. “Seriously, Ellie?!”
You yelled from the balcony, seeing Ellie running to her car
“Sorry, no time!” She yelled back getting into her car with her mouth full of the toast.
The thing is, Ellie was in a hurry. She had arranged to meet up with Dina for breakfast before class at a café she had suggested herself, and on top of that, she had overslept.
She started the car and began to drive. When she reached a red traffic light, she took the opportunity to call Dina, who answered almost immediately as if she had been waiting for her. She sounded a bit annoyed; after all, she had been waiting for her for a long time. But she understood that Ellie had overslept. She suggested they meet at the entrance of the building where they had their only class together.
Obviously, Ellie agreed, but she couldn’t go empty-handed. So, as soon as she arrived on campus, she went to the cafeteria, ordered two coffees, and some cookies that Dina had mentioned she liked yesterday.
“Ellie, you didn’t need to buy breakfast,” the dark-haired girl said, trying to hide her big smile. She grabbed the bag and chuckled softly, looking at the cookies. “Wow, you sure know how to apologize.”
“Sorry, again, for standing you up. It wasn’t my intention.”
“It’s okay. Next time, I’ll come pick you up at your place.”
Next time? That meant Dina wanted to keep meeting up. Ellie nodded energetically. By the time class started, they had finished breakfast, talked about different things, sat together, and also had small conversations during class.
“That’s all for today. Remember, we start presentations in two weeks. Goodbye,” the professor said, collecting his briefcase and leaving the classroom.
“Well, on Tuesday, I’ll pick you up, and we’ll go to a café to finish it?”
“Yeah, sounds good,” Ellie said, gathering her things. “See you tonight at the party?”
“Yes, but aren’t you going to the parking lot?” Dina asked, watching as Ellie walked in the opposite direction.
“No, I have one more class, and then I’m meeting a friend.”
Dina nodded, waving goodbye. Ellie didn’t have another class, but she usually waited for her outside hers to go eat together. She had no idea why she had said that.
Your building wasn’t far from hers, so in less than 20 minutes, she arrived. She went up to the second floor and could see people coming out of your class, and finally you, but behind you was Abby Anderson. Ellie saw how she grabbed your arm and pulled you away from the others. It seemed like you were arguing about something until you pushed her aside and quickly walked to the stairs.
“Ellie? I didn’t think you were going to come pick me up today. Never mind, let’s go!” you said, intertwining your arms, almost dragging her to get out of there quickly. “I think they’re serving carbonara pasta in the dining hall today. You love pasta, right? How great that it’s on the menu today.”
Ellie nodded, frowning as she glanced at Abby once more before leaving. She would ask you about it later…
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
“I don’t like it, I’ll just wear something else,” Ellie said, entering your room for the third time with a different outfit than before. You rolled your eyes at her. “Ellie, I’m going to hit you if you don’t decide,” you said, watching her with frustration as she seemed unable to choose her clothes for the party. “Who do you want to look so good for?”
“No one. Could you help me instead of judging?” she replied, tossing the shirt she was taking off towards you. You dodged it, laughing, before throwing it back at her.
“Cargo pants and a black top, good combo, simple and it looks great on you,” you suggested. A few minutes later, she came back into your room wearing the suggested outfit. “See? I never fail,” you said with a grin.
“Fine,” she said, sitting on your bed as she watched you apply makeup. You were wearing a brown top tied at the top with a bow and a denim mini skirt. Ellie couldn’t help but admire your body, especially your legs, and you could see her doing so in the mirror. With a smile, you turned to her, and her gaze shot up to your face.
“Let me do your makeup,” you said.
“Why?” she narrowed her eyes and shook her head as she watched you approach with a playful smile. “Okay, but only the eyeliner.”
“Kay. Close your eyes,” you requested, opening the black eyeliner as you positioned yourself between her legs. “I’m going to sit on you.”
“Is that necessary?” Ellie asked, opening her eyes slightly, to which you nodded.
“I’m not comfortable, and if I’m not comfortable, it won’t turn out well,” you said, sitting on her and starting to apply the makeup. The only sounds in the room were your breaths and the low music from the speaker. “So… where did you have to go early this morning?”
“I had something important,” Ellie said, almost stuttering. She didn’t expect you to ask anything, but why wasn’t she telling you the truth? Why did she feel weird mentioning that she had plans with Dina?
“Ah, really?” you responded vaguely, clicking your tongue.
“Yeah… And what were you talking about with Abby?”
“Something important,” you shrugged. “There, it’s done, open your eyes.”
Ellie opened them, blinking a bit, smiling sideways. “Does it look good on me?”
You nodded, still on top of her. You grabbed her cheeks and squeezed gently, making her lips press together, and asked, making eye contact with her, “Is it for Dina that you’re getting all dressed up?”
“Are you planning to kiss her tonight?”
“Maybe?” Ellie was confused about where these questions were coming from and at the same time thinking about how well you knew her. Perhaps she shouldn’t have ‘hidden’ her meeting with Dina from you in the morning…
“When was your last kiss? Like four years ago, right? Wow, you’re rusty,” you teased.
“Well, let’s not exaggerate,” she replied, her cheeks turning pink, not only from your grip that was tightening more and more but also from the image that crossed her mind of kissing Dina.
“Do you want to practice?”
“I mean… I don’t want her to think that I don’t know how to kiss. I know how to; I’ve kissed a lot of girls.”
“You only kissed two girls: me, for your first kiss and your ex-girlfriend, Cat. The little kisses at some parties while playing ‘spin the bottle’ don’t count.”
“Well, they should because I kissed plenty of girls,” Ellie mumbled.
“Decide before I change my mind or suit yourself,” you said, finally releasing her.
Ellie bit her cheek from the inside before nodding. “Okay, let’s practice.”
You did not wait to join your lips to hers, starting a slow kiss with a slow peace. Your arms were resting on her shoulders, bringing her closer to you, and your hands were starting to play with her hair. You wanted to explore Ellie’s mouth; you needed to feel her.
The kiss became deeper, and you buried yourselves more into each other’s mouths eagerly, feeling your lips closer as if there was a need that must be fulfilled. Soon Ellie’s tongue found yours, and they intertwined, making you moan in the midst of the kiss.
That made Ellie press her hands that were on your thighs; she had liked that sound a bit too much. Slowly she began to slide her hands upward until she touched the hem of your skirt, which was hiked up due to the position you were in.
Your breaths became more ragged as the rythm of the kiss quickened, and you wanted to continue, but no. If you didn’t stop, Ellie wouldn’t learn, she wouldn’t learn that only you could kiss her like that, you had to keep her yearning for more of you.
So you had to cut it off and watch as Ellie tried to reconnect your lips; it was so satisfying, you had to stop her gently, “Wow, Els, calm down, this is practice,” you said in a joking tone, getting off her, patting her knee to get her attention. She was still lying on the bed with an embarrassed expression on her face. “There’s a party we have to attend, come on.”
You grabbed your minibag and left your room to the front door, and Ellie did nothing but get up and follow you, not without first processing what had just happened a few seconds ago.
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Ellie opened the passenger door once you arrived so that you could get out of the car.
She had to park a bit far from the house, but from there, you could hear the music and there were already drunk people in the street as you walked towards the entrance. You walked with your arms intertwined as you told Ellie the most recent gossip you had heard in the locker room or that you had been told, and Ellie listened, reacting when she could put faces to the names.
“He said that it was Sarah’s underwear, and Sarah denied it, saying that she was not ghetto and that she would never wear that. Imagine who snapped? April!”
“The church girl with brown hair?”
“Yeah, that one! It was so messy because the previous day she was preaching about how she was going to see the pearly gates since she was one of the last ‘pure’ girls on the team.”
“No way!”
“Yes, way! She’s so dumb, I hate her and more with the fa-”
“Hi, Ellie.”
Oh, you were going to kill this bitch. Dina was sitting on the porch of the house with a glass in her hand; she had probably been there for a short time. She looked at Ellie with a wide smile that decreased when she looked at you.
“I’ll see you inside,” you said, letting go of Ellie and passing by Dina without saying anything. Once inside, you joined your group of friends who were already quite drunk; they all greeted you, some with mini hugs or two kisses before giving you a glass full of rum and cola, more rum than cola. “You all know me better than I know myself.”
“Of course we do, silly, we love you.” You let yourself fall into the couch, tasting the drink, when your eyes diverted to see Ellie and Dina finally entering the party, giggling and whispering in each other’s ears because of how loud the music was.
“I love you too, April!” You smiled in her direction, drank all the liquid in your cup in one go, and handed it to her. “Be a doll and refill this.”
April looked at the rest of the girls and then at you, grabbing it. “Slow down, we don’t want you to repeat the Anderson accident again.”
The ginger girl beside April pushed her slightly, looking at you with her eyes wide open and laughing awkwardly. “She doesn’t mean that.”
Your eye twitched looking at April go refill your drink; you were going to brush it off for now because you had better enemies to fight than her. You had a whole plan on how to snatch Ellie away from Dina, but it hadn’t been formulated clearly, and you didn’t like to act on impulse. Anyway, you were at a party, and you were going to enjoy it.
By the time it was 3 a.m., you were already dancing on the table and shouting the lyrics of the songs you knew, swaying your hips against whoever. You stepped aside for a moment, saying that you were going for another drink, jumping off the table almost falling to the floor, but you could only laugh; everything was funny to you at that moment, and you wasn’t even that drunk! You had high tolerance, only your tongue was kind of asleep and you were stumbling from time to time but you loved to play silly and pretend to be more gone then you really were.
You reached the kitchen, looking for a new glass in the cabinets because you had no idea where you had thrown yours, when you found one, you began to decide what liquor to drink with eeny, meeny, miny, moe, before someone took away the glass and took you somewhere no matter how much you protested. The other person had a strong grip, and no matter how vaguely you were saying to let you go, they didn’t.
“I can’t believe you have me added as Dina (Campus), how lame, I’m going to change it,” Dina said, changing her contact name, but Ellie, who had seen the situation, was not paying attention.
“As you wish,” Ellie murmured, watching you disappear to the second floor; that didn’t sit well with her.
“Done!” Dina smiled, returning the phone to its owner, but Ellie’s gaze seemed worried. “What’s wrong?”
“Wait for me here, yeah? I’ll be back,” Ellie said, grabbing her phone and following where she last saw you.
She went upstairs dodging some drunk people and the long wait line to enter the bathroom, trying to see if you were in any of them, walking in the hallway close to the door to see if she could hear your voice in any of them until one door abruptly opened and you came out of it with teary eyes but laughing. (What happened in the room?)
“Are you okay?” She asked. Hearing her voice surprised you.
“How long have you been there?” Depending on her answer, you had two reactions.
“I just got here, I was searching for you.”
There it was! The cherry on top of your plan. You hugged Ellie and started slowly sobbing, whispering in her ear, “I want to go home now, please…”
“Hey, what happened? what’s wrong?” Ellie asked, breaking the hug to look at you and wipe your tears with her thumbs. “Let’s go.”
She held your hand and walked to the stairs, turning her head for a moment to look at you once more, and her eyes saw the other person who was in the room with you. Abby Anderson.
Had she made you cry? She was lucky that Ellie was more concerned about getting you out of the party than beating her up.
“Wait, Ellie, my bag is in the living room with the team,” you said before she went outside.
“Oh, okay, wait here, I’ll get it for you then.” You nodded and waited until you couldn’t see her to fucking smile because of your victory.
“Hey,” a touch on your shoulder made you come out of your little mental dance, “Have you seen Ellie? She went somewhere around 15 minutes ago, and I can’t find her.”
Of course it was Dina…
“She doesn’t feel well, must be something she ate before.”
“You sure? Should I take her to the hospital?”
“No worries, we are going now, but here, money for an Uber,” you said, taking some money out of your pocket.
The same money Ellie gave you this morning. You were giving it to her, and for you, it felt so good as you patted her shoulder and sighed with a little smirk.
Dina thought you were calling her poor and mumbled a “fuck you” before dropping the money on the floor and leaving you there just in time for Ellie to come back with your bag.
“Sorry, there were a lot of people in the way,” she handed the bag to you, “Whose money is that?”
“Yours,” you grabbed the bag and started walking out. Ellie frowned, confused, but still picked up the money; it was free money, and everybody was too drunk to miss some dollars. She felt as if she was forgetting to do something before leaving. “Els!”
“Coming!” Whatever, maybe tomorrow she’ll remember; now she had to assist her best friend and be there for her as she always did… like a loyal puppy, a cute and precious one of your property.
Note: I will upload Pt.3 once this chapter and the first one reach 250 so I have time to write and to know that you all like it and want more ty♡♡
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pierregazly · 9 months
a diamond's gotta shine ꨄ lance stroll smau
lance stroll x fem!reader
pic credit: pinterest
i know lance is daddy's money through and through (and i love a nepo baby sorry), but he is so 'my love language is gift giving so i'm going to spoil my girlfriend with everything i can' boyfriend material so here's that basically
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liked by lance_stroll, chloestroll, estebanocon, and 467,891 others
yourusername he ALWAYS let me drive the truck... sorry taylor
view all 1,347 comments
lance_stroll it is not a truck and PLEASE stop eating in the aston martin
lance_stroll at least stop eating in it without me
chloestroll wouldn't want a matcha date with anyone else 💗
liked by yourusername and 462 others
username imagine just casually eating fruit in a literal aston martin??? i dont even eat fruit in my car in fear of everything getting sticky 😭
username i want her life so bad
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tagged yourusername
liked by yourusername, chloestroll, fernandoalo_oficial, and 1,206,708 others
lance_stroll spent the last 2 years with her shoes in my hands after nights out, hoping for a hundred more
view all 9,071 comments
yourusername i am SO obsessed with you
yourusername even after 2 years, gonna be obsessed with u forever lance_stroll wouldn't have it any other way
username the toaster and i have a hot date with the bathtub tonight
username the things i would do to have lance stroll hold my shoes in his million dollar hands after a night out :(
username i want someone to love me even half as much as lance loves y/n ugh
chloestroll i taught you well
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tagged lance_stroll
liked by lance_stroll, yourfriend, estebanocon, and 450,687 others
yourusername all i asked for was a picture, and he decided to give me 2 years of his life and his heart. i'll love you til my lungs give out.
view all 3,491 comments
username all she asked for was a PICTURE 😭 and he gave her his heart 😭 and she'll love him til her lungs give out 😭
username im literally throwing up, sobbing, screaming, dying at this caption
lance_stroll my heart has been yours since the day you blew my breath away
liked by 5,782 users
username i usually hate lovey-dovey couples but these two... girl they got me wanting to be adopted frfr
username im calling it... girlypop's gonna have a ring by year 3 for sure
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liked by yourusername, mickschumacher, chloestroll, and 203,456 others
lance_stroll yeehaw
view all 2,340 comments
username this is such a look... are we sure this man isn't from alberta
yourusername i will save all the horses if it means i get to ride this cowboy
username y/n.... estebanocon there are children on this app
username i was literally waiting for that y/n comment... these two are disgustingly unhinged
yourusername has added a story
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liked by lance_stroll, chloestroll, and others
lance_stroll why didn't you post the pic of both of us in the bath :(
yourusername i wasn't trying to traumatize your family my love lance_stroll u posted that you're going to 'ride this cowboy' but a pic of me in the bath is too much?
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tagged lance_stroll
liked by lance_stroll, scottyjames31, chloestroll, and 102,340 others
yourusername do you think i get to meet emily in paris or am i stuck with lance
view all 1,341 comments
lance_stroll i just bought you that croissant and coffee and this is what i get as thanks????
yourusername i am so obsessed w u im sorry my favourite cowboy 🥺
username this is so wholesome lance is so boyfriend coded im crying
username y/n is literally living her best life ever i want to be her so bad
scottyjames31 i just know all of these photos were taken at least 75 times
yourusername mind ur own business scotty
lance_stroll and yourusername
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liked by chloestroll, estebanocon, mickschumacher and 2,304,550 others
lance_stroll watching you walk down the aisle will make me the luckiest man alive
view all 6,789 comments
estebanocon did you pay her to say yes?? congratulations you two 🥂
chloestroll even though i helped plan this entire thing i STILL cried on the phone. so happy for you both!!
username this man bought her like 5k worth of goodies and then put a RING that's probably worth my yearly salary on her finger??? god has chosen his favourite
yourusername im so lucky to be the one you've chosen to spend the rest of your life with. je t'aime 💗
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@leclercdream @myescapefromthislife @leclerces
i didnt tag anyone that specifically requested in the replies to be tagged for 'to live for the hope of it all' and all its parts (mostly bc idk how taglists work and i dont wanna bother yall), so if you'd like to be on my taglist for everything please send me a quick ask/dm (or u can just reply and say you'd like to be tagged for everything)! thank you for all the love
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pyramid-of-starrs · 6 months
congrats on 300+ followers🫶🏽
request: what about seongwha who's super soft spoken & the sweetest guy in front of everybody but when we're alone he's soooooo nasty and dominant it's something people never expect. "shy freak" persona
All Tied Up
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Boyfriend Seonghwa x Afab reader
Summary: The universe blessed you with the best boyfriend to exist and everything is perfect but you can't help but to want more from your sweet boy
Genre: Fluff and Smut
Warnings: Dense acting Seonghwa (kinda lol), Technically trickery but you'll get it, nicknames
Smut warnings: Bondage, choking, drool, squirting, Oral sex (F receiving), mentions of losing virginity
A/N: Sorry I'm taking forever to finish this life kinda sucks :( but I only have 1 more to go for this event!
Minors dni
The amazing smell of chocolate and marshmallows along with the pleasant steam coming from the cup of hot coco in your hand started to hit your face. Both your gloved hands gripped the sides of the cups sleeve while you stood to the side for your boyfriend to finish paying for your drinks and snacks, he walked over with a bag of pastries and his own hot drink to convene with you again so you two could find an open table to sit down at in the crowded pop up cafe. You had been begging Seonghwa to take you to the temporary winter wonderland themed cafe for a few days since you thought it was cute that they had a mini ice skating area attached. He of course bought the tickets the day you asked and wanted to surprise you with a fun date over the weekend.
Once you two finally found a table that was a bit isolated in the corner you both sat down side by side and Seonghwa passed out the pastries he had bought, you couldn't make up your mind about what you wanted so he got 1 of each of the specialty baked goods, you felt bad he was always so willing to come out of pocket and buy you everything you wanted without hesitation but he always said he just enjoyed seeing you get what you deserved.
"Thank you Seonghwa! This is all too much though, you didn't have to do all this, or at least let me pay you back." you said as you sipped your hot chocolate trying not to burn your tongue.
"You know I would never ask you to pay me back my flower, just make sure you let me show you extra love later." He replied, you were offering to pay him back even though you only had lip gloss and a phone charger in your purse, but at least you offered, you knew no matter what he was going to take care of you. "Now let's enjoy the treats that we got, okay?" You nodded in agreement.
While you two were enjoying the pastries an older woman walked passed, and stopped. "What a beautiful young couple you two are." she said warmly as she smiled at you both.
Before you could thank her Seonghwa started to reply.
"Thank you but the beauty comes from her, I'm just the guy obsessed with her." Seonghwa said as he returned a smile to the woman, your face got hot from the compliment.
"Oh, a gentleman too, you two are lucky to have each other." She chuckled before continuing to walk away.
Seonghwa and you waved her goodbye and you continued to eat the last of the chocolate croissant you had, you could see Seonghwa watching you eat and then he giggled, you looked over at him. "What?"
"It's nothing you're just so cute when you eat, you even got some chocolate on your cheek." He took a napkin and gently rubbed the leftover chocolate off your face, then gave your cheek a quick peck. "You're so cold my flower, why didn't you say anything? Here take my scarf." He removed his scarf from his neck and started to wrap it around yours.
"I didn't say anything because I knew you were going to do that, now what if you get cold?" You pouted as he finished tucking the scarf securely around your neck.
"I'll have my love to keep me warm, or something lame like that." He smiled at you warmly.
"You're right that was lame." You chuckled a bit, your eyes met for a moment before you two kissed. You and Seonghwa had been dating for a few months and the relationship couldn't have been better, he was kind to you and others, your parent's loved him, your friend's loved him, he was just the best spouse. The only issue was that you two were going on 7 months of being together and he still hadn't made a move toward sex. Though not having sex with you right away fit perfectly with his gentleman persona, but you had needs, it was nice that he wasn't rushing you into anything but you started to feel like a sex crazed animal at times because every small thing he did started to turn you on, his small acts of kindness, the way he talked, how he cuddles you on the couch while you watched movies, you two hadn't even French kissed yet and every time he licked his lips you just wondered how his long tongue would feel exploring your body. Seonghwa has never even spent the night at your house, you haven't even gotten to see him shirtless yet but you had a plan, if he was too much of a gentleman to make a move then you had no other choice but to take matters into your own hands.
"Y/N? You okay? You kind of zoned out there." Seonghwa asked.
"Huh? Oh, yeah! Uh, so since it's getting late I was thinking we could watch movies at your place or mine, maybe a christmas movie marathon ?" You presented the idea to him, this was going to be phase 1 of your plan to get into Seonghwa's pants.
Seonghwa finished his hot chocolate and smiled at you. "Sure that sounds fun, it got pretty dark anyways, we can head to my apartment." He started to gather all the trash to clean the table and you two headed out.
You two were on your second movie, it was getting pretty late at this point which was perfect, you could now move into phase two.
You fake yawned and stretched while Seonghwa held you in his arms. "Boy it got so late so fast, I sure am tired from all the fun today." You said in a fake sleepy voice.
"Yeah I guess you're right it is late, You want to grab your stuff so I can take you home?" He asked
"It's so late I'm sure you're tired, I can sta-"
"Oh, it's no problem you only live about 20 minutes away and I'm not tired at all." He smiled at you.
"O-okay well um sure... I guess you can take me." Damn Seonghwa and his care for you, just as you were gathering your things you both got an alert on your phones.
"Oh universe you beautiful being, thank you for wanting me to get laid just as bad as me." you thought to yourself. "Look Seonghwa, looks like we have to stay here." You said to him, he walked over to his window and raised his blinds to reveal a whited out snow storm swallowing the streets.
"Hm, guess your right, are you comfortable with staying he-"
"Yes!" Seonghwa looked at you a bit taken aback from your speedy reply. "I mean... yeah I would hate to put you in harm's way to take me home." You smiled trying not to be suspicious.
Seonghwa raised an eyebrow a bit as he noticed your strange behavior but he just brushed it off. "Right well I can grab you some extra clothes and a towel to shower."
"No need, I actually have some clothes in my bag." You said as you dug in your tote and pulled out some sleep clothing.
Seonghwa was wondering why you were carrying your tote instead of your normal purse and why it was so full. "You just so happened to have clothes in your bag today?" he questioned.
"Yeah, ya know, just in case I spilled something or tore my pants ice skating?" You said trying to get him not to suspect anything.
"But those are paja-"
"Anyways I'm gonna go get in the shower." You hurried to the bathroom to start the water, once inside you carefully took off your clothes and got into the shower. A few minutes passed and you heard a knock on the door. "Come in." you yelled out.
"Y/N I brought you a towel to dry off with and some lotion and an extra toothbrush, if you need anything else let me know okay?"
"Well actually I would love for you to wash my back, I can't reach it." For a moment there was silence. "D-did you hear me?" Silence again. "Seonghwa?" You asked, once you didn't get an answer you pulled the shower curtain back and saw that you were once again alone in the bathroom, the rushing water drowned out the sound of the door closing again, you heavily sighed in defeat and and finished your shower, you dried off, brushed your teeth and lathered up with your own lotion, it was vanilla cupcake scented like Seonghwa likes, he mentioned loving when you smelled like a bakery. You dropped your towel finally and pulled out your clothes from your bag, this definitely was going to seduce Seonghwa, a pair of short shorts with a white trim and a t-shirt of his he let you borrow and you never gave back and to tie it all together a blue and black lacey panty and bralette set you bought a while ago. You sprayed on your matching vanilla perfume and walked out the bathroom, you looked around and saw that Seonghwa wasn't in the living room anymore so you walked to his bedroom door and stood there. You had never even seen Seonghwa's room before now that you thought about it, you knocked and a few moments later the door opened revealing Seonghwa in his Animal crossing tee shirt and shorts.
"Y/N, you're finally done, sorry I was showering and getting something so I can sleep in the guest room, come in." You looked at him confused as you stepped in the room.
"Wait, you have a spare bathroom in here?" he chuckled at you.
"Yeah, I was going to let you use it, but you rushed to the guest one." He walked back over to grab a few things.
You watched him collect his items for a moment. "I like your pjs, they are adorable."
"Thanks, I got it as a gift from my friends." He glanced over at you. "I see we are both wearing my clothes." He giggled.
"Yeah sorry I meant to give it back but it's so cozy, If you want I could take it off." You said trying to throw a hint at him once again.
"It's fine, looks cuter on you anyways." He said as he pecked your cheek and headed for the bedroom door. "If you need anything just let me know okay? Goodnight Y/N."
"Wait! You know you don't have to sleep in the other room you could always... sleep with me, I would hate to put you out."
"It's no big deal, if it wasn't for this storm you'd be home in your bed alone, so it's the least I can do, night." and just like that he was gone, damn his gentleman ways.
You laid in his bed, alone, wishing he was next to you, holding the blanket, imagining being wrapped up in his arms while he kissed you softly, you wanted to feel him being so needy for you he is rutting his hard cock on your ass. The smell of his cologne on the sheets made the pit in your stomach hot, you slowly slid your hands between your thighs, you brushed past your heat, you needed his touch, you yearned for it. You wanted to know how he breathed while he made love to you, you imagined he was a gentle lover, slow and easy sex came to mind when you thought of Seonghwa, he was probably very closed off and vanilla and you would be lying if you said you didn't want to corrupt your sweet boyfriend. Then the thought that maybe he was inexperienced or scared, was he a virgin? You needed to know, you needed to find out and you were tired of being coy about it. You sprung out of Seonghwa's bed and headed to the guest room, you didn't even knock, you just entered, Seonghwa was in bed scrolling on his phone before he looked up to see you standing in the doorway.
"Y/n? Everything okay? Did you need something?" He asked as he put his phone down and sat up.
You didn't say a word, you got up and walked up to the edge of the bed, your thoughts were running rampant and you needed him more than ever.
"Y/N? Do you want something?" Seonghwa asked with a touch of concern in his voice.
"I want you Hwa..." You said as you got on to the bed, you crawled up the length of his blanketed body, he scooted back until his back was against the headboard, you stopped to sit on his legs. "If you're scared or never experienced this before it's okay, I can help you, I can teach you everything you need to know."
"Y-you will?" He said nervously, you nodded your head. "Is that why you've been acting weird, you wanted to... do that with me?"
You nodded again. "Only if you're ready."
"I am!" He nodded frantically. "Can we go back to my room?" you sat on the side to let him get up and he led you back to his room, it was cute honestly, he pulled you down onto the bed and got on top of you. Your eyes met before he placed his lips onto yours, kissing Seonghwa always gave you butterflies but this felt hot and passionate.
"I can touch and do whatever I want right?" He asked sweetly.
"Of course you can." You cupped his cheek. "Touch me as much as you want, you have my full permission, and we can go as slow as you need and I'll even help you." You wanted to be as helpful as possible, you didn't want him to feel like he was going in blindly.
"Really?" you nodded. "Okay well close your eyes and lift your arms" you raised your eyebrows in confusion but maybe he had something he had seen somewhere that he wanted to try, you obliged and lifted your arms and closed your eyes.
You couldn't see it but a devious smile was plastered on Seonghwa's face. "You know Y/N you really shocked me being so forward tonight." you could hear his night stand opening but chose to ignore it, that is until you feel a soft cotton tightening around both of your wrists. You got confused and tried to put your arms down but realized you couldn't, you tried again and your eyes shot open with Seonghwa laughing. You looked up to see black cotton cuffs bonding you to the bed, you looked back at Seonghwa confused.
"Aw look at the cute poor little confused look on your face, I almost feel bad for playing with you my flower." Seonghwa said as he sat on his knees in front of you.
"What do you mean playing with me? What are these cuffs?" You questioned.
He chuckled at your confusion again. "Sweetheart you didn't really believe I was some scared little virgin did you?"
"Well... yeah."
"How sweet, but sorry to break it to you, I'm not, but damn was it sexy to see you so willing to teach me how to fuck you properly, kinda wish I would have went along with it, but I could never lie to you."
"Wait then why have you never made a move on me? Even tonight when I was dropping hints you wouldn't budge."
Seonghwa sighed a bit. "Well, I try to stay true to being the proper gentleman I am, however the way I have sex... the things I like are everything but gentle. I know it can scare some women away and I really like you Y/N, so I figured I'd suppress my urges and very slowly reel you in after sometime but my naughty little flower just couldn't wait." He said as he pinched your nose playfully. "But with your full permission of course I'd love to show you somethings I like."
You could feel your core jumping with excitement at his question. "Yes, please show me Seonghwa." you said in a very needy voice.
He smiled at you. "Already so needy for me, let's get started.
2 thin pieces of rope were behind each of your knees to bind you to the bed along with your hands, your legs were nice and spread open while your bare pussy was on display for Seonghwa. He stood on his knees between your legs on the bed, all his clothes removed except his boxer briefs that left very little to the imagination, you averted your eyes to avoid his lustful eye contact. You jolted at the feeling of his fingers rubbing your wet core, whimpering softly every time he would lightly brush your needy nub.
"You're already so wet, you really were excited to teach me how to fuck you huh baby?" You said in a teasing tone, his two fingers started to slowly rub "O's" on your clit and you bit your lip to avoid moaning, he grabbed your chin to make you face him. "Y/N it's not nice to hold back, let me see and hear you while I make a mess of your pretty pussy." He let go of your chin then removed his fingers from your clit, he slid them into your while his thumb on his other hand rubbed your clit, you moaned while watching his slowly glide his digits in and out on you, the slow motion driving you crazy because you wanted more, he saw the lust in your greedy eyes and smiled. "My precious little flower, you look like you want to say something, what's wrong?" Again he was taunting you, he knew what you wanted, but he wanted to hear you beg more than anything.
"Please... faster." you couldn't handle getting your sentence out and before you could ask you started to rock your hips, grinding down on his fingers, not being able to do much with your legs being restrained. The burning urge to cum got worse as he started to move his fingers in and out while curling them up to stimulate your spot, louder moans fell from your lips.
"My little flower, please don't be rude, answer me with complete sentences only." His thumb started to flick your clit faster, your head dropped back at the teasing stimulation, you wouldn't be able to cum with him going so slow but it felt amazing, you just needed more.
"Please~ fuck me with ngh~ your fingers faster." you managed to say, Seonghwa didn't hesitate to drive his digits into you at a faster rate, he made sure to keep curling his fingers upward to keep tapping your gummy spot, your moans got louder the faster he went, you wanted to close your legs around his arm but again you couldn't, you just had to take it. The loud and obscene squelching noises and moans mixed with his groans could kill a nun, you felt your climax coming as the feeling in your stomach started to come. He never stopped flicking your clit and with his fingers so deep and beating your spot you had no choice but to have an intense orgasm all over him and his bed, perhaps too intense as you felt warm liquid on your legs, you looked down to see yourself erupting like a volcano. Embarrassment quickly filled your body as you never experienced squirting before.
"I-I'm sorry." You said, Seonghwa giggled at your embarrassment, he leaned forward to kiss you, the kiss was like a normal kiss he would usually give you, passionate and full of love, but during you noticed that his fingers started to move inside of you again, your moans being swallowed by him, you wanted to plead for him to stop but the feeling of being so sensitive due to over stimulation felt amazing, your hips once again started to buck up. He pulled back from the kiss and you immediately started to whimper.
"My sweet flower are you already coming undone for me? I still haven't even gotten to taste you yet." Your brain froze hearing the word taste as you knew exactly what was coming next, Seonghwa laid down in sniper position, his face inches away from your cunt. He kept his fingers inside while he attached his lips to your bulb, you yelled a string of curse words, your fingers and toes wiggled as your eyes rolled back, you wanted to push his head away, grip something, wrap your legs around his head, anything but again you just had to endure the overwhelming feeling.
"You're just as sweet as I imagined my love, I could spend the rest of my life drinking from you." He continued to finger you while his long tongue that you would day dream about for what seemed like hours lapped circles around your clit and occasionally licked stripes along your pussy. You were gasping as your second orgasm started to build up, Seonghwa's fingers never stopped, he started to leave kisses on your clit. "Can you cum for me one more time? I need to taste how sweet you are when you cum." Your legs started to quiver as he sped up the pace of his fingers, you started to see stars as you squirted again, you felt panic rush through you as you didn't want to squirt on his face but when you looked down you saw and felt Seonghwa drinking from you like you were a water fountain. Once you finally started to come down Seonghwa pulled his face out of your already fucked out pussy, your slick dripping from his chin as it covered his face from his nose down. Seonghwa wiped his face then freed you from your binds. As soon as you were free you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, a thank you for two of the best orgasms of your life.
His hands traveled up your body to finally remove the remainder of your clothing. "On all fours for me beautiful." Without question you turned around with your ass in the air, once again putting yourself on full display for him. "Can you put your arms back here for me?" He asked, you were curious about his next move but still obeyed. You laid your face on the pillow and put your arms behind you Seonghwa grabbed on and placed the cuff back on your wrist, this time he cuffed each of your hands to your ankles. He reached for the night stand again to get a condom and slide it down his shaft, you could feel his large hands grip your hips and put you in place, your back naturally arched as you prepared yourself for him. "Are you ready my love?" He asked.
"Yes, I need you so bad Seonghwa." You were eager to finally know how it felt to be one with him, he pumped himself a few times then placed his tip at your entrance, he slowly started to enter you, pulling back out then back in to feed you his length. It didn't take much for you to start to moan out for him to give you more of him, instead he went slow, he wanted you to feel every inch of him, enjoy every second of him fucking you until your mind broke. After a few moments he finally bottomed out inside of you, you had always seen prints of Seonghwa's dick through his sweatpants but you never truly knew he was this long, he reached the very back of your pussy with ease as your pussy started to squeeze him rapidly.
"You're squeezing me so tight baby fuck, I love how this pussy feels." He started to roll his hips while he was stationed deep inside of you, you could feel his dick in the pit of your stomach and with the position you were stuck in it felt like he was digging even deeper inside of you. Seonghwa finally pulled half way out then back in as he started to fuck his long dick into your pussy, the long awaited need to feel him inside you was over and it felt amazing. This wasn't what you expected but Seonghwa far exceeded expectations, he knew exactly how to fuck you like he had experience with your pussy exactly, he made sure not to pound into you but kept a fast and consistent speed, you couldn't think straight as you became cock drunk off of him. You had your cheek on the pillow as your eyes rolled back and you moaned loudly for him.
"Please don't stop, you feel so good Seonghwa." You gasped out, he was fucking you so good you could feel the drool leave your mouth and couldn't do anything about it. Seonghwa kept up his pace then the sound of Velcro ripping filled the room as he undid one of your cuffs then the other, you thought he was going to change positions but instead he grabbed you by your throat and lifted you off the bed, he kept his pace as his dick went even deeper inside of you, he attached his lips to your ear. "You're taking me so well baby." He said as he sped up, you whined in return. "My cute little flower all fucked out the first time taking my dick, poor thing." Him teasing you only added to your orgasm you could feel the pit in your stomach returning, he turned your head to the side as his hand squeezed your throat tighter, he placed his lips on yours, his tongue started to explore your mouth, the kiss was hot and wet, you couldn't hold yourself together anymore and covered his dick in your cum, only a few more pumps and Seonghwa released into the condom. Your body went limp in his hands as he laid you down on the bed gently.
You were shaking, your mouth covered with spit while your pussy was still pulsing, all you could do was breathe heavily, you didn't even notice Seonghwa left the room until he came back with something in his hand. He sat back on the bed and adjusted your legs for you to help clean you up, he then wiped the spit from your mouth and opened a bottle of water and put it to your lips. "Here drink." he slowly poured the cold water into your mouth as you sipped slowly like a baby kitten.
"Thank you." You said then sat up, just now realizing the bed was soaked. "I'm sorry about your bed..." You said still feeling a bit embarrassed. "I've never did... that before."
"You're being so shy for a girl that was offering to pop my cherry a while ago." He laughed while he finished the bottle of water he had and you nudged his shoulder.
"That's because I thought you were a scary little virgin or something, I didn't think you'd be some kind of sex wizard."
He nearly choked on his water laughing. "Not sure what a sex wizard is but I appreciate any compliment coming from you." He said as he leaned in to kiss your lips. "How about we freshen up and go to sleep in the guest room tonight?" You nodded your head, You and Seonghwa got cleaned up and then went to the other room, it felt nice to be cuddled up with him like this.
"So... did you like it?" he asked.
"I loved it." you quickly answered.
"Most of the women I've slept with don't contact me again after we have sex."
"Well 1 I'm your girlfriend 2 you'll probably have to get me to stop asking you for sex now."
He chuckled at you, then kissed your forehead. "Goodnight Y/N, I love you."
"Goodnight Seonghwa, I love you too!"
A peaceful silence filled the room.
"Can we fuck again in the morning?"
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stayandot8 · 6 months
Emergency Contact
Genre: comfort fluff, chan's having a rough time
Relationship type: established boyfriend/girlfriend
Important Contents: slight swearing, Chan going through the stages of a panic/anxiety attack
WC: 2.4k
The small moments I could sneak my boyfriend away from his work were few and far between. The few times it did work were a perfect storm of my big puppy eyes or a smile with just the right amount of head tilt and his need to get away from it all. Sometimes it was a member annoying him past his limit, sometimes it was his musical ear being drained and needing inspiration from the outside world. Other times, I was just too insistent and he couldn’t resist. Or so he said. But when he sat silently across the cafe table, watching the people pass by, I wondered which it was. 
“Chris?” I nudged his foot with mine, his attention snapping back to me and my plastic cup of motivation to get the day done. His eyes were big, silently asking what I nudged him for then his shoulders slumped as realization hit him. 
“I’m sorry, baby. I know I’m not the best company right now.” His gaze landed on his untouched pastry in front of him. I glanced at it, a sad smile involuntarily creeping on my face. It’s not as though he was usually talkative, but at least he looked at me from time to time. 
“It’s okay, you just seem more distracted than usual. Is it Han again? Do I need to have another talk with him? Or Minnie? Is he making more old jokes? I swear, with all the karma he’s banking, he’ll go gray before you do.” Finally. A chuckle. A small sigh of relief escaped me as I watched him break off a piece of the croissant in front of him. I didn’t even know if he had eaten earlier. “You left before I got up this morning. Or did you sleep at the studio again?”
“I tried to sleep with you for a few hours but I didn’t really sleep that well.”
“Have you eaten today?” His hand stopped, his face dropping. “Christopher.” He looked like a kid who had been caught stealing cookies. “Please tell me this croissant is not the first time you’re eating today.” He didn’t move. “Christopher! It’s four in the afternoon!”
He laughed sheepishly, slightly embarrassed by the pink tint to his cheeks. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry, it wasn’t on purpose.” He shook his head at his lap. I could only shake my head at him, a mixture of slight disappointment and exasperation clear. 
“Well you know I have to get another for you before you go, right? Even if I have to sneak it in your bag, you’re taking it. Maybe a sandwich too. Or a cake pop…”
“Hey now.” He broke me of my train of thought, that dazzling smile of his making my heart skip a beat. “I can buy my own food, thank you very much.”
“Well apparently not. Now do you want a sausage, egg, and cheese or a smoked ham?”
“I don’t want anything else than what I have in front of me.” He tried to wink at me too, but I was having none of it. 
“Tell me which one you want or I’m getting both. And a cake pop.”
“Baby-” I got out of my seat and grabbed my wallet before he could continue his thought and half-sprinted for the counter, him hot on my tail. Luckily for me, the last person in line had just finished and was walking away, leaving the perfect window for me to rush straight to the girl behind the counter. 
“Hi, can I get both the sausage egg, and cheese and the toasted ham breakfast sandwiches? Thank you.” As the payment terminal flashed with my total and within the two seconds it took to unzip my wallet, Chan had slipped his card on top of the screen. The terminal beeped with the acceptance of payment. I slapped Chan on his arm. Hard.
“Oh you’re so going to pay for that later.” He playfully smirked at me, staring at the screen to avoid my eyes. 
“I thought I just did.” 
*Incoming call from: Channie ❣️*
Sniffles met me on the other line. My body immediately went still, ready to jump wherever I was needed. My world stopped when Chan was in trouble. Or anxious. Or pissed. Which, all of these emotions aside, he was a generally happy guy so it didn’t happen a lot. But when it did…
“Chris? Are you okay?” I whispered into my phone, trying not to let my voice carry to any prying ears that might be nearby. I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk quickly finding a bench off to the side to sit and put my bag down. There were more wet sounds coming from the phone, which only worried me more. He tried to be strong for us, for me and his bandmates. He tried not to let his emotions out too much, but I made sure he knew that I would be there when he did need to let them out. And this was the first time he was letting me in.
“Send me your location, I’m on my way. Don’t move, okay? I’ll be there soon.” I gathered my stuff again, ready to put down my phone to see his location. 
“Don’t hang up.” More sniffles. A little part of me felt guilty for feeling relieved at being needed by him. I had always felt it was me going to him for my big feelings about the world. But this… This was new.
“I won’t. Where are you? Can you tell me where you are?” 
“Studio.” He choked out. I nodded like he could see me and started in a slight sprint, knowing the way from the store I had just left, picking up some last minute shopping for the holidays. Luckily, I hadn’t found much, so I didn’t have many bags to carry while I ran. 
“Chris, I’m on my way. Just stay put, okay? I’m coming. I’m not hanging up. Just breathe for me, baby. Take a deep breath whenever you can.” I heard some small whimpers coming from what sounded like further away, like he had set the phone down away from him. Whether he was trying to hide whatever noise he was making or what, I didn’t know. He hadn’t done a very good job because I heard everything. My veins tightened with the sudden rush of anxious adrenaline washing through me. Some ragged breaths came through the phone as the tall building I was running for came into view. The big letters on the top loomed overhead, like a constant reminder of its founder and the expectations set forth by it. 
Sometimes some of the members would talk about how said expectations were too much sometimes. They felt like they couldn’t be fully themselves under the wing of such close eyes, so they would find ways to channel that energy into other things. Most of the time it was through their music, others it was through vlogs or what they called ‘talkers’ or outings with each other. Concerts were a big thing with them too. They had less supervision on tour, so they felt they could get away with more on the road. Should they ever push it too far, there were always consequences waiting for them here at home, but never so severe that they stopped pushing their boundaries. I guess anyone would feel that way if they had to push down the parts of themselves that made them...them.
Pushing through that revolving door, I waved at the security at the front desk and grabbed my permanent guest badge that Chris had saved for me to come in whenever he was here. As long as he was, I was free to enter. I wasn’t sure what deal he had to cut to get me this pass, but I figured that in my case, ignorance was bliss. Holding the phone to my ear, I pointed to it and strolled/sprinted  past them and into the elevator. 
“Just keep trying to breathe for me, okay? I need you to try and take a breath. You might start to get a little shaky if you haven’t already. But I’m here, I’m getting in the elevator now, I’m coming.” As the elevator dinged open to let out whoever was in there, Han stepped out, head down in his phone and mask up and covering half his face. He looked up and nodded to me, clearly not surprised I was here. If he didn’t say anything to me, then I assumed he didn’t know anything that was happening to the boy on the other end of my phone line. He would’ve been a good one to call seeing as he dealt with this kind of stuff the most to my knowledge. 
Whatever force that pushed him to call me instead of one of his members, I wasn’t going to question it. I knocked softly on the studio door and let myself in. I looked around in the recording room, looking for the same boy I had seen earlier, his familiar black hat and clothing not catching my eye. But what I did see was an open file on the computer, open with the music application and unfinished. I turned once more to see my boyfriend, curled up in a ball and rocking against the wall. His phone was balancing precariously on his knee that was tucked into his chest and his head was resting on the wall with his eyes shut, like he was willing himself to calm down and keep his breathing under control. He wasn’t doing a very good job. It looked like…well, it looked like the aftermath of a panic attack. 
“Chris… Chris, baby, I’m right here.” I shoved off my bag and threw it on the couch, where it landed with a small thud. I tossed my phone on top of it. I knelt down to be eye level with him and placed my hands on his bare knees, his loose shorts had ridden up down near his upper thighs. I thought the skin contact would be better to ground him, letting him feel that I was there if he couldn’t hear me very well. I squeezed his knee with slight pressure, just in case. His cheeks were visibly wet while he tried to breathe through his mouth. I watched his chest try to rise and fall, stuttering on the way out. His lips pursed out as he breathed, his hands latching onto mine on his knees. He gripped them like he thought I would fly away if he let go. I turned my hands over to thread our fingers together and he lowered his knees and pulled me by our connected hands so that I was sitting in his lap. He only let go of my hands when I was fully in and he could wrap himself around me fully. 
I started rubbing his back, letting my nails graze him while my other hand went to the back of his head. He tucked his head into my shoulder until his breath was tickling the tiny hairs on my neck. I kissed the side of his head that I could reach. 
 And we stayed there.
“Any idea what brought it on? Or did it just come on out of nowhere?” 
We were still on the floor, not quite as entangled as we were before but I was still in his lap, chomping on the food we had ordered bit by bit. I wouldn’t let him stop until I felt like he had actually eaten what was close to a meal, especially when I saw both sandwiches from the shop we went to this afternoon untouched in his bag. I might’ve had to force the first couple bites on him but a girlfriend had to do what she had to do, especially when he then ‘playfully’ demanded she spoon-feed him herself. He still wasn’t back to himself, but he was getting there.
“No idea.” He said softly, chewing through his thoughts. “Nothing really happened, I just…” He trailed off. 
“It’s okay, Chan. Shit just…comes up sometimes. I know, I get it. These things can come out of nowhere and grip you and not let you go until it’s run its course. Maybe today was just your day.” He nodded in agreement, staring at the wall. 
He had one hand wrapped around my waist, half to keep me steady on his leg and half, what I believed to be the real reason, because he simply didn’t want to let go. But the other hand he was resting on his opposite thigh. Every so often he would pick at his cuticle with one of his fingers but quickly stopped, probably thinking I wouldn’t notice. 
“Do you think it had something to do with the upcoming album? Is it finished?” I pondered out loud. He quickly shook his head though, diminishing the thought. 
“No, the album is done and approved. It wouldn’t be that.” If I had known any better, I would think he was almost offended I would suggest such a thing. And in his normal state, he might have been. “Even the choreography is done. The concept art, the photocard selection, it’s all done. I don’t know what happened.” His voice was slowly getting stronger as he thought what could be the source of his panic. “I don’t know. I really don’t.”
“You know, not everything has to have a reason.” He shrugged, not really liking that answer. “But I’m happy you called me.” He smiled softly at the floor.
“You were on my mind. You’re always on my mind. I just wanted to hear your voice. That was the only thing I could think of that might help, so I called you.” I couldn't fight my smile at that. And I tried hard. 
“I would’ve been happy if you called anybody instead of facing it alone. You don’t have to face all your strong, negative emotions alone. That’s what we’re here for; your friends and me. We’re here for the good, bad, and ugly.”
“But I knew you would answer. I know… that I can depend on you when I need you.”
“And I’m so happy you know that now. As a fact, not just an idea.” 
His arm grew tighter around me.
“If I ever go to the hospital or something, I’m making sure they call you.”
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redzie02 · 12 days
Jongho is starving for your touch and demands your attention
jongho drabble. previous jongho fic
warnings: none/ jongho is baby bear af/ clingy jongho propaganda/ domestic vibes masterlist
Imagine, you got home a few hours ago. The first thing you did was rid yourself of your work clothes in exchange for comfier ones. A loose fitting tee- that you stole from your boyfriend- and some shorts.
The dishes that were left in the sink after breakfast that morning were quickly washed. Floors swept, tables wiped down. Everything was clean and you were free. Free to do what, exactly? Nothing.
Throwing your body onto the couch, you let out a breath, covering your legs with the plush blanket that was gifted to you many years ago.
You scroll through your texts, replying to any you might've missed while cleaning. You spot a few from Jongho.
2:30 pm jongie♡: i miss you. i wanna go home
2:31 pm jongie♡: hongjoong extended practice :(
2:40 pm jongie♡: helloooooo
2:45 pm jongie♡: hello :(
2:49 pm jongie♡: we leave at 3, u better answer me then :(
It was now 2:59 pm. Your lips tugged downward as you read the messages- you shouldn't have silenced your notifications. Idiot mistake. You were about to type until you saw three little dots appear on the screen. You waited for his text.
3 pm jongie♡: heading home now! ...are u there
You replied.
my y/n: yes! sorry i didnt see your texts earlier, bear :(
jongie♡: did you die
my y/n: no lol i was cleaning. are u tired? hungry?
jongie♡: tired, yes
jongie♡: hungry, not yet. had some snacks :) got u a croissant
my y/n: UGH I LOVE YOU <3 see u when u get here jongie
jongie♡: u only love me cuz i bring u food :(
my y/n: yes :) now hurry
You scrolled through various apps, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere of your dimly lit apartment while you waited for Jongho.
It only took 15 minutes before three quick taps from the door interrupted your scrolling. You opened the door only to be engulfed by a pair of strong arms. You beamed into Jongho's chest. "Hi bear."
Still clutching you in his arms, he walked you backward into the apartment, kicking the door closed with his foot. With his head buried into your neck, he inhaled. "Mmm, you smell so good. Why do you always smell so good?"
"Maybe it's cause I steal your body wash." He chuckled. "You, however, smell like you've been dancing for eight hours."
Jongho lifted his head with disbelief written all over his face. "You can forget about the croissant."
"Wait! What I meant to say was that you should get comfortable and you know, put on some fresh clothes and we can relax together while I eat the croissant my amazing, beautiful boyfriend bought me." You fluttered your eyelashes at him. He had a soft spot for you and you knew that. He almost never says no to you.
Jongho sighed and let go of you to reach into his messenger bag. He feigned reluctance as he passed you the brown paper bag containing the freshly baked croissant. "Here. I'll be back."
"Thank you, baby," you pulled him in for a soft kiss, pressing your lips onto his warm ones. His shoulders relaxed under your touch- tension he didn't even realize he held. He almost whimpered at the feeling, sighing into your mouth. He really did miss you. Jongho just about crumbled when you pulled away, heading back to the couch. "I'll be here."
He groaned but trudged himself to your shared bedroom anyway, grabbing clean clothes, and hopping into the shower soon after.
It was the quickest he had ever showered, not wanting to waste any more time without you in his arms. Yet when he returned to the living room, you had barely even glanced his way. You didn't even comment on his wet hair that you liked so much because you thought it was cute.
Jongho was disappointed, to say the least. Sure, you were here, but all your attention had been taken up by your stupid screen. Oh, how he envied the little device in your hand.
With an audible exhale, he lifted your legs, placed them over his lap, then plopped down on the couch. Your croissant was nowhere to be seen, devoured in a matter of seconds, he assumed. Besides the few tiktoks you had showed him, he sat there, staring at the ceiling. His fingers danced up and down your legs. He massaged your calf. His hands snuck their way up to knead at your soft thighs. He even tickled your foot, but nothing seemed to avert your eyes from your phone.
Jongho puffed his cheeks and blew the air out, bored and frustrated out of his mind. All he wanted was you. All he could think about was being wrapped in your embrace, feeling your body heat mixing with his. It made his skin itch with need.
He sat up suddenly. "Do you hear that?"
You locked your phone, listening for anything that may have been out of the ordinary. "What?" You sat up, a little frightened. "I don’t hear anything."
"Exactly. When was the last time we were alone like this? We have the rest of today and tomorrow to ourselves."
"Jongho, you scared me! I thought someone was breaking in or something," you clutched your chest whilst Jongho laughed at your melodrama. You attempted to poke his sides with your foot, but he caught your ankle. "Not funny," you whined. "What do you wanna do?"
"I’m not sure. What are you up for?" Satisfied he caught your attention, he brought your leg up, placing a gentle kiss on your ankle.
"Welp, as of right now? Absolutely nothing." You stretched and let out an ahh and shifted your gaze back to your phone.
Jongho frowned and leaned forward, snatching your phone and stuffing it between the cushions.
"It’s just me and you and all you wanna do is use your phone! What about me?" His bottom lip jutted out further than before and his eyes were round and shiny.
You would take a picture if your phone wasn’t being squished in the couch.
You held your arms out for him. "Come here."
He tossed one of your legs over his side and settled himself between them, his head now resting on your shoulder. His damp hair lightly grazed your neck, sending shivers down your spine. You threaded your fingers through his dark locks.
"I miss you," he softly spoke.
"I'm right here, baby. I'm sorry I wasn't giving you my attention."
"It's okay, I know- just...hold me." And you did. You wrapped your legs around him and held him as tightly as you could to your body. Tender kisses were placed on his forehead. Your hands refused to settle as they roamed his arms, his back, his face. You felt Jongho's breathing slow down, letting you know that he was falling asleep. You remembered he hadn't eaten dinner, so you gently tapped him a few times.
"Jongho, don't fall asleep, I have to make you dinner."
"No, don't let go. This feels too good." He only snuggled his face deeper between your neck and shoulder, squishing his lips against your skin.
"You have to eat, bear. You've only had what? Breakfast and snacks all day? After hours of practicing the choreos? I love you and I won't let you starve."
"I'd rather starve then let go. I've needed this all day." His words vibrated against your skin, hardly coherent, but you understood nonetheless.
"It'll be quick, I promise, yeah? How does pasta sound?"
He hummed and nodded, slowly getting up. Exhaustion had etched itself onto his face and it made your heart cry out. Before heading towards the kitchen, you leaned down and peppered kisses all over his face. Usually he'd protest at the affection, but he closed his eyes, a small smile forming on his lips. "Just ten minutes, okay?"
a/n: i honestly didnt know where to go with this, i just kept writing lol. reader was hauling ass trying to get that pasta ready btw
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WAKE UP HON WE GOT NEW OFFICIAL ROLLO CONTENT (thanks to curekibouka for the translation!) 😭 (Bless him, he came home so quickly at only 40 rolls…)
***Rollo profile, Groovy, vignettes, and chibi spoilers below the cut!!***
As you can see in the card art shown above, it looks like his official English name will be "Rollo Flamme", not some other variation.
His coffin icon has a bell on it! Very fitting.
Yes, he’s triple fire magic and has a Duo with Grim.
… LMAO his Buddies are Malleus, Idia, and Azul 🤡
He's a third-year student at Noble Bell College, Student Council President, (but we already knew this) and 18 years old
His birthday is Feb 2nd! (There was a mistake in the initial launch of the Rollo card and profile in which his birthday was incorrectly stated as Feb 4th, which is Cater's birthday. Man was so mad when he realized he shared a birthday with a NRC boy so he redid his birth certificate/j)
(Here are screenshots of before and after the change; I happened to take a picture before the update:)
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178 cm tall (LMAO I guess he doesn't meet a certain Ghost Bride’s standards)
Comes from the Shaftlands (again, we already knew this)
Best subject is Potionology
His hobby is cleaning malewife trait
He obviously hates magic 😂
Favorite food is not, in fact, croissants; it's actually grapes
Least favorite food is savarin, which is a ring-shaped cake soaked in flavored syrup and then garnished with cream and fruit
HIS SPECIAL SKILL IS GARDENING WHICH MADE ME LAUGH OUT LOUD... considering what he used that skill for... 🤡
His official description in the profile states that Rollo is admired by his classmates for his seriousness and no-nonsense attitude, but he also has a tendency to be… neurotic 💀 gee, ya think
His vignettes are set at NBC, not Night Raven College. They seem to be set prior to the events of Glorious Masquerade.
It's said that the reason he is at NRC now is because he is there temporarily to study.
We see Rollo going about his daily routine. He tends to the Bell of Salvation and the gargoyles early in the morning when the sky is still dark which probably explains the dark eyebags. He’s able to witness the sun rising as he does his cleaning. Rollo finds the dawn peaceful! and loves listening to the bell ring.
OMG the gargoyles are so excited when he pays attention to them 😭 They hop around like excited little puppies… NOT ROLLO WANTING TO GET RID OF THEM
Rollo also has his duties as a regular student. I believe he discusses grades with his vice president. He thinks his classmates are stupid 😂 and finds it ironic that these people look up to him and see him as a top student and a great magician…
Rollo eats his lunches alone because he finds people noisy. Bruh, he has 2 croissants, 16 grapes and 1 cup of cafe au lait (coffee with milk) for lunch every day of the year…
He shops in the City of Flowers and has a routine of buying a plain letter set, only all white paper and envelopes—even if there is a better deal on other sets. If Rollo is one thing (besides angry), he’s consistent and likes to stick to a routine and to things that are certain!
LMAO Rollo hates the City of Flowers because it’s flowers blossom because of magic ✨
Rollo runs into some trouble when a community goat wants to chomp on rhe letter set he bought in town 😂 He’s calm at first but then gets mad because he considers the goat unsanitary and it’s trying to eat his robes…
I want to stress that this boy is suppressing his rage and disgust the entire time 🤡 He’s trying so hard to pass as well-adjusted… Man’s literally going to send this goat flying but stops because he realizes there are too many witnesses…
At the end, Rollo writes a letter to his parents to let them know he is doing fine. Apparently, they’ve been worrying about him ever since “that” incident 😔 The letter reads as very formal and stiff, as though he’s writing to strangers. Maybe he has emotionally distanced himself from his parents (perhaps as a result of “that” incident), although he isn’t outright rude about it.
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The fact that he writes with a feather quill instead of a magical pen………… ….. ….. … … . .. . … … . . . . .. . … .. . . .
Also the fact that he's by default in his big, bulky uniform with tons of extra material that would make it TERRIBLE for P.E. 💀 and has nothing else to change into... The last screenshot of the group above also looks like Sebek has leaned over to Rollo's ear to spread the GOOD WORD of WAKASAMA and Rollo is trying to do his very best to ignore him...
P.S. I want everyone to know that he does THIS whenever he has a Perfect in Magic History... ROLLO'S LITERALLY A CARTOON VILLAIN PLOTTING REVENGE AGAINST HIS CLASSMATES.... .. . .......... . .. . . . . . . . . . yes, I stuck him in a class with Malleus, Idia, and Azul :))
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adrienneleclerc · 25 days
Missing Journal
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Charles reads Y/N’s journal and finds out she has a crush on an F1 driver.
Warning: the usual spellings and grammatical errors, inaccuracies of pretty much anything involving F1
A/N: kinda based off season 1 episode 3 of Austin and Ally. However, instead of reading the journal about Y/N’s crush and thinking it’s about him when it’s actually someone else, Charles would read it and think it’s about someone else when in reality it’s about him. Does that’s make sense? Cool. Also, i always put Hispanic/Latina because I don't know what you prefer to be called and because this does exclude Spain, Haiti, Brazil, and other Latin American countries that don't speak Spanish.
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Y/N and Charles have been friends for a long time, but so have Y/N and Lando. Y/N moved from the states to Monaco and became neighbors with Charles, ultimately becoming friends, but she also participated in Junior Karting with Lando, befriending Lando and Max Fewtrell.
It is safe to say Y/N has been friends with the three of them for a very long time and she is so grateful because she always felt like she didn't belong since she isn't European like them. But she has Logan as well, even if they aren't super close. She splits time between Charles and Lando. If Lando thinks McLaren is going to do soemthing interesting, he invites Y/N to Woking. Something interesting happening at Ferrari? Charles is bringing Y/N to Maranello. Y/N loves travelling (the Sagittarius in me) so it works out perfectly.
One day, Y/N's apartment was flooded because of poor plumbing and Charles offered her a place to stay. When her apartment was clear, both of them decided it was better if they were roommates since she was the better cook and that brings us to today.
Y/N was sleeping in her room peacefully when she felt someone shake her awake and she saw Charles standing over her.
"If you are going to kill me, can i at least eat first?" Y/N asked sleepily.
"Y/N, wake up, they changed our flight to Imola." Charles said and Y/N sat up in her bed.
"What do you mean they changed our flight? Don't we fly priavte?" Y/N asked.
"Yes, but Fred wants us to be in Imola earlier so we have more time to go over strategies so get dressed, sweetie, we need to go to the runway." Charles said. Y/N's heart fluttered at Charles's nickname for her. She tries to think nothing of it because he is a Libra after all, he is very affectionate towards her and Carlos as well. She got out of bed.
"Okay fine, but get out." Y/N said, pushing Charles out of her room to get dressed. She packed a dufflebag with 5/6 outfits, pajamas, anything she really needed for a 5 or 6 day trip more or less.
"Whatever you say, love, I'll buy us something to eat on the way there." Charles said outside her door. The last thing Y/N packed was her journal, she likes writing down everything about her travels since she writes travel articles for Hello Monaco (don't know if there is a traveling section, lets pretend). But she also writes about her love life or lackthereof. Y/N washed her face and got dressed in her comfortable clothes. When she left her room, she sw Charles on the couch with his small luggage.
"Alright, lets go. Are we stopping by the bakery?" Y/N asked.
"Of course. I'll wait outside while you order the pastries, I'll give you money." Charles said.
"Thanks, lets go." They left the apartment and got into Charles's car. Charles parked outside the bakery and Y/N got out of the car, ordered pastries, getting herself a warm cookie croissant (THEY ARE SO GOOD, my mom needs to buy more from the market) and whatever Charles gets. She gets back in the car and Charles starts driving away.
"Can you feed me, honey?" Charles asked. Y/N broke off a piece of the pain au chocolat and fed it to Charles, his tongue and lips touching her two fingers holding the piece of pastry. She felt butterflies in her stomach and decided to just hold the oain au chocolat and have him bite it but... "No, no, i can't drive like that, just feed me like you did before." Charles said and thats exactly what Y/N did.
Now of course Charles knew it wasn't necessary for Y/N to feed him like that, but he loves the intimacy of this gesture. So having her feed him like they were boyfriend and girlfriend even though they are not was great thing in Charles's book. Especially considering his feelings for the Hispanic/Latina queen by his side. Y/N finished feeding Charles the pastry and licked her fingers that were covered in chocolate because no one wastes chocolate here. They were playing music in his car, just vibing, singing along, Y/N finished her cookie croissant, and they were just talking until they made it to the airport runway where their private jet was, with Carlos waiting by the jet.
"Por fin! Por qué se demoraron tanto?" Carlos asked.
"Güey, relájate, teníamos hambre, queríamos comer en el camino." Y/N said, getting her dufflebug out of Charles's car, Charles gets his suitcase out too.
"I don't like it when you call me güey." Carlos said.
"I picked up Mexican slang from Pato that time he was in Woking with Lando. I miss Pato, i gotta text him." Y/N said, entering the jet with Charles and Carlos trailing behind. She sits down. "I'll never get used to this, I grew up lower middle class."
"Well your friends are F1 drivers and we invite you everywhere." Charles said.
"And I thank you for that, honestly. My boss loves my hotel reviews, thanks for paying for my room by the way." Y/N said.
"Of course, it's no big deal." Charles said.
"What i don't get is why we have to fly if the drive is just 5 and a half hours." Y/N said.
"But by plane it is an hour." Carlos said. "That mean we have more time to relax, work on strategies, go clubbing." Carlos says.
"We are not clubbing before media day." Charles warned him.
"Fine, que pesado." Carlos said and Y/N giggled.
The flight itself was bearable, Y/N fell asleep and Charles was watching her with a smile on his face.
"You should tell her you like her, mate. Because this" Carlos says gesturing to what Charles was doing. "Its getting creepy and concerning."
"When the moment is right i will tell her." Charles said.
"Okay then." Carlos said, putting his headphones.
When the jet landed, a chauffer took them from the airport to their hotel. When they arrived at the hotel lobby, Y/N saw Lando and Oscar on the couch, Lando was on his phone while Oscar talked to Logan.
"Lando!" Y/N shouted, running to where Lando was.
"Y/N!" Lando exclaimed, standing up from the couch to hug his best girl friend. "How was your flight? Are you hungry?"
"Nah, I'm fine, I had a cookie croissant before the flight so i should be good." Y/N said.
"Nonsense, you should have a proper breakfast. Osc, you wanna go out for breakfast?" Lando asked the Australian.
"Yeah sure." Oscar said. "Lets get our keys and we'll head out." As soon as everyone got their keys, they went to their rooms which are all on the same floor, WAGS obviously roomed with their partners, Y/N had her own room and she place her dufflebag there. She knocked on Lando's door and he opened up.
"Should i change." Y/N asked.
"Nah, you're fine. You ready to go Osc?" Lando asked Oscar, who was talking to Logan
"Yeah, lets go, catch you later, Logan." Oscar said goodbye.
"I'll talk to you later my fellow American!" Y/N exclaimed as she left with Lando and Oscar. Charles was observing their interaction.
"Jealous?" Carlos asked right behind Charles startling him.
"You scared me, mate. But i am not jealous." Charles said.
"You might want to unclench your fist then." Carlos tapped on Charles's fist and he releases.
On their free day, Y/N was writing down the name of the restaurant/cafe they went to, reviewed the food, the atmosphere, how much the food was.
"Y/N, do you have to review everything?" Lando asked.
"Yes, how was your food?" Y/N asked.
"It was good." Lando said.
"Do you think it is worth the price?" Y/N asked.
"I say yes but I think if you were wokring class, definitely not." Lando said.
"Thank you. What about you, Osc?" Y/N asked.
"I mean I've had better in Monza, but its still good." Oscar replied and Y/N wrote it down.
"You gentlemen have been great help." Y/N said.
"Will you be in the Ferrari hospitality this time or will you be coming over to McLaren?" Lando asked.
"I can't say yet. I'll probably arrive at the paddock with Charles, hang around his hospitality halfway during the break inbetween free practices and then go over to you before the second free parctice starts." Y/N said.
"Yeah, that sounds like a plan. You coming to media day or are you going to be sightseeing?" Oscar asked.
"The hospitality gives me free food so I'm going to media day because i don't like sightseeing by myself." Y/N said.
"You just want me to pay." Lando said.
"You have the money to pay for me! I don't see the problem." Y/N said.
"She’s been like this since I joined F1.” Lando told Oscar.
“I do the same with Charles, don’t start.” Y/N said.
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(This scene was written before I found out what happened in Imola)
It was media day and Y/N was repping McLaren at the paddock, it made Charles feel a certain way.
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“Stopping staring.” Carlos said.
“I can’t help it, they’re acting like a couple and I don’t like it.” Charles said.
“At least she’s not wearing his number.” Carlos tried to cheer him up, Charles was going to answer him when Y/N came up to him.
“Have you guys seen my journal?” Y/N asked.
“How does it look like?” Charles asked.
“It’s a mini blue notebook with my name in rhinestones, my friend decorated it for me.” Y/N said,
“We haven’t seen it, love.” Charles said.
“Fuck, what am I going to do?” Y/N asked worriedly.
“Relax, it’s just a book.” Carlos said.
“It is NOT just a book, it is my diary and work journal all rolled into one, i write ALL my personal stuff in there, if anyone else reads it, I WILL DIE.” Y/N said.
“Maybe you should start taking notes on your phone.” Carlos said.
“Like I’m going to listen to a colonizer.” Y/N snapped. “Sorry, I didn’t mean it. I mean you do come from colonizers but i should call you that, it’s not your fault.”
“Ya relájate. We’ll look for it.” Carlos said.
“Thank you! I was basically in every hospitality today so I gotta ask around.” Y/N mentioned.
“Why were you in every hospitality?” Charles asked.
“Well i run an F1 TikTok account too so I was just hospitalities. I hope no one has read it.” Y/N said before running off.
“Do you think she’s overreacting?” Carlos asked.
“Her mom said she was born a drama Queen.” Charles said shrugging. “I’m gonna go talk with Max.” Charles said, leaving Carlos, Charles entered the Red Bull hospitality.
“Hey Charles, where’s Y/N? I found her notebook.” Max said,
“That’s great! Where did you find it?” Charles asked.
“She left it on the couch when she was talking to Checo. Do you know why she was going mental about this?” Max asked, giving the notebook to Charles.
“Apparently there’s a lot of personal stuff written in here.” Charles said and that’s when he got an idea.
“No.” Max said immediately.
“You don’t even know what I was going to say.” Charles said.
“You are not reading it.” Max said.
“Why not?” Charles asked.
“Because Y/N would probably murder you.” Max said.
“What Y/N doesn’t know, won’t kill me.” Charles said opening Y/N's journal.
"You act as if you were married. Well, what does it say?" Max asked, looking over Charles's shoulder to read what it says.
"Apparently Y/N has a crush on someone on the grid." Charles says. He kept reading. "And that guy is not me, looks like she has a crush on Lando." Charles sighed, closing the book.
"I haven't finished reading it." Max says, taking Y/N's journal to keep reading. "Okay, she could be talking about anyone, it doesn't necessarily mean she likes Lando." Max said, reading over the journal entry.
"Really? 'We've known each other since we were kids', Lando and Y/N have done karting together. 'I could easily get lost in his eyes, his accent is adorable, we spend so much time together and the gestures he does with me are so intimate, it's almost as if we are already togther but we are not', who else could it be, Max?" Charles asked.
"Okay well everyone on the grid has an accent to Y/N except of Logan. I have seen Lando lead Y/N places with his hand on her lower back. Maybe you are right, Y/N has a crush on Lando." Max said.
"Oh well, I lost my chance, let me just give Y/N her journal, I'll see tomorrow before free practice." Charles said.
"I thought we were going to play videoames later tonight." Max said.
"Not anymore mate, I have to talk to Pierre and pout about losing the love of my life to a child." Charles said.
"He's only 2 years younger than you." Max said.
"He is a child!" Charles shouted before leaving the Red Bull hospitality with Y/N's journal in hand. We was walking around the paddock when he spotted Y/N on the phone.
"Si mami, estoy comiendo bien, te lo juro. Mami, luego te marco, mi amigo Charles quiere hablar conmigo, te quiero mucho, bye." Y/N hung up the phone and put it in her bag. "What's up?"
"Oh I found your journal." Charles handed Y/N the journal and she took it happily.
"Thank you so much, you're the best, where did you find it?" Y/N asked.
"Oh in Red Bull, Max found it on the couch." Charles said.
"I'll thank him when i see him. Are you doing anything tonight? I wanted to visit the Aryton Senna statue and since I know you're a fan.." Y/N was cut off by Charles
"Sorry, I'll be with Pierre since Kika couldn't come." Charles said
"Oh, well maybe after free practice tomorrow?" Y/N asked hopefully.
"I don't think so, I'll talk to you tomorrow, Y/N." Charles said leaving Y/N in the paddock and she walked to the McLaren hospitality where Lando and Oscar were playing Uno with some of the mechanics.
"Hey, Y/N, when we finish this round, we'll leave." Lando said.
"Yeah, thats fine." Y/N said and she sat on the couch. Once the game was over, Lando drove her back to the hotel.
"Did you find your journal?" Lando asked.
"I did, Charles and Max found it." Y/N said.
"Then how come you don't sound thrilled that you have your journal back?" Lando asked.
"Because Charles was acting weird, like he said he didn't want to see the Aryton Senna statue." Y/N said.
"But Leclerc is a big fan of him." Lando commented.
"Thats what i said!" Y/N exclaimed.
"Leave him, maybe tomorrow will be better." Lando commented.
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Unfortunately, that was not the case, her Friday and Saturday were spent in the McLaren hospitality, she was now watching qualifying on the TV (Q3) and she saw something awful happen, Lando and Charles were fighting for P3, their wheels were touching and everything and it got so bad that now Charles’s front wing and Lando’s rear wing were damaged when Q3 finished. Y/N ran to Lando’s garage to see what happened.
“Bro, what the hell were you two doing?” Y/N asked.
“You should be asking that to Leclerc, I don’t know what is wrong with him, he’s been on my tail for all of quali.” Lando said.
“Don’t worry, I will.” Y/N said storming the Ferrari hospitality and she spotted Carlos. “Cabrón, where’s the other cabrón?”
“He’s in the driver room.” Carlos answered and Y/N bursted into the driver room, Charles was shirtless.
“What the hell, Y/N?!?” Charles asked, putting his shirt back on and Y/N locks the door.
“We need to talk.” Y/N said.
“There is nothing to talk about.” Charles said.
“The hell there is! You’ve been acting weird since Thursday, you haven’t invited me to the Ferrari hospitality, you didn’t want to come with me to see the Aryton Senna statue, it’s like you changed when…” that’s when Y/N realizes what must have happened. “You read my journal!” Y/N yelled, she picked up a pillow and started hitting him. “How fucking dare you!”
“How dare I? How dare you?” Charles asked, blocking her hits.
“Excuse me?” Y/N asked, halting her action,
“You heard me! I Can’t believe you like Lando. Lando? He is so immature!” Charles shouted.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Y/N asked.
“Your journal entry! ‘we spend so much time together and the gestures he does with me are so intimate, it's almost as if we are already togther but we are not’, you spend so much time with Lando, who else could you be writing about?” Charles asked and Y/N just stared at him.
“Mas menso no puedes ser! It’s you, Charles! I like you, you ridiculously oblivious moron!” Y/N exclaimed and now it was Charles’s turn to stare.
“You like me?” Charles asked shyly.
“I love you! We were neighbors, we are roommates, we spend so much time together that I developed feelings for you. Now please say something.” Y/N said,
“I like you too. When I thought you liked Lando i went crazy.” Charles admitted.
“That’s why you were acting like that in quali! Lando was kinda mad,” Y/N said,
“Yeah, sorry about that. But now that I know you like me…you coming to the Ferrari hospitality?” Charles asked.
“Of course I will.” Y/N said.
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It was the Grand Prix and Y/N was in the garage with the red headphones one watching from the monitors.
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It was a tough race but Charles made P1 and Y/N couldn’t be any prouder. When Charles “parked” the car at his spot, he saw Y/N standing with Free and the rest of the team so he got out from the car and kissed Y/N. They pulled away and smiled.
“Sorry, I got caught up in the moment.” Charles said, laughing.
“Does this mean we’re dating.” Y/N asked all giggly after her first kiss with Charles.
“Of course we’re dating, Mon ange. You are my girl, and now we are paddock official.” Charles said.
“So when are you taking me out on our first date?” Y/N asked.
“As soon as I’m done with the post race interview.” Charles said, kissing her one last time.
The End
It took forever to write but I hope y’all like it, thanks for your patience!
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avastrasposts · 6 months
A Baker's Dozen - Two
Twelve Pedro boys, twelve stand alone short stories, all set in the same bakery.
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I'm so overwhelmed and grateful for all the lovely comment you all left on the first part of A Baker's Dozen! I'm having so much fun exploring what it's like to write for different Pedro boys and finding their voices.
For those of you who are new, we've got twelve Pedro boys, twelve short stories, each set in the same bakery.
It's fluff and sweetness, lots of food and flirting. Series Master List
Taglist: @harriedandharassed @inept-the-magnificent @sheepdogchick3  @readingiskeepingmegoing @noisynightmarepoetry @survivingandenduring
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The glare is what catches your eye first, sunlight bounces off the shiny metal surface and hits your face through the window. You shield your eyes and glance at the door as it swings open, for a second you can’t see who steps through, you’re almost blinded, but as the door swings closed, he, or she, comes into focus. 
���Hi, welcome!” you say, trying to keep your voice steady as the imposing figure takes a few tentative steps into your bakery. 
“Heading for a con?” you ask, glancing up and down the impressive outfit. 
“A con?” 
The voice that comes through the helmet is deep and resonates through what almost sounds like a speaker. It’s definitely a man, if the sheer size of the body didn’t give it away. He’s tall, broad and made even broader by the metal pauldrons on his shoulders. A heavy belt hangs around his narrow waist as if to emphasize the sheer build of this hunk of metal that’s standing in the middle of your shop, looking somewhat lost despite the fact that you can't see his face under a solid looking metal helmet. 
“Yeah, like a convention, where people meet and dress as their favorite characters from tv-shows and stuff. Are you going to a con?” 
“No,” comes the short answer.
He looks around the bakery, the black T of his visor seemingly scanning the selection of bread and cakes you have for sale today. 
“Something smells…good,” he says, turning his helmet back onto you and you can’t help but smile. 
“Thanks, yeah, I had a pretty tasty selection today, but most of it’s already been sold,” you wave your hand over the mostly empty display cases, “Do you want to buy something?” 
“I…don’t think I have credit,” he hesitates but he takes another step into the shop, glancing down at the croissants stacked in a basket next to the till. 
“We accept cash too,” you reply, “you don’t need a credit card.” 
“No, I mean, I don’t have the right…currency for your world.” 
“Oh…” you frown, did he just say ‘your world’? 
You mentally shake your head, a misunderstanding, surely.
“I mean, I could let you sample something, then maybe you’ll come back with the right currency,” you say, smiling at the man. He sounds a bit confused and your customer service persona kicks in, unwilling to let someone leave without trying something that’ll get them to come back. 
“I don't know what you sell here,” he says, “I have never seen food like this before.” 
“Oh, really? What kind of baked goods do you have where you’re from?” you ask, surprised, you were sure pretty anyone would recognise at least a muffin and a cookie, both on display in your cases. 
The tall metal man comes closer, standing next to the counter and looking at the selection, “We have many baked things where I’m from, but I have never tried any of them.” 
“You’ve never had dessert?” you ask incredulously, “I have dessert every day, it’s a must!”. 
“I’m Mandalorian, food is only energy for our bodies, we don’t indulge in it,” he straightens up when he says it, his hands falling to his hips. He looks imposing, like a warrior all of a sudden, and his voice takes on a serious note. 
“Oh, wow, I didn’t know that was a thing, a mandalorian, huh” you raise your eyebrows, this guy doesn’t even seem like a cosplayer. Or he’s really in character. 
“Are you not allowed to eat dessert at all, or is it just like, not an everyday kinda thing?”  
“I can eat what I want but I’ve never had a need for dessert,” the voice coming through the helmet is a rich baritone, but holds a guarded edge, like the owner is trying to navigate something unfamiliar.
“I mean…technically there’s never a need for dessert, but I eat it everyday anyway. A good dessert is sometimes the only way to fix a bad day,” you give him your warmest smile, trying to make him feel a bit more at ease as you go back to straightening up your counter for the end of the day. 
“What’s this?” The man points to the croissants on the counter and you pick one up with the tongs, holding it out to him. 
“It’s a croissant, a French type of pastry. It’s not sweet, just has a metric ton of butter in it. It’s really flaky as you can see. Go on, try it.” 
“I don’t remove my helmet in front of other people,” he replies and your eyebrows shoot even higher up into your hairline. 
“What…but why?” The second the question comes out of your mouth you regret it, “Sorry, don’t answer that, it’s none of my business.” 
“You can ask, I don’t mind,” he says and you think you hear a slight smile from behind the helmet. “I’m Mandalorian, it’s my religion, and we don’t remove our helmets in front of others, it is the way.” 
“So you only eat alone?” you ask, curiosity overtaking your embarrassment and he nods. 
“Yes, we never share a meal with others.”  
“How sad, for me I mean,” you say, “One of the best parts about being a baker is seeing when others eat what I’ve made, I love seeing their reactions. If you try something, I won’t know what you think about it.” 
“I can just turn my back to you and lift my helmet a little,” he replies, and you can definitely hear the smile in his voice now. It changes the tone of his voice, as it comes through the helmet, makes it warmer, softer, and you smile back at him. 
“What do you want to try then?” you ask, “If you’ve never had dessert then I have to give you something special to try.”
“I don’t know,” he looks around the cakes and cookies on display and shakes his head, “I can read your signs but I don’t know what cinnamon or vanilla tastes like, or this one.” He points to a stack of millionaire’s shortbread, “I have never heard of peanuts.” 
“Well, in that case, just in case you're allergic to peanuts, let’s not start with them,” you grin, “the last thing I need is you passing out from an allergic shock in my shop. That armor looks a lot heavier than what I can lift.” 
The Mandalorian looks down at the plates that cover almost every part of his body, “It’s made from beskar, it’s a metal from my home world.” 
“It’s beautiful,” you say, and you mean it. The metal is polished and rich looking, a light gray color that catches the light as he moves, “It’s a very beautiful armor.” 
“Do you want to hold a piece?” he asks, looking over at you again, or at least you think he’s looking at you, it’s hard to tell with the helmet. 
“Is that allowed?” you ask, “I don’t want you to break any rules in your religion.” 
“There is no rule against this,” he says, reaching up and taking off one of the shoulder pauldrons. It has the image of a dangerous looking animal that you don’t recognise, and as he hands it over, you see him reverently brush his fingers over it. Carefully you take it from his gloved hands, the metal warm to the touch, and just as heavy as it looks. 
“It’s warm!” you say surprised and he nods. 
“It holds my body heat easily, good for cold climates.” 
You don’t know why, maybe because you can’t see even a sliver of skin on the man, but the thought of holding something that’s been warmed by his body heat, makes you slightly aroused. He could look like anything underneath all that metal and cloth, but his voice, his rich, low voice through the helmet, and his sheer imposing presence, makes you almost subconsciously attracted to him. 
He comes around the counter and stands close as you turn the pauldron over in your hands, tracing the outline of the animal, feeling the warmth of his body. 
“What is this animal?” you ask, looking up at your own reflection in his visor, “I’ve never seen one like it before.” 
“It’s a mudhorn, it’s the mark of my clan.” He traces his fingers along the animal too, brushing against yours as you marvel at the intricate work. 
“Thank you,” you say, handing the pauldron back as the touch of his fingers against yours becomes too much to handle, “Thank you for letting me hold it.” 
“You’re welcome,” he says, his voice lower now that he’s standing next to you. You watch as he clicks the pauldron into place on his shoulder again. 
How do you flirt with a man whose face you can’t even see? you wonder as he turns his visor back on you. It seems like he holds you in place for a few seconds before you slowly have to turn yourself away from him and the intensity of his sightless gaze. 
“So you’ve never had dessert and you don’t know what any of this tastes like?” you say, giving your own cakes a critical look. 
“No,” comes the voice from the man beside you, “Maybe you can choose for me?”
“Hmm…that’s a big ask. Your first dessert has to be something really special, but maybe not too overwhelming, and not too sweet either because if you’re not used to it, then sugar can be a bit too much. And it has to have the right combination of textures too so that you get the full experience and then maybe it should be-” you cut yourself off and look up at the man who’s shifted his weight, leaning against the counter and looking at you with his head cocked to the side. “Sorry, I’m rambling, I went into full baker mode.” 
“No, go on, I enjoy hearing you analyze my first dessert experience,” he says, encouraging you to go on by putting his hand on your arm. The little touch makes you tremble slightly and you pray he doesn’t notice through the soft looking leather of his gloves. 
“Really?” you ask, “Because I have an idea but I’d have to bake something for you, are you in a hurry?” 
“No, I’m waiting for someone and they won’t be here until tomorrow,” he says, dropping his hand from your arm, “What would you make me?” 
“Do you mind if I keep it a surprise? Only, I want you to have the best possible first dessert experience” 
“I usually don’t like surprises but I’ll make an exception for dessert. And for you,” there’s a small chuckle from behind the helmet and it makes you smile. 
“I’m honored,” you say, “come into my kitchen, I think I have what I need for what I was thinking of making.” 
You sidestep him, making him turn sideways as you brush past him, and you don’t miss the way his hand comes up to the small of your back as he walks just behind you into the kitchen. 
Your kitchen is big enough but the metal clad man takes up a lot of space as you direct him to stand by your workbench. He looks around it as you start going through your stores. 
“I’ve never been inside a professional kitchen before,” he says, “I can see that you’re used to a lot of metal.” 
You glance around at all the stainless steel counters and shelves that line the walls, stacked high with stainless steel pans, bowls and baking trays, and then the big shiny door that leads into your walk-in fridge before it hits you.
“Did you just make a joke about your armor?” you snort. But the man behind the helmet remains motionless and soundless as the giggle dies in your throat, afraid that you’ve somehow offended him. You look at him, your cheeks heating up, and then he chuckles loudly. 
“Oh fuck off, you’re terrible,” you exhale in relief, but smiling again, “I thought I’d insulted your religion or something.” 
“No, jokes are allowed,” he says and you hear the mirth in his voice clearly this time, behind the visor he must be grinning widely. 
“No more bad jokes, or you won’t get my dessert,” you give him a mock scolding look but he just tilts his head sideways. 
“There’s another joke in that sentence,” he says, still a smile in his voice, “but I don’t want to miss out on your dessert.” 
The innuendo is heavy and you have to bite back your grin, there’s no doubting his flirting tone, and instead focus on pulling lemons, sugar and butter from your stores. 
“If you say so,” you huff and he chuckles, coming to stand next to you while you start prepping. 
“So can you tell me what you’re doing at least?” he asks, picking up one of the lemons and turning over in his hand. 
“I’m making you a pie, I already have the dough ready for the crust so I’m just going to roll it out and blind bake it before I make the filling,” you say, bringing out the rolling pin and the slab of pie dough you had in the fridge. 
“I’ve never had pie,” he replies, “but I’ve seen them sold.” 
“What do you eat?” you ask and you see him shrug, shifting a bit. 
“Just…well, mostly freeze dried stuff that I can just add water to when I travel,” he says, “bone broth is nice too.” He shrugs again and you shake your head. 
“You need to live a little, try some different food, life’s too short to live on freeze dried camping food and bone broth. Doesn’t your wife cook for you?” The last thing slips out without you thinking, your mouth racing ahead of your mind and you bite your tongue, apologizing again. 
“Sorry, sorry, I didn’t mean to pry, or assume that you’re married, or that a wife should cook. Or that it would be a wife, just ignore me, I’m alone too much in the bakery,” you ramble, trying to catch up with yourself. 
Beside you the Mandalorian shifts and stands with his hip leaning against the workbench so that he’s looking directly at you, he’s crossed his arms and cocked his head and it shouldn’t be that sexy, you can’t even see him, but it’s making your heart rate speed up as your cheeks go warm again. 
“No, no wife,” he says, his voice somehow even lower than before, “no one to cook for me, and I wouldn’t expect my wife to cook for me either,” he shifts his weight, putting one hand down on the workbench, the other on his hip, “But it would be a wife.”
You refuse to look at him, it won’t give you anything, just that stupid shiny helmet. But you can hear the smirk in his voice, so you just nod your head. 
“Good to know,” you press out, very much focused on rolling the dough to a perfect circle which isn’t strictly necessary. 
“And you?” his asks, his low baritone vibrating the air around you as he seems to step even closer. His chest plate isn’t touching you but if you turn your head, your breath will fog on it. “Anyone to cook for you at home?” 
“Uhm…no,” you stutter, “just me.” 
If this was a normal man you’d expect to turn your head now and look at him and he’d ask if he could kiss you, or he’d lean in closer and just do it. But the helmet is in the way, how the hell is he so flirty with that damn helmet? He does know how to kiss, doesn’t he? 
“I’m ju-just going to put this in the oven,” you say, trimming the edges of the pie crust, leaving the scraps of dough on the bench. 
“Ok,” he says, still with a smile in his voice, watching as you line the pie with a sheet and then baking beads, before sliding it into the oven. 
“What’s next, the filling?” he asks and you nod. 
“Yeah, I’m going to zest and squeeze these lemons,” you pick up the one he’s left on the bench and show him how you get the zest off into a bowl. 
“Have you had lemons before?” you ask and he nods. 
“Yes, I think so, or something similar. But it was very sour,” he bends forward and looks closely at the zest you’ve mixed with some sugar. “It smells good though, do you often use them in pies?” 
“Yeah, and they’re amazing in anything baked, as long as you have enough sugar.” 
“I trust your skills as a baker,” he says and you smile at him. 
“Thanks, I think you’ll really like this.”
He stays still a beat as you turn back to the lemons, “I already do,” he says, a whisper, just loud enough to escape the helmet. For a second you’re not sure he meant for you to hear it, and you let your hands continue squeezing the lemons before giving him a quick glance. It tells you nothing, the man might as well be a statue. 
You start separating the eggs, letting the egg whites slip through your fingers, holding onto the yolks, until all five are neatly laying on the bottom of your mixing bowl. The silence is stretching between you and the man, still standing still, leaning slightly on the edge of the workbench. You can feel his eyes on you behind the helmet, watching as you stir together the filling, lemon juice, zest, sugar, corn starch, it all comes together. 
“Can I ask you something?” You look up at him, slowly stirring the cubes of butter into the lemon mixture. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to though, it’s kinda personal.” 
“Ok,” he says, cocking his head to the left. 
“How…h-have…h-ow do you kiss if you can’t take the helmet off?” 
He doesn’t move, the blank front of the visor steadily trained on you. 
“Nevermind, it was a stupid question, don’t answer that,” you mumble, dropping your gaze back to the filling. 
“No, it’s not a stupid question,” he says, and you feel the soft leather of his gloved hand under your chin, tilting it up, back to him. “There are…loopholes…in the creed. I’ve kissed someone, when they couldn’t see my face. But it requires a lot of trust.”
You’re staring at your own reflection in the visor, trying to discern where his eyes are. You wonder if he’s looking at your eyes or your lips, and you wonder what his lips look like. 
What they would feel like. 
“Does that answer your question?” he asks, that rich, warm baritone, distorted by whatever lets him speak through the helmet, makes your heart flutter, your breath catches in your throat. 
“Y-yes…thank you,” you stutter, “yes.” 
You bet he’s smiling at you again, as he lets go of your chin and you look back down at the filling. 
“I’m going to fill the pie now, and then make the meringue that goes on top.” 
“Ok,” he says, “I don’t know what that is but I bet it will be irresistible.” 
It makes you smile, at the filling, as it pours, golden and thick, into the pie crust. It settles into a smooth layer, ready for the last step and you place the pie to the side and reach for the egg whites. 
“Can I ask you a favor?” you ask and he nods. 
“Of course, what is it?” 
“The ancient looking mixer, up there, can you reach it?” 
He steps behind you, over to the shelf and effortlessly lifts the heavy old Husqvarna machine, it looks almost weightless in his hands. Those hands, inside the soft gloves, are big, almost dwarfing the mixer and the thought crosses your mind, to have those hands on you, wrapped around your waist, or grabbing your thighs, lifting you up as effortlessly as the machine, placing you on the bench, pushing your legs apart and- 
He carefully puts it next to you, and moves to stand on your other side. But his hand gently brushes over your back, just a small touch, but it makes you wish it lasted longer, and wasn’t so gentle.
The mixer is loud as you start it, whipping the egg whites into stiff peaks in just a few minutes.
“The trick,” you say, detaching the bowl, “is to whip them until you can hold the bowl upside down over your head and the meringue stays put.” You hold out the bowl to him with a grin, “Do you trust me?” 
He chuckles behind the helmet and takes the bowl from your hand, “I guess I do, but you’re polishing the beskar if this falls on me.” 
He carefully tips the bowl, holding it over himself, and the meringue stays put, not a drop falls on him and you give him a wide grin. 
“I passed the test.” 
“You did. Pity, my armor could do with a clean,” he says, his voice serious, but you can hear the smirk in it  this time. 
“Cheeky,” you laugh, “clean your own armor, I’m making you pie.” 
You grab the bowl from him and start scoping out the thick meringue on top of the filling, creating swirls and peaks with your spoon.  “It just needs to set now,” you say, taking the pie, “Could you open the fridge door, please?” 
He takes a few long strides and works the handle, holding it open for you as you go inside and place the pie on a back shelf. 
“I have never seen so many cakes before,” he says, coming in behind you, looking at the shelves of cake bottoms that are defrosting in preparation for your weekend orders. 
The door behind you slips closed and the fridge is thrown into darkness. 
“Oh, I forgot to tell you that the door needs to be wedged open, the light broke in here and I haven’t gotten round to replacing it,” you say, fumbling towards the door with your hand on the shelves, “I’ll get it.” 
“Don’t worry, I’ve got night vision in my helmet,” he replies matter of factly, and you hear him walk to the door. 
“You have night vision in your helmet?” You’re not sure he’s joking or not but judging by how quickly he moves across the small space, he must be seeing something. 
“How does the handle work?” he asks as you hear the handle click and catch on something. 
“You just pull it against you and it should open,” you say, carefully walking towards the sound of his voice. 
“It’s not opening, it sounds as if the handle isn’t latching on correctly”. 
“What? No, the door has to open!” You say, panic creeping into your voice, “I can’t…try it again, it has to work!”
You bump into him and his arm comes out around your waist, “Careful, don’t hurt yourself,” he says, his voice suddenly very close to you, steady and soothing, and it calms you down a little. 
“Sorry, I’m- I’m not good with small places I can't get out of,” you mumble, holding onto his arm. 
“The handle isn’t working, but I promise you, I can very easily get us out of here, don’t be scared.” He must’ve let go of the handle because his other hand comes up to rest on your cheek, the gloved thumb caressing your face with smooth motions. “Don’t be scared, mesh’la,” he says, his voice soft. If you move you think you’ll bump your head against the metal of his helmet, so you close your eyes and focus on his hands. One on your back, the other on your cheek, you take a long steadying breath. 
“H-how can you get us out?” 
“I have tools for it, in my belt, don’t be scared, I’ll get us out in no time…but…” he trails off, a small hint of uncertainty suddenly in his tone. 
“I trust you,” he says, “and I want to kiss you.” 
“You’ll take your helmet off?” you ask and in response you hear a low chuckle from inside it. 
“Yes, it would be very difficult otherwise.” 
“You don’t know that, maybe I’m used to making out with metal,” you say, biting your lip, and you’re rewarded with laughter in the darkness. 
“Using my jokes against me, clever,” he smiles as his hands leave you. There’s a click, the soft hiss of air escaping, and you guess his helmet has come off. You feel him bend down, placing it on the ground next to him and standing up again. 
“Ca-can you take your gloves off too?” you ask.  “Yes,” comes his voice in the lightless room and it makes you inhale. Unfiltered it’s much richer, warmer, but somehow rougher, slipping around you, making you break out in goosebumps as you shiver, no voice has ever made you shiver before and now you want him to keep talking to you, to feel his voice in all your senses. It makes you lift your hands to find him in the darkness but he finds you first.  
The soft sound of leather hitting the floor is the next thing you hear before his warm fingertips brush across your shoulder, finding your neck and trailing up over your chin. 
“I’m as blind as you now,” he whispers, leaning closer, “tell me where your lips are.” 
“Here,” you whisper in reply, taking his hand and guiding it to your mouth. He traces his thumb over your bottom lip, then the top, and you feel his hot breath skim over your skin. 
His lips are soft, gentle, as he presses them against yours, a slight tickle of facial hair before he pulls away a fraction. 
“Touch me,” he mumbles, “please,” a pleading tone to his voice. 
“Where?” you ask, lifting your hands from your sides and searching for him, finding cold metal and a rough flight suit. 
“Everywhere, my face, my hair, please touch me.” 
He leans his face into your hand as you find his cheek, your other hand slipping around to the nape of his neck, the longer hair winding around your fingers. It’s messy and curly and so silky to the touch that you hum under your breath. 
“You're so soft,” you say and it feels like he shakes his head.  
“No, you are, can I kiss you again?” he whispers but you don’t reply, just find his lips with yours and he groans into your open mouth, your tongue coming out to taste his lips as he parts them, and you feel his tongue lick against yours. 
His kisses are slow, and you match his pace, moving in the same lazy way as him, his tongue exploring and tasting every part of yours. Soft hands have come up to hold you close to him, his fingers in your hair, not letting you move from where he needs you. And it feels like a need, his soft presses turning needy, a soft moan escaping you as he pulls you closer, your whole body pressed up against his hard metal exterior. The contrast makes you feel disembodied, your legs, stomach, chest resting against cool armor, your face, your hands touching, and being touched by warm skin, soft hair, his demanding tongue growing in confidence by the second as he groans under your touch. 
He suddenly takes hold of your waist, moving you without effort, pressing you against the door with his whole, tall frame. 
“Your kisses are…” he pants, “please, I don’t want to stop, I…I…can’t.” 
He’s mumbling between insistent kisses, his tongue dipping into your mouth, tasting, groaning as he needs more with every second that passes. And you would give it to him, you’re moaning into his mouth, pressing into him as eagerly as he’s pushing you up against the door. If he wants to fuck you on the floor of this fridge, you’d let him. His soft lips, rough hands, his heady groans, and when he finally gives in and grinds his hard cock into your hip, it makes you lose all sense of where you are, who you’re with. 
“Mesh’la,” he mutters, another kiss on your lips, “Tell me to stop, mesh’la, I can’t stop on my own.” His tongue slips between your lips again and you thread your fingers through his hair and hold him close, keeping him from pulling back again. 
“Don’t stop, keep kissing me,” you gasp, his thigh is between your legs, rubbing firm at your aching core. 
He growls, his hand coming down to grab hold of your thigh, lifting it up onto his hip, and the door flies open. With a shriek you feel yourself falling backwards, crashing towards the hard kitchen floor. But his arms catches you, you hear the loud clunk as his metal covered legs and arm hits the surface beneath you, the other arm secure around your waist.  “Don’t open your eyes,” he snaps, panic in his voice, and you squeeze your eyes shut, they almost flew open as he caught you.  “I won’t, they’re closed, they’re closed,” you pant, the air knocked out of you. 
“I’m going to put you down and then get my helmet, don’t move until I say so,” he says, still close, gently lowering you down to the floor. 
“Ok,” you nod, staying still. But you don’t hear him above you, and his arm is still at your side. When he does move his chest comes flat against your own, his nose brushing over your cheek, bumping into yours, and then his lips are on yours again. Soft, warm, pliant, his beard tickling you, open mouth and gentle tongue, tasting and exploring with a low hum in his chest. When he finally pulls away and pushes himself up, you feel the loss of his lips like an imprint on your own, your fingers come up and trace across them, touching where he just was. 
From the fridge you hear the click of his helmet being put in place and then his footsteps come back. 
“You can open your eyes again,” he says, “thank you for keeping them closed.” 
You blink your eyes open and look up at him, his face again hidden behind the visor, his expression unreadable. But his voice is soft and he holds out his hand to you, his gloves not on yet. You take it and he helps you to your feet, one arm around your waist as you find your balance again. Looking down at the hand holding yours, you trace your fingers along the thin white scars that crisscross the back of his tan skin. His hand is rugged, the pads of his fingertips rough and well used. It’s hard to imagine that these hands could touch you so softly in the dark. 
“I…I hope I didn’t ask too much,” he hesitates as you keep touching his hand, holding it between your own, “I never kissed anyone like that before.” 
“I liked it,” you mumble, looking up at his visor, his hand still between yours. “I’ve never kissed anyone like that before either. And I don’t even know what your name is.” 
“Din,” he says, his voice low, like he’s telling you something guarded, “My name is Din, but I don’t tell many people that.” 
“I won’t tell anyone,” you say and he nods, placing his hand on your cheek again.  “Thank you, mesh’la.” 
“I’ve never met anyone like you, Din,” you say, trying to find his eyes behind the black visor. 
“I don’t think there’s any of my kind on your world,” he says with a small chuckle and you frown.  “What do you mean, ‘your world’?” 
He shakes his head, “Don’t think about it, it doesn’t matter, I just want to try your dessert now, like you promised,” his hand slips down to yours and he takes it, tugging you back towards the fridge, “Is it done yet?” 
“Uuhm…yeah, I just need to torch the top a bit,” you say, confused, as he opens the fridge door again. 
“I’ll hold it open this time,” Din tilts his head down towards you as you pass him, his hand trailing over your hand as you let go of him. The pie jiggles slightly when you tap it, so you pick it up and carefully bring it to the workbench again. Din closes the fridge door behind you and follows you back. 
“I’ve never smelt anything like it,” he hums as you reach into your tools and pull out the small blow torch. 
“Just wait until you taste it,” you smile, turning on the gas and igniting the torch. Din’s hand flies up to grab at your arm as the flame comes out but stops as he realizes what you’re doing. 
“I have one of those too,” he chuckles, “But mine’s a bit bigger.” 
“If I’d known, I would’ve used yours,” you grin and he shakes his head. 
“It would’ve burnt down your kitchen, it's not really meant for this delicate work,” you can hear the smirk as he leans forward and looks on as you carefully caramelize the top of the meringue, painting the white swirls in toasty brown. 
“There, it’s done,” you say as you turn off the blow torch and put it aside, “you’re very first dessert, a lemon meringue pie.”
“I can’t wait to try it,” he replies as you take down two plates, spoons and your sharpest knife. 
“How do you want to eat it?” you ask, cutting a generous slice for him, bigger than you would serve to the customers. He looks at the pie for a few seconds and then cocks his head and looks at you.  “I trust you,” he says, the smile in his voice evident under the unreadable helmet, “we can sit back to back and you can at least hear my reaction.” 
“Are you sure? I don’t want you to do something you’re not comfortable with,” you hold out the plate to him and he lifts it up to eye level, looking closely at the bright yellow filling and white meringue on top. 
“I’m sure, I trust you. And I want you to be happy when you hear my reaction.” 
“I hope you like it then,” you laugh, “Or this is going to be very awkward.” 
“If it tastes only half as good as it smells, this will be the best thing I’ve ever eaten,” he takes your hand and pulls you down onto the floor, you begin to protest that you have chairs but he just shrugs and sits down, crossing his legs with his back against you. You sink down behind him, crossing your legs too.  “Lean against me, mesh’la,” he says, “and don’t turn around.” 
“I won’t, I promise,” you rush out as you hear a soft woosh of air from the helmet. 
“I know,” he replies, his voice unfiltered and rich again, a low baritone that seems to send a shiver down your spine. The spoon clinks on his plate and he seems to hesitate. 
“I just put my spoon in it?” he asks and it makes you smile. 
“Yes, just get some of everything, and tell me what you think.” 
You hear the rustle of his flight suit as he seems to move around a little, it’s almost as if he’s trying to figure out how to  tackle the slice on his plate. Eventually you hear the spoon scrap over the plate again as he cuts off a bite. 
You listen intently, wishing you could see his expression, as he silently tastes the pie.
“Maker…” he breathes out after a few seconds, the spoon clinking again against the plate and you hear him take another bite. 
“Maker….” his mouth full and the word is muffled, “this is…” the spoon scrapes over the plate and you hear him take one more mouthful. His head leans against yours as he tips it back, sighing deeply. 
“Maker…I’ve never tasted anything like this before,” he groans, “It’s fresh and rich and sweet, how have I never tasted something like this before?” 
“Because you’re a fool, obviously,” you laugh, taking a bite for yourself. You know this pie is good but Din’s reaction makes you feel giddy. Behind you, you hear him take another spoonful, humming as he savors the flavors. 
“I am a fool,” he says after swallowing down another bite, “this is like nothing else. I want to eat only this for the rest of my life.” 
“That might not be the healthiest choice,” you chuckle, “and wait until you try chocolate, that’s on a whole other level again.” 
“Thank you,” he says from behind you, his hand reaching back and finding your arm, “Thank you for making this, I’m grateful.” 
“No trouble, I like seeing how much you enjoy it, especially since you’ve never had dessert before, you strange man.” 
At that you hear him laugh, “I’m not that strange, just maybe on your world, mesh’la.” 
“What does that word mean?” you ask, “Mesh’la?” 
“I’ll tell you, if you give me more pie,” his voice is so cheeky it makes you laugh out loud.
“I’ve got you addicted it seems,” you reply and he chuckles behind you, “I’ll keep my eyes closed and you can take as much as you want, take the whole pie.” 
“I can’t do that,” he says as you feel him shift behind you, getting to his feet. 
“Of course you can, you should take it, I can make another.” 
“I would argue with you, but the pie is too good,” he sinks down behind you again and this time you hear his spoon scrape over the metal of the pie form. 
“Din?” you ask and he stiffens. 
“Are you eating straight from the form?” 
“Is…Is that wrong?” 
“No,” you laugh, “just a very good review of my pie.” 
He chuckles again, relaxing against your back as he takes another mouthful. Together you sit in silence, eating the pie, cross legged on the floor of your kitchen. Yours is soon gone and you happily listen to your strange guest hum and moan as he all but seems to demolish the rest of the pie. Maybe you should tell him to pace himself, but he seems to be enjoying himself immensely. 
After a few more moments the pie form is placed on the floor and Din groans, “I’m so full, but I want to eat more.” 
“I should’ve told you to go slow,” you smile, “but just take whatever you didn’t finish with you.” 
“Hmm…I…I ate the whole thing,” he says sheepishly and you giggle. 
“You might feel a bit sick in a while, but don’t blame me. But I really love how much you loved it.” 
“I’ll come back for more pie whenever I can,” he says, finding your arm with his hand again, “Please keep your eyes closed.” 
“I’ll make sure to have it on the menu all the time then,” you smile, your eyes squeezed shut. 
Behind you, you feel him move and turn, his warm hand coming up to cup your face, a thumb sliding over your cheek. His lips are soft and gentle as he brushes them against yours, his tongue slipping out, your mouth opening. He tastes of sharp lemon, sugar and butter, and underneath, his own self. He lets himself linger for a few moments, his nose stroking over your cheek, before he pulls back, your eyes still firmly closed. The click of his helmet lets you know that he’s once more covered up and you open your eyes, slightly sad that he can’t let you see his face, you’d love to see what those soft lips look like. 
“I should go,” he says, a tinge of regret in his voice, “I have other things I need to see to before I leave.” He takes your hands and helps you stand, the remains of the pie forgotten on the floor as you follow him out to the front of the bakery. 
“This….was wizard…” he mumbles in a low voice, yet again standing by the door, “I’ve never…experienced something like this.” 
“Me either, Din,” you mumble, suddenly very sad that he’s leaving, “Promise that you’ll come back some day.” 
“I’ll try, but I can’t promise,” he says, his hand, gloved now, comes up to caress your cheek one last time. 
He turns and puts his hand on the handle and something hits you, “Wait, hang on, just wait there.” 
You rush back behind the counter and grab one of your bread bags and quickly put four croissants into it. 
“Here,” you say, holding it out to him as you get back to the door, “For the road, or whatever you’re doing.”
He takes it, cocking his head to look down at the bag before he looks up at you again, “You’re going to make my armor fit very tight.” “Hey, I didn’t tell you to eat the entire pie in one sitting,” you grin and from behind the helmet comes a low chuckle. 
“I still blame you for baking something far too irresistible.”
“Take care, Din, I hope I see you again sometime.” 
“Me too, mesh’la,” he says, giving you a nod and opening the front door. 
Part Three
If you want to try Din's Lemon Meringue Pie, here's the recipe I used!
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sc0tters · 7 months
Heartless | Sidney Crosby
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summary: when you finally arrive back to the rink you once called home, the last thing you expect is that the now legend from PIT forgets who he was once to you.
dreamer: chapter one
warnings: swearing
word count: 1.38k
authors note: I know how long some of you’ve been waiting for this series so I want to thank you! This was a bit of a weird chapter but it was just so we could set the ground for the rest of the work to come in later. I truly cannot wait to show you all where this one is going to go!
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Today was the start of something new.
Or at least that was what you told yourself as you stood in the cool breeze that whirled around the city of Pittsburgh. Everything had gone your way today and the universe was clearly on your side.
You had woken up early, gotten an A on a paper you just got back, your Amazon delivery had arrived early. And most importantly your favourite coffee shop was still open letting you get something to eat before you were meant to be at the rink “watch where you’re going jackass!” You yelled as a car drove you off the road.
It was a pretty black land rover who only responded with the hit of the horn causing your brows to furrow “what a dick.” You scoffed watching the car speed off.
Now your coffee was soaking into the tar of the road as your croissant was being eaten by pigeons that had found you. So much for it being a good day, I guess.
Everything in your Arsenal that you could try to do to calm down as you wanted to have a clear mind for your first day “not everything is going to go your way.” Marc-André reminded you as he stared at you.
Despite having three children under the age of ten, you were still his baby just like the rest of your siblings “yeah but dad-” you whined parking your car as you looked at the PPG Arena “you know I’m being honest kid.” He mumbled knowing that he should have been in Pittsburgh as you started the season.
It made you roll you eyes “where is mom when you need some moral support?” You complained shutting the car door behind you as you stared up at the sky.
The grey sky seemed comforting as you heard the rough clouds come together as thunder claps roared over the city “she is with your sister but she’d also want you to just breathe.” His voice was clear making you roll your eyes “I hate it when you’re right.” You grumbled as a small smile formed on your lips.
Even with your rough exterior your father knew how to break you down in an attempt to get you to the soft state that had him wrapped around your finger “no you don’t.” Marc-André laughed as he shook his head “now go make me proud and play nice.” His words made you grin as you raked your fingers through your hair.
Pictures of the younger version of your father were up on the walls as you saw some of your favourite people from when you were a child growing up “I should get going dad.” You looked at your watch fearing that you were going to be late.
With that he snapped his fingers before he sent you a salute as you did the same thing “love you kid.” You pressed your fingers to your lips as the line ended.
You took a moment to study the welcome area and all of the trophies that the Penguins had won “I didn’t know we let fans in here today.” A voice came from behind you that causing you to spin on your feet.
Kris held a friendly face as you turned to a panic “I’m so sorry!” You blurted out as your cheeks reddened “I am actually the new intern for the physios office and uh-” you trailed off going quiet when the slap of his hand to his mouth cut you off.
It wasn’t often that Kris was left shocked “sparky you’ve gotten so big!” His arms wrapped around you as he pulled you into a hug.
Sparky was the title you picked up as a kid due to the fact that once when nobody on the team could get you to stop crying. Until your Sidney shocked himself plugging his phone charger into the wall.
Your reaction had most of the guys laughing as Sidney had to recreate his response to it in order to make sure you stayed smiling. Then it stuck after your dad dressed you up as a lightbulb for Halloween that year.
You smiled as he dropped his hands to his sides trying to comprehend that you were old enough to be working “I’ve gotten an internship here with the physio team.” You explained ignoring his crazy you felt admitting to the fact that you were actually there and this was no longer a note on your vision board.
Kris felt like a proud parent “always thought you’d land up somewhere like that.” The physios from when your dad was at the team used to entertain you when you came with him to work when your mom was busy with college work.
His words made your heart throb “enough about me, how are you-” before you could even get your words out the sound of a door slamming cut you both off.
Spinning around a smile formed on your face as you locked eyes with Sidney Crosby. You were like ever other child who was practically in awe of him, you were one of the lucky few who got to grow up with him so that made him all that much cooler to you “surprised to see you got here before you got knocked by another car.” His words made your face drop as your eyes went wide “excuse me?” You sucked at your teeth to stop yourself from snapping at him.
Sidney hadn’t even acknowledged that Kris was around yet “you couldn’t even use your eyes to see that I was driving.” That comment made you gasp as pieces began to click in your mind “you’re jackass!” You gasped feeling your jaw go slack “sorry could like someone maybe catch me up?” Kris pleaded as he grew confused.
It didn’t take long for the two of you to turn your glares at him “someone is just an entitled-” he was cut off as doctor McLane walked into the area joining the three of you “I’m so happy to se you’ve made it!” She clasped her hands together as she saw you.
Melissa turned her attention to the two players “I’m glad to see you’ve met the new physio intern y/n F-” before she could finish introducing her you had to interrupt “just y/n will do.” You smiled sending her a nod.
Before you had the chance to continue the argument with Sidney you were knocked off of your feet as he pushed past you to get to the locker room “I promise the rest of the guys will be easier than that.” Kris sent you a smile as he helped you back up. If only he really knew how awful that day would get.
Sidney couldn’t believe that luck had been so against him today as you had to show up at work today, the one place he truly thought that he could get away from young people who thought they knew more than they did.
But not even how much you had pissed him off could have stopped him from smiling as he accepted that FaceTime call from Marc-André “you will not believe the day I’ve had.” Sidney sighed as he sunk into his seat “hope y/n didn’t have too much to do with that.” Your father teased as you used to run laps around Sidney when you went through the phases of having Sidney as your favourite penguin.
It made Sidney stop in his tracks though as the question weighed on his mind “how do you know about her?” The words left his lips quicker than he could have thought about it “did you forget the part where I fathered her?” The older boy laughed as he spoke in a duh tone.
If you had known about the way that the colour drained from Sidney’s face you honestly would have been upset that you hadn’t been there to see it in person “do you seriously not remember how I told you that y/n was going to be the new intern for the physios.” Marc-André couldn’t see Sidney’s response as he dropped his phone.
This meant that not only was Sidney going to have to put up with you, it also meant that he was going to have to act like he liked it too.
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theunaestheticstudyblr · 10 months
Some of my favorite easy and fast foods/snacks for $5 or less that aren't ramen and spaghetti:
Couscous. You can get boxed couscous for like $3 and it's enough for 2-3 side dishes at least and takes literally 5 minutes and no extra ingredients. You can get large containers of it for like $5 at Walmart too so you can season however you want. A nice grain that's easy to digest and pairs well with almost anything.
Popcorn. Everyone's favorite healthy junk food that can satisfy most cravings. You can usually get a box for like $4 or a jar of kernels for like $6.
Oats. Whole oats. Extremely versatile. Put them in smoothies, make cookies, granola, snack bars/balls, brownies, oatmeal, etc. Truly the best bland fiber and filler out there. You can even easily make your own oatmilk for super cheap by blending them with water and straining!
Frozen veggies. Last for months in the freezer and usually under $2 a bag. Not great if you prefer raw veggies, but if you are fond of sautéed or roasted ones, save some money and just get them frozen.
Chocolate chips. Cheaper than chocolate bars and you get a lot more chocolate. Perfect for those cravings!
Powdered potatoes. I know I know but if you ignore the package directions and put some butter and milk and seasonings in it, you can't tell. Ready in like 2 minutes and you get a shit ton of mashed potatoes for like $2.
Vegan Mac and cheese. I'm lactose intolerant and so I will forever be thankful for the vegan movement of the early 2010s for making nondairy products easier to find and more affordable. Vegan Mac and cheese literally tastes the exact same and bakes so well. Annie's so far has been my favorite brand and they have other pastas with sauces too like squash which is so good.
Crepes. You can make your own batter for cheap but who likes all them dishes? You can find pre-made crepes for like $3 for 10.
Apples. You can find 2lb bags of these for $3 at a lot of places. I never knew they were so cheap and I go through phases where I'll eat like 4 a day.
Lunch meat. Packs of turkey cost like $4. I use turkey on so much. Bagels, omelets, salads, sandwiches, wraps, croissants, etc.
Ready to bake pastries. I'm not a big bread person but croissants ready to bake have my whole heart and cinnamon rolls can really help make a bad day a little better.
Pretzels. I'm an absolute whore for Pretzels and eat so many of these things. They're so easy to pack for snacks for class or anything really. I can't go two weeks without them.
Rice crisps. Rice cakes are great but they're big and crumbly and get stale if you don't close the bag JUST right. But little Rice crisps??? Elite. They come in so many flavors and are super crunchy and they're just super cute too and they're bogo a lot at publix.
Frozen potstickers. You can get them for so cheap and I have a giant bag of them in my freezer right now that I got for like $7. I usually get smaller portions for $4 or so though but decided to splurge and get 3lbs of them cus why not.
Frozen shrimp. A bag of extra small Frozen shrimp is about $5 at Walmart. Eat them thawed and cold or put them in pastas or rice or Soups. They're a staple in my house.
These are just a few I could think of off the top of my head. Please add to the list!
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horanghxnni · 11 months
coffee shop meet-cute. - j.w.w.
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PAIRING: Jeon Wonwoo x Reader
TAGS: meet cute, strangers to lovers one-shot, barista!reader, non-idol!wonwoo; pure fluff, oblivious pining
WARNINGS: mentions of food/eating; i tried my best to write as gender neutral as possible, but i haven't proofread this more than once so pls let me know if it's not; other than that none (please let me know if i've missed anything)
NOTES: this is my first post here on tumblr omg. hi! i've been a big fan of work here and i've been writing for a while (i shall not discuss my cursed wattpad days when i was younger) and thought i'd start posting here for fun. i hope you enjoy! <3
You had started working at this local coffee shop when you were 16, at first as a way to earn cash on the weekends to fund your high school escapades, and now, 7 years later, you grew to love the feeling of crafting drinks and managing the shop you now felt was like a second home. You worked every day, and opening the quaint little shop meant that the first hour or so was a quiet peace to yourself, filled with the smell of brewing espresso and baking croissants. 
The morning rush came like clockwork, beginning at 7:15 am and finally reaching a calmer pace around 8 am. Just when the busy atmosphere began to subside and the day reached its first slump, a clearly anxious man made his way to the front counter, hurriedly ordering an iced americano and holding out his card before you could even tell him how much it would cost. You rang him up, and he left the counter to stand in a corner with a polite nod to wait for his coffee, glancing at the clock. You make his simple order as quickly as possible and set it on the pickup counter, calling his name. “Wonwoo, iced americano?” 
He grabs his cup and thanks you quietly, before hurriedly leaving the shop, not even bothering to grab a straw. You don’t think too much of it and get back to filling the pastry case as the curious stranger becomes a distant memory by the end of the day. 
That is, until you notice he comes in every day, always at the same time, just before 9 am. He enters with the same kind of energy, always as if he’s perpetually running late, and orders the same thing: iced americano, and if he was feeling peckish, a blueberry muffin. He never talked much, and the only thing you knew about him other than his coffee order was that his name was Wonwoo, he seemed to have a horrible concept of time, and he must work in some office to be dressed in business casual every day. This Groundhog Day feeling encounter with him remained as a growing routine for you, until 3 weeks later when you began to anticipate his arrival, and you had his order ready and waiting for him by the time he reached the counter. Your interaction grew more efficient as time passed, with a single swap of his debit card for his coffee, and his transaction down to 30 seconds, handing him back his card in record timing. You figured it was helping him, right? He was late to work, or something time-sensitive at least, and you made his caffeine pit-stop easier. It was a win-win: you gained another regular, and he got his coffee without hindering his morning. 
He ruined your flow one Wednesday afternoon. Once again, he arrived just before 9 am, but he walked in much slower this time, and he was wearing much more casual clothes, a faded gray t-shirt and jeans, a brown messenger bag slung on his shoulder. As usual, his coffee was already done, and you almost dropped a tray of apple tarts as he entered almost as an entirely different person. You set them in the pastry case with renewed care, and met him at the register. 
“Not in a rush this morning?” You asked, clearly confused but friendly, as you pushed his cup towards him. 
He chuckled, shaking his head as his eyes roved over the rows of pastries and sandwiches you had displayed. “Nope, we started a hybrid schedule so I’m working from home on Wednesdays.” He met your eyes for a moment before shifting back to the sweets, thinking. “I’m thinking about trying something new, what do you recommend?” 
It took you a moment before you adapted to the fact that you’d heard more than two words from him. His voice was smooth and deeper than you expected, and it seemed to sink into your bones. “Um, well the apple tarts are new, and we make pop tarts in house.” 
He nodded and took one more glance before meeting your eyes. “I’ll take one of each, for here.” He gave you a small smile and slid over his debit card, once again catching you off guard. For here? He was staying? You nodded silently and began to warm his sweets as you rang him up. He thanked you and took back his card, settling in a seat a few feet down the counter, pulling out his laptop and beginning to type quietly. You couldn’t help but steal glances at him as you made his little pastry plate, not used to his presence. You were so used to his rush of energy that seeing him so still and calm was confusing. You decided just before you gave him his plate that you’d slip a cake pop next to the tart, you had made extras today anyway. With a nod, you place it beside his laptop and don’t even wait for an acknowledgement, leaving the pretty stranger to his work and busying yourself with cleaning some dirty cups from earlier this morning and wiping down the counters. 
“The poptart is good. Do you make them yourself?” His voice cut through the quiet lo-fi music playing over the speakers as you paused from your cleaning. You turned to see him already looking at you, the half-eaten poptart in his hand. 
You nodded and put down the rag in your hand. “Yeah, every morning. The flavor changes depending on what fruit I can get my hands on.” You see him nod in approval, and he sets it down on his plate as he turns his full attention to you. 
“Thank you for the cake pop. And for making my coffee so quickly every day, it really helps me out.” He appears more bashful now, almost bordering embarrassed, as his cheeks flush an almost imperceptible pink. “I know I seem pretty pressed for time most mornings.” 
You laugh at his comment, thinking back to the quiet whirlwind of his stressed aura that appears in the shop every day. “Of course, I don’t want to make you any later than you already seem to be.” You pause for a moment before speaking again, wondering if you should ask the innocent question in your mind. He seems open to conversation, and it’s not like anyone else was demanding your attention at the moment. “Where do you work anyway?” 
“Oh, I work at the Pledis building, I’m a writer there for content creation. I’m not technically late ever, but I like to get there at a certain time and I definitely overestimate the time I need to commute.” He answers sheepishly, and you smile. A writer for such a big company? Impressive. 
You spoke for a little bit longer before another rush began, learning he’d been working at Pledis for a few years now, and his friend Joshua had recommended this coffee shop to him a few months ago, but he hadn’t had the chance to come until a few weeks ago. Of course your favorite regular would have pushed him here, and little details seemed to fit into place as your small chats throughout the few hours he remained at the bar revealed more and more about each other. Around 4 pm, he left with a wave, trying his best not to distract you too much. You waved back, and with an offhanded, “See you tomorrow!”, he left the cafe, the door jingling behind him. 
The next morning, Wonwoo surprised you again. He came in at 8:30, standing at the register while you finished the last of the morning rush orders, you hadn’t even seen him walk in. You turned to take the order only to see a face that wasn’t supposed to be here for another 20 minutes. 
“Oh, you’re here early! I’m sorry, I haven't made your coffee yet.” Of course you hadn’t. You had timed your routine almost down to the second, and he had thrown off your entire groove. He simply smiled and shook his head. 
“It’s okay, I have some time this morning. I’ll get my usual and another poptart, it doesn't matter the flavor.” He points to the plate and pulls out some cash. “You can keep the change.” Wonwoo, without another word, moves to where he sat the day before, settling in and pulling out his phone. 
You make his coffee and warm his poptart, placing it in a to-go sleeve, placing both in front of him. “So, I finally get my routine down with you and you all of a sudden decide you want to switch it up?” You raise an eyebrow at him. 
He looks up from his phone, a small smile growing on his lips. “Figured if I got here a little earlier, I’d relieve you of the time constraint.” His smile shifts into a frown after a moment. “I’m sorry if it threw you off that bad, I didn’t-”
You wave a hand at him, shaking your head. “Don’t worry about it, I was just messing with you.” 
His body visibly relaxes as he reaches for his coffee. “Thanks, Y/N.” You couldn’t help but grin as you hear your name in his voice, and you nod and turn before he can see just how wide your smile could get. You make small talk as he finishes his coffee and pastry, asking about his work and new recipes brewing in your head for the next 20 or so minutes before he declares he is leaving to head to work. 
“This was nice, actually sitting down before work. Maybe I’ll do this more often.” He hands you his plate as you agree, placing it in the sink to deal with later. 
“Thanks for hanging out with me this morning. You’re welcome anytime, obviously.” You say your goodbyes, and with another small smile, he leaves, and you’re left thinking of the way his smile lights up his face for the rest of the day. 
For the next few weeks, Wonwoo arrives around 20-30 minutes early. Your new routine involves pleasant conversation as you work, and him becoming a taste tester for new recipes before they hit the pastry case. You become used to each other’s presence, and with every new interaction, he grows more and more talkative. He tells you about frustrations from work from the day before, or a movie he had just watched over the weekend. You tell him about your roommate endeavors and outings you’d gone on recently. You consider yourselves friends at this point, and it was nice to have someone like him around when the morning felt like too much to handle. 
You had offhandedly mentioned taking a few days off one day and Wonwoo encouraged rest, but through all the chaos of pushed forward deadlines at work, he had completely forgotten until he arrived at the cafe one morning to see someone completely different behind the counter. He was confused to see his usual coffee was still sitting waiting for him in its normal place with his name on it, set aside on the counter, yet he did not recognize the barista currently finishing up a latte. As he slowly stepped up to the pickup counter and grabbed his drink, the employee looked up and met his gaze. 
“Oh, you must be Wonwoo. There’s your iced americano, there’s a muffin in the bag beside it.” His demeanor was nonchalant, as he placed the other drink on the counter and called out the order. 
“Is Y/N not in today?” It was the first thing he could think of, despite the answer being obvious. 
The younger boy looked up from his work. “No, they're off all week. They left me a note saying a guy named Wonwoo would come in at 8:30 and that was your usual.” He shrugged and looked down again at his brewing espresso shots. “I guess that’s you. I’m Chan, I usually work afternoons but I’m covering for Y/N this week.” 
Wonwoo nods, still processing what he had just heard. Y/N’s gone all week? Why hadn’t they said anything? He suddenly felt stupid as he remembered a conversation from two weeks ago, where Y/N finally decided the week they would take a solo trip to Jeju to visit their grandmother: this week. “Right. Thanks, Chan.” 
Chan nods back at him and Wonwoo leaves the cafe still in a semi-daze after setting down some cash, suddenly feeling as if he was thrown off balance, an unfamiliar budding feeling of disappointment settling deep in his chest. He makes his way to work, suddenly feeling like his predictable coffee didn’t taste the same. 
The rest of his work day was surprisingly only getting worse: he had printed the wrong files, was late to a meeting he was supposed to lead, and currently Joshua was trying (and failing) to speak to him about a conference they were attending the following month as Wonwoo unintentionally tuned him out. Suddenly, he felt a light shove of his shoulder pull him out of his trance.
“Dude, what is wrong with you? Have you heard anything I said?” Joshua raised an accusatory eyebrow at his friend and coworker. Wonwoo’s eyes suddenly gained focus as he looked up to see Joshua leaning against his desk. 
“I-” he attempted to think of an excuse, “I’m sorry. I guess I’m a little distracted, my whole day feels thrown off.” He frowned and turned his chair toward the other man. “What were you saying?” 
Joshua’s mouth crept into an almost dangerous smirk as he took a glance at Wonwoo’s still full coffee cup, an unfamiliar handwriting scrawling his name on the top. “You didn’t see Y/N this morning.” 
Wonwoo almost choked on his own spit. “What? How- how do you know that?” 
The older boy rolled his eyes and pointed to the cup. “That’s not Y/N’s handwriting. I see them before you do most mornings, and they're not in town. They told me last week. I thought you knew.” 
“I did know, I just forgot, with everything going on at work.” Wonwoo couldn’t help but frown. Had not seeing them really thrown him off that much? “What does not seeing them have to do with anything though?” 
Joshua scoffed. “Dude, every time you come from that cafe, you walk in like you just won the lottery, and you see them every day. You like them, don’t you?” 
It was the last part that struck Wonwoo to his very core. He’d never even considered that to be an option before. Sure, Y/N was stunning, and kind, and he’d found great company in the barista, but like them? Romantically? Maybe it was more possible than he imagined. His face seemed to drop, as Joshua laughed at his rapid change in expression. 
“It’s okay if you do. They seem to make you happy. I think you should go for it.” With a grin that would rival the Cheshire cat, Joshua claps his friend on the shoulder before leaving his desk to return to his own, as Wonwoo’s brain settles on entertaining this thought that seems to bloom an unfamiliar feeling in his chest, replacing the heavy stone of disappointment from earlier. 
You were back after a relaxing few days with your grandmother, spending time in the sun and looking out on the ocean. Although the time off was needed, you couldn’t help but think about not only your cafe, but a specific regular you hadn’t seen since last week. You hoped Chan had made his usual for him as she said on the note, and you were excited to catch up with Wonwoo about the last week, and honestly, just to see him again. Spending the last few days without seeing each other triggered the realization that he was more special to you than you had initially thought, and though he may not feel the same, you were content with the friendship you had formed already. 
You opened the cafe without issue, and a sense of calm washed over you as you fell back into your routine. The morning rush felt like a breeze as you fell into a groove and before you knew it, 8:30 rolled around and the man you’d been thinking of walked through the door. He was early, as he now often was, but his anxious energy was back. He stepped up to the counter as you handed him his coffee, a fresh pop tart on a plate sliding his way as well. 
“It’s on the house today. I’m sure you missed my magic touch last week.” You joked, your smile widening. His mouth opened before it shut once more, mirroring your grin as he said a quiet thank you as he took his seat. You caught up on missed stories, with mostly you telling stories of your vacation as he sat quietly and listened as you multitasked. It wasn’t until you asked him a question and received no answer that you looked up at him from the espresso machine to see him simply staring at you. “Wonwoo?” 
You saw his eyes clear as his face rapidly turned a deep shade of red. “I’m sorry, I was listening. I just-” He paused, and your brows furrowed. 
“Are you alright?” You asked, putting down the espresso shot and giving him your full focus. 
“Do you want to, maybe, go to dinner sometime?” His eyes couldn’t meet yours at first, until suddenly the dark brown of his irises met yours and you melted at the adoration you felt behind his gaze. 
“Wonwoo, are you asking me on a date?” You couldn’t believe this was happening. You watched his cheeks redden further as he nodded and you couldn’t help the way you seemed to beam at him. “I’d like that very much. Maybe this Saturday, if you’re free?” 
You watched the anxiety leave his body in an instant as he agreed. He handed you his phone as he stood up, coffee cup and plate now empty. “Put your number in and I’ll call you?” 
You punched your contact information in and handed him the phone in exchange for his dishes, and watched as he clumsily pushed in his seat and grabbed his things. “Have a good day at work, Wonwoo. It was nice to see you.” 
“It was good to see you. I’ll call you later tonight, if that’s okay.” You nodded and if he smiled any wider, he thought his lips might start to crack. With one last goodbye, he left out the door, and his eyes didn’t leave your beautiful face through the window until he lost line of sight.
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mellowsadistic · 3 months
The Magician's Game - Chapter 6
Madelyn and Abby were the first to enter the dining room for breakfast next morning, having showered, stripped the soaking wet sheets off their beds, and changing into their adult clothes.
Abby glanced at the Magician, who was sitting at the head of the table, wondering if he would mention the fact that she’d wet the bed last night. Had the other girls done that too? And had they all been fed from the breast? Or was that some specific punishment just for her?
Madelyn glared at the Magician with burning hatred in her eyes, although the threatening effect was ruined slightly by the presence of her thumb in her mouth. Last night that freak had made her drink urine and ejaculate like some kind of filthy, man-worshipping whore. She’d brushed her teeth a dozen times in the shower that morning, but she still felt like she hadn’t got the taste out of her mouth. Then there were the disgusting pee-soaked sheets she’d woken up in… Had that just been the effect of the breastmilk concoction? Or had the Magician done something more permanent to her night-time control? She could hardly stand the thought that she might be a bedwetter now.
The two girls sat down and started helping themselves to breakfast, savouring the solid food and trying to put their bedwetting episodes out of their mind. Thankfully, Madelyn found she was able to remove her thumb from her mouth whenever she needed to eat or drink.
Katherine waddled into the room unsteadily shortly afterwards, and Abby didn’t hide her smirk at the sight of the snooty fashion model’s ridiculous toddling walk. She hoped that stupid bitch had to walk like a toddler for the rest of her life.
Katherine shot her a nasty look in return, took a seat as far away from her as possible, and helped herself to a croissant. She was glad it wasn’t baby food again, or worse... She shuddered at the memory of the warm breastmilk that had flowed down her throat the night before, trying not to think about how delicious it had been. She knew it was just the Magician’s power, but she still wanted to sink into the ground in shame when she remembered how she’d guzzled greedily at another woman’s breast.
Becky arrived a few minutes later with tears running down her cheeks (as they had been so often since her toilet training had been stripped away), still in her pyjamas. Or at least, she was wearing a pyjama top. It seemed the Magician hadn’t bothered supplying her with bottoms – her soaked, sagging overnight nappy was fully on display, jiggling heavily between her legs as she waddled into the room almost as bow-legged as Katherine had been.
Katherine wrinkled her nose at the sight of her. Why hadn’t the disgusting little brat bothered to change out of her horrid diaper?
“I can’t take it off!” Becky wailed, looking desperately at the Magician, trying to ignore the stares of the other girls.
“Of course you can’t, silly girl,” he laughed. “Babies can’t change their own nappies. You need to ask someone else to do it for you.”
“I have to… What?!”
“You have to ask nicely, sweetie. Just like you did yesterday, remember?”
Becky’s heart sank when she remembered having to beg the Magician to change her messy nappy in embarrassing baby-talk like some simpering little toddler. Was he saying she was supposed to do that every time she needed a change?! Even incontinent people could clean themselves up without help! Was she really supposed to go around pleading people to wipe her butt for her?!
The Magician was looking at her expectantly.
Her face scarlet, Becky looked down at her feet and mumbled, “Pwease will you change my nappy, Daddy? It’s all icky and wet…”
The Magician smiled. “No,” he said.
“What?!” Becky raged, looking up at him furiously. “But…! But you said…!”
“You’re only wet,” said the Magician. “There’s no point changing you now when you’ll probably make a stinky sometime after breakfast anyway. You can have a change then.”
Becky cringed with shame at his words, and the other girls looked at her with a mixture of disdain and pity. They were all disgusted by her incontinence, but they also knew it could just as easily be them in her place. And there was still plenty of time to join her. Still, Katherine couldn’t help but feel revolted when Becky chose to waddle over sulkily and take a seat next to her. She could practically hear the girl’s sodden diaper squelch as she sat down.
The four girls ate their breakfast in silence, making sure not to eat too much just in case the second challenge was anything like the first. Once they were finished, the Magician got to his feet.
“Well,” he said, “there’s no point in waiting. I think it’s time to get on with the second challenge. I’m sure you’ve all been curious to know what it is…”
The women waited apprehensively. The pace of Madelyn’s thumbsucking quickened.
“You’re all very pretty young ladies,” the Magician told them, “and the second challenge will be a chance for you to strut your stuff. Or toddle it, in Katherine’s case.” He grinned at her, and she blushed furiously. “The four of you are going to put on a little baby pageant for me! Doesn’t that sound fun? You’ll get to dress up in some adorable clothes and show me just how cute you are. Then I’ll rank your performances from first to last.” He grinned at the girls with that terrifying glint in his eyes.
“And what happens to the loser this time?” Abby asked nervously.
“Well,” said the Magician, “since the loser will be the one who’s the least cute, I’ll be making a few adjustments to her, to make her a little more pleasing to the eye.”
He looked slowly up and down Abby’s body as he spoke, and she felt a shiver run down her spine. What exactly did he mean by adjustments? Whatever it was, Abby was sure that any idea the Magician had to make them ‘more pleasing to the eye’ was sure to be horrible. Still, she couldn’t help but be struck once again by the Magician’s handsome features as his arrogant eyes raked her body. She felt her pussy getting wet. He clearly found her attractive too. Her plan would definitely work, she told herself. She just had to wait for the right time. She was a master at this after all. How many men had she managed to tempt away from their wives or girlfriends in the past? She could do this. It might be her best chance of winning the game if her luck started to fail.
The Magician cast his gaze back over the table at large. “We’ll be going into the hall at the back of the manor, where I’ve had a stage set up for you, along with an expansive wardrobe full of the cutest clothes you could possibly imagine. You’ll each decide what to wear, then one by one you’ll take a walk across the stage, showing yourself off in any way you care to choose. I’m sure little Katherine understands what’s required of her, since she’s such an expert at showing off her body for men.”
Katherine scowled. She was a well-respected fashion model, not some whore!
“But how about the rest of you?” the Magician went on. “Do you know what you have to do?” He smiled widely at Madelyn. “Is it simple enough for you silly little girls to understand?”
Madelyn glared back at him, sucking her thumb more vigorously, but nodded. Abby and Becky nodded too.
“Good! Then let’s get going, little ladies.”
The four women stood up to leave. But the moment Becky got to her feet, there was a loud rumbling fart. All eyes turned to her.
Becky’s face went white. For a moment she just stood there, frozen on the spot, her mouth forming a perfect ‘o’ shape. Then her body sunk into a squat, her fists clenched, and the beautiful young woman started pooping her pants for the second time in her adult life. She grunted loudly, her face screwed up in concentration and embarrassment.
“Ewww!” said Katherine, backing away. “Gross! That’s so disgusting!”
“Don’t be squeamish, Katherine,” the Magician chuckled. “The baby’s just having a poopy accident, that’s all.”
“Give it back!” Becky wailed, looking up at the Magician with her face still slightly scrunched up from the effort of filling her diaper. “Give me back my potty training! Oh God, please! I can’t be like those dumb babies at daycare! Not forever!” Her face screwed up again as she helplessly pushed another wave of poo-poo into her nappy. At last, Becky finished messing herself, and she looked up desperately. “Please!” she cried. “Please, Daddy! Please change my nappy! You said you would! You promised!”
The Magician laughed. “I said I’d change you after breakfast, sweetie. I never said I’d do it immediately.” He grinned. “Silly babies don’t get to decide when they need clean nappies. I’ll change you at my convenience, Becky. Not yours. Like I told you yesterday, you need to get used to being in a full diaper. Unless you win my little game and wish yourself back to normal, you’ll be spending a significant part of your life waddling around in one.”
“I’ll be a freak!” Becky sobbed.
“No you won’t, little one,” said the Magician, patting the sagging seat of her nappy. He was still grinning. “You won’t be a freak at all! In my opinion, waddling around in a loaded diaper ought to be a woman’s natural state. Completely normal. It’s all those silly girls who think they’re grown-up enough for toilets that have something wrong with them.”
Madelyn seethed. She’d been an activist for a long time and she’d never come across such extreme sexism! Did this man really believe that women were nothing but overgrown babies who deserved to squish about in full nappies wherever they went?! What kind of twisted ideology was that?!
Becky cried even harder, but the other girls were used to her breaking down into tears by now. None of them were sure they wouldn’t be doing the same thing in her place.
“Come on now, sweetie,” said the Magician, taking the sniffling girl’s hand and leading her out of the dining room. Katherine waddled along behind, with Madelyn and Abby taking up the rear. None of the girls could keep their eyes off Becky’s droopy diaper.
The Magician took them out through the hall they’d arrived in and into another hall in the back of the house.  Part of the room was sectioned off with wooden panels, and there was a large stage raised up a few inches above the ground.
“You can all go behind those panels there and pick out some clothes for yourselves. Remember, the cuter the better. Pick a style you think I’d like. The order of your appearance will be… Madelyn, Katherine, Becky, then Abby.”
He smacked Becky firmly on her dirty-diapered bottom, making her whimper, and the four girls went behind the panels to look for their new outfits.
All four of then stopped dead when they saw what was there – boxes overflowing with tiny skirts and tutus, crates of sparkly Disney-princess themed shirts, rows and rows of frilly, pastel-coloured frocks on hangers, each more ridiculous than the last. Every item of clothing was perfectly sized to fit an adult woman. Feeling sick, the ladies spread out to examine the contents and pick something for themselves, torn between wanting something that wouldn’t humiliate them utterly, and wanting something that wouldn’t end up placing them last. Katherine wrinkled her nose at Becky and moved as far away from her as possible. Abby tried to be more discreet, but she couldn’t help trying to move away herself. The girl was just so stinky! Becky shot nasty looks at the pair of them through her tear-stained eyes.
Madelyn was ignoring the others. She quickly found a pair of blue overalls and paired them with a blue and white shirt featuring some ditzy cartoon princess she couldn’t name. She put them on and looked at herself in one of the many mirrors lining the panels. Madelyn didn’t know much about fashion (that was for stooges of the patriarchy like Katherine, selling out their bodies for the male gaze), but surely the Magician’s couldn’t complain about this – she was dressed like a five-year-old tomboy, a look that matched her short hair perfectly. She glanced around at the others. They were all still picking clothes. Since she had to go first anyway, she might as well get it over with. Putting on a pair of frilly white socks and light-up trainers, she stomped out onto the stage.
The Magician was sat in a chair facing the stage, with a look of devilish glee on his face.
Blushing at the indignity of it, Madelyn did her best to show herself off as she walked across the stage. She stopped in the middle, fidgeting awkwardly and doing her best to adopt the mannerisms of a shy little girl. She hated herself in that moment. How had she been reduced to this?! Her thumb was in her mouth, just like always, and she forced herself to give it a few exaggerated sucks for added cuteness.
The Magician clapped, and, blushing brightly and staring at her feet, Madelyn shuffled off the stage and waited to the side of the hall for the other girls to finish their ‘performances’.
The next to come out was Katherine. She toddled onto the stage, her new uncoordinated walk making a total mockery of her skills as a catwalker. She seethed internally, but on the outside she adopted a bright, ditzy smile that she’d perfected through years of experience as a model. She was wearing an absurdly frilly white dress that barely reached below her bottom, and a lacy white bonnet to frame her beautiful face. She waddled stupidly across the stage, her face a vivid shade of pink, and when she reached the middle, she batted her eyelids at the Magician, smiled cutely, and made kissy faces at him.
He laughed in delight and applauded her. Katherine made to toddle off the stage, but she lost her balance. She tottered backwards unsteadily, her arms stretched out desperately to balance herself, but it was no use. She fell heavily on her tushy like a little girl still learning to walk. Her face went even redder, and tears of humiliation started leaking from the corners of her eyes. She knew that Madelyn had seen her. Becky and Abby were probably watching from behind the panels as well.
The Magician chuckled happily to himself while Katherine got back to her feat unsteadily and toddled over to stand near Madelyn and wait for the results.
Becky was next. Blushing more brightly than either of the ladies before her, she stepped out onto the stage. Madelyn and Katherine stared at her, open mouthed.
She was almost completely naked. Below the waist, she wore nothing but her heavily soiled nappy. It was hanging low between her legs, drooping almost down to her knees. Above the waist, her boobs were out, wobbling alluringly on her chest as she toddled across the raised platform. They were barely covered at all by the tiny, pale pink bib that she’d tied around her neck. Her chestnut-brown hair was tied up in a pair of high pigtails. She looked like an overgrown two-year-old, too shameless and immature to even need any other clothes. She stood awkwardly on the stage for a moment, clearly wishing she could disappear forever. The Magician broke into applause again, and she waddled off in her yucky diaper.
Finally, it was Abby’s turn. She walked out onto the stage in a bright pink, glittery top that was so tight across her chest that the shape of her sizeable tits were clearly visible through. Written on it in sequins were the words “Daddy’s Little Girl”. She wore a tiny pink skirt around her waist, so short that it flashed her white cotton undies with every step, and her hair was tied into pigtails as well, just as Becky’s had been. But when she made it to the middle of the stage and gave the Magician a seductive stare, she could tell that something was wrong. There was something predatory in his eyes – but it wasn’t the lust she was hoping for. It was more like the anticipation she’d seen right before he delivered a punishment. She had to think fast, she knew. She couldn’t lose! She had to find a way to impress him! Her face reddened as the idea came to her, but she had no choice.
Abby made eye contact with the Magician and then, standing still in the middle of the stage, she let her bladder go. With a loud hissing noise, she pissed her pants like a toddler. The front of her little girly skirt darkened, and the little cotton undies she was wearing underneath were immediately soaked. Pee ran down her legs and into her socks and shoes. It trickled down between her thighs to form a yucky puddle between her legs. It was utterly disgusting, but she could see in the Magician’s smile that he was pleased.
“Oopsie,” she said, and forced herself to giggle. The Magician clapped, grinning, and Abby walked off the stage and over to the others, grimacing at the sensation of her urine-soaked socks squishing in her shoes, and the way her pissy panties clung to her pussy. The other three stared at her in disgust, even Becky, but Abby ignored them.
The Magician walked over to them slowly, savouring their appearances. “Well there’s no need to delay,” he said. “I might as well tell you the results now.” He paused, and they all stared at him anxiously, their hearts beating fast in their chests. “In first place is miss Katherine Bower-Thomas!”
Katherine smirked in a superior way, and Abby looked at her scornfully. The snobbish bitch was actually managing to look smug about winning a stupid baby pageant! It wasn’t like there was a reward for coming first. Still, Abby had hoped she might have won this one…
“Second place is little Becky Lewis!”
Becky couldn’t help feeling happy, despite the filthy diaper hanging from her hips. At least she hadn’t lost this challenge too.
Abby was starting to feel very nervous.
“Third place is…”
Abby held her breath. Oh God. Oh God. Was she going to lose after all? Even after she’d pissed her fucking pants for him?
“Abigail Reid!”
Abby felt an immense wave of relief. She hadn’t lost. And that meant… She looked over at Madelyn, who was standing there wide-eyed, her thumb working frantically in her mouth.
“It seems the loser of this little challenge is miss Madelyn Smith,” the Magician tutted. “Dear, dear, Maddy. What was that performance? I don’t think your heart was really in it at all! And I didn’t realise how flat-chested you were until I saw you in that little princess shirt. Obviously all those women’s studies courses haven’t taught you the first thing about looking cute! What were they even for?”
“Wait!” said Madelyn, managing to pop her thumb out of her mouth long enough to plead. “Let me try again! Because I went first, I didn’t know what sort of thing we had to do! I didn’t know I’d have to be so… so babyish!”
“Then you should have set the bar higher, shouldn’t you Maddy?” the Magician smirked. “This is your own fault.”
“No, please!” Madelyn begged desperately. “Give me another chance! I can… I can…”
But her body was already starting to change.
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