#but because it's trending because a bunch of sick fucks get off on it I run into it everywhere I turn
mk-nightrider · 10 days
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Get WIP Wednesday'd nerds. This one isn't from the upcoming chapter, but from a one-shot I started cooking featuring mainly @chadillacboseman's JJ
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“Fuck,” Jeremiah “JJ” Mitchell breaths as he stares at the security monitors. “Blade owes me one hell of an explanation.”
Weeks ago now, Special Forces had reached out to Falcon Company with information and a plan. Reports were that the Black Dragon Clan had been contracted to steal research and prototypes from an experimental botanical facility. JJ had thought it laughable at the time. Those reckless drug runners targeting a bunch of plants? Still, Sonya Blade had insisted the intel was good and she had a point when she said it was the money Kano cared about. Not the plants. So JJ had agreed. His Falcon Company would lay in wait while Sonya Blade's Special Forces secreted away the target leaving nothing but a cage to close around whatever Dragon fell into their trap.
Still, JJ had his doubts. Kano always seemed to sniff these traps out somehow so he figured there were only two likely scenarios. One: No one would show and Falcon Company would get a nice little paycheck for sitting out in the empty expanse of Montana for over a month. Two: Kano would use the trap to dispose of some low-level know-nothing he was sick of hanging around. Better than nothing, but ultimately unlikely to know anything Special Forces didn't already.
Despite his misgivings, Falcon Company still planned as if someone competent would show. Focusing on a short list of those JJ considered most competent among the clan's agents. Doors and walls were reinforced in case that big fucker with the man bun and a fondness for explosives showed. Steel bars to drop for someone like Alora, though with her purpose in the gang being brawling he could only imagine her appearing as a scenario two situation. Most of all he'd been hoping for that jackass Carver. How good it would've felt to see that smug smile fade away as the Faraday cage came crashing down to toast his annoying nanobots.
But at the end of the day the simple fact remained. This was supposed to have been a low level theft job for the clan. So why the hell was he here? That cursed red and black figure his men called a demon. On Special Forces documents, referred to only as the Blood Sniper after he began appearing two years ago. Usually miles from the action raining bloody hellfire with a sniper rifle and vanishing long before anyone could pinpoint where he was. The last time JJ had managed to get remotely close to him, he could only marvel at the man's skills because the bastard had immediately blown his artificial leg out with his rifle before turning on his team. Disarming them all with small arms fire and then crushing limbs with an overwhelming wave of blood. There had been no deaths, but a few retirements after that... Not to mention that was the fourth time the Blood Sniper had specifically destroyed his leg. A trend JJ was none to happy about.
His mind raced as he watched the cloaked figure slip from camera to camera. None of their plans could hold him. Not when he could simply turn into a puddle of blood and slip through security measures. He could order his men to group up and pump him so full of bullets he'd be too exhausted from healing. Probably a few more retirements out of that, but... a lump formed in JJ's throat. A rare twinge of sympathy for a member of the Black Dragon clan striking deep into his gut.
No. No he couldn't do that. Not after what he'd seen the first time he'd met the Blood Sniper. Years before he was ever known by that moniker during a Special Forces' raid gone wrong. He could still remember it like it was yesterday. Just how inexcusably sloppy Cassie Cage and her team had been that night resulting in a little girl losing her hand and the boy... He'd never forget the boy. Clothes ripped apart; dried blood on almost every inch of him; the twisted scar he later learned was from rapidly healing from Takeda's ordinance going off next to his head. That unnaturally split black and red hair that he was currently tracking across the cams. Unlike the other members, he couldn't imagine the boy had any choice in the path his life took.
It would be an earful from Sonya Blade later, but... perhaps he should save himself the casualties and just let the boy go.
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dirgeofthecicadas · 1 year
Kinda absurd how even well meaning, good natured people, that advocate for victims of abuse, all fucking fell for the Johnny D*pp PR campaign. As if the evidence wasn’t overwhelmingly in Heard’s favor. As if she didn’t have medical records spanning years, metadata showing pictures were taken when said, witness testimonies that corroborate her telling of events, as if she wasn’t in an overwhelmingly lower position than D*pp. I don’t care that she hit him back. He abused the hell out of her and she fought back sometimes, as she had a right to do. She respected the NDA about their relationship even as he trash talked her. She has been nothing but graceful and kind in this whole situation and tried to stay out of the public eye for this. He dragged her into this. He wanted her ruined. And everyone fucking fell for it, like you’re a bunch of lemmings off a cliff. You guys made a testimony about rape into a tiktok dance trend. I’ve not been super loud about how I feel about this considering I constantly see harassment towards people who defend her but I’m just… so sick of this. I’m so sick of seeing her get treated like she’s worthless. She’s a good person. She’s a fucking good person and the fact she has made it through this and is still just as kind and open as everyone who actually knows her has said…. She should not have had to be this strong, but she is. You’re all sick for how you treated her
*edit* radfems stop fucking touching this post
Also turning off reblogs because radfems can’t respect boundaries :)
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practically-an-x-man · 8 months
A BUNCH of questions for Kat please?
Appearances: 6, 15
Objects: 2, 4, 14
Food and Drink: 3, 15, 16
Weather/Nature: 4, 15, 16
Community/Relationships: 1, 5, 10, 20
Mind/Body/Soul: 8, 14
Hobbies: 10, 16, 18
Ahhhh thank you so much!! This will be a lot of fun!
Under the cut for space
Super Long Hopefully Fun OC Asks
6. How much interest does your character take in trends?
Not much. Mainly, she just doesn't have the budget to keep up with trendy clothing or makeup - she'd rather spend that money on art supplies.
15. Would your character wear something someone else picked out for them?
It depends on who picked it out. She of course trusts Jace, Emily, and Ahk and wouldn't hesitate to try out something they picked (though Ahk's tastes may be a little antiquated). Others, it kind of depends. She's not picky about clothing, but she's kind of curvy and it can be embarrassing for someone else to pick out an outfit only for it not to fit... she'd rather shop for herself
2. What gift would your character give to someone they didn't like but felt obligated to?
She'd try to still put some thought into it and tailor it to their personality, but she'd stick to something easy like a gift card, or a book/movie in their preferred genre.
4. Is there an item your character liked that they can’t get back? 
She's always a little sad when art companies change the formulas of their products (goodbye, Dandelion Yellow...), especially since her choices are either to hoard what she has left of the old formula and never use it or to use it anyway and lament when it's finally gone.
14. Is there an item your character is embarrassed they own or want?
I think she'd realllly want to try out some of those trendy gimmicky art products, knowing they're stupid but wanting to try them out of curiosity anyway.
Food and Drink
3. Is there a food or drink your character is unwilling to try?
Not that I can think of. There's foods she dislikes for sure, but she'd try anything once.
15. What food or drink does your character consider a treat?
Tiramisu and a latte from her favorite Italian bakery! It's her go-to "finished a big project and I'm gonna treat myself" prize
16. Is there a food texture your character doesn't like?
Look. She's a Southern gal through and through. But grits have to be a very certain texture for her to enjoy them, otherwise they just feel strange and a little slimy.
Weather and Nature
4. Is there a natural phenomenon that scares your character?
I think she always gets a little wary of tornadoes. She's seen them do some damage, though thankfully not to her own home.
15. Is there a creature that scares your character?
She's got a healthy appreciation for venomous snakes. And she gets freaked the fuck out by ticks - she's the one loading up with bug spray every time she'll be out in nature, because if she has to get a tick off of herself she might cry.
16. What celestial body would interest your character the most?
Not one particular celestial body, but she likes linking astronomy with history. The star Antares representing the goddes Serket, Polaris and Sirius and their historical significance, how stars are translated differently by cultures... she finds it fascinating and beautiful
Community and Relationships
Does your character prefer company or solitude when sick?
Company, for sure. She'll never ask, but she loves being taken care of at times like that
5. Who would your character first seek if they needed medical help?
....a hospital. None of her friends are really skilled with medicine, so she'd rather be safe than sorry (the closest would be Jace, as a tattoo artist, but that's still iffy)
10. Is there a habit your character has that they learned from someone else?
I feel like she's started to adopt Ahk's regal posture when she needs to do something intimidating (like talking with McPhee, or doing midterm evaluations with her instructors). She doesn't even realize she does it, but she sort of pulls herself up the same way he does.
20. What would it take for your character to get into a fight?
It would take a lot for her to get into a real, physical fight, but if someone were posing a genuine threat to one of her friends, she'd be the first to jump to their defense.
Mind, Body, and Soul
8. What scents does your character find comforting?
She loves the smell of old parchment. She associates it with Ahk, for one, but it's also a very nostalgic smell for her and reminds her of wandering the aisles of her local library as a kid
14. Is there a secret thing your character longs to hear?
She wants to hear that she'll be remembered. Not in the sense that she'll be famous, but she wants to hear someone say that one of her art pieces moved them, and so there will be a piece of her that will always stay with them
Hobbies and Activities
10. Is there a skill your character doesn’t know they’re bad at?
She doesn't realize how many insecurities she still holds onto. She's gotten a lot better about that, but there are some things she still hasn't fully let go of and she doesn't entirely realize it
16. What’s an activity that reminds your character of someone else?
Cooking always reminds her of her mother and her grandmother, since they would cook together every night.
18. What is a topic your character wouldn't want to talk about?
She doesn't really like talking about the future. For one thing, it's so uncertain, especially in an art-based career - she doesn't know what opportunities will or will not pop up for her. And for another, there's always some difficult thoughts about the future, particularly in how her life will move on but the museum will stay constant.
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alitgblog · 3 months
alright s9 vol 5 thoughts: the episodes are getting less interesting to me but also shit I might be becoming a Hamish fan
I had a bunch of gems saved up because I got a bunch of the rewards from playing s4 episodes and also because I was slowly replaying S4, I kept getting the daily log in gems and the ones from watching ads, so I was fully prepared to use them this volume. And then oh nope I'm not even remotely interested in the drama they're asking me to pay to learn. Like I think I got one of the new dresses because I was sick of the t-shirt dress, but that's it.
"Woah woah woah I still don't know what's going on here" has basically been the name of the last two seasons with how much you gotta pay to listen to drama that mc conveniently wasn't around for
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So Melissa gets dumped and her partner also gets dumped but he doesn't say much, which you'd think because no matter which route you're on, he did briefly have a thing for MC, he'd at least say something to her. Or there'd be an opportunity for a hug or closure? Nope. Goodbye, Henri. (And I played this on the fourth of july, that's just unAmerican 😤).
Then comes the highlight of the episode for me, which is the impressions game, because it could've worked so well and yet it happens soooo fucking badly.
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But like the sticky notes on their foreheads, sure. It's like an easy gimmick to change the sprites so the game feels different. Like every time that they bring out the hideaway box, it's mildly exciting but mostly corny. But then it spoils which islander is coming up next, so why couldn't they have done it one at a time? Like show Will's name on Finn's forehead first, and then when that's done, THEN Kelly pulls out Bea's name and puts that on her forehead. And we shouldn't be able to see MC's note. Like let us guess and potentially be wrong lol.
Another even easier way to do this, is just drawing names out of a hat so the person pulling has to do an impression. Then MC has more opportunities to guess (like it's more engaging for the player than just reading what everyone else is doing). And like most of the writing would be the same I think. Like MC's partner is bad so instead of saying anything Alfie actually does he just says "oh... it rhymes with Galfie?" and then Hamish can still show off and guess each one if MC doesn't get it, or even if MC does get it then he still starts explaining every islander's backstory.
I also think someone needed to have done something absolutely unhinged for Stefan's name. Like Kelly is like "omg I wasn't even thinking putting his name in" which like I don't believe her, that's kinda shady, but also just kinda boring. Maybe the producers set up the game, or if the islanders do that's fine (like just have Kat or Melissa do it instead bc maybe they want to swoop in and take MC's partner). But like if we say it's the way I described above, then Kat's partner should've been like oh I can do an impression, and then straight up kissed MC, or like did a little speech about how he wants her back, or recited something from when Stefan was upset she didn't leave the villa with him (like it's an opportunity to drop more Stefan lore the way they've been doing it, which I agree is really annoying, but just to continue the trend). And then MC of course can choose the right answer, some other islander, or just be like uhhh wtf??? And then just kick off some more drama that way.
Also the impressions started off strong with Will and then quickly just explaining what happened to that islander. Like, ever heard of show not tell? Even for Ivy, I think it would be so easy to just bring up her checklist but instead they go for "sexy librarian energy"???? tf?? On behalf of Ivy, I'm offended at that description actually. And now you got me out here defending IVY of all people.
Uh anyway, so yeah my favorite bit was Hamish being really into Love Island lore.
And like I said, I don't believe Kelly when she says she didn't mean to put Stefan's name in there. Like I don't think it'll amount to anything, but because it seems like everyone's getting the universal, default Finn being into MC route (getting Suresh treatment), I'd rather it actually be her being kind of shady on purpose. Like she's jealous actually because Finn has already told her he doesn't want to be with her and wants to be with MC. And then give the wlw players a friends to enemies to lovers route with Kelly to change it up a little.
Oh right there was an excess baggage challenge this volume. It feels too late in the game. I think we need another fun challenge, comparable to the S2 paint challenge or the cake one. I feel like we don't get many of those anymore. I think an obstacle course-esque one is fun, because you can a few quick prompts that don't really affect the game but keep the player engaged. Like the games day in S8 but less pay to win prompts.
nothing notable from the baggage though imo. like even the Finn stuff was boring. also I kinda hate him doing hosting roles post love island, idk seems like he'd more fo all in with his brewery stuff and vacationing but instead he's tied to Love Island gigs? like I see that for like Tim because he's basically like Kem from UK S3 and for a while kem did just do hosting gigs for a while so it's not unrealistic to think an islander is making an appearance somewhere else, I guess I just don't see that for Finn. and like I could think of several islanders from any of the new seasons I'd pick before finn. Honestly even Hamish I would understand.
But I only bring up the excess baggage thing because MC and Hamish crawling around trying to listen in on drama is actually so fun. Like it just feels like a S2 Bobby thing to do and I appreciate that. I do hope Hamish's route isn't ruined and also that it only happens if you romance him, because I would want this type of moment to happen even if y'all were just friends, because we get so few friends in the game these current seasons.
Then we get to Finn's pool chat. I just wish, if it were as open as he said it was, then it wouldn't be a secret late night rendezvous situation. Like have the chat in the daylight if you're not afraid, you coward. Idk gave me kinda icky vibes just like in S5, so I said no even though I do think Finn could still be a really good friends to lovers route, like on the level of Jake, but the ball is constantly being dropped with him.
and so little has happened for Finn (that we the audience know of) between this episode and last volume where nearly the same thing happens in the shower and Finn rejects MC if she tries to kiss him (and so I rejected him this time lmao)
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I saw the word double and I was afraid Marshall and/or Ozzy were gonna show up as hosts for the date (as if hosts for a date make any sense)
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And having them switch dates is kind of a fun twist if not for the fact that the twist last time was that MC went on dates with Lyle and Jude and Chen went on dates with Kelly and his ex. Chen cannot catch a break and for all the loyal girls, wheres their time with their LI?? Like, I like the idea, but maybe it could've been saved for a different season? It just feels irritating to do it back to back. Especially when they've been in there and long enough that Chen and Natasha already know they don't like each other, and it feels like an excuse for Kat and Finn to have some drama we have to pay to listen to.
But you do get to talk to Hamish about Natasha, which feels like it could've been a friendly chat in the villa and we didnt need a date excuse. But alas, we don't get chill chats in the villa anymore 😭
and his little confession!!
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Anyway,,, why am I kinda jumping ship for Hamish rn likeeeee... idk I like an individual route and I'm not liking where Finn's at rn soooo
I'm hoping for some Kelly villain vibes just for a little bit (like I said, give the wlw players an frenemies to lovers with her). Like she seems pissed about the note, and I feel like maybe she can possibly recognize Finn's handwriting? That'd be fun.
And then back to challenges, it feels too early for snog marry pie. I don't think they're doing a casa this season, just based off of leaks of islander names I don't think there's enough, but snog marry pie in my head is always around casa or after, and it just feels too early for even casa. But then again, we're on like 15 of 42, so maybe it's fine.
Yeah so overall, I don't even really remember too much. Like it's feeling like S7, and I didn't finish season 7, but I do think I'll finish this one because I'm so curious how the Finn route will go and if they'll drop the ball with Hamish and also with Stefan. And also I like making these weekly posts so I might even just keep going for that alone. but also I enjoy slow burn and second chance romance plots and drama anyway so that could make the season better for me we'll see
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rigaudon · 10 months
highly controversial (esp for tumblr) take under the cut, brought to you by me, less than 24 hours after running out of my antidepressants
i hate the continued trend of "quirkifying" (thing i made up just now) mental illness, but I especially hate how recently tumblr has latched onto, specifically, adhd and autism and turned them into personality types that people slap on a name tag to show off how unique they are. I hate that being neurodivergent has become the go-to excuse for terminally online people to justify their shitty behavior. I hate the sentiment that being unmedicated is something to be proud of. I hate that wanting to be fucking normal is a cardinal sin, because ew why would you want to be like those boring neurotypicals.
I hate it. I want to be normal. I started taking medication for ADHD when I was four years old and I have never, not once in my life, thought it was a Fun Thing To have. I hate that I've spent the last 15 years slowly coming to terms with the fact that I'm probably--no almost definitely--autistic, but am still vehemently opposed to it and unable to reconcile that fact despite all the evidence. I don't want to be autistic. I don't want to have adhd. I don't want to make these things a part of my identity that I share with people in the same breath as I talk about my favorite video games or dnd class.
It's not fun. It's not a cute, exclusive club you get to be part of.
It's miserable and alienating and people don't take it seriously. Because you're just lazy and not trying hard enough. Why haven't you done this task you promised you'd do six months ago. Why did you fail out of college? Why did you squander that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity? Why don't you finish anything you start? Having a low attention span isn't an excuse to not communicate like a normal person. I've had to tell you this five times why can't you just remember? Why can't you save any money? Why are you so fucking weird? Don't you ever think about anyone other than yourself?
Why can't you Just Be Normal?
I would give anything to just be a shitty, irresponsible person who makes bad decisions out of carelessness or lack of empathy. I would give anything to be a "boring neurotypical". Because I could work on that. I could become a better person. i could learn from my mistakes and have that actually mean something practically rather than just cognitively.
It's an overwhelming feeling of hopelessness. Accepting that my brain just does not work correctly and no amount of positive thinking, or bullet journaling, or time management skills, or even medication will fix it. It will always be a struggle. It will always be a ten ton weight shackled to my ankles that I have to drag behind me through any task that doesn't result in instant gratification. There will never be a permanent solution. I will never wake up one day and suddenly be able to do these basic fucking tasks that everyone else does without issue. I will always have to remind myself to brush my teeth, or to eat breakfast, or to take a shower, or to make sure my cats get fed. It will always be an ordeal to get the mail or to go grocery shopping or to keep myself from sabotaging every good thing in my life for the umpteenth time.
It's exhausting. I'm so tired. I'm so sick of fighting against myself every waking moment of every single day. I'm so sick of being told that I don't deserve any kind of accommodations or allowances or compromises and there is no excuse because "everyone else has to do these things and you don't get special treatment".
I don't want special treatment. I don't want everything different or "wrong" with me to be painted on my skin in bright red ink for everyone to see. I don't want to be reduced to a bunch of boxes so people can just glance at the labels and decide that's all they need to know about me. I don't want to stand out. I don't want to be different. I want to fucking blend in and be unremarkable and boring.
I just want to be fucking normal.
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finsterhund · 1 year
bruh it’s infuriating how poor some people’s media literacy is
seeing a bit of a trend as of late with people being all “how come in heart of darkness the only sentient beings on this planet are the amigos and the master and vicious? this isn’t realistic and blah blah blah” (Mefudoka screaming in the background “I had a line of dialogue too you fucking idiot”)
Like I thought it was pretty fucking obvious that the Amigos are the only survivors of the “blight” (sorry I am so sorry) of spectre life spreading across the planet. And they’re like, one poor apple(?) harvest from becoming functionally extinct and they do not appear to have any children in their village and blah blah blah.
So to answer, the Master/spectres have (unintentionally or otherwise) done such a good job at eradicating all the natural life in that world that only this one village of flying creatures that live on a floating island and struggle to find food have survived.
what is with people who want to just completely make something new but insist on it being “HoD” because idk. Reminds me of the people who get into anything regardless of what it is and INSIST on shipping something. Won’t get into a media because it has “nothing shippable” and shit so they’re like writing yaoi about the two male characters that had the most dialogue together in some random old piece of english lit they have to read in school. WHAT. 
Like why are people so scared to make their own thing? I can see why big media conglomerates are always making shitty inferior reboots and such but bro with a twitter account and a passion for a completely different form of storytelling too? What???
There’s an opportunity for prequel material that shows what the planet was like before this problem was so widespread. And it would be really cool to make species based off of the sick as hell skeletons you see littered around the world. Mostly draconian in appearance and BIG. But nope. it’s always wanting to add clutter to Andy’s relatively basic straightforward hero’s journey plot. what.
Also I’m going to really try not to go on a tangent about people and their criminally unfitting OCs but something I see a lot is people wanting to just throw furries into the mix.
Listen, I have a fursona. I partake in the furry art. But what in the fuck you guys. At this point make your own thing??? I am reminded of the weirdo with a bunch of really stupid ideas who literally would not stop spamming me in DMs and wouldn’t even wait a day for me to respond before spamming me more who had like this whole bunny man OC idea that I thought FOR SURE was an elaborate attempt at trolling me but apparently it was genuine!!!???
Apparently “if it doesn’t have furries it’s inferior” is ALSO a relatively common mindset a lot of people have and I know this because I was *kinda* like this in my “I won’t watch anything without a dog or a cool weapon on the cover” phase in childhood.
Idk I’m just frustrated and exhausted and pissed off by people with ideas that’d be cool on their own but suck balls and do not fit and would objectively ruin shit in a “too many cooks in the kitchen” way when jammed into HoD.
They always want to “make a reboot/remaster” too. Never a prequel or sequel.
You’d do numbers at disney. You should apply 😒
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mayra-quijotescx · 2 years
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Sharing this here as OP said it more concisely than I could. Anyone attempting to argue with me on this will catch a block.
I don’t even care about the parties directly involved, because to the degree of space that it’s taken up everywhere for the past month, it’s no longer even fully about them. I’m sickened by weeks of seeing an abuse victim be the subject of memes, cruelty, and dissection and knowing how foolishly shocked the people who judged and mocked will be when it’s their turn.
The people who dissected her every action as evidence that she was either a messy liar (any time she forgot something) or a calculating liar (any time she remembered something) in particular disgust me. I have lived through hell on earth. I have had to get people out of hell on earth. Even if y’all were willing to listen to trauma survivors, none of them would meet y’all’s standards because trauma damages your brain’s ability to form and retain memories. There’s gaping holes in 2018 and 2020 that are irretrievable to me from shit I went through destroying my ability to form new memories for months, and people were jumping all over this woman for not remembering what fucking brand of bruise concealer she had in her purse years ago. Shit, if that’s the bar, I wouldn’t stand a chance if I ever had to testify. And if by some miracle a trauma survivor did have encyclopedic recall y’all would just decide they made the whole thing up for attention. As if anyone wants that fucking kind of attention. Damned if they do, damned if they don’t, because society loves an abuser.
If you haven’t experienced abuse or trauma, good for you and your fucking charmed life, pray to whatever you hold dear that you never understand it, and keep those who have out of your fucking speculation games. 
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ptergwen · 3 years
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w/c: 4.6k
warnings: some swearing, suggestive tings, and a pretty bad ending
summary: it’s the last night of your world tour, and tom has the perfect way to celebrate
a/n: i know y’all have been waiting for this one! everyone really loved when worlds collide but i ran out of ideas for it lol sorry... anyways my solution was to turn it into a oneshot :D based off the au!! i’m honestly nervous about posting this cuz a lot of you asked for it and i don’t wanna disappoint but i tried my absolute hardest to make it special <3 please enjoy
“thank you so much! we love you!” you shout to the audience, laughing breathlessly when they shout back. one of your dancers pulls you into a side hug, you throwing your arm around his neck. “we’re so fucking lucky you chose us, that you came all the way here. i’ve seen some of you back at night one. wow.” your voice gets wobbly, thinking about how loyal your fans are.
the tour started in new york, and they’ve followed you here to london.
tonight is an emotional night for everyone. you’re about to wrap your last show before you continue again in the summer. touring the u.k. has been a dream, and you’re just as thrilled to travel the rest of the world after your break. it’s bittersweet because you’re going to miss the hell out of your crew and the millions of lovely faces you’ve sang to each week. but, you do get to spend your time off with a special someone.
he’s watching you from the sound booth, sending fond smiles and loud cheers your way. thanks to you, tom has been at every show you’ve played in england. he brought harry along this time because he’s also a fan and wanted to see you. well, tom is more than a fan at this point. you’d say he’s more of a boyfriend. you haven’t discussed labels just yet.
your dates have mainly been over facetime, since you live on opposite sides of the world with insane schedules. a heartthrob actor and international popstar is quite the combination. you’ve only seen each other in person a couple of times, the first being pretty recently.
zendaya brought tom along to hang out with you in los angeles. he happened to be there recording some lines for a movie. she saw your concert earlier that night and invited him to crash the dinner plans you’d made, resulting in the best surprise and most fun you’ve ever had. the other time you enjoyed each other’s company was one weekend in paris. that was... something.
besides those two miracles, everything between you and tom happens through a screen. you’ll down bottles of champagne or keep warm under blankets while talking about your days. it’s nice, having someone on the other end who listens and actually hears you. tom gets it. you both do.
finishing your tour in london is convenient because not only will you have tom to comfort you, but you get to stick around for a while. he’s invited you to stay at his place. you can’t wait to meet the other holland’s, his friends, and obviously tessa.
“fuck, i’m gonna cry. i’m already crying,” you announce to the crowd, though they can tell from the tears streaming down your face. more dancers huddle around you and turn your single hug into a group one. you’re laughing and sobbing and holding on tight to everyone. fans bawl their own eyes out, the fact that this is it starting to settle in. the onstage crew even gets choked up, seeing you like this.
tom pouts from where he’s watching. he wishes he could run up there and squeeze you tight, but he’ll have to save that for when you’re done.
“i love you all so much, literally every single one of you in this room,” you tell everyone for the nth time tonight, swiping a perfectly manicured finger under your eyes. “my lighting crew, sound crew, my band, my fearless fucking dancers-“ a hiccup cuts you off. people burst into fits of giggles, which is a much needed tension breaker. you adjust your headset so the mic doesn’t pick up any other bodily noises.
grinning, you rest your arm on a shorter dancer’s shoulder, then go on. “sorry, sorry. i just wanna say, like, three more thank you’s before i get out of here.” there’s a chorus of no’s and encouraging whistles at the mention of you leaving. you blink back more tears to delay the breakdown you’re going to have. “thank you to my friends who always show up for me.”
with a knowing smile, you glance over at tom. “and, thank you to my more than a friend.” he smiles back, both hands held over his heart. harry elbows him in congratulations. more screaming erupts from the crowd as they realize where you’re looking and who you’re looking at. this will be sure to spark some headlines. whatever, you’re used to trending on every possible social media platform by now.
“this is the big one,” you preface, taking in a breath while everyone quiets down again. “thank you to you guys. for trusting me, for caring about what i have to say in any way. i feel your love. i really do, and i hope you feel mine.” your fans yell that they love you back, dancers gently swaying you side to side, emotions on high. there’s one last song, and it’s over.
“this has been the sensation tour, and i’ve been your host. was i good?” you try to lighten the mood, earning a bunch of what sound like positive shrieks. the earpiece you have in makes it hard to tell. “y’all were even better.” exchanging looks with your dancers, you pull out of the hug so you can get to your mark for the finale. they follow your lead. music comes through the speakers.
“i’ll see you again soon, okay? i promise. here’s sensation,” you introduce the song, immediately bursting into more tears. it’s torture to say goodbye. thankfully, you have the most incredible fans on earth, so they sing along with you at the top of their lungs. that includes tom and harry, your ultimate stans.
when the show is over, you run right off stage and over to tom. he’s waiting on the side with actual heart eyes for you. you practically leap into his arms, a hand cradling the back of his head, both his arms draped low and tight around your body.
“you were so amazing up there! absolutely smashed it, darling,” tom breathes out. his face is smushed between your neck and mostly bare chest. “thanks, tom. seriously, thanks for being here tonight and every other.” you smile a tired smile and wind your other arm around his neck. he presses some light you’re welcome kisses to your skin. “mm, thanks for having me. how’s it feel to be done?”
you sigh, fingers running through his curls. “like the biggest relief, and also really sad.” you’re such a mess that you could cry again on the spot. tom senses it and lifts his head up to see if you’re alright. “super depressing,” you surprisingly reiterate without the waterworks. “i know the feeling. you’ll be back soon, though. you said it,” he murmurs, a grin on his lips as they brush against the corner of yours.
you’re about to kiss him properly, then one of your dancers comes up to you. you’d forgotten that there are still stage managers and security everywhere, too. you get completely lost in tom whenever you’re together.
“you killed, babe,” coco greets you, linking your arm in hers. tom takes the hint and lets go of you. he watches on with a smirk. “nah, you murdered,” you send the compliment back and bite your lower lip. “i dunno, i feel like someone murdered me!” there’s coco with her dramatics. she’s genuinely hilarious, your shared sense of humor playing a huge part in your friendship.
she brings your free hand to her heart. you gasp at how fast it’s going. “that shit is really beating, coco. are you, like, okay?” “probably not. it was the freestyle that got me.” coco went a lot harder than usual tonight, since it was her last big dance break for a while. she puffs air from her cheeks and nods to tom. “this your man?”
“yeah, you could say that. i’m tom,” he answers, holding out a hand for her. “coco.” she pulls it like you would in a handshake. you beam at them, one of your best friends and unofficial boyfriend finally meeting. “sounds promising. i approve,” coco mutters to you. bumping your hip into hers playfully, you take one of tom’s hands in both of yours.
“aw, we have your blessing or something? your permission?” you coo and get a push at your shoulder from coco in return. tom chuckles, his thumb running over the back of your hand. “no! i was gonna say you should bring him out back,” coco clarifies, like it was obvious. you’re not sure what she’s on about. “uh, what’s out back?” you question. “an axe?” tom teases.
coco gestures to the nearest exit. “we’re having a little goodbye party in the parking lot. fire pit, snacks. remember?” nope, you’d completely forgotten. the idea first sounded like the perfect way to end your night, so you agreed to go. that was before you were dripping sweat and mentally exhausted. now, all you want to do is unwind with tom and tom only.
the superstar life is one you’re happy to lead, just not at this exact moment.
“i do now.” you muster up your most apologetic smile for coco, tugging on tom’s hand. “i’m sorry, co. i think we’re gonna pass.” her jaw drops. you’re never one to skip these things. “aw, for real? it’s our last night!” tom threads his fingers through yours while you talk. “bro, we’ve been together for almost a whole year,” you laugh out, nuzzling your cheek into tom’s chest. “get sick of me.”
“never,” coco deadpans. she catches you gazing up at tom, relaxing as his arms hug your middle. she’s known you long enough to tell what’s a fling and what’s real love for you. this is something special, and she can’t get in the way of it. she’ll let you navigate this yourself. “ok, just for tonight. you’ll text me?” coco gives you a real smile, raising an eyebrow at tom. he gathers that’s a good thing. he’s in.
“mhm. maybe we can hang out tomorrow,” you agree and let your eyes flutter shut. all that’s keeping you up are tom’s strong arms. “tell everyone i love them.” “i think they know.” coco shakes her head lightheartedly. tom laughs at her. “be good,” she tells him and means it, rubbing your back on her way to the lot. that leaves you and tom alone at last.
custodians are cleaning up the arena, fans are piling out, and you’re clinging to tom while his steady heartbeat grounds you. this is the only after party you need.
“harry’s got the car when you’re ready,” tom mumbles, tucking a piece of damp hair behind your ear. you loop your arms around his torso with a hum. “i was kinda wondering where he went.” “yeah?” he gives you a small smile. “gotta ask what he thought... of the show.” yawns are creeping past your lips, tonight’s events catching up to you.
“i like feedback from the fans, or stans,” you elaborate in your sleepy state. tom uses his fingertips to tap your temple. “what about me? i’m your biggest.” “i’ll, um, follow up with you later.” your words are slurring. “right now, home.” warmth spreads throughout tom’s entire body, his house becoming yours for a bit. “your chariot awaits,” he affirms before helping you to your dressing room.
after collecting your things, you follow tom out to the car. harry is in the driver’s seat, and you two slip into the back. he exchanges a look with his brother through the mirror while you settle on his shoulder. you’re hugging his bicep, his lips pressing to the side of your head.
“thank you for driving,” you speak softly to harry. he starts to pull out of the spot with a nod. “no problem. get to say i was y/n y/l/n’s chauffeur.” tom clicks his tongue even though harry is joking. you snicker at his remark, joking back. “you want the job? better be a five star ride, then.” your banter brings yet another smile to tom’s face. his family is everything to him, so seeing you get along so well means the most.
“right, right. did you have a good time?” harry wonders, twisting to see behind him while he turns around. he also peeks at you snuggled up to tom before facing forward. “great, actually. did you?” you check, the grin clear in your voice. harry goes into full stan mode. “no shit! you were brilliant, y/n. god, every note was just like how you did it the studio.” he’s raving, which is much appreciated by you.
“good answer.” tom shoots his brother a wink. “‘s that what you wanted to hear?” he asks in reference to your conversation earlier. your response is a kiss to his shoulder. “yay. i’m happy you liked it, harry.” he buzzes with excitement, having his favorite artist care what he thinks.
not much is said for the rest of the drive. tom and harry make some hushed conversation about golfing this weekend while you struggle to stay awake. they’re obsessed with that damn sport. it’s honestly nice to see, that tom has something he likes to do when he isn’t shooting hollywood’s biggest movies. your free time will finally give you the chance to discover other hobbies.
you stumble out of the car upon arriving to the boys’ place, a backpack on your shoulders and tom’s hand held tight in yours. you’ve got only a few essentials with you for tonight. the rest is on the tour bus, so you’ll gather it after your hangout with coco. besides, everything you need at the moment is right here.
“home sweet home,” tom announces as harry unlocks the front door. his words bring a tired smile to your face. “finally,” you exhale, keeping your fingers laced with tom’s and following the two of them inside. “i could show you around a bit, give you the grand tour. or-“ tom stops talking, feeling your weight on him. harry huffs at how oblivious his brother is.
“mate, she’s falling over. save it,” he suggests and kicks the door shut lazily. you’re done in. you’ve been having to lean on tom since the show ended. “another time, then,” tom mumbles, securing his arm around your waist. “there is one thing i wanna see.” your voice is low, body curled into tom’s side. he raises an eyebrow. “and that is?” “your room.”
tom takes that in a suggestive way, like he does most things. “we’re getting right to it, are we?” he questions, harry gagging and you nudging his arm with your head. “not like that, dummy. ‘cuz i’m sleepy.” there’s a beat of silence. “ask me again in-“ “wow, look at the time!” harry interrupts so he doesn’t have to hear the details. he’s sure he’ll witness enough after it happens. “off to bed i go! goodnight.”
he rushes to get to his room, yelling out, “great show, y/n!” on the way. “thank you! night!” you call back, tom letting out a sigh. “div of the century,” he says under his breath. “must run in the family,” you playfully retort. that gets you a firm poke at your side. “where’s everyone else?” you glance up at him. there should be two other idiots and a lovely, furry lady running around.
“tuwaine’s gone to the pub, harrison’s filming late, and tess is at mum and dad’s,” tom fills you in, grabbing your arm and draping it around his middle. doing him one better, you hug him with both. you squint in confusion about the last part. “they watch her when i’m out,” tom answers your unspoken question. “ah,” you nod, then deflate ever so slightly. “i wanted to meet her, though. the other boys, too.”
tom smooths the pad of his thumb over your cheek. “you will, darling. it’s only for tonight.” he kisses the same spot reassuringly. “we’ve got loads of time.” “yeah, we do,” you agree, instantly cheering up and letting your head fall onto his chest. “now, where’s your room?” “just upstairs. you need some help getting in?” he’s only playing around, but you accept, tightening your arms around his neck.
“show me the way,” you beam at him. “happy to.” tom wiggles his eyebrows, you jumping up. your legs wrap around his waist, his arms holding you against him. with a satisfied hum, you squish your face into his insanely soft shirt. “what a diva,” tom sarcastically complains while taking you to the staircase. “doesn’t even say please. no manners from this one.”
“you try dancing in six inch heels for two hours,” you shoot back, patting the side of his neck. he moves one hand down to your thigh for a better grip. you’re nearing the top of the stairs. “think i’ll leave that to you,” he decides and squeezes your thigh. “look at me, carrying the whole music industry.” your face easily gets hot and your words turn to murmurs. “shut up. you should listen to other songs.”
you’re on the second floor now, tom going for the first door. he frowns at his rejected compliment. “no, i like yours. they’re my favorite.” “really?” your muffled laugh sounds from his chest. “what was the first thing i ever said to you?” he asks, a toothy grin on him even though you can’t see it. you recall the faithful night he slid into your dms while he carries you into his room.
he’d tripped over his words somehow, the fangirling fool. before that, he tweeted to the whole world that he wanted to see you in concert. it was a huge thing, and people were freaking out about it, even more so when your online interactions became routine. that’s nothing compared to where you are now.
you’re currently living with him and basically dating. possibly, in love. the base of it all really is your music.
“that you love me.” you pause for the ellipses. the corners of your lips turn up. “but, you really meant to say my work.” “both apply.” tom passes that off like it’s a side comment, carefully laying you down on his bed. you look up at him with a curious glint in your eyes. “what does that mean?” his cheeks flush, and he bites back the smile that’s growing. this was supposed to go... differently.
you sit up, breathing out a laugh at tom’s boyish behavior. he’s precious, truly. “you do love me?” those three words will change everything if he says yes. he takes both your hands in his and holds them between you two. you meet his doe eyes. “yeah, y/n/n. i do.” so, you were right. “i love you... and, that wasn’t how i planned on saying it.” signaling for him to elaborate, you tilt your head to the side.
tom sits down next to and faces you before continuing. “it was supposed to be romantic, right?” he rolls his eyes up to the ceiling, annoyed he ruined this. “candlelit dinner, flowers, that sort of thing. seems more fitting for the occasion.” you shift closer to him until your knees are touching. your face is lit up, voice dropped to almost a whisper.
“since when do we do things the way we’re supposed to?” you point out and set your hands on his shoulders. “we’ve gone straight from online dating to me moving in. that’s usually not how it works.” tom chuckles lowly. his own hands find their place on your hips. you’re so good with words. then again, you are a singer. “guess you could say we’re, um, spontaneous,” he agrees, fingers drawing circles on you.
you and tom have explored some of each other’s most intimate places, yet you’ve never shared a moment quite like this. it’s like meeting him for the first time again. he’s too tongue tied to spit out what he wants. you somehow know, anyway. what you cherish most about your relationship is that you two completely and totally understand one another, on every level.
“tom?” you speak quietly, butterflies filling up your body. “hm?” he hums back. this is one of those moments where it all just clicks. “i love you. i really, really love you.” you giggle out of the pure happiness that consumes you, tom joining in your laughter. “i love you, too.” he sounds like he’s said it a million times and he’ll say it a million more. he leans over so his forehead rests on yours. “really, really love you.”
your warm breath hits his face, eyes darting from his own to his lips. “i want you to be more than...” you trail off, unsure of how to phrase it. “more than... more than a friend?” tom pokes fun at what you said during the show. there’s less and less space between you with every second. “you mean, like, a boyfriend?”
“exactly. be my boyfriend,” you all but demand. you’re half asleep and desperate to be able to call him yours already. “bossy, bossy, bossy,” tom chastises, swiping his thumb across your bottom lip. how he goes from being shy and giddy to the cockiest person alive in minutes, you’ll never know. “please?” you throw in to sway him. your hand locks with his, slowly moving it off your face.
you run your tongue over your teeth. “at least kiss me.” “you don’t have to ask,” tom breathes, lips now ghosting over yours. “i was going to.” true to his words, he closes the microscopic gap between you, you pushing forward against him as you kiss back. your first kiss in love. his lips taste like the chapstick he always uses, and he moves them softly.
he places a hand on your knee, you opening your mouth so he can have access to it. instead, a yawn exits. tom pulls back with a breathy laugh. “you must be exhausted, yeah? let’s get you to bed.” he pecks your lips once more. “my girl needs her beauty rest.” that confirms your relationship. you scrunch your nose and grin wide. “and, she’s gonna get some with her boy.”
you’re reminded of how sweaty you are when you catch a whiff. “oof, wait. do you think i can take a shower first?” you grimace, fanning at the air for emphasis. tom uses the tip of his nose to nudge yours. “absolutely. need help in there, too?” he’s not asking in that way, only so nothing happens. the hospital wouldn’t be the most pleasant place to spend your break. plus, he doesn’t want to be without you too long.
“you know what? yeah.”
that’s how you end up intertwined under the hot water, letting it cascade down your back as tom hugs you close to him. you sigh in content and tangle your fingers in his fluffed over curls. you’ve learned that he’s super into having his hair played with. it’s endearing, how he instinctively leans into your touch, eyes closing as you tug on the roots.
he drops his head down to kiss your shoulder, dragging his lips to your collarbone in a way that tickles. they land on one of your breasts next. there isn’t anything sexual about it, only loving. just in case he gets too excited because it’s not uncommon he does, you gently put a finger to his lips. tom takes the hint and lets up. you continue combing through his wet hair while you step out of the water.
“do you ever sing in the shower?” he questions, drawing your naked body in closer to his. “sometimes, yeah. i honestly feel like i sound better there,” you admit and slide your hand down to the nape of his neck. tom’s tongue darts out to lick his lips. “not true. you sound beautiful everywhere, and don’t fight me on this one.” he smirks in satisfaction, you groaning at your loss.
“i really enjoy hearing your voice when it blares through an arena, though,” tom keeps buttering you up. you shake your head and settle both arms around his neck. “man, i just love you so much.” “i love you, sweetheart,” he murmurs back, you switching places so he can give his hair a final rinse. you watch him and his glowing body, admiring the sight.
“what a sensation you are,” you say mostly to yourself, which doesn’t stop him from hearing. “i see what you did there.” he eyes you while you do the same to him. your arms still around his neck pull him back to you. “tommy? do you sing in the shower?” you meant to ask him before, then he started throwing all those compliments at you.
tom scoffs, walking you back so you’re against the wall. “i don’t sing anywhere.” “what?” you gasp and put a hand on his chest. “you’re lying, you have to be. wasn’t billy elliot a musical?” he narrows his eyes at you as he tries to gage where you’re going with this. “that i did a decade ago, and way before puberty. couldn’t sing a word without cracking after that.”
your mouth is left hanging open in shock and disappointment. you bet he has a nice voice, and he’s downplaying it. “y/n,” tom begins, cupping your jaw with his palm. “since we’re living together now, there’s a lot you’re going the learn about me. good things, weird things.” he shrugs casually. “this is one of the weird things.”
“only because you make it weird! come on, let me hear you,” you request and wrap a leg around his waist. you’re giving him a hopeful smile. “god, no. you’ll hate it,” he almost laughs, a hand on your thigh. “i’m literally a singer. how could i hate something i love?” you refute, batting your lashes at him. “especially when someone i love is doing it.” “i love you, too. but, i’m not.” he’s quick to shut you down.
“drop a bar!” you try to coax him, which he already has a comeback for. “you first.” “i can’t. my throat is all scratchy from earlier,” you lie. tom presses his lips into a line, feigning pity. “aw, you know what’ll make you feel better? tea. i’ll go get you some.” he turns to shut the water off, so you grab his shoulders. “no, the steam is working. you can stay.”
“love,” tom addresses you in a warning tone that you can’t take seriously. he can’t either, a giggle escaping him. “my voice is shit. ask anyone, and they’ll tell you.” “i won’t believe them,” you hum, pushing back curls sticking to his forehead. “sounds like you just have stage fright. we can work on that, though.” “how?” he tightens his arm around your middle.
“i’ll bring you on for my next show. we’ll do a little duet.” you’re joking, though that would definitely be interesting to see unfold. “uh, never. what happened to you being tired?” tom cleverly deflects and digs his fingers into your side. you look down in defeat. “i forgot about that.” “yeah, yeah. no, seriously. we should really get to sleep, y/n/n.” he’s back to his sweet, attentive self. “‘s been a long night.”
giving in with a nod, you capture his lips in yet another kiss. tom never gets tired of them, and neither do you. you break it after a few seconds, lips lingering on his as they detach. “carry me?” you ask again, not caring how whiny you sound. tom presses a quick kiss to your forehead. “oh, you’re adorable. of course.”
well, you’ve found something to keep you occupied until the next leg of tour. you’re going to discover the many layers your intriguingly unusual boyfriend has.
469 notes · View notes
I’d stopped doing these because I’ve been doing a month-long work placement that takes up so much more energy than my normal work-from-home job and it made me want to spend my off time just watching things passively. But at the moment I’m home sick from that, so I have plenty of time. Because of that, here are my thoughts on Taskmaster s13e07, written as I watch it for the first time:
- I’d noticed before her podcast episode that Bridget Christie always has cool outfits in the studio, but I can appreciate them more now that I’ve heard her go on the podcast and say they’re all part of a Western theme. Of course, I didn’t really need to hear her say that to recognize it in the one from this week. It might be my favourite so far.
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- I enjoy the trend of them making prize tasks that are meant to open the door to bring in something sexual, and then all five contestants, presumably because they assume everyone else will go that route and they want to be different, avoid doing so. But then they’ll go that way on something that sounds innocuous, like Sophie bringing a vibrator for “most calming thing”. Let’s see what the contestants do with this one: nicest thing to put your finger in. Will any of them take the sexy prize title bait?
- Well, Ardal did not take the bait. I am immediately reminded, of course, of Mel Giedroyc’s Pennyfields. There is nothing more adorable than some who’s 50 or older (Mel might actually have been slightly younger than that in season 4, but close enough) bringing in a doll of some sort to which they have given a name.
- My first thought about Chris Ramsey’s prize is that it’s quite similar to Ardal’s, but to be fair, if you’re not going to go the sexual route, there really aren’t that many options for things that are nice to put your finger in. Toys and Bugles, basically (the chips, not the podcast).
- Okay, Bridget is the first one to bring in something that genuinely fits the remit. Putty is an awesome thing to put your finger in, and good job to Bridget for saying, “I am going to avoid the obvious adult-themed sex joke, and instead make a child-themed fart joke.”
- And she’s accompanied it with a graphic story about childbirth. Great work all around.
- “Sometimes once you put your fingers in, you do want to put your face in.” Judi becomes the first one to even acknowledge the sexual connotations of this prize task with that joke, but she still just brought in custard for her actual prize. It’s not as good as the putty. Much less satisfying.
- All right, Sophie’s prize needs to win. I’d say the same thing about Ardal’s if he’d gone to the trouble to dress up his puppet in the same outfit that he wore to do the tasks. Brilliant amount of prep work by Sophie. Fantastic job.
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This does mean we’re five for five on averting the sex stuff. I’m sure next week will be something that sounds completely normal but they’ll all bring in condoms.
- Incorrect scoring, but I understand throwing Ardal the pity point. Putty should have been higher, though. That is actually the best thing to put your finger in.
- I was confused when Alex pulled flowers out of his sleeves to introduce this task, because they’re usually quite good about not reusing tasks. They’ve already done miracles in Champion of Champions and magic tricks in season 10.
Then I saw what the task actually is and I love it. The beautiful simplicity of telling a bunch of television comedians to show off. What do you think they’ve been doing this whole time? Except now they’re being put on the spot and asked to specifically do that thing they’re always doing anyway, and it’s such a great way to fuck with them.
- I love the trepidation on the faces the camera shows us right after those instructions, as they realize that whatever they did during this task is about to be shown. What the fuck did you people get up to?
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- Seriously, this is a look of genuine concern... from everyone except Bridget, who is clearly fine with her showing off performance. That, or she’s made peace with it and is serenely accepting what she cannot change.
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- “Have you got a gun?” - Bridget Christie
- Bridget Christie: Have you got an axe?
Alex Horne: No.
I’m actually the Taskmaster house might have an axe in it, and Alex just doesn’t want to give it to Bridget.
- Not to brag too much or anything, but I do know exactly what I’d do in this task and it would be so much fun, my brain is itching to participate. The skills I have from my combat sport are rarely translatable to the real world, but occasionally, when I’m outside the context of my sport, it becomes somehow relevant for me to show off the fact that I’m quite good at moving people around. Stuff that’s completely normal for anyone who trains in my sport looks really impressive to outsiders, and I have to admit that my ego really enjoys that. If I were out there I would absolutely put the biggest crew member over my shoulders and run around. Actually, I’d start by putting Alex over my shoulders and running around, because that would make for better comedy. But then I’d find someone bigger than Alex and do it with them too just to prove I can. There are so many possibilities in this season, with its lack of social distancing rules.
- Okay, Chris Ramsey balancing stuff on his chin is genuinely rather impressive. I’m not sure what Bridget’s doing. She said on the podcast that the picture she used for that other task is of her learning to climb a rope for a comedy routine. That’s way more impressive than throwing things into a bucket, why doesn’t she find something to climb?
- The task said “Biggest show-off wins”, not “most impressive thing wins”. So I might be looking at this wrong - maybe Bridget throwing things in buckets would be good if she acted enough like a show-off about it, bragging about how great her skills are. Neither her nor Chris has really brought in that aspect, that showing off could be about the way you sell yourself as much as what you’re doing.
Also, I thought Ardal was supposed to be part of this segment. Why haven’t we seen him yet? Are they hiding him as part of some sort of trick?
- Okay, Chris with that ladder is genuinely fucking cool. I don’t know why his dad chose to teach him that, and I can’t see how it would have served him in life at any point up until this one, but that’s a pretty great use of it.
- I see, they hid Ardal until the end to show that he spent almost the entire time inside the house messing around with what appears to be a spoon and some glitter. Ardal, what the hell did you do?
- Jesus Christ that was funny. Okay, I absolutely see why they edited it that way, that was incredibly funny to see Chris balance increasingly large items, up to a ladder, and then Ardal puts a spoon on this chin. Seeing Ardal in isolation, the bit where he started hitting himself would have been the funniest part. But seeing him contrasted against Chris made the spoon balancing so fucking funny that I barely noticed anything else. Amazing work from everyone, especially the editors there.
I did notice one other thing, though. What the hell was the point of the glitter? I assume they’ll address that in the studio.
- So Ardal’s explanation in the studio was that they don’t show off in Ireland, or at least in his bit of Ireland. Greg mentioned the glitter, and Ardal chose to just not mention it. Or if it did, it didn’t make the edit. I really hope an outtake is released soon with an explanation, because coming out of a house covered in glitter is not the sort of thing that you can just do and then not tell us why.
- How long did it take them to make this one shot that was on the screen for less than a second?
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- My immediate thought is that Sophie and Judi understand the assignment better than the first three did. Recognizing that 1) showbiz, the thing they do for a living, is the ultimate way to show off, so just lean into what you already know about that, and 2) showing off is about bragging and forcing all the attention onto yourself, not just about what you’re actually doing. Ardal could have done a perfectly good job of showing off if he’d just told us how he participated in the groundbreakingly important television show Derry Girls (I mean, I know he’s done a lot of other stuff too, just not things I’ve seen, and really, Derry Girls is enough).
- Oh shit, I’ve been wondering since episode 1 when we’re going to see that shot from the opening titles of Sophie in the water. I wondered if there would be a task about how long they could hold their breaths, and I’ve also wondered whether that would create some sort of liability issue in case someone passed out. But no, apparently no one told Sophie she had to hold her breath underwater. She just decided to do that.
- I think Sophie needs to win this task. She perfectly combined the Judi idea of saying something dramatic and attention grabbing, and the Chris Ramsey idea (and, well, the idea that Bridget and Ardal sort of tried to do) of doing something actually impressive. She was being ironic about that Shakespeare monologue, but also showed off the fact that she genuinely does have a Shakespeare monologue memorized and ready to recite. And now she’s nearly drowning herself for the task. You have to fucking reward that.
- “That could have been Judi in any task.” - Sophie Duker, vaulting over many entries by Ardal O’Hanlon to hold the new record for cattiest comment of this season, and I am enjoying it so much
- All right, I do agree with giving Sophie and Chris joint five points there. And I agree with Judi, Ardal, and Bridget, being in order from best to worst after that. But I think they should have gotten 3, 2, and 1 points rather than 4, 3, and 2. Greg just can’t say no to Bridget.
- Genuinely adorable little fist bump here, from by far the two most competitive contestants in this season (I mean “competitive” in both senses of the word, that they want to win the most, and that they have the best chance of winning). I really like this rivalry.
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- Some real Jamali Maddix energy here out of Judi, except that Judi’s (probably, mostly) joking while I’m pretty sure Jamali actually didn’t know Greg’s name that one time. 
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- You know, if I wanted to be pedantic, I could point out that nowhere in the task’s instructions does it say they have to keep those hats on until the end. I guess they could argue that the hat has to be on their head for it to count as a “head pipe” when the ingredients pass through it. But in that case they could take off the hats, gather ingredients, have one person put a hat back on, and have the other(s) put the ingredients through it.
- I love that Bridget is the only person who has not become completely debilitated by the pipe hats. She was the only one to just bend down and pick up the task at the beginning. When Sophie kept trying to get the bottles with the grabber thing, Bridget worked out that the pipe fits int he caravan and it’s not hard to just step in there and pick things up. And now, while they’re doing this:
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Bridget has just asked:
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I think this is sort of like that season 12 task when they had to hit Alex with a ball, and it said Alex wasn’t allowed to run, and that got in the contestants’ heads so some of them seemed to think they weren’t allowed to run either. I think everyone but Bridget has been so thrown off by the pipe hats and the presence of the grabber things that they’ve forgotten they’re allowed to just do things like normal.
- Love Ardal trying to make a ridiculously difficult shot, throwing what I think was a bit of fruit from almost the ground into a pipe on top of his head, even though the task absolutely did not require him to do that and there is no way he’d have a chance of coming anywhere near it. And he didn’t come anywhere near it, but Chris still politely asked, “Did it go in?” and Ardal didn’t seem bothered by the fact that it did not. Just two guys having a good time.
- Great little moment that summarizes the essential elemnts of both Chris Ramsey and Judi Love here:
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Chris’ competitiveness is on display, having the absolute audacity to complain about getting two points for a task that took them three times as long as the other team. In earlier seasons, Greg would have easily scored that 5-0. In the earliest seasons he had the team points always add up to five, but even if the middle seasons, he’d give the winning team five points and the losing team the number of points he thought they deserved for how well they did. And in this case, that should be 5-0 here. Maybe 5-1.
We also have Judi’s bullshit on display, which is hilarious. It’s so funny how often in this season the contestants have turned on each other - Ardal sucking up to Greg to talk shit about everyone else’s efforts, Chris telling Judi that “all the information was on the task” and then winking at Alex, Judi defending Greg’s authority to Chris. They’re like the opposite of season 12, when all the contestants frequently banded together against Greg and Alex. And both dynamics are great fun.
- Alex Horne: We’ve had some drinks, so now, we’ve got the munchies.
Me: Oh shit, on last week’s podcast episode, Bridget said one of her worst moments of this season is part of a cooking task that hasn’t been aired yet. Ed said he thought it would show up in the next episode. I guess this is it.
- Chris Ramsey:
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Me: Well, that’s because you didn’t watch season 4, when this was the delivery system for Mel Giedroyc finding out she had to eat that massive tower of bread and candy, and Noel Fielding finding out that he had to eat Alex Horne.
- Little thing, but I’ve been keeping track of signs of Chris Ramsey’s constant vigilance and paranoia throughout this show, and I feel like it counts that he shook the lunch box next to his ear before opening it. Have to try to get a warning beforehand in case they’ve put, I don’t know, a cat or something in there.
- Exactly 150 grams, this is a tough task. If I were them I’d focus on the weight more than anything else, that’s going to be difficult to get right. I’d put my time and effort into make sure I actually made a 150-gram edible statue, whether it’s beautiful or not, and then hope to get more points than other people who focused too much on the beauty and not enough on the specifications.
Remember Jessica Kanppett having a breakdown on the floor, surrounded by shoes, because she couldn’t get things to weight that number that was OLLIE upside down? Exact weights are hard.
- Guys, you’ve broken Chris Ramsey’s brain.
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- It’s a recurring theme in this show that Greg can’t say not to Bridget and Alex can’t say no to Judi. I think this is the first time he’s ever let someone go so long without reading “Your time starts now”. Not even Charlotte Ritchie or Katherine Parkinson got away with that, and he basically did half their tasks for them.
- Oh, Chris has a good idea that I didn’t think of. Put ingredients on the scale until it’s exactly 150 grams, and then you can shape them any way you want as long as you don’t add anything or take anything away. That has to be the best way to approach this.
- I wrote, at the beginning of this task, about how that lunchbox reminds me of the time in season 4 when they were told to make something with food, and then surprised at the end by being told they had to eat it. I said that, and it still didn’t occur to me that they might do that in this task. And I’m pretty sure Chris put raw pasta in there. Well, that’s his fault. It said “edible”. I guess he planned to argue that raw pasta can be edible, technically anything can be “edible” if you’re willing to eat it. And now he is being asked to prove his own argument. Well played, Taskmaster.
- Oh, Chris, I’m disappointed in you. The normally hyper-competitive contestant has let me down. Ed Gamble would have eaten that raw pasta, for the sake of the points. That’s why he’s a champion.
- Okay, I guess getting something to weigh an exact amount is not as difficult as I thought. Also, Judi’s sculpture is genuinely quite beautiful, and probably not that difficult to eat. The hardest part about eating that would be destroying something so pretty.
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- Ardal’s looks absolutely disgusting. Are there uncooked eggs and soggy bread involved as well as raw tofu? Is he going to eat the eggshell? That one would would be tough physically as well as psychologically, since he also personified the sculpture.
- Okay, so one of Bridget’s least favourite moments in this season is the time she sculpted a baby and two breasts, and then had to eat them. I can see why that would be upsetting.
- That’s Sophie. Brings in something completely innocent for the “best thing to put your finger in” task, but makes a model of the vulva for the one that just asked her build a sculpture.
- Sophie giving the actual answer to the prize task’s question of “What’s the best thing to put your finger in?”, on her vulva model that has licorice surrounding a hole in some butter to represent the vagina. 
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- Sophie saying she’s concerned that if she can’t eat her entire vulva model it will send out a negative message because she wants to destigmatize that sort of thing - good job, Sophie, you made me choke on my water. Best vagina-based joke in all of Taskmaster.
- Oh shit, I did not realize Bridget was eating uncooked flour. Yeah, I understand why this is a low moment for her. Though it’s worth noting that the task said she had to eat the whole sculpture, but not only the sculpture. This would be much easier if she got a glass of water to wash it down.
- Okay, Sophie forcing herself to get that entire butter-based sculpture in her mouth because she is a competitive contestant who wants to win the task, and also because she is a feminist who wants to destigmatize pussy eating, and being so determined to do this that she forces down enough of it to make her audibly retch as soon as she’s out of the room - what a heroine. Sophie Duker for champion, she’s won me over to believing she should win the whole thing. Chris Ramsey couldn’t even eat some raw spaghetti.
- Wow, that is some terrible scoring on the sculptures’ beauty. Should have been five for Judi, hers was the only one that was unironically beautiful. I’d say Sophie next, then Chris, and the other two are horrifying to look at. Come on, Greg. Don’t you know that beauty is a bunch of strawberries arranged in a nice way and a model of a vulva?
- I like the rivalry behaviour out of Chris and Sophie, the two most competitive contestants. It reminds me of the season 4 live tasks when Noel Fielding and Joe Lycett would do their thing, and as soon as time stopped, they’d immediately look at what the other had done because they knew they were the only two really trying hard to win and they’d want to see whose was better.
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Also, I’m pretty sure Sophie’s right about Chris’ tower. I see the idea of making a thin target, but I don’t think it’ll work. You need a base that can take at least one hit. Sophie’s strategy of multiple peaks is a good one, because it would be hard to hit them all with one throw.
- And immediately after I wrote that, we have some more rivalry moments, with Sophie coming out clearly on top. I loved every moment of that. Chris immediately acknowledging Sophie as his biggest competition (it’s actually Bridget who was second in the overall scores going into this episode, but I think Sophie will pull ahead by the end of it, and the actual numbers aside, Chris and Sophie are definitely the ones trying to win), Sophie insisting on staying by her tower to get hit with a shoe, short back-and-forth of trying to psych each other out, and then Sophie’s mind games actually succeeded in throwing Chris off his game. I know Chris can throw things with reasonable accuracy, I’ve seen him do it in other tasks, so I’m pretty sure Sophie just successfully messed him up there. What a fucking legend.
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Ladies, gentleman, and all the other lovely people on heaven and Earth, let’s fucking play Taskmaster.
- God damn. Holy shit, Sophie. That was... look, I try to be a bit careful about how often I’m straight-up objectifying on this blog, but Sophie firing her boot directly into the base of the tower for which she was aiming with military-grade precision was, there is no other way to describe it, fucking hot.
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Ladies, gentleman, and all the other lovely people on heaven and Earth, we are playing Taskmaster!
- I absolutely see Alex’s point about how it wasn’t a great strategy for Sophie to aim for Chris, since he was a lightning rod drawing fire from her. But I don’t care, that was too cool for me to wish it had gone any other way. Doesn’t even matter whether she wins the tasks now.
- Okay, I said it doesn’t matter if Sophie wins, but that was before Ardal and Bridget both missed her. Well, Bridget missed her. Ardal hit once, but because of what was a genuinely good system, he knocked down a couple of peaks while others stayed up.
It’s now Judi throwing, in a situation where if she knocks down Sophie then Judi wins the episode, and if she doesn’t, then Sophie wins. Sophie’s fortress was weakened by Ardal and one hit will take her down now. It is not hard to hit something like that tower from that distance, but also, and I don’t want to make too many assumptions, I doubt Judi is that great at throwing things. So this could actually go either way. Genuine tension and stakes. I mean, not really, it’s all pretend, even real sports are technically pretend and this is many levels down from real sports, I technically know that, sort of, somewhere deep in the back of my brain I do sort of remember that. But at this moment, these feel like genuine stakes.
- Oh my God. The psychological power play of Sophie giving Judi her shoes. So much confidence. Will she live to regret it?
- AND IT’S ALL OVER!!! Judi has been defeated by... the fact that she isn’t actually all that into the competitive side of this game and hasn’t kept track of what’s going on so she missed the first shoe and threw the second one in the wrong direction. Slightly anticlimactic way for Sophie to win, but enough dramatic shit happened before that for it to still feel exciting.
I love everyone’s reactions. Ardal breaking a little from his normally bemused character a little to shout, “You can’t win if you kill me!” Bridget also breaking her cloudcuckoolander personality to try to explain to Judi why that was so bad. Alex also breaking character to express sheer exasperation that she took this moment of genuine tension in his television show and fucked it up. And Chris being too shocked for words that she would throw it all away like that.
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I want to commission a large-scale framed painting of the following screenshot so I can hang it on my wall:
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- I’m so glad I found a version of this episode with subtitles. Partly because I like having subtitles on when I watch anything, but it also makes screenshots more fun.
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- That was damn near a perfect episode for Sophie. It’s one of the highest scores every in one Taskmaster episode, though that’s hard to judge because most episodes only have five total tasks while this one technically had six, as the beauty of the sculpture and the eating of the sculpture counted as separate tasks with separate opportunities for five points each. So the fact that she got 28 points in total shouldn’t be compared directly to most other episode scores, but the individual task scores speak for themselves. On the six tasks, she scored 4, 5, 5, 5, 4, and then 5. In an episode with no bonus or other extra points and no opportunities to ever score more than five. So it was very, very close to perfect.
It’s also made a change to the overall scoreboard. Chris is still in first place, as he’s been for almost the whole season, except for a brief while when Bridget was a couple of points ahead. But it’s tight at the top. Chris has 119, then Sophie in second with 116, then Bridget at 112, Ardal at 106, Judi at 102. That’ll make things exciting for the last three episodes.
I’m so glad I decided to write shit down during this episode, it was a really good one. Felt classic, in a number of ways. God, this is a great show.
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A for the first step of kintsugi/pottery shards
A: How did you come up with the title to [insert fic]?
So, for those who don’t know, kintsugi is this:
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It’s a Japanese method of repairing broken pottery with a usually-gold lacquer so as to turn an otherwise broken piece into something that’s quite frankly sick as fuck.
And the first step of kintsugi is, of course, to smash some fucking pottery.
The pottery shards verse is really one of those “it will get worse so it can get better” kind of things. (For the record? We’re still in the get worse period.) There’s one very specific thing of Peter Parker’s that I think canon constantly risked breaking that it never really explored, so I’m doing it for it. The goal is to smash it and rebuild it into something that’s different but hopefully beautiful.
The other thing about kintsugi is that it’s not always the result of accidents. Sometimes, it’s meant to repair pottery that’s otherwise been lost, but sometimes it’s just for the sake of the end goal. Specifically, pottery that’s seen as defective or not good enough on its own is usually targeted.
porcelain chips is the prelude, and it’s not really meant to be a cohesive narrative. It’s just all the things that stacked up to culminate into who peter Parker is today. It’s a bunch of little chips on a piece of once-pristine porcelain that may lead to its smashing. He’s been building towards a break for a long time, and it didn’t start with uncle ben or Germany or Frank. Peters inherently a child who has gone to frankly extreme lengths at a very young age. You don’t do that lightly, and you don’t do it because everything’s okay mentally. He’s the culmination of every little injustice he was meant to quietly bear.
glaze defects is an interlude character study thing of matt murdock and where he was during chapter seven. Glaze defects happen in the process of creating the pottery. Something gets fucked when you’re doing the firing or there’s an incompatibility between the body and the glaze and you end up with bumps or cracks or lines in the surface. People may be tempted to just smash a pot with a glaze defect.
I picked this title because there’s a lot of similarities between how we talk about the disabled and marginalized and how we talk about a fucked up pot.
Usually there’s a conversation of they should be this but instead they’re this. We act as if their existence is something that went wrong in the manufacturing process and it should be eradicated. As if there was a mistake in the process of creation, and we need to do better next time to make sure we don’t end up with a similar mistake. Which is bullshit. Which is exactly the mindset which led to the Supreme Court case Buck v Bell, which plays a central role in the study.
Marvel has tended to make superpowers a point of marginalization—mostly with the X-Men, but then we also see it with the Accords, and with scenes like in Jessica Jones where bitter people try to kill her after the Battle of New York. Whether or not it’s a fair comparison to draw an analogue between communities that traditionally face discrimination and like, superpowers is a different discussion. The language used is the same, so that’s the premise we’re left to operate from.
We inherently devalue things that we perceive as defective or different. I am more willing to break a fucked up pot than i am willing to break a beautiful pot. But a person isn’t a pot, and there is no standard to draw from that’s like “this is the model person, everything deviating is a manufacturing error.” People will pretend that there is—that’s how we ended up with eugenics in the first place.
A core trend in the anti-canon in that we tend to try and get around rights and liberties we’ve already decided to give to everyone. We made broad statements about how all men are created equal right off the fucking bat and ever since then we’ve been finding increasingly elaborate ways of saying “but not those men.”
Buck v Bell said that the disabled were a burden, and their ability to reproduce was a small sacrifice in comparison to their drain on society. Korematsu said that racial profiling, segregation, and forced internment was okay because the threat of wartime was such that it was necessary for public safety, and ergo not about race. Dred Scott said a slave being held in a free state could not sue for his freedom because he was property and had no rights. We qualify the shit out of things the second we see others as a problem as ourselves and we mitigate and we talk about burden and risks and what they really are and we have always, always done this. We hate fucking admitting that it’s okay that other people exist in ways we don’t like. We always make it about the danger they pose us, the burden they place on us, the fact that they’re really not a person if you think about it.
The thing about a glaze defect is that there’s not actually anything wrong with the pot. It doesn’t look the way you thought it would, but it’s still a pot. A lot of the disappointment in having a glaze defect is based in how you think it should have been made. Which is a fine consideration to make when you’re an outside observer. When you’re the pot? It’s a reason for people to break you. 
so glaze defects is called glaze defects because it involves two parallel stories of things that people may perceive as a problem in the actual form of the thing, and thereby discount the thing itself--disability, and how we’ve historically dealt with it, and on the flip side, superpowers, and the fact that the presence of powers tends to be a more valuable consideration than the person who has them. 
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
So I see your a LeviHan shipper!! I enjoy the ship a lot too!! But are there any specific reason that their your favorite?? Maybe you could explain that a little through a list? But anyways I hope your week has been good so far, Sav. Have a good day/night!!!! - Signed by Your Secret Santa 🎄
Hello! Thank you for asking about my week (and my ship). 
I enjoy the ship a lot too!! But are there any specific reason that their your favorite? 
To answer that first question...
You’re in for a long rollercoaster ride of a rant because I don’t think I’m the type of person to ship anything to the point of writing domestic fluff fics unless the I felt really really drawn to the ship. 
Anyway, (slight) spoilers abound! Will keep manga spoilers subtle, mostly Levihan scenes.
Disclaimer: I do not want to start shipping wars. I specifically avoided the words like should or best because I recognize that shipping is generally based on preferences. I respect everyone’s preferences on what they want out of a ship or even a relationship and through this, I just hope to express my own preferences and maybe even gush with people who agree.
1. The ship did not move the plot. The plot moved the ship.
Attack on Titan is not a romance or a shojo, if it’s not fairly obvious from any chapter you would randomly read. As a reader, I would have expected it to fall short with pairings. Most shows which are not romance based tend to have a few pairings which just suddenly end up together towards the end of the manga because “What’s a happy ending without marriage and kids?” There is usually a trend of just pairing of the extras and sometimes, or maybe even more often than not, it just seems to come out of nowhere (ehem... Naruto.). Maybe the relationship worked off screen but I dunno. Like no shipping war here but the only pairing I had full support for was Shikatema. 
In stories classified as romances, there is enough of a spotlight on the sexual tension and mutual pining of specific characters for the romance to be considered reasonable. In my opinion, some authors tend to sacrifice really good world building for a good romance. Objectively twilight for example had some crazy good world building but it just kinda focused a little too much on emo Bella and emo Edward for the world building to actually be appreciated by the casual reader. Tbh though, this is not necessarily bad because people get into stuff for reasons, sometimes, I just wanna read a good fantasy, sometimes I just wanna read a good romance.
Romances though as a main driving point for narratives, require some convenient serendipity moments and sexual tension which can be written well but as a reader, I prefer to see more natural relationships born out of necessity (Wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana Zapata is a good example of what I’m talking about in a romance novel.)
Attack on Titan through its narrative actually made Levihan seem VERY VERY possible. If I had to compare the presentation of this ship in canon to at least one relationship in other anime, I would compare it to Royai from FMA. 
Like, if Attack on Titan didn’t give us random subtle hints about romantic or just platonic relationships between the two or even about anyone, even if Levi and Hange did get together in the end, it would have been one of the pairings, I probably wouldn’t have raised an eyebrow at. 
But they could be just friends? Which brings me to my next point.
2. Their current situation makes it so it’s only natural that at the least, they considered it. 
Yes. Friends is a valid interpretation for anything. I mean, given our hook up culture, people can fuck as friends too. People probably have made out drunk as friends too. Like I have seen my fair share of this type of bullshit in high school and college and I would say, we do not need a kiss or a fucking session to recognize that something can be a good relationship or to recognize that they have probably thought about it. 
A relationship requires a commitment (conscious or unconscious) to caring for the other, keeping the other safe, recognizing their flaws and thinking about them regularly (Call me scott peck or marriage counselor but like I honestly think the world would be a better place once people recognize that quality romantic relationships are worked for).
Mind you, Levi and Hange lost everything.They literally lost everything from their old life, all their friends, all their loved ones and all they have is each other and they’re forced to take care of a bunch of kids.
There are people who have said before, no one gets very close with someone without ever considering a romantic relationship with them. Or even if they never considered it romantic, they could consider at least “living with them their whole life,” or “supporting them through thick and thin.” The things is, towards the end, they were constantly together and what drove them to that situation is that both of them are aware of what the other had lost. They understood each other more than anyone else and they recognized that they were the only ones left in their own circle and I personally think that is more than enough for a relationship to naturally bloom between them.
3. The relationship and the signs are subtle and it works.
I personally probably would not have enjoyed it if canon showed a romantic relationship of the two after Erwin died. It’s a valid interpretation to consider that it could have happened, based on my explanation for number 2 but Hange is commander, Levi is captain. They have a professional relationship and they have goals and obligations which take precedence over personal desires. They are in the middle of a war and the most which probably could have happened was a secret mutual pining between the two and I think Isayama has injected the most subtle hints which are the most that could have been appropriately put into canon without seeming too OOC. Hange and Levi are not selfish people. They have promises, dreams and obligations which they respect and have committed themselves to already. It has also been shown at earlier points of the manga that they do put their survey corps duties on top of everything so acting on a romantic attraction at that point in time would have definitely been inappropriate. 
I personally think, the scenes of Hange going out of her way to save Levi as commander, killing her other soldiers to save both their asses, suggesting in the forest that they live together instead of go back to the war and not leaving an injured Levi until she had no choice were more powerful than a lot of romantic scenes where people actually fuck and kiss. Kissing and fucking are easy. Leaving the duties and responsibilities they have worked for for five years to keep the person they love alive hits way harder. 
Call it platonic. Call it romantic. But no one like Hange would have deserted her post as commander for a few chapters to take care of a sick comrade and kill her subordinates to save their asses if there wasn’t anything between them. 
4. It gives a great example what healthy relationships can come from. 
I grew up reading sweet valley and chick lits cause I was a basic bitch and I kinda grew up with a somehow unrealistic idea of where relationships come from. Call me a late bloomer but I only actually figured out where the romance and the happiness of a relationship was when I got into one with my best friend for five years. 
It’s the sexual tension and the “will they wont they?” push and pull which can lead to satisfying sex or a happy ending in romance novels. I think in a way, media kinda overglorifies it which kinda gives a lot of young people the wrong idea about why they getting into a relationship is fun in the first place.  Because after the satisfying sex and the kids, what’s next for the relationship?
Years of utility bills, diapers, chores, schedules, parent teacher conferences and compromises until someone gives up or dies. And what kind of relationships can actually thrive through all these? 
Those that have mastered the underrated parts of relationships. These include conflict resolutions, compromises and open communication. I think we have seen enough of those two, even before season 3 that have shown that they know each other very well and they have shown to at least have a relatively equal power dynamic which is a foundation for open communication and mutual trust in relationships even beyond the fucking and marriage stage 
5. They have a great foundation of character development for both parties.
As I mentioned above, they have a relatively equal power dynamic. I love Royai from FMA and I have compared Royai to this multiple times. I would say though I prefer Levihan over Royai because I felt that Royai had more unequal power dynamics? (Though I still think Royai is a top tier ship ). Also, they have shown to tell off the other when they don’t like what the other is doing. They are complete opposites but here is the magical thing. They talk everything out. They’re generally open people to each other and they know each other way too well as hinted in scenes before and opposites work as long as the others are willing to compromise. I think (especially in season 3 and season 4) that they have done enough for each other and have compromised enough for each other in the survey corps that these skills could easily be brought with them even after the war.
That open communication is just what makes them maintaining a relationship while being complete opposites very OC and realistic. Eventually, they did probably did make compromises, which most likely softened or moderated the crazy parts of their personalities which is just a really fun part of their relationship to explore. 
6. It could realistically last so maybe ...
7. A good foundation for happy children?
Maybe it’s how it is written because of the actual story and why would Yams write a romantic drama in a story about genocide and war. Tbh, I would attribute it more to Levi and Hange’s personalities though because Mikasa and Eren have their fair share of drama, mostly one sided though coz Mikasa. This relationship has no drama, no misunderstandings which just further supports my point that they have a relationship that thrives on open communication and mutual trust. Drama is fun like when we’re the ones on the sidelines eating the popcorn but I have third wheeled enough people in my life to realize that I will not support a relationship where both parties are just not ready to be mature about it, in real life and in fiction. 
My favorite couples, in real life and in fiction, are definitely those who keep conflict among themselves and maybe among trusted people. I think one sign of a healthy relationship is one where problems don’t become public through social media or through like 20 people. One important yet underrated part of relationships is the atmosphere of comfort and freedom which encourages both parties to be able to directly approach one another before tensions and uncertainties get out of hand.  
And a life free of dramas at least in the early stages of life just kinda shows at least that both parties are ready to bring a new life to the world? Because like immature parents with shitty conflict resolution skills really fuck kids up man and I passionately believe the world would really be a better place if babies were born out of trust, mutual understanding and open communication instead of sex but yeah, make sex fun to keep our race alive.
So anyway, I guess, I just finished explaining why I love this ship so much while also disclosing my preferences for relationships. 
As mentioned above...
Disclaimer: I do not want to start shipping wars. I specifically avoided the words like should or best because I recognize that shipping is generally based on preferences. I respect everyone’s preferences on what they want out of a ship or even a relationship and through this, I just hope to express my own preferences and maybe even gush with people who agree.
Other pairings which I support for those curious: Shikatema, Royai, Victuuri, Percabeth etc.
Also... To answer your second question... 
My week has been great, some pretty solid life developments but US elections wise, not so great... (WHY IS THE ELECTION RACE SO CLOSE?)
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nyancatkuroo · 3 years
Smoke Sesh Blues Pt.1
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Pt.1 Terushima/Kunimi/Kenma x Reader ll Weed 
Pt.2 Saeko x Reader ll Molly + Alcohol 
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INTOXICATED a  Miki Mouse Whorehouse collab.    
A/N: Here is my second collab fic for the whorehouse and I couldn’t be more excited! This is a Dark Content fic, so 18+ please dot not interact or you will be blocked.  (This one doesn’t have any NSFW in it but it doesn’t mean I want a bunch of minors interacting with my content).
TW: mentions of alcohol, weed smoking, mentions of shrooms.
WC: 1.5k
Sitting across the room was the most beautiful woman you’d ever seen, well, beautiful might not be the best word to describe her.  Ethereal, and transcendent might’ve been the words you’d use to describe a really, really attractive woman, but Tanaka Saeko was not just any attractive woman.  
Where beautiful meets savagely charismatic, ethereal simply wasn’t enough to describe the sheer magnetism that the young blond woman exuded, simply sitting there, grinning from ear to ear.  Her sharp, dark eyes and toothy grin hit you straight in the guts, and that’s when you fell, hard and fast, and painfully.  
Next to the blonde was a young woman equally as attractive as Saeko herself, and if Saeko wasn’t the definition of ethereal, the raven-haired girl sure was.  With a pale and delicate face that screamed of poise and grace, a criminally sexy mole on the left side of her chin, and blue eyes that made a chill of pleasure run down your spine, Shimizu Kiyoko was the epitome of everything you weren’t.  
Saeko had her right arm around the younger girl, hugging her close, as if afraid she’d run off.  “I’d take precautions too, if that was me,” you thought.  Kiyoko was one of the smartest and prettiest girls in campus after all, and despite not knowing her personally, having talked to her only once or twice because of mutual classes, it wasn’t hard to understand why she was one of the most sought after girls. 
Well, that and the very amusing reputation preceding her since she entered university two years ago.  The thing was, the dark-haired girl wasn’t Saeko’s girlfriend, but she was definitely intertwined with a Tanaka. Saeko’s younger brother to be exact, Tanaka Ryuunosuke.  
The two were rumored to have been going out since Kiyoko’s high school graduation.  Despite having let it be known pretty early on in her academic life that she had a boyfriend, with a younger partner still in high school, all the hungry frat boys up for a challenge and every business major in a radius mile who thought she “deserved better”, apparently made it their mission to woo her.  It made for pretty good entertaining drama to watch, but your heart went out for her. 
Based on what Saeko told you, keeping you updated on the family drama, the first year was really rough on the young couple.  With her younger brother finally on campus this year, though, overcoming all the annoying dudes was easier done a job at two.  Especially with a barking protective idiot and Kiyoko’s punching one-liners, which you wouldn’t expect coming from someone so calm and collected.  Perhaps it wasn’t that surprising, apparently, from what you’d heard from Saeko, Kiyoko’s comedic timing was unmatched.
And okay, you obviously knew Saeko, and if Kiyoko wasn’t her girlfriend, what was the big fuss all about?  Jealousy, simple as that. It was 10 pm on a Friday night, which meant parties around campus were raging from one hard to get in-club to home parties and make-shift park dancefloors. Fridays were made for debauchery and every single student who didn’t work a night shift was accounted for, every student except one, Ryu.  
Saeko’s younger brother, a baldy with a lively personality, was running late because of his group of friends.  Something about “Noya wrecking havoc once again” and “the trio trying to fix things, again”.  You didn’t know what the issue was but it was a problem for you because that meant that Saeko had to act as guard dog for the younger girl, which meant less time spent making you feel all sorts of sinful little pleasures.  
Saeko wasn’t your girlfriend either, which is why you didn’t have that close connection to Kiyoko.   You guys were simply friends with benefits, lots and lots of benefits that included midday brunches, and late-night movie and make-out seshs, but still, only friends with the hall pass.  
You were making eyes at the blond, desperately trying to make her notice you, amongst the hordes of horny 20-somethings year old guys trying to get at Kiyoko, but without luck. Tired of waiting and wanting to actually start enjoying yourself, you decided to go explore the rest of the house the party you currently were in was hosted. Leaving the living room, you ventured into a surprisingly big kitchen where you spotted Terushima Yuuji running his little side hustle. With a hum and an easy smile plastered on your face, you made your way towards the young man.  
You knew Terushima from years ago. When you and your friend Issei started venturing into the wondrous world of drugs and alcohol, he mentioned how he knew this guy from a rival volleyball team who was supposedly the best plug in the area, which Terushima was.  The shrooms you bought off of him never disappointed and the weed he provided really was that good fucking kush. Tonight though, you felt needy and wanted to let loose, so molly it was.  
You put your hand on Terushima’s shoulder, making him aware of your presence, and he turned around, a slight frown on his face before he recognized you and greeted you with the sickest bro shoulder-bump-hand combo. You loved this dude so damn much. 
“So, what’s it gonna be this time my little pogchamp?”
With a grimace you pushed the young man’s face with your hand and laughed.
“You’ve got to stop watching your Tiktoks on Instagram, you’re like two months late to that trend my guy.”
“Ain’t no problem, when a king does right by his subjects the peasants don’t have a choice but to laugh along”, he grinned.
At that, you bursted out laughing, holding your belly because of how ridiculously funny that statement was. “Out of pocket, Teru, out of fucking pocket.”
With a whatever, and a roll of his eyes, Terushima asked what you wanted and gave you a few little pills that fit just right inside your jean pocket.  
“You know you’re the best.” Sending finger guns his way, you were about to leave, on a quest to find another interesting adventure, when Terushima called your name.
“Hey if you wait a couple minutes until I’m done here we can go smoke a few. Kunimi just bought this new bong and it’s pretty fucking sick, you’ll love it.”
With nothing better to do, you agreed and after a while, Terushima was done and the both of you left the kitchen and made your way to the second-floor, towards Kunimi’s room. When you arrived, the door to the room was closed but you could see the smoke filtering out of the red lit room, the people around too busy in their own affairs, or simply not caring enough, to notice the very obvious hot-box going on behind the closed room.  
When you got in, Doja Cat’s Kiss Me More was playing on loop, and you unsurprisingly found Kunimi and Kenma sharing the bong. The pair could outsmoke you any day, but you genuinely enjoyed their company.  
There was no one better than those two to have a chill yet feel-good smoke sesh with, cuddles and an infinite supply of munchies present every time. You sat next to Kenma and he immefiatley started nuzzling you, passing you the bong.  On the back, you could hear Kunimi telling Terushima he was being too loud and that he’d kick him out if his voice reached higher levels than Toad’s. Terushima was right, paired with the right weed, this bong was way too powerful and it only took you a couple of hits to start feeling.  
You laid down, Kenma still close to you, and started singing along, while playing with Kenma’s hair.  Yeah, this was definitely your definition of a good time, but despite how good you were feeling, and how warm the little guy you were cuddling with felt, you thought something was missing.  The pills in your pocket started feeling heavier, unease growing  inside of you.  Lost in your worry, you apparently started petting Kenma too roughly, if the kick in the knee he gave you was anything to go by.
“Sorry”, you mumbled, only to receive a small groan for an answer.  
You don’t know how long you stayed like that, cozied up on the floor with your friends, listening to Doja’s newest collab, but the moment was disturbed when a foreign source of light appeared.  Someone had opened the door and when you saw who it was, your heart nearly skipped a beat.  Fucking feelings.
With a gentle smile on her face, Saeko was looking at you with what, for a split second, you thought was fondness, but a moment later her eyes went back to their usual playful glee, and her toothy grin returned.  
“Ryu got here like an hour ago, I’ve been looking for you, but I see you don’t really need me to have a good time, hm?”
By that point, you felt more sleepy than high, but seeing the woman occupying your every thoughts appear out of nowhere, with what looked like heavenly light all around her, which was just some crusty hallway lighting, woke you up faster than you cared to admit. You kissed Kenma on the cheek, patted Kunimi on the head, and slapped Terushima on the shoulder as a goodbye, and before they could complain about the disturbance, you were out of the door.
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yknow while this hellsite continues on the whole religion discussion thing, i’d like to jump in on it with my experience particularly with leaving catholic school.
like aside from my angsty pop-punk/emo etc teen phase (which’ll obvs be weaved into story later on) that led me to have different views from the church and aside from the whole sexism thing that i endured over my year 10 formal/junior prom in 2010 and 2011 from staff there….. i found it within myself incredibly hard to leave there… mostly because i’d known literally 1/3 of my year group at catholic school since kindy/kindergarten or some other point in primary school.
this affected my choice to leave and it was quite tumultuous inwardly. knowing the safety and predictably of the people i was with for all those years was a comfort to me. i knew their parents due to parent mixer bbqs that we’d have after mother’s day and father’s day liturgies- although i hated the mother’s day ones mostly, due to personal reasons. but to leave that comfortable place for overly loyal, kinda sorta shy (although everyone who knew me at that school wouldn’t’ve described me as shy bc i was a very loud show off because of drama class 😅) and by year 10, very lonely, highly socially anxious and depressed, teen me was terrifying. it meant losing her friends and stability and she obvs hated that thought. it meant leaving the one one place she ever felt good at something, drama class.
obviously, after she did leave for public school, she visited the catholic school on a few separate occasions, to try and keep the connection “alive” or whatever the fuck she wrote in a fake deep status on her fb (that i now get in my fb memories every year lmao). but it all ended pretty badly, when everyone from that school stopped talking to her once high school finished. no one invited her out. or if people did try to invite her out, like a couple of people did, it always fell through…. and it made her feel like she was just a bad luck charm or whatever other low self esteem talk she was telling herself. there was quite a few moody statuses around that too lmao.
but yeah. leaving catholic school was a massive thing for me back then, because even though i hadn’t gone to church on sunday for literal Y E A R S at that point; i still had a strong pull to that school because i’d known SO MANY kids at that school from primary/elementary/grade etc school, regardless of their year group level. because if there’s one thing catholic school was good at, it was networking 😂. you knew everyone, and everyone knew you. it was safe, it was sound, so i didn’t want to leave.
but once you leave, you lose your friends and what almost felt like an extended family (although they obvs weren’t). but at the same time, i’d grown to hate the safety and almost insularity of the school, because as i mentioned earlier, you felt like you could predict how people would react or behave in class/events etc.
i felt the above distinctly, because as i’ve mentioned plenty on here, from years 7-10 i was a very emotionally demonstrative kid. in some classes (mostly religion and PE when i was bothered to participate) i’d end up in shouting matches with the teacher or other students…. or y’know just have a casual meltdown in the middle of class, which many people saw as “attention seeking” behaviour. i felt watched, i felt ready to snap, and to quote the ever present All Time Low i felt like the bridge lyrics from “therapy” (which was/is quite obviously somewhat partially about the price of fame and hollywood imo- but that went over teen me’s head at the time lmao):
“arrogant boy, love yourself so no one has to, they’re better off without you (better off without you). arrogant boy, cause a scene like you’re supposed to, they’ll fall asleep without you; you’re lucky if your memory remains”
like yes. i’ll admit those bridge lyrics being applied to this time is rather overdramatic, in hindsight, but hey. that was teen me for ya lmao. and don’t even get me started on applying ATL’s song “sick little games” to this at the time as well 😂😅. anyway. from all the “lms and i’ll tell you what i like about you” trend statuses that people were doing back then on fb, i’d gained the tag of “cool/chill girl”, my crush rich boy, once called me “outrageous” because of how loud i was and how willing in years 7-9 to scream out stupid song lyrics like “i want to fuck dog in the ass” by blink 182, fight song by marilyn manson and then idek probably my humps by black eyed peas at the top my lungs through the very few halls that that school had 😂😅. i was being purposely and annoyingly offensive most of the time.
but eventually, once it came to things like one of the girls in my group wanting to run for vice school captain and the other girls in my group A L W A Y S being given leadership positions (LPs)….. while i always had to apparently “repent” my behaviour by being made (in theory from my teachers) to sit alone at lunch because of my “embarrassing” and “unseemly” behaviour at the so-called “training”/ “retreat” days we had for things like being peer support leaders for the new cohort of year 7s etc etc. i felt like everyone was just waiting for me to leave…. and that they couldn’t stand my “embarrassing” presence and that i’d ruin my friends chances of being selected as co-captain or whatever other bullshit LPs they wanted to run for. but still. i felt like i couldn’t leave. just. how do you leave a bunch of people that you’ve known for so long???
and even when my teachers were nice enough to give me a chance in a leadership position once; in that dastardly bullshit internet safety workshop thing that they should’ve literally just hired a professional workshop co. to do….. but to save money they used students in my year group instead. so, instead of being marked by my teachers on this program; i was marked by the catholic education office. they had a lady come in from the ceo to judge/mark us while presenting…… and this lady went off at teen me for “not being professional, responsible and respectful” or whatever the fuck the woman told 15/16yo me…. which teen me then fired back with “i don’t have to be fucking professional and responsible!!!! IM FUCKING 15!!!!”.. so from then on i was never given an LP or any other type of “peer support” role against my friends who were littered with offers for them. mind you, i did call a whole room of 14 year olds “a bunch of cunts” or the like and then stormed out thinking that i’d made a solid point, so the CEO woman had a good reason 😂😅….. again in hindsight.
of course there was also the bitterness of teen me being angry at the english dept for not giving her a spot in the top class of english in her half of the year. but as i’ve said previously on other posts, i’ve forgiven this because i did essentially fail one shakespeare in class assessment in year 8 or year 9 😂. but i strongly felt this during my time at catholic school bc my friends believed that i should’ve been in the top english class too lmao.
but aside from those troubles and foibles, i still found it incredibly hard to leave. to leave the perceived closeness of that group of girls, who would sometimes walk me down to the office and sit with me in “purple room” while i waited for the teacher that had to act as my therapist almost lmao. even though i always told my friends to leave me be and go back to class bc i felt bad about dragging them out of class for so long.
but yeah. with all the above behaviour, the song lyrics to me at the time made sense bc teen me just felt so pressured to fit into the whole “funny, cool, outrageous girl” bs box that people had put her in…. but at the same time she wanted to escape it bc she was just *flyleaf voice* SO SICK of being laughed at instead of laughed with (atl weightless reference here kids) just because… like she DESERVED to be taken seriously for fucks sake, and not a be a “monkey do funny dance” person… she obvs felt this the most in drama class. where in the shakespeare unit, she picked a medley of romeo and juliet and taming of the shrew monologues to do for her monologue. although she nearly did lady macbeth throwing herself off the tower, to be hella edgy…. but she opted not to do that in the end. but she picked serious pieces bc she was sick and tired of being classed as the one trick pony go-to funny person.
okay. this really went off topic. but y’all get the point??? the decision of leaving catholic school was a hell of a ride for little 14-16yo me. it was confusing, terrifying and tied up in years of being overly judged and feeling like people wanted me to leave bc they were sick of me. it was tied up in years of mid-class meltdowns that had become kind of routine for me to have, and that people were just brushing me off as “attention seeking”…. but also ironically waiting for me to snap at any second for another wild shouting match or walkout; which would then make me look like i was “unruly” or “untameable/unmanageable” or whatever the fuck….. but i couldn’t take that anymore, for the final senior years. i HAD to leave it.
again it was hard to leave for loyal little teen me, despite how lonely and isolated she felt. why leave your friends when you’re comfortable??? but also: why stay in this toxic environment where people are just waiting for you to either shut the fuck up and put up with it or just blow up and absolutely lose your shit??? that’s just unhealthy asf. and the only unruly thing that’s happening here is the complete lack of mental health help or management in the aussie education system; but most especially in religious schools.
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angeloncewas · 3 years
I understand your point, but it's really not as black and white as you're making it out to be.
Ariana Grande has millions of fans. Not even that - tens of millions. Of all ages. And of course they're going to talk about her birthday. They're going to make fan-edits and they're going to make posts and they're going to celebrate a person they find happiness and comfort in.
And many of them will not have a single fucking clue about anything else going on. I have a fandom Twitter account for a TV show. Its so finely tuned in terms of preferences, followed blogs, ect, that I don't get any other content outside of that fandom. Young people may have restrictions on their accounts. Some people do not have the capacity or headspace for traumatic/negative content and so avoid it on their social media platforms.
Things of great magnification can and do coexist at one point in time. Supernatural tags were trending while Free Palestine was. People can discuss matters of importance while also discussing other things and while also taking respite and comfort in their hobbies and enjoyment.
At the end of the day - so much weight is placed on if a tag trends, as if it achieves anything except exposure. 85% of those posts that make up the tag are literally just singular posts depicting the hashtag and nothing else. Nothing useful like fundraisers or information. Statistics or references. Just a bunch of people tweeting out #freetheworld or something and thinking that's their activism quota hit for the month.
Trending a tag is good for exposure, but the fact that a tag is trending doesn't mean anything impactful is actually happening. Stop placing weight on if a tag is trending and start placing worth on what discussion is actually taking place.
I feel like you very much misconstrued my post, because you're literally arguing my own points back to me.
I've said this over and over: fandom is meant to be fun. I don't think activism is or should be a requirement in a fandom space and I've talked at great length about this (so much so that based on that discrepancy, I'm assuming you don't know me). I think that people should be allowed to tweet about whatever they want because Twitter is social media, not a true news site. I am extremely wary of the burnout these young kids are driving themselves toward with the ideology that if you post about something other than an issue when said issue is ongoing, you're a terrible person (you're not). I've posted so much about the very points you bring up that I'm sure my regular followers are absolutely sick of it.
To respond directly - I'm not "placing weight on if a tag is trending." I don't care if MCC trends or not ! My post was very directed and because of that - if it was presented without context - it may have come off differently. Basically, mcyttwt is demanding that people shut up about MCC in order to actively keep it from trending, so as to allow for focus on the Derek Chauvin case, and I was trying to point out the issues with this line of reasoning.
I have no problem with people tweeting about Ariana Grande, or sports, or anything else. My point in bringing her up was only to pick apart flaws in their reasoning. Stuff is going to trend regardless of what we do, so why should we be stifling the widespread popularity of an event whose proceeds are going to a life-saving cause? Especially if you really are focused on activism (because they're extremely performative, but claim not to be).
I'm so genuinely confused as to how you misinterpreted me to such a degree - I'm sorry if I was unclear, I was speaking from emotion rather than presenting a well-thought-out argument - and I hope this provides some clarity for you. Feel free to ask if you'd like some more explanation / discussion / whatever.
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jngles · 4 years
Thoughts You Definitely All Asked For on ‘The Mandalorian’ Season 2 Finale!!
These are in chronological order for the show.
One of my biggest fears about them reintroducing Boba Fett was that by removing some of his mystery, they would make him less cool. Thank god that has not been the case. He’s still an aloof and nasty piece of work but with dimensions added.
We all know the Empire is most often a metaphor for America right? At least when it’s not being Nazi Germany? The Imperial pilot talking about destroying an entire planet (of peaceful weaponless civilians no less) to stop terrorism hits a little too close to home of the nuclear bombs the US has dropped and the endless destruction of the Middle East in the “war against terror.” And of course we frame all our wars in similar language like “our troops died to keep our country safe,” which hasn’t really been true since WWII.
I do think it’s worth noting that this is the first time SW has had someone acknowledge the human losses of the Death Star blasts. Usually it’s framed as a loss in construction time, strategical advantage, and power. The Empire proved time and time again that the lives of its soldiers were utterly expendable, which always made me question why people remained loyal outside of fear. Through this pilot’s phrasing, you can see the propaganda Imperial superiors used to twist the truth to their followers, always blaming those deaths on Rebel aggression instead of prideful Imperial neglect (I.e. not abandoning ship when there was still time) or even direct Imperial aggression like Operation Cinder where they fired on thousands of their own (discussed in S2E7.)
You can’t tell me Din wasn’t into it when Cara shot that asshole pilot. That cold faced revenge shot? 100% Mandalorian style, and also very very hot.
I appreciate that it was a pretty equal match between Boba and Koska Reeves. So much of Boba’s advantage comes from his suit, but since she also has one, it’s a battle of wits on how to use it, and they even out. This both maintains his legendary badassery and also that of highly trained Mandalorian warriors, and hopefully avoids asshole chauvinist SW fans on the internet complaining abujt “pandering to feminism” (fuck off @ all of them, especially since Mercedes Vernado who plays Reeves is a WWE champ and could kick all of your asses.)
Din point blank asked how many Death Troopers there are and Dr. Pershing never answered, and that annoys me.
Why is no one suspicious why Dr. Pershing is being so helpful and revealing so much information? He totally did not have to tell them about the Dark Troopers or any of the specifics of locations on the ship. He’s still with the empire post-fall, implying he’s a loyalist, so... wtf on his part (since no tricks come of it), and “be smarter” on the part of everyone else. Unless he’s been captive as a clone engineer all this time. But couldn’t he have made his escape back in Season 1 when Din killed everyone at that lab to get the kid back?
Bo Katan really could’ve just told them how the retrieval of the dark saber needs to work in the flight before the mission instead of being vague about “he belongs to me.”
Boba Fett’s usage of “Princess” and “don’t worry about me” are a good throwback to Han Solo and the culture they both grew up in. You can never quite tell if it’s based in misogyny or resentment for upper classes, but both of them seem to use it as a shield for begrudging respect they hold for a woman they think is brave but following a fool’s errand (the Rebellion and retaking Mandalore).
The Comms Officer (Katy O’Brian) assisting Moff Gideon will forever and always look like Ilana Glazer to me, and then I get swept up imagining what would happen if the Broad City cast accidentally got transported to Star Wars.
The launch tube sequence has some amazing cinematography.
The second I saw Boba was cut off from the pack, I really thought they were going to kill him again and make his return bittersweet. Glad they didn’t.
God this team of Bo Katan, Koska Reeves, Fennec Shand, and Cara Dune is SO BADASS. I’m just obsessed with all these characters and their various motivations to get shit done. I honestly didn’t even think about the fact it’s all women until my re-watch, showing that the writers made it feel natural, the way women deserve to have their representation done. You can bet I am SO EXCITED for my future daughter and the wealth of possibilities she’s going to have of characters to play pretend as, action figures she can relate to, Halloween costumes to wear, etc. It’s so validating that we’ve gone from only Princess Leia as a female main character to all these women + Rey, Jyn Erso, Ahsoka, etc. etc.
Can’t wait for the trap remix of the Dark Trooper activation noises. (And the transition from that to the minimalist flute theme is perfect.)
The spy movie version of the main theme music is sick.
The Dark Trooper droid faces have a lot of similarity to Darth Vader’s mask. That callback is especially apparent when the one is literally lit from the inside with fire. He was already a martyr/legend to the Imperial remnants, Kylo Ren didn’t start the trend of ignoring his redemption.
Cara’s “excuse me” right before shooting up Stormtroopers is hilarious. Literally “can’t talk rn, doing hot girl shit and murdering space Nazis.”
Finally an Imperial ship got some frickin security cameras. Truly- the amount of times people just wander down hallways they’re not supposed to be in with no one being able to find them throughout the course of Star Wars is ridiculous when you think about the degree of surveillance our real life society carries out. I also love that this means The Mandalorian characters have also seen The Mandalorian.
The storytelling does such a service to Pedro Pascal and his already heroic efforts to portray emotion through a helmet. For example: Din easily could’ve killed the one stormtrooper outside Grogu’s cell much more efficiently, but instead, to show his absolute rage, they wrote in Din choking him out with a spear.
Moff Gideon would have been the BIGGEST pain in the ass in philosophy class. “Assume I know everything” my ass. I want to hear about his backstory (he would’ve been “coming of age” at the time of the Clone Wars) mostly just to hear about him getting bullied at school.
Smart move honestly, to try to tempt Din with the Mandalorian throne, given the Mandalorian power struggles of the past. Proud of our boy for keeping his priorities straight.
So has the blood from Grogu been transferred out of the ship and back to the remnant empire already, or do they have to find a new “donor” to help with building Snoke and Palpatine’s clones? Will they continue to go after him with Luke?
Lmao Din being so annoyed by Bo Katan being stringent about the tradition of winning the Dark Saber through combat is HILARIOUS, coming from a man who up until like a day ago hadn’t shown his face to a living being in decades.
The dark troopers can punch in blast doors but NOT Din’s helmet?? That’s a wild testament to beskar. Somehow that’s the comparison that sticks out to me, more even than its resistance to lightsabers.
This show works because of the cynicism of so many characters adding contrast to the moments of heart. Cara Dune is not a “fan” the way Rey was (for the record I love Rey, don’t come at her, it’s just different). Cara doesn’t see an X-Wing and go OMG THE REBELLION I LOVE THEM. She’s been through too much to believe in the magic saviourism of the “good guys,” and is instead thinking strategically when she, the one Rebel present, brushes off the usefulness of “one X-Wing.” The only positive things she seems to feel in battle situations are moments of relief and brief satisfaction in hurting the empire, with a dark knowledge that it will never make up for the hurt they did to her.
How do you keep a cloak hood on while fighting? Both from a technical standpoint (my hats fall off without me even having to move- is he expending force energy just to keep it on and look cool lol?) and also because idk, maybe it’s just me, but peripheral vision is helpful when surrounded by killer robots on a thin bridge above oblivion. I know his first lesson was to “see” through the force, but every resource helps, right?
Now that she has the ship, I wonder if Bo Katan can reprogram any salvageable Dark Troopers to help with retaking Mandalore?
There is nothing like seeing Luke’s fighting style, with its efficient choppiness and twinge of darkness. I always wonder how much is natural and how much is influenced by his first fights with Vader (that Skywalker diva flair). I love how they’ve advanced his technique but also kept him extremely “grey” here- like to straight up COMBUST a Dark Trooper takes some violent energy lol.
How tf is Moff Gideon alive after threatening Grogu’s life twice directly? That’s a wild testament to Din’s regard for Cara.
I love how seeing Luke slice through a bunch of murder droids like butter probably was a huge point in his favor for Din actually letting Grogu go with him. Like he will only send his child to boarding preschool if he knows the teacher will be a certified killing machine.
Oh my god they finally brought in some OG Star Wars theme music for Luke to take his hood off to 😭 It felt weird seeing him fight to different music, so the emotional payoff is huge when his themes come back for the face reveal.
Whoever added the digital young Mark Hamill face NAILED those classic shining Luke eyes and the earnest eyebrow lift.
Whoever shines the glass of Baby Yoda’s lil puppet eyeballs each day deserves a raise. The light caught in those babies is devastating.
Din is shaking as he takes off his helmet. This is the most enormous show of love he could give him, and possibly the last he’ll be able to for a long time. He only just got Grogu back and is desperate for a moment of real connection before letting him go once again.
This is the first time anyone has touched Din’s face since... likely his parents as a child.
Whoever wrote this scene clearly actually has kids. Anyone who’s ever had to leave a young child even just to go out for a bit or to drop them off somewhere knows that heartbreak of seeing them look in your eyes and hold on to your leg, trying to keep you with them. Especially when they can sense your mutual separation anxiety. The one thing that starts to make them feel better is something fun like a new toy or friend who can be their guide in the new environment, and R2’s friendly introduction is exactly that (since digital Luke isn’t being particularly emotive or child friendly... I hope that’s just because he’s reaching into Grogu’s mind while also keeping an eye on the multiple people with guns trained on him, not because he’s going to be totally unfeeling raising this kid.)
I love that Grogu and R2 are immediately buddies in contrast to Episode 5 when R2 was like “fuck this guy” @ Yoda stealing food and hitting him with a walking stick lol. I would imagine Luke must be reminded of that first introduction too and entertained by this display of playfulness in a *positive* light between R2 and mini-Yoda.
I need to know if Luke and Ahsoka have met- it is KILLING ME.
Does this mean Grogu will get killed by Kylo Ren when he fucks up Luke’s academy??? I will reincarnate Ben just to kill him again if that’s the case.
How does Luke not even fully SMILE at Grogu?? An adorable little baby version of his beloved master Yoda, and you’re telling me he doesn’t have the same heart stopping gasp we all did when we first saw him?? Maybe he did when they first connected through the force. He has a bit of bemusement on his face, and also wonder in his eyes, but I want a grin of recognition and welcome, dammit.
I really wish Luke had somehow acknowledged Cara Dune. Everyone else seems to see the tear drop Rebel sign and know it means Alderaan. He could’ve been like yo I have a badass warrior sister from your planet that you should meet. Or just “thank you for your service.” (I know this actually wouldn’t have been cinematically good but my heart wants it.)
Luke didn’t tell Din his name?? Or ask for any details about the kid and his care?? I could literally never let my kid go with someone, regardless of how worthy, and not be like, “Excuse me sir who are you and where tf are you taking my tiny beloved green goblin in case I need to find him? Here is my contact info. He likes to eat frogs and eggs, and he can have macarons as a treat. He’s 50 years old and his favorite toy is still a ball. Bedtime is 8pm and he’s allergic to dairy.”
Another reason I wish Luke had identified himself would be to see the mishmash of reactions that would ensue. Cara would be like DAMN IT’S THAT GUY WHO BLEW UP THE DEATH STAR AND KILLED THE EMPEROR, ACT COOL (and she would indeed act cool). Fennec would be like ugh it’s that guy who helped kill my best paying client Jabba the Hutt and then fucked over my boss Boba, I helped save the kid for THIS? And I would LOVE to know how Bo Katan feels about him, assuming she’s heard of him, and especially if she knows he’s Anakin Skywalker’s son. That confusion is probably the reason WHY the writers didn’t have him reveal himself- they didn’t want to break the emotion of the scene.
Let‘s all be real I’m just being needy about wanting things from Luke because of what he meant to me as a kid and my resulting innate need to have more canon of him, whatever it is, whenever I can get it. Especially in this form that’s so similar to ROTJ, a movie I watched on endless repeat. Even getting this was incredible though. Who else could we trust this lil heart-stealing green bean with so fully? Yet who would be so arrogant as to try to train a baby yodling (see: Ahsoka’s wise refusal)?
R2 is reckless as hell lmao. Not that we don’t already know that, but for him to just head on in, effectively abandoning Luke’s ship (how can they know if there are more troopers or not who might blow it up?) and also putting himself in the path of the ridiculously deadly Dark Troopers is NUTS. I’m usually on his side but he absolutely deserves a scolding by C3PO for this one.
I wonder if Grogu has any memories of R2 or vice versa since they did occupy the Jedi Temple at the same time. Can Grogu understand droids? They could swap stories about mutual acquaintances.
Does Din pretty much have to go with Bo Katan now since a) he’s shown his face and may not be able to go back to the Watch, and b) because he has the darksaber and has to figure out how to get it back to her without dying?
How in the hell did Bib Fortuna (whose chins age was not kind to) go from being butler to being boss? Were all the henchmen just like, “Fuck yeah, no Hutt parents no rules, let’s do what we want!!” And then they’ve spent the last ten years living off of whatever money they could salvage from Jabba’s non-banked wealth? Why has no one challenged them for that prime real estate and loot? I would love to hear that story.
Fennec Shand says “respect sex workers” so you better fuckin’ do it.
Idk dude Bib Fortuna really was a good butler, and he seemed pretty willing to comply with whoever’s in power. Did he screw Boba over in his attempt to return from the dead and earn that killing shot somehow? Or was this to make sure there was no one left who would have a claim to loyalty? Or maybe Boba just really wanted to sit in that chair.
Does “The Book of Boba Fett” mean we’re not on Din Djarin’s story anymore? Or is it a new show? I would much prefer the latter. I want to see Din help retake Mandalore or at least get a hug.
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captain-stab-a-hoe · 3 years
I was tagged by the oh so rude lovely @gusu-emilu for a bunch of questions that would surely incriminate me for innocent reasons
My name: Funny I go through so many names online but if you know me personally on discord my name is Fujiwara otherwise Akumu is fine. You ain't getting my real juicy bits
Pronouns: She/Her but I've also joked about identifying as a biblically accurate angel
Star sign: Yes yes I'm a cancer get all your "cancers are sensitive" jokes out the way so I can cry faster
Height: 5'8 and will not hesitate so flex on my baby short ass friends
Time: As of right now it's 3:14 PM but I'm sure by the time I'm done an hour and a half would have passed cause I'm slow as hell
Birthday: July 9th. There is no year cause I just straight up spawned and I'd be in deep shit if I said otherwise. Low-key if you scroll through my blog there's a post i reblogged that basically says it
Nationality: American
Fave bands/groups: I don't exactly have one if that makes sense. Like I don't listen to just one band or whatever in particular but if it counts I do have a few songs recently downloaded from Blackpink that I'm into
Song stuck in your head: A lot lf songs has been stuck in my damn head but Dead Stroke is the one that's been on repeat in my head the most
Last move you watched: Not sure if doing shit on my phone while a random movie plays on Netflix counts as watching it but last movie that played was called 1922 and I didn't pay much attention to it but I thought it was a pretty solid film
Last show you binged: Heaven official's blessing though I'm not sure if that counts cause it was so short. If it doesn't then Baki
When you created your blog: I...don't know. I know it was last year and I've only had it for a few months. My memory is not the best
Last thing you googled: Xuexiao fanart shut up
Why you chose your url: Uhhh it my attempt at trying to be funny 😑
How many people are you following: 57 people but I forgot why I followed most of them and the rest i followed cause they followed me
How many followers do you have: 20 but I'm sure one of them is the sex bot and some of the others also forgot they followed me or are sick of how much I reblog at once. Either way I'm grateful for you all 😌
Average hours of sleep: That's between me and God but not a healthy amount for sure
Lucky numbers: 7 for some reason? 7 ain't done shit for me but I just claimed it
Instruments: I can play the recorder a little bit and I played the piano in elementary school
What are you currently wearing: Sounds like a suspicious question but I'll bite. An old shirt from my elementary school that still fits me and some leggings. My fashion is not the best-
Dream job: I don't exactly have a dream job or something I'm passionate about working in. I wanted to be a nurse to contribute something of my life to people and society in general
Dream trip: Well I've wanted to go to Italy, France, Japan, or China but I probably won't unless i have a guide or something cause I'm not trying to offend people by speaking of shit off Google translate
Fave food: I don't have one I'll eat almost anything like a fucking vacuum if it tastes good enough
Top three fictional universes you'd like to live in: MDZS (specifically in Yungmeng Jiang), JJBA, and Dr. Stone
Last song: Ice Cream by Blackpink. I swear there's a recent trend of listening to kpop with me but I'm half sure it's because I found some of them on Just Dance
Currently reading: Currently trying to read Heaven official's blessing. I'm only on chapter 7 and it's been months my attention span is a damn joke
Currently watching: CQL but once again my attention span has left me on episode 25 for months
What is antipoetry to you: What the hell is that? Like antiwriting? Just don't write I guess idk man
Currently craving: More xuexiao fanfics...and the energy to finish the one I'm working on
That's it and oh my god I was right it's 4:02 PM right now ugh
I'm tagging @kuyosuke even though I know damn well she won't do this shit
Thanks for the questions you now have more information on me than I would like so now if I've talked to you before you're stuck with me
Don't ask how you just are-
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