#but both her shoulder and her ankle will be covered up by her outfit
eufezco · 10 months
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IN WHICH Finnick is interviewed by Caesar.
Caesar Flickerman greeted Finnick. Everyone in the audience stood up from their seats when he entered the stage, men chanted his name and women shouted for his attention. ―Thank you, thank you so much. ―Finnick smiled and waved to everyone in the audience who had welcomed him so warmly. He was especially handsome that night. The white shirt that your stylist had put on him had a large opening in the front that went down to almost his belly button, somewhat revealing for the Capitol but not vulgar at all. The bottom part of his outfit was a skirt that reached his ankles and the necklaces made with materials from your district rested on his neck.
From your place backstage you could appreciate how Finnick's green eyes shone under the spotlights. They also had that lovely glow when he saw you arrive at the back of the stage with your outfit. He wanted to tell you how pretty you looked, he wanted to help you relax before going on stage with Caesar. Finnick knew how uncomfortable those questions, often more private than they should be, made you. But it had been days since the last time you talked to him and you didn't have a Capitol camera on you, and that didn't seem to be the moment when you were going to speak to him again.
You had taken the opportunity to look him up and down when he was not aware of your presence. When his eyes fell on you, you acted unbothered, with a serious face and not paying attention to him for even a second. He was by your side with his hands behind his back minutes before he went onto the stage, you were paying attention to the tributes being interviewed but Finnick was looking at you out of the corner of his eye.
―You look great. ―Finnick dared to say. He didn't receive an answer from you, not even a look of disdain or a grimace. He pressed his lips together, defeated, and stretched the muscles in his back as the host introduced him.
You stayed backstage, watching him with your arms crossed and with still no expression on your face. The trip to the Capitol had been tense. Very tense on your part. Your hostile attitude hadn't made things easy for Finnick, your mentor Mags, and even yourself. From the instant your names came out through your stay at the tribute's hotel up to that moment, you had been avoiding Finnick. Mags had tried to bring you back to him, but you were pissed off. Pissed off with the Capitol for putting you in that arena with the love of your life, with Finnick for pretending that everything was okay, and with yourself for not letting them kill you in your first games.
You looked over your shoulder when a girl covered in white fabric appeared in your visual field. She came closer to you, accompanied by Effie who was constantly arranging her dress, and you rolled your eyes. ―A wedding dress. Of course. ―You pointed out loud enough for the girl to hear you.
You and that girl liked each other. Very similar personalities, highly challenging to the Capitol, difficult to contain for President Snow. You wouldn't say you two had a friendship but your encounters during training definitely could have been the beginning of one if you were not just a few days away from fighting for your lives in the games. Again.
―Snow made me wear it. ―Katniss confessed.
You looked up and down at her and nodded.― Make him pay for it.
―Finnick, it is an honor to have you here with us tonight. ― They both sat and Caesar grabbed both FInnick's hands, shaking them. The smile remained on Finnick's lips. ―We thought we would never have you back but we're so glad that we get to see you once again. Let's show some love to Finnick Odair, ladies and gentlemen!
At that moment the people in the audience applauded and shouted for him again. Your eyes were still focused on your partner, the boy was very relaxed, grateful for all the affection he was receiving from the people of the Capitol. Gosh, he was so good at pretending. At that moment your dress started to feel too tight and your stomach grumbled; was it because of the crappy food you'd been at the Capitol? Because of how tight was the dress around your body? Or was it because of how disgusted you felt with the person Finnick became when a Capitol camera focused on him? Even if you knew he was faking it, you didn't like seeing him like that.
―The pleasure is always mine, Caesar.
―Finnick, we saw that dramatic reaping day that took place on District 4 and I think I speak for everyone when I say that we lived it very intensely. ―Murmurs could be heard in the audience agreeing with the host. Finnick pressed his lips together and nodded. ―First, your name comes out, ten years after your first victory, and then her name comes out and we can see how your expression changes completely. Look, look at that. ―The images from that day played on the big screens for the people to watch and you had to look away.
You swallowed and tensed your back, all the memories of that day came to your head unwantedly. His name. Your heart feeling heavy inside your chest. Him walking to the center of the stage with a smile on his lips. His eyes on you telling you to not worry. Your name. Gasps from the people of District 4. Finnick's jaw clenching. It became difficult for him to breathe. You walking to the center of the stage next to him with no smile on your lips. You shook hands. People clapped for you two.
―Are you okay? ―Katniss placed her hand on one of your shoulders and you nodded, closing your eyes and focusing on your breathing.
―People in District 4 love drama. ―A familiar voice said behind you two. The girl in her tree and wood-inspired outfit approached you and Katniss with a devilish smile on her lips. ―It's already done, girl. Your name came out already and you are here. Get yourself together. Snow is watching, don't embarrass yourself like this.
The relationship you had with Johanna Mason was complicated. You did consider her somewhat of a friend but sometimes she was too much. Finnick definitely knew how to deal with her better than you.
―We have been informed that she has expressly asked not to be here with you tonight, how does that make you feel?
―Well, it makes me feel sad, obviously. As everybody knows, she is a very special person to me and I think we could handle this situation much better together. Things have been difficult but I strongly believe we are the best allies, in and out of the arena. The love I have for her keeps me from having any negative feelings about her not wanting to sit with me here tonight, Caesar. I just hope that you all can enjoy her later.
―I'm sure we will have the best time with her. She's lovely, very lovely. ―People clapped. They loved Finnick. You could see it on their faces every time the boy opened his mouth, how they nodded their heads to everything he said, empathizing with him. In a way you were grateful for it, when the time came you knew they would rather save him. ―As you said, she'll be sitting here later and we know she's back there now, probably watching us and waiting for her moment. Finnick, is there anything you'd like to say to her?
Finnick nodded and acted for a few seconds as if he was looking for the words. As if he hadn't had this planned. ―My love, you have my heart. All eternity. And if I― if I die in that arena, my last thought will be of your lips.
―Oh, Finnick! You're going to make our hearts melt! When did you became such a loverboy?
―I've always been, Caesar.
They all laughed.
Johanna giggled and you ran your hand over your face. Maybe Johanna was right and the people of District Four were too dramatic. Katniss was left speechless, he and his ability to make those things sound natural surprised her. He reminded her of Peeta.
―Forgive me but I must ask because I know people are dying to know. Is everything okay between you two? Has the Quarter Quell been the cause of any couple crises?
People in the audience laughed again and so did Finnick. He didn't find it funny but laughed anyway which made you angrier.―No, that has not happened, no. We have had our ups and downs since that day, as you said, there have been a lot of emotions going on. We had plans for the future but we are trying to get through it.
―I'm sorry, Finnick, but you can't leave us like this. Plans for the future? Tell us more about that.
―We were trying for a baby.
That statement hit you like a big wave and swept you breathlessly to the seashore. You heard Johanna chuckling and Katniss, on the other hand, was as surprised and as confused as you were. People in the audience got up from their seats, demanding more information, asking if there was a wedding planned, and questioning if you were already pregnant.
―No we weren't. ―You mumbled getting the attention of the two girls who were with you. ―¡No we weren't! ― You tried to go on stage, angry like the sea during a storm and about to do something foolish that you would regret later and for which Mags would tell you off. Johanna was quick to step in front of you to prevent that from happening. Effie let out a little scream, seeing the scandal that was being made.
―Johanna, move.
The girl shook her head at you, smirking. That smirk. She knew all along.
―I'm not asking, Johanna. Move.
Johanna, again, shook her head at you.
―¡Ladies! Let's mind our manners and let's calm down. Please. ―Effie intervened, aware that there were people from the Capitol backstage watching. Katniss was behind you, silently rooting for Johanna to let you out.
―He knows Snow is not canceling the games. He's saving you.
―I do not need him to save me. I do not want him to save me. If I have come all this way, it is to save him.
Johanna smiled, mocking you. ―Well, he has gone ahead of you.
―What's going on? ―Peeta appeared and Effie jumped on his neck to fix the white suit he was wearing.
―She's pregnant. ―Johanna answered him.
―I'm not.
―Congratulations. ―The boy from District 12 told you sincerely.
―¡I'm not pregnant!
Seeing that people in the audience were not calming down after Finnick's news, Caesar mumbled something in the boy's ear. Unlike the rest of the tributes who had already been interviewed and who remained on the stage, Finnick was sent to the back of it.
―Girl from 4, you're next. ―A man from the staff announced and grabbed your arm. Caesar was distracting the audience while they got you ready to go out.
―Get off of me. I'm not going anywhere. ―You shook your body and managed to free yourself from the grip that was eager to push you on stage. You were still face to face with Johanna who had not taken a single step backwards and waiting for Finnick.
He said goodbye to the audience and walked to where you were. He knew what was waiting for him there, an even angrier you who would not understand why he had done that. All this time moving around the Capitol and with much of your relationship on display for everyone, and you still hadn't learned how to play the real game.
―I'll go for her. I'm ready. ―Peeta offered instead of you. The man seemed satisfied and before walking Peeta to the stage, he warned you that you would go after the boy from District 12 whether you liked it or you didn't.
Finnick walked with his head down. You were no longer interested in Johanna but you were surprised by the way she and Finnick shared a look of complicity when he passed by your side. His eyes never landed on you but they did on his friend. You turned around and walked after him. Your fists were close, your jaw was tight.
You pushed him by his shoulders, now it was Finnick who seemed unbothered. You pushed him again, trying to get any reaction but instead, he continued walking as if you did not affect it. He was calmed, he did what he thought it needed to be done. People in the Capitol will have mercy on you, you will have plenty of sponsors and you will make it out alive. But you didn't want that. You wanted him to be the last one standing, you had already discussed that with Mags. The woman assured you that she'd do anything in her power to get Finnick out alive. ―Why did you do that to me?! Who gave you the right to do that?! Finnick I swear to God if you don't speak to me right now!
―Oh, now you want to talk, don't you? What happens if now I don't feel like it? Would you like that? Would you like me ignoring you like you've been doing with me for the past days?
By the way his eyes looked at you and the way he had said it, practically spitting the words in your face, you knew he had been holding it in for days. You shook your head. ―It's not the same.
―Oh but it is. Trust me. You just don't want to see it. And for your information, it was Mags. She gave me the right.―He turned around and answered your previous question. ―Oh, you didn't expect that answer? Did you think you were the only one she’s made promises to?
You clenched your jaw. You did think that. Whatever she'd promised Finnick would contradict the promises she had made to you, so she was clearly fooling one of you two. And you knew it wasn't Finnick.
―You made me look weak!
―But you're not so why do you care? Right now you have more than half of those people in the palm of your hand. You could need the stupidest thing in the arena and they would send it to you without even thinking about it. They will make you the victor.
―I didn't want that! I didn't want that and you don't even care!
―You're right, I don't.
―You fucker. ―You threw yourself against his chest, hitting him with your small hands compared to his body. He was still standing on the spot while you beat him with tears in your eyes out of anger.
―Come on come on, give him a break. ―Haymitch, who had gone backstage to be with Katniss when he saw Peeta come out on stage, tried to separate you from Finnick by grabbing you around your waist.
―Why don't you save all that anger for when we're in the arena? It'll be better.
―Finnick! ―Effie said, shocked.
―I fucking hate you. ― You mumbled. While Haymitch managed to get you away from Finnick, your hands grabbed his shirt, he wasn't going to get off that easy, not after that comment. Your body shook against District 12's mentor.
―I could really use a helping hand right now, you know? ―Haymitch struggled to hold you. Katniss and Johanna freed Finnick from your grip and he left. You tried to go after him but obviously, you couldn't do anything against three people. As you continued to fight to free yourself from his grasp, Peeta's voice sounded louder over the loudspeakers, getting your attention.
If it weren't for the baby.
You looked at Katniss and she looked at you, still trying to process what had just come out of Peeta's mouth and trying to find a way of not going into that stage and choke him to death. Now you were going to be the one who was going to hold her down.
―Well, congratulations to you two. You are going to be amazing moms if you make it out of this one alive.
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mx-your-name · 6 months
His Goddess
Possessive!Adam x Goddess!Reader
Warning: Yandere theme, Possessive Adam, nothing really about murder besides Adam’s dead and Sinners
Prompt: You are both of the goddess of Creation and Destruction
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-It started off as you making a meeting of you and the rest of the gods and goddess about certain things that need to be taken care of and made a full balanced out scale so nothing could get destroyed or messed up.
-You were running a bit late since you had others to deal with.
-Your advisor who was the one to help out with your schedule had you do some stuff almost making you fully late to the meeting that you had set up.
“No! I told you! We need to act now! Heaven and Hell are going to destroy each other!” A female yelled. She was wearing a flowy white outfit, short white sleeves that stayed on her shoulder and across her chest making a big V shape. A cut on each side of the dress on each side of her legs so they could stick out. Some gold draped over her waist with a white blindfold over her eyes representing her covering her eyes so wouldn’t be able to cheat on the winning side. There was a scale on the table beside her where she could determine on what side to decide to choose from. A lion next to where she sits at the table. This was Themis the goddess of Justice and Law.
“I say they continue, it’s the only way to figure out the war! They need to sort this out themselves, we cannot interfere with anything or that’ll mess up everything that he built up! And they are to know nothing about our existence!” A male shouted back across the circular table from her. He was wearing mostly full armor and a helmet, he had a spear that slid into the chair arm rest that he sat on so he wouldn’t have to keep holding it. A red cape that fell behind him against his back. His shield that he always carried around next to him. There was mostly red and dark red on his clothes which represented the blood and violence. This was Ares the god of War and Courage
“Well we need to decide something or they'll be with each other and there won’t be anyone else any longer!” Themis responded back, her lion growling at the god of War. “I say that it goes on! They can decide their own damn fate with you determining what to happen with your stupid scale!” Ares remarked back, a tick appearing on his head as Themis gritted her teeth in anger. “Oh I can’t watch this! Why can't we all get along and love each other..” a male muttered to himself, he was wearing a white sash that goes over his body covering everything up. Giant white wings on his back that were against his back. This was Eros the god of Love and Desire, or as others call him Cupid.
Placing his fingers up his face pressing one against his mouth, as he glanced between the two who were fighting about the situation at hand. He sat beside the goddess of justice on the right side of her. A sigh comes from across Eros as he looks over to see a female that had a bird on her arm as she fed it. She was wearing a green draped dress that went down to her ankles, some green vines snaking around her head and on top of her head forming a flower crown that grew from the vines and bushes. This was Demeter the goddess of Nature and Fertility.
“What do you think about this matter, Demeter?” Eros asked, smiling a gentle closed smile. “I honestly don’t care about it unless it involves me, Eros. After all there’s really nothing we can do without interfering with what's happening between them both.” Demeter said, being fully honest about everything she stated. Eros felt his cheeks turn red, a bit admirable of the woman in front of him.
“Who cares what you think! I’m the god of War! And I say let it happen, how else did I solve my situation?” Ares slammed his hands on the table as he stood up glaring at Themis who also got up from her seat. “That doesn't mean anything! We need to stop it! And who cares about the war you’ve been through? You wanted to be in that war! And you know it!” Themis commented, anger written on her face.
Ares was going to resort back but was cut off by a loud voice enough in through the room. “That’s enough for both of you!” All attention went to you who was at the head of the table, Ares on your right and Themis on your left with Demeter next to Ares and Eros next to Themis. Both of them muttered sorry with a bow, immediately sitting back down after that.
You wore a long white and gold cloak that would almost reach the ground with a white looking dress that reached to the ground practically dragging against it. It wasn’t bigger than your height, instead it was made that way to shrink or grow depending on the height you wanted to go along with the same thing with the other gods and goddesses. Your black boots covered by the clothing, taking a seat as you started talking. You were the goddess of Creation and Destruction.
Everyone nodding their heads as they look at you, “Now let’s discuss what the situation is at hand. The heaven exterminators that have been killing sinners.” Glancing over at everyone then continuing on. “Does anyone have any ideas on what we should do about this at hand?” Questioning as you look towards Ares first letting him speak.
“I believe that we should just let them figure out their war against each other. If we intervene at all it could mess up everything and everyone would also find out about our existence which is supposed to stay a secret.” Ares explained knowing what might happen if you all stopped everything or tried to reveal yourselves. Nodding your head at the end of his words, “I see.. Themis? What do you have to say about this?”
“I think, sorry. I know that this is an incredibly stupid idea! If we don’t do anything then we are gonna have to keep reincarnating every single person that dies at the hand of the angels or they get completely wiped from this world of their existence! We’ve already had over 500 sinners dead since the last five extermination.” Themis went on, she was one to be level headed but at this point her patience was running thinner and thinner.
Letting out a hum as you quickly snapped your fingers making tea appear in front of everyone in the room. “Drink some tea and calm down Themis. You too Ares. Yelling isn’t gonna get anything done correctly.” You told them, Themis letting out a breath and drinking some of your tea as Ares just grumbles but doesn’t say anything else. “[Name], if I may speak up. I think we should be focused on those IMP’s right now. They’ve been destroying everything on Earth and killing people after people without a care in the world.”
Demeter spoke calmly, looking over at you as she pet her bird that sat on her finger. “Ah yes that was another problem I was going to discuss. Thank you for reminding me Demeter. Now about the IMP’s I think we should-” getting cut off by your words when a loud thud was heard at the other end of the room in front of the giant door. Everyone's head snaps towards the door, as the person who distrusted the meeting. You knew everyone would never intrude during the meetings especially even go near the room.
The person stood up grumbling looking around the room to see it was quite large, vines climbing up the walls to represent Nature, heart shaped lighting to represent Cupid, knight armor to represent War, scale alongside the walls to represent Justice, and nice interior design made from Creation. Getting a better look at the male face who looked at the five of you. Demeter eyes widened in surprise, Ares sprinting out his drink on accident eyes wide, Themis jaw was on the floor at who the male was, and Eros was freaking out.
You on the other hand were also surprised but shocked on how this could’ve happened. “Is… is that..?” Eros started, pointing his finger at the male who was shocked at your guy's height being even taller than him. “Who the fuck are you guys?” You recognized that look, clearing your throat as you softly smiled. “Welcome, Adam. Though I must ask what are you doing here? You aren’t supposed to be up..here.”
You spoke smoothly, staring down at him with your eyes peering at him. “Oh I don’t know. I got fucking stabbed and killed! Where the hell am I?” He said sarcastically, everyone was whispering to themselves on what to do since no one besides them and their workers are supposed to be up high on these levels. Not even Sera was allowed up here. “Well if you must know you’re in the Tower of Heaven, Adam. Or as other people know it is the highest power that’s above where Gods stay and observe both heaven and hell.”
You explained guestering to the gods and goddess that sit at the table in front of him. Getting up from your seat as you go over to where Adam was three times divided by your height. Sitting down on your knees, scooping him up into your hands lifting him up to your eye level. Adam took a step back from how tall you and the others loomed over him.
“I sincerely apologize. I wasn’t expecting how this is how our first encounter would go. Especially when meeting you, Adam.” You apologized, smiling gently at him. “Uh-huh.. so this place is what? A fucking place for you tall ass gods? There’s no fu- sorry, way that there’s more than one god.” Crossing his arms, a pink blush lightly across his face that was very light for anyone to see. But Eros could feel the slightest of love coming from where Adam is standing, silently squealing internally.
“Yes, he is indeed the original and the most powerful but we’re the gods who represent other things. Eros is the god of love, Demeter the goddess of nature, Ares the god of War, and Themis the goddess of Justice.” You said adjusting Adam into one hand so he wouldn’t fall, pointing at every single god in the room who greeted him in a simple head nod, a wave, or just a simple hello. “And what are you the goddess of? Being hot and sexy?” A smirk was on his face as he looked up at you, placing a hand over your mouth as you let out a laugh.
“No no. I’m the goddess of creation and destruction. I’m mostly second in command of all the gods and demigods.” You told him, placing him back down on the ground. Once he was on it you stood up to your full height which was about 40 feet tall. With a snap of your fingers the whole room shifted into a normal sized room so everything wasn’t so big for the first man. Your once 40 foot tall figure is now around ten tall along with the other good and goddess in the room.
“They're much better, so you won’t have to keep looking up at us,” you joked laughing a bit.
-After that encounter and when the meeting was over you had taken a stroll around the place with Adam explaining why he was here and not back in heaven. Your reasoning being that once someone ACTUALLY die you were either completely deleted or reincarnated by the hands of you guys
-But since it was THE Adam he was able to stay here and observe people and do whatever he wanted. Though he wouldn’t be able to go back to heaven since that would mess up everything
-Time continued to pass and during that you and Adam would get closer and closer each passing day
-He felt like he was falling more in love everytime he saw you or when you talked.
-You were single to so it was a plus for him
-He’d be the more possessive type of lover, as day passed he felt the need to stay by your side no matter what
-Whether it was a gods meeting, you in your office, checking up on heaven, hell, and Earth, or just strolling around the garden enough the view of everything
-Wherever you went he went. And where he went you went. Since this is gonna have to be a two way thing, after all your lovers friends
-Eros felt the love come off from Adam whenever he was near which was every second
-Not only did Eros the god of love feel the love but he felt the love was more possessive and a bit obsessive but more on the possessive side
-He didn’t care about it since it was still love
-Not much between the Dickmaster and Cupid; the first man doesn’t really like how he talks about love especially with you but when it’s someone else it’s cool with him just stay away from you and then the two of them will be cool
-Demeter didn’t really feel the need to get to know Adam since she knew everything about him but respected him enough as another demigod like god of sea, god of animals, etc, etc
-Ares oh geez don’t let those two stay in a room too long all they're gonna talk about is the war that they were in. Ares being the non stop against humans and other gods while Adam was against the sinners in hell
-Ares respected Adam, and Adam respected Ares back
-Themis and Adam is a completely different level of dislike
-Not like Themis HATES Adam or anything just doesn’t.. trust him
-How could she when her scale is always lower on one side than the other? And it wasn’t the good side
-Sometimes it’s balanced
-Now back to the two of you! You could care less on what Adam thinks of you if it was a lover, friend, family, or whatnot
-You were a goddess of creation and destruction you could do anything you want
-You also made Adam his own room in an instant once he had came to the Tower of Heaven
-It wasn’t ever used. Adam always slept in your room after the his first week stay and getting to know you better
-Adam has apologized multiple times for cursing in front of you or the other gods when getting a glare or look that told him to not say any of those words. He started using it less and less but still uses it time to time when with you, you didn’t say anything about it much unless he was cussing WAY to much
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"What if - ooh, what about Patricia?"
Robin rolls her eyes, picking at the grass by her ankles. She's tempted to throw some at Steve but she doesn't really wanna see the blades phase through him right now, even if he'll play up his outrage to distract her.
He's been doing that a lot lately. Trying to distract her from the fact that he's - that -
"Okay, okay, hear me out - Chrissy Cunningham."
"The cheerleader?" Robin wrinkles her nose. "Steve."
"It could happen!" Steve says defensively,  sticking his tongue out when Robin gives him her most 'seriously?' face she can muster. "Don't judge a book by its cover, or whatever."
"You're literally meant to do that, that's what the cover's for!"
"Well then, why do people even say that?!"
"I don't know!"
"Is it always like this with you two?" The grouchiest voice cuts through them and Steve spins around in place, floating up even higher so he can stare down at Eddie.
Robin just snorts. "Pretty much."
"Don't be too jealous, Munson," Steve coos, turning himself upside down with a wide grin. "You'll find your soulmate at some point, probably."
"Oh wow, probably," Eddie grouses, and Robin has to bite back a laugh when Steve, still upside down, floats behind him with a silly face stretching out...the scar on his chin. "I am ever so gracious for your faith, oh Generous King."
"This guy's a riot," Steve laughs, poking a finger through Eddie's shoulder and making him jump in place. "Bobbie, can we keep him?"
She wrinkles her nose and shakes her head. "I'll end up being the one taking care of him if we do."
"I'm right fucking here," Eddie glares at the both of them, which is just prime material to get them snickering. "Whatever, did it work or not?"
And with that, the laughs cut off.
Robin remembers.
Steve's dead.
"Hey," The ghost of Steve floats over to her, sitting down beside her on the grass. "It's okay -"
"It didn't -" Robin chokes out, avoiding Eddie's eye, staring down at the dirt that she's plucked bare of green. "It didn't. They couldn't see."
The air is silent.
"Probably for the best," comes a sigh and Robin feels rage boil through her blood.
"What the hell?" She glares up at Eddie, who holds his hand up in surrender.
"Look, I know you're both desperate to get your little 'Party' up to speed but like...I mean, just look at him." Eddie waves to all of Steve's ghost, who looks more and more affronted with every word Eddie says. "Do you really think it's a good idea for actual children who watched him die to see him again in the exact same get-up? With the same wounds?"
Robin pauses but Steve just glares harder. "Oh sorry, I didn't know I was supposed to go shopping at Ghosts-R-Us and pick a whole new outfit! What, you think I want to be stuck in this uniform? In the shorts?"
Eddie's face goes red and Robin distantly thinks 'serves you right' as the echo of "watched him die" cycles through her brain. "Well I - I don't know, you're a fucking ghost, you should have ghostly powers or something!"
"Have you ever met a ghost before?!"
"Have you?"
"Stop," Robin chokes out and she immediately gets the chills as Steve waves a hand through her shoulder. "Just stop."
She can't feel him, because he's gone. He's gone. He's gone -
"I'm right here, Rob," Steve's voice murmurs to her and she sobs. "I'm always with you, promise."
"I'm so sorry," she cries, burying her face in her hands and curling up, grief pulling down at her heart. "I'm so sorry, Steve -"
"Shh, it's okay, birdie," he says and she almost feels the warmth he should have. "It's not your fault, it's okay."
"I thought - I just - if we tell everyone, maybe they'll know what - how to - I'm sorry -"
"Wasn't your fault, Bucks," Eddie says gruffly, sitting down next to her roughly. "Just what happens sometimes. That kinda shit...'s out of our control."
She sniffles, burying her hand deeper into her own skin, hoping it'll suffocate the tears out of her, or maybe make her pass out so she doesn't have to think about all of it for a bit, or scratch away the endless void of pain inside her chest -
"Birdie, hey, look at me."
She doesn't.
She can't.
With another choked out sob, she looks up to see Steve Harrington, smiling at her like he never left. Like she didn't leave him.
"No matter what happened, or what happens," he says softly, nearly see-through fingers trying to brush her hair out of her face. Maybe she should get bangs. "I'm always with you, Robs. Not even until death do us part. Platonic soulmates for the rest of time."
She wails and shoves her face into his shoulder, not even caring if she passes through him. A hand pats her back, probably Eddie's, and she sobs louder because why did he get to see Steve? Why did she force him to know? Why couldn't they just be happy?
"Woah, how the hell -"
Robin blinks.
She's sobbing into Steve's shoulder. He's patting her back.
She quickly moves back and stares, Steve's own surprised face staring back, no bruises or scars or Scoops uniform in sight.
"What -"
And in a snap, his face turns back to battered and the warm red sweater he was wearing just a second ago turns back into the bright blue sailor shirt. His hair loses its fluff and goes back to that sad, wiry, bloodied mop.
He changed.
"So you do have ghost powers!" Eddie says triumphantly, as Steve sputters.
"I guess?!" He looks down at his hands, reaching out to touch Robin's fingers, but all she feels is the cold. "How did - why did it stop?"
With one last sniffle, she cups the air around his fingers and looks up at the both of them, her Steve and their spontaneously adopted Eddie (in retrospect, maybe they are weirdo magnets? Better think about that later). She says, with as much determination as she can muster, "This isn't over. We're getting you back."
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meloncholy-words · 4 months
Robin: A Word That Means Run (Chapter 1: Nightwing)
Nightwing hasn't been Robin in years. He still remembers what that name means in a situation like this.
A/N: I'm not going to apologize for any inaccuracies in lore and characterization. If canon can fuck off and do whatever they please than I can too. I'll try staying as close to what I know as canon as possible but also I do what I want lmao.
Chapter Warnings: Explosions, minor gun violence(no one gets shot but there are guns), canon typical violence(nothing graphic/explicit! it's just there), swearing, Scarecrow's fear toxin (though the effects of it happen off screen), mentions of past violence, mentions of injury(stitches, concussion, etc.). No permanent injury or death occurs! Let me know if I should add more warnings!
AO3 | Chapter List
The case was simple: Scarecrow was shipping out vials of fear toxin to buyers from other cities. There were five buyers; one from New York City, Washington DC, Brooklyn, Metropolis, and Blüdhaven. All that they had to do was intercept the sales, arrest the buyers, and run tests on the toxin to check if it was a new strain. It usually wasn't, but it never hurt to check. If it was, that would mean that Scarecrow was planning something big.
The issue was that all sales were happening on the same night, and all in different parts of Gotham, with not enough vigilantes to handle all of them.
Red Hood was investigating a new business of dealers near his territory, trying to gauge how much of a threat they were so he could take them out. They were experienced, and growing fast; if he didn't nip it as fast as he could, it might grow out of control and start becoming an issue.
Spoiler and Black Bat had had a recent run in with Killer Croc, and were both benched due to injuries. Steph had a sprained ankle, and many stitches all along her arms and back. Cass had a dislocated shoulder and concussion, as well as many stitches along her legs and torso. Both were lucky to have not gotten worse.
Signal, despite insisting that he should go, was out of commission. He'd already worked well into the night shifts the previous three nights due to several kidnapping situations that happened too close together to not be connected, but ended up just being very coincidental. That, plus his need to keep his grades up, had him pretty sleep deprived. While not usually an issue, a fourth night out later than he should've been would've only made it worse, and fear toxin with sleep deprivation was one of their absolutely nots.
That left only Batman, Robin, Red Robin, and Nightwing to deal with busting the sales. Four vigilantes to deal with five sales in five separate locations within the city. No problem, could be done very easily.
Nightwing had gotten the sale in Fashion District. The information that Oracle had been able to dig up lead him to an alley behind a two-story boutique. An unusual meeting place, but better than some abandoned warehouse. That was just becoming cliche at this point.
He was perched on a rooftop above, blending into the dark, clouded sky. It wasn't as efficient as the shadows, but he had been yet to be spotted. A car was already waiting, three guys twiddling their feet as they waited. The buyers, undoubtedly. Nightwing sat studying them from above.
Their car was a black SUV, covered in family stickers. Likely to be more inconspicuous, but could've been from one of their moms. Criminals were just like that sometimes. Two of the men were obviously well built, their frames on the bulky side. The third wasn't quite so built, but he seemed relaxed as they leaned back against the metal frame of the car, so he wasn't just some lackey dragged along. Likely a getaway driver, maybe the leader of this operation.
After around 15 minutes of sitting around, a van pulled up to the entrance of the alley. The driver stayed inside, while the the passenger and a few men from the back hopped out. The gimmicks of their outfits told Nightwing that they were Scarecrow's men. One of them was carrying a briefcase, which he identified as the goods.
The three guys snapped to alert, the leaner man taking charge. That clued into him being the leader. They met each other half way, a conversation springing from hushed voices. Nightwing strained to hear what they were saying, but that wasn't the important thing. What he needed to do was stop the sale from happening.
He monitored the men for a bit longer, listening to them speak. They were haggling, probably. If they sale went through, than he would need to apprehend all of them. If it didn't, he'd only need to deal with Scarecrow's men. The others would be their own cities problem.
"My sale fell through," came Red Robin's voice crackling through the comm in his ear. "Moving in now."
Below him, the leader gestured back toward the car. One of the bulky men moved towards it, opening the back and pulling out a small duffel bag. He handed the bag over, and Nightwing shifted to get a better look at the bag that was being opened.
Yep, that was cash.
"My sale is going through," Nightwing said into his mic, hushed. "Moving in."
Before the trade off could happen, Nightwing slipped off the ledge of the roof quietly. He angled himself slightly, making sure that when he landed it was on the lean man's shoulders, sending him shooting down to the ground under the weight. The man under him grunted as he hit the ground, letting out a wheeze. He wasn't unconscious, but he made no move to get up. Probably due to the pain of being slammed into an alley's concrete floor from roughly 180 pounds from above.
"Gentlemen," he chirped in greeting, electrifying the ends of his escrima sticks before flipping of the man under him towards the other two. The men reached towards their waistbands, likely reaching for a gun, but it mattered little when the electricity pressed hard above their collarbones. They spasmed, muscles stiffening under the shock, before collapsing as he pulled back.
Scarecrow's men gasped, followed by shouts and the sounds of feet scuttling away. Nightwing grabbed the lean man's collar, tossing him towards the other two. He dropped a bead in between them that exploded, wrapping cord around their limbs and tying them together.
"I'll be back for you!~" he called in a sing song voice, spinning around to watch the henchmen loading into the van. He pulled one of his sticks up, letting the hidden grapple inside of it shoot into the side of the building. The van roared to life, and Nightwing used the momentum of his lines tension to propel forward, landing on the roof as the wheels screeched against the road.
"Sale went through, moving in," came Robin, and from the sounds of exertion coating his voice, he was a little late on that callout.
The van wiggled underneath Nightwing's grip, trying to shake him off. Nightwing acquiesced, his hands gripping the edge of the top as he forced his legs down and through the windows of the back doors.
Several more shouts filled the air, and Nightwing was quick to silence them. He was also careful to not shatter the fear toxin that had been dropped on the floor in the struggle. The passenger in the front whipped around, and Nightwing was distantly aware of the glint of metal pointing towards him, but he snapped the wrist pointing the gun at him before he even recognized it as a gun.
The henchmen yelped in pain, and then did it again when his head was slammed into the dashboard. Nightwing hopped over the seats, landing on top of the unconscious body, his feet resting in the lap of the driver. In his hands, a stick came to life with more electricity.
"You gonna pull over?" he asked, smile in his voice as he waved the shocked-up end at the other. The henchmen let out a small whimper, leaning away from the weapon. Nightwing almost felt bad for him as he screeched off to the side, obeying.
When all of the henchmen were tied up, and Nightwing had doubled back to make sure the almost-buyers hadn't managed to escape, he notified the police before sitting back on a roof, basking in his victory.
"All involved are apprehended and waiting for police custody, and the toxin has been secured," Nightwing said, stretching out from where he was sat. The men didn't put up much of a fight, but the few blows the did land would probably bruise in the morning. Probably. This was a surprisingly easy run. "Reports?"
"Scarecrow's men are being tied up now," Red Robin replied, his voice soft after the fight. "Toxin secured"
"All involved apprehended," came Batman, who hadn't given the status earlier, the asshole. "Toxin secured."
"You never notified us you were moving in," Nightwing said helpfully. Not that it mattered too much; he was Batman, he'd be fine. "I'll start moving into the last sale now. Send me the location, O." Then, after a beat, "Robin, status?"
There was a brief stutter of silence. Nightwing hardly noticed it as he crossed from building to building, careful not to break anything. Hardly.
"All involved apprehended," came the shaky voice of Robin. Uh oh, not good. "Toxin secured, one... one vial broken."
"Try staying calm, I'll head your way," Nightwing said, spinning on his heel to where Robin handled his sale in the Narrows. It was on the opposite side of Gotham, but he'd be damned if he didn't do anything to-
"Actually," cut in Oracle's voice, "You should get over to Diamond for that last sale. You're the closest, and if all other sales are finished by now, that one might be close to done, or already finished. Red's the closest to Robin, he can go."
Red gave an affirming hum into his mic. "On my way, hang tight Robin. ETA like... 12 minutes."
Robin didn't respond, which made Dick's heart stop, but he turned back to his original path. His family was reliable, and they'd be fine. Stopping this sale was important, and he wasn't even close enough to object.
"I'll go with Nightwing," Batman said, voice gruff and focused as usual. "If they're wrapping up, and he gets there too late, I can keep speed with the batmobile."
"Acknowledged," Nightwing acknowledged as he soared over the gaps between buildings. "ETA 5 minutes."
Those five minutes were rather silent, only filled with his heavy breathing and grunts and he hopped and rolled around and off the rooftops. The vials in the briefcase he had pressed against his ribs clanked together ominously, but there was not breaking glass yet. He hoped there wouldn't be.
This time, the place of sale was some old, rundown warehouse. Nightwing gently set down the briefcase on the roof, dropping through a shattered skylight and moving like a spider in the rafters. There was arguing below him, loud and... not quite angry. No, it was frustrated, and building up to anger.
"I'm just saying, that seems like a high price to pay for something we don't even know works." The accent suggested Blüdhaven. Good, these were his own criminals then. He could handle that just fine.
Nightwing slipped around the rafters a little more until he had a clear view of everyone. He took a quick headcount. Five of Scarecrow's men, and he thought he saw another van outside, so probably more in total. Seven men stood before them, and Nightwing thought he recognized them from a gang who caused a lot of problems for him. It was hard to tell in the dark. This warehouse was so run down that there wasn't even any lighting in here.
"Twelve counted inside, likely more spotted outside," he said into his mic, his voice kept low and even as the men continued to argue. "The outcome of this is probably gonna be a big fight, so have your rebreather on just in case."
Nightwing slipped his own rebreather over his mouth, fastening it tight behind his head.
"Understood. I'm pulling up now."
The arguing below softened, and Nightwing was struggling to hear what was being said again. He did notice the exchange of bags, though.
"Good, the sale just went through. You're just in time."
Once more, Nightwing dropped from the sky like a missile. This time, he focused on the henchmen, as the gang men had the fear toxin. He had to be careful to not break them open. Even if he had his rebreather on, fear toxin wasn't fun to deal with.
These henchmen put up a bit more of a fight. Not good enough, of course. The metal pipe to the back of his head was, though.
Four of the five of Scarecrow's men were down, and what knocked him off his feet was a metal pipe. Damn. He tucked and rolled with the blow, bouncing up on his hands and knocking the weapon away with a kick. He was back on his feet, escrima sticks in both hands and poised to fight when a shadow descended upon the others.
The fighting only increased with a new player in the ring, but it was easier this time. Batman wrestled the briefcase of vials out of the gang's hands, tossing it on the floor behind him and out of the crossfire. The final henchmen had been forgotten in favor of the others. By the time another four men were down, Nightwing had realized that it was a mistake.
A click of metal made Nightwing whip around, arms raised and ready to either take or deal some serious blows. What he saw, instead, was a grenade mid air, heading fast towards him. It bounced off the ground, nestling against the briefcases handle.
Nightwing's muscles tensed, crouching low and fast, the hold on his weapons loosening. He needed to grab the briefcase. If the toxin blew, everyone without a rebreather would be affected. Dealing with a large number of criminals was hard; dealing with a large number of criminals who were terrified out of their minds and fighting like caged animals was hell.
His eyes flicked over to the grenade, and he hesitated. That wasn't good. You never hesitated on the field like this. But he knew those grenades. Most had plenty of seconds of fuse in them, for optimal range. If a grenade blew up too quickly after it was thrown, you'd get caught in the crossfire. But these ones, the one that had been thrown his way and was nestled against too many vials of fear toxin, was very short fused. The best way to take out a bat was to surprise them. That was very hard to do.
Using a weapon with no guarantee of survivability for the user was a good way to do it.
Nightwing wouldn't have time to move, not anymore. Maybe if he'd jumped at first, he could've gotten far enough away. But he was crouched down low, leaning toward the thing rigged to explode in at most two seconds, one hand reaching forward. His mind processed, vaguely, that he should run. Maybe he could run still, maybe, but would his body catch up to his thought process? Probably not. It hadn't even registered he was in danger yet.
Shit. He was going to die, huh? Or at the very least get badly injured. He was going to maybe die because he was too slow to recognize danger and his body was even slower to respond to his mind's commands and-
His body moved before his mind caught up this time. He didn't know why. He hadn't been Robin in, what, 8 years? 9? But he new that name. He new that tone. He'd heard them both countless times over the years. And when they were paired together like this, when his veins were full of adrenaline and his stomach felt like a pit of ice, it meant run.
So he did. His legs pushed up, and his hips turned so fast he might've gotten whiplash, and his arms reached out until they found something firm and dark and safe. There was the flutter of a cape, and then there were strong arms around him, grabbing so tightly that the skin and bone underneath them ached.
There was an explosion. He didn't feel it. He could hear the sound of it, the gunpowder igniting and swelling into a cloud of fire. He could hear shouts and shrieks around him, groans and yells and maybe something breaking. He could feel his side grinding against something he recognized as the floor, but it felt distant.
He could feel his face pressed into a chest, coated in a thick material that had repelled knives, bullets, and wandering hands and fingers that traced the bat design on it after he had saved someone that he would gag about later in the back of the batmobile because he was too small to ride shotgun.
The floor under him stopped moving, and the screams had cut off. He peaked an eye open, looking up at the roof of the warehouse. There was a face there, with a chiseled jaw and scars that were small enough they could only be seen up close. There was black material that only covered the top half of that face. Above them was a thick substance in the air. Fear toxin, he registered after a few moments.
Slowly, the two bodies pulled apart. A hand was under his arm, guiding him up to stand. A survey of the area showed no deaths. Everyone unprotected had at least been far enough to only have been blown back. No missing limbs, no cuts, no burns. Just a few bruises.
"Are you guys okay?" Oracle asked, a hint of panic in her voice. "Cameras showed a bright light go off inside, and your vitals are off."
"All good, Oracle," said Batman, still surveying the scene. "There was a little explosion. No one seems seriously injured. Everyone else is unconscious, though, and there's toxin in the air." He didn't mention calling for his Robin.
"Good news about that!" Red Robin chimed. "It's not a new strain, which means we have antidotes on standby. Also, Robin's doing alright."
"Hn, good. We'll tie up loose ends here and head out. See you at the cave."
There was a round of sign-offs, and the two in the warehouse began rounding up the unconscious thugs. Toxin seeped out of the skylight above. The henchman that threw the grenade was nowhere to be seen, likely having fled during the chaos.
"I left my case of toxin up on the roof," Nightwing said when everyone had been restrained. He didn't mention the name either.
Batman let out a hum of acknowledgment. "I'll be waiting for you in the batmobile to head back to the cave." The flutter of a cape - one that had protected him - let him know that his dad was gone.
Nightwing climbed his way up to the roof once more, slow and deliberate. His body ached a bit more, now that he'd taken more hits and had been thrown across the floor. Being thrown by an explosion wasn't fun, 0/10, would not do it again.
Despite that, there was a smile plastered on his face.
Dick kinda liked being Robin again.
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Show Me Yours | Matty Healy [37]
chapter thirty-seven, act five: the ballad of me and my brain
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February 22nd 2017
Tommie leaves the bathroom, her dress for the event is on. It’s a long dress that reaches her ankles, reflecting each of the guys outfits. It’s a black colour like Ross suit, with ruffles and lace like Matty’s, some of the lace is the same pattern and colour of George’s outfit and her shoes are made from the same material as Adam’s baby blue suit he’s wearing later on that night.
She has an outfit change for their performance, dress pants and a green and black button up.
Caleb looks up from where he’s sitting in his plain black suit and puts his phone away.
“Ready to go?”
He doesn't notice shoulders deflate at the lack of compliments, she thought she looked pretty good as she’d finished off her hair.
“Yeah, all ready.”
She’d skipped the carpet, letting the guys do it alone as she went on inside to find her seats, forcing Ross to sit beside Caleb as she sat beside Gabby and Carly instead.
“Are you nervous?”
“For the performance more than the award,” She admits quietly to Carly who’s hand is rubbing across her back in comforting circles, “I mean, fucking Radiohead are supposed to be here tonight.”
“They’re not, one less anxiety.” Gabby whispers and she nods leaning back.
She tugs at the neckline of the dress, trying to lift it up to cover her cleavage as she leans back uncomfortably.
Ross is tapping her shoulder harshly and nodding for her to move, “I can’t take it any longer, please.”
Rolling her eyes she says goodbye to Carly and Gabby, promising they’ll get drunk at the afterparty.
Settling back beside Caleb and taking her awkward sitting position again he raises his brows, “You alright?” He ducks his head, whispering as someone accepts their award on stage.
“This material is uncomfortable.”
He brings her drink towards her, “Drink to forget, right?”
She shakes her head, “It’s too tight, I need it off.”
“Few more minutes.” He promises, “Few more minutes and it’s off.”
She nods, shifting again as it scratches her uncomfortably.
Their performance goes by quickly, she’s glad to be out of the dress for a few moments but then she’s being shoved into a dressing room, women picking at the shirt. She requests to keep this outfit, it's more comfortable and loose.
The women laugh at her quiet voice and tell her, “A woman of your beauty should be showing everyone not hiding it behind shirts.”
“I like my shirts.”
The one woman, who she’d learned was called Nikki, shakes her head, “Show off your body, darling, just for the night. Make your boyfriend go crazy for you.”
She nods, giving in too easily and letting them dress her up again like some kind of doll.
Then she’s sitting  at the table, ignoring Matty and George’s giggles as they smoke under the table, ignoring Caleb’s reassuring whispers that she’ll be able to take the dress off soon and focuses on the artists going and coming to the stage.
Until the entire table is silent, watching as Maisie Williams reads from the card.
“The 1975!”
Tommie’s eyes widen, she sits still as their table erupts, Matty hugging Jamie and kissing his girlfriend, Ross moving around the table and Adam and Carly embracing.
Louis is the one to bring her out of it, yelling at her that they won as he hugs her.
She giggles, standing and hugs Louis back swaying him from side to side, she’s about to turn to Caleb who’s tapping Adam on the back when George is grabbing her hand and the pair of them are running ahead of the rest of the band to get to the stage first, both giggling madly like children.
They pause at the bottom of the steps, Adam and Ross kisses Tommie’s cheek as they pass her and when Matty finally gets to her they share a small smile.
Then he’s bringing her into him for a hug as the other three go on up on stage, he lowers his head towards her, whispering in her ear, “We made it yet?”
She hums with a shrug, “Let’s see.”
He pulls back, holding her at arm's length to look her up and down in her dress. Then he’s tugging her closer to kiss her temple, “You look beautiful.”
“I hate this dress.” She whispers back. “I don’t feel comfortable in it.”
He guides her up the steps with a hand on the small of her back, shedding his suit jacket before he takes the mic.
⋆。 ゚☁︎。 ⋆。 ゚☾ ゚
“Hey, you seen Matty anywhere?” George leans around Louis’ chair to shout over to Tommie and she’s about to turn to Caleb to question him on the singer’s whereabouts but realises he’s missing too.
She looks around and spots them both at the bar a few tables away, seemingly in a heated debate.
“I’m going to get a drink.” She tells the table, pulling a face at George that says ‘I’m actually going to make sure those two don’t end up doing anything they’ll regret’.
When she approaches Matty has the widest smirk she’s ever seen, he leans away from Caleb whose fist is holding his collar of the ruffled shirt close to him.
Her brows furrow and she hits at Caleb’s hand, looking around at all the famous faces and cameras that could’ve seen the moment.
“What are you doing?” She questions through gritted teeth.
Caleb’s anger seems to redirect to her then, his fiery gaze looking her up and down.
She’s still in the dress, but has Matty’s jacket on to cover herself up. The moment he had noticed her discomfort in the dress he’d passed it over without a word.
“Could ask you the same thing.. You…” He lowers his head to meet her eyes directly, “You fucking lied to me, Tommie.”
She raises a brow then grabs his wrist casting a glance back at Matty. Who’s smirk has vanished as he watches them both carefully, as if suddenly realising the weight of his words.
She tugs him into the hallways beyond the main venue, raising her brows and crossing her arms. “What are you talking about?”
“You slept with him?”
She pauses, arms tightening their hold around herself, “Did you cheat on me? With- with him?”
“No!” She shakes her head quickly, hands holding onto his arm, the one that's lifted to rub across his face, “It was years ago, before we started dating.”
“Before you met me?”
She pauses, and then shakes her head slowly, “When, Tommie?”
“Just after the first album came out, when we were on tour. After Texas, before Vegas, doesn’t matter… it didn’t… I met you.”
She doesn't say what he wants to hear. That it didn't mean anything, because it did.
“Did it mean anything to you?”
Her shoulders deflate and he presses on, asking her again as he steps closer. Her eyes stare at the ground as she assesses her different options, lie again and later let the truth come out or just tell him the truth now.
“He took my virginity, Caleb, it had to mean something.”
“How could you-” He pauses to step away, “You lied to me. You told me nothing happened with any of them.”
She rubs her hands across her face, “Because I knew you’d react like this. You’d freak out and-”
“I’d freak out? I’m not freaking out, Tommie, I’m fucking annoyed.”
She bows her head, like a child being told off and rubs at her arms hidden by Matty’s suit jacket.
“We haven’t since,” She finds herself telling him, “Nothing, not even a kiss.”
“Is that why you let him treat you like shit? Let him walk all over you? For a chance to be there when he needs another good fuck?”
Her posture changes from defensive to offensive in a single second, head snapping up, downcast eyes staring through him. “Are you kidding?”
She shakes her head, “Caleb, it was years ago, I chose you. I choose you.”
“But you didn’t,” He shakes his head, lips in a pout, “Not really, whenever he calls you’re there. You drop anything for him, you forgive him no matter what shit he does. Quite frankly, Tommie, it’s pretty fucking pathetic. It’s like you’re in love with hi-”
He pauses, his entire demeanour fades away, the anger replaced with sadness as he looks at the guilty look on her face, “You’re in love with him.”
It’s not a question. It’s a realisation.
She doesn't even try to deny it, to shake her head, to come to terms with it, because until this moment, she didn’t realise she was still in love with him either.
The doors behind them open, Gabby raises her brows as she looks between them, but her gaze settles on Tommie in the end, “You okay?”
She nods quickly forcing a smile as she lifts her shoulders, “We’ll be back in now in a minu-”
Then a door further down the hallway opens, and out comes the topic of discussion, “Here we go.” Caleb says, rolling his eyes.
“Everything alright?”
“Matty, just- leave. You’ve done enough.” Tommie says without looking at him.
He raises his eyebrows, now noticing Gabby and moving to stand beside her. His arm settles on her hip, tugging her into his side as she keeps her eyes on the situation. Her mind goes back to that day in London where she’d found her alone and bruised. She questions if the story of her father was the truth for a few seconds.
Matty looks between them all, making himself look taller as he moves to grab Tommie’s arm guiding her away from Caleb, “The guys are waiting for us.”
“Don’t touch her, man.”
“Cale-” Tommie sighs and shakes her head but Matty pushes her behind him.
“As far as I’m concerned you don’t speak for her.”
“Just answer me this, Tommie…”
Caleb moves around Matty to look pleadingly at her, brows drawn together, chin wrinkled. The desperation on him is clear, he reeks of it, he also reeks of the cheap alcohol he’d been buying from the second bar out the back that all the fans had to get from.
“Do you love me?”
Gabby shakes her head, “I’m sorry, what’s going on here?”
She stands beside Tommie, hand on her back comfortingly and Caleb scoffs nodding, waving a hand drunkenly around, “Does she know?”
He turns to Matty, the one who’d told him the information- no, the one who’d boasted that he had Tommie before him.
“Does your girlfriend know you’re in love with her?”
Matty scoffs, “I hope so, tell her all the time.”
Caleb stumbles and shoves him back, “You know what I mean.”
“Caleb, you’re drunk, let’s go home, come on.” Tommie says moving to grab his hand but he rips it away and pushes her back from him.
“I’m not going home with you, not right now.”
“Then leave alone, mate.” Matty tells him, puffing out his chest and smirking at Caleb.
“Matty, can you just leave, please?” Tommie begs turning to him and raising her brows.
He stands a little taller looking down at her, “Why? So he can beat you in pe-”
Tommie’s hand moves quickly, smacking Matty across the face, brows furrowed. Not in that playful way she usually does, or in the way she does when she’s laughing too hard and needs something to ground herself with, tears rolling down her cheeks, her eyes squinted and that smile he adores. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
Matty’s brows quickly unfurrow and he steps towards her, his face morphs from realisation to guilt, hand softly rubbing the red hand print forming on his cheek“Tommie, I’m so-”
She shakes her head, “Why would you insulate something like that? What’s wrong with you?”
“Baby, I didn’t mean it I was just-”
“Baby.” Comes the loud American scoff they all ignore.
“Just causing more problems because you can’t stand the fact that someone is happy and you’re not the root cause of it-”
Gabby’s stepping between the two bandmates now, “Guys, come on-”
“No, Tommie, I’m doing it because the two of you are fucking miserable together. And neither of you have the balls to leave. Him because he needs you to make it in the industry and you because you’re so fucking desperate to feel loved, to please people. You need to be a perfectionist, you need people to like you so much you’ll stay in this shitty relationship just to feel it. You’re so afraid of being alone that you’ll suck anyone’s dick to-”
Matty’s head is falling to the side, Caleb’s standing above him, everything is happening, two different arguments, two different people.
She pushes Caleb back, letting Gabby fuss over the barely sober Matty.
“What the fuck?”
“He just called you a whore!”
Tommie’s muttering to herself looking around, chest rising and falling as she tries to decide what to do.
There’s a distant ringing in her ears, muffled by her own racing thoughts.
“I wouldn’t worry about him,” Caleb tells Gabby, “He’ll be fine. He’ll be boasting about sleeping with Tommie again in the next few minutes.”
Tommie pauses looking around at the three of them, “What?” Gabby’s voice is small and fragile. So unlike the young woman Tommie has come to love the past few years.
“You slept together?”
“It was years ago?”
“And get this,” Caleb adds, “She’s in love with him.”
Matty’s stumbling, looking over at her, “You’re in love with me?” His one hand is holding him up on the wall, the other is holding his bleeding nose.
“I-I never- I didn’t-”
She breathes in deeply, looking between the three of them slowly.
Gabby shakes her head and sets off towards the exit out into the alleyway, “No, Gabs, wait-” Caleb shakes his head and goes towards the bar then it's just her and Matty alone.
“You’re in love with me?”
He stares at her, waiting for her to say something, anything. His jaw clenches, unclunches, her mouth opens then closes.
He scoffs, shakes his head and walks backs into the hall.
She looks at the three different directions, focusing on the door in front of her the one Matty had just gone through.
Then she makes her decisions and moves quickly, bending down half way through her run to take off her heels and abandon them somewhere.
Sacking the door open, her feet hit the cold wet floor and she looks around.
The Australian pauses, but then carries on and Tommie finds herself picking up the pace, “Please, Gabs will you just let me-”
“Let you what, Tommie?” Gabby asks, turning to face her, it’s now Tommie sees the dark tracks of mascara down her cheeks, “Explain that you’re in love with my boyfriend? What was-” She pauses to sniffle and wipe her eyes, “Was our whole friendship just a li-”
“Please don't say that.” Tommie says desperately, hands falling to catch hers, moving to wipe her tears, “You’re my best friend, I love you.”
“Yeah, and you love, Matty too.”
“Of course I do.” Tommie gasps out, “I always have loved him, but I don’t- I’m not in love with him.” She tells her “Not anymore.”
She gulps before explaining, “I used to be, for a long long time, then I realised that… he deserves someone who can love him as much as you do. I can’t, I won’t….”
Gabby shakes her head, “What am I supposed to think, Tommie? Our whole friendship? The whole past two years, were they based on lies? You didn’t tell me-”
“Please.” Tommie’s desperate, she's desperate for Gabby to believe.
“You’re my best friend, you’re like, my only friend, please, Gabs-”
Gabby shakes her hand off of her arm and shakes her head as she walks towards the street, “I-”
“I stopped loving him because- I realised he’d never be able to love me,” She decides honesty will be the best way to get her out of this, to salvage any relationship out of this she can. “He used to bring back the most beautiful women I’d ever seen. I’d be forced to watch them do things we’d never be able to do, normal relationship things, stupid silly childish things that no one really cares about.
They were always so gorgeous, usually models or actress… I used to be so jealous. And then- well, then he brought you along to that stupid New Year’s Party, and- You’re fucking amazing, Gabs. You’re beautiful, fucking stunning, kind, so down to earth, and you love him. You genuinely do love him despite the fact he’s an arsehole and that you get hate, that’s when I realised deep down subconsciously that Matty and I could never be together-”
“Stop… just stop talking… Please.”
Gabby looks up towards the sky, not a single star in sight. “I just- I don’t want to talk to you right now.”
“Are you-” Tommie pauses hands playing with the sleeves of the jacket she wears, “Are you angry with me?”
Her voice is small, like a child’s and her eyes refuse to make any eye contact at all.
Gabby shakes her head, “No.” It’s one word, muttered softly. So softly that the wind carries it away.
The tears in Tommie’s eyes fall, drifting down her cheek as she watches Gabby walk away from her without another word.
She turns quickly, chest stuttering and falls into his awaiting arms.
“Hey? What’s happened?”
“I fucked it, Ross,” She tells him as she sobs into his shirt, “I fucked everything so bad. I-I’m sorry.”
Ross’ brows furrow as he looks up at Gabby’s figure at the end of the alley, the Australian has turned back for a single moment before crossing the road to the awaiting taxi cab.
“Fucked what?”
@thereisaplaceintheheart, @indierockgirrl, @sofaritsalrightt, @julezs-bl0g, @eaglestar31, @sophinthealpss, @noacfemcel, @if-my-heart-bleeds, @befrwime, @fallingforel, @sexorchocolateorpillowsorclouds, @3terna15unshin3, @1975sophie1975, @thesocraticjunkiewannabe, @littlesoldierelleora, @procrastinatinglikeapro
-let me know if you want to be added :)
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Rhaenyra punishes Halfsister!reader (x Daemon)
tw:spanking, cuddling, comfort
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Rhaenyra looked at me with the piercing gaze.Did it suddenly get colder? I shifted from one ankle to another, a tick too hard and I would break my ankles in these monstrously high heels I chose to wear. Oh well, at least they go with the outfit.
My gaze stopped on a man flipping the newspaper in his lap. His long legs crossed over and his thighs strapped in black pants and torso in soft cashmere pullover. Who the fuck wears pants at home? Targaryens apparently. 
Shifting back my eyes at Rhaenyra,after prolonged silence, I finally opened my mouth: "What did you ask again?". I could hear Daemon hiding a laugh, lifting the papers higher. But oh boy, Rhaenyra was anything but amused.
Her neck stiffened and jaw clenched as she watched me. "Come here." Sheesh, this doesn't sound good. I could hear my heartbeat increase with every small step I took towards her threatening figure on a deep red velvet couch. The whole room is dark, except for a small lamp next to the Daemon's big chair.
The colour of the room made the pale Targaryen hair and skin glow brighter in contrast. I wobbled to her like a lamb to its mother. Finally,  within her reach,  she winds her arm around my waist and I plop on her lap.
I had a deja vu of all the times how as a child, I would scream,throw fit and cling to her, whenever someone tried to move me.
Now, years later, I still feel safe in her embrace and warmth.
Fuzzy from all these memories I play with my fingers, avoiding to look at her violet eyes. This knot tightens in throat, making it harder to breath. One look in Rhaenyra's stern face and tears started falling out of nowhere.
"I didn't mean for it to happen. I wanted to try it and Aegon told me that I would be okay that one drink isn't much" Rhaenyra and Daemon exchange looks as I heave, trying to catch the breath.
 "Was someone also there with you and Aegon? " Rhaenyra doesn't change her commanding voice tone, seeing that a little firmness goes a long way with you. You look up at her with your wide eyes, filled to brim with tears and quickly name the others.
Daemon hummed, mentally taking notes, preparing to beat these guys up for making his dearest niece cry. He breathes out as he tries not to leave now and finish that.
You blink nervously at him and Rhaenyra. Panic arrises within you, thinking those angry stares were meant for you. " I-I am sorry, please don't be mad." You couldn't get anymore words out, sobbing.
" Shush my love,"Rhaenyra's face softens up a bit, wrapping her arms around your shoulders, laying your face on her breasts and rocking you from side to side," calm down."
Holding her dress tightly between you frists, you breath in familiar perfum. Without you knowing, Daemon looks at Rhaenyra and nods surely.
Rhaenyra's heartbeat, still steady, beats in your ear, as she pulls you slightly from her chest. Looking at your eyes, she holds you by your shoulders, "I need to make sure that you have learnt something from this and-." I furrow my eyebrows together and pout, not understanding where this is going, I interrupt her."But I won't do it again. I promise." This doesn't seem to be a right thing to say as Rhaenyra's grip tightens. "See. I let you get away without the consequences, but we will change that, starting now." One second  you are looking at her and the next you are facing these awful red pillows.
"Rhaenyra,  what-" now you finally seem to get it.
Your legs on the couch and the bottom perked up on Rhaenyra's lap. "No no no" placing your hands to cover yourself. One hand grips your both wrists. "Stop." You want to cry out again as her hand leaves a big handprint on your ass.
Still shocked, she places another spank. The blood rushes as the place throbs with the pain.
"Rhaenyra, you can't" You don't have the time to finish the sentence, she winds her arm up and a clap is so loud, you think neighbours can hear it. Your face reddens with embarrassment. You are not a child for the fucks sake. Which reminded you "Uncle Daemon, please, tell her to stop." As you were saying it, Rhaenyra slides up your dress, baring your bottom for everybody to see, continuing letting her anger on your poor red bottom. But Daemon isn't paying any attention to the disciplining of what in his opinion is, still a child.
" I hate you!" Finally having enough, Rhaenyra speaks up. "You can hate me all you want, but it won't change anything. You are going to stay quiet or I will make this ten times worse for you." Stunned to have your favourite person put you in a place like that, your jaw falls open, in place of answer a painful cry falls out.
Raining spanks on your soft ass and thighs, the tears start leaking again as the pain spreads. You accept your fate, slumbering in the couch, loosing the tension in your body and submitting yourself to Rhaenyra's punishing hands.
You don't even notice when she stops. Instead of hitting, she restes her hand on your flesh, rubbing and kneading it carefully, with the other hand she moves the hair strands behind your ear. "Shush, baby, stop crying. Get up."
You don't move a centimeter, choosing to pour out you sadness on the couch. You feel the hands, bigger, manlier  lift you up under your shoulders and place you on another lap. Your knees fold up limply, whincing as your red bottom touches his jeans. You only look down as he engulfed you in a warm blanket. Cocooned like a baby, you place your face on his neck, tickeling him with your pouty lips. You can hear Rhaenyra getting up and moving away. Only then, you lift up your head to catch her tall figure, turning back to you. "She hates me." Tears roll down your face in a new speed.
"No, baby girl, you got it all wrong." Daemon placed his hands on your cheeks, whiping your tears with a thumb. You shake your head, squashing your cheeks even more in process. "She hates me, she will send me back." Daemon laughs at his niece's naivety. She seems to be the only one to not see a deep love Rhaenyra held for her dearest baby. 
Pressing his niece closer to his body and kissing her forehead, he hopes to calm her down. It pained him also, seeing you in a pain, but he knew it must be done. Everybody knew you were spoiled and they were to blame the most. You look him up, with your wide innocent eyes and red streaks of tears: "Why did she leave then? Probably to call dad or-"
"I actually went to find you something comfortable to wear, or do you want to stay in that dress the whole night?" Daemon watches as your face lifts up, squirming in his lap to get a look at Rhaenyra. "Daemon, let her stand up." He unfolded the blanket carefully.
You stand up on your weak knees, now noticing that your feet are bare. She must have taken your heels off, when you were distracted with pain. You peered up at her, coming only a little to her chest. "Lift your hands."
Daemon watches at two red throbbing globes and multiple handprints get covered with soft white panties and matching pyjama set.
"So, you are not mad at me? And you won't send me away?" Rhaenyra chuckles, pulling the shirt over your head.
"Oh, I was mad, but we have dealt with it and it won't happen again, right?"
You nod so strong that you get deezy. "Good. Now, let's relax a bit. My hand aches." She said as she sat on the couch with Daemon.
"My bottom hurts even more. I don't think I can go to school tomorrow. " You said, wiggling the said bottom between the two. They laugh as they make you place. "Oh, they don't seem to be hurting as much now." Rhaenyra playfully says as you shrieked and moved into the Daemon's front. Daemon sneaked his hands on your side and tickles you, sending you into a fit of laughter. Rhaenyra's favourite sound.
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
DAI Companion Styles: Sera
Dragon Age Companion Styles series
The fashion in the Dragon Age universe (in keeping with the overall aesthetics of the games) has undergone an interesting kind of evolution over the course of the three games, various side media, and fourteen real-world years this franchise has been around. And disjointed as some of it may be, it’s something that interests me, both in terms of its real-world influences and in terms of the in-universe implications for worldbuilding and characters. It’s an element for which I would love to see even more discussion and analysis, I thought it would be fun to dive into it by taking a look at the different base outfits companions wear in Inquisition, and talking about how they fit with the characters and the world they inhabit. I don't know how many of these I will end up doing, but I'd like to do some and I think it will be fun.
Disclaimer: I am not a fashion expert, dress historian, or professional designer! I'm just a gamer who likes to sew and has a casual interest in historical fashion, and a great interest in fantasy worldbuilding and the implications thereof, and that's where I'm coming from on these posts. I'd also love to hear thoughts from fans who have a more in-depth background in historical dress, textiles, etc. Also I'm going to be talking about clothing and not armor because I know a lot less about armor.
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I’m going to start with Sera, of course, because it's me. ;)
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So I've mentioned before that I really like the concept of Sera's outfit. The upper silhouette in particular seems directly drawn from the Fereldan commoner fashions of Dragon Age: Origins, the styles of Sera's youth in Denerim. For example, here's Kaitlyn in Origins, wearing some typical commoner clothing:
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Note the plaid, the bare shoulders, the underarm straps (which have always looked incredibly uncomfortable to me)! We see several variations on this style in Origins, including leather vests and even some floral fabrics, but the off-the-shoulder look is nearly ubiquitous on commoner women:
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Noble-born women in Origins seem to forego the cold shoulders, but we still see similar shapes in the upper silhouette, including those dang shoulder straps that go under the arms:
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The commoner styles of Ferelden in 9:30 Dragon even reappear a decade later in Inquisition! Which doesn’t surprise me much, as trends move a lot more slowly for rural commoners than for wealthy aristocrats.
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We even have the weird leather neckerchief thing, a staple of the early 9:30s in Ferelden (and convenient way to hide the neck seams on those character models)! Like the collars in Origins, Sera's does not tie at the back, and a close-up view of hers reveals side seams and presumably a closure of some sort.
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So let’s talk about the breeches!
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I'm going to call these "breeches" both because it's a word Sera uses and it's what I think they most closely resemble, especially given that they end below the knee but do not extend to the ankle. (Trousers or pants would be full-length.) First of all, it's notable that Sera is wearing breeches because it's a break with the Fereldan silhouettes we saw above, which are pretty universally long straight skirts hitting about mid-calf.
The waist of Sera's breeches is covered by her tunic, but I would guess that they might close with lacing (which can be seen on some of the Inquisitor’s Skyhold outfits) or a buttoned fall (a front panel with buttons on each side, which I think I've seen in some Orlesian noble concept art).
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My guess is that Sera's breeches are newer than her tunic, because of the slim cut; they more closely resemble the Orlesian men's fashions of the present in Inquisition than the sort of looser trousers we see in Ferelden circa 9:31 Dragon. Going by the plaid alone I would have called them Fereldan, but based on the cut I have to call these breeches Orlesian, and possibly a more recent acquisition for Sera. While plaideweave does not appear to be currently on trend in Inquisition, Val Royeaux is a center of high fashion and constantly-changing trends among the upper classes and I don't have trouble believing that plaideweave might have been fashionable sometime in the years Sera has lived there.
A detail I love about these breeches is that they are cut on the bias! Synthetic elastic fabrics and machine-knits don't exist in the non-industrialized south of Thedas so far as we know, but woven fabrics have a bit of stretch and give when cut diagonally across the weave, and this would be appropriate for a pair of snug-fitting woven breeches, for someone of means. (They would have been expensive, because diagonally into a bolt of cloth means you need more fabric to start with.) We also see plenty of wrinkles and bunches in Sera's breeches, especially where her knees bend, demonstrating that this isn't a perfectly smooth, skintight fabric like a pair of synthetic leggings.
Notably, Sera's breeches have been patched—and patched skillfully, using the same fabric and with perfect pattern-matching. I think the patching had to have been done by a previous owner; Sera might have the skill (she does mention sewing in her journal), but she likely wouldn't have had access to a matching fabric or the patience or desire to pattern-match. This suggests to me that these breeches were owned by someone of lesser means; a noble would not wear visibly-patched clothing however skillfully done, but based on the bright colors I think this garment could have belonged to a noble at one point, before being cast aside. The servants we see in the Winter Palace wear neutral, muted colors in order to draw little attention, so I don't think this is part of a servant's uniform, but it could have been worn by a servant on their off time or by a member of their family. My guess is that these breeches were a once-fashionable garment, discarded by their high-class owner and taken by someone in their employ (maybe even their own tailor, who might still have access to scraps of the original fabric) to be repaired and reused by themselves or a friend or family member. I judge the large, visible stitching on both the patches and the side seams to have been added later, likely by Sera herself when the original stitching began to give out, further extending the life of this garment.
So, the breeches are great. We love the breeches.
I do have some issues with the tunic, but let's start with what's good about it.
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I've already mentioned how it's consistent with Fereldan fashions a decade out of date. Based on the style and the fabric, I would say this garment was originally owned by someone in Ferelden of decent but not extravagant means, and Sera either stole it outright or swiped it from a rubbish heap. The wear on the tunic is consistent with its age: it's much more visibly tattered and falling apart than the breeches. However its construction also appears high-quality to me. If we look at the large tatters, we aren't seeing Sera's skin through them, and at the cuff where Sera has rolled up one sleeve we see the same contrasting fabric as the shoulder straps and trim. This tunic has a lining, and this also explains how it's still holding together on Sera's body with so much damage to its outer layer. The asymmetry at the bottom is jagged in a way that suggests part of it was torn off, rather than the garment being intentionally constructed that way.
My big problem with the tunic is its tightness and drape. This is a woven fabric (Highever Weave), and we can see the directionality of the weave very clearly because of the tatters; this garment was not cut on the bias. Even with the spiral-laced closure (love that they used spiral lacing instead of cross-lacing, by the way, just because it's a form of historical lacing that's often overlooked in media), this garment simply would not hang on Sera's figure the way it does in the game. (To be fair, neither would some of the Origins tunics. I have no idea what those are doing.) The form-fitting cut overall just doesn't make sense for a woven fabric, and it doesn't drape like one either—something that I'm sure has frustrated many a cosplayer trying to make this tunic with a comparable material. Without some stretch in the fabric, it's not happening. Even a moderately looser cut would make a lot more sense—compare with how Varric's tunic of the same weave hangs on him. Bottom line, Sera's tunic fits and drapes like a modern machine-knit, and if I wanted to make a cosplay that actually creates the same silhouette, that's what I'd use. Though personally I'd probably discard the silhouette and try to make something with a woven fabric that simply fits more realistically, and if I were to redesign Sera's base look, this is the one change I'd make.
The shape of the tunic is what really gives away the contemporary influence on Sera's outfit design. Leggings and skinny jeans came into fashion in a big way in the mid-2000s, often paired with a longer drapey top, and they hung on through the mid-2010s when Dragon Age: Inquisition was released, and were an obvious influence on the design of all the female companions as well as the female Inquisitor armor styles. Cold-shoulder tops were also a popular trend in the early 2010s. (I guess Dragon Age: Origins was on the cutting edge there.) Asymmetry and shredded clothing were also 2010s trends.
I also want to take a moment to look at Sera's shoes! Her base outfit includes what appears to be some kind of black slip-on shoe. These shoes are interesting to me because I think that like the breeches, they might be men's shoes. There's a similarity to the shoes in this concept art:
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I think this is pretty neat because while the real-world influences on Sera's look can be clearly tied to trends in women's fashion, in-universe her clothing is probably two-thirds menswear. I think that's pretty cool and maybe something to consider with regard to Sera's personal gender presentation as a lesbian in the context of the society she lives in.
I suspect Sera's shoes to be a bit older and out of fashion, since they bear a distinctly rounded toe and the Orlesian high fashion of the moment favors a pointed toe. Like the rest of her clothing, I would guess the shoes to be salvaged or stolen.
So overall, despite a few quibbles, I think Sera's base style is pretty great and very appropriate to her character. Her look is proudly lower-class in a highly-stratified society, visibly Fereldan while living in the Orlesian capital, and gender-non-conforming amidst a highly-gendered aristocratic culture.
It's pretty cool! I like it a lot.
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practicingsmut · 1 year
Heartbreak Feels So Good
wonwoo x reader, 3.4k words, reader gets cheated on (not by wonwoo)
You knew you never should have gone to the party. You weren’t one for partying in general, hadn’t been since college, but you had a few friends who were still into the scene, plus your boyfriend went out occasionally with his friends. That was the reason who finally agreed to go out with your friends this one time - you knew your boyfriend would be there and thought it would be fun to surprise him. He was always surprising you with flowers and gifts at the most random times, so it was time to return the favor.
Your outfit was everything he liked best on you: an old band tee you had cropped, a tight miniskirt you could barely bend over while wearing, red thigh highs to match the logo on the tee, and chunky ankle boots that were sure to kill your feet later but looked damn good. You completed the semi-grunge look with winged eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man, your favorite lipstick, and a fair bit of jewelry including your most recent gift, a necklace with your boyfriend’s name and the day you started dating on it.
All of your friends were similarly dressed and made sure to get a plethora of pictures to commemorate the night since you rarely ever went out with them in this way. Then, it was off to the party.
It was loud and crowded, which you expected, and yet somehow it still caught you off guard. Your friends scattered almost immediately, though at least one of them had the decency to shove a cup of something alcoholic into your hand before disappearing into the crowd. It didn’t taste good, per se, but it was certainly better than anything you had the misfortune of drinking in college, so that had to count for something.
The house was also a major improvement from the tiny basements and dorm rooms you frequented in your early 20s. It was three stories tall with speakers in almost every room to keep the party going no matter what room you were in, plus a finished basement with both a ping pong table and a pool table.
You found yourself wandering from room to room looking for your boyfriend, catching glimpses of the friends who brought you here and there as you went. Most of your drink stayed in your cup as you didn’t want to risk getting drunk and somehow ruining the surprise you had planned.
Not in the basement, not on the first floor, not on the second floor. There was only one more floor to go, and it was the least populated place in the house. You got the vibe that this was where people went to hook up or smoke a joint, so you didn’t really expect to find your boyfriend there, but you figured you’d cover your bases before starting over from square one.
Just as you were about to ascend the stairs to the top floor of the house, you had to take a step back to avoid getting slammed into as someone came rushing down them. It was a girl, hair a mess and makeup smudged as she held her shirt in front of her otherwise exposed chest. You wanted to immediately assume the worst of the situation until a man in an even further state of undress came running down after her, clad in only boxers with the rest of his clothes nowhere to be seen. He threw an arm around her shoulder and asked if she was alright, and she nodded. It was then that he saw you, and you recognized who this man was.
Your boyfriend.
“What—” you started, only to be interrupted by a third figure coming down the stairs. Thankfully this one was fully dressed, though he was pissed. You couldn’t make out all of the words that came out in his rage, but you managed to catch words like cheater and bitch among the threats of what he would do if the two of them didn’t leave immediately. So that’s what happened.
“Baby, it’s not what it looks like,” your boyfriend managed to get out before you took your cup and upended it over his head.
“Go to hell.” Without waiting for him to react you turned on your heel and stormed off, the small crowd that had gathered parting before you. Somehow you ended up on a balcony and despite the cold night air, you found yourself grateful for the solitude. There were some people scattered below around a firepit, but from the second floor the distance was enough.
One deep breath was all you managed before the tears started welling up in your eyes. You bit your bottom lip, focusing on the pain to keep the tears at bay. You had been through several breakups before and had never once cried over a man, and you weren’t about to start now. Granted, you had never been cheated on before, but that didn’t make a difference. You wouldn’t let it make a difference.
Eventually you managed to calm down. You knew you should find your friends, let at least one of them know what had happened before you headed home, but you couldn’t bring yourself to move. So instead you just sat there staring off into the middle distance until someone joined you on the balcony.
“Are you alright?” It was a voice you didn’t recognize, so you turned to see the man who had been screaming at your boyfriend and the girl he had been caught with. The other person who had been cheated on at this party.
“I guess I’m about as alright as you are,” you answered bitterly.
“Yeah, that’s fair. Here, I got you something to drink. You’ve been out here for a while, so I figured you might be thirsty.” You eyed the liquid in the cup suspiciously. “It’s just lemonade. I can get you something stronger if you’d like.”
“No, this is fine. Thanks.” The drink went down hard and bitter. How fitting for the moment. “No offense, but what are you doing here?”
The man shrugged. “I don’t really know. I would want a friend to check in on me.”
“Are we friends now? Was that enough of a bonding experience? I don’t even know your name.”
A small smile crossed his face in response to your joke. “I’m Wonwoo.”
Wonwoo. The name sounded familiar, and you dimly remembered a couple of your friends gushing about how hot he was after seeing him at the last party they went to. Their description had not done the man justice - he was gorgeous with his strong jaw and beautiful brown eyes looking at you from behind his glasses. You could have continued to stare, but instead you just told him your name and let a silence elapse over the two of you for a little while.
“So, what are your plans for the rest of the night?” he eventually asked.
“I’m not sure. Partying isn’t really my thing, and I only came here to surprise my boyfriend and maybe get fucked, and you see how well that went. I should have specified to the universe that I wanted to be physically fucked and not emotionally.”
Wonwoo let out a low chuckle. “Well, the night is still young. I’ll fuck you if you still want to check that off your to do list.”
“What?” you asked, whirling around to face him. Whereas you had been leaning out over the balcony railing to stare at the stars, Wonwoo was lounging in one of the chairs, legs spread and a hand tucked behind his neck to support his head.
“You definitely do not have to say yes. I just figured, you know, they say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else, and if we fuck each other we’d be killing two birds with one stone.”
You stood there like a deer in headlights for a long moment. It was a crazy idea. The craziest idea you’d ever heard, maybe. Could you really let yourself fuck someone else an hour after you found out your boyfriend was cheating on you?
Yes. Yes you could.
“Fuck it,” you muttered before striding forward and inviting yourself to sit on Wonwoo’s lap. He took the action in stride, one hand immediately coming to rest on your hip while the other slid up the back of your neck to tangle in your hair. Your hands held onto either side of his face as you brought your lips to his.
He tasted like bitter lemonade with something sweet undercutting the flavor, like he had mixed in a lot of extra sugar. It was addictive, and you found yourself pushing your tongue into his mouth immediately.
“You’re really not wasting any time, are you?” he asked with a smile as you pulled back to adjust your position to be straddling him. He took off his glasses and put them on the table to keep them out of the way.
“Why would I?” you answered, and then your mouth was on him again.
Wonwoo was warm, a welcoming contrast to the cold air. His hands started out on your thighs, playing a bit with the elastic on your thigh highs before sliding up. One stopped to rest on your ass where it peeked out from under your miniskirt while the other made its way under your top.
“Fuck,” he muttered, bucking his hips up at the exact moment you started to grind yours onto him. There were far too many layers between the two of you, but you willed yourself to be patient. You had the whole night ahead of you and no one waiting for you at home so you could afford to take your time with Wonwoo.
You pulled back, smirking at the way your lipstick was smudged across his lips and wondering what it would look like elsewhere.
You were on your knees with his belt unbuckled before he even registered what was going on. It took him a moment to get with the program, but soon enough his pants had been shuffled down enough for his cock to be on full display before you. You shouldn’t have been surprised by its length given that the man was at least six feet tall, but it still made you pause.
“Like what you see?”
You looked to see him grinning down at you and you made sure to keep eye contact as you licked a thick stripe from base to tip with the flat of your tongue before sucking as much of it into your mouth as you could. Wonwoo groaned and gripped the arms of his chair so tight that his fingers were white. As you bobbed your head a bit you pried one of his hands up and placed it on your head, hoping that he’d get the memo.
He most certainly did. Wonwoo was the only man you’d ever met who somehow managed to be gentle while shoving your mouth down onto his cock. Maybe it was the way his fingers were laced through your hair instead of tugging on it, or maybe it was the words of encouragement that slipped out of his mouth amid the gasps and groans. Either way, it had a puddle pooling in your pants at the thought of how he’d act if his cock was buried in your cunt instead of your mouth.
As much as you liked being teasing while sucking dick, you found yourself enjoying the way he seemed to just be using your mouth to get off. Normally you’d pull away right when you thought your boyfriend was getting close, give little kitten licks on the tip as you slowly stroked the base, but Wonwoo was leaving no room for any of that. His cock repeatedly hit the back of your throat and you found yourself grateful for those embarrassing early college days where your roommate taught you how to suppress your gag reflex for this exact activity.
Then all too soon it was over and you were yanked off of his cock. You couldn’t help but bemoan the fact that you hadn’t gotten him to cum in your mouth, but you couldn’t be too sad as you watched him grab a condom out of his wallet. He didn’t slide it onto his swollen and, to your enjoyment, lipstick-stained erection just yet, just placing it on the table for ease of access later.
“Stand up and turn around,” Wonwoo ordered. His voice was deep and raspy and had you doing exactly what he wanted. A moment later he was behind you, pushing you forward until your hands came to rest on the balcony railing.
He didn’t move your underwear to the side or pull it down like you expected. Instead he ran his fingertips over your core through the already soaked fabric, toying with you. He pushed at your entrance as far as your panties allowed before sliding up and rubbing circles around your clit.
“Stop playing with me,” you said, ending the sentence with a gasp as he pinched the bud. You may have loved to tease, but you hated being on the other end of it.
“You gotta be more specific. What do you want me to do?” Wonwoo asked nonchalantly as he continued to slide his fingers over your clothed core.
“I want to feel your fingers,” you groaned.
“Inside my cunt, and… and around my throat.”
“That wasn’t so hard now, was it?”
You wanted to make a retort, to say something witty and sarcastic, but any ideas of what to say were wiped from your mind as Wonwoo yanked down your underwear and moved his hand around to reach you from the front. Two thick fingers slid into you immediately. They stretched you out while still moving with ease thanks to how wet you were. His cock was hard where it pressed into your ass. Then Wonwoo’s other hand came to rest on your throat, putting pressure on it but not squeezing.
Stars danced before your eyes from the pleasure of it all. You were certain that the people at the firepit below could hear you moaning, could see you getting fucked if they were to look up, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
Something sharp was stuck between your collarbone and the side of Wonwoo’s hand. It was just distracting enough to pull you out of the moment.
“My necklace,” you choked out between moans. Wonwoo was relentless as he fingered you, his thumb pressing hard into your clit while he stretched you out.
“What about it?” he groaned, clearly holding back from doing what he really wanted until you were ready. You could only imagine how much his cock was leaking against your ass.
“I want it gone.”
“I can’t really get the clasp off with one hand, and the other is a little busy. Unless you want me to stop what I’m doing.”
“No!” You cringed at how desperate you sounded, but Wonwoo just let out a light laugh. “Just… just break it,” you insisted.
After making sure that you meant what you said, Wonwoo did just that. He held the broken chain in front of you, the light from the fire below glinting off of the metal charm.
“I take it that’s the bastard’s name?” Wonwoo asked. You nodded, unable to speak as he brought you closer and closer to your climax. “Good riddance.”
And just like that, the necklace was gone, dropped and ready to be forgotten in the dirt where it landed below. Moments later you came, Wonwoo’s name the only thing coming out of your mouth. You chanted it like a mantra as he helped work you through your orgasm.
When he pulled away you couldn’t help but shiver. Your thighs were coated in your slick and the cool air felt icy against it. There was no way your socks weren’t ruined, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
Condom on, Wonwoo lined himself up at your entrance only to hesitate.
“Are you sure you want this?” he questioned. You cursed inwardly. You barely knew the man, yet you couldn’t be surprised at how he could be sadistically dominating you one second just to act like the perfect gentleman the next.
“Wonwoo, if you don’t shove your cock in me right now, I’m going to go find someone who will and make you watch.”
It was a baseless threat, as high as you were on adrenaline and lust you weren’t the kind of person to find a second stranger to fuck you in the same night, but Wonwoo wasn’t about to take that chance.
He moved as slow as he dared, wanting to appease both of your desires while also being careful not to hurt you. Taking matters into your own hand, you threw your hips back until he bottomed out. You were glad that he was able to keep his balance, sure that with your shaky knees and unstable shoes you would have fallen flat on your ass had he not been there.
“Holy shit,” he moaned, sliding out almost all the way just to push himself back into you quickly enough that you were shoved forward into the railing. “You’re taking all of me so well, it’s like your pussy was made for my cock.”
As absurd as it was, you had to agree. Your walls clung to him as he fucked you, managing to hit your g-spot on almost every thrust. One of his hands held you steady on your hip while the other slid up your body to pinch your nipple through the fabric of your bra. You hoped he was close because there was no way you could hold off your approaching orgasm for long.
Wonwoo wanted to dirty talk, it was one of his favorite parts of sex, but words were as impossible for him as they were for you as he fucked you. He was barely able to remember that your enjoyment was just as important as his what with how quickly he was reaching his climax. Luckily he was doing just fine in making you feel good, though you did slip a hand between your legs to play with your clit just for something a little extra.
It was the right move, as minutes later he stilled inside you and even though the condom you could feel his cock spurting. You finished a moment later, knees buckling as you hit your second orgasm for the night. Wonwoo caught your hand and held it against your hip until the two of you calmed down.
Despite being completely satisfied with what had happened, you couldn’t help but be disappointed with the emptiness he left behind when he pulled out. You leaned against the railing to balance yourself as you pulled your panties back up, cringing at the feeling but knowing that no amount of paper towels would be able to clean you up enough to be comfortable in that moment.
You caught sight of Wonwoo just as he was putting his glasses on, pants already zipped up and condom disposed of in the little trash can in the corner of the balcony. An unexpected laugh bubbled its way out of your throat.
“What’s so funny?” he asked with a laugh.
“Honestly? I don’t know,” you replied. “My boyfriend cheated on me and then I fucked a complete stranger to get over him.”
“When you put it that way, you’re right. It’s not funny.” And yet Wonwoo was laughing too. “You know, we don’t have to keep being strangers. Give me your phone number and we’ll find some time to hang out.”
“Yeah? You just wanna fuck me again,” you said playfully.
“Oh for sure, but also we could just hang out. Most of my friends were through my girlfriend and now that that’s done…” he let his words trail off and scratched bashfully at his chin.
“You know what? I think I like you, Wonwoo. Whether it’s to fuck or to hang out, don’t hesitate to give me a call.”
You may have lost a boyfriend, but gained a friend - and a couple of really good orgasms to boot, with the promise of more in the future. As much as it sucked originally, you couldn’t really complain about how the night turned out.
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creampie-capital · 2 years
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✦「Killer x Marine! Reader」✦
ᴀɴɪᴍᴇ/ᴍᴀɴɢᴀ║One Piece: Stampede
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ║18,010
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꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
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꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
Do not steal, copy, or repost anywhere. My work is currently on both CREAMPIE_CAPITAL on wattpad and Imtropicalbaby on Quotev. If posted on another account or website, please report and notify me immediately.
Now onto the smut :)
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
"What the-Get that out of your mouth!?"
Before the two could react, you snatched the duo cigars from Smoker's mouth and threw it in the rubbish can.
"(Y/n), no-"
"(Y/n), yes." You retorted and lowered the newspaper you used to hide your appearance. "We're on an island surrounded by pirates for The Pirates Fest and you want to smoke?"
The older male grunted and licked his dry lips. "They're not going to recognize me."
You felt your left eye twitching. Smoker looked exactly like himself except his outfit was different and even then on the left side of his chest were extra cigars.
He even still had his jitte, only having it wrapped in a white bandage attached to his back.
While the Vice Admiral's disguise was rather simple and plain, his subordinate's was much more flashy. Tashigi wore her blue capris and magenta long-sleeve with a pink scarf around her neck.
And the most flashy thing she wore was the large exaggerated pink hat with a yellow puff flowing behind. Not to mention she even had her sword attached to her hip.
"Your disguises are ridiculous. These pirates will be able to recognize you from a mile away." You grumbled under your breath and crossed your arms under your chest. "I knew I should have bought your disguises for you..."
"You should look at yourself first before saying something to us." Smoker answered, provoking you to raise an eyebrow.
"Huh?" You asked with your left eye twitching. You took this infiltration seriously, especially when you were trying to work your way up the ranks.
Being a Vice Admiral was great and all, especially when your subordinates considered your rank just below Veteran Tsuru and Monkey D. Garp.
It was a great accomplishment but many actually believed you didn't deserve it since you weren't a devil fruit user.
You were proficient and Haki enough, but there was clear Bias against you because of your gender than your male counterparts.
Not to mention the jealousy from your peers from how fast you ranked up compared to others.
It didn't matter at the same time since they were nothing to you. You use your position for the well-being of others, and the more accomplishments you have, the more power you earn.
To hide your prominent appearance, well known to the pirates, you adorned a short black-haired wig with a few golden stripes.
Instead of your marine uniform, you wore a red tank top that stopped below your naval. Black leggings covered your bottom and ended at your ankles where red heels protected your feet. And to cover your well know jagged scars on your back and shoulders, a black leather jacket was worn over your arms.
Your crystal fans were skillfully hidden inside your jacket, making you appear rather harmless if it wasn't for the intense gaze in your (e/c) iris'.
"I am the most unrecognizable one, you foolish marine. If it wasn't for Black Cage Hina, you wouldn't have been able to stay in your position due to that mouth." You snapped causing Smoker to get in your face.
"You're one to talk. Being a Vice Admiral but somehow always losing to that mask-wearing supernova from the worst generation. "
His words caused you to gape at him like a fish. "That's funny coming from you. And I wouldn't consider it losing if there is never a winner." You hissed.
Smoker laughed in his throat and leaned back. "I'd consider it losing if I were to be scarred like that by his blades." He said, referring to the markings all over your body, especially the one on the left side of your lip.
A thin slice started at the bottom of your nose and ends at your chin. It was a fairly new injury so you knew the pirates wouldn't recognize you with the new wound.
"Not to mention you wouldn't have even made it to that rank if it wasn't for Fleet Admiral Sakazuki wanting to get in your pants." Smoker stated.
"I should kill you." You mumbled in response before placing a strand of the fake hair behind your ear. "And Fleet Amiral Sakazuki didn't want to suck my titties until after I was promoted to Vice Admiral."
Tashigi let out an awkward laugh at the tension and lowered her newspaper. "Let's not forget why we're here." She said and attempted to change the subject.
The brunet brought up a tan piece of paper with important information on it. "Our main target is the big boss, Festa the "Festival Maker". A big-time pirate from the days of Roger, who we thought died in a sea king accident."
"And this guy too." You added in and handed the female a folded piece of paper. "The man the Navy quarters won't even admit is alive."
The woman unfolded the paper and assessed the bounty picture printed out on it. "Douglas Bullet...The worst escapee from level six at Impel Down..."
Smoker leaned back in his chair and placed two more cigars in his mouth, lighting them unapologetically. "If those two are teamed up, this is clearly no ordinary festival."
Before you could speak the ground suddenly began to shake and pirate ships in the water began to get sucked into a vortex that was forming.
People began to panic and knock into things around them. You had no reaction as Smoker and Tashigi looked around worriedly.
"Don't worry about it." You mumbled and slowly stood up from your sitting position. "It's nothing you need to bother with. Come on, let's see if we can find some information."
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
"(Y/n), you're getting distracted."
You snapped out of it and quickly wiped the drool that you had salivated. Although you were trying to be serious since there was a lot riding on what you three could come out with, you couldn't help but get distracted at the food stands.
"No, I'm not." You snapped and quickly made your way down the street. Tashigi and Smoker looked at each other before sighing to themselves.
You were typically much scarier than this but when you were at events-like festivals-you were the type to get rather sidetracked. Even reverting to a child-like wonder since as a child you were never able to experience the youthfulness of the world.
The two marine officers followed after your form and listened closely to those around them. You did the same...but couldn't help diverting your attention to the food that smelled absolutely delicious and the jewelry stands that displayed accessories that twinkled like mini stars.
The Vice Admiral had to basically hold you back at certain points when you started to wander off on your own. You couldn't help it, shiny objects always attracted your attention, and that was how you were stuck with Saisei Kurisutarufan, the regenerative crystal fans.
Your attraction to glistening objects was your downfall. Originally you thought they were just crystals in odd shapes, but as soon as you grabbed hold of the weapons, they immediately named you their master and fused themselves to your soul.
Ever since then you were unable to rid yourselves of the fans. They were a part of your soul and always found their way back to you.
"Did you hear that?" Tashigi's voice brought you back from your thoughts as she pulled the three of you into an alley. "It's only a rumor, but it's spread so widely."
You nodded your head and crossed your arms under your chest. "I know. And if we're caught, this could end extremely badly for us."
The white-haired officer nodded his head and inhaled deeply from his two cigarettes that you were quick to snatch and stomp under your heels.
"You disgraceful marine!" The male snapped. "You're worse than Tashigi and she's incredibly absentminded!"
Abruptly you slammed your hands against the older male's mouth and shushed him. "You're gonna blow our cover, you obstinate fool!"
The male flicked your hands off of his face and wiped his mouth as if it was dirty. Tashigi began to speak again, but your attention was seized when something shiny caught your eye.
Moving without thinking you walked down the alley into another street to stop at a stall. The display cases held glimmering ornaments, and even some daggers the color of gold.
You gawked at the gems and brought your purse out, ready to buy the items without really thinking. However, you were quickly pulled out of your fantasy when a cool gust of wind raked through your clothes.
Glancing around you noticed the sun was setting and the sky was becoming visibly dark. Tashigi and Smoker were nowhere to be found, and you couldn't blame them this time since it was indeed you who wandered off first.
"Sh*t." You cursed under your breath and quickly left the stand. You had to find the two officers on this giant island and even though they weren't disguised the best, there were thousands of people here you had to look past to find your partners.
And because you didn't want to deal with the Vice Admiral at night you went and booked a separate hotel away from the two. Blowing air out of your nose like a bull, you continued down the street to make your way to your hotel.
Tashigi knew where your lodging was so if they were really concerned they would meet you there. The hard expression on your face morphed into a sudden grin.
And that meant you could finish exploring the streets to your pleasure without the white-haired male berating you for getting distracted.
And of course, you enjoyed it to your heart's content. Hungrily you devoured the grilled meat (or alternative :p) and churros that you bought from a couple of stands.
You strutted down the streets, the glow of the lights casting upon your skin as you grew closer to your lodging.
"Hey! Do you want to play a game?"
Your attention was diverted to a male calling out to you. It was a rather large stand with tables and chairs surrounding it.
People were sitting around eating and obviously enjoying the delicacies. The one who called out to you appeared to be a tall muscular man with styled brown hair.
He was sitting at a table with another man with black hair. At the table they were sitting at was a giant platter with takoyaki stacked up in a pyramid.
You swallowed the bite in your mouth and stepped closer to their table. "A game?" You sought. "What kind of game?"
The one who called over to you directed one of his hands to the mountain of food. "It's a game sort of like russian roulette. Most of the takoyaki here is normal, with regular filling but there are some that are alternatively filled with wasabi."
You gained a bit of interest from the idea and sat down at their table. "Go on."
"Each of us grabs seven and puts them on our plate. The first one to finish all seven wins. It's a simple game but the wasabi they sell here on Delta Island is crazy spicy."
"And the reward?" You asked.
The black-haired one snorted. "Bragging rights."
"I'm down." You shot back. You were rather competitive, even if there was no true reward. You just liked to say that you won.
"Alright." The brown-haired male cheered. "I'm Delano and he's Tajo. We'll be your competitors on this fine evening."
You couldn't help but snicker at the pirates. Even if you couldn't fight any pirates or you would break your cover, you'll sure as h*ll win a simple competition.
"Greetings to you two. You may call me Enola." You said using your alias.
"Nice to meet you, Enola." The two chimed before fixing their posture and straightening their plates.
"Ready," Delano asked you.
You nodded your head.
"Begin!" Tajo declared.
Using your chopsticks, you skillfully placed seven on your plate before devouring them. The first two were normal, tasting absolutely delicious.
But the third one almost knocked the wind out of you. "Holy sh*t." You choked and coughed aloud. 'They didn't lie when they said this was spicy.'
Delano laughed at you, causing himself to choke on his bite. Tajo shook his head and was already on his fourth one but inhaled deeply at what you assumed was a spicy bite.
It literally didn't really matter if you lost, but you're quite a sore loser regardless of what the competition was about.
You ate a couple more, the three of them being tampered with takoyaki. Your eyes watered from the heat, though you swallowed strenuously and sniffled.
Mama ain't raise no p*ssy b*tch...Well, mama didn't raise you at all, but that's not the point. Stuffing the last one in your mouth, you dropped your chopsticks on your plate in accomplishment.
You leaned back in your seat and crossed your arms under your chest in a proud manner while swallowing the last two that were regular.
Delano threw his eating utensil on the table and grabbed a water bottle to chug down the bite in his mouth.
"Wow, I lost to a little girl." Tajo groaned and pushed his plate away from himself. You flared your nose and shook your head.
"I'm twenty-five."
The two males did a double-take and choked on their spit. "Y-You're older than us by two years?" Delano asked as if he was in disbelief.
You snickered at their reactions before standing up and sniffling from the heat that was burning within your mouth.
"Well, pleasure beating you children, but I must be on my way. Have a fine night." You called out at the two males, who waved their hands dejectedly.
While walking down the streets, your mouth still burned, and your head felt fuzzy. The heat from the wasabi was really getting to you now.
Buying a bottle of water, you continued down the path, whereas for some reason, you began to feel uneasy, as if someone was watching you.
Glancing around, no one was paying any attention to your frame. Everyone was too busy with their own matters for you to be the center of attention.
You took another sip of your water, but it didn't seem to be any help at all. In fact, you were beginning to feel worse.
Not only was it just your tongue, but your whole body began to feel hot. Your limbs felt heavy, and you couldn't help but sway.
The bright street lights were hurting your head, yielding you to enter one of the alleys and hold yourself up against the wall since it was so dark and dim.
You couldn't help but pant heavily, your chest rising and falling raggedly. "What...Is wrong with me?" You wheezed out, shaking with most of the strength in your legs, feeling as if they were dissipating.
"Ha, it took longer than expected to work on you."
You swallowed thickly and slowly turned to look over your shoulder to see Delano and Toja making their way down the alley.
"What are you-" Delano didn't let you finish as he grabbed your arm roughly and pulled you close to his body, your water bottle falling to the ground.
"There were drugs in the ones you ate. You didn't think we called you over just for a stupid game, did you?" Toja asked, his hands running up your leg.
"You..." You could barely get the words out from how heavy your tongue felt. "You f*cker's spiked it."
"Don't worry." The brunet mused. "It's nothing bad, just something to put you in the mood and extra sensitive. Plus-" His free hand played with the hem of your leggings. "-they say older women do it better. So why don't we find out~."
You grit your teeth, fury mending into every fiber of your muscles. Tajo's lips could be felt on the side of your neck with Delano's hand attempting to pull down your leggings.
"W-Wait!" You cried, but they didn't listen. Your black jacket was ripped off your torso; a bruise now formed around the side of your throat from the black-haired male.
His hands grasped the hem of your shirt, pulling it upwards while your leggings were being tugged downwards.
With all the strength you could muster, you summoned Saisei Kurisutarufan. The glimmering teal and lemonade pink fans with the black opal handle flew from under your coat and landed in your hands.
You didn't even hesitate in your movement, slicing their throat with the sharp edge of your weapon. They gasped, halting their actions before falling backward and landing on the ground with a loud thud.
A wide slice was made across the skin of their throats and was opened widely. Dark-colored minerals protruded against the cut, with their blood turning into pearl-shaped gems.
You huffed loudly and fell against the wall, barely able to keep your frame on the surface. Your body was burning up to the point where you felt like you were going to melt.
"I never thought I would actually see you here."
Whirling around, you pointed your fans at the end of the alley and glared. "Show yourself!"
There was a moment of silence before you heard footsteps, and a man's figure was illuminated by the glow of the streets.
Your eyes widened at the sight; you were in disbelief. It was your worst enemy, your eternal rival, and the one who you continuously never won over.
The Massacre Soldier, Killer.
If Killer recognized you, then he would most definitely take advantage of your situation and end you right there and there.
He was dressed just as he usually was, only for his light purple jeans and his shirt a dark mulberry purple. The sash around his waist was tan, and his sheaths were still attached to his hips.
The last time you saw him was when he busted your nose and gifted you your most recent scar on your face.
"W-Who are you!?" You asked, still having to keep your cover.
"Do you really think I wouldn't recognize you?" You flinched from his deep voice and cowered slightly when he took long heavy steps to your frame. "I'll always be able to tell it's you, (Y/n)."
You bared your teeth and attempted to slash one of the twin fans across his throat, but you stumbled instead, and the male had to catch you.
You barely had any more strength, the effects of the drug growing stronger the longer it stayed in your system.
One of his muscular arms was wrapped around your waist to hold you upright while the other grasped your discarded jacket.
The heat of his body made you tremble; your mind was so hazy, and your throat so dry. And when you smelled the faintest hint of the sea and cologne on his body, your p*ssy couldn't help but throb because of his manly scent.
"You're so..." You swallowed hard and panted. "Lucky I can't f*cking kill you right now."
The male glanced down at you and tilted his mask-covered face. The wig that was on your head was starting to slide back and reveal your real hair beneath.
Your face was flushed with color; a smoky look was in your eyes with your lips parted. Heavy pants left your lips with a slight trail of drool dribbling down the corner of your mouth.
The sight of your face was already as er*tic as it was. But then, when he looked closely and gazed across your bare shoulders with the straps of your top falling down your biceps, it was almost too enticing.
The bottom of your shirt was pulled up and crumbled at your chest, revealing your bare stomach covered in scars.
Not to mention the hem of your pants was lowered, revealing the thin straps of your undergarment pressing into the skin of your waist.
Your appearance was completely disheveled and troubled. The sight made the male swallow thickly and took a deep breath.
You were the woman from the Marines that he always fought, always went toe to toe with but could never beat. The strongest female he knew, and here you were in an alley, unable to even raise a fist to his face.
You were completely vulnerable, something he had never seen before.
"Let me go, you f*cking oaf." He blinked before glancing down at you and doing as you said. As soon as the support was gone, your legs crumpled, and you fell to your knees, groaning from the pain.
"Whatever happened to the big bad Vice Admiral, huh? The Pirate Killer?" He teased lightly and crossed his large muscular arms over his broad chest.
You grit your teeth at his taunting remarks and weakly hovel to your feet. Snatching the coat from him, you placed the fans back within the inside pockets and leaned against the wall.
"I ate something spiked; moreover, I'm livid, so If you don't get out of my way and leave me be, I'm going to f*cking tear your throat open."
The male shrugged his muscular shoulders and turned his body to show you his back. "That's if you ever get the chance. When I leave, you'll be alone in such a defenseless state." He responded.
"I can handle this myself."
Killer scoffed quietly and turned back to face you. "It wouldn't take much for someone else to find you like this. They'll probably recognize you, kill you maybe, or take advantage of you."
He suddenly leaned down from his height of 6'5 (195 cm) and brought his masked face close to yours. "Do you think these pirates would miss the opportunity to defile and humiliate a female marine? Especially a well-known one of your rank."
"You're notorious, (Y/n)." His low voice saying your name made your p*ssy throb and walls clench. "But if you want me to go, then I'll oblige. I'll wait for another day to kill you; well, that is if someone else doesn't do it for me first."
He pulled away from you and stood to his full height. You glared at his stupid blue and white mask, wanting to smash his f*cking face in.
Swiftly he turned around and began making his way down the alley. The roar of the pirates from the streets grew louder, and because of Killers' words, the panic was beginning to settle in.
You knew he was right; you were in no position to defend yourself. Already had you used the remaining strength on Delano and Toja.
Your hotel was at least a mile or two away from where you were. The masked man was right; you'd never make it back safely.
"W-Wait!" You stuttered and cringed at what you were going to do. You hated needing anything from others, and you especially hated asking for it.
The male halted in his movements and turned his head slightly to face you.
You took a deep breath, scrunching your face up before letting it relax. "I need...Hmph, I need your assistance."
It was absolutely embarrassing, humiliating even to ask the arrogant pirate - who you had been feuding with for years - for help to get back safely.
The blond turned his full body to face you. "I think you can do better than that, (Y/n). The word I'm looking for is 'help'."
"F*cking a**hole!" You cursed under your breath and launched your jacket at him. He caught it swiftly with his left hand but still awaited your 'appropriate' plea for help.
Your lips trembled as you attempted to speak. With all your heart, you loathed asking for help; you despised even saying the word.
Nothing good had ever come from you asking for help, in fact, it was twisted on you, and he used your plea for help as a way to take advantage of you.
Memories from that sullen place never left you. Memories of your desperate pleas for salvation only for it to be your doom.
You were damn sure Killer didn't understand the severity of the word, but he really was using the opportunity to get a one-up on you.
The feelings of your eyes burning from attempting to keep your tears of frustration in brought you back from your thoughts.
Killer just stood still, waiting for you to ask, but you struggled greatly; he could tell. He suddenly pivoted on the balls of his feet and began to walk away.
"K-Killer!" He paused for a moment before continuing out towards the end of the alley to the other side of the street.
"Please..." It was as if the words burnt your tongue and smacked you in the face. "Please help me get back to the hotel."
The male swiftly shifted, stepping closer to you before suddenly gripping your waist and heaving you over onto his right shoulder.
"K-Killer!" You screeched from surprise and had to adjust the wig from falling.
"What? It's the quickest way. Now, which hotel are you staying at?" He asked, his grip on your waist securing you firmly over his collar.
His touch was distracting; the warmth of his fingers made the skin feel as it was being ignited aflame.
"(Y/n). I asked you a question."
You blinked your thick lashes and swallowed the saliva in your mouth. It was a bit embarrassing only because almost everyone knew of your childish interest.
"It's over by the main jewelry stores, Emerald Cove Hotel." You replied, and you felt his shoulders tremble.
He most likely was going to laugh, but he physically had to stop himself. You knew he hated his laugh, especially after the defected SMILE incident.
"Figured as much."
The masked blond began making his way through the less crowded streets to get to your hotel. He was quiet as usual and didn't say anything more after his little comment.
You didn't say anything either; however, that didn't mean your mind wasn't racing with extreme thoughts. His touch was driving you mad, and the heat of his body made goosebumps rise all over your skin.
With every step he took, you could feel your body bounce against his own, and it felt like electricity shooting through your nerves. You had to squeeze your thighs together, and you hoped he wouldn't notice even though your a** was basically right next to his head.
After what felt like forever, the two of you finally arrived at the luxurious lodging. The male didn't even put you down as he entered.
"Which one's your room?" He sought.
"The suite on the top floor." You replied after a moment of gathering your thoughts.
Strutting over to the lift, he entered it and clicked the highest button on the panel. You couldn't help but shift and groan quietly as the drug coursed through your veins.
"We're almost there, just a little longer." He stated, and you only responded with another groan. A minute or two went by until the lift door opened, and a short hallway with a set of double doors at the end came to view.
As he stepped forward to the doors, you spoke up. "The key card is in the pocket on the right side of my leggings." You didn't have the strength to maneuver your arm back and grab it.
But maybe you should have because as soon as his large hand had dipped into your pocket and slid against the thin fabric to grab the card, your hips bucked, and you unconsciously shifted closer to his face.
You could basically feel the heat growing in your lower region, oh so desperate for anything to assist the sensitivity.
Killer unlocked the door to your room and turned on the lights before entering inside, gazing around to take in the appearance. Exactly what he thought your room to be.
Clean, most definitely, but extravagant as well to match your interest in sparkling gems and jewels. He set you down roughly on the couch, causing you to groan and rub the back of your head from hitting the armrest.
"I outta kill you!"
"You outta give me a thank you."
His words caused you to purse your lips and turn your head to avoid his gaze. "Whatever." You whispered under your breath while sitting up.
Your body smelt of sweat and the aroma of food from the festival. You needed a shower, and maybe a cold shower could help surpass this drug or at least cool you down.
Weakly you stood up to your feet and pressed yourself against the wall. "I'm going to shower, so you can leave now." You mumbled as you entered the pristine marble bathroom.
The blonde-haired pirate didn't say anything, simply watching you close the door, and a few moments later, he heard the water running.
He turned to leave, and right as he reached the door handle, he heard a cry from the shower. Without thinking, he ran to the bathroom door.
The faintest sound of your breathing could be heard; however, it sounded more of what he assumed was heavy panting.
"I'm...I'm fine." You called out hoarsely before clearing your throat. "Can you wait here? You know...till I'm done, just in case anything happens."
The masked man didn't say anything, staring at the white door for a few seconds until he sighed. "Fine." He grumbled and stepped away until he reached the couch.
He set himself down and crossed his leg in a figure four, his arms supporting his body on the bridge of the sofa. Leaning his head back, he closed his eyes and thought to himself.
What was he even doing here? Not to begin with, he was here helping the female marine that always seemed to get in his and Kid's way, and he was helping her.
The whole situation was a mess, and he should just do what would be most beneficial to him and the Kid Pirates.
He should just kill you now.
Taking you out when you were weak would be perfect when you couldn't fight back. But then again, he didn't like that either. If you couldn't fight back, then what was the point?
If he couldn't cross weapons with you and feel the strength against his blade, then it would be a waste.
The Massacre Soldier was so much in his thoughts that he didn't hear the shower shut off or the bathroom door opening.
When you exited the washroom, you saw the male sitting on your couch, staring at the ceiling. Swallowing the saliva in your mouth, you crept over to the light switch and shut it off.
Immediately the room was enveloped in darkness, and it startled the masked man. He jolted in his spot and was about to get up, but your words stopped him.
"Don't move...please."
His instinct was telling him otherwise, that this was a trick or an attack. He should've just killed you already. And to hear you say 'please'- a word you hated to use just as much as 'help'-made him hesitate.
He swallowed thickly and stayed in his spot, but he kept his hands scrunched around his gauntlets by his side. He heard your footsteps approach him slowly, and his heart drummed noisily in his ears.
The anticipation was killing him, and he disliked this, how he was at a disadvantage in the darkness. There was little light, but it came from the window behind him.
Your body came into the line of his sight, causing his gaze to fling to your frame. You met his gaze and stopped walking right in front of his spot on the couch.
With the small amount of light from the window, he could see the wig was off, and your real hair was down, still dripping water.
The only thing protecting your body from him was the thin white towel wrapped around your body. But to his surprise, you let go of the cloth and allowed it to fall to the ground.
Immediately the blond sucked in a breath at the sight. It was something he had never seen before in all the years he had known you.
Your body was bare, nothing shielding his blue orbs from seeing your most private parts. Water droplets dripped down your body, and he couldn't help but follow the trails that led down your stomach.
"What are you-"
"One night."
You had quickly interjected his words and looked deeply at his blue and white mask. Your face was flushed with color, and a frustrated but smokey expression rested on your face.
"I can't deal with this; it's not going away..." You stepped closer to his frame to set his leg down and straddle his lap, your wet limbs on either side of his.
Killer could immediately feel the wetness from your c*nt on his crotch, and it took everything in him not to grab your throat right then and there and just kill you.
You were tempting him like the devil and could possibly only be acting. You could be using this chance to make him vulnerable and finally kill him.
"Please, I'm desperate." You begged and brought your hands down to his own. You fingered the attachments and unlocked his hands from the grey gauntlets.
"I thought I could just do it myself, but it's just getting worse..." Your voice cracked at the end to signify your clear, very emotional standing. "I-I can't go to anyone else."
You gripped his hands and steered them to your waist. As soon as his rough, calloused hands brushed against your skin, you sucked in a breath and shuddered against his body.
He immediately felt that response and willed his own body to not react. His self-control was great, but he was human after all, and everyone falls to their desires at least once in their life.
"So just this once, I beg you to forget your hatred and...please help me."
You brought your face close to his mask in the darkness, and you could hear him breathing laboriously.
"Just this one time?" He asked in a soft voice you've never heard before. It made butterflies erupt in your tummy and dance around.
Instead of replying, you grasped the sides of his mask and removed it gently from his head. You knew the male hated to have others see his face, always sporting the iconic blue and white mask.
But if you were in the darkness where you struggled to see, hopefully, he'll allow you to take it off. 
And thankfully, you were right.
His grip on your waist tightened as he now sat maskless in front of someone for the first time since childhood. Even though you couldn't see, he still grew a bit tense and even itched to wear it again.
However, those thoughts slowly began to dissipate when he felt your hot breath against his lips, so close to touching.
"Just for one night." You whispered as softly as he did. "I need you."
Not a moment later did, the blond place his lips against yours and pull your body closer to his chest. Your lips moved in sync sloppily, a desperate action that could only be described as yearning.
One of his arms wrapped around your back and gripped your shoulder. The other reached down and grasped your a** that he had only ever seen in the white pants of your marine uniform.
But now he was touching it, caressing the warm flesh and squeezing it. The action made you gasp against his mouth, allowing for him to enter his own tongue and taste you.
He could taste the takoyaki you ate but also the sweet sugar candy from the multiple stalls in the streets.
His grip tightened as he pushed you harder against his chest. He could feel your hard n*pples through his thin shirt, poking against his skin and begging for attention.
Your hips began to grind against his growing erection, dampening the cloth of his jeans with your liquids of arousal.
The tent in his pants was pushing against your cl*t, which sent sparks running up your abdomen. You couldn't help the breathy moans from escaping your lips.
Everything felt extra sensitive; the littlest of movement sent jolts of pleasure through your veins. You dragged your nails down his chest, pressing into his flesh through the shirt and shuddering against him.
Killer removed his arms from your body and back slightly so he could remove the purple top from his torso.
Immediately your hands found their way to his muscular chest again, trailing against his visible muscles and a few prominent veins.
The blond pirate always had such a beautiful physique, and even the long scar across his left arm and shoulder was attractive.
His hands found their way to your breast, grasping them in his large hands and squeezing.
You covered your mouth with the back of your hand while your spine arched slightly. The hardened buds were pressing against his warm palms, hardening your n*pples even more.
Slowly he dropped his hands to your hips and helped you grind against his erection. You closed your eyes, panting as he rolled you harder against him.
One of his hands found its way to the side of your neck, almost in the back, and pressed down. You groaned from the pain and dug your nails into his bare shoulders.
"This is from one of those guys?" He asked knowingly.
You nodded your head slackly. "Yeah."
He pursed his lips before returning his hand to your hip. "I don't like seeing it."
You grinned and rolled your hips against his crotch. "Then do something about it~."
Killer did not have to be told twice as he placed his face in the crook of your neck and licked your soft clean surface.
His lips kissed your skin tenderly, his thumbs caressing your sides as he pressed his hips upwards against your c*nt.
Soft mewls escaped your mouth while you closed your eyes and ran a hand through his soft long blond hair.
The sensation of him sucking felt like a tingling pressure that stung so much it felt good. He covered your throat and shoulders in dark love bites, ranging from pinks to reds, and to purples.
The stinging pain hurt just as much as it felt immeasurable. His name left your lips breathlessly again, seeming as fuel to the male.
That mark left by the boy from the festival was quickly covered by the ones of Killer's. But he wasn't done there; his tender, intimate sucking and kissing steadily shifted to the valley of your breast.
Those large hands of his left your hips only to grasp your breast once again. He gripped them firmly, pressing his fingers into the soft flesh.
These were the breast that pushed up against your shirt and stretched from each fluid movement and strike you made against him when you fought.
For years he had never seen your body in such an exposed and intimate manner. He hated this, but he loved it.
He hated you but damn, was he always attracted to you. From your fighting ability to your unwavering resolve and strong willpower.
You were just his type, but unfortunately, you were a marine, a high-ranking marine known as the Pirate Killer.
The same could be said about you. The attraction was always there, finding his loyalty to his captain endearing and his level-headedness charming.
His deep heavy voice was appealing, and not to mention his physique was arousing. You were an adult, and you couldn't help if you were attracted to someone, but that someone, unfortunately, had to be the man you also hated.
The man you always fought head to head, but no one was ever the winner between the two of you. No matter how many times, neither one of you had come out the victor.
It was such a fate the position you two were in. A Marine Officer and a Worst Generation Pirate who despised each other but also couldn't help but be alluded to one another.
Killer brought his face to your left breast, breathing his hot breath on your areola before taking it in his mouth.
You inhaled deeply, clenching your legs against Killer's thighs as his warm mouth entrapped your sensitive area.
"Oh my~. Don't stop." You hummed airily.
The blond swallowed the saliva in his mouth and sucked on it harshly. His teeth pressed into the buds gingerly as if testing your reaction.
Your hips bucked against him, your fingers grasping strands of his long locks and tugging on them.
His lascivious gaze flickered to meet yours, watching as you observed the way his mouth took in your n*pple and teased it fondly.
"Your breast is sensitive." He stated, his voice coarse and low. "Do you like it when I bite them too?"
You pouted slightly and refused to answer. His question felt like he was teasing, almost mocking you. You weren't normally this sensitive, but the drug was doing something to your body.
The pirate's teeth graze your n*pple again as he began to massage and mold your right breast in his hand.
Subconsciously you pressed your chest harder against his face and panted wearily. You could feel the smirk on his lips against your skin, and he tugged harshly on your hair.
"I didn't ask for you to tease me; I asked for you to f*ck me."
"We'll get there." He mussed, his goatee tickling your breast. "Right now, I'm enjoying these."
He bounced your breast in his hands before he squeezed tightly. His lips displayed a devious smirk when he witnessed how you responded to him.
Back arching and thighs quivering. If you were responding to him just like that, he couldn't wait till he was deep inside your body, f*cking the sh*t out of you.
He leaned down, placing his face in between your breast while his hold on your bust grew tighter. He sucked on your body again, bruising the skin as he pressed your mounds against his face.
Your flesh was hot, almost burning against his skin. They were so soft yet firm against his tan cheeks. Your body smelled so good that he never wanted to forget the scent.
The room was beginning to feel humid, and your two bodies were already sweating. It was beginning to smell like s*x already from your wet c*nt and his pre-c*m that soaked through his undergarment and jeans.
The foreplay was great and all, but he felt like it was time to go farther. More importantly, he wanted to taste the juices that were being secreted because of his touch.
One of his hands inched down to your crotch before slithering his fingers between your slits. He could feel the hot, slick liquid and aimlessly ran his fingers along your c*nt before rubbing your little cl*t.
His mouth entrapped your other n*pple, sucking on it intensely and looking up to you through the darkness.
"I'm going to eat you out and have you begging me for more."
You didn't respond. Instead, you grasped his face and brought it back up so you could kiss him. He stood up swiftly and held your legs around his waist.
He carefully maneuvered himself to the bedroom as you sucked on the flesh of his muscular shoulders and throat.
Killer plopped your body down on the mattress, sliding himself down and grasping the back of your knees.
He wasted no time opening your legs to reveal your sopping wet c*nt that was begging for him.
With the little light from the window in the bedroom, he observed how the slick covered your lower lips and even the inner part of your thighs.
"Stop..." You were panting already. "...F*cking staring at it you oaf."
"Why shouldn't I?" He responded back and dropped to his knees in front of the bed, his hot breath fanning your lower region. "I said I was going to eat you out, didn't I?"
A soft whimper left your lips, hoping for more of his touch. But your hopes were pushed away when he let one of your legs go, his fingers teasingly stroked around your c*nt and refusing to touch any of the more sensitive areas but still giving you a taste of what you could be having.
The tips of his calloused fingers just slightly grazed your cl*t before returning back to the skin around your slits.
Again his fingers trailed along the outside of your folds, not close enough to stimulate your cl*t but close enough to tease you with extreme frustration.
And incredibly frustrated is what you became. You had your brows furrowing with displeasure and your eyes glaring in anger. You huffed audibly, taking a deep breath, and releasing it loudly with a bit of attitude.
"It wouldn't do you any good to act like a brat, either."
Before you had a chance to reply, you felt one of his thick fingers finally reach your folds, pressing right into your entrance. It quickly became coated in your liquids of arousal, and your walls clenched around the tips of his extremities.
More liquids started to secrete from the slight bit more stimulation. If possible, Killer's grin grew ear to ear. His wet fingers now circled your folds almost fondly but still teasingly, smearing the sticky liquids across your lower region.
Instead of a whimper or a huff, you cried out loudly. An audible wail escaped your lips and reverberated within your bedroom.
Your breathing started to become labored, chest rose and fell rapidly at an erratic pace. His fingers continued to press against your entrance slightly before pulling back and playing around with your slits.
The frustration you felt only grew as the male continued to tease you, giving you some sort of stimulation but not enough to please you.
"You're pissing me off." You hissed.
His head slowly shook from side to side as he forced himself not to laugh. While being focused on his frame, you suddenly let out a choked gasp when two of his fingers were pushed into your body and pressed upwards against your bladder.
Your eyes widened, your grasp on the bedsheets beneath you tightening as you fought to close your legs unconsciously.
The one leg he was not holding was pressed against his head, while the other was no match for his tight grip on the back of your knee.
His fingers had stayed still for a moment as he observed the beautiful expression of lust and desperation on your face. Swallowing thickly, you tried to wiggle your hips in an attempt to get more stimulation.
Your action caused Killer to shake his head in a disapproving manner. He clicked his tongue and suddenly pressed his thumb right up against your cl*t.
This drew a shaky breath from your chest as you squirmed with aggravation. His finger pressing against those bundles of nerves was sending little jolts all up to your body and especially through the muscles of your abdomen.
Sweat began to drip off the back of your neck, dampening your hair and slicking your skin. You wanted to almost beg and plead for him to stop this blasphemous teasing and just give you what you want.
But both of you were too stubborn. You didn't like to admit defeat, especially against him, and tell him that you so desperately needed more of him.
The pirate already loved to ridicule and tantalize you more than anything else. Your fights were both physical and verbal. Sometimes he hit the mark on certain things and could have your cold front collapse in front of him.
Killer gradually leaned forward, his mouth entrapping your cl*t as two of his fingers went back to probing your entrance.
"A-Ah~." You hummed, your walls clenching down on emptiness. Your hands flew to his hair, entangling within his long blond locks and snarling it.
He let the flat pad of his tongue lick at your throbbing cl*t; his fingers felt more of your natural lubrication seeping out of your entrance.
You couldn't help but suck in your abdomen and tug harshly on his hair. "S-Sh*t." The word came out breathlessly.
The pirate entrapped your cl*t with his mouth and began to suck harshly. He hollowed his cheeks while swirling his tongue around your sensitive area.
The pressure on those bundles of nerves had mewls leaving your lips and echoing all over the hotel bedroom.
Killer observed your ecstasy-filled expression, watching with extreme interest as your cheeks flared with color and your eyes became glazed.
He could see your stomach rising and falling with every quick sharp breath you made. Suddenly he hummed, letting the vibrations stimulate the sensorial nerves.
It felt like a tingling sensation that was becoming almost too overwhelming. You tugged on his hair and swallowed whatever saliva was in your mouth strenuously.
You were becoming lost in his sweet touch, your mind simply only focusing on his tongue. It was your body moving on its own, grinding harder against his mouth for more, that caught Killer's attention.
He gave your little cl*t a single last lick before his tongue dragged downwards across the rest of your c*nt. The action caused you to shudder and contract your stomach.
His warm tongue maneuvering around his fingers made you flinch from the sensitive sensation. While you were distracted from your tongue, those two fingers that were at your entrance finally pushed in again.
A choked gasp echoed in the room as you squeezed your thigh against his head. His fingers maintained their still position inside you, but that didn't stop your body from clenching down on his extremities.
His lips formed into a coy smile, and you could feel it against your throbbing c*nt. To have the great Pirate Killer writhing beneath him because his actions almost him feel boastful.
Every once in a while, his nose would brush up against your cl*t, causing you to jolt in your spot. Your juices were all over your thighs and dripped down your bottom.
The mess couldn't have been any hotter for the pirate. He pulled his tongue out only for a moment so he could kiss the slick, swallowing it with throaty gulps before returning back to your cl*t.
His plump lips left longing smooches that applied pressure and had your back arching.
Killer had you a f*cking mess. Sweaty, your skin coated in the salty liquid. Aroused, your p*ssy wetter than ever. Desperate, your nails digging into his muscular shoulders and threatening to break the skin.
Once again, his mouth was entrapping your bundle of nerves, howling his cheeks as he sucked again. The pressure had your lower body clench and your hips buck against his face.
Killer's long nimble fingers began to move, pulling out and causing you to clench down even more on his extremities. You didn't want to permit any of him to go at all, even if it was just his fingers.
And because of this, you were extra sensitive to whatever he was doing. Even if it was just him pushing the two digits back inside of you.
A shaky breathless moan left your lips that was soon followed by his name. You were the one extra sensitive and aroused because of the drug, but it was as if it was affecting the blond in some way as well.
He was feeling almost affected, extra excited, and more animated than ever. Blood was rushing all throughout his body, and he almost felt like he was swelling.
His own felt light, and his mind was so hazy. Never before had he ever been so in love with such a sight. It made his heartbeat quicken and warmth surge through his chest.
Killer's fingers gradually worked to thrust at a consistent pace. It was slow at first, allowing for him to feel your clenching velvety walls and witness the way you ground your hips for more stimulation.
He pulled back to swallow the slick that accumulated in his mouth before hollowing his cheeks again and swirling his tongue around your sensitive area. The pressure on those bundles of nerves had mewls leaving your lips and echoing all within the hotel room.
The pirate's misty blue orbs flickered up to look at your face as he moved his free hand to rub soothing circles on your hips.
His touch on your skin was just as desirable as his touch on lower regions. You wanted everything from him. It felt like you were a little spoiled girl who could never have enough.
You wanted it all. You wanted all of him.
The male observed your concupiscence-filled expression, watching with extreme interest as your cheeks flared with color and your eyes became glossy.
"You look so beautiful like that."
Grinding your hips against his face, you shuddered from his words and gazed down at the beautiful male who was relinquishing his thirst with your juices.
His piercing optics was looking at you too, meeting your gaze and locking it. He also wanted you to watch the dirty, sensual action that he was performing on your body.
A little while later, his plump lips pressed against it once again before he turned his head to the side and began to litter your right thigh with kisses as well.
Killer began to suck on your soft supple skin, leaving behind red/purple bruises that stung with pain but tingled with pleasure.
All while, at the same time, he let the pace of his fingers increase and pressed harder against your sensitive areas.
There was this feeling in your lower abdomen; it was pulsating and slowly started to grow stronger, alerting you of your nearing climax. A beautiful release that would fill you with ecstasy and satisfy the burning desire that was ignited beneath your fingertips.
The blond could tell as well by the way you bucked your hips and moaned his name. You were squeezing so tight around his fingers he knew that your aroused body was approaching an org*sm.
One of your hands that were digging its nails into his muscular shoulder trailed down his just as muscular biceps and squeezed.
His hand that had been holding your hips moved your right thigh where he was littering them with love bites, began to intimately trail the tips of his fingers against your sensitive skin.
Your thighs clamped tighter against his head as you squeezed your lower body around him. It was too overwhelming how good Killer was doing.
There was an itch in your throat from the dryness of having constant moans leaving your lips. You were feeling exhausted and drained already, but your body still burned with desire.
Your spine had a small divet in it, slightly arched and off the slab table. Killer breathed a deep breath to inhale the scent of your arousal and lowered himself back on your sensitive nerves.
He hummed, grazing your cl*t slightly with his teeth before resuming to sucking it. He knew you were close, so close.
You were trembling and grinding hard against his face. Your grip was tight on his shoulders, and you were desperately begging for more.
"You taste so f*cking good."
Your hips bucked against his face, your nails breaking past the skin and drawing blood. Killer couldn't help but grin at your reaction.
Such a beautiful woman you were, a complete mess and covered in sweat. Your body was hot, tight around him and the sound of that desperate voice of yours calling his name made him almost lose it.
The feelings you were experiencing were indescribable. All you knew was that everything just felt so good but so overstimulated. You knew you were getting to the end, right at the edge of the cliff, where you'd fall into a pool of blinding pleasure.
And before you knew it, your org*sm hit and flushed all through your body. Surging through your bloodstream and pounding your head with bliss.
"Ah, K-Killer~!" His name spewed out of your mouth melodically, reverberating against your chest and the room.
Your stomach contracted, and the abdominal muscles were tight from how much you sucked in your gut. You clenched as tightly as you could, squeezing his fingers so tightly you thought you might break them.
The hand that was holding his shoulder dropped to his abbs, where you dug your nails into the firm muscles.
Harshly your thighs clasped even more firmly against his head, and you squeezed almost as if you wanted to break his head off.
With your spine arching from your climax, you lay your head back against the bed with your swollen lips parted. The sight itself was astounding for the pirate.
Pure pleasure displayed on your face with your body trembling against him was an image he wished to forever capture in his head.
The pure ecstasy that displayed on your face was something the male just wished he could eat up. He has made you tremble in pain before but to have you quivering, completely vulnerable because of him in a much more intimate manner made his heart skip a beat.
Killer used his thumbs to spread open your slits so he could easily lap up the liquids of your climax. He savored the sweet taste and sticky texture against his tongue.
You were shaking against him, twitching from your oversensitivity. Your eyes felt so heavy, and your body was already exhausted, but you knew this wasn't over.
Not only was the drug still prominent in your system, but you knew this wouldn't be over with just you having an org*sm.
Killer still had to get his d*ck wet and plunge himself inside you. What man could resist the opportunity to do such a thing, especially when it was the woman he was incredibly attracted to?
Steadily the pirate pulled away from your thighs and stood to his full 6'5 (195 cm) height. His large hands unbuttoned his jeans.
He pulled them down along with his undergarment, which freed his member. It sprung up youthfully and tapped against his naval lightly.
Your mouth parted at the sight, and you have to say you were a bit surprised. The energy Killer gave off was arrogance, but his ego was never easily attacked.
He didn't react harshly against insults and rather 'laughed' them off. You always found it a bit strange, but now you know the reason.
Underneath the protection of clothes, he hid something that had your jaw dropped. Killer always had that big d*ck energy for the right reason.
"That look in your eyes." He mused and hummed gutturally. "Can't say that I hate it."
"Shut up, oaf" You hissed.
Instead of reacting to your words, the male suddenly gripped your hips and dragged you closer to the edge of the bed.
His grip rose to your ankles, where he swiftly parted your legs again. His action made you swallow thickly and look up at it his face.
Again, it was incredibly dark, with very little light sweeping in from the window. You could see the lines of his sharp jaw and the smirk on those plump lips of his.
"And you were the one begging me to f*ck you."
You turned your head away In embarrassment and crossed your arms under your chest, your lips forming into a pout.
"Don't say it like that." You whined.
"Why? Because it makes you seem weak?" He teased.
Before you had a chance to reply, one of his hands left your ankles to grasp his c*ck and place it at your entrance.
You could feel the hard tip prodding your hole, and swallowed the saliva that was in your mouth. He rubbed it up and down on your cl*t, smearing your slick along your c*nt.
He continued to do this and refused to enter fully. His action was causing you to tremble and suck in heavy breaths.
"Y-You can't keep doing that..." You stuttered quietly, but the male still heard.
Killer pressed the tip against your entrance, pushing in and allowing for the thick head to enter. However, just as quickly as he was inside, he pulled out and smacked the tip against your cl*t.
Your hips bucked forward, and you whimpered aloud. What a b*stard he was, teasing you when you already had enough trouble as it was controlling your body.
"I will when you admit you need me again."
Your brows furrowed as you bared your teeth at him. Even if he was helping you with your situation, that didn't mean the rivalry between the two of you suddenly stopped.
He still resented you, and you still despised him.
"I should f*cking kill you now!" You attempted to make your words appear threatening, but they were more breathless than anything.
This caused Killer to smirk and slowly enter the tip in but stop once the head was immersed.
"I'd like to see you try."
You weren't able to reply, only clenching your teeth and feeling as just the tip was stretching your walls.
"Just say it again. One more time, one last time."
Quite pants left your lips as you attempted to wiggle your hips and enter more of himself in you but he grasped the top of your thighs and halted you from any further movement.
You were stuck in a stand hold, and the only way to get out was to do as he said. You had to beg.
"I need you, please."
You took a deep breath and grabbed one of his hands to bring it to your mouth. Your lips lightly traced against his calloused fingers before sucking on his index.
And to his surprise, you pulled back only to press his index and ring finger into your mouth. You shoved it back until he reached your throat, where you gagged.
Pulling it back, you both looked at his saliva-colored fingers before making eye contact.
"I need you so bad, Killer."
The pirate swiftly gripped the back of your knees and pressed them into the mattress. Slowly he entered more of himself, pushing inside of your body and becoming swallowed by your tight wet walls.
Your back arched as a loud quivering moan left your lips. His girth was wide, stretching your walls more than they ever had.
Not to mention his length could reach farther than anybody ever had. He wasn't even fully in, but he was already so deep.
Drool dribbled down the corner of your lips as your mind became blank. Immediately you had succumbed to his c*ck.
A dumb lustful expression covered your face, and the male could see the absolutely lewd gaze in your smokey eyes.
His c*ck couldn't help but twitch at the sight. Such a beautiful, strong woman you were, now limp on his d*ck.
A blessing and a curse.
He let your body adjust after a moment so he could relish in the feeling of your warm, velvety walls forming to fit his member.
His fingers dug into your warm flesh and pressed you harder into the mattress. You could feel the strain in your pelvis, but you were in no way going to stop.
After a moment, he rolled his hips outwards before rocking it forward. He plunged himself back in and reached deep into your body.
Your head was thrown back as you jolted in your spot. Your hips bucked upwards as you flung your nails to press into his muscular shoulders.
His hips jerked as he quickly gained momentum and rolled his hips continuously. Killer's strength was far beyond human, the both of you knew that.
So when he began his movements of thrusting into you, he was using every muscle of his body to penetrate you deeply and ripple pleasure through your veins.
His name was moaned breathlessly in such a needy, desperate manner that he had to swallow the saliva in his mouth to control himself.
He had to be careful; he knew you were strong, but you were extremely powerless against him at the moment.
Killer had all the control, he was the one leading the motion, and you could only take it all in.
The male was being clenched down by your inner walls, sucking him in even deeper. The head of his c*ck is just briefly brushing against your cervix.
Your walls that were clenching down on his member fitted tighter around him, allowing you to feel every thick vein that protruded against the skin of his c*ck.
You molded so tightly around him as if your body was trying to keep him inside as much as possible. As if you never wanted to let him go and keep him all to yourself.
The pace of his gloriously rocking hips grew. Every time he rocked his hips forward, he pressed the head of his c*ck against the entrance to your womb.
Killer found that every time he did that, you writhed and cried out loudly. Clawing at his shoulders and telling - no - begging for him not to stop.
The force he used to rock his hips made your body bounce on the mattress; it didn't help that his feet were planted firmly on the ground, which allowed him more stability.
One of his hands had let go of your legs to trail down your stomach. He could see through the dim light of the multiple marks and scars on your skin.
All over, they ranged from shallow to deep, from jagged to clean. He knew a few of them came from him, the perfectly clean sliced ones.
But he had never seen the others before, and there were so many that there was barely any skin that had yet to be marked.
Gingerly he trailed his fingers across the scars, wondering how you came about to have these. What had you done to get to where you are now?
Who did you have to kill to be covered like this? And was it worth it? He didn't know, and although he was curious, his attention had turned back to the throbbing bundle of nerves in your lower region.
His calloused fingertips tenderly brushed against your little cl*t, ensuring an immediate reaction from your body.
Your hips bucked as you dug your nails into the wounds you had created before. He bled once again; small strings trailed down and smeared against his skin from your palms.
The male had no negative reaction to the wounds; instead, his lips curved upwards into a smug grin, his fingers stroking your sensitive cl*t as he thrust his c*ck within your walls.
He made sure to align his pace with his fingers; every time he had pulled out, he flicked your sensitive bud with his fingers, and every time he was in you, he stroked it accordingly.
This brought about waves of pleasure that caused your already trembling form to be quivering like a startled animal.
That memorable sensation in your lower abdomen returned. A tight pulsating feeling that could only mean one thing.
Your org*sm was arising, your abdomen clenching while you sucked in your stomach. The male could feel the heat wafting off from your body, his grip becoming slightly loose for a second before he fixed it and tightened his hold.
Killer grunted and increased the speed of his thrust. His crotch hit your own as his c*ck began to pound at the entrance to your womb.
Your whole body was trembling as your climax grew closer and closer. Your climax was there at the edge. You could feel it once again, waiting to be released.
And you could tell Killer was close as well, holding off until you had reached your peak first.
His rolling hips increased, slightly sloppy, as he focused more on reaching deep and hitting your sensitive areas.
Suddenly the blond's hand that was holding down one of your legs flew over to your throat, where he was quick to grasp it in his hold.
His palm pressed against your larynx and applied pressure that had wheezes leaving your lips. The low amount of oxygen that made its way to your brain had your mind hazy.
Killer felt an immediate reaction from your lower region. Your body that was already as tight as can be held even tighter onto him than before, causing another low grunt to leave his lips.
He squeezed his hand around your throat, forcing your chin up to the ceiling as he continued his thrust along with his fingers on your cl*t.
The asphyxiation seemed to be exactly what you needed to reach or org*sm. With the overwhelming amount of stimulation flooding through your body, the tight, tingling sensation in your lower abdomen basically released.
"F*ck~." You cursed under your breath, your words slurred and barely audible from his choking.
Your (e/c) eyes rolled slightly in the back of your head as you clamped your thighs tightly around Killer's muscular hips.
You removed your nails from his bloody shoulders to wrap around his neck and pull him down closer to your frame.
You had forced your hips slightly upwards while you sucked in your stomach. Every muscle in your body contracted with your body tensing up.
Your back arched upwards, the divet in your spine fairly visible. Thanks to the blond pirate, you had climaxed a second time, your walls unbearably tight and warm as you came.
The liquids of your org*sm milked his c*ck, the presence of it being seen on his member every time he had pulled out.
You reached the very peak of your ecstasy as it burst and spread all throughout your body. Pleasure rushed throughout your veins as adrenaline would. With eyes rolling back in your head, drool dribbled down the corner of your lips.
You saw white with your hearing suddenly zoning in and out; the only thing you could hear was the man's muffled grunts and groans in your ears.
He was hitting the deepest areas of your body while the heat of his skin wafted off onto yours. His large hands held you so close and tight against his.
The creamy white liquid of your org*sm pooled around the base of his c*ck and spread across your folds that were already sopping wet.
Even though you had reached your limit, Killer had yet, but he was so close. He wanted you to c*m first so he could see you so weak and lewd beneath him.
As the pirate continued to thrust sloppily, the liquids of your arousal and climax smeared all over his crotch and dripped down your cheeks.
Because you just had your climax not even a moment later, everything was extra sensitive. You quivered underneath, unable to hold back the deafening cries of pleasure.
Killer could feel you trembling underneath him and knew that it was the perfect time to let himself go.
And not even a moment later did the male suddenly feel that unbearably tight tingling sensation in his abdomen, signifying he had reached the peak of his org*sm.
Ecstacy flowed through his veins as his member twitched within your walls. His pace slowed as he came, his c*ck spurting out thick hot jets of c*m that pooled within your womb.
He painted your insides white as his hands flew to wrap around your body and hold you close to him.
The sensation of his release spilling to you felt ever so warm, like a heating pad atop your abdomen where your womb was.
Killer stayed still for a moment, catching his breath and allowing for himself to relax. His hands slowly released your body, and he swiftly pulled you into his arms.
"What are you-"
"I'm sure you would like a shower." He mumbled and made his way to the bathroom in the darkness. He set you down gently on the seat in the glass shower and turned to leave, but you grabbed his wrist.
You swallowed the saliva in your mouth and turned your head away. "Won't you join me? I mean, you're sweaty too."
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After everything that had taken place earlier, the two of you retired to the bed, where you all lay under the blanket.
Your back was facing the male as you attempted to sleep, but his fingers that were trailing against the scars on your back were distracting.
"Can you not do that!?" You snapped.
"I'm just curious." He replied but didn't stop. "I never knew about these. I didn't think you'd have so many from your battles."
You were silent for a moment before shaking your head. "Battles they are from not. It was much more humiliating, all starting from when I was young. If I never would have found my weapons, I would have never been in this position."
The blond hummed and removed his fingers from your scarred flesh. He leaned on his left elbow and supported his head as he looked at you.
"Well, do tell. We have all night, after all. How did it all happen? How did you get to the position you are in now?"
Your arms slithered under the pillow and gripped it close to your face. You felt so tired and sluggish, but you couldn't fall asleep yet.
Closing your (e/c) orbs slowly, you breathed in deeply before responding to his question.
"When I was a child, maybe around six, my mom was mad at me, so she locked me out of the house that night. She usually did that when my father would make her mad, considering she blamed me for their unhappy marriage. I decided to just take a walk and come back later when she had cooled down."
Your legs pulled upwards to your stomach as if you were trying to curl into a ball.
"I was walking along the shore when the current swept me in. I thought I was going to drown, especially when I hit my head against the inside of a cavern. But I floated upwards and crawled my way out to find myself in a crystal-covered cave. Everything was covered in diamonds, opals, and emeralds."
"Sounds like your kind of place." Killer mused and scratched his blond goatee.
You hummed in reply while nodding your head nonchalantly.
"I remember looking around, amazed by everything, before I felt as if something was pulling me. I looked all around and found these two black cylinders sticking out of a giant crystal. I don't know what it was, but it felt as if it were telling me to grab them, and as a child, I just did whatever. I pulled them out and felt this pounding headache forming. It hurt so much that I dropped the crystals, and they flared open like a fan. A heavy raspy voice whispered its name in my head. Saisei Kurisutarufan, the regenerative crystal fans."
Killer could hear a soft hum and saw a soft glow from your black jacket. The fans must have reacted to hearing their name.
"I had lost consciousness after that, and when I woke up, I was home in my room. My mother came in soon after and yelled at me. A fisherman had found me asleep on the shore and recognized me as their daughter. She was embarrassed because it made her look like a bad parent. And then everything went downhill from there. I cried, my eyes burning with tears, and when they fell from my eyes, they turned into tear-shaped blue diamonds."
Your grip tightened on the pillow.
"My mother couldn't believe it, and she called my father in. They wanted to know how this happened so I told them everything about the cave and the fans. The two tried to look for the cave but it was as if it had completely disappeared. My father tried to grab my fans and sell them but when he touched them, the fingers on his left hand turned to stone. I was the only one able to touch them because they had chosen me...I really wish they didn't."
You blew air out of your nose and rubbed your eyes tiredly.
"Because they couldn't find the cave of jewels or sell my fans, they used what they had, my tears. I remember constantly, day after day my parents would do anything they could to make me weep. Berate me, scold me, hit me. Whatever could make me cry they did it. Eventually, a few years later I wasn't able to cry anymore. Their words had no effect on me anymore since I couldn't feel anything anymore. Suddenly one day...I met someone."
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Your stomach ached, churning with hunger. It had been a few days since you had been fed as punishment for not crying.
Sluggishly you laid your head against the flat pillow and pulled the thin blanket over your frame. Since you couldn't eat, the only thing you could do was sleep and wait for one of your parents to arrive.
However, it didn't seem like you needed to wait any longer. The front door to the lighthouse was blown apart with a loud bang.
You covered your face as debris flew everywhere and knocked up dust everywhere.
"Is there where you felt it?"
The voice was of someone you didn't recognize. It was a deep voice that had to have belonged to a man.
"Yes, Captain Rin." Someone replied.
When the debris cleared out, footsteps were heard, and you watched a singular man in sailor-ish clothing entering your imprisonment.
A man so very tall stepped forward and kneeled in front of the bars that kept you enclosed. He was tan, his body large and muscular, with multiple scars on his visible skin.
His black hair was slicked back and reached the base of his neck; a few loose strands framed his face.
He wore a black coat over his shoulders, and a blue button-up covered his torso. His legs were covered in black pants, and shiny black boots protected his feet.
Golden guns were strapped to his waist and glinted in the little light there was. The captain looked at you through his piercing black orbs and tilted his head slightly.
"You're such a young child, all locked in a small place like this." He stated while observing your frame.
You didn't say anything, staring at him with a blank expression. It felt difficult to feel much emotion after what your parents had been doing since a young age.
"Doesn't it get lonely all by yourself?" He asked, but you didn't respond to him. You just continued to stare at him as if he were the most uninteresting thing you could have observed.
The captain opened his mouth, ready to speak again, but the loud rumbling of your stomach had gotten his attention.
"Hungry, aren't ya, kiddo?"
Your bottom lip quivered, and he saw that.
The man opened the satchel around his right thigh and pulled out a healthy-looking fruit. "Here." He called out and threw it through the space in between the cell bars.
Quickly you caught it, and you felt your mouth salivating at the smell of the fruit. You didn't want to accept something from a stranger however, you were so hungry.
Without wasting a moment, you devoured the seedless fruit leaving nothing remaining. It barely did anything to satisfy the great hunger that festered within your stomach.
It seemed as though the pirate could tell as well because he grinned and threw you another. You devoured the second one even faster and clutched your stomach tightly.
"I'm...I'm so hungry."
Rin nodded his head. "I bet you are. It doesn't look like anybody takes care of you here."
You licked your lips to savor the sweet taste. "My parents sometimes do." You asserted.
"Ah." He hummed. "A parent shouldn't only 'sometimes' take care of a child. Very irresponsible of them since they leave a starving abandoned child all to herself."
A grin formed on the captain's lips as he slowly stuck his hand through the bars.
"But I can take care of you. You can eat however much you want whenever you want. I can take you away from here, away from this island. Would you like to travel across the sea and visit other countries?"
His offer was tempting, a potential chance of salvation from this abuse. But would Rin be the better choice? You didn't know.
"You'll probably just lock me up too..."
The captain shook his head and waved his hand slightly. "I have a little power that lets me make unbreakable promises. And if that's what you don't want, then I can make sure that it never happens."
Your brows furrowed as you crossed your arms. "How do I know you're telling the truth."
The black-haired male shrugged his shoulders and grinned. "You won't know until you make one with me. All you have to do is say please and ask for help. You can even add in your little conditions too."
"That's it?"
"Of, course."
Slowly you crept forward and kneeled in front of the older man. You swallowed hard and grasped his large hand with two of yours.
"Please help me. I need your help to get out of here to actually live. I don't want to be locked up all the time anymore. I don't want to starve anymore. I don't want to die...I just want to live."
When you finished, the back of your hands began to glow a deep blue hue before disappearing and leaving behind a blue-tinted complex marking.
Swirls and coils covered the skin of your hands up to your wrist. They glowed as if alive and even hummed quietly.
"See, now we're under an oath." He stated before standing up to his feet. Without warning, he gripped the bars and bent them open as if they were taffy.
Rin stood tall and proud, grinning down at your smaller frame while sticking out his hand again. "Now you're free, so won't you join me?"
You didn't even hesitate as you grabbed his hand and he heaved you into his arms, holding you against his broad chest.
He brought you down to the sea and boarded his large extravagant ship on the ocean. There were tons of people all around, curious of who the young girl was that the captain had brought along.
You hid behind his long legs and peeked out curiously.
"Everyone, this is (Y/n), and she is our new crewmate. I hope you treat her like a jewel and take care of her."
Rin looked down at you and grinned brightly.
"This will be your new home and your new family." He turned his head back to face the other pirates. "(Y/n) is fairly hungry, so why don't we prepare a feast for our new member!"
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"Pirates saved you, but you hunt and kill them now?" The blonde asked.
You slapped a pillow across his face before laying on your back, staring at the ceiling. "I wish he never did."
You turned slightly to face him, and even though you couldn't see his facial features, you could still see those misty blue orbs of his.
"Because he was worse than my parents. He was the devil himself."
A pitiful laugh left your lips as you slowly turned to face the ceiling.
"He gave my parents gems and jewelry so he could have me, and my parents agreed. They didn't want something that was broken and couldn't provide for them anymore. At first, I felt like I was in heaven. The crew was nice to me, telling me stories of their adventures and playing with me. I was fed until I could burst and sleept on a bed as soft as fur...And Rin took over the role of a father and mentor."
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"Don't lean so close to the edge, your gonna fall."
Your ten-year-old self peered up from the ocean to find the captain making his way over to you. It had been about two years since you joined the Treasure Pirates, and you'd gotten used to things around the ship.
Although you were in a better environment, it was difficult to change your personality. You were still very pessimistic, cold, and aloof.
Everyone tried to make you happy to the best of their ability, and you couldn't say you were ungrateful. The ship was your home, and you lived it to the fullest.
"I can swim if I fall. Can you?"
You asked coolly, causing the older man to flinch. As you stayed on the ship, you found out about something called the devil fruit.
It gave him the power to make unbreakable promises and deals in exchange for his ability to swim.
Rin scratched at the back of his head and laughed awkwardly. "I will throw you overboard by your ankles, miss." He retorted and stopped once he reached your frame.
You pouted slightly before turning your gaze back to the ocean. It was fairly dark out, the moon high in the sky with thousands of twinkling stars accommodating it.
"I didn't think you would be up with how much you drank, old man. You were already passed out a couple of hours after dinner."
The captain placed his large hand on your head and rustled your hair.
"I didn't sense your presence in your room, so I came out looking for you." He declared.
His words made you turn your head away and rest your arms over the railing. You were still somewhat uncomfortable with affection; you still felt like you didn't deserve it.
"Don't worry about me, old man. Your lovers will be upset if they wake up and do not find you by them."
"Hey." The man called out and poked your forehead. "When you grow up, you'll find that having people by your side like that is very beneficial."
"I don't want to be a wh*re like you."
Rin gripped your ankles and held you upside on board. "Don't call me out like that, miss. And I am not a wh*re; I am a professional lover."
You gave the man a deadpan expression.
"That's a wh*re."
The man shook your body up and down, causing you to cover your mouth to hold in your dinner. "I'm gonna puke."
"Hmph." The man flipped you over in mid-air and placed you atop of his broad shoulders. The two of you didn't say anything, just enjoying the sight of the ocean and the sound of roaring waves.
You leaned over and rested your arms upon his head. The man held your calves securely so you didn't fall over into the water.
"Do you like it here with us, (Y/n)?"
"I'd rather die."
Rin grinned.
"You love it~." He teased and reached up to pinch your nose.
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"I thought he was my salvation, but you never truly know someone. I would say he changed, but he never really did. All he did was drop the act."
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"You called for me, Captain?"
Rin looked up from the documents on his desk and placed them down gently. "You're about to be eleven. It's been three years since we took you in and made you part of this crew."
You nodded your head in understanding. "Yes, Captain."
Slowly the very tall male stood up from his seat and reached around to the front of his desk. He leaned back and sat casually across the surface.
"Come here."
You did as told and stepped closer until you were right in front of him.
"Now that you're getting older, you're going to have to start helping out and providing for this crew. We will start training so you can be proficient in your weapons."
"Understood, Captain."
The black-haired man nodded his head before slowly standing to his feet. It was as if he was faster than light in his next movement.
He appeared right in front of you, and a gasp immediately left your lips. You didn't feel anything at first but slowly the pain started to course through your veins.
Looking down with jerking movements, you saw the dagger that you made for his birthday, now embedded deep within your abdomen.
Swiftly he pulled out the weapon and took a step back. Your body staggered, almost falling, but you caught yourself after a moment.
Your hands flew to the wound as it began to bleed. As soon as the crimson liquid left the wound, it turned into blood-red jewels.
Red diamonds, rubies, alexandrites, and red beryls fell to the floor and pooled around your frame. You sucked in a weak breath and fell to one knee.
The man bent down to be squatting in front of your bleeding frame. "I didn't bring you onto this ship just to save you. Word was going around that there was a girl who cried diamonds. I needed you. With your ability, our wealth will increase, and your gems will be used as bargaining chips with the marines."
He placed his hand against your cheek and tightened his grip to bring your face close to his.
"I brought you here to use you. Your only reason for being alive, the only reason we keep you alive, is to be a money bag."
A grin formed on his lips, and it looked just like the ones he usually gave you however, now that you knew the truth, it was more sinister than anything.
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Killer was silent for a moment, his mouth parted as if he was going to speak, but he was unable to get the words out. It was tragic your history, and he understood you a lot more than he ever had.
"So...how did you get to where you are now? With the Marines, I mean."
You used a hand to cover your eyes to hold back the tears that wanted to fall.
"After that day, Rin began to instruct me how to fight. Physical strength, agility, proficiency, and weapons training. Everything I know now is because of him. And after that first wound healed, I was called back into his office, only for him to cut into me again. He always did that, waiting until I healed and a scar was left behind."
You gripped one of his hands and brought them to your shoulder so he could feel one of the jagged scars on your body.
"He would let me bleed till I was almost dry, then he would send in the ship's doctor to take care of my injuries. And the crazy thing was, out of his office, where he cut and hurt me, he would act just like he usually did. Like I was his daughter, and he was my father. He still would come out of the middle of the night knowing I was there and would watch the sea with me. He joked around lightly and brought me gifts from his travels or what he stole from others."
You shifted onto your stomach and pulled the pillow close to your face.
"You wouldn't understand how much that f*cked with me. Especially as a child dealing with all of that, I was developmentally stunted. I thought that love was to hurt another and that it was okay to almost kill them. Because at the end of the day, you're still family, right?"
Your eyes closed as you took a deep breath.
"And it continued on for seven years. I was seventeen years old before he did something to me that I could never forgive."
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"Come here. Closer, (Y/n)."
Wearly you stepped closer to his frame, staring at the clean diamond-encrusted dagger. It was the same one you made him years ago and the same one he continued to hurt you with.
Lazily he lifted your shirt to your naval and revealed your lower abdomen to him. Your brows furrowed as you stared down at him.
He never would cut so low on your abdomen. Yes, he would cut your legs and thighs, but never so low on your gut.
The tip of the dagger touched your skin, and you braced yourself for impact. He pressed in slowly at first before driving it all the way in until the hilt met your skin.
You sucked in a breath and gripped his shoulders, the pain flooding through your system. You were used to the wounds he would inflict, but this felt much worse.
He yanked the dagger out roughly and placed it back against your skin a few inches away. Plunging it just as deep, your hands tightened around his body as you leaned forward.
A cry of pain was stuck in your throat, and the only thing you were able to do was tremble in agony from something that hurt more than usual.
Rin pulled it out unapologetically and let you slump against his body while the jewels trickled down onto the wooden metal floor.
He placed the dagger back in its sheath on his thigh and wrapped his arms around you.
"You're going to be of age soon and no longer a child. You might one day find someone you'll 'love' and want to start a family with."
He spoke those words as if they were poison and held you tighter against him. His head was atop yours while you struggled to breathe upon his chest.
"I don't like the idea of your love going to anybody else but me. I am your father, (Y/n). I am your only family, and it shall stay like that for as long as you live.
The captain kissed your forehead and petted your hair. "So don't be too mad at what I did. You can't blame a father for loving his child so much, right?"
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"So, what did you do?"
"I killed him, obviously."
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The last body fell on the floor of the ship, crystals and rubies formed around the deep cuts that you had inflicted.
You straightened your form and lowered your arms that were holding Saisei Kurisutarufan. Blood was splattered against your skin and clothes as well as your weapon.
Rin's eyes were wide, his body trembling; however, he could not escape the crystals that were around his frame. It kept him in a place like ice would keep something frozen still.
"(Y/n), think about this. I'm your father, for god's sake!" Rin shouted, but you had no reaction to his words.
Everything he did throughout your life on the ship left you cold and impassive. You felt nothing as you slaughtered every pirate on the ship while leaving the captain for last.
You had spent nine years on this ship, and those nine years you spent with every single one of the crewmates.
They were family but just as guilty for allowing Rin's torture for their own greedy benefits. Stepping closer to his frame to sheathe the fans in their holsters on your thighs and hold onto the sides of the older man's face.
"I know you are my father." You replied coldly and caressed his cheek with your thumb. "Which is why I'm being so merciful."
Rin threw his body against your crystals to get out, but his efforts were futile, and he knew it. Your crystals were unbreakable, and there was nothing he could do against it.
Placing a long kiss on his forehead, you dug your nails into his throat at the same time.
"Ah!" He hissed, his blood breaking past the layer of skin to drip onto your fingers.
"I love you father."
"(Y/n), Wait!"
You placed your hands against the crystals and pushed him over into the water. He screamed, pleading for your help as he quickly submerged in the water.
Even though he was a pirate who sailed across the open seas, he couldn't swim due to losing the ability to after eating his devil fruit.
You weren't able to physically kill him due to the power of your oath, but you were able to use his weakness against him.
He would drown in the ocean, alone, betrayed, and suffocating painfully from the water filling his lungs.
Now that he was dead, the marking disappeared from your hands and officially unbound you from the cage he had put you in.
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
"Shortly after, a Marine ship arrived, and they saw the damage I had done. I told them the names of everyone I had killed, and I assumed they were going to capture me and contain me for the bounty on my head. I had even dropped down to my knees and held my wrist out to be taken away. I didn't have a reason for living; there was nothing I wanted and nobody I needed. But instead of capturing me, Great Staff Officer Tsuru offered me a deal."
You couldn't help but smile at the memory.
"There I was, drenched in the blood of hundreds of pirates and covered in scars, but she was offering to have me work for the Marines. She offered a murderer a place in a powerful organization that was supposed to maintain law and order as well as impose the will and might of the world government."
A trivial laugh echoed from your throat.
"I refused. I'd rather die than be used by authority again. And so Tsuru said she'd kill me then. For the first time in a long time, I remember smiling at her and then doing something I had been unable to do since I was eight years old. I cried, blue and clear diamonds hitting the floor as I bowed my head and exposed my neck for her."
You brought your hands to the back of your neck and rubbed your thumbs over the thin-sliced scar.
"I felt the coolness of a sword against my neck and waited for her to end my life. She dug it in, and I felt the blood seep out of the wound and turn to jewels before they hit the floor. I remember telling her to do it, to get it over with, because I was so tired of being alive in this world. But she pulled the sword out of my neck and threw it to the ground. Instead of killing me, she offered her hand and told me that she would never allow another to use me again so long as she lived."
Killer turned over onto his side to look at you. "And you believed her after being lied to before?"
You shook your head in response.
"No. I told her to go to hell."
Killer cleared his throat and stopped himself from laughing. "Certainly sounds like something you'd say."
You smiled at his words and nodded your head.
"That old woman kicked me over and shook her fist angrily. She yelled at me for wanting to waste my life when there was so much I could do for the greater good. The marines knew of my history, almost everyone did, and Tsuru used that against me. She said I could use the gems I created to finance an organization for children who were like me. Abused, abandoned, and sold into slavery. I could stop others from having to go through what I did. That would be my reason for living."
You didn't say anything for a moment, just breathing deeply from remembering the memories.
"I raised through the ranks quickly, quicker than almost half of the marines. The other soldiers didn't like that and were opposed to my position. People who weren't my subordinates tried in every way to de-rank me or have me fired. But just because I joined the marines didn't mean I wasn't merciless either."
An unapologetic grin formed on your lips.
"I had been a murderer since childhood, and that was never going to stop, and they were lucky I didn't want to lose my position by killing them. But there are other ways of getting even that don't require killing. Not to mention the previous and current Fleet Admiral didn't want to lose me and my work. Monkey D. Garp is seen as 'The Hero of The Marines,' but I was the one who saved countless children from abuse and slavery. My subordinates and I took down pirates after pirates in a very...un-marine-like manner which is why we weren't a favorite to the higher-ups."
You closed your eyes and rested your hands on your stomach.
"And that's where we are today. A Vice Admiral for the Marines, the owner of the world's biggest child salvation program, but still a murderer with blood on her hands."
A yawn left your lips, causing you to turn onto your side and face away from the blond pirate. "I've told you enough, more than I should have, but I don't want your sympathy. In the morning, I wish to see you gone and we'll pretend like this never happened. Deal?"
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
"You're pregnant."
"I'm sorry, say that again."
Tsuru hit your face with the paper in her gloved hands and shook her head. "Stop being hard of hearing." She muttered while crossing her arms under her chest.
"You are carrying a child in that womb of yours."
Immediately you fell back on your bed and stared up a the crystal-covered roof of your canopy bed. "No f*cking way."
"You gave me the paper and told me to read it because you wouldn't believe it if you saw it yourself."
Your bottom lip quivered as everything set in. You were going to be a mother to the tiny human that was growing inside of your body.
And the only person, the father, could be the last person you slept with a couple of months ago.
The Massacre Soldier, Killer.
"Oh my god. My baby's father is a pirate."
The papers fell from the old woman's grasp. She stared at the wall, shocked, before flinging her gaze to your face. "What!?" She asked in disbelief.
"I-I-I-" You couldn't get the words out, feeling dread and shame filling your entire body. You felt like a disgrace to the Veteran Marine who stared down at you.
Your eyes watered, and as soon as the liquid escaped your bottom lids, they turned into teardrop-shaped diamonds. "It's not what you think." You whispered, but it only seemed to enrage the grey-haired woman even more.
"W-Were you r*ped!? Taken advantaged of!?" Her hands flung to your shoulders, where she held them in a tight grip. "(Y/n), you can tell me the truth."
You hung your head in shame and covered your face with your hands. The diamond droplets pooled within the palms of your hands, causing you to abruptly stand up and face the wall of windows.
"No! No...It's none of that..." Your words were coming out like a whisper, but the veteran still heard you.
"Then what, (Y/n)?"
You bit into your bottom lip with your teeth and hugged your arms tightly against your chest.
"During my infiltration on Delta Island, I ate some spiked food, and it affected me. I initiated the idea so a pirate and I shared one night together to help me, but I didn't think that I..."
You turned your head slightly to meet the strong gaze of the older woman. "You remember what happened when I was younger. He tore my tubes...and sterilized me..."
Tsuru swallowed thickly before placing a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "I know, but what's done is done. You are with child, and we're going to have to tell Garp about this." She stated.
"No!" You cried and gripped the woman's hands. "You absolutely cannot."
Monkey D. Garp and Tsuru were your mentors when you first came to the Marines and eventually became your surrogate grandparents.
They helped you accomplish your goals and vouched for you when others complained about your quick promotions.
"(Y/n)." She said your name softly and looked down at you from her 6'8 (204 cm) height.
"You are in no position to be fighting anymore. Since you are pregnant, it means over time, your tubes have healed and mended themselves back together, but that doesn't mean you are safe. Your womb is extremely fragile, and the chance of miscarriage is high."
You released her hand and stepped away. "No." You whispered. "Then let it happen!"
"(Y/n)!" The woman shouted in disbelief.
"I cannot be a mother. I will not be one ever!" You hissed and grabbed the dagger you once gave to Rin from the weapons rack on your wall. "How am I supposed to be a mother when I don't even know what one is!?"
You placed the point against your lower stomach and faced the woman who looked frazzled by the situation.
"I don't even know what love is! How am I supposed to 'love' some creature in my stomach!? I wasn't raised on 'love' properly, and I could never raise this thing correctly! I will only destroy its life as my parents and Rin have done to me!"
Your eyes water which was followed by the blue and clear diamonds that hit the floor. The overwhelming emotions that you were feeling caused your knees to jerk and give out, causing you to fall to the ground.
You didn't remove the sharp dagger from your stomach; in fact, you pressed it harder and pierced your skin, blood being turned into gems that hit the floor with a clink.
The veteran marine swallowed thickly and cautiously kneeled in front of you. "Listen to me, (Y/n)." She said slowly.
You kept your gaze on the ground as you hung your head low from shame. "Why? What can you tell me? Everything I said was right...I'm not fit to be a mother at all. I'd rather kill this thing than bring it into this world just to suffer as I did..."
Tsuru slowly placed her hands around your head and pulled you into her chest. "Think about it, (Y/n). I know you were raised the wrong way and weren't raised like how you should have been, but that doesn't mean you will do the same. You know what's right and wrong; you know what should and shouldn't be done. Garp and I have tried our best to show you what raising a child should have been like."
Her calloused hands raked through your hair softly, careful of your tender head.
"You'll be okay. You can do it. You are not your parents or Rin. You even own and finance a program to help children, so they don't suffer. You find them good homes and also provide funding to the families so they can support the child."
"And remember the most important thing." She tilted your head up to look at her. "You are not alone...I am here for you. Garp and Gion are as well. We'll always be there for you...no matter what, so don't you forget that."
Your grip on the dagger loosened, allowing the woman to grab it from your hold. She threw it on your bed before helping you to your feet.
"Let's go tell the Vice Admiral now. We'll have to figure this situation out and decide the best option for you and your child."
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
𝐌𝐚𝐦𝐚 signing out
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busy-baker · 2 months
A Juniper and Cal beach fic for those that love them as much as I do 🥰 Thank you to @a-spawn-on-my-lawn once again for the wonderful comm below! It was the source of this fic coming to life
Sun, Sand, and Someone I Love: Part 2…Read on Ao3
The Ancuníns have returned to Sea of Swords Resort and Spa for a vacation but this time, they brought their children. It’s Juniper and Cal’s turn to have some fun in the sun while on their tropical getaway.
Word Count: 1.5k
“Did you bring SPF 1000 this time, Dad?” Juniper asked, giggling at her father. Tav, Cal and Theus snickered as the group walked through the Sea of Swords resort lobby.
“Yes, let’s all laugh at the vampire who didn’t apply sunscreen.” Astarion, although happy to be back at the vacation spot after many years, was prepared to hide himself underneath an umbrella for a hefty duration of the day to avoid the same mishap as last time.
They arrived at their rooms, depositing their bags inside and quickly changing into swimwear before meeting back in the hallway.
“I’m…uh…I’m just going to check out the swim-up bar,” Theus told them and took off at a brisk pace towards the elevator.
“More like check out who’s at the swim-up bar,” Juniper muttered.
“We’re going to lounge by the pool.” Tav clutched a novel she had been working through for over a week. With less distractions, she hoped to finish it during their stay. “Will you two be joining us for dinner?”
“I think we’re heading to the beach. No need to wait up for us tonight. Enjoy yourselves, you crazy kids!” Juniper teased. She grasped Cal’s hand and started pulling him away. He threw up a hand to wave at her parents.
“See you later, Tav and Mr…Astarion!”
“That boy is-”
Tav cut her husband before he could make some brash remark about the young man.
“Making your daughter happy, my love. Making your daughter very, very happy.”
Astarion scoffed but thought her words over. “I suppose he is, isn’t he?”
Juniper and Cal claimed two chairs down by the water, spreading out their towels over them and flicking off their sandals. Juniper unbuttoned her linen cover up and dropped it on her seat. Her swimsuit was a simple black one piece with white trim and a neat little bow around her middle. She did a twirl to show off the outfit.
“Well? What do you think?” She held out her arms to display herself.
“Breathtaking, as usual,” he answered with a soft smile. Juniper’s cheek flushed under his gaze.
Cal grabbed the collar of his tank at the back of his neck and pulled it over his head. He tossed it aside and then brought his hands behind his head.
“By the gods…” Juniper whispered.
She stared as the aasimar continued to stretch. His muscular arms flexed with his movements and his abs became more prominent as he twisted back and forth. Her mouth was suddenly dry as she took in his near perfect form.
He chuckled when he caught her gawking at him. “I believe I know what you think of me.”
“Don’t go getting a big head over it!” The dhampir told him. She walked towards him and pinched the hem of his swim trunks, letting the band snap back at his waist. “Cute trunks.”
“Not a fan of pink?”
“Hm, not on me, but it’s…nice…on you.”
“Nice?” Cal slowly stepped towards her. “I’ll show you nice when you’ve been casted in the sea!”
He lunged for Juniper. She attempted to run away but his arms wrapped around her. She playfully swatted at his hands as they both laughed. She thought he was going to let her go as his grip loosened, but instead he turned her towards him and lifted her so she hung over his shoulder.
Cal walked off towards the water while Juniper kicked her feet. The sound of the waves crashing grew closer and she braced herself to hit the salty sea.
She stopped flailing as she felt his body begin to shake with laughter. His hands gripped her waist and brought her down gently to stand close to him. The waves lapped at their ankles as they stood with their bodies pressed together.
Fingers caressed Juniper, down her cheek and the length of her neck. She leaned into Cal’s touch and sighed.
“Sit with me?”
“Right here? In the water?” Juniper looked down at the blue surrounding her. She could see the faint outline of a school of fish swimming by her ankles. Her face scrunched.
Cal grabbed her hand and pulled her down as he lowered himself into the water. “If a fish bites you, I’ll catch it and vanquish it with my bare hands.”
“Oh, my hero,” she replied, kissing his cheek and sinking down to take a seat, wary of an aquatic creatures that decided to whizz by unexpectedly.
They sat for a long time listening to the waves washing ashore. There were a few other people occupying the beach but not many as it neared time for dinner. A sailboat coasted by in the distance, a dark silhouette against the beginnings of sunset. Juniper thought it would make a lovely portrait. She wished she had brought her camera to snap a photo for reference.
“Did you ever think we would be here like this?” She asked, leaning back on her arms and still staring off. “I mean, together.”
“I had hoped, but you could never take a hint on how I felt.” Cal glanced sideways and could see her glaring at him.
“I was young and you weren’t very obvious about it!”
“Maybe you were just too busy plotting and thieving to notice.”
Juniper tossed a fistful of sand at him. It landed with a plop on his chest and slid down in a gritty, murky trail. He retaliated with his own handful, coating her swimsuit. Their playfulness soon turned into an all out battle with each one throwing sand at the other until they were covered in the muck from the waist up. Cal was ready to hit her with another but Juniper quickly grabbed his wrists and flipped him on to his back. The water rippled underneath him as he breathed heavily. The dhampir straddled him, putting her hands on his chest, and all he could do was stare as she grinned.
The sunlight formed a halo around her head of silver curls. There was a gleam of mischief in those emerald eyes that gazed into his golden ones and he was aching to find out what was going through that beautiful mind of hers.
He pushed up and placed his hands on her waist. His thumbs stroked along her hips while she wrapped her arms around his neck.
Juniper ran her fingers through his messy hair. She watched him as she combed through the copper strands, how he reacted to her touch, how he looked at her as if she were the only person to exist. She didn’t understand how she couldn’t have known his feelings before. He was enamored by her and she was a fool to be so blind for so long.
“Kiss me?” Her voice was suddenly timid. Her heart was racing, pulse thumping in her ears. She didn’t know why but this was becoming a common reaction when near him. He made her nervous and shy, something she wasn’t too familiar with when others were around.
“I will never tire of those words,” Cal whispered softly before pressing his lips to hers. He didn’t care who was on the beach or if they dared to watch. He was going to enjoy every chance he got to feel her mouth on his.
The kiss grew heavier with hands beginning to wander and chests touching. Cal’s fingers tangled into Juniper’s, tilting her head back to expose more of her neck. His head dipped to smatter her in chaste pecks along her jaw and down to her collarbone. Juniper’s nails dug into his shoulder as she gripped onto him.
They were no strangers to steamy makeout sessions but this was a whole new level. They were in the public eye, not hidden away in some tavern corner or alone in their homes. Anyone could see the display of affection but they were too lost in each other to care.
Cal moved his hands to cup her bottom, pulling her to grind against him. Juniper gasped but found herself crumbling beneath his grasp. She rocked on him as he sucked on her neck.
“We should…We should stop…stop and go back to the room,” Cal said in between kisses. He truthfully didn’t want to stop but he sensed eyes on him.
Juniper continued moving on him. “Fuck the room,” she breathed and found his mouth again.
Just as Cal reached for the strap of her swimwear, water cascaded over them. They stopped and blinked, swiping wet hair from their eyes. Their heads turned to see Theus standing beside them with a scowl on his face.
“Perverts. Even I’m not that bad,” he snorted and walked off to a giggling male and female who were clearly going to occupy his time for the night.
Juniper stuck her tongue out at her brother’s back and sighed, flipping her damp hair behind her back.
“I guess that’s enough fun for now.”
Cal smiled and soothed is hands up and down the length of her back. He was on cloud nine being able to finally share his life with her and no splash of water was going to ruin that for him.
“There’s plenty more to be had, Junie. Plenty more.”
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silversiren1101 · 1 year
👕if you wanna do it for one of my creatures, no pressure tho <333
Oh, but Mino would! There's a carnival coming to town this Fall and she'd love to take Ven to see all the performances and have cotton candy and turkey legs and such together! Then maybe she can come visit Ven's kingdom? Mino would, uh, love to smooth over the terrible relations caused by the Linxia and Darven situation. Linxia is among the worst Hellknights she's ever heard of and instead would like to establish a good working relationship on behalf of the Order of the Vice, just in case the fey start causing more trouble :3
Top: Mino sees immediately Ven's love of tops that expose her shoulders. And why shouldn't see? With those adorable freckles?? She knows the feel, wanting to show off her scales in the same way, and so she's looking for something similar but just a litttttle bit different (don't want to pull out something Ven already owns!) Since it'll be a little bit chillier than usual, Mino offers this exposed shoulder sweater with playful straps and bows on the cuffs. She'll also make some modifications - stitching some simple ribbon-lace to the shoulder straps - since she noticed Ven really likes ruffled tops!
Bottoms: It's a carnival! And taking a look through Ven's wardrobe, Mino has found... all sorts of aesthetics really! Most bottoms she found are pretty loose fit but with wide leg, so Mino is going with a similar kind of vibe. Anyway, she thinks these colorblock corduroys are super cute AND super comfy! They have a carnie-type aesthetic that suits the venue and Ven herself, plus, they're loose fitting enough to hem a hole in the back for her tail without issue. Rolled up at the bottom they create a tighter fit at the ankle, but they can be hemmed if Ven wants that swishy open-leg feel she's used to. The red on them also matches the top she picked out :)
Shoes: Mino wasn't quite sure what type of shoes Ven goes for, taking a look through her belongings. She noticed some boot-like pieces, and so she tentatively slides these opened/partially-unlaced combat boots in brown. She didn't want to suggest something too high for the hem of the pants, but she's curious about this unlaced boot look! With the sides slightly floppy it'll kind of have that carnival feel too.
Hair/Hat: Ah Ven, your horns are so lovely! And your ears are so adorable too! What can Mino do to to make sure they're not covered up in anyway or uncomfortable... A cute hair look? She's seen Ven's hair both super short and slicked back, but also long and wild and poofy! Hopefully she catches Ven during a poofy moment, because she thinks this ribbon-braided pigtail look would be SO cute! With Ven's blonde hair too, pretty much any color ribbon could work. Red? Green? How about a rainbow ribbon?? Mino will do the braiding, don't worry! If Ven's hair is more short, then she instead will suggest this ribbon hairband! It's got a cute little bow with some earthy, funky colors that'll work with the colorblock theme of the rest of the outfit.
Other Accessories: Normally, Mino would suggest some awesome socks or leggings based on the rest of Ven's wardrobe. The length of the bottoms and shoes she's picked out though means no one will see them (cry). Instead, she's found this thick rainbow scarf in case Ven gets cold with those exposed shoulders... and it can be tied around her waist if it's too warm!
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the-fiction-witch · 2 years
Oh- bloody hell
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Media the maze runner / TMR TST / TMR TDC
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating flirty and suggestive
Concept outfits ;)
I did my best to remain still but not too still as that would be suspicious.
To not open my eyes but also not move my eyes under my eyelids. 
I listened carefully as I heard alby heading to his own hammock not too far from my own. 
I made sure he had shut off his lamp and waited for a minute or two before I heard his snores. 
I continued to wait to make sure everyone around me was asleep. 
Once I had waited enough time, I slowly opened my eyes and checked the area everyone around me was fast asleep in the grey darkness of the glade.
I slowly pushed my covers off me folding them back on themselves until they were at my feet, I carefully slid my legs out of the hammock and towards the floor making sure not to make a sound even holding my breath a little.
Once I had both feet on the floor I took soft gentle steps making sure not to wake anyone as I went until I got out of the maze of hammocks and the homesteads stone floor once in the sweet grass I scampered as fast as I could with my bad ankle across the glade into the deadheads. 
I snuck through them just in case anyone had gone for a late-night stroll making sure I moved silently and undetected until I spotted the sweet orange glow.
The glow emanated from her little window where a candle had been left to help me find my way. I rushed over eagerly but stopped by the door, I fixed my clothes and my hair making sure I looked good and all before knocking on the door our secret knock and as I did the light went off and her sweet voice cooed 
"Come in" she smiled 
Immediately I opened the door and headed inside shutting the door behind me, I almost wanted to wait to savour the sight but I couldn't hold my excitement.
I turned and saw her room with her little mattress on the floor and her clothes thrown around as usual and there she sat. 
On her mattress in the light of her little lamp beside the bed, her legs down the bed towards me, her smooth skin exposed to me almost completely as all she wore was the little white hoodie I let her keep last time I was here it hung off her shoulders un buttoned completely revealing a lot of her cleavage, her thighs completely exposed 
"Hi newt"
"Oh- Bloody hell." I groaned unable to stop staring "when I left that with you this is not what I imagined" 
"But... you look amazing," 
"did you want to join me?"
"very very much," I smirked basically jumping on the bed with her to kiss her
I waited until everyone was asleep, listening to the hum of electronics and Winston snoring, I opened my eyes looking out across the room from my high bunk, I slowly pushed my covers off and slipped my feet over the edge slowly going down the little ladder 
"where are you going?" Thomas asked on the bottom bunk
"Uuuuuhhh... out."
"Uuhhhhhhhhh... mysteries." 
"Alright newt" he shrugs turning over so I smiled and pulled off the cover to the vents slowly and carefully crawling through the path I had learnt since we'd been here. pushing off the vent on the other side 
"You can come in Teresa got put somewhere else today"
"Ohh okay" I smiled getting out into the girl's room and immediately I saw her tucked up on her own bed with only the blanket around her "Oh- Bloody hell."
"I'm a little cold newt. maybe you could...warm me up"
"I would be happy to sweetheart" I smirked crawling into bed with her
I kept out my little bed making sure not to make any noise as I kept across camp when the light switched on
"Where do you think you're going?" Brenda asked 
"Ohhh uuhhhh just for a walk around camp"
"Relax he's off to see y/n" Fry spoke up from his bed 
"Oh fine" she shrugs 
So I happily ran off through the camp until I found her tent I smiled waiting for a moment making sure I looked alright fixing my hair before I spoke up "Y/n" I smiled 
"It's me" I cooed
"Come in" she cooes 
I happily rushed inside her tent seeing her little lamp light on with her little bed set up and she wore nothing... but my little fluffy coat I let her keep yesterday. she was merely holding it together to prevent her from being completely naked 
"Hi" she giggled
"Oh- Bloody hell. you look... fucking amazing" 
"You think so?"
"Can I?"
"Of course" she giggled so I smirked and jumped in her bed with her. 
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random-chaotic-bitch · 11 months
Siren's Song - Chapter 2
Alisha pulled her long curls back into a loose bun, secured by the black mask she pulled over her face. She nodded at Cole, Jay, and Zane. The four tiptoed into the monastery, and Alisha pulled them aside. "Now, it's time to figure out what Sensei's been keeping from us. He's been training you guys to be ninjas and helping me continue my original training. But he's been acting weird these past couple of weeks. And we're about to find out why."
The three boys nodded back at her. "We'll follow your lead," Cole assured her. She grinned beneath her mask, checking the straps holding her spear in place. "Let's go."
They jumped to the ceiling rafters, noting Wu's nightly meditation before continuing. They stopped by a bathroom, watching a kid in red pajamas brushing his teeth. Alisha glanced around to the others, nodding her head when one of them, probably Jay, made a motion pointing down. They stealthily dropped into the corners of the room, readying weapons. Somehow, the kid didn't notice them, too caught up in his thoughts. "Take this! And this! And this!"
His last exclamation trailed off as he realized he was pointing a toothbrush at Cole, who held his weapon threateningly before him. All around him, the other black-clad figures closed in. Realizing the situation he was in, his face fell. "Oops."
A moment passed, the four warriors holding weapons to the weaponless boy. He grinned suddenly, catching Jay's shoulder and using it to get into the rafters. Alisha scoffed, casually leaping up and meeting the kid there. His eyes widened as she chased after him, the other three not far behind. They converged on him in the courtyard, weapons flashing in the moonlight.
The kid was smart, triggering the training course to use it to his advantage. It worked as he fought off Cole, Zane, and Jay. But he forgot about Alisha until she had crept up behind him and pulled him into a headlock. His first instinct was to go limp, throwing himself to the floor. It worked, and he slid right out of her grasp. She snarled as she tackled him onto the ground, trying to punch him in the face.
Alisha had the stranger pinned beneath her until he grabbed her ankle and twisted her off. She hissed in pain as her back hit the wall of the courtyard. Zane took over, both him and the new guy fighting on the ground. When Mystery Dude pinned Zane, Jay, Cole, and Alisha piled on top to subdue him. Until they heard a voice shout. "Stop!"
The four black-clad figures shot to their feet, bowing with respect. "Yes, Sensei."
The strange guy in red frowned. "Wait, they're your students too?"
When Wu nodded, he continued. "This was my final test, wasn't it?"
Jay cut him off. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! You never said anything about a fifth. It's always four. The Fantastic Four, Ghostbusters, The Beatles-"
Alisha hit him in the head. "Those are my references!"
Cole sighed. "Uh, what he's trying to say, Sensei Wu, is that the four of us have trained together. We're solid," he explained. The new guy scoffed. "Didn't look so solid to me."
Zane spoke up next. "Master, what is the meaning of this?"
Wu's eyes gleamed mischievously. "Each of you have been chosen. Each is in tune with elemental properties. But first, ninja-go!"
He shifted into Spinjitzu, and in a blur of light, all five had more colorful gear. Alisha watched the other four gape at their new outfits, expecting to remain in her training gear. Except when she looked down at herself, her eyes widened. She wore the navy blue combat suit of a siren lieutenant, accented with brighter blue seams and matching boots. A glance down at her back revealed a matching long cape. The blonde reached a hand up to her head, feeling the lieutenant's headpiece across her hairline. With her complete change in attire, she realized she wasn't wearing a hood like the others anymore, but instead, a fabric mask that covered her mouth and nose. Her blonde curls had escaped their loose bun, remaining in a ponytail down her back.
Alisha's thoughts returned to her surroundings when Wu introduced the ninjas and their respective elements. "Kai, Master of Fire. It burns bright in you. Jay is blue, Master of Lightning."
Jay chuckled. "Heh, that's not all I'm the master of. I do a little inventing. I dabble in model building, a touch of cooking, a little poetry," he began to ramble. Alisha rolled her eyes as Cole groaned. "More like Mouth of Lightning," he grumbled. Wu turned to him next. "Black Ninja is Cole, solid as rock. Master of Earth."
Cole turned to Kai, removing his hood. "Nice to meet you, kid. I got your back, and for the record, there ain't nothing in this world I'm afraid of."
Zane spoke up from the other end of the line. "Except for dragons."
Cole huffed out a breath. "Dragons aren't from this world, Zane. I said in this world."
Wu pointed his staff at Zane. "And White Ninja is Zane. Master of Ice and Seer with the sixth sense."
Zane brought out his shurikens quickly, spinning them and making them disappear just as fast. Kai scoffed. "I sense this one takes things a little too seriously."
Zane removed his hood, eyes wide. "You have the gift too?"
Jay laughed, pulling off his hood. "He's just making a joke, Zane. Remember what we talked about? Your sense of humor? Huh?"
Alisha nodded. "Yeah. From what I know, you and I are the only ones with some degree of Force abilities."
Zane looked forward, smiling. "Yes, it was a joke. Ha ha."
Jay shook his head in disappointment. Alisha laughed at the exchange, brown eyes sparkling in the light from inside the monastery. Kai looked at her, frowning. "Who's the chick?"
Cole's eyes widened in horror. "Oh no, you did not just call her a chick."
Alisha whirled around, eyes flashing. "Llamame una chick un tiempo mas, y tu tendras mas de un ojo morado," she seethed in rapid Spanish. Kai took a step back. "Woah, woah, okay! No offense intended!"
Wu turned to face them all. "Pay attention! The four of you are the elemental masters. But, the elements are bound by the universal seal of the Force. Similarly, you are bound by your fifth teammate. Alisha, ex-siren, Gray Jedi. Wielder of the Force."
The girl removed the mask from her face, holding her hands before her and levitating some loose stones. She crossed her hands in front of her body, holding the position before she flicked her wrists, sending the rocks back to their places.
Cole and Zane nodded with approval. Jay held back a grin, watching Kai's face go from confused to shocked. "Wha- but- huh?"
The four laughed at the Fire Ninja's spluttered words. Wu hit his staff against the ground, regaining their attention. "Hush! You four are the chosen ones who will protect the Four Weapons of Spinjitzu... from Lord Garmadon."
Kai stepped forward. "But what about my sister?!"
Jay's face lit up. "We're saving a girl? Is she hot?"
Alisha and Cole groaned. "Jay..."
The Lightning Ninja held his hands up in surrender. "I-I just wanna know what we're getting ourselves into. Does she like blue?"
Kai got up in his face. "Back. Off."
Wu shook his head. "When we find the weapons, we will find your sister. It is time! We must go to the first weapon!"
Cole spoke up. "Whoa! Hold on a minute. You said you were going to teach us Spinjitzu."
Wu turned back to face the Earth Ninja. "Spinjitzu is inside each and every one of you, but it will only be unlocked when the key is ready to be found," he casually explained. Alisha rolled her eyes at his cryptic riddles. After a moment, Wu's head shot up. "Come! My feet are tired. We will take the horse carriage."
As the five's teacher walked away, Cole groaned. "Great." 
Jay frowned. "Now we have to find the key?"
Alisha sighed. "Yeah, I feel he's taking us for a ride."
Kai piped in. "Well, if it means finding my sister, then sign me up."
In the morning, the four ninjas and Alisha met outside with Wu by the horse carriage. "Well shit," Alisha said upon seeing the arrangement. "First of all, we're stuck pulling the stupid thing, and second of all, there's four spots and five of us. Two people get to buddy up."
Zane wordlessly took a spot on one side, waiting patiently. Jay and Kai shook their heads. "Not it!"
Cole glanced at Alisha. "Why don't we get it over with? There won't be much room, but we probably have the best chance of not strangling one another."
She nodded exhaustedly. "Sure. Let's do that."
But Wu interrupted them before they could get into position. "Actually, Alisha will join me to discuss strategy."
The siren grinned sheepishly. "Ah, right. Strategy. Sorry boys, you're on your own!"
She hip-checked Cole with a smirk as she passed him. In retaliation, he reached for her ponytail and tugged on it playfully, earning himself a glare from the siren. Wu watched the whole exchange with a small smile. 
A few hours later, they had almost reached the first weapon. Alisha covered a laugh with her hand while listening to the bickering and banter from the four ninjas. Wu shook his head with a smile. In a low voice, he explained his worries to Alisha. "I'm not as concerned about you adjusting to the issues at hand as I am them."
The siren nodded with a serious look on her face. "They'll adapt," she promised. Wu frowned. "How can you know?"
She grinned. "The Force," she replied with a chuckle. Wu turned to face her, confused. She snickered. "I'm kidding. They'll adapt because they have to if they want to keep Ninjago safe."
Wu nodded. Ahead of them, the spindly trees started to thin out, and a rock formation came into view. He held up a hand. "Stop!"
The carriage slowed to a stop as Alisha and Wu climbed out. "The Caves of Despair," he explained as they made their way up the hill and into the clearing. "Samukai must be close to unearthing the Scythe of Quakes. Remember, do not use the weapon. For its power-" Jay cut him off as they settled in a scouting position behind a rock. "Yeah, yeah, yeah! It's too much for us mortals. Alright, guys. Let's chop-socky this lemonade stand! Cole, do you have a plan?"
Cole nodded on the other side of Wu. "Sure do. First, we lower ourselves down the ledge. And then...," he trailed off upon realizing the absence of a team member. "Where's Kai?"
Alisha's eyes widened, and she shifted her gaze to the mining equipment in search of the red-clad ninja. "Found him," she replied, pointing down to where the headstrong teen was sneaking through the camp. Jay sighed. "Let's go."
Cole took point as the four snuck into the camp, following Kai's route as safely as possible. One of the skeletons took notice of the fire ninja's presence, but the other four subdued him quickly to prevent their discovery. They followed him to the top of a tower. Jay swatted Kai in the back of the head upon reaching him, hissing, "What's the matter with you?"
Kai shushed him, watching Samukai leave the map unattended. Jay looked at it from a different angle. "It's upside-down. They're digging at the wrong spot."
Zane nodded in agreement. "The Golden Weapon is near," he replied, snagging the map with a shuriken without drawing Samukai's attention. Kai glanced at it over the Ice Ninja's shoulder. "There's no time to waste," he muttered before rushing off. Jay sighed. "What is it with that guy? Always in a rush!"
They followed Kai into the caves, catching up as he struggled to move a massive boulder. Cole held a hand up to stop him. "Hey! Before you race off again, you should remember that we're a team."
Kai rolled his eyes. "Yeah, whatever," he grumbled, letting the others help him move the boulder aside, revealing the Scythe of Quakes. Jay's eyes widened. "Wow! That is so cool!"
Cole and Alisha hushed him immediately, reminding him they had to be quiet. The Lightning Ninja laughed. "Come on. Don't be paranoid. We're totally on the opposite side of the caves."
Cole jumped down from retrieving the Scythe after tossing it to Kai. "Zip it, okay? Now that we've got it, we'll sneak out while those boneheads are still busy."
The five left the cave, unaware of the hidden dragon's jaws slowly opening behind them. Cole led them out of the system, turning back to look at them. "Alright, team. Everyone stick together. The way out is right around the corner," he said as he walked smack into Samukai. The Skulkin general laughed, and the army behind him brandished their weapons. Alisha groaned, adjusting her mask. "Ah, shit."
They charged simultaneously, the ninja doing one thing while Alisha ran at Samukai. "C'mere Bonehead," she called out. "Or are ya too chicken?"
The two engaged in a fierce duel, knives against a spear. Alisha fought with large, sweeping movements while Samukai retaliated with short but lethal strikes. However, because of the former's long-range attacks, the general couldn't get a hit on her without getting disassembled. Alisha forced him back, giving herself enough time to get to the others and join the rest of the fight. Jay gasped. "Hey, guys! It's just like the training course! Over the planks! Dodge the swords! Here comes the dummy! Cha-Ching!"
The others gaped in awe as Jay performed Spinjitzu for the first time. Kai laughed. "Spinjitzu! Jay! What's the key?!"
The blue-clad ninja shouted back to them amidst the chaos, "I'm just going through the motions! This is what Sensei must have meant when he said we already know it!"
The fire ninja nodded, satisfied with the answer. "Over the planks! Dodge the swords! Here comes the dummy!"
Cole and Zane tried it, the former laughing with joy. Alisha grinned, shifting to some flashy acrobatics. As she landed in front of Samukai, she smirked below her mask. "You guys are so screwed now!"
The ninja landed around her, Cole on one side and Kai on the other. Cole tugged off his mask, cheering. "Ha! Guess they didn't want a second serving of these babies," he exclaimed. Alisha, Kai, and Jay rolled their eyes in disappointment. "Good thing they didn't check out the merchandise in the back!"
Alisha laughed at the final comment, trying to stifle her giggles as the others celebrated around her. As the commotion died down, Cole spoke up, voice shaking. "Uh, guys?"
Zane replied with a rhetorical question. "Didn't Sensei say there was a guardian protecting the Weapons?"
The five turned around slowly to see a massive dragon behind them. Cole slowly stepped backward, eyes wide. "Is... that... a...? That's not what I think it is. Is it?"
Jay slowly reached for his nunchucks. "You mean a dragon?"
Kai started to inch backward. "Uh, that sure looks like a dragon!"
Zane shifted into a defensive position, readying his shurikens. "I sense we won't be able to spin our way out of this one!"
Alisha quickly sheathed her spear, motioning for the others to sheath their weapons. "Wait! Put away your weapons! I think I have an idea," she ordered. They hesitantly obeyed. The blonde removed her mask as she stepped forward. Reaching a hand out in a gesture of peace, she smiled reassuringly. "It's okay. We're taking the weapon somewhere safe. I promise it is safer with us for now," she whispered, moving closer to the dragon. 
Calming waves flowed through the Force, from her to the dragon. She grinned, knowing it was working. Until the dragon spat sand at herself and the others. Alisha yelped, having fallen in a heap on the ground, gasping out, "Well, he clearly doesn't want to be friends!"
Cole grabbed Alisha's hand, kneeling by her side. "Are you out of your mind?"
Alisha coughed more sand out of her mouth in response, completely unaware of the conversation in the background. Until the ground shook, and a split appeared in the ceiling. Cole hauled her to her feet, pulling her with him as they fled the cavern. 
They came out in front of Sensei Wu, Alisha still hacking sand out of her lungs. She could faintly hear the conversation in the background, with Wu lecturing the ninjas into the next week. She composed herself enough to gasp, "I'm gonna just... take a seat. I'll be fine in a minute... I think."
The siren ungracefully dropped herself onto a rock, catching her breath as best as possible. After composing herself, she looked up to see Jay offering her a water bottle. "You might want this," he pointed out with a grin. Alisha cracked a grin at the blue ninja's words. "Thanks, kid," she replied hoarsely, taking the water bottle. She took a long sip, relief hitting her parched throat. 
Alisha followed Wu and the other ninjas away from the Caves of Despair, mentally preparing for whatever challenges they might face with the next three weapons. Catching up to the group, she sighed, shaking sand out of her hair. "Well, surely finding the other weapons will be nowhere near as bad," she commented.
Approximately twenty hours later, Alisha stood on the deck of a ship, shivering between Kai and Zane. "It's so much worse," she chattered out while hugging her arms across her chest. Kai nodded in agreement, trembling beside her. Jay called out from above them, where he sat with Cole, "I spy something... white!"
Cole, out of Alisha's sightline, sighed exasperatedly. "Could you try to be quiet for once? This ain't easy."
The ship hit a chunk of ice, causing all five teens to stumble. Jay spoke up again with a groan. "I spy something broken!"
Alisha had to snicker at the comment as Kai turned to Zane. "If Sensei knows the way to the next Golden Weapon, then why isn't he steering the ship? We've been drifting aimlessly for miles."
Zane shrugged, glancing up to where Sensei Wu stood atop the front of the ship. "Sensei's wisdom is beyond my own."
Wu jumped down from where he stood. "The most powerful move in Spinjitzu can only be accomplished when all four elements are combined. Earth! Ice! Fire! Lightning!"
Jay jumped down from where he stood with Cole. "Uh, what happens when all of them are combined?"
"The Tornado of Creation. The power to create something out of nothing," Wu replied. Alisha nodded. "Legend says that it could be strengthened with the powers of a Siren and her individual Song," she added. Zane frowned. "But that's... a legend."
The siren smirked, brown eyes flashing almost dangerously. "Every legend holds a shred of truth," she replied enigmatically. Kai started to do ridiculous movements in the middle of the deck, causing Alisha to hold back a laugh. Wu shook his head in disappointment. "No, Kai! If done incorrectly, it will lead to disastrous consequences."
Kai rolled his eyes. "Disastrous consequences. Right...," he trailed off. The ship ran into something blocking its path, causing the team to stumble again. Alisha tripped, landing harshly on her bottom. "Oof," she groaned, climbing back to her feet.
Cole called down from where he had been steering the ship. "Uh... wasn't me. Everyone okay?"
Kai rubbed the back of his neck, curiosity crossing his face. "Did I do that?"
Sensei Wu shook his head. "No. We are here."
The five made their way up the icy hill and into a cave of ice. They spotted some frozen skeletons as they went further in. "Woah... looks like someone's already been here," Cole noted. They rounded the corner and saw the Shurikens of Ice floating above an icy dais. The team quickly formed a stack of people, putting Zane on top so he could grab them. As soon as he did, he was frozen into an ice cube, awakening the guardian dragon. 
Alisha gasped, having been just below him. "Zane!"
The team quickly dropped, carrying Zane, shurikens, and all above their heads as they fled. Eventually, it turned into the team practically sledding down the ice hill on top of Zane until they hit a post. They fell on top of Zane, shattering the ice off of him. Zane groaned. "Ow."
Hours later, they were climbing up through the Floating Ruins. Zane hollered from below the others, "We're being followed!"
Jay hollered from the top. "Let's go!"
He reached the top of the chain, where a platform stood. Alisha hauled herself up not far behind. Jay spotted the Nunchucks of Lightning and whooped. "Alright!"
As he grabbed them, the guardian dragon appeared out of nowhere, causing both ninja and siren to scream in sudden terror. Alisha leaped off of the platform. "Nope! Bye!"
Jay and the rest of the ninjas followed, opening the wings to their gliders. The five glided over the trees and down to their campsite in the Forest of Tranquility. As the night grew darker, the teens celebrated their victories by the campfire. Cole played the drum while Kai and Jay danced in the middle like knuckleheads. Alisha laughed from where she stood by Zane. Kai laughed, waving at Sensei Wu. "Come on, Sensei. Join us!"
Wu shook his head. "There is still one weapon left! We must get our sleep!"
Jay spoke up from where he had stopped dancing. "Aww, Sensei. Look, you gotta admit, we're kicking their boney butts," he insisted. Kai nodded. "Get up here. Show us some moves."
Wu sighed, climbing to his feet. "I guess I could. Now, this move is very special," he began. Zane spoke up from next to Alisha. "But if done incorrectly, will it lead to disastrous consequences?"
The team broke down laughing at Zane's question. Alisha was doubled over with laughter, and Kai spoke up between laughs. "Zane, is that a joke? A sense of humor... you found it!"
Alisha crumpled into more giggles, sitting on the ground next to Cole. Her laughter continued at the scene before her, Sensei Wu, Kai, and Jay dancing, Cole playing the drum, and Zane watching from the side. Eventually, they turned to Alisha. "Alisha, sing for us!" "Yeah, come on and sing!"
The blonde shook her head with a laugh. "Alright, alright, cool it! I'll sing!"
She started humming a lively tune, prompting Cole to start playing the drum to the rhythm. Alisha started to sing, her soft, melodic voice flitting across the campsite. 
There will come a Siren
Who carries a mighty sword
She will tear the enemy down
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lord
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lord
She will tear the enemy down
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lord
Cole continued drumming as Alisha shifted to the second verse, grinning slightly.
There will come a Poet
Who's weapon is his word
He will slay you with his tongue
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lord
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lord
He will slay you with his tongue 
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lord
The rest of the team started to clap along, and Kai shouted out, "Who's next?"
Alisha laughed. "The queen, of course!"
There will come a Ruler
Who's brow is laid in laurels
Queen of Ages soon to come
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lord
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lord
Queen of Ages soon to come
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lord
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lord
She will tear the enemy down
Oh lei, oh lai, oh
Cole picked up on the change of tone and changed the pattern of the drumming, letting it even out into something less syncopated. Alisha counted the beats against her leg, finding her cue to jump back in.
Oh lei, oh lai
Oh lei, oh lai
Oh lei, oh lai
Oh lei, oh lai
Oh lei, oh lai
Oh lei, oh lai
As the song ended, the rest of the team burst into cheers. Alisha mock-bowed, hoping the semi-darkness would sufficiently hide her scarlet-flushed cheeks. The celebration drew to a close, and Alisha found herself falling asleep against the tree she and Cole were sharing. As she dozed off, she could feel herself slipping from her upright position to leaning against Cole, just like she had several times before after training. Cole wrapped an arm around her waist, preventing her from slipping farther. The last thing she registered before falling asleep was the sound of an owl hooting in the trees above them.
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a-vamp-and-a-half · 5 months
A pin drops
Literally. A cocktail pin holding a crystallised sugary lemon peel, drops down onto the ground with a clatter, poofing out of existence along with Evan’s entire lemon disguise
It’s Evan’s own bronze-grey eye twitching at Green now
“Signed Us up? Signed US up??”
"There has been some offputting interactions between the two of you at a higher rate than usual-"
"He thinks you're both fuuuuucked up!" Ferox leans forward, her whole body propped up by the very tip of her elbow resting on Evan's shoulder.
Her outfit has changed- she now wears a black denim jacket covered in band-themed patches, messy embroidery, and safety pins, with a bright-purple mesh top underneath, and a black binder beneath that. Her jeans are deep plum and flare out so much at the ankles they may as well be bell-bottoms, the hem at the hell shredded from constantly getting caught under her five-inch platform boots. The jeans have little mesh 'windows' up around the knee-to-thich area, showing that for some reason she is wearing thigh-high leather boots underneath her bell-bottom jeans.
Her hat is a lilac satin, puffy and ruffled with a black chain where the cap meets the brim. The brim itself has a piercing. She has a matching piercing in her nose.
"You guys are soooooo weird in the head," she giggles.
"No." Green tries to pull her off. "I ran into Yancy and Neora. This... being, was with them. I began to help search for you. Ferox said you entered this tent, and when we went to the regular entrance it said it was for a therapeutic experience."
"Because you guys need some help." Ferox grabs Bing's hand and drops to her knees. "Let me help you both! I love helping people! I can help you in ways nothing else can! Even hunting someone down and ripping their throats out with your teeth!" She does, in fact, rip her own throat out as she says this- with her hands, however, short yet jagged chewed-on nails tearing easily through almost sickly-pallid flesh. Was she so pale before? Perhaps the makeup is making her paler, thick eyeliner and a dark royal purple shimmer messily spred on and fallen down her face, fallout dusting even her gray-mauve lips.
Or perhaps the blood loss is making her so pale. It gushes out with excitement as her heart races and she looks up at Bing and Evan with pleading eyes and a wicked, hopeful, sadistic, adoring smile.
Green seems to be experiencing a processing error as he looks upon the scene.
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ticklingsocal · 8 months
Tickling My Girlfriend's Feet: A Night of Laughter and Anticipation (Fiction)
One night, I convinced my girlfriend to let me wrap her in a blanket and tickle her feet. She was wearing a outfit of a thin t-shirt, blue jeans, sneakers, and thin white socks.
I rolled her in the blanket, tightened each wrap to hold her in place, and secured the blanket with four extra-large bathrobe belts. I tied the belts around her shoulders, waist, and ankles, and brought her feet tightly together.
I placed a pillow covered with a large bath towel at the end of the bed and ran a leather braided belt from the foot of the bed through the robe belt that held her ankles to pull her feet tightly against the end of the bed. She giggled in anticipation.
I removed one sneaker and tickled her white-socked foot slowly with one finger. Then, I removed her sock and tickled her soft, warm barefoot. I grabbed her foot and stroked the sole repeatedly with my other hand, causing her to scream, laugh, and attempt to roll from side to side. I tickled her other foot in the same way. I sat on both of her ankles and tickled both feet with both hands. Her soles remained smooth and stretched. She laughed non-stop for 5 minutes until I stopped.
I used some fun tools like baby powder, baby oil, a bottle of lotion, a black sheer silk stocking, and a hairbrush with plastic beads on the end of the bristles. After her break, I applied a thin coating of baby powder to the soles of her feet, then glided my finger over the bottoms of her wiggling feet until she laughed and begged for mercy. After about five minutes, the powder was tickled off the bottoms of her feet.
I slid the silk stocking over one of her feet and held her stockinged foot with one hand while I stroked the bottom repeatedly with the five fingers of the other hand. I repeated this with the other foot as well. After several minutes, I gave her a break.
I tied her toes together with lace and pulled the lace through the belt which held her ankles. Once completed, her feet were stretched tightly against the bottom of the bed, with her soles pulled smooth and tight. Her feet were now almost completely immobile, and she was no longer able to wrinkle her soles.
I dripped baby oil on the bottoms of her feet and toes, rubbed it into her soles, and used the hairbrush to run up and down her soles. After giving her a break, I applied lotion to both feet, causing non-stop screaming and laughter. Once her feet were lotion-soaked and very slick, I again sat on her ankles and raked all ten fingers from toe to heel repeatedly for the next 10 minutes. Her soles remained stretched and smooth, causing non-stop screaming and laughter.
After the lotion treatment, I washed the bottoms of her feet with warm water and soap. I rubbed the bar of soap over both of her wet soles, and the laughter began. I applied a good coating of slick soap over the soles of her feet and then ran a backscratcher over the bottoms of her soap-covered feet. For the last five minutes, I ran all ten fingers repeatedly up and down her warm soapy soles. She screamed and laughed and begged me to stop as she had had all she could take.
I untied her toes and ankles and rolled her onto her back. I retied her ankles tightly to the end of the bed. At this point, I dried her feet. With her toes now in the air, I sucked her toes while tickling the bottoms of her feet at the same time. To finish her off, I licked the bottom of one foot while tickling the other with my fingers. I sucked and licked her toes until she begged me to stop and then unwrapped her.
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oletus-carousel · 1 year
🎠 [a strange introduction] 🎠
The Exile, known mostly by the further pseudonym of “C.A.” and not her full name, is strange in many ways though her appearance is misleadingly regular. They are Carrie Astor, but occasionally refer to themself - or are uncommonly referred to by others, mainly their former colleagues or associates - as “Carousel”. 
They are associated with at least two different canon locations, White Sands Street and the Moonlit River Park. The merry-go-round in the park is a common place to find them when not in their manor room, and is likely the reason for their nickname. 
She goes by any pronouns, but mostly uses she/they, and is believed to be in her early 20s. Her birthday is on April 1st.
She has a short, lean build, with a paler skin tone thanks to not being able to go out much. Despite this, there is a light dusting of freckles across her nose and cheekbones at all times. Her eyes and hair are both a dark brown in colour, close enough to be mistaken for black at a distance. Her hair is cut short to end around her ears, and the fringe extends just below her eyebrows in a straight-as-possible cut. 
However covered-up she makes an effort to be, her skin is littered with scars. She wears white gloves at almost all times, and they are rolled down towards the shoulders before they meet her shirt sleeves. They are secured up her arms by a variety of metallic bands, many in varying materials and stages of rusting. On the occasion that she’s wearing shorter gloves that only cover her hands, tightly-wrapped bandages instead obscure her forearms. 
The iris of her left eye often doesn’t follow where she’s actually looking, appearing to focus inwards. She wears a form-fitting black shirt with the collar popped out properly, sporting silvery buttons for fastening. She also wears plain black pants that end in cuffs, one rolled up at her left knee. The other is allowed to fall down to her ankle in order to obscure as much of her eerily-realistic prosthetic right leg as possible. 
Each of the cuffs has a small silver button on the back identical to those on her shirt. Often, there are two belts across her clothes - one horizontal to secure her pants as normal, the other stretching diagonally from her left shoulder to the corner of the shorter belt - both with a variety of loops and pouches to hold all manner of supplies. A small dagger sits in a sheathe at her hip, near her left hand for quick access. Among these supplies are snares that she uses in-game.
In direct contrast to her regularly formal attire, she has wrapped bandages around her left foot up to her knee, in such a manner that only her toes and heel are visible. She is never seen to have a shoe on. When wearing a jacket, she wears a plain black hoodie that zips over her belts and such. Finally, an opal pendant hangs at her neck in a two-sided point cut. Sometimes it’s the genuine article, but other times it is a rubber replacement for safety’s sake.
When a puppet, her eyes are black buttons with green stitching in the centre. They are made in the shape of a four-leaved clover, with her eyelashes [save for the singular ‘stalk’ lash thread at the bottom] being stitched in the same colour as her hair. Strangely enough, the tufts of stuffing are only positioned at key points - where her joints would be - on her right side, and additional tears are found around her waist where her prosthetic is initially fit. 
~ She started off with a temporary job at Hullabaloo as an escape artist, but soon left when she had an accident during a show that resulted in the damaging and eventual loss of her right leg from the hip down. Unwilling to put any pressure on Bernard, they disappeared entirely from the grounds, leaving no trace of their existence on the premises save for a letter to an old friend tucked away beneath his door. 
From here, it is believed that she had her prosthetic fixed and met Luca [for their outfit inspiration] and Tracy around the time where they [the latter two] were together in the manor under Burke’s care. 
Leaving again, she found that their father had a job at White Sands Street, and lived in or around the premises for an unknown amount of time before both she and Mister Astor [the Hypnotist] were separately summoned to Oletus. 
The letter told her that her ‘old friend’ [the Acrobat] was safe, and she could be too. 
She still feels lost even in the manor, floating from place to place, and wants a sense of security and clarity as to what happened in her past - much was a blur of light and sound, and she has a naturally bad memory. Her father may have played a part in this altered state of mind, as well as the later manipulation of all manor game participants.
It’s believed that Carrie took part in at least two Manor games, but was given the Mnemosyne/Dionysus drug after the first. This caused her to completely forget the results. Her only memories are recollections spurred by old friends’ presences and other outer stimulus. 
Ada’s hypnotherapy could possibly induce more memory recovery, but they remain hesitant around the Psychologist because of her possible connections to their father.
She is a contain/decode [or support] type.
External Traits/Quirks * Trainee - She gains a 20% decoding buff from her experience with equipment, both watching Burke and in their Hullabaloo performances. * Place To Place - They have a 10% movement speed increase [to 110%] if being pursued and a 10% decrease [to 90%] if not. * Flight Response - Her Heartbeat has no stages. Instead, it beats at full force and opacity for as long as the Hunter is present. * [Potential] "Lockup" - The Exile's kiting movement speed decreases by 1%/2%/5% [depending on how much damage she's received] for each 20/10/5 seconds she kites above one minute. Alternatively simplified with a base value as opposed to changing with damage. 
Key Item * Snare - The Exile uses long lengths of ribbon, tied over gaps or entranceways, in order to slow down the Hunter by: 5% if they're in pursuit of another Survivor, 10% if they're pursuing her for a duration of 2s (this effect's time is stackable, up to 10s, but the slowing percentage is not). When found in chests, the ribbons are older and subject to tearing, so they can only be used twice.
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