#but boy howdy it's really one of those things that you have to ask
banj0possum · 1 year
umm is it possible to get a yandere! male!siren x shy!gn reader?
Fish Bait
Yandere!Siren x GN Reader
CW: Kidnapping, assault, minor stalking, murder, thalassophobia maybe?
🌊 You are quite shy when it came to talking to people. You found the whole 'socializing thing' a bit overwhelming considering how rough and loud the rest of the people in your academy was.
🌊 You much preferred staying by the shore with a nice book or drawing book to enjoy the sound of the waves with. The ocean breeze and wailing of seagulls never failed to relax you.
🌊 One day, you heard the strange sound of splashing by the tide pools along the more rocks area of the shore. You thought it was a fish or some other animal that got stuck in one of the pools after the tide retreated and got up to help it out.
🌊 But what you saw was no animal, well, half animal. In one of the pools was a man with the lower half of a fish, his scales glistened wondrously as it splashed in the water.
🌊 The man looked at you with wide eyes and froze. You put your hands up to show you meant no harm.
🌊 "Please! Spare me! I just want to go home!"
🌊 "Calm down! I won't hurt you!"
🌊 He shook with fear as your hands drew closer to him.
🌊 You then pulled him up from the pool and carried him to the sea, he stares at you as you gently lowered him unto the water.
🌊 As soon as his tail was submerged in the sea, he swam out of your grasp and went a distance away from you, part of his head peeking out of the water as his red eyes looked at yours.
🌊 "Well...safe travels.." You mutter, wading back to shore, but the merman peeks his mouth out the water and shouts to you.
🌊 "You're not going to ask anything in return?"
🌊 You look back. "Uhm..no, I'm fine, thanks anyway.."
🌊 "Hmm, you know...you can come with me to my home. I'll grant you the power to breathe under water and you can enjoy the treasures I have there. What do you say? It's the least I can do for what you've done for me!"
🌊 "Nah, I'm good. Be safe though, I heard theres pirates that hunt merfolk nowadays..." You continue your way to shore but the merman swims quickly to your side.
🌊 "Don't you want to be rid of those insolent fools you call schoolmates? I can give you a life people only dream of!"
🌊 "I'm not really..interested..."
🌊 "...You're not?"
🌊 "Yeah..."
🌊 "...Oh..uh..ok...wow-um..well, bye I guess..." The man stutters before sinking his head back into the water.
🌊 You sigh, that was some encounter. You doubt you'd run into something like that again...
🌊 Boy howdy you were wrong.
🌊 You'd spot the strange boy again and again, always hiding back behind the rock or piece of driftwood he was watching you from.
🌊 Sometimes you'd also find trinkets and beautiful stones laid on the shore. You never took them though; you didn't want to take something someone probably lost. The merman would grumble to himself every time you ignored his baits.
🌊 You'd also see him again trapped in the pools, feigning sorrow that poor little him got stuck again during another low tide. What ever shall he do?
🌊 Your days would go on like this, the merman desperately trying to lure you into the sea but to no avail due to your shy and polite nature.
🌊 Him basically stalking you turned to him directly talking to you and trying to get you to go with him in the water.
🌊 "Oh dear, I've been stuck at this reef for ages! I just can't get out! Could you help me please? I promise not to drown you!"
🌊 "No thanks, I'm on the last chapter of my book..."
🌊 "My, my, it's so lonely in the ocean, not a playmate in sight, come down with me so we can really get to know each other yeah?"
🌊 "I don't really wanna get my clothes wet..."
🌊 What you thought was a potentially dangerous creature of the sea became a whiny, attention-seeking drama queen.
🌊 Eventually, you'd learn his name is Caspian. He gave up a bit on trying to lure you and settled on making small talk with you.
🌊 Most of your conversations would revolve around your cultures, how you two lived compared to eachother.
🌊 "So those silver things with teeth aren't combs? Interesting...tell me more!"
🌊 He more or less looked up to you because of the knowledge you'd tell him, even though it was all basic things ever human knows, but he wasn't a human so, I guess it's alright.
🌊 He'd try to crawl onto shore to see what you were reading or drawing. You'd have to scoot away from him because he was dripping wet, and you didn't want your paper to get soiled.
🌊 Please read to him! He loves it when you read out loud the books you bring!
🌊 Life seemed pretty content with you having a friend to talk to, one who's not judgmental of your quiet personality.
🌊 That was until one day, you heard laughing and shouting from your usual spot.
🌊 You saw your classmates, waist deep in the water trying to drag Caspian to the shore, the merman snarling and biting the air around him angrily as the bullies degrade and laugh at his attempts to wriggle out of their grasp.
🌊 "Look at this, boys! With this ugly thing we can buy the whole pub if we wanted to!"
🌊 "H-hey! Leave him alone!" You shouted, dropping your things as you ran to help your friend, but one of them punched you with in the face and grabbed you, about to hit you again.
🌊 "What? You're gonna let this siren kill everyone that comes to this beach? God you're dumb! No wonder why you have no friends!"
🌊 He was about to give another blow when you both heard a shrill cry from the ocean.
🌊 The water pooled with crimson as only the splashing of limbs can be seen form the shore, cries and gurgles are heard from the writhing gore. Your classmate rushes into the water to save his friends before the violent splashing stops and the red patch of bloody water extends towards him and around him until you see him get yanked below into the water, a splash of a fish tail verified in your mind that it was Caspian.
🌊 You could feel your heart pounding as you see the siren lift its head from the water, his blood red eyes staring at you again with razor sharp teeth bared.
🌊 "P-please...don't hurt me..I didn't lead them to you I swear!" You cried as he crawled to your shivering form.
🌊 You held your breath as he pulled you in a wet hug, your clothes getting stained by the salty, bloody water.
🌊 "Oh my darling~ I know you would never hurt me~ But we're not safe here anymore..I fear I'll have to take you somewhere safer...somewhere away from those disgusting creatures."
🌊 You couldn't even react before you were pulled into the water forcefully, you kicked and swam all you could to get him to let go of you, but soon enough, your whole body was under the water. The only thing that was left of you were your things by the sand, and bubbles that rose to the surface before stopping.
🌊 "You'll be safe here my love, my most wonderful treasure~"
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this one was by far one of my favorite bois ive written, he's so mhmhmghghghmmmhmhmmhhh
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treedaddymcpuffpuff · 3 months
Excessive Force : Tom Ludlow x Fem Nurse Reader (COLLAB W/ THE INCREDIBLE @johnwickb1tsch) - Chapter One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen
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TW: noncon, angst, trauma, PTSD, don’t read this if you like hot doctors named Julian (he was probably an actual sweetheart in canon, but we decided to flip that around in this, so read with that in mind)
You really should have foreseen it, before letting yourself hang out alone in the breakroom. But you are tired–exhausted, actually, and you can only blame so much on the work at hand.
Tom fucking Ludlow.
You find yourself grinning like an idiot at your sandwich–which is exactly how Dr. Julian Mercer finds you, of course. You don’t even fucking hear him approach. He just appears at your side like a ghost, and you nearly jump out of your skin as he says in a low voice, “Y/n.”
“Jesus Christ,” you wheeze, clutching your chest. “Julian…”
“Maybe Doctor would be more appropriate.” It probably would, but you’re not sure if he’s asking for this out of the cold indifference his tone suggests–or that other little extra meaning it has for the two of you.
“Okay, Doctor Mercer. Creep around like a fucking ghost much?”
“No. You were just distracted.”
You blow air between your teeth. You really don’t want to fight with this man right now, but it feels like he’s spoiling for something. “What do you want?”
He takes your hands in his, running gentle fingers over marks on your wrists that have now mostly faded. You hate to admit it–but this careful, questing touch sends a thrill across your skin. “The animal,” he growls under his breath. “Clearly no clue as to what he was doing.”
Hoo boy, was he wrong about that.
“Did you have a safeword at least?”
“Fucking amateur.” 
You don’t know how to tell him, that rendering sex absolutely clinical with boundaries and safewords beforehand just doesn’t do it for you. You just…trusted Tom not to hurt you. And he didn’t. 
“Yeah, that. What do you think you’re doing?” You try to pull your hands away, but he holds on, just firm enough to keep you. Despite what Tom likes to taunt, Julian is not little, or weak.
The look in his eyes is that of a man drowning.
“Losing my mind?”
“You are being ridiculous. You have got to let it go.”
“I’m trying, but I can’t stop thinking about you.”
This is absurd. Men do not lose their shit over you. They use you, then throw you away at their first convenience. You give a fat sigh that you hope conveys your annoyance. 
“Julian, have you seen the women that walk around this hospital? Better, Have you seen the women in your BDSM club? Have you never thought of trying one of those girls out? I mean, they are into the same stuff.” 
His thumb presses on the dark marks the belt left on your wrist, making a little diffuse ache light your skin. “You are clearly into BDSM, y/n. Just the unsafe way of doing it, I suppose.” 
Okay, now he’s just plain pissing you off. Once again, a man insinuating that you’re too stupid and naive to advocate for yourself. Too weak to take initiative, too gullible to know that you have to. You wrench your hand back from him, and he glares after it like it called him a dirty name. “Are you kidding me?” You say, not hiding the bite of your words, “and setting people on fire is just so safe, right? Whipping someone’s feet is the safest thing you can do in sex, yep, boy howdy, you’re absolutely right, Julian. How stupid of me.” 
Your aim is to hurt him with your words, although now you’re regretting it when he looks back at you with those big, brown, sad orbs. Fuck, you can just never win with this man and his multiple personalities. He runs a hand through his hair. “You’re with him, then?” 
“I’m…” you take a breath and try to step outside of yourself for a minute and view the situation objectively, just like you learned to do in therapy, and what you’re seeing is a misguided man who doesn’t know he can bag any freaky woman he wants become overly attached to you because he was vulnerable with you that one time. “I’m not.” How do you word it without sounding pathetic? “I’m not that great of a catch. I promise you there is a much better person out there for you.” 
“I don’t think so,” he says quietly, intensely, sending a shudder through you that freezes and burns all at once. “Do you love him?” 
“What?” You ask incredulously. “I just met him.”
“Well, then, I still have a chance.” 
Your fist clenches unconsciously, ready for a fight. Maybe a metaphorical fight, but a fight nonetheless. “No,” you tell him, swallowing your nice, “you don’t, Julian.” 
“What if…I promised not to punish you?”
This does make you pause, and you swear, not because you’re actually considering it, but because you are surprised he would even think to compromise his needs, for you. 
It’s a heady feeling, if not entirely misplaced.
“No,” you answer, much too late. “No, no, nope.”
“I can see you’re intrigued.”
“No, I’m…flabbergasted. It wouldn’t be any fun for you.”
He looks you up and down, blatantly checking you out. You swear you will never get used to that look in a man’s eyes, trained on you. “I wouldn’t say that.” Then his attention turns back to your wrists, tracing the marks Tom’s belt left again with fascination. “Just let me…do this to you. God, the things I would do to you.” He inches closer as he says this, until before you know it you are standing nearly chest to chest, and your heart is beating at a mile a minute.
You have to try twice, before you find your voice. “That’s exactly what scares me about you, Julian.”
He dares to touch you, turning your face up to his with his palm on your jaw. “That you might like it, y/n?”
You take a deep breath, and you step back, away from Julian. Away from your sandwich too, unfortunately. But you guess you’re going to have to write it off. Or circle back later. You have no further clever quips to offer Dr. Julian Mercer. For lack of a better word–you flee.
At the nurses’ station a bright and cheery reminder of someone else’s devotion awaits you. A happy bouquet of sunflowers, with a simple card that reads, Dorothy, Thinking about you. Glad you’re not in Kansas anymore -T It is just the boost to morale you need, after your chilling little interlude with Julian.
However, you don’t get to take them home. They disappear while you are working, and you think you know who is to blame for the childish act of revenge. Rather than letting it drop, you decide to prove to Julian that you have boundaries and he can’t just push you around like this. 
You catch him as he’s about to get into his car, and get Deja Vu from the scenario. The parking garage isn’t well lit, empty of other humans, and damp with oppressive LA heat. Maybe it’s not the best place to confront a man, but you never claimed to be a complete genius. And, now that you’re here…
“Julian, do you know where my sunflowers went? From the desk? Tom got them for me.”
He looks down at you with dark eyes. “Fresh flowers are a health code violation. I had to dispose of them.” 
And you thought Tom could make you livid; Julian is here proving that he can spike your anger from a two to a ten in one simple sentence. “And what about the flowers you got me that stayed at the desk? Huh? Those were fine, right?”
He shrugs. “No.” 
“So, what the fuck?” You’re raising your voice, feeling the heat of anger singing through the blood in your body like a vengeful choir. Your fist clenches to actually punch him—God, you want to. 
“I’ll buy you more flowers,” he says, as if that’s going to fix the problem. 
“I don’t want your flowers,” you growl, “I don’t want you, Julian!” 
Before you know what’s happening, he has you gripped up in his hands and pressed against the door of his car, mouth on your own, bullying inside to suck and bite and bruise. You try to push and kick and thrash against him, but his long body is pressed firmly into yours, holding you steady against warm metal. His blunt fingers dig into the flesh of your upper arms and make you gasp, which allows him further entrance into your mouth.
You can’t fucking breathe with him latched onto you like this, and your frantic hands reach to tear at his scrubs, his belt, his skin. He pulls away, blessedly, panting and wild eyed, and you immediately start in on him. “Get the fuck off me, Julian.” You writhe in short, shallow breaths, lungs crushed by his heavy torso and unable to entirely fill. 
“This is what you want,” he says, ignoring your demand. “You want someone to take advantage of you. Make you, force you. And if that’s what you need, that’s what I can give.”
“I don’t want that,” you reply. “I want the opposite of that! Get off me! I will scream.” 
His mouth edges into a terrifying smile. “You think anyone’s going to hear you?” He asks, looking around the empty parking garage. “You think anyone’s going to save you if I decide to take you home for a few days and do terrible things to you?” He grabs your chin, fingers spanning the entire bottom, reminding you of the size difference and making you whimper in pain. He presses his lips against the shell of your ear. “Make you regret having nerve endings…” 
Your whole body is shaking violently with adrenalized fear. Sweet Doctor Julian is a fucking wolf in sheep’s clothing, and he’s hungry for your flesh and blood. You should have known. You should have seen this coming. Shouldn’t you be an expert on narcissists and abusers by now? Shouldn’t you have been smarter? Shouldn’t you do the smart thing now and convince him to let you go?
“Please, Julian.” Disgust bubbles in your gut, reacting vehemently to the pathetic, pleading voice that leaves your mouth. “Please don’t.” 
He pulls your chin up a little higher. “You can beg prettier than that.” 
“Please, Doctor.” You swallow the raging hatred you have for yourself. “Please don’t hurt me. I’ll be a good girl.” 
He hums and kisses you temple, lips ghosting into your hairline as he inhales your shampoo choice. “You’re lucky I don’t put you on your knees right here and make you choke on my cock for a while, pumpkin.” 
“Please.” You give him your best impression of a beaten dog with wide, owl eyes, hoping you can somehow get out of this without actually getting hurt. All you can think of is Tom; how you wish he was here to beat the fuck out of Julian, how you should have let him beat the fuck out of Julian on your doorstep. 
His hand moves down, pressing softly into the front of your throat, just enough to make it uncomfortable. “It’s refreshing to see something so wild become so tame with fear.” Fear is an understatement. Pure panicking terror is what consumes you. Bred from C-PTSD and Julian’s heavy, big hand on your throat. You’ve been here before, small and terrified under a man with power… And, suddenly, you’re her again, that little girl trembling and cowering and cornered. You don’t know that you’re crying until a little tear tickles down your cheek. 
He kisses that saltwater trail, peeks his tongue out to taste your sad desperation and shivers against you. “You taste delicious.” 
Fucking Hannibal Lector, Psycho, serial killer. How did you not see it? How? 
It occurs to you that Tom saw it, saw straight through the mask, to the beast beneath Julian Mercer’s carefully constructed facade, all along. He’d warned you, but like the stubborn little idiot you are, you didn’t listen. 
Tom. Somehow it’s the thought of him, how he looks at you like you are precious, like you’re not stupid, like you are something worth saving, that breaks your thought pattern, your desire to just freeze and hope this man with his hand on your throat isn’t going to hurt you, hope that the bad thing goes away if you’re still enough, small enough, don’t draw attention to yourself. You think on what Tom would have you do.
You hear Ludlow’s voice, plain as day, cutting through the fear: c’mon, you have just enough room to fuck him up. 
You drive your knee as absolutely hard as you can into Dr. Julian Mercer’s gonads. 
The good doctor crumbles with a groan that sounds like his soul leaving his body. 
You run. On your shaking legs as fast as you can to your car, barely able to unlock the door with your trembling hands trying to manipulate your keys in the lock. You feel like you’re in a horror film. Instead of being the one yelling at the screen, Don’t run up the stairs, stupid!—you are the stupid girl, and you have so much sympathy for the girl being chased by the Big Bad with a knife and having no idea what to do with your hands. 
No. You are not dying today. You are not letting this monster win today. You are not fodder. You are Final Girl material, goddammit. Maybe you never believed it before, but Tom’s voice is still in your head. You can hear him ordering you what to do. Put in your key. Twist. Open. Get in. Lock the door. 
 You manage all this somehow, just before Juian slams against your window, his face a mask of fury. “Open the door, y/n.” 
Maybe still channeling Tom, and maybe acting completely on your own now, you press your middle finger against the window for him before starting your engine and peeling away. He barely manages to stumble back in time to save his toes from getting crushed by your racing tires. 
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radioapplerevue · 6 months
See a lot of questions scattered about regarding "Why do people even ship Lucifer or Alastor? They hate each other/Lucifer's married/Alastor's ace etc etc etc." And while I doubt most people are asking in good faith, I figured I'd give my answer anyway! In part because these two in conjunction with each other fascinate me and I want to talk about it.
First off, you have Alastor, this character whose whole shtick is trying to convince everyone around him all the time that he's the most mysterious and most dangerous person around. And... he's not. We know he's not. Hell, he's not even in tier 3 of "dangerous people in Hell." But it's very important to him that he is perceived that way, and he goes to great lengths to manufacture and maintain that image.
Then you have Lucifer, who is the most dangerous person in Hell, power-wise, by far. But he doesn't seem to give a shit about that at all. His power means little to him, he didn't want the throne, he doesn't do anything with this position that Alastor would do everything to have. Lucifer is a deeply broken individual whose only concern is his family, and he's not intimidated by Alastor in any way, and never will be.
So he was pretty much tailor-made for Alastor to hate. This guy who has everything Alastor wants, but doesn't give a shit about having it, who he can't scare. Ever. The only way he can get under Lucifer's skin is by digging into his emotional sore spots, and boy howdy does Lucifer have a lot of those. And here's the fun thing! Or one of the fun things, anyway. Most people, even in Hell, would never dare to try and upset Lucifer. Upset the King of Hell? That's suicide, right?
But Alastor knows it's not, because he sees two things right off the bat: one, Lucifer wouldn't do anything to hurt Charlie, and hurting Alastor would do that -- and two, it's just not in Lucifer's nature to do so. Surprising for the King of Hell, but nonetheless true. Lucifer's a showy guy, but he's not a violent guy -- even against Adam, he only toyed with him until Adam made the mistake of going directly for Charlie a second time. Needless to say, it takes a lot to make Lucifer get violent, and it's unlikely to be anything that only targets himself.
And thus sets the stage for what is already a really fun and interesting dynamic, and one that can become even more so with time. Because these are two characters who treat each other in a way that nobody else can or will. Alastor can poke and prod and peel back Lucifer's scars and peer directly at his insecurities. Lucifer can give as good as he gets and challenge Alastor and there's nothing Alastor can do to scare him off. In short, they can make each other confront things that right now just aren't likely for other people.
I like to think eventually, once they get over the initial "how dare he, this isn't allowed, I hate everything about this" stage, they begin to actually... enjoy it. Enjoy the back and forth, enjoy hitting the ball to each other's court, enjoy having someone around who won't back down. And Lucifer is, at his core, sweet. How unsettling it must be for Alastor, to see this extremely powerful man who is also just. Good. How over ten millennia of pain haven't changed that, even as they crumbled his heart into little pieces.
I think Lucifer would fascinate Alastor. And I think Alastor, with all his idiosyncrasies, and his ballsy manner of never backing down from a challenge, would fascinate Lucifer too. And there are so, so many ways you could go from there. Darker ways, softer ways. But there's so much potential, and I am finding it an absolute blast to explore.
As for the ace thing, hello, hi! I'm aroace. And on the sex repulsed side, even! I shouldn't have to reveal this in order for people to get off my back, but hey, there you have it. Now please stop expecting people to volunteer their sexual orientations just so you can be sure they have the... what? Right? To ship things? I enjoy this ship in all flavors. A lot of people have been taking the time to explore asexuality in their fanworks with Alastor, and it's been a delight to see! But in the end, fandom is a sandbox, and I don't care how you are smashing your dolls together as long as you're having fun. And if seeing them in a particular configuration is uncomfortable for you, there's nothing wrong with that, either... just back out, and move on to things more pleasant.
And goodness, don't go after real actual people in defense of fictional ones.
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hey remember that caramel-carmel Fake Script i was writing? yeah it's technically not done but i'm tired of tinkering with it so here it is! we'll just say it's a uhhhh uncovered partial script or somethin
this is not in any way official! it's a 100% unaffiliated fanwork & i am Just Fucking Around for Funsies
BARNABY: oh, I love carmul!
FRANK: [long, disgusted pause] …what? 
BARNABY: Carmul! You know, those tasty little treats you’re holdin’!
FRANK: You mean caramel?
BARNABY: That’s what I said.
FRANK: [scoffs] No, you didn’t. You said carmul.
BARNABY: We’re sayin’ the same thing here.
FRANK: We absolutely are not!
JULIE: [giggles] You really aren’t.
BARNABY: Carmul, caramel, tomato, tomahto! What does it matter!
FRANK: [flustered, stammering] It - it matters! Julie, you agree with me, don’t you?
JULIE: Well… I don’t know, Frank! I think both are fun!
FRANK: You’re both wrong, then! Wally, you agree with me, don’t you?
WALLY: [hesitant] …I say carmul.
FRANK: No! Not you too! How could you poison him like this, Barnaby?
BARNABY: Don’t look at me! I’m innocent, honest!
FRANK: Ha! So you admit that carmul is the wrong pronunciation!
BARNABY: [groans] ah, geez… throw a dog a bone!
FRANK: I’d be delighted to if you’d just-
[distant yelp as Eddie trips off-screen] 
FRANK: Eddie! Thank goodness, finally someone who can put an end to this debate!
EDDIE: [nervous laugh] Oh no, what did I stumble into this time? 
BARNABY: Hold on a tic, Frank. Hey Ed, take this. What do you call that tasty treat?
EDDIE: [with a tinge of fear] A… caramel?
FRANK: [triumphant] a-HA!
SALLY: [approaching] Did someone mention carmul?
BARNABY: [delighted] Perfect timing, Sally!
SALLY: What, for a delicious morsel? Hand it over, thank you!
FRANK: You’re all wrong, and I’ll prove it! We’re going to go around the neighborhood and - wait. [under his breath] One two three four - [returns to normal volume] we’re taking this to Poppy’s!
BARNABY: Then Home, then Howdy, yeah yeah - might as well ask the daisies, too.
JULIE: Oooh, and the butterflies! 
SALLY: While we’re at it, we should phone everyone in the book, just to get the widest audience input.
FRANK: [unamused] You all think you’re so funny. 
EDDIE: Well, you gotta admit it’s… it’s… 
[brief, tense pause. Eddie clears his throat]
EDDIE: It’s perfectly sensible!
[Frank makes an affronted noise]
FRANK: Poppy will see sense.
POPPY: I’d be delighted to have a cah-mehl, but I’m afraid it-
FRANK: [aghast, truly astonished] You’re joking. You have to be joking. CAH-MEHL? Does no one in this town have sense?! Besides Eddie, of course. And Julie - on a technicality.
EDDIE: [oddly pleased] Why thank you. 
POPPY: My goodness, did- did I say it wrong?
BARNABY: [gleeful] Not in the least, Pops!
SALLY: As far as I’m concerned, you added an extra layer of… pizazz to the word. In fact, I may adjust my own pronunciation accordingly!  
POPPY: [flustered] Oh, well, I didn’t - don’t change on my account -
SALLY: Take the compliment, Poppy. 
POPPY: [meekly] Thank you.
[Sally wanders from the group, practicing the slightly adjusted pronunciation]
WALLY: I’m not sure I understand. What’s wrong with carmul or… care… mul… carmel…
POPPY: Don’t strain yourself dear, you’ll get a migraine.
FRANK: What’s wrong is that it’s ENTIRELY incorrect! It! Is! Pronounced! Caramel!
JULIE: Aww, Frank, I’m sure Home and Howdy will agree with us! Team Caramel, WOOO!
BARNABY: [barely restrained disbelief] Boy, won’t they! 
POPPY: I’m not sure what the fuss is about… there isn’t much of a difference, is there?
[Frank makes a high pitched, frustrated noise and stomps off. He can be heard calling Home’s name in the background]
JULIE: Oop, there he goes!
POPPY:  Oh - oh dear. I didn’t mean to rile him up.
BARNABY: Don’t twist your beak about it - Frank’s just bein’ Frank. Now if you’ll excuse us, I wanna see how it goes with Home.
WALLY: [quietly, thoughtful] But Home doesn’t talk like us…
POPPY: If you’re sure… Do let me know how it goes. 
SALLY: [swaying back to the group] I’ll phone you post-haste! Or even better, I can come by for one of your delicious muffins and regale you with the whole escapade, in detail.
POPPY: [audibly pleased] That sounds - well that sounds like a wonderful idea! I have some fresh from this morning-
BARNABY: Sounds great! See you around, Poppy.
FRANK: Home, I have an important question to ask you. Is the correct pronunciation for this candy ‘carmul’, or ‘caramel’? One creak for caramel, two for the incorrect carmul.
BARNABY: Talk about a bias…
[Home stays silent. Sally yawns.]
FRANK: One creak for caramel, two-
[Home slowly shuts their curtains]
FRANK: Hmph! The nerve… well, I suppose a house that can’t speak shouldn’t have a say, anyway.
WALLY: Home can speak. He just does it differently.
BARNABY: And I’m pretty sure they just agreed with me, Walls, an’ Sally.
JULIE: They did not!
BARNABY: Looked like it to me!
SALLY: I have to agree with Julie. Home just declared itself a neutral party, and so the vote can’t be counted either way. On to Howardson!
JULIE: Yes! Howdy! Our last hope!
FRANK: He may have terrible taste in company, but he’s a sensible businessman. Poppy and Home have let me-
FRANK: -us down, but surely Howdy will back us up. 
BARNABY: [faux-serious tone, knows something they don’t] Absolutely. Without a doubt.
[store bell chimes]
HOWDY: Howdy-do - [brief pause, a tinge of surprise] everyone! My my, what brings the entire neighborhood to my bountiful bodega? Finally decided to clean me out for good?
BARNABY: [snorts] With how fast you restock? I think I’d break my funnybone!
FRANK: We have important business.
HOWDY: [mildly curious] Do we? That’s news to me! But I’m letting you know now that I don’t deal in bugs, Frankly. It’d be hypocritical. 
FRANK: Believe me, I wish I were here to talk insects. Unfortunately, I need to settle a score. Mr. Dear, if you would?
EDDIE: If I would what?
SALLY: [stage-whisper] Barnabello gave you the, ah, parcel earlier?
EDDIE: The…? Oh! Oh, right - I have it right here, just… give me a second… which pocket…? There we go.
[sound of a small, hard candy placed on the countertop] 
HOWDY: A carmul all for me? You shouldn’t have! No, really, you shouldn’t have. I’m on the clock.
BARNABY: [loud bark of laughter] I knew I could count on you, pal! So what’s the tally, Frankie?
[Frank mutters something inaudible]
BARNABY: What was that? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of me bein’ right!
FRANK: [explosive] You’re all wrong! The correct pronunciation is caramel, CARAMEL! You’re all - you’re all just - heathens! Heathens, I say! I’m taking my company elsewhere! 
EDDIE: Mr. Frankly…
JULIE: [overlapping, following] Aw, c’mon Frank! 
[the door jingles. Julie and Frank’s hushed arguing in the doorway underlies the dialogue]
HOWDY: It sounds like I missed quite the context! Mind filling me in?
BARNABY: That was pretty much it; a real potato potahto argument.
HOWDY: If you say so, Barn. Speaking of potahtos-
[the background argument abruptly cuts off, the door jingles again as it's closed]
FRANK: [rapidly rejoining the group] Hold it! You don’t really say potahto, do you?
BARNABY: [under breath] Here we go again…
SALLY: [deeply amused] Where on Earth did you pick up such a butchered pronunciation? I must have missed the sign on my tour down from the heavens.
EDDIE: [baffled, underlying the dialogue] I’ve never heard anyone say it that way.
JULIE: Oh! Is it a joke? Like, Barnaby says potato-potahto, and then you jokingly say potahto to make us laugh? 
HOWDY: It’s not a joke. That’s how it’s said.
FRANK: [genuinely disturbed] No - no one says that. It’s potato.
HOWDY: Well I say potahto, thank you very much! And if you ever want one from my store again, you’d do well to accept that.
[Various grumbles of reluctant acceptance]
HOWDY: Good. Now, can I get any of you a refreshing drink after such a squall? You must be parched! 
WALLY: I wouldn’t mind a glass of mulk.
[Horrified silence. A pin drop would be deafening]
[Sudden uproarious and overlapping argument]
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greenboyfriend · 10 months
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pick an image! (tarot card reading)
image source ❁ image 1: an aged, leather book, with many, many pages. it makes you wonder what's inside, but due to its thickness, maybe it doesn't... ❁ image 2: a pleasant smile in the hands of gods. overlapping colorful wings form a small space in the middle. if you threw this at the wall, it'd definitely leave an imprint. ❁ image 3: a mysterious brass key. to what does its dainty swirls open? no one knows but you! how do I pick? everyone has their own method of getting in touch with their intuition. for me, when I know it's right, I feel a lightness in my chest, and when it's wrong, a pit in my stomach. don't think too much about it. whichever you choose will be right! BOOK A READING THRU DM/ASK!
boy howdy, y'all.
you see the change you need to make, and yet you're still resisting? maybe you're scared of what this change will bring, but in your stagnancy, you're missing an opportunity for growth. the most important thing is that you tell the truth. right that wrong-- let everyone know what's really happening. whatever your reason for inaction might be, know that you do, in fact, possess the strength to overcome your issue(s), no matter how much you think you don't. you've already reached a major milestone, too, so why keep yourself in a box? reap that reward. you worked for it, after all! this important change will have to do with you clearing the air, speaking articulately, and being sure that you share the absolute, honest truth. consider a direction change. sure, what's gotten you here has worked wonders, but what will get you to your next goal? don't be afraid to try new things!
(7 of pentacles reversed, ace of swords reversed, king of swords, four of pentacles)
whadda hell? such similar cards and yet such distinct meanings...
unlike those who chose image 1, you have not yet reached your goal. but don't worry! you're almost there!! you've just got to keep trying... easier said than done, right? it seems like you really want to give up, or are doubting yourself. this is a strong energy-- maybe you've been hurt in the past because of a similar situation, so you're refusing to acknowledge what's happening at all. maybe you don't believe in your own strength, but know that it is there. you've come all this way-- think of this as one more hurdle to jump before you take a lunch break. and what a wonderful lunch it will be, indeed!!! something that will be important will be finding out what's real and what's not. break up this complicated situation into segments and slowly analyze how all the pieces fit together. try to remain objective during this process, it is important for your future success. and finally, the scariest hurdle of all: simply having fun! you don't need to be guarded all the time, and maybe that's the lesson you're tackling right now. there's a very strong vibe of "recapturing innocence", in the (inno-) sense that you must shed the learned, knee-jerk responses of heartache. in order to feel better, you must let yourself free, but don't worry; your heart will always come back to you. don't let your inhibitions stop you from living the life you want to... need to....... deserve to live!!! so take that crazy chance and engage in unadulterated, unfiltered, unstoppable whimsy. this will be the key that takes you to new heights!!!
(ace of swords reversed-- this hoe really jumped out of the deck to see you. say hi..., the fool, 7 of pentacles reversed, king of swords)
okay so everyone's going through it. okay
god damn. y'all really need a hug, a hot cup of cocoa, and a cat in your lap, because fuck!!! you're experiencing a betrayal. deserted in your time of need, you're left to wander far, far away from home... you will find happiness in trying new things and keeping your head up, but don't let discovery be your excuse to neglect your needs. above all else, you need to heal. this will be a time of balancing these two things: trying out new developments and changes, while also healing your emotional wounds. you may be more interested in the former than the latter. you may feel like you're too weak to face this pain, but know that hard times help redefine the person you are. it's easy to wave it all away and throw all your energy into what's new, but what will really matter when you're 75 and looking back on your life is how you treated yourself during this time. did you dutifully lick your wounds, tending to yourself as you wish someone else would? or did you discard yourself in the same way you discarded your feelings? it's a tough ask, and a bit shocking to think about, I know. but imagine looking back and feeling pride in how well you managed things, the comfort gained-- almost magically-- from yourself, and the good it did you. okay, okay im getting off my soapbox now! just know you're headed towards good things. it may be a long process, so be brave, and steady. take breaks! drink water! stand motionless in the shower for 30 minutes, it's ok if that's what you need to do cause guess what?!?! you deserve to be taken care of, especially by yourself!!!
(3 of swords reversed, ace of swords reversed, 2 of pentacles, 6 of swords reversed)
lots and lots and LOTS of love for all of you silly little geese. I wish the absolute best for you! although I don't need to hope for the best... because I know all of you will prevail!!! simply because ur interested in what ur intuition seeks to teach you. please accept my kind words even if im a stranger on the internet! please know you deserve every tender moment that life has to offer and more, because you're just a motherfucker who's out here trying their best, just like most everyone else, and oh my god no matter what anyone tells you that is enough!!!!!!! sorry. I got back on the soapbox. BUT ITS TRUE!!!
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weskin-time · 2 years
I have a request...🥺👉👈
I was wondering if u can make scenarios about The (shy) reader confessing (any REV) members *COUGH* (wesker) that they luv them for the first time and there like shock about it bc likeeee the reader is not really good at showing there feelings and there finally have the guts to say ittt to them. hopefully you understand what I'm meaning... 😅 
HI THIS IS CUTE AND I HOPE I DID WHAT YOU MEANT!! HAHAH (also sorry for taking forever)
i got carried away with an idea on Weskers sorry not sorry <3
Characters- Albert Wesker, Chris Redfield, Sheva Alomar
not beta read
Chris Redfield
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(drooling over this man frfr)
Chris is a good man and a great boyfriend. He knew you were shy, it’s what drew him to you in some sense, he’s been through so much and he thought your personality was a great change of pace compared to what he was used to. He asked you out and the rest was history.
About 3 months into the relationship is when he first said “I love you.” and boy howdy did it send you into a flustered spiral. You wanted to tell him it back but if felt like you were choking on the feelings in your throat, like you were frozen. Chris understood your hesitation, he’s never going to tell you that he finds it cute, but he never pressured you into saying the big words. But wow did you feel like ass for not being able to tell him you love him just as much as he does.
3 months have passed since then, you’ve tried to show him that you love him in other ways and right now you were helping him work out. ‘Helping him out’ as in sitting on the side lines and watching him all while providing conversation and water, sometimes you joined him but your whole body hurt watching him do those hellish burpees.
You helped him keep count all while staring at your boyfriend. The way his muscles flexed under his tight dark green athletic shirt, the way his biceps tensed as he pushed himself up, only to jump up and drop back down to the floor again where you counted the number higher. Chris was a good looking man, but my gods was he one of the sweetest men you’ve ever met in your life.
He cared about you, really cared about you. He listened to everything you said even if he could sometimes barely hear your mumbling when you’re out in public he would listen and respond to you instead of pushing you aside like a doormat. He cherished you and you him. Yes he did all the things normal boyfriends do for their partners but he went above and beyond to make you happy. Too scared to tell the cashier what you want? He would tell them what you wanted with a smile on his face. He never looked down on you for being anxious and shy, he respected you, he loved you for who you are and never got upset at you. He would comfort you in hard times, not yell at you to grow up or brush it off and live in the real world, he would tell you it’s okay and never push your limits. You loved him, and in turn you did anything for him.
“I love you Chris.”
It was out before you could even get a second thought in.
Chris almost fell to the floor in shock at the sudden outburst and confession all while your heart was racing in your ears and heat swarmed your face like flies to honey, the lump in your throat returned but this time of embarrassment.
Your boyfriend on the other hand looked awestruck. His eyes open wide and a smile spread upon his face. It made him look younger, the spark in his eyes, he almost looked like a different person.
You on the other hand we’re dying in your seat.
Suddenly he rushed over and pulled you up and into a hug, all while laughing like a drunk man had won a war, his hand cradling the back of your skull while his other went to your midsection to pull you as close to his sweaty body as he could. You laughed too as your arms wrapped around his neck. His hands changed positions as he pulled back to give your forehead a kiss, they both secured themselves around your waist and hoisted you up off the ground into a spin hug.
To say he was smitten with you would be an understatement.
Sheva Alomar
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(Woman by Doja Cat starts playing bARK BARK my wife.)
You may have fallen for Sheva the day you met her, honestly.
The two of you met through a mutual friend and the two of you just hit it off instantly. She was strong willed and loyal, kind and soft but could kick your ass in more ways than you could even know, not to mention she was radiating beauty with every breath she took.
She seemed to be curious about you at first more than anything, in her line of work she rarely meets shy people. She instantly respected you and didn’t ask you to speak up or act different, she listened to every word you said and didn’t poke fun at you. The two of you became fast friends, you asking her to teach you some fighting moves to which she agreed, and one thing lead to another and she asked you out on a date to which you of course said yes after almost dying in a sea of flustered mess.
2 months in is the first time she said ‘I love you’. She took you home from a date and as she gave you a kiss goodbye she said the three words. When you started your relationship you let her know before hand that emotions were hard for you to express, that they get caught in your throat and are blocked by your flustered tongue, she understood and still agreed to start a relationship with you, so she didn’t expect you to say anything back and she left with you standing at your door speechless.
3 months have gone by, nice and easy. Every time she says ‘I love you’ you respond with ‘you too’ like she’s telling you to have a nice day. You felt bad that you’ve yet to say it even though she told you it was alright you still felt bad about it, which in turn made your shyness worse, like a snake eating it’s tail. So you thought ‘fuck it’ and you were going to tell her tonight even if you exploded, she had to hear the words.
You took her to have a picnic and watch the stars. A lantern in hand you two hiked up a hill in the middle of no where, where light pollution wouldn’t ruin the view. She could tell the entire night that your nerves were on high, slightly shaking as you ate, a wobble in your voice, not to mention your cheeks radiated heat that could burn her if she touched them.
The stars were beautiful. The light dancing in the sky was nothing compared to your girlfriend. The two of you talked about nothing important, you could barely hear her over the sound of your heartbeat in your chest and the rushing of blood in your ears.
You looked to her, and he turned her body to face you, to stare at you with her beautiful dark eyes that the stars made its home, her hair loose and ticking her face, she was beautiful.
“I love you.”
The words spilled out of your lips before you told yourself to don’t even think about it. You instantly wanted to curl into a ball and evaporate, or maybe go to the hospital because your heart shouldn’t be beating this fast to be healthy.
She laughed, a smile as bright as the stars in the sky tugged at her lips, “I love you too.”
Albert Wesker
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(putting him into a blender i hate him /lh /hj)
Excella Gionne wasn’t always the Regional Director of Tricell, she was given that spot thanks to Albert Wesker, and thanks to him you became her assistant.
You’d first meet the man the day you became her assistant, Excella telling you it’s important to meet everyone you’d be working with along side her even if you’d be stuck at a desk job most days. This was days after she became the head of the Bio-weapons devision, before Jill Valentine, before Irving was hired, before the BSAA had their nose in Africa.
Excella practically forced you into a room to meet him, regardless of your stammering she never jumped in to help you make acquaintance. Through mumbled words and not looking at him the entire time you stated your name and that it would be a pleasure to work with him.
A pleasure it was indeed. It was funny in some regard to see your boss throw herself at a man who clearly had little to no interest in her, how she begged him to look at her and want her but his eyes never even looked at her for anything less than a glance. She wasn’t important to him, he was just using her, everyone and their grandmother could see it, you felt kinda bad for her in some way.
Wesker seemed to like you though, and not in the same way he ‘liked’ Excella. He teased you about your shy nature a lot, to where you think he made it a game to see how flustered he could make you, awkward social situations, bumping into you and ‘accidentally’ making you drop papers, asking if you have a fever or if you’re feeling alright. It was unending and yet he grew on you. Your shyness soon was doubled as you began to grow fond of him, even thinking he was attractive and yet you feared you were acting like Excella.
One day as you were dropping off samples to him and he asked you out. You thought it was a joke at first to get you to fluster but he was serious, so you agreed.
Dating your bosses businesses partner didn’t really go over well. Needless to say she fired you but thankfully your new boyfriend hired you as his own assistant, which honestly wasn’t fun because Excella still was his lap dog and just flirted with him to spite you knowing you would ‘never grow a backbone’ as she had put it once. She sucked.
About 4 months into your relationship it took a turn. You reminded him that it was time for his injection of the prototype virus, which he asked you for help with. You agreed and he taught you how to prepare and safely inject him with the serum. The next time he needed it you did it by yourself, which you were proud you didn’t shake and stab him in the wrong spot but as you were injecting it he made you look at him and he confessed.
Now if Albert Wesker was the embodiment of emotional constipation what did that make you?
2 months later he invited you back to his place for a three course dinner and desert. Fancy ass. Everything was set up, everything was fancy, your favorite food was brought to you first and the desert melted in your mouth and was so good you almost wanted to cry.
You stood with Wesker on the balcony of his penthouse, the night air cool against your skin as Wesker pressed you against him. He could feel how tense you were.
“Are you alright dear?” He looked down at you.
“Yea i’m fine don’t worry.” you gave an unconvincing chuckle.
He just cocked a brow at you as you breathed a little deeper and shook your head, trying to calm the beating of your heart and the nausea of your emotions.
“Hey Al?” You asked with your eyes screwed tightly closed.
“Yes my sweet?”
You opened them and turned your head to look at your boyfriend. “I love you.”
He seemed to freeze for a second, his eyes searching yours as you died inside fully embarrassed before he relaxed somewhat.
“I love you too dearheart.”
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queerxreader · 2 years
Howdy!! I was wondering if you could do a Logan x m!reader who has a harpy mutation and it’s a wing care thing, I think it could be interesting because caring for a birds wings is a very intimate thing. And or a spideypool + m!reader cuddling fluffy piece?
- 🎭
Logan/Wolverine x M!Reader with Harpy Mutation/Wings.
Bird, Bath, and Intimacy.
Featured/Warnings: Vague angst and Nudity. Baths. Comfort and Care. Fluff piece. Flirting.
Writer’s Note: I Really adore the idea of Logan this big tough guy being so gentle and caring towards his winged boyfriend. Also I’m still planning on writing a Spideypool cuddle fic but it’ll be separate from this. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! And apologies for how long it took to push this out.
“Stay still. Quit your flapping.” Logan’s gruff voice barked at you.
Your feathery appendages had a mind of their own, and when it came to Logan’s touch your soft wings fluttered for the callous man.
“I’m trying, I’m just not used to someone else taking care of my wings”
“Someone has to.”
Though he sounded aggravated to be helping you, you could sense his calmness. You knew deep down he cared for you, otherwise he wouldn’t have even offered.
You were sitting on your legs in the tub, the lukewarm water felt relaxing on your skin. Logan sat on the inner edge of the tub, his feet soaking in the water with his jeans cuffed up as high as he could manage on his toned calves. He was softly kneading his fingers into your feathers. His hands were coated in a special soap that was advertised to be strong enough to get oil out of ducks. He assumed this would be the best alternative compared to the shoddy attempts at cleaning yourself were.
He noticed your difficulty cleaning your wings when he saw you one early spring morning. He couldn’t sleep again so he was just having a beer as a breakfast appetizer. He looked out the kitchen window to enjoy the beginning of the sunrise. There you were, out there waiting on the edge of the fence, he pondered what you were doing, but instead of going outside to ask he just enjoyed this new view that seemed to outshine the sun rising.
Abruptly the sprinklers chittered on, Logan knew they were scheduled to do this, but it always raised the hairs on his arms. The sprinklers were always really tall in the mornings due to the expectation that everyone would be asleep this early in the day.
You promptly thrashed your wings to glide down
through the high force water oscillating into the air. All Logan saw between your swift flailing of wings and every few moments he’d see your mostly nude masculine frame covered by a pair of tight swim shorts. He admired the way your wet body glistened in the pale morning light, it was times like this he swore you were an angel rather than a harpy-adjacent mutant humanoid. He still loved you as the latter reality, however.
He saw you land atop one of the garden statues, you perched there for a second before shaking and writhing your feathers and hair dry. He always thought you were kidding when you said you bathed exactly like a bird. While he did think it was cute watching you do your avian drying dance, he wondered if you did this year around. Wouldn’t you get sick doing this during the winter or fall, only so much of your genetics include this mutant bird dna, what about the human parts?
As you got to a decent stage where you could just air dry the rest of your body, you hovered over the patio to retrieve your robe and enter the mansion.
You only got so far into the door of the kitchen before a gravelly voice teased you.
“Did'ja have a nice bird bath?”
You nodded while sitting down at the kitchen table, “I did actually, I’m fixing to have some breakfast.”
“I think we have some sunflower seeds in the pantry for you to peck on.”
“Ha. Ha. Really funny, wolf boy.”
“You were serious about those bird baths. I thought you just took regular baths like the rest of us.”
“Newsflash, blades-for-joints, do I look like the rest of ‘us’?”
“Hey now, I was just saying I didn’t expect it to be true.”
“Well you caught me, now what.”
“I don’t think a rinse is good enough to get you clean. Those feathers are complex.”
“Yeah, so are a bird’s.”
“But you’re not all bird.. you have a human immune system and taking baths like that—
“Aw Logan, you’re worried about me getting sick? Don’t worry I never get sick.”
Almost like you had jinxed yourself, you sneezed instantaneously.
He smirked, pleased with being right, however there was a tiny glint of concern in his eye. A literal blink and you miss it type of glint. You’re glad you didn’t miss it though.
“Whatever. It’s just ‘cause it’s cold in here.”
The memory fades as Logan turns the shower hose on you, the warm water juxtaposing the now cooler water you sat in. You shivered and then eased into the soothing feeling of water flowing between your wings in places you could never reach on your own. Logan rubbed his rough hands between your shoulder blades massaging the sensitive spot. You keened into his touch as he kneaded the tender spot that connected your wings to your spine.
“I know this spot takes a lot of weight, it must hurt to keep these things steady all the time”
“You have no idea,”
“Believe me I do— these claws are a bitch when I unsheath them.”
“It hurts everytime.” It was a question but you phrased it as a statement since you already suspected the answer. Your wings often hurt when you first spread them out after a day of binding them away into your clothes to simply function amongst the quote-on-quote normal humans. But you couldn’t imagine the pain of having blades push out between your knuckles, it obviously was only a torture he could endure.
The healing factor was what made it somewhat bearable you assumed, but you wondered where all that physical trauma went when it went away. It’s possible that that pain replaced itself into mental and emotional stress, causing this man’s emotional state to be so toughened and built up high.
Though he hated sharing about himself, it often just flew out in conversation casually whenever he spoke to you. He felt he could truly put his guard down and trust you, and clearly you felt the same. The more he spoke the more you realized his concern wasn’t just that of a teammate or a close friend, he genuinely feared losing you. He’s mentioned losing many people he’s loved before, and sometimes he’s not taken the time to focus on the little things. It’s then you understand what this means to him, you allowing him to take care of you, this was for both of you. It would take a lot for him to admit that, he swore this was only for your own good. He’d chalk it up to you being careless and reckless, though he knows if he didn’t heal as quickly you’d be tending to his wounds like a mother hen every single mission.
As he opened up to you, growing distracted, you felt him knead into the width of your back a little rougher with his hand, right into a tender spot. Your wings thrashed upon the sensation, splashing water all outside the tub and all over the damp man. He practically growled at the sudden jostling of feathers, dropping the sprayer. The water spewed all over both of you. Logan’s jeans were already wet despite cuffing them at the ankles, but now they were practically a darker color from the wetness. His white shirt was now drenched completely too, you looked up at him laughing at him.
“That was on you. You know it’s sensitive there.”
Logan huffed a sigh, “I know,” he discarded his shirt, suddenly feeling overwhelmed by it clinging to his skin.
“Let’s try this again, just relax, okay?”
“It would be a lot easier if I could just lay back into this tub but I can’t.”
Logan adjusted the setting on the sprayer and continued aiming the warm water into the middle of your back. You sighed calmly. He softly spoke to you as he rubbed circles into your back instead of kneading, “better?”
“Much, much better,”
“I’m sorry the massage didn’t work,”
“It’s okay, you know how my wings are under your touch,”
He let out a low chuckle, smiling at you as he continued to rinse and softly rub your feathers clean.
You soothed one of your hands to hold his. You pecked a small kiss onto his hand. “We might have to do a massage another time, without water.”
Logan let out a small laugh through his nose, “I guess so, just let me know when.”
It was silent for a moment as he finished rinsing you. Finally when he was done, he assisted you in standing up, he placed a warm towel on your head and shook it to dry and fluff up your hair. When he took the towel away he saw your eyes looking at him adoringly.
“What’s that goofy look for birdbrain?”
“Thank you,”
“S’no big deal.”
“No,” you leaned closer to him, your bare wet legs pressing against his damp and taught jeans. You made sure your eyes had locked while you took both of your hands into his. You pecked a kiss onto his cheek ever so chaste. “Thank you, Logan.”
His face felt warm, he blinked in awe. You had been together for a while now and yet you still flustered him. As he turned around to return the gesture you were already headed out the room. Your wings shook erratically for a split second to rid the remaining water. Logan caught most of the extra splashing against his already dripping clothes, he didn’t mind it. He was just glad to be able to take care of you.
Even after looking at the flooded floor, he still had a grin on his face as he heard you leave.
“See ya later, feathers.”
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tealfloyd · 2 years
Hello and howdy do~! Thanks so much for the Halloween Costume fic! I loved it, even though I was hoping that MC's costumes would closely resemble that of each dorm's costume theme. Nevertheless, great job!👍 For my next request, I'd like the seven dorms' reactions when MC presents each of the boys a special Christmas gift. Since Christmas doesn't exist in Twisted Wonderland, MC explains its meaning to the boys before she presents them their gifts. Thanks a bunch!
"What do you mean Night Raven College doesn't celebrate Christmas? It seems that MC has a bit more work to do~"
SUMMARY: MC decides to host a Christmas party for all her friends, giving all of them special gifts! (Everyone x Fem!Reader).
WARNINGS: Maybe some light spoilers from most of the character's background, but they're very light. Also MC's empty wallet.
CONTENT: Ortho's part is platonic. My ghost fellows having names. Me trying my best at guessing their gift history. Most of the presents have hand-made decorations on them because I love them. Maybe some characters are ooc, but I really hope not. This format has some variations, and also some of the characters have fewer lines because it's kind of hard to write for all of them equally :( WORDS: 7K+
A/N: Hello dear! I'm sorry this took so long~ I wanted to finish this earlier but got caught up with some important things and so I couldn't write for some days, so maybe this isn't as good as I expected it to be. Either way, I still hope you like it, and if not, please let me know your comments on it!
(Fact that no one asked: I spent three hours looking for gift ideas, and even after that I'm still not sure if I choose the right ones).
Now onto the fic~
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What a lovely Christmas eve; just you and your adoptive cat son, patiently waiting for your guests as you friendly interacted with each other.
“Grim! What did I told you about eating the cookies?!” You scolded, taking the tray and placing it away from him, looking at the crumbs that indicated several were now on his stomach.
As I said, a lovely Christmas eve with friendly interactions.
“Nyah~! Why would you bake cookies if I can’t eat them?!” He whined, pouting as he crossed his arms, very much resembling a child.
You sighed at his antics, crouching next to him so you could pat his head. “You know that these are for the guests; but we can enjoy cat shaped pancakes tomorrow if you want."
“You know I’m not a cat…” He muttered, and you couldn’t help but giggle at his adorableness, correcting yourself.
“I’m sorry. Do ‘Grim shaped pancakes’ sound better then?” You started to softly caress his fur, hearing him purr after a few more petting, relieved that his petty moment was over.
“What a cute bonding time," Conrad said, cooing at the wholesome scene.
“Do you mind if we join?” Asked Brawley, already approaching you two.
“You better not!” Grim said, holding your hand to keep it in its place, trying to prevent you from saying yes, which didn’t work at the end.
“Don’t listen to him, of course you can join!” You said, extending your arm.
“Wah~ MC's so nice~ I don’t understand how those boys haven’t—“ Before Arthur could finish his sentence, Conrad elbowed him, knowing what he was about to say.
“You know we promised to not talk about their crushes on her," he murmured, making you a little suspicious.
“What are you muttering about?”
“Oh, nothing! Just that I think we forgot to buy some groceries, so we have to go!” Was the last thing they said before disappearing.
You raised an eyebrow at the excuse. “But you don’t cook... Or eat…”
A knock on the door made you stood up abruptly, checking the wall clock, gasping since it was already time and you still had to finish some things.
You dusted your apron, trying to look more or less presentable while rushing to the door, instructing Grim to put on the accessories you made for him. He wanted to complain, but couldn’t when he saw you giving him the look, and so he went upstairs, muttering about how you shouldn’t treat him so unfairly.
You opened the door, greeting the Heartslabyul students. “Hello guys!” You cheerfully exclaimed, stepping aside so they could enter. “Please make yourselves at home, I will join you in a moment."
While your figure disappeared after crossing the kitchen arc, the boys were left wondering why you had neatly organised gifts and colourful decorations.
 “What’s all this?” Asked Ace, looking at the pile, curious about the contents.
“Ace, manners," corrected Riddle, afraid he will ruin it.
“That’s so cute! I need to post it right now~” Cater said, pulling out his phone to take pictures of it, trying to think of a cool caption as he scrolled down the best photos.
Deuce was also staring at the presents, thinking about why you had so many. “Can these be… MC’s secret fan’s gifts…?” He muttered, oblivious to the fact that there was one that had his name on the label.
“Do you need help?” Questioned Trey, entering the kitchen to see you checking something in the oven.
“I guess I could use some of that," you chuckled, pointing at the deserts on the countertop. “Can you help me bring those to the table in the living room?”
He complied, taking the tray while carefully moving it so he could place on top the table, making sure everything was the way you organised it.
“Finally, everything’s ready," you exhaled in relief, removing your apron and cooking gloves, leaving them in a cabinet. “You can eat if you want, we still have to wait for the others to arrive."
Just after you finished talking, you heard a knock again, listening to some of them argue behind it.
You encountered the boys, who didn’t notice you already opened the door as the discussion continued. “Am I interrupting something?” You said, softly smiling at them as they stopped dead in their tracks as they turned their heads to you.
“Of course not, Prefect”, Jade was the first one who talked. “We were just having a friendly talk."
You knew he was lying, but didn’t think much of it, smiling softly as you stepped aside. “Sure, whatever you say."
“Thank you for inviting us, Prefect”. Azul and Jamil talked at the same time, looking at each other in surprise, and you chuckled at their expressions, inviting them to enter and feel at home.
It didn’t take much for Floyd to take that too literal, yelling: "yay~!" as he plopped himself on the couch, accidentally (or maybe not) hitting Riddle in the process.
“Hey! Don’t just take all the space!” He complained, anger building up inside him as he pushed his long legs out of the couch.
“My, your dorm seems very colourful. May I ask why?” Jade asked, inspecting the green, red and white decorations that were placed around the room.
“I will explain everything once everyone’s here," you responded, organising a few details that were off, proudly nodding at the results. “In the meantime, you can eat anything you want and—"
You were interrupted by the sound of munching, looking at the first years and some of the second years who were happily eating, sensing your stare.
“Sorry, you said eat anything you want," Ace said, mouth full and with cookie crumbs all over his lips.
“It’s okay, I’m happy you liked it."
“All of this looks amazing!” Kalim exclaimed, looking at his friend with puppy eyes. “Can I eat this, Jamil? MC made it so there shouldn’t be a problem, right?”
Jamil sighs, nodding his head, trusting you fully since he knew you would never try to poison someone, or at least someone so pure like Kalim. “Sure," was all he said, also trying some food himself.
“Who else are we waiting for?" Asked Jack, curious about who else you invited.
“Just Vil, Rook, Epel, Idia, Ortho, Malleus, Lilia, Silver and Sebek."
"Just?" Ace remarked, still munching on the treats you recently prepared.
“That lizard is coming?” Complained Leona, relaxing on the couch after he figured out it wouldn’t bother you.
“Of course he’s coming," you answered, stating it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it clearly was. “They should be here any minute—"
Again, the knocking on the door made you realise they were already here. “Or maybe now."
You opened it, standing in front of a very elegant looking Vil and Ortho by his side, the height comparison making you giggle.
“Hello MC. Thank you for inviting us to this lively reunion," Vil commented.
“Indeed; me and my brother were very happy when we got the invitation!” Ortho cheerfully affirmed as he pointed at Idia, who didn’t know if he wanted to go home or be there. Maybe both.
“This is certainly going to be a magnifique soirée!” Rook exclaimed, excited about what you had ready for the evening.
“I sure hope to meet your expectations” You said, inviting them inside.
“Thanks for inviting us, MC," said Epel, trying to mask his accent so Vil wouldn’t scold him in front of you, who took notice of this and decided to step in.
“Don’t worry Epel. You don’t have to hide your accent here; I will make sure Vil doesn’t reprimand you for it," you calmly reassured, making him (and every person who heard it, even Vil because he was standing right next to you) swoon over your attentiveness.
“S-sure," he stuttered, trying to hide his flushed face from you.
You also noticed Idia and Ortho were still standing outside, probably because the taller one was having an internal debate about whether he should enter or not.
“You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to."
Idia jumped at the comment, not realising that you were in front of him due to his nervousness. “I-It’s okay…" Was all he could answer, cheeks red and hair slightly pink.
“Perfect! Then we must go inside before you catch a cold, brother!" Idia didn’t had room to protest as his little brother was already dragging him inside, hoping he wouldn’t get noticed by the rest of the students there.
Fortunately, and unfortunately for him, the attention was on you, curiosity washing over them as you still didn’t explain the reasoning behind the reunion.
“I told you already, I rather do the explaining once Diasomnia is here; I really want everyone to be here once I start the activity."
“You mean giving us those presents over there?” Asked Jade, perking up everyone’s interest even more.
“PRESENTS?! FOR US?!” The majority yelled, and you covered your ears as a reflective action.
“Yeah, exactly," you said, hoping they would let you talk. “But you have to wait for me to give them to you."
“Eh~? But I want to open it now!” Floyd whined, about to hold his present, stopping when you gently grabbed his arm. “Oh? Is Shrimpy going to give it to me now~?”
You smiled again, but this time in a menacing way, warning him of your wrath if he even touched the present before you gave it to him. “Floyd, please don’t open that box; if you do, I will be mad, and we don’t want that, right?”
It was shocking for them to see this side of you, but at the same time, they would be even more surprised if you didn’t have that side in the first place. After all, you’re still a student at Night Raven College, accidental or not.
The moment was broken when the last knock was heard, and you released Floyd’s arm from your very light grasp, rushing to the door to open it. “Ah, you’re here!”
Lilia laughed, lifting his hand slightly. “We apologize for the delay. Malleus took quite some time since he was still processing your invitation."
Said man only stared at him in disbelief, coughing to dismiss his light embarrassment. “Thank you for inviting me— Us, Child of Man," he thanked, visibly calm on the outside but giggling out of joy inside.
“We truly appreciate your invitation to this reunion, human!” Sebek yelled, making you (and everyone who wasn’t ready for it) wince at the sudden noise, quickly replacing your frown with a kind smile to not hurt his feelings.
“You don’t need to yell, you know?” Commented Silver. “But indeed, we are very grateful," he added, politely bowing.
“It’s nothing, I’m glad that you arrived so please, make yourselves at home," and with that note, you finally closed the door, about to start the explanation when you noticed that someone was missing. “Wait a moment, please."
You walked upstairs, looking for your cat companion. “Grim! Why are you taking so long?”
“This thing is so stupid! I’m not going to use it!” He responded, making you sigh in discontent.
You didn’t expect him to throw a tantrum over an accessory, but it was okay; living with him has taught you quite a few ways of dealing with his childish personality.
“You can have cake for tomorrow’s breakfast."
The door creaked open, revealing him using a red and green bowtie with little snowflakes and a little handcrafted Santa hat on, also wearing a big pout
“Fine then, but you better keep your promise!” He grumpily walked down the stairs, knowing that everyone was going to stare at him.
“I would, but I don’t remember promising it." Checkmate MC, checkmate.
“Nyah!” He exclaims, trying to wriggle out from your grasp as you keep him in place, cradling him until he calms down. “Let me down! I didn’t sign for this!”
Well, neither did you and you’re not complaining for the most part.
“Grim," the cold tone you spoke with made everyone froze again, most of them remembering the earlier scene as you tried to control your child cat companion. “Are you going to behave or not?” He didn’t answer, and you repeated the question.
“I’m going to behave…” He muttered, deflating when you placed him down on the floor, not believing he fell for your tricks again.
“I’m sorry about that," you apologized, letting out a nervous giggle. “I may now explain why I invited you here today."
“I know that most of you’re going to be out due to winter’s break, so I wanted to celebrate Christmas with you before that happens!” You happily exclaimed, your warm smile making their heart melt, only to retrace your words in their heads, highlighting an unknown word for them.
“Christmas?” Asked Azul, intrigued by this.
“What’s that?” Leona questioned, ears perking up in curiosity.
“Ah, that’s right, I forgot that you don’t have it here," you started to think of forms to explain this holiday, deciding that Occam’s razor principle will be the best approach. “In my world, Christmas is a holiday that mainly focuses on love, laughter and happiness. It’s a time where we enjoy our friends and family’s presence and just bask in their warmth and comfort, relieved that they’re in our lives for another year."
Everyone stayed quiet for a while, leaving you to wonder if you had said something wrong until you heard multiple screams (of joy) and cheering.
“That sounds so amazing! I want to celebrate Christmas back home too!” Kalim yelled, already planning on doing something similar with his family.
“That was one of the most beautiful descriptions I’ve ever heard," commented Lilia, wiping a crocodile tear, while the crocodile was, in fact, tearing up.
“As expected of notre chér Prefect! She always ends up looking and sounding more beautiful than before!” Exclaimed Rook, dramatically posing.
“There’s no need for you to compliment me, I’m just explaining what’s Christmas so you can understand." It was useless, they can’t be reasoned with after you said such a heart-moving speech.
“There’s no reason to be so humble about it," Jade added, chuckling at your attempts to calm their cheers.
“I assume the gifts have a meaning in your world too?” Asked Riddle, gazing at them with a hand on his chin, thinking of the reasoning behind it.
You nodded, happy to explain. “Indeed. Gifts are given to show gratitude and affection towards the receiver; it doesn’t differ much from my world to this one."
Your sensed told you they were going to go crazy again, so you spoke again before they could even start talking. “I think that now it’s the perfect time for gift receiving. I just wanted to let you know how I celebrated Christmas back home."
Your strategy worked as they immediately shut up, impatiently waiting until you gave them their respective present.
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A tea set with hand-drawn red roses on it.
For Riddle: Thank you for all the times you’ve helped me with my studies, you were my lifesaver for my grades, haha! And also, for letting me stay at your unbirthday parties even if I'm not a part of your dorm, I really appreciate that!
Riddle can’t remember the last time he got a present. His mother didn't actually give him some kind of reward for his achievements, instead giving him things meant for his studies. Trey and Che'nya were the only ones who didn't expect something out of the things they gifted him. He felt like crying but didn’t dare to because he was worried about what everyone would think of him, not wanting to be seen as weak over such a small detail. A detail that he would treasure forever. Lightly clutching the box next to his chest, he lets a small smile form on his lips while his cheeks turn pink.
“Thank you, MC. I certainly expect you at the following unbirthday party so we can use this intricate set you've customized."
A wooden recipe box, along with pine cooking gloves.
For Trey: Thank you for all the times you’ve helped me, which now that I think about, they were probably a lot. I hope you like this! It has some of my mother’s recipes, and although they probably exist here that doesn’t make them less delicious!
Trey has received a fair number of gifts during his life, most of them coming from his siblings and parents, meaning that he usually got hand-made gift cards and things that could be used over and over again. Because of this, he prefers gifts that he can use and/or that are hand-crafted. He inspects the small, brown box, tracing over your neat calligraphy on the front. When he opens it he finds a small number of cards, sight reading them while finding the reference drawing on the side cute. He softly closes it, silently fawning over your attentiveness.
“Thanks, MC. If you like, you can make these with me, so I know how it’s properly done."
A mini microphone and a small phone tripod.
For Cater: I got to say that I'm impressed that you were walking on fire when you hosted our mini parties, because Riddle's wrath is no joke, haha! I hope this will make you grow on your journey to be a wonderful influencer, and when that happens, take for granted that I’m going to appear in your 1M follower's video!
The majority of Cater’s gifts came from both of his sisters, and let’s just say that he wasn’t very pleased by what was given to him. He wishes that his sisters tried to understand him and see what he liked instead of what they liked, and the fact that his family was constantly moving didn’t help. He stared at the presents, unsure about what to say after receiving a gift that he liked- Actually, no, a present that he loved, and not just because it was something he could use in his social media; it was also because you thought of him. He smiles widely, letting soft giggles as he tries to contain the joy that he’s feeling.
“This is totes cute, MC! I will definitely take a video later, and of course you will be the one starring it~!”
A spinning poker weight and a hand-drawn poker deck.
For Ace: I sure hope you like this because if not, wow. Just wow. But now talking seriously, I wanted to thank you for all the times you sided with me even though I was wrong in most of those cases; it meant a lot coming from you.
Ace has had his fair number of gifts too, half from his brother and half from his parents and relatives. He doesn’t really know how to react since the only presents that he got that were hand-made were some gift cards from when he was little, so receiving something that had your utmost care and dedication was a bit… Foreign, but certainly not unwelcomed. He realises that the first one is just you messing with him, because who in their right mind would randomly play Poker? And then he remembers who: you, and it’s odd because you created such a beautiful cool deck of cards, yet you don’t know how to play? He can’t help but chuckle at this, carefully saving the box in his pocket.
“For real? Like, thanks for the gift but I thought it will be way cooler— No, you can’t take it back, it’s mine now."
A pair of blastcycling gloves.
For Deuce: Thank you for all your help here in Ramshackle. I think that one of the reasons this dorm hasn’t collapsed is because of your skills. I know you want to have a blastcycle, and although I can’t give it to you I want to cooperate by giving you these gloves. It’s not much, but I hope you like them!
The only gifts Deuce has received came from his mother and grandmother, so he doesn’t have too much experience about receiving presents from other persons, and to top it off, that person is you. He just stares at the gloves, cheeks growing redder as his mind races with possible ways to thank you, not really coming up with something coherent. In order to calm himself down, he tried them on, surprised that they were his exact size, blushing again at the thought of you thinking about him while picking the accessory.
“I, uh— Thanks for this, Prefect! I really appreciate you— I mean, the gloves! But it’s not like I don’t appreciate you for picking them—"
Help him.
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A pair of earplugs and a travel pillow.
For Leona: Thanks for the times you've help me even when you’re too sleepy to even move, and so I thought of this gift for you! You usually sleep everywhere and anywhere, so please carry this pillow so you wouldn’t end up with a strained neck and sore muscles!
Leona has received a lot of gifts since he was a child; not that much now that he's older because he’s barely home but when he does, he still has a lot of presents with his name written on it. When it comes to gifts that he keeps or uses, that’s another story. He keeps looking at the label, suddenly remembering all of Cheka’s drawings and cards that he keeps in a secret box in his room, smiling at how cute and dumb it is, but a good type of dumb.
“Worried for me, herbivore? Why would I need this pillow if I already have you?"
A Sam’s gift card for two months’ worth of food.
For Ruggie: I don't consider that paying you with donuts it's fair after all the times you've helped, and so I managed to get this gift card from Sam's (yes, you still can get donuts)! Both you and Leona are going to be thanking me for this, haha!
Ruggie had little to no gifts during his childhood; he has always prioritized every income, so presents were given around once a year. Ruggie has grown to appreciate everything that can help him, so seeing this came as a shock to him. In all honesty, he wanted to cry, because how are you be so kind and considerate? This just doesn't seem like reality! He knows you can barely feed Grim and yourself with what's given to you yet you still thought of his wellbeing. He laughs to cover his nervousness, as a small, unnoticeable tear sliding down his cheek.
“Shi shi shi~ I guess if you managed to get this card then I wouldn’t mind sharing some of its perks with you~”
A personalized exercise dice and a bottle of water.
For Jack: I cannot count all the times I relied on you, and I'm deeply grateful for that, really grateful! You mentioned that you needed to change your water bottle, so I got this one for you! I hope you like it!
Jack has also received his fair number of gifts during his childhood, mostly useful things and cards from his siblings, so, like Trey, he likes presents that are meaningful and/or useful. He’s amazed that you remembered such a small comment, cheeks slightly blushing because of this, inspecting the little wolf drawing you did on the cover. He looks at the dice and realises that all the faces have his favourite exercises, even more amazed because he didn’t even need to tell you about his preferences for you to know them, carefully saving them in the box again.
“Thanks for the gift, MC. If you’d like, you can train with me— So we can use this dice you’ve made, clearly."
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A refillable notepad with a little octopus drawing on the cover.
For Azul: I noticed you had few notebooks the last time I visited, and since you use a lot of them, I thought this refillable one would save you space and money! I also drew in some of the pages, but you can erase them if you want!
Azul stared at the notebook, realising that you drew little doodles in almost every page, and he imagined the amount of time you spent in this, blushing slightly because that time was for a gift dedicated for him. Azul's gift history wasn't the best; he only got presents from his family and sometimes from Jade and Floyd (although they were mostly trinkets), so receiving such a heartfelt present from you (friend, loyal customer and crush) made him blush even deeper, and he tried to calm the butterflies that were fluttering inside his stomach in order to thank you.
"I'm surprised you managed to find such a suitable present. I'm very grateful for this valuable gift, Prefect."
A terrarium notebook with some mushroom's stickers on it, along with a terrarium earring.
For Jade: It's no surprise you love terrariums and mushrooms, so I thought this notebook that I found at Sam's would be of your liking. I also made this earring, and although is a bit messy I still hope you like it!
Jade didn't expect to receive such a sincere gift during his stance in Night Raven College, or at least one that didn't come from his brother and maybe Azul. Instead of his practiced smile, he does a much softer one, hiding the earring from Floyd as he asked what he got. He usually doesn't mind when his brother touches his stuff (as long as he leaves it in the same place); since they're twins, they've grown accustomed to sharing, but this is not something he thinks he can share with him, rather choosing to use it after finding a safe place for it.
"I am ever grateful for this, Prefect. I will make sure to take the utmost care of this special present."
A pair of roller skate shoes.
For Floyd: I'm walking on a thin line by giving you these shoes, Floyd. They may be a bit hard to use at first, but i know that you can be able to master the act of roller walking in a few days! (Just be aware of your surroundings... And the people around you too).
Oh, MC- I mean, Shrimpy. Since Floyd is not going to be at home during winter break, you can be completely sure that both you and Grim (mostly you) are doomed to stay by his side now that he can go as twice as fast than before. His face lights up when he sees the inside of the box, thinking that you got him a new pair of cool shoes, until he reads the label. Shrimpy? You got him skate roller shoes? Are you saying that you want him to chase you faster when he spots you in the hallways? (See what I told you by saying you're doomed?).
"Woah~! These shoes are soooo cool~! I'm sure that I can be able to catch Shrimpy way faster with these on!"
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A color changing mug with a little doodle of him, Jamil, Grim and you.
For Kalim: I found this mug when I was searching for stuff at Sam's, and I first thought of you! I know it's not the most expensive or fancy gift from all, but I really hope you like it and the little drawings I made!
Coming from a wealthy family, gifts in the Asim household were something very usual for all of the family members. Even if they were expensive, they all appreciated the meaning behind it, always thanking their parents and siblings. Kalim is very fond of these types of gifts; you can give this boy a rock and he would give you a pair of gold earrings in exchange. You have to cover your eyes because the light he's emanating from reading the label and seeing the present is insane. No jokes here.
"Thanks, Prefect! I never saw something like this! I will make sure to bring you lots of things to make up for this!"
A massage roller and essential oils.
For Jamil: I really appreciate all your help, even though you still have to help Kalim and manage Scarabia's reputation. I don't want you to be worn out, so I got you these! Vil recommended me these brands, so I assure you they're completely effective!
Jamil hasn't had many gifts during his childhood, much less during his teenage years. When it came to gift receiving, the main things he would get were special meals and clothes, and if the Asim's wanted to gift him something else, his family would politely reject it until they finally accepted due to all the convincing. He's puzzled at your consideration, standing still as he gazes at the present, snapping out when you call his name for the third time.
"Ah, sorry, it's just that— It's nothing, I'm fine. Thank you for the gift, Prefect. I will be looking forward to use these."
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A phone case with a small compartment to carry makeup.
For Vil: I wanted to thank you for all the skincare and makeup advice you've given me, even though you're the one actually applying it, haha! I don't know if you already have something like this, but if not, I really hope it will come in handy for you!
Vil has received an insane number of gifts during his life, all from his parents, sponsors, agencies and his fans, keyword fans. He knows it's because they love him, but it can't get a little too much if he's being honest, and now that he's telling the truth, he doesn't end up using most of those things. This, however, is something he's definitely going to use. It's practical, it's beautiful and it was given to him by you, so even if he had one before, he would have used yours instead. He didn't even have to use a mirror to know he was blushing, thankful that he could use the weather as an excuse.
"I'm really grateful about this, MC. Although I'm a bit surprised you've chosen such a unique gift. Ah, don't worry, that is a compliment."
A forest scented candle, along with a paper which had a handwritten poem on it.
For Rook: I know how much you love poetry, and I was told that scent can inspire different feelings, and I thought that the forest concept was pretty aligned with your personality! There is also my attempt at writing a poem and a note from Neige, though I would you should hide that from Vil.
When it comes to gifts, Rook would appreciate everything that is given to him, but, if it's someone that he specially has a keen interest for, then take for granted he would praise the hell out of that person. And would you see that? His precious chérie was the one that gifted him such a heartfelt present! Is this the perfect moment for him to confess his undying love for you?
"Quelle beauté! Once again, I've been blessed by your lovely kindness, ma chérie! How I wish for you to keep showing me this side of yourself!"
Did that count as a confession?
An apple-themed shaker bottle.
For Epel: I'm aware I thanked you before about this, but thank you for sticking with me; I know you had to face Vil's wrath after some occasions. I don't know if this is enough, but I got this shaker bottle for you! Coach Vargas says it's a great way to start building muscle and so I picked this one! You can always remove the drawing if you don't like it, what matters it's the bottle, haha!
The majority of Epel's gifts came from his family and neighbors, which consisted of handmade presents such as clothing and wood carved objects, so receiving something like this was a bit odd for him; mostly because he didn't read the label and was super confused when he looked at the bottle. When he did read the label... He was hurt, because he thought that you perceived him as someone weak. However, that thought vanished as you asked him if you could exercise with him, understanding that you just wanted to make him happy, and you certainly succeeded.
"This is—! Huh? Oh! O-of course ya' can exercise with me, and, uh— Thanks for the gift! If I use this then I can become strong enough to protect you..."
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A Pain and Panic phone and controller holder.
For Idia: You're not going to believe this, but I found this set at the back of Sam's shop and I immediately thought that they would be perfect for when we play! I know it's not enough as a thanks since you've upgraded my phone, but at least we would have something cute to look for, haha!
Idia has to sit down after this, because he thought that this day would never come. You, of all people, gifting him something? He needs a moment to process what just happened, all while blanky staring at the note and wrapped accessories, realising something that he thought was accidental, because it had to be; 'we would have something cute to look for', as in... A family...? *Idia soul has left the chat*.
"H-huh? What happened? Huh?! I did?! W-well, it's because this caught me off guard... Why are you looking at me like that? Seriously, I can't get why you're laughing... Thanks for this though, I guess that we can level this up together when I come back... If you want to, that is!".
A deck of Cards Against Humanity, Family Edition.
For Ortho: I may not be in the board game club, but I'm pretty sure this is something they don't have there, so we both can play an exclusive version of life choices! I know you like board games so I thought this will be fun to play with, but it all depends on what you think!
Ortho remembers receiving gifts, so he knows how it feels to receive something that he enjoys. His face brightens up, realising that this can not only make you and Idia even closer, but that he can be a part of it too! He likes when you spend time with his brother, but he also likes to spend time with you, as he's grown fond of your kindness and thoughtfulness, the huge number of presents you've given so far being proof of that.
"This seems like a lot of fun to play with! Thank you, Prefect! I will be looking forward to play with you once the break is over!"
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Winged gargoyle tabletop lamp.
For Malleus: I'm very aware of your likings towards gargoyles, Tsunotarou, and also that you're not the best with technology. Hence, this is why I thought this was perfect for you! The gargoyle is named Bartholomew, and it can work with both magic and technology! I hope you take great care of my son!
Malleus coughed when he finished reading the note, surprised by what you just wrote, contemplating the fact that you named his gift and that was your platonic son. Does this mean the start of a beautiful gargoyle family? Most probably and be you can be completely sure he's not leaving that thought anytime soon. He tries the lamp, smiling at the dim light that emanates from it, looking up to meet your expectant gaze, softly giggling after seeing that he liked the present.
"I truly appreciate your present, Child of Man. But why would I need a source of light when I already have you?"
A leather mini journal with some quotes from you and the Diasomnia members.
For Lilia: There was one time you've told me that you liked to travel, and although I know you have an impeccable memory, it never hurts to write down some interesting things, like the infinite amount of quotes that we've all said.
Lilia is amused; he chuckles when going through the pages, realising that you were the one that had great memory since you were able to write all of this. He really thinks you're one of a kind; gazing at all the students that were happy with their own presents as they chatted amongst themselves, he comes to realise that no matter the situation, you still manage to bring a smile to everyone's face, him included.
"Khee hee! This is very thoughtful of you, Prefect! If you have such a great memory, then I should probably invite you to serve as my personal diary~"
A deer pocket alarm clock.
For Silver: You may be wondering why I chose this as a gift for you, or at least thinking about it. I thought that it would help you with your drowsiness, since it's portable and doesn't need to use batteries or recharge. I really hope you like this, and if not, I can still be your walking alarm clock, haha!
Silver's gift history it's not exactly the best. He has received presents from his father, Malleus and Sebek, and let's just say... Some of them weren't that great. After years of receiving Lilia's cooking, Malleus's gargoyle speeches and Sebek's drawings of Malleus, this came as quite a shock to him. There's only one thing that can connect your gift to the other ones: the intention behind it, and that's what has him smiling.
"Thanks, MC. I will try to use this... But if your offer still stands, I will be more than happy to accept it."
A bookmark that has a photo of Malleus, Lilia, Silver, Sebek and you, along with a crocodile notepad.
For Sebek: I've noticed that you have a keen interest towards reading, and while I cannot offer you a Malleus's history book, I want to give you this! Even though the result is a bit unpolished, I think that what matters the most is the photo itself, don't you think?
Due to him having a very attentive and caring father, Sebek was always surrounded with gifts, finding them and his father's actions off-putting. Despite of that, he's very appreciative of the things that both Malleus and Lilia gifted him, keeping every single one of them in peak condition so he can remember how he felt when he first got them. It's no different with you, no matter how much he denies it; he can mask his flushness (for the most part), but an action that gives him away is how careful he handles both things, unconsciously smiling as he traces the bookmark.
"Human! How can you place a young master's photo into such an ordinary object?! Huh? W-well, if it means that much to you then I suppose I can keep this... Thank you... "
After making sure everyone received their gift you exhaled in relief, grateful that all of them seemed happy with what they got.
You sat down, chatting with them for a bit until Grim threw an unexpected comment, making all of them stop the chattering almost immediately.
"I can't believe that you didn't get something for me! You spent all that money in these humans and nothing for your master?!"
"Potato," Vil started, face completely serious. "Care to tell us how many madols you spent for these presents?"
"Indeed. Even if they're handmade or bought with cheap prices, twenty-two is a big number for presents," commented Azul, calculating the total price in his head.
You started to sweat, laughing to cover your nervousness. "It's no big deal, really, I—"
Jamil took a step forward, visibly upset. "Prefect, you need to tell us how much you spent for all of this. No approximations."
You realised that there wasn't a way to revert this situation, knowing that even if you didn't say it, Azul would've guessed the total price with a few madols of difference.
"Maybe I spent four... hundred madols..." You silently added, clear enough for them to drop their jaws in horror.
"Four hundred madols?!" Cater exclaimed, too shocked to even note that he dropped his phone.
"That much?!" Asked Ruggie, eyes wide as plates.
"Why would you do that?!" Ace and Deuce screamed.
"It's no big deal, really," you started to explain. "Grim and I already have guaranteed food for these holidays, and it's not like I'm fully broke."
"Yeah, but still! Four hundred madols it's a lot of money!" Epel scolded, irritated by the sole fact that you would spend your precious money that way.
They started to complain, the majority trying to find ways to help you while the others tried to calm them down.
It was then when you decided to intervene. "Guys," you exclaimed, making all of them turn their heads to you, taking notice of your sad face. "Christmas is about happiness and joy! If anything, I only spent that much so you would be happy! You don't need to worry about us when we will be fine, so can you please stop arguing and enjoy this party?"
That's right; you only wanted them to be happy, and yet here they were, ruining the party and making you upset.
"I'm not mad," you spoke again, reading the room. "There's no reason to not continue celebrating; after all, you all leave tomorrow, don't you? Let's just enjoy our time together while we still can, please?"
They softly nodded, calming themselves down as they realised that you would be okay, embarrassed by their earlier outburst.
"Don't make those faces," you chuckled, a little amused by their golden expressions. "There's still plenty snacks and—" You were interrupted by a 'ding' that came from the kitchen. "Turkey, apparently"
While you were busy cutting the portions for them to eat, they were wondering how they got lucky enough to get a friend like you, quietly enjoying the fact that they got to call themselves your friend to begin with.
They will make sure to pay you off, both from your gifts and your kindness.
"You really couldn't have wait until everyone was gone?" You scolded, retrieving a big box from beneath the counter.
"What are you talking about—" Grim asked, still annoyed that you didn't have a gift for him, at least, not until now. "Is that—?"
"Happy Christmas, Grim," you handed him the present, chuckling at the way his eyes lighted up in enthusiasm.
He hurriedly opened it, and the remains of the package flew in the air, result of his anticipation.
When he finally got to see what was inside, he widely smiled. "And? What do you think about it?"
"I love it!" He raised the premium tuna cans, delighted that they had his face on the cover. "Of course, you had a present for me; I'm the mighty Grim, after all! Nyah ha ha ha!"
You frowned. "Was that your way of saying thanks?"
"... Thanks, henchman..." He shyly said, making you giggle.
"You're welcome, Grim."
You five (adding my dear ghost fellow) ended up having a movie night, cozily snuggling to each other as you all watched the old screen, cheerfully laughing as the rain was pouring outside.
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imaginebetterfutures · 10 months
I'm back with another sculpture! To be completely honest, this one was a real struggle for me to work out, idea wise. I love working abstractly (see earlier pieces!) but for this one our prompt in class was "objects and identity." We were asked to cast an object from life, and use it to speak to some aspect of ourselves that we want to explore. Not only am I an extremely closed book (pour one out for my therapist) but I'm also really not that interested in replicating objects?
So... I sort of cheated. This isn't *really* a cast of VHS tapes (although I did try to do that, and it failed miserably) but I'm still pleased with the outcome. Sound on for what I think is the best part — the pleasing and/or sinister snick snick snick sound of the tape unspooling and piling up.
If you like long, corny artist statements, boy howdy do I have one for you!
~~ GEODE ~~
My day job is as a journalist, and while I find a lot of the posturing that journalists do about our role as storytellers to be pretentious and often egotistical, I also can't deny that I got into this because I love to see into people's lives. Why do people do what they do? Why do we make the choices we make? How did we get here, as individuals and as a collective?
Much of journalism is about the big moments — wars and chaos and game changing plays. But those don't come out of nowhere. They come from a history, both personal and communal. We are products of our childhoods, our cultures, our teachers, our parents. We come from places that have smells and sounds and textures. And we document those things — and here I don't mean "we" journalists, I mean "we" as people. Humans have, for our entire history, recorded ourselves in one way or another. We write on walls, we tell each other stories, we come up with words that have deep meanings that stretch back into time.
Some journalists see their job as speaking truth to power. Or telling the important stories in the face of chaos and misinformation. Or staking a claim to truth, and defending it. All of that is true, of course. But when I think about my job I don't think about those things. I think about excavation. About telling the story in such a way that you can feel the texture of the people in it. I think of stories like geodes.
Do you know how a geode forms? They start with a volcanic eruption. Lava flows from a hot, angry vent, and mixes with the gases in the air. Most of the time, those gases don't stay put — they escape into the air and go off to become the wind in your hair, or carry pollen, or sweep under a bird's wing. But sometimes, bubbles of gas can't escape the boiling weight of the lava and become trapped. As the lava cools, those bubbles remain. It is only then — held tight and encased in cooling rock — that the crystals characteristic of geodes form.
There is something sad about opening a geode. It can reveal a great beauty, but it is also inherently destructive. You are taking a hammer to something hard and protected and asking it to open, to be seen, to be commented on. Not all geodes want to open. Not all geodes should be opened, perhaps. Not all geodes are beautiful inside. How do you know when to break one, and when to leave it be?
Once you break a geode, you open the crystals up to damage. UV light can bleach the colors inside and the oils on your skin can slowly eat away at the glittering growths.
I think a lot, as a journalist, about the stories that we lose when people die. The small things that they knew — the color of a lover's hair, the name of their neighborhood dog, the true identity of a soldier — that go to the ground with them. I have to stop myself from buying home movies when I see them at garage sales and thrift shops — each one, to me, a geode. Inside they might contain nothing, or everything. Wrapped tight in metallic film they recorded things people thought were important, things people wanted to remember. Trapped in plastic and now, broken open.
My piece is a VHS geode. I have broken it, and it is unspooling, and we are forgetting. It is beautiful and terrible all at once.
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tenderhungering · 4 months
howdy howdy!!! do u have any thoughts on jack’s background? I think it’s really interesting the few tidbits we have (Illinois Boy™️, the Oh Calcutta story, getting his start in radio) + in the case of those first two its like. clearly been told time and time again for an audience. or if you’d prefer something else any thoughts on minnie 🙏😭 haunting the narrative icon
hello hello ! i so wish we’d gotten a little bit more about him but i’ve always imagined jack as being a little more introverted in his younger years? i think he really enjoys validation and this is such a difficult thing to achieve as someone as slightly awkward as jack. (don’t know why. maybe i just enjoy pathetic men but his blushing at naked bodies and his little “oh! not my chair!” has always made me feel like he has had to build up this persona he has made for himself) charming and quick-witted but very easily crumbles whenever he’s in an uncomfortable position (he seems to almost dissociate often?)
i think he might’ve been in some sort of college radio and broadcast (i’ve discussed this with a friend before!), and he was just so happy to build an audience. there’s no mention of his parents (my memory is foggy!) so part of me thinks that they’re either not in the picture or he’s lost them? so you know,,, mommy and daddy issues galore despite either one. maybe even one of them didn’t think being someone on television would maintain a steady flow of income. regardless, it might make him more interested in gaining that connection with the audience, getting validated for his feelings. getting praise for it. no you’re so cool please continue to make your show! i’m such a big fan!
he doesn’t know who is there for him as Mr. Midnight and who is there for him Jack Delroy so he blurs the line and vents to his audience, looks at the camera with every intention to impress.
i imagine meeting minnie was very sweet though. they were both sort of up and coming and it’s nice to have someone who understands that struggle! i imagine minnie being in theatre makes her the more extroverted out of the two ! (she was the one sharing stories and jack getting shy about them!), but also a lot more open about her emotions. jack seems like someone who keeps to himself and doesn’t quite understand how to communicate well (he does hide a lot from others when they ask what’s going on. might just be that 70s toxic masculinity upbringing that makes him unable to express these,, daddy issues? who knows!)
i do fully believe he loved her though! younger jack probably never dreamed of finding a girl like minnie. maybe a bit of idealization for her occurred earlier on but minnie was so fresh and bright and full of life even during her time spent ill that i always thought she just good humor and a knack for just being naturally talented at the arts.
which is a big difference between the two! minnie just had that spark of life, she was always going to end up being someone big, she knew how to capture a room. jack was awkward and had to find his voice, he had to learn what people liked, what good jokes landed and how to deliver them, he had to work hard (and i don’t mean this as minnie not working hard! jack just had to work to become this persona while minnie was able to become her characters almost immediately, she’s able to understand their emotions and feel for them immediately. i think it makes her a much more empathetic person while jack is a lot more sympathetic. jack needs to be verbally told what people are feeling which might be why ratings are so comforting. they’re either good or bad! they’re easy to read.) and become who we know as Mr. Midnight. something of an artist obsessed with not their craft but what their craft will mean to others
sorry if this wasn’t exactly background stuff pfft! i more so focused on how their personalities were! i do think that minnie was possibly in dance, and has that ability to be able to play a song after she hears it on time on the piano. i think she has to teach jack how to pick up on it though, he’s sort of stumbling and his keys are sour baha. he probably used to stay up late studying little mannerisms talk shows had. i think he has a natural charm to him but that charm is a lot more meek than what we see? i love them both dearly,,,
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: Guppycruncher
Debut: Insaniquarium
Insaniquarium is a really, really stupid game. I love it! Look at the little freak that is Guppycruncher! This is an ambiguously arthropodian creature whose body consists of massive slicing mandibles, a head to power those mandibles, eyes, to seek out its next target, and legs to get it to its prey. Its prey are your beloved, valuable guppies. And best of all, Guppycruncher is your friend!
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Here we have a Baby Guppy. The foundation of our entire gameplay experience. Take care of your guppies well, and they will reward you with money! As they grow, their rewards increase, and they may even grow up into a resplendent crowned guppy dropping dazzling diamonds! But sometimes that’s not a viable enough strategy. Sometimes you need money FASTER. And that is where Guppycruncher comes in!
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You get no points for guessing what Guppycruncher does to guppies. You do however, get a smile! You are all winners :)
You may think it is silly that, in a game where the goal is to reach a certain amount of money by raising fish, you would intentionally purchase a creature whose sole purpose is to kill and eat these fish before they can even mature. Well, I’m here to tell you that YOU are the silly ones!
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See? As Guppycruncher eats guppies, it creates Beetles! Yes, kids, this is where beetles come from! No, I don’t know what an “egg” is! Guppycruncher’s massive jaws make it look quite a bit like an antlion larva’s head, and it functions sort of like the opposite of a real antlion! Guppycruncher eats fish and spits out insects. Meanwhile, real antlions eat insects! And for all you know, they could be pooping out fish underground!
That all being said, I would not be at all surprised if Guppycruncher was inspired by the bobbit worm! Unlike an antlion, it jumps up to catch its prey, as a bobbit worm lunges out from its burrow! It’s like a bobbit worm head with legs. Also, I just want to mention that the butt-like shape of its head reminds me of how big dogs have a butt shape on the top of their heads due to their large jaw muscles! They probably did not have that in mind here, but it is fun anyway.
Anyway, Beetles are where the REAL money is! It quickly becomes more economical to have a steady supply of cheap little guppies in order to feed a growing army of Guppymunchers, since beetles are worth more than currency. But what if you want MORE? More than beetles? Frankly, how dare you ask such a thing. But fine.
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Name: Beetlemuncher
“Finally! A use for all those pesky beetles!” -an utter fool
It’s true, I love beetles, and I belittle those who disrespect them, but boy howdy, I love Beetlemuncher, too! Beetlemuncher loves beetles, and in fact thinks they look good enough to munch! However, that will have to wait. Beetlemuncher has a more important mission.
Just kidding! Beetlemuncher’s purpose is to eat beetles. But why? Why continue to extend this cycle of creatures eating creatures? Because Beetlemuncher drops PEARLS! Like an oyster, except these pearls are BETTER, and more valuable.
Just like Guppycruncher, Beetlemuncher is a bizarre but delightful sort of creature! This one is a chameleon head with chameleon arms and a tadpole tail sticking out of it. I love it! In the files, it is known as “gekko”, but I just finished telling you it is more like a chameleon. Please trust me!
So, guppies eat fish food. Guppycruncher eats guppies, and makes beetles. Beetlemuncher eats beetles, and makes pearls. Nothing eats pearls, because pearls are a choking hazard, of course! I hope you have learned a lot about Fish today!
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wannab-urs · 1 year
The Spreadsheet Digest - Vol 16
Howdy folks,
I went into a state of psychosis this week and read a truly absurd amount of fics... again. I don't even know where I'm finding the time, truly, but here we are. I didn't spend as much time keeping up with the WIPs I'm reading, so honestly that's probably it. Also I had a lil monsterfucking moment one day this week. I'll highlight those green so if you want to avoid reading the summaries/thots on those they're easy to spot.
You can find my Spreadsheet here and all my previous recs here! Do feel free to tag me in your works and I will happily give them a look and most likely you'll see them here the next week!
Recs below the behind the scenes Joel!
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SNAFU - a Frankie series by @theywhowriteandknowthings
The Triple Frontier boys as Shifters!!! This honestly makes so much sense? Like they work SO well with this dynamic. I adore Pope and Reader's bond like right out of the gate. What I really, really fucking loved though was Reader and Frankie, of course. I love how they characterized him and I really love the way that Frankie and reader bonded over time. Frankie being grumpy is so fun lol. A lot of the little details in this fic are what really make it good, ya know? The pack dynamics, the bonding moments, the badass reader, reader's uhhh issue (spoiler, I think, so I'll be quiet here) but yeah. Just. Wonderful. Can't wait for more.
only daddy that'll walk the line - a Joel one shot by @millerscoffee
So this request was sent to two different blogs and I read them both and loved them both. I read this one first. I really fucking loved Reader's dynamic with Joel in this. Joel is such a dick lmao. I thought the situation with reader's dad was done well and I also loved the hinting at Joel's trauma. And of course... the smut. God that was hot. Joel is so fucking dominant. The spitting? please. and Reader keeping up the brat thing just really fucking makes it. She needed Daddy Joel to make her behave lmao. SO GOOD
Little Bee - a Joel one shot by @atticrissfinch
And this is the other version of this request that I read. I related to the specifc brand of Daddy Issues in this one lmao. Dad who doesn't want you so you look for a protective older man (why am I like this). I loved the way reader antagonized Joel in this. The denture comment is hilarious. The bee motif is fuckin great, also. I like that Joel kind of initiates things in the mess hall. The smut is so god damn hot man. Like jesus fucking christ. And then the post nut clarity really made me giggle. "should not have done that" PLS
Closer - a Joel series by @beardedjoel
Hot neighbor!joel!! This is a smut marathon style fic with a good bit of feelings. The smut is sooooo good!! I really liked her friend Sofia too. I'm about halfway through this and I can't wait to see how reader and joel's relationship develops!
Rises the Moon - a Joel one shot by @psychedelic-ink
(monsterfucking, but you're the monster! also monster is being used very loosely here) mermaid reader x lighthouse operator joel!!! I really enjoyed this. The mermaid reader was super interesting. I wanted to know more about her background, honestly. And the way poor lonely Joel so desperately wanted to care for her UGH. It was seriously lovely. I also really liked how reader didn't commit to like... giving up being a mermaid for him (even just once a month), and he didn't ask her to. The ending is really lovely. (And the smut is hot idc if I couldn't quite imagine how it worked, it was perfect).
Playing with fire - a Joel one shot by @beskarandblasters
Super hot smutty lil dad's best friend one shot. I love when Joel gets all pissy. Makes me want to tease him even more lmao
Cupid's Chokehold - a Din one shot by @deathwife
I haven't read a body swap fic before and I must say the dynamic with it being Din, so reader can't see his face even though it's her face, and also the smut was just like... really good. I was fascinated the whole time + the smut was hot as hell. It's really fun to read it from the perspective of the dick owner lmao. I really adored their relationship and just overall thought this was lovely. Reader calls Din "Djarin" so if you're like me and marrying Din would give you an awful name (Din Gin....), you're not alone. <3
I think i know - a Joel one shot by @pascalisbaby
OMG Reader's sister is so mean in this she fucking deserves Joel cheating on her. Yes this is Sister's Husband!Joel. And yes it's really fucking hot. Reader is a menace to fucking society in this prancing around half naked and seducing a married man and I support every second of it. I know what Joel said at the end but I think he'll be back for more....
close your eyes, pay the price for your paradise - a Joel/Tommy series by @ozarkthedog
Raider (?) Tommy and Joel are so fucking hot. Read the warnings on this one kids, it's gonna be a rough one. Nothing happens in this part though, really. Basically you're stranded on the road (post outbreak / pre tess) and Joel and Tommy roll up in their truck and take you to their cabin.
a day in the filth - a Joel one shot by @toxicanonymity
This is pure filth, as the title implies. It would seem you're Joel's little sex toy, essentially. Brat tamer!Daddy!Joel. There's a lot going on here and it is all unreasonably hot.
Bodily Exchange - a Pero Tovar one shot by @absurdthirst
I finally caved a read a mafia fic and somehow it wasn't Joel. I really loved how much of a fucking dick Tovar was and how bratty reader was. The end was so much sweeter than expected, which was a nice surprise. Such a filthy fic with a sweet happy ending!
New York or Nowhere - a Joel series by @beskarandblasters
BODEGA JOEL!!! I love when you're trying to help your friend come up with a fic based on a very specific request and somehow you come up with a completely different fic altogether. New York transplant Joel owns Beldro's Deli. You think he's really hot but your friends think he's a creep. I personally think if he's a little bit of a creep that just makes it better, but then again I'm a little insane <3
Shiver and Shake - a Joel one shot by @multiversed-daydreamer
I have ADHD and literally do the thing where I have thought spirals during sex. I loved this take on that experience and mean ol dom Joel being there to bring your focus back where it belongs (on him). Super fucking hot ugh. And it was their first TLOU fic and I thought the QZ Joel characterization was spot on <3
Roads - a Joel series by @milla-frenchy
Baby's first fic!! So you grew up with Tommy, best friends and all that. You get to know Joel as an adult and there's a spark right away. The first installment here takes place 3 years before present day, after Joel breaks your heart and you literally move to get away from him. The promise of so much angst has me salivating almost as much as the really hot smut.
Promise - an Ezra one shot by @criticallyacclaimedstranger
MONSTERFUCKING! I had a little binge this week.. you'll see. Anyway Ezra is a literal actual dragon in this with a big ol dragon dick and everything. This fic includes so many wild ass kinks I simply do not (or did not know I?) have. And yet I still loved it. Thought it was super fucking hot. I really liked the imagery of the castle and the bedroom. Also the end was kind of sweet?
Common Courtesies - a Din one shot by @juletheghoul
More monsterfucking -- demon!din! I fucking love Pride and Prejudice. Jane Austen in general. Mr. Darcy is one of the literary loves of my life. This little Pride and Prejudice-esque Demon!Din fic hit every mark. I loved it so much. Din is so charming and mysterious and sexy ugh. I would marry him in a heartbeat.
Solum - a Dave York one shot by @ezrasbirdie
You guessed it! Monsterfucking. Demon!Dave York!!! I really enjoyed the blending of the movie plot with the demon arc! It was so well done!! Dave was super sexy in this ugh. I too feel a strange pull toward extremely dangerous men covered in blood. Reader gets me. I am her. She is me. Demon!Dave can take me as his little human sex toy any day, idc. I also kind of loved that he was so sweet on Carol in this? Like usually in Dave fics he kinda hates her or cheats on her or she's his ex, but in this one the whole catalyst was keeping her and his girls safe. Very sweet.
Sell My Soul For You - a Marcus P one shot by @absurdthirst
--monsterfucking-- Marcus is so sweet. So sweet that Reader is getting a little aggravated he can't be a less sweet in bed. (Girl have you tried like... talking to him about it?) Anyway, sweet, impulsive, reckless Marcus finds out you feel this way via buttdial and does he like... work on it with you and slowly learn to be better? No. He goes out and sells his soul to a demon to be a better Dom. Idiot. He's cute tho, so I'll let it slide. The smut is super fucking unreasonably hot, of course.
Bad Moon Rising - a Jack series by @wardenparker
--werewolf!Jack-- This fic is actually so fucking sweet!! So part one, Reader doesn't know Jack is a werewolf and he just kinda shows up on her ranch and they hit it off immediately. There's lots of lovely animal references and stuff and it's all really hot. I love the plot too!! this is not just werewolf porn! Shit is incredible! I love the characterization. But anyway if you're not into monsterfucking just read part one. Part two tho... oh boy. Full on werewolf sex. And reader has a kink for it! She's just like me fr.
Kudzu - an Ezra one shot by @beskarberry
--weird alien hybrid ezra-- I have lots of emotions about this fic. First of all, read the warnings. They're extensive and they're there for good reason. I love a good horror fic, which is kind of what this felt like? Like the weird tension and unknowing and the freaky way Ez is talking and that arm. I was thoroughly freaked out (and I love that!!). There were so many clever and interesting things going on in this fic AHHHH, Oh and the ending is just like super sweet and wonderful and so good? The end balances out the kind of horrific nature of the rest of the fic. Also if any of that sounds insulting I really don't mean it that way, I promise. I went in to it expecting to be freaked out and it delivered so well.
Yes Father - a Joel series by @chloeangelic
Your boring catholic husband doesn't fuck you right and you really want to leave him, so Father Joel helps you satisfy your needs so you don't destroy your marriage and go to hell. I love blasphemy. It's hot idc. I think my favorite thing about it is Father Joel randomly admonishing you for foul language and taking the lord's name in vain while he's literally got some part of his body buried in yours. I giggled. I really adore this. It was super fun and super hot.
Pillow Talk - a Joel one shot by @theboredinsomniac
Joel is soooo the jealous type. This fic is basically y'all having an adult conversation about him being an insecure jealous little bitch and it's got the most adorable ending.
Born to Run - a Marcus Pike series by @whataperfectwasteoftime
Penny's Marcus is just perfect. Every damn time. Unless I'm mistaken, this was her first Marcus fic? I was in the mood for a sweet multichapter thing with some hot smut and I was sooooo not disappointed by this. I'm on chapter 8 now, so about halfway through. Marcus is so sweet and precious and still impulsive as ever, but unlike Theresa, reader is right there with him. I really adore that this fic takes place in KY (and it really captures the vibe of Kentucky too) since I'm from there! I very much do not relate to the fact that reader is a marathon runner, but that's okay. I think it's really cool and I love the way they meet and that Marcus isn't fully a white knight? She can take care of herself. Super fucking cute fic ugh. Oh yeah and the smut is to die for jesus christ Marcus is hot.
Happy Reading!
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some-beans · 1 year
howdy it’s me again!
could I ask for houswardens or first years with an mc who reads smutty books (like punk 57 or the twisted series or any other you know), manga , and erotic fanfics with a straight face like it’s nothing.
Bonus point if the Mc start writing some fics about the cast( My friend did that with two of their coworkers then sent it over discord it was funny).
if you’re not comfortable with writing stuff like this feel free to change things around!
Have a good day or night!
hehehehe noice also again sorry for the late response 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
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✎...pairing: twst first years x gn!reader ✎...themes: smutty books and fanfics, reader writes/reads smut, reader is gn with they/them in mind ✎...enjoy !!
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this dude
giggles like a mother fucker
very much teases you and always points out whenever you're reading smut in public
all he gets is a blank stare tho
he does continue his shitting once fanfiction is involved
but quickly pipes down once he found out you wrote fics about shipping him and deuce together
especially, the more nsfw stuff
blushes to high hell
stutters one finds out you were casually reading a dark smutty romance in crewel's class once you finished your tasks
almost caused an accident from this
you thought was bad
homie almost fainted once he saw the surprising amount of fanfiction you wrote about him and your classmates together
before coming back and arguing with you how he and ace were the most shipped
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jack knows everyone has hobbies and likes, and whatnot
but the wolf has to admit you've got the guts to read that stuff in public with a blank face to boot
in all honesty, jack doesn't mind what you do in your free time
b u t
you may have to a chat when comes to writing stuff about him and people you two know in a relationship
e s p e c i a l l y
if has to do with his dorm leader
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giggle mother fucker #2
surprisingly enough, i feel like epel would like to read with you
and yes
he giggles every time any body part is mentioned
mostly any breast or penis variation
it gets worse when it's a monster fucker book tho
. . .
stop the mother fuckin music
is that fanfiction of him and jack??
he ain't playing these games
you better stop !!
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as much as people think ortho is this little innocent boy
you're wrong
cuz the boy can easily access your browser history
and yes
he does know what fanfiction is and what the codes for how smutty a fic can be
. . . he may have spied on idia for that
so, he isn't really surprised when he finds you reading it, though, he is surprised at how deadpan you are
then again, idia blushes like nobody's business
. . .
he may or may not anonymously ask for you to write fluffy fanfics involving his brother so he can finally imagine idia in a relationship
ortho just what's to see his brother happy
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the a u d a c i t y of this h u m a n
man is so uptight about it makes you laugh
. . .
and write more fics about him
tho unlike the others, he won't find out about those ones
it's the ones about his beloved waka-sama you gotta worry about
you almost went deaf from the amount of yelling did
. . .
but it didn't stop him from anonymously asking for very specific headcanons on malleus
i.e. "can i request for a malleus x male half-fae reader who is a knight in training with lots of praise and platonic fluff?"
this dude 💀💀
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heavensarcher · 3 months
*spoilers* SOTE Lore/story Thoughts
I'm not through it all yet - I'm avoiding various parts of this DLC which is, I might add, beating me black and blue - but I do have some lore thoughts.
I don't hate the idea of Miquella being a lil fucked up - it matches with every other member of their family at this point - but I have really enjoyed all the St. Trina stuff! The cross in the fissure saying I abandon here my love then finding the remains of her slumbering in the depths was actually beautiful. This other aspect of them, this part that represented their love and kindness for others - abandoned for their greater plan, praying for you to stop their key aspect
This deepening of charm to bewitch and sleep to eternal sleep of death has done some wild things to their characterisation. I don't know if I vibe with it fully but its certainly changed Miquella from being this kind of do no wrong figure to someone who has always had darker aspects, even if they chose mostly compassion
It puts into question a lot of the relationships we have thought Miquella has had with others (family and otherwise) because now its a little unclear to what extent they wanted to have that relationship or to what extent it was overexaggerated by Miquella for their plans.
This all said it now means the entire Marika/Radagon line is pretty irredeemable in various ways so born it all down I guess
Messmer is a little depressing in a way. Here's a child who did as their Mother told them, only to be locked away in this endless war growing crazier by the moment and becoming beholden to the Abyssal Serpent. His lines when you die, particularly in 2nd phase, tell you this man fully thinks he's damning himself to kill you. Even if he is questioning his Mother's plan, it's only in the way that lets him carry on with the last command he actually heard from her. Her blessing says shes now entirely abandoned this child that destoryed entire civilisations because she asked for it. Its sad as fuck
Rellana is interesting to me because her remembrance states she was a Carian princess that ditched to stick by Messmer's side - seemingly because she knew his path following his Mother would lead him to ruin. I wonder if she followed pre-Radagon betrayal? Like Messmer in his looks felt very Radagon/Renala child to me and boy howdy another one off with the snakes - Rykard clearly had an inspiration. It also solves the mystery of why snakes were so hated before Rykard became snake - they were either tied to Messmer OR the Abyssal Serpent (hi I'd like to know more about this outer god please and thank)
I really like that the hornsent have the ability to chant into existance these powerful forms. Like, together they lift up others of them to demi-god status. The Dancing Lion being this actual piloted beast (a la Chinese lion dances) with 2 priests(?) controlling it, chanted into existance by the Hornsent Grandma is this awesome idea and it was terrifying continuing to summon new elements which scared me :D
Hey who the fuck are those massive tanky bitches everywhere and what's the lore on those lil bastards. Just them and their fucked up dogs. Seemingly very Mohg and the Omens coded? Like some of them have a "leader" with something reminescent of Mohg's trident which implies a connection to the formless mother and they have started like eating each other which seems her vibe.
As a sidenote - Easter Eggs abound which I really enjoy. The fact you can drain the Church District a la DS1, there's an auto crossbow a la gael's, those beast claws are bloodborne, there's a few armour sets that are black knight coded or fume knight coded, the monk moves are very reminiscent of the senpou monks, Gaius is very Gyoubu Oniwa
I didn't really want FINGER LORE but here we are with FINGERLORE THANKS YMIR. So the fingers being born is horrific to me. I did think Ymir had some interesting takes on the fingers being led astray and having come from a mother that was wrong (and then getting dropped on Mother Of Fingers was....horrifying). They in themselves are very bloodborne-y which is neat.
It was always very prominent in the base game, but this continuing narrative of conquest and destruction is still very satisfying to me. (Its very christianity coded oops). I think it was more...hazed over in the base game? Not in a bad way but in a "lot at all this literal gold! we'll plaster it over the blood and bones so you can't see them" kinda way that made it all the more dark. Like for the most part this is a conquest that won so completely there's little left to say otherwise. In the DLC we see the extremes of that war. This is a conquest still on-going. There's blood, ash, bone, and fire everywhere. The entire continent is covered in GRAVESITES. It's this incredibly violent "we haven't had time to rewrite history as the victors yet" and it is entirely narratively satisfying that in this shadow place, all the cracks are showing.
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onmyyan · 1 year
Currently trying to overcome writer's block for this writing trade I'm doing so I had to go back to the delmonts and boy howdy- hear me out. I had the perfect idea for a shared! darling
Free use kink. Like, it's probably a lot of work to divvy out the times and the days that the boys would get with you. It's made even more complicated since I'm sure the boys would all agree that darling's wishes come first. So while they each have their days where they spend time with the reader doing cute domestic things or just fluffy content in general- the nsfw is a little more chaotic
It's really a- if darling lets you do it you can go for it. And if the darling has been raised around these boys their whole life and is, by now, used to all their affections and shenanigans just takes it all in stride. After all, these are very affectionate boys we're dealing with here.
Just imagine it, waking up and then heading to the bathroom to shower and then Ricky's sliding on in to have some fun before he has to get to work and get everything ready for the day. He grabs a coffee and dips after a small bout of affection, leaving reader to clean themselves again.
It's a bit of a lazy morning so aside from Cas cooking in the kitchen, no one's there. You go to help make breakfast and suddenly shorts are being pulled down and he's taking his darlin over the counter. Or, even better, you get to go on the ride of your life while he feeds you breakfast.
Cas then heads off to tend to the gardens and grocery shop, leaving you to hang with Gabe who's returning from a morning workout/run. Probably doesn't actually have to show up at the shop until there's something to fix so he plays some video games while you watch. You tell him all about how your morning has been and now he's feeling very left out and really needy. Just hoists you up and bounces you while he's playing. If this is a regular thing there's no real hesitation, just a sudden tug and bam.
Groans when Ricky texts him, leaving you a mess in the living room before he heads off, though he's always certain to give you a smooch goodbye. Will carry you to your room if you ask.
The twins are probably the last to wake, stirring sometime in the afternoon due to whatever it is those two get up to late at night. Partying, murder, arson, idk. They don't even have to ask- they know just from looking at their darling about what's happened. Clearly, they've been cheated of a very happy morning.
But you certainly want to make it up to them right?? It's only fair!
Getting sandwiched between the twins for the next few hours might not have been what you had planned, but it's not unwelcome. The two of them take turns and behave if just to spare you the extra exhaustion of having to juggle between the two of them. Once they're finished they cuddle up to you and take care of your every need till they get called away to the shop or until their other plans come up.
I dunno how you feel about it, but I don't find the mental image of the reader being all surrounded in the conversation pit by the brothers to be an awful sight. Just imagine, it's a real real busy day. Cas has breakfast wrapped and on the table for you. Little snacks and treats from the twins scattered everywhere for you. A note from Ricky explaining and apologizing that the boys couldn't be there to wake you up. Gabe grumpy because he's too busy to even leave a message or thing behind like the rest of the brothers. Yeah, he's that busy.
You just chill in the house for the whole day, watching tv or reading or playing games. Whatever burns the time and keeps your attention. Then all the boys come home very apologetic and very needy. They want to make it up to you and before you know it every facet of you is being used one way or another. Barely any space or time to think, just, all you can do is focus on what they're giving you and taking it in all in stride- metaphorically and phyically.
God. And if darling really wanted to try their luck or maybe its been one too many days of this treatment and they've become very well trained they just go around bottomless. Makes it all easier that way. It also serves as the biggest "take me now" sign. Darling at that point WILL be grabbed and will be thoroughly ravished.
Thank you for listening to my TedTalk and now having finished this, my writer's block is over and I will disappear to try and finish this piece I'm working on lol no more procrastinating!!
the bark that left me at this was....something lmfao
but fr this is so tasty??? and also super likely in the shared darling universe, omfg there's nowhere in that house you haven't had your guts rearranged in.
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prolix-yuy · 1 year
Well uh... boy howdy. I got kneeling reach around for the position... so I'm gonna have to go for Dieter <3
Ohhhhh baby, that boy does deserve a kneeling reach around (and oh so many other positions!). I'm taking a slight change from my normal F!Reader characters though, because I want to give our bi boy a little love in a different way this time around.
Pairing: Dieter Bravo x M!Reader
Position: Kneeling Reach-Around
Word Count: 1340
Warnings: Explicit, 18+ MINORS DNI, mlm dynamics, bi Dieter, implied fingering (m receiving), anal sex, handjob, unprotected sex (don't be a fool, wrap your tool), references to blowjobs, cumming inside, consensual degradation dirty talk (requested by Dieter), some feelings at the end because our sweet boy needs to be cared for.
Notes: Dieter is our resident filthy boy, but I can never write him without some feelings so here we go! And this time we're going to have fun with a male reader! I default to F!Readers a lot just from my own personal experiences, but I really enjoyed this prompt with this reader character. There is a short scene including degrading talk going on here (as part of safe sexytimes), so if that's not your thing here's a quick heads-up!
Your hands smooth over Dieter’s back, riding the ridges and lines of his muscles from the nape of his neck to the base of his spine. When your thumb teases just at the top of his crack he hisses into the pillow.
“Still want to do this, handsome?” you say, adding just the slightest edge to your touch with a scrape of nails. Dieter keens, veins popping on the backs of his hands as he fists the sheets. 
“Yes, please, want you inside me,” he groans, arching back against your cock. The slick slide of his well-lubed hole tugs at your restraint, fingers digging into his hips. 
“Good boy, asking so nicely,” you say, circling the base and teasing your head against his fluttering entrance. 
It was not the way you thought your night would go, but when Dieter’s involved all bets are off.
He’d strode up to you at a gala, emerald velvet suit glimmering like a jungle cat under the candlelight, and offered you a drink. Two in his hands, so clearly this was a plan from the get-go. He talked to you at length, gently urging you away from the crowd with subtle motions until you no longer had to half-shout to be heard. Drinks finished, and enjoying a cooler breeze on a private balcony, he looked you up and down with a smirk.
“Seen some of your work,” he said, allowing you to try and make polite thanks before continuing. “The early stuff. You had a much worse stage name then.”
Your blood ran hot, then cold, then blazing as you realized what Dieter Bravo had seen you act in. A handful of softcore porn art films that toed the line of decency. You had a secret sense of pride in them, especially the one where you played Pan to a number of nubile men and women. Some of those scenes were much less simulated than others.
“Hey, don’t go swallowing your tongue on me, I liked them,” Dieter said, sidling up to you close enough that his heat ate through your jacket. “Liked you in them especially.” One of his expansive hands slipped under your jacket to stroke your waist, making your eyes flutter briefly. Regaining your senses you snapped your head around to see who might be looking or photographing. Dieter turned your head back with two fingers, dark promise in his eyes.
“I liked how you took charge,” he purred, brushing his lips against yours before stealing a kiss. His mouth made you weak in the knees, letting him part your lips to lick sinfully in. 
The path to his place was blurred around the edges, flashes of him straddling your lap in the back of his town car, palming your aching cock, a desperate whine muffled in your jacket when you gave him a hickey just below his collar. By the time you were stumbling in his hotel room all you wanted was his skin under yours. Pressing him against the door you kissed him breathless, tearing off your jackets and shirts before tumbling into the king bed. 
“Knew you’d be fucking sublime,” Dieter gasped as you hovered over him, hungrier for another person than you’d been in ages. 
“What do you want?” you asked, the deep rasp foreign to your ears. Dieter breaks into a beatific smile, eyes hooded with desire.
“I want anything you’ll give me.”
What you want to give him now, after plunging your fingers into his tight hole to work him open, is your cock for as long and hard as he can take it. He certainly feels ready for just that, pressing back on your length just enough to begin stretching him open. 
“Nice and slow, I don’t want to hurt you,” you say, and Dieter scoffs into the pillow. Your first push knocks the sass out of him, shuddering and moaning as you give him inch after inch. He gasps when the thick ridge of your head fits snugly inside, holding still so patiently as your eyes roll back at his tight heat. He feels fucking amazing around you, muscles clenching as he tries his best to be good for you. He’ll be richly rewarded for that.
One last pump and your hips are flush with his pert ass, letting him adjust to your full weight inside him. Reaching up, you stroke his sweaty locks.
“Ready for me to fuck you, handsome?” you ask, and when he turns his head pride surges in your chest. He’s fucked out and you’ve barely begun. A simple nod urges you to set the pace.
A shallow pull back, then a firm thrust forward has Dieter babbling into the pillow, every new pulse into his ass pulling wanton moans and whines. He’s slick and wet clutching at you, making you bite your lip at each new slide.
“Please, tell me…tell me I’m…f-fucking filthy. Tell me I’m a little whore,” Dieter stutters, your balls tightening up as you grind into him. Leaning over his sweat-slicked back, you pull him to his knees to sit back on your lap. You tug his head back on your shoulder, holding him firmly there as you grip his throbbing cock. 
“That the way you like it? You like me telling you how you’re dripping on my dick? I can feel how desperate your ass is for me to pound it. Pretty little slut, prancing around that party waiting to suck my dick. Begging me to go home with you. You’d do anything to have me split you open.” You steadily pour filth into his ear as you fuck sharply up into him, relishing in the slap of skin on skin. Dieter’s nails bite into your thighs but the pinpricks of pain only sharpen your arousal, taking his earlobe between your teeth to press just short of breaking the skin. 
“Fuck, yes, please, I’m your slut, let you fuck me any way you like, please please please…” Dieter wails, your first twisting at the tip of his cock to put him right on edge. Your orgasm is breaths away, Dieter’s perfect ass sucking you in and urging your hips to slam him recklessly. 
“Perfect. Little. Whore. Cum for me, you gorgeous cockslut,” you snarl out, and like you’ve found the button to Dieter’s fantasies he cums with wracking shouts and shakes over your fist, tears leaking from the corners of his eyes. You follow quickly in the impossibly tighter grip of him, spilling hot spurts of cum deep inside. A primal being roars in your chest, pleased that you’ve marked him inside and out. 
You stay inside until his breathing evens out, hard grip turning smoother and softer through his hair and over his chest. He giggles dryly a few times when your fingertips trace a sensitive spot. Finally you steady his hips and slowly pull out, kissing the back of his shoulders as you ease him down. You use the edge of the bedsheet to wipe your cum dribbling down, parting Dieter’s cheeks to collect the last of it there. 
Dieter is silent now, lying on his stomach with his face buried in the pillow. It makes your heart clench, a worry you didn’t expect prevailing.
“That was fun. I had a good time,” you say.
“Yeah, me too,” Dieter mumbles, tugging the comforter around him in a messy jumble. Over his shoulder you think you see deep red on his cheeks, and it strengthens your resolve.
“Can I stay for a while?” you ask, already sliding in beside Dieter. He’s stiff at first, then eases when you pull him back into your chest. 
“Sure, yeah, that would be…nice,” he says, lacing your fingers together as you press a kiss to the back of his head. 
“You don’t do this much?” you ask quietly when your eyelids start to droop. Dieter hums for a moment.
“Not this part,” he finally answers, barely a whisper. You press your laced fingers to his heart.
“You can do this with me. Anytime.”
You hope he believes you.
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LJ’s Bangathon 2023
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