#but damon definitely fell for her because she was STEFAN's girl
realbeefman · 10 months
some people watched vampire diaries because they wanted to fuck the salvatore brothers i watched because i wanted the salvatore brothers to fuck. we are not the same
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luminiamore · 4 months
a stefan salvatore love story.
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊
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Dear Diary,
Today felt different somehow, aside from the fact that I started school.
I didn't want to, but I figured people would start asking questions if I didn't go. Uncle Zach is still hostile towards me, and I swear I was so close to snapping his neck. Drinking from blood bags every day has been working for me. I've been doing so well this week that I fed from the vein, I even stopped myself before the girl died. My compulsion worked on her, too. She would be proud.
Most of the day went uneventful, except I saw someone who looked identical to Katherine. It's actually crazy how similar they are, almost like doppelgängers. Her name is Elena. I didn't need to ask, her friends were gossiping so loudly it was impossible not to hear. She's not particularly interesting, plain looking, really. But kept staring at me, and I tried my best to ignore it. I could feel some weird possessive energy over me. Maybe it was her. Anyway, she didn't seem to get the hint because she spoke to me after our history class. Actually, she bumped into me after storming out of the boy's bathroom. What a weird girl. I walked away before she could explain herself, though.
She invited me to the Grill with her friends. I would've said yes out of politeness, but I received something in the mail today that made me decline. I was inexplicably drawn to it. It was an invitation to a ball, and I can't remember the last time I went to one. It was for tonight. Could it be from her? Could I possibly see her tonight? Am I even that lucky? God, I hope so. What would I even say to her?
Stefan drops his pen abruptly and looks at the time on the clock near his mattress. Shit. He had an hour until the ball started, and he hadn't even started getting ready. Amid his panic, he hears the doorbell ring.
"Zach? You gonna answer that?" He yells out, his voice echoing in the quiet mansion. No response. So he sighed and sped downstairs, he didn't have time to waste. Upon opening the door, Stefan couldn't have been more shocked— Damon?
"Hello, brother." The older Salvatore brother utters out in the foggy night, a smirk on his lips.
"...When'd you get here?" Stefan's voice held a hint of longing, nervousness, and, admittedly, a bit of fear. He wasn't afraid of his brother, but more so what his brother thought of him now.
"Well, I couldn't miss your first day at school. That Elena girl seems to have a thing for you. Ring any bells?" He pushes past Stefan and stomps into the house, all the more cocky.
Damon continues on, " I mean, the resemblance is just uncanny, Stefan. Y'know, for a distant ancestor, Katherine really nailed the gene pool."
"I suppose, but I'm not really interested. It's been fifteen years, Damon. I-" Stefan pauses, recalling the comforting words of his angelic beauty. He had to be honest and understanding. "..I missed you."
Damon falters. What? This was definitely different from what he was expecting. He expected brooding, reluctance, hatred even. He clenched his jaw, "No need for flattery, brother. I promised you an eternity of misery, so I'm just keeping my word."
"I deserve that. You disappeared before I ever got the chance to apologize for.. for turning you. I am deeply sorry. I just didn't want to be alone, and you were all I had." He pauses, tears trembling from his eyes. Stefan could feel his throat clogging up, the emotions and the pain from that day resurfacing his mind. "I didn't want to lose you, Damon."
The door was still open, and the wind blew profusely against his skin. Comfort. Safety. That is all he felt as he finished his declaration. The wind was whispering in his ear, telling him everything was okay. That it was proud. One of the tears bubbling on his eyelid finally fell, cascading down his defined jawline.
Damon watches, his face softening briefly before his smirk pops back up. There's a hint of vulnerability and a lingering bitterness in his eyes when he finally responds, "Oh, spare me the melodrama, Stefan. You didn't want to be alone? Join the club. Took you long enough to admit it. Don't worry, forgave you a while ago. Besides, we both know you couldn't live without me."
Understanding, Stefan reminds himself. He needs to be understanding.
"I know you felt the same loneliness I did, Damon. Despite everything, I know you couldn't bear the thought of losing me either. We're in this together, whether you like it or not."
A strained smile meets the older Salvatore's lips, "Poetic. Care for a drink? I know we've got that aged bourbon waiting for us down in the cellar."
"As much as I'd love to, I have a ball to get ready for. Speaking of, you should come with."
A scrunch in Damon's face, "A ball? What is this, the 1600s?" He gasps, pretending to look disappointed, "Don't tell me you've got a powdered wig hidden away in your closet, Stef."
A roll of Stefan's eyes. He missed this, the banter that only the siblings would have. He's so happy. He's so glad he's got his brother back.
"Ha-ha." An entirely dry laugh with an amused expression. "You coming? I don't really know anyone there."
Damon pretended to think, but his little brother already knew what his answer was when he started ascending the long stairway, an infamous smirk dancing across his lips, "Why not? I'd never miss an opportunity to embarrass you in front of a crowd."
He stares at his brother for a moment,"You seem different, happier even. Find a new species of bunny to snack on?"
"If you could call humans bunnies, then yeah, I guess so."
Stefan chuckled as he sped past his brother to his room, feeling that he successfully caught Damon off guard when he hadn't heard a response. He looks at his still-opened journal, then pen sitting idly next to it, and he figures... He can spare one more minute.
I got my brother back tonight, and I couldn't be happier. For some reason, I feel like that's another big step closer to feeling complete.
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chapter two. chapter four
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samdeancass · 2 years
Requested by: @lunarastrobabe
Pairing: Damon x fem!reader, Stefan x fem!reader (platonic)
Genre: Fluff
Characters: Damon, Y/N, Stefan
Description: Y/N is in love with Damon but doesn’t know how to tell him. She confides in Stefan about it, and he encourages her to tell Damon.
You stared longingly at Damon who was currently flirting with a random girl at the bar of Mystic Grill. A tinge of sadness washed over you as you wished that you were the one that he was flirting with, his arm slung around your neck. 
Truth is, you had been wanting Damon for a while. They had hatched when Klaus kidnapped you and used you as bait to lure the Salvatore brothers to him. Damon had rushed in and saved you from being his next blood bag, and since then your feelings for him only grew stronger. You had thought about telling him but you always held back in case he rejected you and it ruined your friendship. 
Footsteps sounded behind you and a smell of a mixture of books and wood invaded your nostrils. You smiled as you knew that it was Stefan standing behind you. “What do you want, Salvatore?” He leaned over to rest his chin on your shoulder. “I want to know why you’re sitting here, alone, ogling my brother.” A small blush crept onto your cheeks as you quickly turned away to look at Stefan. 
“I was not ogling him. I was simply checking to make sure that the girl was alright. We both know that Damon can be a bit full on sometimes.” Stefan raised an eyebrow and you just knew that he didn’t believe you. “C’mon, Y/N. You and I both know that’s not true. Drool was practically dripping out of your mouth.”
You laughed and playfully smacked his chest before your expression and demeanour turned sad and flat. “Hey, I was only kidding.” A look of concern settled on Stefan’s face as he pulled out the chair in front of you and sat down. “What’s the matter?”
A stray tear fell down your cheek. “I’ve fallen in love with Damon. Ever since he saved me from Klaus, I’ve just been feeling something more for him. Seeing him with other girls and knowing that I will never be one of them just hurts me so much.” Stefan looked a little confused by this point. “What makes you think that you’ll never be one of them girls? Have you told Damon how you feel?”
You shook your head. “I can’t. I don’t want to ruin our friendship if he doesn’t feel the same way.” Stefan smiled knowingly as he reached across the table and grabbed your hand, squeezing it. “Well, I happen to know something. Damon feels the same. He’s been telling me for months how he feels about you but he thought that you wouldn’t see him like that because of the way that he is.”
Your eyes widened and you couldn’t stop the smile spreading across your face. “Really?!” “Yes! Now go over there and tell him!” You got up and walked over to where Damon was standing at the bar, alone now.
“Hey, stud.” Damon smiled and turned to you, flashing that smile that you adored. “Your date gone to the bathroom?” He took a sip of whiskey. “Nope, gone home. She couldn’t handle her drink so her sister took her. Amateur.” You both laughed together until it turned into a comfortable silence.
“D, I have something to tell you. I’ve been wanting to tell you for a while but I was afraid that it would ruin our friendship and I couldn’t risk that.” “So, what’s changed?” He took another sip of whiskey, a little quicker this time as nervousness settled in his bones.”
“I’ve heard from a source that what I’m about to tell you will definitely not do that.” You turned to Stefan and smiled as Damon followed your gaze. His eyes narrowed at his brother who gave him a playful smirk. “I love you, Damon, and every day that passes, my feelings for you grow stronger. I want to be the one that you bring to bars and sling your arm around.”
Damon looked surprised at first but that expression soon turned into a smile as he took your hands in his, pulled you towards him and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to hear you say that, Y/N. I love you to and I have done for a long time.”
He kissed your lips once more before getting up from the bar, giving you his hand and leading you towards the door. “Just remember you guys, when you get married, it was all thanks to me.” Stefan shouted across the room before Damon shot him a dirty look and walked you out of the bar to explore your new-found relationship.
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Delena has more fandom love due to audience and appeal
The main premise of their relationship was lust and sex. It seemed like they didn't have a genuine bond or connection personality wise as it would always lead to them fucking the next second. or it consisted of them repeatedly fighting followed by an epic "I hate the person you are but I love you" speech. Stelena on the other hand, although lacking a more developmental build up, actually had a real RELATIONSHIP that consisted of them healing each other and working through each other's flaws, instead of enabling them by fucking and fighting and partying like Delena did. Stelena's build up was founded on a genuine connection between their personalities and morals; they connected with each other. They knew each other the best and had a romantic connection that consisted of personality and healing, instead of just lust. and stefan would have always been good for her, it amazes me how nonsensical they made Elena's character change so drastically in s4, it disgusts me that julie plague even took over the show (I fucking hate her).
Stelena was also passionate, in s2 they joked with each other, were more sexual, Stefan was more intimate and forthcoming with her, and they still had a romantic personal connection as well. I don't know why dullena stans and idiots on tiktok seem to think that romance only spans the lust that Delena had, and why they made Elena's entire character post-vampire as someone who was consumed by this constant need for sex versus someone who had morals, values, and wanted a genuine, real connection with their partner. Delena hardly even had a relationship, they had their honeymoon phase in s5 where Damon essentially lied to her entire summer. Then they broke up multiple times, Damon hurt jeremy and killed aaron. What did they to solve the problem? They fucked. They didn't even resolve the conflict without Damon actually changing and Elena genuinely forgiving Damon, it was mainly that they couldn't be without each other so that's why they reconciled (again, a sex based appeal).
Additionally, the narrative that julie plague put out was the Stefan only loved human Elena. I heavily disagree with this, as Stefan loved her regardless in s4 even after she dumped him (last episode of s4, he says she is the love of his life). I understand that post vampire Elena wanted more than just falling back on her morals in a relationship which obviously made sense for Delena to happen, but the extent of how her character changed in the process was just absurd. Human Elena was still a fun party girl but she also had morals, Damon definitely brought out her fun side but also made compromised her morals and character. Stefan would have always been good for her, even though he isn't as extroverted as Elena, he would have definitely been able to work through her flaws instead of enabling them. Delena should have definitely been explored in this aspect, in which Damon brought out her extroverted fun side, but not at the expense of her morals and character as it goes against vampirism.
Elena also did not know who she truly was around Damon aside from being his puppet. It came across as though she wanted "more" than Stefan who was just a good guy who she instantly fell for because she already knew the type of person she was. Hence, this reinforces the appeal that Delena has, which Stelena lacks. However, Elena absolutely lost her own when she was with Damon, she constantly compromised her own morals, and she enabled his flaws instead of holding him accountable. Her post vampirism shift and being with Damon actually had the opposite effect in which she lost her old sense of self, but indulged in her darkest desires, and somewhat became more like the fun, party girl that she was before her parents died. But even then, the old version of Elena was still presented as someone who upheld the same values and morals that she and Stefan shared. When it came to Damon, she lost her sense of self around him because she gave him so many freebies and became an absolute hypocrite. The fact that she also became more self centered and just more unlikeable as most fans agree that vampire Elena was just not a good person overall compared to the old pre-parent death Elena (not saying she is evil, but she is rather unlikeable). This goes to disprove the whole "oh but Elena knew what her morals were, she didn't need to fall back to Stefan anymore to rely on them." Because in fact she completely lost that sense of morality when it came to Damon, and became a bitch to all her friends, and became the absolute worst version of herself. This shows that the audience of TVD rather fall for appeal and poor writing than the reality of the situation, and this is likely due to the bad boy trope combined with the sexualization of Delena that Stelena lacked. additionally, in a fictional show no one cares as much to look beyond a surface level appeal and are more inclined to favor toxic ships based on a bs narrative that was provided by a shitty writer.
Stelena also was not just based around them upholding similar morals, they worked in basically every dynamic: domestic, marriage, healing, going out, etc., aside from Stefan being more introverted than Elena. Surface level viewers which basically encapsulated a large chunk of the TVD audience don't look at the reality of the situation beyond the bs that plague wanted people to think, that Damon loved her regardless. Stefan loved her either way, but instead of enabling them like Damon, he worked through them with her and they healed on a healthy basis and UPHELD HER CHARACTER, aka the Elena Gilbert that we all once knew and loved. It made no sense for Elena's character to completely change post vampirism, fundamentally according to the rules of vampirism itself, and her character was literally sacrificed at the expense of Damon, whether people want to believe it or not. The writing, rules, and characters of the show were sacrificed in order to push a bullshit agenda out, which a large chunk of teenage viewers believed because of how respectful Stefan was of Delena, in which he moved on and settled for Caroline again, because of fucking Julie Plague.
The fact that Stelena was literally supposed to be endgame if Nina hadn't left the show disproves this bs narrative that a huge chunk of the young TVD fans believe about why Delena is better than Stelena. Although this narrative made sense somewhat in the time being, in terms of Elena's long term character and her real desires in regards to having a relationship as a human, growing old, building a family (beyond sex and partying), this narrative made absolutely no sense. Even Delena's conversation about family was about sex. Their last dance was about sex. Although they were slightly healthier in s6, which Elena actually making Damon realize why he is unlovable beyond just sex, Elena even said it, Damon was bad for her as a human. She literally became a human in s6. Delena seems like the couple to marry and divorce and remarry at least 3 times, because that is literally what their entire premise was s5-s6. Although s6 painted a better light on their relationship, they were still extremely rocky and given Damon's impulsivity and reckless nature, just imagine how bad they would be as humans, espeically since Damon only "changed" for Elena. They would reconcile based on unhealthy sex and codependency, have long periods of passionate sex, and fight and fall out again because they enabled each other's flaws instead of working through them. Damon only changed to BE with Elena, he didn't actually change much as a person aside from his friendship with Bonnie, which even then he made numerous selfish moves and was a poor friend to her. Obviiously this would help reinstate some healthy qualitiies to Delena, but Damon would inevitably fall back into his old routine with Elena in which she enabled his flaws, whereas Bonnie held him accountable.
Of course, the TVD audience, especially fanatical Delena shippers ignore the fundamental reality of this poor writing and Nina leaving the show. I understand the psychological appeal as well, because this is a show about vampires that tailors to a young audience, and I want to make it clear that I am not 100% against Delena. Delena definitely has likeable qualities, and I know this post is rather painting them in a negative light even though they definitely should have been explored. but it made no sense logically for them to be endgame and for Stefan/Stelena to have been treated the way it did. it was solely due to fan service that was hyped because of a invalid, temporary narrative that only made sense in s4, in which Elena only fell out of love with Stefan because she was sexually attracted to Damon, even though he went against a lot of what she believed in. Plague made it out to be that Elena liked Damon's personality, which made no sense long term again as he went against everything she believed in and only made her feel good in the moment as a vampire. Again, this shows the inconsistency in Elena's post vampirism arc, fundamentally going against what they show initially portrayed as a person's natural qualities being HEIGHTENED. Even when they were "together" in s5-6, Damon still violated her and went against a lot of what human Elena valued, but it was presented that he "changed" even though he really just behaved in a certain way just to stay with her. This is shown in s7-8 by the selfish and impulsive decisions that Damon still makes, which I know he would fall back into when he is human with Elena, as she doesn't hold him accountable (only a little in s6). Also, Elena's character went downhill and she lost several of her old CHARACTER qualities (aside from being a fun party girl) during this time again to appease Damon's character.
I hope I made my point clear, that this show post s3 is just shitty writing overall, and several TVD fans (especially a huge portion being younger viewers) aren't willing to look beyond an incorrect narrative that was perpetuated by shitty writing, along with this being a fictional show in which bad boys are preferred. I also think people are attracted to some parts of Delena, including their passionate sex, iconic moments, epic speeches, and build up which Stelena overall lacked in comparison to Delena, and again fall for the nonsensical agenda that was pushed by Plague instead of analyzing the situation as completely incorrect, invalid, and just contradictory writing to make Delena happen and to make Stefan go through hell and back. The fact that this whole agenda is incorrect further shows how awful human Delena would be together, and how insanely toxic they would still be, which people ignore I guess because this wasn't shown on the show and due to this bullshit narrative presented in s4-5. In s6, although Elena was harder on Damon and was more resistant to be with him, she still fell for him again as he made HER feel good, instead of actually changing (as seen in s7-8). She literally hated his personality and fought with him until he made her feel special again (because he only acted a certain way to be around her) and until they fucked and reinstated their lustful connection. THEN she remembered why she loved him despite his personality being shit even when he was with her.
Anyways that's my rant.
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livlepretre · 7 months
were you a damon or stefan girl. considering stefan is one of the main characters in FE i’m guessing stefan but i’m curious for your opinion anyway
Surprise! I ship delena in canon
but if you're asking, which brother do I prefer? both! I love them both, and enjoy their dynamic, and the way that their tremendous flaws and strengths complement each other, as well as drag each other down. I'm not really interested in pretending that one brother is "morally better than" the other-- it's a vampire show, and all of the vampires are by necessity terrible. That's what makes them great.
and the delena thing turned out not to be very straight forward either. I would say I was solidly delena in season 1, and I used to joke that Paul Wesley learned to act while season 1 was filming, because early in season 2 I suddenly realized that Stefan had become maybe my favorite character? sometimes. when it wasn't Damon. (or, it was ALWAYS Elena who was my favorite anyway, and I fell in love with this show because I loved all three of the leads and I loved their dynamics and wanted to spend time with all of them and got super super invested)
at any rate, I got invested in stelena during season 2, definitely by Plan B, DEFINITELY by 3x01 when Stefan calls Elena and doesn't say anything and she just declares her love for him.
like, I definitely wanted delena to happen too. I was hanging on every second of it. I had no interest in a show without delena.
but it turned out I had no interest in the show without stelena in it as well. I think what I really wanted was for the dynamics to flip and for Elena to be with Damon but have Stefan be the Third Person in the Relationship, disrupting and posing a threat to it and having this intense relationship and history with both his brother and his ex. For some reason, I really thought this was how it was going to play out, and not what we got, which was just Stefan moving on and Elena and Damon being together without the tension and (inevitable) possibility of stelena resurfacing.
I think Stefan just happens to get this huge role in FE because he was so clearly part of the dynamic Klaus had in mind, and the whole scenario depends on what if Damon were just 10 minutes too late?
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kmze · 3 months
Building off of your last ask about stefan's insecurity(cos I need to get it out of my system before work) Stefan's insecurity w.r.t caroline seemed different than what he had with Elena.With Elena it was the fear of history repeating and losing her to his brother.Hence the good brother act.Elena made him forget who he was because he didn't like himself so he pretended to be the past version of himself that fell for a lie,human orphan girl from Atlanta and that's what he wanted to recreate with Elena,human katherine fantasy.With Caroline,he grew to accept himself.He didn't see the ripper as a separate persona anymore.He wasn't hiding himself from Caroline the way he hid from Elena.Yet he still didn't see himself in the same category as the men who were desperate for Caroline's attention.Because ultimately he was Stefan.He preferred humanity.He had empathy and a desire to be good unlike Klaus who was the ultimate bad boy who gave his brother run for his money,Enzo the charming british man,Tyler the hot-headed jock.Even when stefan wasn't romantically involved with Caroline,he still noticed the men lurking around her.He thought she had a type.I think he,just like majority of the fandom,had the misconception that Caroline liked bad boys.He knew he could be worse but he would still have to lose his humanity for that and he wouldn't want that.He read books.He was the hero.I think that's why like you said he was so shocked in 6×07 when he found out Caroline had feelings for him.He was like Wait since when did I become your type?I thought you liked them 'dark'.I tried to be the good guy with Elena and yet I wasn't enough and you've always been into different kind of men so why would you want me?What is so special about me?Someone should have told Stefan that caroline literally called him a prince in s1.In fact in s1 when Caroline asked him to dance stefan thought Damon made her.She was definitely under Damon's compulsion.He compelled her to take him with her to the party but Caroline didn't need compulsion to want to dance with Stefan.She asked him because she wanted to.Even in that moment Stefan didn't believe someone like her could genuinely want to be with him.Caroline even with all her flaws was perfect in Stefan's mind and he couldn't figure why would someone like her fall in love with someone like him?Caroline wasn't the only one who had low self-esteem and shame-spiralled.Stefan did that too."Deep down you and I are exactly the same,Caroline".When Caroline threw the list of reasons on his face why she had a thing for him,Stefan was so sad and funny because he was like WHAT! I mean this much to you!? I could go on and on but I think this is why it just hurts and makes me angry that he died the way he did.Nothing would ever change canon but I wish the writers and the actors at least tried to see and understand their characters in a different light.It's like they created the right material and yet wasted everything for popular opinion.
Love this rant lol. Yeah I agree with everything here and in terms of him thinking he's not her type it might be why when Caroline was her most forward with him (since they became friends) in 4x16 saying "well you're you" to him about how any girl there would want him he threw platonic caution to the wind and threw her over his shoulder and took her onto the dance floor. This is something people who don't like friends-to-lovers never seem to understand that one of the reasons it needs to be a slow burn is there's always an underlying worry of if it becomes something more and doesn't work out you are risking losing that friendship. And Stefan absolutely includes their friendship as part of their overall relationship, he said in 7x04 how they have more history in the last 5 years than most have in a lifetime, some of those years even involved when he was with Elena and she was with Tyler.
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kiss-my-freckle · 8 months
Do you think if Stefan was in Damon's place in season 5 and Elena was his sober sponsor instead of Lexi he would have acted out similarly, like showing "Elena" the picture of Jeremy while smirking? Stefan has made multiple comments about depending on Elena to be better and in season 4 he got Caroline's support while he was still dating Elena and when he lost his memories Stefan spiraled and tried to kill Jesse and guilt tripped Elena for refusing to kiss him but he got Caroline's support again. Damon had Enzo in his corner but he wanted revenge and encouraged Damon towards vengeance. I believe if Alaric was alive at that time he would have been able to get through to Damon despite what Katherine said to him. People talk about Damon hurting Elena with his actions towards Jeremy when Stefan slept with and plotted with the girl who killed her despite Elena's unwillingness to trust her because he wanted to hurt her.
Yes. That's why the ripper virus is everything. Elena was Stefan's sober sponsor for 3 seasons. It's easier to push Damon's emotions than it is to push Stefan's bloodlust, but the same concept applies. Just listen to Stefan after he and Elena break up in 4x6.
"Elena and I broke up. By definition, I don't need to be anywhere. Oh, I'm not depressed. I just want to rip into someone's artery and feed until I can't breathe anymore."
And again when he literally has no memories.
"And just like that, the hunger returns."
Now have that sober sponsor push him to feed. I'm talking about the same sober sponsor that had to help him heal Dr. Fell because he would've ripped her apart.
Fans can talk crap about Damon's actions towards Jeremy because they're not Elena. She's not just better than Caroline. She's better than Stefan. She's what I call a golden character. She understands Damon as Damon understands her. When Damon told Klaus, "She's met me. She knows impulse control's not my strong suit" he meant it. His impulsivity is the reason she defends him, and ultimately the reason for their breakup. That's why season 5 ends with Damon talking about his impulsivity.
"Because you were right, Elena. You wanted to protect me so I wouldn't spiral because if I spiraled, then it would prove that we shouldn't be together. But - but I didn't spiral. Despite every nerve in my body wanting to break something or hurt someone or do all the wrong things for all the right reasons, I'm holding it together the best I can for you."
Damon is being literal here. Emotions have physical symptoms. Those symptoms should and would be magnified just like their emotions. Every time my son goes to his physician, they do a mental health checkup when they do his physical checkup because one can affect the other. Physical pain can cause depression, depression can cause physical pain.
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leossmoonn · 3 years
can i request a stefan imagine where bonnie locks you both into a room because you guys fight to hide your feelings, and when you're inside, you both finally talk it out and then when the next day the room is unlocked everyone makes fun of you because you fell asleep on each other
yes! this is such a cute idea :))
warnings / includes - mild language, casual sex talk, underage drinking (you all are 18 tho), fighting, kissing, ugly crying (lol)
“i thought he was supposed to be the smart one,” you grimaced.
“boys are often enchanted by half-naked girls,” elena stated. “yeah, but not stefan,” you said, taking a big gulp of your beer.
“well, contrary to popular belief, stefan is like other boys. he got turned at 17, he didn’t have much time to mature.”
you gave elena a ‘are you serious?’ look before turning back to the man whom you were hopelessly in love with. it shattered your heart to see him dancing with another girl.
she was wearing a belly top with a skirt you knew that not even vicki donovan would approve of. she had her back facing towards stefan, running her hands through his hair as she moved up and down on him, obviously trying to get him riled up and fuck her in the bathrooms. meanwhile, his hands were on her waist, following the movements her body made. he had a big smile on his face, winking at her as he told her dirty little nothings.
the red solo cup crushed in your hand, beer running down your arm, some getting on your jeans. you didn’t even realize until elena started to wipe your skin with napkins, taking your attention off of the vampire for a few seconds.
“you had an accident,” elena snorted. “oh,” you frowned, helping her. “oops.”
“why don’t you just go and replace her? i bet stefan then would actually get hard,” elena suggested.
“please, it’s not like he’d even notice me. i mean, look at her, she’s gorgeous.” your insecurities took over your brain, and you couldn’t help but think of how many other pretty girls stefan could have.
“please, she’s below average, and she’s had herpes two times in the last four months. i know stefan is immortal and his body heals fast and all, but no guy, supernatural or not, wants to get involved with a girl like that,” elena assured you.
“then why is he letting her use him as a stripper pole?” you frowned. “maybe to make someone jealous?” elena raised her brow, looking at you and hoping you caught onto the hint.
“like who, you?” you smirked.
“he doesn’t like me anymore! and trust me, before we even got together, he was in love with someone else. he just used me as a jealous device,” elena shrugged, taking a sip of her beer.
“ouch. who did he love instead of you?” you asked, completely clueless. “oh, it doesn’t matter, but it’s okay. i was in love with damon, anyways, so really, it was fair. and he did love me, he just wasn’t in love with me, you know?” she asked.
“yeah, i guess there is a difference,” you nodded. “yep, and stefan definitely does not like that girl, so go and talk to him! you’re his best friend, and if you pull him aside to confess your feelings for him, he definitely won’t mind,” elena nudged you.
you looked back at him, your heart racing at the thought of you actually telling him you’re in love with him, and have been for the last year and a half. you shook your head, looking down at your shoes.
“no, no, it’s too risky. what if he doesn’t like me back? i can’t risk losing your friendship over some silly little crush.”
elena rolled her eyes, setting her drink down and taking ahold of your shoulders. she looked you in the eyes, causing your own eyes to widen.
“it’s not just a “silly little crush”, okay? you are in love with him, and it’s not going to get any better for you if you just stand here and push your feelings down. and look, he likes you, too. i know you don’t believe it, but he does. in fact, he’s also in love with you. just take a chance, y/n.”
“but what if he doesn’t like me and you guys have just been rallying me up for no reason?” you frowned.
“that’s not going to happen. now, go and be with your soulmate!” she pushed you towards him.
you glanced to her and gave her a glare, but complying once you faced stefan again. you walked over to him confidently, tapping his shoulder. he immediately turned to you, a bright smile lighting his face. oh, how you loved that smile.
“hey, y/n, what’s up?”
“i wanted to talk to you,” you prompted. “okay, sure,” he nodded. he abandoned the girl, letting you lead him to a quieter part of the grill.
“so, what’s this about?” he asked.
“um, well…” you weren’t sure you could just flat-out confess, so you decided it was best to have him confess first. “do you like anyone?”
stefan’s eyes widened, a flash of fear clouding his eyes. he shifted his weight, stuffing his hands in his jean pockets.
“u-um, no. why would you think that?”
your heart fell at his response, but you kept up hope. he was probably just scared because he didn’t know you liked him back, right?
“well, a little birdie told me that you liked someone. and me being your best friend and all, i thought it would be fitting for me to know. you know, i can help by getting you and her together.” you flashed him an eager smile.
“well, i don’t like anyone. and if you don’t mind, i’d like to get back to -“
“you’re really leaving me to dance with that slut?” you cocked your brow.
“n-no, well, yeah, but -“
“c’mon, stefan, i won’t judge. just tell me who you like.” you slipped your hand into his, interlocking your fingers together.
stefan’s dead heart dropped in his chest, giving him that somersault affect your touch often gave him. he looked into your eyes, seeing the desperation and pain that they held. he knew that he should tell you that it’s you, but he wasn’t 100% sure you even liked him back. like you, the thought of losing you was too risky for him to take the leap. so instead, he deflected.
“you don’t have to know everything about me! i know you’re my friend, but i have my own private life outside of our friendship. just leave me alone and let me dance with her.” he pulled his hand away from yours, the loss of warmth and comfort disappearing from you both.
you looked at him incredulously, not believing the words that came out of his mouth. you open and closed your mouth multiple times, not sure how to respond. you didn’t even know how to feel, really. you just felt your heart break for the millionth time that night.
he looked at you helplessly, guilt filling his chest as he saw the struggle you had with choosing to leave, or choosing to stay and work it out. he hoped you would choose the latter.
“you’re an asshole, stefan,” you spoke.
your words cut him like a knife.
“you’re right, you do have a personal life outside of our friendship, but you have always shared everything with me. you once told me that i’m the one that you trust the most, that you can tell anything that, that i’m your bestfriend. and-and what now? i-i’m only a friend? someone who you can’t even tell who you like? you told me that you liked elena, and i helped you with that. what is so different about this girl, huh?” you argued.
“nothing! i-i just… you just don’t need to know everything, is all.”
you looked at him good and hard, trying to decide if he was telling the truth or not. was elena wrong? did he really not like you, but like someone else?
“i don’t believe that,” you shook your head, speaking to yourself more than him.
“why not? you are never this… grueling.”
“because i… i just…” you couldn’t tell him that you really thought.
“you what? you think you know who i like? please, enlighten me,” he taunted.
you gritted your teeth, your hands balling into fists. you lifted your first up, ready to hit him, but bonnie and elena came over, restraining you.
“okay, let’s calm down, yeah?” bonnie suggested, pulling you back.
you started to cry as bonnie led you to a different part of the restaurant.
“you-you guys are wrong. he doesn’t like me,” you sobbed.
bonnie sighed. “he does, we swear. he just doesn’t know you like him.”
“are you serious! what is he, blind?” you scoffed.
“guys are pretty clueless, even immortal ones.”
“yeah, that’s what elena said,” you sniffled. “well, what do i do now? we can just resume being friends.”
bonnie pursed her lips, thinking for a moment. “here, let me show you something.”
she took your hand, leading you to the storage room. you went along with her until you saw stefan there.
“what? bonnie, what are you -?”
“have fun you two,” elena winked as bonnie closed the door.
you heard the lock click. you ran up to the door, banging on it and begging for your friends to let you out.
“hey! this isn’t funny! i’m claustrophobic, you know this!”
“no can do! work it out, you two!” bonnie shouted from the outside.
“here, let me,” stefan said.
you moved away, crossing your arms as you watched him try to kick down the door. he took ahold of the handle, pulling it off. he then tried to open the door, but it didn’t budge.
“well, good job. you’re a genius, you know that?” you remarked.
he turned to you with a glare. “as if you could do anything else.”
“well, maybe if you let me find something to unlock the lock, then there would still be a door handle!” you hissed.
“don’t blame me for trying to help!”
“well, it’s the truth! you always think you can fix things. just accept the fact that you can’t.”
“woah, when did this turn personal? if i remember correctly, you once told me that my determination was admirable. why the sudden change now?” he hummed, crossing his arms and looking at you like a smart ass.
you sighed deeply, your eyes filling with tears as you answered him.
“because you hurt me. i-i’m hurt, okay?”
he softened up immediately, his arms falling to his side, his smirk disappearing. remorse shined in his eyes as he tried to reach out to you.
“i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to hurt you.”
you stepped back, putting your head down. “it’s fine.”
“no, it’s not. you don’t deserve it.”
you turned your back to him, your eyes settling on the boxes full of kitchen supplies. you sniffled multiple times, your shoulders shaking as you tried to keep your weeping to a minimum.
you heard stefan sigh behind you. his feet dragged along the steel floor, his hand coming up to gently rub your back.
“please, look at me, y/n,” he whispered.
you turned to him slowly, the sorry pit in his stomach growing. you looked at him, your eyes drooping, tears lining your cheeks. your lips were swollen, your nose running. you sniffled once again, trying to calm yourself down.
stefan walked away for a few moments, bringing back a towel. you looked at him, heart fluttering as he wiped the snot that surrounded the bottom of your nose. he wiped your tears away, running the cloth carefully under your eyes to capture the remaining moisture. you watched him as he kept his eyes on yours the whole time. you felt yourself falling for him again.
he set the rag on a shelf, taking your hand and slipping his into it. you couldn’t help but smile at the gesture. stefan smiled with you, looking at you sweetly.
“i’m sorry. you are my best friend. you are the person i trust the most. i will continue to tell you everything and anything. i just… i was just scared to tell you who i liked,” he explained.
you nodded, understanding his explanation. “no worries. i get it. i don’t like being interrogated either.”
“you didn’t interrogate me.”
“oh, please,” you snorted. “we both know i did.”
he shrugged with a little smile. “well, i know you mean well.”
you nodded, “i do. i really do.”
“i know, y/n, i know,” he reassured you.
you looked away from him, the tension in the room weighing on your shoulders.
“you know, i think bonnie also put a spell on the door,” you stated.
“i was thinking that, too,” he sighed.
“well, what do we do now? we’ve made up,” you asked, looking back at him.
“i don’t know. are you hungry?” he asked.
“no. i am tired, though,” you said. “wanna lay down? i can be your pillow,” he suggested.
you smiled and nodded. “yeah, sure.”
he took your hand, getting on the ground. he laid flat on his back as you put your head on his chest. your heart hammered against your ribcage as he slipped his arm around you, holding you close to him. you fisted his shirt in your hand, closing your eyes and breathing in deeply.
his scent filled your nose, making your mind foggy and muscles relax. he smelled of sandalwood, leather, and jasmine. jasmine was something most guys didn’t smell like, but he did, strangely. it was a sweet, yet musky smell. it fit him very well, and you loved it.
your heart stopped as you felt him rub your back. his fingers scratched your clothed skin softly.
“so, can i ask who you like now?” you hummed.
stefan laughed. you felt the rumbling in his chest, making you smile.
“what?” you looked up at him, batting your eyes innocently.
“why do you want to know so bad? i thought i told you i was done dating for a while,” he stated.
you looked away and back at your hands that held the material of his shirt. “just wondering. and we both know that you’d love to have a girlfriend. one that isn’t in love with your brother.”
stefan laughed again, making you smile to yourself as his chest came up and down in multiple breaths.
“i mean, yes, but i don’t want to just date someone to prove that there are people that like me and not damon.”
“i know, but… what if the girl you like likes you back?” you suggested.
stefan stopped breathing for a second, his hand that was scratching your back stopping to a halt.
“you sound so sure of that,” he said.
you shrugged, looking up at him, hoping he could read the look on your face. “it’s because i am.”
he looked at you, his eyes giving away his emotions. he looked uncertain, but you knew that he understood what you were hinting at. he just couldn’t believe it.
“i love you, stefan,” you spoke, sitting up in his lap.
stefan’s face shone brightly as his lips upturned into a smile. you could physically see all the weight lifted off his shoulders. the hot tension in the room filtered out, being replaced with a cool breeze of relief. he sat up, putting his arm back around you, reaching his hand up to cup your face. he looked deeply into your eyes, his pupils running into his emerald irises. your hands went up to his neck, your fingers entangling in his hair.
“i love you, too, y/n,” he spoke, as if he had said it a million times before.
both of your reactions were minimal, but spoke a thousand words. the words felt natural, right.
you leaned in, eyes flickering from his lips to his eyes. your chest heaved up and down in anticipation, your heart ramming itself against your ribacage. stefan was the one to close the gap.
tingles shot up your spine, goosebumps lining your skin. you pressed into him - no space was between you now. you kissed him quicker now, opening your mouth and taking initiative.
he caught on in an instant. his hand that was on your cheek was now on your neck, cradling your head closer to his. he pulled you impossibly closer to him, sparks flying between you two as your chests rubbed against each other. you pulled on his hair that was at the nape of his neck as his hands reached further below your lower back.
his tongue ran across yours deliciously. you explored his mouth, tasting the bourbon and fries he had eaten earlier. you took a shallow breath as your lungs were gasping for air. you would’ve passed out if it weren’t for him.
“did you really like that girl dancing against you?” you blurted.
stefan tilted his head, chuckling. “no, i did not. and also, that’s really the first thing you’re going say after our first kiss.”
you shrugged. “a girl’s gotta ask.”
“well, then, no, i did not. i was trying to make you jealous.”
“well, good job, because it worked,” you snorted.
“yeah. i’m sorry again for making you cry. that was unfair.”
“it’s okay. i now know that you were just being a scared jerk,” you smirked.
“yep, that’s me,” he chuckled.
you hummed contently, placing your head on his shoulder. stefan resumed rubbing your back, setting back onto the floor again. it only took a few minutes for you two to doze off. you awoke again to the sound of laughter.
you opened your eyes, confused as you saw your friends standing over you.
“man, i thought you two were going to have sex, but this is worse!” damon cackled.
you grimaced, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
“shut up, damon. at least i know how to treat a girl right,” stefan muttered.
everyone but damon snickered. damom crossed his arms, glaring at his younger brother.
“i do know how to treat a girl right. right, elena?” damon asked.
“mm, i’m not so sure,” elena said with a shit-eating grin.
“okay, you all suck. i’m out!” damon walked out of the storage room, leaving only you two with elena and bonnie.
“so, did you two make up?” bonnie asked.
“yep,” you nodded. “and we are going on our first date tonight,” stefan added.
your head whipped up to him in surprise. “really?”
“yeah, if that’s okay with you.”
“oh, it’s more than okay,” you grinned.
“well, just don’t fall asleep on each other during the date,” elena smirked.
you rolled your eyes. “we aren’t rabbits like you and damon!”
“okay, and like damon, i am out!” elena exclaimed, walking out of the storage room.
“they’re children,” you rolled your eyes.
“so were you two last night, but i’m glad you made up,” bonnie said.
“thanks. us, too,” you smiled at stefan.
stefan returned the expression, leaning in and kissing you softly.
“ew, okay! i, three, am out. please don’t have sex on this dirty floor,” bonnie stated before leaving.
“wanna have sex at my house?” stefan whispered.
“buy me dinner first!” you scoffed. “what about breakfast?” stefan cocked his brow.
you pursed your lips in thought. you couldn’t help but grin.
“i think that would be lovely.”
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multifandomimagines · 3 years
Obvious - A Kai Parker Imagine
Characters: Kai Parker x Reader
Word Count: 2285
Summary: Kai and the reader go to a party at the Salvatore house, but they can’t keep their hands off each other.
Warnings: Alcohol, suggestive comments, making out
Written by: Josie
A/N: First imagine! Really hope you guys like it, we’ll be posting more like this soon so be sure to check out our page to help us get going! x
Disclaimer: Gif isn’t ours - credit to who it belongs to.
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Kai and Y/N didn’t have what was known as a typically conventional relationship. A witch with unlimited power and a somewhat insane siphon, both with a thirst for chaos and excitement? I mean, causing mayhem together isn’t usually on most people’s date night ideas list.
The Salvatore house was once again home to a massive Friday night party, courtesy of Caroline Forbes’ charm over Stefan, who reluctantly agreed to let her use their house as the venue. Only one of the couple was technically invited, as Y/N was best friends with the hostess. The others weren’t exactly thrilled at Kai appearing by her side with a wide grin when they arrived, but they wouldn’t object. For now at least. Not when he brought enough snacks and drinks for at least ten people.
A few drinks later, and the two witches were almost ready to let loose on the unsuspecting partygoers. What they were planning wasn’t quite as extreme as Kai would have wanted, but Y/N was able to convince him of something both fun, and that wouldn’t kill her friends or land them in a magical coma of sorts.
“Come on,” Y/N giggled as she dragged her boyfriend by the hand away from the snack table and toward the middle of the room. Kai eyed the food with longing as he was taken away from it like he was being torn from his soulmate. He kind of was, really. “Dance with me.”
Turning back to his girl, he raised an eyebrow at her flushed expression. “How much have you had to drink?”
“Only enough to give me confidence,” She turned to face him when she reached her destination in the middle of the crowd, having forced herself and Kai through various sweaty bodies. Kai got smacked in the face by a dancing drunk blonde on the way, but Y/N’s grip on his hand was too strong to give him the chance to get angry at her.
Kai smiled and pulled her close as she wrapped her arms round his neck, beaming up at him. “I thought you wanted to cause some trouble?” He smirked, leaning close as he spoke. Y/N was already a little tipsy, but having him this close made her feel completely intoxicated. He was stronger than any alcohol she could drink, and she never got hungover after a hit of him, she only wanted more.
“I do, but can’t we just act like normal people at a party for a bit? And besides, I like this song!” She swayed with him as the bass boomed through the speakers, making it all the more intense.
“You know I’m not all that much of a dancer.” Kai chuckled at her moves; she was so carefree once she let herself go and her smile was enough to pull at the corner of his lips.
“You liar,” She hit lightly at his chest and looked up at him with a challenging fire in her eyes. “You dance all the time at home.”
“Okay yeah, but that’s not in front of everyone else,” His eyes drifted behind her as she cocked her head in confusion. “And your friends are watching us.”
Y/N turned her head to the side, still latched onto her boyfriend, and caught Damon and Elena keeping a watchful (and definitely judging) eye on the couple. Rolling her eyes, she turned back to Kai. “Let them,” She spoke, reeling him in with her gaze. He was basically putty in her hand. “Just pretend we’re back at home, dancing in the living room, just like we do at the weekends.”
A smile crept its way back onto Kai’s lips as the memory flashed against his mind. Saturday nights were traditionally romantic - they’d cook dinner together, cuddle on the sofa and watch tv, then afterwards he’d always somehow end up twirling her around the room with the lights dimmed until they couldn’t dance anymore, and he’d carry her upstairs to bed.
“Unless,” Her voice by his ear pulled him out of his reverie, looking forward to tomorrow’s date night and thinking about how well he was going to treat her. “You fancied going somewhere else?”
The hair on the back of his neck pricked up at her words, eyes snapping to hers, pupils dilated. His signature smirk appeared, quickly melting her down. “You know me so well.”
Grabbing her wrist, their roles were reversed as he dragged her out of the crowd this time, eyes darting quickly as they searched for somewhere to hide.
“Here,” Y/N said, pointing to a small storage cupboard. “No one ever comes in here.”
“Well then,” Kai said, pushing her inside and closing the door behind them. “You’ll be the first.”
In a flash, she was slammed against the door as Kai’s lips moulded with hers in desperation. He had needed this all night. He might be an expert at hiding it, since emotions had never really bothered him before, but the critical gazes of her friends made him uncomfortable. They made him start questioning every move he made, just because he wanted Y/N’s friends to approve of him and be happy that she’s with him. Kai Parker would never let stupid emotions get to him. Not like love. At least, not until her.
She sighed into his mouth as he took her breath away, her hands gripping his hair tightly while his held her waist firmly in place. His fingers slowly trailed up her shirt, brushing the skin underneath, making her shiver. Breathing heavily, her hands found their way to his chest as he pulled away from the kiss and moved his lips to her neck.
“Eager, are we?” She giggled, her voice thin from the exhilaration. She felt Kai chuckle in response against her skin, sending a tingling sensation through her veins.
“Impatient, actually. I want you now.” Kai trailed his lips down to her collarbone, and back up to her jawline.
Y/N was finding it harder and harder to think straight as Kai pulled away, his fingers tracing the faint marks he’d left on her neck. I’ll definitely have to add to these later, he thought. “What about the plan? Still want to cause a little chaos?”
Kai’s hand that was on her neck moved behind and into her hair, her head automatically tilting up to make capturing his lips easier. “To hell with the plan.”
Leaning in for another heated kiss, their lips had barely met when the door of the storage cupboard swung open and the two of them fell to the ground with a good thump, Y/N groaning as Kai’s whole body weight crushed her.
“Seriously?” Caroline stood over the couple with her hands on her hips, looking mostly irritated yet somewhat amused. The twinkle behind her eye when she looked at Y/N gave that away - she was always the most supportive of her dating Kai.
The female witch glanced sheepishly up at her friend, lightly shoving Kai to the side. The siphon didn’t even want to make eye contact with the blonde vampire. He was yet to familiarise himself with how to deal with awkward.
“Y/N, I thought I said making out in dingy cupboards was off-limits! Raise your standards,” Caroline eyed her friend, the ghost of a smirk lingering on her lips. After looking briefly at Kai’s embarrassed expression, she leaned in closer to Y/N and whispered, “If you guys want to have some fun then just leave. The party’s starting to clear out now anyway, and it’ll be a lot more fun than in a dusty old closet.”
She winked at her and strutted back into the crowd, not before giving Kai a light pat on the shoulder on her way past. She was right, the crowd was slightly smaller than before.
“God,” Kai sighed. “That was awful. I don’t like awkward, it’s my least favourite emotion so far.”
Y/N laughed at her boyfriend; he still discovers himself experiencing new emotions all the time, and she finds it oh so endearing to see how he reacts to the foreign feeling. “Well if anyone was to catch us, I’m glad it was Caroline.”
The tall boy looked at the girl he thought was an angel, although she didn’t quite see herself that way. Sometimes that made him sad, another feeling he didn’t particularly enjoy. “Let’s just get out of here,” He said, taking her hand and intertwining their fingers, something she always loved. “Bring the party back home, just you and me. We can pick up where we left off and no one will even notice we’re gone.”
Y/N grinned, happy that they were always on the same page. She took a step forward, watching as Kai’s eyes lit up more and more the closer she got to him. Their sparkle seemed to be directly proportional to his distance from her. “You just read my mind.”
It wasn’t long until Kai was driving his silver car back to their shared apartment, one hand on her thigh as it always was. She was his comfort blanket no matter what, and physical touch was Kai’s love language, so even when driving he craved some contact with her to keep himself sane.
Mostly sane anyway.
Eventually, they returned to the warmth of their apartment and wasted no time in latching onto each other. See, that was the thing about Y/N and Kai. She might be his comfort blanket, but he was hers too. When they’re apart it feels like two separate parts of a magnet, aching to be able to touch, see, feel the other, so when that ache is satisfied, it’s like a force unlike any other, and pulling them apart proves difficult as neither of them wants to ever be away from the other.
Their love for each other was obvious, you’d have to be blind not to see it. The only reason Y/N’s friends tolerated Kai was because they couldn’t deny the clear adoration and care he had for her. They’d tell her Y/N, he can’t be trusted, he doesn’t feel, he can’t feel love, but when you witness a love like they have, how could you ignore it? They’d almost come to a silent truce: Kai stays out of trouble and never hurts Y/N, and they’d leave him be. It worked for them.
What they had said about him not feeling love was true though, before. Kai thought that love was a wasted feeling - relationships crash and burn everyday, he’d said once, so why would he let it waste his time if he can’t one hundred percent confirm that it would be for life? Y/N came into his life like a wildfire spreading through dry forest, this new and unusual feeling coursing through him at an alarming pace, and it made him want to scream. He couldn’t understand why he was unable to shake this one girl out of his head, it was distracting him and he couldn’t concentrate, it was a nuisance.
But as time went on and he started wanting to make sure she was safe and happy, it became less and less of a burden to him. In fact, he started to revel in it. Any excuse he could find to see her, he’d take it. Any chance to protect her, he’d be there in an instant. He actually started to care, which baffled him at first because Kai Parker doesn’t care. But as he looked at her then, wind blowing her hair around her face, he didn’t mind it. Maybe caring wasn’t so bad, if it was this one girl he cared about. He decided then that he would dedicate all his emotion to her, all his care, all his time, all his love.
Love. When Kai realised he was in love, he wasn’t sure if he was awake or dreaming. Love was pointless, he told himself so. But he couldn’t bring himself to lie to himself any longer. It may have been pointless to him back then, but not now. Now, his whole reason for living was to make this one girl happy, this one girl who had managed to change a man so set in his old toxic ways. He loved her.
Y/N wasn’t sure if she’d ever definitely know that she was in love. I mean, how can you really know? Everyone’s experiences with love are different, and all relationships vary, so there’s not one set formula for it. Love is complex, and that was scary to her, because she didn’t want to let someone in thinking they’re her soulmate, and they end up breaking her heart. She’d made that mistake before, and she didn’t want to let the wrong person get to her again. But with Kai, there wasn’t a single question or doubt in her mind. This, this was what love was supposed to feel like. All that fear of allowing the wrong person into her heart had vanished in an instant, because she knew there would be no one else ever again now that she had Kai. He had taken up residence in her mind and there was no space for anyone else. He was her person, she knew, it was obvious. She loved him.
Back in the apartment with the two of them getting lost in each other, those intense feelings resurfaced. In that moment, it was just the two of them: no problems, no death, no prison worlds. Only the crystal clear love they had for each other that everyone could see. It even got them a bit of a reputation in the local supernatural community as the couple that defeated all odds.
The sociopath who learned to fall in love, and the witch that taught him how.
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arctickat2400 · 3 years
Decade Dance <> Damon Salvatore
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Dear Diary,
Ever since I met him, I knew there was a place for him in my heart. I like him, but does he like me back? I’m not sure. But I doubt it. How could a guy like him, ever like a girl like me? I guess I’ll never know.
I grabbed my backpack and rushed out to my car through the brisk, cool winter air. I was so late. I guess I lost track of time. I slam my door closed as I drove to school.
I grabbed my bag from the back seat and made my way into the Mystic Falls High School.
“Hey, guys,” I greeted my best friends, Elena, Bonnie and Caroline by our lockers that coincidentally happened to be next to each other.
“Hey, Y/N. You’re unfashionably late.” Elena pointed out, looking me up and down. I was quite tired from my lack of sleep last night, thinking about the man of my dreams. I guess it showed.
“Yeah. I just lost track of time, and the lack of sleep didn’t help much either.” I confessed.
“So, are you guys going to the Decade Dance on Friday? I heard it’s gonna be epic.” Caroline exclaimed.
“Care, it’s only gonna be epic ‘cause you made it epic.” I told her, a bright red blush coming to her cheeks.
“Well, Stefan and I are definitely going. He asked me just last night and today we’re gonna be looking for tuxes and dresses.” Elena smiled excitedly. She and Stefan have been together for awhile now. I always kind of envied Elena ‘cause she’s dating a Salvatore. I want a Salvatore.
“Even though he doesn’t go to school, I invited Enzo to the dance. I thought it’d be nice to bring him. He never gets to do this kind of stuff.” Bonnie mentioned.
“How ‘bout you, Y/N?” Caroline questioned. My mind must’ve wandered off somewhere ‘cause the only thing I heard was my name. My head shot towards my friends.
“Hm?” I hummed in question, looking at my friends wide eye, my lips in a straight line.
“Are you going? To the dance?” Caroline repeated.
“Um… no. I don’t think so. I mean, I have no one to go with. So, nothing for me here. But, how ‘bout you, Care? Who are you going with?” I put on a fake smile, added with a question.
“Ugh! Don’t even remind me. I had made a deal with Klaus to go on a date with him in return to save Tyler. So, this is my gift to him. Not gonna be the best night, but like I try, I’m gonna make the best of it. Probably gonna ignore him the whole time anyways.” Caroline laughed as Elena, Bonnie and myself joined in.
“Anyways, we should probably get to class.” Bonnie suggested.
Just as we turned around, the two Salvatore brothers appeared, both with their famous smirks on their faces. And of course, my eyes went straight to Damon and his mysterious smirk.
“Damon, what’re you doing here? You don’t go to school.” I pointed out.
“Y/N, Elena, we need to talk.” Stefan said, both ignoring my comment. Thought, I couldn’t take my eyes off Damon. And I could swear he kept stealing some glances at me. No doubt would I be blushing at this point.
“But, how ‘bout us? We’re just as important as they are.” Caroline shouted.
“This doesn’t include you, Blondie. Now scram.” Damon told them, using one of his nicknames, as Caroline and Bonnie made their way to our first class.
“So, what’s going on?” Elena asked.
“A hybrid found out about Y/N and found out about the dance on Friday. He’s making a plan to hunt her down and he won’t hesitate to make his move. So, we need to be ready.” Stefan explained, his arms crossed over his chest.
“Well, as scared as I should be, I’m not. I can take this dude with my bare hands. Now, we need to get to class. No matter how much I hate school and want to skip class, nothing will get me out of detention this time. C’mon, Elena.” I told them, pulling at Elena’s arm to follow me as I begin to our class.
“Hold on there, Kitty.” Damon began with one of my favorite nicknames for me.
He pulls me back to my original place as I let go of Elena. I just give him my glare, my glare of annoyance and impatience. He always ignored my glares though.
“If this guy is coming for you, we have to watch over. So while you’re in class, Stefan will watch over you from there and I will be outside, listening in to everything that’s happening to you and watching for any suspicious dudes, just in case this hybrid gets too eager and comes for you today.” Damon explains.
“Well, thanks for the concern, but I don’t need to be babysat. Now, goodbye.” I told him, taking Elena once again and leading her towards our class. We got there with a minute to spare.
Damon’s POV
I waited outside, listening in on Y/N. She’s been acting weird lately. Weirder than usual. She keeps pushing me away, but all I’m doing is trying to look after her and keep her safe.
And there was no doubt that I had feelings for her. She’s the most amazing person in the universe. She’s so beautiful, and she has so much sass. She’s so unique and I love her.
The last bell rang for the end of the day. I leant back on the wall at the front of the school, waiting for Stefan, Elena and Y/N.
Just as they were supposed to be getting out, I heard a familiar voice. Y/N.
“Hey, Ty. You’re looking hot today. Is that a new shirt?” Y/N smiled confidently. What was she doing?
I looked over at her. She stood by Tyler Lockwood at a picnic table. He stared at her with wide eyes, looking her up and down. I knew what he was thinking.
Just as I was about to start walking to her, Stefan and Elena walked up.
“Hey, Damon. What’s going on?” Elena questioned, spotting the annoyed look on my face. My annoyance toward Tyler Lockwood was getting to me again.
“We’re going to the Grill.” I demanded just before walking towards Y/N.
I sat on one of the picnic tables, waiting for my friends. Just then, I heard the voice of my friend Tyler. He walked up to be with a smile on his face.
I always thought that, since there’s a 100% doubt that I would ever have a chance with Damon, I should maybe think about seeing others.
I always had crushes on my guy friends, some including Tyler, Matt, and Jeremy. But Jeremy was more of a brother to me. So, nothing could be done there.
“Hey, Ty. You’re looking hot today. Is that a new shirt?” I smiled confidently at him, running my hand over his chest and looking up at him.
He just smiled down at me.
I knew Damon could listen in but that was his problem.
Just then, before Tyler could say anything, I felt something clutch my arm and pull me away from Ty.
“We’re going to the Grill, Y/N.” I heard Damon say as he pulled me towards my friends Stefan, Elena, Caroline and Bonnie. I just went with it.
We all drove to the Grill, meeting up at our usual booth.
We all ordered our usuals, burgers and fries to share. After Matt had taken our order, he went back to the bar. So, I decided to go talk to him. It feels like I haven’t talked to him in forever. He’s always been my best friend.
“Hey, Matty.” I smiled at him.
“Hey, (Your Nickname). What’s it gonna be today?” Matt smiled back at me.
“You know what I want.” I kept my sweet smile.
“Bourbon with a shot of vodka. As always.” Matt was already creating my drink.
“You know it.” I giggled and he just smiled. I always had a crush on Matt, more than anyone else. He’s always been there for me, and I always felt a connection with him.
He gave me my drink, setting it in front of me.
“So, Y/N,” He began.
“So, Matt,” I mimicked. He just laughed as I took a sip of my drink.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you something, but I was afraid of what you were gonna say.” Matt continued.
“What is it, Matt? Is everything okay?” I asked, repositioning in my bar stool.
“Well, I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the Decade Dance… with me.” He hesitated just a bit.
I was really hoping Damon would ask me, but why would I ever think that he would? I looked back towards our booth and just as I looked at Damon, knowing he would be listening in, I saw him dodge my glance and look back at our friends.
I just barely giggled.
I wanted to go with Matt to the dance. Not to make Damon jealous, but because I really wanted to go with Matt.
“Yes. I’d love to go with you, Matt.” I smiled up at him.
“Great. It’s a date.” Matt said excitedly. I always had the thought that Matt liked me, along with that thought that no one liked me. So I’m not sure.
Matt leaned in and kissed my forehead. He always did that. I giggled, taking my drink and walking back to my friends.
Damon’s POV
Y/N had gone over to talk to Matt for some unknown reason. I tried not to listen in, knowing Y/N would know. But, one thing Matt said had caught me by surprise.
“Well, I was just wondering if you wanted to go to the Decade Dance… with me.” He asked Y/N.
What?! Matt wanted to go to the Dance with Y/N?
Wait. Why would I care? It’s not like Y/N would ever want to go out with me. Nothing to act all jealous about.
But the thing is, I wanted to ask Y/N to the dance.
I stared at her sitting at the bar. After Matt asked the question, I saw Y/N’s head begin to turn. Once she was looking back towards our friends, her eyes met mine, but I tried not to be too suspicious. I shot my head back to our friends, trying not to bring to much of her attention to me. I hope she didn’t catch me staring.
She looked back at Matt.
“Yes. I’d love to go with you, Matt.” But once she answered yes, I knew it was too late. My face fell.
She began walking back to the table, her drink in hand, as our eyes made contact as I stared into her beautiful, sparkling blue eyes. She made her way to us, sitting in her spot next to me as she began talking to our friends.
She told them how Matt asked her to the dance and how she said yes and all that shit, but I tried to ignore it. ‘Cause once the night of the dance comes, my girl will be gone.
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Dirty Secret
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Requests: “91 and 99 with Enzo from the prompt list please?”
“Y/N...please just give Enzo some time. He’ll text you when he’s ready.” Damon argued on the other line. “Don’t roll your eyes either young lady I know you did.” That���s exactly what she did. “Look he’s going through a rough patch right now and it’s not really my business to tell. He’ll tell you when he’s ready. But he did tell me to tell you he loves you very much.”
“Wait...Damon please...” She begged and covered her eyes with her hand. “Just wait a second...”
“Mhmm bye bye now.” And like that she was off the phone. Wow. Damon hung up on her. She’s really going to slap him next time she sees him. Regardless she had to grab her keys and get ready for her last day of school before summer vacation. She smoothed down her sun dress and smiled in the mirror, flipping her beautiful long hair over her shoulder and fixing the strap of her bag over her shoulder and bouncing down the stairs, out the front door and to her car.
The ride to school felt like it was a long one but in reality it was only ten minutes. This last day of school was supposed to be the best. She was going to take her last final, say goodbye to her friends and favorite teachers and then Enzo was going to bring her to dinner as a congratulations to moving up to her senior year the next coming fall. 
But he wasn’t talking to her. Yes it hurt and yes it had been a whole four days since she had saw him last. And that was only for a brief five minutes where she had to pick up her clothes she left in the Salvatore’s house when she stayed with them for the weekend. She didn’t take his absence personally but figured it could have been something to do with the both of them as a whole. 
Damon Salvatore and Stefan Salvatore were like her older brothers and they had introduced the both of them at a party they hosted for Elena and Caroline. Bonnie couldn’t make it for some odd reason and originally she was just going to hook up with Kai just because he’s insanely attractive and was staring at her the whole night from the dessert table. But then Enzo came along with the brothers and his accent melted her heart and he charmed his way into scoring her as his girlfriend. That was already a whole year ago. 
Y/N put her car in park in her parking space and grabbed her bag and keys, making her way to her only class of the day. Every body seemed so happy, there were footballs being thrown across the front lawn of the school, girls cheering and giggling, guys laughing and punching at each other. All the while Y/N climbed the stairs to the front of the school and made her way to her locker to start cleaning it out before the first bell rang. 
The main hallway was crowded, nobody really cared or knew where they were going. Until a smaller crowd cleared in front of her locker she was headed to and Enzo was standing by her locker. Nobody seemed to notice him and he looked normal. Like there was nothing wrong at all. She made her way to him and now she realized just how agitated she was with him. “Well good morning Gorgeous.” He complimented but she just stared up at him waiting for an explanation. 
There was a silence between the both of them until he spoke again. “There was no excuse for my absence Y/N. I apologize, I needed time away and...”
“Let’s not do this here. Please.” She whispered. The bell rang and kids were pushing by to get to their first class. In just a few moments they had the hallway to themselves. “I do want to talk about it-” She unlocked her locker and grabbed her textbooks to turn in. “But I have a last day to get to and an exam to take. And all of a sudden my boyfriend wants to be my boyfriend again.” 
She slammed the locker shut. Enzo gently grabbed her arm, his hands were ice cold. Instead of sparks like normal she just felt frozen on the spot. She ripped her arm away. That had never happened before. “What the hell was that Enzo?” 
He clapped his hands together, pressing the palms close and then ran one hand through his hair. “Love, look...if you’ll let me explain...”
“Enzo really...you ignored me for four whole days. I’m pretty sure your explanation can wait two hours.” She didn’t mean to sound harsh and she didn’t even think she was this upset about it until she saw him for the first time in four days. 
Now she was just expressing her disappointment. Enzo chuckled as she tried to brush by but he slapped his hand against the locker door. Y/N’s eyes widened and she jumped. He realized he may have scared her some and removed his hand from the locker, and they both noticed the dent his hand had left before. “What the hell is the matter Enzo. You’re different.” She backed away from him slowly. 
Enzo stepped toward her. “Love...there’s nothing different. I’m still me. It’s me, Enzo.” He reassured her and tried to grab for her arms again to caress her. But she remembered the cold chill he’d inflicted on her and she pulled away just before he could touch her. 
“Look, I get out in two hours. Okay? We can go right to lunch and you can explain to me what happened...if you’re acting like this because I sounded rude that’s not what I had in mind.” She tried to brush by again but this time he stepped in her way. “Enzo...”
“Y/N it’s a silly test.” 
“Enzo...it’s to help me pass so I can get to senior year. We’ve already had this discussion.” She says and Enzo huffs. “Okay look I’m not arguing so let me get to class-” 
“I’ve been going against a lot of rules dear, all to make sure I could come see you today.” He grumbled, walking at her and matching her steps as she walked backward away from him. “So many rules.” He whispered to her. 
Y/N’s back hit a locker and she peered up at Enzo who was towering over her. “W-what rules? I-”
“It’s been a rough four days Lovey and I’m not supposed to be here until I’m all better.” His hand was shaking as he reached up and placed his ice cold hand on her neck. She flinched away from his cold hand. “I can assure you I’m not better but I just had to see my girl.”
“Enzo you’re scaring me.” And just like that Enzo retracted his hand away from her neck and they just stared at each other. He looked down at his finger tips where they had just traced her carotid artery just under her perfect, smooth flesh on her neck. How satisfying it’d be to bite into...how warm the skin is and how warm the blood was that flows underneath, just into the vein. If he punctured it right, he could control that blood flow. Damon taught him that years ago. 
The thought of the warm blood trickling down his throat made his stomach twirl, his face was warm and his gums were throbbing. “Why do your eyes look like that?” Enzo looked up and realized he was seeing red. Y/N pressed herself up against the locker further. Enzo opened his mouth to say something, instead tiny daggers freed themselves from his gums and the network of patterns crawling under his eyes almost distracted her from the fact his eyes were a dark red. 
She held a hand to her mouth to keep herself from screaming and she felt like she was about to faint. Her legs buckled and Enzo caught her before she hit the ground. Her books and bag fell with several loud bangs. Her breathing was heavy, its all she heard instead of Enzo assuring her to breathe and when she looked up he was normal again. His eyes were the beautiful brown she fell in love with and his face was the smooth, perfect skin she was familiar with. And his teeth were straight and pearly white, definitely no fangs to be found. 
She was wrapped in Damon’s fuzzy blanket, sitting in front of the fireplace thinking about everything. Questioning herself, questioning her friends. But there were no tears. Not yet. The fire burned, crackling in front of her and she could feel the warmth heating up her face. That was until somebody was standing in front of her. When she looked up it was Damon. He handed her a cup of water and didn’t say much. 
He took a seat on the ottoman next to her and stared into the flames with her. “He thinks you hate him.” He said quietly. Y/N could never hate Enzo, even though she should now. “I know you don’t. But I think he needs to hear it from you.” Damon looked over and waited. For any kind of response. 
Y/N finally looked over and Damon could see the emotion on her face. It was all hitting at once. “Those people that die? That are killed? Who did that Damon.” It wasn’t even a question. “Did Enzo do that?” 
“You know Enzo hasn’t made a kill since he’s met you.” He admits quietly.
“Is that supposed to make it better Damon?!” She shouted. “None of this is okay! And you guys couldn’t even have told me sooner! I thought we were closer than that?!” Here come the water works. To her right Stefan took a seat next to her with his head low. 
“I’m sorry Y/N.” Damon fixed his jaw. “I don’t know what else to say.” 
“There’s nothing else to say. It turns out that the people who I thought were my second family...I don’t even know them.” She choked. “I don’t know any of you people.” 
Stefan sighed. “Well of course you do.” He caressed her hair. “We’re a family...”
“You all have had so many life times to change yourselves. I don’t know any of you.” She sniffled. 
Stefan pulled her close. Enzo watched from a distance with his head resting against the door frame of the parlor. Caroline and Elena joined in and watched as the brothers did their best to ease their friend’s mind. “That’s the thing Y/N. No matter how hard we try to change ourselves our old lives come flooding right back in. The Enzo you know is the Enzo we know.” Stefan whispered but the vampires watching in the distance heard it loud and clear.
“Stef, maybe we should give them privacy.” Damon stood and Stefan kissed Y/N’s forehead before leaving her alone. Or so she thought. As quickly as the brothers left Enzo appeared and took Stefan’s place. The crowd was gone and it was just the both of them left with raw emotion. 
“What happened...in those four days.” Y/N hissed. “That you had to stay away from me?” 
Enzo steepled his fingers under his chin. “I lost control.” He answered simply. “I almost killed somebody for the first time in a year and I knew if I did I wouldn’t be able to look at you ever again without my guilt eating me alive.” 
Y/N sucked in a sharp breath of air. “So vampires feel guilt?” 
“So much that we sometimes have to shut it off.” He said quietly. “It’s like a switch and when we flip it there is no more pain. No more suffering.” 
She shifted and made the first move to look over at him. “What else can you do?” 
Enzo thought for a long second and then looked over at her. She was so vulnerable, so helpless and scared. Yet so beautiful. “We can control minds. If you’re trying to get at killing, we don’t have to kill to stay alive. I’ve been using blood bags from the hospital...” 
“Have you ever wanted to...”
“No.” He answered quickly. “I have never wanted to hurt you, Y/N. Seeing you like this...” He ran a hand through his hair. “It’s killing me to see you this way.” 
There was a silence. “I’d like to be alone.” She whispered and Enzo paused, and said no more and left her alone in the parlor. She cried and hugged the fuzzy blanket closer to her body and felt the fire warm her face once more.
Y/N rolled over when her alarm clock was ringing like mad in her ear and slapped the top of it to turn it off. She stared at the ceiling. Her first week into her summer break and she was feeling down. She wrapped her blanket around her shoulders and made her way to the bathroom. She stared at herself in the mirror and to be honest she felt and looked like trash. 
She hadn’t talked to any of the Salvatores, or Enzo, even Caroline and Elena or Bonnie in a whole week. The thought of Enzo being alone made her stomach turn. This wasn’t easy on the both of them and she knew that. But how could she face him when she made it clear to him he was dangerous? 
He begged her not to walk out that night. But she did. She left him and whether he cried or not afterward was on him. Or maybe he had to turn off his humanity like he explained? Did she mean enough to him for him to feel like he could? 
Y/N made her way downstairs and rummaged through her fridge. A knock on the door interrupted her and she rolled her eyes. The sun shined through the door and it was too bright for her liking. When she opened the door, Caroline stood there with a bag in her hand and a huge smile on her face. 
“I know you said you didn’t want to see any of us right now but I don’t care. A friend is still a friend and honey you need a whole makeover.” She glanced down at Y/N’s un-shaved legs and tried her best not to comment. “And um when was the last time you used your shower?” 
Y/N rolled her eyes and began to close the door. “Goodbye Caroline...” But Caroline pushed the door open and made her way through the house. “Right...” She watched the blonde put her bags down on the dining room table. “I forgot...you’re all invited in so even if I want to ignore you I can’t.” She made her way to the table where Caroline was setting up boxes. 
“What is all of this?” 
Caroline turned to her friend and was just so happy and giddy it made Y/N want to puke. “I brought my makeup kit, a uh...super good razor for those legs and I’m sure those armpits need it too, I bought you a new outfit. And Ben and Jerry’s ice cream just in case we need a good cry today I will eat this with you.” 
Y/N almost cracked a smile. “A good cry? For what?” 
Caroline giggled. “If I’m giving you a makeover and you have that attitude? Please. And if you start talking about Enzo while I’m doing so...yeah we’ll need the ice cream.” She un-packaged the ice cream pints and shoved them in the freezer. 
“Okay...what’s the occasion?” She asked while looking through the bags. 
“Puh-lease, Y/N. Anyone knows you’ve been locked away in this house for the past week thinking about Enzo. God knows he hasn’t come out of his bedroom since you walked out on him. Stefan says he won’t even take a blood bag. And that’s a new record. Trust me he’s never one to turn food down.” Y/N swallowed the lump in her throat. “So I’m going to make you smoking hot again, and you’re going to face your man. Makeup with him or make out.” She winked. 
“How are you so positive about all of this?” 
Caroline’s look became serious. “When I first turned into a vampire...it was really hard. Bonnie wouldn’t even look at me. Damon wanted to kill me and Stefan and Elena were the only ones who stood up for me. My mother found out, she couldn’t take it so we had to compel her to forget just so she would talk to me.” Y/N looked at the ground. 
“So you know what it’s like when people walk out on you because you’re different...” Y/N concluded. 
Caroline nodded. “I’m not telling you you don’t have to remember everything that’s happened since Enzo came to town or when you started putting two and two together. But Y/N you have a good man and he loves you so much. He’s still the same Enzo you fell in love with. I mean does him being a vampire really change anything in your heart at all?” The way Caroline held her hands made her feel safe and comforted. 
Y/N sighed. Caroline was right. “Make me hot again.” She grinned and Caroline responded with an eager clap of her hands. 
Y/N took it upon herself to find Damon’s hidden freezer of blood in the basement as a peace offering to Enzo. She never expected ever in her life she’d have to hold a blood bag and here she is in front of his door, waiting to knock. She smoothed her blouse out and tucked her hair behind her ear. How could this be so nerve wracking? Since she was the one who basically cut it off? 
She swallowed her heart back down and made three knocks. “Currently dying. Be with you in a jiffy.” Sounded from inside. Y/N pushed the door open and Enzo was found inside, laying on his back across his bed. His eyes were closed. “Typically that means go away...” He paused and then opened his eyes and glanced at the door. Y/N quietly closed the door behind her and waited for a greeting. Or any kind of response to her presence. 
Enzo couldn’t believe how beautiful she looked. Did she not care at all? “I came to talk.” She admitted softly. “About everything. About you, about us, about what I said.” She swallows the lump in her throat. “But you have to understand that the way I found out...” They look at each other for a split second. “Enzo I love you. Okay? I love you.”
His heart flipped in his chest only she couldn’t hear what she did to him. The corner of his mouth lifted with a half smile. “I’ve thought it over…I want to be with you still. You being a vampire doesn’t change how I feel about you.” She finally admits. His ears perk up. “I thought this only happens in shows or really bad movies...” She trails off and hides her blush and smile with her hands on her forehead. Enzo sits up and crookedly smiles at her. 
“Don’t say anything else.” He whispers and when she uncovers her face he’s in front of her. Right, she forgot they can move silently and quickly. Now she looks up at him and Enzo places both hands on her neck. His touch was warm as opposed to his ice cold skin a week ago. 
He pulls her close and locks their lips together quickly and passionately. Y/N was the first to break away and clenched Enzo’s shirt in his fists. “I’m totally going to ruin the moment.” She whispers and he searches her face with amusement. 
“You’re still weary?” He asks. Y/N’s silence confirmed his thoughts and she closed her eyes. She had gotten so lost in their kiss that she forgot everything she was upset about and everything that he was. 
“I trust you Enzo. I do but I still can’t forget everything that’s happened in town. My friends lied to me.” She reasons. He nods after listening and thinks of what to say to her next but nothing comes. She is justified to be upset with them, especially him. “Everything that I feel for you is magnified now and I want to be with you more than ever. But it’s the lying I can’t take anymore. Do you have any idea what it’s like to be friends with somebody for so long and then find out they’re not who you thought they were?” 
He nods down to her. “I understand. Listen, Love, at the time it was your best interest to keep you out. If you are exposed to this there are risks...risks that I wasn’t willing to take.” 
“And what exactly is that?” She clutches his shirt tighter. Enzo tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and cups her cheek gently. 
“Enemies flood in by the dozen, oftentimes many more.” He says. “They will stop at nothing to weaken us as a whole. And Y/N if they knew you knew about me, this, us they would harm you to hurt me.” 
Y/N could tell this was hard for him to say. And suddenly fear rose in her stomach and she felt butterflies. Enzo could hear her heart beat quicken and shook his head at her. “I won’t let that happen, Y/N you will never know harm while I am here.” He then reaches down and grabs her hand, locking their fingers together. “And I’d never hurt you myself. Your friends adore you, please as hard as it is to understand we just wanted you safe.” 
It was hard to understand. Especially for a human mind. She didn’t have the responsibility to make sure others were safe so her intentions were always simple. “I can learn to accept it.” She says. 
Enzo smiles at her and presses their foreheads together. “There is so much I want to show you and to tell you. I won’t hold back.” 
Y/N nods and closes her eyes again and melts into his chest. This was where she felt the safest. And to be honest it just felt normal again. Nothing changed the way she felt about him. “Tell me.” She says softly. Enzo wraps his other arm around her waist and carries her to his bed and wraps her in a fuzzy blanket and lays his head on his pillow at the same time she does. He tells his stories while caressing her cheek until she falls asleep, listening to his calming voice and feeling back at home in his arms where she belongs.
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tellmeourstoryy · 3 years
Not that anyone cares to know but here is a list of my favorite ships from the shows I watch
Chuck: Chuck and Sarah. My absolute favorite ship ever!! The most pure and genuine couple ever. I love them with my whole heart
Pretty Little Liars: Spencer and Toby. Love them to death. The first ship I ever cared about and they’ll always hold a special place in my heart
Friends: Ross and Rachel. Obviously there could be some better writing between the two but I’m a sucker for this will they won’t they
Gilmore Girls: Rory and Dean... I know I know but hear me out I like Rory and Dean before he got married. I wish that he would have never got married and that they found each other again later down the line and ended up together. I realize they don’t work with the actual storyline they went with
How I Met Your Mother: Ted and Robin...I know but hear me out again I also wish the storyline would have been different. I thought Robin and Barney made no sense and were absolutely toxic. I wish Barney and Robin never got married and Ted and Robin both grew and found their way back together. But I do think it was terrible for him to have a wife and then kill her off basically just to put him and Robin together but that’s just bad writing.
One Tree Hill: Lucas and Peyton. I love them a lot and did in fact stop watching the show once they left because it wasn’t the same without them.
Revenge: Daniel and Emily!!! I don’t even care if you don’t agree cause they were absolutely adorable. I think she genuinely fell in love with Daniel and should have just been friends with Jack.
The Vampire Diaries: Stefan and Elena. Again Damon and Elena were toxic. Stefan ALWAYS put Elena first and they deserved so much better.
Prison Break: Sara and Michael. I don’t even remember any other significant ships from that show but they were adorable.
Hart of Dixie: Zoe and Wade. I really love them together and loveee to see both of their character development.
White Collar: Sara and Neal. I thought they were so cute together.
Baby Daddy: Ben and Riley. Don’t get me wrong I love Danny but I think Riley goes better with Ben. I loved Ben’s character development and seeing how much he changed for the better after Riley. I really did love them and am still upset they didn’t end up together.
Parks and Recreation: Leslie and Ben. Honestly this was hard cause I like several of the ships on that show but the absolute sweetness of Leslie and Ben makes them take the cake.
Dawson’s Creek: Joey and Dawson. I know that this is probably my most unpopular opinion but oh well. I do think there should have been some better writing leading up to it and things made better with that better writing though. Honestly I was absolutely so confused and shocked when she ended up with Pacey. Might have been the most upset I’ve been about people ending up together. I mean even if she would have ended up with no one or even Eddie but I was just really upset she ended up with Pacey. Sorry not sorry.
Once Upon A Time: Hook and Emma. Absolutely adore them. They are so pure and adorable and have character development and ugh I love them so much.
The Night Shift: TC and Jordan. I really liked them so much and am upset the show was cancelled before we got to see them get back together.
New Girl: Schmidt and Cece. Also hard because I also love Nick and Jess but if I have to choose it’s Schmidt and CeCe.
Bones: Booth and Brennan. Absolutely LOVE them.
Blacklist: Ressler and Liz. Honestly conflicted about this rn cause I don’t know if she deserves him but I have always liked them together.
Stranger Things: Steve and Nancy. I loveeee Steve and could not believe she got together with Jonathan. Like did everyone forget about him taking photos of her????
The Good Place: Eleanor and Chidi. Literally so adorable love them both sooo much. They deserve the world.
Psych: Shawn and Juliet. Seriously how cute are they?? I’ll go ahead and tell you... the CUTEST.
Grey’s Anatomy: Derek and Meredith. You already know I’m team MerDer because honestly who isn’t?
Arrow: Oliver and Felicity. So prefect together love them
The Flash: Barry and Caitlin. I saw Barry and Iris as siblings especially since Barry called him dad which is why I don’t ship that also I feel like she didn’t actually start to really like him until she figured out he was the flash. And I think Barry and Caitlin are super cute and honestly thought they were gonna date way back in season 1. But I’m content with them just being friends I just wish we could see some more of that friendship because they’re adorable.
The Walking Dead: Glenn and Maggie!!!!!! Love love love love them! What’s better than falling in love during a zombie apocalypse? One of the bests ugh my heart. That ending was too sad and definitely made me quit watching the show.
A Million Little Things: Honestly I don’t know rn. I still like Katherine and Eddie but that might just be because Katherine is my fav. I just wish he would have told her about the pills right away and how he was struggling or something. I just have a hard time rooting for him because he’s put Katherine through so much. And then Rome and Regina are so adorable. And I adore Gary and like him with Maggie and Darcy and like Maggie with Gary and Jamie. So yeah I’m all over the place with this one. Honestly can’t pick a fav but felt like sharing those thoughts.
Well this has been fun and there’s more shows and couples but that’s all for now
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Elena starter for @storieswrittcn​ (this may or may not have gotten away from me, Remember you said you like novella. I also took part of the ramble part one but altered it also)
We are outsiders Living inside a broken world We are outsiders And I know sometimes it can hurt But it gets better yeah we'll make it through We'll stay golden when we're black and blue We are outsiders But we're not hiding anymore This is who we really are
It had been fifteen years since she’d seen either of her brothers face to face. Fifteen years since Lee had spoken to the eldest. Fifteen years since she had thought of Mystic Falls, thought of all the ghosts that lurked within the town's shadows. Lee Salvatore had made it a habit to push anything regarding her brothers, that town, or their past to the deepest recesses of her mind. She had built life after life without them, embracing the warped gift of eternity. She hadn’t truly looked back after she’d transitioned. Finally able to become who she really was without the suffocating opinions of the church, her community, or her family.
It wasn’t an easy journey. Slow in it’s progression. Lee’s aunt had always told her she was a soul gifted before it’s proper time; her sexuality, the way she was born, her passion and skill when it came to art, her desire to see the world. None of it fit in the 1800’s. But as times changed pieces of Lee started to belong. Each change brought new opportunities, allowing Lee to start to put herself together. 
She was still an outsider, still judged--but what else would you expect living in a broken world? What didn’t fit into the neat little boxes of people’s minds, what didn’t fit the societal norm, was still given so much hate. The only difference was now there were those who fought for equality, unafraid to use their voices to promote change. Those people gave Lee hope, gave her strength. Finding those people throughout the last 145 years had shaped her.
Lee Salvatore was still an outsider, but she was also so much more. She was an artist, one with more alias’ than she could count on both hands. She was a college graduate, several degrees tucked away in a safe. She was a traveler, passports filled with stamps and a mind filled with memories she had never imagined to have. But most of all, Lee was finally able to look in the mirror and accept the person she saw; the youngest Salvatore was who she truly was. She held no more self hate. No more whispers of ghosts past haunted her. She was an outsider, but she wasn’t hiding who she really was anymore.
While Lee had taken the road of self discovery, her brothers’ hadn’t. They’d been living in a siblings quarrel, at least Damon was. Stefan suffered at every turn at their brothers hand whenever they fell into each other's orbit or Damon specifically sought him out. Lee was drugged into it whenever Damon crossed too many lines, risking their exposure to the world. 
Stefan had called her no more than seven hours ago asking for her help. There was a trail of bodies leading straight to town, ‘animal attacks’ that couldn’t be explained were catching the eye of news outlets. She hadn’t even known Stefan was back in Mystic Falls. When Lee asked him why he couldn’t just leave, he explained there was something holding him in Mystic Falls that didn’t allow him to--something that could finally give him a sense of belonging--and refused to believe the attacks were Damon. All he wanted was for Lee to be there with him, help keep the spotlight off their kind. The vampire might loathe her brothers, wanting nothing more for them to be miserable, but she wasn’t going to allow Damon to out them. 
Which is why Lee was driving down the main strip on her motorcycle. The town was busy; teens scattered across the storefronts trying to enjoy their last hours of summer vacation. She came to a stop at one of the only stoplights in town, rolling her shoulders dreading whatever was to come when she reached the boarding house. The youngest Salvatore felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand, a shiver going down her spine, every nerve ending coming to life in a way she hadn’t experienced in years. Lee let her head turn to the right, following the pull of whatever was happening.
‘What…” The lithe form of a brunette teen who was walking beside another girl was at the center of her focus. “Turn around.” Lee knew the brunette couldn’t hear her words. Her plea was answered as she turned, eyes almost searching. Those eyes, that’s what did it. “Who are you?” A horn from behind her snapped Lee out of her trance, for a nanosecond the two locked eyes. The vampire’s eyes hidden behind her aviators. The next Lee was pulling off, possibly faster than she should have been. Now she had the true answer of why Stefan refused to leave. 
Lee placed a few notebooks, her sketchbook, and a few pens into her satchel--the one she’d had since she was a teen; a gift from her aunt she’d never been able to part with. She glanced up at the ceiling hearing Stefan’s footsteps on the roof. A sigh left her lips, why had she agreed to this? She was roughly 160 years old and able to enroll herself in a Small Town America High School. It was ridiculous; a complete stalker move. There had to be other ways for Stefan to get to know this girl, if that’s even what he was truly hoping to do. For how Stef had explained the situation, Lee could tell he was only doing this because of Katherine.
Subconsciously her thumb started to play with the band of her daylight ring. She was thankful for the chance of life Katherine Pierce had given her but there was so much Lee wished was different. Shaking her head to break out of her thoughts she moved toward her closet to get dressed. Lee scanned through her options, To be me or be who society thinks I should be? It was a debate she hadn’t had in a long time. To make this work she couldn’t disturb the waters between her and her brothers too much. A short laugh left her lips, that was a joke. The three couldn’t be in the same room without starting something. As it was right now, it was just two of them. With that thought in mind Lee grabbed an outfit that would be her. 
Guys white wash skinny jeans that weren’t too tight to show her tuck, a grey and white hooded baseball tee that had a pocket on the left chest, her grey vans, and her black leather jacket she’s had since the 90’s. She finished the look with a black watch. One more look in the mirror and she was pocketing her phone with one hand and slipped her satchel over her shoulder with the other.
She knew Stefan would already be off. His stalker-like tendencies being on overdrive since the ‘animal attack’ last night after Lee had arrived. She ignored Zack who was in his office and headed to the garage, she wasn’t going to run to the school. There wasn’t anything wrong with arriving in style.
Stefan met her in the parking lot. Lee took her helmet off and ran her fingers through her hair, glancing at her brother, her own sunglasses covering her eyes. “Why do you always insist on dressing like that?” He asked, judgement clear in his voice. 
“This is me Stefan. You know that. Let it go. You asked for my help so take me as I am or I get on this bike and leave.” She told him. Lee wasn’t going to put up with his judgement. The world had given her enough of that. Plus her brother had already had his fair share of giving her judgement when they were younger. “I hope you know what you’re doing.” Lee stated, “This is definitely traveling into creeper status.” Stefan didn’t answer, just turned to walk through the crowd of students covering the lawn reconnecting after a summer away. She moved into step beside him, she knew they stood out; leather jackets, both well built and confident in their strides, the aurora of not giving a fuck rolling off them both. 
They finally found their way to the admissions office, standing shoulder to shoulder. Stefan handed over the file that was supposed to hold all they needed but Lee knew was missing more than a few things. She wondered which of the two would compel the woman. Stefan could but where all he drank was Bambi and Co blood who knew how long it would last. Lee sighs, she’s ready to make the move when something behind them stops her. The hairs on the back of her neck stood up, her nerves firing up again, and she felt that pull to turn around. She also could feel a warm buzz in the air, a witch.
“Hold up. Who’s this?” The first female says, the witch.
The secretary’s voice brings her back to what’s in front of her, saying exactly what she knew was coming. “Your records are incomplete. You’re both missing immunization records and we do insist on transcripts.” Lee glances at Stefan out of the corner of her eye. The last transcripts she had were college one's back in the 1980’s. She hadn’t done high school since the late 70’s and that was only to get into Yale. Their art programs the top in the country. 
Thoughts of the past make her miss her chance, Stefan is taking his sunglasses off, “Please look again,” Lee adjusts her satchel hoping Stefan can do this right. “I’m sure everything you need for both of us is there.” Lee chews the inside of her lower lip, her free hand moving to remove her sunglasses just in case. 
The secretary looks back down, “Well you’re right.” Lee tucks her sunglasses into the collar of her shirt as the woman looks back up at her brother. “So it is.” Stefan-1, Humanity-0.
“Thank you,” Stefan, ever the polite one, says. As they turn to go, Lee glances over at her brother’s schedule. Seems they have all but one class together--Lee has art and Stefan a creative writing course. That works.
“You’re welcome,’ The secretary says, her eyes landing on the two teens in the hall. “Ahh! Miss Bennett, Miss Gilbert I’m glad you’re here. Do you think you could show our two newest students around?” She stands up from behind her desk to walk around to the siblings. “This is Lee and Stefan Salvatore. I think they both have a few classes with you both.” Lee takes in who she now know as a Bennett witch, why the magic felt warm. She gives the teen a charming smile before the pull is to much, her head being forced to turn to the brunette beside her. The vampire takes her in, all she can see is someone new. Lee doesn’t see Katherine when she looks at her. “Hi,” The charming smile turning into a much softer one. “I’m Lee.” She offers her hand to the girl.
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phalliwellz · 4 years
A small rant on Forwood (and why I don’t like it as both a Tyler and Caroline stan.)
(Before I start I should say I very much like Tyler more than Caroline, so it honestly might show in this rant. Regardless, it’s not an attack on her character, more so how poor writing makes Caroline worse than she actually is. Anywho.) 
I legitimately cannot say one good thing about forwood. Except what @/hizziemikaelson actually made me realize was that it was Caroline’s best ship, but Tyler’s worst. Since the show likes to portray Caroline as everyone’s emotional savior, they very much knew what they were doing with getting them together. Ty was the patient, Care was the therapist. ‘Tyler has ‘anger issues’? perfect! Caroline will now be his entire rock because that’s her job and we don’t know how to write this character without EVERYONE falling in love with her in someway because we’re WEIRD!’ Like. lmao what? They made Caroline get so carried away with that shit that it turned manipulative. She subconsciously wanted him to be so dependent on her because someone wanting her for once? So unrealistic! (I say that sarcastically because it’s bullshit, but this is a forwood rant, not a Caroline rant.) and you best believe she used that to her advantage till the very end. She wanted Tyler to be nothing without her. And in the show’s eyes for a very great while, he was. Everything Ty did from s2 to s5 was ‘cause Caroline influenced it or wanted him to, unless it was related to his pack and even then he had to fight to be able to do that on his own. (Remember when she didn’t give two shits that his pack member died? (Inherently cause of Elena and Caroline wanted him to help her save her, might I add.) they made his happiness rely on her. Like I said, he was nothing without Caroline Forbes. Literally. Who swooped in when he was going through his father passing away? Caroline. Who was there when he found out his uncle died? Caroline. Who was DEFINITELY there when his mother died? Caroline. Which isn’t necessarily a TERRIBLE thing, but in this context it’s not cute/healthy, it’s dehumanizing. Because instead Tyler’s grief turns into her grief. We can only focus on Tyler if Caroline is mentioned/in the shot. It’s so fucking annoying, especially as such an extreme Tyler stan. I want to know about Tyler Lockwood, not Caroline Forbes and her werewolf boyfriend. But that’s what they did. That’s what they made forwood. They turned it into in the relationship only Caroline can excel at. He loved and cared for her and at most all she did was like his body and like the fact that he cared about her. I mentioned this before in a rant of mine but Caroline only started dating him because he actually listened to her yap all the time and showed her more attention than Matt ever did. (Without a fight atleast.) other than that, what else did they have? Vampire and werewolf, we’re to believe they despise each other and Caroline and Tyler are mystic fall’s answer to Romeo & Juliet? Fuck outta here. I know Caroline never cared about that boy because instead of actually being furious at Damon for killing him, it was, ‘He was my first love. *Conflicted but ready to get this over with frowny sad face*’ and my favorite ignorant bullshit line that she told KLAUS, ‘You were never the villain in my story.’ Oh, we know. We figured that out when you fucked him in the woods while you were supposed to love Tyler but you know, semantics :). 
It’s fucked because I could see the appeal? Like genuinely. Especially as someone who wanted THE BOTH OF THEM to be happy, it could’ve been the relationship where both of them shined, not just Tyler being Caroline’s boy toy and Caroline being propped up as ‘a soft uwu baby next to a bad boy with a mean temper and she has to calm him down all the time despite not being his registered therapist.’ They also wanted forwood to be the one good unrequited ship on the show and Caroline’s first great ship but that’s the problem, it was hers, not Tyler’s. Basically it was Caroline’s world, Tyler was simply living in it.
I feel like nothing defines forwood more than the scene where Tyler finds out Caroline slept with Klaus because everything from that is just them in a nutshell. Tyler trying to calm himself down/diffuse the situation because he doesn’t want to blow up, he knows it’ll hurt Caroline by doing so but he’s hurting, he needs an outlet. Caroline, who’s used to always being his outlet, is instantly threatened and actually doesn’t feel like she should be in the wrong for fucking Klaus, so suddenly she’s nervous and now she’s even more nervous because she can’t calm him down this time. Stefan, with his fat headed ass, instantly only sees Caroline being threatened and can’t even process being mad at her, he tries to defend Care, almost gaslighting Tyler into feeling like he’s the one that should be either apologizing or not taking it so hard. It was such a mess of a situation and such a pivotal moment I don't know how they even survived after that. It showed that forwood was so one-sided. No sex/grief scenes or declaration of love could’ve changed that. He fell in love with Caroline because she was all he had. She fell in ‘love’ with him because she was horny and needed a lap dog to heal her insecurities/wounds. No other reason. 
Personally I think they could’ve been more than what they were and could’ve been a great way to show Tyler’s development, Caroline’s development and even that julie & co. actually can make good relationships/have good writing. But unfortunately, none of those things happened except showcasing that Tyler Lockwood never mattered to anyone in the tvdu long before his death and Caroline Forbes is figuratively and literally the golden girl of tvd, despite them trying so hard to make her seem like she’s not. Tyler never stood a chance in that relationship.
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living dead ~ damon salvatore;the vampire diaries
word count: 2563
request?: no
description: when his friend falls ill and is thought to be dead, damon lives for centuries with the guilt of never admitting his true feelings for her, until he finds out she wasn’t completely dead
pairing: damon salvatore x female!reader
warnings: swearing
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She saw him coming up the walkway before anyone else. She recognized him even before she could see his face. She raced out of the house as quick as she could to meet him halfway, jumping into his arms and nearly knocking him over. Damon chuckled as he squeezed his best friend.
“I didn’t know you were here,” he said.
“Mother and I arrived yesterday,” she responded as Damon set her down. “I didn’t know you were discharged!”
“I didn’t tell anyone, not even father or Stefan. I wanted it to be a surprise when I arrived home. I had no idea I’d be the one who was also surprised. Are father and Stefan home?”
(Y/N) smiled brightly and took Damon’s hand in hers, pulling him into his own house as if he were the guest. When the front doors closed behind her she announced, “Mr. Salvatore! Stefan! Mama!”
Her mother was the first to come at her call, reminding her daughter, “(Y/N), I told you it is not lady like to yell!”
“But mama, it’s Damon!” (Y/N) said as her mother descended from the stairs.
Following closely behind was Stefan, the youngest Salvatore, who quickly raced down the stairs and into his brother’s arms. Mr. Salvatore was last, and he didn’t look as enthusiastic about his eldest son’s return.
“Hello Damon,” he said once Stefan stepped away. “What are you doing home so soon?”
“I was discharged, I wanted to surprise you,” Damon responded, trying to smile.
“Are you home permanently then?”
Mr. Salvatore was practically glaring at his son, which angered (Y/N). Mr. Salvatore could never be proud of his sons, or happy when they were around. He had to always be upset, to find the bad in every situation, to always make Stefan and Damon feel as though they were in the wrong for everything.
“I hope he is,” she spoke, drawing all the attention to her. “I’ve missed him around. It’s been so boring here without him.”
Damon and (Y/N) smiled at each other. Damon was grateful to have her there. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to handle his father, even with Stefan there.
Mr. Salvatore merely turned his glare to (Y/N) before addressing his son again, “We’ll have a special dinner to celebrate your arrival home. We will eat at 5:00 sharp, none of you be late.”
He turned to walk back up the stairs. (Y/N)’s mother smiled at Damon and welcomed him home before following Mr. Salvatore. The three youths were left, watching their parents go.
“I see he’s still a ball of sunshine,” Damon muttered.
“I think he has just gotten worse since you left,” Stefan responded. “It’s good to have you back, big brother.”
Mr. Salvatore sat at the head of the table with (Y/N)’s mother on the other end. Stefan sat on one side by himself while Damon and (Y/N) sat side by side on the other. Dinner was, as to be expected, silent and tense. (Y/N) kept trying to make conversation, asking Damon about his time away. However, it would always end shortly after Damon’s answer as no one would pick up the conversation.
“So,” Mr. Salvatore said, breaking the silence, “Damon, your discharge, was it honorable or dishonorable?”
“Father,” Stefan said, his voice warning his father not to upset his older brother.
“Actually,” Damon said, ignoring Stefan, “I asked to be discharged. I was tired of fighting a meaningless war.”
Mr. Salvatore dropped his utensils, causing them to clatter on the table. (Y/N) jumped at the noise. His face was red with anger as he looked down at his plate. “You...abandoned the war?”
“I asked to be discharged, I left by my own accord,” Damon responded. “There was so much I saw, it wasn’t worth it to stay.”
“You disrespected my family because you did not like what you saw at war?” Mr. Salvatore hissed.
“This is my family, too, father,” Damon snapped. “And it seems you are the only one who feels disrespected. I did not wish to stay because staying meant either two things; going insane or dying.”
“I think I would rather you dead than tarnishing our name like this.”
“You vile, heartless man!”
The outburst from (Y/N) surprised everyone, including (Y/N) herself. But she had witnessed so much of Mr. Salvatore’s abuse for years and she was fed up with it.
“(Y/N),” her mother scolded.
“No mama, I am sick of the way Mr. Salvatore treats Stefan and Damon! All they do is try to impress you, and all you do is shit on them and treat them like dirt!”
“You better watch your tone, young lady, you are in my house,” Mr. Salvatore scolded.
“I do not give a damn about your house, or you! You are a wicked, heartless man, and you deserve to - ”
(Y/N) stopped suddenly. She clutched her chest as breathing became harder and harder. Damon, Stefan, and her mother jumped from their seats as she fell over. Damon took her head onto his lap and leaned down so his eat was over her mouth and nose.
“She’s not breathing,” he said. “Get help!”
(Y/F/N) died the next night. Her mother refused to let any of the Salvatore men in to see her, insisting that she be the only one with her daughter in such a dire time. Damon begged her to let him see (Y/N) at least once, and sat outside her door until the news of her death.
A year later, the impossible happened and both Damon and Stefan became vampires. Damon lived for centuries with the guilt of his best friend’s death. Not that he had anything to do with her sudden illness, but he kicked himself for never admitting his true feelings to her. He wished he could’ve had at least one last moment to tell her before her untimely death.
Centuries later, Damon found himself in a much more modern Mystic Falls. While (Y/N) was definitely not forgotten, Damon had mostly moved on. He knew he shouldn’t be dwelling on her death for so long when he was going to live forever, so he tried his best to move on.
However, on one particular night, Damon was at the Mystic Grill with Stefan and a group of their friends when a familiar girl walked in. Damon’s eyes had crossed over her briefly, but then he quickly did a double take.
It was (Y/N).
Damon stood from the table before he knew what he was doing, drawing the attention of the group to him. He could hear his friends questioning what was wrong, but it sounded like their voices were muffled. The commotion caused her to look over at him and her eyes widened.
Next thing he knew, Damon was outside the Mystic Grill with his hand around (Y/N)’s arm, dragging her behind him. She yanked her arm from his grasp and rubbed the place he had been holding on to.
“You’ve gotten stronger,” she noted.
“You’re alive?” Damon questioned.
“Not really. I am dead, but just...living dead.” She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow at him. “Seems as though you’ve figured that out, though, considering you are also still alive.”
“I didn’t fake my death!” Damon hissed.
(Y/N) stepped back, her eyes wide. “Careful Damon, you’re starting to sound like your father.”
Damon sighed an ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m sorry. I am happy to see you, but you have to understand I thought you were dead for centuries. I’ve been grieving you for so long, I’ve gone years thinking that I would never be able to say a proper goodbye to you.”
(Y/N) sighed and looked down at her feet. “I know, I’m sorry. I tried to convince mama to let you come see me before my fake death, but she said it was too risky. She said there was a possibility that I’d change in front of you and then our cover would be blown and your dad would kill us. The only safe way for us to leave was for mama to tell you all that I had died.”
Despite her voice having changed to match that of modern times, she still had that slight accent that Damon remembered, causing him to remember the good days before she had “died”.
“Was your mom a vampire?” Damon asked. “I thought my dad had known her for some time, wouldn’t he had noticed she was never aging?”
(Y/N) shook her head. “She wasn’t my real mother. It’s...it’s a long story.”
“I have an eternity.”
(Y/N) couldn’t help but smile slightly at this. She nodded for him to join her and the two began to walk away from the thumping music of the Grill.
“Well,” she started, “when I was born I was a very sick child. My parents were told that I had an illness building within me, and at some point it would take over me and I would die, most likely young. My parents were devastated as I was their only child, but the nurse that was looking after me told them that she had a way that I would survive, the only catch was that I’d stop aging before the illness could take me, meaning they’d never truly see me grow old. The news devastated them, but they’d rather I live than to lose me. The nurse, mama, she took me in. She had always wanted a child but couldn’t have one because of what she was, so she Glamoured my real parents to forget that I was their child. She took me in and raised me, keeping a close eye on me to make sure that my illness didn’t get the best of me before she could put her blood in my system.”
“Wait,” Damon said, stopping her. “Your mother...that woman...she took you from your family?”
“It was for their own good,” (Y/N) explained. “For their safety. When I changed, I was blood hungry. I was so wild that mama could barley keep me tamed. She was afraid that I’d expose myself, that I’d get myself truly killed. She knew that if I stayed with my human parents when I changed that I would’ve attacked them and killed them. It was for their own safety.”
“What about my father?”
“At first, she had no intentions of leading the lives that my real parents led, but soon people began to wonder what happened to me. They all knew my real mom was pregnant, but then suddenly my parents didn’t have a child and couldn’t remember having one. So mama Glamoured everyone to think that she was my mom, and that my real parents were a completely different couple. When she was Glamouring your father, I was old enough to walk and I met you. According to her we were infatuated with one another, and it broke her heart to break us up, so she decided to make it seem as though she shared the memories my real mother did with your father so that you and I could remain friends.”
Damon smiled. “Your mother was always better to me than either of my parents were. I’m glad she liked us enough to want to stick around.”
(Y/N) smiled, too. “I’m glad, too. I can’t imagine living life worrying about when my illness would catch up with me and when I’d have to be turned.”
Damon looked over at her. She didn’t look upset, more reminiscent, like even the memories of the times she was sick were good ones. “Did you know? About being sick and your mom, I mean.”
(Y/N) nodded. “Yeah, when I got old enough she was very upfront about it all. It was hard to believe, the vampire stuff anyways, but she proved herself to me. It was scary, but I had the reassurance that she was there for me and that’s all I really needed.”
They walked in silence for a while. Damon wasn’t really sure what to say. What do you say to someone you thought had been dead for centuries? After taking so long to come to terms with her death, to finally try and start moving on, only to have her walk back into his life. It wasn’t something that had ever happened to Damon before, he wasn’t sure how to grasp all of this.
“I heard you outside my door those last two days,” she told him finally. “I heard you begging with mama to let you in, I heard you talking to me through the door in hopes that I’d hear you. I begged mama to let you in so I could say me goodbyes, but she said it was too risky.”
“She wouldn’t even tell us what was going on,” Damon said. “She just said you were sick, that you needed to be alone. And then, you were dead. It was...mortifying.”
(Y/N) stopped suddenly and turned to face Damon. “I am so sorry, Damon. I never thought...it didn’t occur to me how much this would’ve affected you. I thought...that you’d just move on.”
“I tried. I tried for so long. I didn’t really move on until a few decades ago, but even then it was hard to not see your face, to hear your voice. I regretted not being able to see you one last time. To tell you that I...”
The words trailed off. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at Damon. “What did you want to tell me? You have plenty of time for it now.”
This caused Damon to chuckle slightly, which brought a smile to her face. God, he had missed that smile so much. Damon looked down at the ground, knowing he couldn’t look (Y/N) in the eye as he spoke.
“I...I’ve loved you since we were young,” he admitted. Having the words out felt like a weight being lifted off of his shoulders. “I wanted to tell you for so long, I thought I had a long time to be able to tell you, but then you got sick and...I tried to get into that room to tell you, I wanted you to know before you died.”
(Y/N) looked at him in shock. She didn’t react for a long time, which worried Damon. He was sure he had ruined everything in that moment, centuries of loss and misery had been rectified and he was sure he had ruined it again.
But finally, she smiled and said, “What took you so long?”
Damon couldn’t help but sigh with relief, which turned into a laugh. “You mean, you knew?”
“No,” she responded, “but I’ve always liked you. I wanted to tell you, but especially after learning of my illness and what I was to become, I knew that I couldn’t. But, now we’re both immortal and we both have feelings for one another, so what do you think we should do about it?”
She was leaning into him. Damon wrapped an arm around her back, holding her to him. “Come back to the Grill and meet my friends. Tomorrow, I take you on a proper date.”
(Y/N) smiled brightly. “I’d love that.”
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kmze · 3 months
what is it with the friends to lovers tropes always facing baseless allegations like forced, came out of nowhere,x is OOC when she is with Y? Steroline wasn't the first and definitely not the last.Do you watch Bridgerton? Penelope and Colin or as fans call them Polin are going through something similar. LOL.I'm not even in that fandom but I've been reading some stuff and it's so cray-cray XD!
Oh let me tell you watching the Bridgerton fandom has been eye-opening into the fact that ship wars come down to one motivation and it's that people just want to argue! I mean the ship wars in Birdgerton aren't even about rival ships, the ships have no connection to each other each season, it is simply people arguing about which ship made them feel more than the other??? Which is fine you can have a preferred ship but like what is there to argue with people about that?
I actually mentioned this in a Polin giftset I had reblogged about how the arguments are always exactly the same when it's friends to lovers especially when the girl fell first. And I've seen so much similar "complaints" like when Pen asked Colin to kiss her because she'd never been kissed before and thought she never would be. I saw so many posts calling her pathetic for being vulnerable like that, which was exactly what people said about Caroline in S6 when she told Stefan why she had a thing for him (something he begged her to tell him why and how). I just think it comes down to internalized misogyny that people don't even realize is there because were so conditioned with hetero ships that the man falls first because it's about what he wants. No one ever calls Damon pathetic for his love confession to Elena in 2x08 or Klaus pathetic for his love confession to Caroline in 4x23 since at both times neither woman had indicated they wanted anything to do with them.
Polin and Steroline were both foreshadowed in the seasons before they happened, hell Polin is the only ship on that show that even had development before their season so it's so laughable that people say it came out of nowhere! It will also forever amuse me when people say SC came out of nowhere and is forced but they'll praise Bonnie/Enzo which literally happened IN A FLASHBACK EPISODE.
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