#i mean not stefan what stefan and elena had was real
realbeefman · 10 months
some people watched vampire diaries because they wanted to fuck the salvatore brothers i watched because i wanted the salvatore brothers to fuck. we are not the same
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theshipdiaries · 8 days
People always put Caroline on a pedestal like she is this pure vampire but she was NOT. She had a lot of darkness in her. A LOT. Even more than Tyler or Elena or Bonnie. She was just better at pretending and since she seems like this ray of sunshine people don't suspect it but... she was ok with killing all the originals, she was ok with killing Rebekah on s4, she was ok with Klaus killing a hybrid (Tyler's friend) she killed a few cops in season 2. She slept with Klaus even after all the horrible things he did to her and Tyler the guy she loved. She didn't care about Stefan's crimes againts humanity or him killing Enzo, she was generally not that innocent AT ALL. In my opinion Klaus saw that. He noticed and liked it and also her strength, how she could still have a good heart but use her darkness to her advantage and she inspired him. And how she was willing to put her morals aside for the people she loved. Because she was extremely loyal and he wanted to earn that loyalty. That's what he has always craved. At least in my mind.
What the writers had in mind is of no consequence.
And he knew that she wanted to keep her kids. HE WHO HADNT SEEN HER IN YEARS KNEW. When Stefan told him she was not their mother he was like ???????? Eres o te haces??? That look on his face always makes me laugh
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He was like *is this bitch for real?* I mean even Damon knew but he saw her more often than Klaus and he wasn't stupid like Stefan. When Stefan said "Caroline is staying in Dallas" Damon said "I saw that coming". How sad is it that DAMON knew Caroline better than STEFAN the guy who was her boyfriend at the time and had been her best friend for years.
Anyway... thoughts on Caroline's darkness?
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Klaus x human(later vamp)reader
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Centuries ago Niklaus Mikaelson had been told that one day he would meet his soulmate, he was told that she is real, that she would never hurt him, that she would be perfect for him and would love him forever. Niklaus never truly believed in love so when he heard about a soulmate that he would someday meet he told everyone off, love is a vampire's greatest weakness is what he had believed for centuries, even if he did indeed fall for her she would be seen as his weakness and used to get to him, so he pushed every hope he of finding and being with her even deeper inside of him, he told himself that he would be better off without her and as the years passed he believed it.
When Niklaus came to Mistic Falls he learned information from Kathrine Pierce about the doppelganger and her friends, he learned that she was closest to some girls called Bonnie,Caroline and Y/n, that she had the protection of the Salvatores, he thought that since he knew a lot about the doppelganger's life and was in Alaric's body he had the upper hand, he thought he couldn't be surprised.
So being ready to fool the doppelganger and her gang he went to school as Alaric saltzman, he entered the classroom sitting on the teachers desk,asking a student on the front what was the lesson they had done last, just before his world crashed. The doppelganger entered the classroom with his soulmate by her side, his soulmate was real, her face that he had seen in his sleep so many times,the face he had tried to forget and get out of his head for centuries, he could see her in front of him, she was even more beautiful up close. Y/n turned towards Alaric/Klaus "sorry we're late Ric-I mean Mr Saltzman" and he heard her angelic voice for the first time, he was so lost in her e/c eyes that he had almost forgot to answer. He shook his head to clear his thoughts "it's alright girls, you may sit" and so the lesson went on.
Klaus avoided her until he would decide on a way to deal with her, he got out of Alaric's body and did the ritual without knowing about Elena being alive. He collected Stefan and he was almost ready to leave there was one last thing he needed to do last. He thought that it would be better if he could make Y/n fear him, she wouldn't bother him, she wouldn't hurt him, after all he was a monster and couldn't be loved, although deep down he knew he was about to probably make the biggest mistake of his life, but chose to push the feeling away, after all it was for the better.
And so he waited until the sun set down knowing she would go out, when she got out of her house for her daily walk he pushed her in a near by alley. He heard her heartbeat increase, but it came back to normal when she saw him, why wasn't she afraid of him "Klaus are you alright?" She asked him with worry,why does she care about him she doesn't even know him, she is a good person "Do you need help?" She just had to make this even more difficult, he thought to him self, but it had to be done.
Klaus grabbed her by her throat and slammed her against a near by wall, chocking her, her heartbeat was racing again, he suddenly felt guilty and for a second his hand almost let go of her, but he had to continue, she would only hurt him. And so his grip became ever tighter, cutting all her air supply, her face turned red,tears were running down her face, her eyes filled with fear and tears "You will stay away from me, you will not EVER come near me or I'll kill you, you won't even see another day on this earth if you see me and don't run. This is your one and only warning. Am I understood?" She nodded with all the strength she had left. He let go just before she would die, she crawled backwards holding her throat and gasping for air. And just like that he was done and vamp-speed away from her.
Klaus left with Stefan to make hybrids, the way she looked that night will be forever staying in his mind reminding that it is his fault that she was in that state. Y/n went to her house that night but she was scarred for life, what if he came back to finish what he started when she was was asleep, she was mess and so she called Damon, her best friend.
Damon was really worried from her tone and rushed towards her house as fast as possible, he could hear sobs from outside her house, he got in and run to her room. As soon as he saw her with a bruised neck and tears he wanted to kill whoever did this to her. He got in bed with her and calmed her down, after she was calm she explained everything that happened to Damon and he was furious.
Since she was feeling so unsafe on her own Damon took her with him to stay at the Salvatore house, it hurt him to see and hear her screaming seeing Klaus killing her in her sleep. Y/n couldn't go back to her life, she was too scared to and she needed to be able to protect herself, so she asked Damon to turned her, he didn't agree at first but eventually she got him to do it.
Little by little Y/n was becoming her self again, she was happy, until the high school prank day, she was excited about it and when she came to the gym after gluing Alaric's desk, she opened the doors only to meet Klaus Mikaelson and Tyler with hybrid eyes. She tried to run but was soon caught by Klaus who took her inside.
Throughout the summer Klaus had been thinking about her, he had been trying to push the guilt aside but it was nearly impossible, he was seeing her in his dreams she was scared of him and telling him that she hates him. He would wake up in the middle of the night screaming her name. He had visited a lot of witches and all assured him that she would never hurt him, but after what he did they were not sure if she would ever want to be with him. He even asked a witch to show him their life if he had not done that and after seeing that, he knew he had given up his only chance of having everything he ever wanted. He just kept thinking of her more and more and one day he felt a pain that he had not felt in his entire his entire life, it felt like dying all over again.
When he saw her infront of him after all this time she felt relieved but then he saw the look on her face, she was terrified of him, she tried to run but he grabbed her and pulled her inside the gym, the moment he let go she rushed towards Damon, hugging him . It hurt him to see that, but what bothered him the most was that she was turned and he didn't even know and then it hit him, the pain he felt during the summer was when she died in order to turn.
Klaus took Tyler and left the school. He wasn't going to leave this time and he wasn't going to push his feelings and fate away, he was going to make it up to her, however long it takes. And so he stayed at a hotel and the first thing he did in the morning was was sending some of his trusted minions to find a werewolf pack and take it to him, while he had people build him a home in which he wished to share a bed with her, he would live with her and spend the rest of his life with her.
Y/n had gone back to her house a month ago changing the doors and putting cameras around the house to making more secure, but it didn't help to keep the one person she didn't want to get in out of her house. When Y/n went home she felt that strange safe feeling she used to feel with Klaus before their "incident" she climbed up the stairs and opened the door to her room, only to meet Klaus sitting on her bed. She panicked "No,no,no You can't be in here" she said walking backwards out of her room, she almost fell off the stairs but Klaus caught her, he picked her up and gently set her down on her bed. As soon as she was out of his hold she moved away from him "I did as told I-I stayed away from you" she said her eyes filled with tears but she wouldn't let them fall "I don't want to die" she said and a sob escaped her, heart arched and he hugged her tight "I won't hurt you ever again I give you my word" she continued to sob "you already did once... please let go" Klaus' eyes started to get glossy "No, I won't let go of you ever again... my love" she looked shocked "what did just you call me?" She couldn't understand why she felt butterflies, he smiled softly at her "My love" she laughed a little "you aren't allowed to call me that" he raised an eyebrow "I'm you're soulmate, I'm allowed to call you whatever I want" he smirked "we're not soulmates" she said in a stern voice "aren't we? We are soulmates, I was afraid people would use you to get to me, so I did what I do best. Push the people I love away, but I was wrong and I'm deeply sorry for everything" she looked at him with wide eyes, thinking "so what happens now?" She asked he licked his lips "I want to be with you, if you can find it in your heart to forgive me" he said, Y/n took a moment to think about it "I forgive you" he held her tighter and almost had his lips on hers but he was stopped by her fingers on his lips not letting him kiss her. "I thought you forgave me" he said confused and sad "I did but I need to go slow, I need time to heal" he nodded "will I be able to be near you while you heal" he said not having much hope, it was only normal to not want to be with him "of course you will, we will just fo slow" he could help but smile "just to be clear does slow mean no kisses?" He asked wanting to kiss her so bad "you may kiss me on the cheek for now" and so he did "it is getting pretty late" she said yawning "oh, yeah I should ...go?"he said half questioning "where will you be staying?" She asked wanting him to be comfortable "in a hotel" she sighed "You may take the couch" she said giving him a slight kiss on the cheek "Really?" He asked excited "yeah" he hugged her tight and after a while they both went to sleep, both feeling an inner peace now that they're together.
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rapha-reads · 2 months
IWTV rewatch
(this show and these books are insane and inspiring - spoilers for both seasons)
Season 1 episode 5 [A Vile Hunger For Your Hammering Heart] - part 1/2
- Previously... Trouble in the Unholy Family.
- Hey, did y'all notice that the intro card, the red sky with the skyline, actually changes? I was rewatching some parts of s2 and noticed that the skyline is different cities, but some buildings disappear from one episode to another.
- *wheezes* What the hell is this opening. Loumand indulging in some exhibitionism for Daniel while Daniel's going through Claudia's exploits. Hilarious. This show is a comedy, I swear. Holy shit, look at Armand's face, he's having the time of his life. And Louis doesn't give a shit, man wants his blood and that's it. Freaks. I love them.
[Daniel] "I'm trying to think of something more fucked up than this." - I don't know, what's going on in front of you maybe? *dies of laughter*
- [Rashid/Armand] "'And how is your work any different? Well, what do you think will happen to Mr du Lac when you publish this book, when the other vampires of the world get their hands on it?' [Daniel] 'As long as they pay full freight.' [Rashid/Armand] 'They will make their way to Dubai. They will scale the sides of this building, force their way inside, and paint the walls with his blood. You are chronicling a suicide. Do not look down on Claudia. Look in the mirror.'"
... Hey, Armand? Pot meets kettle. Don't pretend you care about Claudia. You could stop this any time you want. You're enjoying this, you're enjoying Louis' pain, you're thinking that the book will never see the light of day, that you're in control of the entire narrative, that you can stop this any time you want, that nothing will come out of this enterprise. You're thinking that if, if it comes to this, you'll get to play hero and "save" Louis' life again, and thus tie him even more to yourself. You're assisting that suicide, Armand. You just think that you're in control of the dosage. Look in the mirror.
- [Louis] "Honey and pineapple. He stuffs himself with both for days before he offers himself to me." - Lou baby I love you but you are insane. And also there are things you'd do better to keep in your head, actually. This whole roleplay thing is crazy. I'm imagining Daniel thinking back on these moments after he's turned and just going "what in the seven hells was that".
- [Rashid/Armand] "I care for him more than I care for himself." - oooh, did you guys notice that quick side glance Louis throws at Armand there? That line is Armand being genuine and Louis going "hey dear that's not in the script, what are you saying". Louis is done with both Armand and Daniel, he's being very bitchy and mean.
- What'd that bird do to you, Louis? Leave the poor birdy alone.
Aw, how the tableturns have turned, or however that expression goes. Now you're trying to get her to feed when you made Lestat's life hell refusing to eat yourself...
- Lestat reading and mocking Claudia's diary = Damon Salvatore reading and mocking Stefan and Elena's diaries (my first vampire show was Vampire Diaries, sorry, can't escape your past and all that).
- Oof, Claudia shattering the mirror and Louis being the cautious, angry one for once. Family's in trouble. And then the river of corpses... Oh, trouble, trouble all around.
- Ugh. Tom fucking Anderson is back. When does he die again because he's ugh.
- [Anderson] "Every single one of those corpses had some soft part of it lopped off. Finger here, a foot there... a toe." - yeah, I'm good with blood, but body parts? Claudia's trophies? That is actually stomach turning.
- [Lestat] "One each" - power couuuuuple. Look at them go! Unstoppable when they finally work together, and so in synch. That's what we like to see! Also let's just get rid of Anderson now, thanks.
- Oh, man, Claudia being drunk when the cops are searching the house, half comedy, half horror show. And then the real horror starts as she gathers her trophies. Ah, fuck, I had forgotten about the half dead guy in the closet. She craaaazy.
- [Lestat] "You wanted her, you fix her!" - when one of your parent tells the other "that's your child" when you do or behave in a way they hate. Classic parent stuff.
[Louis] "'We're doing this together.' [Lestat] 'Do you remember our life, how happy we were before her?' [Louis] 'Happy? We were not happy!' [Lestat] 'An anvil, tied around our ankles, pulling us towards the pitch-black ocean floor.'"
Ouch. You ever hear your parents fighting because of you, blaming you for their issues? Yeah... Can't say I blame Claudia for going off the rails.
- [Claudia] "Who am I supposed to love? You two have each other. Who's my Lestat? Who's my Louis? I'm not human. What human would want me? Perverts? Like the uncle at the rooming house who used to watch me pee? Or little boys? And 40 years from now... still little boys? How are you gonna fix it, huh? Which one of you gonna fuck me?!"
Hey, more of Claudia's fucked up backstory. 'You broke it, you fix it', except they can't even begin to understand what's broken, because she's right, they've got each other, even when they fight, that's Louis-and-Lestat, Lestat-and-Louis, they can't even understand why she's so mad and so sad and so angry. Kinda like when allosexual alloromantic people tell you, an aro ace person "but you don't love?" - bitch, I do love, I just don't wanna date anybody, thanks. L&L to Claudia: "but we're a family, we're rich and we're powerful, why are you not happy". Claudia: "bitch, maybe because I'm stuck as a kid for the rest of eternity while my mind and spirit age and I gotta see you two romance each other every fucking night while knowing that nobody will ever want to romance me?".
- [Claudia] "'I'm gonna go out there and find other vampires.' [Lestat] 'If you could find them, which you won't, they would shred you to strips, because you are build like a bird, because you are a mistake.'"
Bedside manners, Lestat. You know the worst thing, Lestat does warn here that she'd be in danger, but he does it in such a mocking, cruel manner that obviously she doesn't believe him and doesn't even take him seriously.
- Louis' dejected scoff when Lestat tells him he's killing Antoinette soon. These madmen are so bad at communicating.
- [Louis] "We made her out of remorse, out of selfishness." - ah, the self-awareness brought by a century of reflecting on your past. But what's that "we", Louis? You wanted her out of remorse, as your penance, your redemption for your sins and mistakes. Lestat made her out of love and pity for you.
- [Daniel] "'Poor dear. She wasn't held enough in between ritualistic murders.' [Louis] 'She spent every night for half a decade with no friends, locked in the emotional storm of puberty.' [Daniel] 'Look, Charlie Manson wrote a couple of beautiful songs. Still, he was Charlie Manson.' [Louis] 'Is that all you think of her?' [Daniel] 'Mostly. I also think she makes you and Frenchy look like a couple of whiny, existential queens. Probably why she's a fucking goldmine. The girl who moves a million books.' [Louis] 'I won't have her exploited.' [Daniel] 'Won't matter what your intentions are. It's the world out there now. She's the - the... single-shooter, Xbox, mouth-breather shit they crave.'"
Daniel's right. Look at us, we fucking love Claudia. She's a psycho, she's murderous, she's cold-blooded... She's our babygirl. She's our bicon. She's the moment. We love her because she's unhinged and feral and unapologetic about her pain and anger.
I love this writing, how it totally recontextualizes the whole story in the 21st century. Book!Claudia is disturbing, little blond angel with blood on her teeth, the eternal child with the wisdom and anger of a grown woman. Show!Claudia is pure attraction and mass adoration, the symbol of teenage angst with all of a lifetime of anger and rebellion. We relate to her, we the generations that have had to grow up so fast while simultaneously stunted, can't find jobs but expected to be way more qualified than our parents, can't buy a house but gotta be way more independent and resourceful and crafty than our elders. The whole world at our fingertips but completely unable to reach it, stuck in an eternal loop of doom and gloom as we watch the world burn without having the slightest power to stop it.
And of course Daddy Lou still wants to protect her from that, even in death, still sees her as his precious little daughter/sister who needs sheltering and safeguarding, even after she tells him she's not that kid anymore.
Well, that was heavy. Doom and gloom indeed. Don't think part 2 will get any better.
episode 1 | episode 2 | episode 3 | episode 4 | part 2 | episode 6 | episode 7
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imaginefan · 11 months
Never To Plan
Klaus Mikaelson!Father X Son!Reader Damon Salvatore X Male!Reader
Word Count: 1069
Requested: @emaz-0225
Request: Hello I love your work but can you do a imagine where your the son of Katherine and Klaus and your just like them and your best friend is Kai Parker and your trying to get him out of the Prison World. You come into Mystic Falls and you See your old friend Stefan Dating your moms look alike and you fall for Damon and you guys start dating. Klaus comes into town and your thrown into WWW 3 so you go to Europe and then called back to the drama when Hayley is pregnant and you get along with Josh and Hayley and Davina but when Hope is born you sacrifice yourself to The crazy Aunt but you find out Damon is with Elena now and you turn off your emotions
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You had come to Mystic Falls in search of a way to get your friend out of the Prison World but you ended up getting a little side tracked with Damon Salvatore catching your attention your plan stopped dead in it’s tracks, well kind of, you were still looking for ways to get him out but you were hitting more roadblocks then you wanted. That being said the real problem was your father, you were thrown into a fight you wanted no part in and so with no way to save both sides you take a step back and instead go to Europe in hopes of getting your search for Kai back on track and finding what you had really travelled all this time for.
That was how you found yourself in a small cafe in the east of London on the phone to your father who was in New Orleans “well what a surprise, I didn’t expect to hear from you.” You said as you answered the call. “I need your help.” He said. “Is that so?” You asked, taking a sip of the hot drink in front of you as you winked at the waitress who brought it over. “You have a sister.” He said. “You know that doesn’t surprise me.” You mumbled, you could feel his glare from across the sea. “What does that mean?” He asked. “We both know what that means.” You shuffled in your seat “what does your daughter have to do with me? What do you suddenly need your estranged son for?” “I need to show someone what a true king looks like and what his prince is capable of.” Klaus answered. “This king is you?” You downed the last of the drink before nodding in thanks to the girl who had served you before standing up. “And you, the prince.” Klaus confirmed. “No need to flatter me your highness, I know I’m only a prince in name.” You said as you walked back to the hotel that you were staying in. “Then prove to them that you are not.” He hung up the phone after that.
When you got to New Orleans a lot had already happened but the only thing that you did know was that it was that your father offered you a chance to make a mess and you had been bored for a few months now. “So you’re Marcellus, correct?” You asked as you looked at the man standing in the middle of the courtyard. “Who are you?” He asked. “(Y/N).” Rebekah said from her place next to Marcel. “Auntie Bekah, don’t tell me you’d abandon your family for a man?” You teased as you stepped closer. “He thinks that you would be enough to beat every vampire in this city?” Marcel asked, drawing your attention back to him. “Sunshine, I was born better than any vampire, werewolf or witch that you can throw at me but please do try.” You smirked “where are your forces anyway I’m itching to snap a neck and if it’s not them it will be you.” Someone grabbed you from behind, throwing you back into the wall “here we go.” You easily ripped apart the first few men next attacking together and getting a few hits in before you took them down, your hand in the chest of the last to attack you before you heard. “Hold on a moment.” Klaus said as he walked into the room “Marcel it seems that your men aren’t up to the challenge.” “Klaus.” Marcel glared. “Here I have a coin!” Klaus put it down on the floor “whoever picks up this coin will be spared his game!” “Game?” You squeezed the heart that resided in the chest you had punched through “I don’t think they are having much fun.” “But you are.” Klaus smirked, your eyes drawn to Rebekah as she whispered something to Marcel, you watched carefully as he stepped forward and bent, picking up the coin, you smirked as you pulled your hand from the man's chest and let him fall. “Nicely done your highness, I’ll be leaving then?” You asked and Klaus smirked. “Why would the prince leave his kingdom?”
It was years before real trouble found your family, you don’t know why it took so long but as your aunt claimed right to you or your sister, you decided that it would be you that she took, you had no intention of giving someone else in your place and so you left with her before anyone could stop you.
You honestly expected it to take longer, for her to break you but it only took her a few weeks to find out what you had left for your family what you hoped to one day go back to and took you to Mystic Falls told you to go and see the man that you had left, you walked into the boat house happier than you had in years and it was torn from you in seconds “(Y/N)?” Damon asked, you swallowed as you looked between the two, Damon and Elena more friendly then they were when you had left. “How long?” You asked. “(Y/N)-” “How long?” You asked again, fists curled so tight that you thought you might break your own hand. “You know what it doesn’t matter because I was told by so many people that you would break me-” “Break you!?” Damon asked. “You were the one that left!” “To protect every one of you because if my father had made me fight with him, you would have likely been the only one I would have convinced him to leave alive.” You answered. “Nice to know that you can think the worst of me.” “I-” “You had everything that I had left to give so if you’ll excuse me I have a prison to get back to.” You muttered. “(Y/N) wait!” Elena was the one that called out this time but when you turned back they all saw it, the dead look behind your eyes. “If you ever come near me again, either one of you, I will take the part of you that you love the most and twist it into your worst nightmare.” You threatened. “Come (Y/N), we have work to do.” Dahlia said as she gestured for you to follow her, you turned leaving the two alone in the house.
*Part 2*
Requests and general question!
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crazyk-imagine · 8 months
Finding their Mate
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A/N: I had fun with the Twilight version of this and was in a tvd mood. Half of these I have no idea where these were going but we're here now so...
Didn't think that mates existed but then again, here you are, surprising him in more ways than one and he's seen a lot of things. You tried talking to him about it at first after learning about your connection, but that didn't work. What else was he supposed to do other than run away and pretend like he was never informed of your connection, stay? No, no, no because, that is not the Damon way... at least, not until you threaten to use all his bourbon as a flame retardant to burn down their house. He slowly becomes a little more lenient in building a stronger bond. When you two get closer and become a couple, he never looks back because, you are his everything which means he will do whatever he can or needs to do in order to protect you because too much happens in this damned town
He knew deep down that even though he loved Elena, it wasn't always going to last with the way it was between her and his brother. Even with their destiny tied them together; they never lasted. And to think his life was dramatic and chaotic then but now, you come into his life, almost as if out of nowhere was even crazier. Finding out that his epic love actually came from a place of fate, someone who could complete him and make him feel whole...was interesting, to say the least. He didn't know what to expect but he knew right away there was something special about you and always wanted to know more about you (before the whole mates' thing came about). After getting together, he realized he's more honored to be your mate and knows it's better than anything he's had before
She hoped that she'd find the one person she knew she was meant to be with because of watching how her parents were when she and Jeremy were growing up. They were her role models and wanted what they had. Finding out that she is actually meant to be with someone who wasn't Stefan was, shocking, really but it was also a good thing because this meant she could have a romantic life with you. She's always felt something for you which confused her more than anything but then Damon informed her about the whole mates' thing and concerned everyone when they had just found out about the sire bond. The only reason the older Salvatore told her was when he caught her staring at you for the millionth time, forcing her to understand more about you
She barely started understanding the supernatural world and finding out that mates existed was crazy as hell. Honestly, it was the last thing she needed to hear. But then you started putting in an effort, putting her first (compared to what her friends do), she realized that maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have a mate. She was careful, guarded almost, at the beginning but your patience won in the end, and she knew you're the one for her. Everyone else (especially Caroline) was so happy that their friend found someone as awesome as you were; not to mention the fact that the blonde vampire is planning your guy's wedding already and is most definitely, going to fight whoever plans on being Bonnie's bridesmaid
She never knew mates existed, always thought it was a fictional thing even with the whole supernatural world going on around her because no one really talked about it. She was the kind of girl who talked about having an epic love, but never realized she was talking about mates. Meeting you and then Bonnie telling her about the real reason behind your connection (and calming her mind, shutting down the thoughts of her being sired to you), she was excited. She finally had someone to spoil and someone who could take care of her. She offered to take you out, wanting to explain... everything since you know nothing and are being dragged into her hectic life. She will do everything she can to protect you
The only reason he had an ounce of knowledge about mates was because of his wolf, had he not turned, he probably would have never found out and would have been whoring himself out to anyone he could (even more). But then you stepped foot into town, and it drove his wolf absolutely insane, to the point where he was starting fights with anyone. His wolf tried telling him, but it was hard for the boy to understand when he barely understood the supernatural world as it is. Then you found your way into his life and changed him, in more ways than one. He was lucky he didn't need to explain to much about the supernatural to you, but he still wasn't happy to know you were aware of, well, everything. It scared him, he doesn't want to lose you
When he became a vampire hunter, he didn't think he was going to be more than that and then when he died and came back, he wasn't all that pressed to talk to people and make friends. Then, you came, and things changed. He was working a shift at the grill when you walked in, and he was thought you were just- wow. Luckily you were seated in his section, giving him more opportunities to talk and try learning more about you. You caught the hints he was throwing and decided to throw him a bone, his number was immediately put in after picking up the bill. And, dammit if he hadn't texted you after his shift. He put in a genuine effort and found out you two were mates (who would have thought), certainly not you two
He's been around for a while, knew a few things to help him get by and read a little bit about these things when he got into the supernatural world. So, he wasn't too alarmed when he found out he was mated to you but imagine his surprise when he finds out you also know about the supernatural and... actually know how to defend yourself, if needed. That man is floored, he thought he was going to need to show you a thing or two. What else would you expect from the guy who taught and helped all the kids learn about these things. (Don't even get him started on the time when Klaus had his body and knew before he did. He will go bonkers). He's not the happiest about others knowing about your bond but no one can keep their mouths shut anymore
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hyperactivewhore · 1 year
If you're a Damon or Katherine fan, I really don't recommend you read this. But if you dislike them as much as me, go ahead.
I was (stupidly) one of the few people that chose to think Damon didn't rape Caroline, because Pl*c said he didn't. And like, I prefer to believe that, not because I like Damon, I despise him, but because the amount of sexual abuse this show has is disgusting.
Tyler trying to rape Vicky, Damon raping Caroline, Katherine raping Stefan, etc. And damn, perhaps even when Klaus made out with Caroline while he was in Tyler's body.
Do I think he would have slept with her? No, but the fact that Caroline had already took her shirt off and Klaus didn't stop her until later always felt off for me. I don't think he would have raped her, at all. I don't see any of the Mikaelson as the rape type, perhaps Mikael, but not even then.
But anyways, while scrolling through Google, I decided to search how Julie actually "confirmed" Damon didn't rape Caroline, and honestly it's just pathetic.
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What does this even mean? Caroline herself said he abused her, AND fed on her. I mean, the quote is literally "I remember how you manipulated me. You pushed me around, abused me, erased my memories. Fed on me."
Yes, Caroline consented to sex the first time, but after that? He fed on her, and raped her as well.
And Katherine raped Stefan as well, I'm pretty sure. When she began compelling him, to "go on exactly like they wanted", he literally wasn't mentally able to consent to a romantic relationship with her, less alone sexual. And Stefan was 17, exactly the same age Caroline was when Damon raped her.
So, if I'm correct, Katherine raped Stefan, Damon raped Caroline and Andy, Tyler tried to force himself on Vicky and I think it's implied Stefan is a rapist as well in a flashback, but I'm not too sure because the last time I saw TVD (other than seasons 3/4) was in 2018, right when it ended, but the whole thing is him being seen with naked women and blood all over them while he had his humanity off I think. Anyway, disgusting.
I don't think the writers intented for them to be considered rapists, especially if we take into account the three of them are fan favorite. But it was 2009, a lot of things were taken lightly and I'm 100% sure TVD wouldn't have made it past the pilot if it had been streamed in 2020.
And yeah, every single character is a murderer on this show, but there's a difference between them. Both are traumatic and both are unforgiving, and in real life no one wants to be through that (I've seen people compare Elena and Caroline's trauma, her being raped and the first being abused by Klaus, which it's disgusting, there is no need to compare them). But if you're gonna bring one of them to fiction, always chose murder. Because in murder there may be a "redeeming" quality that explains why you did it, but rape? It's completely disgusting, it's awful and there is nothing that will ever excuse taking someone's free will like that.
But anyways: The Vampire Diaries is racist, rapist and a lot of things I'm for sure forgetting now. It's really hard to be a fan of this show sometimes, but I still like it, though I'm more of a fan of The Originals. And that show has problems of it's own, considering it made Elijah look racist and made Klaus sympathize with a group of vampires that the show recognized as nazis.
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zalrb · 8 months
Can we talk about how superior of a moment Stefan taking Elena on a hike round the falls and watching a sunset on a hill for her assumed, last day as a human is vs Damon and Elena going to the clocktower and jumping off on her last day as a vampire. Because honestly, wtf about anything prior suggests Damon would even think to do something like that? A truly cheap imitation. it wasn't even built up and the fact he JUST tried to keep her from becoming human EVER again ????
Well because what did Damon and Elena ever do together that was a celebration of vampirism for that clock tower scene to make any sort of real impact?
Like, it's with Stefan that Elena actually tests her limits as a vampire and does the cool vampire things or has a different type of confidence/pettiness because of her vampirism
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Like she learns from him
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even the Delena straddle scene the DErs loooooove so much, she can only do because STEFAN taught her
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Damon and Elena had being blood high
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which they literally only have because of the sire bond
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even when they insert their oh-so-romantic-oh-so-lovely scenes/flashbacks in season 6, they're fucking standing still in the rain
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or having an awkward first date
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there is nothing inherently tied with the beauty and the power and the possibilities of vampirism, of what you can do with vampirism, even the "summer of her dreams" is
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so when we do this
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WHO CARES? When were they EVER at the clock tower?
and this is what I mean about details, the show writes for Stelena
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kasagia · 2 years
♡Be my Valentine♡
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x reader
Summary: The day of lovers came like a bolt from the blue. You were planning to stay in your house, make yourself a huge pizza, and celebrate another year of being a single, self-sufficient woman. But you forgot that having the original hybrid as a lover-enemy (more like a puppy/wolf madly in love with you) comes with all sorts of surprises.
Word count: 4,4k+
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My bloodthirsty alarm clock has been bothering me for 15 minutes. I promised myself that this time I would give up throwing a metal object and save myself the few dollars I used to spend on a new alarm clock every month. I groaned, rolling out of bed and getting up to turn off the death machine. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and threw myself back on the bed to check my messages.
Queen of school: Don't forget about the Valentine's Ball! I want to see you there with some sexy guy, so this freak-ancient hybrid will finally give you peace. P.S. Don't even think about missing it. I'll make Stefan or Damon come for your lazy ass.
Love you too, Gilbert. :-P
I groaned as I put a pillow over my face. It completely slipped my mind that today is this bloody holiday. Caroline will kill me if I try to avoid this annual nightmare again. I had to find a way to get out of this. Last year I had an unannounced visit from my mother, and two years ago I went skiing with Elena (who had broken up with Matt and was as reluctant to participate in this stupid holiday as I was). Maybe this time Bonnie could help me extricate myself from this?
Hello, my best friend ever! Could you help me hide in the darkest hole in this town so I didn't have to go out today and risk my mental health being completely damaged after seeing all these copules who will be sucking each other's faces and pelting each other with chocolates, flowers, and God knows what else?
Bon_Bon sweetheart: Are Caroline or Elena making you go to the party again?
Yes. On pain of death.
Bon_Bon sweetheart: You three are such drama queens. Give me five minutes. I'll come to you and help you with your excuse.
Thank you! You've always been my favorite.
Bon_Bon sweetheart: Don't let Caroline hear that!
I sighed in relief as I put my phone down. Immediately after, it buzzed, signaling an incoming call. Rebekah.
"What's up?" I asked after answering it.
Rebekah and I formed a sort of friendship after she joined our school. Of course, the girls were furious, but with time, they grew accustomed to my strange, warm-hearted relationship with Mikaelson. Actually, not only one of them. Kol was surprisingly nice after our many fights over every food I had, he liked to mess with me, especially after he saw I didn't shy away from teasing him just because he was an evil, crazy original vampire. Elijah and I somehow ended up together in the public library, discussing a book we were both reading. Since then, I've had three "friends" of the originals.
There was only one problem in this strange, twisted life of an ordinary man among the vampires, witches, and werewolves that I managed to lead. And there weren't fights between my two groups of friends. The problem was called Klaus Mikaelson. A man who turned our relatively quiet life in Mystic Falls upside down. A vampire who wanted to use Elena's blood to make hybrids similar to him (which she refused to do, as if taking her magical blood every month and giving it to Klaus wouldn't bury the hatchet between bloodthirsty vampires and bring us peace again).
"Can you tell me why all of the people are acting crazy? I mean, they aren't usually normal, but today they are unreasonable! Every wall is plastered with strange hearts, angels with arcs, and other red and pink damn things. We're celebrating a day of ripping people's hearts out, or what's the point?" she asked, both annoyed and confused by the whole situation. Just let it wait until Valentine's Day mail. Then a real nightmare happens.
"Almost. Have you ever heard of Valentine's Day, or has your ancient ass been kept in that musty coffin too long for you to know such a thing?"
"In short. There was this one guy who decided that he had to set aside one special day in the year when people would declare their sincere, undying love for each other. And attention. Today is that day. So if you have a boy you're crazy about, you might as well go out with him tonight. If you don't have such plans, you can join me. We'll watch a movie, eat junk food, and complain about all men on this earth." I suggested as I walked into the kitchen and made sure I had everything I needed to survive this day.
"You seriously don't have anyone you would like to spend this day with? Did you see yourself in the mirror?! You're beautiful and…"
"Thank you. But I don't want to go out, find some guy, and have fun with him just because this holiday expects it of me. I'm not looking for one-night stands or something like that. Plus, I could use a day off from the drama of Mystic Falls."
"As you wish. I guess I'll try my luck and try to find someone. Hang on there!"
"Good luck! Have fun, honey!"
As soon as I hung up, I heard a knock on the door. I changed quickly, tying my hair as I went, and opened the door. Bonnie wrinkled her nose at my messy state.
"Hi girl. You really don't want to go, do you?" she asked, entering the apartment and looking around. It's a good thing I cleaned up last night.
"After planning a whole beautiful day of doing nothing? No thanks. I just hope Caroline will forgive me." I replied, leaning against the door and staring at the witch.
She has changed since she found out who she really is. She became bolder, more persistent, and fiercer. Like all of us, I guess. Sometimes I miss those quiet days when vampires and werewolves were just fantastic inventions. Everything was simpler then.
"She might be a little pissed off, but she'll understand. Caroline just wants you to be well. She thinks you haven't gotten over your breakup with Luck yet and wants to help you." she tried to defend her friend's behavior.
However, we both knew that Caroline's dominant side wasn't just the result of her caring. She liked to stick her nose in other matters; the fact that she was trying to save the whole world at the same time was the only reason why we turned a blind eye to the blonde's behavior.
"As if being single was a punishment, not a choice. Just because I didn't jump into the arms of some other hot, dark-haired guy doesn't mean I'm still grieving the breakup with that asshole." I grunted, annoyed. I was able to fully take care of myself. I didn't need a man to lean on, especially not after what happened with my ex. Life alone was easier.
"I know. That's why I bring you this." she took a small glass bottle from her leather bag and handed it to me.
"What is it?" I asked, taking the vial from her and turning it over in my hand.
"Potion. A couple of sips, and you'll have a terrible cold. Take it when one of the guys comes to check on you. As soon as he's gone, eat a black peppercorn, and you'll be back to normal."
"Wow. How do you know that? You're becoming a more advanced witch, Miss Bennet. 5 points for Hufflepuff." I said with admiration. I have always loved witches and hags depicted in literature, so having a real one as a friend was a real blessing for me. That doesn't mean I'd give up joking about Bonnie's extraordinary abilities.
"Really funny. Now excuse me. Unlike you, I'm going to school, and I still have to pick out a dress, and unfortunately, I don't have a rich hybrid at my beck and call. Why don't you go out with him if you don't have anyone else? This will keep Caroline from letting you go. Also, he seems to be more peaceful for us after he spends a day with you." she tapped me on the arm with a mischievous smirk.
"Yeah. And right after the perfect date, I will confess my great love to him by getting down on one knee and proposing to him."
"If that's what you want. Happy Valentine's Day, grouch!" she screamed with a huge smile, closing the door behind her. A strange feeling of hope ran through my body.
After all, maybe it's going to be a good day.
*A few hours later*
"It's a pity you got sick today." Stefan said after he took my temperature.
The vampire was delegated by Caroline to get me out of the house at all costs. Luckily, Bonnie's potion worked perfectly, and that's how I ended up wrapped in the warmest blanket on the couch with my few-hundred-year-old friend.
"I know. I really wanted to go to the ball and see how you and Caroline won the prize for being the best couple." I said, blowing my nose into one of the handkerchiefs.
"Do you believe in us so much?"
"Well, after Tayler swore to make Klaus' life miserable, he didn't work well as her boyfriend. They were cute at first, but it all went to hell. So take your chance before some other handsome guy hangs around her. Like Kol or Elijah." my taunt was met with a small snort from the man.
"Speaking of the Mikaelsons. How's your fledgling relationship with Klaus? I'm surprised he didn't call in the entire medical team from the hospital to check on you." he replied amused when he noticed how my smile fades along with the memory of the original.
"You think you're funny, Salvatore? Aside from your feeble attempt at joking, I must also point out your poor choice of words. Me and Klaus have no relationship."
"Of course. The guy just sends you fancy, expensive dresses every time there's a party in Mystic Falls, sends you love notes with your portraits on them, is there for you almost 24/7, and scares away any potential guy who wants to date you." he teased, counting on his fingers all the deeds of the original.
"He did what?! Who the hell he scared?" I sprang off the couch, dropping a box of tissues as I went.
"I witnessed him almost stabbing Kol for saying you looked scathing in one of those dresses he sent you. Poor Elijah had to look for you all over the school so you could distract your hybrid." he laughed a little at the indignation on my face.
"He isn't mine." I growled, returning to my comfortable spot on the couch.
"Tell him, not me. So, you don't happen to have a date with that wolf in love?" he asked, suddenly curious, leaning in my direction with searching eyes and a mysterious smirk on his lips.
"Pigs will fly before I date that damn imbecile." I snorted, pushing him away from me to reach for another tissue. Bonnie seems to have overdone the potency of this wonderful potion.
"Well, think it over. If Damon sees flying pork in Mystic Falls tomorrow, he'll probably go abstinent. You could inherit his share of our old wine collection from him."
"Did Caroline send you to act as my and Klaus' matchmaker for her?"I asked, leaning over to the vampire to eye him suspiciously.
"Not that blonde. But it was Caroline who finally convinced me. You don't even know how a common goal can unite even the worst enemies. Have a good time!" he shouted, pushing me onto the couch and grabbing his phone off the coffee table.
"Stefan! Wait!" I tried to stop him, but thanks to his super speed, he escaped from my apartment.
I snorted, muttering curses at the vampire under my breath as I stood up to close the door behind him.
It was usually Caroline, Bonnie, and Rebekah who teased me about Klaus' supposed feelings for me. The girls would make suggestive, eloquent comments whenever me and Klaus did something together or paired us up for a particular task against the newest threats in Mystic Falls. They often used me as a "distraction" and "bait" for the original hybrid. Not to mention their whistling every time we somehow danced together.
Worst of all, though, was Rebekah's teasing after I stayed overnight at the Mikaelsons' and Klaus and I accidentally ended up in his bed. I will never forget her malicious tone of voice and the wave of shame and embarrassment that engulfed me after she said to Klaus: "You must not have tried hard enough, brother, since neither of us heard you had a visitor in your sheets."
Adding Stefan to their little "group of bullies" will only make their taunts worse.
My God, keep Kol away from their stupid plans.
I went to the kitchen to take "an antidote" for my illness. I made myself some popcorn and decided to watch "Pride and Prejudice" as my first movie tonight. Halfway through the movie, I heard a knock on the door. It could only be one person.
"If you don't have food with you, I'm not going to let you in, Bekah." I said as I opened the door. I froze in place when I finally saw who was on the other side of them. Klaus.
"Not this Mikaelson, love. I've heard you are sick, so I brought you this." he picked up the bundle in his hands, which smelled dangerously similar to my favorite food.
"How the hell did you get here? I thought you and Elijah were going on a reconnaissance mission or something like that, and you'd be gone for a week." I said, honestly surprised to see him.
"It's nice to know that you do care about me, love, and are taking the trouble to assimilate such information. Satisfying your curiosity, we came back early. Can I come in now?"
"It depends." I replied, crossing my arms over my chest.
"On what?" he asked with a charming smirk, leaning his head against the door frame.
"What is this?" I asked, pointing to the packaging.
"That disgusting, fiendishly spicy spaghetti that you've somehow taken a liking to lately."
"And what do you have in the other hand?" I asked as I saw him trying hard to hide something behind him.
"It's a surprise. I can't jump out with all my gifts right now, can I?"
"Make me regret this, and I'll ask Bonnie to cancel all my invitations again, even if it means I'll spend another half day letting my friends in, because amazingly, 90 percent of them are vampires."
"I won't make that mistake again, love. If you could…" he pointed at the door and the invisible barrier blocking him from entering.
"Come in, the bane of my existence." I sighed, turning my back on him to go back to my cocoon of blankets on the couch.
"You must admit, I'm the most handsome bane you could ever dream of."
"I don't know… you could be at least younger." I replied thoughtfully, smiling as his confident smirk faded.
"Ouch." he put his hand on his chest, close to his heart, pretending to be hurt. He carefully placed the packaging on the coffee table and handed me the gardenia bouquet, which he had been hiding behind his back all this time.
"And for what occasion?" I asked, taking the flowers from the softly smiling hybrid and looking at them for a moment. Despite my reluctance, I had to admit that they were beautiful and smelled amazing.
He nodded at the bouquet. I looked it over carefully, noticing a small piece of paper between the flowers. I opened the note, checking its contents.
Unpack your lunch.
There was no mistaking Klaus' perfect handwriting for anyone else's.
I frowned, glancing at the hybrid sitting carelessly beside me. The bastard pretended not to see my questioning look and watched the scene of Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy in the rain with fascination, like nothing happened.
I snorted as I opened the box and started eating my spaghetti while continuing to watch my movie. At one point, I felt Klaus's arm slide precariously onto the back of the couch behind me, and the hybrid itself moved slightly closer to me.
He watched me for a moment, gauging my reaction. I decided to tease the vampire a bit and, sighing deeply, leaned back completely against him, resting my head on his shoulder.
He tensed up, gently wrapping his arm around me that he had placed on the back of the couch earlier.
When I had finished eating, I saw that there was a note on the bottom of the clear plastic box on the other side. I turned the box over, reading another note, much to the interest and excitement of the man sitting next to me.
Check your jacket pockets.
I turned my gaze to Klaus. I looked into his eyes, trying to see the shadow of any plan he was hiding.
"Any problem, love?" he asked, pretending to be a fool.
"I don't know yet." I mumbled, licking my mouth. His gaze flicked from my eyes to my lips. He leaned toward me, getting dangerously close. His attention returned to my eyes, trying to anticipate my next move. With a small, mischievous smirk, I shoved the empty box into his hands and pushed him away from me, getting up from the couch to walk over to the coat rack.
I slipped my hand into the pocket of my leather jacket, immediately sensing the tiny square note.
Go down.
I turned to the hybrid standing behind me. I held the paper up to his eye level, raising an eyebrow questioningly.
"What's this?"
"Come and find out for yourself, love. I dare you."
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I crossed my arms over my chest, giving him a defiant look.
"You know, I have a rather tempting counterproposal to stay in a warm and cozy home. I'm hardly drawn to the unknown with my friends' nemesis."
"It would be such a shame if Caroline somehow got to know that you're quite healthy and ready to go to her party. You had to leave your cozy couch."
"You wouldn't…" I walked over to him, giving him a menacing look.
"Oh, wouldn't I?" he accepted the challenge by taking a step closer so our chests were touching.
"Well played. Expect retaliation, love." I replied, trying to imitate his tone of voice when he gave people that nickname. The hybrid only laughed. He helped me put on my jacket, and placing his hand on my back, he led me out of the building.
We stopped in front of his car, on the hood of which was another card.
Let the handsome and hot chauffeur drive you to your destination.
"Handsome and hot? Someone's got a good imagination." I laughed, turning the note over in my hands. The man gave me a hurt look as he opened the passenger door for me. "Someone is also mysterious today." I teased further, walking over to Klaus to face him. "Really? Won't you tell me anything?"
"Careful, love. Curiosity killed the cat."
"And the satisfaction brought him back."
"If you want, I can work on your satisfaction later when we get back."
I rolled my eyes, ignoring his smug smirk as I got into his car without a word.
He was in the driver's seat next to me in less than a second and had already started the engine. He pulled out of the parking lot and headed for the main road out of Mystic Falls.
"Where are we going?" my question was met only by his silence. "Come on. I'm not jumping out of the car when you're going that fast anyway."
"Who knew you were so impatient, love? We'll be there shortly." he replied, glancing briefly at me. He smiled, obviously amused by my grumpy attitude.
"Who would have thought you could hold your tongue for more than five minutes?"
"Insults will get you nowhere, love." he smiled teasingly, looking at me for a moment.
"Please, Klaus. Tell me where you're taking me so I can tell you what a wonderful, loving, and caring guy you are that instead of handing me over to the bloodthirsty Caroline, you decided to take me on the adventure of a lifetime."
"That's better." I huffed angrily, moving as far away from him as possible. In the reflection of the window, I saw him roll his eyes. "If you must know, I'm taking you to the only place worth seeing in this awful neighborhood. Content?"
"Sufficiently." I turned to him with a mischievous smirk on my lips.
A few minutes later, we stopped in some forest. Klaus got out first, waiting for me to follow him. Hesitantly, I opened the door and walked over to him, immediately grabbing his hand. It was far too dark for hiking. At least if I wanted to get home in one piece without any tripping. The hybrid smiled softly, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb. He moved confidently through the forest, guiding me along the forest path until we came to a cliff.
Still holding his hand, I walked to the edge, staring at the landscape before us. Not far away we could see a tiny waterfall, from which a river flowed further, stretching through the hills, valleys, and other elevations of the forest. But the most charming of all was the starlight reflecting in the fast current of the river and the sound of fir trees accompanied by the falling water.
I turned to look at the hybrid standing next to me.
Did I mention he laid a blanket, strewn rose petals, and lit several candles? No? So he did. How could I get back to my playful, mischievous mood after something like that?
"So… do you like it?" he asked uncertainly as I stared at him silently for a long time. Did I like it? I loved it.
"Yes. I like it." I replied instead, smiling shyly at him.
He led me to a blanket and took a rectangular box from his pocket, which he handed over to me after a moment's hesitation. I felt his expectant gaze on me as I unwound the bow. Before opening the box, I cast a fleeting glance at my companion. I've never seen him both so excited and… full of fear at the same time.
I sighed as I saw a beautiful silver bracelet with a pendant of a wolf howling at a silver moon, circled by a small bat, and a lapis lazuli-studded crown.
After my first fascination with the starlight reflecting object wore off, I noticed the smallest of all notes attached to the top of the box.
Will you be my valentine (and my queen)?
"Oh Klaus, I... it's..." The worry line on Klaus' forehead began to deepen as he began to assume I wanted to reject his cute confession.
"It's okay, love. I should have known it was too much. You don't have to say yes or anything. We'd best forget all about it. I will drive you back home if that's what you…" I shut him up by taking his face and putting his lips on mine.
I started to passionately kiss the paralyzed and shocked vampire. It took him a few minutes to realize what I was doing. He kissed me back and pulled me to him, so I was sitting on his lap. I smiled at the hybrid's grip, running my hand through his curly, velvety hair. We broke apart when I was completely out of breath. Breathing heavily, I smiled at the equally disheveled man.
"Well… I guess the answer is yes, then."
"Yes. I'll be your stupid valentine. But it'll take you a few more dates before you can call me your queen." I replied with a smile, tangling my hands in his hair.
"I can work with that." he whispered, never taking his eyes off mine. I cleared my throat awkwardly, unaccustomed to so much affection being shown toward me. I shifted my flustered gaze and started playing with his hair.
"Good. Now, tell me about the constellations."
"Isn't that too tacky by your standards?" he inquired, cupping my chin with one hand to refocus my attention on him. 
"Yes, but I already do things I usually don't. We might as well continue to fulfill all the points of these romantic comedies."
"And what changed your mind?"
"I just have good company." he smiled and kissed my forehead, stroking my hair.
Klaus pulled me closer so I could lean against his chest. Out of nowhere, he pulled out a basket full of cookies, chocolates, and other sweets, along with a bottle of red wine. I turned slightly to look at his face as he held me tight in his arms and raised a questioning eyebrow.
"Well. Let's just say I wanted to keep it as a consolation if you don't take my confession well and run away screaming from me."
"Selfish man." I snorted, reaching for the candy bar. It took all my strength to keep from laughing at the hybrid. The vampire, however, was too attentive and noticed my amused smirk.
"Try telling that to my siblings, and I'll lock you in my room and never let you out."
"You should know better than to threaten me with a good time." I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and went back to eating the sweets.
He sighed in shock at my seductive suggestion. After a moment, he rested his chin on my shoulder and pulled me closer to him.
"So? Was it worth leaving home?" he whispered in my ear, planting a few kisses. My cheeks warmed slightly. Even without seeing his face, I could tell he was smiling goofily now, very pleased with my reaction. I turned to him, meeting his loving gaze.
"Possible. But you'll have to convince me a little more to be completely sure." he smiled teasingly. I could see the mischief in his eyes before he started tickling my stomach.
I screamed as I tried to get out of his strong grip. During my (unsuccessful) struggle, I knocked us to the ground, landing on my back with Klaus on top of me. With his new position, his teasing movements intensified, making me gasp with laughter.
"Okay, you won! You won!" I screamed between fits of laughter. "It was worth it."
"You sure?"
"Yes. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else." I said, pulling him into (one of many) kisses tonight.
If it involves being his queen, I think it only takes him an hour to convince me… maybe even less.
After all, it was a very good day.
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chloesreality · 3 months
Yeah and do you know what the person said why stelena is „toxic“? 😂😂
He answered with the reason Stefan „lied“ 😂😂 it’s „not“ a good start for a relationship 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️
I mean sorry but Stefan and Elena are „in-the-getting-to-know-phase“ he can’t say „hey Elena I am a vampire“ 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ Stefan already said it in S6 that he told her bc he fell in love with her.
Another stupid sentences:
Damon never!! slutshamed Elena —> he did it twice Season 2 and 4 („you and Katherine have a lot more in common than just your looks“; „she is a stone cold bitch“)
Delena wasn’t abusive 😂😂🤦🏽‍♀️
Damon never!!! laid hands on Elena 😂🤦🏽‍♀️
Stefan „only loves“ Elena bc she looks like Katherine 😂🤦🏽‍♀️
oh nah the first one nearly made me spit out my drink 😭
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1: “I mean sorry but Stefan and Elena are “in-the-getting-to-know-phase" he can't say “hey Elena I am a vampire" I mean you are completely right! “Stefan already said it in S6 that he told her bc he fell in love with her” yep.
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this doesn’t mean that Stefan wanted to lie to Elena. the significance of that secret was heavy and so was this one:
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this is a huge thing, I mean how do you even begin to tell a person that?
2: “delena wasnt abusive” they weren’t physically abusive to eachother except maybe:
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but Damon constantly terrorised and harassed her friends. he had no respect for them whatsoever
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(except Bonnie maybe at the end) but DE, they were emotional abusive, they were wildly co-dependent and Damon’s so obsessed with Elena it almost suffocates her I the relationship which brought her character down and stopped her from being her own person and they don’t really grow from this either. stuck in the same cycle if you will. Damon rarely let Elena make her own decisions.
3: “Damon never laid hands on Elena”
what? Scroll back up to no.2 and tell me he didn’t lay hands on her. EHM….ANYWAYS
4: “Stefan only loves elena because she looks like Katherine”
ugh can DE shippers get more creative and original with your argument points pls? This one doesn’t even make sense, yes. The resemblance drew him in but that’s it. HE LITERALLY ADMITS THAT TO LEXI IN SEASON 1. He tells Lexi that Elena is the complete opposite of Katherine and tells ELENA that’s she’s everything Katherine wasn’t. and he describes how he sees and feels about elena. “Elenas warm” “She selfless” “she’s caring” “and it’s REAL” “and honestly when I’m around her I completely forget what I am” and then he confesses to Lexi that he’s in love with her with a big old grin on his face :)
then this is Stefan when Katherine comes back to mystic falls:
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I can literally see that Stefan is sooooooooo in love with Katherine here I mean look at that massive grin on his face when she says “feel better?” you can see his excitement 😃😃😃😃😃
whoever was saying those silly things to you anon is a silly thing 🩷🤗
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elejah-wonderland · 9 months
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_fanfic one shot
This Christmas...I Give You My Heart
Elena finished applying her lipstick. She ruffled her hair a bit and pulled her bangs with the tip of her fingers.
"Are you ready?" Bonnie whizzed in the hall, buttoning her coat up.
"Yep. All done" the doppelgänger said giving herself another look in the mirror.
"Caroline sent a tenth message" Bonnie said as she checked her phone.
"We're very late, I know, but I had to do those last changes in my book.
"It's only a pre-Christmas Eve party in the Grill. No big." the witch said as she sent the blonde vampire the message that they were on their way.
Meanwhile, in the Grill, the party was in full swing already.
The karaoke machine was plugged in and people were taking turns playing all different Christmas songs.
"What took you so long?" Caroline said as she got to Bonnie and Elena at the bar.
"I needed to make sure the magical boundary around the town was secured." Bonnie said and wave at Damon, who swooped in to whisk her away.
"He is here" Caroline whispered into Elena, whose eyes had already descended on Mason Lockwood.
"I don't really care." Elena mumbled and turned to Matt, who brought over a trey of rum shots. "Just one."
"Oh, come on - it's Christmas Eve. We party. I'll make sure you don't do anything stupid." Caroline said.
"Like last year - you mean." Elena remarked.
"Exactly." Caroline said and pulled her friend suddenly by the hand to follow her to the small makeshift podium.
"I can't sing." Elena protested.
"You'll be fine." Caroline said, who mimiced to her friend to do the song with her.
"I can't - sorry." Elena squirmed apologetically.
"Right." Caroline got on stage."This song - it's kinda about those dirty liars and cheats if this world- and just so you know - you can find that someone special"
Last Christmas
I gave you my heart
But the very next day
You gave it away
This year
To save me from tears
I'll give to someone special
Elena inhaled sharply in a very silent manner as the lyrics hit home. She glanced at Mason, whose eyes connected with her. He knew very well that the heartbreak he had caused her last Christmas.
"Hey," Stefan elbowed the doppelgänger gently as he aproached her, "I heard it on the grapevine you went to New Orleans to help Elijah"
"Yeah - no big. He needed a bit of my blood."
"Even as a vampire your blood is still a weapon." Stefan remarked.
"Let's talk about something more exciting? When are you going to propose to Valerie?"
"Tomorrow." Stefan said. "I've got all organized."
"I hope it's totally romantic"
"It is. I just hope she says yes."
"She will. And I'm so happy for you." Elena chimed warmly.
"I really hope you find love, too." Stefan ehxaled a little, evidently worried about the doppelgänger and all that had happened with Mason Lockwood.
"I think I have." Elena curled a little smile at her friend.
And she left the looking puzzled as she turned to the door.
A face on a lover with a fire in his heart
A man under cover, but you tore me apart
Oh, oh now I've found a real love
You'll never fool me again
And Caroline sang the last part differently, pointing her finger at Enzo St. John.
This year I'll give it to someone special
At that very moment, Elena moved swiftly through the swaying crowd and passing by Mason, she opened her arms, wrapping them around Elijah Mikaelson.
"I missed you" she whispered dearly.
"Missed you, too" Elijah said. And though he was not someone to show public display of affection, this time he pulled her to him into a warm loving kiss.
"OMG!" Caroline couldn't hold her surprise seeing the Original and Elena dreamily lost in one another.
"Merry Christmas, everyone" the blonde vampire belted out before she passed the microphone to Vicky.
"Merry Christmas" Elijah muttered, still holding Elena in his arms.
"Merry Christmas," she smiled, "come on - let's get out of here"
Taking the Original by the hand, they slipped out of the Grill.
As she got in his Porsche, she texted Bonnie and Caroline that she'd see them in a few days. "Elijah and I need some time alone. Merry Christmas. xoxo ❤️"
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aloneatpeace · 10 months
Cosmic Chaos
Chapter 14
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Mind readings/thoughts
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Grams and you wait for bonnie to come home you had texted her to stay the night again, grams watch you with a frown her face you have been oddly silent since Issac had gone from the look of it, she can say that it not the boy that caused the change it something else.
“Why are you making bonnie stay here you know her dad doesn’t like it” she says
You hum knowing that but knowing bonnie with you with grams make you sleep better at night.
“Yeah, why are you making me stay every single night?”  bonnie voiced a playful annoyance on her voice
You innocently turn to her “because I love you and you love me”
She raises an eyebrow at before throwing herself next to you taking the snacks you offer her.
“How is Caroline? is she still with the demon dude?” you ask look away from her
“Not really I told her he isn’t good for her but I can’t control her” bonnie exhale
You nod your head agreeing “on that did elena tell you anything about her and Stefan?” grams glance at your way when the name she familiar with slips of your lips.
“No. I stopped medaling in her relationship, again I can’t control her”
You frown at the worried look on bonnie face you push your knees to her side “stop worrying you’ve more wrinkles than grams”
“Child, I can still whoop your ass if I wanted to” grams mutter making you and bonnie laugh a little.
Bonnie’s smile falls a little and you catch it quickly “what is it now?”. Bonnie eyes falls on grams and grams nod in understanding “hey stop telepathically speaking” you kick Bonnie’s leg with your leg lightly.
“You know, when we doing the carwash?” you nod as bonnie sit straight her fingers intertwined “something happened”
“Did you get hurt?” you question sitting up when she shakes her head you lean back “then what is it?”
Grams place a hand on her shoulder “I might set a car on fire” she observes your reaction
“Why was I denied the fun?” the genuine hurt on your face makes bonnie relax letting a small smile on her lips while grams let out long sigh palm on her forehead.
“Through magic…and I think grams might be right I might be a witch” she continues biting her lips as you say silent.
“Wait your saying …that you set a car on fire through magic” you slowly stand up “that is awesome. Oh my god this is the best news ever. Do you think we can set our school on fire” your eyes shines with mischievous a grin on your face
“Y/N” grams yells while bonnie laughs at your excitement.
“I’m kidding” you shout back before mouthing at bonnie I’m not. “Oh, this is going to be fun, I am guessing our badass gram will the mentor” you suddenly turn to grams walking towards her “grams please tell me you’re going to teach her voodoo” grams pinch your ears. “Okey okey maybe not”
“Now listen to me, witches are nature servants, they connect with the nature in deeper level than any mortal immortal beings.”
“Was our family burned alive in the witch trials?” bonnie asks joining on the ground next to as you and her listen to grams.
Grams shake her head at the question “No, the girls that were persecuted in Salem were entirely innocent. You have to have more than ignorance to trap a real witch.”  You frown at that.
“How did we end up in mystic falls?”
“Our family fled Salem in 1692 and relocated here. Our ancestors lived in secrecy for over a hundred years. It's important that we still do.”
“Gram’s, everybody knows you’re a witch” 
You frown “not exactly, what they know that supernatural bunch of bullshit and she’s just crazy old lady that teaches occult at the university. No one believes it and you don’t let them know right grams?” you dismiss her offended look when you call her old and crazy.
“Could it have been more right” grams shake her head at you.
You stand up and lay down the couch “Where's the witchcraft? I mean, you've been talking history for 2 days. I wanna get to the fun part.”
“it's not meant to be fun. It's real and it's serious, and you must understand it before you practice it. our family line is one of the most powerful one, centuries ago our very first ancestor were also the servants of the nature, the women of our life is the foundation of all existing supernatural.” grams say standing up she glance at bonnie “and you my girl the power also flow through your vein, when the right time comes you will realize how special you are “grams say while looking at her with warmth and pride in her eyes.
You watch them with heavy heart intentionally or unintentionally your minds get twisted as you doubt that will be also make her proud are you doing enough. You shake your head trying to the bad thoughts out off of head.
When grams leave bonnie sit next to you “who is the hunky dude in leather jacket?”
“The what now?” you tilt your head
Bonnie lightly glares at you “don’t fool me, elena told me she saw you and your friends with really sketchy guy in the woods. Are doing some shady shit?”
You groan throwing your head back you deadpan look at her “oh ya, did she say that we stumble up on her Stefan in the same wood, where he gives her a long ass monologue about him being a vampire and your friend Stefan tried to compel me, but the hunky dude leather jacket stopped him”
Bonnie glare falls as her face twist to shocked one you scoff “seems like she missed that part?”.
“Bonnie, I’m not doing any shady stuff well not exactly, I don’t when elena herself tell you about that, but just keep yourself safe okey” you take off the necklace that scott give you. “Here wear it”
She takes the jewelry inspecting it while you sent scott a text talking about needing one more necklace. “Why it’s yours” 
“Consider it as early birthday gift” you toss the phone at your side, frowning when you look for chips in the bag to find none.
Bonnie side eyes you “oh like three months early?”
“Yeah, early early gift”.
Buzzing of your phone make you groan sitting up unlocking you are greeted with a unknow number a picture and text. Bonnie sits up straight when she the afraid look of your face making her glance at the phone.
  <unknown> : Come and save your friends.
You quickly lock the phone and stand up before you can run out the door bonnie tackle you the ground. “Bonnie what the hell!”
“I’m not letting you go. what the hell does that mean come and save them?! I saw it. is that the leather jacket you three hang out?” she said still keeping down while you squirm trying to shake off her without hurting her.
“Bonnie now is not the time to ask your 21 questions, let me go” you roll both you now trapping bonnie shaking her off you stand.
“Well, I’m coming with you” you immediately shake your head “or I will tell grams, melissa and Noah about this”
You look at her in disbelief “you wouldn’t”
“Try me” she gives you a challenging look.
Running hands down your face you sigh “I hate you sometimes”
Bonnie grins “I will get my keys”.
Derek who watching Deaton hears the sound off two footsteps and heartbeat making him stand alerted. Eyes starts to glow blue the snarl that half way turns into a whine when he sees you come out the darkness with your sister bonnie making him more confused.
“What the hell are you doing here?” derek asks coming towards you and bonnie.
“Surprise I was going to ask you the same where is scott and stiles?” you snap back, bonnie lean towards you.
“Is he derek hale?”  you nod at her bonnie turns him with narrowed eyes “are you selling drugs to her?” she asks.
That make you both look at her “No” derek answer while look at you and bonnie with genuine confusion.
While look away you see someone knocked out in Derek’s car “Oh my god” making your way towards it. it is Deaton scotts boss, bonnie two follow while derek silently curse still wondering how you come with your sister.
Furiously you turn to derek “What the hell derek? Did you kidnap him? Did they agree to do this” derek sigh stand silent making you stomp towards him. “Tell me why you think it’s okey to do this and where the hell are they?”.
Bonnie check Deaton pulse relaxing when she finds one, she doesn’t know what to make out this clearly derek and you three had something to do with it.  she pulls out the phone directly to call the sheriff “y/n step away from him. I’m calling the sheriff”
“What?” puzzled you turn to bonnie you run towards her “NO. NO bonnie cut it. hear me out” derek stand silently behind you he even though he wants to intervene in the process somehow, he ended up hurting bonnie, you as well as scott and stiles will lose pinch of trust you three have.
“Hear you out y/n he has a man knocked out in backseat of his car.” Bonnie glare at derek “you step away from my sister”
You nervously shrug “I’m sure he has a good reason” you glance at derek who still stand behind you, he clenches his jaw looking away from bonnie to your eyes.
“Do you really want me tell her?”
“Do you want to go back the station?” bonnie asks you wince at the implication of him getting arrested as suscept for his own sisters’ death.
Derek glare her before smirking at you making you side eye you know he is going to say something that you won’t like “well I think he is the alpha”
You sigh putting your hands on the hip while bonnie lower her phone down hesitantly you ignore bonnie questioning glance “alright then where is scott.”
On cue the loudest pitched sound what sounds like a cat being chocked to death, the embarrassment quickly gone all you want to laugh out loud.
“You gotta be kidding me”
you almost lost at derek rection you never seen him so embarrassed and uncomfortable.
“What the hell was that?” bonnie ask wide eyed looking around before anyone can answer the most petrifying howl is heard Bonnie’s hands finds you, a proud smile on your lips as you let out laugh in disbelief.
Soon scott and stiles comes out excitedly, stiles bounce in his place when he sees you running towards to hug you “Did you hear that?” he ask.
“Yes, I did” you smile back before he releases you nodding at bonnie with a cheeky smile before taking a double look at the both of you.
“I’m going to kill both of you, what the hell was that? What are you trying to do, attract the entire state to the school” derek yells.
Scott glance at you and then at bonnie making them suddenly a painful silence falls you look away when you look back everyone’s eyes was on you. scott shuffle in feet as bonnie narrow her eyes at you demanding answers “What?” at that she raise her brow at you, glancing at scott he hesitantly nods stiles eyes held no disagreement lastly your eyes find derek he gives you unbothered shrug.
“y/n” bonnie press out your name.
“Well, there this thing a werewolf exactly, it also killed couple of people” you murmured out crossing your arms Infront of you. “And we are here because...we want to...” scott tense his place.
Derek let out a loud sigh “It’s an alpha that killed my sister and they’re here because scott was bite by the same alpha. Now can we move on”
Scott glare at derek exposing him while you close your eyes running your hands down your face.
Bonnie glance at scott who shift nervously at his heels “really” she asks the disbelief clear in her voice, the thought of her sisters’ larky scrawny nerd friend being turning a blood thirsty monster on every full moon.
She contemplates what you said making derek sigh with impatience, derek walks closer his eyes turning blue fangs and nails coming out making bonnie startle.
“DEREK NO” you yell pulling him away from bonnie by his jacket scott and stiles also comes towards you alerted.
Derek retrieves back to his human features shrugging “what? it was talking to long” pushing him away you stand Infront of him a hesitantly walk towards bonnie startled figure.
Frowning when she moves away “bonnie, it’s alright no one is going to hurt you”
Compressing herself bonnie stand up straight “Come on we are leaving” you relax when she held out her hand.
You look back at them stiles rub your back and scott nod at you.
“Now” bonnie presses sighing you take her hand and she pull you away from them hastily walking away dragging you with her.
Suddenly a feeling of dread build in you the air around you somehow felt threatening making you halt in your place making bonnie to look back at you.
The sound of frantic heavy sprinting towards both of you startled the both of you, and from the dark a large werewolf saliva dripping from its mouth, slowly step out from the darkness towards the both you. the moonlight shined down the creature, making it look sharp teeth shine red eyes pinned on yours.
It does not look like scotts wolf foam at all this creature had striking similarities of man as well as wolf, the limbs sinewy and muscular appendages bore a coat of fur that shimmered in the moonlight. His feet elongated and clawed dug into the earth, the hind leg slightly bent at the knees, elongated hands long sharp claws that can easily cut into the flesh of its prey easily, dark red hues dilated brightly contrast to the black fur.
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Bonnie stands frozen in fear her hand tightens on you “bonnie don’t fucking run. You slowly go back to them alright”
“I can’t” she whispers back shivering, the grip on your hands tightens tenfold.
The creature seems to have it eyes solely forced on you “yes you can. Please for the first time do as I say” heaving a sigh “now slowly go them” you prey off your hands softly nudging her back.  “Please bonnie leave”
She whispers your name, a sob threatening to come out her. slowly she walks backwards and then broke into run.
The creature manically makes its way towards you breathing heavily you stand still, the hot breath on your face make you close your eyes tightly. You wait for slit your throat or tore your limbs but nothing happens making you slowly open your eyes; the creature lowers its head at your level the red eyes dim a hint of blue peeking through barely visible it lifts hands out and slowly glade down your hands the claw cut through the material of clothing but not deep enough to cut the skin.
“A beta, shouldn’t turn against his alpha”. 
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livlepretre · 4 months
It’s legit fucking insane how easily Elena moves past her friends murdering people, and I agree that this is something we see occur in canon as Elena falls in love with the Salvatores and Caroline (one of her best friends) becomes a vampire, she slowly stops caring about just what it means for them to be immortal beings that feed on blood. And yeah, the fact that she can forgive Damon literally murdering her brother—who seemed to be aware he walked in on a potentially dangerous situation for his sister and Elena tried to get him out of there, so she also knew this was dangerous—is just, I can see the “point of no return” warning signs but I’m not sure if Elena ever fully realized what it meant that this wasn’t unforgivable for her since it could be undone or if she did realize it and consider it to be worth it so that she could actually accept these people, who are willing to kill for her and love her, as they are. Elena is not only able to forgive Damon, but she falls in love with him after he murdered Jeremy. FE is just taking this to the absolute extreme of a) the very first vampires who had to stop caring about the morality of their actions and the sanctity of human life if they wanted to survive their new state of being without going insane and b) vampires who didn’t actually care much about Elena as a person at first so who cares if what they do freaks her out and Stefan is a Ripper without humanity and compelled and living his worst life right now so he’s just free falling onto a dark path.
Exactly why I like Elena so much, and why I choose her as my protagonist. I always understood Elena's arc as an arc about a vampiric seduction leading to absolutely moral decay-- Katherine exists to show us where the end of that road literally is for Elena. In my ideal tvd timeline, she would have really gone off the rails as a vampire, been given the cure at the end of season 4, and have had to actually have a reckoning with herself-- not just for what she did as a vampire, but for all the things she did and allowed to happen when she was still human. I wanted that big event to jar her into seeing herself clearly for the first time in years.
Personally, I don't really think Elena is aware of how deranged her thinking gets in canon-- like, she might explicitly think to herself, that person is my on my list, it's okay, but she can't see how much that has changed from who she was before and the thought doesn't strike her as discordant enough, and eventually not at all, which is why her fall is so interesting. She's not intending to lose her moral compass-- she gets seduced when she is young and vulnerable and has no parents, and that seduction reveals terrifying things about her character. I'm not sure anyone would become like Elena in her circumstances-- but the allure and the danger is that anyone might. (something something, that idea that the response to discovering monsters are real is to become the very monster you fear, something something)
Glad FE feels like the natural extension of all of these things 💙 the fic has gone so far past canon events/characterization at this point, but I try very hard to ground it in where things were when we diverted, with just a few things from later in the canon timeline added in. I appreciate your comment very much.
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elejah4ever · 5 months
The next parts of my theory.
Elena had a major impact on Elijah due to her unknowingly being the reason why he didn’t give Klaus and Rebekah what they wanted for the first time ever, the hybrid wanted a doppelgänger to break his curse and the latter wanted revenge for Elena’s actions towards her, Elijah broke his word for the first time since he wasn’t around to protect her even though he used his family’s sacred vow on Elena which is also something he’s never done before.
Elijah’s scared of how intense his feelings are for Elena since acknowledging them means admitting them which would lead to any and all enemies of his and his family, not to mention Katherine’s enemies since almost everyone even her best friends confused the two except Elijah who would know instantly since he’s known Katherine for 500 years before he knew Elena, using her against him. That’s why he kept her at a distance, so she’d be safe. He’d rather her be happy with someone else who wasn’t him than her being chased down forever. Him using his family’s sacred vow in the letter he wrote her is the biggest clue of his feelings while also using that as an excuse to be around her more without anyone asking questions since his word and his family’s sacred vow are the two things he tries not to break.
His love for Elena would mean the possibility of him losing her and that’s something he can't afford to do, but they can't stay away from each other for long. He knew it was Elena and not Katherine which is why he took the opportunity when it was there for you to take. Not to mention the fact that they are drawn to each other like magnets, but tries to stay away because he likes to be in control and him being afraid of his own feelings for her is new territory for him after losing two previous love interests since Tatia and Celeste both died. He never let anyone know his family history and yet, he told her when he’s known her for months at the time. He doesn’t want to lose her which is why he’s distancing himself from her when that is the worst thing he could do. Elena is the doppelganger and people have already come after her. She's safer with him than she is with Stefan and Damon.
Elena's just as in love with him as he is with her because she always goes to him for safety, she kept the letter until she turned off her emotions unless she secretly still has it and just said that to see what his reaction would be, she knew he’d save her, she kept trusting him with her family and she wanted to tell him Esther's plan, but couldn't because Esther and Finn were standing within ear shot and the former probably would have k1lled her if she did tell him.
After Elena leaves, Elijah has a flashback about Katherine who says, “true love isn’t real unless it’s returned” before she asks him if he agrees. He says that he doesn’t believe in love-I think it’s possibly because of Tatia and her death-before Katherine asks him that if people cease to believe in love then why would they want to live?!?! I also noticed he says that caring for another doppelgänger is a common mistake he’s told and that he won’t make it again-which I believe is a lie from the look on his face-AFTER he has the flashback of himself and Katherine that I previously mentioned-shortly after Elena comes back and DURING that scene he has another flashback of Klaus telling him that love is a weakness!!!!!!!! I like to think that when he had the flashback of himself and Katherine is when he realized that he’s in love with Elena. The flashback of him and Klaus about how love is a weakness tells me that Elijah decided to push his feelings for Elena away and ignore them, partially because of Klaus.
I believe he fell in love with her when they were in the car, he wonders if and hopes she feels the same way when he remembers what Katherine said about true love not being real unless it’s returned before he just says fuck it due to Klaus saying love is a weakness.
She probably fell in love with him since the day they met, but didn’t realize it until she got his letter.
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therealvinelle · 1 year
i've seen you answer a few questions about tvd so i thought i might ask, what are your thoughts on the main love triangle? and klaus/stefan?
As a caveat: I did not watch much further than the first few episodes of season 4, in fact I ragequit when one of the writers revealed we wouldn't be seeing Elijah on screen again until 4x20 at which point I thought, "Well I simply won't watch until 4x20 then".
And then 4x20 was a backdoor pilot to the spinoff The Originals and I simply watched that show instead.
All this to say, I was 100% a gung ho Vampire Diaries fan and you can tell by how closely I was following it, sadly the only TVD I know of would be the first three seasons. Same actually goes for The Originals, as I for reasons I don't remember wasn't able to access episodes post-season 3 so I wound up not knowing what happens after Hayley drives off with the entire family hibernating in her truck either.
Another disclaimer: it's been more than ten years since I watched this show and my memory may fail me at times.
With that:
The main love triangle
Having only seen the first three seasons, I think that Damon wishes quite badly he was a different man, and he is unable to take responsibility for his life and relationships being what they are. He would rather blame his failings on Stefan, and, whenever Stefan fails or falls short in some ways, it's immensely validating to Damon because who's the bad brother now?
His love for Katherine is not only about Katherine, but about being chosen by someone over Stefan. Because, as Damon will try to tell himself, just because she was sleeping with both of them and decided to turn them both, doesn't mean she didn't prefer Damon (after all, she had to compell Stefan, while Damon slept with her willingly. Victory for Damon!), and also- look, don't question Damon on this. It's fine and he's a well adjusted man, and once he has rescued his lady love from her tomb she'll tell him how much better he is than Stefan.
Enter Elena, who looks exactly like Katherine, is living in Mystic Falls just the same as Katherine, and who has drawn Stefan's interest.
Damon, eternally pulling Stefan's pigtails and being a goddamn creep, starts creeping on Elena, this does not work. Instead, however, he learns that Katherine faked her entombment, and has in fact been living her best life for the past 150 years. Worse, Damon and Stefan were never more than boytoys to her.
Cut to Elena, who is just as beautiful (in a very literal sense of the term), only she is kind, genuinely loves Stefan, the polar opposite of Katherine in every way.
Damon transfers his emotions from Doppelganger B to Doppelganger C.
Stefan, meanwhile, seems to... fall in with Elena, for lack of a better way to put it. They meet, he is confused about the resemblance to Katherine for long enough to get to know her, by which time he's into it, and Elena sees a very handsome and pleasant man who is easy to fall for.
The trouble with Stefan is I don't really have a grip on his character, he is... there, for three seasons, and he has his character moments and his speeches, I can tell you things about his personality except I can't.
He is one of those people you can know for years but never actually know who, having killed his father and become the Ripper for so many years, seems to be that he is running away from himself. That is the only way I can interpret his strange nothingness, as well as bizarre decisions like coming to live with his nephew Zach and attend high school.
I think Stefan wants to surround himself with people, form relationships with them, and through that find a sense of identity that he can enjoy. Which is where loving Elena comes in, as she is kind, generous, mature, vulnerable, and fun- the type of person you can lose yourself in, and have those simple moments of happiness Florence Welch sings about.
In other words, while my real ship here is Elejah, Stelena trumps Delena any day.
Klaus and Stefan
Klaus is a deeply sad person who is only interested in dating two people, and they are his sister Rebekah and his brother Elijah. At the time he met Stefan Elijah wasn't around, so Stefan became replacement Elijah.
(The proof of the Elijah projection lies in the fact that Klaus was fine with Stefan sleeping with Rebekah. He is historically not fine with outsiders doing this, you have to be family for Klaus to accept these things.)
"Look, Elijah," Klaus would imagine himself saying to Elijah, "I have a new brother now and he is hotter, cooler, and not a total bore like you! Stefan loves me more anyway," and then Elijah would sit and cry and give Klaus so much attention and it would be great.
As for Stefan, I think he just liked partying.
They probably did fuck, but Klaus is too embarrassing for Stefan to ever admit as much.
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imaginefan · 1 year
Prove It
Damon Salvatore X Reader
Word Count: 948
Requested: Anon
Request: Could you do a one shot where reader is like in love with damon and is his best friend and he tells about Elena and one day she snaps and tells him about it when she is mad and then she leaves because she feels like damon hates her or something like that you can decide the end 🤞🏽🤞🏽 just if u want to 😭😭
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You had been friends with Damon for most of his immortal life and had been travelling with him for just as long. You came to Mystic Falls with him and even if you didn’t agree with some of the things that he did, you couldn’t leave him alone, you loved him too much for that but you assumed that he didn’t love you, not with the way that he talked about Katherine and now Elena, so you stood by him as you tried to help him get the girl that he wanted.
Today you were sitting in his living room waiting for him to come back, this was the 4th time that he had been late for a hang out session, the 4th time that you sat with your own drink while you waited for him and it looked like it was going to be the 4th time that you give up and just go upstairs climb into bed and pretend that you're asleep when he comes in to apologise. It seemed that the universe was not on your side this time because he came through the door just as you stood up “She’s the worst!” Was the first thing that he said to you. “What?” You asked taking a sip of the drink in your hand as you waited for him to clarify. “All I want is to give her everything and she wants Stefan instead.” Damon complained and you looked at him. “Elena.” You sighed. “Yes Elena, who else?” He asked. “No honestly I don’t know why I thought that it would be someone else.” You said as you downed the last of your drink putting the cup on the coffee table and attempted to leave the room. “Hey what does that mean? Why’d you say it like that?” He asked. “Because I want to give him everything and all he wants is Elena!” You answered with anger taking over long enough for that sentence to slip out before you realised what you said before you left.
Damon didn’t cross paths with you for a couple of days after that, he knew you were safe because Stefan would see you around town but you were avoiding him, he realised that you knew enough about him and his schedules that you knew when to come back to the house when you needed something without running into him. He had lost interest in pursuing Elena; he was more worried about losing you. Damon had known that he loved you for a very long time, he was afraid of losing you but that coupled with the fear of something new meant that he lost you entirely. Damon was 5 days into not seeing you when he decided that he wasn’t going to let that happen, so he waited for you, he didn’t care how long it would take and finally one evening when he would usually be at The Grill you walked through the door. “There you are.” His tone started off teasing but then he noticed you turning to leave again, unfortunately for you Damon and older, stronger and faster than you, he grabbed you around the waist pressing you to the wall to stop you from leaving. “Where do you think you're going?” “I don’t want to bother you, I’ll go.” You said as you tried to put some space between you but you were in fact pressed against the wall and there wasn’t much space to be made. “Bother me? Why would you think that you bother me?” He asked softly as he thumbed down your cheek, if you looked up you would have seen his eyes were trained in on your lips as they form your next sentence. “You must hate me after what I said, you don’t even like me like that.” You said, once those words left your mouth, they were real to you and it made tears well up in your eyes. Damon was pressing himself closer. “You never gave me a chance to tell you how I felt, you left and avoided me for days.” He said softly. “Please if you need me around to do something for you then I’ll do it but don’t lie to me.” You pleaded and it was then that he realised that you honestly thought that you had no chance, so he leaned forward lips brushing against yours. “I love you, I never want to lose you, I was afraid to admit it because it might have hurt but Katherine was constant, if things go wrong with you, you're gone forever, no do overs.” He explained. “But when you left I realised I was even more scared that I’d never get that with you, that I’d never get to try, please (Y/N) give me a chance to prove it.” “Prove it?” You asked. “That I want you and only you.” He pleaded, he was a breath away kissing you, his voice so soft that you were sure this was a conversation only for the two of you. “Prove it.” You finally said and he took that opportunity to press a breathtaking kiss to your lips, pressing you entirely to the wall as his hands rested on your hips and your arms came up around his neck. “Ugh do you have to do that in the hallway?” Stefan asked. “Grow up little brother.” Damon said, he only pulled away enough to speak before he was kissing you again, you both faintly heard Stefan leaving the house as Damon continued to steal the breath from your lungs and pressing his body closer to you, you were pretty sure that he wasn’t letting you go anytime soon.
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