#they were definitely both after elena because they wanted each other
realbeefman · 10 months
some people watched vampire diaries because they wanted to fuck the salvatore brothers i watched because i wanted the salvatore brothers to fuck. we are not the same
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klausysworld · 11 months
would u be down to write Klaus x vampire hunter? I need that forbidden love angst and all that goodness!! I also may have seen a Buffy the vampire slayer post and couldn’t stop thinking about a Klaus x slayer relationship 🤔
Plot twist? She ends up getting pregnant!?!? I just need the juicy stuff loool
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(this is gonna be a multiple part story FOR SURE! I can't lie I've had a very similar idea/scenario running through my head for the past few weeks so i'm really glad someone really wanted this too! The only reason it'll be multiple parts is so that it's easier to read and so that i'm able to add the build up how i imagined :))
Love is never simple
(Part 2 here)
Y/n was the first born daughter to Grayson and Miranda Gilbert.
When Y/n was born they had only very recently claimed Elena as their own, passing the two babies off as twins to those they knew. Fraternal of course for they were definitely not similar not for their looks nor their behaviour.
Elena was a mommy’s girl, she wanted to dress up and be the princess: have her hair and nails done, go shopping with her friends Caroline and Bonnie.
Meanwhile Y/n was more curious. She liked to follow her father, learn from his actions. She still spent time with the girls but given the choice to run around a field and swing a bat then she wouldn’t say no.
One day Miranda was unable to pick up the two girls from school, they were only young and couldn’t get a lift home. Grayson came straight from work and took the girls back there with him. Elena did as she was told, stayed in the designated room and wrote in her diary. Y/n decided to sneak after her father, wondering down a cold staircase to a dungeon of sorts. Men were walking with purpose in lab coats and barking orders at weak, pale beings in cells.
She could see card shot glasses filled with a deep red liquid laid out in rows on a tray. She held onto the railing of the stairs and watched as, who she assumed to be sick people, begged for the cups. Eventually they were given the small dosage, dark veins travelled down their eyes to their cheeks and sharp teeth poked into their lower lips.
A hint of fear swirled within her eyes, confusion and fascination. Something was wrong with these people. She peered closer, accidentally drawing the attention of one of the patients. His eyes narrowed before a small, cruel smile formed on his lips. It barely lasted a second before Y/n was harshly grabbed by the upper arm, causing a shriek to leave her as her head whipped round to see her fathers alarmed face staring back at her
“Y/n!” He yelled “you do not come down here!” Grayson hurriedly lifted her up the stairs and slammed the door shut behind him. “Where’s Elena? Is she still in the office?” He questioned in a panic and Y/n nodded quickly
“She stayed- I’m sorry Daddy- i just wanted to see” she whispered and he sighed, placing her down onto her feet and kissed her forehead.
“It’s not safe for you there” he warned
“What was wrong with those people?” She asked quietly and he clenched his jaw
“They’re not people Y/n…” he murmured “they’re…monsters…they just dress up as people”
They both looked at each-other trying to figure out what the other was thinking
“Dressed up?” She questioned curiously and he clicked his tongue
“Yes…see y/n, they aren’t humans. They just want you to believe that they are, they’re dangerous and it’s part of my job to stop them…to help real people be safe” he explained and she nodded
“You cure them?” She tilted her head, she knew her father was a doctor. Perhaps by stopping them he would make them people instead of monsters.
“If only that were a thing my little y/n….these beasts cannot be cured. Do you remember last summer when there was that…mountain lion on the loose?” He asked her and she nodded with a puzzled smile. “Well that creature hurt people, sent them to heaven…and because of that, the lion had to be put to rest” he told her and she nodded, viscous animals were put down, she knew that. “These beasts, they’re just like that lion. They’re viscous and they won’t ever be tame…they won’t ever feel love. They just want to hurt people.” He whispered, his eyes conveying passion as he spoke of the monsters.
“So you put them down?” She murmurs and he nods
“That’s right” he confirmed and she nodded back at him.
“Because they deserve it?” She utters and he smiled
“Exactly y/n, exactly”
And that was the start of a very twisted childhood.
Miranda was furious when she found out that Y/n had seen the Augustine vampires. They yelled all through the night, their angry voices sounding through the house which resulted in a frightened Elena and a crying Jeremy to climb into Y/n’s bed, all huddling together, looking to y/n for protection.
The next morning nobody spoke a word of the previous day. They ate breakfast, Grayson kissed the heads of each of his children and went of to work. Miranda got them all ready for school and dropped them off before going to work.
The system repeated itself until Y/n stepped out of line again. Tyler Lockwood had shoved Jeremy into a wall and called him names, Y/n wasn’t nearly as big as Tyler but threw punches just as hard. By the time the teacher had separated the two, both Grayson and Miranda were at the school beyond worried.
The school recommended Y/n went to a child’s psychologist to catch her anger management issues earlier rather than later. The same message was passed onto the Lockwoods.
But Grayson didn’t see a troubled little girl when he looked at his daughter, he saw someone strong, a fighter, a hunter.
With many disagreements and arguments, Miranda demanded that neither Y/n or Elena and Jeremy would ever be faced with the supernatural life as long as they were alive.
Grayson however didn’t listen. When Miranda took Elena out and Jeremy was at a friends, he would bring Y/n back to the vampires.
He showed her brain scans of a vampires brain vs a humans brain. He showed her a sociopaths and a psychopaths. He taught her what they had learnt, how a vampire thinks. How it behaves and why. He had her taking multiple self defence classes a week as well as personal training where she was allowed to used weapons, stakes.
On her 14th birthday, when everyone was getting ready for bed, Grayson came back into her room and gave her a box. Inside the box was a dagger, a very special dagger. One she had seen drawings of, heard stories of. And with it came the promise that one day she would get to use it.
Y/n was given weekly lessons on vampire history, all the way back to the originals.
By the age of 16 she was searching for them. For him. She wanted to see the one and only Niklaus Mikaelson. Supposedly the most ruthless, most dangerous and most powerful creature to walk the planet? The one who was supposed to kill her very very own sister.
Grayson didn’t approve of her wanting to seek him. He agreed with almost everything she did but not that. He couldn’t risk Klaus. Y/n could fight off a vampire, she was even able to kill a ripper while it was in a frenzy, but an original hybrid? At 16? He couldn’t guarantee that.
So she left in the night. She was gone four full days and nights before she returned. Miranda was in tears and begged her to never leave them again. Elena was angry and Jeremy felt betrayed. But Grayson could tell that Y/n had exactly what she wanted. She knew what Klaus Mikaelson looked like.
And when she placed a photograph of the beasts face on the table beside his glass, he knew he had successfully created a true vampire hunter.
Y/n had boards drawn, hidden from her siblings and mother and only accessible to herself. They held the locations of vampire nests, werewolf packs and witch covens all over the US. She began to form connections with witches. Shiela Bennet, Grams, was aware of Y/n’s involvement and although she wanted nothing more than to stay out of vampire business, she knew Y/n was in too deep to back out and she would protect that girl. She helped her get in touch with other witches, warned her of the witch trials that took place, where a hundred spirits would support her. In return Y/n promised to protect Bonnie, to never take advantage of her and to try her best to keep her away from vampires.
Everything was smooth for a while until that tragic night. One slip in the road and the car was in the water. Y/n had kicked and punched with everything in her to break the windows open, to save Elena, her mother and her father. But she watched as the life drained from their eyes, she watched as Elena tried to tell her how much she loved her. And then, in what she thought would be her last moment, she saw a figure force the door open with a supernatural strength. A vampire, Stefan Salvatore, saved both girls that night.
Y/n didn’t know what to think.
She understood that maybe he saved Elena because of the doppelgänger history that she had learnt of over the years. But she never understood why he would save her too.
Y/n had searched on Stefan before, the ripper. To say she was disgusted was an understatement, but now he was acting as though he was nothing more than a bunny muncher? Lies. There was darkness within him, waiting to be let free. He would kill them all. She was sure of it.
So sure that she broke into his house, only to find his brother Damon already there nursing a glass of bourbon. She observed the two brothers as they through each other from the window and hissed like feral cats. Like a mountain lion.
Damon didn’t even bother to hide his darkness, he was a monster in her eyes. Clear as the moon amongst the stars.
But before she could get her hands on the right stake, Grams was at her door
“Y/n, child, you mustn’t” she warned and Y/n frowned
“I will not have two vampires in our town, ruining my family.” She snapped back and Shiela shook her head
“Child, please” she begged “you have to trust me, trust me that you will need them” she whispered urgently
“Why would anyone need a vampire?” She sneered and Grams grabbed her hand
“Just believe” she uttered “they will not touch you, I can guarantee that not a hair on your head-“
“I don’t care if they hurt me, they will hurt Elena- Jeremy- Jenna-“ she listed, taking a pause before looking Grams in the eye “they will destroy Bonnie”
“You know I wouldn’t put her in danger, they will come and go. The older one of here for one thing, once he has it he will leave and the younger is nothing more than a nuisance” she tried to encourage but Y/n only shook her head
“You know that would be the easiest thing to believe. But they are not made to make friends, they are not here because they feel anything other than hunger. Hunger for blood and hunger for power. Your power, Bonnie’s power.” She threatened
“Y/n, you must trust me just this once. We will rid ourselves of these demons but we must do it right so that we do not become the monsters we fear”
And so with much reluctance, Y/n waited and watched.
She didn’t reveal any of her intentions, she just stayed quiet.
Even when the vampires escaped the tomb, she didn’t make herself known. When Grams died it broke something inside Y/n but it also made her stronger, she knew she had to protect her family, the Gilbert’s, the Bennett’s.
Not even the council knew she was in on it all. Grayson never told a soul outside of the Augustine community so that Miranda never found out. She helped of course, but at the end of the day when she watched Stefan and Elena beg for Bonnie to let them save Damon…Y/n just couldn’t decide where she stood. In that moment she froze, she watched Bonnie Bennet help a vampire and it confused her beyond belief.
And she witnessed it time and time again.
How could this happen? How could everyone in that godforsaken town so easily submit to those animals?
It was Damon who finally caught onto Y/n, noticing the pure disgust on her face when a vampire entered the room. The way she looked at Caroline after she turned, the inner battle she faced when Caroline cried like a child and begged Y/n to tell her everything would be okay.
He eavesdropped on Y/n’s conversation with Caroline’s mother, Liz. It was after Mason had outed the Salvatores and they were waiting for the vervain to leave her system.
“She isn’t my daughter anymore Y/n” she whispered and Y/n just stared back at the wall
“No?” She questioned slightly
“She’s a monster- my little girl is…my little girl is gone” she uttered, tears brimming in her eyes and Y/n’s thoughts stirred
“Gone” she repeated “it’s just a monster…dressed as Caroline?” She mused and Liz let out a sob
“How could this happen? They killed my baby” she cried over and over but Y/n remained emotionless. She wasn’t expecting Damon to be back yet, she wasn’t aware of the way he looked at her. The tilt of his head and the narrowing of his eyes. The shock he felt when he heard the question slip from her mouth
“Will you kill her?”
Liz looked up at Y/n, horrified to an extent as she slowly shook her head “I couldn’t…” she breathed and Y/n nodded in understanding
“Would you…would you have someone else kill her?” She asked quietly and Liz sat up a little straighter, looking at Y/n almost quizzically
“I…don’t know” she whispered “should I?”
That was the biggest question Y/n had. Where was the line drawn? The line between right and wrong, the line between human and monster.
Silence hung over them and Damon watched as Y/n pondered the idea, he could see the way her eyes glistened as she thought over the idea of tearing Caroline’s heart out and then he saw the guilt settle in and the confusion take over again.
“Maybe” she mumbled “maybe Caroline is truly gone. Maybe now she is just a hollow shell of who she is supposed to be and a violent, vicious animal” she stated unfazed “but then what if she’s still your baby girl? What if she’s everything she was and more? What if she’s…better” she whispered, a glint in her eye.
Liz couldn’t give and answer, neither of them could. Neither of them ever would.
By the time Y/n left, Liz was almost asleep.
Damon seized Y/n’s arm as she walked toward the front door and attempted to pin her to the wall only to be knocked off his feet and kicked straight in the gut. His hand automatically grabbed ahold of her ankle and twisted but nothing more than a grunt left her as she grabbed something, a glass, and smashed it against the side of his head. He let out a growl and lunged for her throat but her hand was in his chest in seconds. They both stayed completely still as she held is heart still inside his body, his fangs on display and pain clear in his expression.
A silent stare down happened before Y/n squeezed at his heart and forced a surrender out of him. Once she let go they both crawled away from the other and sat on the floor, facing the other with a contemplating look.
Eventually he spoke, “what are you?” He questioned and she scoffed
“Human” she stated as though he were stupid
“It isn’t human instinct to rip someone’s heart out” he raised a brow and she sighed
“Well maybe not every human but when we have things like you living in our town-“
“Things like me?” He laughed “oh you really aren’t who I thought you were” he grinned a grin of disbelief and stared up at the ceiling. “You think all vampires are monsters?” He murmured, glancing to her
“I’m not sure anymore” she mumbled and he hummed, his brows furrowing
“So…me…Stefan and Caroline are the demons and you? You’re a little angel?” He mocks and she rolls her eyes
“Nobody said or implied that” she sighed and he squinted his eyes
“So then what?”
“I don’t know.” She stated, angrier.
The both went quiet for a moment until Stefan walked in. His eyes were wide and confused. Both Damon and Y/n looked to each other, a look that said they needed to keep this quiet.
“What the-“
“Caroline thought I was gonna hurt Liz, she threatened me by grabbing my heart” Damon lied, a sarcastic smirk on his face which made the situation much more believable. “Y/n stayed to watch Liz, didn’t you?” He glared and she nodded
“Yeah, course, anything to help” she smiled and Stefan slowly nodded. Something wasn’t right but he knew he shouldn’t ask.
And from there stemmed an odd and twisted friendship.
Damon liked to purposefully annoy Y/n, see what made her angry enough to the point where she would hurt him. He wanted to know why she was so strongly against vampires. He wanted to know where she went when she disappeared.
Because disappearing wasn’t uncommon for Y/n, since those days when she hunted down Klaus Mikaelson. The beast who was supposed to be impossible to find but clearly wasn’t trying very hard to hide. Since then she would disappear for a week every couple of months, release her built up anger and hatred for the supernatural by going to a vampire nest and seeing how many she could take on at a time.
Between stakes, wooden bullets and enchanted blades she did very well.
She would return, any wounds wrapped in bandages and nobody would ask, Elena and Jeremy had come accustomed to it. They would hug her, thank her for coming back in one piece and she would promise to never leave without coming back.
Damon however would dance circles around her: “where were you?” “Why do you smell of blood” “what did you do?”
One day she snapped at him and told him she killing of leeches like him. She proceeded to stake him through the stomach and leave him on floor before going up to bed.
That was how Stefan found out. He witnessed the scene and very cautiously raised his hands in surrender when she stomped past him on the stairs.
Damon and Stefan had many conversations on it but nothing ever came of them.
Actually a sort of alliance was formed between the three, nobody tells Elena or anyone for that matter that Y/n is a vampire hunter and Y/n will help behind the scenes when needed.
It worked well.
When Elena and Caroline were taken by the wolves, Y/n killed more of those dogs than Stefan Damon combined.
When Elena was kidnapped by Rose and Trevor for Elijah, she had seen it happen and tracked them before anyone else realised they were missing. She waited patiently in the shadows for Elijah to arrive. She already knew so much about him and it was a dream of sorts to see him so close. She had the dagger of course but she wasn’t sure if that was the right thing to do. Looking at the situation, his tone and the look in his eyes, he didn’t seem to carry any untoward intentions with Elena and if Y/n were honest she wanted to take Elijah down to Augustine. She wanted to scan the originals brain, test his blood to see if he were different to the others.
But when Elijah continued to smack Trevors head clean off and grab Elena in a painful hold, she couldn’t just stand by. A stake was thrown strain into the top of his spine, temporarily paralysing the original and causing him to let out a sharp cry of pain and anger. Elena turned to face Y/n in shock, confusion and relief. Damon and Stefan moved as soon as Y/n did and tackled Elijah unto the others presumed him dead. Y/n however collected a small sample of his blood before they left.
She returned home with the others, explaining to Elena the best she could about how she got to be who she was. About their father’s secret vampire hunting job, leaving out the Augustine side to the story as she knew Elena would not approve and Damon, Stefan and Caroline would be appalled.
Everything was different from then, Elena seeked more support in Y/n like she used to do when they were younger and Y/n guarded Elena with her life. Even when Elena was determined to sacrifice herself, hand herself over to Klaus, Y/n was there.
Y/n could feel her heart in her throat when Elijah stood in-front of her, two hearts in his hands from the vampires that were here for the doppelgänger. He gave a her a strange looked, confused as to who she was before he noticed the way Elena hid behind her and Damon grabbed at her wrist. He vanished into thin air and Y/n went on edge.
She slept in Elena’s room or had Elena in her own. She dug back through her original’s knowledge and information, pages and pages worth of history and myths. Sketches of Klaus’s face and the daggers. A small figure, hand carved by Klaus himself and made of white oak which she had stolen and kept hidden away. But then she remembered what she had learnt from the witches she had conversed with.
Killing one original would wipe out every vampire of that sireline.
She wasn’t sure what to do. Kill Klaus and the Salvatores, kill Caroline? Her childhood friend? Destroy her bond with her sister and be left alone?
She hid the white oak away and decided on presenting Damon with the mystical dagger and white oak ash. He immediately took to the idea while Stefan was hesitant but after another week of Elijah proving to be nothing but a threat in their eyes, he found himself as close to death as he could be in the cellar of the Salvatore’s.
But then Klaus showed up, we’ll sort of.
He had taken over Alaric and assumed they would all be too stupid to notice.
But Y/n could sense something. And he didn’t like the way she was looking at him, a calculated and curious look. She knew he couldn’t question her, that would be confirming her theory. So she just waited and watched. Klaus couldn’t help but feel a little nervous when she narrowed her eyes and glanced toward Elena.
When he finally revealed himself and attacked the girls in the school, Y/n was already in the cellar and forcing Elijah up the stairs.
“You’re fucked up brother is here, wake the fuck up” she yelled as his fingers slowly twitched to life. She threw blood bags at him, watching him drain them in seconds through coughing and groaning.
Once he came to he tried to have her by the throat only to be smacked back by the invisible force of the doorway. She held the dagger threateningly at him until he calmed down and took a step back to compose himself.
They grabbed Elena ASAP and got to talking.
It was another couple days before she actually saw Klaus in his true form. Y/n had just stepped into the grill, ready to yell at Damon for force feeding her his blood when she noticed the dirty blonde, blue eyed vampire stood with a glass of scotch in his hand and a cruel smirk on his face. She swiftly weaved her way through the grill and to a booth in the corner to watch the interaction.
Klaus finished threatening Damon, walked all the way to the door and paused. He could feel himself being watched, his head turned in her direction, his eyes locked onto hers and his brows pulled together with a hint of confusion. He watched as Damon noticed Y/n and called her name, drawing her attention and beckoning her over. Klaus left with her on his mind.
She was soon forgotten when he completed his ritual, was faced with his brothers betrayal and then set free.
He then left with Stefan, unaware that Y/n knew exactly where they were all of the time. Following them, tracking them, hunting them.
She watched as they moved from the road to motels, to diners to hotels to dodgy alleyways to drain helpless humans, to houses to slaughter petrified people.
And while they slept she would break into their hotel rooms, seeing how long it would take to wake the beast. She rummaged through his duffle bag of clothes and papers. She flipped through his sketch books, seeing what new things he had added since the last time she looked. She made her own copies of his maps, marking the same places as he had to know where he would be going next to find the werewolves. It was amusing to her that the reason he struggled to find them was because she had helped kill a proportion of them over the past few years.
Klaus could always feel like someone was watching him but he wasn’t sure if it was actually there or just his paranoia so he never thought too much of it. She was always hidden when he looked over his shoulder anyway.
What he didn’t know was that sometimes she would slip a concentrated doses of ketamine into his and Stefan’s drinks when he wasn’t looking to ensure he would sleep through the night. What she wasn’t expecting was for him to have a nightmare.
She had been in Klaus’s room, transferring all the data from his phone over to her laptop so she could track is messaged and phone calls when he began muttering. She ignored him and waited for it to load but he began to get louder so she stood up, a little worried he would wake. But when his breathing turned rapid and his mumbled became cries for help in fear she started to understand. He was in the middle of a nightmare and the ketamine refused to let him wake.
Hesitantly she came over to his sleeping form, placing a hand on his shoulder which his shook off.
“Shhh” she hushed quietly, not wanting anyone else in the motel to wake. “It’s okay” she whispered but he wouldn’t shut up. He just wouldn’t stop screaming, begging for the wolves to let go of someone- Henrik.
Y/n pulled the covers off him, leaving him in only his boxers. His skin was covered in sweat as he struggled against his own mind. She gently rubbed her hands over his chest, trying to soothe him with physical touch. She whispered kind words to him as she smoothed her fingers over his skin to his face, petting him gently and calming him back to a more settled sleep. His face turned to press his cheek into her palm and she sighed, relieved.
Carefully she pulled away and grabbed her laptop which now had all of his information. She placed everything back when she found it and left, locking the door and moving into Stefan’s room.
Klaus could faintly remember the feel of hands on his body, such soft skin on his. He could remember her soothing voice as she told him to breath and relax. He could still feel her fingers in his hair when he closed his eyes.
Stefan almost always knew that Y/n had been there, he could always smell her perfume. Plus sometimes she would leave him little notes to let him know she was with him.
What wasn’t planned was for Klaus to actually find Ray. She was torn between staying with Klaus or following Stefan when Stefan promised to get rid of Damon, who was searching for him as he assumed Y/n was glad to be rid of the two monsters.
Y/n only stayed because Stefan had spotted her in the bar and mouthed for her to stay, that he would be back.
So she stayed and observed. Watched as Klaus threw vervain-dipped-darts into the man’s body with a smirk on his face. It was creatures like him that she reminded her of why she killed. Why she was apart of Augustine.
So she ordered a drink for him, had the waiter tell him a girl had gotten payed for it and watched as he grinned, flattered and looked around for her. He didn’t spot her as she hid herself behind the bar, he shrugged anyways and took the drink in one gulp. His eyes went wide instantly as the liquid quite literally burned through his throat, a mixture of vervain and wolvesbane in his system. He angrily looked around for the culprit but she was out the door in seconds and in her car.
Once he came back outside, Stefan was back and Ray was unconscious.
She followed them to the mountains and followed at a safe distance, stakes and wolvesbane grenades ready. She stayed low and far enough away, occasionally climbing into trees to watch as he snapped each wolves neck.
She watched in boredom as he failed, she already knew why he wasn’t successful. The witches had already told her Esther’s plan. The double curse.
Cruel but necessary.
She watched his tantrum and then she watched as they both dragged themselves back down to the car.
Following them to Chicago was a low point for her. She had dozens of cans of red bulls and protein bars in her car and had been listening to the same list of songs for months. Klaus’s messages were dryer than a dessert and Stefan was losing his spark. He was losing what made him special, the reason she began to trust a vampire. He was proving that all vampires were beasts.
Thankfully for Y/n, she had already met Gloria in the past. So when Y/n came into the bar after Klaus and Stefan had left and explained the situation, Gloria was happy to let Y/n stay with her in the apartment above the bar for a few days. Without Klaus’s knowledge of course.
She was also happy to let Y/n sit and watch the security cameras whilst Klaus and Stefan were downstairs. In return Y/n offered Gloria a favour, whether it be an ingredient to a spell or the death of another supernatural. Either way it didn't bother Y/n, she was just as happy to do either. if anything she craved to kill a vampire, it was her release and this trip was nothing but a bore for her so far.
It became slightly more interesting when Klaus woke his sister; Rebekah. watching them whine at each other was somewhat amusing but it also reminded her of Elena and Jeremy. She had never been away from home for more than two weeks and these past few months had been isolating and lonely.
What definitely sparked her attention however was when they began talking of Elena's necklace. She bit at her finger tips as she watched Stefan's dreadful attempt at behaving oblivious and the way Gloria's eyes darkened when she glanced toward him. y/n knew this would not end well. she was 100% certain that Klaus or Rebekah would figure out what was wrong and so she left with a head start.
She had Damon on the phone in minutes, bag packed and on the road.
"They know Elena's alive and by they i mean Klaus and his wacko sister, that's right another crazy original bloodsucker is coming to town! Get Elena, get Bonnie and get out!" she yelled down the phone as she drove way past the limit.
"woah woah woah, what? Y/n is this a joke? I'm not in town!" Damon whisper shouted back, clearly frustrated
"where the fuck are you?" she borderline growled
"I'm.... I'm with Katherine" he sighed, knowing the pissed off expression she would have on her face in that moment
"Well I'm in traffic! So get home, get Elena back ALIVE and then say goodbye to you dick because I'm gonna chop it off!" she screamed down the phone at him before abruptly ending the call and coming to a standstill as dozens of cars in front of her come to a halt. She clicked the radio on only to be told that a crash had happened a few miles ahead of her. Y/n smacked her head against the horn of her car and groaned loudly.
Klaus must've taken a diversion because she returned late into the night, Stefan was home with zero humanity and an angry blonde bitch. klaus was missing again and Elena was crying in her bed. Y/n laid with her until they both fell asleep.
The next morning Y/n, Elena, Jeremy, Caroline and Damon were piled into the Gilbert's kitchen. They figured out Tyler was sired/Y/n told them that it was obvious. Together they agreed that getting Mikael would be a good idea. Y/n didn't want him to kill Klaus, although it would have probably been the best thing for her. However she did want him to scare Klaus away at least for a while.
The problem was getting Rebekah to agree but Y/n already knew just the secret to spill to get her attention. It was pure luck that the creatures from 'the other side' were able to cross the barrier and that mason revealed the symbols. Y/n decided it would be better if Damon thought that Klaus killing his own mother was discovered by him instead of Y/n. And she thought it would be better if Elena spoke to Rebekah over herself. Y/n didn't really want to form any kind of relationship with the originals if they were going to be here any longer. Especially not Rebekah, she was too girly and obnoxious for Y/n.
So she let the plan fall out. She played her part, even let Caroline dress her up for homecoming just to make her happy. Afterall if Mikael did end up killing Klaus then Caroline would die too and Y/n would rather she went out on a high.
Everything was going fine, she even had a conversation with Mikael himself. He was rather impressed with her actually, he could recognise a vampire hunter within miles.
They then went to the gym, got redirected to the Tyler's, weird but whatever. And then Klaus made his appearance, reclaimed homecoming as a wake and effectively ruined everyone's night.
Y/n tried to cruise through the evening, keeping to herself and drinking shitty punch. She was pretty happy with just waiting until Katherine, posing as Elena pulled Y/n aside and let her in on what she and Stefan were gonna do. Well not everything they would do but that they planned to save Klaus because the hybrids would kill Damon. Y/n reluctantly agreed, much to Katherine's surprise if she were honest but she took the win.
Y/n then returned to the 'part' in annoyance and relief, that familiar confusion settling over her as she grabbed a real drink and stood to the side of the crowds.
Unfortunately for her, Klaus had spotted her and taken her loneliness as an invitation to approach her. and what was even more unfortunate was that Stefan was glaring straight at her, warning her not to fuck this up.
So she looked back to Klaus with an awkward smile. She knew her body was tense and she could feel her fingers twitch with the urge to defend herself. His power radiated like heat. She just knew Augustine would kill to have him in their facilities.
"Y/n, isn't it?" Klaus questioned knowingly.
"mhm" she mumbled, unsure how to behave.
"why are you all alone?" he asked, his eyes flicking up and down the length of her body, lingering on her cleavage without shame.
"I don't like people" she stated simply and he let out a chuckle.
"Ah I understand that" he smiled but she shifted a step away from him which he noticed but didn't comment on though his smile did drop, it was common for people to distance themselves from him. "you know things aren't going to end well tonight" he warned, his voice quiet but clear
"I'm aware" she mumbled, glancing to where Tyler was dragging an annoyed Caroline toward the house
"Then you should really make better decisions about who you side with, sweetheart. You're strong, and smart. I could tell that from the first time seeing you, it didn't take you 5 minutes to figure out that I wasn't Alaric" he murmured to her, his tone changing from threatening to proud though his face remained neutral.
She said nothing in response, she didn't know what he wanted her to do so she just stared back at him, watching his jaw clench and unclench as he watched and waited for her to come to some sort of answer. He knew that realistically he wouldn't received one but he hoped that she would be intelligent enough to at least take his words into consideration. Klaus liked her, he liked that she was observant and that she had the common sense that everyone else in the town didn't have, to stay out the way. If he were honest, he would have liked her to have been on his 'team', he imagined that she probably had a lot of untold knowledge just waiting to be put to use.
If he only knew the half of it.
Klaus was too buried in his thoughts to notice how Y/n's eyes focused on someone behind him, Damon, who mouthed that he needed 10 minutes before Mikael to get there and that Klaus needed to be occupied.
Y/n could have smacked him when she gave him a look as if to ask what to do and he acted out a dance scene. Her eyes flicked between Klaus and past his shoulder, and then just as Klaus let out a sigh and took a step back she cleared her throat and mentally stabbed herself
"Dance with me?" she offered, her hand very unwillingly lifting out for him to take. His brows shot up but he accepted with little hesitation.
She bit at her own tongue to keep her expressions at bay. Almost everything in her wanted to shove him off, stab him, stake him, behead him. She could feel the vervain syringe she had brought with her in the hidden pockets of her dress, she so desperately wanted to weaken him, kill him.
But no, instead she had a half vampire/half werewolf with his hand on her waist and the other holding her own. His werewolf side made his touch warm, almost like a human's. Slowly her hand went to his shoulder, lightly touching the expensive material of his suit jacket.
Her eyes found his awaiting blue ones, she didn't like how they seemed so deep, they reminded her of Damons. They were those obvious blue eyes, they could be beautiful some of the time and terrifying other times. They were the sort of eyes you could fall into, the kind you could swim in, the ones you would lose yourself in and never find a way out.
It was for that reason that she looked away from them and instead glanced around, taking in the music and the people. There were so many people, it didn't take a genius to guess that most of them were with Klaus, hybrids. She hoped this would be the last time she would touch him, be this close to him but deep down she knew better.
She could feel him pull her a little closer so that his cologne engulfed her, the scent was rich and her inhale for a second too long. She could sense Klaus's smirk in response but refused to acknowledge it. Hopefully someone would come get him soon.
Until then, however, she was to stay in the arms of the beast.
He wirled and twirled her around, doing whatever he could to entice a smile or a laugh from her. Klaus knew many dances from over the centuries, some slow and some fast. Some much more erotic than others and he took great pleasure and amusement in changing between them until a melodic laugh was buzzing through the air. His arms held her close as he brought them low and high, round and round. He spun her one last time before dipping her. Her breathing calmed and her laughs faded as she because aware of how his body pressed to hers, how his arms supported her and how close his face was to hers. The warm air from his mouth fanned over her face and the words she needed to say got trapped in her throat.
Thankfully a women cleared her throat which gained Klaus's attention.
"What is it, I'm busy?" he huffed as he lifted Y/n to stand by herself. He frowned when her touch left him and she moved away, a look of self disgust scrunching up her pretty face.
"Someone's here for you... he says his names Mikael" She told him, unbothered by his angry tone.
His demeanour changed in a second . That familiar coldness returning, it reminded Y/n of the vampires she'd seen with no humanity though it was a little different. She wasn't sure what was different about it but something was.
Either way she didn't like it.
And so by the time Klaus had turned around to apologise to Y/n for the interruption, she was out of sight. He sighed and shook his head before going to end his father.
Y/n proceeded to go sit in Katherine's car, turning the engine on and the radio as she waited for the inside to heat up. She was patiently waiting for the doppelgänger and Stefan to arrive and as soon as they were in the car, her foot was down and they were speeding into the night.
Ripper Stefan and Katherine Pierce were the two worst vampires for Y/n to be around. She wanted them dead, they deserved to die. She wished Klaus had died to his sireline went too. She really did...until she remembered that Elena would be broken. Family would always be more important than anything else.
So when Katherine and Stefan started talking about a way to get revenge on Klaus, she left. She went home and to bed so that she wasn't on 'the wrong side'.
Y/n didn't want to be on any of their sides. She didn't want to be in support of any supernaturals.
Which is why she hated to admit that she had some sort of weird friendship to Damon Salvatore who had been relentlessly teasing her on what he witnessed at the homecoming.
"Oh you should have seen them Elena, for a moment it was like I was in Spain watching salsa dancing and the next I was back in the 1800s" He laughed and Y/n lobbed a dart at him
"You wanted him distracted" she grumbled and he grinned while Elena rolled her eyes
"There's distracting and there's seducing" Damon chuckled
"Hey! He started the whole-"
"The whole what love?" Klaus's voice sounded from behind the trio. It was cold and sharp like the icy wind of the winter. He didn't appreciate being played with let alone mocked, especially when she had asked him too dance. Whether it were apart of a plan or not, she could have done something else for his attention. Throwing a drink on his would have taken him a good few minutes to rage about before changing his outfit but she chose a dance.
"Nothing" she answered, standing and walking away from them all, over to the farthest point of the bar so that she couldn't here what they were saying. 'No involvement' she would warm herself.
She knew they were talking about Stefan from the defensive stances the pair were taking but she didn't want to know why, not even for a second.
And she hoped and hoped that Klaus would just leave after his little threats but of course he had to hover.
A drink was placed infront of her and a hand spun her round on the bar stool forcing her to face the beast once again. "Afternoon sweetheart, lovely to see you again after our little moment. You could even call it a date" the sarcasm was clear but the words alone made her nose wrinkle up.
"I'd prefer you didn't" she mumbled and he hummed
"well I'd prefer a lot of things so I suppose we're all unhappy. Now, where's Stefan hm? I know you had something to do with last night, I witnessed you talking suspiciously quietly with Katerina." He placed a threatening hand on her upper arm and both Damon and Elena stood from their places, worry on their faces as they saw a darkness swirl inside Y/n's eyes. "Where is Stefan, and where had he put my family?"
Y/n let out a laugh, she couldn't help it.
"He took the originals?" she questioned, covering her mouth as hiccups of laughter threatened to escape. Damon headed over fast, muttering to Elena to get it the car. He quickly wrapped an arm around her waist and let out a nervous chuckle, looking to Y/n with wide eyes but she couldn't stop giggling.
"She's just...going through something right now" He smiled fakely and pulled her out of her seat, holding his own hand over her mouth making her shove him off out of reflex, her voice aggressive as she began to yell
"Get the fuck off you filthy-" she cut herself off when she noticed multiple people staring at her with surprised expressions. Damon simply chuckled and grabbed her elbow, pulling her toward the door
"don't hit me" he whispered quietly as he pushed her through the door and toward the car.
Klaus watched the two in confusion and interest. He certainly hadn't expected her to switch up so fast and he definitely wanted to know what the end of her insult was supposed to be.
His curiosity grew when he went to the Salvatore's to try and see if maybe Stefan was there only to find Damon and Y/n with a supernatural board, pictures and names written with strings running from the to different information.
"God if you and your fucked up brother just pissed off instead of following Elena around like the hungry mosquitoes you are then everything would be sunshine and daisies" Y/n complained and Damon rolled his eyes as he linked Stefan to the originals via some red wool.
"What and you would have carried on hunting and slaughtering vampires while Jeremy, Elena and Jenna would obliviously move on with their lives and eventually Elena would have settled down with good ol' Matt Donovon?" he mocked and Klaus's brows furrowed.
"Sounds better than my life right now" she mumbled and Damon rolled his eyes
"Surely this is every crazy vampire hunters dream?" he questioned "cmon think about it, you're surrounded by the oldest vampires, a famous ripper, hybrids and best of all...you got me?" he grinned and she groaned, dropping onto the couch.
"I know and it just makes me feel murderous all the time" she whined "and gross and contaminated" she gagged and he dramatically huffed.
"Come on, you can attack me" he offered with a playful glint and she let out a mocking 'ha ha'. "hey no come on, how about you get to stab me a few times and I get a shot of your blood?"
"I would rather rip my own heart out then let a soulless , leech anywhere near my blood" she sneered and he laughed with a clap.
"How did it take me so long to realise you undying hatred for what was it?-my kind?" he raised his brows and she glared at him
"These past few months have done nothing but confirm my every belief. You and everyone like you are monsters" she whispered, enjoying how his expression faltered "unsavable, unloveable-"
"shut up" he uttered, veins appearing under his eyes making her lips curve up
"see? you can't even control yourself"
"says the girl who nearly lost it in the middle of the grill" he quipped before walking out and leaving her alone.
Klaus's mind was spinning with new knowledge. It made sense to him but he still wasn't exactly expecting it. Either way, he would find a way to put this to his advantage.
(Okay I'm going to make this part one and then from here Klaus and Y/n will have more time together and start to fall for one-another. I know this is a little different to my usual stories as I never usually give so much build up/back story but I had a lot of ideas and wanted to share those with you. So thanks for reading and I hope you loo forward to the next part/parts)
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andreal831 · 7 months
Outside of Elijah/Klaus (cause there was absolutely 0 reason both of them died), which character in all of TVDU do you think had the most unnecessary/dumb death?
Honestly Klaus and Elijah aren't even in my top. Yes, both of them dying was dumb, but there are so many other death's that were more unnecessary. At least Elijah and Klaus made it to the end of TO.
Some honorable mentions: Hayley, Tyler, Gia, Josh, Enzo, Jo, Lexi, Sophie, Eve, Jesse, Aaron, Aya, Jackson, all of the hybrids, Carol, Henry, Celeste (first time), Genevie (first time and kind of second time). I'm sure there are more.
But my most unnecessary/dumb death is Cami O'Connell.
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There was zero reason for her to die and it was because she wasn't meant to die. I firmly believe she was meant to be the school psychologist in Legacies. It would have made so much sense for her to be there for Hope after Hope lost so much of her family. It also would have allow a woman on the show to have a happy ending that wasn't centered around a man. Her happy ending would have been watching over Hope and helping all of the supernatural children, fulfilling her family's destiny.
Cami still had so much of a story left to tell. She was so young and full of promise. She lost her entire family due to the supernatural world and then was forced into it herself. If anyone in TO is a parallel to Elena, it is Cami. Her family legacy was so entrenched in the supernatural that it was only a matter of time before she herself was pulled into it.
Even her death made no sense. Lucien wanted to hurt Klaus for 'stealing' Aurora from him, but at that point, Lucien had the ability to kill Klaus. Sure, maybe he wanted him to suffer, so why not go after Hope? She was out in the bayou essentially unprotected (let's be honest, what could Mary have done?).
Even if we accept Lucien wanted to make it even by taking away Klaus' love, how did they not save her? Like two days later the entire Mikaelson gang is bitten and Freya just magically thinks of a way to freeze them and save them all? They couldn't have thought of that a little quicker? It's funny how they always manage to think of life saving magic when the plot/Mikaelsons require it, but there's no other options when it comes to sacrificing other characters.
Even if we accept that she died, they really didn't even make an effort to bring her back? Davina was able to be brought back from the dead after her soul was shredded. I know the other side was gone at that point, but let's not pretend the show didn't just bring back characters with very little rhyme or reason. The Mikaelsons didn't even attempt to find a way to bring her back.
And no one even say it was to help Klaus' character development. I hate when women are killed to further a man's development. It was clear in the writing that Klaus still needed Cami for his development. He was just at the brink of trying to be a better person, he was nowhere near done. We can clearly see this in the amount of scenes Hayley becomes ooc in order to be Cami for Klaus. Or Caroline coming in season 5, which made no sense, was clearly meant to be Cami.
Cami was an O'Connell and this meant something in New Orleans. People who claim her character was just a love interest were not watching. Her character was going to unite New Orleans. Not Hayley, not Hope, and definitely not the Mikaelsons. Every faction adored her. Marcel and Vincent loved her and would have done anything to keep her safe. The Mikaelsons each loved her outside of her relationship with Klaus. She would have always been a mother figure to Hope, no matter what her relationship was. Hayley loved her as well. We don't see her interact with the wolves too much but that's because they were largely forgotten in the writing. But every faction loved her and respected her. Her legacy was fixing the war in New Orleans. Which I love the writers just kind of dropped and everything magically go better when the Mikaelsons left, even though the war had been going on longer than the Mikaelsons were there.
The writers had not planned to kill her off but because of the toxicity of the fandom, they killed her off. This is just bad writing. They writers often cared more about ratings than the actual art of story telling and the show suffered because of it.
Thanks for the ask! What other deaths do you all think were unnecessary?
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seriesxwriting · 20 days
Hey i love your writings i was wondering if i could request a Stefan Salvatore?
the reader and Stefan started dating after stefan and Elena broke up but elena is always around so she starts to hang out with Damon because her boyfriend wasn't there i was thinking stefan and the reader break up but end up back together you can fill it up with anything thank you :3
Awh thank you so much I’m so glad you like my page! And thank you for this request- I looove making Elena a bad character ahah. I hope you enjoy the read <3.
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Promises promises
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Series- The vampire diaries
Pairing- Stefan Salvatore x female reader
Summary- request! You’re sick of Elena interrupting yours and Stefan’s alone time. It’s only human to break at some point.
Warnings- Kissing, arguing.
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“You know this is nice” I took my head off Stefan’s chest and looked up at him with a big smile. “What’s that?” He questioned rubbing my arm and looking away from the Tv. “Just- us, I feel like a lot of the time it’s never just us together and no one else” I told him, my heart pounding against my chest. He always made me feel like fireworks were going off inside of me. “Yeah it is nice- I love spending time with you” Stefan nodded, his smile widening on his gorgeous face. “Me too” I breathed as I leant closer to his face.
Stefan met me half way and kissed my lips gently. We pulled away looking at each other before like magnets we attracted together again. The kiss was more hungry now and I moved onto his lap without breaking it.
Ding dong
I sighed pulling away from him sitting up straight. “I’ll get it, I’ll be right back” he whispered kissing me quickly before picking me up by the hips and putting me back in my original place. I watched him walk out the living room towards the door. I rested my head on my arm beginning to become a bit dishearten with all the distractions all the time. A few minutes later Stefan walked in with Elena by his side. Her eyes looked red but she had a big smile on her face.
It took everything inside of me to not roll my eyes at her presence. She was always just turning up here, even though her and Stefan broke up months ago. She was definitely smug. “Erm- Elena is here, she’s just gonna stay here for the night while everything at home blows over” Stefan explained to me with a light smile. He knew exactly what was going through my head. We’d spoken about Elena showing up before, he said he’d work on it but time and time again he failed to prove that.
“Oh” I replied burning holes inside of him with my eyes. He awkwardly came to sit back down but didn’t resume his place he sat the other side of me so Elena could sit next to him too. “Yeah- it’s just really hectic there right now” she nodded to me. “What is exactly hectic” I blinked not believing her for a second. Elena was well known for being a drama queen. Everyone knew it. “It’s hard to explain but I just felt so alone there- you know?” She nodded to me, really laying it on thick.
“You do have friends though right? So why not hang out with them instead of your ex boyfriend” I raised my eyebrow moving up to the end of the sofa because I didn’t want to be right next to Stefan right now. “Y/n” he whispered widening his eyes. “Me and Stefan ARE friends- and so are me and you so why wouldn’t i come here?” He questioned with a pout. Pretending that she was emotionally hurt by what I’d said. To be honest she must have been a little confused because I’d never confronted her before.
“Y/n?” I heard behind called from the hall way. We all turned around seeing Damon peeping his head round the corner. He almost made me laugh his stance was so unnatural. I knew what he was doing. “You got a second?” He called out with a simple smile on his face. “Yeah I’ve got a few” I huffed getting up off the sofa and leaving them to it. I followed Damon down the hallway and up the stairs before he finally looked at me. We both couldn’t hold in our laugher any more and burst out holding our stomachs.
“I heard Elena was here” he finally said having to wipe a tear off his face. Damon pushed open his bedroom door as I sighed. “Yep” “I thought you were going to speak to Stefan about it?” “I did, he clearly didn’t listen- in one ear and out the other huh” I rolled my eyes flopping onto his bed. “Did he bring me up when you spoke?” Damon asked slowly, while sitting down on his bed. I rose to look at him. “Of course he did, he told me I needed to stop spending so much time with you when I’m here to see him” I explained biting my lip.
“Well? What did you say?”. I looked at him with a grin trying to hold my laugh in. “I asked him to review all the times I’d left him to come speak to you- and reminded him he wasn’t alone when I did”. Damon chuckled shaking his head. “He’s an ass sometimes- he’ll be furious about this” “I don’t care” i quickly replied and shrugged my shoulders. “It’s not like he listened to me, why should I listen to him” “I know that- I was just making sure you knew that” he tilled his head to the side. “Come on” I sniggered into my hands. “When would I not defend myself”.
“I suppose you do back yourself pretty well” he agreed nodding his head while staring at the door. “Why can’t I hang out with my friend- he claims Elena is his friend”. “Put it behind you while you can” Damon suggested giving me a sympathetic smile. “I don’t know if there’s- any point” I told him in a faint whisper, my eyes began to fill up. “I’m getting tired of the same old shit and no change”. Damon outstretched his arm and lifted my head up “don’t talk like that, he loves you and you love him- it’s not always a smooth ride sometimes bumps occur and some are bigger than others”.
“Since when were you so good at advice” I laughed gently as a tear rolled down my cheek. He wiped it away before it could even stain my face. “Since my brother actually got a girlfriend I get on with and I want to stick around” he replied pulling back now. “Thanks Damon” I gave him a little nod. “Come on, you hungry because I fancy picking up a pizza?” He jumped up off the bed waiting for my answer. “Oh I could so eat a meat feast right now” I exclaimed, rubbing my hands together and getting up to join him standing.
“Great, I’m driving though- my cars better than yours” “Oi! You have compulsion you can get whatever you’d like- I have to pay for things” I pointed at him with a joking smile slapped on my face. “If you wanted a new car you should have told me, I’ll compel you one” Damon’s face showed he was joining in with the joke but I know that if it came down to it he would compel me anything I wanted. We got to the bottom of the stairs and I began putting my jacket on. “Where are you going?” I heard Stefan thunder as he entered the hall way.
“We’re going to get pizza do you…
…you’re not going anywhere with him” his eyes darkened. “Excuse me” I jerked my head back and my eyebrows darted inwards. “If you want pizza WE will go and get pizza” “and will we be taking elenas car?” I folded my arms and slammed my eyebrows down so he knew how pissed off i was. He didn’t reply so I began to open the door. “Can I speak to you please” he tutted and he grabbed hold of my wrist pulling me outside before slamming the door shut. He didn’t grab me hard, it was quite gentle actually. He led me to where we were.
However I was still pissed off. “What have I said about spending time with him you’re here to see me!” Stefan muttered folding his arms too. “Exactly Stefan! I’m here to see you and yet again Elena is here- I mean you wanna play this game what have I said to you about her random appearances!” I answered him clenching my fists. “Y/n if you can give me a way to turn her away while she’s crying on my doorstep then please explain!” He came back with but I was too angry to have any sympathy for him.
“You tell her you’re busy! You tell her you haven’t spent any alone time with me in weeks! You tell her I am your priority as your girlfriend! That my feelings are what you consider not hers!” I enraged with wide eyes and fists down by my hips. He went to open his mouth but I cut him off. “I’m so tired of it Stefan” “of course you’re my priority but me and Elena are friends! I can’t disregard her feelings because you’re insecure” he fired back at me. My eyebrows raised and I felt my heart drop. In all honesty Stefan too looked taken back, he looked sorry as soon as he said it. But it was too late.
“This isn’t about me being insecure. This is about spending time with me but don’t worry about having to do that anymore, we’re done” I shook my head taking a step back. I didn’t even raise my voice because I was so hurt at his comment. “No y/n- I didn’t mean that i didn’t want this” he shook his head putting a hand to his forehead. “I will not be a second priority- if you love spending so much time with her make her your girlfriend AGAIN”.
With that I opened the door. Damon stood there and quickly moved his hand to his chin as if he was thinking about something. He had obviously been listening. I let a small laugh tumble out my mouth at him which just made my eyes prick even more. “Ready?” “Y-yeah” he nodded as if he didn’t expect me to ask him that. “Y/n…” Stefan called out but I simply turned on my heels and walked past him. Damon vamp ran to catch up with me waiting by his car. “Are you okay?” “No but pizza will fix that” I smiled gently. Doing everything in my power to not cry.
“I can’t argue with that” he nodded watching me get into the car. “Seriously though y/n” he sighed closing his own door. “I’m sorry I’m not gonna be your sister-in-law” I put my lips together. “I don’t think that’s the end, there’s too much love for it to end like that” he shook his head adamantly. “Well- for now… it’s done, I don’t regret anything I did or said, I don’t deserve to be spoken to like that” “no y/n, you don’t” he shook his head seriously.
He turned on his car and began reversing back. I didn’t notice he was going too far until I heard the smash of a lightbulb. “Oops” Damon blinked looking at me in the mirror. I turned around to see elenas car having been rear ended by Damon’s. Damon was a good driver, that was done on purpose. I looked back at him and we both burst out laughing yet again as he drove off. “I suppose we better eat our pizza in” Damon raised an eyebrow at me. I nodded in agreement putting my lips together before fiddling with my hands.
We had quite a nice evening together in all honesty. Damon was hilarious and really good company. He made me laugh so often the memory of me and Stefan started to drift away. The alcohol we got in the grill afterwards was definitely was a contributing factor too. And eventually when it was getting really late, Damon took me home.
“Thank you- for everything- not just tonight but over these past months” “that’s what friends do y/n” he smiled warmly. “Promise me we will stay friends even though you aren’t with my brother anymore” “I was hoping you’d say that” I nodded leaning into him for a hug. Damon wrapped me up in his arms as if I was a present and let out a deep exhale. “It’ll all work out y/n” he nodded as I pulled away and opened his door. “Get home safely” I told him with a finger out, it was a warning. Damon didn’t drive off until I was inside my house. And I waved him off as I closed my door, pressing my back against it I smiled.
I walked up to my room and opened my door. A shadowy figure was sat on my bed staring out the window. My heart stopped and my body froze. I wrinkled my forehead trying to see who it was. Before the man faced me. I sighed turning the light on. “Sorry…” Stefan flicked his eyes up at me. “Were you trying to kill me via heart attack” I questioned raising my eyebrow and closing the door because if he came in through the window he could use it to leave again. “That’s not funny” “do you see me laughing?” I jerked my head at him while putting my bag on my dressing table and taking everything out. Putting it back where it belonged.
“What do you want Stefan? Shouldn’t you be entertaining Elena” I asked with my back towards him. I looked at him in the mirror and could see he was holding whatever he wanted to say back. He took in a deep breath before saying “I set her home- in her damaged car may I add” he raised an eyebrow at me. “I don’t know what you’re talking about” I folded my arms turning back around to him, but my face had a smirk on it. “Why’d you decide to do that- you’re free to hang out with her as much as you want now”.
“I realised what you saw- she wasn’t coming to hang out with me out of friendship, she was doing it to get in between us” Stefan answered looking up at me. “How’d you figure that one out” I rolled my eyes. “After she was done explaining why we weren’t good for each other she then tried to make a move on me- said you were now out of the way” he shook his head pouting. As if he was disgusted by her behaviour. I swallowed and then went to join him on the bed.
“What else did she say about me?” “Y/n, I love you and therefore for that reason I don’t want you to ever hear what she had to say in that conversation” he replied. I exhaled deeply before putting my head on his shoulder. “I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you- that I didn’t tell her to leave sooner- that it took you breaking up with me for me to realise what she was doing” he explained to me, putting his head against mine. “I guess sometimes I can be a bit blinded by people” “well I’ve said it before, you’re too nice for your own good Stefan Salvatore” I giggled bringing my head back up so I could look at him.
“I’m also sorry for what I said earlier- I don’t think that about you at all” “I know- I saw it in your face- I was just to angry and hurt to forgive you then” I shrugged chewing my cheek. “Then?” He quizzed making me smiled. “It’s not gonna be that easy” I chuckled into my hand. “How about, you forgive me next week on the trip I’ve planned for us? Just us? Seven days- away from any distractions or drama” he smiled bringing a hand up to my cheek. “Hm that will depend on where you’re taking me” I tilted my head smirking. “It’s a surprise- but I’ll give you a clue, you’ll need your passport” he wiggled his eyebrows.
“Mm okay- but I’m only coming because I’m intrigued” I laughed, Stefan smiled at me running his thumb across my cheek. “Will you take me back beautiful?” He whispered pulling his head closer to mine. “As long as you promise to never speak down to me like that or make me a second priority ever again” i reminded him. Stefan nodded leaning in to kiss me.
“I promise” he whispered against my lips.
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Stefan masterlist-
The vampire diaries masterlist-
All series Masterlist-
Masterlist of masterlists-
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valiantphantomangel · 5 months
Ahh more people need to write for TVD!!!!
Could you please do Stefan x Human!Reader where they are newly dating and he finds out reader is ticklish by accident? (Reader can know he’s a vampire and maybe set in Season 1?)
Thank you! Have a nice day/night 💕
A/n: thank you so much for this request!! This was so much fun to write and I hope you enjoy.
I present to you tooth rotting fluffiness and my first ever vampire diaries fic.
The cutest
Deciding to date a vampire was probably the weirdest, craziest and the most unpredictable decision that you ever made.
But it also was the best one ever.
You have had a crush on him ever since you saw him at school when Bonnie was talking about him having a 'hot back' which she wasn't wrong about at all. Soon after you guys spoke a few times in the hallway or in the mystic grill, you figured out that he and his brother Damon were vampires.
Well it wasn't that hard to figure out after you heard about all those 'animal attacks' and the tragic passing of Mr Tanner.
Anyway moving on, you had always had this distaste for Elena, especially when it became clear that she was playing both of the brothers against each other by playing the victim, not much after that did Stefan and Damon figure out that all doppelgangers were the same and they both lost interest in Elena.
While Damon decided to stop dating for a while, His brother realised that he had feelings for you. Something that you returned immediately after he asked you out.
And yeah, that's my sappy love story so to say. Or at least that's what I call it.
Right now you were making some breakfast for you and your boyfriend (although he of course didn't need the food but he loved your cooking) at the Boarding House when you heard a gust of wind behind you and arms wrapping around your waist.
You let out a squeal which resulted in a deep chuckle coming from behind "Didn't know you were ticklish sweetheart" you could practically hear the smirk in his voice.
"Stefan don't you dare, or i won't give you food" you warned him as you felt his arms tighten around you.
"Lair, you always want to eat your cooking" He said with a laugh.
"You love my cooking"
"Yes i most definitely do" he said before sneaking his arm around you to turn off the gas and then suddenly tasered your sides.
"STEFAN"!!! You screeched before falling back into him.
He guides you down on the ground and immediately sits on your legs, squeezing your hips "Right when I thought you couldn't get more adorable I find this out, why would you keep this from me?" He asked with faux offense as he spidered up and down your sides.
"Because I knew you were going to do something like thiHIHIHIHI" you erupted in giggles as your back arched off the ground.
"Oh your physic now too?" Stefan teased as he slowly brought his hands to your armpits.
"Shuthihihi upHAGHHAH"!!! Your loud belly laughter came out as he wiggles his hands in your armpits.
He full out laughed with you as he continued his ticklish attack until your laughter turned silent and your face became red.
"You really are the best girlfriend I could ask for" Stefan said with a sweet smile as he pushed a stray hair behind your ear and helped you to your feet.
"You're the best boyfriend I could've asked for" you smiled with a light blush which reached up your neck before giving him a quick peck on the lips.
"You two are disgustingly cute together" you heard Damon grumble behind you as he stole one of the pancakes that you were making before and race up to his room.
"Damnit Damon you ruined the sweet moment and stop stealing my food"!!! You yelled after him.
The only response you got back was a laugh.
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guineverist · 4 months
wip wednesday
hello it is been a minute! it is i, writer of the is it over now? inspired fic. i finally have new stuff for wip wed!
the fic has been change drastically since i last posted snippets i entirely deleted like 7k words of it and am in a mass rewriting mode because i decided that i hated what i had going before. i'd like to thank taylor swift for releasing guilty as sin? because that made something click in my head and we are so back.
this is an introductory scene, no kc but a beginning i'm much happier with than what i had going before
. . .
Klaus had started... appearing around the town. And if it wasn’t him, Rebekah or Kol would just happen present.
Caroline didn’t question it for a while, the Originals had lost any sense of mystery they had by this point. You can only witness so many cases of organ extraction for the pettiest reasons before the family that originally struck fear into all of their hearts becomes just Some People.
She once witnessed Rebekah snapping Kol’s neck after he wore a “YOLO” shirt because she hated the joke. She couldn’t look at either of them with the same fear or wariness after that.
But, yeah, she didn’t question why the members of the Original Family seemed to be everywhere until Bonnie pointed it out.
They were at the Boarding House, one of the few places that seemed to be Mikaelson-free, when she made the claim.
Tyler was somewhere in the mountains again and both Jeremy and Matt were on shift at the Grill. This meant that only Caroline, Elena, Bonnie, Stefan, and Damon were present.
“Has anyone else noticed the rotating Mikaelson guard around us?”
Elena nearly fell off the chair she was perched on as her eyes widened. “Oh my god! That’s so true. I’m so used to seeing them at this point that it really didn’t hit me until now. Do you think it’s because they want to make sure we’re not making moves for the cure without them?”
Stefan’s head snapped up as he opened his mouth to respond, but not before sending a furtive glance in Caroline’s direction. She didn’t want to know what that was about. “That would definitely make the most sense.” He said carefully.
Bonnie shook her head. “Well this causes problems for us, right? We can’t hole up in here, because that would be suspicious, but I’m not keen on having all my conversations monitored by J. Edgar Mikaelson, either. The Original Hybrid does not need to know what scores I get on my history exams.”
Caroline always had more difficulty with STEM than the humanities, but nodded anyway. She looked around the living room that they were lounging in. And the scattered glasses all around them. “And I can’t keep drinking the same bourbon.” Her lips tugged into a sly smile. “I’m starting to feel like I should dye my hair black and start making inappropriately snarky comments.”
This pulled Damon from his silence (read: third glass of the aforementioned bourbon). “You could certainly attempt it. Success, though...”
“Well if you can manage it, how hard can it be?” Caroline sniped with narrowed eyes.
They looked at each other for a minute, Damon clearly trying to decide if it was worth it to snap back, when Elena coughed next to her. They both (far too synchronously for her liking) turned to stare at Elena, who was clearly trying to stop herself from laughing.
Where Elena nearly succeeded, Bonnie failed. Soon enough, they were all laughing as if they were normal people and not an assortment of supernatural creatures.
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https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLo43mYH/ this scene is perfect evidence that Kai and Damon could’ve been besties if given the chance. They’d be such good frenemies
Hahaha, I just watched that episode last night!! But I always think that, too! They would've been such good besties / frenemies, and we were honestly robbed of that. Especially with Kai as a heretic, where they're bad influences on each other. 😂
Like Damon doesn't seem to be too pissed off at Kai, in season 8, for putting Elena in a coma, and Kai doesn't seem too stale about Damon killing him in season 6, that they can't immediately start teaming up again. Because when Ric wants to kill Kai when he shows up at the Armory, Damon prevents that, and then immediately go fuck around at a diner.
It'd be so funny to see everyone's reactions to them slowly becoming besties. Damon's ofc denying it the whole time, but the girls are like, no, you're totally becoming more lenient with him and engaging in his tomfoolery. And Kai never really expected to become buddies with Damon, of all people, but he's glad to have a buddy nonetheless and is happy he's found such a reckless and crazy one.
Maybe the more Ric starts to spend every night with Jo, Damon ends up at the bar with Kai as company. Or, if Kai's a heretic, Ric is distant from everyone following his fiancé's death, and is rather perturbed by Damon's budding frenemy-ship with the mass murderer.
But regardless of the situation, for the longest time, they only see each other as a way to get information, and then after one particular night of drinking, both get the nose-wrinkling realization that they're kinda friends.
I can see so many text conversations complaining about the people around them. Kai bitching about the guy next to him at the bar. Damon mad about lurking Liam, or Ric not answering his texts. I can see Kai inviting himself over to the Salvatore house, or Damon inviting himself in the stool beside Kai's, and in either situation, them drinking and cracking jokes and pissing each other off, but then making up by the end of the night.
The first time they went on a blood binge together, it was a mess. Kai's not exactly clean, and while Damon's had a hundred years to learn, he loses his manners around the younger vamp. The alleyway beside the grill became stained with blood, but as soon as Damon sensed the approach of recently-titled Sargent Donovan, he ushered Kai back to the Salvatore house to finish their feast on stored bags. They laughed about it the whole way back, and the only thing to sober them up was the cold hard stare of one judgmental Stefan.
Despite all the fun times they have together, they've definitely had times where they've gotten too drunk or too in their feels and shared horror stories from their similar, terrible childhoods. Kai started it because he's not used to having people to talk to, nor is he used to having the heightened senses of a vampire. Something small reminded him of his childhood, maybe a dad clearly burdened with his son, or a nasty comment made at a dinner party going south. Kai sharing a memory about his father's treatment sparked Damon to share something about his own. They learn both their fathers were cruel, while both their mothers stood by and let it happen. After that, they were closer and more trusting of each other, yet never told anyone else what they had shared, and therefore, no one understood, but that was fine.
But yes, I totally see them as slow-burn besties, where a mutual distaste brought them together as actual friends. This is an itty-bitty portion of my thoughts on how fun they'd be together; they'd be such menaces together, full of jokes and bad ideas, but also could be such support systems for each other, given the time (and enough booze). There's a lot of similarities in their childhoods and I think they could find common ground in that. Again, I think we were robbed of a bestie-ship, and I was so hoping Kai would be around longer in season 8, because he and Damon were so funny together in those episodes!
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mermaidsirennikita · 9 months
Do you have any recommendations for books were the hero and heroine get married at the beginning or at least in the first act?
Definitely! (Uh, I ended up having a lot.)
Obviously, in Devil in Winter Sebastian and Evie get married within the first few chapters. I'm sure you've read it, but juuust in case.
In Sherry Thomas's The Luckiest Lady in London, I believe they get married fairly quickly--in His At Night, they marry pretty quickly, too. The heroine in that book is trying to compromise the hero's brother into marrying her, but she accidentally does it to the hero first.
Speaking of, Accidentally Compromising the Duke (lmao) by Stacy Reid has a similar deal and early marriage, Wicked in His Arms has the hero and heroine marry early after he gets caught shortly after deflowering her in a closet, and When the Earl Met His Match has an early marriage, though the heroine is pregnant by another man (hero is in on the deal).
The Viscount and The Vixen by Lorraine Heath has the hero and heroine marry early after she answers an ad to marry his elderly, somewhat crazy father. The ad has a stipulation that basically says that if she doesn't get the marriage she was promised, she gets a huge payout. The hero is all "A-HA, IT SAYS YOU MUST MARRY A TITLED LORD OF OUR LINE, IT DOESN'T SPECIFY IT MUST BE MY DAD". And then he marries her instead tooootally not what his dad had in mind...
Scandal's Bride by Stephanie Laurens has the hero and heroine get married early in the book because she's probably pregnant. (CW: the hero is drugged by the heroine for their first encounter because she doesn't want him to remember so that he'll leave her pregnant and single. He doesn't care, tbh, but just in case.)
Shadowheart by Laura Kinsale has Allegreto and Elena get married pretty early. Heads up: first encounter is noncon, medieval marriage consummation deal. He basically forces her to marry him, but they end up having a looooot in common. Emotionally and sexually.
Fiona and the Enigmatic Earl by Grace Callaway has the hero and heroine marry early after he gives her an orgasm against a wall or something and they're like "wait a second... you're hot, I'm hot, we both need to marry, let's just do it". What they don't realize is that they're both like, running around London at night doing vigilante shit lmao.
The Recruit by Monica McCarty has a fairly early marriage. The heroine is a widowed single mother who Robert the Bruce wants to marry the hero. However, after an amazing encounter where they first lay eyes on each other while he's pile driving a random (and he gets off on the eye contact) they spend some time together with her knowing who he is and him thinking she's a servant. They sleep together, he makes an offhand comment on being with her while married to another woman (who he doesn't know... would be her) she gets pissed and turns down the marriage. Theeeen a few months later they run into each other... she's pregnant.... and he's like "NO CHILD OF MINE WILL BE A BASTARD" and forces her to marry him lmao.
Wed to the Wild God by Ruby Dixon is a fantasy romance that has the hero (a hedonistic god) marry the heroine (a practical human) early in order to keep her protected. Because of the hedonism thing, they have sex within the first couple chapters, but it takes a while for them to actually fall in love.
The Truth About Cads and Dukes by Elisa Braden has an early marriage (a lot of Rescued from Ruin books do, but this is one of my favorites). The hero is a cold duke, his wild younger brother compromises the heroine (not sexually or romantically) and the hero marries her because he's a standup guy. Also because he is WILDLY sexually attracted to her, something she misses at every possible moment until he can't stand it anymore. The Temptation of a Highlander has an early marriage too, I think, and that one was good.
Lush Money by Angelina M. Lopez is a contemporary with an early marriage, in which a lady billionaire asks the hero to marry her and get her pregnant in exchange for a financial bailout for his tiny country. It's GREAT.
Rules for Engaging the Earl by Jana MacGregor has the hero and heroine (childhood friends) marry early because it turns out her husband, who left her pregnant, was a bigamist and their marriage wasn't valid. The hero marries her to legitimize her baby (sort of).
The Duchess Deal by Tessa Dare has the hero and heroine marry early because his fiancee skipped out on him (he's super scarred) and the heroine marries him instead (she was the seamstress who made the wedding dress and shows up wearing it in order to get paid, and he's like "how convenient"). When a Scot Ties the Knot has the hero and heroine handfast early in the book, which is technically not a legal marriage YET but could be if they consummate and choose to stay married. Which she doesn't want to do. At first.
This Scot of Mine by Sophie Jordan has the hero and heroine marry early because she's pretending to be pregnant (by someone else) and the hero has a family curse which means he'll die after getting his wife pregnant and before his heir is born. He figures he'll marry the heroine, claim her baby as his heir, and go on his way. But she isn't pregnant. And they consummate the marriage HARD. Oops!
In Never Seduce a Scot, the hero and heroine marry early to forge an alliance; she's deaf, and he think she's unable to consent, so even though he's attracted to her he keeps his distance. Until she makes it clear she very much CAN consent.
Consort of Fire by Kit Rocha is a fantasy romance in which the heroine (a princess) marries the hero (a god/dragon shifter) early. However, she's bound to murder him, despite their immediate connection. She's also in love with her handmaiden, even though she's falling for her husband. And her husband is like "mmmmm idk why we can't ALL be together...?" FFM.
The Bride by Julie Garwood is a classic medieval romance, in which the (Scottish) hero and the (English) heroine marry super early, like first or second chapter, for political reasons. He won't fuck her until she wears his plaid!!!! There's this amazing moment where he basically hauls her to stand beside him in this window so his people can look at them and is all "MY WIFE" in Gaelic, thinking she doesn't understand it. And some guy is all "ok but what do we call her" and he goes "YOU CALL HER MINE" still in Gaelic. And she's all "OH" and asks after "soooo what were you saying" and he's like "um bullshit don't worry about it". AMAZING.
Untamed by Elizabeth Lowell is another one where they marry early, older medieval. Arranged political deal, but they're super attracted to each other--however, her people try to kill him on the wedding day, and even though he handles it like a boss he doesn't trust the heroine at all and decides to wait until she has her period to consummate the marriage to make sure she's not pregnant by another man. He wants heir bIG TIME. Honestly a great book.
I also will recommend, with a caveat, the third book in that trilogy, Enchanted. In that one, the heroine was supposed to marry another guy but uhhh book 2 things happen (it stands alone, but I would recommend book 2, Forbidden, which is not an early marriage book but is a book I adore) so the hero steps up to marry her and seal the alliance instead. However, the heroine is super traumatized because she was raped in the past. Which isn't a trope I looove and there are some old school aspects to the hero's initial reaction (to be clear: he does not shame or get angry at her for it, but he does think she's maybe saying that because she doesn't want to admit she had consensual sex before marriage, and he's like "I don't care, that's totally cool, I'll go with it") but I do find this book super romantic and gentle otherwise.
The Chief by Monica McCarty has the hero, big Scottish laird dude, get asked to marry the heroine for politics early in the book. He's like "no" because he's a widower with two sons and doesn't want wife complications. But the heroine's father makes her get into bed with the hero while he's sleeping and expected a Wench to be sent to him, and she assumes it'll be a whole "everyone runs in within minutes to catch us and we'll be forced to marry" deal. They do NOT run in within minutes, and everyone does run in, but the hero is literally inside her by the time they do so he has to do a stop drop and roll deal before being like "FINE. I'LL MARRY HER". This one also has this amazing thing where he's like "I want sex to be detached" but then when she lets him hit it doggy which is his favorite position, he realizes he's not feeling it because he can't make eye contact!!!!
The Winter King by C.L. Wilson is a fantasy romance wherein they marry early to seal a truce after the hero conquered her kingdom. She's supposed to get pregnant within a year, or else they'll LEAVE HER ON A GLACIER. Very literal enemies to lovers, super amazing, WYNTER I LOVE YOUR WORK!!! Also funny in that they're both dosed with something at the wedding ceremony and it cuts to him like, fuming down the hallway to find her all "I CAN'T BELIEVE HER DAD GAVE ME FANTASY VIAGRA I CAN'T HANDLE THIS". Fortunately, she was also given fantasy viagra so it works out.
Of course, my favorite Sarah MacLean, A Rogue By Any Other Name, has an early marriage after Bourne forces Penelope's hand to make her marry him so that he can get the property that's a part of her dowry and used to belong to him before Tragic Backstory Ensued. Very funny in that he does this by going down on her and then screaming at her dad through a window the next say (when the dad arrives to like, shoot him) "WELL WHAT'RE YA GONNA DO ABOUT IT DUDE I FUCKED YOUR DAUGHTER". I love him.
Mafia Virgin by Mila Finelli is a mafia romance (obvi) in which the hero and heroine are forced to marry for mafia alliance reasons super early in the book. Though they don't consummate immediately, there is another stipulation--he must get her pregnant within six months. Major breeding kink ensues, naturally.
When A Rogue Meets His Match by Elizabeth Hoyt has the hero and heroine marry early because basically, the hero is the henchman of this evil guy who I think is her guardian? Our heroine HATES the hero. But the hero is all "I'm done with evil deeds" and then the guardian is like "cool but if you do this last one you can marry my hot ward/niece? who I know you've wanted for forever". And the hero is like ".... yes". Duke of Desire also has an early marriage, of the "to protect you" variety--but TW, the hero was sexually abused as a child and a lot of the book is about his recovery.
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mulitfandomshipper100 · 5 months
Author Notes: This was a looong chapter to write, so it might take a while to get the next chanter out. Lmk what you think!!
Chapter 4
A Helpful Hand (part 2)
In the morning Naomi woke up bright and early. She raced to the digging site and started working with Professor Mendoza. When Naomi heard Esteban call her late, she took that as her queue to surprise everyone.
“Good morning, team. I got here early to take a look around.” Naomi was proud of the fact that she proved Esteban wrong. When she looked at Elena she was glad she slid down the ladder quickly. The only thing she could think of…was the way Elena’s outfit looked beautiful, or maybe it was the fact that Elena always looked amazing in whatever she wore. Naomi didn’t know where that thought came from. She hadn’t even stepped on the floor yet, when she got lost in the way the flowers in Elena’s hair and top, complimented each other. Seeing Elena with her hair in a neat bun made Naomi’s heart quicken, she had to remind herself that Elena was straight and they were both just friends. Naomi also Definitely, totally, absolutely… did NOT have a crush on Elena because that would be absurd…
Naomi decided to distract herself by asking professor Mendoza a question.
“So what's the deal with this crystal wall?”
“Ah, you have a good eye.” Elena heard professor Mendoza’s statement and agreed! She’d been watching Naomi recently and the girl was great at noticing little details. Before Elena had climbed down the ladder she thought she saw Naomi blush at her, but Naomi slid down the ladder before she could process what she saw. It was probably just her mind hoping for something that would never happen… flashback
“Hey Gabe!” Elena greeted cheerfully.
“What’s up princess? Do you need help with anything?” Gabe responded smiling charmingly and puffing his chest out. “Gabe you already know I only like girls,” Elena laughed at his antics, Gabe knew that Elena was gay, but he still liked to mock the other guys who would try to make a move on her. Elena didn’t see Naomi watching above them. Gabe had seen Naomi there, then he heard footsteps run away and looked at the upstairs balcony. “Who was that?” Elena asked. “Uhh… I think that was Naomi…” Gabe answered confused as to why she ran away. “Oh.” Elena said sadly. Elena didn’t think Naomi was homophobic, after all the girl had clearly shown support for the community by flying a rainbow flag during pride month, but maybe she was just felt uncomfortable knowing Elena was gay. Elena decided not to bring it up to Naomi. She noticed that every time lgbtq came up in conversation Naomi would get nervous and make an excuse to leave the room. End of flashback
Unbeknownst to Elena, Naomi always made an excuse to leave the room because she didn’t want to be caught staring at Elena. It was honestly embarrassing that every time the topic came up she couldn’t help, but think of Elena. Her stomach would do flips and her heart would beat against her ribcage making her feel like she was going to explode.
Elena arrived down the ladder right as she heard Naomi speak.
“Should we see what's behind it?”
Ah, first things first.
“Carefully chip away a small section so we can examine it.” Professor Mendoza answered
“Right. Good idea.” Naomi agreed
“And I'll start translating these glyphs.” Professor Mendoza walked off.
“You see, Miss Turner, glyphs are pictures that they used instead of words.” Esteban mansplained.
“I know what glyphs are, thanks.” She said confidently aimed at Esteban.
“So what do you want us to do, Naomi?” Elena put her hand on Naomi’s shoulder and leaned between the two.
Naomi turned looking at Elena’s eyes and quickly glancing at her lips. Before Elena could notice what happened, Naomi spoke up.
“Maybe you and Esteban can gather up all the relics.
You see, relics are what we call old stuff.” Naomi didn’t actually want to poke at Esteban that time, but she needed something to distract her from the close proximity of Elena’s face and her own face.
“Okay. Sounds like a plan.” Elena responded, hoping that would be the last of the two arguing.
A few minute later Professor Mendoza found something.
“This is a very rare glyph.
I've only seen it a few times before.
Aha! It's a duende.”
A what? Everyone thought. It must’ve show on their faces that they didn’t know what the professor was talking about.
“Duendes are mischievous elves from another realm, or so the legend goes.
It is said that three duende brothers came to Avalor many years ago causing mayhem wherever they went.
Finally, a wizard caught the duende brothers, and locked them in three separate chambers to keep them apart.”
After professor Mendoza’s speech Naomi kept chipping away at the wall bit by bit.
“No, no, no. You are doing it all wrong.
It will take us a year to get through the wall if you go that slowly” Esteban complained.
“You heard what Professor Mendoza said.” Naomi tried to reason with him.
“Yes, but I took an archaeology class as part of my royal training.
So if you want to see what's behind that wall any time soon, you'll hand over your pick.” Esteban replied arrogantly.
Naomi scoffed at him, but ended up letting him take the pickaxe.
“Fine. Here.” She said rolling her eyes
“Now, watch and learn.” Esteban hit the wall as hard as he could making it crack like a mirror.
Giggling could be heard behind the glass.
It was Professor Mendoza that realized what was happening after a green creature leapt at them.
“It's a duende. This must be one of the chambers.”
The duende grabbed the professor’s book and ran out of the pit and into the street.
“We have to catch him before he frees his brothers.
The other two chambers are right here in Avalor City.
My atlas! Don't let him get away!” Professor Mendoza yelled in a panic.
“He can use my atlas to find his brothers.
We have to stop him or... [crashing could be heard outside] he'll cause chaos all over the kingdom, come on!”
Naomi was headed to the ladder when she spotted something.
“Hey, look at these golden glyphs. I think—“
“Now is not the time to look at pictures.
We have a crisis on our hands, thanks to you.” Esteban interrupted.
“Me!? You were the one who broke the wall.” Naomi retorted
“Ah, but you are the one in charge, are you not?
Naomi looked downcasts.
Do not worry, Miss Turner.
As I said yesterday, I will clean up your mess.”
Don't worry, Elena. I'll make sure we catch that duende.
Elena looked back at Naomi with a determined face. She believed Naomi’s words.
When they arrived at the park they could see the pyramid in the distance.
In front of them three kids were play soccer.
Esteban tried to boss the duende around, but the duende hit him with soccer balls, making him land flat on his back.
Elena and Naomi raced past Esteban’s body hoping to catch up to the duende before it could make it to the pyramid.
“We must hurry. Follow me, around the pond.” Esteban shouted after getting back up.
“No, wait. There's a quicker way.” Naomi insisted
“A rowboat? Are you serious?” Esteban said in disbelief.
“I live at a harbor. I know how to row fast.” Naomi said proudly.
“She's in charge.” Elena reminded Esteban.
“Wow, you do row fast.” Professor Mendoza said once they got to the other side of the lake. Elena was thinking the same thing. She could tell Naomi’s arms were ripped. When Naomi was rowing she was so focused that she didn’t see Elena stare at her from behind, and she didn’t see the blush that was rising on Elena’s face.
“Ooh, this could come in handy.” Naomi grabbed a net from the boat.
“As could this.” Esteban added, but he clearly didn’t see their concerned faces when he grabbed the crow bar and swung it around.
“Rest assured, everyone, I will apprehend the duende.” Said Esteban confidently.
“Wait. We should make a plan.” Naomi reasoned.
“No, we do not have time. He could release his brother any minute.” Esteban proceeded to run in the direction of the pyramid without waiting for the others.
“Esteban, stop. Esteban.” Naomi tried to get him to turn back around.
“Get away from that pyramid, duende, and give me back the atlas.” Esteban clearly didn’t learn from the soccer ball incident and the duende decided to chuck the atlas at him. He dropped the crow bar on his foot as the duende used the crow bar to open the pyramid.
“I, uh, retrieved your book.” Esteban has the nerve to at least look sheepish. Everyone glared at him when they realized he helped the Dundee get into the pyramid.
The group ran into the pyramid through the now open door.
“I'll get him.” Naomi’s aid raising the net to throw it.
“No, let me.” Esteban replied grabbing the other end trying to take it from Naomi’s hands.
Elena watch all of this unfold and decided to grab the two duendes before it was too late.
Unfortunately the two brothers escaped her grasp and tripped her along with Professor Mendoza.
“As I said before, Naomi should never have been put in charge.” Esteban brought up again.
“What are you talking about?
I told you we needed a plan, and you didn't listen.” Naomi defended herself angry at the way Esteban kept blaming it all on her.
“She's right, and the duende used your iron rod to get in here.” Elena sided with Naomi.
After making sure everyone was okay they were about to set off to find the second chamber, when Naomi saw something strange.
“Hey, you guys should really take a look at these glyphs.”
“Ay no, again with the pictures.” Esteban said exasperated
“What is it?” Elena said worried.
“I saw the same thing in the last duende chamber.
Whatever it says was important enough to etch in solid gold.” Naomi replied. Elena was impressed by Naomi’s attention to detail. She hadn’t realized how valuable gold would’ve been back then.
“You're right. It's a warning.
It says the three duendes are gatekeepers, each one bearing a magic gem.
When all three gems are put together, they form a key that will unlock a tunnel to the duende world, allowing hundreds, no, wait, thousand of duendes to enter Avalor.” Professor Mendoza said shocked.
They aren't just a nuisance, they want to invade Avalor, and we've given them a head start.
Well done, Miss Turner.” Esteban said mockingly while clapping slowly.
“We can still stop them.
They haven't freed the third duende yet.” Naomi said desperately hoping that she hadn’t just doomed the whole kingdom to chaos…
To be continued…
Authors Notes: There weren’t many Elena and Naomi interactions in this one, but I tried to make it as gay as possible.
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zalrb · 8 months
I know Steroline is just a flop but it still bother's me that they make Stefan ooc with how he gave Caroline a shitty snow globe for Secret Santa and having Damon TELL him about Caroline like Stefan wouldn't know and DAMON would? And the lame ass proposal. Stefan Salvatore? Hopeless romantic, compassionate, sentimental, intimate, intense Stefan Salvatore? Okay guys. Like, I MISSED Stefan in the later seasons so much because he was mostly a shell of himself with a few glimmers of og Stefan.
OK. I'm of two minds about this.
When I was watching it in real time, I agreed with you. There are a lot of rants about how OOC I found Stefan
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But thinking about it, looking at the whole chessboard, I don't think that's actually true. There are a lot of issues with Steroline but Stefan not being Stefan isn't one of them.
There are certain things definitely that I can't abide like Damon explaining Caroline to Stefan. Or the snow globe because at that point in time, Stefan would've been with Elena, but, I also have to say, Steroline isn't Stelena and that contextualizes a lot, because I keep saying it, Stefan and Elena were built as a pair and that allows for certain traits to shine.
So, for instance, Stefan being on the run for three years and writing Caroline a letter every day is technically speaking being romantic and sentimental and intense but
a) it's not believable because there are so many issues in that relationship where neither Stefan nor Caroline communicate with each other, they both communicate more with Valerie than one another and Caroline communicated more with Alaric than with Stefan (see masterlist)
b) Paul and Candice didn't have the romantic chemistry needed
c) Caroline sends the letters back.
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She doesn't even read them and then complains about him abandoning her despite the fact that he kept reaching out to her
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and that's a perfectly valid response but that wouldn't have been Stelena. Stefan calls Elena and doesn't say a word but she knows it's him
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and the very next episode she's got on her inappropriate-for-hiking shorts and searches for him in the woods, coming face to face with werewolves for him
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which emphasizes how much an intimate gesture calling her was.
And granted, Caroline has kids so she can't do that, she can't up and go, she has different priorities but there isn't that implicit understanding between them where Caroline would understand why Stefan would leave in the first place or if she does understand, it's not enough, which means sending the letters is really just a futile attempt at something rather than an expression of intimacy and longing.
The show tries to give that understanding to them in the series finale
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but I don't know, that's kind of overshadowed to me by the fact that Stefan's last goodbye before leaving the world is to Elena and it's more intimate than his goodbye to Caroline
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Stefan sells his soul for the twins
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and I get what they were trying to do with Caroline's response like "no, no, no you can't leave me, we're starting a life, and I can't lose you, I can't lose that"
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but Caroline's indignation doesn't play very well and I'll get to what I mean later.
Stefan goes into the tomb for Jeremy
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and Elena races to run in after him that Damon has to slam her against a wall
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and she literally tries to fight him so she can go into the tomb
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that raises the stakes of what Stefan has done to protect an innocent who happens to be her brother.
When Stefan is human and decides that he wants to leave so he can atone, so her life can be better, Caroline is pissed, she's all but I've stood by you through everything, this is bullshit
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and again, her being indignant is valid and obviously she knows why he's doing it, but the tone and Candice's read on the whole thing and the "how dare you do this to me" quality of the conversation also feels like Caroline not understanding just who she's engaged to.
Elena calls Stefan out in 1x10 where she's like, don't act as if you're doing for this for me when I'm not the one who wants this
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but she's not berating him, she's being vulnerable which then emphasizes his vulnerability, emphasizes what he's wrestling with, emphasizes how deeply he feels things
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So effectively, my point is that Elena's reactions to Stefan's actions amp up Stefan's romance and compassion and intimacy and intensity because the show let's it breathe, let's us revel in it, let's us really see it.
It also helps that Stelena actually had chemistry so when they have their intimate moments it isn't awkward and the romance and the intimacy and the intensity come out the way they're meant to. Like, 7x05 is supposed to show that Stefan knows Caroline so well but they don't feel natural that I don't believe the scene
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this, though I believe
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and it also helps that SE's relationship wasn't riddled with the same amount of fundamental problems that SC's was -- again see the masterlist.
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torpedopickle · 1 year
Review of Transformers Rise of the Beasts (no spoilers until the end):
This movie was super fun. It really managed to get me pumped by the end and it had a strong sense of momentum front to back, slowing down in the right places, but not to a halt. It could be considered a tad too fast paced for some, but i thought it was just right. It was a really great cinema experience, the music, visual effects, and direction was super strong all around. Steven Caple Jr. has never helmed a project this big, and I was pleasantly surprised by how confident the direction in this movie feels. Along with a simple but effective plot and strong performances all around, and a script which gives a lot of humanity to each character, it turned out to be a very fun movie. I rate it about a 7.6/10, it might get a little higher once I marinate on it more, but thats where it sits for now. I'll be going more in depth below on things I liked if you would like to continue reading.
I actually really like this movie's plot. I see a lot of critics claim it's "incoherent", but it's actually a very simple story, and it manages to find a lot of strength in this simplicity. People might be put off upon hearing that this is yet another "find the mcguffin" plot like past transformers movies. However this time it's actually executed very effectively. The mcguffin of this movie, the Transwarp Key isn't just a thing the bad guys want because then they can make bad things happen so the heroes want it just for the sake of stopping the bad thing. They nanage to weave some strong character work into this plot. Particularly with Noah and Optimus Prime.
Both of them have highly personal stakes motivating them to find the Key. Optimus wanting to use it to return to Cybertron to retake it after having to flee the war, feeling immense responsibility and guilt over stranding the Autobots on earth. He wants nothing more than to go home. While Noah wants to destroy the Key to make sure that the antagonists can't use it to destroy earth, as we're shown quite early on that he has a lot to protect at home, along with a strong sense of responsibility to take care of his struggling family. This conflict of interest over the mcguffin creates a solid dynamic between the two characters, putting them at odds, and confirming their biases against the other at first. Optimus not trusting humans, and Noah not trusting optimus to keep the key away from the Terrorcons after seeing him just barely survive an encounter with them. It's so simple but they managed to tie the personal motivations of two of our leads into the mcguffin of the movie, which has the continued effect of tying their motivations into the plot, thus driving the plot forward through their personal goals. It's very well done. On a sidenote about Prime and Noah, Peter Cullen and Anthony Ramos both give very fun performances, Cullen getting to add in some dry wit to prime really helps make him feel like the big brother character he should be, and Ramos sells the resourceful brooklyn street kid really well.
As for the other characters, Mirage is another standout. A lot of his lines were genuinely very charming even if some were misses, he definitively has some of the dorkiest lines. For better or worse. His relationship to Noah felt very genuine and they bounce off eachother well. Elena didn't have quite as strong of a motivation as Noah, but her inquisitiveness and infectious energy brought by the stellar Dominique fishback made up for the lacking drive of her character, although her character did do a good job of giving drive to the plot. Which would overall be one of my biggest praises for this movie, being that the human characters, which are usually sidelined and dragged along, actually have a ton of agency. Elena really determines where the movie goes, and Noah really holds a lot of the cards in the conflict as he wants to get rid of the Transwarp Key. As for the minor characters, the other autobots all got to shine, except for Wheeljack, he was mostly just there. And Stratosphere was just an uber. But thats all those characters needed to be so why complain.
On the maximal side, Primal and Airazor get some minimal, but still well done substance to them. Their philosophy of honoring the dead by preserving what lives, even at great personal cost came through really well.
On the villain side, it was servicable. The Terrorcons are very much antagonists in the most rudamentary form, being there to set the plot in motion and to provide motivation for our heroes. Peter Dinklage brought a nicely spiteful energy to Scourge, who albeit light on characterization outside of being a cruel, mocking bastard, has some decent context behind who he is, just enough for him to feel like he actually has a history behind him.
The visual effects in this movie were pretty top notch, it's got a couple shakier sequences, but overall it's a very solidly produced film, with Caple's directing really managing to pull through. The action flows really nicely in this film, doing a good job of making you understand where each character is at any given time, even during the big battles, keeping it from feeling incoherent despite the large amount of moving parts. I do think some of the action screentime could have been a little better utilized, particularly in showing the minor antagonists getting some more up close clashes with the heroes.
The score by Jongnic Bontemps sounded amazing in the theatre. Strong percussion with memorable and versatile reoccurring melodies, with some really sweet integrations of hip hop into orchestral tracks that manage to really emphasize and earn the intended emotions of each scene.
Overall it's a super solid movie. It doesn't really excel at that much, but it does very little to dock points, and manages to find strength in the simplicity of its components. This is a must watch if you can see it in theatres.
Spoiler thoughts from here on out!!!
I thought Airazor's death was handled very poignantly. It pressed the right emotional buttons, it felt intimate and merciful. I'm so glad he didn't like break her neck or something. The fact that you mostly just hear her spark fade instead of seeing it improved it a lot. It was a great mercy kill scene. Thematically, it was also quite strong. It underlines the maximals' determination to preserve life at the cost of their own if necessary. A tragedy which is compounded by how few maximals are left. As well as primal's fortitude to do what was necessary even tho it pains him. I overall liked primal in the few small scenes we got with him. Like how humble he is and how much he seems to admire humans. "We can't take credit for humankind's ingenuity" was a nice line.
Bee's "death" was handled very well too. Although i could do without the mi capitan line. Bee's condition also pushing prime's desire to take down scourge was a nice bit of story. Scourge being so slimy and spiteful, constantly mocking made him very hateable. I think Prime beat him too easily tho. Like he pretty much beat him one on one, despite failing at that earlier because of scourge's dark energy making him super powered or whatever. I thought the bit with prime and noah fighting together was really nice, putting forward the theme of finding common ground and facing hardship together. Although i really wanted primal to get a piece of the scourge cake too. He also had beef with him after all. And it would also help strengthen the unity team even further as well as even the odds with scourge's super powers, which would have been more natural than just prime fighting him better than he did earlier. Nightbird and battletrap also could have used some more love. Like battletrap was straight up one of the first casualties in the climax lol. He died SO fast. We never even get to see him really directly fight someone other than when he crashes into primal. Same with nightbird only getting to really fight bee in the air and then dying literally the instant she takes damage from him. Bee's return was really cool and a satisfying way to turn the tide, but damn he turned the tide a little too much lol. I would have liked to see some more one on one tightly choreographed matchups with the two goons like we got in bumblebee. Noah's exosuit was really cool, but mirage basically melting onto him was kinda silly lol. Bee's offroad alt mode was aquired in the climax which felt a bit dumb
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kmze · 6 months
I was on reddit the other day and I saw some people say that Plec had complete control over tvd s4 onward along with Dries and that's why plots like sire bond happened.I thought Plec was the sole showrunner of tvd during s3 when KW was gone even though he was credited as executive producer.In fact,I have also heard Plec and Kevin both decided to introduce the sire bond plot in s3 through Tyler because they wanted to sire Elena once she transitioned.Is there any truth to any of those claims about Plec?I don't think Plec single-handedly made all the decisions.The network was involved too.Ian had once said network shut down Bamon as early as s2 to protect the triangle.Klaus was originally gonna die in s3 which was Julie's decision but the network & KW prevented that from happening.Just so you know I'm not excusing Plec for her shitty choices like the forest flop or how Bonnie's storylines were handled.She was not a pushover but she was also definitely not in complete control of everything that happened.That's not how shows work.Your thoughts?
Hey anon, so I'm going to do my best to answer based on how I understand things but as far as what's said on Reddit lol, those people are a lost cause. People read one thing and they think that's the be all end all, and for whatever reason that sub is majority SE fans so they tend to look at KW with rose colored glasses. So please take everything I'm saying with a grain of salt just because I don't work in the film/tv industry so I don't know how much networks affect shows storylines but I do have a good idea of which showrunner was in charge each season and who was probably making the decisions. Under the cut because as usual I wrote a lot.
There were three showrunners for TVD and for the most part their order of decision making went Kevin > Julie > Dries. Kevin left after he wrote 3x01 to do the Secret Circle (the book is in the same universe as TVD but I don't think the show was). Once Kevin left to do that I don't think he was as involved in the storyline on TVD, I'm sure Julie and him kept in touch but mostly he let her steer the ship. So for 8 seasons here's how I see it:
Kevin and Julie
Kevin and Julie
Julie and Dries
Julie and Dries
Dries (but still reporting to Julie)
Julie and Dries
Dries (until Julie took over when Dries left cause she fucked everything up)
Julie (but Kevin affected the ending and possibly some of the storyline)
While I do think the decision on Klaus was a network thing I don't think the sirebond or Bamon was them. With Klaus it's the network because it's about saving a character for a spin-off, I know at some point they were going to do a Tyler/Caroline spin-off instead and they scrapped that for TO. I cannot find an article to back me up but I thought Joseph said once that they wanted to chemistry test him with Candice when they were thinking about keeping Klaus alive and that's where the KC birthday scene was born. So I think that's a mix of both, the network wanted to keep Klaus and they needed to soften him up a bit and picked Caroline for that.
The sire bond was Julie and Dries I believe, they kind of said as much here. It was done in order to move Elena onto Damon faster and since the show was always about a love triangle I don't think the network cared how it was done. I think it is possible Kevin and Julie talked about the sire bond as a way to speed up DE because I know they said they had Damon kill Jeremy in 2x01 to slow down Damon from being too heroic (which don't even get me started on RME). As for Bamon that I think was all Julie and probably Dries, because Bonnie's treatment started really going downhill in S3 after Kevin left and didn't get better until S6. I know that Kevin helped Julie plan out some of S6 so he might have been the one who rescued Bonnie and had the prison world idea. I know he made sure she wasn't killed in the finale too, I mean I am 100% of the notion that Julie and Dries hated Bonnie because they're racist (or at least internalized racism). I don't know if the network had much to do with that, not that they couldn't be racist as well I just think that was more a showrunner thing and maybe they used the networks as a scapegoat with Ian.
I have a theory about the showrunners and why the show's direction changes based on who's in charge. Basically I think each showrunner has their OSG (one-special-girl) and their decisions tend to revolve around that girl. For Kevin its Elena, that's why Elena gets all the high-cachet male attention in S1 & S2 (Stefan, Damon, Elijah, Matt). For Julie it's Caroline which is why in S3 Caroline starts getting more love interests and why I think Julie picked Caroline for Klaus' chemistry test instead of Elena (which is what Kevin would have done). I also suspect Julie wouldn't let Kevin kill or hurt Caroline's endgame to prop SE back up in the finale. Instead Caroline got Stefan AND Klaus' endgames and Elena got the chin kiss. Then there's Dries who I actually think her OSG is Katherine BUT she'll use Elena if she must but a lot of time she'll do it in spite. That's essentially why I think S5 went the way it did. Dries loves Katherine and gave her the human plot and also Stefan for a bit. Then she came up with Kathlena which ended up being a hit against SE because Stefan couldn't tell it was Katherine when before he always figured it out first.
I do agree that Julie isn't a pushover, I definitely don't love a lot of the stuff she's done and the show has ALWAYS had bad consent issues. Sometimes I think people act like the consent issues started in S4 with the sire bond but Caroline in S1 and Andie in S2 were repeatedly raped, compelled and abused by Damon and that was all under Kevin. The sire bond was just the first time Elena got that same treatment and people started to notice. Ultimately I think much of the direction of the show was Julie because she was in charge the longest, even 5&7 where she worked on other shows, she had final say. The only reason she let Kevin switch the death in S8 was he was the one who got TVD greenlit (since he was a bigger name) so she did owe him. I've also seen it speculated that since she said no to DJ on Dawson's Creek for PJ she didn't want to take another endgame away from him.
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doyelikehaggis · 6 months
Elena Gilbert, Bonnie Bennett, & Tyler Lockwood pls 🥹
AHHH bestie YES thank you for this, I need some good distractions right now and this is PERFECT, let's do it!
Starting with our Main Character, Elena Gilbert!
• My NOTP for them: Might be (definitely is) controversial but D*lena. Anyone who follows me and has seen a few of my posts about TVD knows this about me but I just do not ship, do not like it and wish they weren't endgame.
• My BROTP for them: Ooh, okay, either Jeremy or Tyler. The only problem I have is that I ship Tylena, so I should probably choose Jeremy. I genuinely love their dynamic, they make me very happy <3
• My OTP for them: *Deep breath* STELENA. It will always be Stelena. Despite the fact that I totally agree with people who say that both Salvatore brothers were bad for Elena, I can't help but love those two and wish that Elena and Stefan were allowed to be endgame. Early seasons Stelena will always have my heart <3
• My second choice pairing for them: Probably even more controversial but my answer is Matt. There's something so sweet to me about their relationship in the beginning, and how much they genuinely cared about each other, and I just think life would have been a lot better for both of them had they gotten back together before everything went completely wrong, and I just love the idea of them getting a happy human life together.
• My fluffy pairing for them: Oh god, that's hard because I still want to say Stelena or Mattlena but... they've been through some shit. They're both really fluffy though! Okay, no. A genuinely fluffy pairing for Elena would probably be Elejah. I KNOW there's some history and angst stuff but the IDEA is SO FLUFFY. I just know Elijah would worship the ground she walks on, and just AHHHH.
• My angsty pairing for them: I think I've already answered this three times above. However, if we want to go REALLY angst then Beklena is the perfect candidate. I really don't need to say anything else about this. I love them and their angst.
• My favourite poly ship for them: Probably Barolena <3
• My weirdest pairing for them: Probably Elena/Tom Avery considering she literally never met him lmao but I like the idea of Elena with her actual fated doppelganger!
• My intrigued-by pairing for them: I think I want to choose Tylena for this one because I didn't initally ship them but I was super intrigued by the idea of them because of a few posts that came across my dash!
Now for our Queen, Bonnie Bennett! <3
• My NOTP for them: B*nkai. I just can't quite see their dynamic being anything but hatred after everything they went through. Bonnie was too hurt by him for me.
• My BROTP for them: Baroline <3
• My OTP for them: Okay, maybe a tad hypocritical considering my first answer but Bamon. The dynamic between her and Damon was just so interesting and special, and there was a genuine mutual love for the other in both of them that breaks my heart over and over again. Not to mention book!Bamon!
• My second choice pairing for them: Bonenzo <3 I didn't love them at first because I was (and still am) an avid Denzo shipper but they grew on me and now I really appreciate the love between them and how they found a bit of comfort and security in each other. They deserved to be happy together in the end, honestly.
• My fluffy pairing for them: Bonora because witchy lesbians <3
• My angsty pairing for them: God, Bamon and Bonenzo both qualify for this as well lmao but I'd say Bonenzo wins this ones considering Enzo actually died in the end. Their entire relationship is a ball of angst.
• My favourite poly ship for them: Probably super obvious but Bamenzo. I love Bamon, Bonenzo, and Denzo so it just makes sense to combine them! Bonnie has two hands <3
• My weirdest pairing for them: I'd probably say my weirdest pairing for Bonnie is Klonnie but I just think the idea of Klaus and Bonnie is a very interesting one!
• My intrigued-by pairing for them: Stefonnie. I don't absolutely know that I ship them, but I'm intrigued by them. Especially if Stefan got with Bonnie in the beginning of the show instead of Elena. I loved the scene between them during the dinner episode when she said she had witches in her family and Stefan was genuinely curious and made her smile.
And last but certainly not least, my fave little werewolf, Tyler Lockwood <3
• My NOTP for them: Tyler/Vicki is just a no-no. Their dynamic was awful pretty much the entire time and just. No.
• My BROTP for them: Matt is his bestie, obviously <3
• My OTP for them: Parkwood. Don't even talk to me. They deserved the world and were screwed over at every turn.
• My second choice pairing for them: Forwood. Also screwed over at every turn and it makes me want to scream if I think about them for too long because they really did deserve better and they were SO GOOD and just ! Damn it, Klaus!
• My fluffy pairing for them: Probably also Forwood despite the fact that they were constantly angsty as well but they had their fluffy moments.
• My angsty pairing for them: Also Forwood. Assume Forwood for everything because I miss them every day.
• My favourite poly ship for them: Tyler/Caroline/Bonnie becaue I just think they're neat <3
• My weirdest pairing for them: Probably Jyler. I just love the enemies to lovers dynamic they would have, and the idea that they had so much hostility towards each other in the beginning not because they both liked Vicki but because they liked each other.
• My intrigued-by pairing for them: Also Jyler.
This was really fun! If you have any more characters you want to send in, feel free! <3
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andreal831 · 15 days
Hi! What do you think of Bonnie and Jeremy as a pairing?
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This ship definitely had me rooting for them in the beginning. We know, I'm a sucker for any kind of friends-to-lovers. They also had one of the few relationships that felt very age appropriate. Maybe because they were one of the few that were basically the same age. But mainly because a lot of their joys and issues felt human.
We got a lot of great tropes with them. We got them falling for each other as they worked together for the people they loved. We got a fun little jealousy storyline with Luka. The best-friend's brother trope. The will they/won't they trope. They are both incredibly protective of each other and put each other first. This ship was so good for both of them, but unfortunately the writers really liked to put Bonnie and Jeremy through the ringer when it comes to romantic ships, so they really didn't stand a chance. Literally all of their love interests died, including each other.
One thing I really loved about them was, even before and after they were together, they still cared for each other. For so long, Jeremy seemed to be the only person who really saw what Bonnie gave for her friends, constantly trying to stop her from sacrificing herself. There are multiple times he even tried to stop Bonnie when Bonnie was sacrificing herself for his sister. Bonnie also sacrificed so much for Jeremy, even though he never wanted her to. It's one of the few ships where we actually see an exchange of sacrifice.
While I hate that Jeremy cheated on Bonnie with Anna and it did kind of ruin the ship, I can understand it more than a lot of the issues in other ships that completely made me hate the ship. Jeremy was a 16 year old kid who had lost so much, including Anna. When a loved one comes back from the dead, it complicates things. No, he didn't handle it well, but he also didn't do anything worse than what a lot of these 100+ year old men would do. I think it's also important to remember that Anna is 500+ years old and was essentially grooming and using Jeremy. I'm not justifying his behavior by any means, and Bonnie had every right to be mad and breakup with him, but I just feel like people are harder on Jeremy than all of the other adult characters who cheated or abused their partners/potential ships.
But again, even after this, Bonnie is still defending Jeremy's right to make his own decisions to Elena. Jeremy spends the summer being there for Bonnie when everyone else thinks she's dead. Jeremy is also the only person who really seems to miss Bonnie when she is in the prison world with Damon. He is the one that saves Bonnie and gives her hope. While I hate that Jeremy hurt Bonnie, he actually grew and evolved as a character, making sure to put Bonnie first, even just as a friend, for the rest of the show. I hated how they ended though. It felt very unresolved, especially given what everyone was going through. The show just didn't put any effort into it.
Basically, I thought Beremy was cute for what it was, a high school romance. Should it have been endgame? Not in my opinion because they both became very different people as they grew. I do prefer them to some of the canon endgames though. They would have been better off if they had begun dating later in life, when Jeremy wasn't so traumatized from losing nearly every person he cared for and was more emotionally mature. But I love to think that they stayed close after they both left town. They care about each other and check in on each other, but are ultimately happy for the other for moving on and finding their own joy in life.
Thanks for the ask! I haven't thought about this ship in a minute.
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livlepretre · 7 months
I really wonder what Klaus’s reaction would have been if he found out that Stefan wanted to run away with Elena. You said in a post from a few minutes ago that Stefan has no freedom with who he sleeps with but I thought that the relationship was consensual? I mean if Klaus wanted sex, couldn’t Stefan just tell him no, not feeling it tonight? I also think Stefan might be slightly jealous that Elena has found happiness with Rebekah (real happiness), and maybe Stefan does like to be around Klaus but he’ll never be truly happy with him. When Stefan says to Klaus “you’ve taken everything” he’s saying that everything that used to be Stefan as a person has already been vanquished by Klaus. IF Stefan does have his humanity turned back on, I’m sure he’d probably kill himself consumed with enormous unending guilt by all the pain and destruction he’s caused while he was on a constant blood high. I believe Stefan is lonely and if Klaus just kisses him randomly then he’s not going to push him away.
I think that it would be extremely dangerous for Stefan were Klaus to find that out, even now. He would not take kindly to it. The idea that Stefan would ever dare to steal his doppelganger-- that he has the capacity-- would permanently erode his trust in him. And what good is Stefan to him if he cannot trust him? (and-- the only reason Stefan was deterred was through massive intervention-- which Klaus isn't even aware of, but even finding that out would probably hurt Stefan's case more than help it in Klaus's eyes)
So, the relationship with Klaus.
Yes, it's consensual in the sense that Stefan is giving an apathetic yes and, in his own words, enjoys the sex when Klaus is in a good mood. Could he turn Klaus down on any given night? Probably. But can he say, actually, I want to break up, and I'm going to leave now? No. He's required to stay. There is no leaving. And breaking up-- with both Klaus and Rebekah-- is entirely on their own terms, at their own whims. Klaus breaks up and resumes things with Stefan when he wants to. Nothing to do with Stefan feeling it. And there are also times, like after Klaus forced Stefan to kill Matt, when Stefan has sex with Klaus pretty much because he has to in order to fill the role he's expected to fill. Remember, it's not a romantic relationship. There's something else going on there-- something twisted in the way that Klaus calls Stefan "brother"-- although it is a caring relationship. (also, this feeds into my headcanon that Klaus doesn't fall in love-- that's what makes the situation with Elena unique-- and also why Stefan x Rebekah made Klaus so unhappy, because they were in love with each other but not him-- the thing with him has to do with power and control.) Klaus really does care about Stefan and wants to take care of him, and does trust him, pretty much. And Stefan does like him. He's loyal to him. Which is why it's a big deal when he was willing to throw all of that overboard to make off with Elena when he felt that Elena's safety demanded it.
Your observation that Stefan is jealous that Elena actually does have such happiness with Rebekah because he will never have that with Klaus is FANTASTIC. I love it.
I think everything you said from the "you've taken everything" analysis onward is just so perfectly spot on, and you should definitely hold those thoughts
"everything that used to be Stefan as a person has already been vanquished by Klaus" THIS IS THE MOST SUCCINCT CHARACTER ANALYSIS I THINK I HAVE EVER SEEN
but that's why it's more or less consensual, but that's such a fuzzy term here-- like, no, Stefan is not going to push him away-- Klaus is not ignoring Stefan saying NO in any given situation-- it's that Klaus has put Stefan in a situation where he will never say no because he never can. (And-- I don't think Klaus is even conscious of this.)
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initiumseries · 2 years
that makes sense about the production value, i think what probably made me associate the two shows in my head is that they're both about supernatural creatures even though its in different ways. but more than that, when i was watching wednesday i was reminded of first kill because both shows had an atmosphere that was so.. childish? like at the same time these are shows that you're not supposed to take seriously but also they do want to seem dark and smart (and fail badly on that front) so the tone is just.. confusing and aggravating. ive told people irl about this and they also don't get it, so it is probably just a weird me thing lol
Yeah tbh it does sound like the similarities you're seeing are superficial. Definitely, both shows take themselve seriously, and you are, as a viewer, meant to take these shows seriously. It's filmed that way. A show that doesn't take itself too seriously, but also trusts its audience to understand that, and find the humour in that, does things like this:
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or even an earlier iteration of the Addams family. It was charming because it wasn't at ALL serious:
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What makes Wednesday so JOYLESS, is it tries to recreate the Addams Family charm in dialogue alone and not in delivery (slight raise of the eyebrows, half smirk etc), set up, tone, acting choices, and even camera, lighting (how does Morticia have a permanent light casting across her eyes? So fun!). So we just get...
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It's dry, deadpan, unfunny, and she has...like zero timing or delivery skills. No emotional range (within Wednesday's character, and she CAN be played that way). Ex: 
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 This ridiculous dance sequence could've been a fun, quirkly moment, where you're like, lol Wednesday is SO weird, but because of how it's shot, it's meant for you to say "wow, Wednesday is SO cool." But...she's not. That's supposed to be the point.
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The show takes itself so seriously it won't even let you laugh at/with/for the main character. Which makes it a lot less fun, because there's literally nothing else to laugh at.
The OG Addams family is genuinely just funny, because it wasn’t taking itself seriously, but it also was just making accurate observations absent the “after school special” moment. 
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THAT, is how you handle the fucking weird Pilgrim stuff! 
Anyway, from what little I watched of First Kill, it doesn't have any atmosphere to speak of. Like half of the gifs I see from First Kill are during the day, and it's just shot like...yep, it's day time. That's it.
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Elena meeting Stefan in a misty graveyard, with the spindly trees, directional lighting, in the middle of the day...is atmosphere.
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But you're right, First Kill would've benefited from leaning into how terrible it was, how mismatched the leads were, etc and being FUNNY. It's like writers have forgotten self awareness can be funny! And people LIKE funny shows! This movies is TERRIBLE, but shit like this makes it SO clear that it doesn't take itself seriously AT ALL, and it's the saving grace in hindsight.
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If First Kill had at least made me laugh, I might not have hated it as much. But that's the problem with most TV these days. It all takes itself SO seriously, it's joyless, humourless, chemistry-less chaff that just makes it horrible to sit through. A higher budget just...lessens the terrible. Sometimes.
So yeah, I agree, FK and Wednesday both take themselves seriously, and are both supernatural shows, but that's really just...more coincidence, and a sign of the times of current television, and not anything that actually makes them similar to each other in any meaningful way. :)
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